#because Vicki being addressed those letters
purplelurkinghini · 2 years
me: Simulation!Stirk sounds like IRL!Stirk, but his fixation on Simulation!Bruce doesn't manifest in the behavior of IRL!Stirk. Since IRL!Bruce was investigating the Harvester murders as Batman, one would think that fixation should be on display towards the vigilante persona that's slowly catching up with him. Yet there is no textual interest on IRL!Stirk's side beyond the kidnapping which Strange -- or, rather, Ivy -- requested. All of this evidence -- or, the lack thereof -- points to IRL!Bruce himself casting Simulation!Bruce as Simulation!Stirk's mancrush.
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kudosmyhero · 9 months
Batman (vol. 1) #465: Debut
Read Date: February 19, 2023 Cover Date: July 1991 ● Writer: Alan Grant ● Penciler: Norm Breyfogle ● Inker: Steve Mitchell ● Colorist: Adrienne Roy ● Letterer: Todd Klein ● Editor: Dennis O'Neil ◦ Kelley Puckett ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● oo, this cover is definitely eye-catching! ● Batman keeping close watch on Robin as they go over rooftops. I wonder if he usually does that with his Robins, or if he is being extra vigilant because Tim is such a new Robin. My guess is the latter. ● Batman lets Robin call the shots. Getting a feel for how he does in the field. ● Since the potential burglars are young and scared, Robin opts to just put a scare into them.
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● Robin notices an odd expression on Batman’s face and asks him if he’d done something wrong. ● Batman says, “No—you were fine. You showed good judgment. But I know those boys. Bruce Wayne sponsors their schooling under the IHAD Program.” ● oooooh, Tim really sticks his foot in his mouth by saying that an extra half hour on his own won’t kill him. As Batman leaves, he reminds Tim of the rules: no risks. ● Robin stops a drunk from hitting on a woman. The woman thanks him by complaining about men, slapping Robin, and getting into a cab. Tim takes it well, though, reflecting that Batman didn’t cover that in his training. ● Back at Wayne Manor, Alfred and… Harold? whozzat? Are watching a soap opera on the Batcomputer. Alfred pretends not to be invested, but he totally is! (this all makes me so happy)
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● Doggo! What’s doggo’s name… isn’t it “Ace” or somesuch? ● Batman smiles when Ace greets him. It always feels odd to see Batman smiling. ● back in the field, Robin stops a pair of thugs from mugging a Marine ● Gordon and Sarah… can’t remember her last name. He’s talking about feeling better and taking care of himself. Apparently he’s had some sort of health issue in previous issues ● Robin’s voice comes over the squad radio to pick up the two muggers and an ambulance for the victim ● Gordon addresses Robin, obviously thinking he’s the Jason Todd Robin. Tim says that he’s… been away. ● Sarah tries to get a statement from Robin, but he vanishes. Gordon tells her, “You’ll get used to it.” ^_^ ● Back to the two kids who initially were going to break into a place before Robin and Batman scared them off. We’re in their apartment and they hear a knock at the door. To Chico’s surprise, it’s Bruce Wayne. ● Chico accuses Bruce of slumming it, says he doesn’t know why Wayne is paying for their college, but to leave him out of it. He goes to his room and slams the door. Bruce asks the other, Larry, what Chico’s problem is. Larry tells Bruce that Chico’s dad was out of jail all of two days before he took the family’s welfare money for the month and left. Chico’s mom is in the hospital and there are two younger sisters as well. ● Bruce goes into Chico’s room to talk to him. ● pg 12-13 is a beautiful spread of Robin swinging over the city. There are panels of him visiting his father in the hospital, and after he leaves, we see his father regain consciousness. ● omg Bruce Wayne is drinking a cola… ● anyway, he offers Chico and Larry a job of doing market research on weekends. They accept. (yay! they seem really sweet) ● ugh, Vicki Vale. (sorry. she annoyed me in Batman ‘89.) ● the flowers Bruce gave Vicki were pink. …now they’re yellow? ● Robin comes across the woman who slapped him earlier ● ah, so Harold created some sort of device that Robin can use to create a link between a payphone and the Batcomputer. He looks up Ginny Gray, who has a police record ● back at the charity event, Bruce Wayne is Bruce Wayning ● Ginny uses a gun to get past the doorman to crash the charity event ● Bruce is in the middle of donating a check when his watch flashes, alerting him that Robin’s signaling something wrong. He feigns dizziness and excuses himself. ● that’s when Ginny fires a shot into the ceiling ● ohhhhh, poor Ginny is delusional. She has the actor Bob Dane mixed up with “Duval Pesney,” a character he plays in the soap opera ● Ginny fires a shot and misses his head by millimeters ● Bruce Wayne seems to declare his love for Duval Pesney, too, as a distraction? Ah, nope. He’s playing into Ginny’s delusion, shouting for Duval Pesney to keep away from his wife. (The poor actor, Bob Dane, is so confused) Bruce punches the actor, which causes Ginny to run to him in concern. ● This gives the cops time to come arrest Ginny; Bruce tells them to be gentle with her. ● Vicki Vale runs off to the office with the headline “Bruce Wayne Socks Bob Dane” ● later, Batman and Robin answer the Batsignal. Both Gordon and Sarah are on the roof. Batman tells Gordon that he’s supposed to be taking it easy, and if everything is okay. ● Gordon tells Batman that he wanted Batman to be the first to know that he and Sarah are going to be married. (so goddamned cute.)
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● then we cut to Wayne Manor. Alfred answers the phone and takes a message that Tim’s father is awake and asking for him. (Alfred’s happy smile on the next page made my eyes misty, dammit!) ● any comic that gets tears out of me gets and automatic 5-clap review! ● 👏👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: Tim Drake returns to Gotham City and joins Batman on his first patrol as Robin. They come across two kids from the educational program Bruce sponsors trying to rob a store, and when Batman asks Robin his opinion, he says they should scare them off this path rather than turn them into the police. Batman is impressed by his judgment.
Bruce Wayne visits the two teenagers and offers them jobs at Wayne Enterprises. After that, Bruce goes to a charity bash where the cast of a popular soap opera called "Calistoga" helps raise half a million dollars.
Robin patrols the streets on his own. He helps a woman named Ginny Gray, who is distraught over her boyfriend's engagement to another woman, not knowing that her "boyfriend" Duval Pesney is really a fictional character in "Calistoga."
Ginny breaks into charity bash and holds the actor Bob Dane at gunpoint, but thanks to Bruce Wayne's quick thinking, she is stopped and arrested.
James Gordon and Sarah Essen summon the Dynamic Duo to tell them they are engaged, and Alfred receives a phone call saying Jack Drake has woken up.
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Fan Art: Ace The BatHound (#10) by BoomLabStudio
Accompanying Podcast: ● Robin: Everyone Loves the Drake - episode 15
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atlanticcanada · 11 months
Public response time to SkillsPEI privacy breach criticized
The PEI government’s response to a recent privacy breach is being criticized for the length of time it took to notify those who got caught up in it.
Personal information from more than 5,600 SkillsPEI clients was put at risk after an email was inadvertently sent to what was described as an “inaccurate address.”
A spokesperson for SkillsPEI said Monday, human error was to blame.
The breach happened June 13, but the province waited nearly a month to go public, including letting those affected know.
A privacy expert tells CTV News, the PEI government should have let people know much sooner.
“A month is way too long to wait,” Ontario’s former Privacy Commissioner tells CTV News. “Peoples’ information is already at risk the minute the breach takes place.”
Ann Cavoukian says government agencies should react quickly, because once the information is out there, in the hands of unauthorized parties, they can do anything with it.
A leading privacy expert, Cavoukian spent 17 years in the role of Information and Privacy Commissioner for Ontario beginning in 1997.
“Privacy is all about control, it’s about personal control relating to the use and disclosure of your personal information,” Cavoukian says. “This way, in terms of what happened here, you lose all control, and that’s why you have to act quickly, and try to regain some of that by bringing it to the attention of the individuals whose information was breached so that they can take some action.”
When asked earlier this week, the department refused to say where the email from SkillsPEI ended up.
On the day the privacy breach was announced, SkillsPEI Director Mary Hunter told CTV News, it wasn’t the result of a cyber hack or an employee clicking on a Phishing email.
Cavoukian says emails sent to the wrong address happen frequently, and the fallout can be swift.
“There are brilliant hackers out there who will slurp up personally identifiable data like this, take it, sell it, ransomware, hacking, steal the identity,” she says. “There’s all kinds of things you can do with it, and hackers are brilliant.”
The information at risk includes dates of birth, addresses, education and employment history.
Those impacted by the breach were set to receive a letter from the province as early as this week. CTV reached out to the PEI government Friday to see if this was done, but didn’t receive an answer.
The letter is expected to include information on how those impacted can access two years of free credit monitoring services through TransUnion of Canada.
Asked why it took almost a month for the privacy breach to be made public, SkillsPEI said the priority was to contain and mitigate any further potential risk.
“This involved bringing subject matter experts in and ensuring supports for impacted clients were in place so when they were notified through the letters, everything would be ready for them to access,” Vicki Tse, a Department of Workforce, Advanced Learning and Population spokesperson said Monday.
Among its priorities, SkillsPEI offers programs and services for job seekers, employers and organizations.
Other information that may have been put at risk includes:
primary phone number
email address
social insurance number
citizenship status
visible minority status
spoken language(s)
gender identity
marital status
number of dependent children
case management organization
SkillsPEI program outcomes
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/oE6CAtb
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dailyaudiobible · 3 years
09/24/2021 DAB Transcript
Isaiah 43:14-45:10, Ephesians 3:1-21, Psalm 68:1-18, Proverbs 24:1-2
Today is the 24th day of September, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian, it is great to be here with you today as we continue our journey around the sun and through the Bible and we have worked our way all the way, well, we’re kind of in the last quarter I guess, of the book of Isaiah and we’re also working our way through the letter to the Ephesians. So, let's dive in today Isaiah chapter 43 verse 14 through 45 verse 10.
Okay, so I have mentioned that Ephesians, at least as I read it, it's like an ever upward climb to these higher vistas to see further, to see further horizons, to see more and understand more. And it’s not like Paul’s saying in this letter like, things it he hasn't said in other ways, but he's in prison and he is writing this passionately. This vision of what's really going on here, and if we just meditate on it. If we just take it in slowly. It is so huge. So, Paul is talking about revelations that he has received, mysteries that he is received, that have previously been unrevealed and I quote “this mystery is that in Christ Jesus, the Gentiles are fellow heirs, members of the same body, and people who also share in the promise through the gospel.” Well so, previously the understanding that Paul had as a Pharisee is that the Jews are the exclusive people and that's what they think but this revelation, this mystery that has been revealed to Paul that he is preaching, well that touches all of us because most of us are Gentiles. And so, for Paul to say that the mystery that’s been revealed is that through Christ, Gentiles and Jews are fellow heirs, members of the same body, people who share in the same promise through the gospel. What Paul is saying is that this is available to everybody in the world which is huge and for me, a Gentile a overwhelming flow of gratitude. Paul goes on, as if to answer a question like, why would God do that, why, why would He welcome everybody in the world, and I quote Paul again “He did this so that through the church, the multifaceted wisdom of God might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places. This was done according to the eternal purpose that He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Okay, that's pretty cosmic in its implications. This is saying God, in his goodness and offering you eternal life, opening a way, welcoming you home. This makes His wisdom known and we are like a living witness, a living display to the unseen realms, that is huge to contemplate. That is a massive vista to just understand that we are all part of something way bigger than…than we ever pay attention to. Paul says because of all of that, because of this gift and because of what it's doing, in Jesus, we can freely approach God with confidence, through faith in Him. We could say yes, this is a theological formula I’ve known for a very long time but think about that. We can freely approach God, the most high God, with confidence through faith in Him. Let's try to live into this today. Let's try to contemplate, consider, meditate upon, allow it to sink in. Even Paul seems blown away. Even as he is writing it down and he gives kind of a benediction here at the end of our reading and so, let's just let this benediction wash over us as we bask in the goodness of God.
For this reason, I kneel before the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the entire family in heaven and on earth receives its name. I pray that, according to the riches of His glory, He would strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner self, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. Then, being rooted and grounded in love, I pray that you would be able to comprehend, along with all the saints, how wide and long and high and deep His love is, and that you would be able to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled to all the fullness of God. Now to Him, who is able, according to the power that is at work within us, to do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base. That is the website, and it is how you get connected and find out what's going on around here. So certainly, check it out. If you’re using the app you can access these things by pushing the drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner of the app screen in there or on the web, you’ll find the Community section. In the Community section you’ll find different links to the social media channels that the Daily Audio Bible participates in. You will also find the Prayer Wall which is always on and never off and always available. You can always request prayer on the Prayer Wall. You can also, you know, kind of glance through and see where the Spirit may be leading you to pray and pray for your brothers and sisters who are also going through things and give them a word of encouragement. It means so much to know you’re not carrying it alone; it means so much to know that somebody is praying for you and it's a beautiful thing. It's truly a beautiful thing to know that somebody that you may never actually get to meet in person is praying for you by name because we’re the family of God. So, if you haven't ever visited the Prayer Wall, please be aware it's in the Community section either on the app or at the website, so check it out.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you humbly, humbly for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you are using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.
And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that's the little red button up at the top break or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian, I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Prayer and Encouragements:
Hi, Daily Audio Bible, my name is New Eyes and I’m from Chattanooga, Tennessee and I’m calling in for the first time because I was really moved by some prayer requests the other day and I wanted to lift some folks up here in our community. First of all, I would like to thank the Lord for Trent and his encouragement to all of us to be thankful for what we have, I know I definitely need that and I want to lift up Vicki from Southern California and Tammy, who is in remission from ovarian cancer. I really want to lift you ladies up to the Lord, for how much you are just laying at the foot of the cross and trusting God to give you peace in such a hard time. And, I also want to pray for Giovanni whose whole family is sick with the coronavirus. Lord, just bring Your healing, bring Your Holy Spirit and touch Giovanni and his family in this long, frustrating battle with this virus and I just ask that You would bless him. And family, it's my first time calling in and I could really use some prayers this week as I'm sending my 18-year-old son to a youth with a mission discipleship training school in Hawaii and he’s gonna be gone for six months and it's his first time away from home and I'm so excited for him but it's also really hard for this mama. So, if you could lift him up just send him blessings and prayers for an amazing time. I really love this community. You guys are an incredible blessing. Thank you for praying. Keep it up.
Hello Daily Audio family. My name is Sharon I'm calling to ask for prayer for my daughter, Sharon. She's been told she needs open-heart surgery, she's really, we’re really afraid. Each time we speak to a doctor we’re afraid and she starts crying and I start crying. I'm asking that you pray that, pray, send prayers for us that we can get through this situation and come out whole on the other side. I pray with her and I know that God can do all things and I prayed that He will give us the strength, first and foremost, that she doesn't need the surgery and that we will get a second opinion. We just need prayer right now family. Thank you.
Hello my DAB family this is Minnesota Aruka Regina. I haven't talked to you in a while, just want to tell you how much I love you and care about each and every one of you. On September 21st Danielle, I thank you so much for giving us an update on that 19-year-old girl Lord, it just really made me kind of cry and I want to lift her up in prayer. Loving Father, I just am so grateful for You being there for this young 19-year-old gal who was adopted…abducted and violated Father. Thank You for seeing her and for being faithful to find Your precious lost sheep. Lord, I just pray right now that You please speak love into her traumatic soul where she's been hurt and crushed and bruised Lord. I pray that You just reach her heart, let her know that You cried with her in those days that she was gone and it hurts Your spirit. But You were already making a plan for her and You are now helping her. Lord, I pray that You heal her. Let her know that You love her and You care about her and You are a God that can restore Lord. Bring someone into her life that can…can help her to be able to process everything and to break all of the bonds of this troubled man. May she not feel guilty and shameful for what is happening. It's not her fault. Help her to forgive. Help her to learn to love and to be loved again. We give You all the glory and honor in the name of the Father and the Son. Amen.
Hey DAB fam this is Laura in Eugene. I just want to call and lift up Val in Vegas in prayer. Heavenly Father, Lord, I just lift Val up to You, I pray for strength and courage as she recovers from her recent surgery. Lord, I pray for her medical team as decisions for what happens next are coming and I pray that You would help Val to rest in Your peace and Your comfort and Your care, that she could just feel that peace that passes all comprehension Lord. I pray that You would continue to be with her and guide her through this hard time but I’m just so grateful that she’s moving forward and getting the care that she needs Lord. Father, just keep watch over her. Thank You. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Hi my name is Maggie Mae and I’m calling in certain dyer straights. My whole family, I just found out my whole family is sick. My three grandchildren, my son. My grandson has got a fever of 105, they don’t know what is wrong with him. He’s only two years old. My older grandson who’s 17 he’s sick with RSV, they said that they don’t know, I don’t even know what that is. My granddaughter is so sick, the only one that’s not sick is the mother. I am beside myself with my grandson who is so, so sick. He’s so sick he’s burning. I pray the blood of Jesus over Armanie over Arianna over Marc Anthony. He just lost his father. I pray for my son Marc Anthony. They’re not saved. Please, God don’t take my family. Please, God don’t take my family. Please, oh please, don’t take my family. Please. Thank you, I’m sorry for the emotions but I feel so hopeless. I feel so hopeless. Please pray for them. Please take care of Dominic, Arrianna and Marc Anthony. Please, thank you.
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michellehasmusings · 4 years
Here I sit on day 72 of the COVID-19 pandemic overtaking our lives. It’s still jarring and surreal to me to see everyone in masks, but it’s more upsetting seeing people without them. 100,000 Americans have died, and the virus rages on. As of today there is no end in sight and we kind of live day-by-day. Things are reopening everywhere in spite of those facts, and it’s not going to end well. It’s already unfathomably horrific, mostly because of the complete failure of the federal government under Donald Trump.
Even in times of darkness, light can be found. I look for it each day, because it’s all I know how to do to survive with this fear and death and disease. Find your light. For me, something very profound happened on Friday. For it to make sense in the present, I have to go back to the past.
In 1989, when I was 16 years old, a 29 year old woman named Victoria Cushman was murdered in my city. She was brutally killed in her own home; she had been beaten to death. A letter she had written was found at the scene. It was addressed to a man she had been having a brief affair with, and who she was struggling to move on from when he broke it off. His name was Jeffrey Scott Hornoff. He was a local cop she had gotten to know when he came into her place of employment relating to his duties on the police dive team. The affair burned hot and fast and then it was over. He was married and had a baby at home. There was never any hope for Vicky and Scott, but she couldn’t let him go. The letter she had written, but was never sent, expressed how difficult it had been for her to try to move on. This looked bad circumstantially to law enforcement. When they questioned Scott, he initially denied the affair. His alibi for that night left an hour unaccounted for. On its face, it looked suspicious. Scott was eventually charged with her murder and convicted. He received a life sentence. There was never a single piece of evidence that tied him directly to the crime.
I remember at the time thinking he must’ve done it. He was a police officer. Surely they would go above and beyond to prove the innocence of one of their own if he didn’t do it, right? Except he didn’t do it. He was innocent. Todd Barry, an on/off boyfriend of Vicky’s, walked into a police department well over 6 years into Scott’s life sentence and confessed. The guilt of living with what he had done and the knowledge that an innocent man was being punished for his crime became too much for his conscience. The news hit like a shockwave.
It was November of 2002. Scott had been living with this nightmare for 13 years, incarcerated for half of that time, for something he had nothing to do with. Before this, I had been more naive and pretty ignorant to the facts about wrongful imprisonment. I was horrified to discover that this wasn’t a fluke. There are thousands of innocent people behind bars even as I type. This immediately changed my views. I could no longer fool myself into believing that everyone in jails are guilty. It was a really life-changing moment. I had been raised in a strict, Conservative family. Law and order. What happened to Scott was one of many giant cracks in the worldview I had been raised to believe in. I wondered how he would survive the trauma, how he would carry on on the outside now with the justified anger and distrust he must be carrying. It kept me up at night thinking.
Two weeks later, my father died suddenly at work. He was only 58. This completely rocked my world. He was my rock. He was my protector. He was my daddy who loved me and hugged me and everything was okay because he was here. Then he was gone in an instant. It was the worst pain I’ve ever felt.
My aunt came over the next morning and gave me an angel pin, which I put right on my coat. In the haze of grief, my mom and I had to go shopping for things we needed for the services. I vividly recall walking around the store and looking at everyone else going about life as usual. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs and ask them how they can just carry on when the world had just ended. Then I turned around and found myself face-to-face with Scott Hornoff.
I instantly recognized him, and I knew he had only been released a couple weeks earlier. Almost immediately, my feeling of empathy for him overtook my own grief and I forgot for a moment the terrible pain I was in. He appeared to be overwhelmed, and I completely understood why and at that lonely, sad moment in time I felt like someone else was sharing my grief; separately, but together in that shared space. I felt compelled to let him know he wasn’t alone. I looked down at the angel pin on my shoulder, and everything in me wanted to take it off and give it to him. Having struggled with anxiety for years already by that point, I recognized that look in his eyes. I tried to put myself in his shoes and wondered how I might feel after everything he had just been through and being thrust back out into the world without any preparation. I decided that even though I might feel better by giving him the angel pin, that it wasn’t about me. Maybe he was hoping nobody noticed him. Maybe he felt stared at and judged. Maybe the noise and the busy world was scary. Maybe I should just send him some positive energy from where I stood and wish the best for him in this life. So that is what I did.
Over the years I have thought of him occasionally. I have hoped for his happiness and success. I have sometimes regretted not giving him that pin. I have wondered if maybe it would’ve helped to know someone that he didn’t even know cared.
Not long ago on twitter, I tweeted something about us being on lockdown due to the virus. Someone commented saying, “I’ve been on lockdown. This isn’t so bad.” It was such an unusual comment that it made me look at the name of the tweeter. You know who it was, right? That’s right. Scott Hornoff. What were the odds of this??? I noticed he was following me and I told him I knew who he was. I thought he followed me because I was local to him, but that turned out to be a complete coincidence. He had seen a tweet of mine and followed me randomly. This felt like the universe telling me to share with him that story that I had never forgotten about our paths crossing on the day I needed it most. He was really touched by that gesture I wanted to make for him so many years before. We got to be friends. This past Friday he told me he would be at a store that happens to be two streets away from where I was. We decided to say hi in person in the parking lot. It was such a profound moment for me that I felt tears welling up in my eyes, which I was hiding behind my giant Jackie O. sunglasses. He told me he had something to give me. It was a little gold pin of a DNA strand that supports exonerees. It is the same size as the angel pin. I will treasure it always, along with my new friend, Scott.
Please support The Innocence Project. They do amazing advocacy and legal work for the wrongfully imprisoned. They deserve their freedom and our support. https://www.innocenceproject.org
To read more about Scott’s story, check this link:
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winterromanov · 5 years
now the day bleeds - david x julia (bodyguard fic, 1/?)
David finds out that Julia has been in hiding for over a year, and there’s a reason for it. A pretty big one. 
The postcard lands on David doormat alongside unpaid bills, bank statements and menus for shitty takeaway food outlets. It’s so apparently insignificant, so unexpected, he barely realises when Charlie’s muddy school shoes plants a wet footprint over the tiny Invernetian landscape. He only notices when he bends down to look, throwing Charlie’s reading folder at the bottom of the stairs. The green bleeds shaky colour into his otherwise mostly beige hallway. It’s enough for mild intrigue, at the very least. The mud doesn’t blear the neat biro font across the back—wish you were here.
David’s forehead naturally crinkles as he looks for a name, and finds none. He’s got family close to Inverness, but none that couldn’t send a text and none that would go on holiday there. None that regularly speak to him. As far as he’s aware, he’s got no friends holidaying up there either. It’s possible that maybe the postcard was meant for next door, or over the road—but no, his address is right, down to the postcode.
Ella’s voice punctures his curiosity, and he looks up to find his daughter standing irritably with her arms crossed. Her long hair is braided and she’s wearing a new blazer that’s just a little bit too big for her, but like Vicks said, she’ll grow into it. Out of protest, Ella’s rolled up the sleeves, wearing a selection of beaded bracelets halfway up her arm that definitely violate the school uniform code. Vicky had tittered about Ella’s supposed rebellion, but he’d not been that worried about it. She’s on the edge of being a teenager in a brand new school full of bigger kids. Ella was just trying to find her place, stand out a bit.
“Yeah, what is it sweetheart?” he asks, smiling tightly. Ella rolls her eyes.
“We’re hungry. What’s for tea?”
Tea. Yeah, tea, he’d have to feed them before Vicky came to pick them up. He scratches the back of his head. “Uh—I think there’s some fishfingers in the freezer. Put the oven on and I’ll be in in a minute, yeah?”
Ella sighs dramatically, as all nearly-twelve-year-olds do whenever they’re asked to do anything. He ignores her, returning to the unusual delivery, thumbing the peeling corners carefully. He’d been in his job long enough, seen enough, to know that often things were not what they seemed. Ulterior motives lurked in ordinary objects like the blood pulsing behind his skin. There was always something else. When the edge of a mountain folds over, he pulls the tacky picture back, the mossy green film shedding away into white. There’s a second detail to the card—on that the sender had deliberately hidden, meant only for the recipient.
It’s an address. His thumb traces the clear handwriting carefully. There’s no name, again, but his fingertip curls over the final letter in the postcode, and oh God—
His heartbeat stutters manically. He feels unintended tears burning at the back of his eyes, hot and hopeful yet utterly furious, because he knows, he knows, he knows. He knows there is only one person this could possibly be from. All these months—over a year—and he knows, because who else would do this?
It should have clicked straightaway. But it’s been so long. He’s been so tired, like the last year has been desperately treading through mud in the hope of finding something better. He’s mostly just found shit, tonnes and tonnes of it, but as the weeks dragged on the sheer volume of it appeared to reduce. The counselling has helped. Seeing the kids has helped. It’s by no means anywhere near finished, but it was beginning to ease. The constant ache fading into a dull throb that God knows he takes enough medication for.
David’s whole body seems to shake as he dizzily paces into the living room and falls onto the sofa. He reads the address over and over, wonders what the hell she’s been playing at all this time. It makes sense, but also makes as much sense as quantum physics. Anger flits into sadness, then into absolute fury. He wants to throw something. Smash the mirror on the wall, so his face cracks and reflects back the state of his broken head. But there’s Ella, and there’s Charlie, and he cannot afford to have a breakdown right now. He cannot afford to let Vicky take them away again. Think he’s not safe for them.
Ella stomps back from the kitchen again, but her annoyed glare softens into concern. She bites the nail on her thumb. “Dad?”
David blinks, shakes his head. He slips the postcard down the side of the couch and pretends he can’t feel it burning, threatening to burn down the whole house like a cigarette falling out an ash tray. “Yeah, love?”
“Are you… okay?” Ella’s eyes are wide, and he does his best to reinstate normality. He smiles and thinks it looks reassuring. “I tried to turn on the oven but I’m not sure how it works. Also Charlie wants chicken dippers.”
Okay, so this is easy, this is normal. He can deal with this. “Well, tell Charlie that I’ve only got fishfingers, so unless he wants a big plate of broccoli he’ll have to eat them.”
Charlie’s unwillingness to eat anything green had become a family joke. Both him and Vicky had attempted to get vegetables into his diet by any means necessary—their latest tactic of hiding them in mashed potato had failed miserably when Vicky had found mash smeared in an empty biscuit tin—so he sees this as safe territory. It works and Ella calms instantly, her grin mirroring his own.
“I’ll sort the oven,” he says, pulling himself up from the sofa, “C’mon.”
He tries to be normal through dinner. Really, really tries. He asks Charlie about his volcano project and whether his mum ever got that papier mache off the bathroom ceiling, and Ella blushes when he asks about that boy she was talking to at the school gates. He’s just Tony, she says, and he’s an idiot.
(The way Ella’s swirls her food round her plate with her fork, her head dreamily lolling onto her hand, makes David think that Tony is an idiot who his eleven-year-old daughter has probably kissed behind the bike sheds at lunchtime. God. That’s not something he’d even mildly considered worrying about yet, alongside everything else.)
But at the back of his head is Inverness.
The logical part of his brain is telling him not to go. He’s got a life here that is somehow getting back on track, and he knows trailing all the way to Scotland will undoubtedly cruelly shatter his equilibrium. And—who is she? To lead him on all these months, all the fucking grief, all the guilt and the blame and the feeling of his heart shifting like broken glass in the recesses of his chest? The suicide attempt and the dirty mercy mission that followed, his need to claw back vengeance even though every single person around him thought that he was the bomb at the heart of it all?
(And he was, in the end, but not in the way everyone thought. He did it all for her. It was always for her, in her name, her fucking posh, Tory, everything he should despise but somehow didn’t name.)
Julia Montague destroyed him. Granted, he was fractured way before their paths ever crossed, but she had him splintering. Crunching under foot. And for her to be…
Yet, somehow, this is what he thought would happen all along.
His heart is telling him to go.
After all, it was his heart that opened up to her, in those dark hotel-room nights where he clung to her bones like fabric. He kissed her manically, desperately; but sometimes they laughed, too, and he caught himself wondering if maybe this was right. Maybe this was love. Because after the bomb—there was justice, and revenge, but love sat hopelessly at the heart of it. He can’t help it. The thought of her being alive and hidden away for months as he grieved hurts—God, it hurts—but it can’t hurt more than the thought of her being dead. It can’t. It can’t.
“Dad! Your beans are getting cold!”
Charlie’s voice is cheerfully oblivious. He stuffs a chip into his mouth. David smiles.
“Ah, good spot, Charlie,” David looks across the table at his two beautiful children, thinking they are more than enough. He is so lucky to have them, these two amazing little human beings. Ella and Charlie. The product of a love that had always been fragile but then sputtered and died, but his love for his children had never changed.
His love for her had never changed, and maybe that was the saddest thing of all. His equilibrium was always going to be skewed. Whether he went to Inverness or not.
Vicky comes to pick them up an hour later. He asks her in out of politeness but fortunately she has to jet off, something about an early shift tomorrow.
As they stand in warm familiarity on the doorstep, he almost doesn’t say it. He hands her Charlie’s book-bag and Ella’s PE kit and the words sit in his mouth. A mild, September wind blows into the doorway and Vicky shivers.
“I…” he starts, Vicky’s eyebrows arching in anticipation, “I—I’ve got to go away for a couple of days. Maybe more.”
“Oh,” Vicky says, “Is it a work thing?”
“Yeah, just a work thing, nothing important. But I have to go.”
Vicky looks a little unconvinced for a second, but eventually settles. It’s not the first time he’s been away for work and every time he’s come back fine, if not better, so he can see she thinks there’s nothing to worry about. Maybe there isn’t. Maybe this whole thing is a big fat lie, concocted in his head.
It strikes him then how heartbroken he’d feel if he’d got all this wrong. It must be her, it’s got her written all over it, but what if it isn’t? His shoulder subconsciously sag as he internally lives that absolute nightmare. He’s so, so angry with her, but he doesn’t want his fury misdirected at a ghost.
Vicky’s hand reaches out for his shoulder. “You okay?”
David shakes her off, but smiles anyway. “Fine, yeah. Sorry.”
Ella and Charlie rush through, kissing their dad goodbye before trekking out to the car across the street. Vicky presses a gentle kiss on his cheek, out of friendliness and compassion, barely an ember of what once was.
“Take care of yourself, Dave,” she says, as she always does. When he closes the door, he waits at the window until they drive off. Charlie waves, sticking his tongue out. David sticks his tongue out back.
He’s going to Inverness.
He has to.
He takes a night to think it over despite already being decided. Sleep completely eludes him, his bedside clock blinking mockingly as two drags into three then four. Eventually he abandons it altogether, throwing off the duvet and packing a holdall in the muted orange of an autumn dusk. He gets the train so he can sleep a little on the road, then he hires a car once he arrives in Scotland. The Satnav leads him away from the town and deep into the highlands he’d passed through hundreds of times as a kid, all dark and grass and heather, mud on wellies and the gentle steps of his grandparents’ border collie as it ran on ahead. After what feels like hours and hours of driving, the sun beginning to set once again, he rolls up outside a small white cottage standing alone amongst sheep farmland.
There’s the possibility that this is some kind of trap, because that’s not unusual in counter-terrorism. A smarter man than him probably wouldn’t have come all the way here without telling anyone where he was going, but he’d left school with barely any Highers anyway. He clutches the postcard between his forefinger and thumb, his hands clammy and chilled. It takes him a few seconds to get out the car, although he assumes the resident of the cottage has already heard him pull up the drive.
His feet crunch on the gravel as he wanders up to the door. His knocks are short, decisive—there’s not much to hold him back now. It slowly unlocks a moment later, and his heart lurches in unspeakable trepidation.
In the dim glow of the hallway light, he’s greeted by a ghost.
And the ghost—the ghost, she’s holding a baby.
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***Again, To all the Press Media, Priests and Nuns,Pastors and to my Original Auntie Mercy this is the Messaged that I sent to my Two Lawyers that I got since Last Year 2018(*Included the Letter that are here*)***
Hi there! Again, I have some favor to you, Could you please get the Original Dave Lamban at Ateneo de Davao University the Man who asked favor to this person and Tell him to Act as me as my Male Version, then Tell him to get Vicky Morales of Wish ko Lang Host and after this, I want the Three of you to go at the Church of St. Joseph Chapel at Camp Crame Quezon City with PNP Chief Abayalde with PNP Press Media in order to get the 1st.,2nd., 7th., and 8th Treasures that was Stoled. ***This is all their Rites or Blessings to me, Once you get it as my Favor (*Also the Favor of my Grandfather Yamashita and his Sides*). I want you to give it to them as my Lawyer here (*Just get it only to the Tresasure Box*):
***Each Treasure Box, the Gold Bar and Diamond has Sizes from (*Width,Length and Long*):
1.)First Treasure: *Size of Gold Bars are 5″ Width ,7″ Length ,8″ Long.*Size of Diamonds are 2″ Width ,9″ Length ,7″ Long .
2.) 2nd. Treasure:*Size of Gold Bars are 9″ Width ,3″ Length ,5″ Long .*Size of Diamonds are 8″ Width ,5″ Length ,9″ Long .
3.) Seventh Treasure:*Size of Gold Bars are 5″ Width ,5″ Length ,5″ Long .*Size of Diamonds are 5″ Width ,8″ Length ,7″ Long .
4.) Eight Treasure:*Size of Gold Bars are 7″ Width ,5″ Length ,8″ Long .*Size of Diamonds are 2″ Width ,7″ Length ,7″ Long . 1.)*St. Joseph Chapel (2 Gold Bars and 2 Diamonds) from 1st. Treasure box (get it here) while 2.)to all the Priest that who guard it for 24 hours (1 Gold Bar and 1 Diamond from 1st. Treasure box too [get it here too], *equally divided sila dito*).
3.)*Vicky Morales Host (belong to my 16th Cousins, puregold in Public, 2 Gold Bars and 2 Diamonds) , and 4.)the Original that who ask a favor to her (belong to my 10th Cousins, (2 Gold Bars and 1 Diamonds) and 5.)to their Show Wish Ko Lang of GMA 7 (2 Gold Bars and 2 Diamonds) from 1st. Treasure box (get it here). Only give this things to them, after ka nilang samahan to get it there and to do my favor to them to get me at the Home Address that I give to them where I’am so I’ll be have an Identification Card or I.D., the Messaged that I sent to them before August 31 was happened because I really need help.
6.)*PNP Press Media (1 Gold Bars and 8 Diamonds) from 2nd. Treasure box (just get it here).
7.)*National Headquarters Philippine National Police (8 Gold Bars and 8 Diamonds), then 8.)to PNP Chief Joaquin who was in charged there are (2 Gold Bars and 2 Diamonds) and 9.)to PNP Chief Abayalde (2 Gold Bars and 2 Diamonds) from 8th Treasure box (just get it all here).
10.)*Original Dave Lamban  (3 Gold Bars and 2 Diamonds) and 11.)to Original Mary Joy Toledo de Castro of Ateneo de Davao University (1 Gold Bar and 1 Diamond) from 2nd. Treasure (just get it here both). Only give this things to them, after ka nilang samahan to get it there.
12.)*Philippine Government of Original President Duterte (5 Gold Bars and 2 Diamonds, only for him) while 13.)to his Right and Good Shepherd in Public (1 Gold Bar and 1 Diamond) from 2nd. Treasure (get it here both).
14.)*Original Daniel Radcliffe (2 Gold Bars and 2 Diamonds) while 15.)to Original Dman, the Man who asked favor to him at Harry Potter (1 Gold Bar and 1 Diamond for his ownself, then 2 Gold Bars and 2 Diamonds from 2nd. Treasure (just get it here all here) for all the Witch Things that I told him to deliver to Original Me (wherever I'am this time) and I also told him to Deliver some of it to our Church in Italy (for our Pope Francis and to all the Priests there) and to my Church at Our Lady of Fatima Parish PhilAmLife Village Las Pi��as City (for all our Priest here including Father Tagle and to our Archbishop this time) As long as he will Deliver what I Order to him, he will be Rewarded too. I also sent this Messaged to them at my Church in Our Lady of Fatima PhilAmLife Village at Las Pinas City at their Facebook Page (*Coat of their People that was in charge at the Computer, Lady of Mangkukulam Man that I shared to my you*).
16.)*Original Pastor Rick Warren and 17.)to his Original Wife, 18.)to his Original Son (Bunso niyang Anak) and 19.)to his Original Daughter (1 Gold Bar and 1 Diamond) from 1st. Treasure (get it here, just give them tag-iisa).
20.)*To Original Lauren Young and 21.)to her Manager are 2 Gold Bars and 1 Diamond then 22.)to Original Lauren Shepherd that belong to (*Do not Write it Down!*) are 8 Gold Bars and 9 Diamonds, from 2nd. Treasure (just get it all here).
23.)To Original Mayor Herbert Bautista and 24.) to Original Vice Mayor Joy Belmonte are 2 Gold Bars and 1 Diamond from 2nd. Treasure (just get it here both, tag-dalawa at tag-isa sila). And only give their Rewards after they will do my Favor to them to Register to my Name the back of our Building at Smile Citi Homes at Novaliches Quezon City that our Lord Almighty and his Son Lord Jesus Christ gave to me at Land Registration Office (*I already Reported this to my Church at Mary the Queen Parish at Fairview Quezon City, that the Dragon Man claiming, also using Lucio Tan *Left, Lukewarm and Overcoat*).
25.)***To Original Lady Electric Eye (Also Electric Wire, Original Lady D) and 26.)to the Lamb Original Lady F (Also Lady x*small*1, She was at HEROES Season 1 Episode 8) their Rewards are 2 Gold Bars and 2 Diamonds while 27.)to my Side to her that who asked favor to her at HEROES are 2 Gold Bars and 1 Diamond  (*DO NOT WRITE IT DOWN! what you see at HEROES,*Lady Electric Eye know this too*).
28.) to 34.)*The Puregold Intercession of the Seven Angels*
1.) Lord L
2.) Lord n
3.) Lord A
4.) Lady W
5.) Lady V
6.) Lady r
7.) Lady Z
***The Rewards of the Seven Intercession of the Seven Angels are *2 Gold Bars and 2 Diamonds (Just get it all to the 2nd. Treasure).
35.)***To Japan Monarchy***
*then give to them the 100 Gold Bars and 100 Diamonds from 7th. Treasure Box (Just get it here).
*then also give the 400 Gold Bars and 400 Diamonds from 8th Treasure Box (Just get it here).
***Over all: 500 Gold Bars and 500 Diamonds for Japan Monarchy (*They are My Sides to my Original Mother in Yamashita and Fernandez (*The other Sides of my Original Mother  *What you see, What get, Write it Down!(*Their Evil Doings and Deeds*)*, *Do not Write it Down! those people who claimed my Sides even if they are not!*)***.
***Their Blessings to Me, it comes from my Shares or *PAMANA* to my Grandfather Yamashita and his Sides***.
36.)***To Nginiig of ABS-CBN 2 T.V. Program are 7 Gold Bars and 8 Diamonds from 7th. Treasure (just get it here).
37.) *To Original J.K. Rowling 1 Gold Bar and 1 Diamond from 2nd. Treasure (just get it here).**
38.) *To Original Sen. Grace Poe that also belong to my Lawyer are (28 Gold Bars and 28 Diamonds) same as to you 39.)Original Sen. Chiz Escudero (28 Gold Bars and 28 Diamonds) from 2nd. Treasure box (just get it here), Only give there Rewards after they get Original me where I’am and bring me to our Church at Crame as long as they also do my favor to them too to Buy me a 3 Condominium in Crame for my Original Parents, for the Original Parents of my Original Lady Wife, and for my Own and for my Original Lady Wife Yellow Mango(*Lifetime Locked*,their *only Daughter*), this is for our Safety as what our Lord Commanded).*Just get the Payment to the Condominium at my *SUSTENTO* to my Original Parents (*that other people got for claiming they are Original Me even if they are not! *Kasabwat nila Sides nila that who claimed their Parents too even if they are not! Their Cased to Me are *Fraud (*They are Cloning while others are Plastic Surgery*), Identity Theft (*Their Doctors in Cloning and Plastic Surgery*), Libel(*Robin Hands +7 Last Plaques*), Unjust Vexation(*The People who claimed here my Parents even if they are not!*) and Intellectual Property Rights(*Their Original Childrens Coat to Me*).
***Again,Tell to this Two Lawyers that I got, That the *SUSTENTO* of my Original Father and Original Mother to *Original* me that are *Cash and in the Cheque*  are not yet here to *Original* Me since November and December 2018, and this Month of January 2019. Our God says, “They need to give me a *SUSTENTO* for 77 Months as their Original and Only Daughter and not other People”.***
***Also tell them that this is My Complete Address here, Where I’am this time, I really need help here***:
28 Luzon Ave, Quezon City, 1113 Metro Manila 1925 CONVIGENERICS Galas E Cuatro de Julio St. Galas Quezon City near (sa may harap) TAMBUNTING, hbc, and PAMILIHANG BAYAN NG GALAS at (sa may likod) tabi ng Computer Shop tapat ng may Gate na may Carinderia at malapit sa may pet care, sa loob ay may mga lalagyanan ng Soft Drinks malapit sa Comfort Room, yung White Door na sira ang dorknob (nandito po ako lagi).***
***(*Also tell them that Original iMan and his Sides are involved to the Syndicates, this people calling me Fake *Not Listed anymore for being Wolves and Goats head until they still Unclean, have Eaten Robin Hands the +7 Last Plaques* then, his Original Mother are belong to First Twin and not my Original Mother nor my Original Mother Mask and her Cloning, for information of truth*).
-Marianne Joy O IV Sacred Heart of Jesus Owl Eyes Right Hand *Also L89 and t87* (Marianne Joy Barwel Aquines)
(*What you see, What get. Write it Down!*)
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the-awkward-writer · 7 years
My Angel
Pairing: Jared x daughter!Reader, the entire Supernatural Family
Word Count: 1.8k of pure angst
Warnings: ANGST. ALL THE FREAKING ANGST. swearing, childhood cancer, death of a major character
A/N: Holy shit am I sorry about this one. I actually cried multiple times whilst writing this. This is the fifth, and last fic for Angst Appreciation Day. Thank you to everyone who has stuck with me. Also HUGE shoutout to @iputthesininbuisness. They beta’d ALL of my fics for AAD and they probably hate me.
Based off of: Angel by Sarah McLachlan
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You were surrounded by people.
Your Uncle Jensen and Aunt Danneel and their kids. Your Uncle Misha and Aunt Vicki with their kids. Your dad. Uncle Mark and Aunt Sarah with their children.
You were surrounded by people you love.
Right now, Jensen and his friend Jason Manns were singing your favorite song from their album, Simple Man.
Tears were in everyone’s eyes including your own as you smiled softly to their melody.
Everyone knew this night wouldn’t last forever, you especially. The tumor that had originated in your brain had metastasized to virtually your entire body. It was in your lungs, and bones deeming it as irreparable.
The tumor was killing you, and you were going to die.
From the day you and your father found out that the tumor had spread, the doctors had given you three months to live.
Now, exactly three months later, you were on your last night. Everyone could feel it in the air, even the children who are usually rowdy in the presence of each other were dead silent.
The entire Supernatural family was crammed into the small hospital room. They all wanted to be with you when the time finally came, lord knows you were all there for them.
“Take your time,” Jensen breathed out. He knew this line was the worst possible thing to sing in this situation, “Don’t live too fast.”
The tears forming in Jensen‘s eyes were becoming harder and harder to conceal as the lump in his throat made it hard to sing.
He swallowed as Jason continued strumming, “Troubles will come, and they will pass.”
Misha looked from Jared, to Jensen, to you. Jared watched you intently, the love and worry clear in his eyes. He loved you more than life itself. Misha knew it would kill his best friend when your time came. Jensen sang while Jason played the guitar. It was obvious it was hard for the both of them to not break down and cry. You were laid on your back in the small hospital bed. Jared was at your right side, holding your hand. Your head was turned to the left, your eyes focused on Jensen and Jason. A small smile was playing on your lips.
It took almost all of your strength to turn your head to the side. Jared gave you a soft smile and wiped his eyes of tears.
“I love you, Daddy,” you voice cracked from your dry throat.
The tears that Jared tried to hide came flowing back tenfold, “I love you too, baby. I always will.”
“I’m sorry, Daddy,” you whispered as tears of your own came flowing down your face.
Jared scooted closer to you, a large hand falling on your bald head, “There is nothing you need to be sorry for, Y/N,” Jared said fiercely, “Nothing at all. You are everything I could’ve asked for in a daughter, you understand? I love you more than anything else,” he said.
A tear fell from the corner of your eye, and you nodded. You gave him a weak smile, “Don’t be forever alone, okay?”
Jared raised an eyebrow, “I don’t know what you mean.”
You rolled your eyes, “Find someone, dad,” you said, “You’re not getting any younger,” your voice was raspy, the strain on your vocal chords obvious. “Find yourself a hot lady friend.”
Jared huffed a laugh, “You’re insane.”
“I wonder who I got that from.”
Jared’s tears fell against your hospital gown as he leaned over and kissed your forehead.
“I don’t want to see you for years, you understand?”
The dam broke behind Jared’s eyes, “I don’t think I can wait that long.”
Your eyelids became heavy. You knew the end was drawing near. “Daddy, I‘m scared.”
“I know, honey. I know.”
“Does it hurt?”
Jared shook his head, “Quicker and easier than falling asleep.”
“You’re not Sirius Black; how do you know?”
“Because all the pain that you’re feeling now will be gone. You’ll be in your happy place. You’ll be happy.”
“But I’m happy here. I want to stay here with you guys.”
“I know, baby. But sometimes you need to let go,“ The words Jared was saying almost killed him, but his baby girl was in pain, and she needed relief.
“I love you, Daddy,” you could feel your heart rate slowing, “I love all of you guys,” you tried to say slightly louder so everyone could hear you.
Almost everyone nodded or hummed, they heard you. They know you love them, and you know they love you.
That was all you ever wanted, so you did as your father said.
You let go.
Your body shuddered as you drew in your last breath and released it.
Jared watched as your chest fell. He was waiting for it to rise again, but it never did; it never would. The long drawn out beep from your heart monitor only confirmed his worst fears.
His baby girl was dead.
He took your small, pale hand in his much larger ones, and pressed his forehead to his knuckles as sobs wracked his body.
Danneel pressed her hand to her mouth, trying to contain her own tears. She looked over to her husband to see tears flowing down his face.
Misha’s crestfallen face soon had his own tears sliding down to his chin, not stopping until they got to the collar of his shirt.
The entire room was in tears.
But no one more than Jared.
His entire body shook with the force of his cries.
The only thought running through his head was enough to send him through a downward spiral lasting for years:
My daughter is dead.
Jared sat at the first pew, just staring.
The service had been done with for over an hour, and everyone had left him alone.
He looked at the small casket, the memories flying around in his brain, burning him with nostalgia.
The first time Jared saw you, you were in a baby carrier on his front steps.
There was a piece of paper pinned to your shirt with a name and date scrawled across it.
‘Y/N Padalecki’ it said. ‘07/23/02′
Next to your carrier was a diaper bag filled with clothes, diapers, bottles, formula, and large manila envelope.
Jared took you inside his house and set the carrier down on the kitchen island.
He opened the manila envelope, pulling out its contents.
Inside there were six things.
One, your birth certificate. Two, a paternity test proving that the child in the car seat was his. Three, a picture of the baby next to a woman that Jared vaguely remembered. Four, a letter addressed to Jared. Five, a letter addressed to Y/N Padalecki. Six, signed custody papers from a courthouse in Texas.
Jared opened the letter first. The letter described the night two people met. The two people being Jared and this mystery woman. The letter told Jared that this mystery woman stole a toothpick from Jared’s trailer trashcan and used it later to prove Jared’s paternity. The letter then described the predicament the baby’s mother was in. She is a drug addict and can’t take care of a baby. She grew up in an orphanage, and didn’t want to put her child through the same things, so she dropped the baby off on Jared’s front step. The letter said that there was another letter with Y/N’s name on it, and she wanted Y/N to open it when she turned 18. It was signed by a person named Becca Wilson.
Jared looked from the white college ruled paper filled with black ink, to the sleeping baby in the car seat.
Jared could see the resemblances. You had his nose and hair. Your eyes were not yet open so he couldn’t see the color of your eyes.
Seconds later, your eyes fluttered open, and in an instant, Jared knew that he couldn’t let you go. You had his eyes.
Jared ran a hand down his face. He never regretted his decision to take you in. You were his daughter. No matter what.
Even when you were ten, and the doctor spoke those horrible words, Jared never wanted to let you go.
The doctor knocked on the door. Jared voiced a quiet “Come in.”
Your migraines were getting worse as the days wore on, so Jared finally took you to your pediatrician.
The doctor took off his glasses and rubbed his aged face with his right hand.
“Mr. Padalecki,” he said as he replaced his glasses. “Y/N has a tumor in her brain.”
Jared felt the air being punched out of his gut at those words.
His baby girl had cancer.
He held you close to his chest that night as you slept. After the doctor’s appointment, and scheduling a consultation with a pediatric oncologist, you and Jared went home to watch a marathon of cheesy movies and pig out on ice cream.
That night, as he held your small frame, he cried.
He cried and prayed to a God he’s not sure he believes in to spare your life.
You were the greatest kid Jared knew, and he wasn’t just saying that because you were his daughter.
You were kind and caring and compassionate. You were understanding of Jared’s depression and helped him get through it.
He wanted to walk you down the aisle, and threaten the boys that you brought home. He wanted to protect you for the rest of his life.
Jared buried his face in his hands. “God, Y/N,” he choked out. “I’m so sorry sweetheart. I wish I could have done more to protect you.” His voice broke and he was yet again reduced to tears.
He jumped as he felt a hand land on his back. Through tear filled eyes, he could see his best friend.
Jensen sat down next to Jared. Jared’s body shook as a sob was ripped from his body. Without a second thought, Jensen wrapped his arms around his best friend’s neck, bringing his head to his chest, “It's going to get better,” Jensen found it hard to speak around the lump in his throat. “I promise.”
Years after your death, Jared listened to your words, and found himself a hot lady friend.
Her name is Genevieve Cortese.
Well, Padalecki now.
Jared had three kids with her. Two boys and a little girl.
All throughout their childhood, Jared’s kids knew about their big sister, watching them from Heaven
And when the famous actor and generous man died of old age, you jumped happily into your father’s arms.
“I see you took my advice,” you said with a smile.
please don't kill me
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leeferal · 7 years
The thing that Sam loves most about coming home after a long tour is the mail that’s built up for all of them. Letters, packages, all of it.
After sleeping for a dozen or so hours, eating some real food, and taking an hour-long bath the piles of mail that have built up in his living room is what he spends the next chunk of days working through. Thank you Josiah for throwing them on the couch haphazardly to make such a feat not just wanted but necessary in order to reclaim the living room.
(Polyamorous’ manager is an evil genius who Sam is very glad is working for him instead of against)
Not every letter gets a reply. Most, in fact, don’t. Sam simply doesn’t have the time.
What he does have time to do is to take a picture of the pile and post it onto his twitter with a “Thanks for taking over my couch while I was away you brats, now where is Cooper supposed to sleep?”
Opening the letters takes a while. Sam might not have time to write up a reply to all of them but he reads every single one. It’s the least he can do, he figures. His favourites get flattened out and put into the albums that are nearly the only things on the bookshelf running down his hallway. Albums and the books that Vicky gets.
All the other letters get stuffed in a bag and thrown out. It’s a game for Sam at this point to see if he’s able to fill one of the dumpsters for his apartment building all on his own just from his mail. It hasn’t happened yet but he always hopes that maybe this time...
Sam’s favourite things to open, though, are the packages.
Sending him a package is the number one guaranteed way to get a personal mention from him on one of his various social media accounts. The fans, he thinks, are quickly catching on to this. More are being sent every time Josiah brings over the mail that the fans have sent to the managers office.
(Sam has been very careful to keep his home address from being found out by anyone he doesn’t want having it. Being ex-military with a father still in the forces has its perks few as they may be)
Some people send him clothing. Sometimes things they see in their everyday life that they think he might enjoy, usually hats and tshirts with logos for things he doesn’t recognize. They’re rarely big name brands, Josiah is pretty good at sorting those boxes out and returning them to the sender with a note to fuck the hell off and go through the proper channels for an endorsement. Whatever reason the bands manager has for not doing the same with the little guys is beyond Sam. Sam throws those clothes out with the letters.
(Infrequently he keeps a shirt or hat, but only when he knows the brand and likes what the owners stand for.)
Every once in a while people will send him things they made themselves. A few times he’s gotten plastic horses painted up to look like they have his tattoos. A bunch of people have sent him stuffed animals, mostly dogs attempting to look like Cooper. The toys all get offered to Vicky first, Cooper second, and the trash third.
There’s more than a few paintings on the walls of Sam’s apartment that people have sent to him that they painted themselves. A few landscapes, a couple of himself. A handful of Vicky and where they got the photos to base them off of is beyond Sam since the band and Josiah are all very careful to keep her out of pictures both online and off.
Most of the packages that Sam is sent, however, is food.
Not just any food though. Sugary food. Candy for the most part.
The fans hate him and the amount of junk food that they send him is proof of it. Sam swears it up and down because everyone who spends more than five minutes with him in any setting knows that he can’t pass up sweets. With the fans sending him it by the bagful, right after coming home from a tour where take out was the staple meal eaten, Sam usually has to spend three times as long working out just to feel like he hasn’t gained any noticeable weight.
But he can’t just throw it out. It’s food, it would be a waste.
He also can’t just give it away - tattooed men wandering around handing candy out to people is the start of most parents stranger danger horror stories.
So he eats it.
Not in one sitting. Sam carefully rations it out over a few weeks. It’ll last longer that way which means he won’t have to go out and spend his own hard earned money on more. Money that can instead be spent on visits to the gym.
He does share some with Vicky. Sam might be an asshole but he loves his little sister. Besides - the best way to keep her from putting up embarrassing photos of him online is to offer sacrifices to her of sufficient quality.
Oh well. It’s a living.
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ladystylestores · 4 years
Links to Trump, Fashion, Media – WWD
Roughly a year after Jeffrey Epstein was charged for multiple counts of child sex trafficking, the disgraced billionaire and convicted sex offender’s many links to the fashion and media industries have come to light.
Epstein, who died in an apparent suicide on Aug. 10, 2019, was arrested and charged on July 6, 2019 for one count of sex trafficking of minors and one count of conspiracy to engage in sex trafficking of minors between 2002 and 2005 in New York and Florida. He was facing a maximum prison sentence of 45 years.
As news developed around his court case, Epstein’s suspicious activities were uncovered, most notably his close relationship to former L Brands Inc. chairman and chief executive officer, Les Wexner, who accused Epstein of embezzlement shortly before his death.
Epstein is now the subject of the new Netflix docu-series, “Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich,” which debuted on May 27, that includes stories from his victims and offers more insight into his relationships with prominent public figures.
Here, WWD looks at Epstein’s close ties within the fashion and media industries, including those with President Trump, Naomi Campbell, Prince Andrew and more.
Leslie H. Wexner, former L Brands Inc. chairman and chief executive officer
Les Wexner in 2014  Jay LaPrete/AP/Shutterstock
After working as a financial trader, Epstein launched his own firm, J. Epstein & Co., where Wexner was his sole client through 2003. The pair had a close friendship, with Epstein later taking ownership of Wexner’s Manhattan mansion, the same 21,000-square-foot mansion on East 71st Street that court documents demanded Epstein forfeit because many of the alleged acts of child sex trafficking and assault took place there.
According to The Daily Beast, in April an accuser named Maria Farmer came forward alleging that she was assaulted by Epstein in Wexner’s home in Ohio in the Nineties and that Wexner’s security team prohibited her from leaving the residence.
It’s been reported that Wexner cut ties with Epstein over a decade ago, as allegations and lawsuits regarding Epstein’s pedophilia increased.
On Aug. 7, Wexner finally revealed the cause of his fallout with Epstein: embezzlement. In a letter to members of his Wexner Foundation, Wexner explained that Epstein had misappropriated over $46 million from him and his family and had discovered this after severing ties with Epstein in 2007.
“I am embarrassed that, like so many others, I was deceived by Mr. Epstein,” Wexner wrote. “I know now that my trust in him was grossly misplaced and I deeply regret having ever crossed his path.”
Wexner then explained that he was able to recover a portion of the funds through a $46 million contribution from Epstein to Wexner’s YLK Charitable Fund.
On July 16, Wexner made his first comments on his close ties with Epstein, stating in an internal memo to L Brands employees that he was “NEVER aware” of Epstein’s illegal activity and that he “would never have guessed that a person I employed more than a decade ago could have caused such pain to so many people. My heart goes out to each and every person who has been hurt.”
Jean-Luc Brunel, cofounder MC2 Model Management
Many of Epstein’s associates have been involved in their own lawsuits for involvement in his child sex trafficking operation, including Jean-Luc Brunel, cofounder of MC2 Model Management, and Ghislaine Maxwell, a British socialite, close friend of Prince Andrew’s and the alleged “madame” in Epstein’s child trafficking operation. 
In 2015, Epstein accuser Virginia Roberts Giuffre claimed in court documents as part of the Crime Victims’ Rights Act that Brunel helped supply Epstein with underage girls from around the world by recruiting them as models through the agency. The lawsuit is ongoing.
The same year, Brunel filed his own lawsuit against Epstein, suing him for damages linked to Epstein’s bad publicity and reputation as he increasingly faced sexual assault allegations. Brunel stated that the allegations against Epstein resulted in “a tremendous loss of business” for his modeling agency, according to court documents. In April, the Third District Court of Appeal from the Circuit Court for Miami-Dade County ruled in favor of Epstein, stating that Brunel failed to comply with the service of process requirements in the lawsuit.
Giuffre had also filed a civil suit against Maxwell in 2015, who has also been accused of enlisting underage girls under the ruse of modeling assignments. Giuffre claims she was recruited as a sex slave for Epstein at the age of 15 — where she states she was forced into sexual activities with many of Epstein’s friends, including Prince Andrew — when she worked as a spa attendant at President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort. In 2017, the civil suit was settled between both parties.
Prince Andrew
Prince Andrew in January 2020  Geoff Robinson/Shutterstock
Amid Epstein’s charges, a photo of one of Epstein’s accusers, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, posing with Prince Andrew began circulating online. Giuffre alleged that she was forced into sexual activities with the prince when she was a teenager.
Prince Andrew addressed the photo and allegations in a November 2019 TV interview with BBC’s Newsnight program, which went viral for the prince’s cringeworthy responses. The prince claims that, despite the photo, he has no recollection of meeting Giuffre and stated he doesn’t know how the photo came into existence because he was picking up his daughter, Princess Beatrice, from a pizza party that night.
Just a few days after the disastrous interview, Prince Andrew announced he would be stepping down from his royal duties for the foreseeable future. In a statement, the prince said: “It has become clear to me over the last few days that the circumstances relating to my former association with Jeffrey Epstein has become a major disruption to my family’s work and the valuable work going on in the many organizations and charities that I am proud to support.”
In the Netflix documentary, Epstein’s former associate Steve Scully corroborates Giuffre’s allegations, stating he remembers seeing her with Prince Andrew.
Graydon Carter
Graydon Carter in April 2019  Stephen Lovekin/Shutterstock
After Epstein was charged, author and journalist Vicky Ward publicly accused former Vanity Fair editor in chief Graydon Carter of editing her 2003 profile of the convicted sex offender to remove all mention of the sexual misconduct she uncovered during her reporting.
Ward alleged that Carter removed the accusations from her story after Epstein made a personal visit to the former editor in chief. According to the Netflix documentary, Carter received threats and pressure from Epstein — most notably, finding a severed cat’s head on his stoop — to remove the allegations from the story.
Carter later refuted Ward’s allegations in a New York Times interview, stating he doesn’t remember the details of the article.
“I’m not going to get into the details, because I don’t even remember the details,” Carter said in the interview. “The fact is that editors make tough decisions every day and at Vanity Fair we had an army of fact checkers and lawyers and other editors to help us make the right ones. It’s easy for people to question those decisions 20 years on.”
In a statement to the Netflix documentary’s producers, Carter stated: “Ms. Ward’s reporting on this aspect of her story came in as we were going to press and simply did not meet our legal threshold.”
President Trump
President Donald Trump speaks during the Coronavirus Task Force press briefing in March 2020  Shutterstock
President Trump and Epstein have been linked in the past, with the former once stating to New York Magazine in a 2002 interview, “I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it, Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”
When asked about Epstein at the Oval Office on Tuesday, President Trump seemingly went back on his earlier remarks, stating: “I had a falling out a long time ago with him. I don’t think I’ve spoken to him in 15 years.” He added that he was also “not a fan” of Epstein, but didn’t specify the cause of their falling out.
The two were also involved in the same lawsuit filed in 2016, where an unnamed accuser alleged she was sexually assaulted by both Trump and Epstein in 1994 — when she was 13 years old — at Epstein’s New York home. The court documents describe the assault as “acts of rape, sexual misconduct, criminal sexual acts, sexual abuse, forcible touching, assault and battery,” among others.
Three months later, the victim dropped the case voluntarily.
Naomi Campbell
Naomi Campbell in January 2020  Chelsea Lauren/Shutterstock
After a picture circulated showing supermodel Naomi Campbell on a yacht with Maxwell and Giuffre for her 31st birthday party and a DailyMail article was published connecting her to Epstein, Campbell posted a video response distancing herself from the convicted sex offender.
“I’ve always said I’m not a saint, that I’m a work in progress, but I will not be held hostage by my past,” she said in the Aug. 20 video she uploaded to her YouTube channel. “For me, it’s a distorted piece of journalism — and I do love great journalism — but this is a direct character assassination.”
Campbell, who is being interviewed by an unidentified reporter in the video, goes on to admit that she did know Epstein, as he was “front-and-center at the Victoria’s Secret [fashion] shows,” but that she did not know him personally or was aware of his crimes.
“What he has done is indefensible,” she continued. “And when I heard of what he had done it sickened me to my stomach, just like everybody else because I have had my fair share of sexual predators and thank god that I had good people around me that protected me from this.”
President Bill Clinton
President Bill Clinton in December 2019  Kristin Callahan/ACE Pictures/Shutterstock
Former President Bill Clinton has also been linked to Epstein, with Clinton reportedly making four trips between 2002 and 2003 on Epstein’s private plane in connection to his work with the Clinton Foundation.
At the time of Epstein’s charges, a spokesperson for Clinton released a statement saying: “President Clinton knows nothing about the terrible crimes Jeffrey Epstein pleaded guilty to in Florida some years ago, or those with which he has been recently charged in New York.”
In the docu-series, Scully alleges that Clinton also visited Epstein’s private island.
Clinton’s spokesperson released another statement on his ties to Epstein after the docu-series aired, stating: “This was a lie the first time it was told, and it isn’t true today, no matter how many times it’s repeated.”
New York Magazine
Epstein looked to enter publishing in 2003 with a bid to purchase New York Magazine. Working with former New York Daily News owner Mortimer Zuckerman, advertising executive Donny Deutsch and disgraced film executive Harvey Weinstein, the group lost out to Bruce Wasserstein, who purchased the magazine for $55 million.
The following year, Epstein linked up with Zuckerman again to invest in entertainment magazine, Radar, investing up to $25 million. Radar is now owned by American Media Inc.
Read more here: 
Victoria’s Secret Parent Company Loses $296 Million 
A Guide to the Retailers Reopening Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic
How Should We Feel About Looting? It’s Complicated
WATCH: President Trump Opens the Louis Vuitton Factory in Texas
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cristoph00cdc · 5 years
Did Trudeau commit a crime ejecting Wilson-Raybould and Philpott from ca...
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These are files related to my asylum request. file:///C:/Users/Cristoph-Dell/Downloads/PORTUGUESE.pdf
ANTONIO GUTTERRES https://writerswrite000.wordpress.com/2019/01/13/urgent-life-death-antonio-guterres-guterresunhcr-org-united-nations-n-y-10017-antonioguterres/
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2019 Oscar Winners: The Full List  Picture: ” https://oscar.go.com/winners
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@UNPeacekeeping @lukakemp.
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It is what we call a "Reserve Power" where the Queen reserves the right to dismiss a Prime Minister and dissolve a Ministry, while appointing a new Prime Minister in a Caretaker capacity, who undertakes to hold a new election for both Houses of the parliament within an agreed period
sociopaths and narcissistic sociopaths common traits manipulate others to their benefit. Charm is their lure. They can even fake problems and emotions to get their victims #anybodyuknow #duhtrudeau
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#NOMEANSNO https://youtu.be/L5lcnj9rrrU https://youtu.be/G5Jp9RTS0TU
I AM DEAD IN A FEW WEAKS - NOT SURE IF I CAN HOLD ON ANY MORE - A CANADIAN KILLED IN MALAYSIA - BY MALAYSIA AND CANADA - THE TRUMP ADMINSTARION - MY FATHER AND SISTER ARE AMERICANS. MY FATHER DECEASED - MY SISTERS MAY AS WELL BE.  WHAT I HAVE EXPERIENCED THIS LIFE TIME SHOCKING. ⦁ Syndrome pulmonaire à hantavirus étendu. ⦁ F La fièvre hémorragique avec syndrome rénal s'est effondrée. ⦁ F La fièvre de Lassa s'est effondrée. ⦁ ⦁ La leptospirose s'est effondrée. (EPIDEMIC DE MALAISIE) ⦁ Ch La chorio-méningite lymphocytaire (LCM) s'est effondrée. ⦁ F La fièvre hémorragique d’Omsk s’est effondrée. ⦁ ⦁ La peste s'est effondrée. ⦁ Bite Morsure de rat La fièvre s'est effondrée. ⦁ VIRUS DE L'IMMUNION DEFECIENCE HUMAINE ⦁ SYNDROME D'IMMUNION DEFECIENCE ACQUISE
https://writerswrite000.wordpress.com/2019/01/13/urgent-life-death-antonio-guterres-guterresunhcr-org-united-nations-n-y-10017-antonioguterres/ https://writerswrite000.wordpress.com/2017/11/27/canadian-applying-for-urgent-asylum-canadas-deadly-kings-preoragative/comment-page-1/ https://thecanadiandebacle.wordpress.com/2018/08/23/the-great-canadian-debacle-circa-2018/ https://www.change.org/p/human-rights-campaign-free-a-canadian-trapped-in-malaysia #tedx #humanrights #deathpenalty #reprieve #clivestaffordsmith @CRISTOPHDE
Asylum-seekers who entered Canada irregularly last year will cost federal organizations $340 million -- an amount projected to balloon to almost $400 million for migrants who arrive in 2019, the federal budget watchdog says. It's a bit like shooting yourself in the foot to underfund the IRB and other government agencies, because these kinds of savings end up increasing federal costs. So the savings, in terms of claims processing, end up costing more," Giroux told reporters. It just blows my mind that between 2017 through next fiscal year, this prime minister is choosing to spend $1.1 billion on essentially what amounts to the abuse of our asylum system. Some of the numbers in here are absolutely shocking," Rempel said Quebec did not provide the PBO with its cost estimate, but Giroux said federal figures suggest costs for provinces and territories are at least equal to those incurred by the federal government.es similar financial pressures as Ontario. The liberal Canadian government are known for its very creative finnace reporting. Historically they have buried the true costs, while also uploading billions to  their own personal off-shore bank accounts. Bleeding Canada dry. Trudeau is nothing but a common thief.
Canada's doctor shortage will only worsen in the coming decade. ... It's not surprising then that some 6.6 per cent of Canadians reported being unable to find a family doctor in 2010. Canada's physicians are unable to meet the demand for health care services because there are simply too few of them.
These are files related to my asylum request. file:///C:/Users/Cristoph-Dell/Downloads/PORTUGUESE.pdf
ANTONIO GUTTERRES https://writerswrite000.wordpress.com/2019/01/13/urgent-life-death-antonio-guterres-guterresunhcr-org-united-nations-n-y-10017-antonioguterres/
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Prime Minister of Portugal António Luís Santos da Costa Palacete de São Bento 4, Rua da Imprensa à Estrela, 1200-888 Lisboa [email protected]
Malaysia Address: No.18-B (2nd Floor), Jalan Bangsar, 59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Telephone:+6(03)-2201 5439 Email: [email protected] Asylum Access Malaysia (AAM) http://asylumaccess.org/program/malaysia/ No.18-B (2nd Floor), Jalan Bangsar, 59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Phone:+6 (03) 2201 5439 Email: malaysia@asylum access.org Contact Person: Franziska Reif
Asylum Access Malaysia (AAM) is a Malaysian-registered NGO and part of the Asylum Access network of organizations. Launched in 2014, Asylum Access Malaysia’s on-the-ground operations include direct legal services for refugees and asylum seekers, Know-Your-Options trainings, and engagement with UNHCR and other stakeholders in Malaysia’s refugee rights movement.
AAM’s refugee legal aid program assists refugees and asylum seekers to successfully navigate the UNHCR Refugee Status Determination (RSD) process, thereby improving their chances of living safely and moving freely in Malaysia.In addition to direct legal services, AAM offers Know-Your-Options workshops to provide basic legal and practical information to help refugees navigate the RSD process and avail themselves of other legal protections that may prevent detention and deportation and help them acclimatize to life in Malaysia. AAM has also begun capacity building activities with lawyers, universities and civil society organizations to develop a refugee legal aid network in Malaysia.
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peckhampeculiar · 6 years
Flower power
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Award-winning blogger and author Chidera Eggerue has won legions of fans for her positive messages on female empowerment and body confidence. We caught up with the Peckham-born powerhouse as her first book is released
Words by Emma Finamore; Photo (c) Vicky Grout
The word “influencer” gets used a lot these days, whether it’s to describe people promoting brands on Instagram, beauty vloggers recommending the latest mascara on YouTube, or clean eating bloggers posting their favourite kale recipes. Chidera Eggerue, however, can genuinely claim the word as her own. And – more importantly – she uses her position as a force for good.  
The 23-year-old from Peckham has been making waves in the blogging world for the past few years now, gaining a seriously high profile as a positive young voice when it comes to body confidence.
She has just been included in the Dazed 100 list (Dazed magazine’s annual list of “people whose time is now”), and is about to release her first book encouraging people to embrace solitude.
Chidera’s blog – The Slumflower – has grown from a fashion blog into a full-blown movement. It started in 2014, during a period when fashion blogging was becoming “the thing” among affluent (usually white) women.
“I could never be or feel like them”, says Chidera. “There were not enough black women in blogging, or students with no money, so I started doing it myself.”  
The Slumflower was inspired by a short film of the same name by creative agency Street Etiquette, about the misconceptions about public housing. It centres around a 10-year-old boy who finds beauty and growth in the midst of concrete, taking inspiration from films like Spike Lee’s Clockers (1995) or seminal New York rapper Nas’ Nas is Like” (1999).
Chidera related to that idea, of a “a rose growing from concrete”. Her blog says: “This concept of beautifully growing, glowing and flourishing in an environment that mainly appears to promote the opposite, especially being a predominantly black neighbourhood which is currently undergoing heavy gentrification.” 
Her first shoot was in Catford, put together with the help of a group of artistic friends who briefly formed a creative collective called Asylum 33. But as Chidera grew, she decided she had to strike out alone.
“I think becoming too reliant on other people in a group would be detrimental,” she says. “It was so scary but I’m glad I took all those risks, choosing to go with my gut.”
She was right to choose that way. Her hugely successful blog has gone on to address the subjects of female empowerment, self-confidence, self-love, black hair, fashion and self-exploration. 
A post from last summer, titled “Letter to my future self” is not only a celebration of her own achievements and what she can look forward to, but is a must-read for any young person: a reflection on hard work, focusing on personal successes, a reminder to ignore negative forces, and motivation to work hard and work better.
The post reads: “You’re often told that you’re wise beyond your years but it took a lot of pain for you to get here. You’re scared of settling for a mediocre life so you live every single day loudly, fruitfully and proudly. Why? Because we are all dying slowly.
“You know what’s the biggest motivation? Leaving ungrateful people behind. There’s no greater teacher than loss. You’ve learnt to be confident enough to walk away from those who find it hard to make room for you. Because in the end, you’ll never miss what’s meant for you.
“You’ve decided that you want to stop repeating your toxic traits and instead, start making peace with your past. Less over-thinking, more water-drinking. Less cakes, more kale. If you learnt something, it was never a fail. Continue to be kind. Kindness never goes to waste.
“This time next year, you’ll be plotting world domination at the dinner table with Michelle Obama,” the last line of the post reads. “She doesn’t know it yet, but she needs your help.”
Chidera could have been looking into a crystal ball when she wrote this statement – the world seems to have been crying out for her assistance, and now they’ve got it they’re not letting go.
The Slumflower has featured on BBC News, BBC Three, ITV, CNN and Radio 4; and in magazines and websites like i-D, Glamour, Huffington Post, Stylist and Time Out. Chidera has appeared at Afropunk festival and Tate and has presented at the Mobo awards.  
Elle magazine dubbed her the “Millennial mastermind”, while Dazed said: “The Peckham native is this generation’s agony aunt.” Teen Vogue said: “Chidera is most focused on getting a message of body positivity across to women."
Cosmopolitan magazine shortlisted Chidera in its Cosmopolitan Influencer Awards in April as the year’s top “disruptor/changemaker”, alongside other high-profile and international names.
Asked why she thinks she was nominated for that particular award, she laughs: “Because I’ve been causing a lot of trouble… the good kind. Men feel uncomfortable about it.”
As well as empowering women to love their bodies (#saggyboobs and everything) Chidera has been vocal about women in straight relationships needing to be more comfortable and prioritise themselves.  
She reaches people on a very personal level through her blog and various appearances, and due to social media (she has 153,000 followers on Instagram alone) her fans and followers are able to reach back to her.
As we chat, Chidera receives a direct message on Instagram from a follower, which says: “I was saving up for a boob job and after seeing your interview and listening to your words I spent it all on lingerie instead! You’re beautiful and inspiring.”
“This happens daily,” she says, and it clearly means a lot to her to hear from readers. “People are starting to view things in a different way, and actually it’s often older women.
“It just takes one person to do it and you start to deprogramme people, tip everything upside down. And it’s not about ‘fake boobs versus real boobs’ – everyone can be involved, any boob-bearing person can join in!”
Next on Chidera’s list of taboos to smash down is solitude, or rather the modern person’s fear of solitude. Her book, What a Time to be Alone: The Slumflower’s guide to why you are already enough, was published on July 26.
Taking its name from a play on the phrase “what a time to be alive”, it hopes to encourage readers not only to get over their fear of being alone, but to enjoy it, embrace it and use it.
“The Slumflower will be your life guru, confidante and best friend,” goes the blurb in the book. “She’ll show you that being alone is not just OK: it’s just about the best freaking thing that’s ever happened to you.”
“It’s about normalising solitude,” Chidera says. “Your company is just as important as anyone else’s. You should be your favourite person to hang out with, especially women.
“Smartphones make it harder to be alone now, we get a quick serotonin boost from them, but we end up checking our notifications rather than checking ourselves – everyone makes that mistake.
“Everything has a microwave solution, but what I’m trying to encourage is to work on yourself: push yourself to find answers by asking yourself the questions you’re afraid to ask.
“We often have so much angst and frustration, but people don’t know who to direct it at, we need to put things down and look at ourselves. My book is a mirror: it won’t do the work for you, but it will help you get there.”
The book features proverbs Chidera’s Nigerian mother has told her over the years, to help teach her solid life lessons. She says her favourite is one about a rat that sees a lizard happily running out into the rain, the drops of water running off its scaly skin.
The rat – thinking it will fare the same – eagerly follows the lizard out into the rain, but because it has fur, not scales, it gets soaked through and can’t move. The lesson? “Be mindful of the kind of people who influence you,” smiles Chidera.  
It’s especially interesting when thinking about this from Chidera’s point of view as an influencer. “I do make an effort to live by example,” she says. “Be all the things I encourage people to be, literally using myself as a test. I put myself in certain scenarios.”
One place she never has to test herself though, where she always feels comfortable, is her hometown of Peckham. She has fond memories of Nunhead Cemetery, Kings on the Rye and getting penny sweets from Woolworths, where Sports Direct is now.
Chidera still spends a lot of time here, rating PeckhamPlex for its reasonable prices and friendly vibe, John the Unicorn as a good place to grab a drink, and all the hair and beauty shops – especially Pak’s for natural haircare products and hair extensions.
“I feel mainly positive about the changes in Peckham recently,” she says. “I feel like a bit of a veteran though, I miss when it wasn’t so hyped.”  
Something Chidera is hyped about is her new book. “I’m so, so excited about it coming out,” she laughs. “I want to inspire a shift in the way people talk about mental health, and to make solitude great again.” And what better young woman to take up that mission.
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jessekg · 6 years
Is Woody Allen's time up?
With a new film on the horizon, a growing chorus of actors are distancing themselves from the director
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Timothée Chalamet, the breakout young actor who won acclaim for his roles in Call Me By Your Name and Lady Bird, says he was only following in the footsteps of his role models when he accepted a role in Woody Allen's upcoming film, A Rainy Day In New York.
But now he's joining his castmate Rebecca Hall and donating his earnings from the film to charity in light of allegations of sexual misconduct against Allen. While those accusations first surfaced in the early 1990s, they've resurfaced as the #MeToo movement gathers momentum, and actors are being questioned for their decision to work with Allen.
Chalamet announced via an Instagram post that he would be donating his salary to charities that fight sexual harassment and abuse and support LGBTQ rights.
"I have been asked in a few recent interviews about my decision to work on a film with Woody Allen last summer," he wrote. "I'm not able to answer the question directly because of contractual obligations. But what I can say is this: I don't want to profit from my work on the film, and to that end, I am going to donate my entire salary to three charities: TIME'S UP, The LGBT Center in New York, and RAINN [Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network]. I want to be worthy of standing shoulder to shoulder with the brave artists who are fighting for all people to be treated with the respect and dignity they deserve."
Chalamet's comments reflect a sea change in Hollywood following the Harvey Weinstein scandal, and come shortly after a Golden Globes ceremony that was dominated by the #MeToo and Time's Up movements. As a result, a growing number of high-profile stars are moving away from Allen who, in an interview with the BBC, said it was important to avoid a "witch hunt atmosphere" in the aftermath of Weinstein.
For a long time, starring in an Allen film was a stepping stone for actors on the rise, but that time could be coming to an end as actors are being called out on their decision to work with him.
"This year has changed the way I see and feel about so many things; it has been a thrilling and, at times, enlightening education," Chalamet wrote. "I have, to this point, chosen projects from the perspective of a young actor trying to walk in the footsteps of more seasoned actors I admire. But I am learning that a good role isn't the only criteria for accepting a job."
Late last year, Ellen Page, who starred in To Rome with Love, addressed this well-trodden path to success in a lengthy Facebook post calling the role the "biggest regret" of her life. "I had yet to find my voice and was not who I am now and felt pressured, because 'of course you have to say yes to this Woody Allen film,'" she wrote.
Rebecca Hall, who previously worked with Allen on Vicky Cristina Barcelona, announced last week on Instagram that she would donate her Rainy Day salary to Time's Up.
"I regret this decision [to work with Allen] and wouldn't make the same one today," she wrote, directly referencing a recent op ed in the LA Times written by Dylan Farrow. Farrow has long accused Allen, her adoptive father, of sexual abuse — she also wrote an open letter to the New York Times in 2014 laying out the allegations — and called out actors who continue to work with him.
"We are in the midst of a revolution," wrote Farrow. "But the revolution has been selective."
In the LA Times op-ed, Farrow also singled out Kate Winslet, Blake Lively and Greta Gerwig for working with him, as well as journalists who "tend to avoid the subject."
Previously, Blake Lively argued in favour of separating the art from the artist. "It's very dangerous to factor in things you don't know anything about," she said in a 2016 LA Times interview. "My experience with Woody is he's empowering to women."
Winslet, who appeared in Allen's 2017 film Wonder Wheel, had a similar response. "As the actor in the film, you just have to step away and say, I don't know anything, really, and whether any of it is true or false," she told the New York Times.
It's an approach that, on the surface, distances the actor from the actions of the people they choose to work with, and one that has also been used by Justin Timberlake and Selena Gomez who, when asked about working with Allen, chose to not address his personal life. Others go as far as Alec Baldwin, who tweeted today that it was "unfair and sad" to see actors distancing themselves from Allen.  
Woody Allen was investigated forensically by two states (NY and CT) and no charges were filed. The renunciation of him and his work, no doubt, has some purpose. But it’s unfair and sad to me. I worked w WA 3 times and it was one of the privileges of my career.
But Gerwig says her stance has shifted with time, and she firmly believes that, while you can be influenced by someone's early work, you can still choose to hold them accountable as you grow and learn.  
"I can only speak for myself and what I've come to is this: If I had known then what I know now, I would not have acted in the film. I have not worked for him again, and I will not work for him again. Dylan Farrow's two different pieces made me realise that I had increased another woman's pain, and I was heartbroken by that realisation," she recently said in a New York Times op-ed. "I grew up on his movies, and they have informed me as an artist, and I cannot change that fact now, but I can make different decisions moving forward."
While it's been five years since Gerwig appeared in a film by Allen, giving her plenty of time to think about it, his current cast are very much learning to deal with it in real time.
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dailyaudiobible · 3 years
09/22/2021 DAB Transcript
Isaiah 39:1-41:16, Ephesians 1:1-23, Psalm 66:1-20, Proverbs 23:25-28
Today is the 22nd day of September, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible, I’m Brian. It is my joy and honor and privilege to be here in my seat around the Global Campfire and it is so good to be here with you around this Global Campfire that we call home. This little oasis in the thick of the world and the craziness of it all. This one place that we go and take deep breaths and let them go and allow God's word to speak in a safe and serene place. And so, let's dive in, we’re continuing our journey through the book of Isaiah. When we get to the New Testament, we have some new territory to move into; the letter to the Ephesians and we’ll talk about that when we get there, but first Isaiah chapter 39 verse 1 through 41 verse 16.
Introduction to the Book of Ephesians:
Okay, that brings us here to the beginning of the letter to the Ephesians, which is going to take us into some new territory and some new ways of thinking. Ephesians is different than any of the other letters that we've read so far, which leads and has led certain biblical scholars to wonder who wrote this, clearly, its Paul line, clearly, it comes from his theology and from his way of thinking, but some wonder like, is this his style or did this come later, or are there developments that are later? Did Paul actually write this? And that's been up to…for debate for…for a long time. But then other Biblical scholars would be like, look, these letters were being passed around and copied and sent to each other all over the places, there would be nuances. There's no way to nail this down and that's equally fair. And Ephesians, well Ephesus is not a place that Paul wasn't familiar with. So, the people receiving this letter knew Paul and he knew them, which could explain some of the differences in the ways that he speaks. I guess if you're writing a letter to people you don't know to introduce yourself or to a church, maybe that you’ve founded and you know the leadership but it has grown and there are new people involved. That’d be different than if you're writing a personal letter to a group of people that you knew them all. Paul had spent about three years in Ephesus in the community that was established there, that he had established there. Ephesus was an important city in the Roman Empire. It was a port city. So, imports and exports are coming in and out of there as well as people from all over the place, arriving by ship, which would obviously make it a melting pot of different customs and different spiritual ideas. Ephesians is a little different, because Paul's not writing to correct a bunch of stuff and we've seen that in the letters so far where he's correcting things because of others who have come in and taught differently. He's correcting things that he's been asked directly about; he’s correcting things that he's heard are going on. Rather, he's writing to people he knows and he's been arrested at this point. So, he's writing this from prison. That's really compelling, like, once we start reading this, to imagine that this was written from an incarcerated person that was up for capital punishment, like, a life-and-death case is pretty remarkable because Ephesians gives us a glimpse into who we are because of what Jesus has done and where this is all going and it gives us a glimpse of the good news that, if you really just stop and think about some of the things that are being said, it's almost like, how can that, that is to good, that is so good that it makes you think how do I, that's the world I want to live in, like that, yes how do I get there? So, for Paul to be in prison and sending along this encouragement is really compelling to read. And you can imagine, Paul gets arrested as a ringleader of those who are now following Jesus. Those who are now known as Christians. If you're in the Roman Empire near a Gentile, and you’ve heard of Paul and you’ve kind of, you’re in the culture and you kind of know that there's some things stirring around this, you’re not necessarily, I mean like, if he’s in jail and he could be executed. You probably not looking for how you can sign up to be part of this club and if you have found Jesus and now Paul's in jail and could be killed. It's hard to think about how you would navigate the marginalization and how you would navigate what you’re going to do, how you going to manage with the culture turning against you. So, for Paul to write such grand views of the faith. Such hopeful things to contemplate is really beautiful on a lot of levels. So, let's dive in, it's a letter, it's not a superlong letter but let's drink every drop and let it lift our spirits and lift our eyes to the horizon that we might see what's really going on here instead of just trying to cope and survive. And with that we begin Ephesians chapter 1.
Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for this new territory that we are moving into in the letter to the Ephesians. Holy Spirit come, reset our vision, reset our attitude and our convictions as we contemplate what is in this letter over these next few days. Come, Holy Spirit, and lead us into all truth. This is a promise and we need the Spirit of truth to guide our steps, so come, Jesus we pray in your mighty name, we ask. Amen.
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If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you, humbly, humbly, thank you. We would not be here. We would not be here if we were not in this together and we have been in this together for a lot of years now and I’m deeply humbled and deeply, deeply grateful. There is a link at dailyaudiobible.com on the homepage. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.
And as always if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian, I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Prayer and Encouragements:
Hello Daily Audio Bible family, this is Asia from the City of Angels. And I just had to call in and pray for our sister Vicki from Northern California. Vicki, we hear, we hear the fragility in your voice as you tell your DAB family what happened to your son but yet we hear the strength of your faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and in the glory of God, even in your child and you’re suffering. I just want to give it up to you and my heart goes out to you, our arms are lifted to hold you during this time, our sister, and to give you the love of Jesus right now, through your fellow DAB family for what you're going through with the loss of your son. And, I do pray right now also Father God, please protect all of our medical care workers, our caregivers and workers in these environments Lord, in these current COVID times we’re living through. We just pray for them. We pray for their protection. We pray for their courage and we pray for their own health in this season, Father God. And, I just wanted you say thank you to the DAB Family for just your love, just showing everyone the love of Jesus Christ. Thank you.
I just want to praise God. And I want to thank you all for your prayers. Today, is September 18th and I am a little behind on my, on my, on listening to the Daily Audio Bible. I just…just finished listening to September 14 and at the end Cam in California had requested prayer for rain out here in the West. And I just want to tell you, I am driving on Highway 58 through the mountains in Oregon and it is raining. It started raining yesterday. We haven’t had rain for a long time and it has been so smoky and so dry, there’s been so many fires out here. It's just been really, really, really a rough summer. But it is raining and everything is wet. Everything is crisp and the air is clean and I just want to tell you that God is so awesome. And He’s heard your prayers. The prayers that have been prayed since Cam’s request aired on September 14th, four days before it started raining. God has heard your prayers and He has answered. And I just wanted to praise Him and I just want to thank you all for praying for us out here. We are so grateful for this rain, praise You God. You are so awesome, praise You.
Hello, Jermain here, new to the DAB community. And, I’ve been pretty moved by the different prayer requests and praise reports at the end of these talks and I wanted to request some prayer for a good friend of mine, his name is Bill. He has…he has done a lot of work for the Lord and he's brought a lot of, exposed a lot of people to Jesus since I’ve met him. A very strong soldier for the Lord. And, he, in the past couple years, he…he got schizophrenia and his relationship has been very, very rocky with God since then. At times, it appears he's an enemy of God. And I know it's has a lot to do with his mind, but I want to pray, I want to ask that we could, if you would pray for his healing. But in addition to that, pray also for everyone who is…who his around him, and help us to, pray that we would receive divine assistance in loving him the way that he should be loved cause it has been very hard since…since he's changed in this way, it’s like he’s a, almost like a completely different person. But that is my, that is my prayer request and I appreciate the existence of this community and I'm looking forward to getting more involved. Hopefully meeting…meeting some of you. Bye bye.
Hey Daily Audio Bible family. It's James no longer the teacher in LA after 11 years with our fine school district. I actually moved to a school district north of Los Angeles and been there for little over a month now and honestly spent a lot of those first weeks questioning the wisdom of my decision, finding out that benefits weren’t gonna be as good, a lot of things weren’t gonna be as good but you know what, I met another teacher there who was just reminding me that working for the students like this can be ministry and that's the word they used was ministry. And boy if that didn’t re-light a fire that's been inside me for a long time that made my last few months really crushed. So, in the last week, seven days, I’ve had the opportunity to reach out to four students already, but the good news, in one form or another, like one a day. And I went over to thank this teacher for just their kind words and they said this past Friday, they shared the news with three students in a day and this is not normal for either of us so please be lifting up our high school. Also, my therapist is really sick actually worried for his well-being so you can lift up my therapist John too. So, thanks family love you guys and I don't know if I could do this without you guys. Bye.
Dear sister, I hope I get your name right I think it was Vicki from California. That’s the lady whose son passed away on, I believe August 18, he took his own life. As soon as I heard this story that you told I texted my own son and told him I love him and we talked briefly on the phone. He had PTSD for other reasons but never been in the heroic position that your son has been in for such a long time. And we are so grateful to him and to all the medical people who’ve been right there on the front line, struggling in this battle. Lord, would you uphold this dear mom, thank You for her testimony of faith in You Lord. And, thank You for her son, who ministered really to all of us, day-in and day-out as we fight in this battle against the COVID virus. I pray it would go away soon. That we would find even more and new ways to cooperate to get this to just not be part of our lives anymore. Bless this dear mom in Jesus name I pray.
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tjobbank · 7 years
MUST READ: Trump Administration Rolls Back Protections for Transgender Students
The Department of Justice and the Department of Education announced on February 22, 2017 that they were revoking the May 13, 2016 federal guidance given under President Barack Obama to schools regarding bathroom use by transgender children. The revocation of the federal guidance gave authority back to the states to make their own decisions regarding whether or not transgender students can choose a male or female restroom based on the gender they most closely feel they identify with. This new statement was not an executive order by President Trump, but a rescission of President Obama’s directive.
During Obama Administration
During the Obama administration, there had been a heated debate over the issue of which bathroom transgender kids should be allowed to use. Boys who felt more like girls, and perhaps underwent medical procedures or hormone therapy, wanted to be referred to as “she,” “her,” etc. and they wanted to use the girls’ bathroom instead of the boys’ bathroom. Girls who identified more with boys wanted to be referred to as “he,” “his,” etc. and they wanted to use the boys’ facilities.
In response to this upheaval, the May 13, 2016 directive to let children use the bathroom of the gender they most closely identified with came down to the schools through a joint letter from the Departments of Education and Justice. The letter stated that its purpose was to let “transgender students enjoy a supportive and nondiscriminatory school environment.” The Attorney General at the time, Loretta Lynch, said, “This guidance gives administrators, teachers, and parents the tools they need to protect transgender students from peer harassment and to identify and address unjust school policies.”
The LGBT groups viewed the guidance letter as a validation of transgender rights and a rejection of the “bathroom bills” that tell people which bathroom they need to use. Human Rights Campaign President, Chad Griffin, stated, “These groundbreaking guidelines not only underscore the Obama administration’s position that discriminating against transgender students is flat-out against the law, but they provide public school districts with needed and specific guidance guaranteeing that transgender students should be using facilities consistent with their gender identity.”
Opposing the Obama directive to schools were conservatives such as Texas Senator, Ted Cruz, who stated, “America has woken up to yet another example of President Barack Obama doing through executive fiat what he cannot get done through our democratic process. Having spent many years in law enforcement, I’ve handled far too many cases of child molesters, of pedophiles, of people who abused little kids. The threats of predators are serious, and we should not facilitate allowing grown men or boys to be in bathrooms with little girls.”
Vicki Wilson, who was a member of Students and Parents for Privacy stated, “Our daughters should never be forced to share private intimate spaces with male classmates, even if those young men are struggling with these issues. It violates their right to privacy and harms their dignity.” This view was shared by many other people, as thirteen states immediately sued. A Texas federal judge put a hold on the directive, even though it did not have the force of law.
Although this directive under President Obama was not a law, it did come with a penalty of withheld federal funding for any school that did not enforce the transgender agenda. This was considered by opponents to be a case of governmental overreach. Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick stated that the Obama administration was “blackmailing” the schools and was engaging in “social engineering.” Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant directed his state’s education department to simply disregard the federal directive, stating that it was “outrageous.” Some schools installed a third bathroom for use by the transgender children so that the privacy, dignity, and safety of the majority of the students, teachers, and administrators would still be honored and the schools would still receive federal funding.
Fast forward six months to November of 2016 when the people voted in Donald Trump as president. Two months later, on January 31, 2017, the White House issued a statement saying “President Donald J. Trump is determined to protect the rights of all Americans, including the L.G.B.T.Q. community.” Whether that meant keeping the Obama administration’s directive in place or simply upholding laws that were already on the books was unclear. On February 22, 2017, the Departments of Justice and Education revoked the May 13, 2016 federal guidance to schools given under President Barack Obama, giving authority over the matter back to the states. The agencies stated that they revoked the former guidance letter “in order to further and more completely consider the legal issues involved” because that directive had “given rise to significant litigation regarding school restrooms and locker rooms.” The anti-bullying safeguards, however, were to stay in place so as to still protect the transgender children.
Trumps Actions
The LGBT community said that President Trump was breaking his “promise” made to them in January, viewing only President Obama’s federal-level directive as protection for transgender students. If the president had intended to keep President Obama’s federal directive in place, he apparently changed his mind about the issue being handled at the federal level. The White House said, “returning power to the states paves the way for an open and inclusive process to take place at the local level with input from parents, students, teachers, and administrators.”
Some of the media reported that Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and Attorney General Jeff Sessions were at odds with each other while discussing the matter with the president behind closed doors and that Ms. DeVos had been overruled by Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Ms. DeVos had reportedly been on record as saying that she felt it was their “moral obligation” to protect transgender children (at the federal level). However, White House spokesman Sean Spicer stated that Ms. DeVos was on board with revoking the federal directive.
Even though the guidance that was put in place during the Obama administration was only in effect for nine months, the nation will continue to feel the effects of changes that it brought about on top of the effects of changes being made as a result of its revocation.
Because of the Obama administration directive, fifteen states created explicit laws regarding the protection of transgender students, and some school districts adopted policies that protect the transgender students. In more conservative areas, however, states like North Carolina put a law on the books that limits bathroom usage in government buildings to the sex that was listed on the user’s birth certificate. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, other states are in the process of following North Carolina’s lead.
As a result of President Trump’s revocation of the directive to the schools, some of the pending court cases that involve federal sex discrimination law are affected. Additionally, some justices may hand cases relating to the issue to lower courts.
The post Trump Administration Rolls Back Protections for Transgender Students appeared first on TJOBBANK.
from Trump Administration Rolls Back Protections for Transgender Students
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omcik-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on OmCik
New Post has been published on http://omcik.com/paid-parental-leave-may-be-one-of-the-few-ideas-that-transcends-politics/
Paid parental leave may be one of the few ideas that transcends politics
by Steven Findlay, Kaiser Health News   @CNNMoney July 29, 2017: 1:44 PM ET
Tameka Henry takes care of her disabled husband, her 87-year-old grandfather and her four children, ages 10 to 16. Two of her kids have asthma. Her husband has a chronic intestinal condition, diabetes and congestive heart failure. He’s unemployed.
Henry, who makes around $30,000 a year as a case administrator for a behavioral health care provider, saves up sick days and vacation time to use when someone in the family is sick or needs help. Her husband, she said, often needs hours of daily care.
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“I haven’t had a vacation in over 10 years,” said Henry, who lives in Las Vegas. “But I know I’m lucky because my employer understands my situation and does give me some time off.”
The problem is that she can’t afford to take much time off without pay. “Money is way too tight for that,” she said.
What Henry’s employer does not provide, nor does her state or the federal government, is paid family or medical leave. Indeed, the U.S. is the only wealthy industrialized country that does not guarantee paid leave to care for a new or adopted child, an ill family member or to address an individual’s own serious health condition.
Both Republicans and Democrats may be moving to change that.
In its 2018 budget, the Trump administration included a national paid-leave plan for parents after the birth or adoption of a child. It’s a rare call for a new entitlement program from the administration and has not yet been endorsed by GOP leaders on Capitol Hill.
First daughter Ivanka Trump heads up the initiative at the White House. Proposed are six weeks of paid leave for mothers and fathers at an estimated annual cost of $25 billion, funded by restructuring the federal unemployment insurance system.
Related: Does your employer offer these 5 key benefits?
Congressional Democrats, meanwhile, have reintroduced the Family and Medical Insurance Leave, or FAMILY, Act, which they first submitted in 2013. It would permit all workers to take up to 60 individual days of paid leave per year to care for a new child, a sick family member or one’s own illness. Workers would receive up to 66% of their regular wages to a maximum $1,000 per week. The program, initially introduced in 2013, would be funded by a 0.4% payroll tax on workers’ wages, split evenly between employers and employees.
“Why should some people have this benefit and not others based on where they live or the job they have, when it’s clear everyone needs it?,” says Vicki Shabo, vice president of the National Partnership for Women & Families in Washington, D.C., which supports the Democrats’ bill.
Republican lawmakers have countered this year with the Strong Families Act. That bill would give employers offering at least two weeks of paid family or medical leave a 25% tax credit for wages paid to workers taking up to 12 weeks of leave. The credit would be capped at $3,000 per employee per year. The credit would cease entirely two years after enactment.
Related: In Texas, people with erratic incomes risk being cut off from Medicaid
Opponents of such government programs don’t dispute the benefits of paid leave. Instead, they argue, it’s best left as a voluntary choice by businesses, which can tailor their policies to the needs of their workforces.
Ivanka Trump recently acknowledged that argument and said any national plan should encourage private companies to provide paid-leave benefits to employees. In a letter to The Wall Street Journal this month, she said a government-run paid-leave program for new parents was necessary for those “who need it the most and are least likely to receive it from their employer.”
“The reality is that in 63% of American homes with children, all parents work. Providing a guaranteed paid-leave program — with a reasonable time limit and benefit cap — isn’t an entitlement, it’s an investment in America’s working families,” Trump wrote. “We see a national paid-leave benefit as the necessary floor from which private sector companies and state governments can build.”
She said the White House was “working with lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to design a paid-leave policy.”
Rush Back to Work
Shifting trends in the economy and increased support for better work-life balance are driving forces behind the interest in paid leave. Just half of new mothers take paid time away from their jobs to care for a new child, and about one-quarter of mothers are back at work within two weeks of giving birth.
As a result, paid leave now has broad public support. According to a Pew Research Center survey of 2,029 adults released in March, 82% support paid maternity leave, 69% support paid paternity leave, 67% support paid family care leave (for an illness in the family), and 85% support paid leave to deal with one’s own serious health condition.
Related: Big boost for Ivanka’s paid parental leave plan
“This is an idea whose time has absolutely come,” said Aparna Mathur, an economist at the conservative American Enterprise Institute and co-director of a joint project on paid leave with the liberal Brookings Institution. “But, of course, there’s disagreement about how best to do it.”
Proponents view paid leave as a win-win for businesses and workers, and the economy as well. They cite research showing that worker retention and loyalty is improved and that abuse of the benefit is rare in states that have enacted paid leave.
States as Testing Grounds
Five states and the District of Columbia have enacted paid parental and medical leave laws to date. California, Rhode Island and New Jersey have implemented their programs. New York, Washington and the District will implement programs in coming years.
The laws require all but the smallest employers to offer between four and 12 weeks of leave after the birth or adoption of a child or to care for a sick family member. Workers are guaranteed from 50% to 90% of their income, up to a per-week cap that varies by state. In 2017, for example, that cap was $1,173 in California and $633 in New Jersey.
In April 2016, San Francisco became the first U.S. city to mandate that businesses provide paid leave.
Most U.S. firms do not offer any paid parental or medical leave. That’s especially the case for firms with fewer than 100 workers, which employ about a third of the workforce. All told, about 40% of workers have access to some paid leave for the birth of a child, including saved-up sick days. But only an estimated 15% to 18% have access to both paid parental leave and medical leave of some sort.
Related: Trump should make paid parental leave a reality
A 1993 law, the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), gives some workers 12 weeks of unpaid parental or medical leave, with a federal guarantee of job protection. But, with eligibility restrictions, it covers only 60% of the workforce. About half of people eligible for FMLA leave use the benefit, according to the National Partnership for Women & Families.
Katie Rock, 32, of Des Moines, Iowa, had her third child on June 30. She works at a university that offers no paid parental leave. She plans to use almost all of her 2017 paid sick and vacation days for her first month off and then take the full 12 weeks of FMLA, unpaid.
“Of course, it would be much better if that was paid time,” Rock said. “It’s definitely a hit on the finances.”
Kaiser Health News, a nonprofit health newsroom whose stories appear in news outlets nationwide, is an editorially independent part of the Kaiser Family Foundation.
CNNMoney (New York) First published July 29, 2017: 1:44 PM ET
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