#because i am a sucker for the symbolic act of cutting one’s hair as a means of liberating oneself from societal chains or whatever
tysonfurybattlepass · 2 years
20 for Aster?
20. What’s their greatest fear? How does it control them?
Aster is terrified of not living up to her potential. Even worse, she isn’t exactly sure what that potential is. Her amur leopard ancestry causes her primarily human family and community to perceive her as superhuman, which not only puts immense pressure on her to perform up to expectations but also distinctly alienates her from her more ‘normal’ human peers. The truth is, she is not a human with superpowers. She is a hybrid between two different types of animals. Her feline physicality comes alongside distinctive feline behavior and needs, which many humans find off-putting and unacceptable despite being perfectly normal in the context of leopard ecology. Thus, actually interacting with Aster shatters the illusion of supernaturality people tend to perceive her through, and they are often left frustrated and disappointed with the real Aster. This is a struggle that a lot of animal species face when integrating into human societies, but specifically hybrids like Aster whose phenotype is fairly humanoid tend to be held to very human expectations which simply aren’t feasible for non-human creatures. Aster is constantly scrambling to get a good grade in socializing, something both possible to achieve and normal to want. Because of this she has severe social anxiety, which fuels her already asocial tendencies as part solitary animal. She also feels a need to hide her feline physicality from people, often refusing to run or climb and purposely pretending to be weaker than she is (and she is by no means weak. have you ever seen a leopard carry an animal bigger than itself up a tree using only its teeth?) to avoid setting expectations or making a spectacle of herself. Because of this self-imposed restriction, she is unable to express natural behaviors in a healthy way, which only adds to her overall stress and results in maladaptive daydreaming and intrusive thoughts.
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that was all pretty heavy so here’s some cute concept art of Aster with short hair
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flying-elliska · 4 years
Skam France Season 6 Review
It’s that time, I guess. My feelings are, like many, mixed. I think I enjoyed the season more than most people here, but the ending was a massive let down. Overall it boils down to this : Skam France is great at moments and very bad at structure. A lot of my issues with the season is what is not in it. I saw so much potential that never quite materialized, and it left me frustrated. At the same time, Lola is a really cool character, her arc is really interesting, her relationship with her sister is one of the best things they’ve ever done, and the actors killed it. Loved La Mif, discovering other sides of Eliott, the urbex backgrounds, and Maya. A lot of fascinating character moments. This is definitely my second favorite season after s3 - at times I even thought it would equal it. Sadly, though, Skam France will remain a bit of a one hit wonder for me. Because they are so good at bringing up problems in a nuanced layering way - be it addiction, grief, eating disorders, internalized ableism, racist microagressions - but when it comes to resolving what they brought up, they default towards a ‘let’s all be nice to each other, hug or kiss, love saves the day yay !’ story. Which is, when you claim to deal with real world issues, simplistic, immature, and at times quite offensive. It works for s3, which is at its core a tale of self-discovery, self-acceptance and romance. But niceness doesn’t solve racism, and family problems aren’t solved with a hug, and addiction recovery doesn’t hinge on having someone to kiss, and the series came dangerously close to implying that at times. 
All in all, this is a show that often manages to be both brilliant and terrible at the same time. At least it’s not dull. 
Positives/Negatives/Meh breakdown :
Positives :
- Sisterly love : My favorite thing without a doubt is the relationship between Lola and Daphné. Flavie and Lula killed it. Almost all the clips that made me cry were the ones with the both of them in it. At the beginning their rivalry is so relatable to me : the responsible sibling who takes on too much burdens and is too controlling and parentified vs. the problem sibling who acts out to express the issues the rest of the family are repressing - i have been in both of those spots. you can see how they slowly realize that the gap between them didn’t need to be there, that it wasn’t their fault, that it was the result of their parent’s bullshit and even shittier circumstances. seeing them make little gestures to recognize each other’s pain, to nurture each other, to give each other support, but also to tell each other some unpleasant truths, was so incredibly powerful. Relationships between sisters can be just so...complex, and loving, and petty, and jealous, and supportive, and feral, and annoying, and understanding, and ugh, they made me feel all of that and more. I have a sister, and I have a relationship like that with her, and this season gave me some very important perspectives. Really, relationships between women aren’t explored enough, and this season really did this one thing excellently and if only for that, it deserves to be watched. That moment where Lola talks to Daphné about her self destructive tendencies...so important. I am so happy that Daphné was the one finding Lola in her tower of solitude, and the moment where she says ‘you pay too much attention to what other people think, Lola’ was the emotional turning point of the season for me, because it was Daphné recognizing Lola really cared behind her mask of coldness, but also that she was hurt by that and that she needed to love herself regardless of the love her parents didn’t give her ; and also that she heard Lola saying it to her and that it inspired her too, so there is this amazing reciprocity. It was so powerful, I’m still reeling from it. And it was a beautiful full circle from the beginning of the season. 
- Family of outsiders : the urbex gang was such a wonderful new group this season. It was bound to be tricky getting us to like this new generation, and I think they did a pretty good job. Even tho I wish we got to know them a bit more, they were all intriguing and interesting on their own, and the vibes of Lamif as a whole were just so fun and lovely. Loved the neuroatypical vibes I got from Sekou and Jo. Love that they introduced a trans guy character. Loved Maya as group mom. And seeing them warm up to Lola was really sweet. The social media of them hanging out was more or less the only good social media we got this season lmao. The urbex thing was a great symbol for Lola finding a home with the outcasts, a bit on the fringe of society, and the start of acceptance, of bringing her in from the cold. Maya and Lola’s relationship fit in that really nicely, especially the bits about them talking about their shared experiences of grief, and my favorite scenes with them is showing Lola that her scars can be beautiful and that her rough experiences are part of who she is. The way she didn’t take Lola’s bullshit was great, and even tho I think their relationship was rushed, overall they really fit well together. Love Maya’s character as a concept in general, this funky purple haired lesbian environmentalist with amazing sense of style, and I really hope we see her again in upcoming seasons. And finally, I also really liked Eliott and Lola’s friendship (except for the ending) - the fact that they understand this darkness that they share, but that Eliott has succeded in climbing over it, and so he can give Lola support, understanding, guidance. I loved that we got to hear a bit more of his perspective on mental illness, the good and the bad times, that we saw his passion for movies become more real. I loved the fact that they bonded over creative things and photography, too, and that she found a safe space in the video store. And even tho it wasn’t resolved properly, the scene where he comes to get her and punches Aymeric really made me cry. Also, BASILE. Best bro in law ever. Their scenes together were so homey and warm and sweet. They will have such a good relationship in time. Overall, I really like how central friendship was in this season, shown as so powerful and important. They could have done more with it but I love a lot of what we got. I am just a sucker for found family, man.
- Lola herself : I know she was a controversial character right from the start. She’s been called manipulative, selfish, out of control, toxic. And honestly at times...maybe she was a bit. I still love her. She is just so interesting to me. The lack of compassion towards her in the fandom was seriously depressing at times, and often felt like a symptom of something I’ve seen in a lot of different fandoms, ie the capacity to only tolerate moral ambiguity when it’s attached to attractive white male characters - and to only tolerate mental illness symptoms when they can be romanticized. In the end, she’s a struggling teen from a deeply dysfunctional family who’s had a very rough life, of course she’s not going to be well adjusted. All in all, I think she’s so brave, and she is a fighter. I adored her feral energies in the trailer. I also really liked her blunt honesty at times, even if it was sometimes hurtful and excessive. I think because I have the opposite tendency to be afraid to speak my mind, I really dig a character who isn’t afraid to speak the ugly truth. Even though, again, ‘the truth’ isn’t always cut and clear, and what Lola is often doing instead is listening to ‘depression voice’ who tells her to believe the worst in people. I find that fascinating, because in my experience, yes, depression comes with this terrible lucidity that makes you see through a lot of bullshit but at the same time, is distorting your perspective because of fear and shame, and kicking that, and disentangling your perception from that fatalism, is very complicated. I loved how genuine she was, how mature too sometimes through the pain, more mature than she should have been. It was rough watching her relapse, but I think the portrayal of addiction was pretty very well done overall, not romanticized and explained in a very coherent way. I wish the show had given her a bit more of a clearer view of her inner thoughts towards the end and let her apologize a bit more. And a clearer realisation that her parent’s lack of well expressed love didn’t doom her. But...yeah Following her really made me question my own - more hidden - self destructive impulses, linked to family shit, that pushes me to sabotage and isolate myself. Like Eliott said to her - it’s really a lifelong struggle. I think overall her arc was pretty satisfying, learning to step away from the edge, letting people in, seeing that she isn’t alone, accepting she deserves better and that her failures don’t doom her. That it is about getting up and trying again. Love her using her mother’s camera and wanting to get a phoenix tattoo, a perfect symbol for her. Also Flavie was amazing, she’s got a bright future ahead.
Negatives :
- No follow up to the assault storyline : The thing that I am, without any single doubt, most mad about, is the fact they didn’t bring up the sexual assault again. Along with Charles’ rape apologism, this creates a very dubious pattern of trivializing the issue ‘as long as it’s not real rape’. The fact that the morning after immediately turns to Elu drama is what sort of started my disconnect from the season, and the fact that they don’t bring it up afterwards even once made me angry. I think Lola, before going back to the hospital, should have told someone about the abuse she endured there, and should have told someone about Aymeric, even if only to acknowledge she wants to be done with that part of her life. Aymeric is like...Lola’s biggest villain, in a sense, he is a horrible predator but he also somehow represents her worst impulses, that part of herself that tells her she doesn’t deserve better, and I think that as a character, he was interesting, and he should have been adressed/exorcised better. If Lola was a real person, of course, she would probably have to deal with this in therapy, down the line, later, but as a story, never adressing this again left it unfinished. And this is really the kind of event you NEED catharsis and resolution for. Otherwise, it’s irresponsible.
- A generally overstuffed and disjointed structure : My biggest problems with this season are about what isn’t and what isn’t it. I liked most of the clips, I don’t have an issue with them going dark, strangely enough, but the way they were put together was just...messy. Like many people have said, too much stuff not properly adressed. Palm of most annoyingly useless subplot, the whole Tiff thing. Yes, it was cool comparing her clique to Lamifex and Lola realizing she wants nothing to do with those shallow fake bitches. Sekou hacking her account to replace it with pigeons, amazing. After that though, it should have been DONE, and in general, it should have taken a lot less time and attention. Comparing Tiff’s social media addiction to Lola’s issues felt like some trivializing bullshit. The whole thing was just so annoying. It would have been good if it had led to some discussion of social inequality but like...not this shit. Char, equally useless (although, cool actress, cool style). Another MASSIVE problem is the lack of follow through on big clips. A great thing about SKAM, usually, is that it shows you the aftermath of big moments - characters lying in bed, cuddling, talk to their friends, crying in the shower, etc. It allows the viewer to breathe and really get into the character’s perspective, to be comforted and process drama, and for the emotions to resonate better, to have space to develop richly. Here...we had Lola brush off her assault, we saw nothing after Daphné got her back from the tower thinking she could have killed herself, we learned that they had money problems and the father didn’t go to work and then that was never adressed again and the light was turned back on by magic (????), we saw Eliott go on a major bender and didn’t really see how he got better, etc. Big lack of introspective clips in the latter part of the season took me out of Lola’s head. It was all stressful and breathless, all intensity and no pause like one grating high pitch note instead of music, it felt oppressive, with poor contrast, and very badly paced. It made everything blur together and feel less relevant. The problem with that is it really takes you out of the story ; it’s hard to care when you know whatever is happening might not have a resolution, and it doesn’t put you in the shoes of the character. This was compounded by how mediocre the social media was, when it is usually used to bridge in the gaps. And then to finish : the structure was so uneven, especially in the second part of the season. Towards the middle we had some very short episodes with very underwhelming endings, and Vendredis that felt like non events, and there wasn’t a lot happening - and then, bam, ep 9, drama overload, almost like misery p*rn, and then a super rushed resolution in ep 10. Like they cared more about twists and giving the opposite of what was expected instead of solid coherent narrative and rhythm. The romantic back and forth felt repetitive as hell too. All in all, it made for a very unsatisfying live watching experience, pretty sure anyone who didn’t watch live would like it a lot more. 
- The last two episodes : Really, I could have overlooked all the problems with the season if they had given us a good ending, but...they really really didn’t. And contrasted with last season, where my problems were focused on the middle, for me the ending is really the worst part of this season. I didn’t dislike the controversial club clips, I liked having the insight into Eliott’s insecurities, but they should never have brought those up if they weren’t going to let him adress them properly. Having everything go to shit in Lola’s life at once felt like overkill - they really should have solved those problems earlier, and then dealt with a few ones properly, showed us Lola freaking out on her own, and taken out the bullshit at the high school. Thierry slapping her was also too much, he could just have said these clumsy things. She could have distanced herself from Maya instead of pushing her away again. Also, they really should have had this happen in episode 8 again, and given us a proper resolution. While the tower sequence was incredibly powerful, I pretty much liked nothing after that. It was so annoying that Eliott brushed off Lola’s apology because while he wasn’t wrong that he decided to get drunk himself, she still needed to apologize and actually state that she wanted to get better so she didn’t hurt her friends, so as a resolution it was very mediocre. Thierry recognizing they should have given Lola the choice to go the hospital was a step but really not enough. And the moments with Maya were cute sure but mostly cheesy and unearned. Same for the ending clip. Mostly it’s such an unsatisfying farewell to the old generation, and it really feels like they wanted us to force to move on - didn’t want to properly recognize the end of an era, gave us almost nothing about their BAC or their future plans, etc etc. Also, letting Charles talk and having Arthur and Alexia kiss again ? SO BAD. UGH. I will be forever disappointed they didn’t give us a Multi POV or at least sth better on social media. And not having Eliott’s POV or at least a real Elu conversation (pretty much all season...) so frustrating I will never not be bitter about that. So yeah. The season started so powerfully but went out with a whimper instead of a bang. That whole ‘romantic love solves everything!!!’ shtick...very undercooked tbh. 
Meh : 
- Mayla’s development : I wanted to stan them SO BAD. Like, wlw in skam (that doesn’t turn into a panphobic mess?) YES, all the way yes. Maya and Lola had great chemistry, great dynamic. I loved their first few clips, the kind of confrontational flirting, the boldness, it was like...damn girls ! we love a non useless lesbian ! But...somewhere along the way, their relationship really suffered from the wacky plot structure. They should have shown us more bonding before we got to the angsting (esp during first urbex night). Also, their first kiss was sweet but I hated the ‘you’re my addiction’ line and that kind of put a damper on it. I liked the scenes where they open up about difficult things, the love Maya showed to Lola’s scars, the dandelion symbolism was lovely, but it wasn’t balanced enough with other stuff, and I felt Maya was way too stoic at times. And I really, really didn’t like the ending, honestly. They kept a good balance all season showing Lola wasn’t relying entirely on romantic love, that her family and friends were also important - but saying ‘i’m okay as long as you’re here’ at the end...honestly that sounds unhealthy and codependent as fuck. I really wish they’d done a more subtle, taking it slow ending for them.
- The financial issues : Again a storyline with much potential that wasn’t dealt with properly. It’s really good that we got a main that wasn’t from an economically priviledged background. Especially it felt very relevant to Daphné’s storyline, with the shame she felt at her friends seeing her place, the pressure to make it work, tying into her ED, etc etc. But cutting off the power, the father not working going nowhere...it’s like the plotline meandered and then vanished into thin air. Instead of that, they could have given us a scene of Daphné freaking out over the bills like in OG w Vilde, keeping the focus on her for that plot because she’s the most affected ; and then in the end of the season the father taking them over from her and telling her he’s found another job and that those things shouldn’t be her responsibility. That would have been relevant, instead of just...a loose end.
- Family issues : The Lecomte family dynamic seemed fascinating to me at the start. The mom being this shadowy complicated figure. The inability of the father to deal with anything. Daphné being parentified, Lola becoming the symptom child. They could have done a lot with this, but in the end, it felt like it was brushed aside too easily by saying the mom sent letters so she wasn’t too bad and Thierry is making breakfast so he’s trying. Not enough. I wanted them to let Lola acknowledge she deserved better and that their parent’s crap wasn’t on her. That her mom should have looked for help and the other two shouldn’t have pretended everything was okay. In general, there is way too much pressure to overlook toxic parent behavior and I wish they’d been clearer about this. 
- Mental health portrayal : Some parts of it were really good. Showing Daphné’s ED, letting Eliott talk about his episodes and relapses, showing some of the dark sides of depression and addiction. They just needed to show more of the recovery, because that is often the representation that they lacked the most. I don’t blame them for showing the bad sides of the mental healhcare system (which is terribly outdated and dysfunctional in France, I’m speaking from experience) but they should have shown the good too. Like do they find recovery boring or something ? Because as a person w MI, that’s actually what I’m dying to see, and they’ve been a real letdown in that department. I also think they should have acknowledged that the Lecomte family has mental issues as a whole, that the mother should have gotten help, and the father probably needs it too (still think they should have gone to therapy as a group lol).
- Elu and Eliott’s development : Honestly, not a big fan of how they wrote Lucas in s5&s6, in a lot of clips he was the angry guy with a temper, I miss s4 Lucas who was so compassionate and showed real growth and emotional intelligence. Here it just felt like they were fitting his character to plot needs, and it’s so sad for a character who had such an amazing story development. Now, I loved the glimpses of domestic Elu we got, how Axel and Maxence really showed the intimacy that had grown between them, they really felt married with all the nonverbal conversations and touches, that was sweet. But it’s so annoying that they hinted at Lucas’s insecurities and Eliott’s lack of communications and just brushed it away with ‘oh they love each other they will be okay’ sure bitch but then show us how ? that’s the interesting stuff ? it really feels sometimes like the writer(s) didn’t like how strongly the fans focused on the romance when they wanted to be talking about MATURE dark stuff not that frilly fluffy romance shit *eyeroll* male writers who think they’re above that stuff is so annoying as is the conflating of dark and mature - anyway. Again I liked seeing Eliott in his element this season, he is really thriving, with his movie and the video store, and that made me very happy. I don’t think it’s unrealistic he didn’t make a lot of friends in uni - French university can be so isolating, there isn’t a campus or a vibrant social life like in the US, it’s a very common experience to feel lost and isolated for newbies and it was also my case - but ? Sofiane ? Idriss ??? They could have found a better excuse to implicate Lamifex in the movie making tbh, like Jo egging him on about her passion for directing or whatever, and Sofiane could have been there chilling with them it would have been so cool. I just wish Eliott would have had more of an arc like Daphné did. It wouldn’t have taken much, and since he is my favorite character, I will never not be disappointed at all the wasted potential. 
Yeah so in the end i think this was a very good story they didn’t entirely give themselves the right storytelling tools to tell. Like there is something in the way they prioritize certain moments over others that...I just find very frustrating and weird. So...flawed, but still very interesting overall.
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thebladeblaster · 4 years
Pokémon: the Dark Circuit (AKA Vanguard Descends season 2)
Chapter 1 Swept Away
Aichi’s current team
Level 80 Ahmes (Gallade) psychic/fighting
Close combat
Solar blade
Swords dance
Future Sight
Level 79 Wingal (Lycanroc (dusk)) rock
Stealth rock
Stone edge
Play rough
Level 77 Llew (Golisopod) water/bug
Sucker punch
First impression
Level 78 Gancelot (Lucario) fighting/steel
Focus blast
Stone edge
Meteor mash
Dragon pulse
Level 85 Soul Saver (Haxorus) dragon
Iron tail
Dragon dance
Scale shot
Level 100 Alfred (Aegislash) ghost/steel
Sacred sword
King’s shield
Iron head
Shadow Claw
A few days after the rare hunter incident…
Aichi, the not yet elite ’four’, and the gym leaders were at a meeting.
“We had tried to get the rare hunter we had captured to speak, however there was an unfortunate and concerning event.”, the man in a suit said.
“What do you mean by that?”, Misaki asked.
“I will warn you what your about to see is both graphic and disturbing.”, the man replied.
Misaki then put her hand over Aichi’s eyes who sweat dropped.The man simply motioned them to look at a screen behind them. The expressions ranged from curious to skeptical. Nothing would prepare them for what they were about to see. The screen lit up to show the rare hunter tied up in a chair. Suddenly he started twitching weirdly. Some of them looked rather confused at this. The rare hunter started sweating a blanket of sweat.
“I-I didn’t t-tell them a-anything master I-I s-swear!”, the rare hunter said seemingly to himself.
Aichi slightly raised up Misaki’s hand peeking at what they were watching. Suddenly there was a cracking noise and the rare hunter’s limbs started contorting unnaturally. The rare hunter begged more as it continued. Misaki lowered her hand back over Aichi’s eyes as this was going on. There were some surprised gasps in the room and uncomfortable expressions. The rare hunter’s eyes were now whitened out and a strange glowing golden eye-like symbol appeared on his forehead. He stood hanging over with his hands limp to his sides.
“Greetings Kakusans, I’m impressed you were able to defeat my rare hunters. However I wouldn’t celebrate just yet. Soon, your region will fall and your strongest will become my mind slaves.”, a different voice came from the rare hunter’s voice before he fell to the ground like a puppet with its strings cut.
“That’s like some ghost Pokémon stuff…”, Kurosawa commented.
Kishida nodded as he shook like a leaf.
“What the heck was that? I’m pretty sure the mind control that Ren used was nothing like that.”, Gouki questioned.
“What do you think about it Aichi?”, Koutei asked, before sweat dropping as he noticed Aichi’s eyes were covered and Misaki had just removed her hand.
“He’s not a kid you know.”, Kyou said.
“I could still hear it. It’s strange, the closest thing that I’ve seen to that so far is ghost Pokémon possession. I don’t think that it was any of the others. Though, to be fair I don’t exactly know the extent to our powers.”, Aichi replied.
“Who else could it be?”, Gunji questioned.
“I don’t know…”, Aichi replied as confused as the others.
A few days later…
Aichi stood near route 1. He seemed like he was in his own world currently thinking of the events of just a few days ago. He snapped out of it as he noticed someone in front of him waving his hand in his face. It was Naoki. Aichi blinked realizing he had completely zoned out.
“Oh sorry, Naoki.”, Aichi apologized as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.
“I guess you must be tired after all the training we did today.”, Naoki replied.
“Yeah...that’s it.”, Aichi replied, not wanting to burden his new friend with what happened at the last league meeting.
“Hehe! Pretty soon me and Gauntlet will be able to beat even you especially after evolving!”, Naoki said as he raised up his fist passionately.
His Gible was now a Gabite.
“Lycanroc? Lycanroc? Lycanroc? Lycanroc. Lycanroc. Lycanroc. Lycanroc. Lycanroc. Lycanroc. (He realizes you’d destroy him right? Especially since he doesn’t even have six Pokémon.)”, Wingal said as Aichi sweat dropped glad that Naoki couldn’t understand Pokémon.
Gauntlet could though and looked ready to throw down despite being exhausted.
“Gabite? Gabite! Gabite! Gabite! Gabite! (Is that so? I can absolutely kick your butt!)”, Gauntlet replied hot headedly.
“What’s with Gauntlet?”, Naoki questioned cluelessly.
Aichi sweat dropped again as the two Pokémon growled at each other.
“Wingal be nice.”, Aichi whispered.
The two Pokémon turned away from each other ‘hmphing”. Naoki looked between the two cluelessly. Aichi chuckled a bit awkwardly.
Aichi was on his way back home when he suddenly felt an intense wind fly past making him stiffen. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up as he felt something off. Aichi noticed that it wasn’t actually the wind that was acting on him. The wind was blowing at all yet he felt like a torrent of wind was coming at them. Wingal sniffed cautiously picking up the salty smell of the sea. Aichi focused on trying to figure out what was the cause of this strange occurrence. He turned suddenly jumping as a blond teen had appeared in front of him. He had three ahoges and purple eyes. He had on white suit with purple parts with a red A. The teen was Soryu Leon, 002f. Wingal growled at Leon while both Aichi and Leon’s eyes had rainbow spirals briefly as if resonating with each other.
The two were silent; the only sound ringing through the air was Wingal’s growling until the sound of thunder suddenly caused Aichi to flinch. He looked up into the sky to see lightning raining down and a sudden massive downpour of rain. The air became rather moist. Even from the distance they were at from the coast the tides were becoming visibly wild. Aichi sweated nervously as he cautiously looked back over to Leon.
“It seems we finally meet again, 003v. I am 002f.”, Leon introduced.
“...I am Sendou Aichi not 003v.”, Aichi replied as he gave Leon a serious look.
“You will always be 003v. You will come to know that soon.”, Leon replied cryptically.
Aichi tensed at that as Wingal continued to growl at Leon.
“I refuse! You're another one aren’t you? Another one like me and Ren.”, Aichi replied.
“A Psyqualia user, yes.”, Leon replied.
“Psyqualia user? That’s what we’re called?”, Aichi questioned.
“Yes, Psyqualia in some languages means dream. That’s why we are called Psyqualia users. Because we are the ones who will accomplish Team Asteroid’s ultimate dream.”, Leon explained.
“I won’t help Team Asteroid.”, Aichi replied.
Leon simply closed his eyes expecting this reaction from what he was told about 003v’s current condition. Leon lifted up his fist into the air much to Aichi’s confusion.
“Gallade!(Aichi!)”, Ahmes called out, as he ran to Aichi along with Gancelot, Llew, Soul Saver, and Alfred.
Aichi’s attention turned over to the rest of his Pokémon as they got up to him. There was a loud thunderous crackle as the lighting suddenly intensified. The wind became so wild trees started to get uprooted. Worry entered Aichi’s chest not just for his family and friends, but for everyone in Sanctuary town.
“Everyone in Sanctuary town has to evacuate!”, Aichi said.
“That’s covered. When the storm started Takuto told everyone to leave on the tv.”, Alfred replied.
They minus Leon then turned their attention to loud flapping which got louder by the second. From the sky descended a massive shadowy winged figure with every flap of its wings the storm intensified. The darkness caused from the storm masked its appearance though all they could make out was the general shape of the figure and its glowing red eyes.
“There’s a legendary Pokémon that is said to create storms with the flap of its wings…”, Aichi trailed off as his eyes widened, very alarmed to see this Pokémon was actually here and likely under the control of Team Asteroid.
“So, you know of it. However that won’t help you.”, Leon replied with a smirk.
Aichi sweated nervously and hovered his hand over his mega bracelet. However, before the bracelet could even glow, Aichi suddenly saw...water?! Aichi flinched, caught off guard as a wave of water suddenly crashed against him and he covered Wingal. He struggled confused and disoriented. Aichi tried to reach out to his Pokémon as his vision started to blur.
“W-what?!”, Aichi thought as his vision started to get dark.
Aichi tried to activate his Psyqualia, but he couldn’t focus at all. Aichi desperately tried to swim, but the water was too wild, suddenly him careening back. Aichi struggled harder as the air started to leave him. He could even make out water Pokémon struggling within the wild waves.
“C-crap! I’m drowning! I-I can’t die like this! I have to protect ever…”, Aichi’s thought suddenly cut off.
Later outside Sanctuary town…
Shuka put a reassuring hand on Emi’s shoulder as they sat at the evacuation place at Megacolony town. Emi squirmed having a really bad feeling in her chest.
“Aichi will be alright. You know how strong he is.”, Shuka said.
“Even still...I have this bad feeling I can’t shake.”, Emi replied.
Shuka looked over to Shizuka who wasn’t there now. Confused, she looked over to see Shizuka currently being restrained from leaving.
“We’re very sorry mam, but it’s too dangerous!”, one of the evacuation people said.
“But, my son’s out there!”, Shizuka replied, near tears.
In Oracle town…
Misaki sighed after a long day of battling trainers. She lounged on her coach at her and Shin’s house with Assista Eevee on her lap. Shin was in the kitchen cooking something while Misaki was flipping through the channels. Suddenly her phone started ringing and she picked it up.
“Hello.”, Misaki said into the phone before her eyes widened and froze at whatever she heard from it.
“Is something wrong Misaki?”, Shin asked, holding a spatula.
Misaki sweated nervously with a concerned look. She turned over to Shin.
“A massive storm hit Sanctuary town! And Aichi’s gone!”, Misaki replied as Shin’s eyes widened.
Kai said down in a chair with his arms crossed.
“Team Asteroid has been quiet. Too quiet. Just what are they planning?”, Kai thought.
He walked outside looking out at the water. He had a feeling something big was going on and he didn’t know what.
“Is something on your mind Kai?”, Kai turned to see someone walking up to him.
He had very spiky black hair lined with red and blonde bangs. He had purple eyes and was rather short. He wore a blue jacket with a black shirt and blue pants. He wore a strange upside down pyramid shaped necklace on a chain with an eye symbol.
Kai said nothing simply looking back at the water as the teen? Boy? Came to his side. He sweat dropped as Kai ignored him. He pressed his fingers together trying to think of something to say. He noticed a translucent figure by his side who looked like him, but much taller by his side looking out in the distance.
Later in Kakusa...
Though, they didn’t usually hold one today a meeting was held. After all, their champion was missing. Their spirits looked rather low.
“As you all know our champion Sendou Aichi is now missing. We believe that the sudden storm may have been an attack from Team Asteroid. The government has decided to fortify defenses and create more evacuation areas in case of another attack.”, Takuto informed grimly with Ultra Rare by his side.
Kourin frowned desperately trying to mask her worry for the blue-haired boy.
“So, what do we do now?”, Kyou asked.
There was silence. They didn’t really know how to answer that question. If Aichi was really defeated how much could they really do?
“We’ve got to find Aichi.”, Misaki said, breaking the silence.
“That would be a wild Psyduck chase. We have no idea where he is. And we can’t use too much manpower to find him or we’ll be left defenseless.”, a man in a suit said.
“What if it’s a small team? Like two or three people.”, Misaki asked.
“That’s fine I guess. But who would we even send?”, the man in a suit replied.
“I know someone who would like to help.”, Misaki replied.
Later in Gold Maine city…
Kamui laughed in triumph over his opponent as Kaiser let out a roar. He now wore a black zipped up jacket with orange bits and an orange symbol. He had on jeans and Poké balls hung from his belt.
“Anyone want anymore?”, Kamui asked.
“Wohoo! You're really the best Kamui!” “Kamui the great yo!”, two kids around Kamui’s age cheered one had a green ponytail with yellow and glasses. The other had shorter brown hair and green eyes.
Kamui looked over as he saw a familiar person walk in. It was Misaki.
“Hey, Misaki! What’s up? Wanna rematch?”, Kamui asked, before he noticed the serious expression on Misaki’s face.
“Is something wrong?”, Kamui asked.
“Yeah. Aichi’s gone and I need your help.”, Misaki said as Kamui gasped in shock.
The other two with Kamui looked rather nervous at the news that the champion of the region was missing. What would happen to Kakusa now? Would it be taken over like the last time their champion went missing? And just where was Aichi?
Somewhere? Sometime?
Aichi coughed up some water.
“003v! 003v!”, a young Oliver called out.
“Where am I?”, Aichi? 003v? Thought.
He was on the ground covered in water. He cracked open his eyes looking over to Oliver trying to wake him up. In the distance was a Empoleon sweating nervously. It looked rather fidgety.
“Wasn’t I doing something before?”, Aichi? 003v? Thought confusedly.
He sat up and Oliver put his hand on his shoulders.
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Imagine that you were put in charge of a modern, high-budget, well-written Animorphs TV series. What changes to the plot/characters/world would you make while adapting it? (Books that you'd skip, arcs that you'd rearrange, things you would add or outright alter...)
[Important caveat: I have ZERO experience in set design, directing, editing, camerawork, or any other processes involved in TV production, unless we’re going to be super generous and count the bit of scriptwriting and stage-acting I did in high school.  Ergo, these ideas might make no sense in practice.]
Animate it.  I would much much prefer to see an anime-style show to a live-action one for a handful of different reasons:
Battle scenes, morph sequences, and alien appearances wouldn’t be constrained by budget realities.  Although we’ve come a long way from AniTV’s practical effects, in 2019 Runaways still minimizes Old Lace (the sentient dinosaur) and struggles with her somewhat less-than-convincing appearance while she’s onscreen.  I’d like to see real-looking battles between exotic animals and highly unusual aliens.  I’d like to see Ax portrayed as a deer-scorpion-centaur with no mouth who also has complex facial expressions.  I’d like taxxons and hork-bajir that match their descriptions in the books.  CGI for a moderate-budget TV show can’t do that yet.
The characters’ appearances could match their descriptions in the books.  I don’t really care about AniTV’s Jake having blue eyes or Marco having short hair.  I do care about the fact that Cassie is described as short, chubby, dark-skinned, natural-haired, and androgynous in self-presentation… whereas AniTV’s Nadia-Leigh Nascimento is (through no fault of her own and 100% the fault of Nickelodeon) none of those things.  I’d like to see all of the characters drawn in a way that matches their canon racial heritage, and voiced with actors of those ethnicities as well.  For bullshit marketing reasons of bullshit, that’s not as likely to happen in a live-action show.
I’d want the show to convey the frequent mismatches between characters’ physicality and their personalities.  It’s an important motif of the books.  It’s part of the reason that Tobias has been claimed by the trans* community.  It’s a major plot point, lest new viewers think that the vice principal of the school is actually trying to kill his own students.  It doesn’t come off in AniTV, for all that I commend them for even trying (casting Shawn Ashmore’s twin as controller-Jake, portraying Chapman as straight out of Stepford), just because the nature of controller-ness and nothlitization are difficult to convey literally.  Animation has a lot of tricks, from deliberately distorted drawings to screensaver-like “mental space,” that can actually convey concepts like mind control or body dysmorphia pretty well — Alphonse in Fullmetal Alchemist and Aang in Avatar the Last Airbender great examples of body-mind mismatch and multiple consciousnesses in one body, respectively.
Use a cold open for every episode.  I am a sucker for Batman cold opens or any other opening scenes that pick up in the middle of the characters’ everyday lives, because they work so well to convey that there is a crapton of life happening outside of the plot of any given episode.  Several Animorphs books (#9, #14, #35, #41, #51) open this way, to great effect, and I love the way that it gives us slices of life we might not otherwise see (morphing to cheat on science homework, completing entire offscreen missions, having dinner with the family) and help build these characters’ worlds outside of individual episode plots.
Introduce James sooner (and have better disability narratives).  There are several aspects of Animorphs’ social justice consciousness that age okay (Rachel shutting down Marco’s constant flirting) or not well at all (Mertil and Galfinian).  One important way the series could update Animorphs is through having canon disabled characters like James, Mertil, and Loren have bigger roles and not resorting to kill-or-cure narratives.  Maybe James could come in sooner and form a Teen Titans West-esque team with the other Auximorphs so that he and Collette and the others could be recurring supporting characters with unique plotlines.  Maybe Loren could still gain morphing power, but remain blind and brain-damaged so that the hork-bajir need to work with her to figure out accommodations while sleeping rough.
Modify Jake’s and Cassie’s parents to account for the contemporary setting.  The fact that the kids so often disappear all afternoon or even overnight without anyone worrying just wouldn’t translate to a contemporary reimagining of Animorphs.  Tobias and Ax are each other’s only family on the planet whereas Marco’s dad and Rachel’s mom are both overworked single parents.  Jake’s family, however, and Cassie’s…
Cassie’s parents are so freaking cool in canon that they would definitely start to worry if Cassie went for an entire “weekend at Rachel’s” without answering any texts or calls.  Maybe there could be some scenes with them talking about how they have this super-mature responsible daughter whom they can trust not to get into trouble even if she does hate cell phones, but oh well because they’re not big on technology either.
Jake’s parents are… less cool, but they still try their best.  The show might explain their lack of concern about either of their disappearing kids through upping the hippie factor from his mom, maybe until she practices Free-Range Parenting.  (Why yes, it is true that Jake’s family would have the necessary privileges to get away with free-range crap while Cassie’s family would not, because yes it is the case that black families have been arrested for leaving kids alone for 10 minutes while white families are allowed more passes under the law.  Yes, that is a steaming pile of racist bullshit.)  The other way it could go is by having Jake’s parents completely checked out, which could get in the way of plots like #31 that hinge on them genuinely caring about their kids, but could also introduce an interesting dynamic if it partially parentifies Tom.
Include at least one Rashomon plot.  The TV series would by necessity lose the first-person narration, with all its brilliantly subtle shades of bias and misinterpretation.  One way to try and bring that back in would be to convey the same events from multiple points of view with subtle differences in the way that each person perceives what happened.  This could happen somewhere in the Visser One plot, with Rachel interpreting the scene as a straight Animorphs-vs-yeerks battle, while Visser One interprets it as Visser Three incompetently sabotaging her as Animorphs ruin her life, while Marco interprets it as a struggle to protect his mom and also save his friends, while Visser Three interprets it as the andalite bandits flagrantly plotting with Visser One, while Jake interprets it as Marco going off the rails from stress… and the only witness who has a sense of what actually happened is Eva.  Other possibilities abound.
Start with a plan to make one episode per book… and modify as necessary.  There are areas of the series I’d like to see expanded (#50 - #54 covers a lot of ground in relatively little space) and areas that I think could afford to be compacted (#39 - #44 feature a whole lotta nothin’).  But instead of adding or discarding an entire book, I think you could spread out many of the plots by simple virtue of TV shows not being constrained by first-person narration.
Certain books just wouldn’t get straight-translated today anyway (#40, most notably). I don’t think any books are so bad or useless that they couldn’t be modified into decent television episodes.
The ramping-up that leads to open war happens mostly in the background of #44 - #51, but a bunch of scenes with just controllers talking to each other could go into that process in a lot more detail.  This content could help fill out plots like #44 and #48 that frankly don’t have a lot else going on.
The entire plot of Visser happens over a nonspecific period of time between #30 and #45, so instead of getting one book we could get an entire running Yeerk Empire subplot with major consequences for the main plotline.
Similarly, the andalites’ decisions happen mostly offscreen but have major consequences for the Animorphs.  The consequences for the Electorate after the events of #38 could also run for a whole subplot that sets up their decision to nuke Earth in #52.
The biggest absence from the last couple books is Rachel.  Her last book is a friggin’ dream sequence, she acts out of character in #52 especially, and the narration order cuts off directly before giving her one last book.  It wouldn’t be necessary to add an entire episode just to rectify this oversight, when #51 could still be Marco-centric but also show her and Jake on their sabotage mission, and #52 could have the same rough plot but with a few scenes between her and Tobias thrown in for good measure.
Anyway, maybe the various Chronicles could be a handful of Doctor-lite episodes where the Animorphs themselves are incidental and Elfangor or Aldrea has the helm.  Maybe the events of the Chronicles could come out organically over the course of the show, for instance by expanding the memory-dumps Tobias gets in #1 and #33 or having Jara tell Dak’s story in #13 or #23.  The Megamorphses, on the other hand, could pretty easily just occur as regular-series episodes, albeit possibly as two- or three-parters.
Lean into the comic-book aesthetic.  Animorphs is written very much in the style of a graphic novel, from its “teens with superpowers save the world from aliens” plot to its heavy use of onomatopoeia.  Even the use of hypertext symbols around thought-speak hearkens back to the comic book convention of using pointed brackets around alien languages to convey translation.  The show could homage this motif through having dramatic transformation sequences, “uniforms” of multicolored spandex the kids use to morph, an opening credits sequence that emphasizes the power of each animal, and other superhero-comic elements throughout.
Have the violence be consequential.  To keep the examples from earlier: in Fullmetal Alchemist, as well as in Avatar, characters that get hurt stay hurt.  A character getting shot or stabbed is portrayed as a potentially life-changing event.  Characters’ injuries do not disappear between episodes, and even alchemy and waterbending are not portrayed as total fixes.  Characters scar, they become disabled, they spend entire episodes in recovery, they accrue trauma, and they do not shrug off life-ending injuries.  Animorphs helps to justify the idea that six kids could (mostly) survive (most of) an entire war against a friggin empire through making the protagonists nigh-unkillable thanks to their healing abilities, but it nevertheless shows that shooting someone will result in that person bleeding and screaming and possibly dying.  Having a sci-fi or action show meant for children isn’t actually a valid excuse for portraying violence as cool or funny or inconsequential the way that (Avengers Assemble, Teen Titans, Kim Possible, Dragonball Z, Pokemon, etc.) too many children’s sci-fi/action shows opt to do.
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datura-foxglove · 5 years
Anon, you have to know when I saw this ask I was tempted to sit here on my laptop and gushed out about this gorgeous boy. Unfortunately it’s already 12 am and I was running out of energy because I just pulled an all-nighter yesterday. Now that I still have about 55% of my energy left after a full day, let me throw a whole essay at you (just kidding, my friends already stuffed my mouth plenty of times with snacks just so I will stop rambling about this boy. I won’t put you to the same pain)
First impression : Eh... doesn’t look that impressive. From design only, Minato is still unbeatable as protagonist. (I managed to avoid all the goddamn spoiler on youtube, though I get spoiled that there will be a traitor on the team)
And then at the end of the game, I was just crying my eyes out and screams “OH MY GOD HE SHOT A GOD IN THE FACE WITH A GUN.” as an avid SMT fan, that was the last bullet needed for him to completely steals my heart. Damn that was awesome. As in general, I just love double-faced characters? (why am I not surprised that I usually like Gemini characters) But from all the Persona protagonists, the execution of Ren’s double faced characteristic is executed so well with his double life as Joker and Ren? As a bonus, his dialogue choices are so wild compared to Minato’s apathetic and Yu’s chad ones. So he is like the combination of everything I liked in a character : double-faced, a troll, great empathy, not hesitant to make his ideal a reality despite having to dirty his hands, repressed anger that blew up in cold fury, black and messy hair, quiet but his body movement speaks more of his moods, absolutely excellent with his hands, stupidly brave, and many more that I have to cut before this truly became a 10k words essay. And his smiles. HIS SMILES. That means his soft, shy smile, his proud grin, his arrogant and cold smirk, EVERYTHING. Oh my god he is truly a debonair with his smile I CAN’T--- I also love how people keep saying that he has a catlike attitudes : love jumping from high places, breaking things, probably will purr if cuddled, sheer grace and amazing flexibility plus balance... as a cat owner, those really attract me. He loves reading books, playing games, and a great cook too how could he be so perfect---
*cough* Uhh... yeah, I love him. I also love how he essentially adopt his friends and confidants? He is like ‘oh, society doesn’t want them anymore? They are mine now, no return.’. His whole groups and confidants are people who the society rejected but he accepted them all. He doesn’t give up on them like how most people are and his confidants returned that loyalty by... well, being his confidants. Though his loyalty to his confidants also means that he is stupidly self-sacrificing and I can’t--- everytime I played NG+ I have to see him being beat up by the police and I’m absolutely livid and sad that he has to go through that. He also knows flower language because he works in flower shop oh my god Ren if you any more perfect than this I will go down my life from now on disappointed that no man will ever be like you--- okay, I seriously has to stop. This is getting too long and you all will see me crying for this boy at this point.
HE WEARS HEELS---- (You guys thought my post about Hibiki is long? Well once I started talking about this boy I can’t stop save me aaaa----)
Favorite moments : THE WHOLE GAME? Ehem, well if I have to choose, his last fight with the last boss is my favorite. It’s just so satisfying to see him breaking the chains around his Persona (which can be a symbol of how he breaks down the chains that society has bound him with) and evolved it to his ultimate Persona which then proceed to shot a god in the face. Plus his last words of ‘steal it, Satanael’ and ‘begone’ are just like cupid arrows to my heart. Aaaaaa---- the ending where he discarded his glasses is also really melting my heart. It’s like he is telling us that he doesn’t need his mask anymore. Also that moment when he jumped down the window, and don’t forget---- (STOPPP--)
Idea for a story : Well, I’m working on a time travel fix it fic. I already got 3 chapters worth of at least 5k words, but I won’t post until I got at least 10 chapters because I have this terrible relationship with multiple chapters fics and commitment. So yeah, probably have to wait a bit with that one. I also have that crossover plot bunny with Devil Survivor, and the obligatory vampire!AU because I’m a sucker for that trope ever since I was in middle school damn it :’D
Unpopular opinion : I prefer his anime name, Amamiya Ren, than his manga one, Kurusu Akira. Both have nice meanings, but I like Ren better mostly because lotus is my favorite flower beside datura. Not to mention despite it’s flaws, I still like the anime better than the manga (my favorite is still Mementos Mission though) and Akira feels like such a common name in anime/manga that Ren feels more unique.
Favorite relationship : As a ship? Akechi. Well to be honest I love them as a ship or just as friends. I love them because they acted as foils to each other really well. Does it excuse Akechi for nearly killing Ren? Oh hell no (why did you think I write Akechi suffering in all of my fanfics?), but that also gives more complexity to their relationship. And I love angst. Which this pair gives really, really well. 75% of their fanfics are angst and I’m living to be torn asunder again and again. The sheer potential the two of them could have is absolutely interesting and my curious mind can’t stop thinking of what we could have had with two wildcards in the team. Atlus, why. (Here is hoping P5R will give me everything I want).
I also love Ren with Futaba. Futaba is just the best little sister material that I enjoyed their relationship so much, as siblings. Well Sojiro had basically adopted Ren at the end of the game so they are canonically sibling anyway. ALSO DID YOU SEE THEM DANCING IN P5D, THEY ARE SO ADORABLE.
Favorite headcanon : Ren is an absolute cat lover and when Morgana joined the team he was ecstatic inside. His phone is filled with Morgana’s cute photos and that is why he submitted to all Morgana’s orders to go to sleep. But he is also a cat and he absolutely purrs if someone plays with his hair.
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Review | K A T H A R O S
Judged by Shawn (Snowwhitewolf09)
Category: I'm Not A Mary Sue
[ Author: ArimaMary ]
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>Title (5/5): I'm a sucker for Greek and Latin words, and Katharos is a word I find to be on the beautiful side of the Greek language. The title itself gives much of the work immediately, the chosen word obviously being a reference to Kiyoshi's emphasis on purity. Ergo, readers know what to expect the story to revolve around. However, I like the charm that it has to it, a lingering sense of mystique that persists.
>Summary (7/10): It's short and sweet, and manages to summarise what Katharos is. I am just docking a few points because I feel that you could have added a bit more to give a better picture of the story and hook readers. I also wouldn't really call Kiyoshi an 'average student' of Teikoku, since he seems to be more of an outcast if he gets flack for being a "foreigner".
>Plot (22/25) -> [17.6/20]: The overall plot is straightforward, and there aren't any twists and turns that make it complex. It might not be an intriguing stand-alone story, but since the book is a spin-off that is supposed to highlight the character and philosophy of Kiyoshi, I'm lenient regarding that matter.
I like how each chapter shows an important part of Kiyoshi's personality. They are well-picked, highlighting different facets each time, and adding a little bit more background on why Kiyoshi thinks like this or acts like that. I didn't feel a 'filler chapter' and that gives you quite a boon. The pacing was also adjusted enough to show the perspectives, though perhaps it leans a bit to the slower side.
The way I see it, though it is in third person, the narrator is attuned with Kiyoshi, appropriately moving slowly where Kiyoshi would be slow himself, like the almost-drooling-over-Kidou scene. Sometimes, it would feel a bit dragging, but that doesn't affect it too much, since it is covered with splendid character portrayal.
I didn't give you full points because the plot didn't make me crave to know what would come next (Partially because of the speed, and partially because there wasn't really much action to be looking out for), and it feels a tad lacking in events due to brevity and (I assume) the focus.
Regardless, the plot itself managed to bring out Kiyoshi's character with events, dialogue, and the pacing, so kudos to you.
>Characterization (18/20) -> [13.5/15]: I've little to say other than you've done great with Kiyoshi. After going through some of the chapters, his actions seemed to become easy to understand, since his character had been shown well. I enjoyed seeing his convictions and his vulnerabilities, as well as his view on 'purity'.
If purity is staying true to oneself, I find Kiyoshi to be creating many exceptions: he is merely staying true to what he feels at the moment, believing that it is his true self. He says rather early that he needs nobody else, reinforcing what he felt at the time. Later on, he shows that he actually is rather lonely, and convinces himself to mend his relationship with Keima. It's an interesting, yet utterly desperate (fitting of his character), way to view purity.
I do have a problem with how he saw Teikoku as his Paradise, as the earlier outburst gave me the vibes that he was not exactly fine with his place in school. Considering his vulnerable side that is shown later on, such irritability rubs me off as the result of having a negative view of the people in his school. Perhaps he frequently convinces himself that Teikoku is Paradise (which is why he also had his view of Teikoku changed into some sort of place of dark deals). Maybe it just strikes me as odd.
Keima is also well-done, but I honestly feel like he just seems a bit lacklustre before he talks with Kiyoshi about mending their relationship. That said, I look forward to seeing a bit more of him.
Grammar and Writing Style (13/15): While I did spot a few sentences that were oddly constructed (either run-ons or have pronouns that seemed to be ambiguous) and 'Hachidan' alternated with 'Hachi-dan', that is not what I want to mainly discuss.
The way you unfurled Kiyoshi's character was made effective by the well-written descriptions and the use of figurative language/symbolism. Of course, the most prominent would be the mention of the Garden of Eden, as it was what summed up Kiyoshi's motivations.
I also appreciated the use of 'Kin' as a human face for weakness and past mistakes, as though I am not sure who this Kin is, Kin has come to personify concepts that Keima and Kiyoshi find negative. I also particularly liked how his box of dreams was a literal cardboard box that had his hopes and dreams contained within—now that he was dead-set on following them again, they did not need to be boxed up and kept to the side anymore, but brandished. The hissatsu of Keima comes to me as a sort of representation of his reformation—Cortana was the blade that had its tip cut off, similar to how the once forceful Keima was trying to cut off his 'edge'—and makes me think of how much he contrasts with Sir Tristan of the Round Table (Tristan being the sorrowful Knight). He also had the Tristian-Igraine relationship with Kiyoshi back then, as Tristian married another person named Igraine, but always compared her to his first love.
It was a little hard to catch, but I saw a subtle "light at the end of the tunnel" derivation which made me read again just to make sure. As Kiyoshi was doubting whether or not he would actually be able to reach his dream through these dirty methods, walking through uncertainty, he drew nearer to the end. That was where he would face his dream. The scene was a transition from doubt to hope.
There's also this little bit that gives me a better view of Kiyoshi and Keima's relationship. I didn't get it at first, but I then realised it after studying up the names. Kiyoshi was the dragon to Keima's knight back then, reflected in their names Ryuugamine and Keima. Kiyoshi was the one who challenged Keima's moral code.
The mention of a red oni brought into my mind the 'red oni, blue oni' trope. The red oni is a symbol of passion and desire, or simply emotions. The red oni within Kiyoshi was being quenched, the void of loneliness being filled with the forgotten feeling of having someone to complete you.
I had to dock points for the little mistakes and some portions with descriptions that seemed to be a tad long, but those are just minor problems.
>Originality (9/10) -> [4.5/5]: Okay, I docked a point for the Teikoku Spy trope, and the lack of much things that are 'shockingly original'.
However, I will say that Kiyoshi himself is someone I find to be original in some ways amongst IE fanfiction characters. His desperate view of purity is something I haven't really encountered, and I find his foreign blood to be uncommon (Though Suabara also has foreign blood). I also liked how Kiyoshi was learning Killer Slide, a hissatsu that doesn't get much love, as it usually is seen as a show of brutality.
Also... Kiyoshi's later motivation for being a spy is refreshing to see. It was first much like desperation, but later on hope and optimism. Guess Keima did rub off on him.
>Feels Factor (14/15): I have to say, you made me feel much for Kiyoshi. He reminds me much of a friend of mine, and I sometimes I would be whelmed by Kiyoshi's shows of his desperation to cling to purity and what little bit of his dreams he has left. His mother was portrayed well enough for me to almost want to slap her across the face, while the contrasts made between Kiyoshi and Keima's backgrounds made it much more difficult to not feel anything for the blond.
I felt less for Keima, though it was to be a given since he was not the focus. Nonetheless, your words managed to make me connect with his doubts about how he treats others, though I feel like there could have been a bit more to him.
Seeing Kiyoshi come to terms with his dream and his interactions with Keima was a blessing. You averted one of the things that I find too often—a spy doing it because of some threat. You gave Kiyoshi a positive reason to become a spy, which is not to prevent damage to himself, but to finally reach his dreams that had been suppressed.
I had to dock a point because of Keima and how I wasn't particularly craving to know what would happen next, but that's minor.
🅞🅒 🅡🅔🅥🅘🅔🅦 -> [➊➍.➊/➊➎]
>Name(5/5): Ryuugamine means "dragon's peak", and is not too odd of a surname. The contrast with Keima's name gives it a little bit more substance, though the name itself isn't telling of too much. Additionally, I thought of the Seiryū, and how its connection to Wood fitted soundly with the elemental affinity of Killer Slide.
Kiyoshi's name reflects who he is, as well as the ideal that he strives to achieve. Ultimate purity, stainless, at all costs. Kiyoshi's name means "pure," and is fitting.
>Appearance (6/8): I get enough description from Kiyoshi to have a general idea of what he would look like in a crowd, but details of his physical appearance aren't as focused on as Kidou Yuuto's.
I like the little detail that he likely has some pimples on his face, as it makes him look more human in a world where practically every character looks like their face never needed cream nor shaving their entire life.
I had to dock points for the scarcity of description. Aside from the colour of his hair, the presence of red-rimmed glasses, and his pimples, there is little else. His physique nor skin colour isn't touched upon, even his eye colour isn't something I've found.
Furthermore, I cannot seem to get around him being called foreign-looking because of his blond hair, considering the fact that there are many who also have blond hair, and that green hair isn't anything odd.
>Personality(10/10): Kiyoshi's personality is definitely well-developed and well-shown. I've already touched most of this in the Characterisation, so it'll be redundant here. You've done a good job of showing how strongly he clings to his idea of purity. Especially that fixation on Kidou, that is almost unsettlingly detailed.
The development of Kiyoshi's character with Keima as the trigger was pleasing. Early on, he was against having friends, and came off as an individual who was fiercely independent. Just as he was back then, according to his talks with Keima. But talking with Keima showed that Kiyoshi still had the capacity to truly connect; it had only been boxed up and put to the side like his dreams.
>Strengths and Weaknesses(11/12): His vulnerabilities are well-exploited. His desperation made him lean to Kageyama, and his hesitation to act upon his passion was made apparent many times. You managed to show Kiyoshi's weaknesses and bloodily ripped them out for people to see.
His strengths don't really shine all that much, though they do show themselves. The most prominent is his dedication, especially to his own idea of purity and his dream. Kiyoshi's skills were mentioned or shown, though not particularly highlighted—he has great body coordination, notable skills with technology, and a commendable cooking ability. It's a bit hard to see, but Kiyoshi also has a sort of childish charm at times that slips through the cracks.
>Interaction With Canon (10/10): It doesn't wreck or affect canon all that much, and happens at a time when Teikoku likely would have sent spies to Kidokawa, so no problem here.
>Relationships With Canon Characters (5/5): It's mostly Kidou, and they share a relationship I see as something that wouldn't be off. Kidou maintains an attitude towards him that is like most Teikoku subordinates, while the crush that Kiyoshi has doesn't seem to far of a stretch considering his status and charm.
Kiyoshi's relationship with Kageyama isn't expanded much, but it can be seen that he has a pretty... typical relationship with the man. It is not odd, rather it is something that is reasonable given Kageyama's notorious reputation. Kiyoshi seems to see him as the blood-stained path that would lead him to his dream, the evil benefactor that offers him his deepest desire. He sees that Kageyama is shady, and Kiyoshi seems like he does not want to concern himself with the Coach anymore than he has to, but he is willing to put those aside for football.
[Raw] 74.6/100 + 47/50 [Scaled] 88.7/100 [Final] 88.7%
Banner by -artxyuki
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flannelpunkcalum · 6 years
hi bub!!!! can i please request “you scared the shit out of me. i’m never going to stop hugging you.” and “don’t ever leave my sight again” with luke pretty pls? fuq me upp
hi! hope this is fuqt up enough for you! i am running on like 4 hours of sleep (and i know i say this a lot but i’m not entirely sure if it’s coherent rn lol). thank u for reaching out and requesting! also, I made it good and spooky because it’s halloweentimes
prompt taken from here
Luke knew he shouldn’t have been yelling. Any vampires in the house would just have an easier time finding him.
His grip tightened around the stake. Let them.
She’d be okay. Luke knew his girlfriend could take care of herself, she was just as capable a hunter as he was. He knew that. But she had been dragged away from his side too long ago, and - if she wasn’t back by now, that could mean…
No. She was fine. She’d find him and she’d be whole and unhurt and they’d get out of this stupid fucking vampire den and get breakfast at the good Denny’s and everything would be fine. He just had to find her.
When he heard the creak behind him he jumped about a foot and turned around, flashlight beam cutting wildly through the dusty air. It came again - from above him. He raised his gaze to the ceiling, but there was no attacker waiting for him. Just footsteps in the hall above.
It’s muffled, but it’s her - she was on the floor above him, so close he could grab her ankle if it weren’t for the floorboards between them. “Y/N! Hang on, I’ll come to you!”
She didn’t hear, or maybe she just didn’t want to wait. He heard her footsteps pounding down the hall above him, and he ran to meet her as she practically flew down the stairs.
She ran straight into his arms, and he didn’t care how much danger it put him in when he closed his eyes and squeezed her tight. She felt cold with fear, digging her fingers into him like at any moment she could be dragged away again.
How could he have let this happen? “Thought you weren’t coming back.” He mumbled into her heart, and he felt her take a deep, shuddering breath and shake her head. “Are you okay? They didn’t-” He stopped himself there.
“I don’t remember what- I’m okay. I don’t remember what happened,” she repeats, pulling away from him. His hand landed on her shoulder - her black shirt was sticky with blood. Not hers, he could see her skin glinting unblemished in the flashlight beam, but… he was so close to losing her forever.
The thought overwhelmed him, and he pulled her into another hug. “As soon as we’re out of here I swear to god we’re packing up and moving to Arkansas.” He mumbled. God, he could smell the blood, now that he knew it was there.
“You say that every time.” Y/N whispered. Luke thought maybe he could hear her smile a little. That was good. “I’m gonna be alright, you can stop hugging me.”
“I’m serious this time, baby, you scared the shit out of me. I’m never gonna stop hugging you. I thought-” Luke drew back, catching the back of her head to pull her into a quick kiss. “Look, we have to get out of here. I’m betting what- whatever happened to you wasn’t good, so we have to go, okay?”
His arm slipped around her waist as they started back the way they came. At least, he hoped it was the way they came. “I feel okay, though. I can stay, I know we need to-”
“We’ll regroup and come back another night, I don’t care about the vamps right now.” As the flashlight beam bobbed along the walls, Luke was starting to get worried. “Jesus, babe, you’re freezing.”
“I’m fine.” She said, but she let him lead her through the halls anyway.
Luke didn’t believe her. It wasn’t just her low body temperature- she had been attacked, and she didn’t remember what happened. Luke had never known that to happen. When vampires hit you, they wanted it to hurt. That, or-
Luke froze.
That, or they turned you.
Luke had never really been around a newborn vampire, not after they reanimated. He ran through what his family had taught him; vampires couldn’t be wounded or scarred, not like humans. They couldn’t stand sunlight and holy symbols. They were strong, they were fast, they were cold, and they were deadly. Y/N- she didn’t look well, but she didn’t have a gaping hole in her neck, and she didn’t look particularly toothy.
“Baby?” Y/N tugged at him- was she stronger than she should be? “I think we’re almost there.” Could she hear something he couldn’t, maybe? Or was this all just a trap? No. Luke didn’t know anything yet. He had to get some proof that his girlfriend was…
“I just- will you open your mouth for me?” She gave him a look, but did as he asked. Luke didn’t want to worry her; he covered quickly. “Want to make sure you didn’t bite your lip. Don’t want them to smell us.”
His heart started to beat faster as he took a quick look, keeping the flashlight beam out of her eyes. Her canines- maybe he was acting crazy, but they had not been that sharp before. He’d bet his life on it. Y/N, the love of his young life, was a vampire.
He was supposed to kill her.
Through his fog, he caught her glancing down at him worriedly. “You know I’m covered in blood, right?”
“Okay, you can close your mouth, you’re good.” He said quickly, giving her a quick peck on the lips when she did. It was automatic, but it sent waves of dread through his body. Maybe he had imagined it? She didn’t feel like a vampire. She felt like her regular old self. Luke still found himself drawing back, catching her hand instead of her waist. “Let’s blow this popsicle stand.”
“Please.” Y/N agreed.
She didn’t sound like a vampire, either. Luke felt sick. This wasn’t something he could let go - he couldn’t afford to think about this too long. She could turn ruthless at any minute, couldn’t she? She always said he looked like a snack, but up until then it had just been memes. Now it was a threat.
Luke knew one other way to check without opening a vein. He glanced down at her hand in his, pretending to shine the flashlight on their feet so they could see. The scar on her right hand - the one she had gotten from a Swiss army knife misadventure when she was a kid - was not shining back at him.
“Hey baby,” He said, as casually as possible, “when did that scar of yours clear up?”
“When did- Luke, is that really what you’re focused on right now? Musta been fading for years, I don’t know. Oh, hey, I can see the door.”
Luke squinted, but after a long moment he thought he could see the umbrella stand he had bumped into on the way in. He reached for the stake in his pocket with his free hand. If she was just playing dumb, hoping to get his guard down before pouncing, she would have realized what he was getting at, right? Was she just waiting for them to get in the car so he couldn’t run?
“Hey.” She paused reaching for the door handle, and gave his hand a quick squeeze. Apparently, he hadn’t been as relaxed as he had hoped. “Baby. I’m alright. We’re gonna regroup and vapourize these suckers. I love you. Okay?”
Luke grabbed the stake. There was a mirror shattered on the floor, it had been there when they came in, and the flashlight beam over the shards sent up flashes like a psychotic disco ball. Y/N’s face was illuminated in pieces - her eyes, half of a cheekbone, the hair around her face - but when he looked at her, he couldn’t find it in him to be righteous. This was Y/N. He loved her. He believed that she loved him. Maybe she was turned and didn’t know it, maybe she was just as human and scared as he was, maybe she was just waiting for him to drop his guard. I Maybe it didn’t matter. 
He took a deep breath. “I love you too.” He said, taking the stake out of his pocket.
As they passed the table in the entryway, he put it down, smoothly enough he didn’t think she’d hear. It didn’t matter what she was, he couldn’t hurt her. “Don’t ever leave my sight again, okay?” He tried to joke.
Y/N laughed a little, and it was shaky, but it was her laugh. “Anything you want.”
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sparrowthestrange · 6 years
((Graphic birth, labor, demons, and fluff I’ve written this story on two Asexual women who want to have a baby.))
The first time I saw her, I had wandered into a coffee shop late at night. Of course, she gave me a glare of annoyance. I didn’t notice how beautiful she was until after I had sat down. Her hair was cut short and dyed blue she was dressed in a white T-shirt, with a black tie around her neck. She dressed masculine, and I had always been a sucker for girls like that. After that first night, I came back a few more times, I learned her name was Alice and this was her side job while she perfected her acting skills. I told her I liked plays and had a passion for writing. On our first date, we went to a musical together, much to Alice’s protest I paid for it. On our second date, I made her dinner, and we watched movies all night long. She held my hand, I pulled her close and we cuddled. We didn’t have a first kiss until our 6th date and we never went any further then cuddling.
I proposed six months after meeting Alice/ The first time, she turned me down. I tried again six months later, Then another eight after that until finally on the fourth of July as fireworks exploded in the sky, she said yes. Her words were drowned out by the sound and the lights but her hands wrapped around me and she gave me a kiss. I was so happy I began to shiver, tears streamed down my face.
We began planning the wedding shortly after that. I think that Alice thought I was waiting for marriage, and to be fair, I thought the same of her. We had never really talked about sex much, it had never been important in our relationship. I began to dread the thought of our honeymoon. It wasn’t that I didn’t like Alice it was just, I didn’t like the idea of having sex with her or anyone for that matter. I figured I could just wait to bring it up.
The day of our wedding was beautiful. We had it outside on the dock by the lake. it was warm and sunny out, I couldn’t have asked for a better day. Everything was just the way I had dreamed it would be. During the reception, we went swimming in the lake and had a barbeque while all our favorite songs played in the background. Late that night, we had our honeymoon at my parent’s cabin. As the night went on I became increasingly nervous. Alice figured it was just the party, but I was scared for what would happen after.
Night had fallen when we both stripped down and headed back out to the lake, Alice was holding my hand leading me forward. The water was cold but she pulled me close, her body pressed against mine. I couldn’t breathe. We swam out to the raft and then layed down. Alice pinned me to the ground one hand against my right shoulder her leg between my own. I stared up at her as she kissed me. She pressed closer, My whole body shivered but not from excitement. It was just what I had been afraid of, even on my wedding night I wasn’t sexually attracted to the love of my life.
“Stop-” It was a whisper at first “Stop, Alice-” I repeated louder and more forcefully she pulled back peering down at me with a concerned expression.“Sage? What’s wrong?” she muttered softly. I raised my hand and pressed against her shoulder so I could sit up.
“I’m sorry, I should have told you, but I can’t do this, I’m asexual. You’re a beautiful and amazing girl but I’m just not attracted to you that way, I’m not attracted to anyone that way.” My gaze lowered to the ground, this was it, I had only been married one night and she was going to leave me because I couldn’t give her what she had wanted her whole life. This wouldn’t be the first time someone left me because of my asexuality. I felt tears coming to my eyes and then, strong hands wrapped around me. “I’m really glad you told me, honestly, I’m Asexual to,  was only doing this because I thought it was what you wanted. I’m glad I don’t have to worry about it anymore. We could have a campfire and look up creepypastas online instead. I think that would be more fun for both of us.”
At first, I thought she was lying but was I looked up, I saw that she was smiling, and I smiled back. I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a kiss, it was like fireworks all over again. “I love you.” I muttered as we got back into the water. I started the fire and Alice got us some marshmallows. We spent the rest of the night telling creepy stories and hanging out by the fire.
After that we moved in together, we spent a lot of time figuring out how everything would work, we spent some time traveling and working on our careers. Me with my writing and Alice with her acting. She got a good job in a traveling theater program and I got to go with. She would always tease me and refer to me as her ‘groopie,’ I didn’t mind, as long as we were together that was all that mattered. I know that most people thought we were doing things behind closed doors but the only thing we ever did was cuddle. It was ok, we let them think what they wanted.
After Alice’s theater career began to slow down a bit, I brought up the idea of having kids. I didn’t want sex but the idea of having a tinny human running around sounded like the best idea in the whole world, thankfully Alice agreed. If I had been dating a man I would have had to explain that I didn’t want sex, thankfully because I was dating a woman it didn’t matter and the doctor didn’t ask go many questions.
Unfortunately, we found out that Alice couldn’t wouldn’t be able to carry children and despite the fact that I was perfectly healthy, I couldn’t conceive a child. We were both devastated, but I refused to give up hope I began to try everything from prayer to herbal medicines when both failed I turned black magic. Alice wasn’t against me trying it, we were both so desperate. Every book I ran into was useless, the spells didn’t work or didn’t have the effects we were looking for. Until we came across a book about demons. It was risky, but Alice and I talked about it for a long time, and in the end, we decided to try it. This was it, either we got a child, or we gave up. Alice and I were both at the end of our rope.
It took a whole month to gather the ingredients, Salt, a rare mineral, and some dried flowers that didn’t grow in this part of the country. When the day finally arrived to do the ritual I spent an hour drawing out the symbols on the floor of our basement so I could make sure they were perfect. By the time night fell Alice was standing back as I began to work. I followed the ritual exactly slicing my palm open and dripping blood onto each of the items as I walked around the circle. When I had finished, there was a long pause. At first, I didn’t think anything had happened but then red smoke began to appear on the floor and from it formed a demon.
The demon had a masculine figure but I couldn’t tell what gender they really were. It was larger built with broad shoulders and claws at the end if it’s fingertips. Its yellow eyes seemed to glow in the dimly lit room. “You have called upon me, what is it you wish?” The demon’s voice was low, almost a growl.
Alice seemed to be frozen in place so it was I who spoke. “We want a child, we read that you could help. Can you?” I asked willing myself not to be too hopeful. The demon seemed to smirk “Indeed I can, in fact, I can get you a child in a matter of hours.” With a smirk, the demon began to pull down his pants revealing himself to the two girls. Both Alice and I let out a surprised yelp and were soon covering our eyes with our hands. “PUT THAT AWAY!” Alice yelled.
“What? Oh well-” The demon seemed confused but when I heard the zipper on his pants go back up I lowered my hands. “You don’t want sex?” He asked confused. “The book said you could give us a child through the use of magic,” I said trying to erase what I had just seen from my memory.
“I can.” the demon agreed. “But, it’s rare that a human prefers that method of reproduction. I mean, it’s not exactly natural.” The demon gestured to his body, he had abbs and was tall, despite being a demon he was rather handsome and I could tell that a typical human would likely let him have his way. However, his demonic beauty didn’t effect Alice or me in the slightest.
“One, I’m very gay and two we are both asexual so even though you’re very aesthetically pleasing I would very much enjoy the use of magic,” I said as I took a step closer to him.
“Oh, I see.” He still seemed confused but after a moment gave a shrug. “I will make you a deal then, threw the use of magic I will give you two children, one will be mine, and the other yours, you will be required to deliver both of them. I ask nothing more than that. Though I should warn you it will be a difficult process and your human body may have a hard time adapting to the changes, are you sure this is what you want?”
Alice looked a bit worried but I smiled “I am positive, I would go thru hell to have a child. This is what I want.” I was positive I wanted a child, and I wanted a child with Alice. If I had to birth twins to do it, so be it, if I had to suffer to get the child I didn’t mind. Even if it ended up killing me at least I could still give Alice what she wanted.
“Very well, come here.” The demon muttered asking me to step into the circle I nodded and let go of Alice’s hand stepping past the lines drawn in chalk just a few hours before. “Take off your shirt.” the demon commanded and fearlessly I pulled off my T-shirt and tossed it aside. The demon cut the palm of his own hand and began to draw on my belly in blood mumbling a language I couldn’t understand. My belly began to glow, it was warm and almost comforting but not necessarily uncomfortable. After a short time, the demon pulled it’s hand back. “The whole pregnancy can vary from a few hours to a few days but when the child is born I will return to collect it. You have your wish.” The demon bowed and then disappeared into the same red smoke it had first appeared in.
Alice took me upstairs and right away began fussing over me, offering water and a place to rest. I was going to refuse at first but I began to feel strange a weird combination of heat and pressure had formed in my womb, it didn’t hurt but it was uncomfortable. I began to feel nauseous and I spent the rest of the day throwing up. Alice pressed a cool cloth to my forehead and kept me company as I tried to rest. The first day was hell and by nightfall, I already had a small bulge forming around my midsection.
I awoke to a feeling of pressure unlike the night before it was much stronger, almost painful. I groaned shifting uncomfortably. I tried to sit up and noticed a heaviness around my midsection. I soon realized I was very pregnant. I appeared close to full term and I could feel the babies moving inside me. I pushed myself up to a sitting position gasping as the pressure grew worse. Under my hand, my belly pushed out another few inches. They were growing so quickly my body wasn’t getting much time to adjust.  
Once the pressure let up I was left feeling achy and tired. I glanced around the room and found Alice asleep in the chair across from me. After a bit of effort, I managed to stand up by myself. I made my way to the kitchen to get myself a glass of water. I felt so much heavier then I thought I would. The pressure hit me again as I was filling my glass with water. The cup fell from my hand and into the sink as one hand moved around to the side of my belly. Slowly, it began to push out again, it hurt, there was no way I could keep growing like this, I could feel my muscles straining. As the pain grew worse my legs threatened to give out but suddenly Alice was at my side holding me up her arm wrapped around my waist “It’s alright.” She whispered. “I’ve got you.”
I don’t think I’ve ever felt so much love towards the woman I leaned on her until the growing stopped my head resting on her shoulder. “That looks like more than twins.” She said a hint of worry in her voice. Alice pressed a hand to my belly feeling the babies kick and move. My belly was already tight in some places you could see the veins more so around the bottom part of my belly.
“Here,” Alice muttered reaching into the sink to pick up my cup and get me a glass of water. “Better?” She asked and I gave a nod the cup already pressed against my lips. “Come on, sit down.” She said softly leading me over to the kitchen table. I had only just sat down when I was hit with a new sensation, It was kind of like the pressure from before but with more of a cramping sensation. I pressed a hand to my belly and found it was even tighter than usual. After just a few moments the pain let up and I was able to relax before Alice realized anything was wrong.
The pain returned quickly only a few minutes later and it was stronger than before. I was unable to keep quiet about it and was soon hunched over with one hand pressed against my belly I let out a low groan. Alice was by my side as soon as she heard it. “It’s ok.” She whispered rubbing my back. “Just breathe.” She said softly attempting to keep me calm. When it was over she helped me up. “Come on, come get in the shower with me, It’ll help.” I thought about refusing but that did sound like a good idea.
Alice started the water and helped me get undressed. She put a chair in the shower so I would be able to sit and then got in behind me. She washed my hair for me and rubbed my back her hands trailing down to my belly as she leaned forward. “You know, even though I’m Asexual, I think you look sexy like this,” Alice muttered rubbing my belly. She paused her hand in the center of my stomach as the pain hit me again. Alice could feel the muscles around my belly contract and become rigid.I could feel it to, it was strong and painful the pain starting low in my belly and moving around to my lower back. I spread my legs and instinctively began rocking my hips to help ease some of the pressure. “Ugghhhhh” as the contraction peaked and then faded away.
“That was a strong one hu?” Alice muttered moving her hands back to my shoulders massaging them. “You’re doing great, this will all be over soon and will have a beautiful baby. They’ll look just like their mother.” Alice was trying to encourage me, I could tell. By the time the water grew cold, I had suffered three more contractions. Alice turned off the water and helped me out of the shower wrapping a towel around my body she dried all the parts I couldn’t reach. I slid on an oversized T-shirt and headed back downstairs. Halfway down the steps, I was hit by another contraction. Alice turned around putting her hands on my shoulders to steady me. I leaned on her as I widen my stance and began moving my hips in small circles. There was a pressure forming, and pain in my lower back like someone was stabbing me with a knife. “UGGHHH” I gasped my hands gripping Alice so tightly I might have left her with a bruise. When the pain passed Alice said nothing simply lead me back to the couch to rest for a bit.
Alice covered me in a blanket and for awhile I tried to sleep. I quickly found that the pressure and contractions wouldn’t let me and so Instead I began to pace the length of our living room. I would stop whenever a pain hit me and try to breathe and relax through it. As the most current one hit me I found myself gripping the back side of the couch and lowering myself into a squat. The pressure had grown worse I could feel my body straining to accommodate and make room for the baby. My pelvis began to ache as the child dropped lower. “It hurts!” I yelled as the contraction peaked. “I know,” Alice muttered coming up behind me. “I’m sorry, but you’re getting closer.” I only got a few moments rest before the pain hit me again. “GAAAHH!” I cried out rocking my hips, trying to do anything that might get rid of the pain.
My water didn’t break for another hour, I was starting to go mad the cramping sensations and pressure growing worse. It felt like I was getting ready to explode. “AHHHHHHHHHH!” By now Alice was getting used to my cries she rubbed my back and hips trying to keep me calm. As the contraction peeked I felt a wetness between my legs and looked down to find water pooling under me. “There ya go, that’s it won’t be long now,” Alice said as she helped me stand back up.
“Come on, let's get you to the bedroom.” She led me slowly to our room, I only just managed to get to the doorway before another pain hit me. “Ughhhh” I doubled over as the squeezing pain took over me. “It’s coming!” I gasped behind me I heard Alice give a quiet chuckle. “Yes, It is, soon we’re going to be parents, just like we always wanted. You’re doing so well, I’m so proud of you.” Slowly, Alice was able to get me over to the bed and I was about to sit down when another contraction hit hard. I dropped to my knees at the side of the bed before Alice could catch me. Alice tried to help me up but a shook my head. There was no way I could move again, I wasn’t going to get back up. My back hurt and the unrelenting pressure had returned. The first baby was dropping moving down through my pelvis. Alice looked like she was going to protest at first but then she gave a nod of understanding and bent down next to me. “Do you feel like pushing yet?” I was about to answer no when the next pain gripped me and my response changed “Yes, oh fuck!” I could feel my birth canal starting to open, at the same time I was starting to realize how big the baby felt. My body didn’t know how to handle this, and I could feel the muscles spasming around the baby as I struggled to accommodate its size.
It was getting hard to tell when one contraction ended and the next one began, gripping the side of the bed I began bearing down. Progress was slow and during my short rests, Alice offered me ice or sips of water. I was pushing for 30 minutes before I began to feel a burning sensation the head beginning to stretch me wide open. “Take it slow,” Alice whispered as she reached one hand down brushing over the top of the baby’s head.
“AHHHHH! It burns!” I shrieked as the baby reached a full crown. “Please, get it out! I can’t!” Alice smiled lightly with one hand supporting the head she whispered for me to push despite my panic I gave in to her request and the constant contractions. The head popped out of me with a rush of fluid. “Good girl.” She said soothing my hair back “Rest a moment.” Alice said as she checked for the cord. I took a few seconds to catch my breath but as soon as the next contraction hit I was pushing.
I felt one shoulder stretch me open quickly followed by the other and at the same time, I felt the second baby drop into place. I groaned realizing I wasn’t going to get much of a break with one last cry of agony I freed my first child. Alice picked it up and handed to me. We wrapped it in a towel and I brought it to my chest to feed. This was the human baby it looked completely normal in every way.
There were tears in Alice’s eyes as she looked down at me, “You’re both so beautiful, so amazing.” She said as she cut the cord and sat down next to me. I had a short time to bond with my baby before the contraction began to come back with a vengeance. Alice took the baby from me when she noticed I was starting to squirm. “It’s ok, you’re almost done.” I nodded leaning my back against the side of the bed I spread my legs apart. I soon realized this position wasn’t comfortable and I asked Alice to help me up. She was able to pull me to my feet once standing I could feel the full weight of the baby still within me. Maybe it was my imagination but somehow, it seemed even bigger than its sibling.
As the contraction hit I dropped into a squat Alice moved so she was behind me holding me up under my arms. “UGGHHHHHH!” Without warning, I began bearing down but little progress was made. I tried to widen my hips in response to the pressure but they were already as far apart as I could get them. The contractions seemed to be getting stronger as if my body understood how much harder it was going to have to work. I felt as if my internal organs were being crushed by the strength of the contractions. After a few minutes of almost no progress, I began screaming, this one was so much harder then it’s sibling so much worse it felt like actual torture.
There was red smoke and then the demon appeared out of nowhere. “Looks like you’re having a hard time.” He muttered softly. I didn’t have time to be afraid or worried I was in so much pain. Alice held me protectively “What do you want?” She asked her voice more defensive then she had meant it.
“I want to help.” The demon muttered. “I was worried this might happen, the baby is too big to deliver without my help, please, may I?” Alice seemed to consider his words a moment before nodding. He crouched down before me and set a hand on my belly. “I’m going to help you, but it’s going to hurt.”
I was so delirious with pain at this point that I simply gave a grunt in response. The demon’s hand took on a red tint and after a few seconds, he pulled it back. For a few short seconds I didn’t understand what had happened and then I felt it, it was as if someone was driving over my midsection with a car. I arched my back screaming in agony. “Push!” Alice yelled over my cry of pain. “Sage, you have to push!” I knew she was right and dropped my chin to my chest bearing down with everything I had, I finally felt it move, dropping into my canal. The muscles clamped tight around it stretched as far as they could go. “GET IT OUT!” I yelled through the next pain.  It was starting to crown I could feel the head.
“Wow-” Alice muttered as she saw the size of the bulge between my legs. She shook her head snapping out of her shock. “Push.” She encouraged as my muscles visibly tightened with another contraction.  “IT’S GOING TO TEAR ME IN HALF!” I gasped as more of the head appeared. I felt like I was trying to push out a 15-pound bowling ball. My entire lower region was burning and I hadn’t even gotten to the widest point yet.
Alice saw what I was crying about and her eyes went wide. “Don’t push.” She said sternly “Give yourself a moment to stretch. I tried to listen to her but the pressure was so much and the contractions so strong. “Don’t push,” Alice said again placing her hand on the emerging head.
“AHHHH THE PRESSURE! I HAVE TO PUSH!” I cried out in pain, at this point I was tired and I didn’t care if I tore. I  just wanted it out, I wanted to be done.
“DON’T PUSH!” Alice yelled back at me but instinctively I was already bearing down. Alice attempted to hold the head in place causing me to shriek in agony.  
“SAGE, stop you’re going to te-” Alice’s words were to late the head rushed forward up to its widest point making a tear. I could feel the blood and stinging I let out a howl of agony in response. At this point, it was no use trying to tell me to slow down so Alice simply told me to push again.
“UGGGHHHOWWWWWWWW!” I screamed as the head emerged the rest of the way. Alice had to hold it with both hands. She checked quickly for the cord but I was pushing before she even gave the ok. The shoulders were wide and stretched me just as much as the head. It took me six minutes to free the rest of the baby and with one last cry of pain, I was able to get it out. I fell back against the side of the bed as Alice cut the cord and began tending to me. I was so exhausted I was barely aware of what was going on. Strong hands lifted me up placing me on the bed to recover. The demon took his baby and left never to return again. I was half convinced that this had all been some sort of strange dream until I awoke the following morning to the sound of our new baby crying. Despite my sore body I was happy that we had the baby we had always wanted, not only that but we had done it together. I had to go thru hell to get it, but I finally had the family I had always wanted.
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moritzstiefelwiki · 7 years
Yooo for the detailed headcanon meme would u mind doing like... all the ones ure able to for Hanschen? Like feel free to skip as many as u want but itd be cool to hear ur thoughts on my Best Boy
Um? Little Hansy Rilow? Jackass Extraordinaire? Love of my life? Ofc I’ll do as many as I can!! Thanks so much for sending these! I hope you like them and I’m sorry they took me so long! (Also I answered these out of order and towards the end I was running a bit low on steam so there are some answers that are Not So Good mixed in there, sorry)
Under the cut or on Ao3 here :) 
1. What does their bedroom look like?
I think for the most part it would be tidy. Bed made, desk (mostly) clear, etc. He’s got some laundry on the floor, a couple of books lying about, and his jacket as well as his school things are never put away but everything else is in it’s place. 
His desk is by the window so he can make good use of natural light and It’s usually got assignments for school on it as well as whatever books might go along with them when he’s not using it. 
He keeps a small collection of books in his room- his favourites. Whatever he’s currently reading is kept on his bedside table and everything else is stacked by his desk but they should be on the shelf in the living room. 
He’s a nerd.
2. Do they have any daily rituals?
 I don’t think he would, not outside what he needs to do (school). Not unless you count him monologuing while he masturbates as a ritual, I have a feeling that’s a daily thing. 
3. Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often?
 He does not, he would much rather lounge somewhere comfy with something he finds enjoyable. A book, a person, a puzzle, etc. 
4. What would they do if they needed to make dinner but the kitchen was busy?
I can see him being like “Everybody, get out of my way” (This is meant to be read in John Mulaney’s voice from the thing where he followed this with something like “I’m just here to feed my birds”) but I can also see him just clearing enough space for himself and getting to work. I guess it depends on who’s in the kitchen making what and what he’s going to be making. He’s not going to be interrupting someone that’s making cake or pastries just so he can cut vegetables in peace. 
5. Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.)
His parents/governess were somewhat strict about cleanliness when he was a child so he makes an effort to keep himself well groomed, especially when adults are present. No dirt under his fingernails, his clothes and hair are neat etc. He’s less concerned about it when he’s with the other boys and even less when he’s relaxing, either by himself or with Ernst, but he still somewhat pays attention to how much dirt he’s getting on himself or how much work it will take him to make himself look properly presentable before he finds himself around adults again. 
I think I got into workspace okay with his bedroom? He’s mostly tidy because he has to be, any disorder in his room can easily be taken care of. 
6. Eating habits and sample daily menu
I think he would love sweet things (candy, fruit, berries, etc) and he’s always a slut for baked goods. I have no idea what kind of things ppl usually ate in 1890′s Germany. 
7. Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time
He only really considers time wasted if he’s not spending it on something he likes to do or needs to do. So he has no favourite way to waste time, he only feels as though he’s wasting time if he’s bored out of his mind for no good reason. 
8. Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging
Ernst. It really isn’t safe for him to be smooshing booties in a vineyard with another boy but? He’s doing it. And being all poetic about it too ofc, he really likes Ernst. 
If he can indulge he will, he loves it. Life’s too short to deny himself pleasure, so long as said pleasure doesn’t harm him and/or get in the way of him becoming a millionaire.  
9. Makeup?
None. I can see him maybe trying, or at least wanting to try makeup at some point? Never with anyone around or if there was a chance of someone catching him though. (I’m a sucker for boys in makeup tho and I think modern Hanschen would enjoy makeup. If u want to hear a bit more abt that u know how 2 contact me)
10. Neuroses? Do they recognize them as such?
Neurotypical Hans™
11. Intellectual pursuits?
Literature and languages. He loves reading, loves diving into a book and analyzing characters, plot, symbolism, all of it. He loves talking about them as well, he could talk for hours about his favourites. He’s fascinated by other languages and speaks a handful rather fluently as an adult. He probably also enjoys reading the same book but translated into different languages because no translation is exact and it’s always interesting to see a slightly different take on things. 
I can also see him having interest in biology? Because science is fascinating and it’s amazing how diverse and intricately designed living things can be. 
12. Favorite book genre?
He talks about the books he likes when he’s jerking off so I don’t think I really need to get into that lmao 
13. Sexual Orientation? And, regardless of own orientation, thoughts on sexual orientation in general?
Multisexual. Bi/pan/ply/whatever. A pretty person is a pretty person & all that.
I think he might see the idea of sexual orientation as a little silly or perhaps performative? He understands that he’s expected to only like women and knows that once he’s older he’ll be expected to marry one, to have children etc etc. So for the most part he keeps his attraction to men to himself (Ernst being a very obvious exception, likely not the only one but it’s not something he would ever reveal lightly) and he thinks that most people are doing the same in order to avoid being judged negatively by their community.
Something along the lines of “everyone is only acting like they’re exclusively attracted to the opposite sex because it’s what’s seen as normal. They don’t want everyone else to point fingers at them calling them sinners and sexual deviants and condemning them to hell so they deny themselves half the beauty the world has to offer. For this same reason, they’re quick to attack anyone around them who might be revealed as queer. They’re so focused on keeping their own secret safe that they never realize everyone around them is keeping exactly the same one.”  
14. Physical abnormalities? (Both visible and not, including injuries/disabilities, long-term illnesses, food-intolerances, etc.)
15. Biggest and smallest short term goal?
16. Biggest and smallest long term goal?
Biggest: “When I am amillionaire”Smallest: I don’t think he has any small goals tbh ? 
17. Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress
I’m not rly sure what this one’s asking tbh?? He likes looking nice tho.
18. Favorite beverage?
Hot chocolate 
19. What do they think about before falling asleep at night?
Have you prayed tonight, Desdemona?
(I think a recurring theme would be his future- what he wants, what he can get, how he can get it etc.)
20. Childhood illnesses? Any interesting stories behind them?
21. Turn-ons? Turn-offs?
I’m stickin 2 sex ones bc otherwise it’s Too Vague and stresses me tf out tbh
Turn-ons: hair pulling, necking (he loves hickies but he’s strict about not having any that might be visible), being straddled, nice thighs, a good ass, little gasps and moans, begging
Turn-offs: bad kissing, poor hygiene, not listening to/paying attention to his feedback, going too fast (Mr. “half-closed eyes, half-open mouths, and turkish draperies” would Def love foreplay and teasing,, trying to skip right over it is? A no.)
22. Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
23. How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life?
See 1  
24. Is there one subject of study that they excel at? Or do they even care about intellectual pursuits at all?
See 11 (he’s pretty good at everything tho)
25. How do they see themselves 5 years from today?
Long dead because it’s 2017, but 5 years from the show he probably sees himself in university. 
26. Do they have any plans for the future? Any contingency plans if things don’t workout?
I don’t know what his plans would be but I’m sure he’s got some cushy career in mind that he wants to work towards. He’s a Rilow, he doesn’t need a backup plan. 
27. What is their biggest regret?
28. Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy?
Ernst. His worst enemy is probably whoever is second in the class rankings, if you go by the play. Melchior in the musical. Little Hans is In It To Win It. 
29. Reaction to sudden extrapersonal disaster (eg The house is on fire! What do they do?)
His brain shuts down for a minute and then he realizes that yes, this is happening and oh dear god I need to get out of here. He tries (and fails) to give the impression that he is calm, cool, and collected but he’s doing pretty good for someone who is screaming internally as loudly as he is.    
30. Reaction to sudden intrapersonal disaster (eg close family member suddenly dies)
He just keeps going. He tries to act like everything is fine, to show that he’s strong. The second he’s alone he deflates. He’s depressed af but does everything he can to hide it. 
31. Most prized possession?
I’m not sure what exactly, but it’s something fancy and adult that makes him feel sophisticated. He won’t admit how much he loves it though. 
32. Thoughts on material possessions in general?
👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
33. Concept of home and family?
He thinks of it as faintly ridiculous. 
“Why are these people somehow more important than others simply because you share blood? Shouldn’t the value of your relationship with someone have more to do with how well you get along and care for each other? What’s the point of marriage, you put on a show so you can have children as you’re expected to and this absurd cycle repeats with your children and so on.”
34. Thoughts on privacy? (Are they a private person, or are they prone to ‘TMI’?)
He greatly values his privacy, he usually only shares exactly as much information as is necessary. Unless he trusts you, in which case he doesn’t s hut the fu ck u p 
35. What activities do they enjoy, but consider to be a waste of time?
See 7
36. What makes them feel guilty?
37. Are they more analytical or more emotional in their decision-making?
Analytical for the most part. He knows what he wants out of life and  what he needs to do to put him on the path to getting it. I feel like he operates with a mindset a bit like “people can leave you but things are forever” and so he’s pretty okay with making decisions that hurt people (himself included) if it will benefit him financially, academically, raise his social status etc. 
38. Would they consider themselves a Type A or Type B personality?
A? I don’t know tbh, my knowledge about this is limited to the 30 seconds I spent skimming the wiki article   
39. What recharges them when they’re feeling drained?
Peace and quiet, being alone. Bonus points if he’s somewhere pretty and/or rly comfortable.  
40. Would you say that they have a superiority-complex? Inferiority-complex? Neither?
I don’t feel I know enough about either to say lmao  
41. How misanthropic are they?
He thinks people are ridiculous, h
ryan sent me a post abt dragon dicks which got me rambling abt this one furry i follow and. lowkey shattered my train of thought, I don’t remember what i was planing 2 say here and I’m too tired to start the Thought Translation Process over again lmao 
42. Hobbies?
Reading, puzzles, Ernst, calligraphy, 
43. How far did they get in formal education? What are their views on formal education vs self-education?
He completed university. The only real difference between formal education and self-education is if you have a diploma people will believe you when you say you know what you’re talking about.  
44. Religion?
He’s whatever everyone else is. I don’t what religion everyone is in the show,, I don’t know shit abt religion tbh. But he believes in god, though he’s not as devout as everyone else. 
45. Superstitions or views on the occult?
Foolish. Ridiculous. Absurd. Childish. He believes in them.
46. Do they express their thoughts through words or deeds?
Words mostly. He’s excellent with them and loves to talk and talk and talk. 
47. If they were to fall in love, who (or what) is their ideal?
Ernst, probably. I don’t doubt that Hans loves him dearly but I don’t think he’s in love.  
48. How do they express love?
He talks about milk. 
I can’t think of anything lmao
49. If this person were to get into a fist fight, what is their fighting style like?
Tbh I can’t imagine him fighting. He probably just says something that pisses someone off and then gets knocked flat on his ass. 
50. Is this person afraid of dying? Why or why not?
I don’t think so, I think he feels almost like. I don’t think invincible would be the right word, but he sees no reason to fear it at his age. Yes, Wendla and Moritz died, but he has no plans to kill himself and he can’t get pregnant so a botched abortion isn’t a threat to him. He’s in good health and he’s got his wits about him. What is there for him to be afraid of? He can worry about dying later. 
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