#bathing with gaiman
Did you all know that long ago, Neil's fans posted photos from the bath?
Welcome to Tumblr, 2012. Just as adorable and quirky as Tumblr of today, and with just as much Neil Gaiman appreciation, but with fewer fans to fuel the fads:
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(I went looking for Good Omens clues in the time capsule that is the internet, and Tumblr decided that it knew best and instead sent me down this rabbit hole from which I may never recover. 1 point to Tumblr; please send help)
Why were people doing this?? I think it's because there's a poem, Bathing with Gaiman, by Zenobia Frost @zenfrost
And it inspired a dedicated blog, @bathbookneil-blog, featuring an entire collection of fan photos reading his books… in the bath.
Neil encouraged fans to read their books "in the bath naked, fully dressed, they can be of any gender or all, masked, alone, or in groups of as many of them as can fit into a bath." He also suggested trying to read while showering, a feat he said he's attempted, unsuccessfully.
When asked, Neil agreed to share a photo of himself reading in the bath if the donations for the free Audible release of Click-Clack the Rattle Bag reached 100,000 downloads/dollars.
He promised fans a "proper nakedy bath" with some discreet bubbles.
I'm not about to reveal a long-lost photo of Neil in the bath.
The donations didn't reach the goal, and the bath-photo-sharing trend quietly wound down.
But maybe he gave us this glorious moment with David Tennant-as-Aziraphale-as-Crowley, to make up for it:
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[gif credits @tenthrees, @ferndaphnia, and @bringthekaos]
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um, maggots?
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Found this in the Good Omens book. I'm actually not sure what to say. I just thought it sounded like mascot so I started using it for you, back when I was adopted by this fandom. It's become a pretty well-known thing, you all answer to it (why). But now I fear that I predicted Lore.
Can someone please ask @neil-gaiman what this means because I'm frankly terrified of unleashing the answer, and I follow Aziraphale's logic of if he doesn't do something directly, then the blood is not on his 'perfectly manicured hands'. So uh heheh I'm not going to ask *backs away looking shifty* who's going to volunteer?
If you Fall for asking the question, I would like to release liability for it.
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hannahnhorror · 20 days
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Ready to take a bath (without holy water)
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
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gooberhopper25 · 3 months
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me when i have to chill in a bath of holy water to save my demon boyfriend
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gavrannoir · 1 year
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This has Agnes Nutter energy
(excerpt from Marion Turner’s The Wife of Bath: a biography)
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thisisdore · 9 months
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Today in photos. Re-reading and annotating American Gods continues, walking my dog (and so so happy that there was a cool breeze), running errands and watching how the sky changes, three magazines I brought that I’m so excited to read as it’s been way too long, and after so many days of waiting for it to cool down I finally got my bath.
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faggylittleleatherboy · 11 months
Elio and I having a rage/sadness meltdown for real after good omens Jesus Christ
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lifelinebooks · 2 years
Well I didn't drop it in the bathtub but I did accidentally leave my copy of Good Omens out in the rain the other night. Good thing I remembered to grab it right before it started pouring so it didn't get too damaged. The thunder was very loud and I almost wonder what would have happened to the book if I had left it there in such an intense storm.
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amarshmallownamedo · 2 years
Me: I am completely normal about good omens
Also me: help me choose a tattoo. It's between "wait and see" and "gayer than a treeful of monkeys on nitrous oxide"
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consideratesea · 11 months
today’s perfectly new experience is eating a granny smith apple in bed at 1 a.m.
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andromeda4004 · 1 year
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Chapter 12 is up now! With @freedomattack's gorgeous first sketch for the artwork they did for me, because it is beautiful and deserves to be seen.
This is the point where we are properly returning to the Northanger Abbey main plotline, as we leave Bath and go on a visit to the country. Those of you who have been wondering when our hero will meet his villain ... welcome to Morningstar!
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ineffableclassics · 16 days
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"The humans are strange and graceful as they explore the garden, explore themselves, explore each other. The trouble is, the humans stare back, which makes him uncomfortable; there’s nothing particularly interesting about him. And, though he rarely admits it to himself, the humans make him lonely; he has no Other to explore."
how many times can you take a bath with your best friend before you kiss him?
Words: 57,034
Status: Complete
Rating: Explicit
By @voluptatiscausa
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avelera · 1 year
Barefoot Divinity - an intriguing art historical detail in The Sandman
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I was rewatching The Sandman episode "Calliope" and I noticed an interesting detail: when Calliope is led away from Erasmus Fry's house, she is barefoot.
There's plenty of thematic reasons to do this within the story, as she's an otherworldly being who would not be harmed by going barefoot, and because she is, at this point, a prisoner. One could argue that the reason for this choice is simply because she has not been allowed the dignity of shoes and it is an effective way of controlling peoples' movements to deny them shoes.
But to put on my ancient art history TA hat for a moment here, there's another possible reason for the choice to show Calliope barefoot.
What makes it such an interesting detail in particular is that showing Calliope barefoot is accurate to ancient Greek and Roman art: only the gods are depicted barefoot.
In fact, it's such a consistent rule that it's often a quick way when looking at ancient Greco-Roman sculptures (of certain eras) to know whether or not the figure the statue depicts is meant to be a god or a mortal. If the figure depicted is otherwise fully dressed (ie, it's not a bathing scene or some other deliberately nude subject matter) but they still have no shoes, that means they are a god.
This rule was so strict when it came to portraiture in particular that it took on political significance in the Julio-Claudian era of Ancient Rome. Romans were constantly suspicious of their early emperors like Augustus aspiring to become god-kings in the style of their (barbaric, to Roman minds) eastern counterparts, as Romans considered the allure of being declared divine to be understandable but anathema to their own comfortable fiction that the Emperor was a Princeps, first citizen, and not a king. So when this statue was commissioned by Emperor Augustus's widow, Livia:
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It was incredibly politically controversial because she was saying, in essence, that Emperor Augustus was a god.
Now, this particular statue barely squeaked by the censors, so to speak, because the Romans believed everyone had a "genius" or divine spark within them. The claim was that this wasn't a statue of Augustus declaring him a deity but rather a statue depicting his divine spark which could be portrayed as a barefoot god, now that he was dead.
Still, it was a statue viewed with a great deal of suspicion at the time as a result of this splitting of hairs. Next time you go through the Greco-Roman statue portion of a museum that contains full body statues, check out which ones are barefoot! Oftentimes, there is a political message mixed in to that effect. For example, with otherwise naked generals (in a style referred to as "heroic nudity", often used for mythological heroes or athletes) being shown still wearing sandals, to signal they are still modest enough to be depicted as humans, not gods.
The thing is, Calliope is not the only time in The Sandman comics that a godlike being is depicted as barefoot at an otherwise unusual time, specifically in a Greco-Roman context. For example,
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After this event in Brief Lives, Dream is shown leaving the temple walking barefoot on the ground. Dream is also named as the Roman god Morpheus, who the Romans would therefore have no issue with being portrayed barefoot.
And much more interestingly, he is throughout the Brief Lives arc frequently and unusually shown barefoot even when wearing modern clothes:
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It is this frequent portrayal of Morpheus without shoes on that leads me to believe the choice is deliberate on @neil-gaiman's part, not merely as a depiction of vulnerability but rather as a nod to ancient art history visual language, as is so frequently done throughout The Sandman comics and his other works: modernizing the ancient and bringing the mythological into our world.
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petermorwood · 3 months
This Reply by @neil-gaiman reminded me of two things:
(1) How much I despised doing, and avoiding, compulsory Games / Sports / Gym / PE / PT / Whatever.
(2) That I never, ever have to do, or avoid, compulsory Whatever again in my life.
I spent my whole school career avoiding them, and forged sick notes which helped that avoidance were the first really successful fiction-writing of my life.
I also learned that when acting the part of someone with a sprained ankle, a tiny stone in the appropriate shoe was a good reminder of which ankle to limp on, while an air of suffering bravely borne was always more convincing if that air was scented with a faint hint of the embrocation rubbed into one sock.
Neil didn't mention the effects of time of year or weather, but both were frequent entries in My List Of Unpleasing Things About Games.
Leaving out PT / Gym / PE or whatever, which was indoors and - thanks to the solidity of the equipment - a weekly source of sprains, strains, bruises, mild concussion and deep loathing, my old school used to observe Ye Olde Academic terms and their associated sporting pleasures.
This says something about which I'm not quite sure, and I see it's replaced them with plain old Autumn-Spring-Summer Term, which says something else about which I'm even less sure.
So there was Michaelmas Term (August to Christmas), and rugby.
A soggy school rugby pitch in Northern Ireland in November, halfway through the game with the pitch well churned up, the daylight fading, the rain turning to sleet and every other member of both teams still (a) Too Large and (b) Too Keen, was a reluctant 12-year-old's equivalent of Flanders Fields on the Western Front ca. 1916.
(No artillery or machine-guns, but (a) and (b) were quite enough.)
I was also a skinny reluctant 12-year-old - those who know me now can believe that or not as you please - and the icy breezes which whistled unimpeded up, across and down the legs of my too-baggy-now-but-he'll-grow-into-them shorts were at least one cause of a lifelong fondness for saunas, hot tubs and steam baths.
Then there was Hilary Term (January to Easter) and field hockey.
That was when the School Armoury issued hockey sticks and sent us forth onto the Artificial Pitch, which wasn't as muddy as the grass-covered rugby one but could produce amazing scabby knees and elbows after a tumble at speed, either after the ball or more often away from the opposition's bloody-minded front row.
Being artificial, rainwater didn't soak in but just sat there in puddles, and sometimes in early term they froze hard enough that field hockey could become ice hockey in the space of a couple of strides, cue another tumble and more scabs. Oh yes, and my shorts were still too baggy, so icy breezes in unwanted places continued to be an ongoing delight.
And then there was Trinity Term (post-Easter to July) and field athletics then cricket, AKA liveliness meets somnolence.
That was when the sky became increasingly blue, the birdies sang tweet-tweet, the sun shone more often, the air became noticeably warmer and anyone with sense enjoyed as much of the soon-to-be-summer days as worries about impending End-Of-Term exams allowed.
It was also a time for field athletics until Half-Term, featuring long-jumps, high-jumps and runs of various speed and duration.
We re-learned every year that it was possible to get a nasty sunburn even in a Northern Ireland May, that unless the groundskeeper raked the sand in the long-jump pit properly there would be at least one souvenir from a local cat, that sweat could break out with the least exertion because sunny and humid were frequently simultaneous, and that horseflies were always ready to sample new blood and the way they got that blood was a painful process.
It still is.
After Half-Term it was cricket, which combined disinterested boredom and pointless intermittent activity at a nearly Zen level with me being very, very bad at it.
I was no good as a bowler, I could throw straight or I could throw hard, but throwing hard and straight at the same time was something I never seemed to master.
Oh dear.
I was no good as a batsman, I tended to step out and slosh so the ball went in all directions, including on a couple of occasions straight up and straight down again, though not high enough or for long enough to get any runs.
What a shame.
I was no good as a wicketkeeper because I was more butterfingered than a clumsy dairymaid, and what I didn't drop I would handle wrongly, like that time I made what would have been a perfect catch except I fumbled it and knocked the stumps down before, not after.
My incompetence at everything up close was Really Quite Remarkable, so I was invariably sent out to one of the deep field positions where, unless something Silly happened, I could be safely ignored and - if the grass was long enough - I would be ignored whatever happened.
I read a lot of good books that way.
Not a single one was about sport.
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stalkerofthegods · 4 months
Lord Morpheus/Somnina deep dive info
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Herbs • Poppy, Poppy trees, poppy seeds, ivory, Dandelion seed, Chamomile, mugwort, lavender, jasmine, passionflower, basil
Animals• Bats, Nocturnal animals, Cats, Fireflies, Moths, Butterfly, Racoons, Wolves, Crows, Halcyon birds, sheep “counting sheep” (my personal thinking)
Zodiac • None, I couldn't find any evidence, perhaps Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, or Pisces because they were born in the winter.
Colors • Black, Blue, Gold, Purple, Silver, Red, some folks like associating neon colors and grey. I also think white.
Crystal• Amethyst, Herkimer Diamond, Scolecite, Hematite, Lapis Lazuli, and gemstones associated with dream magick
Symbols• Horns (he passes through a horn gate each night), Portals, gates, feathers, wings, skeleton keys, stars, night, ivory, tea, baths, sweet coffee
wear in their honor • sleep masks, PJs, slippers.
Diety of• of dreams, of sleep
Patron of• from/shape (his name translates to that, and shapeshifts in dreams.), messages to the unconscious, prophecies to the unconscious, influencing people unconsciously, hypnotizing, dreaming about the future, daydreaming, dream jobs, human shapes, hallucinations of humans, meditation, desire, hope, insomnia, opium-based medication, lucid dreaming, imagination, schizophrenia or schizophrenia-like disorders or illnesses, creativity, astral travel, encouragement, communication, divination
Element• Water, air
Offerings• Honey, honey cake, wine, fish and incense, Melatonin, Sleep-related gemstones and crystals, Skulls, Dream Catchers (ethnically obtained), Any type of stress reliever, and sleep indulgent tea, Ivory and/or Horn items, Sleep-related spells,
The imagery of his associated animals, Feathers, demon imagery(?), imagery of his animals, offerings of things like moths, butterflies, skulls, and feathers (ethically sourced), melatonin gummies, skeleton keys, Dream Pillows (herbal satchels filled with lavender to place under your pillow for better sleep)
Devotional• Track your dreams on a calendar, Keep a dream journal, Get enough sleep, Turn off your electronics 1 hour before bed (gets you in deeper sleep faster), Perform a night ritual, Learn about lucid dreaming and practice it, Write a letter to Morpheus before going to bed, Prayers related to Morpheus, Prophetic inducing herbs, Creating a playlist for him with songs that help you sleep, drink mugwort or chamomile tea before bed, set and try to stick to a night routine, write letters or jokes to him, write stories/a book, wear or dress your bed in his associated color, keep crystals for him on your bed or bedside table, have a bath or shower before bed, speak to him before you sleep, go to a sleepover to his honor, washing your bed sheets, cleaning up ur bed, try making your own melatonin, practice divination, try controlling ur dreams
Ephithets• Μορφευς, Morpheus, Shaper of Dreams, Sandman, Mildest of the Gods, Balm of the Soul, Oneiros, Kai’Ckul, Lord L’Zoril, Shaper of Forms, Lord Shaper, Prince of Stories (The Sandman, Neil Gaiman), Dream Giver, Sleep’s Guest, Lord Shaper, Father of Dreams, Lord of the Night, He Who Tells Mortals Stories,  Formshaper, Shadowmaker
Equivalents• Niorun (Norse), Angus (Celtic), Caer (Celtic), Bes (Egypt), Tutu (Egypt), Morpheus (Greek), Somnina (Norse).
Signs their reaching out• Sudden floating in dreams, better dreams, sleeping better, seeing him in dreams.
Vows/omans• Perhaps wedding vows.
Number• 1, 6, 7
Morals• Morally lawfully neutral follows the gods' bidding.
Courting• no one, but is seen as Iris's husband in some literature,
Past lovers/crushes• I couldn't find any, I think he is Ace? But that is not anyone's business. He is ‘said’ to date Iris because of always being togetherer 
Personality• Morpheus is a very chill and comprehensive God. He’s understanding and he’s happy to help out if he can. He doesn’t ask for much when you worship him, as long as you’re making an effort he’s fine.
Home• Erebus, in the Underworld
Mortal or immortal • Immortal 
Fact• Some say they were able to “heal”, 
Curses• Insomnia, your dream of the ‘good future’ being wrong, your hopes and dreams crashing down, no dreams (If u like your dreams), feeling anger towards you in dreams and just in general. Your baby wakes up with a nightmare. The back/neck problems you wake up with.
Blessings• Good sleep, having good dreams, and your children going to sleep.
Roots• Ancient Greece, born probably in Tarturas
Friends• Iris, Zeus, Hermes, Hera, messengers in general.
Parentage• Pasithea and Hypnos, some say he came from Hypnos asexually, some say from Nyx asexually, I think Nyx.
Siblings• Oneiroi, Icelus, Phobetor, Phantasus
Pet• None.
Children • None 
Appearance in astral or gen• often depicted with wings, he changes into whatever shape is needed at a given moment, decided as a young man in art, and has one ear with wing and one to hear with. He looks like he has short hair.
Festivals • I couldn't find any, I would say hibernation month, and just celebrate being able to sleep when animals are hibernating.
Season • winter 
Day • I would say Saturday because I get the most sleep on Saturday, no school, and no worries, I couldn't find a historic one, or just make a day for him, many people do that for minor gods.
Status• Greek Minor god/personification, a part of the Oneiroi, and the leader of the Oneiroi. plays a major role in day-to-day life. He is a Cthonic deity
What angers them • Insulting them, 
Music they like• I would think Sleep Music, Sleep Asmr
What they like • sleep.
What they dislike• I would say physical touch since he disappears all the sudden when he is almost being touched, I think he only touches those he ‘is okay with’ as a sign of trust or adornment because I heard a person back then say they use to get tapped by them
Planet• Moon (phase new)
Tarot cards• The Four of Swords and the Tower, message card (based on sleep and messages, each their own.)
Reminds me of• sleep, the good resting kind of sleep 
In my opinion • they are pretty rad, and strangely I've been having shit sleep, ain't he just a sweetheart.
Scents/Inscene • Opium, Lavender, Jasmine, Chamomile, Sandalwood, and any other calming scents
Ever-shifting Morpheus, lord of the Oneiroi who bring us our dreams, true or false. Morpheus, swift-soaring courier, twilight messenger of the gods, kind one, dweller in the shadowed land of dreams, dark-winged god who shapes the visions of the night, who tells the tales that must be told, who strips us bare of secrets, who clothes hard truths in subtle raiment, child of the black night, child of the shrouded dark, in the realm of illusion you are king. Morpheus, harbinger of change, concealer of clues, you bury bits of truth among our wishes and fancies; with your aid can we see into the mist of the unknown, with your aid can we find the hidden pieces of the self. Morpheus, I praise and honor you.
With a whisper I call you, o Morpheus,  lord of dreams, greatest amongst the Oneiroi. I call to you as Hypnos draws near.
Phantasos, ancient messenger who  crafts wonder into form who conjures in our minds a tapestry otherworldly. Greatest molder and master of lights,  many-shaped, you cross the night  and take on any face or voice any hue or sound you so desire. I ask you, my lord: shield me from pain  and fear in my dreams, let no anguish burden my heart as I sleep. This only I request: that within your great creations I may rest  and through your hand I may find safe haven. That my words may reach you, o Morpheus  whispered though they may be as Hypnos draws near.
Links/websites/sources •https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morpheus
https://www.thecollector.com/morpheus-greek-god/https://www.britannica.com/topic/Morpheus-Greek-mythology https://www.britannica.com/topic/Hypnos https://despena.gr/morpheus-the-ancient-greek-god-of-dreams/https://kreweofmorpheus.clubexpress.com/content.aspx?page_id=22&club_id=174762&module_id=305302 https://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-europe/morpheus-greek-god-dreams-who-delivered-messages-gods-mortal-world-002318#google_vignette How Ancient Egyptians Interpreted Dreams - UnEarthed Penn Dream Angus: The Celtic God of Dreams (The Myths) - Amazon.comAmazon.com Caer Ibormeith - Thoughts on PapyrusThoughts on Papyrus Who is Niorun? - Northern Tradition Paganismhttps://greekpagan.com/tag/morpheus/
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waviermylove · 1 year
Wednesday Addams Headcanons
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Her favorite serial killer is Jack the Ripper, whose true identity still remains a mystery.
Studies in the school library, always brings a black throw-blanket and a thermos of black coffee with her.
Like her mother, Wednesday is adept at gardening, and has a talent for cultivating exotic and rare plants that thrive in the shadows.
Enjoys bathing in ice-cold water.
Can’t really swim— she prefers to float face-down like a corpse (she can hold her breath for approximately 5 minutes.)
Rarely uses her phone, except for Xavier. Her answer to his calls always starts with “Hello. Who died?”
When she does send a text message, she always starts with a formal greeting, uses complete sentences, and signs off with a closing statement.
Blurts out weird trivia when she’s nervous, especially when she’s with Xavier. (Despite being baffled, he couldn't help but find it endearing.)
Loves the smell of rain, coffee, ink, and old parchment.
Her wardrobe is colored-coded— from the lightest shades of black to the darkest.
Gomez was the one who did her braids each morning before she mastered it herself.
Was prone to sleepwalking as a child.
Wears perfume with dark and subtle scents: her favorite one is Midnight Garden, floral scents with darker undertones: jasmine, patchouli with a hint of smoky incense.
Although being notoriously unfazed by most things that would frighten the average person, Wednesday has a secret phobia of Barney. She avoids any situation that involves the giant purple dinosaur.
Engages in embroidery. She finds sticking needles in and out of things very relaxing.
Listens to classical music on vinyl records. (Bach, Beethoven etc.)
Has a collection of animal bones. She stores them in Xavier’s art shed, in fear that Enid would chew on them.
She is a skillful horsewoman and has black stallion named Daredevil.
Arranges her books in alphabetical order by author's last name.
Her favorite authors: Mary Shelley, H.P. Lovecraft, Edgar Allan Poe, Stephen King, Neil Gaiman, Anne Rice, Shirley Jackson and Gillian Flynn.
Wednesday fancies the intense flavor of dark chocolate, she refuses to eat anything lower than 90% cocoa content.
Although she often clashes with Pugsley, Wednesday secretly admires his reckless abandon and wishes she could let loose like he does.
She is an excellent baker and is known her treats with unexpected ingredients, such as ghost pepper cupcakes or lavender-infused brownies.
Xavier Thorpe Headcanons
Wednesday x Xavier Headcanons
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