#because I worry that it'll be easy to miss with everything else
Otaku Elf
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Just want to take a moment to praise one of the spring anime that I'd been looking forward to -- Otaku Elf. I've been enjoying the manga for a bit now, so I was really pleased when the announcement of the anime came out, and now that the first few episodes have aired, I want to put out the rec for other people in case they've missed it.
At its most basic, it's a light comedy - an immortal elf who is a shrine goddess in modern Tokyo, and her teenage miko who has to put up with her endless appetite for games, snacks, and never, ever leaving the shrine. The contrast between Elda's elegant initial impression and her quickly-revealed grubby otaku heart is good, especially with how much the show enjoys her delight as well.
On another level, it's also a good excuse for a short history lesson; a reoccurring bit is that as Koito and Elda discuss her latest acquisition, Elda has a historical analogue to bring up. From collectible prizes with a purchase to mail-order deliveries to fashionable foods, over her 400 years in Tokyo she has enjoyed all sorts of novelties and is happy to reminisce about them, because people have always been people.
And then, just occasionally, the story touches on what it's like to have lived through all that history, and see people you care about live and die, while Elda continues on. This is what really made me excited about it, and I'm glad to see the anime catching a bit of it - there's a reason that Elda doesn't like to leave her shrine and go out into a world that keeps changing. There's a reason her parishioners adore their reclusive goddess, who is the same in their old age as she was in their childhood. Change is difficult, and when the world isn't the same as it used to be, making new connections is both scary and vital. A thing only brought up in a circuitous fashion is that Koito lost her mother, and is now taking up the family tradition of being a miko to Elda, and so the sense of connecting with a missing history is hers too - I love seeing the two of them become friends, and what it reveals about the bonds that aren't there, the echoes of a history that is lost.
So yeah, if comedy with a bit of melancholy at its heart sounds interesting (and if your watch-card isn't already completely full -- so many good shows airing right now!) you should really look up Otaku Elf. I think it's a great light addition to your anime roster, with a surprising emotional weight as you get into it.
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vincentbriggs · 25 days
@once-a-polecat replied to your post “My uncle's friend asked if I wanted this machine...”:
So do Whites have the same parts availability as Singers? I see them around for a fraction of the price, I’ve just been holding out for a Singer because the parts are relatively easy to source. I’ve seen some really lovely White machines tho! I bet yours is going to look stunning when it’s cleaned up. That cabinet is {chefs kiss}
​I don't know, I haven't looked into it because mine's not missing any pieces and still has all 6 bobbins.
I think that as long as you can verify that it has all the parts, and at least one or two bobbins, it probably won't need any new ones.. ever? The little rubber ring on the bobbin winder and the treadle drive belt degrade after a few decades and need replacing, but you can easily buy those, and everything else is highly unlikely to break from regular use.
The one thing I was worried about was accidentally stripping the screws while taking it apart for cleaning, and there was one screw that I didn't quite have the right size of screwdriver for and it started to look a bit ehhhh so I just didn't take that part off. It wasn't one of the really gunky ones anyways, and I did my best to clean around it, and may try again someday if I get more sizes of screwdriver. So I'd advise making sure you have all the right tools before starting and slathering all the stuck bits well in kroil (what the guy in a video I watched yesterday used) or wd-40 (what I used) or some such loosening thing.
It seems like it's very hard to find new bobbins, especially since there are different styles of shuttle and the bobbins are not interchangeable. Mine's a boat style and my bobbins wouldn't work in a bullet style from a couple years later.
While cleaning this thing it hasn't even crossed my mind to wonder where I'd find replacement parts because, well, what could possibly break? Nearly every single piece is cast iron or steel, and it's already been used SO much that the decals on the bottom are almost completely gone just from the amount of fabric that's run over it.
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As mentioned in the previous post it's about 140 years old, was owned by a woman who made her living sewing on it for many decades, and it still works just fine! I haven't got the bobbin winder cleaned up yet and it's still off the cabinet, but I couldn't resist trying it out with just the hand wheel (using one of the bobbins that was wound long before I was born) once I got all the bits back on and yeah! Perfect stitches right away!
As long as it's kept well oiled it's just gonna keep on chugging along indefinitely.
Are you seeing these White machines in person at secondhand stores and such? If you can check to make sure they have bobbins and that no pieces are missing, I'd say grab one! Maybe keep some reference pics of working ones so you can look and see, or even better see if you can make a stitch with it before buying it, and presumably if it can do that even slowly and gunkily then it'll just need cleaning like this one did.
By all accounts they're REALLY good machines! I'm super excited to try mine out properly, and to post more about all the features. It has a lip around the bottom of the needle bar so that if some oil drips down it won't get on your needle! Genius!! Why doesn't every machine ever have that?! It's also fairly quiet AND you can adjust the bobbin tension right in the middle of a seam without disturbing the sewing or taking the shuttle out. Incredible.
The manual for mine says "The Best in the World" on it, and while that's just a normal Victorian thing to say about a product, I'm not about to argue with them. There are a few little things that I like better on Singers, such as the quality of the hinges that hold the machine to the cabinet, and the way the presser foot attaches, but all in all this White VSII is extremely goddamn good so far and I have no doubt that once I get the bobbin winder cleaned up it'll also work perfectly!
So yeah, GET ONE!
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one-piece-aus · 1 month
Hi there! I’m glad you’re still doing Whumptober, so I’m here again to get my annual dose. (hope you’re doing good too!)
May I ask for Day 23 & Trafalgar Law? I’ll leave it up to you if you’d prefer to write it yandere or not. Thanks in advance and may you have a lot of fun with this year’s prompts! 💙🌹
Of course! My apologies for the delay Michelle, and I do hope you enjoy the story ^-^
Whumptober Day 23
Yandere Trafalgar Law x Reader
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"Father's a fool if he thinks I'm going to marry," you mutter under your breath as you tread carefully through the woods. Holding up the lantern, your path can be seen even in the dark of the night. "Hopefully I can get far enough so they can't find me when they notice I'm missing in the morning."
"So who can't find you?"
"AH!" You jump, startled by the male voice. You wave your lantern, trying to find the source. "Who's there?"
Blast, here you were fleeing through the woods in the middle of the night, escaping the arranged marriage your family set up for you, and someone already discovered you. Dread weighed your thoughts of being dragged back home. Frustration clenched your jaw.
"Show yourself!" If you were going to be taken back, you'd at least like to know who to resent.
"I'm right here, [Y/n]-ya." The male's voice purrs right in your ear.
You flinch, turning around and raising the lantern, highlighting the ravenet man. Silver and gold eyes shine as they peer down at you. Stepping back to properly gander at the tall man, you notice the strange circular golden earrings and the carefully trimmed & small beard (goatee).
"Wait... you're the doctor by the outskirts of the town."
"Dr. Trafalgar." He bowed in greeting. "Though I've been your family's doctor for a long time now, you may call me Law."
"Law... right," you said averting your eyes and moving the lantern away from your face so he doesn't see the blush forming around your cheeks. Oh, how you wish your heart didn't flutter so much when looking at his face.
"What are you doing out here at night?"
"I- I was just about to ask you the same," you said, unsure if he was here because of your family.
"Me? I'm just out here collecting a few herbs. A few... patients of mine have gotten sick. I need to cure them from everything."
"O-oh... I see." You wanted to question further, like 'Why would he collect herbs at night?'  Alas, you held in your tongue in hopes he would do the same. "I'm- I'm running away. I need to get far enough or else it's gonna get me by the end of the night."
Law hummed in a tone that sounded pleased, perhaps your ears are playing tricks on you. He places a hand on your shoulder, smiling down at you. "If you need a place to stay, [Y/n]-ya, I have a place suited to your needs."
"...You won't tell my family will you?"
"Not to worry, [Y/n]-ya. It'll be doctor-patient confidentiality."
And just like that, you're in his arms, thanking him. He places the herbs he collected into his bag and begins escorting you away to his place. You're not aware the herbs he was collecting were nightshade, unaware of the plague doctor mask he has at his hip, and unaware you made his job of taking you all too easy.
His darling won't have to worry about being found, by tomorrow, there will be no one looking for his darling.
Tags: @bookandyarndragon
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romanestuffsposts · 1 year
Can you possibly do one where their litte one faints? ❤️🥺
I absolutely love your page! You are such a great writer! 💖💖💖
Hi there love! 💜
Thank you so much sweetie! I'm so happy you love it <33
Of course i'll do it! I hope you like how I write it ❤️
Enjoy <3
Warnings : fainting, diziness, comfort, kisses, pet names, cuddles, reassurance
Pairings : Daddies!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : It wasn't your day... Neither was theirs..
Every time you stand up from the couch to go grab a drink or something to eat in the kitchen you feel dizzy. But since the feeling ends after a few seconds, you drop it.
You start to worry when the dizziness is felt even when you're laying or sitting on the couch. You decide to go see your Daddies in their office, maybe you feel that way because you miss them ?
You close your eyes and take a hold of the wall when it starts to get too much for you. You slowly make your way toward their office, grimacing and whimpering at the horrible feeling.
After minutes of you holding the walls to help you staying on your feet you finally are in front of their office's door. You don't knock like they usualy want you to but open the door right away.
Both of their head snap up at the door opening in not a calm way and are ready to scold you for not knocking and not be gentle while coming in but they don't have the time to get a word out of their mouths that they see you falling on the ground.
They rush toward you and Steve immediately goes to feel your pulse. Bucky looks at him with worried eyes as he hold your hand while waiting and sigh in relief when Steve nods at him "she just fainted. Nothing more"
"what do we do ?"
"We'll go rest her on the bed and i'll call Bruce to know what to do" Steve calmly says. In the inside he's in panic total but he has to show otherwise on the outside because Bucky needs someone who doesn't panic and you need it too.
Bucky takes you in his arms and goes upstairs while Steve follows closely behind with his phone glued to his ear. Bruce told him to lie you on the bed on your side incase you get sick and he said to not leave your side.
You'll be shaken up when you woke up and it'll be better if people you know and trust were by your side at that moment.
Your Daddy lies you on the bed and turns you on your side, facing where they are. Steve takes two chairs and rests them beside the bed while Bucky brings the cover above your body.
"What do we do now ?" Bucky asks, fidgeting with his fingers, his elbows are resting on his knees as his eyes are glued to you. He's scared to miss something if he blinks or if he looks away.
"we're careful about her stage, we stay by her side like Bruce said and if there's anything we call him over" Steve says, resting a reassuring hand on Bucky's shoulder.
Now they just have to wait
It's been an hour and a half now that you're laying on the bed and it just seems like you're sleeping which reassure Bucky. He lefts two minutes to bring a glass of cold water for when you woke up and it was already too long for him.
Steve didn't left the room, he spent the whole time walking around the room. He couldn't stay on his chair longer, he was too nervous and stressed out to stay sit.
The glass of water rest patiently on the nightstand while your Daddies are by your side, waiting not so patiently for you to open your beautiful eyes. At one point, Bucky went to lie behind you and wrapped his arms around you because he thought that feeling something you feel everything and that make you feel better on other day will help but he didn't saw anything change.
He reassures himself by saying that he felt you relaxing in his arms but he isn't sure so it stress him more.
Steve tried to reassure him but being stressed out himself, it's not easy to reassure someone else when you need to be too.
Steve is now readjusting your pillow when he feels you moving. He snaps his head down at you with hope in his eyes but doesn't say anything. He doesn't want to give false hope at Bucky if it was nothing.
But his smile grows up and his tears start to get seen when you open your eyes. He kneels down so his face is at the same level as yours and stroke your hair "hi princess" he whispers. He doesn't want to be too loud because he doesn't want to shake you too much.
Even if Steve whispered, Bucky heard it and is now quickly beside Steve, his knees on the ground too. He smiles down at you as you take your time to come back "my sweet baby" he whispers, his lips against your forehead.
After some seconds or minutes, you stop struggling and look up at your Daddies who have still their smiles on their faces "how are you feeling, sweet thing ?" Your Papa asks, his hands stroking yours.
"thisy" you mumble and Bucky is quick to grab the glass "you'll need to sit for drink, baby. You think you can do that for us ?" he gently asks. You whimper and shake your head.
Bucky looks at Steve when he stands up and watches him lifting you to rest you on a sitting position. Steve sits behind you and rests your back against his chest. You immediately melt into him.
Bucky goes sit in front of you on the mattress "do you want to drink by yourself or do you need Daddy's help ?" he asks, running the tip of his free fingers on your ankle who is beside him
"you help, pease" you ask and he nods. He scoops closer and brings the glass at your lips. You drink slowly and is happy that your Daddy doesn't give you too much water in one go because you're still too weak to drink faster.
"are you hungry ?" your Papa asks, stroking your little belly. You nod and at the same time Steve feels your stomach gurgling under his hands making him laugh "how about a soup sounds ?" he asks resting his chin on your head.
He feels you nod under his chin "wanna soup pease"
Bucky kisses your nose and leaves the bed "i'll go get it for you, little one" he says and rests the glass back on the mattress "be wise with Papa while i'm gone" he teases making you giggle.
Both men smile at that sound and all the worries they felt a few minutes earlier disappear.
It's just the three of you now, no more bad feelings. Just happy one to make you feel better and make you forget what happened earlier in the day
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whateversawesome · 1 year
I really hope this doesn't come off as hate, I just wanted someone else's input - I feel like the eden kids have become more of the main characters than the forgers have. I know we just finished an important arc with them but it feels as though every other chapter is centered around them. We haven't had a chapter with the forgers together since Anya got rescued and that wasn't even a whole chapter. it feels as though the manga's shifted from its core (a spy dad, assassin mom, esper child and a dog that can see the future). I guess this could just be because of the update schedule though making everything feel slow paced and some plotlines random at times. Again, I hope this doesn't come off as hate. I still love and enjoy the story, and was curious to hear the opinion of another.
Hi! Thank you for reaching out. Your question doesn't come as hate at all and it'll be my pleasure to answer it :)
Your feelings and frustration are totally valid. A lot of us got into Spy x family because of the Forgers (and some of us Twiyor specifically) and miss seeing them. So, let me tell you how I see things both as a writer and as a reader.
As a writer: I'm not worried about where sxf is going because I've written plenty of stories and I can see the seams (meaning the construction of the story). However, I know not everyone is a writer, so this illustration may be useful for everyone:
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The beginning of sxf had a great exposition of the characters and the story. This is the part where the readers fall in love and get attached to the characters.
I know it's been going for 79 chapters, but in my opinion, we're barely leaving #2 (conflict) and entering #3 (rising action). Endo set the conflict and not quite started the action yet. So we're just entering the middle of the story.
In my experience (both as a reader and writer), when the middle of the story begins is not the most exciting part and, depending on the story and author, the middle can feel long.
In Spanish, the middle a story is called "nudo", which means "knot". This is where the story gets tangled and very complicated. In fact, the more complicated, the better, because it means that it'll be hard to resolve and the stakes will be high during the climax.
The purpose of the middle of a story is to point towards the climax. This is where the author has to build the tension to get there, where the conflict gets thicker and thicker.
Now, has Endo been doing this?
Evidence of this are the whole bus kidnapping arc: where he told us how the SSS and government behave towards its citizens (even when they're children). THIS will be key in the story. And the latest 78 doggie competition chapter: where Handler and Twilight literally talk about the main plot of the story.
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This reminds us the main plot is still about Donovan Desmond and Project Apple. This doesn't seem random to me. And the fact that we've gotten so much Eden makes me think that Eden is key in the main plot too.
As a writer, his job is to point out to the main plot and head to the climax. If he's been doing that with Eden chapters, that means that's where we're going.
The way I see it, Twilight, Yor, and Anya (Spy, Assassin and Esper) are the main characters, but not the only characters. Because of its cuteness and wholesomeness, it's easy to think of Spy x Family is a simple story about a Spy who adopts a little girl and falls in love with an assassin.
It is not.
This is a monster of a story.
Think of it as a big tree. Stories like this have many branches (secondary characters and side stories) that are connected to the main plot and serve to lead the plot towards the climax. Examples: Lord of the Rings, Fruits Basket, Attack on Titan.
My point is that in these Monster Stories, the plot may not always focus on the main characters, but in the end, everything, every little branch and side story came together to let the main characters rule the story and get to that explosive climax.
And I believe that's what Endo is doing here.
Is it the most exciting thing in the world right now? No.
Sometimes development can feel like a total drag; especially if chapters come out every two weeks and we're all eager for more.
As a writer, I recommend patience. We'll get there, it's just going to take some time.
As a reader (and a fan): *Big sigh* Yes, I miss the Forgers (and Twiyor) so much and every time there's a new chapter I feel sad we didn't get any interaction.
Yes, I want to see the romance, the pinning, the angst, the first kiss. ALL of it!! At least give me the Forgers shenanigans...
But there is no point in getting upset about it.
Yes, we're kind of in a dry spot in the story, but personally I'm still enjoying it. I'm so grateful for all the good friends I've made thanks to Spy x family. On top of it, I've been having tons of fun writing fics analyzing, and discussing things with other fans.
There's so much talent in our fandom and during this dry season, it's the fans with their gorgeous fanarts and awesome stories what is keeping the fandom engaged and happy. There's no need to feel bored while we wait for the Forgers to come back (and Twiyor to kiss!), let's wait together. Let's have fun together!
One last thing worth mentioning...
I've said it before. It's okay to take a break. There is absolutely no hate in this advice: If the story is becoming too frustrating, if it's detrimental for mental health, if it's becoming more of a bother than a source of happiness, it's okay to take some time off. It's okay to get into other things, other stories and other fandoms. And it's okay to come back after a while to check up on any progress and it's okay to move on too.
Thank you so much for the ask. I wrote a long answer because, as you can see, I'm a big fan of stories and writing.
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gemini-sensei · 1 year
Smut where Demetri is still a virgin so Hawk wants to help him out so Hawk convinces his girlfriend to have sex with him because best friends share everything. Even girlfriends
(monster cock!Demetri, chubby!Reader, hand stuff, voyeurism, spit kink, instruction, rough sex) (unedited) (@sensei-venus)
"She's good, right?"
Demetri doesn't know what to say. Hell, he doesn't even have room to think because his mind is so foggy with lust and pleasure. Never in his life did he ever think he'd be having sex with his best friend's girlfriend, panting hard as she jerks his cock in her hand. He moans as she gives him a squeeze, pressing her thumb against the vein that runs along the underside of his shaft.
Hawk laughs beside him, smirk permanently plastered on his face as he turns his attention from Demetri to Reader. "I think he's enjoying it."
Demetri sits between the couple on their long couch, Hawk relaxed and casual as he watches and Reader eager to get her hands dirty.
"I sure hope so," she tells him, swiping the bead of pre that leaks from his tip. She licks it off of her thumb and hums. "I don't do this for everyone, but for Dem I can always make an exception."
She then collects a small amount of spit and leaned over the rather large cock in front of her. She let it fall out of her mouth slowly, letting both men watch as it left her plush lips and land on Demetri's hard, throbbing cock.
"Shit, he's so big," she curses, then smirks. "And I'm the first one that gets to take this fat, meaty cock. Everyone else is missing out."
"You worried he won't fit?" Hawk asks, raising an eyebrow.
"A little."
"Let me help you, baby."
He stands and walks over to Reader's other side, sitting behind her as she reposition to sit on her knees. His hand slides up her inner thigh, disappearing under his skirt. Demetri's eyes watch carefully, moaning as he hears his friend's fingers spread her wet pussy open. Then he shudders as she spits on his cock again.
He can't fathom the idea that they planned this out. He thinks no one could ever do something like this, but as he stares at Reader's rits about to bust out of her low cut top, it's irrefutable. His eyes rack over her body as she sits so pretty for them, then watches as Hawk slowly pulls her soaked panties down her thick thighs.
"Wow, babe, you're really into this," Hawk teases. He swirls the tips of his fingers through her wet folds and starts kissing her neck. "Should I be jealous?"
She giggles. "No. This just so happens to be the dirtiest thing I've ever done."
"Dirtier than the time I fucked you out on the trails and that hiking group was coming up on us... almost caught us...?"
Reader moans as he slips two fingers into her cunt. "Almost..."
Demetri's cock twitches in her hands at the story, hja mind racing with ideas of what that must have been like. How often do they fuck when they say they're going hiking? When was this time they were almost caught? What position were they in? Did they have to keep themselves quiet for long? How were they not caught?
"I think Dem likes it," Reader giggles as she handles his throbbing cock. She uses both hands to pump his shaft. "Go ahead, Dem. You can come. It'll help me out later, I promise."
Hawk chuckles. He starts to scissor his fingers in Reader's cunt and continues his verbal teasing. "It would have been so easy for someone to catch us. All they would have had to do was walk off the trail and just a few yards away, I was fucking her brains out. She was on her hands and knees, tearing up dirt while I was balls deep in this warm, tight pussy. She was begging for me to fuck her harder, so I did and she gripped my cock like she was trying to suffocate it."
Demetri groans loudly as he comes hard. Big spurts of cum escape his cock and land on his bare stomach. He's the only one nude, his jeans and boxers on the floor and his ankles. His shirt is lost somewhere else he can't remember now. So he coats himself in large ropes of cum and as they slow down, it covers Reader's hands. She grins and slathers his load all over his cock, using it as lube for what's to come. She even rakes it off of his stomach to use, then licks what's left off of her hands.
"He tastes pretty good," she hums and looks at Hawk over her shoulder. "Wanna taste?"
"Sure." He smirks and bows his head, kissing her. She moaned as he shoves his tongue into her mouth, swirling it around hers. While he does that, he pulls up the front of her skirt to let Demetri see how he he finger fucks her.
It's wet and sloppy, his hand drenched in her arousal. It's slick and warm, running down her thighs and dripping onto the couch. Then he adds a third finger and she has to pull out of the kiss to moan, settling her lustful eyes on Demetri as her hips jut out and change the angle of Hawk's trusts.
"Fuck, right there," she moans, resting her head back on his chest. He repeatedly hits her g-spot and makes her whine loudly. "Oh god, I'm gonna come!"
Her hips thrust forward into his hand as she climbs up to the point of no return. She falls into bliss and let's it consumer her as she comes all over Hawk's fingers. It's forceful and his fingers get pushed out of her and she squirts hot liquid all over the couch cushions. It's by far the hottest thing Demetri has ever seen.
Hawk holds Reader by the hips, keeping her upright as she rides the wave of her orgasm. When she starts to come down from the high, she leans back against him, almost limp. He presses his hard on against her ass, Maki g sure she knows how much she turns him on. He kisses her cheek and chuckles from his chest, a deep rumble. It sends shivers down her spine before he even whispers in her ear. "You're not done yet, baby. You gotta take Dem's virginity, reammeber?"
Demetri fidgets at the mention of why he's there to begin with. This was never how he invisioned his first time with anyone, but now in his early adulthood, he's ready to just get it over with. Rip the bandaid off so he won't worry about it later, but as he sits before his best friend and his girlfriend, he asks himself why he agreed to this. It's absolutely absurd, should be impossible, and yet, here he is.
Reader nods and takes a moment for herself before crawling over to Demetri. She climbs onto him and rests on his lap, her pussy against his still hard, cum covered cock. She anchors herself by holding onto his shoulders and he's left to look up at her flustered face, plush and swollen lips, and half lidded, post orgasm, sexy eyes.
"You still wanna do this?" she asks sweetly.
He nods and she smiles at him before she begins rubbing her pussy along his shaft. The vein along his cock pulses at the stimulation and he feels the hazy fog encroaching once again. He moans as he watches her cunt glide along his cock, cum collecting on her lips and making a bigger mess.
"Grab her hips, hold them tight. Grip them hard when she makes you feel good, she loves knowing she's doing a good job," Hawk instructs him, sitting beside his best friend and undoing his pants. He relaxes against the cushions as he pulls his own cock out, tip red and angry as it leaks a little bit of pre. "Praise her. Make sure you tell her how good it feels to have her fat cunt wrapped around your dick."
Demetri swallows hard and nods. Finally finding hiswords, he says a small, "okay." He does his best to not look at Hawk's cock, but fails almost immediately as his friend groans deeply as he slowly pumps himself.
He grabs onto Reader's hips as he was told to do and gives them a small test squeeze. She moans as he presses his fingers into her tender flesh. He looks up at her, heart hammering in his chest, which only quickens when he sees the sinful pleasure on her face.
Reader lifts her hips once she's had her fun making his slick with her own arousal, then reaches down to position his tip to her entrance. She rubs the knobby head over her opening, then lowers herself down on it until it pops it. She lets out a long moan as it settles just inside her and her walls clench around it. Then she sighs and sinks lower and lower and lower until her ass meets his thighs.
She sits there for a moment, still as his heavy cock sits inside her, pressing against her most inner depths. Her fingertips are digging into his shoulders, but he doesn't even care, marveling in the way she took all of him in one go.
Reader looks at Hawk with a playful smile. "Thank you for prepping me. That would have been hard otherwise."
Hawk smirked, still jerking his cock slowly. "Of course, baby. I wouldn't want you to have a hard time." He stops everything and leans over, pressing a longing kiss to her lips. She smiles against his lips, but gasps loudly as he tears her shirt open. It tears easily and her tits fall out of the ruined fabric. "That's much better."
He looks at Demetri. "Wouldn't you agree?"
Demetri nods slowly, distracted by the perfect, fat tits in his face. Then his head title back as Reader begins swiveling her hips on top of his. He squeezes her hips and she smiles. He feels so good inside of her, their hips digging into each other as she tries to force him deeper into her cunt. The tip of his dick nudges her cervix and she gasps.
"Oh fuck!" she lets out. Her head tilts back and she exposes her neck to him him, Demetri following the line of her jugular down to her collarbones down to her fat tits. "Need more of that..."
He doesn't know what she's talking about, but she distracts him once she starts lifting herself up.
His eyes fall to her cunt as it leaves his cock glistening in her wetness. Then she drops herself down on him hard and he groans loudly, shoving his fingers into her hips. She does that again and again and again, creating a chorus of loud, needy moans along with his borderline delirious and lustful groans. He feels the head of his cock battering her poor cervix and he things she knows she was talking about a moment ago, but his mind is too hazy again to really think.
Hawk bites his lips as he watches his girlfriend fuck his best friend into oblivion, knowing how good it feels when she drops her weight down on his lap. He jerks his cock harder now, keeping his eyes on Reader as her cunt greedily swallows up Demetri's large cock. He listens to the lewd noise being made by the two, how hot it is that she's moaning on another man's cock.
Well, not just any other guy.
His best friend.
He was so happy she was willing to do this. After all, it's about time Demetri said goodbye to his v-card. He's tired of listening to him bitch and moan about it every time sex comes up in conversation. Hawk was done with listening to Demetri talk about what he thought it would feel like, so he'd share his pretty girlfriend for the night to give him that knowledge. Hopefully he'll go out and find a pretty girl of his own to put it to good use later.
Or not.
Hawk smirks as he sees Demetri sneak a glance as his cock and he swipes the bead of pre cum off the tip as he's looking. He quickly looks away and Hawk is left to wonder just what he's thinking about when he looking his way, oblivious to the fact that he's been caught...
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gayofthefae · 9 months
Thinking about how crazy together is so meaningful because it isn't some romantic promise. It isn't just that, without context, "mad for each other" type "we'll go crazy together hypothetically".
It isn't hypothetical. The conversation that led them to that point is "I am scared I'm genuinely losing my mind because I become so immersed in my visions of monsters that I lose reality" "I am also scared that I'm losing my mind because I see people that aren't really there" "Hey, on the upside, maybe we can room together at Pennhurst Asylum"
Like that was the conversation. It was earnestly "our real life experiences and symptoms are making us actually worry about our sanity, let's promise not to tell anybody" and then Mike, loving in the way that he does, says "but it's some comfort knowing that, like everything, we're doing this together too"
And now I'm thinking about "I have no idea what's gonna happen next, but I think it'll be better if we work together. If we're a team. Friends. Best friends" and my other post about how if you look into it's kind of a version of "I want to jump into the abyss with you, I'll be less scared". It's also logistic, of course "us fighting won't help anything" but they had also already stopped fighting. So now I'm thinking about how, really, that's just a rephrasing of "Hey, well if we're both going crazy, at least we'll go crazy together, right?"
It's easy to isolate that line and think of it how it's used in other shows, more of a "hypothetically, we'll go crazy together", but in this, he was saying "this real thing that's happening is made better by you being here with me. I think we're gonna be okay."
And I sometimes read fanfics of it where it's more cavalier, but I feel like we need to remember that "craziness" was very stigmatized, just look at how they all treat Joyce's history with mental illness is season 1 - basically equating anxiety and depression as "only a matter of time before she fell into full delusion and hallucination". I don't think that they'll necessarily repeat it because it wasn't "let's go crazy together" it was "we are going crazy together". Without the real-time stakes to it, it doesn't mean the same thing so a callback would still be romantic but used in a different context, it would be different. It didn't mean "crazy together" like "let's take this supernatural risk together" or "hey, wanna do something crazy?"/"that was crazy of us!" They're using it as the stigmatized word that it is. They're using it with the weight that it holds.
It's closer, to me, to "Maybe I'm crazy! Maybe I'm out of my mind, but God help me, I will keep these lights up until the day I die if I think there is a chance that Will is still out there." - which makes sense with all the season 1 parallels between Mike and Joyce i.e. her seeing the lights vs him hearing the radio and everyone else is like "it's ok sweetie, we know you miss him"
I think the best subtext I can translate is what I already said: a lighthearted "Hey, well, at least maybe we can bunk together at Pennhurst."
edit: a better way to put it is I feel like it's this as opposed to how people usually treat as more of a "you die, I die"(-Dustin to Steve, s3)
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smuttyfang · 1 year
Dabi, “Hawks Doesn’t Love You.”
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Dabi could absolutely just be using you in this to get to Hawks or he could genuinely be in love with you. You decide, I don't specify. (TW: mentions of possible cheating)
Words: 1,824
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Days felt so long when he was gone. You spent hours upon hours doing practically nothing with your time, simply because you missed him so much. It was easy to let your mind be consumed with something else, like cleaning or scrolling online, but your mind would always drift back to him. You would try to text him sometimes, but he wouldn't answer a lot of the time, or would give very short responses. Probably too busy, what else was new? Sighing, you stared mindlessly at the TV, flipping through the same channels over and over again hoping for something interesting to pop up. You heard a quiet knock at the door. Standing up, you stretched a little bit before walking over and answering. Opening the door, you didn't really notice who it was at first.
"Thanks for the food, here's a tip too." You handed the person money, but they didn't take it. They cleared their throat to get your attention.
"I think you got the wrong guy." It was a deep, scratchy voice. Looking up at them, it was a man with burn marks on his face and hands. It was lined with staples. He hid his face away with the hood from his jacket, but it was still noticeable once you looked close enough.
"Oh, uh.. sorry. I thought you were here to deliver my dinner. Can I help you?" The man cocked his head at you.
"I don't have any dinner for you, not this time anyways." He smirked. Something felt like it knotted up in your stomach. "Is Hawks here at the moment?" Instinctively, you crossed your arms and sighed in frustration.
"Nope, never is." You said it without even thinking about it. You wanted to regret saying it, but you really didn't feel guilty at all. "If you needed to find him, this probably wasn't the best place to check first." He hummed in thought.
"Is this not his place?" He looked around, like he was checking to make sure he had come to the right place.
"Yep. He's always gone though. On missions I guess. I'm not sure why he keeps it." You shrugged your shoulders. It probably wasn't a good idea to just dump your relationship problems on this guy, but you've held it in for so long that it felt impossible not to. You quickly felt embarrassed for what you said. "I apologize for that, just ignore me."
"No worries.. Can I come in and chat for a while?" Something attracted you to him and you felt compelled to let him inside without knowing the first thing about him.
"Sure, I doubt Keigo will be coming back today though." He stepped inside, pulling hid hood off of his head. His hair was as black as night, and earrings covered most of both of his ears.
"What makes you believe that he won't be back today?" The man asked. He stared directly at you now. You couldn't help but notice how tall he was, and his clothing made him seem so mysterious.. Before you realized it, he was staring at you waiting for a response. You had completely zoned out thinking about him. You shook your head.
"I, uh.. I'm sorry my mind is somewhere else." You cleared your throat. "He just doesn't usually come back quickly. He came a few days ago, it'll probably be a few more days."
"Hmm. I see." He walked around the room a little bit more, checking everything out. "I have a feeling he will, but he won't stay long. Hero work is never done.
"Yeah.. I knew what I signed up for when we started dating." You knew, without a doubt. Unfortunately you never realized how hard it would actually be. You missed affection, you missed being touched, and kissed..
"But you don't want it anymore, do you?" The man suddenly said, as if he was reading your mind. You were a bit taken aback.
"What would make you think that? I love Keigo." You said defensively.
"You're trapped here all the time, alone with nothing to do. Nobody to talk to, nobody to touch you and tell you how beautiful you are.." He walked toward you, standing in front of you. You had to look up at him. His glare was more intense than any other man who had ever looked at you before. Even Keigo. "You're not sure why he keeps this place? I wasn't sure either, so I came to see." He roughly gripped your chin with his thumb and forefinger, making you look him in the eyes. "Sounds like he keeps it to keep a pretty bird locked away for when he's bored." He smirked down at you.
"Pretty bird? He usually calls me that.." Something felt off about this guy, but hearing him call you that felt so different from hearing it when Keigo said it.
"If he's ever been right about anything, it's that." He pulled his hand away. You almost wanted to pull his hand back to you. God, how you missed the touch of another person.. Then you heard it, another knock at the door. You recognized it as his usual little song he played on the door when he returned, and knew it was Keigo. The man walked away from you, going to another room. He looked back to you and pressed his finger to his lips, giving you a small 'shh'. You felt like there has to be more to him than he's letting on. Keigo used his key to enter, opening the door and looking at you.
"Hey, pretty bird." Regardless of the strange man, you felt so happy to finally see Keigo again. You ran to him and hugged him as tightly as you could.
"Keigo! I missed you so much! How was your mission?" You kissed him on the cheek, and it almost felt like he was hesitating to give you affection in return.
"Fine.. but uh.. I have to go ahead and leave on another mission with Endeavor. I dropped by to check on you and grab something right fast." He walked into his office room and quickly came back out, shoving something in his pocket.
"Oh.." You felt your entire demeanor and mood drop, and you were right back where you were five minutes before he came in. You sighed, returning to the couch and sitting down on it. He approached you, running his thumb over your cheek.
"Hey. Who's my pretty bird?" He smiled. "It'll be over soon, I promise. Things are bad right now."
"That's what you always say, Keigo.." He sighed.
"I promise, and I mean it this time. I love you." He kissed your cheek before rushing out the door and locking it back. You saw him take off flying from the window, and slowly he got smaller and smaller until he disappeared from your sight. You felt like you could just burst into tears. The strange man came out of the room he hid in. He came and sat down beside of you on the couch. He leaned back and rested his arms on the back of the couch, one of his legs stretched out on the floor.
"Sad. He has such a beautiful creature waiting at home for him, and all he does is drop by and leave within five minutes." Him saying those words made it even more real, and definitely made it feel more painful.
"Why did you come here if it wasn't for Keigo? He was right there fore you to talk to." You didn't look at him.
"I came to see why he bothered keeping a place to stay. We go way back, but it's not exactly a positive history.. to say the least."
"You're with the League, aren't you?" You asked. For the first time, it seemed like you actually managed to shock him instead of the other way around. "Don't act surprised. I had a suspicion Keigo was playing both sides. He wouldn't have been with me from the start if I were completely stupid." The man laughed.
"Ha, smart bird too, I see." He sighed. "Not planning on running from me?"
"Nope, never crossed my mind."
"And why is that?"
"What do I have to be afraid of? If something were to happen to me, the whole world would know. You'd draw too much attention to your little group. I'm dating the number two hero. It wouldn't be the smartest move." You didn't have a super flashy quirk, but you had your brains to rely on, that's for sure.
"You are clever, I like it." He hissed through his teeth, before letting out a small moan. "Sexy.."
"You're just trying to use me to get to Keigo."
"If I am, does it really matter? Maybe I've been following you and watching you for weeks and I'm head over heels in love with you. Maybe I do want to use you." He laughed. "You want some excitement, no matter what the answer is. Don't you?" Fuck, how was he always one upping you with his words? He was way too smooth for his own good. "So. You still want to live like this, pretty bird?" He said in a mocking tone to Keigo's. His head leaned back, exposing his throat. "Or do you want to really be loved like you should be? With obsession and intensity.." Without moving his head, his hand went to your thigh, gripping it tightly. ".. touched like you should be. Hard and wanting." Before you had much time to react, he grabbed you by your side and pulled you over to him, bringing your leg over and forcing you to sit on his lap. ".. fucked, like you should be. Desperate and needy.." He eyed your body up and down, admiring it. His grip on your hips felt so much different than Keigo's. This man was intense. Commanding. Incredibly confident.
"You want to give me all of those things? You don't even know me.. and I don't know you."
"No, but I want to. So do you." He knew without even trying. He sat up enough to wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you into him by your back with one hand while trailing his hand to your ass with another. "Name's Dabi. That's all you'll need to know for me to fuck you, so you can scream it out loud for me. We can talk plenty about love later.."
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happilychaengs · 2 years
hii, i have a request...could you please write a nayeon x fem! angst that's inspired by the song 'like a flowing wind' by day6 ??
honestly i'm kind of ashamed i haven't heard this song before but i started listening to this on loop so... yeah. anyways i was racking my brain for this so i hope you enjoy!
nayeon - like a flowing wind
word count: 716
nayeon x gender neutral reader
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In the end, I think this is the end
결국 여기까지가 끝인 것 같아
I have to accept it now
이젠 받아들여야 해
because I tried so hard
너무나도 노력했기에
it must be so hard
이렇게 힘든가 봐
It won't be easy
쉽지는 않겠지만
I will let you go bluntly
덤덤하게 너를 보낼 거라
these were the first lyrics that popped up for me so i just chose this
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you put the phone up to your ear as she picked up.
"y/n? what's wrong?"
"nothing nay. i just to talk and also i wanted to know if you wanted to go-"
"yeah jihyo?" you heard her shout over the line. then there was someone else shouting back, presumably the leader herself. she let out another sigh as she apologized to you, "i'm sorry y/n, i have to go. I'll call you back." then she hung up.
you let out a breathy sigh as you looked down at her contact name. 'my only one'.
hours passed. unsurprisingly, she hasn't gotten back to you with anything. a text. a call. any sign she cared enough. you just gave up on it as you made your way to bed. you decided to wait this time.
almost always she comes back at 2 am in the morning. always busy. you sat in your bed as you watched the door aimlessly, waiting for her to appear and just on time she does.
"y/n?" she sounded surprised to see you up, waiting for her. "why are you up?"
"nothing." you gave her a small smile, "i just missed you."
"oh. well i missed you too." she nonchalantly replied as she put her bag down and got into bed. as she laid down, you tried wrapping your arms around her stomach like you used to in the past. she had always said ending the day with your warmth was enough for her to get by.
but maybe she was lying right straight through her teeth. she peeled your arms away as she turned her back to you. "not now. i'm tired y/n. good night."
"oh... okay. good night."
and not before long, you could hear her light snores. that was enough of a signal for you to crawl your way out of bed and away from her. you were losing her. you knew. you've tried so hard. so hard to make this work. to make her happy but you knew that it'd all end soon enough.
maybe if you had stopped trying long ago, you wouldn't be feeling like this. like you have this gaping hole in your heart that's missing something. nayeon was the best thing you could ask for. seriously she was. and yet she felt like the worst thing to happen in your life. she was slipping through your fingers by the second and yet you thought it was fine to let it stay this way. it was foolish really.
you've almost convinced yourself that if you loved her hard enough, it'd be okay. you'd still be happy.
you decided to sleep on the couch tonight. away from her and as a new day came around again, you felt exactly the same. you watched as nayeon came down the stairs, glancing over at you and then just walking out the door with nothing to say. you wanted to tell her to stay for just one day for you. take a break. but you knew you'd be wrong to be so selfish.
you should stop this. you thought. it'll only hurt for a while, right? and it'd be easier for her, right? almost an hour passed of you weighing your options. to stay and be miserable or to leave her and make it easier for you both. you decided to choose the latter.
you scrambled around your house for a pen and paper to just write down everything. your final words to nayeon before you'd let her go and how you truly felt. by the time nayeon got back, she called out for you, not seeing a single sign you were home. "y/n?"
as she looked around, your clothes from the closet were gone. any sign that a person besides her lived here was gone. she grew more worried as she spotted a folded up sheet of paper on the bedside table. her brows knitted together as she slowly walked over and unfolded it.
as she skimmed it, she could tell it was your writing. the letter almost seemed incomprehensible in her current state. where did you go? where were you?
but it all became clear soon enough. tears stained the paper in her hands as she stood there reading the last line.
i'm letting you go.
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♫ for a hlvrv episode 2 Gordon of your choice (:
Oh. You don't know what kind of hell you've just unleashed. Smiles back. Leading Light/The Pink Weasel: Okay he's literally just Applause by Lady Gaga. No need to explain this one but I will anyway. First of all, the Gaga connection to True Leading Light. Second of all, Applause is about how the singer is dependent on their fans loving them and how they're nothing if they can't put on a good show. I don't need to explain this any further. Dr. Hypnos: Just Take My Wallet by Jack Stauber! He misses the good times. He's a sad bitch despite his overconfident facade! He brought back his Team, Sleepless is his boyfie, but because Sleepless was never redeemed, there's a schism between him and the rest of his Team, one he fears he'll never be able to fix...Ah, shit, this might just be True Hypnos as well. Specifically thinking the lyrics of "Your mama's cryin' / Your mama's cryin' for you" (referring to how his Coomer thinks he hates him) and "What's the kindest way to say / You took away my friend, my buddy / What's the kindest way to say / The end?" (referring to how he lost his team, but then when he got them back, things weren't the same anymore between them). Power Trip/Hot Pink Bitch Named Breakfast: Problem by Set It Off! What can I say except it's harsh, it's angry, and if you read the lyrics it's about a guy in a toxic relationship. He wants to be free but keeps coming back to destructive people, or in this case, destructive tendencies. Power Trip doesn't know what to do now that the game's been abandoned. He's pissed off. He's been used, left to rot, and the only sentient beings anywhere near him hate and fear him in equal parts. This could also be the other members of his Team @ him as well! Perhaps a mutual hate song. Overlord: Flowers on the Wall by the Statler Brothers. This song was a part of our childhood and despite the goofiness, I think it fits. Basically, premise is that there's this guy isolating himself and keeping himself in a loop of short-term good things to distract himself, or at least that's how I interpret it. Sound familiar? Especially the beginning lyrics of "I keep hearin' / You're concerned / About my happiness". People are worried about him. Despite everything, at least some of his Team are worried for him, and he doesn't know that Neo was worried too. But he keeps himself in the cycle of hurting others for a short-term serotonin boost because he doesn't know what else to do. Storyteller: Deep Sea Detective by the Gentle Mystics. The middle part of this song is also a little silly goofy but the intro and outro are VERY Storyteller. Just take a gander: "Please take my hand and guide me / Infinity is living inside me / Go with the flow it'll guide me / Infinity is living inside me". Yeah. Storyteller doesn't know that G-Man is bad news. In his mind, he still depends upon the G-Man to do anything. Yes, G-man allowed him a little bit of freedom to exit the void, but more like a dog on a leash than anything close to the freedom that Freeman has. In addition, Storyteller's job is... Telling stories! Yeah, he does stuff for G-Man, but he tells stories. And a good storyteller has a lot of stories to tell... Maybe even infinite ones? BONUS ROUND! Me, since I feel like you know who my source is now anyway: It would be really easy to go with You're Nothing Without Me. So I'm not doing that. Instead, I'm just putting my favorite song on here and stretching myself thin trying to make it fit! Presenting Dogwalk by Creep-P! It's loud. It's angry. It's chaotic. It's perfect. Specifically thinking of the pre-chorus here, which consists of "Leash laws, bitch / I'll fuckin' maul ya / I'm an old dog, bitch / I'll show you tricks you never seen before!" And I sure did show the assortment of Gordons some new tricks! They didn't know what was coming for them, I'll tell you that. BONUS ROUND FOR THE BONUS ROUND: G-VRV, Circa Episode 2: The entirety of the soundtrack for the movie Rio. He's building his illegal bird smuggling empire and getting his tan on. /j
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side-of-honey · 2 years
Okay I’m really curious about the Somethings Within You Au, it’s just such an interesting concept. But on that note, do you know what everyone’s Something traces are? And/or what their reaction is to finding out they have them?
Thank you so much!! And yes, I can give you a more in-depth explanation of everyone's Somethings :D I'll put it under a cut because it's long lol.
(Warning that most of these involve eyes in their description. Also this might be slight body horror? idk)
Sunny: The most obvious one, his Something is a black shadow permanently covering half of his face and his missing eye getting replaced by Something's eye! His initial reaction is kind of just "oh I guess that's a thing now", since he doesn't realize it's actually happening and not just his imagination ^^;; Once he does realize, he's still somewhat chill about it (considering everything else he's been through for the past 4 years, this is just another thing to add to the pile) but also confused and a bit worried. He doesn't know why this is happening, after all, or if it could spread to the rest of his body...
Basil: For his Something traces, Basil also has some black shadows (in the places he got cut up after his fight with Sunny), but they're a lot thinner/smaller. He also has some sharper teeth and an extra little eye, emulating his own Something :) He gets VERY stressed out about them, but improves a bit after finding out it also happened to Sunny. Most of the traces are pretty easy to hide with band-aids or play off as just scars, but there's not much he can do about his teeth so he gets in the habit of covering his mouth with his hand when opening it u_u
Aubrey: Her Something is where Sunny cut her during her first fight with him and Kel! It's sort of this.. dripping black mass full of eyes ":D This is simultaneously a representation of her feelings of abandonment and the feeling that everyone is watching and judging her as she is a delinquent and especially after what happened at the church. She is very caught off guard and grossed out by it, but by the time she it happens she's already seen Sunny and Basil's traces of Something so she at least has a little context.
Hero: He gets some marks stretching across his chest, with a shape similar to a broken heart in the middle. It's a bit obvious what this represents... Hero knows what this is by now, was kind of expecting it, even, after seeing what happened to the rest of his friends, but he doesn't want anyone to find out because if they do, it'll be like proof that he ISN'T actually fine and HASN'T recovered as much as he pretends he has. The traces of Something can't be completely hidden by just one shirt, but they do get fainter with each layer so Hero just...wears a ton of clothes. And he's visiting home during the summer. So you can imagine how well that goes!
Kel: Kel's normal eyes get all funky and glow a little, plus he gets EXTRA eyes beneath those! This is representative of uh,,, him crying after his fight with Hero,,, He was feeling left out as the last one to get a trace of Something, so at first he's mostly just excited and thinks it's cool as heck, haha. He's the main catalyst for helping his friends see the positives in the situation and come to accept it! Although when he realizes what his Somethings are representative of, he starts trying to just ignore them/pretend they're not there, and has a little trouble looking in the mirror....... But hey, the extra eyes are helpful in basketball so like. #win
Sorry this ended up so long lol, I totally get if you don't read it all. As you can tell this is one of those AU's that I'll like occasionally think about but don't have enough time/interest to draw out all my ideas for -w-""" Thanks for the ask!
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izzy-b-hands · 11 months
I know everyone on here only knew her via my occasional posts about work (back when I worked at the clinic in ND), but I wanted to post a small something about Pam, in honour of her passing today.
Pam had been at the clinic longer than any of us. And she was truly one of those employees that helped keep things running. She knew each doctor (but the MDs in particular, always the pickier and more needy than the ODs) like the back of her hand, in both scheduling requirements and overall likes and hates and needs. At first, she scared the ever-loving fuck out of me. She could be gruff, and occasionally outright mean, though I will always be grateful to her for the kindness she showed me compared to other trainees. Some of that may have come at first because she knew/worked alongside my mum for a few years prior to my being hired, but in time I found out that she simply did like me. Appreciated that I wanted to work hard and be better at everything in my life. Understood that life hadn't necessarily been kind or fair to me or my family and understood that well, because it hadn't been to her either.
Occasionally she'd be gone from work due to her Crohn's, and other chronic issues, and that was only what she'd tell you about. The implication was that, while she overall was quite happy with how things had ended up, there had been a lot of rough shit in between that had toughened Pam up a lot. It made her seem impossible to get to know to some, but I can say it was worth the work. Underneath the shell she'd had to grow to get through, there was a very kind, understanding woman who genuinely wanted the best for those she saw as doing their best in a world that's not easy for anyone to live in, even in the best of times and circumstances.
I admit, we did all encourage less than ideal parts of each other. She smoke too much and drank too much (and during the time in my life when I drank, we overdid it on her favourite long island iced teas more than once during happy hour after work.) But it helped to deal with things as work at the clinic got harder and things changed, unfortunately for the worse both for staff and patients (but I digress on that. The place is still running with Pam and I and many others gone, like any other privately owned rural clinic. When they're one of the few places open for care, they always straggle on no matter what they do to anyone else.) None of the above mentioned changed how fucking hard she worked though, and how she'd put her own job on the line to help out coworkers and patients alike whenever the chance arose.
That said, we helped get each other through the rougher days, and she gave me fantastic life advice in the times in between. Advice that finally helped get me out of ND, in fact, when it became clear that living there was no longer safe. Some of her best bits that I've engraved into my head are: 'there's always another job out there, another place to live, another person to meet that might be a friend to you. Don't let despair override your chance at something better, kinder, or easier. Take the treats that you can in life, whether that's a good drink or a favourite food or outing (she enjoyed the casino herself.) Don't worry too much about overindulging, because the time here is too fucking short anyway for it to matter in the way you think it will. Live your life, and feel it all in full, because it'll go by you faster than you expect.'
So tonight, with Housemate, I'm going to try and take her advice. I'm going to let myself be sad and miss her. I'll let myself be sad that it happened the way it did (barely a few days in hospice, from a cancer that it seems she didn't know about until very near the end. I only hope they had good meds to help her not hurt so much and that they let her have a few drinks and cigarettes if she wanted them.) We'll eat a good dinner, with food and drink that we like, and we'll look to see what we can send for flowers to her funeral (her sisters and nephews, I'm told, are doing their best to set it all up, but aside from that and past coworkers, I don't know if there's much of anyone else left to go to it or send anything. The least I can do to thank her for treating me with kindness and care when others didn't is to send flowers, I think.)
And I'll have a little, non-alcoholic, toast to her life and memory. May her memory be a blessing, and may whatever there is after this life be kind to Pam. She deserves that and more.
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sincelastsession · 5 months
Vent post. Take with grain of salt.
My articulation is not how I wanted it to come out and so idfk if it'll read right. Just understand I'm not trying to act like a bitch. I'm processing.
I was gonna get food but now I feel like I can't fucking eat. I feel once again completely misunderstood and it's really frustrating.
I feel like assumptions etc are constantly made. I'm not even known yet. Have the charts for all the work I have done been found?
Am I just bad at being a person.
Sure I'd love to have a magical fix it medication but I'm on xanax (nessesary not only for psych but for other issues) and I smoke weed for pain and ptsd. It's highly unlikely I'll ever get Adderall to function unless I stop the weed. The weed is primarily for servere chronic pain. I used to get punished for CRYING so I'm not really ever showing how much I hurt.
I understand a conversation is turn taking. I am worried about time. I'm worried about being misunderstood. I feel rejected. Idk perhaps it was the delivery. I'm triggered. It just feels like the same as everyone else tired of me and when they tell me I'm too much. There's people that don't who have no problem with me being myself just talking how I talk. I understand it's not conducive to every situation. I don't like how this lack of hunger and anger and irritation and frustration is the result of that. Because how do I know I've been understood. How do I trust that?
It's incredibly hard for me to even be open enough to process it via writing in this blog.
I get it and I don't get it.
I really wish I could get my charts to save a hell of a lot of time. Yeah there's urgency for me. I never feel like I have time.
I miss my old psychiatrist because this shit wouldn't be happening. I'd be able to take my med and he would be brave enough to speak to the medical board.
I think a lot of people think I'm trying to discount how hard I'm struggling just being a person doing normal things. My executive dysfunction is terrible.
As far as meds go I've been on EVERYTHING and it's quite possible some of those meds contributed to fucking me up. I see a geneticist. I've had medical testing done. I have genetic mutations that cause me issues with a whole mess of medications.
I'd have to stop taking certain thinks to do the ket treatments and with my cptsd I'm not sure that that is a good idea. I don't want to experience side effects or an adverse reaction. I've almost died enough. I'd LOVE to try a SGB or TMS but my insurance doesn't cover it.
The sheer amount of adrenaline rush I felt and what I was able to absorb is not great. Just being told that even though no harm was meant was super triggering because it's not something I've been able to easily fix. The sheer amount of energy I'm putting into managing other things while I'm trying to listen etc I wish I could get someone to understand.
Idk if there's a different way it can be looked at. I'm not trying to be ride or take the session over. I know it's best intentions but honestly it felt like criticism and a cognitive distortion like an assumption directed at me. I understand that I'm not easy. But understand I don't have control over it fully. I don't always feel like im driving this fuckin flesh prison.
It is frustrating to have a brain that goes incredibly fast.
It's frustrating to feel completely rejected even tho I was told that's not what it was it still feels that way because it's very hard for me to trust anyone fully.
It's frustrating to be at a loss for words.
I do feel like I need to defend myself. Because shit I'm so fucking tired of hearing how I'm difficult basically. No it's not easy for everyone to talk to me an no not everyone can wrap their brain around what I'm experiencing.
I just feel gross. I want to eat I went to get food but now I'm sitting in a fucking parking lot with a cop staring at me as I cry and vent and feel overwhelming feelings.
You know it's not just family that hasn't heard or seen me. It's been therapists and doctors etc...
So that is related to trauma.
This is a controversial opinion of mine but I truly feel sometimes that a therapist will think they have me figured out and they don't, I feel like this process happens way too fast. I didn't even notice a cue or get a chance to jot down a reminder. I'm trying to listen to listen. I was trying to save time. I was trying to communicate.
I needed to talk about other things. But I feel like I've just been told everything I'm doing and saying us wrong and that is generally what people do to me when I try to speak.
It feels so shitty.
It takes forever to regulate when people point shit out that I'm aware im doing but can't really control. Like yes I get it. It does make things hard.
I feel that ppl think I'm trying to shoot down everything but this isn't new to me. I'm not trying to be defensive or whatever it looks like. I'm just trying to communicate before the thought poofs from my brain or save ppl the trouble of telling me shit that I'm completely aware of. I don't really plan to fuck up and interrupt etc it just happens and I don't feel that I have full control over that.
I am pissed because I'd really like to get my damn files from the last therapist I'd made headway with.
I originally thought I'd be doing emdr which we've discussed you aren't certified in.
I don't want to quit therapy. I'm scared I'll get the talk and it feels like I'm already about to be discarded so quickly.
Do I have proof that any of this is true? No.
It's just currently how I feel.
I had plans the rest of the day and now I can't even think to figure out where I needed to go and what to do. I can't pick a food. I'm not wanting to go to the post office. I feel like I'm shutting down.
I do have a suggestion that may actually help because I'm not sure if you know how you came across visually when you spoke to me.
I notice patterns I see micro expressions. I can see anger in people even if it's more a frustration.
So idk maybe put a mirror up and look at how the body language etc may come across. Or better yet perhaps say it to yourself in the mirror.
Look I'm probably still coming across in a way that will be misinterpreted or would be by someone else.
I don't want to build resentment so I'm sharing my CURRENT feelings which are subject to change.
I wish you could understand what's going on in my brain and could just magically understand but it takes time with me.
And yeah I'm always worried about everything.
I'm worried you'll read this along with everything else and just be like OH GOD NOPE
A Tree can't describe the Forest.
I have trouble wording things so sometimes also when I've got it in my head worded well and I'm telling people and I get chided even gently even just someone pointing out that I've interrupted and that is so triggering because it took me so long to try to figure out how to word it and then it goes unheard everyone feels unheard there's this mess and it's my fault and the import thing is gone. I get tongue tied. I stutter. I have trouble articulating sometimes.
I'll try to continue to not fuck up but I already feel I have with this post with my reaction with the obvious frustration which is not invalid because I know you're trying to help.
This is similar to how I react to my mom and dad via text but honestly 1000x nicer.
I don't even feel like I've said anything right in this post.
I feel like I'm completely not understood.
I understand locus of control. I don't feel that I even have a full locus of control though.
When you have autonomy when you first develop it and it's suddenly under micromanage control and you grow up with passive neglectful controlling fucking insane people who do the same shit you get fussed at about it's really hard.
I don't feel like a whole person. I feel like I'm just the manager or the pilot. Idfk where my core is my inner child etc. I know that I age regress sometimes. I know I do a ton of things but I'm not always in the driver's seat.
I don't understand myself either. I feel like parts of me are in charge of various things.
I hate this entry.
I just feel shame. I just want to hide.
Maybe I should play the 13-15 or so minute long audio I have of a past abuse so you can understand how absolutely nasty I'm spoken to and why it's so triggering to even hear constructive criticism etc...
I'll make more entries later. I still need to let my emotions chill out.
I am worried that therapy is now a trigger. Not because of you. Because it has always been me trying to tell people what is happening. I had times where cps should have been called but because I was interrupting etc... that was more of a focus than my own safety. No adult in my life has stood up to any abuser and done anything about it.
Now I'm an adult who is profoundly fucked up and like idfk how to be understood or to trust that I'm being heard or understood or anything
I feel like the people that get it in my life are the ones that have had a very hard life not the same as me but on level with me.
I don't know if this shit is gonna help you understand me any or if I've just unintentionally confused you more or whatever.
I have to go ahead and go home. I don't have the bandwidth to do anything else today. I'm pissed about it. I had plans.
Is it your fault? No. You don't know me. You don't know everything. You weren't not being professional. I don't know how to explain how it triggered me. If I could play it back to you I'd point it out the moment so you could understand.
I don't want to delete parts of this that I could go write better. It's hot, I'm trying to wrestle my emotions, I'm embarrassed, I'm still various forms of upset. I need to eat but im just sitting in this wholefoods parkinglot crying like an idiot. I feel like I've wasted a session talking about the wrong things thus creating a stupid kerfuffle.
I guess I'll see you next week.
0 notes
casspurrjoybell-30 · 8 months
Howling Love - Chapter 19
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*Warning Adult Content*
Amille Laurent
Camryn's car came to a screeching stop as he parked haphazardly by my house, just outside the garage, luckily he hadn't driven past the driveway into dad's flowers, or otherwise there would've been hell to pay when he woke up.
"Go, I'll get our stuff and follow you," he asserted reassuringly and I nodded, got out of his car and sped walk to the front door, used my key card and got in, I knew what I needed to do first in order to understand the poison that had been used on my dad, my only worry was the time and the ingredients needed to make the antidote.
I didn't have enough of either but I had faith and determination.
So I made my way up to the second floor, then the attic where I knew dad had set up the lab equipment because he was making patents for his new lotion, luckily everything seemed pristine, leave it to my dad to never make a mess.
Quickly I grabbed vials, tubes and solutions, setting the equipment I needed to separate the toxin from the blood and analyze.
"Whoa, I feel like I've just entered a whole other part of your life," Camryn muttered behind me and I scoffed, of course he would find something sweet to say to me about this.
"Need help?" he asked as I placed the last vial where I needed it.
"Yes, check the containers in there if we have any of these ingredients?" I told him whilst typing on my tablet what he needed to check.
"Oakwood sap, really?" he scrunched up his face like always when he was skeptical but I nodded.
[Yes, really] I assured and he accepted going to the neatly placed containers.
After two hours of waiting, with Camryn keeping me from letting my mind wander off with his ridiculous stories of his almost accidents, it was finally ready.
"What are we looking at exactly?" he asked as we stood side by side viewing the results on one of the lab tablets.
"Wolfsbane, redwood, concentrated silver, a variation of snake venom and wait, this marker is for ver-vain but mixed with something else, widowswail..." Camryn trailed off after listing what was on the screen, it was such a complex combination of toxins and ingredients, it could've easily killed a child, it's why dad got sick immediately after ingesting it, enough of it would've killed everyone at the party.
"How did something like this get into your dad's drink specifically, why not all of us?" Camryn demanded and that exactly was my question too, how did something so horrible find it's way into my dad's cup, why not all the other wolves there at the party.
[I don't want to point fingers but this does not seem coincidental] I signed and Camryn nodded eagerly.
"Someone meant for this to get into his cup but who?" he growled out and despite my own curiosity and bubbling anger.
I needed to get the antidote ready and the accelerant, then deal with whoever tried to kill my dad.
So I turned to the list I had given Camryn and we had a few ingredients missing.
[We need mountain ash, white oak bark, fuschia leaves, damphier roots and for the accelerant we need one ingredient, red thorn leaves, it's a well known herb used by healers on werewolves to accelerate healing by chewing the leaves but it doesn't grow in a normal garden, it's unpredictable and tends to choke other plants] I explained to Camryn showing him the images of the ingredients we needed and he nodded in return.
"I know the places marked here to get them but one of these is in the heart of rogue territory, it won't be easy to get," he explained and with that I deflated, I needed the accelerant for dad.
"It doesn't mean we can't go, he's not just your dad anymore short-stack, mine too and if leave now, it'll take about a day and half to get it all," he finally concluded and all I wanted was to hug Camryn.
I was grateful that he was willing to go through all this just to help my dad, it made tears well up in my eyes as he hugged me.
"I got you choco-moose and I'm not letting go," he assured me as we stayed in that hug for a moment longer, then we parted to get ready.
[We're going to need collection bags, that can preserve the ingredients, we also need hiking boots, in fact hiking equipment] I paused as he chuckled.
[What's funny?] I demanded using my phone.
"I never thought our first night or the rest of our lives knowing we're mates would start out with me taking you into the wild," he stated and it caused me to laugh as well.
[I blame you, you're the roguish wolf] I teased and he growled playfully.
"Oh if I'm to blame then I'm sure you can handle this roguish wolf, when he gets wild," he argued pouncing on me playfully, causing more laughter and a refreshing wave of happiness to flow into me, despite what we were headed into, he was still the same Camryn and I was happy.
After getting everything we needed, including my dad's old hiking gear which was what fit Camryn, and of course tons of bottles of water, we had settled into his car.
"Are you ready?" he questioned as he held out his large hand for me, it was warm, enveloped mine fully and reassured me of so many things, he was here with me, so I nodded, I was ready.
So he peeled out of the driveway and sped down the road, it should've terrified me but I guess there was a reason why he and I were mated, the speed, the acceleration, the rush, it was exhilarating for some reason and he smiled my way, as we left an unusual dust trail behind us.
As a sufficient three hours of driving passed, out of pack territory and out of Bridgeton, we finally stopped at a gas station which was positively in the middle of nowhere.
[We need to head east into the woods from here, but there are no roads from here on out, so we have to start that hike] I told him and he nodded after filling the tank.
"Great, I'll talk to the station attendant and see if we can leave the car here, I'll be right back," he explained, placing a kiss on my forehead before taking off inside the slightly rundown gas station shop.
About five minutes later Camryn came back and I had taken what we needed from the trunk.
[What did they say?] I asked in sign language.
"Haggled a bit but he agreed, I'll park it in his garage, he says it's safer there," he explained and I nodded, as I stood to wait for him to park.
Within a few minutes Camryn and I had taken off into the woods, after showing him the map, he had easily found a trail which led where we were going.
I didn't miss how alert he got, he seemed to be in his element and as a wolf, I could tell, the wild was his home, it's how he could navigate so easily, pick up danger before we even encountered it.
"Stop," he lowly hissed as I froze in place, a minute or two passed, I wanted to question why he had abruptly made us stop until I saw the dull gleam of dark grey almost black scales in the grass just yards away from us.
"Black mamba, extremely poisonous but it seems to have had it's fill already so we'll just circle around to be cautious," he explained and that's how I finally breathed a heavy sigh of relief, thanking the Moon Goddess for not just giving me a mate who was an engine junkie but a primal predator too, despite how horrible that sounded.
Another hour of walking had us finding our destination, it was in a small clearing.
I was elated to actually find more than one of the ingredients we needed.
"Isn't that fuchsia?" Camryn asked as we hurriedly walked to where a field of it blew freely in the wind.
[It is and that's damphier, we did it] I happily replied as soon enough I had carefully dug out the plant roots and more so we could grow it at home, then the fuchsia as well.
"It's getting hot, we need to get back to the gas station, get you fed and continue toward that," Camryn mentioned as in the distance he was pointing in.
I could see the outline of a mountain, and since we had travelled well into the afternoon, he was right, it was getting hot and late, so I nodded, we indeed needed to get a move on.
I could only hope getting these ingredients was this easy.
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wrathful-reptile · 8 months
So like.
Ora and Goldie definitely have shared ownership over Bucket Joe.
Just. When Ora's got Bucket Joe, the lizard eats bugs and sometimes little fruit treats.
When Goldie has Bucket Joe, the lizard eats faes, veilspins, and insects.
Bucket Joe is missing some toes and the tip of their tail from their previous housing situation (a bucket) but they're healthier than ever now. Still VERY bitey.
Oragan met Goldie when the obelisk went to the casino to try to win something, anything, because her butcher shop was failing due to a change in animal suppliers. Goldie was looking for a new security guard for her casino. Oragan wasn't what Goldie was looking for, because Ora looks super tough and mean but is actually a sweetheart with a very welcoming and warm "country" accent which makes her less scary.
Goldie commented on Ora being a new face to the casino scene and that the obelisk stuck out like a sore thumb with a different type of worry. Ora explained the situation of the failing business and how she couldn't take care of Joe if she lost everything. Goldie was confused, asking if Joe was Ora's son, to which Oragan specified it's just a lizard she found in a bucket out in the cold one day. Normally Goldie wouldn't have cared but she offered Ora a loan, which was refused.
"Don't you want to save your lizard?"
"Yeah, but i wouldn't be able to pay ya back, ma'am."Oragan sighed."My business is failing. The new supplier doesn't bring quality. If I knew how to hunt I'd get the shit myself."
"Well then. I'll cover your debts. I'll have someone teach you how to hunt. And what can you offer in return?"
"Not much, honest."
"Hm.... Can you dispose of unruly guests who have already been taken care of?"
"You mean toss bodies for you? I suppose I could. I know a place that no one'd find 'em."
"No chance?"
"Not 'less you gut a gator in a protected area."
"Oh, splendid. Though I feel the smaller ones might be an issue."
"Well I did have an incident where Joe ate one of them uh... debt collectors. A little fae. You could probably-"
"I'll have the lizard every other weekend, then?"Goldie had cut Ora off.
"Well his care's not easy."
"He'll have a mansion here. I can simply rearrange some slots and make a grand enclosure as a showpiece. It'll stand out, give guests something else to look at when they need a break. A castle for your lizard while he visits."
"If you're sure?"
"How difficult could it be?"
"Alright then. Every other weekend, ma'am. And my name's Oragan."
"Ah, Lady Oragan, nice to meet you. I am Goldie, owner of this place if you haven't figured out."
And Ora never bothered to correct Goldie on the Lady part, actually wearing that with pride once they became close friends due to their meetups to exchange Bucket Joe.
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echantedtoon · 10 months
Kiddo Week Day 1 Prelude/Crash
(Hat Kid's journal entries before, during, and after landing on the planet explaining my headcannon backstory for her. Warning: Character death implied.)
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"Day 1...
Hello new journal! I'm not sure what else to write in this since this is my first time writing in this. Mother's bookstore friend gave it to me while I'm staying with her to pass the time away while Mother's being taken care of at the weird white building. She says I shouldn't worry as the Doctor's making sure everything goes alright. I hope Mother returns soon, I don't really like all the green looking veggies Mother's friend makes me eat. But the doctor said she's sick so it'll take a while for her to get better."
'Day 2...
Every day is so boooooring! There's nothing to do around Mother's bookstore! She's had it forever and always works here with her friends. Mother's friend suggested I read a whole bunch of picture books but all of them are boring too! It's a lot more fun swinging on the chandeliers with the umbrella Grandpa Tim made me but Mother's friend only scolded me and took it so 'I wouldn't break anything'! This stinks worse than the green veggies!!"
"Day 3...
Today I found the old Blueprints I made with Grandpa Tim a loooong time ago! He said he would make me a spaceship just for me and one day I could go traveling the solar system like he did! I miss him he was really cool! He ran this BIG company and everyone called him the 'CEO of Time' or 'Third Eye' because of his extra eye. Some kids think he's weird but he's really smart and cool! Mother and him don't get along too much. They had a big fight when he said when his time went it would be my time to handle our family's treasured 'pieces'. This part is in qoutes because he made it sound like that. Mother made me leave when they argue but since I'm sneaky I listened anyways. She doesn't want me to travel space or take over Grandpa Tim's 'treasure pieces' and said I should have a normal life like she chose too. Which isn't fair and BBBBBOOOOORRRRING!! I don't wanna become a cranky old librarian. Traveling through space with treasure sounds much more exciting....I wonder if I can find where he hid the treasure if I follow the map on the back of the blueprints?? I haven't seen Grandpa Tim in a long time. One day Mother had her friend 'babysit' while she went out to see him in a weird black dress. (I can take care of myself!) She says she'll tell me when 'I'm Older'. What does that even mean? Anyways, I'll hide the map for now. I finally have an adventure! But first I have to get my umbrella back from the 'your grounded' area."
"Day 4...
I know this says 'Day 4' but I really haven't been writing in this journal too often. Too busy planning on busting out and seeing where this mysterious map leads too, and waiting for Mother to come back to get me. Which is why I'm writing now. Mother's Friend said that I'm going to be staying with her for a while now. Is Mother missing? I asked but she told me she'd tell me 'When I'm Older.' What is with THAT?! Also something weirder happened. These weird guys from Grandpa Tim's old company came to Mother's Bookstore to talk to me. They were looking for something Grandpa had called 'time pieces'. The heck was that? I don't know but something is telling me to follow that map soon. I've located where my umbrella and hat are. It's only a matter of time before I go see what's at the end of the map. I can't take any more broccoli."
"Day 5...
It's been almost three days since I snuck out. My umbrella and hat were easy to get since Mother's friend hit them on top of the fridge. As if that'll stop me! And I finally found out where the map leads! MY SHIP!! At first I thought it was just gonna be some dumb boring old stuff like checkers or something. But the map lead me to this old shed looking place outside town and there it was inside! As I'm writing this I'm inside the ship's control room. And I think I found out what these 'time piece' things are. There was this BIG vault and I was sure the treasure would be in there and these was hundreds of these shiny hourglasses inside. It must've been the 'treasure' Grandpa Tim always told me about. But why did he put them inside my ship?? Was he trying to give them to me without Mother knowing?? I found out they are called time pieces because that's what the computer calls them so it must be true! And that means the pretty things are mine!...But they're kinda weird too?? But in a familiar way?? When I held one it was like holding a piece of me...If that makes sense. I can't write it down because I don't like writing a lot, and because it's hard to describe. But I just...KNOW they're meant to be mine. Like they're connected to me somehow. Anyways, there's a whole lot of buttons on the control panel. I wonder what would happen if I press the launch button?"
"Day 6..
I think I messed up...I ended up pressing the button ON ACCIDENT and suddenly the entire ship launched into space. And...I think I'm lost. I fell asleep when the ship shook really badly and now I'm awake. And now I can't figure out where I am.....BUT THIS IS ALSO GREAT!! I'M FINALLY ON AN ADVENTURE LIKE I WANTED!! SPACE IS SO PRETTY!!....But I think I better go home first and tell Mother. If I don't she's going to worry when I'm gone, and I don't like it when she's upset. I found a Guide Manual so maybe this'll help me. I really don't like reading, but I think I don't have any other choice."
"Day 7...
That was easier than I expected! Grandpa Tim must've made this computer operating thing easy for me! I'll thank him when I get back too! According to my computer it's gonna take a long time to get back. In the mean time I'm gonna start exploring the ship! There's so many rooms and stuff to see! Did Grandpa Tim leave all this stuff for me??? Oh well. It's mine now."
"Day 8???
It's been really nice! I put question marks because I don't know how many days I've been gone now, but my computer says I'm almost half way there so it's ok! I made a pillow fort in the giant pillow mountain to hide in. And I looked more at those shiny time pieces, but something weird happened. I accidentally broke it but it was NOT my fault! How was I supposed to know it was breakable?! ...But I know how to fix them and use them too. It's funny because I've only had them for a little while but it feels like they've always been a part of my life and I know exactly how to use them! Crazy right? I must be a magic genius or something. There's also this nagging feeling telling me things. I think Mother said it's called your conscious when it tells you something's bad or good? Or maybe it's my gut feelings? I don't know, but it says I need to keep these things safe now. Which I'm gonna do anyways because these are MINE now after all."
"Day 8.5???
I found a weird robot building kit in the attic and decided to build him. It's gonna be cool having a cool robot pet! I think I'll call him Rumbi. The picture of him on the box is cute. I wonder if he'll be just as cute after I build him?"
"Day 9???
Well this is just great! I get half way there and now Im stuck on a random planet because some dumb guy broke my ship's door! And now all my time pieces are gone! I need them to magically?? power my ship or else I'll never get home! ...But I've never been on another planet before. This might be fun to explore! I'm gonna use another journal I found to write about what I find. Why? Because I can!"
"Day 10???
I met someone while in Mafia Town again! And not like that double crosser Mustache Girl. Her name's Bow and she's really fun to hang out with! She was being held hostage by these dumb Mafia so I beat them away with my umbrella! I think she's the only person I've met so far who hasn't double crossed me yet. She says she's from somewhere called Nyakuza Metro?? Sounds fancy. Anyways, I don't think she has anyone here to help her. In that case she can come with me and I'll keep her safe. I think I saw an extra umbrella in my spaceship too. I can show her how to use it!....This might be the first friend I ever had!"
"Day 11???
Bow gets along great with Mr. Grooves. I think he's really nice too! She's almost as good as I am when I use my umbrella. She told me more about her old home. She ran away too to find adventure but she used to love in something called an "Orphaned Kitten Home"?? I guess that means she doesn't have any Mother or Grandpa Tim of her own, but that's ok! She's my friend now so she can have my Mother and Grandpa Tim as well. I'm sure they won't mind!"
"Day 12???
Today we met some weird people. Really nice but really weird. That bell took us to some real weird place filled with ghosts and we met a new friend! His name's Timmy! And he can do magic like some wizard! And there was this witch! A REAL WITCH! ...But she didn't have green skin or black cats. What gives? Maybe witches are different on this planet. There was a time piece here too, a ghost gave it too us! He looked really scary but he was a lot nicer than that Jerk Snatcher. The Witch even teleported us back to the mountains. She's the nicest witch I ever met."
"Day 13???
I know it was a long time since I wrote something but I finally did it! All the time pieces are recovered and my ship's at full power! I can finally go home! And Bow's excited too! It's gonna be cool to have someone to hang out with! ....But it's gonna be sad to not see anyone again. I tried taking off but the emergency break stopped us because something was outside the ship causing a disturbance. And everyone was hanging on asking me to stay...I didn't want to do it, but I pushed them off. I'm sure they're ok...But I gotta go home. Mother and Grandpa Tim are waiting for me. And I promised Bow she could meet them! We're almost there anyways! Maybe one day Ill come back and see everyone again."
"Day Unknown???
I don't know what to do anymore. Something really bad happened when we got home. I should've been happy but I wasn't I was...Scared. I didn't know why until we tried landing. Something was telling me not to land but I did anyways. I should've listened to my gut. Someone tried to get into my ship! There was guys from Grandpa Tim's old time company and demanding I hand over the time pieces! NO WAY!! Not after I worked so hard to get them back! It was like Mustache Girl all over again but more scarier. Bow was scared too. I ended up pressing the launch button again and knocking them off the ship. I don't know what to do now or where to go, but my gut is telling me to stay away from the planet. I guess I don't have a home there anymore...And I have a feeling Grandpa Tim and Mother are gone too. At least I have Bow and my trusty ship and Rumbi! And the time pieces are all safe! I'll write again when I feel like it. For now we're gonna see if my TV works."
"Day Unknown???
We're doing ok..Better than I thought. I was showing Bow my cool collection of Rift Books! Apparently they appear where ever a time rift appears and depending on the surroundings makes a cool picture book about it's past! Pretty neat! Some are sad but most of them are really cool to look at. Snatcher's is really really sad though."
"Day Unknown???
How could I not notice before?! I thought I got all my time pieces but according to my log book there was more missing! I must've not gotten them all from the planet when that mafia guy and Mustache Girl made them all fall from my ship! ...TWICE!! I'm installing a giant new security lock on my vault and heading back to get them! ....I wonder if they'll still be happy to see me again? I might visit them again. After I get those time pieces."
"Day Unknown???
Today I found this hourglass in the attic. It's not a time piece but it's not just a regular hourglass either. According to the instructions this is a memory replaying device of some kind. COOL!! I'm still deciding what to do with it....But I have an idea."
"Day 14?.....Im just gonna say 14 and start from here.
A lot has happened since we got back. I found out Conductor has grandkids and they're all cute and very fuzzy with their feathers! ...But I still wonder what kind of bird they are if they are birds? And I got all my time pieces back! I had to sink a ship and visit the metro to get them though. YIKES!! Now I know why Bow left! They're all thieves and crooks! And that Empress is scary as PECK! But on the bright side now I can explore more of the planet and visit everyone! I can't wait to see Cookie and Mr. Grooves and Timmy again! I just hope I don't run into Mustache Girl. Speaking of seeing people, Bow said Snatcher tried to haunt my ship. I wonder where he was on the cruise?? I didn't see him on the boat, and I tried to visit him but every time I went to his woods he wasn't there?? Like whaaaat? Ghosts can turn invisible so was he invisible? Is he playing a game of hide and seek? I thought he wanted to see us? Oh well. We're gonna see Mr. Grooves tomorrow anyways! He says he wants to show us Cookie's new movie! I'm so excited!"
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