#because if Bakugou can get a last minute reprieve
tartagliove · 2 years
I had some more Batman-esque vigilante!Bakugou thoughts so here you go >.< This is kind of an insertion into this drabble, or is a hint of the “frankly terrifying events involving dangerous villains.” Inspired by how my college city feels at night. Enjoy!
The city feels different at night. There’s a slight chill to the air, a reprieve from the heat from earlier in the day. Pedestrians crowd the sidewalks like usual, but there’s more of an electric energy, as if nighttime is when the truly exciting things happen. And perhaps it is. You’re dressed up and ready for a night out with your friends, after all, and are buzzing with anticipation at the thought of all the fun you will have.
Bright lighting of multi-story shops and businesses illuminates the street and makes your skin glow. With the street lamps and car headlights, it’s almost impossible for anyone to remain unseen. Yet he somehow manages to do it.
The first time, you think it’s a pebble someone kicked. It hits the ground right before your feet and gets lost under another pedestrian’s shoes. But then another pebble lands. Seconds later, a third one drops, and instinct tells you to look up because there’s no way all of those have been kicked around, not with the consistent precision of them, nor with that kind of trajectory.
Your instinct serves you well. There he stands, an imposing figure that towers over you from his perch on the roof of a building. Once he’s sure you’ve spotted him, he motions for you to turn into a smaller alleyway. If he were anyone else but the well-known vigilante that has been protecting the city, you wouldn’t have listened. But this isn’t the first time you’ve seen him, nor the first time he’s interacted with you, so you pick up your pace and turn into the alley.
It’s much darker here off the main street, but you have no fear. Seconds after you come to a stop, there’s a slight noise from overhead, and you look up in time to see Ground Zero drop from the sky, small puffs of explosions slowing his descent until he lands in front of you with a solid thump. Red eyes glint from behind a black mask as he straightens up.
“Uh, hi.” Not your most eloquent of greetings but you think you can give yourself some slack—it’s not every day a vigilante seeks out you specifically.
His lips curve up as his eyes scan your form, taking in your outfit. “You dress up well, sweetheart. Much more put together than the last time I saw you.”
You pout, crossing your arms over your chest. “Last time you saw me, I was working the late night shift and I was busy getting robbed, thank you very much. Try doing that and see how you look coming out of it.”
“I wouldn’t have a hair out of place ‘cause I’m not a dumbass,” he says. He huffs a small laugh at your scrunched up face, before turning serious, shifting closer to you as he lowers his voice. “A lot of your customers work at Chisaki Corporation.” You can’t tell where he’s going with this, but you nod slowly. He gets straight to the point. “What d’you know about the medical research they’re conducting?”
You’re taken aback, but tell him what you’ve overheard. It takes over ten minutes, and by the end, you’re dying with curiosity as to why he wants to know this. He’s tight-lipped though, refusing to give anything away. That irritates you slightly, and you clearly are getting more curt with him as time goes on.
But as the two of you wrap things up, and you’ve given him all the information that you could, he tries to get your attention. When you refuse to look into his eyes, he reaches out a warm, calloused hand and tilts your face toward him by your chin. You let him. “I get you aren’t happy about being kept in the dark. ’S important, though.” You’re about to make a grumpy retort, but he moves his index finger so it rests just the slightest against your lips. It startles you into staying silent. “I’ll tell you why I asked after I look into this more. I promise, sweetheart.” His red eyes are piercing as he holds your gaze. You can tell that he doesn’t make promises lightly.
“Alright,” you whisper. “I’ll trust you.” Your mouth brushes over his finger as you agree.
“Good,” he says, voice a low rumble that sends a shiver down your spine. Then he steps away from you and his arm falls back down to his side, before tilting his head in the direction of the main street. “Have something you gotta get to?”
It takes you a second to pull your eyes away from his intense gaze to remember– “I’m going to be late now!” you whine, pulling out your phone to shoot a text to your friends. “It’s all your fault.”
“I’ll make it up to you sometime.”
You’re already heading toward the main street, but you look over your shoulder and shout, “I’ll hold you to it!”
Bakugou watches you until he’s sure you make it back onto the main street safely. He’s only talked to you a handful of times, but he can admit to himself that he’s grown a bit fond. It’s not just your appearance that he likes—though he likes that plenty, and seeing you dressed up tonight was a pleasant surprise—he admires your humor and your wits and your observant nature. He knows that if his hunches are confirmed, you’ll figure out why he asked you questions about Chisaki Co. workers soon enough. If he were an optimist, he’d hope that nothing will come from his investigations. But Bakugou trusts his instincts, and he knows something isn’t quite right with Chisaki Corporation. He just wants it to be resolved without dragging you or the rest of the city into it. If only it could be that easy.
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problemswithbooks · 2 years
So, I having a sinking feeling ch. 362 is going to be another one that marks a downward shift in writing quality similar to how Izuku getting Black Whip did. 
Here’s the thing I just don’t think that this situation is good no matter what happens next. 
1. Bakugou is really dead and stays dead: As one of the most important characters in the story, only being second to Izuku his death was rather anticlimactic. Izuku’s not even there, it has no real connection to his character arc, and it doesn’t even get to take out his opponent with his sacrifice. It’s essentially meaningless from a story telling stand point.
2. Bakugou is really dead but he comes back to life: Either he gets revived by Eri or something, or the story has Bakugou be special in someway, like being connected to the second user, or something to do with OfA. Bringing back Bakugou from the dead renders death less meaningful because it shows that the author would find ways to bend the story to back pedal that choice if they felt like it. Yet having Bakugou be brought back due to some special attribute is no better because then it gives him canon plot armor and suddenly makes any fight with his character have way less stakes. It would also be terrible if what brings him back is tied to the first Movie because that pulls another Kurogiri/Shirakumo thing, where suddenly outside material is needed to fully understand what’s going on and it’s emotional impact. BNHA isn’t a follow series like say, Boruto is to Naruto; outside marital shouldn’t be needed to read this story.   
3. Bakugou isn’t dead at all: It turns out be nothing more then a cliffhanger to draw in readers before a week break. Even if he is ‘dead’ but say Best Jeanist goes over the first couple panels of the next chapter and manages to bring him back through more realistic means (a stopped heart doesn’t always kill a person as long as it starts again within a certain amount of time) I think this counts. To me that seems like a crap tactic to get readers invested without actually fallowing through with what’s been set up. He did this with Hawks and Twice, leaving a chapter off with what seemed like Hawks about to kill an beaten Twice, yet next chapter had Hawks think about how he was actually just trying to subdue him. Sure he still had Hawks kill Twice but it wasn’t while Twice was on the floor, completely unable to move, which is way worse. Hori back pedaled and had the situation be more grey. If he does this with Bakugou who is always top of the popularity pulls, it really comes across as Hori trying to tug at heart strings without losing his cash cow, which is kind of shitty. 
So, yeah, sort of worried this going to end poorly no matter what choice Hori makes. Hopefully I’m just not thinking of something better he could do, and I’m wrong. Or in the very least it’s fun to watch, even if the story isn’t as good because of it, sort like Izuku’s many Quirks.   
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quitesins · 3 years
Thigh Riding
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Katsuki | Izuku | Shouto
Tags: 18+, NSFW, Fem!Reader, Aged up!Characters, thigh riding [lol], very short tbh, Bakugou: Sadism, dacryphilia, overstimulation. Izuku: no warnings. Shouto: exhibitionism mentions, name calling kinda [slut], he mean, punishing.
Short but my brain went brrrrrr randomly and I had to write this. Ignore any mistakes pls, I’m sleepy but wanted this out anyways.
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Thigh riding to tease you >:)
He’s a fucking sadist.
The way his eyes zone in on your own, teary and red, as you rut so helplessly against him, hands grasping his shoulders tightly.
There’s just something about watching you, pathetic and weak, that gets him going, more than anything could.
He knows he’s being awful, you’ve been begging for an hour, only for him to keep his hand gripped around your waist, shaking his head no, with that terrible, terrible smirk on his face.
Even after you’ve come, multiple times, he doesn’t let you stop, his sweats soaked to the skin. Your breaths are harsh and tapered, your skin is flushed and sweat falls off your sides, but he won’t let you stop.
Katsuki will force you to ride his thighs for hours… and he’ll enjoy every second.
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Thigh riding because he’s busy :(
Sometimes you think your boyfriend belongs to the world more than he does you. Terrible thought but you try to push it down. Most times at least.
Still there does come moments where you can’t help it, throwing yourself atop his lap, hungry to get the slightest bit of attention, even if you have to take it from his hero work.
He tries to let you down lightly but it’s hard to say no to that pretty pout on your lips, doe eyes looking at him with such eagerness, and he eventually gives in, letting you have your way… on his thick fucking thighs.
It’s easy to use him to get off, the sight of him after a long day patrolling, freshly showered and gaze intense on his work… is enough to have your panties damp and your mind racing.
His mind also runs, going a mile a minute. Izuku is good at multi tasking but when it comes to you… it’s all he can focus on.
So don’t expect for your needy humps to last long, he’ll have you across his desk in a heartbeat, legs folded up to your chest as he fucks you hard and fast…
Just as you intended ;)
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Thigh riding to punish you >:(
You’re too much of an insatiable slut [his words] and sometimes that needy attitude leads you to being a brat.
Even in public.
So you can’t really blame him for deciding you’ve been enough of nuisance- palming his cock under the table as you both attend a work meeting, sneaking off to bathrooms to take quick pics of your tits, only to send them as he talks with his coworkers- and finally disciplining you, breaking you back into his good girl.
Shouto is normally such a gentleman, sweet with his words and his touch, but now… he’s pissed.
There’s still an air of certainty as he speaks, as he holds you, forcing you to rut against him without reprieve, but it’s different.
His sweet words are harsh, his gentle hold now a heated grip.
And no matter how many times you beg for his cock, cry for him to do something, his eyes just narrow, voice deepens, saying that if you want to cum…
“You can do it yourself.”
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Yeah Idk my brain just went nyOOOM and here we are, anyways ty for reading!
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touyaz · 3 years
pairing bakugou katsuki x fem reader
word count 1,675
notes bkg isn’t even super dark in this, he’s just a man in love ;(
WARNINGS smut, dark/ yandere bakugou, noncon/ dubcon, stockholm syndrome, implied kidnapping, spanking, oral (f rec), fingering. no pronouns for reader.
"I know it hurts, honey," Bakugou placates, voice uncharacteristically quiet and caring, soft to soothe your discomfort. His palm, clammy and hot to the touch, comes down gently this time, rubbing circles over your ass. You wince regardless, but use the moment of reprieve to take in deep breaths. Whimpers still hiccup out of you and your heart begins to race when his hand lifts from your body — you've never missed his touch more than you do right now — but instead of his palm soaring down in another spank, it trails along your back, following the curve of your spine. "But this is what happens when you don't do what I say."
"I'm— I'm sorry," you stutter. You've lost count of how many times you've sobbed that phrase in the last 30 minutes, and though it has seemingly had no effect on Bakugou, you say it again anyway. "I'm sorry, I'll listen, I promise."
He hums, drawing mindless shapes on the expanse of your back. "What number are we up to right now?"
The mention of his cruel attack on your body makes you freeze in your spot, draped over his lap like a pliable blanket, but you're quick to answer lest that bring back his anger. "Fif— Fifteen."
"Fifteen… And how many did I say you'd get?"
"Twenty-five," he echoes, voice sounding intrigued yet distant, as though he's lost in thought. You dread the ideas floating about in his mind, wondering if he's thinking of increasing that number, or changing your punishment. "That's a big difference, sweetheart."
You don't know how to reply, so you send a prayer that he's feeling merciful despite your earlier stunt. The dishes can be cleaned and the food can be remade, but the damage this has done to your pride, to your mentality, is irreparably scarring.
The tips of his fingers tiptoe up your back as he speaks. "You're really sorry?"
You nod, answering him with a frail "yes, I'm really sorry, Katsuki" — throwing in his name because he loves hearing that from you — "I shouldn't have acted out earlier. I'm sorry for being a brat."
"Alright. We'll stop at fifteen then." You want to melt into his lap with relief, eternally grateful that he's decided to end your suffering early, but your happiness is cut short when he continues, "You'll make up the remainder in a different way."
"Huh?" escapes your mouth before you can stop it, but he only lets out a breathy chuckle instead of berating you for speaking out of turn.
"Instead of ten spanks, you'll give me ten orgasms. Sounds fair, doesn't it?"
No, it doesn't. Not in the slightest. But his question isn't really a question when the only answers are yes or yes.
"Y-Yeah," you mumble, and then, as he's expecting, you add on, "thank you, Katsuki."
"You're welcome, honey. You're so good for me, you know that?" he says, smiling down at the handprints painting your rear. He almost wants to add some more despite everything he just said, but he's never been too good at coping when you start bawling your eyes out. He's never gone back on his word, so he better get started on those ten orgasms.
He goes through the process of rubbing a soothing cream on your ass, and you almost fall asleep to the soft, rhythmic motions, but he keeps you awake by murmuring into your ear and littering kisses across your shoulder blades.
When the pampering draws to a close, he lays you down on the bed, a pillow propping up your lower half as he settles between your parted thighs. The elevation helps keep pressure off of your rear, and Bakugou easily steals your attention as he nips his way up one thigh and then down the other.
"You ready?" he asks, breaking away from where he was sucking a hickey onto your skin. "I want to hear a 'thank you, Katsuki' each time you cum, understand?"
"Yes, Katsuki."
Your nerves are alight with tension, hands clenching the sheets as he pecks his way to the apex of your thighs, and your muscles twitch in anticipation of what's to come. He starts off with long, languid licks to your folds, following the line of your slit with slow brushes of his tongue. His lips wrap around your clit and he hums, the vibrations making you buck up against his face. He chuckles, and the sound sends shivers down your spine before he goes back to moaning around the little bud. His groaning draws out your essence just as he planned, and when he sees the juices trickle out of your pussy, he releases your swollen pearl in favour of savouring your taste.
His hands join the fray, thumbs pulling apart your lower lips so his tongue can slide into your needy hole. You clench around the muscle at the breach and a smirk tugs at his lips for getting you worked up so quickly. With one hand now holding you down by the hips, and the other circling your puffy clit, his tongue fucks its way in and out of your pussy, making a show of slurping up your arousal.
The noises are obscene as they invade the room, sounding wet and filthy; Bakugou groans loudly every time a drop of your essence falls on his tongue, and you scream his name in response, sobbing for him to give you more, more, please, need more.
It isn't long before you're falling apart on his mouth, his nose brushing against your clit each time you rut against his face to ride out the high of your first orgasm. You slump into the mattress, the waves of your release slowly washing away as all your built-up tension rolls off of you. It takes longer than you'd like to admit for you to gather your bearings — especially after just one (of many) orgasms — but you soon realise that Bakugou has been patiently waiting that whole time, not saying a word.
When he raises a brow at you, you understand that he's expecting you to say something.
Moments later, it finally clicks, and you gasp out a "th-thank you, Katsuki!"
"Losing your head over one little orgasm, huh, sweetheart?" He grins, lewdly licking away the arousal that coats the lower half of his face. Spit and cum form a glassy sheen over his mouth, but he's uncaring of the mess that drips down from his face as he dives back between your legs. "Better get ready for another one, angel face."
Another one, he says, then proceeds to make you cum twice more with his tongue alone. Then he pulls you apart with his fingers — curling against your velvet walls, tapping against all your sensitive spots — before he wields both his hand and his mouth, using his tongue to flick over your sensitive button as his fingers stretch you out for something bigger.
Soon, his other hand replaces his tongue on your clit, drawing messy figure-eights over your clit as he slips his tongue into your cunt too. He drools all over your folds, pulling away only to spit on your cunt and use his fingers to fuck that into you. It's messy, downright disgusting, and you should be turning away and screaming at him to stop because it's too much, but you chase the feeling of another orgasm mounting.
Your back is arching off of the bed, wound tight like a bow, but the aches haven't settled in just yet, so you continue humping Bakugou's face so he can reach further, licking his way deeper into your cunt to bring you to new heights.
"Fuck, fuck, I'm so close, plea— Katsuki, please! Please!"
He growls against your pussy in lieu of a reply, slipping a third finger into your soaked cunt; his tongue is sliding everywhere it can to bring you pleasure, mouth drinking in all your juices, teeth nipping at your folds, but it's when his lips latch onto your clit and suck that you cry his name and lose yourself to get another orgasm. Your eyes roll back as your mouth stays open in a silent scream, panting as he continues pumping his fingers into you, twisting them this way and that to roll out your high and elicit more pretty moans.
There's an ocean of spit, cum and drool flooding the sheets and Bakugou's face. Your thighs are absolutely drenched in sweat and sex, but neither of you can bring yourself to care about the mess. Instead, Bakugou focuses his attention on the breathless "thank you, thank you, thank you" you're whimpering, like it's your favourite prayer. It's barely discernible as he overstimulates you to the point of pain, wet fingers sliding out of your pussy to rub against your clit.
"C-Can't," you grit out, thighs quaking and toes curling as he ignores you. "Stop, please, it's too much, I can't— no more—"
Your orgasm bleeds into another, or just stretches out into one extremely long, painful one, but either way, by the time Bakugou slows his ministrations, your body is spent and all you want to do is melt into the bed. You feel like you've taken a tumble down a steep hill, your entire body aching and screaming for sleep. Your legs are numb, though you can feel them twitch every so often against the bedsheets, and your head feels light and hazy, like you've just woken up and haven’t quite escaped sleep's sweet clutches.
Bakugou clearly has different ideas flitting around in his mind as he sits on his knees between your legs, bringing his fingers (that are positively doused in your cum) to his mouth to taste your release. He grins around his fingers, popping them out so you can see them shine with his saliva before they drop to undo his belt buckle.
"There's no time to rest, honey. You didn't thank me for the last orgasm, so you still owe me five more — and there's no way you're getting out of your punishment this time."
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infallicide · 3 years
Dirty Laundry
“But what? But you have so you can't atone? But you have so you deserve nothing?” Sero asks, but Denki knows better than to answer. “In here, right now, you're Denki Kaminari, I'm Hanta Sero, and neither of us have ever made a mistake.” “You'll hate me when you do know.” “I don't care,” Sero pulls him closer, “I don't hate you now.”
NSFW -  Minors dni please!  Relationship: Denki Kaminari x Hanta Sero Words: 3,595 Tags: trans! Denki, vague mentions of cheating, light angst, self deprecation. AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31501247
Tonight wasn't supposed to go this way. Denki sips and grimaces before letting whatever vile liquid is allowed to pass for beer dribble back into the cliché red cup. Or is he grimacing because Shinsou is right there? He's happy to convince himself that it's the beer. It's the music. It's the lights. It's anything but the gaping, unhealing wound in his chest at the sight of Shinsou. He looks like he always does; bored. His hoodie is too big, his jeans, tattered, and his boots scuffed. He's leaning against a wall, either blissfully unaware or willfully ignorant of Denki, and Denki doesn't want to consider which it could be. He wonders now if he should have tried harder. His skinny jeans and sneakers are plain enough, but he's not even sure this big white t-shirt is his.
Before Shinsou can catch him, he weaves through the crowd and finds the closest group of friends he can, though on the way, he puts his solo cup on a random counter. The piss taste still in his mouth is enough to remind him not to drink tonight. By his friends, he can ignore everything. He can lean on Jirou, laugh when they do, maybe even actually talk to them. But at every glance around, Shinsou is in his line of sight, and every time, that wound in his chest wrenches open again, and months of memories, of pining, of “goodnights” will rush back. It's not Shinsou's fault; he didn't know he was flirting. At least, Denki thinks he doesn't know. In an effort to seem absorbed in the conversation, and not key them into his faraway mind, Denki stares at Midoriya as he recites some funny work story. He's absorbed enough that he doesn't notice a body beside him, not until he leans back against the wall as he laughs and it's too late.
Denki swallows a stone.
“Hey,” he replies with a shaky smile.
“Can we...” Shinsou juts his head towards the kitchen. Denki's feet know better than his head that he'll follow this man anywhere. So he does. The kitchen is empty, bright, and best of all, quieter.
Shinsou leans against one counter, hands in his hoodie pocket, one ankle crossed over the other. Denki stands opposite, though without anything for fidgeting, he clings to the counter until his knuckles turn white.
“Are we good?” Shinsou asks, airy and light and perfectly fine.
“Yeah,” Denki replies, breathless. Had he forgotten how to breathe because of this?
“You've just been sorta quiet,” Shinsou shrugs, “I thought maybe I'd done something.”
What, was leading me on not enough?
“No way, man,” Denki smiles bright as a plastic doll, “we're cool.”
And Shinsou believes him.
For a minute, Denki wonders if he could confess. Or if maybe he could just forget it all and they could go back to “goodnights”. But that minute is ruined in a way only Midoriya can manage.
“Hey, guys!” he bobs into the room like he's just run a marathon.
His freckled cheeks are pink, and Denki would say something back, but Midoriya is looking at Shinsou in that way, that same way Denki looks at Shinsou. They share a small smile, one that tells him all he needs to know. When Midoriya takes Shinsou's hand, he really tries to be angry, but in the tiny look Midoriya sends his way, there's only a pleading not to do what Denki did with the last love of Midoriya's life. The two share quiet words with their noses touching and Denki's discomfort is surely obvious. So he does all he can do.
“Gotta pee.”
And he leaves. He runs. Because he's a coward now and he was a coward then and he was a coward then. He takes a shuddering breath and makes for the stairs. Up here, the music still bangs through his feet, but it's not as loud somehow. He glances at the choice of doors and opens one. Bedroom. The next; an office. The third, another bedroom, but- Laughter. Bright bubbling beautiful laughter that makes him freeze. A girl he sort of knows, Mina, and a shock of red hair he definitely knows are on the bed, all with folded legs and a black haired boy he doesn't know. Mina waves, but Kirishima's smile falters when he looks over. Nausea sinks into the pit of his stomach and he waves back at Mina before he steps back.
“Sorry, I was looking for the bathroom,” he squeaks, but Mina stands.
“Nope, me first!” and she runs past him, giggling and smelling of flowers.
The silence in her wake makes Denki's stomach churn further. Kirishima's clenched jaw doesn't help.
“I don't think I know you,” the black haired boy says, seemingly oblivious to the tension.
“M'Denki Kaminari,” he rushes out and the boy lounges onto one elbow
“Sero,” he says simply, but he studies Denki. And Denki knows because he can feel the honey slow dribble of his gaze on every part of him.
He tries to return it, but Denki's never been one for slow and sensual. Sero, however, oozes the idea. He's still laid on his elbow, and the front of his already low buttoned shirt came further apart with the movement. His pants are black and high waisted enough to show off his ankles. In short; he looks good. Denki's throat dries as he takes in the look, and Sero...Sero loves it. His head falls back a little, and his already wide smile widens somehow.
“I'm gonna go get a drink,” Kirishima's voice is devoid of emotion, and the shoulder check as he leaves says everything he does.
As he rubs his shoulder, nausea comes back.
“He's not a fan?” Sero's voice calls him out of his spiral.
“Heh, not really,” Denki laughs as if he doesn't know Sero would hate him too.
“C'mere,” Sero pats the bed beside him, “I don't bite.”
Denki sits on the edge of the bed, his side to Sero, and Sero regards him with another curious look.
“You've got secrets, huh?”
“I mean,” Denki snorts a laugh, a more genuine one, “doesn't everyone?”
Sero shrugs.
“Don't you?”
“Probably,” he says again and shuffles himself so his chin is in his palm and his side is pressed into the bed fully, “does it matter?”
The bile of his own secret's rise in Denki's throat and he swallows it.
“If they're bad, maybe they shouldn't be secrets,” Denki swallows again, “if we're bad, if we've done awful things, shouldn't we warn people?”
“Are you going to do it again?”
“You seem certain you won't make the same mistake,” Sero's head tilts, as if he knows something, as if he knows more about Denki.
“Once was enough,” Denki's voice is quiet.
“Here, you haven't made any,” Sero is brave. He trails his fingertips up Denki's arm like he's done it a million times.
“But what? But you have so you can't atone? But you have so you deserve nothing?” Sero asks, but Denki knows better than to answer.
“In here, right now, you're Denki Kaminari, I'm Hanta Sero, and neither of us have ever made a mistake.”
“You'll hate me when you do know.”
“I don't care,” Sero pulls him closer, “I don't hate you now.”
“You will,” Denki gasps as his legs tangle with Sero's.
“Then let me enjoy you while I don't,” Sero kisses his neck first in soft lines that tickle. Each one steals Denki's breath a little more until he lets out a tiny moan. And that little moan reminds him of all the reasons he shouldn't be here.
He shouldn't be leaning on Sero. He shouldn't be enjoying himself. He shouldn't be-
“I can hear your brain over thinking it,” Sero mumbles before he presses another kiss to Denki's jaw.
“I shouldn't...”
“Is there someone waiting for you?” the words make Denki shudder.
“No,” it's one word but it shakes like a speech.
Sero pushes him but follows the motion, now hovering over Denki. The length of his hair is more obvious here as it hangs down past his cheeks.
“Then we're not breaking any rules,” Sero leans in close, maneuvers his hips so they're slotted between Denki's, and with his forearms against the bed at either side of Denki's head, brushes the blonde back from his forehead, “be mine for a while.”
Sero's lips are soft on his, and Denki's hands card through those silky tresses. It's innocent, really, but the bite in Sero's teeth when he nips at Denki's bottom lip, the slightest grip of his hair, the smallest roll of his hips, it turns it to something else, something lewd. And Denki loses himself in it. For the first time in 6 months, he's not thinking about anything; not his faults, his mistakes, his treachery. But the world around him is not so forgiving.
“Is Kaminari still-”
Kirishima's words die off, and the pair look toward him. His eyebrow raises and he snorts.
“Never takes long, does it?” the bite behind his words is venomous.
“Do you need him for something?” Sero asks, still chest to chest with Denki.
“No, I need to talk to you.”
Denki knows what that means.
“Wait for me outside,” Sero whispers before he pulls away and helps Denki sit up. He shuffles out the door, avoids Kirishima's gaze, and tries to swallow the self hatred when he hears Sero say: “So, what's up?”
That's enough. He walks through the house with his head down, prays for peace, but the moment of reprieve from his self-made torture was too much in the world's eyes.
“The fuck are you doing here?” the snarl in Bakugou's voice makes Denki jump but he just keeps walking, desperate to be away from the noise, the anger, the hate of it all. But Bakugou is only getting started.
“I asked you a question, dunceface,” Bakugou's arm lands across his vision and Denki ducks.
“What, you're still being a pussy about it? Should have fuckin' known,” Bakugou jolts back and suddenly is surrounded by friends who laugh, not at Bakugou, but at Denki. He should hold his tongue, he knows he should.
“It took two, Bakugou.”
Their laughter dies and Denki walks away before he can suffer the consequences of his loud mouth. Somewhere behind him, he hears the shuffle of Bakugou's boots and the hushed words of one of his friends; “he's not worth it.”
No. He's not. The night air is cold enough to sting his throat. It brings tears to his eyes, but they're cast aside with a wipe of his sleeve. He doesn't deserve to cry. He could go now. He could go to his own place, ignore Sero's offer, and instead, cry in bed. It would be better than this constant, sickening reminder.
Sero's voice breaks him out of his pity party.
“For what?”
“We're going to my place, it's like five minutes away,” Sero shrugs, “we don't have to do anything you don't want to, and I promise, I'll get you a cab home. But I still want you to be mine for a little while longer.”
Sero's home is bright and very...green. The walls are pale and the decor natural and it suits him. Sero guides him through with a hand on his lower back, and it's only as the door opens that Denki realises where Sero is leading him.
“You can say “no” any time,” Sero says with a small kiss to Denki's shoulder. In the same breath, he lays on the low bed and holds a hand out to Denki to join him. Denki's mind races with what Kirishima could have admitted on his behalf as he takes Sero's hand.
Would he really be inviting him to bed if he knew? Sero pulls him down until they're tangled and rolls so they're side by side.
“Denki,” Sero breathes out, like he's discovered the name of a mystery song, a beautiful one that plagued him.
He kisses Denki again, softer this time, but without the background noise of the houseparty, his thoughts are so much harder to ignore. At the same time, Sero's curious hands are just as hard to ignore. The rough pads of his fingers tickle the skin of Denki's stomach and he laughs.
“Oh?” Sero smiles, “is that a real laugh?”
His fingers creep higher and now, the tickles are intentional. They shriek and laugh and wiggle around the bed together, until Denki pleads “no more” with tears on his cheeks. They fall beside each other, panting, and for the second time today, Denki's mind is empty. It's pleasant. With his eyes still on the ceiling, he reaches out, shy, as if he hadn't already tasted Sero's lips. He finds Sero's hand and from the corner of his eye, he sees the smile on Sero's face. He fixes his stare on the ceiling again and wills himself to stay here, like this, where it's safe and quiet. The bed moves beside him and Sero's chest presses to his shoulder. He sneaks an arm under Denki's head as his other hand lands on Denki's stomach. The mood shifts; the playfulness turns sultry and thick. Sero's hands are so busy; one toys with Denki's hair, the other dances over his stomach, well past his belly button. His lips press to Denki's ear and he nips at the lobe before he kisses his way down, a little lower, until their lips meet at the same moment his hand cups Denki's crotch. Out of shock and pleasure, Denki gasps, and his hips buck up against Sero's hand, but their kiss steals every sound. It takes a moment for Denki to realise how hard he's clinging to Sero's shirt, hard enough that he's stretching the fabric to the point of bumping it, but Sero says nothing, only traces circles that make Denki moan. Sero pulls back the barest inch.
“You're just the prettiest thing,” he murmurs as his fingers card through Denki's messy hair, “is that okay to say?”
Denki nods, terrified that his words have been stolen in favour of moans and pleas. Sero kisses his cheek as his fingertips press just a little harder and pure pleasure blossoms through Denki's abdomen. Sero kisses where he can, tugs his hair, bites marks that'll bloom by morning, and with every pass of his fingers, steals the breath right from him. He whines when Sero's touch leaves but he's soothed with a quiet “shh, it's just for a second,” as Sero undoes his jeans. With some wiggling and pushing, they're just low enough for Sero's middle finger to slip between Denki's folds.
“Wow,” he whispers – more to himself than to Denki – as he pulls his finger away. A string of glittering slick connects Sero's finger to Denki and if it didn't make Denki's mouth water, he'd die of embarrassment.
“Wow,” he mirrors instead.
Sero's nose against his cheek draws his attention and he turns back toward him. The kiss that meets him is harsh and sloppy as two fingers slip into Denki's cunt.
“M'gonna eat you out until you cry sometime,” Sero growls against his lips between kisses.
Sero is enjoying him. Sero doesn't hate him. And every vile emotion that was quelled by kisses crashes back into Denki's gut.
“Hanta,” he says, breathless, “call me Hanta.”
“Hanta, you...didn't Kirishima tell you?”
Hanta's fingers slip from him and he stands from the bed. But he's not leaving; instead he pulls Denki's shoes off and tugs his jeans and underwear off the rest of the way.
“He didn't tell me anything because I didn't want to know,” he undoes his own jeans and pushes them down, slow enough that it aches.
“I don't care about what you've done,” he steps from the pool of his trousers and nudges Denki's legs wider with his knee, “I only care about what we do.”
Denki watches him with doe eyes, his lungs empty. Until Hanta captures him in another soft kiss.
“Everyone makes mistakes, Denki,” the tip of him presses to Denki's entrance.
“But here, you're a saint,” he presses in, eyes on Denki's.
“And fully intend to worship you,” his elbows rest at either side of Denki's head, they cage him but it's not claustrophobic. It's safe. It's warm and comfortable, and this moment – truly alone and utterly unhindered – is one Denki wants to repeat over and over, until it's all he knows, until his sins are forgotten and his mind is free of them. If Hanta, kind, wonderful, beautiful Hanta, can forgive him, surely he can forgive himself too? The steady rhythm of Hanta's hips and every praise he litters on Denki's skin are enough to make his mind go blank again. And instead of fighting it to confess, he lets his head roll back against the bed and he lets Hanta take him apart, piece by piece, thrust by thrust, until he knows nothing but pleasure. His moans are soft, cutesy almost, and Hanta tells him so.
“You get gruffer during sex, you know,” Denki giggles.
“Oh yeah?” he thrusts hard and Denki's giggles turn to a squeak, “how?”
“You're all growls and all that, before you were just so...restful. Now you're gripping the bedsheets so hard, they'll never sit right again,” Denki giggles again, but it's not genuine. Hanta chuckles, but it's a dark sound, and the tip of his nose tickles the skin of Denki's jaw and along his throat.
“Maybe I should be gripping that pretty throat of yours instead, hmm?” he rumbles and Denki whines.
“You want marks, pretty boy?” Hanta nips at the skin of Denki's throat, and the way his back arches, Hanta takes as a 'yes'. He sucks and bites and savours every piece of skin he can find, though he offers Denki no chance to return it. His whines are louder now and his nails dig into Hanta's shoulders, no doubt leaving marks of their own.
“You're squeezing me so much,” Hanta trails to a groan, “y'gonna cum on me, sunshine? Hmm?”
Denki nods frantically – he just needs that tiny push. And Hanta plays his body as if he's returning to an old passion and grinds his hips in a way that rubs Denki's clit just right. His toes curl and his back arches and he moans Hanta's name as he keeps pressing just where Denki needs until Denki's words die and he gasps for breath behind his arm. At that, Hanta kisses him again.
“I want to see that again,” he pants against Denki's lips, “I want to see that a million times, but God fucking damnit, you looked so good, I can't wait, I'm so close.”
Pretty fingers lace through Hanta's hair as Denki pulls him into another kiss.
“Please, please, please,” he repeats between kisses, “wanna see you cum, you're so good, you're perfect, please.”
It turns to nonsense, and Denki can't believe that it's his incoherent begging that has Hanta pulling out just in time to splash cum up the stomach of Denki's t-shirt with a whine of his name.
They stare at the puddle for a moment before Hanta laughs a little.
“Sorry, got a bit lost in it all,” stands from the bed to move off to Denki's side, and Denki follows on shaking knees.
“S'okay,” the bliss of the moment has passed. Denki can feel the dread of the eventual 'here's your cab fare' in the best case scenario, but as he reaches for his jeans, Hanta's head tilts.
“Do you sleep with jeans on?” he looks like a confused pup.
“Then why are you getting them?”
“T-to leave.”
“You think I don't have intentions of having you for breakfast too?” he grabs Denki's waist and pulls him until the stain of cum before his eyes, “only if you want, that is. I'll give you actual breakfast too!”
He sounds like he's bargaining and Denki laughs. Really, this time.
“I-I don't want to get in the way or assume,” he says quietly with a kiss to Hanta's hair.
“Then let me be clear,” Hanta stands and pulls Denki's shirt up as he does, edges it higher and higher until he's free of it and casts it across the room somewhere, “get into bed with me,” he takes off his own shirt and presses it into Denki's hands, “and in the morning, I'll either make you breakfast, or make you breakfast. Or both.”
He kisses Denki's nose and skirts around him before disappearing out the door. The shirt in his hands is still warm. Denki sheds his binder over to where his jeans should be, and when he slips on the shirt, it smells like Hanta. Not like any cologne or specific scent, just him. He turns in the mirror and admires the way it dances over his thighs. It isn't until Hanta's hands land on his hips that he's taken from the moment.
“Looks good on you,” Hanta kisses the side of his neck and their eyes meet in the mirror.
The gaze is a hungry one first, but in those eyes, Denki can see understanding, kindness, and forgiveness. Hanta pulls him into bed, wraps an arm around him, and kisses the back of his neck for good measure. Hanta would know his secrets. But Denki doesn't doubt that he'll understand them. In the quiet snores, Denki finds himself comfortable and at peace for the first time in a while. All he can do is pray that it lasts.
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Like Lightning After the Thunder: Chapter Two: Reprieve
Fic Summary:
His breath wavered as he stared into Katsuki’s eyes. He knew he could get out if he tried. He could knock Katsuki out, hope that no one else would find them, and run back into the shadows where he belonged. Katsuki may have had him pinned down but he was in Denki’s range now and it would take little effort to send a charge through Katsuki to paralyze him temporarily.
It would take barely any additional effort to kill Katsuki.
As the sparks began to charge, lighting up the air around him, Katsuki refused to back down.
Katsuki always knew he was destined for great things.
He didn’t think he’d have to turn his back on all he’s ever known to get there.
Rating: T
Warnings: Eventual major character death, implied/referenced child abuse, psychological trauma
Other Tags: Bakugou Katsuki/Kaminari Denki, slow burn, alternate universe - canon divergence
Read on Ao3 (links to corresponding chapter) or read below
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Katsuki wasn’t surprised to see one of his former classmates’ face on the news report with the tagline “found dead after hero-villain fight.” 
The reporter gave a rundown of the fight that had happened a few days earlier on the other side of the city, between a small gang of villains and Ochako. The villains themselves weren’t very high ranking― potential to be B-rank if they were more organized as a group, but C-rank individually― but they had managed to cause a decent amount of damage before Ochako had arrived on the scene. The news replayed the footage taken live from the battle, showing Ochako using her quirk on larger pieces of rumble to assist the lower ranked heroes in the area with evacuation as she charged forward towards the villain group herself. 
The footage wasn’t ideal. It was grainy from trying to capture the scene just outside of the limits of its scope and if it weren’t for the pink of Ochako’s hero costume, Katsuki was certain the camera person would not have been able to keep the camera centered on her. The footage continued until Ochako grabbed one of the villains, freezing seconds after the villain began to float. A red circle appeared around the villain’s face along with a mugshot before cutting back to the reporter.
In the aftermath of the fight, that one villain was never found. 
Ochako had been frantic when they had met up after, her gaze thousands of miles in the distance every time Katsuki looked. She denied anything being on her mind despite it being so blatantly obvious that something was, but Katsuki chose not to question it. After all, if she had wanted to talk about it, she wouldn’t have asked to meet him.
The report continued to explain the search procedures that had taken place over the past few days before describing a call on the tip hotline that ultimately resulted in the discovery of the villain’s body. While they didn’t show a photo of the body, Katsuki couldn’t help but wonder just how bad it was for the report to completely skip over the cause of death.
In the end, Katsuki supposed it didn’t matter what caused the villain’s death. Ochako was certain to end up finding a way to blame herself, for not paying better attention during the fight, for not trying hard enough to find the villain after, for being the last person who saw the villain alive. 
Even if she didn’t, there were parts of society that would make sure she would never forget.
Cheeky: can you meet up with me today?
Katsuki: Takeshi’s?
Cheeky: yeah
Cheeky: drinks/dinner on me after if you want
Katsuki: I’ll be there at five. Don’t be late.
Cheeky: got it!
Cheeky: hey wait why are YOU telling ME not to be late when I’M the one who asked YOU to meet me
Katsuki: You know why.
Katsuki was at Takeshi’s gym a quarter before five, reserving their usual space and changing into workout attire before sending Ochako a text to let her know he was already inside. He started his stretches, looking up only when he saw a pair of pink sneakers approach the ring.
“You’re late,” Katsuki said, continuing his stretches. 
“By five minutes!” Ochako dumped her water and towel on the bench next to Katsuki’s, quickly joining him in the stretches. “I was outside before five, waiting for you!”
“I sent you a text saying I was inside.”
“Yeah, like two minutes before five!” She huffed. “I was totally on time.”
“Whatever. Hurry the fuck up.”
They continued preparing in silence, speaking again only to confirm that the other was ready to start. This time, only a couple of the guests flinched when Katsuki charged forward at Ochako yelling out “die!”
After the fifth time a hit landed that Ochako would have normally been able to block with ease, Katsuki stood down. Her form had been lacking for the better part of the past hour, and there were a few times that her blows hadn’t hit with the full force Katsuki was familiar with. She didn’t even react to Katsuki’s change in form until Katsuki had walked over to the bench for his water.
“Wh― hey! What gives?” She frowned but joined him for a water break when he didn’t return to the ring right away.
“Don’t insult me,” Katsuki rolled his eyes at the shock on her face, “You’re distracted. What kind of fucking spar is worth the time when your opponent isn’t giving their all?”
“I’m focused on the spar! I’m totally and completely here! I wasn’t insulting you but I am now, you’re just saying that because of your enormous ego,” 
Katsuki paused, looking at her directly in her eyes. She didn’t flinch.
But the longer he held his gaze, the more Katsuki could tell that she was holding back.
“First,” He began, “Don’t be cheeky with me―”
“Well maybe I wouldn’t be so cheeky with you if you didn’t call me cheeky all the time!”
Katsuki held back an amused smile.
“Second,” He continued, “I hit you five different times in ways that you should have been able to block with your eyes closed.”
“Is that supposed to be an insult or a compliment, because what I’m hearing is that you think I could fight you with my eyes closed.”
“Insult. You didn’t fucking block the hits, dumbass.”
Ochako huffed, crossing her arms. “Whatever. I’m going to focus on the compliment part of it.”
“Third, you didn’t even notice I walked away until after I reached the bench.”
“I― I was expecting you to come back! That it was some sort of trick to get me to lower my guard or something!”
“And fourth, you speak faster when you lie.” He let Ochako stammer for a while in response, continuing when her shoulders slumped with a heavy sigh. “You sure this is the break you need? I don’t mind wiping the fucking floor with you if that’s what you want but you better respect my time back and fucking fight me with your all,” He shifted his weight a bit before adding hesitantly, “I can try to listen if you want to talk instead but that’s not really my thing,”
Ochako didn’t answer immediately, instead taking a drink of her water. Katsuki waited as patiently as he could, although he did offer her a glare to try to speed up her thought process. 
She put her water back down and hit her knuckles together, briefly reminding Katsuki of Eijirou. “Okay! One more round. I need to redeem myself before we leave for drinks,”
Katsuki grinned, shoving her lightly with his shoulder as he walked back towards the ring. “Whatever you say, Cheeky. You’re still going to fucking lose.”
“I’ll make you eat your words, Katsuki!”
She did not, but not for lack of trying. Ochako actually paid full attention to the spar after the interruption and while Katsuki still had the upper hand on brute strength, she was nimbler and lighter on her feet. Katsuki was fairly certain that had the shift manager not interrupted to tell them that their time was up that Ochako was only a handful of moves away from finding some “barely legal in a spar between friends but completely legal in a rules free battle against a villain” opening and winning the round. While technically neither of them had won, he did agree—after some teasing and pestering— to counting it as her point in their ongoing scoreboard, adding, “But if you want me to count it as eating my words, you’ll have to fucking try again.”
Ochako seemed to be in a brighter mood when they met up again post-changing in front of Takeshi’s. She bumped shoulders with Katsuki as he approached and began chattering about work and her day as they made their way over to the restaurant they usually ate at after sparring sessions. He didn’t offer much other than the occasional “yeah” and swear when her story necessitated it, but she didn’t seem to mind. She spared him from talking until after they were already seated and ordered their food and drinks. 
“Oh yeah! I heard from Tenya that you finally sent in your response to the reunion! Do you know when you’re heading down to Musutafu yet? We should get on the same train so that the ride isn’t as boring— well, kinda, since you’ll probably not be talking,”
“Shut the fuck up, I can talk when I want to,” Katsuki scowled, rolling his eyes when all it resulted in was a laugh from Ochako. “I haven’t looked at the train schedule yet. The Shitty Four Eyes approved for both the 28th and 29th off though.”
“Nice! Well, when you figure out when you want to head down, let me know and I’ll be your Anti-Explosion Time buddy for the ride down,” 
“Oh fuck off.”
Ochako laughed again. Katsuki hoped this would be the extent of the reunion talk but she continued, “It’ll be great to see the entire class again, don’t you think?”
“You make it sound like we never fucking see anyone. I literally saw you a few fucking days ago and you spend half your weekends with Frog Face or Four Eyes or the fucking Nerd or whoever the fuck,” Katsuki pointed out. “We see basically everyone at the Billboards too,”
“Don’t be such a bore, Katsuki. Reunions are different from the Billboards. We don’t have to deal with those ‘damn extras’ at the reunion,” She put on her best Katsuki impression at “damn extras,” extending her palms outwards and adding a playful “Boom! Pow!” 
“I don’t fucking sound like that.”
“Yes you do. I’m the great Katsuki Bakugou! Die you fucking piece of shit! Boom! Bam! You fucking extra! Bow before the king! Boomboom!”
Katsuki let the faintest hint of a smile slip. “I have never said ‘bow before the king,’”
“Oh come on Katsuki, you tried to name yourself King Explosion Murder, don’t deny it. Even if you’ve never said it, you’ve definitely thought about it.”
He scowled, muttering a “fuck off”, refusing to acknowledge that yes, yes he had thought about saying it once or twice.
“So you admit that I’m right!”
“Fuck off, I said no such fucking thing.”
“You didn’t say ‘no’ either though.”
“I’m demoting you to a fucking extra, you shitty fucking extra.”
Katsuki was given a brief break from any potential cheeky response from Ochako when the server stepped in with their drinks. They raised their glasses, a silent toast to making it another day alive, to making it as far as they had come, to their friendship.
To the silent understanding that there were some struggles that were best left unshared.
He didn’t press further about whatever it was that was stressing her out, even if he had a strong feeling about what caused it. She didn’t comment on the circles under his eyes or how his mind seemed to wander after she brought up certain high school memories. They talked, ignoring their stressors, and for a while, they could pretend everything was fine.
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yaimlight · 4 years
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Part 3 - No
Rating: older teen (swearing and mild sex references)
Pairings: Bakugou Katsuki x female reader / Todoroki Shoto x female reader / Bakugou Katsuki x female reader x Todoroki Shoto
A/N: part of the Twos Company series but can be read on own. Rest of series can be found on AO3 here.
Part 1
Part 2
“Happy Valentine’s Day!” you exclaimed loudly as you flung the door open, arms thrown wide and beaming. Shinso looked up from his book, his tired eyes narrowed and a bored look on his face. He rolled his eyes, huffing at you and then turned his attention back to what he was reading. Laughing you closed the door behind you, kicking your shoes off before making your way over to the bed.
He didn’t even look up at you as you climbed onto his bed, eyes fixed on the book in his hands. “Shinso,” you said teasingly, slowly crawling up towards him. His eyes briefly darted up to you before going back to his book. Smirking you crawled over him, settling over his lap and plucked the book from his hands. Huffing he finally looked up at you, folding his arms over his chest. “I was reading that,” he said flatly but you could see his lips curling up into a small smile.
“Well that’s just boring” you said dismissively, not even looking at the book as you closed it and dropped it onto the floor. His small smile fell back into a frown and you knew he was about to have a scold you so you got there first, shuffling back onto his thighs. “I have something much better,” you shoved your hand into your jacket pocket, letting out a triumphant cry as you pulled the lollipop out. You held the heart shaped sweet out to him, ‘be mine’ printed on the front of the glossy red lolly. He looked at it in utter disgust, arms remaining folded and refusing to move. “It’s a thank you, for getting rid of all those letters for me before Katsuki and Shoto got to class this morning,” you stated, wiggling the lolly at him in an attempt to get him to take it.
He had been a reluctant coconspirator this morning, getting rid of all the confession letters and cheap nasty chocolates before your class had arrived, leaving your boxes behind instead. He had bitched and moaned about the whole thing, trying to get you to do it yourself but you had wanted to spend the morning with the two other boys. Plus you had wanted to see the looks on their faces when they realised they didn’t have all the gaudy crap cluttering their desks like they normally would. You hadn’t been counting on there being more idiots trying to confess throughout the day and there had been a slight wobble, well more a cataclysm at how you had handled that situation but thankfully it was all smoothed out, all parties happy again.
You sat on his thighs, spinning the lolly between your fingers and smiling brightly, waiting for him to take it and finally he gave in. Huffing he snatched the sweet off you, unwrapping it quickly and shoving it into his mouth. Beaming you darted forward, placing a quick kiss on his bulging cheek before rolling off of him and flopping down onto the bed. He huffed at you, sucking noisily on the lollipop as you made yourself comfortable on you back, arms folded behind your head. “Honestly Shinso, thank you,” you spoke earnestly, tilting your head so you could look up at him.
“It’s fine,” he mumbled around the sweet though he still managed to sound just as grumpy. Smiling you let your eyes close, letting the gentle quiet and calm wash over you. Today had been annoyingly exhausting and you were happy for the reprieve, letting everything fade apart from the gentle hum of Shinso’s quirk. It was familiar and calming and didn’t inspire the same sort of hunger as Shoto and Katsuki’s did.
“I can’t believe how much shit those two idiots got though,” Shinso grumbled around the lollipop. Suddenly alert you pushed yourself up onto your elbows, eyes snapping open as you turned to look up at him in excitement and hope. “Did you keep them?” He frowned down at you, lips pursed but you just grinned back at him, barely keeping your excitement contained. Sighting he pulled the lolly from his lips and used it to gesture toward his desk. “Over there,” he sighed but you were moving before he had even finished talking. He let out a pained groan as you clambered over him, your knee digging into his stomach and nails catching on his chest but you didn’t stop to apologise.
How you had missed the stack of vibrant envelopes was beyond you but now that you had it in your sights you couldn’t see anything else. You practically flung yourself into his desk chair, snatching a hot pink envelope off the top. You were vaguely aware of Shinso grumbling as he pushed himself round to sit on the edge of the bed but he was not your priority right now. You quickly ripped the envelope open, glancing at the front only long enough to see Shoto’s name before you cast it aside and fumbled open the letter. The sickly sweet smell of roses filled the air, the cheap perfume filling your senses.
Ever since Ashido had brought up how bad last year’s Valentine’s Day had been you had been obsessing over these, desperate to see if they really were as bad as the others had lead you to believe. As your eyes darted across the page you were not disappointed. “Oh my god” you gasped, your voice shaking as you tried not to laugh. Clearing your throat, you sat up a little straighter and proceeded to read the poem out in a clear and melodic voice. “I think I was searching for treasures or stones in the clearest of pools when your face…when your face, like the moon in a well where I might wish…might well wish for the iced fire of your kiss; only on water my lips, where your face…where your face was reflected, lovely, not really there when I turned to look behind at the emptying air…the emptying air*”.
Letting the last word trailed off you finally looked up at Shinso, raising an eyebrow at him as you smirked. His face was scrunched up in a look of disgust. “Was that for Todoroki?” he asked, the judgment clear in his tone. Scoffing you held you hand over his small bin and set the thing up in flames, letting the ashes fall into the bin. “What gave it away?” you said sarcastically. It was well written and you got the sense that whoever had sent it wanted to convey a sense of longing but you also thought that the only reason they had picked it was because it mentioned both fire and ice. “Well at least it made some sort of sense,” Shinso mumbled before sticking the lolly back in his mouth and leaned back on his hands, legs splayed wide.
Snorting you went back to the pile, taking the next one off the top. This one was a soft pink, Katsuki’s name across the front. The letter you pulled out was heart shaped, the same shade of pink as the envelope and the writing in a glittering silver. It looked like something Katsuki would hate, blowing it up before he even looked at it and complaining the whole time. You were expecting it to be just as cringe as the last one but as your eyes flicked over one line to the next you found yourself smiling.
“What?” Shinso mumbled but you didn’t answer him, just looking up at him with a grin and holding out the letter towards him. Huffing he reluctantly pushed up off the bed and trudged over to you, hand held out for the letter. He slumped against the desk and snatched it from your hand. “Whose it for?” he mumbled around the lolly. “Katsuki,” you couldn’t keep the amusement out of you voice, eagerly waiting for his reaction and to your delight he actually read it out loud, his tired and deep voice muffled around the lolly still in his mouth. “Roses are red, and they are thorny. How ‘bout some head, cause you make me horny”.
The look of absolute horror on Shinso’s face had you laughing, your sides aching from it. “That’s disgusting,” he grumbled, going to throw it in the bin but you quickly moved forward, snatching it out of his hands. “No it’s amazing. Do you think they want to suck Katsuki’s dick or want him to suck theirs?” You asked as you reread through the short but amusing poem. “Oh god I do not need that image,” Shinso looked sick, one arm wrapped around his stomach and the other rubbing at his temples as he glared at you, as if this was all your fault. Well you suppose in a way it was but regardless of if he had taken the Valentine’s cards or not he still would have heard about them. Especially this one.
Shrugging you folded the letter back up, put it back in its envelope and tucking it into your jacket pocket. “Why are you keeping that?” he hissed in disbelief, looking down at you like you had gone crazy and in all honesty he wasn’t far off. “I’m going to tape it to Katsuki’s door,” you grinned up at him, eyes alight with mischief. Katsuki was bound to be flustered and angry and if anyone other than Shoto found it first he would have to spend all day with his friends teasing him. He would be angry, frustrated and defensive. It would be a perfect opportunity for you to be crude and teasing just to see that perfectly delectable blush on his cheeks. You could already feel how much amusement you were going to get out of it. “I thought you were supposed to like him”. You ignored his snarky comment, instead grabbing another letter and shoving it at him. He huffed as he took it off you but he still opened it.
The two of you spent the next twenty minutes reading through the letters, you taking great pleasure in setting them alight. Some of them were truly awful, not even rhyming and sickly sweet. You and Shinso would share the occasional one that you knew would make the other laugh or feel sick. Most of them were harmless, just girls and a surprising amount of guys gushing generic words of love but there were the odd few that were just a little worrying. One of them went into great detail about Katsuki’s chest and how his muscles glistened with sweat whilst another described how pretty Shoto looked whilst training. You didn’t like it one bit and you made a mental note to pay more attention to the people who hung around the two up and coming heroes whilst they were training.
“Listen to this” Shinso called, snapping your attention back to him and away from your plots of how to get rid of the other boy’s stalkers. At some point he had gone back to his bed, lounging across it with a stack of letters next to him, read ones discarded on the floor. He was sat up now though, a small smirk on his lips and instantly you were suspicious of what would have him looking so happy. He cleared his throat, his voice low and clear and his smile getting bigger with every word he spoke. “I watch from afar, your burning light calling to me like a flame calls a moth to its demise, but you do not see me for your heart beats for another. You can’t see how she hurts you so, her cruel intentions hidden behind her charming smile. You follow her blindly even though she so openly flaunts another’s affection before you. If you were mine I would cherish you like the shinning diamond you are. My devotion to you would know no bounds, my love a constant amongst the chaos but you do not see me, my love cast in shadows as she breaks your heart once more. So I watch from afar, craving your light as you follow blindly, the girl who would see you fall”.
The room feel into silence.
Shinso was grinning madly now and all you could do was stare at him dumbly with your mouth hanging open, the letter you had been holding falling to the floor forgotten. “The actual fuck,” you mumbled in disbelief. “Seems someone thinks you’re a bit of a bitch,” he teased, clearly amused at your dumbfounded expression. “I mean they’re not wrong”. Narrowing your eyes you huffed, crossing your arms over your chest and slumping back into the chair. “That’s rich coming from you,” you grumbled. Where the hell did these people get off? Making assumptions like that, treating you like trash to make themselves seem better. Suddenly all the humour you had found in reading the love confessions was gone, leaving a bitter and sour taste in your mouth and all you wanted was to set the whole lot on fire.
Shinso laughed at you once more, his smirk easing into a teasing smile and he chucked the letter onto the pile of discarded letters on his floor. “You can’t really blame people for thinking your stringing them both along though. Considering how you are with them,” he said offhandedly but his words made something twist in your chest. Was that really what it seemed like? Did people think you were leading them on for what, fun? Because you could? Did Katsuki and Shoto feel the same way?
It wasn’t your intention to make it seem like that, it’s just that you liked them both and it had all just kind of happened. It had never occurred to you before now that what you were doing could be considered cruel and the thought left you feeling sick, guilt twisting in your gut and making you second guess everything you had done today. Shoto knew it was you that had sent the chocolates but would he think they were just another meaningless flirtation? “I’m not stringing them along,” you mumbled, frowning sadly down at your socked feet. Your purposely mismatched socks that Momo had gifted you for Christmas, one to look like Katsuki’s hero costume and the other to look like Shoto’s. You had thought your feeling had been obvious, your genuine affection for the two would be heroes clear for everyone to see but apparently not.
Shinso sighed, the bed creaking as he shifted. The atmosphere had changed, the light and teasing air of things becoming serious and honestly a little bleak. And you had been having such a good day. “You know all this could be avoided if you just asked one of them out”. Your eyes went wide, head snapping up at Shinso’s exasperated words. He was frowning at you, tired eyes filled with a mix of emotions that you didn’t really care for. “No,” you growled out angrily, narrowing your own eyes as you glared at him. “Why?” he snapped, arms crossed over his chest.
This wasn’t the first time the two of you had had this conversation. Not even the first time this week. Things would be so much easier if you were the one to do the asking, to put aside the flirting and teasing and take the initiative. You could just pull one of them aside and say ‘go on a date with me’ and they would say yes. Hell you could probably get away with just telling them you were dating now but there was one important thing you would have to do before that and that was an impossible thing to do. Because for you to ask one of them out you would have to choose witch one you wanted to go out with the most and you couldn’t do that because you simply didn’t want one of them more than the other one.
It had been bad enough having to suffer through that broken look on Katsuki’s face when you had had to turn down spending New Years with him. You didn’t think you could stomach how he would look if you chose Shoto over him. Nor the look on Shoto’s face if you bushed him aside for the angry blonde. It wasn’t lost on you how lucky you were that the normally distant and oblivious teens had taken an interest in you, Ashido having told you that most people had given up trying to date them as they were so oblivious or against it. So you knew that for them to act the way do with you was nothing more than a small miracle but it also left you spoiled. You had spent so long without people touching you that now you had two people who seemed to crave it as much as you did it left you desperate, so enamoured with both of them that you couldn’t bring yourself to choose between the two.
Oh god this was hopeless.
Deciding to try and deflect Shinso’s questions you sighed dramatically, looking down your nose at him and levelling him with an unimpressed look. “That’s not how these things work Shinso. The guy asks the girl out not the other way round,” you said condescendingly, waving your hand between the two of you as you spoke. He arched an eyebrow at you, arms still crossed over his chest and making his arm muscles seem even bigger as they strained against the short sleeves of his t-shirt.
He really was good looking and not for the first time you thought about how much easier things would have been if you had fallen for him instead of Katsuki and Shoto. He knew everything there was to know about you and accepted it, despite all the horrors you had been wrapped up in over the years. “And it has nothing to do with the fact that if one of them actually grows a pair of balls and asks you out then you don’t have to make the decision of witch one to hurt”. You physically flinched at his words, his knowing and chiding tone making you feel guilty for trying to hide the truth.
Perhaps he knew you to well at this point, able to call you out on all your bullshit. Sighing you slumped back into the chair, arm flung over the back rest and legs dangling over the arm. “Exactly” you mumbled as you tipped your head back, flinging your other arm over your eyes in a childish attempt to block everything else out.
There had to be an easier way to do this that didn’t involve you having to choose between the two of them. You were running out of time. Finals were literally days away and you barely had a month before everyone graduated and you were shipped off to the next safe house. You scoffed at that. Safe house was putting it lightly. Where you were going was a newly built high security underground prison designed to be completely impenetrable and for the worst of the worst. This thing hidden so far out in the wilds of Alaska that no matter how hard people looked they would never find you.
You had a handful of weeks before your time ran out and you lost your chance forever.
Shinso huffed, the muffled sounds of him moving around and muttering to himself bringing a small smile to your lips. You would miss this when you were gone and it was a shame that you hadn’t gotten to spend as much time with him as you had hoped to, what with Katsuki practically frothing at the mouth every time he was so much as brought up in conversation let alone you brought him with you when you spent time with the blonde. You got that he was jealous but you couldn’t really see the problem he had with Shinso. Sure he could be rude and loved nothing more than to get under Katsuki’s skin but couldn’t he see that you were just friends?
Like a lightbulb going off you found your answer and you jolted up, startling Shinso with you sudden action. You smiled widely at him, eyes alight as you leaned forward. “What?” he asked hesitantly, eyeing you suspiciously. “Katsuki absolutely hates you and Shoto can only just about stand you,” you exclaimed, practically bouncing with excitement. His hesitance vanished, eyes narrowing and lips twisted into a frown. “Is this going somewhere?”
You pushed up and out of the chair, almost tripping over your own feet in your deprecation to get to him. You threw yourself at him, his tired eyes widening in panic as his arms shot out to grab hold of you. The two of you went tumbling back, Shinso ending up sprawled across his bed and you practically laying on top of him. You pushed yourself up onto your hands and knees, hovering over him and still grinning a little manically. “If they thought that you and I were going on a date it might encourage them to actually do something”.
You shifted your weight onto one hand, quickly tapping him on the end of the nose. It was a brilliant idea and you couldn’t believe you hadn’t thought of it before. It was probably wrong to deceive them like that but desperate times call for desperate measures and you were truly desperate at this point.
“No. Absolutely not,” he snapped, hands gripping at you tightly as he shoved you off of him and onto the bed before he stood, shoving a hand through his already messy hair and going to walk away from you. Groaning you sat up, hands darting out to grab at his arm and keeping him in place. “Shinso please. I haven’t got long left before I get shipped off to fucking Alaska. Please for me?” you begged him, eyes wide and pleading even though he wasn’t looking at you. It was a low blow, reminding him of your impending return to prison but you knew he wanted you to have memories to take back with you and though he was against it he would give in to you. Just like every time before.
Groaning he lifted a hand to his face, rubbing it over his eyes. The room fell into silence as you waited for his answer. You could feel the hum of his quick under your hand, almost pulsing like another heartbeat. It was slow and steady and strong, tempting and familiar though not in the way Katsuki’s and Shoto’s were. Your hunger for their power would probably never leave you but after having them at your disposal almost every day since you had arrived it had become less all consuming. Shinso’s was still some sort of comfort though and you would miss his gentle purple glow and the open ease in which he let you touch him.
“Fine but you owe me” he sighed, the tension in his shoulders easing as his hand fell and he turned to look at you with a sad almost smile. “Anything,” you promised and you were not surprised to realise you meant it. Shinso could ask you to move mountains and topple empires and you would, just so he knew how much you appreciate him and everything he had done for you in the last year.
Huffing out in laughter Shinso returned to the bed, slipping his arm from your as he went. He sat back against the headboard, arm slung over it and looking at you expectantly. Smiling softly you crawled up the bed, slotting against his side and wrapping an arm around his middle. His own arm draped across your shoulders, pulling you closer and you went willingly, soaking in as much of the physical contact you could get before you went god knows how long without it.
You fell into silence again, Shinso absentmindedly playing with your hair. At some point he had retrieved his book from the floor, holding it in one hand and using his fingers to awkwardly flip the pages. It was nice, relaxing even and you were content to stay there for a while. “So is there a plan for this or you just want me to go taunt your little guard dogs into action,” Shinso’s casual tone threw you, having thought you were done talking for now.
Tipping your head back you were surprised to find him already looking down at you. Nervously your eyes darted off to the side and to the now rather small stack of envelopes on his desk. As much as the idea of Shinso just storming up to you whilst you were with the other two teens seemed funny it was also a sure fire way for him to end up with a broken nose and either frost bite or third degree burns. Plus you didn’t want him to actually ask you out, you just wanted the hint of it. Wanted Katsuki and Shoto jealous and panicked enough to act quickly and without giving it to much thought.
Sighing you turned back to him, patting him gently on the chest and giving him your best look of fond exasperation. “I think we can be a little more subtle then that”. He huffed out a little laugh, lips curling up into a rare soft smile. Not as rare as either Katsuki’s or Shoto’s but still infrequent enough that you would cherish it for years to come. “No pink unicorns and picnics on the moon then,” he teased, his words startling your own huff of laughter out of you. “Unfortunately no,” you smiled, turning your gaze away from him and looking down at the book that now lay open and forgotten on his lap. Your eyes darted across the page, taking in the small snippet of story and you recognise it for what it is, a bloody and gruesome tale designed to leave the reader not only horrified and scared but haunted by the possibilities of what lurked in the dark.
If it was nightmares he was after you could give him that, no fiction needed just the story of how you had come to be here at U.A. It wouldn’t be much of a tale, no happy ending to speak of. Just a small glimmer of hope before bleak despair took over. Max would scream until he was red in face if you told Shinso everything, he was already angry enough when he found out how much the perpetually tired teen knew but there had been no point lying after he had forced the first truth from your lips and the subsequent beat down he had received afterwards.
Sighing you glanced at the clock that sat on his bedside table, the neon red numbers glowing brightly. “I should go,” you mumbled, reluctantly pushing away from Shinso’s warmth and shuffling off the bed. You had been due in Evans’ office almost an hour ago now and he would only give you so much time before he went looking for you. Normally you wouldn’t care but you had told Shoto where you were going and he and Katsuki would be the first people Evans went to, not even bothering to turn your tracker on and just assuming you would be with them like always.
Shinso didn’t say anything but you could feel his eyes on you as you headed towards the door, shoving your shoes back on with a pout. He seemed to sense the shift in your mood, something that was getting more frequent the closer the end of the school year got and thankfully he allowed you the time to gather your wits before heading off to the mandatory meeting with Evans’. Things had been rather tense between you and the detective since Christmas and you were not looking forward to another hour or so of the awkward and stilted small talk that would proceed him telling you what you really wanted to know.
Your father hand been spotted in South Korea not even a week ago, rather brazenly actually, even smiling at the security camera before leaving the bank he had just robbed. He wanted you to know he was coming for you, was dragging it out as probably some kind of punishment, leaving a trail of breadcrumbs behind just so you could see as he got closer and closer. It was worrying everyone, even the teachers were tense and on edge. Plans had been brought forward in reaction to his ever tightening grasp, your departure for Alaska now set to happen whilst the graduation ceremony took place instead of afterwards like it had been planned originally.
You, the detective and a select few heroes would slip out amongst the commotion and fan fair, using the whole thing as a diversion. It would be a shame you wouldn’t get to say goodbye, wouldn’t get to see your friends happy faces as they transition from heroes in training to actual licensed and fully qualified heroes but it was probably for the best. If you actually had to say goodbye to Katsuki and Shoto you didn’t think you would make it, braking down before the words even made it past your lips.
Shinso opened the door for you, leaning against the frame with his arms crossed and watching you intently as if he was looking for some sign that you were about to break and he would have to catch the pieces. Turning you offered him a smile, trying to make it as wide and playful as you could muster. “Lunch tomorrow?” you wiggled an eyebrow at him, tongue pocking out from between your lips. He huffed in amusement rolling his eyes at you but he was smiling softly again so you counted it as a win.
His smile turned into something wicked and you groaned at his next words, “sure you can help me cram for finals”. That was the last thing on your mind right now. Even if you did have to take the stupid tests, they didn’t change anything for you and at this point it all seemed like a gigantic waist of everyone’s time but not for Shinso, so if he wanted help you would give it to him but you wouldn’t be happy about it. “Fine but I will do it reluctantly with a lot of complaining and a fair amount of inappropriate comments” you grumbled, crossing your arms over your chest and giving him a pointed look. “So no different to normal then”.
You stuck your tongue out at him, his laughter low and rumbling. The whole exchanged had lifted your spirits slightly and with a mumbled “night” you blew him a kiss and headed on your way, the gentle click of his door closing sounding before you had even made it to the end of the corridor.
The common room was full as you made your way through, people turning and calling out greetings as you passed and you made sure to smile back brightly, wishing them all good night as you went. Class B had gotten used to you coming and going months ago and they hardly payed you any attention now when you came breezing in like you lived there. You were lucky Vlad King didn’t kick you out on your ass every time he caught you despite how often he told you off for disappearing into Shinso’s room for hours at a time. The only reason you could think you got away with it was because they all knew that you and Shinso weren’t doing anything other than studying or sleeping. Well not sleeping in Shinso’s case.
The night was cool as you stepped outside, the sun already on its way to setting. Sighing you contemplated just saying fuck it and head back to the dorms and barge your way in to whatever Katsuki or Shoto were up to but Evans would just come looking and ruin all your fun. As if on queue your phone dinged loudly, signalling at text and you quickly retrieved it, already knowing who it was from and sure enough the detectives name was showing in a little text bubble. You huffed at his words, the threat of having only five minutes to show yourself before he went looking for you a real one that you had ignored many times before and had ended up almost being dragged to his office. You sent him a quick text, telling him you were coming before shoving the phone back into your pocket.
You shot your dorm a longing look as you hurried past, eyes darting up to where you knew Shoto’s room to be and finding the light on. You wondered if he had told Katsuki yet that you had been the one to gift them the chocolates or if he had kept that little bit of information to himself? Either way it didn’t really matter, you didn’t think it would make either of them suddenly want to ask you out. You could only hope that whatever you and Shinso ended up doing worked.
You had never been on a date before and rather liked the idea of your first one being with either Katsuki or Shoto. It would be a good memory to take with you when you left. You could only hope that it would end up being a good memory for them as well.
*Echo by Carol Ann Duffy
25 notes · View notes
cutesuki--bakugou · 5 years
My Queen
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Hi, yes, I’ve basically written an entire fic here because I literally couldn’t help myself.  For real, I probably could have easily made this into a whole multi chapter fic but... ah well. ╮(╯∀╰)╭
Thank you so much for the request, I had fun and I hope you like it!
Words: 4760 Rating: Explicit
BTW, please blacklist the tag cutesuki-lemons if you do not want to see this content from my blog. I will no longer be tagging with specific keywords for this type of content.Thank you~
Due to the nature of this post, the characters are 18+
Under the cut~
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Bakugou let out a heavy sigh as he stood, the cold air fogging up his breath and blocking field of vision for a moment. He wasn’t cold, but he could tell the human woman that laid near him was. She was trembling so violently that he could have sworn he could hear her teeth clattering, even though she continuously denied anything. He wasn’t sure why, as he had lived with her long enough to know exactly what she was thinking without her having to say a single word. “Just tell me what the hell is wrong with you so I can deal with it, you stupid human. Your teeth chattering is so damn annoying.”
Looking up at him, the woman pulled the fur blanket around her body tighter, the pink flushing of her cheeks giving away her embarrassment at being caught. “I-I apologize, My Lord, I’m just… A little cold. It’s the first snow of the year, so I suppose I’m still not quite used to it.”
“Odd, considering you’re from the North.” Bakugou took a second to secure a blade to his hip and shrug on his red cape, ignoring the tickling of the fur around his ears. “Don’t you have worse winters than this?”
“Yes, there are, but after being down here where it’s so warm all the time it’s… difficult to get used to again. I’m sorry for being a nuisance, but… would you be willing to get some warmer bedding?”
“That’s where I’m going. If you freeze to death, then your entire time and purpose here would be all for nothing.” His crimson glare locked onto her, able to see her so clearly in the darkness. She was so beautiful, flushed and looking up at him with innocent interest. He wanted to be the one to crawl into bed with her, to hold her body close and warm her himself, but he could not. Growing frustrated, he left the confines of his temporary home, trudging through the snow to the supply depot at the far end of the camp. Many people in his way bowed and greeted him as their leader, but he paid little to no attention to any of them.
Bakugou’s mind was elsewhere. More specifically, it was on the woman he had left in his home. Nearly a year she had been with him now, and things seemed to be turning in his favor. One of the many princesses from a large territory in the North, she had been chosen by both him and her family to be his, well… just his. Bakugou had many women at his disposal back in his fortress, all awaiting for him to return from his journey to retrieve this new woman. It was a long one, all the way across the continent both by foot and in the skies atop dragons. Bakugou would never make such a long trip just to get another woman merely for pleasure, however.
She was much more important than that. Having admired her from childhood, the young lord had been promised a princess from this territory back then, and when the time came, he chose her. The woman had fought it at first, as expected, refusing to go with him. They may had been friends as children, but she had grown to hate who he had become. A ruthless warrior, conquering lands, killing and doing whatever he pleased with his power. Being half dragon had an affect on him, filling him with a nearly unquenchable rage and lust for power that he couldn’t subside.
That was why she was here. She was his piece of the Northern lands that he couldn’t obtain through war, giving him both peace and control over a decently sized piece of territory. All he had to do now was gain her affections. There were many times along this journey that he had tried to court her, only to be rejected over and over again. He knew that she was pure, that everything he wanted was new and frightening to her. Still, no matter how badly he wanted her, his honor kept him grounded. He refused to force himself on her. He may be rude, brash, and just a brute in general, but to a woman than he truthfully had deep affections for, he would never do anything to harm her.
Sure, he had to keep her under constant supervision at first so she wouldn’t flee, and even had to keep her tethered to a chain, but that was no more. It seemed that, by now, she realized that he wasn’t going to treat her like a pile of useless trash. He took care of her, as he had always planned to, though adjusting to each other's personalities was a different matter. She was more on the shy, timid side, though there were times when she could easily snap back at him with a witty comment that would surprise him. She seemed to be able to handle his brash personality well enough, and just her presence was enough to calm him, so it was very rare that he lost his patience with her.
In truth, Bakugou just wanted her to love him, to be his wife without any sense of resentment or unhappiness. That’s why he was willing to wait for her to adjust, to be comfortable with him enough to want him as he did her. Perhaps tonight, with the chill that permeated the usually tropical forests they resided in, he would make a bit of progress. She had looked at him with such an intense interest before he left, with a soft and almost lustful look in her eye. He probably just imagined it, spurred on by his own thoughts of wanting to kiss those soft and delicate lips.
So lost in his own thoughts, Bakugou hadn’t even noticed he was home again until he found himself having to shuffle the pelts and blankets to his other arm to open up the flap of their large, multi roomed tent that made up their temporary home. With the weather that had settled in, they were grounded until the upcoming blizzard cleared, not wanting to fly with the high winds. It had been a couple of days at this point with no hint of reprieve, but it wasn’t like he minded all that much. He liked it, in fact, as he gave him time alone with his woman to… bond? That seemed like the right word, at least.
Stopping at the entrance, Bakugou listening for a moment, finding that he could hear nothing but the wind outside. But, he could smell her, which told him she was still inside, waiting his return in the back room. Something seemed… different. Her scent was stronger, his heightened senses from his bloodline able to pick up even the slightest changes in his environment.
Being experienced with women told him exactly what it was. It was the scent of arousal, one which he had been able to pick up on from her many times in the last few weeks. The most recent was just a few days ago, when he had taken her hand to help her stand, and he could have sworn he could smell it on her fingers. Is that what her intense gaze had been about? Had she wanted him to leave so she could pleasure herself?
Curious, he quietly walked closer to the entrance of the backroom, having to hold his breath as the scent began to overwhelm him. It was paired with soft gasps and sighs of pleasure, which instantly brought an intense heat to Bakugou’s chest. It flared through his cheeks and burned the tips of his ears, clutching tightly onto the pelts in his grasp as he tried to control the urge to barge in there. Although it was turning him on like nothing he had ever experienced, he couldn’t help but be a bit annoyed. All this time he had tried to court her, to pleasure her in any way possible, and she had shut herself off ever time. Yet here she was, touching herself while he was away.
It was odd, though, that she would choose to do such a thing when he would only be gone a few minutes. Out hunting when he would be gone for hours? Sure, he could see that. But this wasn’t a situation where she should have felt safe enough to get away with it without being caught. Maybe that’s what she wanted? Maybe she wanted to be caught, to be put into such a predicament that would lead them to who knows where. It was probably easier that way, so that she couldn’t use the excuse that she wasn’t interested in such things.
“Mm… K-Katsuki…”
The heat that was in his chest spread through his entire body the instant he heard his first name slip so sensually from her lips. Never before had she called him by first name, that slightly stubborn nature of hers refusing to give in to drop formalities. She was fantasizing about him, the very thought making his blood boil with passion and lust. He wanted her, badly, and as he panting grew louder he knew he had to take this chance before she ended up cumming. Interrupting her before she could finish would be the perfect chance to peak her interest and attraction to him.
Sly smirk crossing his lips, he dropped the pelts down loudly onto the ground, hearing her quickly gasp and struggle to cover herself. He pulled open the curtain just as she got the blanket back into place, though she was still breathing heavily and her cheeks were flushed dark red. “A-ah, Bakugou, you scared me.”
“Did I? Were you sleeping?” Holding the flap open, he pushed the pelts and blankets into the room with his foot, letting it close behind him once fully inside. “I thought I heard you call me.”
Her face only flushed darker, quickly giving a shake of her head. The guilt was plain on her face, and he could see shuffling about under the blanket, as if she were trying to fix her shift back into place. “N-No, I didn’t, you must have been… imagining it.”
“I don’t think so.” Bakugou moved to stand in front of her, squatting down with his elbows resting on his thighs. Clasping his hands together, he observed her face closely, having to use every ounce of his self control to not pounce on her that instant. Her scent was driving him wild, as was that flushed, embarrassed and guilty expression she carried so well. “Do you think I can’t tell?”
“W-what?” She clutched the blanket closer to her chest, revealing her bare feet. Her toes curled in a bit as his crimson glare moved down to them, though she didn’t try to hide them. “I was just--”
“Touching yourself. While moaning my name. I think you’re, uh… Hiding shit from me, hm? And here I thought you didn’t want me.”
“N-no, that’s not--” She quickly cut herself off, biting down onto her lip as if to punish herself for speaking without thinking. “I… I don’t know what I want. I always thought that I was so sure that I didn’t want anything to do with you, but…” Her eyes began to tear up a bit, obviously frustrated with her own emotions. “But you’ve only treated me badly when I acted up… when I deserved it, for acting like a… what did you call me the those first weeks?”
“A twat.”
“So foul… But it’s true. I acted horribly, when you were actually trying to be… decent to me. And these last couple of weeks or so I’ve just… Been driving myself crazy thinking about you. About us.”
“You can just say you’re ready to fuck me, you know. There’s no need to be so prissy and proper.” Unable to resist touching her, he took one of her feet into his hands, a bit surprised at how ice cold it was. She didn’t resist him, not even as he placed a kiss on the delicate skin of her ankle, holding her leg in place with one hand while the other slowly slid up her legs, displacing the blanket until it fell away behind her knee.
“You’re so vulgar.” She moved to sit up a bit, propping herself up with her arms. “How can I be so attracted to such a filthy mouthed person?”
“You tell me, Princess.” Bakugou smirked against her skin, his hand sliding up her inner thigh. “How can such a delicate, well mannered and proper woman of Royalty fall for someone as rough and belligerent as myself.” As her legs closed from obvious nervousness at his wandering hands, he instead shifted his body closer, grabbing the blanket and tossing it off of her scantily clad body.
“I suppose,” she began, struggling to speak properly behind her heavy breathing as her need for him began to truly take over. “It truly doesn’t matter. All I know is that you drive me crazy. You make my heart race and I have butterflies any time you’re near me. Just your touch is enough to melt me.” With a tender touch, she caressed his cheeks, her words rattling about in Bakugou’s head like bees. In truth, it was her that was melting him. He was completely wrapped around her little finger, all she had to do was say the word and he would take her.
“I don’t think you understand how fucking much I want you.” He growled against her lips, finding that she was quite adept at merely teasing the thought of letting him kiss her. “I want you to be mine. To be my wife. If you want me, too, then let me have you.”
“What about tradition? To wait until our wedding night?”
“Fuck tradition.” With that, Bakugou took her lips for his own, kissing her with a feverish passion that she instantly gave in to. After stripping himself of his cloak, he lied her down beneath him, only thinking for a moment that he found it amusing how tightly she was holding onto him. It was as if she were scared he would flee, like he would be the one to suddenly change his mind. What should have been obvious was that, if she didn’t stop him, there wasn’t anything that could. These feelings, this need to have her was like an unending hunger, boiling beneath his skin, and he feared that he would burn alive if he didn’t find release.
The soft gasp she let slip through the kiss pulled his mind back into momentary lucidity, finding that he had begun to eagerly grind his hips against hers. His member was straining painfully against his pants, but he couldn’t quite find it in himself to stop, just the feeling of her sex rubbing against him enough to make his skin tingle. In truth, Bakugou hated it when he got like this, knowing that this wanting for her wasn’t just from regular adoration. He struggled with more animalistic urges that his bloodline cursed him with, and there were times where he wanted to do nothing but fuck for hours on end. It was akin to a male animal during mating season in rut, and he hated to liken himself to a beast.
It wasn’t exactly that time of the year for him, but just her being in his presence made him feel like it was. He didn’t want to seem like some weak, desperate man, and he knew that he would if he kept up this fast and impatient pace.
Setting her lips free, he began to pull her shift up slowly as he observed her flushed and nearly begging expression. “You act so innocent and proper, but now you’re nothing more than a little horny bitch.” Bakugou smirked as her face only flushed darker and her hips arched up more into his, telling him that his words only made her more excited. “How pure are you by now, hm? Has anything ever been in that pretty little cunt of yours?”
She gave a soft shake of her head, unable to resist kissing him again before responding. “No, I’ve never… put anything inside me. Not even my own fingers. Does that make you happy?” She shivered a bit from the chill as her shift was pushed up over her breasts, leaving the rest of her body bare and vulnerable to his pleasures.
“Damn right it does. You’ve always been meant for me.” With a teasing nibble to the delicate skin of her neck, he let one rough hand roam her body until it settled between her legs, stroking the sensitive flesh. As a new gasp left her lips, he couldn’t help but watch her chest heave with the new pleasure, the goosebumps visible across her skin. He did have to admit that the thought of her being completely untouched made him a tad nervous, as hurting her was never an option. Getting her worked up, then, was necessary. “I’ll just have to get you nice and ready for me.”
“H-how would you do that?”
Bakugou gave a small scoff, amused by her innocent, curious gaze. “You tell me, Princess.” His hand left her sex to instead grope her breast, massaging and squeezing as his lips moved down to join it. He used both hands to his full advantage, loving to hear her gasp with each teasing pinch or bite to her erect nipples. Much to his surprise, she seemed to respond with more pleasure when he was rougher, so far as to even moan from his teeth clamping down around them. It only excited him further, that she wasn’t so fragile as to resist his more rough actions.
His kisses and bites continued their way down her body until he was between her legs, taking a moment to sit up and observe her. She was completely open to him, arms resting above her head and gripping onto the fur pelts that she rested on tightly. The embarrassment only crept across her face as his eyes locked back with hers. “W-what are you looking at? It’s so dark in here, can you… really see me that well?”
“You know damn well I can see everything.” Bakugou slid his hand back up her body until he reached her neck, cupping her chin as he ran his thumb along her bottom lip. “And you’re the most beautiful fucking woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.” Not giving her much time to respond, he settled back down between her legs, hooking his arms under them to grip her hips tightly.
She gave a soft, nervous laugh, her fingers softly tangling into his hair pulling his eyes up for another moment. The gentle smile on her face made his heart flutter violently, though he did everything he could to contain his excitement. “You’re just saying that to butter me up.”
“Tch, I don’t just say shit that I don’t mean.” With that, he ran his tongue along her sex, tightening his grip on her hips to keep her in place as she tried to shift away from the pleasure at first. Focusing on her clit, he reveled in the noises she made and her fingers in his hair, which eventually began to pull as if she were trying to get more out of him. So, he gave it to her, increasing the pleasure until she was a writhing mess in his grip.
She tasted and sounded so sweet that he didn’t want to stop. He wanted to bring her to an orgasm, to hear if her voice squeaked and feel how she would tremble. But, he couldn’t give that to her now, if he wanted any hope of success later on. That, and he needed to try something new, which he knew she may just react badly to. Sitting up from her, he took a second to kiss her, continuing the pleasure by stroking her with his hand.
“Are you ready?” He kept eye contact with her as he pressed the tip of his finger against her opening, but her reaction was something he hadn’t quite expected. Snatching onto his wrist, she shook her head, struggling to speak against panting breaths.
“No, please, I don’t want that. I want it… to be you, not your fingers.”
Bakugou removed his fingers as she requested, instead working to remove his belt and undo his pants. “Are you sure about that? It’ll hurt like a bitch at first. Using my fingers first would help you get used to it.”
“No, I want it to be… real.” The soft hitch in her voice caught Bakugou’s full attention, noticing that her eyes had begun to tear up and her brow was furrowed with worry. “I don’t care if it hurts at first… I know you wouldn’t do anything to… hurt me otherwise.”
His pants effectively moved out of the way, Bakugou moved back to hover over her, allowing his hard member to rest against her sex. Her heat was making it nearly impossible for him to not want to sink himself in immediately, but he held back, moving some of her hair out of her face with a tender touch. “I wouldn’t. Just tell me if you want me to stop.” Carefully, he took her legs by behind the knee, spreading her open a bit more.
“W-wait…” She placed her hands against his torso, softly tracing the lines of his muscles and running her nails along his skin. Her touch drove him absolutely mad, the animal inside him screaming to just get on with it. The man, however, soaked in the gentle touches, wishing to feel her hands all over his body. Being with her like this was an absolute dream, and he’d be damned if he’d let his crazed urges ruin a single moment.
A short, soft hiss escaped through his teeth as she caressed his cock, exploring it as she had his torso. In an attempt to hide how good her palm felt stroking against his tip, he gave a chuckle, watching her as she nibbled at her lip. “You’ve never touched, let alone see a cock before, have you?”
She gave a small shake of her head, looking back up at his face. “No. But it seems… Nice.” She took her hands back to herself as he bent her legs further back, beginning to stroke his cock along the length of her nearly dripping wet sex. Once again clutching onto the pelts above her head, she sighed out softly in pleasure. “And it’s… so warm. Everything about you is like a raging fire. It’s so nice…”
Leaning forward, Bakugou placed a soft kiss on her lips, shifting his hips to press his tip into her entrance. Knowing it would be difficult at first, he used one hand to guide himself, pausing for just a moment to get her final approval.
“Just breathe, [Name].”
After a small nod from her, Bakugou began to slowly press himself into her, a sigh of pleasure leaving his lips as a hiss of pain left hers. Now clutching onto his shoulders, she couldn’t help but to tense up, making Bakugou pause. “Hey, hey, I said breathe. It’s alright.” Once he was in past the tip, he began with very slow and shallow thrusts, keeping her attention with soft words, kisses, and the ability to claw at his skin as she wished. It was so difficult for him to focus on keeping her calm when being inside her felt so heavenly. She was so tight around his cock that he knew he would cum in no time if he weren’t careful, spurred on by a mixture of wanting, lack of any sexual attention, adoration and just pure pleasure.
Within no time, he was fully buried within her, pausing for a moment when his hips finally rejoined with hers. She was trembling fiercely, entire body coated in sweat and clutching onto him so tightly he was sure she could draw blood, if she hadn’t already. “How are you feeling, Princess?”
“I-It hurts… But I’m okay.” She moved her hands to caress his cheeks, kissing him softly. “You can move.” With the first shallow thrust of his hips, she moved her arms around his neck, taking him without any protest. He couldn’t take his eyes off her face, watching as her expression slowly shifted from wincing pain to confused arousal. As her expression changed, he gave her more, increasing his speed and depths of his thrusts. The first real moan of pleasure that slipped through her lips was nearly enough to cripple his restraint, releasing her legs so he could prop himself up on his arms for better leverage.
Watching her body bounce with each thrust was mesmerizing, her alluring voice and nails in his skin driving him mad. “Damn it, you’re so fucking perfect. I can’t hardly hold myself back.”
“What is it you want?” She struggled to speak through her moans and gasps of pleasure, her hips beginning to arch up into his. “You wanted to mess me up, didn’t you?”
“I could hurt you doing that shit on your first time.”
“It doesn’t hurt anymore. Please, Katsuki, I want it!”
His name barely slipped through her lips before he let his restraint crumble, beginning to thrust in a harder, rougher pace. If she begged for it, then he would give it to her, as pleasuring her was all he wanted. She took to the new pleasure without skipping a beat, her head leaning back as she moaned without restraint.
“Look at you, Miss Purity, begging to be fucked harder like the little cock drunk bitch you are.” Bakugou wrapped his hand around her neck, giving just enough pressure to make her voice squeak. Still, her body language gave away that she loved it, opening herself up more to him. “Is that what you want? For me to make a mess of you and leave you fucking ruined?”
“Y-yes!” She squeaked, having to pause for a long moment as Bakugou only dug himself into her deeper. “I-I want to be yours, Katsuki! Do whatever you want to me!” Within a moment, he had her flipped over, gripping her hips tightly as he ravaged her from behind. Her ass bouncing with his thrusts was even more enticing than her chest, giving her more just so that he could see it move. She took well to this new position, though she had to collapse her upper body down onto the pelts after removing her shift completely.
Although Bakugou never wanted to stop, he could feel himself getting close, but he had yet to make her finish. With a tug to her arms, he pulled her up so that her back was against his torso, one hand latched around her neck while the other held her hips in place. Lips at her ear, he watched as her eyes rolled up, her entire body a willing subject to his wrath.
“You know what release feels like, right?”
“Y-yes!” “Tell me what you imagined to make yourself cum.”
“I-I imagined you touching me… Your fingers r-rubbing me, not mine-” A gasp escaped her as Bakugou moved his fingers to her clit, rubbing in rhythm to his thrusts.
“Keep going.” He growled in her ear, beginning to feel her body tense with the building pleasure.
“Your breath down my neck… Your lips on my skin… T-the thought of you cumming inside me! The thought of being yours forever!”
“Then cum for me, [Name]. Cum on my cock and become mine.” Thrusting into her harder, Bakugou fucked her until she was pushed over the edge. He held her tightly against him as she came hard, her body twitching and hips rocking back against him. She moaned and sighed out with trembling breath, squeezing his cock so tightly that he couldn’t hold it anymore. With a few more erratic thrusts of his hips, he released inside her, burying his face into her shoulder. The feeling of them pulsing against each other brought a fluttering realization to his chest, which was only made more severe as she reached up to gentle stroke his cheek.
“Mmm… Katsuki… I’m sorry I waited so long. I guess I am just a stubborn little princess.”
“No,” Bakugou turned her head with a soft push of his fingers, kissing her with gentle passion. “You’re not that anymore. Now you’re my stubborn Queen, [Name]. And I would have waited an eternity for you.”
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dragonhrte · 4 years
“Αγάπη” (Agapé) 1st Petal
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Summary: Pallas is a life coach and matchmaker who spends her days helping other people find their happiness in life, having forgotten to search for her own. Her business running smoothly and with little to no hiccups until one phone call upsets her whole world. Bakugou Katsuki, a handsome and famous confirmed bachelor, has found himself longing for something unusual, a relationship with substance. Swallowing his pride he calls Pallas initiating an interaction that will change their lives for the foreseeable future. Will the matchmaker make a match or get matched?
Chapter Length: 10k words
Beta-readers: @samanthaa-leanne​, @honeytama​, Thank you @pixxiesdust​ for beta reading before it was considered nsfw​, @natsuosfairy​
Tags: @bnhabookclub​
Warnings: Cussing/ Cursing/ Mature Language, Suggestive Content, Physical Assault
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Bakugou’s P.O.V.
I put in the combination to my lock, deftly maneuvering the dial in a series of fluid motions, easily popping it open after years of repetition. My body moves of its own accord, the process of getting suited up being muscle memory at this point.
Some other hero in the locker room clears his throat before saying, “Hey Bakugou, it’s been a hot minute since we last saw each other huh?”
I merely grunt in response, placing my civilian clothes on the shelf after folding them, and continue suiting up for my shift.
“As talkative as ever I see. Anyways, you seem a bit down. I know I’m not Kirishima, and we’re not as close, but I thought I’d give you a quick piece of advice. Getting out of a relationship sucks, but you can’t let it get you down for too long.”
He pauses and waits for a response from me. When there is none he continues, but not before I hear a small comment to himself, “It’s like talking to a wall.”
My left eye twitches at the remark. I don’t even spare him a glance as I finish up with the final pieces of my hero costume. I shut my locker door with more force than necessary then lock it, swiftly turning around and leaving the locker room to head out for my shift. I glance at the clock briefly, making a mental note of the time as I stamp my time card. ‘The reason why you felt like you were talking to a wall is because you couldn’t take the hint that I don’t want any interaction, despite that hint being practically written in bold red letters across my forehead.’
“I’m fucking Katsuki Bakugou, Pro Hero, top in the nation. I don’t need nor do I want your opinion. Tch.” I say to myself, the words ringing through my head as I push open the heavy door and step out of the building to start my patrol.
I lean back in my desk chair, and stretch. The reports for the day are all filled out and ready to be handed in. I take my phone off my desk and check the time. ‘2:58 am, I should put these papers on the admin. assistant’s desk, after I log off, then I’ll go punch out.’ I log off my computer before picking up the stack of reports and head over to the assistant’s desk, and placing it on the only free and available space. I pick up a sticky note from off her desk and write today’s date, then grab a rubber band from the jar on her desk and secure it around the stack of papers. ‘I swear I don’t know how she’s managed up until now, her desk is never organized. It’s a miracle we’re not backed up at the moment with the state her desk is in being in constant disarray.’ Turning away from her desk I walk towards the locker room to change and clock out. ‘Damn, I did not distract myself nearly as much as I would have liked to today. I think I know what...’ Pulling out my phone I tap on the messaging app and open up the chat between myself and my best friend since high school. ‘A sparring session with a long-time friend might just do the trick.’
Bakugou: Spar tomorrow morning?
Kirishima: Sure, np!
I finish taking the rest of my suit off and get lost in the motions of putting my civilian clothes back on, my mind returning to my recent break up. ‘I knew that woman was dating me partly based on me being a hero, but damn, to have her shove it in my face that it was the only reason she was dating me to begin with, packs a bigger punch than I thought possible.’ I stuff my hands into my jacket pockets while reflecting on the events of my most recent shift, and then heave out a sigh, “Could just go out for one or two beers,” I mumble to myself, taking a quick glimpse behind my shoulder.
*Phone ringing*
The sound coming from my phone sets off a piercing wave of pain through my brain. ‘God damn, who the fuck is calling me this early in the morning?’ I swipe my finger across the screen stalling for a moment to allow the phone to recognize my fingerprint, and then press my phone against my ear. I throw my arm across my face to block the stinging sliver of light from shining into my eyes through the slit in the curtains.
“What’s up?” my voice comes out, raspy and barely above a whisper, but it still sounds like it’s echoing through my head.
“Hey, Bakubro, why aren’t you here yet?” I let out a low growl at the cheery tone on the other end, and wince at the old nickname, a teasing endearment made years ago, that just kind of stuck.
“What do you mean?”
“Dude it’s 9:45 right now, you’re late.”
I jolt up, and throw my covers off of myself and recoil slightly from the blinding pain the light brings on, before haphazardly scooping up my open gym bag. I rush toward the door, staggering a bit as I stuff my feet into my shoes. Nearly toppling over as I miss the wall I intended to use for support.
I do a quick pat down of myself, “Phone, wallet...” I look around frantically, the knowledge that Kirishima will not let go of something like this for the next week, no at least a month or so, is like being doused with a bucket of ice cold water. I can hear his smug tone already, putting a hand against my head and reeling out the door. ‘The gym is roughly a five minute run away. I’m not running that feeling like this, I’ll just walk it instead.’ I head for the stairs and open the door, someone has just slammed the door closed on a different floor, which has me seeing stars from the echoing in the stairwell. ‘No way in hell, am I going to suffer through shaking my brain around as I speed run down the stairs. Fuck that.’ I turn on my heel and head for the elevator, letting out a sigh of relief at the quick service and the gentle music, the lights, however, feel like they’re piercing straight through my skull and out the other side. The small jostling motion from arriving at the base floor sends a wave of nausea through me, one I haven’t felt in years, not since I was younger and less experienced with my tolerance levels for alcohol.
“Shit,” the familiar swear coming easily to me as I all but throw myself out of the elevator, muttering, “For fucks sake, pull yourself together.” as I leave the apartment complex.
As I walk up to the gym, Kirishima spots me from his place leaning against the wall outside.
“Look who finally decided to show up!” Kirishima says joyfully, clapping as if congratulating me on my appearance. I respond by flipping him the bird.
As we enter the locker room, I open the side pocket of my gym bag and grab a bottle full of pain killers, pop two in my mouth and swallow them dry.
“Kirishima, could you keep it down I’ve got a splitting headache.”
“Oh, did someone have a bit of fun last night?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean if you’re into that kind of thing, I won’t judge. You know I’ll support you now matter what, right? It’s what friends are for!”
“What are you going on about?” I ask while leaning my head against the cool locker, the chill giving a small reprieve from the now constant pulsing throughout my skull.
I look at Kirishima, my aggravation settling into my features as I turn to address him directly. Kirishima points down at the floor directing my attention to a certain article of clothing, my eyes widen in shock. The garment in question is sitting on the floor betraying my activities from the night before.The bra itself is pretty bold, it’s bright red and lacy with highlighter orange accents.
“What the fuck?”
“It dropped out of YOUR gym bag.” Kirishima’s face lights up in delight.
I let out a small, “Tsk.” and snatch up the garment, shoving it into my gym bag. I take out the lock from my bag and toss the bag into the locker, closing and locking it afterwards. I glance over at Kirishima, whose face is bright red from attempting to suppress his laughter, finally he breaks down in a fit of giggles.
The absurd situation brings a reluctant smile to my face, and a small chuckle escapes my lips. I shake my head and nudge Kirishima with my elbow. He is currently buckled over, barely maintaining an upright position holds up his pointer finger, signalling for me to wait.
“Give...me... a minute.” Kirishima manages to breathe out in between fits of laughter.
I roll my eyes in annoyance at Kirishima’s discomposure, ‘It’s not like it was even that funny...’
“You know, I’m gonna pay you back for laughing at me right?”
Kirishima manages to nod his head yes as he takes in some deep breaths of air, to calm himself down. We head out of the locker room together and make a beeline for the open mat area.
“It’ll be worth the pain, because the look on your face was priceless bro.”
I pound my fists together in imitation of Kirishima’s signature move, signalling to him that I’m ready.
“Hey man, don’t you want to get warmed up or something before heading straight into it?”
I shake my head, “Nah. No need.”
Kirishima shrugs and settles into a starting position. We lock eyes and we both nod, we circle around each other for a few moments, an air of seriousness about us. Then, I lunge at Kirishima, my right arm outstretched, he quickly dodges my maneuver. He steps towards me and sweeps his foot under my leg, I drop to the floor immediately and he follows my descent. Quickly wrapping his arms around me, hooking his feet around my legs and letting his weight pin me to the floor.
He chuckles darkly in my ear, “Hehe, that was an unusually easy take down. Guess I’m getting stronger than you.”
I frown and put my hands down on the floor underneath me and push upwards. I pause after reaching full extension for just an instant, and then I suddenly drop down slamming our bodies down onto Kirishima’s hands and crushing them under our weight before Kirishima has the chance to activate his quirk.
Kirishima hisses out in pain, “Ow, you fucker...”
I push off the ground with one arm, shifting my weight and his by twisting my body quickly, so that I am facing him. I push my hands to the front of my chest and push upwards so that my hands are together and my elbows are pressing against his inner elbows. I then use my quirk setting off a small explosion, adding a boost to my arms pushing out straight. This breaks his strong lock-like hold and allows me to reach up and grab Kirishima by the ears. I pull myself up and pull his head down, bashing my head into his. Kirishima, however, activates his hardening quirk, so the action sends a new shock wave of pain through my brain stunning me and leaving me laying flat on the mat. The once dull pulsing has now been brought to the forefront of my attention. Kirishima hops up to his feet smirking down at me as I lay face up beneath him. I offer my hand and he takes it, pulling me to my feet. We go for a few more rounds, only using our quirks once in a while. The point of this sparring session is for me to get out as much energy and aggression with as little damage to the surrounding area as possible. I’m now drenched in sweat, the bleary-eyed mess from this morning is long gone. I bring my shirt up to my forehead to wipe away the sweat that’s accumulated there.
“Where’d you get those bruises from?”
“Right there, did you get cupping done. Y’know, muscle therapy?” Kirishima motions towards a particularly nasty looking mark on my side.
I walk up to the wall length mirror of the gym to examine it at a better angle. Upon closer inspection, I notice what are clearly tooth impressions?
“Are you fucking kidding me...” I grumble under my breath, “the bitch marked me!”
I pinch the bridge of my nose trying to stave off the inevitable headache leering its ugly head up, caused by yet another poor life decision. ‘My usual no marking policy when dealing with temporary guests either went completely ignored or I was so far gone last night that I completely forgot.’ I hastily drop my shirt back down hoping that no one saw the wince-inducing bruises scattered along my side. If the press gets a hold of a picture of me like that they’ll have a field day. The fling will turn into a week to month long ordeal to have to deal with. I shake my head attempting to clear my thoughts and turn back to Kirishima, who is staring at me with a look of concern.
“Hey I think I’m good for the day, what about you?” Kirishima just silently accepts that if I wanted to talk about it I would. Which is one of the main reasons why we’ve remained friends since high school. He is one of the few people who I can count on to leave me alone and give me my space while also calling me out on my bullshit when the situation calls for it. I simply nod my head in response, and we head back into the locker rooms to gather our things and leave.
I grab my keys out of my jacket pocket and turn the key in the lock, only to notice the absence of the sound of the pins catching on the key as I turn it. The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, someone is inside my apartment. Raising up my hand, a few pops resound from my sweaty palms as I ready myself for whatever lay in wait beyond the door to my apartment. I turn the handle and kick the door open, both hands raised in defense of myself, the sound of a few explosions reverberating throughout the almost empty living space. I am greeted by the sight of some woman sitting on my couch in my living room. She doesn’t even look up from her bowl of cereal and the current show streaming on the television.
“What the actual fuck?” I exclaim.
The woman continues ignoring me as I take a few more steps into the apartment, her face bringing back blurry memories of the previous night. I am filled with disgust at the fact that I stooped so low as to pick up some floozy of a woman in my time of distress. ‘Why the fuck hasn’t she gone home yet?’ the question blinking back at me in neon lights. I approach the armrest of the couch that she’s currently sitting on and tap her on the shoulder.
“Hey, what do you think you’re doing her?” I ask, I can feel my emotions bubbling to the surface on the verge of boiling over.
She takes a quick look in my direction and says, “Hey, good thing you’re here, I thought you should know you’re out of milk.”
A few moments of absolute silence pass by as I am completely dumbfounded by her nonchalant attitude. Narrowing my eyes I stare at the side of her head hoping for at least some respect, given the very prominent issue at hand. My brows knit tightly together, ‘Is she dumb? Is she for real?’ instead of speaking my thoughts aloud I say, “Thanks for the heads up, now leave.”
She puts the bowl she has down on the coffee table and stands up huffing as she does so, “But I didn’t even finish my show or my cereal.”
I sneer, “That’s MY cereal you’re eating.”
She crosses her arms and stamps her feet at me like an insolent child throwing a tempter tantrum, “No. I am going to finish eating, and then YOU owe ME a ride home.”
Pulling out my phone I swipe through my contacts until I get to the J section, calling up a friend of mine from the force. While the phone is dialing out the woman sits back down and picks up “her” bowl of cereal and continues eating.
“Hey Bakugou, what can I do for you?”
“Hey Joe, I’ve got a situation. I had someone over last night and she’s now refusing to leave.”
“Okay, I’ll send my people right over.”
“Thanks, I appreciate it.”
“No problem man.”
There’s a knocking at the door, and I walk over and open it, two officers are standing in the doorway awaiting entry, I sidestep out of the way and motion for them to come in.
“Hello officers-”
“Are you fucking kidding me!”
The woman who had been peacefully sitting on the couch watching whatever garbage was now on the television shoots to her feet.
“This is fucking ridiculous, I’m sitting here calmly minding my own business and you call the cops on me!?”
She storms off in the direction of my bedroom stomping her feet along the way. The officers move forward to prevent her from going further into the apartment, but I hold my hand up for them to remain where they are. Her voice carries through the apartment, mouthing off about the unfairness of the whole situation and the audacity I have for kicking her out, her complaints strewn with curses. Completely ignoring the fact that she is currently in MY apartment. Her voice stopping only to take a quick breath of air in and then continuing her ranting. ‘Of all the people...’ I sigh to myself as she comes hauling herself and her belongings through the hallway towards us. Reaching into my bag I procure the garment that had mislaid itself, holding it out to her with my fingers. The strap of the bra balancing precariously as she huffs by. She flounces a bit as she approaches the door, turning her head to address me to land one last remark, when she notices her bra.
I walk towards her and say, “I believe this is yours.”
Her face erupts into a brilliant shade of red, she squeals in outrage snatching the garment up and slamming the door behind her.
“You sure know how to pick ‘em Bakugou.”
I glare in their direction and walk up to the door and open it, “Thank you officers, I appreciate you coming down here. Have a great day.”
They look at each other and then file out the door, after they leave I close the door behind them thankful to the quiet that follows.
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Pallas’ P.O.V.
I walk into the coffee shop, the familiar tinkling of bells on the door and the smell of freshly-ground coffee beans bring a feeling of warm comfort. ‘I don’t think I’ll ever get over the initial nervousness I get when I do an intake for a client.’ I mull this over while listening to the soft, mellow music playing from the various speakers strewn about the shop. While waiting in line, I pass the time by scrolling through my social media feed. The fake smiles and duck-faced selfies never-ending. It’s not long before it’s my turn to order, when I look up and approach the counter I’m greeted by an unfamiliar face ‘Oh, he must be new.’ the thought whisks through my mind as I take in the man standing in front of me. He’s got a soft attractiveness about him, and is obviously nervous give his frantic glancing around. His ocean blue eyes finally settling on me and he’s practically sweating bullets. I pick up on the tremor of his lip when he forces a smile waiting patiently for my order. ‘Given the fact that it’s about mid-day and I’ll be meeting with a new client I think I’m going to opt for my go-to comfort beverage.’
“Good morn- Er. Afternoon, what can I get for you today?” The barista asks, his face flushing in embarrassment at his small slip-up.
‘I’m sure he’s had plenty of those minor mistakes today, the first day jitters are definitely getting the better of him. I can imagine it’s probably been non-stop for him, one order after the next in quick succession. Forcing him into this wreck of nerves at the fast-paced environment.’
Standing there for a moment more, I try to show a bit of compassion, my eyes flick down to the name pin fastened to his black apron then back up to his face and say, “Hello Reggie, I think I’ll have a medium hot chocolate, with some extra whipped cream please!”
I flash him what I hope comes across as an encouraging smile, and opt to keep words of encouragement to myself, ‘He’s high-strung as is, there’s no need to make him feel worse by having a random stranger notice how much he’s floundering around and comment on it.’ Instead I reach into my wallet and grab some extra cash in addition to the money I owe for the hot chocolate. I hand the money for the drink to Reggie and drop the extra cash into the tip jar on the counter.
“Thank you, and here’s your change. Your order will be right up.”
I cup my hand so the barista can simply drop the small coins into my outstretched hand instead of having an awkward exchange of trying to pry them out of his palm.
“Have a great day.” We happen to say at the same time to each other.
Stepping to the side I look over and survey the seating area. There are booths and tables with single chairs available, which I would usually have no problem taking, however, I am meeting with a client so I need something more. My eyes land on my usual spot for when I meet clients and I am pleasantly surprised to find it empty. It’s the perfect placement, not too close to the door, where people coming in might interrupt and not tucked away in the corner where nobody will notice me. ‘The client should be able to notice me immediately after receiving her order.’ After setting my bag down I bring out my tablet and unlock it, and start going through the various documentation required if the client does decide to book more sessions. I’m interrupted from my review by the sound of my order being called out, I look up and see one of the baristas I am familiar with holding my hot chocolate, we lock eyes for the briefest of moments before they place it down on the counter. I stand up and walk over to the counter and gingerly pick up my order, and head straight for the little island in the middle of the shop with the extra creamer and sugar packets on it. After picking up one of the paper coffee sleeves and carefully sliding it onto my drink, twisting it around to get the proper snug fit. I walk back to the booth, slide onto the seat, and resume reviewing the prepared documents on my tablet.
I let myself relax, the lull of conversation around me creating a calm atmosphere. There’s some chatter behind me, some girls are discussing a recent rumor going around about the Pro-Hero, Ground Zero. I dismiss their chatter immediately, ‘It’s just gossip, so who cares.’ Despite the lack of basis for the rumor to stand on, the women behind me continue speculating. I finish reviewing my documents then pull out my phone to check the time. ‘My client should be here any minute now.’ Scrolling through my social media feed once more I notice the rumor the women behind me were discussing has spread like wildfire. I try to ignore it to the best of my ability, ‘It’s not my business to judge other people’s life choices.’ I pause for a moment, ‘Well, it is my business as long as they are a client that is...’ I’m broken out of my train of thought by a commotion coming from the pick-up counter. Some woman is yelling at poor Reggie, something about how he got the order wrong, insisting that she talk to the manager. I turn my head and see the back of hers, Reggie is visibly shaken by the confrontation.
The woman turns around and my eyes widen momentarily in shock, ‘That’s my new client.’ I groan internally then put on my brightest smile, and stand up.
I hold my right hand out in greeting, “Hello Sandra is it, I’m Pallas we spoke on the phone a couple days ago.”
It’s like a switch flipped within the other woman’s face. Her lips that were just pursed in a thin disgruntled line, spread into a wide smile.
“Hi, hello. Sorry about the delay, the employee got my order wrong.”
“Oh, sorry to hear that, why don’t we get right into things? Is there anything in particular you are looking to get out of my services?”
“Well, everything in my life seems to be a hot mess, I just want to get back on track.”
“That seems reasonable enough. How about we take a seat and go over your intake paperwork?”
We then spent the next hour talking about the various terms and conditions that come along with the contract. Sandra keeps complaining about every other word claiming that the contract is “too opaque and vague.”
“Why can’t you just fix my problems now, why do we even need a contract?” Sandra asks, her tone changing from calm to aggravated rapidly.
“The contract is here to protect both of our interests. Without it, I will be severely restricted in the extent to which I can help you.” I try my best to explain this to her as calmly as possible.
Sandra pushes several more times to do away with the contract, at this point I am considering excusing myself for the bathroom to scream out in frustration at least three times. Each time the urge comes over me, I simply look down at the small watch on my wrist instead, remembering the seemingly everlasting patience of my late grandmother. When we finish reviewing the documents I stand up, pick up my tablet and grab my bag in preparation to leave.
I say, “After speaking with you, I’m sorry to inform you that I don’t think that I will be able to provide you with the services you are looking for.”
“What?!” Sandra exclaims, shooting up from her seated position, her sweet demeanor gone in an instant and is replaced by a look of outrage, “You had me fill out all that ridiculous paperwork, forced me to pay you for this meeting, and you’re not even competent enough to take me on as a client!”
By now the entire coffee shop has gone silent at her outburst, in this moment I can’t manage to think of anything to de-escalate the situation, all I can think about is maintaining my composure and professionalism in the face of Sandra’s harsh comments.
I muster up enough restraint and force a smile, “I’m sorry for any inconvenience I have caused you.” I bow my head in apology.
“Oh, I’ll show you inconvenience!” Sandra shouts and then knocks my tablet out of my hands. I’m frozen in shock at her actions, my face stricken with horror as the tablet appear to drop in slow motion. It clangs against the corner of the table before hitting the ground. A crunch resounds through the deathly quiet coffee shop, my stomach clenches in reaction.
A softly whispered, “Oh shit” comes from the booth with the gossiping women. I look up to see the manager approaching us, sympathy for me written all over her face, but a quiet anger-filled aura surrounds her.
She clasps her hands together and addresses Sandra, “Ma’am, I’m going to have to ask you to leave. You’ve disrupted my place of business not once, but twice now. You have also managed to assault one of my customers as well. I suggest you leave now, I have already called the authorities.”
“I can’t believe you called the cops on me! I’d like to speak to your manager. This is horrible customer service!”
“Ma’am I am the manager. Now would you please come with me.” The manager wraps her arm around Sandra’s shoulder and escorts her out, the jingle of the bells signalling that they have exited the building.
I take a deep breath in and bend down, picking up my tablet to assess the damage. Pressing the power button does absolutely nothing the first time, the lock screen doesn’t come into view or anything, so I hold the power button down and the start up sound comes from the tablet but the visual that accompanies it is absent. I try turning it off and on again one more time, after a drop like that even with the case on, there’s no way I’d expect it to still be functioning.
Unfortunately, my expectations are fulfilled, my tablet is officially out of commission. I drop it into my bag and lean against the table, waiting for the cops to show up. After a few minutes I think to myself, ‘I hope people just leave me alone right now, I am so not in the mood for some stranger to have pity on me at the moment.’ I clench and unclench my jaw a few times to try and relieve some of the tension in my body, and the I feel a gentle, hesitant tap on my shoulder. Turning my head slightly to see the new barista, Reggie looking at me apprehensively, he opens his mouth and closes it several times before I see his lips move, but I can’t find it in me to focus on what he’s saying. All I can hear is a rushing sound filling my ears... Reggie moves forward and grabs my shoulders, shaking me lightly, “-you okay?”
I nod my head and croak out, “Yes.”
“Are you sure? You’ve got quite the grip on that table there.”
Looking down I notice exactly what he’s talking about. My knuckles appear to be bleached white, my hands are holding the table in a death grip. I manage to pull my hands away then open and close them to work the blood flow back into them. I turn around and lean against the table and let out a nervous laugh.
My heart is hammering against my chest, the roaring sound in my ears has died down enough to the point where I can hear myself say, “I’m a bit taken aback is all. I mean I was expecting some reaction from her, but not that one...” I trail off and glance behind me briefly and catch a glimpse of Sandra talking to an officer, it’s then that I hear the bells chime and the other officer walks in. He strides over to where Reggie and I are standing after scanning the room of patrons for a moment.
“Hello ma’am my name is Officer Schmoe. I need to ask you some questions. May I see your ID so I can get your name down correctly?”
“No problem, here you go.” I say after reaching into my bag and retrieving my ID out of my wallet, and handing it to him.
“Here you go.” he says after jotting down my name then handing it back to me. I quickly put it back in its designated slot in my wallet and then turn back to the officer.
Officer Schmoe takes out a notepad from his shoulder pocket then asks, “What happened?”
“Well, Ms. Sandra Bonde and I were having a meeting here and after reviewing some documents and speaking with Ms. Bonde I informed her that I would not be able to provide my services to her.”
“What is it that you were not going to do for Ms. Bonde?”
“I am a life coach, and after speaking with her I determined that the problem was beyond my ability to assist her.”
“Okay, then what happened?”
“Well, I was standing up getting ready to leave when I told Ms. Bonde this, she stood up and said something of how it was unfair that I forced her to pay for an initial intake when I now plan on not taking her on as a client. I responded by saying I was sorry for any inconvenience I had caused her. She then said something along the lines of I’ll show you inconvenience, and smacked the tablet that I have for business out of my hand and it dropped to the floor after hitting the corner of the table. The manager came over and asked her to leave, I tried turning the tablet on afterwards and it is no longer functional. I will either have to get it fixed or replace it.”
“Can I see the tablet in question?”
“Sure.” I grab the tablet and hand it over to him.
He looks at it and turns it over in his hands, examining it from different angles, “Would you like to file charges against Ms. Bonde?”
I freeze at the question, ‘I mean I could, and I would most likely win, and that would all be fine and dandy. However, I would probably be forced to interact with that woman a dozen or so more times before the case was over. I do not feel like putting myself through that kind of torture.’
“No, I would not.”
He tries the power button the same as I did and gets the same results, absolutely nothing, “Okay, ma’am, here you go.” He hands the busted tablet back to me and I take it from him, then place it behind me on the table.
“Could I have your contact information in case we need to ask some follow up questions later on?”
“Will a business card be okay?”
“Yes ma’am.”
I root around in my bag for a moment until I find my cards, they’re still in the envelope they came in when I first ordered them. “Here.”
Officer Schmoe takes the card and places it in his shoulder pocket along with his notepad, “Thank you for your time ma’am and have a good rest of your day.”
I nod at the officer and smile as he turns on his heel and leaves the store, I pull out my phone and check the time, this whole encounter has put me at least two hours behind schedule, ‘I’ll just have to work a bit later in the office ton-’
There’s a resounding CRACK from outside, it’s sudden and pulls my attention immediately to look out the window. My eyes meet Officer Schmoe’s as his head is whipped sideways, I look past him to see his partner putting cuffs on a struggling Sandra. His partner looks pissed, ‘I would be pissed too if I had her screeching at me for the past half hour or so, and to top it all off, her smacking your partner in the face.Oof.’ I turn back around and put my belongings back into my bag. The bells jingle and the manager walks over to me with the sweetest smile, her demeanor putting me at ease. “I’m sorry you had to got through all that. Pick something to drink, my treat.”
“I’d like a hot chocolate please.”
The manager turns to Reggie and says, “Think you can manage a hot chocolate on your own?”
He nods and scurries around behind the counter to make the drink.
Fidgeting with my keys, trying to get the key to my office open with my mostly empty drink in one hand and my bag in the other is probably entertaining to any onlookers, amused by my struggle and lack of forethought. I finally manage to find the right key and slide it home into the lock, I turn it and push to let myself in. Flicking the lights on as I enter, closing the door behind me before walking over to the thermostat, unfortunately I ended up staying out longer than expected so it will have a small effect on my bills. Yet another thing to add onto the growing list of unfortunate events for today. The chill of December has settled in my bones and I need to change that, fast. The free hot chocolate definitely helped me stave off the cold while I was on the bus, but the walk to the office didn’t help me feel any warmer that’s for sure.
I walk through the office space all but dragging my feet before I plop down into the chair at my desk and turn on my laptop. ‘I’m going to waste so much paper. There’s a reason why I switched things over to digital...’ The login screen comes up and I type in my password, the work that I had open from before is still open, ‘Good, that makes things a little easier.’ I pull up my email and write up a quick memo to the clients I’m supposed to see over the next week informing them of the slight adjustment given an unfortunate occurrence. Clicking off my email I review the file for the client I am meeting with tomorrow, and make sure I have everything I need compiled and print off some notes that I made on potential goals they need to set. I get a few emails back, responding quickly with their understanding. Some other people are slow to respond. I even have one person say that they aren’t going to pay me more just because I broke something. I immediately saved that to respond to at a different time, being in no state of mind to do so now and think to myself, ‘I know I said I was going to work late tonight to make up for lost time, but it just isn’t happening. I am officially done for the day.’
I put alligator clips on the notes separating each client. After putting all the notes in my bag next to the tablet, I grab a pen from off my desk as well as a sticky-note. Writing out a reminder to call up tech support and find out a quote, I take the sticky-note off of the stack and place it on the brim of the laptop and shut everything down. Returning to the office entrance I slide the deadbolt into place, and give the doorknob a quick tug making sure my office is secure. I turn around and grab my phone and keys from out of my bag and head to the stairs leading up to my apartment. Rustling the keys around until I find the right one, and then unlocking the door, “Hey, sorry I’m late, I’ll throw something together real quick!”
I turn around and lock the door behind me then place my keys on the hook beside the door. Walking into the kitchen and opening the fridge I think about what I can make for dinner. After staring blankly at the contents with nothing coming to mind I come to a decision. “You know what, how’s frozen pizza sound to you?”
I crane my neck to the side listening in for a response and I hear an affirmative noise over the sound of the television playing in the living room. I close the fridge, open up the freezer and take out the frozen pizza, wiggling the box a bit to try and slide it out from under the other frozen goods without taking everything out. ‘Success!’ I think to myself once I’ve pried it out of its spot without the entire freezer falling out onto my feet. Quickly setting the oven to the right temperature and then I rip the box open and put the pizza on a pan to cook on. While I wait for the oven to heat up I start talking to Neville in the other room, “So remember how I was saying just yesterday that work has been pretty slow lately. Well, remind me to watch what I ask for next time because I had quite the interesting client today.”
I hear an inquisitive noise from the other room, “Yes, I am aware you can’t hear me very well, I’ll be there in just a minute, give me a moment to put in the pizza.”
The oven beeps signalling that it has finished the heating process. I slide the pan into the oven, set the timer on the stove and walk into the living room joining Neville on the couch. He slides over and rests his head on my lap, he looks up at me expectantly and I chuckle a bit. I reach down and massage his head, his hair soft and velvety to the touch, the repetitive motion eliciting a content sigh from him and I continue telling him the events of my day. From the initial conversation between me and Sandra to her outburst, and finally the image of seeing Officer Schmoe reeling back from Sandra’s assault, her being put in handcuffs and hauled away. Throughout my retelling, Neville sat patiently listening to everything I had to say, making small noises here and there indicating how he felt exactly in regards to what was being said. It’s moments like these that I appreciate him the most. He’s not very vocal, but he is an extremely good listener and just that alone helps ease my stress on a hectic day like today. The timer on the stove beeps and Neville moves, letting me get up and go back into the kitchen. I put on an oven mitt from inside the drawer beside the oven and I hear Neville pad into the kitchen. After taking the pizza out of the oven, and placing it on the stove top I look over at Neville  who is licking his lips in anticipation.
“No, absolutely not. You know what dairy does to you. I am not dealing with your flatulence and explosive diarrhea for the next three days.”
He huffs at me and saunters over to his food bowl full of dry food, and eats a few bites before deciding he’s over it and leaving the kitchen. A definitive meow can be heard from the other room, and I sigh after grabbing myself a plate and putting a slice onto the plate.
“Oh, don’t be like that. It’s not like I wouldn’t mind giving you some it’s just your lactose intolerance is no joke my dude.” I say as I walk into the living room and switch through the channels idly.
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Bakugou’s P.O.V.
“In local news this evening, a woman was arrested just this afternoon at a local coffee shop for assaulting an officer. The alleged assailant, a 31-year-old female, supposedly assaulted an officer after being informed that she would be taken down to the station for disturbing the peace among various other charges. We spoke with the manager of the coffee shop where the incident occurred and she claimed that the woman not only assaulted an officer but also assaulted a frequent patron of hers prior to the police becoming involved. We have not received any further information regarding the other party, and the manager has chosen to remain silent as to their identity.”
I watch the clip of the woman slapping the officer in question and recognize Joe clicking my tongue and turn off the television shaking my head. ‘Poor Joe, and I had just spoken to him earlier this morning. I guess I’m not the only one who’s had a shitty day then huh?’ I quickly grab a plain, black, hooded sweatshirt from the drawer in my room and pull it over my head. Looking around the room I am a bit surprised that the incident from earlier this morning did not leave my room in disarray. ‘Calling him was definitely for the best. If  her reaction was anything to go off of, without the cops she would’ve definitely trashed the place.’ I close and lock the door to my apartment. The stairs no longer a problem because the hangover from earlier is a distant memory. The familiar stairway down to the parking garage calmed me, the echoing and clanging of my feet against the stairs blocking out my thoughts. I push open the door and take in a sharp breath of air, the sharp chill invading my lungs. Even though I was expecting the chill given the time of year, it still caught me a bit off guard with exactly how cold it has gotten as the sun goes down.
Walking over to my assigned space and unlocking my car takes a matter of moments. The leather seats make my butt clench as it makes contact with the chilly surface. I turn the keys in the ignition and it starts up with a roar. Pulling out of the parking space is a quick maneuver of the steering wheel and then I’m on my way. Weaving in and out of traffic on my way to work, my head nodding to the music, I come to a stop at a red light and tap my thumbs against the wheel in time to the beat. It’s only a matter of minutes before I pull into the parking garage of the hero agency, stopping briefly to scan my ID card in front of the sensor. The machine beeps at me and then the automated gate bar lifts up and grants me access to the garage. I turn my head and wave at the guard sitting in the booth before driving to the second level and pulling into my space. I turn the car off and grab my ID and close the door, locking the car as I head into the stairwell.
When I step out onto my floor, the admin. assistant rushes over to me, she seems a bit frazzled, but not more so than usual and she says, “Bakugou, the boss would like to see you now. Before you get changed or anything.”
She scuttles off, probably to carry out some other task assigned to her by the boss. ‘What could he want, it’s not like I’ve gotten into any real trouble recently...’ The speculations are endless as I approach his office, the door slightly ajar. I knock on the side of the door frame anyway to announce my presence.
A booming voice urges me in, “Come in Bakugou, have a seat.”
I open the door and close it gently behind me, and then take a seat in one of the red cushioned arm chairs in front of his large desk. The boss’ presence is a bit intimidating as he looks up from a folder on his desk. He nods to acknowledge my presence, and then peruses the paperwork in front of him for another moment before closing the cover and meeting my eyes.
He stares at me for a moment before speaking, “I got a call this afternoon, there was an issue of sorts at your apartment this morning and the police had to get involved. When Kirishima came in for his shift earlier today I called him into the office and he was a bit concerned. I asked him what was going on with you and he mentioned that you haven’t been acting like your usual self. Now, you may not like it, but it is my job to pry. If you are not in the right mental state to do this job I need to bench you, even if it’s just temporarily.”
He stops speaking but continues to look into my eyes gauging my reaction, I don’t say anything in response to his words. I try and maintain a neutral expression, but the boss seems to see through it and says, “See that expression tells me that benching you might be the right call.”
The sides of my mouth turn downward into a frown, the thought of being assigned to desk work for an undefined amount of time does not appeal to me in the slightest.
“I am mandating you see the department therapist.”
I shoot up out of the chair, clenching my fists at my sides. A familiar scowl on my face as I exclaim, “I’m not crazy, why do I need to see a shrink?!”
The boss furrows his brows and says, “I know you’re not crazy, there are other reasons for needing to see a therapist through. If you want to stay an active Pro Hero you WILL see a shrink as you called it.”
“This is bullshit! Sorry. This is bullshit sir!”
The boss chuckles at that, then says, “I understand you’re upset but this is non-negotiable.”
“I go out for one night on the town-”
“It’s no about that. It’s not about the woman you brought home. It’s not about the police getting called. It’s a combination of all these things and I can tell from the way you’re responding right now it’s the right call.”
“This conversation is over.”
I simply bow my head and say, “Yes sir.” and head back to my desk. I sit there for a few moments and contemplate a week or more of tedium chained to a desk and unable to do my actual job just stuck doing paperwork and watching the walls. ‘The boss never said that I wasn’t allowed to go on patrol today explicitly.’ I hop out of my chair and head over to the locker room, I get no more than two steps in that direction when I hear the admin. assistant day to me, “You know if you do that, the boss will know before you even finish getting changed.”
I huff in exasperation and annoyance then sit back down at my desk. I put my head in my hands with my elbows propped up on my desk, ‘I said it before and I’ll say it again. This is utter bullshit.’
The bright fluorescent lights of the office have burned a circle in my retina, ‘I’ve been spinning around in this chair for about thirty minutes, if I don’t do something I’m going to lose my damn mind.’ I look over at the admin. assistant. She’s busy at work at least that’s what I think is happening, all I can see is the top tuft of hair peeking over the monitor to her computer, as she is otherwise surrounded by paperwork. Bringing forth the silent question as to how in the hell she saw me despite being barricaded behind stacks of papers. I stand up and walk over to her, tapping on the desk to catch her attention.
“Hey, I’m not going on patrol, but I am going to head over to the police department to see if they need anything.”
The clacking of her nails against the keys doesn’t stop even after I say something to her, but her tuft of hair bobs so I just leave, taking my badge from off my desk and my phone heading out the door of the main entrance. The cold filling my lungs with crisp air, it’s refreshing after being in the stuffy office for a few hours. The walk to the police station is short but the entire time there is a constant stream of thoughts going through my mind. ‘The past few weeks haven’t seemed especially different from any other. It’s been nothing but routine for me in terms of getting through work and getting over my ex. I didn’t think that my behavior had been too out of the ordinary.’ The sidewalks are still pretty busy at this time of night and I have plenty of company on my stroll to the police station. ‘Even so, I still don’t want to go to a therapist.’ The thought crosses my mind as I walk up the steps into the police station. The air in the police station is just as stuffy if not stuffier than that of the agency. Looking around I see the usual crowd, some new faces here and there but most of the personnel are the same. Then the person I least expected to still be at work comes sidling up beside me patting my shoulder, “Hey there Bakugou, it’s not your first day here so why’re you gawking around like you don’t know what to do with yourself?”
“Hey Joe, why’re you still here? Your shift was over hours ago right?”
“Well, yeah, but they forced me to get checked out by the doc just in case before I headed home.” he says pointing at the lurid bruise covering most of his left cheek, continuing “I was just picking up my stuff, on my way out the door.”
“From that woman earlier right? I saw that on the news right before I came in today.”
“Yep, and boy was she a piece of work, that one. Anyway, what brings you here?”
“Boss told me I was on desk duty, I figured I’d pop by and see if you guys needed anything. I am glad I ran into you though.”
“Is that so?” He looks at me with a questioning look on his face.
“Yes, maybe you can answer a question I have. Other than a therapist, who would someone go to for help, asking for a friend you understand.”
“Well, if it isn’t an actual mental health issue but more needing assistance with getting their life on track they could try a life coach.”
“Uh, huh.” I nod my head slowly at his statement.
“Not to say that a life coach and therapist are on the same level of course. However, the thing that they do have in common is that they help people who may be a bit lost in the weeds and not able to see a way forward.” Someone approaches the doorway and we move off to the side to avoid being in anyone’s way.
“I actually have a business card right here.”
Joe pulls the card out of his shoulder pocket and hands it to me, I take it and put it in my jacket for later. We talk for a few more minutes, Joe complaining mainly about how much paperwork he’s going to have to deal with now that the woman who I have learned is Ms. Sandra Bonde is in custody. We laugh a bit at the comment, knowing full well the only reason we do any paperwork is because of our jobs. Paperwork takes up so much of my time, I’d rather be out on patrol than sitting down at my desk doing mindless busy work, filling out forms and whatnot. The idle thought causes my eye to twitch in annoyance, reminding myself of my mandatory desk duty, I don’t know how I’ll survive.
We part ways as he heads to the direction of the subway and I stay put. After conversing with the officer at the front desk I wait a few minutes for some files on small time villains they were going to send over later, and with those in hand I walk back. Even though the whole point of me going to the police station was just a ploy to get out of the office I feel glad that I could accomplish something even if it is as mundane as carrying files back and forth. I pause for a moment, I did accomplish something else as well, I have the business card of the life coach that Joe gave me.
I am greeted by the stale hot air of the office and the sound of keys tapping away at the keyboard, coming from the admin. assistant’s desk who is as always surrounded by mountains of paperwork. I almost feel bad as I walk up to her and say, “Here’s what they had for us at the station.”
She simply looks up at me and says, “Just add it to a stack and I’ll get to it.”
After placing the papers onto one of the smaller stacks I head back to my desk. Dropping down into my chair and looking at the bare desk in front of my. I lean back in my chair and look up at the tiled ceiling pockmarked with holes. The standard soundboard material is a soulless institutional white-grey and lacking anything better to do, I start counting the holes, ‘This’ll be better than staring at the lights. At least I won’t blind myself out of boredom.’
“4,262... 4,263-”
“Hey Bakugou, I’m heading out,” says the admin. assistant, “Thank you for picking up the paperwork this evening. It did make things a bit easier. Oh, and the therapist should be calling you sometime tomorrow to schedule an appointment.”
She gives me a small wave and then walks away, a minute later I hear the door close and am alone in the empty office, all the other heroes for this shift are out on patrol. ‘Lucky bastards.’ I lean back in my chair once more and try to find the spot where I had left off but I had lost track. I click my tongue, although the task was pointless, at least it gave me something to do. I stand up and head over to the vending machines, a quick snack doesn’t sound too bad.
The selection is limited and most of the bags are probably filled with stale chips anyways. After a few moments I reach into my back pocket to grab my wallet after deciding on a bag of pretzels. My wallet is not there, I furrow my brows in confusion, maybe I left it at my desk? No, when I get back there it’s empty. I pat myself down, and the only things on me are my phone, hero ID, and keys. Wait, maybe I left it in the car? A sinking feeling in my stomach tells me otherwise, but I figure it’s worth a quick peek anyways.
Ten minutes later it is clear that it’s not here. I’ve checked under the seats, in between the console and the seats, and in the glove box. I even checked in between the seats and the side panel of the car by where the seat adjuster are, nothing. I huff out in annoyance at my fruitless search and resist the urge to slam the door to my car, closing it behind me and lock it before heading back inside ‘Great if it isn’t at the house I will have to call around and cancel all my cards, just what I need.’
I have managed to accomplish nothing in the four hours after getting back from the police department other than count the divots in the ceiling and down eight cups of coffee, I have never had that much coffee in one shift before. I spent hours literally staring at the ceiling, hopefully this desk duty nonsense will be over soon. I can’t sit at a desk all day, my brain will atrophy. Maybe I won’t even need to talk to the shrink more than once, I’ll contact the life coach, set up an appointment and then I’ll be out on patrol in no time. The boss is just giving me a nudge, he’s not holding my hand on the issue.
I drive back to my apartment a bit slower than usual, lost in thought. Considering what I should say to the therapist and life coach that will finish up this whole scenario as quickly as possible. My train of thought lasts until I get to the parking garage of my apartment complex. The dim lights of the garage a bilious yellow hue against the stark night.
I unlock the door to my apartment, take off my shoes and walk inside, “Okay, now where the hell is my wallet?” I say to myself as I lock the door behind me.
I spend the next few minutes walking around the house wandering about, and have made a full circle in my search for my wallet. I sigh and take off my jacket, walking over to the coat hanger shelf by the door, I notice my wallet placed on the shelf. I take in a deep steadying breath, ‘It’s been here the whole time. At least I don’t have to cancel all my cards now.’  I rest my keys on the shelf next to it and take out the business card from Joe out of my jacket.
Padding into my room, the floor is chilly despite the socks on my feet. My thumb runs over the surface of the card. It’s smooth and warm to the touch after being in my jacket pocket for so long. I set it down on my bedside table and quickly undress, putting on my pajamas, readying myself for bed. After pulling my shirt over my head I pick up the card and walk over to my desk, sitting down in the chair and opening the laptop. While waiting for the login screen I look down at the card in my hands. It has a matte finish, and is heather gray in color, the black lettering standing out from the soft tone of the card stock. I flip the card over in my hand and see that it’s one sided. The small chime of the laptop lets me know that the startup screen is on display and I can log in. My fingers tap lightly at the keys, pausing every so often to glance at the card for reference. After typing the website into the url bar at the top of the browser the page loads up instantly. The platform is simple and easy to navigate, I find the application for the intake immediately. Looking over the requested information I scroll to the bottom of the page and come to a decision. ‘There’s no way I’m filling all of this out. I’ll just call them when I wake up.’
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geenozah · 6 years
apparently i can only write one-shots for these two lol. anyways, uraraka wants to go for a drive and invites bakugou. it’s something they both need, it turns out.
“Are you at home?” she asks, forgetting to say hello.
He recognizes her voice, the slight edge to her tone.
He hears her let out a long breath over the phone.
“Wanna go driving with me?”
He laughs, sharp. “You know you can fly?”
“I can’t really fly fast though.”
“Got me for that,” he says, seeing how much he can get out of her. “Can go piggybacking like we used to.”
She laughs, soft.
“Please? I just...I need to go for a drive, you know?”
He grunts. “No.” And hears her smile through the phone.
“Thank you. I’ll be at yours in about ten minutes, okay? I’ll text you when I’m there.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
She hasn’t said much; they’ve been driving along a winding country road for about ten minutes now, and the silence is annoying, especially cause he knows it’s something serious. For her not to talk...
“Spit it out,” he says, arm hanging out the window. It’s hot and the breeze is welcome and he likes the way her hair blows in the wind.
She turns and looks at him, flexing her fingers on the steering wheel. Her eyes settle on his lips, his gaze too intense. He quirks a brow.
“If I won the lottery,” she says, “I could just drive off. I could just drive away on a day like this. It’s so beautiful out, you know?”
Sunlight streams through the windows, making her cheeks look pinker than normal.
His eyes narrow. “What's going on?”
She smiles, but her chin trembles, so she snaps her head forward to avoid looking at him. She laughs a second later, turning on the music.
“I just uh...I had a bad day. It’s stupid,” she says, wiping her eyes, and turning the dial to another station. He frowns. She wants to apologize, but knows he’d hate it.
It’s just how they are; her ranting and him not seeing the point and telling her so – The fuck would I wanna talk about it? Doesn’t change anything. Doesn’t do anything – he told her once. They circled that drain over and over until one day she exploded, telling him to Shut up, shut up, shut up! His way isn’t the only way! Sometimes she doesn’t want a solution, she just wants to talk, jerk!
He didn’t speak to her for a whole day after that…but it’s different now. She still rants and he still rolls his eyes, but he’s bent a little, navigating through other people’s emotions in a way he can understand and reciprocate. It’s their way.
“Take the next turn.”
She blinks. “What?”
“Next right, idiot,” he tilts his chin. “I know a place...you’ll like it.”
She smiles, nodding.
“Do I get a hint?” she asks after the next song starts.
She laughs.
“Here?” she says when he instructs her to park the car. “I was expecting you to take me for some ice cream or something,” she teases, ignoring his scowl.
They’re at the top of a cliff, one that Bakugou told her about a while ago when she mentioned how much she loved driving through the country. It’s only got space for about five cars, so Uraraka parks on the far left. She’s happy that they seem to be the only ones here.
They get out of the car, Bakugou with more purpose, while Uraraka takes in the scenery. There’s only one bench, and the little patch of grass is outlined by a wooden fence. He watches her stretch out her arms in delight, eyeing the city below. It’s drowning in sunlight; the skyline’s dusted pink and orange and the glow halos her hair as she spins around, eyes closed.
He wonders if she does it on purpose.
“Are we here to watch the sunset?” she hums, giddy at the thought of him doing something so cheesy. There’s something about being alone with him like this; about pretending he’s not looking at her so she can feel his gaze just a little bit longer.
“No,” he says, walking up to the wooden fence. He takes a breath and starts to climb it.
“What’re you doing-“ Uraraka starts, but he ignores her, hauling himself up to rest his feet on the top plank, a shoulder-width apart, back towards her. “Bakug-“
“If I jumped off, I could make it back up again using my quirk, no problem,” he says, and that makes Uraraka freeze. He’s steady, arms hanging loosely at his sides, fists clenched.
He takes a moment, before angling his body around to face her. His eyes are shining.
“So,” he smirks, all teeth, while outstretching his arms. “Catch me!” And without warning, he falls back, disappearing over the edge.
“BAKUGOU!” Uraraka screams, running like hell to scramble over the fence and jump after him.
She doesn’t think, doesn’t take a second to breathe before she’s falling too, hair whipping violently across her face, her clothes billowing under her neck.
She focuses on his black t-shirt because she can’t make out his face; his arms are outstretched and his legs are slack but all she can think about is how fast they’re falling and how far away he seems. It’s hard to hear anything over the wind, over her heartbeat, but she listens for his usual holler or taunt to confirm that he’s still alive.
It doesn’t come.
Closing her eyes , she angles her whole body so she can pick up speed, spiralling towards him - faster than she should be to pull off what she’s planning - but she doesn’t goddamn care because she has to catch him, she has to, she has to, she has to-
She opens her eyes to finally, f i n a l l y grab hold of his shirt, halting so fast to swing him around that she’s sure they’ve got whiplash. They collide mid-air, a tangle of limbs, and Uraraka pulls him up from under her so they continue spinning upright.
They’re chest to chest, floating around like that - a solid mass of nerve and unspoken reprieve - until Uraraka can feel herself sliding down his front in exhaustion. He pulls her up into his arms, steady, even though he knows she won’t fall.
“That was so fucking cool,” he looks down at her triumphantly, firing off a few blasts to help slow their momentum.
She looks up in disbelief, her whole body shaking.
“You…ASSHOLE!” she yells, pushing off of him to kick hard at his shins. But he grabs her wrists before she can escape.
“I knew you’d catch me,” he says, doing his best not to smile as she struggles against him. “Listen,” he brings her tight against his chest so she’s forced to look at him. “Ura, listen. I don’t know what happened today but…you saved me in ten seconds flat - with no warning - and you jumped off a damn cliff to do it. So fuck whatever happened. You’re meant to do this.”
She stares back at him. 
“That was so mean!” she snaps, punching his shoulder. His grin is wicked, but holds no bite. She takes an agonizing breath, hitting him again before a huge wave of relief washes over her, and she allows herself to rest her head in the crook of his neck. “God, you’re such an ass.” 
Another laugh escapes him (he can’t help it) and he admits he doesn’t mind her tiny fingers clutching the hell out of his back; whether it’s out of relief or anger or a mix of the two, he bares it.
They float around a couple seconds longer before Bakugou taps a finger to her jaw. “You gonna release your death grip so we can get back?” he asks.
“Get off me,” she grumbles, pulling away from him, but still extending her hand.
He doesn’t need to grab it, but does so anyway.
“On three,” he says, hanging slightly below her. He fires off some explosions after the count and she drags him up with her.
It takes them less than half a minute to reach the edge of the cliff; Uraraka maneuvers them skilfully through the air, adjusting her position side to side to account for the wind. Bakugou allows himself a glance at her thighs, which tighten as they strain to shift him left or right.
They’re hovering about ten feet above the car now, the sun still emitting a faint orange glow over the city. He makes to untangle himself from her arm before she notices his heart rate, but he feels her fingers slip into his left hand, holding him back.
“Don’t ever do that again,” she warms, looking at him seriously. He hates the guilty churn in his stomach.
“You knew I’d be fine,” he grunts. 
She smiles sweetly before releasing him onto the roof of the car, giggling as he growls some expletives up at her. 
“Thank you,” she says, looking at him. They’re sitting on the hood of the car, a hand apart, watching the city lights come on as the sun finally sets. “Not for jumping off the cliff. But for what you said.”
He regards her in that way of his, something familiar but intimate, which ultimately means they have an understanding. She holds his gaze, dwelling in the sliver of a moment they’ve cut out for themselves.
“Next time though, just take me training or something! You could’ve made me float the car around up here while giving that speech, I would’ve gotten the point,” she huffs, reminding him that he’s not forgiven yet.
“You can only handle one car?”
She throws a jab at his chest, but he grabs her wrist before she can make contact. Grinning, she takes a swipe with her other hand, but he blocks that too. She wriggles the wrist he’s holding, trying to distract him so she can smack his stomach, but he reacts at the last second, meaning both of her wrists are trapped now. 
She struggles against him fiercely, giggling as he strains to keep her still. He cements himself against her side to combat her strength, collecting her wrists with one hand to hold them in between their chests before he fully wraps his arms around her back. The position is awkward and she’s relentless, but he manages to keep her restrained. He realizes he needs to get himself on top of her - she’s no match for his weight and it’ll give him the advantage he’s looking for. And this whole thing’s shifted tones in a way that confuses the fuck out of him so he needs to make it fast, needs to show her exactly who she’s dealing with when- 
When she licks. His fucking. Neck.
“The fuck-” he grunts, and in that moment she’s able to get a hand free. 
He knows it was to distract him, to fight dirty, to drive him crazy…and it almost works too. But Bakugou’s armed with unbridled rage, which manages to trump her quick reflexes, if only by a second. He slams her back onto the hood of the car, growling as their chests collide.
“Fucking cocky,” he rasps. He’s looking down and her and she’s looking up at him and he’s furious that she’s goaded him into this (that he let himself be so stupid), but she’s warm and curvy and he can’t think straight with her mouth open like that. They’re breathing hard and the steel groans underneath them as it bends, but he doesn’t kiss her, can’t kiss her yet because he doesn’t know what the hell they’ve gotten themselves into.
He doesn’t move - and he can say with certainty that one of the hardest things he’s ever had to do is just wait for those three seconds above her - until she decides to pull him close or push him away…
Do it, he begs. Do something-
“Shut up,” she growls, linking her fingers around the back of his neck and pulling his mouth over hers. She’s too eager, too fast, too rough, but he smirks into the kiss because he knows she’s nervous too, so she can’t help overcompensating. It’s completely overwhelming, still more of a fight than a dance because this is new and exciting and terrifying but God she feels so good, and she’s never heard him gasp like that before.
He grabs her waist, moving her up the hood so he can rest fully on top of her. His arms surround her frame, and he shifts her legs apart with his knee. She can’t help the moan, arching so he can press himself fully against her. They haven’t stopped kissing; she doesn’t want to stop kissing, thrilled by how his lips feel on her skin.
She wants to ask him what he’s doing, what it all means, and what will happen now, but he’s kissing her back like he’s wanted to for centuries, so she lets the ache and hunger and need for more consume any shred of doubt.
She loves how he feels on top of her, heavy and solid and demanding - doesn’t try to stop him when he bites down on her shoulder. She grasps at his lower back, nails digging into his skin when his tongue slides over her neck.
It’s getting dangerous, the way they’re clinging to each other. How she moves her hips underneath him, and how he grips at the hemline of her shorts, both desperate to memorize every new curve and scar and every Oh God don’t stop, spot. It’s a mess of clacking teeth and breathy moans, and they know they’re going too far, know that adrenaline and sweaty hairlines are a sweet combination for disaster when five years of misplaced desire suddenly comes to a head, but they just can’t stop.
He starts rocking against her when she gasps, which is goddamn criminal, but it just spurs him on, and he loses himself in the way she starts panting yes yes yes. The steel frame clanks in time with his thrusts, and Uraraka mimics his movements to show him how much she wants this, how much she needs this.
She ignores the sharp pang in her shoulder when he moves faster - her neck has been falling over the edge of the steel frame - and closes her eyes, her mouth falling open.
“Fuck,” he growls – and how is it fair that that gets her so hot? – before leaning over to kiss her again.
“Bakugou,” she breathes in between kisses, “BakugOH-” but she doesn’t get the words out because all of a sudden they’re tumbling off the side of the hood, falling to the ground below. 
“Shit,” he says from underneath her, bringing his hand to her cheek. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” she groans, trying to perch herself up on his chest. “You?”
“Yeah,” he grits his teeth suddenly, almost hissing, “just...move your elbow.”
She looks down, where her joint is pressing heavily on his crotch.
“Oh!” she yelps, adjusting her position. “Oh shit, sorry!”
He looks directly up at the sky, like he’s trying to distract himself. She notices him swallow, how the tips of his ears seem to redden.
She can’t help her snort of laughter, resting her chin above his solar plexus to get a closer look. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen her look so amused.
“Shut up,” he growls, but the corners of his mouth twitch with laughter too.
She presses her face into his shirt as another outburst of giggles escapes her. He sets off a few small explosions from his palms in a pretense of bravado, but she sees right through it, arching her neck to kiss his jaw. That seems to placate him, and they settle back against the grass, heartbeats perfectly in sync as their chests rise and fall with each breath.
“We should go,” he says after a minute, in that way that lets her know there’s no changing his mind. He untangles from her and pulls himself up off the ground, holding his hand out when he stands.
“Kinda wanna stay,” she says softly, taking his hand. She leans back against the car to take a final look at the stars.
“Bad idea,” he says.
“Why?” she asks, curious.
He leans forward so there’s about an inch between them, pushing her against the window. The look he gives her is so dirty it makes her heart stop.
He smirks, placing a quick peck on her lips...and turns to walk around the back of the car to the passenger side, before she can change his mind.
“Take me home, Round Face.”
She’s brushing her teeth when she hears her phone vibrate on her desk. She spits, too excited to rinse her mouth, and runs to her bedroom. 
She put that as his contact name about a year ago, much to his chagrin.
     [If I won the lottery, I would drive away with you. Cause someone’s gotta             be there to talk your dumbass into coming back.]
She smiles so hard it hurts, knowing somehow that together, everything's going to be just fine.
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bakugou-ou · 7 years
I've been really really down lately, and had my lowest drop yet(and have yet to completely recover) I struggle a lot with mental health and my anxiety has kept me for dropping an ask in so long but I've convinced myself to just do it. So if it isn't much of a bother, could I request kirishima and bakugou as a comfort request? Maybe some cuddling?
Tfw you thought you published this last week but you didn’t so you feel awful about it. Yikes. Sorry for the wait, but here it is! I wasn’t sure if you wanted them together or separate, so I did them together because best bros wanna make you feel better, and it leans more to the platonic side of things. Hope that’s okay!
You’d been feeling off for a while now: things came back tothis point often, but it wasn’t usually this bad. It just hadn’t been a goodday, and you felt as though you needed some time to breathe, to forget aboutwhat was going on. Some sort of temporary distraction from the weight of whatwas getting you down. With a sigh, you came to rest on your bed, looking downat your phone and scrolling numbly through your tumblr dashboard, looking foranything that might take your mind off your current feelings, that might giveyou just a bit of reprieve... Only to find nothing.
A few minutes after you’d begun to try and work your waythrough this particularly brutal wave of depression, you heard a knock on yourdoor. At first you didn’t immediately respond, drained from the day’sactivities and your emotional state, but when you called out to ask who wasthere, you heard a familiar voice, one that was the embodiment of sunshine: itwas Kirishima. Hearing his voice was a welcome relief, and so you told him thedoor was open and he could come in.
When the door to your room opened, you saw not only Kirishima,but Bakugou as well. You were friendswith both of them, arguably closer with Kirishima, but it was a surprise to seethe usually angry, standoffish blond with the cheerful redhead at your door. Kirishimaflashed you that characteristic, cheerful, toothy grin of his, and Bakugousimply watched you with… What even was that expression? You’d never seen it onhim before. If you didn’t know him better, you’d think it was pity, but itseemed a bit different, you knew that pity wasn’t something he let himselffeel, or let others feel toward him.
“You looked like you weren’t feeling so good earlier, so wewanted to come and check on you,” Kirishima explained, his grin softening intoa small smile, “Is it okay if we come in?”
You nodded, not wanting to turn down the kindness of yourfriends, especially if Bakugou was going to be nice for once in his life.Kirishima pulled Bakugou into the room behind himself, and Bakugou closed thedoor, letting out a slightly disgruntled sigh as he did so.
“You wanna talk about it?” Kirishima asked.
You nodded, and explained everything that had been gettingyou down, but that even more than that, it just was a bad time, and you werehaving an extremely low dip in your mood. It was hard to feel okay, you alwayshad issues, but they were really kicking your ass that day. Why couldn’t itjust stop? Why couldn’t you feel better already? You knew it’d come to pass but,in the moment, it felt awful. Kirishima and Bakugou listened to you, the latterpaying attention was a bit surprising but pleasant to see. Kirishima hadimmediately taken a seat on your bed with you, and Bakugou was leaning againstthe wall opposite your bed, watching, waiting for Kirishima to make a move. Hewasn’t the kind of person to go out of his way to comfort other people, not inthe same way Kirishima was, he wasn’t quite sure what to do for you.
Kirishima, however, the human embodiment of what it feltlike when you looked at a basket full of puppies, knew what he was going to do.If you couldn’t fight off your unpleasant feelings on your own, he’d cuddlethem away for you. And he was going to make damn sure your other friend joinedin on it, too, since that guy could use some snuggles, too.
Once you’d finished talking, Kirishima flopped down ontoyour mattress and pulled you right along with him, bringing you down next tohim and wrapping his arms around you. He looked to Bakugou and pat the space onthe other side of you. Bakugou was a bit put off by Kirishima’s suggestion, butyou were friends, and he really didn’t like seeing people he cared about beingas upset as you were… Just this once,he told himself, just this once.
As Kirishima held onto you, rubbing your back with one handand playing with your hair with the other hand, Bakugou cautiously moved fromthe wall over to the foot of your bed, then moved up your bed and lied downbehind you, moving closer and draping an arm over your waist in a place whereKirishima’s arm wasn’t. Bakugou was embarrassed by this sort of thing, he’dnever done anything like that before, and he wasn’t sure if that was the rightway to do it. He was just mirroring what Kirishima had done.
“Is this okay?” Kirishima asked you, not wanting to make youuncomfortable; when you said yes, hesmiled, “We’re gonna smother your sadness away! You’re not gonna feel bad bythe time we’re through with you!”
“I don’t think that’s how that works, dumbass…” Bakugoumumbled, moving himself closer to you and resting his head against yourshoulder.
This was, in a way, nice for him too, though it was a bitawkward. You could tell he was a bit uneasy, so reached a hand down to his andheld it. He almost recoiled, but hestopped himself, knowing that this was for your sake, and that Kirishima would scoldhim if he did… Well, and it didn’t feel all that bad, actually.
Kirishima began to talk about things he knew you liked,making really cheesy jokes to get you to laugh and crack a smile, even if itwas only just a tiny one. He wasn’t just going to hold onto you, he was goingto make you laugh, genuinely. And, after about ten minutes, it happened; youbegan to feel a little better after the onslaught of horrible jokes that madeBakugou groan and bury his face further into your shoulder, moving closer toyou and trying not to laugh, those same jokes bringing out your own laughterand smile, feeling Bakugou stifle his own laughter into your body. They wereboth so warm, and once Bakugou had relaxed a bit, it didn’t feel at allunnatural.
The three of you stayed like that for a long while, and eventuallyeven Bakugou began to make jokes, ortalk about things, things you didn’t even know he’d picked up on about you andthe things you liked, giving you compliments. Compliments didn’t come freelyfrom him, he offered them sparingly, but he knew how bad you were feeling, andif Kirishima was trying that hard to make you feel better, he needed to give asmuch of an effort. It became a competition to him, he’d be the one tocompletely incinerate any trace of your depression from you, not Kirishima.Kirishima may have started it, but he would finish it. He even tore you fromKirishima and turned you over so you were facing him, holding you up againsthim. Kirishima was happy to see the two of you like that, both of you seemingto be in better moods than either of you had been when they’d arrived.
They stayed with you like that until you thanked them formaking you feel better.
“You don’t need to thank us, that’s what friends are for,____!” Kirishima responded sweetly, grinning again, “Now that you’re feelingbetter, why don’t we go get some snacks, watch a movie, and hang out some more?If you want, if you’re tired of us we can go.”
“Snacks and a movie sounds nice.” You said, smiling back athim.
“Great, I’m fucking starving.” Bakugou chimed in, looking toKirishima, “I’ll get the food, you two pick a movie. And it better not be that Crimson Riotdocumentary again, or I’m gonna kill you, Kirishima.”
Bakugou released you from his grip and got off your bed,heading for the door.
“Aw, come on, it’s so good, though!” Kirishima objected.
“It’s ____’s choice, they’re the one who was having a badday.” Bakugou reminded him, looking back at the two of you and smiling just the slightest bit before slippingout of the room.
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