#Father Anthony Bridge headcanons
astarions-bride · 7 months
But imagine Father Anthony and Nun-Reader. What kind of relationship would that be like? *I don't know if it would be a forbidden or light romance type of relationship*
I don't know much about the Catholic faith or nuns so I'm honestly not sure...don't nuns have like...a vow of celibacy or something? 🤔
If that's the case then it definitely would be a "forbidden romance" type situation. Very much secret rendezvous and soft bare-there touches that linger just a second longer than strictly necessary. Love letters being passed in those fleeting touches, eyes consistently searching each other out in a crowd, soft knowing smiles shared between each other...
I can definitely see the appeal in this 🥰
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spicechica · 5 months
Hi, I'm new to the writing platform and I've been apart of the neilnewbon community for the past couple of months. I want to start writing headcanons and short stories for some of his characters but I don't know where to start. 🤷‍♀️
My inbox is open for ideas and headcanons for his characters😊
Don't write anything to hardcore or filthy, just a little smut and spice.
•Nikolai - Beyond the Rave
•Luke Davenport - Dream Team
•Captain Hook - Kia Commercial
•Seb - As if
•Ernst Robinson - Stranded
• Mark Griffin - Reverb
•Father Anthony - Casualty
•Richard - Later
•Rob - Extinction
•Quinten Quist - The discovery of heaven
•Self harm/Su!c!dal thoughts
•Religion kink
•Neil Newbon himself (The man is married)
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shootinwebs · 4 months
( Content Notes: substance abuse, overdose, misgendering, shitty dads )
"I can't imagine life without you. I don't want to."
Headcanon that Molly died first.
Angel hadn't seen her in ages. He never officially heard about her death. But he knew something wasn't right.
The night she died, he felt colder than he'd been in his life. He mistook it for substance withdrawal at first, but it kept getting worse.
He kept wrapping himself in more clothes and blankets, but he was still shivering and his teeth were clattering together.
He had phantom sensations of his socks being soaked with water, and he kept changing them only to experience the same thing. And he couldn't seem to catch his breath, as if his lungs had water in them.
He felt the saddest he'd ever been. Lonely, freezing, terrified. And he had no idea why.
On Molly's last day alive, she had what others would've called a hallucination during a bad trip, where she saw Anthony dead. But, to her, it was a premonition. She'd always been the daydreamer of the family, and believed in precognition and the supernatural.
But, it was, indeed, a premonition.
Though, everyone except Anthony had always called her crazy.
As much as she wanted to reach out to Anthony, to make sure he was okay, she didn't know where he lived, and didn't have a phone number for him. She had to search for him around the city alone.
The family had been fractured since the disappearance of their mother, Viviana. She had been her children's only sense of safety after they grew up enough to find themselves in the middle of the criminal underworld. She had wanted to protect them from that life, but their father had other plans.
Nick (ArackNiss) joined the mafia voluntarily. Molly ran away when she was seventeen. Anthony (who is Transgender and was socialized as a girl -- and was continuously viewed as such by his father) wanted to follow Molly. But he had to try and find out what happened to his mother. So he stayed close by in an undisclosed location -- which seriously didn't help his substance addiction, and neither did living in close proximity to his toxic father.
On the night when Molly was searching for Anthony, she visited all his usual stomping grounds... which wasn't good for her attempted sobriety. They were almost all places where people were either using or dealing. That, and she would've given anything that night to stop feeling that horrible sense of dread.
Late into the night, she was exhausted, miserable, and had no more places to search. All she could do was hope her fears about Anthony were wrong.
So when she saw someone dealing heroin behind a deli, she bought it.
And having not used any drugs in almost two weeks, and in her frightened state, she overestimated her tolerance.
She wandered down the street and underneath a bridge to use it. It was cold, raining. There was a puddle under the bridge that went up to her ankles, spilling into her shoes and soaking into her tights.
When the heroin kicked in, she slowly fell unconscious against the concrete beam she was leaning on. She then fell over, into the puddle, and when she didn't wake up, she drowned in four inches of water.
Meanwhile, Anthony saw Molly standing in his room, plain as day. But half of her was soaking wet and covered in mud, and she wouldn't respond when Anthony called her name. She just stood there shivering.
When Anthony stood up to touch her shoulder, she grabbed his arm so tightly and so suddenly that he screamed, and she disappeared as quickly as she'd stood before him.
Anthony started sobbing, terrified out of his mind.
And then, he did the same he usually did when he was scared and had no one to run to: he stumbled to his coffee table to put a needle in his arm.
Shaking so badly he could barely prepare it, and mindless with fear, he injected way too much -- while also noticing that his arm actually had a handprint in it, as if someone had truly grabbed it.
Realizing his mistake of a probable accidental overdose, and though he really didn't fucking want to, he called Nick (ArackNiss), told him his address, and said he was scared he overdid it and that he might die.
As much conflict as Nick and Tony had, Nick would never let him die.
But when the brothers and their father were at the hospital, Nick learned it wasn't up to him.
The responders, despite their efforts, watched Anthony quickly fall into a coma.
Nick was upset when he and his father were told the news, almost enough to cry. But he looked up at his father's face and saw no emotion whatsoever.
When it was just the three of them in the room, Nick wanted to stay, but his father insisted that it was time to go home, demanding that Nick immediately go back to the car.
Nick hesitated, turning and walking away slowly.
But just before he was out the door, he heard Tony's ECG monitor flatline behind him.
Their father had pulled the life support plug and killed him.
Nick slowly looked back as their father unplugged the monitor to silence it. And he watched as that evil man calmly took out a cigarette and lit it.
"Y'know, I don't remember which one this was, but both of 'em were always a waste of air, these girls," their father said, "Like I'm gonna spend a single penny in hospital bills to keep her carcass shitting the bed. Might as well get rid of the other one, too, so I don't have to keep 'em straight."
If Nick did any of what he desired in that moment -- called his father a monster, beat the shit out of him, pointed a gun at him -- there would be no children left.
Nick was the only one who showed up in the morning when there was a call to the family home that Molly's body had been found, and needed to be positively identified and claimed.
He had to bury both of his siblings. He recalled them saying they'd wanted to die together, and that neither of them could imagine life without the other. But all he could think about was how their father was what had sent the twins into a downward spiral and was ultimately responsible for them overdosing.
And he blamed himself. Maybe if he hadn't sided with his father to begin with, they would still be alive.
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z0mibite · 10 months
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about me – 18+, sagittarius–scorpio cusp, omni romantic / demi sexual, agender (any/all pronouns), agnostic. just a note, I am biologically female so my fics, while I attempt to remain gender fluid, may be more fem!reader leaning, I will also try to make my fics as inclusive as possible in terms of physical appearance.
rules – absolutely zero prejudice, I won't be writing irl fics, no smut or suggestive for any underage character, no hyper specific reader requests for one shots (headcanons i can do), overall just be respectful and kind.
requests — open
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characters i write for (one shots, snippets, ect.) (more coming soon)
astarion – baldurs gate 3
luke davenport – dream team
rob – extinction/the expedition
nikolai – beyond the rave
father anthony bridge – casualty
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jon snow – game of thrones
daenerys targaryen – game of thrones
jorah mormont – game of thrones
sandor clegane – game of thrones
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geralt of rivia – the witcher (netflix)
yennefer of vengerburg – the witcher (netflix)
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headcanons only !
any the walking dead characters
any game of thrones characters
any the last of us characters (game or show)
any stranger things characters
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newtonsheffield · 2 years
Ok so after Kate and Anthony, my favourites are Lucy and Greg, and I know you are one of the few people that appreciates them, so question for you!
Do you think, if there will be a OTWTTW season, there should be more moments with the 2 couples together?
I do! For example I’ve always thought it would have been cool if Anthony and Kate were attending Lucy’s wedding
sorry for my english but it’s not my first langugae
First of all: Your English is perfect! Never apologize for trying to speak a language that isn’t your native one. It’s very impressive!
Oh I hope so!
We see a few times in OTWTTW thatKate and Anthony have been hugely influential in Gregory’s life. In literally the first chapter he talks about how he wants his marriage to be just like theirs. Founded in mutual understanding and respect.
And even at a base level Gregory is the hopeless romantic he is because the primary marriage modeled for him growing up was Kate and Anthony’s. He remarks a few times even to Kate herself that he knows how much Anthony loves her, even that he thinks it’s incredible.
Gregory also has very special relationships with Kate and Anthony individually. He views Anthony as a father figure, he even remarks so to Violet (who cruelly corrects him in my opinion but I suppose I understand). But it’s also clear how much he respects Kate outside of her relationship with Anthony. He trusts her advice, and it means something to him that she takes a liking to Lucy.
It’s also my opinion that Kate and Gregory are quite alike, and I think this is why they share such a special bond. (Kate and Gregory is the superior Kate and Bridge Sib relationship in my opinion). And I think part of the reason Kate takes a liking to Lucy is 1) because she sees Lucy needs someone in her corner but 2) because she sees a lot of Anthony in her. And I think she thought What a funny little thing. Another grumpy little munchkin, excellent.
In summary I think Kate and Anthony play a huge role in Gregory’s life and in his journey in OTWTTW and to exclude them from the series would be doing a huge disservice.
And you didn’t ask but it’s my personal Headcanon that while Anthony pretends he doesn’t have a Favourite niece or nephew: he absolutely does and it’s Katharine Bridgerton.
He loves that Gregory loves his wife so much he named his first born daughter for her. And Katharine is so quiet and serious, and I can just imagine her sitting reading her book in the morning beside Anthony with his newspaper and Anthony just huffs as he leaves the room, putting some coins on the table as he kisses the top of her head with a Don’t tell your Papa but we’ll go into the village and get some sweeties when I’m finished with my meeting.
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hannahhook7744 · 3 years
Fixing Descendants 3's ending;
Okay, so I have a huge problem with how d3 ended. You know, with the whole barrier coming down and all the villians-- the ones who definitely have not changed-- being allowed to do as they pleased. And the core four's comment about reuniting with their parents. So I decided to point out ways the ending could be fixed.
Harry Hook would greet/dance with his sisters-- Harriet and Cj along side his crew;
2. Uma would be dancing with her crew and her cousins (I headcanon Jonas as her cousin);
3. Gil would dance with his brothers, the Gaston twins and maybe introduce them to Ben;
4. Dizzy would greet her siblings and cousin Anthony (maybe her aunt too) and a group hug would ensue;
5. Cecilia's sister, Freddie, would greet her and their father at the bridge;
6. Sammy would have greeted his brothers with a hug alongside his father.
7. Jay would have introduced his friends and girlfriend , Lonnie, to his cousin, Jade.
8. Carlos would have introduced doug and Jane to his cousins (Hunter, Ivy, and Diego) and his cat, Beelzebub. Not Cruella.
9 and 10. Evie would have met her dad and any potential half or step siblings she had. Including Snow white. And Mal would have introduced her little brother, Hadie, to Ben and Ben's parents.
(I headcanon Robin hood as her dad)
This would have been a much more preferable ending than the kids going to see their abusive parents. They should see their couins, siblings, and friends not abusive parents. The barrier should not have been brought down prematurely with no checks and restrictions. There are still villians who aren't reformed and there are still vks who don't want to be good people yet. They need therapy and shouldn't be let wild without being checked to see if they would be a danger to others. It's fine if you don't agree.
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stitch1830 · 2 years
• Yukka -> 11, 15, 22
• Kantoph -> 12, 13, 23
• Kate×Anthony -> 3, 18, 29
ship headcanon meme
Hiii, Stitch💜💜 have a lovely weekend
Ahhh thank you for the ask, Purple G! :D And BRIDGERTON omg this is so exciting :DD
11. What do they hide from one another?
Hmmm, I think that Sokka has a tendency to try and hide bad news from Yue. It's not that he thinks she can't handle it, but I think he's always hoping to bring positive news/good vibes when she comes home after a busy day. So he'll hold off on telling Yue something so that he can try to fix it before he has to tell her. It often doesn't work, and Yue is always like "Sokka you can just tell me" but it's one of those habits that he has a hard time breaking.
15. When they watch a film what do they choose and why? Who gets the final vote?
I would say that Yue almost always gets the final vote, mostly because she's usually very chill about movies. Often, Sokka is super passionate about watching a particular movie, and as long as Yue doesn't protest, they'll watch it! And he seems like an action movie guy or comedy. But he secretly loves romantic comedies, but he plays it off as if he's trying to include Yue lmao.
Sometimes he pulls up an obscure movie and Yue will just be like "Nah, something else," and that's when he knows to find a better movie/that she really has all the say in what movie they watch haha!
22. Where does their first kiss happen?
Ooo good question! Ignoring canon (because sad first kiss lmao), I think it would be sweet if after the war, Sokka goes back to the Northern Water Tribe. If Yue is still single (maybe the engagement was cancelled for one reason or the other), Sokka requests to go on another date with her and at the end of it, they kiss on that one bridge :D
Another option could be that before the Gaang leaves, he gives her a goodbye kiss and says that he'll come back or something :')
12. What first changes when it starts getting serious?
I think the first thing that changes when they get serious is how they act in public. Like, before they tried to keep things under wraps because their jobs are very public and in their face, and they really just don't want the additional drama. But it gets to a point where they can't not be near each other and crave each other's presence, so they reach a point where there's more PDA and they steal kisses from each other at work and they're not afraid to show how much they care about each other no matter where they are. It takes a little bit only because they were never really one to make their relationships so public and known, but like I said, it gets to a point where they can't help it haha!
13. When do they realise they should get together?
Maybe there's a dangerous mission where Toph or Kanto almost get hurt, and the other chews them out for doing something dangerous, and then they just realize how strong their feelings are for each other. Like, before, they never thought this way for each other as colleagues, but as time went on and they got to know each other, they just fell for each other.
I usually HC that they get together pretty quickly and fall for each other fast, so it makes sense that they have a heated exchange before they kiss or something and then they realize this is more than just a friendship!
23. Where is their favourite place to be together?
I don't know why, but they seem like homebodies to me! After a long week at work, Toph and Kanto prefer spending their weekends at home just relaxing and being with each other. They definitely go out and have fun and spend time with friends, but if they have no plans, they're more than happy just being at home, sleeping in, and having Kanto cook for the two of them!
Kate Sharma/Anthony Bridgerton (Kanthony)
3. Who is the most romantic?
Oooo. I think that Anthony is just a little more romantic! I think his upbringing and his admiration for his father makes him want to show Kate how much he loves her, and so in between their playful arguments and everything, he shows his affection in lots of different ways.
He does seem like a guy whose love language is physical touch, but I could be wrong on that front lol.
I think Kate is just as romantic, but more often than not Anthony has some sort of romantic gesture up his sleeve!
18. When they fight, how do they make up?
Sex I feel like if they're arguing, they usually give each other a silent treatment. But it doesn't take long for them to make up, and usually they give each other the silent treatment over petty things. If it's something more serious, I think they spend the evening talking it out, they'll try not to raise their voices at each other if it's late in the evening (to try and not wake the kids), but they've got their whispered yells down pat LOL.
So whenever they're ready to forgive each other or compromise, there's a lot of light kisses, caressing of the cheek, and one or two deep stares into each other's eyes LOL.
I do feel like arguing for them is common, but it's not serious arguing, just them sassing each other and trying to one-up the other. Often, their little rifts just roll off their backs without any hurt feelings.
29. Why do they fall a little bit more in love?
Ooo good question!
I think they learn to totally understand each other's desires and their fears, and they are each other's biggest advocates. Kate and Anthony will defend the other in any scandal, and their opinions, while they may butt heads at times, they totally respect each other when their opinions are very different. I feel like when they are outspoken in public matters, they both really admire that too.
Okay! I think that answers all the questions. Thank you again for the ask, Purple G! Always great hearing from you, and I hope you have a nice day!
Send me headcanon asks for ATLA (or other) ships!
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askaceattorney · 5 years
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Dear Starry,
Phoenix, more than likely, will forever be single. Be that because of his burn with the whole Iris/Dahlia thing or him just being too busy being a dad to everyone under his roof or something else entirely, he’s a single father through and through.
Phoenix’s capacity for love extends beyond romance to this intense care for everyone around him. He would throw himself in front of a car or steal a boat to pilot it to the middle of the ocean for one of his friends. The man is altruistic to a fault, even getting disbarred for a man he met the day before because he was his client. That’s nothing in the face of trying to run across a burning bridge to save Maya or becoming a lawyer at all to try and save Edgeworth. Maybe Phoenix won’t have a romantic interest ever, but that’s not to say he doesn’t have plenty of love. That could even be the reason. He’s not going to put anyone above anyone else when he has such strong bonds.
-The Mod
Co-Mod: Well said, The Mod!  Good to see you here again.  I don’t have anything to add to that response except that Phoenix seems to be more focused on his work and friendships than his love life.  It might not sit well with his daughter, but a man has to have his priorities.
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Dear Anthony,
Obviously the most rumor stirring first kiss would be with Charley, as he is waaaaay out of Apollo’s league. The sender would not matter as it would likely end in Apollo himself being blamed and berated for making up such false claims in an attempt to ruin the pristine reputation of that fine slender palm lily. Coincidentally, this would also be the most chaotic.
-The Mod
Co-Mod: The most chaotic scenario involving a letter to Apollo that comes to my mind is one from Ms. Tiala.  It’d be the perfect way for her to get revenge on him for not living down to her standards, and might even start rumors between the more gullible members of the WAA (Athena and Trucy) that the two of them are in cahoots.
The most chaotic situation overall that I can think of is an ultimatum from Athena to Phoenix, stating that she refuses to do any more lawyer business unless Trucy finds another lovely assistant.  That one might even come to blows.
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(Previous Letter)
Dear Inferno,
Co-Mod: I have to agree.  I’m honestly starting to wish it was a real show now.  I bet there’s a fortune to be made with it.
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(Video in Letter -- Epilepsy Warning)
Dear Starry again,
Co-Mod: That’s a work of art right there.  I especially liked how all the defendants are lined up at the end, followed by all the culprits.  Here’s a great big Co-Mod Seal of Approval for it:
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And don’t ask how hyperlinks are supposed to work on paper.  I’d just as soon explain how Widget’s software works.
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(Previous Posts)
(Previous Letter)
Dear yuesworld,
Co-Mod: I sure do!  Great to hear from you again!  And congratulations on translating over 1000 letters (and thank you)!
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I’m also glad to hear that you’ve been able to glean so much good stuff from this blog, and that goes for everyone else that applies to.  I’ve said this before, but one of the greatest achievements for a comedian, whether on a blog or somewhere else, is helping people with negative feelings replace them with positive ones.  I’m no stranger to depression myself, so I know how great it feels to leave it behind.
And for those of you who think that I and the other new Mods aren’t as good as The Mod..........well, you’re probably right, but that’s hardly a fair comparison.  He’s been at this way longer than we have.
I’m glad your friend liked the response to their letter.  I always like when a letter gets deeply emotional or nostalgic, so I try to respond with the same level of emotion, whether it’s joyful, sad, bittersweet, or a different emotion.  That’s one of the things that makes these characters so relatable, after all.
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And needless to say, I’m very glad that people from around the world have been able to find some connection in their love for Ace Attorney.  Thank goodness for both this series and the internet!  And thank you again for your contribution to it.
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Dear mungeondaster,
Co-Mod: I don’t remember anything in the games that answers those questions, but I can imagine Athena driving a used car whenever she needs to, as someone who enjoys travel more than the others (as mentioned in this letter).  I can also see Apollo driving something, but according to the Mod’s headcanon, he bikes everywhere, and I’m not one to question that.
This of course means everyone else has to carpool with Athena or Edgeworth in order to get anywhere by car.  You can probably guess which one they’d go with.
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Dear Curious Lassy,
Co-Mod: I’ve been dealing with some mild illness (not coronavirus, thankfully), but I’m doing okay.  Thanks for asking!
The rule against roleplaying, as I’ve interpreted it, means that you can’t pretend a character in your letter is in the same physical location as the character you’re writing to, or have them physically interact with them (patting their shoulder, punching them, etc.).  As long your post can be interpreted as a written letter in some way, I won’t count it as roleplaying.  I admit it’s sort of a stretch with letters that include avatars, but I prefer to be liberal with those.  I can also be tempted to break the rule if a letter is clever enough, as in this recent one, or this one from a couple years ago.
I could be talked into using a tag for those letters, depending on what you had in mind -- was it something general like an “Avatar” tag, or the specific game, “Fate/Grand Order”?  The first one we could do, but I’d rather not to use the names of non-Ace Attorney games in the tags.  There’s no way we could keep up with them all.
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(Previous Letter)
Dear Andrea,
Co-Mod: That was me.  My bad.
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I wasn’t expecting anyone to find anything that likable about the Phantom (or my portrayal of him), so thanks for that.
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Co-Mod: But...But I don’t..........
Well, I guess I can’t argue with myself.  Nice knowing you, folks!
-The Mods
P. S. Stay healthy, everyone!  Safety first.
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larschoi · 4 years
Anthony 10 and 17 👉👈
Physical appearance headcanon
I can't get picrew to cooperate with my vision, so I unfortunately don't have any pictures to offer. XD
So, Anthony. He's a teenager, maybe around fourteen at the beginning of the story?
He has messy, light brown hair that hovers over his shoulders. It's usually kept in a short ponytail. It obscures his eyes.
Speaking of, he has green eyes. He wears reading glasses.
He has freckles on his face (mainly on his cheeks and the bridge of his nose), but they're very subtle.
He's below average in height, maybe around 5'5-5'6? I like to imagine that, in the beginning of the story, he's noticeably taller than Yvette, but as they get older, she gets taller while Anthony stays the same until the dynamic flips. Tall girl, short boy.
Speaking of Yvette, despite them being fraternal twins, they look similar aside from being different genders. They were practically identical as very young children, but their differences will become more apparent as they get older.
At the start of the story, he's not like... putting up the ritz or anything, but it's clear that he puts forth a lot of effort into keeping his clothes neat and tidy. His outfits are pretty normal, actually; button up shirts, slacks, and loafers. He currently dislikes any sort of filth and steers clear of it, although this changes since he really gets into gardening and small scale farming as an adult.
Soft spot headcanon
Anthony has experienced a lot of disappointment and loss in his life. For this reason, his first instinct is to push the people he cares about (or people that show interest in getting to know him) away. And in the beginning of the story, he has little issue with actively scaring those people away.
It's not difficult to see that Anthony doesn't actually enjoy being like that. Especially if you're either very perceptive or if you manage to get close to him. But for people that are either naïve or emotionally vulnerable, it'll be a kick in the teeth because he's very good at being an asshole. For example, the way he initially treated Yvette after they finally reunited after being seperated for years almost destroyed any chance to have that sibling bond again. Almost.
So, his soft spots. For people, that would be Mavis (his caretaker after his and Yvette's father dies), Yvette (his fraternal twin sister), and Midas (who he befriends during the course of the story). Other soft spots are animals, music (especially if someone plays music for him ssshhhhh), and... uh... does being around nature count as a soft spot? ._.
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galaxyraised · 4 years
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all information outlined below is based in the latest possible information,  and can vary by verse.  most of it is headcanon based,  as so little is known about kat at all and it’s been developed thoroughly and i’m proud of it all thank you.
FACECLAIM(S):  alexis bledel,  cobie smulders,  &&  jayne brook. PLACE OF BIRTH:  portland,  oregon. PAST RESIDENCES:  riverside,  iowa.  starfleet academy dormitories.  uss aldrin.  uss griffin.  uss persephone. CURRENT RESIDENCE:  uss washington;  san francisco,  california,  or  paris,  france. DATE OF BIRTH:   april 16, 2198;  age  —  59. DATE OF DEATH:   never,  she’s immortal and i remain Firmly in denial.   2257. HEIGHT:  5′8″ EYE COLOR:  blue. HAIR COLOR:  brown. PARENTS:  thomas cornwell (deceased),  annette cornwell (estranged). SIBLING(S):  john cornwell (brother).  andrea cornwell-grant (deceased).  paxton grant (brother-in-law),  amy cornwell (sister-in-law). SPOUSE:  none in canon,  though she is married to @georgiov‘s philippa georgiou in about a thousand different verses so. CHILDREN:  n/a. GODCHILD(REN):  charlotte maldonado  ( @bucketxfsunshine​ ). NIECE & NEPHEWS:  ethan grant,  thomas grant,  abigail grant   (andrea & paxton’s children).  sarah cornwell,  anthony cornwell   (john & amy’s children).   AUNTS & UNCLES:  margaret ‘maggie’ quinn (mother’s sister, mother figure, deceased),  michael quinn (maggie’s husband),  jessica cornwell (father’s sister, deceased).   feat. varying cousins that i’ll maybe write about later depending on their importance as kat develops further. EDUCATION:  graduate of starfleet academy on the command training track,  starfleet medical academy with a degree in psychiatry with specialization in post traumatic stress.  completed the bridge officer’s training program.   RANK:  vice admiral. PAST OCCUPATIONS:  ship’s counselor,  uss aldrin.  psychiatrist,  starfleet medical.  first officer,  uss griffin.  captain,  uss persephone. CURRENT OCCUPATION(S):  federation flag officer,  commanding officer;  uss washington. SEXUAL ORIENTATION:  bisexual. ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:  biromantic.
hi kat’s autistic thanks for comin’ to my ted talk.
daughter of two highly regarded federation politicians.  youngest of three,  following john,  and andrea.
sister of john,  an author and co-owner of his wife’s restaurant in san francisco.  
sister of andrea,  who was a member of starfleet’s security corp aboard the uss persephone before her death in late 2237.
sister-in-law of paxton grant,  a teacher on one earth’s lunar colonies.
sister-in-law of amy cornwell,  owner of a popular restaurant in san francisco.
aunt of ethan,  thomas,  & abigail grant.
aunt of sarah & anthony cornwell.
classically trained in ballet and basic ballroom due to her aunt’s profession as a dance instructor on earth.  maggie claims she saw a natural talent and began teaching kat at a young age (roughly 5 years old).
her father died in 2209 (when kat was almost 10) in a rare instance of political assassination during a visit to a newly established border colony where the a small but vocal group of inhabitants weren’t entirely thrilled with the idea of being part of the federation.
shares a love of classic (printed) literature,  shared with her sister,  they each have fairly impressive inherited collections of printed novels of varying genres from their late father,  and volumes they both managed to collect throughout their lives.  kat also inherited andrea’s collection following her death.
moved to live with her aunt in her home in iowa in 2209,  due to her mother shifting all of her focus to her work as an ambassador,  which took her all over federation space.  something she opted to do alone,  rather than face her children after the death of their father (which eventually lead to kat’s career as a psychiatrist & counselor bc she wanted to learn more about how to help people handle their grief and post traumatic stress more healthily,  and a lifetime of commitment and poorly-dealt with abandonment issues bc she’s smart as heck but also a Disaster).
participated in several dance competitions and recitals through her teenage years,  boasts a small collection of trophies which are displayed with her old badges,  commendations,  and medals awarded during her time in starfleet,  generally in her quarters on the washington,  but they’re objects she takes with her whenever she expects to be away for a while,  as they’re cherished mementos.
didn’t dance nearly as much following her acceptance to the academy due to a rigorous dedication to her studies,  though she was known to perform now and then when her course load was lighter.
graduated starfleet academy in 2220 (age 21),  and completed medical training in 2224  (age 25) bc she’s Ambitious As Heck and did most of her training in psychology in addition to command training during her time at starfleet academy before moving on and doing her medical training post-grad at starfleet medical academy.
took,  re-took,  and failed the kobayashi maru three times.
once broke three ribs in a training exercise at the academy and didn’t tell anyone because she had two exams the next day and needed to study.
she keeps every scar she’s ever gotten,  due to nostalgia and,  as she puts it,  ‘they’re all lessons, so it’d be foolish to pretend they’d never existed,’.  scars are as follows:  a Lot on her feet and legs due to 15 years spent primarily dancing.  her feet are definitely Not Pretty to look at but she likes having something to show for so many years of work.  a few on her scalp & hairline   (  near her right ear   )   from an incident during her time on the griffin.  a rly nice scar from a plasma burn on her left shoulder.  a pretty gnarly scar on the back of her neck from the prison ship,  as well as some on her torso from ~general torture.
she has the names of everyone she’s loved and lost tattooed on her ribs right below her heart.  this memorialization began at 19 on the tenth anniversary of her dad’s death,  and it’s one she strictly maintains.
switched fully to the command track soon after achieving the rank of lieutenant commander,  in early 2238.  inspired by what she believed to be a preventable accident aboard her sister’s ship,  ultimately ending in her death,  and kat’s desire to hopefully assist in the task of putting better safety protocols in place to protect officers.  assigned as first officer of the uss griffin (late 2238,  aged 39).
received her own captaincy within 5 years,  in another instance of irony,  was assigned to the uss persephone,  the same ship her sister died on  (though there are rumors she pulled strings in order to obtain the posting,  which she’ll neither confirm nor deny).  —  late 2244,  aged 44.  served as captain of the persephone for nearly 6 years,  until early 2250.
promoted to commodore in 2250,  at 50 years old.  rear admiral in 2252,  at 53.  vice admiral in 2255,  at 56,  where she was given command of the uss washington with her position as a flag officer.
alternates between living in san francisco or paris while on earth;  depending on where she’s needed most.  she has an apartment in each city,  though typically defaults to san francisco,  which is where most of her most prized possessions are kept (though she keeps a modest collection of trinkets,  books,  and decor in her quarters aboard the washington).
following her time as a prisoner of war,  kat has lingering nerve damage due to returning to work too quickly and pushing herself too hard.  effects range from treatable migraines to weakness and pain in her back,  legs,  and arms,  sometimes so severe it prevents mobility.
a verse following kat’s time at starfleet academy & starfleet medical academy   (  2217 - 2224  ).
a verse following kat’s time as a practicing psychiatrist,  mostly aboard the uss aldrin   (   2224 - 2227   )   and starfleet medical on earth   (  2227 - 2238   ).
a verse following the events of discovery’s canon.
listen she managed to disarm the torpedo like the goddamn hero she is,  and everyone lived happily ever after,  the end.  played a major part in concocting the cover story re: discovery’s disappearance & the decision to destroy all evidence that the ship had ever existed in the first place,  including helping her crew concoct cover stories as to where they’d all actually been serving during the war and after.  continues to serve as commanding officer of the u.s.s. washington which totally exists u can’t take this away from me.
so far all i’ve got is that she has one singular eye,  a badass eyepatch,  and enjoys pointy things and stabby-stabbing.
joining the army after medical school had seemed a natural step.  both parents had served,  so why shouldn’t she?  it was rare she saw any action,  instead helping soldiers to deal with the traumas they continued to endure  —  she was more of a behind the scenes player,  but it suited her well,  and she was proud of her work.  
an acquaintance of owen hunt and teddy altman,  and following an honorable discharge due to injury,  it was simple to obtain a job at grey-sloan memorial hospital in seattle as a staff psychiatrist   (  and she’s always liked the rain   ).   sometimes it seems a more chaotic work environment than even a war zone,  but katrina continues to love her work,  and helping others through their problems often makes it seem easier to deal with her own.
like most spies,  she was recruited out of the military.  joining s.h.i.e.l.d. was hardly the plan she had for her life,  but it seemed to fit.  she liked it.  the training was hard,  and lying for a living felt somewhat out of place with her training in the medical field.  but it fit.  for a long time,  she worked solely as a psychiatrist,  before electing to take more time as a field agent.  she excelled,  and began to move up in the organization.  it didn’t take long before kat found herself a high ranking member of the operations division,  reporting directly to maria hill.
the fall of s.h.i.e.l.d. was devastating  —  something she never saw coming.  the next months were filled with chaos.  interviews,  questionings,  but before long,  kat found herself moving on.  as suggested by her former superior,  maria,  she elected to apply at stark industries.  for a while,  she worked in human resources  —  she enjoyed it,  working for a company headed by a powerful woman.  but it wasn’t satisfying,  after time spent as a spy,  upon further discussion with maria,  katrina elected to begin working underground with maria,  and with former director nick fury.     (   probably gonna be reworked due to general development   ).
harry potter
percy jackson
prodigal son
the last of us
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astarions-bride · 8 months
out of all Neil's characters...who is an ass man, tits man, or thigh man? 👀
The first Group Preferences!
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Thighs and maybe your tits. Especially near the Femoral Artery. Loves to leave bitemarks and bruise-shaped handprints there and loves it when you wear short skirts or shorts to show them off. I see him being very territorial and possessive so any marks he leaves on you is akin to him leaving a claim on you. Same goes with your chest. The soft pliable flesh under his teeth fuels his more animalistic side and loves knowing his marks are all over your body.
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Tits. We all saw that short film. How he was eyeballing that woman's chest (calling them lovely 🥴). So I completely headcanon that this man is obsessed with tits. No matter the size, shape, etc. You would probably have to deal with a lot of groping from him. He would absolutely just faceplant on your chest and stay there for hours happily.
Father Anthony Bridge
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He strikes me as a thigh man. Don't know why, but I just envision him placing his hand on your thigh while sitting next to you, squeezing and stroking casually, and he probably does it without realizing it.
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Ass. Cannot keep his hands to himself. Will slip his hand into your back pocket or keep his hand splayed possessively across your ass. Loves to leave his handprints on your skin, loves to see your ass jiggle as you walk (or when he's taking you from behind 👀) and will stare obviously if you walk in front of him.
Captain Hook
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Tits are his kryptonite. Any shape or size. Will absolutely get distracted if you go without a bra, openly staring with his fingers twitching with his effort of holding back from touching, but will instantly attack someone if they so much as glance near your chest. Loves to buy you clothing that enhances your breasts and he has quite an a eye for lingerie for you to wear.
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Loves every part of you, but has a special spot for your thighs. They are so warm and he loves having them wrapped around his waist (or his face) and loves laying between them. Also, same as Nikolai, the Femoral Artery is a favorite place for him to bite. Your throat is a place he also loves. Pressing his lips against your Carotid Artery, feeling the beat of your heart and the warmth of your skin, will have him falling into a sleep-like trance against you.
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female-fogbank · 6 years
For head canons: Garcia Flynn... bc I must.
Here we go….
Sexuality Headcanon:A lot of people have disagreed with me on this in the past. I like to think he’s Panromantic Demisexual. The gender of his partner is meaningless as he’s attracted to the person. So, whether it’s a man or woman, doesn’t matter to him. What matters is their personality, interests etc and are they compatible with his or do they spark something within him that he wants to explore.
Yes, he was married to Lorena and had Iris which presupposes he’s heterosexual, that doesn’t mean in his past he didn’t have relationships with both men and women.  I think he’s far more open minded about sexuality in general as he never comments on it or judges others for their sexual predilections.
Now, I base the ‘demisexual’ aspect of his sexuality on the way Flynn acts. I think he prefers a strong bond to build sexual attraction to a person.Why? because I have no recollection of him ever having once pushed or suggested he and or any character hook up for funsies (I’m ignoring the joke in Garcy deleted scene as it was a joke, not a flirty invitation). I’ve never seen him use his sexuality to make someone bend to his will which means it’s not something he uses as a ‘tool’. 
He is pretty cordial with everyone. I can’t think of a time where he’s outright leered or commented about someone being 'attractive’ or their looks being the primary focus of his attention. He’s always wanted to know people for who they are not what they project to the outside world.
Then we add in that he had a crush on Journal Lucy which he did transfer onto Lucy in S1. To be chosen by future Lucy and given her Journal; something that is a mix of personal as well as factual information, is interesting. Because he built up this bond between them in his head and he admitted that he built her up in his head.
When he realises/accepts Lucy is not the entirely the same woman in the Journal but she is still as impressive in her own way. He wants to know her, as he has the attraction to her but wants to be sure.  It’s why he’s happy cruising along in the friendship zone with Lucy. He wants to know her and be sure there is something between them isn’t manufactured by the journal and that she is in the right space before making a move.
Even as I say all this, I am sure he’s more than capable of meaningless sex. He would enjoy himself to a certain extent. But I think he finds it a little empty and possibly a waste of time as it doesn’t give him the desired effect he wants. Cause you know, hormones and loneliness get the better of people. We call crave human connection at some point.
He had the perfect opportunity to get all sexed up with Emma but there wasn’t even an inkling of that kind of relationship between them in the show. He looked at her like Anthony, a necessary cog in the machine to keep things going.
Gender Headcanon: Flynn firmly identifies as a man. He/Him. In saying that, I think he’d be totally ok if he got bodyswapped into a female body. He’d be super scary when he has PMS.
A ship I have with said character:GARCY!! I could go on forever but many people before me wrote it more beautifully than I ever could. But I think what gets me is that Future Lucy chose him in 2014, gave him her journal and he falls for her, for the salvation she gave him with the Journal and then he chose Present Lucy in 1888. 
There is this neverending cycle where two people are profoundly connected through time and love to one another. Maybe there are timelines they don’t end up as anything more than friends, but they still choose one another, they still love one another, they still deeply care about one another to keep the loop going to help save the world from RH and save each other.
A BROTP I have with said character:Jynn or Murdervision. Just think of them sparring, Jiya being an annoying little sister to him and him being the overprotective brother to her. They bicker and mess around, laugh and give each other support and advice. It would be a lot of fun to see them interact. I feel like they also more self aware of the world outside of the US and it’s history. That they’re not drinking the kool aid of 'America is great’….it’s more of a 'Let’s maintain history as America can do a lot of damage to world if it wanted to, we got family and friends outside US that can be affected’.
A NOTP I have with said character:Denise/Flynn given Denise is married and only into women. I prefer her sexuality not be shifted as I think her wife and family are fantastic and  I want them to remain intact. It’s also a No for me, cause I feel like Denise and Flynn don’t have much sexual chemistry and thus are better as friends. They bond because of mutual respect for their experience and skills, because they are parents etc. But outside of that, Denise needs to forgive Flynn and help build the bridge between them because right now, he’s just an asset.
A random headcanon:Asher Flynn is NOT abusive, Flynn had a normal and fairly happy childhood. I don’t know why people say Asher is abusive as it makes me wonder why Flynn would bring Gabriel into a bad home if that was the case? Hence, Asher Flynn was a good father in my books.
Also Flynn is a pretty decent cook. Why? because he had a grouchy old Croatian grandmother who said he was too pretty and needed to learn how to cook because one day he’d be old and ugly with no woman to cook for him. So, she taught him how to cook.
General Opinion over said character:Flynn is my ideal fictional husband. I would want a man to love me so deeply that when I was murdered by a time travel cult, he would pick up a Journal and go on the rampage to avenge my death. I’d totally be down with him hooking up with Lucy, as I am dead and I want him to be happy. She’s smarter and hotter than me, so I can’t fault his choice.
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storiescrafted-a · 4 years
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all information outlined below is based on the latest possible information  the small handful of tidbits fed to me by canon and the rest is me out here crying about one entire dumbass nerd,  and can vary by verse.  just run off the assumption that 90% of this is headcanon based it’s fine.
FACECLAIM(S):  alexis bledel,  cobie smulders,  &&  jayne brook. PLACE OF BIRTH:  portland,  oregon. PAST RESIDENCES:  riverside,  iowa.  starfleet academy dormitories.  uss aldrin.  uss griffin.  uss persephone. CURRENT RESIDENCE:  uss washington;  san francisco,  california,  or  paris,  france. DATE OF BIRTH:   april 16, 2198;  age  —  60. DATE OF DEATH:   never,  she’s immortal and i remain Firmly in denial.   2257. HEIGHT:  5′8″ EYE COLOR:  blue. HAIR COLOR:  brown. PARENTS:  thomas cornwell (deceased),  annette cornwell (estranged). SIBLING(S):  john cornwell (brother).  andrea cornwell-grant (deceased).  paxton grant (brother-in-law),  amy cornwell (sister-in-law). SPOUSE:  none in canon,  though she is married to @georgiov‘s philippa georgiou in about a thousand different verses so. CHILDREN:  n/a. GODCHILD(REN):  charlotte maldonado  ( @bucketxfsunshine​ ). NIECE & NEPHEWS:  ethan grant,  thomas grant,  abigail grant   (andrea & paxton’s children).  sarah cornwell,  anthony cornwell   (john & amy’s children).   AUNTS & UNCLES:  margaret ‘maggie’ quinn (mother’s sister, mother figure, deceased),  michael quinn (maggie’s husband),  jessica cornwell (father’s sister, deceased).   feat. varying cousins that i’ll maybe write about later depending on their importance as kat develops further. EDUCATION:  graduate of starfleet academy on the command training track,  starfleet medical academy with a degree in psychiatry with specialization in post traumatic stress.  completed the bridge officer’s training program.   RANK:  vice admiral. PAST OCCUPATIONS:  ship’s counselor,  uss aldrin.  psychiatrist,  starfleet medical.  first officer,  uss griffin.  captain,  uss persephone. CURRENT OCCUPATION(S):  federation flag officer,  commanding officer;  uss washington. SEXUAL ORIENTATION:  bisexual. ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:  biromantic.
hi kat’s autistic thanks for comin’ to my ted talk.
daughter of two highly regarded federation politicians.  youngest of three,  following john,  and andrea.
sister of john,  an author and co-owner of his wife’s restaurant in san francisco.  
sister of andrea,  who was a member of starfleet’s security corp aboard the uss persephone before her death in late 2237.
sister-in-law of paxton grant,  a teacher on one earth’s lunar colonies.
sister-in-law of amy cornwell,  owner of a popular restaurant in san francisco.
aunt of ethan,  thomas,  & abigail grant.
aunt of sarah & anthony cornwell.
classically trained in ballet and basic ballroom due to her aunt’s profession as a dance instructor on earth.  maggie claims she saw a natural talent and began teaching kat at a young age (roughly 5 years old).
her father died in 2209 (when kat was almost 10) in a rare instance of political assassination during a visit to a newly established border colony where the a small but vocal group of inhabitants weren’t entirely thrilled with the idea of being part of the federation.
shares a love of classic (printed) literature,  shared with her sister,  they each have fairly impressive inherited collections of printed novels of varying genres from their late father,  and volumes they both managed to collect throughout their lives.  kat also inherited andrea’s collection following her death.
moved to live with her aunt in her home in iowa in 2209,  due to her mother shifting all of her focus to her work as an ambassador,  which took her all over federation space.  something she opted to do alone,  rather than face her children after the death of their father (which eventually lead to kat’s career as a psychiatrist & counselor bc she wanted to learn more about how to help people handle their grief and post traumatic stress more healthily,  and a lifetime of commitment and poorly-dealt with abandonment issues bc she’s smart as heck but also a Disaster).
participated in several dance competitions and recitals through her teenage years,  boasts a small collection of trophies which are displayed with her old badges,  commendations,  and medals awarded during her time in starfleet,  generally in her quarters on the washington,  but they’re objects she takes with her whenever she expects to be away for a while,  as they’re cherished mementos.
didn’t dance nearly as much following her acceptance to the academy due to a rigorous dedication to her studies,  though she was known to perform now and then when her course load was lighter.
graduated starfleet academy in 2220 (age 21),  and completed medical training in 2224  (age 25) bc she’s Ambitious As Heck and did most of her training in psychology in addition to command training during her time at starfleet academy before moving on and doing her medical training post-grad at starfleet medical academy.
took,  re-took,  and failed the kobayashi maru three times.
once broke three ribs in a training exercise at the academy and didn’t tell anyone because she had two exams the next day and needed to study.
she only ever pilots a vessel if she has to bc she’s not great at it and it’s an Issue.
she keeps every scar she’s ever gotten,  due to nostalgia and,  as she puts it,  ‘they’re all lessons, so it’d be foolish to pretend they’d never existed,’.  scars are as follows:  a Lot on her feet and legs due to 15 years spent primarily dancing.  her feet are definitely Not Pretty to look at but she likes having something to show for so many years of work.  a few on her scalp & hairline   (  near her right ear   )   from an incident during her time on the griffin.  a rly nice scar from a plasma burn on her left shoulder.  a pretty gnarly scar on the back of her neck from the prison ship,  as well as some on her torso from ~general torture.
she has the names of everyone she’s loved and lost tattooed on her ribs right below her heart.  this memorialization began at 19 on the tenth anniversary of her dad’s death,  and it’s one she strictly maintains.
switched fully to the command track soon after achieving the rank of lieutenant commander,  in early 2238.  inspired by what she believed to be a preventable accident aboard her sister’s ship,  ultimately ending in her death,  and kat’s desire to hopefully assist in the task of putting better safety protocols in place to protect officers.  assigned as first officer of the uss griffin (late 2238,  aged 39).
received her own captaincy within 5 years,  in another instance of irony,  was assigned to the uss persephone,  the same ship her sister died on  (though there are rumors she pulled strings in order to obtain the posting,  which she’ll neither confirm nor deny).  —  late 2244,  aged 44.  served as captain of the persephone for nearly 6 years,  until early 2250.
promoted to commodore in 2250,  at 50 years old.  rear admiral in 2252,  at 53.  vice admiral in 2255,  at 56,  where she was given command of the uss washington with her position as a flag officer.
alternates between living in san francisco or paris while on earth;  depending on where she’s needed most.  she has an apartment in each city,  though typically defaults to san francisco,  which is where most of her most prized possessions are kept (though she keeps a modest collection of trinkets,  books,  and decor in her quarters aboard the washington).
following her time as a prisoner of war,  kat has lingering nerve damage due to returning to work too quickly and pushing herself too hard.  effects range from treatable migraines to weakness and pain in her back,  legs,  and arms,  sometimes so severe it prevents mobility.
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a verse following kat’s time at starfleet academy & starfleet medical academy   (  2217 - 2224  ).
a verse following kat’s time as a practicing psychiatrist,  mostly aboard the uss aldrin   (   2224 - 2227   )   and starfleet medical on earth   (  2227 - 2238   ).
a verse following the events of discovery’s canon.
listen she managed to disarm the torpedo like the goddamn hero she is,  and everyone lived happily ever after,  the end.  played a major part in concocting the cover story re: discovery’s disappearance & the decision to destroy all evidence that the ship had ever existed in the first place,  including helping her crew concoct cover stories as to where they’d all actually been serving during the war and after.  continues to serve as commanding officer of the u.s.s. washington which totally exists u can’t take this away from me.
so far all i’ve got is that she has one singular eye,  a badass eyepatch,  and enjoys pointy things and stabby-stabbing.
joining the army after medical school had seemed a natural step.  both parents had served,  so why shouldn’t she?  it was rare she saw any action,  instead helping soldiers to deal with the traumas they continued to endure  —  she was more of a behind the scenes player,  but it suited her well,  and she was proud of her work.  
an acquaintance of owen hunt and teddy altman,  and following an honorable discharge due to injury,  it was simple to obtain a job at grey-sloan memorial hospital in seattle as a staff psychiatrist   (  and she’s always liked the rain   ).   sometimes it seems a more chaotic work environment than even a war zone,  but katrina continues to love her work,  and helping others through their problems often makes it seem easier to deal with her own.
like most spies,  she was recruited out of the military.  joining s.h.i.e.l.d. was hardly the plan she had for her life,  but it seemed to fit.  she liked it.  the training was hard,  and lying for a living felt somewhat out of place with her training in the medical field.  but it fit.  for a long time,  she worked solely as a psychiatrist,  before electing to take more time as a field agent.  she excelled,  and began to move up in the organization.  it didn’t take long before kat found herself a high ranking member of the operations division,  reporting directly to maria hill.
the fall of s.h.i.e.l.d. was devastating  —  something she never saw coming.  the next months were filled with chaos.  interviews,  questionings,  but before long,  kat found herself moving on.  as suggested by her former superior,  maria,  she elected to apply at stark industries.  for a while,  she worked in human resources  —  she enjoyed it,  working for a company headed by a powerful woman.  but it wasn’t satisfying,  after time spent as a spy,  upon further discussion with maria,  katrina elected to begin working underground with maria,  and with former director nick fury.     (   probably gonna be reworked due to general development   ).
0 notes
brokengem · 7 years
Bad!Evie and Good!Harry headcannons where he went to Auradon with Mal Jay and Carlos instead of Evie
I think my headcanons for this got a little away from me…but are we going to complain? Maybe :p. I’m really down for evil!Evie.
Harry is one of Evie’s oldest/closest friends. They meet one day when Harry’s hat catches her eye. She smiles flirtatiously, distracting him with sweet words and steals the hat right from under him. A game of cat and mouse begins until Harry corners her, a menacing glint in his eyes as he asks for his hat. 
She continues to put her mother’s lessons to use, flirting with the pirate to get her way. He doesn’t give. It’s his favorite hat, a gift from his mother. “Well, it looks better on me.” He admits it does, but he still wants his hat. So begin a dynamic that grows into a bit of something more.
Evie hates Mal with every fiber of her being. She hasn’t forgotten how is was confined with only her mother for company for ten years. The hate continues to grow when Harry is selected to join Mal, Jay and Carlos in Auradon. Not only had the girl isolated her for years, but now she was taking her sort-of boyfriend
She tries to be happy for Harry and sweetly congratulates him on escaping the godforsaken Isle, but she can’t help feeling bitter and a bit betrayed. Harry knows the happiness is faked. He knows that she had hoped if they ever got to leave it’d be together. He almost tries to decline. She doesn’t let him. “Get the wand! Bring down the barrier and we can be together again.”
Harry finds Evie in the crowd as he’s preparing to leave, the girl glaring. He wanted to call out to her. To tell her he’s changed his mind and he’s not going. Not unless she does. He doesn’t get the chance. His father is pushing him to the limo and Carlos closed the door behind him. He’s left with the terrifying image of a beautiful face twisted by hatred as they cross the bridge.
When Maleficent is defeated and the barrier remains closed. Evie stews. She hates them all. Letting her anger get the better of her, she starts hanging with the likes of Anthony Tremaine, Ginny Gothel and Harry’s estranged sister Harriet. They wreak havoc on the Isle, competing with Uma and her crew of sea rats for territory.
Evie double-crosses both groups, working as a double agent. She uses sweet words to get her way and manipulates all those around her. She makes her mother proud
While proud with how Evie is making a name for herself on the Isle, Grimhilde is always quick to remind her that the reason she wasn’t chosen for Auradon was because she wasn’t beautiful enough.
She becomes even more obsessed with her appearances, her mother’s words sticking to her. She wonders if that’s why Harry left her. He’s clearly forgotten her. Months have passed and she’s still trapped. She’s still not at his side.
Evie takes to studying her mother’s old spell books, at the ones she was able to keep hidden before the others were stolen away. She knows she can’t practice a thing, but she’s preparing herself. One day the barrier will come down and she will show everyone who the fairest truly is.
When Mal has her breakdown and returns to the Isle, Harry is the first to jump at the chance to go back. He’s not evil but he’s not good either. While Auradon had its perks, he needed to bring his princess with him. He knows it’s a bit insensitive but he tells Ben about her. Asks him if he can find her if he can bring her back when they get Mal. When Ben doesn’t say no (though he doesn’t say yes either), Harry takes it as an okay.
Harry leaves Jay and Carlos to teach the little kingling the ropes when they arrive on the Isle. They know more Mal is more likely to be anyway. He promises to be on the look out for her and will meet with them later.
He finds Evie leaving Ursula’s fish shop, leaving Uma with a pleasant goodbye. When they spot him, neither seem to thrilled about it. Uma calls him a traitor. Tells him he doesn’t deserve the hook his father gave him for turning his back on his crew.
Evie. She looks different now. Her makeup is darker, but she’s still just as beautiful. And her clothes are far riskier than he remembers. She glares. She’s angry at him and he knows she has every right to be. He abandoned her. Left her to fend for herself on the Isle. Years of being together, let’s him see the little bit of sadness she’s hiding behind her fierce facade.
He doesn’t bother with greetings. He grabs her and runs, ignoring the threats spewing from Uma. He doesn’t stop until they’re safe in one of their old childhood haunts a little cave that only they knew about.
Harry didn’t know what he was expecting but the slap he got? Definitely not that. All their time together and she’d never hit him, even when he had managed to hurt her. She curses him and just like Uma, calls him a traitor.
Evie hits and pushes him when he tries to reason with her. She lets all that pent-up anger loose, raining hell on him. His apology isn’t enough. Not for abandoning her. Not for forgetting her.
He takes her abuse. He knows she needs this, to let her frustration and disappointment in him out. He hisses when sharp nails meet flesh, but he still apologies. “Evie, yer comin’ wit’ me to Auradon.”
Evie doesn’t stop until those words leave his lips, his hands catching hers. She stares, satisfying with the angry red marking she’s left on his pale skin. She half expects him to laughter in her face and tell her it’s a joke. He didn’t come back for her at all. He just came to rub salt on an open wound. But he doesn’t. For the first time, she notices the sincerity in his eyes. Auradon’s stripped him of the maddened gaze, one of many features she loved.
She hates Auradon and all it stands for, but she sees her opportunity. She’s memorized all those wicked spells in her mother’s spell book and she knows just how to conceal them when she takes them with her. She’ll go to Auradon with Harry, bring him back to the man he had been. Together their reign of terror will begin. After all they do say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
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all information outlined below is based on the latest possible information  the small handful of tidbits fed to me by canon and the rest is me out here crying about one entire dumbass nerd,  and can vary by verse.  just run off the assumption that 90% of this is headcanon based it’s fine.
FACECLAIM(S):  alexis bledel,  cobie smulders,  &&  jayne brook. PLACE OF BIRTH:  portland,  oregon. PAST RESIDENCES:  riverside,  iowa.  starfleet academy dormitories.  uss aldrin.  uss griffin.  uss persephone. CURRENT RESIDENCE:  uss washington;  san francisco,  california,  or  paris,  france. DATE OF BIRTH:   april 16, 2198;  age  —  59. DATE OF DEATH:   never,  she’s immortal and i remain Firmly in denial.   2257. HEIGHT: 5′7″ EYE COLOR:  blue. HAIR COLOR:  brown. PARENTS:  thomas cornwell (deceased),  annette cornwell (estranged). SIBLING(S):  john cornwell (brother).  andrea cornwell-grant (deceased).  paxton grant (brother-in-law),  amy cornwell (sister-in-law). SPOUSE:  none in canon,  though she is married to @georgiov‘s philippa georgiou in about a thousand different verses so. CHILDREN:  n/a. GODCHILD(REN):  charlotte maldonado  ( @bucketxfsunshine​ ). NIECE & NEPHEWS:  ethan grant,  thomas grant,  abigail grant   (andrea & paxton’s children).  sarah cornwell,  anthony cornwell   (john & amy’s children).   AUNTS & UNCLES:  margaret ‘maggie’ quinn (mother’s sister, mother figure, deceased),  michael quinn (maggie’s husband),  jessica cornwell (father’s sister, deceased).   feat. varying cousins that i’ll maybe write about later depending on their importance as kat develops further. EDUCATION:  graduate of starfleet academy on the command training track,  starfleet medical academy with a degree in psychiatry with specialization in post traumatic stress.  completed the bridge officer’s training program.   RANK:  vice admiral. PAST OCCUPATIONS:  ship’s counselor,  uss aldrin.  psychiatrist,  starfleet medical.  first officer,  uss griffin.  captain,  uss persephone. CURRENT OCCUPATION(S):  federation flag officer,  commanding officer;  uss washington. SEXUAL ORIENTATION:  bisexual. ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:  biromantic.
hi kat’s autistic thanks for comin’ to my ted talk.
daughter of two highly regarded federation politicians.  youngest of three,  following john,  and andrea. 
sister of john,  an author and co-owner of his wife’s restaurant in san francisco.  
sister of andrea,  who was a member of starfleet’s security corp aboard the uss persephone before her death in late 2237.
sister-in-law of paxton grant,  a teacher on one earth’s lunar colonies.
sister-in-law of amy cornwell,  owner of a popular restaurant in san francisco.
aunt of ethan,  thomas,  & abigail grant.
aunt of sarah & anthony cornwell.
classically trained in ballet and basic ballroom due to her aunt’s profession as a dance instructor on earth.  maggie claims she saw a natural talent and began teaching kat at a young age (roughly 5 years old).
her father died in 2209 (when kat was almost 10) in a rare instance of political assassination during a visit to a newly established border colony where the a small but vocal group of inhabitants weren’t entirely thrilled with the idea of being part of the federation.
shares a love of classic (printed) literature,  shared with her sister,  they each have fairly impressive inherited collections of printed novels of varying genres from their late father,  and volumes they both managed to collect throughout their lives.  kat also inherited andrea’s collection following her death.
moved to live with her aunt in her home in iowa in 2209,  due to her mother shifting all of her focus to her work as an ambassador,  which took her all over federation space.  something she opted to do alone,  rather than face her children after the death of their father (which eventually lead to kat’s career as a psychiatrist & counselor bc she wanted to learn more about how to help people handle their grief and post traumatic stress more healthily,  and a lifetime of commitment and poorly-dealt with abandonment issues bc she’s smart as heck but also a Disaster).
participated in several dance competitions and recitals through her teenage years,  boasts a small collection of trophies which are displayed with her old badges,  commendations,  and medals awarded during her time in starfleet,  generally in her quarters on the washington,  but they’re objects she takes with her whenever she expects to be away for a while,  as they’re cherished mementos.
didn’t dance nearly as much following her acceptance to the academy due to a rigorous dedication to her studies,  though she was known to perform now and then when her course load was lighter.
graduated starfleet academy in 2220 (age 21),  and completed medical training in 2224  (age 25) bc she’s Ambitious As Heck and did most of her training in psychology in addition to command training during her time at starfleet academy before moving on and doing her medical training post-grad at starfleet medical academy.
took,  re-took,  and failed the kobayashi maru three times.
once broke three ribs in a training exercise at the academy and didn’t tell anyone because she had two exams the next day and needed to study.
she keeps every scar she’s ever gotten,  due to nostalgia and,  as she puts it,  ‘they’re all lessons, so it’d be foolish to pretend they’d never existed,’.  scars are as follows:  a Lot on her feet and legs due to 15 years spent primarily dancing.  her feet are definitely Not Pretty to look at but she likes having something to show for so many years of work.  a few on her scalp & hairline   (  near her right ear   )   from an incident during her time on the griffin.  a rly nice scar from a plasma burn on her left shoulder.  a pretty gnarly scar on the back of her neck from the prison ship,  as well as some on her torso from ~general torture.
she has the names of everyone she's loved and lost tattooed on her ribs right below her heart.  this memorialization began at 19 on the tenth anniversary of her dad’s death,  and it’s one she strictly maintains.
switched fully to the command track soon after achieving the rank of lieutenant commander,  in early 2238.  inspired by what she believed to be a preventable accident aboard her sister’s ship,  ultimately ending in her death,  and kat’s desire to hopefully assist in the task of putting better safety protocols in place to protect officers.  assigned as first officer of the uss griffin (late 2238,  aged 39).
received her own captaincy within 5 years,  in another instance of irony,  was assigned to the uss persephone,  the same ship her sister died on  (though there are rumors she pulled strings in order to obtain the posting,  which she’ll neither confirm nor deny).  —  late 2244,  aged 44.  served as captain of the persephone for nearly 6 years,  until early 2250.
promoted to commodore in 2250,  at 50 years old.  rear admiral in 2252,  at 53.  vice admiral in 2255,  at 56,  where she was given command of the uss washington with her position as a flag officer.
alternates between living in san francisco or paris while on earth;  depending on where she’s needed most.  she has an apartment in each city,  though typically defaults to san francisco,  which is where most of her most prized possessions are kept (though she keeps a modest collection of trinkets,  books,  and decor in her quarters aboard the washington).
following her time as a prisoner of war,  kat has lingering nerve damage due to returning to work too quickly and pushing herself too hard.  effects range from treatable migraines to weakness and pain in her back,  legs,  and arms,  sometimes so severe it prevents mobility.
a verse following kat’s time at starfleet academy & starfleet medical academy   (  2217 - 2224 ).
a verse following kat’s time as a practicing psychiatrist,  mostly aboard the uss aldrin   (   2224 - 2227   )   and starfleet medical on earth   (  2227 - 2238   ).
a verse following the events of discovery’s canon.
listen she managed to disarm the torpedo like the goddamn hero she is,  and everyone lived happily ever after,  the end.  played a major part in concocting the cover story re: discovery’s disappearance & the decision to destroy all evidence that the ship had ever existed in the first place,  including helping her crew concoct cover stories as to where they’d all actually been serving during the war and after.  continues to serve as commanding officer of the u.s.s. washington which totally exists u can’t take this away from me.
so far all i’ve got is that she has one singular eye,  a badass eyepatch,  and enjoys pointy things and stabby-stabbing.
joining the army after medical school had seemed a natural step.  both parents had served,  so why shouldn’t she?  it was rare she saw any action,  instead helping soldiers to deal with the traumas they continued to endure  —  she was more of a behind the scenes player,  but it suited her well,  and she was proud of her work.  
an acquaintance of owen hunt and teddy altman,  and following an honorable discharge due to injury,  it was simple to obtain a job at grey-sloan memorial hospital in seattle as a staff psychiatrist   (  and she’s always liked the rain   ).   sometimes it seems a more chaotic work environment than even a war zone,  but katrina continues to love her work,  and helping others through their problems often makes it seem easier to deal with her own.
like most spies,  she was recruited out of the military.  joining s.h.i.e.l.d. was hardly the plan she had for her life,  but it seemed to fit.  she liked it.  the training was hard,  and lying for a living felt somewhat out of place with her training in the medical field.  but it fit.  for a long time,  she worked solely as a psychiatrist,  before electing to take more time as a field agent.  she excelled,  and began to move up in the organization.  it didn’t take long before kat found herself a high ranking member of the operations division,  reporting directly to maria hill.
the fall of s.h.i.e.l.d. was devastating  —  something she never saw coming.  the next months were filled with chaos.  interviews,  questionings,  but before long,  kat found herself moving on.  as suggested by her former superior,  maria,  she elected to apply at stark industries.  for a while,  she worked in human resources  —  she enjoyed it,  working for a company headed by a powerful woman.  but it wasn’t satisfying,  after time spent as a spy,  upon further discussion with maria,  katrina elected to begin working underground with maria,  and with former director nick fury.     (   probably gonna be reworked due to general development   ).
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astarions-bride · 8 months
I'm convinced that every single one of Neil Newbon's characters do the "Astarion Leg Thing" and nothing will ever change my mind
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Look me in the eyes and tell me I'm wrong
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