#bc i discuss a variety of topics there already
aardvaark · 2 months
Leverage character asks: 1,3,17,45 (your choice on character)
thank you for the ask & for fueling my leverage obsession lol <3
1. Canon I outright reject
honestly i love the character development on leverage, even when it means the character has some negative traits or weaknesses or something. hmm… i think one thing i disliked was hardison being a super bad tipper (some ep in s5). he doesn’t care about workers? particularly after five years of leverage? idk.
i also wish eliot didn’t seem to like cops so much, but thats more of a gripe with the show’s/showrunners’ attitudes towards police.
3. Obscure headcanon
sophie: that she’s trans! love that hc. shout out to @transsophiedevereaux. also that sophie had a drunken one night stand with maggie, which is actually (word of god) canon rather than a head canon, but seems to be rarely mentioned.
nate: nate x sophie x sterling… it’s happened at least once.
parker: so many!! but the one i’ll share is that. uh. she’s probably killed someone. pre-leverage, she’s known to be dangerous for a reason, and she’s been in a lot of awful situations unfortunately. she would probably have done so out of necessity, it might even have been self defense, but yk. it’s still killing someone. and no, i don’t mean the pilot flashback - according to word of god (ie john rogers) she probably didn’t kill her foster parents when exploding their house. anyway, i’ve seen some cool fics about this idea and discussed this topic w @laser-tripwires and i think it’s really interesting for a variety of reasons, but i won’t list them here bc this is already getting so long lol.
hardison: that he still secretly adds to nana’s income somehow (he canonically paid off her medical bills), that he plays D&D, that he likes [insert media beloved by geeks that i don’t really know much about, but i love that people hc him as enjoying the things they enjoy so much].
eliot: my own silly hc that many of his scars are actually from kitchen accidents rather than fights lol
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
gonna answer this one for sophie only, cause i have quite a few answers just for her!
1) i saw a gif set of sophie once with the lyrics of "thief" by imagine dragons, and it was a really gorgeous gif set and the lyrics fit very well.
2) yk the fable "the scorpion and the frog"? at the end of s1, she seems to excuse her actions (conning the team) like the scorpion - that it’s just in her nature, lying is who she is, she’s a thief and this is what thieves do, etc. additionally, it’s what sterling says about her, that her behaviour was predictable because it’s "who she is".
3) the gambler by kenny rogers. bc the chorus is canonically her life philosophy lmao (according to the last dam job).
45. Their favorite celebrity
sophie: canonically, db cooper. she idolises him in the db cooper job lol. poster above her bed as a teenager etc etc.
nate: man, his would be oddly specific im sure. like he reads war strategy books, maybe sun tzu. or perhaps a chess grandmaster, like bobby fischer. i don’t know much about war strategists nor chess players, so if anyone does, then maybe you can suggest a more specific person.
hardison: i know he loves star trek, doctor who, star wars - im simply not pop culture savvy enough to know who his fave actors from those shows might be. BUT. i think it would be funny if his fave celebrity was wil wheaton (who was in star trek, and who, of course, played cha0s in leverage). also, wil wheaton is famously into D&D, video games, comics, and other "geek" stuff that hardison proudly enjoys too. hardison does not see the resemblance btwn wheaton and his nemesis, no idea what you’re taking about.
eliot: i think he would have people he looks up to or thinks are incredible, who are celebrities but only in a very specific field. like a renowned chef, but not a "celebrity chef" as in one who’s on tv. i mean like a chef who is famous among chefs, for being one of the most talented in the world.
parker: i feel her definition of celebrity would be somewhat different to most people’s. plus, her knowledge of the world is deep but narrow - she knows everything possible about thievery and anything even tangentially related (probably a decent amount of physics, for example), but pop culture? not so much. she later gets into stuff like dr who via hardison though, so perhaps the actor of the current doctor, ncuti gatwa. now, there’s also famous thieves, BUT they’re generally only famous because they eventually got caught. parker does not get caught. she would not idolise someone who ended up caught. maybe the thief of an unsolved heist. honestly, parker is famous in the leverage crime world. so. herself? not that she enjoys being a celebrity lol.
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tyrannuspitch · 27 days
#i often think about how though fanart tends to portray loki as being the more vampiric of the two bc he has a sharp face & looks like lugosi #technically thor and odin and asgard fit much more closely #the theme of vampirism much better than loki does. i like to say loki fits more into the werewolf. myth!loki is the father of the wolf #though loki is not exempt from showcasing vampiric traits; which are notably strongest when he's lashing out and trying to embody asgard
(via @lokiinmediasideblog on this post)
moving this to a different post bc the other was already quite long and vampire/werewolf imagery is a slightly different topic but. i've never thought about this much but YEAH
i would say that loki's werewolf traits are:
the equation of jotuns to monsters and monsters to animals
literal shapeshifting; a "monster" behind a "human" face
metaphorical shapeshifting (a talented liar with a variety of personas)
being torn between two identities/worlds being unable to fully belong in either
suppressing the anger/trauma/"monster" inside him for as long as possible before completely losing control
collars and chains (generally canine, trying to tame a wolf into a dog; but also particularly norse-myth-relevant, re the wolf in chains!)
and the vampire traits of asgard are:
cannibal imagery, already discussed
undeadness/ghostliness (loki and thor each come back from the dead at least once; i have a whole tag for the associated imagery + implications)
near-immortality (especially how thor outlives everyone he loves)
being associated with ravens (an omen of death)
being associated with blood ("knee-deep in jotun blood"; "to the last drop of asgardian blood"; etc) and vivid shades of red
hereditary wealth and power / vampires as the ruling class
vampire thralls - loki's literal mind control, but also the non-magical manipulation and conditioning that leaves loki feeling existential horror at the fact that he never chose to love his adoptive family and he cannot stop no matter how hard he tries.
i wouldn't go as far as "demonic" or "unholy"... but asgardians have certainly been "false gods" in the past. they've made people they oppress worship them to present their rule as natural and inescapable... and there is an unspoken possibility that this involved human sacrifice.
is there anything else you would add?
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satorugojjo · 1 year
I’m just gonna say it, but I think current kids younger than 15 are almost incapable of dissecting anything with critical nuance. Because there is a HUGE difference to the 15 year olds BEFORE lockdown, and after. I’ve seen Gen Z teenagers on tiktok and tumblr have the most empathic, kind, amazingly supportive and intelligent opinions in 2020 who have now grown up and are in college absolutely killing it - they’ve gone into lockdown already having developed their emotional skills and come out of it with a lot more depth and growth. But YOU guys were 12 and younger when the pandemic started, you spent YEARS of it online without interacting with a wide variety of people and learning to read between the lines as you HAVE to in order to navigate the real world and peoples speech patterns and behaviours. You grew up alone in your house behind your screen, without being able to bond with classmates or friends, and most importantly, without anyone to temper your thoughts, or have rational and calm discussions in person. Half the teens I see on tiktok and tumblr NOW are so full of hate, so quick to put down and dismiss peoples choices, so quick to troll and voice really bizarrely conservative and ignorant opinions as if they’re entitled to do so, and so anti-empowerment and anti-ENJOYMENT in general. And I’m gonna be real with you and say it’s because of lockdown. It’s not entirely your fault bc y’all are still kids.
Your literature programs would have been cut, you’re just reading for the assignment, you’re not engaging in seminars and debates and classroom exercises the way you would in class, and all the while you’re just being increasingly exposed to sensationalist media that boils down complex and nuanced topics to a black and white, yes or no, 7 second hook. And it’s made you incapable of approaching anything with logic and empathy, because you just didn’t HAVE that the way everyone else did during their formative middle school puberty years. So now the moment you have a singular negative opinion of something, it’s all encompassing. There is no give, no flex, everyone is guilty until innocent. And why wouldn’t you think that? That’s what people have been doing online during the whole pandemic, cancelling people for 1 comment taken out of context, or being so quick to say something negative first instead of positive. You got comfortable behind your screen instead of being taught the consequences of saying shit things, and now when it comes to exploring all angles to a situation like you should be taught how to the way EVERYONE is, you take it at the most basic, surface, face value.
And when it now comes to fandom spaces where you have older fans in the same space as younger fans, there’s so many more instances where something will get an inordinate and undeserved amount of hate or hype based on a very surface level of understanding. Inherently, this isn’t a good or bad thing, it’s just a thing. What IS bad is when people come under someone’s obviously thought out and nuanced opinion to be like “you’re wrong for liking this bc (insert a completely unrelated logical fallacy of a reason)”. “If you like this book that happens to be a straight romance, you’re homophobic” IT DOESNT WORK THAT WAY AND IM SICK AND TIRED OF ARGUING WITH PEOPLE WHO NEVER BOTHERED TO DEVELOP READING COMPREHENSION SKILLS EVEN AFTER FINDING OUT THEY DON’T HAVE ANY.
Please for the love of GOD I am begging you guys to learn how to analyze literature. Like in an enforced curriculum at a high school level way. Please. YOU will be better off for it, and in turn the rest of us. This isn’t the new wave of boomer-esque hate against the kids. Gen Z is the goddamn future!!! This is a very specific, very VALID gripe, about a very small subset of kids who spent their formative years chronically online. And please! I am BEGGING teachers to recognize this and help their kids out to fix this. There is already a lot of hate in this world and we don’t need a new wave of people spewing hate under the guise of pseudointellectual liberalism because they don’t know how to see any deeper. This is one of the main reasons puritanism in the younger generation is exponentially on the rise! We’ve taken away the ability for them to form a fully informed opinion, and it’s now a self serving spiral. BREAK OUT OF IT, I AM PLEADING.
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system-comforts · 1 year
hi im questioning plurality and scared to ask systems i know irl about experiences and help so im asking for help here (im sorry if ive already sent an ask to this blog bc i /gen dont remember if i did)
okay i think im going to split this up into two sections, one for reasons I think I may be and symptoms, another for reasons why i think I may not.
Reasons I think I may be plural:
I frequently experience bouts of dissociating or just feel generally fuzzy and after i can feel a range of symptoms including: Feeling a new energy with me, confusion on where i am, confusion on who i am, feeling an off feeling, thinking something is wrong with my body or room and more.
I frequently feel multiple energys w/ me w/ different emotions, ages, and general vibes.
I constantly switch between feeling very strongly w/ one belif or gender to the point where it feels like i have always felt like this then not long after sometimes feeling the complete opposite.
I very often feel not incontrol and almost like someone else is in control of the body.
I occasionally say things aloud that i dont think I actually said and it feels like someone else did.
I occasionally think things that i dont think I actually thought and it was like someone else did.
I have occasional laspses in memory.
Reasons I think I'm not plural:
I have 3 irl plural friends so statistically its very unlikely that I am plural too.
I retain almost all memory from when I feel like I am different people.
I feel like I am always there no matter what.
The different energies I feel tend to be very similar to my own and I cant really distinguish between them for the most part.
I feel like I may just be experiencing symptoms of something else and confusing them for plurality.
I feel like I am forcing myself to experience symptoms of plurality.
I don't think the truama i have could have been bad enough for me to be plural (im sorry if there are plural ppl who dont have truama i js dont know much on that topic specifically)
Other things to note:
I have ADHD and Autism (un-medicated)
I have BPD or Bipolar disorder (me and my therapist are still discussing which we think it may be)
I hope someone sees this and could please help me figure out if maybe another disorder is making me experience these things or if those symptoms listed are genuinely symptoms of plurality because I cannot figure out if what I am experiencing is normal or not
also im vvvv sorry if this is a blog that connot help w/ this kind of thing /gen
Hello there. I can tell by the way your organized this ask you've thought a lot about this question! I'll try to answer most of your points and hope my input helps as you continue to evaluate this question.
Your first few points regarding amnesia for where you are, identity confusion regarding your gender, and depersonalization with your body, based on what you've said here, points towards fairly high dissociation. At the very least, looking into dissociative disorders in general might be a good idea for you (and your therapist) to explore. This is especially true if these symptoms cause a lot of distress and hardship in your life.
You also talk about not feeling in control of your body, your actions, and your thoughts. The way you describe these feelings is similar to how we and many other systems might describe it. However, it can also be good to also ask if the "someone else" who did and said these things was you in a heightened emotion or at a different time, or if it was a distinctly different person. Even singlets have a variety of emotions based on different situations. Consider how consistent these actions are, is there a pattern? Does x person mostly tend to react y way to z situation? We've found it helpful to establish patterns when trying to figure out if there's a headmate involved.
Regarding your reasons you may not be plural, there's a few things I want to note. Regarding your plural friends, I wouldn't say it's "statistically unlikely" that you're plural. To truly consider the statistics, you would want to look at total populations, like of a region or country, not just in a friend group. For example, some friend groups will have no one plural, but that doesn't mean plural people don't exist. Friends come together for a variety of reasons, largely for similarities in life experiences and identities. It's possible you've found friends similar to you in some regards, and this might include plurality.
Your next three points about retaining most of your memories, feeling always present, and how these "energies" feel similar to your own also do not entirely rule out plurality. These descriptions could be from a median system, which, on the sliding spectrum of plurality, is a sort of is not quite singlet but not quite as distinct as plural systems and their headmates. It might be helpful to look into median systems as well as possibly fragments as you continue to question if you're plural.
On your final point, I do want to point out that not every system experienced trauma. Some experienced trauma but it didn't cause their plurality, and some, even if they experienced trauma, may not feel it was "enough" to cause plurality. What you say about your trauma is what many other plural people say. Try to put that question aside as you question your plurality, or at least don't dig in too deeply.
Now for your notes. The high number of plural autistics has been frequently discussed in the plural community. Not every autistic is plural of course, nor is every plural, but it makes sense that those with different brains and neuro types would also show and develop other differences like plurality. Regarding your BPD or bipolar disorder, there are also systems with these disorders. So it's not really about being plural or having one of these- both can occur. What's important to consider is how the symptoms align with each disorder. Can your amnesia, dissociation, and these different "energies" be explained by BPD or bipolar disorder? Or is there something else going on in addition to that? I think that question might be helpful as your continue those discussions with your therapist.
I hope this has been helpful to you, and we wish you the best as you continue asking if you're plural!
-mod neptune
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ophexis · 6 months
After days of travel, you finally arrive at the small town of Royal Mount, so named after the sacred hill resting at its center. Your contact asked you to meet them at the local inn, where they would impart delicious culinary secrets upon you.
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You quickly notice a sign advertising a place called Tym Hort's inn. This must be the place. As you enter, a hooded figure wearing a strange billed hat waves at you. They lower their hood as you approach, looking up through shining glasses. "Greetings my friend! You may call me Phex. I believe you are here to discuss a most delicious topic, are you not?"
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You find nothing odd about them, save for your inability to settle on any pronoun to refer to them. They regard you with an amused look despite their clear sleep deprivation and as they invite you to sit, they open a large grimoire, surely full of secrets each more delicious than the last...
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The first dnd cookbook! Winner of the last poll!
This is a book I hadn't planned on getting initially. I watched misohungrie's review, and it seemed like a really nice book, but despite the fact that I've played in a few campaigns using dnd, I've never actually played in the Forgotten Realms settings (or any other of their settings) and always in homebrews. So I wasn't that yet interested in the lore or references.
And then I played Baldur's Gate 3.
So I now have this book, and it's one of my favorites of my collection lmao. I haven't gotten the second book yet but I intend to eventually!
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The book separates its recipes by "cultures", basically most of the basic playable races in dnd. Uncommon has a mix of stuff, from dragonborn, gnomes, tieflings. And then drinks have their own chapter. Between each chapter there's also a nice menu reproduction for various inns, which I love.
I'm only really familiar with forgotten realms now that I've consumed the entire wiki for Baldur's Gate purposes and finetuning my oc's backstories lmao but there are references to many others, like Greyhawk, Dragonlance, Ravenloft and a few more. My good friends, who are much more powerful nerds than I am, gave me a brief summary of all of them so that was also pretty cool. There's also at least one obligatory Drizzt reference, which I have to mention bc I'm about to get into that shit to indulge in the drow obsession I could never have in high school.
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The recipes are varied, and there are a LOT in there that interest me ngl. I've already cooked two! I've made Dwarven Flatbread (easy and delicious!) and Halfling Chili which I believe I've posted about before. It is also very delicious (I remade this week! I didn't post about it bc I'm supposed to be cooking something new lmao). It uses cocoa powder and cinnamon amongst others in the spices. And delicious bacon.
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Human recipes have variety, are pretty hearthy and generally go for a "comforting" vibe, I would say. They go from hand pies to seafood bouillabaisse or ribs to candied apples! Very fun chapter.
The Elven chapter unsurprisingly has a lot of light recipes, a ton of veggies, with some seafood! But for the most part it's a lotta veggies and fruits, and the one drow recipe, mushroom steak!
The Dwarven chapter, by contrast, has a lot of meaty recipes. You've got potatoes, sausages, beer, bread, rich desserts. (kinda my favorite chapter I think lmao)
The Halfling chapter is all about hearthy, homely(?) recipes that can be shared with many people, and many soups. This one is also very good.
Uncommon cuisine has a wide range of recipes. This is the chapter that has the halfling chili. Because normally it's made of...well you know. But you can make it with turkey, if you're not a dragonborn of very specific taste.
And finally the drinks are about half and half alcoholic and not, which I think is nice as someone who doesn't drink. It also has the second drow "recipe" which is like a mushroom "tea" (or like a stew?).
Now, there is one major problem with this book.
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So many recipe photos missing!! So many!!
And it's particularely frustrating for this book because sometimes a page will have an environmental photo of like trees or whatever. But why not put food photo there instead?? Bummer.
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This is a pretty village and all but do I really need it? I don't think so lmao.
Now after agonising over the meal choice (and over my mental health) for the last 10 weeks, I finally decided to make the Vedbread, a cheesy, mushroomy bread roll that sounds delicious. I just gotta go out and buy some shiitake mushrooms soon. Misohungrie happens to have made that one too (kinda the reason I chose it lmao it looks delicious) so you should check out his video too if you're interested in the book! He's also kinda the reason I bought the book in the first place, and he brings up the weird photo issue too.
Overall I really like this book, because I like ordinary daily life lore and you get a pretty good amount in that one, on top of having delicious recipes to try out. The recipes aren't super crazy in terms of trying to make them weird or unique, but they all seem pretty solid. They all have a little flavor/lore blurb before every recipe, and it's fun to get some tidbits like "tieflings love spicy food" or whatever yknow lol.
My tab crashed and I can't remember what I was following up with, but I wish y'all success in your culinary adventures and campaigns! I'll make a post for the vedbread when I get around to making it!
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melodybottles · 9 months
hello and happy holidays everypony!
i have nothing to do at work at the moment. let's talk about art bc i've been thinking about it a lot lately and particularly have been struggling! which is a shame bc i've had the drive to draw lately, but haven't been able to put things down on paper the way i've wanted to.
first and foremost i have still not finished sorting all my CSP assets. lol. lmao even. (i've even returned to downloading MORE, thus making the problem continuously worse for myself). when i finally do that the palette tests WILL get done.... someday.................... but unfortunately that day is not today. certainly i could already start using it, but unfortunately i'm a very organised person to the point of perhaps neurotic overorganisation so i NEED things very meticulously sorted into folders. relatedly on the topic of brushes i've also been really dissatisfied with any of my SAI ones so that's been A Struggle
SECOND OF ALL. actually this is primarily wanted to make this post about bc i wanted to lay this out and discuss it so that my friends don't have to hear me whining in dms anymore -- i've mentioned over the past several months my style has been kind of experimental, right? well. i'm at the point where i'm deeply unsatisfied with my style as a whole atm </3 and it's not even like my art style is bad by any means! i enjoy a lot of what i've put out over the past several months. but i'm really dissatisfied with my work because there are a lot of elements i want to include that i can't quite get a grasp on!
it's like.... i want something stylised. but i don't want something too stylised. but i don't want something realistic. but i want something with more realistic proportions. but also i do like doing the stylised limbs. but also. i want variety to my work but still enough consistency where you can tell it's mine. i want to figure something out that's able to integrate drawing fat people easily into it. i want to learn how to draw older characters and make sure i settle on a style that grants me the ability to do that too. i want to do art like this and like that and i have soooo many things i want to do with it that i see from other artists it just makes me kind of shut down and struggle LMAO
basically i want a lot of things! and some of them contradict each other </3 art is hard folks
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ironstakes · 2 years
My plot plans and ideas for You Can’t Take it Back. Spoilers, much spoilers!
Topic: hermits, clans and Konoha
Someone, a wonderful person, in the comments mentioned clans searching for their lost members. 
I love that remark and I actually have something planned around that from when I was plot sketching and so I’m happy people are already thinking in that direction! The idea came to me from canon and fanon and the countless fics I’ve read over the years, but in general people seem to accept that Danzo took more than a few clan kids. I wanted Kakashi, who was in Root in the anime (but not the manga if I recall correctly) to start looking into missing persons in the village after he meets Mumbo properly and then accidentally uncover missing children in connection to Root. This will obviously spiral into politics BUT I’m liking this idea for a few reasons.
I have a “Hatake revival” planned and blaming Danzo for the hermits popping out of the woodwork would be funny
It can be a great way for Kakashi to explain the variety of the hermits and I’m sure he’ll bullshit a reason as to why they aren’t trained
Blaming Danzo also has the benefit of giving me more wiggle room with Sasuke and more opportunities for his relationship with Naruro, and even with Kakashi. After all, they all are the last of their clans with newly discovered relatives. 
This will let me add Tenzo and Sai in earlier than canon and that will be fun. Ren and Tenzo will be chill but if you stir in Tsunade’s waffling abt becoming hokage and some clan politics… yum
Danzo has canonically worked with Orochimaru for the Senju cell implants and stuff, so this will only increase Kakashi’s paranoia towards Xisuma and co. and we love good old assumptions causing misinformation
Danzo’s fusion goals and success are a great way for Kakashi to connect Xisuma’s (apparent) second in commands, Cleo and Jevin, to body fusion. I want Kakashi to come to the erroneous conclusion that X’s been collecting the hermits to take pieces of each of them to create the perfect body and that will add an entirely new level of horror and high stakes to the situation
The above will also make Sakumo seem even more evil and cause Kakashi more emotional problems, which I want
I hope to get more input and inspiration from people and discussions, other fanfictions, art, shower thoughts, etc. and I continuously tweak ideas until they are posted but these are the current ideas I’ve worked out. 
Notes for the numbers
1- I’ll make a separate post for the Hatake revival idea 
4- the senju clan politics problem is still very rough and I might not do it at all, I’m still workshopping and brainstorming for that and have not decided on which direction to go
6- Cleo and Jevin seem like second in commands bc they are players so they can do stuff that the naturalized hermits cannot, plus the naruralized hermits are in hardcore mode while Cleo, Jevin, and Xisuma are in regular hard mode. This means that Cleo and Jevin will tell the others to back up and let them handle the deadly/dangerous stuff and after Moon Big and emotional problems, the others are inclined to listen hence the appearance of a chain of command. Will also be a seperate post, will be moon big part 2 as they are connected
7- Sakumo isn’t evil, he made the best choice he could have with the information he had that Kakashi hasn’t come across yet. Sakumo’s reasoning ties in heavily with the Xisuma and explaining Kaguya stuff I’ve got going on, will also be a separate post for people who want spoilers 
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yohanpalia · 1 year
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so here's a longer take than me just being sarcastic in replies to ppl who dont actually explain any of their argument despite them feeling bothered enough by my post to reply.
the summarised topic of my long post they replied to is: there isnt currently good representation of fat or chubby body types anywhere in palia - the only really big round fat man is pretty much a bad guy and obsessed with food, which isnt very pleasant representation. there are no romanceable characters who arent very skinny or fit (theres 9 romanceable charas). palia is bad at fatness, and so is almost every other game, and this is constructive criticism about that. (read the long post itself for more background, info and clarity!)
palia being in open beta has nothing to do with its character design re: fatness. it doesnt take more effort to design and add a fat npc than to design a skinny or muscular npc, so there's no reason to "put off" adding more fat characters until later development stages - not when they clearly designed all charas individually already until now (they don't have the same body types as each other, same face shapes as each other, same animations, etc - they're all unique already).
the fact that the charas are already wildly different from each other is the exact reason i wrote my long post. bc it wouldve been just as easy as anything else to add in an attractive fat or chubby character who is romanceable! and they actively chose not to (the 9 romanceable charas are between very skinny to fit). or to add in fat or chubby npcs that arent stereotypical (someones mom, a bad person, obsessed with food, selfish/greedy, etc).
so it being in open beta is not a rational argument for this specific game, since it already has a diverse cast with diverse designs.
how about "palia is a videogame"?
besides the obvious point that it being a game doesnt make it any different than other media in regards to harmful stereotypes and harmful social structures etc, you can see that the palia devs already took care to create somewhat diverse characters.
they cared to create charas that have different facial traits, different body types, different hair types, etc. they actively chose to create a diverse cast - but didnt include chubby and fat people in that cast in any other roles than "not meant to be attractive".
this is the problem and this is why i talk about it. there need to be romanceable fat/chubby characters, even just *one* would be better than nothing among than the current 9 (!!!) romanceable charas that are all skinny or fit. ideally we should see bigger variety than just "9 skinny/fit ones and one fat", though.
the non-romanceable npcs should also feature chubby and fat characters that dont fall into basic "its someones mom" stereotypes or harmful stereotypes (food obsessed, lazy) etc etc. there should be a charming and attractive fat character who isnt shady or bad or selfish, an intelligent and friendly one, or an angsty creative one, i dont care! the point is they need to be interesting people and potentially attractive the same way the skinny and fit characters are created. and they shouldnt just be "someone's parent" for fucks sake.
palia failing at fatness rn, doesnt mean that the devs wont add more fat or chubby characters in the future. they might. we dont know that. they might not. thats why its necessary to voice and discuss topics like this so that people are aware to the issue and can constructively criticise it.
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valentineradio · 26 days
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1. pedophilia/incest/etc roleplay accounts are not welcome on this blog.
2. the author of this blog is queer, as are many of the muses here. if you take issue with that, this probably isn’t the blog for you.
3. erp/smut exclusive accounts please don’t follow or interact with me. i don’t mind seeing smut on my dash, but for any of my roleplays i ask that intimate scenes fade to black.
4. please don’t use nicknames for me, especially not the name val; you may also see me use other names on some of my sideblogs, and those are always okay to use no matter which name i have listed.
5. this blog and all my sideblogs are 21+ only. i will make case by case exceptions for those that are 20, but i’m personally not comfortable roleplaying with teenagers.
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activity : low-medium activity can be expected, typically spiking on weekends. i’m auDHD and have a full time job, so replies can take time. i ask that you be patient with me.
communication : feel free to bug me about replies! i’m super forgetful so i appreciate a reminder here and there :3 just don’t get overzealous! i also LOVE talking about our muses, plotting, headcanons, etc, so please never be afraid to reach out. i prefer to communicate initially (for basic plotting and such) through tumblr , but rp on both tumblr and discord ! replies will typically be faster through discord just bc i don’t need to get on my computer, but i don’t prioritize one over the other.
etiquette : no god-modding! my muses are my muses and yours are yours. in general i would prefer you let me know/we discuss any major events that take place in the roleplay before they happen. i am comfortable roleplaying a variety of more mature / triggering topics, however, again, i would appreciate a discussion before they are brought into the roleplay.
memes : if we don’t have an already pre-existing dynamic btwn two muses , i would greatly appreciate you reaching out to plot with me before sending in a meme. i am new to using memes for roleplays, but i want to get used to them, so please don’t be afraid to !!!! i just greatly prefer plotted threads and ask that my partners respect that :) it doesn’t need to be anything fancy or in depth if plotting isn’t your thing! i just like to get the basics hammered out before beginning a thread.
responses : my rule with regards to reply length has always been to write a response that i can respond to. the length doesn’t matter to me as much as the content itself. i myself write incredibly variable responses ranging from a few sentences to 5+ paragraphs, and typically try to return the same effort my partner is putting in. i mostly likely will not be using gifs / icons , just because i’m not used to it , not all of my characters have fcs , and not all of my fcs have good content for gifs / icons . i might use them on a case by case basis , but don’t expect it from me .
faceclaims : i don’t have any banned fcs so to speak , however if they are a known bigot or predator i will not write against them . my own fcs are just to give an idea of what my muses look like , but is not necessarily an identical match in terms of style , certain aspects of their appearance ( eg. tattoos ) , personality , etc .
reblogs : idc if you reblog memes / plots from me , but i will say i am terribly forgetful so i typically veer away from following blogs w strict reblog from the source rules ( i do make exceptions if i feel we wld be good partners ) . if you are okay with that and still want to plot smth / be mutuals just reach out and let me know !
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metallteeff · 8 months
okay i will rant for like two seconds my once a month rant but i have recently realized fucking psychology or i guess like modern/pop psychology especially is destroyingggg art. so bad.
like as writer/artist for like the past 2-3 years i’ve found myself being like oh i need to be able to perfectly articulate how my stories deal with mental health and then i get in this awful loop bc i’m not writing anymore im dissecting.
and on the audience part too it’s also awful. i love metas and analysis etc etc but it’s all turned into this strange phenomenon of like “proving a theory” and so many of these metas (im just going to use that for the catchall) focus on the same dissection.
just lately when it comes to art and discussion old or new academic or twitter rants i feel like i constantly see people asking “what is wrong with the artist to make them make this” instead of understanding the emotion or subject present in the piece and dissecting that as it relates to you. it has ti be clinical and hard fact and true to the creators intent.
i hate this approach so much and the way i see it effects my writing has made me crazy so i’m glad i’ve realized. i do not like to see abstract concepts put into a box im sure no one else does but being in like online art culture it’s so so so bad for that because no one can discuss anything online it has to be a debate. and then you’re debating art instead of analyzing and sharing experience.
this is all very vague and that’s kind of the point. what i’m talking about applies to anyone from like brain rotted edge lord anime girl artists to characters in mainstream/high production projects. there is no separation of art from artist on the basis of how does it make you feel it seems like it’s everyone’s wondering what’s going on in the artists head and trying to use their art as tools to figure it out. i think that has terrified me in creating and it’s made me feel like i have to make it present in my art in the first place so i have “nothing to hide” but why does an audience need to be in your psyche???
this is not me saying exploring mental health and illness and symptoms of it in art is a bad thing, it is exactly the opposite. it’s when it turns into everyone fighting about how xyz proves their headcanon correct and then no one else is allowed to interpret a character another way when the point of most art from the people i know and/or admire want the exact opposite. every character should be a mirror to a large variety of people and experiences. the same shade of green should excite one person and disgust the next. i am just so tired and appalled and over the like compartmentalization of art to enjoy it as a monolith go fuck yourself!!!!!
and i kind of got off topic with the subject of psychology present in art but looking at art with a psychological lense can be fun but that’s the lens you should already be using in the sense of connecting emotionally to pieces. i’m seeing yourself in the art right in front of you. most people (especially people who don’t create art often) go into art immediately trying to “figure it out” which i understand but how to you make it clear to everyone that they already understand, they just need to listen to what is there in front of them.
to look at art through a clinical lens is the death of art is maybe a more accurate way of talking about it. to look at art and try to dissect it, not for yourself, but to say “i know exactly what the artist was thinking” you’ll never be right. it’s fun to joke about in the basis of relation to the art but then that’s just you relating. that’s your experience and perception. you will never know the artists intent.
this is more specific and a little more silly but i feel like that^ over laps with people freaking out about character and “good/bad” representation. saying gay characters can only act this way. that characters with plurality can only be portrayed like this. that characters with a disability or neurodivergence or this or that can only say this list of things or else you’ve made a “harmful character”. of course there is harmful stereotyping but i would hope everyone able to publish and produce stuff knows what to do and not to do. i know that’s not realistic but i hope majority of writers don’t need a strict do and does list to write all of their stories!
i really mean this more in the way of making a strict view of how exactly to portray a certain character especially when it comes to marginalized identity and psychology then makes a new box that pisses people off. people did not like autistic people being portrayed as emotionless genius robots who parade as people and that’s normal because that is fucked up. but why now does every autistic character need to be almost a joke about being “too weird”. why also does a character need to be confirmed by the creator to be anything. it’s definitely nice but to me if a character portrays your experience without being confirmed anything, why not just enjoy the character in the way you perceive them. i’m also just a really big fan of ambiguity and surrealism in art so that’s how i prefer to take it but i don’t understand why every single aspect of art needs to be labeled for enjoyment. it’s killing it.
i kind of got off track with this but i hope it’s clear how i feel like psychology effects art in the ways of when you confine symptoms to one box and you put people into those boxes and those people love art and make art. then the perception of art will be affected and it’s hurting it badly. it is okay to be uncertain but i think psychology is hurting people and art badly in tandem
#there’s also the issue of black and white thibking and absolutes thta have taken over the modern day#from both political extremism to your internal morality but that’s like. this will turn into an actual ten paper essay#and to be transparent on this. this id a lot of stuff i’ve only recently realized and started to unpack because i’ve stopped being obsessed#with these labels. so i am just kind of speaking from my heart and my perception of what was making me kind of crazy#psychology like is helpful to people and that shouldn’t be taken away from them#but i also just kind of wish it could quietly exist and be helpful.#because like ten years ago it was a fucking like social death sentence to be in therapy#and now it’s all you can hear or see be misconstrued on the internet but it’s hurting people more because they get out in a box#<again two very extremist points. we can never seem to find a middle ground#and it’s not bad for people to know terms or symtpms of what they have or think they have because then they can find tools to help#but the way people dissect individuals and lump them together in ‘avoidant type’ style boxes#when people have an array of experience and trauma and hardship under their belt that’s so unique to them it’s so harmful to lump them#in with so many others with that same individual experience. why do we have to mush people together to understand people#why can’t we just meet a person and let them tell us how they are and feel and came to be#sorry this is like my one million thoughts from the past couple months so i’m like. literal essay it has to stop now because i want a#peach red bull
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I posted 10,435 times in 2022
That's 1,852 more posts than 2021!
64 posts created (1%)
10,371 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,382 of my posts in 2022
#spin tag - 162 posts
#house edition - 55 posts
#hush up matt - 49 posts
#yeah - 37 posts
#matt liveblogs the mcr stream - 34 posts
#sm edition - 30 posts
#hamlet edition - 29 posts
#mcr - 15 posts
#marvel edition - 15 posts
#fuck - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#i knew it was familiar but i couldn’t place it bc i knew it wasn’t any of the mcu suits but yeah it’s fuckin. it’s the what if suit. g—
My Top Posts in 2022:
“If you show me Gerard I probably wouldn’t even know Gerard.”
Aka: I made @the-northbound identify MCR members.
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“Is that— that’s not Gee— Ian.”
Got bullied in high school
Also probably got called slurs
“Too many tattoos for my taste.”
See the full post
25 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
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29 notes - Posted January 10, 2022
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Here's to hoping tumblr doesn't Crunch The Quality but uh. Yeah! Text and textless versions of the drawing I mentioned in this post! (Reblogs > Likes!) [id: Two drawings of Gerard Way, a pale man with shoulder length black hair, in a Halloween Nurse's costume. There is green lighting and a dark green background with a lighter green spotlight behind Gerard. The first drawing has the words "Someone Call The Nurse!" above Gerard's head, and the second does not. The drawings are otherwise identical. /end id]
38 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
Ive never watched house but love over the top medical dramas, should i watch it?
Oh my god PLEASE do. This show is wonderful. It’s terrible. It’s a product of the early 2000’s. It’s so ableist. It has handled ableism/disability better than a Lot of shows I’ve seen. Nobody is a good person. Everyone cares. There’s two characters that are basically a couple but David Shore tries So Hard to make them heterosexuals. It’s beautiful and great rep. I call it Hate Crimes MD for a reason. All of these facts can and do coexist please watch it it’s GREAT. I’ve watched every season (all 8 of them) all the way through at least 5 times. Please watch this trainwreck.
Fair warning tho bc it’s from 2004-2012 there ARE slurs (of the ableist, homophobic, and I Think racist varieties) and also some sensitive topics are discussed (sexual assault, abuse, addiction, suicide, etc), so please be wary of that and check doesthedogdie.com if any of that is stuff you need to worry about!!!!
(Also warning for. General medical drama stuff. Blood, guts, needles, surgery, drugs, etc)
48 notes - Posted July 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hey this has probably already been said but. Anyone gonna talk about the fact that Ray, Frank, and Gerard are all in elderly SFX but Mikey is covered in blood (what’s supposed to be his blood)? Anyone gonna talk about the fact that Ray, Frank, and Gerard are elderly but Mikey looks Dead? No? Just me? Okay cool.
106 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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glitternightingale · 3 years
Yeah so I'm also here post-animation process video drop and your brilliant break-down about Bruno's belly. Hi! I’m not on Tumblr and hope you mind a long ask in lieu of reblogging/adding to your OP.
The confirmation has been validating, is one big thing. But is it weird that with regard to the three whats/whys in your break-down (artistic choice, chub, malnutrition), I was like “ah but couldn’t it be a little, or be some combo, of all three?" - said with an intonation à la Mirabel’s "and I think it's all because of me?" I think I'm a bit of the mind that his belly is round (and "disproportionate") more due to malnutrition than from having actual healthy adipose, based on its shape? and stuff, but that's probably me reading way too into things.
There's this other part of me that's also like, what are the chances that someone like Jared Bush, who does answer questions about the canon on his Twitter, would further confirm… or maybe not confirm per se, but shed a lil insight into some of the choices?
And and: have you been able to compare the 1st and final passes at the chase scene animation? I’m no artist, but I feel like I noticed a few differences between the two Brunos (using side-by-side screen grabs bc I am 100% Like That). Ex. when he’s running toward the camera and goes to leap for the pipe: in the 1st test his stomach actually looks larger than it does in the final test; and, in the final his chest/rib cage/sternum area... and kind of his whole frame tbh... look smaller and more... shrunken/visible. Which I’m sure makes sense since it’s the final version and stuff like the muscle rigging(?) gets tweaked, but I just found the changes interesting in light of your post, the discussion, and because process stuff is cool.
This is all over the place, sorry! Last thing I swear: I love your fic, WAACH - and your art! More and more with each chapter. Always so happy seeing a telltale alliterative title in an email from AO3 :)
Oh, it could definitely be all three! I actually only broke it up into sections to structure my mess of thoughts on the matter. Well, then I forgot to point out exactly that. 😅
Here's the link to the referred post: Bruno's Belly: Artistic Choice? Chub? Malnutrition?
Bruno's Belly (2): Artistic Choice? Chub? Malnutrition?
When I wrote the first little meta about this topic, I was also really thrown off by the frames you mentioned:
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(I tried my best to keep them comparable, but the more rendered version is from a slightly different, more dynamic perspective.)
And then we have this, where his belly disappears completely:
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I know nothing about professional 3D animation, but this difference really strikes me. It doesn't seem to serve the purpose of exaggerating the action (like stretch and squash, for example), so where -- and why -- did it go?
Please, if anyone who reads this is brave enough, ask Jared Bush on Twitter! I need a concrete explanation. 😭
I once came upon a post where people were discussing the notion that these two Brunos aren't even the same model in the final version of the movie (correct me if I remember it wrong):
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At least there's continuity where Bruno's wrists and ankles are concerned and that is that they are skinny all the time:
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Here's my humble opinion on the matter in general:
I absolutely agree with your take, anon, and I think that it makes too much sense for it to not be canon. I believe Bruno is malnourished (as mentioned in my latest part of WAACH) in both meanings of the word. My fic works with the implications that Bruno had too little food (and that it wasn't of great nutritional value), as well as a diet with little variety.
I'm so glad you enjoy my fic! I'm always really scared that I'll ruin it with my updates and that everyone who keeps up with it will be disappointed. BUT! The next installment will be called "Building The Base" and you can already guess from the first letters who it'll focus on. 😉
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nydescynt · 3 years
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I loved this prompt on Twitter but 99% of replies are basically "The same focus on rebuilding and decor that AC:NH had but in [an apartment | space | a mountain town]" so I wanted to move to Tumblr and see if anyone else had input!
Personally I think something that overhauls/improves the friendship mechanics would be good, and I'm going to spend an absurd amount of time talking it through here bc I like the topic and it's my blog 🔫
Core Mechanics:
The ability to foment friendships *between* villagers via Picnics- mini events you activate, and provide food, music, or outfits for!
More complex dialogue! Choices! This is hard to give details for but the true heart of this game type would be vastly improved dialogue options & conversation trees.
Different friendship improvement rates for different actions and villager types- grumpy villagers prefer gifts, sporty villagers like playing tag, cat villagers like to be gifted fish, etc- rather than all actions producing very similar outcomes.
Ability to "Invite a Villager Along" and have them trail after you as you fish, catch bugs, etc.
They will sometimes suggest improved lure designs, suggest where a rare bug/fish can be found, or go pop floating presents for you if you're busy. (To make this not be a farm, they also launch into conversation intermittently lol)
Can also invite villagers along to See a Concert (KK Slider). Possibly invite them shopping, if there's a kind of City Folk-esque main street.
Ability to plan birthday parties for villagers, as well as various holiday parties.
Lulls in the calendar can have randomly generated event needs, such as a Celebrate My Bugs Day for lazy villagers.
Instead of operating on a strict calendar, CJ and Flick can show up and need your help preparing for an impromptu competition the next day!
Villagers will occasionally bring you their [goldfish | snapping turtle | tarantula] and ask you to watch it while they go on vacation for 3 days. You have to feed it every day! If you forget, the vacationing villager will come back early and be very cross with you.
Everyone has already requested better fitting clothing for villagers, they should do that.
Add a relationship sim type tracking "journal" where you automatically note youre villagers likes and dislikes. Possibly kept simple by having a few specific loves and hates and otherwise being neutral.
As you become friends there's a UI mechanics during shopping where villager icons with different expressions appear along a side of the screen when you mouse over something they'd really love/hate.
Designing friendship braclets for villagers, or being able to collect them from friend villagers- cuter friendship commemoration than having a framed pic imo.
Alternatively, hitting max friendship with a villager provides a unique hat. Completionists nightmare but very funny.
Villager happiness affecting flower spawns!
Villagers that have favorite flower types, and if you plant a certain variety near the house of a friendly villager they'll have a higher chance of hybridizing.
Post Office/ Work:
Have a standalone post office, use as a friendship mechanic and an excuse to improve the letter and gift sending/receiving mechanics.
For a unique role/job that isn't just "Mayor/CEO 2.0", have the player delivering mail as a daily!
Possibly a very funny main game story where you're trying to stop Redd from selling forgeries through the mail.
Daily or weekly 'ads' from Nook Inc that give you discounts, or can add items to your catalog without actually ordering.
Anyways please provide me with your ideas!! Doesn't have to be in this vein, I just love discussing game design concepts lol
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izzyliker · 3 years
a lot of tumblr social theory is just coining words. just creating as much convoluted terminology as people physically are able to and then creating masterposts with links to other people saying the same thing over and over again. slogging through all these posts on transandrophobia means that i saw the exact same list of What Is Transandrophobia? slightly rephrased like 60 times. i saw people attribute an increasingly bafflingly wide variety of bog standard transphobia and misogyny to radical feminism, including the extremely common perception of abigail shrier being a radical feminist when she’s just your average though puzzlingly passionate transphobic right wing conservative. i saw the same things repeated over and over again. Five topics. Erasure, Terfs, Misogyny, The Definition Of Transandrophobia, and then Misandry. after reading 15 posts you had read all of them. nothing new came out of 2.5 years worth of posting. you’re inventing language, great, what are you doing with it. because to me it seems like “bringing awareness” is not working because the only thing you’re bringing awareness to is the same 4 things that you’ve already been talking about for years. Ohh transandrophobia is a word to use to discuss our unique experiences. What are we doing with it? Uhm. Well. We’re raising awareness of the word existing. Here’s What It Means. also we have figured out that Misandry Is Legit And The Reason Trans Men Get Misgendered is because society just LOVES girlbosses so much bc radical feminists have influenced everyone to think that everyone should be a forcefemmed catgirl girlboss. that’s why this randomass woman from rural alabama forbade the classmates of her 12yo child from calling him a boy. Because she’s so obsessed with girlbossifying her son. Because the radfems made her think men are #stinky
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I saw your recent ask post and wanted to ask
🦐What relationship does your character have with Floyd?
🍄 What relationship does your character have with Jade <3
Under readmore bc it got longer than I thought:
🦐What relationship does your character have with Floyd?
(This meme really sums it up.)
At first Yume was really intimidated by Floyd, they already are anxious about meeting new people, but his unpredictable attitude/moods added an extra layer for Yume to be nervous about and second guess.
But as time goes on….well they're still pretty intimidated by him!
(Plus after the events of chapter 3, which Yume took very personally they had a negative opinion of him being one of Azul’s goons.) But now there's kind of an understanding that its just the way he is and there's not always ill intentions behind his actions.
I think they went through a phase of having a similar relationship to Riddle in Floyd. Where Floyd would intentionally mess with Yume knowing it would get a funny reaction out of them and Yume would try to avoid him. Though after the events of chapter 4 where Ocatvinelle helps out Yume and his brothers. Yume sees him in a better light. And they have caught glimpses of his more tender, kind natured side. 
I don’t know if Yume would actually call them friends but they have kind of settled into seeing Floyd as someone they can rely on…if he is in the right mood of course! 
If they're both in the right mood I think they have the potential to get along great! They both know what it's like to have a sibling so they can keep up with that energy, joking and horsing around. 
 And once Yume learns that Floyd is just trying to get a reaction out of them with his teasing they just don’t react as much, which in turn gets a reaction out of Floyd and it kind of becomes another type of game lol. I can imagine Floyd lifting Yume up a lot and trying to get a reaction out of them but they just go limp in his arms and don’t react lol.
 As for when he has his bad moods I think Yume mostly tries to avoid him. But when they can't, well… they're pretty good at reading people and would try to just be quiet and let him work it out. They do understand that sometimes your mood just tanks…(no fish pun intended).
Overall I think their relationship is more in the positive then the negative, but its a day to day matter with Yume, at least for now!
TL:DR: Floyd sees Yume as a friend so Starfishie really doesn't have a choice in the matter!
🍄 What relationship does your character have with Jade
Yume finds Jade less intimidating than Floyd, due to his more polite way of speaking and more even temperament. Not that they don’t know that he can't be just as unhinged but just that he’s more civil about it? (If that makes sense.) Even before Jade told them about the trick to telling the two of them apart Yume could figure it from facial expression and vibe alone.
Like with Floyd I don’t know if Yume would exactly call them "friends" after everything, but they get along fine. When Yume and his brothers go to the monstro lounge he would prefer to sit in his section over Floyd of Azul’s.
I think Jade makes chatting easier so even if Yume doesn’t know what to say in a conversation he will help them find a topic of discussion.
Yume likes discussing a variety of topics with him ( His club, new things at the Monstro Lounge, plants, old stories about Floyd or Azul, ect). I think they're also interested in his hobby of making terrariums and could bond over the creative and crafting nature of such a project.
During Bean day the two of them really bonded over their joint desire to take out Azul, and Yume was surprised with how well they planned together! And Jade learned just how determined, driven, and ruthless Yume could be when they set their mind to a goal and had proper motivation. Despite not winning, they both decided that they wouldn’t mind having others on their side if something happened!
TL:DR: Easier for them to deal with then Floyd!
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azucanela · 4 years
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SUMMARY: Your first date with a few some of the first year boys[Bakugo Katuski, Shinsou Hitoshi, Todoroki Shouto].
WARNINGS: kissing, pretty pg, wholesome, perhaps slightly ooc oops, bad writing, just a tad of spice
A/N: someone send tik tok related requests they make me laugh
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when he asks you out on a date for the first time hes not actually asking
comes up to you and tells you, “get dressed im taking you out.”
you are just there talking to mina and kirishima in your pjs like ???
“with your quirk?” like you dead thought he was telling you he intended to kill you 
“no idiot...” now he’s embarrassed oh no
mina and kirishima are like 👀👀
“on a date?” they’re really trying to help him get his point across bc playing matchmaker is fun
probably takes you to like some sort of outdoor thing on the first date
has to to involve movement
stroll through the park, or through like a mall if you don’t like more athletic experiences 
take him on a date to a trampoline park. do it. 
is quieter during a date rather than his normal explosive self, he wants to listen to you, get to know you better
won’t kiss on the first date unless there’s a pre established friendship
your next date happens the same way, just tells you that you guys are going out, but you get it this time
lets you choose where you guys go that time
wants equal contribution to dates 
katsuki in street clothes is just beautiful, just ART, a masterpiece, he looks like a grumpy piece of ART
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Katuski had just asked Y/N on a date, completely out of nowhere. Katsuki had asked Y/N on a date. It was difficult to believe, and considering his loud tone, the rest of Class 1-A also found it shocking, the student who claimed to have all his focus on becoming the number one pro-hero was now seeking a relationship. Ironic.
Though Y/N herself initially didn’t understand what he had been trying to say, she quickly got the message, and off they went. She was necessarily shocked by his feelings for her, they had discussed it in the dead of night, when she couldn’t sleep so he decided to forgo his normal grandpa sleep schedule. He fell asleep shortly after that conversation though, in her arms, he’d likely deny it if she ever mentioned it though.
Now, she sat on the counter in his parent’s kitchen, though neither of them were home, and the kitchen looked mostly unused. Y/N had tried to assist him but he’d brushed her off, “I asked you out. And you’re a horrible cook.” 
Y/N hopped off the counter and came up behind him, “whatever.” She mumbled, half expecting Katsuki to shove her away as she wrapped her arms around his torso as he sliced vegetables. He didn’t, though he did freeze momentarily before grumbling something about how dumb she was, Y/N knew he didn’t mean it based off the blush on his cheeks. 
Katsuki placed the vegetables into a pot of boiling water, covering it with a lid before tapping Y/N’s hand, signaling for her to let go. When she did, he turned around, and Y/N’s brow was raised. “C’mere.” He pulled her closer with one hand, and placed another on the back of her necks, bringing their lips together. 
She hummed in response, hand tangling into his hair, this wasn’t the first time they’d kissed. But it was the first time they’d gone on a date, he’d been sure to hide the dining room from her on the way inside, and she couldn’t help the excitement that bubbled up inside her. 
Y/N’s free hand found it’s way to his bicep, nails digging into his soft skin, courtesy of his quirk. Meanwhile, Katsuki’s hand found its way to the curve of her back, pushing her body closer to his only for Y/N to pull away, “pay attention while you are cooking.”
Turning to look at the pot, he’d realized that it was boiling far too much for comfort and cursed, releasing Y/N to salvage his food, she began to laugh. Katuski glared at her as he turned off the stove and put the put the vegetables into a nearby plate. 
With a smile on her face, she pressed a kiss onto his cheek, only for him to roll his eyes as he picked up the plate and moved out of the kitchen, Y/N trailing close behind as he headed to the dining room. “Can I see now?” She asked.
After a moment of contemplation, he nodded, and together they entered the dining room. It was a basic set up for a date, but it certainly set an intimate atmosphere that was rare when you lived in a dorm with several other students, and Mineta. There were candles lighting the room, and a rose in the center of the table, along with more food that he had already placed on the table. 
Grinning at him, Y/N spoke, “god you are such a sap.”
His cheeks flushed as he responded, “shut up.” 
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lol cutie, he asks you out on a date, you two are probably close friends and he just really likes your personality and attitude and stuff
“you don’t have to- well you know that but-”
“no, i’ll go out with you.”
“it’s fine i understand- wait what?”
did not think he’d get this far so he had no plans, he was expecting to plan a funeral for your friendship
ends up being the basic movie and food date
he picks a horror movie because he wants to protect you!!!
it makes him feel useful and bb needs validation
hold his hand during the movie
give him AFFECTION
you guys end up skipping dinner because you filled up on popcorn and other snacks during the movie so y’all just walk around
gives you his j a c k e t if its cold
he’s classy like that
unlike other people, he would kiss you on the first date
it would be an AMAZING experience that probably occurs at your front door, super adorable, he asks if he can kiss you
“can i kiss you?” fully expects you to say no
“yeah you can.”
“its fine, thanks for going out with me- wait what?”
same vibes as asking you out, did NOT expect this
walks you home because he is a GENTLEMAN change my mind, Shinsou brought back chivalry 2020
treats you RIGHT!!! the entire date, opens doors for you, pulls out your chair if necessary, pays for you unless you try to split the check but he might propose if you do that and pay for you regardless
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When Shinsou asked Y/N out, he genuinely expected her to say no. His plans for the date included a funeral for himself and the friendship between the two of them. But, Shinsou was an honest guy and wanted to confess his feelings to her, secrets were a rarity between them, and this was no exception. They’d known each other for a while and his feelings weren’t something he could make disappear, no matter how hard he tried.
The last thing he expected was for her to agree to go out with him. 
She was still clinging onto his arm rather harshly as they exited the movie theater, having seen a horror movie, she exclaims, “I am never letting you pick the movie again.” 
Shinsou can’t help it when his heart skips a beat at her comment, looking over to her as he smirks, “again? So there will be a next time?” He asked, hoping that he hadn’t misunderstood.
Her cheeks warm, even though he asked her out, and Y/N looks away, “yes, if you want.” She mumbled, loosening her grip on his arm as they stepped outside. Cool air hits her, and Y/N can’t help the shiver that goes down her spine at the sudden cold. 
“I asked you out, of course I want a second date.” He replied, taking his arm from her grasp to remove his jacket, which he puts around her shoulders. “You still want dinner?” 
Y/N hums, taking his hand in hers and grinning as his cheeks turn red, “I’m not really hungry after all the snacks we had.” She replied, leaning her head onto his shoulder. “Let’s just walk.” 
They walked throughout the small shopping center, speaking with each other in regards to a variety of topics before beginning the walk home, when it started to rain. Thankfully, they were nearby Y/N’s home, and the laughs that consumed them as they ran didn’t stop as they ran up under the roof of Y/N’s porch. Shinsou’s hair was now matted onto his head thanks to the rain, their clothes soaked. 
Looking up at him, Y/N let another laugh escape her, “I like your hair.” She teased, bringing a hand up to ruffle it, though it had little effect.
Shinsou playfully glared at her, “yeah, yeah.” A smile found its way onto his face as he looked at her, the rain still hammering down on the roof, he found himself not wanting to let go of her hand as he asked, “can I kiss you? You don’t need-” He began to ramble, and Y/N was reminded of when he first asked her out as she watched him. 
Y/N’s hand released his and she grabbed his face, bringing his lips to hers, effectively silencing him as his hands fell onto her hips. They broke apart momentarily, only for Y/N’s arms to circle around his neck and pull him closer for yet another kiss.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” He mumbled as they pulled apart.
Tilting her head, Y/N smirked, “you’re cute.” Shinsou ducked his head to hide the pink in his cheeks at this comment. “Be here next Saturday around 2 in the afternoon. This time I pick the movie.”
Looking back up, he raised a brow. “I happened to enjoy the movie, particularly the parts when you-”
“I don’t have to agree to a second date.” Y/N threatened as she playfully slapped his shoulder before heading to her front door, looking back at him as she walked.
Shinsou hummed, eyes meeting hers as he grabbed her hand and yanked her back. “I think I liked the way you shut me up the first time around better.” He presses a gentle kiss to her lips before releasing her hand so that she can head inside. 
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you probably don’t know its a date he’s like “so how was the date”
and you there like “im sorry how was the WHAT?”
asks his siblings for help because he’s clueless, also asks izuku and maybe even bakugo during their remedial course, though camie is 10x more helpful
this is because shoto always spends all of his father’s money on you
while you two are just best friends, he’ll see you look at something and then he’ll just buy it
you guys already act like a couple. like stfu we get it, you have Class 1-A’s resident pretty boy wrapped around your finger jeez no need to brag
it because he’s in love with you already but he doesn’t know that its not his fault he is oblivious to his own emotions
this just amplifies on a date
tries to take you to a ridiculously fancy restaurant and you’re like???
settles for a cafe
you get lost in the convo and forget to actually drink your drink so he just reheats it or makes it nice and cool again ya know
super useful bb
give him validation
listens to you super intently 
intellectual conversations EVERYWHERE he is literally so fun to talk to like discuss any and everything with him
First date at a cafe, he’s rich, he stole his dad’s credit card, and he happens to love trying new things since he was sheltered as a child so he will buy EVERY S I N G L E DRINK for you two to try them all together
50/50 chance he kisses you on the first date
100% chance a kiss happens if you initiate it
he walks you home, and depending on if you are feeling hot or cold, you’ll stand by his side, preferably away from the road because shoto is a gentleman who gets hit by cars for his partner 
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When Izuku had suggested that Shoto take Y/N out on a date to help confess his feelings for her, he figured it would be a good idea. Except, he forgot the part where he asked her on the date.
This didn’t really dawn on him as she led him away from the fancy restaurant he had tried to convince her to enter,  “we both know that neither of us would understand a thing on the menu because it’s probably all in french.” Though she had dressed for the occasion, and so had he. “Why do you even want to eat there?” Y/N asked, her hand still holding his as she dragged him along the side walk.
She knew very well how much he disliked such places. They reminded him of all the high end restaraunts he had been forced to go to as a child. And since his father was an infamous pro hero, and Shoto himself was one of the more popular Class 1-A students, it wasn’t uncommon for reporters to frequent areas he was seen in. Carrying their cameras as they tried to get a story about him or his father. He’d told Y/N numerous times how much he disliked the attention, which is why he avoided certain areas of the city. 
Shoto stared at their joined hands, that feeling of joy bubbling in his chest, “my understanding is that you take people to a nice restaurant for a date.” Came his response.
Y/N stopped walking, though Shoto didn’t, causing him to run into her and nearly trip her had he not grabbed waist to keep her from falling. “This is a date?” She asked, hands clinging to his arms as she tried to maintain balance. He’d been acting different, so Y/N felt as though she shouldn’t be shocked, but the fact that Shoto liked her?
He said nothing, releasing her from his arms before taking a step back, “I feel as though I should apologize-” Shoto began, realizing his mistake.
“I know a nice Café I’ve been meaning to visit that’s nearby, you want to continue this there?” She interrupted, extending her hand. Y/N wasn’t stupid, neither was Shoto, she knew he was inexperienced in the romance department and it was clear this was his attempt to woo her. 
It was cute. 
Looking up at her, he couldn’t help but give her a small smile, which she returned as he took her hand. Shoto was thankful that she hadn’t mentioned his poor preparation for the whole ‘date’ thing, since he failed to really ask her about it. Thankfully she was just going with it, “I really like you, Y/N.” It was blunt, but it was the truth, and it was Shoto, being himself. 
Y/N felt her cheeks warm as they approached the Café, “I really like you too, Shoto.” He moved in front of her to open the door, “and here we are.” She gestured to the small Café as they entered, it was a nice set up and she had been meaning to visit. The fact that it was Shoto that she was visiting with made it all the better.
“Why don’t you go find us somewhere to sit?” He suggested, small smile on his face. “I’ll save us a spot in line.” Y/N nodded, and it was clear that she had yet to notice that there was no line, and Shoto had Endeavor’s beautiful black mastercard in hand. 
Which is how they ended up with every possible drink on their table, some of which were going cold, and the cashier thanking Shoto for the $200 cash tip, laughing quietly side by side in their small corner within the Café. Y/N had chosen a more isolated part, though there were already very few people within the store. 
She looked up from her drink to find Shoto’s eyes on her, an unreadable look in his eyes, but she couldn’t help but smile at him, one that he returned. “I like this.” He said, his hand finding hers as he played with her fingers. 
“Me too.” Y/N replied, watching his movements. She found herself Y/N bringing her hand to Shoto’s cheek, and his eyes met hers momentarily, looking up at her in awe as she leaned forward and pressed a kiss against his lips.
Neither of them knew what they were doing, Shoto’s delayed reaction reminded them both of this fact as he finally kissed back after a few moments. The hand that had once been fidgeting with Y/N’s free hand, making its way to her bicep to rub circles in the spot. 
The moment didn’t last long, and when she pulled away, his lips were chasing hers, “we should do this more often.”
A small smile was on his face as he stared at her with what seemed like stars in his eyes, “yeah.” He pressed a kiss to her hand, “we should.”
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A/N: when i tell you season 4 made me CRY
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