#bbc mycroft holmes x you smut
iamsherlocked1479 · 2 years
That's not how I'd do it
A Sherlock x Reader Masterlist
I have began to write a chaptered fic of YN as Mrs Hudson's niece and she lives with Sherlock and John. Chaos ensues, naturally. Extra info NOT BASED ON THE TIMELINE OF THE SERIES
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The Detective platylist
Chapter One |
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Forteen
Chapter Fifteen
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madmarch1804 · 2 years
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“Good Girl”
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ssanovak · 1 year
Characters & Fandoms I write for;
I am willing to write pairing fics of a character x reader, or general scenario fics with reader inserts.
Reader will be male with he/him pronouns as a default, so please specify if you’d like a female or gender neutral reader!
I will write LGBTQ+ and straight readers & pairings, just let me know what kind of thing you want in your request! I will not write smut.
I am Autistic and have ADHD, I will happily write either of these into fics.
I will write mental health issues, I personally suffer from OCD, CPTSD, Depression, and have previously dealt with ED tendencies, so I can write those with relative ease, request other mental health stuff and I’ll give it a go if I can or let you know if I don’t feel able to write it.
Characters not on my list are probably either not there because I don’t feel I know the character well enough to write them or am not comfortable writing them as pairings, but it’s always worth checking just in case I forgot to add someone!
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner (Hotch)
Jason Gideon
David Rossi (Dave)
Jennifer Jareau (JJ)
Emily Prentiss
Derek Morgan
Penelope Garcia
Leroy Jethro Gibbs
Anthony DiNozzo Jr. (Tony)
Timothy McGee
Abby Sciuto
Jimmy Palmer
Ziva David
Ellie Bishop
Nick Torres
BBC Sherlock
Sherlock Holmes
John Watson
Mycroft Holmes
Greg Lestrade
James Moriarty (Jim)
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
I will probably add more characters as I get further into shows I am watching or if I find a new fandom to obsess over! Have fun writing requests!
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sherlockfoolm · 1 year
Rules, fandoms I write for and who (Please check rules)
Please send in requests (Especially yandere).
Sherlock bbc;
Sherlock Holmes
James Moriarty
Mycroft Holmes
Gotham tv series:
Jerome Valeska
Jerimiah Valeska
Fish Mooney
Jonathan Crane
Oswald Cobblepot
Edward Nygma
Bruce Wayne
Interview With The Vampire 1994:
Lestat De Lioncourt
Scream 1996:
Billy Loomis
-Stu macher
(I write poly Billy and Stu and them separately)
-Sydney Prescott
Halloween 1978
Michael Myres
Jareth The Goblin King
Tom holland Spiderman/Peter Parker
Andrew Garfield Spiderman/Peter Parker
Andrew Garfield Gwen
(I write Peter and Gwen poly or separately)
The Green Goblin
Star Wars
Padme Amidala
Anakin Skywalker
(I write poly Padme and Anakin and I write them separate)
Luke Skywalker
Tiffany Valentine
Chucky/Charles Lee Ray (I can write them poly and separately)
-Carrie 1976
Rules and stuff:
I can write yandere and the character just how they are, though I prefer yandere. (Do not get offended if a yandere fic of mine is particularly dark. That is how I view the character as a yandere)
I write smut.
I write female reader and gender neutral reader. (I will try my best with a gn reader and I apologize if I make a mistake when writing a gn reader)
I only write x reader. Do not request an oc or a ship. (Though my fanfics are written with a poc reader in mind, and I may take a poc reader request since we don't get a lot of rep)
I don't write yandere slashers beside Carrie and Billy and Stu
I only write head canons (but feel free to request full fanfics (I will write them if I find them interesting)).
As of now I don't write platonic fanfics, but I might in the future so feel free to ask.
Write as many requests as you want, but I am not obligated to write/respond to your request
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percyjacksonfan3 · 6 months
Heyyyyyyy lovely how are you? Read any good fic lately?
Hello my dear! The answer to this is always of course, though I've been pinwheeling through different pairings and fandoms (though what else is new) because I haven't had a hyperfixation since Good Omens :(
I'll list a few from different recent fandoms. My bookmarks tend to be more mature or explicit ratings and longer fics because I love a good established dynamic
Mystrade (Mycroft Holmes x Greg Lestrade from BBC Sherlock)
I've been reading for these two since October now so there's definitely a few for them.
Paperback Writer by meansgirl
Rated E and totaling 82 265 words, this was an awesome fic where it's technically still canonverse only Greg is secretly an erotica author who just so happens to be Mycroft's favourite. So then of course Mycroft finds out.
Human Remains by Saziikins
This series lives in my head rent free and is so wonderful. It's canon compliant and a very slow burn of Mycroft and Greg getting together and then making a relationship work. Rated E, it's got 3 works in it and totals around 900k words, but the second work is a retelling of the first from Mycroft's POV instead of Greg's.
Pater Noster by manic_intent
Another rent free series, this one is Mystrade but set in the Good Omens universe where Mycroft is a high ranking demon and Greg a lower tier angel. So of course after being brought together a very human Sherlock, they fall in love. Eventually. I adored every bit of it, there's 3 works numbering at 26k words and it's so much fun.
Which brings me to some other recent goodies....
Ineffable Husbands (Crowley x Aziraphale from Good Omens)
Ah, my beloveds. I only listed three here but I have a ton of bookmarks saved for them that I am only too happy to share, should anyone need some recs
Not For All My Little Words by mia_ugly and soft_october
Rated E and about 8k words, this is set post season 2 and is Aziraphale and Crowley's reunion and apology.
you're not a religious person (but) by isozyme
Some snippets of Aziraphale and Crowley over the years. Historical fics for these two are some of my favorites and this fic takes us through some great moments to post season one. Super cute, rated M and nearly 20k words.
post-professional endeavors by darcylindbergh
A look at Aziraphale and Crowley figuring themselves out in retirement, as told from the POV of their poor realtor and other humans involved. I love outsider POV fics and this was top tier. Rated T and about 9k words, it was extremely cute.
Some honorable mentions:
What Spring Does with the Cherry Trees by riosnecktattoo
If you're in the NBC Good Girls fandom you'll probably already know this author, because everything they write is phenomenal, but this fic was lovely. A friends to lovers AU for Beth and Rio that still kept the original characterizations, I can't recommend it enough. Rated E, about 77k words.
Curse of the Green Hag by Moorishflower
A Xedgin fic for DND: Honour Among Thieves. It's a fuck or die curse fic with just enough plot for me to be invested. Edgin is great, Xenk is great, and the smut is great. Enough said. Rated E, 16k+ words.
The Veretian Flytrap by Just_Another_Day
A Dament fic for the Captive Prince fandom, this fic is a great twist on the canon story if Damen and Laurent were an Alpha/Omega pairing. Super in character and has all the greatness of the trilogy itself, I loved it. Rated E (obviously) and is 176k+ words.
Alright, I'll wrap it up here, but I hope there's something in here that interests you! If you want anything more specific (a certain fandom, pairing, rating, etc.) then just let me know and I will have another list for you asap <3
Anyone else with some good fic recs feel free to drop them in the replies or reblogs :)
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mycrofts-gunbrella · 3 years
Caring is the Greatest Advantage- Part Eight (Mycroft Holmes x Reader)
Sorry for such a long delay!! It’s my little boy’s first birthday this week so I’ve been running around making arrangements and picking up last minute presents! Hope you enjoy this little chapter. It’s only 3K words, but it is a build up ready for the next chapter which will contain smut! Not full blown smut (I don’t think Mycroft is ready for that yet!) but still smutty nonetheless!
I will separate the smutty bit enough so that you can skip it if you want, but it will be referenced later on in that chapter!
Word Count- 3062
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This morning differed from the last few that you had experienced since staying at Mycroft's home, namely because Mycroft had awoken before you this time, but also because it was the first morning you had ever been awoken by long fingers prodding at your forehead. That and also because, despite last night's late events, you managed to arise at a reasonable 9am.
"Did you know there are a lot nicer ways to wake somebody up?" You questioned, opening your eyes to see Mycroft staring at you with a slight frown to his brow. He retracted his hand slightly and shifted to sit a little higher.
"You know, Sherlock as a child once woke me in a similar way. I felt small scratches on my eyebrows and woke up to see him crouched over me with a smug little grin on his face. As it turns out, he had slipped sleeping pills into my cup of tea before bed and in my slumber covered my eyebrows in toothpaste." You covered your mouth with your hand and snorted slightly. "He'd come in to see if there was anything left beneath them, which, of course, there wasn't.. claimed it was just an experiment. I'd like to laugh and be more dignified about it upon looking back, but I struggle because he was only six and already a sod."
"Okay, you've proven there are in fact worse ways to wake up." You didn't make big deals out of it, but every time Mycroft welcomed you a little more into the stories of his youth, you can't help but feel your heart warm. It may not seem like much, but coming from Mycroft, a very private man who hasn't been treated the best over the years, it meant everything. You stretched and moved your hands up to rub your eyes, flinching a little as your fingers brushed against the bit of your head above your eyebrows. "Bugger." You winced, poking again and feeling a small lump.
"I was going to warn you but you laughed at my traumatic eyebrow removal story." You groaned and recalled your memory of last night and where you believe the bruise originated from.
"I jumped into bed last night sulking a bit that you wouldn't talk to me and uh.. misjudged.." Mycroft snickered slightly from your side, you swatted his arm. "Tit. I'm blaming you. This wouldn't have happened if you didn't go all Han Solo in carbonite on me." You spoke playfully, letting him know you weren't truly peeved.
"I thought you said it was cute?"
"That was clearly a concussion talking." You stretched once more and climbed out of the bed, walking over to a mirror above a dressing table and rolling your eyes. "Might need your special government powers to clear out the cafe else Ms Woodall will think we've had a domestic." Bernice Woodall, owner of one of your favourite little cafes settled on the outskirts of St James' Park was a very.. particular lady. She could have a good laugh one moment, and start a quarrel with a customer over the amount they stir their tea the next. But, you'd have to admit, she has one hell of an all day breakfast menu; you could practically taste one of her omelettes just by thinking about it, making your stomach growl loudly.
"I would but, if I am to be very honest, she genuinely scares me a little. I think she could overthrow MI5 so I daren't even try." You stood and moved into Mycroft's bedroom, grabbing your bag of clothes and picking through a few of the pairs of your jeans Anthea had brought and scanning through the t-shirts. Your fingers brushed over the creases of the shirt that had formed from being stuffed in the bag and frowned.
"Perhaps it would be more suitable for you to pop those in one of the chest of drawers? I'm sure I have at least one drawer empty.." Myc's voice came from behind you and you fell from your crouching position, clutching your heart.
"You and your bloody spy legs, you just scared the shit out of me." You stood back up, your pile of today's clothes in one hand and the bag of the rest in the other. "Giving me a drawer in your place already? Ooh Myc you are serious." You grinned playfully, following him as he guided you to a set of drawers in the opposite corner of the room. Mycroft halted and opened his mouth to make some kind of comment but you cut him off, placing your folded clothes inside the Edwardian furniture. "Only teasing.. I'm just glad you haven't kicked me out yet. Though I don't think my own bed will ever feel as comfortable as yours. I might not want to go back now you've spoilt me, you'll just have to be blunt when you're bored of me." You winked at him and carried your outfit into the en suite bathroom to get ready. Mycroft headed over to his wardrobe to pluck out his own clothes, electing to remain somewhat casual for your trip to breakfast with a pair of navy chinos and a lighter blue button up before muttering slightly under his breath.
"And if I never am?"
In the rare parts of his life where he allowed to imagine himself getting into a relationship, Mycroft had never expected himself to be overwhelmed with so much emotion so quickly, but with you it was almost as though he had no control; as though there had been so many pent up feelings over the years that they just seem to have exploded without any rational thought behind it. And whilst these were all new to Mycroft, and how he still wasn't entirely sure about everything that he felt when it came to things with you, the only thing he was positive about was that he didn't want it to go. And that meant not wanting you to leave. Which was ridiculous. You had just under two weeks left together until you would be needed back at work, and he would have to return to fighting on Britain's behalf, but the thought of you not being at home to greet him when he finished, or him not being able to pick you up in one of his cars from the Yard to take you both home made him feel a sense of disappointment. He shook himself from his thoughts when you emerged from the bathroom fully dressed.
"On second thoughts, I may take the risk. I'm not sure I can have members of the general public associating me with a Sex Pistols fan, no matter how humerous you may believe that top to be." You walked out proudly wearing your 'God Save the Queen' t-shirt with a grin. "You are aware tha-"
"That when the Sex Pistols released their song 'God Save the Queen' in 1977 it was around the same time of The Queen's silver jubilee and thus it was banned for a while on the premise of being 'bad gross taste'? You've only mentioned it every time I wear this shirt.. Though if your research extended enough then you'd know Paul Cook said it wasn't written specifically FOR the jubilee.. So if one of Lizzie's spies catch me in the act, I shall make a very sincere apology." Mycroft took his own clothes into the bathroom to get ready himself and scoffed.
"But I AM one of 'Lizzie's Spies'." He mused, leaning slightly against the doorframe after settling the outfit on the counter. You turned around on your heel and stood up on your tiptoes, pushed him more forcefully against the doorframe and placed your hands on Mycroft's cheeks, pressing your lips softly against his. His shock subsided before he kissed you tentatively, his hand resting on your lower back. You pulled away after a moment and ushered him into the bathroom to get ready, closing the door behind you and leaving him still slightly red faced and confused.
"Consider that my sincere apology." You headed over to the dresser and began to tie up your hair. "But hurry up, I'm starving." You called, moving the hairbrush too low and brushing against your bruise, making you wince loudly. From the bathroom, you heard Mycroft's voice before the sound of him brushing his teeth.
"Well I was thinking more along the lines of breakfast, but who knows what the day will bring." You heard the sound of Mycroft choking on his toothpaste and wished to whatever deity out there that you could have seen his face. Yes, you had promised to try and be less overbearing with your comments but he walked into that one. You grinned and sat down on the side of the bed, briefly scanning through your phone before Mycroft emerged, his face still burnt a red as deep as the burgundy sweatshirt he had paired with his outfit. The fact he had come out at all at least let you know that your joke hadn't taken it too far.
"You're a minx."
"And you wouldn't change it. Now let's go!"
Only 20 minutes later had you both be found sitting comfortably in Ms Woodall's cafe, tucking into your respective meals- with you noticing, but not commenting on, Mycroft eating comfortably until the last bite of toast was gone, a sense of pride warming within you. Not too long after, Bernice herself headed over to clear up your tables.
"I trust everything was up to standard?" She asked, piling your plates onto her little trolley and offering top ups on your drinks.
"Splendid as usual, Ms Woodall." Mycroft smiled, accepting his new cup of tea and cradling it comfortably between his long fingers.
"Still proving to be our favourite place for breakfast." You praised, your hand reaching out to fondly brush against Mycroft's before taking your coffee into hand. Bernice watched your movements and raised her brow knowingly.
"Took the pair of you long enough. I had been half tempted to abstain from feeding you here until I got one of you to say something, it had started making me feel a bit sick watching you eye each other up each time you'd get up to order something." You rested your elbow on the table, hand covering your mouth as you let out a laugh.
"Yes, well, I can't promise you the ogling will stop on my behalf." You teased.
"And why should it? Mr Holmes in those posh little outfits is enough to make anyone swoon." And with that she had headed back out into the kitchen again.
"There you go, Myc. Should anything happen to me, my replacement is only round the corner."
"Mmm, and she does make a rather good cup of tea. Perhaps I shouldn't wait that long." His lip raised slightly in a smirk as he took a sip of his hot beverage.
"Oh really? Need I start getting possessive; stand my ground?" Before Mycroft could quip back, Ms Woodall had returned with a plate of biscuits in hand.
"Means you've already answered my next question, anywho." She hummed, placing the plate down between you and perching on the corner of the table beside yours. The pair of you gave her a questioning look and she continued, pointing up to her own forehead. "Tony and I were just as bad at the start of our marriage. Anywhere and everywhere we could get our hands on each other, I ended up with bumps and scrapes from alleys, the backs of cars, even in that one restaurant toilet that time.." You choked on your coffee and Mycroft all but dropped his teacup. "Oh don't act so ignorant, even us oldies had sex in their time." Your eyes caught Mycroft's and you could see him stifling down a laugh, biting softly on his knuckle- which, in itself, shouldn't have been as attractive to you as it was, but it is what it is.
"And with that thought, we best be off. Got a movie date planned." You commented, coughing down your own laugh as Bernice continued.
"Though to be fair it never stopped, all that spontaneity. Even towards the end, he could be like a lad of nineteen with how it was. God the positions, you'd have mistaken me for a gymnast and he could last for ages. I'd just lie there wondering 'will this pleasure never end'?" You could feel tears prick at your eyes as your laughter began to break through. "And then of course once Tony passed a couple years ago it all stopped. Shame really, all those years together, ending how it did.. Though sometimes I'm not sure if it's him that I miss or his massiv-"
"Ms Woodall we really should be going, thank you for breakfast." Mycroft hastily threw a few £20 notes on the table, far too much to cover your meal but enough to distract Bernice while tugging your hand and beelining for the door. Once safely distanced from the apparent nymphomaniac cafe owner you had to stop in your tracks to let out a laugh, Mycroft's hand still in yours as you doubled over.
"I can't believe she said that! She's so open."
"Evidently." Mycroft's comment set you off again, his laughter following, ignoring how you caught the attention of a few people passing by. "I do hope you are in no rush for breakfast there again any time soon, I don't think I can look her in the eye for a good while."
"Still so sure on replacing me with her so soon? I think she'd break you."
"Or turn me into a whore." You snorted and settled back to walking.
"Please. Tea, hold the sexual history."
"I'll try my very best, though, much like my tea, I imagine my list would be abysmal in comparison to old Ms Woodall." You flicked on the kettle, eager to replace the half drunk coffee you had discarded on the cafe table in your escape from listening about pensioner sex. "Will you load up the movie?"
"No. But I shall get the film ready to go.. How the American dialect found its way back to England will never fail to disappoint me." You had followed him into the room shortly after, mugs on the table and settled on the sofa beside Mycroft.
"You know, typically, when people elect for a movie day, they don't choose the tenth movie in the series to watch first." You grinned, tucking your legs beneath your body in an attempt to get comfortable. You continued your shuffling movements and heard Mycroft's voice.
"I believe we both agree that Carry On Cleo is the superior of the 31 movies for, well, a multitude of reasons." He trailed.
"I shan't object. It's sweet that you remember it's the first one we watched together.. Had it not been for you hearing Kenneth's famous 'Infamy, infamy' line persuading you to come over, I fear that I'd have been set up with one of Greg's mates by now, sitting in a pub nursing a G+T."
"I never said I remembered that."
"You didn't have to. You and I both know that your favourite was always Carry on Camping."
"Yes, well.. Opinions change with experience."
"Is this our equivalent of a patronus? Yours has changed and matched with mine? Very cute, Myc. Might I expect you in a 'Never Mind the Bollocks' shirt next week?" You teased, electing to lay down with your head lightly using Mycroft's thigh as a pillow, feeling grateful when he didn't shove you off with a comment about ruining the linen of his trousers, and instead took to softly brushing his fingers over your head, narrowly missing the purple bump each time.
"You'd have better chances of catching me running naked down the street."
"Is that a promise?" A flick to your forehead.
"Just play the bloody film."
By the time the film had finished, your cheeks had hurt from smiling and your eyelids had felt heavy. Whilst getting up at a reasonable hour had felt like an achievement this morning, the lack of sleep from the previous night was beginning to catch up to you.
"Myc? Would it be entirely improper to nap on the sofa when there are multiple reasonable beds upstairs before continuing our films?"
"Only about as improper as it is to have a midday nap when you're not a young child." You shifted your head from his lap and sat up, ignoring the fact that you actually did end up ruining the linen of his trousers with the crease of your skull.
"Let me rephrase. Mycroft, would you be willing to break your proper posh boy streak and nap with me on the sofa?"
"I suppose it wouldn't hurt to deviate from one's usual behaviours in order to satisfy those one holds dear."
"That's a yes, right? Good, lay down, else I may just collapse right at this moment." Mycroft's sofa certainly was a significantly bit bigger than those usually found in somebody's front room, but it was still nowhere near wide enough for two people to lay with distance. Even still, he followed your request and rotated his body, lifting his long legs to rest down the side of the sofa while you slid into the gap beside him. He eventually circled his arm beneath you and rested his hand on your hip, your face softly brushing against the comforting material of his jumper. "If you drop me, I will be holding you accountable." You mumbled, shifting your body closer to his. He merely hummed, his hand slightly bunching in your shirt and his arm tightening. "I'd always hoped you were secretly a cuddler."
"Make a point of it or tell Sherlock and I'll throw you off." You couldn't even think of a witty comeback before your slumber had taken over, the smell of Mycroft and the sounds of him breathing overstimulating your senses. Mycroft being a secret cuddler hadn't been as much of a shock to you as it probably should have, but you welcome it completely and feel incredibly thankful that he trusts you enough to let you be that close to him, to feel his body in such a way. And you would embrace that- and him- as long as he would let you.
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fandom-puff · 3 years
Smut tember day 27- Pregnancy sex with Mycroft Holmes
Warnings: pregnancy sex, bit of a breeding kink
Gif creds to owner
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“My, my, what’s brought this on?” Mycroft smirked, stroking your back gently. You had all but jumped him as he entered the house, your lips pressing desperately to yours.
“Don’t tease,” you begged. Your skin was alight, every nerve ending tingling with need, and you could feel wetness pooling between your thighs.
Mycroft’s hands trailed over your body, cupping your broadening middle, grazing over your breasts, his eyebrow cocking at your lewd moan. “It seems, Mrs Holmes, that your hormones are running wild,” he said lowly, his grey eyes burning into you. “I think we need to do something to… alleviate your discomfort, don’t you?”
You practically gave yourself whiplash by nodding quickly, and you let your husband hang up his coat and umbrella before leading him to your bedroom.
You were a goddess.
There was no other way to put it, Mycroft thought as he watched you rock and grind your hips, circling them around his thick cock. Your eyes were rolling back, and you were barely able to bite back your moans.
With a low groan, he trailed his hands up to grasp your swollen, heavy breasts, and you let out a cry at that delicious mixture of pleasure pain.
“You look radiant, Yn,” Mycroft told you as he swiped his thumbs over your stiffened nipples. “Your pretty stomach, your perfect breasts, all swollen full with my child… showing everyone that you’re mine,”
Whimpering softly, you nodded your head, leaning back and bracing your hands against mycroft’s thighs, exposing your swollen clit to him. Instantly, the man took the hint, reaching between your thighs to rub the bundle of nerves in a well-practiced gesture, until he could feel the tight pulse of your channel around him, hear your broken cry and see your perfect form riding out your pleasure. Grunting, Mycroft released, filling you once more.
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dearsherlocked · 4 years
In The Dark - A Mycroft Holmes Imagine - Part I
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Hi :) Here it is! Hope you don’t hate me, I had to split it in two parts. Smut will happen in the second one ;). And the second one should be up very shortly. In the meantime, I hope this will be okay! Thank you so much again for the kind words. Didn’t feel like writing anymore and it just made me want to do it again!
Pairings: Mycroft Holmes x Reader
Warnings: Mention of drugs use; Second part will lead to smut; English is not my first language
A heavy silence reigned in the small room of a Central London Hospital. The blue walls were too pale, and the smatterings of the past had left their marks - peeling paint, traces of grease - everything was bland, too bland. It was no surprise to Mycroft that people let themselves die in such a place. He swore to himself that he would never let himself end within the walls of a hospital. When he thought of his own death, he liked to imagine a battlefield or something dangerous, like a spectacular car accident in a faraway valley – something that he would be remembered for. He shook his head and remembered the monitor calculating his younger brother's heart rate. Anything would be better than dying in the unknown, in the back alley in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by nothing but garbage and rats. Bedridden on the tiny hospital mattress, Sherlock looked like a neglected child. He was not lean anymore – the pale figure of his brother was shred to nothingness. Sitting in that uncomfortable chair, Mycroft thought about what he was going to tell their parents. It had been days now, but there was no good way to inform them that their youngest had almost left them forever. The truth seemed darker. Deep in his heart, Mycroft wondered if Sherlock's demons had finally gotten the better of him and that the last needle that had pierced his veins was not an accident, but a cry for help. Had he failed him?
The door opened and a young woman entered to check Sherlock’s vitals. ‘Oh, sorry,’ she said, tip toeing to the young man’s bed. ‘I didn’t know you were there Mr Holmes.’ Mycroft shook his head, sending away his thoughts. ‘I wasn’t supposed to come in this morning,’ he replied. ‘But…’ He looked down on his brother. He had no colors, his expression was blank, shattered. ‘I was just wondering if –,’ he said, stopping mid-sentence. The woman looked down and drew a chair in front of him and sat down. ‘What is it?’ she asked, concerned. Mycroft chuckled lightly. ‘Nothing. I just don’t know what am I going to do with him. I can’t take him home,’ he sighed, sweeping the back of his hand in the air. ‘I know it is a big responsibility,’ she replied, gazing directly in his eyes, ‘but your brother could benefit from – ‘ The older Holmes shook his head and interrupted her. ‘I wouldn’t mind having him home. It’s just I’m never home. Between work and University, I can’t possibly keep an eye on him.’ The woman nodded. ‘I understand. There are places for him, you know? I could ask around, and come up with a few options.’ ‘You would do that?’ replied he, gently. ‘Of course!’ She smiled. He liked it when she smiled. She had a genuine laugh, as if all the matters in the world would cease when she was there. He liked the way her voice calmed his nerves. Ten days since he had met her. He didn’t dare to admit that he liked her better than the doctor in charge of his brother. She was younger, softer, and had a way to make him feel reassured. ‘I will come back when he’s awake’, she mumbled. She pressed her hand on his, brushing lightly her fingertips on his skin when she got up to leave. Mycroft tried to hide his disappointment to see her leave so soon. She turned around to smile at him once again and turned heels, disappearing behind the closed door. As soon as she left a room, the unbearable silence came back. ‘You would do that?’ said a mocking voice. Mycroft turned to look at his brother, wearing an enormous grin. ‘Tell me, brother dear,’ sneered Mycroft. ‘Why would someone pretend to be asleep when he’s not?’ ‘I just enjoy your company better when you’re not talking. It is so poetic to see you contemplating in silence, Mycroft. With the rain and every – ‘ ‘You’re a child.’ Sherlock snorted. It was almost a relief to see him back to his old self. ‘You like her, don’t you?’ he asked. ‘What?’ gulped Mycroft. ‘I never saw you speaking to someone like that.’ ‘For the record, you didn’t see me, as you pretended to be asleep,’ he replied harshly. ‘And I’m not speaking to her in any way.’ Sherlock raised his eyebrows and slipped out of the covers, sitting back on the bed. ‘You do. You’re all soft with her.’ ‘She’s kind, Sherlock. Can’t I return the favor?’ ‘You can,’ teased the younger Holmes. ‘To be honest, Mycroft, I’m starting to think you don’t come here to see me at all. I think you’re here just to see her.’ Mycroft grinned. ‘How can you say that?’ He had missed so much work lately to look after his junkie brother. He had just gotten promoted, plus he had his lecturer’s duties at university, and the researches he had to do that were never ending, making time for family was a luxury he couldn’t afford and yet, he was there every day, to make sure Sherlock had everything he needed. The room fell silent again. ‘Don’t send me away,’ Sherlock stuttered. ‘I can deal with it.’ ‘You mean the way you dealt with it?’ answered Mycroft. ‘Out of the question. Someone needs to watch you at all time. I am afraid treatment is the only option this time.’ ‘Mycroft, please.’ But the older Holmes shook his head. ‘All right, then,’ murmured Sherlock. ‘I will go wherever you want me to go. And I promise I will make the effort but on one condition.’ Mycroft raised his eyebrows. ‘You ask her out.’ ‘What?’ chuckled the older brother. ‘You ask Dr Y/L/N out. Come on, she’s a resident, she’s smart and she likes you.’ ‘Since when do you care about these things?’ mocked Mycroft. ‘Since I have nothing to do except observe you two flirting.’ ‘We’re not flirting.’ ‘Yes, you are.’ Mycroft sighed as his little brother started to analyze him. ‘It’s the second time this week you’ve worn what you think is your best outfit. You wore yesterday, but Dr Y/L/N was not working that day, so you wore it again this morning, hoping she would see you in it. Do yourself a favor and don’t wear it again, it’s not flattering.’ Mycroft sighed. ‘And then you keep plugging your work and your studies in your conversations, as in a way to impress her, to show her you are smart too and that you can be as busy as her.’ ‘Sherlock, that’s enough’ grunted Mycroft. ‘Am I wrong?’ smiled the younger Holmes. ‘I liked you better when you were asleep.’ ‘Ask her out.’ Mycroft sighed and got up. Sherlock wasn’t wrong, but there was no way he would ask Y/N out. He was not like that, he didn’t care about these kinds of thing. Or did he?
On his way to work, he kept thinking about where he would bring Y/N on a date, which distracted him all day. He had to admit it, when it came to dating, he was completely in the dark. 
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v-thinks-on · 3 years
Wanna Know a Writer
Thank you very much to @sparrow-ink for the tag - I love doing these when I get the chance! Incidentally, this is also my 1001st post on Tumblr!
How many works do you have on AO3?
It looks like I have 116 right now, but it will be 117 tomorrow (with a short Batman/Superman fic)
What’s your total AO3 word count?
716,792 apparently... I’ve been writing like crazy lately and I still swear that can’t be right, but there you go
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
It looks like I’ve posted fic for 30 (including crossovers and fusions) and there may be more I haven’t posted, so not listing all of them. You can see the whole list here
Following @sparrow-ink‘s example, I’ll let my filesystem speak for itself:
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What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Language of Chess has been the undisputed champion for a while (Kirk and Spock flirt using the Vulcan language of chess)
The Old Family Farm is a more recent fic that came up from behind while I wasn’t looking (Clark Kent takes Bruce Wayne to meet his parents)
The Gift Giving Game was my K/S secret santa gift for Herenya_writes (Kirk and Spock stir up rumors as professors at Starfleet Academy)
A Hidden, Personal Thing (Spock offers to mind meld with Kirk)
Human, Vulcan, and Everything in Between (Spock is ace, Kirk is polyamorous, and it works well for them)
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try to respond to every comment because there’s nothing I like more than talking with people about my writing and the stories that inspire it! I’m more than happy to answer questions on here too, if anyone has any!
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
So, these days I’m generally a firm believer in happy endings, but in the pre-AO3 days, I used to mostly write death!fic and a few highlights actually made it onto AO3:
The Death of Spock - Spock dies during the original five-year mission and Kirk is left to pick up the pieces
Only a Fool - Watson dies at Reichenbach and Holmes is left to pick up the pieces
Honorable mention: Devoted - the inevitable tragedy of Mary Watson (nee Morstan)
Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
As it turns out, the other thing I used to write is crazy crossovers, many of which were never finished, let alone saw the light of day. I’ve dialed back on it (a little), but here are some highlights:
Spock in Wonderland
Millennium Death Note - currently in progress! (What if Light Yagami solved the Millennium Puzzle?)
The Mysterious Mr. Jeeves - Jeeves and Wooster x Everything, but I think the most outlandish one in there would have to be The Phantom of the Opera
Honorable mention: my old BBC Sherlock x Harry Potter - the writing isn’t great and the plot is a bit of a mess, but it will likely always be my most viewed fic
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Only a little bit and mostly just on FanFiction.net - there was one person offended that my big Star Trek TOS x TNG crossover was “secretly” Kirk/Spock. More often I get people who like most of my fics, but then get annoyed about Kirk being polyamorous or Spock being ace or don’t like how I decided to end something, which isn’t terribly helpful, but could be worse.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Nope, don’t read it, don’t write it, just not for me.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, thankfully.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I’m honored that people want to translate my stories into other languages (and make podfic of them)!
The first three chapters of Devoted (the tragedy of Mary Watson) are available in Chinese
Enough to Drive a Man to Madness (Mycroft puts up with Sherlock Holmes angsting about Dr. Watson) is available in Russian
Once Upon a Dream (Holmes and Watson dance) is available in Russian
The Appearance of Dorian Gray (Bertie Wooster meets Dorian Gray) has a podfic
And I think someone did a podfic of a scene from A Crazy Little Thing Called Love (the progression of Kirk and Spock’s relationship over The Original Series), but I can’t seem to find it right now
What’s your all time favorite ship?
My first and dearest will always be Holmes/Watson from the original Sherlock Holmes stories
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I’ve gotten to be pretty good at finishing things I want to write, but there’s this huge Disney crossover I started writing with a friend that is glorious and complicated and almost 1/3 of the way done despite being over 90k already. Whenever I think about it, I always think that, yes, I will finish it some day, even though my co-author has lost interest, but the truth is probably not... But who knows, maybe I’ll turn around and have it done for next year’s @wipbigbang!
What are your writing strengths?
I’ve discovered a secret talent for finishing what I start, which is nice - a combination of planning and just keeping at it, slow and steady.
I think I do a good job of capturing characters’ voices, whether in dialogue or narration, and it serves me particularly well when I’m trying to imitate a style - I’m especially proud of some of my Jeeves and Wooster. I can also do some nice flowery prose if put my mind to it.
What are your writing weaknesses?
For all of my love of pretty prose, it’s easy for me to forget to describe things, so my writing can end up fairly sparse. I also feel like I could get better at integrating romance and plot - the romance often ends up getting drowned out by everything else going on, which is especially frustrating because I’m usually writing it because of the romance.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
That’s a good question. Probably Death Note (my friends and I used to ship L/Light) - that’s the oldest fic I have on my computer, at least, but I used to write on paper, so there may be something even older there. The first fandom I posted anything for is Harry Potter (a next-gen OC fic about the daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange - it’s best not to ask). I also posted my first Holmes/Watson fic at about the same time (it’s pretty bad, but I tried).
What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
I’m actually really happy with a couple of my somewhat recent longer fics:
Generations - my Kirk/Spock Star Trek: Generations fix-it
Bertie Solves a Mystery - Jeeves and Wooster get embroiled in a murder mystery and meet Hercule Poirot and Hastings (also Jeeves has a mysterious backstory)
tagging: I’m going to second @plaudiusplants and tag @the-z-part​ and @marlinspirkhall​ if you’d like to do it, along with anyone else who wants to go for it!
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madmarch1804 · 2 years
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fanficocean · 4 years
Fandom: BBC Sherlock
Square Filled: Reader/ Oc Gets caught
Ship: Sherlock x sister!oc, Mycroft x sister!oc, John x ofc
Rating : Explicit
A/N: The seventh fic for the Any Fandom Goes Bingo
Warnings: 18+ NSFW, INCEST, language, smut, Daddy kink Wrap it before you tape it kids.
Summary: Fiona Holmes is in love with her older brother.  But what happens when she meets John?
Word Count: 6, 064
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gingers-writing · 6 years
Master List
Fan Fictions
* = Smut
^ = fluffy
Requesting Rules + Prompts
Valentine’s Special’s
Lucifer Morningstar (Fem!reader) ^
Bruce Banner (Fem!reader) (* near the end)
Hansel Grimm (Fem!reader) 
Star Wars 
- Kylo Ren
Jealous Kylo Ren, *
- Poe Dameron
You’re a goddess, *
Internal Ships
Bruce X Tony (Science Bros), little NSFW *
Ghosts in the Tower (No shipping),
- Avengers 
Daughter of Gaia, Pt2,
- Series
Bruce Banner,
The first Period with…
The first baby with...
Clint Barton,
Thor Odinson,
Loki Odinson,
Tony Stark,
Steve Rogers,
Bucky Barnes,
Natasha Romanoff,
Phil Coulson,
Bruce Banner,
- Bruce Banner
Bruce x Male!reader,
Pregnant!ill!Reader X Bruce,
- Loki X Reader
Stealing my clothes (fem!Loki x fem!reader) 
Servant (male reader), P1, P2, P3
Pregnant!Reader X Loki,
Thor x Loki x Male!Reader,
Sharing a bed with Loki,
Sex with Loki, *
Sharing a bed with Loki (Narrative)
Physical Therapy,
Little Loki, ^
- Thor X Reader
Thor X Loki X Male!Reader,
Sharing a bed with Thor, ^
Sex with Thor,*
NSFW alphabet (male reader) *
- Tony X Reader
Depressed!Reader x Tony,
Imagine dating Tony Stark (Male reader)
NSFW alphabet
When Dad Found Out (Stark!daughter x Peter Parker)*
- Steve X Reader
Miracle, *^
Sex with Steve, (male reader) *
Boyfriend Steve Headcanon, (male reader) ^
Flower Talk,
- Bucky X Reader
Doll *
21st Century Club, * 
Dating Bucky headcanon (male reader),
Shower Duet, *
- Clint Barton X Reader
NSFW Alphabet, * 
- Natasha Romanoff X Reader
- Eggsy Unwin
3 Years together, *
BBC Sherlock
- Johnlock
PDA in the alley,
- Sherlock
Depressed Reader,
Miss Adler, P1,
- Mycroft
Secret Relationship,
Deaf Reader,
First night sleeping together, ^
Making Mycroft Holmes happy, (pregnant!reader) ^
How you ended up dating Mycroft Holmes, ^
Harry Potter Universe
- Harry Potter
- Ron Weaselly
- Hermione Granger
- Draco Malfoy
NSFW Alphabet, *
Shameless, *
Genderneutral Sex, *
Draco or Harry, ^
Sad Horny Wolf, *
- McHanzo
Young *
575 notes · View notes
mycrofts-gunbrella · 3 years
Hey! I promise to all those who are enjoying it that I haven’t given up on my Mycroft x Reader fic!
I know it’s been like a month (sorry) since I last updated (again, sorry) but I’ve almost finished the next chapter so it should be up soon-ish!
My mental health has just.. well.. gone up the shitter really and I’ve been struggling a bit, but I’ve sorted a few things out and hope to be updating regularly again soon!
I wish I could say I’ve been productive in the last month but honestly most of the time I’ve been watching either Sherlock, Inside No.9, The League of Gentlemen or Doctor Who 😂
Thanks for the patience :) Have a dancing Mark, courtesy of the works of Legz Akimbo
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fandom-puff · 4 years
The Art of Seduction
Pairing: Mycroft Holmes x reader
Requested by: anon
Prompts: //
AN: I hope you like this! I’m getting back into the swing of writing again, so hopefully my inbox will be empty soon!
Summary: mycroft has taken a particular interest to one of his agents- the seductress has managed to melt the Ice Man...
Warnings: smut smut smut and brief descriptions of serial killers
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The intercom buzzed and mycroft rolled his eyes, putting his pen down. “Yes, Walker?” He asked, irritation clear in his voice.
“It’s... Ms YLN is here for you, Mr Holmes. Says it’s important,”
Mycroft sighed. “Send her in, then,” he replied, before sitting back in his chair, eyes fixed on the door. He heard the clack of your high heels from down the corridor and the firm knock on his door. “Come,” he called out, and you opened the door, slipping into the room and shutting it behind you.
“YLN, this had better be important,” he said firmly as you slinked over to his desk. He noted the slight sway of your hips, the curve of your red lips as you smirked, the long black coat that covered you to your knees, and the mischievous glint in your eyes as you set a thick file on his desk.
“We found the serial killer. It wasn’t Frosham,” you said, arching your brows at him. He had been wrong, and you relished in it.
“Oh? How so? Sit,” he gestured to the chair opposite him, but you perched on the edge of his desk instead, crossing your legs, revealing your bare shins to him.
“See... you Holmes boys are incredibly intelligent. Geniuses, even. But sometimes... knowing all the facts... tricking them into giving away details... interrogation and torture... it doesn’t work. So you call me in, and get me to play into the most basic human weakness that you lot so often forget...” you were leaning in closer and closer as your voice dropped.
Mycroft let out a shaky breath. “And what’s that, Ms YLN..?” He murmured lowly.
“Desire,” you whispered, nibbling his ear before pulling away quickly and standing across from him, a slight smirk playing on your lips. “That file contains photographic evidence, as well as ‘trophies’ from several of the victims... it seems our killer was quite fond of taking Polaroids of his victims and keeping their underwear as trophies. Kept them in the bedside drawer, managed to nab them once I’d worn the killer out. Just need them sent down to the lab and contact Bart’s morgue for dna samples from the bodies,” you began walking away. You were just at the door when mycroft called out.
“If it wasn’t Frodsham, who was it? Was it Warwick?”
“No. Frodsham’s wife,” you said, slipping out of the door.
It was several months before mycroft saw you again (in person at least). You were sat in 221B, locked in a staring contest with sherlock as he insisted you were wrong.
“Honestly, what sort of killer would readily admit to stashing four bodies in a storage facility to some random woman he’s just met?” Sherlock said, looking down at you.
You put your hand on your hip, fixing him with an ice cold stare. “Men will admit anything when they have a hand around their throat and a woman on his cock,” you said simply, as if it was the most normal thing someone could say. John, who had been watching with a flushed face, eyes openly raking up and down your body, quickly got up from his chair and walked out of the living room, passing mycroft. “They’ve been eyefucking eachother for the past hour. Tell your brother to go and check the bloody facility before he realises he’s a man, not a robot and jumps her,”
Mycroft rolled his eyes, stepping into the room. “Ms YLN,” he said, arching his brows. “What are you doing here? Is this case 078?” He asked.
“Yes, Mr Holmes,” you said, glancing over at him. “Only your idiot brother insists the input of a senior agent isn’t worth listening to because seduce people out of their secrets,”
Mycroft glared at sherlock for a moment. “Brother mine... apologise to Ms YLN. contact Gregory, tell him to meet you at the facility with bolt cutters,”
“You can’t seriously believe that... that... he just readily brags where the bodies are?” Sherlock insisted. “She hasn’t got the brain to do it! I bet she’s just naked under that coat and the suspect was bragging to impress her out of charging him!”
“Sherlock!” Mycroft thundered. “Get out, or I will contact Gregory myself and remove you from this case. And for your information, Ms YLN is one of our most intelligent agents and I would love to see you outwit her. Furthermore, she is one of MY agents, and I will not have you degrading her and accusing her of prostitution. Get out.”
Sherlock huffed and mumbled a small apology before storming out of the flat. “Cheers,” you smiled shyly at Mycroft. “D’you really think I’m intelligent? Most people just think I’m a whore,”
Mycroft reaches out and cupped your cheek. “You, Ms YLN, are responsible for shortening our cases by over 30%, and still rising. And if I ever hear anyone in our office call you a whore, I will personally dispose of them myself,” you smiled up at him, reaching up on your tip toes, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. He hummed softly and kissed you back, a hand resting on your hip as you slowly pulled away.
“Have I succeeded in seducing the ice man?” You’d murmured breathlessly.
“You have indeed, you vixen. Now, I’m curious. Are you really naked under that coat?”
You smirked devilishly up at him. “Not entirely,”
“Mr Holmes...” you moaned breathlessly as he pressed kisses to your neck, pushing you against the bedroom door. He smirked up at you, before tugging at the buttons on your coat. You grinned and let it fall to the floor, revealing a pair of sheer nylon stockings and a beautiful set of purple lingerie. Mycroft admired your body for a moment before grinning. “You’re the first person to see this set,” you hummed as he stroked your hips.
He groaned lowly, moving to grab your arse, pressing you against his tented trousers. “I’m going to fuck you, YN,” he growled, nibbling your ear.
“Please,” you whispered. “I always think of you when I’m with men on cases... always have to stop myself moaning your name and blowing my cover...”
He smirked. “You’re not going to moan my name, dear... you’re going to scream it,” you whimpered, knees turning weak. Despite your lingerie and high heels, there was no semblance of your usual seductress persona. Your reactions to his words and his actions were genuine.
You nodded eagerly and pulled away, kicking off your shoes and hurrying to his bed. “Come on then,” you hummed, biting your lip. Mycroft smirked and began slowly undressing, before pulling you into his lap. You instantly began kissing him, nibbling his lower lip and messing up his neat hair as you rolled your hips, grinding your clothed pussy against his length, moaning softly as you felt the ridges, even through your lace knickers.
“You’re soaking,” he rasped, gripping your arse and bucking up. “I bet I wouldn’t even need to finger you, would I, sweetheart?” You moaned quietly and shook your head, letting him trail kisses all over your throat. Slowly, he nudged your knickers to the side, not having the patience for you to move away from to wriggle out of them. You moaned again, feeling the pad of his thumb rub slowly over your clit for a moment, before guiding you to sink down onto his cock. You let out a soft whine as he stretched you out, filling you to the brim with his member. You pressed your lips together, trying to suppress a loud moan, but mycroft nibbled your collarbone, pinching your nipple through the cup of your bra. “Don’t you dare muffle any noises, dear. I want to hear them all,”
You whimpered and nodded, starting to rock your hips slowly, grinding your hips and gripping onto his shoulders for leverage, moans and whines tumbling from your lips as he tugged the cups of your bra down and pinched and twisted and rubbed your nipples, groaning into your neck. You began bouncing your hips slowly, eyes rolling back as you moved on his length, the wet sounds of your coupling filling the room. Mycroft grunted and captured your lips in a kiss, before grabbing onto your hips. He began guiding you, bouncing you much harder on him, relishing in the gasps and loud cries that escaped your mouth. Shamelessly, you called his name, your voice hitching as you felt yourself drawing nearer to the edge.
“That’s right,” he groaned, his grip tightening, actions becoming sloppy as his thighs tensed beneath you. “Come for me, darling, let go. Scream for me,” the low rumble of his voice was enough to topple you over the edge. You moaned it name out loud, tipping your head back as he rubbed his thumb over your clit. You fell forward into his chest as you felt him fill you with his seed.
Slowly, he eased you onto your back and pulled you close to him, kissing you briefly. You smiled softly at him, rubbing his side gently. “That was... that wasn’t just a one time thing, was it, myc?” You whispered, afraid of the answer
“Do you want it to be?” You shook your head. He smiled. “Then no. It was not a one time thing,” satisfied with that answer, you nodded, snuggling into his side and wrapping your arms around him, breathing in his scent, never wanting to leave this bed or his arms.
Tag List: @diksy1112 @zodiyack @thatoneasrastan
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ao3feed-irenelock · 4 years
For the Love of a Genius
Warning: Some M/M works might show up here because the Sherlock/Irene tag is used in ref to S/I as a side pairing, past pairing, etc. Currently there is no way to filter and exclude feeds on Ao3 to get only S/I F/M works.Solution. Read at your own risk.
by Dragon_Warrior
This is a fanfiction I wrote with my girlfriend several years ago. It was originally all dialogue but I've decided to turn it into a readable format so other people can enjoy it as much as we did. It was initially written before season 3 came out but I've done my best to include details from the third season. However, I hated season four so it's also a mini fix-it. It follows the Holmes Brothers and John in the years following Mary Watson's death. It's full of belly laughs, tear-inducing moments, lots and lots of brother fluff, exciting plot-twists, some smut for those who want that ;) (I know I do), and plenty of suspense. If I had to give this Fanfiction a genre, it would have to be some sort of soap opera or something. Haha! I hope you all enjoy, because I've enjoyed rereading and rewriting this piece of work. Lots of hugs and kisses. -Me
Words: 3003, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Sherlock (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Mycroft Holmes, Jim Moriarty, William Holmes, Mummy Holmes, Mary Holmes, Caroline Holmes, Irene Adler, Sherrinford Holmes, Rosie Watson, Molly Hooper, Greg Lestrade, Sally Donovan, James Moriarty, Richard Brook, Sebastian Moran
Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Irene Adler/Sherlock Holmes
Additional Tags: Fluff, Brothers, holmes boys, Marriage, Danger, Death, Fear, Worry, Self-Harm, Suicide, Rape, Torture, Cheating, BBC, Mycroft, Mrs. Hudson - Freeform, Sherlock - Freeform, John - Freeform, Moriarty - Freeform, Lestrade - Freeform, Irene - Freeform, The Woman - Freeform, New series, old canon, Mark Gatiss - Freeform, martin freeman - Freeform, Benedict Cumberbatch - Freeform, Una Stubbs - Freeform, Rupert Graves - Freeform, Andrew Scott - Freeform, Lara Pulver - Freeform, Arthur Conan Doyle - Freeform, Arthur Conan Doyle Canon References, steven moffat - Freeform, stephen thompson - Freeform, Original Characters - Freeform, OC, Sex, Kissing, Attraction, male x male, male x female, Johnlock - Freeform, Adlock, Mystery, Season Four Was Dumb, Holmes Brothers' Childhood, Flashback, Backstory, Holmes Brothers, Angst, Marriage Proposal, Adler, holmes - Freeform, watson - Freeform, after the show, Season/Series 01, Season/Series 02, Season/Series 03, Sherlock (TV) Season/Series 04 Fix-it, Post Season/Series 04, sherlock x john, Mycroft Has a Goldfish, Mycroft's Goldfish, 221B Baker Street, Holmes Mansion, London, Honeymoon, Mind Palace, Uncle Sherlock, Mild Language, third person, Changing POV
read it on the AO3 at http://archiveofourown.org/works/23114746 via AO3 works tagged 'Irene Adler/Sherlock Holmes' http://archiveofourown.org/works/23114746 Remember to check out http://adler-holmes.livejournal.com
Need an Ao3 invite? Don't want to wait? Get one via LiveJournal or Dreamwidth
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madmarch1804 · 2 years
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“Yes sir”
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