#because I don’t wanna make it a weird subject for him
ellivia · 1 year
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nvuy · 2 months
Boothill is a “your pleasure is my pleasure” kind of guy do u agree 🎤
mdni. im snatching the mic. i got carried away ty anon for giving me an excuse to ramble about this loser.
he takes pleasing you very seriously. this is serious business. it’s like his day job.
he’s half-convinced he was given a second life just to cross paths with you, so once he’s got you, he’s not letting you go. not for a while, at least. he’s stuck to your hip like glue. wherever you go, he’s most likely right next to you.
he’s always making sure you’re catered to first.
it’s the same in bed.
he’s extremely touch starved, so while he’s got his hand between your legs, he’s also busied himself nuzzling his cheek to yours to feel you helplessly panting against his skin. or, his ear is resting against your heart. whatever works for him in the moment.
he’s absolutely smitten with how warm you get. he’s always, always, pressing himself against you one way or another. just touch all over his face, please and thank you.
he’s all for kisses too. sometimes, when he’s having a bit too much fun, he’ll get all mushy and gross. not that he already isn’t, but it somehow gets worse.
he’ll bite too. not enough to make you bleed, but enough to leave an angry mark for the next few days.
actually, he just nips you all the time. it’s a weird thing he does. don’t point fingers in his face. he’ll try eating them. he’s very strange in that way. sometimes you can be gesturing at nothing while you talk, and if your fingers get too close to his face, he’s trying to nip at them like a teething puppy. you got used to it.
great tongue too. bonus points because it’s actually real. he works his magic with it, but only after you beg enough. you gotta work to get your hands on the merchandise. his mechanics are expensive, so play nice.
if we’re getting into unserious business, the robocock is great fun. it’s got smooth ridges and it’s cold. probably customisable, too. it’s definitely possible, but whether he’s gonna wander up to some poor mechanic and ask them to add some special features… well.
either way, your pleasure is always his priority. his hobbies consist of biting every single exposed expanse of your skin and exploring new ways to make you squirm.
it’s bad enough you having to deal with this lump of steel and scrap—frankly, he doesn’t even understand what’s so appealing about it—but if you enjoy bouncing on his lap, go ahead. do it all night for all he cares. as long as you have that pretty dizzy smile on your face by the end of it all. it makes him melt into a puddle of liquid metal knowing how good he makes you feel.
he’s also VERY susceptible to puppy eyes. they’re your greatest asset, and his biggest weakness.
you figured that out after you pleaded with him to put on these clothes you bought him (and, yep. these clothes have just as many cut outs as his usual attire). you can also use them if you want to do his hair. please convince him to wear it in a high ponytail more. he has such a nice face, and it also stops his neck from overheating. those poor fans need a vacation.
it takes some convincing, especially when you show him the hair tie is actually a red sparkly ribbon. you’re going to ruin his tough guy persona. but he’ll drop anything for you, so he’ll comply. on the condition that you give him smooches afterwards. it’s also an excuse for him to indulge in how your fingers feel against his scalp.
puppy eyes, crying, begging, whatever, usually get people he’s apprehended nowhere. he doesn’t care for theatrics. not at all. a criminal is a criminal at the end of the day.
but you? aww, how can he say no to your angel eyes? wanna fuck his face? you didn’t even have to ask! just watch the teeth. and feel free to pull his hair. wanna ride him until he short circuits? sure! if you can keep up. he’s all yours.
and when you’re done, his aftercare consists of coddling and pinching your cheeks. he’ll prattle on about nothing. the subject will change to gushing over how pretty you look in his bed, to the weather tomorrow, to how he misses the taste of spaghetti. he’ll even kiss all over the marks he’s left on you. probably kicks his feet too.
he’s still so energetic it’s mind-baffling. he’s so casual about it too, acting as if he didn’t beg for you to cum on his face just ten minutes ago.
but that’s robot stamina for you. or maybe it’s just a boothill thing. who knows?
after a while he’ll calm down. i still haven't decided if he can sleep, but once you’ve fallen asleep, he’ll lay next to you and draw patterns on the nape of your neck with his fingers.
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bangchansgirlsblog · 5 months
Ive been imagining this and ik its weird BUT ot8 skz being perv and so obsessed to fem 9th member.. Like they get super jealous and the fem readed being a people pleaser like she cant say no to her friends and cant stand seeing them sad so when the members started to became sexually touchy w her they used that against her and be like "dont u want to see us happy? We've been tired and we just want to relieve some stress.. I thought u can help us.. I guess not" and they pretend to be sad abt it and the reader just felt guilty for not helping her friends so she lets them touch her which led to smut KDNDJFKDJ its weird but idk i die for these kinds of fics
Hands on me?
Warning: Angst, sexual activity, manipulation?
Pairing: polyOT8 x reader.
Summary: Don’t you wanna see us happy baby? They said as they slowly peeled her clothes off.
AUTHORS NOTE: this has been in my requests for a while and I write this when I first started off SO it’s not good at all BUT I’m going to write another one using this same request cause I have another idea AND this was in my drafts for a while so I’m dropping it to clear it.
I hope whoever requested this, enjoys it 🥰
"Baby?!" She heard someone call for her from the living room. 
"I'm in here!" She replied. Her hair was up in a pony tail and she was currently wearing shorts and a croptop with no bra on making her look yummy.
She heard a bunch of voices start piling up in the living room meaning that the boys were back home.
A small smile creeped up on her face as she continued to wash up the dishes she had used to cook dinner. She made a big dinner because at the end of the day she was feeding 8 of her boyfriends who were also MEN. 
"Hey love," Han walked into the kitchen. His hair was in a hat and he had his normal hoodie and cargo pants on. "Are you feelings better?" He asked while taking a few steps towards her until he towering her. His breathing was heavy probably from the flight of stairs.
"Mmm, yeah. Just been a long day that's all." She sighed and looked up at him. He had a pout on his face making her coo at how adorable the boy was.
"I missed you," he said in between kisses. 
"Missed you too momo," he rested his head on her shoulder she continued to finish the dishes.Han was always clingy, not more than Felix but it was more than the other boys, that was for sure.
As she finished up she felt His hands slowly wondering around her body then slowly landing on her ass. oh, makes sense. He was horny.
She did love every interaction with her boys, she really did but today she wasn't in the mood at all. She was tired and she had a horrible headache from work. having sex was not on her to-do list but a nap was.
"Do you want me to take care of you?" He whispered in her ear causing shivers to run down her spine. She was sad because she was going to turn him down and she knew how stressed all the boys were, he just wanted have fun.
"Maybe not right now momo, I'm not in the mood," She told him while finishing the last of the dishes and drying her hands. He pouts and lets out a small whimper.
"Have you eaten yet?" She asked him changing the subject.
"Not yet no," he frowned.
"Okay then sit, let me call the other guys to come eat too," She encourage him, "and don't forget to put your dirty clothes in the laundry basket," She tiptoed and gave him a quick kiss before going to the living room to find only Changbin sat while scrolling through his phone.
He was wearing all black and he had his glasses on. His hair was fluffy and curly meaning today he was in the studio all day.
"Binnie?" She walked and sat by him, "what are you doing?"
"Hey baby," he kisses her temple and then her lips, "I was just lacing up my shoes, what about you? How was your day?"
"I'm tired that's all," she pouted, "and my period is coming soon so I'm breaking out!" she exclaimed and crossed her arms causing him to chuckle.
"I mean atleast you look nice," he dropped his shoe and pulled her close to his body, "you look beautiful, pretty, gorgeous, amazing-"
"Okay, okay I get the point," she roll my eyes playfully.
"Hey? Am I not allowed to praise my beautiful girlfriend?" He playfully frowns.
"You are I geuss," she giggled and he couldnt help but pull her onto his lap.
"Then let me praise you huh?" He kisses her cheek and slowly starts moving down her neck. A small moan leaves her mouth.
"B-Binnie, I'm not in the mood, please," she told him.
"Why not? You're always in the mood," he looks confused.
"Not today, just come have lunch yeah?" she give him a peck on the lips and got off him so he could stand up.
"Fine," he huffs. He makes his way to the dining area as she depart6ed and headed to Felix's room
"Felix?" she called while knocking on his door.
"It's open!"
"Hey sunshine, dinner is ready-"
"Hey! no kisses? No hugs?" He frowned and turned around from his desk.
"Oh-" she giggled when she realized and then walked over to him, "Hey lix," she repeated and  gave him a kiss as he automatically pulled her on his lap.
"How's my baby doing?" He asked as his hands wrapped around her waist and he cuddled her body.
"Mm just tired," she sighed.
"Oh my poor baby, should we watch a movie later?" He was craving her. he wanted to spend more time with her because he felt like he had spent so much time with the boys that he was neglecting her.
"Yeah that would be nice but first go get lunch," she forced herself out of his grip but he let out a soft whine due to the lack of touch and well...the bulge that was now very visible through his pants.
"Look what you've done to me," he whined again causing her to laugh at his distraught state.
"Oh oh, you better fix that before you go down,"
"Help me please!" He frowned.
"I'm not in the mood Felix, please."
"Come on pleaseee, it's been a long day. Don't you want to see me happy?"
His eyes were shiny and hungry, it was obvious.
"Fine after dinner," she lied to him so he could get up and he actually believed it.
"Okay okay, I'm running there now!"
He got up from his sit and rushed out the room.
She followed behind him and checked the dining room to see everyone now sitting down including Chan, I.N, Seungmin and leeknow.
She went around to give them quick kisses before returning to her room and changed into just a  huge shirt (that was probably for one of the boys) and underwear.
She turned off all her room lights and entered bed now being able to have a peaceful sleep. A nice, nice qui-
She felt the bed dip and hands wrap around her body. Her eyes open quickly and she saw familiar hands. Chan.
"Hey babe, I wanted to cuddles," he pouted.
"Fine but no disturbing my sleep," she scolded him and turned so it was easier for him to wrap his arms around her waist.
Her eyes slowly closed once again and she finally thought she was to get some sleep until the door swung wide open and closed quickly, two more people walking in and making themselves comfortable in her bed. Han and I.N. At this point she was so used to it that she just let them stay as they both argued on who was sleeping where.
"Guys if you're going to be in here, you have to be quiet and sleep," She told all of them off. Even if she was getting a little frustrated she scooted up a little so they could all enter the bed.
Not even a few minutes later all the boys were now in her room on her bed piling onto one another under her fluffy blankets. She knew exactly what they wanted when she felt one of their hands massaging her leg.
She let out a sigh, "Such horny dogs!" she groaned.
"Common baby, it's been a long day. Don't you care about us?" Hyunjin teased her in a manipulative manner.
"Just a little fun. Come on please," Han rubbed her leg once more back and forth causing shivered to run down her spine.
"You look good too," Felix complimented her while tugging at her bra strap, "really good." They were basically already peeling her clothes off with their cold ass hands.
She let out a sigh and finally gave in, "F-fine I geuss so," her eyes wonder to Chan who gives her an assuring nod.
//please idk how to write a smut but just imagine the nastiest thing ever happens//
When they were done and the boys were satisfied as Y/n sat on the bed. Her heart was racing from all the action but she was in her own space. Spaced out.
The constant thoughts of the boys using her for their sexual desires made her enter a depressive episode. Yes she enjoyed the sex and the attention but so many emotions were running through her tiny body that she couldn't handle it anymore.
She felt used like a sex toy and the tears in her eyes slowly started to build as she started to breath rapidly. The air in the room getting suddenly thick. Seungmin was in the bathroom running her bath for her after care. The sound of the water falling was the only sort of noise she could hear.
She held her knees against her chest as she tried to calm down. Han's hand wrapped around her waist. As he kissed her temple. "you did so good for us, you know that right babygirl?" he praised but she didnt even notice him in the first place. Her eyes were hazy and completely black and when Han noticed, he gave chan a look. 
"Hey, are you with us?" Chan asked immediately as he pulled up his sweatpants. "Y/n?"
No response.
She was staring at the wall right in-front of her. She felt unloved. She felt tired. She was in pain.
The boys (some of them were still dressing up) all turned to look at her. Her body was still bare and the bruises on her arms were visible.
"Is she going into a trance?" I.N asked panicked. "Chan do something, please,"
"Hey Y/n? Babygirl? It me. Can you hear me?" He walked over to her and grabbed her tiny hands.
"C-channie?" She chocked as She looked up at him. The tears slowly starting to fall.
"Yes my love, it's me. Can you tell me where you are?"
"I'm alone, I'm all alone," she sobbed. "Why am I like this? Why am I so disgusting?" She cried.
"What do you mean Y/n?" He asked shocked.
"I-I want Binnie, I want Binnie now," she said reaching out for him. Changbin did not hesitate. He was right by her side pulling her onto his lap. The rest of the boys understanding what was going on and quickly taking action.
"I'm here princesses, tell me what's wrong," he had no shirt on and the skin to skin was slowly giving her comfort as his body heat was radiating warmth.
"I-do you love me?" She asked. The panic in her voice was clear. She was soon going to get a panic attack. it was building up.
"Ofcourse I love you babydoll, why would you think otherwise?" He questioned while kissing her forehead.
"i- i dont know, please dont be mad at me," She sobbed in his chest. The view was heartbreaking and the boys knew that if they didnt find a way to cheer her up soon it would end up into a full blown panic attack.
"I'm going to make some brownies for her," Felix said because he knew this was the only way he could comfort her on his part. He quickly leaves the room after hesitating for a bit not wanting to leave her.
"I- are you guys using me? For sex?" She cried harder. Her hands held Changbins chest as She struggled to breathe. Their faces were in absolute shock. was this what they made her think? was this all she thought she was to them? 
"Ofcourse not," leeknow knelt down infront of her. He slowly rubbed her thigh. "Jagi, you need to breathe. Can you do that for me?" He asked her. Her body was shaking still. she tried to gasp for air but failed. 
"Listen to me beuatiful, you need to breathe like me....see," he took a deep breathe to demonstrate to her but it was no use. 
"i- i cant breathe," she gasped and let go of changbin to grab her neck. it felt like it was closing up. Her vision was blurry now and the lack of oxygen was getting to her. 
"C-chan?" she gasped as she slowly she started to pass out. Her body giving up on her due to the many emotions.
"come on baby, stay with me," she heard in the distance.
"Guys! call 119,"
This is just a fic no one come for me 😔
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bloompompom · 2 months
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in which eren falls hard for you, his friend-with-benefits who insists she isn't looking for anything serious
PART ONE - all that glitters
⟡ content: eren jaeger x female reader, good old-fashioned college au, fwb-to-lovers, mutual pining/idiots in love, cheesy rom-com, smut fic with feelings, fluff, angst, sexual content, explicit language, alcohol, drunk sex. reader discretion advised. 18+ ⟡ word count: ~3k ⟡ masterlist (1/4) ⟡ a/n: writing has been a struggle but this came to me in a vision. i needed something easy and fun to get me back in the swing of things. enjoy ♡
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You whined his name in that signature drunken way, with the last syllable drawn out and pronounced like a plea—as if pleading with him was ever necessary. 
“What’re you doing right now?” you asked. “D’you wanna fuck?”
No, not really. But Eren would make sure you made it back to your dorm room alive and as well as one could be after too many drinks. Still, he couldn’t deny how the back of his neck warmed at the offer. 
“Yeah,” he replied. “Where are you at?”
After the call ended, it was only a matter of seconds before his friends predictably started heckling him.
Connie hung his headset around his neck, shooting Eren this too-knowing look when he asked, “Lemme guess who that was.”
“How about you don’t?” Despite Eren’s flat affect, his words had a biting edge. He kept his head down as he shrugged his jacket over his shoulders. 
This wasn’t the first time Connie broached the subject, also known as you. Although it proved to be a sore spot for Eren, Connie didn’t plan to stop poking any time soon.
“Dude, she’s got you pussy-whipped,” he barked, “with a capital P, dude.”
“You said ‘dude’ twice,” Eren groused, hoping that would be the end of it. When the baiting look on Connie’s face didn’t let up, Eren felt compelled to defend himself. “I’m not pussy-whipped. She’s at a party and needs someone to walk her home.” 
Connie rolled his eyes. “Yeah, like I haven’t heard that one before.”
Lounged on his bottom bunk, Jean glanced from his phone screen to Eren. “You know, these sorts of arrangements—friends-with-benefits, fuck buddies, whatever weird thing you two have going on—they don’t normally end well.”
Jean said it smartly, in that been-there-done-that way as if his longest relationship wasn’t with his right hand. Before Eren could call him out on it, Connie jumped in on the dog pile.
“And last time I checked, they don’t involve catching feelings,” he asserted, thinking he'd added something meaningful to the conversation. 
“I didn’t catch feelings,” Eren refuted. 
“Then tell me straight up you’re going over there for pussy and not because you think she’s magically going to wake up one morning and want to have a serious, exclusive relationship with you after literal months of saying otherwise.”
“It is exclusive,” Eren corrected, though his delivery was a bit shaky. “I mean, I’m not sleeping around.”
“Well, duh. But is she?” 
Eren realized he had no idea if you were sleeping with anyone else. Why was he so quick to assume you had been faithfully fucking him? That wasn’t in the terms of your agreement. 
Regardless of what (or who) you did when he wasn’t around, you called him tonight over anyone else. That had to mean something, right? At the very least, it meant the decency of giving him a heads-up if you were fucking someone else, he liked to think. 
“I don’t think so,” Eren said. “She hasn’t mentioned anyone, and I’m sure she’d tell me if—”
Connie guffawed. “God, you are down so fucking bad. Just admit it to yourself.”
Eren had already done that a long time ago but they didn’t need to know that. Truthfully, they didn’t need to know anything about you, yet all three of his roommates managed to acquaint themselves with you despite never having met.
Eren tried to keep his fling with you under wraps—not for any special reason other than it was none of his friends’ business. But if he thought he was being sneaky, then he was doing a shit job at it because his friends caught on fast. After they spotted a poorly-hidden hickey, it didn’t take much to pull the dirty secret from him. 
But it wasn’t really that dirty of a secret, was it? They understood it; why would he stick around and play video games with them when he could be getting his dick sucked? What they didn’t understand was why he continued doting on you like he was your boyfriend—no, like he was your puppy, loyal and entirely dedicated to you while maintaining that it was nothing more than casual sex.
Fat fucking chance. They would never believe such a thing. They knew Eren better than that. They knew he wasn’t meant for casual. 
Eren bristled but held his tongue. Connie was right, and whatever bullshit Eren could spout wouldn’t be worth the breath; they’d never believe him.
If only he’d kept his mouth shut in the first place. At least then he wouldn’t need to dread this collective ‘I told you so!’ from friends who were all too eager to say it. 
Lest he wished for this to devolve into the world’s shittiest intervention, Eren left without another word—not even a ‘goodbye’ in reply to Armin, ever the diplomat, hiding out on his top bunk until he deemed it safe. Unfortunately for Eren, his silence (and the slammed door) spoke louder than anything he could have said.
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You’d sent Eren your location because you didn’t have half a mind to explain your whereabouts. Not to mention, the streets back on Fraternity Row were old and cobbled and poorly lit. You were a few blocks over from Eren, only a five-minute walk. Four, if he picked up his pace. 
Had it really been months since this whole thing started?
You and Eren were introduced under more formal circumstances. He couldn’t confidently say you would have met if not for your professor’s intervention. She randomly assigned partners for the final project, stating everyone needed to ‘branch out'—as if they needed another freshman orientation course. Looking back now, Eren could appreciate the icebreaker. 
That was in November. He met with you on a Friday only to spend the rest of the weekend with you on his mind. He remembered it well. For good reason, too; he’d never made out in a library before.
Neither had you, apparently. That was what you told him, whispered between giggles as you rose from your chair. You knew you were up to no good as you slipped into his lap, and you wore a glittery smile to match.  
Eren’s conscience told him otherwise, but the more bestial part of his brain had already justified it with boyishly sound reasoning as to why it was perfectly okay. 
First off, the two of you were tucked away in a secluded corner, hidden behind bookshelves blanketed in dust older than his college career. He hadn’t heard so much as a footstep the entire hour he’d spent here. 
Secondly, who would come to the library this late on a Friday anyway?
It made for quite the compelling argument, outside of the fact that he himself was one of those Friday night library goers. 
Eren couldn’t explain how you ended up there, astride his lap with his bottom lip sucked swollen and drawn between your teeth, other than stating the obvious: the attraction between you was instantaneous and the conditions were just right. The literature was just horrifically boring enough; the tension between you was palpable, nibbled away at bit by bit like a mouse gnawing on a cord. Accidental touches, as chaste as a hand brushed against his, became deliberate and lasted longer than the last. You would sit close, then closer, and move in a way that Eren would catch thin whiffs of your perfume, a sweet scent at the tip of his nose but warm in the pit of his stomach.
And like a cord, you risked a fateful snap: the moment you’d realize you were far more interested in each other than any ten-point word on the page—when you’d agree to leave the project abandoned on the table and let it fade into insignificance. 
Eren didn’t know the last time someone made his heart beat that hard, if ever. Hard enough that he remembered worrying you’d feel it. Of course, it could have been from the thrill, but he had to admit you left him feeling completely caught off guard. He wasn’t sure if the feeling ever truly went away. 
Exactly one week later, he discovered you had some friends-of-a-friend in common after bumping into each other at a house party. You approached him, eyes half-lidded, pupils dilated, but your smile as glittery as he remembered. You introduced him to a few girls, laying a hand on his arm as you said, “This is the project partner I was telling you about.” It flattered Eren to know you'd mentioned him, but more than that, it told him that you’d been thinking about him, too.
You brought him back to your room that night. It was the obvious choice between the suite Eren shared with three other guys or the single you miraculously snagged.  
It was fun—and Eren knew how it sounded when he said that. ‘Fun’ wasn’t the first word that came to mind when he thought about having drunk sex with a near stranger. Fumbling and awkward, yes. But fun? Not so much.
Yet with you, it was.
The pressure he put on himself melted away at the touch of your hand. Maybe that was the moment, if he had to name one, when he first felt something. Something that ran deeper than a hormone-induced make-out session in the library and deeper than any one-night stand. All you had to do was be you. The drunk version of you—of both of you—but still you, nonetheless. 
You kissed him not on your half-lofted bed but you were on your way there. Eren had your back pressed against it before breaking the kiss to take off your shirt. You helped him with his next.
Your hands immediately flew to his stomach, palming over the muscles in a way Eren wouldn’t describe as sexual—more like you were impressed.
“Whoa,” you remarked with a sort of wonder he didn’t expect. You squeezed his bicep next and then glanced down at your own. “Do you think I can get those?” 
“Yeah, I’ll send you my gym routine,” Eren laughed. Though he supposed he didn’t really have a routine, he just went to blow off steam.
He pulled you into him, snuffing out your giggles with a kiss. 
Confessedly, he came fast—not that fast, but quicker than he would have preferred. But he liked to think he made up for it, fingering and eating you until he was hard again and could go for round two. You sure seemed to like it. 
When it was all said and done, Eren lay there and imagined falling asleep at your side, while you were already hopping out of bed.
Ugh. Putting it like that made him sound like a girl.
You exchanged numbers before parting ways, and he dedicated another weekend to you, this time planning his text to ask you on a date. He took so long that you reached out first, sending what you called your fuck it! text, both figuratively and literally—you cheekily threw that into the message, too.
When Eren agreed to ‘just sex, nothing else,’ he thought it was making the obvious choice. What idiot would say no to that? It sounded like the college dream, and that was what it was supposed to be, up until it wasn’t.
From then on, the time you should have spent working on your project, you spent fucking. Shameful but true. It was probably the reason you received a C. As it turned out, humans don’t retain much information when attempting to read aloud while another went down on them. Maybe the two of you should have done your project on that instead.
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It was nearly spring now. The soggy beginning of the season as winter finally began to melt away. The night was rain-soaked. Eren could smell the remnants of the downpour on the asphalt as he walked against the breeze, chilly enough for him to hide his hands in his jacket pockets. 
He approached the bustling house to find you sitting alone on the stoop, legs bent at the knee and a bit knobbled. He called out for you and watched a gigantic smile capture your face. The sight made his chest tighten.
Eren held out his hands for you to take and tugged you to your feet. 
“Where are your friends?” he asked you.
“I dunno,” you absently said.
You passed him as you crossed the lawn. When you reached the sidewalk, you spun on your heels to see if Eren was following. He was.
“Don’t worry, I texted them that I was leaving.” You started to laugh. “Told them I had a booty call.”
“A booty call?” Eren pretended you wounded him, clasping a hand over his chest. “Is that all I am to you? And here I was thinking we were friends.”
You giggled as you kept your attention on steadying your stride. A bumpy sidewalk plus a few drinks past your limit didn’t make for a coordinated combination. Your arm brushed against Eren’s every few steps. 
“Seriously though,” he started to say. “Shouldn’t your friends be the ones to get you home?”
“You are my friend.” You beamed up at him, eyes heavy but happy. “You said so yourself.”
He smiled back at you, genuine but closed-mouth, and didn’t flinch as your cold hand nudged a path into his for warmth. 
He guided you into your residence hall and joined your elevator ride up to the eighth floor. He walked you down the left wing to the room at the very end of the hallway and swiped your student ID to unlock the door. He reached to flip the light switch but found it was already on.
“You left the light on,” Eren commented, closing the door as he followed you inside.
Your dorm was no larger than any other, but it sure felt like it with just one bed, tucked into the corner and still unmade from this morning. Your desk sat opposite it, with a window on the back wall dividing the two. The last time Eren saw your desk, he had you on it. By now, the clutter had been put back in its rightful place—a few loose papers and your open laptop—and doubled as a makeshift vanity with your tabletop mirror. 
You hummed blithely before nearing him in a few steps. You went to kiss him, even had your hands on either side of his face, but you only caught the corner of his mouth. He took you by the shoulders and held you at arm’s length. Even from there, your breath reeked of vodka. 
“You need to get some sleep,” he told you.
“I will,” you purred. “After—”
You shook free of his hands and peeled off your shirt, faltering slightly in the process. You tried to kiss him again, thinking your bare chest would surely tempt him.
When Eren didn’t budge, you pouted, “You tricked me.”
“Tricked is a pretty harsh word, don’t you think?”
Eren grabbed the t-shirt draped on your desk chair and plunged it over your head before he started to stare for too long. You scrambled to sort out its sleeves.
“So you came all this way just to tuck me in?” Your head popped through the neck hole to reveal your frown. “You’re not even going to have sex with me?”
“That’s right.”
You shimmied your jeans down your legs, glaring up at him. “You’re so boring.”
“I know,” he airily replied. He ticked his head. “Bed.”
You were drunk enough to listen obediently but kept your frown as you shuffled into your bed. As you crawled beneath the blankets, you watched Eren take a water bottle from your mini fridge and set it on your bedside cubby. Before his hand was out of reach, you lightly wrapped a hand around his wrist. 
You intertwined your fingers with his, sweeping yours up and down the length of each. “You’re at least going to kiss me good night, right?”
You were always so touchy-feely when you drank. 
Eren held his breath. His eyes followed as you pressed your palm against his, compared their sizes, and played with his fingers. It almost felt like you were pulling at something much deeper in him. A puppet and his puppeteer. 
He knew what he wanted to do, but his friends’ words resounded in the forefront of his mind, listing the exact reasons why this was a bad idea. Then he went and did it anyway. 
Eren leaned in to kiss you, not on your lips but sealed against your forehead. With his hand cradling your cheek to hold you there for that one, long second. 
It wasn’t the kiss you wanted, but even so, you stared up at him in drunken awe. Softly, and with a softer smile, you told him, “Thank you for walking me back.” You nuzzled deeper into the bed, closing your eyes as you rambled, “You’re so nice, Eren. Didya know that?”
“I’ll be sure to remind you of that the next time you call me mean,” he teased before turning to leave. 
You piped up again. Your voice was already sleepier than just a second ago, sounding smushed against your pillow as you murmured, “If I’m not married by forty, and you’re not married by forty, can we get married?”
He gave a tiny laugh through his nose. You were cute, weren’t you? He knew you wouldn’t remember this tomorrow. Or if you did, you’d profusely (and needlessly) apologize for it.
“You’ll be married by forty. You don’t have to worry about that,” Eren said, half-way out the door.
You responded with nothing more than a satisfied sound, drifting to sleep as quickly as Eren expected. 
The heavy lock clicked behind him, but Eren gave it a final jiggle to ensure it. He heaved a sigh, leaning back against your door with a thud you thankfully wouldn’t hear. 
This was a huge mistake, wasn’t it?
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masterlist | next part
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
Warnings: mentions of characters’ trauma, minor spoilers??? I’ll try and keep them limited
a/n: I’ll try to stay as spoiler free as possible! I loved season 2, some bits were a kinda touch and go, but overall I think they made it really interesting. Also I’m not including Wylan, sorry! I love him but ... I just don’t wanna add him...
𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲: Going along with a plan that Kaz had created, your role was to help the Crows on an extremely difficult heist. But your job somehow ended up being linked with your crush; the very crow that makes your heart flutter. Your persona is their new wife/husband, who has a “rich father”. Meaning that you have to stay in a nearby hotel as a couple on their honeymoon. 
・His faked joyful smile dropped once the bellboy left the room
・Watching him, you saw his calculated movements - the way he rested his cane against the desk, and took two steps to sit down on the bed
・His gloves stayed on as he said, “I’m sorry there’s one bed. Too suspicious otherwise.” Kaz’s tone was even, but it hitched on the word ‘suspicious’. 
・You knew Kaz hated physical contact, hells, he hated when someone stood too close 
・In that moment, you didn’t know how to respond, surely Kaz, Bastard of the Barrel, wasn’t going to sleep on the floor. The absence of a couch was obvious, and you knew he had to sleep somewhere comfortable because of his leg 
  “Kaz, I can take the floor. I know physical contact isn’t an easy thing for yo-” 
    “No, I’m fine.” He cut you off, a sharp look in his eye. You could see that his mind was somewhere else. Somewhere dark. 
・The night was awkward to start off with, like two magnets being pulled and pushed apart
・But then you asked about the plan - getting all the details. Well, what you thought were all the details. 
・He loosened up when he was able to talk about logical subjects
・Once you realised that, the atmosphere started to ease and you could see Kaz start to relax ... (his version of relaxing)
・With each hour a piece of Kaz’s clothing was taken off. His jacket, his shoes. As if he was slowly getting ready for bed. 
・There was always something heavy in the air though, like something was unspoken. It hung like grey clouds, ready to let rain fall
・But time ticked by, and eyes began to feel heavy
・At first you both laid down and kept a pillow between you, but then there was hardly any room to move. 
・So you came up with the idea that you could sleep the other way. Instead of your heads at the top of the bed, they now rested on the sides. It meant your feet were dangling off the side, but it gave you and Kaz a lot of room. 
   “Do not tell anyone about this.”
“Kaz...you know I wouldn’t.”
・His voice was low when he said: “I know.”
・In the morning, when you awoke, Kaz was already awake. Already planning. 
    “I got you some breakfast.” 
・It was you who said you would sleep elsewhere. 
・You were so close to falling in love with Inej, and she had no clue. The sore joke was that she felt the exact same. And neither of you thought the other even cared. 
   “It would be too obvious if we weren’t sleeping in the same bed. I have a feeling they’re already suspicious of something.”
・Even if that wasn’t the truth, you didn’t care. When was an opportunity like this going to arise? 
・Kaz didn’t need either of you tonight, so you were both able to unwind. But past experiences meant neither of you could fully do so unless you were in your trusted homes. 
・The room was quite spacious; painted white and pale blue, it felt completely different to hotels in Ketterdam (which were dark, dingy and usually had a weird smell.)
・This one had a balcony that overlooked the famous lake that ran through the clean city
・The bathroom matched the colours of the rest of the room, with a rectangular window that let in the morning light but was high enough that no one would be able to see in. 
・It was a gorgeous room; airy, light and inviting. Exacly what you thought a summer holiday would be
    “Nina would absolutely love this,” you called from the lounging room. Where stacks of books, games and other various entertaining devices lay. 
“I almost feel bad...” Inej trailed off, appearing right behind you (scaring the sh*t out of you).
・There was a wordless conversation between the two of you, where you hinted at sleeping on the lounge. But Inej shook her head. 
・Too suspicious. What if they walk in?
・You were glad she was okay with it
・And when the night was late, and you couldn’t stop yawning, Inej laughed and motioned toward the bed
    “You don’t snore do you?” You asked, with a wry grin. You knew the Wraith didn’t snore. She barely made a sound during her waking hours.  
      “Of course I do-” she replied, catching onto the irony
・When you were in bed, Inej faced outward, but for some reason you decided to grasp onto this opportunity 
    “Inej, why are you a Crow?” 
・From then on you kept talking. Face to face, her brown eyes capturing yours. 
・You both spoke low, as if someone was trying to hear
・Neither of you wanted to stop talking, or to stop asking the next question. Like either of your lives depended on it, you kept trying to know more. 
・It wasn’t until Inej stifled a large yawn that you both decided sleep was needed
・And the next morning, you found yourself in the same position - facing Inej, and she hadn’t moved either. But your hands must have drifted in the night, because they had clasped together
・Ever the gentleman, he gestures for you to have the bed. And without a couch in the room, he offers to sleep on the floor - far away from you to be as respectful as possible. 
   “Don’t be stupid,” you retort, flinging yourself on the bed. You pat the space next to you and he blushes. Deeply. 
・The giant of a man moved the bags out of the way and flared his nostrils
       “Have we not established a relationship based on trust, dear Helvar?” 
・He rolled his eyes at you. An occurance that happened all too often. 
・But you knew him. More than he thought you did, however, you were always still blown away by his gentle ways. There wasn’t a time when he didn’t open a door for you, or helped you up or down from high places. But his kindness didn’t stop there
・He always stood in front of you whenever there was danger. 
・And made sure you were never left alone in dangerous situations. 
・If someone tried anything with you, Matthias was there to step in. 
・Jesper started calling him your bodyguard
・And although all these things happen, you still didn’t think Matthias was attracted to you. 
・You were never the traditional beauty. So you didn’t think someone like Matthias, who was this godlike man, would ever be interested in you
・And the fact that you were his pretend wife/husband, created endless flutters in your stomach. A feeling that was foreign, until you met Matthias. 
   “Are you hungry?” Matthias asked, dropping to unzip something from his bag. 
“Oh no no, I’m okay-”
   “I could hear your stomach rumbling from here.” Matthias grinned, and passed you some dried jerky that he bought from a vendor hours before 
・He was always doing things like that. Thinking of you and what you might need...or want. 
・You couldn’t help but blush. Even though you tried to keep up your jaunty attitude, you ... couldn’t
・And when he sat on the end of the bed, nibbling on his piece of jerky, and asking about you, your heart was beaming 
・After an hour, Matthias still hadn’t moved and you realised you had to tell him what was okay. 
   “Move up here,” once again you patted the space next to you. 
・You had wriggled underneath the blanket and watched Matthias take of his shoes and get into bed
・Your heart was in your throat. A thumping, fluttering mess. 
・You started up the conversation, as he turned over to face you
・When your eyes began to droop, and Matthias started mumbling when he spoke, you two fell asleep in the King sized bed. 
・You thought you were the first to wake, but you could hear the change in Matthias’ breathing
・However, you tried not to move as well. His strong arms had moved you onto his chest, and there you lay. Your head exactly where his heart was. 
・At times you could feel him rub your back and those goddamn tingles never left your body
・You already know this cheeky motherf*cker is grinning like a chesire cat
      “I guess even fate wants us together...”
“If by ‘fate’ you mean Kaz, and by ‘wants us together’ you mean doing our job. Then yeah Jesper, that’s exactly what’s happening.” 
・Your exterior was hard, but inside you were melting. Ever since meeting Jesper your insides melted whenever he was near. 
・Inside the room, you turned to put your weapons on the bedside table. Twin daggers, your personalised gun, a small knife you always kept in your boot (you put that one underneath your pillow) and small hatchet that you usually kept on your back. 
    “There’s something quite comedic about this-” Jesper said, with his legs up on the bed, boots gleaming, and his arms around his head. 
  “If you don’t take your goddamn shoes off the bed-” you countered, with a small fury. 
      “Ooh, yes boss,” Jesper complied with a grin. 
・It was a battle, trying to keep that stupid smile off your face. Somehow Jesper was always able to bring it out
・You didn’t have ocd, but you did have problems with outside clothes coming into contact with inside items. Jesper was used to the Ketterdam life, so keeping things clean was always difficult. 
・The room was cosy, and a fire was lit. A steady flame burned while you and Jesper talked about your next actions. 
・But somehow the conversation took a turn and you were talking about yourselves, your backgrounds and lives. 
・Time flew by as you spoke, and soon night turned into day. 
・The once roaring fire had dwindled into ashes and it wasn’t until Jesper yawned that you realised. 
・You were going to shout obscenities but there was a knock at the door
    “Did we just...?”
“Yeah! Sh*t, Fuc-” 
     “Wake up call!” 
・She gave a hearty laugh before looking at you with a sly grin. But her attention was grabbed by the food menu
   “Ooh, I hope they have waffles...”
・Completely unbothered by having to share a bed with you
・Behind her bravado is a heart that has been captured by you. She’s just very good at hiding it. 
・You, on the other hand, are a bit more quiet. Well, anyone is quiet compared to Nina (with the exception of Jesper). 
・So you are a bit hesitant when it comes to showing emotions. Especially since you’re afraid of seeming weird. Growing up, you had heard that word to describe you many times 
   “We don’t have to share a bed, it’s okay if you don’t want to,” Nina says after a heavy silence. Her eyes flick toward you, a half grin appearing on her face. It was almost ... sad? 
・You shake your head, “no no, it’s fine.” Inside you are DYING. Nina?? Sad??? You would burn the world to the ground before you made her sad. 
・Perking up (slightly, as she’s never truly sad), Nina moves through the room, looking at all the objects and items. Scowling at the lack of entertainment. 
   “Really, Kaz could have picked a nicer place...”
・Pulling out a waffle that you had saved from breakfast earlier, you turned around and held it high in the air. 
     “I have saved thy favourite snack. Please take this as a token of my friendship,” you bowed slightly and waited for her reaction. 
・Nina bowed low in response, a large grin on her pale face. 
      “I accept thy token, with immense gratitude.” 
・But the act was quickly forgotten about as she squealed and ran over to you. 
・ “I don’t know how well it’s going to taste...” You mumbled, showing the crumbled waffle. 
・Nevertheless, you were now her favourite person. 
・And the night was one you would always remember
・Like a sleepover with your best friend, you felt like you had known Nina since childhood 
・The next morning, you were the first to wake. 
・Tangled together Nina’s arms were firmly wrapped around you, snuggling her form closer to yours. 
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hqbaby · 26 days
five — right?
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tag, ur it! — sakusa ? iwaizumi ? osamu ? 
*ੈ✩‧ love is a losing game your roommate, your ex, or the guy you totally haven’t been seeing—the choice should be simple, right? right?
previous — masterlist — next
word count. 1.1k content. profanity, mentions of previous cheating
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“Will you stop that?” Iwaizumi says, glancing up from the paper that he’s been working on for the better half of the afternoon.
You bat your eyelashes at him innocently. “Stop what?”
He glares. “That,” he tells you, pointing at the growing pile of paper balls you’ve been making, crumpling up pages of old notes and unceremoniously dropping them at your feet. “It’s distracting.”
“Tough luck, bud. It’s for school.”
“That excuse is getting old,” he says. He takes one last look at his laptop, sighs, and closes it. He looks at you expectantly. “So what’s up?”
“Why do you think something’s up?”
“Because you’re being outwardly annoying,” Iwaizumi tells you, “Which isn’t particularly strange, but you’ve got this nervous energy around you right now.”
You try to silence the voice in your head that wants to ask him, You notice those kinds of things? Because it’s stupid. Of course your roommate notices when you’re acting weird. He’s subjected to your strangeness every day.
“Have you ever had a really stupid idea?” you ask him instead.
He raises his brow and puts his laptop away, making his way to the couch and plopping into the seat beside you. “What kind of idea?”
“I won’t go into the specifics,” you say. “But it’s just really stupid. Imagine you had a really good thing going for you now and it’s great, you know? But there’s this other thing that is really bad for you that you can’t seem to let go. So you have this idea, drop the really good thing for the bad thing. Which is stupid. But you want to do it.”
“Oh, that’s totally not specific at all.”
You stick your tongue out at him. “I need help here,” you say. “What would you do?”
He considers it for a moment. “How badly do you want the bad thing?”
“Really badly.”
There isn’t a hint of hesitation in your voice and it makes you want to hurl. After everything that’s happened, you’re exactly where you were before. It feels pathetic. Disappointing if nothing else.
And yet you don’t expect the next thing to come out of your roommate’s mouth. Not from Iwaizumi, the wise and kind and gentle and slightly aggressive but overall smart, good guy.
“Then fuck it,” he says, as if he were giving you his blessing. “Go for it. At some point, you can’t keep denying your feelings. They’ll blow up in your face eventually.”
You gape at him. “I can’t believe you just told me to fuck it.”
He grins, all teeth and sunshine. “Fuck it.”
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Of course when Iwaizumi told you to fuck it, he had no idea that it meant you were going to show up here. At a coffee shop. Waiting for Osamu, the guy all your friends have told you to clearly stay away from.
When you see him, you notice that he looks a little different. Not much has changed, you’ve only been a part for a few months, but time has its way of making the past seem more distant than it is.
“Hey,” he says as he approaches you. His breath catches when you stand and he sees you, clearly surprised by how much you’ve changed too. “You look… great.”
You offer him a curt nod. Despite just how much you want this, to see him again, there’s something that’s physically holding you back. Reminding you of what Osamu did, what he made you go through.
“Thanks,” you say. “You wanna sit?”
If he’s put off by your slight coldness, he doesn’t show it. He sits in the chair across from yours as you fall back into your seat.
“How have you been?” he asks.
It’s so polite. So unbothered. You hate it.
“Fine,” you tell him. “How’s Maya?”
You see him recoil at the name, his lips twisting into a frown as he curls into himself ever so slightly. It’s stupid just how much you still know him, how you know how to push his buttons in just the right way.
“I don’t know,” he says. “I haven’t seen her since…”
And there it is. The unspeakable. The thing you’ve poked and prodded at. Alluded to in conversations with your friends. Hidden deep in the back of your throat.
“Since you fucked her.”
He shakes his head and leans forward, spreading his hands on the table as he looks you straight in the eye. “I told you,” he says, “It was a mistake.”
“You still did it.”
The truth is sour on your tongue. You’ve had this conversation with him before, hurled your righteous accusations at him as he tried to explain that it wasn’t anything, that it didn’t matter. What a fucking idiot.
“What did you wanna talk about?” you ask. The scales have tilted in your favor. You have the upperhand here. “What do you want from me?”
Osamu’s eyes flicker from remorseful to regretful to penitent. “Give me a chance,” he says. “I fucked up, I know I did. But I can’t keep doing this. I look for you everywhere I go. I stay up at night wondering when you’ll call. But you’re so distant, you avoid me every chance you get.”
You scoff. “Do you blame me for that?”
“No.” He looks down. “But I want you to give me a chance. I know it’s a long shot, but I don’t have much of a choice.”
The stronger, more sensible part of you wants to walk away. Maybe slap him in the face, throw your water at him to make yourself feel better. Anything, as long as you leave. As long as you don’t look back.
But there’s still the part of you that stays. The one that goes to places you know he’ll be just to see if he’s doing fine. That wants to ask his brother how his finals went. That wants to forgive him right then and there, rush back into his arms, make everything alright.
So you compromise with yourself. You say, “Then win me back.”
You can tell that isn’t the answer that he was expecting. As much as you know him, he knows you too. He never expected you to bend, and while you haven’t fully done so just yet, you’ve given him an inch.
He’ll be damned if he doesn’t take a mile.
“Deal,” he says, smiling now. “You won’t regret this.”
You can’t help but chuckle at the bright look on his face. The way he lights up at the prospect of having you again. In the end, you always knew just how much you meant to him. In the end, you always knew just how much he meant to you.
“Oh, I have a feeling I will,” you tell him. “But, well, you know… Fuck it, right?”
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notes. i too would be weak for osamu no matter what he's done to me 🙂‍↕️
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lipglossanon · 8 months
Haunted House
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Corrupt Cop!Leon S. Kennedy x fem!reader - NSFW
Warnings: mean/condescending Leon, Leon being spooky lol, ghost story involving child murder, dirty talk, spitting, oral (m receiving)
not proofread ✌️
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“I dare you to go in there.”
Leon raises an eyebrow, “Okay, and what do I get when I do?”
You bite your lip and he zeroes in on the action, “What do you want?”
“To eat your cunt in the back of my squad car.”
Nipples stiffening in your bra, you gasp scandalized, “Leon!”
He shrugs easily, “You asked.”
“I don’t want to get caught,” you murmur quietly. 
“I’m a cop,” he laughs, “you won’t get in trouble.”
“You’re not scared?” You try changing subjects back to the dare. 
He rolls his eyes, “Why? Just because some kids disappeared around this place back in the 20’s?” 
You nod, “Yeah, I mean it’s still pretty spooky.”
A wide grins splits his face making you nervous. 
“Let’s sneak in right now.”
Leon drags you into the local haunted house before you can even blink. There’s a makeshift doorway on the side that draws you up short making Leon’s grip around your bicep tighten. 
“I bust kids partying here all the time, nothing to worry about,” he pulls you along, shoving you into the doorway first. 
It doesn’t look as rundown as you thought it would, just beat up old furniture and dusty rugs lining the floor. The plaster walls are cracked and worn, covered in graffitied cuss words and dicks. Leon guides you past this room further into the house.
Teenagers or whoever must not venture past that opening room because these walls are bare save for the peeling wallpaper. Time worn photographs hang at odd angles but are too weather worn to see properly. Cobwebs coat every surface making your skin crawl. 
“Leon, let’s just turn back,” your voice comes out quiet, spooked by your surroundings, “we’ve went far enough for the dare.”
He clicks his tongue tossing you a wicked grin over his shoulder, “Don’t you wanna have some fun, sweetheart?”
He pulls you into another room, this one suspiciously less dusty than the rest of the house with a clean looking fainting couch sitting atop a Persian rug. 
“Leon this is…”
Weird? Off putting? Uncomfortable?
Something about the space is making your hair stand on end unlike the other more overt creepy part of the house. 
He chuckles low in his throat and pushes you down onto the couch. 
“Surprise,” he gestures around the room, but your eyes never leave his face. 
“I don’t understand.”
“This is where they went missing,” his dark blue eyes sweep around the room one last time before meeting your gaze. 
“I did some digging and come to find out, the nanny this family hired went a little nuts,” he laughs gleefully, “seems like she fucked the owner and when he wouldn’t leave his wife, she,” he makes a slicing motion across his neck, “decided to take care of the children permanently.”
You gasp softly, eyes wide as Leon only laughs harder. 
“What’s fucked is she told him but he didn’t believe her, just fired her on the spot,” he sighs, smiling a little too wide for his face, “she stayed in town and married some other poor schmuck.“
You clear your throat nervously, “How do you know—“
“Oh, she’s like my great, great, great aunt,” he waves his hand like it’s inconsequential information, “that’s beside the point. The point being is she killed them in this. very. room.”
You lick your lips and take a quick glance around; aside from it being cleaner than the other parts you walked through, it���s pretty nondescript overall. 
“And they say,” Leon’s deep voice murmurs in your ear making you jump, “you can still hear them crying if you show up at the right time.”
He grabs your forearms and pushes you down onto the rug. 
“And since we have a couple of hours to go til then, why don’t I keep that pretty little mouth busy,” he tilts his head, sandy fringe covering one eye, “sound good?”
And now, you’re not even sure why you let it happen, but you’re on your knees with Leon’s thick uncut cock dripping over your face. Even though you’re angry at yourself, you can’t help but feel turned on in the situation. Clit throbbing with need, you loll your tongue out, holding your mouth open for Leon. 
“Such a good girl,” he croons, “so eager to please.”
A bolt of heat pulses in your cunt. His hand cradles your jaw gently before he spits onto your tongue making you whine, nipples tightening to aching points in your bra. He slaps his cock down onto your tongue, smearing his spit and precum all around the wet muscle. 
“You’re gonna give me some sloppy head, baby,” he grins meanly down at you, “and if you’re good, I’ll let you swallow.”
Eyes fluttering, slick fills the gusset of your panties, making the cute lace stick to your pussy lips; you press the dough of your thighs together hoping to alleviate the pressure in your core. 
“Mmm so slutty just letting me fuck your mouth like this,” he goads with a smirk, dick sinking into your open mouth, “bet I could get you on your knees anywhere.”
Your eyes water as his thick cock obscenely stretches your mouth open. 
His hips thrust forward, sinking another inch into your hot wet mouth.
“Such a pretty little throat,” he murmurs to himself, letting his hand squeeze around your neck. 
You whine as your thighs clench together, more slick pooling in your already drenched panties.
His hand shifts to the back of your head, rocking your mouth further down on his dick, fat tip kissing the back of your throat and making you gag. He presses there until you cough and retch around the tip, making him slip his cock free. You cough slightly, breaking the stringy lines of spit connecting his thick length to your lips. 
“Aww too much?” he coos mockingly, “don’t worry, we’ll train this slutty throat til it can take me nice and deep.”
Your cunt aches as he slaps his cock across your face, smearing spit and precum everywhere before slowly easing it back into your drooling mouth. He pulls out until you’re suckling on the fat head of his dick before sinking back into you, balls slapping your chin. 
“M’gonna give you a nice throatpie, sweetheart,” he grunts, hand moving to the top of your head to guide himself deeper.
You swallow around his dick, saliva dripping from the corners of your lips while Leon’s fat, heavy cock ruts in and out of your mouth. Hands grasping at your leggings, you move them to brace on his legs and let your mouth sink down on his cock even more, tip knocking into your throat making you gag. 
He pulls you off and takes a seat on the couch, patting his leg, “Crawl over here and suck me off, pretty girl.”
A full body shudder runs through you, pussy feeling like a wet mess between your legs as you crawl the few feet over to him. 
“Good girl,” the praise drips like honey from his lips, “being so good for me, tonight.”
With a mewling sigh, you eagerly wrap your mouth around Leon’s dick and sink down. 
“Gonna keep my dick warm for a while,” he pets your head, rocking his cock into your mouth, “if you try to suck, I’m gonna spank that soaked little cunt.”
Moaning, you go slack against him, letting Leon nestle his dick deep into your mouth, leaking tip bumping against the opening to your throat. You constantly swallow to prevent yourself from gagging but it only seems to make more precum dribble from his cockhead.  
He murmurs condescending praise making your brain mushy and cunt leak until you’ve soaked through to create a wet spot in the front of your leggings. It doesn’t seem like long at all before he’s slowly pulling out of your mouth with a groan. You whimper and chase after his cock, mouth kissing and licking at his spit coated shaft making him laugh down at you. 
“So needy,” he grasps your jaw and fucks his cock back into your swollen mouth, “think it’s time I give you your reward. Ready to drink all my cum? Cream that throat like you deserve.”
He thrusts half a dozen times before burying his cock into your mouth with a low groan, spilling down your throat. You feel dizzy as hot spurts of cum hit the back of your throat before you’re swallowing it down, greedily sucking his cock.
“Good fucking girl,” he humps against your drooling mouth, “drink every drop.”
You milk Leon’s cock until he’s spent, pulling his softening dick away from your mouth as you press a soft kiss to the head. He glances down at his watch before pulling you up onto the couch with him.
Your brain feels empty, cunt needy for stimulation as Leon kisses your cheek and teases across the inside seam of your leggings. 
“When we get to the car, gonna make good on my promise, sweetheart,” he nips your earlobe, “gonna eat you out til you’re crying.”
You arch against him with a whine, “Please, can we go now?”
He hums shooting another glance to his watch, “I guess so, not like it’s real anyways.”
Brain too muddled to argue with him, you squirm as Leon pulls you up from the couch. Neither of you notice the two pairs of luminescent eyes watching you from the corner as you leave the room.  
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divider: @firefly-graphics
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lambertdiary · 8 months
NSFW I can’t remember exactly what I requested and it was kinda long, but basically sorority y/n is interested in dalton because he is artsy and unlike the other weird frat guys at the school and he is interested in her because she is beautiful y/n and Chris is like whoa really y’all are so different, go for her now Dolphin! And they are just very different but opposites attract! And like maybe she motions to him at a party and things get steamy ???
Original Request: NSFW. I wanted to request something smutty where Dalton and maybe sorority reader he knows from a general class secretly like each other or maybe she makes eyes at him at a party and he doesn’t think she would be into him and thinks nothing of it… then she drags him out of nowhere into a closet or something! Idk but I like the idea of a sorority girl being totally into his artsy vibes and him being totally shocked by it but really liking it 😂
A/N: Thank you so much for your request!! I know you have been waiting for a while 😭 I’m so sorry but thanks for your patience! I hope this gets close to what your original request said, so please let me know what you think! By the way, two posts in the same week, that’s not so bad is it? Also I don’t know what has gotten into me lately with the REALLY long fics.
Word Count: 5.5k
Warnings: NSFW, smut, language, mentions of alcohol, mentions of other characters getting drunk, kind of outgoing reader x shy Dalton (PLEASE KEEP SCROLLING IF THIS TYPE OF CONTENT MAKES YOU UNCOMFORTABLE)
MASTELIST ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎‎‎✩ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎SEND ME A REQUEST
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Hard To Get
Dalton was late for class. He was running to his philosophy class as fast as his legs allowed him, blaming sleep deprivation for his lack of sleep and his alarms for not waking him up on time. Unfortunately, it happened a lot, more than he would like to admit, but sometimes he couldn’t help it. 
Dealing with the aftermath of everything he had to go through because of his ‘gift’ meant long nights doing anything but sleeping, and no matter how much he wanted to have a normal sleeping schedule, it was hard to get the amount of sleep he was supposed to.
He slowed down a little bit once he made it to the building, trying to stabilise his breathing as he walked to the door. He carefully opened it and walked in, giving his professor an ‘I’m sorry I’m late again’ look. He only looked at him in annoyance when the entire class was distracted by him for a moment, but as he continued talking about the subject on the projector screen everyone looked back at him. Well, almost everyone.
Y/N was sitting nearly at the top, giving her a full view of the classroom and when her eyes landed on Dalton, she couldn’t take them off of him. She followed him with her eyes until he found a seat a few rows below her, brushing his hair back and pulling out his laptop.
For the rest of the class, Y/N she had a hard time focusing on whatever the professor was so passionately talking about, she was sure it was something important but his hair, it looked so delicate and soft she had to fight the urge to touch it.
She wasn’t sure how much time had passed but the professor finally dismissed the class and Dalton immediately got up, putting his laptop back on his bag as he started walking.
“Let’s go” Y/N said to Annie, who had been sitting there the entire time, but Y/N barely acknowledged her existence.
“Wait, I need to gather my stuff”
Y/N ignored her again, just taking her laptop in her hands and quickly walking down the stairs, hoping to catch up with him, but then realised she didn’t have a plan to actually talk to him, so instead of thinking of something she purposely bumped into him, hoping he would talk to her.
“Oh, sorry” Y/N said, smiling at him.
Dalton just nodded, he wanted to say something back but it was like his voice was completely gone when he met her eyes. 
“Hurry up, I wanna buy a coffee before our next class” Annie said, grabbing her by the arm and dragging her out of there.
Dalton watched as the two girls exited the class, the sticker on her laptop being the only thing he knew about her: she was part of a sorority.
⋆ ★ ⋆ ★
“Great, now he’s never gonna talk to me” She said, releasing herself from Annie’s clasp.
Y/N rolled her eyes at her, looking back and smiling when she saw Dalton struggle a bit to carry the big bag that protected his canvas.
Curious, Annie followed her eyes to see why she was smiling like that, her head tilted when she saw Dalton “Who is that?”
“I don’t know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him before”
“Well now you have, and you’re taking a good look at him, huh?” Annie teased, making Y/N blush as she rolled her eyes again.
“It’s just nice to see someone like him”
“Like him… how?” She questioned, confused.
“Not an asshole frat boy”
“He looks like a frat boy, but not like an asshole, I’ll give you that”
Y/N let out an annoyed sigh “Come on, we’re gonna be late”
⋆ ★ ⋆ ★
When Dalton was done with his classes of the day, he went back to his dorm with a couple of sodas, putting them in the mini fridge to keep them cold until Chris got there with their lunch. Luckily it didn’t take her long, knocking on his door just a few minutes later. 
They had their usual lunch and after that, they were both determined to finish their schoolwork before midnight. Dalton had no problem with that, given he could start something and finish it in one sitting, but Chris wasn’t helping at all, she had been talking about the crazy stories she has heard about the Halloween parties over the years. Apparently teenagers cared a little too much about it but for all the wrong reasons. 
“And last year someone crashed a car into one of the sororities-”
As soon as Dalton heard that word he remembered the little interaction he had earlier, with her on his mind there was no way he could fully focus on his sketchbook. He was still wishing he asked for her name. He didn’t know anything about her, except that she had beautiful eyes, that she was in a sorority and that she wasn’t in art school, so philosophy class would probably be his only chance to talk to her, if he ever built up the courage to do it. But maybe he didn’t have to, he could easily just keep his distance and hope for the best.
“Hey, are you listening to me?” Chris asked all of the sudden, raising her voice a little bit. Dalton looked at her with widened eyes, wondering for how long he had been out.
“Huh? Uh- yeah, sorry” 
“What’s going on with you?”
“Nothing” Dalton replied, hoping Chris will just drop it “Just thinking”
“Oh, I get it” Chris dramatically shut her laptop and crossed her arms at Dalton, almost as if she was waiting for an explanation.
“What?” He questioned, a little confused.
“You met someone more interesting, spill” Dalton furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head “Come on, dude! Last time you acted all weird and mysterious you ended up possessed”
“I don’t appreciate you bringing that up-”
“And you’ve been staring at the wall for a little too long. So go on, I wanna know”
Dalton rolled his eyes and focused on his sketchbook again, he should’ve known Chris would never drop anything “I told you, I’m just thinking”
“About what?”
“School?” He replied, but it didn’t sound as confident as he had hoped.
“Alright” Chris raised her hands in defeat and opened her laptop again “If you don’t wanna tell me that’s fine, but I want you remember that I tell you everything, like a good friend does”
He sighed as he thought about it. Maybe telling her wasn't the worst thing in the world, it’s not like anything happened anyway, but he knew that once Chris found out she would never shut up about it and his plan of admiring her from a distance would not happen.
“I met someone today” He simply said, but Chris signalled him to continue “She’s in my philosophy class and I’m pretty sure that’s the only class we have in common, so…”
“What’s her name?”
“I don’t know”
“You don’t know her name?”
Dalton shook his head before continuing “We barely talked for like a second… well, she did the talking” Chris furrowed her eyebrows “It wasn’t really a conversation, I just bumped into her on accident and she apologised and then left”
“That’s all?” She asked and Dalton simply nodded “Oh, bumping into each other, that’s a classic” Dalton rolled his eyes and stood up from his chair “That’s very romantic and all but you have to talk to her next time”
“Here we go” He said under his breath.
“I mean it, in all the time we have been friends I’ve never seen you approach a girl” “So?”
“So… it’s time you do it. Talk to her and take her out on a date” “That sounds like a lovely idea, it really does, but I really doubt she’d ever be into me”
“Why do you think that?” Chris asked, furrowing her eyebrows.
“She’s in a sorority, and I’m… me”
“Dalton, come on, don’t say that” She grabbed his arm and made him sit next to her “Just because she’s in a sorority doesn’t mean she wouldn’t go out with you”
“Don’t they date frat dudes exclusively?”
“I don’t know, I don’t think so” She replied, but a smile appeared on her face when she scanned him “Luckily you look like one”
Dalton let out a loud sigh as he left his bed, shaking his head repeatedly “It doesn’t matter, I guess we’ll never find out”
⋆ ★ ⋆ ★
“I think he’s an artist” Y/N said as she stared at her ceiling.
“The guy from the philosophy class”
“Oh my god, you have to stop talking about him” Y/N was about to say something, but stopped herself when she realised she didn’t wanna talk about anything else “How do you know he’s an artist anyway? I thought you said you had never seen him before”
“No, but he was carrying a big bag in the shape of a canvas so I assume that’s what it was”
“Right” Annie said, making it obvious how little interest she had.
“You know, I didn’t judge you when you had a thing for Nick” Y/N tried to make her feel bad for being so rude about her crush when she’s had far worse taste.
“You should’ve, he was a waste of time”
Y/N laughed as she remembered all the stupid parties they hosted just so Nick would come over, but rolled her eyes when she remembered how insufferable he was. At least none of the girls liked him anymore so he was officially banned from their parties, and considering how petty they were, they were probably banned from their parties too.
“You should invite him to our Halloween party” Annie said out of nowhere.
“Nick?” Y/N looked at her with a mixture of confusion and disgust on her face.
“Obviously not Nick, the artist”
“Annie you’re a genius” She exclaimed excitedly, sitting up on her bed and opening her bag to check how many flyers they had left.
“Sure, if that will make you stop talking about him” Annie said under her breath, hoping Y/N wouldn’t hear her. But she did.
⋆ ★ ⋆ ★
The next philosophy class was a couple of days later, and since it was their last class that day Dalton decided to get there a little earlier to try to sit a little closer to her without being too obvious. Unfortunately it took him a little too long to get there, and the closest seat to her was one row below, so he would have to settle there.
Her eyes lit up when she saw him coming up the stairs, a smile creeping her lips when he stopped on the row below her. At least inviting him to the party would be easier now that he was sitting closer to them, but just as she was about to talk to him, the professor dimmed the lights and turned on the projector. 
She decided to wait until he was talking about the subject so he would be too distracted by his own class to pay attention to the students, so once he started she tried to get a little closer to Dalton.
“Hey” She whispered, trying to get his attention without interrupting the class, but he probably didn’t catch it “Hey” She repeated a little louder.
“Me?” Dalton asked, making her chuckle.
“Yes, you. What’s your name?”
She stared at him as she waited for him to ask her name, chuckling again when he never did “So you’re not gonna ask my name?” She teased.
“Oh, uh- sorry. What’s your name?”
“Y/N” Dalton blushed as he remembered how many times he had been wondering her name for the last couple of days “Listen, we’re having a halloween party tomorrow, you should come” She said handing him a flyer.
Dalton took it nervously, touching her hand for a split second “Thanks” He whispered as he examined it.
Y/N felt a chill run down her spine when his paint-stained hand brushed hers “It says it starts at 7:00 but you can come anytime you want. Oh, and you should dress up, that’s the fun part”
“Silence please” The professor said, suddenly raising his voice.
“Thanks, I’ll be there” He lowered his voice and smiled softly at her, blushing again when she smiled back.
“I’ll see you there” 
⋆ ★ ⋆ ★
Dalton literally sprinted back to his dorm, desperately looking for an outfit that would be good enough for a costume party. He wasn’t planning on going to a halloween party so he definitely didn’t even bother to think of a costume, but right now he was regretting his decision.
A knock on the door interrupted his mission. Dalton rushed to open it, giving Chris a worried look when she stepped into his room.
“What’s going on?” She asked, copying his worried expression.
“Y/N invited me to her halloween party” The panic in his voice would make anyone think that was a tragedy.
“Y/N… the sorority girl?”
“Yes, and it’s a costume party and she told me to dress up”
“Go Dalton! Well done; so, how did you talk to her?” He looked at her with annoyance “What? Why are you acting like this is a problem?”
“Because it is! I don’t have a costume and all my clothes are lame” He was hoping Chris would help him come up with a solution, but instead she was just nodding “I’m just not gonna go” He grunted dramatically, falling on his bed.
“Yes you are” Dalton shook his head, annoying Chris at how stubborn he was when it came to girls “We’re going because not only are you gonna regret missing her party, but you’ll also have to face her next week with an excuse as to why you didn’t go”
Dalton thought about what Chris just said. She was right, there was no way he was missing his chance just because he didn't have a proper costume, and if he didn’t like it they could just leave early.
“You’re right” He said, sitting up on his bed.
“Yes, and don’t worry about the costume, I have a cowboy hat, a matching bandana and a belt that I’m sure it’s big enough-”
“Of course you do”
Chris rolled her eyes “Do you want my help or not?”
“Yes, I’m sorry” Dalton stood up and followed Chris to her dorm.
Once he was back in his room Chris assured him any trousers and a button up shirt would be enough, so he looked through his clothes and found a few that could work. He tried them on, but decided on a black and brown flannel shirt that really made him look like a cowboy.
The next day, his nerves were growing by the second as he fixed the bandana around his neck, rolling his eyes when he scanned his whole costume.
‘Dumb’ He thought to himself.
“Dalton, are you ready?” Chris yelled from outside.
He took a deep breath as he slowly opened the door, ready for any critiques he was sure he was about to hear.
“Nothing, it looks good” Dalton stared at her, knowing she would find something wrong with it “Maybe roll up your sleeves a little, like up to your elbows” Chris started to roll his shirt, already relieved at how much better it looked “That way you can really show off your arms”
“And lose a few buttons, jesus” She undid a few buttons, uncovering his chest.
“Okay, that’s enough” He said, pushing her hands.
“There you go, it looks fantastic!”
“Thank you, for everything” Dalton was genuinely thankful, if it weren’t for Chris he wouldn’t have a costume right now and probably would’ve skipped the party “You look great too, uh-”
“Maleficent” He repeated “Allow me” Dalton tilted his head and his hat, pretending to be a real cowboy as he extended his hand for her to grab.
⋆ ★ ⋆ ★
The party had started about an hour ago, and apparently that was enough time for a few students to get absolutely wasted. The house was packed and new people were coming through the door every minute, but unfortunately for Y/N, there were no signs of Dalton yet.
She went to the bathroom and stared at the mirror one last time, smiling as she fixed her hair. She decided to dress up as a F1 driver, but instead of the regular racewear suit she had a tight leotard and a tiny skirt with the Ferrari colours and brand logos all over them, a pair of black boots complementing her costume.
“Y/N, I think he’s here” She heard Annie yell from the other side of the door.
“Where?” Y/N asked as soon as she opened it, immediately making her way to where Annie pointed “Dalton!” She exclaimed when she saw him “I’m so happy you made it”
“Y/N, hi” He replied nervously “Uh- this is my friend, Chris”
“Hi, I’m Y/N, nice you meet you”
“Y/N! I’ve heard so much about you” Dalton’s eyes widened as he subtly hit her with his elbow.
Y/N blushed as she let out a nervous laugh “You guys look great! Glad to see you really dressed up”
“Thanks, you too” Dalton examined her costume but quickly looked back up when he noticed the revealing outfit “Are you like a sexy… wait no- sorry, I didn’t mean-”
“I’m gonna stop you before you accidentally say I’m not sexy”
Dalton chuckled nervously and Chris couldn't help but laugh at how easily Dalton messed up his words when he liked someone.
“Do you guys need anything?” She asked, but she was mainly asking Dalton.
“No, we’re okay”
“Well, if you do just come find me” She started to walk away, but she winked at Dalton before she turned around and disappeared.
Dalton could feel the heat creep up his neck and taint his cheeks. He swallowed hard as he tried to brush it off and looked back at his friend, who was giving him a shocked look.
“Why are you playing so hard to get?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean” She motioned at where Y/N just walked off to, but Dalton didn’t seem to understand “It’s pretty obvious she likes you back”
“I don’t think she does”
“She literally just winked at you”
Dalton’s jaw tensed. He wanted to talk to her but just thinking about it made him nervous, how could he possibly hold a conversation with her? What would they even talk about?
After processing the wink and what it could possibly mean, Chris tried to convince Dalton to get some drinks, dragging him to the alcohol table as she told him to relax, but after remembering how terrible he felt the last time he got drunk he decided not to.
“You drink, I’ll look after you”
“Aww, so sweet” Chris said in a sarcastic tone before taking the tequila shot, the alcohol going down her throat like it was water.
As the night went on everyone was getting even more drunk, leading them to do stupid things they would never do if they were sober, including Chris, who was about to jump into the pool with her clothes on.
“Chris stop, you can’t”
“Yes I can, everyone else is doing it”
“Please don’t make me drag you out of that pool” He said, watching as everyone in it got uncomfortably close to each other.
“Dalton relax” A voice he didn’t recognise spoke behind him “They’re all our friends and I promise you they’re not weirdos” Annie said as Y/N stood next to her.
“See?” Chris looked back at Dalton.
“You’re Chris, right?” Annie asked her, and she just nodded “I’m Annie. Come on, I’ll jump with you”
Chris looked at Y/N and then back at Dalton, quickly understanding Annie’s intentions “Go for it” She whispered to Dalton before smiling at Annie and taking her hand, both of them jumping to the pool as everyone around them cheered. Dalton sighed loudly, knowing for sure Chris would regret jumping in the morning.
“I think she’ll be okay” Y/N took a step closer to him, making his breathing heavier.
“Yeah, I guess” 
She wrapped his arms around his neck, the distance between their lips shortening “Have you been drinking?” Y/N asked him, and he quickly shook his head.
“I don’t really drink” He replied with a shaky voice, his eyes switching between her lips and her eyes.
“Good, me neither” Dalton leaned in to close the gap, feeling the need to know how her lips tasted, but Y/N pulled away and grabbed his hand “Come with me”
She dragged him through the crowd of people that were drunkenly dancing and up the stairs, making her way to one of the doors at the end of the hallway.
“Don’t worry, this is my room” She whispered before pulling him inside. 
As soon as the door was closed and locked their lips crashed into a passionate kiss. Dalton was nervous at first, but once he got used to her lips he cupped her face to kiss her with more intensity. They were messily kicking off their shoes as his hands started exploring her body, running them up and down her back and then to her hips, bringing her body closer to him.
Y/N let out a surprised moan when she felt his big hands on her hips and his growing cock pressing against her, and almost on instinct she grabbed him by the collar of his shirt to guide him to her bed, slowly making him walk backwards until the back of his knees met the edge of the mattress. 
She broke the kiss and gently pushed him to her bed, making him sit on the edge as she took his cowboy hat and put it on her own head. Dalton was looking up at her with hungry eyes as his hands that never left her hips squeezed them softly. She bit her lip and straddled him, sinking her knees on either side of him as she went for his lips again, but stopped when Dalton let out a shaky breath.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes” He breathed.
“Are you sure? We can stop-”
“No, please” He replied in a desperate tone, eyes falling to her lips.
Once he said that, she kissed him again, but only for a few more seconds. She started kissing down his jawline to his neck while intercepting gentle bites with sucks on the sensitive skin, leaving a trail of wet kisses. She wanted to take her time there, so she kept kissing as one of her hands went to his hair to slightly yank his head up to give her more space.
Dalton could feel a groan threatening to leave his throat, finally giving in when she kissed a sweet spot that made him moan loudly. He was brushing his hands over her exposed thighs as his teeth sank into the bottom of his lip, and he knew he couldn’t be blamed for the tent forming in his trousers.
“I want you” Y/N purred as she started to roll her hips, earning another moan from Dalton.
Dalton nodded as he desperately kissed her again, hands sliding up her thighs and landing on her ass, his fingers spreading to encompass as much of her fabric-covered skin as he could, rocking her deeper against him.
She moaned softly, placing both hands on his shoulders as his grasp on her ass tightened, fingers digging into the fabric of her cheap costume and she could feel his cock twitching in his trousers, a low grunt leaving his lips when he involuntarily bucked his hips up into hers “Do you want me?”
“Yeah” He said in a low voice.
She inhaled as her hands gripped onto his shirt on his shoulders, and she had convinced herself to let the words slip out “Show me”
In a quick movement, Dalton flipped her and made her lay on her back, Y/N immediately moved up until her head rested by the pillows at the head of the bed, throwing the hat somewhere in the floor, but Dalton didn’t follow her, and instead he stared at her for a moment, up and down, almost as if he was trying to mentally keep this image forever.
“Come here” She spoke quietly, reaching out to grab his hand.
Before taking it, Dalton stood up and undid his belt and trousers, pulling them down and stepping out as he started to unbutton his shirt. Y/N got up and kneeled on the bed and in front of him with the intention of helping him with his shirt, she knew how beefy Dalton was and she was dying to feel for herself. She pulled his buttons free and discarded the clothing article before placing her hands on the bare skin of his abs, moving them slowly, stroking the hard lines of his muscles and memorising how his breath hitched under her touch. 
His reaction soon grew as her hands reached lower, getting to the hem of his boxers “These are getting in the way, don’t you think?” She murmured.
“So is this. I’m nearly naked, it’s only fair” Dalton said as he started to pull at the fabric of her skirt. Y/N couldn’t contain the smirk appearing on her lips, glad Dalton finally said more than two words since they got to her room.
“Get rid of it then” She whispered.
It was like he had been waiting all night to hear those words, and if he was being completely honest, he kind of had been. He quickly obliged, getting rid of the skirt first and then unzipping the back of her leotard, kissing the soft skin on her shoulders as he slid it down her body, soon joining the pile of his clothes on the floor.
Y/N was left only in her underwear, but she decided to lose her bra just to make a show out of it. She pushed Dalton gently to make him take a step back to admire her, slowly taking it off and dropping it to the floor. His eyes immediately fell to her boobs, his boxers getting painfully tight.
“Come here” She repeated, returning to her previous spot and this time, Dalton followed her immediately. 
He carefully made his way up to her as her legs parted to make room for him, but Dalton stopped crawling and suddenly lowered his head to attach his lips to her skin. He was kissing the insides of her thighs as his fingers hooked on her underwear and started pulling them down, then tossing them somewhere in the room once they were completely off.
Y/N squeezed her eyes shut, letting out loud and heavy breaths as his fingers got closer to where she needed him the most. She was fluttering around nothing when the need for him was becoming too much and she was ready to beg him to just fuck her, but her eyes shot open when she felt a kiss being placed on her clit, an unwilling moan falling from her lips.
“No, Dalton. I need you inside me” She said as she grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled him away from her.
“Please, we’ll do that next time” His cock twitched again at the thought of ‘a next time’.
He just nodded and positioned himself over her, their lips meeting with a smack as he got rid of his own underwear, and she could feel him smiling against her mouth when his cock slapped against her thigh. After a few seconds, Dalton stopped kissing her and looked down at her with worried eyes.
“Do you… uh-” He started, but it was like nervousness was taking him over again “I don’t have a… condom” He said in a shy low tone.
“In the drawer” She chuckled as she pointed at her nightstand.
Dalton blushed and reached for the drawer, opening it carefully and blushing even harder when he spotted the condom. He took it and kneeled between her legs as he opened the shiny package, taking it out and slowly rolling it down his shaft. A smirk appeared on his face when he noticed her staring, her bottom lip tucked between her teeth as she blinked slowly.
For once, she was the one blushing and trying to play it cool when she realised how obvious she was being, so when Dalton positioned himself over her again she wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him into a kiss. 
“I’m ready” She managed to say into the kiss. 
Dalton gave himself a few tugs before guiding his cock to her entrance, and Y/N let out a loud whimper when his tip brushed her clit before it found its place. Dalton slowly inched inside of her, each letting out sounds in unison; Y/N a breathy moan at the feeling of him finally filling her and him a quick grunt as he bucked into her completely.
He started slowly, relishing in the feeling of being buried in her and the quiet moans she let slip past her lips, and he couldn’t get over how undeniably pretty she looked beneath him.
“Faster” She begged him as both her hands found his hair again, and he happily obliged.
Once he found a rhythm that worked for the both of them, Y/N wrapped her legs around his waist, bringing him deeper and closer to her. They couldn’t get any closer if they tried to, yet she still wanted more.
The way Dalton was pounding into her exceeded all the expectations she had going in, which said a lot considering she had been wanting this to happen from the moment she laid eyes on him in their class.
Dalton would’ve never thought this is how tonight would end up, but god he was glad Chris made him go to that party.
His breathing was strained as his hips met hers with each thrust, his knuckles white as he fisted the sheets on either side of her head. He was trying really hard to contain any moans and whimpers that he knew were stuck on his throat, but failing with a particular good thrust.
Her hand leaving his hair almost distracted him, watching as it travelled down between their bodies and landed on her clit, circling it in slow passes. Eager to take a better look at how she was touching herself, his hands left the sheets, and instead reached up to grip the headboard with one hand as the other hand was holding a firm hold around her thigh, hitting a new deepness when her hips met up with his with a quick desperation. Her head fell back against the pillow, a strangled moan past her lips as all she could do was fasten the pace on her clit.
“Oh Dalton-” She whimpered, arching her back against him and meeting his movements halfway “Just like that- feels so good”
“Yeah” Her response was rough and more choked than she intended “Just a little more, I’m close”
She was fluttering around him, locking down onto his cock tighter and tighter with each precise push of his hips. No words can be spoken as he worked her to a very intense orgasm, his following close behind.
After a few more thrusts, her body froze for a moment, feeling nothing but dizziness and an intense pleasure as the beginning of her orgasm swirled in her stomach. 
“Oh, god” She was a mess.
“You’re gonna make me- fuck” He cut himself off at the feeling of her squeezing him tighter, only causing an even harshed moan to explode from his lips “I’m gonna cum” He warned. He had given up on keeping his blissed sounds to himself, and Y/N loved to hear how good she was making him feel. 
The sound of her wetness and the way her body was shaking from her orgasm was defeating, and he couldn’t contain it any longer. When he knew he was too close, he fell forward and he tried his best to rest his weight on his hands, sloppily smacking into her hips to bring himself to his release, fisting the sheets again as he moaned her name repeatedly when the first string of his orgasm shot into the condom.
His opened mouth was pressed against her neck, allowing her to catch every senseless word he was letting out as he rode out his orgasm. 
When his movements stopped completely all they could hear was their heavy breathing and a little bit of the loud music that was coming from downstairs. She didn’t move but by the way he was trying to keep his weight from crushing her, she knew he was tired.
“Lay next to me” She whispered but Dalton shook his head.
“I just need a minute” He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, not wanting to part from the warm feeling of being inside of her.
Once he pulled out they both let out a soft moan, and he collapsed next to her as he tried to catch his breath “So, when can I see you again?”
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pizzagame4000 · 3 months
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NOISETTE THEMED DOODLE DUMP ft. cheesecake and the spouses
copious hazel headcanons under the cut because i can’t help myself
first off: her name is Hazel 👍🏻 ik that’s a common one but it’s literally perfect… canon info to me
her favorite thing to do, besides making experimental food, is actually exercising! she’s an incredibly skilled acrobat and stunt artist, so she needs to be fit for that, but she also just enjoys letting the excess energy out bc she gets really cranky otherwise. she’s toned af and could wipe the floor with you - she doesn’t go around picking fights for no good reason, but if she did… heehee
she has such an unending well of passion for all of her interests that some find her to be too much but she dgaf… she’s unabashedly autistic and does NOT care if you don’t want to hear her infodump about obscure cheeseslime genetics, she will do it anyways
i like to think that, although she is very bubbly, she has an insane morbid streak that catches people off guard. she loves talking about anatomy and gross-out subjects to anyone who can stomach it, and cracks the most fucked up jokes - it’s one of the reasons her and noise get along so well. she is thinking about blood and guts because she thinks it’s interesting!!!! she will give you hyperspecific graphic threats of violence if you make her mad!!! teehee!!
i would put her at like… chaotic neutral but leaning towards good. she has an almost scientific fascination with violence and seeing what kinds of stress a body can take, and doesn’t mind watching shit unfold instead of helping… unless something actually super fucked up is going on (like way past canon typical pizza tower violence), she’s not going to bat for you lol she’s gonna grab a camera and clipboard
her interest in anatomy branches out into a love for biology, medicine and health in general - as much as she loves watching her boyfriend beat the shit out of some chump on live tv, she also loves studying how different creatures work and how to treat injuries. she almost became a doctor! but she didn’t like the rigid schedule and pressure, so she fostered her interest in dance and gymnastics, and went into television as a stunt double instead. that’s actually how she met noise! that’s why they look so much alike - she was told to inquire NTV for a job because of the resemblance. noise thought she was so cool she was asked to be his co-star instead, and they’ve been inseparable ever since.
sometimes she gets tired of the noisette persona, but she does genuinely like theo, so it’s hard. she’s been more busy with this NTV gig (that’s looking more like a full blown career) than she would like, so that’s why she opened her cafe - to do something else for once dammit!! she likes weird shit, food included!!!
i have two shipping scenarios i like, so consider these parallel universes - hazel x vigi, and hazel x vigi x noise
if you don’t like negative takes on the noise relationship i’d recommend skipping to 2 ^_^
1. her relationship with noise deteriorates bc noise can’t accept the fact that hazel doesn’t wanna be noisette all the time! they’re so busy, he barely even makes time for her anymore - he barely even tolerates her! it’s not until vigi comes into the picture that she realizes she doesn’t have to deal w that mess. but it sucks cuz noise isn’t just her bf, but also like!!! a big part of her career!!! and she does genuinely love him but he’s just!!! an uncommunicative ass!!! it culminates in hazel leaving him and crashing at vigi’s farm because fuck it, it’s her life she does what she wants. she will kiss the cheese AND rebuild her tv career, on her own terms this time baybee
2. noise and hazel still have that issue but they actually communicate like adults and fix their relationship problems, so none of that shit happens! happy ending! hazel has her own life and theo actually lets his gf know he loves her! woah! enter vigi, in: “we saw you across the bar and we really dig your vibe…” imagining vigi as a third to hazel and theo, completely out of his depth but too bisexual to care, is SO funny to me lol… like hazel and him are probably the only two together at first but over time he and theo warm up to each other more (gay intent) and it’s perfect
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wttcsms · 1 year
“she fell first, but he fell harder” with any inarizaki boy of your liking please! 🩵 have a good day~
pairing rintarou suna x f!reader word count 2.6k content contains mutual pining, tutor!au, right person/wrong time, bittersweet ending, unrequited love, slight angst author’s notes maybe not what u anticipated hehe
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You don’t look up from your book even though the slamming of a bookbag on top of the table obnoxiously announces the arrival of another student, one who’s obviously going to take the seat next to yours. 
“Hey—” So it’s a boy then.
“—can I ask you for a favor?” 
Now you look up, partially annoyed that he’s interrupted you while you were in the middle of reading a particularly interesting paragraph, but more curious than not. You tilt your head, taking him in. Of course, you know Rintarou Suna — it’s hard for any student in the school not to know him. But just because you’re aware of his existence — and if you dare to allow yourself to be bold enough, you think he’s aware of your own — doesn’t exactly make the two of you chummy enough to ask each other for favors on a Tuesday morning. 
You must have a bad poker face because he raises both hands in mock surrender. “Look, just hear me out. I need to pass this English class or my coach and captain won’t sign off on allowing me to play in the next few matches. I’ve seen the rankings; you’re top of our class. You know this shit a lot better than I do.” 
A beat passes. 
Two startling and equally scary revelations:
Now that you’re finally seeing him up close, Suna’s eyes are a much lighter shade than you thought they were. (Not that you’ve given his eyes much thought up until now, anyway.) It suits him. And,
Suna is absolutely aware of your existence.
“I’ll owe you one.” He says, hands shoved deep in his pockets. He’s playing at being nonchalant, but you can see it in those lighter-than-you-thought eyes of his that he’s practically pleading with you. 
“I want you to convince Atsumu Miya to do an interview for the school paper.” You finally say. 
Raised eyebrows is the closest thing you’ll get to seeing emotion on his face, you think. “Done.” And then, “Why Atsumu?”
“He’s not an easy person to get a hold of, but I know being the first person to ever interview him will probably mean something in the future.” 
He nods, taking it in. “So it’s not because you’ve got a crush on him?” 
You can’t tell if he’s teasing you or not; his voice and facial expression give nothing away. Shifting a bit in your seat, you frown. “No. His bad dye job makes him an eyesore.” 
The corners of Suna’s mouth curve up at that. 
“I didn’t know you wrote for the school paper,” Suna says. 
“I’m the president of the club.” You push a paper covered in red pen marks, all of them corrections and criticisms against him. “Suna, we’ve been going at this for almost two weeks now. How have you barely improved?” 
“Maybe you’re just not a good tutor.” You can read him well enough to know that he’s only joking. “You wanna be a journalist or somethin’?”
“Don’t try to change the subject. At least pretend to look over your paper.” Sighing because you know he won’t actually do anything unless you appease him, you shrug. “I want to be a sports reporter.”
“So that’s why you were so excited to meet with Atsumu!” You don’t expect him to actually be invested in your life, but you excuse his exclamation as him being bored out of his mind and savoring any distraction he can get. 
The idea of being just a pleasant distraction from the pain of schoolwork makes you feel weird. 
As you near the two-month mark since your tutoring sessions began, you make progress with Suna. He’s funnier than you realize, both of you sharing the same dry sense of humor that has jokes that can only properly be delivered if you say it with a straight face. He’s shown you about 200 of the images and videos cluttering his camera roll, and you pretend there’s no intimacy in that. His grades in English have substantially gotten better, to the point where you’re certain one day he’s going to decide that he doesn’t need tutoring anymore. 
(For some reason, that makes you kind of sad.) 
For now, you’re content to just be sitting next to him, both of you silently working on your assignments. He’s rewriting his essay due tomorrow (he’s a bit of a procrastinator, really) and you on your latest article for the school paper. The silence in the library — the silence wrapping the two of you together — is surprisingly comfortable. 
Sometimes, Suna can’t make it to the tutoring sessions, and you pretend that it doesn’t matter. You just shrug and smile and move on. After the third time he does, he confesses that it’s because he’s seeing someone. 
We’re just talking, he tells you. But you know that he must really like her because Suna doesn’t usually waste his breath talking about things he doesn’t care to talk about. He’s the one who brought her up completely unprompted. You actually would have been more than okay with remaining completely oblivious to whoever Suna decides to enter the talking stage with. 
He yawns, stretching his arms while he does so.
It should be illegal, you decide, for someone so out of reach to still be so close to you. If you shifted your body back against your chair, nothing would stop the inevitability of his outstretched fingers brushing against your hair. The thought of that happening makes you far more excited than it should. 
(He never tells you when they stop talking, but you know when they do because somewhere in between all these tutoring sessions, you started to learn him.) 
“You really think I’m just messin’ around?” He’s got his elbow resting on the library table, cheek and chin laying against the open palm of his hand. When Suna smiles, it’s a little crooked, almost like a smirk, yet warm enough to cause heat to rise to your cheeks, especially when he’s smiling and staring at you like that, like you’re the one person he actually wants to see. 
“You’re always messing around,” You point out. 
“I wouldn’t joke about this.” There’s that familiar pleading look in his eyes that contains enough superhuman strength to pound away at your steely resolve. It’s the same look he gave you all those months ago when you two were nothing more than classmates exchanging favors. It’s the same damn look that got you caught up in all sorts of messes: rearranging your schedule to tutor him, suddenly spending more time making sure you look good for school, rejecting the other guy who first asked you the same question Suna’s asking now… 
“I’m serious. Please go to the dance with me.”
“You didn’t even give me chocolate or flowers.” You manage to say, trying to ignore the pleased sensation that overtakes your body. It’s a different reaction from what you felt when your other classmate asked, and he at least had the decency to bring you your favorite drink from the vending machine when he did it. “This doesn’t seem like a very serious request.” 
He snorts. “Would you have even wanted me to show up to homeroom with a poster and a bouquet and the twins serenading you as I asked you to a school dance?” 
He knows you well enough that an extravagant proposal like that would have you wanting to run into the nearest bathroom stall and lock yourself in there until school ended. The fact that he knows you would hate anything remotely close to that, less dramatic or not, makes you agree to go with him.
(Perhaps he’s spent these tutoring sessions learning you, as well.)
You turn around at the sound of a familiar voice, smiling when he comes into view. Donned in the same oversized gown, graduation cap hanging from one hand, Rintarou Suna is smiling back at you. 
“Knew you would graduate top of our class. Congratulations.” 
“And you were ranked within the top twenty. Being a volleyball star just wasn’t enough for you, huh?” 
It feels good to be out here, freshly graduated and knowing the rest of the world is out there, just beyond the boundaries of your high school. The heat is getting the best of everyone wearing the thick graduation gowns, but instead of looking like a sweaty mess like the rest of you mere mortals, Rintarou just seems to shine, as if he’s made for summer. His hair sticks up, probably an effect of being stuffed in the cap for so long, and you find yourself pressing down on his hair. This isn’t the first time you’ve tried to help him tame his cowlick, and the action is so familiar, that it doesn’t even catch him off guard.  
“My tutor carried.” He says, grinning at you. 
(You feel considerably warmer now, and it’s not because of the sun.)
The laugh you give him makes his grin only grow wider. You sound equal parts pleased and surprised, just like how you always do whenever he decides to randomly compliment you. Is it bad that he wants to make you laugh like this for the rest of his life? 
Before he can make a proper quip, one that will surely have you laughing even harder, someone is gently tugging you away from him. 
“Hey, babe, my parents wanted to get pictures of us together.” And then, as if realizing Suna’s right there even though he’s tall enough to be hard to miss and close enough to tug you back towards him, the boy stares at him. “Oh, hey. Suna, right?” 
Everyone here pretends as if it’s not already obvious that you all know each other. 
“Congrats on nationals, man.” 
“Thanks.” Suna says, without sounding the least bit thankful, even though he should be. He thought the two of you broke up already, and he’s been preparing for how he’s going to confess his feelings for you for the past two months now. At least now, he won’t have to suffer your rejection and embarrass himself for making a move on a taken girl.
“C’mon, my mom’s going to hate us if we keep her waiting any longer.” Your boyfriend is holding your hand, leading you toward wherever his parents are. You turn your head, looking like you want to say something to Rintarou, anything at all, but instead you give him a shrug and a small smile. 
He keeps that smile of yours tucked safely in his pocket, not knowing that it’ll be a few more years until he gets to see it again. 
Staying in touch is hard, but Suna is nothing if not stubborn. A random TikTok sent to you at 2 AM here, an attempt to meet for lunch if the two of you are in the same city at the same time there. 
Getting drunk from your high school reunion and sneaking into the library the two of you spent the better half of your high school years pining after each other in is the most fun Suna’s had in years. The two of you are lying on the plush carpet, too drunk to care about how dirty it must be.
“Gosh, we spent so much time in this place.” You’re looking up at the ceiling, tacky glow-in-the-dark stars still stuck to it, remnants left behind by students who graduated way before you two. 
“Some of the happiest times of my life.” He’s being too honest without realizing it. 
You laugh, thinking he’s just joking because you always think he’s joking every time he tries to hint at his feelings for you. Feelings that didn’t hit him until he realized how pretty you are, even with your hair tied back and your bottom lip being bitten to death by your teeth as you type away at an article none of the students in this school will even bother to read. Feelings that he wished he confessed to you on the dancefloor, when the two of you slow danced, and you asked him are we doing this as friends? and he didn’t have the balls to say anything but of course it’s as friends. 
“Yeah, I bet having me roast the shit out of every paper you wrote was the highlight of your second year.” 
“It’s because it was you doing it that made me so happy.” 
You laugh even louder at that. “Oh my God, Rin, you’re such a sap when you’re drunk.” 
“I’m not just sayin’ shit just to say it, y’know? I mean it.” He tries his hardest to make the sincerity in his words stick, but he’s drunk, and his words are kind of slurred, and his intentions just slip and slide away. “I liked you back then.” Still do, he doesn’t say. I still like you.
“No way, really?” You turn to face him, wide-eyed with a tipsy smile on your face that lets him know that you just don’t know how serious he is right now. “Because I had the biggest crush on you in high school too!” 
He always assumed the feelings were returned, but the possibility that they weren’t — that him confessing would just fuck up your friendship and have you leave him — was too large for him to risk it. Swallowing hard, he asks,
“Did you… Did you ever think we would end up together? Back then, I mean?”
You hum, too inebriated and maybe too distant to him now to recognize the pleading look in his eyes. “I wanted us to, but then I thought there wasn’t a chance in hell you would actually like me back. Gosh, this was all so long ago, though. I can’t believe we used to like each other, isn’t that so funny, Rin?”
The used to reveals enough to him. 
You’ve made a name for yourself now. You’re not just a mere sports reporter (he doesn’t know that he’s the first person you confessed your dream career to), but every professional volleyball team in Japan has deemed you their favorite reporter to see out on court. Rintarou blames the fluttering of his heart and the excitement that floods him every time he sees you at one of his games on your popularity, but he sees through his own flimsy excuse. 
You don’t show favoritism when it comes to conducting your post-game interviews, but tonight, you’re standing in front of the camera with him, smiling up at him with a microphone in your hand. He’s happy you’re here, but the only question he cares to answer is the what if? that’s been haunting him ever since that reunion. What if he confessed in high school? What if he sobered up after that night and told you the truth? Would this interview be different, then? Would you still say,
“Congratulations on a game well played!” 
And would he still say,
“I heard some more congratulations are in order.” He’s giving you the same lopsided smile he always gives you, the smile that rests on his face yet belongs to only you. It’s all anyone could talk about. Pictures of you flood his timeline; his teammates, other players, and sports fans alike all were overjoyed at your happy announcement. You didn’t just win his heart over, but a good portion of Japan’s as well. 
“Congratulations on your engagement.” 
You smile at him, practically beaming, shining so much brighter than these stadium lights, and he holds onto this one even tighter. A smile just for him, placed right next to the memory of the one you’d given him at graduation.
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pervcoded · 1 month
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bark and bite starring sukuna ryomen
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content warning: there's a weird tension in this whole fic. some violence. cursing. threats and intimidation. sfw (minors still go away). reader refers to their chest as 'tits'.
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“So I wanted it right here,” You drawl, pointing to an unmarked expanse of your skin, and Sukuna takes a moment to observe what other flesh remains untouched. You are so thoroughly marked with ink, he muses, it must also run through your veins.  He knows a bad egg when he sees one - a snake slipping down your spine, the teardrop on your cheek. Eyes like you might hurt someone. Mouth that gets you into trouble.
You stare back at him. His ear twitches ever so slightly. “You hear me, stud?”  You’re talking too much already. Your fingers run over your ribs again, and you glare pointedly in his direction.
He’s gonna get to that attitude in just a bit.
“I want it black and white. Halftone. Here’s the picture.” He doesn’t look at it long.
“Yeah,” Sukuna licks his lips, a fanged tooth poking out when he doesn’t quite smile. “I got you, pup.” 
Your fellow humans should have warned you about him. He had fostered a particular reputation in his time in the scene - beyond the rough demeanor and sweet ink. 
He’s never been too careful with humans. But who’s fault is that, hm? Your kind really ought to know better.
Your skin is too soft for his machine. You’ll struggle too much when he has to hold you in place, whimper when the needle punches your skin. You will grab onto his arm. You will cry. You will beg, and it will hurt anyway; because Sukuna does not put down the needle until he is finished. Here, you are subject to the whims of this domain.
But you act like you know. Roll your shoulders and say ‘c’mon’, like you understand what you’re getting yourself into.  You are insistent, confident even, laughed at the ‘humans, beware’ poster that hung at the back of his studio. So he laughed with you - or maybe at you - harsh and scathing and putting a pin in your misplaced joy.
Sukuna is no lap dog. His tall cropped ears stab in the direction of the ceiling, tail still and stiff at your approach. Though, now that you’ve seen him up close, you don’t think it’s there at all. His attire is off-puttingly casual, the graphic print on his chest stretched so wide across a glorious chest, that the color is starting to fade a little. You tried to keep your eyes focused on his. Ignored the claws, ignored the teeth, ignored the heat under your collar. 
The dog flicked his head to the side, gaze never leaving yours. 
“Get on the table.” 
It felt more like a threat than an invitation. You eased yourself onto the cot, Sukuna disappearing into your periphery a moment as you begin to pull your shirt up to your neck. You don’t take it off fully, and it makes his eyes narrow. As you situate yourself properly, you find his eyes drifting up your body, back to your neck. The shirt. He waits, needle in hand, staring down expectantly.
You zoned out a bit. This guy’s beside manner was just as mediocre as the wolf with the black fur that recommended him to you. Last time you take advice from a dog.
“What’s your problem, stud?” Your lip is obnoxious. You’d look much better on your knees, presenting your tongue. “Getting an eyeful of tits ain’t good enough for you is it? Fuckin’ mutt.”
You chuff, pulling your top over your head, baring your neck.  “Go on.” You goad, “You wanna take a fucking bite?” You’re scared; the scent pours off of you in waves, and Sukuna feels the barest inkling of amusement. The rush to his face and sparkling in his nerves as the flesh is so carelessly exposed. Licks his teeth.
 “Do it, you fucking do-” He doesn’t give you the chance to finish before a hands’ clamping down on the tender flesh, your words meeting their fated end at the back of your throat. You don’t have fangs, but you bare them, anyway.
“I just might, pup.” He speeks coolly, detached from your outburst. “Definetly will if you don’t shut the fuck up. And keep still.” He seems to contemplate his ink machine while you try not to struggle, gone still on the table, but you still smell nervous. Tickles his nose juuuust right.
Gets an idea. It’s a bad one, but fitting for an uppity fuck like you he thinks. Need a big strong hand to guide you? So be it. But Sukuna will make sure everyone knows who you belong to.
He thinks a different tattoo is in order. On your lower back - emblazoned in black ink: SUKUNA’S BITCH.
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⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ JJK/BANNER ART by gege akutami everything written by me @ciematis, is owned by me, and you are not allowed to repost or translate my works. don't put my shit into ai generators, don't steal my shit and put it on wattpad. thank you.
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moumouton4 · 5 months
ok ok it was just to know, I didn't want to fill you with requests. If you can do an Itachi binding his s/o nsfw? :))
Bondage || Itachi Uchiha x reader
A/n : Hello dear ! I hope I understood your plot right !
Warnings : no mention of gender for reader, dom!Itachi, bondage, oral reader!receiver, spanking, mention of rough and soft sex, grinding, 18+ READERS ONLY and wrap it before you tap it
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 587
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The subject would only come up if you mention it, while watching a movie or after reading a book that addressed it
In the early relationship he is never going to mention this, fearing you might get scarred or see him as a weird perv
But if you do actually come to him and speak about this, saying you wanna try it out with him he is going to take it really seriously - I mean that’s Itachi after all
But it doesn’t present him from getting a huge hard on when he hears the words you’re saying
He’s first going to ask/demand you to discuss your rules with him, and reassert the use of your safe word
“You remember our safe word right ?”
You noded
“Hey ?” he asked waiting for your words
“I do” you affirmed
“Hey ?” he inquired
“Good girl” he praised as soon as the carefully chosen safe word escaped your lips
The rules are important, because he knows what you like and what makes you pout. He wants to make sure he can tease you as much as he desires without making you uncomfortable
Also because you’re his precious baby he is only going to tie you up with the finest silk he will find in whichever country he goes on mission into
But he can also easily tie your hand with his tie or his belt when he is in an hurry or just wants to play it rough for a change
The first time you try it he is going to be extra careful and sweet. In fact, as your wrists and ankles are bound to each corner of the bed, as he crawls between your legs. His smooth raven locks tickling your thighs each time they brush against it
He'll put you at ease with the whole situation, and for that he'll seal his lips around your sensitive spot and suck gently while his fingers work their way inside you
As they work with that rhythmic motion you’ll soon forget you’re completely tied up
This gets him so hard just to eat you out, but if he sees your struggling against the restrains to grip his hair, he’s going to feel himself literally throb inside his pants, not control the subtle grinding movements his hips are now performing against the edge of the bed
When he actually gets on top of you, he might free one arm or one leg so you can curl it up around him. Besides he loves when you scratch his back with your nails
With time he is going to get more and more confident about liking you. Meaning he will not be scared to deliver the smooth flesh of your ass some good spanking and before you know it his hips will be snapping against yours
It’s another one of his favorite things to do. He is nevertheless always a bit worried about leaving red or blue marks on you, if not hickeys. He thinks it's too sexy, but he can't help thinking that it must hurt
When you tell him it's all right and doesn't hurt that much, he feels a little better about it, and immediately offers to massage them for you, his lips already on them, kissing any lingering pain away
Ice cubes ? cream ? anything you’d like he is there to provide you all the comfort you need
As long as you’re happy he is
Now let’s switch things up and ask him to let you tie him up
Taglist : @dreamcastgirl99
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toniiswrld · 1 month
Also!!! Do you have any recent pervert/loser Sohee thoughts swimming around in ur head that you would like to share with the class 🫵🏾🤨? Honest to god I never saw the appeal in that trope until I found ur blog PLEEK I think u and that other anon changed my brain chemistry a bit. I love the thought of down bad Sohee ghfdhjf it’s very pleasing to my brain I wanna eat him so bad. Pathetic and perverted Sohee is so real and I would be just as pathetic and perverted for him too. I’m nasty he nasty we chocolate chip cookies
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adding these two tg hehe
cw. dubcon ?? , sohees icky , +18 mdni
think of sohee as the boy you have to tutor before finals… how convenient that his worst subject is your best, and he’s attracted to the fact that you’re so smart…
sohee is a bit weird from what you’ve heard from others, and honestly when he came up to you after class you were a little skeptical about tutoring him, but you said yes because he was nearly begging and you have a hard time saying no. also he was super cute, how weird could be be?
so you’re in his dorm, sitting at his desk trying to explain the material in a way that he can understand. but he’s not paying attention, not when you were so close to him, not when if he looked just slightly off the screen of your laptop he could see down your shirt, not when your lips that were perfectly glossed and plump were so tempting and kissable, not when he wished that your hand on your thigh was his hand instead.
“do you think you can answer this question on your own?”
he’s snapped out of his thoughts when your tapping his shoulder, words booming through his ears and traveling quickly to his dick. he feels himself twitch in his pants and he knows he’s screwed. he was only halfway understanding the material, but you looked at him expectantly and all the knowledge in his brain turned into mush. so he takes a wild guess and hopes that he gets it right.
but he doesn’t. and he knows before you could tell him, because it’s evident on your face. he wants to feel bad, he feels stupid for not getting it right, but he can’t help but twitch again at the thought of you scolding him for not getting the answer correct.
“sohee, i don’t know how else to explain this to you, it’s honestly not even that hard…” your voice trails as you sigh and he has to bite his lip to stop a whimper from erupting from his throat.
the problem might not have been hard, but he definitely was.
“s-sorry… can you explain it again?” his voice is low and he blinks hard a few times while you start explaining it to him once again.
he can’t help the way his hips start moving in his seat, your words sounding like a foreign language to him besides the small “right?” “got it?” “hmm?” that leave you to make sure he was still with you. he would repeat the words back to you and hoped that you wouldn’t look down or take your eyes off the screen, he was humping the air and finding relief in your voice. his eyes traveled down your shirt again and he accidentally replies to you a bit too breathy, like a moan, and you look at the boy who was next to you. he wad red, his eyes low and his lip between his teeth. then you look down, cock hard in his pants that he was rutting against.
“are you… are you getting off right now? what the fuck?” you jump out of your seat and stare down at the boy with confusion and a tinge of disgust. you can’t help the way you start to feel your second heartbeat between your legs, slight smirk creeping on your face. he likes it, how dirty he feels for this, how you’re calling him disgusting and he’s asking for you to touch him, but you deny him, because he doesn’t deserve your help when he can’t even answer a simple question on his study guide.
you watch as he continues to hump the air while he sits in his seat, hands gripping both sides of the uncomfortable wooden chair as he throws his head back, he imagines those pretty fingers jerking him off, he imagines those lips sucking on his cock while he cums in your mouth, he imagines what your tits would look like squished together and suddenly he’s moaning out loud and trembling under your gaze, his release leaking through the layers of his boxers and thin basketball shorts and creating a big wet spot.
“so dirty,” you hold back a chuckle and he whimpers, he’s still trembling in embarrassment from cumming untouched right in front of you. with a deep breath you move closer to him, sitting back down in your chair but moving it closer to where sohee sits. his eyes shoot open wide when one hand rests on his thigh while the other touches the print of his still hard cock, dipping into the soaked through fabric. he looks at your hands then back at your face, which is dangerously close to his as you speak to him. “finish this problem for me, and i’ll reward you mkay?”
tbh i didn’t understand the perv trope until 2022 & my life has been changed since… also 🍓 anon i’m going to ignore the chocolate chip cookie slander, more like i’m nasty he nasty we cheesecake… hope you liked this i got a little carried away LOL
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slugsby-pt2 · 1 month
(this is specifically for u @violetspetal )
andre is the cutter in the army of two. I know we all wanna headcannon! Cal as that because he’s Dylan’s counterpart but no. In my heart of hearts, this guy is not depressed in the way he hates himself and has to punish himself. He hates the world and having to be apart of society, a society that’s so cruel and wrong.
Andre’s different. Cal and Andre are quite alike in the sense that they hate everyone and want to die, but Andre hates himself for not being accepted, for not being normal enough to be liked. He probably hates Rachel because of this reason. Andre knows that him and Cal are one and the same—with Cal being more disturbed than him—and he can’t have Rachel. He doesn’t want her but what she symbolizes. Passing. Normality. Having someone that isn’t afraid of you and likes you even if you’re a bit “weird”.
Sure, I’m probably reading into Eric’s diaries way too much when it comes to Andre, but Andre hates the world and himself for not being accepted and liked. Andre probably tried really hard to make friends and be seen as normal coded in elementary and middle school, and by the time he met Cal, he realized no matter what he could do, he’d never pass. He found Cal and saw himself in him. (The reason why Andre has Cal.)
But yeah, Andre sees himself as the problem and world also as the problem. He’s too “woke” (not in the general sense but in the way that he “sees the world for how it really is”) and self aware to be like everyone else. He’s going to punish the world (the shooting) and himself (the cutting and his death).
Other headcanons:
Andre is really ritualistic and particular about his sessions. It’s always the same way, even when he’s freaking out and pissed as all hell. Turns on a movie, some kind of background noise, locks his door and gets his tools (specific army knife that he’s had since he was 12, and gauze and antiseptic spray).
he isn’t like those cutters that just free bleed and trust they won’t get an infection, even though their bed is dirty and they don’t shower enough (me, I’m talking about me). He runs everything precise and well planned.
He thinks wrist cutters are stupid attention seekers and keeps it to his upper thighs, ankles, and a specific part of his chest (track eliminates a lot of potential areas). He makes fun of cutters even though he does it.
Also, Cal knows about it and is kind of concerned, but doesn’t want to interfere. He probably brought it up to Andre once and Andre raged and basically shittily gaslit Cal into dropping the subject.
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rieadiary · 6 months
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shyboy!anton x popular!reader
summary ; wherein your friend places a bet on you about anton and it makes you feel way more than you originally thought
warnings ; betting, kissing, friends being pick me, blackfem!, swimming(?).
a/n ; not this being like those corny wattpad fanfics, also recommended songs are ocean eyes by Billie ellish and open arms by sza! this almost ended like my last fic 😟
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The new kid walked in with a hat covering his eyes and all black on, you weren’t too worried about who he was because he was new and you were almost sure he wouldn’t had have anything to do with you.
You continued doing your homework as you heard the teacher ask him to introduce himself.
“My names Anton, and I’m uh- on the swimming team”
Your friends next to you giggled and whispering how they thought he was strong. Y’all were seniors and this was when boys started bulking and paying attention to themselves, or that was what you assumed your friends were saying.
He sat down next to a girl on the other side of the classroom and Kanesha, your friend turned around towards you, “I’m drooling what- he’s so fine” she whispered, biting her lip at him. “I can’t even see his face, but to each their own” you follow up with a laugh not surprised your friend was drooling over another new kid.
“No but— oh girl look! He has his hat off!”
You glanced towards him and saw his features more, you rolled your eyes. He was pretty but that didn’t mean you’d be drooling over him so soon. You were the type of fall for someone because of how they act, not because of how they looked. “Oh wow. I can’t believe what I’m seeing!” You said sarcastically and dryly and kanesha scoffed resting her hand on her palm “girl boo. If he was sitting next to you- you’d be drooling too”
“Mhm. If you say so” you laughed at her, drawing for your math project. Kanesha hummed, “why don’t we play for keeps?” She said with a wicked grin. You eyed her, leaning back in your chair as you set your pencil down “and that’s supposed to mean what?” You dismissed, staring at your friend who smiled happily at you.
“Let’s see who can get him first! Whoever he falls for keeps him!” She explained excitedly like a little kid bargaining for candy or a Christmas gift.
“Or!” You mocked her energy, “we can just leave him alone and go about our business!” You smiled and Kanesha scowled, hitting you playfully. “Please? You can try first.. we all know I’m the cuter friend” Kanesha battered her eyes, blinking cutely.
“Girl please. That is not the case” you stared back at him who was looking at the window behind you but moved his gaze when you almost caught each other’s eyes. “I’m not into shy boys. You know that esha” you protested but Kanesha shrugged, “me either but you’ll never know if you don’t try”
It was silent for a minute as you stared at her intently, desperately praying she’d change the subject. “So.. you gon’ do it or what?” Kanesha asked again, flatting her clothes as in that was supposed to get your answer out. “Fine. Whatever, if I get rejected you owe me fifty”
The class ended and you packed up your stuff, ready to leave the classroom when Kanesha pulled you, winking suggestively at you. You groaned, walking over to Anton instantly. “Hey.. uh sorry this is gonna sound weird but what are your plans after school?” The question was awkward and you knew it but that was the only thing you could think to ask.
“Me? Um.. probably swim? Why?” Anton answered just ask awkward, pulling his backpack over his shoulder. You hummed, “did you wanna hang out before practice maybe? Show you around or- I’m sorry I’m really awkward but I wanted to be cool with you”
Anton chuckled softly nodding at your nervousness, “nah you’re cool, we can hang I don’t mind” Anton replied with a smile, easing your awkwardness. “Yeah! Cool, cool. We can meet in the gym? And talk there?”
“Yeah of course”
You nodded at his approval, watching him walk away from his desk “see you then?” He asked and you gave him a thumbs up, watching him walk off out of the classroom. You turned back around to Kanesha who started jumping in place happily, both of you giddy towards each other.
“What he say? No? Yikes girl guess that means it’s my—”
“Girl no he didn’t say any of that, we’re hanging out before his practice”
Kanesha pretended to cry then became happy for you “finally.. you’ve been single for years actually, this is god blessing you” she exaggerated and you shook your head dragging her out of class.
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After school you walked into the gym and saw the basketball players who you all almost hated because of how they talked to you. You walked to the bleachers and sat waiting for Anton to see you when two boys walked over to you, annoyance already spreading through you.
“Who you in here for?” One of the boys asked, holding the basketball in his hands. “I can’t be in here? Last I checked you didn’t own this school” you answered back, a sigh escaping your lips.
“Ayo chill out, that attitude is why you sitting here alone” the other boy said, dapping his friend up as if what he said meant something.
You opened your mouth to say something but Anton called your name from at the end of the bleachers. You immediately got up and walked off away from the boys, hearing the laugh and make jokes at you as you walked off.
“You alright?” Anton asked looking back at the boys who were talking to you. You nodded, shrugging them off “yeah, nothing I haven’t been through” you dismissed frowning at the conversation.
Anton took you outside where the track students practiced, helping you walk up the bleachers outside. “How long have you been at this school?” He asked as you both sat down,
“Since my freshman year. Tried to leave but my mom doesn’t listen to my concerns” you said jokingly but Anton knew you weren’t joking.
Y’all talked for ten minutes about nothing as the conversation lightened. You found yourself letting go easily with Anton and you barely had just met him today. “Do you know that girl?” Anton asked pointing at Kanesha who were waving at the both of you, running up to you.
“Hey y’all. This is cute and all but the whole part of the bet was for me to get a turn too y/n” Kanesha admitted and Anton frowned, staring at you blankly “bet? I’m sorry? What do you mean?”
Oh no. You immediately wanted to facepalm but you didn’t because why didn’t you think this was going to happen, Kanesha was a bit of a klutz sometimes not realizing what she was doing. “We were supposed to see which one of us could pull you!”
You eyed Anton who stared at the floor, feeling played. “Anton wait it’s not like—”
Anton got up immediately, walking off not uttering a word to neither you or Kanesha. “Oh wait girl I think he’s mad at us” Kanesha trailed off seeing him walk off in anger.
“Girl why would you say that! Out of all times! You waited until now to say something?” You said through gritted teeth, annoyed that this situation had become so out of hand. Kanesha shrugged, pushing her hair out of her face as the wind started blowing roughly.
You sighed running a hand through your hair.
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You waited in the gym for the swimming team to end practice, Kanesha might’ve messed up but it wasn’t entirely her fault this happened she shouldn’t had went along with this at all.
The noise of the swimming team entering the gym and the locker room interrupted you being too in your head. Your eyes instantly caught Anton’s who tried to avoid yours but you walked over to him, grabbing his arm “can I explain? Please just let me—”
“Not now, I’d rather keep my sanity by thinking this isn’t some bet too”
You pulled him away from the other boys and let him go, biting your bottom lip to stop yourself from talking too much. “Anton I know this is gonna sound how it sounds but I did enjoy talking with you.. I told my friend it wasn’t cool to make a bet but I walked over to actually get to know you, seriously I swear” you further explained, hoping Anton would understand since you weren’t good with your words.
Anton sighed, “how do I know you’re not lying?” He frowned sadly, skeptical about everything now. You didn’t know how else to prove to him how you felt, so you grabbed his face and kissed him. Anton didn’t kiss back first, pure shock spreading through him as well as a deep crimson blush, but he kissed you back, holding your cheeks as the kiss deepened sweetly.
This kiss continued until one of his teammates called his name, snapping the both of you out of your own world. You pulled away first and Anton tried to lean in again but realized he where he was, “oh right um.. we can talk later” he hurriedly said, rushing off to the locker room.
Meanwhile you stared at the wall in shock not realizing what you just did.
xoxo, riea!
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osamusriceballs · 1 year
More than friends
Osamu Miya x fem! Reader
Warnings: NSFW, dry humping, alcohol
Words: ~3.7 k
About: A night drinking with Atsumu and Osamu leads to an unexpected ending~
“C’mn, just do it.“
“Shut it, Tsumu. I’m not gonna do it.“
You silently watch Atsumu laughing even louder than before and Osamu rolling his eyes with a huff. The three of you are seated comfortably in the spacious living room of the twins, a few empty bottles of beer between you, as well as a clear bottle of strong alcohol.
“You’re not doing the dare? Not even telling y/n what it was?“
“No, I’m not. Just keep quiet for once, will ya?“
Atsumu’s smug grin doesn’t falter for a second when he downs another shot and reluctantly gets on his feet. Osamu scoffs at his childish behavior and ignores his existence completely.
“I’m gonna go to bed. Got a practice scheduled early with Bokkun tomorrow. See ya.“
Atsumu waves in your direction and smacks Osamu’s shoulder before he abruptly leaves, his shoulders slightly swaying with each drunken step that he takes before you finally hear the door to his room closing. You doubt that he will make it to practice early tomorrow, and you take a mental note to send a text to Bokuto, warning him that he shouldn’t wait for the blonde setter.
However, right now you’re painfully aware of the situation that you now find yourself in. Your hand tightens around the bottle of beer that you’re holding, your gaze now flickering between the table and Osamu, quickly taking in his appearance. His hair is messy from the way he‘s been running through it ever since you three gathered to drink, his broad shoulders almost threaten to rip the tight black dress shirt that clings to his body, and his spread legs almost invite you to sit in between them. He doesn’t look at you either, his gaze absently focusing the wall behind you, and you feel the weird atmosphere like a heavy weight on your shoulders.
You clear your throat and try to overcome this moment of awkwardness, but it doesn’t seem to work.
Talking with Atsumu is easy. He’s always rambling about something, laughing, or talking about a certain Omi-omi that seems to annoy him very much.
Talking with Osamu on the other hand… He makes you nervous. He makes you blush, he makes your heart flutter, he makes you wonder about more.
“So… what’s the big deal? Why wouldn’t you do the dare?“
He groans and his eyes focus on you again. There is something about his gaze that never fails to send a shiver down your spine. He often has sleepy and heavy-lidded eyes, but when he directly looks at you and puts all of his focus on you- that‘s when your heart always stops a beat. This man will surely be the death of yours.
“You don’t wanna know. Trust me.“
“C’mon, don’t be a party popper. It can’t be that bad if it’s Atsumu’s idea.“
“You’re wrong. It is that bad because it's Atsumu’s idea.“
His lips curl into a smile and he looks down to your empty shot glass, clearly trying to change the subject, which only intrigues you more about it. “You want another?“
“Sure. Tell me about the dare first though.“ You grin and hand him the small shot glass, and he groans again, his head falling back in playful annoyance before he takes the glass out of your hand and starts pouring the clear liquid into it and then into his own.
“I just wanna make clear that it was Atsumu’s idea. He wanted me to kiss you. Told ya, it was stupid.“
The way he doesn’t even hesitate to say it, his voice not even trembling nor is his gaze nervously flickering. He nonchalantly states this without giving it a second thought- and it feels like he just punched you.
“Oh. Okay.“ You force a laugh out of your mouth, a laugh that sounds forced and fake and cringe, even to your ears.
You’re absolutely sure that kissing Osamu would be great. However, not that you would ever get the chance to try. He rolls his eyes and simply hands you the full shot glass, his hand not touching yours for even a single second, like you’d burn him through physical contact.
“Don’t think about it please.“
“Okay.“ You take the full shot glass out of his hand and down it without a second thought. He does the same with his shot, and you admire his side profile for a brief second before your gaze starts to roam through the room again.
It’s silent.
Very much silent.
Your own breathing sounds too loud in the quiet room and you nervously grab your beer once again and take a few sips, but Osamu doesn’t move. You can’t look at him though, your gaze now trained to your own hands. You feel somehow rejected, even though you didn’t say anything. Did the mere thought of him kissing you seem so absurd to him? Sure, you both never really showed that kind of interest in particular, but you thought some of your conversations resembled some kind of flirting, and the way he always looked at you never failed to send butterflies to your stomach. Seems like these feelings were completely one-sided though.
A few more moments of silents later that are barely manageable and you decide to call it a day.
“I’m gonna go too. It’s getting pretty late. See ya.“
You force a smile on your face, a smile that you hope looks neutral and not like you’re trying to get the hell out of the apartment, but you’re caught off-guard when he blinks in an irritated way.
“Already? You know you can stay as long as you want. You can sleep on the couch if ya want to.“ He nods towards the luxurious couch in the living room, the one that feels like heaven whenever you slept on it, but now you just want to escape out of the suffocating atmosphere. Every second in his presence just makes the situation more tense.
“No, it’s fine. Really.“ You abruptly get on your feet and quickly take some of the empty glasses and bottles in your hands, not wanting to leave him to clean up the whole mess you three created.
„It’s fine, y/n. I can clean up later.“ Osamu’s voice behind your back is accompanied with the sound of rustling glasses and bottles, and you know that he probably took the remaining dishes with him.
“I can’t leave you with such a mess. I’m sure Atsumu will be too hungover to help you tomorrow, so I don’t mind giving you a hand right now.“ You quickly place the last few dirty glasses in the sink and hurry towards the front door.
You’re sure that Osamu can quickly get rid of the remaining mess, so you basically run towards the front door before he can confront you about your strange behavior.
“Hmm?“ You just managed to pull on your coat and turn around- only to find Osamu right in front of you. You take a step back in surprise, but he follows you, one big stride and your back is pressed against the front door, and Osamu is towering in front of you. Your bodies are not touching, there is still some space between the two of you, yet, his sudden approaching sends even more heat to your cheeks, that have probably been burning red ever since you started to drink.
“Ya don’t have to rush.“
His dialect is thick now, his voice somewhat quiet. His eyes are focused on yours, and you forget to breathe for a second- when he looks at you as intently as he does, studying every single of your reactions, and it feels like he casts a spell on you that makes your heart beat faster. He looks so insanely handsome in the dimmed light, his disheveled hair falling into his face, the black strands healthy and smooth after he had stopped dyeing his hair a few years ago. It makes you want to touch them, to brush the hair out of his face to see his eyes better, to bury your hands into his hair, to grab his broad shoulders and press your chest against his-
“I’m not rushing. It’s just late, you know.“ You force another polite smile on your face, a smile that doesn't feel convincing at all judging from his reaction.
“Okay.“ He hesitantly nods after studying your face for another second and takes a small step back, just enough for you to be able to open the door. When you take a step towards his direction though, he suddenly grabs your wrist and pulls you towards him, with enough force to have you stumbling the single step, but his free arm quickly wraps around your hip and keeps you from falling.
You’re too shocked to say something, you probably look like a fish out of the water with your mouth wide open and your widened eyes, yet he doesn’t release you nor lets go of you. You’re painfully aware of the small distance between the two of you- or rather: the non-existent distance, and you feel your heart racing in your chest with your body pressed against his. His hand around your wrist is warm, his grip tight, yet gentle- but your brain just fails completely at understanding what’s going on.
He leans down and suddenly releases your wrist to cup your chin, tilting your face until your eyes directly meet- and that’s when you forget how to breathe. Your body feels stiff and hot while you’re being pressed against him, and you subconsciously bring your hands to his chest to create some distance between the two of you, but he doesn’t even budge the slightest bit.
“Are ya upset? That I didn’t kiss ya?”
“What- what are you talking about?” You wiggle in his grip, but he doesn’t falter for a second. He brings his face closer to yours, so close that you can feel his breath on your lips when he’s talking again, his voice deeper this time, more attractive.
“What would you have done if I kissed ya? Tell me, y/n.” You pause with your movements, staying completely frozen and unable to move.
“I- I don’t know.” Your breath come shallow, you feel like there is not enough oxygen coming to your brain and leaving you in a hazy and hot state- and it’s hot, oh, so hot, the way his gaze flickers to your lips and then to your eyes again.
“Wanna find out then?”
Your fingers curl into his shirt, but you’re not pushing him away. You can barely focus when he comes even closer, so close that his lips are slightly touching yours, and you involuntarily close your eyes and lean forward, just a little bit to close the distance between the two of you.
His hand on your hip freezes for a second, now it’s his body that seems surprisingly stiff, now that you simply decided to kiss Osamu Miya- but he quickly regains composure and initiates a deeper kiss- still soft and delicate, his hand gingerly cupping your cheek and tilting your face to kiss you in a deeper angle. Your lips move against his, the addicting feeling of him kissing you so tenderly slowly creating a feeling of hunger in your body. Your heart rate goes through the roof for sure, but you don’t care. Not when he’s kissing you like that, when he is holding you like you would break if he just applied too much pressure. “Samu-“ you gasp when he pulls back to let you both breathe, his forehead resting against yours, and his hand now moving to your lower back to hold you steady.
“Y/n,” he whispers against your lips and takes a deep breath. You’re barely able to comprehend what’s going on, and you feel your body trembling in his hold, yet you still don’t move back.
Osamu Miya just kissed you, and it was great. So great that you want more kisses- more of him, that you’re growing greedy for more.
“Would you have kissed me back in front of Tsumu?”
“Can we please not talk about your twin brother now?” You huff at his words, not believing that he has the nerve to talk about that when you’re still in his arms, growing hotter every second- probably also due to the thick winter coat you’re still wearing.
“I need to take off the coat, Samu. Or leave- what do you want me to do now?”
You look directly in his eyes while you say the words, knowing fully well that your words carry a second meaning. Does he want you to stay? Did the kiss mean something to him? Or did he just want to proof something to himself?
“I’m fine with whatever you decide. You can leave, or you can stay. You can sleep on the couch, or sleep with me. I’m following your pace, y/n.”
“I-“ you’re caught off-guard at his words, barely able to realize that he let go of you and just stands there without touching you, patiently waiting for your answer.
“I want to stay.”
“Okay.” He nods with a small smile, quickly stepping closer and helping you out of the coat like a true gentleman.
“Thanks.” You smile back, excitement but also nervousness making you shiver, but Osamu is quickly by your side again after putting away your coat and takes your hand to lead you to the living room.
“Where do ya wanna sleep? I can get the couch ready in a minute if ya want to.”
“I… I want to sleep with you.” You feel the heat rushing to your cheeks, and you hope that you don’t look too flustered while you’re avoiding his gaze, but he squeezes your hand reassuringly and thankfully refrains from replying with a mocking comment.
“Your pace. Tell me when yer uncomfortable. I can always go and sleep on the couch.”
His words are reassuring, and that's what you admire about him. Osamu will always care about your feelings first- that’s just the way he is.
The way to his room is short, it only takes you both a few steps, but his hand holds yours softly until you reach his room.
“Here, I got a shirt for ya.” He hands you a dark, clean shirt from his drawer and nods towards the bathroom, signaling you that you can change there.
“Thank you.”
You quickly come back with his shirt on, a quite comfortable one thankfully, and decide that you will sleep with no pants- not daring to remove them already though. Osamu is already ready to sleep, sitting shirtless on the bed with the blanket covering his lower half, that you assume is only clothed in a pair of boxers. You probably shouldn‘t stare too much, but you can‘t stop your eyes from flickering down to his broad chest and to his strong arms, but he doesn’t seem to mind you eyeing him up.
He raises a brow though and smiles after scanning your figure for a few seconds, and his gaze heats up your cheeks once again. He suddenly nods and flicks a switch next to his bed, and the room immediately darkens. You can barely see his silhouette when you finally sit on the bed after quickly removing your pants.
“I’m just gonna lay here?” You ask, now slightly regretting not being able to see his face. An agreeing hum leaves him, and you quickly slip under the covers next to Osamu. You don‘t dare to move though, your body awkwardly laying on the edge of the bed.
It’s silent for a few moments, and you internally debate whether he has already fallen asleep, or if he’s laying just as stiff as you. His breathing pattern sounds relaxed, but you can’t help but to wish that you were closer to him. Would he mind if you just slipped a little closer?
You carefully inch your body closer to his, trying to cause as few movement and sounds on the bed as possible, but when you accidentally touch his bare arm, you can hear his breath stock. His hand suddenly comes up and grabs your upper arms and before you know what’s happening, you find yourself under him.
“Samu-“ you gasp, but your gasp gets interrupted when you feel his lips against yours. Not in the same way as before- there is nothing soft about it. It’s hungry and needy, his tongue flicking against your lip to urge you to open your mouth for him- which you gladly do with a low moan.
It just feels right. To lay in Osamu’s arms, to have his lips on yours, to feel his bodyweight on top of you- it all feels so intimate and good-
“I like ya. A lot.” He suddenly rasps between your kisses, his voice now thick and clouded with lust, and he kisses you again, deeper with more fever. You deepen the kiss as response, your hands slipping under his shirt and roam to his wide shoulders, feeling his bare skin, feeling how the muscles tense under your touch. You slightly scratch him with your nails- not enough to hurt him, but enough to leave a mark.
“Fuck, yer drivin’ me crazy.” He pulls back and groans against your neck at the sensation of your nails against his back, his hips suddenly bucking into yours, and you arch your back at the feeling of his hardened cock against your clothed pussy.
“Shit, Samu- do that again-“ you gasp, your head thrown back, and you moan his name again when he grinds against you a little harder, the friction sending a wave of pleasure through your body. Your legs wrap around his body, spreading you even more for him, and you’re pretty sure that he will be able to feel how wet you are for him even through both of your underwear, yet it only spurs him on further and he props himself up on his elbows and thrusts his hips in a slow rhythm.
“Feels really good, Samu,” you let one of your hands wander to his chest, feeling his muscles tense with every thrust he’s doing, feeling his heartbeat that is just as fast as yours.
“Imagine how good it would feel without clothes. When I- fuck- when I fuck you as hard and long as you want. Make ya nice and wet for me, make ya cum on my tongue, my fingers- and then- thenI would fuck ya with my cock.” You feel your cunt pulsing with every single of his words- fuck- why is Osamu Miya so good at dirty talk? Who would have thought that the ever so calm and collected Osamu would have such a dirty mouth?
“Please, Samu- want to feel you, want you to fuck me.” You whine, desperately rubbing yourself against him, and you hear him curse, you feel him throb in his boxers, but he just goes harder- not faster but harder, as if he wants to force the orgasm out of you by sheer friction against your sensitive clit.
“C’mon, y/n. Be a good girl and show me what ya look like when yer cummin’. Want ya to cum for me now, pretty girl-“ his lips are attached to your neck now, greedily sucking and biting the skin, leaving a few marks for sure- but you don’t care. Not when he’s got you so close to cumming, not when you feel like you could burst any second.
And you do.
A few more thrusts later, and you feel yourself cumming, the friction against your clothed clit enough to send you to heaven, and you grab his shoulders while you scream his name. Your body arches up, your muscles deliciously tensing and contracting, the heat now almost consuming you. So much that you barely realize that he kept on groaning your name and whispers of praises, of how pretty you look when you cum for him, how you’re such a good girl for him, how he wants you to keep cumming just for him- and you do.
You don’t know how much time has passed, when you suddenly realize that he’s cumming too- that his body tenses and he suddenly grabs your shoulders with his body weight almost crushing you, but you don’t mind it. You feel his cock twitching against your core, and a wet sensation and you swear he makes the hottest sounds you have ever heard when he’s groaning your name and moans against your skin.
Both of your chests are heaving heavily, and you barely realize that he rolls to his side and presses you against his chest to avoid crushing you completely. Not that you would have minded that. You wrap your shaky legs around him and push him closer, not caring about the fact that you’re both covered in sweat. His hands rest on your back, his right one rubbing circles on your back and softly caresses your skin under the shirt you’re still wearing, and you contently hum against his chest.
He easily manages to make you feel comfortable and worshiped, to show his affection to you with his little gestures.
“Ya wanna eat somethin’? I have your favorite onigiri in the fridge. Or do ya wanna take a shower? Or a bath?” His chest vibrates against your cheek while he’s talking, and you feel your heart swell with affection at his caring words.
“I’m too worn out for anything. How about breakfast in bed tomorrow and then a bath together?”
He presses a kiss to your temple, and you can basically feel his smile when he answers. “Sounds like a good plan. We also need to talk about “us“ when we get up.”
Your breath stocks for a second at his words, a sudden panic suddenly growing in your chest.
“So… that means there is a “us“ now?”
“I came in my underwear from dry humping ya. In case ya can’t tell, that makes us more than just friends.” You can’t see his face but you know that he’s rolling his eyes while he reassuringly rubs your back and still refuses to let you go.
“More than friends, hum?” You muse, while he keeps on rubbing circles on your back, and you know that he won't let you go tonight- or ever.
“Sounds good.”
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