#bc i am baffled as to how i could have done it this time. it was there up to the point i clicked post iirc.
sinnhelmingr · 2 years
asking over here but has anyone else noticed tumblr acting wacky to the tune of just like. arbitrarily erasing parts of posts? i just found an entire paragraph missing in a meta that i legitimately just wrote and posted on the multi. at no point should i have accidentally erased it myself either bc i selected the entire post to make it smalltext. if one part is missing all of it should have been erased.
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menalez · 1 year
Hi! Do you think you could explain how gender critical people can support body autonomy in cases like abortion but not transition? I know you believe that medical transition doesn't change someone's gender. But under the ideals of body autonomy, would you support a woman taking T if she still called herself a woman instead of a calling herself a trans man?
And in general, I know radfems are anti-plastic surgery, but wouldn't that too fall under one's body autonomy?
I'm just trying to figure out radfem and gc ideas but I'm running into some inconsistencies.
honestly i was a bit baffled by this ask and couldn't help but feel like its bait bc ... how is cosmetic surgery that is harming your body, incredibly expensive, and done as a result of self-hatred the same as not wanting to carry a baby & go thru the risks of pregnancy for 9 months? to me these are such blatantly, fundamentally different things. but let me assume this isn't bait and you're asking in good faith and address your points.
I know you believe that medical transition doesn't change someone's gender.
this shows a complete lack of understanding on what beliefs i even hold. i don't think medical transition "doesn't change someone's gender" i know it doesn't change a person's *SEX*. this difference is very crucial. gender = gender roles, gendered expectations, etc. it is a social construct. it has nothing to do with anything medical nor biological, its a social contruct that varies across time and cultures.
But under the ideals of body autonomy, would you support a woman taking T if she still called herself a woman instead of a calling herself a trans man?
why would i support the act of taking synthetic hormones which are actively harming your health just as long as you Identify a certain way? it doesn't matter to me what you call yourself. i'm critical of medical transition because it is costly, harmful, and rooted in questionable beliefs. i'm critical of how readily it is promoted. i am critical of how profitable it is to pharmaceutical and medical industries. i am critical of how little research is being put into ensuring the safety of it as well as research into other methods of dealing with sex dysphoria. whether you call yourself a man or a woman is the least of my concerns.
you use the term bodily autonomy, but you seem to be under the belief that bodily autonomy = a person gets to do whatever they want with their body and their choices are always above any criticism or analysis and it does not matter how much their choices are harming them or others. by that logic, if you don't support an anorexic woman starving herself or getting a liposuction, you are against her bodily autonomy because you are not allowing her full agency over her body. by that logic, if a woman tells you she wants to get a BBL or have implants put in, you need to validate and encourage that choice because to question harming your body is to oppose bodily autonomy. but that is not what bodily autonomy is. here is a definition:
Body autonomy is defined as the ability of one person to demonstrate power and agency over choices concerning their own bodies. These choices must be made without fear, threat, violence or coercion from others.
Body autonomy allows individuals the freedom to make their own choices about their bodies. This is significant to a person’s health and wellbeing.
now, if there is a group of people being told that they need to transition ASAP and being told constantly that without transition they will kill themselves, is that or is that not going to instill fear? because if i was told that i need to take an action as early as possible, lest my life be miserable and doomed, then im going to want to urgently take such an action out of fear. if parents are being told "do you prefer to have a dead daughter or a living son?" or w/e, is that not coercion and threats?
moreover, we know taking synthetic hormones for cosmetic purposes can be extremely harmful for one's health. women with high levels of testosterone naturally suffer from a lot of health consequences as a result, nevermind people who alter their body's hormones. this is fundamentally different from a woman choosing to get an abortion because a pregnancy is costly, risky, has health consequences, and will impact her entire life for at least the next 18 years of her life.
that said, i'm not blaming people who do pursue cosmetic procedures or artificial hormones and i'm not against them. i am against the industries promoting this and making it difficult to even have a conversation on this, even pushing against research that does not benefit their financial interests. i am against the promotion of cosmetic surgery as necessary, healthy, and somehow healthcare. i think that there NEEDS to be more research into medical transition, the impacts it has on health, its usefulness and helpfulness, and alternative treatments. the lack of such research and the lack of constructive conversation on this topic is where my concerns lie. not with identity politics like what someone calls themselves while harming their bodies.
so ultimately, i'm not understanding what you think is an inconsistency here. questioning profitable industries and cosmetic surgery which are modern inventions rooted in amplifying people's, namely women's, insecurities for the sake of profit is not at all the same as an abortion and it's worrying to me that you don't see the difference. providing blind affirmation to every choice an individual makes is not bodily autonomy, its individualism and liberalism to another degree. bodily autonomy is allowing individuals the right to make informed, healthy, decisions for themselves. a woman deciding she does not want to go through 9 months of pregnancy and 18 years of child-rearing is not the same as a woman deciding she hates her body and thus MUST get a boob job (which ultimately harms this person's health rather than helping), or someone deciding they hate their sex and thus MUST get surgeries to pass for a different sex (which also ultimately negatively impacts the person's health, even if it provides some psychological relief which potentially could've been gained via a different approach like therapy).
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popstart · 2 months
Ok, i Saw that post about you complaining about How Gw*ncan shippers are racist to Courtney.
Can you give one example of that?
I had to go through my blocked accounts list to get this shit and it made me wanna shoot myself 20 times in the head so its not gonna be 1000% comprehensive bc i think that would qualify as self harm. ANYWAYS.
the biggest one is the massive amount of double standards and hypocrisy these people have between duncan and courtney (+ gw*ncan and duncney. censoring makes me feel like a child but i dont want people finding this post when theyre looking for ship content)
when the white man is "hostile but theres more to him than that" and when people call the white boy a "horrible person but hes literally a child" but courtney (and sierra) should be beaten to death because theyre obviously unable to be complex characters or children. its a really classic example of expecting women (ESPECIALLY of color) to grow up faster than men and having higher expectations of them
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another example of weird violence and double standards people have towards courtney while not caring about anything either white character has done. post not made by the same person but it is reblogged by them
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and ive posted this before because it seriously baffles me but this is just such an extreme reaction to a character existing. also the constant comparison to animals and dehumanization these people push onto courtney doesnt get past me. like calling a character a cunt and comparing her/her fans to tapeworms. get real man
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and sure. this could all be a gross exaggeration on my part because theres just no way all of this is meant to be taken 1000% seriously, its just such a weird pattern to see. people constantly praising two white characters for doing nothing wrong and for being perfect and happy and healthy (despite the show frequently showing the contrary) while completely ignoring and shitting on a 16 year old brown girl in entirely absurd ways. These people genuinely believe that gwen and duncan are innocent, with the biggest thing they takeaway is that theyre "flawed but still good and complex."
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anyways do i find it accurate to call these people definitive racists/misogynists? not rly no. i just think its extremely telling how much they praise two white characters for being pure and innocent and doing nothing ever wrong when provided with textbook evidence that its not the case.
like you can love any character (or ship) you want but love them WITH their flaws and recognize that nothing is perfect. in 0 way am i saying that liking duncan or gw*ncan is terrible and awful and should be grounds for public execution and im also not saying that courtney is perfect and did nothing wrong and everyone should love her forever. im just asking for a mutual respect that doesnt seem to exist for these people. everything has flaws, but blowing out of proportion the flaws of things (or characters) you dont like gets very very icky and hypocritical when you turn around and praise something that had very similar fall outs
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asheepinthenight · 3 months
i know people have their theories about what Hawks project is and if it even is a "dangerous and magical weapon". but, as a newby fan to this game of the past couple weeks, i believe i have come up with what i think the funniest "theory" could be, which is the following:
MC: "Okay. I'm just going to come out and ask this. Are you building a dangerous magical weapon for your project that ends in the Spring?"
Hawk: "Literally all of my projects, ever, have been about dangerous magical weapons."
MC: *alarms of 'oh fuck' in their head* "...Pardon?"
Hawk: "It's my Purpose. Weapons. I figure out how to build them, write notes; then I destroy them, write notes, and, finally, present to the Enclave on how to make and destroy said weapon along with ensure both parts of my work are published. Repeat. If you are worried about your safety, I would never make something I couldn't destroy. Quite unethical."
MC: "So... wait, are any of those weapons here?"
Hawk: "I just said I destroyed all of them."
MC: "But the one for the spring...?"
Hawk: "Is already destroyed. I'm editing my publication, and polishing my presentation, on how to build and destroy it at the moment."
MC: *thinking the kingdom probably would want all of Hawk's publications* "...And what happens with your publication after you're done making it? Because I don't think they're cycling through human publication networks at all." *wondering if there are Elves who do printing presses and whatnot for Elf-exclusive books and pamphlets*
Hawk: "Oh, the Enclave destroys them. Just in case. I find destroying all my notes and other paperwork boring, so I don't do that."
MC: *silently processing, is baffled*
Hawk: "If you are worried for your personal safety regarding the building and destruction of future weapons, I actually shifted my workplace to another dimension -- quite similar to one we used to go from your family's estate to our home back when we were married -- as part of my and the Enclave's preparation for me to marry a human and, uh, 'human-proof' our home, as Shea puts it. I think the proper equivalence would be that I have fully moved my work-station labratory from 'an at-home office' to a proverbial 'shed'. You, our home, and our neighbors are completely safe. As am I, but that is obvious, as I would never be stupid enough to be killed by something I made. Does that answer your question and all its tangential concerns?"
like. do i think its possible this could happen?? no, never. i have no evidence to think this could ever be what happens and have zero desire to assume it will
do i think it would be so fucking FUNNY??? yes, 100%, yes, the idea that Hawk's Purpose is just "make weapons, destroy weapons, repeat" and the reason Hawk goes to the Enclave is to info-dump everything new Hawk has learned about their special interest Purpose to literally p much their whole social-circle then give them the chore of destroying all his paperwork so Hawk doesnt have to bc destroying papers is BORING??? itd be so fucking funny. the most "well. that just answered the kingdom's fears as valid but also showed this mission DID NOT NEED TO HAPPEN AT ALL bc everything is already taken care of" solution to that plot-point of all time. i HEAVILY FUCKING DOUBT it will ever happen. but i do think its be fucking funny
Just like with other theories (serious or silly), I will neither confirm nor deny, but this is a very funny idea! Creating problems and then attempting to solve them in convoluted ways is very on-brand for Hawk, and lore-wise, a Purpose of that sort is possible. So theoretically, a plausible idea! And Hawk's Enclave acting as immortal, highly OP paper shredders every once in a while is incredibly funny.
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blueluneacy · 11 months
its time for my yearly post, real
ive been thinkin about dottore genshin impact lately. hes so silly :) did more of a horror aspect bc i like horror??? idk if youve been around long enough youll notice my slow descent into more horror based writings. but its ok, i like it!
on one hand you might be able to consider this yandere. on the other i think this is just how il dottore is in my mind. just a little creep. i wonder if hes single
tw: manipulation, blackmail, implied human experimentation
You were nothing to him. 
In some way or another, you knew that. You knew that you were lowly in comparison to him. You were a student, barely half way into a thesis while he was well… It’s hard to define what he was. An outcast, but a genius. Something out of your grasp, intangible and arcane. Maybe that’s what originally got you interested. You’re a student after all, driven by curiosity and a need for knowledge. Perhaps he liked that about you too. 
It was also that which was forbidden that intrigued you. That which you had seen scholars go mad for, he held in the palm of his hand. Things that you knew that were forbidden were always so delicious, weren’t they? You indulged in them, in what he could give you. It’s not as thought you didn’t give what you could in return, but really, what could you give a man whose power rivaled the gods? You should’ve known better. Your tutors, your peers, everyone could’ve warned you, did warn you, but you chose not to listen. 
After all, he did tell you that this version of himself was the most selfish. 
Perhaps then it wasn’t strange that you never saw what happened next coming. When he told you that it was time to leave Sumeru, you were shocked, almost baffled at the proposal. 
“I can’t just leave everything. I’m still working on my thesis, my friends are here, I still have things to do here.” You told him, as if your words would do you any good. He merely smiled at you, shaking his head as if your points were silly, meaningless. 
“I think you’ll find your research coming to a halt very soon regardless of if you leave or not. It seems that some restructuring will begin to take place here very shortly. It would be best if you were to leave, while you still had your dignity intact.” He always made himself sound so… Reasonable. It was something you once admired about him, but now, it was grating on your nerves. How easily he tossed aside your concerns. Had he always done that, trivialized the words you were saying like this?
“I can’t just give it all up. I’d hate myself if I did that. You should already know, that’s not the type of person I am. This is my life’s work.” You told him, immediately turning your back to him. He only gave you a small chuckle, shaking his head. 
“Oh please. It was an average thesis that’s frankly, derivative and uninteresting. Not to mention your advisor is about to lose his job. You don’t really think it’s worth it just to work 10 more years on something new once the dust settles, do you?” He made broad steps to close the distance between the two of you, leaning over your shoulder. You had always known that the man was much larger than you, but it was the first time you noticed that it made you nervous. Perhaps that was the first time you acknowledged him for what he really was. Not as a friend or a lover, but as the Doctor, a powerful, dangerous man. 
“Even so, I’m a student here at the Akademiya. I can’t pick up and leave just because you told me to. The answer is no.” You had to firm with him. If you weren’t, if you just went with him, you had a feeling that you would end up as nothing but a puppet, a pretty doll to look at for the rest of your life. What a shame that you hadn’t realized such a fact before it was too late. 
“Is that so?” He seemed more amused than he was angry. You winced as he leaned against you from behind, draping his arms over your shoulder in a way that he perhaps meant to be affectionate but felt more imprisoning with his inhuman strength. He leaned down to whisper in your ear. You shuddered as you felt his breath against you , a pit of fear forming in your stomach that threatened to come out as a scream. 
“And what are your plans as to what happens next? I’m sure that everyone would love to know how interested you’ve been with the things I’ve taught you these past few months. How interested you’ve been in that which you knew to be forbidden.” You froze at his words. Was… That his plan all along? To lure you in, and then blackmail you into never leaving? “Do you really think you could just get away with a slap on the wrist for this? Something as horrid as this, well, I doubt there would be must hesitation to sign your expulsion papers.”
“You… Why? Why are you doing this? Why me?” You could’ve help but let your questions tumble out of your mouth. You felt betrayed, but why? Shouldn’t you have always known the nature of this man? How he takes and takes, giving nothing in return. How absolutely foolish.
“Ah, look at that expression! How fascinating. I wonder, what else could I do to induce these emotions in you? Such lovely features being distorted with such despair…”  He cooed, running his hand over your cheek to wipe away a tear. When did you start crying? You reached up to feel your own tears, attempting to brush the Doctor’s hand away at the same time. 
“We’ll have plenty of time to look at more of your reactions once we reach home. I look forward to our continued work together once we reach Snezhnaya.” As his words reached your ears, you finally broke out of your fog, pulling away from the Doctor. You backed up a bit, but he so easily seemed to just step forward once more, not giving you any space. 
“I don’t care. Even if I become an outcast, I’ll bare with it. I… I can *redeem* myself, I won’t just let you take me away to some lab in a bunker somewhere to do who knows what to me!” You shuddered as thoughts raced through your mind of what might happen. Of how he might cut you open, the fluids he could pour into your body, the *agony* he could cause for you only to stitch you back together. You knew of the consequences though. Why are you so surprised when the chickens come home to roost?
For his part, the Doctor only laughed, leaning down and grabbing you by the chin. His grip was hard, and in the back of your mind you wondered if bruises would form later. He forced you to look up at him, examining your expression with a sort of cold clinical air that you should’ve been used to with him by now. 
“Oh, my dear… You act as though you ever really had a choice.” 
Despite your best attempts, the dam finally broke, and you let out a scream as the horror of the man in front of you finally set in. You thrashed, squirmed, cried, begged, pleaded, did anything you could think of to try and escape this, this agonizing situation that you only had yourself to blame for. 
And for his part, all the Doctor did was laugh. 
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daincrediblegg · 1 year
I’ve been seeing some complaints about Hari’s wig so I’ve decided to use my arcane knowledge of Jared Harris images to rate some looks from 1 (I’m questioning my choices) to 10 (I’ve never been more right) in order to prove the point that that wig wasn’t even the worst look he's ever had. Not even close.
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1. the jaz haz of receiving psychic damage. With the exception of the moustache he is perfectly fine (honey. Listen. It just doesn’t work in this case. ily) but also him making that face specifically like he’s psyduck personified is extremely funny to me. 7/10
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2. He looks like he could conceivably be in mortal kombat??? But also his fatality move would be the lamest shit ever? Babygirl you don’t fight like that. Put those things down. You’re gonna hurt yourself. Simultaneously I feel like I’ve stumbled onto the set of a very strange porno from the 70’s and I’m actually a little uncomfortable (again. Honey. You can do better with the stache thing. I’ve seen it. There are some good images with you in a mustache. It’s not this one tho I’m sorry) 5/10
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3. The fuckin wig. Listen. Y’all in the hair and makeup department do wonderful things on this show. Really. I mean that. But what made us say that this is the move? Who said “young Hari, huh? I know what to do” and then made him a fucking beatle in the worst way possible (though I can’t entirely fault them- wouldn’t be the first time he’s done this). Though I suppose they didn’t want us to forget that this show is a comedy, and at least they’re aware of that. 5/10
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5. … who is he? He came out of the fucking woods with the most unimaginable stank and breath of haggis. I literally am completely baffled by his presence. Perhaps a little perturbed by it. Perhaps a little turned on. Who knows. Schrodinger’s rating: either 2/10 or 6/10 depending on how desperate I am
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6. Literally the ideal man. I don’t know what to tell you folks but you’re lookin at him. He looks like he just stumbled out of an elton john houseparty at 3am and is still riding out his ecstasy high and if he asked me for my firstborn child I don’t think I or any godly creature could possibly refuse him. 100000/10
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7. Orenge. This one I felt merited 3 consecutive images bc the frequency of this appearance astounds me. This man like my father before him has held onto his yellow sunnies from the 90’s for far too long. There has never been a more depression image ever shot than that first one and it was really mean of the person who took this to do that, but also it’s a mood somehow. Can’t shake the combo of this with the buzz tho like thats… buddy there are better choices. I am glad you are making them now but damn. 4/10
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8. Danger Will Robinson… you’ve been assigned old man at birth by production crew. Even that benjamin button cunt didn’t have it this bad. EVEN WIG BOY HARI SELDON DOESN’T HAVE IT THIS BAD!!!! I deadass want to take him home and put him in a bath and make him bathe in conditioner for a week. 1/10
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9. Now look here sonny jim. You can’t do this to him. Like I’m sorry. What was the logic here, disney? You make a man look so unabashedly GORGEOUS with the long red hair and the outfit and the whole thing? Only to have him say fuck all?? You don’t deserve him. NONE of you deserve him. I want to take him to a whore house in red dead redemption and fuck him silly. I want justice for the bitches that wronged him. 9/10
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saiintofdiirt · 9 days
as an. every pov unstableverse viewer i wanted to chime in but since i’m an anon freak it’s not like i can rlly. just rb so. my thoughts on the parrot spoke conflict:
iirc. which i could be misremembering bc this was before i started taking like, notes on the series: jamato and spoke experiment with exploits > wemmbu catches on to what they’re doing > spoke starts trying to backtrack and destroy/hide all of their discoveries via orbital strike canon > jamato tells spoke he’s leaving bc of what they’ve done in the control room of the orbital strike canon nether hub > parrot starts noticing all of the wonders are getting destroyed by orbital strike and makes it his mission to preserve them > parrot and spoke both set off their orbital canons at the same time (spoke’s to destroy the final wonder, parrot’s to destroy spoke’s orbital strike canon)
with this. i kinda think that like. Spoke associates parrot’s attempt to preserve the wonders as the driving factor to why jamato abandoned him? If parrot (and wemmbu, but we’ve already seen spoke retaliate against him and fail miserably) had just stayed out of it, maybe, just maybe jamato would still be by his side, and he wouldn’t be so alone. i could go on forever about how loneliness just seems to drive uu!spoke, but i won’t because i have self control.
~ ✧✦✧
I see ur point and there's room to argue that, but what confuses me is that JamatoP is very clearly gonna leave Spoke before Parrot gets involved? I think so at least? At around 45 mins into the How to Destroy the Universe video, Jamato is telling Spoke that he needs to rethink his plans and that he's not gonna help Spoke break the end portals. This is in response to Wemmbu finding Spoke in the end. And then at 50 mins, Jamato is scolding Spoke for being a shithead, etc etc, so all the pieces are in place for Jamato leaving solely on Spoke's actions. So like...........how is this related to Parrot AT ALL. Spoke made it sound so personal and intense y'know? IDFK UU gives me a headache. Maybe it's Spoke copium. He just needs someone to hurt because it's the only way for him to cope. A bruise and arousal are all about attention.jpeg
I also. And this is not related. Am so baffled by the "save the server" bit. What are we saving the server from besties. You are creating the problems that may doom the server. What. What's wrong with these people.
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ngl the owl house has a habit of setting things up and never mentioning it again. it doesnt affect the story quality and you don’t even notice it unless you have brainrot about the show and overthink every bit of it like i do. the major plot points are all very well done and obviously they do a lot of foreshadowing and the whole setup and payoff for that. like luz eda and king’s arcs? immaculate. the belos/day of unity thing? yeah.
and it’s not even stuff they were obviously going to cover in a full season 3 but had to cut. like everyone talks about how the bat queen disappeared after hunting palismen and i know thats bc they didnt have enough episodes to cover that. and something like the blight parents divorce probably would have had more buildup but they had to truncate it. and while i think there were better ways to cut it, i understand why they wrote it like that. same thing with the collector he was obviously supposed to have all of season 3 to be fleshed out. and the titan trappers. gus’s relationship with his dad was probably going to get explored more. and while i think they could have given willow more screentime in s2, she would have had more development in s3 too. like we can all tell where they had to cut out major subplots and i dont think its right to blame the writers for not following up on those. and if they shortened a subplot badly, it should be criticized on the basis of there being better ways to shorten it, not on the basis of it being bad they shortened it at all.
but with that out of the way the show loves to introduce a cool plotline and like. literally NEVER mention it again? even if it would be interesting to explore in the show or come in handy in a future plotpoint they just. pretend they didn’t introduce that point at all? and don’t say “oh they might have expanded on it if the show didnt get shortened” im talking about stuff in s1 and s2a. the crew found out the show was being cancelled while producing s2b. (probably around the production of any sport in a storm? in the storyboards they included a picture of the construction coven head on darius’s scroll which makes me think they thought they could do more episodes since they were teasing something with a new character. also the azura subplot that episode REALLY feels like something they’d write if they thought they had more episodes to tie up the actual plot.) but yeah if the writers didn’t address some of the stuff they brought up in a season and a half i. really dont think they’re keeping track of those plot points now.
anyway the more i think about it the more BAFFLED i am? bc some of those plot points would have been hella more interesting to do an episode on than like. the bodyswap episode. a really small thing is eda’s potion business. aside from selling human garbage eda does have a side job. we see her and lilith making potions in s2 so they obviously can still maintain the potion business even if they can’t make some complicated potions anymore bc they dont have magic. eda does say she’ll sell edric’s potions in reaching out but when they were having financial troubles in separate tides no one mentions it? its one thing to say “eda's potion business is dead bc ppl keep ripping her off/bc she can’t make complicated potions” but they just. never mention it? and lilith’s scrying potion was just a way to show belos is building a portal. (they never even show the cauldron again so i dont think it was ever plot relevant) if they just needed her to get potion ingredients they could have just had her do that while trying to salvage eda’s business.
and also. the blight twins had the highest scores ever for the entrance exams? we see them being good at magic other times and they did touch on how amity feels inadequate because she isn’t naturally gifted at magic. idk i think there were themes of it but amity feeling overshadowed by her siblings and overworking herself to compensate wasn’t. too well explored imo. the resentment was definitely there. this one isn’t something that they necessarily never explored. i just think they should have explored it more. all siblings in toh parallel with the wittebanes and all.
something else they kind of forgot after like two episodes is how hunter was supposed to be spying on luz. in young blood old souls belos says he’ll “keep an eye on [the owl family]” and nods at hunter. and the look the pirate guy gives hunter in separate tides after he hires luz implies he purposely did that so hunter can spy on her. but then he...tells luz to kill the selkiedomus and never seeks her out again? what was the goal there? did he just not want to kill the selkiedomus so he decided to blow his cover for it? belos probably told him to kill it for the scales to make a new grimwalker but. hunter didn’t get any scales? what, was belos going to send someone to get the scales after hunter left??? and why did hunter never go back to spy on the owl family again? it really feels like they wanted to set that up at the end of s1 but when they were writing s2 they got bored with the idea so they pretended it never happened after separate tides.
my biggest example is how lilith was amity’s mentor of course. like. amity liked and respected her! she’s upset that lilith would trick her into cheating which further shows how amity expected lilith to be better than that! and amity being lilith’s “star student” implies lilith has other students. so does lilith have like. a gaggle of kids learning from her? is that why she’s friends with steve? lilith’s habit of mentoring a bunch of students never comes up again. like literally just replace flora desplora with someone she mentored who’s in the coven now it would make the same amount of sense and also have continuity.
and i see a lot of ppl toying with the idea that lilith was a parental figure/mentor to hunter when he was a kid but later grew to hate him because of coven politics and. yeah lilith can do a similar teleport dash to hunter he had to learn that from someone. and even if lilith never mentored hunter he was still a scout before becoming the golden guard so he probably worked for all the coven heads including her. and they probably worked together after he became the golden guard too. lilith definitely had some kind of history with hunter given her reaction to him in separate tides but when luz mentions lilith in hunting palismen hunter just. doesnt say anything? they never expand on that relationship again?
and maybe they just ran out of episodes to touch on lilith and hunter but that doesn’t explain why they never touched on lilith and amity after like 30 episodes. after covention they never interact again unless you count the 2 second shot where amity glares at lilith’s poster. even after lilith betrays the emperor and almost gets petrified amity never even asks luz about her. if they’d expanded on lilith’s relationship with amity and hunter at all eclipse lake would have been even more meaningful. lilith’s coven indoctrination probably contributed to the “you have to earn the right to exist” mentality both of them had. but by that point she’s recovered from that mindset. but the kids she mentored are still trapped in it.
some of the concepts they introduced in s2a also feel like this. like the ideas seem like it would be cool if they explored it. but it also doesn’t feel important enough to tangibly affect the plot so you suspect they might just not bring it up again. i already mentioned lilith’s scrying potion but there’s also how kikimora realized hunter was the one that attacked her in hunting palismen. (and just her subplot about political intrigue in the coven altogether) and gus and the looking glass graveyard. and hunter warning the blight parents about building a private army.
anyway none of this like. detracts from the quality of the show in any way. i guess these are just details from the show i noticed and wishe they could have explored? i know they probably did like a million drafts of the story but i think they could have tightened the story even more if they looked at it even more times. but yeah idk what the purpose of this is im just laying out all the stuff i wish they expanded on. im looking at this as like. a fanfic prompt. or notes for the owl house rewrite i wanna do after the show finishes, an alternate show made in a universe where michael mouse isn’t such a bitch
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gaylanrivens · 11 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @willowmckinley and @skelingtonsderek thanks justiesssss
1. How many works do you have on ao3? 27!! Which still feels fake after having less than ten until like may of this year. 17 are Justified.
2. What’s your total ao3 word count? 24,181.
3. What fandoms do you write for? I mostly only ever write for one fandom at a time so rn its just Justified. But in the past I've written for Supernatural, Julie and the Phantoms, 9-1-1, Stranger Things, Ted Lasso and The Walking Dead. And a number of ones that have never gotten past wip lmao
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? family we find, I Can't Steal You (Like You Stole Me), i could be found, I could be what you had saved, A Fan Knows, blueboys and teddy bears. The popularity of family we find is baffling to me. Also willow did top five justified too so: such a sight to see and it's all for me, feels like i am floating, leaves my body glowing, body's aching for every single drop of your love, might drive this car real fast until we die, sent you a bag of candy dicks. Those first two both having titles from katy perry songs is hilarious.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yeah! Idk I guess I just like showing i appreciate people commenting
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Definitely will it tear the skin right off our bones?! I'm generally a happy or at least bittersweet/hopeful ending person but that one is angst all the way down lmao
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Fuck uhhhh I'm not really sure most of them have happy endings bc im allergic to sad endings most of the time
8. Do you get hate on fics? Only one time and i still think about it bc it was so insane and chronically online look at this its so funny
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9. Do you write smut? Yeah! Its definitely not my strong suit but im trying to work on it and get more comfortable writing it
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? No but I really want to write a justified/spn crossover. I was going to write one for ted lasso bc every fandom needs an spn crossover but I never quite figured it out
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Nah
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No but @willowmckinley has jumped in the slasher au sandbox
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? I'm supposed to just pick one after 14 years in fandom? No. Top three in no particular order: stucky, destiel and raylanboyd.
15. What’s a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? God so many im so bad at finishing fics
16. What are your writing strengths? ....fuck if I know
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Also I think I do generally good with dialogue
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Everything definitely that I cant drag anything out
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I've never done it!
19. First fandom you wrote for? Supernatural
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? All of slasher au it is my baby please read it if its in your comfort zone
I think the justie corner is covered tag wise so @vodka-rocks-and-a-piece-of-toast and anyone else that wants to do it!
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logically-asexual · 1 year
I personally just think it's so odd how he refuses to make a proper sanders sides episodea (and i understand to a certain extent that organization issues and time and personal life can cause delay but unless he's had neverending avalanche of personal tragedies and mishaps for 3 whole years straight there's nothing really that can justify THIS much of a wait) yet keeps riding off the sanders sides wave and has for years like every other video is related to the sides. like if he just wanted to pursue other projects for a while that would literally be fine he could curate an entirely new audience for something completely different if that's what he wanted. but he seems intent on keeping his sanders sides audience hostage with promises of episodes that never come and with crumbs of content in the form of sponsored tie ins and him messing around with the characters in entirely different contexts. and if he just wanted to mess around with his ocs thatd be fine i guess but people are giving him money and it just doesn't feel like its enough for him to make something that is of the same quality as the fan content his average fan makes every day for free.
i feel like if he genuinely wanted to make proper sanders sides episodes he wouldve done so by now. he clearly has the writers and time and crew and resources for the sponsored tie in videos and all the other videos he's making. but to me i get the impression that he just wants to mess around in character from time to time but do completely different projects in actuality, yet he doesn't want his primarily sanders sides audience to leave although thats obviously just an assumption. but if that's the case it's shitty to not be upfront about that and leading his fans on without giving them what they're paying for just because he doesn't want them to leave. you can't have it both ways either commit and make proper sanders sides episodes or be upfront and say you want to do something else and don't waste anyones time. I've already left the fandom some year ago and i only check in from time to time and i keep being baffled by the state of sanders sides.
i am honestly very confused and i so wish i could just know what thomas is thinking
like many fans are sure that he’s working super hard and being super productive and has a perfect plan but in the meantime he’s giving himself health problems because of how hard and continuously he’s working on the show and we should not complain about anything and wait for him to finish his perfect plan.
many other fans think he just doesn’t like doing main sanders sides episodes anymore and he’s stalling because he doesn’t want to end the show because there are still things he wants to do.
other people also think he doesn’t care about the show anymore but he has actively selfish intentions by not ending it because he wants to have the most time possible to sell merch between videos.
i personally get the impression that he does still love making the show and is working hard on it but his plan is bad and his ideas are way too ambitious to complete in a reasonable amount of time by people who aren’t a big team of professionals without proper management.
but the problem is that we have all these different views because thomas just won’t speak to us. like how can you explain such wildly different conclusions being all commonly found within the fans other than bc we’re getting terribly mixed signals from him?
(of course thomas could say things and if a bunch of people interprets it with the worst faith possible that’s not his fault. (and i’ve seen it happen and it’s very frustrating). but like. i think in this case these trends have to say something about the way he’s communicating.)
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eirenical · 2 years
OK, guys, I’m back at it again, working on my GYADL translation.  Which is becoming... slightly more actual translation than it was at the beginning when it was pure edited MTL and thus is going WAY SLOWER, RIP ME, but I’m learning a lot as I go, so I’m going to take it as a win.  XD
ANYWAY.  Today’s absolute gem is that I’ve FINALLY gotten to Luo Fusheng’s introduction!  And let me TELL YOU.  The drama missed a golden opportunity for Wet!Zhu Yilong.  Because when we meet Luo Fusheng in the novel?  He’s at the Hilton Club in the pool, showing off his magnificent lung capacity. 
(And I have been trying VERY HARD not to go to a naughty place in my head with that lung capacity and am really not succeeding.  XD)
ANYWAY.  Here you go:
(And as always, if you know more Mandarin than I (NOT HARD) and have any input to offer or would like to point out that I mangled something, PLEASE DO. OTZ)
The surface of the pool is calm and quiet, the water is clear and blue, and no one can be seen.
Two minutes later, a man breaks out of the water and lets out a long breath, and stroking back a handful of wet, hair from his forehead, sends water droplets scattering in all directions.  "Lao Jiang, how long this time?"
"Eleven minutes, shao-ye."
The man suddenly slapped the water surface in an annoyed manner.  "Xu Xingcheng said that his foreign classmates can hold their breath for up to 13 minutes and 40 seconds. I'm still falling a little short."
"That's already quite good." Lao Jiang still has a meek and docile appearance.
He swam to the edge of the pool, braced himself on the edge and leapt up. The male's physique is fit, with a healthy complexion, beautifully defined abdominal muscles on the lower belly, and faintly discernible mermaid lines* appearing from beneath the water's surface.  An attendant immediately runs towards him and drapes him with a large bath towel, and another attendant hands him a cigar.
Thanks again to @mejomonster​ and @adorablecrab​ for always fielding my panicked flailing about vocabulary and grammar things that I do not yet understand. ^_^
(Raws and my translator’s notes about mermaid lines behind the cut.)
*人鱼线 (rén yú xiàn): mermaid lines -- it's the 'V' of the hips. ("...[mermaid lines] refer to the two V-shaped lines on both sides of the abdomen close to the top of the pelvis. Because they resemble the slightly contracted lower part of a fish, they are called Mermaid Lines." -- https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E4%BA%BA%E9%B1%BC%E7%BA%BF/3727943) But I kept "mermaid lines" because honestly how could I NOT? ^_^
Side note: if we can see the V of his hips under the water, either those are some very low riding swim trunks or he's naked in that pool and considering the alacrity with which the attendant rushes over with that towel... I'll leave that to your imagination because the text doesn't specify. XD
Further note: Still baffled about how his V-lines can be faintly discernible under the water when he’s already leapt out of it, but he has definitely done that.  A few paragraphs later he walks along the edge of the pool and drapes himself on a lounge chair.  WHO KNOWS.  NOT ME.  THAT’S WHO.  XD
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bugheadchemistry · 1 year
People keep saying that BA ia endgame bc of stuff Lilly or Ras or whoever hinted but ..... If they implied anything else Barchies would throw the biggest tantrum we've ever seen lmao
They don't want to risk their current viewer base ditching them so early in the final season. They want to squeeze every Barchie tweet out of this that they can for promo. I have no idea who will be endgame but I DO know that if it's not Barchie, the last thing anyone working on the show is going to do is imply that this early lmao
I know they feel rly confident right now, but they need to remember Ras wants views, and the Barchies are easy views and promo atm. But I think they also know if they bring back older, more popular ships that could also make them BANK later lol so at the end of the day, it'll be what they think will get the most views/money I think.
I also just think with all the universe hopping and time line changing, and then choosing to do BA during that, is a BAD sign for them lol it feels like they're going to switch things up at the end and if Barchie was going to be endgame for sure, I don't think they would get this much content this soon. I could always be wrong, but I just think Ras is 100% using Barchies atm bc they're ravenous and LOUD so its good to get tweets about them going and stuff. Long story short, they probably should consider the fact that if anyone implied anything BESIDES Barchie endgame, they'd all mass exodus out of the viewer base lol they're gunna keep them on the hook but that doesn't mean they'll get what they want at the end. I don't think Ras is loyal to them in any way, and if he IS a fan of the comics at all - he knows Archie literally never chooses Betty EVER lol
Also the whole Tabitha guardian angel thing feels like an easy cop out for that relationship - she's not of this world or has a bigger purpose or whatever and won't end up with anyone from the show lol they've done a poor job incorporating her organically into the cast people had already been watching for years so I'm thinking she won't be there when things wrap up. Her being a literal angel feels far too convenient lol
Only time will tell, but they're much more confident then I think they should be. If I was them, I'd be skeptical and anxious. I think they'll likely slowly hint at other ships in hoping of luring back more of the old fan base over the season before the Barchies foam at the mouth and jump ship - so that they wont lose out on viewer numbers. Will that work? Probably not lmao but I still don't think BAs are going to get the perfect happily ever after they've invisioned
Whew! There’s a lot to unpack here. I will do my best to respond and try to make sense. 😂 I’m just going to go paragraph by paragraph.
1. It’s been said multiple times, by myself and others, that RAS never confirms anything. He’s always vague and misleading so as not to give anything away (which I’m of the opinion now that he actually doesn’t know where they are going with anything which is why the show became such a dumpster fire 🤷🏼‍♀️). It’s already been established that Lili never confirmed anything either. I’m convinced that BAs just don’t know the definition of that word.
2. I’m curious to know who the viewer base is now. They lost the BHs and VAs for sure. Casual viewers ditched because the storylines were so far out there that “jumping the shark” is too kind of a phrase to use at this point. Is it just BAs? If so, that would explain why the ratings are so low. Turns out, there are not as many BA fans as they BAs would want us to believe.
3. I am honestly baffled by how sure BAs are that they are going to get everything they have ever wanted when these writers have proven that they will screw anyone over just for drama. That overconfidence is really going to bite them in the ass one of these days (and hopefully soon!).
4. Yeah, the BA storylines in seasons 5 & 6 were nothing to write home about. I mean, yeah BA hooked up a lot but where was the romance? There wasn’t any. Didn’t they also go for a long stretch of episodes without interacting at all? And didn’t Betty kill Archie twice in the multi-verse? I just don’t get what there was to like about any of it, and if I were a BA I would be pissed.
5. Yeah, I don’t know what to say about Tabitha. By the time she joined the show, I had already stopped watching.
6. I would be absolutely shocked if they gained back any of the viewership they lost. It’s too late and too many bridges have been burned.
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taegularities · 2 years
Now that the pain has passed I can finally leave a baby ass review
Rid. RID. How do you manage to make us feel so much? I cried reading this fic, I felt the pain right in my bones and I literally could not stop. You have a way with words that just makes me break and heal and smile and cry and I hope you appreciate that precious talent of yours as much as you should <3 cmi is a work of art from start to finish, and it is definitely the kind of story that will stick with me for a while. I can’t wait to see more of Jungkook’s pov bc homie is fucking up real bad. I can’t wait to see reader with hobi bc it’s pretty obvious that that’s where this is going (hopefully not lmao). I can’t wait to see Jungkook and reader finding their way back together bc I know for a fact that you don’t write sad endings
Oof. Just so many emotions and so little words in a dictionary to explain just how much I feel each time I’m reading you. Thank you for sharing your art on this platform✨
But I am still in pain. Do not think that I’m not in pain smh… that okay.. okay at the end?? NOT OKAY. She should fight for him, tell him that she’ll move out and drop the job and become a writer bc that’s what she needs to do if she wants to be with him. And he needs to stop thinking he doesn’t belong in her world bc he literally IS her world like come on jungkook😭
Brb, I’m going to go cry some more
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ella, two days later and i'm still so 🥺🥺🥺 about this review. you're too kind and i don't deserve you and i love you and i just, i'm running out of words, bc how tf is everyone here so kind, i'm fkn baffled ??? 😭
i definitely appreciate whatever i put in my docs, but the biggest reason for it are readers like you 🥺 i mean, i'm 100% sure i wouldn't have the confidence to put out so many chapters of a slice of life fic if you weren't so encouraging and sweet about it. like... "a work of art from start to finish"? how could i not feel all the motivation in the world, reading such praises :(((
okay whew, once again, we're a little more emotional today hahaha
but anyway, yes, you're so right. homie is fucking up real bad, but i also hope you guys will understand him a little better after the next chapter. i'm already working on it and my heart is in shambles. ha ha also the hobi bit 🥴 no comment...
yes, absolutely correct!! we don't do sad endings in taegularities town 💕
THE "Okay... Okay" GOSH, THE STAR OF THIS CHAPTER FR. i love and hate how much this has been affecting everyone bc same 😭 like, she wants to fight for him, but she's also done yknow?? she just. shut herself off :( her becoming a writer is such a good idea. it'd be so nice if both could follow their artistic dreams.
and yep, once again.. "he literally IS her world" broke my heart. that's it. ella i love you. a lot. please don't forget, you're one of so many lovely people who keep me going on this platform, and i'll never be able to express my gratitude <33
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a-flickering-soul · 1 year
(hi it's me, coming off anon. dramatically sweeping off my cloak hood like all the andor characters do when shit's about to get real)
asdjkladfskljlkjads I have been trying for so long to find someone as feral about bix as I am, I am so SO excited to hear you are still talking about her and love her and are also baffled and annoyed with how they treated her character in the last half of the show
ok so bix theory part 1: she didn't tell dedra shit! this is kinda long but i already wrote it all out in this post here (read this one before going to part 2 bc part 2 depends on it)
bix theory part 2: so I realized after writing that post that there was actually one piece of info dedra could have only gotten from bix and that's that cassian was clean-shaven— bix was the only one to see him. but we know for certain that bix didn't give up any info about luthen's appearance, so it makes absolutely no sense to me that she would give up info on cassian's appearance, who she cares about much more.
but then I remembered that line from episode 12— when bix sees cassian, the first thing she says is "I dreamt you came back. you climbed over a wall." now here's the thing. there are no walls where bix is being held captive for cassian to climb over— she's clearly talking about him climbing over the wall into her scrapyard, as he's done many times. as he did right after aldhani. the incident dedra was talking about. so what if. what if.
what if bix thought that cassian showing up in the middle of the night, leaving money, and then vanishing again was just a dream, and that's the dream she's referring to?
they'd messed with her head a lot by that point, having trouble discerning a dream from an honestly pretty dream-like reality isn't too far-fetched. not to mention that bix was still concussed when cassian showed up that night, it was only 6-7 days after she'd had her head slammed into a wall so hard she was visibly having trouble focusing her eyes or staying steady on her feet. combine that with the torture messing with her head and you've got her remembering cassian's visit as just a dream— something she might deliriously ramble about during interrogation because a dream isn't info you need to protect. dedra, however, would realize by cross-referencing with nurchi saying cassian had left money to pay off his debts that the dream actually happened and would use that info.
I know that this is way too much happening behind the scenes for this to be canon that the writers intended but just didn't bother explaining but. it is canon to me. it's canon-compliant and it makes way more sense than bix just immediately cracking and giving up everything except... anything to do with luthen? also bix is strong bix is protective of her people beyond all else the writers did her so dirty in those last episodes justice for bix
(also why does no one wanna talk about how bold and fuck-around-and-find-out her attitude is most of the time? people seem to insist on seeing her as like this strong but gentle soul but like we have watched bix make a run for it while surrounded by a full squadron of armed imperial soldiers twice just because she saw the slightest chance to make an escape, she does not give a shit about the odds she is a fighter to the end. we have already seen a very well-developed attitude of "I am equally willing to stand tall or go down fighting but nothing you can do will ever make me bow to you" from bix and I'm upset to see them just throw that away as soon as it's slightly inconvenient for cassian's plot)
sorry this was so long but bix is everything to me and she lives rent-free in my brain 24/7 and I am constantly brimming with injustice at how they treated her character (and I am thisss close to writing fanfic for the first time ever just to correct those injustices)
This is incredibly interesting and given how careful the Andor writers are, I do really wonder how much of this holds water because a lot of this clarifies acting directions and plot holes that weren't addressed. I love your take on Bix (and it's incredibly compelling as well as more character-accurate than a lot of fanon takes I've seen on her) and oughhhhh I fully support ficwriting because I genuinely think if anyone deserves it it's Bix.
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
I was on Twitter and Will Bowers posted that he hoped the Aegon scene was a fakeout. Given that we know now that Dyana will be returning next season it does beg certain questions.
Twitter seems to think she may be out for revenge and team up with Mysaria for 🩸and 🧀, perhaps being in league with Talya the whole time who makes fake moontea. Which idk why that would be righteous thing, team black utterly baffles me at times.
Yet given the honest confusion on Aegon’s face when confronted with the accusation by Alicent do you think such a scenario is possible.
Would be bold of hotd to have a woman make a false rape accusation and I really don’t know how that would go down but part of me really wants it to be the case. I’m sick to death of debating with team black stans that Aegon not only has a claim to the Iron Throne but in fact a stronger one than Rhaenyra, only to be called a rapist defender.
Which is not at all my argument but these comments slowly push me toward just outright claiming Egg2 would be a better king out of spite.
The show runners claimed they wanted to make Aegon gray and yet make TGC a rapist in his first appearance. Nothing gray about that my friend. So if it all turns out to be a lie what do you think the fall out will be ?
Love the blog 💚
Anonymous asked: did you know that Dyana from episode 8 is coming back and will be in 4 more episodes??? apparently actor's own agency confirmed it. I'm speechless...... what role can she possibly have that requires so many episodes? are they trying to bury the greens for good in the eyes of the audience? every leak is a disaster, and worse than the previous one
hi, guys, i already talked about this topic in the dyanna tag and i have an entire other tag where i make my stance on leaks speculation. likewise, i spoke many times about how i don't like and don't agree with this writing choice of straight-up turning aegon into westerosi satan from the get-go. but what's done is done, there's no point in denying what was shown on screen. he's written as a rapist and the scenes are made to be interpreted as rape, not as some smear campaign that'll later turn into a gotcha moment. IF we ever get out hands on the scripts, it would be very interesting to compare what the original plan looked like and what they changed on the fly / if they changed anything at all / if aegon was always meant to be this awful from the very beginning etc
as much as i would like them to retcon that in some way, idek if it's worth it at this point, bc portraying women lying on screen about rape is much more damaging than losing fictional civil wars involving flying lizards. we need more nuanced media surrounding sexual assault and women's issues and perhaps hotd is not the appropriate medium for this as the writers seem incapable in many ways of handling a delicate subject like that. yes, i think it was a mistake that compromises the quality of the narrative and, no, i don't think hotd is necessarily going to offer us groundbreaking feminist commentary, but dyanna the fake rape victim is really bottom of the barrel stuff - like, even they could & should do much better than that.
also, to be honest, i don't think the writers are particularly interested in making aegon a complex character, unfortunately. maybe they'll compensate with this characterization in some other ways, though; i am not excluding the possibility of redress. we'll live and see.
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ad-hawkeye · 1 year
Hello! I'm a pretty new tot player (joined mid-june this year) (also new to tumblr and this blog) and I've been loving artem's characterization in his personal and main stories. But I don't really follow cn leaks (bc spoilers) and pulled for artems 2nd anniversary card without much thought. And hated it. I wish I'd found this blog sooner. Your thoughts on his characterization in the newer cards are very articulate and I think you've done a great job of highlighting the important aspects of his character and his dynamics with mc and how the newer cards are missing it.
On that note, can I ask which of his cards post-2nd anniv feature the old Artem and (especially) the og artemrosa dynamics because my mind tends to stick firmly to canon and I'm having a hard time trying to pretend 2nd anniversary never happened. It's fine if the plot isn't too exciting as long as the artemrosa interactions are good and Artem isn't suddenly a suave sex god (or has a randomized hobby as his selling point).
I don't have many of his old cards since I joined late and wanted to know if I should pull for new cards or just wait for the old card reruns.
That's all!
OMG HI!!! welcome to tot land and also tumblr!!!! i hope the fandom's been welcoming here! : D
ah gosh, i think people like you are why i was so anxious about second anniversary dropping on global. i am genuinely SO sorry. it comes out of no where. like it's a very notable drop in quality and shift in characterization, so anyone just pulling for second anniversary thinking it'd be fine just. woof. it's honestly EXTREMELY bizarre.
i really appreciate your kind words though!!! i started tot back during 2021 with the lost gold event, so all i had was the original artem for well over a year and got used to him, so it STUNG when second anni dropped. i totally and completely understand where you're coming from here, we're in this together!!!!!
oh gosh i haven't read ALL of the new cards yet, but i know enough that should be able to help for now. i do plan on watching them once i gather the Nerves to do so and writing a list of the must pulls and the must misses HAHAHA BUT. FOR NOW!!
MR cards can be missed unless if you really like the card art. the audio has always been pretty pointless and skippable. can't think of any SRs coming up for artem. go figure. his au SSRs (bakerlon, etc) are all good and in the clear. worth pulling for, imo, esp if you like the art.
skip any SSRs where it seems like artem is just doing a random new hobby. this includes his billiards, racing, and surfing cards. skip any top up SSRs. aside from saving you money, all of the new top up SSRs are just pure fanservice.
fluffy fuzzy time is in the clear. in all honesty it's baffling that a card where artem is flustered about mc playing with his hair comes after the sex god daddy dom card but whatfuckingever who needs consistency
his upcoming personal story card isn't like, life changing, but it's in the clear from what i remember of watching it. the art is very cute too.
third birthday card isn't amazing, but plot and character wise, it's also in the clear and has very cute art.
the other SSRs i know nothing about, so i can't speak for them yet. my apologies!!!! i'd personally recommend focusing on artem's older cards (i genuinely love all of them except for like. por una cabeza which is just kinda mid), as they are still stronger character wise than the newer ones, but the ones i listed ARE still fine. the game itself likes to only pretend second anni happened every once in a blue moon so it's very very easy to ignore . THANKFULLY.
thank you again for the ask anon!!!! i hope i could help! keep an eye out for when i get to watching all of them, i DO want to make that list HAHA
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