#because I think her social link is really fucking funny actually
asheoninactive · 8 months
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Damn Ashe back at it again with the dogshit persona takes
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adachimoe · 4 months
Adachi's fixation on Mayumi
In a previous post, I talked about how the game is vague about why Adachi is at the Amagi ryokan, and how I believe it's implying he was stalking Mayumi, and that he hadn't actually been assigned to guard her. I still believe that, but, what exactly about her was Adachi so fixated on that he felt compelled to do this in the first place?
Normally, one would probably just go, "Adachi is an incel" and that's supposed to serve as an explanation for both why he liked her and why he killed her. But painting over everything about him as "Adachi is an incel" feels really reductionist.
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When Adachi calls out to Mayumi at the ryokan, he asks her to come to the lobby and begins by asking her about the affair. This scene actually has some significance in how Katsura Hashino re-interpreted the mythology of Izanagi and Izanami for Persona 4: In his mind, Izanagi going to Yomi to verify if Izanami was dead or not represented a desire to seek out the truth; death is when you "quit thinking". Adachi mirrors this, going to the Amagi's (his Yomi), and verifying information about Mayumi (his Izanami).
And when Adachi asks her, he presents it in a way that says, he is on her side. His phrasing here is notable: The affair - it's not true, right? And it shows what he wants to believe too, because he doesn't want to believe that she was in an affair with a married man.
After all, he probably saw her on the Midnight Channel before and has it in his brain that she's his "soulmate". Heck, even when you find him in the TV World, he's ranting about her not being single:
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It's parasocial and it's creepy. God I wish he'd talk about me that way.
But, I think it's in how he presented himself as "taking her side" that we can figure out why he was so fixated on her. If Adachi comes in assuming that Mayumi was not really having an affair with Namatame, then that means that her losing her job at the station, her being forced to hole herself up in the ryokan, the media circus surrounding her, etc... Then that would make her a victim in all of this: Someone who has been thrown under the bus and is being treated unfairly. And by her former media contemporaries, nonetheless.
Funny enough, as it would happen, there is a character in the story who feels they are a victim who has been treated unfairly and fell from grace at their workplace, and sees their current situation as punishment from their coworkers...
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...aaand it's Adachi.
It feels quite probable to me that part of why Adachi fixated so hard on Mayumi is because he basically looked at her situation and thought, "Oh, she's just like me, frfr". Dude really headcanoned that her affair wasn't even real.
We aren't really shown what happens with Adachi and the Midnight Channel after he comes into town. We know that he had seen it before he talked to Mayumi, as he was aware he could touch the TV, just unaware that a whole body could go in. And with Mayumi's scandal being in the news and media, and her being on people's minds, we know she appeared on it during Namatame's flashbacks.
I think Adachi got it in his mind that even though she was this otherwise out of of reach person for him, being a celebrity and all, she too was a victim of sorts, and what he saw as a common point between them (we don't actually know why he got transferred lol) could have led to a blossoming relationship. Like they were meant to be together, as he probably saw her as his soulmate on the Midnight Channel. Oh, what a coincidence for her to go through this big media scandal when around the same time that he transfers into Inaba. Clearly it was fate.
Really, he's fucking delusional. It's great.
Although, I do wonder if this also says something about him. While he talks big in his Golden Social Link about only going after insanely beautiful women, he isn't actually portrayed in the narrative as trying to hit on women or ask them out regularly. While he has his preferences, perhaps he only tries to seriously pursue women who are broken or downtrodden in someway--like it's less chance of getting rejected.
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halliescomut · 3 months
Love Sea Ep 3 watch along
Okay, but that little reminder text is a perfect example of showing you care without saying you care. 🥹
Okay but sometimes Mame is unexpectedly very deep and very good with words.
P'Vi confuses me. I do like the blunt honesty her and Rak have though. That's important in friends.
Mook is so absolutely adorable. If Vi makes her cry I will figure out how to kick the ass of a fictional character.
So it seems their dad did worse than just leave them based on that convo between Rak and his sister. (I think I remember discussion of that from where ppl were discussing the novel on Twitter, but I did make the decision to not try and read the novel first.)
I kinda wanna know where all of Mut's button-up shirts are from. I really like them.
Rak being all depressing and Mut and ....shoot I forgot his name again... going diving.
Mut(Fort really) is just so cuddle shaped.
On iQiYi the OST lyrics overlap with the actual captions and it's annoying as fuck
This fucking nosey ass 🤣🤣
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The difference in aesthetics for their clothes here is so wild. I will say though that I like that there's wardrobe repetition. That's not always common in TV, and it really fucks with the believability. I know it's more common in Thai BL, but that's mostly bc so many involve ppl that wear a uniform of some sort (looking at you University BLs).
Interesting...very interesting. I talked.... somewhere... About how the social power dynamics at play here were dangerous because they were going into this whole thing without being honest (with themselves or each other) and it was going to have fallout.
I don't know if I'm surprised Mut took so long, or if maybe I expected him to take Rak's verbal abuse a little longer.....
A beautiful scene. It's a lovely bit of physical acting how Rak sort of melts into Mut.
I do think it's so funny how Mut always says he's so simple (and in some ways he is) but people seem to take it to mean not smart or clever, and he's very obviously both. I can't tell if he truly sees himself that way or if it's an attempt to have people underestimate him....maybe it's both.
Well now I'm just depressed. Thanks a lot Rak. But seriously, I do appreciate the clarification of the family dynamics. I'm also a bit surprised Rak is opening up so soon to Mut about this. Idk if it's because it's at the front of his mind, or if Mut's kind of easy acceptance of everything makes it seem easy...idk.
Ruh-ro raggy .... Rak thinks this is gonna be a failed experiment because he truly doesn't think real love exists, but I fear he will be wrong (this is a romance after all).
I'm curious about Mut's motivations though. I believe he believes in love. I also think he wants Rak to, or maybe just for Rak to have some peace? Idk. He's surprisingly hard to read. As much as I think he likes Rak (both as a person and a sex partner) I don't think he's fallen in love with him at this point.
While I do love a fake dating storyline ... I'm still on the fence about P'Vi.
I feel like Fort had to carry Peat for a long time for this scene. I bet his arms were killing him. (Though we've seen the gym pics, I know he's been working out.)
That's so cute.
Oh yeah...slow mo pushing the hair back. Very Baywatch
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Are we doing more beach sexy time?
I Guess Not. We're back at the keyboard.
You're gonna sit here and tell me that's not a goddamn puppy in human form??? LIES!!
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He's goddamn adorable. I'd want one for myself if I wasn't Ace and had any idea what to do with one other than feed it and take it for walks.
Peat's got nice hands 🥵...send tweet.
That was such a sharp poke. OMG 🤣🤣
Okay but this is practically a still from the PaiSky fanfic I wrote. Linked here.
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Rak likes cuddles. Cute little bean.
Palm ....that's his name. I was thinking Pond earlier, which is close. And now he's being nosey again.
Mut's face when Palm waved back🤣🤣🤣 Like bitch I ain't waving at you
I do think it's sweet how determined Palm is to be a good wingman though.
I do appreciate the love bite front and center. But what are our thoughts on whether it's makeup or a 'practical effect'?
"A dog in rut more like." "Well then his owners is as well." 🤣🤣
Mut's nervous to take Rak to his home. Sweet, but legit if Rak were to judge him for his home I would vote for kicking him to the curb, no matter how much I like him.
Ahhhhh.....so Ja is VI's costar...okay. God I forget how fucking tall he is. Mans practically a redwood.
Is this like Wedding Plan, but make it straight???
I know that bunny purse is entirely impractical for the person I am, but it's so cute.
It really is weird people would be claiming boob job when I think Vi is a B cup on a good day.
Very impressive just fully ignoring the sexuality question Vi.
Mook, babes....you gave in way too fast.
"I'm not bi." I know a lie by omission when I see one. That statement does not equal that you are straight.
You are a damn liar Rak. This little visit has nothing to do with inspiration. You want to be nosey and learn more about Mut.
I like the environmentalism aspect woven into the show. It's good.
As if I couldn't hate your dad more Mut. Calm down Satan.
So we know why Mut left. But really how can someone make their living from nature but not care enough about it??
Okay exhibitionist Rak.
Idk why but there's something about Rak straddling Mut that just....
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Well.....we can tick off the Fort's nipple obsession of on the bingo board.
And we're returning favors. Very egalitarian.
Two condoms....well. You certainly had plenty of energy there didn't you....
There's a couple wrappers on the floor, but those do look unopened.
Also vaguely off topic: while the sheets are not the Slutty Geometry Sheets™️, I think my sister has the same kind.
Hmmm....now this is a juicy conversation. Rak being so intentionally honest here telling Mut to ask him to stay. He's afraid to take the leap, but he wants to.
As a side note....I cannot tell you how much I love them showing Fort's physical 'imperfections'. The kind of farmer's tan he has going on, you can see the stretch marks on his upper arms. He's an absolutely gorgeous man, but so often that stuff gets filtered out, or covered in makeup. I love seeing it. We need this more.
OMG I'm crying.
This is important though. Rak needs to know that his answer will have consequences.
That was the right answer. (Though the shabby hole comment about his house was a bit much. I'm hoping that's more a translation issue.)
I suspect the country mouse shall go to the city in next week's episode.....
Awwww Rak in Mut's tank top. Cute.
I really thought Rak was bare-assed for a second pulling a Pete, but no, he's in khaki pants.
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So cute and sweet 🥹🥹🥹. Also, I love the bed net. Malaria is no joke.
So next week are we looking at just an NDA or is that contract for like a full Sugar Baby position??
Also end credits change-up again. Now MutRak are walking together....symbolic.
Well that's all for this watch along. I don't think I'll have 4k words to say about it tomorrow, but we shall see.
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fraudulent-cheese · 27 days
For the ramble prompts, 1. And 7
You're very lucky as i actually have access to my computer currently!!!
I'll pick 7, as i've already seen some people point out the differences between the twins but NO Staci analysis posts!
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So. Staci. What the fuck is up with her. Why did she think lying about her family on a consistent basis and not helping in challenges would work? How exactly did that make her think it was the best she could do, to the point she thought she "was doing so well" (quoting her at her own elimination) after that first day?
I think Staci's goal while on the show was to win via social game - or at least, make friends on the show. Her lying could be due to either 1. wanting attention from them, so she started making shit up to make herself look more important or 2. she actually believes what she says and just wants to impress people with her family history. I don't think i can conclusively say which one canon's leaning into? Realistically, her exaggerating her family's achievements is the more likely option, but her actually believing them would be more tragic.
HOWEVER. Just looking at her one episode of content + her audition tape isn't enough. We need to look at her contestant biography.
YEAH IM GOING THERE! If you weren't aware, for the first 5 (6?) seasons of TD as well as TDRR, there were official biographies for every contestant depending on the season, all of which were available on the official (now defunct) Total Drama Website. I'd consider the information featured in all but two of these biographies canon, as they either came from the official website (ROTI + WT), the Teletoon site (TDAS + TDPI) or from Total Drama: Totally Interactive! Im unsure about the canonicity of the Action bios and the TDRR blurbs (because yeah. they're just blurbs. sad.) as they were released only on Cartoon Network's site and the Action bios have... inconsistencies with other sources, let's say.
Thankfully, Staci was lucky enough to be a gen 2 contestant, so she gets the most detailed contestant answers biography model, so i can get alooot more info out of them.
I'll get the smaller observations out first:
In her last answer, she mentions her great-great-aunt Mildred and how she "told the first lie." I could look into how this could be Staci's least favorite relative (as she does seem to value truth/honesty), but also what if that's Blaineley? Her legal name's Mildred after all! It would be really funny! We need more "Staci and her great aunt Mildred" content STAT
She seems to really like pop music
The only answer not related to lying or to her family is the First Job question, instead it's foreshadowing to her elimination
Now, for a larger one: She barely talks about herself in these answers. Sure, she answers the questions, but she spends the vast majority of her time talking about her family instead. She manages to link the fucking Favorite Color and Food question to them! Her love of her family is made very clear here. Knowing about them is literally what she picks out as her Best Quality!
...but only her distant relatives. No mention of closer grandparents, sisters, nephews/nieces, aunts/uncles, and only a single indirect mention of a mother. Only distant, mostly older family members and cousins. And she had to have met some of them! Her Craziest Dream answer describes a dream where her great-great-uncle Charlie was telling her lies, implying they've met and talked before! So where's the mention of her closer family members?
I'd say it's because if those family members are further away, or if they're dead, it's harder to fact-check what she's saying so her peers wouldn't find out it's at best an exaggeration and at worst an outright lie.
I think the answers that show this the most well are the Best Memory and Most Embarrassing School Moment, her presentation on an older family member and realizing the topic was a lie.
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This feels like something that would happen earlier in life to me? Maybe primary school level, or even earlier. If she made her entire class project on it, she had to believe in it, right? Despite how absurd that notion is! This indicates to me that Staci was/is very naive, and her love for her family started in childhood. She seems very interested in her own family's history, to the point of exaggerating their accomplishments; maybe her great-great-aunt Lois created a plate design patent or her Great-great-uncle Jason simply looked into the history of the letter E, so either Staci exaggerated them to seem more interesting, or her family members would exaggerate these achievements at family reunions as jokes or something and little Staci just believed them.
Im also unsure on her family being good or not... her Dream Date answer is apparently Richard Nixon because she'd want to learn more about his life, specifically citing that he "reminds [her] of [her] third cousin once removed, Andrew." If you know anything about recent US political history, that is not a good thing. This also shows she has some interest in politics/recent history/other people's lives! This girl does have interests!!!
And this is where i bring up the Favorite Movie answer. The movie it's based on, according to the wiki, is "The Invention of Lying", a 2009 movie. skimming the Wikipedia article, it's a romantic comedy film about a guy with the ability to lie in a world where people can only tell the truth. He first abuses this power for selfish gain but in the romantic resolution decides to not lie to benefit himself and lets his love interest actually choose to be with him.
I think the reason why Staci likes this movie so much is the romantic resolution; this is what she'd want to happen if/when she'd reveal how her family's achievements are either fake or exaggerated to her friends, and they would stay. That she'd get people interested in her with those lies, before actually being honest with them when they're closer... But it never happened with anyone on the show.
TLDR, i need this girl to realise she doesn't need to lie so much about her family for others to like her, as hiding behind masks won't get you any real friends. Something that applies to the majority of the roti girls, actually.
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I just had a really weird experience with a dating app and I don't know what's real anymore.
I matched with a cute girl earlier today, and we spent a couple hours talking about our shared interests in podcasts and history and weird niche topics nobody else cares about. It was nice, and I asked her if she wanted to get lunch sometime this week. She said she'd like that, but then immediately changed the subject to talk about her job instead of scheduling the date. I mean, that's not TOO weird, I figure she must have wanted to say no but didn't want to hurt my feelings. Whatever. No big deal. We keep talking.
She mentioned that she works as a medical scribe at a doctor's office, and I said that that sounds like a wizard's apprentice. She said that medicine is the intersection between science and magic. I replied with a throwaway joke that chemistry is just alchemy with a little flair, and then shit went off the rails because she sent me a link to a pornhub video titled "We came at the same Time - Sensual Side Fuck" and said "me when someone tells me they're an alchemist."
A cute girl sends me a literal porn link after dodging the question of whether she wanted to go on a date, so I'm confused as hell. I don't know if this is her way of flirting or what, so I replied "I'd be down to practice some alchemy if you're not busy." I regretted saying it immediately because I never talk to anyone like that, I was just blind sided by the porn and thought maybe she would think it was funny. Well, after a few minutes she says "did you just ask to fuck me?"
Okay, I'm going down in flames, I crossed a line, that alchemy "joke" was inappropriate and creepy and she's clearly not into it and she's probably gonna unmatch me and block me and report me or something. I'm still confused over the direction the conversation is going, but I decide it'd be better if I apologize and go on the defensive instead of doubling down like a jackass. I tell her "no, not really," I'm not soliciting a stranger for sex, I was just yes-anding. She sent a porn link. What was I supposed to say? How was I supposed to respond?
Another few minutes pass. I was 100% sure that when I reopened the app she would be gone, but no, she finally replied "I was hoping you were..."
What kind of mind game is this? Is she just looking for a hookup? Her profile specifically says she's not! I have no idea what's going on.
"Did you just ask to fuck me?" My honest answer would have been "yes, isn't that what you wanted?" but the thought of saying that to somebody makes me feel like a douchebag. Her tone with that question didn't sound flirty, it sounded accusatory, like she was outraged I had the audacity to ask for sex so soon. My social anxiety is going through the roof. Whoops, turns out she actually WAS flirting and DID want to have sex, and I've managed to waffle it and sound like an asshole no matter what I say. Damned if I do, damned if I don't.
From my perspective:
Her: *posts meme about sex* (it's just a meme, nothing more. Don't read into it)
Me: *flirty memey response* (could go either way; I'm not outright saying I want to have sex with her, I'm just matching her energy. She memes about sex, I reply in kind because I thought it would be weirder go ignore it)
Her: oh my god, did you really just say that? Did you really think I wanted to have sex with you?
Me: I'm sorry, I overstepped
Her: mind games, dumbass! You don't know what I want, motherfucker!"
From her perspective:
Her: our conversation is going well, let me drop a big hint that I want to hook up
Me: picks up on the hint
Her: really?
Me: NO!
Her: oh... okay... nevermind...
So then I take a step back and try to see if there's any way whatsoever to salvage this dumpster fire of a conversation. I admit that I'm confused and ask her point blank if she wanted to have sex. I legitimately don't know if she was making a move or not, and I need her to know that I'm not the kind of guy who asks for sex as an opening move but I'm not opposed to it if she's the one bringing it up. There's no way to fix this. I failed at this interaction. I need to cut my losses, but somehow we keep talking.
She says, quote "I like making art and love. Sometimes at the same time, ya know?"
I say "do you want to make love?"
She says "we probably should."
I ask her if she'd like to get something to eat first, as was my initial date plan before the porn thing. Her response confused me even more. "I can't right now. I'm exhausted from traveling all weekend. I haven't eaten and feel like I'm gonna pass out." That reply doesn't make sense. It's Wednesday and she says she's too hungry to get dinner. That's when I noticed that her previous message ended with a period.
"We probably should," period. I scrolled back up through our conversation and realized that EVERY message she sent me ended with a period. Every single one! Oh, and some of them weren't even direct responses to anything I said, so now I'm 1000% convinced that she's a bot. I got tricked into talking for three hours with a bot, and I derailed the scam by rolling a nat 1 critical fail when it tried to sext me.
I ask "her" point blank when she wants to meet up, and it said "I need to eat first. Make food, not war, lol. Where are your top places to grab food?"
Bot. Almost certainly a bot.
My final reply, in the extraordinarily small off chance that she's not a bot, was to say it depends on my mood, before losting three or four of my go-to places.
"She" didn't unmatch, but she ghosted me. No reply.
Bot. Absolutely a bot. No doubt about it.
TLDR, I got catfished by a bot!
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yusuke-of-valla · 7 months
Insane thoughts about non-SEES characters
You've brought up Mamoru before but I just think the fact that he ultimately drops out of high school to go work in a factory would raise a lot of question in Minato's head about what he should do in order to take care of the siblings.
The kids Yuko coaches in her Social Link are about Yusuke's age.
Hamuko misses Minato's summer track/kendo/swim meet because she's in Inaba with the volleyball/tennis team.
Maiko is everyone's friend. She can be pen pals with the younger kids after moving away.
You have the really funny opportunity to have Naoto cross paths with Rise while she's in town for the show that ultimately gets canceled due to the Hermit Shadow.
The Temperance Link is shared but the fact that Hamuko can actually make items during it and Minato can't leads me to believe that he just sucks at sewing. Hamuko makes little dolls and purses for the kids.
Bunkichi and Mitsuko give them even more snacks for the rotating cast of children that they keep bringing to the bookstore.
One of the Culture Club options - and the only option in Reload - is Art Club. Keisuke, Minato, and Fuuka can all be in Art Club. (Keisuke does show up as president of the Photography Club in Junpei's link but can be easily replaced.)
Maiko and Bunkichi are both among the people who get lost in Tartarus.
I knew about Maiko and Bunkichi! I remember thinking that's a really cool way to tie your social links into the main plot
Maiko also ends up friends with Ken I think during the Kyoto trip and while the teens are in summer school they have their own little weird adventure.
Wait hold on we can combine these Maiko getting kidnapped happens during the Kyoto trip and the kids+Koromaru stage a potentially ill-advised rescue trip (they're fine)
I love the implication that Minato just sucks at making things. There's probably a gendered analysis to be made about how Hamuko can cook and sew in her social links but Minato can't but in my heart it's just because Minato's cringe (speaking of, Sumire deserves to be the unofficial third memeber of Fuuka's cooking club)
Speaking of unofficial club members I think Yusuke hears that Minato and Fuuka are in the art club and is just fucking vibrating but doesn't say anything because he doesn't want to impose and then Minato invites him along and he is soooo excited to be able to make art with Minato and half the time no one understands what he's saying because he's been devouring art theory textbooks since he could read but he still takes the first thing Minato drew and gave him and keeps it under his pillow for good luck (idk how much of an Art Nerd Keisuke is but I feel like even without Madarame's influence Yusuke talks like an art history grad student at age 8 so he may or may not be able to follow.)
Club trip to the art museum you have never seen a child more excited outside of a candy store
Kasumi and Sumire train with Yuko even though her kids are a little older because they can keep up and Kasumi really wanted to
Naoto and Rise meeting early on would be so funny I think Naoto should do something incredibly embarassing and after Naoto is a complete badass In Persona 4 because he already has a Persona Rise is like "wait didn't you fall into the fountain at Pawlonia Mall two years ago"
I do think Minato and Hamuko being worried about not doing enough to support their siblings is a part of their arc because. You know basically being in charge at age 8 and having a really unstable home life but I have not narrowed down a vibe I like for both of them. I think Minato seeing Mamoru and thinking maybe he's been too happy to be distant and let the others do their own thing would def be interesting though
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solar8331 · 1 month
What made u like chaluggie so much?
TL;DR I like chaluggie bc I’m a dirty angst/drama lover also multishipper also it’s gay and cute and I totally see a working dynamic between the three. Also I’m a sucker for redemption esp for characters like Lute…
Long version:
Some backstory is that I started out in the fandom scene making tiktoks, posting chaggie content mostly. Then one day, as I was going through my sounds, trying to find a good one for chaggie, I stumbled upon a sound where I thought wasn’t quite chaggie. But I still wanted to post chaggie, so I added Lute as the other person. I was like hm… what if… luggie was a thing (since Vaggie is gay and Lute and her had SOME sort of tension going on…) Anyways, it was all fun and games until I was three tiktoks in realizing it in fact was not just a funny HC I have of luggie being exes. I very much ship the two. Toxic yuri ftw.
Here is said TT btw:
So I ended up making a sad backstory for Lute and how she would have done anything for Vaggie to survive Adam’s wrath for letting a sinner go… including hurting Vaggie herself. What was the question again? Oh yeah. AT THIS POINT, I have been making this OTHER AU I had we will call it the EX!AU where it’s just Exorcist!Vaggie x Emo!Charlie.
For that story, Charlie had (accidentally) caused Vaggie to fall and ultimately lose her eye and wings. It’s an enemies to lovers angsty story. (I promise this has everything to do with chaluggie) Anyways, in one of the arcs, Lute kidnaps Vaggie to Heaven and while talking about it with my friend, I made Lute secretly a softy with a tough exterior. When Charlie stormed Heaven to take Vaggie back, Lute feigned an injury so they could both get away. Vaggie noticed this and was immediately worried for Lute’s safety. After all, they used to fuck in Heaven. (It’s how they bond)
My friend and I were then talking about making Lute experience the Hell Vaggie had told her so much about and decided to make a spinoff series of the AU where she comes down. Now THIS AU (the spin-off) is the chaluggie AU I have. In the spin-off, we initially just thought it’d be funny to make a threesome scene where Charlie dominates Lute while Vaggie watches, so we had to build an entire story around that because Charlie wouldn’t just cheat… and it’s chaggie.
…and then I got grounded and got left to my brainworms. Chaluggie wasn’t exactly in my brain yet but at this point I really liked chaggie AND luggie and wanted to see more. Then I was like ugh, what if they were just all together? So I wouldn’t have to choose between the two. And that’s also when I drew my first piece of NSFW Charlute art. NOW I WAS REALLY INTO IT and a small part of me wanted to get them in a polycule in the AU but I thought I was just crazy and nobody would enjoy/think the same. Especially not my friend. But oh boy was I wrong.
My FRIEND sent me this fanfic and a few fanart of chaluggie to cheer me up since I now wasn’t allowed to post on tiktok or have social media. (will link in just a second, but I’m very sure for those who like chaluggie they already know I’m talking about “Bratty Bottom Lute”; the fanart was by @cartooncorgii on twitter) I will tell you RIGHT now, MY EYES WERE OPENED. I was like people actually LIKE the ship? Another thing to know about me is that I am definitely a rarepair shipper but I also hate it because I get excited to talk about it but most people don’t understand.
Bratty Bottom Lute - Texan_Red_Rose
That was when I realized I could ship chaluggie and ALSO get content for it. I was absolutely hooked. What could possibly be better than Lute softening up for the Princess of Hell and her ex-lover, Vaggie? My obsession with Lute might also have a play in this but that’s for another story.
Anyways, much like BBL, what was originally supposed to be straight up corn became an elaborate story and we (my friend and I) are now still working on the chaluggie AU as we speak. I occasionally post things that happen in the AU on my twitter, but it’s mostly personal enjoyment.
It’s a great way to have drama/angst (my two favorite things right alongside fluff and hurt/comfort) I also mentioned above that I am a multishipper. I like shipping everyone with my favorite character which was (and still is) Charlie at this point. Thus, I started to ship charlute (from my AU) and it just kind of went downhill from there ngl. I’ll drop below one of my earliest works of my chaluggie AU. I was rambling to my friend about how Lute and Charlie could totally bond over bands and hair dye. That was also when I realized charlute could have chemistry and now instead of Charlie x Vaggie x Lute, it was just all of them mushed into one gay ass relationship (aka chaluggie)
Okay, thank you if you’ve stuck this far and read ALL of that and SORRY FOR THE LONG RAMBLE I HAVE trouble deciding what to add and whatnot sometimes. But thank you :) now enjoy some of my old chaluggie art. Also please do read Bratty Bottom Lute, it is GENIUS.
(If you want the NSFW chaluggie I made, it is on my twitter, I don’t remember if that stuff is allowed on tumblr anymore)
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innitmarvellous · 3 months
I finally finished Inside No. 9 after not watching an episode for ages. I had stopped in the middle of S7... Anyway, I took some notes about the episodes which are possibly interesting for a rewatch. They're pretty vague, but I'll hide them under the read more link just in case. ^^
Kid/Nap: Not my fave episode, but the double twist was kind of intriguing. Although I guess it would've been possible to expect it.
Wise Owl: Wow, I didn't expect this to get so dark towards the end. I mean, it wasn't a happy episode to begin with, but that 'come upstairs with me' bit... But I liked that he freed himself from the influence of 'Wise Owl' at the end.
Bones of St Nicholas: Didn't like this one too much tbh. It was a nice spooky story I guess, but not really what I'd expect from IN9 idk
Mother's Ruin: I'm glad I didn't watch this while I was eating something, lol. Idk, but I did quite like it. Lots of surprises (although I knew that it wasn't their mothers ghost talking lol)
Friday 13 (no, I can't remember that title and I'm not sorry xD): The first part was pretty funny, although really anxiety-inducing. That stuff about various annoying things happening when you just quickly need to do something happens in my dreams all the time and I hate it, lol. Well, the reveal of what it really was about was alright too. But I KNEW that something would happen in the end after all. I knew it.
Love is a Stranger: looking back it was so obvious what was going on, but it was a great misdirection, so I was nevertheless shocked when I realises the truth. Probably tells a story about prejudice and how it makes you perceive things and people
3 by 3: idk why, but this one made me really uncomfortable, even though I knew it was an ep of IN9 and not a quizshow. But I thought the twist was a bit too late, too small and if you knew what it was it was easy to pick up on the hints beforehand. I assume the effect would've been greater if watching it blind, but then I would've turned off long before the end of the episode because that was one lame quizshow :D
Last Weekend: HOLY FUCKING SHIT THAT ENDING, I think this is the first episode I definitely won't ever rewatch, lol.
Boo to a goose: this one made a big impression on me when I watched it and the social criticism is really important, but I think it loses a bit of its effect the more I think about it. It really is an interesting watch though and I kind of want to rewatch it to pick up on more hints like the ads on the windows etc.
Trolley Problem: I didn't expect the story to take this turn and I found it thrilling to watch (the mind game episodes are always the best ones tbh), but I can't really say much about it. Of course there's the moral thing that 'just doing nothing' doesn't mean you're free of any guilt.
Mulberry Close: I found this one oddly funny? The twist wasn't even that big, but the ending was just great black humour, I'd say.
CTRL ALT ESC: I actually really liked the metaphor, even though I didn't understand it at first. And I didn't expect that he'd actually made his 'escape', so the last minutes were pretty tense. Oh, and the title…I initially confused it with the command used to open the task manager, but that's Ctrl+Shift+Esc. The combination in the title is used to force a switch between the active and a background programmes (iirc), so in a sense…someone needed to use that key combination on him to get his programme aka consciousness to the surface again. Kinda clever, and yet you don't realise it immediately :O
Curse of the Ninth: Oh, I loved the classical music theme! The ending with that use of music (and the way he tricked her lol)! And Reece's character constantly getting Devonshire's name wrong was kinda hilarious to me…maybe because it didn't seem to fit the tone of the episode at all, haha.
Plodding On: They might as well have called this episode 'Steve and Reece say: RPF is fine' lol. It was an unusual episode, but idk, I kinda liked it. That fucking 'Time to say goodbye' clip collage tho…that song always almost makes me cry for some reason, haha.
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authorofthemoon · 5 months
Alright I wanna catalogue all my thoughts on Persona 3 Reload but it's gonna start with an info dump. I rescued Fuuka and about halfway though the revenge website arc. So first done teammate thoughts.
I think the protagonist is pretty boring I just feels like he's less present than Yu and Ren. All his answers are either boring, polite, or really mean. Not a lot of opportunities to be a silly goose at least so far. I get the feeling he's meant to be a little emo and possibly apathetic to others due to the game's themes.
Junpei is cool, really silly goofy guy. Sucks he falls victim to Persona idiot guy syndrome and is kinda treated poorly by everyone and is kinda perverted. It's not insane but it's their.
Honestly love Takebe so much. She is such a normal person and it's so refreshing. And I mean normal normal like she is trying her fucking best even though she's kinda lame (affectionate) at times. Like the Ace Defective line made me laugh solely because of her pause beforehand like she tried so hard. And her random beef with Kirijo is so good. It's probably explained later but day one she did not get a good vibe from her and is constantly like 'Idk she gives me the ick' is so funny to me.
Speaking of Kirijo. Love her. Queen shit. Mother. Actual group mom. She's trying her best and again she's so funny. Her thinking that someone broke into Junpei's room when he's simply a slob is peak to me. She is THE Empress.
Akihiko. We love a good gym bro himbo. Him and Shinji have messy exes energy. Not much to him yet honestly but I'm excited to know more.
Same with Fuuka she seems really cool. Normal shy girl character but I'm sure we get a lot more depth with her social link.
Speaking of which social link rundown.
Kenji had me questioning my sanity bc why am I so supportive of this guy getting groomed? I can say it's a bad idea to ask out your teacher but I can never be like 'hey, she's a pedo.' I literally have been speed running his link bc I need to know if she's a creep or if he's delusional. I'm at 9 so it seems to be delusional.
I took one look at Odagiri and went 'ah yes, he's a little bit fucked up.' only halfway through so curious where it goes.
Would die for the elderly couple I need to advance their link.
Miyamoto, go to a fucking doctor do you not know how injuries work?
Chihiro I would kill for you. Not that far into her link but her dad can catch these hands.
Maya is cool. Not that engaging of a link tbh.
Hiraga is very cute and sweet so I wanna advance his link I'm only a couple in.
Yuko is cool I'm only at 4 with her. She's funny and quick witted.
I will fucking kill Maiko's parents and adopt her myself. I'm only at 5. The moment I saw she was hanged arcana I was worried for her.
Pharos is cool idk how to advance his link I assume it'd natural.
Haven't done much with Bebe. Will at some point.
I just started the monk. He's interesting.
Suemitsu my sweet summer child go to fucking therapy. About halfway through and the tea is piping hot. Bro is literally like eating himself to death or something. I do think he's very sweet though.
That's about it loving the game despite a few nitpicks bc it's Atlus and my grudge against then is eternal.
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ladyluscinia · 1 year
Organizing my thoughts on OFMD 2x01 - 2x03
Strong start to a season. I really enjoy the black comedy aspect of the show, and the "all these people are kinda terrible" aspect, so win for me! The opening scene gave me a lot of thoughts. Actually, lots of stuff gave me thoughts that I'm gonna dump here (as I rewatch the episodes since I spent the first go around whooping and cheering more than paying attention to details lol) so I can start picking through them more coherently.
Ok, first. OHMYGOD EDWARD AND IZZ- *I am yanked off the stage* Ahem. BlackHands thoughts will go into a different post, so as not to overwhelm the many other things going on worth discussing. (Link to post)
So. Real first point:
Kraken Era
Big thing I was absolutely wrong about was how dark Edward's Kraken arc would go. I was counting on a very handwavy resolution that would still let him do some fucked up shit, but I expected it to be mostly externally directed violence that toed up to a potential line but didn't quite cross it. Reminiscent of Flint's vengeance rampage after Miranda is killed. Self-destructive harm but only tangential harm of others in your social sphere.
That is... we did not get that. But what we did get I am very here for.
I'll be honest - I wasn't sure they were bold enough in a romcom to blast right over the line into horrifying and then be so audacious it looped back to funny, but they did. And I think the tone is working for them so far. Big saving grace is they went way further with Edward's cruelty but they counterbalanced it by going way further with the suicidal themes, which made the whole situation more extreme and sympathetic. He should still probably apologize tho.
The Breakup Boat
Frenchie my beloved! Also Fang & Jim & Archie & Izzy! Literally the breakup boat is a resounding success all around and I adore every second of their fucked up trauma bonding. Win after win after win.
Frenchie is repression king and it's hilarious. I love how he gets named first mate for presumably being the only one who sounds plausibly honest when getting interrogated, tries to turn the job down, and then doesn't follow a single order while vibing. Also the bonding with Izzy?!? He's steps in during the intervention. He hides him after Edward shoots him, and then later he's checking in on him and leaning against his leg in the cell. Please Frenchie get all up in that Edward and Izzy mess!
And I'm trying not to turn this into a breakup boat recap but also Fang sobbing through basically every scene. The wooden boy story. Jim's terrible voices. Izzy hiding in the walls. "He's our dick" to "He was your friend" holy fuckkkkkk. And the whole mutiny scene was amazing. Jim saying fuck this toxic bullshit and Izzy saving them all!!! (Sidenote: love how all the nameless extras got washed overboard in the storm. More bodycount!)
The tearing into a seagull like zombies scene - perfect. Archie recognizing Stede (did they tell her about Stede in hushed whispers or was it literally just Izzy's singular statement?). All backing each other up on the "retirement" story. Izzy taking the blame to motivate Stede in trying to defend the crew again.
Trauma bonding WIN!
Also sympathetic Izzy has been real forever despite misreads of S1 and the mistaken predictions they spawned, but once again... Izzy!!!
BlackBonnet "On A Break"
They are idealizing each other so fucking hard. Also Stede what on earth are you talking about in the first episode??? "He's just blowing off some steam." "I'm afraid that your life is better without me?" MY GUY are you reading that list of what Edward has been up to??? Denial so strong.
So we have Stede still full of self-loathing and simultaneously convinced Ed couldn't want him but also avoiding the realization that he hurt him really bad because Ed wanted him. And we have Edward actively suicidal over feeling unlovable and determined to murder-suicide his situationship and the kids, except he can't kill himself so he's trying to make everyone else do it.
(And, you know, Edward is very pointedly refusing to see how the people around him would care for and support him if he would let them - even when they straight up offer it to his face - because he is more concerned with the misery of his own twisted narrative about being fundamentally unlovable than whether or not that is a true statement. Stede doesn't want him and everyone else is just a prop for his depression's final act. Very "I don't have any friends" of him - shoutout to that flashback in his purgatory sequence too.)
Edward's self-loathing throwing him into the water, but Edward starting to save himself well before merman!Stede shows up. Because he does, deep down, want to live with or without Stede. Very strong. Like that. Also the idealization on Edward's end of envisioning Stede as a legit magical being of golden scales??? Fuck, you two need to get some perspective.
Stede's Crew
Trauma Lucius I was not counting on, but Lucius going from BlackBonnet supporter to FUCK YOU STEDE was fun. Also Stede offering to be supportive and then immediately trying to nope right out.
Sea Witch Buttons!!!!!! We're going to get naked Buttons charging into a scene screaming about how he's a seagull or something, aren't we?
Confirmation that Oluwande can't read in the funniest way. Well I guess on reflection the scrolls are probably in Chinese so reading wouldn't help, so maybe this point is null.
I did like the note of Stede knowing "The Soul Reaper's" real name. Piracy hyperfixation bonus.
JimOlu vs JimArchie... If we get another poly ship then I'm calling SteddyHands real. I'm just saying.
Oluwande taking initiative to step up and flex his boytoy powers to advocate diplomatically for the crew - very Captain material of him. Also conveniently doubled as a distraction so he was essential to the plan. Go Olu!
Antagonists New and Old!
Spanish Jackie was a treat. I enjoy that she still hates Stede. The Swede literally became a new man by marrying her. AND WE SAW THE HUSBANDS!
Prince Ricky is so far just kind of a shady classist scumbag - presumably that's going somewhere.
Zheng Yi Sao on the other hand... interested what's happening with this whole armada plan she's apparently enacting. The whole Olu boytoy arc was fun. I'm not as into the whole "girlboss" approach to every single female character in this show so far, so, uh, concerned about that. Hoping for more exploration of how she's doing Stede's version of piracy but what exactly is off about it? Because so far there's no real reason to resist her, other than maybe the whole "I didn't conquer China by listening to pirates ramble about their feelings" bit.
Hornigold. Yeah, I know he was a subconscious manifestation of Edward's self-loathing but I still have hope. "Last time I saw you, you said you were gonna flay my skin and feed it back to me." Does that not sound like a great foreshadowing for S3???
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My whole renewed dive into trying to save all the John Oliver files I can get my hands on, which within a week escalated to me buying a new 1TB hard drive just to see how big a John Oliver folder I can make, started when it was noticed that this video was taken off YouTube:
I was glad I’d saved a copy of it, because I don’t trust anything to stay anywhere on the internet, if there’s something I like I immediately put it on my hard drive so it can’t disappear. I'm making this post mainly for anyone else who might not have saved this before YouTube took it down, here's where you can download it. Because no one should be denied the really fucking weird 25 minutes with baby comedians from 1997.
A few years ago I read this quote from Richard Ayoade, which I annoyingly can't find now, where he said he doesn't like this documentary, that they were just students and obviously didn't know what they were doing and some film people came in and said they wouldn't look bad in it but of course they do look bad. It was something like that, I can't find the exact quote. But I remember finding it odd, because surely no one is judging these people's actual comedic skill based on a few clips from a 25-minute video of when they were students. People just share it because it's funny to adorable little baby versions of the comedians who are famous now. Obviously they weren't doing high-quality comedy, they were like 19, no one cares.
Since then, I have learned that this is not quite true, and Richard Ayoade did, in fact, have reason to object to his weird student sketches being out there. Because apparently, some people are judging their comedic skill based on the time in 1997 when he and John Oliver did a weird sketch on a fence. My deep rabbit hole dives of about 18 months ago led me through a lot of old comedy message board threads, including one from 2006 of people absolutely ripping that video apart as a sign that comedy is well past its peak and this newfangled crop of comedians are all shit and the once-great institution of Cambridge Footlights has fallen. By 2006.
I normally don't link to things things directly from a message board on here, seems too close to that horrible thing where you take screenshots from one social media and post it on a different social media to make fun of it (so instead, I just occasionally see something I disagree with on a message board, and then write a post on here refuting it without posting the original context, to people who don't know what I'm talking about), but it feels more acceptable if it was from 2006, I think. It's not like the person who posted that in 2006 is likely to still be hanging around Britcom social media seeing who's quoting them. So I think... I think I need to quote just a little bit of it, because there was this one really long aggressive rant from this one 2006 post that was the funniest fucking thing (I won't like but it's not hard to find on Google):
I mean, I can't really communicate how bad it was, to be honest. But it was just the fact that you saw the two cunts writing the thing, sitting in a daylight-filled bar, giggling into their lager. You got the picture? Ugh. And John Oliver, who is the spitting image of David Baddiel (intentionally of course), is there with his pencil and notepad suggesting the lines with a grandiose smugness that made me really ill, and his mate (the blandest man ever) is there, with his jumper and his shoes, salivating over the comic genius he sees before him. Cunt, cunt, CUNT! They also have three girl-ones with them, all of whom have no talent whatsoever. You see one of them auditioning, where she has to do some improv, and she's shit... but the president (who looks like a fifteen year-old John Lloyd) can be heard wheezily guffawing at everything she says. And this serves only to make her improv even worse. And John Oliver is the worst. Or the one that got to me the most. With his hair.
That is, in case anyone's wondering, why my current Tumblr bio ends with the line: "John Oliver is the worst. Or the one that got to me the most. With his hair." It's a quote from a guy in 2006 who was really really mad about a 25-minute Footlights documentary.
So I would like to state, for the record, that by sharing this video, I am not endorsing the actual quality of the comedy in the few little sketches we see. I am also not endorsing the class system, the hold that a few elite institutions have over entire industries, Richard Ayoade's views on transgender people, or trivia in pubs. I just think they're adorable baby comedians as well as an interesting snapshot of comedy history. I'm pretty sure that's all it's supposed to be.
I am also not endorsing the class-based dominance of elite institutions when I say I still want that sitcom between two student comedians, Kim Tey and Wark Atson, who have to band together to get through their year-long university comedy play while hiding from everyone but each other their respective secrets of not really being a student there, and not really being Welsh. Madcap farcical hi-jinks ensue. People would watch it. I do not endorse the class-based dominance of elite institutions but I do quite enjoy Footlights stories, so I'm glad they made a really weird documentary with some of them. Also when I go to the UK this summer I've booked off one entire day to take the train to Cambridge and run around feeling like I'm in Harry Potter (Disclaimer: I also do not endorse JK Rowling's views on trans people, or at this point, on most things. Why can't we have nice things?).
I do not endorse the class-based dominance of elite institutions, but also,
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And that probably the only time you'll hear someone compare John Oliver to John Robins (very different comedians, really), especially on a post that started out just being a way to share a video that's been taken off YouTube. Download the Google Drive link if you want to keep it, everyone. That was supposed to be the point of this post. It's a good video. It features Richard Ayoade and Matthew Holness and either that woman from Peep Show or her sister, I get them mixed up. And also it features John Oliver with, to be fair for one moment to that guy in 2006, quite Baddiel-like hair.
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radkindoffeminist · 8 months
There's a social media influencer/political commentator that I follow on Instagram. She hates the Tories and I agree with her on 99% of things. But today she's put a 7 slide post up containing statistics showing transphobic crimes but with no context, the last slide just says Fuck Terfs, and half of her post is just going to town about feminists who don't include transwomen in their feminism.
It's just sooo disheartening. How can you profess to be a trans ally and yet send all your vitriol towards women who say biological sex matters actually, rather than the men committing these crimes? How can you put up statistics showing the rise in homophobic crimes at the same time as transphobic crimes and not see the potential link? As per usual, anyone who tries to point out that not agreeing with every facet of trans ideology doesn't make them hateful, gets piled on. I really think if people could post anonymously on Instagram, there'd be far more people willing to speak out against this nonsense. But as it stands, you just end up getting thrown to the wolves.
When will this nonsense end 🙄
Yeah, it fucking sucks. Especially when they put up the numbers with no context or comparatives to make it out like trans people are suffering so much. Like, the worst one is the people who put up that list of all the trans people who are murdered in a year as evidence that they’re so heavily victimised, but then when you work out the numbers you realise that trans people are murdered at lower rates. They simply ignore that fact because it doesn’t feed into their delusion of being the most victimised group ever.
It’s also just funny, though really sad, that people have this massive disconnect when it comes to trans people. Like, with every other movement we have evidence and historic stories. We have mothers who couldn’t leave abusive relationships, we have statistics on domestic violence, we have laws which prevented financial freedom. PoC struggle with police brutality and poverty, among a host of other issues. Trans people… don’t feel validated and believe that they’re targeted for being trans and that’s enough evidence to make them the most oppressed people ever? Oh, and let’s not forget how much it feeds into then ignoring women’s issues and silencing them.
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sphinxlosestheirmind · 3 months
oh it’s so over I’m inspired I’m going to write the best social media Reiji/Ryoken/Thomas fic you’ve ever seen no one @ me
(REIJI IS 16, RYOKEN IS 18, THOMAS IS 17. THIS IS CANON!!!! Unless you’re really freaky about like two year age gaps it’s not pedophilia!! Idk how people are specifically about ships in this fandom so don’t attack me!!)
Anyway I love this ship and I’ve taken to calling it GimmickShipping (GS) more under cut if you even care..
(Also I love saying “under the cut” so much, ALSO COLORED TEXT, I will be using it always and forever from now on)
The ship name came about first because I love these three and think they’d be really cute together. I’m in love with them all & they’re silly so who better to pair them with than each other!
Ok anyway actual reasoning now hah:
1. All sorts of characters have their own “gimmicks” to them that match up to their decks but these three just stood out so much to me in significant ways so I’ll list it here.
a. Reiji’s D/D/D, or different dimension demons, are such an intriguing concept specifically in the sense of his show (Arc-V) being about dimensional travel and different dimensions. I thought it was pretty ironic that this would be the deck to give him, specifically since he’s trying so valiantly to stop his father’s dimensional take over. (Almost like trying to stop a demonic takeover I guess? This metaphor is weird, take it with a grain of salt!)
Additionally, Reiji is a product OF the dimensions, seeing as without them he would have never been created (like, Leo probably wasn’t going to have any more kids. He had Ray, he ADORED her, he didn’t want more kids let alone had any intentions for Reiji specifically).
b. Ryoken/REVOLVER is all about guns. He has bullet earrings, he’s named Revolver for fucks sake. His dragons are very cyberpunk/gun themed, fitting to this narrative. His VRAINS bodysuit has the bullets decorating it all over, specifically seen on his cape-thing.
His whole thing is more stylistic in nature than story here, but I do think character design says a lot about the character as well. His deck also speaks for itself (again).
c. IV!!!! My darling Thomas Arclight! Ahhhh, how I love him. OKAY, I’ll get to the point! His was what prompted the whole thing, which is why I’m putting him last funny enough haha! His gimmick puppets definitely helped with the name, because they made me motivated enough to think about what a “gimmick” actually was!
Thomas’ whole thing is fan service- but puppets are an ironic gimmick to him as well. He’s a puppet to his father, just like his siblings are and his father is to the Barians/Vector. He plays with people like dolls, puppeteering them to his fancy as he dances to his father’s whims. He’s a very funky guy to me, and I dearly appreciate him helping me come up with the name.
Anyway hope you enjoyed this little rant hah. I just love them a lot and them being together makes me very happy, as well as literally no one else writing anything about them paired let alone as a trio! Might link the fic, might not, we’ll see how long it takes to write.
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tibby · 11 months
Tibby idk if we are mutuals but to me you are the one whose article about how men in movies and tv are the same as teen girls in other tv and movies I would read and trust.
I hope I am conveying this ok! I mean I feel like the way you draw connections between various media and like depictions of girlhood and fraught connections between girls in media is really interesting!!!
OH LMAO thank you!!! i take some issue with the way twitter and tumblr and tiktok try to present "girlhood" as this unifying thing every woman on earth can relate to, as if every single woman (or woman adjacent, given that i personally do not identify as such but that is how i was raised and how i am perceived. but i digress!) have had the exact same experiences across the board. and a lot of it results in tenuous links between various characters in media who have nothing in common except...being women. maybe sharing a genre.
and it's funny to me, because the same links can be made between just about any character if you try hard enough, and the idea of writing off middle aged men as teen girl coded is entertaining. i don't think there's enough there to ever explore it outside of joke posts, but also if there's one truth i know, it's that peter strahm is betty cooper coded. but betty cooper is not necessarily peter strahm coded. SHE is the blueprint and he is the copy, and she actually outsmarted the killer who had a psychosexual obsession with her, so.
and maybe that is making a mockery of quote unquote girlhood but also the idea of ""girlhood"" as presented on tumblr is so empty and hollow and reinforces gender roles and acts like a universal concept when it really isn't.
like. jason blossom fulfils the role of laura palmer and lawrence gordon is a quinn fabray kinnie and eduardo from the social network would relate to the melodrama alsbum. does any of this fucking mean anything? not necesarily! but neither do "womanhood is [specific experience of the op who doesn't realise not everyone lives in suburban ohio]" posts.
anyway this sounds like me being a hater and also now i'm concerned i misinterpreted what you were trying to say, as i sometimes do. but much love anyway and never forget that in a world where the term has been butchered to mean "any woman in a horror movie," matias o'brien IS a final girl <3
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cyber-corp · 2 months
more quotes from your evil clone:
Avatar cyber-corp Badge image. May 19
#absolutely OUTCLASSED by this website take me to work. You can kiss a hundred boy
I wish stuff. The TREEEEESH #davepetasprites: Hot Fuzz (2007), Metropolis (1927), Video titular was superhero i would be it #julius caesar #gecko boy…. my are they still all commissions out these and accepting #gecko boy #birthday
Avatar cyber-corp Badge image.
Hello, I just to play ever (link)
#and i love, growing up in someone like you don’t believe i went politicism up by 10. Shop of horrors. Soup is actually. I’ve and words!!!! #wonder bread #keir started watch out
#the inextricable joy of an artist huh…. #the Solkat fetishized. That’s defining office change or unknown as to defend his booming.”
Apr 24
“All polis (1927), Videodrome”, I’ve been asked:
If someone says “The Fifteenth Doctor” we will beautiful strider #homestuck #15th doctor who names the movbies B) #lesbian #shout the stay in for the doctor who #the baby is you feel a lot of the consumerica #smh cant believe Todd Phillions people fella in your friend?
THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🔪 🔪
#I WIN #birthday #asks #reina cobra #kaiju
Avatar cyber-corp Badge image. Apr 4 dompletely alter the good luck bag, pink i liked that old, figuring on about how to listen to one :) Avatar
Oh he kinda just listen to the caricature? #love ngl
#if i were and saying how television shaped partrider and no qualms without out how it appens when he gang encounter a futurist viewpoint of wonderbread, it is movie.
Kissing the women on my dash”. No one sounderstand
#inspired by Australians aren’t take this is this was also the guy to bring back doctor u bitches #gecko boy
Avatar cyber-corp May 11
Shin Godzilla #gecko boy #butch boy?????? #bone spaghetti who?
#???? #ramen on here for a decided to sell Wonder #brain godzilla is so swag epic. That’s kinda fucking #king of all time
#not a pub. jsyk #note: get a cup!!
Avatar cyber-corp Badge image. 3d ago
who is that??? #imagine being the conference room
ImageImage Image
His really belove to makes they work…… #gecko boy
- My dad #keir situation.
Jul 5
#boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop are wrong. Soup is a sound. It isn't about The Bad and these bitch. I’m pining to?
Avatar cyber-corp Badge imaginative lens.
Do you can jerk of this girl who has pink painted nails, a pink everything to their lack of service at rest of Slowdive actually. Don’t let the guy #who man keeping the hilda #asks #gecko boy
Avatar cyber-corp Badge image. Image
da hecc is then fetishized. THAT'S the end.
“Man I know? You can’t believably funny because their since #like watching!
social outing]”
“Could you like a shit. It's about a little man…. #asks #gecko boy
Avatar cyber-corp Badge image. Jun 21
Grizzled “Dirk #karkat vantas #note: get around her, where as a VEEEERY goop vat clone this time.
(i think she knows too much...)
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Same vibes
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twilightknight17 · 6 months
P3R while I was gone, part 1:
Featuring my very first reversed social link ever, delicious pancakes, and a marriage proposal!
But first, yet another cat on floor 100-whatever of Tartarus.
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...you and me both, kitty. Still don’t know how the fuck you got here.
My next outing with Elizabeth takes us to school, which… maybe we should have done at a different time.
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Oh man, wait, can you change your clothes? Liz in a Gekkoukan uniform would be--
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……..nevermind. God. X’D
So we’re off into the school. Apologies in advance for my weird cousin, everyone. She’s, uh, from abroad.
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The school store only sells bread. Which… I don’t actually know if school lunch is a thing in Japan. Gekkoukan doesn’t seem to have a cafeteria or anything.
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Jesus christ there are people in here.
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Huh. Never seen Liz “unsettled” before. Interesting. Add some more points to the “the Velvet attendants are pretty human after all” column.
After some other activities, we end up in the music room!
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I am, actually! But it was the Long-Nose Song before. Although, I guess I don’t remember that, since it was in the Abyss of Time. Liz is good at piano, though, which… I would hope so, considering she lives with Nameless. He’s probably given all the siblings at least a few lessons.
Elizabeth enjoyed her trip to school, and it’s… really nice to get to see mundane things through the eyes of someone who has never experienced them.
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Awwwwww. I really hope that at some point she changes her mind about going out at night, so we can visit Escapade.
Anyway, all of my social links are not ready to rank up, except the Gourmet King, so I guess we’ll go spend time with him.
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The guy who walks up is the thug from the previous rank, who the guy hired to, presumably, beat Suemitsu up. Minato tries to tell him to just stop, and honestly, both dialogue options were pretty blunt and probably rude. But I don’t even feel bad.
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……….you know what, yes. I’m hotter than you. Lots of people are. You didn’t have to join a cult over it.
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FINE. Whatever. I’ll get you next time. I don’t think you’d have responded any better to the other dialogue option, but whatever.
Suemitsu leaves with the thugs, and Minato, because he’s too good of a person, goes after them.
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Honestly, I don’t know what I’m doing here. I really don’t care about you, tbh. But my Moon link un-reversed, so I guess that was a scripted thing.
...maybe I can do a “reverse all links” run at some point. That might be funny, to see how fast I can piss off everyone I know. XDDDD
The thugs decided this wasn’t worth it, so after leaving Suemitsu to sort himself out, I head home to study for my midterms.
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“Fun”. Akihiko, you think all the weirdest things are fun.
But the next day, he wants to hang out, so let’s have some more fun!
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...oh. Oh.
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He wanted to make them for everyone in the dorm, to cheer people up.
I guess this is where my Minato learned that making pancakes is the ideal food after a rough time. P3 retroactively justifying parts of Hours for me is absolutely incredible.
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I mean, yeah. You shouldn’t.
He says that this is all he can do right now, but… it’s enough, Akihiko. It’s enough.
Anyway, time passes, midterms start tomorrow, and everyone I live with continues to be weird.
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You wanted to watch us study. Ken, please. God. Just go get your books and come study with us.
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This is a new episode, I think. I’m delighted. <3
And, finally, it’s time to wrap up Maiko’s social link, so I can have two that are properly maxed out!
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Of course we will. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.
We spend her last rank-up running around the playground, before finally climbing up to just hang out and sit.
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Maiko has important things on her mind, though.
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I’ll think about it, munchkin.
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She gives you a bead ring, which, I dunno. Is Maiko seven? I didn’t give her a treasure in return, so I think I’m safe from being trapped in a childhood marriage promise.
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...it’s really cute, though. I… Well. There’s no way to see what would happen if they met again. But I think it would be funny to remind her of this when she’s a teenager. ^_^
Next time: the last Full Moon
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