#bbc Casualty headcanons
astarions-bride · 7 months
But imagine Father Anthony and Nun-Reader. What kind of relationship would that be like? *I don't know if it would be a forbidden or light romance type of relationship*
I don't know much about the Catholic faith or nuns so I'm honestly not sure...don't nuns have like...a vow of celibacy or something? 🤔
If that's the case then it definitely would be a "forbidden romance" type situation. Very much secret rendezvous and soft bare-there touches that linger just a second longer than strictly necessary. Love letters being passed in those fleeting touches, eyes consistently searching each other out in a crowd, soft knowing smiles shared between each other...
I can definitely see the appeal in this 🥰
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spicechica · 5 months
Hi, I'm new to the writing platform and I've been apart of the neilnewbon community for the past couple of months. I want to start writing headcanons and short stories for some of his characters but I don't know where to start. 🤷‍♀️
My inbox is open for ideas and headcanons for his characters😊
Don't write anything to hardcore or filthy, just a little smut and spice.
•Nikolai - Beyond the Rave
•Luke Davenport - Dream Team
•Captain Hook - Kia Commercial
•Seb - As if
•Ernst Robinson - Stranded
• Mark Griffin - Reverb
•Father Anthony - Casualty
•Richard - Later
•Rob - Extinction
•Quinten Quist - The discovery of heaven
•Self harm/Su!c!dal thoughts
•Religion kink
•Neil Newbon himself (The man is married)
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gothushi · 5 months
Watched the Casualty episode with Father Anthony and honestly grabbing the bars of my enclosure like excuse the hell out of you BBC doctor drama but a hot tattooed priest? With ear piercings but took them out bc he wants to be respectful, but also does not like Old School Asshole Catholics? And he's really sweet and gentle and tells terrible jokes? Gimme.
i’ve seen all his scenes in it but i gotta find it again and just rewatch bc ugh…. father anthony the man that u are🙏🏻i shld sdo some headcanons bc i KNOOWWW hes so sweet and gentle with u.. but also so.. snarky, condescending in the softest way, convincing u that u can take more and more
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mikeythegeek · 2 years
Dylan keogh is bisexual reblog if agree
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dylankeogh · 3 years
Hi it’s me, back at it again with my headcanons so . Have my Cal and Ethan headcanons but only my nice happy ones bc whilst I have a lot of sad ones I just... wanna talk about them being happy bc I miss Cal:
- Cal used to help Ethan make his crisp sandwiches when Ethan was too little to reach the top of the kitchen counter. He would give him step-by-step instructions, but it didn't matter because Cal made them best
- Whilst Cal might be more willing to sing whilst sober, Ethan can and will drunk karaoke
- Ethan has a habit of stealing Cal's books whilst he's in the middle of one. He doesn't mean to (most of the time) he just sees what Cal is reading and is curious- he gets through books really fast and knows he can return it to Cal in a couple of days. But he never, ever saves Cal’s page for him
- At first, when Cal moved out, he would occasionally come to pick Ethan up from school. They were already pulling away from each other at this point, but at these times made everything seem normal. They'd drive to a McDonalds and they'd sit in the car park and just talk about everything and nothing. Mostly it'd be Cal trying to show off, but it was nice
- You know those caramel nibbles? They just leave packets of those everywhere for each other all thetime
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as if they’ve given dylan a miscarriage case today of all days... the secret dead baby storyline says hello
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dxringred · 6 years
do I like them: that’s an understatement and a half. i would do anything and everything for my sunshine wife.
5 good qualities: soft™, caring, thoughtful, joyful, optimistic. 
3 ““bad”” qualities: selfless to a fault, tireless, talkative. 
favourite episode/etc: uh, off the top of my head i’d say 3037, 3039, 3108, 3122, 3239, 3307. but tbqh most of 3108-3122 is great. 
otp: connie/elle, duh. 
brotp: once again, fuck the writers for completely ruining her friendship with jacob. they always had such a great, funny dynamic that i love and imo it just can’t be recovered in canon at this point. still, as someone who laughs in the face of canon, their friendship is well and truly alive outside of this hell show. 
ot3: platonically? connie/elle/jacob, and she’s definitely caught between the two, bless her, because she’s really all that those idiots have in common. romantically? i lowkey ship her, connie and sam (nicholls, obviously) in a poly relationship. sue me, okay, i have my reasons. 
notp: jacob/elle. i can’t believe it happened and i will continue to pretend it didn’t because i actually have a brain and common fucking sense. 
best quote: “all the best people have scars. you’re even more beautiful now that you’re a little less perfect.” BYE 
headcanon: she has three siblings and the eldest of the four is her brother alex while the youngest is her other brother matthew, who was born several minutes after his twin sister, jordan. 
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blue-sky-and-rain · 7 years
Tell me them Jethan headcannons, NSFW & Non-NSFW!!xx😘😘 (please xx love your blog!!)
omfg anon there are SO many (also there are some from @panic-at-casualty and @lornagonigall so with their permission I’ve included them here! Unfortunately, there are more but I was an idiot and can’t place names to them and I’m not gonna post other people’s headcanons without their permission, sorry :/)
Some of these are written as if Cal is still alive, and some before Scott died etc, it doesn’t exactly match up with the current timeline.
ANYWAY::: there are so many, hence the keep reading because this is SO LONG.
Once Scott’s been caught and charged, everyone thinks that Ethan will be okay because his mind will be able to rest because Cal’s killer would have been brought to justice, but it only makes Ethan - rather than lashing out - retreat into himself and he ends up hurting himself in a way, like being reckless and drinking a lot, not sleeping, risking his life on several occasions with the paramedics because there was that tiny part of him that thought everything was going to go back to normal and even he would get his brother back (obviously he wouldn’t, but yeah) so he just declines… ENTER JACOB STAGE RIGHT who just really helps him.
Since 8am that morning (when Ethan and Jacob, who are together, woke up), Ethan has been lying on his left side, on the left side of the bed. Jacob left a while ago. it’s Christmas day, the first Christmas without cal. it’s 11am when Jacob bursts through their bedroom door. he kneels beside Ethan’s side of the bed and places something next to Ethan’s head. Ethan props himself up onto his left elbow, grabs his cute little black geeky glasses and puts them on and looks at Jacob. Jacob smiles and says “happy Christmas”. Ethan looks down and sees a ball of fluff. a kitten. Ethan sits up properly, crosses his legs underneath the bed cover and carefully picks up the lil kitten and places him on his lap. Jacob goes round to the other side of the bed and sits next to Ethan, putting his arm around him. “his name is Caleb” says Jacob. Ethan cuddles Caleb and leans into Jacob’s chest, silently wishing all his (dead omg) family a happy Christmas.
Ethan is terrified of spiders and one day, he sees one in Jacob’s and Ethan’s flat. he spends half an hour trying and failing to get it out and he’s terrified because Jacob is out but then Jacob comes home and Ethan’s shaking loads and Jacob immediately comes to the rescue and removes the spider and Caleb comes padding in and meows and Jacob ruffles Ethan’s hair and Ethan kinda blushes and says “I could have done that” and Jacob replies “I know, I did it for Caleb, not you” then he laughs and Ethan laughs too but Jacob suddenly jumps and says “spider!” and Ethan turns so quickly he nearly falls and Jacob practically collapses with laughter for tricking Ethan and Caleb, as if he senses what’s going on, walks to Ethan and nestles into his leg so Ethan picks him up. “not funny” Ethan says… while smiling.
Jacob is SUPER protective over Ethan, especially because Cal’s gone.
When Scott comes into the hospital, he grinds Ethan’s nerves and really really annoys him and in the end, he gets to: “kill me. come on kill me.” and taunts Ethan or, “I’ve already got rid of one brother, and I’ll soon make it another” but *triumphant trumpet sounds* JACOB COMES IN AND SAVES THE DAY
Set in a world where Cal isn’t dead: someone hurts Ethan and cal and Jacob both get protective and start arguing over who will sort it out and in the meantime Ethan sorts it out himself and Jacob and cal are still arguing and Ethan just appears by them and just says “sorted it.” and cal and Jacob just stare at Ethan and be like “I was going to help”, “no, I was going to help!”
In a world where Cal isn’t dead: Jacob has moved into Cal and Ethan’s flat and Ethan then tries to reach something but he can’t and then Cal and Jacob both jump in to help him get it but instead end up arguing like “I’ll get it” “no I’ll get it” “no it’s okay, I’ve got this” “no, Cal. I’ve got this” and Ethan just shouts “shut up!” and then waves around the Thing he needed and managed to get and Jacob and cal just stare at him like seriously Ethan and Ethan just laughs loads
How everyone would react to Ethan and Jacob being in a relationship:
Elle would probably go up to Ethan and just (in a kind way) threaten - is too harsh a word but we’re gonna roll with it - him and make sure he’s going to treat Jacob right and (if Cal was still alive) Cal would do the same but like fully go up to Jacob and be like “oi you better treat my brother right” and be a little harsher.
Alicia would probably be shocked and a little jealous because she still likes (loves but she won’t admit it) Ethan and she just develops hate for them whenever she sees them happy together because she will always wonder what Jacob has that she doesn’t (everything).
Charlie would be quietly supportive and just smile to himself when he finds out and whispers to Duffy “I told you, didn’t I tell you?” and Duffy would smile back and laugh at her husband and whispers back “they’re good for each other”.
David would be surprised and make it a big and loud thing because he’s so shocked and, unlike Charlie, he didn’t see it coming and Dylan would just stare at them and hope that it doesn’t end up like every other couple in Holby - a complete disaster. He has respect for Ethan as a doctor, like he had respect for Cal as one, and nods his head in acknowledgement at how wonderful they are together and how protective they are of one another.  
Connie, having dated Jacob in the past, would feel a little jealous (not as much as Alicia, mind) but know that Jacob and Ethan are much better together and - because she’s developed a protectiveness over Ethan - likes to check in to make sure everything’s okay, because in a post-Cal world she’s worried that Ethan’s searching for protection and guidance like he had with Cal but she soon sees that they really like each other and the protectiveness that Jacob gives him is the same as Ethan gives Jacob.
Iain wouldn’t care less because he’d be too focused on his own love life which includes Lily. Lily, once upon a time might have been happy or even jealous but now she has a partner and her and Ethan’s friendship has fizzled out she doesn’t really care either.
Louise and Robyn would gossip together and when they finally find out (from a not-so-quiet David), Robyn squeals in delight because she thinks they’re cute together (which they certainly are) and together Louise and Robyn rush off to tell Max and Noel - who are at the front reception desk at the time. Noel wins £10 from Max because he said they “could be dating” but then Max realises that Noel said “could” instead of “are” so Max gets his money back and the two are more focused on what the next bet is compared to Jacob and Ethan.
Ethan and Jacob are curled up on the sofa together watching movies and Jacob gives Ethan a lil soft forehead kiss because they’re Alone and he’s too embarrassed to do it elsewhere and Ethan falls asleep and Jacob removes the black Ethan Glasses (the old nice ones because they’re nice) and tucks the blanket around him and then Caleb (the kitten) pads up and curls around on Ethan’s lap and Jacob just looks down and thinks how lucky he is. And another forehead kiss for good measure.
Jacob regularly checks up on Ethan in his flat after Cal’s death and sends him little ‘how r u’ texts in the morning. If Ethan doesn’t reply within the hour he gets worried and goes around just to make sure he’s okay.
Cal keeps watch on the first few Ethan and Jacob dates to make sure Jacob is treating Ethan right but then bumps into Elle who had the exact same idea about Ethan treating Jacob right.
@panic-at-casualty’s headcanons
At Cal’s funeral, Ethan stumbles into the church drunk as fuck but Jacob silently helps him up and gets him to the front.
Ethan wearing Jacob’s sweaters which go to his knees.
They always stick up for each other. Always.
Ethan latches onto Jacob after Cal’s death because he reminds him a little of Cal and then a friendship forms.
Ethan is exhausted and falls asleep everywhere. Jacob finds him in various places for the rest of the day and has to wake him up, smiling because he’s totally smitten at Ethan’s flushed cheeks and messy hair.
Jacob always catches Ethan wearing his jumpers. Constantly. But he looks so adorable that Jacob doesn’t even mind. Besides, when he gets them back they end up smelling like Ethan - an added bonus.
Jacob tries cooking for them one time but fails miserably, setting the fire alarm off because he’s distracted by Ethan just being plain cute. They buy a takeaway instead, once Ethan has finally finished laughing.
Ethan is gentle by nature but if anyone messes with Jacob then he’s immediately furious. It’s so cute that Jacob just lets him (making sure he doesn’t get hurt of course), mentally ‘awwing’ at it all.
Jacob has a thing about carrying Ethan everywhere. Ethan looks tired? Pick him up. Time for Ethan to go to bed? Pick him up. Ethan can’t reach something? You guessed it. Pick him up.
(Darker) When Ethan is sad, which is quite a lot nowadays, J finds him on the sofa in his flat in a tiny ball and takes him into his arms. Ethan sometimes cries but always hugs back and is slightly happier by the cuddle.
(Very dark) Following Cal’s death, Ethan can’t go on anymore. Heartbroken, he attempts suicide. Luckily, he survives and ends up in the hospital. Nobody visits him - nobody but Jacob, who sits by his bedside and wipes his sweaty hair out of his face until he wakes. When he does, Jacob holds his hand and tells him that everything will be okay - one day.
(Darker) Ethan is depressed a lot of the time, filled with regret and pain over his suicide attempt. One day, in the midst of another breakdown, he shouts at Jacob: 'Just leave me, I’m not worth it!“. Jacob cries more than Ethan does and that’s the first time that Jacob says how much he really loves Ethan.
Jacob is forced to go away on a business trip, leaving Ethan alone. They miss each other immensely and are always skyping, phoning, texting, snapchatting and sending silly pictures to each other. It always cheers Jacob up, in the middle of a boring meeting, when Ethan sends him a picture of him being a dork with the attachment 'I miss you!’
Jacob and Ethan think they’re being SO secretive with their blossoming relationship but literally, everyone in the ED knows and supports it wholeheartedly and quietly.
Jacob is sad when EVERYONE forgets his birthday, but it turns out that Ethan organised a giant party and is cheered up by it. They end up sneaking off by themselves and have the best time doing absolutely nothing.
(An add-on of your idea!) One time, Caleb the kitten gets injured at home on Ethan’s day off. Ethan phones Jacob, who is at work, in a full-blown panic and a haze of tears to come home. Caleb the kitten is absolutely fine after a trip to the vets but Jacob had never seen Ethan cry quite so much.
For Ethan’s birthday, Jacob prints a picture of Ethan and Cal and puts it in a keyring. Ethan is delighted (a little bit sad, too), thanking Jacob so many times, and carries it literally everywhere. He even sleeps with it.
Jacob is heartbroken after a (silly) fight with Elle, but Ethan is there to feed him pizza and take care of him until the tears stop and tell him how it’ll all blow over in the morning. Jacob doesn’t believe him, thinking his friendship is over, but the next day learns that Ethan is very rarely wrong.
Jacob is invited to a wedding and brings Ethan along as his plus one.
Elle is so supportive of Jacob and Ethan’s relationship. She used to tease Jacob about how 'close’ they were getting but stopped when she realised how flustered Jacob got. From then on, Elle settled for cooing from a distance as Jacob gives Ethan kisses on the forehead when he thinks nobody’s looking.
(Darker?) Jacob is terrified of public speaking. So much so that he ended up having a full blown panic attack before a meeting. Ethan calmed him down, gave him a cuddle, and then stood next to him for comfort during the entirety of Jacob’s presentation (which he sailed through, by the way).
They have the best water fights in the summer (and sometimes winter). Jacob always wins but sometimes he lets Ethan, just because he loves how excited and happy he is when he 'wins’.
@lornagonigall ’s headcanons
If they faced homophobia Ethan would definitely be like "let’s just ignore it” but Jacob would be like “I’m gonna fucking kill them”
Robyn and Elle matchmaking Jacob and Ethan.
Ethan and Jacob being like “we should cook together” but they’re both rubbish cooks and end up with a mess on the kitchen counter so they’re like “JUST ORDER A TAKEAWAY THEN” and they’re both really happy with themselves. And when they’re sitting on the sofa Jacob just looks at Ethan and says “Cal would be proud of us for this”.They adopt a son and Ethan is just like “I don’t know what to name him” and Jacob says “Let’s name him Caleb”When it’s revealed they’re dating, Elle goes to Ethan and tells him to treat Jacob right and Cal goes to Jacob and threatens him to treat Ethan right or he’ll have him to deal with.Ethan can be super protective over Jacob if it came down to it like if Jacob was in trouble he’d go crazy.
Jacob would be so protective of Ethan and Ethan would be like “no Jacob no don’t do this no stop”
Cal literally being like “ok so when I’m home no business like that” an Ethan is like “CAL I’M AN ADULT AND SO IS JACOB WE ARE NOT KIDS”
Cal would literally be their biggest supporter along with Elle like they’d be texting both of them like “YOU HAVE EVERYTHING?? YOU HAVE THE WINE AND EVERYTHING RIGHT??” And Ethan and Jacob are like “we had wine?” and then Ethan shouts “HEY I FOUND THE WINE I FOUND IT” And Elle and Cal are like “why do we bother”
Jacob being super stressed about impressing Ethan but when Ethan sees that Jacob doesn’t do formal they just go for a takeaway and it’s better than any formal dinner they could’ve had
Ethan and Jacob have a daughter they’re sending off to school:Ethan: Ok, if anyone picks on you, tell a teacher, ok? *kisses his daughter on the head*Jacob: *hands her a knife* you know what you must do Ethan: Jacob nO
And Cal being That uncle that shows up randomly like “AY I GOT YOU PRESENTS” and leaves after five minutes whereas Elle advises them both on what to do when dealing with a teenage girl and after texting them comes over and is like “ffs ok let me handle this” and Jacob just stands there like whATAt the hospital everyone would gossip about then until Connie is the one that stops it because it’s “unprofessional” but really she doesn’t like that people are gossiping about them and Connie is sitting in her office one day and she sees Jacob and Ethan walk past laughing to each other and she just smiles really widelyHow everyone reacts to Ethan and Jacob dating:Connie - Doesn’t mind as long as they aren’t unprofessionalCharlie - Doesn’t careDuffy - Doesn’t care Louise - Doesn’t mind but finds the match oddNoel - Super surprisedRobyn - Surprised but finds it cute Cal - He fainted upon hearing about it Elle - Threatened Ethan but in a nice wayMax - Surprised and a bit put off by itLofty - Doesn’t careDylan - Doesn’t react
And then Cal threatens Jacob and Jacob’s like “with all due respect, take your hands off me” and Ethan is constantly trying to keep them apart, then something happens and both Jacob and Cal take it upon themselves to protect Ethan (while Ethan is trying to protect them but less aggressively) and they bond over that and Ethan’s just waiting crossed armed for them to return and he’s like “what did you two do” and they just walk in, turn to each other and laugh and Ethan’s like “what… what? guys what??” and they just continue laughing for some reason and Ethan’s just like… oh… okay they’re cool with each other.. but wtf did they DOEthan and Jacob getting harassed for being gay and Connie coming out of the hospital like “is there a problem here?” While holding a scalpel and the guy runs away screaming and she’s like “was it something I said or”
Cal and Jacob competing for Ethan’s favouritism until they’re literally doing everything for him and he’s like "I swear to gOD”
Double dates: Jez and Mickey, Ethan and JacobEthan staying at Jacob’s house and seeing it’s actually very neat and modern and Jacob’s like “please don’t tell anyone how I live”
Ethan and Jacob in the hospital helicopter crash instead of Ethan and Alicia. Jacob would lift everything off of Ethan and be like ETHAN I’M GONNA SAVE YOU and Ethan’s more concerned about Jacob. And Jacob’s like “I’LL SAVE YOU oh fuck your lEG”
Cal invites Jacob round and Ethan’s like “Cal we don’t even have milk” and Cal’s like “you go get some then” and Ethan sighs and goes to the shops and Cal tells Jacob stories about Ethan. And when Ethan comes back Jacob’s all coy about it and he subtly teases him about it and it takes absolutely ages for Ethan to catch on and finally, he’s like “Cal told you… didn’t he…?” Then Ethan asks Elle about Jacob stories.
These are general prompts I found on Tumblr from the users the-moon-dust-writings, tsutomi-goshiki, bumble-beany, not-such-an-angel.
Person A: ���I didn’t know you had a soft side.” Person B: *Petting kitten while holding it to their chest* “I don’t.”Where Ethan is A and Jacob is B.
Person A: “We never got to talk about the thing.”Person B: “Oh you mean the thing where we kissed?”Person A: *Timidly* “Yeah.”Where Ethan is A and Jacob is B.
Person A: “Is that my shirt? I’ve been looking for that.” Person B: *Clearly wearing their shirt* *Whispers* “No.”Where Jacob is A and Ethan is B.
Person A: “You got me out of bed for this?’ Person B: “Our dog is wearing a unicorn horn! What part of that isn’t worth getting out of bed?”Where Jacob is A and Ethan is B.
Person A: “You didn’t have to do that, you know.” *Applies frozen peas to B’s freshly new black eye* Person B: *Flinches before taking the bag of peas themselves* “I had to at least try.”Where Ethan is A and Jacob is B, where Jacob has just tried to stand up for Ethan. Someone threatens Ethan and Jacob is all like OI SAY THAT TO MY FACE and goes all protective but gets punched.
Person A: “I am so cute, you are so blessed.” *Looks in mirror and fixes hair* Person B: *Smiles with light in their eyes* “Yes I am.”Where Jacob is A and Ethan is B.
Person A: “We are so screwed.”Person B: “We? You did that. I was just the innocent bystander!”Where Jacob is A and Ethan is B.
Person A: *smiles*Person B: *blushes* *slams hand on the table* that’s fucking it, I’m killing himPerson C: or you can man up and ask him outPerson B: k-killing..is easier.Where Ethan is A, Jacob is B and Elle is C.
Person A: Are you awake?Person B: I am now.Person A: I was just wondering…Person A: What do you think it’d be like to be a pregnant male seahorse?Person B: Really?! You woke me up for that?Where Ethan is A and Jacob is B.
Person A: *finger guns* hey, cool beans, how are you?Person B: *whispers* he’s so coolPerson C: you have such low standardsWhere Jacob is A, Ethan is B and Cal is C.
Person A: FUCK!Person B: languagePerson A: EnglishWhere Jacob is A and Ethan is B.
Person A: *has a black eye*Person B:*looks at him sternly* WHAT DID YOU DO?! NO, DON’T ANSWER THAT. I DON’T WANT TO KNOW. BUT! LET ME JUST TELL YOU THAT I’M VERY DISAPPOINTED. I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU! YOU-Person A: i-i’m sorry!Person B: Person A: *is super sad*Person B:Person A:Person B: *clears throat* did you win?Person A: *perks up* fuck yeah!Where Jacob is a protective-over-Ethan A and Ethan is B.
like some of these are just prompts and stuff but… who’s complaining
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It makes me kind of sad when I see other autistic Casualty fans labelling Dylan’s autism a “headcanon”. Like, wow. The fandom has been so pervasive at erasing the fact that Dylan’s autism is literally canon, that multiple autistic fans have been convinced their identification with him is “just their personal interpretation” :(
Granted, it would probably help if Dylan’s Wikipedia page didn’t say him being autistic was “speculation”. (And if it didn’t call him “rude and uncaring”, when he is definitely NOT uncaring and his rudeness is a trauma reaction, not autism.)
I’ve wanted to fix that wiki page for ages because of this, but I’m bad with words so I’m never really sure what it should say instead.
(That “rude and uncaring” part really needs fixing though, because the more I tell people on Twitter what great autistic representation Dylan is, the more worried I get that someone will go on his Wikipedia page, read that bit, and assume Dylan’s just another Sheldon Cooper/BBC Sherlock/etc. “asshole genius” cliche when he’s not actually anything like that.)
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retvenkos · 4 years
Okay so I’m personally offended with myself for not having found you earlier? Like, YOURE AMAZING! Your writing is super awesome and I’m glad I finally did find you. Anyways, I was hoping I could request a 🔥 ship/HCs? For BBC Merlin, PJO/HOO, and ATLA (or LOK, whichever you’d prefer or is easier for you). I am bisexual so I’m down to be shipped with whatever gender (although I am kinda leaning towards men rn). I’m a Ravenclaw and my Myers-Brigg personality type is INFP-T. I’m kind of a nerd and I love learning new things. I tried to learn Latin at one point but it was while I was in school and I didn’t finish before the school year was up. I love reading, writing, singing, listening to music, watching movies and watching musicals. I also really love physical affection (both giving and receiving). I love any and all animals SO MUCH. I can be kinda silly sometimes but I know when to get serious. I love having fun with my friends but I also just love the days that I can just sit with them and relax. I’m pretty protective of the people I’m close to. I’m also kind of stubborn. I have a small obsession with dragons and kind of just mythical beings in general. I feel happy when I make others happy. I like helping people when I can. My main love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation. If I were a bender in the ATLA/LOK universe, I would be an earth bender. I’m also a sucker for soulmate AUs, which you might have noticed when I was reblogging your stuff earlier. I think that’s all?? If you need anything else, just let me know! And thank you so much!!
thank you for your kind words about my blog! i’m glad you like it here, lol. and, as always, disclaimer that it’s been a while since i’ve read pjo and so the headcanons might not be the best. bear with me.
I ship you with Gwen!
alright, i was debating between gwen and sir leon, but i 100% believe gwen is the perfect match-up for you - both of you are sweet and kind yet clever with the potential to be teasing, annoying idiots.
the two of you would get along famously, and you would be the sweetest, most supportive couple - literally everyone wants what you have, and i can’t blame them.
both of you are caring and love your friends dearly, you are the ultimate mom friends. you love to make everyone happy, and so both of you are always looking out for the other. 
furthermore, gwen would love to hear all about interests - she loves to hear you talk about your reading and writing, and she loves how you learn with such a fervor. learning something new is a great way to increase the quality of your life, and gwen loves to hear about what you’ve discovered - so much of her day is spent in routine, being a servant and all, so when you can tell her something good - something other than castle gossip, she loves it.
also, i have this headcanon that gwen can sing really well, so you know she loves music. she’ll sing in the early mornings, when the two of you are getting up before the sun itself, and it never fails to make you smile.
i think that both you and gwen have great versatility to your personality - you both can get very excited and giddy but then come back down to earth and be stable and strong. this is good because both of you can support the other in whatever situation you may be up against. 
furthermore, you are both witty and teasing. the two of you have a lot of ongoing banter that makes your otherwise monotonous days exciting and fun. you’re upbeat personalities bring joy to your lives, and that’s important.
also, the two of you would be very affectionate toward each other - gwen has no qualms with hugging you or holding your hand, so she is able to accept your affection and return it in a similar manner. and gwen is very good at giving sincere compliments! whenever she praises you, you can’t help but think it’s true.
also, modern! au gwen is an avid movie watcher, so the two of you have marathons together. gwen always brings the popcorn.
I ship you with Travis Stoll!
okay, you cannot tell me that this pairing isn’t chaotic as hell.
you are the smarts to travis’ mischievousness, and the two of you bring a lot of fun to camp half-blood. you help travis and connor with their pranks, but you are also there to make sure that no one gets hurt, because a good prank is one that makes people laugh, but has minimal casualties. (ngl, chb is kind of glad that you and travis got together because the pranks are a lot safer now.)
i definitely think that travis would be the one to bring you out of your comfort zone, but he does it so earnestly, with only the best of intentions, so it’s hard to say no. the two of you go on adventures together and you have a lot of laughs.
the good thing is that you also bring a lot of calm and stability to the relationship - you are one of like two (2) people who can  get travis to just,,, chill with you. he likes to play videogames with you, so you hang out a lot in the hermes cabin, legs tangled together as you chill out. 
at your core, i think both of you are very determined people, and that’s what initially drew the two of you close together. you both have a fire in your hearts, and while that comes out in different ways, you’re both very ambitious and goal oriented people.
and you know that travis has the greatest taste in music - you are going to be introduced to some very interesting and cool songs. maybe he’ll nick a cd or two for both of you to listen to. and what’s cool about his music taste is that it’s adventurous and all over - he loves everything and so do you.
you both explore and learn about the world in different ways, and you are both incredibly knowledgeable in opposite ways, so when you put your heads together, the genius that comes forth is insane.
i imagine that the two of you hang out in the strawberry fields a lot. you listen to music or talk while walking through the fields, and then travis ends up stealing some of your strawberries and you end up chasing after him (damn his tall legs)
I ship you with Mako!
this is the complete opposite of your previous ships, but stick with me for a minute
you are perfect for mako because you can be serious and stable, but at the same time, you can bring out his silly side. mako needs someone who can get down to the core of his being and pull out that happy, childish side of himself that he hasn’t found in a long time. he’s had to grow up fast, and he needs someone who is serious and sincere, but is also lighthearted and oh-so caring.
the two of you are so protective and caring about the ones you love - you’re like the parents of the group who are trying to wrangle your unruly children, and it’s a dynamic i am here for.
and when you encourage some of korra or asami’s wild plans, mako sighs, like “disappointed by not surprised.” but then you bring him to the side with a plan on how to make their optimistic plans more secure, and he’s like,,,, alright.
also, the banter the two of you would have is legendary. mako is known as the #done, sarcastic one, and he was not expecting you to come out with amazing wit, but here you are. the two of you have the best side commentary, and it’s almost a competition now. you’ve yet to get mako to laugh at your well-timed jokes (some of which are terribly corny), but he does crack a wry smile almost every time, so you know it’s only a matter of time.
also, convince me otherwise, but mako is a reader. he likes a lot of historical fiction, but also stories based off of legends, and the two of you will often spend your weekends inside, reading on the couch. he’ll make you lunch and then the two of you will talk about what you’ve read, sitting cross legged with your knees touching. mako is usually a little vague with the details on what he is reading, but what often happens is that he’ll have recommended the book you’re reading, so he’ll listen to you ramble about your favorite parts with a lovestruck smile on his face.
you definitely introduce mako to more music - he’s never been super into music, it was always more bolin’s thing, but he’ll listen with you. he has a few favorites, and you have to coax him into telling you what they are, but he’ll tell you anyway because he’s very much in love.
also! the two of you go to see bolin’s movers, and you whisper to each other throughout the show, making jokes and funny comments, and ngl, bolin gets a little concerned. mako should never enjoy himself so thoroughly, that only ever leads to disaster.
anyway, you would be great for mako because when you two hang out, you bring mako out of his shell, and he is always there to support and protect you, should anything go awry. 
i get big vibes of “the serious one is soft for the fluffy one” except both of you are the serious one and the fluffy one, depending on the moment, and you wildly fluctuate between the two.
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nyebevans · 4 years
Fic meme
i was tagged by the lovely (and incredibly talented) @someillplanetreigns!
i’ll tag @irmgardbaty and @shinobi93, as i know they both write fic, but of course, there’s no obligation!
Link to my AO3
Fandoms I’ve made fanworks for
starting from my earliest works on ff.net, a whole TWELVE YEARS ago, the list goes: naruto, glee, black books, harry potter (and also written hp on ao3), and x-men: first class. then, on ao3, i’ve written for bbc musketeers, greek mythology, supernatural, pacific rim, and holby city + bbc casualty. 
that’s... more fandoms than i expected, actually, given the vast number of projects i’ve started and left unfinished in dozens of fandoms, compared to projects completed and published...
Number of fics
on my first ff.net account, 9 fics. on my second, 11. on ao3, 14. altogether (bear with me, mental maths is not my strong suit), that’s 34 published works. three of those are incomplete and not likely to ever be finished.
Fics I spent more time on
i spent over a year working on my holby city/bbc casualty university!au, white knuckles. i wrote the first 50,000 words over a period of around 4 months, then dithered over the last 35,000 for AGES. but i finally finished it and published the final chapter in march 2019.
(i’m reliably informed by several people i love dearly, including the person who tagged me, that you can read the fic without knowing the first thing about holby city - which is just as well, given how small the fandom is).
i also spent a lot of time on my first multichapter naruto fic, which came in at just over 30,000 words and took me the best part of 9 months to finish. no, i am not posting the link here, because i wrote it when i was a very weird teenager, but message me if you’re a mutual and truly curious!
Fics I spent less time on
ooh, probably any of my supernatural shorts, which i used to throw out on tumblr like nobody’s business (remember when i used to actually be able to come up with short, contained concepts? me neither). of those, maybe my anna & dean piece human, or else the rufus/bobby piece careless.
Longest fic
again, white knuckles. i’ve never written anything that long before, and possibly never will again. i have no idea how i managed to write a coherent, nearly-85,000 word fic, honestly... lots of trauma/processing was happening for me in the summer of 2018, so i guess it made for a good ‘escape’ or... perhaps catharsis is the better term, since the fic deals heavily with a lot of the issues i was struggling with at the time.
Shortest story
on ao3, it’s my greek mythology fic, enough, which i wrote about the beyond-rarepair ismene (daughter of oedipus)/manto (daughter of tiresias). look, can someone else get on this ship, too? i swear it’s not just a leaky dinghy lost in the middle of the aegean...
Most hits
yet again, it’s white knuckles, with 3591 hits.
Most kudos
yet again, white knuckles, with 143 kudos. 
Most bookmarks
can you guess? it’s white knuckles, with 21 bookmarks!
Fic you want to rewrite or expand
hmm... i did say i’d turn white knuckles into a series, with oneshots relating to various side characters and secondary ships from the main narrative, and i do still want to explore that. i think there are still some interesting stories to tell about jez and mickey moving to jez’s childhood home in cardiff, and all the adjustments and compromises and growing-up that entails, plus i wanted to write some morven/jasmine where they negotiate sex with jasmine’s disability and morven’s issues surrounding her ex-boyfriend arthur’s death.
i’d also love to write more in the ismene/manto universe i so briefly touched on in enough, because i have MANY headcanons and fic ideas when it comes to the daughters of oedipus & the theban plays, as @ismenes​ well knows, having heard me ramble on about them at length over the years. 
(...it’s a pity i’m TRASH and all my ideas recently keep spiralling into ismene/creon and the whole having to live with each other in the aftermath of everything they ever loved being burned to ashes, which... look, i’m just a sucker for this dynamic i project onto them, post-antigone, where they have to reckon with their guilt and regrets, while also being the only person the other has left in the world. 
and i’m very interested in the paradox i see ismene facing, of having to reconcile this deep sense of kinship she has with the person responsible for her sister’s death, and the desecration of her brother’s corpse. like. they are the last two living cadmeians. i think, to both of them, that would count for something! what, i’m not sure! but something!
so. maybe one day i’ll continue my ancient greek stuff in... that direction. i’ve made some overtures in that direction in the privacy of my own google drive, but... perhaps it’s best i don’t show anyone the atrocities my brain has committed. only sophocles can judge me. and he does, very much).
Total words combined
oh god. uhhhh... on ao3, it’s apparently 102,371. not including the obvious outlier, it’s 17,610 words.
Fav fic you wrote
oh, well i love them all, in their own ways. my holby city fic i have a very deep appreciation for, because it stands as proof i can embark on a huge project and finish it, but it also feels quite distant to me now, as it was very much a product of my life experience to that point, and i feel very differently about both my time at university and the source material/main ship now. i’ll always be proud of having written it, though. 
other than that, i do really love my oneshot about sara blake/bela talbot (from supernatural), and this is how, because i still love bela and think she deserved a softer epilogue, and all that. and i feel like, in this fic, i managed to condense what could have been a sprawling, aimless story into a relatively compact, snapshot structure.
Share a bit of your WIP or idea if you have anything planned
uh, here’s a snippet of one of my wackier ideas, a post-s3 Stranger Things fusion with Hotel California by the Eagles, tentatively titled The Deep Beneath, in which billy hargrove remains alive but unconscious (whereabouts unknown) thanks to his passion for cheesy classic rock. 
yes, the inside of billy’s mind is recreating the plot of hotel california, and yes, steve, el, and will are going on a psychic roadtrip to find him.
(cw for exhumation/gravedigging).
The coffin is nailed shut, of course. Steve guesses it’s because most undertakers aren’t planning for the bodies they bury to be unearthed for inspection by a bunch of teenagers.
The three of them pause as if waiting for something. Then, Nancy jerks her head and flips her shovel over. Bracing her foot against the coffin, she wedges the shovel handle under the lid to help prise the nails out. She stops short of knocking the coffin open, and so Steve is left to bend over and do the honours. It’s pretty flimsy: the cheap wood gives way easily as he yanks it up and shoves it to the side.
They all cry out as one, an instinctive response Steve suspects they would have made either way. It has Max and Dustin sprinting over to see what’s going on. Lucas grabs hold of Max around the waist, because he’s the only kid with even an ounce of sense, but she’s charging forward regardless, dragging him along. She stares wildly down into the plywood box that should be holding her brother’s body, and gasps out a tiny, relieved, “Oh.”
Robin makes a face at Steve as Max drops to her knees, Lucas’s arms still wrapped around her. Steve knows what she’s thinking: just because Billy isn’t here, doesn’t mean he’s alive. It just means… he’s somewhere else. A flash of viscous grey goo and creeping, sentient vines crosses Steve’s mind, and he represses a full-on flinch.
“Okay,” he says, hoping his voice doesn’t crack. “Let’s get this filled in, and then we’re taking you lot home.”
“Not me,” Max says, still on her knees in the mud; Lucas’s arms tighten around her as she speaks.“I’m coming with you.”
“We’ve been through this,” Steve begins, but she fixes him with a plaintive look.
“Please, Steve,” she says, and she sounds so much older than her years, so weary and broken. No kid should have to bear what these kids have gone through, Steve knows. It’s changed them all, but none more so than Max. She takes an unsteady breath and adds: “If there’s even the tiniest chance that he’s still alive, I need to be there. I need to be there for him, because I wasn’t while he was here.”
Nancy throws up her hands. “Fine, but I’m not explaining it to Joyce,” she says.
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astarions-bride · 8 months
out of all Neil's characters...who is an ass man, tits man, or thigh man? 👀
The first Group Preferences!
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Thighs and maybe your tits. Especially near the Femoral Artery. Loves to leave bitemarks and bruise-shaped handprints there and loves it when you wear short skirts or shorts to show them off. I see him being very territorial and possessive so any marks he leaves on you is akin to him leaving a claim on you. Same goes with your chest. The soft pliable flesh under his teeth fuels his more animalistic side and loves knowing his marks are all over your body.
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Tits. We all saw that short film. How he was eyeballing that woman's chest (calling them lovely 🥴). So I completely headcanon that this man is obsessed with tits. No matter the size, shape, etc. You would probably have to deal with a lot of groping from him. He would absolutely just faceplant on your chest and stay there for hours happily.
Father Anthony Bridge
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He strikes me as a thigh man. Don't know why, but I just envision him placing his hand on your thigh while sitting next to you, squeezing and stroking casually, and he probably does it without realizing it.
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Ass. Cannot keep his hands to himself. Will slip his hand into your back pocket or keep his hand splayed possessively across your ass. Loves to leave his handprints on your skin, loves to see your ass jiggle as you walk (or when he's taking you from behind 👀) and will stare obviously if you walk in front of him.
Captain Hook
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Tits are his kryptonite. Any shape or size. Will absolutely get distracted if you go without a bra, openly staring with his fingers twitching with his effort of holding back from touching, but will instantly attack someone if they so much as glance near your chest. Loves to buy you clothing that enhances your breasts and he has quite an a eye for lingerie for you to wear.
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Loves every part of you, but has a special spot for your thighs. They are so warm and he loves having them wrapped around his waist (or his face) and loves laying between them. Also, same as Nikolai, the Femoral Artery is a favorite place for him to bite. Your throat is a place he also loves. Pressing his lips against your Carotid Artery, feeling the beat of your heart and the warmth of your skin, will have him falling into a sleep-like trance against you.
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robocracker · 8 years
Arospec Awareness Week: Day 1
A character you headcanon as aromantic and on the asexual spectrum. (x)
I’ve gone for Lofty from the BBC series Casualty! Technically, my aro-spec headcanon for him tends to flip between full aro and grey/wtfromantic, but I like to think either is plausible, and if the show ever explored aro identities, (…and if he was in an episode where they did that) he’s a character who could fit being aro or perhaps be questioning his romantic identity.
(I mean, over a relatively short period of time in canon, he told some people he’d never been in love before and then told someone else entirely that he had been in love, but..! I like to think he’s thinking things through, or else when he talks about being ‘in love’ it’s more of a muddle than simply (or even at all) romo love.)
I also headcanon him as grey-asexual and a lot more… secure? In that? I feel like more people are aware generally of ace identities than they are of aro ones, so I feel like Lofty would already identify comfortably as grey-ace before exploring an aro orientation.
But yeah. Aro/wtfromantic & grey-asexual Lofty.
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astarions-bride · 8 months
I'm convinced that every single one of Neil Newbon's characters do the "Astarion Leg Thing" and nothing will ever change my mind
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Look me in the eyes and tell me I'm wrong
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astarions-bride · 8 months
(Requests are Open!)
My inbox open even if you just want to chat headcanons about these characters 😊
I also prefer only writing for FemReader 🤷🏼‍♀️ it's just easier
I have no decency so nothing is too filthy 😈 (especially if it's dark/hardcore)
I love writing about the Omegaverse (and honestly any other Alternative Universe 😏)
(dividers by @strangergraphics-archive)
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Characters I Write For:
Astarion (TBA)
Nikolai (Beyond The Rave)
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Charlie (The Stomach)
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Father Anthony Bridge (Casualty BBC)
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Rob (Extinction/The Expedition)
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Captain Hook (Peter Returns)
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Richard (Later)
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Mark Griffin (Reverb)
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Ernst Robinson (Stranded)
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Character Requests are open!
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(These are just suggestions! Feel free to send in your own or if you just wanna talk headcanons ☺️)
Kink Prompt List
Dirty Prompt List
Spicy Prompt List
A/B/O Prompt List
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I Will NOT Write For:
Self harm/Su!c!dal thoughts
Male!Reader (as stated above I ONLY write for Female reader)
Mommy/Daddy Kink
Religion kink
Neil Newbon himself
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astarions-bride · 8 months
Simon Walker
Anthony Bridge
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Captain Hook
1 - 2 - 3
Mark Griffin
Ernst Robinson
Group Preferences
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
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