#bc what about gem. there are two gems. in the same universe. it's not an alternate one. two women named gem exist.
sevenines · 5 months
i’ve been listening to/watching many (many, many) reactions to steven universe (because that’s what you do when you become newly obsessed with something. see what everyone else thinks about it and drive yourself mad) and it’s so interesting to see all the unique ways people tackle it and the common threads between them all.
there’s podcast recaps (pressure to over-analyze) vs youtube reactions (pressure to overreact). everyone knowing the show (yay) vs fans guiding newcomers (interesting) vs everybody being blind (often disastrous). don’t mind silly fun? they love the first season and amethyst’s character. told about how ~deep~ it gets and expecting only that? they love pearl and have to be dragged through the beginning. even how they chunk the episodes affects things—in watching episode-by-episode, people go the most mad as they try to squeeze meaning out of episodes they can’t yet appreciate until later (or are just. bad at analyses.). in chunks of two, people assume su will have much more horror after watching frybo and cat fingers back-to-back. and chunks of 5 are completely different too!
this only skims the surface. i can watch any episode of su and point out which jokes usually make people laugh, what people pick up on, and how their opinion of the situation reflects on whether they have mommy issues.
#steven universe#the ‘thats what you do’ comment was a joke ftr#i love seeing yt comments be filled with the same people btwn diff channels#bc i know they’re on my journey too!#the most popular one is s/orta stupid reacts bc they are quite intelligent and respectful#s/putnik’s spyglass is fun bc u can tell the reactor got truly invested!!#g/allifrey gals gets so emotional even at the ‘silly’ episodes they’re my favorite ;-;#s/pilling the milk is stupid humor. but they genuinely love the show and will defend it ALWAYS#(though it’s more apparent if you watch their uncut reactions and watch them wrangle twitch chat)#podcasts have been more disastrous for me.. the hyper-analysis format for newcomers not only sets up unfair expectations for the show#but also are almost always all over the place which is the podcasters’ decisions!!#they can talk about their personal lives! i’m listening to it all for free#(also it’s funny bc 99% of podcasters say how no one is watching them meanwhile im there. watching them.)#but it’s just not as enjoyable. also they tend to have really annoying opinions srry.#had to listen to two guys seriously discuss steven and amethyst as a ship. without mention of the age gap WTF?#and in another some guy said how ‘he can’t consider su best television if they keep having silly episodes’#acting all pretentious like know your genre smh#oh and podcasters tend to be guys so i have also listened to guys be like sadie and amethyst r so ugly :/#and ‘when will there be male gems i can’t relate to any of the characters if they’re all girls#oh there’s steven? he’s a fat kid though’#<-none of these are exaggerations it’s really painful#for podcasts i recommend ‘the b/its su podcast’! they’ve watched it all before and everyone’s queer so it’s all great :)#it’s still ongoing too#now i sound harsh on podcasts bc i don’t mention the bad yt reactions ive seen#(and i’ve seen them)#but idk there’s not many good reaction podcasts#now you may be reading this and think i’m writing wayy too much on the topic of reactions random ppl on the internet have for a show#and you’d be right. BUT i’m like those little kids that get frustrated when a movie has no interactability#i have to listen to people say the s1 finale was underwhelming as i scream in my head how they’re watching the wrong order bc h/bo max sucks#yes i have gone crazy. i truly mean it when i say i have watched and listened to SO MANY of these
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fagtainsparklez · 2 years
I am forcibly dragging you back to the stage GIVE ME MORE KNOWLEDGE
OKAY IVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT IT MORE. since i did not watch The Dog's stream i will b referencing this post for most of my rambling.
so like. the first thing that sticks out to me is the canonization of the dream smp, obviously, but also empires. and this is for two reasons: both of these canons already have multiple realities/universes canonized within them. for the dream smp, we have c!cpk, who's a canonical dimension hopper; and for empires, we have shrub, who's backstory consists of her dimension-hopping onto the lands of s1 after her homeland was razed. cpk isn't what i'm gonna really focus on here, because to my knowledge, we don't really know a lot about his backstory (at least, not that i can find on the wiki. it doesn't even mention his dimension hopping, but considering its the dream smp wiki, i'm not surprised). i wanna focus on shrub.
so, shrub's backstory has her world being razed due to aeor banishing cohnal and exor's spirit; however, we also know that exor and aeor were gods in the lands of the empires smp. JUST like mianite, gods seem to exist in multiple (all?) realities, which is a SUPER interesting concept!! i'm using it, combined with mianite, to solidify this as more of a fact than a theory, going by the giga-verse concept. it also solidifies alternate realities existing in general, with c!pk possibly solidifying other realities in general (as in, not mirrors/similar to ours, but completely different realities with completely different people).
it also brings up an interesting possibility of, despite all existing within the same universe, each planet/solar system possibly being made by a different god. it'd explain how the gods were all still real, but how XD was able to make the dream smp and mianite was able to make, well, mianite. there's not "one" true creator, resposible for all of creation and the universe, but multiple ones designated to their own segments of reality.
REALLY focusing in on mianite though, i bring up my all-time favorite piece of lore: our universe is canon to their reality as another alternate dimension. by extension, that means our universe is canon to the dream smp, hermitcraft, empires, everything. and not in the sense that chat is canon, or twitter is canon, our actual reality. where their realities are just stories spun by creators behind a stream, broadcasted to hundreds of thousands around the world for entertainment. cc!ranboo is canon to the mcyt giga-verse, although in a different reality. that's not an au (not in the typical au sense, at the least), that's canon baby!!
i have so many more thoughts about the concept of death and the afterlife and whether it's the same throughout all planets/solar systems/galaxies, the implications of reincarnation and other lives, but that's. for another time. i have brainrotted enough here i think.
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rush-the-stars · 4 months
cieloooo I've come to maybe beg for some more ideas your wretched horror movie geto au if u are willing to share.... 🥺
oh twist my arm why don’t you niku!!!
hehe yes..,.i will share more ideas from this wip..,..,putting this under a read more bc it got too long
the way i’m mostly just talking about set up too…..SILLINESS. i wish i could write this au in 3 hours and show you what i mean. alas…..
cw: bad power dynamics
the premise is that getou (though rather young for this career) has become a pretty accredited and beloved horror movie director/writer. bit of a cult following. maybe not a household name, per se, but anyone who enjoys film a bit more than average would recognize his name and his films
he elicits strong opinions; some abhor his work. some adore it.
his films are known for being deeply disturbing and strangely sexual. most feel like an erotic fever dream. gripping, stunning, and horrible is what most of his reviews entail.
then, of course, there is his leading man; satoru gojo. started as an indie darling doing psychological thrillers and dramas; he and getou go aaalll the way back to university together, where they first met. getou asked gojo to star in his third film, which is the one that took off the most and put both massively on the map. gojo has been in just around half of getou’s films. getou likes to use him a great deal; he thinks that there can be something rather unnerving and powerful about gojo’s performances, if you know how to capture him right
(of course getou thinks only he can capture gojo just right on camera)
gojo, for his own credit, has been called the actor of a generation. a rare gem; the best of the best and anticipated to have an incredible career.
and then you enter the scene; a stage actor with little experience on camera except the two roles in a short film and pilot episode that didn’t go far
getou saw you in an adaption of a tragedy on stage; howling and bloody and crawling across the apron and down into the audience aisles like a wild thing
(he’d fallen in love then, maybe. or, at least, he knew he had to have you. for him, it might as well be the same thing)
he finds you after the show. calls your performance visceral. raw. refreshing. he’d like to keep in touch.
you think little of it, except as a reminder to check out his most recent film again. gojo is in it. you watch alone. you hardly sleep that night.
then, months later, he’s asking you to audition for his upcoming film. he needs a lead.
(once he’d seen you, he could only picture you as the role—rewrote moments just for you. for him.)
and suddenly you’re doing chemistry reads with gojo. tests and audition reels.
after your audition is complete, they both watch you back on the camera with gojo your opposite in the scene, the way you look up at him, eyes alight. you’re bursting at the seams. getou just needs to capture it right. in the scene, gojo’s hand settles on the side of your head, easing so your neck crooks, then the rest of your body tips to his command as you ragdoll. your eyes roll.
“visceral,” getou says again, watching you move like a strange puppet at gojo’s command. it’s eerie; disjointed and uncanny. it’s perfect for what he’s thinking. “she’s visceral.”
needless to say, you get the role.
and begins your own form of horror, caught between these two, in strange sets and odd scenes.
intimate scenes and gross scenes and erotic scenes
scenes where getou gets close and murmurs to the two of you. it’s strangely embarrassing. he says filthy things to the two of you, to try and coax you to new emotions or moments
it’s unprofessional
gojo is your constant partner. getou your ever-present voyeur.
in the movie, gojo has command over your character, but on set, getou commands both of you like his own puppets.
you lose yourself.
getou will be the one to find you
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okthatsgreat · 5 months
Hello Lee.... I come bearing QUESTIONS about your MLP versions of your OCs. Such as: was there a process for coming up with their names? And: how did you figure out their colours? Who was the hardest to name? And, similarly, whose colours did you struggle with the most? :0
YAHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OUGUHGRU YOURE SO COOL
OK SO as for the names there was a forum online that i specifically referenced with a guide to naming mlp ocs and it was hella funny, the gist was this:
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i mostly ignored that first rule just bc a few of these ocs would not have a super """"girly"""" name so most of them are puns or figures of speech!!!!! theyre all based off of their ultimate talents or their personalities, which means what i do is i think of an adjective or noun that could be associated with them (for example, free runner -> light on her feet -> light) and then either think of a pun or go to google and type in "phrases with [word] in it" and choose one that makes sense (light + speedy = lightspeed)!! some of them were straight up references WITHOUT me mashing two words together ("turing" is from alan turing father of modern computer science, "chatterbait" is a specific type of lure for fishing while also being a reference on how sae tends to go on tangents lmao).
rie's was a bit of a struggle at first just because i was going back and forth between MULTIPLE names, like i was kinda set on her having a one word name like rarity but i needed it to be more specific to her?? she was royal charm for a bit, then royal, then PEARL (bc i looked at her actual outfit), and THEN the pearl jam pun struck me like the hand of god
I STRUGGLED THE MOST WITH ERINS NAME LMFAOOO!!!! which is why that name was not even my idea it was @makowo 's fhdjhgfkdgjkd. i was so ready just to call her pippy because:
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BUT thankfully i got a much better name. also the idea of her cutie mark basically condemning her to a life of childrens entertainment is both horrifying and kinda funny. girl you are NOT getting a break even in the my little pony universe.
COLOURS WERE VERY FUN!!! just for the sake of them Being Recognizable as My Ocs i kept their hair colour the same lmfao, if i were to go back id probably get a little more funky (pearl gem could absolutely use some purple highlights). for their haircoat i typically would use a primary colour on their outfit and would sometimes adjust!!! for example, i knew i wanted naomi's haircoat to be associated with red as that is the main colour i typically associate with her, so the coat was the colour from her jacket. because her hair was already very dark, having the coat colour also be dark wasnt as clashing so i didnt need to adjust a lot!! i DID however adjust erins to be a bit lighter just because it looked nicer than having an extremely saturated yellow lol. hooves were usually decided by me choosing a colour on them (very typically hair colour) and either adjusting it to be darker or leaving it white in two cases!! OTHER COLOURS were decided based on how important the colour is to the character's outfit. like filly shapes/erin HAD to be yellow in my eyes just because she is soooooo bright + it sits nicely with the red hair, but because she is a very colourful character i added a whole lot of ribbons with the other colours of her costume :)) naomi got a few spots on her just because of her moles, sae got her birthmark, and a few other characters got their stomachs coloured in just because i thought it looked cool lmfaooooo
hardest to colour hmmmmmmmmmmmmm for RIE i initially had her coat as light purple, as she is a very purple character to me lmfao, but thought it would both compliment the hair colour and also accent the purple more if she was primarily white (the colour of her undershirt, ALSO i was looking up white show horses as reference for her specifically lol). so i went back and forth for a bit....... chatterbait also tbh. originally she was a lighter green colour for her jacket but then i was like nahhh the green on her overalls is better and went back. other than that they were pretty straight forward!!!! mouse trap and turing were the most obvious to me i feel like i had colouring in mind for those two from the second i placed my pen on my tablet
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weaslby926 · 1 year
Another neat thing on perception in media is kaiju-esque creatures so I’m about to ramble again. I’m gonna use Steven Universe bc it has both great and bad examples (screenshots from Youtube).
Behold (to me) the biggest gems in the series:
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And also the diamonds and the cluster.
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Notice how each of the shots these guys are in show off their incredible size. Sugilite can fit on screen beside Pearl and Steven, so we have a direct comparison for size. The others seem even bigger bc the camera angle is looking up at them, sometimes they’re face/body is shadowed to show how they block out light. Most times the camera shakes and there’s a lot of rumbling. The cluster is so large its base is behind the hills in the background, showing how large it is when its so far away. But most important is that they are BY FAR the biggest thing on screen when they are revealed. Even Alexandrite’s introduction was during the dinner scene with Connie’s family, and there she towers over even the building.
But what about Obsidian? Supposedly one of the biggest fusions on the show? The grand finale? The temple gem herself?
She was...not that impressive to me. Which is weird bc we had the recipe:
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A ball of light so big the others had to run away from it. A shaking, rising camera showing multiple arms. A giant foot coming down beside Connie. Going great so far. But then we get this:
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Firstly, the angle is just...off. The camera angle and direction of their heads make it that Lapis and Peridot aren’t looking up, they’re looking straight ahead. Obsidian is tilted backwards, I get that she’s leaning back to roar, but the shot makes her look way smaller. We also saw Obsidian stomp right beside Connie, but now she’s further back, so the sense of distance is also a bit muddled. Then, we get this:
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And all sense of size we did get is immediately destroyed. Obsidian was only the biggest thing on screen for a few seconds. Now she’s mouse-sized in comparison. Her whole battle is scaling a giant humanoid spaceship. The whole fight she is comparatively way smaller than the opponent.
Audiences can only grasp a sense of size through comparisons. It’s why people compare whales to how many buses long they are.
There is one scene in the fight that does convey Obsidian’s size to me, however, and it’s here:
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Not only is Connie tiny in her hand, but that hand is extended out from her. Making her body and face in the bground shadowed would’ve accentuated this distance even more. But again, this is for one second, then back to the main battle where she is tiny. It’s a shame bc I know SU got cut early and they had to rush everything at the end, and Obsidian suffered for it.
I say this bc of the Malachite and Alexandrite fight:
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Now these two are the same size. Even though the island and the watermelon people are smaller, a lot of the shots of the fight are just them. BUT THIS WORKS. And it only works bc this is not the first time we’ve seen these fusions. We already have a sense of their size from their first, individual appearances. Add the camera shakes and the occasional comparison shots to the watermelon people as a reminder and you have two massive gems fighting each other in an awesome showdown.
I think if Obsidian’s first appearance had of been earlier, in a situation where she was the largest thing on screen, where there was time for multiple shots looking upwards at her, then she would’ve seemed far more impressive. Unfortunately we didn’t get an Obsidian-dedicated episode, and there was no time to show her size off properly. Still, it’s interesting to think of what could’ve been.
So, what I’ve learnt is that, when making gigantic things, it’s more than just making it big. It’s camera angles, shadows, rumblings, but more than that. It’s being conscious of how everything else in the shot also contributes. It’s about creating senses of distance and size through what you already have on screen. And I think it’s really neat how all of it comes together to create a perspective of size for the audience.
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tricobicoart · 4 months
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steven universe half-gem self insert 2
Rothena! I started calling her that to differentiate her from su athena, but it ended up sticking so that's her name now! She was originally gonna be a half gem like steven & mae, but i changed it so she was born to a human father and a human mother. The origin of this was inspired by a fic i read where(spoilers for the fic, written just-post-pink-diamond-reveal) "connie thought she was pink diamond bc when she was younger, she got really ill & her parents tried an experimental treatment made of pink diamond's fake shards ground up & put in her blood or something, and so she had some gem abilities/endurances. and she told steven she was pink diamond the same time steven told her abt rose being pink diamond which was a rly fun read tbh BUT i'm going with this being half-rose-quarz-athena's origin story. She got rly fucking sick & her parents were desperate so they were like 'sure we'll augment her with this rose quartz gem, we want her to live' and now she's a half gem." Rothena's powers take more concentration to use when she's calm than they do when she's nervous or in a state of adrenaline, and they'll probably cap at some point instead of growing and expanding like steven's or pink diamond's or mae's, althought she may find more creative ways to use what she's got, like steven in s1.
She has healing powers (not healing tears, nor spit, just kind of will-power-focus-towards-the-body-part-closest-to-the-wound) slower than the medigun, but definitely faster than the wound healing on its own. She can sacrifice some of her energy to speed up the healing as well. She cannot summon her own weapon, but can summon objects from her gem and has way more storage than a quartz has, but still less than a pearl--i'd say about one 7/11 or two storage wars sized storage units' worth! She also has that sword, custom made by Bismuth, that she uses as her main weapon. I'm also considering giving her a shield that she used pre-bismuth & pre-wedding/cym/connie's sword breaking.
Since she hasn't had her gem since before birth, Rothena is more of a fusion. Her halves can separate without any negative effects to either of them besides momentary weakness to the human component and aching loneliness(which worsens the more they are separated & away from each other) to both of them. She named her human half "Thena" and her gem half "Rosa"(pronounced with a soft 'S'). Creative, i know. Also for each half-gem i try to give them a non-human physical attribute--for mae it's her unnaturally purpley blue eyes, for steven i color his hair pink-tinted, and for rothena her skin is tinted pink (but her human half's skin tone is identical to su athena's).
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cherrypeaking · 1 year
hi cherry~ 🥺🫶🏾
it’s so easy to miss you, you know that?
it’s only been about an hour since you went to bed and i already miss you so much. you being in my life has felt like nothing short of a dream come true. i love talking for hours, i love getting to know you little by little, i love that we can talk about anything and i won’t feel scared to say what i’m really thinking. i don’t think i’ll ever get tired of telling you how wonderful you are~ you’re seriously so beautiful inside and out; you’re so kind and thoughtful and earnest and sweet. i’m so thankful that fate pulled its strings and got us to meet each other bc idk what i would be doing nowadays if i wasn’t talking to you! my daily life would be so boring ><
i love you, cherry. 🩵 i love what we have with each other, whatever label we decide to use for it doesn’t matter when it’s this powerful and means so much. i’ve never experienced the kind of love you’ve given me before, it makes me feel like i’m floating on a cloud ☁️ i hope the love i give you makes you feel the same way 🥺 thank you for being you.
there’s no one else like you in the world 🥺🫶🏾
your crystal gem 🩵💎
crystal 🥺🥺🩷💎
it’s so easy to miss you too ;_; you could be gone for like 10 minutes and i’d already be missing you 🥹 i didn’t think you’d miss me so much in return 🥺
i wanna keep talking to you for hours 🥺 i so wish we were closer so we wouldn’t have to worry so much about the timezone difference… it all really feels like a dream >< like when i joined i didn’t expect to necessarily even manage to make a friend here… but you came in my life and you’ve been nothing but sweet understanding and making me feel so safe happy and warm 🥺🩷 i’ll never get tired of saying i love you and just how beautiful you are 🥺🥲🩷 i want you to feel like the best person in the universe because that’s who you are to me 😖🩷🩷
i love you too crystal 🥺🥺 i really love what we have too and that we are just naturally letting it flow… your love definitely makes me feel so happy mommy 🥺🩷 i don’t think i’ve experienced something like this either… meeting someone and feeling all this so naturally after maybe only a month or two of talking and to have it reciprocated feels so unknown to me… 🥲🩷 i just wanna keep talking to you, and hopefully we will be able to do stuff together too one day 🥺
you’re my favorite person crystal gem 💎🥺🩷 please don’t stop being yourself 🥺🩷
the fact you signed your ask this way made me smile so hard >\\\<
— your cherry bear 🍒
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bobzora · 2 years
GUESS WHO BEAT PEE3 TODAY (fes, the journey at least)
(lengthy) final thoughts:
ryoji is kind of. um. "that was my name for a while. i didnt mind it." hes kind of trans. is the thing. also bro 100% drew the shortest stick in this game lmao
obviously ryo/mina isnt quite the same as some of the other insane peesona gay people (2,5. 4 is gay but not rlly insane) bc like. in that form at least we only know him for like...two months?or so? but. u know what. they r t4t and both (kind of) dead. good for them.?
jumpscared by "the arcana is the means by which all is revealed." ive been seeing that shit in like. youtube comments since the day i was born. insane
nyx was like. pathetically easy. to the point where i felt kinda bad about it lol. at least its funny. this is what happens when u have level 99 protag + black viper lucifer (+ messiah for salvation for ailment healing. i could just use me patra gems but its more stylish this way). nobody ever got below half health and most phases (minus last bc of the halved non-almighty damage + gown) were a 1/2/3 hit kill. guys who overlevel because they just love the velvet room so so much (and im prolly not gonna do ng+, especially with portable port on its way (femc!). so trying to experience most that i can)
i did cheese the reaper a while back. used thunder reign strat. was actually harder bc new moon rebalance nerfed the shock rate so its not 100% lol. but took advantage of its ai to get it stuck in a break skill loop (akihiko dekunda sweep) the money was nice, and i spent soooo much time in monad levelling personas. wont be able to do liz fight bc not doing ng+. (slightly related: ive played pee5 so many times and ive never actually tried the twins/lvnza/jose fights. vanilla 1 time, royal 1 time, royal again for a friends playthrough but its not ng+, ng+ for 100% royal but only up to exams...royal for another friend's playthru. lol)
yuka/mitsu is real. to me. theyre even the colors of the lesbian flag
i maxed most social links besides magician (bc hes annoying. surt wouldve been nice tho), mitsuru (got up to like 8 then ran out of time), fuuka (trapped at rank 1. dont like her enough, not enough time. sorry. i played with english voices u know how it is), yuko (accidentally reversed her), justice (i know. who would have thought. started her wayyy too late.), keisuke (hes soooo cute like. i wanna look like that tbh. but fortune isnt useful enough and i ran out of time)
speaking of social links i literally hate how they work in this game so so so so much. i dont want to date all these girls! let me hang out with other girls please... this is the biggest example of romance making all these games so much worse. like. what the hell. (aigis is like. the only good female social link (that i finished) (maybe bc she isnt very much a girl))
another mechanic i hate: NOT BEING ABLE TO PICK INHERITED SKILLS. is every ps2 era megaten game like this? i love love love 'sona/demon fusion but it is so much harder to make stupid crazy builds when u have to reroll over and over again. literally just a timewaster. what could have been...i cant believe my lucifer is still weak to ice. WHO USES PEESONAS WITH WEAKNESSES. IN THIS DAY AND AGE????
the extremely strange continuity with 1&2 is fucked up to like. nickelodean sitcom cinematic universe levels. u know.
im still fixated on 5.i make that very obvious. and i do like 5's overall story better (royal being a very big portion of that). but GOD i love love love the theming of this game.
those strega guys r definitely fucking. i literally do not care about them but thats kind of just a fact.
the concept of artificial personas (that kill you) (that u have to take meds for which eventually kill you) REALLYYYY fucks me up what a BANGER CONCEPT. JESUS! JESUS. gg kirijo group.
akinari... (very wretched)
i dont think i have a favorite. tbh. like i like mitsuru because i like women and shes hot but character wise shes not actually super my type. i like ken because hes the most fucked up ten year old in the world (justice bias). aigis is crazycrazy theres stuff to be said abt her (characters who give metatron bias). yukari is a mean girl and i like that about her (lovers bias). ryoji doesnt have that much screentime for obv reasons but thematically hes cool (guys who beg u to kill them bias). i like the protag a lot (protag bias). yeah
OBVIOUSLY i knew we were gonna die. and when. and where. and how. but :( head in aigis's lap, brushing away her robo-tears... didnt cry but wow this game.
joshua peefee christ figure moment
kimi no kioku is the best 'sona song. period. nyx (avatar)&nyx (nyx) songs go hard too. but man!!!! kimi no kioku!! LOVE how its kind of a motif in so many other parts of the soundtrack, especially near the end...a unifying melody, an overarching theme.
forever from now ill prolly watch the movies just so i can make an amv. this game needs an amv. and unlike pee5 the animovies should cover most of what id want to say in one!
after the answer, ill finally be able to finish eternalpun. im so sorry ive neglected you guys, my friends...my pee2s....
kimi wo i will never leave you <3
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ardeidaze · 1 year
alright buddy hit me with it. how did u kill sasha and what is ghost-her up to afterwards
well it just so happens that grime was just slow enough in this particular universe that sasha elizabeth waybright became one of those fifth grade science projects where you try and package an egg properly so itll survive being dropped from the third storey of a building. anne did not get a very good grade on this project.
ghost sasha regains awareness on top of the crumbling tower, remembers none of this and Also is unaware that shes a ghost. anything that might clue her in just doesnt process so she's really confused as to why anne is screaming and sobbing at the ground cause girl theres nothing fucking there. she is Pissed that the toads are leaving without her but the tower is unstable so she is like oh my Fuck anne calm Down get off this tower before we all *die* and anne looks at her like. well like shes seen a ghost. they leave and anne and the plantars are like okay what the hell are we supposed to do with this teenage ghost who will probably kill us and also doesnt seem to understand shes dead and anne who is Not having a good time is like Please can we bring her with us i promise ill make this work and theyre skeptical but also. this kids best friend just died in front of her what are you going to do say no? so thats the story of how ghost sasha ends up living in wartwood and plaguing anne with her existence every single day.
sasha getting less terrible is a bit of a Process but it happens. when they meet up w marcy marcys like. oh my god what have i done and spills the truth but in a grand turn of events anne is way more mad abt this than sasha is bc to anne amphibia was "get stuck in the woods get stuck in a town that doesnt trust you break your arm watch your friend try to kill your grandpa and then sacrifice herself for you and get haunted by a ghost" meanwhile amphibia to sasha was "get put in jail have an adventure realize you can be a better person and then do some self improvement" so anne goes back to wartwood w the plantars like in canon but sasha stays with marcy.
temple time! first two temples go exactly as in canon. third temple? well when sasha goes to charge the stone she almost disappears. sasha being a ghost is directly tied to the strength gem's power so. well that has some consequences and the weakening of her ghost form un-represses all the fun memories of going splat like a bug on a windshield. so sasha gets to have a little oh my god im dead crisis
they go back to the king like sorry were not charging the fucking box sasha will die he gets mad shit happens i havent gotten this part planned out well they beat him up yk the drill
...aaaand then moon time. it goes the same as in canon except for the little detail that with taking the power of the gems that means no gem for sasha and she dies. and the guardian is a little bitch asshole so while itll revive anne bc it wants to retire it doesnt give a shit about sasha. and anne has marcy and her family to go back to so she gets sent back. sasha effectively dies twice its great im having so much fun (/lying. this au makes me feel ill. in a cathartic way but still)
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perceabeth · 2 years
Would you be willing to elaborate on why you think hoo broke the rules of the world? I didn’t like the series bc of what it did to the og character arcs but I never caught onto it breaking the rules. No pressure to do so I’m mostly just curious
lol it's okay! WEEEEEEEELLLLLLL where to begin?
Big Three Kids!
The whole point of PJO was that there was nobody like Percy. That they were rare and were destined to be hunted to death because they weren't meant to be born. So then, of course, you assume they don't exist! The ones who are alive each paid a heavy price- Bianca and Thalia died, Thalia chose immortality, Bianca and Nico each lived in a weird universe where they missed out on their own lives.
There was no real reason for Jason to be a child of Zeus other than to put him in a position of leadership, but the thing about New Rome is that they have a different system about these things anyway with their cohorts and stuff and him being Thalia's sister adds so little to anything it was just a really stupid move imo.
I get what Riordan was trying to do with Hazel by circumventing the rule-- but it feels cheap and tacky. ESPECIALLY because Hazel's powers are so badly plotted out that she could have just as easily been a child of Hecate lol.
The most baffling one, though, is FRANK who is for some reason a legacy of Poseidon? I would have thought that was cool-- like being a legacy and so many generations before you having lived out their lives despite being demigods? SUPER cool. In that case. Why is he also a son of Mars?
It feels like too much is being packed into too little and when you don't have the time to explore these things, they just seem like he's saying hey. I know I said it's rare for demigods to grow old. But that's GREEK demigods. The ROMANS are super cool and super fun and they don't stand by the same rules!
2. The actual powers themselves.
Leo, son of Hephaestus and brother of Charles Beckendorf who died in a fire- now has control over fire! Piper can basically brainwash anyone because she's got Charmspeak but wait! There's more! Her sister Drew ALSO has Charmspeak!! Both of them are, of course, sisters of a girl who was manipulated into betraying all her friends <3 Hazel's a daughter of Hades? She's magic. Also she has power over gems and knows her way underground (I cannot even begin to think of WHAT made him decide the black girl needs to play ANY of these roles but I digress). Frank's just an average son of Mars who can turn into any animal he wants, which is totally cool and normal!
Do you remember how special Percy was in PJO? How hard other demigods had to train in combat because they would be killed if they didn't learn it? Remember how absolutely rare it was to see demigods with that kind of power, to the point where Chiron didn't want Percy and Thalia to be near each other because he feared they'd destroy everything? Not anymore <3 Super Powerful Demigods can now sit together on a ship and face no consequences at all, even when they have minor disagreements because they all come together very organically !!
3. Character arcs
I know you said it, but I can't talk about HoO and not bring up Nico di Angelo. Tell me why he went through his arc TWICE in two series? Here's the reason: because Mr. Riordan didn't want to make any of the main cast gay <3 He did it for woke points, so he was like hey hold on what if. Instead of any combination of the FIVE new characters I introduced being gay... I can retcon my Straight Series so it looks like I'm far more inclusive!
Great job, Mr. Riordan. You have raised a bunch of rabid fans who like Nico now because he's Gay and not because at one point he was an innocent boy who loses everything and fights to find his way back home. His story in PJO was a large part of the Great Prophecy, and yet... all of that was washed away in order to make him Gay Gay Gay.
Percy and Annabeth, we know-- it's a travesty. Stupid Percy and Robot Annabeth we've been through this a thousand times fuck that shit but it's so disappointing because as readers WE know these characters. We know them from PJO where they were each their own person and they had some good moments but HoO effectively wiped off the super strong friendship they already had going.
WHY has that been cheapened to the point of a joke!! It's literally so insane like the first series is about how difficult it is to be a half-blood. Greek and Roman mythology are not as different as Greek and Egyptian, see, so TKC ad MCGA can afford to change up the rules but HoO can't. That's like. The whole point!! So to randomly say hey actually this group is perfectly fine and the reason they're living so well is because the Greeks aren't as organised is so offensive to the reader because up until now all we had was the Greek camp! He flips it over and then somehow blames US for being stupid enough to think that's the only way to live.... and still decides to give the Roman camp child soldiers?????????????????????????????????????????????? make it make sense im begging
5. The bloody GODS
What did HoO do. Like. What did it do.
Because I can tell you what PJO did. PJO was about the gods learning to hold themselves accountable for the lives they create, drew a parallel between mortals, demi-mortals and immortal beings and dissected the value of life. It was a learning curve for everyone involved: for Luke, for Percy, and for the gods he so unwaveringly served. That was the point. That Luke was right, that the gods were primarily to blame because they don't care enough about human life. That they don't even care about minor gods. They swore to change.
And HoO is like aha I know I made it a whole thing and it was a huge sacrifice on Percy's part because he was offered immortality in place of the gods being held accountable-- but sike they haven't changed, even ONE YEAR down the line.
It makes the ENTIRE first Great Prophecy a TOTAL joke. Like what was the point of ANY of that happening if the gods were jut going to revert to being the exact same???
6. Harrowing realities of war
According to the wiki, there were forty campers fighting at the Battle of Manhattan. Forty. That's how many demigods there were. Yeah, the Hunters helped and the party ponies also came in- but it was a small team of campers. Between BotL and TLO, I can think off the top of my head about Lee Mitchell, Castor or Pollux (whichever one) Charles Beckendorf, Michael Yew, Silena Beauregard who died. A lot of these characters have been mentioned before as well! And they died. Because children shouldn't be fighting a war, actually, and yet here they were, dying before they could apply to college. The finale was just this horrible moment when Silena dies and Kronos attacks Chiron and everything seems so bleak and it's when Annabeth loses faith that you know everything is going to change.
Meanwhile HoO is the most absurd final battle, I think, because if I'm being honest, I don't even know who the enemy is. First they're fighting giants then the gods arrive and Fix it for them and then they're fighting Romans and Greeks and then there's monsters in their armies? And SIKE it's actually Gaea who's the Big Bad and defeating her fixes everything as though ANY of that makes sense!! So what, then? All the work that they did in PJO- the friends they buried and the enemies they spared-- that is stupid, right, when you can just get some girl to come and scream "please stop fighting"? What is the point of the war then?
Just because it's more complicated.... doesn't make the writing good.
7. What Theme.
Percy Jackson is about finding your place in the world. It's about home and it's about hope and it's about knowing that you're never alone. That love is always the answer, that faith and belief are the only motivators and that all darkness can be defeated with light. Someoe tell me what HoO is about. Earth Bad, Teenagers Good? It's not even about bridging the gap between the Greeks and Romans which is what it ostensibly claims is the core of the series. Makes it feel like PJO was dumb to have a theme at all. <3
Look at the time lol
In summation,
PJO is a story. HoO is a bunch of scenes sewn together where every scene is designed to be more insane and also to consistently undermine everything that happens in PJO. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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mgsapphire · 3 years
My K-drama recommendation master list Part 2
You can find part 1 here
Look, you gave us relatively new recommendations, what about ones older than 10 years? I'll give you my top 5
Princess Hours (2006) Is a modern Cinderella story. It's 24 episodes long. Available on Viki.
Personal Taste (2010) Honestly, problematic plot if you put your mind into it, but entertaining nonetheless. It's 16 episodes long, each one lasting a little over an hour, available on Viki.
Cinderella's Sister (2010) You hate every character, but there's still something that makes you watch it. Available on Viki.
Thank You (2007) was ahead of its time, it's about a single mother with a daughter who has an HIV+ diagnosis. 16 episodes long, each one lasting a little over an hour. Available on Viki.
Stairway to Heaven (2003) for a good melodrama.
What about romantic fantasies involving fantastic beings?
Guardian: The lonely and Great God(2016) A classic of the genre. It tells the story of a God who was once a man, and is being punished by immortality, unless he meets his bride, who just so happens to be a high schooler centuries later. Available on viki. 16 episodes long with 3 specials, all lasting about 75 minutes.
Hotel Del Luna (2019) it would be unfair to talk about Goblin, without talking about this other masterpiece about a being cursed into immortality and granted special availabilities along with it, but a curse is still a curse, and she must run a hotel meant for ghosts, where after centuries of being, meets a young man who is alive. Availability on Viki, 16 episodes long and each one lastz about 75 minutes.
Tale of the Nine Tailed (2020) You get to see Lee Dong Wook as another mystical being, and Kim Bum is his half brother. 16 episodes long and one special, each one lasting about 65 minutes. Available on Viki.
My roommate is a Gumiho (2021) what's up with gumihos? It's still airing. The title is self explanatory. Available on Viki and Qiyi.
Angel's last mission: Love (2019) is a cute and sad story about an angel who is about to ascend and a ballerina who has a cynical view of the world. Available on Viki. Each episode averages 30 minutes, with 32 episodes.
Doom at your service (2021) About to finish airing. It tells the story of a dying woman who wishes doom upon the world, and the doom who answers her plea. Available on viki, 16 episodes long, each one lasting about an hour.
The Scholar Who walks the night (2015) another Lee Joon Gi entry, but I swear all of his works are great, it's a period drama that tells the story of a scholar who is a vampire and the young bookseller he meets. It's 20 episodes long, each one lasting about an hour. Available on viki. Also, if you've liked Lee Soo Hyuk in Doom at Your Service, I advise you check this one out.
Tale of Arang (2012) two Lee Joon Gi entries in a row? Girl, you have to stop. Anyways, this one is another period piece of a magistrate who can see ghosts and the ghost of a young woman who doesn't remember her life, nor the cause of her death. Available on viki, it's 20 episodes long, each one lasting a little over an hour.
Look, those are fine or whatever, but I started as a K-pop fan, where can I see some idol dramas? Don't worry, I came prepared
Full House (2004) with Rain as the main character is the og idol drama in my opinion. Available on Viki. 16 episodes long, each one lasting about 73 minutes.
Imitation (2021) is currently airing, and it's literally an idol drama about idols. You can find a looot of idols too: Jeong Yun Ho and Park Seong Hwa from Ateez, Chani and Hwi Young from SF9, Park Ji Yeon from T-ara, Lim Na Young from I.O.I and Pristin, and although Jeong Ji So is not an idol, she is the main lead, and I absolutely love her, she's also in Doom at your service. Available on Viki.
Miss Panda and Mr. Hedgehog (2012) features Donghae from Super Junior, and if I'm going to recommend a Super Junior drama, I would rather recommend one featuring him over Siwon.
At a Distance the Spring is Green (2021) is currently airing too, and only has four released episodes, but I've liked it so far. Featuring Park Ji Hoon, and Kwon Dun Bin. Also, I have a lot of opinions about this show. Available on Viki.
I was going to put an IU drama but, all her dramas are good, so go and watch them all, the woman has range.
Dream High (2011) is the king of idol dramas, in my opinion. It talksa about a high school for people who want to be idols. Another one with a long line up of idols, so let me start: Suzy, IU, Taecyeon, Nichkhun and Wooyoung from 2PM, Ham Eun Jung from T-ara. Leeteuk (SuJu and Chansung (2PM) make cameos. Similarly to Imitation, Kim Soo Hyun is not an idol, but he's the main lead. It's 16 episodes long, each one lasting about 65 minutes. Available on Viki.
Wow, quite a few, but they all seem rather popular, do you have some underrated gems? I'm going to have to go down memory lane, but I do
The Queen's Classroom (2013) This one feels like a fever dream, because I'm aware it exists, I watched it back when it first aired, but I can't find it anywhere now. It's based on a Japanese drama of the same name. It's about a strict but warm hearted teacher and her students' lives and struggles. 16 episodes long. DM me if you find anywhere to watch it.
1% of Something (2016) is a really cute drama, the chemistry is off the charts, and if you're looking for skinship, this one is the one for you, underrated arranged marriage kdrama, I'm telling you. It's 16 episodes long, averaging 45 minutes, and it's on Viki.
I'm not a Robot (2017) has a really cute plot, not underrated per se, but not hyped enough. It's 32 episodes long, each one averaging 30 minutes. Available on Viki.
Do you like Brahms? (2020) is a music themed kdrama, really cute and wholesome. If you like 2setviolin and watched their critique on their YouTube channel, let me tell you, the cast actually knows how to play violin and stuff, and there's an actual child prodigy in there. It got so much hate bc of that one yt video. It's 16 episode long, each one lasting about an hour. Available on Viki.
Solomon's Perjury (2016) a good reflection on youth and the pressure society has. 12 episodes long, lasting about 63 minutes each. Available on Viki.
The Greatest Love (2011) is a super entertaining TV show, and just supper funny and cute. 16 episodes long, each one lasting around 65 minutes. Available on Viki.
Two Cops (2017) if you like Kim Seon Ho, I think this was his TV acting debut. It's a hilarious action comedy TV show. 32 episodes long, lasting around 30 minutes. Available on viki.
Do you have any recommendations where time traveling or time is central to the story?
Alice (2020) look, I can't give you a full explanation because it's too mind bending. Let's leave it at detective meets his mother. Available on Viki.
Signal (2016) The premise is similar to that of the movie Frequency (2000) in which there's communication between the past and the present via technology. The plot is based on the real Hwaseong serial murders. Really interesting. Available on Netflix. If you like the premise of communicating with the past via technology Call (2020) is a Korean thriller movie available on Netflix.
Chicago Typewriter (2017) this one is about reincarnation but we get to see both timelines. Available on Netflix.
Tomorrow with you (2017) Time-traveling but make it ✨depressing ✨. The story of a man who time travels, and how that ability messes with his marriage. Available on Netflix.
What about historical dramas? I don't really watch those, but here are some I liked
The Moon Embracing the Sun (2012) is one of the few I've finished. It's really good, it follows the love story of a king. Available on viki. 20 episodes long, each one lasting about an hour.
Gunman in Joseon (2014) Am I recommending you this one because of Lee Joon Gi? Maybe. It has 22 episodes, each one lasting about an hour. Available on Viki.
The Crowned Clown (2019) a story of the Prince and the Pauper if I must give you a description that is relatable, but if you know the book titled Skogland, it's closer to that. It's 16 episodes long, each one lasting about 80 minutes. Available on Viki.
I'm a little ashamed to say this, but do you have any BL? I do, I do
To My Star (2021) is a story about an actor and a chef, and how they learn to cohabit after the actor is forced into hiding. You can watch either the movie version or the drama version, both available on viki.
Color Rush (2020) is a modern romance fantasy about people called Monos who can't see any color unless they meet their Probes, however this may turn dangerous as the Monos may experience obsessive behavior, so what happens when a young high schooler meets his probe?. You can either watch it on its drama or movie version. Both available on viki. By the way, if you're a long time deobi and was wandering what happened to Hwall, he's one of the main leads.
You Make Me Dance (2021) follows the story of a university dancer who is in debt and his debt collector. Available on viki in both versions. The movie is 107 minutes long.
Just Friends (2009) is a short film, but ahead of its time, if you can't tell by the year it was released on. It's a cute story about a man who visits his boyfriend in the military. I found it in dramacool.
That's all from me, if you have any specific genre or them you felt I didn't add in, do feel free to tell me.
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chasingfictions · 2 years
hi ok.. the intervention kiss is even more insane than i thought because it happens so FAST??? buffy decides in a SPLIT SECOND that she is going to kiss spike.... it's like i have diagnosed her with premeditated kiss before and i think that's true... i think since fool for love the idea that she Could kiss spike has been this idea entered into her ecosystem and the slow buildup of trust over the season has compounded that....
but i also think this is just so Quick and a decision based on pure instinct.. like there's not a hesitation here. she kisses him because she can't not kiss him. she's spent the last 4 episodes hating him, vocally and clearly, and still, suddenly everything changes and she can't not kiss him. like the intervention kiss is insane bc it's both been building for years and also comes out of nowhere.... bc that's literally buffy's experience of spike, it's these two streams of knowing. the one where she hates him and can't fathom not hating him, and the one where she can't not kiss him. the one where she talks all the time about how she has to kill him, and the one with the reason she never does.... like we joke a lot about how spike's always like "haha i cant kill buffy for ... REASONS" but buffy literally has the same relationship to spike.. staking him is always a theoretical. always a joke. an almost. the one time she does really stake him it's when he has the gem of amara and it doesn't work. the next time we see him staked it's her boyfriend stabbing him with a fake stake. the next closest thing is when the buffybot jokingly almost stakes him but can't because she loves him...... the way the universe keeps giving us in all these different refractions like,,,, she cant kill him. he shows up to her back porch with a gun and instead she lets him pat her back and comfort her, and this is moments after dru in the flashback says, why can't you kill her.
the way buffy actually hating spike is such a small portion of this season in between crush and intervention...because she can't not kiss him.... the equilibrium has to be shaken and brought here because suddenly she cant not see what she's seeing.... HELP
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ohheyitsokay · 3 years
congrats you angel, you deserve all the love and praise for your writing bc holy shit you’re so talented!!! for the soulmate au celebration, i’m thinking either javi or jack (your choice bc i can’t choose) with the soulmate goose of enforcement au 💕 ik it’s a bizarre au but the potential for chaos is insane 😂 anyways ily and i hope you’re having a great day honey
...not me, having JUST reread your javi/jack fic, considering both... definitely me
Anyway, thank you, jj, you absolute gem of a human. I swear I had to turn up the fan reading this I got so flustered. I hope you have a great day too! And I hope you enjoy- I had to do a little research, and made it shorter than I wanted to, so hopefully it fills your chaos cup still!  (You'll understand, and hopefully forgive my delay when you see what's under the cut :) )
wordcount: 2.5k
warnings: strong language, lil angst with happy endings all around. mild menace meeting menace shenanigans 
Okay this is written as pt 1 Jav, pt 1 Jack, pt 2 Jav, pt 2 Jack, bonus pt 3. If you’re only in it for one of the boys, it makes reading a bit weird, but I liked the format for the whole thing. Sorry!
Javier wanted to hit it with a bat. Or a car. Or anything. All that mattered is that maybe then it would leave him the fuck alone. Of all the stupid, infuriating, ridiculous guides the universe could have given him to find his other half, he was sure this was the worst. Rumor was, he couldn't even kill it if he tried.
It's not that he didn't want to find his soulmate, but he... well, he didn't want to find his soulmate.
There were all sorts of excuses to spout - work, obviously a priority, inconvenience, not wanting to give up his way of life. Not to mention following a damn goose was an impossible task, plus the fact that the stupid thing didn't even like him.
It would appear seemingly at random, honking insistently or flapping erratically, and then be gone before anyone else could bat an eye. To say that he had become increasingly irritated would have been a huge understatement.
The truth of it was that Javier was afraid. No one in the world liked to feel like they were being controlled. People liked to know what was going on, and this just didn't fit the bill. He didn't like that he didn't know you, couldn't be chosen, by you.
His life was already complicated enough - messy enough - that a soulmate would only make it worse. He had made it this long, this far without needing one, so he was fine without, thank you very much. Even to himself, his lie sounded okay.
It was hard to face, the idea that there was someone out there, a relationship that he couldn't have control over. And someone who would love him unconditionally? Terrifying.
Unfortunately, he wasn’t allowed to do nothing, because it seemed like every direction he turned there was a goose from hell wreaking havoc on his life.
They had reached an impasse - glowering at each other as it had planted itself in front of his door. Little feet pacing angrily, unreasonably long neck, all of it was just begging to be kicked. Except, for all he was a seasoned DEA agent, Javier was almost afraid the thing could go a few rounds with him. Feet shuffling uneasily, his hand twitched for his gun, even though he knew he couldn’t, wouldn’t shoot.
It was stupid to have a staring contest with a goose. And even more stupid that the goose won .
Javier turned away, spitting spanish curses in a stream that would make his mama smack him. Maybe it wasn't too late to find a hookup he could use to crash, he was thinking, and that thought was apparently the final straw. The goose reappeared in front of him.
More curses, a quick turn on his heel. This time, it didn't move in front of him, it left a sharp peck on his calf, before dodging his kick.
It was herding him, against his will, to you.
When he saw the goose, Jack thought he was delirious. The Statesman lab must've screwed something up because he'd seen that horrible, wonderful, stupid goose once before, in another life.
And he never, ever thought he'd see it again.
He did a lot of thinking, that night and the next day and the next. Strangely, he did a lot of feeling, too, noticing how light his shoulders felt, how kind the ache on his heart had become. He visited their grave, pressed his forehead to the headstone, and breathed some deep breaths.
And when he saw the goose again, he lassoed it.
It wouldn't have died even if it was powered up, but he didn't take the chance, determination and longing filling his being like blood, pumping through his heart to each and every part of him.
Miracle of miracles, it let him, with all the glare a bird could give. Knees only making small pops, Jack settled on his heels, looking at it sternly.
"Can you take me to them?"
The expression on it's tiny, smug face didn't change, but it also didn't disappear to free itself, so he waited.
And he waited. And waited. And eventually, watching it with half an eye, he grabbed a doughnut and offered it to the stupid soulmate goose god.
It considered the doughnut, pecked it as Jack yanked his fingers out of reach, and apparently accepted. After it was finished, it began to tug him along, waddling on its makeshift leash as Jack's heart leapt into his throat. He grabbed the bag of doughnuts and his hat before getting dragged along, to you.
At his very core, Javier was a man driven by his personal sense of justice. Being herded by an immortal goose of mischief was unfair, it made no sense that he had to find you, somehow needed more, and wasn't allowed to choose. It pecked and honked and bullied him all the way to a crowded bar, which was a perfect example. 
Just as he was thinking, trying to convince himself he would've come here on his own, it disappeared again and he sighed.
He needed a drink. And, he needed to make some of his own goddamn decisions. Defiance and determination, he told himself. Not stubbornness. There was nothing to prove, it was just defiance and determination, to take his fate into his own hands and make his own choices. And if he was going to do that, he wanted to look for someone who wasn't an informant or a one night stand. His gut was looking for someone he could pull to his side and to show the universe that the goose was right to give up on him.
You were a perfect fit. Slightly disgruntled for whatever reason, even through the crowd he could see the faint, telltale wrinkles of someone just as... determined as he was. Shoulders held the same defiance he was so proud of, and he would be lying if he wasn't physically drawn to you as well. The inconsistent lighting could make anyone look good if you wanted it enough, but you... were something else.
There was a line of pink neon reflection from the top of your ear, across your cheekbone, and just grazing the line of your upper lip as you looked thoughtfully at something he couldn't see. Javier thought he wouldn't mind tracing that path with his fingers, and then maybe his own mouth, and his feet were already carrying him to you to look for an open door. The rest of your form came into view, and Javier noticed the bass of the music was turned up a little bit more than necessary- he could feel it thumping in his bones.
Talking to you went smoother than maybe it ever had before. You seemed resigned, at first, which was a reaction that caught him off guard, and that combined with the weariness of his week, making him unusually candid. In turn, you opened up to him like a flower turning towards the sun, fun and thoughtful and refreshing. 
He liked the way you laughed when his lines came out a little awkwardly - open and appreciative, and it made his chest puff out a little. He liked the way you spoke, too. There was kindness and romance in your soul, just whispering at the edges of the words, and while he didn’t pick up on that, per se, they made him feel special, handsome, worthy, but also trusted and comfortable and safe. Neither of you noticed at first, that you had shuffled into a quiet corner of the bar, that his body had moved close, a gentle shield boxing the two of you into your own little world.
When the question came - what brought you here, anyway? - he found himself answering honestly about half being led by his guide, then wanting to make his own path. His confidence faltered at your quiet laugh. His heart ached. A glance at the clock told him it had been two hours since he'd found you, and already he wanted to... choose you. To have you choose him.
He felt stupid that he had confessed so soon, but...
Oh, you were kissing him. There were hands shooting off sparks into his soul against his chest and his jaw and you were kissing him. Javier kissed you back.
When you pulled away, his mouth chased yours, not ready to give up the contact so soon, but you stopped him, laughing again.
"I have a confession," you whispered, and he paused.
“My guide led me here, too. I thought when it gave up on me when I saw you,” your next kiss was more chaste, “I think we got tricked.” Noticing he liked the feel of you in his arms, even if he didn’t remember pulling you there, he tightened his hold.
Javier felt light, understanding your laughter, and blissfully unafraid. “No,” he said, knowing already you’d understand him. 
“I chose you.” 
Jack was running out of doughnuts. It was easier, safer to have the dumb bird half hog-tied, but he still didn’t feel any closer to you, just halfway across town. He dug in his boots and sunk onto a bench, yanking the goose to a stop, too annoyed to beg for a break. 
He wasn’t giving up and running away, absolutely not, he was just... running out of options. Or, doughnuts. And breath. If this pace kept up, he wouldn’t be able to tell you all the things he had planned out in his head. 
Eyelids closing against the southern sun, he let out a long, slow sigh. His heart was still racing, and he wondered if he was really as ready as he wanted to be, to meet his next soulmate. A sturdier inhale grounded him. He was ready, he knew he was. Whoever you were, you had to have the patience of a saint - it would be alright, he just needed a breath. The ground under his boots was sturdy, the breeze over his skin cooling, and the goose was mercifully quiet. 
“That’s one strange lookin dog you have there, cowboy,” The voice was teasing, but not malicious, and he grinned, eyes still closed. 
“She’s a purebred,” he replied, and he heard a huff of laughter like the first few notes of music. Waiting for your footsteps to carry you away, he savored the moment, feeling silly as he hoped his soulmate would like to laugh as much as he did. 
There was a weight on the other side of the bench, and he wondered at it, as you said, “Want to talk about it?” His smile was softer, this time, intrigued by the moment, but not wanting to be tempted into flirting, not when his soulmate was on the horizon. 
“Nothin to tell,” he replied, feeling suddenly strange. Jack opened his eyes, looking at the rope in his hands, feeling the fibers run through his fingers. “Just a free range chicken... taking a break from tryin to chase down my second soulmate.” He winced, definitely not wanting to look at you, after the second had slipped out. 
It wasn’t judging, though, the voice that said, “You seem like you want to talk about it.”
For once in his life, Jack didn’t know what to say, slipping off his hat to run his fingers through his hair before replacing it. He heard your half-laugh again, and it felt refreshing, like sweet tea on a southern summer day. 
“Okay,” you said, and he heard amusement this time, like you had something to say, some thought you were chewing on. 
Then, there was that terrible honk of the goose, not from his feet, but from where, assumedly, you were. Snapping his gaze to the other side of his bench, he saw a sight for sore eyes, half backlit, glowing like something he never thought he’d see.
There was an indignant goose in a cage at your ankles, now making grumbling bird noises in indignant conversation with the one at the end of his lasso. 
“I thought you were never gonna look at me,” Your arm was across the back of the bench as you grinned at dynamite smile at him. 
Jack returned it, feeling bashful and eager, dropping the rope to grab your closest hand. 
“I promise I aint making that mistake again, sugar.”
bonus ending:
Jack was clinging to your hand, grinning like a fool as you introduced yourselves, when another movement caught his eye. There was a man, walking up behind you, a resigned look on his face. Whiskey’s hackles should have been all the way up, yanking you into his arms at the way this man was approaching you, but instead he was dumbfounded for the second time that day. 
He was backlit, too, with shoulders that carried as much weight as the man in his mirror every morning, and he could see the shape of a gun as he knelt next to his soulmate. The stranger’s eyes when they looked at you... were as adoring as he was sure his must have been, a moment before, and he was familiar with you, like you’d known each other before now. Jack wanted to swallow, but his heart felt like it was in his throat, beating like he’d gone a round with a bull at the rodeo.
“This is probably a lot,” Javier said, taking you other hand and quirking an eyebrow. The geese made some loud, obnoxious noises and he looked at them appreciatively. “I wish I had thought of that,” he gestured at the lasso, and you smiled at him. 
“This is Javier,” you said, and you let go of them both to stand up and brush yourself off. Warm hands and strong grips were exchanged, and you watched them curiously as they shook, murmuring names and titles again. They were sizing each other up, certainly, but you felt a rush of relief as you saw a familiar spark of attraction in Javi’s eyes. 
“You got any more surprises for us, then?” you looked up at the cowboy, confused, only to realize he wasn’t talking to you. The goose in your cage was free halfway down the walk, the one in the lasso hissed. The poor man had been an RV in an earthquake and come out the other side overwhelmed and happy, of all things, but there wasn’t much more he could handle. To your surprise, he grabbed a crumbled paper bag and tossed the contents to the bird, before it gave a final honk, and waddled after it’s friend. 
“I guess that’s a no,” you said, suddenly shy at the fullness in your heart. 
“That’s alright,” Jack picked up his lasso, before looking at you and Javier, his eyes happy, and glinting with something stronger. “I think this is more than enough.”
And you agreed.
@fangirl-316 @scribbledghost @writeforfandoms @beautyagegoodnesssize @princess76179
for whiskey:
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thepringlesofblood · 2 years
heroforge hoes pt 2
this was really cathartic last time. I’m doing a shorter one now - miscellaneous guys + dimension 20 sidequest guys.
anyway, same deal, these are guys I made in heroforge and will take absolutely no criticism on, not a joke, i am sealing them away in the vault of widespread perception so I can stop obsessively editing them, so please do not correct/point out flaws no matter how well-meaning. i‘m doing this series for my mental health, not to be an artist.
as always, heroforge is a great service, when i bitch about them not having something it is with the greatest love and the understanding that it is a free service with no ads and limited staff, and also, as always, i will bring up the 21 kinds of eyebrow scars you can apply. you can hold both of these things in your hands at the same time.
links and screenshots. if the links broken and you wanna see a guy dm me
Athena Parthenos - this is specifically the iteration of athena represented by the giant ass statue that used to be in the parthenon but got looted by romans. yes i was a percy jackson kid. no this is not based in pjo/hoo canon. it is based on the nashville recreation of the parthenon and the athena parthenos inside it.
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i couldn’t exactly put a smaller statue of nike on her hand so I went w the “summoned fairy” thing. they do give you the fuckin AEGIS with the gorgon face in it which is dope. it’s supposed to be leaning up against her and then she holds the spear straight up and down by her side, but I think I got pretty close. there’s also supposed to be a snake chilling by her side which is cool but no snake familiar :/ her dress is supposed to be just straight skirt right down to the ankles, but all the skirts they have are like weirdly puffy for the specific aesthetic we lookin for. I was very exited to make “the grey-eyed goddess” tho I love her.
i also took a shot at medusa. no option for snake hair (very understandable) but I did make her a naga!
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the copper is only there for flavor bc no scale decals except for coral snake bands. this was the snakiest hair i could find and then put these two hat things that are squiggly and look snake-ish so it looks more alive. I think its a pretty good look. she’s a little fluorescent but this was before i really figured out the advanced levels of the coloration system. it still looks cool. also like i have always wondered exactly what medusa wears. she can’t go shopping, she can’t take clothes off of her victims bc they’ve been turned to stone. big brain take is that she’s naked but I figured since heroforge has like, a MILLION options to have ragged/dirty/torn clothes I’d use one of em. maybe the sails of the dead hero’s ship? that’s pretty metal.
I tried to think of what undertale character I could reasonably make (i did make sans but it was stupid easy and i don’t want to unleash him onto the universe) and the only other one I could imagine turning out well would be grillby, who I’ve always had a soft spot for
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he is perfect. no complaints. 10/10 I love him.
I did stevonnie (riding “lion” (a pink warg)) from steven universe before I realized that the gem placement situation was going to be difficult with literally almost every character and decided to stop going down that particular road. I still think they look ok though. if you have Opinions about steven universe, don’t put them here. i do not care.
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i reiterate: hf, let people hang onto the animals they are riding. pls.
also body hair decals would be great. i wanna give people leg hair!
ok onto d20 sidequest characters. ‘why only side-” its bc i have so many more for main quests i will have to split them up by arc
so. for tiny heist the only one I could really envision in hf was agnes (no cars, no legos clickos, bugs but not hercules beetles, if i can’t put bean in a full banana peel w a Q-tip is it even worth it, ti-83 maybe but the sized-up greebling wouldn’t really work)
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so, you may ask, “thepringlesofblood, why is she in a wheelchair? that wasn’t in the campaign.”
so many things. this one was. hell. so, *mega spoilers for tiny heist* this is agnes near the end of her life, when she starts needing more support. i was going to do her in the hospital but idk if there’d be a hospital gown situation and i’m not about that *spoilers end*
so why did i make this wild creative choice?
this is what she looks like standing up
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so in her official art, she has these iconic pink leopard-print leggings. and the only way I’d be able to do that is to make the leggings her actual legs, since you can’t put decals on clothes, but you can put them on bodies. so I gave her the “rosettes” decal and colored her legs pink. I figured I’d just make her lower half/legs slightly larger but. it didn’t work. the. the problem is the thigh gap. for me. itss. so big. and this is as thick as I could get her while still looking remotely proportional, bc the knees stay the same. the knees do not get bigger.
so whenever. you add weight. to the legs. it only makes the thighs and calves bigger. which is not how bodies work
i just. idk. why. its so hard to make fat people without making balloon animals, and i wasn’t even trying to make a fat person. in the official art agnes is fairly thin, with slightly thicker legs. i was just trying to make the legs a bit bigger to make up for the pants not being therebut. fuck. it don’t work.
the non-wheelchair options for sitting are barrel, rock, cargo crate, floor, and rough wooden chair, and she deserves something classier.
ok. to make up for dunking on hf so much for their body proportion issues, I will do 2 sincere compliments.
their wheelchair options are pretty solid. there’s “modern” “fantasy town” and “fantasy battle” and you can add/subtract handles and change the wheels. items equipped on the side don’t just clip through the chair, they get attached beneath the armrest. I’m not a wheelchair user so I’m no expert but it was refreshing at least.
the cigarette. so. what I did was i colored the end with fire, then put a decal of gray dustiness over is, so you can see the glow coming through it without it being really bright. it looks dope. that’s cool. thank u hf.
one surprising thing: there’s no basic “fairy” or “pixie” race. there’s a myriad of goblins, including “fairytale goblin” which is the skeleton i started from, but still. weird. plenty of fun wing options tho props.
also the big thing of powder is supposed to be fairydust - she needs some extra now that she’s getting older. or maybe rick’s been around. that color is one I basically created myself, I’m very proud of it.
finally we got lars vandenchomp from mice and murder
important note: how stupid they look is a feature, not a bug
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so. they’re almost the only m&m pc i can do due to the varied furry natures of the characters (though hf is very accommodating to the furry community, they do not in fact have raccoons, owls, weasels, or pigs). I could do sylvester, they have a fox race, but after I made lars and gave them a lil fox familiar as a nod to sylvester I was like hmmmm nahhhh that’s sylvester now. hf’s “dog person” is VERY similar to lars’ doberman pinscher appearance and it worked out really well!
one thing that always bugged me w the official art for lars is that ally describes lars as wearing “a bright pink tuxedo” as like. one of their very first descriptors. and the official d20 art is like “ok we have an aesthetic going tho let’s tone it down to a gentle lavender” but that is just not the image i had in my head so I decided to restore them to their proper glory.
the main reason they’re leaping is bc when I did that pose the fox automatically changed into this caramelldansen-looking pose and that was too cute and too hilariously incongruous with sylvester’s character to pass up.
I also did garthy o’brien (who is in pirates of leviathan, a sidequest) but this post is long enough so I’ll do them on what will probably be a 2 part fantasy high post. also that’s where they originate from so it makes more sense.
ok. that’s enough for now. these creations are complete. i send them off into the vast panopticon of the internet. the ocd demon in me is slightly sated.
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smute · 3 years
i was tagged by the wonderful gem gem gemmaaaaaaaaaa @whenwinterfell
1. what do you prefer to be called name-wise?
name-calling? bitch (affectionate) or bro (sarcastic) but jan is also fine
2. when is your birthday?
10 april
3. where do you live?
atm im still enrolled in bremen but i moved back to [redacted] to live with my parents when i started going insane(r) in my dorm room after months of isolation. will probably move to berlin in the fall bc my plans a, b, and c fell through and i dont know what else to do but lets not talk about that 🥲
4. three things you are doing right now?
having a really bad day, drawing on my arm like a child, listening to marina
5. four fandoms that have peaked your interest?
i honestly dont even know what a fandom really is lmao my obsessions with stuff never last long enough to grow into anything substantial
6. how has the pandemic been treating you?
idek how to answer this.... i know im one of the lucky ones and im very grateful, but at the same time im doing worse than ever before... the past 15 months have been hard, a lot has been destroyed and im struggling to look ahead or feel hopeful ✌️😗
7. a song you can’t stop listening to right now?
8. recommend a movie:
Legally Blonde (2001)
9. how old are you?
29 and fuck you for asking (jk lol)
10. school, university, occupation, other?
im about to start an MA in english lit 🤡 and i justify my existence in this capitalist system with 3 separate jobs in 3 diff teams of my uni's pr department (yes its about as adhd friendly as it sounds)
11. do you prefer heat or cold?
COLD!!!! im a sweaty bitch and my skin is a beautiful, delicate shade of raw pork so i really hate the summer. i can admit that the concept has a certain appeal tho
12. name one fact others may not know about you
not really a fact but a fun anecdote: i transferred schools in first grade, just a few months into the school year and, on the first day at my new school, went home with a random girl. apparently sabrina had invited me to hang out, so we went to her house and spent the afternoon watching cartoons and eating candy. we were both latchkey kids (quite common where im from). my mom finished work around noon and obviously shat a brick when she came home to an empty apartment. my parents freaked the fuck out, called everyone they knew and eventually a major police operation was launched within hours of my disappearance... like friends and family were searching all over town for me, police were sweeping fields and the forest next to our neighborhood and 6 year old me was just chilling at this girls house lmaooooo... her mom came home later that night and asked me if my parents knew where i was BECAUSE SHE HAD HEARD A RADIO ANNOUNCEMENT ABOUT A MISSING BOY. the weird thing is that sabrina had TWO older sisters who were obviously supposed to watch her (us?) but neither of them had the wherewithal to ask "hmm do the parents of this new kid you dragged in from the street know where he is?"
13. are you shy?
idk man... yeah? but then people keep telling me i come across as an extrovert and outgoing or whatever and i just think to myself omfg? i have to stop overcompensating
14. preferred pronouns?
15. biggest pet peeves?
"people who chew with their mouth open" <- yes absolutely! and when people interrupt others... which is slightly hypocritical of me but it just drives me up the wall!!!! even when it happens to others and im just a witness it makes me flip my lid
16. what is your favourite “dere” type?
my what now
17. rate your life from 1-10: idk man my brain doesnt really do long term analytics? i find a gummy bear on the floor - its an eleven. i experience a minor inconvenience - i want to kms.
18. what’s your main blog?
this is my only one
19. list your sideblogs and what they’re used for:
i feel like you're not even listening to me
20. is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends?
i guess it takes me a while to warm up to people but once we reach the friendship stage its basically impossible to get rid of me and im very loyal and committed? sounds like a dog lmao. BUT at the same time that can be hard to see for other people bc im also impulsive and not the best when it comes to consistent communication so... dont take it personally when i disappear for a few days and then message u like nothing happened🥺
tagging: @shyredpanda @mmolia ❤️‍🔥
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mimik-u · 4 years
“Change Your Mind” Re-watch:
I’ve been dealing with this feeling on and off ever since I started “Diamond Days” earlier this week, but dang, I’m a little sad that I’ve reached the end of the show again. Of course, I’m excited to visit the movie again and see Future for the first time (!!!), but this episode above all really marks the end of an era. But things end and things change.
That’s the thesis of this episode anyway. And really, the nature of this beautiful show. :’)
Steven’s dream sequence is so haunting, both in terms of it explicitly showing us how Blue Diamond is currently recapitulating the very same cycles which pushed Pink away by showing us such a similar flashback from the past, but also by dredging up the horror of Pink’s memories. The idea that Steven’s gem still has access to some of his mother’s memories is used to its most visceral effect here, in which we get a nightmare heightened lens of how miserable she was, and often times, scared.
When the Diamonds stretched out their grieving hands through the cosmos and towards the world their youngest member loved, how did Rose feel to at once get a confirmation that she had been loved? Loved so powerfully that the Diamonds would try to destroy an entire planet to exact their revenge, and yet, at the same time, loved so terribly that they would never think twice about doing so, or that it took this for them to ever show it?
“This... isn’t normal. How many times did you lock her in here? How many times did you make her cry?” / “I didn’t... I... And I’m doing it again, aren’t I?” God, this exchange always undoes me. Not only is it Steven calling Blue out, but in a way, it’s him standing up for his mother, realizing what misery the Diamonds put her through and putting a name on it for Blue to recognize, contend with, and finally, accept. Blue tries to defend herself at first, but then, in the end, can’t. Because there’s no defense. There’s no excuse. And to horribly mangle a quote from Legend of Korra, by reaching that lowest point, Blue Diamond finally becomes open to the possibility of change.
It’s always so evocative to me that she collapses next to the tower window that’s at her eye level. Never explicitly stated, I think it really is implied here that Yellow and Blue have seen their fair share of this tower before, too, their trespasses of decorum excised out of them by White. In return, they tried to do the same to Pink. Cycles and cycles and cycles.
Gsleidjsneioeis, it never fails to make me laugh that Yellow is just sitting in the darkness, straddling her throne, waiting for Blue. Emo ass. I love her.
The Diamonds both look so shocked when Blue slaps Yellow’s hand away, as though neither of them can fathom, process, and believe what just happened. And yet, really, this is the climax to the schism between them that we’ve known since “That Will Be All.” They love each other—they loved Pink—but they have differed, fundamentally, on how to grapple with the pain of loving someone and losing her and existing from then on.
“When we thought Pink was shattered, when she abandoned us, I alone was there for you, and you would use your power against ME?” GO OFF, PATTI LUPONE EIEOSJSA. But this line gets me, too. Jesus. Yellow loves Blue so much.
“Didn’t we hurt Pink? She was suffering in silence for ages, just like our gems, just like me. And I know you’re suffering in silence, too.” HHHHHHH, AND THIS LINE. I think it’s significant because it’s Blue making a move we’ve rarely seen from her before—empathy. Her whole complex is that she’s been so lost in her own emotions that she forces them on everyone else, but here she does something monumental; not only does she acknowledge her own pain, but she uses it to recognize that others have been hurting, too. She and Yellow hurt Pink. (She makes herself and Yellow the agents of the action, therefore not evading the blame.) And so many of their gems have been hurt, too. Yellow has been hurting.
In her vulnerable expression that follows, it’s clear to the audience that Yellow knows her fellow Diamond’s words to be true, but she’s not ready to accept their veracity, to look inwards at the heart of her own misery. Also, help. I’m only 9 minutes into the episode.
“Does this look perfect to you?” And Yellow’s anger is stopped in its tracks. She looks immediately to Blue, literally smoking on the ground from the force of her attack. A fragment of palace crumbles emptily away. And this is the crux of the Homeworld Empire. It demands every gem, from the Diamonds downward, to sacrifice in the name of of perfection. But they’ve placed too much of an emphasis on appearance, numbers, quantity, and power, never interrogating the consequences that pursuing these ‘impressive’ entities bring: misery, hopelessness, despair.
“Stop... stop it, Blue. Stop using your power on me.” / “I’m not.” Hhhhhhhhh, I’m tender. And then, when Blue Diamond sweeps over to hold Yellow’s head?????? This is what being a Bellow Diamond fan is all about, okay rieososossnjaaj.
“You’ve made a grave mistake. Go to your rooms!” / “Uh, which rooms should we go to?” GJKHDFVHJNJJ. But yeah, White has definitely used the tower on Blue and Yellow b4.
Bismuuuuth, Lapis, Peri!!! God, I love Lapis’s outfit so much.
“Yellow and I will keep White distracted.” / Just go! Go! Hurry! She’s getting up!” Blue and Yellow know that in making this choice, they’ll face severe consequences, but still initially make the choice anyway.
And yet, Steven doesn’t let them make that choice. He doesn’t run away. Because he and this show fundamentally believe that change is effected through communication.
I still have thirty minutes of this episode left to go oskeodjsnsnsk, but now I need to symbolically talk about the Diamond mecha. It’s very on point that White’s ship can’t function if the other parts aren’t cooperating!!
The Diamonds finally expressing their vulnerabilities to the blankly staring ship is just so sad. They’re finally doing the emotional work that they’ve been neglecting for thousands upon thousands of years, and they’re almost literally meeting a wall.
“We Diamonds might be hard, but we’re also brittle.” / “I know my purpose isn’t to be happy.” Hhhhhhhhhh, these lines. The rigidity of the Diamond Authority has forced Yellow and Blue to become hard, to be unhappy. They, like all their gems, are suffering beneath the strain. Starting from the way it literally drains a planet of resources, this empire was never sustainable.
THE FUSING MONTAGE!!! EKSSKSJ, I love how when he goes to fuse with Pearl, he does a few ballerina moves. AND I LOVE HOW 2.0 IS UNREPENTANTLY BRITISH. IT’S SO FJNNY AND RIGHT.
“AH! Steven, we fused!” She’s so happy!!!!!!!!!! Hhhh!!!!!
“I’m here. I love you.” Steven says this before fusing with Garnet, and there’s nothing else that could have ever been so fitting for a fusion who prides herself on being here and being made, so beautifully and entirely, of love.
Sunstone always looks and sounds like they’re two seconds away from breaking the 4th wall on a Sunny D commercial from the 1990s, and that’s amazing.
OBSIDIAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNN. Everything about them is FUCKING EPIC. (Also, if you haven’t listened to the S5 soundtrack yet, you need to go listen to Obsidian’s track without background noises!!!!!!! It’s so motivating! I listen to it when I’m studying sometimes!)
I’m still soft about Bismuth giving Connie her own sword. Let them b sword buddies 2k20.
The animation on this episode is absolutely insane. God, the Crewniverse did so good.
“Poor Yellow. Her impurities absorb all the blue in her light. She’s so strong, but so weak when it comes to Blue.” 😭😭😭 What do you mean I’m still emotional over the fact that Yellow Diamond’s one perceived weakness is Blue? Hahahaha.
“Ah, and Blue. Her impurities soak up all the warmth in her spectrum. She thinks she needs you, Pink.” 😭😭😭 She needs Pink to be warm.
“But you’re a part of me, the part I always have to repress.” White doesn’t yet realize it, but this is actually her revealing her own flaw. Not only does she repress her love for Pink, but she represses her own sense of pinkness, too. So cerebral and so detached, she’s allowed herself to exist for these past 6,000+ years in the gaping maw without Pink as a being who has subjugated the entirety of her emotional expression. Just as Blue and Yellow are equals and opposites, so too, were Pink and White.
“Insecure, dependent, obsessed.” God. Another thing about White Diamond’s powers in relation to Pink is that White has the capacity to know a gem’s thoughts once she possesses them, whereas Pink was able to relate and empathize with their emotions. And indeed, that’s how Steven came to know and help the Gems’ problems over the course of the entirety of this show—through empathy, relation, compassion, and understandings, concepts so foreign to White Diamond. Simply alien.
POV: You’re Connie Maheswaran, and you have to fight a possessed bastardization of the Gem who once lovingly taught you everything you know about how to wield a sword.
White Diamond so simply and so precisely plucking Steven’s gem out of his stomach is the single most terrifying visual on this show. Jfc.
“SHE’S GONE.” The animus of the Pink Diamond gem prmordially screams the truth that White Diamond refuses to accept. Pink is gone. There’s no undoing death. There’s no separation from gem and body. There is only, just as there has always been for fourteen years, Steven.
He is not, and never will he ever be, his mother.
Oh, my God. This show.
And just as White Diamond parting Steven from his gem is the scariest moment in the show, Steven reuniting with him is the most transcendent. He laughs. He hugs himself. He dances. Because Steven Universe is entirely his own being.
And he loves himself. That is the crucial part. That is the beginning and the end and the resolution. Oh, my GOD. This show.
“I am a child. What’s your excuse?” KWIDIDOSJSKSKSISOSMA, GET HER.
Steven walking over to comfort Pink Pearl, even though he doesn’t know her, even though the only iteration he has seen of her has been her lobotomized version—forbidding and detached—is so tender.
WISOSJSJS, I know this is emotionally deep and indicative of just how ingrained their psychological complexes are that they don’t know how to deal with vulnerable expressions of emotion, but White, Yellow, and Blue being so dramatic about White blushing is honestly hilarious.
Sadie singing “Let Me Drive My Van into Your Heart” is so good, but what’s even better is that two second shot of Greg blushing listening to his song being sung. ;-;
Oh! Oh! And Barb is in the audience! Character development! Growth!
“No more hiding! No more running! No more Diamond Authority!” KWOWOEJDKDOSJSJSISSJSJ.
Lion padding up to Lars in a silent recognition that they’re the same ;-;-;-;
I think Sadie and Lars reuniting with such drastically different appearances and mindsets is simply just one of the coolest ways this show has come full circle. This show’s about everyone changing. Look at these two. Look at where they started, and now, where they’ve begun again.
Genuinely crying at the last few shots of the show again. Oh, my GOD. The pure, unmitigated joy. Nephrite and Steven. Bismuth and Biggs. Garnet and Pearl. Jasper and Amethyst. The Diamonds.
This show really is about love and forgiveness and healing, y’all. 😭😭😭😭
This show, in every sense of the word, is a miracle.
Thank you, Crewniverse for this comet of epic proportions.
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