#bc billy comes from cali right?
rigginsstreet · 2 years
What do you think about a deaf billy AU?
where Neil moved his family to the middle of nowhere Indiana because he knows 80s bumfuck nowhere doesn’t have a lot of support for disabled ppl and hates his son (as we all know)
At first billy tries to hide it, he had gotten used to learning how to read lips and make inferences on what people were saying, if he happened to miss something? He’d just brush it off, saying he wasn’t paying attention.
Billy might have a slight deaf voice, Neil probably came along with his “no son of mine” spiel so Billy had to learn how to speak as Neil thought was “normal”.
Steve begins to notice something different about Billy; slowed reaction time, really focusing on people’s faces, etc, and brings it up to Joyce.
Joyce, concerned, waits until the next time Billy is in her store to ask if everything is okay. Billy panics, he thought he was doing perfect, if he doesn’t his dads gonna kill him, so he very quickly excuses himself out of the store.
Maybe some further concerned Steve and Joyce? Teaming up to help out Billy? 🥹
i am into all of this. i wanna say way back in the early days of the fandom there was a deaf!billy fic i read.... or it was steve. or it was neither of them and im thinking of another fandom entirely lmfao anyway!
this would put their little staredown at tinas in a whole new context...honestly it puts a lot of billy scenes in new context that boy loves to look and watch and observe.
i would also like to bring in cali bros argilly and say that argyle and billy learned to sign together back home bc neil surely wasnt going to put billy in classes and surely not learn himself, maybe billy had teachers at school who helped? but argyle wanted to learn too since they were besties and he was really the only person billy could talk to after that. so when the hargroves move to indiana billys on his own again and since he doesnt want to out himself as being deaf and ask if anyone knows how to sign, he just pretends to be aloof and like he doesnt give a shit about what anyone says to him (which isnt like... untrue lol)
if he and max still have a bad relationship in this au maybe she hasnt bothered to learn how to sign either cuz like... why is she gonna need it to talk to billy? they dont talk period
steve calling billys name when hes not looking trying to get his attention and it never working so a lightbulb goes off in his head and he starts writing notes to see if that works and sure enough...
joyce picking up books from the library and learning very basic signs for the next time billy comes into the store. she's just trying to be polite but it still makes billy panicky that someone knows. ooooh if neil and billy come into the store one day and she overhears neil giving billy shit about not listening to him and how he needs to get his shit together etc etc and she immediately decides this man needs to be put down like she is not having it but she also knows theres not a whole lot she can do right now besides make her presence known and get him to back down.
steve helping billy out in the classes they share together and even in the classes they dont he finds a way to get notes from other people without letting them know its for billy, and billys constantly wondering how steve keeps pulling this off but steve wont reveal his secrets. them developing this silent language on the basketball court that makes them unbeatable... many thoughts many thoughts
idk how joyce and steve end up joining forces in all of this but i know they do!
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thatscrazyrandom · 2 years
Dude. Openly Straight but Steddie
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demadogs · 2 years
I wish the whole season was focused solely on Max and everybody’s plot line revolved around trying to find a way to help her the same way season 1 was entirely focused on Will and everybody’s plot line revolved around trying to find a way to safe him
i totally see where youre coming from with this i LOVE the hawkins story so much. with how things left off in s3 it was inevitable that everyone would be in different places, but there were definitely times where i was bored of a certain story and just wanted to skip to the hawkins story. same with cali. i think russia and el in the lab couldve been cut down a bit for more cali and hawkins.
my favorite episode is dear billy and ive watched it like four times and i only just realized yesterday that el isnt in that episode at all. so they had more time to show hawkins and it just worked better. my second favorite episode is episode seven and as much as i love the cali plot, the fact that theyre not in that episode at all works well because, especially at that point, hawkins was the most exciting.
i often read books that change perspective of different characters and sometimes im much more interested in one of the characters story than the others and i end up ditching the book because im impatient and cant get through the other chapters that im not that invested in. if this season was a book i probably wouldnt have finished it for that reason.
i liked el’s story before she got to the lab, and this might be an unpopular opinion im sorry, but i was kinda bored with her story once she was at the lab. and i know it was necessary bc one is literally vecna but i did find myself just waiting to get back to hawkins or cali. same with russia after his first failed prison escape. the poster made it seem like joyce and hopper reunited right away and i was just impatiently waiting for that to happen.
the duffers said that in volume two they switch between storylines faster and soon therell be less stories bc now joyce and hopper are in the same story and cali will get el and theyll all join hawkins so i dont think this will be in issue with volume two.
but yeah if this season was literally only the hawkins story i would still say without hesitation that its my favorite season theyve ever done.
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myriadof-fandoms · 2 years
i'm procrastinating so: my theories for tomorrow (kinda includes spoilers just bc of scenes from the trailer)
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vecna won't be defeated (this just seems. yeah,, idk if anybody actually confirmed it?? but it just seems like what's most likely)
or,, he does and the villain in s5 is the government? which would lowkey be kinda cool but seems less likely
"hawkins will fall" "your friends have lost" yeah ngl i think we might be fucked this time boys. it's giving infinity war vibes ngl.
eleven blows up the lap thingy
eddie doesn't make it. bc like. yeah. idk i'm just trying to prepare myself really.. i mean there's a witchhunt out for him
fuck jason btw pls hit him from me lucas <3
billy <3 (yes. i'm holding on by a thread. the thread is dacre saying scenes)
lucas gets vecna'd
max gets vecna'd again?? if they kill max i will just be disappointed by their lack of imagination tho. i just think there's like one single second in the trailer where he has his claws on her again
i am HOPING the whole theory of will was actually vecna'd all along turns out to be true
for whom the bell tolls 🙏 pls
reunion of all groups,, i'm not actually convinced? i just think the cali group makes it back to hawkins maybe? bc otherwise how tf does will find out about it all..? bc mike and he talk about it. okay i'm not gonna clown and say will and vecna mind connection but yk
i mean eleven has to be back as well bc otherwise how does she show up in the creel house
gay painting ftw (lowkey i don't ship byler but,, they do be hinting. i think we might at least get a coming out from will? but. yeah i am trying to be realistic about even that lol)
jamie bower will be iconic
so there's gotta be at least one death in the main cast right? like they have almost all said sth in an interview
they won't touch the kids pls
i'm really afraid for dustin but like. i feel like that's unreasonable.
it's not gonna be steve. this is partly just me not being able to even deal with the idea but also,, with the current trend of media wanting to always be surprising? killing off steve would be the most expected thing they could do
also the actual stakes of killing steve? very low. if you think about it they could do almost nothing with that. the only people who would actually be properly targeted by his death would be dustin, robin, max and nancy. maybe lucas and eddie.. if eddie makes it. no one else has an actual proper close bond with him. we don't even know his parents.
they could kill off robin but then i will fight them to the death so. but they did just give her a love interest? who we've only seen once?? it would be.. weird. also again, very low stakes in the show itself
which leaves nancy as most likely to die for me. (jonathan just seems. huh. idk i just don't see it? could happen i guess)
reasons for nancy: shock factor! again i think most people expect steve to bite it and nancy would be sort of unexpected. stakes! almost everyone has a close relationship with nancy (mike for obvious reasons, steve, jonathan, max and her were bonding too this season, dustin (remember snowball), lucas and will have known her for ages too), and we know her family. they could do a lot with this.. also wasn't karen shown in a trailer screaming? or did i make that up
oh that reminds me i'm still hoping the whole stancy thing was just set up so that when nancy sees jonathan again she can have a moment of "oh right that's the boy i have loved for three fucking season i just missed him so much that i forgot"
i just really don't want steve to die and i'm not ready to lose my new metal son thank you for coming to my ted talk
the duffers seeing me find as many reasons as possible for why steve won't die:
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hardestgrove · 2 years
It's also like a very short timeframe between "old enough to get invited to wild teenager parties" and "moved to Hawkins" so like even if they start that early in 80's California he has what, 1-2 years to get drunk enough to consider getting his kisses in with a guy even though it could ruin his life if his dad found out ?? Like clearly he HAS party and drinking experience given Halloween but I dont think older teenagers would have taken a 13 year old or younger at their parties so. I'm in the minority here but I don't think he has much actual experience with anyone past heavy making out and maybe handies, and just with girls and maybe one or two guys if he wasn't in his right mind to assess the risk or care about Neil finding out, he just talks big lol
this is true! even if he started drinking at a younger age which is likely tbh he probably wasn't being invited to the real ragers until 15 if he was lucky. 16 is more realistic and then he moves to hawkins when he's 17 so he only really had about a year to go ham on the cali party scene. personally i think i'm probably in the middle ground between you and the fanon concepts of his prowess so to speak lol. i think he deffo has some exp and likely an okay range of it in a "has done a few different things at least once" but yeah not as much as some people would imagine bc like man...... it's effort to pull in girls and get them naked and shit :/ and he's got a life outside of being a playboy lol. i think there's just an Assumed Reputation bc like, he has had a whole sex more than once and girls do swoon over him. i do also think that any sexual/intimate interaction he's had w/ men so far has 100% come from times when he was too out of it to be like "oh this is a BAD idea". billy is hyper aware of what he needs to do to keep the worse of his dad's shit off his back so it's exactly the kind of thing he'd police in himself.
i usually put billy has holding himself to neil's standards to cope but not actually believing a lot of his doctrine like, purely out of spite you know? he's still absolutely internalized some of it but when it's very obviously something that Neil Is Telling Him About The World billy listens but then is like "man the SECOND i'm outta here i'm doing the exact fucking opposite of what you wanted you piece of shit". so i can see him having Thoughts™ and Acknowledging The Thoughts™ to himself to some extent but just leaving it at that as much as he can for the present.
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dastardlydandelion · 3 years
I wish you would write a fic where Susan got to keep her baby for once.
well. hm. what would this look like in my hands. okay, okay, so in this particular scenario, i actually imagine neil was putting 2 + 2 together and finding out susan's preggo right after the move. like, even before susan does. and she's all kinds of alarmed but neil is?? oddly excited?
he's all like, "isn't this great? we get to have a new baby in this new town. what a perfect way to cement our brand new life, huh?"
and susan doesn't want to be hopeful but with neil's positive reaction, she tentatively feels hope anyway. maybe things rly will be different, right?
continues under the cut bc this got fucking long.
yeah, well, neil's good mood lasts until it's actually born and responsibilities ensue. he never had to deal with billy as a baby rly, bc billy's mom took care of that part and also, like. in this 'verse at least, billy was a low-maintenance baby. didn't cry much. maybe he did at first but like, after being dropped on the head a couple times, he just went quiet and didn't rly bother anybody after that. wouldn't get loud again until elementary age. and max didn't come into neil's life until she was even elementary age, so defo past all the baby stuff.
the new infant tho screams like a mofo. everybody in the house is on edge. sleep is hard to come by for the whole household. the care and keeping responsibilities mostly fall on susan but neil holds it against her every. single. time. he has to change a diaper or hold a bottle, as if it's some major failing on susan's part that he should ever have to do anything like this at all.
max tries to help but she can't even hold the baby tbh. it makes her v uncomfortable, she never gets it right and doesn't know what to do when it squirms!! what if she drops it!? plus she thinks baby smells weird even when it's got a clean diaper, an unappealing mashed food and powder combo with a lingering whiff of wet rubber. and billy. is billy. he has to watch it sometimes, naturally. if it's just him and baby at home, he'll blast his stereo to cover up the crying, as long as he knows its other needs have been tended to. like, yk, the "it'll cry itself to sleep eventually," approach. which works actually. metallica becomes the go-to baby lullaby.
but lo and behold, when it's like, let's say 6 months or smth, baby gets an ear infection. like babies do. won't stop wailing. just. will NOT stop. v much in pain and has no other means of communication. neil and max are home. billy is on a date. susan's stuck in a long line at the grocery store. neil had a shitty day at work and he's already aggravated. pacifier isn't working, lil thing just keeps hollering, so. in a burst of frustration, he starts throttling baby. max is in her own room but hears it the second the noises change and hurries to help, blood ice cold.
she stops neil from killing baby sibling but gets a black eye and a bloody nose for her troubles. this is what susan comes home to. i've written a lot of susan kills neil scenarios but i think this is the first one that comes to mind where in this round, it really is out of anger and not fear. both are present, ofc. but the actual act on her part is one of anger. bc she feels stupid that he ever had her the slightest bit convinced a new baby would make anything better. that neil ever made her feel like he'd be better and instead, he chose to be even worse. susan ties him to the bedposts under the guise of a sex thing, convincing neil she wants to treat him to smth special bc he's been oh so stressed out lately. bashes his brains in with a hammer at least 20 times, a la sally challen style.
alas, reality commences and susan goes to prison. ig a long time ago there was this made for tv movie abt this lady killing her abusive husband by setting the bed aflame that gave the public the misconception that women who kill their abusers are typically acquitted, but uh, that's not true. yeah, it was true for the lady whom the movie was based off of, but usually they're convicted and serve unduly harsh sentences for their "crimes." but if i get on that soap box, we gonna be here the whole fucking day, so, moving on now. susan's off to the big house. albeit both baby and max's injuries are documented and considered mitigating circumstances so her charges are reduced from first degree murder to voluntary manslaughter with the potential for early release.
billy's close to 19 so he's an adult, if only technically speaking. has custody of baby and max. i've decided baby in this 'verse is amab but will eventually come out as trans when she's abt ten yrs old. billy tries his best. max tries her best too. baby's nickname is ducky bc the rubber duck?? by far the favorite toy!! baby p much lives in the bathtub, playing with the rubber duck. billy, who would move them back to cali in a heartbeat if it wasn't so far from susan's prison, defo relates. he's also aquatic by nature.
okay, so the move back to cali does happen. over the months of her kids coming to visit her in prison susan can see how exhausted the teenagers are and she's p much just like, 'u guys gotta go. get outta this rural heckhole u hate, stop bringing urselves n my bby to this dismal place.' and they don't think she's serious but the next time they come to visit, she doesn't meet them, so. yup. serious it is. billy, max, n baby take neil's life insurance money and head off to cali.
this is a modern au, okay, inmates sneaking smartphones into the prison n all that. so susan makes deals and friends and does favors, and gets some help from the ones who are good at bitcoin and scams and counterfeiting and what have you. this enables her to do discreet online "shopping." so she gets ducky all kinds of rubber ducks, at least a handful of times a year. the ducks get more unique and less childish as ducky grows. susan apologizes almost every time she talks to the older kids on the phone for like, five yrs. max isn't rly angry with how things ended with neil tho, more so has that residual anger that susan ever got together with neil in the first place. billy doesn't rly know what to feel tbh, accepts the apologies p numbly bc he's too damn exhausted with being the primary caregiver in over his head to even think abt how he feels at the end of the day.
susan gets released on good behavior around the same time ducky comes out, announcing she's a girl. it's an adjustment for billy and max to get used to bc they never rly suspected, but they're 100% supportive. susan is...oddly excited? not for selfless reasons (tho she is earnestly supportive) but bc it's like. not only does that mean trashing the masculine deadname neil had adamantly declared for ducky, but it means all in all, she got out at the perfect time bc she gets to be introduced to the authentic version of her child along w errbody else. makes her feel less left behind, like she didn't miss out on errything despite being put away for a decade. susan moves in with all of them, obvi, in a small house by the seaside filled to the brim with rubber ducks (billy and max also contributed to ducky's collection on birthdays and holidays, the first duck billy ever got has skulls, and the first max ever got is a frankenstein monster duck). home is cluttered, awkward, and tentative but free of fear and ripe with *genuine* new beginnings.
believe me, anonymoose, i am just as surprised as u are at how fuckin long this got.
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hargrove-mayfields · 3 years
Ooh, okay, "defensive bills" please, and "self indulgent B w/ braces"? (Oh, and if it's not too many, "Billy’s H&M hair" and "broken necklace oops" and "role swap au" please??")
defensive bills- this one is like a sibling bonding thing. Max is autistic bc that’s my favorite ever, and Mike calls her a slur (not maliciously kids are just like that, especially in the 80s), and her heart is broken. She initially doesn’t tell anyone about it because she feels like she’s overreacting, but she lets it slip what’s bothering her after the next time it happens. She makes Billy promise her however that he’s not going to be nasty to the kids to make them stop, so instead he goes above the kids’ heads to Karen, since he’s already got some pull there, and gets Mike in trouble.
Max trusts Billy a teensy bit more, and he benefits from this too because he’s learning like, rational solutions to life’s problems instead of just freaking out and attacking people. After a long time of this apprehensive trust thing they’ve got going on, Billy admits to Max that he had a little sister that his momma took with her when she left, and that’s why it was so hard for him to get along with her, and why he still was so aggressively protective of her even though they didn’t get along.
self indulgent B w/ braces- I had this thought about like, what if Neil had knocked a couple of Billy’s teeth out when he hit him as a kid. They were baby teeth so they came back, but maybe too many come in at once, so there wasn’t enough room and there’s one up in his gums causing trouble.
Years and years down the line, he’s living with Joyce now after being removed from Neil’s custody, and she makes Billy go to all his doctors and dentists appointments because she’s actually a responsible mother. But at the dentist they’re like holy hell kid your mouth is messed up, so he has to very begrudgingly get braces to get everything back in order before his wisdom teeth come in and knock every thing crooked, which would be a worse problem so he agrees to let it happen.
Basically the entire fic is Billy being nasty to everyone around him because he’s A) constantly irritated by the constant pain in his mouth B) afraid that if he lets them, people are going to make fun of him C) not allowed to smoke anymore because of yellow spots and D) already struggling to adapt to the new environment that is living with the Byers’. Also features Max poking lots of lighthearted fun at him for being a metal mouth, and an exploration of the root of his self confidence issues/why he holds so much value in his appearance!
Billy’s H&M hair- so I got to thinking about how his hair looks mostly unstyled in that shoot, and I took inspiration from that to write a fic. There was almost a fluffy reason for it, but you know me, I love angst, so instead, Billy’s hair is a mess, all frizzy and loose and greasy, because Max ran away again and he was told not to come back home without her. He’s been at it forever, so he’s exhausted and just too busy looking for her to take any care of himself.
He ends up at Scoops looking for her because he knows that’s where the kids flock sometimes, and when he asks Steve if he knows where they are, he forget about the black eye and the scab in his eye brow put there by Neil, and pushes his sun glasses up. Steve is like dude, what happened to your face, and Billy just doesn’t even have it in him to lie anymore, so he tells Steve all about Neil and everything that’s happening with Max right now.
Max is found, but before Billy can take her home, Steve slips him his number, thinking he’s being nice and offering him help if anything like this were to happen again, but Billy takes it in that way, so even though he looks like a total disaster right now, and he definitely cried when Max came back, he winks at Steve and makes a little I’ll call you later gesture. Steve is more than a little flustered by the mix-up but definitely not opposed to it!
broken necklace oops- Billy fidgets a lot with his necklace, which was his momma’s, just running the pendant across the chain over and over again, but then it snaps one day. Him and Steve were hanging out when it broke, and Steve offers to help fix it, but Billy is so upset that he takes it the wrong way, thinking that Steve wants to fix him, and they get in a big fight over it.
Billy storms off and ends up getting flayed, so when Steve doesn’t hear anything from him in the next few days he thinks it’s just because they’re done, broken up after the things that were said when they fought. Except he still has the necklace, Billy had thrown it at him and he kept it for a few days hoping he’d come back, but he gives up and he goes to return it at the pool, but he walks in on the sauna test. Cue a little bit of panic, a lot of arguing, and Steve helping to save Billy before it’s too late.
role swap au- This is a super long fic, it’s basically a rewrite of all three seasons with Billy and Steve switching places!
So Steve is the rich kid from California in big trouble with his parents for being rebellious and a pinch of homosexual galavanting, so he gets sent to the small town his father grew up in as punishment. Billy’s already the King of Hawkins High, but his status at the top of the high school hierarchy is slipping because he’s too busy for parties now that his kid sister got him caught up in this monster hunting nonsense.
Bratty Steve arrives in town, and Billy is somewhat interested in this new kid and what he has to offer until he starts to steal his attention away. They have their little pissing contest with Steve coming out on top because Billy refuses to fight him, but Billy can’t be bothered with picking up the pieces of his social life because Max says the monsters are back and she’s making him take her and her friends out to some junkyard and shit.
The summer of ‘85 rolls around, Billy’s been officially kicked out by Neil for being a mooch and his friends have all abandoned ship for the new Cali boy who stole his thunder, but honestly, he doesn’t really care because he’s got a super cool new best friend working at Scoops anyways, and he’s pretty sure they’re done with the monsters.
But then Steve, who is working as a lifeguard and who Billy bumps into after a party, gets flayed, and Billy is the one that’s concerned, because Steve’s friends aren’t really loyal nor do the kids know or care about him. The stuff with the Russians goes mostly (emphasis on mostly) ignored because Billy’s making the kids help him with Steve, but they aren’t able to get the mind flayer out of Steve because a distraction with Dustin trying to handle the transmission himself comes up.
In the end at the battle of Starcourt, Billy decides to try to step in because he was supposed to be taking responsibility for Steve, and he’s screwed everything else up and he realizes in another world, they could’ve been friends, so he tries to push Steve out of the way. They both catch a couple of the little stabs and they definitely still need medical attention but nobody get impaled so they all live!
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
What if Billy did l leave to Cali and moved in with his old friend, the guy who was kind of his boyfriend before Neil dragged him to Hawkins. After couple of years of him living there, they would go out to a bar with Billy’s old friends and him and the guy would kinda have this fwb thing going on. But then, Billy sees Steve. The guy he had a crush on before he decided he wasn’t good enough for him and left after a night where he had finally fucked Steve senseless —
Pt. 2. Billy would be shocked to see him and before he realizes, Steve’s already coming towards their table. He has came with one of Billy’s friends, Steve being that guys date. There would be some confusion and jealousy from both of them, but they would still end up fucking after the night. (lmao i’m sorry that this is long)
This is from forever ago, I’m sorry it took me a thousand years.
It doesn’t actually have smut, bc where I went with it, it just didn’t feel like it fit, I’m sorry about that.
“Billy, we haven’t gone out in like, a month.” Billy rolled his eyes.
“We went out last weekend, you little baby.” He pushed at Danny’s face. “Git outta here you monster, and maybe I’ll consider meeting you there.”
“Kyle is bringing that guy he’s been dating.”
“I was talking to Andie, and she said he’s totally not Kyle’s type. Apparently he’s like, super femme.” Kyle was known for going for absolute macho douchebags. “So we’ll get to meet him, and totally make fun of Kyle for whatever he’s tryna do, changin’ everything up like this.”
Billy threw his head back, groaning at the ceiling.
“Fucking fine. But if he’s an asshole, like Kyle’s guys always fucking are, I’m leaving.”
They met the rest of the gang at the bar, pushing through the small crowd to reach the large table they had claimed. Billy greeted his friends, elbowing Kyle a few times and asking where his new honey is.
“He’s getting us drinks, lay off.” Kyle shoved Billy away, made him bark a laugh. he turned around, was going to head for the bar, but stopped in his fucking tracks.
Steve fucking Harrington was making his way towards him, a drink in each hand.
He hadn’t seen Steve since the night he left Hawkins four years ago.
They had been moving towards something for months, had finally fell into one another, having a night of the most tender sex Billy has ever had in his entire fucking life. Steve had looked at him with those big perfect eyes, and had told Billy he loved him.
Billy left when Steve fell asleep, packed up his car and didn’t stop driving until he reached the Pacific.
Steve spotted him, stopping in his tracks, glaring at Billy. He stomped forward, pushing a drink into Kyle’s hand.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Everyone turned to look at Steve when he spat that at Billy.
“Meeting my friends. Why are you here, Harrington?” Steve gestured lamely at Kyle.
“You two know each other?” Kyle looked at Billy with wide eyes.
“Yeah. Remember when I lived in that shitty hick town for two years? Steve is from there.” Steve looked livid. “Good for you for getting out, Pretty Boy.”
“You’re a real piece of shit, you know that, right, Hargrove?” Everyone was watching with wide eyes as the two went back and forth, heads turning like they were watching a tennis match.
“What the fuck did I do?” Steve’s eyes seemed to crackle.
“You know what the fuck you did. You couldn’t’ve even bothered to say goodbye? Had to run away like that?”
“Wait, did you two fuck?” They both ignored Danny.
“I had to get out, Harrington. You don’t know shit about me.” Steve’s eyes narrowed. Billy admired the pretty eyeshadow on them.
“Max told me everything. I knew it all. You’re just a fucking coward that couldn’t take the fact you felt the same way.” Everybody had lost the conversation, couldn’t derive enough from the fight to figure out exactly what had happened between these two.
“I was saving you from yourself, Pretty Boy. I was always gonna leave. Better right away than let you get your hopes up.” Steve stamped his foot.
“My fucking hero.” He picked up one of the drinks he had brought, chugging it down before slamming the glass back onto the table, grabbing Kyle’s hand. “We’re dancing.” He turned to Billy. “Don’t fucking talk to me tonight.”
They disappeared back into the crowd. Billy made his way to the bar, downing two shots right after the other.
“You used to date him, or something?” Billy shook his head, not looking at Danny.
“Nah. I fucked him once and he told me he loved me. I packed up and left the next day.”
“Wait, you only fucked once and he said that?” Billy slammed another shot.
“We were friends, I guess. He had a thing for me, and I just wanted some ass.” That was a complete lie, but Danny didn’t need to know the sweet warmth that had settled in Billy’s gut when Steve said he loved him, how badly he wanted to say it back, how he had gotten scared and made the stupidest decision he had ever made.
“And then you left without saying goodbye?” Billy nodded. “That’s kinda fucked up.” Billy just stared at him.
“You knew the guy was into you, and you just dicked him and ditched him without saying goodbye. That’s fucked, Billy.”
“I don’t need this from you. You do not understand what that fucking town was like for me.”
“No, I understand perfectly. You’re a bigger asshole than I thought.” Danny shook his head. Heading back to the table. Billy downed two more shots.
His head was fuzzy as he stumbled into the alleyway for some fresh air.
He tried a few times to light a cigarette when he heard a quiet sniffle.
He turned to see Steve leaning against a wall further down the alley.
“You okay?” Steve stiffened.
“What’s it matter to you?” Billy shrugged.
“If Kyle tried anything-”
“Oh, shut up. He dumped me because of you.” Billy took a few unbalanced steps towards him.
“‘Do you mean?”
“He asked about what happened, and I told him. How you led me on for over a year, how you would let me open up to you, let me cry and feel insecure and would tell me that I was enough the way I am, how you fucked me and ran away the next day, didn’t even bother to call or even write for four years.” Steve had silvery tears running down his cheeks now, illuminated by the streetlights. “How I waited for you, like a fucking idiot before letting myself move on.” He wiped his eyes. “God, I told myself I was done crying over you.”
“Steve, I didn’t mean to-”
“Doesn’t matter. You still did it.” Billy’s heart sank. Steve looked fucking broken in front of him.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have run like I did. Especially, especially because you’re right. I was scared of how much I felt for you. Scared that if I let myself love you, I would’ve stayed in Hawkins forever. Would’ve never gotten out from under my dad’s thumb.”
“Bill,” Billy’s heart fluttered at the way Steve’s voice sounded when he said his name like that, was immediately transported to late nights sitting in his car overlooking the quarry. “I would’ve left with you. I didn’t like it there, either. I would’ve left with you.”
“I was an idiot. Still am sometimes. But I’m sorry for hurting you. I’m sorry for dragging you into my mess. You deserve a lot better than me.” Steve took a shaky breath.
“Y’know, it still sucks. After all these years of telling myself I hate you for what you did, standing here with you, I still-I mean I could never hate you.”
“You wanna come back to my place? Nothing implied, just to talk. Catch up.” Steve chewed on his bottom lip. His lipstick was a pretty deep red.
“Sure. We can, we can catch up.”
Billy led him the few blocks back to his two-bedroom he shares with Danny. He grabbed them each a beer while Steve studied the pictures tacked to the walls.
“Are you two together?” He pointed tot the picture, one of many, of Billy and Danny at the beach, arms around one another.
“Nah. We live together, and we fuck sometimes, but neither of us would be good in a relationship together.” Steve just nodded. “You date much?”
“Not back in Hawkins. I spent about a year there after you left. Robin graduated and moved out here, and I moved into a shitty apartment in Hawkins until she finished her first year and moved out of the dorms. I live with her now. She’s helped me embrace myself more.”
Billy remembers a night when he and Steve got drunk in Steve’s bedroom, how he’d found some dresses in Steve’s closet, the way he’d broken down and cried and said that he just liked to feel pretty, that sometimes he didn’t even feel like a boy.
Billy had held him all night. Bought him some makeup from the drugstore the next day. Probably shitty stuff, but Steve had looked at it like it was made of gold.
“I’m happy for you. I’m glad you get to be yourself here.” Steve sat down next to him on the ratty couch, leaving a solid two feet of space between them.
“You seem a lot happier out here. Like, you just seem lighter.”
“I am so much happier here.” Steve’s smile was tight, a little bitter. “I just mean, without my dad here, I’ve been going to therapy, and I have this support group for queer abuse survivors, and I’m just not angry all the fucking time like I used to be.”
“I’m proud of you.”
Billy had forgotten.
He’d forgotten that Steve had this lovely way of saying something simple and making it the best thing that’s Billy’s ever heard. Making billy realize he’d never heard that simple thing said to him before.
He didn’t even think.
Just leaned across the space and kissed Steve.
he pushed him away.
“Billy, I won’t let you do this again. It took me years to get over what you did. You can’t just kiss me and think it’s all okay.”
“I’m sorry, Steve.” Steve shook his head, went to get up off the couch. Billy grabbed his wrist. “You know, I wanted to say it back that night.”
“Don’t say that.” Steve’s voice was small.
“I did. I felt that same. But I got fucking scared. And I left and I shouldn’t have.”
“Yes, you should have. We just established that you’re doing better here!”
“But I could’ve held out a little longer, long enough that you could’ve come with me.” Steve finally turned to look at him.
“Billy, you did what you had to do. I forgave you a long time ago. When I first saw you tonight I was just, it made me remember the hurt.”
“I know I hurt you. And I’m so fucking sorry.” Steve blinked at him.
“You get one chance. One more chance. Do it for real. Take me out on a date. I want the whole nine. Pick me up, tell me I’m pretty, take me somewhere inexpensive but nice, hold my hand, kiss me on my doorstep, all of it.” Billy just nodded.
“I’ll do it. I’ll do anything. Whatever you want.”
Steve smiled at him, turning over his hand to hold Billy’s.
“Then pick me up tomorrow at six. Don’t be late.”
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okaybutlikeimagine · 4 years
can we get a thing where the day before, steve and billy had an almost kiss and then billy ran away and avoids steve. the next day steve finds billy out in the quarry at night drunk off his ass and steve is like “stop avoiding me! you can’t hide who you are” and billy just keeps drinking and kinda crying and steve’s like “what? you wanna hit me to feel like a man? do it coward!” and then billy does and he hits steve but then he breaks down and steve gets up and tells him it’s okay and kisses him
Hi Billy would 150% do this bc he’s Dumb and Scared and Anxiety Ridden.
TW: internalized homophobia, swearing, light blood
Like……. The boy…………………………….. Is terrified.
The boy has fear in his bloodstream and he doesn’t know what to do about being in love bc he’s had crushes on boys, sure. Back in Cali he knew where to go and who to talk to. There was a lot less (metaphorical) broken glass to be wary of in Cali. he knew he wasn’t going to get tarred and feathered out in San Diego.
But like….. He’s falling in love.
And damn is it terrifying. It’s completely terrifying.
And some part of him feels like it’s not supposed to feel this way. He’s not supposed to get this much anxiety over having Emotions but there’s a hell of a lot of stuff that has led to him getting freaked the fuck out over this so…. Yeah. here he is.
He’s been hanging out with Steve for a couple of months now, laughing and enjoying himself and poking fun at the boy and it’s been a lot but it’s been fun as hell and maybe that’s the scariest part?? Is how fun it’s been.
Bc everything that’s fun has to stop. Life isn’t constant fun or constant pain, it’s mostly constant emptiness. That’s how Billy has seen it. Felt it. Constant emptiness with a swirl of pain folded in, sprinkled with some fun on top. Not a lot of promise, not a lot of hope, not a lot of excitement, just something There. Something to keep him bobbing above water.
But this has been fun. Running around at night on the streets is fun. Driving fast down the straightaways near the farmhouses on the outskirts of town is fun. Visiting 24 hr. diners with greasy food that gives him a stomach ache is fun. Blasting music as they race through the night or as they walk through the streets or as they sit in the woods and smoke like they’re not afraid of the dark, not when they have the flames of their lighters, is just so much fucking fun.
But the thing is, now he can’t look into Steve’s eyes without wanting to drown in them. He doesn’t wanna just barely bob above the water anymore, he wants to sink in. He always thought the sinking was the pain but hey, maybe now the water he’s treading is the fun. The excitement. The thrill he just has to succumb to. Maybe the pain is being pulled out of that. Away from that. Not being given that.
The thing is, he can’t let himself drown in it bc he needs to stay cautious. Alert. In a shit town like this, people are the scariest things. There are actual monsters that look like fucking eldritch horrors and people are still the scariest things of any small town in the Midwest. That’s how Billy sees it.
But this new home Billy has, with Hop and El... is like… making him feel safe or some shit. Making him feel good. Feel comfortable. Feel at home.
And it makes him a little dumb.
Dumb enough to let himself make stupid decisions. To get drunk off the light of the evening as it hits Steve so prettily. As the smoke of the joint they’re sharing floats it’s way out of Steve’s pursed lips and into the air. Slips around the warm breeze like it’s a waltz but Billy’s barely paying attention to that bc the real art is Steve’s fucking mouth. His eyes as they flutter a bit in the orange setting sun. the dark fan of his eyelashes on his pale cheekbones. The way he leans back, tilts his head back, chuckles a little into the light of the setting sun like he always does bc weed makes him giggly and free.
And Billy just can’t fucking take it anymore.
“Do you think bugs get scared?” Steve asks.
It’s that chocolate hair. It’s gotta be. When it breaks loose from its hold and starts to fall into his face. When a soft, little strand gets caught at the corner of his mouth and he smiles. He always smiles when that happens. Licks at it a little sometimes when he’s really high out of his mind bc he thinks it’ll help dislodge it. It drives Billy out of his mind.
“Not scared… what’s the word….” Steve continues.
It’s his eyes. Those doe eyes. Fucking Bambi-like doe eyes. The boy could be a goddamn Disney character. It’s almost sickening. Billy’s so obsessed with those eyes he thinks he’s been poisoned. There has to be some kind of spell. There’s no way he’s lost his cool this hard just because of a normal boy with normal eyes. They’re different. Special. Some kind of fucking witchcraft.
“Like when you’re all worried and stressed…” Steve is still going on.
It’s everything. It’s his fucking hair and his eyes and his eyebrows and his nose and his chin and his cheekbones and his lips holy shit his lips. He didn’t want to get caught up in his lips like that but just... . just the sight of them. They look so soft and warm and inviting and pliable. So pink like there’s gloss on them or something. They always look like that. He’s always licking and biting at them for whatever reason. Billy’s pretty sure it’s to drive him nuts.
“Anxiety. Do you think bugs get anxiety?” Steve’s still talking.
It’s absolutely everything. It’s what his lips do that draws Billy in. It’s the little smile that curls across them, it’s the way they’re bitten when Steve is nervous, it’s the way they’re licked when Steve is thinking hard about something. It’s the things they say, like the jokes they make and the compliments they pay. It’s the things behind them and inside of Steve that really melt Billy and seriously, maybe that’s the scariest part. This isn’t just physical. It’s not just because Steve is pretty.
It’s because Steve is special. Every part of him is special. The way he talks and looks and acts and carries himself is so fucking special. AND pretty.
“Something interesting worth looking at, curly?” Steve’s voice is so far away it’s too far away.
He’s so goddamn pretty. So pretty it’s magnetic and Billy’s being pulled in, dragged in, pushed in, rushed in. So pretty it’s insane and honestly? Should be illegal but Billy’s not gonna sit here and complain. He’ll become a fugitive with this boy- the prettiest boy in Hawkins.
He’s being pulled in and his eyes are lidded bc he’s so fucking amazed and he’s sitting up and Steve is sitting up with his head turned to face him and Billy needs to touch. Needs it so much, so badly, especially now that they’re so close they’re sharing each other’s breath and-
“Uh… Billy?” Steve asks on a whisper on Billy’s tongue.
… Shit.
 That’s what breaks him out of it.
His mouth is open slightly, waiting for something he can’t give himself now bc shit shit shit he’s too close. He’s so close Steve is breathing on his mouth right now, right onto his tongue he’s too close.
His breath is labored and in an instant, he’s pulling away. Leaning back so far and so suddenly that he nearly falls backwards and he can just vaguely make out Steve looking for all the world shocked out of his mind.
Billy scrambles.
He’s usually pretty graceful and sure of his movements but at this very moment he’s become a newborn colt. He’s all limbs and wobbly knees fueled by one viciously racing heart as he scrambles up and into his car, ignoring Steve all the way, not even registering until he’s halfway home that the boy was yelling about not having a ride back.
He walks into the house a storm of fear and… and anxiety. Right now Billy knows for fucking sure that bugs don’t get anxious bc he has all of the world’s anxiety in his chest and that is not overdramatic, thank you. he snaps at Hop and refuses to eat dinner and wraps himself in a blanket and just barely remembers to change out of his jeans before he’s rushing to the bathroom to shuck all of his clothes off and change bc damn he doesn’t want anything to ever remind him of this night or that moment where he… where he lost the only goddamn true friend he had in this shithole town goddamnit.
He’s pissed at himself.
And he can’t face Steve ever again.
So he avoids him. Fullheartedly avoids him. If he ever catches Steve’s eye, he’s out of the situation in an instant. He’s not sly about it, but he’s not sure how to be. He runs around any chance of seeing him until he finds himself at the liquor store on the edge of town that lets him buy alcohol even though he’s underage and (now) the son of the Chief. Buys as much alcohol as he can with the money he has and drives out to the quarry. He does it on habit, mostly. He feels idiotic, but he… he hasn’t been able to get his mind off that night and he… goes right out to where they were that night. Where they were when he nearly kissed…
He’s just feeling sadistic. He just wants to feel the memory of it burn in his chest right alongside the alcohol bc that’ll make him think he’s not insane for feeling so utterly fucking broken these past couple of days. So he sits and he drinks. Drinks himself dizzy- until the lines between what hurts and what doesn’t blur and he’s wobbling while sitting down and getting loose and isn’t this supposed to feel better why doesn’t this feel better and-
“Ha. Knew I’d find you.”
Billy’s chest jumps and halts. His joints go weak, even while he’s sitting. His legs have cold pinpricks in them.
Steve is here. He hears the footsteps come closer.
“If you wanna hide from me, you shouldn’t be so predictable.”
He’s probably talking about the fact that Billy is sitting exactly where they were that day.
And Billy thinks maybe his heart has the right idea; beating so wildly it feels like it’s going to leave his chest. And then Billy is following his heart, scrambling to get up, walking away quickly, careful not to run bc his biggest fear is looking desperate and that includes being desperate to walk away and if there’s one thing Billy isn’t, it’s desperate.
Billy’s walking quickly.
“Billy cut it out!”
Steve’s footsteps are getting faster. He’s jogging to catch up with him.
“You idiot, stop running away! What are you even running from?”
Billy’s shaking. His mind is running faster than he is, the words circling his mind because he doesn’t know. He knows he’s running from something, as slow as possible, really, but he doesn’t know. He doesn’t have answers for him, he doesn’t have answers for himself he just… he doesn’t know. But getting out of this situation feels like the best idea… at least like it’ll relieve some of the pressure building in chest and at this point that’s really all he wants he just wants out he wants away he want out out out out-
“Hargrove! You know, it’s a pretty dick move to almost kiss me and then run away-”
And that does it. That does Billy in immediately. He rounds on Steve, as quickly as he can in his drunken state, stumbling just a bit, world going even fuzzier than it was before, pain coming in quicker, filling every corner of him, mixing in with fear and… and…. And-
“Shut up.” He growls, teeth bared, feeling feral. Maybe he should have smoked instead of drank. But smoking isn’t what he wanted. He knows it’s not. He knows what he wanted was that familiar feeling of boiling over. What he’s feeling right now. In some odd way he wanted suffering. And he’s getting it. At the hands… no, at the tip of Steve Harrington’s tongue... he’s getting it.
He’s boiling with it. With suffering and something else… something that feels more dangerous, more poisonous, more angering.
“Or what?” Steve spits back, face blooming red with anger, even by the moonlight. Eyes harsh and hard, teeth clacking shut with aggression.
Billy’s boiling. Every inch of him on edge, hanging by a thread. He’s gonna…. he’s gonna-
He’s gonna fall over. The world is liquid beneath him. He’s stumbling.
“I didn’t kiss you.” Billy growls with as much anger as he can muster as he tries to find purchase on the ground again. He hears his own voice, miles and miles away from right now, hissing to “plant your feet”
“I know you didn’t, you asshole-”
“I’m not a fucking fairy.”
Billy spits it out. Spits some actual spit out too, afterwards. He feels a little sick.
He’s so wobbly, he doesn’t even see Steve. Not clearly. Doesn’t see the look of shock on Steve’s face.
Because Billy doesn’t know. He doesn’t know how Steve has been up every night of the week, staring into the darkness, tossing in his bed, wrestling with himself and his thoughts and the feeling of Billy’s breath on his lips. How close they were. How he didn’t even notice, not until it was too late and Billy was scrambling away and out of his fucking life…? For some reason? With no discernable reason bc they were alone and he didn’t say anything and... 
He’s figured that he did something wrong. He scared the boy away. He somehow egged the boy on to do what he did… or nearly do what he did and that grossed Billy out and made him run. Made him so ashamed of Steve that he can’t even look at Steve without feeling grossed out again. He feels… he feels…
Ashamed. Like the fairy Billy swears he himself is not.
“Oh yeah?” Steve asks darkly. He feels dark. He feels angry. He’s not sure at who yet.
“Yeah.” Billy growls again, fists clenching tight. Steve’s eyes shift down to notice them.
“What? You gonna hit me?”
Billy’s growling heavily, mad at everything, shaking out of anger.
…. Yeah it’s out of anger. It has to be out of anger. He can’t fathom it being anything other than anger it’s anger.
“You wanna prove something?” Steve growls back, biting at the air, irritated to high hell, furious. Furious and frustrated. “What’s it gonna prove, huh? That you’re a man?”
Billy’s short fingernails are digging into the skin on his hands. His muscles are aching from how taut they are. He’s strung out.
He doesn’t have an answer. He doesn’t have any answers.
“You gonna hit me?” Steve’s voice is lower… more dangerous. It lights Billy’s blood on fire and suddenly he’s being shoved. Incited. Steve’s hands give Billy’s chest a quick push and it sends sparks through him in the wrong ways, the wrong wrong ways, the ways that don’t make him actually angry. The ways that make him want him to touch him more and maybe he is mad maybe he just wants it all over maybe…
“Well? You gonna hit me or what?”
… maybe Billy is gonna hit him. He’s getting shoved again.
“Hit me, you coward.” Steve says again, a weird lilt in his voice that sounds like a chuckle. Steve can’t help it. He’s over this he wants it done with he wants… he wants…. Hewantshewantshewants-
“Hit me!”
Billy sees red. His fist swings. His world is blurry. It’s blurry and red and angry and-
He makes impact. Steve is stumbling. Billy’s sure bc he finally has his feet grounded. Steve’s face is turned away, hand at his face, hissing obscenities quietly and…
He pulls his hand away and it’s blood. Billy’s world is red and slowly turning blue. Slowly coming back to match the hue of the moon and the water and the clear sky as Steve looks down at his own blood on his hand.
Steve looks up at Billy.
Billy looks down at his own hand now. At his ring. At Steve’s ring, technically. Steve’s class ring that Billy “stole’” from the boy. As “collateral” Billy had said when he picked the ring up off of Steve’s dresser. Collateral for taking Billy’s favorite leather jacket for some stupid party he was going to that Billy wasn’t able to be at. Something about looking tough or cool. Billy had rolled his eyes.
Billy hadn’t been aware at the time of taking it, exactly what it meant to other people. How… domestic it was to give your ring to someone else… how…
How stupid.
Billy’s world is turning blurry again and for a second he’s not sure why. Without his consent he’s being pitched into a blue, blurry world and there’s Steve’s blood and it’s from Steve’s own ring but Billy’s doing and Billy’s going to hurl.
He stumbles backwards, watching Steve’s eyes soften and he wants to be mad at them. Mad that Steve is soft in this moment that’s supposed to be razor sharp. Supposed to be shattered and dangerous. Supposed to cut them on it’s jagged edges.
But then Steve shifts to something tinted blue. His eyebrows shift and he’s… he’s sad. It’s the only thing Billy has seen clearly since he’s been here. Steve is sad and it’s hurting Billy’s heart and he’s going to run again, he’d rather run than be here, he’s so mad he really is mad but it’s at himself and he’s mad at that too but he can’t help it he just hurt Steve and his mind rushes in circles, floods itself with the memory of Steve beaten and bloody, again by Billy’s hand.
Billy’s world is blurry and he thinks it might be from tears.
And now he’s thumbing at the ring, twisting it around his finger and feeling sick. And… and guilty. And like all the weight of every decision he’s ever made is on his shoulders and damn this alcohol! And his heart is racing again, desperate to jump into the quarry desperate to run back home desperate to steal away into the woods and find an otherworldly monster desperate for anything. Anything other than this, anything that will get him away from this boy that he bloodied and he hates these tears he hates them.
Billy turns..
Billy wants.
Wants to be out of here wants to get away wants to find something to ease every burning part of his body.
So he slides the ring off his finger and throws it on the ground and leans his body forward, goes to rush away, gets his feet stuck for a second in the twigs and leaves underneath him, and then he’s really stuck bc his arm is being held and he’s being pulled back and he wants out please please please-
“Billy stop-”
“Get off of me- get off.”
“Billy cut it out!” Steve insists, gripping Billy’s wrist tighter as the muscled boy thrashes harder. and then he’s being pulled back, stumbling again and Steve’s arms are around him and he’s crying and he doesn’t wanna be. He’s thrashing and he doesn’t really wanna be doing that either. What he wants is… his bed. He wants to lay in bed his head is throbbing and all he can think about is shame and-
“It’s okay.” It’s Steve’s voice. Hushing Billy quietly.
“I’m sorry.” It’s out of Billy’s mouth without thought. It falls out like teeth in a nightmare. Helpless and frightened and vulnerable.
“It’s okay, Billy, it’s okay-”
Billy’s shaking and something about Steve’s arms around him make his blood settle a bit and then he’s being spun around and his head is still so insanely foggy.
“I’m sorry… fuck-”
“Billy shut up.” Steve chastises, blood smeared on his lip and then Billy can’t see that anymore because he’s being kissed and he melts.
Absolutely melts. Grabs Steve like he’s keeping him afloat, like he’s the only thing he’s made purchase on all night and the kisses he returns are sloppy and near frantic but this is it this is what he wanted what he’s been thinking about what he’s been battling with and if it ends he’ll have to think about it again. He’ll have to re-evaluate everything again and he doesn’t want that so he keeps Steve attached to him as much as he can, grabs at Steve like he’s going to stop existing if he ever lets go, fists at Steve’s shirt and then his hair because he needs to keep constant awareness that this is real he can’t float back into his mind again he can’t.
But then the need to breathe wins out and Steve pulls away first because he’s the clear headed one here and Steve is staring at Billy, eyes soft again, blood nearly smeared gone, looking at Billy like he’s the one that’s bleeding like he’s the one that’s broken and it does something to Billy that doesn’t necessarily make him angry. Not even in the slightest.
“Are you okay?” Steve asks like Billy shouldn’t be the one asking that very same thing.
Billy grabs Steve enough that he hopes it hurts.
“You fucking moron, I punched you like a minute ago.” Billy slurs out, pulling Steve back in for a kiss. It’s semi-subconsciously.
Steve rolls his eyes and holds back.
“I’m just… worried. Because you’ve been an idiot all day and… I dunno. I don’t want you hating me.”
“Don’t hate you~” Billy slurs again, stumbling a bit and causing Steve to grab on tighter.
“Yeah, well, I was worried. After you… and I… I was worried you, like, hated me or something. Because of… us… liking each other? Maybe?”
“Sick.” Billy garbles and Steve feels his face flush immediately. He knew he was right he knew he hated him he knew-
“Sick?” Steve asks feebly, gripping tighter at the boy in his arms who’s still swaying.
“I’m sick.” Billy mumbles, looking at the ground. It fills Steve’s chest with heat. Billy’s chest feels the same way but-
“No! No no it’s… well I dunno, really. But I don’t think it’s sick. I don’t think you’re sick, Billy, I think we’re just… why can’t we just be happy, y’know?”
“I’m… I’m... “ Billy starts again, swaying and heat in his belly and chest and-
“You’re okay, Billy, this is alright. I think it’s a happy thing-!”
“I’m gonna be sick.” Billy mumbles out before puking. Loudly. All over the ground, getting some on Steve’s shoes but he can’t see bc he’s still wobbly and Steve is grossed the fuck out.
“Ah!” Steve calls, jumping his feet back a bit while still keeping a hand on Billy who is now doubled over, puking on the ground. “Oh my god, asshole! I hope you didn’t puke on my ring!”
And so Billy wanders over to a large tree to puke next to it and Steve looks down at the ground, thinking absently about how his ring is definitely down there and he would look for it but… uhm… ew.
So he doesn’t. But he does drive Billy back to his house so the boy can rinse his mouth out and shower and have a couple of cups of coffee to hopefully sober him up a little bit. He calls the cabin to let Hop know where his son is. (Hop sounds a little less than happy about it but Steve assures him he’s safe.) And he gets a bit of food in Billy’s belly along with a couple of glasses of water and then, by the end of the night, they’re snuggled up in bed with each other, comfortable and warm and… happy. Good god so happy.
So happy that it almost permeates Billy’s raging hangover the next morning.
Y’know… almost.
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witchsickness · 4 years
after chapter 6, somehow I feel Steve making his way to Cali. I feel the power shifting in the relationship. I feel like Billy discovers the power in being wanted. good god, you’re killing us.
i did let out a [insert triumphant evil laughter sound] at the last part, ngl
i don’t wanna be too spoilery and ruin the story for u, but uh. steve’s not getting his tan. yet 👀 
you’re right about the shift in their dynamic, though. this is the first time we actually see billy not. biting back, exactly, but not doing what steve wants him too, and i wanted to explore how affected steve would be by that, bc i think. that’s the turning point for steve. he realizes his grip on billy’s leash isn’t as tight as he thought, and he feels betrayed and bitter and hurt, because billy grabs the first chance to get away from hawkins, ie steve, by the horns and runs with it, and that reads as abandonment and betrayal to steve, even though. he’s spending summer away, too
the thing is. billy’s steve’s toy, okay, and steve wants to be sure that his toy will be exactly where he left it, unharmed, untouched by hands other than his, and that’s why he wants, needs billy to stay in hawkins, because. hawkins means neil, and it means control, and limits, and rules. hawkins is familiar, and there are very few things billy can get in trouble with without steve being the one dragging him into sth in the first place
california is vast, and billy’s left unsupervised, and that sets the sirens in steve’s mind off, bc that means he’s forced to admit defeat. billy’s not under his thumb anymore, won’t be for three whole months, and i think. that drives steve crazy 
and i wanted to emphasize this side of him, the side that would much rather billy stay stuck in hawkins and spend a summer with neil, even though steve knows what’s going on, even though he’s seen the outcome and the colors and the bruises, than be happy billy gets to have this small reprieve, this time away from his abuser
and that’s where the emotional abuse comes into play, bc. steve’s abusive too, just. in a much more subliminal and dangerous way. he keeps stringing billy along, playing all these mind games. he fills billy with guilt and he makes him feel like he’s doing something wrong by choosing to get away from his abusive father, and i think. it falls on billy to realize that, to accept that something has to change, that steve has to change if this is ever going to work, except. uhh billy’s. gone. whooo gone baby gone. he’s never had a love that didn’t come with a kick in the ribs, so i think. he’s way more susceptible to keel over and bare his belly and let himself get eaten alive, bc that’s his idea of love. if steve wants to devour him, billy will let himself be devoured, because he doesn’t know any better
it’ll take time to realize that love doesn’t mean destruction, controlling and being controlled. it’ll take time to accept he deserves a caress instead of a slap, and it’ll take time to learn how to push back and ask, beg, scream for that.
also. i love torturing billy and testing his limits and how stretched thin i can get him before he snaps so :)))
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alias-b · 4 years
Tell us about Clara 💋💋
Clara Mason is my redheaded baby and is about to be 2 pounds of whoopass. I’m still playing around with a lot of deets for her character & story, but she’s on par to have some anger issues same as Billy. She’s v intelligent, snippy, loner type. Very logic first before anything else. Don’t try to control her, she will scratch you. Very resting B-face, too cool for this bull, everyone needs to fuck off her. Including Billy boy but we all know he’s not gonna. But, she has a huge conscious.
She’s also deaf & I’m still working on the details of that and how her speech is going to be! I figure her character is going to take lots of insp from my goddess Lisbeth Salander in the Millennium series with big dashes of my 3 fav Gillian Flynn heroines in her novels.
With what I have now, she’s coming from a rich family in the city of Chicago with lots of old tragedy & family issues that split her parents up in the past that are all gonna bubble up!! Naturally. She had four other siblings growing up. And yeah, I said Had!!! They’re basically the Anti-Crains lol She recedes a big family penthouse with a roof garden & her famous writer dad who is sorta overbearing for his own reasons but good. I’m excited for their relationship. Still deciding her occupation bc I’m back & forth on two that suit her.
She & Billy sorta come together strangely and he’s a hard boy to shake. Hoping for a drama-mystery to even murder mystery type plot if I play my cards right. Her mom left & remarried in a smaller town and she is.....Something !! We love mama issues around these parts!! Clara likes to people watch & fight when they get in her way which Billy can respect that lol
But, I’m excited to shape a new fic different from my others with new relationships and dynamics to come!!! She & Billy are also in mid 20s so I FINALLY get to write my older Billy away from Neil-o. Excited for a cold city back drop, I feel Billy left home and just got stuck due to money in a grey city lol sorry no Hawkins, but no Cali either for him. He will thank me later.
But, yissssss, those are my bullet points XOXO TYYYY FOR ASKING & LETTING ME SHOUT!!!
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barbarasbae · 5 years
Just a Taste-Homecoming
Part Ten of Just a Taste (Final Chapter)  ❤
Vampire!Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: child abuse, police stations/police officers, kidnapping mentioned, cult mentioned, Soft Billy, Billy gets some well deserved love, my heart hurts bc I’ve loved creating this series 
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original gif made by @daebom
Y/n woke up to a steady, constant beep filling her ears. The room was aggressively bright, her wincing in pain. Her eyes finally fluttered awake, taking the room in. She heard soft voices, trying to shift and fix where her clothes had balled up under her back. “Y/n? Y/n can you hear me sweetie?” She nodded, closing her eyes again. Her stomach muscles hurt. There was also a blossoming pain on her neck and arm. “Hurts.” 
“Okay sweetie, let’s get you a little medicine. But first, can you tell me what year it is?”
“Who’s the president?” She furrowed her brows to think. “Fuckin’ Reagan.” She slurred a little, hearing a little laugh to her right. “Can you tell me where you are?” 
“What state?”
“California. Yeah. Cali.” She smiled a little, tilting her head back. “Can I have some water?” 
“Sure. I’ll be back in an hour to check on you okay? I’ll let your visitors know you’re awake.” 
She focused on the tv, it playing that new show The Golden Girls. She laughed as it played, hearing the door open. An older man came in...she racked her brain. Billy’s grandpa! Then Billy. Billy was wearing a hoodie, dark circles under his eyes. He looked smaller than normal. Billy sat next to her in a chair, smiling. “Hey Y/n.” 
“Hi.” The nurse came in and handed her a water. “How you feel?”
She shrugged. “Sore.” He nodded. “I think I got all the blood out of your clothes but I think I may have shrunk your shorts.” His grandpa piped up. She giggled. She put reached over with one hand and poked Billy’s mouth. “Ow.” Billy whined. “Show me.” She said, Billy smiling. Normal teeth. “How do you feel?”
“Alive. I called your mom and told her you got in an accident. I kept it vague. She says she loves you and will come out if you have to be in the hospital longer than a week.” 
“Okay.” Y/n spent the rest of the day watching tv and floating in and out of sleep. Dinner was brought to her, Y/n asking if it was possible for Billy to get on the bed with her. The nurse helped her make room, Billy coming back from the cafeteria with a chicken sandwich and fries, as well as a soda. She was given a bedside table, happy to see Billy come through the door. Billy climbed into bed carefully, Y/n laying her head on his shoulder, nibbling on her food. Billy scarfed down his sandwich, slowing down a little on the fries. A nurse came in as she started eating a cookie with some oreo dip thing, Billy nudging her leg with his sock-covered foot. She smiled, Billy dropping a fry down his sweatshirt. “Shit.” Y/n giggled, the nurse checking her vitals. “Sweetheart, let’s check those stitches okay?” Billy got out of the bed, the nurse lifting her gown, Y/n getting to see the stitches on her stomach for the first time. “Loverboy told someone you were attacked by a shark. I’m assuming sharks don’t carry around knives, right.” That made her laugh. “We got mugged. They ganged up on us and I think he’s embarrassed and upset that I got hurt.” The nurse. “I was panicking, okay. Shark attack gets an EMT to the boardwalk faster than stabbing does.” 
“Probably a smart move.” The nurse commented, checking her arm and neck. “Everything looks good. How’s your stomach feeling? Nauseous, hungry, painful?”
“Hungry. A little nauseous. I’m hurting a little but its like on the surface.” She said, the nurse nodding. “I think we’ll be able to let you out by Saturday.” Four more days in the hospital. “Your mother is taking care of things. I believe she mentioned a plane ticket, but you need to not be on a plane until 14 days after you bleed internally. I recommend just driving home.” 
“Okay.” She nodded. Billy and his grandfather kept her company in the hospital until she was let out of the hospital, Mina ecstatic to see her back in the house. Mina also wouldn’t leave Billy alone, attempting to sit in his lap whenever there was an opening. 
Y/n sat in the car, watching Billy cry as he said goodbye to his grandfather, hugging him tight. He waved goodbye to the two teenagers, taking Mina back inside and making a call to the Hawkins Police Department. It took longer to get back this time, Billy demanding to drive the entire way, experiencing exhaustion for the first time in years. Y/n cuddled up with Billy in the motel beds, Billy happy to sleep with her in his arms. They got back to Hawkins two weeks after fleeing Hopper and the kids. Billy asked if they could stop into a convenience store, buying chocolate. He hadn’t had any in a long time. “You Hargrove’s kid?” The man behind the counter asked as he rang him up. He nodded. “You kidnap that poor girl?”
“No.” Billy’s confusion was written on his face. He nodded again. “I’m sorry about your father, son. It’s a real shame when men are such cowards.” He was very confused. He thanked him, but he had so many questions. He took Y/n home, her making him walk her to the door (she wasn’t technically supposed to be lifting anything heavier than five pounds). She wrapped her arms around his neck on the doorstep, kissing him. And kissing him. And kissing him. Billy finally pushes her off, both giggling. “Be careful with this, okay?” She nodded, finally letting him go home. Billy takes his time, praying that Neil won’t be there when he gets back. He just started feeling pain again. He didn’t want to get used to it as the norm immediately. He gets there and sees Neil’s car in the driveway, holding his breath as he takes his bag inside. Max is on the couch, Susan in the kitchen. “Billy?” Max got up, Billy closing the door. She ran up to him and threw her arms around his middle. “Hey.” 
“I thought Hopper was gonna hunt you down. I was really scared. Are you still, you know?” She whispered, looking up at him without taking her arms off of him. Billy hugged her back. “Nope.” He smiled, showing her his teeth. Susan walks over and hugs him, Billy not taking his arms off Max. Billy waits until after dinner is over to ask about Neil.  Susan gives him a pinched look and leaves the kids in the kitchen, going to the back of the house. “Neil’s in jail.” Max explains. “What?” 
“The police showed up saying they got an anonymous tip about him. They took him in for questioning. I told them about the yelling.” Billy nodded. “I think they said if you ever came back into town they wanted you to come to the station.” He nodded again, not really wanting to. The phone rang, Max going to get it. “Billy, it’s for you.” It was Hopper. “Hey kid.” 
“You back in town for awhile?”
“I need you to come to the station tonight.” Billy dragged himself there, Hopper apologizing and telling him they had some questions for him. And that there was a court date. Billy admitted some things about Neil, which was pretty damning (Hopper’s words). He slept easy that night for the first time in Hawkins, trying to push any thoughts about police and courts out of his mind. 
The next day, Billy and Y/n go to what used to be Benny’s Diner and getting ice cream. They hear whispers from other patrons about why they were gone for so long. Their favorites included her being pregnant, them following a cult leader into a different state, and them both being kidnapped (which also seemed to be a town favorite based on the state they both came back in). They also heard talk of Neil Hargrove, the two glad it was in disgust and not pity for the man whose son ran away. They attempt to laugh it off, Y/n squeezing his hand tighter when Billy starts looking uncomfortable. “Wanna get out of here?” They hung out at her house, Billy staying for dinner. Billy held her hand under the table. The couple eventually got around to explaining what happened to Steve and the party, the kids thinking Y/n was the most badass person they know (which is a well deserved title). Y/n explained to her mom about what happened (she also knew about the upside down), her mother very sympathetic to the curly headed blond boy that basically lived at her house when there wasn’t school.  
Weeks passed and the excitement of having two teenagers run away and then come back died down, Billy prepping for his father’s trial. Neil was put in jail for 15 years for child abuse, Billy calling his grandpa that night to tell him the news. 
Billy and Y/n fell into the pattern of being an exclusive couple, their favorite date becoming getting milkshakes and then having a movie marathon. “Hey Billy, do you think you’re still gonna go live with your grandpa even though Neil is away?” She asked him one night, about to fall asleep, laying on top of him. “I don’t know. I’m trying to get into a college near his house. Right now I actually have some people I like here.”
“Really?” She asked, pushing her face up against his neck. “Hm, maybe. Our waitress at the diner is definitely number one.” She gaped at him, sitting up. “I’m kidding! Babe-!” She hit him with a pillow. “Stop!” He pleaded, grabbing it from her. “Uh oh.”
“Uh oh is right.” He hit her back, her laughing as she rolled onto the floor. Billy was smiling, Y/n grabbing another pillow and getting up, about to smack him in the head with it when the doorbell rang. Billy got up and opened the door. “Are you Billy Hargrove?” 
Billy let the man in, the three sitting around the table. “So what do you want from us, Mr. Bauman?”
“I heard you two killed a nest of vampires in Santa Cruz.” They looked at each other before Billy nodded. “Well, I got wind of a little trouble in Chicago that sounds like it could be caused by vampires.” 
“So what do you want from us?” Y/n asked, taking the paper he had placed on the paper. “We were hoping you might be able to take care of it.”
“The US Government. What do you say kids?” He asked, looking between the couple. Billy reached for Y/n’s hand, lacing his fingers through hers as they thought. “Give us a second?” Murray Bauman walked through the house, poking around at decor. “Mr. Bauman?” Billy gave Y/n one last look to reconfirm the decision. “You know where to get holy water around here?”
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you to everyone who has read and interacted with this series. I’m quite proud of how this turned out. I loved this idea and I’m glad you all did too ❤❤
@bluegirlusa1 @excellentbecca @xxphoenixflyerxx  @thats-so-rhyan
@harrysstyleseyes  @canny1902  @seasiren96  @helena-way07 
@seasiren96 @shadow-hunters-lover  @iluvmesomemarvelndc
@marvelismylifffe @billyhargrovescigarette @speedmetalqueen 
@ flqyed  
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moonstruckbucky · 6 years
Let It Snow
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Request:  Going ice skating with Billy (he never ice skated bc he's from Cali) and then getting warm in bed together 😏
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: This is equal parts filth and equal parts smut. Because I couldn’t choose so why not both? Penetration (wrap it before you tap it), oral (m receiving), fingering.
Rating: 18+ (seriously guys, don’t get me deleted. Keep your underage eyes away)
Notes: Gonna thank my girl @hopperhargrove for requesting this amazing prompt because, damn I’m dying. 
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Billy hated the winter, hated just about anything that had to do with cold weather. He was from California for fuck’s sake, where everything was warmth and sunshine. Fall in Hawkins was cold enough, and then November hit, and he thought that was cold.
Then the fucking snow came.
Billy was never one for hats and gloves and all that cold-weather jazz, but goddammit if he didn’t at least shove a pair of gloves on his hands when he went out to warm up his Camaro. The poor engine took longer than normal to start, unused to the bitter cold of Hawkins, and for a second, he worried his girl wouldn’t start.
But the roaring engine turned over and he grudgingly drove to your house to take you to school. You were standing on the sidewalk, looking adorable all bundled up in a scarf, hat, and mittens, and Billy thought maybe winter wasn’t so bad. Your nose was bright red from the cold, and you smiled brightly at him as you shuffled into the warm car.
“What’s with the long face?” you asked, pulling your mittens off to press your hands to the heaters. You sighed in relief as the blood rushed back into your fingers.
“It’s fucking cold,” Billy grumbled, banging a quick u-turn to head towards school.
“It’s December,” you giggled.
“It still sucks.”
“Grinch,” you teased. His eyes glanced over at you briefly, a smirk tilting up one corner of his mouth.
“Damn straight, Rudolph.”
Gasping in mock offense, you covered your cold nose, spurring Billy to chuckle and reach over for your hand. You hummed at the warmth radiating from his skin, sinking further into the seat.
“So I was thinking,” you started, your fingers idly playing with the rings on Billy’s.
“Uh oh,” he interjected with a grin. You flicked the back of his hand with a pout. “Kidding.”
“Anyways, I was thinking we’d do something fun this weekend.”
“Don’t we always do something fun?” he questioned with a lecherous grin. Blushing, you tapped his hand on the top of your thigh.
“Not that kind of fun, you pervert. I thought we could go ice skating.” Billy grimaced and his mouth opened, no doubt to say no. “Come on, B. It’s supposed to snow at the end of the week, and the lake’s frozen over. It looks so pretty after the snow’s fallen! Please, B.”
There was only one situation in which you’d willingly beg, and Billy seemed to take this into consideration as he single-handedly spun the wheel into a parking spot at the school. He threw it in park and sat back in his seat, twisting his hand in your grip to lace your fingers together.
Your expression was hopeful, eyes wide like a kid waiting to be told she could open a Christmas present early, bottom lip caged between your teeth in bubbly anticipation. Even though ice skating was definitely not his thing, how could he possibly say no to that face?
“Fine, we can go,” he relented. He couldn’t stop the small smile from curving up his mouth as you celebrated with a squeal in the passenger seat. He turned into your touch when you leaned across the console to kiss his cheek, his skin warm under your lips.
“I’ll make it worth your while,” you whispered lowly, teasing him just a little by swiping your tongue along the shell of his ear. Grinning when he shuddered, his exhale a rattle in his throat, you sat back and popped open your door. As Billy watched you for a moment, taking in the way your hips swayed as you walked, he wondered just what the hell he got himself into.
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“Christ, I can’t do this,” Billy muttered, fingers gripping tightly to a low-hanging branch. How the hell did he let you convince him to go ice skating? He cursed as his skate moved along the ice, nearly dumping him on his ass, but he held his balance.
“Come on, B!” you cheered from a few feet away, gliding elegantly along the ice. The two of you weren’t the only ones with the idea to go skating today.
Despite the sun shining, the lake was completely frozen over like you predicted, a few families deciding to not waste the good weather indoors. They skated around the far end of the lake, away from you and Billy, who was still struggling to stand, much less skate.
With a giggle you skated over to him and held out your hands. “Come on, take my hands. I’ll hold you up.”
Billy held tighter to the branch. “I don’t want to fall on you.”
“You won’t, I promise. That’s it, let go of the branch. Good.” Billy’s hands were warm where they gripped tightly to yours. He was bent at the waist, arms stretched comically out in front of him, as he fought to maintain his balance.
Slowly, you skated backwards, tugging him along behind you. “You gotta stand up straight, babe. You’ve got no balance.”
He looked at you as if you’d just sprouted another head. “Are you crazy? I’ll fall!”
“You won’t fall, you big baby. Now come on, straighten up.”
Billy ended up falling a total of three times, and after the third time he decided he’d had enough. He tossed your skates into his trunk after you’d changed back into your shoes and cranked the heat, pressing his frozen fingers to the vents.
“Such a baby,” you giggled, huddling into your jacket and scarf. “But you did well for a first timer.”
Billy pulled the car into the driveway, relieved when you noted that your parents were away. He had you all to himself, and his frigid bones needed warming up. He pressed himself against you as you fumbled to unlock the door, the kisses he laid on the back of your neck wet, warm, and full of intent.
“Billy,” you giggled, “let me open this.”
“But I’m cold, baby,” he whined with an exaggerated roll of his hips into your backside. It made you bite your lip against a whimper, fingers hurrying to twist the key in the lock.
You barely made it inside and down the hall to your bedroom before Billy was kissing you, all heat and need. He pressed your body into your bedroom door, cold hands diving under your sweater in search of warmth.
You squeaked. “Jesus, B, you’re freezing.”
“I know. Better warm me up, princess.”
With a wicked grin you got to work unbuttoning his shirt, hands dancing over his shoulders as they were bared to you, and you leaned forward to pepper wet kisses down his jaw and to his neck. Your teeth found the dip in his collarbone, and they teased gently at the skin, drawing blood to the surface.
His throat rumbled in a growl as his hands yanked your sweater over your head, leaving you in a pretty lace bra he wanted to take off with his teeth. Another time, as his mind was pulled elsewhere when your hands made quick work of his jeans.
You knelt as you tugged them down his thighs, followed soon by his boxers. He stepped out of both and kicked them away, leaving him naked in all his golden, surfer-boy glory. His cock was at attention, curved up against his stomach, the head red, swollen, and leaking. It made your mouth water, and you ghosted your hands up his thighs, through the short, coarse hairs that covered them. Bracing one hand on his hip, the other teased at his balls, pulling a ragged hiss from between his teeth. Smirking, you let the one hand play as you leaned forward and licked a stripe up the underside of his shaft, along the thick vein that pulsed with need.
He was hot and heavy on your tongue as your mouth enveloped him, lips stretching wide to accommodate his girth. He honest-to-goodness whined as you took him further, your tongue pillowing him and stroking along that vein, until he hit the back of your throat. You swallowed around him, and his hands dive into your hair, fingers twisting and tugging at the strands as you suck greedily on his cock.
It would never not be a turn-on to have Billy Hargrove turn to putty in your hands. Right now was no different, as his hips began to thrust into your mouth and your eyes watered each time the tip of him touched the back of your throat. The noises he was making were slowly tearing apart your self-control, shredding any chance of this being slow and gentle. Each grunt, each whine of your name had your thighs clenching together and your own moans vibrating against the shaft of his dick.
He moaned, “N-Not like this. Need to be inside you.”
Releasing him with a wet pop, you barely had a minute to relax your jaw before he hauled you up against his body, lightly shining in sweat, and kissed you deeply. Like a flower to the sun, you opened up to him, his tongue sliding in and licking into your mouth. He groaned at the heady taste of himself on your tongue and his hands shucked your jeans. Hands under your thighs, he lifted you easily, allowing you to wrap your legs around his trim waist as he laid you back on your bed. 
You sighed at the softness of the pillow under your head, at the change in Billy’s kiss from hard and needy to slow and sensual. His hands roved your body, unclasping your bra to throw it elsewhere, thumbs teasing your nipples into hard peaks. You shifted your hips, gasping against his mouth when his hardness brushed against your clothed and dripping center.
He groaned into your mouth, pulling away just enough that his lips ghosted yours as he spoke. “God, you’re so wet for me, baby.”
To prove his point further, he dropped a hand down between you, dipping into your panties to cup your sex. His middle finger drifted along your slit, sending shockwaves of pleasure rippling through you. You whined as he teased at your opening, dipping a finger in but never giving you what you needed.
“Billy,” you gasped, arching up as his head ducked to lave at a nipple, teeth lightly scraping. Your cunt clenched, you felt yourself gushing against Billy’s hand as his ministrations brought you closer and closer to your end.
He hummed. “Wonder if I can get you off just like this.”
You dropped your head back, moaning long and low as Billy finally sunk a finger into you, timing the upward curl of his fingers with the lapping of his tongue against your nipple. He swapped to the other one, giving it just as much attention as the others, and drove a second finger inside you. It was damn near maddening, keeping you on the edge of your pleasure. Your hips canted off the bed, needy moans tearing from your throat, as you chased your release.
Billy’s thumb at your clit was your undoing, and it sent you spiraling into a maelstrom of white-hot pleasure, curling your toes and making your vision go white. Your cunt clenched down on Billy’s fingers as they continued to stroke you, easing you through your orgasm. As your trembling began to subside, your chest heaving, Billy pulled his fingers from you, shining in your pleasure. Your mouth went dry as he brought them to his lips, tongue tangling around them to wipe them clean.
His blue eyes were blown black, as he stripped your panties away, dropping them off the side of the bed. Reaching over, he pulled a condom from your drawer and made quick work of rolling it on. Your legs opened wide as he settled between them, the head of his cock dipping between your folds. Your hands found his shoulders as he kissed you deep, and with one smooth roll of his hips he sank into you, groaning at the soft, velvet heat that enveloped him.
His rhythm was deep but slow, his thighs spread wide, knees bracing against the mattress as he pumped his hips. He slid a hand under your ass, angling your hips just right that had you tossing your head back with a gasp. Nails digging red crescent moons into his flesh, you lifted your hips to meet him, leaning up to kiss him deeply. He let his free hand tangle with yours, pinning it to the pillow beside your head as he snapped his hips, head dropping into the crook of your neck as ecstacy vowed to claim you both.
“Billy,” it trailed off on a moan, “’m close, baby.”
He grunted his reply, a deep, “Me too,” and then his pace picked up. The obscene sounds of his thighs meeting your ass, the wet sound of his body meeting yours, filled the silence in the bedroom. Billy pulled his hand out from under you, reaching between you to twirl circles around your clit. Body spasming, your orgasm took you over, curving your back and causing your nails to draw blood in his back. Electricity shot through your veins, sparking every nerve ending. Your mouth opened in a silent scream, and Billy laid kisses across your throat, collarbone, and chest, until he let go with a feral growl into your skin.
He spilled into the condom, hips stuttering as his eyes squeezed shut. Leaning back, he laid his forehead against yours and rolled, keeping your bodies together. He hitched one of your legs over his hip and drew circles on your thigh as the two of you fought for breath.
“Might have to make you go ice skating more often,” you said breathlessly, tucking your head under his chin. His chest heaved beneath your hand as you laid it there, fingertips toying with the medallion around his neck.
He chuckled quietly but didn’t answer verbally. Instead, he pressed a lingering kiss to your sweaty forehead, arm winding around your shoulders to pull you closer. As he felt you drift off to sleep, sufficiently exhausted, Billy laid awake with his eyes closed, relishing in the warmth you provided not only his body but his heart as well.
Billy Hargrove Tag List: @casaharrington / @moirasimagines / @billyhardgrove / @dacremontgomerylover / @dacresgirl / @hotstuffhargrove / @thatonecurlygirl / @delicatelyherdreams / @hargrove-mayfield / @swirlyoreo / @sheseiler
Permanent Tag List: @so-not-hotmess / @hotstuffhargrove / @moirasimagines / @baebee35 / @deathbyarabbit / @disagreetoagree / @cherryblcssm / @alex–awesome–22 / @sophiealiice / @yknott81 / @cassiopeia-barrow / @tearsforhan / @ ssstutteringbbbill / @hargrovehoe / @thephantomofthe-internet
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isobel-thorm · 5 years
For the music ask meme: Every. Single. Number. 😈
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1)  Three songs that come up when you put your phone on shuffle? 
Before He Cheats - Carrie Underwood
IDGAF - Dua Lipa
Breath - Breaking Benjamin
2) Three of the last songs you listened to: 
Wish You Pain - Andy Grammer
Delicate - Damien Rice
Death of a Bachelor - Panic! At the Disco
3)  Three songs you were recently obsessed with? 
Come to Me - The Goo Goo Dolls
Speechless - Naomi Scott
Spaceship - Andy Grammer 
4) Three songs that you know thanks to your parents
On the Road to Kingdom Come - Harry Chapin
Night Train to Munich - Al Stewart
In My World - The Moody Blues 
5)  Three songs you wish you could forget (because listening to them hurts) (Mixed bag because the first to physically hurt bc Bad (TM), last one hurts because of a situation it reminds me of)
Like a G6- Not linking, don’t recall who it’s by, not keen to find out either
Grown Ass Man Child - Andy Grammer 
If I Die Young - The Band Perry 
6)  Three songs you wish you could erase from history (because they’re terrible)
Like a G6
Like a G6
Anything by Melanie
7)  Three songs you didn’t expect to like but eventually loved
Old Town Road - Lil Nas X - it’s AJ and Char’s fault
Shiny - Jermaine Clement
One Thing  - One Direction 
8)  Three songs that remind you most of summer and vacation
Gone, Gone, Gone - Phillip Phillips
Blame it On the Weatherman - B*Witched
Good Life - Jesse McCartney 
9) 9. three songs that get you in the Christmas Mood
New York Christmas - Rob Thomas
Cold December Night - Michael Buble
Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) - Michael Buble
10)  Three favourite Halloween/spooky songs: 
I Put a Spell on You - Bette Midler
I Put a Spell on You (Yes that’s intentional)
Bones - Little Big Town
11)  Three favourite songs from movie or TV series soundtrack
October Sky - October Sky 
To the Stars - Dragonheart - Randy Edelman 
He’s a Pirate/Barbossa is Hungry - Klaus Badelt 
12)  Three favourite songs from video games
Paint it Black  - The Rolling Stones - Mafia 3 (technically only USED in a videogame but it’s still the best used/edited song in a game)
Now That This Old World is Ending - Dan Romer - Far Cry 5
The World is Gonna End Tonight - Dan Romer
13)  Three songs you want at your funeral
No answer bc who the Hell plays music at a funeral
14)  Three songs you want at your wedding
Come to Me - The Goo Goo Dolls
Valerie - Amy Winehouse 
New York, New York - Frank Sinatra (will make ZERO sense post-move, but that didn’t stop the wedding singer at my cousin’s wedding in Cali going ALL OUT over the song so if I ever get married this NEEDS to be played at the reception)
15) Three songs you want to dance with your love to:
Literally the same as 15. 
16)  Three favourite songs for sex
Blinks in Forever Alone Asexual
17)  Three songs that remind you of your crush
You May Be Right - Billy Joel
As She’s Walking Away - Zach Brown Band and Alan Jackson
Hotel California - The Eagles 
18)  Three songs that remind you of your best friend
Woman - Kesha
Raise Your Glass - P!nk
19) Three songs that are your guilty pleasure
Ready as I’ll Ever Be - Jeremy Jordan
Delicate - Taylor Swift
East Northumberland High - Miley Cyrus
20)  Three songs that remind you of the person who sends this one
Traitor - Daughtry 
Fuck You - Cee Lo Green
You’re the Best - Joe Esposito  
21)  Three songs of your childhood
Larger Than Life - Backstreet Boys
One of Us - Chorus from The Lion King 2
It’s Gonna Be Me - N*Sync
22)  Three songs you listen to when you’re sad
To the Sky - Owl City
The Bird and the Worm - Owl City
Good Time - Owl City
23)  Three songs that never fail to get you pumped up24)  Three favourite old songs
Both answered here 
25)  Three favourite songs of 2017
Galway Girl - Ed Sheeran
Praying - Kesha
There’s Nothing Left Pt 1 - Flogging Molly
26)  Three favourite non-English songs
Bang Bang - Salman Khan 
Hello - Cast of Hello -  (Okay like 25-30% is English but its a Bollywood movie so...)
Padmaavat: Khalibali - Ranveer Singh+ Company?? I guess??
27)  Three songs that you sing while drunk
Candy - Robbie Williams 
Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond
Party in the USA - Miley Cyrus
28) Three best songs to get drunk or high to
Same as 27
29)  Three songs that influenced you most (some songs change or save lives)
Lullaby - Nickelback
My Kinda Party - Guitar Tribute Players
That’s really it, no songs have really influenced me per se except for Lullaby for That Night and the second one throwing me into a writing mood every single time
30)  Three songs you really want your followers to know (for reasons other than all those above) Yall have heard these suggestions before but: 
Taxi -   Harry Chapin
Sequel -         “ 
Corey’s Coming -   “ 
bc Harry Chapin is an excellent story-song teller, Sequel is the “sequel” to Taxi and it has some of the most honest, thought provoking phrases/sentences I’ve heard. And Corey’s Coming’s... ‘punchline’ if you will gave me chills the first time I heard it. 
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chcrrycokes · 5 years
hello friends ! i’m b but you can call me bee if u want ! i’m really not sure what i’m doing w my other character right now bc you know , i’m a hot mess , but lets start with this lil fucker that i call CHARLIE and go from there ! if you wanna plot feel free to come yell @ me on discord or LIKE THIS and i’ll im you ! 
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( dacre montgomery. twenty-two. cismale. he/him. ── hey is that CHARLES ‘CHARLIE’ BISHOP heading into the westchase mall? they’ve been an emmons resident for FIVE YEARS and they seem to be pretty BLUNT if you ask me. it’s also said the LEO can be pretty ALLURING and that they’re currently A MECHANIC they always seem to remind people of LOUD BLOWN WHISTLES, ANNOYED GLANCES, LEGS COVERED IN BRUISES & SNEAKING THROUGH THE MALL AFTER HOURS.
okay i don’t know how detailed this is gonna be , but here’s CHARLIE ! he was lightly inspired by billy from stranger things but definitely doesn’t hold the same bully / discriminatory elements. just was new in town + thinks hes hot shit ! now that that’s done , lets get into it. 
charlie is from california , at least i think he is because my memory is garbage and i can’t remember if i picked cali or new york but anyway !
he’s not From the lil town of emmons. however , when he was seventeen his mom packed up all her shit and took her son to indiana where she had family.
his dad is a big jerk and its a good thing that charlie got away from him.
anyway ! moving on. charlie always felt the need to Impress people. even as a little kid. he had to be the best at everything.
so moving to emmons , he wanted to be The Best there was.
and his mom, feeling bad for moving her son away from his home, was willing to give him all The Latest she could get her hands on.
he was definitely image obsessed. loved attention of any kind but was quick to shrug someone off if they didn’t fit his standards.
back home , charlie was definitely not the popular one, not the cool kid. so he wanted to be a complete new self and well, kinda went over board.
he wasn’t the nicest in school, but he wasn’t terrible. 
he’s super outspoken and opinionated. incredibly well-versed in what he thinks
after high school, he did seem to calm down a bit. he started working on cars because he’s also car obsessed and one of his buddys dads owns a small automotive shop that he’s been working at for a few years now.
he’s definitely much more tolerable now then he was in high school.
he’s still, you know, vain, but its not as bad.
he’s happy with all the expansions coming in and definitely sneaks his way through the small to get into movie and movie.
i don’t really have any specific wcs but feel free to message me if u have any ideas or sparks for my boy charlie.
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hawkinspostbite · 6 years
𝐵𝑒𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝐵𝒾𝓁𝓁𝓎’𝓈 𝒴𝑜𝓊𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓇 𝒮𝒾𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇
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So please tell me how often we see PLATONIC Billy Hargrove things? Not very often :) so here you go !!!
PS: Billy Hargrove is a SHIT person and I’m not gonna ignore that, but sometimes there’s parts of people we don’t see. So I didn’t erase his shitty parts, I just added some better ones. :)
A/N: I do not claim to, nor do I own Stranger Things; the concept, characters, plot, etc.
- ok let me just start off by saying you two would FUCK SHIT UPPPP at Hawkins
- Anyway let’s start from the beginning Billy was born before you so he had a whole year to himself to soak up being an only child but when you came along he HATED you
- So about the first three years of your life he hated you
- Until you started to actually walk and talk and then you two were inseparable
- When you guys were in middle school he gained his rep as the resident badass and you were right there beside him
- “Oh there go the Hargrove kids” literally Raising HELL in Cali
- It was around that same time when things started to fall apart with your parents
- Your dad never really came after you but you didn’t know it was because Billy would purposely take the fall for you
- You stayed out too late at a party? Billy said it was his fault
- You snuck out to fool around with a boy? Billy took the blame
- In high school you became a little more tame, ya know actually caring about school and stuff
- But ofc you still went wild on weekends
- Finally your parents split for good and within like six months you had a new stepmom and stepsister
- And tbh you didn’t hate having Maxine around (although you could do without her mom)
- But just like Billy you still acted like a little shit to her, but you’d never scream and belittle her just like agitating and being rude sometimes
- You threw a royal temper tantrum when your dad announced you were moving to Indiana
- “What do they even have there? COWS?”
- That was the first time your father ever scared you
- Conveniently Billy was out and it just got bad, you were screaming and Neil was screaming and the second his hand came down onto your face you immediately shut up
- You didn’t speak to your father for days
- When you finally moved to Hawkins you didn’t hate it
- Sure you missed it being warm and sunny, and your first worry was losing your tan you worked so hard for
- You tried your hardest to make Hawkins seem like home, which meant spending as little time at home as possible
- Somehow within like the first week you two had already had reputations
- You didn’t have your own car so you were always riding with Billy and taking max places didn’t bother you
- You went to parties pretty much every weekend, and you made your way around with boys (just like your big bro)
- And you two were soon raising hell in Hawkins
- Now it comes to the Halloween party
- You and Billy had always been competitive which means that ofc you had to challenge him on the keg that night
- You did not beat him but you sure did try
- You got worried when him and his friends went up to Steve and Nancy because you didn’t care that your brother was a complete drunken mess as long as he didn’t kill anybody in the process
- So you were quick to break that up
- And so began your frenemy-ship (?) with Nancy
- You didn’t hate her but you also didn’t like her so
- After a month or so you’d become used to Hawkins, it was nothing like Cali but you managed
- But you hadn’t really noticed that Billy had become progressively worse than normal until that one day he grabbed max
- And so you two had your first real real fight in sixteen years
- “Billy what the hell is wrong with you? Neil will literally kill you if he finds out you touched max? Do you even have a brain? Or has it completely left your head since we got here?”
- “Ah What the hell do you care? All you’ve been focused on is school and whatever dick you’ve been sucking”
- Then you two started screaming at each other just delivering low blow after low blow and then you just couldn’t take it anymore
- So you got out of the car, and just walked home
- You didn’t speak to Billy for days
- Then there was that day you saw max sneaking out and usually you would’ve snitched to Billy but instead you jumped out your window “Hey! Wherever you’re going I’m coming too” Lucas’ jaw dropped bc he didn’t put two and two together (he always thought you were Billy gf, gross)
- So you followed them to the junkyard where you met Steve once again and a cool kid named Dustin
- And somehow you ended up barricading yourself inside a bus and you received the entire story of like the whole past year with the upside down and eleven and the demogorgon within two minutes
- So then you heard really loud roars and gurgling sounds and Steve decided to outside of the bus which was dumb but what was even dumber was the fact that you followed him
- You went HAM on those demo-dogs and saved Steve’s life like 15 times
- After that was over you went to the byers’ house where you met mike (who was pretty cool), will (although he was possessed...), Joyce who was lovely, Jonathan didn’t talk much, Hopper was awesome, and Nancy was there, and then el who was pretty badass for a kid
- Then it came to the infamous fight
- You heard the camaro from like a mile away and instantly went into fight mode
- “Stay away from the window guys” you stood right inside the door, watching through the little peephole as Steve was pushed to the ground. great
- Billy burst through the door “shit y/n I didn’t expect you to be here, with Harrington” he was actually surprised
- You put your hand on his chest as his eyes locked on max and the other kids “ok Billy I know you’re pissed but let’s not get out of hand here” and he shoved you out of the way and you were in shock
- Billy had never, N E V E R laid a hand on you and you were not having that so you stood up and while he was on the ground from Lucas you pushed the kids behind you and just cracked him right on the face
- “You PROMISED me that you would never turn into dad! You fucking pushed me Billy! Who the hell are you? Where is my brother ?!”
- But he just glared at you with pure evil in his eyes and shoved you out of the way, you stumbled, which led you to fall, smacking your head against the counter on the way down and then you were out cold
- When you woke up you had no clue where you were
- Turns out you were in Billy’s car, sitting practically on top of mike
- Steve was freaking the hell out and Dustin was yelling at him, Lucas was yelling at max who was driving ?! Holy shit
- “Somebody please tell me what the H E LLLLLL is going on?!” You screamed but before you could get an answer the car stopped
- at the tunnels max quickly explained how she stabbed Billy with a needle and while he was your brother you were never prouder of Max than that moment
- And you guys torched the tunnels, and el closed the gate and Will became un-infected
- You and max and Billy never mentioned that night
- After that tho you became so close with max it was awesome and you spent a lot of time with the other kids too it was pretty fun
- You didn’t make the first move to make up with Billy surprisingly it was him
- He came into your room one day when you were doing some work “what do you want?”
- “I wanna apologize. For pushing you around that night. I didn’t mean to break that promise but I was just so pissed and you know dad and-“
- “Ya know what bill it’s fine. Just don’t worry about it. “
- He didn’t believe you at first but then you didn’t say anything and he knew that you really meant it
- So it was basically back to normal after that
- You and Billy got messed up at parties on weekends, didn’t take any shit from anyone, and during the week you went to school and hung out with max and her friends
- For the first time in your life you were actually happy
- Sitting in one of your rooms and sharing a blunt (shhhh we all know Billy blazed it on the reg)
- Laying on the floor of your room and just listening to music together
- Party pregames we’re always lit
- “Two shots for me, two shots for you”
- “Ok bill you’re not driving then we’ll have to walk”
- “I’m not fucking walking to a party y/n so let’s just hope we don’t die”
- if there wasn’t a party you two would go get ice cream and drive to a random spot and just sit quietly
- You’d always patch him up after fights with your dad
- Helping each other sneak out
- Rolling up to parties together
- Billy can be the best brother or the worst it’s really your choice
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