#because i added some manga screenshots
mynnthia · 5 months
Jack-O'-Lantern Potage and Sautéed Dryad Buds with Cheese (Kabocha Pumpkin Potage, and Sautéed Chinese Cabbage with Mushroom and Cheese)
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ID: a photo with some dishes of food – from bottom to top: 1) a plate of sautéed chinese cabbage with mushroom and cheese sauce 2) a bowl of kabocha pumpkin soup 3) a pot of kabocha pumpkin soup. there is a sticky note on the pot with a face drawn to resemble the "Jack-O'-Lantern" bowl, pictured in the screenshot below
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ID: a screenshot of the Dungeon Meshi anime, depicting "Jack-O'-Lantern Potage and Sautéed Dryad Buds with Cheese" the "Jack-O'-Lantern Potage" resembles pumpkin soup, served in 3 bowls and a pumpkin-like fruit with a face. the "Sautéed Dryad Buds with Cheese" is a ringed green vegetable covered in cheese sauce
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ID: a photo of the same dishes as the first image in the post, but taken from a different angle
my first recreated dungeon meshi meal!
i had been planning on making kabocha pumpkin soup/potage for a while. after watching the newest dungeon meshi episode where they made "Jack-O'-Lantern Potage and Sautéed Dryad Buds with Cheese", i decided to recreate the full meal with the ingredients i had!
it turned out really good, definite recommend
if anyone is interested, i wrote up additional info about my process under the cut:
"kabocha" is the english term for the main kind of pumpkin common in east/southeast asia. it has a richer flavor and texture than orange pumpkins in the west, which makes it great for soups and stir-fries.
for my soup, i combined the kabocha with carrot and potato. the additional vegetables add nutritional value, and help "bulk up" the portion size.
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ID: a photo of 2 kabocha pumpkins. one is sliced open hotdog-style, the other is intact [link to image source]
despite the smaller portion size, adapting the "Sautéed Dryad Buds with Cheese" was the bigger challenge for me – i was already familiar with making kabocha soup, so that was simple
i decided to use some leftover chinese cabbage for the dryad buds because of the similar appearance. i assume it was meant to be analogous to onion, but i'm allergic
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ID: screenshot of some Dungeon Meshi manga panels, featuring Senshi preparing and cooking the dryad buds. when Senshi cuts open the dryad bud, he notes "mmm, this has a nice aroma"
when i tried searching for "cheese cabbage recipe" all the results were for oven-baked dishes. i debated baking the cabbages, but when i tried to cut them into rings, the cabbage didn't really hold shape, so i decided to just sauté them to save time
i thought about just throwing some shredded cheese into the pan when sautéing, but decided to make a cheese sauce for more accuracy
i made bechamel sauce (a french sauce base, made from melted butter, flour, and milk), and added cheese to make a cheese sauce. then i stir-fried the cabbage and mushrooms in butter and olive oil, seasoned with salt, pepper, paprika, and a bit of light soy sauce. i added the cheese sauce afterwards. it turned out surprisingly well!
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ID: a screenshot of the Dungeon Meshi anime, depicting "Sautéed Dryad Buds with Cheese" being made a ringed green vegetable is being cooked with mushrooms on top, and a cheese sauce being poured onto it
if youve made it to here, thank you for reading! idk if ill recreate more dungeon meshi dishes in the future (i just happened to have all the ingredients for this one already, so it was convenient) but we'll see
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just-null · 1 year
I just discorvered your blog and whilst I am primarily a choso enjoyer I do think noritoshi is also a really cool character, and I really hope he and choso get a chance for a proper interaction at some point! I'd love to know what your opinion is of choso and how you think he would interact with noritoshi :) also your art is really pretty
[UPDATE] this post was made before Gege revealed that Choso was a shit teacher and before the Kamos ever interacted. This was just my assumptions at the time.
I also want to see them interact... strap in fam, bc I never shut the fuck up
I may describe Choso as a bit OOC since I don't know much of the manga, but I do know bits and pieces!! also what the wiki told me, heh.
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[Choso thoughts]
Choso feels like that big brother who's stricter when training/teaching, but lenient when doing literally anything else involving his younger sibs. Although he's wearing a bored expression the entire time, he's actually super happy when around them.
I really like big brother characters so he might climb up my favorites when I see him in action. from that one popular screenshot of him giving Jogo a goofy smirk, I can tell he's got this tiny side of playfulness to him. He can be annoying if he wants to, and he sometimes does that with his brothers. 10/10 guy!
I've seen fanart and some headcanons of Choso, and I can firmly say that he's a green flag. He's the guy who would fix you without trying. HE'S NOT DOING ANYTHING, YOU JUST FEEL LIKE YOU HAVE TO CHANGE FOR THE BETTER FOR HIM.. OR SO I HEAR
[more details under the cut!]
[Choso + Noritoshi interaction thoughts/headcanons?]
Choso and Noritoshi are like super distant cousins/uncle/nephew right?? They came from the same jujutsu hitler, so Noritoshi is like Choso’s many greats cousin/nephew. Be fr though, if there's someone younger than Choso and is related to him in some way, that's an instant lil sibling of his. WHICH IS WHY, their relationship has two sides to it. (imo)
First up is the teacher/student aspect. 
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It's no secret that Noritoshi is weaker compared to Choso, therefore, he'd want to train under him. Choso is a strict teacher, he wants his lil bros to be able to protect themselves if he's unable to be there for them, which is perfect since that's Noritoshi's comfort zone. He wants to hone his abilities to reach or even surpass Choso, so he needs someone who'd nitpick him. 
I can see them sparring, and Noritoshi having an awe struck face every time he gets taken down with a new move Choso has yet to teach him. "How did you do that? You must teach me that next, sensei!"
Choso would probably chortle and lightly nudge Noritoshi with his foot, but internally, he's screaming. Imagine your little brother saw you do something cool, and he's shouting at you to show him how to do it. That's the same feeling Choso would get. Of course, he'd show him eventually, but Noritoshi needs to get the hang of the moves he's tasked with right now before adding more to his plate.
They're both beaming with joy when Noritoshi shows progress. Well- as much as two guys who barely emote can beam. Noritoshi is proud of himself for constantly improving and Choso proud of his lil bro for getting stronger!!!!!!
I imagine they bicker often but when they're in teacher/student mode, they rarely cross each other. Noritoshi knows he's training under a teacher and Choso is teaching his lil bro how to beat ass.
The second half of their relationship is the.. older brother/older(?) brother aspect.
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whereas Noritoshi is getting little brother treatment from Choso but doesn't want it and Choso annoys/coddles Noritoshi like the best big brother he is... also my favorite aspect, as shown
Noritoshi is independent. He likes his space and prefers to do things on his own. Because of this he involuntarily became the big brother of Kyoto Tech. People go to him for advice, criticism, help with assignments, and when needing to make a responsible decision, they think, "What would Noritoshi do?" You can say he got comfortable with the role of "big brother." 
So when this new guy comes along who's revealed to be family, Noritoshi deems him as a higher authority. Noritoshi's quick to go back to his old ways of respecting his superiors and it's not that difficult. Choso is older, stronger, experienced, and generally a lot more capable than Noritoshi. However, the downside is that Noritoshi would never grow a close bond with Choso if he kept this up. You can't tell your boss your worries, that's not proper! Choso, knowing this, told Noritoshi to knock off the formalities pretty early on.
I imagine this is the first time they'd ever bicker. Choso tries to get Noritoshi to loosen up a little because they're family, but Noritoshi protests that it's because they're family that he should show extra respect!
Choso probably told Noritoshi to call him brother/uncle or something so they can grow comfortable around each other. Let's be honest, Noritoshi calls his mom "mother," you won't catch him dead calling someone who he currently sees as a superior "brother." They compromise by just using each other’s name without honorifics.
Now that the introductions were out of the way, Noritoshi was now stuck with Choso coddling him. Sure it was nice at first, someone in his family who doesn't yell at him for every mistake he makes and genuinely cares for him, but.. Noritoshi feels… annoyed. Choso reminds Noritoshi of a more tolerable Todo, but he feels like Choso still treats him like Noritoshi needs him. He doesn't need Choso around, but he keeps seeing him everywhere! 
It'd be entertaining to see their dynamic. Noritoshi, the younger brother who doesn't wanna be the younger one and Choso, using that to his advantage to grow close to Noritoshi, by being the annoying older brother. He never takes it too far. just far enough that Noritoshi is saying stuff like “Preposterous!” or “This is slanderous!!” I imagine Noritoshi takes it as a personal defeat when Choso brings him food or treats him to an outing. He allowed himself to get little bro’ed..
Noritoshi would try to take the leadership role again and "big brother" Choso back in a respectful way. Maybe suggesting things he should do. Choso probably lets out breathy laughs and pats Noritoshi's head when he tries this. Then promptly goes back to doing whatever he was doing. Choso sees this as "my little brother scolding me for something." Another defeat for Noritoshi..
I can see these two bickering about the smallest things. And by bickering, I mean Choso annoying Noritoshi because he wants to take care of his little bro!!! and Noritoshi getting upset because he's not!!! little!!! he can do it himself!!!
I feel like Choso and Noritoshi would get comfortable with this though...
Choso would get a side of Noritoshi he doesn't often give to most people. They have a special bond that unites them both. Whether it be their cursed techniques or their similar childhoods or some other third option, they stick by each other. The same is true for Noritoshi, he finally has someone that cares about him and not his status. While yes, Choso can be annoying at times, Noritoshi is growing used to having him around. It would seem too quiet if Choso wasn't making him annoyed in some way.. 
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of course, they'd have their calm moments. Having siblings is both a hurricane and shallow waters.
These two are stoic fucks, so I can see them communicating wordlessly. The full fucking package like nodding, shoulder shrugs, huffs, BLINKS, you fucking name it and they just had an entire conversation. They say they make it obvious on their faces, but literally, no one can tell. Some people (Arata) think they speak telepathically..........
I hinted at it in the little doodle above, but Choso would probably help Noritoshi with calligraphy. Choso is OLD so he's got to have seen some old old Japanese cursive... He'd use his knowledge to help Noritoshi improve!!!
The whole thing with Choso cooking for Noritoshi.. Its what older siblings do to coax their younger sibs out of their shell. Who doesn't like free food? Choso learns pretty quick from what i've seen and with coffee being Noritoshi’s favorite drink, he's using that.
Choso: there’s a coffee shop downtown.
Noritoshi: what
Choso: we’re going together
Noritoshi: I never agreed to this
Choso: don’t forget your jacket, it could get cold.
And then they go.
Noritoshi enjoys company if it doesn't bother him. So if Choso walked into his room and sat down to do something quietly, Noritoshi wouldn't bat an eye. and That's how they hang out sometimes, just in the same room and they both have a blast.
this one is just me fucking around but I can see Choso asking for advice on how to approach Noritoshi like a father asking how to approach his teen kid. Noritoshi is similar, but he's asking why this guy is doting on him and being annoying. They ask around because I doubt either of them know how to use a phone. Noritoshi is old-fashioned while Choso is just old.
hmm... I can't decide whether Choso would use Noritoshi's name more often to attach the name to a better person or give Noritoshi a nickname to avoid using it....... I want to lean into the former but hmm......
that's all I got! This could be so ooc but fuck it! I like it. Sorry if this was all over the place, i was throwing spaghetti at the wall!!!!
[my ranting, its not important skip this. theres also slight spoilers]
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Jouno's "Death" and Characterization
Actually I'm adding onto my thoughts about Jouno's death scene because it really is brutal, even compared to the earlier "deaths" of the arc.
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[ID: A screenshot from the Bungou Stray Dogs manga. A vampirized Akutagawa bites into Jouno's shoulder. Blood spatters on Jouno's face, scrunched up in pain. End ID.]
I binge-read the manga very quickly on my first read, and so I think there was a lot that I kind of overlooked, especially when it came to Jouno and his characterization. I found the guy interesting, but I wasn't as invested in his character as I was with some of the others.
But even then, his death shocked me with how... cruel it was. And going back and really paying close attention to his character, it hurts a lot more.
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[ID: A set of three images from the Bungou Stray Dogs manga. In the first, a speech bubble says "You have what it takes to join the Decay of Angels." Jouno's face is carefully neutral and he says nothing for a panel. In the next, face still neutral, he says "What are you saying?" In the second, a panel of Jouno, bound and smiling in prisoner's garb, is overlayed by Fukuchi saying "Jouno, you were originally an executive in a criminal organization. Seeing the good prospects in your ability and that sense of hearing, I recruited you six years ago, for the sake of this day." Jouno lifts an eyebrow with a small frown on his face and exhales a small puff of air. In the third, Jouno, smiling, says "Yes. From the start, I've known no pleasure but that of tormenting others. Besides, you even said it, that you initially recruited me for the sake of this day." His smile looks a little tight. End ID.]
Looking at Jouno's face here... I'd honestly say he's a bit hurt by this turn of events. He has a very similar background to Dazai. This is the equivalent of Dazai being told that he was only hired by the Agency because they actually wanted him to take up the mantle of the Demon Prodigy again, but this time for their benefit. Because that's his true nature, right?
Jouno was only recruited... because he was never believed in. He was Fukuchi's little criminal pet project, one that didn't go as he intended at all - and Jouno dies for it, only shortly after he starts to get accustomed to the idea of himself as a good guy (even if he's still... morally ambiguous, to be diplomatic about it lol).
But yeah, let's take a second and look at Jouno's particular brand of cruelty - that sadistic streak where he wants to hear the suffering of others... and how easily this was overshadowed by one old woman's quiet gratitude. Fukuchi remembers the beginning of this scene... but he's left unaware of the aftermath of it and how Jouno changed (fitting, for the man forever caught up in the war; who still lives like he's on the battlefield). Jouno is largely self-preservative - it seems likely that, given his criminal background, you stayed alive by asserting your power over others, and Jouno does this by striking fear into others and deriving pleasure in that reaction - but it pales in comparison to appreciation, which Jouno states makes the sounds of fear like silence. The old lady is such a small thing really, but it apparently left a huge impact on him.
I think it's quite a decision made to characterize a guy who is hyper-sensitive to sensory input as being strongly affected by the kind of reactions he gets from others. Jouno compensates with fear and intimidation, but he actually wants to be appreciated. Whether Jouno genuinely cares about justice as an ideal is up for debate still, I believe, but we can be positive he likes being liked far more than he likes being feared. So, while Jouno thought he was appreciated for his pursuit of justice under Fukuchi, and had come to the realization that he prefers helping over harming - his role with the Hunting Dogs was always a cage. Jouno was likely essentially drafted - he joins or he is probably sentenced to capital punishment. Obviously, he takes the offer - as Jouno does not want to die (again, remember he's self-preservative!). Now he's stuck as a Hunting Dog due to the intense monthly surgeries to maintain their bodies, but he's made a pretty sweet life for himself - Jouno is powerful, respected, feared, and he basically gets to act however he wants so long as he is ostensibly pursuing justice (a corrupt cop, really)... only for him to realize he actually does want to help more than hurt, and to then have it be revealed that he was never expected to change for the better from the very beginning.
He was drafted due to this expectation Fukuchi had for him, and when he did not live up to this expectation... his exits are blocked, he's set on fire to stop him escaping, then stabbed from all directions, like one would trap and corner a threat that needs to be contained, or a wild animal. There's... some pretty significant dehumanization to that.
It gets worse though, because Fukuchi is right about Jouno being different from the other Hunting Dogs, but he's off the mark on what's different about him exactly. The difference is largely in that even though Jouno took precautions in case he couldn't make it out (having Aya follow him), he is not devoted (or solely devoted) to that ideal of justice that drives the rest of the Hunting Dogs, nor was he at all intending to sacrifice himself or accepting of that fate.
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[ID: A panel from the Bungou Stay Dogs manga. Jouno wears a concerned expression, a sweat drop on his cheek. His hair flies up a little as he moves across a background of dark lines for dramatic emphasis. The sound effect is a shudder. End ID.]
"Be strong... there's nothing to worry about/Don't panic, it's all fine" <-The words of a man who is very much trying not to panic (also Yuki Kaji did a great job in this scene - chefs kiss. The voice acting in the anime is so so good). Jouno's mental narration grows increasingly more desperate in his attempts to escape, even as he outwardly continues that show of pride and bravado, concluding with his "wish" to hear Fukuchi's later suffering - which is what he does to avoid letting others see vulnerability in him.
All the other people who died to Fukuchi had some kind of acceptance around it - Akutagawa sacrificed himself to allow Atsushi to escape and was accepting of that; Tachihara had no intention of a sacrifice play but was prepared to die rather than be turned by Bram, and found his resolve through a mix of the Mafia's and Teruko's influence. Jouno was not ready to die at any point in this fight, nor was that ever his intent.
About Jouno's dynamic with Tecchou: I find it really interesting that the closing and opening lines of the chapter where Jouno slashes at Fukuchi and "betrays" him are things like "at heart there is one intent" and "if there is evil, cleave it" - while they're really just the external hooks for the audience, not any character's thoughts or anything, I do find it intriguing that this sounds a lot more like Tecchou's philosophy than anything we'd seen of Jouno up to this point. In this way, I think Tecchou (and Teruko as well!) has had far more of an influence on Jouno than even he cares to admit.
And I think it's really good that Tecchou appears to be there for Jouno - he's got conviction in his capacity for justice as strong as a samurai and the ability to call him out and believe in him like that of a best friend. While Jouno's death is brutal, it actually validates Tecchou's belief in him - but this is not something anyone else really seems to see in Jouno, perhaps even Jouno himself until that moment. It recontextualizes their interactions: Jouno is the challenger. Tecchou just seems to kind of humour him, really. He doesn't treat Jouno like a threat or an obstacle. He's completely unafraid of him, either simply not reacting to his goads and threats, or calling him out on his bs when he takes his cruelty too far. It's like Tecchou's socializing a feral cat sometimes hjfhdbjvh
But remember that Jouno's grandstanding and desire to instill fear is likely self-preservative. Jouno sees Tecchou unafraid of him and goes "why is it not working??? He must think he's stronger or better than me, or else, he's just really stupid. I need to prove myself stronger than him so he doesn't think he can gain the upper hand on me." And meanwhile, Tecchou is just like "ok buddy let's go get some lunch. I like spending time with Jouno even though he's apparently mad at me for something idk what." Because Tecchou's lack of fear isn't actually because he's cocky or an idiot, or because he doubts Jouno's skill or strength - far from it. He knows full well how dangerous Jouno is. He just thinks "Jouno wouldn't do that". And it's that simple to him. I honestly believe Jouno hasn't quite figured that part out yet, and that he's reading his dynamic with Tecchou entirely wrong on his end. It's the epitome of that rival dynamic where one takes it super seriously and the other is just like "cool man anyways wanna hang out". Anyways I really hope their reunion is given some attention, when it happens.
You might've noticed I said "when it happens" and also that I put death in quotes at the top there - I actually have a question for all of you since I just thought of this on my re-read. Jouno was stabbed multiple times but since he's a Hunting Dog with advanced healing and enhancements I sincerely doubt that actually killed him. Then he was bitten... but the vampires seem to turn really quickly, and we see Jouno's thoughts for a while afterwards. Jouno didn't actually die in that scene, as it's stated he's "near death", and he's captured and taken somewhere by Akutagawa. It's highly likely he was just turned into a vampire, as he was bitten (perhaps his enhancements make the vampire ability take longer to get a hold), but I'm kind of wondering now if he wasn't "taken with them" for some other purpose and Fukuchi has him captured or comatose or something. Well, whatever happens... I hope he comes back to the manga at some point soon (though probably at this arc's conclusion if I'm being honest).
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numberoneredriotfan · 14 hours
Rodydeku headcanons part 1 :)
I'm going insane over these two hggggg-
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(this screenshot from the movie makes me cackle everytime-)
• Rody fell first, no questions asked. Deku fell a bit later when he actually had the time to consider his feelings when he WASN'T fighting villains and dealing with vestiges every three seconds.
• Before they parted after the humarise crisis, they exchanged numbers so they could still talk. And, I kid you not, as soon as Deku got home he called Rody immediately. Rody played it cool like-- "damn, miss me already hero??" As if he hadn't been staring at Deku's contact for the past ten minutes wanting to call him but not wanting to seem like he missed him or anything (he really, really missed him).
• From then on, they pretty much call each other every other night when they're free, giving each other general updates (or just to hear each other's voice) (Rody's like kicking his feet and twirling his hair during these calls-)
• Rody's contact for Deku is "mass murderer (heart emoji)" the heart emoji was added a little later on when Rody worked up the balls. Deku's contact name for Rody isn't anything special, just his name with a little ":)" on the side.
• Rody's crush is soooo bad. He definitely keeps up with anything hero-related on the news just so he can talk about it with Deku during their next call.
• I think Rody's voice helps Deku relax a lot, even if he doesn't realize why (keep this in mind, it'll come into play later).
• Rody thinks about the time when Deku spiderman-ed him around Otheon. A lot.
• Deku told everyone is class 1-A about Rody, more than he talked about the actual humarise crisis.
• During Rody's visit to Japan (in the spin off "team up missions" manga), I like to think he started developing a bit of an inferiority complex to Deku's friends.
• Like, who was he to Deku compared to all these friends that had been through so much together?? Compared to them, he was literally just some guy he saved the world with once.
• It didn't help hearing all the stories about Deku solving villain crisis after villain crisis with said friends.
• Of course Deku didn't think that way, and considered Rody a friend just like he considered everyone in class A a friend (with something a little extra there but he hasn't realized that yet).
• Deku once sent a picture of him and Eri during a little playdate to Rody the backflip his heart did when he learned that Deku was good with kids-
• Also, seeing Deku get along and be sweet with his siblings almost killed him.
• Sometimes, Pino will steal Rody's phone and send a random cluster of emojis with ninety percent of them being hearts. Deku was a little confused when this first happened, but after Rody (frantically) explained it was Pino, whenever it happens Deku just goes "hi pino!"
• Deku grows to be able to read Rody pretty well, even when he hides Pino from him. Although, having a friend with a built-in lie detector is pretty convenient.
• "Have you been missing me at all??" "Pssh, nah, you cause way too much trouble for me-" *distressed chirping in the background* "PINO." "I miss you too Rody :)"
• Rody pokes fun at Deku for the mass murderer incident all the damn time. "I don't know man, do I really wanna hang out with a mass murderer??" "Oh no, please don't hurt me mister mass murderer."
• Deku going on hero rants and Rody going on plane rants and both of them listening to each other with full attention :( <3
• Okay let's get into the more angsty stuff.
• After the war, and after all the villains escaped tarturus, and planes stopped getting to Japan and stuff, Rody was kinda worried (he was VERY worried).
• He was at work when all the commotion was on the news, and he completely froze when they mentioned UA high school. As soon as he got home, he tried to call Deku to make sure he was okay, but he got no answer. Because by then, Deku had already left UA high.
• Deku didn't want Rody to worry about him, so he pretty much ignored all his calls (feeling incredibly guilty as he did so) (also for the sake of it let's pretend he still had his phone).
• Rody tried so many times to call him, wanting to pull his hair out every time he was sent to voicemail. He was losing sleep just worrying about him, and Rody's siblings noticed. They tried a lot to try and get Rody to cheer up, which he did appreciate despite still being worried.
• He wasn't picking up his phone, and leaving a text just wasn't enough. So, eventually, he decided to leave a bunch of voice messages, as some way to make himself feel better.
• They started off with him trying not to sound too worried:
• "Hey, Deku! It's been a little while since I've heard from you. I know you're probably busy with everything happening in Japan right now. Call me back when you get the chance."
"The past few weeks at work have been exhausting. People are acting like the world's gonna end, but I'm sure things'll be alright. That's why we have heroes like you, right?"
"I was able to take Roro and Lala out yesterday, I sent you the pictures. Did you know Roro grew a whole inch?? Soon he's gonna be as tall as me!"
• Until they eventually grew more and more concerned and desperate:
• "Hey, I saw the news this morning. Japan is in really bad shape right now. Is everyone in UA alright??"
"You are getting these, right? If you have, please at least send me a message saying something. Roro and Lala have been worried, you know."
"Deku, I know things have probably been rough for you over there. For you and everyone else. I know I don't know you as well as your friends at UA, and I know that in the end I can't understand what's happening over there. But whatever you're dealing with right now, I'm willing to listen. So...please. If you're getting these- if you're even alive- just let me know. I'm worried, okay...?"
• At some point, Rody gave up on trying, only hoping that somehow Deku was okay, and that maybe he just wasn't getting his messages.
• But Deku was. And he listened to every single one, resisting to the urge to send him something, or call him. But he told himself it'd cause Rody more trouble if he responded, so instead, he just listened to each voicemail over and over, finding comfort in Rody's voice (he also looked at pictures of him with his friends for comfort as well but this isn't about them/j).
• After class A dragged Deku back to UA by the ear, once he was finally able to rest, he couldn't help but think about Rody and finally responding to him, but he wasn't sure what he would say, and he had a bunch of other things to worry about at the moment, so it slipped his mind.
• But eventually, as Rody was laying in bed thinking about Deku (as he had been doing for the past few weeks), he decided to try calling him again cause god damn it why not. He wasn't expecting a response, but at least he could say he tried.
• And to his surprise, Deku answered.
• At first, Rody just kinda sat there in shock, trying to process the sound of Deku's voice. And finally, weeks worth of emotions came spilling out and he just started ugly sobbing while yelling at him and questioning where he's been. Deku tried to calm him down a little, which only made Rody even more upset because how DARE you tell him to calm after you up and disappear for weeks without any sort of communication!!
• Knowing Rody's anger was justified, Deku told him he'd explain everything. And he did.
• He spent the next hour explaining everything that had happened to Rody. From the very beginning. How he was originally quirkless, how he got one for all, one for all's vestiges, the league of villains, All for one, Shigaraki. He explained everything, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders as he did so. Rody, though confused and confounded, listened intently.
• Once he was finished, Deku apologized profoundly for not telling Rody any of this, and how he just didn't want him to be put in danger. That's when Rody realized just how big the burden Deku had been carrying all this time, all by himself, truly was.
• "You've already put me in danger once before, hero." Rody said jokingly, trying to lighten the mood. Deku let out an weak, involuntary laugh. "You didn't have to hide this from me...you listened to all voice messages right? I meant it when I said I was willing to listen. You really don't have to carry that all by yourself..."
• Deku really couldn't help but sob once again at the support he got from one of his dear friends. And hearing Deku cry, Rody said he was a crybaby while also starting to cry as well.
• Just like that one time, both of them started to laugh together while still crying.
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I love them so much :(
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peripypo · 8 months
The Tri[MMM]ings: Delicious in Dungeon Missed Manga Moments (Episode 1)
This is the first of a series of posts where I chronicle the small tidbits/character interactions that were cut during the transition from manga to anime, for the series Delicious in Dungeon/Dungeon Meshi by Ryoko Kui! All screenshots from the manga will be taken from Mangadex/#EverydayHeroes Scans, so please check them out! Also, a shoutout to @dungeon-meshi-leftovers, a blog that's doing a very similar thing but more focused on archiving every single little thing cut, with detailed image descriptions for those needing them!
Now, lets get into it!
I was happily surprised with how little content the first episode trimmed out! The first cuts come in the opening fight scene with the red dragon. When Laios mentions how his party got lost and almost fell into traps, there's actually a handful of drawings that show them getting into the hijinks! It's understandable that they cut this out, but I'd love to see more of Laios's old party before they had been separated.
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Speaking of them being separated... the next thing cut was the two party members talking to Chilchuck and giving him the notes themselves. I wish this was put into the anime. I'm keeping their names unrevealed, as they haven't been said in the anime yet, but this cut makes them feel less personable and more like side characters, sadly.
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The next cut does not happen until Laios and friends begin to enter the dungeon. This little doodle of Marcille reading the paper is missing in the anime, which is a shame. Again, it just gives a bit more personality into the characters. Understandable, but still sad!
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These next three moments that were trimmed fall into the same boat that I feel like I'm going to have to call out a lot; both Laios and Senshi have a tendency to go into great amounts of detail when talking about monsters/food in general, and a lot of it gets understandably cut out. However, it's a shame, because not only is it a great piece of world building, but it also really shows how passionate and knowledgeable each of them are about their hobbies.
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This next part is what I believe to be the BIGGEST CRIME that the anime has committed. Yes, the food is animated and colored beautifully, but both the ingredients list and the nutrition chart are nowhere to be seen in the anime!! I absolutely love these little details Ryoko put in about the food, and it's so sad to see them not in the show. A shame!
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There's also going to be a lot of cut out ingredient spotlights. For example, there's a little drawing of where each separate fruit came from and their names in the manga. Definitely hard to translate to a video format.
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Finally, there's a little gag that's cut out of Chilchuck hitting his head on a branch. Completely understandable why they cut it out, again, but still sad to see it go.
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And that's all for episode 1!! Thank you so much for reading! Feedback in the replies or in my dms would be appreciated; let me know what you guys liked and what I should include in the next ones! And also, please reblog with any other moments from the first two chapters that you think deserve some spotlight or anything else that you think I should've added!
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pteropods · 4 months
I asked ppl to do this n then fell asleep im so sorry
ANIME ADAPTATIONS ARE NOTTTTT NECESSARY FOR ALL MANGA OH MY GOD. ACTUALLY IT WLD MAKE A LOT OF THEM WORSE. Anime adaptation baseline for animation has been getting a lot better lately (a very standard studio now could be on par with the most beloved and highly praised studio ten or twenty years ago) but NO MATTER WHAT the art- especially lighting- of a manga will almost always look worlds better than the anime adaptation, simply because more detail can be added when its a still image. Similarly, some things CANT be reasonably added from a manga without it looking weird. Comics can get away with noy having a background on a panel, be it out of ease or influencing the mood of the panel, but animation has a lot harder of a time switching from a background to a solid coor or design without good reason- its not impossible, and in fact very common of you look for it, but its just... not smth you can do as often as in manga
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[ID: The manga and anime versions of the "I am L" scene in Death Note. In the manga, lights shocked reaction is visible and ghe background has a flash of white to show that. Both L and Light have more detail.
In the anime, the visuals are a lot closer to L's face, with light not seen at all. There is less detail, but there is a shadow cast over half of L's face /End ID]
Take the "I am L" scene for example. The original manga has more shock to it. More of a creepy feeling, even. The anime maintains that in a way, but it also sacrifices a lot of the original appeal of that panel- the bacground flash, Light's face, etc. I wont discredit the anime and say that they didnt do a great job replicating the feeling with great music and voice dubbing, but visual-wise its. a little lacking. I will give credit to them, the shadow over the face does a more than you would think to improve this scene.
This is a manhwa, but a lot of fans bashed the solo leveling anime for this exact reason- the art of the manhwa had so much more detail and complex lighting than the anime, bcs it would be unreasonable for animators for spend time on the lighting for a minor scene in the show, but its easy for a manhwa artist to do it. And this is DESPITE solo levelling animation and visuals being an INCREDIBLE adaptation of the mood and original panels
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[ID: A screenshot of the anime vs manhwa adaptatiom of a character shooting a magic blast. The manhwa has more detail in the character and harsher lighting, and the anime has brighter light and a larger blast /End ID]
Pleaseeee click on the manhwa one to see the full thing. One thing about the manhwa vs anime is the fact that manhwas are often made to be scrolled vetically, where anime is a horizontal screen. The screenshot above of the manhwa isnt even the entire thing, it didnt fit in my screen. Imo the anime is AMAZING and does a fantastic job adapting it, but literally it Cant Do It Perfectly because of the difference in media form.
ALSO !! ppl forget that comics are an art form in of themself- the way the story is told goes beyond just showing the characters doing things. Panelling specifically is an incredibly influential aspect of it. YES, many authors dont put so much into the panels that a major facet is lost if made into an anime, but SOME DO
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[ID: Two Tokyo Goul pages. One is almost entrely empty besides Kaneki sitting in a chair saying "Mother". Above him is a text box reading "Instead of a person who hurts others, become a person who...".
The second page shows Kaneki's torture, the words "Over and over" written many times across the page, in various sizes and layouts. Through yhe page Kaneki narrates "When the injections wore off Yamori would give me "food" and wait for the injured areas to heal. Then, he would start all over again and give me an injection. Repeatedly. My fingers and toes regrew as if they were nails and hair, over and over. They. Regrew. Every. Time. and I felt like I was truly a monster." /End ID]
Sui Ishida is a genius in terms of panelling and using the art form to his advantage- I didnt even include my fav page of his here, bcs theres soooo many good ones and I hit the image limit lolz. He utilizes text in a way unreplicatable by an anime adaptation, which doesnt use that. Even if it did, text shown in an animation has a different feel to it than a comic, where thoughts, diologue, and narration all use text. Much like the formatting of Solo Levellinng, TG text cant be replicated in another medium.
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[ID: A page from Chainsaw Man, in which all the panels are seperates by arms /End ID]
Fujimoto has some amazing panelling in CSM, in the way he seperates panels. While this is the most notable one, theres SO many worth sharing if I wasnt constrained by an image limit. Utilizing the characters and scenes themselves as the panel borders enhances the atmosphere, and creates an even mote sinister feeling to the page.
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[ID: Two panels and a page from Witch Hat Ateliar. The panels are formatted by being indented into a wall. The page has a scenic panel with a complex, storybook-like border /End ID]
Kamome Shirahama is anothet author with amazing usage of panels and formatting- when background or lore is given, the panels have a fancy, intricate border to indicate its a story being told- see the right image. She also uses the parts of other panels to interact with new ones (see left image), and often has characters interact with the borders themselves. There is SO much I can say about her work but actually I think watching this video will do you better.
im getting exhausted writing all of this I may come back and talk abt gnpp since that was the one I actually meant to write abt. Augh whatever take this for now
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hopeswriting · 2 months
@kiralushia replied to your post “A question about your Luce post. I thought the...”:
I'm not sure Sephira was an arcobaleno, unless she turned into an arco way later. In that panel, Check Face says that the Arco are human sacrifices, but it goes against the fact that Sephira is not a human nor a sacrifice, since she's alive for centuries and we had different arco generations already before the creations of the rings (Giotto met Bermuda who was already a former arcobaleno, and he already was wearing the ring that he got from Sephira herself).
​fair points! and i agree that panel is ambiguous and leaves room to different interpretations. but i think it's, like, 99% safe to say sepira was an arco at some point. here's a clearer version of that panel i zoomed in on:
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[ID copied from alt-text: Screenshot of a panel from the manga Katekyo Hitman Reborn. It's zoomed in on Sepira, showing her wearing the Giglio Nero hat and cape, as well as holding onto the round-shaped necklace around her neck. /End ID]
like, you still can't make out the pacifier 100%, but this is obviously a pacifier she's wearing. like, from context, you know? and it might or might not be the sky pacifier, but again, knowing all else that we know for a fact, it very likely is.
that said, that in itself still raises questions too, for sure. and i agree it seems counterproductive and/or illogical for sepira to have been an arco too, but i explained here how and why i could see it happen. as for the fact there were multiple generations of arco between the creation of the pacifiers and the rings, you're right and i had never actually realized it before!!! but i don't think that her long lifespan as an earthling necessarily goes against her having been the sky arco?
like, we already know thanks to luce, aria and uni, that the same generation of arco can and has to have different sky arco because of the short lifespan of the sky arco. so i don't think it's a stretch to assume the reverse can just as easily happen, the same sky arco for different generations of arco. on the other hand, we know that sepira, as an earthling, had naturally a long lifespan. and they were still five of them left when they created the pacifiers, but only two of them left (sepira and kawahira) by the time they created the rings too (which they had to because they were only the two of them left anymore by that point).
looking at those facts together, i can personally explain and make sense of sepira having been the sky arco in two different ways: 1) she's an earthling, a species with a long lifespan who are meant and are naturally suited to look after the trinisette. so to me it isn't a stretch to think the short lifespan curse of the sky pacifier wouldn't have affected her, which means she could have been the sky arco of all generations of arco from when they first created the pacifiers and until her long lifespan naturally ran out and she died.
or 2) she wasn't the first sky arco nor was she an arco at all at first, but then the five of them remaining kept dying one by one too until only the two of them were left, and before they resolved to create the rings too, the weight of the pacifiers became too much for humans to bear it alone, and so they added earthlings flames to the mix to sustain them a generation more until they created the rings. and then she does go on to die because of the short lifespan curse or it's coincidentally by the time her long lifespan will run out soon, but either way she had the time to first give the vongola rings to giotto and create the giglio nero to look after the mare rings. (and then the sky pacifier may or not have been passed down strictly through sepira's bloodine depending on your headcanons.)
was that clear? i hope so rsgdfgdfg.
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velmashaircut · 28 days
Here is a list of subreddits I don't like because this week is my six year anniversary on reddit. I should say I don't mind the subreddit itself, but I don't like it's members. Also I would like to say I'm not adding subreddits to this list out of spite due to being banned or because I lost an argument to someone on there.
opmfolk: most people on this subreddit dislike the changes made in the manga, which is fine. I agree with a lot of things they say. I dislike the sub because of the awful attitude they have; they act like Murata killed their kids because of the changes to the plot that began to appear in the MA arc. I don't know if ONE is also behind the changes, but if he is, no one on that sub thinks he should be blamed for it.
It's ironic the people on that sub hate the long breaks in between the releases of the manga chapters because it delays the plot, but seldom complain about the lack of updates in the webcomic, how many years has it been since the current webcomic arc began? They say Murata has gotten lazy and checked out of the series, but by their own logic, they should be saying that about ONE (I don't think either of them have).
I think too many of the members of the sub are bias and throw around childish insults, so that's why they're on the list. The concept of the subreddit is fine. I bet a lot of them will change their minds when the chapters they talk about hating get animated.
ao3: I like to start off by saying I read and write fanfiction. I think people on this subreddit are hypocrites, they love to preach 'don't like, don't read' but cannot keep the same energy themselves. Many posts in this sub consist of users screenshotting sections of fanfictions or fanfic blurbs or whatever just to complain about how they hate how it was written or when authors do this particular thing in their writing and so on. Going out of your way to take a screenshot of someone else's work to go complain about it in an echo chamber doesn't sound like 'don't like, don't read' to me. The users would go batshit insane if someone did that to them.
The sub also have a prevalent us vs them mentality, mostly towards tiktok fanfiction readers. They say they're more cliquey and rude, but I don't think the subreddit is any better in that regard, they love to dogpile just as much as tiktok ff readers. The A03 subreddit love to say 'I'm too old for drama!' yet there are always posts about them being caught up in drama in their respective fandoms.
They are also easily offended or seem to assume the worst out of comments. It’s so bad, some users post the comments they want to send to the author so the people of the subreddit can approve if it’s suitable or not, and they are often told to bulk up the praise. And if the writers of the sub themselves do receive a hate comment or a comment that isn’t overly positive, they feel the need to make a post to discuss it too. You can just block and move on if you're that upset. If you're not grovelling, their whole world falls apart. A lot of writers don't want interaction, but endless praise. I feel like many of them forget that readers do not owe them kudos, comments/ save. Writers can choose whether or not they want to publish their works, but readers can also choose whether or not they want to comment or kudos their fanfic.
They also humble brag by asking questions like ‘my fic has been up an hour and has 200 kudos, is that good??’ Like come onnn.
BridgertonNetflix: This applies to the smaller subreddits are created for the main couples. The Para social relationships on these subs are outrageous. So many of these people don't realise acting is a job, the way people reacted to Simon's actor leaving the show was wild, the actor still gets flack for it years later. I don't see what the issue is - his season was over, and he wouldn't have had a prominent enough role in future seasons to stick around. Loads of fans were upset because they blamed him for the lack of Daphne's appearances in S2 and her no show in S3, but you should get more mad at the writers if anything for not being able to write scenes where Daphne makes appearances without Simon, it shouldn't be that hard to do since the Bridgerton's are her family, not his. The hatred towards Simons actor is so unnecessary, and the snarky comments fans make about Anthony's actor being able to still appear despite his various projects are stupid as well. Anthony is head of the family, and the show is about his siblings, its expected that he's in every season. The same does not apply to Simon, it's not hard to understand.
Other weird para social relationships include the protagonists of Queen Charlotte - like stop shipping real people who are in their own relationships together. Beyond disrespectful and the fans made it seem like it was appropriate?
However, what I hate most about this subreddit are the Kate and Kantony stans, which sadly, most people in the subreddit are. You can make a post about how, despite all the excuses the show throws at you, Kanthony were still in the wrong for having an affair under Edwina's nose, or god forbid, point out that Kate is not perfect, and people in the comments will call you racist, sexist, trying to create discourse, having a vendetta against the actress...and multiple posts pop up to defend Kate. I wish I was joking but I've seen this happen multiple times, it happened today actually. A line her stans love to use is 'here we go again' when someone makes a post about disliking Kate, but if someone said that about the endless Kate appreciation posts they would accuse of creating a hate brigade. There's a reason why only so many posts about Kanthony get locked...their fans are crazy.
Any UK subreddits: So xenophobic and racist. This could political UK subreddits or casual ones - all are influenced by politics in some way which is annoying. I dread reading the comments on these subreddits but I still end up doing it. These subreddits usually have articles attached to the posts, but everyone in comments they're dumbass opinions based on the rage bait title instead of reading the articles contents. The jokes are so unfunny too.
Unpopular opinions: I've said this before but they just hate women, so many posts are like 'women are superficial' 'women online are awful' but one post making the same generalisation towards men and suddenly its 'not all men are like this' and ''sexist'.
Most unpopular opinions are not unpopular either, or are just factually incorrect. People use the upvoting system wrong here too, you're meant to upvote unpopular opinions, but basic and tame popular opinions tend to mostly be the most upvoted.
Sixth form and uni subreddits: I find the people on these subs annoying because many of these people worship STEM and look down on humanities subjects. Many people on these subreddits also believe any uni which isn't Oxbridge or a Russel group uni is awful. And I'm saying that as someone who does stem at a Russel group. For the uni subreddit especially, everyday there's a post where someone is upset they failed a year of university or got caught cheating and want a way to get out of trouble, but upon reading the post, you realise its 100% their own fault they failed. Like come on bro. I don't like other uni students at my university so I think I project my hatred and insecurities onto the subreddit.
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prototypelq · 1 year
DMC Questions Anon here!
Capcom has called to tell you they've put you in charge of the next DMC game. They left no instructions but one: the game focuses on Dante and Vergil after the events of DMC 5. How will you do the game? What will the plot be? How will you have their relationship progress throughout the game?
Hi, Ember! Your timing is, as always, suspiciously accurate
Just the day you sent this ask I saw a post with this screenshot and saved it to answer later
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Funny thing is, my answer to this post is disagreement with this point on a fundamental level.
I have an extremely hard time imagining anything for DMC6, and one of the reasons is story. Capcom did a great thing when they actually acknowledged their series-founding character aging. Dante is not getting younger, physically it's not really a problem for him, but emotionally? This man should have gotten a mental retire like, after dmc4. I mean it. He shouldn't get sucked into another Sparda legacy drama, please no. Same for Vergil, man needs a gramophone, his bro to retire with, a library card and some freakin knitting needles or smth.
DMC1 started with the second lowest low the twins relationship had ever been at, DMC3 showed the divide of their relationship, DMC4 was the ghost of it and DMC5 had been the fallout of 20+ years of not-cooing-with-trauma. 5 ends with a perfect ending the twins were gifted by Hideaki Itsuno (bless the man), there is nowhere meaningful to take them.
(This is where I would have ranted about Mundus and how HE should be the main boss of the series, but he was sealed off and manga says twins could have defeated him even in their twenties and capcom did not freakin retcon that)
Alas, this would have been my answer if you haven't added the mandatory twins rule xD (to be fair, it does sound like a rule executives force on a new game, cause how would they ever let go of idols like Dante&Vergil? the bois sell better than hot cookies)
This is where I go in reverse mode, because I think the post is actually onto something. A new game about twins conquering different regions/levels of Hell and fighting cool Hell Lords the entire time. It would also be a good opportunity for some worldbuilding overhaul I keep ranting about in every single ask!
The only gameplay feature I can imagine for the game, the one that was MUCH requested and so close to properly implemented in 5 should ABSOLUTELY return - proper coop. Not sure if splitscreen would work optimisation-wise, but they should freakin try. RE engine turned out to be surprisingly adaptable and works insanely well in 5.
Character abilities wise - DMC5 is a goddamn masterpiece of slasher, I have absolutely no idea how to make it better. Dante alone requires you to study in Combo University for four years, and Vergil would freakin make you meditate in a cave without food or water for another four.
If the narrative could take a double plotlines structure and Nero would have his own adventures in the human world, it would be nice to give him more attention as well. And an opportunity for some new devil hunter characters (Master Summoner Patty) !
If DMC6 ever happens then Mundus HAS to be the endgame come on, that is (1) plotline DMC has hanging and it would be EPIC to make.
Twins-relationship wise I expect a Lot of banter. It would be awesome to have the second twin be AI piloted around the level with you.
As for bonding? Mixed feelings. Twins will have lots of time to learn to work together again, but I am not sure they can actually heal while in Hell. Hell trip is a constant run from and into violence, demon horders, hunting and being pursued in a maddening never-ending circle untill the twins are able to escape. This is not the best situation for healing, honest conversations, or supportive moments. Plus, the twins entire lives revolve around violence, I can only wish one day they can settle in a calm environment to learn to live without it too.
btw the last two sentences are like, the premise of Raven's @stashoflostsouls newest Take a trip or two awesome fic, definitely check it and her other works out if you liked the previous paragraph
So yeah, I believe the twins will progress a lot during their escapades, but the reforging of their brotherhood can only fully happen outside the violence they are regularly thrown into, and a retirement plot doesn't really sound like a good idea for a slasher game, does it.
as always, the rambles got the best of me.
tldr: Personally, I think the twins' story is done and they should be allowed to happily retire, but if the story continuing to revolve around them is the mandatory rule then my best guess is a cool slasher in Hell. Still, it wouldn't fully mend the twins relationship, even if the game would probably be very satisfying to play
(have you seen the coop mod videos online? those clips are insane)
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drdtfuitgumies · 4 months
season 1 summary: may 2024
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i've hit 30 situations! this summary is mainly for my personal documentation (i like documenting stuff), but i thought i'd post this in the blog too just in case anyone else was interested!
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to the surprise of absolutely no one, whit got first place, appearing eight times throughout may 2024! however, his first place is because of a technicality, since i counted the pinned post for this season. otherwise he'd tie with second place and our recently crowned "invasive species", arei, who appeared seven times. i know i encouraged you people to let her commit crimes, but it appears i have underestimated the fandom because there's STILL people telling her to steal even MORE stuff in the inbox. third place is charles, appearing five times, three of which happened in the span of five days. bullying him (and making arei and whit bully him) is really fun though!
also, i think now is a good time to talk about how i "plan" out the situations. i try to draw at least one situation a day as a "warmup" before i draw... Other Stuff, and i try to stock up at least a week's worth of doodles, just in case i become unavailable for whatever reason. i also try my Absolute Best to ensure that everyone* appears at least twice a month, whether by picking requests wildly out of order or taking matters to my own hands through the original situations, though a bias for whit really can't be avoided...
*mai and monotv are excluded from this "rule", though i bring out monotv often when i need a casualty. take arei and whit stacking things and arei and j playing mario kart, for example!
PERSONAL FAVORITES (in chronological order)
1) Motivational words from Min
I still consider this one of my greatest creations in my mortal life. maybe i should reblog this on main everytime i procrastinate on something. i'm sure there will be always someone who needs the encouragement
2) Charles holds Eden's yuri manga hostage
this headcanon sucker punched me on what was a normal afternoon, but i'm glad i realized it to this world... even though i barely read new stuff in the first place, let alone yuri. maybe one day i'll find something that caters to my oddly specific tastes, but for now i'll enjoy the yaoi vs yuri memes from afar and let those more qualified than me to verify how true himejoshi eden and himedanshi charles are
3) A regular "PMD Club" meeting
i am an autotroph and need to create one oddly specific self-indulgent situation per month to sustain myself and the joy i have for drawing. i promise this Will happen again. i might even outright sneak in some of my aus, out of context...!
4) Arei steals Charles' goggles
it really says a lot about me as a person that my personal favorites are mostly unserious shitposts, but i've been meaning to draw arei bullying charles with the nerd emoji since... a few months ago, i think? some of the situations are prompts i've always wanted to draw, but am too lazy to do in my "proper" style
sometimes i think of adding punchlines in the situations, or fix errors after i've put them in the queue, but forget to actually. do them.
after arei stole david's hairclips, emovid's debut would've been something along the lines of arei freeing him from his stage persona by taking away his hairclips. but i forgor.
monotv's body had the wrong colors this one time, but i have since decided that arei got paid by the real monotv to murder a bootleg / defect monotv
as i've mentioned in the tags, teruko on a llama at the machu picchu was supposed to be posted in ace yaps and levi listens' place, but i did an Oopsie and forgot to adjust the queue properly. out of the ~10 posts i had queued up that time, i got insanely lucky that the teruko doodle was the one that got delayed, since i forgot to draw her bandage. ultimate lucky student moment
also as i've mentioned in the tags, if my wii was still working i would've attempted to recreate an actual screenshot of j and arei playing mario kart wii
arei would've have had more time to steal even more things before i put her in jail, but i decided to give her a break this month. i assure you, she will return with a Vengeance.
i've gotten so, so used to drawing whit and arei. i haven't quite gotten the hang of everyone else yet, though i can draw xander, eden, and charles pretty consistently. hardest to draw is hu, but that's mainly because i can't draw straight hair
i kinda wanna add a subtle pattern to the background…? even just a grid would be fine. also thinking of changing the background color every now and then
i'd like to make an animation one day. it's definitely going to be a shitpost and a very unserious situation, but i'd like to make an animation one day
i expected struggling to catch up with requests, but i genuinely didn't expect about two new requests a day?? i really thought i had to pad out the days with more of my original situations, but i'm actually glad i have such a big selection of requests with a decent variety. Aside from arei's many, many crimes.
if you're still here... thank you so, so much! for reading until the end and entertaining my side project! i've never been a particularly "active" artist and tend to lurk more often than not, but seeing the same people regularly come and leave little comments in their reblogs does something to my heart that i didn't think could ever happen. even seeing new people excites me, because i think this is the smallest fandom i've ever been in? i hope i can keep this blog going…!
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black-wolf-spirit-art · 5 months
It's okay to have some miscommunication and miss some details on some parts. As long as you communicate further to fix an issue, everything is okay!
Since there is money involved, the matter on the situation is much more important, definitely, and the client is the boss.. but don't beat yourself up for this, okay? Mistakes happens and you went through a rough one...
Just take the time to talk things out and take as much details as possible next time so you can prevent unnecessary comes and goes.
Just please understand the client like the client understands you too so everyone gets a win!/lh
Hi there! I assume this was about the Afreakingdorks post. Thank you that's very sweet. And thank you for reaching out.
There was absolutely some miss communication between the two of us and I adapted to all of her requests as best I could. The issues arose when she requested more than 3 edits past the sketch phase. In my price sheet I state that they are alowed unlimited edits in the sketch phase, then 3 free edits past the sketch stage, but after 3 edits I would need to start charging for my time. This is when the issues began because they were unwilling to pay for edits but insisted, I make them for free. When they were unwilling to compromise, and the conversation was seeming to go downhill I agreed to show them the flats layer to prove I did in fact add gray to their Sona's fur and reduced the opacity in the light layers to make them show more. I also emailed the files to them with the edit function enabled so they could mess with the files any way they pleased since it was not quite what they had wanted. I also offered them a 50% refund for the piece which they refused. I know they were also talking about the file "conveniently appearing" after they harassed me on 2 different tumblr accounts. But they didn't consider that I had sent them 3 high resolution PNG's that take a few minutes to send over. So I guess to her it looked like they just appeared after she started spamming me on her two other accounts.
To be perfectly clear to any of her followers that came to my page due to this altercation. She received several WIP's. She made edits to those WIP's which I then made, and she approved of them/ gave the thumbs up for me to continue the illustration. This happened several times during the sketch phase and 3 times during the line art phase. She then received said finished piece but requested more edits for free. When I told her I couldn't make any more edits for free she got upset. She requested I send what I had to her email which I did, and she received it. The transaction was completed.
She also showed screenshots of our conversation but cut them up and rearranged them to make it look like I was taking advantage of her on her blog.
I've been receiving commissions for over 5 years and never had an issue with a customer. I'm always willing to compromise with the customer as well. But once it was clear she was trying to get more work for free and continued to gaslight me in the conversation, it was time for the transaction to end. They paid for a fully rendered illustration with two characters and two side images. I illustrated the background for free for them. Thats the full image they received. I would share our screenshots as well and the image itself but since It was an NSFW piece and there are minors following me I do not want to expose the imagery to on this platform.
There were several instances where they were directing me to manga/comic style while contradicting themselves and insisting I draw it in my own style and liked where the piece was going which added another layer of confusion.
All and all this has absolutely been an interesting customer experience. If she wants to moan about how I hurt her reputation and sladerd her good name, she has ever right and I certainly won't stop her. It's disappointing to see from a 31 year old adult. But what can you do, I'm not willing to add to her pitty party.
I'm sorry to keep going on about this. That was a long post and I really appreciate the fact her followers are willing to stand up for her so much.
I'm just an illustrator she commissioned to draw her sona having sex with Donnie from ROTTMNT in a bathroom stall. I'm not interested in making this into a whole ordeal.
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lnkedmyheart · 1 year
The dead apple manga IS by the writers of the movie. Not everything in the screenplay makes it into movies for time constraints or to fit the medium. A lot of relevant details are lost in moving scenes from 1 medium to the other and a lot of context can be added back from movies to novelizations. If the author of DA has added details into the novelization of the story that they weren't able to present on screen then those details become important and provide an important context to the story.
For instance for most anime onlys Dead Apple's scene where Dazai tells Chuuya to get shot comes across as callous and shitty because we are not privy to the way those two think, we are not in their heads and there is no one telling us their intention. However when you read Dead apple you realise that Dazai's remark to Chuuya was actually a code to warn him about a grenade heading his way. This scene becomes even richer when the dead apple manga adds the context to the kidnapping in the first place and then later the mayoi game adds the context of Dazai's attempt to make up to Chuuya being a big factor that led to the kidnapping and the war ending.
Similarly there are a lot of details added by Asagiri himself in adaptations of his own material that makes the material richer. The og post about wanting to do a meta post about DA already rubbed me the wrong way because according to OP everyone was wrong or had missed something but them and the most they were willing to do was call other people's takes a headcanon. It was really shitty imo because people have done tons of detailed meta on skk and sskk around the events in DA and how it humanizes them. People have combed through all the available material and discussed in detail the importance of touch in skk's relationship and I didn't say anything at the time because I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt and because I love reading other people's opinions. And for the meta to just turn out to not even be a meta and just some stuff based on screenshots to try and paint everyone who has done detailed analysis as having headcanons or being wrong just feels shady to me.
People are allowed to have different takes, opinions and readings, you are however not slick for trying to discredit every other take but your own.
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dailyhelldorm · 5 months
New Office Interactions - Eichi's relation
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This is an archiving post from a Twitter thread. This will get updated regularly as I find more interactions in the future.
Eichi still has some but I can't find more, so I will try my best to continue updating.
Before you start...
This is a more refined version compared to the thread, I fixed my wording and mistakes. Also adding images and the original credits.
I don't put the characters in any order, everything is based on the uploaded day of the screenshots to determine whether the interaction is old or new.
It is said that some of the old interactions have been deleted from the game, the purpose of this post is to archive.
Disclaimer: Most of the pictures don't belong to me, and I own none. They rightfully belong to the person who uploads the screenshots and of course, Happy Element K. K.
© 2014-2019 Happy Elements K.K. 画像等の内容はハピエレ及び一部の投稿者を属しております。無断転載のためお許させていきただきます。削除されてほしい場合はTumblrやX(旧Twitter)などご連絡ください。
Eichi's New Interactions
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This is a new interaction. Images by しお @son873
Kaoru: I am troubled with getting into my new role~ Eichi: If it is fine with you, I can hear you out.
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This is a new interaction. Images by とりけらとぷす@mUdw7fSXn6zMG0x
Keito: Eichi! What this plan document is all about!? Eichi: Fufu ♪ Don't you think it is quite an interesting idea?
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This is a new interaction. Images by HOGARA @hogara_n
Eichi: We should sometimes have a chess game. Leo: Oh, alright! I will take you up on that offer!
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This is a new interaction. Images by とりけらとぷす @mUdw7fSXn6zMG0x
Eichi: The play on the other day was fantastic. Wataru: Oh, so you have come and watched me ♪
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This is a new interaction. Images by ぽめる @po_mazing
Eichi: Mashiro-kun, do you have any problems you are worrying about? Tomoya: No, I don't! Everything has already been resolved!
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This is a new interaction. Images by Hell Dorm Diary.
Tsumugi: The book I borrowed the day before was quite fascinating ♪ Eichi: I’m glad the book is useful to you.
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This is a new interaction. Images by り @usasheep
Eichi: Yah, how are you? Shu: NON! Don’t you dare talk to me!
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This is a new interaction. Images by Hell Dorm Diary.
Sena: Hey, ain't your face look pale? Eichi: Maybe because I overworked a little bit too much?
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This is a new interaction. Images by Hell Dorm Diary.
Madara: I read the article that has been going around. Eichi: So you have heard about it as well.
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This is a new interaction. Images by Hell Dorm Diary.
Eichi: I have high hopes for your work. Tsukasa: Please entrust to me! Tenshouin-oniisama.
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This is a new interaction. Images by さじ @rondo_r48
Ritsu: Can you make the tea for me? Eichi: Should I also prepare some tea snacks too?
Eichi's Old Interactions
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Images by あいす@🚗🍷🚬💸 @Rei_Kaoru_aice
Eichi: I am looking forward to seeing the true strength of the revolutionist. Tatsumi: You are overvaluing me too much.
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Images by うる💚 @uru_0504
Eichi: Thank you for always helping me, Yuzuru. Yuzuru: No, it isn't something major to offer me words of gratitude.
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Images by nekoma@ただ今低浮上 @nekoma_hough
Eichi: Hokuto, did you see my email? Hokuto: … if it is something important then you can tell me directly right now.
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Images by ジジジ @jijiji_st
Eichi: Don't you feel lonely when Sena-kun isn't here? Makoto: Not at all, I don't feel like that.
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Images by ネネ @neneansta
Eichi: I see that you have been working hard on filming your previous drama. Tori: Ehehe, I will continue my best next time too ♪
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Images by ここあ @COCOA_210_n (Not dorm-related but mentioning Eichi)
Tori: You were the revolutionist that Eichi-sama acknowledged...? Tatsumi: Fufu. That was just an ancient talk.
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Images by 水原つえ @magictsue
Eichi: Recently what kind of manga has become popular? Midori: U~hm, If you talk about shounen manga then maybe that title.
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Images by れべるよん @yui_egumi
Eichi: How about we have some leisure tea time, Wataru? Wataru: Why of course, let’s have some together.
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Images by たこ @takoyea_
Eichi: It seems that today you will return late too. Aira: That's because there are so many things to do every day...!
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sanaserena · 1 year
I can't stop thinking about OPLA, and it's only been 5 days TT.TT So, I finally had time to catch several screenshots from Episode 2.
My third impressions of OPLA episode 2? I've watched it that many times, and each time I find even more things to like about it. (A more comprehensive review later, but.) There might be some things I didn't like, but for now, the things I liked:
Buggy. He was too damn great. Literally. It took me Impel Down in the manga to reallyyyyy like Buggy (who can't after seeing him interact with Luffy?) But damn it all, OPLA did it in one episode, two episodes in. He's a bit darker in this episode, but Jeff Ward does such a fantastic job at being Buggy. (And on a side note... Buggy is not supposed to look this good T.T)
Nami, Luffy, Zoro. One of the big highlights for me throughout OPLA is the chemistry of the cast. Sure, Nami and Zoro seemed to be have heaps of screen time together, but the interactions between Nami and Luffy are great too.
I did really enjoy the way Luffy's flashback was introduced in this episode. It works. Even more so when facing Buggy, of whom was once on the same ship as Shanks - the set up of this introduces a more complex backstory (manga does this too, but we're not entirely curious yet because Buggy was small fry at the beginning, and we don't see Shanks for several chapters.)
Ah, Shanks in OPLA really feels like Shanks to me. What I love in the OPLA is that there's a small scene added in the flashback where we actually see Shanks fighting. He doesn't expend much energy, compared to his crew, just throwing down a dude as easy as breathing (I might be reading too much into it, but if we were to take this fight scene as a metaphor, we can actually see the dispersion of strength in Shanks' crew.) I tried to get a screenshot (because I suck as making gifs from netflix right now...) but it's awful. I'm still including it anyway, since it'd be great to see :D. He looks a little rough, but when you see Peter Gadiot acting as Shanks, he really gives off so many Shanks vibes that I forget his hair for a few seconds xD
And an impression for the whole series, but there are some easily memorable moments from the show, which I find myself remembering at the odd time.
The screenshots (I'm also including the logo/title header for the Episode, because I paused the screen at a perfect moment):
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And it's not letting me add more images, look for part two here: Link
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tomobikicentral · 1 year
Hai darlings! Welcome to Tomobiki central! This is a blog which archives anything and everything Urusei Yatsura, both old stuff and new!! This blog was made specifically so fans can avoid spam posts and make it easier to find the best Urusei Yatsura content on Tumblr.
What will be reblogged here?
Everything! as long as it's not low effort, that is.
What counts as low effort?
Posts like screenshots with no text added (unless it's a screenshot which is a meme within itself), or non oc fanart with no source added, official art with no description as to what it is, low quality textposts etc. Also, your post should clearly be recognizable as something from Urusei Yatsura, and not look like something from another anime (as it should have something like characters or some kind if sign that it is from UY). Posts with only links won't be reblogged as well, unless it's a link to a fanfic (but make sure to mention that!). Posts which send unnecessary hate about the series (or anything really) will not be reblogged either since it may create discourse, however meaningful criticism is allowed.
Why was my post not reblogged even though I followed the above criteria?
That would be possibly because I've either missed it or it didn't show up in the tags. You can message or send an ask to inform me.
What about NSFW posts?
NSFW will be reblogged only if it's with the series' own restrictions (that is, the most which can be shown would be nude breasts, though over-fetishism of that won't be reblogged either). Anything over these restrictions, censored or not will not be reblogged. If you don't want to see the NSFW posts, you can simply filter out the tag 'nsfw'.
Why should I follow this blog?
Of course, whether you follow or not is up to you! But following this blog is going to be very helpful to those who create UY content since it allows their posts to get noticed and appreciated more: the more followers this blog has, the more notes they will get. And not to mention, you'll get more UY to enjoy!
How do I find a specific type of content on this blog (for example, only remake related or only fanart)?
The tags will help with those! Posts will be divided in two different ways: a) according to what type of media they are from (manga, original {anime}, remake or even the video games!! However if there is no sign of which media it is from it will be tagged as 'unspecified'.) and b) based in what type of content it is (fanart, official, edit, gif, video, etc.). You can search with the help of these tags and find what you're looking for!
That's all I can think for FAQs, if there's anything else, I'll edit and add to this post.
This blog is still new so it will take time to fill it up with a lot of UY. Please reblog this post so more UY fans will be able to know about this blog. If you have any queries, feel free to contact me here or on my main (@yumedoca ). Have a cosmically great day ahead!! 🌟
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Thought I could just quickly finish episode 30 this morning before work without pausing every five seconds to screenshot and check the manga, cus I thought for sure it would all be sexual tension/misunderstandings/angst (you know, the boring stuff 😂) but turns out A) they cut a LOT of stuff out for time and B) My Dude has a scene I thought was added to the anime but actually I just forgot it was in the manga, so here’s another anime-manga comparison no one asked for
I had to take out some images cus of the post limit, so opening context is that Godai’s at a pachinko parlor, stoops down to pick a pachinko ball off the floor, and sees that the other person reaching for it is Yotsuya.
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Anime staff REALLY wanted this episode to be fully 1/2 “the gang mopes around thinking that Kyoko got engaged without telling them” and for it to end on Kyoko finding a scantily clad woman in Godai’s new apartment, so they cut out a ton of scenes. The main thing is that it reduces the amount of screentime for the freeloader couple, so they just seem more annoying and less threatening (for example, the manga version of the pachinko scene has Godai at the parlor with the husband, who’s A: gambling away money he could be using to move out, and B: trying to bully Godai for more money). But a side effect is that the anime also significantly shortens this scene where Godai runs into Yotsuya and they go talk at a cafe. In the manga they sit and stare for a second before the typical “Oh, it’s you, what are you doing here?” kind of small talk, but…
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…in the anime, it’s so condensed that the first line is Yotsuya going “Buy me a drink,” and he starts saying it basically the moment they lock eyes 😂 These guys haven’t seen each other in 10 days (a month in the manga) and no “Hello” or “Oh it’s you,” just straight to hitting him up for food. In the manga it’s possible they both went for the pachinko ball and didn’t recognize each other til a moment later, but the anime makes it seem like either Yotsuya being surprised and just blurting this out OR that he already knew it was Godai and bent to get the ball as an excuse to talk to him.
The anime also heavily condenses the following scene to allow it to end on a dramatic note before cutting away to Kyoko finding the mystery woman in Godai’s apartment
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Again the scene is very condensed, so Yotsuya just quickly teases Godai (it’s unlikely he would have forgotten WHY Godai moved out) and calmly reveals it was a misunderstanding, that Kyoko (~ “Ms. Manager” subbed phonetically here as “Kanrinin-san”) isn’t getting married. Without anything else shown onscreen, it’s easy to read it as Yotsuya genuinely reassuring Godai, possibly having invited him to the cafe specifically to have this conversation.
The manga plays it VERY differently
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Yotsuya goes out of his way to make Godai feel stupid and unloved, telling him everyone’s fine without him, no one misses him, and explaining the misunderstanding by way of “you’re an idiot for taking it so seriously.”
In the vein of my last rant about the anime’s voice acting choices adding a LOT of nuance and clarity to Yotsuya’s ambiguous character (being fairly expressionless and often speaking in vague phrases or teasing/lies, it’s hard to know how to interpret his manga lines), this scene is difficult to interpret in the manga. He often says cruel things to Godai, is he being cruel here for fun? Then again, a following chapter has Kyoko angrily lying to Godai that all the apartments are full and he can’t move back, because she’s so hurt and jealous believing that he moved away from Ikkoku to live with another woman. Yotsuya’s opening line of “I didn’t expect to ever see you again,” and the existence of an earlier chapter where he gets upset about Godai trying to repair the hole between their walls—publicly humiliates him in retaliation—then bothers him for attention when Godai gives him the silent treatment (not even counting his worried tone of voice when he asks if Godai has somewhere to stay in the anime version of the scene where Godai moves out), could mean that he’s behaving the same way as Kyoko, being cruel to Godai because he’s so hurt that Godai left without even keeping in touch, or from worrying about him in the meantime.
I suspect Rumiko Takahashi wouldn’t have talked much about Yotsuya’s character in interviews, partly since he’s a side character and partly to maintain his air of mystery, but I’d LOVE to know what she was thinking about his motivations when she wrote for him, or if she had any secret backstory in mind to explain his actions. It’s entirely probable that she just wrote his character around whatever she thought would be funny in a given scene, though.
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