#if one of them dies right after Bakugou gets a fake out death it seems really cheep
problemswithbooks · 2 years
So, I having a sinking feeling ch. 362 is going to be another one that marks a downward shift in writing quality similar to how Izuku getting Black Whip did. 
Here’s the thing I just don’t think that this situation is good no matter what happens next. 
1. Bakugou is really dead and stays dead: As one of the most important characters in the story, only being second to Izuku his death was rather anticlimactic. Izuku’s not even there, it has no real connection to his character arc, and it doesn’t even get to take out his opponent with his sacrifice. It’s essentially meaningless from a story telling stand point.
2. Bakugou is really dead but he comes back to life: Either he gets revived by Eri or something, or the story has Bakugou be special in someway, like being connected to the second user, or something to do with OfA. Bringing back Bakugou from the dead renders death less meaningful because it shows that the author would find ways to bend the story to back pedal that choice if they felt like it. Yet having Bakugou be brought back due to some special attribute is no better because then it gives him canon plot armor and suddenly makes any fight with his character have way less stakes. It would also be terrible if what brings him back is tied to the first Movie because that pulls another Kurogiri/Shirakumo thing, where suddenly outside material is needed to fully understand what’s going on and it’s emotional impact. BNHA isn’t a follow series like say, Boruto is to Naruto; outside marital shouldn’t be needed to read this story.   
3. Bakugou isn’t dead at all: It turns out be nothing more then a cliffhanger to draw in readers before a week break. Even if he is ‘dead’ but say Best Jeanist goes over the first couple panels of the next chapter and manages to bring him back through more realistic means (a stopped heart doesn’t always kill a person as long as it starts again within a certain amount of time) I think this counts. To me that seems like a crap tactic to get readers invested without actually fallowing through with what’s been set up. He did this with Hawks and Twice, leaving a chapter off with what seemed like Hawks about to kill an beaten Twice, yet next chapter had Hawks think about how he was actually just trying to subdue him. Sure he still had Hawks kill Twice but it wasn’t while Twice was on the floor, completely unable to move, which is way worse. Hori back pedaled and had the situation be more grey. If he does this with Bakugou who is always top of the popularity pulls, it really comes across as Hori trying to tug at heart strings without losing his cash cow, which is kind of shitty. 
So, yeah, sort of worried this going to end poorly no matter what choice Hori makes. Hopefully I’m just not thinking of something better he could do, and I’m wrong. Or in the very least it’s fun to watch, even if the story isn’t as good because of it, sort like Izuku’s many Quirks.   
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tamakissimp · 3 years
B.K/I.M- save the bunny
𝕤𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪: What are you supposed to do when you’re dead friend is suddenly standing before you?  𝕨𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: cursing, someone getting hit, mention of murder? 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 2008 𝕒/𝕟: not my best work but o well....yeah also there’ll probably be part 2 to this
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This wasn't how Bakugou wanted his Friday night to turn out. He was supposed to come how to a quiet place. Silence and tranquillity enveloping him as he let himself fall onto the plush cushions of his couch. Maybe there would be a warm meal waiting for him if he was lucky. He could finally let his worn-out muscles take a break from the constant stress they're under.
Something must have gone wrong somewhere. Or else he wouldn't be here, standing before a mocking bunny mask. Floppy fabric ears and blood-stained cheeks staring back at him. The sewn-on grin seems to scream 'punch me'.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" he snarls. He grits his teeth while trying to keep his explosions at bay.
The bunny simply tilts their head as they stay silent. Their long limbs seem to move spiderlike as their body turns. Bakugou's eyes following their movement.
No. Shit. Fuck. The bunny tilts his head towards the other side as they snag a photo frame from the coffee table. Pointy fingers glide over the glass, lingering on a specific person in the picture.
Bile starts to rise in Bakugou's throat. Its acidic bitterness only seems to light the fire to his aggression even more.
"Who the fuck are you?". It's useless, he knows. Like hell, a villain like 'The Bunny' will just give up their identity. The silence is killing Bakugou. His nerves on edge and his muscles rippling as he struggles to constrain himself.
He lifts his hands, an explosion already blooming out of his palm. He is ready to blast whoever this might be into bits.
"That's no way to treat your friends," a distorted voice says. Great, so this bastard can speak. Bakugou opens his mouth, about to yell their ears of but a simple word shuts him up.
"Kacchan.". His hand drops to his side his mouth hangs agape. He had dreamed of this moment. Fantasised about the moment he could apologize and hug his friend. He had planned out exactly what he would say. What he'd do, how he'd act. But this wasn't in the plan.
The bunny's pointy fingers come up to its face before ripping the mask off. A mop of green hair springs out from underneath. "Cat caught your tongue?" he asks mockingly before running those same fingers through his hair.
"How..". Bakugou's throat fails on him. His voice stops working. Is he crying? He wants to tell himself he's not but he's honestly not sure anymore. Knees buckling underneath him yet he still manages to keep himself standing up.
"How am I still alive?" Izuku finishes for him. He casts the mask aside, throwing it on the floor before letting his body fall onto the couch, the same couch Bakugou planned to rest on. He lazily drapes his arms over the top of it.
The casualness of his movements mocks Bakugou. As if he isn't Japan's most wanted criminal sitting on Japan's number one hero's couch.
"Everyone always asks that, you know?" he says he glances down at the picture frames he's still holding. "It's getting old.". He lazily runs his finger over the glass.
"You died. I buried you. Inko fucking mourned you, she still does," Bakugou says. His voice wavers and he hates himself for it. He's showing weakness.
"You'd be surprised how easy it is to fake a death," Izuku says.
Bakugou's red eyes bore into his green ones. A silence hangs between them. It feels almost surreal to Bakugou. His mind hasn't caught up to the fact that his friend, or rather ex-friend, is sitting before him and isn't six feet underground.
While Bakugou's movements are ragged and forced, Izuku almost seems comical. His body has seemed to adapt to his villainous life. A theatrical elegance laced into his movements.
"I don't see you as a friend anymore," he breaks out. Izuku's eyes grow for a second and so does his smile. He straightens his back as he silently urges Bakugou on to speak.
"I buried my friend," he says. "You're not him. You might think you're him but you're not. He isn't this pathetic." He grits his teeth before lifting his hands again, getting ready to swing at him. Izuku quickly jumps up from the couch.
His eyes glint in mischief as he takes in the sight before him. "Oh, looks like you still haven't dealt with your anger, Kacchan.".
The nickname sets him off. He storms towards the green-haired man, fists raised and palms crackling from explosions. That is until he hears a familiar sound.
Both of them look towards the front door. Bakugou's face slacks with shock while Izuku's lights up with excitement. This isn't supposed to happen. Why is this happening?
Izuku quickly moves the kick his mask underneath the couch before he places the picture frame back. Bakugou eyes linger on the picture for a second. It's one of the three of you. Bakugou squished in between you and Izuku, his fingers raised behind both of your head to give you bunny ears. Oh, if he could just turn back time.
"'Suki?" you call out. Bakugou fears for his life, or rather, yours. Who knows what the crazed psychopath standing before him will do. "I thought I'd swing by and-".
Your words stop as you walk into the living room. The bags in your hands drop. Soup spills out of the containers you so meticulous packed. Bright orange curry stains the spotless carpet beneath it. The hot liquid splashes up against your leg, most likely burning your skin though you don't care.
You try to speak, mouthing opening and closing like a fish. This must be a dream, one of those horrible nightmares Kirishima often gets. That is until a familiar wobbly voice reaches your ears.
"Hi, bunny," Izuku says. Within a second, he has closed the space between you. Your arms wrap around him instinctively. It's an awkward hold. You used to be able to rest your chin on his head. Now, his muscled body towers over yours.
"Y-You're...You're dead," you whisper against his chest while nuzzling your cheek into him. His body heat seems to bring you a type of peace you haven't known of in years.
"I know, I know," he says while running his hands over your back. Sobs break out of your chest as your emotions seem to flow over. Salty rivers running past your burning cheeks and dripping into Izuku's musky hoodie.
Your body shakes as you grab onto Izuku, painfully so. You're sure you're going to leave bruises on his sickly pale skin yet you can't bring yourself to care. The aching in your chest that you've suppressed for years finally seems to boil over.
Hot and heavy emotions spill into your mind. You aren't sure if the salty taste in your mouth is from biting your lip until blood gushes out of it or the tears streaming down uncontrollably. You're sure that you look like a mess. Tears and snot dripping down your chin.
Instead of trying to see through your tear-blurred vision, you burry your face further into your friend's chest.
He's dead or at least supposed to be. You buried him, cried at his funeral and went through grief for him.
Yet here he is, in the flesh. His voice still sounds the same. He still smells the same. But he is not the same boy you knew years ago. His smile isn't the same. And his scarred hands sure aren't the same. Everything about him is the same, yet slightly different, giving you a mental whiplash.
"You have some fucking explaining to do," Bakugou says. His voice breaks you out of your trance. You pull away from Izuku, your body immediately screaming in protest. You look up at him. It feels strange, you used to be at least a head taller than him
"How the fuck are you still alive?". Bakugou doesn't have time for nicknames or formality. Not when he knows that the man standing before him has the blood of at least a hundred on his hands.
Izuku steps away from you, unwinding his arms from your body. Bakugou quickly strides over and pulls you away from the offending man. He pushes you behind him while one hand still grips onto your arm. You want to ask him what the fuck he's doing but Izuku starts talking before you can.
"It's a long story," he says. "Can't tell you everything but, long story short, I had to fake my death. Some guys were after me but it's all fixed now!". The vagueness mixed with his eerie smile only makes him look more like a psychopath.
"All fixed? All-fucking-fixed?". Boiling anger rising to Bakugou's head, clouding his thinking. He taking quick steps up to his ex-friend. Izuku doesn't even flinch when Bakugou grabs onto his neck tightly. "You left. Fucking made us think you're dead and you think you can just come in and say that everything is fixed?".
Spit flies out of his mouth and lands on Izuku's cheek, a shiver of disgust running over his spine at the feeling. Yet the green-haired man can't stop the excitement from bubbling up at seeing his friend so rilled up.
"Bakugou, Jesus fuck, calm down," you say. This situation should probably feel more serious than it is. Yet the shock still evident in your body and the adrenaline clouding your mind makes you unable to properly process it all.
"Like hell, I'll calm down!". Bakugou finally lets go of Izuku's throat. A set of cough falls out of the green-haired man's throat. He smirks as he glances down at the aggressive blond.
"Come on, Kacchan, we shouldn't do this in front of our little bunny," Izuku says with a smirk. The gears finally seem to click in his mind. Suddenly, the bunny mask, the name, the costume, it all makes sense.
"You sick fuck!" Bakugou yells before landing a hit square on Izuku's jaw. He stumbles back a bit, taken aback at Bakugou's sudden outburst. The blond takes the opportunity to land another punch right on his nose.
A wet crunch sounds through the room. You cringe as you feel bile rise in your throat from the sound. "Izuku!" you yell out as you try to get to your friend or ex-friend, you're not sure.
Bakugou stops you thought, his arms wrapping around your body and spinning you away from the green-haired freak. You pound your hand on his arms pleading with him to let you go but your ministrations do nothing to the number one hero.
Izuku laughs as he wipes away the blood dripping from his nose, tainting the grimy grey of his hoodie with it. "You're gonna regret that, Kacchan," he says. Bakugou doesn't even give him the light of day as he makes his way out of his apartment with light speed
Your throat grows dry and painful as you plead Bakugou to let you. To let you go to him. "It's okay, he's gone," Bakugou says.
You shake your head violently as you claw at his back, trying to get his arms to loosen their hold. "I need to see him. I gotta-I gotta see him. Suki, please!". The hoarseness of your voice shoots painful stabs into Bakugou's heart.
But he doesn't let his mind linger too long, running down the stairs two steps at a time. All he can focus on is getting you away from that creep before he can touch you again.
"Please, I can't leave him again," you sob out. Bakugou simply lays on hand on the back of your head, pulling you even closer to him. Thankfully he doesn't see Izuku following behind him.
"Please, not again," you say before your voice bursts out in sobs again. Fuck, how much Bakugou wants to blast that fuckers skull in. He's sure his friends at the police force wouldn't mind turning a blind eye for him. But that'll have to wait until later. Now he needs to focus on keeping you safe, safe from him.
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txdoroki · 4 years
please don’t leave me
warnings: character death sorta, i mean it doesn’t have anything to do with the mha storyline, but someone dies in this, blood/gore/fighting
desc: bakugou is breaking up with his partner, and they don’t understand it was for the greater good. idfk im bad at descriptions lmao
pairing: bakugou x reader
words: 1,444- woo
@frxggie hope this is angsty enough for you honey💗
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“suki what are you talking about?” you looked up at bakugou with your brows furrowed, confusion and fear laced in your gaze.
he’d said he was faking it, he didn’t want to be with you anymore.
“look, i never want to see you again. these past years have been fucking hell for me, i can’t stand you,” your boyfriend.. well, ex-boyfriend stood in front of our bed, scoffing when he saw tears begin to form in your eyes, “quit that, this is hard for me too,”
you felt like you’d been beaten to a pulp. you’d placed your heart in his hands, entrusting all of your secrets and trust into him, and he tore it up right in front of you. you trusted him, you loved him. he told you he’d never leave, that you meant the universe to him, and you took that as the truth. 
all good things must come to an end i guess 
“why would you lie to me,” your voice cracked as you bit your bottom lip to hush the cries that threatened to wrack through your body, trying your best not to breakdown in front of him.
“because you’re one clingy ass bitch, it isn’t like the lies were very difficult to pull off. you’re so fucking desperate for love that you chose me? why,” 
every word that bakugou said tore both of your hearts apart. he wished he didn’t have to do this, he loved you so much. you were his soulmate, and he had to ruin your year just because he was stupid enough to....
“get out of my dorm right now,” you choked on your sobs, and the dam broke before you could get him away from you. you lost it, more and more sobs and cries escaping your mouth with every passing second.
he instinctively reached out to hug you, and you screamed when his hand touched your shoulder. he pulled back, and stared at the ground. for the first time ever, he looked defeated.
he wished you understood he didn’t want to hurt you like this.
“get the fuck away from me, i can’t believe you, get away from me,” you covered your ears when he tried to say something. you didn’t want to hear whatever he had to say. tears flew down your face, and they seemed to be never ending.
all of that fire of joy and love that had been crackling in bakugou’s chest just a few hours before, was gone. its place was filled with. well. nothing. it’d always be empty.
it was a spot only your love could fill.
when bakugou just stood there while you cried, grief filled you. his presence no longer felt warm and comforting, instead it was quite the opposite. 
“i told you to get away from me, bakugou,” the use of his last name made him take in a sharp breath. 
“shut up and get away from me,” you bawled, grabbing one of your pillows to cry into.
you both wished it didn’t have to happen this way.
you both wished it didn’t happen in general.
you didn’t notice when he quietly exited your dorm, but you were thankful he did. you couldn’t stand the sight of him right now, and everything seemed to remind you of him.
the walls that he’d hold you against and kiss you. your bed that you cuddled with him on. the teddy bear he got you on your first date. everywhere you looked, a different memory you made with him would flood your mind. when he first kissed you. when you were cuddling with him and he said “god you’re such a dumbass, i love you.”. when you shared your deepest secrets with him.
when he promised he’d always be there.
when he promised he would always love you.
when he promised.
the love of your life just walked away from you. he just told you that you were useless to him, and that he didn’t love you anymore. 
all hell broke loose inside of you once more, and you were sure if someone was outside they’d be able to hear your cries.
a few hours later, you’d decided to walk to a nearby icecream parlor to try and cheer yourself up.
 although it was long forgotten when you saw bakugou walk out of the dorm building as you were turning the corner to go outside to your car. you decided to follow him even though every bone in your body begged you not to, but you were too worried as to what he was up to at two in the morning. he was usually asleep, the hell was happening?
you were really confused as you were following him to see you wound up at an elementary school playground. 
and even more confused when you saw a green, glowing figure stood next to the swings.
why was he meeting up with deku?
“so, are you ready to die?” midoriya laughed, although it didn’t really sound like him, as bakugou walked over to him with his head down.
when you saw your beloved nod sadly, your stomach turned.
they exchanged small talk for a short few minutes, talking about how midoriya was getting the “ultimate payback” for the years of bakugou’s bullying.
they nodded to each other before both getting into fighting stance and, i suppose you could say, you acted without thinking.
you ran out from behind a random bush you were hiding at and held them apart, “please don’t do this,”
“y/n, get away from here, now,” bakugou pushed you at least a few feet away, not paying enough attention to notice the punch that was about to land on his face.
he got launched into the ground, the cement cracking as he slid through it with the most force you’ve ever seen from izuku.
“katsuki,” you screamed, about to run towards him and help before izuku started charging towards you instead of his primary prey.
he almost kicked you with 20% of his power, but bakugou shot up from where he was laying on the ground and blocked it. 
“i told you, i’m not letting you,” he panted out as he took a moment to cough up a few droplets of blood, “i’m not letting you hurt them,”
“quit with your stupid savior shit and fight me, not so tough when your little love bird is here, are you?” izuku spat at your boyfriend, bringing his foot up from the ground then back down on bakugou’s ribs.
a disgusting crack came from the direction they both were as he dug his foot into bakugou’s body.
you wanted to puke. your boyfriend was going to die and you couldn’t do shit.
after izuku landed punch after kick after punch, he smirked and waved to you, then walked the opposite way of the dorms you all had came from.
you ran to bakugou, sitting on your knees as you held his head in your hands.
he slowly blinked at you, and began to cry. the dried blood that covered his cheeks and was around his mouth moved as his face scrunched up with hurt.
neither of you were sure if the hurt was mental or physical. probably both.
“i’m so.. sorry,” he coughed out blood again, and you nearly hit your skull against him when you leaned down and nuzzled your head against his.
“please,” you cried, “please don’t leave me!”
“i’m sorry, i never wanted to hurt you,” he weakly nodded, attempting to sit up, but his arm bones were cracked.
you helped him sit up for a moment, and you wrapped your arms as tight around his body as you could without hurting him.
your entire body hurt from the sobs that wracked through your body.
when he suddenly started going limp, you pulled back from the hug and looked him in the eyes, searching for something, anything in his gaze to show he still had hope of living.
“i’m sorry.... i love you so much,” he whispered, and his eyes closed.
you screamed, hot tears against your skin as you begged him not to die. not to give up. not to leave you alone in this cold world.
you watched his breathing slow, and you felt powerless.
“wake up, come on i know you can wake up,”
“please, babe, please,”
“i know you can live, just open your damn eyes,”
“please don’t leave me,” you screamed, your ears ringing and your throat hoarse from how loud you’d been yelling and sobbing.
you stayed there for hours, begging your beloved’s eyes to open, or for his chest to rise and fall.
it never happened.
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fluffyferalkacchan · 3 years
BNHA Headcanons #3: Kacchan is afraid of ghosts
Okay so pull Bakugou into a Battle Royal style situation, surrounded by villains? He'd just smirk while going Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight on their ass.
But ask him to watch a ghost movie, or go to a supposedly haunted place? He'd nope his way out faster than Hawks at full speed.
So whenever the Ashido or Kaminari invited him to a ghost stories night, he'd categorically refuse. On every friday night aka. "movie night" he'd ask whoever is inviting him (a member of the Bakusquad or Todoroki, absolutely NOT Deku though) what movies they were supposed to watch (thankfully after the First Movie Night Fiasco, Iida instated some rules which worked in Bakugou's favor) so he'd googled it and knew when it was safe to come.
Besides the ghost types of horror movie, he's actually fine with all the other ones, so no one picked up on the fact that he didn't like ghost movies yet. (He's definitely not asking Deku, because he knew that that nerd would notice the pattern).
Somewhere along the line though Kaminari and Todoroki ended up finding out about it. In totally different circumstances, though.
After coming back from his supplementary classes, Bakugou was dragged to movie and since he was tired he totally forgot to ask about the title. He totally should have though, because it became obvious ten minutes into the movie that this was going to be about ghosts. But at this point it was too late to extract himself from the situation.
Halfway through, Kaminari, who was sitting right next to him on the sofa, noticed that Bakugou had gone strangely stiff and that he was clutching very hard at his knees. One subtle peek at Bakugou tense face and wide-eyes was enough for Kaminari to understand. And he mentally went like "Oh shit."
So like three seconds later he went like "Eeeek!" and splashed the full content of his glasses on Bakugou's face. Predictably, everyone around them went like "?!!!!", while Bakugou was like "What the actual fuck, dunce face?!"
Kaminari made a super sheepish face and explained that he felt something touching his neck from behind so he got super jumpy. So he dragged Bakugou to the bathroom to try to help him clean up, all the while apologizing super loudly.
"Whoa you got strawberry milk in your hair! Hmm... how about you go wash your face, while I take care of your shirt, okay? Just take it off and hand it over, I'm really sorry, Bakugou!"
He was half-expecting the other teen to explode on his face and to bite his head off for telling him what to do, but Bakugou was oddly silent and just studying for a while. Then,
"You did that on purpose. What's your deal, dunce face?"
"Hmm.... I just sort of feel guilty 'cause I'm the one who dragged you there to watch the movie? And you must really be super tired 'cause you didn't even ask what we were going to watch and.....now that I think of it you probably ask for that specific reason so -"
"Quit the fucking rambling you sound like the nerd!! Get to the fucking point!"
"Right, so like, I think it's really not cool to force you to watch something if you don't like it? "
"The hell? I was fine!"
"Dude, it was written all over your face that you were sca-"
"... that you'd rather go kiss an octopus than be anywhere near that scary ghost lady. Unless you want to go back there?"
"Yeah that's what I thought. Now give me your shirt."
"Don't fucking expect me to thank you for throwing milk at my face!"
"Yeah no, no, don't. t'was my fault, anyway!"
(Though if sometimes afterwards Bakugou tutored Kaminari with way more implication than usual, it was because that dunce face was even more dumb that usual and absolutely not because he was feeling grateful or anything.)
"But like dude, it's actually kinda unexpected... like you seem the type to go full on "DIE, DIE, DIE" on anyone even on ghosts."
"... ghosts are not corporeal, dumbshit. And they're already fucking dead."
"Oh, right!"
Kaminari thought right there and then, that it actually made a whole lot of sense that Bakugou would be afraid of things that he was defenseless against and couldn't physically fought off.
Todoroki actually figured it out on his own by noticing which movies Bakugou tended to avoid and how he'd react when sometimes someone in the class would talk about that or that rumor. So one day he just came up to Bakugou and bluntly announced. "You are afraid of ghosts."
Bakugou of course blew up a gasket trying to deny it, but then Todoroki just went and showed him a picture of Sadako up close and reaching out like she was about to come out of the screen on his phone and Bakugou swatted at the phone so hard that it nearly fell down on the floor. "GET THAT THING OUTTA MY FACE!"
So yeah, the cat was out of the bag after that.
At some point, class 1A went to an amusement park and they decided to do the haunted maze.
Todoroki, whispering: Do you want to take my at hand?
Bakugou, hissing like a feral cat: Ask me that one more time and I'll fucking punch you in your asymmetrical face!
(Bakugou is fine with haunted attraction, because when he was a kid he once punched a fake ghost in the face and it actually went down, so hunted attraction are (relatively) safe).
The Origin Trio
Actually, I think that Bakugou is not the only one afraid of ghosts. This probably extends to any of the Origin Trio. Like all three of them are super badass and used to harsher and more dangerous situations than any other hero-in-training were at their age (and even than some actual pro heroes)...
But put them in a situation where they might be confronted to a ghost, like an old 'haunted' place? They'd react just like any scared teenagers would and I think it's hilarious.
Like at some point during their week-end internship with Endeavor, they went to an old inn in the middle of nowhere. And Endeavor had left them there alone for the night, while he went ahead to some place he wanted to scope beforehand.
While being served to eat, Midoriya asked the owner if she'd notice anything strange going around here recently. He actually just wanted to know if the suspect they were chasing had escaped there, but she ended up talking about how sometimes at night there would be that weird low scratching noose, like nails dragged on the wall and thumping in room where no one was supposed to be... and cue interjection from other resident of the inn about local tragic deaths and ghost rumors.
Which of course caused Bakugou to turn two shades whiter. But aside from that they determined that it probably wasn't the villain they were looking for and put it out of their mind. Until they heard the exact same scratching the owner had been talking about in the middle of the night... coming from inside their closet.
Midoriya, looking uneasy as they are inching closer to the closet: M-maybe it's just wind...
Bakugou, looking just as uneasy, if not worse: Inside the fucking closet?!
Midoriya, mumbling, mumbling: well, depending on the structure of the inn, there might actually be some places susceptible to air leakage and because of the difference of pressure between the inside and the outside -
Bakugou: Oh for fuck's sake, shut up.
And of course the light chose that exact moment to malfunction. Then a loud banging noise came from the inside of the closet, causing all three of them to flinch and frantically using Todoroki's light and Bakugou's explosion as their source of light.
Midoriya, sweating bullet and voice shaking: I think it wants to come out. See? It's banging and scratching on the closet door as if it is stuck in there... maybe it is too weak to properly move the door yet? Or it has not realized that the door is a sliding -
Bakugou, swatting him on the head: Are you freaking dumb, don't give it ideas on how to escape, damn Deku!
Todoroki, who had kept his poker face until now actually started to feel scared as well: M-Midoriya, what if I burn the whole closet down, while it's in there?
Midoriya: No your fire probably wouldn't be able to affect it. Odds are you'd actually end up burning only the closet door... which would actually allow it to escape....
Todoroki: Oh.... I think I understand now why you're scared of ghost movies, Bakugou. Feeling this helpless is very unpleasant.
Midoriya: Wait, what?! Is that why you're avoiding movie night, Kacchan?
Bakugou: Can we fucking focus on the actual fucking threat trying to break through our closet door?!
Midoriya: But now that I think about it, it's really strange that the door managed to physically restrain it while it's supposed to be incorporeal. Was there some kind of seal on the door? Or is it actually linked to the way it died -
And then the "actual fucking threat trying to break through the closet door" mewled. Yes mewled. Because, turned out it was actually just a cat who had sneaked in at some point and got stuck in there.
(And when Endeavor came back some time later, they unanimously decided not to tell him about what happened.)
So yeah, while Bakugou is the type to be afraid of anything ghost related and avoid them as much as possible, Todoroki is fine with ghost stories and movies and so on, but he would be the type to be really scared when actually confronted to a "possible ghost encounter situation". Midoriya, while still scared shitless, is probably the one who would be the most level-headed in such situation, 'cause he's sort of used to be scared?
About ten years ago.
Kid Deku and Kid Kacchan were exploring some part of the forest and they saw an abandoned shack and Kacchan wanted to go look inside,
Deku: Kacchan, it looks like it's haunted. What if we meet a ghost? Aren't you scared?
Kacchan: I'm not scared! Even if there's a ghost, I'll just use explosion on it!
Deku: But ghost doesn't have bodies. I don't think you can touch or hurt it. But it can touch you.
Kacchan, going super still:...
Deku: So what if we see one, and it tries to hurt us because we went inside its house?
Kacchan, looking at Deku with wide eyes: ....
Deku: Or what if it follows us home and attack us when we're asleep? I don't wanna go in there, Kacchan. Let's go back?
Kacchan, close to tears: F-fine, but that's just 'cause you're scared! I'd totally go on my own!
Deku accidentally being the source of Kacchan's traumas and totally forgetting about it, since time immemorial.
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queenangst · 4 years
A Collection of Fic Prompts
These are all genfic/non-romantic fic ideas that I (and some of my friends) came up with in a game where I write a summary for a fake fic title. Some titles have multiple summaries. You can view my tag ‘fake fic asks’ to view the original asks. 
My blanket permissions for prompts apply: Please credit and link me on Tumblr (@queenangst)/on AO3 (achievingelysium). If possible, link to this post/original post. Feel free to use these as prompts or inspiration for any creative work such as fic or art, and feel free to adjust or adapt them to your liking. I’d love to see them!
Please reblog if you like these!
I may end up using some of these in the future (marked with * if you’re interested), but all of the prompts are free for you to use if you’re interested. 
Below the cut is a categorized list of the summaries, by characters/themes, including: 
All Might, Izuku, OFA, and AFO
Midoriya Hisashi/Dad for One
Shimura Nana
Aizawa, Present Mic, and Shirakumo
Izuku & Bakugou
Todoroki Family/Dabi
Class 1-A
All Might, Izuku, OFA, and AFO 
Once Upon a Time
Quirk reversal canon rewrite AU. All Might is a hero with a mysterious Quirk: one that can take and give away Quirks at will. With this Quirk and multiple Quirks given willingly, All Might defeats villains easily. When he meets the strong-willed Midoriya Izuku, he offers Izuku a Quirk and a chance to be a hero.
One for All has been searching for a successor—and his brother’s Quirk, All for One—and finds one in the volatile Shimura Tenko, now Shigaraki. Combined with the power of Decay, Shigaraki’s new Quirk can level mountains and destroy cities.
Izuku has always wanted to be a hero. With a new Quirk and a new enemy, he can be.
Shatter the Sun
All Might walks into a fight he doesn’t expect to come back from. Fueled by rage and grief, he ignores every warning Nighteye has given him and takes down the villain who killed his predecessor… All for One.
All Might limps out of a fight he hadn’t expected to come back from. He defeated his enemy, but it comes with a cost.
And then he wakes up again on the same day, All for One still waiting for him. Each time All Might defeats him. Each time the day restarts. Again and again. All Might had been prepared to fight All for One for the rest of his life, but this is something entirely different.
i’ve been found (but i’m still lost in the morning)
When Toshinori passes on the torch to his successor, he only wishes Nana were there to see it. When Izuku begins dreaming of the past wielders, he begins to feel the weight of the legacy he carries on.
All for One may be gone, but in the wake of his defeat, both Izuku and Toshinori struggle to find their place in heroism and at home.
Cross the Delta
All Might takes Izuku on a road trip in America, and their relationship deepens from mentor and student to father and son.
if only you'd listened
When Izuku complains of headaches and strange dreams, Toshinori doesn’t think much of it beyond offering what comfort he can and painkillers. After all, it’s exam season, and his students are stressed; the common room is loaded with energy drinks and textbooks alike. Izuku also confides he thinks there’s something wrong with his Quirk, but having unlocked two more, Toshinori is under the belief Izuku is simply adjusting.
Then Izuku starts sleepwalking, sometimes with One for All. And there’s the time he almost doesn’t wake up at all, and when he finally wakes up he doesn’t seem like he has control of himself.
Because the closer Izuku has been getting to One for All, a connection has been forming with its other half—with Toshinori’s greatest enemy, All for One.
kiss your fist and touch the sky
After his retirement, All Might is no longer the hero he used to be. But Class 1-A still seems to think so, and quietly All Might begins to learn how to save people in smaller ways.
lead me down the styx
OFA!AU. When Nana dies, a piece of her remains within One for All—just as the other holders have before her. Every time a holder comes close to death, they see their predecessors.
All Might sees his mentor again in dreams a few times, but he thinks they’re just that: dreams. The first time Izuku sees the ghosts of One for All, he’s just nearly broken himself beyond repair. The next time is when he takes a hit meant for someone else. After the next Izuku realizes there’s a pattern, that the ghosts he sees out of the corner of his eye are real and getting stronger, and there’s something they want to tell him.
I Have No Plans to Die Today
Alternating POV. Half is All Might desperately trying to hold on to the remains of OFA as he fights AFO because after all these years he finally has things to live for again. Half is Bakugou trying to escape his captors, not knowing if anyone’s going to rescue him, equally desperate to fulfill his dream of becoming a Hero (from @happi-tree​).
Your Heart In Your Hands
In a world where every year on the day you first meet you see a vision of you and your soulmate’s future together, Izuku and All Might meet under a bridge—and Izuku begins to see a future where he can be a hero.
Bonus notes from my tags: #pl bkdk soulmates bk was scared of the future #tho the future vision is limited i think so bkdk doesnt see anything after ua until after dk meets am #bc that future wasnt quite set in stone
The Aftermath
All Might wakes up in a hospital alone. He has lost his stomach, though perhaps more painfully, his most trusted advisor and sidekick. He has nothing, and no one. And his time with One for All dwindles.
But he keeps going—and meets one Midoriya Izuku.
A story told backwards in six parts, from loving Izuku to meeting him to those lonely years before.
Once Upon a Time
Fantasy AU. The Tale of Two Brothers is known throughout the kingdom, a myth passed down through the generations to explain why Magicks exist. No one expects the story itself to be true, least of all a young Magickless boy on the run from his tormentors. But now? Well, now, Midoriya Izuku knows differently (from @happi-tree​). 
Midoriya Hisashi/Dad for One
But That Was So Long Ago*
Time can’t erase an absence, a person who was never there. Ten years after Midoriya Hisashi goes overseas for business, he re-enters Izuku’s life—not just as a father, but as a vigilante, chasing a lead for a villain with connections to the League. Working with Hellhound, who can manipulate fire and smoke, Izuku begins to notice his new ally’s strange similarities to the father he’s constantly arguing with at home.
You know what family means to me, Hisashi? Resentment
Midoriya Hisashi drags his son Izuku on a short surprise trip to America, where Izuku is separated from his friends as Hisashi teaches him about his business. Izuku is left miserable and angry about the life Hisashi is trying to force him into. What’s meant to be family bonding and their already fragile relationship quickly falls apart, and all Izuku wants is to go home.
Eternal Slumber
In his second year, Izuku and All for One begin to share dreams. Izuku’s afraid All for One is both the person he thought and not, and they seem to share more similarities than Izuku expected.
A Dad For One fic.
In the Flesh*
Right after Izuku enters U.A., Midoriya Hisashi abruptly returns from business overseas, taking an interest in his son’s new Quirk and committing himself to his family again after years apart. Izuku feels uncomfortable with the stranger he calls “Dad,” but stays quiet seeing how happy his mom is when he’s home.
Yet as the school year progresses, Hisashi’s story seems to have different holes. Research into his dad’s business leaves Izuku with dead, outdated links; any questions Izuku asks about work go unanswered; and still Hisashi presses Izuku about his Quirk, driving a wedge between them.
Hisashi’s Quirk is fire breathing—but Izuku accidentally discovers he has a levitation Quirk, too, and more after that. A breakthrough in research connects Hisashi to the address of an old, run-down bar. And a story Izuku’s mentor All Might tells him, of a villain who can take other people’s Quirks, leads Izuku home again, to one Midoriya Hisashi.
Shimura Nana
Oddity Amidst Time
Shigaraki travels back in time and meets his grandmother, Shimura Nana.
Nana’s legacy is a line of death that becomes before her and goes on after her. But what if things were different?
When Nana fights All for One, she wins. Still, the danger of All for One’s lasting influence remains, so Nana makes the decision to leave her son alone as she continues to fight villains and train Toshinori into the Symbol of Peace he wants to be.
Kotaro is the only regret Nana’s ever had. She spends her days wondering what might have been until she meets two siblings who share her smile—and her last name.
if i die young
At the end of his life, Gran Torino gets a chance to travel back in time to when Nana still lived, and the two of them have a conversation about life and loss.
Out of the Fire
Izuku reflects on how many micro aggressions he dealt with as a quirkless person that evaporated with OFA (from @wildinkling​).
You get used to things, even if sometimes you shouldn't
All Might has carried One for All for a lifetime, and he’s nearly forgotten what it was like to be Quirkless, much less understanding how different Quirklessness is treated in society today. After Izuku confides about what his childhood was like and now navigating life after being a pro hero, All Might begins to spend more time looking for ways to help Quirkless youth feel less alone, fighting a villain of a different kind.
Do Not Go Gentle*
When pro hero—and Eri’s big brother—Deku saves her and sustains life-threatening injuries, Eri does the only thing she can think of. In desperation, she pushes her power and rewinds him, leaving Deku not only young but Quirkless again.
For Years I Have
Midoriya Inko, and coming to terms with a not-Quirkless son, her love and fears for him, and the mistakes she’s made.
Battles are First Lost in the Mind
At fourteen, Midoriya Izuku gives up on his dream of being a hero. He puts away his notebooks and resigns himself to a quiet, Quirkless life.
Four years later and as a new graduate from U.A., Kacchan swallows his pride, apologizes, and asks Izuku for help taking down the villain Shigaraki, hoping Izuku’s analytical skills can turn the tide.
Izuku isn’t sure, but in the end agrees; and four years after giving up he’s presented with his dreams in reach and an entire former class telling him he can be a hero.
changing the subject again and bite your tongue (until it bleeds)*
Midoriya Izuku never talks about being Quirkless, or about Quirklessness. No one would understand it. No one wants to try. The topic rarely comes up, until a new semester begins and there’s talk of a new, Quirkless student in Gen Ed looking to transfer into the Hero Course.
Then Quirklessness is all anyone wants to talk about. Now something Izuku can’t avoid, he struggles to deal with his own past, the piece of his trust he hasn’t extended to his friends, and a look into a life that might have been his.
Aizawa, Present Mic, and Shirakumo
when there’s blood in my ears, i’ll hold you closer
Present Mic had always had a rough time controlling his quirk. The day he finds out about Oboro, he slips. Aizawa is always there to comfort him (from @tolerantbean​).
It’s getting hard to breathe under here with you, my dearest nemesis
The villain Present Mic has a Quirk that could level buildings and cause a lot of destruction. The hero Eraserhead is one of the few people, if not the only person, who can stop him.
At the end of the day, Hizashi and Shouta are best friends, carefully tending to each other’s wounds and never speaking of either heroes or villains. Until a bigger problem forces them to work together.
an empty mirror only shows what's left inside*
Time loop AU. A few days after Shirakumo’s death, Shouta wakes up to find his best friend is alive again. Time has reset—and now Shouta finds himself racing to save Shirakumo this time.
It doesn’t work. Days pass. And the loop starts again.
A mystery forms in the pieces of a strange doctor, a missing body, and discrepancies in the local newspaper. As Shouta fails again and again to save Shirakumo, he must try to figure out why he’s caught in a time loop… and what seems to be happening to Shirakumo after his death.
Come Around (Your Song is Calling)
Hizashi has always known that he and his best friend Shouta are soulmates. It’s why they work. It’s why Hizashi can see the glittering thread that ties them together when no one else can, and in the deep silence when he touches it he hears music.
Shouta goes missing. The bond goes silent. But Hizashi refuses to give up on his friend—not now, and not ever.
shades of blue*
After graduating, Aizawa Shouta isn’t where he wants to be. His decision to go underground is a lot different than most of his peers, and with everyone busy planning debuts and looking for agencies, Shouta feels isolated. The reminder that Oboro doesn’t get to be a hero follows him, yet at the same time the Hero Commission sends Shouta somewhere his Quirk and his youth will be useful—to help infiltrate and take down an illegal Quirk fighting ring.
Unable to confide in Hizashi about the mission or his struggles, Shouta continues to work alone, distance straining his relationships. Pitted against kids only a few years younger than him, each of whom begins to remind Shouta of Oboro, and fighting to keep his head above water, Shouta must keep his secrets close to him or lose it all.
they’ll think of me kindly
It’s easier to think of society in black in white, in heroes and villains. But Aizawa Shouta doesn’t do easy, and Kurogiri—Shirakumo Oboro—certainly isn’t making things any better. In a bid for information and to return Kurogiri to the person he once was, the investigation team brings in a specialist with a Quirk that allows for two people to be temporarily joined mind-to-mind. To experience each other’s thoughts, emotions, and memories with the danger of losing themselves.
Shouta’s scared if he goes in he won’t come back, but he’s also desperate to reconnect with the friend he’s convinced is still in there. Kurogiri consents to the connection. And after deliberation, Shouta does, too.
Together, they’re not just hero and villain, but somewhere in between as Shouta looks for the memories that have been hidden from Kurogiri and relives a few of his own.
to die like a martyr (is no way to live)
All Might is beginning to learn to live again, redefining a path of self-destruction after retirement and meeting Midoriya, when he sees his co-worker and friend Aizawa heading down the same lonely path he was on. Reaching out, All Might and Aizawa form a friendship and struggle together so they may continue to teach their students, and to live as people and not just heroes.
holding you up (while the world crashes down)
Five times Izuku comforted his friends, and one time they comforted him.
Izuku & Bakugou/Platonic BKDK
Do No Harm
Bakugou goes missing when he’s seven. Years later, Izuku still believes he’s alive and out there.
He is—as a Nomu that falters when Izuku recognizes him and calls him “Kacchan.”
for you know my demons, and i know yours*
Izuku and Katsuki parted ways after a mission gone south a long time ago and their relationship soured, but that doesn’t mean that they’re not still drift compatible. A Pacific Rim AU.
let’s start with the past in front
Pro heroes Ground Zero and Deku are sent back in time to when they weren’t the friends they are now, forced to deal with conversations they never had, their younger selves’ broken relationship, while looking for a way home.
Memories of the Dead
Midoriya Izuku’s funeral is held in the summer. They bury an empty casket and look around at all the faces who have outlived him.
Katsuki goes. There’s a lot of reasons he attends Deku’s funeral—for Auntie Inko, for All Might, for Deku himself. Katsuki was the last to see him alive. They’d shared breakfast the same day Deku disappeared.
But Katsuki doesn’t go to Deku’s funeral because he’s dead. Katsuki goes with the hope and gut feeling that he’s alive.
Your Claws Rend Flesh
Midoriya Izuku has never been allowed to stay out past sundown. He always comes home early to his mother, the only person who he won’t hurt when he transforms into a monstrous beast.
His new Quirk and U.A. complicate things, to say the least.
Bonus notes: There’s a reason why Inko is so protective of her son, and resistant to him being a hero.
can you hear me?
Izuku, a few years after his pro hero debut, lands himself an injury that keeps from work for a while. Seeing Izuku unsure of what to do, the Wild, Wild Pussycats invite him to spend summer on their property in the woods to recover and recuperate; and, of course, as an excuse for Kouta to see his hero.
He’s happy to slow down, spending time learning to take care of himself, and to enjoy the woods. As he gets his strength back, he hikes often with Kouta, until one day they’re separated when a storm hits. With only a set of walkie talkies connecting them, the two struggle to find each other and shelter, before anything worse happens.
5% luck, 20% skill
Principal Nezu takes on Izuku as a student.
Out of the Fire 
Bakugou as Gordon Ramsey... (from @aizawa-wears-crocs​). 
Katsuki is hit with a Quirk that dulls physical and emotional feelings. At first it seems fairly harmless to his friends, until he gets hurt and his reaction is much different than anyone expects.  
lead me down the road less traveled
When he’s young, Bakugou Katsuki decides what he wants to be when he grows up: a villain.
And Katsuki always gets what he wants.
Todoroki Family
the dreams in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had
There’s a ghost haunting the Todoroki mansion. Rumors say it drove Todoroki Rei insane. Shouto has never seen it himself, has only heard footsteps in the hallway sometimes, but one day he discovers the stories are true—and the ghost is someone he knows, his own brother.
The Fire Within You
Scared of the Quirk he’s inherited from his father, Midoriya Izuku runs away from home after a terrible accident. And though the police and his mother search desperately for Izuku, someone else has found him first - an older, scrappy boy whose Quirk is similar to his own. Dabi takes Izuku under his wing, and their meeting lights a fire that may never have started otherwise.
violets are blue | blood is red
Todoroki Rei has been receiving flowers from her husband. At least, that’s what Shouto believes until she goes missing. The key he has to find her is the blue flowers on her windowsill and a tenuous connection to a villain: Dabi, whose motives remain unclear yet who seems to have a particular grudge against the number one hero.
Arsonist's Lullaby
Here is one secret few people know about the Todoroki family: Todoroki Natsuo is Quirkless. He had no power over fire nor ice, and his father never speaks of his Quirkless son—or his dead one.
Studying health and welfare, Natsuo keeps his head down and his anger simmering. He’s no hero like Shouto. Without a Quirk and with too much resentment, Natsuo has never considered the life of heroics or anything related to it—that is, until a strange encounter where bleeding, dangerous villain Dabi asks Natsuo for his help.
Natsuo doesn’t know why he helps Dabi, nor does he understand why Dabi doesn’t seem to want to hurt him. But one encounter with the villain turns into more, until Natsuo realizes one day he understands Dabi better than his own father Endeavor. He doesn’t get why Dabi cares so much or why he feels safe around him. When Dabi offers to help Natsuo leave his life behind, Natsuo is faced with a choice… and his own family.
When the Glitter Fades
When Todoroki Shouto is hit by a mysterious Quirk, he drops, unconscious. Though his friends worry, there seem to be no visible effects. No damage. Nothing wrong.
But as the days pass, Todoroki just… doesn’t wake up. He’s caught in a neverending dream that shows him his own deep desires—his family, whole again and happy. And he doesn’t want to leave.
Digging Dreams Out of the Fire
Moments of recovery between Todoroki Rei and her son Shouto.
when there’s blood in my ears, i’ll hold you closer*
Even after Overhaul’s defeat, there are still villains looking for more Quirk-erasing bullets, and for the girl they come from. When Eri is nearly kidnapped, Aizawa makes the difficult decision to take Eri temporarily into hiding with him. But their safe houses aren’t as safe as they’re supposed to be either, and Aizawa begins to suspect that the Hero Commission has reasons to want Eri, too.
take your medicine
Aizawa Eri did not like doctors. This was a fact. Eri had also never received proper vaccinations in her very short life. Luckily, her big brothers Mirio and Deku are there to hold her hand, even as she begins to spiral in the waiting room (from @happi-tree​).
Other Characters of Class 1-A
Now You Don’t
Traitor!Hagakure AU. Class 1-A deals with their friend Hagakure’s mysterious disappearance, sharing their favorite stories of her and hoping for her safety as the search parties continue to come back empty-handed. Meanwhile, Tooru contemplates if going to the League was the correct decision - or if her new Sensei only sees her as another tool (from @happi-tree​).  
My Grand Plan
Hagakure Toru is surprised in her second year when she’s approached by a support and hero management firm that promises they will make people pay attention to her, but soon she accepts the offer to work together. But soon Toru realizes the firm’s support gear, plans, and inviting environment seems to cover something suspicious. And when they ask Toru for more information about her classmates and school, she begins to wonder if the support is for heroes or for villains.
visual (invisible)
Toru’s internship is drawing to an end, and though she’s grateful for the experience, she’s glad to be heading back to normal with classes and lunch with her friends without looking over her shoulder all the time. Not that anyone sees her, anyway, if she doesn’t want them to.
On her last day, she takes a bullet to the shoulder, and that’s when things fall apart.
They can see her. Toru’s friends, her classmates, her teachers: they can see her. It’s Toru’s childhood dream come true, all her prayers to the distant stars in the dark of night, her birthday wishes. No more going unnoticed. No more being invisible. No more of people looking right through her.
But it comes at the cost of her Quirk. Lost, unsure of her next steps, Toru has to figure out what it means to finally be seen when she’s been invisible her entire life, and what it means when she can no longer hide anything to anyone—or to herself.
balloons can’t make you fly
Five times Uraraka solved her problems by making them float, and one time she didn’t need her Quirk for it.
Don't ever tame your demons, but always keep them on a leash
When the Hero Commission gets involved with concerns about Hitoshi entering U.A.’s hero course due to his “villainous” Quirk, Hitoshi suddenly drops out of U.A. entirely, leaving his friends and teachers concerned about where he’s gone.
If the Hero Commission is law, Hitoshi makes the decision to defy it, taking a more direct approach to chasing his dreams: vigilantism.
Do you trust yourself?
Yaoyorozu Momo is supposed to be perfect. She is a recommended student, has a powerful Quirk, and comes from a family with a history of heroics.
But for all of her expectations, Momo knows she has one weakness: a crippling lack of confidence. But Momo’s friends and mentors are happy to teach Momo to trust herself.
A Momo-centric fic that spans her years at U.A. and her first steps as a hero.
Ignorance is Bliss*
Maybe Kyoka shouldn’t have been listening to Midoriya and All Might’s conversation, but she was curious. She ends up hearing more than she should—but not quite enough to get the full story.
Struggling to come to terms with “All Might’s legacy” and a connection to the villain who destroyed Kamino, All for One, Kyoka asks her classmate Todoroki for help unraveling a secret. The two form an unlikely team and friendship as they begin looking for the truth: about All for One, All Might, Midoriya, and the ties that bind them together.
Fear the Anger of a Kind Soul
There’s a bit of an unspoken rule in the dorms. Don’t mess with Uraraka.
Mineta tries. The story starts with him trying to sneak into her room, and ends with an expulsion, a few holes in the ceiling, and a social media post gone viral.
Dissociation Potion
Todoroki, in a spur of bad-decision making, makes a drink he found browsing social media.
It’s not pretty.
A Siren's Call
AU—Jirou Kyoka is an up-and-coming singer, known better as JACK!, pursuing her dreams in music after graduating. Her fast track through school and constant work leaves her lonely. Though she won’t admit it, she’s on the path to burnout; even as her fanbase grows, Jirou feels like no one really listens to her.
After performing at a Hero Gala, there are suddenly more eyes on her than usual, including villains. When she’s attacked, pro hero Creati saves her, and they become friends. Creati, or Yaoyorozu Momo, introduces Kyoka to more pro heroes; suddenly Kyoka has friends her age who like her music but more importantly like her.
Not everyone approves of Kyoka’s new friends, especially not her manager. Rumors start on social media. And a dangerous accident almost threatens to tear Kyoka’s friendships apart, but she’s determined not to lose the people she’s come to care for.
dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight
One by one, students at U.A. disappear overnight. No one knows where they’ve gone, or what happened.
Tension grows as parents panic, investigation turns up nothing, and the teachers search desperately for their students. That is, until Aizawa discovers a calling card left behind, half-hidden, on which is carefully written: Let’s dance.
What’s revealed is a Quirk trafficking ring—targeting powerful Quirks, with no better to choose from than the most prestigious hero school in Japan.
Cross the Delta
Asui Tsuyu knows even at the young age of seven that her froglike features make her an oddity amongst her peers. She tries to let their jeers and taunts slough off her like water, but they seep under her skin instead. A Hero with a Mutant Quirk helps her to see differently. Asui Tsuyu will become a Hero, oddity or not (from @happi-tree​). 
Revenge of the Roses
A non-deadly Hanahaki fic in which characters try to get each other to fall in love without falling in love back.
They’ve got a deadline: exams, when Hanahaki will get them out of it. They’ve got dates planned.
And, well, it doesn’t seem to be working. (Either the characters stay as friends and end up doing really nice things for each other, or they’re both falling in love. Oops.)
Run If You Can
Tensei’s hero career is— well, it’s over. There’s no wheeling around the fact, but that’s okay; he knows Tenya will be a great hero following in his footsteps and carrying the legacy of Ingenium.
It’s just that some days Tensei wheels down the hospital halls and realizes he’s become of the people that needs the saving, not the hero anymore. It’s just that some days he gets a call from the office or a bouquet of flowers and feels worse for the well wishes, not better. It’s just that some days he remembers it’s all over, and he’s one of the tragedies.
He doesn’t regret Stain. He doesn’t regret standing up to him, or lying in the street bleeding out knowing he might have saved someone else. But he doesn’t know what to do now.
There’s no running when you can’t run anymore.
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
Congrats on 200+ followers!!! You deserve it!!!!!!!! Can you please do a bakugo or todoroki angst and smut where it’s a villain au and the reader finds out??? Idk I had a dream about it and I immediately thought of you because I know that you’re the perfect person!!! Sorry if it’s not detailed enough Also ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
villain!todoroki shouto x reader
warnings: angst, smut, cursing, villain shouto
word count: 4,437
a/n: oh man, this was supposed to come out with a bakugou part as well because i have no self control and wrote them both. i haven’t quite finished bakugou because i am still adjusting to this new life schedule I have (and my roommate has me sleeping before my crackhead hours so i’ve been writing a lot less, but it will come out i promise!!!) anyways this is kinky public sex. like 100% straight up. i’m a bit nervous if you guys don’t like the smut but it’s the best i can do LMAO enjoy!!! also i dont really know if there was an actual villain au so i made it my own...with inspiration from horikoshi
Tumblr media
Life was hard as a normal civilian.
To be quite honest you were mad that you weren’t blessed with some amazing quirk so you could be a hero. Instead, you had to be successful elsewhere. So you were a second-year university student with a quirk that allowed you to see probability in everything. Which, don’t get it wrong, helped you with multiple-choice tests, but besides the occasional better route to places, it wasn’t that extraordinary. 
Your boyfriend, however, was a hero, and a massively successful hero at that too! With only his hero debut two years ago he was currently the number three hero on the Hero Billboard Charts, it was insane. To be quite honest, you had met him during his debut when you had nearly died because of a villain. It had traumatized you.
You had already despised villains with all your being before that incident.
You had been in an eerily similar situation when you were younger when a villain swept you off the street and held you hostage on the tallest building of Japan. Since that moment, you were sincerely against every and all villains, none of them could be excused in your eyes. Nothing they did in the act of violence was justifiable.
But again, you guessed that the entire morality of people truly changed when people could suddenly do things that normally should not be possible. For instance, one of your classmates could physically remove his eyeballs from his eyesockets as part of his quirk and it made zero sense to you. It was a great party trick, but a terrible quirk.
You felt your hands shake slightly, a wave of dizziness hitting you as you finished walking up the hill. A few years ago, you had started suffering from anemia, your red blood count had taken a deficit hit and no one could explain why. Doctors had seen you countless amounts of times, but no one could explain to you why your blood had suddenly taken a hit. They had run tests, even going as far as culturing your cells in a lab in an attempt to find a solution, but everything was normal. So it left both the scientists and you stumped. Reaching into your backpack, you removed your daily pills to alleviate most of your symptoms and swallowed them before continuing on your way.
You walked up the stairs to the apartment you shared with your boyfriend, a simple three-bedroom, with a two-bath apartment that he paid for with his earnings. “I’m home.” You call out, brushing your hair out of your eyes as you dropped your books onto the ground, trading your shoes for some slippers before walking into the common space where Shouto sat in his casual clothes.
“Hi, there,” Shouto greeted you as you groaned softly, trudging over to where he lay, and collapsed onto his lap, “Long day?” He asked, his fingers massaging your scalp softly.
“I had to sit throughout the worst lecture of all lectures because in my philosophy class we were discussing if ‘villains deserved to have second chances after inflicting damage on civilians.’“ You mutter into your boyfriend’s neck as he holds you gently in his arms.
“And your position?” Shouto asked, although already knowing your answer.
“They don’t, if heroes can’t get away with hurting other people without licenses, why in the world would I expect any less for criminals.” You say in a defeated voice as you remember most people in your class hadn’t agreed with your viewpoint. 
“What about if they’re inflicting damage because they got caught and didn’t see any other way out?” Shouto asked, picking away at your thought and you groaned again.
“Instead of being my incredible stupid smart boyfriend, can you just agree with me? Everyone already said everything you could think of and I’m sad.” You pout trying your best to disappear within your boyfriend’s arms. A small chuckle vibrates through your boyfriend’s chest and you can’t help the smile on your face as he places a kiss on your head. He was the best.
You found yourself later that night collapsed onto your shared bed, your face buried in the pillow as you longed for the next day to come. You had no classes the following day, and with Shouto having–at least so far–an open day, the two of you planned on making it a 24 hour date day. You trailed your tired gaze over to Shouto who was standing by the doorframe, his eyes concentrated on his phone, a very stiff and angry look on his face.
“Everything okay?” You ask, your voice muffled with the pillows as you watched Shouto typing away, his attention not on you in the slightest.
“Yeah…” Shouto trailed off, his face set in a small scowl as he turned off his phone screen and walked over to the bed, “The office called in, they made a stupid mistake that I need to… fix.”
You sighed softly, his office was always messing things up and you thought it was very unprofessional of them.
“Hopefully they’ll be able to work it out tonight without you, come on and sleep Shoucchan,” You yawn as your boyfriend comes to lay in your arms. “Just sleep.” You encourage.
“Okay…” Shouto nods his head as he wraps his arms around you as well, and you feel warm as sleep takes over you in the best of ways.
You woke up to an empty bed, your eyes looking over at the clock on Shouto’s bed-side that read four in the morning, and you were confused. Where was he?
You sat up and quietly walked to the bathroom, but found it empty and it made you even more disoriented, where was he?
There was a low growl, almost a snarl like snap coming from the living room, and you walked over quietly to see Shouto sitting down on your couch, surrounded by villains. Villains you recognized as the ones on Shouto’s debut.
His back was to you, the villains not even the slightest bit aware of your presence as Shouto spoke.
“How the hell, could you mess this up? Again?!” His voice is low, angry, a whole new tone to it, and it was something you had never imagined you could ever hear from your boyfriend. “I supply you with so much blood, and you can’t even produce what I need you to achieve?”
Your breathing slightly quickened as you stilled in the hallway, disappearing back into the shadows.
“I have been taking y/n’s blood for years, and you’re still unable to come up with a resolution. It’s making it seem unusual to me, you aren’t deluding me, are you?” Shouto’s voice echoes through your mind as a choking breath escapes your lips, and you panic as the pleading voices of your boyfriend’s company subsides.
You turn on your heel, running back into the room, slamming the door. 
Your breathing was staggered, your fingers trembling as you heard footsteps in the hallway. “I’ll deal with you later,” Shouto’s voice speaks, “Get out before you can’t.”
You didn’t know who he was talking to at this point, and despite being in only your sleepwear, you ran to the fire-escape of your room and left the house. The sound of the doorknob opening almost screaming through your ears.
You climbed down the ladder as fast as you could, uncaring of the shooting pain going through your feet. Your heart clenching at the revelation of what was being kept from you.
You ran.
And ran.
And ran.
Eventually, you found yourself collapsing in the middle of the street as tears fell down your cheeks, what the hell was happening?
Your head rose up from your childhood bed weeks later, it had been three weeks since you had last seen Shouto. Three weeks later and your anemic symptoms had all disappeared. Three weeks later and Pro-Hero: Shouto was still a name people loved. Three weeks later and not a single word or encounter with villains or your boyfriend and you weren’t really sure what you were expecting.
Everything just felt entirely wrong.
You still had feelings for Shouto.
Your feelings towards villains hadn’t changed though.
You now hated Shouto.
But you still loved him.
You missed him.
You resented him.
He had violated your body, for your blood, something you couldn’t comprehend as to why. Was everything between the two of you fake? Something created to obtain your blood?
Was everything a deception?
You walked aimlessly to university, your usual friendly personality had been scuffed to death at the moment, and you ignored the hello’s that still came your way. You sat down in your philosophy class later that day staring out the window, uncaring of the lecture that was taking place on the ethical and moral dilemmas that had resurfaced with the introduction of quirks and how even today it was in place. 
Your eyebrows scrunched as you saw a figure in the alley behind the building move into the sunlight, and your face muscles tightened as you saw Shouto standing there. Wearing casual clothing, staring right back at you as if he knew it was you looking at him.
You watched in slight horror as he picked up his phone as if he was signaling something to you, and a small buzz alarmed you of a text notification.
shouto: come here
You felt your blood chill slightly at those words. Why was he finally reaching out towards you? You knew that he knew that you remembered his dark secret. Despite having this information you weren’t going to be telling anyone, especially not anytime soon.
Your hands shook as if you were suddenly anemic again as you quickly grabbed your backpack and left the classroom, ignoring the curious gazes on your figure as the door closed behind you.
What the hell were you thinking? Why were you listening to him? He didn’t deserve to speak to you, and what if it was going to be a threat? You couldn’t even begin to imagine what would happen if it was a threat. You would cry for sure, but god, you craved seeing him.
Without even fully realizing it, you found yourself stepping into the alleyway where Shouto was hidden in the shadows by himself. Your fingers tingled with uneasiness as you subconsciously moved your arms to shield yourself from him.
Shouto watched you from his position against the wall, his hands shoved into his pockets, his shoulder leaning against the bricks.
God why did you meet him in this alleyway, it was a secluded area on campus already, and if he decided to kill you no one would find your body for weeks.
You begin to mentally panic as you tried to figure out a way to get out of the trap you just walked into. 
“What do you want?” You whisper softly, refusing to look at him directly and you watched as Shouto’s feet shifted as he readjusted his stance.
“I think that’s what I am supposed to be asking,” Shouto’s voice speaks to you, but it seems sharper, so foreign to you, not the man you love.
You moved your gaze to look directly at Shouto who was staring at you, almost curiously, as if you were a subject he was analyzing.
“I have nothing to say to you.” You defiantly assert your facial features set in stone as you refused to let him read any emotion that was racing through your mind.
“Hm, well,” Shouto smirks softly as he takes a step closer to you, and you automatically take a step backward. “You wanna know why I lied about my profession.” His tone suggests that he’s guessing, but you knew he could read you like a book.
A noise struggles in your throat as you refuse to acknowledge his questions.
“Simple. Being a hero is bullshit, what’s the point in being a savior to undeserving people who merited the actions of the everyday villains. It seems wrong, you would never understand, y/n, but that’s okay. Besides, there’s something so liberating doing things that aren’t… expected of you.” Shouto’s voice almost taunts you as your eyes narrow slightly as he takes another step towards you, and instinctually, you step back.
“What else would the opinionated y/n have?” Shouto says as he brushes his shaggy hair out of his eyes, their piercing colors drilling holes into your soul. “Your blood, huh? Now that is something you’ll just love. You see, your probability quirk is amazingly powerful, did you know that? The number of scenarios you can use it is unlimited with the ability to be correct ninety-nine out of a hundred times. Your quirk is good luck, and you were an idiot for never noticing it.”
Now that hit a nerve, and your lip trembled the ever so slightest as an aloof chuckle leaves Shouto’s mouth, another step forward for him, and another step backward for you.
“Did I hurt your feelings?” Shouto smirks again then a sigh leaves his lips, “You had amazing potential, my love, but your anxiety just kept you from achieving everything. So yes, I did seek you out intentionally for your quirk, but you had this fear that I could never get you over, so I had to get your blood in an… artistic way, you can say.” 
You felt like you were suffocating when your back hits the wall, but you don’t react to the feeling of the harsh brick against your back as you concentrate on the man you don’t recognize in front of you. “But of course, why did I need it?” Shouto clicks his tongue as a hand comes to press against the wall next to you, trapping you. “It will act as the ultimate judgment for every person in the world, and we needed a lot, but it turns out I had a vermin in my midst, that’s why it took so long.”
He traces a finger against your face and everything he says slams into you. Maybe you didn’t know Shouto as well as you thought you did, you were in love with a villain after all, but there was something so artificial in his words that after months of feeling numb anger flared within you. You can feel nothing but anger and hatred seeping through you towards this man before you.
“You can’t possibly think you’re superior enough to enact judgment on everyone, because of what? You save a few bad civilians?!” You spat at him finally feeling emotions and energy run through your body as your hands come up to shove Shouto’s shoulders with unknown strength and he staggers back. “Are you fucking kidding me, Shouto?!”
Your face scrunches as he takes a step backward, and now you’re on the attack. “Are you some fucking idiot? You think you can act like my boyfriend for two years and expect me not to pick up personality traits of your own? I can practically smell the anxiety from your body, you dick!” You storm as you shove Shouto again. “Your words are too pretty, too fucking rehearsed, dumbass, you’re a leader by action, you idiot, not by words! God, is someone fucking feeding you that little speech?! You’re a fucking villain, not some martyr, so you can shut the fuck up, and go feed your feeble-minded words to assholes who believe that they are the ones to shape the world! Go tell this sob story to the world, how about to your mom, let’s see how many people fucking agree with you then, Todoroki.”
You feel as if your blood is on fire as you have Shouto up onto the wall, his eyes wide, his mouth slightly opened in shock. Your breathing is harsh, fast, panting, as your eyes glare into Shouto’s eyes that are quickly turning from shock to anger to lust. You don’t even know what’s happening to you until you feel your hands grab the collar of his shirt and slam your lips against his own.
Your lips connect with his lips at every touch in a hard fashion. Your fingers fisted into his shirt as you slam your taller boyfriend–was he even your boyfriend–into the wall. You’re intensely aware of his fingers gripping your hips as your bodies came to be mangled onto each other, leaving no room between your two bodies as you continued this angry kiss.
You felt as Shouto let out a low growl, his weight shifting and he shoved you against the wall. His hands moving from your hips to cup the bottom of you ass, roughly grinding his crotch against yours, and fury went through your body. 
Why did he have to fuck this all up for the two of you?
The kiss was getting sloppy, your teeth clashing too often, breathless heaves panted into each other’s mouths as your tongue slipped into Shouto’s mouth. You defiantly press your tongue against him, not allowing him the victory of entering your mouth as your hands leave your grip from his shirt to grasp onto his hair, tugging on it sharply that makes Shouto let out a tantalizing moan. This wasn’t fair to Shouto, you knew that’s how he saw it, and just as you guessed, he moves his hands to better grasp your ass as he lifts you up, your legs wrapping around his waist immediately. His hands removing yours from his hair to slam them up against the wall.
A pained but lustful moan escapes your lips from this action, and you rock your hips painfully slow against Shouto’s crotch and sigh in victory as Shouto removes his lips from yours, “F-Fuck,” Shouto curses, his grip on your hands lessening slightly, and your eyes crack open to see Shouto’s head thrown back, and a mewl leaves your lips at the sight of your man stuttering because of you.
It doesn’t last long as suddenly, Shouto’s lips are back on you, leaving hot open-mouthed kisses trailing down your neck, his teeth biting down almost animalistically with every other kiss, but fuck does it make your toes curl. “Yes,” you praise the man between your legs as you roll your hips against Shouto’s in a way of retribution, and the lust and fury of Shouto’s eyes are connected with yours.
You gasp breathlessly as Shouto’s hot tongue licks slowly between the cleavage of your breasts, combined with the harsh tug of your hair sends your head snapping back, “Fuck you,” You spat, angry with yourself that he knew exactly how to please you in the best way.
“I plan on making you do that for me,” Shouto growls lowly, as you slam your lips back onto his own. 
A muffled cry leaves your lips as you feel his hands go under your shirt and massages your breast harshly through your bra, “Don’t you dare fucking think that this is going to make things okay.” You snap as you grab Shouto’s hands increasing the strength on his already harsh grip on your breasts.
“I didn’t.” Shouto laughs as his head goes under your shirt, and you can only wait helplessly as you feel your bra unclasp and a harsh roll of your nipples between his fingers sends you through another moan. You feel anger resurge through your body as you can feel the victorious smirk on his lips as he bites the sensitive underside of your breast.
With your hips still rolling away on his own crotch, you don’t hesitate as you blindly unbuckle the belt on Shouto’s pants and slip your hand through the waistline, your hand seizing the base of his cock. You hear a hiss from Shouto, and you almost laugh in manically glee of making the man you shouldn’t want tremble. 
“You’re a bitch.” Shouto gasps as he removes himself from your breasts, and goes to press wild, uncontrolled kisses onto your lips. And the coil in your stomach is tightening as he jerks against your pumping hand and rolling hips.
“And you’re a coward.” You hiss as Shouto drops you to the ground, your legs wobbly from the uncontrollable emotions you had long submitted to, the pool of heat in your underwear only seeming to intensify as Shouto slams your stomach into the wall.
“Now, are you going to behave correctly to the big bad villain who has you trapped?” Shouto whispers into your ear, his teeth biting softly onto your earlobe, shoots of tingles resonating through your body as you feel his hand move from your waist to your inner thighs, too close for comfort, not close enough for the relief you desperately sought. 
“You’d be a bigger idiot if you thought I would simply submit.” You breathlessly reply as his fingers trailed up higher, and your hips rolled slightly as his fingers touched between your legs deliciously soft, and you fought another mewl leaving your mouth.
“Ah, don’t stop yourself from making sound,” Shouto grinned against your neck, “Tell the world how much you hate me.”
You could only pant as Shouto’s hand unbuttoned your shorts and let them drop to the ground as his fingers went inside your panties, and brushed against the hood of your clit, “Fuck off,” You repeat as soundless moans leave your lips, your head thrown back again as his fingers slip into your opening, slowly moving as his other hand goes to tease your clit in a way that causes you to bite onto your tongue to contain the pleasure-filled scream ready to leave your mouth.
“Do you want me?” Shouto breathes harshly against your neck as he ground his hard pelvis into your ass, and you could only nod your head as his fingers pumped into you. The heat in your stomach only grow as the coil in you felt tighter as both the pumping and teasing intensified, “Fuck, love, aren’t you just fucking wet as always.”
You let out an exasperated cry as his fingers leave your dripping sex, and you can only watch with hooded eyes as Shouto brings his fingers to his mouth, slowly licking your juices off his fingers. “Fuck me with the same passion you have in hating me,” Shouto whispers as he twists your neck to kiss you in this twisted position, and you moan as you can taste yourself on his lips and tongue, and before you can even savor the feeling of his tongue on yours, his jeans are bunched by his knees, and you’re completely bent over, your underwear joining your shorts on the floor.
“You want this, you want me?” Shout asks again his voice almost a growl, his facial features intense as he drops his own underwear and is stroking his already pre-cum leaking cock. 
“I swear to god, Todoroki,” You hiss staring at the man who had your heart seem almost unsure of what was the right thing to do, “If you don’t finish what I started, I will never forgive you.”
That’s all it takes, and the uncertainty in Shouto’s mind is made up and all you could do is let out strings of curses as he slams into you from behind in one quick movement. “Shit, you’re so fucking tight.” Shouto groans as you pant, your hands shake against the wall, god did his dick in you send you to another planet.
“Fucking move already, pussy.” You snarl and smirk as Shouto takes it as a challenge as starts thrusting his hips, ready to kill any doubt you had in your mind.
And then you could do nothing but scream out encouragement as Shouto’s hips slam into yours, harshly, at speeds you never envisioned the two of you reaching before.
Every thrust sent you grasping for support on the brick wall as he continued thrusting into you, his fingers gripping you waist as curses leave his lips.
Your jaw drops and a shrill gasp leaves your mouth as the coil in you tightens significantly at a certain angle he comes in, “Like that?” Shouto laughs although you could hear no humor in his voice as he comes in at that angle again, and you can barely control the sob of pleasure that rips out of your mouth.
“Sh-Shouto!” You arch your back and despite the position, Shouto is edging, you can feel the tremble in his thighs, his tell when he was almost over the edge. “Fuck me, faster!”
Shouto doesn’t disappoint you as you feel his hands grasp your hair and he snakes a hand back to your clit, and you find yourself clenching your eyes in concentration, trying not to satisfy him with cumming first.
You smiled in victory as shuddering gasps left Shouto’s lips as you felt his thrusts progressively missing his usual targets, and with a drawn-out groan from him, you felt him cum in you, and you couldn’t help yourself as you looked over your shoulder and saw Shouto’s face filled with relief.
His hips stilled for moments, but your own hips didn’t stop, and another string of curses left Shouto’s mouth as he focused distractedly on your own orgasm. His body rocked into yours, and your hips met him in every motion, your lip trembling as his fingers danced against your clit.
The coil in your heat tightened and tightened, and when he pressed a kiss on the back of your neck, his fingers pinching your clit, the coil snapped and you could only see white as an immeasurable amount of pleasure ripped through you, and a scream sagged through your body as you came undone.
You whined as you felt him exit you, and you slowly straightened back up, you felt uncomfortably sore. Quietness filled the alleyway as the two of your straightened out your outfits turning towards each other, then you locked eyes, and it finally hit you. This was goodbye.
Your breathing staggered as Shouto’s lips were on yours again, and you feel overwhelmed. Your fists are clenched on his chest, his fingers hooked onto your belt loops. Your brows are brought together, and you can tell both of your jaws are clenched. It almost felt like a magnetic pull between you two, but you had to deny it. So you shift so that your foreheads press together, your lips just brushing, just barely, so faintly touching until you pull away completely with a shaking exhale, your forehead dropping into Shouto’s neck.
“I am in love with you, but I can’t love you knowing what you are.” You whisper as you break away, grabbing your bag and leaving Shouto alone in the alley, wiping tears that inevitably fall from your eyes. “I’m sorry.”
and thats all for now folks, i also updated my masterlist again so if you wanna read more crap i write, check it out :D but yes! the blood stealing is weird i know, i was told but i am so outta ideas i just rolled with it ;) anyways let me know what you tHINK I LIKE HAVING OPINIONS ON WHAT I WRITE PLEASE SEND ME WHAT YOU THOUGHT IT MAKES ME SO UNBELIEVABLY HAPPY
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 236: Mr. Stark I Don’t
Previously on BnHA: We kicked off Year Five Of This Bullshit with another Tomura flashback! Once upon a time there was a boy named Tenko. Little Tenko was very cute and happened to have a real prick of a father who forbid his kids from talking about heroes and punished them severely when they broke that rule. Like, he locked Tenko outside for hours and even fucking hit him when he found out he looked at that picture of Nana. It was super fucked up and very unpleasant to read, and on top of that Horikoshi peppered the entire chapter with hints that the supposedly quirkless Tenko was slowly developing his Decay quirk, so much of the chapter was also spent waiting for that shoe to drop. The chapter ended with a sobbing Tenko hugging his dog Mon-chan (a very good boy) and thinking that he hated everyone, as the scene slowly faded to black. After that we don’t know what happened. Presumably Mon-chan went to live on a farm with lots of other puppies where he could spend the rest of his days in cute doggy bliss. I’m sure Horikoshi will allow me to continue indulging in this theory.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi doesn’t let me indulge in shit! Horikoshi is all “lol bitch you thought!!” Horikoshi shows us the dead dog!! Horikoshi shows us the scared and sobbing child! Horikoshi shows us the sister! Horikoshi shows us the grandma and grandpa and the mom! Meanwhile poor Kotaro is all, “I suddenly wonder where my whole family has gone,” and goes outside and sees All Of That and is horror-struck. Through a series of terrible but also hilarious coincidences he accidentally smacks Tenko with a big stick, and Tenko suddenly realizes he’d like nothing more than to just STRAIGHT UP!! MURDER HIS DAD!! and so he does. And that’s basically it, guys. That’s my summary of the chapter. I would also like to add that for some reason I ended up fucking loving it in the end, though it was a real roller coaster back and forth until those last few pages. So yeah. Might want to steer clear of me, because I’m sure that’s some kind of red flag there. This motherfucking chapter, guys. I don’t even know.
(All comments are my unspoiled reactions from my initial readthrough of the chapter. I did a quick edit for grammar and clarity immediately afterward, and added one or two ETAs in the process, but aside from that there are no changes.)
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thank you anon but rest assured I’m already filled with a deep and profound dread. so we’re good
oh. heh
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well that’s just. okay. sure. so a whole nother chapter of this. okay yeah that’s great
oh sweet jesus mary joseph oh shit oh fuck oh SHIT
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holy shit!?!? and this is only the start of the chapter oh god. oh god oh god. MR. STARK I DON’T
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no thank you I want to return it. reason: item exactly as described. I don’t know what I was expecting. we knew exactly what was going to happen. but I still -- !!
how is the anime going to show this?? no one even wants to watch the senseless blood and violence for once. does Japan do those warning things where a “the following program includes scenes of graphic violence that may be disturbing to some viewers” screen appears before the thing airs? if not they should probably consider it. maybe change “some” to “all”, because let’s be real
anyway so guys I’m waiting for Horikoshi to email me my free shipping label so I can send this back, but in the meantime let’s continue to read I guess
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by the way, this is weird though. because that didn’t look anything like the prior instances where we’ve seen Tomura use his quirk! there was no crumbling apart, no dust ominously drifting away on the breeze. it was more like poor Mon-chan just kind of fell apart into pieces. is this because the quirk is still developing and not yet at full power? or is this more AFO shenanigans in play. it at least explains why it was plausible for their hands to be intact once everything was said and done though
really I’m just trying to talk myself into believing that this didn’t actually happen and is all some grand fucked up psych out and his family is actually fine. I saw this post going around about Tenko’s mole (you know, the one on his chin) not being present in all the scenes last chapter, and the theory was that the scenes where he doesn’t have the mole were not actually real and were implanted by AFO. I personally think this is a reach, but I’m also prepared to 100% subscribe to this theory if and when anything happens to this precious baby girl when I click to the next page you guys. we shall see
okay so Hana’s apologizing because I guess she’s the one that ratted him out to their dad? girl it’s okay you were under a lot of pressure. it’s not like it’s your fault Kotaro flew off the deep end and started beating your brother
anyways but this is currently the least of your worries though oh god. she hasn’t noticed yet, and Tenko’s sobbing and trying to talk to her but his voice isn’t working??
is that because he’s traumatized, or because this is in fact a fake memory? not being able to warn a beloved person of an imminent danger is basic nightmares 101, I’m just saying. I’m actually a bit more convinced than I was just a minute ago
anyway so now she sees the dead dog, and I have a new least favorite panel in the entire series, great
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hello, I hate everything about this. what the actual fuck
now she’s turning to run and I SWEAR TO GOD if Tenko instinctively reaches out to grab her... shit. I fucking...
-- WHAT DID I JUST -- !! !!!
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son of a bitch. fuck. I’m literally frozen in place and having trouble willing myself to scroll down to see the rest of this. like, can we seriously just stop here. fuck!!
shit. I need a minute. holy fucking shit. I want an actual apology from Horikoshi, and an explanation for why he thought his readers apparently lacked the imagination to fill in the rest of the blanks themselves. like, I was perfectly fine with all of this just being Very Much Implied, dude. seriously
fuck me. I’m just gonna do it. power through the rest of the chapter and assess the resulting psychological damage once it’s all over and done with. okay deep breath. we’re going in
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oh honey. oh baby no. oh my god the “crack crack” sound effects again, and the lines of blood appearing oh god
and of course he didn’t realize what was happening at first, didn’t realize it was him. honey it’s not your fault. but you now officially have Murder Rights to All for One, and if anyone else gets to deal the final blow I will fucking sue
hahaha, fuck
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at least he didn’t go into the same level of detail as with the fucking dog. but I’m still calling the police, holy shit
if anything, Tenko’s reaction actually makes this even worse than Mon-chan’s death, though. and you know, also the fact that it was a six-year-old girl. who died terrified and in agony and not knowing why this was happening to her. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
somewhere Ito Junji is reading this and wishing he’d come up with this shit. Nakayama Masaaki is taking notes. Stephen King is waking up in a cold sweat thinking to himself that for some reason he really wants to start reading shounen manga all of a sudden
sob now everyone is running outside except for his father. of course. saving the best for last. it’s almost as though someone fucking engineered all of this to make it as psychologically damaging to the kid as possible! but who could possibly be twisted enough to do something like that? oh hey there All for One, you sure look happy. why are you smiling so much. what do you mean, it’s a secret. you son of a bitch
hey do you guys want to see the expression of a mother seeing her youngest child screaming and sobbing and covered in blood and surrounded by the bloodied remains of a dead dog and something else that is hopefully unidentifiable because if not holy shit for real? anyways, do you? you don’t? sure you do. Horikoshi thinks you do, so here it is
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t-minus five seconds before the level of Horrifying escalates yet again! five... four... three...
oh shit??
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did he do that thing again?? disintegrate them without even touching?? or did we just jump-cut to right afterward? because if it’s the latter, you mean to tell me we did that with the mom and grandparents but couldn’t do it with Hana and the dog!? and if it’s the former then that’s really interesting though, because I was under the impression he’d been incapable of that until just a few chapters ago when the grown-up him awakened the ability in the middle of Deika City. maybe it’s something he can only do when under extreme mental duress
oh wait, never mind, I scrolled a bit further down and it seems like his mom is still alive. I guess that was Hana he was reaching out towards there. anyways so here’s his mom’s horrified face again
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actually, wait. before we click to the next page, let me go back to the four panels right above these, because this is actually really interesting and deserves more analysis
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I really like this actually. Horikoshi acknowledging that even though his mother and grandparents were very kind and loving, they were still complicit in his suffering in a way because they knew what was going on, and they let it happen. this is actually huge, and I’m really grateful to Horikoshi for calling attention to it and pointing out how damaging that was. I’m actually very pleasantly surprised to see it acknowledged
but maybe I shouldn’t be, because this is after all something that’s very important to the story’s themes of heroism. my thoughts immediately ran to Horikoshi’s own favorite hero, Spider-Man, and the whole “with great power comes great responsibility” thing. if someone needs help, and you’re in a position where you could do something but you choose to not take action, then you do bear some responsibility for what follows. “when you can do the things that I can, but you don’t, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you”
just, this is a theme that has always resonated with me, and one of the most important themes of hero stories in general. and obviously I’m not saying Tenko’s mom and grandparents are in any way bad people, or that what happened is their fault, because it’s not! but all the same they could have done something and they didn’t, and if you were to ask me what I think is the most essential, defining aspect of what makes someone a hero, I would say it’s that. the difference between stepping in, and not stepping in. if you were to boil it down to one single point, that would be it. a hero is someone who helps
anyway. so I really like that. maybe I won’t send this chapter back after all
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holy shit you guys. I have no words. somewhere the person who wrote Mufasa’s death scene is taking notes. the person who wrote Littlefoot’s mom’s death is shook. the person who wrote Bambi’s mom’s death is rubbing their chin and thinking, “honestly mine is still more traumatizing, but I can still respect that”
meanwhile I, a millennial forged in the ashes of all of those childhood-defining fictional tragedies, am going to just suck it up and move on because fuck. my whole life has been preparing me for this day
oh my fucking god
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fuck me why did I laugh. I fucking lost it just now. fucking gallows humor, idk
just. his entire family is being blown to little bits in the backyard, and Kotaro cracks open his fucking door and peers his head out like “hmm I thought I heard something just now. hey, where is everyone. did I miss something.” no you didn’t miss anything Kotaro, go back inside
he looks like a kid who’s not sure if he just heard the ice cream man driving by
sob. “better go investigate”
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look what happened while you were taking your fucking nap, Kotaro. JUST LOOK! your son disintegrated your whole entire family and uprooted a fucking tree somehow. jesus christ
you know, the irony is I bet you that despite all of his hang-ups, he’s probably thinking “okay maybe a hero would come in fucking handy right about now”
oh shit
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“you think this is a fucking joke?!” Horikoshi screams, shoving this page in my face. “you’re just going to sit there and keep making your cute little remarks?? A FAMILY IS DEAD!!” okay jeez I get it fuck
oh no, oh shit for real though I can’t
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he’s so scared and traumatized and now he knows, he knows it was him who did it and he can’t bear it, and even though he hates his dad, he’s still his dad, and he’s terrified and looking for comfort from anyone at this point oh god
and for Kotaro to see his son like this, and the rest of his family dead in such a horrifying way! just!!
and fuck me, because if he reaches out to try and comfort him, if he ends up dying because his better instincts finally take over now of all fucking times; if he tries to help and Tenko knows what’s going to happen when they touch and tries to stop him but can’t...
okay but what
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Tenko’s quirk is really behaving strangely though. like this is ridiculous. at this rate he’s gonna take the whole house down with him
also there’s no way all of the neighbors just sat by all la dee da and didn’t go to investigate afterwards. 100% AFO had a hand in all this. shit
now also feels like a good time to point out, before we wrap this all up, that with Kotaro being the only one still alive now, there is no one around to shout “Tenko, no...!” when that hand is reaching out to his forehead. so I’m very curious to see how Horikoshi plays this out, because now more than ever I’m suspecting that the altered memory theory is really true
(ETA: well. shit.)
anyway, so now what looks like a tree pruner is just randomly falling into Kotaro’s hands, for some reason. just like we all expected
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of all the ways I imagined this actually playing out, this was not one of them
hmm, interesting
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so did he disintegrate the pruner and then get pissed at his dad thinking he was trying to hurt him again? and then instinct just took over? guess we’re about to see
oh SHIT!!!
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just, imagine like another 7 paragraphs of me just typing out “shit” over and over again. I don’t feel like actually doing it, but that’s basically an accurate summation of my thought process right now
I bet even AFO wasn’t expecting that. I picture him whistling softly from his hiding place nearby, watching all of this go down and making that excited Andy Dwyer face to nobody in particular
holy fucking shit, holy hell
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guys I just decided this is actually my favorite villain origin story of all time. just like that. holy shit. this page though
okay you know what, let me just finish this up, and then I’ll try to sort out all of my messed up feelings. one more page to go I think. probably his hair turning white
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why didn’t his hair turn white. Horikoshi you’re such a fucking troll
(ETA: or did it start to change though?? it’s really hard to tell with the shading on this page tbh. but it does seem to be lighter than his shirt, and closer to the shade of his pants instead. but I can’t tell if that’s just due to the lighting here or not. anyways.)
anyways, wow. so that’s the end. let me just sit down here for a moment and try to process this
that page, though. that mental break. the idea of him being so overwhelmed by the pain and trauma of what just happened that when his dad shows up and tries (from his perspective) to hurt him again, his mind just goes !! and snaps and goes “you know what, this is better, let’s just reframe all this shit to make it a good thing so that we can cope, because to hell with that. big fat nope to the alternative, right there! yeah no thanks we are not going to do that”
and him realizing that he finally has the power to stand up to his father and stop him from hurting him. and probably a part of him is also irrationally blaming his dad for being the reason this all happened, because it’s much easier to assign blame to something tangible here, rather than it all being a freak tragic accident that no one could have prevented. (or worse, his own fault. which it isn’t, but I’m sure he subconsciously blames himself regardless, so)
and even better if the person to blame is someone you already hated. so yes, that’s much better, let’s just do that
and that whole “somewhere deep in my heart” thing, I don’t buy that for a second to be honest. but I do believe that he believes that. that for his own self-preservation he desperately latched on to this idea and convinced himself that he’d wanted this all along. that it felt good. fine, then, I’ll become a monster to save myself
I keep going back to look at his face, though. and just. holy shit. if you’d told me a week ago or even five minutes ago that Horikoshi would write out the entire thing, all of it, in all of its sickeningly detailed glory, that he would just say “fuck it” and go all out, and that I would go from “take it back” to “okay I’ll allow it” to “you can pry this incredibly fucked up chapter out of my cold dead hands” in the span of three pages, I would have thought you were insane. and yet here we are. and it is insane. and I’m fairly disturbed by my own heel-turn here actually, but I can’t deny it though
just, shit. that was so good. I’m blown away by how good that was. Deku, stop looking at me like that
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you know what, you don’t get to judge me, kid, okay. shut up
anyway guys, so that was one hell of a ride. I learned some things about myself, like that I will follow this maniac of a mangaka into much deeper and more fucked up chasms than I ever expected. and Tomura learned some things about himself, and I have a lot of Concerns about those things, but I guess that’ll just have to wait until next week! all the best until then, everyone
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vanilluhbeaux · 6 years
Not Another Au!
vanilluhbeaux (distinque)
Chapter 5
: he gave them the heebie-jeebies
“You know, yesterday wasn’t that bad,” Kirishima said, walking into class behind Bakugou and Ochako, the latter of which shot him a confused glance.
“Eijiro,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper, “one of our classmates died yesterday.” They followed along into their seats next to each other, almost completing the nearly full classroom. The natural chatter of teenagers already filled the room with as much life as it possibly could, the colors coming from off of the students shining without fail. Kirishima looked back at her and shot a sheepish glance, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
“Well, yeah, but it still wasn’t a bad day. It could've been a classmate we liked,” he answered, sliding further into his seat.
“I guess yesterday was alright,” Bakugou added, pulling a notebook out of his backpack. “Shit could’ve gone all the way left.”
“I think shit did go left,” Ochako said, rolling her eyes, “The curse actually started. Mineta actually died. Why am I the only one taking this seriously?” She wrapped her arms around herself, pouting slightly.
“Because, like, fuck Mineta?” Bakugou said, shrugging. “Nobody really gave half a shit about him except for Denki, and that's probably because he's a fucking idiot.” The blonde loooked around for a pen out of his backpack, rolling his eyes when he didn't find one. He huffed, looking towards his girlfriend, who sighed before giving him the one she held in her hand. "I think Denki was the one who said fuck him yesterday, Cheeks," Bakugou tacked on, shrugging.
"I said 'Death to the bitch'. Don't put words in my mouth," Denki said, walking in the classroom and taking his headphones out of his ears.
"Is your broke ass talking to me?" Bakugou said, raising an eyebrow.
"The only broke person in the room is your girlfriend," Denki said, rolling his eyes and popping his headphones back into his ears.
"You could've left me out of it," Ochako said, turning around in her seat to look at Denki.
"And your boyfriend could have kept my name out of his mouth. I guess we all have things we could've done. Shoulda, woulda, coulda," Denki finished, sliding into his seat with an expression that screamed 'You Tried It'. In her mind, Ochako thought she was going to try him again, just so that she could get the last word in, but when she paid attention to his face, Ochako's own softened. His eyes seemed darker than normal, and she noticed thin, fine lines forming through purple bags that sat just under his eyelids. She fixed her mouth to ask about him, but she found herself unable to speak after staring at him for a moment more.
"I don't think I've ever seen him this upset," she whispered to Kirishima and Bakugou, the former of which only shook his head in response. She gave a last glance at him before continuing, "It's unnatural seeing him so down."
Kirishima nodded, saying, "Yeah, I've been knowing him forever and he's never been this sad. It's super weird." The classroom door creaked open and Shinsuo slid in, his footsteps quiet against the tile floor. Still, as quiet as he was, he couldn't help but attract the attention of everyone else in the classroom.
"It's almost like he's a main character too," Izuku said, giving a knowing look at Todoroki, who made a confused face.
"Fuck are you talking about?" he asked back, shrugging.
"You know what I'm talking about," he insisted, rolling his eyes.
"Denki's just in a sour mood," Shinshuo explain, taking the attention away from the two in the back and directing it towards himself. "Min—what happened yesterday really hit him hard and he hasn't been right since."
"Acting bitchy isn't a healthy way to deal with it," Kirishima said, throwing an understanding look towards his oldest friend, "And you know that. You can talk to me about it if it's bothering you. Or not; there's a million ways to cope."
Denki looked up at him, his dark eyes only flickering for a second. With a soft sigh, he said, "I guess I never learned how."
"You've never felt like this?" Ochako interjected, "You've never lost someone?"
"No," Denki breathed, "I've never learned to cope with an actual death."
Kirishima opened his mouth to speak, but the bell inturrupted him before he could let a single word loose. Instead, he reached a hand out and grabbed Denki's shoulder, giving him a tight squeeze. "I know we're not as close as we used to be...but you can always talk to me. Man to man. I know what it's like to lose someone close to you and I'm here for you. Always." He gave one last reassuring look towards the blonde, who nodded his head in a numb, vague gesture. Heaving a soft sigh, the redhead went back to his seat and gathered his materials for class, watching the door for their teacher to burst in. She was late most days, but he thought the death one of one of her students—though he had no reason to assume this anyway. Instead, the next person to walk through the door was none other than Momo, her hair smoothed back into a glossy ponytail and eyes rearing heavy bags.
"Your eyes are dark enough to see through the bottomless pit that is my soul," Tokoyami said, lifting his own dark eyes to look at her.
"What the fuck does that even mean?" Todoroki said, furrowing his eyes together.
"Sometimes he just says a bunch of shit to sound fake deep," Izuku replied, rolling his eyes. "You get used to it."
"It means," Tokoyami huffed, slightly irritated, "you look like you haven't slept at all last night."
"I didn't," she confirmed, gliding into her seat in the front of the classroom, "I was having a really bad night 'cause of Mineta, so Jirou came over with the strap."
"Why would she try to rob you?" Mina asked, her pink eyebrow lifted, "I thought she loved you."
"And I thought you were a dumbass," Momo said, flipping her ponytail, "I guess we're both right."
"My dad was always strapped up," Izuku added thoughtfully.
"That's why you don't have a dad," Bakugou said with a snarky snicker.
"If it makes you feel any better, I don't have a dad either," Todoroki said, slinging his arm around Izuku, "he used to beat me with the strap."
"You just keep oversharing, Shouto," Izuku said, propping an eyebrow up. "I think it's a personality defect or something. You autistic or something?"
"I'm not a Gary Stu," Todoroki replied.
"And none of you know what a strap is, either," Miss Midnight said, strolling into the classroom with Iida on her hip, disappointment heavy in her throat. "It's slang for a dildo."
"What's a dildo?" Denki asked, raising his hand—not bothering to wait to be called on. "It sounds like a type of bean."
"That's pinto, stupid," Mina said, giving him a strong glare. "A dildo is a kind of instrument with strings. Like a guitar."
"That's a banjo, dumbass," Sero said, laughing, "It's a kind of rodent with a really hard shell."
"That's a fucking armadillo," Bakugou said. "All of you guys are fucking stupid. A dido is a sex toy."
"I'm sorry we're late, class!" Iida said, bowing his head before everyone and effectively changing the subject, "my brother insisted that we ride to school with him today because Mineta's passing yesterday. It can be very dangerous and he doesn't want anything to happen to us when he's not around to protect and serve." Painting a smile on his face, he confidentally strolled to the middle of class and took his seat, quickly getting out his materials and scribbling down the date. Miss Midnight followed suit, grabbing a marker and writing down the date on the white board, along with her intended lesson plans for the day—Sex Education and the History of Lesbianism. She figured if her class didn't know what a dildo was—let alone a bean, banjo, or armadillo—they needed her help.
The classroom door creaking open grabbed the class's attention and Todoroki found himself staring at the principal, who entered the classroom as quietly as he could. Nezu's footsteps barely made a sound as he tipped in, almost silently stepping on the tile and creeping to the center of the room, carrying a deep blue briefcase by his side. When all eyes were on him, he began solemnly, "I have some really terrible news, class."
"Is it about Mineta? Because we all know what happened to Mineta," Todoroki said from his spot in the back of the classroom.
"It is. And I understand that everyone knows what happened to him—some of you guys were even there to see what happened. And I'm sorry you guys had to witness that. It's something nobody should ever have to witness—"
"—I've seen worse," Todoroki replied, shrugging his shoulders.
"You shouldn't have," he said, "The job of a principal is to make my school safe. I'm supposed to make my students safe. And under my watch, a student died. This curse has killed so many people, and I know it hurts—"
"—Not really," Sero said, "The only one really sad about this is Denki, nobody else really cares."
"I don't want anyone to think that this was their fault—"
"We don't," Ochako said, "we don't blame ourselves for anything that happened to him. We didn't tell him to tag along with us, we didn't tell him to run off by himself, and we didn't tell him to get himself killed. He did all that by himself."
"And likewise, I don't want anyone to view death as something to blame others for. Think of them as acts of nature." He bent down and reached into his briefcase, pulling a knife out. With a simple flick of his wrist, he dragged it across his throat, slitting it and spilling blood across the classroom. Momo found herself especially drenched in it, spewing from his life-emptying corpse. A scream ripped from her throat as the blood seeped through her clothes, touching her and sticking to her skin.
"Are we supposed to take notes on this, Miss Midnight?" Iida asked, wiping the blood off of his glasses with his shirt. "Because this is a really big moment in history and I'd like to be prepared if it shows up on a test."
"Don't you get it?" Momo screamed, "Our principal just killed himself!"
"And it'll be for nothing if I fail this class!" Iida screamed back.
"Is no one going to call for help?" Ochako screamed.
"What is there to help?" Izuku replied, thankful for his spot at the back of the classroom and away from the corpse steadily leaking blood. "Nezu's super dead. Ain't no help for him. We might as well get an early dismissal and go home. Try this shit again tomorrow."
"Nobody's going anywhere," Miss Midnight said, standing by the door. "Tsuyu," she said, pointing to a girl with large eyes and green, blood-stained, hair, "call the police."
"No can do," the girl replied, her eyes glued to her phone, "it'll ruin my Snapchat. I gotta get the whole thing or people are going to try and say Deku, Mina, or Tokoyami killed him."
"Why is it always us?" Mina asked, bunching her brows together.
"Because you're black," Tsuyu said, "And every time something happens, the police are going to try and blame the black guys."
"Miss Midnight?" Shinsuo said, raising his hand, "I called the police when Deku started talking."
"My name is Izuku but whatever," he said, huffing and lifting his legs to lay on the seat next to him, partially to avoid the blood making it's way to the back of the classroom. "Y'all are starting to get on my nerves with this Deku shit."
"Our principal is dead!" Momo screamed, her hands balling into fist.
"So is Mineta!" Denki yelled back, crossing his arms. "People die every fucking day in this class! It can be any one of us next! Or our families! Do we honestly give a shit anymore?"
"Yeah," Mina said, under her breath, "A bitch really doesn't want to die right now."
"That's too damn bad!" Denki said, rolling his eyes. "We're all going to die. One of us is already dead. Does it really matter who?"
"Uh, yeah?" Bakugou said, "It matters a lot. I'd die for Ochako and Kirishima, so it they better not be the dead one."
"Bro, you'd die for me?" Kirishima asked, a soft expression taking over his face.
"Yeah—Don't let it go to your head."
"I'd die for you first, bro," Kirishima said, a warm smile crossing his face. "You too, Ochako."
"Please don't," she said, lifting her own feet up off of the floor. "I appreciate the thought, though."
"I appreciate you," Kirishima said. "I think I'd die for everyone in this class—except for Aoyoma. You're a little weird, fam. And Shouji. And Sato. Basically everyone that isn't an important addition to the class. Everyone else, you're all really cool and I wouldn't mind taking a bullet for you." He turned his red eyes to the unusually quiet Momo, rocking herself shakily in her chair. "You too, Momo. Even if you're a bitch sometimes."
"Then perish," Todoroki said, though he couldn't help the warm feeling bubbling in his chest. It encompassed his entire body, filling him up starting from his heart and moving outward. He let out a little shake, though it did nothing to calm his nerves and steady himself. He felt his hetrochromatic eyes wander the room, and as he looked at his classmates, the warm feeling heated itself into something greater—almost boiling over. Oh shit, he thought, letting out a shaky breath. Does he...he couldn't possibly...
his classmates?
His eyes fixed themselves onto Izuku, who's own green eyes were fixed onto his phone, seemingly enjoying Tsuyu's live Snapchat show. He noticed the way his phone was reflected in those bright green eyes, sparkling and highlighting the freckles that dotted his cheeks. The small smile dancing on his lips replayed over in his mind, and he swore he heard his voice over the growing sounds of sirens.
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bakudekuficlibrary · 6 years
I read one vigilante Deku fic and I’m hooked. Do you know of any?
Hello! Here’s all the Vigilante Deku fics I could find!
1 Series. 17 Works.
It’s Okay, Quirkless by VMarus ( M | 31,790+ | 14/? )
Izuku just wants to make his mother proud and to be happy with himself.
AU. Quirkless Vigilante Izuku!
SeriesPart 1 of Quirkless, Not Helpless.
[Graphic Depictions of Violence | Major Character Death]
[Series] Vigilante/Quirkless!Deku AU by lalazee ( T&M | 3,073+ | 2 Works | On Hiatus )
[Graphic Depictions of Violence]
the hare by calcidekudine (calciseptine) ( Not Rated | 3,384 | 1/1 )
“You never said why you needed this information,” the secretary says as Katsuki folds the note in half and slips it into his pocket. “Does it have something to do with last week’s incident?”
“Maybe,” Katsuki evades.
Day and Night by Soundsoftherain ( Not Rated | 12,450+ | 3/? )
Midoriya Izuku was born quirkless in a society where your quirk equates to your worth. What did this mean then, for the child whose smile was made of sunshine? The boy who had selfless dreams bursting from the seams?
His father knew, that’s why he’d left. And his mother?
Well…That’s where the story begins.
[Graphic Depictions of Violence]
when i say go, hold my hand by un-ah (NeverConformEver) ( T | 9,556 | 1/1 )
“You poor thing,” Earphone Jack says. “Do you feel obligated to defend his honor? Don’t worry, we all went to school with the bastard. That kind of already ruined the illusion. Now spill. I want to know everything.”
“We’re uh, we’re pretty normal? Haha, no stories to tell. Nothing. Just. Just signi–uh. Boyfriends. Haha. Normal. Normal boyfriends. Yup.”
Both women turn to look at him at the same time. The effect is startlingly close to facing down a pack of hungry lions while armed with a broken toothpick.
Kacchan’s gonna kill me.
How the hell was he supposed to know that the details of their fake boyfriends cover story had to be planned down to their imaginary sex habits?
Written for the BakuDeku Secret Santa 2017 exchange, for calciseptine! Based off of her vigilante!deku fic, “the hare”.
[Abandoned] ROGUE by Pulchritudinem ( T | 20,865 | 2/? )
“We’re going old-school, Deku. Absolved from society’s confines, doing as we see fit…We’ll be our own heroes and no one else’s.”
“They’re not your typical vigilantes. They’ve got the public’s adoration on lockdown, and it’s made them untouchable. One step in the wrong direction and we’ll have an anarchy on our hands.”
BNHA Vigilante AU where in Deku becomes a Quirkless Hero and Katsuki joins forces with him to create the most formidable, quirkless-based duo the world has ever seen. Based loosely off of the early concepts of BNHA that had originally intended for Deku to remain quirkless.
Current Chapter Summary:Izuku gets hit and Katsuki has feelings. The aftermath of Katsuki’s need to prove himself after the Sludge Villain Incident.
Breaking Things Into Pieces by MediaMaxine ( T | 1,907+ | 1/? )
As a child, Midoriya Izuku longed for a quirk. He wanted to be a hero. He wanted to save. He wanted to be like All Might.
As a child, Midoriya Izuku got a quirk. A quirk that should’ve helped him be a hero. To his classmates, it made him a villain. He just can’t seem to win with these people can he?
Society wants heroes. His peers see a villain. Kacchan sees Izuku.
Until he disappears that is.
(Formally named Rehabilitation)
Behind Closed Doors by brichibi ( E | 2,022 | 1/1 )
Dreams do come true, kids. That’s the message that Katsuki Bakugou has for you. Because listen, he’s had a dream since he was four years old, and you know what he did? He spent his whole life making sure that dream came true. That’s why he’s the number one hero. That’s why, at age twenty-five, Ground Zero is a household name. That’s why his T-shirts sell out in stores, why something as simple as an orange X has become an icon…
It’s also why he’s a fucking liar.
[Or: Bakugou’s got it bad for Izuku Midoriya, but Deku ain’t really the name of a hero anymore]
SeriesPart 2 of Twin Stars Week 2018
Resident Skumfuk by tramezzini ( Not Rated | 4,834 | 1/1 )
He’s screaming his lungs out for some scumfuck who doesn’t know what to do with his goddamn life.That’s probably what it is. It’s because somehow he has always known what he was going to do when he grew up, because he was inspired and because he had the means to achieve his dream and even though he can’t say for sure, if the universe didn’t want him to have power, he would’ve found a way. Maybe this guy got lost along the way.I’ll show you the fucking way.
the life cycle of a star by katsudeku ( M | 31,579+ | 3/? )
Izuku Midoriya is a vigilante, damned by society and barred from a career in heroism. With eyes painted in shades of ferocity and scarred hands that clutch the jagged edges of his heart, he makes a life for himself between good and bad, right and wrong, the murky depths of gray between black and white. He’s the kindest act that was never done, the best thing that could have happened.
But it doesn’t take long for hero prodigy Katsuki Bakugou to put his life in a spiral, with eyes once bright enough to ravage corneas and hearts alike. He’s an explosion in stasis with a quarantined supernova for a heart, and Izuku can’t help but fall into his orbit.
Between bloodied knuckles and unspoken words their lives intertwine in the best and worst possible ways, but some things are still meant to be.
[Graphic Depictions of Violence | Major Character Death]
Green Storm by REALITYKEEPER ( Not Rated | 4,783+ | 1/? )
Izuku Midoriya knew at the age of six that, without a doubt, the doctor was wrong.
Despite his diagnosis, despite his lack of symptoms, despite the presence of a pinky joint in his toe, Izuku knew he wasn’t quirkless.
His assuredness rested on a few moments. Most of which were, he had to admit, quite flimsy; the few instances where objects would move towards him akin to how his Mother’s quirk worked, flames flickering with his breath like his Father’s quirk. He would try to convince himself that the open window had nothing to do with those moments, that he had a quirk, but almost three years of being told otherwise had slowly deprived his dream of oxygen until it turned blue and died.
However, the summer of his seventh birthday revived that dream, yet set his life on a aching course he’d never considered.
⚡ ⚡ ⚡
Izuku’s Not So Secret Friends AU by FawnTheCurious ( T | 9,731+ | 9/? )
[Warning, this contains: Yaoi, Prototype!Katsuki, Yamikumo, an OC-insert, Yamikumo and Izuku possibly crossdressing and many be more! *cough* Yandere!Prototype!Katsuki *cough*]
[This is part of a series] [This is also a remake]
Who says a ‘Quirkless Loser’ Like Izuku can’t have friends?
[I changed Prototype!Katsuki’s last name and I gave Yami some parents]
SeriesPart 1 of Izuku’s Not So Secret Friends AU
What Goes Around Comes Around by K_Kings ( T | 4,571+ | 2/? )
Not all heroes wear fancy costumes. That was a conclusion Izuku thought of after an experiment on his quirk took him to an unexpected place.
Heiwa, The True Symbol of Peace… by trans_guy101 ( T | 1,876+ | 2/? )
In which Izuku has a quirk and it is as pure as the adorable cinnamon roll and his best friend is Bakugou Katsuki. They soon fall in love but then they add one more to their relationship…
For The Greater Good by melkara ( M | 5,348+ | 1/? )
“Sometimes you’ve got to do things for the greater good, no matter how much it goes against your morals.““That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.” Katsuki huffed as Izuku cuffed him from behind. “If you don’t want to do something, then don’t fucking do it.”Izuku rolled his eyes as he double checked Katsuki’s restraints. “I wouldn’t expect you to understand.”“Fuck’s that supposed to mean nerd?”-Or that one AU where Izuku is a prison guard and Katsuki is a prisoner gang leader in a world where solo hero work is outlawed and all Izuku ever wanted to do was help.
SeriesPart 1 of For The Greater Good series
[Graphic Depictions of Violence]
When the World is Lost by Bluelion_mcclain ( T | 4,174+ | 2/? )
He could of saved him. He could have changed him.He could of changed.But instead here he was, staring down at the small shell of the boy he had once known.
And still loved.
As he ran through the the thoughts in his mind all he could remember was that rainy night. It was so cold.Thumps from behind the trash bin. The green curls poking over the top. His name.One hand, one blast, one glance. But no. It was too late.Axis was here and he was not to be stopped.
[Graphic Depictions of Violence | Underage]
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the-wonder-duo · 6 years
Random Ass Update #3
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This one is dedicated to all you shits that can’t read. 
A tsunami rocked the West coast. In light of the ongoing investigation into InvisaInk’s death, we decided that it’d be best if Deku went alone to aid with recovery efforts. 
Thousands died. Recovery efforts are still ongoing.
 If you’ve got the means, you oughta donate to the Japan Relief and Recovery Fund. 
I stayed in the East. 
Answered some shit questions between patrols. Told you fucks about Deku’s questionable taste in music. 
PSA: I’m better than Deku at everything. 
Deku kept in touch while he was in the Nagano through audio logs and holocalls. 
There were sightings of someone that might’ve looked like me. At the time, I dismissed it as bullshit. 
Explosions rocked the streets of Hosu. The cause was not determined. 
Get your conspiracy theory asses off my blog. 
I was arrested after an attack in Hosu; Okane Trust & Banking Company had been robbed in an explosive attack. 
The Hero Police Force  released a statement revealed that on-site video surveillance captured footage of me at the scene, though the security system experienced technical difficulties only moments later. 
Sweat and hair analysis also placed me at the scene. 
Deku came back— even though I told him to stay in the East. Even though he was supposed to stick to the West to help tsunami victims. 
There were protests. I guess some of you lot aren’t complete dickheads, after all. 
I was drugged with Quirk suppressants. Standard procedure for those that’re being detained. 
My body didn’t react that well to ‘em. 
Footage of the bank robbery was leaked.
Deku compiled evidence to prove that I was innocent. 
When presenting his argument to the detectives who were in charge of the investigation, Deku was dismissed without any consideration. 
Asshole discovered that I was gonna be transferred to a maximum security prison even though I hadn’t even been arrested in any official capacity. Hadn’t even been charged of any crimes. 
Idiot broke me out of jail. 
Words don’t even begin to express what I felt. 
That idiot has so much going for him, you know? Wouldn’t have partnered up with him if he weren’t a damn good hero. He lives to help others. Dunno if he could live without it. 
And that could’ve been the end of it. Right there. 
He would’ve given it up. Thrown it all away. 
For me. 
You’re an idiot, Deku. 
We were pursued by Pros and police, but we managed to make it to the sewers. Since we’d spent weeks combing through them, we knew them pretty well. 
Took refuge in an undocumented Quirk shelter. 
Deku’d scheduled a leak of information to be posted onto the blog before he’d left. To tell everyone that he could of what had really happened, and to show why I wasn’t guilty of the crimes that I’d been accused of. 
Here’s the gist of what he wrote: 
I’m sure that the people who were responsible for kidnapping Kacchan are those who are responsible for InvisaInk, and do not say that without backing. The proof is in the visual evidence that has already been uploaded online by multiple sources; I suspect that the footage that was sent to me last night will be uploaded before long, as well. 
Most would say that those leaked stills that show an apparent Kacchan robbing a bank appear to be wrong, somehow. And those conclusions would be correct. 
There’s the obvious— the haircut, for one, which doesn’t at all match was Kacchan is currently sporting —but then there’s the more subtle (for those who don’t know Kacchan as well as I do, anyways). 
The imposter in the video is a mirror image of the actual Bakugou Katsuki.
 Upon reviewing some of the footage taken by crowd’s phones that day in the park— the day the fake InvisaInk confronted the both of us—I can see now that that InvisaInk was a mirror image of the actual InvisaInk, as well; for those that want obvious proof, I suggest slowing the video down to a fourth of it’s usual speed and pausing as InvisaInk lifts his gun to Kacchan’s head— you can see the visible outline of InvisaInk’s tattoo as his shirt sleeves rides up— on his left arm. 
The actual InvisaInk’s tattoo was located on his right arm. 
A closer examination of each of their features has further proved that this person is, in fact, able to create mirror images of their target— given what they’ve known to have taken from both Kacchan and InvisaInk, I can only infer that they use bone marrow to supply this transformation with the aid of their Quirk. 
This also shows why the YouTube video uploaded of the fake InvisaInk’s spiel had actually seemed to be right for both Kacchan and I— before the video had been uploaded, the murderers had actually edited and flipped the footage, so that the person being displayed was on the correct side again.
 And yes, I did say murderers— because I believe this to be the work of not just one person, but at least two. Further inspection of the sight of the bank blast and an analysis of the explosion has proven that yes, while Kacchan’s actual sweat had ignited the ensuring explosion, it had blown the wall upon from inside the bank— he hadn’t entered from the outside, as witnesses and the footage depict of the alleged “Ground Zero.” 
I have come to the conclusion that the second accomplice is one that harvests body parts in order to gain use of that target’s Quirk; for InvisaInk, the murderers harvested his skin, and for Kacchan— his hands. 
The same hands that were taken from him months ago. During his kidnapping— which had been so similar to that of InvisaInk’s. 
Chillingly, a closer look at footage captured at the Charity Smash event depicts a person that looks eerily similar to InvisaInk— with the exception of his height, his hair, and his features. In fact, his skin seems to be the only startling match— a comparison shows that the freckles on this man’s face exactly match those of InvisaInk’s. 
‘Course it wasn’t me. 
I’d never pull a stunt like that. 
I’m a goddamn hero. 
Anyways, some numbskull who’d just been released from their own interrogation actually managed to snap a pic of Deku breaking me out of there. 
Didn’t cower in the sewers, though. 
We found the fuckers that were responsible for what had happened. 
Had some help from another Pro Hero, Earphone Jack. 
Deku kept more of a level head than I did, admittedly. 
I dunno. I guess it was harder than I ever would’ve imagined it’d be. Keeping my cool. When the sick bastards that skinned InvisaInk alive were right in front of me. 
Chased ‘em to a crowded street, police got involved, caught the murderers, and gave ourselves up.
Seems like they might’ve been two of Backlash’s lackeys, but in all goddamn honesty, they seem like a pair of those Anti-Quirk Liberation League nutjob extremists. ‘Least, they seem that way to me. 
Toga Akane was one of ‘em. Sister of Toga Himiko, who gained some fame from working as member of the League of Villains some years back. 
She’s in possession of a Quirk that allows her to become a mirror image of anyone who’s bone marrow she consumes. 
Claims she hates her sister. That people like her are the scum of the Earth. That people like herself are scum of the Earth. That people like them ought not to exist, and that their actions— and more importantly, their Quirks —are proof of that. 
Says that she did it for the greater good. Part of a way of showing once and for all that Quirks ought to be eliminated— part of a way to show us all how they ruin lives. 
The Anti-Quirk Liberation League won’t claim her. Say that they don’t associate themselves with common criminals, and that they’re horrified and repulsed by her actions. 
Last I heard, she’s attempted suicide at least twice since the beginning of her imprisonment.
The other murderer was Hada Dorobō. Possessed an undocumented Quirk that snatches the abilities of other Quirks through imbibing body parts conducive to the utilization of other Quirks. 
Appears that the sick bastard can only snatch one Quirk at a time; if he tries to take on another, the body part that he stole rots off of him. 
Deku and I were released after Lead Detective Naomasa discovered that the secretary to the Senior Commissioner had been, essentially, brainwashing most of the force via email. Had a Quirk that affected perception through written word. 
It’s been confirmed that the Senior Commissioner was bribed to ignore these criminal acts, and both of ‘em have been arrested. S’why the force had been acting so unreliably recently.
 Originally, we were given a week of house arrest and ‘till the first of June of suspension, but that was changed to house arrest ‘till the first a few days ago. 
After the first, we’ll be allowed to work as Pro Heroes again. 
So we’ve been sitting around the house ‘till then. 
Answered some more questions. 
Deku revealed that he’s come across a Quirk that allowed the wielder’s dick to function like a compass. Pointed towards what the user really wanted, apparently. 
I think that Deku’s a gullible dumbass and that it was just a boner. 
Deku doesn’t wanna be the number one hero anymore. 
He wants to be the best hero. 
A great hero. 
Fuck you, Deku. 
There’s been some fallout. Apparently you can’t just break outta jail and expect to be considered a shining example of heroism by everyone. 
Who would’ve imagined that. 
I don’t give a damn what you have to say about it. Yeah, breaking me out was a stupid move, and yeah, it could’ve been so much worse, but you know what? Deku’s still a hero in my eyes. 
In case you’ve lived under a rock for the past decade, you ought to know that the leader of the League of Villains is dead. 
My biggest rival made a comeback.
Played some games. 
One of ‘em was perverted as hell. Our publicist is a real piece of work, putting that crap together. 
Truth or Dare ended with a naked Deku in my bed. 
Deku worried too damn much about it. 
It’s fine. Fucking weird, and awkward, and yeah, I was pissed that he pulled something like that just ‘cause he thought he could get some info that I wouldn’t hand over to him on a silver platter, but the fuck got too caught up in that. 
Culminated in Deku putting himself into a slump. 
Asshole told me that it’d be best if we didn’t share a bed for now. 
Informed him of how goddamn stupid he is. 
And then I told him to come to bed. 
For better or for worse, we’re a team. 
Shitnerd’s just gonna have to accept it. 
We’re not fucking. 
And we’re more than ready to go back to work already. 
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kirishii-gay · 6 years
Kiribaku Week - Day 2
Written by: Kiara (me) Word Count: 5k Prompt: Fake Dating Au / Spring Fling / Pirates  @kiribakuweek2k18
READ ON AO3 HERE: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14273583
It had been over two months since Eijirou opened up to Deku about his situation with Bakugou. In fact, he was the first person Eijirou ever told, oddly enough. At first, Eijirou thought that it was because of how badly he needed to tell someone, which would be a fair reason. At the time, Eijirou’s feelings were out of control.
He couldn’t say a single sentence in Bakugou’s presence without tripping over his words and turning beet red. One day during break Mina teased about how if Eijirou paid as much attention in class as he did to the back of Bakugou’s head, he’d pass. Eijirou elbowed her in the stomach in return but judging from the snickers the comment earned Eijirou knew it was true. While changing into their hero costumes, Eijirou’s eyes darted and he caught sight of Bakugou’s exposed torso and the redhead forgot how to breathe.
It was crazy, to say the least.
“I like Bakugou. A lot,” Kirishima had whispered, his back pressed up against the cool wall of the hallway, turning his head to avoid Deku’s gaze. As soon as the words left his lips it felt like a load was taken off his back. Like a long-held breath that was finally released. But as he turned his head back, preparing to see Deku’s shocked expression, he found himself faced with a smile. “Oh, I know,” Deku had replied with a smile, and Eijirou’s eyes went wide.
“W-what?! How? Man, do you how hard that was to say? What do you mean you know?” Eijirou yelped, and Deku’s face erupted into a giggle as if this whole thing was amusing.
“It’s obvious, Kirishima! It’s been obvious for the longest time!”
Eijirou threw his head back in a groan. Had he really been that obvious? Or was it just Deku being observant? Did others know? Eijirou suddenly snapped his head back to Deku and his eyes went wide in pure panic.
“Wait, does Bakugou-!” Eijirou started, panic arising within his chest before Deku shook his head. “No, Kacchan doesn’t know,” Deku interrupted, and Eijirou let out a sigh of relief. That would’ve been a disaster, to say the least. Still, the fact that his biggest secret was already known was a little scary, and if he was being honest, slightly disappointing. This was important to Eijirou. He’d been fighting against mind, his heart , for god knows how long.
“You don’t find it weird, do you? That I like him?” Eijirou finally whispered, avoiding his friend’s gaze and Deku’s face was immediately painted in concern. “What? No! It’s fine. It’s not weird that you like him, Kirishima! I’m just surprised someone fell for Kacchan at all,” Deku said, and Eijirou relaxed, the tension in his body finally gone.
“Well, if it makes you feel better, I think Kacchan likes you too.” Deku added, his face making it seem like this wasn’t just the biggest news Eijirou had heard. His brain slowly began to process the string of words before his entire face was painted in shock and his heart began to beat, to beat so damn fast that Eijirou was worried it’d jump out of his chest.
“WHAT?! What do you mean?” Eijirou stuttered, trying to rack his brain for any possibility that what Deku was saying was true.
“Kirishima-” “Has he told you? I- I don’t know, it just seems too-”
“..Like, this is Bakugou we’re talking about!” He thought of the explosive, yelling Bakugou staring at him in the corner of his eye. Eijirou imagined Bakugou blushing when Eijirou talked, or getting protective of him. Eijirou shuddered. There was absolutely no way.
Deku grabbed Eijirou by both his shoulders, putting an end to the stuttering words that didn’t seem to stop. Deku chuckled. So this is what he was like to his friends. Eijirou went quiet and mumbled an apology, rubbing the back of his head.
“Kirishima. I wouldn’t be telling you if I didn’t believe it was true, ok? You don’t need to worry,” Deku reassured, releasing his hold on Eijirou with a chuckle.
With those words, Eijirou finally relaxed, his pulse slowing, everything actually going back to normal. It was ok. Everything was ok. He had told Deku, and it went well. He’s ok. The thought of Bakugou possibly returning his feelings sent a new rush of emotion through him, and his heart fluttered. Still, he was appreciative that Deku reacted well, despite his slight outburst. “Thanks, Midoriya. For being so cool with it. I really appreciate it,” Eijirou grinned, and Deku just simply said that it was no problem. Eijirou was, in the end, glad he opened up to his friend.
Because of that, he slowly confessed about his feelings to people close to him, except for Bakugou, of course. He’d already opened up about being gay, so letting them know who he was crushing on was slightly easier.
The reactions he got were mixed. Some were the expected, like Kaminari. His friend’s eyes went wide and he grasped Eijirou by his shoulders, continuously asking him why the hell he fell for Bakugou, of all people.
Sero’s reaction was downright hilarious. His friend blinked, once, twice, as if registering the information, before turning back to his video game with an “I wish you luck”. Kaminari laughed so hard he couldn’t breathe.
Mina was obvious. She squealed so damn loud that Eijirou was worried he’d go deaf, then began bombarding him with questions. When it started, what made him like him, how long he’s liked him for, what he finds attractive about Bakugou. Mina kept pouring question after question all with a wide grin, and Eijirou laughed.
He’d accidentally let it slip to the girls during truth or dare. Momo stared at him with shocked eyes, Jirou simply said “That’s cool,”  and plugged her headphones back in. Tsuyu simply warned Eijirou that he was treading down a dangerous path, but then Uraraka countered by saying she caught Bakugou staring at Kirishima during class one day, so he did have a chance. Tooru threw Eijirou into a hug, reassuring him that if Bakugou fell for anyone, it’d be him. Eijirou turned so red that his skin tone resembled his hair colour, and the girls burst out laughing.
His friends were cool with it. He was cool with it. The whole class seemed to know except the blonde, and Eijirou didn’t want that to change. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“So, how’d it go with Kacchan?” Deku asked, looking at the redhead with cheeky, wide eyes. Eijirou let out a sigh and cupped his cheeks with both hands, leaning into his palms with a pout.
“He’s so hard to read! I’m trying to drop hints but it’s not working at all. I want to know if he likes me first before telling him, y’know? I want him to just give me one sign but he’s not doing anything and it’s killing me!” Eijirou whined, and Deku chuckled before jokingly patting him on the back.
“Do you have any other ways to get a sign out of him, maybe? You always did understand him well. Think, Kirishima. What would get Bakugou’s attention?” Deku wondered, his eyes narrowing slightly as he began to mutter. “What’s worked so far?”
Eijirou let out another sigh and furrowed his eyebrows together. The only time Eijirou ever noticed Bakugou showing him any sign of liking him was when Kaminari got a little too close to him. His friend had flung his arms around Eijirou, burying his head into the crook of the redhead's neck while whining something about the physical exercise being too hard. Bakugou had been adjusting his costume nearby as soon as he caught sight of the two he let off a huge explosion while bellowing, nearly scaring Kaminari half to death. “One time he got jealous when Kaminari leant on my shoulder. Nearly blew him up, I swear to god,” Eijirou told him, chuckling at the memory of the manly, high pitched squeal Kaminari let out.
Deku seemed to be deep in thought, looking for possible ways to speed up the relationship between Eijirou and Bakugou. It would be hard, that was for sure. Bakugou wasn’t really one to show affection, and if he did like anyone it’d be hard to spot it. His most noticeable way would be through...
“Jealousy! That’s how you could get Kacchan’s attention, Kirishima. If you start dating someone or at least act how you are, if Kacchan notices and gets upset it’ll show you he really does like you,” Deku explained, gesturing like mad and increasing the volume of his words gradually, getting excited.
Eijirou nodded in agreement. Jealousy. That was one thing that he could see working with Bakugou. Damn, Deku really was a genius. The excitement soon died down as he realized the part of the plan that wouldn’t work---having to date someone. There wasn’t really anyone he could date, and a girl would be out of the picture, too. He could ask Kaminari, but everyone knows his attraction towards girls.
“Kirishima, before you worry, I’m fine with doing it if it means helping you.” Deku smiled, and Eijirou turned to him, a deep guilt quickly shooting through him.
Was this really a good idea? What if it didn’t end up working at all?  Worry began to drown Eijirou slowly, and he felt bad. Deku was still smiling at him, notebook in one hand, waiting for what he had to say.
As much as he wanted to do this, he didn’t want to place any pressure on Deku. Because he was an amazing person, he’d always been nice to both Eijirou and any other person he encountered. He was strong, very strong, but he never boasted about it.
Never held it up as a threat (like a certain person), or used it to prove that he was better than anyone. In fact, he was the opposite of how you think someone with that type of power would act. Deku was humble. Nervous and quiet, but enthusiastic. He stuttered with his words but never stuttered when helping anyone in need. He was always terrified in Bakugou’s presence but didn’t have an ounce of fear when protecting anyone. It was admirable.  
So there was no way Eijirou could do this to someone like Deku. It wasn’t right. The redhead knew he was most likely overthinking this, but he couldn’t help it. As seconds passed and Eijirou remained silent, Deku began to study his facial expressions before letting out a small, teasing smile.
“Kirishima, it’s ok! I promise you, I’m fine with it,” Deku commented, and Eijirou lowered his eyebrows, still unsure. But when Deku gave him another knowing smile, Eijirou finally gave in.
Class 1-A was hanging out around the sun-lit classroom before Aizawa arrived. The students chattered among each other, sharing jokes and stories in the appropriate groups of friends, scattered among the classroom. In the far right sat Sero, legs kicked up on the desk without a second thought. Kaminari was close by, his arm slung around Jirou, cooing into her ear while she struggled in his grasp. Bakugou turned his head away in disgust. Fucking PDA.
Mina teased something about them being made for each other, while Sero groaned for Eijirou to get here soon so he wouldn’t have to deal with them. Bakugou usually didn’t pay attention to their conversation, but the sound of Eijirou’s name caught his interest. Where was he? The redhead usually arrived earlier in order to talk to his friends, but he was running late today. Weird.  
Bakugou clicked his tongue. It wasn’t his concern, anyway.
The door finally slid open and Bakugou’s eyes immediately locked onto it, greeted by Eijirou’s smiling face. He was immediately put at ease and his face melted into a small smile until his eyes were met with another sight that made him see red.
Stupid Deku, grinning by his side. Bakugou clenched his fist and they began to crackle with dancing sparks, but his eyes drifted further and his heart almost stopped at what he saw. Eijirou’s long fingers intertwined with Deku’s scarred ones, giving the green-haired boy’s palm a squeeze as they enter the classroom. Bakugou’s throat went dry.
The blond felt his heart beating too loud. He tried to swallow but it was almost painful. His body began trembling,  filling with a slow regret, a rising anger. He knew he should’ve fucking told him. Before someone did. And now fucking DEKU is the one there, holding Eijirou’s hand, standing by his side and smiling like an idiot, instead of him. The regret was slowly overtaken by rage, and the pops on his palm increased.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“Are you sure about this?”  Eijirou whispered, his palm beginning to grow sweaty in Deku’s comforting hold. He was having doubts about this whole situation.  He was downright scared, even. Bakugou was terrifying when he was angry, and he didn’t want Deku to have to deal with that. And on the contrary, what if this whole thing didn’t work and this was all for nothing?
“It’s ok, Kirishima! It’ll be ok!” Deku reassures, and Eijirou takes in a quick inhale before sliding open the door. Eijirou’s breathing stopped and his heart skipped a beat.
The light immediately immersed them as their class went silent, each gaze slowly falling on them, then traveling down to their connected hands. One by one, each of their mouths fell open in silent gasps as they took in the sight before them. The talking ceased and slowly all attention was placed on them. And from the back of the classroom, the blonde who was sprawled across his desk on the far side of the room turned and faced the door.
Eijirou watched Bakugou’s eyes go wide, his palms beginning to ignite. His face flashed an unreadable expression that cast across his face, his eyebrows narrowing. Eijirou felt his heart jump and inhaled a breath, squeezing Deku’s hand in an attempt to calm himself down.
“Deku...you and Kirishima….” Uraraka started, still in shock as she met the boy’s eyes. Deku turned his head and Eijirou smiled, silently thanking him. “Yeah. We’re dating.”
The possible discourse threading through the air then left as Eijirou’s friends slowly broke into a shared grin, lifting from their seats and running over to him. Deku’s friends did the same until the two were surrounded by their classmate’s eager faces and expressions. Eijirou was bombarded with question after question, and he let out a small chuckle. Deku quietly told them about how he had confessed and then they got together around a week beforehand and had finally reached enough courage to tell everyone. His classmates were confused, especially on Eijirou’s behalf. The whole class knew about his crush on Bakugou, so this definitely had taken them by surprise. As Momo calmly brought that up, Deku panicked slightly before Eijirou squeezed his hand.
“I did like Bakugou, but he never showed any sign of liking me back so I lost hope, I guess. That was months ago, though!” Eijirou replied, ignoring the slight waver in his voice. It almost hurt to say, but Eijirou knew that it was too late to turn back now.
During lunch, Deku caught Bakugou’s stare drilling into them and leant down to whisper in Eijirou’s ear, his breath ghosting over Eijirou’s ear.
“Kirishima, Kacchan is looking at you. Do something to get his attention.” Deku whispered, and Eijirou nodded in understanding before exploding in a grin, throwing back his head and flashing a sharp grin as he laughed, as if Deku had said the funniest thing in the world. He then wrapped his arm around Deku and planted a gentle kiss on his cheek, making sure that Bakugou saw. Deku’s skin felt soft underneath his lips, and the shorter boy let out a small laugh and blushed.
Eijirou turned his head just in time to see Bakugou storm out of the cafeteria, hands in pockets to hide clenched fists, head hung low to hide teary eyes.
For the entire week, Bakugou avoided Eijirou like the plague. Turned his head sharply whenever the redhead entered the room, avoiding his gaze like it was Medusa’s. His heart had turned to stone, so it looked like the redhead’s curse had already taken place.
Everything was breaking. Falling. For the first time in his life, Bakugou had no idea what was happening within his brain. Within his heart. Everything was shattered every time he saw those two. And he didn’t even know why he was surprised. He’d always told himself Eijirou deserved better. Weeks after weeks when the feelings for Eijirou emerged he’d push them down without blinking an eye. He doesn’t have time for something as pitiful as romance. He doesn’t have time for something as pitiful as love. He didn’t need anyone. Anyone.
He was going to rise to the top on his own.
So when the redhead began to enter that picture, he pushed it out without a second thought. But the sight of him smiling and laughing, laughter that was caused by someone else, it made him crave that picture again. He’d never appreciated it. He’d stayed in the dark, like a coward. Kept things the way they were, the way he wanted to keep them. And somewhere deep down he’d thought, he’d hoped the redhead liked him so he didn’t have to worry about him ever leaving. But it was too late now.
Because Eijirou had found someone else to stand by. The same blinding grin, the same positive attitude that drew in everyone around him. Of course, Eijirou would choose the matching sun over the rippling fire, out of fear of getting burnt. It wasn’t a surprise.
So the only one who got burnt by Bakugou’s flames was himself.
“I’m worried about him, Midoriya. It’s working, but I think it’s hurting him.” Eijirou admitted one night, clenching his fist. He didn’t want to hurt Bakugou. That was never the intention, ever.
“What do you mean?” Deku replied as he looked up from the couch, concern apparent in his voice as well. Eijirou rested his cheek onto his palm, yet again worried. The plan had worked, and Bakugou had shown obvious signs of jealousy.
But he drew away. He was distant. He could barely look Eijirou in the eye. And it was anger that Eijirou saw as he turned away. It was pain, regret. And that shook Eijirou to the core and sent a deep pain rushing through his chest.
“He’s just acting really strange. And it’s not like he usually is. He’s pushing me away now, and more aggressively, but he looks so hurt when he does it. His voice even wavered when he was telling me to piss off, Midoriya! It was so quiet that you could barely hear it, but I felt so bad .” Eijirou reflected, deep guilt taking over him. Deku left his spot on the couch to sit beside Eijirou, nodding in agreement before looking over at the redhead and gently smiling.
“You can tell him, Kirishima. It’s ok,” He finally whispered, and Eijirou’s eyes snapped up to meet his. “R-really?” Eijirou replied, mouth parting. They had kept this going for so long, it almost felt natural. But to finally tell Bakugou, it filled Eijirou with a new hope. He wrapped his arms around Deku, immersing him in a warm embrace. “Thank you, Midoriya. Thank you so much,”
He didn’t notice the tears in the corner of his friend’s eyes.
“Bakugou, I need you to talk to me. Please.” Eijirou pushed, concern filling his intense gaze. The two were alone in the hallway behind the school, and Eijirou was desperate. Desperate to fix this mess, to fix things with Bakugou. It was eating away at him and he couldn’t take it anymore.
“I have nothing to say to you, Shitty hair. Now go run back to your fucking boyfriend and leave me alone.” The blonde spat and Eijirou was unaffected by the sharp reply before seeing the flicker in Bakugou’s expression. His eyes glossed over to hurt so quickly Eijirou almost missed it. Maybe that’s why it hurt so much.
“Bakugou, please! I want to sort this out, I want to know why you’re pushing me away!-” Eijirou pleaded now, eyebrows lowered and eyes wide with concern. Bakugou simply turned his head away, digging his nails into the padded skin of his palm as he clenched his fist, avoiding Eijirou’s gaze.
Even looking at him brought back the memories of their stupid intertwined hands, and the deep hurt he’d felt as Eijirou’s lips ghosted over Deku’s cheek. It sent him going insane. He knew, he fucking knew that this all wasn’t important. Something as petty as romance, it wasn’t important. He was Bakugou goddamn Katsuki, he doesn’t get jealous, he doesn’t let something like this stop him. He’s stronger than this.
So why did it feel like he was getting his heart ripped apart when Eijirou looked at Deku like that? It hurt. It hurt so goddamn much and was eating at everything that Bakugou did, everything he thought. It was all churning and bubbling, his heart a volcano on the verge of erupting, each memory making it worse by the second until he was about to explode. Bakugou couldn’t take it anymore. This whole thing, even being here with Eijirou, it was all too much.
Bakugou raised his gaze and glared at Eijirou as if his anger could get rid of any of this pain. He was mad at Eijirou. So fucking mad. For making him like this, for hurting him, for choosing fucking Deku. Bakugou lowered his eyebrows and straightened himself up, regaining his confidence, his body fueled with rage. “Tell me why the fuck I should say anything to you, huh?!” Bakugou snapped.
“Because I care about you, Bakugou! Please-” Eijirou pleaded, moving closer to the blond, his heart pounding in his chest.
“Obviously you don’t, you fucking idiot! Get away from me!” The blond screamed, his voice rising and pricking with white-hot anger, blue-black hurt, all going out of control within him. If he didn’t get out of here, soon, this was not going to end well.
“I do, Bakugou!” “NOT IN THE SAME WAY I CARE ABOUT YOU!” Bakugou bellowed, clenching his fists as loud, painful explosions danced across his palm. His breathing was scattered as he ended his sentence, coming in hard painful exhales as he realised what he just said.
Eijirou froze. Paused in place, hand that was reaching out dropped to his side. He stared at Bakugou through wide eyes, his chest clenching as he took in what Bakugou just said. Bakugou felt the same way. This whole damn time. And he had to watch as Eijirou dated someone else. Guilt corrupted his brain, and he knew, he fucking knew this was a bad idea. And the pain he felt right now, Bakugou’s pain, it made Eijirou wish he could’ve pressed a button and gone back in time and just told him.
“Bakugou…”  Eijirou whispered, stepping closer to Bakugou.
The blond continued to stay silent, exhaling hard. As his eyes opened to meet with Eijirou’s he couldn’t take it anymore. Everything overflowed, the volcano living in his chest exploded into ruthless disgusting pain, of a desire for something he couldn’t have, and the regret of not taking it while he still could. And his body then moved on his own, calloused hands reaching desperately to grab Eijirou’s face and wrench it towards his own, capturing Eijirou’s lips in a desperate kiss.
Bakugou closed his eyes tight and held desperately onto the back of Eijirou’s head, knowing that the moment he let go it’d all be over.  He knew this wasn’t right, he knew that Eijirou belonged to someone else. Eijirou remained unresponsive, and Bakugou growled and began to attack his soft lips. Bakugou kissed like he fought, powerful and rough, he kissed as he let out the burning hunger and the new emotions that killed him as each day passed. Eijrou’s lips felt right under his own, and it hurt because he knew that he’d never feel them again.
Eijirou couldn’t believe it. His eyes stayed wide, his hands floating uselessly by his side as Bakugou kissed him, kissed him so hard and desperately. After seconds that seemed too long, Eijirou raised his arm to clutch Bakugou’s back, twisting the fabric and his eyes fluttered closed. Eijirou’s lips parted as he kissed Bakugou back, red-hot and desperate, clawing at each other with a new found fire.
As they finally parted, Bakugou turned his head away, beads of sweat dripping down his forehead from the intensity of that moment. “You weren’t supposed to kiss me back, moron.” Bakugou hissed softly, avoiding Eijirou’s gaze. He finally stepped back, raking a hand through his sweaty hair before dropping them to his side to clench his fists.
“Now do you see what’s wrong? You’re the one who’s fucking doing this to me, making me feel things I’ve never fucking felt before!” Bakugou yelled, avoiding Eijirou’s gaze, his voice gradually rising from the deadly whisper into a brutal shout. “Things I don’t want to feel! And it makes me so fucking angry and I want to hate you so fucking badly for it but I can’t! And I know, I fucking know you’re with Deku, but I fucking can’t just watch you with him, I fucking can’t, ok?! And I don’t know why, I don’t know how, and I want it to fucking stop but it won’t and it’s driving me insane!”
Red-white hot tears ran down his face, finally escaping as they traveled down his cheeks, more and more coming one after the other. Bakugou held his hand up to his eyes to stop them from coming but they wouldn’t, they were merciless, he was stronger than this but he’d never felt weaker.
Eijirou’s eyes prickled with matching tears because he knew this was all because of him. He caused this pain on Bakugou. He knew, he knew an apology wouldn’t be able to fix this, and that this was all his fault and nothing would change that. In a desperate attempt to make things better, Eijirou stepped closer to Bakugou and wrapped his arms around his torso, pulling him in for a tight embrace.
Bakugou froze, his words put into an end, everything pausing except for the continuous tears streaming down his face. Then with a final crack of his throat as a sob broke out, he raised his arms to hug him back, tight, shivering against his skin as angry sobs left his mouth.
“I’m sorry...I’m so sorry, Bakugou...” Eijirou whispered into Bakugou’s hair, tightening his grip around his waist. Bakugou pushed his head into Eijirou’s shoulder, breathing in the stupid cologne he always wore, the scent somehow putting him at ease.
“What the hell are you apologising for, idiot,” Bakugou replied, his attempt to sound intimidating completely disregarded by his vulnerable nature.
Eijirou’s breathing paused. He knew he had to tell Bakugou the truth. He couldn’t cause him any more pain. He closed his eyes, taking in one last breath before pulling out of the hug, looking Bakugou straight in the eyes.
“Bakugou...Midoriya and I aren’t dating. We never were.” Eijirou explained, watching Bakugou’s expression grow baffled. But before he could say anything, Eijirou continued, finally wanting to fix this whole mess. “This whole thing, was to try to see if you..if you..liked me..back. Because I like you, Bakugou! Not Midoriya! It’s-...it’s always been you and I didn’t know if you felt the same! And Midoriya wanted to help me and I-...I never meant to hurt you, and I-I’m so sorry!”
Bakugou stepped back, fists clenching. His eyes focused on his hands, then down to the ground, avoiding Eijirou at all cost. This whole thing. This whole time. Bakugou didn’t know what to feel, again his emotions were going mad. The betrayal at Eijirou for doing this to him. The joy from Eijirou actually feeling the same way. The relief that he was never taken, and that he’s here now.
“You..idiot. You fucking idiot…” Bakugou hissed, and before Eijirou could reply Bakugou pulled him forward and cut him off with a kiss, snatching the air out of Eijirou’s lungs. As he pulled away he pressed his head against Eijirou’s, letting go of Eijirou’s wrist and clenching his hands into fists. “You could’ve told me. You could’ve just fucking told me.”
“I’m sorr-”
“Just shut up, ok? Shut up.” Bakugou replied, lifting his eyes to glare at Eijirou before pushing his head into the redhead’s shoulder again, causing Eijirou to let out a small smile before moving his arms around Bakugou’s waist.
They stayed like that for a while, emerged in each other’s hold. Bakugou’s breathing was still slightly erratic from his previous tears.
“Bakugou?” Eijirou suddenly whispered, breaking the silence between them. Bakugou let out a grunt in response, causing the redhead to chuckle.
“Cause I’m not dating Midoriya, and we kinda..um..well, what I’m trying to say is-”  Eijirou stuttered, attempting for his stupid brain to work and string together the right words for once. “Shut up. It wouldn’t fucking work with the class thinking you and Deku still have a thing, Shitty Hair.” Bakugou snapped. The thought of being with Eijirou made his heart race, as he’d never really thought that far before.
“They don’t have to know. It can be a private thing, with just us. We can work it out.” The redhead reassured, leaning his head back to look at Bakugou. He looked completely different in this view. Vulnerable. Cheeks still damped with tears, features escaping his usual scowl. It was a nice change, and it made his heart skip a beat.
Bakugou clicked his tongue and turned his head, heart pounding in his chest. “....Ok.”
Eijirou grinned, causing Bakugou to let out a small smile before Eijirou lifted a hand to grab his chin, gently connecting their lips again in a final, spine-tingling kiss.
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snazzysnaz · 6 years
“Duck Soup”
He was perfect. And she would do anything for him.
(AKA, my yandere!Uraraka fic I wrote at like, 3 am.)
Thought I might as well post this here...
I have no idea why I felt the need to write this, but the idea just wouldn't leave me head. Probably not my best work, but, uhhh... enjoy?
Warning for blood and violence, as well as very minor spoilers for the school trip arc.
It wasn't hard at all. Easy as pie, she turned the villain's own weapon against her, plunging the blade into her throat and letting it slide deep deep inside. Tearing an artery open, the villain (the bitch) dropped like a limp sack of potatoes. Blood painted Ochako's vision red, and just like that, it was over.
"You like him too, right?" She had giggled, swinging her knife in a wild arch. "He's so cute~ I can't wait to cut him up—slice and slice and slice until he's completely broken~" That sickeningly sweet smile of hers widened, sharp fangs on display and golden eyes crinkling in amusement. "I can't wait to feel his skin as my own—"
That's as far she got. Toga Himiko choked on her own words as blood bubbled up her throat and spilled out her mouth like vomit.
And it wasn't hard at all, for Ochako to cry her eyes out and sniffle into the arms of the next hero she laid her eyes on, clinging to them scared and desperate. "I don't—I thought I was going to die—I didn't know what to do, I, I—" she heaved out a heavy sob, and the hero patted her head reassuringly.
"It's alright, I understand. You did what you had to, so try not to beat yourself up over it."
And that was that.
No one was going to question the fifteen year old girl, chubby faced and rosy cheeked, cute as a button and aspiring hero.
No one would dare, because Uraraka Ochako could do no wrong. There was just no way someone as small and delicate as her could ever take someones life intentionally.
And when no one was looking, she would finally let the smile that threatened to split her face apart free, shaking in silent laughter. And later, when Deku saw her, eyes wide in concern and questions on his tongue, "Are you okay? Did she hurt you?" her heart soared.
She wrapped her arms around him, mindless of the surprised yelp that escaped. Shaking hands returned her embrace, and her heart pounded so excitedly in her chest.
It was fine, because Ochako almost died. She was still overwhelmed and emotional, so no one would question why she suddenly was so clingy.
"I'm glad you're okay," Deku murmured, warm and soft in her ear.
"Me too," she answered.
From the first time she saw him, she knew he was someone special. She didn't know why, or how she knew. She just did.
And when his fist tore through that zero pointer, bones breaking and flesh rendered bruised and purple just for her, she knew she was right.
Deku's face lit up with a nervous smile as he glanced at the pink, heart dotted letter hidden inside his shoe locker. Ochako stared at it, face forcibly neutral, while her hands clenched hard enough to break skin. The fake smile plastered to her face made her want to gag, but the nails biting into the palms of her hands help her regain control of her emotions.
"Is that a love letter?" she chirped, cheerful, even when all she really wanted to do was scream.
Deku opened the envelope carefully, as if he was afraid to damage it. Ochako wished she could tear it apart. He read it slowly, digesting every word with care, his blush increasing with each curvy letter. And oh—how she loved that expression. The way his freckles lit up with the rest of his skin like beautiful little stars, and his eyes shining with an innocence she never possessed. But knowing the reason behind it left a sour taste in her mouth, and she had to push down and ignore it before she did something she might regret.
"I-it is," he said, almost like it was a question. Like he couldn't believe it.
Ochako didn't want to believe it.
"They want to meet me on the rooftop after school!"
And that was all the information she needed. Before their last class ended, she complained to the teacher about a stomach ache. It was just so terrible, she had to be excused early so she could go home and rest.
Of course they believed her—because who would want to call Uraraka Ochako a liar?
She waited by the stairs leading up onto the rooftop. A petite girl passed her by, with soft indigo hair and dark eyes.
Deku waited on the roof for hours, but no one ever came.
He always seemed so nervous around people. First, she assumed it was just her. Maybe he was just shy around girls? But she quickly found that no; Deku just didn't know how to talk to people. If even so much as an inch of attention was thrown his way, he'd quickly turn into a stuttering mess of meaningless words and fidgeting limbs.
And when he saw Bakugou, he'd flinch.
It was Bakugou.
All Bakugou.
It wasn't hard at all, and Ochako had to wonder why she didn't do this sooner.
You didn't know yet, she consoled herself. You didn't know how important he is.
Deku was all that, and more.
Ochako just didn't understand why it took her so long to see it.
It was sickeningly satisfying, hearing that soft thump as Bakugou's body hit the floor. But he wasn't dead yet. Crimson eyes met hers, burrowing deep into that brown abyss with a look of betrayal, anger and fear, all rolled into one intense ball of emotion that outlined his fading pupils. He tried to speak, but no words made themselves known. Only wet coughs, and Ochako took a step back to avoid the small droplets of blood from staining her shoes.
She killed him in much the same fashion she'd killed Toga, and for just a second, the image of the troublesome boy was replaced by someone else; just as blonde, and just as detestable. A large grin stretched across her face, perfect teeth flashing in the dark night.
"You deserve this," she told him. "You're worthless. Trash. You could never become a hero. The only thing you ever were, was a villain." She leaned in, close close, putting her lips to his ear. His jaw twitched, and she spoke lowly. "Everyone will be much happier with you dead."
He stopped moving.
She wasn't sure when her admiration turned to love, and her love to an obsession. Like Deku with his notebooks, she watched, memorizing every little detail about him. Even if she wanted to, she couldn't look away. Everything he did was perfect. From his shy little smiles and unwavering determination, to his intricate and convoluted plans bordering on madness that somehow always worked out in the end. And his endless compassion, a sight to see, like a real life saint.
Midoriya Izuku could do no wrong.
Midoriya Izuku was perfect.
Midoriya Izuku was a hero.
Deku cried, along with some of the other students of class 1-A. Those who didn't just stared blankly at nothing in silence, or shook in inaudible rage with no where to direct it.
Ochako's chest burned. It wasn't with regret, nor was it sadness. It was with anger, because even in death, Bakugou still managed to hurt people. He didn't deserve any of the tears Deku shed for him, and yet, she couldn't find it in herself to blame the freckled boy. His kindness was insurmountable, enough even for someone like Bakugou. It was one of the things that made her fall in love with him in the first place.
But it was alright, because Ochako would be there to comfort him. Deku would never have to be sad with her at his side. He would never have to be alone, because she would never leave him.
His shoulders shook, and her arms circled around them to hold him still.
"Who killed him?" was the question everyone wanted to know the answer to.
But no one would ever so much as glance in her direction. 
Midoriya Izuku drew people toward him like flies to honey. It was a sort of quiet, hidden charisma; the kind you wouldn't even notice until he already held you tight in his grasp. It wasn't intentional, it was just who he was. You could try to struggle, but like quicksand, it would only pull you deeper in.
Midoriya Izuku spread happiness to all those around him. And everybody wanted a part.
It wasn't hard at all, but she did feel a little sad. She'd gotten used to having him around, and found his company refreshing. But as he spent more time with Deku, the more she realized. She didn't miss the way he looked at him, with eyes so much like her own. How could she? Spellbound eyes, glued to the green eyed boy in breathless anticipation of what he would do next.
Just like her.
He's getting dangerous, her mind screamed. Close. Too close.
So she did just what she had to. Because Todoroki really should have known better.
Because she saw him first—It was only fair that she should have him.
He never saw her coming. Just like Bakugou and that dark haired girl she never learned the name of. Toga was the only one who ever stood a chance, but even she never expected Ochako to do what she did.
"You—" Todoroki coughed red; such a familiar sight by now. He fought so hard to breathe, so hard. But it wouldn't be enough. He grasped for her, fingers pulling at air as she stepped away from him, face completely blank. She didn't enjoy this as much as the rest, because for a while, she had considered this boy a friend.
But Deku meant more to her than Todoroki ever could.
He lay on the ground, stomach drowning in an ever growing pool of red. His limbs twitched, and small sparks of flame and brittle flakes of ice formed all around him.
It was almost beautiful, in a way.
Another cough. Then, a word, so soft it was almost inaudible. "B-Bakugou…"
Ochako opened her mouth in a silent "oh", but then, she smiled. "Yeah…" she laughed, quiet, eyes staring at nothing while she reminisces about the blond boy with a personality so despicable. Then, she looked down at Todoroki, whose eyes were stuck to her's in a shocked look of disbelief.
Her smile turned into a soft frown, and with genuine regret lacing every word, she said, "I didn't really want to do this, but you didn't give me much choice. You understand, right? Because you love him too."
He didn't answer. He couldn't.
She bent her knees into a squat, reaching a hand out and running it through his hair gently. "Before you're gone, I just want you to know... you look really pretty when you die." Her hand retraced and she leaned her cheek against it, her elbow resting on her thigh. A soft smile played across her lips. "It suits you."
Ice melted. Flickering flames were put out forever. Deku was going to be so heartbroken when he found out. But, it would be fine.
Because Ochako would still be there. Even if everyone else had to disappear, she would still be there.
Because she would do anything for him.
Because he was everything to her.
So don't cry, alright, Deku?
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kat-sucky · 7 years
this might be a little heavy idk but.. s/o that is being hunted down by some people, and tries to jump off a bridge, but is saved or something? something angsty.
[ Angst you wish, angst you get. ]
The Past. -
Being quirkless had never been fun for any person growing up in the age of heroes. Just because you were born without something others were, you were somehow a second class citizen. Humans always put others down, that’s just how it was, and you had learned to accept that. You had found other ways to cope with your shortcomings though, you had always been one of the true geniuses in the world. You didn’t have to try, it just was. Being that genius you were, you had found a way to monetize and use your skill.
You were very fluid in the art of creating acids and serums for any less than moral folk who were willing to pay the dough for the merchandise. You made gases in small vials, that once broken, would spread into the air and dissolve flesh within a ten foot radius. You had powders that blistered the skin of one’s mouth, and poisons undetectable unless being specifically searched for. Of course, because of this natural destructive art, you were sought after for many reasons. Governments wanted you with them, or gone. Street walkers wanted your allegiance, or also worked to take you out. You had decided to team yourself with a smaller group that worked with taking hits, and specialized in making people disappear. You made wearable weapons. Delicate earrings that broke if shook too much and released deadly gas that tore up the insides once inhaled. The wearer would only have to hold their breath for a minute and be safe while their assailant choked to death. Those were your personal favorite, but they were a pain to deal with, because even a light jog could cause them to shatter. The safer bet was the glass necklace: harder to break, but contained a similar strain of gas.
You yourself always wore a pendant. Especially now that you were working towards becoming a hero, or vigilante of sorts. This decision to leave the semi-comforts of your illegal abode made you more enemies than you could count. But that was far in the past now.
Now you were training to be a hero in the world’s best hero academy. How did a quirkless person like you get in? Your acids. You used the creations to put the false villains out of commision.  You didn’t use those on people anymore though, you used things to simply make them sleep or break out in rashes.
Even after moving several cities away from where you used to live, enemies seemed to find you everywhere. You had the occasional shadow stalker, sending death notes every month. Formerly being away from the crime, you had gotten used to not having to deal with these kinds of people anymore. So, it was no wonder that you were now struggling to get back into the villainous mindset of your middle schooler self.
You were beginning to wear more than just your necklace now. The old habits of self defense fell back into place. You didn’t let anyone walk behind you. You kept your eyes on everyone, always. No one could touch your bag. Your appearance had also changed.
You had created fake nails that were coated in a skin irritant, and some rings that were also made for tearing skin with a punch. In your teeth, a liquid that would burn skin if you bit down too hard. That was a last resort though, because once you bit someone, you would also take the brunt of your own defense.
You were dressed for a fight.
The present -
You knew something was wrong the moment you entered your home. Your palms got clammy as your grip on the phone held to your ear tightened ever so slightly. The words being said on the other end went unprocessed. Your eyes took in the dark atmosphere in the entry hall, drifting to the closet beside you, noting the door was slightly ajar. You pressed your lips together and swallowed. Someone was in your house. You could even feel their presence.
Your attention was reeled back in as your project partner, Bakugou, repeated himself. “Shit head, are you ignoring me?”
Your lips twitched, and your breath hitched as you saw a shadow move across a wall. The intruder must be in the kitchen. In reply, a very quiet and shaky voice commanded, “Be quiet.”
You shoved your phone into the pockets of your shorts, not hanging up. If you died, at least someone would have a vague idea of what had happened. You could hear the buzz of his yelling come through the speakers, and internally grimaced. He was pissed. “No, you be quiet! What the hell has gotten into your fucking mind? You’ve been acting off, and now you’re blowing off this assignment, and me! Who the fucking shit do you think you fucking are?”
Your hand gingerly felt for the earrings you wore. They were there, good.
Before you could do anything else, something crashed into you, a person. A glint in the light caught your eye, and you ducked as a knife aimed for your neck swung by. A hand gripped your throat, coming upwards as you dodged below. You should have seen that coming. You made eye contact with your assailant, and even though you were shaking, you smiled because you had something he didn’t.
The earrings.
You jerked your head to the side, holding your breath and squeezing your eyes shut. You felt glass spray against your skin as you felt the gas within them release, and immediately your attacker began to choke and wheeze. You could feel another buzz as Bakugou questioned what was happening.
In less than a minute, your attacker was dead on the ground. You were horrified, but also oddly relieved. On the count of thirty, you inhaled. You were never going to be able to live in peace, were you? You and your stupid mistakes.
You fished your phone out of your pocket, and lifted it to your ear. You interrupted Bakugou’s ongoing rant, “You’re going to have to find a new partner.”
“What? No! You’re the best in this science class! -Next to me of course,- the hell are you -” You hung up. You were done with trying to be a hero, normal.
It was time you ended it all.
Dropping the phone onto the carpet below, you walked out of your home once again. You ran off down the street as fast as you could, chest heaving as you forced down sobs. You ran down the morning jogger’s path until you were in the scenic forest, winding down the many paths. You didn’t know where you were going, but you knew you were going away.
You could hear footsteps heavy on your trail as you ran, and you assumed it was another enemy, so you took a turn before they rounded the corner to throw them off.
Before you was an old bridge with train tracks along it, and it was clearly inoperable anymore with the way it was. The wooden structure was faded and clearly weak. Below dipped far down, but you could hear water. Running, fast water. You didn’t think, you just moved towards it, drawn like a bug to the lantern. You walked along the old tracks, stopping in the middle.
The silence was encouraging, and you lifted your arms a little as you leaned forwards. You were ready to end it.
The moment your feet left the wood, you heard your name. “[Y/N]!”
Then you hit the hit, and darkness engulfed you.
You didn’t fight the current, you wanted it to beat you down. You felt an aching in your body, and you knew you had hit rocks. Your side was especially sore, and it stung. An arm wrapped around your waist and you struggled, you didn’t want to get out.
However, your rescuer was stronger, and won the struggle. In mere seconds you were dumped onto the muddy shore with a very angry pair of red eyes beaming down at you.
Oh Hell, how had he found you?
Oh wait, that’s right, you were neighbors with him. He must have saw you take off. Great.
“You want to explain what that was back there?” His voice was deceivingly calm and even, but you could see the flames behind them. He was livid.
“Not really.” You replied weakly.
His jaw clenched. “You’re a real freak, you know that? After you hung up, I went to your house and saw the body. Then I saw you run into the jogger’s place. You want to explain that?”
You curled your toes at the accusatory tone in his voice. “He tried to kill me, and…” You hesitated to continue. How would you even explain it?
“And what?” He cut in, sounding more obvious pissed off, and shoved at your shoulder.
“I killed him before he could kill me.” You put it simply. “Self-defense.” Your eyes were downwards, and you could feel his scrutiny.
“There’s more to it, isn’t there? The fuck are you trying to hide?” Bakugou snarled.
“I don’t want to justify myself to you.” You retorted, heated. “I did what I had to do.”
“Fine.” He muttered. “I get it.”
A momentary silence fell between the two of you. You licked the cold water off your lips and drew your knees to your chest. It was uncomfortable. Your rescuer paced back and forth a little bit, his hands smoking, small explosions in his palms going off. You felt bad, knowing you were the cause of his unrest. He turned towards you many times, opening his mouth like he was going to yell at you, or lecture you, but always pulled away at the last minute.
Finally, he gave up you, and stormed off back towards his house, leaving you behind.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered as his form was enveloped by the thick nature. “I’m so sorry.”
You would never be able to explain it to him, and he would never get the chance to understand.
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