#be good and friendly fans everyone ❤️
With regards to something that happened on Twitter... please don't go harass or get into heated arguments with other users because of a Volo meme (the same goes for art/writing/anything creatively related of course).
Nobody should be made feel unsafe because of semi-serious content based on their own perspective of the character. Taking stuff too seriously and nitpicking in a context where worldbuilding details are unfortunately left vague (or are completely non-existent) really doesn't help anyone involved.
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dizscreams · 1 year
Hii new follower here And I just wanna request a Jack Champion × reader having a low-key relationship like having a couple rings, wearing the same clothes and posting low-key pics of each other on their ig but not confirming it. But one day they show up at the premier of Avatar together and that just confirm that there are indeed together.
Sorry if this is too long HAHAHAHAHA and thank you!❤️
ty for the request, sweetheart! I ADORE THIS AAA!! 🩵
Lets Give ‘em a Show — Jack Champion ★
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PAIRING: Jack champion x fem!reader
SUMMARY: everyone already suspects you two are together but it gets confirmed when Jack brings you as his date to the Avatar premiere!!
A/N: okay this is set when Avatar 2 was already filmed and it was abt to come out. Cause that’s when interviews started happening and he already started filming scream 6 I think and yeah I think it just makes more sense when you know the context lol 😭
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It wasn’t a secret you and Jack were close. Ever since it was announced that he would be in Avatar The Way Of Water he had gained attention, so that led to curious people finding his instagram. Some people who were trying to keep up with the new avatar and the new cast and others who just thought he was pretty.
And since Avatar 2 was just a few weeks away from coming out in theaters, Jack was more active on instagram. For both promotion and for fun. They didn’t have to scroll very far to find you on his instagram, you were practically in every picture. Now, you weren’t an actor or anything you were just a friend of Jack’s, or that’s what he referred to you as towards strangers at least. There wasn’t confirmation that you were together it was just assumptions and theories from people who didn’t even know you guys.
It was a fair assumption, you both spent almost every day together and the pictures you guys posted were definitely more than friendly and fans even speculated you guys had matching rings. But to be honest it was way more fun to tease everyone by taking pictures and videos that made you seem like a couple and then continue to deny it to people. Maybe you guys had more fun with it than you should’ve especially since you were actually together, but nobody needed that confirmed!
The calmer things you guys would post would be simple stuff. Stuff “friends” that have known each a long time could get away with. That didn’t stop people from getting suspicious though.
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liked by misstrinitybliss, masonthegooding, and 114,231 others
jackchampion I’m back home with @ y/nnn763 !
view all 201 comments
y/nnn763 had fun tonight! ❤️
| user527 Cute!
| user1222 👀👀
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liked by jackchampion, jamieflatters, misstrinitybliss, and 117,347 others
y/nnn763 @ a cafe w the one and only @ jackchampion
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jackchampion It was yummy
user6727 Are u guys on a dateee?
The more “scandalous” stuff you guys would post would be things that would definitely make people raise an eyebrow when you tell them you’re just friends. Looking at those pictures always made Jack laugh. He loved that he was able to show people you were his even if it wasn’t confirmed to the public, they still knew.
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liked by jackchampion, misstrinitybliss, baileybass, jennaortega, and 80,651 others
y/nnn763 halloween :) @ jackchampion
view all 287 comments
jackchampion We look so good 😎
| user0067 THE ARM? JACK?
baileybass I love this!
user7777 the way he’s looking at her 🥹
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liked by misstrinitybliss, ynnn763, and 96,468 others
jackchampion She made me match with her 🙄 @ y/nnn763
view all 130 comments
y/nnn763 you looked cute though
| jackchampion You did too :)
misstrinitybliss Aww cute I want some now 🤍🤍
user552917 sooo we’re just gonna ignore their comments orr
In every picture either of you posted there were comments about you both, even if one of you wasn’t even in the picture. At this point Jack wasn’t sure if he kept posting you to show you off or if it was for the sake of the bit. No, It was definitely to show you off. That was his favorite thing to do and he couldn’t wait for the day you guys finally announce your relationship so he can post more romantic pictures of you both.
His biggest worry was that he wouldn’t be able to take you to the Avatar premiere with him. He knew you loved him, that wasn’t why he was scared of asking, it was just that neither of you really talked about revealing your relationship. He figured you were both content with how things were now. With perfect timing you entered the room, “Hi,” you said peaking your head through the door.
“Hey baby,” your boyfriend greeted you with a smile, “C’mere I actually wanted to talk to you about something,” he said opening his arms and you crawled on the bed and sat on his lap while he wrapped his arms around your waist. “What’s up?” You asked curiously, it didn’t sound like he was breaking up with you so you weren’t too worried. “Y’know how the Avatar premiere is coming up?” He asked while fiddling with the hem of your shirt nervously. “Mhm” you hummed with your head slightly cocked to the side.
“Well..” he looked up at you, “I was wondering if you’d want to go with me?” A grin took over your face and Jack let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding. “You serious?” You asked excitedly.
“Uh huh, I’ve been wanting to show you off for a while now, you know that.” He poked your stomach and you let out a small giggle in response, “I was just worried you wouldn’t be comfortable with it.. we haven’t exactly talked about going public or anything before,” he continued and you nodded in acknowledgment. “Well, I’d love to go with you,” you told him and gently played with his curls.
“Good.” You both grinned and he kissed your cheek sweetly before speaking up again, “Plus all those people who already think we’re dating will finally get to breathe. They can get the answer they’ve been wanting for so long.” You chuckled in response, “Let’s give them a show then.” He laughed and kissed you softly. “Let’s give them a show,” he repeated.
It was the day of the premiere, finally the day came. This was Jack’s big moment and he couldn’t be more excited. He finally gets to watch the film he’s worked years on AND bring his beautiful girlfriend with him. How lucky was he?!
He dusted off his suit and shifted his balance from one foot to another nervously. It was about time to go on the carpet where the world would see him and his cast mates in all their glory. They’d also get to see you, they’d get to see you and Jack hand in hand and Jack wanted to scream. He was both very nervous and very excited. “Your hands are sweaty,” you told Jack looking up at him. He chuckled, “Yeah I know, do you wanna let go?” You shook your head, “No,” you said softly.
You were then told it was time for both of you to go on the carpet. Jack took a deep breath and while your hands were still interlocked he led you to the carpet. There were a ton of cameras and people in front of you telling you to ‘smile!’ And ‘look this way!’
You both did what you were told and you could feel Jacks hand slightly shaking. Then someone told you it was time for just Jack to be on the carpet and you nodded and before you walked away Jack whispered to you, “Are you okay?” You smiled, “I’m fine, I’ll see you in a minute.”
You stood kinda on the sidelines as you watched Jack smile and look pretty. Then it was time for his interviews and obviously you couldn’t be there right next to him but you knew he’d be fine. You watched as he walked up to where he was supposed to go and start answering questions.
“So, Jack can you tell me who you’re here with tonight?” Damn, right off the bat, he thought. “I’m here with my girlfriend,” a bright grin adorning his face, “This is the first time we’re really telling people about us so it’s really exciting. It’s also just an exciting night in general since the movie is finally going to be seen and yeah I just can’t wait to watch it.” He nervously laughed at his rambling and continued with the interview. Answering stuff about his character and the movie. He could hear his own voice shaking and he hoped the microphone didn’t pick it up.
You were talking to Bailey and Trinity as Jack finished up, until Bailey was called to do an interview. Jack made his way over to you, “Hi,” he kissed your head. “Hi, are you alright?” you asked him. “Yeah I’m good now,” he gave you a genuine smile and started talking with Trinity as you stood beside him, you could tell his nerves were finally calming down and you were glad. You went on your phone and you found a picture you took of your boyfriend before you guys went to the premiere. Why not post it? You clicked the post button and Jack nudged you slightly.
“It’s time to go watch it,” he said flashing you with a cute toothy grin. One that you’d see on a child when they get told they’re getting candy or a new toy. This meant a lot to him it made sense he was so ecstatic. You beamed at him, “It’s showtime.”
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y/nnn763 avatar premiere with @ jackchampion I’m so proud of you ml :) ❤️
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YAYA!! I got totally carried away with the instagram pictures and stuff and went down a rabbit hole. I could make a whole post on instagram posts with Jack 🤭 but yeah I think I made it a little different than the request and I’m sorry! <33 not too proud of it but I hope you enjoy regardless 🫶🫶
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the-kr8tor · 9 months
I'm back! 🤭 can I get hobie who's friends with a goofy but oblivious reader. They're both crushing but reader thinks he's just being friendly(i mean look how he sweet he is with miles, gwen, and pav. How could he like me like me pfft you guys are silly). Like they match his flirty vibes and touchiness and everyone thinks they're dating but nah readers just like that and hobies like I don't know what we are but one of these days I'll just kiss them and hope for the best(if he did it'd be the shocked oh before the can you do that again from them?)🥰 It's totally not because I'm that silly friend who flirts with all her friends but can't take a hint when someone likes her unless they litteraly throw it in my face.
Hi hun! Thank you for requesting!! Sorry this took a bit. Hope you like it ❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x spidey! Reader/ Spider-Punk x spidey! Reader
Word count: 1.7k
Tags: no use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, Lovestruck Hobie, FLUFF.
You're on a stakeout with Hobie, perched on top of a skyscraper, he sits next to you on the dirty ledge, eyes fixated on the two m&m's wedged between your index and thumb, the blue one is on your right, on your left is the green one, looking worse for wear. Hobie's eyes are glued on your fingers squeezing on both m&m's like he's watching his favourite band play in front of him. His arm is looped around your shoulder, providing much needed warmth from the cool air.
"Green's not lookin' too good, love" he says too close to your ear, breath fanning over your cheek
"We'll see" you squeeze harder on the candies, the blue one cracks under the pressure, chocolate spills over your fingers. "Tough luck for you, Hobie" you grin at him, holding the cracked candy for him.
"Best of 11?" He asks, grabbing your wrist, bringing the chocolate over to his mouth. You're sure he can feel your pulse thumping against your wrist.
"Told you to pick green" a smug look on your face, hiding what you're really feeling.
"What can I say, I like rooting for the underdogs"
Before you could reply, your communicator rings. Popping the small bubble of relaxation you've both created.
"Sorry to interrupt, lovebirds" Gwen's voice rings out on your bracelet "time to switch it up"
You sigh, completely missing Gwen's first sentence, Hobie retracts his arm away, disappointing you both. Standing to your full height, "well, I'll see you in a few hours", quickly popping the candy in your mouth, you grab your mask, pulling it down, Hobie stops you halfway.
"Wait" he takes a few steps towards you, thumb over the edge of your lips. Your heart stops, thinking he's gonna make his move.
You've been crushing on him for a while now, but you could never make out whether his touches and flirty comments are completely platonic or romantic, considering he's always like that to his friends. So unless he says otherwise you'll always see him as being friendly towards you.
He rubs his thumb over the tip of your lips "you got chocolate on it" Hobie wipes the last bits off. Definitely just friendly though, right?
"Thanks" you murmur out, heat rising on your cheeks.
For Hobie though, he almost kissed you right there and then, with how the moonlight shines overhead bathing you in its glow, how could he not? He's sure your lips would taste of chocolate if he did. But he stops, realizing it's probably not the right time since you're both standing on a dirty rooftop. He wants to make it perfect for you and finally cement your relationship.
Hobie taps your covered cheek fondly, "watch your back"
"You watch yours" you pat his chest, Hobie's breathing stops for a second.
Hobie drops and swings away towards the other stakeout location before he could cave in and actually kiss you.
You turn your back, swinging towards your designated location. Dropping down next to Gwen. She's looking through her binoculars watching and waiting for the anomaly to appear.
"Finally, took your sweet time with loverboy" She tosses the binoculars, you fumble with it for a second before you catch it. Her hands are poised on her hips, head tilted accusingly to you.
"He's not my 'loverboy'. He's just a friend" you look through the binoculars, hiding how her comment flustered you.
"Mm-hmm sure, friends definitely look at eachother like that. And they definitely feed each other chocolates from your fingers"
You move your neck a little bit too fast, eyes widening at her. "You were listening in?"
"Hey, not my fault!" Her hands are up in a surrender "you do know our communicators are all on and connected for this mission, right?"
"Oh my god!" You squeak out, hands flying towards your face in embarrassment. "Why didn't you tell us?" You peak through your fingers.
"I tried to! But Lyla stopped us, she said something about friends to lovers, slowburn seventy k or whatever that means"
"Us?! Pav heard too?!" You move your hands over your head, wishing invisibility is in your arsenal of spidey powers. You look at your bracelet.
"Don't worry Lyla turned it off now, she said there's no drama anymore since you're not partnered up now" Gwen reassures you. "It's okay! We all know you're together" she puts a comforting hand on your back, patting it softly.
Your eyes almost pop out of its sockets, mouth agape "we're not together!"
"What?" Gwen chuckles "you sure?"
"Why? Did he say something?" Hope sparks in your chest. Were you in a relationship this entire time? It's not that you'll protest against it, hell you'll even welcome it, saves you the awkward 'asking him out' part. Were you that dense?
"No, with how touchy you both are, we all thought you were together" Gwen shrugs.
"Huh?! What do you mean everyone?!"
"Everyone, the entire spider society. Honestly Miguel's been thinking about setting up an HR department because of your pda"
You crumble to your feet, embarrassment flooding your body. Sure you're also very affectionate to your friends, especially Hobie, but you never thought in a million years that people actually thought you're together.
Meanwhile, Pavitr's been gushing to Hobie about what he heard (and seen, he and Gwen might've glanced your way for a bit) between the two of you.
"You two were so cute!" Pav shakes Hobie's arm.
"Yeah, yeah" if he squints hard enough, he can see you talking to Gwen. "You didn't even bother telling us about the communicator?"
Pav stops in his tracks, chuckling while rubbing the back of his neck "I tried to, bro! But Lyla said It's important for the mission"
"Sure" that's not new, Lyla has been trying to finally get you two together for a while now. He sees you drop to your knees, but he can't make out why you're on the floor.
As if Pavitr senses Hobie's feelings, he pipes up "don't worry, they like you too. Just tell it to them straight"
"I know they like me too, I just don't know what we are"
"Dude, everyone already thinks you're dating, they're just a bit dense, no offense"
Hobie scoffs "don't care what they think" he stops, looking at Pav with a confused look. "What do you mean dense?"
"I didn't mean it in a bad way! It's just– I don't think they know that you like them" Pavitr bounces on the balls of his feet.
Huh, so that's why you've never initiated anything, or even told me you like me. Hobie thinks, everything makes sense now. Your shy smiles and tentative flirting back fits right in like a missing puzzle piece. You don't know. He's never confessed to someone before, maybe he should just kiss you and hope for the best.
You pace around the small rooftop "it's silly, he can't actually like me, right?"
Gwen opens her mouth to speak but you keep talking to yourself, like you're trying to convince yourself how could Hobie like you more than a friend would? "Like seriously, how can he like me? He's like that with everyone! He's just being friendly y'know. You're so silly, Gwendy" you ramble on, laughing loudly, a little too crazy of a laugh for Gwen's liking.
"Okay, you clearly like him back" Gwen sighs, exasperated, shaking your form like she's trying to wake you up "Just tell him" She moves to the side showing you where Hobie stands on the opposite rooftop, his and Pav's body a small dot in your eyesight. You look at Gwen confused, he's a bit too far for a confession, but you throw caution into the wind, Gwen's encouraging words pushing you to just do it. Cupping your hands over your mouth into a makeshift megaphone.
"Hobie!" You scream loud enough to get his attention, you see him raise his arm. Gwen stands next to you, facepalming. "I like you!"
"What?!" Hobie yells back, mirroring your stance, he genuinely didn't hear you. Pavitr stands next to him, groaning. Yep you're perfect for eachother. He thinks.
Gwen murmurs out "love makes you so stupid" she taps a few buttons on her bracelet opening the line of communication for the team.
"I like you!" You shout it again, this time Hobie hears it loud and clear. He doesn't waste a second, jumping from the roof, he swings as fast as he could to you.
Lyla's hologram appears, a popcorn in her hand, she squeals "it's happening!" Gwen side eyes her, wishing she had some popcorn too. She stands a bit farther away giving you both space, seeing Pav jumping up and down from his roof.
Hobie lands breathlessly in front of you, hands waiting to break that barrier between you.
"Hi" you smile shyly.
"Hi" He cups your face in his hands, carefully sliding off your mask until he can see you in all your glory. "There you are"
"Here I am" you could only manage to bracelet his wrists with your hands, breathing matching his.
Hobie bites the bullet, "can I?" Tapping your lips with his pointing finger.
You swallow down "mm-hmm"
"Need you to use your words, love" He needs you to say it, just in case it goes over your head again. Hobie removes his mask in one swift move, quickly putting his hand back to your face.
Gwen takes this as a sign to leave, swinging towards an excited Pav. Lyla's hologram stays to the side, eyes glued to you both, she ignores the fifth call from Miguel.
"You can kiss me" his affection doesn't fly over your head this time, understanding his actions completely.
He leans down, feeling your lips against his. You can feel him smile through the kiss, you both taste like chocolate. You loop your arms over the back of his neck, pulling him closer. Hobie chuckles. Melting in his touch, you take it that he likes you back.
He reluctantly pulls away for air, you look at him your pupils blown out, your lips shining. Tilting your head you ask meekly "do that again?" Hobie chuckles deeply, pecking your nose before he kisses your lips again.
Pavitr shakes Gwen's shoulders excitedly, "I did that" he puffs his chest out in pride. While Gwen's already thinking of ways he can tease Hobie.
Miguel's hologram suddenly appears next to Lyla. He takes one look of you both tangled together, yelling out "That's it! We're having a meeting about workplace relationships!--" Lyla cuts him off, sighing, her hologram glows a bright pink. Good thing the anomaly didn't show up.
Thank you for reading! Please consider reblogging if you enjoyed it ❤️
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thesassypadawan · 4 months
Come Clean (Hayden x FemReader)
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Summary: You finally get to go along with Hayden to a con!  And you, being the little dork you are, insist on getting a pic with your bf…just like everyone else!  Everything is going smoothly, but this one sleemo in line just won’t leave you alone.  It’s almost like they know about what’s going on between you two.
Warnings: None, just pure fluff. 
Notes: A little something for @jediskywalkerblog!  I really enjoyed writing this, made me feel all warm and giggly!  Hope you like it! ❤️
- What would happen the day the rest of the world finds out about you two? The day you finally come clean.
- In the back of your mind, the thought was always there. Normally you wouldn’t pay much attention to it. Since you both are so careful and keep such a low profile. But on a day like this one…when you’re literally surrounded by his fans. Well, it was kind of hard to ignore.
- To be fair, this was, mostly, your idea. You’ve wanted to go along with Hayden to a con for a while, because you’re so proud of him and, dammit, you support your man. But now that you’re here, seeing all these people, you can’t help feeling a tiny bit nervous. Maybe you should have stayed behind the scenes, instead of insisting on getting a photo with him like everyone else.
- As if on cue, the sound of Lord Vader’s breathing comes floating from his hoodie, that you ‘borrowed’, pocket. ‘Wonder who that could be,’ you joke to yourself while fumbling with your phone.
- Sure enough, it was a text from…
♡Big Dork♡: Have I told you how good your butt looks in those leggings? 😘
- Smiling, you discreetly glance over your shoulder. Hay was, of course, not standing there; only a wall of privacy curtains. But the longer you stare at it, you notice someone looking back at you through the crack.
- Shaking your head, you turn your attention back to your screen…
♡Little Dork♡: Shouldn’t you be taking pics with all these nice folks right now, instead of checking out my ass? 🤣
- Lord Vader breathes again…
♡Big Dork♡: I stepped out for a moment to enjoy the view. 😘 And to check up on you. Still doing okay? ❤️
- You give a small nod for him to see…
♡Little Dork♡: Yep. Now get back out here so I can get my turn with you. 🥰
- More breathing…
♡Big Dork♡: Don’t worry, there’ll be plenty of time for that later. 😉
- You roll your eyes and lock your phone. But, when you do so, you’re met by yours and the person behind you in line’s reflection.
- It was clear that they were reading your whole conversation with Hayden. Not wanting to make it into a big thing, you quickly shove it back into your pocket. Trying to act like you didn’t even notice.
- No such luck. “Oh, I’m so sorry,” they try to fakely apologize. “I hope you don’t think I was prying. I was only checking the ti-”
- Thankfully that’s when Hay stepped back out. The clapter and cheering of the crowd cut the sleemo short, ending the very uncomfortable chat. Or at least that’s what you hope.
- Spotting you, Hay instantly flashes you a smile. Which you, naturally, return.
- You don’t think much of it, but the sleemo certainly does. “Seems like Hayden and you are pretty friendly.”
- Your back stiffens. ‘Kriff! Kriff! Kriff!’ And you keep you eyes forward as you calmly reply. “Sorry, don’t know what you’re talking about.”
- “No?” The sleemo persists. “You smiled at each other just now. Could you possibly be-”
- “Next person, please!”
- Perfect timing. Refusing to let them ruin this special moment, you brush the sleemo off and go walking up to Hay.
- You two exchange mock pleasantries and pose for the camera all cutely (but not too cutely). Nice and smooth and totally discreet. Well, it was, until you turn to leave…
- “It was nice to meet you, angel. I hope to see you again real soon.” Hayden, out of habit, gives your bum a tap.
- You pause for a second. ‘Did he?! Really?! REALLY?!’ Then as quickly and nonchalantly as you can manage, you get the hell out of there. Praying that no one saw that.
- Pretending to act all nice, the sleemo follows you. “Miss! Excuse me, miss! You forgot your photo!”
- Trying your best to ignore them, you continue to weave through the crowd. Moving closer to the restricted access area. The one that Hay told you to go to if anything happened, that you’ll be safe there. ‘Come on! Come on! COME ON!’
- You almost make it too; the goal is just barely in sight. But as you’re fishing out your special pass, a hand grabs you by the shoulder. “I’m talking to you, little miss Hayden’s secret girlfriend!”
- Completely freezing up. You frantically think of what to do next when…
- “Hey! Take your hands off her!” Hay comes bursting out from behind the curtains, the most pissed off you’ve ever seen him. Like literal full blown Vader mode.
- The sleemo immediately lets you go, and you run over to him. “Hay!”
- Burying your face into his chest, he wraps his arms around you tightly. “It’s okay. I got you, angel,” he whispers, kissing the top of your head.
- “So she is your girlfriend!” The sleemo, who was paparazzi all along, shouts as security begins to surround them.
- By now a crowd has gathered. It’s almost deadly silent as they all wait to hear his answer.
- Gazing down, he flashes you a quick grin. “Yeah, she is! Happiest I’ve been in years!”
- “Me too,” you grin back. Standing on your tip toes, you capture his lips in a tender kiss.
- A beat more of silence…before it explodes in cheers and applause.
- “Guess it’s no longer a secret,” you giggle.
- “Yeah,” he chuckles. “Sorry.”
- “Don’t be, it’s nice to finally come clean about it.”
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royallyprincesslilly · 7 months
Title: What We Did In The Dark {2}*
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Lewis Hamilton x Reader
Warning: Language, 18+ Mature Content, Angst, Time Jump, Flashbacks, Preggo Talk, Pregnancy Trope, First 200ish words are NSFW
Words: 5.2k
Summary: Neither of you planned any of it. You’d met by chance, and everything that happened after had to have been predestined. Now back to your own life, you find you have a special souvenir from your time in Mauritius.
Note: Italic text above the photo insert symbolizes a memory/flashback. The first 200ish words are NSFW so be aware.
As always, thank you for reading. I appreciate it!
As you enjoyed this, please, LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG!!! ❤️❤️
***NOT Edited/Proofread***
What We Did In The Dark {1} |
Chapter 2: Comes To Light
“I’ve wanted to kiss you for hours. Hell, I think I’ve wanted it since I first saw you between the flames of that bonfire. Can I?”
The feel of his fingers across your cheekbone sent sparks all through your body making you want him more than you’d ever wanted anyone in over two years. It was wild. Once his body pressed to yours, it responded immediately. The feel and taste of his lips only made the moment better. You’d never been a huge fan of kissing but with him, you never wanted to stop.
“Shit, you’re perfect,” he said.
His hands were impressively soft but still held some roughness that could be credited to hours of gripping a steering wheel. It was an interesting combo that made you shiver though it was over 80 degrees. His thumb glided over your nipple, making it pebble painfully from the need for more. Him rolling the bud of your nipple between his thumb and forefinger was the more you needed until his teeth sank into the sensitive flesh of your neck.
“You look good with this cock down your throat.”
Your mouth felt fuller than ever and the feel of him lodged in your throat should have scared you because of his size but your boldness came through instead. It took everything in you to suppress your gag reflex and it looked like he was trying everything to make you gag because it wasn’t until one slipped that he slowly pulled himself from your mouth. The look in his eyes said it all and ignited a hidden fire within you that you didn’t even know was lying dormant.
“Mmm, ride this tongue, Y/N. Show me how bad you want me.”
You felt wild, as if you’d been barred by chains your entire life with everyone you’d ever encountered, and now—this one night—this one moment you were free and completely unrecognizable. Your hips bucked against his mouth and your only thought was your pleasure and how gorgeous he looked with his lips and nose slick from your juices. You wanted to cum all over his face then kiss him until you lost consciousness.
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The loudness of your name being called made you jump. Looking around you found four pairs of eyes on you.
“Uh--,” you began before clearing your throat.
“Are you here with us?”
“Of course.”
You sat up straighter then gave them a gentle smile hoping that would smooth things over. You needed to leave them with a good impression of you.
“Okay. So with all of this, I see no reason to not move forward with the series. Since you are on board with incorporating some family-friendly content to draw in families with children I think this will be one of the best moves for not only your brand but the series. Does anyone have anything else to add?”
You glanced at your friend, and personal attorney, Villie, who lifted her notepad to you, showing you a scribbled note.
Are you all right? You majorly zoned out again.
You gave her a subtle nod and wrote your own note back.
Is everything still in my best interest?
Villie nodded and gave you a thumbs up.
“I have a question,” one of the men in suits breached.
You smiled and leaned forward giving him your full attention.
“Your brand thus far has been geared to singles and partyers who want to travel for the fun of it, you know those who are interested in drinking and living carelessly. How confident are you that you could pull off being just as interesting and entertaining to those who aren’t looking for those things and even those with children?”
You nodded, fully understanding his concern.
“Good question. Simply put I am 100% confident I can draw in a more family-friendly audience. I think one of the reasons I have such a following is because of my personality. I find a way to live carelessly doing almost anything. It really is dependent on the experience. I don’t see a reason why it would change because of my audience. We all want to have a good time and it’s possible for everyone to get a slice of what they crave while traveling.”
He nodded and looked amongst his colleagues who also nodded.
“I understand his view. I guess he sees you have no children so he is wondering how that audience will relate to you,” another exec pointed out.
This time it was Villie who spoke up. “If you gentlemen have seen a lot of her streams you can see how Y/N approaches travel. She is practically a big child herself. She easily relates to children including her nieces and nephews and even while traveling children gravitate to her. I don’t think it will be any problem at all for the shift of audience to relate to her.”
The men once again looked at each other speaking with nothing but eyes. You glanced at Villie then gave her a quick fist bump. Ever since high school, she’s had your back, which is why you didn’t think twice about making her your professional and personal attorney.
After a few more minutes of discussion, a consensus had been reached. Once you’d signed the contract and shaken the hands of the three men opposite you the meeting was adjourned, and you were now in a completely different pond. No longer would you be this travel influencer who predominantly posted on the internet you were now a travel influencer who was signed to one of the biggest travel channels on television. You were moving on up.
Your excitement was on 100. After the men left the room you and Villie did your victory dance in your seats and quietly screamed.
“Oh my god! This is a great deal for you, Y/N!”
“Couldn’t have done it without my badass attorney!”
Villie smiled then flashed imaginary hair behind her shoulder.
“I am pretty badass huh?”
“Bet your ass you are! Thank you Villie.”
You hugged each other and then stood. However when you stood an intense wave of dizziness washed across you making you drift backward.
The next thing you knew Villie was beside you holding you close.
“Are you okay?”
“Wha—what happened?”
“You looked like you were falling.”
“Oh. I—I don’t know what happened. I must have stood up to quickly.”
“Are you all right? you’ve been—off for weeks,” Villie inquired.
You straightened up and pressed your hands down the front of your skirt. “Yeah, yeah I’m fine. I’m probably just tired. It’s been a lot of work convincing these execs that I could do this show while keeping up with my posting schedule and the work for the travel catalog.”
Villie didn’t look convinced, but she nodded. “Things are only going to get more hectic you need to take care of yourself, Y/N.”
“I know, I know. I will. I promise.”
The two of you walked out of the room and toward the elevator discussing the plans to celebrate this major accomplishment. Once downstairs you and Villie went your separate ways with plans to meet up that night for dinner and drinks with the girls. As you drove through the city on your way downtown, you made a call to your artistic team to get updates about your catalog.
You’d worked your ass off for it, putting in the long hours of planning and the meticulous schedule you’d kept in order to hit every destination and the exhaustive list of hot spots wherever you went. That was just the tip of the iceberg though. This catalog was a multitude of months’ labor of love.
“I knew you’d call me again today,” Zavier said with a hint of tease in his voice.
You scoffed, “Of course, you’re taking lead with the team for the catalog.”
“Boo. Here I thought you just wanted to hear my voice.”
You smirked. While he had a great voice, one that was deep at the right moments, but level and clear every time he spoke, his voice was not the reason for your call. Deciding to tip-toe around Zavier’s usual banter you focused on the real reason for calling.
“How are things?”
“They are about as good as they were the last time you called to check—yesterday.”
You made a last-minute right turn and was met with a barrage of horns. Raising your hand as an apology, you focused on your conversation. “So everything looks right for launch?”
“Y/N, everything is on track. I know what I am doing, I promise. I wouldn’t have you out in these streets looking foul.”
You smiled and sighed. Zavier had been with you from the beginning of this crazy idea to put together this catalog—2 years. He’d been the one to push you toward it the whole year you’d procrastinated with it then was your number 2 cheerleader after Villie the whole last year you’d actually taken it seriously. You knew his work was solid as was his skill. You trusted him, which was something rare for you.
“I know Z, thank you. I’m just--.”
“A bit obsessive and compulsive and a whole lotta stressed? I know. What have I told you about your stress levels? Someone whose whole career is traveling and unwinding shouldn’t be as stressed out as you. Your life is literally one long vacation.”
You rolled your eyes because a lot of people thought that. They thought your life was one big party and good time and while 40% of it was the remaining 60 was anything but. It took a lot of work to be on vacation all the time. However, you never corrected anyone when they brought it up. You didn’t want to sound pretentious or ridiculous.
Just as you were about to open your mouth to say something in response, another wave of dizziness washed over you. This time you found yourself drifting sideways in the car which sent the car gearing to the right into the next lane. Before you knew what happened you’d slammed into something sending your head banging into the steering wheel and turning your vision black.
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Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep.
The first thing you recognized was the steady beeping tone. You recognized the steady, rhythmic beeping. The second thing you recognized was the sudden rush of pain you felt in your head. Panic filled you and the once steady beeping turned erratic. You darted upward and immediately regretted it. Dropping back to the bed you groaned and held your head.
“Hey, hey, hey. Take it easy.”
“W—what—where am I?”
“You’re at Mount Saini Medical Center.”
More panic filled and you tried to sit up again but hands pushed you back down.
“Calm down. Lie down. You’ve been in an accident and have a mild concussion. You need to remain lying down.”
Your vision finally steadied allowing you to take in the woman standing over you. Her long black hair fell around her shoulders that were clad in a lollipop printed top.
“I’m Mariah, I’m one of your nurses here.”
“How—how long have I been here?”
“Not too long, 5 hours give or take.”
You looked around and took in the hospital room you were in. The tans, clays and camel colors decorated the space giving it an earthy and Zen vibe.
“Am I--,” you attempted but the tightness in your throat prevented further speech.
“You must be thirsty,” Mariah said before walking a few feet away. When she came back she held a cup for you to take. “Water.”
You took the cup and only meant to take a small sip but instead downed the entire cup.
“Good. Remaining hydrated is important.”
“What happened? Why am I here?”
“When you were brought in the paramedics said you’d rear-ended another car and was found unconcious behind the wheel.”
You squinted your eyes trying to remember. It took several attempts, but bits and pieces came back to you confirming those details.
“Oh my god, is anyone hurt?”
“Just you. The other driver wasn’t in the car, they were parked. They were the ones who found you, got you out of the car, and called the paramedics to bring you here,” Mariah explained.
“Oh my god. I have no idea what—wait—I was dizzy all of a sudden and I must have accidentally—oh my god.”
“Dizziness is normal at this time. Because of your condition, you were immediately admitted and checked out.
You paused rubbing your temples to look at her. “Huh? My condition? What condition?”
The nurse studied you for a moment. “Yeah,” she began taking up your chart that rested in the slot at the foot of the bed. You watched her flip through the pages. “Yeah, it says here that you’re pregnant.”
Suddenly, the ringing in your ears increased until it was the only thing you could hear. Pinching the bridge of your nose you shook your head trying to clear the increasing fog in your brain.
“W—what are you talking about?”
Your voice sounded foreign to you, muffled, and stretched as if in slow motion.
“You’re pregnant. You didn’t know?”
You shook your head again ridding your ears of the ringing but that was about it. your head still felt heavy.
“P-pr—preg—no. You’re wrong.”
“On the contrary. It’s routine with everyone who comes in to run a panel, with women it includes pregnancy. It allows us to treat you better. It was a good thing we tested before running you into a CAT scan. The test was positive and after a consult with OB-GYN, it was confirmed with a Doppler,” Mariah filled in.
Your head was spinning now. She could have been speaking another language entirely because your brain was not connecting the dots.
“Pregnant. Congratulations.”
Once again your vision went black, and everything slipped away.
Your surroundings looked familiar when you opened your eyes. The rich earthy colors gave you a sense of calm but also warmth. To your right the view outside your window was dark and to your left you found Villie dozed off. You groaned as you tried to sit up, your head still pounding.
“Fuck,” you croaked.
The sound of your voice made Villie jolt upward her hair half slayed and half sticking up thanks to her awkward sleeping position.
“Oh my god, Y/N!”
She rushed to your side and took your hand then fired off a series of questions that your brain couldn’t quite understand in its current slightly traumatized state. On the 7th rapid-fire question, you clasped your head.
“Oh for fuck’s sake Valenza my brain is like a cracked egg right now. Slow down.”
She cotched at the edge of your bed then took a breath. “I’m sorry. Are you okay?”
“I don’t feel okay at all. my head feels like I was Humpty fucking Dumpty.”
“They told me you got into an accident. Oh my god, babes.”
“I don’t know what happened. One minute I was fine, the next--.”
“You’re not taking care of yourself. I knew this would happen eventually,” Villie said.
She took a deep breath then squeezed your hand. “I’m glad you’re okay. They say they’re keeping you for observation mainly and if all checks out tonight they can release you tomorrow night.”
“It’s just this headache that won’t go away.”
“I got everything Villie.”
You looked across the room and saw Zavier walking inside with his hands full of bags, balloons, flowers, and other items.
“Oh god. Did you call everyone?”
“No. You were on the phone with Z when this happened. He was the one to call me,” Villie explained.
“Are you okay?”
Zavier filled in on your right side and took your hand.
“I’m all right. Little damage done.”
His hazel eyes bored into you scanning every inch of your face. His brows were creased with worry and he looked less rested than he usually looked.
“You look like shit.”
Zavier scoffed. “You’re the one to talk. Your head is wrapped like a pinata.”
You smiled but immediately regretted it.
“I brought all your favorites. I don’t know if you can have caffeine, but I brought your fave latte, and the sweetheart rolls you love from Oishi with plenty of ginger dressing.”
You gave Zavier a small smile not wanting to trigger the pain in your head.
“Thanks Z, that’s sweet of you.
“Oh you’re awake. Good. How are you feeling?”
You squinted toward the new voice, a voice you recognized from earlier. “Uh—pretty much the same.”
“Oh. How does your head feel?”
“Like it’s splitting.”
“Okay. I sent a message to your doctors to see if they can narrow down any pain medicines they can prescribe to help due to your—condition.”
It was then it all came back. Your eyes met the nurse’s and an unspoken understanding passed between the two of you.
“Condition? What condition?”
You looked at Villie then Zavier and closed your eyes. “The concussion.”
“How is she really nurse?”
“She has a mild concussion. She did bang her head pretty good, so we just want to watch that to make sure it doesn’t escalate. Oop, is that caffeine?”
All your eyes roved over to the bedside table where Zavier had placed your latte.
“Yes. A vanilla, cinnamon, caramel latte with nutmeg,” he replied.
“Oh, sorry. No caffeine for now and no sushi if it has raw fish, mercury levels you know.”
Mariah gave you a look but you didn’t quite understand it.
“Don’t worry guys, we will get her some food shortly and take good care of her.”
Another nurse dressed in traditional white scrubs entered the room.
“What is it Brooke?”
“Um, there is a man at the desk asking about one of your patients. He says he was told the woman who rear-ended him was admitted and he wanted to speak with her.”
“How did he find that out? Did you--?”
“No. HIPPA, of course not,” Brooke defended.
Mariah sighed then stood. “I’ll be right back.”
“Am I the woman?”
“Don’t worry I won’t let him near you.”
“No it’s okay. I feel horrible. Let him know I’ll cover the damages, and any medical reimbursement he may need. It is my fault after all.”
“I’ll go with you nurse. I’m her attorney. Let’s see what his intentions are showing up here,” Villie said standing and rearranging her dress.
Once the nurse and Villie left you were alone with Zavier, who pulled his chair closer and gave you his best reassuring smile.
“Don’t worry, Valenza is a shark. She’ll have this guy reimbursing you after everything is said and done.”
“Yeah, I bet. It’s my fault though. I’ll take responsibility.”
Zavier nodded. “One of the things I love about you is that you’re fair in everything you do. I’ve never known you to try to swindle someone out of something if it’s rightfully owed to them. You’ll even pay vendors who show us around destinations 5% more than their rate just because you know most tourists are assholes and don’t tip or care about their footprint in these people’s native countries. It’s—admirable Y/N.”
“Thanks Z.”
A few moments of silence passed and in those moments your brain tried to piece together everything from the last few hours. However the more you thought the more pain you felt and whenever one word echoed in your head, you had the urge to throw up. so as quickly as you began to think you stopped and went the route you were good at—distraction.
“Did you bring your laptop?”
“What about your tablet. Come on, I know you don’t leave home without that thing. Show me the--.”
“Nope. There is no way in hell I’ll let you work at a time like this. Rest, Y/N.”
You sighed and pouted which had Zavier laughing.
“You look like a petulant child.”
You stuck your tongue out at him in response, ignoring everything else.
Villie’s voice drew your attention to the door where she stood with a very tall light-skinned man.
“This is Miles. He wanted to make sure you were all right after the accident,” Villie informed.
You pushed yourself up some more and fixed your gown a little as the man crossed the room.
“Hi. Oh god, I’m so sorry. I feel terrible,” you began.
“No, it’s fine. I got the details from the paramedics and from what the doctors revealed. You had a medical emergency it wasn’t on purpose. I understand.”
You gave him a soft smile. “Thank you for understanding but I still feel like shit.”
“I was worried when I found you unconscious across the steering wheel. I’m by no means a doctor but I tried the best I could to stop the bleeding.”
“That was you? Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it,” Miles added.
“Look I will pay for the damage done to your car and anything else.”
He scoffed. “You weren’t kidding Ms. Chord. She really is self-sacrificing.”
“To a fault,” Villie teased.
You recognized a glint in her eyes as she spoke to him and made a note to bring it up later. Was she shooting her shot out there to smooth things over or was this real interest? You looked over the man taking in his tall, lanky frame that looked muscular but not obsessively so. The tattoos on his hands hinted that there was more to the picture though he dressed in a mix between street and business casual. He looked just like Villie’s type.
“You don’t have to do that.”
“I insist. Please give Ms. Chord your information and we’ll talk once I’m released, or the two of you could work things out,” you wing-womaned.
Miles smiled and looked back to Villie who also smiled while twirling the ends of her hair. Oh, she was feeling him alright. Villie motioned her head to him and the two of them left together.
“Villie would be the only one to find a date from your accident,” Zavier joked.
You couldn’t help but laugh even though seconds later you regretted it.
2 hours later brought the end of visiting hours and it was then you were truly alone. The silence in the room was deafening. So deafening the voices that spoke in the silence all said the same thing.
“What the fuck!?”
You were pregnant. Not suspected pregnant, or possibly pregnant. You were confirmed, definitely pregnant. How in the hell had you missed this? You thought back over the last weeks trying to recall if you had a period. You thought you had but how could you have had one if you were pregnant now. The more that word came to mind the harder you worked trying to ignore the massive elephant in your head, the culprit, the other major factor in this scenario.
“No,” you said shaking your head.
You couldn’t go there. You weren’t ready to go there. You needed answers.
“Okay, so we have some meds for you. After your OB and attending huddled, they came up with something that was safe for you during early pregnancy. They also reviewed some of your bloodwork and found you severely lacking in several vitamins which could explain the increased dizziness you’ve been experiencing. So we are going to hook you up to some iron, and vitamin B12 with a mix of B complex which includes zinc, magnesium, Glutathione, Calcium, some electrolytes, and folate.”
“That’s a lot.”
“Don’t worry it’s only these two bags plus the pain medicine we will give via tablet form,” Mariah explained.
“When can I talk to the OB? I have some questions. I’m just a little confused. I had a period, or I think I did and I—I don’t know how this is possible.”
Mariah nodded. “No doubt, I paged her about an hour ago. She usually makes rounds before she leaves for the night so she should stop in tonight hopefully.”
“Hopefully is definitely. Hi, I’m Dr. Olumici, it’s nice to meet you Y/N.”
A woman of color approached you with a kind smile on her face that instantly reassured you.
“Thank God. Hi.”
She pulled up a chair but before she sat she flipped through your chart and studied the machines. “Your vitals look good, that’s reassuring. How are you feeling?”
“Apart from this headache okay I guess.”
“Good. No abdominal cramping or bleeding?”
“Wonderful. While I don’t think anything would be wrong with the fetus I like to be safe there, especially after any car accident.”
“That’s the thing I don’t know how there is a fetus. I had a period, I had 2 actually.”
“Last month, and this month.”
“Were they normal for you?”
“Yes. 4 days, lite to normal flow. It was all normal.”
“Hm. Mariah, can you bring me a portable ultrasound please?”
“Right away Dr. Olumici.”
Mariah walked out of the room leaving you with the doctor. She approached and proceeded to examine your abdomen. She felt around applying pressure to different parts then she moved down to your pelvic area. As she did it she didn’t speak but every so often she made an “mm-hm” sound. You didn’t know what to make of it, so you kept quiet and watched her like a hawk.
In a few short minutes Mariah returned with an ultrasound machine that she set up on your left side.
“How many times did we run blood work Mariah?”
“Twice from the same sample. Should we take new samples?”
“Let’s hold off for a moment. Okay, Y/N. We’re going to get some definitive answers right here and now. I can understand how confusing this must be and the need for even just a sliver of certainty I can understand is overwhelming,” Dr. Olumici began.
You nodded finally feeling seen and heard. You fought the tears pricking your eyes and took several deep breaths.
“First let me ask a few preliminary questions. LMP you said you’ve had them for the last two months. Okay. What about sexual activity. When was the last date for that?”
You swallowed and saw his face in your mind’s eye as clear as day.
“Um—this month would be 3 months ago.”
“So—August, okay. None since then?”
“Was there protection in August?”
You hesitated because you knew if you said the truth—no, that they would look at you as if you were crazy.
“No judgment zone Y/N. I’m here to help you not judge you,” Dr. Olumici reassured.
“Okay. Have you felt any pregnancy symptoms?”
“What are those?”
“Nausea, vomiting, food cravings, breast changes, fatigue, increased urination, backache, dizziness, bloating, maybe cramps, or constipation.”
You thought over the last month or two and noted several instances where you’d felt at least 4 of those symptoms but you’d chalked it up to you working so much and getting less and less sleep. You explained your circumstances to Dr. Olumici who made some notes in your chart as she nodded her head. Once the questions were finished, she sat behind the machine and prepared to get started.
After she explained what was going to happen she squirted the cold gel over your abdomen then moved the Doppler wand across your stomach. You took a few centering breaths then turned your attention to the screen and watched as the image came to life. the black and white images were unrecognizable to you. It was crazy to think you were looking at imagining from inside your womb. Technology was truly fascinating.
The room was completely silent as Dr. Olumici slowly moved the wand over every inch of your abdomen. When she dipped lower getting closer to your pelvic region the image cleared up and then your world came to a complete stop. You didn’t know what you were looking at, but you knew you were looking at something.
“Okay. Here we are. Mariah please the volume.”
Mariah tapped a button on the dashboard a few times then the room filled with quick rhythmic pounding that sounded like a heartbeat. When you realized what you were listening to, you gasped.
“This is your baby, Y/N.”
“Holy Shit!”
You’d said it louder than you’d intended and now your voice was echoing off the walls.
“Calm down. It’s okay. I’ve gone through this first moment with a lot of women. Take a few breaths. Mariah, some water please.”
Mariah poured some water from a dusty rose-colored plastic pitcher into a matching cup then handed it to you. You drank it all down as your eyes remained on the screen at the little blip that was front and center. Once the cup was empty you tried to keep your breathing steady.
“So—I’m—I’m really--,” you paused closed your eyes, and released a slow breath. “I’m pregnant.”
“Yes. You’re pregnant and looking at the fetus, I’d say you’re—currently in your third month, nearing the end of your first trimester.”
“Interesting. You don’t look to be showing at all. There is a percentage of women who do not have symptoms or growth which hinders them from ever knowing they are pregnant. We call them cryptic pregnancies. Most women who experience them usually go their entire pregnancy never knowing because they don’t have symptoms, they continue their cycles, and they never show. It could be the same for you. Time will tell.”
Suddenly the image on the screen split in two and you sat up.
“What just happened?”
Dr. Olumici leaned closer to the machine then moved the wand lower over your pelvis and pressed for firmly.
“Huh, would you look at that.”
She tapped a few buttons then moved the wand again and repeated the series of movements 3 or 4 times.
“Someone please talk to me.”
“Yes, I’m sorry Y/N. I was so focused on making sure I didn’t miss anything or anyone. So it looks like we’re dealing with a twin pregnancy. This little one was hiding behind their sibling.”
“Twins. I want to say that they are in separate amniotic sacs which indicates fraternal twins, but I have seen identical twins in separate sacs. Depending on what you decide to do we’ll do a thorough check at your first official prenatal appointment.”
All this information was really taking its toll. You’d begun this discussion with very little pain in your head but as things progressed the pain intensified. Right now you felt as if you were having one of the worst migraines you’d ever had in your life. It was all too much, way too much at once. You’d just signed a deal for your own travel show which would mean more travel, long hours, and plenty of work, you were also doing a swimsuit and vacation wear line and a travel catalog and now not only were you currently pregnant but you were also having not one but 2 babies and all of this from 1 one-night stand where you allowed yourself to be the freest you’d ever been—the happiest you’d been.
“Fuck my life!”
This was the consequence of letting yourself live without inhibitions. This was the consequence of forming connections. This was the consequence of being carefree, the consequence of carelessness.
The consequences of what you did in the dark.
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210 notes · View notes
songbirdseung · 9 months
studio choom / nishimura riki
No one saw this coming, neither did you and ni-ki. As far as you knew, idols of the opposite gender would refrain to even look at each other when they are in public together. But today, you stand in a HYBE dance room about to practice a performance collaboration with Ni-Ki., a hip-hop dance routine with intricate partner work.
Ni-ki was already there, standing in front of a large mirror, studying his reflection with a focused expression. He looked even more captivating in person, his charisma and talent evident even before you started dancing. You couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement mixed with nervousness as you approached him.
"Hey, Ni-ki," you greeted him, trying to keep your voice steady despite the racing of your heart.
He turned to you, and a warm smile lit up his face. "Hey, Y/N," he replied, his voice soft and friendly.
As you began discussing the choreography and the steps you'd be working on, you both maintained a professional demeanor, determined to keep your emotions in check. But beneath the surface, the chemistry was undeniable.
The first few attempts were filled with awkward moments as you tried to find your rhythm together. Your bodies brushed against each other, and your hands occasionally touched as you navigated the intricate partner work. Each time it happened, a rush of electricity shot through you, and you couldn't help but steal glances at Ni-ki.
You noticed that Ni-ki, too, seemed affected by the closeness. His cheeks flushed slightly, and his gaze lingered on you a beat longer than necessary. It was as if the unspoken attraction between you both was dancing alongside the choreography.
As the practice continued, you gradually fell into sync, the movements becoming smoother and more natural. With each passing hour, you and Ni-ki's connection deepened, both in terms of dance and something unspoken. It was a unique form of communication, where your bodies moved in harmony, speaking the language of the dance.
By the end of the practice, you were both exhausted but exhilarated. You shared a genuine smile, a sense of accomplishment washing over you.
"Great job, Y/N," Ni-ki said, his voice filled with admiration.
You couldn't help but blush as you replied, "You too, Ni-ki. We make a pretty good team."
Then just like that, your schedule was jam packed with your own group activities, individual work, and the collaboration. But with the never draining energy and passion you had, ni-ki and you eventually finished practicing, polishing, and filming the choreo at studio choom's building.
You and everyone else just had to wait for the video and behind to be released. The comments and post from fans once they saw the announcement was a joy to read through. The announcement that you and Ni-ki would be dancing together on Studio Choom had taken the K-pop world by storm.
"OMG, Y/N and Ni-ki dancing together??? I can't wait! This is going to be epic!!! 😍😍😍"
You continued scrolling, reading more and more comments from fans who were over the moon about the collaboration. There were messages of support, encouragement, and excitement. Some fans even shared their predictions and hopes for the performance, while others gushed about how much they admired you and Ni-ki.
"Y/N and Ni-ki are both incredible dancers! I know this is going to be legendary! 💃🕺"
"Can't believe my two favorites are dancing together! My heart can't handle this. ❤️"
"Y/N and Ni-ki, you're going to slay this! Can't wait to see the magic you create on that stage!"
"I've been a fan of Y/N for years, and watching her growth as an artist has been amazing. Now, seeing her collaborate with Ni-ki, it's like a dream come true. I can't express how proud I am of her."
As you continued scrolling through the comments and posts about your upcoming collaboration with Ni-ki, you couldn't help but stumble upon a few negative comments from jealous fans. It was inevitable that not everyone would be thrilled about the partnership, and you braced yourself for the less enthusiastic reactions.
"Ugh, why is Y/N dancing with Ni-ki? There are so many better dancers he could've collaborated with. 🙄"
"I don't get the hype around this. Y/N and Ni-ki? Really? They don't even match in style or talent."
"I used to be a fan of Y/N, but this collaboration just feels forced. She's trying too hard to stay relevant."
"Ni-ki deserves to dance with someone better than Y/N. He's too talented for this."
"I hope this collaboration flops. It's so obvious they're doing it for attention."
(a/n: see how ridiculous that sounds? So.. I hope none of you guys do this)
You couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment as you read these comments. You knew that not everyone would be pleased with the collaboration, but it still hurt to see such negativity.
Y/N had just finished reading the negative comments from jealous fans when your phone buzzed with a new message. It was from Ni-ki, and seeing his name on the screen brought a small smile to your face.
Ni-ki: Hey, Y/N! 😊
Y/N: Hey, Ni-ki. How's it going?
Ni-ki: Pretty good! I read a few comments from the announcement, and I just wanted to check in on you. I know reading those comments can be tough.
You sighed, feeling grateful for his thoughtfulness. Ni-ki always seemed to know when you needed a boost.
Y/N: Yeah, it's been a bit disheartening, to be honest.
Ni-ki: I get it, but remember, we're did this collaboration because we believe in each other's talents and that's what matters most.
Y/N: You're right, Ni-ki. Let's focus on the positive!
Ni-ki: That's the spirit! 💪 We're going to rock this collaboration, and the fans who believe in us will appreciate our hard work and dedication.
Y/N: Thanks, Ni-ki. Your support means the world to me.
Ni-ki: Anytime, Y/N. We've got this!
Eventually the anticipated content comes out and your groupmates are more excited than anyone else. The living room was buzzing with excitement as you, along with four of your group members, huddled together to watch the newly released collaboration video featuring you and Ni-ki. The air was thick with anticipation, and you could hardly contain your nerves as the video began.
As the performance unfolded on the screen, you couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and excitement. Ni-ki and you moved in perfect harmony, executing each move with precision and flair. The chemistry between you two was palpable, and the fans' reactions had been overwhelmingly positive.
The cheers and claps from your group members filled the room as the video played. "Y/N, this is amazing! You guys are killing it!" one of them shouted.
"Yeah, seriously, it's like you were born to dance together!" another chimed in, her eyes glued to the screen.
But as the video progressed, you knew what was coming. The partner work section was about to start, and you could feel the teasing glances from your group members even before it began.
Ni-ki lifted you with effortless grace, and the chemistry between you two during the lift was undeniable. Your group members couldn't contain themselves any longer.
"Ooooh, look at that chemistry, Y/N!" one of them teased with a sly grin, nudging your shoulder playfully.
Another one joined in, "Yeah, Y/N, I think you and Ni-ki make a great team! Such natural chemistry!"
You blushed furiously, attempting to hide your embarrassment behind a playful glare. "Oh, come on, you guys! It's just a dance!"
But your group members continued to tease you relentlessly throughout the partner work section, their laughter and playful comments filling the room. Despite the teasing, you couldn't help but secretly enjoy the camaraderie and support of your friends.
As the video came to an end, your group members erupted into cheers and applause once more, showing their genuine pride and excitement for you. It was a memorable moment, and you couldn't help but feel grateful for the amazing friends who had been with you every step of the way.
Meanwhile, Enhypen was in their living room. Everyone's eyes glued to the screen. Ni-ki's charisma and talent shone through as he danced, and the members couldn't help but cheer him on.
"Go, Ni-ki!" Jake exclaimed, clapping his hands enthusiastically.
Sunghoon nodded in agreement, adding, "He's nailing it! Look at those moves!"
The praise continued as they watched Ni-ki's performance, and his face lit up with a proud smile.
However, as the partner work part of the performance came into view, the members couldn't resist the opportunity to tease Ni-ki, knowing his feelings for Y/N.
Sunoo nudged Jungwon playfully and winked at Ni-ki on the screen. "Oh, Ni-ki, you're looking extra close with Y/N there! Any sparks flying?"
Jungwon chimed in, "Yeah, Ni-ki, did your heart skip a beat during that lift?"
Ni-ki blushed and tried to play it cool, though his embarrassment was evident. "Come on, guys, it's just a dance routine."
Heeseung couldn't resist joining in. "Hmm, I don't know, Ni-ki. Looks like there's some chemistry there."
Jay laughed and added, "Ni-ki, you're busted! We know you've got a crush on Y/N!"
Ni-ki's face turned a deeper shade of red, and he buried his face in his hands as the members continued to tease him relentlessly. As the video finished, Ni-ki's phone buzzed with a new message notification. He quickly grabbed it and saw that it was a text from Y/N. A warm smile spread across his face as he read her encouraging words.
"Ni-ki, you were amazing! Your hard work truly paid off. So proud of you!"
Jay, always the observant one, noticed Ni-ki's smile and leaned over to peek at the message. He couldn't resist the chance to continue teasing Ni-ki. "Oh, what's this, Ni-ki? A text from Y/N? Is she congratulating you on your dance… or maybe something more?"
Ni-ki's cheeks flushed even deeper, and he playfully swatted Jay away. "Come on, Jay, it's just a friendly message."
The other Enhypen members joined in the teasing, laughing and egging Ni-ki on as he tried to downplay the significance of Y/N's text. It was all in good fun, and Ni-ki couldn't help but chuckle along with them, grateful for their support and camaraderie.
And of course, we can't leave out the fans.
"Ni-ki and Y/N's chemistry on stage is INSANE! They absolutely killed it. 🔥🔥🔥"
"I've been a fan of Y/N for years, and seeing her collaborate with Ni-ki is a dream come true. They're a match made in dancing heaven! 💃🕺"
"The way Ni-ki and Y/N move together is pure art. You can tell they put their hearts into this performance. ❤️"
"This collaboration just proved that Ni-ki and Y/N are both incredibly talented. I can't stop watching it!"
"I was hoping for a better collaboration. Ni-ki deserves a partner who can keep up with his level of skill."
"Y/N should have chosen a different partner. Ni-ki's good, but this just doesn't work for me."
Nonetheless, the collaboration undoubtedly left a lasting impression on those who appreciated the talent and hard work that went into it.
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blinkilite · 3 months
I had the amazing privilege of seeing Michael Sheen in Nye a few nights ago at the National Theatre.
The play:
Nye was amazing. Michael was brilliant and in command of the stage the whole time. I am not a big theater-goer. So this was a big deal for me. But seeing him perform on stage was just wonderful. I truly appreciate his skills on a whole new level now. The rest of the cast was brilliant too. They each played multiple roles throughout the timeline of the play. I highly recommend going to see it if you can. He sings! He dances! I cried! I laughed! I’m trying my best to give you a spoiler free review! But I promise you won’t be disappointed. 😊 it’s really really good. 👍 Go! Support Michael and the arts!
My personal experience:
I had a mix of excitement and anxiety all day but it really amped up when I got to the theater. Like omg this is really happening. I took a pic by the poster and it’s obvious I am an excited weirdo. 😆
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Now that I was here, the next step was going to the national theatre gift shop. They had a lot of cute things and a really cool display for Nye.
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I purchased my program and the cashier was very friendly. She complimented my Good Omens pin and said they usually come out stage door so make sure to go around back after, and enjoy the show. 😊 (internally squeeing) I thanked her and we went and got some food and a cider.
We made our way to the doors and were led to our seats. Then I started getting the omg we’re here this is actually happening mentality. We were pretty close. An omg he will be right there! Soon! 😬
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We had 8th row seats 😳 it seemed very close and I was freaking out.
I read some reviews and saw the newly released press photos of the play. So I knew a little what to expect of the show too, but honestly it was sooo good. I don’t want to give away any spoilers because the play is AMAZING. Michael and the rest of the cast did so well. Michael is very active and moved all over the stage. I am so impressed by his abilities as an actor. He fucking sings! And it’s wonderful! And our seats were close enough to see all the micro expressions on his face. 😃 If you have the means to go and see this either in London or later in Wales - GO! You will not regret it.
At the end I took a pic of the actors (though I didn’t get everyone) and I got the very end when Nye can see the impact of his accomplishments.
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Now for the fangirling part of my night. I was trying my best not to be a complete dork. I knew from other fans previously posting that he typically comes out at the stage door after the show. So I had an idea what to expect. He came out pretty soon after the show ended. I’m guessing there were maybe 50-60ppl there. He just started talking to people, signing things, taking photos like this is no big deal. And they would leave and it would be the next person’s turn. Everyone was very considerate of each other and Michael’s time. And he was kind and generous and spoke genuinely to each person and made so many people happy that night. just by being himself and taking some extra time before he went home. He really is an angel. ❤️
Eventually it was my turn. Somehow I didn’t mumble or giggle like an idiot. where did I find the ability to speak? - I really have no idea 🤷‍♀️ I told him the show was amazing. He thanked me. And while signing my program I told him we came over from America for my birthday to see him. He wished us luck in the rest of our trip. I got a selfie with him and internally died. He wished me happy birthday (died again). I thanked him and then it was the next person’s turn. I walked about 50ft away and jumped up and down like an idiot. Hopefully he didn’t see.
But holy shit. 😃
I met Michael Sheen!!!! 😃❤️😃
And he was the nicest person ever. 😃😃😃
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budgie2budgie · 1 month
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tagged by @theosconfessions & @simmenycricket, thanks guys! ❤️
oc deep dive with samson grey
What uncommon/common fear do they have? deep waters! even tho he love fishing, swimming and take (skinny) dips, he find really big deep waters scary. sinken ships? brrrrrr! i don't see him taking diving lessons any day soon.
Do they have any pet peeves? sims that interrupt other sims while they are talking and when he was living in big cities: traffic jams! never happens in moonwood! lol
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom? a lot of books, a cap collection and condoms 😏
What do they notice first in a person? their posture, it can tell a lot about a sim, but also eyes and hair. (especially brunettes)
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance? 7-8? he pretty much get bruised every day from work
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? fight!
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person? he's not from a big family, he's the only child BUT def. a family sim and he wants one of his own
What animal represents them best? dah! everyone in moonwood mills is a wolf! ;)
What is a smell that they dislike? strong perfumes, they make him sneeze
Have they broken any bones? 1. nose (rugby) 2. second toe, left foot (heavy plank falling down on him at age 16)
How would a stranger likely describe them? friendly, calm, reserved
Are they a night owl or a morning bird? morning! (and early sleeper)
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love? not a fan of bananas, too sweet and mushy. as the manly man he is, (HA!) he love heat, all kind of strong chili! (he enjoy watching hot ones on simtube, and would secretly want to try all the wings himself)
Do they have any hobbies? running, fishing, like outdoorsy stuff, reading
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? he would be a good sport but he doesn't like being in the centre of attention
Do they like to wear jewelry? not really, he has a couple of necklaces, but wouldn't mind a ring 🙃
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
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What are two emotions they feel the most? restless >< calm
Do they have a favorite fabric? denim
What kind of accent do they have? moonwoodish
let's do this @zosa95 @jayveesim @deardiaryts4 @nilonne & @sirianasims (no pressure ;))
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thatsdemko · 11 months
strange realities - c.sainz
part 3: pining series
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pinning series masterlist
warnings: anxious thoughts
a/n: hiiii thank you so so so much for all the love on the past two parts!!! xx we’ve got 6 more parts together of this ride 😁😁
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liked by yukitsunoda0511, scuderiaferrari, f1, and 4,579 others.
yourusername: Baku dump fting some nonferrari fan favorites 😁
tagged: carlossainz55, yukitsunoda0511, lewishamilton, & oscarpiastri.
babyyuki: that one fan was right she always does include Carlos in her dumps…
lewishamilton: ☺️❤️
Charles_leclerc: no pictures of me?
yourusername: … oops😬 won’t happen again!
russellgeorge: I told y’all! she always adds Carlos!
ln4455: yeah maybe because she’s Ferrari’s intern media personnel?? I don’t think it’s that deep 🙄
Ferrariredflag: people making something out of nothing! thank u for the content once again 🫡
the sun was beaming hot, and the winds were just as cruel as yesterday. stepping out of the team car, you thank the driver before closing the door simultaneously as the one that arrives after yours. Carlos sainz.
“hola, amor.” his smile is awfully bright for the early morning as he approaches you, hand gesturing for you to lead the way to check into the paddock.
“you’re in a good mood this morning, ready for the race?” you ask scanning in your ID. you step into the paddock, Carlos following behind you; the fans begin to approach and your job starts.
you walk beside him, moving out of the way when fans want pictures, or when reporters shove their microphones into his face. he just smiles, answers the questions, and is careful not to step on your feet.
“I swear I can’t go anywhere.” he grumbles, fake smile plastered on his face as he shoots the camera for a thumbs up and a little wave. you attempted to move away in time, but you got trampled in the mix of fans, and your body was pushed back beside his.
“you’re too famous for me now.” you wink, elbow nudging his arm, he caught the words you said despite the fans yelling in his ears. it made him chuckle, “so now I’m out of your league?” he asks, turning to you.
“you were never in my league to begin with, sainz.”
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the newspaper falls into your lap, it was hot off the press and pages were spilling onto the ground when you notice yourself and Carlos on the front cover, “whatever you have with sainz, it must stay professional.” is all you heard before they left. leaving you alone with the words and the pictures to take in.
not even an hour had gone by from the arrival. the white dress you had arrived in was stored in a cubby in the Ferrari motorhome, one you were now too afraid to step into. the mess was probably just unfolding in there, or nobody even dared to read the gossip. but whoever came in, clearly had enough time before the race to care. enough time to make taking pictures for the team harder than it needed to be.
“you ready for the race?” you ask snapping a few pictures of Charles before he got in the car. a hopeful smile forms on his lips as he nods to your question, “no pictures of Carlos?” he points to his teammate, who’s listening to last minute preparations from his team. he catches your eyes on him, those big brown eyes grow intense on yours, he sends a wink in your direction that instantly makes you turn away, despite the butterflies and temptations to turn back.
it can’t be like this. everyone’s watching, cameramen are everywhere. they could catch this, is all you could think. any friendly intimate moment was now to be paired as one of you falling in love with the other. why did it change so fast? two minutes ago you were his work friend, now you were someone the media claimed to be an interest in his eyes.
“just wave to the fans for me, Charles. please.”
“p3! oh congrats!” you wrap your arms around Charles, pulling him into your body for a quick hug before he finds Arthur and Lorenzo, sporting identical smiles to his.
it’s not a second later when carlos pulls in from p5. he’s not pleased, but he’s not overall in a bad mood. he climbs out the car, and pats and helmet taps are used in his congratulations. instead of the typical hug you always give both of the drivers, you try to stick with a high five, but he ignores it and embraces you like normal. like there wasn’t an article looming over your head.
“you did great, Carlos. we’ll get ‘em in miami.” you pull from the hug, looking into those sad big brown eyes, the only thing you can see under his helmet, “you did what you could, now vamos! we have media.”
he nods in agreement to your words, and finds Fred who gives the driver his words of encouragement, before he switches out from his helmet to a cap and trails behind you to the media pen.
the attention of cameramen and interviewers shift from the drivers that are currently standing around when you two walk in. he tries to stand out of the way, practicing his fake smile that only grows a real one out of you before he steps up to speak.
“Carlos, congrats on p5, what are your plans for Miami?”
“to have fun. maybe catch some rays in the sun?” he looks over at you in approval, but you only shake your head knowing Fred wouldn’t allow that much free time for him. there was always something the drivers could be doing instead of relaxing.
“what about you, y/n? will you be there with Carlos?” the camera shifts, microphone moves into your face, and suddenly you can’t breathe. caught so off guard, it’s like all of the air has escaped your lungs. your mouth is full of saliva as you try to find words, but nothing comes.
Carlos notices you had frozen. the cameraman’s smile widens, he caught you like a deer in headlights, and Carlos wasn’t having it. he didn’t like that cheeky grin, it made him step in, “she’ll be with the team, yes. she follows me everywhere, so there’s a good chance she’ll be with me.”
his hand gently presses against your lower back. it’s cool against your shirt, not having noticed your whole body had begun to heat up under the pressure of the camera. you can’t believe he does this all of the time, you see why it’s such a pain now having frozen in time.
you step aside further, allowing him to finish while you try to find your breath, or any air in your lungs. life seemed to have become too real in time, like the article wasn’t just a dream and people really were believing something was there.
“you ready to go, amor?”
“please, let’s get out of here.”
tags: @arian-directioner @alilstressyandlotdepressy @ak0ma @ruebennett89 @mochimommy2002 @flyingmushroomss @icarus-nex @solo-pitstop-vibes @xjval @chimchimjiminie16 @bookophiliac @tifosirussell @celestialpierre @moonvr @laneyspaulding19 @myescapefromthislife @formula1mount @moonyschocolate13 @bbubbllejisoo @summerslike11 @imperfectophelia @bhiees @cattt-tharsis @willowpains @chelsey01 @rqlstefanny @shinrjj @aldene-styles @roseamongthorns13 @imsorare @lucyysthings @aldene-styles @keonminshea @jspitwall
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restlessmaknae · 1 year
get it right [c.y.j.]
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Choi Yeonjun, the cute barista at your local café, just can't seem to get your name right. It's not until Christmas that he lets you know why.
➳ Characters: barista!Yeonjun x female!reader/you
➳ Genre: fluff, romance, uni au, café au
➳ Words: 1.8k
➳ Warning: mentions of food (let me know if there are more)
➳ A/N: This idea has been in the back of my mind for so long, but it wasn’t supposed to be Christmas-themed. I hope you enjoy it nevertheless! ❤️
Choi Yeonjun was a menace. An annoyingly handsome and a blushingly flirty menace. He was also the cute barista at the local café you frequented, and he just couldn't seem to get your name right whenever you ordered coffee to go. Sometimes your name was missing a few letters or the letters were switched, but there were times when the name scribbled down on the plastic paper wasn't even close to your name.
There was no way Yeonjun couldn't remember your name because you were a frequent customer, and because he actually initiated conversations with you while he was making your drink. Since you usually got yourself a coffee in the morning before you headed to uni to study at the library (because there was no way you could study in the dorms, your roommates weren’t exactly a fan of you studying so early in the morning), there weren't a lot of people coming into the café at such an early hour, but Yeonjun was always there. Since it wasn't peak time, he was the one who got and made your order, but in the afternoon, when there were a lot of visitors buzzing around, one barista received your order and another one made your drink.
You were in luck, it seemed, that you did have some time to speak to him while waiting for your drink because he was a fun company. Maybe a bit too flirty for his own good, but you guessed that he was like that with everyone else, too. Not until your best friend, Yoojung, actually went to your favourite café for the first time, did you dare to think otherwise.
"There's no way he's like that with everyone. You see, there were some girls in front of me outright telling him how handsome he is, and he didn't flirt back! Also, I got only a smiley beside my name on the cup," she reasoned as she held up her own cup of coffee, proving her point. "And you say that you have hearts beside your name. I don't think that's a coincidence," she pointed out with a mischievous smile as she smacked your side.
"No, how can it be? He can't even spell my name right," you shook your head, but you had to admit that you were less sure about being just an ordinary customer for the boy. Could it be that he liked you? No, no way. He was just so cool, friendly, easy-going and still caring, he must have liked similarly cool girls. Not that you had low self-esteem, it's just that you were more on the introverted side, you were sometimes searching for the right words to say, and you were blushing so hard whenever he complimented you, it was wild to imagine that he might like someone like you.
"Well, maybe he's doing it on purpose," Yoojung mused out loud, resting her head on her arms propped up on a pile of books. With her, a study session never stayed just a study session, and ever since you dared to bring up Yeonjun in your conversations, she was always waiting for the updates.
"What purpose?"
"I don't know. I don't get boys."
"But you have a boyfriend," you pointed out, and Yoojung couldn't help but laugh. Him and Hendery getting together was one of the surprises of last semester, but it's not like you couldn't see the sparks. It's just that your best friend was in denial about her feelings towards him, and she couldn't take the boy seriously either.
"Hendery is a different species," she rolled her eyes yet it was in an affectionate way, and there was a certain degree of gentleness in her tone.
"Anyways, let's get back to game theory," you suggested as you flipped a page in your textbook. Your best friend grunted in response.
"Aaah, your cute barista is waaaaay more interesting than game theory."
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The next time you went to the café, you tried to see if something was different in the way Yeonjun acted with others and with you. However, due to the early hour, there was only a businessman in his 50s in front of you in the queue, and he didn't flirt with the man.
"Hey there, my favourite customer!" He greeted you gleefully though, and already got a plastic cup ready.
"Whose name you still can't spell right," you teased, but there was a smile in the corner of your lips. Yeonjun faked being hurt by your words and theatrically placed a hand over his heart.
"You're still my favourite customer though."
"Alright. I guess that counts."
"It does. Not even my friends can have this title," he explained with a mischievous smile as he leaned forward, lowering his voice as if it was a secret. Though you knew all too well that some of his friends didn't even drink coffee, there were some who attended universities far away from his workplace and the others didn't frequent the café as much as you did.
"Anyways, I'll take the usual," you let him know, trying to shush Yoojung's voice in your head.
"Cool. We have a buy one, get one free discount today, so you can have two. Will you take the same for the second?"
"Well, what's your favourite drink here?" You inquired, genuinely curious. It was no surprise that he already knew your order by heart because you ordered the same pretty much every single time you came here (even on days it wasn't his shift in the morning, but the other baristas didn't know your favourite order like he did). So you were actually interested in his preference.
"Hmm I like iced lattes, but it's getting colder these days, so I usually go for a caramel frappuccino with lots of whipped cream," he explained in his usual enthusiastic voice, and the simple joy of talking about his favourite drink (or rather, you asking about it) made you smile widely.
"Then, make me one of your recent favourite drinks," you decided, and he giddily got started on it while asking about your tests coming up. Winter break was only a few weeks away, so you had a lot of studying to do for your exams, but by waking up early and going to the library to study, you were already working on it.
When you got your order, both of the cups had your name misspelled, but both of the cups had little hearts on them, too. You cracked a smile before taking your usual order and pointing at the other one:
"It's for you. Hope you have a great day!" You wished with a wide smile, and before Yeonjun could protest, you were already outside of the café. Through the windows though, you could see the boy's face lighting up as he reached for the drink and took a sip from it, content.
Well, he always made your days, so it was time to pay him back.
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Yoojung, as expected, faked gagging at your gesture towards the boy, but it seemed so right in the moment. Not to mention that your best friend was even more sure by now that the boy liked you, but you weren't that sure, and it would be awkward if you misread the signs because you were such a frequent visitor at the café.
However, as you neared winter break, and you talked about going home for the holidays, you couldn't help but notice Yeonjun's lips curling downwards. You asked if he was working during the winter break since you knew that he was from around here, and he said that he was off for one whole week, but he would get back to work afterwards.
"I might be meeting friends here in early January, so I might come by," you blurted out, and it seemed like such an unnecessary piece of information that you almost told him to forget about it. However, seeing the boy's bright eyes and insanely wide smile, you didn't mind doing so.
"Really? That's cool. I'll be here anyway, you know," he tried to shrug it off coolly, but he was fighting contentment painting his lips. He looked so happy, your heart did little somersaults at the sight.
"Can't let your favourite customer miss out on coming by for weeks," you joked around, and he joined you.
"Can't let you not have your daily dose of Choi Yeonjun," he winked at you before he turned around to reach for the milk bag, but as he was pouring it into your cup, he looked up, suddenly alarmed. "Wait, is this your last day before going home then?"
"Yeah, actually, it is," you nodded, and suddenly, you realised that you didn't know what to say or do. It's not a goodbye after all, is it? However, you were coming here almost every single day for the past few months, and Yeonjun had become such a solid part of your days that you had a feeling that you would miss this, that you would miss him.
"Oh, I see," Yeonjun mumbled, uncharacteristically solemn. You got a message on your phone at this time, so you looked at it, writing back to one of your group project partners, telling her that you would be at the library in 15 minutes.
When you put your phone back into your coat's pocket and you reached for your drink, you automatically took a sip of it. You let out a content hum and Yeonjun smiled affectionately.
"Merry Christmas! Don't miss me too much," he winked at you, dissolving the earlier serious atmosphere, and you smiled back at him, thankful and a bit bashful, too.
"Merry Christmas, Yeonjun!" You wished, albeit a bit bittersweet, and there was an odd feeling taking over you as you made your way outside of the café.
As you lifted the cup to your mouth, you noticed more words than just your name on the side of the cup, and you halted in your steps to get a full view of it.
"It's my number in case you miss me too much, y/n!
P.S.: I know your name, I just wanted to have a reason at all times to talk to you"
Smiling, you immediately typed the number into your phone, sending Yeonjun a message. He replied almost instantly, teasing you if you already missed him. To which, you said that maybe you did.
After that, there was nothing that could put an end to your texts, and soon enough, you found yourself on a date with him in January because Yoojung was right; Yeonjun truly did misspelled your name on purpose.
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A/N: Merry Christmas, everyone! Even if you don’t celebrate it or don’t enjoy this time of the year for whatever reason, I hope this story could bring you some joy.  ❤️
If you’re interested in more of my stories, consider signing up for my taglist HERE.
Thank you so much for reading this story of mine! It means a lot to me. ❤️
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simpforchuchu · 1 year
hi, love!!! first of all i really love your work, its so entertaining❤️
and since the reqs are open, can i req for oya boys love language? it could be when their s/o sick/in need/in general.
thank you!!! <3
Oya Boys' Love Language | Hcs
a/n: Hii! Thank you so much,babe! I get really happy when i see comments like this.Here is your request, i hope you like it 🤗💕
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: none
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Fujio ~ All but mostly Physical Touch ~
• Fujio is really too friendly
•  I'm sure he wants to hug everyone
• And I'm pretty sure you will have fun with him, receive gifts from him on special days, or give compliments to you every day.
•  But he shows his love the most through physical touch.
•  When watching movies together, his arm is always on your shoulder, while walking together, his hand is on your back or waist.
•  I don't think he can go 5 minutes without holding your hand while sitting in a cafe.
•  He should hug you, play with your hair or kiss you every day.
• He's definitely a touch starved person
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Tsukasa ~ Words of Affirmation / Acts of Service ~
• Although Tsukasa may seem cold, he is definitely not to his partner.
•  His kisses are passionate and full of love
•  And he's definitely not one to forget about special days.He always buys the best gifts.
•  But you can tell by his words that he's really in love with you
•  He will immediately notice that you have dyed your hair or your new dress and will compliment you with making you feel that you are the most beautiful girl in the world.
•  He will listen carefully to you as you speak and will not miss the smallest detail.
•  Also always will be there to help you.
•  He will help you with the boxes you can't carry, he will give you a small kiss on your shoulder after helping you put on your necklace, and after a tired day, he will come to you with herbal tea in his thermos.
•  You'll definitely feel loved, even if he is not very good with PDA.
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Todoroki ~ Acts of Service / Physical Touch ~
• You may be a little surprised, but physical touch is definitely important to him.
•  He doesn't trust people much and is not very good with making new friendships.
•  But he's more comfortable after getting close to you
•  He is aware that he looks cold on the outside and tries extra hard not to make you feel it.
•  Not a fan of PDA but will always hold your hand
•  Reassuring kisses and a warm hand that always pats your back when you're scared/anxious
•  A little kiss in your hair when you sleep on his shoulder and hug you every day as you say goodbye
•  Also he is quite intelligent and thoughtful
•  He helps you study during exam weeks and explains things you don't understand.
• When you want to do sports, he is always with you and supports you.
•  He likes to play with your hair and always wears your hair tie on his wrist.
•  Beneath his cold appearance he has a warm heart
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Shibaman ~ All but mostly Quality Time ~
• Big Teddy Bear
• He is quite tall and big. But as scary as he may seem, he is as sweet as a puppy
•  A little silly
•  I'm sure he likes physical touch and compliments.He looks at you with a stupid grin when your cheeks turn red
•  Or he will be there for you whenever you need him
•  I don't think he is good at giving gifts.
•  Cliché, but still sweet.
•  What he knows best is to have fun.That's why he wants to make sure you're never bored.
•  Concerts, new cafes, parties and picnics...
•  He tries them all with you and loves to watch the smile on your face
Tsuji ~ Acts of Service/ Words of Affirmation ~
• Teddy Bear 2
•  I don't think he doesnt like physical touch.  But I think he's a little shy.
•  Although he has a fun character, he is generally quite cold towards people he has just met.
•  That's why he likes to take things slowly
•  Sweet kisses but I guess his sweet surprises are better
•  He definitely likes to make you feel he cares about you
•  He likes to wrap you in his jacket when you're cold, to carry you on his back when you're tired, and to cook for you.
•  I'm sure he will look for a pharmacy for you at night when you're sick
•  Although he is not perfect in compliments, he makes you feel you are loved with his words
•  Not flirty but more loving words
•  Lots of encouraging advice and he always says he's proud of you
•  He knows he looks scary, and he's terrified that you're afraid of him.That's why he always tries to keep his anger under control by your side.
•  He's like your sweet bodyguard
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Yasushi ~ Acts of Service/ Quality Time ~
• He's a little crazy
•  And I don't think he has shame
•  So it has no problem with pda
•  But the moments when you truly feel his love are so special
•  He cares about you and you definitely feel it
•  He can do things for you he's never done
•  No one can make him wear that stupid bunny ear sweatshirt or put makeup on his face.  But your happiness is very important to him.
•  Not good with compliments or saying how he feels
•  Or he just doesn't know how to buy great gifts
•  But you definitely can't get bored with him
•  Every day can find something to make you laugh.
•  I think he is a sports lover. He will take you to your favorite basketball team's game and save the ticket as a memory forever :')
Nakagoshi ~ Acts of Service / Giving Gifts ~
• Nakagoshi is a bit cold, even though he's very popular with the girls.
•  Although we saw that he was quite ambitious and competitive at first, he matured day by day and became a calmer person.
•  I don't think he is very flirty.
•  His compliments are sincere.
• He is someone to compliment your smile or something nice you do more
•  I think he also likes physical touch
•  But you will feel his love more with what he does.
•  He will carry you to bed or cover you when you fall asleep.If there is enough space, he will lie down next to you and sleep hugging you
•  When you cry, he will let you cry for a while and wait for you to relax and listen to you
•  I'm sure he is a good listener.He's there to pat you on the back and listen to what's upsetting you
•  Needless to say you need help, he will understand and try to fix it
•  I think he's pretty good at presents.But not just on special days.
•  A rose he bought on his way to see you from a small flower shop he saw on the street, a sweet plushie he thought looked like you, a chocolate he bought because you love...
•  Lots of gifts just because it reminds him of you.
•  And I'm pretty sure he will never take off the necklace you bought him
Nakaoka ~ Physical Touch / Giving Gifts ~
• He's still so naive and a little silly
•  Pretty popular with girls but definitely not as flirty or playboy as he looks
•  I'd say he doesn't really know what to do.
•  Quite enthusiastic and outspoken
•  Likes to compliment or help
•  But a total touch starved person
•  He wants to see you every day, hug or kiss...
•  Absolutely no shame, no problem with pda
•  His kisses are sweet and innocent
•  He also wants to buy you everything he sees
•  I'm sure he comes up with a new necklace every week
•  I can say that he also likes to share his clothes.He lives to see you put on his sweats
•  He's not afraid to say he's afraid of losing you and sometimes hugs you for hours
HnL taglist : @straysugzhpe @tiddly-winx 
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skepticalarrie · 10 months
Hi Allie, I saw that you went to two shows of Louis, can you share your experience on the shows? (I you feel comfortable of course) I always love reading fans experiences on shows. I'm so glad that you went, I hope you had the best time.
Anon, it was better than I could ever imagine. I know Latam is known for having the best shows, the best energy, and I absolutely agree with that. But America is so uncomplicated for these kinds of things, everything was just so easy and organized I wanted to cry 😭 I knew Philly would be my only chance to get barricade without camping and everything, but I was not fully expecting it to happen, I don’t know. I was so overwhelmed, he was right there in front of me, so close. I’ve been a fan for a really long time and it was the strangest thing to have him so close. I’ve been feeling all sorts of things since last Thursday, I didn’t expect to feel that way and it’s been an interesting journey.
He’s stunning, of course, he glows. In previous shows in Brazil I couldn’t hear singing because the crowd was too loud, and it was such a blessing being able to properly enjoy that. He sounded incredible, the songs were made to be played live, his band is 🤌😗 and I love their friendship and how that comes across on stage. For me the best part of the show is the Megamix, it was what I was more excited about and it did not disappoint. The lights are so pretty, experiencing the room being filled with blue and green and then the rainbow lights made me so emotional. The energy in the room when Louis takes the stage is truly palpable. The overwhelming feeling of adoration that fills the atmosphere is like anything else. Louis was very emotional during his speech in New York and I felt so lucky to be there ❤️ And then I almost had a heart attack with 7.
Oh! And also, the openers were such a great surprise to me, Giant Rooks is AMAZING. Honestly, I only have good things to say about the entire experience! I was alone in Philly and everyone was so friendly and nice. I think the fans in Latam are much younger, there were waaay more older fans in these shows, so this was a very pleasant surprise as well. Only good things. I’m so excited about the festival and the next leg of the tour, I’ve been watching Louis feeling more himself and comfortable on stage like a proud mother and I just can’t wait for what there’s to come for him! A lot of shit has been going down lately with stunts that I’m not sure how it makes me feel. So for me it was a great moment to remember why I’m still around and how that makes me feel ❤️❤️
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flugsammy · 1 month
HEYYYYY!!! Got another request for ya! Can we get the main 3 with an s/o that is an actor (and- if you can include it-) they’re mostly in musicals? Not like kids musicals but more like, 13 and up kind of things? Aka like Mean girls or heathers!
HELLO, GIGI!!! I apologize for all the delay. Creative block has been killing me, but I'll try to post other requests this week.
Have a good read!❤️
🎩Black Hat:🎩
In a romantic setting, Black Hat would certainly feel at least a shred of pride in your work, however, how you act about it would influence how he shows his 'appreciation'. If you are too cocky about your profession, he would definitely find a way to break your pride, so maybe you should behave in front of him. Don't expect compliments that resemble genuine admiration, but he would use your work as a kind of flirtation. (Alan has already confirmed that he's a sly dog, what did you expect?/j).
He would make a few faces at the language, depending on which musicals you participated in (he's a classical man, so he prefers things with less 'vulgar' language). In general, he would take some time to watch some of your movies with a glass of wine in hand. It's your choice to decide whether you want to stay by his side while this happens. (Friendly advice: don't do that.)
✈️Dr Flug✈️:
It's difficult to tell how Flug would react to that, keeping in mind that he doesn't like music. Well, that's because he still hasn't found any melody that makes him feel. In a positive scenario, we could say that he would learn to like any song that features your vocals, but realistically, that would hardly happen. Please, don't misunderstand him! He wouldn't be rude about it. Knowing the doctor, he would try to pretend to like it in front of you. It's not like he hates it. Your action and voice are impeccable, maybe it's just not his thing...?
Nevertheless, he would definitely enjoy watching your movies when there isn't incessant singing! If you recommend a movie to him, firmly assuring him that he would like it, he’d save up his monthly five seconds of free time to watch your entire movie! (You would have to wait 5 years for him to manage to watch the entire movie, so patience would be required for that🤷).
Keeping in mind that Demencia would be equally crazy if she was in love with anyone other than Black Hat, she would watch ALL of your movies. Literally all of them. Even the ones you no longer remember acting in. The lizard girl would ask (or force) you to do personal shows for her, where she would be rocking the guitar and you would be performing vocals.
Any time movies are involved, she would be the first to suggest that everyone watch a movie in which you were cast. You'd have a little trouble telling whether she likes these movies/series so much just because you're involved in the acting or if it's simply because the more “maturely fun” genres are her thing. Probably both. You'd catch her humming the song from a movie you starred in, or even imitating the lines and movements of her favorite character (we already know the kind of character she'd like, right?)
Overall, our girl would be your number one fan!
Bonus: 5.0.5 would be curious to watch a movie you were in, but Flug would hide all the tapes to prevent him from coming across something not appropriate for his age.
Thanks for reading!
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vimara00 · 6 months
Hi everyone, it's Vi! ✨ Today I decided to write something with the trope "she fell first but he fell harder" because I can. Also, I wanna wish u a Merry Christmas!!! 🎅 🎄
Hope you enjoy! ❤️ (Again, sorry if there are any grammatical mistakes, english is not my first language 🙈)
Pd: It's gonna be a part 2
All characters reservations to Horikoshi
Warnings: jealousy
Too blind to see (Kirishima x F!reader)
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(Image created with AI)
Kirishima and y/n have known each other since birth as both of their mothers were friends. They dreamed of the two of them getting along and, in an ideal future, getting married and giving them grandchildren, but it was too early for the last part. They became inseparable and did everything together; They went to the same kindergarten, same high school, and even managed to enter the UA. However, because of y/n "sanation" quirk, she was at another class. But that wasn't an impediment for seeing each other every day. And when she wasn't with Kirishima and his friends, she would be helping on the nursery as part of her training. Her mentor, Recovery girl, always said that she'll take her place when she retired, so y/n needed to work extra hard if she wanted to be able to save heroes' lives during battle.
Kirishima was y/n's number one fan; she was his muse, his rock, and his 'best friend' while for her...he was way more than that. She was in love with her best friend and came with the realisation, at a very young age, that he didn't see her as a potential partner so she kept her mouth shut for all this years, scared of rejection.
However, lately, Kirishima's been more protective than normal; At first, she thought it probably had something to do with the LOV's recent attack, but certain actions made her think otherwise...
The other day, Deku came in with new injuries, and because he was a regular patient, he talked a lot with y/n while she treated his wounds. They became very good friends as she was one of the few who knew of OFA. Kirishima hadn't noticed how close they were till he came in later that day to check on Midoriya and found them siting next to eachother (shoulders touching and being VERY VERY close for his liking) reading and talking about his notes. He was standing at the door annoyed by the scene happening in front of him, and suddenly, a new sensation came with it, one he couldn't put into words, but it felt similar to fear. Of what? He was yet to find out...
He decided enough was enough and entered the room, making his presence known. Izuku might have noticed the intense look Kirishima was giving him cause he tensed and moved a little so his body wasn't touching hers at all; He knew that, even though the redhead was such a great guy, when it came to her, he sure as hell would beat someone up just because that person looked the wrong way (Midoriya has seen it many times). Y/n didn't think much of it as she greeted him with a kiss on the cheek and kept doing some reports that Recovery girl has left for her. After she was done, they left so Izuku could rest, but not before she gave him a quick hug and said their goodbyes. Kirishima was rather quiet all the way to her doorm, and once they arrived, he said 'You are really close with Midoriya, ah?' 'Yes, he's a really nice guy! He comes almost every day so he's my favorite patient by now' His face turned into a frown to that and respond 'Is that so?' He hadn't stopped looking intensibly at her, and it was making the e/c girl nervous. <Why does he sound like he's jealous?> The girl was wondering when suddenly, he grabbed her forearm gently so her body was now facing him. His eyes were no longer on her but the floor, and he whispered 'I don't like you being that friendly with him. I'm supposed to be the one who receives your hugs and the one you tend their wounds of!' He paused for a few seconds and finally looked at her as he continued 'I don't like sharing your attention or you affection. I know it's selfish but lately, when I see you with others, it hurts and it annoys me...I feel kind of left out and I don't like it one bit' Someone would of assumed this 'sensations' Kirishima was having were of pure jealousy or envy because of the threaten of her finding someone else and that this might have been his confession but no. He's convinced himself, and her, that it was his mission as a 'big bro' that he needed to be sure the guy she settled for was a nice one. That night, both of them went to sleep with a huge weight of their hearts. Y/n because she realized that nothing has changed and that she'd always be his friend no matter how cute she dressed or how mature she acted, she'd never be his first option. As for him... He felt his chest tighten at the thought of her being with some other dude.
The next few days, he did everything in his power to not let Midoriya or any other of his friends near y/n, but he couldn't control everyone for too long, could he? It wasn't long enough until UA most handsome guy, had to pay a visit to the nursery and even took the chance to invite her to endeavors agency to work with them. She was very excited to tell him about what happened and that she accepted their offer, but Kirishima had to pretend that he was happy when he actually was feeling sad)?
Since then, mister cute face has spent too much time with her and did everything together; from eating lunch to going on missions alone and then having dinner at his house (Midoriya and Bakugou were there too but still) The redhead was going crazy to say the least. However, he began to wonder if these emotions were similar to the ones a brother would have for his little sister or more like a boyfriend would have for his girl. The word 'jealousy' came along with those thoughts and so he understood why he got so annoyed and anxious whenever she was with someone else or how worried he got by just the idea of her having a boyfriend or even marrying someone; marrying someone who wasn't him. He was in love with her! All this time, he actually thought he was doing the right thing by being protecting her from praying eyes but he was just keeping her to himself instead. He realized how mistaken he had been and needed to make his intentions clear for her even if she rejected him. He just needed to find the right time
Part 2 in a few days 😉
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highfantasy-soul · 3 months
Moments I loved from NATLA Episode 4 - Into the Dark ❤️️❤️️
Aang and Iroh interacting more - love that they're not friendly to each other, per se, but it builds a foundation that makes their later respect make sense
The Earth Kingdom being harsh with their 'fallen foes' is nice to seed in here as in the animated version (season 1), most of the 'bad' stuff was relegated solely to the Fire Nation
The Earth Kingdom is no pushover and it's nice to see that early
Sokka defending his dad "My dad would have never done what you did" even after he commiserated with the Mechanist about his dad 'not valuing' what Sokka could bring to the table.
Though Sokka is frustrated that his dad doesn't see "him", he knows his dad is an honorable man doing his best and when Sai tries to use him as an example of 'doing the wrong thing just to survive', love that Sokka calls him on it
Like them introducing this now - all old buildings have secret passages - it's just a law
Teo's "its time to fight!" attitude - love it. He's so ready to stop cowering and wants to hit back
Flopsy statues!!!!!
Rolly ball throne? Nice touch
"Bumi? BUMI!!" :D
"You did 🤨" Love how Aang keeps his "I'm just gonna say the truth and I don't care if that's 'not allowed' I'm gonna do it anyways because your social rules are stupid" attitude
Katara's water pouch!!
Love the shake in Jet's voice as he tells Katara "I am nothing like the firebenders"
Katara's assessment is shallow on her part, but the core has a ring of truth - no, freedom fighters aren't the same as their oppressors, but when you start harming your own people to hurt the enemy, then you really have lost sight of what's right and wrong - why you're fighting.
I love Jet, especially this version of him, but yeah, no touchy
And Katara is absolutely right: Jet might have helped her through her block, but her power, that's all hers.
What are you going to do, Zuko?? What choice will you make!!??
Love that we're getting this choice of his here in Omashu
Bumi's puns 😭 kill me now - though very canon accurate
Like the vibe that everyone just has to laugh as to not anger him - there's less of a whimsical madness vibe to Bumi here and a more serious - yeah, this guy is our leader vibe that's quite unsettling
The tonal shift with Bumi did give me pause, but I like how the writers kept the jokes, the games, his eccentricities, but shifted the vibe to make them darker
In the cartoon, whimsy might work, but if you think about it realistically, that leadership style would NOT work during a war - a 100 year war, at that.
Sokka getting into that maraca - you let your little musical heart fly
"What are you doing here?" "We're doin' what we're doin'" :)
Oma and Shu lesbian supremacy!!!
Always get chills when this story is told
Lol Sokka's "There's no such thing as angry spirits." Right before the episode where they're kidnapped by an angry spirit XD
Love the switch up of the rocks not really being the path out - keeping us animated show fans on our toes as to what the lesson will be this time
Everything about the Earth Kingdom soldier's interaction with Iroh - all of it is just so good.
The cartoon glossed over Iroh's warmongering past - but he did do terrible things that hurt so many people. No, 'it was war, I was a soldier' is not an acceptable excuse (we didn’t accept it with Jet, so why the double standard for a ROYAL MILITARY GENERAL??)
The funeral scene
Leaves from the Vine
Zuko offering a soft and kind memory of Liu Ten instead of just talk about him being a soldier
Zuko sitting next to Iroh so he won't be alone!!!!!!!!!
The conversation between Katara and Sokka in the cave where she talks about how Jet helped her and Sokka how Sai helped him - then Katara reminding Sokka that when he was forced into a leadership position for the Southern Water Tribe, he didn't have anyone to help him through that
The concept of us all needing people to help us through our journeys is so important and really comes around at the end of the episode and just through the entire series
Is it bad that all I could think about was how cute it was the entire time it was on screen?
Dallas Liu is so. Freaking. Good. At. His. Stunts!!!!
And the first mention of the theme Zuko struggles with of compassion being weakness!
Sokka's little 'thanks!' as Katara saves him from the badgermole XD
Seriously, all the little touches in Ian Ousley's performance are great
Idk why Sokka assumed the badgermole was a man, that's clearly a dignified lady
The power of sibling love guiding the badgermole was a great alteration from the OG - if they can be controlled through music, they can definitely respond to emotions
Bumi's whole speech here - and his willingness to get crushed - is what brought me around on this portrayal of him
He's right: it's a game where you have to make impossible choices - you have to fight even when you don't want to (a much more poignant message for Aang than 'look at things a different way')
The power of friendship saves the day!!!
"You CAN rely on your friends - and that's the only way I'm going to save the world: with my friends"
"You think like a child" (derogatory) "Is that really so bad?" (genuine)
Bumi made Appa's whistle!!! 😭😭😭😭
One last time Zuko chooses protecting his uncle over capturing the Avatar 🥲
"Everything I need is right here on this boat" 😭😭😭
[Masterlist of my NATLA thoughts]
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timmymyluv · 2 years
double trouble
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dad!timothée chalamet x mother!reader
hope you guys missed the twins au! this is super cute and I love this domestic soft parenting theme so please enjoy 🫂
tchalamet shared a story
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liked by randomuser,datuser and 1.1m others
our lovely parents out for date night without the kids after a while. 💗
tagged yourusername, tchalamet
user7 my parents I think
ynfanbase wait 🤔so if in the first years since yn had the twins they'd accompany timmy for his rare one year projects but now he hasn't accepted anything new sans the movies he's already filmed 👀
dunestimo ok you have a point 😭 word on the street says yn is gearing for her fashion comeback both on the runway and on the magazine
username972 omg what if she goes straight for vogue usa when ur that girl 😌
bestgirlyn when you comeback from ur hiatus after raising kids with thee timothee chalamet strong as ever as the fashion world's darling >>>
datuser even her maternity and post birth clothing was always on point 😭without when trying shed look so good
user789 timo house husband era soon🔜
yourusername timo male wife
ynschalamet YN??!?! WHAT ARE U DOING HERE
yourusername nothing 😁just missed u guys
ynsbulgaria miss you too angel ❤️sending hugs and kisses to the fam
datuser whens the new album? also missed u on the runway queen
liked by yourusername
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liked by kendalljenner, gigihadid,stevenyeun and 20.3m others liked this
back to work? missed the chaos.
user876 not yn posting an actual candid pic of her backstage
yourusername im ngl it can get real crazy backstage at fashion shows 😭😭never been one to sugarcoat
bellahadid ditto
yourusername can't wait to walk the runway again with u baby bells 🥺
bellahadid me too my butterfly 🫂💗
devonleecarlson RETURN OF THE GOATTTT
hooooooyeony never lost your spark girl!
yourusername 고마워 언니! (thank you older sister!)
kekepalmer so excited bestie!!!
yourusername me too bby ❤️
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liked by randomuser, user824, and 569k others
papa timmy going on a walk with the twins in central park today! everyone was fairly skeptical and wanted to give the family the space but timo offered to take a few pics to the lucky fans who were so gracious/respectful.
tagged tchalamet
tchalamet do I have a dad bod yet? *drum hits to a lame joke*
user888 TIMMY 😭😭
yourusername you ate with me during all my cravings and still built like that nothing we can do about
tchalamet I can dream
yourusername keep dreaming wildcat
milliebobbiebrown 🎶you may sayyy I'm a DREAMERRR 🎶🎶
yourusername 😭😭MILLSIE PLEASR
user233 see guys how being respectful to celebs pays off
fan197 when we don't treat them like wild animals and actual humans who deserve privacy like everyone else>>>>
ynsgermany omg where's yn
yn4ever she announced her comeback to the runway remember? the kids are a little older and tim is taking some time off to be with the two while mama is back, still on top of her game 😌
trolls8 he looks a little tired
usernamehere now can u stfu if you were a dad to twin toddlers you'd look tired too you old hag
user111 😭😭
usernamehere if you wanna look tired i can give u a black eye or two you punk
odessamay I was the fan who took a pic with him here! he was so nice I felt shy to ask for a pic as I was also waiting for a bagel but he so kindly offered 🥺
laurieschalamet ooh what flavour of bagels did he get?
odessamay he got plain old cream cheese while he got some strawberry and cream bagels for yn!
ynsparadise yes I heard yn is still in nyc just having more meetings/photoshoots but she's not that far off from the kiddos
odessamay the kids are so cute clearly no one took pics of them to respect their privacy but they were so friendly and charming to the strangers they'd meet!! sometimes they were shy hiding behind their dad but they loved hugging/shaking others hands or even talking to them about anything ❤️
user87 yn and timo raised such good natured, well adjusted and polite kids
liked by nicoleflender
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liked by lilyrosedepp, noahschnapp,louispartridge and 29.3m others
first time on set since I had the twins. I admit it hasn't been the easiest and I was quieting down fears even as the cameras flashed. but to make it clear, I only look like this post childbirth bec of my genetics/natural physique, and the resources that allows me significant assistance during childbirth, running the household and a loving, dedicated staff whose main job is to keep me happy and healthy. Our bodies have done such a wonderful thing to bring a child to this world and you should treat your body kindly after, not push yourself to look a certain way after.
Your body changing after childbirth isn't a bad thing, if you don't wear the same pant size anymore, your organs rearranged differently or something changes colour or the stretch marks that form, everyone's body is different and let's celebrate that as long as it's not causing any significant harm, discomfort or illness to your lovely body.
I cannot thank the entire village who was by my side then and now when I welcomed my two little angels and the warm embrace as you've welcomed me back to the fashion world. To my muse, my partner, my other half @/tchalamet I cannot thank you enough for the love and sacrifice you've shown our family and I love love you so much mon amour.
tagged voguemagazine, tchalamet
tchalamet baby mama 💗
yourusername better be your only or else 🔪
tchalamet you can be sure of that ma'am 😁
florencepugh You better. Or Else.
cher u look so sexi darling xxo 🎉💌❤️💜💙❗♨️🔊
user444 love cher and her blast of emojis wkdkdk
yourusername thanks cher!
anokyai missed you girl!!!
yourusername missed you too babes!! see you soon mwah 😘
jasminetookes amen to the message! you don't have to look like this childbirth you just delivered a baby from your pelvis that alone is so miraculous
phoebebridgers women are so powerful>>>>
liked by tchalamet,nicoleflender and paulinechalamet
emilyratajkowski love u mama
yourusername from one mama to another xoxox
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