#because gender ideology is inherently homophobic
vintage-bentley · 7 months
thank you for calling out that homophobic post! can't believe they would block you and then complain on their blog about it being a "flytrap for terfs" rather than acknowledge and address their blatant anti-gay sentiments.
Post in question
Super eloquent response where op examines their worldview and how they might be unintentionally agreeing with homophobic talking points (“it’s Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve”)
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Jk they scream TERF!! And pretend that’s an argument so they don’t have to do any self reflection
Anyway, I can 100% believe it, because it happens over and over and over and over. Gender ideologist is homophobic, people call them out, they scream “TERF!” And don’t take the concerns to heart.
And I say, let them. Let them be blatantly homophobic. Let them disregard the concerns this raises. Let them show how utterly unwilling they are to support homosexuals. Let them show how they demand our undying worship and support, yet will throw us under the bus for their own selfish purposes.
Because that’s how people, at least gay people, leave them behind. That’s how we “peak”. It’s how I “peaked”! Literally what happened is I read this essay, agreed, saw the comments calling the writer an evil transphobic terf…and realised that gender ideology and its followers conflict with the interests of homosexuals (of course I’d already been questioning it and seeing the homophobia and sexism. This was just the nail in the coffin).
It’s funny because they lament about how many “cis gays” are “terfs”, but then they pull stunts like this; completely dismissing concerns of homophobia and calling gays “terfs” for either just being gay or for calling out their homophobia/homophobic tendencies. They consistently prove that they are not our allies (and that they don’t want to be), then wonder why we want nothing to do with them.
If the OP is reading this: I am a lesbian before I’m what you’d call a “terf”. All you’ve done is show that you refuse to hear a homosexual out about homophobia, because what she has to say makes you uncomfortable and/or ruins your fun. And you’re one of the many TQ+ people/supporters who act this way, which ultimately pushes people away from your cause, not towards it.
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radkindoffeminist · 2 years
Things I really want TRAs to get through their fucking skulls.
B*tch, c*nt, and wh*re are misogynistic slurs. This isn’t something I am ever going to debate. These are derogatory terms used specifically against women and using them against women doesn’t make them less of a slur. Using them because ‘in some places c*nt isn’t a slur’ doesn’t make them less of a slur. Also, I’m literally fucking British and have lived in Scotland for some years now so before you start with the whole ‘but in some places it’s completely normalised and used commonly’: it’s not. I have heard some men use it to insult their friends, but it’s not thrown around constantly and is still typically used to degrade women.
R*tard is an ableist slur which should also never be used. (And, to be honest, lots of radfems need to learn this one too.)
We don’t want trans people dead. We don’t want them to struggle and be without help. We just disagree on the help that they should get. You think the only way to help them is to validate their gender and help them to change their entire body in the hope that might make them feel better. We think that mental health support designed to help them cope with their body issues is a much more effective form of support. No situation involves killing them or letting them all commit suicide. We want those who are genuinely struggling to get help.
Slight caveat to the point above: the males who fetishise womanhood and being a lesbian and who aren’t struggling with their body and their identity but just get off to being in a dress and want lesbians to fuck them? They don’t deserve help. They’re pornsick men. But the ones who really are struggling and just trying to get by do need help.
Your community is homophobic as shit. Saying that it’s just a ‘small minority’ who support genital preferences and say rejecting trans people is transphobic and call lesbians TERFs for not liking dick does not fix the problem and only serves to diminish what those who have been at the receiving end of this hateful and homophobic rhetoric have been through. You need to start speaking up against this rhetoric and telling people that it’s not fucking okay. You need to start taking a stand anytime someone says lesbians need to learn to like (girl)dick or to have a sexless relationship with a trans woman to be inclusive or uses the term genital preference (certainly if they’re saying it’s wrong/that people can learn to get over a ‘preference’; but even saying that it’s okay is homophobic because an inherent sexuality is not a preference).
Your community is misogynistic. Even ignoring the fact that the idea that trans women are women and that they know exactly what womanhood is like is misogynistic in and of itself, trans ideology is deeply misogynistic. It’s not okay to use misogynistic slurs, even against women you don’t like. It’s not okay to send rape threats to women, even ones you don’t like. It’s deeply misogynistic to blame all transphobia on TERFs when it’s men who are typically in charge of laws being changed and men who are the ones going around assaulting and mustering trans women. And it’s deeply misogynistic to tell women to get the fuck over themselves and learn to deal with having trans women in their spaces. Women built female spaces for a reason and you are completely ignoring our sex-based oppression which is deeply misogynistic.
Oh, and trans inclusive language? That’s misogynistic to. Forcing women to refer to themselves by their organs and functions especially when women have been seen as little more than their organs/reproductive abilities; making this language completely inaccessible to many women, especially those who speak English as a second language; forcing this language almost exclusively on women while men are still called men (or sometimes just cis men to be a little more specific); and telling any woman who has a problem with it, regardless of their reasoning, to get over themselves? That’s all deeply misogynistic.
Self-ID will be dangerous. I don’t care what stupid reasoning you come up with it not being dangerous because it will be. Men have and will continue to pretend to be women to access those spaces and creep on women because self-ID means that all they have to do is claim that they’re a woman and suddenly it’s transphobic for them to not be allowed to enter. There is no ‘you can tell the difference’ because it doesn’t matter what your personal opinion of that person is: if they say that they are a woman, they have to be allowed into women’s spaces and creepy men will abuse that. (And, no, you can’t argue that trans women ‘have always used women’s spaces and it’s been fine’ because we both know that we live in a different time now. It’s no long a very, very small number of trans people who genuinely tried their hardest to pass as the opposite sex. So unless you’re happy to exclude non-transitioning and non-passing trans people from the spaces which match their ‘gender’, these are the only options.)
Keeping spaces sex-segregated is the only viable alternative to self-ID for most public spaces. I’m happy to hear any ideas of how you’re going to make sure that only trans women can access women’s spaces and that cis men will never be able abuse self-ID to get in, but I don’t think such a solution exists. Therefore, I will continue to defend these spaces being sex-segregated because that’s the best way to ensure that the women in these spaces are safe from the abuses of males.
Continuing to scream that we’re so worried about sharing spaces with trans women ignores what you’re actually asking for in regards to self-ID. As above, literally any person will be able to say ‘I’m a woman’ and access these spaces so while you may focus on the ‘genuine’ trans women who just want to use the bathroom and be more comfortable than they would be in the male spaces, we worried about every single male abusing the existence of self-ID in order to abuse women. Remember what self-ID is: anyone can identify as any gender at any time just by claiming that they are that gender.
‘You shouldn’t be scared of public bathrooms because the bathroom in your home is gender neutral’ is the stupidest fucking argument. Like, I’m sorry, but how fucking idiotic do you have to be to think that comparing a private and public space is not only a good idea but will also support your point? You share a bathroom in your house with people you choose to live with and invite over; you share a public bathroom with strangers. Do you not understand that people can be comfortable sharing a space with family and friends, but uncomfortable sharing with literal fucking strangers who don’t always have the best intentions???
Saying women are adult human females or that they have vaginas does not reduce women down to their organs and you are ignorant as shit is you continue to repeat this lie. Reducing someone to their organs (or any other feature) means that you think the only important/significant thing about them, that you view them as being only of value because of this feature. You know like conservatives saying that women are only valuable/useful for sex and giving birth to children? That’s what reducing women to their organs really means. Stating the common characteristic shared by a certain group does not mean you view the whole group as being valued for that one thing. It’s why no one says that lesbians are female homosexuals reduces lesbians to their sexuality: because, in this case, we recognise that we are stating the shared characteristic that lesbians have.
Radfems don’t believe in gender as a concept. If you’re talking about how radfems believe sex = gender then your argument is already flawed. If you’re talking about radfems believing in gender in any way then your argument is already flawed. We believe in the existence of biological sex and recognise its impact on people in current society, fighting for rights of women who are discriminated against on the basis of their sex. We use the words women and girls which describe people of the female sex based upon their age: adults are women and minors are girls. Men and boys work similarly. These terms are therefore sex-based, not gendered/gender-based. We believe that, functionally, gender is a set of misogynistic stereotypes which tells people (though especially women) how they are supposed to act and serves no purpose in society other than to make people continually question themselves and force people into little boxes. We believe that TRAs and conservatives have gone two different ways with gender and both are harmful: conservatives telling people that they must follow gender roles based on their biological sex and TRAs telling people to identify with a gender based upon what gender roles they like/take up.
Define woman. Please. All we want is a coherent definition of woman which doesn’t rely on stereotypes, debunked brain sex, circular reasoning, or calling it ‘a feeling’. No one has ever been able to give us a coherent definition.
Yeah, brain sex has been debunked after some fucking massive studies into it. Turns out, it was always rooted in misogyny and most of the previous studies were basically just confirmation bias to ‘prove’ that men and women are ‘wired differently’ to give a scientific foundation to all the misogynistic stereotypes surrounding women. Once you account for brain size, we’re really not all that different after all. So no, a trans woman cannot just be born with a female brain; a trans man cannot just be born with a male brain. No such thing exists.
Which argument do you want: there is absolutely no difference between cis and trans people and therefore many people have probably had crushes on trans people without knowing it OR trans people are in danger of being abused/raped/murdered specifically because they’re trans? Because the first argument would suggest that trans people could never be targeted for being trans because people will always see them as their chosen gender and the only people who would know that they’re trans is people that they’ve told but the latter point means trans people are targeted because people can see that they’re trans and therefore many/most trans people don’t pass and so it’s unlikely that people have had all these crushes on trans people because it’s fairly obvious that they’re trans? Because I’m willing to admit that some trans people really do pass and I would not know that they’re trans unless directly told, but the percentage who pass that well is minuscule and hardly representative of all trans people.
Your community is racist. Stop leaning on the whole ‘black women had their womanhood denied from them like trans women are’. Black women weren’t seen as women because they were seen as less than human; they were still viewed as female which is why they were raped and forced through pregnancies. Stop saying that attributes we say are more likely to be found in men are more commonly found in black women therefore we see black women as men. That’s an argument used in bad faith and you know it. Like please learn the difference between ‘more commonly found’ and ‘exclusively found’.
Your community is intersexist. Intersex people are not pawns to be used in your argument. Like 0.1% of the population having a condition which genuinely makes their biological sex more complicated than male or female does not disprove the sex binary and, if anything, the fact that these people struggle with many health problems and are typically infertile goes to show that the sex binary does exist. Moreover, if gender is completely different from sex then conditions which make your biological sex complicated/mixed should say nothing about gender. (And yes, I said 0.1% of the population even though intersex conditions occur at a higher rate than that because most intersex conditions don’t make your sex more complicated than male or female so only a small percentage of intersex conditions overall make people’s biological sex complicated.)
Shut the fuck about PCOS. My condition is not to be used in your arguments. Radfems have never used my condition against me or called me less of a woman for it, so you don’t get to say I’m less female for it either or tell me that you somehow know that radfems see PCOS sufferers that way. You’re the one who abused the existence of my condition and implies that I’m not fully female to make some backwards arguments. You’re the ones abusing the existence of my condition.
Going one step further than PCOS, shut up about women without a uterus or ovaries or post-menopausal women. We know they’re fucking women, dipshits. They’re still adult human females, just ones who are older, went through some trauma which resulted in surgical removal of their sex organs, or had a developmental issue in utero which resulted in them not developing certain organs. (See that I said developmental issue? Because you know what we call people who didn’t grow a uterus but that’s not a problem/issue at all? Men.)
A lot of your views of gender are based on stereotypes. A lot more than you’re willing to admit. You can try to pretend that you’re above all the stereotypes and I’m certain that you genuinely believe that you are, but no one has been able to define woman without referring to brain sex (which is normally just down to stereotypes and debunked anyway) or just straight up stereotypes. And so many people list various stereotypes as one of the reasons they knew that they were trans or non-binary. Even when people say that they don’t ‘feel connected to womanhood’ or whatever as a reason why they’re NB, it’s often because they’re androgynous or not completely feminine 100% of the time. They won’t ever admit that as being the reason, but you can see from how they speak about womanhood and their disconnect to it that it’s true.
Not everything is a fucking dog whistle! A dogwhistle is an inconspicuous term/phrase/symbol which a group uses and only those who are within the group recognise. Like how 88 is a white supremacist number because H is the 8th letter of the alphabet so it’s HH which is Heil Hitler or how ‘I just want the trains to run on time’ is a fascist phrase because it refers to people saying that Mussolini was bad but at least he got the trains to run on time. The only thing that might be considered a radfem dog whistle is TIM/TIF, not because it has a secret double meaning that only we recognise, but because it’s a term which radfems typically use and often isn’t understood outside of radfem circles. It stands for Trans Identified Male/Female and we mean exactly that. We don’t have things that secretly mean that trans people should die. We say exactly what we mean but you just choose to believe the secret meaning you made up over what we are directly telling you, probably because ‘I hate all trans people and I want them to all die’ isn’t something we say.
Saying that we only care about what genitals we have is a simplification of our views which is basically incorrect and used to ignore all our actual issues while making us out to look like creeps. Do you also not understand the homophobic history behind it? Being used against gay people to ask why they were so obsessed with what genitals someone had and why they couldn’t be with the opposite sex? (I’ll answer that: of course you don’t give a shit because you don’t care about homophobia or using homophobic rhetoric which supports your ideology.) We don’t actually care about if someone has a dick or vagina. We care about the fact that the dick havers were raised with male socialisation and that means that they experience life differently from us. We care about the fact that the penis owners are much more likely to abuse women and that far too many will do whatever it takes to be around vulnerable women so that they can abuse them. We care about the fact that we have faced specific issues because we have vaginas both directly (eg: menstruation and childbirth) and indirectly (eg: period stigma, medical misogyny, catcalling, and other forms of discrimination) and we want spaces away from the very people who uphold this misogynistic system to be able to discuss our issues openly. But you constantly ignore all of these issues and make it out to be just about genitals because you ignore our arguments and want to make it out like we’re fucking idiots.
‘Here’s six women. One of them is a trans woman. Guess who’ Isn’t the argument that you think it is. Firstly, literally no one is saying that trans people cannot pass at all. No one. Of course we understand that SOME trans people do pass really well and we would never be able to differentiate them from actual women. Secondly, just because they appear like women doesn’t make them women. They are still biologically male and hence a man. It really doesn’t matter how feminine or well passing they are; they’re men. Thirdly, it is not representative of all trans people. Yes, some people pass well but the photos you show are almost exclusively of rich models who are wearing heavy makeup and who’ve had extensive work done which isn’t accessible to most trans people and you’re basically telling them that if they can’t pass so well then they must not be women. Isn’t that wrong by your own ideology? Fourthly, you really going to do that and then accuse us of saying that women must be feminine? Really? And finally, this is almost always used as a trap against us, hence why we often refuse to respond, but you’re not proving anything. You’re not fighting against any of our arguments; you just think you’re fighting against the whole sexual dimorphism and generally being able to tell women and men apart but being able to generally do something doesn’t mean that there aren’t exceptions? Exceptions don’t make the rule.
I’m not here to argue about what I would believe in some theoretical utopia. I’m here to argue about what is happening in reality. I’ve heard the line ‘but would sex be important if we lived in a society which didn’t discriminate against people by their sex/gender aside from when medically necessary?’ way too much. And the answer is no, but we don’t live in that world and that world is not going to exist within my lifetime at the very least, probably not for centuries. We live in a world where women are treated differently because of their sex. We live in a world where period stigma and medical misogyny and catcalling and rape and domestic violence and devaluation of women’s labour all exist, among other deeply misogynistic issues. So me fighting to get people to recognise that sex is an important characteristic and defending it’s legal protections is not because I deeply believe that it should be an important thing, but because the way in which women are treated by society, particularly at the hands of men, shows that we have built a world in which someone’s sex is an important characteristic and which will affect many aspect of our lives and hence we need to recognise the reality of the world in which we live in. If the end goal is to build a world in which sex is irrelevant outside of medicine then we first need to recognise why it’s not a reality now and work to fix that rather than pretending that everyone’s going to go along with us and misogyny will completely disappear overnight or arguing the what-ifs of this purely theoretical world that we will not live to see.
Radical feminism is about freeing women from their sex-based oppression and fighting for sex-based rights. As a result, males of all genders all inherently excluded from our feminism. To say that we exclude trans people completely is ignoring the fact that trans men and AFAB non-binary people are included in our fight for women’s rights because, regardless of how they identify, they have and will continue to be oppressed on the basis of their sex and they deserve rights to protect them from that discrimination. Your unhappiness that we’re only including people on the basis of their sex is not my fucking problem. Your unhappiness over trans women specifically not being included is not my fucking problem. Movements which seek to free people from their oppression don’t owe it to you to include everyone, they only have to include the oppressed people that they are fighting for. Your inability to understand that is not my fucking problem and only goes to show your entitlement.
If you don’t argue with me in good faith, don’t except me to argue in good faith either. If you’re going to twist my words, ignore what I say, tell me my sources are wrong with no evidence (or tell me that it’s not a source you like/trust enough), and refuse to respond to many of my points then don’t expect me to do the same. I have tried way too many times to argue in good faith only to end up having my points ignored, my sources dismissed, my words twisted if not just straight up having words put into my mouth. If you are not going to be open minded when you talk to me, don’t expect me to put the time in to explain things to you. If you are rude or dismissive or ignoring me or not asking questions, I’m not going to put in all the mental and emotional labour to explain concepts to you and you have not ‘won’ the argument if I have enough and stop responding. You are not owed our time and effort and you should never expect it just because you claim that you ‘really want to learn’.
Please learn some critical thinking skills. I know radfems say this all the time, but I really mean it. If not to understand radfems more, but to be critical of literally all the information that you absorb. I am tired of explaining to people that just because you don’t like or trust the source (like the Daily Mail) doesn’t mean that the actual story itself is untrue. Newspapers like this are incredibly bias and will publish stories which feed into their specific narrative, but it doesn’t mean that what they publish is actually false? Unless you can actually find a source which can tell me that whatever story I’m showing you never happened/was objectively false, I’m going to keep using it. A story which goes against your beliefs doesn’t make it a fake. Biases in newspapers come from the stories which they choose to publish (or not publish), the details they focus on, and the wording they use. My favourite example of this is a few years back when every newspaper was publishing articles about how the Labour and Tory proposed budgets were never going to work/actually balance because the assumptions they used weren’t right. The Daily Mail, however, published only that Labour’s proposed budget wasn’t going to work. Was the story correct? Yes. Did they purposefully leave out information which therefore gave a bias perspective of the two budgets? Absolutely. If you throw everything out which has any biases (which was a thing a TRA I argued with claimed you should do and said that was what they were taught to do), you would have to throw out literally everything ever written. Instead, it’s significantly better to be critical of what you read and understand what biases are in place and why.
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anti-terf-posts · 8 months
TERFs always brag about how they're "protecting the real LGB community" even though so many of them accuse lesbians of being homophobic (towards... themselves?) if they're not also TERFs, and gay men of being inherently misogynistic (because, you know, it's obviously gay men who fetishize women, right?), and bi (and sometimes ace) people of being homophobic and/or fake.
I'm still cringing from a Tumblr post where a TERF outright admitted that they wished gay marriage had stayed illegal because it was a slippery slope to "gender ideology." They hate trans people so much that they'd rather not have marriage rights at all.
Like, as a cis queer, I may not always understand trans people, but I'd rather fight alongside them than the TERFs who have consistently proven that they're not on our side. Trans people are our siblings and I'm sorry we've been weaponized against you.
thank you anon for basically making a post for me
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lavendeerlesbian · 1 year
We get the bare minimum of people acknowledging we exist that's not pandering. Literally all most of us want is access to medical care and the right to live our lives without violent threats or harassment. Of course there are shitty trans people, there are shitty people in every group whether they're marginalized or not. No one should be harassed for just trying to live their lives, but every fucking day I have to have someone remind me that they think I should commit suicide and they think it's fucking hilarious. Some celebrities saying "trans rights" isn't helping my safety, medical care, or material existence.
"Bare minimum of people acknowleding we exist" and yet every major company acknowledges and accepts trans people (and if you disagree you can be fired), every job application now asks for your gender identity and acknowledges nonbinary identities, women's DV shelters are forced to accept transwomen or else risk facing defunding and being shut down despite the fact that most women there are traumatized and need space away from male people, males are legally allowed to go into women's restrooms and sports and prisons where they assault and rape female inmates and staff, and y'all are also allowed to undergo "gender affirming care" despite the fact that it violates the hippocratic oath and is not safe. Hell, many insurances will even cover the cost of transition so either you're lying or you're misinformed. Literal children having some restrictions being placed on transition doesn't count, as children aren't allowed to make many other life altering decisions and you don't complain about those (no smoking, no drinking, no tattoos, etc.). And I haven't even gotten into how the trans movement is inherently homophobic as y'all are trying to redefine homosexuality as "same gender attraction" and call any actual homosexual person a "transphobic bigot and genital fetishist" in much the same fashion as homophobic conversion therapists. Literally the guy who came up with the concept of gender identity, John Money, was a pedophile who did sexual experiments on twin boys which eventually caused both of them to commit suicide. Look it up. Also look up Alan Turing and the Aversion Project.
It's not just "some assholes", your entire movement is built on trampling on the rights of women and LGB people.
I'm sure you genuinely see yourself as a victim because you have been told BY OTHER TRANS PEOPLE that trans people will commit suicide if they don't get affirming care instead of just better mental health resources. You know what LGB activists told gay children? "It gets better", not "Affirm gay kids or they'll kill themselves". Like. Doesn't that rub you the wrong way at all? Why are your activists encouraging children to kill themselves?
Acknowledging reality is not oppression, either. Even radfems acknowledge that you exist and that you identify as trans, but the reality is men cannot become women and vice versa. Also, radical feminism the ideology has nothing to do with suicide baiting people, so if radfems have actually told you to kill yourself on the basis of you being trans (doubt) then I want to see receipts.
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bthump · 8 months
I’m not coming from a place of hate at all, I enjoy your takes on Berserk homoeroticism and appreciate your refreshing ability to make well informed, intellectual analysis so accessible for other fans. It is an important resource to have when dudebros try to make their homophobic bias sound like good arguments. However, when it comes to your analysis of Casca, I find myself disagreeing with almost everything you say. I’m usually only reading your blog quietly because I enjoy the discourse, but I feel like I need to add my two cents. I agree that Cascas writing falls flat to a degree, but I can’t help but think that you’re downplaying her character and arc because you don’t enjoy the parts of Berserk that aren’t about homoerotic tension between Guts and Griffith. Their homoerotic tension is also what is most interesting to me, but it’s not what Berserk is inherently about. We could dismiss Casca by saying ˋMiura can’t write women´, but then again characters like Farnese exist who have an entire complex thematic arc tied to religious extremism, authoritarian character and freeing herself from dogmatism and Berserk as a story is not punishing her or asking for redemption and is instead inherently ridding itself from moralizing judgements of characters. She’s allowed to evolve by herself. As a queer person, I see myself in her. Theres so much queerness and comphet in her story, I’m sad that there’s not many meta posts about her on here. Does Berserk have ideological streaks of conservatism and misunderstands women because Miura has a misogynistic bias? Yeah, unfortunately. But the story and many of the main characters are too complex and ambiguous for me to write them all off based on how some of their arcs are not feminist enough and could need improving. Imagine writing such a complicated and long story with so many characters as just one simple Japanese dude who never leaves his house and who was born in the 70s or whatever. Like, I get separating the story from the author and impact versus intent, but dismissing Casca because of her flaws in writing is dismissing all of Berserk because of some thematic flaws. It sounds like you’re expecting the perfect story for her to be a valid female character and that’s just not possible. I for once made peace with her flaws and am not rejecting her. I think Cascas story works for what it is and I empathize with her as someone who has experienced misogyny and SA. Farny and Schierke working through her trauma magically was a nice metaphor for solidarity between women and it’s rare to see that coming from a male author, I don’t think it’s less valid just because Miura has some gender bias. Casca still experiencing PTSD afterwards is also realistic and shows that Miura is willing to give Casca enough agency to work through that by herself without magic some time in the future of the story. Her story is uncomfortable and her character arc is long and flawed, but that’s what makes it impossible for me to dismiss her. I’m a bit disappointed that so many fans on the tumblr side are willing to basically rid Griffith from all his wrongdoings but then empathize the flaws in Casca and don’t understand that maybe they also have some internalized misogyny that doesn’t make them understand that bias. Especially with the argument that I often see with She Should Have Died. Why? Because she’s uncomfortable? Maybe explore that within yourself. Other than that I am happy to have this queer part of the fandom where we don’t judge each other for liking Griffith and enjoying GriffGuts as a ship. And I hope that you don’t think too harshly of my criticism, for it is only to improve our fandom discourse culture and not to throw stones. Thank you for existing!
Okay look, while I do appreciate the appreciation for my non-casca blog content, I can't look past this coming hand in hand with a lot of pretty insulting, and frankly baseless assumptions about my motives. I'm glad you're not coming from a place of hate, but from the sounds of it you're coming from a place of presumptive judgement, and I want to address that.
I've always been very direct and clear about how I don't think someone's tastes or opinions about a story reflect on them personally. I don't judge someone's character by their fictional interests, I judge it by their words and actions.
If you're going to be interacting with my blog, I'd appreciate being extended the same benefit of the doubt.
You seem to see someone who doesn't enjoy Casca's storyline and make assumptions about why, rather than taking the reasons I provide at face value. I have explained why, very thoroughly, quite often, and quite recently, while constantly referring back to the text and to Miura's comments to justify my conclusions. I literally don't know how I can possibly be more direct about how I am discussing the narrative of a story on its own terms without going full dry academic language lol, come on.
I like to think I'm also very clear about when I'm expressing my subjective opinion (eg i dislike het romance; I'm super into romantic betrayal as a trope, etc) vs when I'm analysing the story based on direct textual evidence (eg casca has no active involvement in the narrative post-eclipse; casca's sexual abuse is eroticized; etc). I certainly try to be. And frankly it is genuinely pretty insulting that you think I'm incapable of judging Casca's story on its own merits or lackthereof, and must be over-emphasizing the flaws of her narrative because I only care about griffguts.
The truth is I genuinely believe that Griffith and Guts' relationship is the thematic core of Berserk, based on the text of the story, and I also genuinely believe Casca's storyline sucks ass in most ways. And it's okay to disagree with one or both of those takes, but yeah I'm gonna take a little bit of offense at the insinuation that I'm too biased by shipping or misogyny or both to analyse the story.
If you love Casca's story despite its flaws, good for you. I'm happy for you. I have no desire to argue with you to make you change your mind. And I don't think it makes you misogynist or ableist or racist, even though I think Casca's storyline contains all of the above to some degree - but if I was going to respond to you in the same vein that you've responded to me, that would be fair game as an assumption. It would also be fair game to assume that you only like Casca and are dismissive of or blind to many of the story's faults because you're projecting or you ship gtsca or you think good feminism is all about stanning certain designated fictional characters regardless of their actual depiction. And I think that is something wrong with fandom culture. I think those are all shitty assumptions to make about someone based on which fictional characters they enjoy reading about most. So like, straight up, you're the only one throwing stones here.
So I want to ask you: why is it that someone discussing offensive fictional tropes makes you assume they are the real misogynist? Why are you equating criticism of writing with criticism of real women, as though media trends and narrative framing don't exist? Why do you think it even matters if I "reject" a fictional character because I don't like how she's written lol?
This strikes me as the same line of thinking that leads to shutting down all criticism of misogyny in media - how dare you say this outfit is unrealistic for a martial artist, some women like to wear high heels! How dare you criticize the average husband/model-esque wife trope, some beautiful women love their average husbands! How dare you criticize comics for fridging the girlfriends of superheroes, women sometimes suffer horrible fates in real life! How dare you criticize the born sexy yesterday trope, some women are naive! etc etc etc.
And this is why it's important to have at least some understanding of narrative framing and greater media trends when discussing media on any level beyond headcanon and projection. Casca isn't real, and as a construct she is not a sensitive or realistic depiction of a traumatized woman, regardless of whether someone identifies with her. She's not a sensitive or realistic depiction of a disabled women either. There are literally "funny" cartoonish background gags involving her shoving random things into her mouth. She gets sexy fanservice while regressed to the mentality of a toddler. She is sexually assaulted by and then shipteased with the protagonist. I could go on all day lol, lbr here. I should not be obligated to brush all that aside and pretend it doesn't irritate me and sometimes offend me in order to valorize a woman who doesn't like, yk, exist.
You and anyone else are free to project on her and relate to her and sympathize with her and love her, and I think that's great and what fandom is all about, but that still doesn't make her writing strong. And I think it's worth discussing how and why her writing fails, the same way it's worth discussing any other flaw of Berserk, like Guts' character flattening with the Eclipse, or Farnese's sudden personality 180, or the awkward pacing, or the prominent scary black man trope, etc, all of which I've also discussed plenty. If you feel like I've disproportionately focused on Casca criticism, then there are 2 reasons for that: 1. I respond to asks 99% of the time, so it's what the people are asking about. 2. Casca's storyline is the most prominent bad and offensive writing in the story, like it's the number one thing that's likely to drive new potential fans away, so of course people are going to want to talk about it.
Also I've written like, a lot of meta and speculation and headcanons etc about Casca beyond criticism of her narrative lol, so if you're sad about the lack of discussion and meta about her it's ironic that you're coming to me with that complaint. Be the change you want to see in the world, start your own Casca centric blog if you want more meta about her to exist, or read more of what already exists. I'd say I'm doing my part as far as I'm concerned lol, but I don't like the way that phrasing implies that anyone has an obligation to focus their interest on any particular fictional character.
I'm glad you enjoy other aspects of my blog, and if you stick around after this admittedly irritable response I hope you continue enjoying them. But if you feel the need to engage with me to defend a fictional character from my criticism again in the future, I'd appreciate it if you engaged with that criticism directly and analytically, rather than speculating about my character and motives.
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thediktatortot · 1 year
Hi! Please excuse my ignorance. English is not my native language and I tried looking up the term Terf online but I struggle to understand how that one blog was a terf. It seemed homophobic to me (which is already a no-go for me, insta block). How can one spot a terf? That whole situation made me highly uncomfortable but I also wasn't familiar with that term and struggled to see the signs if that makes sense. Sorry for this ask
You're good.
So the thing about Terfs is that they come in all shapes and sizes but the one thing they have in common is that they do not believe in or hate Trans individuals.
There are a few major talking points that can help you easily spot a Terf:
Believes in the strict rules of only two biological sexes existing (in humans. Some Terfs give animals a pass for some reason.)
Believe that Trans people are either faking, pretending, confused or sick for being Trans.
Believe that all Trans Woman are just predators dressing up like woman to attack/harm Afab woman. (Assigned Female At Birth. So someone who was born with a vagina, ovaries & a uterus. or at least one of those.)
Believe that people can't possibly know they are trans until they are 'older & not a child', which leads into their unwillingness to teach about trans bodies, intersex people and queer medicine as a general concept to kids.
One thing to note is that Terfs come in all shapes and sizes. You can find a Cishet Terf who loves Trump and JKR, but you can also find a Queer Terf who only believes in Gays & Lesbians being accepted into the queer community who vehemently hates Trans people.
It's all just about not accepting/allowing Trans people to exist.
I obviously don't know everything there is, but here are some common words/sayings used by Terfs:
Female (never using Woman/Girls for individuals and only reducing them to their genitals), Radfem (Radical Feminist. It's been co opted by Terfs), Biological Sex, "Only two genders.", Gender Critical, Transgenderism, Real Woman, Body Mutilation, LGB/LGB Aliance, Womanhood, "You're taking rights away from real woman", "You're making a mockery of womanhood."
(Additional Note: Terf ideology is very very heavily rooted in White Supremacy. You can have Terfs of all races, but the people who are most effected by these ideologies are Black Trans Woman, who are killed on the highest rate of any queer person.)
There's honestly so many but just remember this: If someone believes that your identity as a Trans person is: Inherently wrong, predatory, evil, or taking away rights from other people? They are a Terf and do not respect your life.
It doesn't matter if they "have trans friends". If they believe in Terf rhetoric? They do not want you to exist. They support laws and actions against you that will lead to your death or destitution because the people who make the laws that they support are also the same people who want you dead.
Terfs are not your friends.
Terfs do not deserve spaces in our communities queer or not.
Terfs do not care about you or your existence.
Terfs. Do. Not. Belong. In. Our. Spaces.
(Note: This is all off the top of my head and my mileage on terms and common sayings might vary. I myself am Trans but I don't know everything about everything. I am also white so there are nuances within this discussion I don't have the place/or understanding to talk about further than I already have.)
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 1 year
someones probably gonna ask what a political lesbian is, and there's a bunch of conflicting definitions online. so uh... let me be clear
political lesbians are not real lesbians. political lesbianism is and idea or ideology that was created by the (mostly white upper class cishet) 2nd wave feminist movement that homosexuality was a choice, and that all straight women should leave their husbands and date women instead. they somehow believed that this would end all sexism. however, as literally anyone with a single brain cell knows, sexual orientation is not a choice at all (because if it was, I'd be even gayer). so all these straight women who called themselves lesbians either didn't leave their husbands like they said they would, or they did but ended up living alone because again, they were hets who weren't attracted to women!
that brings us to today. the modern terf movement has a lot in common with the racist homophobic so called feminist movement of the sixties, and not the actual real feminists who were progressing human rights. terfs brought back the idea of the political lesbian. they claim that they believe in leaving their husbands and marrying "adult human females". except they don't. about 80% of them are married to men. a good portion of them are literally self identified "tradwives" or traditional housewives who uphold sexist standards and stereotypes from the 50s. as for those few who actually do avoid dating or marrying men, they're gonna have a tough time finding women to date. obviously, they aren't lesbians at all. they don't find any attraction towards women at all. besides maybe themselves, and jkr. but even if they did try and force themselves to met other women, any self respecting dyke would know they're a shit person immediately.
I'm friends with tons of dykes. lesbians, bi women, aces, pan women, poly women, etc. we all fall under the umbrella of "dykes". for every single one of us, our relationship to ourselves, our gender, our attraction, and our sexuality is all different.
for political lesbians, it's not. it's all homogeneous, because it's not an actual sexuality. it's an ideology. they all believe that they are the most important special little thing in the universe, that their gender is inherently tied to their cervix or whatever, and that they should divorce the person they love and try and date someone they don't because that will somehow end sexism.
sexuality is supposed to be about joy and love and what makes you happy. political lesbianism isn't about being happy. it's about control.
I'm tired. it's 11 at night and I'm just going on a huge rant because I'm tired of these asswipes trying to pretend like they're the authority of all dykes when a) they literally shrivel up like a salted snail if you dare to call yourself a dyke or a tranny or queer in front of them, and 2) THEY LITERALLY DON'T EVEN LIKE WOMEN
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rametarin · 4 months
Leftist Antisemitism.
The hilarious part of leftist antisemitism is the only thing that causes them to arrive there, is simply not making an exception to Judaism and Jewish people in their ideology anymore, when they consider all the things they hate about non-progressive groups. They just have to not consider Judaism or Israel exempt when they consider them either Oppressors or Oppressed. Simply not allowing criticism of Jews and Judaism to automatically be filed under antisemitic because it criticizes and analyzes Jewish behavior and Jewish beliefs, on the idea doing so is inherently anti-Jewish.
They don't have to be wildly swallowed up in "far right" conspiracy theories about Jews and banks, or blood in the bread, or some religious belief in bringing on the apocalypse. They just have to not make an exception to Jewish culture when it considers ethnic identity important, Jewish religious beliefs and traditions as overriding modern secular sensibilities, and not make exception to Jewish traditional gender and sexual roles and practices. And apply them the same way they'd apply them to Christians and Europeans.
The quiet part out loud has always been Progressive Gentiles that observed privilege theory, critical lenses for sex theory and gender theory, would not make exception for Jews or Judaism when the time came- but, antisemitism was just that stuff ethnosupremacist whites, competing religions and competing nationalists did- not they, who constructed their policy on Jews based on the idea they could reform the "icky" out of Judaism or legally stamp out the undesirable elements with the state. And the quiet part out loud among Progressive Jews has always been, "These non-Jewish things are racist, sexist and religious demogaogery- but these criteria on bad things don't apply to me and mine religion or ethnic identitarianism, because Judaism is an exception to these characteristics just by being Jewish, and thus, valid. Simple as."
So now Progressive Gentiles and Progressive Jews are in an argument about whether this criteria to disqualify groups or instances from validity and declare them racist, sexist, homophobic and more, applies to Jews, or not. And if not, why doesn't this criteria that exempts them from the wrath of the state, also retroactively apply to all the other groups, behaviors and cultures and cultural beliefs that were previously declared to be racist, sexist and theofascist, and thus, intolerable, and safe to mock and deride as invalid?
It's going to be a hell of an argument, and may just come down to stamping feet repetitively until people have heart attacks at the podium.
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piqued-curiosity · 1 year
Keep turning on the trannies, fucktard. Getting those mutants out of the public eye just makes it easier to get the fags and dykes out next.
Nice bait, but…
1. I’m not trying to get anyone out of the public eye
2. I don’t use slurs against people and don’t condone it
3. Gay people have nothing in common with trans people. If anything, though, it’s actually the other way around. With gender ideology being mainstream, gay people are harmed because it’s inherently homophobic. With it gone, we’ll be more free to express our same sex attraction without being assumed to be a gender ideologue or being told we’re transphobic.
4. I’m not “turning” on anyone, because they were never on my side to begin with.
I’m assuming the purpose of this is to pretend to be a homophobic conservative to get me to think that “oh no, trans people and gay people are the same and we need to fight for each other!! I renounce my transphobic ways!!”…but I’ve seen far too much homophobia from the trans community and it’s allies at this point for that to work. And of course, I understand that wanting to unnaturally change your sex has nothing to do with natural same sex attraction.
So good try, maybe it would’ve worked if your movement didn’t hate homosexuals so much.
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the thing that bothers me with asserting terfism as an ideology against trans women and that being it’s one characteristic is that… even if trans men and enbies didn’t exist, and they’ve sent hate campaigns against them too, very deliberately, terfism as an ideology is inherently misogynistic and racist and homophobic in how it sees gender and sex. bigotry is rarely against one group and to describe it as solely such ignores intersectionality.
this isn’t saying terfs aren’t fucking awful to trans women, or that they’re not the target of the majority of the hate or whatever. but terf ideology is inherently harmful to every marginalised group and it’s very much a problem to ignore that. terfs target cis black women and cis butch lesbians. they see women as inherently weaker than men. they view disabled people as being inherently childlike and unable to make their own medical decisions. and of course, they send rape threats and death threats and want to take away medical autonomy to trans men and nonbinary people. 
and this also affects how terfs attack trans women! ignoring the other underlying bigotry in their beliefs discounts the blatant targeting of trans women of colour and lesbian trans women and neurodivergent or otherwise physically/mentally disabled trans women. that’s not an accident nor is it because of bigotry seperate from being terfs. it’s because bigotry of all kinds is built into the foundation of terfism.
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genderisareligion · 1 year
How long do you think this trans nonsense is going to last? Do you think people, especially women, will eventually realise how sexist, homophobic and racist trans ideology is? Or do you think society is just going to keep regressing? I had a discussion - not even an argument - with a girl recently about it all, she has a brother that calls himself a woman, and she cried when I said that I thought we should be abolishing gender stereotypes. I thought I was pretty moderate, I said that I think people should be able to dress and act however they like, but it just doesn't mean that men can claim and appropriate womanhood. She cried and called me a transphobe, and then stormed out when I said that it's inherently misogynistic. Most of my friends, both men and women, agree with me, but said that I shouldn't have brought it up. Which I think is just shit - so women are just meant to lie back and accept the erosion of our rights? This issue is occupying so much real estate in my mind, I'm constantly thinking about how absurd it is and I'm constantly angry. How long do you think I'm gonna have to be angry for?
I can’t say for certain how much longer it will be, but I can recall what ten years ago was like, so maybe things will have changed that drastically in another ten.
2012 Tumblr was peak what’s good about liberal feminism. It’s not all garbage it is still feminism after all. Consent was a huge conversation, used to see posts about male rape culture in the tens of thousands of notes, it was cool and on trend to call out “I’m not like other girls I don’t need feminism,” sexism in the workplace was being addressed. My in progress tag #notes is in part meant to capture what female solidarity used to look like on the site
because it’s taken a massive fucking nose dive and I’m trying to figure out where we went wrong. Going through archives of radblr blogs around 2015-16 is when I start noticing more of the trans/TERF conversion happening, although it always was just on a much smaller scale using different words. “Lesbians who don’t like dick” and sex industry critical women have always been attacked for one reason or another iirc they just used to call us “radscum” and other nondescript shit before landing on these handy -ERF acronyms
The thing is 2012 Tumblr was also peak Superwholock Fujoshi time and “supporting the gays” (voyeuristically living vicariously through them) was more on trend than liberal feminism. The two were seemingly in unison at the time but were going to be at odds inevitably. Mostly straight and male-pref bi women (with a sprinkle of closeted lesbians) coping with IRL men’s increasingly sadistic view of women by fantasizing about safe love between fictional men on an obsessive level. Fandoms and thus show creators going out of their way to avoid F/F slash and instead feeding the monster that is M/M until Tumblrinas felt like just “supporting” them wasn’t enough and they had to skinwalk lol and shame one type of SSA while worshipping another
Iirc by 2016 gay marriage in the US (where most of these people live) had been “won” and queer MOGAI was the shiniest newest trend thanks to a number of influences (Caitlyn Jenner and LaVerne Cox come to mind but it was definitely more than just them). Liberal feminism is capitalistic at the end of the day and the powers that be saw “queering gender” for the cash cow it’s ended up being and the powers were probably terrified that in the early 2010s under popular lib feminism hundreds of thousands of girls and women were openly in agreement online that male violence was the problem. Now it’s “gendered violence” and you can never tell who’s a male and no one can call a spade in a dress a spade
It’s inconceivable to me to cry about the idea of gender abolition like your friend did anon…..makes me like sad how convicted so many women are about this. But I’m also not surprised and don’t blame them all because anti feminist males will stop at nothing. The TERF wars are so fundamentally ridiculous like the topic is a distraction about something that’s not even real yet they’ve made it seem so real and threatening by using their male privilege to instill fear and angry infighting.
I would advise you to not let this shit take up too much real estate in your mind. As someone who sort of watched it all start or at least get this bad I try to remember when I wasn’t censoring my language this much and when misandry was a fun meme on here. Also try to keep in mind how many times the queer theorists change their mind on what language is appropriate for who and when. I will never forget how quickly writing trans* with an asterisk or transwoman with no space became crimes when before you’d get lynched for not doing it. Imo things that change that often have no foundation or could change into something unrecognizable someday. Hopefully whatever follows gender is better than this shit. Hang in there 🖤
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dhaaruni · 2 years
You know, one of the main defenses of any abhorrent character, whether in ASOIAF, Breaking Bad, Mad Men, The Sopranos, or any historical fiction, is that they’re a “product of their times.” This argument is usually wielded as a means of recuperating misogynistic, racist, and/or homophobic men: of course he sexually assaulted/manipulated/destroyed that woman; that’s how men operated then! To some extent, I actually buy this argument: there’s no “outside” of ideology, even in fiction, and all men must wallow in the moral imperatives set forth by their narratives.
What strikes me, then, is how seldom this defense is used to exonerate unlikable women/female antagonists. Their actions are just as circumscribed by the ideologies that inform their cultures, but instead of explaining why they are the way they are, we call them bitches and shrews, harpies and sluts. Why female characters are villainous for merely conforming to the social mores of their country, mores which the author himself chose to bake into his world, while male characters are not and given a “redemption arc” ?
I think that gender essentialism is a trap because if men are inherently bad, that means they are incapable of being better, and can't be held accountable for their wrongdoing.
This is in essence why good fathers and good men really break a lot of bad men's brains.
If Joe Biden is a loving supportive father to his troubled, addict son and good grandfather to his grandkids in the wake of adversity, what excuse do other men have? If Tim Ryan sees his 18-year-old daughter losing her bodily autonomy and goes "that's bullshit" and supports her unconditionally, what excuse do anti-choice fathers who care more about their guns than their daughters have?
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janersm · 2 years
Every hashtag that an ableist, aphobic, biphobic TERF has made about me (so far) because she didn’t like that I said relationships involving bisexual people are inherently queer & told her not to call me bihet.
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[Alt text for nine screenshots posted above:
#get a life you fucking loser #you're harassing me in my inbox like an insecure pathetic baby and self-victimizing yourself #and lying #who actually experiences oppression and vitriol is homosexuals #wah being told im privileged is oppression and hate #you're calling all gays hateful and evil saying they oppress you for being in het relationships Imao #you think sexuality is based on gender and not biological sex bc ur homophobic #once again by this logic straight men are gay if they date bi women and lesbians are het if they date bi women #stfu #stop erasing ppl bc you wanna be oppressed so bad #white woman cringe #gays have it easier because when they get hate crimed at least they know their entire sexual orientation #we're so lucky #for being validated before getting killed and beaten <3 #you can tell which bis have been w women be at least some of them will acknowledge the privilege they have when with men but still very few #and ive seen other bis dogpile them and accuse them of having internalized biphobia for saying they have privilege when dating and marrying #men #the white ppl of sexuality tbh
#can u imagine if you told a straight man he is feminine and in a feminine relationship or some shit for dating a woman #thats how crazy you sound #closest kinda of analogy i can think of at 4am #jfc #stop oppressing me for having a bf my relationship is gay so treat me like a gay person if you don't it's discrimination and erasure #but also according to her #heterosexual relationships are gay #braindead comment #i face the most homophobia bc i have a bf it's true #sorry gayz #???? #liberal brainrot #just switch words around and call it oppression #why are liberals all so narcisstic and toxic #they're so obsessed with telling minorities they are privileged and finding a way to say they aren't privileged be they think oppression is #fun and being privileged is boring #white as hell but acting like they're the biggest anti racists or anti oppression while they perpetuate it and deny their privileges and #intersections of their privileges #she's gonna say she's authority on racism now bc i can't say trans ideology and community is racist and white #w their own white supremacists
#and according to her the nasty gays (dirty perveted genital fetishists) and the monosexuals (straights) are harming the most oppressed and #neglected 'minorities' asexuals and bisexuals #imagine equating bisexual struggles to asexuals Imaooo #yikes #a self drag #don't erase yourself then complain :)) #stop saying hetero relationships are gay :)) #everytime a bi person says they're gay you're committing homophobia and erasure of two groups of people :)) #one of whom who faces real oppression for their sexuality #hint it's not the woman w the bf #she thinks she's authority on lesphobia/ homophobia then calls all gays biphobic privileged oppressors #even poc understand we have different struggles and privileges #it's so funny #how pathetic they are #so offended by having privilege #if you're gonna call yourself gay and your straight relationship gay #complaining about bihet is so hypocrital #i didn't even just say she's het Imao #i was gonna write up a post about this but it feels like a good place to discuss this #bi women just keep slapping us in the face acting like this and saying shit like this
#homegirl also said i ruined her sleep and made her take more meds #i didn't force you to stalk n harass me #i had this post so long i had to cut down so much of what i said #god she's annoying af #such a manipulative sad pathetic person obsessed with being a liberal victim #while she's literally mutals with TYGRESS #why can't they ever talk about how homophobic and misogynistic they are #i feel like for one thing #truly if bis stopped acting like women are just for fucking or not real partners / people for not being men then things would be different #i have a butch lesbian friend in kentucky #it's more unsafe to be a poc #anyway #bisexuals stop gasligting gay people challenge #she said she was going to bed and now she's watching her phone and refreshing my blog every second #YOU'RE CREEPY #looks like white men are rubbing off on you too much #your disability doesn't make you homophobic or a creepy stalker #that's 100% you #you're so creepy tbh #i dont think you know how blocking works #you literally brought it up as an abusive tactic to control a minority Imao when it isn't relevant
#to deflect from accountability and silence them #white behaviour #next you'll say being gay is an excuse to be racist #stfu #you're so obsessed with what ithink #it's really funny #you think lesbians can have dicks or like dick #you're pro conversion therapy #stay away from women but you probably will anyway thankfully #the fact you care so much what i think while speaking over me #if i acted like you a decade from now #at your age #yikesss #you're straight up stalking me and harassing me at this point Imao #<3 #you wanna play the liberal oppression card when you're a homophobic moron #i'm also a brown woman #so stfu #YOU STILL HAVE ME BLOCKED AND YOU'RE ENGAGING #HOW PATHETIC ARE YOU? #liberal cringe #gaslighting queen <3 #no patience #ur 95 percent and higher in het relationships exclusively #shut the fuck up #you don't know what vitrol or hate or oppression is #thats why you talk like this and act like #being hatecrimed makes you privileged <3 #i mean the gays practically do by denying my relationship isn't gay #so funny….they use the world queer
#by funny i mean sick #A SLUR AIMED AT HOMOSEXUALS FOR BEING GAY #WHO DIED OFTEN AFTER HEARING THAT WORD OR GETTING BEATEN TO NEAR DEATH #haha my relationship is queer <3 ur not even GAY ur bi and never date women or seriously #then you complain erasure #racist/homophobic/ misogynistic content my bi heart <3 #says people some get treated worse but then denies privilege #bc funny who is it they argue who always have privilege? FEMALES AND HOMOSEXUALS #NOT BISEXUALS AND MALES #B & T community are evil #males and osa are the most oppressed and females/ homosexuals are the most privileged <3 #what is gay privilege #you can't name one #bc it doesn't exist #if you deemed content biphobic you'd lose ur shit and never watch it tho #but heterophobic content doesn't exist :)) #and i'm every single terf when i'm not even a radfem #i think this drama is really funny tbh #you might as well be bc ur all cliche and homophobic #cry #if you cared about being productive you wouldn't be here
#it's so funny how your media consumption is literally all about misogynistic/ homophobic/racist white men #it's funny how cliche you are #you're so mad that i have a brain and you don't #keep crying <3 #talking about homophobic people and calling them out is doing something also tbh #you're such a hypocrite #you think you're fighting heterophobia #but you're just homophobic #spreading bs #you're really narcissistic and manipulative <3 #i'm glad you don't have a gf #you're homophobic and are obsessed with victimizing yourself #there is no such thing as discrimination for opposite sex attraction #it's a privilege #how aren't het women more offended that bi women act like they're suffering so much bc of het woman while y'all live the same lifestyles #for the rest of your lives... #oh right it's that homophobic pact. #they seem to have #remember when a bisexual woman married to a man said she was JEALOUS of gay men at pride #your pride is there everyday every second of your life and rewarded and centred #privileged #ifcc
#you're erasing gay people and being a hypocrite #and you're erasing straight people #so funny you're so pissed off youre called out on how stupid you are you're stalking my blog #if you were so confident you wouldn't take me seriously #you're in a privileged relationship #you have osa privilege #your relationship is straight even if you aren't #you're gonna call gays and straights bis #then don't whine when you feel erased #calling ur relationship het isn't even erasure #biphobia isn't real #you just think heterophobia is real and that gays oppress you #run to your boyfriend and cry how some actual gay person thinks you aren't oppressed #this is the straightest bio i've ever read #you can tell which bis have been w women bc at least some of them will acknowledge the privilege they have when with men but still very few #and ive seen other bis dogpile them and accuse them of having internalized biphobia for saying they have privilege when dating and marrying #men #the white ppl of sexuality tbh #can u imagine if you told a straight man he is feminine and in a feminine relationship or some shit for dating a woman
#thats how crazy you sound #closest kinda of analogy i can think of at 4am #jfc #stop oppressing me for having a bf my relationship is gay so treat me like a gay person if you don't it's discrimination and erasure #why are bihets like this... #holy shit #my straight relationship is gay/queer and if you don't agree you're heterophobic]
She has her friends monitoring my blog and encourages people in posts to bother me, but accuses me of stalking and harassing her when I haven’t said a damn thing to her in weeks. The only reason I even go to her blog is to make sure I have blocked every single person who she’s talking shit about me with & encouraging to come after me.
Also, who even is tygress? And how does she know who I’m mutuals with? My following list is private.
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self-winding · 2 years
I’ve been hearing the “if you’re not a man, then exclusively liking m/m ships is fetishization” line for a while, but lately I’ve been hearing people go a step further and claim that it’s misogyny.  Particularly when there’s a canon female love interest who gets “passed over” or “ignored” in favor of a non-canon m/m ship.
It’s ridiculous that anyone even has to say this, but liking m/m ships (regardless of your gender) is not misogyny.  There is absolutely nothing inherently anti-woman about it.  That is just how some people are sexually wired.  It doesn’t automatically mean that they hate the female character in question.
It’s also bizarre to me that people are framing these accusations as a feminist stance because feminists very frequently complain about how society over-sexualizes women or reduces them to love interests in stories, and now the complaint is that they’re...not...being sexualized...? 
I’ve heard other people retaliate by saying, “Well, there just aren’t enough good, well-rounded female characters!  That’s why so many people ship m/m!” which simply isn’t true.  There are lots of great female characters!  But also this defense shouldn’t be necessary.  Some people just aren’t into het ships or het romance and they shouldn’t need an ideological justification for that. 
This should also go without saying, but it’s also fine to only like het ships.  It’s not inherently homophobic, it’s (again) just how some people are wired.  I mean people are reading stories or looking at fanart for pleasure, this isn’t about who they’re hiring for a job.  Same goes for f/f ships; if that’s your thing (regardless of your own gender), that’s totally valid.
Your sexuality is yours.  Don’t let anyone else tell you how to do it.
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starblaster · 2 years
im confused, what type of information do terfs say about fgm and stuff? could you elaborate pls?
in my addition on this post, i mentioned “fgm” specifically because it tends to be a hallmark issue discussed by terfs/radfems, which is why i specifically said that you may see it on terf blogs in combination with other dogwhistles. however, as some of us know, there are also plenty of covert/crypto terfs on this site who won’t share obviously-transphobic content but they will share, for example, islamophobic and antisemitic posts about muslim or jewish men being inherently misogynistic, or racist and sinophobic posts calling all chinese men evil sexists, or saying that all nigerian men are rapists. you get the picture.
terfs/cryptoterfs tend to post or share articles about “female genital mutilation”, “female infanticide”, “sex-selective abortion”, and “same-sex” attraction being under attack as a way of legitimizing their radfem ‘paltform’ of issues, much like how qanon used “protect the children” arguments to make their radical arguments, which are entirely detached from reality, seem true or legitimate by virtue of this 1 kernel of truth, and sometimes not even that; 1 kernel of (perceived) half-truth, or less.
for example, it is of course true that queer people are attacked for being queer. queerphobic and homophobic violence is a real thing that happens all over the world. this is an objective fact. terfs, however, take this fact and load it up with untruths supporting their ideology in a wide assortment of ways, such as insisting that that some recorded-as-male victims of homophobia-motivated hate crimes are actually “gender-confused women” or “confused lesbians” or that recorded-as-female perpetrators are “actually men” (because, according to terfs and their beliefs in biological essentialism, cis women could never ever be perpetrators of violence...) and suddenly they’re using these ‘points’, founded on baseless speculations, to say, “see?! this is why we need to make it illegal for people to get their sex changed on official documents!” and they’ll also intentionally disregard instances multiple-bias hate crimes, in which an attack on a trans person was motivated by transphobia as well as homophobia—whether it’s because they don’t consider transphobia to be real, or they think transphobia isn’t a hate crime, or they think transphobia statistics are based entirely on false reports.
but let’s return to the “fgm” topic. yes, it’s true that genital mutilation happens. however, terfs often inflate or fabricate statistics to fearmonger (when worldwide genital mutilation rates are actually on the decline) and they also, ironically and predictably, don’t believe that forced intersex surgery is genital mutilation (when it is) because they believe it’s medically necessary (when it’s not). you know what they do think counts as genital mutilation? top surgery, phalloplasty, and even chest binding. they are convinced that they need to ‘save’ people from it, which is why they want to make it harder for trans people to access trans healthcare or gender-affirmation of any kind.
when this happens to trans women and trans girls, it’s also worth mentioning that they don’t care about the dangers of tucking because, in their opinion, "males" (in quotes) "deserve it" even when the negative effects of prolonged and improper tucking are more immediate than improper/prolonged chest binding, which of course terfs target because they’re oh-so-obsessed with the safety of ‘females’. which is not to say that people who tuck improperly or for too long are doing it to hurt themselves; they just want to pass and be comfortable in their bodies and may not know of safer alternatives yet. just. for the sake of comparison, it’s worth noting that terfs really do unilaterally wish suffering and agony upon trans women and transfeminine people... while also trying to convince trans men, nonbinary people, genderqueer people, gnc and butch women that they’re ‘traitors’ to ‘females’ because they’re ‘endorsing, encouraging, enabling, and participating in “female genital mutilation”‘ which is just fucking insane
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tubularfem · 2 years
the reason you dont debate w bigots is the same as you dont play chess with pigeons, they dont care about the rules and will declare themself the winner anyway. stop hating trans people
For one, I disagree because "hating trans people" is not the same as rightfully criticizing an ideology that actively harms other marginalized groups. Stop trying to say that criticism and disagreement = hatred. I do not hate trans people. I disagree with gender superseding the legal markers of sex, and the fact that males (who are oppressors on the basis of sex) are allowed access to single-sex female spaces. I believe that gender is an inherently harmful social concept that is used to enforce femininity on women, and reward masculinity in men. It is not a fun category you can opt in or out of. And I respect the lives of trans people, I want them to be free from violence and discrimination at home, school, and in their employment. However, I do not agree with the increasingly homophobic and misogynistic rhetoric, and there's nothing more misogynistic that equating gender as sex. Trans women are trans women is my outlook, but they are not women. Because women are adult human females. This does not mean I hate them, it means I am looking critically at these claims. Gender is not an objective or material claim.
Secondly, I debate with bigots all the time. If you can't properly explain and advocate for your position, you will look like an absolute fool. And that is not your ideological opposite's fault that you do not know the other side's talking points, reasons why they think that way, contextual beliefs, etc. If someone asks you a question and you block them, or insult them personally because you can't explain yourself, or can't put the argument you're repeating in your own words, that is you losing the debate because you lost. Period. That is a lazy excuse to avoid a difficult argument or uncomfortable conversation. Dissent and debate are the cornerstone of a democratic society. It is healthy to ask questions and not just take everything at face level.
Hope this explains myself sufficiently. If you can't even argue your points online, how do you expect to do anything worthwhile when it comes to progressive justice? If you constantly ignore people who think differently from you, even points that you fundamentally abhor on a moral level, you will never know what to say when they out-debate you.
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