#beau and bella swan
adaricruz · 1 month
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keeping up with the swans
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suzieloveships · 4 months
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Currently losing my mind over this comment about the fact that Charlie is the only character that isn't genderswap in official Twilight genderswap reimaging
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james if edward conceded and turned bella into a vampire at the end of twilight instead of trying to evade him:
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light-miracles · 5 months
Archie: People always assume I'm gay just because I love fashion. I'm not. I just love fashion.
Beau: Hi :)
Archie: Nevermind.
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thebiggerbear · 8 months
WIP Wednesday - Multiple - 2/7/24
So I've got a few things in the works and I was having a hard time deciding which one to go with for today so I put a few here. I took out any specific spoilers.
I hope they're all okay. I hope to get these all up fully very soon!
1) Beau Arlen x Female!Reader (Short Series)
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You shouldn’t have been surprised at the name popping up on your cell phone but considering it was near the end of a business Thursday, it did. You had just been about to close up shop and head out yourself.
You swiped green and immediately put the phone to your ear. “Beau Arlen. As I live and breathe.” You purposely deepened the twang in your voice.
“Y/N Y/L/N. I see you’ve finally assimilated, and after I left, too.”
“Yep. I’ve got a cowgirl hat and I’ve been making appearances on the rodeo circuit,” you teased.
“As long as it’s only appearances and you’re not doing any actual bull riding.”
You smirked.  “Well, when you say bull riding…”
“Y/N,” he warned, making you laugh and relax back into your chair, lifting your feet onto your desk, making one of your colleagues discreetly frown over at you. You ignored the tightass they’d assigned to your unit a month earlier.
“Oh relax, Sheriff. Eight seconds is a little too fast, even for me.”
“I was under the impression eight seconds was the amount of time you gave a guy before kicking him out the door the next morning.” You could hear the teasing in his tone.
“That depends on how the night went but usually less.”
Your smile grew when you heard him chuckling in your ear. “Goddamn.”
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2) John Winchester x Female!Reader (Prompt Response)
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You were running your ass off as two vampires chased you through a field in broad daylight. You were soaked through from the rain coming down in buckets, making the grass slippery and if you came across a patch of mud, you were screwed. You ignored the booms of thunder overhead and pumped your arms to try to make it to the treeline where your car sat, waiting. If you somehow survived this, you were going to kill Troy. “It’s a small nest, Y/N, three vampires if you’re lucky. You’ll be in and out,” he’d said. Well, Troy was full of shit. There had been at least twelve vampires in the abandoned building and it was a damn miracle you had survived this far. 
You’d been able to take out at least four though your machete got stuck in the fourth vampire’s neck and you’d had no choice but to abandon it and run since by that point, the nest was awake and very aware of your intrusion. You had a backup machete strapped to your back and that was what helped you get outside but it had been knocked out of your hands during a melee with the two vampires who were chasing you. It would have meant your immediate death had you dived for it or tried to retrieve it in any way. So that got left behind, too. 
“Fuck,” you hissed, glancing behind you and seeing how much the vamps were gaining behind you. Troy better pray they killed you because he was going to wish they had if you made it. 
You reached the tree line and ran in the direction of your car, ignoring the growls behind you. If you could just get to the car, you could dive inside, start it up, and run their asses over, not to mention turn on lights you had custom built into the car for situations such as these. The light wouldn’t actually hurt them but they’d be enough of a deterrent so you could get your ass out of there.
However, your plan was foiled when one of the vamps dove for you and knocked you down to the ground. You grunted as you tried to get back up but it was too late; the vamp quickly turned you around, showed you his teeth, and ducked down to bite you. As he lowered, the last thought you had was that you were going to haunt Troy for this, possibly go all poltergeist on his ass, the stupid son of a bitch.
Before you could think anything else, the vampire’s head suddenly went missing and a bloody stump was in its place. The body went slack and you quickly pushed it off of you. What the hell? You glanced up and saw a man standing above you in a dark coat holding a bloody machete. His hood was up so you couldn’t make out his face but that didn’t matter because suddenly the second vampire was upon you both. It saw its dead companion and immediately rushed you. You quickly crawled backwards on your hands, not able to do much to defend yourself without some sort of weapon, when the man stepped forward in front of you to meet it head on. It wasn’t long before he got the better of the vampire and it went the same way its buddy had. You heard the soft thud of the head hitting the ground and you let out a breath of relief. You didn’t know who this stranger was but you were grateful. Though he only bought you a little more time; guaranteed, the rest of the nest was going to be after you once it got dark. While you had prepped yourself to go into the nest, you knew there was no way that one of them hadn’t caught your scent. And if they did, you were still screwed.
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3) Dean Winchester x Bella Swan (One Shot)
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He takes a breath and then proceeds over to where she’s sitting. He shakes his head when he notices a drink in front of her. “I’d offer to buy you a drink but it seems like you’ve already got one.”
She turns to look at him. “Then I’ll buy you one,” she says. She signals to the bartender and orders a double of the whiskey Dean prefers to drink on nights like these. 
He takes a seat and turns towards her. When his drink arrives, she holds her glass out expectantly and he clinks his to hers before taking a hearty sip. He feels the familiar burn as it travels down his throat, settling in the pit of his stomach. 
“How did your case go?” She asks.
“Wrapped it up about two hours ago so pretty damn good.” He places his glass back down on the counter before glancing over at her. “What are you doing in this neck of the woods?”
A mischievous gleam appears in her eyes at his choice of words. "Just passing through."
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4) Jason Teague x Female!Reader (Prompt Response)
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You stood sentry near the end of the staircase at The Talon, staring up at the closed door to Lana Lang’s apartment. From your corner of the room, you just watched Jason and Lana running upstairs with big goofy smiles on their faces and then Lana teasing him with an almost kiss. It made you want to gag. 
You fully expected that he would be up there for a while based on that puke-inducing display and you figured a latte wouldn’t hurt while you waited. But before you could turn away, Jason had emerged from the door, his face severe and troubled. You crossed your arms and waited. He caught sight of you mid-way down the stairs and his expression darkened considerably more.
He stopped two steps above you. “What do you want?” He snapped.
You arched a brow up at him. “What every girl wants. A romantic moment like you just had a few minutes ago right here in front of everyone.” You gestured to the crowd behind you that couldn’t care less what you were talking about. A smirk formed on your face when you turned back to him.
His jaw clenched. “So you’re still spying on me?”
“More like selective reconnaissance but hey, tomato, toh-mato.”
Jason snorted and glanced around the room quickly before moving down a step and fixing you with a glare. “I’ve got this handled. So you can run back to your masters like the little bitch you are and let them know that your selective reconnaissance is no longer needed.” His green eyes were darker than normal; he meant business. Too bad so did you.
You held a hand to your heart and gave him a mock look of hurt. “Ouch. That hurt. And to think, I used to let you take my clothes off and take full advantage of me anytime Mommy frustrated you.” 
The look he gave you should have immediately put you six feet under. The one you gave him back should have made his head immediately explode.
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5) Dean Winchester x Female!Reader (Prompt Response)
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You glanced over at Dean in the passenger seat, noticing his jaw was clenched. 
“What’s the matter, Dean?”
He kept his eyes on the road. “Nothing,” he muttered.
You checked in the backseat, noting Sam was watching you. He shrugged and you gave him a reassuring smile followed by a wink before you slid on the seat towards Dean. “It’s obviously not nothing,” you murmured. You leaned in to press a kiss to his jaw. “What’s wrong, baby?”
“Nothing,” he repeated. “I’m just…tired, I guess. Long drive.”
You rested your chin on his shoulder. “You want me to drive? I don’t mind.”
He smiled over at you. “No, sweetheart. I’ve got it. Thanks, though.” He quickly pecked your lips and turned back to the road.
“I know.” You bent forward to grab his box of cassette tapes from under your seat. You immediately felt a hand on the small of your back. 
“Sweetheart, you make me nervous when you do that. Can you please sit up and put your seatbelt back on?”
You could hear the worry in Dean’s voice. “I will in a second, promise. Almost got it.” You almost had it fully out when Dean’s arm wrapped around your waist and began to pull you back towards him. The movement actually ended up helping you and you sat up, grinning. “Got it,” you crowed. You sat back against him, his arm still pinning you there. “Now, what do you want to listen to?” You began sorting through the tapes.
“I’m good with whatever you choose,” he murmured. 
You smiled up at him and kissed him before picking a tape and sticking it into the tape deck. When the sounds of Led Zeppelin’s “Whole Lotta Love” filled the car, Dean chuckled in your ear. “Hell yeah. That’s my girl.”
You smirked and pressed another kiss to his jaw line, noting that he seemed a little more relaxed than earlier. You were happy to see it. You knew this would do the trick. You may or may not have given a lap dance to Dean to this song in the past. 
Almost as if he heard your thoughts, he leaned in and whispered to you, “Can I get a repeat performance later tonight, d’ya think?”
You whispered back to him, “If you’re a good boy for the rest of the day, I don’t see why not.”
He shook his head, chuckling, and quickly kissed you again before turning back to the road. You felt his hand discreetly move to your thigh and squeeze, and then he pulled away. “I hate for you to go anywhere but, sweetheart, please put your seatbelt back on. I’m holding you to that promise you made later and I can’t do that if you get hurt.”
You tapped a finger to your chin once you were back in your seat, buckled in. “Did I make a promise? I don’t think I did.”
Dean smirked over at you. “Yeah, you did. It was implied.”
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6) Jon Snow x Female!Reader (Prompt Response)
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You made a swift right turn, nodding at two harried guards as you did. They were busy trying to direct the sudden traffic of servants for Northern lords that they had no time to notice you which suited you just fine. As the men’s frustrated words faded behind you, you smiled a little to yourself, noting that this hallway was thankfully not as crowded as the rest seemed to be. You were glad that you had taken a different route to the kitchens than the direct one from the Great Hall. You hadn’t needed to push your way through the large crowd in the room and you would actually reach your destination unscathed.
That is, if someone hadn’t suddenly grabbed you, slipped a hand over your mouth to prevent your scream from being heard, and yanked you into a hidden alcove. You prepared yourself to fight whoever it was until you came face to face with a familiar pair of brown eyes, a scar trailing down a cheek from underneath the left one — a scar you had traced gently more than once with your fingers. You let out a breath of relief against the skin of his calloused hand and relaxed slightly until you remembered that you were angry with him.
“It’s only me,” Jon whispered reassuringly as he released you. “I didn't mean to frighten you, my lady. I only wanted a moment to speak with you alone.” He carefully lifted his hand to your cheek, stroking your skin softly, his eyes intent on your face, giving you a hint of a tentative smile.
“Apologies, my lord, but you must have mistaken me for the dragon queen,” you snapped, keeping your expression as cold as ice. You could see that wounded him but you had also been wounded. Like Sansa, you hadn’t failed to see the familiarity between Jon and the Targaryen woman when they arrived and you had heard the rumors of a tryst happening on their sea voyage here. At the time, you had just considered them rumors but after seeing how the dragon queen looked at Jon, you knew them to be true. You felt pain in your heart and a constricting of your throat, refusing to gaze upon the couple unless required. “Shall I send word to her councilors to ensure that she makes her way down this hall to be accosted by you and dragged into this alcove so you may have a moment alone to speak with her without the eyes of the North upon you?” 
Jon heaved a sigh, his smile now gone, and he lowered his hand. “Not you, too.”
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7) Dean Winchester x Angel!Reader (One Shot/Reader Request)
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“Well, I didn’t think you had it in you.” 
“I’m your huckleberry.”
As Doc Holliday lifted his head to reveal his identity, you frowned. “I don’t understand that phrase, Dean.” It was always something that had puzzled you. Granted, you hadn’t spent much time down here during the Wild West era, but you had never heard anyone going around uttering this phrase, especially in this context. Perhaps it was a pop culture thing of the times.
Dean paused the movie and turned to look at you. “What?”
“‘I’m your huckleberry.’ What does a small fruit have to do with the coming gun battle?”
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Sam turn his head away from you both, trying to smother a smile. Dean appeared unsure of how to answer you.
“Well, I think it just means something like ‘I’m your guy.’”
“Then why doesn’t he say that?”
“Say what?”
“I’m your guy? Instead of saying ‘I’m your huckleberry’ then why doesn’t he say what he means?”
Dean exchanged a look with Sam before turning back to you. “I don’t really know, Y/N/N. Perhaps the line wouldn’t have been as legendary in pop culture.” You noticed Sam rolling his eyes and then you saw a salacious smirk start to spread across Dean’s face. “You know, if you’re having trouble understanding the movie, why don’t you come over here and sit with me? I’ll answer any questions you have.” Sam was frowning at his brother now.
You glanced at the recliner Dean was in. “The seat you're in appears to be designed to only hold one occupant at a time.”
Sam snickered and Dean shot him a glare before glancing back at you. “I know that, Y/N/N. Just like this,” He gestured towards his lap. “Is only made for one person at a time. Well, mostly. But it’s open so how about it?” He patted the space invitingly, giving you that smirk once more. 
“Dean,” Sam warned.
“Shut up, Sammy. So, Y/N/N, you gonna come sit with me or what?”
Your brows furrowed, still unsure of how you both would fit in that chair comfortably, but Dean seemed determined for you to join him. You got to your feet and slowly made your way over. You weren’t exactly sure how a change in seating arrangements would shed more light on the odd phrases chosen for the characters to say in this film but it was something Dean seemed to think would help.
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8) Dean Winchester x Female!Reader (Prompt Response - sequel to the "Sleep" prompt)
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You finished filling the dishwasher and were just about to start it up when you heard footsteps coming down the stairs behind you. You turned and gave Sam a smile. “Did he go down easy?”
Sam gave you a small smile in return though it looked more like a tight grimace. “Yeah. One reading of Goodnight Moon and he was out like a light. Playing at the park today must have really tired him out.”
“I’m sure. Thanks for doing that.”
He gave you an awkward nod and took a seat at the kitchen table, opening up his laptop. 
You bit at your lip, not really wanting to bring this up but you also knew you couldn’t take much more of this tension between you. “Listen, Sam, about last night…”
“We don’t have to talk about it. It’s fine,” he dismissed with a wave of his hand, giving you that tight smile again before looking at the screen.
You watched as he began scanning the news for any new cases, something he did weekly just to keep on the ball. If he found anything, he never actually took the cases himself. Instead, he called Jody or Donna, sometimes Claire, to let them know what he’d found and that maybe they could check out.
You both had retired from hunting right before your son was born, having both agreed that your child deserved a life free of monsters and worrying about whether Mommy or Daddy would come home that night. But it was still in both of you, in your very blood, and Sam figured he could still fight the good fight from your kitchen a few nights a month. You really wanted him to drop it altogether, something he promised he would when your son got a little older, but you also understood that it was important to him. So you tried to back off, cut him some slack, and just hoped that one day the lore books he’d taken could return to the Bunker. Before your son was old enough to start combing through texts of demon rituals.
You pressed your lips together and rested back against the counter. “I think we do need to talk about it.”
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9) Soldier Boy x Female!Reader (Prompt Response - sort of sequel to "Sleep" prompt) - @deans-spinster-witch this is a tiny piece of what I was telling you about ;)
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Ben quietly slipped into the bathroom, undressed, and snuck into the shower behind you. You were rubbing suds-covered hands all over the front of your body. 
While you cleaned the front, Ben’s eyes roamed over the back. He was already predictably hard, just seeing you naked. You had the perfect ass and even though you still had some baby weight that you were trying to lose, in his eyes, you were fucking gorgeous. You had mournfully admitted a couple of weeks ago that your stomach was soft and you were embarrassed by the visible stretch marks and your wider hips, not to mention the few pounds sticking around. Your breasts were bigger (something he didn’t see as a problem), and you were feeling a bit insecure about your new shape. He loved the new you, which he made sure to tell you over and over as he fucked you that night. You were the mother of his kid, you’d given birth to her, nourished her from your body, and you could give him even more. It endlessly fascinated him that his seed took root in you and a healthy child grew from it, one that was half you and half him. He’d literally fucked a baby into you and every time he saw you like this, he wanted to do it again (though you’d told him your body needed at least a year or two to recuperate). You looked so fucking gorgeous carrying his kid and now, you were even more beautiful if that was possible. It was a beauty he saw when you breastfed his daughter, when you smiled down at her, talked to her, and rocked her to sleep. There wasn’t a day that went by that he didn’t want you, on your back (or your hands and knees, he wasn’t picky), taking load after load of his until he knocked you up once more. 
So he had been dumbfounded and almost incredulous when you nervously admitted all of this to him, implying that maybe he didn’t find you attractive anymore and maybe he’d prefer a flat-stomached, tighter, younger, free-to-bang-all-day woman instead. That or some old lady he wanted to get his groove on with. He’d fucked that notion right out of your head, both of them.
But now as he stepped toward you, not only was he incredibly turned on by you and how beautiful he still thought you were, but he also realized right then, just like he had many times before this moment, you were the only one he wanted. He wrapped his arms around you and pressed a kiss to your wet shoulder.
You let out a small gasp in surprise. “Where is she?”
“They've got her.” 
“Well, I’m not doing anything with you in this shower so you might as well get out,” you snapped and attempted to wriggle out of his embrace. When you couldn’t, you huffed out an aggravated breath and went back to rubbing soap over your skin. 
He nosed your wet hair out of the way to get closer to your ear. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I never should’ve said that shit.”
“No, you shouldn’t have,” you muttered, gliding soap down your arms.
You can read the full version here
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10) Anael x Female!Reader (One Shot)
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You slipped your mask off and tossed it into the backseat. You then held the wheel with your knees as you struggled to get the voice modulator off and sent it the same way of the mask. Ana watched all of this impatiently. 
“I still don’t understand why you had to use a Halloween mask of all things,” she sniffed. “And changing your voice was a bit of a stretch, wouldn’t you say?”
You rolled your eyes as you slipped on a baseball cap, sunglasses, and then took control of the wheel again. “I told you, they couldn’t know it was me. Besides, I committed the unholy trinity of Dean Winchester.”
She shot you a look of disbelief. “The unholy what?”
You made a quick left turn to head straight out of town. The more distance you put between you and the Winchesters, the better. “I shot Sam, I threatened the angel, and I left Dean tied up,” you listed. “The unholy trinity. The three reasons Dean will never stop looking for us, especially now that he knows what you look like. Which is exactly why I told you that you should switch vessels if you can, especially if you plan to stay in the States, still doing your faith services.”
Ana scoffed. “Absolutely not. This is my vessel and I got it fair and square. I healed her husband and she gave herself over to me. Not to mention, I have a brand as Sister Jo. I can’t just change that up on the fly. It wouldn’t be good for business.”
You heaved a sigh. “Ana, we’ve talked about this. The Winchesters aren’t going to let this go and based on what you told me about their angel, it doesn’t sound like he will either.”
“I have a dedicated customer base!” 
“That you won’t be able to continue having if you’re dead.” You gave her a meaningful look and she huffed slightly, turning to stare back out over the road.
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thereyoflights · 1 year
not enough beau/edward or edythe/bella fic i fear
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kidd-thundr · 2 months
The movie Twilight was so romantic...
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stivesketch · 2 months
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twilight office au turned lettering practice :)
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marviindiion · 5 months
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i was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him
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thebitchfromipanema · 17 days
the genderbent version of twilight is cool; but i think that instead of writing that, stephanie should’ve just written original twilight again, made bella into beau, and left it at that so we could have mlm twilight.
but what about reneesme? you may ask..
the omegaverse dynamic already exists in the original, you do the math
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adaricruz · 2 years
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🍎 & 🍏
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mikaharuka · 1 year
A Delight in Hands - Official Post
Finally, months later, I have a new entry for A Series in Hands!
This entry is pretty special, since it is my first go at writing from Winter Light Carlisle's perspective. Also, this fic takes place in Apricity's near future, starting right after the Seattle trip and continuing on through the summer, several months later.
The events of this fic will show up in Apricity in due time.
Title: A Delight in Hands [Part 6 of A Series in Hands, Winter Light]
Fandom: Twilight, Life and Death
Ship: Carlisle Cullen/Beau Swan, Carlisle Cullen & Jessamine Hale
Rating: Teen
Category: M/M
Word Count: 900 words
Summary: Carlisle notices Beau's major crush and his attempts to get closer... without realizing he already succeeded in winning Carlisle over long ago. [An Apricity future fic, taking place in the near future, starting right after the Seattle arc and ending during the summer, several months later. Sister fic of A Flirt in Hands.]
Notes: You can read this without reading canon or Apricity. However, this fic takes place in the Winter Light Verse, a world that differs notably from canon. For this fic, you don't need to know much, but it is recommended that you read the sister fic, A Flirt in Hands, first (Tumblr post). Also, a few notes are listed in the A/N for context.
(fandom-blind friendly by default, Apricity-blind friendly too)
You may be interested? @mrsmungus, @udaberriwrites, @magma-saarebas19, @aislinnstanaka, @lena-hills, @bees-and-sunshine @bleepbloopbotz, @sliebman10, @axolotlsupremacyowo, @0nelittlebirdtoldme, @kayedium-writes, @hylianjo
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sweetlytwilight · 29 days
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Beaufort Swan sketch
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light-miracles · 3 months
Actually, I'm surprised there aren't more people shipping Beau/Archie. C'mon it's yaoi Bellice. Society lost the day we lost the fujoshis.
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threebooksoneplot · 10 months
What if the real reason Bella was all lethargic and depressed for months after Edward left was because she had Lyme disease from lying in the woods
don't make us give beau another chronic illness/disorder. because we'll do it. we'll fucking do it man—shannon
lmfaoooo she WOULLLLDDD. Labia Tick Episode™ of House MD but it's bella swan 💀 —G
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crimsonmoonlite · 4 months
Twin Flame - 2. Beach Day with the Doggies
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Photo Made using Mage.Space AN: I am so sorry for the wait on this chapter. Please enjoy it! September 4th, 2006, Saturday 1:08 PM
First Beach, La Push, Washington
   The girls and Mike moved closer to the wolves. Bella wanted a day away from the pining guys after her, but she was doomed to be fawned over. She was the last thing Jacob was thinking about. He was a couple of feet away on the beach, watching Mike, freaking himself out at how amazing he smelled.
   Mike was laughing and playing around with Seth and Paul as the other wolves were freaking out just as much as Jacob that they had found an Omega. It was getting worse for them to control themselves as the scent doubled.
   "Hey," Beau ran up to them.
   "Beau?" Bella asked, "What are you doing here?"
   "I just thought I would come to hang out," Beau gulped, looking around. He was just about give it to his sister's boyfriend in the public library. "I rode Mom's old bike here. I need help putting it in the bed of your truck."
   "You rode a bike all the way here?" Angela asked. You should have called. I'm sure Bella would have picked you up," she offered, but Beau knew that wouldn't have been the case.
   "You can't even swim. I thought you didn't want to come this morning." Bella asked, and Beau rubbed his forehead, annoyed because he was embarrassed by that.
   "You don't know how to swim?" Lauren laughed with Jessica, and Beau sighed.
   "Why aren't you wearing a swimsuit?" Bella asked, and Beau looked around. "Beaufort, no." She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose as he stripped down to his panties. If the werewolves hadn't looked at him, they would have been now. Bella rolled her eyes.
   "Just make sure you put on some sunscreen. I don't want you to complain about it all week." She said, and Beau sighed, beginning to regret coming. He just felt like he should come to hang out with Bella after he almost kissed her boyfriend... It didn't sound as wild as he first thought it.
   Jessica handed him the sun lotion, and he rubbed it in. His pale, nearly hairless body enticed the wolves. Beau had only moved here a month ago, so he didn't know the pack as well as Bella. He remembered Jacob as they would hang out when they were little, and his older sisters would babysit him and Bella.
   However, he didn't remember how affectionate Jacob was. he felt someone approaching him from behind, and it was a little too late as he felt Jake's large hand curving around his waist.
   Jacob had been on the brink of losing self-control. He needed to get his hands on an Omega. After catching Mike's scent, he felt a closer bond with him, but Beau had Edward's scent on his hands... and he was just as intoxicating as Mike. Some goosebumps lined Beau's spine as Jake leaned down, and his lips hovered less than an inch from his ear.
   Bella scoffed at how obvious Jacob was with this move on her brother, but jealousy had sparked seeing it. Angela held in a coo as smoke came from Bella's ears.
   "Hand me the lotion..." Jacob said as Beau froze being touched. He leaned down to whisper in Beau's ear. "I don't want you to get sunburnt. Your skin is so beautiful," Jacob said as he squeezed some of the sunblock and began to massage it into Beau's back.
   Beau relaxed as Jacob rubbed him. he had been so stressed lately from the moving, the mysteries, and the tension between him and his sister. "Mike, dry off so I can reapply sun lotion on you," Jacob said, half caring about Mike burning up the other half for nefarious reasons.
   "That feels amazing, Jake," Beau's eyes rolled back. Jake was rubbing out the knotted muscles in his body. Bella muttered to herself, wishing that they would get a room. Only the werewolves laughed at that since they had better hearing.
   Beau lulled his head back, resting his head just below Jake's sternum, looking up to make eye contact with a cocky Jacob Black. The wolf was massive and dwarfed the Swan boy. The older guy's hands could fit around Beau's waist, with just a few fingers overlapping. Jake's bicep was about the size of his head, and the wolves could palm his head like a football.
   "Oh, hey, Beau. When did you get here?" Mike smiled, happy to see someone he knew wouldn't be a bore. He and Beau got along nicely at school, and he wanted to see him this morning when they were coming here.
   "Hey Mike," He nearly moaned. Mike understood since the pack had already put sunscreen on him like this five times today. "How has it been?"
   "Well, it was boring at first, but then Jacob found us, and I hit him with a wet sandball, and now it's fun," Mike smiled. "The waves are bigger now, so Seth and I have been trying to surf and skimboard." Mike said excited, "I think they might have another body board for you to use,"
   "Oh... I'm okay," Beau blushed, and Mike raised an eyebrow. He wasn't usually such a stick in the mud.
   "He can't swim," Bella smirked, and Beau glared at her.
   "Oh uh... that's okay," Mike said while Jake kneeled to massage the lotion on Beau's legs. He blushed, and my when the guy's giant hands massaged up to his inner thighs. "You still come in the water with us. I'll protect you. I was the water polo captain in summer and came five times in a row." Mike stood on Beau's side to cover him.
   Jacob's touch excited him. Beau was glad for Mike and that there were no other beachgoers in the direction he was going. He managed to calm down when Jacob was through putting sunscreen on him.
   "Hey Jacob, I need some sunscreen," Jessica giggled, but Jacob didn't hear her. She looked around to see all eyes on Beau and Mike. "Hello?" She said, frustrated as they might as well have been at a gay club.
   "Wait! Wait-wait-wait!" Beau felt another guy approaching behind him at a fast pace. He felt himself being scooped up and pulled into the water. "Ahh!" Beau yelped, freaking out, trying to climb up on the man's head as he heard the girls laughing.
   "Relax, relax," Sam calmed him down and put his hand down his back.
   "Who are you?" Beau tried to snap, but he was still terrified
   "Im Sam, it's okay. I'll teach you how to swim," he said calmly. He had always gotten on the Swan's bad side, but like all other werewolves, he tried to get on his good side after they found out he was an Omega.
———- 5:49 PM    The time was coming to pack up and head home. Despite Beau's inability to swim, he had a really good time. He was tired of being laughed at for not knowing how to swim, and Sam taught him some basics.
   Several people were around to help him if the water got too deep or he lost his ability to stand. Seth had some dry clothes to change into when they were heading home, so he gave them to Beau to wear.
   "Hey... where did the girls go?" Beau asked as they were walking up to the chairs. He had been so preoccupied with surviving and staying in shallow waters he hadn't noticed they had left.
   "They went home like hours ago," Jerard said, walking in sync behind Beau. It was like he was glued to Beau's back.
   Beau thought it was weird all of these guys were so close to him, but that is only because he has only known mostly homophobic men. He didn't know they were wolves and were walking so close to him and Mike as they were guarding their 'entrances.' It was an unspoken game between the wolves while keeping the humans safe from being claimed
   "Well, shit..." Beau said, and every single wolf looked away, concerned.
   "What?" Jake rushed up to him. Jared's lips snarled up before Sam shot him a look to calm down.
   "How the hell are we going to get home," Beau muttered, mad at Bella. She should have told him she was leaving. "Maybe she left the bike behind," he muttered, drying off and dressing in the clothes Seth gave him.
   "She had to have. She is nice and thoughtful," Mike said. I can definitely hike back home, but I would be worried about you. You're probably not used to hiking," Mike said with a worried look.
   "Nonsense," Seth said to both of them, "Some of us came in Jake's Van. I am sure he will take you home."
   "Oh, I don't want to-"
   "You won't be a burden," Jake said with a smile. "Do you boys want to come back to the house? We are gonna grill some of the fish Embry and Quil caught."
   "Oh, um... thank you, but I need to talk to my sister," Beau said. He had been worrying all day about the almost kiss between Edward and him. He knew that he needed to tell Bella before she found out. Their relationship was already strained, and he didnt want a boy to come between them... but boy, he didnt know that would be inevitable.
   "Alright, let's go, but on one condition," Jacob said, and the boys looked up into his eyes, a bit worried, "You guys come to boys' night this coming Friday,"
   "Oh, um..." Beau blushed as he hadn't had many male friends, "You... You know I am gay, right?"
   "Wait, you are?" Mike squeaked.
   "Yeah, so?" Jacob raised an eyebrow.
   Usually, Beau wasn't so bashful. As soon as he got to the beach, he stripped to his panties. It was after he and Mike had been treated like the hot new chew toy all day. He remembered Jake being rambunctious and silly, but this Jacob was criminally good-looking and cheeky. "Er. Yes... okay, I will see what Bells is doing,"
   "Don't bring her," Embry scoffed, crossing his arms, annoyed.
   "He is right," Sam started, leaning against Jacob while looking down into Beau's eyes. Sam and Jacob agreed on a few things, but this was one: He wanted these omegas to be there. "It's a boys' night. Last time I checked, Bella wasn't a guy, was she?"
"O-Okay," Beau looked down and saw Jerad's grip getting lower to his hips. Sam snapped his fingers, and Jared froze before patting Beau on the back.
   "See ya, Beau and Mike," Jerad smiled before tackling Quil and trying to force him back into the water.
   "Bye, guys," Seth smiled while combing his hands through his long jet-black hair. Don't tell the girls about the Boys Night. We don't want them crashing," he winked at the two.
   "Oh... are you guys not leaving? I wouldn't want to rush you all," Beau said, and Mike nodded, backing him up.
   "It's okay, guys. You two look beat. Come on," Jacob snuggled between them, placing hands on the small of their backs. He guided them to the stairs up to where Jake parked. Jacob knew when to talk and not to, though he mostly ignored that. He would drop Beau off first and then Mike, but before he got out of his van, he would ensure that he had both numbers.
   "Mike," Beau turned to look at the boy after a few moments of silence. He wasn't aware that he would be coming out to Mike. He thought it was fairly obvious. Can you meet me in the cafeteria on Monday? I still don't know how to get around," Beau asked to check if they were okay. By the way, Mike smiled from ear to ear, and he knew it was okay.
   "Sure, Beau-Beau," Mike beamed, and Beau smiled back.
   A couple of moments later, when the car pulled to a stop, Beau realized he was home now, "Oh wow, I guess it just seemed like forever on a bike,"
   "Yeah, you are pretty tiny, so it probably seemed like that," Jake said, pulling his phone out of the glove box and handing it to Beau to put in his phone number. He looked at Bella's window and saw her glaring down at them. 
   Jacob has been trying to get her to pay attention to him, to see if he was better than any other man for her, yet he has yet to get that reaction... until today. Jacob cupped Beau's face and whispered into his ear, making eye contact with Bella loving how pissed off she looked. "I'll text you when I want to meet up with you guys. Pack for overnight. We will be camping,"
   "Hey Jake," Beau said with gritted teeth as he had enough of guys getting up in his personal space. Jacob's hand was about to slip under the waistband of his shorts.
   "Yeah, B?"
   "If you and your buddies want to keep your balls, I suggest you keep your hands above my fun zone," Beau said with gritted teeth. Jacob got the hint and quickly took his hands to himself.
   "Er... sorry,"
   "Bye Mike," Beau got out of the van, "Thanks for the ride," Beau offered a wave, and Jacob gave home a nod.
   He hoped Bella would keep the door unlocked because he had left his keys and important things at the library. The librarian was good at keeping lost and found items separate from the rest when she knew who it was and who was more recognizable than the Sheriff's son, who had just moved back to town. 
   As he reached out to open the door, he saw it jiggle. Hearing it unlocked, he assumed it was Bella. The door opened, and he planned to spit out what he wanted to tell her, but then he smelled his father's pine scent.
   "Hey Bubba, have fun at the beach?" Charlie smiled, and Beau calmed down when he saw his father's peaceful smile and disarming aroma, "Them boys didnt give you too much trouble, eh?"
   "No, Daddy," Beau smiled, diving into his father's arms for a hug. He heard a hardy chuckle as he was constricted into his father's embrace. "Well, they did, but I can take care of myself."
   "Well, just be patient with Bells,"
   "What?" Beau widened his eyes, "She is mad at me?"
   "I don't know why, but maybe it is... Aunt Flo is visiting or something." Charlie turned red, trying to make Beau feel better. "Look, it will be fine, whatever it is. Just give her some space,"
   "N-No... I have to explain my side..." Beau said, trying to remain brave, he had done nothing wrong. He was never going to kiss Edward... he just was shocked. Yep, that is definitely why he didnt pull away or beat Edward's ass.
   "Goodluck," Charlie said, patting him on the back, "Imma clean out the grill,"
   "Traitor..." Beau muttered to himself before walking upstairs. Only half wanted back up from his dear ole daddy. "Bells?" Beau asked, knocking on her door before opening it, though it was locked. "Please... Bella, I need to talk to you," Beau said before flinching. The wind didnt even hit him. He didnt even see the tall man's shadow grabbing him by the collar.
   "Please, Please don't tell her. She means everything to me," Edward was so mortified. He didnt know how Bella had found out. He had been trying to get into her room for hours now, but she threatened him with her little cross necklace to get out.
   "She is my sister," Beau snarled at him, "Bella, he tried to kiss me! I didnt let him!" Beau said, and Edward gulped. He grabbed Edward's shirt before he zoomed away. Luckily, Bella shoved open her door.
   "You fucking tried to kiss Jacob?!" Bella snapped before it registered that Edward was in front of her. "Edward? What are you doing here?"
   "Bella, did you fucking hear what I said?" Beau snapped, "Your vampire boyfriend tried to kiss me," Beau snapped. This isn't how he wanted to break it to her, he intended to warn Bella about Edward's wandering eye. Beau didnt really know the fate and magnetic pull Edward felt between them yet.
   "What?!" Bella snarled.
   "Hold on, youre telling me that you were fucking mad at me for Jacob flirting with me when you are dating Edward?" Beau said, now earning the right to be pissed off.
   "Get out of my sight, both of you," Bella said, getting ready to slam the door, but Beau stepped in front.
   "Bella, I didnt do anything wrong! Will you let two boys you have been talking to for a few months come between us? We haven't been apart since the womb up until a couple of months ago!"
   "Yeah, well, maybe that needs to change," Bella shoved at Beau before slamming her door and locking it,
   "Shit..." Edward pinched the bridge of his nose after saving Beau from stumbling down the stairs. Chief Swan came running up the stairs. "This is all my fault, I am so sorry," Edward said. He widened his eyes as Beau started crying, he could also tell that Bella was crying.
   "I think you should leave, Edward," Charlie quickly hugged Beau to comfort him, "Bella, come out here right now and tell me what the hell is going on!" Charlie rubbed on Beau's arm before he stormed off to his room... which was the former nursery. "What the hell is going on!" Charlie said,
   He couldn't open the door, it didn't have a lock on it, so instead, Beau propped a chair up against the knob as a makeshift lock. Edward was a gentleman... or at least, that's what he thought he used to be. So he told him what had gone down, officially being banned from the Swan house for 'the rest of eternity.'
------- 11:10 PM
Swan Home, Forks, Washington
   Luckily for Edward, being uninvited from entering a house or asking permission to get access was an old vampire myth. He told himself he was being an idiot and that he needed to beg for his life and apologize to Bella, yet he was in the room directly under hers.
   He perched at the window on the other side of the room. It was a tiny room, but he still had a good view of Beau. He walked over as Beau started to fidget, by reading his mind, he knew the guy was having a nightmare.
   "Calm down... I will protect you," Edward whispered before caressing his hand down Beau's arm, slowly but soon enough. Beau's subconscious moved onto another dream. Beau relaxed his body a bit, a small smile spreading. He nudged his head under his pillow and was completely safe now. "Shit... what have I gotten into..." He muttered. Please Vote, Comment, Add to your lists, and share this story with a friend:). Updates sporadic 
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Twin Flame - 2. Beach Day with the Doggies - Wattpad
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