#father anthony x reader
gothushi · 28 days
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z0mibite · 7 months
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pairing – father anthony x afab!reader
warnings – afab!reader, vaginal fingering + clit play, loss of virginity (?), the word deflowered is used (not in dialogue), purity ring gets removed.
word count – 452
n/a – BASED OFF A DREAM I HAD JUST BEFORE I WOKE UP THIS MORNING, MAYBE GOD IS REAL. YALL AINT READY FOR THIS FOR REAL. Also, apologies for tagging this in astarion, just wanted more people to be able to find it. Also, for those that requested, I'm working on them dw <3
You writhed as Anthony curled his fingers once more. He sprawled comfortably on your left side, his leg hooking over one of yours, forcing your thighs to make room for him. The initial ache had long since passed, leaving only waves of pleasure to move throughout your body. The chill in his room in the early morning called to your slick, making you feel it all the more against the contrast of your heated center.
His breathing was labored as he stared down your body, his hips ever so subtly jutting forward as he watched you squirm underneath him. It was fitting, such a pretty little thing, pure as an angel, had come to be deflowered by a holy man. He allowed his thumb to graze your clit softly, circular motions following. You felt his pinky and pointer fingers graze either side of your swollen lips, you felt his entire hand all over your pussy.
“It's so good of you, you may go with some dignity…” He whispered, his breath caressing your neck.
His nose gently brushed against your cheek, while his lips traced your jawline. Your hips eagerly moved against his hand, yearning to release the building tension. The knot in your stomach tightened as he had mentioned it would, pressure rising, and your breath catching.
“Tsk tsk tsk… easy angel, patience is virtue. Just relax and allow me to give you this, allow yourself to feel it run through you.. I won't tease.” He gently scolded you,
Following his command, obediently, you forced your hips to rest against the mattress. Your eyelids started to flutter, a struggle to keep them from closing. The final thing you glanced at as the knot released was the cross dangling above the mirror on his dresser. In it, you see the image of yourself and Father Anthony, his body spreading yours out, Your head snaps back into the pillow, a sinful sound escaping your lips. You hear him release a soft groan as your thighs close him in between your legs.
For a moment, the world seemed to dissolve into some embodiment of pleasure; a quiet pause enveloped you. Anthony's larger hand found yours as his thumb and ring finger delicately encircled your purity ring. His eyes, blue of the skies you both turned to in prayer, met yours. The subtle warmth of his touch mingled with the coolness of the metal pressed against your skin.
For a fleeting moment, you held your breath, your purity ring, a symbol of commitment and faith, began to rise off your finger slowly. As the ring glided upward, you exhaled. The sensation lingered, a blend of relief and intensity, as the circle of metal finally slipped away.
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astarions-bride · 4 months
But imagine Father Anthony and Nun-Reader. What kind of relationship would that be like? *I don't know if it would be a forbidden or light romance type of relationship*
I don't know much about the Catholic faith or nuns so I'm honestly not sure...don't nuns have like...a vow of celibacy or something? 🤔
If that's the case then it definitely would be a "forbidden romance" type situation. Very much secret rendezvous and soft bare-there touches that linger just a second longer than strictly necessary. Love letters being passed in those fleeting touches, eyes consistently searching each other out in a crowd, soft knowing smiles shared between each other...
I can definitely see the appeal in this 🥰
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valentinebbxox · 3 days
Fears, Chances, & Love Pt.1
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pairing: Father Anthony x fem!reader
warnings: pushing away who you love, fears of not being good enough, fears of loving, fear of judgment, bit of angst (especially in pt. 2 and 3 PREPARE YOURSELF)
note: This doesn't go fully with the episode, but he is still in the hospital for the infection from the home tattoo removal. And, I just decided to go with a different direction than this.
word count: 2.7k
Third Person P.O.V
She's exhausted. This day was already crazy enough with how busy the hospital was. This day simply cannot get any more crazy. But, oh was she wrong, she pushed the bathroom door open to try and get a breath somewhere quiet, finding a priest stood at the sinks. His eyes flit up, hair falling over his forehead in an unkempt manner, blues meeting her own eyes in the mirror.
She stares at him in curiosity in the mirror like she's seen him before. And she has...about 2 years ago... "Holy shit...", she whispers then shakes her head, "Crap sorry um....", she says embarrassed she said that. Her words have his eyes widening, her familiar voice causing his chest to tighten uncomfortably, He'd turn to look at her in the doorway, heart in his throat as he's left speechless, her name coming out in a breathless whisper, " Y/N..?" She looks up at him again. It was him. "Anthony?", she asks. His hands gripping the edge of the counter a little tighter. His shoulders droop a little, "It's been awhile, huh?", he smiles some still looking at her through the mirror. She chuckles nervously and smirks, "Yeah um...almost 2 years I guess.", she says leaning on the door. 'Just about two years and a few months, actually.', the thought has his expression tightening a little. It had been awhile. Tooooo long, he thinks, glancing over her for a moment. "How've you been?" He asks, keeping his voice calm. She shrugs, "As good as I can be I guess. You?", she asks. "Doing alright," he answers, the corner of his lip lifting up just a little. "Better now, I suppose." He looks at her briefly again. She kinda smirks at him but then realized he is here at the hospital. She goes confused, "What are you doing here anyways?", she asks taking a step towards him from the door she was leaning on. "Ah...",He suddenly looks more embarrassed, reaching up to scratch at the back of his neck. Anthony's eyes dart away from her, "I.. kind of did something stupid" She takes another a step to him "What did you do?", she asks trying to see if it's the reason he was putting a cloth on his chest. Anthony's eyes stay on her as she walks over to him, stopping in very close proximity, having to look down at her to keep eye contact. "I-" he mumbles sheepishly, raising a hand to attempt to cover his collarbone. "I kinda used a- a tattoo removal kit," he muttered. She tries to understand what he just said and chuckles, "Sorry what now?" "You heard me right... " he mumbled, face going red. "I tried to use a tattoo removal kit to get rid of my tattoo. Turns out they aren't as.. effective as I thought they'd be," he chuckled bitterly. She furrows her eyebrows "Let me see?", she says stepping to him a bit more. Anthony swallows, dropping his hand to his side again, reluctantly pulling the collar of his shirt down just enough for her to see the infected and scarring spot below his collarbone. "..Don't laugh at me" he grumbled. She grimaced "Oh my god...I...sorry..", she says catching herself again with her words, but continues to look at the wound. He watches her grimace, letting out a scoff of a laugh, "Yes.. it's not one of my finest moments.." He lets go of the shirt, wincing a little as it brushes against the wound. She catches the part of the shirt keeping it open so she could look at it better "How long has it been like this?", she asks. Anthony watches her push his shirt further down, forcing his eyes onto her, instead of the proximity. "Couple days," he mumbles out quietly, "Tried to keep it covered up, but it only made it worse.." "Days?? Oh no we have to get this checked Anthony. You could be getting worse.", she says but Anthony shakes his head. "I just need antibiotics and I'll be fine.", he says making her look at him like he was stupid.
"Don't give me that look," he muttered, looking away from her, "I'll be fine. All I need is a bit of anti- septic spray and bandages. That'll fix it.", he says gathering the bandages again. She sighs, "Still as stubborn as ever...", she mumbles shaking his head. "And you're still as argumentative as ever," he retorted. His eyes met her again turning around to face her again, noticing how close they were. She stood so close that he could see a few of her freckles. "You need to get checked out. Don't think I won't try and drag you.", she says crossing her arms. "Oh really?" He chuckles, raising an eyebrow, "You gonna drag me to the doctors?" He watches her cross her arms over her chest, his expression shifting playfully, "What are you gonna do if I say no?", he asks with a smirk. "That lady I overheard trying to find a "Father Anthony." She with you and the church?", she asks with a smirk. "Y/N," he exhaled, eyeing her with a glare, "You wouldn't dare.", he says lowly. She smirks some with her own glare, "Wouldn't I? I would if it was the only way for you to get checked. That infection could spread fast and could lead to serious things let's not mention possible death if it's that bad. So...wouldn't I?", she says getting closer in his face some. Anthony goes silent for a moment, eyes staying locked with hers. He sighed, looking away at a spot to the wall behind her, "..Damn it.." He'd fold in a heartbeat if it meant she was using it for something as important as his health, and he thinks she knows it. "No... no.. you would. You absolutely would." "Glad to know you still know me like that...", she say softly looking up at him. Anthony's heart clenches uncomfortably, his eyes finally meeting hers again. She was looking at him.. too close, in such a soft manner with those eyes he's always found himself drowning in. Even after two years, she still had the same effect on him. Anthony stayed silent for a moment, swallowing. "How could I forget..?" He mumbled weakly. She looks away some with a small smile, then back up at him. "Come on let's check that infection out", she says. Anthony let out a heavy breath, straightening from the counter, "Alright, alright. But only if you promise me something" She looks back to him from walking to the door some "What is it?", she asks. Anthony pushes himself from the counter, walking with her towards the door, "You can't tell anyone about the scar. I don't want anyone to know it's from a tattoo" he mumbles. "Don't worry I won't tell miss church lady or anyone other than the doctor", she smiles softly at him. Anthony lets out a scoff, shaking his head, "Yeah her especially." They step outside into the hallway, Anthony falling into step alongside her, "I just...don't want the church finding out.", he says softly. She looks over at him as they walk. "Don't worry about it Tony...", she says looking back where his wound is. "Shame...kinda liked that tattoo.", she says with a small smirk as they are walking. Anthony's heart flutters for a second when she says his name. That familiar nickname she always used for him, one that no one else seemed to have permission to use. "Yeah, well..." he mumbled. He followed her, with a pout, "I did too."
They get to a place in the emergency department and she sits Anthony on a bed "Okay. Doctor should be here in a minute. Let me take a look at it again.", she says standing in front of him. Anthony sighed quietly, his gaze shifting from her to look around the emergency room. He hated hospitals, hated the smell and atmosphere. The lights always bothered his eyes and- "Ah!" He winces, feeling her cold hands on his skin, tugging his shirt down, revealing the infected skin. "Jesus, it's sticking to your shirt more. Might have to get you in a hospital gown. I'll put some antiseptic on until the doc gets here", she says going to get the stuff from the side and then hands him a gown. "Once I'm finished with this you can change into that. Gonna have to take your shirt off for now though.", she says going back over to get the antiseptic ready and bandages as Anthony slowly got on the gown as she wasn't looking. His hands go to the buttons on his shirt, slowly undoing them one by one. "Can't believe you'd make a priest take his shirt off for you" he joked out quietly to try and lessen the tension. She scoffs and smiles some, "Jokes on you. Or did you forget we have seen each other naked before?", she jokes quietly beside him as she gets the antiseptic ready. Anthony huffed in response, rolling his eyes with a faint smile. "Yeah.... I definitely remember." He muttered. He finished the buttons to his shirt, shifting the material from his shoulders. Once his shirt was off, he was revealed with a toned chest and stomach. She tries not to stare so she bites her lower lip as she then concentrates on putting the antiseptic liquid on the infection as she walked over to him. He watched her bite her lip, looking so focused for a moment. His expression softened, watching her move the liquid around with care. Even her small, and gentle touches against his skin was enough to make his heart pick up speed. She focuses but then feels his gaze on her and she looks up some. Anthony didn't even realize that he'd been staring at her until her eyes glanced up. The way she looked up at him, with such gentle eyes, just like she always did... it made him shiver. He swallowed thickly, his fingers curling into the gown, "Ah.. sorry.." he mumbled. She smiles some, "It's fine.", she says then covers it up with a bandage cloth.
"Just keep your hand on that for right now.", she says. Their hands touching when Anthony was going to replace hers. But when theirs touch they just look up and stare at each other again. They don't move for a few seconds. Just looking into each other's eyes. Then, a move of the curtain makes Y/N pull her hand away and make sure Anthony has his hand on it. Anthony's eyes flit to the doctor, a wave of relief hitting him. He had never been good at being looked over, at being touched or examined. It had always made him uncomfortable to some degree. Of course with Y/N being in the room.. that comfort doubled. He didn't feel too worried to have her there with him. Anthony told the doctor what was wrong and the doctor examined him fully and gave Y/N directions to start an iv. Anthony stayed silent and still through most of the examining, flinching every now and again at the more painful touches. Anthony watched as she came back over, heart racing, thudding against his chest. He felt her take his arm, It was then that a certain memory came back to him. He remembered she did tell him something to help. To keep his mind occupied. She whispers to herself just the trick he was remembering "One. Two...poke goes through...", she starts staying the little rhyme as she sticks in the needle in his arm. Anthony looks down at his arm, watching as the needle disappears into his skin, and swears his heartbeat skips entirely. But, then he starts mumbling the rhyme with her, voice low but still heard, Three. Four...no pain anymore.", he looks up at her and she was already looking at him when he finished the little rhyme. She smiles some as she takes out the needle replacing it with the tube, and looks at him as she tapes it, she chuckles "You remember that too.", she says throwing the stuff away. He couldn't help but chuckle quietly with her, a smile slowly creeping onto his lips, "Of course, remember. You're the one that taught me it." He looked down as she did the tape, and then just watching her. She smiles at him and then the doctor comes back. "Y/N could you fetch me some of the advanced infection supplies while I look things over?", the doctor says to her and she nods and then glances at Anthony then walks away. He watches her walk away, the room falling silent besides for the doctor doing his inspection. Anthony then felt the room start to spin, and a wave of nausea suddenly hit him. His skin felt suddenly too hot, and his head ached. It had come on so suddenly and out of nowhere. That infection was far worse than it seemed. The doctor notices along with his heart speeding up a few minutes after he was even hooked up to the machine, and then he called on another nurse to help him “Yep, it’s turned to Septic shock.”, and then starts shouting orders around. Anthony didn’t catch the words the doctor was saying at first. He just knew he felt suddenly sick and dizzy, heart thudding hard against his ribs. He felt the other nurses approach him, beginning to feel more anxious by the second. He was in and out still when 10 mins later he hears, “What the hell? What's happening?!”, Y/N…she’s panicking. Anthony was drifting in and out of consciousness, head lolled back against the thin pillow, beads of sweat forming in his forehead. But he could still hear Y/N’s voice ringing through his ears, loud and panicked. He knew she had come back. He opened his eyes, groggily lifting his head to look in her direction. “He was going into shock. But we calmed it down.”, the doctor says and Y/N goes to his side. “Anthony. Hey, can you hear me?”, she says putting a hand to his cheek. Anthony groggily looked up at her, his blurry vision slowly adjusting to focus on her. Her hand on his cheek felt cold against his suddenly burning skin, making him lean into her touch. He blinked a few times, trying to focus, “Y-Y/N…” he mumbled quietly. “I’m here. Just try and breathe and relax as well as you can.”, She moves stray hair from his face and helps the doctor with whatever he needs. Then, Anthony was out and falling asleep. 
Anthony then starting remembering the memories of them both. The good times. Memories of Y/N. Memories of them. All the time they had together two years ago. Despite all that time, Anthony still wasn’t over her. He then remembers telling her he was fully going and moving to a new congregation and had fully believed he found his faith. That he had to leave, and, it was possibly the end of what they had…they both knew it was…but it didn't help the pain he knew she felt but tried to hide. He felt it too he couldn’t deny it. he cared for her deeply no matter how rebellious she was or maybe some may say unlady like in some ways. But he didn't care. Anthony couldn’t stop the memories from flooding through his head. Everything from their first date, to when he told her that he had to leave. He could still see the heartbreak in her eyes, the unshed tears. He could still remember the way her fingers clenched on his, how they both held each other tightly for the last time before they went their separate ways. It had hurt for both of them. But he always swore to himself that it was for the best, for her own good. He felt like he was standing there, watchin them both. And as he was remembering everything, he realized right there he was thinking of himself. He never asked what she may have wanted for them…and now two years later she was here again…taking care of him with doctors. Was this maybe another chance? 
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mschievousx · 14 days
now and then | b.b.
pairing: benedict bridgerton x ofc, anthony bridgerton x ofc (platonic)
summary: loraine silva always knew she was not normal. she loves unusual things. she loves her father's guns, horses, boxing, climbing a tree, falling from a tree, engineering, astronomy... oh, and a man eleven years older.
series masterlist
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v. five: lonely in your company
the young silva did not expect this at all. yes, lady whistledown wrote about quite a lengthy chat that the viscountess silva had with a certain son of the renowned pathologist, sir astley cooper, yesterday. but, for the rest of the gentlemen to flock her now? she was aghast.
while we have so far seen how she loves being in the bridgertons' companies and how she openly enjoy the things she finds fun, it is also as open she shows her distaste to the rest of the population—probably better that we haven't seen that part yet.
"i heard you like chocolates, lady silva."
"i believe we share the same interest in mechanical science."
"we have quite the collection of guns ourselves, my lady."
"a convention in astronomy is happening in the near future. if i may be so bold to have your presence when the time comes?"
honestly, she liked the last offer—had the man been fifteen years younger. it would have not mattered to her though, if only it was benedict.
the men continued to force their offers on her face. a man pulls another to the back to have his turn. a man pushed his bouquet forward. a man yelled his offer from the back. a man—
"excuse me, gentlemen. may i have a moment with the lady?"
a woman's voice stood out from the clamor, causing the men to turn and giving a space for her to take a hold of the younger one.
the ladies did not wait for the men's responses as they easily linked arms and walked away. although they could not do anything seeing as causing a scene in the queen's presence is not to everyone's benefit, they did groaned and cursed that a viscountess got away from their grasps.
"i cannot thank you enough for that, lady arnold."
loraine spoke gratefulness, her mood still marred from the encounter.
"you know there is no need for that. you act like we do not know each other." the widowed woman warmly smiled at her as she gave a squeeze on the silva's shoulder.
"i am simply grateful," she insisted, followed by a scoff, "i talk to another man and the rest of them think they could."
lady arnold chuckled at her stubborness, "i see, you still have not stopped using your father to fend off possible suitors?"
"i fend them off with anything i can. a gun, if i must."
the older woman said an immediate shush as if on reflex, something akin to a fear of being heard about using guns on suitors—although she herself would love to do so, "do you carry?"
"oh, no. the regular size is too heavy and bulky to conceal in a dress." raine said with clear annoyance that she could not carry one conveniently, "i am currently working on a smaller one."
do note that she already finished one.
at the mention of her creating a smaller version just simply because she would like to hide one made her look staggered at the young one, "and yet, you refuse to join the discussion inside."
lady silva moaned in displeasure, "i already went in. all he talks about is the principle of circular motion."
while interesting at first read, it gets boring mean you have understood it. the concept itself is significant, no doubt, in explaining various natural as well as mechanical sciences. however, she simply did not feel up to it today.
"that and i hate balloons."
lady arnold laughed at her honesty, bidding farewell to her as she continues to the dome. raine walks by herself, trying to find the bridgertons. while she did have other friends, she was not as keen to spend time with them as she did with the said family.
and so, she strolled until she found something interesting. eloise, cressida, and penelope; all surrounding the poor man.
"what do we have here?" she mouthed to eloise from the side of lord debling and penelope.
as the bridgerton girl shrugged and gestured nothing to her, the rest of the group noticed her arrival.
"ah, lady silva." the man greeted with a hidden familiarity.
"lord debling." raine tightly smiled at him in return.
miss cowper turned to the young girl, "loraine, you are an enjoyer of science just like lord debling, are you not?"
"oh, cressida," she began with a chuckle. she does not mean any offense to her though. while the said woman was indeed quite ill-natured, so was she. therefore, she is not one to judge the other, "you would be surprised by the amount of different sciences there are."
lord debling turned back to the cowper, "we do not share the same interest."
"we despise each other." raine nodded to that reassuringly, causing the man to look at her with seriousness.
"i do not despise you."
"your loss," the young silva shrugged with a hint of jest, "i despise you."
"such a strong word, my lady."
"i am petty like that." she giggled, lightly tapping the arm of the man in a friendly manner as she continued.
"do continue your conversation. i apologise for the intrusion."
raine stepped back with a smile and neared eloise, "where is your brother?"
"i did not see him. i thought he is with you?" she asked back, trying to look around herself too to catch a glimpse of her brother.
good thing she was looking around though because she had enough time to grab the other girl by the hand as the extraordinary balloon started to fly their way.
penelope, however, was stunned on their place. lord debling did not think twice to cover the girl for safety. while they did not agree with the science, she would give him points for that act.
raine turned to the men pulling the balloon, seeing colin upfront. such a personality he is embracing now, she thought. another bridgerton stole her attention though, because just meters away, benedict can be seen rubbing his palms as if in pain from pulling the ties.
she turned to eloise to bid farewell, thinking to go to him. however, as she turned back to where he was, he was now rushing to walk away.
her confusion was interrupted when cressida suddenly yelped in pain. catching on to her hidden agenda, raine rolled her eyes.
"ugh, i really hate balloons."
━━━ ✦ ❘ ☽ 【❖】 ☾ ❘ ✦ ━━━
after the incident, they all went home, likely to also prepare for the ball this evening. she went with the bridgertons to their home, not wanting to disturb her father for whatever work he's doing again.
the girl grumbled as she laid down on their couch, completely not listening to whatever conversation the family was having. everyone was doing something—gregory and hyacinth eating biscuits and quarreling, francesca playing the piano, colin reading and benedict sketching, and violet and eloise talking.
raine groaned once again before speaking on her own, "my father is so busy. it is almost like he is not here at all."
she continued to stare at the ceiling, only looking at the family after a prolonged silence of whatever they were doing. lady bridgerton was staring at her lovingly as eloise added, "and when he is away, you keep on saying you want him to go home already."
raine feigned ignorance to what she said, acting like she did not say that at all—which she did say, by the way, quite a lot too.
"ben," she called for the man across who seems to be ignoring the entire happenings in the drawing room.
"hmm," he replied with a hum, intent on his sketch.
"will you marry me so that someone will be with me when father leaves again?" she said as she sit up about to go to him.
"no," he replied, looking up from the pad and to her briefly before standing up himself, "i will be painting in my room."
he turned away after bidding farewell to everyone, the sound of his footsteps slowly fading. violet and eloise turned to raine after that, confusion clear on their faces as if asking what happened.
honestly, she is asking the same thing.
━━━ ✦ ❘ ☽ 【❖】 ☾ ❘ ✦ ━━━
her second ball—to be honest, balls are not as fun as the ton made it out to be. with the exception of what seems to be a men's club inside, there is nothing much in it.
"the surgeon from yesterday said he will be writing you a letter." she turned to see astley cooper, looking more dashing in a ball's fit, and still lacking greetings.
she smiled at what he said, "are they really going to study my suggestion?"
"of course, your points were quite strong. why do you seem to be doubting yourself now?"
she shrugged as she placed her glass down, "i was brazen yesterday. i am not feeling like it now."
letting out a sigh, she lifted her glass again and took quite a sip with a new resolution, "well, they better do because i have already boasted to my father that i made an expert pause and think about my ideas."
he chuckled at her changing moods in just five seconds, "oh, he shall prepare to be more proud then."
"lady silva, may i have this dance?" she turned to her right, only to see the brother of who she's waiting for.
"anthony, i told you. i am not going to dance with you first."
the viscount stood straight again, slowly retracting his hand, "you have not danced yet tonight?"
she let out a small groan at the reminder, "should i have?"
he chuckled, crossing his arms as if in deep thinking before chuckling again, "you are so obsessed with him. it is just a dance. he was already your first ever dance."
raine stopped the glass she was about to drink midway. she narrowed her eyes pointedly to the older man, the latter rolling his eyes, "okay, fine."
"viscountess silva, you are needed." a footman called for the lady, gaining the attention of the pair. his voice carried seriousness, yet that is not enough to reveal what it could be about. they all spoke monotonously during working hours.
she tapped anthony's arm before walking across the room, swiftly dodging the ton.
"lady silva."
a soldier strictly acknowledged the young lady. the man was sweating considerably as he pulled a letter from his pocket. he passed it to the girl in front of him without any word.
as raine took hold of the letter, small red stains are noticeable as well as the lack of seal. she opened to see the contents of it written in a hasty manner. her eyes flew from word to word, line to line. the lack of greetings, the lack of complimentary close.
she was not sure if this was done in jest—she would like it to be. however, upon observing the man in front of her now, his hand is visibly shaking. and so, she shut her eyes closed, crumbling part of the paper on her grip.
"morgan," he answered with no mention of his rank. perhaps, this is his way of being sympathetic to the silva in front of him. perhaps, offering himself as a fellow person rather than a soldier would offer comfort.
"tell me where they are, morgan." she stared directly in his eyes, voice now void of the festivities behind her.
"i cannot tell."
"oh, you surely can." her volume starting to increase, sarcasm, anger, fear, and grief mixed.
"my lady, i am under strict command to not tell you their whereabouts." he did not break his eye contact, believing it as a form of respect to the girl.
she stepped forward, grasping her concealed small gun inside her dress out as she start to scream, "tell me or i will—"
"raine," a man grabbed her, pushing the gun down before anyone can wander their eyes on it. he swiftly took and pocketed it on his own. he turned to the young one, putting both palms on her cheek as if to call for her, "raine."
anthony crossed the hall as fast as he could after noticing her crumbling the paper, excusing himself from mr. cooper who conversed with him after she left. he was not the best man when it comes to emotion, but he knows anger like an old friend. and raine? she was rarely angry. she despises everything on a daily basis, but never with rage. and so, he knew something was wrong—very wrong.
he looked at her directly in the eyes, seemingly finding her behind it as he whispered, "there is a lot of people present. the ton is here."
"i do not give a hell about them. where is my father?!" he pushed the viscount away, freeing from his grasp but he reached again instantly, as if knowing how to deal with her already.
"darling, do not yell," he spoke in the same warm voice, "what happened?"
"papa has been shot," her voice broke upon saying it out aloud, just as her tears from her eyes, "in the shoulder and chest!"
raine nearly dropped down, if anthony did not pull her to him in time. although they were outside, the ball is still quite crowded. they could not let this go out. they could not let people see and know of this.
"i—" the viscount could not find the right words to say at the moment, he himself now feeling the panic akin to what he has experienced before.
sergeant morgan informed them of raphael's orders, him being the second-in-command of the currently incapacitated general, "colonel montague has ordered to have you stay in the ball. this is surrounded by our men, and the people responsible are less likely to attack a crowded event."
anthony nodded to acknowledge what the soldier said as raine is starting to lose herself, muttering on her own, "papa was shot."
while the general has certainly been shot before, this is possibly the most fatal. raphael knew that the girl would prefer the exact information, even in grievous situations. she hates when people feel the need to protect her from the truth.
and so, that is what the colonel wrote. he mentioned his state in all its actuality. general has been shot four times, once in the shoulder and thrice on the chest, sternum to left. he is bleeding heavily and is currently unconscious. we will be going on another quarters. i ask you stay at the ball. after, be with major thorpe at all times.
she pushed the viscount once again and turned back to the ball inside, "le—leave me be."
before anthony could take a hold of her, she already has entered inside. forcing to assist the girl would only raise suspicions now. she walked slowly, eyes darting from point to point as if looking for something. good thing it is a ball, and people will brush off her actions as a bit intoxicated—which could not be farther from the truth.
"where's...." she whispered to herself, not knowing that she is saying it out aloud, "where is... benedict?"
raine turned and turned, left and right, but she could not find even his shadow in the dance floor or within the hall. so, she continued to walk aimlessly, only to find who she's looking for at the bottom of the stairs, with a familiar lady conversing with him from a few steps higher. her mind was wandering. she did not understand a thing anymore.
"i need to go," she muttered to no one in particular, turning to a corner where a staircase leading to another wing can be seen.
she gripped the bannister, anthony in tow, seeing his wife in conversation with his mother. he gestured for kate to come to them, offering a smile to not raise worry before disappearing from view.
raine continues to find her way to the balcony, breaths already starting to be more noticeably heavy. fortunately, the place was vacated with no other person in sight. she dragged her feet and found comfort on the corner between the wall and a balustrade, sitting down with her knees on her chest.
"an—anthony," she began after a few gasps of air, the said man leaning closer as he crouched in front of her too.
"papa... papa was shot." the young girl reiterated in disbelief and grief. she left first for the ball as armand told his daughter he had some things to work for a bit with raphael. they were supposed to arrive late in the ball.
they were supposed to arrive on the ball.
he continues to comfort her, saying that her father's going to be well. he is a general, after all. the viscountess bridgerton reaches them with a smile, but it is immediately changed with a confuse and worried one when she sees what's happening.
anthony turned to her in a rushed manner, "kate, get my brother."
she knew better than to ask why. kate has always been a smart woman. she does not know, but she understands. and so, she nodded at him and turned on her heel in a hurry.
"you... will not find him. he—he is..." the girl whimpered. she cannot even see anything, her eyes blurried intensely as she fights to hold on to herself, "with lady..."
anthony caressed her hair before leaning his forehead to hers, speaking with the smallest and most serene voice he could, "shh, it's okay, raine. i am here. you can do—"
there were so many things happening all at once. she could not focus. she could not hold on to this for any longer.
"an..." she began, her words dying in the middle as she gasps and gasps, "tony...? i cannot... i cannot hear."
the fear started to settle in more to her. she cannot even hear her own voice. she hears nothing but the beat of her heart, irregularly fast.
she fumbled, trying to find his hands, and as soon as she did, raine squeezed it tightly.
"tony, i'm..."
she does not even know if she was able to say the following words. she has thought of it before, but more strongly now. she is thinking of it now, and she hopes that the thought counts.
"i need him."
taglist: @aadu2173 @imgondeletedis @pumkiinpasties @rebleforkicks
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somethingblu3 · 5 months
Thy Mercy | Father Anthony Bridge
Read on Ao3 here.
18+ minors dni.
Fandom: Casualty
Father Anthony commands you to list out the rosary.
TW: Church Sex, Spanking, Candles Wax Play, Improper Use of a Rosary, Priest Kink, Author is not Christian, Forbidden Secret, Relationship,neil newbon - Freeform, Begging, Burns, Dom/sub, Dirty Talk, Bible Kink, No Beta, mouth spitting, Mutual Masturbation, cum, Paddle, Humiliation, lightly edited, Orgasm Delay/Denial.
Pairing: Father Anthony Bridge x female afab reader
Word Count: 1,844
Divider Credit: firefly-graphics.
I'm not Christian, but I did go to church when I was younger. It's been over a decade since I've used a rosary, so I'm not entirely sure if the beads are accurate.
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“Say it,” Father Anthony ordered in the shadows. You both sat in the empty church. The only light came from the flicker of the oil candles that hung from the ceiling. You had never been in a Church alone, especially not on a cold, dark winter night like this. Your hands are sweaty as they trace over the familiar chunky beads. It was a gift given to you by your grandmother. You remember sitting at her vanity as she gifted you the beads. They were sacred, and you kept them secure under your pillow at night, not wanting to lose them, but you almost dropped them as you felt Father Anthony’s gaze lock on you in the shadows. He was watching, waiting for you to start.
He had warned you that if you stuttered or your voice faltered, he would spank you. From the corner of your eye, you could see Anthony's hands clutching the black paddle in his hands as he readied himself. Your breathing hitches as your sweaty hands clutch at the burgundy glass. Your mind goes blank, but you can feel Anthony’s hand ghost your sides, closing your eyes. You took a breath, trying to cleanse your dry lips. Anthony pushes his nails into your thighs, a sign for you to start.
“In the name of the Father, The Son, and of the Holy Spirit Amen” Your fingers move towards the first bead, feeling the contours of the Crucifix between them. He hadn’t even done anything yet, not even touched your skin. You could feel something against it, maybe his fingers or the brush of the silver of his belt as he grinded against you; it was hard to tell in the dark. It was scary not knowing what was coming next. He had blinded you before, but here you were in the Church surrounded by the darkness. You were both very evasive about your relationship. If anyone ever found out about this, Anthony would be fired and defrocked, not even that he would be ousted from the community.
He was more protective of that in the early days, but as your relationship developed, he found it harder and harder to let you go. You were his biggest sin. He couldn’t walk away from second to drinking. You lick your lips as they suddenly turn dry, and you hear him play with the silver of his belt. A warning. “Our father, who art in heaven…” He pulls back your black skirt, which he told you to wear for this evening’s service. Your breathing hitches as you press on, moving to the smaller beads. “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.” “Faster,” Anthony hisses as his belt drops to the ground, and you feel his hands grab you by your waist. “The Agony in the Garden…The Soc-Sco-ugring at the-” You pause as he slides inside you. As always, you are already wet and sticky. His hand teases your clit, preparing you, and you hear him groan in delight. You didn’t want to disappoint him. You could already hear his voice in your head.
You stutter, “At the-Fuck” You are so tight, but that doesn’t stop him. His breathing increases Anthony halts you trying to search for your voice as it escapes you, and you feel the ip of Anthony’s cock ghosting over your back and cum dripping down your legs; you're already so wet. Not that you are surprised. He waits for a moment and clicks his tongue. You can’t help but feel…disappointed. “The scourging at the pillar,” you finish confidently. Anthony nods. “Good girl,” he praises you as he inserts himself into you once again. “The crowning with thorns-” you hesitate as you feel your cheeks flush increase. “And the crucifixion.” “You missed one,” Anthony scolds as he removes himself from you and then takes you over his lap. “The carrying of the cross,” he tells you as his paddle is against your skin."I'm sorry, father." You cry. "Again. Say them again," He demands as the paddle rests inches away from your skin, a lingering threat. You take a shaky breath, clutching the bread, and then you start again, but your brain has already turned to mush. "In the name--" You swallow as you feel him consider if he should spank you or not, but he doesn't. You clear your throat as you start again, your fingers finding their way to the beads. "In the name of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen." His fingers glide against your skin.
You know he won't mark it yet, but you can't help but shiver under his grip. "Our father, who art in heaven." You continue as you move on to the next bead and then the next until you reach "The Agony in the Garden..." You pause, trembling the pad inches and inches away from your skin, and as he presses further, you fumble. "Fuck-i'm so sorry, father." You sob as his paddle spanks against your skin. "I'm so sorry," you tremble. "I thought I had trained you better than this," Anthony snarled You lower your eyes, focusing down on the wooden floor, feeling nothing but shame course through you as he spanks.
"Count. Count to four," He orders, his other hand rubbing your other cheek "One" Smack "Tw-ooh" Smack "Fuck-Thr-eee" He pauses but then adds another smack. "F-ffour" you finish He smacks again. "Good girl, now let's start again from the top."
You nod and carry on repeatedly, but then, this time, you stop at the crucifixion. You close your eyes, knowing what is coming next. You tried to prepare yourself, but there isn't another smack at your ass. Instead, Father Anthony pulls away for a moment, and then he finally starts once again. "I don't think this taught you much of a lesson, did it?" He asks with an arched brow You are too stunned to speak as you feel your ass clench from the stings. He's not going to start again, is he? Usually, he would give breaks in between or at least kiss and "So why don't we try again?" "Father, please-" He ignores you as he reaches over and grabs a candle from the holder. It drips onto your skin, and you hiss, chowing down on your cheek to bear the pain.
"Good girl," he tells you as he messages your head. He watches as your body jitters. The pain is unreal, the sensation of the hot wax. He throws down the paddle, tossing it onto the wooden floor as he grips the candle in his hand, the wax melting his skin. He inserts himself inside you once again. "Let's start from the crucifixion and see if you can finally finish." You nod, shivering from the heat. You feel like you are melting, but also, at the same time, you know that Father Anthony won't hurt you. That was against his moral code, but the pain thrill was still exciting.
"Okay," You gulp as he thrusts inside you. Your dry cum drips between your legs like the candle wax between his fingers. "Okay, okay," you whimper as you get used to his thrusts as they increase in speed, still feeling the tingle of the wax drip down your lower back. "In the name of the Father, The Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen...." Thrust "Our father, who art in heaven…" Thrust. Now, the room is filled with the sound of his skin smacking against yours. His other hand finds its way to your left waist, pulling you as close as humanly possible. Your moans were escapable now. If someone were to walk in right now, it would be clear as day what the two of you were up to, and that feeling made your heart race, and you could just about see your skin turn bright red under the glow of the candle.
"Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. The Agony in the Garden…The Scourging at the-” "Go on," He commands "The scourging at the pillar, The crowning with thorns, and the--the" You can feel yourself approaching your final orgasm as it tricks down your legs, and you roll your head back. You feel Anthony's hand in your hair as he croons your neck to look at you. He pants and spits in your mouth, his chin covered in drool. He stops trapping your hand clutched with the beads firmly.
"Hold on-" He commands as he takes the warm beads from your hands. "Turn around and face me," He commands," and he does You shiver as you finally meet his gaze. He's tired but happy as a small smirk appears at the corner of his lips. Forecebilly he takes the rosary from your hands and shoves them inside your sticky pussy. "Father," You gasp as you feel the beads between your legs. He chuckles darkly "You are such a good girl," he tells you, stroking your hair. "You're doing the Lord's work," he mumbles the sensation. Of the beads rocking between your legs is something else. The small cross rubs against the end of your pussy, edging you even closer and closer without him even touching you. You watch him as he takes his dick in his hand, proud of himself as he watches you stutter and moan, grabbing onto one of the pews. "Let yourself go, love," he instructs as he quickens the pace of his hand on his dick.
You nod, and your eyes roll back, your breathing hitching. You spot him as cum dribbles down from the head of his cock onto his robes. Your hand fiddles for the beads, and you begin rolling them against yourself. God, it was shameful, especially with how much they meant to you, but you knew after this, they would be covered in your seed, in your wetness, and you would give it to him as a gift, perhaps as a birthday present, so that he would always. Be near you. You grin at that thought.
A subtle reminder. "Now, what comes after the crucifixion, my love?" He urges as he wipes his cum against his robes "The Resurrection," you pant. You knew that wasn't all of the stages, but for now, it was the most you could get through without faltering, and you felt proud of yourself as a smile plucked at his lips. Once you finish, you both orgasm against each other, his seed mixed with your wetness. He throws the candle stick into the trash and licks his finger with your mixed juices, but his robe is still a mess. You are too weak to speak, and then he catches you as you are about to collapse onto the floor. "I want to treasure this forever." He pants as he rushes towards you, shoving your hair behind your ear, and kisses your neck as your eyes drift close. "This is heaven...". You lower your head against his neck, and you catch your breath. This man will be the death of you.
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spicechica · 2 months
Hi, I'm new to the writing platform and I've been apart of the neilnewbon community for the past couple of months. I want to start writing headcanons and short stories for some of his characters but I don't know where to start. 🤷‍♀️
My inbox is open for ideas and headcanons for his characters😊
Don't write anything to hardcore or filthy, just a little smut and spice.
•Nikolai - Beyond the Rave
•Luke Davenport - Dream Team
•Captain Hook - Kia Commercial
•Seb - As if
•Ernst Robinson - Stranded
• Mark Griffin - Reverb
•Father Anthony - Casualty
•Richard - Later
•Rob - Extinction
•Quinten Quist - The discovery of heaven
•Self harm/Su!c!dal thoughts
•Religion kink
•Neil Newbon himself (The man is married)
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reidrot · 1 year
idk if this is mentioned in the books but i feel like little anthony used to sneak into donald’s closet and try on his ties and shoes. they’d obviously be too big for his body yet he’d wear and imitate him in them. 🥹
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imthebadguyyy · 5 months
the bridgerton blues
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pairing : anthony bridgerton x reader
fandom : bridgerton
synopsis : it's the first time after your wedding that anthony sees you sporting the signature bridgerton colour : blue, and it does things to him that he can only express in a much more....physical manner.
warnings : smut, heavy smut and excessive amount of fluff
a/n : i miss my grumpy viscount!!! happy reading :)
anthony huffed impatiently, foot tapping against the marble floor at bridgerton manor.
the season had begun again, and much to his relief, he would only be a spectator this year, having married the love of his life, lady, well, current viscountess y/n, which meant he didn't have to deal with the frills and fancies of the hawk like mama's in the ton, awaiting the right moment to swoop upon him with their daughters.
but by God, you were taking forever to get dressed and come down to leave for lady danbury's ball. beside him, benedict and colin sat, engrossed in a game of chess, while francesca and eloise lounged on the couch in the drawing room, catching up about life.
his mother was with his darling wife, much to his surprise, helping her get ready for a ball. he had been caught off guard when his mother had bustled in, dressed in a powdery blue gown, and had proceeded to shoo him out of the room.
"what exactly is keeping mama and y/n?" colin asked, brow furrowed in concentration as he focused on the chess board.
"if I knew I would tell you brother" anthony mumbled, checking the watch that hung on the golden chain from his waistcoat, smiling as he traced the cover, suddenly hit by a burst of nostalgia, and a surge of fondness for his late father.
he brushed it off when a giggling hyacinth came running down the staircase, leaping into his arms, forcing him to rush to catch her, eyes widening in surprise.
"hyacinth! you must always give me a prior warning or I may not be able to catch you" he chided, tucking a stray curl behind her ear and setting her gently on the ground.
"brother!! wait till you see y/n/n!! she looks like a princess!" his youngest sister exclaimed, almost vibrating with excitement. a shy gregory emerged, blushing a little as he nodded, making the three older bridgerton boys smirk, well aware of his little crush on anthony's wife.
when anthony had first befriended his wife, they had been at a mere age of ten, and anthony had rescued y/n when she had fallen off her horse at a picnic with his family and the cowper's.
ever since then, they had been inseparable, joint at the hip and at the heart.
it was of no surprise to anyone in the ton when finally, ages later, he had announced he was marrying the lady montgomery, or as everyone fondly knew her, "y/n/n"
"why so bashful greg?" benedict jested, watching his youngest brother turn a dark crimson.
"n-nothing" he stuttered out, darting in to see his sisters.
"it's because of y/n! I'm telling you brother, she looks like an absolute angel!" hyacinth chirped in, now bouncing about from step to step, just as the door of Anthony's room creaked open, and the dowager viscountess stepped out.
"she's ready" she smiled warmly at her son's, hurrying in to get her daughters to mark the momentous occasion.
brows furrowed, the eyes of the bridgertons rested upon the long winding staircase, awaiting to see what exactly was this magical outfit that had their mother and sister gushing like birds.
and what anthony saw, made his jaw drop to the very ground.
at the very top, his darling wife came into view, hair in sleek, meticulous curls, perfectly cast up in an intricate updo, adorned with pearls, framing her face with the delicate curls. her makeup was subtle, emphasizing her flowing complexion with a touch of rosy blush and wine coloured lips.
she adorned a pearl necklace and matching earrings, gifted to her by anthony himself, adding a timeless elegance to her stature.
but what really caught everyones attention was the dress that she wore, more specifically, the colour of the dress she wore.
a rich dark blue silk gown, carefully tailored, hugged her frame, showcasing the intricate details that add to its allure. the bodice, adorned with delicate embroidery, depicting subtle butterfly motifs that caught the light as the she moved down the stairs. the neckline gracefully framed her collarbone, delicate lace butterflies attached to the neckline,while the sleeves tapered down to her wrists, showcasing more of the exquisite lacework that adorned her body.
the skirt of the gown was a masterpiece of craftsmanship, flowing generously in layers of silk that rustled with each step. the deep, rich hue of the fabric evoked a sense of opulence, reminiscent of midnight skies. as she walked down, the silk caught the light, casting a mesmerizing play of shadows and highlights.
the dress matched anthony's waistcoat perfectly, and the sight was enough to make the viscount choke over nothing.
as he saw his wife adorned in the resplendent dress for the first time, his eyes widened with genuine admiration.
a hushed gasp escaped his parted lips as he took in the sight before him.
his wife, cloaked in the elegance of the dark blue gown, the bridgerton blues appeared to be like a living portrait of timeless beauty.
a warm smile formed on his lips, expressing both surprise and deep appreciation for the grace and sophistication she was emanating.
"my darling" he murmured as he swept forward, extending his arm to welcome you into them.
smiling sweetly at the bridgerton clan, you floated down, linking your arm with anthony's.
"sister, you look utterly perfect in blue!" benedict exclaimed, pressing a delicate kiss to your hand, as violet fondly caressed your cheek.
"doesn't she look like a princess brother?!" hyacinth squealed, looking excitedly at anthony. "just like one out of the fairytales" he said, looking at you with nothing but admiration and love and fondness.
"you really do look utterly regal" colin said, flashing a warm smile at you. eloise and francesca came upto you, with even eloise admitting that the dress you were wearing was nothing short of a work of art, while francesca gushed over how the silhouette was so perfect for you.
"alright, we must leave if we want to reach lady danbury's ball on time!" violet said, clapping her hands, leading her children out to where the carriages awaited.
"wait behind for just a second my love" anthony whispered into your ear, as he walked up to his valet to whisper something into his ear.
slowly, the other bridgertons departed, after you promised them to join them very soon, ignoring the smirks and nudges colin and benedict sent your way.
anthony pulled you into his study, hand gently caressing your waist, feeling the rich silk in his hands, the other hand gently reaching for your chin, lifting it to look into your eyes.
"you look utterly divine my beloved" he whispered fingers gently fondling your face, eyes absorbing every detail of your face, not that he hadn't already memorised it.
"thank you my dear" you whispered back, hands settling on his broad shoulders, taking in his waistcoat as well, the dark blue velvet clinging to every rippling muscle in his body, brass buttons complementing the coat.
"i always knew you'd look stunning in bridgerton blue but....it seems as though the bridgerton blue was crafted for you" he murmured, tightening his grip on your waist, "so stunning that infact, i do not feel the need to leave for lady danbury's ball, for I'd much rather stay here with my breathtakingly beautiful wife" he murmured again, lips ghosting over your own as his hands squeezed your waist, drawing you flush against his body.
"my lord, we cannot... we must be present at the first ball of the season" you lamely protested, heart hammering against your chest as the intoxicating scent of his musky, woodsy cologne filled your nostrils.
anthony dropped his lips to your neck, lips brushing a feather soft kiss to the sensitive skin, drawing a gasp from you.
"what if we do not go? what if we just stay here and...i worship my wife in the way she deserves? like the goddess she is?" he asked, like gently pressing kisses down to your collarbone, still as light as a feather, just enough to ignite something feral in you, but also enough to keep you wanting more.
"my lord it's the first ball of the season, and we have to-"
you were cut off by anthony's lips pressing against yours.
they were soft and plush against yours, pressing perfectly like a jigsaw puzzle, initiating a warm glow in the pit of your tummy.
as your lips met, the sensation was like a feather's gentle caress — soft, fleeting, and subtly warm. it feels like a delicate dance, a tender exploration that sparked a gentle flutter within you. the touch was akin to the brush of downy feathers, teasing and inviting, as if he was testing the waters of intimacy.
yet, as the moment unfolded, a magnetic pull takes hold, drawing you deeper into the realm of passion. the softness transforms, gradually intensifying into a fiery connection. the initial delicacy gave way to a fervent exchange, each kiss building upon the other with a growing hunger.
your lips, once feather-light, were now engaged in a rhythmic and passionate dance. the subtle warmth amplified into a blazing fire, and what began as a gentle exploration evolved into a fervent expression of desire.
the world around you faded and in that heightened connection, every kiss becomes an electric charge, a testament to the undeniable chemistry between your two souls entwined in the artistry of passion.
anthony's hands ran rampant on your body, clutching every part of your body through the silk dress, yet taking care to not scrunch the silk in anyway.
"you have no idea what you do me darling" he growled against your lips, drawing back for just a moment to watch your chest heave and eyes glaze over, hands clutching his coat and cravat so tight he feared you would rip it off.
"every breath you take, every word you speak, the very sound of your melodious voice and the very beat of your heart, all allure me to you, draw me to you like a moth to a flame" he continued, his own heart hammering against his chest.
his chest rose and fell with every word, eyes ablaze with burning passion. "every second of every day, i crave you, i long for you, i need you, and it drives me feral. but the sight of you in my colour makes me want to rip off that very dress off your body, claiming you as mine in more ways than one" he growled, hands scrunching the material on your behind.
"anthony..i crave you every second of the day as well. i need you" you whispered, a soft whimper slipping past your lips.
"hush my sweet darling" he said, sending you a saccharine sweet smile.
then, much to your chagrin, he took his hands off your waist, fixing the material and fixing his own coat.
"now, we must hasten to lady danbury's" he smirked" and you groaned, a painful throbbing between your legs becoming more prominent.
"but my lord-" you protested, only to be cut off by another searing kiss. he kissed you deep and long, and then drew back, pushing a stray curl on your forehead back behind your ear.
"our family awaits dearest" he smiled, and gently led you out to the hall.
the grand ballroom at lady danbury's unfolded into a dazzling spectacle as it embraced the opulence of a gold and maroon theme. golden hues enveloped the space, casting a warm, regal glow. glittering chandeliers, adorned with intricate gold details, hung from the ceiling, their crystals refracting light in a dance of elegance.
luxurious maroon fabrics draped the walls, creating a sumptuous backdrop that added depth to the golden ambiance. tables adorned with golden tablecloths and maroon accents contributed to the harmonious blend of colors. golden candle holders flickered with the soft glow of candles, casting a gentle radiance on the rich maroon floral centerpieces.
the women's dresses shimmered with embellishments, and the men's attire featured accents, creating a visual symphony of sophistication, into which you walked with anthony, arms interlaced, as you bowed before queen charlotte, who had taken quite a liking to you.
"it's lovely to see the bridgertons led by a couple as magnanimous as you" she bestowed a rare compliment, bringing a hot flush to your cheeks and even to anthony's pale visage. "but now we anxiously await the news of a young bridgerton" she said pointedly, and you kept your eyes low, trying to ignore the heat blooming in your cheek.
around you, guests were engaged in a dance, the dance floor became a stage for a waltz of colors, with the many colours and tones reflecting in the mirrored walls. the orchestra, bathed in the warm ambiance, played melodies that echoed the richness of the color palette.
you noticed simon and daphne dancing, looking fondly at each other, and saw colin sharing a dance with young penelope featherington, which made you smile, always having harbored a soft spot for the girl.
you spotted eloise by the food table, with francesca, both enjoying the strawberries that were being served. benedict seemed engrossed in exploring the rich collection of paintings in the hall, and was surrounded by a group of friends.
anthony led you over to his sisters, a soft kiss to your wrist a promise to be back in a moment lingering on his lips, as he was dragged off by countless lords for a drink and a conversation about the next round of a hunt they were engaging in.
as eloise began to speak about the many cruelties of lady featherington, you spotted cressida cowper scowling over at the two of you, dressed in a pink so bright you felt momentarily blinded. she shot a contemptuous look at you, scoffing at your gown and sharing a laugh with lady cowper, that had your eyebrow creasing with insecurity.
much to your horror, she began to march over to you, along with her mother and lady featherington, much to your dismay. you searched desperately for your mother-in-law, but found her engrossed in conversation with the queen.
"my my, if it isn't the happy bridgertons" cressida sniped, flashing you a tight lipped smile. "hello miss cowper" you smiled, ignoring the anxiety bubbling in your tummy.
"cressida" eloise said coldly, linking her arm with yours. she was well aware of the contemptuous rumours she had spread about you when you had begun courting anthony and had made it her mission to protect you from her.
"what a rather unusual colour for you dear" lady cowper commented, eyes trailing down your body in disdain.
"it gives you the impression of being a little washed out" she stated, opening her fan to hide her smirk.
you ignored the tear that sprang to your eyes as she continued to comment, on the fall of the dress, the shape of the silhouette and the way your jewellery was far too showy.
you could feel eloise glowering beside you but silently begged her to keep calm, not wanting to lose her calm in front of everyone.
to your surprise, a familiar baritone cut in, a nd a strong arm wrapped around your midriff and waist.
your husband appeared beside you, a smile on his face that didn't quite reach his eyes.
"i see why you might think that, lady cowper, for all you can pull off is that rather obnoxious shade of viscous pink, and while i understand your envy at my wife's ability to outshine everyone else here in any colour she chooses, i must remind you are speaking to the viscountess bridgerton, and hence must adhere to the degree respect she commands" he stated coolly, hand gripping your waist so tight you were sure it would leave marks.
stunned speechless, the cowper's backed away, egos more than bruised and enraged , subject to sniggers and chuckles from the other lords and ladies in the room. your brother walked to anthony from across the hall, patting him on the back and whispering a "good man" to him as he hugged you, and eloise drew anthony into a hug as well.
anthony led the two of you over to his mama, who couldn't hide a smile herself at the love her son had for his wife, so reminiscent of the way their father had loved her.
"I am sorry if I caused humiliation to your name mama, but I cannot and will not let anyone talk to my wife that way" he said firmly, only to be cut off by his mother.
"I believe everyone here has been waiting to say that to miss cowper since the beginning of time, my darling, so take your wife and go home. you have done your job and proved your love and passion and told everyone that your relationship rhymes true" she said, drawing you into a warm hug and bidding you goodbye.
the carriage ride home was silent as your held anthony's hand tight, his thumb tracing patterns over the gloves you were donning, a pearly white to match your jewels.
"thank you my love" you whispered to him, eyes glimmering with unshed tears.
"my darling, i love you, all of you. please do not ever belittle yourself, because your beauty is awe worthy" he said, eyes contorted as if he was in pain at the thought of you being in pain.
"I'll try my best not to" you whispered against, leaning forward to press your foreheads together. and you stayed like that till bridgerton manor came into view.
frenzied kisses were pressed against your lips as anthony lifted you into his arms, earning a singular gasp from your lips. his hands, one wrapped tightly under your bottom and the other around your back was strong, as you wrapped your legs around his waist and he led you upstairs, ignoring the scurrying valet and maids and your ladies in waiting as he made it to your shared bedroom.
he dropped you gently on the bed, towering above you, hands shoving the material of your dress up. his hands crept along your thighs stealthily, finding the hooks of your stockings to your thigh garter, slowly dragging it down, exposing your bare skin to him, suppressing a groan at the soft skin.
to his surprise you reached up and grabbed him by the cravat, untying it and pulling him down to meet your lips. you kissed him roughly, a frenzied battle, with teeth and tongue clashing as he shrugged off his waist coat and began to unbutton his shirt, watching as you removed your jewellery and kept in on the table beside his bed.
his hands reached for your dress, carefully untying the many laces and unbuttoning the many buttons on your dress, watching as your bosom heaved in the corset wore.
deft fingers unhooked the corset without a struggle, and you moaned when the cold air hit your nipples, making them harden, as you pushed your chest out towards him.
anthony growled, the sound reverberating in his throat as he reached down to unbutton his tan pants, leaving him in just his underwear. his lips attacked your neck, biting into the delicate flesh and pressing kiss after kiss, sucking deep marks and hickies that were sure to stay for days after.
you raked your nails up and down his neck, stroking the skin there and raking your hands upto his hair, gently scratching his scalp as he trailed kisses down to your breasts.
his mouth enveloped your nipple in his mouth, tongue flicking and swirling around the sensitive nub.
he continued his ministrations, taking only a moment to move his mouth to your other breast and leaving lovebites on the skin.
he settled in between your thoughts, hips gently grinding into yours, as he licked and sucked to his heart’s desire, attempting to alleviate the growing tent in his pants.
you were beginning to pant, and he continued to pinch and stroke your nipple. his tongue wreaked havoc on one while his fingers gently tugged on the other. anthony could not wait any longer, the pain of the straining in his pants making him more loopy than he would admit, and he pulled away from your breast, a string of saliva from his lips to your breast.
he came back up to your mouth, kissing you with desperation. "i adore you" he painted above you, before kissing down your tummy to your thighs.
he stopped at the junction between your thighs, inhaling the musk of your scent.  
he reached for the cotton underwear you had on, gently pulling it down, and pushing your thighs apart, and a wave of cold air floated across your inner thighs, so open and exposed now.
anthony began to press hot, open mouthed kisses to the bare expanse of your thighs, stopping just below your pussy lips each time.
mere moments later, you felt an entirely new sensation— anthony's wet, warm tongue sliding through your folds. a cry of pleasure ripped from your throat, as you looked down at anthony, who had crawled between your legs with his tongue buried at the apex of your thighs.
your slick dripped down your pussy lips, costing them in your honey, and anthony licked it all up as if it was nectar and ambrosia, lowering his face to lick a long strip through your entire slit, before tilting his face even deeper into your pussy, swirling around up to your engorged clit and licking all around it and on the top of it.
the action had your hips jolting as he sucked on the nub, causing flashes of white to flash before your eyes.
"you taste more delightful than i could ever have imagined" he breathed licking the sour-sweet liquid off his lips. "my own precious honey pot" he cooed, making you flush again and your body heated up.
he sucked harder on your clit, fingers slipping into your slit to slide up and down, each stroking made your hips flail wildly.
“you taste so sweet” he murmurs, and the brush of his breath sears against your skin. the low rumbling of his voice, so characteristic of him, are dripped in hunger and arousal, the heat spreading under your skin and threatening to explode like a supernova.
"i have longed to have you squirming on my tongue my love. i will have you screaming my name until your lips know no other" he promised.
with a ravenous look at your heaving form, anthony lowered his mouth to your throbbing center again and licked a bold stripe up your clit, the sensitive bud jolting in shock and you scream in pleasure,
the ever composed lord bridgerton moans against your cunt when you tug his hair, hands holding down your hips as he watches you squirm. then anthony rolls your clit with his teeth and you come apart with a scream, hands gripping onto his hair for dear life.
you come, cunt clenching down, spasming around his tongue where he has you stretched open. everything else disappears for a moment, your body weightless with pure unadulterated bliss.
anthony shifts so he is in between your legs again, watching the fluttering of your pussy as you clench around nothing. your eyes are trained on his hips and he feels a surge of pride.
his cock was one not only of great size but of greater girth and greater skill, and he adored nothing more than watching your eyes become as large as saucers as you looked at his poor cock straining again as it had been ever since he saw you in his signature colour.
trained hands guided his cock to your entrance, tapping against it for a few seconds before he dragged the tip through your slick, making your body shudder at the stimulation. and then, he pressed a kiss to your neck, hips slamming against yours.
the first thrust was deep and claiming,and you cried out at the perfect stretch of him in your pussy.
you could barely think straight, hands digging into his back and nails sinking into his skin.
"so fucking perfect,” he murmured into your ear, rasped and breathless as he nipped on your ear. "'feel so good wrapped around my cock. so wet and warm for me my sweet sweet beloved. fuck, you're so tight right now. squeezing me so well, you love my cock, do you not my angel?"
"yes yes i love you and your cock" you changed as a prayer, eyes bashful at the use of the dirty word. "look at how your cunt clenches around me" he groaned, head dipping into the crook of your neck as his hips slammed into yours repeatedly.
you could hear the headboard banging against the wall as the pace of anthony's thrusts had your body sliding against the silken sheets.
and then he stopped
he stayed there, buried inside you to the hilt, and his cock twitched excitedly inside you. you watched the way he gripped the bedsheets tightly with his fingers until they went hite. it sent heat and pleasure into the pit of your stomach and you were sure you are going to burn. it was far too good, far too much, brimming on the edge of being overwhelming. 
there’s no warning as he pulled out, leaving his pulsing tip in, and then he thrusted all the way back inside, in one long and slick stroke back inside you, deep and rough. his cock slammed into a spot in you that has you screaming, something absolutely fucking delicious and it steals away your breath and makes you cry out. 
and then he grabs your legs, pushing them up towards your legs as he almost folded you in half, pushing your legs so far apart they almost touched your head, as he moved to his knees for a better angle.
his hips thrusted wildly as he kept fucking you, hand rubbing furiously at your sensitive clit, as you whined and moaned and screamed. he watched as your cunt, pink and perfect fluttered and twitched, and his ears revelled at the sound of the filthy, wet squelching that echoed in the room from your dripping cunt.
he landed a harsh smack to the back of your thigh that had you screaming as he then pressed his tongue to it, sucking a hickey on the spot.
sweat dripped down his forehead and yours, as you began to thrust your hips up to meet his perfect strokes, while feeling like his cock was going to split you apart.
"i want nothing more than to fill you with my seed" he growled, over the sound of your skin slapping together over and over again.
"fill me with your seed my lord. let me have carry your kin" you murmured, and you watched as anthony groaned, hand wrapping around your throat.
"such a minx" he grinned, squeezing and watching your eyes roll back.
without a warning, he flipped you over so you were on top, and his deft hands steadied you at the waist.
then he began to slowly pick your hips up, working you up and down on his cock, slamming you up and down on his cock, until you got the hang of it.
anthony felt himself drooling as he took in the way your tits bounced and you bounced on his cock as you ride him, nails now scratching down his chest as he laid a harsh spank to your ass that had you clenching on his cock harder.
he watched your body desperately ride him for all he was worth, thighs jiggling as they clapped against his own, and he pinched the fat around your waist and belly, teeth nipping at your nipple to increase the stimulation.
"m-my lord! I am going to cum!" you moaned loudly, only to turn to a wail as anthony's fingers unleashed a furious assault on your clit, as he rubbed it up and down and side to side and everywhere, covering his fingers in your slick.
with a scream of his name, you came all over his dick and his tummy, your juices spilling out of you like a fountain, watching as he scooped it up with his fingers to lick it clean.
he slammed your hips down on his even harder as you whined, and you felt his stomach tense and breathing stutter as he came, shooting his load inside you, and finally sinking into the pillow, limp.
panting, you rolled off of him, mind cockdrunk and unable to move. anthony peppered kisses to your skin and kissed the spots where he'd been rough.
"you were phenomenal, my love" he whispered, and to your intrigue, his fingers trialed down to your cunt.
you watched as he gently slid a finger in to your hole, shushing and kissing you as he blocked it with his fingers.
"i cannot have a single drop of me spilling out of you" he murmured and you moaned.
"i adore you", he mumbled, "my dear wife" he concluded.
"and i adore you, my dear husband" you smiled, meeting his lips in a sugar sweet kiss.
who would've known that wearing the bridgerton blue was all it would take for you and anthony to announce to the ton in the next three months that you were expecting the first bridgerton heir?
a/n : I've missed writing for bridgerton so much!! i really hope you enjoy this, and as always likes reblogs comments opinions etc are appreciated!! sending u all love and happiness and remember, my inbox is always open and i love making new friends!! happy reading ☺️♥️
bridgerton : @freyathehuntress @urfavnoirette
general : @roslastyles420 @hopefulinlove @bluesongbird
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gothushi · 4 days
how the different boys react to u getting ur period? (Silly version or serious version)
i definitely need this rn. these cramps are debilitating 😭 cw; daddy mention, periods, period sex, getting sick mention but not explicitly stated
okay so let’s see. i feel as though rob, charlie, simon, father anthony and ernst would be extremely understanding, very comforting. ernst himself would need some time to research periods, understanding how your body physically shifts and that’s what causes your back pain, researching what you need for pain relief and making sure you’re comfortable. they’d be very sweet, petting over you, plugging in the heating pad/getting your hot water bottle filled up so it stays fresh and heated. tucking you in with your favorite blanket on the couch or in bed, at your beck and call to get you anything you need. they’ll keep track of your pain medication so that way you don’t take too much, but aren’t going without it so you don’t feel worse. they’ll make sure you’re staying hydrated with water or a sports drink, or tea, getting you fresh cups/refilling your water bottle without you even asking. very mindful of your moodiness too. knows you get upset easily or cry easy, or even aggravated (though you try your best to not start an argument or get mad at him, because he’s doing his best and babying you like the princess you are). will definitely offer a back rub or a full massage, sometimes not even asking but just maneuvering you onto your front. gentle yet strong, calloused hands will rub scented lotion onto your back, down your legs, over your feet, (will often just plant your feet in his lap whilst on the couch too). doesn’t get upset when you sometimes forget you’re out of products and ask him to run to the store on the spot, you feel super bad but he comes back with a couple bags full of items, snacky bits and some drinks/candies along with whatever you originally asked for
this is self indulgent, but rob himself will notice if you slip due to the pain, mind fuzzy and upset as you’re curled up watching a tv show. he’ll coo and rub a hand over our thigh, muttering that daddy’s got you, asking if you wanna take a nap with daddy or if he can get you anything
luke, quinten, hook, nikolai and seb would be a bit.. not as caring. just at first. not in a bad way, just they aren’t experienced with dealing with this stuff nor do they realize how bad it can get. the younger ones would be a bit scoffy, quinten would so roll his eyes, say you’re being dramatic until you really end up showing how sore your back or legs are, or if you even happen to get ill from how bad you feel. they’ll be a bit softer then, offering help and asking what you need or what could help. hook would just not even notice you haven’t been feeling well until he finds you slumped on the sofa or knelt over the toilet. then he’ll get you all tucked in and say some apologies, muttering about why you didn’t tell him or ask for help. will order some take out and cuddle with you, hand rubbing over your tummy. he probably wouldn’t own a heating pad/hot water bottle so he’d have to buy one. nikolai would know immediately, obviously, he can smell your scent from a mile away and it makes him a bit ravenous. will definitely offer orgasms as a relief for your pain, your cramps. say you don’t have to do anything but lay there and enjoy it. fangs scraping your puffy clit, hot tongue flattening over your cunt and cleaning up the mess of blood and creamy cum. makes you orgasm until you pass out fast asleep. same with luke, will fuck you in the showers after practice, water boiling hot and turning your flesh pinkish and flush, hand over your mouth to keep you quiet as he coos about making you feel better. whilst you’re hanging out with the younger ones (i group seb, quinten and luke together) they’ll offer a heating pad or hot water bottle, sharing snacks with you or lightly rubbing your back or feet, offering physical affection and cuddles.
nikolai worships you, feeds from you without even needing to bite, treats you like his queen even more so than normally, fucks you in the morning on his tongue and then provides you with a big breakfast, something sweet, then lets you go back to bed. continuously checks on you and brings in whatever you ask for, ushering you back to bed when you try to get up and do something.
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z0mibite · 6 months
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pairing – father anthony bridge x gn!reader
warnings – makeout session, past suggestive/not full smut, reader is on anthonys lap, but he changes positions swiftly, no specific gender or sex for reader, implied reader isn't a virgin/reader doesn't like celibacy, no sex before marriage, slightly condescending anthony (in a sexy way ifykyk).
word count – 325
n/a – little snippet for yall since you're thirsting for mister bridge, might make it a full blown smut if you guys like it (I already have a title - make me a sinner), abruptly ends just to tease.
Breathless, you gasped as yours and Anthony's lips separated for the first time in what seemed like hours. Your legs straddled his thighs, barely resisting the urge to grind against the crotch of his denim.
His hands were warm against your waist, the blood rushing in your veins igniting a heat within that clawed its way to the surface of your skin.
If someone had seen either of you like this alone, they might assume you were on your deathbed. Feverish, flushed, struggling to breathe, writhing in discomfort—discomfort caused by the lack of friction between the one place you needed it most and him.
He exhaled against your lips, you inhaled, breathing in his essence. “Why must you make this so difficult for me?” He joked, a grin cracking his previously serious expression.
His eyes opened, meeting yours with a shade only comparable to natural diamonds. Your heart skipped a beat before you giggled in response to his question.
“What do you mean?” You asked between laughs.
Anthony rolled his eyes before flipping your position, now he leaned over you, gently holding your wrists in his hands.
“What do you mean?” He mocked. “What do you mean?” He repeated, in his own manner, emphasizing the ‘you’. 
He leaned down for a quick peck on your lips before trailing kisses along your jawline and down to your neck.
“Are you just desperate for me to marry you? Mm? Just want me to put a pretty little ring on your finger?” He left open-mouthed kisses on your throat following each question.
You whimpered under his false scrutiny, you had entered the relationship knowing full well he wouldn't fuck you till he married you. It was a boundary he had placed in the very beginning, but you can't lie and say you weren't frustrated with the life of celibacy.
“No.. something else..” You spoke, breathlessly.
“Oh? What's that?” He asked condescendingly, knowing full well what you wanted.
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astarions-bride · 5 months
out of all Neil's characters...who is an ass man, tits man, or thigh man? 👀
The first Group Preferences!
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Thighs and maybe your tits. Especially near the Femoral Artery. Loves to leave bitemarks and bruise-shaped handprints there and loves it when you wear short skirts or shorts to show them off. I see him being very territorial and possessive so any marks he leaves on you is akin to him leaving a claim on you. Same goes with your chest. The soft pliable flesh under his teeth fuels his more animalistic side and loves knowing his marks are all over your body.
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Tits. We all saw that short film. How he was eyeballing that woman's chest (calling them lovely 🥴). So I completely headcanon that this man is obsessed with tits. No matter the size, shape, etc. You would probably have to deal with a lot of groping from him. He would absolutely just faceplant on your chest and stay there for hours happily.
Father Anthony Bridge
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He strikes me as a thigh man. Don't know why, but I just envision him placing his hand on your thigh while sitting next to you, squeezing and stroking casually, and he probably does it without realizing it.
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Ass. Cannot keep his hands to himself. Will slip his hand into your back pocket or keep his hand splayed possessively across your ass. Loves to leave his handprints on your skin, loves to see your ass jiggle as you walk (or when he's taking you from behind 👀) and will stare obviously if you walk in front of him.
Captain Hook
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Tits are his kryptonite. Any shape or size. Will absolutely get distracted if you go without a bra, openly staring with his fingers twitching with his effort of holding back from touching, but will instantly attack someone if they so much as glance near your chest. Loves to buy you clothing that enhances your breasts and he has quite an a eye for lingerie for you to wear.
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Loves every part of you, but has a special spot for your thighs. They are so warm and he loves having them wrapped around his waist (or his face) and loves laying between them. Also, same as Nikolai, the Femoral Artery is a favorite place for him to bite. Your throat is a place he also loves. Pressing his lips against your Carotid Artery, feeling the beat of your heart and the warmth of your skin, will have him falling into a sleep-like trance against you.
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valentinebbxox · 2 days
Fears, Chances, & Love Pt. 2
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Part 1 Here
pairing: Father Anthony x f!reader
warnings: religion talk, crying, hint of angst, (PREPARE FOR THAT IN PT. 3!)
note: went in a totally different direction for this but i’m happy with it so far since you guys liked the first part.
word count: 3.1k
Third Person P.O.V
Anthony slowly came to, his eyes fluttering as he started to regain his bearings. His body didn't feel as hot as it did, and he no longer felt so dizzy. His heart rate seemed to have slowed as well, not thumping furiously against his chest any longer. He groaned softly, eyes shifting from side to side as he looked around the room. He looked to the side and Y/N was there. No longer in nurse scrubs and in her regular tomboy like clothes clothes leaning on her hand with her eyes closed. His eyes widened some shocked as he saw her sitting there with her regular clothes on. His heart gave another thump in his chest, but this time not from the fever. He watched her silently, his eyes tracing over the lines of her face. She looked so peaceful while sleeping, her expression softened and relaxed. He swallowed thickly, reaching out slowly and carefully, laying his hand delicately on her arm. She groans some and then leans her head up and opens her eyes "Oh good. You're awake.", she sighs in relief. Anthony watches as she lifts her head, eyes opening to reveal her gentle gaze. He can't help the way his heart flutters seeing her. He gives her the best smile he could, though it still looked strained. "How long was I out..?" he mumbled quietly. She shrugs "About an hour or so" He hummed out quietly in acknowledgment, eyes still watching her intently. She stands up and stretches, "Doc said you said be good to go in maybe a day. Just to keep an eye on you and the infection.", she says coming to his bed side some. Anthony nods as she speaks but his eyes then catch a glint. Anthony then saw her necklace and he couldn't believe it. It was the necklace. His eyes suddenly widened, noticing the chain and the pendant lying against her chest. He was silent for a moment, staring at the familiar silver chain and cross shaped pendant. He swallowed heavily, realizing it was the necklace he had given her. The necklace that she had never taken off since…
She noticed he was staring at something then looks and realizes he is looking at the necklace around her neck. He slowly brings his gaze up from the necklace, looking at her face again. "You still wear it?" He mumbled quietly, still in disbelief. She bites her lip softly and nods "Yeah..", she says softly. Anthony is quiet once more, his heart thudding heavily in his chest at her revelation. All this time, two years, she was still wearing his necklace. A part of him felt shocked, and yet also overjoyed at the fact she never took it off. "You should of seen the look on my friends faces when they first saw it. And, the questions", She chuckles softly looking down some. "And, them knowing me and all it was a ball for them.", she chuckled. He chuckled weakly alongside her, a faint smirk crossing his face at her words. "Can only imagine what they all thought when they saw it." He mused, "A 'non religious girl' wearing a cross necklace all the time suddenly." Anthony paused, thinking for a moment. "You didn't tell them where it came from." He stated it as a fact, no longer a question. She shakes her head "Didn't tell them anything. Just made up a lie…", she says then smirks "Bless me father for I have sinned.", she jokes. He couldn't help but chuckle again, his smirk still in place. "How blasphemous of you." He teased her with a light tone, making her giggle some. He glanced at the necklace again, gaze shifting from the pendant to her face again. "You could've just told them the truth, y'know." She then shrugs, “I…just didn’t want to. I guess I just wanted all that to be kept to myself at the time. Hold it dear for as long as I can.”, she says softly then sits on the hospital bed gently at his side. Anthony felt his breath hitch in his throat as she sat down at his side, settling gently in the bed next to him. His heart thundered in his chest from her proximity, being so close to her like this again. He looked away from for a moment, swallowing hard before speaking. He tried to ignore the way his palms were starting to feel sweaty.
He reached out suddenly, fingers ever so gently taking a hold of the pendant on the necklace that was just laid near where her heart was, thumb tracing over the cross shaped charm. She looks down and watches his hand then looks to his face again. He stared down at the necklace, his fingers still gently tracing the cross. He swallowed heavily, a sense of familiarity slowly rising in his chest as he held the necklace in his grasp. He let out a shaky exhale, his eyes still not leaving the pendant even as he spoke. “You remember when I gave it to you..?” he asked quietly. She smiles softly “Yeah…it was after we…well ya know…one night about two months after we met and started to be more together…the night you told me you had to leave”, she says. Anthony chuckled softly, almost bitter, at her response. He remembered that night vividly. “I remember that night so much.” He mumbled, “I also remember you being pissed at me.” She giggles “I guess I was a little. Then, I realized in the moment that…I couldn’t be selfish. It’s what you wanted. You found your faith and you wanted to persuade it. So…I did. You were happy to go.”, she says softly then looking down at her hands. It had only hurt him even more seeing her upset that night. But now she was here, next to him, acting as if she was completely fine. And he couldn’t help but wonder if she really was. She smiles some and takes his hand in hers. His breath caught in his throat again as she held his hand for that brief moment, his fingers subconsciously squeezing gently. Holding it for a couple seconds then stands up putting it back down “I should let you rest and let the doctors see you when they can.”, she says with a thin lined smile and starts to walk away. At her words his eyes widened, fear spiking in his chest. “Wait, Y/N!!” He called out suddenly, stopping her in her tracks. She stopped near the curtain but didn't turn around. "Please.” He said quietly, his voice nearly pleading, “Stay…don’t go.”, he says pleading softly. She closes her eyes as the tears almost come flooding but she doesn't let them. She tries to blink them away before turning around but it takes her long and still doesn't turn. He watched her back, waiting for her to look at him. He could almost sense her hesitation, he knew she was wrestling with her own thoughts and feelings. And that nearly broke his heart. "Please..” he tried again, “Look at me…”
She slowly turns around and looks at him. Eyes are shining with tears but none have fallen yet. He stares back at her, heart in his throat at the sight of her. Her eyes were watery, and it nearly broke his heart even further seeing her fight back the tears. He slowly reached out a hand towards her, an almost desperate look in his eyes. “Come here…” he mumbled, beckoning her to return to his side. She keeps her face straight, trying not to start crying and slowly walks back over to him and takes his hand gently and stands there. His hand encircled hers, fingers curling and holding her delicate, pale hand firmly. His heart was pounding in his chest at her closeness. He wanted to pull her into his arms, hold her close, but he could see that she was holding herself back. He didn’t want to push her. He was silent for a moment, his gaze staring at her intently. “Sit down..please?” he asked quietly. She sighs and seems to hesitate some. But she does, sitting back down where she was on his bed side. He relaxed slightly as she sat down again. He was still holding her hand. He wanted to pull her closer, to pull her into his arms and hold her. He swallowed heavily, trying to hold back his own emotions. He was silent, not entirely knowing what to say. Just sitting there with her beside him. Then he spoke again, He swallowed the feeling down and steadied his breath, taking a moment before speaking again. “Do you..” he started suddenly, pausing to hesitantly glance at her face “…do you hate me?” She looks up at him and shakes her head, “No… no I don't hate you. I never had a reason to.��, she says softly. Seeing the honesty in her eyes almost made him want to cry in relief. His own eyes glanced back down at their linked hands, watching the way his larger hand so gently held hers. “Really?” He mumbled softly, his thumb tracing over the back of her hand. “Can’t hate someone who was following what they wanted. Besides it’s not like you hit it and quit me. We…had mutual understandings of why we couldn’t be together…”, she says looking back down at their hands. He went silent again, his gaze still locked on her as he listened intently to her words. What she said was true, they both knew at the time that they wouldn’t be able to stay together. He was a priest, and she wasn’t exactly a “religious” girl. He swallowed heavily at that thought. He didn’t regret his decision to follow god's word, and he knew he never should. He tried to bite back the next question, but it slipped from his mouth all too easily. “Do you miss me?” She doesn’t answer, and just stares at their hands. Anthony knew she was silent cause she didn’t wanna break down and cry. He knew that, this wouldn't be the fist time she has cried infront of him. His heart thumped heavily in his chest at her silence. His heart hurting from seeing her like this. Before he could stop himself he pulled on her hand gently, trying to get her to look at him again. “Y/N, look at me.” He said softly. She slowly looks up to him tears still threatening to shed. Seeing the tears in her eyes was nearly too much for him. His heart ached more and more as he saw her trying to hold back her own tears. He reached out with his other hand, gently cupping her face ever so tenderly, tilting her head so she was looking at him directly. His thumb gently wiping away the tear that started to run down her cheek slowly. He stared at her intently, his own gaze unwavering from hers.
“Don’t hold them back…” He whispered. As soon as he said that…she broke…her voice softly breaking as she does making small crying noises. He immediately reached out again, pulling her closer to him gently. He didn’t hesitate for even a second as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close against his chest as she started to cry. He closed his eyes as he held her. Hating that she is crying. but comforts her as best as he can right now. She cries as softly as she can because she didn’t want other people in the ER to hear. But she still broke down. Putting a hand on his arm that is curled around her shoulders “I missed you all the time..”, she says in a broke voice. He held her tightly against him as she cried, his arms nearly encircling her while holding her close. His own eyes stung as he was listening to her broken tone as she spoke. He squeezed her gently, holding her close against his body. He tried to ignore the pang in his heart, the little guilt he felt for causing this. “I missed you too…” he mumbled quietly, “so much…” She looked up some from his chest, She tries to speak again “You did?”, she asks. He gently held her tighter, fingers grasping the fabric of her shirt as he pulled her even closer. He buried his face in her hair, nuzzling against her gently as he fought his own emotions. He was struggling to keep everything back, the guilt he felt for leaving her starting to break through. He swallowed the lump in his throat, trying to keep his voice steady. “Of course I did..” he mumbled, “Every goddamn day..” She chuckles brokenly “Careful father using the lords name in vain”, she joked even when she is crying, she jokes right now. He found himself laughing brokenly along with her, the familiar teasing tone in her voice making his heart ache. “I can’t help it.” He mumbled against her hair, pressing his face against her head. “You never could keep me from swearing. Yet again I don't think you ever could.", he says with a small smirk. She smiles softly with the tears still in her eyes as she lays to where she is laying on her side and they can look at each other “Maybe I’m a bad influence on you.”, she says. He watched silently as she moved to where she was laying on her side. He followed suit, rolling on his side so they were facing each other. He was still holding her close with one arm around her, his thumb gently tracing over her back. He couldn’t keep his eyes off hers, staring into the watery eyes. “You’re a terrible influence…” he said with a light playful tone, gently teasing her. She chuckles and then looks down to the hand now on his chest, “It is true though…”, she refers to what she just said, but now no longer in a joking way. The playful mood faded slightly as he heard the serious tone in her voice, shifting into something more sincere. He looked back up from her hand to her face, holding her gaze. A pang of guilt hit his heart again at her words. He knew what she was talking about. The reason they broke whatever they had, the reason they had to end things between them. He was silent for moment, feeling the pain he had once felt starting to slowly worm its way into his heart again. He gently held her tighter, his hand still tracing her back. “You shouldn’t blame yourself…” he mumbled quietly. “I don’t blame myself for that. I just blame myself for one thing though.”, she says messing with the hospital gown. “And what’s that..?” He asked quietly, fingers gently tracing up and down her spine. It was silent for a few seconds between them, and she slowly looks up to him, then she whispers “Me falling in love with you…”
The last remnants of his breath caught in his throat as the words left her mouth. He froze for a moment, his hand pausing as it traced her back. His heart skipped a beat, a wave of guilt hitting him like a truck. He was silently staring back at her, his face still as he tried to keep his emotions in check. He didn’t know what to say or how to respond. She then looks over and sees Mrs. Clark the older lady from the church Anthony was with earlier but didn't know it was him when she saw, and the secretary of the church coming in. “Shit.”, she says and scrambles out of the bed as quickly as she could before she saw but by the look on Mrs. Clark’s face it wasn’t fast enough. He watched her jump away from him suddenly, his heart dropping at the look on her face. And then he heard her curse, and he quickly followed her gaze. He paled immediately as he saw the older woman standing nearby. Her face twisted into a look of shock and surprise, stunned at the scene she had just walked in on. He sits up in the bed quickly, trying to think of a explanation quickly. “What in heaven’s name is this?”, Mrs. Clark asks and Y/N just stands there shocked and not knowing what to do or say. Anthony is running a hand through his hair nervously. His heart was still pounding heavily in his chest, the fear of getting caught overwhelming him. He struggled for words, his mind going blank. He couldn’t find anything to say to explain it, or make it look like something different. “It’s not what it looks like.” he blurted out, knowing it sounded pathetic. “Who are you miss?”, Mrs. Clark looks to Y/N who is stumbling some with her words, “I’m um…”, she didn't know what to say. Anthony swallowed nervously, his eyes darting between Y/N and Mrs. Clark. He could feel the tension in the air as the older woman looked at Y/N with clear suspicion. “She’s-“ he began, trying to say something, anything. His mind was still empty, his thoughts racing and swirling. “She’s a nurse.” He mumbled quickly. "A nurse? She isn’t in uniform.” “I am actually off the clock ma’am.”, Y/N responds to Mrs. Clark “Then why are you still here with a patient?”, Mrs. Clarke had her there. “Well um…me and Father Anthony actually know each other…”, Y/N explained in a kinda slow manner not wanting to spill anything or over say anything. Anthony swallowed heavily as Y/N spoke, praying that she wouldn’t over explain. He watched Mrs. Clark’s reaction closely, seeing her face twist in curiosity. “You know each other? How?” She asked, turning her gaze to Anthony with narrowing eyes. Y/N looks to Anthony not knowing what to say “Look maybe I have over stayed here. I will just be going it’s not a problem.”, Y/N says panicking but also with a sad look.
Anthony couldn’t let her leave now. Not like this, not so suddenly and not with Mrs. Clark still standing there. “No please wait-” he blurted out, reaching out to stop her before she could leave. Mrs. Clark looks back to their hands together and back to him. And Mrs. Clark still confused, “Well?! Father Anthony? What is this?”, she asks. He swallowed heavily, his throat feeling tight as he spoke, “She- she’s a..an old…friend of mine..” “An old friend? Why was she laying in your bed?”, Mrs. Clark asks. “It’s my fault. I was…quite upset and Anthony was just comforting me. Nothing more.”, She says quickly when Anthony couldn’t think of anything else for a explanation. Mrs. Clark look to her then to Anthony. “Is this her Father?”, Mrs. Clarke asks Anthony, making Y/N confused, “The girl whose picture you have in your bible?”
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mschievousx · 18 days
now and then | b.b.
pairing: benedict bridgerton x ofc, anthony bridgerton x ofc (platonic)
summary: loraine silva always knew she was not normal. she loves unusual things. she love her father's guns, horses, boxing, climbing a tree, falling from a tree, engineering, astronomy... oh, and a man eleven years older.
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ii. two: you felt so happy
the first ball, certainly one of the highlights of the season. it is indeed as grand as people have talked about. the lights, the decorations, the flowers, the performances—they were perfect. on top of that, loraine is a night person, which is why the ton should prepare for a doubled exuberance.
arriving a bit late than most other families who were so eager to catch a match for their offsprings, the silvas entered the hall together as raine compliments with awe.
"lady danbury's balls are always extraordinary, truly worthy of hosting the first of every season."
armand turned to her with an incredulous look, "agatha does not have balls."
she deadpanned at her father and discreetly whisper-yelled, "oh, heavens! stop trying to get us beheaded all the time!"
"it do makes me wonder why i haven't told the queen to behead you yet, armand." the host's voice engulfed them from behind. they both turned to her with a sheepish grin.
"lady danbury, it's a wonderful... ball." raine applaused after letting go of her father, "i must go and greet the queen."
she walked straight away, looking at armand one last time as she put both her fists up in shoulder level as if to cheer him on. the man could do nothing but offer a death smile to his daughter.
as rebellious as she is, raine is still of noble and respectful upbringing. we will not reveal that she did think twice if she should greet the queen or she can just go straight to the drinks. she did end up choosing to greet her. that is what matters, right?
and so she bowed gracefully to her. duty done. as she stood back up, with an utter pretentious smile, she was more than excited to make her way to the beverages.
"loraine," the queen called with familiarity and her steps halted, turning to her majesty once again. ah, so she's speaking as a family friend and not the queen.
"whatever is that sparkling on your leg?"
raine was confused for a moment, before she remembered what she could have possibly put their that was shiny. she turned back to her with a mischievous smirk.
"just an accessory, aunt lottie. it's a must-have."
she replied with full confidence, despite the fact that it is quite clearly shaped like a dagger. of course, it is an accessory. it can be considered as one, moreso that it is quite strapped on her.
she smiled dearly once again before curtsying to leave. as she was out on earshot, the queen turned to brimsley.
"i wish i had done that when i was young."
now that all is done, she cannot wait to taste what kind of drinks they serve during balls as she eagerly continues on her path to the beverages. she swiftly took a glass and sipped it with delight.
"you took the wrong glass. lemonade is here."
her eyes narrowed at that, hinting the arrival of a not-so-welcomed presence. the viscount bridgerton, with his wife and younger brother, joined her after spotting the young lady across the room.
"i can outdrink you."
"i'd like to see you try." kate slapped her husband's arm at the unnecessary challenge. kate is reasonably competitive. anthony? he's the most competitive at wrong times.
raine smirked at kate as the latter winked at her. she turns to the viscount, "i did not take you as someone who loves balls."
before he could answer, benedict interjected after taking a glass of his own, "he has two of them."
the eldest closed his eyes and sighed at the immature comment, "say that in front of her father if you think it's funny."
"oh, please don't. they'll both laugh for hours." she shuddered at the thought, just as the current dance ended.
anthony finished his glass as he looked at his wife for a while before turning to the two, "well, excuse us. i must take my wife to the dance floor."
he lead her to the dance floor without even waiting for their reply. raine scrunched her nose as benedict continues to sip on his own, leaning on the standing round table.
"anthony dances in these events?"
"only since last year, when he decided to actively participate in balls."
she immediately turned to him, mirroring the incredulous look her father had earlier, "why are you saying it like that?"
"why am i saying what like?" benedict turned to her as well, tilting his head and propping it on his palm.
raine gave out a grumble, turning her attention back to her drink as the bridgerton laughed at her reaction. they both observed the ball with a comforting silence before benedict saw an interesting sight.
"your father is laughing. i must say, lord silva is really paradoxical."
her brow raised at the mention, "he always does. he just hates you, and don't say that word to him. he'll think it's a compliment."
"it is a compliment."
"it's not."
"wait, lord silva hates me?" upon realising the previous statement, he straightened his back.
the girl simply nodded as a grin made its way on her lips, "he thinks you put a love curse on me."
he dramatically placed a hand on his chest, "you are more likely to do that to me than i to you."
"you know me so well." she laughed as she raised her glass to him which he followed. upon the cue of the music ending once again, he gulped his drink, moving to her other side.
"i do hope you have not given away your very first dance to some other man."
she screamed, internally screamed, and she could almost not hold the grin that was aching to escape her lips, "hm? what ever do you mean to say?"
benedict chuckled, completely seeing through her. he moved to block her view of the dance floor, his left hand manly placed on the lumbar of his back as he offered the other in between them.
"loraine silva, may i be your first dance?"
she beamed at him, drinking the rest of her glass at once as she placed her own hand at the care of his.
"i thought you'd never ask."
━━━ ✦ ❘ ☽ 【❖】 ☾ ❘ ✦ ━━━
raine, as talkative as she is, could not find the confidence to do so at the moment. all she could think of was his hands, smell, and body. yes, she grew up with them, but she had never danced with this man in front of her before.
anthony, yes, when he did a poor attempt to cheer her up—which ended up successful because he looked ridiculous. colin, yes, when he offered to be her dance partner as she was practicing after classes. but benedict? she has never even saw the man dance.
so, currently in their second dance, she finally found her voice, "can i just say, i feel so happy i could die."
he laughed as he twirled her, "you have said that a thousand times before."
"genuinely this time." raine intimately uttered as she looked at him in the eye.
"also," she added, continuing with a charming smirk after another twirl, "ever thought of marrying me?"
he narrowed his eyes with a smirk of his own at her, "oh, you opportunistic minx."
"that one i'll gladly take as a compliment." raine proudly grinned, pushing further, "so?"
"let me think," he acted as if he was thinking deeply on the answer before turning back to her, "no."
raine gave a mocked sigh, chuckling right after, "a girl can only try."
the pair continued to dance, sneaking chats and gossips with laughter as they do so. with the music ending, he leads her off of the dance floor.
"well, what must i do now?" she said, now back with the beverages.
"dance, drink, have fun! just as there's no shortage of ladies, men too."
raine groaned at the mention of other bachelors, "ugh, i don't want to dance with other men."
benedict smiled at her adamant refusal of them, "darling, a ball is thrown to socialise."
"i'll socialise with you then."
"we have, for fourteen years already."
she smiled mischievously again, "are you counting?"
he pinched her right cheek as he proceeded to make faces, as if talking to a child, "it's simple mathematics." he laughed as she swatted his hand, standing straight up again.
"for one, you could save your father from lady townbridge. i doubt you'd like her for a mother."
raine groaned once again as the bridgerton boy bid his farewell, "ugh, i don't even like her as a person."
━━━ ✦ ❘ ☽ 【❖】 ☾ ❘ ✦ ━━━
the young silva wandered around the ball, trying to find another source of fun. for some time, she stood near lady blackstow and lady vaughan, eavesdropping for a juicy gossip, but all she learned was their husbands' unhygienic activities. she tried to engage with others, hopping from person to person, but could not find them entertaining.
so, when she heard quite the laughter and cheers from the opposite side of a door, she did not even think twice to open it.
"well, what do we have here?" raine, with the largest grin ever, whispered to herself in joy.
the room was a heaven for her. it was full of things she finally deem as fun. there were people playing billiards on her left, cards on the other, drinking at the front, and—that's a familiar face.
"raphael! i didn't know you came back from duty." she greeted as she walked towards the man playing cards, tipping her head to the others surrounding the table as greetings.
the said man turned to the her with a surprised look, "lor—what are you doing here?"
"i'm a debutante?"
"no—" he paused at the misunderstanding, "like here."
"oh, i'm..." she began with a smile before turning to look around the place with more attention, "oh."
there were no women present. not a single strand of lengthy hair. nevertheless, she believe it was not a problem at all, turning back to the table with an excited smile.
"and she pulled up a seat." raphael muttered as the girl inserts a chair in between.
"how come no one told me there's a place like this in a ball?!"
the man placed his palms on his face, whisper-yelling right after, "general's going to kill me!"
"enjoy your remaining time then." raine laughed at his exaggeration as the other men began a new round, "now, watch me beat you all."
and she did! they've been at it now for four rounds. the men, varying in ages, wondered if they should be amazed or insulted by her.
"suck it up, boys." she whispered mockingly to raphael with a teasing smile.
however, her smile and his annoyance were quickly changed with a panic look as he noticed the clock hitting ten. he immediately rushed for raine to took cover on the opposite end of the table, a blind spot from the door.
"general." he greeted with a salute as the said man did arrive on the dot.
"raphael, it's a ball." he reminded, easing the younger one from the salute, "have you seen loraine?"
"loraine?" he awkwardly laughs, which is not helping the situation at all, "no, sir."
"notify leo and—" her father's voice was fading away as he and raphael walked outdoor.
as she stayed still and kept her gaze in front of her, she noticed a familiar head across the room, staring at her with a dumbfounded look. anthony mouthed at her, "what in the hell are you doing?"
on the other hand, as raphael has led the higher-ranking officer in a private corner, he spoke in a hushed voice, "loraine is inside, sir."
the general closed his eyes to compose himself, the activities of his daughter can be quite infuriating at times, "i suppose that's better, isn't it?" he asked as he puff on his cigar before continuing, "keep an eye on her. ford and smith will keep me updated."
raphael nodded, taking in the order as armand exhaled the smoke before walking away,
"and stop playing cards. she'll beat you all."
━━━ ✦ ❘ ☽ 【❖】 ☾ ❘ ✦ ━━━
"is father away?" raine asked, raphael affirming. she moved her seat to make room for the latter.
"come, the viscount is betting."
the table has gotten bigger in his return, with the bridgerton son joining them. he offered a hand to shake which the viscount took firmly. he greeted, "raphael montague, pleased to be of acquaintance."
anthony's brows raised at that inquiringly, "you don't happen to be the raphael, do you?"
"how do you mean?"
"oh, lan—" he held his tongue, just realising what he was about to say. he regained his composure with a light cough, "you were mentioned a couple of times in passing."
raine rolled her eyes, "you can say his name, you know. it's not a curse."
raphael replied to the other man with a chuckle, "i hope only the good things."
anthony laughed, remembering a story, "the grenade?"
"oh, please no." he held his head down with a short laugh.
the young silva clapped as another round was about to start, "less talking, more playing, gentlemen."
the round started fiercely, but luck seemed to be on raine's side for the night as she has been getting a good hand. as the rest revealed their set of cards, a cheering and smug raine and an annoyed raphael and anthony are what's left of the round. a tap on the viscount's shoulder distracted him.
"anthony, here you are. mother is—what are you doing here?"
"why is everyone asking that?" raine crossed her brows in annoyance, "you said i should have fun."
benedict turned to her completely from his brother, "this is not what i meant."
"i am having fun."
he laughed mockingly, "do you even play well?"
at the question, groans can be heard as the men were reminded of themselves losing. raine, however, was as pleased as she can be.
"anyone you see here has lost to me."
he rolled his eyes as he shrugged it off, "that's because they've had a drink."
"try it yourself, bridgerton." a man chuckled and voiced it out as a challenge.
the younger bridgerton turned to him smoothly, "you're not going to manipulate me into—"
raine taunted, she knew benedict so well.
he stated as the older bridgerton stood up and patted his brother's shoulders before leaving for their mother's call.
"what should we wager?" she asked, leaning back on the seat.
"if i win, you won't go into gentlemen's clubs anymore."
her lips formed a thin line at that, yet she slowly nodded, "agreeable."
"inside or outside of the balls."
raine jerked from her seat at once, "that's too much."
now, it's benedicts turn to lean back with a smirk, "i'm going to tell your father."
she likes him dearly, really. but, an irritated look manifested on her features, "alright, you're going to play like this, benedict?"
always with a flair for theatrics, she acted as if rolling her invisible sleeves before placing her wager on the table.
"if i win, you're going to marry me."
his eyes widened, his mouth opening and closing again, seemingly finding the words to say, "that is what's too much."
"these gentlemen are witnesses, ben." she gestured with ease to the men now surrounding their table.
"you are insane."
"only for the things i love, darling."
━━━ ✦ ❘ ☽ 【❖】 ☾ ❘ ✦ ━━━
"lady silva lost."
a man declared as the rest are still in silence. the game was close, so utterly close that they were about to get their wives or inform their mothers of a wedding happening soon. however, as they were nearing the end, the silva girl made a huge error, costing her the chance to marry the object of her affections and the object of her fun.
"okay, but including within balls like this is too much, ben. this is the only entertaining thing in these events!" the gradual change of her tone from acceptance to whining in just two sentences was astounding.
"these gentlemen are witnesses, raine."
she blew out an exasperated breath at the smugness of the man sitting opposite her. she was about to retort when a voice from a man near the door announced.
"lord silva is coming!"
she hurriedly stood up, aiming for the door that would lead directly outside the mansion, to the gardens. raine turned back to them with a grin, saluting to them all with a hint.
"boys, i'll put in a good word to the ladies."
she departed the room just before her father's imposing figure arrived from the other door with a curious brow raised.
"why are you all so tense?"
outside, raine put a hand on a pillar to support herself as she catch her breath. her father's giving her so much exercise these days that she cannot wait for him to return to duty.
"we always seem to be escaping from your father." the young lady jumped in surprise with a hand on her chest at the voice, calming as she saw who it was.
"ben? what are you doing here?"
"well, what was i supposed to do? let you run off on your own? this late at night?" he lightly rubbed her back and asked in a mocking tone, as if pointing out the obvious.
"you know what, you are paradoxical." she stood straight again, lifting her hand from the pillar as she's getting her breath back, "you do things like this but you will not marry me."
benedict raised both his arms as if in surrender, "i am simply caring for you, like anthony and colin do. they would have done the same had they been in my position now. that does not equate to marriage."
"we're unchaperoned." she easily pointed out again, looking at him directly now.
"well—" the bridgerton began, racking his brain on what to say in his defense. he turned to raine yieldingly.
"it really is not a compliment."
taglist: @aadu2173 @imgondeletedis
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peachpitfics · 23 days
Don't Blame Me
Fandom: Bridgerton
Summary: Daphne Bridgerton is your closest childhood friend, her eldest brother, Anthony, is the love of your life. After avoiding each other for years, you both finally lose control.
Length: 3.2k
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x fem!reader
Content Warnings: Unprotected sex, sex in public, penetrative vaginal sex, orgasm, 'caught in the act' vibes, best friends brother.
Bridgerton master list (tag list)
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Like many other close family friends of the Bridgerton’s, their home was always a beacon of safety and comfort, especially for you. You were Daphne Bridgerton’s first friend, and you had remained close well into adulthood, she wrote to you still from her new life with the Duke. Unfortunately, Daphne would not be able to meet you in Mayfair this season, the Bridgerton’s playing host while your mother and father were out of the country. It was your third year out; you had a few hopeful matches in mind, not realizing how difficult the season might be with unobtainable love staring you in the face.
“We are so glad to have you this year, y/n. It has been so long since we have seen you around the Ton” Violet Bridgerton was as much your mother as your own.
“Father’s responsibilities have been consuming these past few years. Mother and I hardly made it to the season last year. I am glad to be here, spending some time in familiar places” You smiled, linking arms with her as she escorted you to the ballroom. Your parents had entrusted your match to you, however, had requested the viscountess to keep a watchful eye.
Waltzing into the drawing room, just like old times, Benedict and Colin, discarding their playing cards, exclaimed with joy, rushing to greet you as if a long-lost sibling had returned. There was nothing as lonely as being an only child, deep in the countryside. Eloise was fretting in the corner, fingers agitated, tapping the outside of a book. This was to be her coming out year.
Anthony entered from the far side door, his feet skidding to a halt at the sight of you.
“You arrived” Anthony said flatly, turning on the ball of his foot, and exiting as quickly as he had come in. Embarrassed, you frowned, smiling chastely praying no one would notice his strange behaviour. It had been a year since you had last seen each other.
“I apologise, he is so bizarre in the mornings lately” Violet squeezed your shoulders, leading you over to a table laden with treats. Sitting on the settee with Hyacinth and Eloise, eating small cakes and discussing the books being read amongst you were some of the precious things you missed about living in the city.
In an unsuspicious amount of time, you excused yourself from company to find the washroom. Anthony stood outside the drawing room, leaning against the wall, unblinking and mind drifting elsewhere. You ignored each other walking past, which felt a lot like tiny shards of glass embedding into your heart. Locking yourself in the washroom, trying desperately to keep tears at bay, you looked into the mirror and told yourself it did not matter. You were going to find love this year, somewhere else. 
When you opened the door, Anthony had moved, he was nearly pressed against the door, waiting for you to come out. He stuffed himself into the washroom with you, closing the door as silently as he could.
“Why are you here?” He asked. He looked different from a year ago, he had changed quite a lot more than you were expecting. He had shortened his hair and filled out into his body. His hands looked the same, the same ring on that damned finger, flexing in distress and awkward guilt.
“It is the beginning of the social season. I am here to find a husband.” You stated plainly.
“A husband?” He scoffed, charming disdain painted across his face.
“Yes, it is what young ladies do in polite society. Was that unclear?” You asked. Your lack of facial expression and tone seemed to startle him, he had no idea what you were thinking.
“Why are you acting this way?” Anthony stuttered forward, getting uncomfortably close.
With the melancholic drop of your shoulders, and a heavy exhale, you pushed past Anthony and made your way back to the drawing room. It was so like him to put the narrative back on you. Anthony should have asked himself why he was acting this way – after all, it was he who decided not to court you. It was he who decided to kiss you beside the carriage that night. It was he who decided the two of you should not speak any longer. It was he who broke your heart.
The remainder of the evening was free of Anthony, filled with laughter at the dining room table over a delectable dinner. The Bridgerton’s sense of family was everything to you – even if Gregory and Hyacinth were bickering for most of the meal, it still felt as it was meant to. Violet showed you to the guest room, it had not changed much over the years, it smelled the very same.
“I am sorry Anthony could not join us for dinner” Violet’s voice echoed with somber searching. Perhaps she had heard the two of you in the washroom?
“Do not be,” You said quickly, “His time is his own, he does not owe me anything” Violet bowed her head, words fighting against her lips. She instead pursed them into a smile and closed the door behind her. Those shards of glass moved again, every second in this house, nausea held you hostage, terrified of running into him in the halls.
Daphne was the only other person alive who knew what had happened between Anthony and yourself. She had been disappointed in him, angry with the way he had handled everything. While she promised there would never be a change to your friendship, it had never really been the same. You tossed and turned far longer than normal; your mind flooded with images of the past. Thrusting yourself out of bed, it was clear you were not going to be sleeping tonight, you decided that a distraction may be best. In your nightgown, candle in hand, you remembered your way to the study.
The study was clear of any inhabitants, it was tidy, and the few cases of books loomed high over you, reaching the ceiling. Nothing in the Bridgerton house seemed to change, except Anthony, and it was perpetually for the worse in your opinion. You selected a book randomly from the nearest shelf and perched yourself on the seat closest to the window, looking out over the square. Lounging sleepily, you read in the low candlelight, only disturbed by the creaking of the door, an unexpected sound, making you jolt.
“I knew you’d be in here” Anthony said softly, entering the room with caution as your emotionless face watched him. “You were always in here when we were children. No one could ever find you” His smile was humorless.
“You did” You waited before responding, wondering why he was here, speaking with you, “Why are you here, right now, Anthony?” You demanded.
Anthony moved to the seat across from yours, sitting gingerly, holding eye contact in the hopes you would not tell him to leave. You allowed him to sit, his hands folded in front of him.
“I don’t know” Anthony rubbed desperately at his forehead, “I just got up, and felt myself pulled here, some unknown force, dragging me to you” Anthony admitted. You had always been attracted to each other, always gravitating towards one another.
“I did not choose to come here; my mother asked a favor of yours. I would never have chosen to be this close to you. You destroyed me, Anthony” Tears welled to your eyes, “We cannot be near each other – you made that it very clear, you took what you wanted of me, and cast me aside” Hands pressed down on your knees, you pushed off, making for the closest exit. Anthony dashed around in front of you, placing his body between you and the door for the second time today.
“Goodnight, Viscount Bridgerton” You curtsied formally, hoping the rules of social engagement were enough for this man to understand the dangerous position he was putting both of you in, yet again.
Anthony’s hand trembled, reaching out, taking yours into his. His fingers tangled between yours, his grip strengthening when he realized you were not pulling away. His thumb affectionately circling the skin on wrist, the sound of his swallowing resounding across the empty room, his anxious tongue flicking over his lips. If anything was clear, it was the internal battle that seemed to be always happening inside Anthony’s mind.
His touch, the supreme legacy of your existence. His unsteady breath, captivating your common sense. The thrilling space between you slowly closing, heads bobbing forward as if intoxicated and unable to control oneself, meeting together in the middle in an exhilarating kiss, just like you had remembered it.
His lips were shamelessly enthusiastic, as if made for this very purpose, just for you. His forceful hands weaved into your loose hair, pulling you deeper into every kiss. You were overcome, that old bold, need for him to find its way out of the labyrinth you had designed for it. Anthony’s fingers pressed to your hips, his teeth nipped eagerly at the skin on your neck, softs sighs of delight followed.
It was when his hand moved sensually to your breast that you broke free of the enchanting dance you had found yourself in so many times before with him. Your body did not reflect the same pleasures, you took his hands from your body and laid them at his sides, and stood tall and stepped back.
“I am here to secure a husband, for my future” Tears found their way back to you.
“Y/n…” Anthony shook his head, stepping forward, trying to hold onto you again.
“If you cannot give me what I seek, please, stop hunting me down. I want a life with you, Anthony. I will love you until my dying breath… But you, you will never grow up” You said finitely, again, pushing your way past him and fleeing back to your room.
Most of the next day was spent in tired indifference, you remained in your room, preparing for the first ball of the season. Tears had stained your pillow the remainder of the night, each knock at the door struck a chord of hope in your heart, wishing for Anthony.
Eloise and Violet helped you into your gown, the ladies’ maids fixing your hair and face. Violet ran a motherly thumb under your puffy eye, her compassionate heart shining through her eyes and tender smile. You gave a little nod, knowing there was never anything you could hide from her – she knew everyone in the Bridgerton house better than she let on.
The Viscounts escorted Eloise into Lady Danbury’s estate, greeting the Queen and Lady Danbury ahead of you. Violet linked arms with you in solidarity, following Anthonys actions and proceeding into the ball.
“Who will you be accepting dances from this evening?” The Viscountess asked quietly.
“I am not restricting myself to names, I will dance with any eligible man who asks” You answered politely.
Violet gave your forearm a squeeze, “That is very sensible” She nodded, releasing you, sending you off into the lion’s den. You met up with Eloise, taking a short turn about the room to appear social, greeting the other young ladies who you’d met years previous. There were several older men who seemed to take an interest in you as you moved about the room with your friend. No one really stood out to you, no true love at first sight, much to your dismay.
Retiring to the wall with a glass of lemonade in hand, you watched the gorgeous young women excited to dance with suitors and recalled how that was never an experience you had.
Soon enough, one of the suitors who had shown interest in a season previous approached, positioning himself next to you. Lord Harlan Grahame was intelligent, considerate, and not entirely horrible to look at.
“Lord Grahame” You curtsied, a familiar smile finding its way back onto your face.
“Miss y/n, I do hope your mother and father are quite well” He remarked, having known them for many years now, he had noticed their absence.
“They are in abroad, my father has business to conduct in Greece and my mother only saw fit to tend to him during this time” You explained, “I am being hosted by the Bridgerton family. How is your family?” You asked in politeness.
“Fantastic, Mother has moved herself to the country and hopes to get yet another dog soon” He laughed, clearly happy to be free of her in his home. Laughing along with him, you spied Anthony, discreetly looking on from across the ballroom. The conversation between yourself and Lord Grahame was easy and hardly uncomfortable. He was charismatic enough that you could see yourself becoming quite fond of each other in no time at all. He made small jokes at no one’s expense, he offered refreshments frequently and complimented you in kindness. You could see and accept a perfectly happy future with the Lord.
Across the ballroom, sheer asperity brewed live in Anthonys eyes for all to see. He was known to have a temper amongst society. With a final twitch of his left eye, Anthony’s feet picked up under him, carrying him in your direction. Violet watched on, fear and embarrassment ready and willing in her chest.
“I apologise” You mumbled preemptively to Lord Grahame as Anthony arrived to interrupt your conversation.
“Miss y/n, may I have this dance?” Anthonys eyes were terrifying, filled with rage and jealousy. You paused, contemplating antagonizing him, forcing his hand, backing him into a corner. But relinquished, excusing yourself from Lord Grahames company, taking Anthony’s hand as he swept you off to the dancefloor.
You did not meet his eye, your nails dug into the skin on his hand in resentment. You said nothing to each other for the first several minutes of the dance.
“You cannot marry him” Anthony muttered in quiet, helpless indignation.
Giving him a great look of disbelief, “Who are you to tell me who I can marry? I do not answer to you, Viscount” You growled into his ear as he pulled you in tighter.
Anthony finished the dance, bowing to you, holding onto one of your hands with unbelievable force. He walked swiftly from the dance floor, conspicuously pulling you along behind him, and into a room down the hall.
“You cannot blame me for acting this way!” He yelled, “If I have to see you speak to another man this season, if I have to witness another man watch as you walk by – You have driven me to the brink of insanity” He heaved, frantic energy filling his body.
“What would you have me do? Spend my life in loneliness, a Spinster? Would that be convenient to you, Anthony?” You parried.
His hands ran through his hair stressfully, at a loss for words, unable to express himself in the way he wanted. His intention had not been to yell when he sequestered you away to this side room.
“I was fine! You left Mayfair, and I was well. Now, here you are – and God help me, I am intoxicated every second we are in the same room. Your presence is the most decadent drug, forcibly hypnotizing me. I am powerless to you” Anthonys words were like honey, carried on the end of a bee sting.
“You made your choice!” You yelled back at him, hoping the music was loud enough outside.
“I was young, y/n! I made the wrong choice!” He retorted, his words shaking, and unfiltered for the first time in a long time.
There was a second of unblinking silence between you before magnetic energy pulled you into each other, deranged nipping at each other’s lips ensued. Hands grabbed and grasped at skin and hair, trying to force your beings into one person. There was a white-hot craze that seemed to come over the both of you, and you had felt it before, a few times.
Anthony sucked your bottom lip into his mouth, biting and kissing in a spontaneous fire.
“Someone will hear” You moaned into his ear, as his teeth moved their way down your neck. Anthony did not seem to care, his mouth on your chest, fondling and sucking on your breasts, still sitting pertly in your dress. He was simply uncontrollable, his behaviour now inherently superior compared to when he had been speaking.
Anthony maneuvered your body across the room, hands comfortably held in places of control, his left on your lower back, his right splayed across your throat like the prettiest necklace. You reached the door, his hands twisting your hips to face it. Your palms met the wood, bracing as Anthony bent you slightly, kicking your feet apart with his. Anthony hiked up your gown, undoing his pants in the same instant and buried himself inside of you.
You mouth gaped silently, aghast at the entire situation, but thanking God above for the opportunity.
“Oh my god,” Anthony gnarled into your ear from behind, “Just like I remember it” He moaned, sinking deeper and deeper it felt like. Every thrust led with intense and vicious primality, his hands wrapped around each of your upper arms, for leverage. He was right, it was just how you remembered – overwhelming, devastating, unforgettable. You had thought about your secret affair with Anthony every day since you had moved away. The pleasure Anthony elicited from you sent you into a familiar haze, deep and indefensible. Every movement, every sound from him made you feel greedy, always wanting just a little more.
The way he pounded into your smaller frame rattled the wooden door you were leaning on. “Anthony! They are going to hear!” You squealed in a whisper back to him.
“Let them” He panted, “If anyone asks, I’ll tell them I’m fucking my future wife” Anthony’s hand found its way into your hair, pulling your back sharply for a profound, wet kiss. Anthonys fingers sunk into the flesh of your hip, painfully pleasant as his nails clambered for an anchor. Your body arched back involuntarily, Anthony powering through fast, harsh thrusts as he found his inevitable end, placing sloppy kisses on your shoulder as he slowly finished moving inside of you.
You both leaned on the door in exhaustion, bodies heaving in unison. Anthony placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, stepping backwards and rebuttoning his breeches, fixing your dress behind you. You turned to face him slowly, knowing he could very well go back on every word he had said not moments before.
The softest smile enriched his face, his eyes lit in such a way that you had never seen them. His arm dashed out, pulling you into a grinning embrace, smooching dear kisses upon your lips.
“Loving you causes me delirium, y/n” He nipped at your nose, your foreheads planted together, eyes closed in tranquility.
As you stood, the doorknob gently turned and Violet Bridgerton slid her head through the gap, assumingly checking on the both of you; you had been in here for a little while longer than societally acceptable for two young single people.
Her hand flew over her heart, “Oh thank God!” She exclaimed, smiling ear to ear, a sense of pride glistened in her eyes.
“I cannot wait to write Daphne” The viscountess cheered quietly, finding it hard to contain her excitement. “I knew that you would find each other” She chuffed, slipping out, closing the door. Your foreheads knocked together again, never having a minutes peace in such a large family – you stood there a moment longer, relishing such a long awaited and monumental confession of your love.
tag list: @cringycat24 // @blckbarbiedoll // @freyagallileaevans // @junkie05 // @rosabeetroot // @flamewriterr //
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randomfanfics02 · 25 days
Five times I whispered 'I love you.' Anthony Bridgerton x Fem!Reader.
Summary; Being Daphne's best friend had its perks, growing up alongside the Bridgerton family, going to the balls with them, and falling in love with her older brother.
Warning; shit tone of fluff, little smut, angst. Family death; readers mother passed away and Father is ill with similar traits as the King. Readers last name is Taylor.
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You pause, looking through the mirror at Daphne, your fingers run through your curls, a simple lilac dress hugging your frame beautifully.
"Dear, why are you running?" You laugh, raising a questioning brow at the oldest Bridgerton daughter.
"I need your help, the Duke is on his way and I need a moment alone with him-"
"Out of wedlock," You turn around to face Daphne, with a gasp, you place a hand on your chest with a teasing smirk, "How scandalous."
Daphne whacks your shoulder, passing you to take a lipstick from her vanity, "No, I need you to go downstairs and distract Anthony for me, mother has taken the others to the market and you are my only help."
"It will cost you three new books-"
"Of course," Daphne beams, pressing a kiss on your cheek, "Thank you."
You hum in reply, the two of you quickly scurrying to window as the carriage arrives at the front of the house. You both share a look before the two of rush out her room and down the stairs, hands held together as you try not too trip over your dresses.
"Go quickly, I'll distract him," You gently push Daphne towards the door before rushing towards Anthony's office.
Taking a deep breath, you straighten your dress and gently knock on his door. Hearing a faint, 'come in', you gently open the door, popping your head around the corner as he looks up from his desk.
"Lord Bridgerton," You greet with a smile, "I was wondering-"
"What are you up too?" Anthony frowns, placing down his work, "You have that look on your face-"
"I have no look upon my face-"
"You certainty do-"
"My face holds nothing but beauty,"
Anthony laughs, standing up as you smile teasingly at him, "You hold a lot of beauty, Lady Taylor."
You feel your cheeks blush as he gets himself a drink, he leans against his desk as he watches you. You hold his eyes for a moment before clearing your throat, "I was wondering if you wanted to walk with me in the gardens, Daphne is busy-"
"Of course," Anthony replies, taking his jacket from the back of his chair.
"Are you not busy?"
"Not for you," Anthony offers you his arm with a smile, "And I can't have my sisters dear friend wondering around alone."
You smile, taking his arm as the two of you head towards the gardens, you look over your shoulder catching Daphne followed by the Duke who gives you a cheeky wink to which you roll your eyes at playfully.
Anthony holds the door for you, and you head out into the gardens. Beautiful lines of flowers lead down the garden path towards the pond, where a tall white fountain sits in the middle of it.
"Its beautiful out here," You say, letting your fingertips run over tall pink flowers, "You should host a picnic."
Anthony hums in agreement, "And whom should attend?"
"Me," You raise a brow at him, making him tilt his head down towards yours with a smile on his own.
"You practically live here," He jokes, "But you are more than welcome."
Your hand falls from Anthony's arm as Hyacinth and Gregory come bounding towards the two of you, their nanny running close behind with bright red cheeks. You catch Hyacinth in your arms, placing the ten year old on you hip as she hugs you.
"Y/n," She beams, "Have you seen our new flowers, mother had them placed by the entrance, they are tall and purple and-"
"They are beautiful," You press a kiss on her cheek, Anthony watches with small smile, holding Gregory's hand in his own as the four of you continue your walk, "What are you two playing?"
"We were just running around," Gregory answers, gently swinging his and Anthony's hands.
"Sounds exhausting," You roll your eyes playfully as Hyacinth giggles at you.
"Anthony?" Gregory pauses, pointing over into the distance, "What is that?"
Your eyes go wide as Anthony looks over at you, then towards the carriage at the front of the house. Anthony races towards the entrance as you place down Hyacinth, taking hers and Gregory's hand as you follow behind him.
Reaching the entrance, the carriage is long gone, leaving Daphne stood at the doors with a small smile. Anthony skids to a stop, looking up at his sister with a questioning look. You stop beside Daphne, holding a cheeky smile as he glares at you, now knowing your true intentions for wanting to go for a walk.
"I best excuse myself," You press a kiss on the two youngest's head before pressing one on Daphne's kiss, who whispers a thank you. Making your way down the steps, you lean up to press a kiss on his cheek, "Have a lovely evening, Ant."
Anthony watches you walk away, fingertips brushing over his cheek as Daphne laughs, he glares up at her, "You are unable to question my love life if you are unable to sort out yours, brother."
Anthony watches as his sister ushers his little brother and sister inside the house before looking over his shoulder in the distance you had wondered off too.
2. Always.
"Lady Taylor,"
You jump in surprise as The Duke bursts into the room, eyes wide, breathing heavily, cloths in disarray. It was late a night, your home library only lit up by a few candles. You place down your book, heart pounding in your chest as catch onto the worry in his eyes.
"Daphne has gone into labour, Y/n," He hurries, offering you his hand as you rush with him through your house.
"What is happening?" Your father questions, stepping outside of his office.
"It's Daphne papa," You quickly explain, slipping on your shoes, "She has gone into labour."
"Wish her my best," You father smiles, looking over your shoulder at the Duke who takes your hand again gently pulling you along, "And you too son, you'll be a fine father."
The Duke smile quickly, closing the doors behind you before climbing into the carriage, "Are you alright?"
Simon nods, knee bobbing up and down, his face written with anxiety, "I am worried."
"Daphne is a strong woman, I have grown up alongside her and she will be a wonderful mother," You reassure him before teasingly adding, "So will you."
Simon laughs, "Thank you, Y/n. She asked for you, she needs you beside her."
"As did the Viscount," Simon says, you open your mouth to reply but he beats you too it, "He trusts you, I have never seen Anthony so infatuated."
The rest of the carriage ride is sat in silence. Your heart pounding in your chest as you arrive, Simon rushes out before you, you quickly following as you rush towards Daphne's room. Reaching the hallway towards her room, The Duke runs past the siblings who sit scattered outside the in the hallway. Anthony pushes off the wall he was leaning on, quickly taking your hands as Daphne's scream echoes down the hall as Simon walks back into her room.
Your eyes stay onto his, squeezing his hand, "I have too-"
"I know," Anthony nods, pressing a gently kiss on your hands, "Be with her."
You walk past the siblings, pressing a quick kiss on Hyacinth's head as you pass. Anthony watches as you close the bedroom door behind you, before sighing, slumping back down beside Benedict.
"Are you ever going to come to your senses?"
Anthony frowns, looking at his brother, "Pardon?"
"Y/n, she has grown with us," Benedict leans his head back against the wall, "You don't look at her like how Colin and I do, you look at her as if she holds your world."
Anthony shakes his head, "I do not wish to burden Y/n with our family-"
"She is family."
Hours had past. Gregory and Hyacinth had gone to bed, the rest of the siblings fallen asleep in the hall. Benedict passes his brother a drink as he rubs his eyes tiredly.
"I believe it will be a boy," Benedict mumbles tiredly as Anthony hums in agreement.
Their heads shot up as you quietly come from the room, gently closing it behind you, you smile brightly, "It's a boy."
Anthony and Benedict share a laugh, as the other siblings startle awake. They celebrate together as Anthony walks towards you, gently wiping away the happy tear that rolled down your cheek. He placed a gentle kiss on your forehead as you rest your hands on his chest as holds you close.
"Thank you, Y/n."
"Always, Anthony."
3. Take my hand.
Aubrey Hall looked stunning under the summer sun, the garden decorated with numerous tents, surrounding a platform for dancing, a band siting in the corner.
"It looks truly beautiful," Daphne mutters as you nod in agreement, watching as Lords and Ladies began to dance under the evening sky.
Anthony and Colin walk up to the two of you and Anthony takes a moment to take in how breath taking you look. A sheer black dress sat over a burgundy one with think straps, sheer black gloves reach over your elbows, dark hair curled and pulled into a perfect bun. He smiled gently as you thank him for the drink he passed you, the four of you stand on the steps watching down on the garden party.
"Is that Lord Elton your father is talking too?" Colin asks, squinting under the sun as the three of your follow Colin's gaze, "Why would your father be speaking to Lord Elton, the man that has been rumoured to be the biggest prick of the ton."
Anthony reaches behind you, smacking his brother around the back of his head, but none-the-less doesn't disagree.
"Why would your father be talking to Lord Elton?" Colin asks as Daphne and yourself share a worried expression.
"I will be back in a moment," You rush down the steps and hurry towards your father.
Anthony watches with a heavy feeling sat in his heart as you gently interrupt their conversation. His stare hardens as Lord Elton gently presses a kiss on the back of your hand.
"Stop glaring," Daphne gently nudges her older brothers arm.
"Lady Y/n looks beautiful tonight, I am sure he is hoping for much more,"
Anthony smacks his brother again as Daphne rolls her eyes at the two, "Anthony, you truly need to see that Y/n would be a fine wife for you."
"She is your closest friend, Daphne," Anthony replies, swallowing thickly as he watches you, "She is family-"
"She makes the world stop for you, doesn't she?" Daphne rhetorically asks, "She makes you happy and you make her happy too, I only wish for the two of you to be happy together."
Anthony looks down at his sister, mirroring her soft smile as he presses a gentle kiss on her forehead.
Colin chuckles, "In other words brother, be a man and tell her how you feel." Colin ducks before his older brother could smack him.
You pull your father to the side as Lord Elton walks away to get himself a drink. Your father was the only family you had after your mother's passing a few years ago. Recently, your father had been having these spells as your father calls it, moments where he forgot about the world around him and focused on the stars, believing your mother was calling him from the stars.
"Lord Elton is a good man-"
"Father, I understand you are worried but he is not a good man, I wouldn't be happy-"
"But you would be safe and have money, the children you have will be looked after," You father gently argues, cupping your face he brushes his thumb over your cheek, "If I can not remember you, my darling, I want to forget with you secure and with someone I trust."
"You trust him?" You ask, brows pinched together as you look at your father, "Don't you want me to be happy?"
"Lord Elton is hardly around, he is wealthy," You father answers, "You would have my inheritance-"
"That he would take, he is a wicked man-"
"You mustn't think the worst of people," Your father's gaze harden slightly as he sighs, shoulders dropping, "I don't know how long I have left and I need you to be safe when I pass."
"I will-"
"Lord Elton will provide for you, and he has enough to do so," You father finalizes, "I will be giving him my blessing."
Your father walks away as you watch with a sudden pit of anxiety sat in your stomach. Looking over your shoulder the Bridgeton siblings had disappeared which your thankful for as you rush up the stairs and into the house.
You rush further into the house, away from the garden party, you finally sob, pressing a gloved hand over your mouth as you slide down the wall, falling into tears.
Outside Anthony watches as you quickly walk away and into the house, passing his drink to Benedict before quickly following. He smiles politely as people greet him before rushing further into the house. Anthony frowns, falling beside you to bring you into a hug letting you sob into his chest.
"My father is ill," You whisper, as you wipe away your tears, moving to lean your head on his shoulder.
"I am sorry," Anthony replies, pressing a kiss on your head, "What is wrong?"
"He has these spells," You quietly say, "He believes he can hear my mother and she is telling him to meet him in the stars, he has fits and spells of anger where he locks himself in his office."
"What can be done?" Anthony take one of your gloves off, lacing your fingers together.
"Nothing," You reply, wiping another fallen tear, "He wants to marry me off to Lord Elton so he can pass knowing I am safe-"
"Lord Elton is a wicked man-"
"Please tell my father, Ant," You lean your chin on his shoulder as he peers down at you, "I don't want to marry him."
"I know," Anthony presses a kiss on your forehead, "I won't let it happen."
You breath a laugh, tightening your hand in his, "And how will you do that, my Lord?"
Anthony swallows thickly, before resting his forehead on yours, "Whatever to make sure you are happy."
4. Our final moment.
On a warm summers day, your father hosted a game of croquet, inviting the Bridgerton family, The Duke and Lord Elton for a friendly game. Taylor summer house was grand, your favourite home; tall tower like structures either side of the grand entrance, a library with bookcases from the floor to the ceiling and a garden that reached for miles, the house surrounded by trees. It was simply beautiful.
"May I say," Lord Elton says, pushing back his thick dark hair off the thin line of sweat, "This house would be magnificent to raise children in."
You share a look with Daphne after Lord Elton winked at you. Anthony glared at him as the Duke nudged him, raising a brow at him to which he rolled his eyes at. You gently tugged the sleeves of your lace sleeves over your knuckles as your father awkwardly chuckles, breaking the slight pause at the Lord's comment.
"I think Lord Taylor and I will sit the rest of this out," Violet gently smiles, placing a comforting hand on your arm sensing your uneasiness.
"I agree, I grow tired quickly now I grow old," You father jokes, smiling gratefully as Benedict passes him a drink before he sits.
"You've been old for awhile, father," You press a quick kiss on his head as you pass, smiling as Anthony passes you a blue mallet. The sibling's yourself and the Duke, carry on with the game, walking down the garden hill to the next match.
"What a quick tongue," Lord Elton jokes, taking the yellow mallet from Anthony's hand, "I am sure we can fix that when you'll be mine."
"I am no object you can claim," You take the yellow mallet from his hands, passing it back to Anthony as you pass, "And I do not need to be fixed."
Anthony shares a smirk with Simon as Daphne and Eloise share a laugh hidden under their hands. Benedict pats your shoulder with a proud smile before you take your shot perfectly.
As the game continues, you stand beside Anthony and Daphne, laughing gently at Colin's misfortune and bad aim. Lord Elton follows on, whacking the ball and Anthony's out the way making Anthony's roll down the hill. Anthony glares as you roll your eyes at Lord Elton's smirk. Daphne goes next, sending a cheeky wink to her husband as she hits your ball, coincidently making it follow Anthony's.
"I guess we need to go for a hunt, Lord Bridgerton," You smile cheekily, taking Anthony's arm.
As Lord Elton goes to object, Anthony smiles, "We will catch up, continue."
Simon wraps an arm around Daphne's shoulders as the two share a knowing smile.
Anthony and yourself walk down the hill, your hand falls into his in a more intimate moment, his thumb brushing over your knuckles. The two of you found your croquet balls stuck in mud at the edge of the tree line.
"Come on,"
Anthony watches as you walk into the mud, bunching your dress in one hand. You whack the ball out of the mud, before looking at Anthony with a raised brow. He chuckles before sighing as he steps into the mud, whacking the ball out of the mud and beside yours. Anthony takes a step out of the mud, sighing at his new black shoes now covered in mud.
Anthony looks over at you, who is struggling to get out of the mud, your mallet now fallen beside you as you try and pull your foot out. Anthony steps back into the mud, hand catching yours, as he gently pulls you into his arms.
Looking down at you, you hold onto his arms, tugging gently to try and free yourself, "May I lift you?"
"You may,"
Placing his hands on your waist, you wrap your arms around his shoulders as he lifts you out of the mud. As he goes to walk out of the mud, he finds himself stuck making to two of you tumble forward. You back hits the mud first, his body falling on yours. The two of you gaze at each other, before breaking into a fit of laughter, your arms wrap around his shoulders, legs slotted together.
"Your covered in mud," Anthony murmurs as the laughter dies, bright smiles gracing your faces.
"My back and just your knees," You wink, "How scandalous."
Anthony laughs again, eyes searching yours as his cheeks blush pink, "A rumour that may save you from marriage."
"So that was your plan all along,"
His eyes flickered over your face, before falling onto your lips, you barely tilted your head at him, raising your brows when you let your eyes level at his mouth, at those pink lips.
"Anthony," You breathlessly whispered.
His lips meet in the most romantic kiss, one full of passion and unspoken love. A muddied hand cupped your cheek as Anthony leaned down on his elbow beside your head, you hands fell to cup the back of his head, fingertips running down his nape as you pulled him, if possible, closer. You moaned into his mouth as the hand that once cupped your cheek gripped your hip tightly bunching your dress in his fist as instinctively hitch your leg over his hip.
The kisses turn more hungry and needy, his tongue dancing over yours as his hips press into yours. His hand runs over your ankle that sits on his hip, running his hand down the length of your smooth leg before resting it on your upper thigh.
"Lady Y/n! Anthony!"
The two of you quickly pull apart as Colin comes bounding down the hill. Scrambling to your feet, Anthony helps you out of the mud before picking up your mallet passing it to you before picking up his own. Colin stops, looking between the two of you with a wide cheeky grin.
"You have a little mud on your cheek," Colin points to your cheek making your eyes go wide as you quickly try brushing away the mud off your cheek.
"We will be there in a moment," Anthony tells his brother.
Colin nods, unable to take the smile off his face as he sends you a cheeky wink before walking back up the hill. Anthony takes his handkerchief from his pocket, standing in front of you as her cups your cheek, gently cleaning the mud from your cheek. His eyes never leave yours as he does. Shrugging out of his jacket, he wraps it around your shoulders, helping you slide your arms into his jacket.
"To hide the mud," He quietly jokes, making you blush.
"Thank you," Anthony smiles, pressing a lingering kiss on your forehead.
5. 'I love you.'
Lord Elton held a ball in order to celebrate your engagement. Though it was a little beforehand as you had yet to be asked for your hand in marriage. The hall was decorated beautifully with white flowers, tall champagne towers and a band playing on a stage.
Anthony was unable to look away from you; a white dress with lace detailing and long sleeves that fell over your knuckles, flower embroidery decorating the skirt. You hair was long and curled, half of it pinned back with delicate pearls.
"You are staring again," Eloise nudged her brothers arm.
"I can not help it," Anthony admits, eyes meeting your as you look over your shoulder, you send him a kind smile though your eyes betray you true feelings.
"This is your last chance to tell her," Eloise tells him softly, taking a sip of her drink, "Or Lord Prick will marry her."
Anthony chuckles, looking down at his sister fondly, "Stop listening to Colin's foul language."
"I believe I learnt that from you, brother."
You grasp your father hand in your own as his began to shake. Lord Elton rambles on about something, but you pay no attention, focusing on your father.
"Lord, I hope you don't mind but I think my father has had enough for tonight," You smile gently at him, "I think its time to go home."
"Of course, I will accompany you-"
"That isn't necessary-"
"When you are mine, I will not let you out of my sight," Lord Elton pulling your father closing to him and out of your hand, "I will take him to the carriage, get whatever you need."
You watch helplessly as he takes you father away, worry sitting in the pit of your stomach as you gently push through the crowd. The announcement that the ball is over is shouted as you take Daphne's hand, gently pulling her aside.
Her worried eyes meet your own, "My father is about to have a spell and Lord Elton is coming with us, possibly to propose, what do I do?"
She squeezes your hand, "Talk to him, quickly. My brother loves you, go before it's too late."
You nod, quickly pressing a kiss on her cheek before quickly walking towards the eldest Bridgerton brother. He stands alone, waiting for his siblings and mother to collect themselves before getting into the carriage. His eyes widen as you approach meeting you halfway, placing his hand on your shoulders as his eyes meet your worried ones.
"What happened?"
"I am taking my father home, he is unwell," You rush out, "Tell me you love me."
"The prick will propose with my father's blessing in his state, he is playing a wicked game and I know it, so tell me you love me as I love you and be the man my father wants me to marry, be that man I feel safe with."
Anthony's brain pauses, his heart stopping as his hands fall from your shoulders. You heart hurts, taking his moment to mean rejection. You look over your shoulder as a butler calls your name, telling you a carriage has arrived.
Looking back at Anthony, he stares, eyes glazed over as you nod once before walking away, brushing past the Bridgerton siblings, ignoring Daphne as she calls your name.
"He missed his chance," Eloise sadly mutters, head falling onto Benedict's shoulder as he watches his older brother crumble.
Holding your father's hand tightly, you guide him through the house as he mutters quietly to himself. Taking him into the office, you sit him down into the chair before pulling the curtains closed, closing your father away from the heavy rain and sudden shout of thunder.
"What is happening?" Lord Elton asks as you father mutters to himself, head in hands as you kneel beside him.
"He is fine," You defensively dismiss him, "Thank you for your assistance but you may leave-"
"He is losing his mind," Lord Elton laughs, watching as your father gently rocks himself, looking up at the ceiling, muttering about your mother and the stars, "Look at the man."
"Don't you dare-"
"Do what?" Lord Elton rhetorically asks, taking a further step into the office, "You are simply a woman and he is a freak."
"You are simply a beast of a man, one that is cruel and heartless," You spit, clutching your father hands tighter in your own as a tear rolls down your cheek, "I will never except your hand in marriage."
Lord Elton glare down at you, before spitting horridly at yours and your fathers feet, "I wouldn't touch the Bridgerton's whore anyway."
"Leave before I write to the Queen herself, describing how much of a prick you truly are, and then no woman will want to touch you."
Lord Elton snarls before slamming every door on his way out. You turn to your father, letting go of one of his hands to gently cup his face, he tiredly blinks at you as you wipe away a tear.
"I am sorry," Your father quietly whispers, "I am so sorry, my dear."
"Do not apologise, you wanted what was best for me," You reply with a quick pained smile, "But I am afraid what I thought was best for me, doesn't want me."
"Anthony knows, he is just scared." Your father gently rests his forehead on yours, "Your mother was everything to me, when you where born you became everything as well, I want what is best for you and I got carried away in my own worries that you would be alone when I pass that I was unable to see how I was going to marry you with a man that was going to do more harm than happiness."
"You need to rest," You pull away, standing up to help him, "I will ask the cook to get you something warm to eat-"
"I can do that, darling," You father squeezes your hand, giving you a warm smile, "Go and find your happiness."
"I can not leave you like this-"
You father presses a kiss on the back of your hand, "I will be fine, now go."
"I froze, how could I be so stupid?"
Benedict sighs, sitting beside his brother, who holds his head in his hands, cheeks stained with tears. Daphne kneels in front of him, placing a hand on his knee as Violet sits the other side of him, placing a comforting hand on her son's back.
"Love makes us do stupid things," His mother gently whispers sadly.
"I have loved her for so long and Y/n tells me she loves me and I suddenly do not know how to reply," Anthony finally breaks, looking at his mother as a tear runs down his cheek, "I have lost her."
"No, no you have not," Violet brings her son in her arms, pressing a kiss on his head, "You can still go to her, tell her before it is too late."
"Lord Elton-"
"Do you honestly believe that Y/n would chose Lord Elton over the one she truly loves?"
Anthony looks down at his sister, who offers him a knowing smile. Benedict pats his brother's shoulder, mirroring Daphne's smile.
Violet nods, squeezing her son's hand tightly, "Go and get your happiness, Anthony."
The maids shout after you as you rush out of the house, hands gripping your dress tightly as you run through the rain. You hair sticks to your neck, the white dress ruined but you couldn't find yourself to care.
The Bridgerton siblings and Violet watch as Anthony rushes out of the house, smiling happily as they watch Anthony run down the street. Simon takes his wife's hand in his own, pressing a kiss on her head before gently taking his son out of her arms. Eloise beams as Colin wraps an arm around her shoulder as Benedict wraps his arms around the two youngest. Violet wipes the tear off her cheek as she finally watches her eldest son chase after the purest love.
Rounding the corner, the streets are empty, only lit up by the golden glow from the house windows. You suddenly stop as he does, standing opposite sides of the road. His hair sticks to his forehead, white skirt sticking to his arms as his blue waistcoat is soaked in rain.
Your chest heaves as your heart pounds in your chest, the two of you clash into a hug. His arms wrap around your waist as your wrap around his shoulders, holding you close to him, he presses a light kiss on your neck before pulling away slightly.
"I do, I do love you," Anthony breaths out, "I am sorry I froze, but hearing you tell me you love me, I- It was all I have ever wanted to hear."
You smile, gently pressing a hand to the back of his nape, resting his forehead to yours, "There are many reasons why I couldn't marry Lord Elton, not only because he was a prick but because I couldn't imagine marry anyone else but you."
"Then marry me," Anthony says, nose brushing against yours as he smiles, "Let me call you my wife, let me have children with you, grow old with you, let me kiss you when I want, let me love you."
You share a kiss under the stars, one full of spoken and knowing love, one of passion and understanding. His hand holds the back of your head as your hands slide down his shoulders, resting on his chest, his heart thumping under your touch. He holds onto desperately, kissing you with all his love, before gently pulling away, resting his forehead on yours with a love sick smile.
"I love you," Anthony whispered against your lips.
"I love you too."
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