#bc in her mind she needs to be strong -- crying and openly worrying is just going to cause them and in this case lavi
tvrningout · 6 months
" you're giving me that look again. " lavi to chiyo !
as said by anders | @avaere speaks to chiyo!
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" what look? " chiyo asks, but she knows the answer.
it never ends, all this fighting. there's so much struggling, suffering, and there's resentment that builds inside her chest in moments like this. when she has to look at a dear friend banged up and bruised, when she feels as if this fight has been forced upon them and their lives stolen from them, she feels an anger swell inside her until it's unbearable, until she wants to spit fire. yet she knows she cannot walk away. not anymore.
she cares too much. about the people they protect, about the people who fight at her side -- she cares too damn much to ever walk away. she cares so much that it hurts.
chiyo knows exactly how she's looking at lavi. as if he might disappear before her eyes, leaving only bandages and ash behind. as if she's already mourning him, trying to accept that she'll lose him. he would not be the first. he would not be the last. and she's not sure she'd bounce back from lavi's death. hard as she might have once tried to remain distant, he's grown close to her; hard as she might have once tried to remain disconnected, she cannot let go of his hand now ( how would it feel if it were ripped from her grasp? the mere thought turns her stomach ).
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" this is just how my face looks, " chiyo murmurs, gaze falling to his bandaged hand. she refrains from reaching for it. she's afraid. " you tryna make fun of it, hm? "
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cozy-mp3 · 2 years
ellie x female!reader
you can't help but worry when ellie is out on a long patrol. when she gets home, she fucks your face.
word count: 5.8k (ish)
warnings: smut, cunniligus (not reader receiving), dom!ellie, dirty talk? maybe?, you're very in love, ellie still calls you honey, ellie is hairy bc i say so, an exorbitant amount of fluff, a complete disregard for whatever jackson's actual plumbing situation is.
a/n: hi! i'm back and this time ellie gets to cum. tysm for all the love on messy girl i didn't expect it and i really appreciate it! i aimed to have this posted a couple days ago but i decided i hated half of it and had to rewrite it sigh. this isn't beta read and probably has punctuation errors, i'm sorry, anyway i hope u enjoy <3
it isn’t often you find yourself worrying about ellie while she’s out on patrol. she’s strong and smart and more than capable of taking care of herself, but you love her and loving someone often comes with a whole lot of worry. you worried when you heard her get out of bed when it was still dark, you worried when you’d gotten up a few hours later to see rain coming down in sheets and you’d worried when you’d gone to pick up lunch and overheard people talking about an uptick in attacks from bandits recently. by the time dinner was over and she still wasn’t home, you were well on the way to pacing a hole in the floor of your shared home. 
so, when you hear the muffled sound of footsteps outside of the front door you startle out of your worried train of thought before dashing over and practically pulling the door off its hinges. you pause at the sight of your girlfriend, she’s soaked with rain and shivering, you’re almost certain she’ll have caught a cold being out like this. her clothes are caked in dirt and blood, there’s dark smudges under her eyes from lack of sleep, an irritated red ring around her face from a gas mask and she’s holding a wad of bandages over her left hip. 
“careful, honey, we only just got the hinges to stop squeaking,” ellie says, lips turned up in a half smile at the sight of you, openly laughing at the annoyed look you give her and suddenly you don’t know why you were so worried at all. here she is, in one piece, looking like shit but still feeling well enough to poke fun at you. you can feel yourself practically deflate, your shoulders relaxing a little and your mind beginning to clear of it’s anxious fog. 
“come inside, ellie,” you huff, gently tugging at the coat sleeve covering her forearm, “you’re gonna get sick standing out in the rain like that, we need to get you warmed up, there’s enough water in the tanks for a bath.” you tell her, making quick work of helping her lift the backpack off her shoulders before she shrugs off her sodden coat. 
ellie is quiet as you help her out of her wet shoes and socks, not commenting as you scold her for wearing canvas shoes in autumn when she knows damn well it’s going to rain and how the last thing she needs is blisters from walking around in wet socks. when you finally look up at her again she’s watching you with a worried little furrow in her brows. she opens and closes her mouth once, twice, three times before she reaches over to place the bloodied bandages she was holding onto the beat up coffee table, holding a hand out to you afterwards so that she can help you to your feet.
“you know i’m always gonna come home to you, right honey?” she asks, looking into your eyes and cupping your cheek with one of her dirty palms. you can’t bring yourself to care that she’s probably spreading grime over the top of your cheek when she brushes her thumb over your skin, “you don’t need to worry about me when i go out on patrol, i’ll always come back to you, i’m never gonna make you do this alone, i promise,” she says in that self assured way of hers, you wish you could be as sure as she is.
“you can’t promise that, els,” you sigh, heart aching at the way her brows pinch more and her mouth opens to protest before shutting again in defeat. you know she knows just as well as you do that that’s an impossible thing to promise, childish even in the world you both live in. 
“i love you,” she tells you instead, resting her forehead against yours and watching as affection warms your features, “i love you so much,” she says, kissing the corner of your mouth when you offer her a little smile, pulling away to show you her own. it’s different than her little half smiles or smirks, different than her big toothy grins, it’s her soft, sweet i love you to the moon and back smile that’s just for you. 
“i love you,” you reply, bumping your nose against hers and kissing her again before you pull out of her embrace, “c’mon els, we gotta get you cleaned up, you’re filthy.” you say, pinching her cheek just to annoy her before you walk the short distance to the bathroom so you can start filling the tub. 
“you wanna help me take my clothes off?” ellie asks from behind you, closing the bathroom door and raising her brows suggestively when you turn to look at her. you sigh with put upon frustration before turning to help her undress, not exactly looking forward to getting your hands covered in whatever is covering her but any squeamishness is outweighed by the want to take care of her, to get her clean and safe and wam. 
“can you lift your arms with whatever you’ve got going on down there?” you ask, gesturing to her injured hip and reaching around her shoulders to gently tug her hair free from its half ponytail. you run your hands through the damp, tangled ends, kissing her nose when it scrunches at your slight tugging.
“it’s fine, honey, just a scratch,” she hums as she lifts her arms above her head so you can pull her shirt off, “some bandit thought he could get the jump on me, it took care of it though, he’s way worse off than i am,” she tells you, confident as always. you kind of hate how attractive you find her self assuredness when you see the wound. it’s more than a scratch, it’s a cut from a knife just above the waistband of her jeans. to your relief it looks clean, no jagged edges or stitches and it isn’t bleeding anymore, it’s just raw and pink and sore looking against her skin.
“that isn’t a scratch, els,” you tell her with your brow quirked and she has the decency to look a little sheepish about it, “you been to see the doctor about it?” you ask as you work on getting her belt off, using less force as you help her peel off her wet jeans so you don’t irritate the wound.
“i did,” she sighs, tucking some hair behind your ear, “no major damage, no stitches, three days no patrol, two weeks till it’s completely better. we gotta stick a dressing on it now it’s stopped bleeding and i have to go back to the medbay if it starts looking gnarly” she huffs, all but pouting at the prospect of being stuck inside the walls of jackson while she recovers. you know it’ll be hard for her, not only because she wants to help but because she gets all pent up with excess frustration and needs something to channel it into. patrol is by far the most productive option since she can’t keep you pinned to the bed all day, you’ll make her stick to it though, you’ll pin her to the bed if you have to.
“you’ll survive, baby,” you say once you’ve worked her jeans off her legs, standing up so you can kiss her pouty bottom lip, “it’ll be just fine, it won’t be too bad hanging out with me, right?” you ask, sticking your own bottom lip out into an exaggerated pout and trying not to laugh at how fast her expression shifts, her head shaking quickly.
“‘course not!” she exclaims, cupping your cheeks to press kisses all over your face, “it’ll be nice to spend more time with you,” she tells you, kissing your nose one last time, “i didn’t think about it like that,” she admits with a blush, only going redder when you chuckle fondly at her and her one track mindedness. 
“ok, ok,” you laugh, reaching forward to help her pull her sports bra over her head, “let’s get you into the bath before it overflows,” you say as you throw her bra in the direction of her other patrol clothes, they’re so dirty you’re sure you’ll have blisters from scrubbing out the stains. you’re curious about how she got so dirty, it’s worse than normal, but you won’t ask, it’s easier to let her tell you patrol stories in her own time. you’ll take the sore palms and raw fingers on laundry day though if it means having her here now, breasts rising with each breath and skin slightly dewy from the condensing steam of the bath. 
“stop drooling, baby,” she chuckles at you, bending to take her own underwear off before she steps into the bathtub, “you’re supposed to be taking care of me, your strong, intelligent, handsome girlfriend gets wounded on patrol and all you can do is stare at her tits, it’s unbelievable, honey, i thought you were better nurse than this.” she playfully admonishes, smirking as your face heats up.
“ellie,” you whine, covering your face with your hands so she can’t see your embarrassment, “stop it,” you whine again, kicking the side off the tub and crossing your arms, “i’m your favorite nurse, stop lying,” you mumble petulantly, getting to your knees beside her and giving her a playfully grumpy look. your face cracks and your lips twitch into a smile at the lovesick look she’s giving you, it’s as soft as she ever gets and you love it.
“you’re right, honey, you’re my favorite,” she agrees easily, pulling herself to the edge of the tub and resting her chin on her forearms so her face is level with yours, “you gonna help me clean off?” she asks, ever hopeful. she’s so pretty like this despite the grime still on her skin, your eyes drift to her tattoo and the mottled skin of the burn hidden underneath it, to the little scar above one of her elbows and the freckle on her shoulder you like to kiss from time to time before they settle back on her face.
“sure i will, els,” you say softly, leaning forward to press your lips to hers, you’d meant for it to be a brief kiss but she deepens it. you moan as her tongue brushes against the seam of your lips and let her take control, her hand cups your jaw and you can feel water drip from her arm onto your pajama pants, eventually forming a mark so big you pull away, “you’re making me all wet,” you mumble against her spit slick lips, only leaning more into her palm despite your complaining.
“oh, really?” she smirks, glancing down towards your lap and huffing out a laugh when she sees the damp patch on your thigh, “if you’re already wet you might as well get in with me,” she says with an expectant look on her face, “there’s enough room, besides, wouldn’t it be better for my nurse to monitor me closely?” she asks, grinning all triumphant when you stand and begin to pull your pajamas off.
you aren’t wearing a bra and it takes willpower not to squirm when ellie continues to openly stare at you as you undress, watching the way your breasts press together as you reach down to pull your fuzzy house socks off and they way your nipples pebble from the change in temperature. your toes are cold on the tile of the floor and you hurry to pull your pajama pants and underwear off, holding your arms across your middle as you look back down at your girlfriend.
“you’re so beautiful, honey,” she tells you softly, reaching over to trail her damp fingers over your hip, leaving a little wet trail that makes you shiver with cold, “come on, get in, sweetheart,” she says, scooting forward so there's room for you to get in behind her. you step in gingerly, not wanting to slip on the slick interior of the tub, and settle in behind her, letting your legs bracket hers and resting your chin on her shoulder as your arms wrap around her waist.
“hi,” you smile, kissing the side of her jaw and squeezing her midsection gently.
“hi,” she smiles back, turning so she can kiss your bicep and then scooting down into the water so she’s floating, her head coming to rest comfortably between your breasts and her bruised knees bobbing out of the water as she bends her legs. they’re covered in a mottled mix of newer purple bruises and older yellowing ones, you squeeze her lightly again in sympathy.
“you gonna let me clean you off now?,” you ask, looking down at her all soft and fond as she closes her eyes and sighs happily. she seems to fully relax now, the weight of the day finally slipping off her shoulders as she rests in your arms. it’s nice to see her face smooth out completely the way it does when she’s totally content, no little furrow between her brows or downward twist to her lips. you stroke the soft skin between her breasts, kissing her forehead and laughing quietly when she sighs happily again. “you gonna answer me, els?” you ask, already moving one of your arms away to reach for the bar of soap.
“you can do whatever you want to me as long as i don’t have to move,” ellie mumbles, turning her head to kiss the side of your breast and then shifting around to get comfy again, “you’re all soft ‘n warm ‘n i can hear your heartbeat like this, it’s nice,” she continues as you dunk the soap into the water so you can lather it in your hands, being careful not to jostle her too much, “being pressed up against your tits is nice too,” she smiles, teeth peeking between her lips as she opens one eye to look at you.
“of course you would say that, perv,” you chuckle, reaching around her to start rubbing your soapy hands over her arms, “you’re gonna have to move if you want me to clean you off properly though,” you tell her as you work over a particular stubborn patch of dirt just above the place where her tattoo begins. her skin is soft beneath your hands, she’s lithe and slender for the most part but her arms show her strength, her muscles firm as you massage soap into her skin.
“i’ll just stay dirty,” she replies, sounding like she's made her mind up already, “honey, would you still love me if i decided to never let you clean me properly again?” she asks, almost cutting herself off with a groan as you rub your hands into her shoulders, she’s done it for years but carrying around a backpack from dawn till dusk takes a toll. 
“you’re dirty most of the time already, els, and i love you very much right now,” you hum, pretending to sound thoughtful as you run your hands down her sides, careful to avoid the wound above her hip, “i’d still love you but i’d probably stop fucking you,” you say, smiling to yourself when she immediately frowns.
“ok, fine, honey, i’ll move but you’ve got to fuck me afterwards,” she tries, opening an eye again to look up at you and gage your reaction. she’s so damn predictable and the feeling of fondness that takes root in your chest is so big and warm it needs to be acknowledged somehow. so, you lean down to press a clumsy kiss to her forehead, giving her another when her face scrunches up and her eyes close again to avoid any badly placed kisses.
“sure, baby,” you agree, shaking your head at her and trying to hide your smile. you shift around in the water so you’re sitting up straighter now able to reach down lower and wash her front as she smiles all satisfied with herself, “can you give me your hands?” you ask, rinsing your hands off in the water and then grabbing the bar of soap again. it’s a travel sized one that one of you had grabbed from an old hotel at some point, it was probably considered fancy in the past but now it wasn’t anything too special, only the lingering lavender scent making it an improvement from the unscented stuff that’s more readily available. 
ellie doesn’t speak as she hands you her left hand first, letting you rub soap into her wrists and over the backs of her hands, gentle on the broken skin of her knuckles. she seems to have perpetually damaged skin on her knuckles, no matter how many times you tell her to wear gloves or wrap her hands to protect them she doesn’t listen but that’s just her, your stubborn girl.  you carefully rub her calloused palms and the lengths of her fingers before using a little brush to scrub the dirt from under her nails, gently squeezing her hand when you’re done.
“i love your hands,” you whisper to her, kissing the top of her head as you rinse the soap off her skin. you rub your thumbs firmly into the back of her hand, massaging away the aches and pains you know she gets in her joints sometimes. she would never admit what she considers her insignificant pains to anyone else, she hesitates to even admit it to you sometimes so it feels like a little bit of a victory when ellie squeezes your shin beneath the water with her free hand in thanks, letting out a lungful of air and turning so she can kiss your breast again.
“thank you,” she mumbles against your skin, “i think your hands are magic,” she adds quietly as you tap her wrist to indicate she should give you her right hand, “you’re so good at those massages, honey, it’s like your hands know just where it hurts,” she continues, smiling a little at the amused sound you make as you clean off her other hand.
“maybe they are,” you whisper, not wanting to displace the relaxed quiet that’s fallen over the both of you as you clean the dirt from her hand. you work your thumbs into her cleaned skin, resting your chin on top of her head as you work, “we should keep it a secret though, i don’t wanna do this to anyone but you,” you tell her, pulling her hand up to your mouth to kiss her poor bruised knuckles. 
“you better not do this with anyone else,” she huffs, tilting her head back so she can look you in the eye, “you’re my nurse,” she says in that serious way of hers, narrowing her eyes at your amusement, “i’m serious, honey, you’re my girl,” she tells you, leaning up to kiss your chin, still unwilling to sit up enough to reach your lips.
“Of course, els,” you smile, trying to ignore how your face heats up and your thighs ache to press together at her words, “will you let your girl wash your hair now?” you ask, only half teasing. you sit up from your slightly slouched position, trying to pull her deadweight into a sitting position in front of you, “if you wash your legs while i get your hair done we can get to the fucking part faster,” you suggest to her, concious that the water will only remain warm for so long and your fingers are already starting to go pruney.
“i don’t wanna move,” she groans, turning over and pressing her face into your chest, her breath hot against your damp skin, “you’re so comfy ‘n i’m tired,” she says, giving you an exaggerated pout which seems so out of place on her face you almost laugh, instead bending down to kiss her before using residual soap on your hands to clean off her cheeks. there’s a streak of dirt on her nose which you wipe away and blood on her hairline that takes a bit of a firmer hand, the red ring from the gas mask she’d had to wear looks more shocking on her clean skin but you aren’t too worried, it’s happened before and it’ll be gone in a couple days.
“i know you’re tired, baby, you look like you’ve got two black eyes,” you say, using your finger to gently trace the dark smudges beneath her eyes. it’s a bit of an exaggeration but she does look exhausted and your heart aches a little, she always pushes herself, sometimes a little too hard. you’re glad she’s going to be stuck at home for a few days so she can rest up and you can make sure she gets three hot meals a day. you still think she’s pretty though, as she looks up at you with eyelashes clumped by water, a little flushed from the hot bath and a frowny furrow in her brows that you smooth over with your thumb. “the sooner we get this done, the sooner we can get into bed, sweetheart,” you remind her, leaning down to kiss both her freckled cheeks.
“ok, ok, let’s get this over with,” she sighs after a moment, sitting up and taking the soap from you so you can grab the shampoo. it’s the kind that smells like artificial apples, it’d been the highlight of your day when ellie had brought it home a few weeks ago. you lather up your hands with the pale green gel and begin to wash her hair, rubbing the pads of your fingers into her scalp to remove the grime from the day. true to her word, ellie quickly begins washing the parts of her body you couldn’t reach, only stopping briefly to arch into your hands like a cat when you scratch her scalp.
“see, it isn’t that bad, baby,” you practically coo at her, still lightly scratching her scalp as she reaches down to clean between her toes. you take a moment to watch the muscles shift in her back, the way water drips down her shoulders and into the divot of her spine before you drag your eyes back up to your task, “c’mon, tilt your head back,” you instruct her, scooting so your back is pressed right to the wall of the tub and she can lean back far enough for you to rinse out her hair without getting soap in her eyes.
you scooch closer to her again when you’re done, wrapping your arms around her and kissing her shoulder. she’s still slick with soap in some places so you run your hands over her to wash it off, lingering on her chest in a way that makes her laugh and turn around in your arms to look at you. 
“you gonna make me cum now, honey?” she asks, raising her eyebrows at you expectantly, “‘m all clean, i did exactly as you said,” she says, crowding you against the back of the tub and raising her arms to hold herself up over you with her hands placed either side of you. you can see her biceps flexing with her weight either side of you, water droplets catching on the bulge of them before continuing down her arm, it flows in little rivers from her collar bones down to her tits, and drips down onto you from her hair, “look at my face, honey, i asked you something,” she tuts, leaning down to nudge your forehead with her own.
“yeah, i’m gonna make you cum now,” you say softly, your face heating up as ellie’s lips quirk into a little smirk, “i wanna eat you out,” you tell her, leaning up to kiss her so you don’t have to look at her face anymore, she makes you feel so flustered sometimes it feels impossible to do anything other than kiss her.
“sounds good, honey,” ellie says with a wider smirk that tells you she knows exactly how you’re feeling. she presses another brief kiss to your lips and stands up quickly afterwards sitting herself on the edge of the bathtub with her legs spread a comfortable distance apart. you follow her out of the bath, pulling your towels from the rack beside the tub and stand on the bathmat in front of her, biting your lip as you stand in front of her. you try not to be shy but it’s so hard when she’s looking you like she wants to eat you up, her pupils blown with arousal.
“c’mere, baby,” she whispers, taking your wrists in her hands and pulling you to stand between her legs, “you want me to dry you off?” she asks, already taking one of the towels from your hands when you nod. she smiles at your timid agreement, leaning up to kiss your cheek before she starts patting you dry, her hands gentle over the curves of your body though the towel is a little scratchy. 
it’s a small act of service but it feels good as she pats down your chest and sides. her hands briefly cup your breasts through the towel and she looks up at you with a grin on her face, less sexy and more teasing as she squeezes briefly before continuing to dry you off. she directs you to hold onto her shoulders and lift your legs up one by one so she can get your shins and feet and it’s all so sweet and domestic it makes your chest feel warm and fuzzy.
“lemme do you,” you request when she’s done, looking down into her eyes and wrapping the dry towel around her neck, smoothing it over her shoulders. she consents with a silent nod of her own, resting her hands comfortably on the edge of the tub and leaning back a little so she can watch you as you dry her off. you do it gently but quickly, mindful that she’ll get cold sat naked and dripping wet in the bathroom. you try not to linger too long when you dry her legs but the way the plush of her thighs gives under your hands is distracting and you blush when she smirks down at you knowingly.
“give me that,” she instructs gently, taking the towel from your hands and using it to quickly dry her hair enough that it isn’t dripping before draping it over the edge of the bathtub. she takes your towel and folds it up into something softish that you can kneel on before placing it on the floor between her legs. you kneel on it when she gestures at the ground between her legs, she’s more obviously manspreading now, slipping into the role she plays in the bedroom easily. you rest your cheek on her thigh when you’re both comfortable and look up at her.
the thatch of hair above her cunt is still a little damp though it’s dry enough to curl a little and it tickles when you lean over to kiss it. ellie laughs at the way your nose wrinkles to get rid of the tickly sensation and moves one of her hands to stroke the side of your face not already pressed to her skin. 
“you’re so pretty,” she tells you, using her pointer finger to trace the features of your face. she trails over your jaw and chin, up to your cupids bow and the bridge your nose, your brow and the edges of your hairline, “is my pretty girl ready to eat me out?” she asks, laughing softly again at your quick nod and the way you sit up straight, if you had a tail it would be wagging as you look up at her, all wide eyed and full of adoration.
your arms reach up to wrap around her thighs before ellie tuts and pushes your hands away, “i’m gonna fuck your face, baby,” she tells you, holding the back of your head and pulling you back towards the apex of her thighs, “i’m not gonna let you tease me, i’m gonna take what i want,” she tells you, one of her hands leaving your hand to grip your jaw, strong and demanding, “you’re gonna let me, right, honey?” she asks, raising an eyebrow at you and really, you’re helpless to deny her, pressing your thighs together and swallowing the spit pooling in your mouth.
“yeah ‘m gonna make you cum, els” you nod, trying not to sound too eager and hoping you don’t look too much like the bobble headed figures some people keep in their trucks. seeing her above you like this, her grip still strong on your jaw and at the back of your head, her pussy not an inch from your face and the little happy trail she takes effort to groom leading your gaze up her flat stomach to her chest, it all makes you feel a little lightheaded. she isn’t a particularly tall woman by any means but on your knees, looking up at her like this when she’s so undeniably in control, it makes you feel like she’s six foot tall.
“alright, honey,” she says, smiling down at you like she knows exactly what's going through your mind, you wouldn’t be surprised if she did, you’re sure that despite your best efforts it’s written all over your face, “such a good girl,” she mumbles, more to herself than to you, she gives your jaw a little shake before she lets you go, caressing your cheek as she speaks, “stick your tongue out, baby,” she tells you, smiling again when you obey her, “good girl,” she tells you again before she’s pressing your face into her pussy, groaning at the feeling of your tongue against her.
she tastes the way she usually does, clean and a little musky, her skin smells a little like lavender from the soap but your senses are predominantly overwhelmed by ellie. her thighs closed tight around your head, her hand firm and demanding on the back of your skull, her clit bumping against your nose as she rolls her hips against your face, your jaw working hard to keep up with the pace she’s set. her pubic hair is soft and a little wiry against your skin, the feeling of it only makes you wetter and you feel yourself blush though you’re sure it’s impossible to tell.
“open your eyes,” ellie pants, already looking down at you when you open them to look up at her, “fuck, honey,” she groans, a furrow in her brow as she works her hips faster against you, her other hand leaving the edge of the tub and reaching for her breast. you watch as she plays with herself, rolling her own nipple between her thumb and pointer finger in a way you know feels amazing. she’s rougher with herself than you ever would be, digging her nails into her skin hard enough to leave little crescent moons and moaning.
“need more, honey,” she tells you, almost sounding whiny but you’d never tell her that, she would pout for hours and you’d probably end up over her knee. she stands up from the side of the bath, hand leaving her breast so she can hold both sides of your head tighter against her as she circles her hips against your face, your tongue pressed up against the soft skin of her cunt. you can just about get in enough air to stay conscious as she continues to use your face to get herself off, the edges of your mind feeling a little fuzzy in a way you’d be embarrassed to admit you adore and your eyes watering, lashes clumping with tears. 
your chin is wet with her arousal and your spit, the slide of her hips only being made easier by how slick everything is becoming. you let your eyes flutter open again to watch ellie’s face twist in pleasure above you, the mounds of her breasts obscuring your view as she throws her head back but you can imagine the look on her face, the way her neck strains as she groans and the way her jaw clenches as you bump her clit. 
“i’m gonna cum,” ellie moans above you, “move your mouth up just a little, honey,” she instructs, an almost frantic edge to her voice and you hurry to do as she says, pressing your tongue flat against her clit, “shit, honey, fuck,” she moans, her hips bucking hard agaisnt you and her thighs shaking. you move your head up just a little more and suck firmly on her clit and her moans turn higher pitched as she comes closer to her orgasm. her thighs tense as she cums, her release coating your mouth and chin. she grinds against you firmly as she rides it out, her hips twitching as she groans, eventually letting go of the tight grip she has on your head when she’s done with the aftershocks. 
her fingers come to stroke over the sides of your face and cup your cheeks as you look up at her, face all shiny with spit and her release, a content little smile on your lips. it makes her feel sated on some deep primal level she’d rather not linger on, her girl covered in her cum after she’s taken everything she’s wanted from her. it makes her tummy heat up again and her cheeks burn red, she’s glad you can’t tell since she’s still flushed from her orgasm.
“good?” you ask, panting a little, you’re still a bit short of breath and your jaw is sore but it’s worth it to make her feel good, to know that you’re the source of all her pleasure. your hands reach for her thighs and she doesn’t bat them away this time so you take your time stroking her warm skin. she’s got soft, sparse hairs on her legs and you really shouldn’t be endeared by it but you can’t help it, you love her and you love her body, you don’t think you’ll ever get over it.
“so good, honey,” she sighs happily, leaning down to kiss you, “made me feel so good, such a good girl,” she smiles against your lips, kissing your cheek as she pulls away and reaching for a towel to wipe off your cheeks. her grip on your jaw gentle this time as she tilts your face so she can get you all cleaned off, she’s got a concentrated furrow in her brow and it feels so good to have all her attention directed at you, all her affection and tender touches, you feel like you might burst if you don’t let her know.
“hey,” you call softly, butting your head against her hands for attention, “i love you,” you tell her, not able to stop yourself from smiling when her face goes all soft and warm at your words. “i love you, too, honey,” she replies, bending down to kiss your forehead. she looks exhausted now, and you’re sure she’ll be complaining about her ‘scratch’ come morning but she’s here and in one piece and smiling her soft, happy, i love you smile so you can’t really find it in yourself to worry about anything at all.
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stargaze-issei · 4 years
Hi I was wondering if you could do some headcanons for Todoroki, Bakugo, Shoji and Tokoyami where maybe their s/o is injured after protecting some classmates for example how would they react after hearing about it and act towards the ones they were protecting and how they are really soft to their s/o. Does that make sense? Ooh and maybe how their class is shocked at them being soft towards their s/o. Sorry the request is so long
hi! this made me so soft, and i love every character so 🥺 thanks for requesting, bb! this is gonna be long lmao, so it's under the cut.
(also, im sorry for todoroki's one being so angsty and this taking so long, i had a couple of... rough days)
— 𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐬/𝐨 + 𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮, 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢, 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐣𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐦𝐢.
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bakugou katsuki.
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-> bakugou loves to see you work hard and push your own limits.
-> often, he just let's you train however you think it's best.
-> so when you say you're going to have some extra training with kirishima, he wishes you luck.
-> "don't be late for dinner, dumbass, or i'll kick shitty hair's ass" ofc he won't kick you, you're his precious s/o.
-> when you arrived to the gym kirishima had requested, there he was, accompanied by deku.
-> "i hope you don't mind midoriya tagging along", you didn't, actually.
-> everything went as usual, a few punches here and there, some laughs.
-> but, somehow, while both you and deku were testing red riot's resistance, izuku got way too into it and didn't realize only kirishima's arms were hardened.
-> you saw a kick flying to the red hair's torso, and your body moved by itself.
-> the impact had you thrown to the other side of the gym, barely staying conscious.
-> to you, everything was so fast.
-> to bakugou it was the other way around.
-> a sweaty kirishima appeared, looking desperately for him, without making one coherent sentence.
-> "y/n... infirmary... bad"
-> katsuki had NEVER blast out so fast. like, NEVER.
-> when he got to recover girl's office, you were sleeping. she explained to him that there wasn't anything major, but you were extremely tired, therefore, sleeping. recommended a few days of rest, and then you'd be good as new.
-> of course he heard you were never recovering almost dying.
-> deku was a crying mess, poor him was so scared, kirishima was trying to calm him down but it was impossible.
-> when bakugou knew HE had hurt YOU?
-> "what the fuck were you even doing there, huh? a damn quirk stealer like you shouldn't be fucking allowed near people who earned they own place here. what? were you jealous of them? stop fucking crying and ow–"
-> "katsuki. stop." nobody saw you woke up, you'd had to thank your boyfriend for that.
-> you asked everyone to leave and explained bakugou it wasn't midoriya's fault, so he shouldn't bully him.
-> he said yes to you but had now intention of stopping lmao.
-> they took you to your dorm room, where bakugou had already set a bed under yours so he could watch over you at nights.
-> nobody dared to stop him.
-> until you were allowed to go back to classes, he was to your demand. everyone was so surprised to see bakugou katsuki doing what he was asked willingly.
-> poor broccoli boy wasn't allowed to even look at you without gaining a whole menu of insults.
-> he apologized writing a note he gave to todoroki who gave it to you.
-> katsuki is really worried, like, reaaaally worried, so he makes you healthy meals, takes it to your room so you don't move too much and then washes the dishes.
-> "geez maybe i have to ask midoriya to kick me more often" HE WOULD LOOK YOU DEAD IN THE EYE AND CALL YOU THE BIGGEST IDIOT WITH NO HINT OF LOVE 😭
-> at school, he doesn't leave your side. if you complain on anything, even if it has NOTHING to do with your injury, won't stop until he fixes it.
-> kaminari, mina and sero tease him so. fucking. bad.
-> kirishima is kinda scared bc he thought you were dead for a second so prefers to let bakugou take good care of you.
-> whenever you feel a little pain at the place of the hit, he will warm his hands and put them on your torso.
-> the warm feeling helps to ease the pain, and he has an excuse to touch you. win win.
-> he's not angry at kirishima at all, even, if he has to leave you, kirishima is in charge of taking care of you.
-> but your favorite time is when you're alone with him, after school.
-> he'll get so soft towards you, stroking your hair, kissing your head.
-> the day after the accident, it was mainly because he was genuinely scared of something happening to you.
-> "you're so fucking dumb, shitty hair can take hits better than you do, what on earth was i supposed to do if you were actually hurt? don't do that, ever again, got it?"
-> you got a huge bruise from the impact though, and he kisses it before going to sleep to make sure it doesn't hurt 🥺
that was completely out of character but idcccc
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todoroki shoto.
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-> he's... intense, to say the least.
-> but it's just with you, like, he doesn't show it to everybody.
-> both of you are doing your internship, so you haven't spoke as much as usual.
-> he misses you, but knows you're fulfilling your dreams, so he'll wait.
-> you went to uwabami agency, along with yaoyorozu and kendou.
-> even though mostly it was just being her assistant, this one time you were called to a collapsed zone just outside of tokyo.
-> supposedly, the area was already secure when you arrived, you, momo and kendo used your quirks to help rescue trapped people wherever uwabami told you.
-> momo was trying to help a civilian, and didn't notice the big rock falling from above.
-> you launched yourself towards them, trying to push them out of the way.
-> the rock hit you instead.
-> you didn't remember a thing after that.
-> todoroki was at his father's agency when he got the call.
-> "please, get to the hospital quickly, i– y/n's in really bad shape, please, i'm so sorry"
-> to hear yaoyorozu crying, saying you were in the hospital?? he couldn't move at first. like, frozen.
-> but after understanding what was going on, he got to the hospital even before the ambulance.
-> he heard a commotion in the e.r., and run there.
-> you were on a gurney, covered in dirt and blood, carried by a bunch of paramedics screaming things to each others.
-> todoroki couldn't hear a thing, all he could focus on, was on your unconscious body.
-> he felt a hand placing on his shoulder, yaoyorozu was still crying and trying to explain him what had happened.
-> but he wanted to touch you, seeing you like that, like you were dead right in front of his eyes, he needed to feel your warm.
-> three nurses were needed to hold him from getting near you.
-> he was losing his little composure, and his left arm began to feel hotter and hotter.
-> you were taken to the operation room, leaving him on the edge of combusting in tears of impotence.
-> even though momo tried again and again to explain him, he shut down everything except you.
-> all he could think about was you, lying in a operation table, fighting for your life.
-> the rest of the u.a. arrived with time, the procedure didn't end.
-> everyone was more than shocked to see todoroki so feral, a single word or touch from someone could develop in a big fire, from the guy.
-> when the doctor finally came, shoto almost tackled him.
-> "they're going to be fine, there were a couple complications during the procedure, but everything turned out okay. we'll keep them in here for two weeks, in observation, but we're confident that they'll be leaving in less than a month".
-> for the first time in hours, todoroki actually breath.
-> the doctors allowed him into your room, and he decided to stay there until you could leave.
-> NOBODY was allowed there, besides your family and doctors.
-> he really felt like anyone else would hurt you.
-> when you woke up, he was sleeping besides you.
-> "oh, you're awake, baby, you're awake" as soon as he saw you, he took you into his arms.
-> after the doctors gave you permission to leave, he was right by to your side the whole time.
-> at the dorms, todoroki woke up before you to help you get ready, and went to sleep after so he made sure you were okay.
-> izuku understood your boyfriend worried, but highkey worried about his health.
-> for a while, todoroki ignored yaoyorozu existence, even if he knew it wasn't actually her fault, he hated that you put yourself in danger for someone else.
-> with time, you recovered and todoroki started to go back to his usual self.
-> but everyone remembered how hard can be to todoroki when his loved ones are in danger.
-> im sorry this doesn't have so much fluff
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shoji mezou.
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-> with shoji, we're going to skip right after you get injured.
-> because i'm sure he wouldn't be upset at whoever you were protecting.
-> he's a very logical dude, and understand you were doing your job as a hero.
-> and he loves you for it.
-> when they told him you got wounded, he tried real hard to hide how worried he was.
-> you are pretty strong, and lowkey stubborn so you accept getting treated instead of saying "it was nothing"?
-> it has to be at least a little serious.
-> but he's shoji, he's cool headed, he doesn't let his feelings cloud his judgement.
-> turns out, that rule didn't apply to you.
-> don't get me wrong, he didn't get violent like bakugou or todoroki.
-> he did freaked, asked recovery girl about your condition every five minutes.
-> "can i see them now? oh, right, sorry... are they alright? when will they be able to leave? can i go in now?"
-> no one had ever seen him so openly worried.
-> it's really observant, if you go back to school right after the incident, will notice immediately if something is wrong.
-> like you're in pain, or even uncomfortable because of your injury.
-> ask for permission to take you back to the dorms, you need to get rest and won't even argue about it.
-> if you have to stay in bed for a couple of days, be sure he will spend his day there.
-> tries everything to take your mind off your boring room.
-> tells you stories, lame jokes, keeps you updated on the class gossip, even if he usually doesn't like that kind of stuff.
-> "huh, yeah, midoriya and uraraka? right, they like each other, hm, i saw them having lunch together"
-> he might be a human radar but it's pretty much clueless when it comes to this things.
-> "they always have lunch together, mezou!" be nice to him, he's trying his best ):
-> i think everyone expects shoji to be soft when it comes to you, but not that soft.
-> once they saw him carrying you in his arms down the stairs, because "your wound hurt".
-> tokoyami was certainly shocked to see his friend like that.
-> is always hugging you with one or two of his arms.
-> will try to cook healthy meals, but fails.
-> he wants you to have enough nutrients and heal properly, okay?
-> buys you your favorite snacks and candies before going to the dorms.
-> shoji doesn't want his beloved s/o to get depressed for being locked up too long, and gives his best to make you feel happy.
-> is insanely shy about it though, and will try to hide his excellent-boyfriend side.
-> lots!! of!! cuddles!!
-> if you're okay with it, will take advantage of the situation and cuddle you like crazy.
-> i mean, you can't get out of bed and he just happens to have six arms willing to keep you warm and cozy.
-> is your number one caretaker and will continue being it until you feel better bc he's best boi 🥰
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tokoyami fumikage.
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-> just as todoroki, he's intense af.
-> if you're apart, he would text you everyday, you know, just checking.
-> even when he went away to work with hawks, still managed to find the time to talk to you.
-> benefits of being his s/o.
-> and it was at that time you got into an accident.
-> he instantly got worried when you didn't reply to his text after an hour, two hours, three hours.
-> you usually let him know if you're busy, but you just said you were going on a walk with kaminari.
-> hawks saw him getting upset, and gave him permission to go see you.
-> just when he was going out, midoriya called him.
-> "hi, tokoyami, i'm sorry i didn't call you before, um, please don't freak out, y/n got... y/n got hit by a car, but she's okay! it was not as bad as it sounds! we're at recovery–"
-> it wasn't tokoyami who got out of control, it was dark shadow.
-> poor thing got so scared something happening to you, he took tokoyami and flew towards you.
-> when he arrived, kaminari, midoriya, and a couple of your friends were outside u.a.'s infirmary.
-> turns out, while walking with kaminari, messing around, he got distracted and cross the street without looking.
-> the car managed to stop a little but you pushed him out the way and got hit anyways.
-> since there wasn't anything too damaged, recovery girl had already cured you when tokoyami arrived.
-> "are you alright, my love?" he wasn't that good with words, but you felt his worry through his eyes.
-> he couldn't avoid touching your face and arms while you were in the gurney.
-> i think he's those kind of guy who moves frenetically his hands when he's nervous.
-> you had to grab both his hands bc he was getting you nervous lol.
-> "they're fine, but i recommend having a few days off, in case your leg hurts more than normal, let me know, okay?" and with that, dark shadow took you to your room.
-> as worried as he was, he tried to keep his temper.
-> "are you sure you don't need anything? dark shadow can help you down stairs, i can do it too, something to eat, maybe? or s–"
-> you'd have to tell him ten times you're alright, and repeat it another twenty times.
-> and he would still ask you spontaneously.
-> while you're at the dorms and he's at class, people keep asking him how are you.
-> he says you're okay and he isn't worried, but dark shadow practically cries saying how much he misses you.
-> "fumikage misses them too, all he does is thinking about them"
-> tokoyami blushes hard if he can.
-> takes notes in class and gives you your late homework.
-> also helps you do it but do NOT give you the answers, you're smart enough to do it by yourself.
-> "see? i knew you could do it, my love"
-> leave me alone he only calls you my love.
-> he isn't a fan of cuddles, but seeing you in that condition?
-> is one of the few times he ASKS YOU to cuddle.
-> strokes your hair, gives you head kisses.
-> i strongly believe he sings to make you feel better.
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pls scream about Leo a lil bit cause my love for that man is neverending and i live for you guys' blog,,, and ur comte love fuels me??? head empty except for those two pureblood clowns
HNGNGNG I hope that both you and everyone that reads my shenanigans knows how utterly understood I feel when I see anyone stan Comte, if not both of those idiot purebloods bc good lord...I live for two tired fossil men that just want DOMESTIC BLISS. Literally they have no brain cells beyond respect women and we love that for us, it’s spectacular!!
Under a cut bc I went off and is long:
That being said I’d be happy to yell abt Leo!! Where do I even begin, this man was the reason I got into Ikevamp in the first place, and I’ve read just about every single one of his events at this point. He just makes me so TENDER!!!!!! For whatever reason the first thing that came to mind was this one time he lies about being jealous and MC is lolol u a fool if you think I can’t tell when you lie to me. And he’s so fuckiNG SHOOK?????? It’s even funnier because she’s internally like [I’m not 100% sure but for a second there he almost looked mad...time to test this theory even if it’s just A GAME T H E O R Y] And he’s so fucking pikachu meme that shit sends me. I can’t handle the fact that he’s so used to people just assuming he’s fine, that he can handle himself. That he’s lived for so long without really anyone noticing at all. (Comte absolutely notices and will lightly roast him, but doesn’t really push him about it or wants to overstep). And so when MC just actively pays attention and is so gentle with him he’s just floored???
God I’m crying now, but I will just never forget the funeral scene in his fucking rt. This asshole, this absolute moron, straight up tries to come at us with “yOu GeT uSeD tO iT aFtEr HaLf A mIlLeNiUm, i’M nOt SaD”. Like are you serious. Come here and let me hold you before I throttle you. Absolute clown. He’s just always trying so hard to get by on his own and it breaks my heart. How long...how long has he lived just getting by, nursing his own wounds and dragging himself up all by himself. HE LEFT HOME AT LIKE 14 (whatever the fuCK SOME TOO YOUNG AGE) AND RAN STRAIGHT INTO THE HANDS OF PEOPLE THAT HATED HIM FOR HIS TALENT. HE REMEMBERS HIS MENTORS DESTROYING HIS UTENSILS WHILE TRYING TO ESCAPE PARENTS THAT WHOLEHEARTEDLY REJECTED ANY EXPRESSION OF LOVE OR COMPASSION FOR HUMANITY THAT HE CHERISHED SO DEEPLY. I DON’T NEED SLEEP I NEED TO HUG HIM IMMEDIATELY FUCKING HELL.
Like.........there’s just........I don’t know how to explain it, but I once saw it explained so well in a post. It was basically talking about Castlevania, and how in that show Dracula sees humanity’s folly and develops so much hatred he just goes straight to murder rage. And while in some ways I understand that, I understand even more deeply Trevor’s response to humanity’s fear and violence. He says that he knows they’re short-sighted, that maybe we all just don’t deserve saving...but that he’s going to do it anyway. Leonardo just so much gives me that energy of knowing there’s so much pain in the world, but all we can do is keep walking--keep trying, even if we have to claw our way forward. Because if you only see the awfulness in front of you, you forget the way that strangers make silly faces at babies to make them laugh on the train, how a friend will put everything down to race over to someone and comfort them with some ice cream--do anything they can to distract them from the hurt. How the sight of a child crying will prompt careful cooing from a stranger as to their bravery, an offering of cool water, the gentle placement of a bandaid. How a pair of teenagers will spot a lost child in milliseconds and help them seek out their parents protectively. There is so much wretchedness, but also so much beauty in it all, and the older I get the more I see myself wanting to believe in the latter. I want to be hopeful, and easily impressed, and full of love. To be bitter and jaded accomplishes nothing, and only becomes a worsening self-fulfilling prophecy. The more you seek negativity, the more you will find it; and worse, create it.
I also scream a little bit bc like. I’ve gone on and on about how Comte is very obviously in love with MC all the time, and sure that may be true. But...I really don’t think Leo is exempt from that either if I’m honest lmfao. Only because what does Leonardo do when it isn’t his route? He almost never shows up. Once in a while he might appear for a split second in a scene, but he almost never converses with MC beyond those short moments. While Comte is the one to pine openly, I’d wager Leo is the opposite. He pines in absolute silence, because he knows that if he gets any closer--he’s going to fall. He’s going to enjoy it too much, going to keep seeking out more before he can stop himself. And losing another person he loves...he just can’t do it anymore. In his first meeting story he talks about seeing MC’s eyes and feeling like he’d known them all his life, and even in his MS he speaks to just being completely fascinated by and enamored of her. She doesn’t hesitate, always does her best, meets people head-on and without much hesitation. After a lifetime of people that are probably just immediately interested in him for his talents, or always seeking out his company for the novelty, this is someone that doesn’t give a single fuck if he’s Leonardo da Vinci. Sure she’s aware, and sure she’s impressed to some extent, but her respect--her attraction and admiration--is something that has to be earned. 
There’s something so refreshing about how their love was written. Sure it’s the whole fake marriage to a real relationship, but it’s also a kind of subtle enemies to lovers pulled off masterfully. MC is 100% minding her own business, just wants to do what she must in order to get home, tries to focus on her work to keep from thinking about how much she misses her old life. She doesn’t rely on anyone, doesn’t talk about how hard it is or how scary it is or how confusing. And even Leonardo forgets in his curiosity, is just chillin and also just trying to do the bare minimum to keep from getting too attached--figures he can admire her from a distance. And then he sees her staring at the hourglass. And suddenly, he can’t just watch her do that herself. Just wait for the hard times to pass, just sit with her own loneliness--that hollowing silence. There’s something so moving about it because he reaches out precisely because he knows that feeling to his fucking marrow, and literally just cannot watch somebody else do that to themselves. Sure he’s been dealing with it for three hundred years, BUT THIS GOOD BABIE CHILD DOES NOT DESERVE THIS. SHE WORKS HARD AND DESERVES NICE THINGS!!!!!!!! And so he drives her crazy as he races ahead of her, intercepting any attempt for her to preserve that silence and hide. She doesn’t see any pattern to it, and that’s just how he likes it--he doesn’t want her to worry about the how or why. 
Like I fully remembering playing in Japanese and being like oh my fucking god this is hilarious, this man is just a wild fucker and I love this. I was enjoying myself, mostly laughing and shaking my head. But then it just gets so, so serious. I was having so much fun that I, like a fool, forgot the anime effect. If you’re having fun, it’s going to come crashing down without mercy soon enough. And it does. He helps a little girl without any hope play her violin again, and maybe I’m just too English major but I was fucking FLOORED when I realized I didn’t see that that was straight foreshadowing. That little girl without hope? That was MC (and by extension depending on how you play, us). Though the metaphor isn’t quite so easily mapped without a physical space, the connection is clear when you think about it. With his careful social awareness, he makes a place for MC to exist in the mansion so naturally--as though she was meant to be there from the start, crafts a positive impression of her presence with each of the residents. And he does it with zero expectation of anything in return; he’s just happy to see her not stressing herself out anymore or trying to do everything alone. MC doesn’t fall in love with him despite their differences, she falls in love with him because they are the same in a singular and all-encompassing way that matters; they both care about other people so deeply, to the point where they will forego any personal needs in order to make that person’s life easier. Whether it be muting their own hardship, or working to involve another person in a new space (or opening up to the point of self-destruction to keep a person from feeling alone), they go above and beyond what anybody asks of them--perhaps strong to the point of their own detriment, in some cases. 
It’s why I always laugh when he says to Sebastian “That cara mia, she has a good heart.” Of course she does, Leonardo; it certainly takes one to know one. 
Like. I can’t think of another route I’ve ever done where I spent a good amount of time like “lmfao this guy is so wild im gonna punch him” to just be in a whirlpool of my own tears, regretting my entire fucking LIFE days later. Like Leonardo’s cultural impact???? Fucking immeasurable, I wish every white man disaster I ever met had a hidden heart of gold in all of his boyish dumbassery, an ICONIC himbo of our time. 
Also because I remembered it before posting and I am Dying^TM. The event where MC was a pureblood and he was human. That entire fucking event. I literally can’t think about it without screaming and crying. Her just so flustered at his reaction to her like “oh look, free real estate” as he plops her in his lap, absolutely no fear, treating her like a princess because of her noble title despite NO NECESSITY BEYOND PLAYFULNESS BUT ALSO STILL MEANING IT IN AN EARNEST WAY, being charming to no END just to see her laugh or look away shyly. 
WHEN HE SAID. WHEN HE SAID “...Can’t leave you alone, or you might go off someplace I can’t follow.” I. CONGRATULATIONS, YOU STRIPPED DEVOTION DOWN TO ITS BARE ESSENTIALS!!!!!! GAH HOW MC HERSELF SAYS “I would tell him the truth but...he’s much too generous for a human. I know he would offer his life without a moment’s hesitation.” How Leo describes the aftermath of her biting him: “Lucky for you, I’m a true gentleman, Unlike my principessa, who took me like a storm” HELLO??????? H E L  L O ???????????????????????? ARE WE JUST GOING TO SLEEP ON THE FACT THAT HE LOST HIS ENTIRE SOUL WHEN SHE BIT HIM???? I--
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
(Also as much as I love him the cigarillos have got to go at some point, boy do you have any idea the shit secondhand smoke does good lordt)
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Hooooly molly, okay, how about an scenario/headcanons with Subaru and his depressed s/o. Subaru wants to help but also feels an overwhelming feeling that he has to stay away bc "he is a monster" (gosh Subaru, stop pls?) and his s/o instead looks at him all vulnerable and ask him to stay by their side unknowingly confusing the boy but also giving him the fuzzy hope? Bonus points if Subaru knows their s/o is not the kind to ask for this things openly bc they feel unworthy and troublesome!!
(I hope this was similar to what you were imagining! ^^)
Head canons with Subaru + his depressed s/o:
-His s/o hates people going out of their way for her sake/feels like she isn’t worth their breath.
-Subaru insists she is worth the world and more.
-She takes a while to come around and says openly but she eventually says what’s on her mind, ”Please stay with me …I need you”
- Is very honest that if he’s not their she’ll loose it and probably end up doing something she’ll regret.
-Subaru is genuinely worried/panicking, he wants to be their especially since she’s asked but still feels like he might hurt her.
- Subaru eventually gives in and stays by her side but his heart sinks when he sees her start to cry, yet she’s not even aware of it herself; he ends up wiping them away but they just keep coming.
- Lots of crying and holding each other really tight
-Subaru feels like if he doesn’t hold to her tightly he’ll loose her so his anxiety is peeking through the roof.
- Subaru starts feeling like crying seeing his s/o cry with such dark and empty eyes.
-Maybe some screaming(if it’s really bad) she’ll claw at his back trying to vent out her emotions
-Subaru won’t complain but he’ll rub her back to try and comfort her in whatever way he can.
- When it gets to all time lows Subaru suggests they go for a walk through the rose garden and enjoy nature to try and get out of the dark place in their minds. (especially his s/o)
-He’ll hold his s/o’s hand or hold her close and tell her that’s she’ll get through it because she’s so strong.
-Will shyly tell her how much he loves her and may (depending on how he’s feeling) give her a soft kiss on the lips.
-They’d be really quite after that and Subaru would panic that he did something wrong
-His s/o would thank him before they’d return to their room.
-He’d hide anything sharp or dangerous just in case, he’s really scared that he’ll fall asleep and find her dead/or with his brothers who are no help what so ever in his opinion.
-He’ll lock the door as a second measure.
-His s/o would try and pamper herself to get into a good mood again by wearing her favourite clothes and maybe doing some art to vent her feelings out in a healthy way.
-She’d eventually fall asleep against Subaru who would just be day dreaming and would start talking to her after a while but when she didn’t respond he would think that she was ignoring him and he’d get annoyed/worried.
-When he finds out she fell asleep though he blushes softly and give her a tender kiss to her forehead and holds her hand as he tries to fall asleep too.
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vastfandoms · 6 years
Good, Not Bad
Sirius Black x Gender Neutral!Reader
Request: Omg you blog is perf! Rly specific I'm sorry Would you at all be able to write a Sirius x reader where Y/N is like crazy shy and would panic if he asked her on a date and say no so they hang out together as friends until she's comfortable with him (over a period of time) and then one day in winter or whatever they end up cuddling bc it's so cold but she's normally not at all affectionant and then he kisses her and thinks he's screwed up then she kisses him back? Also she turns red at everything.
A/N: How much am I a sucker for anything marauders? A Sirius one. Hahahaha, I hate myself :D I hope you enjoy this though! ALSO!!!! MY DUDES!!! I am planning on (trying my very hardest) to post something every day for this month. Whether that be a drabble or a fic, so please send drabble/headcanon ideas in!!! SEND IN ALL THE THINGS!!! 
WARNINGS: Mostly fluff, a passing mention of his abusive home/parents
Sirius Black was good at a lot of things.
He excelled at making his friends laugh, he was great at knowing how to wrap his professors around his finger. He was good at protecting his friends and cheering them up. He knew how to make you turn bright red or how to bring that small, shy smile he was so fond of. Sirius Black was good at a lot of things, it was true, but he was never good at making you feel comfortable enough to fall in love with him.
At first, he was persistent, he loved to watch you fluster and stutter out a witty response. In the beginning, he fell in love with the quietness you brought into his life. You were all flushed cheeks and sweet smiles as he spoke to you, trying to make you laugh, trying to be suave.
Then, it changed, pick-up lines turned into asking how you were, compliments turned into listening to your stories, smirks turned to smiles. Him teasing you turned to him being on the receiving end of his friends’ teasing.
There was something still, something comfortable and safe about you. Not home, because he never really had one - he didn’t really know the meaning of it. He knew that when he was around you, he didn’t have to be Sirius The Prankster, or Sirius The Trouble-Maker or Sirius The Disappointment. He was just Sirius. He was the Sirius he could be around his friends. The one who loved to joke and mess around with his friends, but he could be softer. He could let go of trying to be strong all the time.
Sirius Black was good at a lot of things.
He was good at flirting and cheering you up. He was good at shutting himself off, building a wall until you came and tore it down. He wasn’t good at sharing. At crying. At mourning. But with you, it became easier. You were there, sitting, listening, offering him a tissue and a soft smile at the end, telling him it would all alright.
Over time, you opened up. You still blushed when he teased, all hot cheeks and averted gazes, but you laughed openly, head thrown back and wide, toothy grins. You sat closer to him, squeezed his knee when he needed it, shoved him when you thought he deserved it.
You were good at a lot of things. You were good at making Sirius laugh. You were good at your work, and what you could do as soon as you put your mind to it. And Merlin, did Sirius admire you for it. 
“Hey,” Sirus smiled, sitting beside you in front of the fire, “when did you become the deviant?”
You rolled your eyes, pulling your blanket tighter around your chest. The sun had set hours ago, all of the common room occupants disappearing into their dorms with it. You had stayed in your room, tossing and turning in sheets which failed to warm despite your efforts. “Couldn’t sleep, it was too cold.”
Sirius nodded, “Yeah, it’s been freakishly cold lately.”
You nodded and pulled your legs up to your chest, wrapping the blanket around you like a cocoon. 
“Are you okay?” He frowned, tilting his head as he looked at you.
You felt your face warm under his piercing gaze and shifted slightly, ducking your chin under the blanket. “Yeah, I’m fine,” you reassured, wondering when your heart had started to beat faster and that if it was as loud for him as it was for you, “just tired.”
He nodded, turning to the fire and letting the warmth wash over him.
“How come you’re up?”
Because I can’t stop thinking about you, he wanted to reply. “Lads were too loud with their snoring,” he said instead, “thought I might be able to catch some peace and quiet here.”
You wrinkled your nose in empathy, but a giggle still bubbled in your chest, “That sucks.”
He chuckled and the sound vibrated in your chest, pushing a smile to your face. “That��s one way to put it.”
You shrugged with a grin, a quick but comfortable silence falling over the two of you. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Sirius shift and you glanced over as he wrapped his arms around his legs. “Oh shit, sorry Sirius,” you immediately apologised, chastising yourself for not being more mindful. You unwrapped the blanket from your frame, moving closer to him and throwing it over the pair of you in a single action.
“No, it’s alright,” he tried to stop you as you adjusted the blanket, covering both of your feet and legs, “Y/N, really.”
You ignored him as you leaned back, satisfied that the pair of you were finally covered with the warm, fluffy blanket. “No, it’s my fault, if it was cold for me then obviously it was cold for -” you turned to look at him, breath catching in your throat as you realised suddenly how close you were, “you.”
You bit your lip, trying to push away the warmth that tingled your cheeks as you looked away. You kept your eyes on the flickering flames, hyper-aware of the way his shoulder pressed against yours, his warm arm against yours as his hand rested between you two. A thought invaded your mind, quickly and silently as you imagined what it would be like to slip your hand into his.
You settled for moving closer into him as you shuffled into a more comfortable position, closing your eyes and resting your head on his shoulder as your need for contact outgrew your anxiety about it. You weren’t good at showing how you felt. Most of the times it was through making sure the people you cared about were okay, making sure they were happy and fed and had someone to talk to. Physical contact was something you felt awkward about. Hugs always felt awkward and cuddling never felt right in your previous relationships. But this?
The instant calmness that washed over you at the small contact between you? It felt... right. You weren’t with Sirius, the Prankster, or Sirius, the other Black. You were with Sirius. A boy you had found yourself falling in love with the more his heart and life opened around you.
‘Hey, Y/N?” He asked softly, afraid to disrupt the serenity of the situation.
You hummed, cracking your eyes open.
“I... uh...”
You waited patiently, the worries and stresses of the day slowly melting away, blissfully unaware of the turmoil in Sirius’ mind. Sirius Black was good at a lot of things, but telling you how he felt about you was not one of them.
“I, uh, just wanted to apologise for being an arse when we first met.”
You smiled at the memory, “Yeah, you were a bit of an arse.”
His shoulders shook with laughter and you grinned to yourself, knowing that the man you knew now would never approach you in that way ever again. Sirius’ heart fluttered in his chest, painfully aware of the way your head nestled perfectly into the crook of his neck and shoulder, cheeks slightly flushed from the heat of the fire as your lashes fluttered against your skin. He had never wanted to kiss you at that moment more.
Sirius Black was good at a lot of things. Telling you he was falling for you wasn’t one of them. But he could show you. “Y/N?” He pulled away from you slightly, and you lifted your head, turning to look at him.
“I... I’m going to do something,” he brought his face closer to yours, your gaze flicked to his lips, wondering if he was about to do what you had thought about for so long. “Just... tell me to stop if I’ve -” his eyes flicked to your lips, you could feel his slow breaths as he spoke, but you weren’t really paying attention to his words anymore, “- got it wrong.”
Then, just like that, his lips were on yours. His surprisingly soft, warm, wonderful lips moved with yours in a dance only the two of you knew. Your eyes fluttered shut and your hand moved to cradle his face, a smile pushing its way onto your lips.
“You weren’t wrong.” You muttered once you pulled away for a breath, giggling softly as Sirius tilted his head to kiss you once again.
Sirius Black was good at a lot of things. Loving you was one of them.
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captain-spandex · 6 years
20-30 for all three of your ocs; Nash, Anna, and Mouse
20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?
Anna loooooves musicals and music! Her favorite is either Fiddler on the Roof or Cats. And when her favorite songs come on she sways a little and hums/sings along.
Nash isn’t really into musicals but she loves music! She’s a big fan of Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, and Gillian Welch. also classic rock. She sings out loud and proud when she hears her favorite songs.
Mouse isn’t into like a lot of music, but they do love (weirdly enough) electronica. Especially Daft Punk. They don’t sing but they love to dance (which is mostly just them hopping around).
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
Anna is very patient. She rarely loses her temper. But if she does it’s like a quiet anger. She has to remove herself, breathe, and then come back when she’s not as emotional to discuss the problem rationally and without yelling.
Nash is a pretty laidback person, so she isn’t quick to anger, but when you do piss her off hoo boy. You either have to prepare for two things: Her getting hotheaded and yelling, or her smiling. Plotting when to get you back when you least expect it. Either way: Run.
Mouse doesn’t get angry but frustrated. They are v passive aggressive, mumbling under their breath, huffing and sighing, pouting and moping and crying. 
22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?
Anna like to lead by example, so she doesn’t insult people often, nor does she do it behind their back, but if someone is rly getting on her nerves by being rude and hateful(for instance: Hurk Drubman Sr.) she’ll use some of her grandmother’s Farsi insults under her breath.
Nash will be both a bitch to your face and behind your back. Her favorite insults are very colorful like: “Go shit on a stick” and “go fuck a chainsaw”. And then she’ll steal your keys and lock them in your car.
Mouse isn’t very confrontational, so usually they’ll just whisper insults to Boz like: “God do they even realize how stupid they sound?” “squeak squeak “🐭 “I know!”
23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?
Anna has a very good memory both long and short term. Mostly she’s great with faces and oddly enough voices.
Nash is pretty good with long term stuff. Worse with short term. Really good with faces most of the time but pretty bad at remembering names or where she knows them.
Mouse has the worst memory. Always misplacing things, and they don’t really interact with a lot of people enough to remember their names?
24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
Anna is a very light sleeper, She usually sleeps cuddling a pillow, how she used to sleep huddled next to her husband was alive.
Nash is a restless sleeper. Always tossing and turning and mumbling in their sleep. It isn’t till she and sharky start sharing a bed that she actually feels rested.
Mouse can sleep anywhere and on anything. A roof? a cliff-side? the top of the fang center cheeseburger sign? You name it and they can sleep on it.
25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
Anna loves good natured jokes, silly humor. Like maybe the McElroy brother’s brand of humor? She doesn’t make jokes too often but when ppl joke with her she’s v good at playing along.
Nash is v much like Sharky and Hurk. She’s just kinda naturally funny and silly and makes situations fun. She’s good at starting up banter.
Mouse loves puns and like jokes that are setup. But they often don’t get sarcasm or like subtle humor. They are also v susceptible to other ppl laughing, so like even if they don’t get the joke if other ppl are laughing they’ll laugh with them. If they laugh too hard they Snort
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions?
If Anna is excited or happy she’ll kinda dance a little and hum a little toon. Maybe clap.
Nash laughs! She loves laughing and if she’s rly happy she’ll hug/pick up whoever is in her immediate vicinity!
When Mouse is happy they start stimming! They flap their hands and nod their head bc they’re just! So happy!
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?
Anna often gets sad if she feels like she’s not doing the right thing or if she feels like she’s failing those around her. She hides her tears though, she has to be strong so that others won’t worry. She hides her emotions pretty well, but you can kinda tell when she’s sad bc she’s not as playful and her smile falters when she thinks no one is looking.
Nash will only let ppl she rly trusts and is rly close to know when she’s upset. She’s very private, and if she’s around ppl she doesn’t trust she acts like she usually does.
When Mouse gets overwhelmed (which is often) and sad they cry a lot. Usually they aren’t around ppl but even if they are they still cry.
28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
Anna is scared she’s not doing enough to be a good mother. That she isn’t spending enough time with Gabriel bc of work. She’s also just in general scared of blood. She doesn’t faint or cower when she’s scared, she more just goes through the motions of what she needs to do.
Nash’s biggest fear is her mother. Her mother was v abusive growing up and she’s terrified of her mother finding her. She’s also scared of drowning. When she’s scared she gets belligerent and reckless.
Mouse is scared of crowds and people. They hate the feeling of being watched. They’re also afraid of a lot of other things. When they’re scared they mumble and try to make themselves smaller.
29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective?
Anna gets very motherly when she finds out someone else’s fear. She holds them close (if they don’t mind being touched) and she says it’s okay to be scared.
Nash tries to make the scary thing seem not so scary. Like she doesn’t want to belittle their fear but she tries to make it a bit more silly than scary.
Mouse tries to comfort them by naming their own fears. They figure that if the person knows that they aren’t the only one scared of shit they’ll feel better.
30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out?
Anna does work out in the morning before work. She does push ups and sit-ups and a bit of yoga. Plus when she has time off she takes Gabriel hiking! 
Nash is like a hardcore rock climber. She does it on her days off and loves it. She loves climbing up to the Whitetails lookout bc its a great view. After she gets back down she feels exhausted but like, at peace with herself and the world.
Mouse does the bare minimum? They walk everywhere though since they don’t have a car. They don’t mind it. They’re pretty scared of driving actually.
Thank you so much, Alexis!!!!
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rqs902 · 4 years
for a split second i actually thought tencent had bought them gifts but LOL oh its their parents that makes more sense 
ofc zzn would be with ljt’s groupppp hahahha aw im glad nana got to work with a group she had previously said she’d wanted to collab with. 
lol why do i feel like langlang is bringing all his friends and family onto this show LOL 
i cant tell if i like xiao li without bangs better, but a change isnt bad, gives him a new look 
oof the way xiao li says “im someone who doesn’t have a father” being raised by his mom and aunt and just remembers broken plates from his childhood, and left at 13?? its been 6 years?? wild 
and hyt commiserating talking about how admirably strong he thinks his mom is too but then im like wait a minute... they’re probably the two that contributed the most to making this song (well mostly xiao li) but theyre the ones whose parents didnt come, that’s sad :(
i respect xiao li rocking this bright colored hoodie in a sea of black LOL
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wow i think he’s saying that music should have a personal touch to it, tell a story, and even tho growing up sometimes there are moments that aren’t happy, when you look back it may still be a treasured moment. is he talking about the broken plates? wow this just got real deep real fast and im just so intrigued by his artistic mind wow im just grateful that his group mates are really letting him drive their musical direction. i mean thats part of why hyt chose him, for his composition abilities, so im not surprised but its really so cool that his group is helping him tell such a personal story through their music 
pushu complimenting xiao li’s guitar composition in the demo and xiao li’s like im the one playing it :’) xiao li is really so talented wow
wait why did they do the elims in the middle of them making their own compositions tho? that just makes it sad that the groups that didnt make it didnt get to show their music and the reshuffled groups are at a huge disadvantage they only have 3 days left?? the timing seems bad
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so basically xiao li did everything except hyt made his own drum part and they all supposedly wrote the lyrics together 
wow this song is.... oof. im still trying to process 
on a side note, i was kinda worried how mz would fit in this group but its great that he can be their bass player! and tbh im still kinda questioning xiao xiong’s singing, like it still sounded kinda pitchy to me but maybe its at least improving like gem said lol
but back to the song, when asked why a song about family isnt more warm, the way xiao li said life can be cruel but he still sees it as beautiful when he looks back and he still loves his family. i think thats why this song creates such conflicting emotions in me. its sad and even spiteful but also touching. you can feel how lonely and lost he’s been in life, but he recognizes he’s still loved. theres a lot of complicated emotions presented in the space of a few minutes (which shows how real and personal this song is) and i think i need to listen a few more times to help me digest his story. i feel like the messy, discordant chords in his piano solo represent his inner feelings and im grateful and amazed that he was willing to share his vulnerabilities so openly. 
Oof I read xiao li's weibo post about this song and it's so poetic I had to use the dictionary but oof it just made me think of hyt saying it seems like xiao li has been through a lot. I'm grateful he says he isnt lonely with the family members he loves (again sad they couldnt come support him...) I'm wondering what the meaning behind his words is when he says he still has candy and can forever be a child. At least he says he'll be happy.
OOF continuing with another sad story, man maybe its why that group of kids are so close, xu yang also talking about being raised by his mom (and zk too) from meager beginnings. kinda sad he cant perform the song himself but at least his friends can publicize it for him? i do feel like it wouldve been even more emotional for xu yang to have been in the perf himself :\ they did make it together but writing the lyrics shapes the whole message of the song. glad to see zk and jym are on good terms still and xu yang supported them to perform the song. 
well im glad to see that the adults are able to whip the kids in qiang ge’s group into shape so muji and wjy can work together lol seems like qiang ge’s learning from them and gaining confidence. oof qiang ge’s father being responsible for a family with 5 kids and always getting sick
happy to see mty so happy on stage and qiang ge so happy to see his parents and muji being so gentle with his little brother 
im tearing up at wjy talking about his grandma’s noodles and then qiang ge being all “arent my noodles good too?” I CRACKED UP HAHHAHAHAHHAHA
me watching xiao zhi’s group: wow xiao zhi is such a great older bro
AW muji’s little bro sitting at muji’s desk with the rest of the kids backstage !!! and then high fiving the kids going on stage !!!  
zhang yang’s always seemed a bit like an awkward turtle but you can tell he really loves his group mates, its sweet
oh ljt’s comment about parents gradually becoming like kids and the kids have to learn to 包容 them.... thats so real 
did nannan just walk in with a SUP DUDE.... HAHAHHAHAHAHA
nice to see jym has found peace within their group haha and not surprised ljt’s dad likes ljt’s music but zzn’s dad thinks zzn’s music is too loud L O L 
lol they said liu yang wrote the music and szb and ljt wrote the lyrics, then how come the credits have only ljt for the music and lyrics?? 
lol ljt’s dad’s singingggg hahahhah 
i teared up at szb’s mom’s words bc it must be hard for her to blame herself for everything
LOL JYM’S DAD !!! they seem to have a fun relationship. and i love how ljt saw jym sit down and immediately went to check to make sure he was okay. 
oof rip wu xing’s dad being like uh so we cared more about your older brother when you were growing up oops
but wu xing’s song may be my favorite from this ep. theyre not my favorite group, but i like this song.  
LOL zjy’s dad seems fun, why do i suddenly get the feeling thats how i imagine ljt would be like as a dad L O L 
oof hyt saying hes not surprised his dad didnt show up but he felt like something was wrong when he mom said she was sick. then asking whether parents should hide something like hospitalization from their kids... thats rough
aw muji’s mom feeling so sad for hyt and crying when saying muji would also feel like something was wrong if she hadnt shown up.. aw 
honestly i cant tell if i like muji in particular, bc there are times where i feel like his personality seems a bit unique in a way im not sure if he’d be easy to get along with, but i respect that hes repping his culture and staying strong and seems very close with his family. 
xiao xiong’s cantonese tongue twisters with the badminton LOL that made me laugh, he just seems so pure
man im sad that xiao zhi’s group is least popular, so they’ll likely be broken up. MAN if xiao zhi gets eliminated ill be sad......... hopefully he’ll get saved and jus reshuffled bc it may be cool to see him in a different context. itll be weird to imagine him as a side addition rather than the main pillar of a group tho. 
yall at this rate hyt’s group is gonna win this competition and idk how i feel about that even tho i like them. 
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