#bc he's a good uncle 🥺
wulft-arc · 2 years
i may write caleb as socially awkward and nice, but friendly reminder he’s killed like a maybe a half a dozen people prior to the events of quarry.....
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rinhaler · 5 months
++ 𝐡𝐢𝐢, 𝐈'𝐦 𝐢𝐧 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲/𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐞 𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 🙈 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐤𝐤𝐬𝐣
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It's been a while since I did any nanamin stuff hehe (combining two reqs bc u both don't have anything specific heheheee)
warnings: 18+ MDNI, incest, fem!reader, uncle!nanamin, fingering, exhibitionism, public sex ig, squirting, pet names (sweetheart, princess, angel, baby).
words: 1.1k
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“W-Wow…” you muse, taking in the decadent atmosphere of the restaurant.
You’ve seldom been to places like this, like when your favourite uncle decides to treat you and your mother to a nice meal when he’s in town. But even then, there is a stark difference from the restaurants back home in the village you live in. It’s magnificent. You may have experienced a similar setting before, but never on a date.
A date with that very same uncle, nonetheless.
“You like it, sweetheart? I’m glad.” he tells you, taking your hand as you're guided by the maître d' to your table. He looks over the top of his menu as he studies your face. You’re so precious, that’s what he thinks as you look over the options and realise you don’t understand what any of them are. “I’ll order for you.” he assures you, taking the menu from your hand and setting it down.
You feel yourself get warmer, a little embarrassed that he picked up on your cluelessness so easily. But you smile, regardless, thanking him.
You’ve been so excited for this little trip since you first heard about it.
“Uncle Nanami wants to know if you’d like to spend the weekend with him?” your mother asked/told you. And, bless her, she had no idea what that would entail.
It’s been months since you’ve seen him. You were hardly surprised when your ankles were practically behind your ears as he drilled his cock in and out of your puffy, slicked up folds, the minute he got you to his house.
You’d been drenched the entire train ride.
“You look so pretty tonight, princess.” he tells you, cupping your face so sweetly with a rough, masculine hand. His singular hand is almost the size of your entire face. He coos at you as your eyelids become heavier, leaning in to place a delicate kiss on your cheek. “I’m so happy you’re here with me. Hopefully your mother won’t object to this being a regular thing.” he smiles.
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You’ve been squirming in your seat since before your main course arrived. The way he looks at you, the way he talks to you, you forget how naughty your uncle Nanamin can be. Your panties are once again entirely soaked through. He’d mentally noted how much you were wriggling around, though he chose not to comment on it. Not until—
“Can’t sit still for five minutes, hm? What’s wrong?” he asks.
“N-Need you…” you whisper, putting your head down to avert his intense stare. Though you’re soon looking at him again as he tilts your head up by your chin, forcing you to hold his gaze.
“What was that, angel? I didn’t quite hear you.”
“Need you… uncle Nanamin, need you real bad.” you pout. And at that, he smirks. You’re a little taken aback as his hand lowers beneath the table. Here? Right here? Your heart pounds as you look around at the other clueless restaurant patrons. This is so unlike him. He’s always so upstanding and discreet. But—
“My my, sweet little girl. You are soaked.” he comments as his fingers breach the hemline of your cotton panties. You bite your lip as his fingers drag up and down the length of your slit. He shushes you as your eyes well with tears, shame and pleasure wrack through you as he finds your slippery clit. And he targets it, skilfully. “Be good for me, be so good for me. If you make a single sound, I won’t touch you for the remainder of the weekend. Do you understand?”
You take his words literally, only nodding as he awaits your answer. It’s near impossible, though, when he makes you feel so good like this. Even with just a few pathetic rubs on your clit, your eyes begin to roll back.
“Na— Nanamin,” you do your best to whisper, his name leaving your lips as a ghoulish gasp. He shushes you, quietly, but it’s loud enough to make a statement. His eyebrows furrow, and you can’t tell if it’s anger or disappointment. You think you’ll die if he stops, though his ministrations haven’t ceased yet. Maybe you were quiet enough to test the boundaries of what he actually meant.
He doesn’t want you to cause a scene.
“Kiss me, please.” you whisper again. And that softens his features. He pities you, you think, although that assumption proves wrong as he indulges you. He closes the distance between you without letting up his gentle yet purposeful touches on your pretty pearl. You’re a little surprised when you feel his tongue enter your mouth, something you’ve never known him to do in public before. “I— I love you.”
“Yeah?” he smiles into your kiss before he breaks it completely. “You’re so close, you’re shaking. Let me see how much you love me. Cum for your favourite uncle, sweetheart, go on.” he instructs you.
He holds one of your hands with his free one while your other one curls into your seat. Your knuckles turn white as you finish, legs trembling and clamping around his hand as you douse his fingers. You can’t believe he’s made you squirt in public. Embarrassment rises through you once more, and you’ve never felt such a scorching temperature in your life.
You look around to see if anyone has noticed, while Nanami withdraws his hand and crosses his ankle over his knee. You watch him as he sucks his fingers clean of the mess, your mess, with a look of contentment on his face. You, however, are panting heavily while you rest your head in one hand on the table. You’re slumped over, and you couldn’t feel more self-conscious.
You don’t exactly look like you belong here.
“Would you be interested in some dessert?” a waiter asks as he approaches, though his question almost evaporates as he looks at you. Your sweat coated skin and your mussed up hair catches him off guard. Your irregular breathing makes him worry for your well-being. “Are you alright, Miss? You look…” he finds himself at a loss of what to even say. He knows he needs to be polite, but you almost look ill.
“She’s fine, just a little warm and worked up.” your dear uncle intervenes, smiling at the waiter graciously as he interlocks his fingers and rests his chin atop them. “Isn’t that right, sweetheart? I’m sure you’ll cool down after some ice cream.”
You nod, doing what you can to pull yourself together. You’d hate to embarrass your favourite uncle, after all. What if he doesn’t invite you back to do this again?
“Wonderful, sir.” the waiter smiles as he holds up a pad of paper with a pen to take your dessert orders. “You make a lovely couple, by the way.” you aren’t sure if he’s being polite out of obligation to his job, or if he genuinely feels that way. But you and your uncle share a knowing smile with each other, and yours only grows wider as he brushes a fallen section of hair out of your face.
“We aren’t a couple.” he starts. “I’m her uncle.”
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© 2024 rinhaler
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jaegerisim · 11 months
Vent post y'all are gonna hate me for.
I viscerally hate how the Duffers treat most of their non white or queer characters and I hate even more viscerally, how y'all big byler blogs in your circle jerk of other 5 big byler blogs casually like to ignore many red flags the show has.
Y'all like to say: "tHe DufFeRs ArE gReAt WrIteRs" and it's like girl, who are you lying to??? They aren't top shit writers at all. The Duffers are pretty mid imo. Yeah, they run a good show that's fun to watch and theorize abt , but that doesn't mean they're good writers cuz they're not.
1. they completely side lined Will during s3 for the sake of their straight romances: lumax, jancy, mlvn, duzie and partly stobin (even if stobin wasn't endgame, thankfully, Steve's intentions were clearly wanting to date Robin and they gave it a lot of screen time). Will was sidelined bc he didn't fit the straight romance plotline bc they planned to make him gay or whatever. Now in s4 Will and his feelings have been used as mlvn toilet paper. Yes, we like to say this is build up for byler but canonically, Will's feelings have been used to clean the shit mlvn leaves behind.
2. Billy was sympathized a lot during the last 2 seasons. They gave him the sad backstoryTM in order for ppl to feel sorry for him. Billy's backstory is literally Jonathan's but whatever.
3. El's anger issues are constantly girlboss-ified. They down play her bullying situation and literally just use it for El to be a ''girlboss" without realizing how triggering that is. As someone who has lived bullying, seeing it be ignored by canon and fanon is super sad. The whole Rink-O' Mania experience must have been so traumatizing for her yet, everyone absolutely forgets abt it 🤷🏻‍♀️
4. Robin, Erica and Argyle are stereotypical characters. Robin is the quirky lesbian with social anxiety, Erica is the badass black woman and Argyle is the Latino stoner that sells weed to white kids and works as a pizza delivery guy.
5. Altho Argyle and Eddie both do drugs, (Eddie actually sells K-12 to a minor and nobody batted an eye. He has a huge fan base). Eddie is held in a pedestal bc "poor thing 🥺 he lives in a trailer with his uncle 🥺". Tell me a single fact you know abt Argyle that isn't "he smokes weed", "he is Jonathan's only friend", "drives a van" and "he works at a pizzeria". Exactly, Eddie is given a useless backstory and Argyle isn't.
6. Dustin stopped being important to the plot sometime around s2 and s3. He is only there to curse and be mildly funny. My guy needs to hangout with ppl his age cuz he only hangs out with seniors.
7. El needs to stop having so much "I'M THAT BITCH" screentime like I need in s5 for El's arc to not just be her becoming more powerful and falling in love with Mike. I need the Duffers to explore her trauma and problems.
8. Angela should have been run over by the van.
9. Patrick should have been given a backstory that isn't the basic "strict black parents that hit their kids cuz they are a disgrace". Patrick's backstory is actually racist af, fight w the wall.
10. As Lex already said, they didn't trigger tag the ep where Jason and his friends assault Lucas and Erica. Like wtf? Why was that necessary? Why did I have to see a black boy being held at gunpoint by some white guy?? Was it relevant to the plot?? I don't think so. And then I've got to see ppl online be like "Jason wasn't that bad. He was just mourning" like bitch you can stfu. This is what happens when you make the racist assholes conventionally attractive.
Also the fact that Lucas's arc is fulfilled by him fist-fighting Jason and "embracing his weirdness" aka accepting he is black. His arc was not fulfilled at all cuz that ending spoke so loud to me. It showed how little empathy ppl have towards the struggles poc ppl living in the Midwest have. Y'all circle jerks can only see racism when it's super obvious.
Furthermore, parents complained when ST showed "an excessive amount of smoking" yet nobody batted an eye when Billy tried to run over Lucas, when Erica (an 11 y.o ffs) was chased by white kids or when Lucas was held at gunpoint by Jason.
All of this happened while they focused on Max's guilt and mourning that, yeah, are important but certainly not less important than racism!!!
11. In s3, they gave us that whole Nancy vs The Bigots arc that was honestly just triggering and useless. It didn't help Nancy's character at all, quite the opposite it put unnecessary angst.
12. Lonnie being presented as an abuser just for him to never be spoken of again. Can we please get to explore the trauma he left the Byers's with?
13. The fact that both queer relationships are considered "sloppy seconds" is extremely sad. Both Vickie and Mike are rebounding from their failed relationship with Robin and Will. These 2 ships have caused more commotion than Jancy and Jopper together! (These last ships are technically sloppy seconds too but everybody forgets that. Shocker!!)
14. Last but not least, ppl blame Argyle for being the one to get Jonathan into smoking weed as if Jonathan probably wasn't the one looking for it. Let me tell you, that you only find weed if you look for it.
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year
pls 🥺🥺🥺 some uncle obi-wan headcanons 🥺🥺🥺🥺 in the anakin raises leia au 🥺🥺🥺 some spare doodles for the poor?? 🥺🥺
i dont have any unposted obi-wan doods, so you're gonna have to make do with just au notes!!
i said before, but Obi-Wan was on Naboo a lot for the first few years of Luke's life, essentially teaching him basic force control and shielding so he didnt get Got
he however doesnt stay bc its dangerous for him to be on such a populated planet + be associated w Padmé + he wants to help the Rebellion more concretely
which is fun bc he goes from mostly seeing luke-raised-by-padme, who's currently the least chaotic a skywalker can be, to leia-raised-by-anakin, who is roughly the most chaotic a skywalker can be. absolute whiplash
however he can tell anakin abt some of luke's first few years which anakin doesnt get to hear much at all abt (very very little communication w padme)
unlike anakin, he's very aware that this is not a war they'll win in an outright fight (for now) and is equally hesitant to actually fight bc look where that got them in the clone wars
he's a wonderful uncle to leia in the rebellion and gives good parenting advice to Anakin even if he does have to remind Anakin that actually he's never been a proper parent (especially not in a rebellion) so Anakin can't go to him for ALL advice
he's like at least 20x more tired of everyones shit than he is in tcw and is very much considering smacking anakin with a newspaper every time he starts angsting abt the fact he nearly turned to the dark side and is holding himself personally responsible for the entire fall of the government
he isn't with anakin and leia's cell as much as he'd like to be, bc unfortunately jedi are Valuable and you cant have like 4 of them in one group even if they are bestie-family
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Ok hear me out, what if the yv listeners were single parents? Man, can you image the drama and more fluffy family time!!🥺
Holy shit thats a kid-
Bc there's so many listeners I'm doing Sugarboo, Casper, and Sunflower. If you want a pt2 just ask!
100% made Seth think Alphonse moved on quickly bc he got someone pregnant.
When Seth first showed up he didn't know and it hurt even more. But when him and Boo met up at the woods they cleared it up.
"I'm going to tell you this once. Alphonse loves you, but I have a kid to protect and ill fuck you up if you do something."
Seth nodded along didn't really know what to say since yeah what parent wouldn't want to protect their kid?
Alphonse is the fun parent to the kid. But will make sure they brush their teeth! After giving them a couple of treats from the shop first tho!
The kid who ima nickname Bun is a really loving kid. Like they saw Seth and was like your cool! And asked a thousand questions at once.
The breakfast was more awkward, bc Bun never say Al yell before and it kinda made then sad. Bc everyone else was getting sad then started crying.
This made Boo snap at Al, Seth too bc he didn't want the kid to listen to all this. So after making up Alphonse apologized to Boo and Bun.
When Seth came back Bun cried seeing him hurt and lied next to him. They dragged him everywhere when he was getting use to being with Boo and Al.
The pillow fort ep was even more sweet bc Bun showed the trio a lil drawing they made. Seth damn near cried.
But oh loorrd the one where Jessie's hair was gifted to Seth? That made it thousands times worse bc the note even hinted at Bun. Seth felt even more ashamed of himself bc he put a kid in danger.
The want of Boo staying in town was even more now bc of Bun. But Boo knew they needed to be there and was stubborn about it.
We can say that Bun stayed in town with some old lady Boo trusted but...who would want their kid away from them?
The car ride there was even more tense when everyone said they're in it. Bun hugged the trio to try and make everyone feel better.
Bun and Boo stayed in the car with Bun being hidden well so if something happens Boo can hide them. Charlie saw the end of the barrel when looking at Boo.
When meeting Jessie Bun tried eating a cookie and did a lil kid cough. Then whined about not getting anything to eat, so Boo whipped something up rq.
Bun was there hugging Seth when he cried. People forget kids are emotionally intelligent sometimes so when Bun figured out Jessie made Bun's favorite uncle/dad figure? They sticker their young out and blew a raspberry.
Charlie being in the room to talk to them was more tense bc Boo was ready to grab him. Even standing in front of the bed glaring hard at him.
Boo's decision going with Derek was even more drastically more needed. Bc he said something about "such a cute lil kid ya got there. Sugar." Boo almost shot him right there.
Everyone was desperate and distraught when Boo left. Bun was crying and Alphonse was trying to calm them. Bun stayed with Jessie and the boys left.
Boo pointing the gun was leaning a bit more twords a parent needing to protect their kids. Also when Al sees Finn he tells the blonde he better make everything right bc he has a kid to protect.
I can see so many cute thing sharpening with Bun and the boys. Seth and Alphonse spoil them so Boo gotta be the bad cop between them all.
Seth shows Bun how to hike and make things he learned when younger. Even telling him stories too!
Alphonse loves having his lil candy taste tester around. He also helps sneak some baked goods to them if Boo let's Al have some.
Them having a kid would actually break Charlie. Bc he lost his chance of course they found someone that loved them and gave them a kid.
But blah blah other parent gone so when Charlie does meet the lil ghoul their eyes sparkle asking about his skateboard and his hat.
Charlie kinda has a hard time connecting with he kid. Since he did sell shit to kids when younger.
"Charlie, it's okay. I trust you with ghoul. Your my friend stupid."
Charlie smiled at the words and did try to connect with the kid. He actually really connected with them bc he's a kid at heart.
The sleepover ep was different when Casper slashed Charlie's tires bc ghoul cheered when they did.
Also with truth and dare they played a kiddy version with ghoul before they knocked out. Then the confession happened.
The mall date was cute bc everyone thought they were a small family and ghoul just said how his parents were cool bc they rode skateboards.
With dancing at the abandon school ghoul had a babysitter at the house. Casper and ghoul tried to convince Chalrie to stay but he left </3 but then returned with another child! A fur baby :o
Ghoul loves lil guy and helps take care of them. They are basically siblings even fighting over a pizza slice once. Since the eye was hurt on lil guy ghoul gave them one of their pirate eye patches.
Sweet Pete loves the kid and makes sure to give them a pizza when they come over. Off of Charlie's pay check of course.
Going to the skate part is a MUST with this lil family. Ghoul learns trucks that Casper and Charlie did when younger. It's so cute when they got so excited when they landed their first kick flip!
If Charlie ever does introduce the kid and Casper (again) to his parents they love the two. His mom spoils the kid and his dad bonds a but with them.
Charlie really wants to better himself even more with Casper and ghoul bc he wants to be someone their gonna be proud of.
When first going into Talk Floral Finn was suprised seeing the lil hands of seed touching the counter showing off some change to get a lil rose for their parent.
Seed loves Finn's rambling and saw him staring at their parent and giggled.
When coming back again Seed asks if they can learn more from him. Which gives Sunflower the opportunity to ask as well.
So Seed and Sunflower get to have classes and stuff. Finn really connects with the kid even calling them seedling jokenly. But it really stuck with them.
When they went to the cafe and the drink spilled Sunflower made sure nothing got on Seed. Finn was panicking and almost cried but got embarrassed like in the og bc he was wiping too close to Sunflowers personal space.
Sadly Seed wasn't there when Sunflower asked him out but demanded to be om the date.
But we know Finn got distracted and such so Seed gave him a glare when coming in. But apologized when Sunflower noticed it and scolded them.
With the Yule ep all three made lists of snow angels and snowmen! Seed was cozy in a big thick coat while being on their parents lap listening to Finn. They even fell asleep first.
Seed prefers to be om their parents back when sleeping so during the cuddling ep Seed agreed with Finn saying that their parent should stay. They fell asleep again and when they woke up they were babysat by Finn.
Seed goes to parks a lot so they get flowers to Finn. Like those ones you see all the time and says it's to add to his collection. Finn keeps them all, even pressing them so he can put them on a bookmark.
Finn is clumsy but makes sure the kid is safe at all times. Like he tried to carry them once and fell but made sure to lean as hard as he can to protect them.
Finn is the best at calming Seed down and getting them to say what they want. It's okay use your big words Seedling. And Seed tells him what they need or what happened.
Finn also kinda feels like he's not the best example for a kid but Sunflower shuts that down saying how he handles Seed perfectly bc even Sunflower had to admit that their a hand full sometimes.
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brandycranby · 10 months
me thinks we need to discuss big beefy men holding tiny tiny babies 🧐
ari having skin-to-skin time with his little one, the surge of protectiveness as they hold his finger in sleep, rising and falling with his chest 😖💕
frank 🥺 best dad/uncle frank with baby mary, covered in formula and spit up but still trying his best while juggling his office hrs and lectures
jakey with his niece swinging from his arms!! glasses crooked!! ik he would be such a good papa 😣 yeah he silly but when he holds that baby for the first time..
andy in the nursery past midnight, standing vigil by the crib and stroking a soft chubby cheek 😭 he just needs to know his baby's ok!!
steve with his baby!! so small!! they take her away for observation bc the serum didnt pass to her and she has to stay in nicu 😫 him looking through the glass and promising to always always keep her safe
@babyjakes bc u put this in my head 😣 @punemy-spotted bc this is totally Steve & Liddol territory, actually everyone heckin' chime in bc im tired of ppl not actually talking on main!!! come shake me by the lapels and yell about baby fever
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sxcret-garden · 9 months
okay thinking of wooyoung w a breeding kink perhaps.. 🤭 bc i am still not over the way he was the best uncle to arin on that one show, it makes me want to have his kids fr😭
Aaaaaaa he'd be such a good dad and husband and just 🥺🥺🥺 he'd take care of his family so much so i get it!!!! Okay hear me out, here's what i'm seeing:
So imagine,,, y'all are going at it, him buried inside you and just when he's about to make you cum you tell him you want his babies.... and like... his domestic soft side is immediately going to activate and as you're coming down from your high this guy is just going to hold you close, not even bothering to take care of himself at this point because he just needs to tell you how much he loves you and omg his heart just swells so much 😭
But you know, he's not gonna stay exclusively soft about it forever, because even just the thought of you begging to have him cum inside you is making him go slightly insane. May or may not go into a baby making fever and just find literally any excuse to drag you off to the bedroom and to make sweet love to you... until he's inside you and you're telling him all these things about how much you want him to stuff you with his cum, how you want him to breed you and that's the moment he gets possessive too, not letting you go until he's released inside you at least a few times... 🫠
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queenofallimagines · 11 months
Meguru Bachira with a black s/o
LISTEN!! I picked up the 2 volume of the manga on accident when I went to target and I’m in love w him the man of my dreams!! Not taking blue lock right now bc besides Isagi and kunigami i don’t remember any other characters name or anything about them😅 feel free to talk to me about him tho I have SO many thoughts👀
** can you tell this is just me rambling 💀
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- this pic gives me butterflies holy shit
- WHEW this man has huge unhinged sunshine energy
- Like giggling and kicking my feet how he’s the happy go lucky character trope (I.e hinata) but they make sure you remember he’s not “soft”
- Like the way y’all be uwuing hinata that is a grown man😐 he was throwing fists the WHOLE SERIES but he don’t know about sex? Bffr
- Anyway he’s definitely a switch but kinda leaning more top? he definitely just wants to fuck he don’t care who’s on top
- He’s so cuddly it’s adorable
- Getting neon yellow nails to match his hair>>>
- Definitely would like to match fits w you when y’all step out
- Most fashionable couple FR
- Always has to be touching you in some way
- Holding your hand, arm around you, hand in your pockets
- Wants to make sure you’re there and won’t slip away from him
- Imagining him going to meet your family and he’s SWEATING like he knows he’s not everyone’s cup of tea and really doesn’t want to start anything
- “You are good at soccer so you have like + 100 points right now”(watching Latino people watch the football on the Olympics is so scary 😫)
- Imagine your family watching his games😭 embarrassing bc now I’m imagining a room full of dads and uncles glued to the tv and cheering him on like he can hear it💀💀
- “You so skinny you need to eat more!”
- He’s charming your aunties to steal plates from your house
- You get in the car and he has like 3 Tupperwares full of left overs
- Great with kids because they think he’s cool
- he’s breaking they ankles in soccer tho he’s not gunna play nice w kids
- If “play where it’s safe cuz it’s NOT over here” was a person
- Like he can go 0-100 in a millisecond so if someone tries him
- Very “who’s gon beat my ass about it??” Type beat
- People think y’all are so cute bc he’s so smiley and sweet to you
- DEFINITELY says filthy shit in your ear too
- Like he’s cuddly w everyone he likes so you’d be no different but he’s slipping his hands up your shirt
- Number one hype man when you get your hair done
- So extra
- “My baby so cute🥹🥹”
- Box braids are his favorite bc he can put charms and stuff in your hair
- also medium long locs bc imagining him walking up to you and pushing them out your face to see your eyes🥺
- Freak
- Probably sends you links to sex toys and is like
- “👀👀??”
-“I’m a visual learner btw”
- The MOST unserious character in this whole series so far
- His song is rodeo but just the flo Milli verse i WILL NOT ELABORATE!!
- Once he get to doing that thing where he lower his voice just call in sick bc you probably not walking
- Not that he doesn’t care about your pleasure it’s more he’s fucking until HE taps out so your brains can be soup but he’s not done so,,,,hold on?
- If you like me and a few inches shorter than him will be smug about it
- His personality is big enough to count as a size kink but being a little taller makes him get a big head
- Talks you through it the whole time
- Switching back and fourth between degrading and praise so fast it makes your head spin
- “Hm? Don’t tell me my little slut is tapping out? You were begging me so nicely earlier”
- only one who can say babygirl and it not be cringe 🤭
- “be a good boy and spread your legs for me, hm?”
- Really sloppy kisser during sex too
- Will tell you to stick your tongue out for him
- On the rougher side of kinky stuff
- Fucks you like it’s the last time he ever will every time
- Don’t care about getting caught bc either way he’s not stopping
- Probably how you’d end up sleeping w him and Isagi I fear
- Isagi is so sweet and megaru is MEAN
- Isagi trying to go slow and be gentle and Megaru over here pulling your hair calling you a pretty whore
- this man In grey sweatpants would end me
- he’s tall by Japanese standards but juuuuust 3cm above average in American height
- he already walks out the shower naked w NO care in the world
- probably walks around the house like that too Ngl
- “I am returning to the natural state of my birth” I will glue your clothes to your body sir :/
- feel like he’s more girth than length like don’t get me wrong he def has a third leg but he’s gunna have to work you open
- “ Oh don’t worry, I’ll make sure it fits”
- Act right dick™️ so don’t push him too far in public
- Definitely a bad influence!! You’re trying to be normal in public and he gives you a look
- Next thing you know he’s on his knees for you in a bathroom or an empty hallway🙄
- In the locker room so many times the rest of his friends already know, and when you two disappear they not stepping foot in there
- Buys you lingerie because he’s your biggest hype man
- When you feel confident you’re the most sexy
- “Mmm you look so good in that cute outfit, you won’t be too mad if I tear it off right?”
- Spreads your legs wide and will make you look in the mirror and watch as he fingers you open
- The type of man who fucks you so good you would get his name tatted on your ass
- Your family actually is probably like “don’t you go corrupting that sweet boy”
- And behind closed doors he’s got his hand holding your hair in a tight fist as he makes himself comfy in your throat
- “Let me hold your hair up for you💕”
- L$D- asap Rocky is also his song
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greg-montgomery · 9 months
Reader and Aaron having a date night and Derek and Penelope babysitting? 🥰 They come back to see Penelope, Jack, and their daughter filling up Derek and doing his nails LOLOL. They all have a good laugh and when it’s brought up to the team (with pics), Derek is like “??? I’ve never seen any of you able to say no to those kids. I am no stronger than the rest of you in this”
I’LL SOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!
derek and penny spoil your kids so much like it’s a problem 😭😭 when you and aaron want to have a date night and ask them to babysit your kids they’re always more than happy <333 bc your babies are their soft spot <333
and of course jack and your little girl are just as happy bc they adore their aunt pen and their uncle derek 🥺🥺🥺🥺
the entire time you and aaron are on your date your phone hasn’t rang once and that’s bc they’re having the best time ever 🤭 so while you’re having a romantic evening with your husband derek is getting his nails painted 😭
penelope is on your kids team so it’s derek vs the three of them (he’s not complaining in the least) 🤭 jack and his little sister run to your room and go through your stuff 😭😭 so they get a pink nail polish and one of your face masks!! and they run back to the living room like “uncle derek we’re gonna make you pretty!!”
so they sit him down and get to work 😭 your girl starts painting his nails with soooo much concentration and determination 🫡 while jack opens the jar of your face mask and starts applying it on morgan’s face 🤭🤭
penelope is obviously taking pics the whole time encouraging them and telling them they’re doing such a good job 😭
when you get home you expect to find them asleep but instead you see that your living room has turned into a beauty salon 😭😭😭 aaron pulls out his phone like a true Dad and starts taking pics too 😭😭😭
the next day the team won’t let derek live this down but they all know very well they would never ever ever say no to their sweet niece and nephew 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
your babies are so so loved <33333
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Steddie as dads
(Bc if Steve wants 6 lil nuggets he freakin deserves it)
Something tells me Steve is dad and Eddie is papa. Idk it’s just their energy.
We know Steve would be a good dad, look how he takes care of his kids already, but I think Eddie would be such a doting dad too. His old man was likely a piece of work, but Wayne was such a good dad he has examples of poor fathering and great fathering. Unlike Steve who has no examples of good fathering, just emotional negligence, so is going off of not being his dad. Maybe trying to emulate joyce and hop too.
I feel like Eddie would just absolutely support everything his kids did, everything they loved. We’re goth this week? I’ll buy you white foundation. You want to try out for football the next? Let’s go have a catch in the yard. You got a A on your paper? Hell yeah! You got a D on your paper? You passed, that’s what counts hell yeah!
Where Steve is of corse supportive but a massive worry wart
A moment of affectionate silence for grandpa Wayne🥺🥺🥺
so many loving uncles and aunts despite both men being only children
they'd just be so great. I know it's a short post but come on.
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devilart2199-aibi · 1 month
IDW collection reading update! :^) 📖
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Just finished Phase 2 volume 3! This volume included: The MTMTE 2012 Annual + issues 9-13, The RID 2012 Annual + issues 10-11, Signal to Noise and Spotlights: Thundercracker, Bumblebee and Megatron!
My thoughts will be below! ⤵️
MTMTE 2012 Annual:
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Started off super wacky with Magnus 😂 Then got really interesting with Crystal City disappearing, The Metrotitan being underneath and the Galactic Council making their appearance! I liked how they tried to recruit Magnus and he said nah and smiled :)
RID 2012 Annual:
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Absolutely LOVED the vintage/retro comic pages they did for the story/flashbacks of Nova's group!! Why so evil, but so cool looking?? I'm curious to see what all that with the Metrotitan and Starscream meant! 🤔
MTMTE 9-11:
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Absolute banger. Probably one of my favorite stories so far!! I'm sorry but a murder mystery?? on Cybertron? in the past?? with stellar art!?! Sign me up any day.
Also it was great to finally learn more about Senator Shockwave and the rest of the Characters! Like Drift, Chromedome and Whirly! The back and forth with all the banter and the layers of fronts and corruption ahhh *chefs kisses*
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Also I thought this ⬆️ was so cute bc it's a fact right out of Prowls characters bio/info sheet/page.
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This is the Surprise! Give you a mini heart attack issue lol Bc of my own silliness I was stressed the whole time reading it 😂 but it was really good!! We got to learn a bunch about Rewind. And that him and Chromedome are Conjunx' !! 🥺💞
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This was a super fun issue! I'm absolutely loving all this Magnus character time!!
The Holomatter Avatars were pretty funny 😂 Whirl was too adorable and I thought it was really sweet that Magnus chose to look like Verity 🥺 Uncle Magnus misses his kid.
I felt bad for Swerve ;_; also I'm excited to see more from Cyclonus and Tailgate!! This ship is full of liars lol 😂
RID 10-11:
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10 was an issue where Orion (previously Optimus) is currently hunting down Jihaxus to get answers for stuff and things. There is quite a bit of time jumping back and forth which always gets me confused 😂 it was interesting tho!
Issues 11 Starscream takes action against his Deceptibros (Just Shockwave, Soundwave and their posse really) and I really look forward to his team up with Prowl, if it goes anywhere from here! Also Arcee killing more people rip Ravage, Frenzy and those other guys 🫡 and a wild Megatron makes a reappearance?!?!
Signal to Noise:
It was a little Lost Light interlude! It was from Rung's perspective. I feel like I haven't seen much from him specifically so it was pretty cool and interesting :> Like everything, I'm curious to see where it goes!
Thundercrackers was enjoyable! It just reinforced that he was good leaning, or at least not one for senseless violence. I really like him and hope he makes a reappearance! I'm curious what he's up to on earth
Bumblebee's was fine. Him struggling to be the leader and feeling like he has to prove himself, but getting the job done!
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Megatron's was a banger. I absolutely love his monologs. What he thinks of his Decepticons and the 'Pep talk' he gave Starscream to get him back to his usual self.
Final random thoughts:
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Of all the storylines, MTMTE is still my favorite to read rn. I must admit, Rodimus tho is stressing me out as the leader 😂 I was gonna say my fav characters rn but, there are just too many haha
I've already hopped into volume 4 so I'll be seeing you soon with more ramblings! 👋
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willowser · 11 months
Following up on uncle Kiri, what's your take on kiri and others becoming parents before bk, and his attitude towards all that? I imagine it's super conflicting being """"left behind"""" but also the questions around self worth and if he's "__ enough' to become a parent?
(obligatory disclaimer that these are all my personal opinions/feelings as someone that wants willow sprouts, and if that doesn't align with someone else's desires/beliefs — that's okay !!! we all write for the ones we love in different ways, and it doesn't make any opinion less valid or worthy of respect ✨️)
OOOOH HMM !! you know, i will write about dad bakugou all day, every day bc that's what i like to read and write but !! i do think he would have a hard time deciding if that's what he wanted ?? i don't think he thinks about it for a while, and then i think he tells himself he shouldn't have them, for a few reasons. mainly bc of his career and all that it entails, and also — bc he must wonder if he would be a good parent !!! he'll tell himself this for a bit, and he'll brush the topic off if it's ever brought up because he "doesn't think it's a good idea for him" but it's never explicitly bc he doesn't want them, if that makes sense ?? tbh i think it would take a very supportive partner for him to openly tell himself that's what he wants. like, someone loving and trusting him enough to be a father would help ease some of his worries, i think.
BUT ANYWAY. regarding kirishima, i actually had this perfect vision of them at a bbq, of course, except kiri's got his FOUR KIDS running around LOL and one of them coming up to bakugou and he's just looking at it like 🤨🤨🤨 akfbdjsja and aww, wouldn't it be cute if, once bakugou is expecting a child, kirishima lets him come over and learn how to change diapers ?? 🥺 let him practice burping and how to swaddle them up when they're so squirmy 🥺🥺🥺 CUTE !!
i think — his feelings in the situation of being around his friends that have children would really depend on whether he has a partner or not he feels comfortable with, tbh. like if it’s just him, i feel like he's non-stop looking at all these kids and his peers and telling himself, "yup, just not in the cards for me", almost like he's trying to convince himself he's fine with being without, though i definitely think he would, deep down, feel like ".......but why not me ?? 🥺" WAAAHHHH but !! on the fun, flip side, if he was with someone, i think he would honestly try to be more observant of how kids are ?? if that makes sense ?? LOL like he's watching them run around and trying to gauge what yaomomo says to her brats to get them to eat their vegetables PFFT. just storing it away for later.
tbh, it's hard for me to imagine not having this conversation with him BUT in the event that yall haven't discussed children yet, i don't think he's going to be the one to push it. like he's not coming back from the bbq asking when it's yall's turn, and i say that bc he's on the fence about it for so long. so i think he takes you not bringing it up as like......okay maybe it really isn't a good idea 🥺 but if years go by and nothing is said, then i think he might bite the bullet and force himself to ask LOL WAAHHH HE'S SO COMPLICATED
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Louk's Bad Batch rewatch part 6 !!!
Y'all it's getting super close omg we're in feb now 🙃 lets goooo
Bad Batch 1x02
Tech piloting +10 points
I'll never get tired of Wrecker and Omega napping together 🥺
Echo and Hunter mom and dad 💕
our lil bby Omega stepping into the sun !!! soaking up the fresh air and playing in the dirt !!! I am going to sob 😭😭😭
"That would be dirt" ~ Tech 🤣
Tech: "we're all deserters now" Echo: 😮
Hunter stopping Omega from walking into the booby trap
vs Wrecker 2 seconds later...
Wrecker is eating a meiloorun 👀 watch out buddy Hera's coming for u
Hello yes who do I talk to about getting a Cut Suu & the batch history/flashback/how they met story time anything pretty please
Rex mention 👀
Tech 🤝 Omega casually dropping the biggest plot points like it's nbd
Omega meeting other kids that don't share her dna 🥲
"Uncle Wrecker!" I am totally normal about this
ok but are we just gonna ignore the fact that Shaeeah looks completely different to tcw ??
Cut knows what's up with the Kaminoans 👀
Cut also knows what's up putting Hunter in his civvie clothes don't come @ me
Rampart 🤢
"Omega went out past the fence!" *bad batch enters dad batch mode* 🏃‍♂️💨
Cut is the daddest of the batch tho 🥺 he's parenting all of them
For some reason Hunter is the same height as Wrecker in this scene ??? lmao
Omega taking her lil charm out of her hair 🥲
"Almost forgot how good of a shot you are" ~ Hunter @ Suu !! okay backstory PLEASE
Echo complaing about the imperial chaincode database vs Tech "it's ingenious" lmaooo
Hunter has the braincell rn
bro Hunter is literally growling at Tech for putting Omega in danger 👀 are we ready for his completely unhinged s3 arc??
Tech, Echo: 😳😬 Omega: 👋😁
Echo peeking from the roof !!
Tech's flip !!!
Tech catching Omega !!!!!!!
Echo mom put Omega in time out 😞
Echo's scomp skills have grown sm 🥲
the way he balances the chain codes on his scomp hand 🥺
Y'ALL I FORGOT! I'm also doing a 'Wrecker hits his head count' for the first part of s1 and a different count for s2 later 👀 but we'll get to that hehe I hate it! anyway!!
Wrecker hits his head count: 2
(he bonked it on a pole this ep go watch)
Cut and Hunter wearing the same clothes is giving when ur mum dresses you and your siblings in matching outfits
Tech: "we can't get caught with these chain codes" 🤔 Echo: "we can't get caught at all" 💀 being mom is hard
Tech to the rescueeee
If I had a dollar for every time Omega was in danger bc of a random imperial droid but is saved at the last second by Wrecker smashing it, I'd have 2 dollars... which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice
Omega's hand is so tiny in Wrecker's 😭🤲
Cut and Wrecker are wearing matching hats 💕
"but I want to stay with you" thanks I didn't need my heart anyway 💔
Suu owns my heart fr
"It responded to that" ~ Wrecker 💀
OMEGA SWEETHEART 😭😭😭 someone needs to hug her so bad she's just a baby can ppl stop upsetting her!! This is ep 2 plssss
Where is the Lawquane family? Are they safe? Are they alright?
Thanks y'all for joining again <3 I'm gonna have to keep it up bc feb is already going so fast?
Anywayyy ilysm 💕
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rainymoodlet · 1 year
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i couldn’t do it, y’all. i spent the time to age up and adjust ivory’s save, because playing her in a world where dallas didn’t exist just felt wrong 🥺 that’s one dinner party of five down! (which i missed, bc i left my computer running dhdhs)
catch up with the kruegers below! ⛓️
for those of you who don’t know, dallas (sixth pic, they/them!) was a nameless sim i’d created with the idea of playing through the joy of life legacy with! they became much larger in-game than the confines of the challenge, though, and while they were working on starting their own 🌿 bakery, dallas was also working as a stripper and a sex worker at “the flamingo” in del sol valley.
dallas wasn’t on any protection when they successfully seduced mayor ted roswell at the club and freak-a-leeked the next month’s rent payment out of him. when they found out they were pregnant, they resolved to raise their daughter as best as they could.
little ivory was born maybe three in-game weeks into the game, i’m not kidding.
though she was a major upset in the course of the challenge, ivory has been a delightful sim to watch grow up! dallas did a wonderful job raising her - but their fate was never to be a simple legacy founder!! so while dallas is freed of mantle of “tjol gen one”, ivory gets to don the “tjol+ gen two” crown 💛 i did a timeskip in-save and now we catch up with her fresh off of her graduation from ubrite 😌
i hope this can help explain a little bit of what’s happened and why the legacy has been all over the place! we’re sticking with ivory from here on out, who has a much more streamlined gen dhdh
morgan fyres, wolfgang munch, savannah price, cassandra goth, and gemma charm are ivory’s best friends since highschool. she used to date cass when they were still teens, but they cooled things off before going to college. now, ivory’s crush on savannah has been popping up in her mind from time to time… 👀 shingo sasaki (fifth pic) was ivory’s nanny from the moment she was born to the moment she grew into a teen! he was there since day one, and over the course of the years has woven his way into the kruegers’ lil unit of two. he’s wearing a ring because dallas proposed to him, not the other way around 🥹 he’s also the reason our girl is level 5 in komorebigo, and they exclusively gossip together in this language. (shingo has never learned simlish dhdhd he’s like level 4 and we love that for him) ivory calls him “toji” or “otoji” — basically “grandpa-dad”. cliff kiser (by @gothoffspring) and anaya jang (third pic) are dallas’ best friends and the first two sims outside of her parent and nanny that ivory ever made friends with! they’re solid figures in her life, and ivory views cliff as the fun-uncle-slash-father that she never had in ted!
(ivory has been thinking a lot about ted in-game, though: she’s been calling him to chat every day bc her “think about family member” dialogue is always him. i’m imagining that the motherfucker didn’t exactly go to any of her graduations 🙄 ted still doesn’t recognize ivory as legitimate, even if he was paying her child support and even if she’s met her half-sisters and they adore her!)
also like??? my baby dallas did so good, look at ivory’s traits 🥹 none of these were cheated in: dallas was just an absolute super parent!
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call-sign-shark · 1 year
Hi darl, bc I'm obsessed with your OC Heaven and all her lore, I'm curious to know...What bedtime story would Heaven tell John's kids if she was babysitting one night? If not a bedtime story, what games would she play with them?
Ohhh Lee, this is an adorable and interesting question. Thank you so much for asking, and seriously, you make me blush. I'm so moved you're kinda obsessed with little Heaven! Thank you so much, I hope you'll like the answer! 🥺💚 Let's do this as headcanons.
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• She's not so effective when it comes to games -- In fact, she lets Arthur does that because he's always so good at inventing little games and entertaining kids. When it comes to games, Heaven would usually pick Hide and Seek. Overall, the kids go for Arthur if they wanna play, and go to Heaven for activities (cooking, wandering in the forest etc...) or for stories because, God, she's the queen of Fairy Tales.
• Heaven is absolutely fond of fairy tales, myths, and legends. She is an inexhaustible source of stories and knowledge about such topics, partly thanks to her father.
• When John asks her to babysit his children or when the kids go to vacations at Uncle Arthur's house, they know they are going to have fun and get spoiled with French cooking and delicious pastries. But for sure their favorite part is when Aunt Heaven tells them bedtime stories.
• Since John's kids do not want to go to bed, she had found a very effective idea: rather than telling stories in the bedroom, she makes the kid gather around her on a comfy fur carpet on which she had placed a ton of pillows and blankets, right in front of the fireplace. Then, she sits in the middle so that the kids can lean on her or hug her - especially Katie, who always clings to her.
• She would obviously tell them her favorite fairy tales: The Red Riding Hood, The Devil With the Three Golden Hairs, and Goldilocks. She also invents stories from scratch, mixing her own imagination and her favorite myths/creatures.
• But what she likes the best is telling them the story of Alice's adventures in Wonderland because she's in love with Lewis Carroll's works. But there is a little plot twist with this last one...
• Sometimes, she replaces the characters with people from the family or with the family's friends. Taking this into account, Katie becomes Alice and her unnamed siblings are also assigned to a character. Want a few examples.
• "And then! Katie found the Mad Hatter, who looked like her own dad except he had a very great hat on his head. The Mad Hatter, chewing on a toothpick, was arguing with the March Hare. In fact, he wanted the March Hare to stop drinking whisky. Vexed, the March Hare stopped playing with his mustache, grabbed a cup of tea, and threw it at the poor Mad Hatter, who managed to avoid it!"
• It works every time, and the kids end up falling asleep all around her. The thing is, it does not only work with them...
• When she's telling stories, Arthur either leans against the door frame and listens to her, a faint smile etched on his lips and his blue eyes shining with undescribable affection. He falls in love with her all over again... Or he kind of joins the herd, sitting on the couch right behind them. When he does this, he 100% falls asleep in less than ten minutes.
• One time John spotted the whole scene and, putting one hand on his heart as if it has been too cute to handle, he turned towards Arthur and said with utmost envy "Lucky bastard."
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✞ Heaven is “you” in Heaven in Your Eyes, an Arthur x Reader!OC ongoing series. Check out the Masterlist || Last chapter published.
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bratzforchris · 9 months
you should do a lil luke blurb where the guys have to baby sit him or something and he gets fussy bc he just wants his caregiver 🥺🥺🥺
Little Angel
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Summary: Above
Pairing: Little!Luke x feminine reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 989
A/N: Thank you for the request!
Caring for your Luke when he was regressed was probably our favorite thing to do in the whole world. He was such a respectful little, and seeing the way he got some of his sparkle back and the weight of the adult world taken off his shoulders made you so happy. However, there were days where Luke’s regression interfered with your day-to-day life. 
Take today, for example. Luke had woken up tiny, immediately snuggling into your side with a giggle. You’d let him stay small, cuddled up in bed with you until his tummy began to growl, signaling that he was ready for breakfast. Your little one had led you to the kitchen and brandished the box of Lucky Charms at you with a huge smile that made you continue to let him stay regressed, which led to where you were now: gently explaining to Luke why he had to go hang out at Uncle Mikey’s for a while. 
Luke was probably the most well-behaved little in the whole world, but there were situations that you just couldn’t put a little in. You had an appointment with a new therapist today, and although being a caregiver was a big part of your life, you really didn’t want to take a regressed Luke to your first appointment, especially in an unfamiliar place. 
“Lu, bubba?” You asked him as he munched on his cereal, watching cartoons.
“Mhm?” he smiled happily. 
“You’re going to go hang out with Uncle Mikey for a few hours today, okay? Mommy has an appointment.” You told him. 
“Whewe Mama go?” Luke asked, blue eyes growing wide. 
“Just to the doctor, buddy,” You said, ruffling his hair. “I won’t be gone long.”
“Bu bu, I wan come!” Luke’s eyes began to fill with unshed tears. “Wan go wif Mommy!”
“Shhh shh, honey,” You said, scooping him into a hug. “If you go hang out with Uncle Mikey and be a good boy, we’ll get ice cream on the way home, ‘kay?”
“Yay!” Luke giggled, rubbing to his room to pick an outfit, his spirits renewed by the promise of ice cream. 
It didn’t take long for you to get Luke and yourself ready, buckling him into the car seat and driving the short distance to Michael’s house. You’d texted him earlier in the day, asking if he minded watching Luke, to which he’d of course answered yes. 
“I I go see Moose and Soufy!” Luke cheered, flinging open the door as soon as the car stopped. 
You chuckled, grabbing Luke’s diaper bag and heading after him up the driveway. By the time you caught up, Luke had already attached himself to Michael, eagerly asking about the small dogs and their whereabouts. 
“Thank you so much, Mike. I know you have toys for him, but there’s some in here and he also has diapers just in case, and wipes, and snacks if he needs…” You were cut off by Michael laughing and shaking his head. 
“Relax, Y/N. I have everything he needs. Say bye to Mommy, Luke.”
“Bye bye, Mommy!” Luke looked back your way once before running into the house. 
You took off down the driveway before Luke could realize you were leaving, smiling fondly as you saw Michael chasing him through the windows. Despite your anxiety, you knew that Michael would take amazing care of Luke. 
It wasn’t until just after lunchtime when there was an issue. Luke was cuddled up on Michael’s couch, watching Paw Patrol, leaning against the older male. The combination of a full belly from lunch and it being naptime was making him very sleepy, and he always, always slept with Mommy. 
“Mikey?” Luke asked, looking up with sleepy eyes. “Miss Mommy. When she comes back?”
“Not for a few more hours, buddy,” Michael said sadly. “Are you getting sleepy?”
You had had a therapy appointment, but you also had errands you had to run that you hadn’t told Luke about for fear of a tantrum. 
Luke nodded, fisting his eyes. “Wan Mommy.” he whimpered. 
“I’m sorry, buddy. She’ll be back soon.” Michael could tell by Luke’s body language that a meltdown was coming and he was trying anything to avoid that. 
The blond began to cry into Michael’s side, heavy sobs that racked his whole body. “Wan Mommy!” 
“Oh Lu,” Mike sighed, picking him up. “Let’s make you a bottle, yeah? Get nice and comfy for naptime?” 
“No!” Luke cried. “Wan my mommy! No seep without her!” 
Michael bounced Luke on his hip, tried singing to him, tried making him a bottle, and nothing was working. Eventually, he pulled out his phone, not wanting to bother you, but Luke was on the verge of throwing up from crying so hard. 
“Michael?” You asked worriedly when you picked up the FaceTime. 
“Mommy!” Luke nearly screamed, lunging out of Michael’s arms for the phone.
That answered your question of why he was calling. You knew it was Luke’s naptime and he was absolutely inconsolable if he was overly tired. 
“He’s really fussy. Nothing’s working. I’ve tried a bottle, singing, rocking.” Michael fretted. 
“Lu, bubba, I need you to listen to Mommy, sweetie,” You said softly as Luke peppered the screen with kisses. “Can you get your paci and bottle for Uncle Mikey, please? If you take your nap, Mommy will be there when you wake up!”
“Pwomise?” Luke asked, popping his paci into his mouth. 
“I promise, honey.”
Luke must’ve decided he believed you, because he kissed the screen once more, wiped his eyes, and curled up against Michaels’ side, yawning around his paci. 
“You’re a miracle worker.” Michael said gratefully. 
“I’ll be there in less than an hour.” You promised. 
Forty-five minutes later, you stepped inside Michael’s house to see both him and Luke fast asleep on the couch, cartoons still softly playing on the television. You snapped a quick picture and cooed, cherishing how much you loved your little angel. 
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