#bc it's the warm and earthy kinda tones
analyticallyminded · 1 year
what colors make up your name?
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tagged by : stolen from @tiderider tagging : you
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decembermoonskz · 2 years
carnation, daffodil, and iris!!!
carnation - does true love exist?
yes. in my opinion it does. but I also don’t think there’s only one true love for people. like people believe that true love is just one person and if you lose that person you lost your true love. I disagree and believe true love is a mutual feeling between people rather than one person.
daffodil - which colour suits you best?
hmmm if we’re talking about clothes I kinda think grey and earthy tones fit me the best. and black. I don’t normally like to wear bright colors unless they accent my clothes. if it’s just in general, I think yellow and lilac fit me as a person and also like very warm brown. (all for different reasons lol)
iris - favourite 90s song?
honestly I had to look this up LMFAO bc I’m terrible with knowing when music came out sometimes. I’d probably pick waterfalls by tlc or weak by swv tho if I had to pick smth *nod nod*
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pop-punklouis · 2 years
Hi Hope!
Happy happy birthday!! IDK if it's still your birthday, bc it is in my timezone and that's all I think I'm right on, but still. I'm a little sick so I only got round to this now 😭 I hope you have/had a wonderful day and I hope the year ahead brings you the bestest things and everything you can dream of 💞 and I definitely hope you find time to relax not just in this holiday season but throughout the upcoming year.
Re: shows. I see your point, and I do think it was kinda random that suddenly everything in the upside down is connected to ONE villain and it's a little complicated trying to make that connection. But I also kinda liked finding that out and spiraling over it what can I say I'm easy to please 😩 HOWEVER I think they could've done more with the mind flayer and esp the connection to Will like he deserves his moment I hate how they kinda just dropped it and I'm begging next season to revisit it. Season 2 was TOP TIER sigh.
Re: degree. As Louis said, faith in the future, y'know? I'm sure things will fall into place for you even though the uncertainty can be very scary. I FEEL you with the aspiring to me a mountain mama thing pls I keep saying I wanna disappear to like a remote island or something and live in peace 😩
Nooo that sounds so chaotic rip I hope your gifts are arriving in time etc some of my stuff is yet to come and I've just accepted my fate 💀 and we have a fake tree, we bought a gorgeous new one this time, chucked the old one. Never had a real tree :( so wouldn't know what it's like but it sucks that you couldn't get a real one this time especially when you're used to having one always :(
Re: color palette. Are you me?? Those are deadass the colors I'd pick for me too. I love earthy tones, I love all shades of green, and mauve, maroons. But also love muted shades, like pastels but with that grey tinge so it's even duller idk it's very calming to me.
Question for the day: who would you say inspires you?
Hope you have a wonderful day/night love ♥️
HELLO BABE so sorry i’m late answering this rip it’s been….. so hectic the past few days 💀 but i’m finally free so!
thank you for the birthday wishes means a lot hope youve been well! does it get cold where you live? it’s freezing here in georgia. the coldest it’s been in years like 9 degrees or something and we’re all just bundled up on the couch watching christmas movies lol
re: shows: PLEASE season 2 will always have my heart and i’m hoping they give will the main character energy he so rightfully deserves in the final season and end with him conquering the upside down as a full circle thing 👐🏼
and oooo that sounds nice. i’ve gotten used to our fake tree and the lights that came with it have a remote where you can change them and it’s nice and soft to just sit and watch ✨ are you doing anything tomorrow for christmas with your family? we’re having a dinner but otherwise it’s going to be pretty relaxed. might get waffle house for breakfast with my dad per tradition!
re: color palettes: pls it just means we have taste 💅🏼 the best color palettes to gravitate towards if i must say so myself 👐🏼 and ooo the grey with the pastels does feel more calming i agree
hmm what inspires me? i think my younger self. little me. she is what has driven my choices and behavior and just how i live life the past few years. i live for her. how about you? 💕
with it being officially midnight here: hope you have a very happy and warm christmas love u holiday pal!!! 💋
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thinkingabthim · 2 years
make a mammon (obey me, shall we date) & y/n one but the plot twist is that mammon starts dating u bc he got dared to & then he falls in love with y/n more & more
🎧📚 。✧⭒˚ ~ Just a bet
Genre: Angst, fluff (maybe, maybe not)
Mammon x f!reader
Summary: As a dare, Mammon has to date someone in class. He picks a random girl in the back of his class. Not knowing she's hopelessly in love with him. One day he asks to call off the bet not realizing she was near. Will he be able to fix this?
Word count: 586
Inspired by:
Warnings: Angst, fluff (🤭🤔), cringe probably.
A/N: HOW ODD??? I thought ur request was deleted. I couldn't find it for like 3 days and it just randomly came out while I was going through my drafts. Anyway enjoy my fave little loser💋. I kinda hate this. AND ALSO THIS SONG IS BASED ON SEX SELLS BY LOVEJOY 😍😍😍
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It all started when Mammon took a bet from his friend.
“Hey Mammon! Truth or dare?”
“I dare you to date a random girl in class”
“No way, that’s horrible and mean”
“I’ll give you 5000 grimm if you do it.”
“...Okay deal, I’ll just tell her”
He didn’t know it would go this far. He didn’t know he’d fall for her like she fell for him.
“Hey Y/n, are you doing anything after school?”
“I’m doing nothing after, why?” She didn’t look up from her journal
“Wanna go out?”
“Go out where? And with who”
“Go out with me”
“How do I know you’re not fucking with me right not?”
“I’m not! I heard there was a fair opening near here”
“Fine. One date Mammon, one date.”
He fucked up. Real bad.
He shouldn’t have done it, he should’ve told her.
“I want the deal off.”
“Why? Are you losing? Or are you falling in love?”
“I’m serious, Arroth. I want the deal off.”
“Just break it off with her. I saw that girl you liked was getting jealous”
They were interrupted when Mammon heard running and also sobbing.
The image of you crying was burnt in his memory.
He adored you! He really did.
He noticed little things about you, things normally people wouldn’t notice.
He noticed how you used to wear cold, and earthy tones before you met him.
How you wore more warm tones when you met him, symbolizing confidence and independence.
How you were always happy and bubbly around him
How comfortable you were.
You thought he was the one.
You thought he was serious.
Only for him to lead you into a false sense of hope.
“I’m telling you Y/n! He’s into you!”
“Oh shush Thirteen, he isn’t”
“He is! I’m telling you! If you weren’t so oblivious you’d see him staring at you in class”
“Well… Maybe there’s something on my face! I don’t know? But what I do know is that he isn’t into me”
When he asked you out you couldn’t believe it.
You thought he was joking.
Turns out you were right. It was all a lie.
The cuddles, the compliments, the kisses.
How could you be so stupid? You should’ve known. It was right under your nose.
Once you’ve overheard what he said, you run straight to the House of Lamentation to seek comfort from Asmodeus. Only realizing that it was still the middle of the day, he was still in classes.
Only person who was present was Lucifer.
He heard the door slam. He got out of his office and comforted you.
Mammon ran home to see Lucifer guiding you into his office.
He was heartbroken of course, but he gave you some space for a few hours..
Hours turned into months.
Your eyes became lifeless, the sparkle disappeared.
You became more quiet and introverted.
Only people you’d talk to are Lucifer, and some close friends.
You became closer to Lucifer.
After a few months, you guys became a thing.
Mammon was heart broken. All because of a stupid bet.
A bet he shouldn’t have accepted.
He couldn’t sleep, all his thoughts were you.
His thoughts were interrupted when he heard giggles outside.
He looks out to see you and Lucifer getting all cuddly.
‘Out of character for him’ He thought.
Lucifer made you more happy then he ever did.
At night he can’t even turn the lights off, knowing you were going to sleep in Lucifer’s room instead of his.
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hollandsangel · 3 years
lying | j.m.
hey gang it’s been a min!!
i started this a while ago and just finished it now (lol) it’s kinda ~shitty~ so read at your own risk babes
summary: jonah tells the truth
warnings: bad writing, some curses, ray might kill me bc i posted this while she was a sleep
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He just wanted to leave a message, just to see how you were doing because you had promised to stay friends, but when you actually picked up the phone, he panicked.
“Jonah? Is everything okay?” you wondered, trying to keep your voice level so he couldn’t tell you missed him.
“Uh...yeah, I-I’m okay, just...tired you know?” he sighs, sinking his teeth into his bottom lip to keep himself from spilling his thoughts to you.
“Oh, yeah, have you not been sleeping again?” it almost hurt to ask, knowing how much better the both of you slept when you were wrapped in the others arms.
“I’ve- I’ve been been having some trouble yeah. Can’t pick a side to stay on.” he laughs sadly, not telling you he hasn’t moved from your side of the bed since you left. “But, uh, how have you been?”
“I’ve been pretty good, the vacation’s been fun” You let out a heavy breath of your own, hating having to pretend.
“Oh yeah, I saw your instagram photos, you’re in Greece right?”
“Yeah! Finally decided to go.” he can hear the smile in your voice, knowing how badly you’ve been wanting to go.
“Glad you made it happen, just like we always talked about.” his own smile is apparent, sad, but apparent.
“Jonah…” his name is just so easy coming from your mouth, so familiar and warm.
“It’s okay y/n, I’m okay, we’re okay.”
“Jo…please don’t lie. Not to me.”
His voice shakes when he answers you, and you pretend think it’s from the spotty signal, “I’m not lying, I’m fine. We- we both moved on right?”
As soon as you hear the words your heart breaks. He isn’t right. Everything still reminds you of him, nothing feels good without him, you miss him. “Oh, right.”
The line stays quiet for a moment before Jonah speaks again, just the sound of his breathing coming through the phone, “Um, I better get going, y/n,” it pains him, not being able to call you by the nicknames he had grown so accustomed to, “try and get some sleep.”
“Okay, Jonah, sleep well.”
“Thanks. Have fun in Greece.” he tries to sound happy, happy for you.
His earthy eyes stare at your contact information for a few minutes, realizing he still hadn’t changed your photo from you and him sleeping on the couch.
A few moments go by as his gaze turns to the darkened living room, eyes spacey as he imagines what could have been.
The tone of his ringing phone is deafening in the staleness of the room, the screen lighting up with your contact once again.
You don’t even give him time to respond when he accepts the call, instantly jumping into what you have to say before you lose your nerve “No, no we aren’t okay Jonah. You called me in the middle of the night, that had to mean something.” you say desperately “I miss you. okay? I miss you. Everyday I miss you, and I hate that you’re lying to me. That you’re so clearly biting your tongue. We promised we’d never lie to each other, so please. I’m going to pretend it’s easy or it doesn’t hurt, so just tell me the truth.”
“Y-yeah, I am lying when I talk to you,” he starts off a little shaky. “But only because you’re okay, and you’re in Greece with someone else, not with me, and God I wish you with me.” he’s dying to just beg you to come back to him, wanting you back “I’m not better without you y/n, I need you, I want you, fuck I miss you.”
You stay quiet on your line for half a second “Y-you really think I came here because I’m okay?” you breathe out “You think I’m okay at all? I miss everything Jonah, I came here to try and forget how much I missed you, to try and get over how broken my heart was.” your voice starts to falter, and you’re scared you’ll cry in front of him.
“No, Jonah! You don’t get to talk yet, you called me in the middle of the night, but you don’t get to miss me, you’re the one that broke it off.”
“You don’t think I regret that everyday? You don’t think I feel like such a fucking idiot for letting you go? That I hate waking up alone, that my bed doesn’t smell like you anymore, that I can’t even drive past the pilates studio you always went to because it just hurts too damn much?” you can’t see him, but you know he’s rubbing his brow the way he always does when he’s frustrated “I thought...I don’t even know what I was thinking, but I messed up, please, just give me-us another chance.”
You sigh through the phone, biting your lip as you churn over his words. Of course you want to go back, falling asleep without him is the worst feeling, and it doesn’t feel right to be so far from who you used to call home. “Really? I’m- I’m trying to move on Jo, but you’re making it really hard.”
“Stop trying baby, come home.” You can practically see the pout on his pretty lips “I haven’t even started trying, because even if I did, I’d never get over you, and I swear to you, that’s the truth.”
Somehow, a smile curves your lips and you clutch your phone a little tighter. “Okay, okay.” you nod, because you know he isn’t lying.
@randomlimelightxxx @chanelwonders @baby-bearie @averysbestyears @would-you-tell-me-who-you-are @g7aesthetic @babyzachyy @wdwjay02 @jocelyntheduckie @chilling-seavey
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farmersliga · 3 years
strawberry, cookie dough & peppermint (:
strawberry— do you know how to dance? if so, what’s your go-to dance move?
ABSOLUTELY NOT OH MY GODDDD. listen, i have no rhythm at all. i cannot make my body Flow or whatever. my go to move is awkward swaying and bouncing. i did take a line dance phys ed course last semester but that was mainly bc i had no other options and we’re required to take Something active
cookie dough— do you prefer jewel tones or earth tones? (so, do you like cool toned colors more or warm, earthy colors more)
hmm kinda tough! generally jewel tones have my heart, except for light orange/pink mix that i adore. for clothing though, i do lean towards earth tones bc i think it suits my skin tone more <3
peppermint— what song lyric describes your love life right now?
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from “a place in this world” by taylor swift <3333 actually nonexistent rn bye it’s very sad
send me an ice cream flavor!
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risjime · 3 years
Okay, I’m going to preface this by saying my brain kinda just went into fluff mode and listening to the song just created an entire scene thing that I felt was too nice not to write down. (I also may or may not have used this as a slight warm up for a current wip)
Anyway I’m just putting the Ris x Bokuto piece I did here since I don’t want to bog down your inbox. If you would like the Risseitarou one I can also send that in, but since this got a bit long I’ll just do this one for now😅
Song - Out of My League - Fitz & The Tantrums Remix
For 💛Koutaris💛 ->
Mutual pinning + unrequited love. Akaashi basically acted as a catalyst for this bc Bokuto would not stop talking about how ethereal and out of his league you were every time he stepped foot in the gym before practice started. He made it sound like you were the definition of perfection, and while Akaashi loves the two of you dearly, he was just tired of watching the mutual pinning and unrequited feelings slowly take over y’all’s love-sick brains.
For your date I’m thinking of a scenario like…
It starts out as a relaxed walk around the city.
Bo’s looking in windows and pointing out how some of the outfits put out on shop displays would look killer on you (total hype man).
He has a pocket full of random flower seeds he found at Akaashi’s house and is randomly throwing them in places he thinks they’ll grow when you're not looking.
Since it’s summertime, of course there’s a carnival in town, and there’s flyers advertising it around town.
Bo’s immediate reaction is to go. Like right now.
His day just got 10 times better.
Like the carnival is great, but with you? It’s unforgettable.
When you two actually make it to the carnival- He. Is. Everywhere.
He’s playing booth games, grabbing tickets for rides, buying overpriced snacks and treats for the two of you.
In the midst of your guys’ evening park adventures, you spot a fortune teller’s booth.
Out of pure curiosity, you both enter the lavishly decorated tent and are greeted by a woman in ornate jewelry and colourful, earthy toned clothes.
Bo is basically vibrating in his seat with how excited he is at this point.
Of course this fortune lady does the whole shabang, she looks over to you, hands swirling around the glowing acrylic crystal ball, feigning a look of concentration.
“You seek adventure in your life. Look for love, because it’s the only true adventure in life.”
Not even elaborating on what she just said, her hands still waving around the ball she turns to Bokuto.
“You are passionate, but also worth the chaos that you may bring into one’s life. Follow what you love and the rest will fall into place.”
And with that her motions calmly stilled and she asked for the tickets it cost to use her services.
The two of you spend the rest of the night making your way to and from the different rides scattered about the fair grounds.
With every ride, booth, and snack stop, Bokuto is stuck to your side like glue (more so than usual) and he stays like that for the rest of the night.
When you guys finally decide to turn in for the night, you turn to him asking if something is up.
Looking at you as if you hung the stars that danced in the night sky he echos what the fortune teller told him-
“I’m following what I love.”
Every now and again when he’s feeling down or reminiscent, he’ll go back to the places he scattered those random seeds he took from Akaashi’s house, and be reminded of that night-
The night he found what he truly loved and everything fell into place.
JAY WHAT this is honestly one of my favourite things ever wtf
i loved EVERYTHING about this from the song, the date, the little details with the seeds, the fortune teller my god. and it’s so damn accurate too 😭 ily thank you SO SO much for writing this for me the brainrot will be endless
i appreciate you a ton and i’m definitely gonna bookmark this w my gifts tag bc i love it sm
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aniseandspearmint · 5 years
*gleefully rubs hands together* OKAY, here’s several versions of Citrine! These were all made with the Mega Fantasy Avatar Creator, which can be found on dolldevine, rinmarugames, and azaleadolls (no link bc tumblr hates those now *sigh*).
Bright red hair swept up with a braid, mid tone tanned skin (*squints* the skin looks a lot lighter than it did? wtf?), and the darkest orange eyes available. I tried several purple shades, but none of them seemed to suit. And with this color it kinda matches the name. :D I gave him/her some interesting ear piercings in this pic, and one brow piercing just for fun. Also some nice green eye shadow bc green almost always looks excellent on redheads. A carved green stone leaf (jade or adventurine probably) on a gold chain seemed thematically appropriate (treasured gift from Slate or Ivy maybe?), and she’s got a hand full of some dusty-earthy looking magic.
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Same shade of red, but a curly bob this time! I like this hair a lot tbh. Same skin tone/eye color/shirt as #1, but I lightened the eye shadow, changed the facial expression (I think this one says, ‘I am in my element and you should be afraid.’) and gave him a different eyebrow piercing. I gave this one a leather rope for the necklace, and a handful of twining new growth instead of earth magic.
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# 3 (I had the most fun with this one tbh XDDD)
This one is basically how I picture Citrine meeting the bros. Lemme paint you a picture, lols. 
Citrine is not looking for anything like a fateful destined meeting. No, Citrine rolled out of bed around dawn after snatching like, two hours sleep (which did nothing for the general exhausted look tbh *points to the bags under his eyes*). He (this is a he morning, he thinks) pulled on clothes that he definitely washed this week, totally, for sure, pulled his hair up in something resembling order, and zombie walked his way to the nearest coffee kiosk/cafe. (He left off any make up and earrings bc who cares it’s 5AM. He forgot to take out the eyebrow stud last night.)
He gets there, gets in line (there is a LONG line, ugh, dammit) behind like, twelve equally exhausted looking students. He may kinda fall asleep standing there a bit, as you do, mindlessly shuffling forward as the line moves. He grabs an apple out of a basket of slightly old freebie fruit (score!). He’s mildly regretful he wasn’t fast enough to get any pears. He skips over the bananas. Too bruised for his taste, and Eosian bananas taste weird anyway.
Someone bumps into him and nearly makes him drop his apple, he turns and  takes a breath, a ‘heeeey!’ on his lips, and is hit with a warm scent that smells like everything good in the world and damn can he just crawl into that for a year please? There are four guys behind him, expressions all caught somewhere between surprise and a pleased hello.
Wait. Waitwaitwait, oooooh noooooo. Is that? Citrine has always been good with faces. He knows those faces. This is NOT happening. Not today Satan. or Ifrit, or whomever. Not before coffee at least. The guy with glasses opens his mouth, Citrine holds up a finger and shakes his head firmly.
Ignis (fucking Ignis Scientia, and that is definitely the Crown Prince peering gleefully around him, and Gladio Amicitia towering over them, and he’s iffy on the little blonds name but he has totally seen him in tabloid pics with the Prince, and fuck his life- REALLY? THESE FOUR?) blinks. “No?”
The barista shouts, “NEXT!” and Citrine turns on his heel, clutching his fruit protectively, and proceeds to order the biggest damn espresso he can afford (and, yeah, okay, he was already gonna do that) and after a moments consideration, a mixed berry muffin. He’s gonna need it. 
Not pictured: He is also wearing two different fuzzy socks, and a pair of slightly over sized silky lavender sleeper pants with pink and yellow chocobo chicks dancing with stars and moons. His shoes are a pair of not quite falling apart trainers. There may or may not still be imprints from the books he fell asleep on top of, and notes scribbled in pen up and down his arms.
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mon-qi · 5 years
Out of those color palettes I would say "guidance"? Like, in general I would associate you with earthy brown and green tones that are kinda muted? With some yellow to brighten everything up. But if you ask me why I would write a very long paragraph about it.
I say that bc I noticed a trend that, generally at least, my online friends seem to connect me with cool/bright colors while my IRL friends connect me with earthy/muted/warm ones and that fascinates me.
(speaking of color temperature, that palette thing has an overabundance of cool tones over warmer ones, or does it just seem like that to me)
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sovonight · 6 years
i wanted to try compiling opinions on my gravity falls tea blends, if just for personal reference!
the blends i’ve made are dipper, mabel, stan, ford, the author, the mystery shack, and ford (alt). looking at it now i’m like, wow i made three separate ford blends isn’t that overkill, but y’know what it’s fine
people’s reviews:
there are customer reviews on the listings themselves, just click through to specific blends!
mabel, dipper, stan, ford, the author, the mystery shack, and ford (alt)
ford (alt)
i might be missing some in posts/replies/tags on tumblr, but can’t find em rn
and here are my own reviews/opinions. i don’t do much with steeping times (3-7 minutes or whenever i finally remember i’ve been steeping tea) and sometimes i leave the tea leaves in the cup ‘till the end of time, so it’s whatever. i always add sugar though, and occasionally add milk if the tea’s strong enough for it
my original review post
my review on the listing says, “it reminds me so much of bubblegum that i almost want to rename it that [...] while i already tend to let loose leaf teas steep in the cup forever i'd actually go out of my way to recommend it for this one; it lets the fruit come through a little better. and ofc, bubblegum is nothing without sugar, so please add sugar.”
my impression since then: adding sugar is correct. also this blend originally had sprinkles, and while i still support that decision, i removed it because sprinkles leave a bit of oil (?) in the tea when they melt-- not the best look for a light tea like this
my tiny review answer
i remember this one being a nice light fruit tea, but i’m reordering it for an updated opinion! if you don’t like slightly-sour fruit teas, though, you won’t like this one. also, steep it forever, the flavor is pretty light otherwise, and personally both dipper and mabel’s blends taste better iced
update, turns out it’s even better with sugar and milk! i just never had milk on hand when i last tried it so i couldn’t confirm until now. with milk it turns into a nice, warm, vaguely fruity tea that i’m a big fan of
the mystery shack
my tiny review answer
i remember this one as a “whenever” tea that wasn’t too light or too heavy, but i’m reordering it for an updated opinion. no milk, just sugar
my original review post (my impressions of dipper and ford there are obsolete, i redid those blends since that post)
my impression since then: he’s still perfect
make sure to add sugar. and optionally milk. and blow a kiss at that mug, why not
i’m ordering it again to give an updated opinion! from what i remember, the lapsang souchong was a Little much for me, even after editing it down. which is like... very fitting. secretly i call this the portal ford blend, especially with an extra-smoky spoonful of tea leaves, but i cannot let myself get into eras.
i wonder what high school/college ford’s blend would be like though
ford (alt)
my review on the listing says, “Now this is the sweet Ford tea I've been looking for. I steeped it for 4-5 minutes, drank it hot with cream and sugar, then drank it iced with cream and sugar, and it's about as delicious as Ford looks.”
i’m gonna level with you, i just wanted to say the phrase “as delicious as ford looks”. like it’s true i like the tea but i also wanted specifically to say it
i drank it again today (with milk and sugar, of course) and yep, i still like it. i would’ve done the whole plain tea -> tea with sugar -> tea with sugar and milk progression taste-test, but i did that thing where i microwave a bit of milk in a mug, pour the tea leaves in, and fill the rest of the mug with hot water and let it all steep. so. pretty creamy though.
the author
my original review post (my impressions of dipper and ford there are obsolete, i redid those blends since that post) 
my impression since then: while i wasn’t impressed with it initially, the more i drank of it the more i came to like it?? almost similar to how i felt abt researcher ford himself
when i brewed this in college i liked to dump the loose leaves into a mug, pour in hot water, wait ~5 min, and add in sugar and milk. i’d drink some while waiting for the shuttle, then put the rest in the fridge (i know it was still hot when i put it in the fridge and that i’m Not supposed to do that, but my fridge was basically empty in college so it’s Fine) and dash out to go to class
i’d come back from class and bam, i’ve got iced tea that’s been steeping for 4-5 hours! the flavors really settle in with the milk, the tea leaves really settle in to the bottom... perfect. drink that chilled delight up in a sweltering hot room and stay awake for the next 12 hours because i put the most coffee-ish tea into the author blend that i could find
it’s pretty much a caffeine boost, making it more like a tea that ford would drink (if for whatever reason he ran out of coffee), and less a tea that represents him
i don’t consider it an everyday tea for me because it feels a tad more dry than other teas (i attribute that to the blood orange) and that’s why i always made sure to add milk, but, drinking tea often already tends to dry me out. how do regular tea-drinking people do it
and here’s my reasoning for the teas in case you’re like “i don’t get you sovo how could these possibly fit these characters”:
passionfruit: the boy’s dedicated to solvin’ those mysteries
sour apple: dipper is sometimes a sour apple and that’s Okay
lemon grass: i can’t really explain this one except that you know how there’s that like, lemony plant stalk you’d sometimes see kids chewing in elementary school, and it’s kind of a childhood thing for me?? also it goes with the other sour tastes in this blend
blueberry: it’s in his color palette
fruit tea aspect: to match with his twin!
watermelon cooler: watermelon’s just such a fresh, pink, summery fruit! also, that mabel sweater that one time
wild strawberry: the description on the site gave off a sugary sweet dessert vibe and those are Definitely mabel vibes
spearmint: i wanted something with a brightness and glow about it-- also once in taiwan i had tea with a minty cooling effect to it and i loved that, it was perfect for hot summer weather. i’ve been searching for it forever because i remember nothing about what it looked like, just the flavor
rose petals: summer romance aesthetic
strawberry pieces: i wanted more pink, more color, and i think that’s something mabel would appreciate. also i love eating those little re-hydrated fruit pieces in tea
fruit tea aspect: to match with her twin! 
rooibos caramel: stan’s heart is like a block of caramel... kinda tough when you start out, but as it warms up it gets sticky sweet and tends to wanna stick to you. i heard from the reviews on the caramel teas that the rooibos version is slightly sweeter than the black tea version, and i wanted the sweetest caramel so i went with rooibos
mambo: i heard smoky, savory, succulent, and rich and slammed that “add to blend” button
lapsang souchong: oh “smoky aroma”? oh “sweet pine flavor”? oh “sometimes gets a bad rep for being brashly smoky”? come on into this blend please
ginger: it’s kinda sharp, a little dividing, and a little too much for some people
lapsang souchong & ginger: to match with his twin!
assam melody: “deep, burgundy-red”? “solid, ‘friendly’”? come be a base in this blend please
pu erh hazelberry: i knew i wanted pu erh for the earthiness, i just wasn’t sure which; i went with this one because it’s the most appealing dessert-like one of the ones i looked at, and You Know ford’s got a sweet tooth
lapsang souchong: partly to match with stan on the whole smoky pine aspect, and partly because ford shaves with fire and in fact, regularly plays with fire
cocoa nibs: it kinda complements the hazelberry & he needs a touch more than stan
ginger: similar to my reason for stan’s
lapsang souchong & ginger: to match with his twin!
the author
assam melody: provides the same character base as ford’s blend
toasted mate: i hear this is the closest you can get to coffee-levels of caffeine in a tea, and i needed that bc this is researcher ford we’re talking about
blood orange: blood splatter in the journal, anyone? splish splash
cinnamon: a dash of cinnamon goes into the cure for zombies, and also into this tea
ford (alt)
earl grey bravo: it’s a black tea base so i don’t stray too far from the original blend, a dash of grey, and a classic that always gave me a “refined” kinda vibe. i never used to think much of earl grey and took some time to come around, which is in line w my experience w ford. the citrus is almost a tie to the author blend,, blood orange becoming just orange
rooibos caramel: i needed to feed my sweet tooth and i'm pretty sure ford would support this decision
gunpowder: because gunpowder, but also because it adds a hint of smokiness that provides a similar-but-different alternative to the previous lapsang souchong. toned down and a little mellowed out, if you will.
cocoa nibs: a tie to the original blend that now complements the caramel
ginger: the ginger-and-caramel is what he shares with stan now, and i love that
the mystery shack
green rooibos key west: just west of weird, amiright??? also it’s got a bunch of summer-y fruit flavors, and the shack probably gets the majority of its business in the summer
earl grey moonlight: i was thinking about stargazing on the roof of the mystery shack and the moon turning into bill's eye, and stan working on the portal in the cover of night
pu erh dante: oh “soft earthy flavor”? “woodsy tones”?? “clean, damp forest aroma, dried mushrooms, leather and earth”??? yes thank you
orange peels: one thing i super associate w the mystery shack is all that arrow-shaped signage and all those yellow-orange question marks. so... yellow-orange bits of orange peel, acting as pops of color to guide your money outta your wallet
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isolctions · 6 years
send me 💍 + A SHIP and i’ll tell you —
where they get married: you & i both know the answers to half of these by default, by anyways!!!! it won’t be the exact location but it will be a ranch style wedding with spanish-inflenced decor. they’re v cultured.
when they get married ( ie what time of day, what month and season etc. ): i feel like they plan for it to be mid-day, around 11am or 12pm, but it ends up being way later and the ceremony ends up occurring closer to 3. fall seems like the perf season cause the weather’s still warm and perfect!
what traditions they include ( do they get married under a chuppah and crush a glass, garter toss, ‘something borrowed, something blue,’ etc. ): def tossing the garter and the bouquet, duh!!!! but zeph will try to do the old/new/borrowed/blue tradition to keep things fun.
what their wedding cake looks like: aight, so boom. three tier cake, with one half resembling a geode or crystal using fondant then sort of split so that the other half is whipped icing. #balance.
….who smashes cake into whose face: ZEPHYR OBVIOUSLY
who proposed to who first: as of last night, maliq azad did!!!!!
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar ( or neither ): zephyr walks down the aisle and captivates everyone with her goddamn beauty while maliq waits at the alter looking at her like it’s the first time he’s seen her. real ‘the night me & your mama met’ teas here!!
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like: okay, zephyr prbly has like. three looks. her main dress is similar to naz’s in that it’s v fitted to show them new curves, not an extremely long train because she’s fucking clumsy, and lace. (she’ll also have a first dance dress and a reception dress bc she’s extra, okay???) and maliq’s tux is a traditional black and white w/ silver trim. a style icon.
what their wedding colour scheme is and what sort of decor they have: their theme is honestly v simple colors??? there’s more earthy tones involved and maybe the occasional silver and gold here and there, some deep reds as well. literally the only thing that’ll stand out is zephyr’s baby pink hair.
what flowers are in the bouquet ( if applicable. bonus: what do the flowers mean? ): you know maliq is gonna wanna throw in some orchids in there somewhere for zeph’s sake, but tristan prbly took care of the entire bouquet and flower organization. she prbly has some baby’s breath within the bouquet/tied along her veil in her hair and roses cause z’s exact words were prbly “idk, whatever goes in wedding bouquets i guess????”
what their vows are ( eg poetry, traditional, improvised etc. ): maliq’s would be half improvised and half poetry and prbly kinda long. i feel like zeph would try to write hers and make it sound super pretty and professional or something but forgets half of it during the ceremony and just wings it by saying whatever she feels.
if anyone’s late to the wedding: prbly zephyr and a few family members tbh, and whoever has the babies bc hello, they’re babies?????
who’s in the bridal parties / groomsmen / other: most of maliq’s bandmates make up his groomsmen. tristan is zeph’s maid of honor and she has some of her cousins/friends from brooklyn and chicago in the bridal party alongside besties jerome & marcelo.
what their bridal party / groomsmen / other are wearing: the groomsmens suits are similar to maliq’s except it’s prbly a deep red bowtie, tristan is wearing a deep red dress while the rest of the bridal party wears black.
who gives speeches at the reception ( bonus: what do they say? recount a sweet memory or two between them? tell an embarrassing story? ): tristan does!!!! it’ll be v emotional as well cause our girl has been there thru it all, and although she’s literally ten years older than zeph, she has a lot to say and will express the amount of love and honor she has. maliq’s bandmates will prbly recall funny or embarrassing stories about him personally or about them, along with zephyr’s best friends.
who catches the bouquet( s ): sola will throw a fit bc as the flower girl, she’s supposed to have ALL the flowers so after a mild tantrum, zephyr just hands it to her.
what their wedding photos are like ( are they sweet, with the couple holding hands or kissing or ~gazing into each others eyes~? are they silly, with a snapshot of the ‘cake-smash’ moment? or are they artistic, with one of them facing the sunset or holding their bouquets? ): all of them!!!! maliq’s well known enough that they finna cop that vogue EXCLUSIVE, so they captured everything— from the aesthetic photos, to the first look/family photographs, to the emotional moments of the ceremony as well as the silly ones, and the reception is just full of more laidback but joyful and silly ones. and yes, the cakesmash is included.
what sort of food they have at the reception: HELLO CATERED BY S’MAC!!!!!! there’s also various other foods catered from small black owned businesses in the area and the biggest cater would be for the dessert arrangements and the open bar.
who cries first during the ceremony: maliq once he sees the wig and just how beautiful his wife is xoxoxo. and zephyr will try to hold it in during the walk down the aisle but fails and cries during her vows.
how wild their reception gets ( who dances the best, who gets drunk first, etc. ): well….um…we already know that zeph’s dad and maliq’s mom get it in, so like….how much more wild does that get
what their rings are like: maliq did all the rings himself and made sure he chose different gems and stones that were spiritual and promoted longevity, serenity, love, etc.
what sort of favours they have ( heart shaped sparklers, mini champagne bottles, personalised candy etc. ): cute ass little cupcakes obviously, a bunch of mini treats, a fondue fountain bc who doesn’t want chocolate covered fruit while at a wedding, sparklers, and in-n-out!!!!
where they go for their honeymoon: somewhere surrounded by water, as a nod to the vacation they wanted to take while zeph was pregnant with sola.
something memorable that happens during the party / ceremony ( do they run out of ice and someone goes to get it in full formal wear on foot, does anyone fall asleep in the middle of the party, etc. ): AGAIN, ANGELA AND DION. as well as going to in-n-out to get burgers, fries and shakes while still in their reception clothes, someone’s family member (likely zeph’s) prbly gets wasted, i strongly feel like zeph will tear her veil on accident and it becomes a whole thing.
who officiates the ceremony: i’m SURE maliq has a band member he’s particularly close with that will literally get licensed just to officiate their ceremony.
what song their first dance is to: they have so many legendary bops that define their relationship, i just…i cannot choose! but if i HAD to, it would be a toss between one in a million by aaliyah— the song that she and her dad used to dance to as a kid, stan by 6lack— it’s a lil recent but the lyrics are too fitting, you are luhh by frank ocean— the vocals, the dreaminess…ugh! and the night me & your mama met by childish gambino— who needs words??? who???????
who gives who away as they walk down the aisle: although her father is present at her wedding (#growth), she and him come to the decision that her aunt should be the one to walk her down the aisle. cue tris and zeph having a real heart to heart moment and sharing a hug with her aunt and her dad before tris gives her niece away to the love of her life. can they get married tomorrow at this point lol
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jeongjaebae · 3 years
ah my new year gathering was canceled ! the host got covid the week before and just canceled it in case! and uhm ( • •;) i have like 256GB HAHA but i'm at 10k now ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ back when i had 6k photos i told myself that it's not going to be worse than this.... then it did.... ANYWAYS I SAW THEY STARTED POSTING ON INSTAGRAM i'm like pls let me catch up first (T_T)
yeah league is similar to val! when people say playing league is a red flag they usually categorize it with val... but i choose to turn a blind eye on it.. for now bdkdbdkdn oh i play sstbz too! oh my god, have you seen a clip of jacob failing at sunwoo's rap and saying "sunwoo, rap slower please" LOL the whole thriller album 🙅🏻‍♀️ too hard for my chubby little fingers. oh i'm not a skater, (professionally wise) but i'm avid fan of it! i just like to casually do skate. oo figure skating ? figure skating always fascinated me, why did you quit if i may ask?
ooo bermuda line + sangyeon? and gosh you don't need to say thank you! i wanted to see how you were doing even if i didn't have enough energy to talk <3 gosh,,, i love wadada although the second part of the chorus... not my fav but i'm on neutral on the "oh~" part now! hmm, SMILEY!! smiley gives me like a disney 2010s vibe and i miss that era. i also like polaroid love & pirate ! any groups you recently started listening to? hmm usually with two toned hair most people call it skunk LOL. i know my big three! (obviously my sun sign is scorpio) cancer moon and gemini rising ! i don't know much about zodiacs but my chart says i have water the most then earth after and fire then air in last! man, everyone who guesses my chart as well think i give off earthy vibes, so you're not alone! and thank you! but maybe sticker playing on repeat on my feed helps me think it's okay LMAO.
but ah i should've realized from your blog theme i never thought about that BDKXNXKX. hmm mine changes on the day but it's mainly dark purple. even though i don't post on my blog anymore, if you saw it you could as well tell from my theme! gosh i agree! i don't know how long your winter break was but mine was pretty lengthy but still felt so short 😭.
gosh -20? i can never endure the cold, the most it gets cold here is like 60 (fahrenheit) ~15 celsius! it doesn't snow here but in the winter we get wind and light rain ;-; (i don't know if you can tell where i live based on the weather, can you guess? HAHA) but yes stay warm as well ! -🐿
ahh well i hope you had a fun new years anyway!! but yes stay safe and healthy <3 omg 256gb didn't sound like a whole lot until i checked my phone and... i'm sitting at 64gb 🤡 tho my gallery is mostly just tbz and fic insp LMAO. but yeah INSTAGRAM TOO NOW as if it wasn't already hard enough to keep up with their updates in one spot!!
league, val, and... overwatch 🥴 the trifecta of red flags AHAHA. and omg sstbz... sunwoo's raps!! are so difficult!!! would agree that thrill-ing as an album is difficult, obviously with out of control, but thrill ride... isn't exactly one easy either... but omg watching juyeon play compared to the other members is so funny!! ahh i see, yeah skating is fun!! i quit bc of a knee injury years ago but like i wasn't great at it anywayyy :') now it's kinda just fun showing off a little while casually skating with friends or attempting to teach them simple moves haha (or like... analyzing olympic figure skaters like i've been doing these days LMAOO)
juyeon has actually made a comeback on my bias list since my last message about him slipping but i feel like that might be due to his hair... maverick era did him dirty >:(( i'm also writing him rn so there's that LOL. ooh the wadada dance looks like so much fun!! i saw the huening fam cover but ngl still don't like the song very much... agreed that the second half of the chorus is what makes it not so good HAHA. smiley is fun, have you listened to the rest of the album? i'm obsessed with her bside pretty boys 🤩 ooh polaroid love is a nice song to write to!! hmm i really liked yuju's album OH AND the game by pentagon!!
ohhh i don't think i would've guessed air being last for you but the earth vibes part is so interesting considering it's not in your big 3? have you read into your chart? i'm not exactlyyy a believer but there are some things on my chart description that seem strangely accurate HAHA. i have a taurus moon, libra rising, and gemini venus/mars!! oh is your theme still dark purple... would i find u... if i went thru my followers 👀 JK JK but that's a pretty colour!! i like purple too 🤩
just 60 fahrenheit??? lucky omg... i cannot stand walking my dog these days it's so cold 😭 wonder if jacob is also enjoying this canadian weather now that he's back LMAO. but hmm based on that i'd probably guess cali, arizona, nevada, texas for where you live??? haven't been to texas but when i did a winter trip to the other three states it basically felt like the fall weather here :')
but yes stay warm!! take care of yourself!! i hope you're doing well <3
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ziggypop · 7 years
Secret Santa! for @zigbadboy
@zigbadboy Hi! I’m your secret santa! I spent weeks crafting this piece, and it’s sort of a mash-up of a lot of things! (even though I’m an English major I detest my writing and had to literally cut out bits of admiring Zig bc tbh if he was real that’s all i would do???) Anyway, I hope you like it!
tl;dr: Zig comforts you after the house debacle. he sort of asks you to move in with him, prompting you to open up about how you never expected to find anyone like him and DECLARATIONS OF LOVE.
words: 1,175
Your eyes open to the soft sunlight of your room. You smile the moment your eyes drift to the soft brown muscles that make up your boyfriend’s stomach, partially cut off by your flowered comforter. Nothing can ruin moments like these, when you're able to completely ogle at how beautiful and how yours, how all-consuming and wonderful your love for him is without having him playfully make fun of you. Before long, you hear shouts from downstairs that force you to rise. You slip on a pair of gray sweatpants over your underwear. You would never normally sleep in just your underwear in this weather, but it’s just another reminder of last night—besides the Greek god-like figure still sleeping on your bed. Another round of hysterical shouting bolt Zig out of his sleep.
His chocolatey eyes are heavy with sleep, and he stretches his amazingly long limbs, groaning. “What’s wrong? Why the screaming?” he asks, his voice rough. Even though you’re worried about what’s happening downstairs, you really can’t help but marvel at the sight of your half-naked boyfriend on your heavy blanket, his bare feet just barely sticking out the bottom of the bed, his hair messy against the white pillow.
“Not sure, babe, but we really should get down there, despite how much I really want to stay in bed with you,” you lean down and kiss his left temple, grabbing his hand and pulling him up as you straighten.
Once you get downstairs, Zig in his clothes from the night before, the panic starts setting in as your roommates share the news. How? How can they just separate us with no notice? Where am I gonna go? You think frantically. You rush out the back door, feeling the stare of everyone on your back. Before long, you hear Zig’s Converse-clad shoes on the hardwood floors that you grew to love. Then, you see them next to you on the porch through the haze of tears.
“I can leave if you want… but maybe I can stick around and we can talk it out? I hate to see my sweet girl upset.” Your worried frown meets your boyfriend’s wide dark eyes, and you nod.
“I could really use a moment with you. You always seem to make me feel better,” you smile. But soon, the uncertainty of your situation sets in again, and your eyes fill with tears again. Zig wraps his strong arm around you, shielding yours from the crisp, cold air. You shiver in your thin camisole, struggling to hold them back. You lean your head against his leather-clad shoulder, sniffing the comforting scent of his cologne, the earthy, slightly sweet smell of the leather, and something that is just Zig. You take a deep breath. God, I’m turning into such a sap, you think.
Zig whispers reassuringly to you, “… and if nothing else… you could hang at my suite while you looked for a new place…” His sentence hangs in the winter air, and you’re so attuned to even the slight change in his tone that you notice how he hesitates. He’s nervous. You tear your eyes from your snow-covered backyard to look at him again.
“Are you asking me to move in with you, Zig Ortega?” You joke, wrapping your arms around his waist, aching to move closer to him. You shiver again, and instinctively after feeling your shudder, Zig wraps his other arm around you, rubbing his strong fingers against your arm in an attempt to get you warm. He struggles to meet your eyes, but a smile plays on his lips. The dimple on the left side of his face threatens to make an appearance, and you can’t help but bring your hand up to cradle his face. He leans himself into your touch, and his stubble rubs into your hand slightly. The pause is broken by his murmur as he finally meets your eyes and smiles, “Not yet— but, I want to.”
Your heart flutters in your chest. How could it be that he has the same powerful effect on you now as he did when he was just some hot, flirty barista?
His next words came out in a rush. “I get it if you don’t want to yet or ever but you’re the greatest woman I’ve ever met—besides my mom— and I just pictured it, y’know? Us living together, sleeping together, cooking together.” You wait for him to finish with an amused look on his face, feeling the love blossom in you, transforming your devastated tears into tears of happiness.
“Gosh, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m so emotional!” you admit, wiping under your eyes with the back of your hands as fat tears roll down your cheeks. Your lips stretch into a wide smile, and you lean into Zig, your chest pressed against his side. Your lips, still half-smiling press into his. The hand that was already on his cheek reaches back to tangle in his hair— still messy from your love-making the night before. You open your mouth slowly and he immediately takes the hint, holding your tighter as he leans his own mouth towards you and slips his tongue between your parted lips. You break after a couple of moments, breathing heavily.
“You know this already, but high school wasn’t the best time for me when it came to love,” you say with an sudden intensity. I’m ready. I’m ready for whatever comes. I’m ready to put my heart into the hands of this gorgeous, sweet, smart, thoughtful, perfect boy, you think. “I know I haven’t given you much detail and it’s because it still kinda hurts. There was this guy who treated me like I was worth a billion bucks, and you know high school— my self esteem was already pretty low, so with all his sweet-talking I think I fell for him. But he was just using me to get to my friend.” Your voice breaks. Zig’s face is still inches from yours, and his eyes are a mixture of sadness for you and anger. He nods.
“Anyway— I sort of assumed I would always be the girl that no one picked. And I decided I didn’t want to be that, and so I wasn’t going to love. I wasn’t going to fall and love and hurt ever again.” You utter a shaky sigh, and Zig’s hands begin rubbing your back comfortingly.
“And then I met you.”
You smile, biting your lip. “The moment I walked into that coffee shop, I knew all my plans were shot to hell. I’ve never met anyone like you, so determined and incredible. You’re my favorite person in the world, and of course I want to move in with you! I-I love you.” You finally say it, and you are suddenly unable to meet his eyes, but his finger on your chin forced your face up, forces you to look into his earnest stare.
“I love you, too.” He says, before crashing his lips into yours into another passionate kiss.
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skelebenny · 4 years
i can tell when im REALLY into something when i start getting the urge to make a Wings of Fire au of it and im gettin it with hlvrai now Yeet
i usually never act on the urge but like.... lemme just ramble for a min ok?
MudWing Gordon.... his name would be Gorge (which is admittedly more of a SkyWing kinda name but i Do Not Care) and he would be a messenger for the MudWing queen! MudWings, if you ignore the wingspan, are some of the biggest dragons in WoF (Gordon talks about being a “big dude” at least once that I can recall) and in comparison to the other dragons, they have kinda basic abilities- they can breathe fire IF they are warm enough and can hold their breath for about an hour... their strengths really lie in their physical strength and typically protective personalities (like, c’mon,) Also Joshua ABSOLUTELY exists in this au, his name is Jasper :) also also bonus MudWing colors are usually earthy tones and orange!!
Ice/SandWing hybrid Tommy,,, tbh I wanted him to be a full SandWing if only for their golden colors, but I figured I really wanted Gman to be an IceWing (actually in hindsight maybe NightWing would be a better fit for him but it’s too late I’m attached to hybrid Tommy) IceWing culture is.... strict, to say the least, so Tommy would have to at least LOOK like an IceWing.. anywho,, his name would be Terrace!! Gman is Queen Glass (yes male queen i do not give a shit) and is also an animus (magic babeyyy) and Sunkist is a polar bear
SeaWing Coomer! I’m not particularly set on a name for him so *shrug* but anywho SeaWings are blues and greens, have bioluminescence (and a separate language using only their light) and are pretty intimidating with their incredibly strong tails (typically for making big waves in the water but are also great in combat!) I imagine Coomer would be an archivist or something the like?
SkyWing Bubby, tbh SkyWings don’t match the colors at all bc they’re reds and oranges but whatever whatever- they’re very Classic Dragon vibes, they breathe fire and are known for their large wingspans and are some of the fastest/best flyers! Bubby’s name would prolly be Burst or something to that vibe, and he would be unusually warm to the touch (not to the extent of whatever Peril has I forget what it’s called lmao) and have especially hot fire bc I Said So!! I like to think, bc the SkyWing kingdom has a coast near the SeaWing kingdom, that Coomer and Bubby would be pals since long before the events of the story!! I also imagine Bubby being a common soldier but he thinks he’s hot shit
NightWing Forzen! I mostly picked NightWing bc they’re very mysterious to other dragons, and are usually considered an omen of sorts bc no one ever sees them, hence why the group would be immediately suspicious of him.... usually NightWings can have both or either (or neither) of the abilities to see the future or read minds BUT i decided this all would happen before anyone realized those powers only really materialize when their eggs are incubated under moonlight SOO forzen doesn’t have either of those abilities lmao,, I think I named him Flintclaw or something like that idk NightWing names are weird sometimes
SandWing Darnold!! SandWings are golds/yellows/tans, and can sometimes have darker snake-like patterns which I think is Very Cool :) Darnold’s name would be Drought which is similar to the word draught (poison) which i think is also Very Cool :) anywho he’s a freelance poison/tonic maker and is kinda just vibing! he does his best to help even though he’s not a real healer or a fighter
RAINWING BENRY!!!!! Benry is a RainWing bc 1) they are my favorite 2) they can change colors for both camouflage and as a reflection of their emotions 3) no one really likes them bc there’s a stigma that they are lazy and useless 4) aside from the stigma no one really knows anything about them and 5) they secretly can spit flesh-melting acid! His name would be Berry :)
So, like, story wise I would try to keep it to the original as much as I could, since I’ve already changed the characters species and names? All I know for a fact is that instead of loosing his arm Gordon looses his wings bc imo for a dragon, ESPECIALLY a messenger dragon, the wings would be waaaay bigger of a loss than an arm >:)
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