#because if youre able to learn to do that then when youre older youll still be able to do it like
hotchs-big-hands · 7 months
medieval au!!!!!
youre a princess whose been of marriageable age for several years now and your parents have stopped enabling you and demanded you marry and pick out a handful of suitors and demand you choose one and you know theyre hoping you choose spencer, a genius philosopher whose advice has never lead to wrongdoing, or derek, a handsome knight who has led the kingdoms armys through several successful battles, because they consider them "better" so purely to spite them you choose aaron, the widowed duke of a neighboring city whose alliance to your kingdom is very important.
so you choose aaron but make it clear you're marrying out of duty to your family and not for love so he shouldnt expect anything from you and he just agrees and youre shook because he doesnt even seem surprised?? and hes like "i already have a son for an heir so you dont have to bear me children or even consummate the marriage if you dont want to" and youre like ??? why are you here you really dont seem like you even want to get married?? so he tells you that his advisors have been pushing him to remarry since the year his wife died and that he knows he cant run his city alone anymore plus his son deserves to have a mother figure and you guys make an agreement to marry and that youll do your duty to the throne and care for his son and in return he leaves you to youre own devices and doesnt control youre every move like your parents do.
so you go back to his city with him to stay with him during your "courting period" and you bond so quickly with jack because hes so sweet and precious and you fall in love frfr with that kid and aaron is soooo relieved because he didnt think any woman would want to marry someone so much older than them and have to raise another womans child. and you learn quickly about how the city is run and the ins and outs of what your responsibilities as the dutchess of the city will be. and as you slowly spend more time with aaron the two of you start to fall in love organically.
and its funny because by the time your wedding actually takes place you kind of cant wait to be married and to be able to have aaron and jack by your side forever. and you definitely do end up consummating the marriage. very passionately. (perks of marrying an experienced man is that he knows how to make a lady scream) and your parents are still shocked that you're actually willingly marrying a man. but they stop complaining about your choice in marriage when you welcome yours and aarons precious baby girl 💖
Omg I love this !! He would be such a sweetheart 😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 this would be such a good series for someone to write I gotta say KSKSSKSKS
um I don't wanna be annoying but the last bit :( it does go against one of my rules, no pregnancy stuff I'm sorry 😭
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briarborealisocs · 9 months
Do any of your ocs want kids??? Are any of them vehemently against it??? I am so curious, especially talking to Nat about Nuri has gotten me thinking about my OCs and what they'd want in their future.
oh a very interesting question!! i dont usually think about this in regards to my characters because i prefer not to think too much about romance in my writing (i am aroace and find other dynamics easier to write) but hmmmm yes i think i will give it a go
you will find many of my characters are on the aroace spectrum as well because the projection game goes too hard
kiska doesnt really want biological kids because shes. immortal. and it would be weird. but she's VERY maternal. she adopts vas almost every reincarnation cycle and even beyond vas she's the type to pick up strays. she's a great mom too, she does her absolute best to learn everything she can about parenting
vas is . 15 years old usually! i dont think kids are ever really on her mind when i write her. i know some teenagers are already thinking about having a family, vas is not one of them lol. but she grows up Eventually and i think if she found someone she really trusted and loved she wouldnt be opposed to having kids, adopted or otherwise. back when vas was a grown woman in older drafts, her story was actually a romance! and she did have kids with her partner, aaron, in some aus. so hypothetically she could want kids, but i dont think about it much because shes 15 and a gremlin and i dont think she plans for romance or family life, its something that finds her when shes older sometimes though
project starstruck:
since boreal and austral are kind of my sonas to an extent, uhhh... nah haha i dont think theyd want kids. austral definitely wouldnt, shes the type to be a Cool Aunt with a dog or a cat and several trips to italy HAHA. austral also has pretty bad parental issues that make her even more hesitant to have kids, even if she wasnt aroace.
boreal honestly might want kids someday but i dont think shes very interested in finding a partner to raise them with. i do have it in mind that boreal becomes a kindergarten teacher though! she loves kids and is very good with them, i just dont think she'd have any of her own.
there are sooo many characters here! i'll only talk about the ones that do probably want kids, and ignore the ones who are already canonically parents
leon definitely wants kids. he's a real teddy bear of a guy and he wants to be a dad someday, maybe even a stay at home dad if his future wife makes enough money to support the house on her own. he's dated on and off but nothing ever really worked out for him so far. he really really values family and would love to raise one on his own... he's kind of got other priorities right now that make dating hard, though haha. especially because his crush is an aromantic villain
dani i feel like also wants kids. my gut instinct was that she would not want kids but i think... not biological kids, probably, maybe? but she wouldnt be opposed to, when shes a lot older, having a kid or two of her own. i will say that currently its probably one of the LAST things on her mind, she doesnt even know what college she's gonna go to, much less what her romantic prospects are.
brendan (the dad-aged hero i havent formally introduced you to yet) probably WANTED kids but was never able to settle down due to his hero duties coming first. i think he probably still wants to have a family someday but its looking less and less likely the older he gets. dont worry dude, youll find someone someday
maia (dani's best friend who i also havent formally introduced you to yet) also wants kids someday. it actually is something thats been on her mind despite being a teenager, she's very grounded and the "plan ahead" type and shes already thinking about what she'll need to do if she wants to raise a family someday... girl its alright you can relax. you dont even have a girlfriend yet
the weaver's apprentice:
dijah doesnt hate kids? but she definitely does not want one of her own. maybe she gets baby fever every once in a while but then she remembers the reality of having to raise a child for 18+ years and decides she is NOT equipped for that, Thank You!
the owl house:
sol does not want kids. or a partner. or romance. but maybe someday when shes a lot older she'll take on an apprentice who becomes like a kid to her. (vague shrug) i love that trope and i feel like sol could pull it off if she wanted to. she definitely doesnt want kids though. she wants a potion empire and to hang out with her best friends
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firebloodmayhemred · 9 months
hi! i was scrolling thru the notes on a post about the pleiades and saw you mention how you had tips for stargazing…📝alright boss, im ready when you are
Hello!! Im so glad you messaged, I love stargazing and I love to help people get into it! this is all coming from a total amateur so take it w a grain of salt, but here's some tips that helped me get started and become actively passionate about stargazing. Also, im in the northern hemisphere, hopefully we share the same stars!
The easiest constellation for me to find when I was getting started is one called the Summer Triangle. Its actually something called an asterism, a series of stars that's not considered an actual constellation, but is still useful for stargazing(the Big Dipper is an asterism as well!) Around midnight and later, if you look up and toward the east, you should be able to find 3 bright stars making up the points of a huge isosceles triangle. That's her!
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Those three stars are called Altair, Deneb, and Vega, and once you find them, you can find the constellations attached to them! The easiest for me to find is Cygnus the swan, Deneb acts as his head, go inward from it and youll find a perpendicular line of stars that are his wings. From Vega you'll find Lyra the lyre (it's shaped like a tie lol) and from Altair, Aquilla the eagle, the hardest to see imo.
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That's 3 constellations and an asterism to find them! I really love these guys because the summer triangle is genuinely huge, especially in the very early morning, when you look up it spans so much of the sky, it feels so rewarding to find. Definitely makes you feel small in a huge universe (and I personally love that feeling)
There are tons of ways to learn more constellations, but here's what I'd recommend:
-The book "Wonders of the Night Sky You Must See Before You Die" by Bob King, it's a great book that has resources and links after every chapter to help you deep dive on what you're interested in
-the app Stellarium can help you find constellations and more in real time! It's got a pretty decent free version, but the paid version does a lot. I love this app but I try not to rely on it, I find it more fun to do the heavy lifting lol
-if there's one near you, check out a planetarium! I'm very lucky and my hometown has one that's super cheap for residents, that's how Ive learned a lot. Going to a live planetarium show is so informative and relaxing. My local one does a "skies over *hometown*" show every season, so you learn what to look for as the seasons change, and every presenter has something new to show you. So worth going to if you can
-check around for local star parties!! They're events where amateur stargazers meetup. People bring their telescopes and let you look through them, there are often nature hikes, presentations, binoculars to borrow, and more. you'll learn so much from the older crowd, some of them have been looking at the stars since the space race and they're so happy to share their passion. Genuinely incredible events that make me feel so part of a community. Facebook is where I find them usually.
-if you want to up your game, check out a pair of binoculars. My pair was 30 dollars on Amazon and has a neat easy focus knob that makes it super simple to keep things in focus. You'll want something with a large aperture and a small magnification, 8x50 or 10x50 is what I recommend. The big game changer with this is gonna be moongazing. You're not gonna be able to see galaxies or planets with these things, but oh man, the moon will look so fucking beautiful. The change from plain eyesight to binoculars is genuinely breathtaking. It's a nice first step in the direction of feeling like a less-than-amateur.
I hope any of this helps, I had a really fun time answering! DM me if you want to talk more, I love to talk to people about stars and the sky and all that (that goes for anyone reading this, my dms are always open, especially for space shit). Thanks and good luck stargazing! ✨✨✨
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doodlebloo · 2 years
dyou have advice for anxiety about getting older?
O boy ok I will do my best :)
Okey dokey, first off pls keep in mind I am in no way qualified to give life advice, and some of the best advice I can give is that if you are struggling with any sort of anxiety you reach out to someone you trust irl! Asking for help is the bravest thing you can do so if your anxiety gets to be a bit too much you should let someone know!
Ok so again I'm not qualified to give advice about this but the way I see it it's like this. The world does not end for you when you turn 30, or when your hair turns gray, or when you retire or any of that. You will still be alive! And you will still be a person! So like just because you're no longer a teenager, that doesn't mean you suddenly stop having favorite tv shows and songs that you love to sing and good days and new experiences! Getting older is a big change yes but you will still be you and you'll still have good days and those good days on the horizon are 100% something you should look forward to!
Getting older can be scary but just keep in mind that you have time! It can feel like you need to have your whole life planned out by your mid twenties, but it's never too late to make a change and do what you want to do. Honestly idk if I'm even making sense but I've found the best way to confront anxiety about getting older is to take things day by day, notice all the little things that make you happy in your day to day and remind yourself that your favorite food and your favorite movie etc aren't just going to magically disappear once you reach a certain age :)
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unpretty · 3 years
askdump with spoilers up to chapter 22! but also including some older ones because i keep forgetting
bramblepatch asked:
I LOVE the implication that the answer to Minnow's "cool, I wonder why there would be a door here?" is that Vaelon decided "cool, let's put a door here." Heroes Just Wanna See Cool Shit.
being able to set your own fast travel markers is the dream
@apparently-possessed asked:
I can't believe no one has commented on how Karzarul has the gall to call the Abysscale erotica scandalous. You made them to have sex with sailors you horny buffoon. You go off and find them in
Groups for frustrated sex.
No excuse my dude. They have always been the horny monster.
that was a PRIVATE INTERLUDE between a monster and several different ships worth of sailors and also sometimes other monsters and someone was INDISCREET which is RUDE and he would not have invited them if he'd known they would snitch
also tbh he was mostly offended by the implication that he was some kind of monster bimbo
anonymous asked:
"Monsters that are just slime orbs would have implications" yes, because the entire design and origin of Abysscales is completely without implications.
i find those implications less distressing tbh
@bramblepatch asked:
On rereading the last couple of chapters: as tragic as Vaelon's wish binding them all together is, it kind of seems like it might not be all bad for the world around them? Lynette already had her blessing at that point and I feel like a Sunlight Heir who didn't have that kind of persistent connection to the Hero and Monster would have the potential to go waaaay off the rails a lot more often than Heirs do anyway. Karzarul might be the one blatantly causing problems on most cycles, but having him and the Hero active when the Heir comes to power at least keeps them focused on their reincarnation bullshit...
you cannot deny that the hero does try to stop them from killing each other and also everyone else
he never said he'd succeed
@spinachwrap asked:
BIGGEST BOY It took me til chapter 20 to understand how Violet and the boys showed up and I about yelled. New! Monsters!!!
@asimovsideburns asked:
Sorry I’m just thinking about Astielle again and most if not all of Ari’s humanoid forms being at least partly imitative of someone he likes (and the others being made of what he thinks they’ll like) because moonlight is a reflection
@ephemeraltea asked:
part of what i love so much about your writing, particularly noticeable in astielle, is that you take a silly or off-hand thing and make it have true depth and emotional weight. like. collect one of everything from this open world video game. but for minnow, it's proof that she has desires outside of previous lives, that her experiences are not just slowly pixelating copies of things she's done before. this flower, i know i've seen it as me, because i have it pressed and saved at home. i have a memory of it that is only mine. and that fucking gets me!!!!
anonymous asked:
Karzarul getting all huffy about monsters naming themselves after descriptors *shakes my head* This is a TRADITION OF YOUR PEOPLE carried out EVEN TO THIS DAY *gestures to Violet who is... violet* I don't want to hear anything from you on the topic Mr. Beautiful.
anonymous asked:
RE: Karzarul getting huffy. It's probably influenced by the little Vaelon voice in the back of his head repeating "But that isn’t really a name..." over and over again, but still. I don't want to hear it from you, Mr. Beautiful!
anonymous asked:
Just from the way Karzarul responds to being told Elias died of being old with an Unconvinced Hm™ it seems like he knows about the immortality thing. But maybe they DO start aging after one (or more) of them dies?
@ceruleanvulpine asked:
anonymous asked:
MA'AM. MA'AM HOW COULD YOU. I can't believe you did this to us VAELON NO
listen. i did it to myself also.
@punkpixieprince asked:
god even when I KNEW how it ended I still cried SO MUCH. I'm still crying right NOW. I imagined it in so many ways but honestly knowing it was an accident, that even after everything he killed her on accident, just really... destroyed me a little.
anonymous asked:
Vaelon: If I like everything *just the right amount* and not too much, then I won't want to commit suicide when it's gone. FORTUNATELY, I only have one person that applies to. And EXTRA fortunately she is now immortal. ... UNFORTUNATELY, there are now TWO people. EXTRA unfortunately, they are now trying to kill each other.
it turns out having gratitude-based cbt and existential nihilism as your religion has its limits as a depression treatment when literally no one around you has ever noticed that's what you're doing
anonymous asked:
What Vaelon Says: I don’t want any of us to be alone. What Vaelon Means: I don't want to be alone, and I don't mind leaving Karzarul alone if it means I can avoid being without one of the two people I can't live without.
vaelon has always vastly overestimated the extent to which karzarul wandered off to hang out with the many cool new monster friends his mom made him, and who he never wanted to introduce him to
anonymous asked:
Excited about the first mention of Moon priests. Also enjoy having my personal belief that the Sun priests are insufferable validated. Vaelon is STILL the only Void priest in evidence, ever. Understandable, seems like a difficult calling. *imagines poor little deluded Star priests running around in modern times being VERY WRONG*
anonymous asked:
They get a little mark on their hand to show who killed who? Does that work with people not-them? Did Leland wander around with a little sun on his hand from killing all the heirs? Is that how he's been telling everyone HE's the heir??? Did it happen to some random guardsman the first time and then Leland murdered him to try and get it himself? *chanting* Mark of Cain, Mark of Cain!
anonymous asked:
Idk if I should be happy or devastated for predicting what would happen for the most part in chapter 21 and 22. But also wth the sun on his hand???? Where are those terms and heckin conditions please tell me those were as immutable as the weapons
anonymous asked:
That Lynette died with her left hand clean makes me feel violent emotions. How many? Monsters with Vaelon’s face and deaths that Karzarul could feel. Enough to get used to it. She waited until he said he wasn’t connected to them. She spat monster like a slur. Sun circle advisors whispered in the ear of a woman who’d asked to be able to commit atrocities that her empire was the world. You’re too good at this, I don’t know if I can recover.
anonymous asked:
Yeah, Lynette. You never asked for help, AND THAT'S THE PROBLEM.
anonymous asked:
“Why is it always my fault?” That's a very valid question, Karzarul. I can't think of any time the other two attempted to accommodate you, other than Vaelon mentioning he started helping people because he knew it bothered you, or him taking you back to the lake when you were in visible physical distress. Even when you hadn't done anything to cross her empire, when the only thing you'd taken from her was a small amount of Vaelon's attention, Lynette blamed you.
anonymous asked:
“Of all the fucking things you could have done, You made a new one. Another fucking monster, with his face. Do you think that’s going to stop me? Or do you think you’re proving something, making me kill him? Having to see his face, again and again and again, every time I kill one of those fucking things? His face, staring back at me, every fucking time and now you’ve made another one." ...Not everything is about YOU Lynette.
anonymous asked:
I loved learning that Vaelon designed Karzarul's moon/bug motifs.
anonymous asked:
Gaslight (Karzarul about things being his fault), Gatekeep (Karzarul away from Vaelon because if you can't have him *the way you want him* nobody can have him), Girlboss (of an empire that is actually only negatively impacting your mental health and it would be better for you to ditch that gig)
karzarul just hated to see a girlboss winning 😔
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gyroslittlemeowmeow · 3 years
☠ la squadra di esecuzione headcanons ☠
          how would they react to a new teammate who’s way younger?
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  im really sorry is there is any mistakes in the writting, english is not my fisrt lenguage :(
◉  Formaggio:
   Is a fact that Formaggio is a cold-hearted murderer, but he is actually a really nice and energetic person. 
At first you will be a little concerned by the fact that the only thing that he does is looking at you like he wanted you dead, but at the time that you two start getting closer you realize that he is actually nice and you two get along just fine! 
Is actually is surprising how god you two work as a team even tho he is a lot older than you.  Probably Proscciuto is all day complaining and hushing u up beacause when you start talking and telling jokes you two just cant stfu.        
◉ Illuso :
   He will complain about you, a lot. He doesnt understand why do La Squadra  needs you and he finds you 100% unnecesary. 
“Why do we have this little brat here? They’ll only cause troubles.” He teases you a lot about it, and believes that you are just not good enough until that you actually show him why are you there with them, then he’ll finally shut up ( but not really, he stills teasing you like is the most funny sh1t ever)
 After a while he actually learns to tolerate you, but do not expect a close friendship from him.
◉  Ghiaccio
    This guy straight up HATES YOU since the first time he saw you, fr. 
The day that Risotto announced that you were going to join the team he started sweating and yelling all over complaining about you. Ghiaccio does not really hides his anger  toward the fact that a kid that he doesnt know at all its joining la squadra and he rathers not being even close to you.
For him you are just an inexpert and he really underestimates you, do not expect any warm fellings from him, he probably just wants to smash your head againts the wall.
◉ Sorbet and Gelato:
Well, they dont really care too much about you. 
They are not happy or mad about you joining the team, maybe the correct word is a skeptical about how powerful you are due to how young you look, or what is going to be your contribution to the team. If you are good enough they probably dedicate you a friendly smile once in a while, but they kinda just care for each other.
◉ Prosciutto:
He understimates you a lot at first. Not really because you are young, he does it because he actually looks everyone down, but dont worry, he’ll totally get use to the fact that you are there.
If you make him like you, he’ll definetly be really overprotective over you, he kinda sees you in a little brother/sister way and he is really surprised of how skilled you are but he will never actually tell you, he is too proud for that clingy stuff. Its more probable that he remarks the things that you are doing wrong, but in his mind he does it because he cares.
◉ Risotto:
He never told you this, but he is actually kinda excited about you joining the team, he choose you for a reason and now youll be able to show how badass you really are even tho you are really young, he likes that about you.
He will put extra efford on pulishing the skills that you alredy have, he knows when he is in front of a talented kid with a bright future, he will not let that opportunity pass.  Risotto is a reserved man, youll never see him being goofy or too clingy on a best friends type of way , but even that he doesnt really tells you he really does care a lot about you. He’ll probably dedicate you a proud smile everytime you complete succefusly a mission.  
                                                                    (not daddy issues shit at all)
◉ Melone:
“WOW ARE YOU REALLY THAT YOUNG?”. was the first thing you heard after u were presented to the group, to turn around and see a purple haired guy to a really dangerous distance from you.
Believe me, he will be happy with your arriving, he likes when new things happens, Melone is that kin of people that do crazy shit just because they are bored so you joining the team couldn’t be a better scenario for him.
At the moment that you show your skills on a mission be especially careful if u have an uterus,  he will definetly try to put a baby on you.
◉ Pesci: 
 He is not necessarily amazed by you at first but he was really happy about you joinin the team, Pesci is one of those inoccent kind of people so he is actually expecting if you two could be friends.
He is geniunily impressed of how skilled you are and he doesent hide it, you often see him with his moth wide open looking at you during missions thinking how cool are you, and you are just baby¡¡¡¡  PLUS if big brother Prosciutto approves, he does too.
                                      ◉  ◉  ◉  ◉  ◉  ◉  ◉  ◉  ◉  ◉  ◉  ◉  ◉  
hi everyone¡ well sorry is this is bad quality shit but i really put efford in this one so im really hoping that u like it<3
And1!1111111!!!!!! im going to open soon an ask box so u can send ur request over there🧐
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Forgive Me
a/n: this was a request and an angsty one
im so sad theyre banning tiktok!!! :(
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anon request:  okok haikyuu hcs part 2: oikawa’s the reader’s best friend because their moms were also best friends but they went to different kindergarten + elementary schools so imagine how excited they were to go to kitaichi together,, anyway reader is the manager (again) but also functions as a really skilled medic,, (oh yea they start dating in second year) anyway they hit third year and reader protects bb kags,, so they break up. fast forward and reader is now in another school (either in miyagi/tokyo)
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part 1.5
part 2
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requests open!!!
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oikawa torup in da house
so in this one,
yall are the iconic childhood friends
for the sake of this headcanon, hes an only child
so to explain
your mothers were actually college friends and became best friends and were so close that they decided to live next door to each other and have a child around the same time
also to mention, their husbands were also best friends and a few matchmaking rituals, they all got married
omg i want a friend to do this w me
it worked and they got pregnant and imagine their surprise when one was expecting a boy while the other was expecting a girl
they were already planning yall wedding before you were even born lmao
due to the closeness of your mothers, ofc yall would be best friends and you and oiks practically grew up w each other
every friday night was your night so sleepovers happened all the time
however, when yall were starting to go to school
you both ended up in different schools
dont ask me why ask your mom
oiks was throwing a tantrum and just crying bc you would be separated while you were just clinging on to him, thinking he would disappear
‘no! n/n-chan and me are going together! im not going if shes not!’
‘now, now, tooru, youre both going to be apart for only a few hours’
‘mommy i dont want to leave tooru-kun’
‘youll walk home together, baby’
i would cry too
so yall developed a routine that tooru would go to your school to pick you up and you guys would walk home together
again, explain to me how little 6 year olds are able to walk to and from school
he would always hold your hand to keep you beside him and you would swing your hands while humming a tune
‘ugh, i hate being so far away from you n/n-chan’
you sighed but gave him a bright grin
‘i do too. but we have to wait until we’re older so we can be together forever! mommy tells me that her and papa were not together for a long time but after school, they are now together forever. so once we finish school, i can be with you whenever i want!’
tooru nodded, a determined smile on his face
‘we’re going to be like mommy and papa. we will be together forever and we’ll have our own house and we’re going to die together!’
bls theyre like 6 and already practically thinking about marriage and they dont even know it
sometimes, if you both have leftover money, you would both go to a convenience store, Sakanoshita Market, and buy milk bread
‘mister, you dont have anymore?’
‘sorry, kid, now go on and have real dinner!’
you both lived in each other’s houses and sometimes, your parents would even wonder if they have a child bc you would disappear off to the oikawa’s house or the l/n’s
when he met iwa, ngl, you were jealous
even though you have the best friends rights due to being friends since day 1, you were still worried about being replaced
ofc oiks knew about that concern and kept you from being left out so he constantly dragged you to play with him and iwa
they developed an interest in volleyball and you wanted to hang out with them so you sometimes tossed the ball to tooru who would set it to iwa
whenever they wanted to do something else, you would always suggest going on an adventure
meaning going to the park
uwu kids are so cute
your little trio formed and soon, you three were the closest
despite going to different elementary schools, you still found ways to hang out together
instead of you being jealous of being cast aside by oiks
it was him being worried that he was going to be replaced by iwa
it became apparent when iwa mentioned about going over to your house on friday to study something 
and tooru is petty so he was mad that you didnt invite him
there was no way he was going to let iwa take you from him bc he knew you first and he was the first one to announce his intention of getting married to you in the future
he was yours and you were his, plain and simple
he went to your house unannounced and used his key to enter the house
your mom peaked from the kitchen and greeted him
‘oh, hello, tooru-kun! y/n is upstairs studying’
he nodded and went up to your room where you were reading some notes while doing some homework
you looked up to him standing at your doorway
your eyes lit up and your cheeks flared to see him
bahahaha yes feelings
his face crumpled up and he tackled you, hugging the life out of you tightly
‘y/n-chan! dont leave me! youre mine, not iwa-chans! im better than iwa-chan, okay?!’
ofc you were just confused but tooru was weird and youve learned to accept that over the years
‘tooru, we’ve been friends longer. i’ll always be yours and youre mine too so youre always going to be first’
he was all teary eyed when you said that and demanded cuddles and a movie after making him run all the way from iwa’s house
‘but i didnt ask you to, though’
‘you were still the reason i had to run so take responsibility!’
he might be a handful but he was oikawa tooru and you love him otherwise
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
as yall were settled and the beginning of e.t begins
baby oikawa was absolutely in love with that movie fite me
he asked you why you didnt invite him to study with iwa
you stopped and looked at him confusingly
‘tooru-kun, youre good at science aren’t you? iwa’s this 👌 close to failing just bc he mixes up solid, liquid, and gas’
this is a random fact that i made up so pls dont blast me about this !!!
oikawa stops then just doubles over laughing 
‘ohmygod! iwa-chan!’
yall know that arm wrestling video and his stage actor just yelling out iwa-chan? yes im imagining that
you looked at tooru weirdly
‘hm, laughing over your friend’s demise, okay’
needless to say, oiks called you during lunch and sounded like he was running and it was bc he was being chased by haji-kun after he made fun of him
‘ugh y/n! why did you tell him that!’
‘i mean,,,, its pretty embarrassing’
now comes middle school!!!
yall are finally able to be in the same middle school as your friends!!!
you were so excited and you wouldnt shut up about it bc youve been looking forward to the day that yall get to be together everyday
not that you didnt have friends in your old school,
you just preferred being with the guys since you werent into the girly things yourself
and you get to see tooru everyday since he was in your class
oiks and iwa immediately wanted to join the volleyball club and they were soon accepted so it was only normal for you to be in practice a lot
you didnt join a club since none really interested you so it was okay for you to go the gym and do your homework while they practice
there was no choice on staying either since you usually walked home with them since oiks lived next door and iwa hung out at either your place or his
the current manager of the team noticed your friendship and frequent appearances so she asked you to be the manager rather than just being there
you didnt really have a choice bc oiks agreed for you and excitedly told you that you were going to be with them for the next 3 years
‘everyone! thank you for the past 3 years!’
hehe i just died inside
tooru was so happy that you would be in volleyball bc that was two favorite things lumped into the best 3 hours of his life: volleyball and you
so thus started your managerial duties
you became friends with the team but was closer to the first years
you quite literally watched them grow into amazing volleyball players and you sometimes cried along with them when they either got hurt or lost
specifically during the shiratorizawa match
it was then that you were sure of your feelings for your best friend
as he wept in the locker room, you stayed by the door, unsure if you should go in or not
but the others have gone to the bus already and iwa wanted you to go and get oiks ready so they could leave
so, you entered the room and your heart dropped, not even noticing the nasty smell of sweat in the boys locker room
he was hunched over the bench, a towel over his head
sure, he was just a first year and he has more opportunities to win
but it was the first time oiks experienced such a loss
and that smug look that ushijima gave him as he sat on the floor
you saw the defeated look as you stood with the coach at the bench
rushing forward and kneeling in front of him, you hugged him tightly
he cried, both defeated and embarrassed, but he didnt let go
it was then that you vowed to be there for him whenever this happens
every loss, every defeat, youll be there
it was painful and you had a feeling that this crush on him would make it harder in the future but you didnt care
bc tooru looked the most beautiful when he smiled
by now, second year has started
youve obviously noticed that your now second year friends are working much harder
and they were gaining more popularity
bc this was the age where puberty starts hitting everyone and lets just say god decided to bless the volleyball team
it shouldnt have surprised you that they were going to be known in the school or prefecture bc they were talented and handsome
perfect recipe for a dream boy
what was only a confession every few weeks or so, turned into nearly a dozen in a WEEK
dw you got some too!!
as a manager, you knew it was going to be a hard job being the only female in a team full of boys
but you didnt expect it to be this bad
girls would corner you in every hallway, outside or inside, to either give you their love letters to oikawa or to threaten you to stay away from their grand king
lmao king okay
and dw, you told them to catch you outside by chipotle after school but they didnt show up
that nickname seemed to get into oikawa’s ego as he told you about his love for that term
as you three walked home, oikawa was telling you about this one girl who called him her king and he giggled at the thought
‘she told me that she wanted to be my princess! but i told her i was a king so she should settle for a prince like iwa-chan’
you laughed at iwa’s angry face
‘shittykawa why am i downgraded?! you think youve above me or something?!’
you howled causing iwa to glare at you
‘not you too y/n!’
you were laughing so hard that your face was red and it got worse when iwa gave you a noogie
but little do you know, oikawa was looking at you at the side, trying to gauge your reaction
you didnt seem to be bothered at the fact that some girl wanted him to be theirs
that was why he frequently told you about his confessions
tooru wanted to know if you still felt the same about him being always yours by telling you stories about the girls and if you were jealous or not
but you remained indifferent and just laughed along
however, you WERE jealous but you didnt show it
youre like ‘im a bad bih you cant kill me’
with all these much prettier girls and talented girls than you, you were sure he would find somebody else
as long as he was happy and smiling, you were going to be just fine
tooru was lowkey hurt about you blushing with iwa and not being bothered about the threat that was looming in the distance
so he practiced more, slightly regreting now that you were in the team
he was being an insecure little bean again and suddenly hes thinking that you and iwa seem to be interacting more (even though you werent) and he was being jealous and this caused him to be slightly more irritated
with all of his practicing, he ends up hurting himself more often like bruises and such
that worried you deeply bc he was practicing too much and pushing himself way too hard and you knew he would combust any moment now
this energy seeped into the others and theyve begun to be more intense during practice and you were sure they were wearing themselves out
youve expressed your concern to the coach about the bruises on their skin and their wincing at every movement
‘the solution to this, y/n-chan, is to study about this and be the medic that helps heal our soldiers’
with that request, youve started taking more trips to the library, staying up late reading medical articles, and buying pain relievants and medical tape
this was when you decided you wanted to be a sports therapist or an injury related profession in the future
so you were obviously prepared when you caught oiks practicing late again
you were actually stocking up some medical supplies when you were passing by the gym and found it still open with lights
he was practicing those damn service serves again and you were starting to get irritated when he didnt listen to you about not pushing himself too hard
‘tooru-kun, lets go home’
your voice resounded from the loud sounds of the balls hitting either the floor or wall
he gritted his teeth
‘i need to do this. i need to be strong enough to beat ushijima. i need-’
‘tooru-kun, let’s go home’
but he didnt listen to you and spiked once more but he didnt land back on his feet
but on his knee
tooru made a sound of pain
your heart started beating really fast and you busted out your bag that had emergency supplies
tooru saw you kneeling beside him and for a second, the pain subsided and he was only focused on you
the way your stray hairs from your bun framed your face and the delicate eyes that were so focused on bunching up your kita jacket and using it to elevate the sprained knee
‘ice. i need ice’
you kept mumbling and was about to stand up but his hand flies to clutch your arm
‘y/n-chan, please dont leave me’
‘but its going to swell-’
‘i dont care. i need you right now so dont leave me alone’
you stared at each other, one slightly irritated while one was begging
‘i told you that you were going to hurt yourself if you push too far and look where you are’
‘but it hurts and i need affection to cool it down’
‘N O, tooru, what you need is proper treatment’
‘cuddles are considered treatment, you know’
‘we’re literally in the middle of the gym-’
‘i dont care’
he gave you those puppy eyes and you harshly looked away to the side
then you sighed before sitting down behind him and holding him in your arms
he was content with your affection and your familiar cherry blossom perfume engulfing his senses
his back was rested against your front uncomfortably while your arms were around his middle where his fingers played with your hands
it was silent for a moment except for his occasional hisses of pain but he decided this might be the time
at this point, he was hurt already so he doesnt care if youd reject him since the pain in his knee would cover the pain of his heart
hes like 14 what he poetic and deep for
‘ne, n/n-chan’
‘go out with me?’
your arms tensed and he squeezed his eyes shut, prepared for the rejection
‘only if you stop doing these late practices bc i want to have dates with you after school’
oml oikawa was so happy
like so happy that he just turns around excitedly and hugs you, competely forgeting about the pain in his knee
‘omg tooru your knee!’
‘ow! ugh!’
so thus began your relationship
anon, im very reluctant to make this fluff to angst
he stuck to his word of not going too far with his late practices and yall often had dates at the park, the convenience store, or just at home
ofc it wasnt everyday but it was close to it
everything was great in the world bc you had your best friend as your boyfriend and he made you so happy
during the summer, you began being an apprentice to your uncle’s clinic to further advance your knowledge in the medical field
that meant less time to spend with tooru which meant sulky tooru
this often caused arguments between you two since he always brought it up
‘n/n-chan, i miss you!’
‘i miss you too, tooru-kun. but i have to continue this so that i can be a better medic for the team!’
‘but i matter more than the team! n/n-chan!’
that was his problem. he thought that now you were dating, youd be revolving him 24/7 and he was everything you thought about
but you still had a life to live and prepare for
you sighed before sitting next to tooru on the floor
‘i finish at 2. then we can go get some milk bread and hike up that trail in time to see the sunset. sound good?’
that made him brighten up and you were dreading of repeating this same cycle again in a few days
but you actually liked this boy and even could say you love him despite his clingy and slightly obsessive personality
when your third year rolled around, oikawa was finally the captain of the team
you were now on the hunt of another manager to take over for next year but so far, its been hard
theyve all been fascinated by the boys, especially oikawa, making it a hard task
during the practice, you notice that tooru has been different
to the others, he was fine
but to this one student, kageyama tobio, he was cold
harsh, even
it wasnt like him to treat his kouhais like that so you were confused and obviously worried for a player on your team
you pulled him aside one day and you asked him what was going on
‘tooru, why are you being mean to kageyama?’
he just smiled, but it was much more different
like a whole different smile youve never seen
‘hes the first setter ive met who is an underclassman. im just trying to toughen him up and shape him to his potential’
but you crossed your arms, raising an eyebrow
‘by criticizing every single movement he makes like breathing? by constantly embarrassing him in front of the others? by isolating him from everyone else?’
his eyes twitched and his grin got wider as he gently held your hands
‘we’ll talk about this later, n/n-chan, kay? now, i need to get back to practice as captain and you can continue being the manager’
to be honest, you were kinda pissed
‘no, tooru. you need to stop-’
‘y/n? stop it. this is a stupid thing to argue about so drop it’
boi watch yo mouth
but you didnt push further to not make a scene so you went to kindaichi and gave him his bottle and a towel to kunimi
it was tense between you and oikawa for the next few days
the team could pick up on the weird energy but refused to say anything because hello you were their mom and oikawa was their captain
but iwa didnt care so he straight up asked yall as you were taking spiking notes
‘oi y/n, shittykawa, did you argue or something? its kinda tense in here’
the entire team froze and even the coach looked between you two
lmao i love the coach
‘hm, y/n-chan and i just disagreed on something, didn’t we, y/n-chan?’
oikawa turned and gave you a grin
to others, it wouldve looked real and so convincing
but to you, you knew it was fake
thinking back on it, you shouldve known that was the beginning of his new persona
whenever you pointed it out, he would deflect and you wouldnt stop until he told you what was going on resulting more fights bc he was not doing his vital share in this relationship: communicate
‘tooru, listen to me!’
‘no, y/n-chan. im busy so later’
then it became like that
‘later, y/n-chan’
‘after this spike’
soon after, it felt like you didnt even have a boyfriend anymore
even iwa was starting to notice something weird since oiks was doing this to him too
he was distant, focusing too much time on volleyball which took a toll on his health
and he was getting angrier at tobio for unknown reasons
but these reasons soon came to light when that unfortunate day came
you were waiting for oikawa to finish up his practice so you could also pack up the balls and go home
iwa was already packing up to leave so it was only you oikawa and tobio remaining in the gym
youve talked to kageyama about tooru before and you encouraged him to ask oiks how to serve bc he was really good at it
today he was asking again but you already knew that he was going to refuse him like he has before
but you didnt see this coming
you saw him start to raise his hand with this manic look in his eyes and your eyes widened, running full speed towards kageyama
we finna change this up so buckle up babes
instead of kageyama, you pushed him aside so you took the hit
the force and the intensity of the slap was equivalent to the ones he used to his serves causing you to fly to the floor
you were breathing heavy, tears threatening to fall from the throbbing pain on your face, yet you didnt move
then your head turned to look at kageyama before giving him a nod and a smile
‘g-go to iwaizumi, tobio. he’ll take you home, kay?’
he looked unsure, looking between you and oikawa but your long blink and small smile told him that you would be okay
he ran to the exit and disappeared from view
it was now just you and oikawa
on the other hand, he remained frozen
he didnt know if he should grovel on his knees or cry to forgive him
in all the years youve known each other,
from the very beginning in your diapers,
youve never spoken to him in such anger, venom, and hurt
‘dont say another word to me. dont apologize to me. i did what a normal person would do and protect an innocent child from something he doesnt deserve. he was just a child, tooru’
you stood up, eyes still not meeting his, instead focusing on his taped fingers that used to hold your hands with such gentleness and touch you so softly
‘what happened to you, tooru?’
you whimpered, arms wrapping around yourself
he was lost
he didnt know what to do
he had his own tears falling and he stepped forward in instinct to go to your arms but you flinched and backed away
that caused him to sob before throwing himself on the floor in front of you
‘y/n, please. y/n forgive me. i didnt mean to! please, y/n!’
part of you wanted to think that he was just so stressed out for the incoming interhigh that he wasnt thinking straight
but you knew you were just making excuses
this relationship started falling apart the moment you started your third year and you were just trying to hold it together
it was like holding water on your palms yet ignoring the water that was spilling on the side
you can only ignore it for a short while until eventually, the water is not there anymore and youre suddenly asking yourself, ‘where did it go?’
and now youre asking yourself, where did you go wrong?
was it your fault?
‘tooru, for months, ive made excuses for you. many times ive tried to sort out our problems, yet you always made excuses to not talk about it. it takes two to dance in a relationship yet it feels like im just dragging you in circles. we’re going in circles, tooru!’
he looked up at you, slowly standing on his feet with hands hovering over your shoulders, afraid to touch you
‘i can make this right, y/n. forever, right? you promised me years ago that we’d be together forever! we would get married a-and live together and be like mom and papa, right?!’
you choked back a sob at his face
he looked like someone else
he wasnt your tooru
he was the oikawa tooru that held you as you tried to walk
the one that pulled you back up to bed when you rolled off
the one who purposely tripped himself during your first year when you slipped so that you wouldnt be embarrassed in front of everyone
this was a selfish, jealous, tooru
the same look he gave you when he found out that you were studying with iwa without him
‘you hated tobio because he was a good setter, right? you were jealous and scared that he would take your place? was that it, tooru?’
that was then he really realized that you were the only one who could read him like you were reading a book
a single glance and you knew right away
and you calling him out on it allowed him to figure out why he truly didnt like tobio
and it was embarrassing that you said it out loud
and when oikawa tooru was embarrassed or flustered, he deflects
and it usually ends up badly
‘jealous? dont make me laugh!’
he scoffed while you glared at him
‘then what was it, then tooru? why did you do that, huh? because by the way youre acting right now, youre nothing but a green-filled monster. man, you seriously their captain?’
‘shut up, y/n!’
his personality took a whole 360 and you stepped back, scared he would lash out again
‘you dont know anything! you dont know how its like to feel second place from that bastard ushijima. you dont know how its like to feel threatened that your own kouhai could possibly be better than you. you dont know how it feels like to not feel enough no matter how many hours you practice or serves you hit. you dont know anything, y/n-chan’
he hissed and you shook your head in disbelief
‘so to satisfy your own insecurities, you hurt and put down others just so you could feel better about yourself. that just proves you are no longer the tooru i know.’
‘well i dont need you, then!’
you were taken aback by his shouts, composure now broken
‘im not him anymore so you either take whats in front of you or leave!’
at his suggestion, you narrowed your eyes
‘dont make me say my choice because you already know what im going to say’
despite knowing youd say that, part of him still wanted you to at least stay
but he was hurt and he wanted to hurt you as much as you hurt him
‘then leave! i dont need a distraction in my life anymore! you no longer satisfy me! so go!’
the tears now fell and you opened your mouth to say something but you closed it, replacing it with a sob
you bit your lip to compose yourself and swallowed that lump on your throat
‘fine. we’re done, oikawa tooru. and im sorry if i was a distraction to you for the entire 15 years of life we spent together. i can assure you that you will no longer have to put up with me’
then you left
you tried not to think about it bc you were only 15 and you were young so this wouldnt be the last time youd feel love
but not only did you lose a boyfriend, but you lost your best friend
and this is when you realized that best friends are only meant to be best friends
nothing more, nothing less
your parents knew nothing of what transpired and blamed your bruise at running into something bc you didnt want to strain the friendship your mother and his had if they found out her son hit you
family dinners were awkward and your parents kept asking until theyve just figured out that you were fighting
for the rest of your lives
iwa didnt know either
you made kageyama swear to you that he wouldnt say anything and you were relieved that it wasnt his business to say anything to someone else anyways
it was a secret that remains between the three of you
all was known was that you and oikawa broke up and you acted like he wasnt even there
if you had a problem, you went to iwaizumi since he was the vice captain
other than that, you no longer interacted with oikawa
it was an obvious thing that you wouldnt go to seijoh and your families were confused, wondering what the heck happened
‘y/n? youve wanted to go with tooru to seijoh since you were younger so what changed?’
‘people change’
tooru changed
instead, you went to karasuno
it was a suggestion from the guy in the milk bread store after you expressed your dilemma of finding a high school
‘karasuno’s right up there, kid. it’s not that far of a walk, right?’
‘i guess youre right’
during your first day of high school, you were shutting the gate when you saw iwaizumi and oikawa by his door
iwaizumi raised a hand in greeting and you smiled at him before walking down the road
‘i still wont force you to tell me but just know, you either fix it or get over her’
iwaizumi cautions tooru who kept his eyes on your slowly getting smaller figure
‘but i cant fix it this time’
you disassociated yourself from volleyball for the rest of years until a good friend of yours, kiyoko, asked you to help her manage the boys
she asked you to just help her out during your last year and you agreed since shes done a lot of things for you over the years
‘we have a practice match with aoba johsai on tuesday so you think you can come then?’
you froze, not knowing what to say
but its been years and you no longer cared
besides, you still felt protective towards one of your former baby chicks kageyama and him being there with that guy worried you
so you agreed
on your way there, kageyama stuck close to you since you were the only one he trusted there
‘are you okay with this, y/n-san?’
you squeezed his arm with a smile
‘it’s okay, tobio. besides, iwa told me that kindaichi and kunimi are there and i miss them so’
the boys and you started unloading their bags and kiyoko asked you to go and fill their bottles in case
the gray-haired setter, you knew as sugawara koushi, accompanied you to carry them so you were filling them up as he held the container of empty bottles
‘the boys are going to be good, you know. and dont worry about kageyama. hes extremely talented and we could win easily’
you gave him a reassuring smile and he nodded
‘i have faith in our firs-’
a voice from behind you made the hair on your arms stand and you saw him there
he was shocked to see you there bc last thing he knew from iwa, you no longer had anything to do with volleyball
but here you were, in his castle, with an unknown person beside you
suga noticed your tense form and placed the box on the floor
he put a hand on your shoulder and made you face him
‘you know him, y/n?’
but you only gave oikawa one more look
‘no. not anymore’
oikawa screamed
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yall that one last line is not relevant to the story but i put it there since someone pointed out that oikawa was always screaming and i thought that was a funny comment
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otterplusharchive · 3 years
rey! do you have any recs for kdramas? i have never watched any, but i like lovable characters and romance ? thank you in advance!
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I DO IN FACT HAVE DRAMA RECS HII not all of these will be kdramas, but ill start with the kdramas ive watched and enjoyed and ill include all the warnings for them that i can remember off the top of my head and a brief synopsis for u!
1. weight lifting fairy kim bok joo
this was probably one of the first kdramas i saw people post about in like 2015 and i watched a little bit of it in 2016 but then only just got around to finishing it last year. the basic gist of it is its about a young sports college weight lifter, kim bok joo, centering around her navigating through her life and trying to figure out who she is and what she wants in life and what she wants to be. her romantic interest in the show is a swimmer and they have a sort of rivals to friends to lovers, he is SO in love with her and its adorable. i absolutely loved the side characters in this show theyre all so fun and kim bok joos best friends and weight lifting team are especially delightful. my main warning would be that this show addresses eating disorders and theres a lot of mention of both weight gain and weight loss, theres also a plot point early on where kim bok joo has a crush on her eventual love interests older brother but it gets resolved and the older brother literally goes "i didnt realize you had a crush on me and if i knew that i wouldnt have been so friendly with you, it would be completely innapropriate for us to be in a relationship". overall its a really sweet and emotional fun show but if you have issues with weight talk id skip this one
2. tale of the nine tailed
this one is really recent from last year and i didnt expect to be so hooked by it but boy howdy did i get attached to all the characters and the wild plot. it feels hard to explain the plot but basically a nine tailed fox named lee yeon is living in modern day seoul and is working for the underworld finding paranormal spirits/creatures/other rogue foxes that are causing havoc on the world, hes resigned himself to living this life while waiting for his girlfriend who died tragically 600 years ago to come back to life because he traded his status as a mountain god in order to ensure that her soul would one day be reincarnated. a plucky investigative journalist named nam ji ah figures out that hes not human and shenanagins ensue because she looks exactly like his dead girlfriend oooooo whatll happen. the plot beyond that gets really wild and its hard to explain and is easier to just watch. if u enjoy paranormal adventures this one is good. my one big complaint and issue with this is that the immortal mountain spirit meets his original girlfriend when shes a child and she continues to visit him off and on as she grows up which is Hm I Dont Like That! but thankfully the present time romance our female lead meets him when shes about 30 if im remembering right. also warnings for general fantasy violence, references to child abuse, animal death, and abandonment issues
3. extraordinary you
HUGE unreality warning for this. if you have issues with feeling unreal or have paranoia/delusions about not being a real person id avoid this one just because of its premise
ok i know i said tale of the nine tailed was a hard plot to explain but BOY extraordinary you is even HARDER to explain. because its so wild but so good. its about a girl who realizes that she is literally a side character in a comic book, and the story becomes her trying to change the story to save her character from dying but it becomes a lot more than that. the romance in this is literally tooth achingly sweet and the show itself is very pretty, i loved the side characters in this one and the show was engaging and interesting to watch it became really layered and meta. super reccomend this one honestly. my main issues/warnings that i can remember off the top of my head were just one character being the classic controlling boyfriend stereotype, bullying someone specifically for being poor, unreality like i mentioned before, and then at the very end there was this love interest for a side character who got reincarnated from a past piece of writing that they had been in and put in the comic but she was a student and he was the school cook which is weird but thankfully they like barely interact at all and theres no real romance he just like recognizes her and its barely a thing at the end of the show but its still weird
4. mystic pop up bar
big warning for suicide, sexual harrasment (which is framed as being bad and the guy whos harrassing the girl literally gets thrown off a roof)
i havent finished this one yet and thats mainly because im not emotionally ready because this one makes me soooo emotional. if you like found family this is a good one. its about a pop up bar run by a woman whos been tasked with solving the problems of a certain amount of people in order to atone for her crimes in the past before dying, shes able to enter the dreams of people and solve their issues using the information she gets in the dreams. paranormal shenanagins ensue, she acquires a son and a husband and it kills me its so fun and quirky and fun despite handling dark themes and peoples problems. also very sweet the found family murders me
5. kingdom (netflix original)
i literally am not going to be able to watch any other zombie media because kingdom and train to busan are the best pieces of zombie media ive ever seen. warnings for gore and violence and just general horror aspects.
i absolutely love this one its so thrilling and well done, i love the acting and the way that this show looks its absolutely gorgeous. a zombie plague breaks out in joseon period korea where the emperor has died and then was brought back to life by the queen and her father in a ploy to try and keep their family in political power, the crown prince must find answers. a lot more happens and its very dramatic and good i love the characters in this one
1. the untamed. if you follow me and you havent watched the untamed im begging you to watch the untamed. literally one of the most beautiful stories ive experienced in my life i am not joking when i say i cried multiple times over it. the main characters are canonically gay in love and have a son together please watch the untamed. handles a lot of dark themes, heres a tw guide
2. the sleuth of the ming dynasty
this is another one i havent finished but its fun so far, very gay, found family, food, and solving murder mysteries during the ming dynasty
3. hikaru no go (also known as qi hun)
havent finished this one, there is some propaganda about hong kong in the first episode but as far as i know thats the only instance of something like that in the show
this ones about the game go and so far its very sweet and fun, local boy awakens a ghost who was a master of the game of go hundreds of years ago and eventually is persuaded to learn how to play go with the aid of the ghost. im really liking this one so far its very cute and i love the characters in it. if youve watched the untamed nie huaisangs actor ji li is in this one!
4. the legend of yunqian
this ones very short and on youtube, all the episodes are about 5 minutes long and its a lesbian time travel fantasy adventure with a happy ending! funny and cute
1. cherry magic
please please please watch cherry magic. the premise sounds very much like a weird yaoi kind of thing but trust me on this. trust me. it is so heart warming and sweet and i was so emotional about it and the growth of the main character.
adachi gains the power to read peoples minds on his 30th birthday based off a urban legend that if youre a 30 year old virgin that youll become a wizard. after gaining this power he accidentally finds out that his extremely popular and handsome coworker has a crush on him, and shenanagins ensue along with adachi having blossoming feelings in return. this show was really refreshing in a lot of ways, adachi is a main character who like.. is unsure of himself and insecure in a very kind of realistic way, he closes himself off and is afraid to reach out to people and through the course of the show we see him slowly come out of his shell and realize that hes likeable and lovable and that people want to be around him and its so nice to see. my main complaint about this show is that i dont really like the background couple, but otherwise this is a very sweet and refreshing gay romance that has a happy ending!
some others that i myself havent seen but that ive seen people talk about a lot and that i want to watch eventually:
- the legend of fei (cdrama)
- the wolf (cdrama)
- gaurdian (cdrama, not the kdrama one called goblin)
- healer (kdrama, i did watch some of this one but it was in 2016 and i never finished it so i barely remember any of it but i do remember liking it)
- nobody knows (kdrama)
- its ok to not be ok (kdrama)
sorry this is so long but i hope youll be able to find a drama u enjoy!!
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nympsycho-ao3 · 3 years
Hi so sorry if this is a weird question. I start college next week and I'm really nervous and overwhelmed. I graduated high school almost 5 years ago so I'm really late getting to it, I don't remember a whole lot about school life. Do you have any advice?
Not sure why youre asking a random smut writer on the internet but i would love to help if i can!
I was a huge lazy sack of shit in college ahhaha. My college years were spent either drunk or high for the vast majority of it. So my first piece of advice is to dont do that lmao. I missed out on a lot of fun, socializing, and networking because i was inebriated alone in my room. Id imagine with covid its even harder to meet new people so take every opportunity you can.
Find at least 1 person in every class that can cover for you if you miss notes or have questions about material. Youll generally make a friend too which is a nice bonus but really that safety net is nice. Dont abuse it either, like dont skip class for days then just ask for notes lmao.
On that note go to class strategically. I was able to skip a few classes every semester in their entirety bc they were easy and i got away with it but if they take attendance make sure you go. Again with covid im not sure with this stuff but actually give a fuck about the stuff youre learning. I wish i did instead of just memorizing and forgetting. I wont tell you to go to every class every time bc fuck that, but prioritize the classes you simply cant skip.
Treat studying like a job. It is so much easier to study like an hour a day than cram studying in 10 hours overnight for an exam. Im a huge hypocrite with this so do as i say not as i do lmao.
Going into it late in the game is actually kind of a good thing because you might not be tempted into the dumb bullshit like drugs and booze like i was. Just keep it to the weekend like i shouldve hahaha
If youre on a campus, go out and enjoy it. Some of my fav parts of college were just going out and enjoying the campus and what it offered. Maybe better advice for spring but... nonetheless.
I shouldve put more effort into making friends. I really came out 4 years of college with no friends to speak of because i made the conscious decision to keep to myself because i am naturally a loner and comfortable alone. Still, i think i would have overall had more fun if i got to know the really cool people in my program.
In general, take the opportunity to leave your comfort zone. It's college, no one is expecting you to be perfect. Just have some fun while you can take advantage of the safety net of college and the bad decisions youre allowed to make. As long as you keep your grades up (or passable, which i recommend making your perrogative instead of perfection) go out, get laid, try new things, meet new people, learn new things, and enjoy expanding your worldview with little consequence.
Remember that everyone lives in their little bubble. I was so afraid of embarrassing myself that i avoided doing a lot of fun things. Not a single person gives a fuck about you in a way that theyre judging you like you think they are. So just do you, be the cool older person in the class that can buy the youngins booze (do this at your own risk but it was fun for me lmao) and tell stories like a grandparent. Also, on that note, dont be surprised at how fucking stupid these kids are. You might be the oldest and wisest in the class. Just enjoy the stupidity at your beckoning call and take it in, sometimes it's better than TV. dont hold it against them though, we were all stupid 18 yos once.
Dont ask a ton of questions in class. I mean a few is fine but not a lot. It just makes class run longer. Anyone who cares is doing the following: either asking them after class, going to office hours, or emailing the professor. Do that.
Speaking of office hours. Youll probably need some reference letters when you graduate to apply for jobs. Pick like 1 cool professor a year and really buddy up to them so you can use them as a reference. Yay, using people! And hey you might get some cool stuff out of it. Talking with my professors was always pretty neat and enlightening. They will know what youre doing but they know the game too and theyre just happy youre putting effort into earning the reference. Just dont get boners for the hot ones like i did oop--
And uuhh flash cards. All my homies love flash cards. I still have all my digital ones from my classes for no reason but... they came in clutch!
I didnt work through college bc im a privileged little brat but, i think i would have had my shit together more if i did. So depending on your major find something relevant and maybe find a flexible part time gig (easier said than done im aware)
I graduated with a 3.8 gpa and a damaged liver and lungs but hey i survived! Hope this helped. Again im not the best person to ask bc i really hated my major and most of my classes but i saw them as necessary stepping stones to my current job. Oh well!
Good luck anon. I know you will do very well even in these covid times. Just take your shit seriously! Unlike me...
Dont go to fucking parties unless youre an asshole and/or vaccinated or until this covid shit blows over please!!!
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itsthwippingtime · 4 years
so on Thanksgiving i saw Frozen 2 and it was AMAZING and I've only just now had the time and energy to finish my thoughts on the movie and share it with y'all so here it is. Disclaimer: Sorry for how long it is
first, baby anna and elsa???? I’m dead
thjkhsdhjk the story they came up with is literally how every child played with barbie dolls and doll houses
(children are so dramatic also why did we all have the same childhood)
oooh mystery about the past 
their dad is so dramatic now i know where Anna and Elsa get it from
four spirits: Earth Wind Air Water how original
(everything changed when the fire nation attacked)
(okay but while their dad was telling the story about the northedral (???) i was totaling believing this is where Elsa got her powers from)
(but Elsa was born with powers so her mom is totally magical)
i love their mom omg i love this song also
(okay but at this point i was like??? did their mom save their dad)
Elsa being startled and sticking herself to the railing with ice is comedic gold
why is Olaf’s never-ending existential crisis the most relatable thing in this movie 
also i love this song about things never changing
hi the line about a stone wall never falling??? FORESHADOWING
Elsa singing about being afraid of change but seizing the day?? CHARACTER GROWTH 
Arendelle flag will always fly??? FORESHADOWING
family game night??? i fucking love it
Olaf shouldn’t be allowed to play charades that way Anna is right
but Olaf imitating Elsa??? iconic
Elsa playing charades is me playing charades
oooh Kristof honey don’t,, don’t do it like that,,, honey
if Elsa is comforted by their mom’s scarf where was their mom’s scarf in the first movie??
Anna singing Elsa to sleep????? so pure
i love this song
‘Everyone I’ve ever loved is here within these walls’ so she loves Kristof???? good me too
where does Kristof sleep?
oh its the part with the ice suspended in air from the trailer
so um the fire went out and its windy and they’re going to the cliffs???? okay???
ummm Elsa did you awake the spirits on purpose??? did you know what you were doing?? you never said it was an accident????
Elsa you cant go alone you’re team has to go with you or else its not much of a movie now is it Elsa. don’t be selfish share some screen time
i just love their outfits so much i want to be a princess in Norway please and thanks
Olaf and his fun facts are literally me
ELSA’S ICE CASTLE THERE SHE IS i wonder if they ever go there. is it a vacation home
water has memory FORESHADOWING
‘Elsa and Olaf are asleep,,, whatcha wanna do?’ UM WHAT
’Sven, keep us steady’ UMMMMM WHAT
oh Kristof honey
oh no Anna he didnt mean it like that
Kristof stop just stop
ooooh the voice is back
‘Kristof stop’ ‘Good idea’ I’m dead
i don’t really remember what happens in between them stopping and them finding the mist if anything but THE MIST
oooh they’re locked in. nice
okay so wind. thats fun.
the wind spirit is v smart because she knows which one is Elsa 
her name is Gale and i love her
hello water has memory
their father being saved by a young girl??? it’s their mom
okay so the northuldra (i googled it) begin to attack? or advance at least
okay but lieutenant whats his name can get it
they’re frenemies
Olaf’s recap of the first Frozen is comedic gold i want him and Luis from Ant-Man to get together
i don’t really remember what happens at this part but: Elsa and Anna learn that their mom saved their dad (CALLED IT), their mom is northuldra (KINDA CALLED IT) and everyones been trapped in the mist since their grandfather was killed
(which that story is fishy but i don’t think king Elsa & Anna’s dad would lie so????)
(that part was so simple yet so funny omfg)
olaf: “this will all make sense when i am older” all the adults in the room: :/
also notice how Elsa is mindful enough to keep the fire spirit away from the northuldra’s homes??? like i love her???
I LOVE HIM i think his name is Brunie but i don’t know how the people at the Disney Store came to that conclusion 
oh also Kristof and Sven run in to save the reindeer but Anna is only worried about Elsa??? idk maybe she knows Kristof can take care of himself and knows that Kristof knows when it becomes too dangerous but Elsa is going to try to stop the threat until she physically can’t and at that point it may be too late okay i get it
(okay but if they’ve been trapped and nothing can get in or out what do they eat??? like theres a lot more northuldra than arendelle guards so do they have designated areas they’re allowed to go in?? what do they do with the people who died?? probably bury them)
(also some if them are born in there and they’ve been in for decades so a generation maybe the beginning of the next one but how many of them are related????)
Kristof has a new friend and I’m so glad they’re not fighting over Anna
(take that toxic masculinity)
Reindeers are better than people (cont’d.)
the following are my favorite parts/lines from Lost In The Woods
that guitar riff (?) at the very beginning? sexy
“you had to go and of course its always fine”
because Kristof loves Anna and knows that Anna loves him and they can do different things and still be in love and he doesn’t have to constantly be over her and controlling what she does
(take that toxic masculinity part TWO)
OKAY BUT Kristof saying its fine while simultaneously worrying that he’s losing Anna is absolutely breaking my heart
Kristof: “and i don’t know what path you are on” me: :((((
(peep the Queen reference)
this concludes my favorite parts/lines from Lost In The Woods
every time i type Lost In The Woods I wanna type Lost Into The Woods
okay SO
Olaf doing the siren call with Elsa is comedic gold
peep Olaf with that gruesome “maybe there was nobody on board” when they asked how the ship was able to get through the mist
peep Olaf with the “why didn’t they just make the whole ship waterproof” 
so they go to the river
(low-key thought that was their goal the whole time but its fine)
if Disney doesn’t make the ice-canoe part of the Frozen Ride in Epcot in some way shape or form i will be deeply disappointed
uh oh rock giants
oh waterfall
thats fun
ah Olaf always the optimist
(but where did Anna get flint?)
Anna’s hair??? i love it
oooh Elsa on the beach
she can’t get her shoes or coat wet i understand
oh shit that water horse is trying to drown her
what the fuck he’s actually trying to drown her
every inch of me is trembling
Elsa destroyed Han’s memory I’m dead
OH SHIT KING RICHARD (Elsa & Anna’s grandfather, i don’t remember his name)
oh shit she jumped
we now return to this episode of Olaf and Anna Alone In A Dimly Lit Area With A Little Bit Of Fire
but Arendelle
why isn’t that when Olaf and Anna are alone one of them is always dying
now i understand the no context memes featuring spider-man from Infinity War
okay so you’re telling me that Anna learned that her sister is frozen (pun intended) and Olaf dies in her arm and she still finds the energy to save Arendelle/the forest???
oh shit the rock giants
the Arendelle citizens literally are so hilarious to me all they know is: the spirits are mad and all the heirs to their thrones went on a dangerous journey to save their kingdom, with no guards to protect them, then a tidal wave comes rushing towards their homes and suddenly their Queen who has always been quiet, modest, and reserved comes riding in on a fucking water horse in a boss ass outfit with her hair down and saves the kingdom. like???? imagine being on that cliff??? and all they do is clap???? I’m so dead
poor Anna :((( but Kristof is doing his best to comfort him like i love him
(okay but did anyone else find it odd that Elsa didn’t go to Anna’s coronation)
(also the Northudral are just totally fine with living in ice and snow and cold now too??? idk i guess Elsa asked first but whatever its not like they can say much she’s the fifth spirit so)
Olaf wearing clothes has me dead
Anna: tells Kristof she likes him “better in leather” me: when does he wear… leather :O (Anna’s freaky yo)
final thoughts: Amazing movie, the constant shade of Hans was absolute gold, Kristof is so pure, Anna and Elsa’s relationship is so amazing, everyone’s character growth is absolutely amazing
if you read all of this, bless you child I’m so sorry it was so long
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svtegg · 4 years
sebongies and the taeyeon songs they remind me of:
seungcheol: gravity. gravity is about finding solace, finding something to hold on to even through the hardest of storms. i firmly believe seungcheol has had to learn this the hard way, and because of this gravity reminds me so much of him. ive also personally found such a warm and safe place in the group he has lead and fronted to where they are today. he will never know how much strength i’ve gained from him, how much he has been the gravity pulling me back down to earth in those especially hard times. the song also has this hopeful and nostalgic feel, which i feels fits him. it sounds sort of like an anthem for us hopeless introverted romantics that find solace in the small gestures of affection and love. just saying i would also die for seungkwan to cover this song.
jeonghan: i am all ears. i feel like jeonghan is definitely seventeens anchor. he grounds them and guides them, in a way much different from how seungcheol does. cheol is their leader, their frontman and main man. jeonghan works the sidelines. he knows all the members inside out, easily knows all the little details about the other 12 boys, what their favorite food is or what snacks they like, what their habits are and what gets them the most frustrated. it’s a silent type of support, almost like a parent or an older sibling or relative. that silent looking out for your friends that’s almost not noticed. just like this song he’s a comforting presence in svt that always offers a hand to hold, a ear to listen or a shoulder to lean on anytime of day or night while still keeping everything lighthearted and honest. this song is actually one of my most beloved songs, the lyrics and the melody is just so comforting and i feel so safe when i listen to it and i feel that’s the kind of feeling jeonghan gives off too..
joshua: 11:11. now this song is probably my all time favorite kpop songs. period. the whole vibe of the song just screams joshua to me. the simple guitar instrumental, the plucking line, the soft percussion in the background and the effortless yet beautiful vocals that softly blends in with all the other elements. it’s a simple and beautiful song, the lyrics reflecting sadness for missing and happiness for experiencing the past, which i feel is such a joshua thing to say.. i might be over analyzing him with this though, and to be honest most of the reason why i chose this song for josh is because i want to hear him sing it, it just fits him so perfectly. a slow, simple and soft track with some sweet guitar and bittersweet lyrics sung in a soft and breathy voice. it’s just so him!!
jun: time lapse. time lapse is easily one of my favorite taeyeon songs. it holds this childish and naive undertone with such serious and beautiful lyrics about growing up and realizing life maybe isn’t what you once thought, yet still seeing the beauty in everything you’ve experienced throughout your life, and despite the hardships and the traumas you’re still able to move forward and try again. i feel like it reflects junhuis personality very well. he’s a very reflective, thoughtful, headstrong, stubborn and smart person, yet he manages to keep this amazing and childish happiness and naiveness to him that i hope he never ever looses.
soonyoung: find me. find me is such a strong song, conveying a message of making your own path, flyging as high as your wings will take you and youll find what youre looking for. it’s a little ambitious, very headstrong and fierce. even though soonyoung may not be precieved as the most fierce or ambitious member, i feel like he’s definitely one of the few in seventeen who has the most self discipline, the most ambitious ideas, the most headstrong mindset and definitely a fierce working ethic. he definitely has his insecurities, as we all do, and this song is almost like a self reassuring anthem telling yourself that no matter what you’ll be fine as long as you keep going forward. which i feel very much reflects him and his values as a person.
wonwoo: city love. i feel like wonwoo is 100% a hopeless romantic at heart. at the same time he’s very simplistic and almost brutally realistic, and i feel like i could definitely connect with him on that..despite this i still imagine that he has this very special ability to see beauty in ordinary everyday objects and things. like the reflections of lights in a puddle or the way the morning fog wraps along the tallest skyscrapers. which is exactly what city love is about. the line; “To me, the things that were meaningless before meeting you, Become new every day” gives me major wonu energy.
jihoon: feel so fine. this song i picked out just because of the lyrics. it’s obviously a beautiful song in itself, but i feel the lyrics hit especially as a song that maybe reflects a bit of the inner conflicts jihoon has endured and learned from. it starts out a little helpless, wondering how you got to this place, what happened, why can’t i be the way i wish i was and then later realizing you’re okay, you’re fine and realizing you’re living in the world you once only dreamed of. i feel especially because of how jihoon opened up about how he felt responsible for seventeens success, he felt accountable for whether or not seventeen would be a hit, if they would make it or not. and now he’s produced a three times platinum, critically acclaimed, award winning, bonsang awarded album. look at you now jihoon, look how high you’re flying. (he also mentioned in hit the road that he no longer feels this obligation and i think that is because of the growth he and the rest for the guys have experienced through these 5 years)
minghao: wine. minghao has this quality about him. he just seems like he’s experienced the world before. he’s an old soul, poetic to an extent yet such a realist. and this song is about loving the memories of a painful love and despite the hardships realizing the beauty of heartbreak. it’s poetically and beautifully heartbreaking, which i feel reflects minghao very well. especially the way taeyeon sings ‘my vintage love’ over and over and the entire feeling in the track..it’s just very minghao. idk how to explain it
mingyu: do you love me. this pick has nothing to do with lyrics, which is kinda funny because this is one of the first kind of cliche love songs on the list i think. the biggest reason why i picked this is because i feel like mingyu would actually enjoy listening to this song, i feel like it’s very mingyu-esque. a soft jazzy ballad with sweet lyrics and gorgeous backup vocals. the lyrics of course coincidentally also convey a message of a newly fallen in love person who hopes the other also feels the same way. which is such a puppylove type song, so much to the point that it makes chills run down my back in excitement. just the feeling you get when you’re newly in love i guess....
seokmin: fire. this may get some of the sonecarats out there confused. because fire is such a heartbreakingly sad song. it’s mostly about a love that’s not good for you. a fire eating you up from the inside and leaving nothing but ash. about feeling alone. but i honestly believe seokmin is one of the boys in seventeen with the most worries, the most internal pushes and pulls. i definitely feel like seokmin is a person who feels his emotions very strongly no matter if they’re happy or sad. i also honestly believe he is his own worst critic, and i wish for nothing else than for him to realize the immense talent and charisma he holds, how much of a fire he is on the outside. how much he shines and how far his warmth reaches. he’s such a star.
vernon: curtain call. this is probably one of taeyeons songs i feel is the most neutral in the feeling it gives me. it has a sort of happy yet sad quality that is kinda hard to come across. i feel like this song is mostly about being okay with how things have turned out, to say goodbye with a smile and remember the good times. and then when we meet again we’ll prepare to smile again. it’s a very calm, reflected and reasonable song which i feel is some of the core personality traits vernon possesses. i don’t think he’s neutral in the sense that he doesn’t feel things, he’s just a person who makes every situation the best it can be, which i think is in all honestly a great way to live.
seungkwan: here i am. this song is so incredibly heartbreaking. it explains the difficulty in showing your true self, masking your real feelings with happiness, smiles and laughs. being afraid of being vulnerable, yet knowing your true raw unfiltered self is just as beautiful and strong as the ideal self you show to everyone. i think seungkwan has definitely had some inner conflict with being labeled the funny one, the mood maker and the jokester of the group. there’s no way that’s not been a chip on his shoulder sometimes, and i think he’s definitely fallen more comfortably now as he’s started to grow to be more secure of himself. i hope he knows just how much carats love every side of him, not just the funny mood maker but also the seungkwan that talks about his mom and cries and the seungkwan that explains his feelings and gets angry and frustrated, the insecure and the tired. everything.
chan: i’m ok. this song is about fighting back, not taking any bullshit. giving back exactly what you got. just ignoring all the people wasting your time and following your dreams and believing in yourself to the fullest. i feel especially this line is full of lee chan energy:
“This ambiguous and lukewarm something. I don’t like playing games of push and pull. No thanks baby”..
it’s also a very sexy and powerful song, i feel like despite this technically being a pop ballad, if jihoon just remixed it slightly and chan maybe wrote a little rap verse for one of the verses it could easily have been a chan solo song, with such a strong and stand-alone type message it fits his personality perfectly. i definitely feel like chan is one of the people in the group who has full awareness of his abilities and how far he can push said abilities. he doesn’t bullshit when it really comes down to it.
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soybeantree · 5 years
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pairing: mark x reader  genre/warning: singleparent!reader, teacher!mark; some soft shit word count: 7k description: soft mark as your son’s teacher. a/n:  buckle in buttercups
“Do you ever feel like your life is spiraling down a black hole headed nowhere?” “No. Is that an adult thing?”
 The young boy sitting across the table from you asks, pausing in his breakfast consumption. Sighing, you put down your spoon and shake your head. “No, I think it’s a me thing. Your mom is a mess. Have I apologized to you lately that you ended up with me as a mom?” The young boy chuckles and shakes his head. “You’re a great mom and a beautiful mess.” He says as he stands up and clears his dishes, heading for the sink. “I’m a blessed mess.” You call over your shoulder as you stand up. “It’s the only way I could end up with a kid like you.” You add as you follow your son’s example and place your dishes in the sink. As you start to rinse them off, you catch sight of the clock. “Oh, shhh-It’s time to go!” You save yourself, shooting your son a smile. The kid shakes his head. “Swear jar.” “I didn’t say it.” “Swear jar.” His arms cross his chest, and his feet stand firm. Your cause is lost. “Fine. Go grab your jacket and backpack. And hurry about it!” You call as he disappears into his room. Heading towards the annoyingly large glass jar which sits in the far corner of your living, you dump all of your change into it. The jar is nearly full, and the sight makes you cringe. The past few weeks at work have been stressful, leading to your statement at breakfast and the full jar. While you hope the trend won’t continue, reality leads you to believe otherwise. You do need to find a better outlet for your stress though, or you’re going to end up broke. “Mom!” “Coming.” You rush to the entryway, slipping on shoes before dashing out the door your son is so kindly holding open. His school is close by, the reason you chose the apartment. He insists that being ten he is old enough to walk to school by himself. You insist that being twenty-eight you are not old enough for him to walk to school on his own. You plan on living a long and healthy life, and if something happens to him, you’ll either end up dead from grief or in jail for vengeance. So the two of you walk to school together. These couple minutes are sacred to you. With all the stress and demands of work, time with your son is scarce, so you take advantage of every minute you have. “Alright, what do I need to know about this coming week?” You ask as you head down the street. Your son walks silently beside you, fiddling with the zipper on his jacket. “What is it?” You ask at his hesitation. “We are currently in a full honesty, no judgment zone. Didn’t you see the sign we just passed?” You gesture over your shoulder to the non-existent sign behind you. He cracks a smile and shakes his head. “There was no sign mom.” “Okay, but my point still stands.” Taking a deep breath, he starts. “I want to make a deal with you.” His eyes dart to yours, and you nod urging him to continue. “If you say yes, you can take back all the money in the swear jar.” The money in the swear jar is designated for charity. You two had come up with this deal when he was in first grade and was sent to the principle’s office for swearing in class. You had been mortified but were even more mortified when you realized it was your fault. That day you had told him that swearing in school was not okay and promised that you would stop swearing, and that ff he caught you swearing, then you would put all the change in your wallet into the swear jar. Once it was full, you would take all the money and donate it to the charity of his choice. While you hadn’t been able to keep your promise as diligently as you would have liked, you two had donated quite a bit to charities. “Kid, that money-” He holds up his hand though, and you zip your lips. It’s his time to talk. “At the end of the month, we’re going to have a choir concert.” Everything within you plummets as your mind follows the path he’s laying out. “Minnie’s mom was supposed to help with the costumes and the set, but she broke her arm and can’t. Mr. Mark can’t do it all by himself, and he asked if any other parent’s might be able to help. I know you’re busy with work, but no other parent’s can help and if Mr. Mark doesn’t get any help then we can’t do the concert and-and…” His shoulders heave, and his eyes start to glisten, and you stare back at him helpless. Ever since that first day when the doctor placed this tiny bundle in your arms, you’ve been helpless whenever you look in those eyes. “Okay.” “Okay? You’ll do it!” He bounces on his feet, smiling up at you so brightly, and you know if you could you would give this kid the world. “Yes, yes, I’ll do it.” “Mr. Mark will be so happy.” He beams as he starts to skip down the street. “Mhm.” You nod as you follow him at a more moderate pace. Mr. Mark. Mark Tuan was your son’s first grade teacher, the one who had sent him to the office for swearing. He was there when you came to pick him up. Your son had been in tears. He hadn’t realized what he said was a bad word. Mommy said it all the time. He didn’t want to be a bad kid. Mark had sat beside him, telling him that just because he said a bad word didn’t mean that he was a bad kid. People made mistakes. He just needed to learn from his mistake, so that way he didn’t make them again. Standing down the hall watching the interaction, your mind was a war of emotions, the chief being mortification. You were mortified that you were teaching your son to cuss; that because of you, he felt this way about himself; and that Mark witnessed it all. The second emotion was gratitude. You were grateful that Mark was the one who witnessed it, that he would sit with your son and comfort him, and that he had somehow found a way back into your life. Fate is funny, you think as you give your son a kiss and send him off to school. While the goodbye embarrasses him as it would any ten year old boy, he lets you do it every morning. Because, as he has told you so many times, his love for you is greater than any embarrassment. You hope it’s something he learned from you. That cussing isn’t the only thing you’ve taught him.  Your love for him is greater than any embarrassment. You wish it was the same for your family. Heading towards the nearby bus stop, your mind wanders through old memories. You were young when you had your son. Fresh out of high school, you found out you were pregnant. You were unwed and unemployed with only your family to lean on, except you couldn’t. They wouldn’t let you. Coming back from another unsuccessful job hunt, you had found a suitcase on your parent’s doorstep with all your clothes in it. Your father wasn’t pleased with what had happened you could tell that by his stony silence and your mother was always looking away when you entered a room, but they were your parents. They should love you more than any embarrassment. You had stood on their doorstep, pounding on the door and screeching until night fell. But the door never opened. They probably weren’t even home. They had kicked you out and fled. You collapsed against the door, staring at the sliver of moon which hung in the sky. That’s when Mark came. You had known Mark your whole life. He lived down the street from you and was by far the coolest kid on the street. All the boys wanted to be his friend and all the girls wanted to be his girl-friend. He was your first crush and your first love. Being two years older than you, he had already gone off to college. So when he came and crouched down in front of you, you were shocked to see him. He had undoubtedly heard you screaming, the whole neighborhood had, but he didn’t say anything about it. He didn’t ask about it or offer any false words of hope. Instead, he held out a hand and asked if you wanted to grab something to eat. As you board the bus, you smile at the memory. His face had shone with kindness, but all you wanted was to tell him to fuck off and leave you alone and stop trying to be nice. With him there, you couldn’t curl up in a little ball and cease existing. But you said none of that. You couldn’t. While the thing inside you was probably no bigger than a grain of rice, it needed you. Without you, it couldn’t survive, and you refused to abandon it. Your love for it would be greater than any embarrassment. So you took Mark’s hand and let him pull you up. He grabbed your suitcase and, with his hand still wrapped around yours, started walking down the street. He did all the talking which was shocking because he never talked. Mark was always the quiet, mysterious type, but tonight he was a fountain of words. He told you about how he was studying to be a teacher and about his roommate Jinyoung who was also pursuing education. The two of you headed to a local restaurant, and over a steaming bowl of soup, he continued to speak. Eventually, you started talking too and joking. He never asked about the pregnancy or made any comments about it. For one night, you were able to just be you. After dinner, he offered you his sister’s room for the night. Being older than him, she had already moved out. Hesitant, you declined, but he assured you his parents wouldn’t mind. Having no other options, you relented and agreed. His parents didn’t mind. They welcomed you in with open arms, showing you the spare room. A towel lay folded neatly on the bed with little bottles of shampoo and soap. After a warm shower, you laid down and fell asleep instantly. The next morning, you woke before any of them. During your shower the night before, you had accepted the truth. The life you had lived before came to an end when the second pink line appeared. Your parents made it very clear you no longer had a place here, and you couldn’t live of the Tuan’s kindness forever. Before they could wake and talk you out of your decision, you left with only a note to thank them for their kindness. Life was hell after that. Working, raising a kid, and putting yourself through college, you wonder how you did it. There were lots of tears and sleepless nights, but you survived. After all your hard work, you were able to land a good job and send your son to a good school. He loved his school, especially his teacher Mr. Mark. It wasn’t until that first parent-teacher conference that you realized Mr. Mark was your Mark. That had been a fun night, followed by more fun nights. Over the school year at different functions, you and Mark had filled each other in on those years since you left. He regaled you with the tales of him and his friends, and you allowed him a glimpse of your hell. Feelings you had thought long dead floated to the surface. They weren’t the same though. The infatuation of a young girl had matured into respect and appreciation and desire. For a time, you entertained your childhood fantasies. Then your son swore. Standing there watching Mark comfort him, you were thrown back to that day on your parents doorstep. After all those years and all that hell, you were still the same girl who needed Mark to step in and help her up. You couldn’t face him after that. The feelings which had surfaced, you forced back down. Your son graduated to second grade and your interactions with Mark dwindled until your son decided to join the school choir. For years, the school choir had been run by a kind old man who had lost his hearing at some point during his tenure. No one had the heart to tell him though. But, before your son’s third grade, the old man announced that that year would be his last. Mark, a music minor, was unanimously elected as his successor, and your son was one of the first kids to sign up the next year. Now, you see Mark on a weekly basis. Thus far you have successfully limited your interactions to polite greetings and small talk. Stepping off the bus, you acknowledge that moving forward this will no longer be the case. The two of you will be working closely until the concert. The feelings you sunk, stir at the prospect, but you force them to still. Mark has always been a pleasant fantasy, but you live in the real world and have dealt with too much shit to indulge in fantasies.
Later that week, you sit hunched over a sewing machine as you curse under your breath. The damn bobbin keeps messing up, and if you have to re-thread the needle one more time, you’re likely to shove the whole thing off the table. Believing the school would have adequate equipment for the task at hand, you left your beautifully functioning sewing machine at home. The mistake would not be repeated again. Next time, you would bring it. 
Needle re-threaded, you run the cloth through the machine, only to hear the whir and feel the tell-tale tug. Before the machine can meet the floor, long hands pull it out of your reach. Glancing up, you find Mark standing above you. A smile tugs at his lips, but he forces them to still. He wants to appear serious. “Would you be able to help me with the set pieces? I’ve finished cutting them out. I just need someone a little more artistic to paint them.” Sewing had offered you the opportunity to distance yourself from Mark, but if you spend any more time with that machine, you’ll end up owing the school a new machine. Maybe that’s what you should do with the swear jar money this time around. You muse, chuckling to yourself. “What?” Mark’s eyes catch yours. “Nothing, I was just- it’s nothing. I’ll just get started on those set pieces.” You stand heading over to the cut-outs. The less talking you do the easier all of this will be. You grab a nearby paint brush and bucket and begin outlining the branches. Mark settles next to a fence as an uncomfortable silence falls. “Do you mind if I put on some music?” Mark’s voice breaks the silence. Your brush streaks across the tree leaving an ugly stain. You hadn’t expected him to speak. Determined to escape the awkwardness, you had filled your mind with everything you had to do for work. “No, I don’t mind.” You clear your throat. “It’s fine.” Music starts as you try to fix your mistake. The two of you continue to work, as the music pushes the silence back. However, the awkwardness remains and grows worse as the night drags on. You continually check your phone, hoping hours have ticked by. But only minutes have passed. “Mom!” Your sons voice enters the room, and you glance up from the bush you’re working on. A relieved smiled slips on your face. Today’s torture is coming to an end. “Hey, sweetie. How was studying at Minnie’s?” You ask as you start to gather up the brushes and paint. Not able to physically help with the concert, Minnie’s mom had offered to watch your son while you worked. “I finished all my homework.” He beams. “You did? Good job, kiddo.” “Yes…” A glint appears in his eyes. Pushing off the floor, you cross your arms and nod for him to continue. “Since I finished all my homework, I was wondering if we could go and get some ice cream.” He fixes you with those eyes, and you tell yourself that he earned a treat. You’re not being a pushover. “Okay,” He fist bumps the air before you can finish, “We can get ice cream.” You chuckle as he proceeds to do the dorky victory dance he learned from you. “But first, help me clean up. We don’t want to leave this mess for Mr. Mark.” “Oh, Mr. Mark,” he turns to his teacher, “do you want to get ice cream with us?” The invitation should have been obvious. You should have waited to agree until after you left. Now the invitation hangs in the air, and you can’t face Mark. You can barely face your son for fear he will read too much in your expression. Smoothing your face, you turn to Mark with a simple smile. “You’re more than welcome to come with us.” “Sure, I can always eat ice cream.” He returns the smile. Drawing on a strength you didn’t even know you possessed, you manage to keep the smile on your face and nod. With the three of you working together, you finish the clean up in minutes. Down the street from the school is a local ice cream shop which has been run by the same family for generations. Here you three head for the promised treat. Your son is quick to order chocolate fudge, requesting a second scoop when he thinks you’re not paying attention. He receives one scoop with sprinkles. You request the more moderate vanilla. Mark completes the trio with cookies ‘n cream. Outside the shop, benches and tables sit clustered around a little wishing well. Your son plops onto a chair, and you settle on the bench across from him, failing to realize your mistake until Mark exits the shop with his cone in hand. The cluster your son has chosen only has the chair he occupies and the bench under you, leaving the only available seat beside you. Glancing at your son, you find that glint in his eye as he slowly licks away at his ice cream. “Do you mind?” Mark asks gesturing to the accursed spot. You shake your head scooting over until the arm rest bites into your side. Mark lowers himself, careful to keep an arms width of distance between you two. “Mr. Mark?” Your son asks. Mark motions for him to continue. “Did you really know my mom when she was little?” Sputtering turns to coughing as you choke on your ice cream. Mark pats you gently on the back, but you wave him off. “Sorry.” You cough. “Wrong pipe.” “Ummm…” Mark glances at you, but you wave him off again as you regain your breath. “Uh, yes. We grew up in the same neighborhood.” He turns his attention to your son. “What was mom like when she was little?” “We didn’t know-” “She was very independent,” He cuts you off, “like she is now.” “Really? How so?” “There’s one thing I remember from when we were really young. She would wander away from her house all the time, and the whole neighborhood would know when it happened because her mom would rush out of the house screaming. Everyone would start looking for her, and she would be somewhere different every time. When she finally returned home, her mom would rage at her.” “Mom!” Your son accuses. “And you won’t even let me walk to school by myself.” “Do as I say not as I do. Have you ever heard that expression?” You defend your protectiveness. “I was lucky that nothing happened to me.” Mark clears his throat before taking another bite of ice cream. You eye him. “What?” “You weren’t always lucky.” He mumbles, but you still hear him. At your bewildered expression, Mark continues more clearly. “There was one time I saw you wandering, and there was this guy. He made me feel uneasy, so I went and got my dad. And he reported the man to the police.” The knowledge sends a chill racing down your spine, and you stare at him horrified. “After that, I would always keep an eye on your door, and if you ever went wandering I would follow behind.” “You did?” Clearing his throat, he nods, but he doesn’t meet your eyes. “So you were my mom’s guardian angel?” Mark chuckles. “I wouldn’t say that. I was just worried something might happen.” His focus goes to his ice cream as he continues to chip away at it. You stare at him and then a crack in the sidewalk until your ice cream drips onto your hand. Cursing in your head, you lick up the mess and make quick work of the frozen treat and cone. Your son works more slowly, that glint in his eye ever present, so you hurry him along and excuse yourself from the situation. You need to get home before any other secrets come to light.
At work the next week, you sit through yet another meeting. This one thankfully marks the end of the project you’ve been slaving over for the past month. You wish your boss would show his gratitude for your teams hard work, by not having a meeting. Glancing at your co-workers, you can tell they are of the same mind set. Your boss does end the meeting earlier than usual though which everyone applauds. 
As you gather your things and prepare to return to your desk, you hear your name called. Your boss stands on the other side of the room a smile on his face. That smile sends your stomach plummeting. It means more work for you. With this project completed, you had hoped you would receive a reprieve from your overloaded schedule, but you seem to be luckless.
“I’m sorry sir, could you repeat that?” He chuckles at your bewilderment. “I want you to head our new office.” “If I’m not mistaken, that office is in a different country.” He nods. “Of course the promotion comes with a move, but the company would assist with your relocation, and you would be allotted a housing stipend.” The offer is an honor, recognition for all the work you’ve put in. Everyone knew about the new office opening, and the office gossip had all been supposition about who would helm it. You had never given consideration to the idea that it would be you. While work can be exhausting, you are content where you are, and you believed the company was content to keep you where you are. “This is a big change, sir. Could I have some time to think about it?” “Of course, we don’t have to announce anything for another two weeks. Take your time think it over, but I’m sure you’ll find the benefits outweigh any minor inconveniences you face now.” His smile broadens as you nod. Exiting his office, you find your co-workers packing up and saying their farewells. A glance at the clock confirms that the workday has come to an end. You breath a sigh of relief. After that bombshell, you wouldn’t have been able to focus on anything. Grabbing your own bag, you head out of the building to your bus stop. The bus ride home is spent in silence. You watch the world pass by, but notice nothing as your mind weighs the benefits against the “minor inconveniences”. While your boss saw them as minor, you did not see them the same way. Moving meant leaving the apartment you had worked for years to be able to afford. It meant tearing your son from his school and his friends. It meant uprooting the life you had worked so hard to achieve. Did the benefits really outweigh what you would have to give up? You would have a new apartment, probably better than the one you had now, but it wouldn’t be the apartment that you had walked by every day for three years, promising yourself that one day you would live there. Your son would make new friends. The new city would have a good school, maybe a better one than he went to now, but Mark wouldn’t be there. That last thought stills you, and you almost miss your stop. Hoping off the buss, you start towards the school, but the familiar path is a blur as you try to rid Mark from your mind. He doesn’t fit into any of your plans and isn’t one of the “minor inconveniences”. Your relationship with Mark ends at the school gate. As you approach that gate, you find your son standing there talking with Minnie and a few of his other friends. When he notices you, he says his goodbyes and heads towards you. “How about a hug today, kiddo?” You hold your arms open wide, and after a moments hesitation, he walks into them. Squeezing him tight, you breath deeply. “You know I’m the only kid my age whose mom still hugs him?” He mumbles into your shoulder. “That’s either because they don’t want to be hugged or because their moms don’t love them as much as I love you.” You reply, releasing him. He gives you a look, causing you to chuckle. “I was thinking BBQ for dinner tonight. What do you think?” “Really? Yes! Let’s go!” He starts off down the street before you can change your mind.
Sitting at the table waiting for the waitress to bring your drinks, you prepare yourself for the coming conversation. This move will affect him just as much as it affects you. He has a right to know what’s coming and to add his input. 
“Mom, what is it?” His question startles you and draws your attention to him. “What?” “You keep staring at nothing and sighing, and you said we could have BBQ tonight. Something is going on.” Your poker face never was the greatest. Nodding, you begin. “I’ve got some good news, but it could also be bad news.” He nods for you to continue. “My boss called me into his office today to offer me a promotion.” His eyes go wide, and he beams at you. “That’s awesome, mom! You’re the best worker at the company. You deserve a promotion. Why is that bad news?” “The promotion means we have to move.” “Where?” “Another country.” Silence. He stares at you, the joy from moments before washed away by this revelation. “Sweetie-” “Mom, we can’t move to another country. What about my friends and my school and our apartment, and everyone here. We can’t leave all of that.” His voice is a squeak, evidencing the boy he still is. He stares at you with those eyes, and you feel your inside crumble. “I know we would have to give up a lot, and I know that would be hard. But, there are a lot of good things that would come with the new job and the move. We would find you a new school, and you can make new friends. I would be making more money which means that we would be able to do more fun things like go on vacations and adventures.” “Would you be working as much?” You’d be working more. The answer shows on you face. He snorts, crossing his arms. “We won’t be going on any adventures. You’ll be too busy working, and I’ll be home alone with no friends.” “Kiddo, you’ll make-” His glare cuts you off. He’s angry, and he has every right to be. “I think we should both give this some serious thought, and then we can talk about it again.” His response is a huff.
Working with your sewing machine is a relief. If you had to struggle with the demon school machine, you would have gone on a rampage. The promotion has been dominating your thoughts, robbing you of sleep and leaving you peevish. You’ve weighed the pros and cons a thousand times and come to no satisfactory conclusion. Your son is firm in his resolution to stay and refusing to speak to you which irritates your aggravated state. You’re a toe stub away from a full melt down. 
A knock, knock on your work table draws your eyes to Mark who is standing above you with a two steaming mugs in his hand. “Tea?” He offers. While you should say “no” and return to your work because being around Mark isn’t helping your situation, you straighten, stretching the muscles in your back, and reach for the mug. The warmth spreads through your aching fingers, and you sigh as you breath in the tea’s earthy smell. The steam caresses your face, relaxing the muscles. “Thank you.” You mumble as you bring the mug to your lips. “You know even Okoye needed the help of the Dora Milaje when she took on Killmonger.” He states as he perches on the edge of the table. You snort, nearly spilling tea down your front. “What?” “Okoye is the greatest warrior Wakanda has, but she was still able to accept the help of her fellow warriors.” He says, taking a sip from his own mug. “I’m sorry. Are you using a Black Panther analogy to tell me that it’s okay to accept help?” You raise an eyebrow at Mark as you lean back in your chair. Mark smiles and shrugs his shoulders. “It got you to smile didn’t it?” The smile, he referenced, thins to a line, but you can’t keep the edges from tugging upward. “So it at least accomplished one of it’s tasks.” “And the other was to get me to accept help?” “To let you know that you can.” His eyes hold yours, and you feel yourself falling back through time to that day on your parent’s doorstep. The last day you had accepted anyone’s help. “Are you offering again?” Your eyes fall from him as you set the mug on the table, your fingers fiddling with it’s handle. “I’ve never stopped.” His voice is light, and you can hear the smile in it. But the words lay heavy on your shoulders. “Mark-” But you don’t know what to say after that. Does he want you to apologize? Do you want to accept his help? You don’t even know what you want?   “I hear congratulations are in order.” He says sparing you from your unfinished thought. “What?” “Your son told me that you’ve been offered a promotion.” Mark explains. The action shouldn’t surprise you. Your son has been attached to Mark since his first day of school. He’s the first solid male figure in his life. “What else did he say?” Mark pauses, his eyes drifting to a corner of the room. “You said it was okay to accept your help, Mark.” You don’t look at him as you speak, and the words burn on the way out. But you say them in the hopes of alleviating your ever mounting stress. “He won’t talk to me. I’d like to know how he’s feeling.” “He doesn’t want to move. He’s afraid he��ll be alone because he won’t have any friends and you’ll be too busy to spend time with him.” Your son is shy. A truth which you have buried as you’ve contemplated your decision. His fear is well-founded, and it rips at your chest. “You don’t think I should take it.” The irritation that’s been gnawing at you bleeds into your words, turning them from a question to an accusation. Mark holds up his hands in a gesture of surrender, and with a simple smile says, “I think you should do what you think is right.” He relaxes his arms, folding his hands on his lap. His smile and demeanor fit his words, supporting them, but his eyes don’t. His smile doesn’t reach them and an emotion resides in them which sets your heart racing. The emotions which you have been suppressing for years burst forth, and you find yourself asking, “How do you feel about this, Mark?” The question encompasses more than this moment and this decision. The question goes back years to when you were kids growing up in the same neighborhood. You ask him how he feels, but really you want to know why he followed you all those days, why he offered you a hand and a place to stay, why he was with your son at the principle’s office, and why he keeps showing up in your life. “I don’t want you to go.” The answer is simple and soft. No loud declaration or demand. “What?” “I’ve never wanted you to go, but I understand that just because I want you to stay doesn’t mean you should.” He smiles, shattering everything inside of you. “Why?” The question is pointless and self-serving, but you have to know, want to hear him say it. “Because I love you. I have since that first day I followed you on your wanderings.” Tears leak from your eyes, evidence of your wreckage within. “I-I...” You stutter as your brain shifts through the rubble for a response. “I have to go.” You stand up, grab your bag, and run like you did back then like you always do.
“It’s time to go.” Your son informs you. They’re the only words he’s spoken to you in the last week.
You catch his eyes in the bathroom mirror and give him a smile as you nod. “I’ll be ready in just a minute.” His lips remain a thin line as he turns and heads for the door. A sigh forces the air from your chest and slumps your shoulders. After a final check of your make-up, you head out of the bathroom and towards the front door where your son is waiting. He fixes his eyes on  the door as he waits for you to slip on your shoes, and he is out the door the second they are on. He keeps two steps ahead of you the whole way to the school. “How much longer do you plan to keep this up? If we move, are you never going to speak to me again?” “You’re going to take the job.” He whirls around to face you with tears welling in his eyes. Clearing your throat, you respond, “I didn’t say that. I just wanted to know.” “If I say ‘yes’, can we stay here?” Hope has replaced the tears, and you find it wrenches your heart more. “We should hurry. I don’t want you to be late.” You start to walk again, and your son plods along behind you.
The concert is beautiful. The costumes, the set, the singing. Everything turned out perfectly. But you notice none of it. Your attention is split between your son who whispers and giggles with his friends during each song break and Mark who directs the boys with a patient smile. 
Since the night he confessed, you have kept your distance from him, not even helping with the final set up for the concert. Mark never texted or called about your absence. He allowed you your space like he always does. Staring at the most important person in your life and the person who has always been beside you, you make your decision. The weight which has rested on your shoulders since your boss offered you the promotion lifts instantly. You exhale all the stress and smile as you sit back and enjoy the rest of the concert. When the last song is sung and the children take their bows, you stand up and applaud with the rest of the parents. Your son finds you in the crowd. His smile pushes his cheeks into his eyes, and he practically glows with pride. But all too soon, memory returns, and he whips his attention from you. You continue to applaud though until the children take their final bow and exit the stage. Leaving your seat, you head back stage to share your decision with your son. Before you can reach him though, you run into Mark. He freezes when he sees you, and you mirror the behavior. Clearing his throat, he nods to you and continues on his way. “Mark.” He stops. “Can I talk to you?” He turns his eyes finding yours. The way he looks at you stills your heart and stops your breath. He’s searching, and you wonder what he sees. Whatever he saw causes him to nod again as he walks towards you. He leads you to a small alcove which allows you both a modicum of privacy. Standing a few feet apart, Mark starts talking, “If this is about what I said the other night, I want to-” You hold up a hand stopping him. “I’m sorry.” You apologize, staring him straight in the eyes though your mind screams in protest. “I’m sorry I ran then and that I ran all those years ago. I tell myself that I’m strong and independent but most of the time I’m just scared. And I act out of fear. Even as I say all of this to you, I’m scared,” you release a shuddering breath but continue, “but I’m tired of letting my fear control me. I love you too, Mark. I’ve loved you since before I can remember.” The truth flies from your lips leaving you with only fear as you study Mark’s face. He smiles, not big and bright but small and sad. Watching him, your heart plummets. “What I said that night is the truth. I love you, but I know that just because I love you doesn’t mean I can stop you from doing what is best for you.” You blink as your mind works to unravel the meaning behind his words. His response was unexpected and unwanted. Searching his eyes, realization strikes. “The job. You’re talking about the job.” You chuckle to yourself which furrows Mark’s brow. “I’m not taking the job, Mark.” “If it’s because of me…” You both know the end of the sentence. You smile up at him, and yours is big and bright. “It’s not because of you. Well, it’s not fully because of you.” Your smile eases as sensibility asserts itself. “I would be lying if I said you didn’t play into my decision. “The truth is it really is an incredible job. It comes with more money and more opportunities. And for those reasons, I’d be a fool not to take it. But it also comes with more hours and more traveling which means less time I get to spend with my son. You pause, your eyes becoming unfocused as your mind travels back to your early years. “When he was little, and I was putting myself through that hell; I told myself it’ll be worth it. If I work hard now and put in the hours, when he’s older I won’t have to. I can have time with my son.” Glancing back up at Mark, you continue, “If I take this job, I’ll have lied to myself all those years. I only have so much time before my son goes off to live his own life. I want to spend all the time I can with him until that day. “After that day,” you shrug your shoulder, “I’ll take a job with money and opportunities and hours and traveling. So I guess, I’m not saying no. I’m saying not now.” “Not now.” Mark nods with a true smile. “Not now.” You repeat returning his smile. “So what happens now then?” “I wouldn’t be opposed to dinner.” You cock a brow. “I also like movies. Video games occasionally. They’re really good stress relievers.” Mark snorts and nods. “I’m free for dinner most nights. And I also like movies and video games.” “Do I get to go to dinner and the movies and play video games too?” Both of your heads turn to face your son who stands in front of the alcove, smiling up at you two with his hands clasped behind his back, a familiar glint in his eye. “How long have you been there?” You ask. “Long enough to know that you two love each other and we’re not moving.” He smiles up at you. You’re caught between wanting to scold him and wanting to laugh. “And you didn’t think you should announce your presence?” “No.” Mark laughs, and you glare at him, but he continues. Shaking your head, you rub your eyes. “I’m hungry. Are you both hungry?” Glancing between the two, you find them both agreeing. “Good. Then let’s go to dinner, and we can talk about all of this there.” Your son smiles wide and heads for the door. As you start to follow him, you feel a hand slip into yours. Mark meets your eyes and offers you a simple smile. You return the smile and fall into step with him as you two head after your son.
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ahgaru · 5 years
Happy Days // Day6 fic; Days Gone By inspired
Pairing: Young K x Reader, and secret :P Word count: 1,269 Characters: Young K, Reader, minor mentions of other Day6 members, Eric Nam, Park Jimin/Jamie, Baek Ayeon
Past and present, reminiscing, happy days to happier days.
Did not proofread, excuse the mistakes
Younghyun looks at his side and meets your eyes. You smile at him as you continue to walk down the aisle. That small curve of lips you show him reaches his heart and he can’t help but smile back.
As you fix your eyes in front again, he lets out a soft breath. He moistens his lips as he puts a hand in his pocket.
As your feet stride forward, his mind runs back down his memory lane.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
You flipped your head towards him because of his sudden query. You gripped the railing and straightened up before shaking your head. You darted your eyes back on the sunset.
“I was just wondering how many sunsets we’ll be able to watch together,” her eyes traced the reflection of the sun on the surface of the sea. “A thousand more?”
Younghyun’s lips stretched into a smile. He drew you closer to him, causing him to side-hug you. “A million more. Or a billion more? We have eternity together so I’m sure we would lose count.”
“Eternity,” you nodded. “Let’s ask someone to put our bodies together when our time here on earth ends,” you chuckled. “So that even if our souls are elsewhere--still together--our remains here on earth would also be still together. Now that’s eternity,” you laughed loudly.
Younghyun almost shook his head. He bites his lower lip to curb himself from chuckling.
Now you’re walking to the path of your eternity. He looks up once again and his gaze shifts a little bit towards the right, and it lands on Eric and Jimin (both your and Younghyun’s good friends) standing, holding a mic, and singing. There’s also Wonpil who’s accompanying them with the piano.
As he looks back to Eric and Jimin, who are now facing each other, still singing, another series of images flash in his mind.
“What do you want to be in the future?” You quizzed right after you plopped on your seat across him.
He was reading a book, probably reviewing for exams tomorrow. He stared at you blankly, trying to figure out why you asked the question out of the blue.
“A billionaire?” You chortled. “A singer? You’re good at singing! Or perhaps a musician! You and Eric could be a duo!”
Younghyun creased his forehead. “Eric is old.”
Your jaw dropped and you threw him an accusing look before playfully slapping his arm. “He’s not old. And he doesn’t really look like older than you.”
“You’re saying we look like we’re at the same age? Do I look old?”
You laughed and threw him a piece of crumpled paper that was on the table. “I was saying that Eric just looks young. It’s just 6 years.”
“Yeah, and by the time I’d be on my mid-twenties, he’d already be on his early thirties.”
“That doesn’t matter. Now back to the question, what would you want to be?” you leaned forward and pierced your eyes on his.
He thought for a bit before a playful smile started to form. “I want to be a father of a soccer team.”
You furrowed your forehead and it was his time to laugh.
“Only a soccer team?” You challenged. “Do you want to add a basketball team?”
His laughter halted and he gazed at you mirthfully. He leaned forward. “I’m really so lucky to have you.”
You grinned as you drew your face closer to his. “I know,” you let out a soft chuckle before planting a peck on his lips.
Remembering those days fills his heart with warmth. He’s satisfied. He scans the faces of the crowd. They’re overwhelmed. Most are all smiles and few are in tears. He looks ahead and sees Jae and Dowoon, looking more handsome and in their suit and tie, and with their hairs done. Dowoon, the one whom you think of as a little brother, is almost as red as the carpet you walked on. Jae, your childhood friend, is showing a tight smile, preventing his tears from falling.
Everything is almost a blur. Younghyun can’t really comprehend what people are saying or the solemniser in the center since the beginning of the ceremony. But he hears every word that leaves your mouth when you say your vow--loud and clear--while holding the hand of the man you love the most, your eternity.
You’re so beautiful in your white long dress that is hugging you, showing your curves. You aren’t really the sexy type, yet you look so perfect in it. You’re the most beautiful today--not just in one’s eyes, but to everyone in the place.
You’re beautiful like your memories together. You had little quarrels but there were really no sad days. There was comfort in silent conversations. There was security with each other’s gaze.
"Ah, what happy days. It was like a dream. Now though there won’t be more I’m going to leave them in the past... " Younghyun thinks and smiles silently as he lets his gaze linger on you.
“You may now seal your union with a kiss,” the vow master pronounces as the crowd gets excited.
“Go get it, Park Sungjin!” someone cheers and everyone laughs.
The groom, Sungjin, shakes his head. He bites his lips and brushes his palm on his shaved head before sealing the marriage.
Younghyun smiles at the sight. There’s no regret. Sure, the period after your break up was hard. It was a very rough road. He missed you a lot. Pain and sadness engulfed him. But it’s been long. And he has accepted it for quite a while now, too.
Delicate fingers grasp Younghun’s hand. He looks at his side and his eyes meet hers.
“You okay?”
“I’m okay, Ayeon,” he smiles at her as he intertwines their fingers. “I’ve always been okay since you found me.”
He was lost. He kept on walking in circles, trying to forget you yet always find himself trying to get back to you. He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know which way to go. He was trapped in a maze and he would always find himself at the starting point. But she found him and led him out of that maze.
He told her everything. She knew about you. He told her how much he loved you. She knows how much he loves him now.
Yes, there’s no regret.
Younghyun looks at her intently. He can’t believe how blessed he is to have Ayeon by his side. She saw how broken he was yet he accepted him. Now he’s whole again. She knew the risk she was going to take, the uncertainties that would haunt her, the doubts that will keep knocking on her mind, yet she opened her heart. When Younghyun entered her heart, the fear slowly faded.
She has learned how to believe in what he feels for her. She came to believe in what they both have.
Younghyun’s thumb caresses the back of Ayeon’s hand before he lifts it close to his mouth and plant a kiss on it. “I love you,” he whispers.
Ayeon nods and shows a soft smile. “I know. I love you, too.”
Younghyun squeezes her hand softly yet firmly before looking at the newly wed couple again. You sure had happy days together--days gone by. Now both of you are in a different journey for happier days you’ll have in your lives.
“Someday,” Younghyun utters softly, almost whispering. He doesn’t intend for Ayeon to hear it, but she hears it still. “It will be the two of us standing in front, sealing the vow of our journey-to-be to never ending happy days.”
I didn't put YoungK/Ayeon and Sungjin/Reader in the relationship/pairing because tadaaaa~! Surprise surprise! Sorry for those who were disappointed bc of YoungK/Reader expectation till the end but ended up with different people.
Also, I changed the usual "You may now kiss the bride" line.
Anyway, thoughts?
scream at me on twitter (@kohiiby) or curiouscat (daelisix) thankies FIC MASTERLIST
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clevernewdimension · 6 years
Polaris Part Three
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Parts: Preview, Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four (Coming soon!)
Genre: Action, drama, romance, sci-fi, etc.
Paring: Jongin x Character
Word count: 7.0K
A/N: Warning for sexual assault and mentions of sex with minors. I know. Just so y’all know, Tribil SUCKS. I obviously do not condone this. Just warning about character past stuff.
I groaned, opening my eyes and move, trying to sit up. I look over, seeing Kyungsoo, who was currently in pants and a sweater sitting as he played a game on his Reader. He glances up, quickly closing the game and moving over. “How are you,” He asks, looking at me with cautious eyes.
“Peachy,” I say, starting to lean up. I hiss in pain, as he stands, helping me. “Thank you. For you know, saving my life and all that.”
“You’re welcome for saving your life and all that,” He says with a smile. “You’re in your room. I just traded with Jongin for a little bit to watch you and make sure you don’t accidentally rip your stitches open.”
“I can picture his pout now,” I say, wincing, holding my side.
Kyungsoo shakes his head, “Actually, he agreed immediately. You probably wouldn’t be alive if he didn’t put his hand over your wound, though I’m not going to tell him that.”
I frown, “Thank you. He’d hold it over me forever.”
“He… Lyra, Jongin hates losing people. He hates people dying, especially if he thinks there’s even a microscopic change he could have done something about it,” Kyungsoo says, pointing at my shirt, “I need to change the dressing of your wound. Lift your shirt.”
“Yes Sir,” I say, pulling it up. I didn’t know how to react to what he just told me about Jongin. For the most part he just gives off this air of confidence and pigheadedness. A lot of people tell me he isn’t like that, and, I suppose, there could be another side to the man who makes my life difficult.
“You don’t have to call me Sir,” He says, “I hate it. Well, except Baekhyun and Chanyeol. They keep picking on me, so I try to intimidate them.”
I smile, watching as he quickly and with care removes the bandage and replaces it easily. I smile at him, as he moves out the room to throw away the used bangade. Sehun slips in the door after he leaves, as he moves, sitting on my bed next to me. His beautiful face marred with red eyes and a look of sadness. “Thank you,” He says, taking my hand in his. Sehun is a very touchy person, though not with everyone. He and I are friends, but he’s never been the type to hug me or touch me like he does with his other friends.
I just smile, “Well, we can’t deny the Milky Way a chance to see your beautiful face, now can we, pretty boy?”
He just smiles, looking up. “Seriously, Lyra, I would have been dead if it wasn’t for you. I don’t know how to ever repay you.”
I smile at him, patting his shoulder. The Etherion was older than me, but somehow more… I don’t know… scared. Sehun’s greatest fear is letting those around him down. Knowing him he probably thought he let us all down by getting hit while he was flying. Stupid. I smile, it was growing more into a smirk as I just give him a smug look. “How about you finally admit you have a crush on the Phoenix Captain and we call it even, hm,” I say with a small smile.
His eyes go wide, his face flushing as he just pouts. “Shut up, Lang. That’s an order.”
“Nah,” I say with a grin. It’s been so obvious for ages. Sehun would help him with whatever he needed. Need someone to spar against? Sehun would come back bruised and grinning from ear to ear. Yixing needs someone to run an errand? Sehun would do it even if someone of his rank shouldn’t. He did whatever he could to try and help the special forces member. It was cute. I just smile at his blush as Kyungsoo opens the door, only to have Minseok following him.
Minseok smiles, moving and sitting down on Jongin’s bed. I do a little salute, “Major General, sir.”
“Stop with that,” He says, scolding me. “Lyra, thank you. For saving Sehun. I can’t… He’s like a brother to me, that kid.”
“I mean I wasn’t going to let him die,” I say, earning a laugh from Kyungsoo. The doctor lifts my shirt with ease as I lie down, wincing a bit. He peels the leftover tape off as Minseok looks over.
He hisses, “Ouch.”
Kyungsoo just nods, “The stitches look great. Let me rebandage you and you’ll be ready for dinner.”
“Cool,” I say. It was quick, and with their help, I was able to stand. The pain in my side was sharp, but I pushed through it with a hiss and multiple curses.
As Kyungsoo left the room, he looks to the side, “Jongin still asleep?”
“Sehun went to wake him,” Junmyeon says, from his position in the pilot’s seat.
I move, sitting down in the easiest seat and the end of the bench, groaning in pain as I rest against the table. I sighed, looking up to see Kyungsoo set a glass of water and some pills down for me. I smile, seeing Sehun and Jongin come from the hallway. Jongin looks up, his eyes looking over me with worry. I look at him, taking in how he looks. In sweatpants and a tanktop, hair an unruly mess. He, even if he just woke up, looked exhausted. The type of tired that settles in your bones for a while until you can finally relax a little. I look at his arm, seeing the bandage. I vaguely remember digging my nails into him. The look of absolute brokenness as he watched, glancing down at me as he did what he could to help.
“Sorry,” I say, pointing to his arm. Sure, I didn’t like the man, but having him there really helped. Being able to just hold something in the moment was better than having nothing at all to distract myself from the pain. Even if the distraction was small.
He looks confused, looking down at his arm, “Oh… No, it’s ok. If it helped that’s all that matter.”
Yixing hops over the bench, sliding into the seat next to me, placing a tablet down. “I examined Sehun’s fighter for you. Looks like the thruster on the right is almost completely done for. Probably not worth trying to repair.”
I look it over, pushing a button on the screen that makes a 3D hologram above the tablet. I spin it, looking it over. I sigh, “I’m going to have to make a whole new thruster. Fuck.”
Sehun slides into the booth, pulling Jongin down with him, who lazily followed. “Sorry,” Sehun says, grimincing.
“It’s fine,” I say, “If you want I can take one off the spare so you can use your Fighter.”
“Not like that you can’t,” Kyungsoo says, looking over his shoulder as he put oven mitts on his hands. “It’ll be three days for you to heal completely because of the Evo-DNA.”
“In three days I’ll do it then,” I say, rolling my eyes, quickly picking up the water and pill. It had an awful after taste. “If you’d like, I’m sure Chanyeol could easily move the thruster to Sehun’s Fighter. Super easy to do. Well all had to learn that.”
Chanyeol nods, giving a thumbs up. His grin is huge, “Sure can! They’re the same as bombers, but, you know, a bit smaller.”
Sehun smiles, nodding. “That would be great!”
Kyungsoo sets a bowl in front of me, a soup with some bread to the side. “Eat. You need your strength.”
Junmyeon stands, “Going on Autopilot.” He stretches, looking at us. He moves, pushing Jongin to the table as I grab my spoon. “Eat, and then get back to sleep,” He says, voice stern, but somehow still very tender.
Jongin just nods, not even arguing. Sehun told me that Jongin loves to sleep. Even if he got nightmares, he loved to sleep. I start to eat my soup, watching as each of his three brothers look over him, making sure he was ok. Jongin pouted, whining, “Just because I’m the youngest doesn’t mean to all have to baby me!”
“That’s exactly what that means,” Jongdae says, looking over with worry. “Kid, you almost get killed every time to go out and fly.”
Minseok nods, making taken a seat and eating soup from a mug. It was more like he was drinking it, which was odd. “We can’t do anything when you’re out there. We can’t help you then. So you’re going to let us take care of you when we can.”
I finish my soup as I look, seeing Jongin roll his eyes.
Kyungsoo smiles, having eaten quickly already. Yixing was the fastest eater, practically devouring his bowl in less than a minute. Something about being trained to do that, to eat quickly so he could get back to work. He was sitting next to Baekhyun, playing against him in a game of chess. The reader lying flat made a hologram of a chess board and pieces. It looked solid, hiding the reader, but it had to move on voice commands.
Baekhyun was practically ripping his hair out. He was examining the board with a frustrated gaze as Yixing was leaning against his hand, looking more bored than if he weren’t playing. Chanyeol and Junmyeon both moving the thruster from the other fighter over. From what I hear, it’s going well. Jongin was drawing something on his tablet, Kyungsoo looking over once in a while as he was cleaning his laser pistol.
“Ummm… Oh! Knight to E5,” He says, grinning. The piece moves, flickering as the knight piece turns, using its hind legs to kick Yixing’s queen in the face. Baekhyun smiles, looking at Yixing with a look of huge satisfaction. “Good luck! Today I win!”
Yixing, looking unbothered, as he just muttered, “Rook to F7. Checkmate.”
Baekhyun’s mouth falls as he looks, watching as the castle piece goes to his king, ramming it into pieces. “I… what the fuck?”
“Your king was hidden by your knight. I’ve had that rook there waiting to take it when you finally moved it for five moves,” Yixing says, the smallest of smiles on his face.
Baekhyun just let out a loud yell of a curse. Kyungsoo glared at him, rolling his eyes. I laugh, watching as Yixing just pats Baekhyun’s shoulder.
“Oh,” Kyungsoo says, “You can go back to your room, Jongin. Lyra should be fine unless she decides to do yoga or something.”
Jongin nods, “Alright,” He says, before getting back to his drawing.
I sign, getting up, “I think I’m going to go to sleep, actually. I’m oddly exhausted.”
“Being in pain is very tiring,” Kyungsoo says. “The more rest you get the quicker you’ll feel.”
I look at everyone, “Make sure they don’t completely fuck up the thruster, yeah?”
Jongin gives me a thumbs up, “Trust me, Sehun won’t let that happen.”
I smile, moving and slowly shuffling back to my bed. Sitting down was hard, but the softness of the mattress was wonderful. It was like being on a cloud. I close my eyes, trying to calm down and rest. My memories won’t leave me be, seeing the Kryton again. I haven’t seen one that close ever. The closest they’ve gotten to me was over 10 feet. The worst part was the smell. I thought it was awful before, but, as it turns out, it was worse up close.
I hear the door open as I close my eyes, attempting to pretend to be sleeping. I open my eyes a little bit, to peek out. Jongin sits on his bed, setting his bag on the ground. He sighs, looking back at the picture he put on the wall. The frown grows for a moment, before he sets his reader on the bedside desk. From his bag he takes a pen like thing, clicking it on. He takes something else, a glove, pulling it on. It was the same color as the pen, a black, with chip like things on the fingertips.
He presses it to the wall, moving it and leaving a strand of light in its way. It looked like neon, as he uses the glove touching it. From a menu, he turns the brightness down as changes the color. I was mesmerized, watching him as his pen glides. He changes the colors, carefully placing every line. Soon, it was a face, as he starts to carve out the details. Making the nose the perfect shape, using a very light white for the hair. He spent a long time perfecting it. When he finally moves away for a second, I see the face, clear as day.
She had white hair, bright purple eyes. Her lips were in a smile, looking happy and full of joy. Her lips… they looked like Jongin’s. It clicked. The woman he drew was his mother. They looked so alike. She looked beautiful, as he used the glove to make it smaller, pinching it between two fingers and moving it along the wall, some place where he could see it.
They had the same eyes. The same lips. All of the Kim’s had the same eyes, but apparently the youngest was graced with more of their mother’s features. One thing I couldn’t help but to notice is how… carefree she looked. People as happy as her are usually not involved with the Syndicate at all.
Jongin lets out a loud yawn, before pulling his tank top over his head and tossing it over into his dirty clothes basket. He was under the covers quickly, turning the light off from the bed as he turns, having the wall.
It’s weird, seeing someone who’s such an obnoxious ass be… well, not like an obnoxious ass. He’s backed off, not asking me or taunting me for my mistake. It was confusing. I can’t help but wonder more about him. There’s more to him then just what’s on the surface. Wondering more about him and the woman he drew, my eyes fluttered closed.
The next two weeks went by in a blur after I was allowed to work again. The thruster was built in record time as I threw myself back into work. Then came fixing a few minor dings and such in the metal outer shell. Sehun took the job of painting it himself, as most Fighter pilots do.  The weirdest thing was Jongin not really speaking with me. When he does, it’s one or two words. Granted this is what I wanted for ages, but for it to happen, it feels like something is wrong.
We are expected to get to Ysimir in a few moments, Baekhyun already telling them over comms of out impending arrival. The president, an Etherion by the name of Histor Yssa, told us that he welcomes us and will provide rooms for our stay. He also mentioned General Kim, and how delighted he was to help not only the Syndicate, but the sons of his friend. I could see each of the brothers tense at that, which I found odd but decided not to comment.
“Have you ever been to Ysimir,” Chanyeol asks, watching as we approach the planet. I know a little of the planet. It was mostly purple, as that was the color of the acidic seas there. They’ve managed to turn some of the lakes into fresh and salt water, man made and natural. It allows for some fish from other planets to be shipped over.
“No,” I say, shaking my head, “But I’ve heard some… unsavory things.”
Jongdae laughs, “I assume it’s the saying? Wystria is the planet of love, Ysimir the one of sin?” He says, wearing the same uniform as the other higher in command. The metals on his jacket, a few from fighting but most from fighting for justice in the courtroom. Draping from his shoulder to below the arm was a piece of purple ribbon, noting that he was of the Justice branch. Minseok’s was silver, since he was the commander of EXO Prime. Junmyeon’s was a light blue, same as Beakhyun. Yixing’s was black with single red line through the middle. His suit was covered in metals from his many battles. Kyungsoo’s was green for a medical officer. Jongin and Sehun’s were red, noting that they are Fighter pilots.
Since they are all higher ranks, they wear formal uniforms like that. Chanyeol and I do not have to. We wore our usual underclothes. Pants that are dark blue with a lot of pockets and a simple dark blue jacket of the same material. Under we both wore sleeveless shirts, as they get in the way when you’re working.
On all of our chests were name tags. They were screens, which said out name and would shimmer, changing the letter to say our ranks. It was made into the clothes. Some are even made in clothes for design to shimmer and with moving patterns. They’re costly, which explains my lack of any, but they are really awesome.
We land, letting the door open as we walkout. The air heavily scented with all the flowers that are around. The place we landed had the sea behind us, the purple acid lapping at the force wall that protected the rock. There were some things in the air sailing, people having fun and over by a pool which reaches just a few meters to the left. People from all over the galaxies come here, some are even rich enough to live here. The leaves on the trees are even floral scented. It was like a light, pleasant perfume. Nothing too strong, but just perfect. The music was hypnotic, the building closest to us the metal base. Small, about a hundred times smaller than the one on EXO Prime. To the left was a glittering massive building. It spiraled up in golden spears, like it was reaching for the sky.
“Wow,” I mutter, looking around with my eyes wide.
“You act like you’ve never seen a place like this,” Chanyeol says, smiling broadly.
I shake my head, looking over at him. I see a few people in out group looking over, probably more curious. Jongin does, keeping quiet with no biting remarks for once. “All I’ve ever seen besides space stations is EXO Prime and Tribil.”
Chanyeol nods, smile falling. He pats my back, “No wonder. This place is the exact opposite of Tribil from what I hear.”
He’s right. Tribil was a desolate wasteland where you’re more likely to starve than anything else. All the higher up government officials and rich gold and Quantinium miners are taking all the credits for themselves. The only ways to earn some money are few and far between. One way to make a living is to either run errands for a little that, if you save three days could feed you two meals. Not two days. Two meals. Mostly of bread and dehydrated meat. The other is work in the mines. They’ll feed you and shelter you, but you live in a small house with thirty other people and the food is rationed out. They keep you just fed enough to work but not enough to revolt.
The last way is to sell yourself. If you’re pretty, someone will find a use for you, so long as you stay pretty. Then they will throw you away and you’ll be left to die. Tribil’s laws are awful. Through some loophole they manage to not have to follow the standard Syndicate laws for planets under our protection. That’s not to say sex work is illegal, just safer and… well, usually doesn’t include minors. The Syndicate’s hands are tied, since they need the Quantinum in order to create our forcefields and walls. Since Tribil sells half of what they mine to the Syndicate at a forty percent discount, they don’t want to anger them either.
Yixing’s face get’s a hint of anger on it at the mention of our shared home. Something tells me it wasn’t a fond time for him, either.
That we have in common. Tribil killed the only family I had. I was an orphan, but, growing up, there was someone like a brother to me. He was four years older than me and, in order to survive, he went to the mines. He’d save up the few credits they would get and send it to me. Then, he was killed. Mining accident. Quantinum is very dangerous and explosions are very common.
After that, I was starving and hungry. I’d do odd jobs for people. Every now and then I’d find myself in a fancy hotel on my back, letting someone have their way with me. I didn’t like to think about it, since I was very young. They were rare times, and I was happy when I was accepted into the Syndicate so I could put those days behind me.
I was pulled out of my thoughts from an elbow to the side from Chanyeol. A man in a suit that shimmered like a night sky, his white hair pushed back as his one purple eye glitter. The other was replaced with a robotic one. This eyes are rimmed in black and his lips covered with a deep shade of red. He smiles, smoking a cigar holding a glass out in a cheers motion. The bubbling liquid was a light pink with some fruit pieces. He laughed, “Hello Major General Minseok! I’ve heard a lot about you!”
Minseok steps forward, nodding and shaking his hand. While Ysimir isn’t Syndicate controlled, they allow the Syndicate to have a base here in order to refuel and fix any minor damages. In return, the planets near keep the Krytons away from here and, if they are attacked, the Syndicate quickly responds.
“You look so much like your father,” Histor Yssa says, “Old fuck. One day I’ll convince him to take that stick out of his ass!”
Minseok smirks, nodding, “If you manage it, I will buy your drinks for life!”
Histor lets out a belly aching laugh, putting his arm over Minseok’s shoulder, “So, please, introduce me to this collective you’ve brought with you. Obviously I can tell your brothers, but, since we’ve never met…”
Minseok gestures, “Brigadier General Kim Junmyeon.”
Junmyeon nods, shaking his hand and bowing a little, “Pleasure to meet you, president.”
And it went down the line until he got to Sehun, who was standing next to me. Histor smiles, “One of my own! How much?”
“Half,” Sehun says, nodding. Etherions are always curious about how ‘pure’ the blood is. They, for the most part, are never ‘pure’ anymore. Their planet was taken over a hundred years back by their neighbors. They killed half and then enslaved the rest. Twenty years ago The Syndicate helped the Etherion people take it back. Now it is a melting pot of all different types of people. It’s still recovering from that time under the Victris rule. Half Etherion is the most people ever are, anymore, and they are rare to find. It makes him a little uncomfortable, and for obvious reasons, but that’s how his people are, anymore.
The president’s eyes are wide, “My, it’s rare to see someone so pure!” He says, placing a hand on Sehun’s shoulder, “I’m only a third myself, thankfully my mother was beautiful for a human!”
Sehun just nods, looking cool and calm as the president's eyes look to me.
“Master Sergeant Lyra Lang,” I say, shaking his hand. He smiles, looking me over
“Mrs. Lang, may I ask what it is you do,” He says, taking a sip from his drink after moving his cigar for a moment. His eyes went along my body, which was hard for me not to make a comment about. Etherions, for the most part, are obsessed with beauty and bloodlines.
“I’m the Fighter mechanic,” I say, nodding. Something about him makes me feel a bit weird, but it could be because I’ve never met someone so… ostentatious.
He grins, “Wonderful! I was wondering why you looked so strong!” Before I could say anything he polishes off his drink, handing it to one of the people behind him. “If you would follow Klause, he would show you all to your sweets! We’ve got you staying at the best hotel on the planet,” He says, before bowing, “I must get back to work, but rest assured I will meet you all for dinner!”
The ride to the building was quick. The rest of the city was in the valley below, looking just like jewels surrounded by lush foliage. A large waterfall of acid to the side, which goes through a machine about a fourth of the way down that turned it into water. I look back, seeing the huge hotel. So, we were there, Aurora. Hotel and casino. There are a few from where I come from, but only people who are filthy rich or those who are offering their services are allowed. I walk along, looking around. Tanks filled with sea creatures I’ve never seen before, bright lights and pieces of art that looked magnificent. The floor marble as we walked though. People lining up at betting stations, watching sporting events from all over with anticipation and excitement. I could hear people celebrating in the casino as we pass.  People dressed just like the President. The suits and dresses all with moving patterns of every color. Soon, we’re led to an elevator.
“A whole floor was given to you for your use,” The voice says of the man who led us as the door opens. Klause was tall, his skin a pale orange. He was very human like, save for his eyes, which are reptilian and his tongue, which was thin and forked. He bows, “Choose whatever room you like. Room service is for free for you all. Dinner with President Yssa scheduled at 19 hundred hours, which is in ten hours. Until then you may spend your time however you wish.”
I nod, before moving and picking the closest room to my right. The walls were a lovely shade of light blue. The decor was very… royal, I suppose. Looking like it was fit for a queen. It was a large room. Living room and small kitchen. The bedroom was huge, the bed looking inviting.I open the door to the bathroom, peeking in. A smile, seeing the tub. It’ll be nice to have a relaxing bath. I nod to myself setting my bag down and sigh, falling into bed. I smile, letting out a little laugh as I move, setting my reader to 19 hundred hours Ysimir time. Quickly I take of my boots and throwing my coat onto the chair to the side.This place is known for their late night dinners and their twenty two hour days, I learned having read up on it a little before we got here.
A few moments later, I hear a knock at my door.
I move with a groan, getting up and moving. They knocked again, “I’m coming!”
I throw the door open, before being pushed inside and having the door closed. I didn’t even get a look at the person’s face before they were inside, looking down. Yixing stares at me, before grabbing my wrist and shining a green light down on my skin.
The Tribian triangle mark on my skin glowed. The old tattoo like thing I got when I was nine. There were small roses on either side of the tattoo, along with the Tribian letter which stood for the common letter A. For approved. I pull my wrist back, glaring. No one on any other planet has those lights but Tribians. Only we know about the ‘tattoos’. It’s not a thing we like to talk about. They use the lights to to check people, see if they are an approved sex worker. If you’re not approved, you’ll be rejected by everyone. It costs nothing, all you have to do is be checked to make sure you’re not carrying any diseases. Once a week you get checked if you perform services everyday, but I went about once a month.
The truth was, they are not tattoos. They’re small nano technology embedded into the skin designed to be hidden. It makes us do whatever someone commands of us if they have the Master one. The triangle with a crown and the Tribian letter for M. So long as someone has that mark, we are powerless. When you are hungry, you’ll do anything.
Yixing’s eyes were wide, his hands shaking. He looks up, his eyes holding anger. They started to swell with tears, “How old?”
I look down, before looking back at him with a glare, shoving him. “Why the fuck should I tell you?!”
He pushes his sleeve up, shining the light on his wrist. The same glowing design. “I was six,” He says, the tears of anger slipping down his face. “I remember seeing you… then man who… the one who liked me wanted a new one. A younger one. He cut it off with me and found someone else.” He says, his voice eerily calm. Yixing looked at me, “Sir Ulysl.”
I looked up, my eyes wide. “He… he was the first I ever… I was nine.”
Yixing sighs, taking a moment to wipe his eyes. He looks back to me. “I’m sorry. For doing this. For not asking. I know it’s a sensitive subject.”
“I had to,” I say, shrugging. “It’s wrong, but everything is wrong on Tribil. You know how it is. You do what you have to in order to live.”
I could see the anger held back in his posture. He was tense, glaring at the ground like it killed someone precious to him. It’s something that’s in all of us, the poor Tribians. An unrelenting anger when we think about the past. About how people are still being used like that. Yixing looks up, eyes meeting mine. “I saw Rhys in the casino,” He mutters, looking up. “He will probably be at our dinner tonight. How would the President not invite oldest member of the Tribian monarchy to dinner, after all?”
Those words take my breath away. I remember times, in the highest room of the largest building. Iscar Rhys, the then king of Tribil. My willingness to do whatever he wanted because the pain in my stomach was getting unbearable. Whatever he wanted, I did. At different times in my life. Starting when I was nine. I remember him saying he wanted to teach us how he liked it. My stomach feeling uneasy, thinking about how a man in his mid thirties acted like what he was doing to a nine year old was normal.
“What made you want to tell me that,” I ask, trying not to give away how awful that name made me felt.
“I was one of the highest requested, Lyra… and he only asked for me twice,” He says. “All of the professional ones, we talk. Mostly about how much we hated all the people we were fucking. We see every single one of the people who only did it sometimes, making bets if they were ever going to go full time,” He explains, leaning against the wall. “As long as we had one who was sweet on us they’d give us a place to stay and all the food we could eat. They have grand feasts and not even half would be eaten. So it would be given to us.” He looks up, “I saw you, a couple times. He would always come and get you when you were young.”
I glare at him, “If you say anything-”
“That’s why I told you,” He says, looking up, “No one knows. If I tell, you tell. Insurance, such is the Tribian way.”
I sigh, looking up at Yixing. The strong Phoenix special ops captain, so strong and deadly, looks as if his heart has been ripped out. Like, for a moment, he’s an empty shell of a person who barely exists. Such is the way of Tribil. Ripping people apart and leaving them to wither away.
Yixing pats me on the shoulder, looking up, “If he is at dinner, it’s you and me. We stick by one another to avoid him. Tribil’s ways are not well received. They’re not spoken about. He won’t say anything unless he gets one of us alone.”
I nod, putting my hand on his shoulder too.
As he left, I couldn’t help but feel gross. I move to the bathroom, filling the tub. I wanted to just melt away, forget about everything for a moment. I pour in some of the bubble bath. I undress, getting in and trying to let my mind rest from the bomb that was dropped on me. When I tried out for the Syndicate, I had to prove I could be useful. I was terrified I would fail and be left to rot on a desert city forever. Forgotten. Thankfully they saw the potential and the drive I had. I was petrified of failing. I couldn’t fail.
The Syndicate saved me from a life of screwing people for money and, when that ended, starving to death. When people say that the food is awful somewhere, I can’t help but think about how it’s better than the constant pain from hunger. After a while of soaking, a few hours if my prune like fingers and toes were any indication, I got out and dressed. A message on my phone told me that the ‘dress code was casual’ according to Sehun.
I put on my clothes, wearing my jeans and a sleeveless top. Put my hair up, looking at my reflection. I forgo the make up, no matter how minimal I wear it, I don’t want to draw attention to myself. I mentally try to prepare myself for what was about to come.
I was working on autopilot, practically. Everyone was around but I was just following them. I was looking, on guard, searching.
And then I saw him.
He’s in his late forties, looking more casual than he ever did before. I was use to seeing him in his fully regal attire. His flack hair was greying. His face still clean shaved. His skin still the same pale almost white. The Jurist blood in his veins making his eyes black with a blue iris. He looks over, in a fancy suit that would have on the legs and arms had flowers and vines growing and blooming. He looked over everyone and I could see his eyes widen slightly when he recognizes Yixing to my right. I feel Yixing’s hand on my arm, holding steady. His eyes move, looking and spotting me.
The small smile that grew made me want to punch him. I wanted to make him hurt physically the same way he made me feel emotionally. I wanted to take that glass and smash it across his face. He look over, speaking with Minseok as I was blinded by my rage. He looked down the line, before, like it was clear and there was no other sounds. He looks at me, smiling, showing off his perfect fucking teeth and his perfect smile.
“Who are you, my dear,” He asks, though I could see it. The devious look in his eyes as he patiently waits for me to act on what he wants.
“Lyra Lang,” Yixing says beside me, his voice curt and to the point.
“It’s nice to meet you,” He says.
We were ushered into the next room, and, as I passed by, there were two tiny words he muttered that made me feel uneasy and on edge all over again.
“Hello again, Little Lyra,” He mutters, the smirk on his face grew, his eyes kept on me as I walked to my seat.
I was furious. My blood might as well be boiling as I say down and looked, trying to avoid his gaze. I look around, finally taking the time to see the room we’re in. The walls covered in screens, projecting lush wildlife like the jungles in the valley. I was trying to calm myself as small talk was made.
I just glare at him now.
The dinner went by in a breeze. He’d make comments towards Yixing and myself, and we’d answer curtly. Surely all of our compatriots were noticing how we were acting.
The food was probably delicious, but I wasn’t paying attention. I would look around, noticing Yixing glaring. Sehun was looking at the both of us with a questioning look, and Jongin was curious, whispering to Yixing as he sat next to him. Everyone was catching onto the fact that Yixing and I were not comfortable at all here.
President Yssa smiles, “And now dessert!”
“I’m actually full,” I say, not thinking I can stomach it. I already said something to Yixing, and he was fine with my leaving early. He’d stick by someone he trusts so he won’t be cornered alone. I stand, bowing, “Thank you for the meal and your hospitality. I’m actually really tired, so I think I’m going to go to bed early.”
I turned, leaving the room before anyone could say something.
Truthfully, I was walking in the garden here instead. A huge glass house full of flowers from all over the galaxy. I see a Tribil black rose, the only thing that can withstand our desert conditions. I took a deep breath, letting out a shaky sigh.
“Little Lyra,” A voice says right behind me, hands on my hips. I turn, about to shove him away from me before he just mutters one word.
My body freezes all on it’s own. I fought it, trying to move. He just smiles, shaking his head.
“You've become bitter, my little Lyra,” He says, “Calm down. Lower your arm.”
I do as he says, my eyes filling with tears of rage.
“I was so shocked to see you,” He says, smiling, “My beautiful little flower has flourished.” he smiles, placing his hand on my face, caressing my cheek. “I was so disappointed when you left for the Syndicate.”
“Get away from me,” I say, glaring at him.
He smiles, “Show me your wrists.”
I show them to him, even as I fight against it. The powerless feeling making me more and more scared. Before, I did it because I was starving. I was desperate. It didn’t matter what he wanted from me as long as I could eat.
He takes a small little thing from his pocket, shining the light down on my wrist. He smiles, “Just as beautiful. The best invention in Tribil history, wouldn’t you say so?”
“What is that on her wrist,” I hear a voice ask.
I look past Rhys, feeling elated to see Jongin standing there. He was dressed casually, walking up and seeing the symbol on my wrist.
I wanted to scream at him what it was, but for every Tribil who leaves, we’re told never to talk about it. That’s why no one knows what does on in Tribil. The Syndicate knows of whispers, but no actual proof.
Jongin looks me in the eyes, seeing the distress in them. He smiles, looking at Rhys. “I’m sorry, I hope she didn’t bother you. I was coming out here to check on her because I know long flights make her a little uneasy,” He says, moving close to me as Rhys turns off the light and puts it back into his pocket. Jongin places his arm around me, pulling me into a hug. “I was so worried about you, babe. Are you sure you’re ok?”
“J-just feeling a little sick,” I say.
Jongin nods, “I think I better help my girlfriend to her room. Thank you for coming and checking on her, though.”
Rhys nods, using his charm to hide his true feelings just as Jongin was doing. “I might not be king anymore but I still worry.”
Jongin pulls me with him, “Goodnight, your majesty!”
We walk, our shows making noise on the marble flooring. Once we get to the elevator, Jongin looks at me. “What is going on,” He asks, looking alarmed. “You left, and then he left. Yixing told me to go after the both of you because if he did he would have killed him.”
“I can’t tell you,” I say, leaning against the wall.
“Yes, Lyra, you can. Spit it out,” He says, rolling his eyes.
“Jongin, I really can’t! I want to but I can’t,” I says, shaking my head as tears fell from my eyes. “You’ve heard it. The saying. ‘Seekers of the Secret are met with thorns’.”
“What was that mark,” He asks, looking at my wrist. “I’ve never seen it. There’s nothing about a tattoo on your file.”
I want to open my mouth and scream, but I can’t.
Jongin sighs, running a hand through his hair. The glowing of the blue lights in the elevator making him look sadder, in a way. “I just want to help you.”
“I know,” I say, shaking my head. “All I can say is… think along the lines of our biggest export.”
“Quantum,” He says, nodding. “So… it’s a type of tech?”
I remain silent as I see him trying to search for clues. I take the time to look over him, seeing him in jeans and a tight black tee. His hair a little wet, slowly drying through dinner. His purple irises looking at me, trying to uncover the secret I wasn’t telling. I want to tell him everything but I can’t. He nods as the elevator opens.
“My room is the one to the right of yours,” He says, “When you decide you trust me, I’ll be waiting.” Jongin looks sad, his eyes which are normally full of joy now dull.
Watching him go and close the door behind him was excruciating. Knowing he thinks I’m not just saying it to him. This I would scream at everyone if I could.
But I can’t.
I just have to hope he asks around about the clue I gave him.
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theworldsoul · 2 years
VENT lol
yknow i always shush myself when my grief makes me cry, i go “shhh, shhh, its okay, its over now, you’re older now, shhh” because i know that if i allow myself to be sad ill NEVER stop being sad,,, in these moments, if you allow yourself to cry you could just go on and on and on until you kill yourself or turn to drugs or do something drastic, because really if it goes on for too long i’d never be able to keep going....
but even as i try to calm myself, to steady myself... even as i encourage myself ti remain silent and keep up this outer image of strength,,, even as i tell myself shhh, stop crying,,,,,, theres a part inside of me that WANTS to cry, that cant handle it when i finally dO get calm because it feels so empty and numb. theres a part inside of me that will purposefully continue triggering my grief even after i calm down... thing is, calming down doesnt resolve it. it just,,, makes you forget about it, but youll find it again soon enough. 
And overall, you’re never anything but a dead little boy... a tragedy, a mistake. you’re a series of miscommunications,,, you suffered for your whole life for no reason,,,, this whole ordeal could’ve been done and over with already if people had LISTENED. i have to do so much work just to get to where everyone else already is,,, all for nothing. all of my suffering was so unnecessary...
i mean, what can i say? I LEARNED. i ADAPTED. and my main lesson i learnt was that nobody was gonna listen, so dont talk about it or youll get in trouble, theyll get mad at you, so just don’t say a word to them,,,, 
its not my fault. its nobodys fault. its just sad. 
all this talk of God hating me. because im a fucking traggot. im not done the bible yet but if God really does hate me for being the only way i know how to be... then i dont know what ill do. something drastic, surely. i dont want to be against God,,, its literally how i am. i cant help it. its caused me so much pain already,,, God is the only thing I have now and i dont want that to be taken away.
aaaaaaaaaaaand i barely even have friends anymore, im alone in this, because i have to do this work myself. I,,, still have friends, yeah, but often i feel alienated from them, isolated, made out to be an “other”... often i feel like i dont fit in with ANY OTHER HUMAN BEINGS. its horrendous really, i wish i could make friends who were on a similar journey as me, so that maybe theyd understand. 
I am thankful for the friends i do have, i pray to God they get blessed, but i am an emotionally challenged faggot so of course if they criticize me at all i get defensive and i feel like they dont see me as their friend anymore.
sometimes it feels like im the only one who cares, the only one putting in effort to talk to people...people dont really bother to talk to me, except for Ariel, but Ariel lives in fuckign ARGENTINA and i bet he has 7 gazillion other friends and like,, an actual LIFE, whereas i dont.
my greif over the past NEVER FUCKING LEAVES ME.FUCK.
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crazy4tank · 3 years
18 “You’ll Understand It When You’re Older” Things
New Post has been published on https://funnypics365.com/2020/12/23/18-youll-understand-it-when-youre-older-things/
18 “You’ll Understand It When You’re Older” Things
“Understanding why your parents wanted you to go play with the awkward kid, or why they were so keen to help you make friends.
It’s beyond annoying as a kid when your parents try to guide who make friends with, but most parents instinctually know that bad social habits start early, are hard to break, and can be a real burden when you are older.”
“Why my parents would look disgusted eating/ drinking anything that was sweet.
I never understood why they watered down juice until now”
“Why it’s so annoying when you forget to take the chicken out of the freezer”
“Sleep is no punishment it’s a gift”
  “Hand me downs.
I absolutely hated them, even though my grandma was a genius with them. Dyeing, artistic patches, new buttons… They just didn’t last compared to the new clothes my older sister had. Then I had 3 boys in 6 years… I’m seriously grateful that my grandma tried so hard to make my hand me downs look good. I get it now.”
“That the quality rather than quantity of friends matters.”
“Good people aren’t always nice people, and vice versa.”
  “Friendships fading away
I remember my dad telling me all kinds of cool stories about things him and his friends did in the past. I even asked him “why aren’t you still friends with these people?” He really did basically say “it’s complicated, you’ll understand when you’re older.” Even back then I remember thinking “that’s crazy, me and my friends will always be friends.”
Sitting here now in my early 30’s and it really hits home.”
“Something a little more lighthearted, but about half the jokes on cartoons like SpongeBob take on a whole new light once you’ve got more experience under your belt.”
“The sound of your joints exploding every time you get up.”
“The quiet, boring, simple, times are the best. Everyone’s fed, happy, healthy, chill, napping… these are the good times.”
“It is possible to do everything right and still fail. Dont let it consume you. Pick up the pieces and move on.
I had to learn this after a project that I was on for 3 years was sabotaged and s@#tcanned. I did some amazing work, and poured my life into that project… in the end I had nothing to show for it. It put me in a real slump for a few years. Im still trying to pull myself out of it without becoming a cynical and jaded @$$hole.”
“What parents sacrifice just so you can do something fun.
Last night my husband and I sat in a line of cars for an hour and a half so our kids could see this cheesy drive thru light display in my town with Santa and other characters. 0/10 not worth it for us but the kids loved it and it was worth it to see them be able to do a fun Christmas activity during a pandemic.
It made me think of how much my parents had to endure taking my brother and I to theme parks and stuff as a kid just to see us happy. I appreciate it infinitely more now.”
“High school drama isn’t important. Like, at all”
“Not everybody is going to like you, even if you’re a good person.”
“Teenagers are just kids. It’s something I quite literally was not capable of understanding until I wasn’t a teenager anymore. When I was a teenager I felt soooo grown up.”
“Literally getting older. Never thought much about when adults would say “You’re still young, just enjoy it”. I always wanted to be older because I was tired of HS, wanted to be out of college, etc. Now I want aging to slow down a bit.”
The post 18 “You’ll Understand It When You’re Older” Things appeared first on Barnorama.
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