#bc sometimes like. it’s easy to lose sight of what you actually *enjoy* about the process yknow?
moodymisty · 1 year
hellloooo luv >.< could I maybe request a crosshair/shortfem!reader where crosshair has a size difference kink and is obsessed with his small gf? <33 just the sight of you hugging him by the waist and looking up at him with your pretty little eyes as he towers over you would make him lose his mind. thinking about how he would love reminding you how small you are compared to him. he would love how easy it is for him to pick you up and lift you onto him without even trying and just manhandling you and using you anyway he wants. he would love how his big hands look holding onto your small waist (or anywhere on you for that matter), the tummy bulge he gives you, him having to take his time to fit inside of you bc of how big he is and talking you through it. “shhh cyare..you’re doing so good for me..almost there..”. you’re his little princess and he absolutely adores and loves to praise you for how well you take him while he uses you as his own personal cumdump until you’re cock dumb and ruined by him. I need to be manhandled by him in the most disgusting, loving, and sweetest way possible.
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Author's Note: This request made me bonk around the room like a fire extinguisher that's been shot
Summary: Crosshair has always noticed how much more delicate you were than him. But when one night he actually, really notices; He can't stop the way he wants you.
Relationships: Crosshair/Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, Reader is 'short coded' but everything else is pretty ambiguous as usual, Creampies, my badboy Crosshair with Goodgirl Reader cliché obsession because my mind cannot know peace, Size Kink, Unprotected sex,
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Crosshair doesn't normally use the word 'cute'.
Not much in his life warrants the adjective; and the few things that do, he normally has less than a stellar disposition towards. He almost always says it with venom, meant to insult whatever or whoever it is rather than compliment.
You are a noted exception however, as Crosshair has yet to find an adjective that fits you quite as well as 'cute' does.
His brothers can't even help but agree, as no matter how many times he bites at them to back off with it, they always ruffle your hair or joke about how short you are. He doesn't mind in actuality, they are just being brotherly, but sometimes Crosshair isn't a fan of others pointing out things that only he should be noticing.
Even not that long ago when you'd boarded the Marauder, Wrecker had made yet another comment at how small you were, with a pitch in his voice and an arm around your shoulders. He only stopped when he could feel Crosshair's eyes burning holes into him, but you just waved him off.
Right now his arm is light around your shoulders, as the thumping of club music hums in your ears. The dive bar reeks of greasy food and hard liquor, but you don't mind the change in pace. The weather has been awful lately and with your life busy, coming out and enjoying time in public has been a welcome change. Whether or not you're used to this sort of scene.
Crosshair seems less so, as he looks around the bar seeing the other groups of clones spattered across the scenery. They're all minding their own business, drinking for many of the same reasons you're all out tonight.
"That would involve actually having to try, Wrecker."
You smile and laugh at the largest brother across the table, right shoulder brushing against his ribcage. He has to look down in order to watch your face, as you stay firmly tucked against his side. He hasn't the slightest idea what you're talking about at this point, so he doesn't bother joining the conversation and risk making a fool out of himself.
Wrecker responds, but it doesn't give Crosshair any context as to what the two of you are jokingly fighting about. He's too busy watching the way your head tilts slightly towards him and leans against his body for just a moment.
"Oh, bold words coming from the short stack!" You roll your eyes at Wrecker, one of your hands fiddling with the various scuffs and dents on the Crosshair's thigh armor. He can't feel it other than the light pressure, though sometimes you move enough so that you brush against the black flightsuit between the seams; And that, he can feel.
Wrecker isn't wrong in his comment- you're significantly shorter than all of them, not just him. It's a fact that often lingers in Crosshair's mind, and in a way that nearly always appealing. You always tuck perfectly against his side, a perfect little piece of peace.
It's more than a bit distracting to him, who's found himself more interested in watching your small hands wrap around your glass, more so than his own drink. Everyone's been getting sloshed tonight, but Crosshair's no longer interested in the scene.
He's much more interested in you; As you look down to see his hand fiddling with the soft fabric of your dress.
As he leans in his hot breath fans over the shell of your ear, his lips just barely grazing your skin. He's had one or two drinks, as have you, but no where near enough to get more than the tiniest buzz.
"Let's go."
You can't disagree with him. Hunter is too sloshed to really notice the way the air around you two has been getting hotter and hotter for an hour now, and that Crosshair's hand has been steadily climbing up your thigh. You don't open your legs to let him in, but you still feel the weight of his fingers as you suddenly raise your head to speak up.
"Hey, guys- I think I'm gonna head out for tonight."
Wrecker whines, and Tech bemoans the idea of the two least drunk of everyone besides himself leaving. He was hoping not to be relegated to chauffeur as he is almost every time the Batch goes out, not that he would even drink if he wasn't.
"It's been fun but, I'm getting pretty tired. I'll see you guys later." When Crosshair gets up with you and Tech glances between the two of you confused, you quickly speak up. His hand is on the small of your back, tense with the silent plea of 'hurry it up'.
"Cross is gonna take me home. I'll send him back in one piece, don't worry." It's not as if they can complain about it, as you're always turning around and leaving before they'd theoretically have a chance.
"Slow down," You joke, as the cold air outside hits you. Crosshair just looks down at you from the corner of his eyes, the music still quite loud even from all the way out here.
When you hail a taxi and step in he follows, sliding in right beside you until you're both shoulder to shoulder.
And the whole way there, Crosshair looms. His eyes linger over your form like he's hungry, a stare that's almost physically heavy on you body. You glance up at him once, raising your eyebrows.
But he remains silent; You swear you can hear his heartbeat as the taxi pulls to a stop in front of your building. You've recently moved and you almost don't recognize the place, but it's easy enough to find your way inside once you remember.
Your fingers shake as you punch in the code, feeling his chest brush against your shoulder right blade.
He's so close...
The moment that door closes and locks he is on you, and you reciprocate tenfold. Your arms wrap around his neck tight enough to almost make him need for air, just as desperate for him as he is for you as your lips press against his.
Even for as lithe as he is he still towers over you, pushing your body blindly towards your bed. He knows where it is by heart now, having stayed in your home close to as many times he's slept in the Marauder.
The blankets wrinkle around your form, legs dangling off the edge as he roughly pushes you down only to follow right behind, body looming over yours. Everything here is so soft; Your blankets, your bed, your skin. Crosshair sometimes feels like he doesn't belong, but in the end, he doesn't care.
"You wore this on purpose, didn't you."
He's mentioned this outfit before; It was one that for some reason managed to rev his engine more than anything else you've worn. Maybe it's the red and black, maybe it's the way it lays on your body. Either way, you'd almost totally forgotten he had that reaction to it until right now, as he's busy trying to tear it off you. In a frantic effort you assist, kicking off your shoes and anything else that attempts to get in the way.
"It's not my fault you can't control yourself," You say, feeling his body lay against yours as he unclothes himself.
"Tch," You feel the heat of his cock against your thigh. "Watch your mouth."
Funny how it doesn't sound nearly as mean as that usually would've. You feel the way his cock grinds against you, slick as he slips along your folds.
He pulls away enough so that he can sit on the bed, pulling you towards him the moment he's able.
Your bottom sits the in the dip between his legs, wrapping around his hips. It's almost hard to see his face at this angle, having to lean back just a bit in order to. You also have to as you lift yourself just far enough away to slip a hand between your bodies, guiding his cock as you slowly but surely sink onto him. You can hear him grit his teeth and hiss through them, hands tight on the soft meat of your thighs.
The noise you let out is soft, almost like a breathless sigh as he fully sinks inside of you. Crosshair feels his neck tighten at the sound of it, how cute it is.
But then again you always look cute; The way you get surrounded by his shadow and look up at him, face squished and feeling hot as you bounce on his cock.
Your chest brushes against his, arms wrapping around his neck.
Even sitting in his lap he's taller than you, feeling his hands tightly grip the soft flesh of your waist. Your legs are tight around his hips, and he can feel your hot breath against his skin.
You grip him, nails digging into his shoulders like he's your only weight to this world, cunt tightening around him. Your skin feels like it's on fire, heart pounding in your chest.
When you finally come down from your high you feel Crosshair's hands on your waist, that had for awhile now been partly helping you keep upright. He's so quite sometimes that you can barely tell how he's feeling, that he's finished inside of you but manage to swallow his own moans enough so that you barely even heard it. He liked the sounds of yours more anyways.
Feeling the heat of your cheek as you brush your palm over it, you're glad you left one window open. The chilled breeze is quickly cooling your skin, and the fresh air is keeping your mind from completely fogging over.
"Can you stay the night?"
It's less so an invitation for another round- though you'd absolutely not complain if that turned out to be the case- and more so wondering if you'll be able to steal a rare moment with him. It's not often you get to fall asleep with him, let alone wake up.
Tech is his brothers sober guide as always; He can deal with his brothers while he steals a rare moment for himself.
"Not like they can't reach me if they need me." You'll take that as a positive response, feeling your body slowly lift off of him.
Crosshair often sleeps on his stomach, and as he turns to do so you can see the red, burning lines your nails left on his shoulders and back; And while he's never complained and if anything, seems to enjoy it, you still feel bad for hurting him.
This time you don't comment on them however, instead moving closer enough that he wraps an arm around your waist. Whatever way you sleep the two of you always find a way to tangle together, feeling his warm body against yours in the now cool air of your bedroom.
You think you hear him say something, but you're too close to sleep and it's too quiet for you to hear, as you finally drift off.
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graceful-not · 9 months
Uhh a response to @ccbcrazy 's video on Conya except it got too long and I put too much effort into it to just make it a reblog. So uh. VERY LONG rambling about why my feelings on Conya are complicated that somehow managed to have way too much Jay in it. why does he keep sneaking in here goddamnit.
OKAY SO FIRST OF ALL YEAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!! THE SILLIES EVER!!!! I love the way you organized the bullet points! Made everything very easy to follow (other than all the times the audio cut out RIP 💀) but. yeah . yeah them. they are sooooo. SO! UAUAUUA.
I agree with most of your points (and relate very very much w/ that bit about being ace and the Love At First Sight trope, though I'm aro and not ace), and ESPECIALLY with how Skybound handled everything (I could say so much about how much I hate despise the way they resolved Jaya in Skybound it's so icky I hate it I hate it I hate it I HATE IT), but I don't really have much to add to them, so I'll here are my random disjointed thoughts that sometimes and sometimes do not align with yours:
at some points, the emphasis on how it's something guilty and forbidden and how she "wants him but she can't have him", to quote that one Cole fangirl. It.. sat weirdly with me? As well as the phrasing of "the narrative wants him to be self-sacrificing", when talking about Cole on one of the slides. It feels weird to phrase it like that, as if the narrative is pushing him into that role rather than it being part of who he is, y'know? And the reason that the "yearning for what you know you can't have" aspect felt strange to me was that Cole putting friendship over his romantic relationships is a VERY significant thing about him for me. He values his friendships and family over any kind of romance, and would rather forfeit a potential romance than lose a friend, even if that friend hurt him. Which felt weird when the rest of the slideshow made it clear that you, like me, enjoy Conya because above all else, Cole loves Nya as a comrade and an equal. As a friend, before and even IF he loves her as anything else, which as you point out, isn't something we can definitively say about the other relationships (especially Jaya. I like it, I really do, and I'd say I think I like it more than Conya? but it's. it's VERY complicated and messy and they aren't really stable like. At All. for a while.)
And that part of Cole resonated with me a lot; the part that's perfectly fine not pursuing Nya because he doesn't NEED that connection like Jay does, because he's satisfied and content with where he is in their relationship now, after they both calm down and he realizes it isn't worth it, because it isn't even something he wants all THAT much. (The larger issue is that Jay was against him spending time with her at ALL, even as friends, because he was being possessive and insecure which is a whole host of other things-)
And actually? Y'know what? I'm gonna talk about Jay for a bit bc I feel like, though you did have a few slides on it and touch on it, you didn't really talk about how Jay is a very fundamental aspect of Conya's dynamic in-canon, as Nya's Yang and Cole's best friend (A title which he bestowes upon himself, I might add.) Jay is... Not Very Secure In His Relationships for the first few seasons. It stems from feeling inferior and weak compared to everyone else, which grows into clinginess and possessiveness for the ones that DO choose him, because he's afraid they'll leave, which in turn pushes them away because he's being Weird About It. He has this habit of... sorting those closest to him into neat little boxes that reassure him (Nya as his girlfriend who loves him and finds him funny and won't leave him and Cole as his best friend who's loyal and supportive and also won't ever leave him, and, as you'll note, he's the one that starts both of these, with asking Nya out and proclaiming Cole as his bestie during Skybound.) And when those people step out of those boxes, the change unsettles him, and he panics and doubles down on his tactics, sometimes even resorting to violence (which makes things worse and pushes them away more and... you get it. it's a whole cycle.) So.. Nya and Cole and their interactions are very defined by What Jay Will Let Them Do, for the first few seasons. What won't set him off, what is Good and Innocent and won't make him insecure. S1-7 Jay would NOT have let the hand nuzzle happen. But I believe S8-15 Jay WOULD. Because he's actually secure in his relationship with Nya and they trust each other, and he trusts Cole, etc. etc.
And I feel like them having an undercurrent of romantic tension kind of spits in the face of that?? I dunno. It makes the intention a little wobbly. I like the idea that it comes from a place of camaraderie, where platonic love can also be deep and intimate and layered, and not just repressed romantic feelings. Because the thought that either of them are just pining and never having that resolved makes me sad for all three of them :(.
But I DO like to think that Cole is a little bit madly in love with all of his friends in different ways (just like me fr..) and Nya's the one he latched onto back in S3 because she's a girl and heteronormativity. Cole has a lot of love in his heart ok and he cares about them very very much 🥹. And he loves and supports them and maybe he wants to kiss some or all of them but he can't do that so he's fine where he is. really he is. he's fine. HES FINE!!! he's okay when she puts a hand on his shoulder and he doesn't know how to express that he loves her so so so much and he missed her but not in the way that Jay loves her, in a different way, but he feels like it's just as important but Jay obviously didn't see it that way and he doesn't know if he does now, and how he loves them all different but so so strongly and how can she and Jay even make it so simple it's so EASY for them to wear the Yin/Yang relationship label it just FITS even though none of those relationships are alike how can the same label work when the love is obviously so different and he doesn't know if Nya even could understand that, understand how much his heart bursts with affection and fondness for her and the others, but she DOES she DOES get how you can love someone so much that there maybe aren't correct words for it, that's why Jay was the one to propose because she was just happy the way they were, and she's happy the way they are now and she's happy the way she and Cole are now except she can't be because they keep getting TORN APART and they can't ever really be happy because they're all always in danger ALL THE TIMe- sorry got carried away aha.
but yeah. And then Jay is there. and i can't let myself think Abt Conya too long because I get really sad about him. bc he's not LIKE THAT. He doesn't Get It like they (and I haha was it clear I am maybe projecting) do. The labels are comforting to him, rather than unneeded or even restricting in the way they could never encompass the full force of the feelings. They're like signifiers that the love is real, is there, is Official, which isn't something the others need because they already take the loving as a fact and a given, and Jay doesn't! He doubts his relationships and needs the reassurance of the labels, to be able to say, definitively, "This is my Yang, which means we love eachother romantically and complete eachother and are missing a piece without eachother and" (do you see where the problem is. The proposal scene was so cute but I think about his little rambly speech a little too much BUDDY WITH ANY OTHER PERSON ITD BE CUTE BUT WITH YOU AND YOUR TRACK RECORD ITS CONCERNING) But that also means that when the "rules" are broken he thinks it means the love is also broken because now the label has been dismantled and that's! NOT TRUE!!! AHH!!!!!!!! I truly think he would be cured if he made out with someone other than Nya (w/ her permission obv) for like ten seconds but he would literally never do that. but it would fix him I know this in my heart if Nya told him to go out and get some bitches he would be cured of All of His Complexes he would experience Enlightenment through the knowledge that he could do that and his relationship with Nya would still be valid and their feelings wouldn't change just because he did it and he would ALSO get to kiss someone about it. Literally win-win. Maybe it could even be Cole. this is how mudshock shippers stay winning.
And THATS always been my biggest issue with Conya. They never know what to do with Jay. Because if he found out Nya doesn't love him and is IN LOVE WITH HIS BEST FRIEND he would literally never recover all of his self worth issues that he overcame down the fucking drain bitch!! because everything bad he thought about himself has been proven true! AND THE REASON HE ACTS LIKE THAT IN THE FIRST FEW SEASONS IS BC THATS EXACTLY WHAT HES TERRIFIED OF HAPPENING!! And because he's so insecure and also has so much amatonormativity entrenched within him because the rules and restrictions reassure him, he's diametrically opposed to Conya! so I can't let myself have a Conya AU without Jay unpacking all of that and being Okay with people experiencing love differently, and then maybe realizing he doesn't have to love so restrictively anymore either, and THEN Conya can be whatever the fuck is going on with them in peace. Or he finds out Nya is in love with Cole and almost loses his shit before they both tell him they are also still in love with him. And he's like "oh thank God wait Cole ur in love with me" and that would fix him. Imagine thinking you're literally the worst and then you pull both Nya AND Cole while actively being kind of a jerk to them. how do you have the self worth issues after that shdbsjdb.
anyway go watch the video 👍
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davyjoneslockr · 2 years
what's your favorite part of writing? (ik it's a weird question i wanna see what your answer will be)
Ooh this is a really good question. Obviously I love the planning phase (aka aggressively daydreaming about A New Cool Story Idea). I used to hate writing dialogue, but recently, I’ve gotten better at it (at least I think I have?), and now I really really love writing it. Love making guys say things to each other <3
I’m also trying to work on natural introspection with main characters in third-person stories. It was a major thing I was practicing with my senior thesis for uni, and like. I don’t think I’m great at it yet, but it’s been fun to explore. I don’t talk about my personal writing often, but I’ve been playing with some unconventional modes of storytelling and interweaving introspection in some short stories and creative essays (that maybe hopefully I’ll be submitting to literary journals this year??) and. Ooh I love experimenting with that it’s so fun.
Also, on a different level, I really love that fanfic writing, in particular, has helped me meet a lot of really cool people (especially here on tumblr) and get involved with some incredible projects. Seriously, I think the decision to actually start posting fics on AO3 has been super good for me as a writer – I never expected to get as much support as I have, and having the knowledge that there’s people out there genuinely enjoying my fics (which. is so wild to think about) has kept me going during times where I’ve been insecure or disillusioned with my writing. So like, I didn’t mean to make this sappy, but. Yeah. That’s something that’s really important to me, too :]
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chosonore · 3 years
part one | oblivion
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oblivion [noun. the state of being unaware or unconscious of what is happening around one]
pairing: kamo noritoshi/f!reader
summary: your relationship with noritoshi was like a game of cat and mouse; no matter how hard you tried to escape from him, he would always find his way back to you.
wordcount: 3.9k
content/warnings: friends to enemies to lovers, language, noritoshi is kind of a dick but i promise it gets better so please don’t lose faith in him, we’re not strictly following the manga timeline bc while i am reading it, i do have a goldfish brain, lowercase intended
a/n: hello, here’s the first installment of my sanguine series! it’s the prequel of this drabble (nsfw) i wrote the other week while i was working on the outline of the fic. it’s a little slow burn because i wanted to spend some more time exploring their relationship and the groundwork for it, so yeah. i’ll try to update it regularly, but since i’ve only planned five parts for sanguine, it might take a while bc i want to take my time with it. if you want to stay updated with the series, i’ll post the masterlist to it shortly! i do hope you enjoy it though :) and stay safe, everybody! [tagging @sukirichi​ the sukuna to my yuuji, who just gets spammed when i start rambling about my aus but always screams with me (´• ω •`)]
masterlist - next 
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"y/n!" you look up to see miwa storming towards you, thrusting a book in your direction. "could you- could you please give this to noritoshi? i borrowed this book from him like a week ago and if i don't return this anytime soon, i think he's gonna kill me." 
scowling at her, you look at the book in disdain. you wanted to avoid crossing paths with noritoshi as much as possible and miwa was well aware that you didn't like hi- 
"please," miwa pleaded again, taking your hands and placing the book in it. "i'm really scared of him. he always looks like he's going to shoot me soon. even todo is pretty nice if you don't interrupt his takada-chan time!" 
you sighed in annoyance, you just couldn't say no. ever since coming to the kyoto metropolitan curse tech, miwa and you had been pretty close because you strongly disliked the other students. most of them were arrogant and stuck-up, thinking they were better than the other; the two that belonged to the three clans were even worse. on your first day here you'd promptly gotten into a fight with mai, disliking how haughty she was and trying to prove everyone that she was better than them. much to your chagrin, the fight ended in a tie.
"fine, but you owe me some mango," miwa's face lit up in relief and she gave you a thumbs up before dashing to her room, most likely to escape noritoshi's wrath. you inspected the book. was it even worth returning it? maybe you could just throw it in the trash. if noritoshi ever found out, he'd kill miwa first and then you. you let out another sigh before making your way towards the training grounds. he most likely was outside to practice, either with one of the guys or alone. as you were nearing the training grounds, you could already hear the sound of arrows whistling and the dull thuds of them hitting the target. it was hard to spot him through all the trees; you weren't entirely sure where he was. your ears perked up when you heard him release another arrow until you realized that it was heading your way. this bastard. fortunately, you were able to slash the arrow clean in the middle, angrily pointing your sword in his direction. you still couldn't see him anywhere.
"you fucking idiot! you could've killed me," you snarled, stomping deeper into the forest. an amused laugh echoed through the trees. 
"you're acting like i can't control my arrows. it's not my fault you let your guard down," noritoshi retorted smugly, lowering his bow as he saw you approaching. you were fuming, hurling the book at him. how dare he? you watched with satisfaction as it hit him square in the chest - who was caught off guard now, huh? he deserved it anyways. 
"miwa asked me to return your book," you curtly explained and turned back around to leave but apparently, noritoshi had other plans. instead of saying anything else, he just followed you which unsettled you even more. 
"stop following me." 
"who said i was following you? i'm just going back to the dorms. i'm sorry you can't handle me being near you."
you whirled around, sword pointing dangerously close to his neck. he smirked at you triumphantly, it was just too easy to get a rouse out of you. "another word and i'll cut you, seriously. you're pissing me off," you gritted your teeth, hating that you always fell for his stupid games. he knew you all to well, what made you angry, what made you happy, what motivated you. once upon a time, you'd thought the same about him; until he changed so rapidly, so unlike your expectations. you were worlds apart and yet you'd reserved an ounce of hope that he wouldn't turn out to be as arrogant as the clan heads. swift as the wind, noritoshi grabbed your wrist, dragging it upwards and towards him until he could lean down to you. your heartbeat sped up - holy shit why was he so close to you - and you froze in shock. 
"i'd like to see you try, princess," he whispered in your ear, the grip on your wrist tightening. "you wouldn't dare to."
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the first time you met noritoshi, he was sitting outside in the garden with his mum. both seemed to have a good time. noritoshi's hair was tousled from the soft summer breeze and he had a soft smile on his face, happily munching away on the snacks that were displayed on the table. while he looked friendly enough, you were wary of meeting and talking to him because you felt kind of queasy around the kamo family. you couldn’t quite place a finger on the feeling, the older members of the family intimidating you to no end. much to your dismay, you felt like you had to be watchful - your parents worked for the kamo family, so naturally the apartment you lived in was close to the estate. you avoided any run ins with the adults, they weren’t exactly friendly to you. noritoshi’s mum had befriended your mum and they spent a lot of time together when possible. and yet you’d never met noritoshi before, seeing how busy he was with his various classes.
the fit that you threw, not wanting to tag along with your mum, was long forgotten when you’d spotted the jar of cookies on the table. before your mum could react, you pulled your hand away from hers and quickly ran towards it. “hello miss!” you greeted enthusiastically, your eyes shining at the sight of the sweets. “my name is y/n! i’m here with my mum and i uhm… could i have some of the cookies? please?” when your mum finally caught up to you, she scolded you quietly and greeted the other two, taking a seat beside noritoshi’s mum. you pouted, immediately climbing on her lap as you refused to sit next to the boy. his mum handed you a cookie which you happily took and thanked her politely. noritoshi was curiously eyeing you; it wasn’t often that he saw other children around his age and he didn’t have any friends to play with. his everyday life revolved around reading books, studying, taking archery classes and sometimes spending time with his mum. noritoshi barely even knew what fun was - he’d only ever felt at peace when he was around his mum.
“y/n, sweetie, why don’t you go and play with noritoshi?” your mum prompted but you immediately shook your head, hiding your face in her chest. she simply laughed and shook her head, brushing your hair back softly. “come on, noritoshi is really nice. you can be his friend one day, right? didn’t i tell you that friends are important?” 
you frowned. then huffed. when she worded it like this, there was no way you could refuse. the cartoon that you religiously watched featured a group of friends that went on adventures and helped each other out. you’d told your mum that you wanted to be like that too! begrudgingly, you slid off her lap and trudged towards noritoshi who looked at you with big eyes. you held your hand out, waiting for him to shake it. “my name is y/n. uhm… nice to meet you,” you shyly whispered, eyes darting away from him. 
it took a while until noritoshi reacted, shaking your hand gently and answering: “hello y/n, i’m noritoshi.”
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much to your surprise, noritoshi was actually fun to be around with. he showed you his collection of books, the bow that he was practicing with and you often played the card game you’d received for your birthday together. he was smart and witty, often explaining you things that he’d read in a book but he was also attentive when he listened to you ramble about the other kids in school or when you told him about the cartoon that you were watching. for you, noritoshi was becoming your best friend - for noritoshi, you were his first friend. he cherished you and how unabashedly true to yourself you were. spending time with you was something he looked forward to; you always made him laugh and you didn’t care whether he lived up to the kamo family name or not. to you, he was simply noritoshi. you were like a fresh breeze of air in his life.
noritoshi didn't quite understand why the elders were always so hard on him, so strict and unrelenting. they expected only the best results from him and didn't show any understanding when he exhausted. he didn't enjoy practice anymore, the lessons becoming a chore and burden on his mind. but whenever he saw your face light up at his newly acquired skills, he thought it was worth the trouble. you came to visit him everyday after school, never skipping a day. sometimes he questioned why you weren't visiting your friends from school but you shook your head, poking his chest indignantly. "you're my best friend, 'toshi. of course i'd want to spend more time with you." noritoshi was glad you always chose him, without fail.
even though your parents had always warned you to be careful around noritoshi because his family was strict and didn't like outside influences distracting the heir, you never really strayed from his side. noritoshi didn't have any other friends, who would keep him company or listen to his troubles then? you didn't understand why your parents were suddenly going back on their word. they'd always told you that family and friends were important. you couldn't pinpoint your feelings for him - but your parents saw it. it was obvious; the stars in your eyes when you looked at him, the slight blush on your cheeks when he complimented you and how happy you were when you got to spend time with him. the more time you spent with him, the more they were worried for you. 
"'toshi!" you yelled in excitement as you ran towards him, waving wildly. he dropped his bow and turned to you, a soft smile gracing his lips as he opened his arms to hug you. you squeezed him tightly. two weeks you hadn't seen him due to a school trip after which you got sick and weren't able to leave the house. you'd missed him a lot and you were excited to show him the souvenirs you brought him. 
"look, i bought you an omamori!" you handed him the small object, then pointing on your bag to show him the one you'd bought for yourself. "i got myself a matching one too! my teacher said it wards off evil spirits and brings you luck." noritoshi's smile was bright, so bright. he was happy you thought of him and were always kind to him. your eyes widened as he leaned in to kiss your cheek before thanking you. the two of you were blushing, neither saying a word but not minding what had just happened.
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the day noritoshi's mother left the estate was the day you were slowly starting to lose him. noritoshi grew more forlorn and didn't seem to easily find joy in anything anymore. the departure left a deep, deep gap in his heart. it had shocked him deep to the core when she left him. him. why couldn't she stay? why did she leave him when she was the only person who protected him, loved him? she did say that she was hindering his growth but who was she to decide that? he didn't want to become stronger, didn't want to protect other people like she'd told him to. he wanted to stay with her. "'toshi? 'toshi!" a concerned voice broke through his trance, pulling him back into reality. "i asked you a question! you weren't even listening to me." 
you were pouting at him, tugging at his sleeve impatiently. noritoshi apologized, patting your head to soothe your temper. "what do you want to do in the future? mum said it's important to work towards your dreams!" you asked him curiously, grasping his hand to hold it. the gesture filled him with indescribable warmth, drawing him in like a moth to the flames. "my mum said i have a special power, i can heal people! i want to become a doctor in the future, so i can help everyone that got hurt," you explained to him so earnestly that he felt bad for the lie he was about to tell. noritoshi didn't have big dreams or ambitions just yet. he didn't even know what would be suitable to him - he was strictly following orders, never allowed to think for himself. 
but when he looked at you, he only had one wish. "i think… i think i want to help people, protect them. especially those that i love."
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with each year passing, you noticed that noritoshi was putting more and more distance between the two of you. at first you'd brushed it off as the stress of his training and number of classes he was attending. but as you spent less and less time together, the weight of the situation didn’t escape you. he was easily irritable, cold and arrogant, often rude towards employees of the kamo estate. every now and then when you’d scold him for being an asshole, he’d simply scoff at you and haughtily ask you how it was any of your business. you sighed, tossing and turning in your bed as you thought about how much noritoshi had changed. it kept you up at night, just thinking about how he wasn’t your ‘toshi anymore. you didn’t know this person. ‘toshi was always gentle and kind, he tended to overthink many things and sometimes he was a little bit of a crybaby but you still loved him regardless. you sneaked out of your room, finally mustering up enough courage to ask your mother for advice. the thought of her discovering your blooming crush on noritoshi was scaring you. your parents were wary around the kamos despite working from them - even more so ever since noritoshi’s mother left and the elders had free reign over her son.
“noritoshi! noritoshi, stop walking away from me! hey, i’m talking to you!” you yelled frustrated as you were trying to keep up with him. noritoshi was crossing the garden in long strides, it was nearly impossible to stop him as you couldn’t catch up to him. you lunged forward, getting hold of his sleeve and tugged him back harshly. noritoshi yanked his arm out of your grip, glaring at you annoyed. 
“what do you want from me? i have better things to do than to quibble with you,” he hissed irritated. you couldn’t believe him, he had the nerve to dismiss you like this when he was in the wrong? 
“you know exactly what i want from you! you can’t just go around and talk to people like you did before just because they’re not from a reputable family! noritoshi, you’re not any better than them just because your last name is kamo.”
as much as noritoshi scared you, you stood your ground. you knew he didn’t take you serious, not with the amused look he gave you. in the past month or two, noritoshi was suddenly hit by a growth spurt - you barely reached his shoulder now and he took advantage of that to mock you, often treating you like an armrest. he pat your head condescendingly, pouting at you in fake regret. “aw, did i hurt your feelings? did i make itty bitty little y/n sad?” he mocked you, before abruptly grabbing your cheeks to make you look at him. “i don’t care what you think of me, cry all you want. i strongly suggest you hold that sharp tongue of yours if you know what’s good. know your place.” 
tears filled your eyes; noritoshi had never talked to you this way. what has gotten into him? your heart broke in pieces, unable to take the pain any longer. you were no longer his equal but below him, much like everyone else.
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“mum?” you cautiously knocked at the door of her study, waiting for her response. your mother was most likely still awake and dealing with paperwork like she usually did. upon hearing the affirmative noise she made, you flitted inside, closing the door behind you so your father didn’t catch any wind of this. it was already embarrassing enough and you were sure your mother could offer you better advice. you gingerly took a seat on the armchair, grabbing a pillow and hugging it close to your body. how were you going to approach this? hey mum, i have a crush on noritoshi and he’s weird to me now and i don’t know why? uh yeah mum, i caught feelings for the guy you warned me about and now i look like a fool crawling up to you like this? 
“it’s about noritoshi, isn’t it?” your mother interrupted your stream of thought, spinning her swivel chair towards you. 
“huh? oh no it isn’t, why would it be? i have-” 
“ugh okay fine, maybe it is about him,” you sighed defeated, of course she would look right through you. she always seemed to know what you were thinking, even when you hadn’t confided in her before. “but promise me you won’t judge me!” the look in your mother’s eyes told you that she was going to judge you regardless but you knew she meant well - she simply wanted the best for you.
“i- i just don’t understand why he’s been such a pain in the ass lately. and he’s been treating everyone like dirt too, including me! mum, he’s becoming someone else and i… i don’t know what to do,” you sniffled inconsolably, wiping at your eyes with the sleeves of your sweater. she wasn’t supposed to see you getting emotional. “he’s always busy and when we do get to see each other, he doesn’t want to spend time with me. what if he doesn’t like me anymore? and i don’t like how he’s treating you! it’s the same issue with the elders, they don’t know any human decency at all!” 
your mother motioned you to scoot over a little and sat next to you, wrapping her arms around you and patting your back to console you. while she meant well, it accomplished the opposite - you broke down in tears, unable to stop your sobs. “i just want my ‘toshi back,” you whimpered upset, burying your face in the pillow to muffle the sound of you crying. “i know you didn’t like that i became good friends with him but i couldn’t help it and i just really like him and- you weren’t supposed to find that out.”
“sweetheart, i know you love noritoshi,” she handed you a tissue. “you let a lot more on than you were aware of; dad and me always knew you were in love with him.” as if on cue, your sobbing stopped and you just looked at her in disbelief. she knew. she knew. you wanted the earth to swallow you whole. “i think it was always pretty obvious, to be honest. you always looked at him as if he was your entire world and no matter what happened, you were always by his side. i know it’s hard to accept when a dear friend is changing but sometimes you just have to, right? both of you are still growing, there’s no way of telling how your personalities change.”
“but i don’t want him to change like this,” you protested stubbornly, glaring at her. she was talking about it as if it was a matter of simply discarding a bad apple in the trash. it wasn’t easy and it made you anxious. you grew up together, shared secrets and memories. he was the person you’d always looked up to.
“y/n.” your mother sounded stern but you didn’t back down, not yet. “is it really worth it? if a person is changing so rapidly and you’re not getting through to them, you’ll have to let it go. there’s only so much you can do. people grow apart sometimes, it’s only natural. you have to let go of them, temporarily, so you both can heal and grow. y/n, i know you’re being stubborn about this but you’ll have to let him figure things out on his own. fate has curious ways to bring people back together.”
when the time came, noritoshi left to attend the kyoto metropolitan curse tech school without telling you a word. you were disappointed, apparently you weren’t worth saying goodbye to. whatever his reason was, it must’ve been pretty important. important enough to forget the promise that you’d always stay in contact. you wondered whether he'd change again, for the better maybe? maybe you would reconcile when you could finally attend the school as well and train together. you were excited to show him your sword skills, having received your family's heirloom, an elegant steel blue sword. though your skills probably weren’t up to par with the other students, you still wanted to show them off, show him what you’d learned in the year that you spent apart.
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noritoshi had changed but not for the better. holy shit, did he get on your nerves. the first time he'd practiced with you, you realized that he had mutated into an insufferable know-it-all. he would give you backhanded compliments or make snide remarks about your posture, how you were supposed to hold your sword, how inefficient your fighting style was. sometimes you wished you could just beat him for once and have him shut up. there was no denying though, noritoshi was way too strong and you had a long way to go. judging from the reactions of the others, barely anyone had beat him either. 
and just like that, your feelings for him were buried. you’d taken your mother’s advice to heart, keeping conversations and interactions with him to a minimum but somehow noritoshi always found his way to you. he was everywhere and a quarrel was inevitable. noritoshi got under your skin and he knew how to push your buttons. why he chose to pick on you was beyond your comprehension; he didn’t pay much attention to the other students nor was he particularly liked by them. just how much was he going to get on everyone else’s nerves? out of all the second years, todo aoi was the most amicable; you had the (dis)pleasure to run into him on your first day and for some reason, he took a liking to you. while he was loud and boisterous, mostly doing whatever he wanted, you couldn’t deny that he was a good friend. even though he didn’t care about anyone as much as he cared about takada-chan. at one point, he’d looked at you in sympathy when he caught you staring at noritoshi, patting your shoulder (too forceful): “i’m sorry, y/n, i’m so sorry.” 
you still didn’t know what he meant by that.
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ps.: todo knows and he’s kinda judging you for your taste in men 
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sortaotaku · 4 years
Happy New Years! 🎉
Ikevam New Year’s Set Stories
2021 Super Awesome Set
I wanted to share because I understand the paywall is probably too much for a lot of people. It’s a pretty informal overview of the stories though~
Boys Talk - Team Abnormal 
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Shakespeare, Le Comte, Jean
Setting: Thermae
Le Comte asks why Shakespeare is looking gloomier than normal. Shakespeare says he feels a bit weird about a sarcastic comment Arthur made about the three of them (Shakespeare, Le Comte, Jean) being abnormal.
Le Comte: I guess he means we’re deviants. Idk where he got that from. 
He comments that Shakespeare likes to tease people and wonders what to do with him.
Jean: You two are most definitely deviants
Them: Wha? 
Le Comte calls his comment unnecessarily cruel. Shakespeare defends himself and says unlike Le Comte he’s a gentleman
Le Comte is like LOL I feel like you added an insult in there
Jean: It’s best you hear the truth bc you’re in denial. You’ve been buying <your name here/MC> dresses a lot. Are you sure it’s not just bc you like dressing her up?
Le Comte: What else am I supposed to do? She looks ravishing in everything. I’m not doing anything except sitting and watching in the dressing room.
Shakespeare: A grown man enjoying dressing up a girl like a doll sounds pretty deviant to me
Jean: Yep. He’s the most deviant one.
Le Comte: Judging from the content of your plays I think you’re worse than me.
Shakespeare: My writing isn’t necessarily representative of my desires
Jean comments about how Shakespeare has been inviting MC over to his villa a lot.
Le Comte comments that he quite likes Jeans fixation on MC and Jean tells him to shuddup.
Shakespeare also says he isn’t doing anything weird. He says he blindfolded and cuffed her for research purposes.
Jean: Hold on, I’ll come back with my sword.
Le Comte: Don’t run around the mansion naked and angry. Return to the water now.
Shakespeare states that Jean is upset by trivial matters. Basically “tough luck, that’s life”
Le Comte: Yeah, be more open-minded
Jean: I must destroy the world then
Shakespeare asks if he had any weird encounters and Le Comte says he’s basically been a recluse 
Jean admits to giving MC a boost on his shoulders, but... He was shocked because her thighs were pressed against his cheeks and they were soft. 
Shakespeare: How are you insult us when you had her pressing her thighs against your face? You’re the worst deviant one.
Le Comte is basically like LOL and Jean is kinda baffled.
Boys Talk - Battle Against Desires
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Theo, Napoleon, Mozart
Setting: Thermae
Mozart calls the two of them sighing in sync annoying
They do it again and state they’re tired
Mozart comments that this is rare considering how adept they are at dealing with the more eccentric residents 
They’re both like “That’s it!”
Napoleon is like that’s what everyone says. Everyone thinks I’m sensible
Theo: Yeah, I thought common sense is something everyone should have. We just look overly sensible because everyone lacks it.
Napoleon is like how about we just toss that (sense) out, I’m sick of it. 
Theo: Yeah, I’m going to do whatever I want
Mozart: Hold on, if you do that you’ll lose sight of yourselves.
Mozart (Internally): They say it’s the most dangerous when people go off the rails. These two keep order. I must stop them.
Mozart adds that everyone didn’t start out selfish. He asks if they’re sure if something else isn’t making them this way.
Napoleon says its a problem that MC sees them as so sensible.
Mozart is like: 🤨 Why?
Napoleon says that everything is wrong. She lies around in the common area asleep and apparently sleep undresses. (Half way, that is)
Mozart: Yea sounds about right... Wait what? Don’t tell me you...
Napoleon: Obviously I buttoned her up and tucker her in so she wouldn’t catch a cold.
Mozart: Are you her mom?
Theo: I get that! I would do that too.
Napoleon: Theo~ 🥰
Mozart: Can you guys not hug in the bath? Anyways what about Theo?
Theo: I went in for a bath and MC was in there stark naked bc she mixed up the time.
Mozart: Yea, she’s ditzy sometimes. Don’t tell me you...
Theo: Obviously I simultaneously tossed her my own towel and quickly turned around.
Mozart: Are you her dad? 
Napoleon: I get that! I would do that too.
Napoleon~ ❤️❤️❤️
Mozart: Stahp hugging in the bath... So you’re saying you don’t feel free to express your desires bc you’re seen as too sensible?
Them: Yea
Mozart: That’s easy to fix. Just act on your desires. It’s important to be true to your feelings. I just do what I want.
Napoleon: Easier said than done. Women find it even more frightening when a “safe” man comes onto them more than normal men. They feel violation AND disappointment because of the breaking of expectations.
Theo: And you’ll lose trust that you cannot recover.
Mozart: That sounds oddly convincing from you two.
They sigh heavily again. Mozart smiles a bit and comments that he must warn MC to be careful from now on and encourages them to cheer up.
Boys Talk - Imagination Station
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Dazai, Arthur, Isaac
Setting: Thermae
Dazai talks about how great a bath after a good drink is. Arthur agrees and asks Isaac what he thinks. (Note: Don’t go into a huge hot bath while drunk)
Isaac: STAHP TOUCHING ME YOU TWO! Why did you guys insist we bathe together?
Dazai: It’s a good way to get to know each other.
Arthur: Yep, we know each other well but there are no limits on luvbbb ❤️
Isaac: If this is your love I have some doubts...
Arthur + Dazai: Lalalala~~~ 🎶
Arthur: Isn’t it funny how alcohol loosens inhibitions? I’d love to get naughty with MC
Isaac: Don’t you dare touch her!
Dazai: I find it questionable too.
Isaac: Dazai?
Dazai: Women get uncomfortable with sudden moves. You haveta do “that” 
Isaac: huh?
Them: I-mAg-I-nA-tIoN!
Isaac: 🤨huh???
Arthur: Lemme explain. We’re writers. We think up scenarios for a living.
Isaac: ?
Arthur: GOSH. We can do anything we want. In our minds. In vivid detail.
Dazai: Ai-kun is confused still, we must invite him into our minds
Arthur: Good idea! Naughty story time!
Isaac: Hold on—
Arthur and Dazai cook up an Isaac x MC smut headcanon in which Dazai still calls her “Toshiko”
Isaac didn’t even notice at first and commented that it makes sense Mc was drowsy because she’s a hard worker. He gets embarrassed when he figures out and the other two are like LOLLL 😂😂😂, we love your reactions!
Isaac: You’re saying you spend your days thinking about lewd stories of MC?
Them: No.
Arthur: We could imagine but the real thing is a whole different thing.
Dazai: The real thing trumps fantasy.
Isaac: So you were trolling me?
Them: Yes.
Isaac: You’re the worst!
Them: Rofl
Boys Talk - A Steamy Nighttime
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Leonardo, Vincent, Sebastian
Setting: Thermae
Leonardo: A bath sure is nice!
The other two: ...
Leonardo: Why so quiet?
Vincent: I don’t think MC registers me and Sebastian as men. (Correct. You are indeed an angel and not a mortal man)
Leonardo: Why?
Vincent recalls how he was sunbathing with MC and she commented how he was comforting like a little brother
Leonardo: Pride must’ve been hurt by that. Sebas?
Sebastian: Similar. She said I was like her dad.
Leonardo: Dad-zoned, huh (*This isn’t my own abridging of the story, he actually said that) It’s not as bad as you think. Its proof MC is comfortable, that’s important.
Vincent and Sebastian says that : They want to be seen and treated as reliable men
Leonardo (internally): I’m pretty sure she sees them as men though. If I’m too serious about this, they’ll try too hard. The best thing is to make them laugh
Leonardo: You must get comfortable around women. If you get too self conscious things get weird right?
Sebastian: I see. How?
Leonardo: Prof Leonardo shall teach you. This is classified so don’t share
Them: We Promise.
Leonardo: Did you know a women’s breast is as soft as the inside of their arms. Start there with the inner arm
Vincent: Brilliant. What do we say after
Sebastian: Practice on me master Vincent
Vincent: Your arm is hard
Sebastian: I’m actually swole. (He says quite muscular)
Leonardo: You weren’t supposed to take this seriously
Vincent: Will you give more tips? I wanna get closer to MC
Sebastian: Please teach us professor Leonardo
Leonardo (internally): I didn’t expect this... They’re so pure. I can’t let them down.
Leonardo: When someone licks their lips it means they want you to kiss them, so watch out.
Vincent: You’re a genius! Arthur does that all the time! But I won’t do that since it will startle MC if I suddenly kiss her.
Sebastian: Start with the forehead/cheek
Vincent: Anything else?
Leonardo: Playing with hair = Wants affection
Sebastian: Isaac does that a lot, but he DOES crave affection. I gotta watch out for that.
Leonardo: Listen. I didn’t expect this...
Them: Teach us more!
Leonardo: 😓 
Sorry it’s late. Distracted my Animal Crossing. You can find 2020’s set in my previous post or under the “2020 New Years Set” tag.
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laurieteddy · 4 years
good company | amy march 
description: where amy shares her true feelings and 
request: “Could you write a Amy March x fem reader ? Maybe something like reader is a model for Amy’s painting classes and Amy falls in love while painting her and so she pursues the reader?” 
warnings: light angst in one part, and mentions of homophobia bc of the time period
word count: ~3,650
a/n: so, so, so sorry this tool me so long!! requests just always seem to... i hope you like it! also, the painting classes part was sort of small, sorry!!
This wasn’t what Amy had expected when she thought of what would happen in her art classes. Of course she knew she would be painting live models, that much was obvious, but she hadn’t even imagined that she would fall for any of them. The models were there to do their job, and the artists were there to paint them. It was as simple as that, or was supposed to be. 
When you came in, though, it changed things.
It wasn’t as if it was like “love at first sight” which a younger version of Amy would’ve believed in more. Though, as time passed she seemed to only admire you more and more. You held yourself so delicately yet seemed so carefree when talking to others before a session began. She had observed you closely from the first day she met you, which could be shrugged off in the beginning because you were the subject she was painting, of course she was observing you. 
Amy shook it off as long as she could, it was completely new to her. Sure, she had feelings for Laurie at a younger age, a lot of people tend to have a crush at some point in their lives. But you were a woman, this changed everything. She told herself she was infatuated because you were the model, you were of her interest because you were the subject she had to focus on. But it felt like more than that. It felt, to her, similar to the feelings she had toward Laurie those few years ago.
The two of you had spoken quite a few times, before and after classes and sometimes during breaks if there were any. You had noticed her gaze always seemed to be following you, which you would tease her about on occasion. Amy always seemed to have a smile accompanied with a blush when she talked to you, she couldn’t help it. In times where you might poke fun at her you would earn a deeper shade of red from her cheeks.
She was glad to be able to talk to you. You reminded her of home in ways, being so carefree but at the same time you were careful to pay mind to your surroundings. You would both tell each other stories of your homes and families, your hopes and dreams even if they were silly, you would talk about anything just to have a conversation. Conversations you shared never seemed to be dry, even if you were only talking about the weather, because it was just nice to be talking to each other.
You were glad to have met Amy, finding yourself naturally drawn to her. It became a nearly daily routine to spend at least an hour of your time with one another, finding company outside of classes too now. You were more familiar with the area and so Amy took advantage of this to have you show her around. On top of that, while she fit in with most crowds just fine, she preferred your company over most other’s there, especially Aunt March.
“How’ve you never had a pickled lime?!” Amy laughed as she looked at you with furrowed brows.
“I’m not sure,” you shrugged. “I guess they just aren’t as popular where I’m from.”
“They should be,” she grinned. “You know, I actually got in trouble at school for having them. That was my last day of school there, it was a dreadful place from the start.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, it didn’t sound in character for Amy to get into trouble for something so foolish. Then again, you didn’t know her at that age. Her aunt certainly seemed to think she had drastically changed though. And if you looked close you could see a more “rebellious” side of Amy. For the most part she tried her best to be proper, still allowing herself to relax though but doing so less and less it seemed.
“Why would you even get in trouble for simply having them with you?” You connected your arm with her’s as you walked through a garden. 
“Well, we would trade them and the teacher decided to put an end to it, it did nothing though. I was in debt so my sister gave me money and I was able to buy enough to repay people.” She sheepishly said, “I brought a whole bundle to school but I was too obvious with them.”
“You’re trying to tell me that you, Amy March, actually broke rules and got into trouble at school?”
“I’m not trying, I am telling you,” she laughed. “It wasn’t worth the cost though. I wouldn’t do it again.”
“Ah, there we go. That sounds more like you,” you grinned and leaned against her arm.
She smiled, shaking her head at your response. Then she realized, she had grown quite a bit in what seemed like no time at all. Or, at least, she had matured plenty. It was weird to actually consider how much had changed. It made her wonder, had you changed from childhood or were you always so outspoken?
“What about you?” She glanced over, “Tell me a story from your childhood?”
You paused to think, deciding on what story you should tell her. When you thought about it most of the stories seemed to be about the same. While Amy seemed to be more outgoing in school and through childhood, you seemed more reserved. Now, though, your personalities seemed to, in small ways, flip and become the opposite of what they were.
“I didn’t talk to many kids at school,” you began, “I had one close friend, who I haven’t talked to since then. I didn’t have the same interests as the other students seemed to have, didn’t hurt me any though.”
“Well, you do seem to have found a fairly large and worthy friend group now.” Amy locked arms with you.
“I wouldn’t say large, but I thoroughly enjoy their company. I’ve found more people to relate to in my adulthood than I ever did through school.” You raised your brows, “Now, that isn’t to say I didn’t enjoy at least parts of my childhood.”
“Oh?” She questioned, “Would you share more, then?”
You smiled at her, nodding gently before telling her about another bit of your childhood. Amy listened closely, nodding every once and awhile to assure you that you had her attention. You didn’t talk about your past much, and she was always curious to learn more about you.
For hours you walked together, eventually stopping to sit on a bench by a pond. Amy was still asking you questions about yourself and would occasionally share some stories of her own. While you had been doing this for days now, talking hours on end with one another, neither of you were growing tired of it. If anything, you both couldn’t wait for the next time you would get to chat. 
Recently you were finding yourselves at a lack of time spent together. Amy was talking to a man, one that was sure to propose to her soon. He could offer her money, a well enough life, just material things that Amy recalled dreaming of having when she was younger. But, she didn’t find herself too interested in him. While he was easy enough to get along with, it wasn’t exactly all she was looking for in a relationship. Then again, that wasn’t really the point of marrying him, as Aunt March would remind her.
“Won’t we talk tomorrow?” You asked, already knowing her answer.
“You know I’ll do everything I can to make the time.” She smiled sadly, “I have plans with Mr. Vaughn tomorrow.”
You could feel your heart clenching, a pain you were growing used to. Fred Vaughn, of course. Never would you dare to say anything against him, he wasn’t a bad man and you knew Amy was only doing what she must. Still, it would be a lie to say it didn’t sting a bit when she had to leave you for him. Maybe the fact that he was a good man only made it worse too. There was no real reason to have anything against, that’s what all of your friends had said.
“Don’t worry yourself too much over it,” you smiled, “we always find the time eventually. Mr. Vaughn makes good company as well, I think you’ll find yourself losing track of time with him.”
“Hmm, I disagree.” She continued walking slowly, “While Fred is good company, my mind doesn’t seem to stay focused on him even if it’s only the two of us. He is a very nice man, but…”
Amy wasn’t really sure what she was about to say. It was all true, she did find Fred to be a kind man and good company, but there was still something that Amy didn’t quite mind about having to spend time with him. She figured at first it was just the idea of actually becoming a married woman, losing all that was hers really. And, yes, that was still a part of it but there was more that she couldn’t place. Or, well… she didn’t want to think about it.
“What is it?” You reached for her hand, gently pulling her to a stop.
She didn’t turn to face you, she wasn’t sure that she could. There were too many thoughts to gather, too many words to say. Where to begin? And where would it end? 
“Sometimes I just wonder if I actually like Fred or if I just like the convenience of him,” she admitted. “Like I said, he is a very nice man but I don’t know that I can see him in the way Aunt March wants me to.”
“What do you mean?” You already knew, and you knew there would come a time when this would happen, when you might lose her.
“We’re expecting him to propose.” She looked at you, “And Aunt March expects me to say yes.”
You tilted your head, “Will you?”
Amy gently pulled her hand from your grip, looking to the ground. She didn’t know her answer to that. She didn’t want to say yes, not really. It was giving her life away, but at the same time it was a promise of a, at the very least, decent marriage. Fred made good company, but he wasn’t who Amy pictured spending her life with.
“I don’t know,” she said truthfully. 
“What do you mean you don’t know?” Your tone was a bit sour, you were hurt by the idea that she may say yes.
“I just don’t know.” She took a deep breath, “I don’t know that marrying him is what I want to do but I need it’s… It is just what I need to do.”
“What you ‘need’ to do?” you scoffed. “Amy, if you don’t want to be with him then it isn’t what you ‘need’ to do.”
“It is though. For my family, for my future. And if I ever wish to have children it would be good support for them.” She took a step away from you, looking over the horizon. “I may not think it wise to marry him today but I can’t think about just today, y/n.”
You weren’t sure why there was this anger growing in you, if it even was anger. You supposed it was because, as you had thought before, you didn’t want to lose her. Marrying Fred Vaughn would mean she would have to go. She would lose everything that made her life her own, now and in her future. To you, it didn’t seem worth the cost. Amy seemed so happy where she was. 
“Life isn’t just about money, Amy. It’s about happiness, what brings you joy. And a life with Fred Vaughn? What else can he offer but money?” You moved in front of her, a pleading look in your eyes.
“Stability. Help for Beth. A promise that I have at least some sort of good future.” 
“You keep saying that, “good future”. What do you mean by that? What is a good future to you?” Part of you knew you were likely overstepping but you were so frustrated, and you truly didn’t want Amy doing something she didn’t want to do.
“I mean,” she paused to think for a moment. “I’m not doing this. I’m not having this conversation with you, why do you even care so much?” 
Another stinging went through you. How could she ask that? Wasn’t it clear how much she meant to you?
“I don’t know,” you snapped.
Amy was taken aback, that wasn’t what she thought you’d say. She was expecting a list of reasons, a speech about how marrying Vaughn was the wrong choice. She thought you’d be ready to fight back. It wasn’t that she wanted to fight, she wasn’t even sure how it built up to where it was. You were both just becoming more and more defensive. 
You both stood in silence for a few moments, taking in all of your new thoughts and uprising feelings. You knew it wasn’t so simple for her to just decide not to marry Vaughn. Amy had a lot to consider on the matter, too much for your or her liking. There was just this piece of you that wanted to be selfish though, to hold Amy close by your side and keep her for yourself. But you… you had nothing of “value” to your name. No money, no land, no name to pass along. No name to pass along. That was, you couldn’t marry. It was an entirely different topic on its own.
Two women marrying? It wasn’t something people would even talk of, let alone something that could happen in the time. Even being together, in any form, was frowned on by most. 
This was likely, whether she realized it or not, Amy was pushing back the idea of having even the slightest feelings for you. Her family wouldn’t care, at least her sisters and parents wouldn’t. She wasn’t sure what Aunt March would think, though she didn’t know what that mattered to her either. She couldn’t stop herself from thinking about what all of those around her would think, it was an overwhelming thing for her. Amy saw herself as a people pleaser, though when she was younger it may have not always seemed that way. 
Nothing about it was easy. 
“I don’t have the luxury of being so carefree,” she began. “I know, too, that it isn’t always a luxury for you. I recognize your past was complicated but…” she took a breath in, “that doesn’t make mine any less so either.”
“I know,” you whispered, “I’m sorry. I hadn’t meant to attack you like that.”
She nodded meekly, unsure of where to go from here. Now was the perfect opportunity to talk through everything running wild in her head, she wondered if you could offer some answers. Was it worth the risk of her potentially becoming so vulnerable? She would find out.
“Do you remember the first day you came in to model for my class?” Amy smiled at the memory, and out of relief for a change in subject.
“Of course,” you chuckled awkwardly. “You seemed so nervous, more than many of the others.”
Her cheeks tinted red. As she ducked to hide it she let out a soft titter, “I was. The class was so intimidating in the start on its own, and then you walked in.”
You frowned a bit, worried the story might turn negative given your previous conversation. Amy noticed, being quick to reassure you with a gentle smile and her hand landing on your own. 
“You walked in, laughing, letting your scarf flow behind you. Your overcoat was the complete opposite from your outfit, I remember scolding a few people for being quick to judge you on such a trivial thing. Your hair was wild, like now,” she smiled as she brushed a tuft of your hair behind your ear. 
You were blushing now. “So we’re talking about how messy I appear?” you joked.
Her brows furrowed, “Not at all. I mean all of that to say… I couldn’t believe how effortlessly beautiful you were when you walked in.”
Both of you could feel your hearts pattering against your chests. For you, you thought you might be over analyzing again, if you ever had in the start that was. For Amy, she was shocked she actually worked herself up to say that. While it was simple enough, and no doubt something one could say to a friend, it was coming out in this brand new context. 
“When you came up to me after class, and you complimented my work.” She laughed, “I was at a complete loss for words. I remember being so nervous when you came up to me, I didn’t know what to say but you were so sweet. You asked me some questions, and I did my best to answer while trying to hide how… hypnotized I was. I kept thinking to myself that you would notice, that I would scare you away when you did.”
You weren’t sure what to say, you still couldn’t quite tell where the conversation was going, you were avoiding saying something you may later wish you kept private. There was also still this fear that you could be interpreting it wrong, though as she went on it seemed less and less likely that that was the case.
“I don’t want to marry Fred Vaughn,” Amy frowned and faced away. 
Her fingers were lightly tracing circles over the back of your hand, something she often found herself doing to her own hands when nervous. She didn’t exactly expect any response from you, but the silence was eating away at her as each second passed without you speaking up. Where to begin?
“So don’t.” You held her hand still between both of yours. 
It wasn’t so hostile this time, you were calm. Your tone sounded to be more suggesting rather than demanding. Amy was more willing to hear, both of you were. 
“Fred is a lovely man, perfect company… but if that isn’t who you want to marry, don’t.” You released her hand, “Status fails to matter when you find yourself at a lack of joy.”
“I’ve heard that a few times from my mother.” You often reminded Amy of home. “Meg too, and it seems to have proven itself to be true in her case. They haven’t much, but they do seem so happy with each other.”
What Amy was trying to say was so much more than what she was getting out. She hoped you might expand, understanding you were likely nervous too. A few more moments of silence seemed to last for hours, though it was more like a minute. Talking about it was hard, not as hard as she had initially believed but it was still difficult. 
“What if-- just, what if I don’t want to marry Fred because...because I don’t want to lose you?” Maybe it would be easier to be more straightforward. 
“Lose me? Amy, you could never,” you moved closer to her.
“No, I know. I know that we will always have our friendship, our memories and so on. But, what if I’m afraid of losing all of it? Our long walks, never ending talks. What if you understand me better than anyone… and I don’t want to lose that. I don’t want to lose the feeling of holding you close,” her fingers intertwined with yours. “I don’t want the butterflies in my stomach when you greet me again to leave me. I don’t want to give up our spontaneous picnics or races. I want to hold it all close to me, I want to keep you close to my heart.”
“Amy,” you couldn’t help but smile, “I mean, what about everything you had said earlier?”
“Those words were spoken out of fear, y/n. I… I’ve been afraid to say any of this to you. I thought you might run the other way, and I was terrified of what would be said had anyone found out but… I don’t care. Someone will always have something to say about me, right?”
You were thrilled to hear all of this, but at the same time there was a bit of conflict. Amy didn’t tend to be so spontaneous, you wanted to be sure she meant everything she was saying before letting yourself react too much. It didn’t feel real, how could it? 
She talked about the day you met so lovingly, and she seemed so smitten when describing you that day. It was almost like sitting back, listening as she talked about someone you had never met. It just seemed like true admiration so it was hard for you to imagine she was talking about you, not some stranger. 
“I’ve wanted to say something similar to you for some time,” you finally admitted. “I thought it was a lost hope, seeing how we all thought you’d be marrying Vaughn.”
“Ugh, enough about Vaughn, don’t you think?” She groaned, rolling her eyes dramatically with a grin on her lips.
“Absolutely,” you smiled and joked, “who knew I’d be stealing you away from him.”
“I did, the day I met you.” 
You laughed as you both continued your walk. It was getting late, neither of you had minded. You spent hours more talking, about things you had been burying for too long and about how things would be changing. It was getting easier to talk about, and you’d catch yourselves tossing in random jokes from time to time to keep the atmosphere cool. 
Aunt March wouldn’t be happy to hear the news, Amy didn’t care any longer though. Really, it was the last thing on her mind then. She was happy to just be walking with you.
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dameronology · 4 years
the one with all the jealousy (obi-wan x reader)
summary: obi-wan kenobi + ‘if anybody asks, i’m taken/if anybody wants to know, he is too’ {taken, hayley williams} (for @kaminobiwan​)
this has some low-key jealous obi-wan kenobi and not to be a hoe on main but i’m kinda here for it. and i am fully aware that the title is ripped directly from a friends’ episode but i already have a steve one called the one where he gets jealous so i had to kinda chop and change 
warnings: there’s a sleazy middle aged senator doing sleazy aged middle senator things but other than that, nothing
- jazz
(p.s my tag list won’t work bc i’m on mobile, i’m sorry D:) 
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You usually enjoyed parties. With a drink in your hand and your colleagues surrounding you, it was easy to lose track of time - but not tonight. With Obi-Wan Kenobi stood just a few metres from you, occasionally giving you a knowing nod or quick wink, it was hard to focus on anything else.
Sadly, your Jedi wasn’t at the party as your plus one. He was there on a protection detail for one of the senators in the crowd; you weren’t sure which one. There was some details that mattered and that wasn’t one of them. The ones that did matter, for example, was the fact Obi-Wan looked more attractive than usual. You weren’t entirely sure that he looked any different - it was probably just the fact you wanted something you couldn’t have (at least not until you were behind closed doors).
‘So.’ The senator that you’d been talking to shuffled slightly in his seat. ‘Did you come with anybody tonight?’
You were too busy staring across the room at Obi-Wan to notice the senator’s body language. He was leaning towards you, one hand lingering dangerously close to your thigh, a knowing smile on his lips. 
‘Sorry, what were you saying?’ You snapped out your trance. 
‘I was asking if you came with anyone tonight - I mean, I haven’t seen you with anyone.’
That was when Obi-Wan noticed the senator’s proximity to you. He’d worked with enough sleazy politicians to know when they wanted something - and you were too distracted by him to realise. It wasn’t just any senator, either. It was the one Obi-Wan was meant to be guarding. The irony was not lost on him.
‘I came alone’ You scowled at his, noticing that it was now coming down to rest on your thigh. ‘But that’s not to say I’m not with someone.’
‘He’s a very lucky man.’ The senator bit his lip. ‘But may I enquire why he let you come alone?’
‘Because he was working.’ You whacked his hand away. ‘If you’ll excuse me-’
You went to stand up, but the senator reached for your wrist, forcing you back down into the chair. ‘You know, I’m very influential-’
‘- I don’t care.’ You retorted. ‘Get off of me.’
You could handle yourself. Obi-Wan knew that - he’d seen it. You were a bad-ass (his bad-ass) but he couldn’t stand to watch the politician grab at you like that. You were a person, not a toy. 
‘Senator Crow!’ The Jedi’s voice pierced through the air, and you couldn’t help but feel relieved at the sight of him coming over. ‘It’s getting a bit late and we need to get you back to your room. My Padawan will be escorting you back to your quarters now.’
‘But I’m not done-’
‘- it’s for your safety-’
‘- buy I don’t want to-’
‘- I insist.’ Obi-Wan’s tone was final, a painfully forced smile on his face.
Letting out a huff, the senator stood up. As he did, he planted a kiss on your hand - out of politeness, you tried to hide the fact that you almost gagged. He gave you one last, longing look before standing up and following Anakin out the door. 
You let out an exasperated sigh, collapsing back into your seat. The main thing was that he was gone; the bad part was that you couldn’t grab Obi-Wan and kiss him. You’d get to that part eventually, but it still felt like it was aeons away. 
‘Thank you,’ you ran a hand through your hair. ‘I was too distracted.’
‘By me?’ The Jedi took a seat next to you. ‘I could see that. Senator Crow has a tendency to be...frisky.’
‘Be a sleezy, drunken bastard.’ You corrected him. ‘When do you finish?’
‘Well, Anakin’s dealt with Crow - so now, I suppose.’
‘I’ll leave first.’ You stood up, dusting off your robes. ‘My room, ten minutes.’
‘I’m looking forward to it.’
Fifteen minutes later, you were sat in your room. You’d ditched your robes, and your hair was now down and on your shoulders rather than styled. You just wanted to see Obi-Wan - of course, you’d seen him less than twenty minutes ago but that wasn’t the same.  
You fell back into the mattress, eyes heavy with sleep. It had been a stressful few days with work and social commitments, between both of which you’d managed to find time to have stolen kisses and a few private moments with Obi-Wan. You wouldn’t have changed anything for the world, but you sometimes thought about how much easier it would be if you could actually be openly together.
After a few moments, you felt the bed dip beside you, and a pair of warm, familiar arms wrap around your waist. Obi-Wan pulled you into his chest - you could barely open your eyes, but you reached up to press a kiss to his jaw.
‘Hey, handsome.’ You sleepily murmured. ‘You took your sweet time.’
‘I had to have a word with a senator.’ He gently ran a hand through your hair.
You jolted up, eyes now wide open. ‘What did you say? Because if you told him-’
‘- no, nothing like that.’ Obi-Wan chuckled slightly, and you relaxed again. ‘I simply pointed out to him that his wife would be most disappointed if she were to discover that he was making moves on other people.’
You’d never seen him jealous before. You hadn’t been in a scenario where you’d had the chance to be. Between living at the temple and running off on missions, there weren’t many situations where you ended up in that kind of environment. You both got plenty of attention - just not in front of the other.
‘You’re hot when you’re jealous.’ You commented.
Picking you up, Obi-Wan pulled back the covers and placed you underneath them. He kicked off his boots and top half of the robes, sliding under the blankets next to you. 
‘Am I?’ He asked. 
‘Much hotter than a senator...’ you trailed off, rolling over to bury your head in his shoulder. ‘I did try to tell him I was taken, but he wouldn’t listen.’
‘I know.’ 
You shivered slightly as Obi-Wan traced his hand up your bare arm, lazily drawing nonsensical patterns on your skin. After a long day of not being with each other, it felt perfect; just you and him, and no overbearing politicians.
You reached up, gently pushing a few strands of his hair off his face. ‘I love you, Jedi.’
‘I love you too.’ 
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fuckingfinwions · 3 years
I see what you mean! Also the image of Curufin specifically being humiliate/paraded is very evocative! I guess I want 2 know if there are ever times when maedhros tells nolo/fingon+curufin to do something and curufin tries to refuse/slack off bc *he* feels humiliated by it and fingon/nolo are just like 'shut up and go along with it, itll be over faster/don't get me in trouble too'? i imagine they were much gentler towards their own family ofc but fingon seems to (rightfully) hate curufin. is nol
*nolo ever like 'curufin you literally used to do this all the time--don't you remember how much all of you relished in punishing 'disobedience''? it just seems like a fascinating power dynamic where ostensibly curufin, nolo, and fingon (and tyelpe later) are on the same 'level' but they dont actually all like or trust or work together and maedhros does treat them differently (he seems more affectionate with fingon?). so them interacting alone or while with mae is so interesting bc they are cons
*constantly scheming to try and make things better for themselves or at least Not Worse but totally could fuck it up for each other. i also wonder if nolo/fingon are gentler with celebrimbor once he finally comes of age and joins them? do they like...tell him what to expect when he's afraid of it happening in the future, or give him any adivce, or comfort him when it does happen? does curufin do that either or does he just refuse to think abt it? i cant iamgine nolo/finno being mean to tyelpe
wondering eg--maedhros has to go deal with something urgent & to save time tells curufin/fingon to prep each other. does curufin actually do it well? does he do a good job? does fingon? obviously neither want to touch each other, but if its nolo+fingon they have an incentive to cooperate just to make it easier on each other. do curufin & fingon actually work towards this? does fingon do a decent job bc he knows there will be consequences? what would punishment actually be if there would be any?
also i have to say its darkly ironic that being so 'low' spares fingon & nolo some very poignant humiliation that maedhros inflicts on curufin. do they still get ordered to do things to each other at parties or was that just something the feanorions did as teenagers & maedhros has 'grown out of'? (also do nolo/fingon ever get to write letters to turgon&aredhel? would they get a chance to see them if they visited? do t&a ever try to rescue them? would they rescue curufin/tyelpe too?)
There are definitely times when Curufin refuses to do things, but Nolo and Fingon would rather get it over with. Maedhros doesn’t call them all to his chamber that often, but when he does it’s for something elaborate. Also, Maglor has permission/access to them as well, and once he gets over it being weird to fuck his (former) brother, he’s going to want full on erotic plays. Curufin has been “broken in” enough that he no longer tries to run or attack, but he still has his pride. He mostly realizes that he has to obey orders for outright sex acts, but if he feels like he’s the butt of a joke, he’ll just stand there. Or sometimes if a chore is particularly humiliating, he’ll also refuse to do it, even if it’s moving something heavy that really needs multiple people.
When Curufin’s being uncooperative, Nolo will try to reason with him. “There’s only two ways this is going to end. You do it now; or you stubbornly refuse to until they punish you and then you do it. I know it’s unpleasant, but there’s no way around it.”
Fingon, by contrast, doesn’t expect reasoning with Curufin to work. If Curufin’s the only one who will get punished, Fingon leaves him to it. If not, Fingon will try to physically force him to go along. Maglor’s script calls for Curufin to crawl on his knees; Fingon trips him. Maedhros wants them all to leave their robes in their room and come to him naked on the balcony, so there’s nothing to worry about getting blown away; Fingon grabs Curufin’s hand after his bath and starts walking. It turns into a physical fight once or twice, until Maedhros makes it clear he’s far too busy to deal with them fighting, and next time anyone is punched, both of them (or perhaps even all four) will be whipped. After that, they’re both careful to keep it to plausibly deniable “bumping into each other”.
When Curufin actually disobeys in front of Maedhros, there’s really nothing Nolo or Fingon can do.
Fun fact: Since Curufin is locked up in Maedhros’s bedroom for a week straight, it falls to Nolo and Fingon to look after Celebrimbor. He’s a terrified thirteen year old who just had his entire life upended, so they both have a lot of sympathy for him. (And he never hurt them, as that was a sexual privilege reserved for adults.) They teach him how to do the tedious chores, and where lunch is served for all the servants, and where extra cleaning supplies are kept if you run out of rags halfway through polishing the mirrors. They also explain how he’ll be expected to behave, and make sure to quickly greet any nobles they see in their work so that Celebrimbor can echo their response.
They don’t really know how to comfort Celebrimbor - him “losing” all his uncles, who he actually liked, is different than it was for Fingon - but they try. Nolo reassures Celebrimbor that Curufin will be back soon, after a few days he’ll be trusted enough to be out Maedhros’s direct sight, and Curufin was not seriously injured last time Nolo saw him. Fingon assures Celebrimbor that your father being trained to be a sex slave doesn’t actually mean he’ll stop loving you or wanting to hang out with you, though of course Curufin and Celebrimbor will have far less free time than they did before.
When Curufin here’s about this he’s furious. (This scene takes place with Curufin chained to a wall in the Servant Nolofinweans’ quarters, because that’s where  Maedhros put him for the night.)
Curufin: “Get away from my son! I won’t have you perverts corrupting him.”
Nolo: “What have we done that’s so perverse? All I’ve taught Celebrimbor is some useful cleaning tips.”
Curufin: “You’ve fucked your own brother, and your children! Fingon rode his brother’s cock in front of half the court, and your daughter spends most of her time in the palace naked and covered in seed.”
Nolo is not going to punch someone who is tied up and unable to punch back. At least, not unless directly ordered to. “You were often the one who ordered such, and yet you think yourself above us?”
Curufin: “I’ve ordered mules to carry things, and I’m above them too.”
Nolo: “You’re one to talk, with how you were gagging for Maedhros an hour ago.”
Curufin: “That’s different! He forced me to do it, you walked in there on your own two feet.”
Nolo: “I walked in because I knew I’d be dragged otherwise. I desire it less than you do.”
So yeah, they’re not exactly friends. Also, Fingon locked Celebrimbor in Aredhel’s old bedroom (with himself outside the door) when the argument started, to shield him from Curufin’s anger and humiliation. Hell get to talk to Curufin once Curufin is no longer talking about sex though.
eg--maedhros has to go deal with something urgent & to  save time tells curufin/fingon to prep each other.
First off: Curufin is still definitely attracted to Fingon and Nolo. He resents being told what to do, but if ordered to fuck or touch one of them he will take the excuse to get his hands all over them. He probably still won’t do a useful job though - more of playing with Fingon’s nipples or cock with one hand, while one finger of the other is in Fingon’s ass so Fingon can’t pull away. Fingon considers prer to be defined as stretching and lubing Curufin enough that Maedhros will enjoy sticking his cock in, with Curufin in little enough pain that he can come if Maedhros tries for that. So Fingon just goes with three fingers from the start, and uses Curufin’s moment of surprise to reach back and prep himself a bit better. Sure, Curufin would be punished for doing a bad job, but Fingon would be stuck with inadequate prep.
Fingon doesn’t push Curufin away because Maedhros could be back at any moment, and he ordered them to prep each other rather than themselves. (Maedhros finds the thought of his sex slaves “playing with” each other very arousing, even though he knows it’s just a show for him.)
Maedhros goes for the thematic/ironic punishments. The next night, Maedhros orders Fingon to prep Curufin as badly as he was prepped, and then puts a giant dildo in Curufin. He can take it out when he comes, and he’s not allowed to touch his cock.
That’s assuming that Curufin’s bad prep “just” caused pain or injury to Fingon. If Curufin actually did such a bad job prepping Fingon that Maedhros had to wait, or felt pain, that would be terrible. Maedhros would beat him with a crop, and then chain Curufin’s hands behind his back - if he’s not going to use them as ordered, he doesn’t need them. If Curufin apologized very, very well the next night, Maedhros might unchain his hands before putting the dildo in.
(Fingon’s prep of Curufin is judged as adequate, especially if he touches Curufin’s cock enough to get it hard before Maedhros gets back. Fingon knows what his “audience” wants.)
Getting ordered to do things to each other at parties is mostly something Maedhros “grew out of”. He’s king now, and has a whole lot more power than just making “low” people fuck on his command. Possibly Maglor still orders it though. And Maedhros does like private shows, he just doesn’t need a big audience for his sex salves fucking each other.
I don’t think Maedhros would allow Nolo and Fingon to write letters back and forth with Turgon and Aredhel - too easy to plan an escape, even if Maedhros reads the letters too. He’d probably allow one way communication though.  Tugon and Aredhel can write letters to their family that will be read by a guard, but will reach their destination. Maedhros will occasionally have Nolo or Fingon attend him at court (clothed) so that everyone can see their subservience, and Turgon and Aredhel can know they’re still alive.
They would be standing beside Maedhros’ throne, fetching notes he left in his room, or a drink of water, or his lunch; wiping up any spills immediately, whether on the throne or the floor or Maedhros’s robes. Occasionally holding a book or similar where Maedhros can see it, without wrinkling his robe by setting it in his lap. After a year or so, Maedhros has Curufin attend him as well - in a beautiful gag the first couple times, just in case.
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kvngjoong · 5 years
jisung + nsfw a-z
next is felix!! i forgot about my dissertation so need to work on that, but i’ll try to post it tomorrow, and if not next monday!
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A: Aftercare
because han jisung is not only a sub, but a brat, he needs taking care of. he will demand all of your attention on him, so good luck if you wanted to do something else, because jisung is expecting you to take care of him, run him a bath, sit with him, play with his hair (and braid it, hmm?), then help him get to sleep. if you don’t, he will definitely complain about it
B: Body part
although there is a joke he literally loves your chest, he loves your hands more. he likes the way you stroke his skin so softly, he likes how you run your fingers through his hair when he’s in sub space, he especially loves the way that you so perfectly jack him off. for him, he loves his lips the most. he knows the effect he has on you because of them
C: Cum
he cums a lot. like a surprising amount. he enjoys making a show of it and having it all over your sheets, or your hands, so that he can lick it off. also likes having his cum on ur tiddies cause he thinks it looks pretty
D: Dirty Secret
jisung mentioned more than enough times that he wants to video you guys doing something sometime, and he does with your permission this one time. he first off doesn’t admit that he enjoys being a bit of a slut on camera, but it’s pretty easy to see it the next time you watch it and he’s practically got his tongue out and begging for more. second, he doesn't admit how many times he actually got off to that video, and each time you bring it up he’ll get all shy because.. did he just pop a boner?
E: Experience
he knows a damn lot about what he’s doing, but he doesn’t actually have any real experience. probably because he was too busy fantasizing about what could be happening or just he was generally busy. but yeah, he knows what he’s doing and he knows what he wants
F: Favourite Position
literally anything which gives him a chance to touch your tiddies. no joke, he loves it when you ride him, no matter what part of him you’re actually riding. face, cock, thigh… he’s into it (if you’re not wearing a shirt or you’re wearing one of his and it’s kinda see through.. you understand)
G: Goofy
jisung is a brat. do you know what that means? he will make jokes, he will tease you by acting like you’re not affecting him. he generally has a more relaxed approach to nsfw stuff, but he uses it to his advantage too. he’ll get what he wants from you by keeping his happy charm as though he’s completely oblivious to the fact that you're trying to turn him on, or something like that
H: Hair
he’s still pretty young and probably didn’t get the memo to shave anything. but when he gets closer to you he wants to take pride in his appearance and will probably start shaving. not that he has much of it to begin with, he probs doesn’t have much hair altogether anyway
I: Intimacy
he acts like he doesn’t care all that much, but jisung is a sensitive baby and everything means so much to him. especially when he’s laying in your arms afterwards and he looks up to you like you’re his entire world. it’s kinda obvious as well when your sex is a little less kinky and you just wanna show him how much he cares, he will respond the exact same way. but he’s definitely more intimate outside of nsfw stuff
J: Jack Off
He can go all the time, any time. So he jacks off a lot. It may be something that’s hard to control when you first get together because he will be pretty demanding that you help him out each time, but eventually he resorts to just recording it each time so you get to see him jacking off on his own instead
K: Kink
oh hey did someone say the worst power bottom of them all? yeah. he’s a brat, but he knows what he’s doing. he knows what to say to get you riled up, he knows how to move and how to push your buttons. but he likes annoying you because when you get a bit rougher that just takes him to another level. so he’s a masochist too. there’s a whole list of them. he’s a sub. praise kink, teasing, shower sex, practically anywhere sex, he literally is a book of kinks - some of which you might not even know
L: Location
uh.. anywhere. literally. he doesn’t have many boundaries. it doesnt matter that he’s an introvert, all his inhibitions are lost when he’s needy. unless it’s somewhere super public. that isn’t to say he isn’t one to join the mile high club, cause he thinks that would be pretty hot. jisung thinks a lot of things are pretty hot, actually
M: Motivation
he doesn’t need anything other than you. he’ll be talking to you one time and remember when you stuck a butt plug in him and outright say to you what he’s thinking about. he’ll be working on a song and remember when you bit his collar bone a bit harder than usual, then he’ll run out to call you for a little phone conversation whilst he’s in the disabled bathroom (privacy ofc). so his own creeping thoughts
he’s not very much into you calling him degrading names. as much as he likes you spanking him, edging him, etc, he gets a bit upset at the sound of you calling him a slut or whore (you get it). he doesn't seem himself that way, because even is he’s practically begging for you to make him cum over and over, he doesn’t do that for anyone else. he does it for you and only you
O: Oral
he gives and he receives. he loves both, no matter what mood he’s in. he loves how you feel when you suck him off and he also loves to show you how much he’s into you and also impress you with his skills. he’ll do it all just to hear you say how good he is. praise kink, anyone?
P: Pace
definitely on the quicker side no matter what he does. no need to ask him to go faster at all
Q: Quickie
a must have with someone like jisung. he’s frequent to a pout and pulling you into a side room because he really wants to show you just how hard he is for you. he doesn’t prefer them, but he definitely likes them
R: Risk
he thrives on the idea of getting caught. jisung is loud, and he most definitely could moan a bit loud so everyone else knows what he’s doing. it doesn’t embarrass him that much, depending on who might actually catch him doing something, but if someone caught him he would definitely get all cocky because hell yeah, you’re dating him
S: Stamina
usually sticks to a maximum of like 2 rounds, but they’re long. he can endure a lot, especially the longer you’ve been together
T: Toy
loves them all, lives for them, will actively look for them to be used on him. doesn’t really use them on you, but is one to sit back and watch you get off with one as he gets himself off, too. mutual masturbation is a good thing for him, providing that you use that toy on him afterwards, too
U: Unfair
as a brat, he is of course unfair. even with you as the dom, no matter what you do, he still has control somewhere because he’s the worst damn tease around. he’ll listen to your rules, he’ll nod as you tell him he can’t cum until you say, and he’ll do it anyway to get punished, but also because he knows it sends you one step closer to hell anyway. so he’s a tease and it’s completely intentional, especially when he says stuff around other people and smiles widely at you because he just kinda hinted at that one time you let him fuck your mouth… okay jisung
V: Volume
jisung is loud. not kind of loud, not a little bit loud, he is the very definition of loud. cover his mouth loud. have to gag him loud (which he likes). you’re gonna find it hard to keep anything a secret from others because jisung literally does not have a filter and if he likes something you’re doing, he’s gonna tell you and everyone within twenty metres. he talks, he whines, he moans, he whimpers… he is loud
W: Wild Card
it’s not often you were his shirts, and jisung has been begging you to just wear one bc he thinks it will be cute. eventually you give into him and you decide to wear one when you get out of the shower one evening, and jisung was really not expecting you to just have his shirt and a thong on, and he practically fell to his knees at the sight. needless to say you were back in the shower twenty minutes later with jisung following close behind
X: X-Ray
he’s a tiny boy, so probably on the smaller side. it would be a bit weird if he was unexpectedly big, but hey, he has other stuff to work with
Y: Yearning
oh, jisung yearns for you a lot. the amount of pictures he sends when he’s meant to be working, the times he’s pulled you into the bathroom and begged you to do something to help him out, it’s easy to see that jisung has an insatiable need that only you can fulfill. have fun!
he has a lot of energy, so he can’t really just sleep afterwards. he’ll not wanna do stuff with you, like go out and explore or something like that, but he’s happy to watch a movie. he loves just being with you, especially when he loses his bratty tones, so honestly after sex he’s so cuddly and cute that you’ll probably stay up for a bit and both fall asleep by accident
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thewritingstar · 4 years
Pretty Sparks: Greens oneshot
Pairing: Buttercup and Butch (Greens)
Fandom: Powerpuff Girls
My first fic for the greens and I’m going to self indulge cause I want something like this to happen for them. The rough around the edges are actually softies.
The skate park was empty, which would make sense since it was 2 am on a Saturday night or well, morning.
She grunted as she landed and pushed herself against the rail of the skate parks small gate. He followed behind her landing just as gracefully and slumping alongside her. 
“Dances are stupid.” He said and he tried to lighten the mood. Even after that dreaded thing they called homecoming, he couldn’t believe she left one comment get to her.
“Buttercup in a dress? Never thought I’d see the day, well she isn’t the pretty one but it’s great that you tried.” Princess sneered. 
“Yeah, their stupid alright.” And he thought it was directed towards something other than the dance.
The sight of seeing Buttercups fist tighten and then release was odd. It was Princess so she should have no problem slamming her facing into a brick wall, but she didn’t. 
Butch was waiting for his “date” to explode on her but instead Buttercup turned around and went back to their group of friends and ignored her. He thought she looked fine in her short black dress. He didn’t see the big deal and she had a killer body to fill it anyways.
But apparently not everyone, Buttercup, was that convinced. They ditched after a few minutes once she couldn’t stand the stares and gossip. They thought they could whisper but the super hearing she was blessed with was now a sick joke.
He had heard it too but followed her out instead of doing something to those stupid fucking girls that follow Princess around like lost dogs. 
And now they were here.
“Listen B, fuck those girls. You’re Buttercup. The Fucking toughest fighter, who gives a shit what they think?” He said but the energy was unmatched.
She was silent. Head full of thoughts and toying with her fingers.
“Buttercup, please do not tell me you are hung up on the petty comment.” He said blankly. “It was Princess. She literally hates you.”
She said nothing but looked down, ashamed at herself
“Oh my god.” He laughed again. “Did you and Bubbles switch bodies when I wasn’t looking? Since when do you care what others think?”
Her lip twitched and in that moment the silence shifted.
“Oh.” His lips turned to a frown. “That did get to you huh?” 
“It’s not that I don’t think I’m pretty.” She huffed. Her body slouched against the rail and her head went down before she looked up towards the sky. “I just don’t really feel pretty.”
He gave her a questionable look. “So you know you’re hot but you don’t feel it? Weird. Like I know I’m a hot piece of ass.”
She raised her eyebrows fast at the comment and put a hand thrown her hair.
“Yeah well you’re siblings aren’t two of the most sought after girls in the world. Long flowing hair and perfect smiles. I’m just the brawn, the muscles. Ha, most people think I’m a boy.” She rolled her eyes. “Not even me in this stupid dress can convince them.” She fluffed up the bottom angrily.
He wanted to laugh at her joke but the look on her face said other wise. He’s seen her mad, borderline raging with blood on her face and throat going dry from a scream. He knows the face of focus, eyes draw narrow and tight lips and he’s even seen her break out into a loud cackle and snort milk up her nose. He’s seen it all.
But this.
This look was one not in his Buttercup Pokédex. Her eyes held nothing, just sadness like a dog wet from the rain. Her cheeks were puffed out, red but not with anger, more like bitterness. Her stance was fragile and timid and if you were to poke her, she might just break. Everything he thought he knew about her vanished in front of him. A new and insecure side of her, he had never seen. 
He hated it. He hated that she could just lose herself like that. That the the crown she wears on her head could be taken easily and snapped in half. She was a bad ass. he wanted to see the fire and the sparks that ignited her. He wanted to see her bold and dark side, not this wimpy mess of a girl. He knew her better than that. She was better than that. 
She shouldn't have to feel less than towards her sisters. No. He knew she was the best one. The way she flies across the sky or delivers a soul sucking punch, that was the Buttercup he loved to see. 
Loved? No, he enjoyed seeing her like that. Yeah. 
Her shoulders shook from the cold and she cursed under her breath for not bringing her jacket. Without hesitation, he shrugged off his suits jacket and placed it over her shoulders. His fingers lightly feathered over her bare shoulders and his hands came to the collar of the jacket. 
She shouldn’t doubt her beauty. 
“I don’t think you should compare yourself to your sisters.” He spoke. 
Was he sweating???
“Look your sisters may be pretty and nice and all but you.” He lightly punch her shoulder. “You have this fire and determination. This power that just oozes out of you and commands everyone to look your way whether you notice or not.”
His eyes focused on a near by tree as he bit his lip. “You have this killer smile and boss attitude, and hey you’re hot as fuck.” He laughed that one off.
He turned towards her to see if he helped but he was met with a wide eyed Buttercup. Her mouth was slightly parted and her puffed out cheeks had become dusted with pink.
“And I think you look great in that dress. You don’t always have to dress up to put bitches in their place.”
Her eyes had soften and goosebumps coated his arms. He didn’t understand why she couldn’t see herself like how he saw her. Strong, powerful, bad ass, beautiful-
And he realized what he had done. That swelling feeling in his chest had plummeted through the roof and he felt the pace quicken up faster than what he thought was humanly possible.
“Sometimes I like these things.” She said softly.
His dark green eyes mimicked her bright one and he couldn’t stop himself from brushing an piece of hair from her cheek.
“Sometimes I want to be pretty.” She took a step towards him, their eyes never leaving the others.
He swallowed hard and he didn’t realize how delicate and soft she looked now. She didn’t know why she looked like she was glowing or why he was sweaty and wanted to hold her close.
He slowly touched her hand and she let him.
“And maybe you don’t feel pretty but-“ he leaned in, closer than they have ever been before. His eyes looked into hers, searching for an answer making sure that what he was doing wasn’t a mistake.
She nodded.
“You’re beautiful.” He leaned closers to her as he was a head taller. She was right there and he had nothing more to lose.
His lips fell to hers and he couldn’t explain it but there was a spark, an energy that passed through them. Sure he’s kissed other girls before but this, this was different. It was natural and fresh. Something he wanted.
His lips turned to a smile as she threw her hands around his neck and came closer to him, digging her hands into his mess of black hair. His own hands found her waist and he never wanted to let her go.
But a part of his deep inside questioned all of this. Could he really love-no that was stupid. He might have been born for evil intentions but he had human emotions. He knew it.
On the other hand, this was his best friend. The one who he could joke with like no one else. The one who can take a punch and throw it harder back to him. They were two puzzle pieces that had finally found where they fit.
And he decided together was the best spot. They always say opposties attrct but she was his idea of perfection and who would give up pefection for something else?
Her lips were soft against his own and even though she was made of spice, he wondered if perhaps the univserve had made a mistake because he was getting a suagr high from her alone. 
They pulled away, their breath visable in the cold between them and when he looked at her, slightly panting, her eyes were wide and she shook her head lightly before they both let out a small laugh. 
He rested his forehead against hers. “BC, what are we doing?” He said breathlessly and she only blew up her bangs before biting her lips.
“I think you were going to kiss me again.” Her hands found their way into his hair as he kissed her again.
Their first kiss was soft and sweet but this one held a flame they both craved. It was egar and desperate, they both knew what they wanted but now that the understood the other, it was like a full throttle.
She had forgotten how cold it was as her body became kissed with flames. She felt cold metal press under her thigh as she realized he had lifted her up and set her ontop of the rail, settled in between her thighs so now she was the one leaning down.
Her hands kept around his neck as he had one around her waist and the other on the bar, she wasn’t scared that he would drop her, it was only a three foot gate anyways. Her head tilted to feed into the kiss and she swore she had become captivated by his cologne.
Buttercup had long forgotten about the comment Princess made. He was right to say not to compare herself because she was pretty. He made her feel beautiful and made her feel like how she wanted too. Even in her sneakers and tee shirts, hair dripping with sweat or blood coating her knuckles, she felt confident and dare she say cute when she was around him.
She didn’t realize it until now but Butch treated her differently than others. Never the delicate girl or went easy on her, no he knew she could play rough and encouraged her best.
They say opposites attract but right now she never felt more connected to someone and that’s how she liked it.
And for him, he found her captivating as well. Being able to joke around and be gross and have cruel humor but she always laughed, egged him on, saw the light when most people only gave him the darkness.
They pulled away, more breathless than before and practically panting. Her lips felt bruised and used but she enjoyed it as she saw his own darkened lips which made her semi proud. She could imagine Blossom now, finding out that she had just kissed an enemy to them. Not even Bubbles had been as close to her counterpart...yet and Blossom could barely be in the same room as any of them.
It felt wrong but burned with passion on the other hand. She felt like she was doing something unforgivable, maybe she was. But she didn’t care.
She looked at him, his eyes were on the floor as he caught his breath. She stared at him intently, he wasn’t all that bad. And maybe she wasn’t all that good, after all, she was spice. Every one in awhile, she needed a little heat.
Maybe people could change, no they certainly can. Because her view on herself had shifted when she saw him on the first day of school. In that moment she knew he was always meant to be near her, as friends, or possibly more.
“Damn.” He said and looked back at her. “That’s some good shit right there.” He winked and she lightly punched his arm.
“Not to bad yourself.” She laughed.
The moon in the sky was now as high as possible and she felt the dread of having to leave. He saw her mood change instantly and he also knew she had to saw goodbye.
She slipped down from the rail, dusting down her dress and making sure she didn’t look like she had gotten caught up in a trap. The jacket was slid off her shoulders as she handed it back to him slowly. The cold air hit her skin and she wished it was on again.
A small frown appeared as he saw the black jacket being handed over.
“My sisters.” She said and he nodded, no one needed to know.
“Yeah. Guess I’ll see you Monday?” And she gave him a small smiled before turning and walking out the gate.
He watched as she walked, just reaching the edge of the entrance before stopping. She turned on her heel and soon she was in his face again before plastering a wet kiss on his lips quickly. She pulled away and a giant smile broke out on his face.
“Thank you.” She said quickly. “For saying those things.”
“What? That you’re beautiful?” He smirked.
“Um. Yeah.” Shy Buttercup, added to the Buttercup Pokédex.
He laughed a little before kissing her cheek softly, she never thought he could be so gentle. “I may be a thief and an occasional villain, but I’m no liar when it comes to precious things.” He winked and her cheeks went up into flames.
“Uh haha, yeah.” She smiled. “Um I should go.” She pointed behind her and took off with her green streak gracing the sky.
He watched as she left and his super hearing picked up a feathery giggle that came from her lips. Giggling school girl Buttercup has been added to the Pokédex.
A low whistle left his lips as he slapped his jacket over his shoulder and walked out of the park and towards his place.
He didn’t even notice that his smiled never left his face until he entered the house to see Boomer passed out of the sofa and Brick sitting in a chair drinking milk.
“The fuck are you so happy about?” Brick asked as Butch just waltzed to his room without even responding, he just hummed lightly before shutting the door and collapsing onto his bed.
“I’m fucking whipped.” He whispered to himself before the weight of sleep crashed onto him like a semi truck. The only thing he could think of was how pretty a black hair girl with bright beaming green eyes looked. And how much better she tasted.
I hope you all enjoyed!!!
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totallypathet · 5 years
Episode Three
First of all...what the fuck was that challenge. And what the fuck was the logic to judging it?! I spent so much of this episode just being confused. I think it would have been so much better if they were allowed to come up with their own ideas and characters, instead of having this really narrow space to work in; that was bizarre to me. Like Just Jan could have done a really delusional, high energy character who was the worst singer in the world; that would have been funny! Instead they stuck them with these bizarre storylines that made no sense, and had very little humour in them. Idk whose choice that was but it was a choice. Anyway, let's get into the rundown!
1. Aiden Zhane
I am not living for Aiden at all. Her attitude in both episodes has let a lot to be desired for me. And also, that runway? What was that? I could buy that dress on Asos, glue some bows to it and have that look. The concept was cool, the bows falling on her? Cool idea. But if you're going to do that then you need to Do It, yknow? Like it would have been cool if she'd had a huge wig completely made of bows. Or if she'd had an umbrella and made it look like it was raining bows, or something, that could have been really cool! It could have been amazing and she took a really easy way out. Disappointing. And her performance was dull. She deserved to be in the bottom more than Nicky Doll.
The only thing I will say for Aiden in this episode is the way Brita and Redacted behaved towards her was really uncool. They did that whole "you didnt lead us at all", and then told her that they carried her? You know that if she had led them they would have totally thrown her under the bus and said "well we do this professionally and we wanted to do this, but she was the leader and she made us do that". It was totally a damned if you, damned if you don't; and that was really unfair.
2. Brita
Guys, I am Bored of Brita. I am over it, and I am underwhelmed. I haven't seen anything from her that I've enjoyed! Her looks have been dull, she's not that funny, and I dont like the way she behaves (like I said with Aiden). She wont be next to go home, but hopefully she wont be long.
3. Crystal Methyd
STOP TRYING TO CHANGE CRYSTAL METHYD! I'm so sick of them going "oh her makeup is always the same", when it has been different each time!! She has a style and a brand, but it's not the same face!! Aiden Zhane does the same fucking face, none of them have picked that out! Loads of queens come in and they only have one face! Not mentioning any names Silky Nutmeg Ganache and Roxxxy Andrews. They got away with it because they were beauty mugs and that's the type of drag this show is biased towards. Crystal Methyd is an artist, let her do herself! That runway look was ugly though. Having said all that. Her face was gorgeous, I loved her makeup, I just thought that look wasnt very her! It didn't suit her somehow, it wasn't right. But she tried really hard during the improv, and I think she did a passable job! She honestly should have been safe, fight me. I just really hope she doesn't change herself to please the judges bc she has such a great vision and point of view, and I don't want her to lose sight of how great she is.
4. Dahlia Sin
Dahlia, Dahlia, Dahlia. Speaking of being underwhelmed, am I right? I had such high hopes for Dahlia, but this week she just didn't pull anything out. I personally think the fruit sketch was really funny, but it would have been exactly the same if Dahlia hadn't been in the group. She was so focused on being ~sexy~ (which is tough in a broccoli costume), that she forgot about everything else. Plus her bows and buttons look was just...odd. from the neck up it had this very avant garde, couture feel, but the outfit itself just looked unfinished. And then to have this weird arse peekaboo thing? Really weird choice. She deserved to be in the bottom and, after that lip sync, she deserved to go home.
I have seen a lot of posts about Dahlia "storming out", and I genuinely don't understand what they're talking about? Like, okay, she didn't say anything before she walked off, does that really constitute storming off? If she'd walked off while Ru was still talking, or if she'd yelled/screamed/sworn, then sure, maybe - but from what I saw she was just upset and wanted to leave as fast as possible. Idk, also they haven't released Untucked on the UK Netflix, so maybe there was more I didnt see.
5. Gigi Goode
I live for Gigi so much. I mean come on! Her character in the improv was passed out half the time and still had presence! She's so funny, and she's not afraid to let loose and get ugly. I think she did a good job in the improv, especially for someone without all that much experience, and her look on the runway was incredible. Solid 8/10 for Gigi this week.
6. Heidi N Closet
Heidi was robbed. I bought everything Heidi was selling this week. I bought it, I didn't stream it, I didn't rent it from the Netflix, I bought it. She was so funny during the challenge; the flipper? She spat out? Iconic. She had me dying the whole time, her, Jackie Cox and Gigi Goode should have their own series, I'd watch the hell out of it. Then she came bouncing down the runway as glitter Pinnochio, and she told that story about when she was at school and I loved every second! Shes so charming, and loveable, and relatable, and Jaida Essence Hall must have been gagged when she was top 2. She was robbed, she should have won, and she should keep her name! That whole thing with "the mouth has to change shape and it's not satisfying to say"? Bullshit, utter bullshit bitch. Heidi N Closet 4lyf.
7. Jackie Cox
Jackie made me so happy this week! Their whole group was hilarious, but Jackie doing the bad ventriloquist act just sent me, I loved it. And she just seems like the sweetest person as well! Her runway look was gorgeous, I loved the reference, her makeup was absolutely stunning, Jackie Cox is seriously the whole package. Her and Heidi should have been top 2 together.
8. Jaida Essence Hall
Jaida came in looking like a pageant queen, but she seriously flexed her comedy muscles this week! Her "bad apple" was hilarious, and she really committed to it! She was a firm leader in the group, but she was a good team player in the scene, she let everyone else have their moment too, and it was a good performance! I was a little bit disappointed that her runway look was very very similar to her spring mini challenge look from last week, but it was still a good look, and honestly I probably wouldnt have noticed if it hadn't been one episode after the other. She has shown a lot of diversity already, I think she just set the bar so high last week that I was really expecting something incredible, and I got something that was "just" good instead. She's still one to beat at the moment!
9. Jan
Jan made me so proud this week!! She was really funny in the skit, she had so much energy and enthusiasm, I loved it! Her jokes were funny, she picked a solid character and played it well, and can we talk about the runway though??? I really expected her to come out in something cute, because her personality is so bubbly and instead she gave me horror high fashion, monster couture and she Sold. Every. Second. It was a total transformation from the challenge to the runway and that, at the heart of it, is what I love about drag; that transformation aspect is just art to me. For me, Jan has it all. She definitely should have been top 3 this week. I think she's served the best runways so far, and I cannot wait to see what she does next week.
10. Nicky Doll
Okay, you guys know I love Nicky Doll. This week was not a good week for her. I appreciate that improv must be so hard in your second language, but I think she suffered a little bit from Dahlia Syndrome: she was so focused on staying pretty that she didn't really deliver anything. I kind of wish her character had literally just been French and spoke no English - part of the joke could have been that language barrier and Crystal/Window not understanding a word she said and her getting more and more frustrated about it. That could have been really funny. Also, her runway look...I know where she was going with it, it was a cool concept, and it was executed okay, there was just something missing, you know? It felt a little bit rushed, and again there was this real focus on being ~pretty~. Maybe if she'd looked a little more Cinderella ish, like her makeup wasn't perfect, and her hair was tied up like she was actually sewing, it would have sold me a little more character. I'm not sure, everything was just a little off for me this week, but I still think she's fierce af, and we all stumble sometimes. I'm looking forward to seeing her get back on her feet next week!
11. Rock M Sakura
Rock M was picked last for the challenge, I could not believe it. She deserved better than that, I was shook. She definitely picked the right group though, she was really funny as the Orange! She looked like she was having fun, and that's what I love about Rock M, is that I have fun watching her have fun. Her jokes were great, she matched Jan's energy, and I think she did a good job. I loved her runway look as well, the Alice in Wonderland concept was great, and I love that she kept the dress pretty simple so that the focus was on her hair and makeup! Her makeup was gorgeous, and the detail of the buttons on her face was stunning! It was a great concept, well executed, this week was a great week for Rock M, and I'm going to be furious if she gets picked last again.
12. Widow Von Du
Widow is getting The Edit. The edit that queens of colour who are talented get, where they paint them as bitchy, or loud, or as stepping on the other girls' toes; so that the audience isn't too pussed off when they get eliminated. Widow is exceedingly talented, and funny, and filled with personality. She also serves looks and delivers incredible performances. I will not let this edit take that away from her. She did great this week. She delivered everything I ordered in the challenge and more, she completely transformed for the runway, and she sold me a great presentation. Widow is definitely one to beat.
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eye-cri · 4 years
💋🌹🍑😊⭐💛 for Adi and Naji! :)
💋 How affectionate are they with their friends? Their family? Their romantic partner(s) (if they have any)? Are they more physical or emotional when it comes to displaying their affection? Why?
friends: give her time to warm up to ya and you’ll find that she’s a friend to keep around. If you’re in any kind of sticky situation she’ll be there to help you out if she sees that she can trust you. 
family: she teases them around with them a lot. But I mean they do the same so.....  She may be a little be more stingy with getting her family out of sticky situations but if it’s something serious she’ll put in as much effort she can to get them out of that situation. 
romantic partner: sometimes shy with her affection, sometimes all over her partner. Silent strong support for anything but knows when the line has to be drawn and they need a scolding lol. But honestly? You can’t really see when she’ll be loud with her affection, it’s random. 
physical or emotional?: with friends it’s more of emotional. She doesn’t really want to touch them lamooo. With the other two it’s still more of  on the emotional side but she’s open to give them physical affection. Especially with her romantic partner. 
why?: because of past trauma, she can sometimes flinch in reaction of a physical touch. Nothing against the person. 
friends: at first she’s really affectionate but she might lose interest in you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Keep her attention and you’ll find some moments that she’s really affectionate with you. Just make sure to keep her attention or else you’re gonna lose herrr 
family: She just can’t leave them alone. They love hanging around each other cuz they just get each other with no explanations needed. But like Adi, she’s a little bit stingy when helping them. However even when it’s serious she can still be hesitant. 
 romantic partner(s): The same principle for friends applies to romantic partners. But if you understand her ways and she feels like she doesn’t need to explain herself to you, you won’t have to worry much about getting left behind. 
physical or emotional?: I’d say physical but occasionally, it can be a good mix of both.  With family it’s much more of emotional but with the other two physical.
why?: I’d honestly say because at some point in her childhood she became touch starved and since then she can become easily touched starved and she doesn’t want to feel that way so she spreads physical affection to avoid that. 
🌹 How easy is it for them to connect with others and make friends? On the flip side how easy is it for them to make an enemy of someone? Are they the kind of person who hangs around the food table at a party and never talks to anyone or are they the type who can talk to anyone?
how easy is it for them to connect with others and make friends?: Well, let me just say this, it may seem at first you’ve clicked with her but at first she’s evaluating if she can trust you or not. After a while, if she’s decided that she can trust you that’ll be the actual click. So it takes time.
How easy is it for them to make an enemy of someone?: It...... depends I want to say. However.... It can be surprisingly easy to make an enemy of her. 
What type of person are they at a party?: Honestly I don’t really want to explain this, but I feel like the song Here by Alessia Cara explains it. 
how easy is it for them to connect with others and make friends?: Easy to make friends, easy to let them go. Ofc there are some that she let’s them to stay, but it’s not many. 
How easy is it for them to make an enemy of someone?: Not so easy tbh. Why would she care enough to have an enemy? But anybody who hurts those she cares about is an immediate enemy. 
What type of person are they at a party?: It’s extremely rare to see her not be the center of attention at a party tbh. But it can happen, she just hangs out with Adi when that happens. 
🍑 Where is your OC’s favourite place to relax or calm down? Recount a story of their time spent in this place! What makes it so special to them?
Where is your OC’s favorite place to relax/calm down?: Actually, not far from her home is a forest that has a path to a lake that’s located right in the center. 
Recount a story of their time spent there.: I’ll tell you a lil story of how she found it. So, she had just lost a fight with Amalie (her older sister if you don’t remember) and she just couldn’t stand to stay at home any longer so she just stormed out and let her feet take her where ever. When she came to, she found herself in front of a pond surrounded by trees and such. Her breath had caught for a split second and she just sat down to enjoy taking in the sight. It did take a bit for her to find her way home but that’s how she found her vibe spot. 
What makes it so special to them?: The only person that knows about it other than her, is Zeus and he doesn’t go there without her so it’s her place to get away from the shit at home if it becomes over-bearing for her.
Where is your OC’s favorite place to relax/calm down?: There’s this one cafe where people don’t come up to her, they just leave her alone which she would appreciate at the time. 
Recount a story of their time spent there.:  Eh, I’ll just say these few things, she was amazed the first time she went that people weren’t coming up to her. If you talk to her when she’s there, (if she’s in a bad mood) she’ll slap you or (if she’s in a good mood) she’ll tell you to go away. 
What makes it so special to them?: Although she does enjoy talking to people, even she can get tired of doing so and needs a place to be left alone, this is that place. 
😊 What can make your OC smile even when they’re feeling down? What cheers them up and makes everything feel better for them? Is your OC genrally a happy person and do they enjoy making others smile? What about your OC makes others happy?
What can make your OC smile even when they’re feeling down?: It’s someone for her. Iarekie (Adi’s youngest sibling, da baby) and somehow, Zeus. just somehow....
Is your OC generally a happy person and do they enjoy making others smile?: Around people she trusts, yes. It’s not that she holds back around people that aren’t close to her but she enjoys being surrounded by people she’s close to when she’s happy. she loves seeing the people she loves smile and laugh.
What about your OC makes others happy?: I’d say it’s the fact that she will do anything to make the people she loves happy when they show even the slightest sign of not feeling well. Bc it shows that she cares. 
What can make your OC smile even when they’re feeling down?: Talking to her any one of her siblings always seems to cheer her up. 
Is your OC generally a happy person and do they enjoy making others smile?: She’s defiantly a more “happy” person than Adi and she doesn’t care who she shows her happy emotions to. And she loves seeing people smile, even strangers!
What about your OC makes others happy?: Talking to her always seems to make people happy. That’s honestly why people just can’t leave her alone, because she’s such a gucci person to be around. 
⭐ What is your OC afraid of? Any crippling phobias or some such? How do they act when scared and what helps them calm down? Does anyone ever find your OC scary? Why?
What is your OC afraid of?: She has a crippling phobia of her father and the traumatizing memories she carries of him. It doesn’t help that she looks exactly like what he would look like if he was female and that people keep on pointing that out. 
How do they act when scared?: She shakily curls herself up. She’ll be hyperventilating trying to look for a way out. 
What helps them calm down?: That’s what Najlynn is there for. Calming any type of Aidma’s attacks. Zeus when he found out wanted to help but,,, he’s not good at that stuff. but hey, he’s trying his best for her :(( 
Does anyone ever find your OC scary? why?: Oh she has many people scared of her. Trust me, anybody that doubts her power will learn why she is feared. 
What is your OC afraid of?: She faces fear of being forgotten and cast aside. 
How do they act when scared?: She’s usually fidgeting a whole lot when she’s frighted. 
What helps them calm down?: Aidma repays Najlynn by helping her out emotionally too. But usually it’s Akilhi or Azin (two of Najlynn’s younger siblings) 
Does anyone ever find your OC scary? why?: Like Aidma, she is feared for her power. Not as much as Aidma but she’s still powerful and feared as result.
💛 In general, how in control of their emotions is your OC? Do they have a good hold on them or do their emotions control them, not the other way around? What do you think is the reason behind this and is your OC ever concerned about their lack of or good control?
How in control of their emotions is your OC?: Except when having one of her attacks, if she needs too, she’s a master at suppressing her emotions. She has no control over her emotions when they’re extreme though. 
Do they have a good hold on them or do their emotions control them?: I said she can be a master at suppressing emotions and that’s still the case but she acts on emotions most of the time so she rarely does hold back. 
Is your Oc ever concerned about their control of emotions?: The only thing she fears is having an attack in front of people. But otherwise she doesn’t mind showing a bit of her emotions. 
How in control of their emotions is your OC?: She has a hard time keeping her emotions under control. I mean she usually doesn’t mind it but at times, it proves to be bothersome. 
Do they have a good hold on them or do their emotions control them?: Like Adi, she acts on emotions. I mean, much more than Aidma yes but yeah.
Is your Oc ever concerned about their control of emotions?: Secretly, yes. She worries what she might do acting on emotions and if she’d regret it majorly later.
Phew! sorry this took so long! 
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flipsideds · 5 years
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“ oh, haha... ”  a default response to a very non-default situation –– a little post-show, barside rendez-vous with an older man who insists nour has been singing to directly to him the entire night. “ flirting ?  i... ”  
gentle eyes gloss over the banquet hall’s dimmed lights, bright smiles, flickering electric candles... “ . . . what’s that ? ”  and then he’s off, gin and tonic in hand. three strides and it’s already half-drained. yikes.
or, alternatively :  greetings loved ones!! my name is linc ( 21 / est / she/her ) and here is the ever so graceful, ever so unintentionally magnetic nour al-busiri! below the cut you’ll find a messy run-down. i am so excited to plot & write with all of you !!
( i’m scheduled for a tonsillectomy tomorrow so i’m gonna be so grateful for the distraction, y’all have no idea. ) 
if you want some great mood-setters for this beb’s backstory / insight into his soul, slap on some jacob collier, kevin garrett, or charlie burg ‘n let’s get cookin’ !
so this is all copy-pasted from a discord chat with devon bc i improvised nour’s entire life story over a span of... 10 minutes ?? bahaha pls enjoy i apologize in advance. ( i also put this in normal text size bc it is v long and i don’t want anyone hurting their eyes !! protect dem beautiful retinas <3 )
h i s t o r y .
his parents met in grade school in egypt, but then didn't reconnect until their masters studies crossed paths in london... immediately fell head over heels again ( had they been searching for one another in crowds since being 6-7 years old?? maybe... ). graduated top of their class, accepted job offers in london in the biopharmaceutical realm. but then. when nour was 3...
they were involved in a freak monorail accident on their way back from a science conference in amsterdam. the babysitter paid 80 quid to watch the kids for two nights became their sole protector in this world. british authorities had trouble contacting other kin, but managed to reach mr. al-busiri's mother, rashida, who was still living in dahab with her second husband, zaim.
the al-busiri's came from old money. so off nour goes ( and potentially his older bro if i decide he exists... potential wc with a rami malek fc tbh ) to live in the city which, unbeknownst to him, sparked his parents' storybook love.
so nour grows up in this like... picturesque seaside childhood. collects shells. bonds with his grandmother and her husband. they encourage him with school, etc. but he quickly shows that he excels at maths and... music? wow. that's unexpected. gets his first piano at 5. first guitar at 6. by 8 1/2, he's managed to hodge-podge together a little recording studio for himself in his bedroom, and he's constantly serenading his friends at school.
( death tw / illness tw ) then comes zaim's stroke. he lives for four months after, but he loses his ability to speak. his motor skills deteriorate. nour and his grandmother do their best to tend to him –– she's already about 40% down the macular degeneration path, but hasn't told him yet that her vision's going. so 10 y/o nour does what he does best: unconditional love and support, delivered through the gift of song. zaim dies after requesting his favorite song: 'blackbird' by the beatles, sung in verses alternating from english to arabic.
after,  it's just nour and rashida against the world ( maybe his brother too bergorghre if i decide he's a thing ) . rashida's forced to come clean about her vision the day she can't for the life of her find the bloody pen she just put down so she can finish signing off on nour's choir trip permission slip. ( it's right next to her, to her left, just out of her closing field of vision. ) things progress more rapidly after that. by the time nour's 16, his grandmother is legally blind. it's not an uncommon sight to see him at the markets or strolling along the beach with her on his arm. she refuses canes as long as nour's around. ( “ don't rob me of my youth, nuri-nuri [ my light ] ”  )
despite her growing dependency on him, she encourages him to apply to unis all over the globe. by the time college apps roll around, nour is somewhat of a local household name: he plays summer concerts, coffee shops, and is even asked to play at his teacher's wedding ceremony –– and his neighbor's cat funeral.
acceptances roll in. julliard. berkeley. chicago school of music. he chooses chicago, because there's someone there. someone he connected with online a few years back, a friend, but... could turn into something more. this hopeless romantic heedlessly ventures off to find out if this boy in chicago might... be someone. something more.
spoiler alert: he gets to chicago, starts music school. and each meet-up they set? gets pushed. sometimes it's traffic. a cold. transit trouble. can't get work off, sorry. things with ma are really tough. the excuses kept coming but... nour's naive. he believes every word. but in his second year of uni, things....... start getting suspicious. by chance, he spots this man in the window of a coffee shop downtown. overjoyed, he texts as much. but ... messages go read and unanswered. phone calls dwindle.
his music suffers. so does his muse. so much so that he's tempted to drop out, to throw in the towel, to just...... go back home. he speaks with his grandmother each day on the phone. she's doing well, stop worrying, nuri-nuri, your uncle is taking good care of me. nour goes on dates. thinks about chicago boy. thinks about him a lot.
he's 20 when it happens. sat on a stage in a little dive bar, tuning his acoustic guitar for an opening number, and there. those eyes. he knows them.
they talk after the show, in the alley. share a cigarette. and it's almost like... maybe things are finally clicking. maybe this is finally their shot.
except chicago boy ( neil ) says they have to stop talking. that he had to just... see nour for himself. see that he's real. hear him sing, and... move on. nour doesn't buy it. pushes back. asks why the hell neil'd come out now only to slink back to the shadows. things get heated. neil yells. and the men... the men who hear and come running ?  they think nour is the cause of it all.
( hate crime tw, violence tw )  how many kicks does it take to break to the center of a broken heart ? twelve. how many broken ribs does it take to immobilize a probably terrorist, dude ? four. shattered wrist. snapped ankle. broken arm. cracked skull. and neil scuttles off like nour's bad meat. bad blood. like he asked for this. 
chicago school of music receives a call from weiss memorial three days later.
nour never gets his degree. he breaks his apartment lease. flies home after he heals, spends a year with his grandmother and uncle. just... creating. writing, playing, trying to fill that void with something. but then things with his uncle get heated. he wants to put his own mother in a home, sell the estate, pocket the cash. nour fights it, but he's got no legal bearing.
the nursing home concept never takes hold, though, because his grandmother's still sharp as shit and refuses to sign anything nour doesn't read first. eventually the uncle grows tired of fighting and stops trying, just... slinks back to his husband and keeps his mouth shut. nour's grandmother pressures him to go back to chicago, make that city wish he never left. take back his own story. together they work to find a live-in aide they trust. freshly 22, nour ventures back to the city that broke him.
he finds cheap housing, a gig. the malnati, seems legit. good money. good exposure. and then he meets @ryderxmms​ –– they form one night stand. when not scheduled for malnati banquets, you can find nour providing vocals ( and occasional keys ) in the dive bars / parties the band lands gigs at.
g e n e r a l .
nour creates like food and drink don’t exist, sunlight is an illusion, and all the human body needs for sustenance is sound. he can find his way around just about any instrument under the sun, but his main poisons are piano, acoustic guitar, and digital recording tools –– think jacob collier and you’re right on the money.
actually, i’m stealing a lot of jacob collier discography and pegging it as his creations. this kid’s got an experimental sound and loves it.
he grew up speaking english and arabic equally, but because he learned english in london and then continued in egypt, he does have a mild brit-arab accent. it’s v cute, i promise.
looks like he’d be a total lothario, yeah ?? but. he’s so shy ?  so sweet ?  get him on a stage and he’s shameless but plop him in a bar and eye him up and he’ll honestly just smile nervously and pretend you’re looking at someone else.
love languages : singing to his succulents and plants before his 5am morning runs. facetime calls at times least convenient for him, but most convenient for you. little notes written on napkins, smiley face doodles included. candy bars. lingering a little longer in doorways after saying hello, just to see you smile.
he’s got major water sign vibes. birthday comin’ up in march, woot woot !!
he often wears very simple statement pieces. he likes rings, crystal pendants, leather bracelets. soft tees layered with embroidered jackets, metallic blazers. somehow he pulls off mixed media and crazy prints that should never go together ?  he just... is so easy breezy.
he often wears his hair wild ‘n curly, unless the gig he’s got mandates a more streamlined look. 
falls in love.... 14 times a day ??  really.
has a scar across his left temple from the incident with neil. will probably write it off as a bike riding accident. ( he doesn’t know how to ride a bike. )
don’t let him cook ever, okay ??  unless you want him to literally do this.
pls come at me for all the plots ?  i’m so open for all the things !!!  y’all got me on discord, so feel free to slide on into my dms. i promise i will be so thrilled <3
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tcmpcral · 4 years
1, 3, 4, 5 for Majora
o | Accepting
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What is the biggest headcanon deviation from the canon material that you have incorporated into the way you write your muse? Why did you come up with it?
i’ll admit i get. Nervous sometimes when watching his. what. five minutes of screen time and comparing how he behaves there with my own portrayal hhh. but i also think we were shown so very little of him, and he clearly wasn’t meant to be a character anyone really Cared that much about lmao, that it makes him somewhat of a blank slate
or at least. it’s easy to draw conclusions that still Make Sense despite not quite 100% matching up with how exactly he’s portrayed in canon
for me, i do like the idea that the entire ToP was an inordinately stressful event that made everyone involved with it (outside of like. the angels or zeno, as might be expected) act very desperately and perhaps unlike themselves at times. which is kinda how i justify to myself my majora’s more. uhhh. idk, withdrawn demeanor? i know it was just kind of a running joke that they probably gave up on, but i like that nink comforts shosa, and then shosa comforts majora, but we never actually see majora continue that gag and comfort someone too
so i ran with it and decided shosa was the sociable one while majora most likely stayed pretty closed off around their teammates, idk
that’s. mostly just an example, i guess, of the kinda. barely-connected thinking i do when it comes to majora (...and basil, hop, ribrianne somewhat, roh, and ill...)
i think i also mentioned this on roh’s blog recently-- that i tend to just fill these very minor characters with characterization tropes that i enjoy bc i’m. self-indulgent like that lies down, but i hope they still come across as believably IC for the little we see of them in canon
still, the fact that he’s not. as smug or. boastful as he maybe should be does worry me a bit ahaa ;;
What is something that was never addressed at all in the canon material that you have independently developed for your muse?
everything fjjfkd;a ok, i’ll be honest, the first thing that comes to mind is both his family and. well, his original home and the place he now calls home. like i literally pulled that out of Nowhere, bc there are zero implications regarding anything outside of his age and blindness (and even the first one is arguable)
also his potential familiarity with shosa, since it’s never fully addressed whether they actually know each other or not or just. kinda. happen to have similar Looks laughs
Have you made any outright changes to the canon material in order to write your muse the way you wanted (entire scenes you chose to omit, chapters you say never existed, things you assume were never said, etc.)?
this isn’t a Huge thing, but i do kinda intend to downplay his Super Sniffer(TM) abilities if they ever really come up lmao. i haven’t yet Reconciled this with canon exactly but. the whole ‘losing one sense heightens the others to supernatural ability’ isn’t quite looked upon favorably, by the blind community especially, much less those with other disabilities, and i honestly don’t really want to fall into that cliche either tbh thinking emoji
i had at some point played with the idea that he isn’t totally blind, bc total blindness is actually fairly rare, but given his entire Purpose in the show was to nerf the solar flare, which probably would have worked had he still had even a modicum of sight left, i figured i’d just give them that one lmao
tho. again, apparently the majority of blind people can usually perceive light in some way so. idk it’s a mess lies down
What is an aspect of your muse’s canon material or canon existence that you never had the opportunity to explore but really want to?
i still wonder what he was thinking the entire rest of the tournament after he got knocked off the stage. i like to imagine shosa relayed some of the more interesting play-by-plays but outside of that he just kinda. zoned out for a while
majora, to himself: i think i left my door unlocked
majora: great, if i make it back home, it’ll be to an empty room and i’ll be broke as hell
majora: oh
majora: if
jfjkfda; THAT SAID, i would like to delve more into his past and his relationships with his siblings in the present day thinking emoji i’m also just. i mean. i’ve brought this up before, but i’d like an opportunity to have him Entertain a guest in his home and get to flesh that out more. it’s such a small space, i’m just amused by the idea of majora trying to be hospitable but also being very. Particular about how this guest treats his private abode laughs
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eliancs-blog · 5 years
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*itzy  vc*  hey  hey  hey   !   (  i  see  that  i’m  icy  )   what’s  up,  i’m  diana,  i’m  nineteen,  and  i’m  ur  resident  girl  group  stan.  i  reside  in  the  est  timezone  &  go  by  the  pronouns  she/her.  now,  finally  introducing  …  loona   !!    jk,  her  name  is  eliana  &  u  can  read  about  her  under  the  cut   !  (  stream  norman  fucking  rockwell <3  ) 
﹤ park jiwon, she/her, cisfemale ﹥; * - hello eliana ‘lia’ wu. long time no see. i know a lot about you. like how you’re twenty, how you’re a european studies major, and in fact.. how you’re the face of your parents church but are hiding the fact that you’re anything but innocent---and that you got kicked out of your catholic university for having an affair with your professor. would be a shame if it got out, wouldn’t it ? so let’s play a game. * TRUTH OR DARE ?
(    𝑩𝑨𝑪𝑲𝑮𝑹𝑶𝑼𝑵𝑫.   )
born on october 12th in blacksburg, virginia, eliana’s first impression of the world was a crisp autumn day
she was her parents first and only child and soon became their pride and joy. her parents both came from wealthy families and dedicated their lives to the catholic church they owned
so, eliana grew up around the church and was raised catholic. her parents made her the face of their church. she was the perfect choice, dripping with innocence and purity
eliana learned at a fairly young age the corruption that ensued behind the scenes, behind her parents backs. growing up, she often spent her afternoons at the church. while her parents were off trying to grow their following, eliana was left alone at the church to observe bribery, adultery, and so much more
she was a ghost of a girl; most of the time, people had no idea she was there. they made it easy for her to learn all their secrets
eliana was sent to catholic boarding school for all her years of schooling. at boarding school, she worked her way up the chain of command through bribery, manipulation and blackmail.
she would leave for the majority of the year for school and return during the holidays and for summer break. she would take annual summer trips to europe visiting extended family, staying mainly in italy and france. eliana grew to love europe, she wished she could live there forever
with both catholic school and the church being corrupt, eliana had little faith in the religion and most of the people who followed it. she felt like they were either hypocrites hiding behind a facade, or naively unaware cowards that needed something to believe in. she fell into the first category, while her parents fell into the second. eliana felt sorry for her parents and continued to act like the perfect little church girl for their sake (and for their money, of course)
eliana grew to be quite a selfish person, at least almost everything she did was in her own self interest. if she had nothing to gain, she didn’t see a point in entertaining things. while eliana masqueraded herself as being a charitable, altruistic person, she was quite the opposite
during her high school years at catholic school, eliana began using coke. with pressure from her parents to excel in her classes, extracurricular’s, and volunteer work, she needed something to take the edge off. it started as something she did now and then, though eventually she began to grew addicted (yes, she has the coke cross like kathryn from cruel intentions)
also while away at catholic school, eliana began to experiment with other things. she discovered she had a sexual and romantic interest in girls and guys and started to explore it. although her parents demanded she remain a virgin until marriage, eliana didn’t quite follow those rules, though she kept up the image. her sexual partners and romantic relations were kept on the low for the most part in order to maintain her perfect image
she discovered that sex was just another thing she could use to manipulate others and for her own self interest. after high school, eliana went on to attend a catholic university. during her first semester, she began to have an affair with one of her professors
usually the one in control, eliana found herself recklessly falling for her professor. for him, it was just lust, but for her it felt like more. one day, her private affair became public among some and eliana was kicked out of the university to avoid a scandal
this was bad news for eliana, who had to come up with a way to hide her expulsion from her parents and continue an education elsewhere. the following semester, eliana continued to pretend to attend the catholic university but later decided to tell her parents about transferring to UVA
she came up with a lie about the school having a better program for her major and promised to continue her biblical studies outside of class. reluctantly, her parents allowed it. they trusted her. she was their perfect daughter, after all
so, eliana continued her education at UVA after blackmailing her old school for a dazzling letter of recommendation
eliana is studying european studies, with the desire of eventually moving to france. she is enamored with the art, history, literature, cinema, and the food. honestly, eliana does not want to do anything for a living and is hoping to live off her trust fund and the money she would eventually inherit from her parents, but she loves learning and going to school and bettering her education
eliana is a libra sun scorpio moon (the rest of her placements are tbd)
if u click the link, u can read more about what that means but even the label attached to that combination itself is super fitting for her --- the ‘masquerader’
eliana is not a mean person by any means, but a lot of what she does is in her own self interest. she considers a lot of her friendships to be mutually beneficial arrangements
however, once you become her real friend, though she likely doesn’t have many, she will remain extremely loyal and do anything for you 
once her mind is set on something, she must see it through. this aspect about her can come across as being obsessive in a way (it’s her scorpio moon ok)
when it comes to relationships, eliana tends to see them kind of like business arrangements. love is kind of the last thing in her mind, but it’s definitely possible for her to get swept up into romance, as much as she hates to think so
so, eliana prefers hook ups. however, she still tries to maintain her pure image with people she does not know very well until she gets a read on them. she keeps all her relations on the low and even comes up with mini terms of agreement before getting involved with anyone. she reallyyyyy hates other people knowing her business
eliana is superficially nice on the surface. when i say superficial, it’s not to say that she isn’t friendly but it is superficial at first until she knows who she is dealing with. regardless, she is a friendly person because it does not really benefit her to be any other way. however, if you mess with her, she will find a tactical way to get you back and ten times harder
she drinks and does drugs in moderation because she likes to be in control of herself (minus her coke addiction bc u know). also does it on the down low because again, she’s maintaining an image here
her whole life is pretty much fake, so she often loses sight of herself. she doesn’t know exactly who she is but she is very good at pretending, and she even convinces herself sometimes
she’s pretty lonely tbh though she’ll never admit it. it’s been this way since she was little
her favorite books are anything by jane austen and les liaisons dangereuses by pierre choderlos de laclos, aka the book cruel intentions was based on. she also really enjoys sylvia plath, mary shelley, and virginia woolf
favorite shows: big little lies, sharp objects, killing eve, twin peaks, handmaid’s tale
favorite movies: pride and prejudice, marie antoinette, thoroughbreds, cruel intentions, annihilation, ex machina, stoker, the handmaiden, black swan, atonement, mulholland drive
her fav colors are mint, pastel pink, white and beige
pls look at the pinterest board i made for her <3
ex-fling/gf/bf - eliana could have a few of these. they could be on good or bad terms. if they’re on bad terms eliana would prob be keeping a close eye on them because she doesn’t want word really getting out. maybe the sexual tension is still there. we could plot out the details and make if fun and interesting hehe
unrequited crush -  ur character could have feelings for eliana, but maybe she doesn’t feel them. this could develop into her eventually having feelings for ur muse or not, whatever we want ! OR eliana could have a crush on someone who does not like her back. maybe that person is super non-committal, or they simply do not like her back. we could plot this out however but it would b interesting for eliana to actually have feelings for someone
current fling/friends w benefits - someone she is currently seeing/sleeping with. could be no strings attached, or there could b some feelings there. maybe they don’t want to make it anything serious, maybe one person is ready to go further, and the other isn’t.
enemies w benefits - imagine the tension!!! they started out hating each other, but ended up hooking up. maybe it was a one time thing, or maybe they can’t stop going back to each other. i think it would definitely have to be something kept super secret, she doesn’t want anyone else to know. this could develop in soooo many ways !
ex-friends - someone she used to consider a close friend, but they had a falling out for whatever reason n maybe they hate each other now. maybe they want to re-kindle their friendship but don’t know how. this could b juicy if they know a little too much about her
sibling-like friendship - someone she sees like a sibling. they’re there for each other and look out for one another, always have each other’s backs. being an only child and not really close to her parents, i would love for eliana to have a friend that’s like family !
dynamic duo - basically like her current best friend. this person is prob one of the closest people to her and might know her very well ! they could b a power duo, always looking out for each other
take care - ok i would love it if for one night, eliana lost control. she either got too drunk or high and was kind of a wreck. someone was there and kind of came to her rescue in a way, they got her home or maybe she slept at their place. after this night, maybe eliana would feel awkward (but also grateful) that someone actually took care of her and looked out for her. maybe your muse did it to have something over her, or maybe it was actually genuine to help her. this could be plotted out in sooo many ways yes i love it
confidant - someone who confides in her or someone she confides in, or they confide in each other. they don’t necessarily have to be the closest friends ever, but they get along, trust each other, and maybe they talk more in private
rivals - they hate each other for whatever reason. maybe it’s jealousy or their personalities just clash, but for whatever reason they do not get along. i love a good enemies plot. they can just b nasty to each other !!! maybe they bring out a really bad side to eliana that most ppl dont see (because she’s usually very lowkey even when she’s angry or dislikes someone)
victim of manipulation - eliana can be very manipulative. whether through bribery, blackmail, or whatever the case, i would love to have a plot where your muse is someone she could manipulate. maybe she bribes them to do her dirty work, or has something over them. she wouldn’t make them do anything too crazy, but this person would just be someone she has a hold over 
partner in crime - okay pls give me someone eliana schemes with. like imagine the powerrrr they would have. they would just plot n scheme together to help each other out or for some personal gain
dealer - idk if any of the muses r drug dealers, but if yes, someone who deals coke to her. they might know firsthand about her addiction. we could plot this however!
these are all the plot ideas i can think of for now, but i’ll prob make a plots page later on and add more stuff !
aaaaaand this is everything !! it has taken me longer to write this than i care to admit...pls don’t ask. i would absolutely looooove to plot so please hit me up on discord stream norman fucking rockwell#5522 (or i can hit u up). i cannotttt wait to start interacting and stuff <3
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three houses headcanons: blue lions edition
we’re almost done! one more house + the byleth association. i won’t be doing headcanons for the church and the known enemies because i don’t think i’ll be able to do them justice, but if someone asks, then i’ll deliver
i have a soft spot for the blue lions bc they all seem like nice children and i like all of their designs so far (that, and dimitri doesn’t get as much love as the other two lords ;-;), so i think i’ll choose them for my first playthrough. but i could very well change my mind in the coming months!
annette has her heart on her sleeve
it’s easy to tell what she’s feeling
if she’s happy, she hums to herself and has more spring in her step
if she’s sad, she’s quieter than usual and sighs a lot
in that vein, she’s a terrible liar
she’s the type that would like to keep a secret but immediately panics if you probe her
she starts saying "i don’t know what you’re talking about!" while shifty-eyed and fidgety
it means anything she says is genuine though
and you can trust her to be honest with you
(or, you can trust yourself to know if she’s being honest with you)
an optimistic at heart
is a squad with mercedes, ashe, and ingrid
gives everyone a nickname by shortening their name (e.g. mercie, sylvie)
dimitri hates being called 'dimie' but allows it bc it’s hard to stay angry at her
mercedes is everyone’s mom
always carries a handkerchief on her
cleans up after everyone’s mess and helps the servants with their work
can and will sing you to sleep
just being around her can make you feel 45% less anxious and 82% more comfortable and safe
also the best cook of their house
sometimes bakes pastries in the kitchen and sneaks them to ashe and annette
really strict about curfew
if you’re not in your bed when you’re supposed to be, you’re in for a long scolding
gives the warmest hugs
worries about everyone
has to remind dimitri, dedue, and felix to eat
might just bring them the food herself bc she knows they’ll forget that she told them
asks about your day and is happy if you’re happy
sylvain is (not-so secretly) popular with everyone
ladies, gentlemen, children, your grandparents, you name it
he’s like kaze in that regard
except he knows when people have a crush on him
which he pretends he’s oblivious to because he doesn’t want things to get awkward
doesn’t like leading people on but doesn’t know how to break it to them
makes friends really easily
he doesn’t even have to try
he just talks to strangers and suddenly they’re the best of buds
super bad at names though
he’ll remember your face and what the two of you talked about
but he’ll fumble around like "bleth? bilid? …sorry what was your name again?"
gets along well with mercedes
greatly respects dimitri and follows his every order
loyal to the point that he’ll jump off of a cliff if dimitri told him to
has a smile you can fall for at first sight
ashe is curious about everything and has the energy of a puppy
says "yessir!" and "yes’m!" to everyone with higher authority
probably likes fluffy animals
will go to the kitchens in the middle of the night for a midnight snack
the maids always give him extras bc he’s polite and they think he’s cute
personally knows all of the custodial staff
zones out and stares in the distance sometimes
all the while thinking about something funny he heard the other day
doesn’t like confrontation
goes to mercedes and dimitri for help about everything
from homework to archery practice to an existential question at two in the morning
they humour him anyway
him and annette are like two peas in a pod
he can chatter on and on and on about everything and nothing
this happens most often with ingrid
says sorry to inanimate objects
dedue looks like he’s serious business™ but he’s actually not
enjoys a good laugh
and his is the big, booming kind that can shake the entire  room
a dad joke kind of guy
gets into frequent arm-wrestling fights with felix
will slap your back or sling an arm around your shoulder without warning
if he does that, he thinks of you as a friend
gives ashe/annette a lift to grab stuff from high shelves instead of using a ladder
has a very big appetite
also isn’t picky and will eat anything
probably snores
thrives off of dimitri’s taunting during training
he still has yet to beat his house leader, but swears he’ll do it someday
gets fired up with a good fight and constantly searches for worthy opponents
bumps into things all the time
also breaks a lot of the training weapons
he doesn’t do it on purpose
felix is the real serious business™
has a training regime he follows every day without fail
wakes up at the break of dawn to start it
sneaks up on people and scares the heck out of them
dimitri has had maybe twenty-three mini heart attacks at this point
and felix has had twenty-three bruises to his solar plexus
honour-bound and a good sport
but when he’s cornered in a fight and in danger, he’ll try to escape
usually with a smoke screen
he doesn’t like fighting dirty
but he knows if he’s in a losing battle and would rather live to see another day
intimidating and has a really nasty glare
but that’s only bc he’s scrutinizing your sword technique and has pointers for improvement
he means well, honest
uncomfortable with physical contact
can’t tell a joke to save his life
ingrid is the epitome of the ideal noblewoman
graceful and witty
quick on her feet
knows what to do in any given social situation
everything she says has an underlying message
somehow knows all the latest gossip in the monastery, even from the other houses
her intelligence system has an extensive reach all throughout fodlan
don’t bother hiding something
she’ll find out no matter what you do
probably has a crush on dimitri
completely and wholly devoted to him
and like sylvain, will jump off of a cliff if told to
sips her tea while acting uninterested at everything ashe and annette say
but she does genuinely enjoy their company
bonds with mercedes over cooking recipes
gets cranky if she doesn’t get enough sleep
can play four different instruments
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