#because as much as it loves its crew and its students. they keep breathing inside it
Thinking about the terrible space facts: most of these are terrible due to no/micro-gravity (the bones, the toilet, the bread ban) and a lot of sci-fi avoids all that by handwaving artificial gravity. Fine, acceptable, especially for live-action filming… but the primary one that’s NOT zero-g related is the fact that the walls are damp and moldy. That’s due to the space station being a closed system: when you breathe out, there’s no atmosphere for your breath to evaporate to, so the vapor just condenses on the walls.
prompting the VERY important question
is ART creepy and wet
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falquinold · 3 years
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steve vc: so.... you got played by the writers. you put your trust in them when you probably shouldn’t have. they lured you in with a false sense of security and promises of representation, and then ripped the carpet from below your feet. and the sad thing is... this isn’t the first time. 
hey! stupid opening aside, this is gonna be my explanation of torres’ backstory up to his presence in the falcon and the winter soldier, including the character arc that i believe he would have had if the show had been allowed to keep its original 10 episodes. this is mostly based around my own personal headcanons, so i please ask that you don’t steal or reblog this! 
anyway, putting it under a cut since it’s longer than i thought it’d be!
like in the comics, joaquin immigrated to the united states from mexico with his mother and grandmother when he was 6 years old. they moved to sonoita, arizona, where they soon found a place to live and started to settle into their new life. while the first half of his school years consisted of him working twice as hard as any of his classmates due to the faults in the american public education system, he eventually shot up the class list, earning his spot as valedictorian by the end of his high school career. 
this caught the attention of multiple military recruiters, who came to his school with hopes of swaying as many teens (specifically teens of color) to join the forces as possible. with promises of great pay, free housing and healthcare for himself and his family, and the opportunity to use his intelligence to help ‘change the world for the better,’ the eager 17-year-old didn’t even have to think twice. that very same week that they showed up at his school, joaquin had taken the asvab test and passed with flying colors, soon putting in his application for the air force academy. 
the next 3 years went by in a flash - joaquin moved out of his home and to the academy in colorado, along with 1000 other teenagers who had found themselves in a similar position. he remained at the top 5% of his class, though all of his studies did nothing to prepare him for the day that thanos and his army broke through the atmosphere.
in the 3 years that joaquin had been a student at the academy, the strict schedule of his day had never been broken. however, when the giant spaceship hovered over new york, thousands of students crowded around any available tv to stop and stare. he watched for what seemed like hours, frantically texting his mother to make sure that she and his grandmother were safe back at home in arizona. everyone watched with baited breath, until the students in the mess hall started disappearing. everything went in slow motion after that, with the blaring alarms ringing and the remaining teachers instructing everyone to go back to their dorms. the halls filled with dust and the yells for people that had vanished into thin air. 
calls and texts weren’t going through, and the news stations that everyone had been anchored to soon showed nothing but static. after a day, the school allowed for people to leave, and joaquin took his car and made his way back to arizona as fast as he could. he burst through the doors of his childhood home, to see dust settled on the couch in front of the tv that still blared on. he was alone. 
the few weeks remaining of the school year had been cut short, and in that time joaquin found himself spiraling. at the advice of one of his teachers, he sought out peer counseling, and eventually was able to come to terms with what had happened. at the end of that summer, the true nature of what had happened had finally dawned on the population - the avengers wouldn’t be saving them and their family members. nobody was coming back. the world continued to spin on, and with that, was the air force academy sending for the remaining students to finish out the rest of their time there. joaquin, now a senior and only 21 years old, was left with no choice but to sell his childhood home and pack as many family memories as he could into the trunk of his car, making his way back out to colorado to finish what he had started. 
the school looked like a ghost town, and the air of dread and grief hung around all year. at graduation, there were still the same 1000 seats on the football field. however, half of them remained empty - memorials for the dead scattered amongst the living. 
after graduation, joaquin started his service. he started renting a small one bedroom apartment outside of langley air force base in virginia, where he had been recently stationed. he threw himself into his work, moving up the ranks and proving himself for 4 years, up until the very moment that the dead started coming back to life. he found himself right back at his childhood home, where the new inhabitants had freaked out over the people that had revived themselves in the living room. after realizing what had happened outside, they had allowed them to stay there until joaquin could make his way down to find them. after a series of long hugs and tears shed outside the house that he grew up in, he took them back to his apartment where they tried to make sense of what had happened. 
six months after the dead had returned, joaquin’s family still lived in his small apartment. it was nearly impossible for anybody to find a new home when half of the world’s population needed places to stay. relieved that his survival meant the avoidance of the rapidly-filling grc camps, he and his family were more than happy to make do with what they had. he’d become the sole supporter of the household at 26 years old as his mother struggled to find somewhere to work, and he yet again poured himself into his own job, but he brought a new sense of optimism into the mix. the family that he mourned for years had returned to him. in his eyes, anything was possible. 
he soon found himself working alongside sam wilson, acting as his ‘boots on the ground’ and as his intel provider for his missions alongside the air force. after a successful rescue of one of his supervising officers from batroc and his crew, he found himself starstruck at what the man was able to accomplish completely on his own. the two quickly bonded and joaquin offered his help wherever he could give it, especially after sam seemed to take an interest in the flag smashers, a group that joaquin had been following since the creation of the grc camps. promising that he’d continue to watch the group’s movements online and notify sam if things started to escalate, joaquin found himself in switzerland just a couple days later, figuring that the best way to get information would be to get in the mix himself. that lands him with a broken orbital thanks to a man that has super strength, hinting at the possibility of the flag smashers being much more than meets the eye.
after the reveal of john walker as captain america, the air force immediately puts both him and lemar on the newly formed flag smasher case. due to his discovery of the group, joaquin is recruited onto the team as the only intel officer, helping to locate any and all information on the group and keep walker and hoskins up to date as they go and try to apprehend them. at the same time, sam is running his own mission on the side, as he’s able to use redwing to track the flag smashers to an abandoned warehouse in munich. joaquin drops everything to fly the plane and take them there. he doesn’t know that the ops department put a hidden tracker inside of redwing, but that revelation makes him start to become weary of them when sam tells him. 
after he returns to langley air force base from munich, he’s immediately spoken to by his superiors. he’s no longer under orders to help sam wilson, as that was a one-time mission to save captain vassant, and is told to instead focus his energy on what he was assigned to - assisting walker and hoskins. he’s not punished for his actions, but there’s a threat should he get caught helping someone with air force resources again. he agrees, though has no intentions on stopping his contact with sam. joaquin calls him after that, letting him know what went down and how he had to be more careful if he wanted to keep being able to help with things. he keeps his head down for a while, just doing what’s asked of him while trying to keep an ear out.
eventually, he’s called by sam and asked to find information on donya madani. he finds out that she and karli were registered at the camp in riga, lativa, and that she appeared to hold a loved position within the community. because of the rising threat of the flag smashers, the air force adds two more intel officers onto the case, which keeps joaquin from being able to delay information from getting to walker. he’s only able to buy sam and bucky a couple hours, before walker and hoskins meet them in latvia and the rest of episode 4′s events unfold. 
joaquin sees the video of the murder in the plaza along with the rest of the world, and immediately watches as the base turns to chaos with the higher ups seeking to take control of the situation. his scene with sam remains the same, and he excitedly picks up the bag with the wings and keeps it in the trunk of his car. he then goes back to dc (?), where walker’s punishments are set to be read to him. as a part of the team, he’s told to stand at the back of the room and bear witness, and he hears the accusations that he spews to the government officials. he doesn’t expect them to make sense, taking the seeds of doubt that had planted themselves after being told to work against sam and sprouting them into a genuine distaste for the air force. 
before he can leave, he’s stopped by the major from the vassant mission, a man that he’s known since his first days out of the academy. he reminds joaquin about the upcoming run of promotions, and how he’s been a first lieutenant long enough to apply for captain if he wanted to. with the reputation that he got after being the one to discover and report about the flag smashers, the major tells him that he was almost guaranteed to make the promotion if he applied for it. with walker’s voice still echoing in his head, and the wings now passed down to him, he hesitates and plays it off as being humble, telling the man that he’ll think about it. 
during the time that passes during the montage, joaquin spends his time trying to locate the flag smashers while fixing his wings in secret back at his apartment, until he finally realizes that their next target is new york. since the wings aren’t finished by that time, he offers to help as himself, pushing the fact that he told sam he was his boots on the ground, and he meant it. meeting them in new york, joaquin worked to evacuate people from the buildings, and was the person to hack into the flag smasher app to apprehend them. he’s also there with the big circle of people as sam has his speech to the government official, a giant smile on his face. it’s in that moment that he makes his decision regarding his promotion - sam was able to help countless more people in just a week (?) than joaquin had in the four years after his graduation from the air force academy. he doesn’t put in an application for promotion, and makes a mental note to leave the air force in the next couple months, once his 5 years of contractual post-grad service are completed. 
a few days later, joaquin video calls sam to show him the fixed wings, extremely proud of himself. sam then starts training him to take over the falcon mantle, and joaquin starts getting accustomed to the superhero world that he’s found himself in and everything that it entails. 
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decayandfanfics · 3 years
The great book of sayings
PAIRINGS: Tomura Shigaraki x FemReader
SUMMARY: He looks at you, his scarlet eyes fixed on yours, burning a hole through your head, every bit the predator he is, but you are as tough as it gets, so, against your better judgment and any well-founded logic, you answer his silent threat, the animalistic look he gives you with nothing less than a fearless smirk, irises burrowing into his pupils.A clever girl. He thinks, finally labeling you inside his head, cursing himself in the very moment he allows his brain to think of you as more than an asset. He is sure (he knows himself enough to know) he’ll think of this moment many times from now on.A clever pretty girl.
Reader is a typical college student until she gets herself tangled with the league of villains.
WARNINGS: Unhealthy/complicated relationships, violence, Tomura being Tomura, mentions of murder, heroes’ abuse of power, smut.
A/N: I’m trying so hard to write crusty boy here really in character. At least after AfO is taken. Any misspelled words, english is not my native language so i’m trying Helen.
As always, let me know what you think!
Chapter 11 / Chapter 12
Out of sight, out of mind (interlude)
They disappear one night the same way they appeared.
Without a word.
It feels like waking up after a long dream. The way the sunrays enter your little kitchen, splashing your space in golden light looks almost ethereal, no longer their figures staining your white walls, standing out of place in the middle of your living room.
It feels a lot like the mornings after some heavy rainstorm.
It’s over. You think, breathing heavy and tired.
The apartment is quiet and cold, foreign to you. It reminds you a little they way you feel in hospitals. Places without personality, places without any personal touch. Even when everything is in place; the blankets are neatly folded in the closet and your toothbrush is the only one in the bathroom (Toga surely took her time tiding everything up) but you cannot feel at ease in it.
Maybe you are no longer the same person that use to live alone in this place, because it doesn’t feel like you belong inside the four walls that began to close too tight around you now, and even when you know you should run to the next police station and ask for help and protection because you’ve been hostage in your own home for weeks, you can’t get yourself to do it. It feels like a betrayal, somehow. Even when they held you captive, even when they’ve threat you and berated you. Even when there is no guarantee they would not be back to end the job after what you did to Dabi, after what happen with Shigaraki.
He looked like he wanted to hurt you last time.
Sorrow soft and silent start to rise, your heart breaking slowly with realization, smothering you, drowning you gently as you stand alone in the middle of your home, because they will never be back.
He will never be back.
It’s fine…I’m…safe. I’m safe.
You feel the jarring stab of grief, your heart cracking open under the pressure and the loneliness you’ve been trying to keep under control all this time, so you let out a shaking sob, finally admitting to yourself the ugly truth.
This is more than a little crush.
More like falling in love.
And your sweetheart has red eyes like jewels and a starved need for ruin.
So, you curl in a corner of your couch, hugging a pillow that smells way too much like soap and leather, finally allowing yourself to cry because this is painful, the kind of infatuation that can get you killed, that can destroy your life and ruin you. Him never coming back is a gift made of grief and poison, but you’ll take it because you know this is what you get in exchange of an attachment like this for a man who does nothing but harbor resentment inside the dark pit that is his chest.
You cry your eyes out, you cry desperate and lonely, holding tight to the pillow that still smells like him, no longer trying to suppress the nasty wound his gaze carved into your heart the moment his eyes met yours.
You cry because you think he hates you, because he didn’t just decide to go. Shigaraki choose to run away from this just to spite you and your infatuation because he wanted to stab you back. Because that’s the kind of man he is, that’s the kind of man that you allowed to hold grip onto your heart.
So, you stay curled in the corner of your little couch, sobbing and weeping over the painful mess you’ve made, wishing for the kiss you didn’t get the chance to steal and swearing that if you ever see him again, you’ll squeeze that devious grin out of his sharp face with your bare hands because if he wanted to hurt you by leaving without a word, then he should be fucking proud.
He wasn’t joking when he asked her if she could handle rough.
“Oh my god” she sobs, inked tears staining her cheeks.
She looks like a mess, but he prefers it that way. He favors that she’s different, a complete opposite with her heavy makeup and revealing clothes, her smudged lipstick painting her chin and her breasts bouncing heavy, scaping her torn little dress. A perfect depiction of ruined and lewd. 
She gags when he squeezes her neck hard, his index fingers curled as he yanks her body against the brick wall, too angry to care for his companion. No. He just wants to thrust into her as fast and rough as he can so he can get off the soon.
“Oh my-” she pants trying to hold herself against the wall, but he pulls her neck to him, pressing her back to his chest and then he yanks forward and bites her hard in the shoulder, his teeth leaving a purple mark on her skin.
“Shut up.” He grunts maddened when she sobs and squirms against his body, her smell entering his nostrils, making him gag instantly because he cannot stand the cheap perfume mixed with cigarettes, sweat and sex.
He cannot stand the smell of her hair, nor the shape of her body, or the height difference.
He cannot stand her lewd screaming.
So, he covers her mouth with his hand and shut his eyes tightly closed before resuming his brutal animalistic pacing, trying not to think in the salty flavor of her skin in his mouth. He just needs his release; it’s been a while since he gave himself to this kind of pleasure and for all things he’s ever done, he never fucked this angry before.
Tomura thinks he’s not particularly sexual on a daily basis. He doesn’t go walking around thinking about the next time he gets laid, not when he’s never been that interested in girls anyway, because he just…doesn’t like things nor people. So, his approach on sex is more like a task to be filled if anything else (like eating), rarely relying on another body since he doesn’t want to be touched at all. Now, of course he’s done it now and then, sometimes paying for it, sometimes a nightstand after some vodka in a seedy bar, but always quick to dispatch the person involved.
For Tomura, sex is about him wanting something and obtaining it the easiest way possible to just keep on with his life.
Or at least that’s how it was, but some reason he’s been feeling incredibly starved for it lately, and after being in a heck of a terrible mood and some heated lash out at his crew out of nowhere, he decided to pick his anger and put it somewhere else before killing one of his comrades.
Now, the woman is drooling all over his hand with all the choking, making him feel nauseous so he lets go of her and just digs his fingers on her hip keeping his index up, his long nails clawing at her skin, making her whine, squeezing him tight in reflex.
She tries to catch his wrist to move one of his hands to her breast, but he yanks away to pull her hair, growling a curse against her ear, swallowing hard.
This feels so wrong.
It’s not the right cup size.
It’s not the right smell.
It’s not the right height.
It’s not the right woman.
The mechanic friction is finally working its wonders because Tomura feels his low abdomen tighten before finally getting off.
No, he doesn’t see stars, nor grunts in feverish pleasure. He doesn’t taste her neck nor smiles when he cums. As soon as he releases, he shoves the woman as far away from him, removing the condom with disgust and decaying it (the thought of feeling her bare wet cunt against his naked skin revolving his guts).
He adjusts his clothes before throwing the woman some cash and just walks away, concluding that this was the most unsatisfying fuck in world’s history.
Tomura looks at his hands, feeling the sticky sensation of her saliva and her sweat, troubled because his face it’s super itchy but he feels so disgustingly dirty, that he doesn’t even need to smell them to know that her musky tacky perfume now lingers on his palms.
Maybe if I rub my hands, I can decay it away. He thinks, trying his hypothesis to no avail. ‘kay, that was pointless.
He manages to rub the fabric of his sleeve against his brow until the skin begins to show red dots of blood as he thinks seriously that he could kill for a hot shower, even when he’s not the cleanest guy around (he showers when he can. If he can’t do it, then he just doesn’t think about it), but he can’t stand the way the prostitute’s scent remains on him like a sin, and the thought is so ridiculous, because he’s done plenty of horrible disturbing shit in his life to now feel all guilty and nasty for a “less-than-mediocre” fuck.
So, he walks away, utterly unsatisfied. His anger dragging behind him, leaving a bloodied mess of chaos and longing for something far brighter than a rough fuck behind some lost alley, because he wants more than that. He wants the name, the body and the holy spirit that inhabits the girl with dangerous gaze and healer hands. He wants her violence, her anger and wild bravado, all for him to feaster and be consumed by it.
A violent delight that he can’t afford, not when he’s busy surviving until he finds the doctor or his master’s weapon, so he repeats himself that his infatuation, this sickness will disappear eventually, he just needs to get his priorities straight and focus.
He’ll do it, time will get everything in place again.
Cold creeps into him, the city lights filling the streets between car noises and people returning their homes. All of them busy minding their own lives, completely unaware of the hooded serial killer walking by, quietly sneaking into the fire escape of some old building.  
Internal medicine is one of those courses that drains every bit of life out of you. Arguably the hardest in a career full of hards, you now live under the constant threat of failure because this shit is a monster, and you know the statistics too well to not being aware that this course has the highest rate of reps in all the damn faculty.
So, you enter your uni mode; sugar-rush based diet and coffee like the world is ending to keep your brain functioning like is a nuclear reactor, sleeping four hours at nights and barely dreaming. Of course, it’s not just that class, is that you have three more besides that one, all of them of high difficulty for you to rejoice in your misery, so yeah. You live like a zombie.
I’m going to be rich; I’m going to be rich; I’m going to be rich… You repeat to yourself every morning after showering, watching your body in front of the mirror, admiring the sharp angles and purple eyebags that already began to claim your face.
Oh, and the hair loss due to stress is just the cherry on top of the cake, really.
Yes, your brain is at the brim of collapse right now, but classes start again, and your friends are there to suffer with you and it makes you feel accompanied and secure. Is just another semester of tears, panic, pizza and everything that implies to be a twenty something student, so you are thankful nonetheless, because you don’t have the time to think about the other thing…
You don’t think about it.
You don’t really think about it.
You don’t even think about it.
And you don’t say the name either, you refuse because you’ll do anything to forget about him, anything to erase the memory of his dark figure like a shadow against your white kitchen, too clever and insolent for your own good.
But it’s okay, you don’t think of him, or his slender fingers taking the bishop to strike down your king, and the way his dry lips curve upward before some smartass remark. You don’t think of his lean body towering over you, touching yours in so many places but none at the same time.
No, you don’t think of him while awake, but sometimes he visits your dreams to terrify you with his cadaveric hands and his face hidden by his hair. Ready to strike you down, a hand extended in motion to decay you into oblivion.
Sometimes he hovers over you, kissing your neck while ravaging you, incredibly close and raw and intimate, his mouth snarling dirty words you’ll never dare to say out loud. Dreams where his warm chest press against your naked body and your lips sings lewd lullabies just for him, welcome him to feaster on your skin with your face nuzzling against his scarred cheek, covering your face with his silver hair.
Sometimes he just sits in your kitchen as the sunlight reflects over his milky locks. His hand holding his cheek over the table in serene expression, calling your name to play again as the black king spins between his delicate fingers.
Tomura has a meeting with this new allied Twice found, like three days from now.
He’s not particularly excited about it, surely, it’s just another capo wannabe with grandeur delusions, but it could be worth it. Maybe he could get some money out of it since the league is completely broken after his sensei’s incarceration. They are in desperate need of a hideout, now more than ever since Kurogiri vanished and he’s sure the heroes must have captured him. (Thinking about this is pointless anyway because he doesn’t have the means to get him back)
Minding his own business, he walks with his hoodie on, passing between civilians like he’s one of them, completely invisible when he sees her.
It catches him by surprise. His heart stopping dead on its tracks, wide eyes and tight lips, uncertainty filling him all of the sudden, but he’s accustomed to make hiding spots out of nowhere, so he gets behind some store sign where he can watch her safely.
She stands outside a coffee shop, animatedly talking with some guy who wears the same clinic uniform that she has on. A school mate maybe? She’s an intern in a hospital so, they are probably on shift. Another doctor like her.
She looks tired and paler, but beautiful, nonetheless. The way her lips move give away she’s talking about something clinic, because her face has that firm expression she always does when she’s being professional.
She already looks like a doctor and God knows he’d gladly be sick every day of his life if she’s the one to treat him.
His feelings betray him. He was sure after a month she would be completely out of his system by now, this stupid illness already cured, but shit just doesn’t go away.  It pisses him off to no end because she’s not worth the aggravation. C’mon, she’s just another boring normal civilian, she doesn’t do anything important or interesting. She’s not remarkable in any way that serves him, because not even her quirk is truly useful. Not when it threatens to kill her every time she uses it.
And looking her objectively, she’s not even that pretty, but somehow, he’s torn between his desire to make her see him and get as far away from her he can.
Searing jealousy pierces him, hate raw and jarring dripping from between his ribs when the man leans over and whisper something that makes her laugh and for a moment, he seriously thinks he’s going to kill him right there, no quirk needed because he would just love to gut him out in plain view for her to see what he thinks of her stupid friend.
He hates the man, but he hates her more because she dares to laugh, she dares to enjoy life and people meanwhile he crawls hungry and cold between ruined places.
Like sensing his glare, she suddenly turns her head with her eyes directed to the spot where he hides, her expression changing from joyful to confused in seconds, making him laugh because even when he’s sure she cannot see him, she knows he’s there and it feels like she’s tied to him somehow.
Her face gives away disappoint when she fails to catch him and the thought of her grieving after he left delights him, but he’s sworn to let her behind, so he rejoices for a moment in this little victory of his pettiness over her charms, before turning away from her, fully believing that this is the last time he thinks of her.
Chapter 13
Hey lovely readers! since English is not my native language and writing Shigaraki is kinda hard because he changes and grows, and because he usually says many things about himself, but then he goes and do completely different things (like when he says he hates everything, but CLEARLY he’s fond of twice and stuff like that) so much in manga, it would be lovely to know what you think of this! I think it’s the only way to be better at something really, So, any questions, comments and concerns, please feel free to comment!
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katierosefun · 3 years
well, here we are! june basically flew by and it was a little rough, but we’re back with some long recs on cool things i’ve read/listened to/watched, and i’m about to force everyone to sit down and listen to my sleepover-esque ted talk in which i give unwarranted and unasked for rec lists. so here we go!
while you were sleeping
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okay, so i tried to watch this kdrama when it came out in like...2017, i think? but for some reason, i wasn’t able to get past the first episode. i don’t really know why? because it’s so beautifully shot, and i super love the premise, which is basically this girl and this guy are somehow able to see things that are going to happen in the future...but only in their dreams. this whole kdrama really handled the plot super well--each episode honestly felt like a movie in itself, and the filming was just stunning, and i think this has to be one of the most visual kdramas i’ve ever seen. each character is also super interesting and complex on their own, and i really loved seeing such a strong cast of characters interact with each other in this world. 
i think the only slight downside of this kdrama was that i couldn’t really get invested in the romance? i’m not quite sure why--i found both lead actors’ performances wonderful, and don’t get me wrong, i did think they were cute together as the drama went on, but i still couldn’t find myself buying into the romance until maybe relatively late in the drama (like...ep 11 or so? ep 16 was honestly when i realized that awww, wait, they’re actually super cute). but then again, i feel like the writers weren’t really prioritizing the romance either--i think they really wanted us to think about the beauty of dreams and redemption and how everyone can touch another person’s life in some significant way, so i can’t really be mad about it!
but anyways, overall i really enjoyed this kdrama and watched it all a lot faster than i thought i would! SOLID music, beautiful cinematography, good acting, mostly good writing, and some really memorable characters! def. a must-watch if you love suspense, aesthetics, and some wonderful characters.
the ghost detective
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i’m someone who doesn’t like horror or scary things at all, but i was so intrigued by the plot and whatever material i saw on tumblr, and...of course, choi daniel, lee joo young, lee ji ah, and park eun bin. honestly, this is just a really wonderful and really underrated cast, and they really all brought out their a-game for this 32-episode supernatural / thriller / horror drama. basically, this kdrama follows the story of a young woman who’s trying to figure out who murdered her younger sister...and of course, there’s something supernatural going on. 
honestly, this kdrama was such a ride. i loved the crime-solving aspect of it, and i was really in love with the interactions between all the characters, esp. that of eun bin and daniel’s characters. (guys...they’re so ride and die for each other. there’s also so much yearning. so much yearning in this kdrama, it just about killed me--) 
the villain was absolutely, appropriately, elegantly creepy, and like...scary beyond belief. basically, the villain (lee ji ah’s character) feeds her victims these harmful thoughts and ultimately get them to kill themselves. it’s sad and haunting, especially when you see that the victims tell their victims “don’t listen to the bad things. try only to listen to the good things”. and...yeah. themes of how to handle all of these bad feelings inside of you really came through in this kdrama, and there were a lot of themes of suicide and the kind of rage and sadness that comes with that. (also! if you’re a fan of lots of angsty/whumpy situations....this kdrama definitely does not hold back with all of your fave whump/angst tropes! literally! every! episode! i! had! to! lie! down! because! too! powerful!)
school 2013 
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(aww, look at this precious cast…as though they didn’t all make me ugly cry at least five times—)
yeah, yeah, yeah, i’ve talked about this kdrama ad nauseum, and i know i watched it last month, but as i was studying for the lsat, i really, really, really needed some comfort. most notably comfort re: studying life, academics, how difficult it is to study but also be uncertain of your dreams…and if you are certain of your dreams, how that sometimes requires studying but that just makes life all the more overwhelming…can you tell i’ve been thinking about this a lot
i’m not going to ramble more about this kdrama considering i already have done so multiple times, but i enjoyed this rewatch and honestly,,,my love for this show has just grown even more. there’s a good reason why people consider this a comfort kdrama, because. i consider myself deeply comforted. also, i’ve been listening to the ost for the whole month. it’s become a problem. but sometimes. sometimes you need to listen to songs that feel like someone’s patting you on the head and telling you don’t give up, set down your burdens, don’t think you’re alone and dream whatever you want to dream, go wherever you want to go. i’ll stop talking now, but god. when i say that i think everyone who has ever felt incredibly tired by work or school and just wished for someone to give them a big hug either then or now...god. this is just one of those kdramas that i think honestly touched so many people’s lives, and i’m very grateful for the cast and crew and writers for ever bringing this story to life. :’) (god, okay, now i’ll stop talking before i make myself cry i’m fine this is fine)
your honor
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so, i watched this kdrama thinking that it would be light and funny given that yoon shi yoon is the main male lead, but boy was i wrong--don’t be fooled by these happy little faces, this kdrama is heavy. this kdrama is about a young man (with a criminal record) who winds up impersonating his twin brother, who happens to be a judge. we also have a trainee who, after seeing the legal system fail her older sister, is on the rise to dispense justice through the courts the best she can.
honestly, the first few episodes were rough, mostly because of the content. big trigger warning for rape, violence, and sexual harassment at work. this kdrama really didn’t hold back when it came to addressing how the very people who use the law can also be the very same people who manipulate and abuse it. because of that, i found this kdrama incredibly powerful. that said, it certainly had its lighthearted moments too. 
overall though, i liked this kdrama. the main characters were incredibly complex and genuinely the type to make me believe that for all the injustices in the world, there are still and always will be people fighting for the right thing. as someone who wants to enter the legal field, this kdrama was just uplifting. i was so blown away by the absolute rawness of the main two leads, esp. yoon shi yoon, who i’ve only ever seen in super lighthearted kdramas. so this was a really interesting change of pace, and i genuinely enjoyed watching this!
waiting for love
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so this kdrama is just two episodes, and what’s better is that it’s available on youtube! it’s about two college students--a young woman who’s been hurt by falling in love with jerks now just wants to date, not really fall in love...and a young man who’s excellent at giving dating advice except he’s afraid that he’s never going to actually fall in love, so he just dates a girl for the sake of dating.
now, i kinda thought that this show was going to be kinda lighthearted, a little shallow--but it was weirdly...comforting? idk, i found myself liking it a lot more than i thought it would be. this is far from the perfect kdrama, and i kinda wished that we got more than 2 episodes because i think some of the plot points could have been better expanded, but...there were genuinely a lot of scenes that made me think a bit more about what it actually means to be in a loving relationship--like how it’s not enough to just put on a happy smile and eat meals together, but like...you know. there has to be trust and actual liking and also, yeah, maybe a bit of frustration in order to actually know whether a relationship is real or not. and given that the characters were all discussing the pressure on getting married and romance esp. when you’re in your twenties...idk. makes you think about are you dating someone for the sake of appearances? or do you genuinely...like them?
there was also quite a few tropes that i personally adore in this kdrama, which helped balance out the stuff i found more tiring. there was a lot of the “right person, wrong time” stuff going on (you really want the two main leads to get together after a certain point, and you just keep holding your breath whenever they walk past each other and beg please please please let it be this time...), and also that good old “two strangers fall in love with each other purely over writing to each other” (god. first the half of it, then me & au, then greenhouse podcast...something about this trope huh). that said, there were def. some parts that made me “:////” because some of the characters were kind of frustrating, but i’m gonna chalk that up to good writing since i think i was mostly mad about how i knew people like some of the characters lol. overall, i think this might be at least semi-enjoyable--it’s probably not something i’ll watch again, but it def. made me mull over what it means to actually be in a loving relationship, esp. if you’re in your twenties and everyone around you seems to be in happy romantic relationships/getting engaged and whatnot. 
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i’m a firm believer that there are some movies that are meant to cheer you up, some movies meant to make you cry, and then there’s some movies that are just meant to...sit with you. and this movie is definitely one of them. this story follows casey, a high school graduate, and jin, the son of a famous architect. the two of them are both so incredibly exhausted with their lives (casey with her constant worry about her mother, who’s a recovering drug addict; jin with his surface-level lack of concern for his comatose father). in their small town of columbus, indiana, the two of them bond over architecture and just. being quietly there for each other.
this movie’s been compared a few times to lost in translation in the sense that there’s this not quite romance between the two leads, who have a bit of an age gap (john cho and haley lu richardson have about 20 between them!). to be honest, i didn’t really get the sense that there was supposed to be a romance. if anything, it just felt like...two really lonely people finding each other. definitely not a simple friendship--definitely not a familial kind of relationship, definitely intimate. 
idk. i think this movie might not be for everyone--i definitely agree with a lot of past reviewers that this movie is on the slower side. there’s some stuff here about complicated relationships with parents, a lot of cool architecture, really beautiful shots...and overall, it’s just...quiet. it’s lovely, and i can’t really stop thinking about it. it’s subtle, bittersweet, and oddly compelling. might not be the kind of thing you’d want to watch in the middle of the day, but if you’re a little sad and in the mood for something not to necessarily lift your spirits but...at least acknowledge them and sit with you, then...this is the movie to watch. idk. i felt kind of crummy the day i watched this movie, and i felt as though someone just sat next to me on a park bench until the sun went down. (mayhaps specific but hush, i’m writing this right after finishing this movie, so i’m...feeling a certain way.)
wish dragon 
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i watched this movie right after watching columbus because a) decided i was in the mood for something lighter, and b) i learned that john cho?? voiced?? the dragon?? (caroline your crush on john cho’s jumping out this month...) 
but anyways! i loved this movie a lot. it was so satisfying? like, just narratively speaking? and the animation was wonderful and also weirdly smooth and satisfying, and there were a lot of funny and touching moments. this movie’s about this young man named din who stumbles upon a magical teapot that holds the wish dragon long--long has to grant din three wishes, and yes, i know, very aladdin, but that said, this movie has so many original twists that it feels weird to call it an aladdin retelling. it really did feel like a movie completely on its own, which i applaud the writer and director for! 
i don’t want to spoil too much of this movie, but something i really enjoyed was that din’s main wish is just to see his old childhood friend again. idk, i think we all have that one friend from when we were really little that we miss--and this movie really dug into that, as well as themes about parents wanting to do the best they can to provide for their kids, and!!! and long the dragon gets his own storyline and amazing character development too!!! i was honestly just amazed at how this movie fleshed out the characters so well and had so many wonderful themes that just made me tear up. guys. this movie’s great. highly recommend for its wonderful characters and the power of friendship. just a grand old time in general. :’))
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yeah...yeah, i wasn’t kidding about my crush on john cho this month. yes, i watched three of his movies within 24 hours. this movie is about david kim who’s looking for his missing 16 year old daughter, margot. this film is honestly noteworthy for many reasons, one of them being that the entire movie is told through like...a laptop screen, as in we kind of follow david’s frantic search through facetime, facebook, tumblr...which i honestly didn’t think i’d be into, but whoo boy, i was wrong. it just added to the whole addictive quality of this movie, as it usually does when it comes to anything from the thriller genre. 
but besides this just being a straight up addictive thriller with absolutely mouth-dropping twists (but like...good twists, and smart twists, good god--), this movie was just...touching? there’s so many themes related to what grief does to a family (because we learn within the first 10 minutes that the mom died due to cancer), and there’s just...something really fragile about relationships between surviving family members. i was absolutely blown away by john cho’s performance as a tentative and grieving widower whose world just absolutely falls apart in his search for his daughter. this movie was just so...real because of that. like, yes, this movie has all of the suspense that you would expect this kind of movie to have, but there was also just...so many beautiful themes about grief and how far parents would go for their kids and godddd yeah no i started sobbing when the movie ended. god. 
also, my bias towards john cho aside, i...really loved his character. david kim is absolutely believable, and like? he’s not just the guy putting the pieces together--he’s also the guy who misses his wife and also the guy who wishes that he was there for his daughter. he’s also the guy who pauses and re-writes all his text messages because he’s trying to be a good dad. i feel like with a lot of these suspense / missing person movies, it’s really easy to have characters who are just the stoic alpha male types--and david kim definitely had his badass moments in this movie, but like...something i just loved was seeing the vulnerability that comes with...having a missing child. being a parent. god. this movie messed me up but in a good way. i can honestly say that this movie is now probably going to be one of my fave movies of all time. highly recommend, am literally obsessed with it.
the seven husbands of evelyn hugo by taylor jenkins reid
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ohohoho………where to begin with this book. this was one of those books where i was like “huh i kinda don’t understand why people are so obsessed with this book”, but then i hit like...page 20 or 30 and was like “oh god i Literally Cannot Put This Book Down Oh No” and wound up finishing it in like three days (mind you, i only read at like...midnight these days. i don’t understand why either). 
i finished this book at like 2 am and promptly burst into tears because this was just one of those books. it follows the story of evelyn hugo, a famous hollywood actress from the 60s or so and onwards. known for her intense beauty and her seven husbands, she’s now giving an exclusive interview to the young reporter monique grant, where she’s about to tell all about her life. this book had me dropping my mouth multiple times, and i think tjr can spin one hell of a story, with so many good twists and turns and intensely memorable characters. by the end of the book, i was actually mad that evelyn hugo wasn’t a real person, because i, too, fell a little in love with her and thought, i want to actually watch her movies. i want to learn even more about this remarkable woman. 
but alas! she’s not real, so i don’t get to see her accept an oscar or look up all the tabloids about her and her seven husbands or her speculated (and very, very, very real) relationship with celia st. john. basically...i just loved this book. the last line made me smile and laugh and cry a little bit (actually...cry a lot), and y’know...i’ll admit it’s not totally perfect, but i’m glad this book exists, and i’m glad that even though tjr isn’t bi herself, was very adamant in this book about bisexuality being real. just. like. god. once again. mad that evelyn hugo isn’t real. it’s fine, she’s real in my heart.
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bard-of-worlds · 4 years
Ladybug AU/ The Law is The Law CH1
Adrien scowled as he reached the location of the photoshoot, the way the battle with Mayura and Hawkmoth, what had been done to Sentibug was still causing him some problems, he didn’t know if after everything that had happened today he didn’t know how he would be able to handle the shoot.  When he saw Lila sitting on a chair and having her makeup done he stopped and grabbed Vincent as he walked by.  Vincent turned to Adrien and paled as he saw the look in Adrien’s eyes.
 “Vincent, hey……quick question, why in the name of everything good and pure is Lila here?” Adrien asked flatly as Vincent swallowed.
 “I don’t know Adrien, all I know was that I was told there would be a new model at the shoot, nothing about who or why only that Nathalie would introduce her…..Love to talk kid but I have to go and get my camera ready, sooooo.   Bye.”  Vincient said as he dashed off, throwing a look at Adrien as he walked away.  You know, I wondered how he was Gabe’s kid but that there, it’s gone now.  He thought as he looked around and saw the looks on the other crew’s faces and hoped Adrien wouldn’t explode.
 Adrien looked at Lila and scowled, not needing this now.  I don’t know what Father’s thinking, anyone in class could have been a better pick, Sabrina, Juleka or Chloe if he wanted someone my age to model with that’s not in the bussniess.  But maybe I can use this, if I can talk to her she might clean up what she did to Marinette, and if not then I might get the pressure to make her do it.  Adrien thought as he reached for his phone and moved it to his pocket, praying that he wouldn’t have to use this.
 “I don’t know how but you will fix this Lila.  How could you get Marinette expelled?!” Adrien demanded as he discreetly pointing his phone’s camera at her, part of him hoping this wouldn’t be necessary.
 “Why should I do that? I tried to get her play ball and she wouldn’t, I warned her and we both made our choices, I made mine and here we are.” Lila said as she looked at Adrien as he stared at her.   “I told her I would ruin her and I did, I said I would get you and here I am.”
 “So just so we’re clear, you lied, you threatened Marinette and got her expelled because she called you out on your lies?  How did you even do it anyway?” Adrien asked as he fought to keep his temper down    ‘Get me’, so I was right about her.  Just another person who objectified me or sees what they want to think. Adrien thought as he looked at her.  
  “It was so easy, all I had to do was go to the bathroom after the test, pull the alarm and get the answer sheet that was left on that idiot teacher’s desk and put it in Marinette’s bag. They never even noticed it but it was after the last class and well.” Lila said with a giggle as Adrien fumed and glared at her.
 “And you would do it again, wouldn’t you?”  Adrien asked as he kept his face plain, but inside he was shocked that this was so essay to get what he needed from her.
“I would even without the bonus your father gave me.”  Lila said as Adrien looked at her in confusion.  
 “Bonus, my father? What does he have to do with this?!” Adrien demanded as he looked at Lila, on the inside he wasn’t scared but angry, and he felt the last vestige of his control was starting to burn away.
 “Don’t act so surprised, he had to have talked to you about it and told you to act the way you did before the Akuma attacked everyone, the Gabriel brand over all, and its spokesperson speaking up for someone accused of a crime would be a perfect publicity stunt.” Lila said she looked at him.  
 Adrien stared at Lila as his vision went red as she sat there grinning back at him as he went over what she had said before whipping his head around and he saw Nathalie in the limo looking towards the shoot, his eyes widening as he realize that for once Lila was telling the truth, turning off his phone he turned to look at the river and tried to calm down. I can’t believe this!  I knew something was wrong when I learned that Lila was going to model with me but I can’t believe……Wait….if she’s here because of that then this means! Adrien thought as his thoughts crystalized
 “You did that for this!? You were completely willing to ruin her life for this?!” Adrien exploded as he shot up from his chair looking at her.  As the crew looked on Adrien grabbed her, pulled her behind him despite what she was saying and with surprising strength threw her into the river! Nathalie got out of the car and rushed over towards the water as the crew stared in total shock before they moved to help Lila out.
 “Adiren what were you thinking!  Your father will not be happy about this at all.  I don’t even know what….!” Nathalie would have kept talking but Adiren turned around and looked at her with such a look of rage, anger and disgust in his eyes that she stopped talking.
 “I don’t care.” Adrien said flatly as Nathalie tried to recover.. “Nathalie, tell my father that for the first time ever I’m glad that mom is gone.  This way I have memories of a beautiful person instead of someone who could love the monster that he’s become!” Adrien said as he looked at her and gripped his phone.  “An Agreste is held to high standards; well this has shown me that mine are very different from his and no amount of effort will ever be good enough for him!”
 As Nathalie looked at him, really looked at him for the first time ever she could comprehend what she was seeing.   Adrien had always been an accommodating to Gabriel’s wishes that she never thought that he would ever act this way.  Adrien turned, manipulating his phone as he did so and walked away, not even paying her any piece of mind.  Nathalie looked around and saw the photo crew trying to get Lila out of the river and stormed over to them, pulling them back and staring down at her. ”What did you say?”
 “What?” Lila asked as she tried to climb out of the river.
 “What did you say Lila!?” Nathalie demanded as Lila looked up at her.  “Adrien has never, ever acted even remotely like that or said anything about his father, so WHAT. DID. YOU. SAY?”
 “I told him about the job that got me here.  Why the hell he’d react that way, Gabriel told me to do it!” Lila said as Nathalie looked down at her and paled.
  “Louis, hey.  Sorry to call out of the blue but can we talk?” Adrien said into his phone as walked off, ignoring the camera crew as they stared at him, he just kept walking.  
 “Yeah Adrien, what’s up?” Louis’s voice came through the phone as Adrien could hear the squeak of his chair as he leaned back in it.  “Need some wisdom from somebody who’s been around the block a few times?”
 “No, not wisdom do it, that thing we talked about.  He’s finally crossed my final line, I don’t have a choice anymore.”  Adrien said as he looked behind him, not seeing the Gorilla anywhere so there was that.
 “You sure kid?  Once this goes out there’s no turning back, this is a big choice to make?” Louise asked causing Adrien to nod before he realized that Louise couldn’t see him and blushed before he spoke again.
 “Yeah I am, what he is, what he’s willing to do for his brand, I just can’t live with myself if we don’t do this.”  Adrien said as he walked.
  “And…….. done!  In a few hours there’s going to be such an investigation that gonna cause old Gabe to pass out!  I’m sorry you were pushed to this point kid, but I’ve got a spare coach if you want to use it.” Louise said.
 “Don’t be, I should have done this months ago.  Looking back my relationship with him died when mom disappeared.” Adrien said as he felt Plagg press against him and he reached into the pocket Plagg was in and felt Plagg hug his hand.  At least I still have him and Ladybug, and her kwami too.  He thought as he released a breath and let the last of his relationship with his father die as it should have when he started to treat him as only an employee. “And about that second thing I just sent you a video I just shot, and I think I have some pro bono work you’ll love, do you know the bakery near my school?”
 “Yeah, I love their cookies, but what do Tom and Sabine have to do with this?  And you know I only do that stuff when I have a good target of injustice so what happened?”  Louis asked. Wait a minute, don’t those two have a daughter who should be around the kid’s age?  Louise thought as he waited for Adrien’s reply.
 “First off, is it legal for a student to be expelled on the same day as the crime?” Adrien asked as he walked through Paris, hopping that
 “No, all students need a hearing for expulsion, did he use that world?  Hold on I’ve got the file you sent me………holy!  And this bitch framed a friend of yours at Gabe’s direction?!” Louise said as he “Kid you should have called me soon, now I can probably get the expulsion off her records and I think I can get a nice settlement for her and then there’s your dad but….”
 “That’s it Louise it happened today!” Adrien interrupted him and Louise stopped talking.  “There wasn’t a hearing, she wasn’t suspended, the principle just expelled her in front of everybody!”
 “Adrien, buddy.  You bring me the best presents!  A perfect way to strike against the school that let the person that abused my goddaughter into trying to commit suicide walk free, I love it!”  Louis said with a laugh.
 “Wait, what!  My school is the one where that happened?” Adrien asked as he stopped moving for a moment as his eyes went wide.
 “Yeah, this bitch always believed the whore and punished my goddaughter, she almost killed herself. In the end the teacher was fired, the bully had left and moved to a different county and what a teacher could do to a student was changed.  I think they were talking about changing the rules for how they punish someone.  One of the most idiotic ideas was to for it to only apply if the teacher saw them do it or they got it on camera, the most insane idea I have ever heard.”  Louise said as Adrien gasped.  “Kid, what is it?”
 “I think they did make that rule Louise. Chloe hasn’t changed much and besides words and actions taken where no one besides the victim could see it she’s gotten away with a lot.  And this time Mari….the victim was expelled based on only on the accusers word, they even made it a public spectator. ” Adrien said flatly.  Is this why Chloe gets away with everything she does? But wait the cameras! He thought as he heard Louise’s chair pushed backwards as he got up.
 “WHAT!  I know they’ve got cameras in that place; it was part of the settlement!  Don’t tell me that they aren’t being used!” Louise exclaimed with a hint of anger in his voice.
 “They’re practically ornamental at this point!  They never even looked at the ones in the courtyard, all Lila said was that Marinette pushed her down the stairs and the principle believed her!”  Adrien said as he heard Louise grit his teeth.  “And I admit finding the necklace in her locker was damming but there are no locks on any of them and it could have fit through the grill!”
 “This necklace, it was tested for fingerprints at least right?”  Louis asked as Adrien stayed silent and Louis felt a headache coming on. “Adrien tell me they at least did that and listened to more than just one student right, please?”
 “I can’t Louise, I just can’t.” Adrien said softly as he heard Louis trying to keep his temper down and count backwards from twenty.
 “Kid, I’ll meet you at the bakery, if I hear anything more now I’m going to scream.  I’ll have my people send out the papers for the first thing you called me about before I leave, see you there.” As Adrien heard the call end he sighed.
 “Plagg, I should have done this when this began.”  He said softly as he walked towards Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie.
 “The throwing Lila into the river or calling in Louise when pigtails got expelled, causing I’m all for transforming and going to cataclysming her.”  Plagg said as Adiren laughed.  I guess I can’t expect any different from Plagg, he’s been saying to get rid of her for weeks!  I had to hope she was acting that way like my mask have when I’m in public or around fat….Gabriel.  I guess this finally proved once and for all where I stand with him, and somehow I feel lighter. Adrien thought as he walked.
 “The calling Louise, I mean I had hoped she was just telling stories thing because she was nervuis and scared, I mean moving around so much I can understand that, it took me weeks to lighten up and start to be more then my mask at school.”  Adrien said with a sigh.  “And most of Chloe’s act is because she wants her mom to love her.”
 “I’ll say once and I’ll say it again, that woman is a piece of work!  I’ve seen a lot of people over the centuries but like her, always the worst of the worst.”  Plagg said as he looked up at Adrien.
 “Adrien there you are!” Chloe’s voice caused Adrien to turn and see her pounding towards him with Sabrina following behind her.  “How the hell are we going to get Marinette un-expelled?  This is ridicules, completely ridicules!”
 Adrien looked at Chloe as she started a terade and frowned as what she was saying got through to him. “Wait, you want to help Marinette?”
 “Of course!  Nobody but nobody messes with Dunpain-Chang but me! And even I wouldn’t threaten her how Lila did!” Chloe said a huff as she looked up at the sky.
 “What do you mean, threatened Marinette?!  When did that happen?!”  Adrien demanded as Chloe looked at him and Sabrina’s mouth dropped open.
 “It was when she came back, she cornered Marinette and she felt so scared an Akuma was summoned but she fought it off!”  Sabrina said causing Adrien to gasp at her.
 “That’s where that Akuma came from, that’s how Lila was Akumatized, not because I talked to her?!” Adrien said with shock, stepping backwards as he paled in horror. “God, I am the most idiotic person on the planet!”
 “Sabrina saw her reach for it Adrien what are you…..What did you do?!” Chloe demanded as she saw him react to what she and Sabrina told him and started to grow worried, he had only acted like this when he had made what he thought was a mistake, like when he had given his mom flowers and she turned out to be allergic to them.
 “I thought Lila’s emotions spiked because I talked to her about how she didn’t have to lie to get people to like her, not that she chased one down!  I told Marinette to take the highroad about her lies, I never knew…….” Adrien said as Chloe gasped and started to get mad and was about to exploded when Sabrina spoke up.
 “You thought she was so emotional that talking to her about her lies caused her to get on Hawkmoth’s radar?” Sabrina asked as Chloe looked at her then at Adrien with her mouth open.
 “God, and you were worried that she’d attack anyone who called her out, did you at least explain that to Marinette?” Chloe asked only to sigh when Adrien hung his head. “Adrien!”
 “I……. I knew she’d probably react like you guys are and I didn’t want to give Lila any ammunition to use, I’ve been trying to get alone to talk to her about it but I haven’t been able to yet.” Adrien said miserably.
 “Then go and talk to her now!  And wait……. Don’t you have a photoshoot about now?” Chloe asked as she looked around, confused beyond words.
 Adrien’s phone seemed to burn a hole into his leg and he looked at Chloe steadily. “I’m handling Marinette’s problems.  And about the shoot I walked off after I threw the other model there, Lila into the river!”
 “What the hell was Lie-la doing there?  And how are you handing what happened?” Chloe demanded as she looked at Adrien, fuming. Why the heck did Gabriel get Lila to model, if he wanted a new teen girl anyone would have been better, heck even Alya could do it!  She thought as Adrien seemed to be struggling with something.
 “I called Louise about it, he said that what the principle did wasn’t right…..and I told him to send off the notice to the Department of Child Services.” Adrien said as Chloe and Sabrina gasped and looked at him.
 “Why, I mean you should have done it months ago but why now?” Sabrina said, having been Chloe’s friend for years she knew Adrien at least superficially and this wasn’t like him.
 “Lila did what she did because he told her to.” Adrien as they looked at him, not understanding what he was saying.  “She said that the modeling thing is a bonus and that she thought how I tried to help Marinette was a publicity stunt for the brand.”
 Chloe gasped a hand shooting to her mouth as she looked at him with shock, wondering what had driven Gabriel to do that.  “I’m sorry Adrien, you know that there’s always a room at the hotel if you need it.”
 “I’ve got a couch dad will be happy to lend you.” Sabrina said with a small smile.
 “Yeah thanks girls…..I’m meeting Louise at Marinette’s, do you want to come along as support?” Adrien asked and Chloe laughed.
 “I can guess what’s going on, so I’ll do a little research and get back to you and Marinette later, good luck groveling to her.” Chloe said as she and Sabrina walked off. Adrien looked at her and shook his head, wondering if Marinette would forgive him for his mistake.
  Sabine sighed as she tried not to think what had happened earlier today at school but she couldn’t. “Nothing about it makes sense, I mean I know my daughter, she’d never do this!  And how Lila was still walking around after she was pushed, it doesn’t make sense!”
 “Your right Sabine and the necklace looked like it could have fit through the grill on the locker and did any of them have locks on them at all?  I thought Marinette said she only used hers for holding her coat during winter and projects?” Tom’s voice caused Sabine to turn and look at her husband as he brought a tray of bread out from the kitchen, the workers looking out as they all knew something was wrong with what happened.
 “Yeah, boss I guess you can bring them up when the hearing right?”  One of the cooks asked as he poked his head out of the back.
 Sabine and Tom looked at each other, confusion in their eyes.  Did that idiot owl do something wrong when he expelled Marinette?  Tom thought as he frowned. “What hearing?”
 “The expulsion hearing, the one she has to have after her suspension is up.  The one that by law all students are required to have before their expelled?”  The cook said in
 “The principle said Marinette was expelled, that’s it, are you saying he did something wrong?” Sabine asked as she looked at him.
 “That’s something I think I can help with!”  A voice caused all of them to see Adrien standing behind a man in a brown business suit holding a briefcase in his right hand.  “My name is Louis Artoga, attorney at law and I’d like to have a long talk with you about that if you don’t mind.”
 Marinette lay down on her bed and hugged one of her pillows as she tried to forget the look in Sentibug’s eyes when Mayura destroyed it….her. That was something that will only haunt her for weeks if she’s lucky.
 “How could she do it Tikki, I just can’t believe that she was even able to do it.”  Marinette said as she hugged her pillow.
 “There have been people who have been bad holders, but I’ve never seen Duusu’s powers used that way.” Tikki said as she floated and looked at her chosen.  “You gave the Amok the talisman that created her; Mayura shouldn’t have been able to do it.”
 “Why does that have to do with anything?” Marinette asked as she tried to understand Tikki.
“That should have broken the link to Mayura, she should have been fully independent….. I can’t explain it.” Tikki said as she floated there, not letting Marinette detect any of her thoughts.  The only way that could have been possible was if the Miracolous itself was damaged, but Duusu wouldn’t have transformed then, it would have hurt her chosen.  Tikki thought as she watched Marinette try and deal with what she had seen happen earlier, some part of her glad she wasn’t thinking about how she had been expelled.
 “Something to talk to Master Fu about then, I just want to forget everything happened today and deal with it tomorrow.” Marinette said before a knocking caused her to look at the door down and frown as Tikki hid.  “It’s unlocked!”  
 She didn’t know what she was expecting but when Adrien came into her room she stared in shock. “Adrien! Are what doing you here?”
 Adrien looked at her and sighed.  “I…..Marinette…. I called a friend of mine about what happened, he’s downstairs with your parents and I volunteered to come and get you.  I told them I wanted to talk to you for a few minutes, I want to apologize first.”
 “Apologize, Adrien what happened today wasn’t your fault at all, you tried to help but he wouldn’t listen.” Marinette said but stopped when Adrien shook his head.
 “No, not that.  The advice I gave you when Lila came back.” Adrien said as he hung his head.  “Sabrina was in the bathroom too, she heard Lila threaten you and then the Akuma came at you…… while that was happening I was talking to Lila about her lies and she tried to ruin my life at school and my friendships after sooo.”
 “You told me not to act against Lila because you thought she summoned and Akuma from you talking to her about her lies?” Marinette said in shock.
 “I thought she had summoned the Akuma while I was talking to her about how she didn’t have to lie to get people to like her and she acted normal so……I’m sorry.” Adrien said as he looked away from Marinette and she just looked at him as she tried to understand just what Adrien had thought
 “You gave me advice based on what you knew.”  Marinette said after a few moments. “If I thought that way about someone I might have said the same to you.”
 “Then?”  Adrien asked as he felt a bit of hope.
 “Apology accepted.  So who’s downstairs?” Marinette said as she got up and walked towards Adrien who smiled at her.
 “So she’s always been making clothing?” Louise asked as he drank a cup of tea and looked at Tom and Sabine as they sat in the living room.
 “Clothing, blankets, odds and ends, it’s been her passion for years.  She really blossomed when she started to look at fashion and started to design her own cloths really and make gifts for her friends.” Sabine said as she looked at Louise with a smile as she remembered her daughter’s antics.  “Why I remember how she went and got a roll of blue wool to make a scarf for a present last year.  But enough about that, you think you’ll be able to get the expulsion off her record?”
 “If she really was expelled and not suspended, of course, it will barely be a problem.  I’ll talk to the board of education and once I see the paperwork I’ll go from there, but there’s another subject that I need to talk to you about that I think I should wait until the kids are back to really start…..and here they are.” Louise said as he smiled as Marinnete and Adrien walked into the room, Louise standing up and offering Marinette his hand.  “Nice to meet you mam, I’m Louise, Louis Artoga, attorney at law and I want to help you.”
 “Help how?” Marinette asked as she and Adrien sat down after she shook his hand.  Louise beamed at her and before he continued.
 “I’d like to help you out, now fair warning.  I’ve have a goddaughter, a few years back she was bullied, badly enough that she tried to commit suicide.  She didn’t succeed and she got the help she needed, she’s studding to be a social worker last I heard.”  Louse began. “The people I blame are the teachers and the school, the same school that you go…..went to.”
 “Mr. Damocles had something to do with it?!” Marinette asked with shock, going silent as Louise’s face started to go red.
 “‘Damocles’?!  An old man with a beard, bald, has a fixation with owls?!  He’s the new principal” Louise screamed as he lunged to his feet.
 “Louise?”  Adrien’s voice caused Louise to look around the room and saw the looks on the others face and he released a breath and sat down slowly.
 “Sorry kid, he was the vice principle who let that bitch get away with everything back then.  I thought he was blacklisted.” Louise said as he sat back down, and got out a cell phone that he put in in a holder he got out of his briefcase so the camera was pointed at her. “Start recording, this is Louise Artoga, recording a questioning of Marinette Dupain-Chang about her ‘expulsion’ from earlier today.  As of right now I ask her parents, Tom and Sabine Dupain-Chang their permission to do so.  Also of note is that Adrien Agreste is here, as he was the person who told me about this incident.”
 “I, Sabine Dupain-Chang give my permission that my child; Marinette Dupain-Chang may decide if she wishes to be questioned and recorded.” Sabine said formally.
 “I, Tom Dupain-Chang give my permission that my child; Marinette Dupain-Chang may decide if she wishes to be questioned and recorded.” Tom said as he turned and looked at Marinette who smiled back.
 “I, Marinette Dupain-Chang agree to be question and recorded about the events earlier today.” Marinette said as she looked at the camera.
 “Thank you all, with that done the questioning shall begin.  So, walk me through what happened.” Louise said as he looked at Marinette.
 “Miss Bustier called me to the front of the room at the start of class and searched my backpack, the answer key was in it.”  Marinette said and stopped as Louise held up a finger.
 “Point of clarity what class was it in relation to the order of classes on a normal day in number format and has your backpack been out of your sight for any length of time before that.” Louise said as he looked at Marinette.
 “It was the first class of the day, as we had a test yesterday so I hadn’t looked at my backpack since then……..and my backpack was out of my sight because someone pulled the fire alarm yesterday and everyone evacuated, most taking their backpacks as it was the end of class and they were getting ready to leave.  As the class Representative I had collected the tests and had just put them on Miss Bustier’s desk with the alarm went off and we all evacuated.”  Marinette said as she thought about yesterday.
 “Why were you called to the front?” Louise asked, a frown forming on his face as he went over what he knew about proper class room behavior for teachers.
 “Miss Bustier said that someone had given an anomalous note that someone had seen me steal the answer sheet and my bag.”  Marinette said as and stopped as Louise held up a hand.
 “She didn’t call you outside the classroom?” Louise asked in shock.
 “No, after that I accused Lila of taking and putting it in my backpack to frame me and Madame B took both of us to the principal’s office.” Marinette answered as she looked at
 “Point of clarity, why did you believe that Lila is a liar?” Louise asked and Marinette went silent. “If it’s just what you believe about her its fine, sometimes we get feelings we can’t explain but please clarify your belief.”
 Marinette looked at Adrien before she hardened her eyes. “I know Lila is a liar and a thief.  A few months ago when she first came back I saw her take a book from Adrien, buy something at a store and throw it in the trash so he wouldn’t see her with it.” Marinette said causing Adrien to stare at her.
 “A book, my father’s book, the one that he took me out of school for losing, Lila was the one who lost it?!  You were the person who brought it back?!” Adrien exclaimed as he looked at her before blushing and turning away as everyone looked at him.
 “Yes and I was in passing by the park when Ladybug confronted her about her lies.  I was going to give it back to you the next day and tell you that you dropped it in the Library but then, well your father pulled your from school.”  Marinette said as she hung her head. “So after I saw that I had enough skepticism not to trust everything she said at face value.”
 “We’ll talk about that later, what happened next with Lila today?”  Louise asked as Marinette looked at him.
 “I told Lila that she wouldn’t win, that I wouldn’t fall for any of her traps and she said I did and then she walked down the stairs, sat down and made a commotion about how I had pushed her down the stairs.” Marinette replied as Louise tried to keep his temper down.
 “Point of interest, at no time were any of the camera’s that the school is required to have had checked at all?  And what about this Lila’s mother, was she contacted and was she sent to the nurse at least?” Louise inquired, his eyes twitching a little as Marinette shook her head.
 “They never checked and she wasn’t sent, they all just followed after Lila to my locker, a locker I only use to hold my coats and projects since none of all have a lock on them.” Marinette said as Louise nodded at her.  “And they contact my parents but Lila’s was unable to be reached, they left five messages as far as I know.”
 “Thank you Miss Marinette; that’s all I’ll need for this case, I will bring around paperwork that basicly says the sequence of events that you explained and have yourself and you’re parents sign them and that should be it.  This has been Louise Artoga, recording Madame Marinette Dupain-Chang.”  Louise said as he turned off the phone’s camera and picked it up and started to look over the file, they could hear the sounds of Louise or Marinette’s voice and he nodded.  “Thank you that should be all I need.  With this and the Adrien’s matter I think I’ll have a good few days of work to do. Now on your case, once I get to the board of education I think everything should be straightened out, but it might be best to wait a day, just so it’s not been filed as a suspension and it was the heat of the moment and all, if nothing comes tomorrow then I’ll move in.  And now let’s talk about Lila, with the video a Miss Sabrina has I think we could sue her for slander and making that threat.”
 Marinette gulped and looked at her father and mother who both went still and turned towards her as what Louise said penetrated their brains.  Louise winced as he realized that she hadn’t told her parents the same time as Adrien did and they both winced at what.
 “What threat?” Tom asked quietly as Marinette just looked at the table and stayed silent.
 “Who threatened my daughter!?” Sabine asked as Adrien looked up and motioned to Louise to let him talk.
 “It’s a long story, but may I can explain if Marinette lets me.”  Adiren said prompting Marinette to nod at him.  “From what I found out Lila corned Marinette in a bathroom the day she came back and threatened to take away all her friends and after that I gave her advice to take the high road, not confront Lila about her lying.”
 “Why did you tell Marinette not to confront her after she threatened my daughter.” Sabine asked coldly as Adrien looked down ashamed.
 “Because I thought Lila summoned the Akuma that got her from my talk with her.  And her first actions as a shape-shifter was to try and ruin my social life!  I didn’t want to think what would happen if she summed one when she wanted to hurt Marinette as the trigger!”  Adrien explained as he held his hands up.  “Of course idiot that I was I didn’t explain it, I didn’t want to take a chance that Marinette would get hurt, I never knew about the threat!”
 “Oh, so you were trying to protect her but didn’t know about she had been threatened.” Sabine said as Tom’s rage died down and he understood why Adrien had done what he did.  
 “Kid was raised to ignore lies the tablods said, do it and they die, like Tinkerbell, don’t act out and they die.” Louise said with a sigh.   Tom looked at Marinette as his wife hugged her and frowned.  
 “Wait, you thought Lila had summoned the Akuma? But wait if she didn’t summon it ….then who did?” Tom asked and Adrien went wide eyes and looked around, trying to find anything to say when Marinette spoke up.
 “Me.” Marinette said softly from within her mother’s arms causing Sabine to look down at her daughter as she closed her eyes.  “I was so scared she could do it.   She had them eating out of her hands, she even convicted Max that a thrown napkin could have taken out his eye and he wears glasses.”
 “I can’t even, I don’t even know where to…..just I can’t…. is she serious?” Louise asked as looked at Adrien in shock and when Adrien nodded as Marinette’s parents comforted her Louis sat there stunned.  Okay, getting that bitch sued is gonna be a public service and probably improve the intelligence of all those kids! Louise thought as he hung his head in disgust.
 “Ohhhh Marinette, I’m sorry that we never noticed how you were feeling!  I should have, I don’t know!” Sabine said as she hugged Marinette and before suddenly she went still.  “And those idiots at that school never even noticed, no they didn’t want to see!”
 “Kid, I don’t know but after the paperwork’s filed maybe you should look for a different school.” Louise said into the table as he put his head on it.
 “Wait, why would Adrien look for a different school?  After all that he did to make it into school in the first place…..and what paperwork?” Marinette asked as Louise looked up at her before paling as he realized what he had let slip.  Adrien spoke up and caused all of them to look at him.
 “I’m suing my father for not paying me for my work, the contracts I never signed and emotional abuse while going for emancipation or having myself removed from his control.” Adrien said flatly.  “The fact that he might have told Lila to do that, that he gave her a modeling contract and might have even hinted that I might be a prize to her, it’s too much, he crossed a line I didn’t even know I had.”
 “Oh Adrien, I’m sorry you were pushed to do this.” Marinette said as she looked at him as her parents looked on with concern, knowing from their interactions with him that he probably hadn’t want to do this but felt he had to.
 “I thought he was going around, that we had started to heal our relationship, especially after my birthday when I got that scarf from him.” Adrien said as closed his eyes.
 Louse went still when he saw Marinette wince, things connecting in his mind that didn’t paint a good picture.  Please, please don’t tell me.  He thought with a sinking feeling as he asked what he didn’t want to.  “Scarf, what scarf?”
 “A blue scarf that dad made with his own hands, I thought that maybe he was trying and……… what is it?” Adrien asked as he saw Sabine and Tom exchange a look and turn to Marinette who looked down as Louise held his head.
 “Adrien, do you have any picture of it?”  Tom asked as he turned to look at Adrien as he started to get a sinking feeling.  
 “Yeah, I did a selfie with Nino a few days after I got it and here it is.”  Adrien said as he pulled up the photo and turned it around and Tom sighed and Sabine closed her eyes.  “What’s wrong?”
 “Ask your friend kid, ask her.” Louise said around his hands and he turned to Marinette, who looked up,
 “I made it.” Marinette said softly.  “When you came to school so happy that you thought that he had put the effort into making it by hand, I couldn’t take that from you...”
 Adrien stared at her and he saw red, the sheer gull of what his father….what Gabriel had done causing him to lose focus and he felt so dizzy.
 “Adrien, Adrien are you okay?”  Sabine asked as she got up and Adrien shot to his feet as he held his hands to his mouth. “Oh hell.  Tom!  Open the door!”
 “Got it, Marinette help you mother!”  Tom said as he shot up and opened a door as Marinette and Sabine guided Adrien to the room which was revealed to be a bathroom.  
 Louise just sat there and shook his head and winced as he heard Adrien throw up in the bathroom and he knew he would have to mention this to the social worker.  Maybe it would be better to do it here, Nathalie wouldn’t look for him here and whoever they send could be in plain clothing and get around his eyes.  Louise thought as he looked at Tom and Sabine watch the door as Marinette rushed to the kitchen to get a glass of water.   “Tom, Sabine would you two mind if I called the social worker I sent the email to and have them come here, it might be helpful for Adiren.”
 “Please, the boy needs to know that not everyone is against him and what Gabriel did, I can’t even imagine.” Tom said as Louise smiled and sent off a text.
 “It’s taking all I have not to get my staff and go beat him up!” Sabine bit out as she glared towards the Agreste mansion.  “To have that little bitch hurt my daughter, but to have sold his son?!”
 “I’m tempted to get a sledgehammer and join you.”  Louise said with a sigh as he shook his head.  His phone buzzed and he looked down and up at Tom and Sabine.  “The Agent is nearby, and would like to get an initial statement from him, there are already a few red flags based on the paperwork and well, she wants to meet soon.”
 Tom and Sabine shared a look at each other and looked at the bathroom and after a few minutes looking at each other Sabine knocked on the door.
 “Adrien, are you okay? The agent from child Services texted Louise, they want to meet soon.  If you’re not up for it there’s nothing wrong with waiting.” Sabine said before they heard a toilet flush and the door open to reveal Adrien whipping his mouth with the back of his hand.
 “No, I want to get this done with and close off any chance of that monster from getting around this.” Adrien said as he clenched his hands. I thought you were just hard to understand and had a hard time with emotions but this, dad this is the last freaking straw!  Adrien thought as he tried to get his emotions back under control. He felt Plagg press against him and hide a smile.  If I didn’t have Plagg, Chloe and my lady to help me, I don’t know what I would be.  Probably broken beyond all points by now, if I didn’t have Plagg and my lady to inspire me I wouldn’t have snuck out on that second day to school. Adrien thought as he accepted a cup of water from Marinette and smiled at her before he drank it, not seeing her blush or her parents grin as Louise chuckled at the byplay.
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Season 3 notes popping off
due to my desire to not completely fail all my classes this year i made myself slow down significantly while listening to this season, and the fact that the other person i'm listening along with had to catch up. We've managed to convert several other people to start listening and its pretty great.
ep 81: what does it even mean to be chosen by one of them? And if he was chosen by the eye. we know Gertrude wasnt? Because she cut the eyes out of the magazines?
ep 82: elias lmao. I understand why people like him so much bahshdhdk i thought he was gonna snitch on Jon but he didnt so he's fine. Ok but how do we think he knew all that stuff. Idk probably just institute connections. I love the fact that the recorder just wants to record stuff randomly bjahsjdhd. Elias feels a lot like Michael in the sense that he knows more than he should and talks in a way that implies he just wants to wait and see how things play out for his own benefit. I understand him knowing the things that happened but his description of her emotions implies something paranormal. Maybe he's connected to one of the entities. Which one I cannot guess.
ep 83: did a file get delivered randomly to the place he's staying at? Probably elias lmao. He thinks the mannequin is related to the stranger. Idk I would believe it.
ep 84: worms? I know he says earth worms but idk. Again? Is she making gordon golems out of trash? Martin popping off. You can tell the statements get to him more that they get to Jon. How come martin is so mad about it? I want to assume he just doesnt want her to get stuck there but idk. Jude Perry. The calliope organ. Jon heard a circus in one of the last episodes
ep 89: he's talking to perry? Like jude Perry? He says ... God? Is that what it is? Lmao. The Desolation. Jon is tired of ppl being vague and not telling him stuff lmao. Oh God Jon is so confused. Compel her? Is she assuming he has some kind of power? Does he have powers? Hmm. im agreeing with jon here please jesus christ why does everyone have to be so cryptic. Just say what you mean. "maybe you get an itchy eye" bahasjkdfklsjdf girl what. Agnes saved her? Oh this is the girl from the cafe story? So theres the Cult of the Lightless Flame? They worship whatever entity this is? The Desolation? Why do they all seem like they sorta worship her then? Is Gretchen gonna die oh god. fuckin michael. a different michael aaah. i see. dont do it shes gonna burn you. sir. please. sir dont you dare do- WHAT DID I SAY what did you think was gonna happen hhh.
ep 90: try to make it less obvious you're trying to get fired big T. Elias that doesnt sound like the most healthy thing to do. oh dear is this gonna be triggering for me. uuuuuh. uuuuuuuuuh. doesnt seem like it ok gonna keep listening. Jared. hmmmmm. Ok we've seen Keay and hotner or whatever his name was.
ep 91: Michael Crew. Oh is this the lightning scar guy. Mister jon sir did you just die. No? God everyone is so fuckin cryptic. Say normal things please. They all just like to go on about pain and agony and j e s u s c h r i s t we get it you got hurted by whatever thing. So theyre avatars? question mark? Jude Perry is an avatar of The Desolation? hhhh fractals. thats a spiral thing innit. Yup. messing with your perceptions. God they all talk about feeding their god and feeding that which feeds them and. hh what does that meann. Leave big J. please. uh oh. is it daisy? how come he has the web lighter still? the tape recorder just turns on sometimes you know how it is. So he can compel people? not that he knows it obviously but. a bit wack. powers go brr i guess? If the eye just wants knowledge i guess he feeds it by getting the statements? b/c i doubt it wants him to murder ppl or whatever.
ep 92: elias you all knowing fuck what do you know. (i guess all given what i just said) Lukas. Heard of them before. Mordecai Lukas. Loneliness. The lonely even. Jonah Magnus. Elias ur sounding like a bit of a dickhead rn. lmao jon's just like "i dont care" elias what is ur deal. Why does he want to tie her in. ohh i see. lmao theyre all just like "elias why" The Unknowing lol seems very much like something the eye wouldnt like. lol elias is gettin all philosophical. what does it really mean to be human. this still doesnt answer why gertrude wanted to destroy the archives tho.
ep 93: bahsjdfh he seems so dead inside rip. awww admiral. i love him already. ghh breacon and hope. purple mold. doesnt sound like anything we've seen so far. I think the funniest explanation for breacon and hope is that they dont actually serve the stranger they just kinda happen to be a random neutral party that cart around random spooky entity related stuff. ooooh. when we hear the slight static of the tape recorder it's cuz he's compelling ppl.
ep 94: the end! listen man they were all just grayed up for 4/13.
ep 95: the end also? death but also savagery/ animalistic shit. aww martin. lmao becerra. she's just been chillin in the corner.
ep 96: return to sender. haha minecraft go brr. prediction: breacon and hope? yup there we go. jon why is there an echo. are you in a stairwell? is he gonna eat it- yup. how did i call it. unsure abt what theyre talking about but ok. they kidnapped someone? Sarah Baldwin. ooooh that guy.
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ok im just putting this here so i have notes for when nicholas gets to this part. It seems like (from jon's conversation with jude perry) that the desolation and the eye are kinda at odds with eachother? like i guess not directly but it seems like they dont really vibe? so how could be with both. Cuz if he has the heat powers and shit then we know he's an avatar of the desolation. but then why does he have so much eye imagery. also he got burned intentionally? like jude did when she went on her monologue about the feeling of burning? but then why did he wear the eye pendant. it stops him from being burned all the way which seems like he's not fully accepting the fire or whatever.
Nooooo I lost like a bunch of my notes rip. I keep forgetting to save.
Ep 104: tim gives a coherent statement without jon even being there. Ugh. Fucking robert smirk. Dont like him. Joey. Dont recognize the name. The show must go on. Clown. The spooky circus?
ep 105: total war... shogun 2? jon is just understanding languages again. "if i understood mandarin or cantonese" are you sure you dont big man?
ep 106: havent we heard this one already? mans in space? oh no this is just another episode in space. fairchild... uuuh. cant remember. oh! this is related to that! this is one of the ppl from the other side. sounds like a Vast thing. oh he's the one that the dude saw? but that guy didnt have a face... she's sorta like jon. wanting to dismiss the statements. lmao i love the workplace gossip. ace jon for the win! oh cmon elias dont be a dick. sunny meadows or whatever. thats the place we heard about.
ep 107: oh great is it jude perry again. Third Degree. bahahsdkfj she was arrested. sorry but imagining this old british lady getting arrested is funny. she was trying to resurrect him. using the skin book. he's not feeling well. jon take a nap. i wonder if this is what happens when he uses his powers too much. He gets into The Zone when he reads statements lol. didn't we have a burning train car in anothre statement? is it julia fairchild? bahahahs "kidnapped. Again." poor jon honestly. julia... about her dad. daughter of the murder shed guy? hunting like your dad liked to hunt or normal people hunting. oh hunting vampires!
ep 108: melanie has been suffering. poor martin peter lukas why do you have to be like this. can he not just use the front door? does he have to bother the ppl doing statements?
ep 109: how come he cut her off? kinda rude tbh. its either jon's influence or there was smth he didnt want her saying. is it gerard on the table? this sounds kinda like smth from one of the university episodes. is it the closed eye on the hand? yup. he's like one of the students! if the thing listening in is elias then... he can do that without the tape recorder yknow. plus who's to say it wont just turn itself on again
110: who wants to bet its a leitner?
111: Lukas related to The Lonely. I used to not like Gerard that much but i like him more now. but i thought there were 15? ohhh thats right isnt flesh newer? gerry for the win honestly. finally telling jon things.
112: lol "again" no one ever tells any of these ppl anything. tim and basira are just out of the loop constantly. music, like the war episodes. The hunt or the slaughter? probably the hunt. so Daisy is related to the hunt right? basira likes the reading, she's doing fine at the institute. daisy's getting worried...
113: it just turned on randomly. what is it lol. explossives! oh boy. why do they always assume he turned it on intentionally. melanie youre not making me like you that much. which entity is this about i cant tell. lol he was disappointed it was just the end. The title Breathing Room made me think it was gonna be about the buried but i guess not. So many of these entities deal with death but the end is one that deals in just death. it has no need for fancy deaths, just death is enough
114: more hilltop road statements? the tree. oh boy. ok the tree has 8 arms obviously theres the spider parallels. was she taken into an alternate universe? oh no. jon tries to phrase things so he's not asking questions. thats honestly good. "sometimes i was kidnapped" oh dear. they got gertrude. daisy ur so odd lmao. who wants to bet they dont know the tape recorder's running?
115: silaca? or whatever? antique man? meat grinder... related to the meat is meat episode? oh wow. they buy antiques from him. maybe dont antagonize this creature which can kill you?
116: lol theyre all just so done with elias. music? is it like the one band that if you hear them you die or wtvr. oh its chess? i am very much confused. mmm stranger go brr. gorilla skin? oh shit the dance. woah. this is so good. this is so gender. the words are wonderful. "you can just say tim" lmao trying to fool elias never feels like a good idea.
117: except elias lmaoo. oh shit. leitner getting some use for once idk. bruuh poor melanie she has been thru so much shit. martin you can just say youre worried about jon. lol he's so accurate in his jon impression. lol who was that. was that daisy? lmaoo. oop hi tim. oh god i hope tim doesnt die. i feel like i wouldve heard about that? but im not sure. destroying the source of knowledge is gonna be hard for jon. yay jon! you did a good thing. let him rest.
118: go off martin lmao. awww poor martin. oh god the tape gets that squealy quality and its awful.
119: woah. lots of things happening. uhh. POP OFF TIM!!
120: lmao elias giving a statement about jon's dreams lol. damn jon doesnt even get his own dreams? has to stay Watching even when he's asleep? f in the chat this man goes thru so much shit. oh boy its peter. lol martin my beloved. idk i dont trust peter.
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kiranatrix · 4 years
Names and Distant Things
Collaboration by @kiranatrix​ (fic) and @ikathemadhatter​ (art)
Characters: Beyond Birthday & L Lawliet
Rating: mild T for a dash of angst and a stolen kiss
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For @wammyweek [Secret crush and/or Secrets]
Beyond always knew when L was planning to visit Wammy’s House because a padlock would appear on the second refrigerator in the kitchen (not that the kids were supposed to be rummaging in either of them). A day or so later, a green Aston Martin would roll up the long, oak-lined driveway in the dead of night, headlights off and practically invisible. Not to Beyond, though; his strange eyes had always seen more than others could, even when he didn’t want to see it. Names and distant things; an antique car in the darkness or the date someone will die.
He hadn’t made the connection at first, that the padlock and the car were because of L and not one of the other guests they occasionally received. They would have professors or groundskeepers interviewing for positions, people making various deliveries of food and supplies for the school, repair crews for the old church whose old plaster was in a perpetual state of falling down. Wammy’s House was always full of activity and new faces weren’t uncommon. It wasn’t until he’d accidentally caught sight of a young man he didn’t know about opening up a door in the bare wall that he definitely didn’t know about, that things clicked. The name hovering above black mussed hair and too-bright eyes was L Lawliet, and it then disappeared into the wall with its owner.
It was a revelation, a lightning strike-- that L himself had been secretly visiting the school, staying out of sight by using secret passages none of them had ever noticed before. After that, Beyond had made it his mission to find out how to open that secret door. He knew to keep his mouth shut, and not just because he’d been out of bed and sneaking around Wammy’s at 4 am. L’s pale face and angular features, his stance and posture, how he moved-- Beyond filed it away in his mind with exquisite, rehearsed detail, and told no one but the mirror. It reflected back an ever-improving version painted on the imperfect canvas of his body, as if perhaps if he became L, he too could open that door.
Beyond loved nothing so much as a sneaky puzzle, but sneaking was the easy part. Because although he could make out the faint, well-hidden outline in the wood paneling, he saw no keyhole or any other mechanism to open it. The mystery stumped and plagued him, and many more frustrating months passed before he got another opportunity to watch the door open. In the in-between time, Beyond scoured the library for schematics of Wammy’s House, but those he found had nothing detailing any secret passages. Of course Mr. Wammy wouldn’t be so careless.
It was nearly a year before the padlock on the refrigerator appeared again, and it made Beyond so giddy he could hardly focus on his work that day. He’ll be here soon and I have to make an impression! Beyond wasn’t sure if it was possible to fall in love with a mystery, but that was the nearest thing he could describe his feelings about L as. The students had been told story after story about L’s cases and thinking but next to nothing about the man himself. It made Beyond feel privileged to be in possession of L’s real name and face, like they had a connection despite L not knowing about it. Something about L belonged to him and him alone, and that was like a treasure in his otherwise depressing and anxious days in this place.
The next night, Beyond hid behind a bureau that was close but not too close to the secret door; he didn’t know if L would use it again but he was willing to sit here all night for just the chance. He got lucky, which was rare enough for him. Around 3:15 am, Beyond heard the soft padding of bare feet, and peeked out as much as he dared to verify. It’s HIM! L! He held his breath as L rapidly tapped a spot on the paneling three times and slipped into the passage after the door creaked open. Ah...so that’s how it’s done.
Beyond dashed forward as soon as L was inside and counted to 100 before tapping the same spot L had. He grinned as the door opened a crack, enough for him to wedge his black-painted nails into and pry open. The inside was softly illuminated by electric wall sconces and he followed the twisting narrow passage, up some spiraling stairs, until he emerged in what he guessed was the converted attic of the chapel. Across the dark room and framed by the soft, flickering blue light of a dozen monitors, was L. He was crouched in a tall-backed desk chair, facing away from the doorway and rapidly clacking on his keyboard.
Beyond snuck forward silently, step by step getting closer. His heart was hammering and all the words he’d rehearsed in the mirror to prepare himself for this ever happening had flown from his head and out the stained-glass windows.
“I know you’re there.” L continued to type with one hand as he picked up a cookie from a plate on his desk and nibbled it. “Just introduce yourself already.”
Beyond slid into the shadows, hissing a curse before saying, “I’m, uh...one of the kids who lives here. Beyond.” One of your successors. Do you know about me?
L mumbled, deadpan, “Your boots are very noisy, Beyond.” He stuffed the rest of the cookie in his mouth and swung his chair around. He knew who Beyond Birthday was, mostly by reputation as a troublemaker and from his high test scores meriting him a place in the line of successorship. “If you’re going to sneak around, go barefoot.” He wiggled his toes perched on the edge of the chair and focused on a dark corner when he heard a soft giggle emanating form there. “Mind telling me how you got in here?”
“Followed you.” Beyond was paying extremely close attention to L’s voice, modulating his own to match its pitch and timbre. Softly, “I wanted to meet you.”
L’s eyes widened-- it was almost as if he’d heard his own voice, but the implication surprised him more. Has he guessed who I am? He slowly unfolded from his chair and slouched to the center of the room, now able to see a vague outline of a young man in the shadows. “Come into the light and meet me then.”
Beyond’s heart fluttered as he slowly stepped from the shadows, eyes meeting L’s nervously. He’d spent hours perfecting his makeup to mimic L’s facial features, flat-ironing and then styling his black hair to the similar mussed chaos of L’s. This was his best work yet, but still only a prototype. He only just now noticed that L had no eyebrows, and the details of his clothes had been obscured in the darkness before. I’ll improve.
L stayed silent as he circled Beyond, pressing a thumb against his bottom lip as he took it all in. Other than the clothes, it was almost like looking in a mirror. He came to a stop again in front of Beyond and breathed out, “That’s quite remarkable.”
He’s impressed. Beyond briefly smirked to himself before assuming L’s same posture and inquisitive expression, pressing his thumb to his lip, tilting his head and widening his eyes. In a mimicry of L’s voice, “You think so?”
“Mmmhmm.” L’s mouth twisted as he tried not to smile, unsure if he was disturbed or flattered by this mimicry. His ego being what it was, he leaned more towards flattered and would give some rare praise in return. “You have a talent for disguises.” With an edge. Drily, “And for rooting people out who’d rather stay anonymous. You shouldn’t be here.”
Beyond’s confidence wavered, eyes narrowing as he continued to parrot L’s every movement. But he had something he wanted to say and wouldn’t leave until he had. “I want harder work. More interesting cases.” He could see the spark of interest in L’s eyes and imprinted that the man appreciated initiative, directness.
“And what makes you think Wammy isn’t giving you cases that already challenge your abilities?” L took a step closer, bringing their faces quite close. What kind of puzzle are you? “In any event, the education of the students here is his concern, not mine.” Almost eighteen. He remembered from reading Beyond’s file that they were almost the same age. It was alarming and attractive, that sneaking in here to sate curiosity was something he too might do.
“I am your concern.” Beyond’s voice changed back to his own, and nearly a growl as his frustration bled through. “Aren’t I meant to succeed you one day?”
L smiled behind his finger. “That’s assuming I intend to die. I don’t.” And if I push, will you push back?
“No one lives forever.” Beyond’s gaze flickered above L’s head momentarily before meeting the man’s eyes again. No, you won’t even live to old age. “Not even you.”
L’s breathing sped slightly as he whispered, half-hoping and half-dreading, “And who am I?” There was no way Beyond could really know, even Wammy didn’t know. Hell, L barely remembered. He grasped Beyond’s chin and turned his face when the man tried to look away. “Who?!”
They stood there staring at one another, the authentic and the copy, the original and the backup. Beyond knew he shouldn’t say it, speak it. That doing so would give something away best kept quiet, might give L a thread to follow to the secret room inside himself where so many open graves had been dug. L’s touch made him tremble all over and he jerked his chin away from L’s grasp. “You’re L.”
“That’s only a good guess.”
Beyond’s lip curled at the challenge. No. He couldn’t help but say, “L Lawliet,” before pressing a kiss to L’s astounded face and fleeing the room, running as fast as he could out of Wammy’s. I kissed L! He didn’t bother being quiet as he flew down the hall and flung open the front doors, grinning as he sprinted down the oak-lined drive to the cliffs by the sea. He couldn’t stop giggling as he pulled off his boots and hurled them into the ocean far below, one and then the other. He yelled down to the rocks, “Better to go barefoot!,” and collapsed on the pebbly ground to look up at the stars. 
The sea crashed against the rocks like a predictable laugh track, on his side for now, and the stars flashed like smiles. “I stumped him.” I hooked him. He’d see that padlock again, that green Aston Martin. He’d see L and be oh-so-apologetic for his terrible manners. 
The template would improve. The draft would become perfect.
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library-phantom · 4 years
Timelines - Dhawan!Master x reader
I’m a little nervous about this fic, because it’s a different style from the ones I’ve written before, it’s longer and I didn’t get inspiration from any song. I got this idea from the Writing Prompts on Instagram (@writing.prompt.s) and decided to use this in a fic. I’m sorry for any mistakes, English isn’t my first language. I tried to add some History facts here, but I apologize if I said anything wrong. 
Summary: the prompt from Writing Prompts was: “you live in a world where the first words your soulmate says to you appear on your skin. Your words are “hey you dropped your phone”. However, you are a baker in Ancient Greece and have no idea what a phone is”. 
Warning: the reader gets a little injured, but nothing serious
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(GIF isn’t mine)
You enjoyed your life, that was true. You had a little bakery and was happy. However, there was something that would annoy you from time to time. It was normal for everybody to have the first words said by your soulmate written in your skin and people would always talk about what would the situation be when they met their soulmate. Some of your friends had already met their special ones and their first words were shown into each other's skin. You said you didn't care about all that stuff with soulmates and words written in your skin, but the truth was that you didn't believe that would ever work for you. The people who knew you would make fun of you because of your words and could understand why. The reason? The words written in your right shoulder were “hey, you dropped your phone”. First of all, what was a phone? How you could drop that? You didn’t have any idea about what any of that meant, so you just assumed it was destiny making jokes on you. That’s why you stopped caring about that and tried to cover those words as best as you could.
It was another regular morning when a woman with blond hair walked into your bakery. She had a smile in her face and had a strange device in her hand.
"Hello. Have you seen anything weird here lately?"
"Not really, there isn't anything weird here”, you said a little confused. “Except when Socrates and his students walk around making their questions about usual things, telling us we need to think. It's a good practice, though, I actually enjoy it."
"Uh, this is Greece, then!", the woman said with a smile even wider. You gave her a confused look. "My coordinates got a little messy, but I'm glad I'm still on Earth. I got some alien readings in this planet and I need to investigate. I only need to go to the right year and…"
"Earth? Alien? Right year? I'm sorry, but who are you?"
"I'm the Doctor! It's great to meet you...what's your name again?"
“I'm Y/N. I'm still trying to understand what’s happening…"
You were cut by a loud noise on the outside. The Doctor ran outside and you followed her, not really understanding why. There was a lot of smoke and it was hard for you to breath. The Doctor got your hand and ran in the direction of a small blue box. Later you would remember that was how you started traveling with the Doctor.
Some months later, you were still traveling with the Doctor. After the initial shock about time and space travel, aliens and monsters, you got used to that. You have seen wonderful places and met different people. You loved to travel to the future and see how technology and science evolved to make people’s lives easier. 
Eventually, you found out that those words about soulmates were still present in everybody in the future, however you only saw that in humans so far. Of course, now that you have seen the future you knew what a phone was and adapted very well, since you got one for yourself in one of your travels to Earth in the future. You finally understood what those words meant. But, since you were so busy traveling with the Doctor, you didn’t care about those anymore.
One day, the Doctor got a message for help for a ship while you were many years in the future. Apparently, they were attacked, part of the crew was dead and the ones that were still alive were trying to escape. The Doctor landed the TARDIS in the ship and started to get readings with her sonic screwdriver while you followed her closely. Suddenly, both of you heard a noise behind you and when you turned around, you saw an alien that neither of you have ever seen. You turned to the Doctor, but not even she could say what that was. That huge monster had sharp claws and moved very fast. The Doctor told you to run and once you turned around to get away from there, that weird creature began to chase you. 
You tried to run as fast as you could, but you felt it was difficult to pull more air into your lungs and your legs were burning from the effort. To increase your despair, you had lost the Doctor into those many corridors. Maybe you turned left while she turned right? You only knew you had to find her and get out of that place. 
When you turned another left, you didn’t see that creature after you anymore and took a deep breath in relief. However, while you were leaning into the wall to catch your breath, that creature found you and got a hold of your shoulder. You felt its claws get deep in your skin while you tried to run, but you weren’t strong enough and you fell to the floor. That’s was when you saw something that seemed like a taser on the floor. You got that, shot at the alien and it let you free while running away in pain. You looked around and saw a door. For you luck, it was unlocked and you got inside.
Once you closed the door behind you, you finally could breath. You could wait there some minutes and think about how to find the Doctor. Then you remembered you could try to call her. After all, she installed a device in your phone that allowed you to call her regardless of where or when you were. But, when you pulled your phone from your pocket, you saw it was broken. It probably happened when you were attacked by that creature. You sighed while you let yourself fall in a chair. You looked around the room you entered and it seemed to be the central of control of that ship so you could look for the Doctor in the cameras and try to contact her to say where you were. It was a good plan. However, you were so tired of running and out of breath that you didn’t realize you weren’t alone in that room. 
“Hey, you dropped your phone”, you heard him say. “Why are humans always so stupid?”
“Who are you?”, you said while getting up of the chair. As he said, you dropped your phone when you sat on the chair.  You saw a man standing near the door with a purple coat and a plaid suit. He was studying you with attention, but you could see something weird in his eyes. Was he confused?
“I’m the Master. And, I assume you are here with the Doctor. Of course, she’s always trying to ruin my plans and…”, he stopped himself while he was coming closer to you. You noticed he was looking you up and down, but his eyes took a longer moment down your face. You followed his gaze and saw he was staring at your shoulder. Your clothes were torn apart where the alien’s claws got you. You were obviously hurt, but it was nothing so serious.That was when you noticed...the words in your skin were visible, your clothes weren’t hiding it anymore. You got confused while looking at those words for the hundredth time, but now it was different. You tried to think back about some moments ago. What was that the Master said when he saw you? 
“You are human, right? Well, if you’re with the Doctor you’re obviously human”, he said to himself. He started to pace around while looking at you. “This must be a joke, I never thought it would be like this. The only Time Lord to ever have this and of course it would be a human!”
“What are you talking about?”, you didn’t understand at first, but then you figured that out. The words in your shoulder were finally making sense, but you couldn’t understand how that was happening. And why it was happening like that.
The Master stopped in front of you and removed his coat. Without looking away, he started to roll up his sleeve in his right arm. That was when you saw it; his arm had the question “who are you?”. It was exactly what you said. You let your eyes meet his again and both of you had the same confused expression. He opened his mouth to say something when you heard an explosion. Both of you looked at the screens and saw the ship was being destroyed. You couldn’t find the Doctor and now you were going to die. In space. Facing your possible soulmate, if life wasn’t making fun of you again.
You felt a warm hand around your wrist and the Master pulled you through a door. You tried to free yourself from him, but you couldn’t. Once you stepped inside after him, you realized the inside was bigger than the outside. 
“This is a TARDIS?”
“Oh, great observation skills. Yes, this is a TARDIS”, he said annoyed while running around the console to take you both out of that place.
“I need to go back to the Doctor”, you demanded. You tried to keep your voice strong, but you were feeling a little weak. It was probably the claws of the alien that hurt you. You tried to keep yourself standing, but you let yourself fall to the floor. The Master immediately was at your side.
“You won’t go anywhere now. You are hurt and need to rest”, he said coming closer to you. You only met him minutes ago, but you felt you could trust him. He carried you to the sofa on the corner of the room and came back after some minutes with some medical supplies. He started to clean your wound with so much care that didn’t seem he would be capable of.
“Why are you helping me?”, your voice was lower than usual. You didn’t feel strong enough, but there was something about him. The Master let a smile come to his face. His eyes lingered to the words in your shoulder and he showed you his arm again.
“I always thought these words were a fairytale, a joke from the universe to me. The only Time Lord to have something that all the humans had. I lived all these years being sure that it was something that I could never have. Something I didn’t deserve. But, now I see the proof that it’s real.”   
His voice had a softness that didn’t seem usual to him. You felt hypnotized by his eyes. All the times your friends told you about how they felt with their soulmates, everything was finally making sense to you. The way your heart was beating faster, the feeling you got in your stomach... being with him felt like home.
“I waited so many years to see if these words made sense, now I know they do. I finally met you...wait, what’s your name?”, he said furrowing his eyebrows. His face was forming a little smile.
“Y/N. My name is Y/N…”, you replied studying his features for a moment. “Master.”
When you said his name, it was almost like a light had come to his face. His eyes were shining while looking at you.
“Well, Y/N, I need to show you the stars”, the way he said your name was perfect. It was almost like you had waited for that for all your life. Yes, this was definitely how home felt like.
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atamascolily · 3 years
Tyrant’s Test. Okay, we’re almost done here.
We open with Chewie on Kashyyyk having family time! I may re-read that section because I want to do a Kashyyyk thing later and there’s not that much detail in the TTT. Right now, I’m interested in Luke stuff.
. It’s impossible to work when the Current is in chaos. And it’s intensely uncomfortable to remain connected when the Current is carrying so much pain. 
This is interesting - so the Fallanassi live the way they do by necessity as much as choice - they cannot function without peace and quiet.
We start to see more of Akanah’s perspective and realize she’s manipulating Luke to keep him with her. At least Luke is aware of it?
But that threat was also nakedly manipulative, and his reflexive resentment allowed him both to see the emotional blackmail and to resist it.
It was not that he gave no credence to the threat. Akanah’s conduct on Atzerri had made clear that she was perfectly capable of striking out on her own when her interests so dictated. But he had no compromise or concession to offer her. The old, familiar demon of Duty had reentered his consciousness during the conversation with the shipwright, and he could do nothing else until he either answered to his conscience or silenced it.
There was no point in seeking a rapprochement with Akanah until Luke knew his own mind—until he knew if he could allow himself to continue the journey.
Again, DUALITY. fuck. “my way or the highway” - LITERALLY.
For the question gnawing at Luke was not whether Leia wanted his help, but whether she needed it. If his presence might mean the difference between triumph and defeat, then he would go to her—as she had come to him in his darkest moment, aboard the clone Emperor’s flagship.
Leia had pulled him back from the precipice of the dark power, and joined her power to his to defeat Palpatine. If she had not been willing to sacrifice herself and the child inside her in confronting the reborn Emperor, Luke would never have broken the grip of the dark side—and the history of the intervening years would have been written with the pen of tyranny. He could not have done it alone.
But having seen not only the great strength in her heart but also the Jedi power she could summon, Luke was all the more loath to volunteer himself as a rescuer. He knew that Leia had within her extraordinary resources of will and power—resources she had of late become reluctant to draw upon. Luke thought that he was much of the reason, with both his example and his presence creating disincentives. It was important that she find that strength again.
It seemed to Luke that Leia had neglected, even abandoned, her own training, and that her training of the children had become unbalanced, with the disciplines of warrior and weapon excised as if they were dispensable. Luke had not spoken of it with her, but from what he had seen, it was almost as though Leia hoped to delay, training the children as Jedi clerics rather than as Jedi Knights—as if the path before her, the path he had followed, promised to take her somewhere she did not want to go.
It was her choice to make. Her destiny was no more clear to him than it was to her. But whatever that destiny was, it seemed that she was fighting it rather than following it.
And it was certain she would learn nothing from an errant Knight’s well-intentioned but unnecessary rescue—if she would even allow it to happen. Knowing her streak of aristocratic, self-reliant pride, Luke was not at all confident he could count on her to ask for help, even if she needed it—not after the fight they had had the night he left Coruscant.
No, those around her, the others who loved her, would urge Luke to return to her side, no matter what the circumstances. And Leia herself would insist that he stay away, no matter what the circumstances. It was essential that Luke make his own assessment of the situation, that the decision be his alone. And it was better that Luke stay out of sight and out of reach until the decision was made.
Hey, a Dark Empire acknowledgment! And also, again, duality: either/or. Either Leia saves herself or Luke saves her. There’s no middle ground, no compromise, not alternatives. Sigh.
As always, there were hundreds of blind messages—love letters and propositions, requests for personal favors, questions from amateur and would-be Jedi, the occasional diatribe from an Imperialist stubbornly resisting the idea that his world had changed.
Luke almost never looked at any of it. The novelty value of blatant proposals had long ago faded, and the one-two punch of praise and begging had worn thin even faster—it was as uncomfortable as being surrounded by a crowd in which everyone wanted to touch him.
So let me get this straight: Luke is constantly being bombarded with e-mail requests, yet he’s unaware that women want Jedi babies? UNREAL.
The young woman looked up at him with eyes widened by surprise. Her tattooed forehead and cheeks marked her as a follower of the Duality, a popular and benign Tarrack cult founded on the twin principles of joy and service. 
“My goodness,” Manes said, his steps slowing as he reached the main level and saw Luke clearly. “My goodness. This is an honor.” As an afterthought, he gathered himself for a salute. “Forgive me, sir—I don’t know your proper rank—”
“I no longer hold one,” said Luke, leaning over one of the data stations.
“Oh—I see. Then I’ll confess that I’ve never met a Jedi. Nothing unusual there, I guess—I don’t know anyone who has. Is there a proper form of address—”
“You can call me Luke.”
The event had given both such inexplicable pleasure that he hated to take those memories away from them, but he had no choice. He had already blocked the machine records of his visit from being written to the logs. Compressing a nerve here, a blood vessel there, Luke brought on a moment of unconscious paralysis, and in that moment swept the memories from their minds.
Luke is very cavalier about mucking with peoples’ minds, I’m just going to say. Why not just mind-trick them directly?? Seems like that would be less invasive that cutting off blood vessels. 
By the way, this is how we learn Luke and Akanah Did It:
He leaned toward her conspiratorially. “Have you ever had sex in hyperspace?”
This time she could not contain her bubbling laugh of bemusement. “Yes,” she said, and melted away into the night.
*shakes head*
“Where the Current touches self-awareness, there is a tiny ripple—as when you sense a presence with the Force. The metaphor is more different than the means.”
“But I can’t feel anything here—nothing more than the energy of the ecosystems on the fourth and fifth planets,” Luke said. “Nothing of consciousness—nothing of will.”
“It is not consciousness or will that matters—it is the profound essence of being, nothing more,” she said. “I can perceive the crew just as you would perceive a handful of sand I scattered on the far side of a pool. From a distance, sometimes you can see only the effect, not the cause.” She smiled. “But you must be very still to see even that, for you are also of the Current, surrounded by the ripples of your being.”
Yeah, okay, so the water metaphor is spot-on. 
“Best for everyone if they never see us at all,” he said as he charted the course.
“Done,” Akanah said, looking on from behind Luke’s flight couch.
Luke looked up at her quizzically. “It can’t be that easy.”
“Why not?”
“Eh—don’t you have to know who it is you’re trying to hide from?”
“Why?” she asked.
“So you have a focus. So you know whose thoughts you’re trying to deflect. It’s done with precision, not brute force.”
“That’s coercive,” she said. “And invasive. You reach into another mind and bind its thoughts, or place your own there.”
“Well—yes,” Luke said. “But the use of that power is constrained. The purpose must be important enough to justify the deed and the consequences.”
“It seems the Jedi are always finding reasons to justify their violence,” she said. “I wish you would try as hard to find ways to avoid it.”
“Violence? What violence?” Luke protested. “More often than not, all that’s required is to induce a moment’s inattention, or reinforce a suspicion. No harm is involved. A sworn Jedi would never—oh, make someone walk off a cliff thinking there was a bridge there.”
Akanah shook her head in earnest disagreement. “You, who’re immune to your own tricks—who are you to judge the harm done? You do this in secret, to lead a suggestible mind, or compel an opposed one. Do you think that those you’ve coerced see the morality of it the same as you do? Besides,” she sniffed, “it’s inefficient.”
“Inefficient,” she repeated. “It requires your constant attention and involvement.”
“If you know an alternative, I’m your eager student.”
“What about the way you concealed your hermitage?”
Luke frowned. “That’s different. I created it from elemental substances to have that quality—to blend in with the coastline as though it were part of it.”
“It was a powerful bit of work,” she said. “When I saw it, I knew you had the gift of the Fallanassi. But you didn’t go far enough and apply the principle to its ultimate conclusion.”
“Which is—”
“To make it not merely resemble its surroundings, but merge with them,” Akanah said. Closing her eyes, she drew a deep breath. She let the breath out slowly as she lowered her chin to her chest—and then she was not there.
“I’ll be a—” Luke reached for her where she had been standing, but his hand grabbed only air. “Cute trick,” he said, taking a step toward the refresher, away from the forward deck. “Handy for breaking into libraries, escaping arranged marriages—where are you?”
“Here,” she said from behind him. He turned to find her silting sideways in the right-hand seat, wearing a small proud smile. “Did I touch your mind?”
“No,” he admitted. “Not that I could notice.”
Akanah nodded. “A long time ago, one of the Circle discovered that when she achieved a particularly profound Meditation of Immersion, she would disappear from the view of others. Much later, we learned how to take an object in with us and leave it there.”
“Where do you go when you disappear?”
“Where do you go when you dream? It’s impossible to say. What does an answer from that context mean in this one?”
“Well—is it difficult?”
She shrugged. “Once mastered, it’s no more difficult or mysterious than concealing a cup of water by pouring it in the sea.” Then she smiled. “But achieving mastery is much like trying to remove that cup of water afterward.”
“And you’ve merged this ship?”
“Yes. Some time ago, while I was in meditation.”
“Will the engines still work?”
“Did the floors of your hermitage hold you, and the roof keep out the rain?”
Luke wrinkled up his face. “So we’re completely undetectable now?”
“No,” she said. “Nothing is absolute. But we’re safe from eyes, and from the machines that are like eyes.
gotta say, Luke totally deserves being dragged so hard here, given his behavior in these books.
“If I have to pick between your being an illusion and your being real, Akanah, I think I have reason enough to know that you’re real.”
OH COME ON WHY THIS COYNESS ABOUT THE SEX, LUKE??? Are you never even going to talk about it directly???
Oh, and Luke deduces that the Fallnassi are around him, and he can’t see them, which is clever. Not all of them are human - interesting. Luke convinces them to abandon their vows and help the NR against the Yevetha.
Leia goes to see Mon Mothma, which is kinda nice. They watch birds and it’s nice for Mon to be a mentor figure to Leia.
Leia turned and looked back at her mentor. “But I still don’t know how to choose between the other two.”
“I think you do,” said Mon Mothma. “What you don’t know is how to live with the choice. And there I can be of no help to you. That secret escaped you when the clarity left you.”
“When did that happen?” Leia asked, returning to sit on the edge of the stool at Mon Mothma’s feet. “I didn’t see it go—did you? Never before in my life have I struggled with decisions, or with accepting their consequences. It’s been so strange, watching myself from the inside, wondering why this woman was speaking for me.”
“Your clarity came from your certainty that our cause was just and our purpose worthy,” Mon Mothma said. “But there is little certainty of that kind to be had in a place like the Senate, in a city like Imperial City. Certainty is eaten away by the thousand and one compromises that are the currency of democracy. Causes fall victim to the building of consensus. Accountability becomes so diffused that it vanishes, and agreement becomes so rare that it startles.”
OH NO, there’s the duality again. Luke and Leia are mirrors of each other - see Luke’s ideas about isolation vs. civilization earlier. Sigh.
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kawaiijellymonster · 3 years
So I’ve got a note in my notes app called “Fanfic lines that should be in a hall of fame” and it’s gotten pretty long so I figure I’ll toss it on here so yall can enjoy it, most of them are: mha, zukka, miraculous ladybug, harry potter, and I think one is from a comment on a hannibal amv, But here you go:
Stain sold papers because he just had an aura about him that drew people in, like people who slow down to look at car crashes.
“The Rumor Come Out: Does Todoroki Shoto is Gay?”
Izuku spent the next week going to his normal martial arts classes, studying, and drinking gallons of coffee. Not healthy but he could deal with it. His body was never meant to be permanent.
So no one was watching when Mei placed her forehead against his, breath fanning across his face as she spoke. "Wake up Loki… the world needs you."
“No probs ‘lil listener!” Hizashi said, striking a dramatic pose. “I’ll be your DJ all through the night, bringin’ you such rockin’ hits as safety, security and sweet dreams!”
“This is stupid! Screw the waiting and screw these stupid butterflies. They're not paying rent, the little shits--”
Experimenting with unstable genetic mutant abominations is more of an art than a science, really."
Several looks pass across both their faces. “No flying for a month,” Sirius declares. That sucks, actually. But he’s also a hundred percent certain he can get them to cave on that in two weeks tops. “Okay. Is that for the breaking into the Ministry, destroying the Department of Mysteries, making a bargain with Voldemort, or bringing all my friends with me?” “It’s for recklessly endangering your own life again,” Remus says, “and while the punishment very much doesn’t fit the crime, we’re a bit at a loss for what else to do.” “It wasn’t reckless!” he protests. “We had a plan and everything, and we even brought an adult! An adult Order member! Also what else were we supposed to do, let Snape die?” Sirius takes a deep breath, but Remus steps on his foot before he can put it in his mouth. “Which is why you’re only getting flying privileges taken away and not thrown in a cell in Azkaban for our sanity and your safety.” As if any cell could hold him. “I accept your terms.”
“Who’s Theophania?” Sirius asks. Harry hesitates. Perhaps bringing her up was his smartest decision, strategically speaking. “If I tell you you’re not allowed to throw me in Azkaban. Or ground me.” “This isn’t a negotiation,” Sirius repeats. If Blaise has taught him anything, it’s that everything is a negotiation. “She’s a friend.” “And?” Sirius repeats. Remus suddenly grabs onto Sirius’s shoulder, “Wait. Petrifying - during your second year - is Theophania - she’s not the basilisk.” “No, they killed it,” Sirius says automatically. Harry remains silent. “Harry!” He rubs his nose. “It turns out I’m not that good at killing things. Unkilling things, however? My specialty.”
“It’s okay,” Nanaia says, “you don’t know. What do you do when you don’t know something?” “Try something you do know and hope it doesn’t make everything worse?” For some reason, Horace looks sad at that answer, and Dumbledore shifts from one foot to the other. “No,” she says, “you ask for help.” Oh.
“It’ll piss off your son,” he answers bluntly. “Fuck that kid,” Riddle Sr. says
“You played me!” “Like a cheap kazoo”
Batman sighed, before speaking in a voice that was so unlike his usual growl that most of the other League members almost fell out of their chairs. Diana and Clark seemed to be used to it. “Damian,” he started. His voice was still deep, but a regular-deep, instead of I-just-swallowed-six-buckets-of-gravel deep.
“She loved James too,” she assures, and the confidence she says that with allows him to breathe, like someone has let go of his lungs. “It is possible to love more than one person at the same time. She loved your father with the type of love that’s – that was like a shooting star, burning and bright and touching everyone around them. Her love for Severus was different, and in the end it wasn’t the type of love either of them could handle.”
You’re better at it now then many people are after leaving a full apprenticeship, and you’ve only had a year of lessons a couple of times a week instead of years of intensive study. Do you know why that is?” “Luck?” he offers weakly. For some reason, he doesn’t like the direction this is going in. “No,” she says. “To be good at healing, the way you are, the way I am, you need a certain combination of things. Intelligence, power, control, but more than that. Stubbornness, a tricky balance of flexibility and inflexibility, and a constant, brutal assessment over your own skills. And something else.” “A propensity towards poor life choices?” he suggests. Poppy shakes her head, not taking the bait. “No. You have to care. You have to care about everyone, even people you dislike, and you have to care so much that if feels like it’s killing you, you have to care and that care has to hurt, until the only thing that hurts worse than caring is not caring. To be good at this, you have to let it hurt you.”
“You two shouldn’t have bothered dressing formally for Albus, he’s a bitch.” Harry doesn’t have any idea what’s going on, but he’s loving it.  
“It was on the syllabus,” Zuko whispered conspiratorially to his mother. Sokka gasped. “You know I don’t read those!” “This is your own fault then.” “I like to be surprised. The procrastination keeps me humble.”
sometimes you remind me of the stars youre gorgeous and happy and can always brighten me on the darkest days and even when youre dampened you can guide me home
“imagine you are the only person who loves to play chess more than anything but nobody else in the world has ever heard about chess. and then you see a person holding a chessboard. it’s like your whole world was reborn”
"I wanted to be a stripper in middle school," Izuku said. Yup, that's a good cover.
What you’re asking for isn’t fair or right. You can’t ask a person for more than they’re willing to give
In Mei’s words, “You have about five minutes of ‘fuck that one thing in particular.’ Make them count.”
“Mei, let me introduce your new best friend. This is Momo. She has a Quirk that lets her make anything as long as she knows its composition inside and out. All you have to do is buy her dinner,“ Izuku said,
The cameras were looped. The bots were hacked. It was a good day to be a villain.
“None. The alarm never left the building.” “Really? Why is that?” “Mei finished first and decided to do you a favor. However, you've got the fire alarm just starting to go off and that's on a different circuit. Take a fast way down.” “Understood,” Hitoshi drawled. A moment later he was looking back at the crew. “Ladies and Frenchman. We take the express.”
Quinn is talking like that actually answers his question when it really, really doesn’t. “If you don’t start making sense, I’ll cry.”
“You’re one of my best students,” ze says. “You should understand the importance of timing. Speaking of, you’re late for your next class.”
Fuck, he totally is. “Thank you for that very confusing answer. I’ll think of you while crying myself to sleep.”
He’d wondered if that was what bravery was, to be quiet even when you were hurting so much you wanted to scream.
maybe bravery was also running screaming at the thing that nearly killed you, to keep it from killing someone else.
“Apologies are not difficult. Good apologies revolve around three basic points. One, I acknowledge what I did was wrong. Two, I regret that you were harmed. Three, this is how I plan to make sure it does not happen again. That’s all. Apologies are easy.” Then she’d glanced at them all again, evaluating. “And if you become very, very good at your job... they will be the absolute hardest thing you ever do.”
“Even though we’re a bunch of migraine-inducing hellions who are smart enough to know when something is a bad idea and stupid enough to still do it?”
“You’re like the nice china that Al only brings out for Christmas. Except Bruce just realised that I stole it, and chipped it. Maybe it’s time I give it back before I shatter all the pieces.”
she won’t co-parent my perfectly reasonable and well-behaved children.” Clark snorts. “Damian’s trying to stab Tim, right now.”
"Oh, my knight in shining armour. What would I do without you?" the teen droned, placing a dramatic hand on her head. 
"I think you mean 'knight in shining leather', M'Lady. And without me, you would be left alone in this kingdom of lies.”
"It's a kingdom, alright. It'll topple sooner or later." "That's the spirit!" Adrien laughed.
Here’s something that a harbinger of tragedy would never find the courage to admit: there are moments in between the bitter self-hatred and the visceral, tangible consequences of your sins in which you almost think you’re worthy of forgiveness; of second chances; of a life beyond your greatest regrets. It’s a unique brand of pain,
“Go directly to horny jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.”
“You can’t wait around for him to be sorry,” Izuku says. He’s quiet now. This isn’t something that’s meant to be shouted. “Maybe he’ll never be sorry. Maybe he doesn’t know he did anything wrong, or he doesn’t care. It doesn’t matter.” Cautiously he takes a step forward. “You can’t depend on the people who hurt you to be the ones to make it better, or it’s never going to get better. They’ll only disappoint you, or hurt you even worse, and then they’ll be gone and you’ll be waiting forever.”
Midoriya may be strong as hell, but that just means looking out for him has to be a team effort.
How would his new adoring fans react if they knew he raised a villain? He's no All-Might. His pillar's made of toothpicks, and it's not gonna take much to crack it.”
Tensei approaches Rei, “Okay, this plan is childish, unprofessional, and a discourtesy to this school's reputation. That being said, when do we nail the little twat?
Hinata is dead. Deceased. Passed away, laid to rest with a headstone that reads Here Lies Hinata Shouyou, Killed By A Wink And A Blown Kiss.
It’s dangerous to be a bad father when you have life insurance
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greenninjagal-blog · 5 years
Even If it Kills Us (but it wont hopefully) pt8
hey, Hey, HEy, HEY! Sanders Sides mafia au! That erased itself four times and made me cry twice. :) Sorry for the long wait, I rage quit for a few weeks.
Part Seven is here for those who need a refresher (aka me) and Part One is here for anyone new around! Summary: Virgil is a normal college student, who is also the heir to a mafia he didn’t know existed, and he’s currently being arrested for it. At least he knows to wear a seat belt.
TW: knives, tasers, poisons, 
Quick Taglist: @a-she-monster @average--human @calvindientesblancos @crysthefangirl4ever @deathshadowrules @dierotenixe @drmephistofaust  @emo-nithtmare @enderperson43 @fandomobsessed-nerd @fireflysinmystomach @ilovemygaydad @iolanomsgranola @itsrandompostime @jadeace115  @just-another-rainbowblog  @kindly-falling  @laragazzadellluna @lefaystrent @levy-the-b00kw0rm @logicality-vs-prinxiety @meep-by-boredom @mirror2thespirit @my-analogical-romance @ninja-wizard101 @oodlemydoodle @pattons-cookies @punsterterry  @reeama-the-slytherin @sanders-sides-rebloger @seaspider10 @skittlesun  @skullfire2004 @spookilyfingergunsoutofexistence @superwholocked-for-life @sylveon-lover-crazyfangirl1415 @that-ghost-in-the-corner @the-anti-virgil @the-parentheticals  @theradicalrainbow @chelsvans @felicianoromano @jemthebookworm @holliberries @stricken-with-clairvoyancy @treasureofpriam
(lmk if you want to be added!)
“I am Logan Ackroyd, Undercover FBI,” Logan says, one hand-- his non shot hand-- casually fixing his tie, “And I’ll be taking these two into custody.”
Virgil thinks of all the times he’s previously been arrested.
There are none.
Instead he’s stuck with all his limbs unresponsive like a computer that’s been disconnected, his head worrying with a faint buzzing from where he’d head hit the ground after Logan shoved him away (hand on Virgil’s bare collarbone, cold and heavy slipped past his shirt collar and his jacket), and his mouth overwhelmingly tasting like burnt popcorn.
Virgil’s knowledge of police procedures come completely from the stolen few minutes of Criminal Minds he caught on TV occasionally as a child 
(before his mother caught him, before she yelled and tore at his hair and told him never to let the police get near him)
And really, what more had he needed to know? 
Don’t do illegal things! That was easy enough!
Virgil thinks, as his rights are read to him, and his hands are cuffed behind his back, and he’s loaded into the back of a police car in front of a crowd of bypassers coming to the diner for a midday brunch, he failed, majorly.
He doesn’t even know what crime he was being arrested for.
Was it the suspicious activity of people shooting at him in the movie theater? Was it the reckless speeding through town that he had been a passenger in? Was it the murder of two assumed police officers in the diner five minutes ago?
All three?
“Wow, the real deal!” A local police officer says from somewhere Virgil can’t see
(which is pretty much everywhere, considering the only thing he can see is a black ant scuttling through the grass inches from his nose and getting closer)
“Hey, Wally, check these guys out! They’re real FBI!” The officer says again.
“Wouldja look at that! A real FBI badge!”
Virgil wonders if they knew the difference between a real one and a fake one. He has his doubts concerning the two officers who tried to apprehend them inside the dinner.
“Yes,” Logan’s voice says coolly, coldly, icily, “I am a real FBI agent with real paperwork to complete and this mess to take care of.” 
Virgil is really not a fan of how he says “mess”. 
Like Virgil is month old take out that started to reproduce, like the sticky mess of spilled energy drinks that Virgil carelessly left across his desk which ended up gluing the entire back cover of his Western Civ textbook to the wooden surface, like the aftermath of an execution and the blood had spilled into the grout.
“Remus,” Logan’s voice calls out, “Time to go.”
Then someone picks up Virgil by his shoulder and another by his feet and all Virgil can think is people touching him, hands on his body, and he cant move. 
He wants to scream, but the effects of the taser are long lasting (apparently) and he can’t even get his tongue to unstick from the top of his mouth, much less open his jaw at all. 
The idea of forcing air out of his already uncomfortably compressed lungs?
forget it.
He’s vaguely aware that on other side of him, Dee was carefully loaded in, completely useless, completely unconscious.
Virgil gets the feeling he’s just a passenger in his own body. Part of him wants to feel humiliated by the way the he’d been manhandled into a police car in front of a dozen families and two news crews.
Part of him wants to revoke Dee’s kneecap privileges for being so fucking dense that he hadn’t even noticed anything was weird about the dinning experience.
Part of him wants to lunge forward and wrap his arms around Logan’s throat, and strangle him between the links of his handcuffs and the headrest. (not that Virgil would act on that one; there’s clearly a metal mesh between the backseat and where Logan has slipped into the driver’s seat to prevent that exact scenario from occurring)
Because really, he was FBI?! He was undercover?! He had been playing each of them in oh so many ways-- How long had he been fooling Roman? What had he done to Roman and Patton when Virgil had left? What was his actual goal here?
And did it involve Virgil being alive at the end of it?
(Virgil wants to think so. Logan wouldn’t have gone to all this trouble to keep him alive just to kill him--)
Logan’s partner slaps a hand on the window, inches from where Virgil’s head had fallen, and grins at him as he opens his own door and slips into the seat in front of Virgil.
The look Virgil gets is brief.
And also terrifying.
Virgil knows that face.
Knows that face as well as he can, the partial of it seared into his brain as the moment Virgil’s life ended and this twisted nightmare began.
Its the face of the gunman that had tried to shoot him in the face at the movies, the gunman who Logan had tackled to first save his life, the gunman who Virgil hadn’t spared a second thought about because since his appearance, it had been run and duck and please don’t let me die. 
“Oh! He’s pretty cute back there!” The partner says, “I love when they’re all tied up like cute little piggies!”
Logan’s head shakes in a way that suggests he’s rolling his eyes.
The car hums to life, and Logan breezes by the crowd the second the police line widens enough for them to escape. Once they leave the public eye, Logan’s partner’s seatbelt comes off and his feet go up on the dashboard with something dancing between his fingers causally.
“FBI!” The partner laughs, “I can’t believe they really bought those fake badges of yours!”
“Remus, seatbelt.” Logan says without looking away from the road. “And they are real.”
Remus laughs. He makes no move to reattach the belt.
Virgil’s eyes flick to the side mirror in front of them, just in time to catch sight of the butterfly knife the man is expertly twisting around his index and middle finger. Remus catches his gaze in the mirror and blows him a kiss with a wink.
Virgil wishes he was in control of his body, enough to shudder, enough to snarl, enough to throw himself from the car and the oncoming traffic hits him just right--
“What a kid,” Remus sighs, perhaps dreamily, “Do you think I can keep his head for my mantle?”
“You don’t have a mantle.” Logan says, “You don’t have a house.”
“Yeah,” Remus agrees. “But also he’s a kid.”
Logan uses turn signals, Virgil notices, faintly. He feels very faint.
Like a balloon that’s floating away.  And one day he’ll reach the upper atmospheres where the decreasing air pressure will cause his insides to expand until he explodes into a 
that Logan will have to clean up.
The air in the car is tense. Virgil can’t breathe
It might also have to do with the fact he can’t move and there’s a murderer in front of him talking about killing him and-- and--
“Interesting,” Logan says, using one of his turn signals to switch lanes, “I wasn’t aware you got metaphoric cold feet over assassinations.”
The knife flips in the air. Virgil squeezes his eyes closed, forcing his chest to move. 
“You’re telling me you don’t have any qualms about killing a college brat? Any at all, Mr. Undercover FBI?”
“I’m not paid to have morals, Remus.”
Logan sounds cold, colder than ice. The vibrations of his tone wash over Virgil like a ocean, and suddenly he’s drowning.
He’s drowning on dry land and Remus is laughing.
“Surely if you want to-- how they say, “flake out”, you’re welcome to open your door and take a walk.” 
Virgil’s pretty sure Logan speeds up as he talks; the white line on the edge of the road blurs, Virgil’s head’s rumbles against the window until he’s sure he’ll never be able to see straight again.
“Aw Specs!” Remus laughs. Logan’s head twitches at the nickname, the same nickname that Roman had called him oh-so-long ago. “No way I’m gonna let you handle all the juicy stuff yourself! You already got all the credit for Roman Prince’s!”
All the energy in the car turns to white noise.
Virgil’s chest,
in the middle of a breath.
and he can’t think
because that’s not right
can’t be right.
Roman-- Roman trusted Logan.
Logan had taken a bullet for him.
why did--
how did--
Logan fixes his rear view mirror with his non shot hand. Perfectly fluid.
Virgil can see it in his mind’s eye suddenly: the memory of Logan throwing himself into Roman and taking that bullet and bleeding and getting close to Roman, being right next to Roman, demanding that Roman equip him with another gun despite his dominant hand being out of commission. 
He can see it suddenly: the second that Virgil had stormed out, Logan had put two in Roman’s distracted gut. While Virgil had been racing the in the purple car, Roman had been bleeding out on his own kitchen floor, and Patton must have joined him. While Virgil was arguing with Dee, Logan was getting paid for the murder of two people who trusted him.
Logan was ambidextrous.
Virgil doesn’t know where the strength comes from.
All he knows is he threw himself forward battering against the metal mesh with an angry ferocity that made Logan’s injured hand lose hold of the steering wheel. The whole car shakes as Logan swaps hands and curses.
It’s barely a breathe between his tense jaw and his thick tongue and numb lips. The word itself feels like a dagger in his own chest just to say.
“Interesting,” Logan says again, this time with his eyes in the rear view, and they stare directly at Virgil. A scientist’s gaze. “The box jellyfish poison should have shut down most bodily functions but it appears that it is wearing off faster than I anticipated.”
(Hand on Virgil’s bare collarbone, cold and heavy, slipped past his shirt collar, and leaving the skin numbed. The poison sinking into Virgil’s skin while the taser had him immobile)
“It’s a good question!” Remus!! Says!! excitedly!! He turns in his seat, flipping the knife close with one hand and wiggling his fingers through the mesh with the other, like a taunt. 
“Why did the straight and narrow, hard working FBI agent Logan Ackroyd, decided to throw it all away so suddenly?” Remus sings. Virgil can see something left in his mustache, a something red like jam.
Logan switches lanes again.
“If you must know,” He says his fingers curling on the top of the steering wheel. “The pay is more suitable to my tastes.” 
Which is a fancy way of saying Logan had managed to put a price tag on people.
That Logan looked at Roman and actively thought, “I could kill this annoying man for X amount of dollars in cash”
That Logan looked at Virgil and saw dollar signs rather than the terrified kid he was.
“Oh, you nerdy little dork!” Remus hums, “You’re speaking my language now!”
“Of course I am. English is both our first--”
“Dork means whale penis. Basically, I called you a whale penis!”
Virgil wonders if Logan was being paid enough for this; by the way the car speeds up, he doubts it.
Virgil clings to the anger in his chest. He squeezes his eyes closed, thinking of the past twenty four hours, of Roman in his house, of Roman talking about his cars, of Roman speeding down the street and laughing, with those stupid sunglasses in his glossy mused hair. He thinks of the feel the gravel under his knees, of the sound of his best friends voice, of Patton’s elbow on his hooked and swinging and even if it was all a lie and Virgil was just an assignment Patton had completed--
Virgil thinks of the boy he was closest too, and thinks of how the feel of his broken glasses under Virgil’s knuckles and the look of shock on his freckled face. 
And of the hollowed hours since where Virgil swore to himself he didn’t want Patton by his side.
Where Virgil lied because he wants Patton here very badly even if hes mad even if they’re fighting even if he can’t ever forgive Patton.
Where Virgil was busy being angry and upset and his best friend was being killed by the cold hearted, side switching, asshole in the seat in front of him without a seconds hesitation.
 Virgil clings to that, clings to the anger that explodes in his chest, and the thudding of his heart that breaks his own ear drums. He reaches out of his limbs--
Because he was not going to just sit here and let that bastard take kill him for money, kill his friends for paper and coins and get away with it.
For once, Virgil breathes a thanks to his mother for telling him all the ways to kill a person, a bedtime story that Virgil felt for the first time he was willing to actually implement. 
And if he can get angry enough, his limbs will move, because that’s what always happens in those movies.
He thinks his heavy numb fingers manage to twitch when Remus speaks again.
“I don’t know if I’m alright with the split we agreed on.”
Logan’s head tilts ever-so-much. The car pulls on to a single lane road. The trees come next, covering them in the flickers of shadow and sun.
“I want seventy percent.”
Logan scoffs.
“It just seems that I deserve more than you!” Remus says, “In fact, I think I’ll take it all.”
Virgil blinks and the butterfly knife is at Logan’s throat.
“Let’s talk math, kid genius.”
the car swerves as Logan’s eyes leave the road for a second to look at the death at his throat. Virgil feels as his foot comes off the pedal, slowing down in the middle of a forest that looks like private property.
“Keep driving.” Remus hisses delightedly.
Logan presses down the gas pedal and the trees begin to blur by. Virgil has a hard time watching.
It has nothing to do with the stirring that suddenly comes to his attention next to him.
“Isn’t this fun?” Remus asks, “You’re going to drive to the clearing and park the car. I’m going to kill you, and the little emo in the backseat--”
“You said we were going to talk.” Logan says indifferently, “I’m afraid I have some bad news in regards to that course of action.” 
“Remus?” A voice speaks up groggily. 
“Oh hey, Dee!” 
“Wha--” Virgil thinks its a weird to see the other heir so disorientated, and he’s only known the other heir for a maximum of three hours.”What are you doing--?”
“Me and Logan were having a chat about how we’re going to divide the reward for the death of Virgil Sanders!”
“Yes, and unfortunately, Roman Prince informs me I’m a terrible conversationalist.” Logan says, and then slams on the breaks of the car and sends seat-beltless Remus straight through the front windshield.
Part Nine
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st-fandom-imagines · 5 years
Steve The Stupid
WOW can you guys tell how much I love Steve, I really went off with this one, let me know if you guys like the longer imagines rather than the shorter! tag list- @tiger-hugger, @hannahmontanabutgayer let me know if you guys want to be added to my tag list! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Request- anonymous asked: 27,31,44 (i hope i remembered those right😂😂) With steve maybe a best friend to lovers sort of thing :)))) i love you're writing so much btw 27- “Please stay with me.” 31- “Can I kiss you?” 44- “Is that my shirt?” ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Steve and I had been best friends since the beginning of middle school, we met in seventh grade when I moved to Hawkins. He was cute, kind, sort of quite, we would sit together at lunch every day, we would go to my house after school to do home work, we became as close as two kids could be. When we met but as soon as Tommy and Carol came into the picture, the Steve I knew began to fade away. He still hung out with me, he still sat with me at lunch but he started bringing them with him, he began to become mean, towards people who even looked at him for too long, it was like night and day. Once we start high school, things really started to get bad. My body had changed and grew in ways that I didn't think it would, I was earning glances from boys left and right and Steve didn't like it. He would always wrap his arm around my shoulders and would pull me close to him, as if I belonged to him, and in a way I felt like I did. Steve started earning the same glances that I was getting but his were from girls, I don't know how but he went from my best friend, sweet Steve to King of Hawkins High. He dated a few girls here and there, having sex with them purely to be "cool" and get points with Tommy while him and Carol had been dating since Steve and I met so they had only slept with each other so I really didn't understand why it was a huge deal who and how many girls Steve slept with. It hurt me every time he did it so I began doing the same, Carol helping me fine guys to flirt with, to go home with, they weren't Steve and they didn't fill the whole in my heart but if he didn't care, why should I? "Steve, look at her." Tommy kicked Steve from under the lunch table, as Nancy Wheeler walked past our lunch table. She was a sophomore while we were juniors. Nancy was pretty, smart, plain, Steve's type on the dot. Carol then nudged me to look to our left, making me check out a table of guys that were already looking at us. "Yeah, not in the mood for idiot jocks today." I stated as I got up from the table, leaving my lunch tray there and walking towards the doors. "(Y/N)! Wait!" I heard Steve yell from behind me and I just kept walking, not looking back. I had wasted so much time, so much love on the boy from seventh grade who only cared about how much ass he could get in a small amount of time. As I walked through the hallways, all the way to the front doors, opening the doors, feeling the cold air hit my face, the rain outside only getting harder. I felt someone grab my arm and whip me around, only to come face to face with Steve. "Are you crazy? Its pouring out here, come back inside." He tried but I scoffed and pulled my arm out of his grasp. "No, I'm good out here, you can back inside, I don't want to be near the sex obsessed twins anymore." I chuckled while shaking my head. "I don't know what happened to you Steve. You use to care about me, my feelings, about girls in general. Now you use them and move on, Tommy and Carol made you like this and I'm not dealing with it anymore." I confessed making him place a hand gently on my shoulder. I sighed and turned around to see him looking at me with soft eyes, like my words were stabbing him in the heart. He went to say something but Tommy and Carol cut us off, busting through the school doors and walking towards us. "Is your lovers quarrel over yet?" Tommy asked making me scoff and push past him to head back into school. "I'm surprised you even know what that means." I breathed as I marched through the hallways, I wasn't going to do this anymore, I wasn't going to waste anymore time on the popular squad of Hawkins High. ** The next week was hard, I sat alone at lunch, Carol started spreading rumors about me and I saw Steve getting close to Nancy. It was heartbreaking, loosing your best friend and the guy you love all at once but if I was going to save my own soul, I needed to do this. Another week passed but this one was different, this was the week that Will went missing, all the adults were on high alert, while the students really didn't care. I couldn't help but feel for Jonathan and his mom Joyce, they were all alone and hurting, sound familiar? I saw Jonathan putting up a poster with Will's face on it, Steve and his crew that new included Nancy and Barb, staring at him. My eyes locked with Steve's for the first time in two weeks, and he went to take a step towards me but I walked towards Jonathan. "Hey, Jonathan." I smiled and he looked up at me for less than a second before he looked back at his poster. "Hi, (Y/N)." He responded simply, making me clear my throat and look at the poster he was trying to hang up. "I just waned to say, I'm sorry and if you or your mom need anything, please let me know. I know how cruel people can be, and I know this has to be hard. Here, don't be afraid to use it, I'm not one of the cruel ones." I offered as I wrote my phone number down on a piece of paper and handed it to him. He glanced at the paper, then back at me before nodding and shoving the paper in his pocket. "Thanks." He whispered as he jogged towards the doors, and I smiled and turned around, meeting the eyes of the group that I use to be a part of. Carol chewing on gum and twirling her hair, Nancy staring at me, her friend Barb trying to look anywhere but me, while Steve watched my every move. "So are you dating the freak now?" Tommy laughed as I walked past them, making me stop in my tracks, I turned around, pushed my way through the group to stand face to face with Tommy. Steve put his arm in between us, and I pushed him away. "I'm not your girl Harrington, you don't have to try to save me." I stated making Tommy laugh, which only fueled the fire. "I don't have much to say other than, Carol told me that you have a little problem down there so you over compensate by being an asshole. Jonathan and I aren't dating but if we were, I would make sure that you were the first to know, also..." I trailed off, my hands going to Tommy's shoulder's and then bring my knee up to meet his crotch. "...you are the biggest freak of them all." I finished as he doubled over in pain, Carol at his side trying to comfort him, Barb and Nancy just watching in awe, Steve looking at me with a smile across his lips. "Its' not too late for you Steve, you don't need them, you don't need popularity to be happy, just keep that in mind." I promised as I walked away from the group, with a smile on my face. ** This was the first night that I couldn't sleep, the rain hitting the windows like it was the day that I fought with Steve, I missed him. I turned onto my side to see Steve about to knock on my window, nearly making me jump out of my skin. I jumped out of bed, turned the light on, and ran over to the window that he had snuck in so many times before. "Steve, Jesus, you're shaking." I gasped as I grabbed towels from my bathroom to give to the shivering boy. This was the first time I got a good look at his face, his lip was bleeding, his eye a little fat, a hand print on his cheek. "What the hell happened to you?" I questioned and he let out a small chuckle followed by a groan, and he clutched his ribs. "Well, I thought about what you said when you left I told Tommy and Carol that I was done with their shit, so that earned me a punch to the face from Tommy and kick in the ribs from Carol. Then I told Nancy, I didn't want to see her anymore because there was someone else, so she slapped me across the face. I went through a lot to get here, I'm just sorry that it took me so long to get here." He apologized making me look at him with soft eyes. "There is someone else?" I asked making him chuckle with a nod. "That is what you are focused on out of all of what I just said?" He popped making me blush and get up from the bed, remembering that I had a change of clothes for him to change into, clothes that he had left here many times before. I dug through my drawers to get to the bottom, pulling out a shirt and a pair of sweat pants, both were Steve's. "Is that my shirt?" Steve asked with a cock eyebrow as I handed him the clothes. "You let them here a couple of months ago, I forgot about them until now." A lie, I kept them in the hopes of Steve needing them so he would have to come over, desperate but true. He just shrugged before taking his shirt off, making clear my throat and look the other way, not wanting him to see me blush, but all of me wanting to see his wet body. "Oh come on (Y/N)." Steve smirked, I could hear the smile in his voice. "Just let me know when you are done." I spoke, biting my lip, fighting every urge in my body to turn around and look at the boy that I have been in love with for years. I felt Steve take my hand in his, making me turn around and look at him. His hair was still wet and he was still bloody. "Can I clean you up?" I asked making him nod in silence, this was all so strange to me. I thought of things like this happening all the time but I never thought it actually would. I walked to the bathroom, grabbing band aids, gauze and a wash cloth. I sat back down on the bed next to Steve and put my hand on his forehead, and pushed some of his hair out of his face so I could clean all the tried blood off of him. "Can I kiss you?" He questioned making me stop for a second, look him in the eyes and then continued with the clean up, band aids were next. "What about your someone else?" I sighed as he winced in pain, covering the cut on his eye most likely when he hit the ground from Tommy's punch. Steve grabbed my hand, stopping what I saw doing and looked at me, as serious as he possibly could. "You are the someone else." He confessed before he pressed his lips to mine softly. I didn't want to hurt him even though every bone in my body told me to kiss him harder, deeper. I kissed back softly, one of his hands reaching around to the back of my neck, deepening the kiss a little. This was insane, this was too much. I broke the kiss, stood up and began pacing in front of him. "What the fuck?" I laughed, making Steve look at me like I was completely insane. "You changed completely, you slept with everything that walked by, I lost my best friend and found King Steve, now all of sudden you sneak into my room and kiss me, after breaking up with Nancy, what the fuck, Steve?" I laughed, this whole thing behind quite funny to tell you the truth. "I've loved you for long enough, I wanted to tell you every day but you saw me as sweet little Steve, not Steve, the guy who you could possibly love back." He confessed making me stop laughing and sit back down next to him. "I have loved you since you introduced yourself as Steve the Stupid." A nickname that his dad gave him, that he made his own, and he wasn't stupid, not until we got to high school and changed. "Please stay with me, don't leave, not again, if you are serious, then you need to be done with them, there are good people out there Steve." I promised and he smiled, cupping the side of my face with a smile. "I know there are, I'm in love with one." He smiled before kissing me again, this time I had a clear head, I knew what I wanted, what Steve wanted, I just hoped this time it was different, that in the morning he would still mean it, that  got Steve the Stupid back, I can only hope, right?
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paperbagpetrichor · 5 years
Birthday | Izuku Midoriya
I forgot to publish this on his actual birthday because sometimes I’m dumb like that, please forgive me --
Harsh hulls of heat hit the huge bay windows hibernating in their habitat of the right hemisphere of the small household, refracting and reflecting as the most persistent, persevering rays hastened forth on an endless reservoir of patience, rousing a revolution from outside in, starting with the most miniscule strips of light slipping through the cracks of the shutters and growing, exponentially, as the sun crested the haughty horizon and gradually hung itself atop the tip of the sky, beaming waves out to all, bursting through doors and windows regardless of inhabitants' requests or hopes, deluging the dark, dull skies of night and early morning and hastily forcing all to harken to the rise of day. Hunched in such a neighborhood of close ties and localities, where everyone knew everyone else and nobody knew the definition nor the concept of 'unfamiliar faces' sheerly because of spacing, most residents welcomed the daytime with open arms, heading out to work, or to meet family and friends, or else simply just into their green-grassed backyards to bask and bake in the warm summer sun that so rarely shone as brightly as that day.
Needless to say, most were never all, and there were, exceptionally, exceptions.
It's not as if you wouldn't have enjoyed doing the same as all the passers-by you witnessed from your watching station by the window. Quite the contrary, as a matter of fact, for while the sun struck your skin through the thin shield of plastic and glass particles, you were overcome with how beautiful it truly was, and found yourself longing to wear the shoes of the hordes of summer-break schoolgirls and fresh-from-university graduates you spotted laughing and joking alongside their respective crews of friends, if only just to hear laughter, if only just to feel the presence of someone by your side.
Loneliness. Your greatest friend and simultaneously your worst enemy.
Besides the typical onset of angst that came with being a young adult, your parents had also chosen to allot some of the excessive craving for company to your quirk, a decision that, to you, seemed rather unsupported by logic and overall inaccurate. And yet, as every footstep fell from just outside, your heart twisted within your chest, pinched by the invisible fingers of fate and the one friend, isolation, who you supposed you were never foretold to lose. Perhaps their claims weren't as crazy as they had initially seemed.
It wasn't as though there was nobody else to be around. In a neighborhood of that size, you knew many people, fairly well acquainted with a rather high number of them. But that was precisely where it stopped - acquaintances. Few in this world were able to be viewed as your friend. In fact, as of late, you'd really only had one friend, for the matter.
That friend had seemingly fallen off the face of the earth.
He wasn't missing. That much you were sure of. The numerous minutes, hours, days, weeks, now building on months of times you'd found yourself standing on his doorstep, hoping he would finally open up and explain where he had been, or rather for you to see some strange hallucination to make you realize this all was a superficially-concocted nightmare, had only ever led to more disappointment. His mother was always the one to answer. And while you loved her dearly, even she didn't have a proper explanation as to where her son was running off to these days. All she was able to do was assure you he was coming home, and eating all of his meals, and guarantee you that she would tell him how much you wished to see him whenever she could. The words alone were comforting, and so you had continued to wait.
And wait.
And wait.
And now, nearly two months had gone by without sight or sound of your best friend.
You still clearly remembered the last time you'd seen him. It had been the last day of middle school, and, as per usual, he had stopped at your house, just outside that very same window that your restless gaze found itself glued to, waving and smiling, ready to walk alongside you to the final day with your teachers. That same day, once the final, long-awaited bell had rung for the very last time, you had sat upon the solid stairs cemented at your school's front, humming to yourself and waiting, as you always did, for him to come walk you home, as he always did.
Only he never came.
By the time you were home, it was three hours after you normally arrived, all spent on trounced time and wasted wishes for a boy who never came, and never, not for the next two months, would. Your parents had been worried sick about you, almost as much so as you were worried sick for him. Some of the more unruly students in your classes had been rather infamous for bullying, and your friend usually received the butt end of it all - had something drastically dire occurred? You remembered the talk of quirks, and how harsh some had been on your friend, whose only dream had ever been to become a hero, despite his own lack of power. You'd nearly had to restrain Bakugou, and very easily would've, if it weren't for how desperately your friend had wanted to prove he could succeed without your help.
You hoped that was what he was doing now - succeeding. Even without you. Even if it hurt you, all you truly wished for was his happiness. And if that meant leaving you behind, then you supposed that there wasn't much you could do about it - no. Your own thought was cut short.
One of the first days after you'd found yourself friends with him, you'd promised that you would follow him to whichever high school he wound up at. Of course, back then, he had been so certain of U.A. But after lengthy battles with people who seemingly only desired to put him down and drag him out of his own dream, you had sensed that confidence begin to fade, thinning and deteriorating until it was as light as a feather, as fragile as glass. Through the words of others, the stairway to success, stoic and unshaking, sealed in place, had wilted away to something as delicate as flower petals, fighting to stay upright against the summer droughts and ready to whisk away in the winter. So no matter what, your promise still stood.
Of course, there was always the possibility that he was so busy simply due to training for U.A.'s acceptance test. You had often wondered long and hard if he really was still dreaming of attending U.A. For his sake, you wished that he would succeed. You still remembered the first time you'd seen his heart as wide as his eyes, exclaiming to you that one day he would become a Pro Hero, and protect you and your family from whatever vile villains lay ahead. A smile flitted across your lips, albeit bittersweet. You believed in him. You believed he could do it.
But then, that was one against the entire world - an entire world where the quirkless were never offered the same treatment as the quirked, an entire world with the odds stacked against him.
You would do anything to make that prejudiced pillar of society fall to its miserable death.
All that you could do then, however, was shoot him a text. It wasn't like you hadn't done that before. You'd sent him - how many now, forty? - all left unread, all left unanswered. This was besides calls, emails, and use of whatever social media you could find him on. You weren't expecting a response this time, not so much as you were just waiting for the day he would look at his phone, whenever it would come, and see that you had never, would never, will never give up on him. If anything, you hoped it would at least put a grin on his face and ease his forever-racing mind.
As soon as you saw the lock screen long enough to comprehend it, however, you almost dropped your phone right there and then. There was no way. It was already July fifteenth? How had time warped itself like that...? Or rather, how had you been so caught up in counting time that the dates themselves had become meaningless?
But July fifteenth was a special day. His birthday.
And even if he wouldn't be there to see you help set it up, or get to have you hand-deliver his gift, you were as sure as anything going to try.
Merely a few minutes later, you found yourself out of breath - not from the distance but rather the speed - from your run, and stole a knock at the door.
Almost immediately, as if trained on a schedule - which, you supposed, she rather was, what with your seemingly daily treks to the house - Ms. Inko had opened it, ushered you inside, and paused you after a moment of allowing you to take in the scenery.
Half the house was already perfectly decorated. Posters and ribbons and bundles of balloons dotted the walls and tables, while a stack of gifts sat, eagerly awaiting their own opening, upon the coffee table in the living room. Everything was, so far, astonishingly wondrous, which, of course, was nothing less than what you'd expected, but nevertheless couldn't help but gawk.
"I'm so sorry to ask for your help so abruptly, [y/n], but would you mind helping me finish the rest of the decorations?" Polite as always, your friend's mother gestured to the rather barren areas of the home, her fatigue evident in her voice.
You nodded enthusiastically, always cheered by the sheer passion of her love for her son. "Of course. That's why I came, after all."
And thus, within a few moments, the both of you were back at work. You chose between accent colors and main colors, clearly recalling what he liked and disliked, adding a hint of your own presence, although rather unintentionally, through the slight crookedness of everything, as if it all were solely a millimeter off. For once, the minutes seemed to fly by happily, you and Ms. Inko cheerfully chattering away about the weather, and school, and eventually her son, your friend. You tried your best to keep your own selfish remarks out of it, dearly wanting to press her for more information, but not wanting to stress such a kind soul, until, about two hours in, you couldn't hold it in any longer, and, without much conscience or a second thought, you blurted, "He hasn't been at home very often, has he?"
You immediately chastised yourself for concocting such a harebrained concept to even consider talking about, biting down hard on your tongue until the pain ran sharp through your nerves, until you heard Ms. Inko let out a soft sigh from her spot on the couch. After a long day of work, and your pressing for her to take a brief break, she had finally consigned to you the task of decorating by yourself for all of ten minutes. Her response, however, was not one you had been expecting.
"No, he hasn't. Worse now, he's rarely home on time...I worry a lot for him. But I doubt I worry as much as you."
From your position high upon a ladder, where you were stringing paper letters together in front of the kitchen doorway to read 'Happy 15th,' you cocked your head to the side. "Why do you say that?" you inquired.
Much to your surprise, Ms. Inko laughed. "Isn't it obvious? You both like each other very much, you know..."
You opened your mouth a bit too soon, and when you attempted to retort, it fell upon immobile vocal cords, strung taut against your neck. The sheer surprise of it all sent a redhot blush blooming across your face, and before you had any moment of peace to catch your breath or comprehend the situation, small decorations were suddenly flying off the wall, plastering themselves in hordes atop poor Ms. Inko, who couldn't help but chuckle again and begin to remove them. "My, you seem a bit excited by that," she giggled.
"W-wait, I never said anything like that! I just -"
"Mhm, I'm sure. All is forgiven, love. But I suppose this means my break is over." In a flash of motion she was once more her typical self, busying herself with re-administering the decorations to their initially facets of location. "Besides, U.A. will straighten out your quirk in no time."
Despite it all, you couldn't help but once more feel casual, and shrugged without thinking. "I - actually don't know if I'm going to U.A..." and then you abruptly trailed off.
For, right at that moment, you realized the sound of a door shutting from just behind you. Face deepening yet another shade of red, you spun around atop the slight steps of the ladder, finding yourself, after all of two months filled with worried days, concerned nights, and heartbroken weeks, face-to-face with Izuku.
His face was struck with pallor. "[Y/n], you have to go to U.A.!" he exclaimed. "You're going to be a Pro Hero one day."
Immediately your feet were flying down the steps, and in a few short strides you had flung your arms around him, hugging him close, feeling the beat of his heart against that of your own, once broken but now whole at the sight of him, safe and healthy, once more. His presence filled the empty space in your mind that had been boiling over with worries, now filled with nothing but joy, because he was here, in your arms, and he felt like he always had, the same boy as - wait.
Something here wasn't right. He was here, he was in your arms, yes. But he did not feel like he always had. He was not the same boy as you remembered him being.
Because once, where your quirk had only felt nothingness, there was now a massive weight. A massive power, emanating from his very heart and soul, strong and pulsating and full and alive, just as alive as he was, so incredulously humongous that there was only one other person who you could ever remember having such a full gauge of power, and then it spilled from you, softer than a whisper, like the tears you were trying so hard to suppress - "All Might?"
From the corner of the room, now up upon your place of the ladder you had so quickly abandoned, you heard Ms. Inko's voice cut through the tension like a rainbow after a hurricane. "Oh, Izuku, how about you head to your room with [y/n]? I'll fix everything up and call you down when the cake is ready." She couldn't have heard anything, but she did, of course, know how dear you held him to your heart.
And within seconds Izuku was practically dragging you off to his room, grip light but pulling with such an unparalleled force that you realized the sheer shock of it all must have gotten to your head, to your quirk, once more, and presuming that things were as they usually were, you were accidentally amplifying his own - his own quirk. Even that train of thought felt wrong. But it was undeniable. You were always able to sense quirks, and what they could do, and even enhance them. Nothing had ever come from Izuku before. But now there was something so mindblowingly powerful, profound in and of its own existence, so that even as you both entered his room and he carefully closed the door behind him you still didn't feel right about anything.
Izuku plopped himself on his bed, silently patting the empty cover next to him, signaling for you to take a seat; a request to which you eagerly obliged.
You were still in absolute disbelief. ""Izuku - what is going on? I-is my quirk acting up? Why do you..."
And now it was his turn to hug you, and suddenly you felt his chest rising and falling in a disorderly fashion, as though controlled by an invisible puppeteer who'd left his post for lunch, radically changing with every passing second, and you returned the embrace, melting into him as you realized, with a sweet-and-sour aftertaste, that he was almost crying. His voice was equally as shaky. "I missed you so much. I missed you so much. I missed you so much." He continued to repeat it, as though a mantra, the only thing keeping him grounded in the here and now, in reality.
Completely stunned, but beginning to regain some control over yourself, you pulled him tighter, murmuring, "I missed you too, Izuku."
And even though you couldn't bring yourself to repeat it, it was on an endless loop in your mind, a broken record replaying again and again, doomed to never have a clear beginning nor clear end.
"So much has happened," he breathed, gently pulling back, although you could feel his muscles constrict as if they were protesting, begging him to stay intertwined with you. His gaze, now completely ashamed, fluttered away from you. "But I - I can't tell anyone. And neither can you, okay?"
What did he mean? What was he even talking about? That he missed you? That he apparently had a quirk now, one strong enough to rival that of the biggest Pro Hero of them all? And why? Why wouldn't he want you to be able to say it, loudly and clearly, the next time Bakugou tried to pull something - why wouldn't he want you to simply stand your ground and finally take him down with the simple words, "Izuku is already as powerful as a Pro Hero." Nothing added up, and your mind bobbed in addled confusion.
"But - you have to promise me something. In return, I promise I'll tell you everything, as soon as I can." This came completely out of the left field, and although he was still no longer looking at you, you were now very transfixed upon him. Slowly, you nodded, and a soft 'yes' escaped your lips.
It was only now that he could face you, and it was only now that the pools of tears were growing clear in his eyes. "You have to go to U.A.," he began quietly, as if he couldn't take saying the words himself, "promise me. Even if - even if I don't make it, you have to."
Between his tears, and your own sadness welling up beneath your shaken exterior, and the words spilling from his mouth, cutting deeper and deeper into your skin with each breath, you almost felt the same puddles forming at the corners of your own eyes. "I - I can't promise that, Izuku." You vigorously shook your head, your voice straining to keep any note of calmness held within it. "Because I already promised you, I'd go wherever you went, all those years ago..."
"...Please, [y/n]." His desperation was now evident, in his afflicted posture, his gleaming, tear-streaked cheeks, his wobbling words and darting glances. "Please, just say it. I have to know that you will succeed, even if I can't."
Once more you were upon him, embracing him tightly, closely, knowing full and well that now he could feel yourself trembling beneath him, replying in a whisper, "I-Izuku...I promise. But you have to make a promise to me too, okay?" This time he didn't make any attempt to remove himself from your embrace. "Of course." He merely held you back.
"Try to come around if you can. Even if just for a few minutes. I really, really, really missed you, Izuku."
His voice was so pained it made the agony flood into you. "I'm so sorry. E-everything's just...crazy right now." Now he pulled you tighter than ever, gently, but ever so surely, closer. "I want to make it up to you. However I can. I promise."
And now you were crying, but not from sadness, or perhaps from some perfectly bittersweet mixture of melancholy and happiness, and you lifted your chin up, holding him closer, until there was no more space between the two of you and the two of you were no longer two, but rather one, and you pressed your lips delicately to his cheek, and then quickly pulling away, blushing, "Happy birthday, Izuku. I'm sorry, I completely forgot - to get you something."
Gently, cautiously, he returned the kiss, and you were sure that the butterflies were no longer in your stomach but rather flying, free, around the room, encircling the two of you like the young lovers you were, before his reply, soft and warm against your ear, found its way to you. "Seeing you again is all I could've wanted."
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Forward motion
Word Count: 2.4K
I’m writing a multi-chapter fic that will eventually include and go beyond the chapter I posted as “Not a moment to spare.” This is chapter 1. Forgive the exposition. Picking up at the end of COG.
Footsteps on the wet stone of the viaduct were practically the only indication that eight people were making their way to the school grounds. Just one voice carried forward from the back of the crew: the overly companionable one belonging to Flamel, who was valiantly attempting to make conversation with Nagini. 
The animagus, for her part, hadn’t made a sound since their arrival at the castle. Left alone in the Great Hall for the hour Newt had been in Dumbledore’s office, the rest of the crew attempted to fill the empty air with light conversation, albeit with mixed success. Nagini didn’t engage with the stilted questions about the cities of Paris, New York, and London. The weather in each place didn’t interest her in the slightest. Nor did she particularly care about the popular tourist attractions at each spot. She kept her thoughts locked up tight inside her. She slouched her shoulders in and kept her arms tight to her body, as if to close herself off from the rest of the group. She maintained that posture even now as they walked. A cue clearly missed by the ancient alchemist. 
Yusuf strode along beside Jacob, ​though the two did not even spare a passing glance. The shorter man ambled on with a look of resignation, the wonder and confusion he experienced upon their arrival having faded with his confrontation of the sobering circumstance that brought them there. Yusuf, for his part, kept his eyes trained squarely in front of him, where Newt and Dumbledore strode with purpose. Their grey attire matched the gloomy sky and the gloomy mood. Nobody dared call attention to the tension that lingered heavily between the two men. As for his appearances, Dumbledore donned what would have been a convincingly cool façade, but his hesitance to make conversation with Newt betrayed his true feelings. Newt, however, put forth no effort to mask his distaste for the whole situation. He wore the closest thing to a scowl he could muster, eyebrows furrowed and lips slightly downturned. His grip on his suitcase was unusually tight in his left hand, seemingly placed there on purpose to create a barrier between himself and his old professor. 
The smell of wet grass in the courtyard they entered held very specific memories for Theseus, ones that he didn’t much care to relive right now. Of a time when he actually had friends. When he could run around and laugh and play without shouldering the weight of all the atrocities of the world. Weight that someone had come along to finally help him bear. Weight made intrinsically lighter by her reminder that there was light in this dark world. That love and friendship were real and attainable and worth fighting for. And fight she had. He considered turning around and heading alone back to the Great Hall when his opportunity was cut short by Dumbledore’s voice:
“Let’s have a look at the beast, shall we?”
Newt pursed his lips and set his case down in the middle of the grass. Tina emerged from where she’d hidden herself at the back of the pack, cradling an injured niffler in her right arm, and motioned for the others to stand back just before the zouwu came roaring to the surface. Nagini gasped and grabbed Yusuf’s arm. He gave a few uncomfortable pats to her hand, which she quickly withdrew. The creature circled the perimeter of the grounds like a raging river of orange and red ribbons before alerting to the jingle of the feathered kitty toy. She roared forward and screeched to a stop before Newt, who promptly dropped the lure back into the case. With the zouwu safely recaptured only seconds after her explosive release, Dumbledore broke past Tina’s barricade and placed a hand on Newt’s shoulder, which earned him a sharp glare from the magizoologist.
“She’s surely a fine creature, just as you said.”
Newt recognized the glimmer in Dumbledore’s eyes. It was mischievous. Scheming. Decidedly up to something. “You’re not using my creatures for any of your clever plots, professor. I won’t allow it. I agreed to show you the zouwu as a matter of strictly academic interest.”
Dumbledore gave a hum in acknowledgement, which set Newt fuming. It was a slight sound, but it spoke volumes. It said that his concerns were a minor inconvenience that could be easily swept aside with just a little persuasion. Well, perhaps he could be convinced about illegal travel to Paris given additional incentives, but nothing could ever justify weaponizing his life’s work. He was in charge of his creatures, and that would never change.
Newt scanned the small crowd, most of whom looked varying degrees of scared or amazed by the spectacle they’d witnessed. All except one, who was busy negotiating with the niffler over a pearly button on her blouse, which peeked out from where her stark leather trench coat shrouded her whole body. She looked conflicted as she gently pushed his paw away with a finger, being mindful of his injuries. Newt’s scowl softened slightly with the knowledge that he’d made the right decision in handing him off before disappearing with Dumbledore. She was whispering something to the creature, though Newt couldn’t make out what it was. The silence must have persisted for a second too long, because Yusuf finally spoke up to ask after their lodging.
At this, Tina’s attention snapped back to the people standing next to her, and she gave a concerned look to Nagini, who had once again had retreated into her small personal bubble. 
“Yes, well, we’ve been making arrangements for you over the course of the day. Unfortunately the dormitories and common rooms have newly become occupied by students, as is the way of things come September, but I’ve ensured that adequate space is prepared for each of you in spare offices around the castle. I trust you will find everything to your liking.” He turned to address the rest of the group. “You are all safe at Hogwarts.”
“Exactly how secure are these offices? We can’t afford any mishaps with Newt’s case, and it‘s probably be best if we keep its contents hushed up. The creatures and the children have to be kept safe if we’re gonna be here a few days.”
Newt wanted to collapse in relief every time he heard Tina use his given name after so much time being “Mr. Scamander,” and prior to that not being addressed at all for months. Only this time, his knees actually did buckle a little thanks to his state of general exhaustion. He bent down to click the latches on his case and take it in hand as he spoke: “I promise you, Tina, that after New York I’ve taken steps to ensure that my case is both muggle and niffler-proof. Not to worry.”
She gave him a small smile, which set his heart to fluttering. He had seen it before just hours ago, still in Paris, when the ragged bunch gathered around the fountain awaiting word on their portkey arrangements. There was so much still unsaid, but he was almost certain that the worst of their misunderstanding was cleared up. She knew now that he hadn’t gotten engaged. She didn’t ridicule his Salamander eyes comment. In fact, she finished it. They’d fought side-by-side, a well-synchronized machine, just as they were nine months ago in New York. She just might be the most special woman on the planet. The growth of a soft smile on his lips skidded to a halt as he remembered the one thing he’d gotten no closure on: that man Queenie had mentioned. That auror. Dare he even ask? If that thought hadn’t been enough to sour what had a been a content few moments of contemplation and sustained eye contact between the two, Dumbledore’s voice was sure to paste the frown back on Newt’s face. 
“All unused rooms in the castle are enchanted to grant access only to certain witches and wizards. The charms have been updated so that each of you will be the only ones able to open or close the doors using your wands.”
Out of the corner of her eye, Tina saw Nagini’s head drop to look down at her empty hands. Her heart went out to the young woman; she could recognize false bravery when she saw it. This woman needed an ally. 
“Is a wand the only way to unlock the doors, professor?” She said this giving a slight nod in Nagini’s direction. Dumbledore looked puzzled for a fraction of a second. The flicker went unnoticed by anyone but Newt, who felt an incredible amount of satisfaction. Leave it to his Tina to ask a straightforward yet unexpected question for which Dumbledore wasn’t fully prepared. The professor trained his focus on the maledictus, who kept her eyes to the ground. Sensing she was now the center of attention, she lifted her head first to look at Tina, who gave her a warm smile and nod. She snapped her gaze to Dumbledore and spoke with a low and steady voice:
“I don’t have one.”
Nagini’s calm and shy exterior masked an inner turmoil that Tina could only hope to understand some day, at least enough to be of some help. This woman clearly cared very much for Credence, and Credence trusted her to some degree. What was the nature of their relationship, anyway? Had they become friends in the circus? What had they gone through at the hands of that wretched ringmaster?
With Dumbledore’s assurances that something else could be worked out for Nagini, the group started heading back. Tina placed her free hand—that is, the one not occupied by a now gently snoring niffler—gingerly between Nagini’s shoulder blades, giving her enough of a start to cause Tina to immediately withdraw the gesture of comfort. Both women whispered “sorry” at the same time, and Nagini sped up her steps a little to join Yusuf, Theseus, and Jacob in silence.
Left at the back of the pack, an opportunity finally presented itself. Taking a steadying breath, Newt resolved to not let his chance get away. “Tina, might I have a word for just a moment?”
Her heart thumped at the sound of him unexpectedly so close behind her. She turned her head to find his eyes and slowed to a stop. She adjusted the niffler slightly in her arms, shifting him more securely to the crook of her elbow, and waited for Newt to continue.
“Tina, about the records room.”
She smiled. A breathtaking, warm smile that let her dimples make an appearance. 
“Well, I can’t help but feel that we were somewhat interrupted.”
“I guess we might’ve been.” She took a half step closer, just as she had not a day prior. “Salamander eyes?” That spark she used to have when teasing him returned, and it transported him back to that rooftop in New York when she’d chuckled about Dougal’s name. 
He cleared his throat. “Yes well, what I meant to say is, you have beautiful eyes. And you’re beautiful. Probably the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. And I’ve—I’d been losing sleep at night with worry for you. Not knowing whether you were angry with me for my comment about aurors or whether you’d been hurt and I had no way of knowing...it was maddening. And to find out it was all because of some stupid magazine, well I’ll write to the editors first thing tomorrow. I’m sorry that I let that hurt you, Tina. I should’ve kept writing. I feel—well, I feel that I failed you. As a friend.”
All the air was sucked out of her lungs as soon as he began to speak. Beautiful. The most beautiful, even. Losing sleep? He wasn’t meeting her eyes, but she could see through his fringe how his brows furrowed with the effort of making these confessions.
“You couldn’t have done anything, Newt. You didn’t even know the damn thing had been printed! I should have reached out to you instead of letting myself stew over it. I did some dumb things when I should have known better. If I’d have just asked— ”
“Well, clearly I had done something wrong if I made it possible for you to believe even for a second that I would marry another woman.” She raised her eyebrows at his interruption and he panicked, “Not that I—I just mean—there was nothing between me and Leta anymore and if I gave any indication that there was, I—well, it was unintentional. And surely I would not have kept such a significant development in my life from you in light of our—of our friendship. I assure you that I have no plans to marry anyone at all.” He cringed and she opened her mouth so say something. “Not that it’s—I mean—sorry, I’m sorry, I’m just—“
“Hey, hey, Newt,” she put her arm on his shoulder and gave him a little laugh. “It’s alright. I get it.”
“You do?” She nodded. “Good, good, that’s...that’s good.”
“Let’s just move on from all that now, okay?”
“Yes, right. Moving on.”
Tina gave him another bright smile when the niffler stirred in her arms. It groggily sniffed in Newt’s direction, and the two shared a slight chuckle. 
“Newt, I think he wants his mommy.”
He took a step closer to help her transfer the niffler securely to his own arms. He tried to keep himself steady for the niffler’s sake, even if the way their arms and hands brushed sent enough electricity through his body to topple him over. Merlin, when did it get this bad?
She reached over to scratch the creature’s belly as Newt shifted to a more comfortable position before she turned to keep pace with the group. As the distance between them grew he felt his head grow hot and his thoughts dissolve into a chaotic haze. What were you thinking? ‘Beautiful.’ He should have complimented her intelligence or her wit or her heart! A woman like Tina doesn’t just want to hear beautiful. She deserves something more complete. And he even said ‘probably the most beautiful.’ ‘Probably!’ He didn’t even say it with certainty! And “marrying another woman”, what had possessed him? What a terrible way to phrase things. He almost made it better and then the not marrying at all! Bloody hell.
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imagines-dreams · 5 years
Your Mentor(s) - Tom Holland Imagine
Rating: G
Warnings: not that much Tom, but it’s cute and fluffy
Summary: Stacy meets her biggest hero while interning at Stark Industries. /  It's a wrap on Gwyneth Paltrow, so it's your last day to give her a gift, to thank her for being an amazing Pepper Potts.
Word Count: 2201
Notes: So, it’s now a series, because even though I have a standardized test in four days, i still have ideas for this insane ideas
Part 1 
~ - ~
You stared at the calculations given to you. Your internship at Stark Industries was basically two things. Shadowing amazing scientists and their respective projects, and going over their calculations and conclusions to double-check simpler things before sending it to a team to be triple checked.
But… something wasn’t right. The data was inconsistent. Even accounting for the differences in the subjects before testing, the data was inconsistent. You spread them out on your desk and stared at all of them. You double-checked your calculations. You checked them again. By the sixth time, you came up with the same numbers. Something was off.
You brought the data set to the lab and stared at the displayed holograms. The new piece of biotech your team was working on was a vibranium-based mesh that would theoretically be used as a permanent mesh that’s used in surgeries.
There were a total of twelve possible designs, each a different thickness and a different denseness of mesh. Supposedly, with the incorrect data you held, the thinnest and most dense mesh would be best, but that didn’t make any sense. If vibranium mesh was too dense, the cells would take in vibranium and try to spread it out when too much is inside a person.
A too dense mesh should be absorbed by the cells around it and therefore disintegrate, becoming a temporary mesh when it should be permanent.
You gulped and checked the simulations. Something was off with the “successful” trial of mesh. You turned the hologram of the bunch of cells and the mesh. Mesh looked fine. Set to the thickness and denseness that was set in the paper.
The cells, though, were acting strange. You brought up the codes for the cells’ behavior. Structure of the cell, first. Movement of the cells, next. Last, how the cell reacts to outside stimuli. That took up most of the code. “Jocasta,” you said into the air, “bring up a notepad and write what I say, please.”
The friendly Stark Industries AI responded politely, “Of course, Ms. Stacy,” and followed your instructions.
You read each line of code and said what each line was for. Then, you found it. A mistake! “Jocasta, highlight line 351 and inform Dr. Singson that the vibe mesh trials have been incorrectly coded, resulting in uncharacteristic cellular behavior.” You stuck out your tongue and zoomed in on one of the trials. “Specifically, the cells don’t sense a difference in concentration of vibranium outside the cell and inside the cell.”
A few seconds later, Friday announced, “Dr. Singson is currently unavailable, but his associate Dr. Hansen is coming up to check on your calculations.”
“Dr. Hansen?” You haven’t met that doctor. You straightened out your outfit and prepared yourself for the introduction. After a few cycles of deep breathing, a man, you were guessing Dr. Hansen, barged into the lab. “Who are you?” he asked.
You smiled and held out your hand. “Good evening, my name’s Gwen Stacy, and I’m an intern here.” You pointed at the simulations. “I was-”
You blinked a few times. “Yes, Stark Industries hires high school and college students to-”
“Right.” He stared at your notes. “You’re authorized to access these?”
“When needed,” you explained. “I’m the first person to check Dr. Singson’s calculations before sending them to-”
“Me.” Dr. Hansen shook his head. “I can’t believe Dr. Singson allows the intern to check his calculations,” he muttered.
Anger bubbled in your gut, but you pushed it as far down as you could. Dr. Hansen was Dr. Singson’s associate, and you couldn’t insult him. You weren’t going to lose your internship.
“What classes are you in, little girl?”
You inhaled through your teeth. “Currently a sophomore at Townsend, taking Advanced Calculus, AP Comp Sci, and AP Bio.”
“Hm.” The man sighed. “I don’t see anything wrong here.”
“Then, you’re not looking.” You cleared your throat and tried your best to keep your voice level. “The vibe trial with dense mesh doesn’t take into account that cells can sense vibe concentration inside and outside the cell. Cells would absorb the vibranium, and this should be a permanent mesh, not a temporary one.”
He raised his eyebrow at you. “How do you know about a cell’s reaction to vibranium?”
“Since I’ve interned here for one and a half years under Dr. Singson and took a specialized course on vibranium along with the rest of the team.” You smiled. “Also, I’ve sat in on a video conference with Wakanda’s head of research as she explained vibranium’s properties.”
“Excuse me?”
You sighed. “Dr. Singson,” you greeted.
The younger doctor smiled at you. “I see you’re discussing our conversation with Princess Shuri. Enlightening, wasn’t it?”
“Yes, its was. I can’t thank you enough for letting me sit in that day.”
“I guess my team and intern are now American experts in vibranium.” He walked to your side and looked over your notes. Without looking at Dr. Hansen, your boss said, “You can go now, Doctor. Stacy and I got it handled.”
You smiled at Dr. Hansen. His mouth was a tad open, and you were almost worried he would catch flies. Instead, you pointed at the door. “There’s your exit.”
You didn’t even watch him leave. After all, you had work to do it. After twenty minutes of correcting the code and running simulations, the door opened again. You almost groaned at the thought of seeing Dr. Hansen again. Thank whatever god there was that Dr. Singson said something first.
“Ms. Potts! What a pleasant surprise.”
You nearly choked on air. Ms. Potts? As in the Pepper Potts? The assistant turned CEO of Stark Industries? The woman who killed the terrorist Aldrith Killian? That Pepper Potts? You wiped off dust from your lab coat and tried your best to not look like you were screaming on the inside. When you turned around, you nearly squealed. It was her! It was Pepper Potts! Red haired, high heeled, power suit-wearing Pepper Potts!
“Dr. Singson, I just wanted to pop in and see what’s going on. Dr. Hansen was complaining about an intern?”
Just like that, your excitement died.
Dr. Singson shook his head. “Oh, it’s a misunderstanding. Stacy here, caught a mistake in my work, and Dr. Hansen incorrectly disagreed.” He motioned to you. “This young woman saved our trials.”
Ms. Potts smiled at you and held out her hand. “Pepper Potts. A pleasure to meet you.”
You nodded. “Yes, uh, trust me, the pleasure is all mine.” You shook her hand. “Gwen Stacy.”
“Of course. Daughter of the Captain, right?”
You gulped. “Yep.” That’s what you were known for. “That’s me.”
The CEO blinked a few times. “Actually, I believe I remember your application. Very impressive essay and proposal. And now you're exceeding expectations here with Dr. Singson.”
Astounded, the only thing that left your lips was a stuttered, “T-Thank, uh, yes, thank you, Ms. Potts. Thank you.”
“Did Dr. Hansen bother you?”
You shrugged. “Not too much, you know? Just standard, uh, confusing with my status and, well how would you say-”
You inhaled through your teeth. “Possibly,” you added. "Why?"
She tapped a few things on her Stark-issued pad. "We've had a few minor complaints, but not to worry. I’ll sit down and talk with him personally. Should at least be able to make him take a few seminars before coming back to work. And don’t worry about him. I’ll make sure he doesn’t bother you again, ok?”
You nodded. “Ok!”
“Great.” She smiled. “You know, we could use more people like you here. If you ever have any trouble, don’t hesitate to ask me.” She nodded at your mentor. “Dr. Singson.”
“Always a pleasure, Ms. Potts.”
And just like that, she was out of sight, and you were practically vibrating with excitement. You met Pepper Potts! And she liked you! And she complimented you! And she sided with you! “Impressive,” she had said. Impressive! Not only that, but she wanted more people like you at Stark! You couldn’t wait to tell your parents.
“That’s a wrap on Gwyneth!” A round of applause came up from the entire cast and crew. “Thank you, everyone! Let’s move on.”
You were whisked off stage to wardrobe where you changed back into your clothes. Your next set of takes should be after at least two hours, so you could comfortably lie in your trailer. As you planned out your relaxation, you caught Gweneth Paltrow and her team.
You couldn’t help but smile.
Jacob told you that Gwyneth had memory problems. It wasn’t that noticeable until she forgets a name or is under the spotlight. Because of that, you made sure to always work your name into the beginning of the conversation, just in case.
She has been so nice to you. You couldn’t ask for a better actress or person to act as your mentor, and if you could make her life just a little easier, it was almost like thanking her for recommending you and being such a great actress to work with.
Speaking of! You almost forgot the present you got her! “Sorry, excuse me,” you rushed to grab your things and get to your trailer. You grabbed the bouquet of origami flowers and card and found Ms. Paltrow in record time. “Gwyneth, excuse me.”
Her team dispersed to let you through, and the woman smiled at you. “Hello,” she said softly with a kind smile.
“Just a gift from me.” After she took your presents with a soft gasp, you curtsied with a giggle, “Your humble co-worker, (Y/n) (Y/l/n).” You shrugged. “I hope it’s an ok gift. I wasn’t sure-”
“They’re lovely,(Y/n).” She gently plucked one of the paper flowers and tilted her head. “Who did you buy this from?”
“Oh, I made it,” you said. “Tried something new.”
“Recyclable,” she commented.
You nodded. “And they will never wilt.”
She laughed, and you could swear your heart swelled, and you were floating on air. Robert was right. Having Gwyneth Paltrow on set was distracting. She was too entrancing. Not just because of her beauty, even though yes, that, too, but because she has this neverending optimism and air of grace about her. When you grow up, you wanted to be like her.
“It’s very sweet gift.” She handed it to someone on her team. “Can you put this in my trailer, please?”
“Of course, Ms. Paltrow.”
“Thank you.” She sighed. “Mind if I give you a hug?”
“Not at all!”
And so, she took you into her arms, and all the soreness and little annoyances of the day slipped away, and you relaxed into her embrace. Yes, there was no better woman to be your mentor. You were so lucky.
Tom and you were in your trailer, watching Gwyneth’s interview with Jimmy Kimmel for one of her non-Marvel movies. You couldn’t stop smiling, because god, you really knew that woman. You knew someone on tv who was being interviewed by a famous late night show host.
Tom laughed. “Close your mouth, darling. Catching flies and all.”
“Sorry.” You shook your head. “Still surreal.”
“Yeah.” He handed you the popcorn bowl.
You gladly took a handful before handing it back to him.
“So, I heard you have been receiving presents on set?”
“Yes, I do! I’m proud to say that most sets I step foot on, that we act like a family.”
“Yeah, we’ve heard that the newest member of the MCU-”
“Yes, her!”
You choked on your popcorn. “What?!”
“Yeah, we’ve heard you’ve taken her under your wing. Is that correct?”
“Yes, or I’m trying to.” Gwyneth laughed. “Whenever I can, she’s just a really talented actress. I can see her going far in this business.”
“Oh my god,” you mumbled. “This is how I die. From compliments.”
Your friend laughed. “Shut up! I’m trying to listen to our mom.”
“My mom!” you argued. “Now, sh!”
“So, she gave you a present?”
“Yes, she did. And I kept it. Or part of it, anyway.”
“Yeah, you actually sent us a picture.” Jimmy Kimmel took out a picture of one of your paper roses and the envelope with the card on a windowsill. “She bought you some paper roses.”
“She made them!”
“She made them?”
“Yes, can you imagine? She’s so sweet. I keep it as a little reminder for myself.”
“Of what?”
Gwyneth smiled. “Of the family I have on set, and the admiration I have for our next generation.” She leaned in close and stage-whispered, “She’s one of the best.”
“That’s it! I’m dead!” You fell right onto the cushions, feeling like everything was turned to jelly, because oh my god, Gwyneth Paltrow, the Gwyneth Paltrow, complimented you and called you one of the best, part of her on set family!
“Still not used to it?” Tom asked sarcastically.
Heat crawled up your neck and into your cheeks. You covered your eyes with your arms. “Shut up, you movie star!” You threw a pillow at him. It was satisfying.
Then, you went right back to your soft cushions and muttered, “Gwyneth Paltrow knows me. And likes me.” You brought a pillow to your face and screamed into it.
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soobinpls · 6 years
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repost !! if you’re reading this and think it seems familiar that's because you’ve already read it <3
word count: 7.1k 
a/n: this gif is so god damn CUTE im losing it anyways we’re breaking this accs fic virginity with one of my favs <333
warnings: underage drinking, some k*sses
lets start on the first day of school back from winter break
it’s cold as h*ck outside and you didn’t wear enough layers because ya know how cold could it be ??
the answer is: VERY COLD
you pull up to school and park next to donghyuck and immediately launch yourself into his car
it has seat warmers and you’re tryna get IN on that action
you’ve been friends with donghyuck and renjun since kindergarten when i tell you these boys have seen you at your WORST
you’ve recently adopted chenle as the youngest member of the Crew since he hates everyone in his grade lmao
prince chenle please have mercy on the plebeians :(((
anyways you’re in hyuckie’s car and shivering and he doesn’t even flinch when you get in bc this is a common occurrence
and then, like clockwork, renjun catapults into the backseat followed by chenle and they start shivering too
basically everyone is cold except donghyuck and he looks SMUG
and then chenle is like u guys !!! my bestie jisung says there’s a new kid today !!!! let’s befriend him !!!!!!!!!!!!
and you’re all like , who the hell is jisung
chenle explains in great detail how him and jisung both share a love for making fun of jisung’s senior friend, mark, and that they are now Best Friends Forever
renjun is lowkey insulted that his Son didn’t tell him but it’s okay
anyways you tell him to invite his other friends + new kid to come sit with you guys at lunch if it’s That Deep and chenle squeals and bounces in his seat
absolute Baby Boy
before you go inside you sprint across the lot to fling yourself into lucas’s car and beg him for a sweater since you know he leaves like 5 Big Ones in his car at all times
lucas is sort of the Big Irresponsible Brother of the group and he isn’t as close with y’all but he’ll come hang out and make terrible jokes and laugh really hard at them
and he’s very weirdly protective over you guys ?? like he’s a goofy boy but if someone looks at one of you wrong ???
he’s suddenly a Big Man On The Block and he’ll look all intimidating and scary
u know he could do it if he really wanted to
he puts up a valiant effort to ignore you since he knows it takes WEEKS for the sweater to be returned
but you pout and latch on to his arm and he sighs and shakes you off and goes uGH fine
you smile and thank him and call him lukie and he lunges for you as you yeet out of the car with sweater in hand
you squeak when you almost run face first into lucas’s friend mark’s shoulder during your Big Escape
you’ve always,,,, lowkey thought he was cute but he’s also older than you and Out Of Your League so :/
also your only connection is thru lucas and that’s a slippery slope my g
you’re still friendly though so he when he makes a surprised face you both giggle and then wave as you head to school and he opens the door to ask lucas if he’s finished their partner powerpoint
lucas has not
you vaguely know the boys in lucas’s friend group but all you really know about jisung is through chenle and you know next to nothing about jaemin other than he’s pretty
because,,,,, everyone knows that
okay so you head to first period and unfortunately you don’t have that class with any of your Buddies
you go in and take your usual seat by the window since history is a whole snooze fest and you like to watch the clouds outside
you like the teacher though so you take it every year anyways
you’re curled up in the seat since you’re still cold and your chin rests on your knees as you count how many birds are in a flock that’s circling around
and then you hear the quiet murmuring of the class raise to more of a commotion and bring your attention back to the indoors
the teacher, Mr.Choi, has just led in a new boy and
holy shit he is beautIFUL
he’s a few inches taller than you and has a somewhat athletic build
and those are nice and all but your favorite thing has got to be his smile
his whole face seems to emit sunshine when he smiles , albeit nervously
and his eyes turn up into little half moons even while he flicks a piece of dark hair out of his eyes
uwu such a CUTIE
mr.choi introduces him to the class and his name is lee jeno !!!
you’re still curled up as his eyes start to scan the room and they fall on you
his lips quirk a little in what you assume is amusement at your position and ridiculously oversized sweater
you blush and try to quickly change position to sit like a Normal Good Student
but end up banging your knee on the desk and cursing under your breath and turning even more red
he ducks his head bashfully and then makes his way to his seat which is ,,,, the one next to you
everyone starts getting their stuff out and jeno leans over and whispers to ask if your knee is okay
such a sweet boy :(
you can barely look at him when you nod and he smiles again and you almost mELT INTO A PUDDLE
he goes back to his supplies and you both wait for the teacher to start the lesson
you try to focus you really do but your head wanders off and soon you’re daydreaming of bouncing on clouds and being able to speak to animals and other impossible things
you jump when jeno taps you on the shoulder
“hey? um the bell rang ,,,, and also i think you um missed the notes so if you want a picture of mine you can have one”
“oh my goHSH i’m so sorry i’ve really gotta stop doing that thank you so much !”
you snap a quick picture of his notes and thank him again before rushing off to your next class
about 5 steps out the door you hear jeno stumble out behind you
“wait ! you never told me your name !! ......and also i don’t know where my next class is”
your lips press together to keep from giggling so that he doesn’t think you’re making fun of him
you hold out your hand for his schedule and tell him your name
bUT he thinks you’re going for a handshake so he grasps your hand with his large and calloused one
and he whips his hand back in fear that he’s hurt you or something
“oh um ? oh my god i’m sorry did i hurt you ???”
“no !!! i was just surprised ??!:&;&”
“that i , shook your hand ?”
“i mean i was holding it out for your schedule”
“oh . yikes”
“it’s okay though ! i shouldn’t have been surprised shaking hands is a uh normal thing isn’t it”
“yeah ,,, haha”
and then the late bell rings and you both jump
you pluck his schedule off the ground where he had previously dropped it in his haste to pull his hand from yours
you unthinkingly grab his wrist and pull him in the direction of his next class and practically push him into the classroom before rushing to your class
your math teacher is Strict and will def be getting onto you for being late :/
the rest of the day passes normally except your usual daydreams are interrupted by one Soft Boy
it’s finally fINALLY time for lunch though thank you god
you meet donghyuck and renjun at your usual spot outside
you guys pretty much sit out there every single day no matter the weather unless there’s like monsoon or smth
you squish up close to hyuck and try to get warm while you wait for chenle and apparently all of his friends that he’s bringing
soon enough, you spot him excitedly dragging a fond looking jisung followed by lucas and mark who are even fonder looking
just behind them is jaemin who is cracking a joke to none other than the New Boy
you panic.  because oh no you definitely uhh embarrassed yourself earlier ????
but it’s too late to back out now
just to be sure though you straighten up so you’re not too close to hyuck
chenle and jisung plop down across from renjun and lucas swings a leg over the bench so his back faces you and then leans all his weight on you
“ouch you OAF get off of me you’re like a million pounds”
“a million pounds of pure muscle baby hell ye”
mark smacks the leg on the outside of the bench so he’ll sit normally and sits on his other side after giving you a wave
jaemin hooks his arm around jeno and proudly introduces him to the group
jeno smiles his smile , y’all know the one
and he waves
when he catches your eye though his smile somehow gets even brighter
“oh y/n ! hey !!! did you make it to second period okay ?”
“oh um yeah? i mean i was late and mrs.park gave me an extra homework assignment but it’s fine”
“oh gOD i’m so sorry do you want me to do it for you ?? i feel so bad”
“no no it’s fine i need the practice it’s okay really”
and then you both pause and realize everyone is staring at you
jeno explains how you two already met that morning and the boys seem appeased even though donghyuck eyes you slyly
he mouths that you’ll be discussing this with him later rip you
jeno ends up sitting across from you and you do your best not to stare at him but he’s in your diRECT line of sight
you have a habit of absentmindedly kicking your feet and just moving them around and you accidentally brush his shins and ankles multiple times
he waves you off everytime you apologize
the whole of lunch is spent basically merging the two groups
everyone settles into their roles pretty easily and you wonder why there are literally no other females except you
but then you realize why when lucas starts attempting to burp the abc’s and almost barfs :))))))))))
you whine and cover your eyes because like other people barfing makes yOU feel sick and then everyone is sick and that is Not Good
you push yourself as close to donghyuck and as far away from him as possible as everyone goes NO NO STOP NO
he stops when everyone starts yelling at him lmao
once he stops and you peek an eye open you smack him and huff and kick your legs out, hitting jeno’s shins once again
“jesus y/n he just got here and you’re already bruISING HIM”
jeno just reaches across the table and pats your forearm and tells you not to worry about it
“i play soccer you guys my shins are made of STEEL”
okay also there goes your last shred of self restraint soccer players are everyone’s weakness and you cANT TELL ME OTHERWISE
also he just ???? patted your forearm like it was nothing this boy is just asking for it isn’t he
the rest of the day passes pretty quickly and throughout the week you get back into the swing of things at school
jeno has literature with you later in the day and sits by you and giggles while you tell him about how much the teacher looks like sully from monsters ink
to be fair the guy is a gentle giant but he’s really large and rather hairy so
what did he expect
jeno seamlessly fits in with your group of friends it’s almost like he was always there
a lot of the boys sometimes forget he wasn’t n they’re like hEY remember when-
and he’s like uh no i do not lol
unfortunately jeno arrived too late to join the soccer team with mark and jaemin bUT that doesn’t stop him from joining you all in going to support them
every week the whole lot of you either attend the home game or follow the team bus to wherever the away game is
usually you have to split between 2 cars since even without mark and jaemin there’s 7 of you
and no one owns a minivan or would like to so
usually renjun and lucas drive
lucas, contrary to popular belief, is actually a really good driver as long as chenle is not in the car
the two of them are entirely too excitable to be in a confined space together
during one of the last games of the season it’s really REALLY cold
you rode with lucas and donghyuck called shotgun so you and jeno sat in the back and renjun brought chenle and jisung
on the way there your nose was running just a tad so you were sniffling every once in awhile
jeno kept offering you his gloves and hand warmers but you insisted you were fine and that this happens every year when it gets cold at soccer games
you don’t protest though when you arrive and he wordlessly removes his beanie and pulls it down over your head, making sure your ears are covered
your cheeks turn as red as the tip of your nose and now you’re not so sure you needed the extra warmth at all
he blushes a little too and quickly scurries away to the bleachers ejjdj
you stack your arms high with blankets from the trunk to sit on and wrap yourselves in
cold metal bleachers are no bueno
you wobble up the steps as chenle and jisung bound ahead of you and lucas walks behind you to make sure you don’t trip and die
he’s caring when he wants to be uwu
jeno takes some off your pile when you get to the spot he reserved for the Gang and spreads them across the seats
you distribute the rest amongst you and huddle together for warmth while you wait for the game to start
donghyuck is seen silently threatening chenle and jisung with his eyes when they move to sit on either side of you and then sending a sugary sweet smile to jeno and beckoning him to sit next to you
chenle and jisung squish together on your other side and lucas sits between renjun and chenle,,,, theyre lowkey his favorites
donghyuck pouts about sitting on the edge but is appeased when mark and jaemin come out onto the field and mark waves and blows him a kiss
boy turned redder than his hair but didn’t miss the chance to catch the air kiss and smack it onto his cheek
jeno has left a few inches of space between you as a Common Courtesy i guess but really no one would mind if he just ,,, scooched on over
as the game progresses the both of you lose the tension in your shoulders until eventually you’re pressed up against his side just as much as jisung is trying to leech warmth from your other side
everytime one of your buddies scores or assists or does literally anything you all simultaneously stand up and SCREAM
one of these times you stand up and open your mouth to scream only to sneeze violently lol
like the kind where you try to hold it back and it comes out as a squeak but the force shakes your body and you do a little jump
jeno stops cheering to place a hand on the middle of your back and stoops to meet your eyes
he asks if you’re okay through sporadic chuckles because it was kind of funny
and you nod and shove his shoulder and tell him to stop laughing >:(
you dramatically turn away from him and cross your arms and he laughs even harder
he circles his fingers around your wrist and pulls you to face him and his laughing is only renewed by the pout on your face
“aw cmon it was funny!!!”
“what if i’m DYING jeno ???”
“you aren’t though”
“how would yOU know >:(“
“it was one sneeze, sugar”
“don’t call me sugar when i’m trying to be mad”
“okay, sugar”
you smack his shoulder lightly and he bursts into laughter and swings his arm around you pulling you into his side
you blush but do your best not to stiffen and make the moment awkward
so instead you go limp and let your cheek squish against his leather jacket before he lets you go just in time for your whole group to sit down
would’ve been awkward if y’all were just embracing while everyone else was seated lmao
you spend the rest of the game trying to forget about how easily he pulled you into him and how you wouldn’t mind staying right there tucked under his arms with your sides pressed together
the both of you settle for just sitting close enough that the side of your thigh is pressed against his
when the game ends you all go out onto the field to congratulate mark and jaemin on the win !!
you hug them both even though jaemin tries to wipe his sweat on you that SHIT
he raises an eyebrow at the black beanie still tucked onto your head and right at that moment jeno reaches across your huddle of friends to tug it back down over the red tips of your ears
jaemin’s eyebrows raise even more at that and you just shrug and smile sheepishly
then everyone piles into their respective vehicles and sets off for home
it’s pretty late at night and screaming and shivering is rather energy draining
before you know it jeno has flopped over with his head in your lap and the rest of him stretched across the backseat as much as he can
you’re too sleepy and warmed up by both his actions and the car’s heating system to question it
so you just run your fingers through his hair
it’s unsurprisingly very soft and silky and he seems to enjoy your actions GREATLY
not long after you start his breaths even out and his hands come up to wrap around the part of your thigh just above your knee
he nuzzles the side of his face into your leg in his sleep and even Half Conscious Y/n is kind of shocked and blushy but continues to pet him
lucas eyes you both in the rear view mirror and smiles fondly oof
“is he cuddling your leg back there y/n?”
“yeah it’s okay though, it’s ,,,,,,,,, cute”
“isn’t it? he’s always been cuddly, almost like a cat”
you mumble a little yeah and return your attention to the sleeping boy in your lap
when you get home lucas drops you off last so as not to wake jeno too early
but eventually you gotta so you tug on his hair a little and poke his cheek but he only grips you tighter
“hey. jeno !!! kitty cat !!!!!!! wake UP !!!!!”
“you’re being too gentle he requires a Forceful Awakening”
and then lucas reaches back to pinch him hard or something but you wave your hands around and whisper shout nO
can’t hurt the bby :(
your last resort is pressing your cold hand that hadn’t been in his hair against his neck and he jolts and his eyes flick open
then his face scrunches and he shoos your hand away from him
“alright alrIGHT i’m up”
he sits up and looks absolutely fucking aDORABLE with his hair all fluffy and sticking up
his eyes are only half open and he stretches before realizing he is home and thanking you both
he pulls you into a sleepy and sort of awkward hug since the backseat isn’t Ideal for affection but you appreciate it nonetheless and pat his back
him and lucas do some sort of bro handshake and then you watch him shuffle to his front door
you climb into the front seat because opening the door and letting cold air in is the Phattest Mistake Ever
lucas smirks and you smack him before he can even say anything
“i dIdNt EvEn SaY aNyThInG”
“ and you will continue doing so”
“okay but you guys were pretty cozy back there huh?”
“what’s it to u”
“and that seems to be his beanie on your head , isn’t it?”
he shakes his head and laughs and drives you home
you thank him despite him being The Worst and hug him
you also make him swear not to tell anyone when your elbow bumped into the horn and you screamed
when you make it into your room you change into comfy clothes sluggishly and practically fall onto your bed
you cover your face with your hands and try to pretend like you aren’t smiling REALLY hard right now but you’re fooling a grand total of no one
it’s a friday night so the next morning you let yourself sleep in as much as you can stand
you make pancakes while pointedly ignoring all the texts from donghyuck when you notice the subject of all of them appears to be jeno
lucas has everyone’s numbers and makes a big group message because he just fckin loves chaos i guess
he sends a hopelessly typo filled text about there being a party that night and since he’s invited you’re ALL invited
and okay you’re no stranger to parties but like jisung and chenle are innocent babies
and you’ve got no idea what jeno is comfortable with since you all literally met him just a couple of weeks ago
you eventually respond to hyuck’s long and almost illegible texts with just “no.” and tell lucas you’ll go if only to make sure no one dies
you get called lame and a mom for that one :/
fast forward to this party
you’re wearing cute clothes but also it’s cold so like , cute sweater and jeans hehe
you’ve designated yourself and chenle as Designated Drivers
1:your anxiety wont allow you to get drunk since you’ll be unable to take care of Your Boys
2: chenle is almost unbearable sober , so
you’ve got jeno in the passenger seat and the rest of 00 line squished together in the back while chenle drives The Fossils and jisung
you pull up and the party is ,,,,,, really fucking big
there are entirely too many people here for your tastes but the boys spill out of your car with excited whoops when you FINALLY find a parking spot so
u gotta stay homie :/
you walk in behind them more sedately while chenle excitedly clings to yukhei’s back
you shout at him to watch his head just in time for him to dodge the door frame when yukhei does an excited lil jump
he smiles sheepishly at you and then shouts ONWARD MIGHTY STEED as his “steed” thunders into the crowd of people
you can already tell you’re going to have a difficult time with this since chenle is No Help Whatsoever
you’ve lost whoever was with chenle and jaemin has already flirted some poor soul into making him drinks
jeno is clinging to jaemin and looking around in nervous wonder since he knows absolutely no one here
donghyuck has challenged a Giant College Boy to beer pong and is ,,,,,, winning
renjun is cheering at the side and you decide to go join them
renjun leans over and is all so u just gonna let jaemin steal ur man like that ?????
you smack his already drunk ass (renjun sCREAMS lightweight) and tell him jeno is Not Your Man
he doesn’t have to know that you wish he was :////
so you hang out with hyuck and renjun until they’re both too annoying to stand and you go try to hunt down jaemin and jeno
to make sure jaemin isn’t pressuring jeno into anything
not that jaemin would get him into BAD things per say
he’s just a persuasive person and you don’t want jeno to get stuck in seven minutes in heaven with some random girl or too drunk to walk a straight line
if anything he should get stuck in seven minutes in heaven with you !!! >:(((((((
you find him perched on the arm of the couch in the living room with jaemin nowhere to be seen
he’s literally just smiling serenely at nothing while two younger boys (hey look it’s jisung and chenle) poke each other without tearing their eyes away from the screen
because god damn it chenle refuses to lose to a drunk jisung at mario kart
you tap him on the shoulder and he turns to look at you and his whole face just lights up ????
he smiles so big and gasps excitedly and his eyes do the scrunchy thing uwu
you’re about to playfully pinch his cheek and ask him if he’s doing okay but like
he literally snatches you by the waist and  pulls you between his legs and presses his face into the soft part of your neck where it meets your shoulder
you turn red and your heart goes baduMBADUMBADUMBADUM
he doesn’t even notice or if he does he doesn’t say anything ???
your hands fall to his shoulders and try to gently pry him off but his grip only tightens
“ouch oUCH jeno you’re crushing my organs”
he immediately loosens his grip and tilts his head back to look up at you
“ ‘m sorry, pretty”
“did you just call me pretty”
“well you are”
“i am what?”
he giggles and knocks his nose into your chin
“you’re pretty !!! silly y/n hhehsheehhe”
“oKAY you are very drunk aren’t you?”
“mmhmm :)))))))”
“alright, time to gather the Gang and head home. wait here and DO NOT MOVE okay ?”
he doesn’t acknowledge you and just rests his forehead back on your shoulder
you go to find the rest of your probably very drunk friends but jeno ,,,,, doesn’t let go
you turn around in his grip and try to push off the couch to get him to let go but he is VERY STRONG
and refuses to let go
you’re very torn because being held by jeno ???  absolute 10/10
but also you want to leave ?? and he won’t ??? let you ???? find the boys ??????
“jeno, sweetheart, you gotta let me go”
“noooooo but you’re so soft and u smell good n ur so prettyyy :(“
“god why are you so cUTE drunk?”
“ ‘m cute all the time, babe”
“and very flirty apparently”
“ i mean all of it !!!! ‘s not just because i’m drunk i promise !!!!!!”
“okay okay i believe you but you gotta let me go find our friends so we can get you home”
“i don’t wanna leave :(((( ‘m gonna miss you”
you literally have to put a hand over your heart because that’s so fucking adorable
“okay what if everyone comes over and hangs out at my house hm? i won’t be gone for long”
“okay ,,,, can i come with you though?”
“yes ???? everyone is coming to my house??”
“nO you’re so silly omg i mean to find everyone”
“yes now let go”
you go to move away and instead he just stands up still wrapped around you from behind
at this point you’ve done everything you can so you just let him be
you walk around the party and snatch up every one of your Sons Even Though A Lot Are Older And Bigger Than You and corral them out to their respective transportation
you make sure chenle knows to bring them back to your house since your parents are out of town on vacation (without u ,,, :/ )
and you get lucas to pry jeno off of you and place him in the passenger seat
even drunk and giggly he is Strong Man
you climb in the car and tell hyuck to Shut Up and jaemin to stop trying to make renjun sit in his lap
jeno reaches across and immediately latches onto the hand closest to him
you’ve decided to just accept his excessive affection for the night tbh
i mean , it’s not like u hate it or anything ,,,
but you still pretend like it’s a hassle for the sake of your dignity and jiggle your arm a little in his grip as a half hearted attempt to get him to let go
instead he lifts your hand to his mouth and kisses it and then smiles at you really wide
you turn RED and start the drive home as quickly as possible so you can Focus On The Road
when you pull in renminhyuck excitedly run towards your front door while you extract your hand from jenos and get out of the car
he follows you and tangles your fingers together as you walk to the front door
drunk renjun is even more excited than before and is like aRe YoU gUyS dAtInG nO w ??:$&;&(
jeno bounces up and down next to you and then goes
“aw can we ??? :)))) please ???”
you splutter and just drag him past the others to unlock your front door
“alright find yourself a place to sleep that is NOT my bed or my parents bed and lay down there. i will bring pillows and blankets,,,,,,, and medicine for in the morning”
after like 45 seconds of protesting that they aren’t tired renjun knocks out curled up in an armchair and jaemin and donghyuck decide to build a pile of pillows to sleep on
they look super cute all curled up together :((((((
chenle arrives not much later dragging along jisung by the hand
mark and lucas stumble in not long after giggling
mark sees hyuckie curled up with jaemin and let’s out a scandalized gasp before literally picking him up bridal style and depositing them both on the couch
donghyuck wakes up (“mark~~ i missed u”) and proceeds press himself against marks side and fall back asleep
jisung and chenle join a Cuddly Even In His Sleep jaemin and lucas climbs in your parents bed
you are entirely too tired to stop him and he’s too heavy to move so you just leave him
jeno has disappeared and you have your suspicions ,,,,
they are confirmed when you enter your room and he’s perched on the edge of your bed looking like he fell asleep sitting up
at the click of your door opening he perks up and when he sees it’s you he lifts his hands towards you and makes grabby fingers :((((((
“ i have a feeling once i do that you will not let me go so ,,,, i’m gonna change first okay? do you want to borrow some sleep clothes?”
“heheHeh yes pls love u”
you smile and shake your head before handing him a pair of your sweatpants
because honestly they’re big on you and he’s ,,,,,,
got a flat ass so he’ll fit in them
he starts to take off his jeans and you’re like nO NO WAIT TIL I LEAVE TO CHANGE DHDJKF
you snatch up a big t shirt and leggings and dash to the bathroom across the hall
you splash water on your face so that you’ll actually believe that this night really fuckinh happened oh my god
you slowly change into your pajamas and then creep back across the hall, hoping jeno fell asleep already so you won’t have to face him like this
he’s being so soft and affectionate and ngl it’s scary that when he wakes up he might not remember
or he might remember and want to pretend it never happened :((((
but nonetheless might as well enjoy what ya got while ya got it
he’s awake and sitting in the middle of your bed now, cross legged and drawing circles in with his fingers into your comforter
his head lifts and he smiles again and reaches for you , again
this time you let him and come close enough to reach him and hold out your hand
he grabs it and pulls you ,,,, on top of him
he genuinely just lays back and takes you with him so you’re laying on his chest and your legs are tangled with his
he grabs your other hand places them both on his own shoulders before dropping his arms to wrap around your rib cage
“jeno please i don’t want to crush you”
“hey you could never !!! im a big boy in strong enough >:(“
“i never said you weren’t but we cannot sleep like this”
“says who? :(“
“says me”
he rolls the two of you over so he’s now half on top of and rests his head over your heart
“how about this?”
he says it a little too smugly so you pinch his cheek before settling down to sleep
you wrap one arm around his shoulders and your other hand naturally comes down to rest on his forearm that’s laid across your waist
“yeah babe?”
you pause at that to inhale deeply because good christ he is going to be the death of you
“will you,,, will you remember all this in the morning ? and like , still mean all the things you said?”
he props his chin up to look at you but you remain staring at the ceiling
“yes. i promise. i’ll even kiss you if you’ll let me.”
“oh i dont know about that”
he narrows his eyes and pinches your side for that one so you squirm in his grasp
“okay oKAY we both know i literally want nothing else”
“hell yeah i know that , see u in the morning lovebug”
“goodnight bubs”
and you both fall asleep literally seconds after
the next morning no one in your house is awake before noon
you are the first to rise and you gently get out of bed without waking jeno and tip toe to your kitchen
you quickly start making an excessive amount pancakes because they are after all, Teen Boys and their stomachs are after all, Bottomless Pits
renjun shuffles into the kitchen not long after and pours himself some orange juice before wordlessly sitting at the table behind you
you make pancake after pancake almost mindlessly, it’s weirdly relaxing ??
lucas comes in next and bangs into the door frame before serving himself 8 pancakes and eating them at a scary pace
he realizes how Damn Rude that is by his third one and looks up to thank you enthusiastically
“yeah yeah just don’t make a mess you caveman”
“yes ma’am”
“careful there yukhei she might like being called ma’am”
and would you look at that donghyuck has entered :-)))))))
you flick some pancake batter in his direction but it hits mark who is right next to him
and poor dumb baby licks it off his finger and his face crinkles in disgust and you burst out laughing
hdjdjdjdj god please mark look out for yourself more jesus
in the next 15 minutes, the chatting and the smell of breakfast brings everyone crowding into the kitchen except jeno whom is apparently still asleep in your room
everyone has served themselves and you’re cooking the last of the batter by the time jeno stumbles in and wraps himself around you to prop his chin on your shoulder
the clatter of utensils quiets down to silence as they all gape at the easy and familiar affection jeno bestows upon you as if it’s an everyday thing
your hands freeze in their movements but jeno doesn’t move
his eyes are half closed and he rests a good bit of his body weight against you
you clear your throat awkwardly and give the others an evil glare over your shoulder
chenle is the first to hurriedly return to eating and the rest join in soon
you turn your head to whisper that you’ll get his pancakes done sooner if he doesn’t lean on you too much
he backs off but still lingers and presses the ghost of a kiss to your shoulder in acknowledgement
the boys snicker when you duck your head and blush but luckily that was your last pancake so you chuck your spatula in their general direction
chenle screams and throws himself into yukhei’s lap for cover while the rest cover their heads with their arms
you snicker and jeno squeezes you one last time before letting go and sitting at the table
at this point there is Nowhere For You to sit and the boys are too busy being rowdy teens to make room for you
jeno takes your plate from you and pulls you. into his lap.
the boys luckily don’t take much notice so you eat quickly and hop up to take everyone’s plates and pile them in the sink to wash later
jeno watches you fondly as you buzz around the kitchen in between conversations with jaemin about whatever antics they got into together last night before you found him
okay time skip you’ve ushered everyone out of your home
and refused to give a ride to anyone since you had to deal with their Drunk Foolery all last night
instead of hugging each of them there is a giant group hug that honestly hurts more than it helps
but chenle was involved so, what did u expect
jeno stays behind
it’s honestly so god damn domestic how he leans against the door frame and waits for you while you wave on the front porch to all the Babies
you come back inside and close the door and jeno is ᵗʰᶦˢ far away from your face
“did you need something?”
“and what would it be, i wonder?”
“oh nothing too extravagant”
“spit it out wonder boy”
“okay so you know how you said you would let me kiss you last night?”
“i vaguely recall,,”
“okay well i’m cashing that in”
“right now ??”
“right now”
“did you even brush your teeth today?”
“yes, because i knew you would say that”
then he chortles and lifts his palms to cup your face
he leans in even closer so that your breaths mingle and his nose nudges against yours
then he abruptly pulls away and like ?? wtf dude ?????????
“okay but first things first: be my girlfriend”
“is that the best u can do”
“no but my best would take longer and i wanna kiss you RIGHT NOW”
“well jeez you make a hard bargain”
“. oh my GOD”
and then he kisses u.
he uses his hands to tilt your head back so he can get the perfect angle and he smiles against your lips when you start panting for air
you lean away and he chases after you, not wanting to be apart for a second
he captures them again and kisses you so softly you could CRY
then he pulls away and presses a lingering kiss on the part of your forehead just between your eyebrows and you go a little cross eyed trying to keep an eye on him
his eyes are still closed when he parts from you and his smile is Big and Beautiful fuck
then you launch yourself at him and cover him in little pecks n kisses and he squeaks because he’s a soft shit
to escape Your Affection he pulls you close and buries his head in your shoulder 
you wrap your arms around him and stand on your tip toes for it to be more comfortable for you both
but jeno has no plans of letting you go anytime soon so when your calves fatigue and you fall flat footed jeno pulls away and drags you to the couch
he declares this your First Date and puts on ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, marley and me
wtf jeno ? u tryna have a Sob Fest????
and it really does end in crying for both of you lmao
it’s pitiful
afterwards you watch that weird rip off of the smurfs called the snorks where it’s exactly the same except they’re underwater to get out of your Sad and Depressing mood
jeno eventually leaves because his mom has texted him 2738484 times to get his ass home
you walk him to the door and he kisses you goodbye in the Softest Fashion You’ve Ever Experienced and then waves at you over his shoulder on the way to his mother’s car
rip she had to pick him up since he didn’t drive there
as he walks away you’re almost uh Mad at how good he looks in your sweatpants
he notices your stare and opens his mouth to offer them back but you wave him off
“keep em, babe. they look better on you anyways”
and this , this BOY
winks, sLaps hIS OWN aSs ? and says
“i know they do ;)))))”
the other boys each individually text you some variation of
“sO ??&: U AND JENO ?!?!:!;!&,&:”
and you reply to them all with
and Refuse to answer further questions
you and jeno fall into affection and dating so easily it’s as if you’ve been in a relationship all along
jeno is naturally very affectionate with just his friends so with you it’s tenfold
he literally can’t go more than 2 days without being able to see you
in person
and preferably kissing you
if he doesn’t see you for awhile he will sneak into your room and curl himself around your back
the first time he did it you were already in bed when the window opened and you thought he was a MURDERER and threw a book at him
once you had both calmed down he tackled you and pressed you into the sheets until you were out of breath from cackling and squealing
jeno loves you , so much
he loves you with everything he’s got and it’s honestly so endearing to you that he’s so attached
especially since you are just as attached i mean look at him
he calls you lovebug or sweetheart or any other slightly cringey nickname he can think of but he always uses your name when he tells you he loves you
he wants to you to know that he MEANS it and he FEELS it with every fiber of his body
and honestly what more could you ask for ?
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