#because im sleep deprived lol
barblaz-arts · 5 months
Your answer to the person that asked about Regine being the wing(wo)man made me think.
Based on your character introduction, in my head, she can be one of this 2 things.
1. Completely oblivious to everything related to her and people crushing on her, but being really good when it comes to Vega since they are childhood friends.
2. She is completely oblivious in general when it comes to romantic relationships, but one day in one of her few participations in Vega and Sora shenanigans, Vega will "protect" Sora from something it wasn't dangerous at all and her fireflies will form a light bulb over he head when she notice (Ouran High School Club style when they each of them realize Haruhi is a girl). But it will be like really late in the game, like by that point Sora is already questioning her feelings for Vega.
Yup this is totally how I imagine it.
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@brenshor has a pretty good idea here. I didn't even think about her bugs being aware of pheromones lol
So how about we combine these ideas?
I'm leaning more towards the 2nd suggestion by @just-a-broken-fangirl. Both Vega and Regine were never the kind of kids that had a lot of interest or knowledge with romance, so Regine didn't have a lot of reason to assume Vega had a crush. She just thought it was weird that Vega was a lot more clingy with Sora than she ever was with her. It was easier for Regine to realize Sora must like Vega tho, so eventually she had her bugs confirm for her.
The whole point of Regine's powers is that she's only able to control super tiny creatures because they have very simple minds. She wouldn't have found out from the bugs first because they wouldn't be initiating gossiping with Regine for any kind of information. Regine always has to command her bugs to look for what she wants to find, whether it's to help with Vega's new case, or to confirm oh wow hey her friends are gay for each other.
Even after confirming this tho, I see Regine as a very passive, go with the flow person, unlike Vega who dives headfirst and proactively participates (as long as it interests her), or Sora who tries to avoid much trouble as she could, tho in the end just begrudgingly goes along. So when Regine finds out, she just goes "Oh, ok. Cool. Not my business tho" and watches things play out. She's rooting for the best outcome, whatever it may be.
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quinn-pop · 4 months
uhh. i accidentally made another comic. future au strikes back
(pt 1/3)
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a question - 1 2 3
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sneepy cozy....
#cats#(medical stuff mention for tags)#poasting confortable image of boye for peace and serenity and such forthe#I have little weird episodes sometimes where I get shaky (but like violently like 'would spill a drink if you were holding it beacuse#your hands are moving so much' type shaky) and weird and sick feeling but usually it passes in an hour or less. but last night I just#literally couldnt sleep I was shaking so much and my heartrate was up a ton and wouldn't go down even after like 6 hours plus super nausea#so I went to the hospital and now shall wear a heart monitor for a week. which hopefully it's just some weird drastic low blood sugar#event or something and there's nothing actually going on. ekg + ct scan for blod clots + virus panel + almost all of the blood work seems#normal so... aa.......#Though me being so privacy focused hrggh... I basically have a constantly bluetooth connected device around me#since the monitor comes with a cell phone that is constantly transmitting data to the place. which they said they'll call you#if they see anything weird which is also scary. random phone calls... but definitely better than letting an issue go unadressed lol#the phone is also not meant to be more than 10 feet away from the monitor at any time so I put on this old tactical fishing#vest thing thats like navy green with 100 pockets and im just using one of the giant pocketson the side as a phone holder#my enormous silly vest just to keep one little phone#ANYWAY... because I got up early the morning before and didn't sleep at all and spent nearly all day in waiting rooms and such#I have been awake for like 32 hours striaght. which I'm sure also does not help with an elevated heartrate lol#feeling shrimp emotions or whatever people talk about unlocking at a certain level of stress and sleep deprivation#and also no food or water. after a while they brought me like 3 saltines and some ice water but I basically also haven't eaten since 3am#last night and it's 2pm now..#thus............ bapy............. baby boye....... he will help ease all ailments with his baby powers...#And no I dont drink energy drinks or anything with caffiene really I'm afraid of all substances on the planet essentially#My body just likes to become shaky and weird randomly even when I'm not conciously anxious about anything/have had no caffiene/etc#and I guess I'm always more nervous about getting anything heart related checked out because of my arm/shoulder/chest area injury stuff#... i literally have constant chest pain all the time. it moves around but i nearly always have some sort of pain or pressure in my chest#so when people are like 'oh well a little weird heartrate is fine but watch out if you have pain!' it's like... i always do lol.. how am I#supposed to tell the Bad Pain apart from the Always Pain when the descriptions of Bad Pain are very very similar#AAAANYway.... hrghh... i wanted to be very productive and finally post drafts and wrok on things today. but alas..#I can at least post small image of soft boye.. though he recently got into stuff in the bathroom whilst left#alone and knocked things into the toilet.. So perhaps not an innocent and NICE boy.. but still.. a soft one .. beautfile....
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ghostiboos · 10 months
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Hey does anyone have any idea what this phrase I saw on my dash is supposed to mean? I broke down the grammar and everything but I’m still confused :/
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koszmarnybudyn · 3 months
Do you think Sparrow is going to find a way to blame Normal for Rebecca's death? Because trying to get help for the Doodler was a big deal for Normal. And if Sparrow forever condemned his son for what Normal did as a toddler (literally just opening a door) it wouldn't be a stretch.
I can't see Normal take any more L's or I'll go postal :/
I mean i dont think so, Sparrow can be kinda shitty but i feel like he knows it isnt Normals fault and his hate for Willy overshadows any resentment he could have felt for Normal.
Also from a doylist perspective i dont think that's a plot point we will indulge in seeing as the season is ending and they already have wayyy too many plot threads to tie up. But i do think that is an intresting thing to write about if you are really craving angst.
I think honestly Sparrows problem with Normal is just him projecting his own guilt and issues onto Norm and i really hope he can overcome that someday, it wont be perfect but maybe their relashonship can finally be O-A-K after they are done with all this much too big for their shoulders nonsense with gods and dimensions and can get to some healing.
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azurechicken · 1 year
It always gets me how Justice did not change at all, like, he is not corrupted at all. It makes everything more tragic than it already is. The only thing that changed was his perception, which of course, naturally came due to the change of hosts. I'm mostly taking Awakening Justice into account and how he acts because that is where we can carefully observe him by himself, without Anders' influence on the matter. And his influence is everything on the point I am trying to make.
When we first meet Justice, he is fulfilling his nature of bringing justice to the people he thinks that need it. He is very outspoken about it, and is already ready to take action with or without Warden's help. For a supposedly peaceful spirit that Anders claims to have ruined with his anger, Justice is acting pretty angry here himself (This is not the only time either). This is one of the first things I want to point out that did not change much about the spirit. Justice was always fierce about his cause. However, what stands out to me in these scenes is when the witch calls him out on his idea of justice.
Justice, is that what you are calling it? What of their punishment, burning my house to the ground and with me in it?
Well, in this case, the witch is a demon and mocking Justice for funsies. But what she says actually gives a bit more insight about what kind of a spirit Justice is. The actions do not speak louder than intent to him, as long as it is within the lines he set for himself. In a way, he was always okay with a few… casualties in the name of justice. Even though it is as simple as burning down a house this time. Isn't violence for violence vengeance after all?
While we are on the topic of vengeance, let's not forget the way he is eager on avenging Kristoff, vowing to kill every darkspawn for his cause (I mean the way he literally calls it avenging is enough debate for some people but I want to continue). So how come wanting to take revenge on the offenders that wronged not only his host but many other people, is any different? How did this route did not take him to the road of vengeance but attacking the templars, who are also offenders that wronged his host and other people, is corrupting him?
The answer is of course, that it is not, it did not. There is no difference between those two for Justice, there is no difference between vengeance and justice. Punishing the ones who deserve it is all there is. There is no gray area for spirits the way there is in the mortal world, and we see this clearly in the way he judges Velanna and Nathaniel for their crimes. Despite what I said about him seeing intent before action, now he cannot see beyond their wrongs. This simply shows that if the intent is as clear as violence for violence, he understands. But he does not understand the gray area of Velanna mistaking the innocents as guilty, or Nathaniel taking back what used to be already his.
There might be none for Justice, but there is a difference between darkspawn and templars for mortals. For one, darkspawn are generally mindless, and has no moral compass for us to judge. Whereas templars are just people with different ideals about life, to put it kindly at least. (Which is worse, being a mindless cruel monster, or having the mind and morals to choose to be something else but going for being one anyway? Lol another discussion for another time). Templars are the gray area that Justice lacks the understanding of. When he vows to kill every templar like he did with the darkspawn, he does not suddenly turn into a demon, he is simply punishing the ones that were doing wrong, as he does.
From here we can say that spirits' judgments and mortal's don't exactly match up. Though, there is one idea that seems to match better than others, and that is corruption. As far as we learn from Justice, spirits do not know about corruption any better than we do. Spirit do bad, spirit go bad, right? So, when Justice starts to feel things that are associated with demons, such as envy, he starts to fear corruption. He says he does not want to learn how a demon feels, but he also states that he does see the wishful thinking of a demon wanting to cross the Veil for this world. He is conflicted at best about the whole thing. Still, he does not consider himself corrupted regardless. I think that the reason behind that is simply the fact that generally, the Warden can ease his worries when Justice confides in them. And that is another thing that says a bit about him. He seems to accept the lack of understanding he has in the world, and chooses to listen to someone who does. Though, not just a random anybody, someone he deemed just.
So, let's see. A fade spirit with identity issues and an anxious spirit healer walks into a bar…
When they merged and Justice accepted Anders' cause for himself, and when they went all crazy on the Templars, Anders was scared. He feared the worst immediately because he is taught the worst about possession. He knew that Justice was angry because of him and his ideals about mages. So he blamed himself, called it a corruption he caused. And as I mentioned, Justice is accepting of the fact that he has a lack of understanding of some things. Plus, he was already scared of corruption. So, when Anders, who is an educated mage about possessions and corruption claims that he is slowly corrupting the spirit, they held onto it.
Everyone in their life from this point on, do nothing but egg them on about it, on top of it all. They might not corrupt each other, but everyone else does by pushing them the idea that they are now an abomination. Anders starts to fear the nonexistent corruption more, and Justice is confusing the inability to just wipe all the bad out with sloth. We are talking about a being who comes from the Fade, which can be bent at will and a place of immediate action. This works well in Awakening because we are already fighting darkspawn nonstop, and we are in the middle of a war. But in Kirkwall? Everything requires planning and suspended ideals. Templars bring injustice everywhere they go, yet there is not much they can do. After many years of being held back, it is no wonder Justice is surfacing more and more, itching to fulfill his purpose. Because he was always outspoken, angry at the injustice in the world and eager to bring justice. He did not change, but Anders' morals and his' just did not align the way they thought it would. They forgot that in Justice, there was always a part that was vengeance.
At the end, Justice was one of the most stable parts of Anders' story. He couldn't count his vow in Awakening complete without reaching the root of the problem, which was the broodmother. And he could not do so in Kirkwall without getting rid of the Chantry. Because chantry is the root of the Templars, and being a bystander while you can help solve everything easily is unjust all the same.
Anders and Justice had the same cause, different morality and they were just confused because they didn't know any better.
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cloudbells · 7 months
I feel slightly guilty for "taking time off" from fandom but I'm just really unlucky apparently. Some issues have popped up again and I'll probably have to go silent for a while....again. Not ignoring anyone! Just have to get myself sorted so I'm well enough to interact as normal 🤞🏿🙏🏿
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bmpmp3 · 7 months
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more fashion dreamer pics! more Dave plus I made my OC Meena (that one of many OCs i made off a dream LOL) as a second muse! i dont have a very close hair colour for her vaguely pinky creamsicle colour i usually paint her with rn so she just has fully pink hair for the time being jhkfldskjrf also raven showed up at my showroom! and some isaac fits because they say shit like %#^[#!{%#% so i always wanna talk to them LOL
can u tell "flirty" was my favourite style in style savvy DS vhjbelkfrfe
#fashion dreamer#the very first game the original DS game. i miss u flirty. i know it got like#divested into mostly bold and a bit of girly and pop#irl i think its supposed to be inspired by like gyaru-ish stuff and a lot of general 2000s hot pink shenanigans#looks like jirei kei but more tube tops and fur and a more saturated pink LOL#it was a bit redundant of a style so it makes sense they got rid of it after the first game#but listen. black and hot pink and bows and lace. i just love it HJKDLSJFKDS#attempting to single handedly make as much flirty esque clothes as i can now#thats one thing thats nice about the clothing making aspect of this game. its a bit more limited than i would like rn#but now i can make ALL the flirty style. i can even make type b flirty.... im unstoppable#like everyone else i expected but am still a bit bummed by the genderlocking in this game#i expected the clothes but the socks and shoes being locked is a bit of a killer sometimes..#i want type a's in dress shoes and type b's in heels is that so much to ask#also i want fishnets for type b so so desperately#let dave wear fishnets. please#what was a bit of a shock tho was the npc poses u unlock are also type a or b only#which SUCKS because NOW type a's cant look half asleep like sleep deprived simon#and type b's cant do a tadaaa pose like woodland whateverhernamewas#its so sad because my oc dave would be perfect for the tadah! and my oc meena would be perfect for the half asleep#THAT i hope they update especially cause like yeah u need to alter things for the different rigs but its an animation man#pwease. pwetty pwease i want those poses to be universal ;-;#still playing like daily tho LOL intensely addicting gameplay despite the many flaws
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so..currently it's kinktober ... just saying 👀😗 🗡️
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sunnykeysmash · 1 year
im not gonna make the other post yet (bc it takes me a lot of time to elaborate it take screenshots etc lol) but i need to post immediately about this part in regards to the "starting over" post i just did because
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i find it deeply fascinating that dee tries to get dennis to his senses by saying "it's me". you know, it was me, it was always me. I'm dennis, I've always been dennis. you're still you, you've always been you.
on one side, someone faced with so many lies he wants to end everything.
on the other, someone trying to remind and explain to them that they're still the same person they know.
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it's a big risk for dennis to finally be honest about how he feels, because it implies he's been lying the whole time. how can he be trusted to be truthful Now?
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idk just thinking
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pepprs · 10 months
just went thru all of the notes on that post and like. YEAH. it’s a fucking wonder. like i should get to scream. i should get to lie down. i should get to have as many treats as i want for free.
#purrs#menstruation tw#literally so tmi but the pain + digestive issues + constant paranoia abt leaking + pain + exhaustion because of blood loss + exhaustion beca#because of sleep deprivation because of pain + pain + discomfort + the mortifying ordeal of leaving the room with your purse or taking out a#heating pad and everyone knows why + being in situations where you CANT use a heating pad because you have to walk somewhere or meet in a di#different place + pain + the fact that i can’t just reschedule shit when im dealing with it and can’t schedule around it and there aren’t#social structures in place to make it easy to do that + the fact that you aren’t supposed to talk about it even though it is all consuming +#pain and pain and pain. and it happens EVERY MONTH and if it doesn’t happen every month then either you’re suppressing it and risking#consequences or you’re pr*gn*nt and definitely unequivocally experiencing consequences or you’re menopausal which idk what the fuck that#even does but it’s not good or you’re getting it MORE frequently because you have a condition of some kind. like. the absolute suffering and#hellfire. i don’t want to play into the stereotype of menstruating ppl being bitchy and mean and hysterical but like.. not to say it but i#GET ITCOMOLETELY. why ppl thought it was hysteria and a curse and whatever. because it is 💖 no one should ever have to experience this 💖#delete later#ask to tag#brought to you by i haven’t even finished my dinner and i had to go lie down bc im in too much pain lol 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍#* digestive issues that need to be dealt with like… posthaste except (SO TMI SORRY) i have anxiety abt um. doing that in restrooms other ppl#can go into at the same time as me so ihave to scurry down MULTIPLE flights of stairs praying that the single user bathrooms are open so i#can shit in peace 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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babsaros · 5 months
How did you know you were gay?
ah, couple reasons i guess. some that only became obvious with like 15 years of hindsight, and only after pulling myself out of the deep dark pit of compulsory heterosexuality.
like. classic symptoms of lesbianism include shamefully staring at the floor when you pass the women's underwear racks in the department store, even though you're not quite sure why you're uncomfortable. that sort of thing.
i have memories from early elementary school of accidentally glimpsing down a girl's shirt at recess and then bottling up that feeling and refusing to think about it. any time i had a crush on a boy, it was from an extremely idealized and safely non-actionable distance. the one time i did have a boyfriend, it was just my guy best friend from middle school, we dated for barely a school year before i ended it and the most physical intimacy i was ever comfortable with was holding his hand when we walked to class. i went to a different school's prom because a guy i was kind-of friends with asked me, and spent the whole night uncomfortably avoiding eye contact.
basically i started questioning my sexuality towards the end of high school, when i noticed myself getting like. jealous about my guy best friend's girlfriends?? like. i wanted to date them. i wanted to steal them from him lmao. i thought girls were pretty and soft and nice and cute and i was too afraid of being a predatory creep to do anything about it besides have far-fetched daydreams, but there was no heterosexual explanation. like, i hugged a girl i thought was pretty one time and it did things to my brain. that memory got locked in for life.
i identified as ace/pan early on, but again- compulsory heterosexuality. the idea of being with a guy romantically or sexually was never actually appealing. i had just been told that was what i was supposed to want my entire life, and the movies do a great job of selling that fantasy. but really i was just a lonely depressed helpless romantic teenager that wanted to be loved lol.
a large part of why i identified as asexual was because i was so sex-repulsed by the idea of penetration, honestly? (which i have since gotten over, but specifically Only with girls. the idea of having sex with a man still icks me out, and my preference is definitely femme-presenting ppl) a bit of it was probably also because i hadn't unpacked gender yet either. it made it very difficult to actually imagine myself having sex with anyone ever lol. this is gonna sound so cringe to say, but reading gay smut did awaken things in me.
in conclusion, tldr, i just like to think about tits and kissing women sometimes, idk. thanks for coming to my tedtalk.
#my paranoia is making me think anon is my mom or smth lmao#say something my mom would never fucking say. *gun.png* prove ur not my mom!!!! prove it motherfucker!!!!#if ur questioning ur sexuality my advice is just to explore#look at lots of different porn. try to figure out what attracts you and why#a lot of my kinks are actually divorced from gender tbh#at the height of my teenage repression i was actually reading gay voltron smut nightly#and in total denial like 'this doesn't mean anything about me. im so cis. i would know if i was trans.'#as if i didn't think the exact same shit about being gay. 'i would totally know if i was gay. i don't think about having sex with women'#because i didn't *let* myself think about having sex with women lmao#because i didn't *let* myself think about being trans- because it wasn't *safe* to be trans at the time#and figuring out the difference between 'do i want to look like this person or am i attracted to the way they look' is very tricky#and figuring out that you don't actually genuinely feel any of these implanted emotions about the opposite sex is hard too#sometimes it takes a while its okay#like looking back on my childhood fictional character crushes- it was always the women! i liked the way women looked!!#but i had been TOLD that i was a girl and so thought i HAD to be that and fall in love with a man#idk does any of this make sense lol#im a little sleep-deprived atm#i've been up a solid 24 hours#anonymous#ask#god the way i broke up with that boyfriend was so bad too oughhhhh#i've wondered a few times if i should shoot him a facebook message like 'hey sorry i dumped u like that and then we never talked again.'#'it turned out that i was neither a girl nor heterosexual. so. hope ur doin good!'
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munku-collar · 2 years
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for the anon who wanted to see my kin self/how i actually see demeter 
i told u lol it’s like if aeva may deme and me cosplay deme were put in the swirly machine
also included the scar from mac on the left hip and some of the scratches on the legs over time because ✨anxiety✨
tail is a bit scruffy from bad fur maintenance in the years out on the street and it won’t grow as smooth anymore too
but yeah
jemima & sillabub are mixed babies pass it on LOL
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spoopy-sloth · 10 months
For the first time in forever, I'm sleeping before 11 👀
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bookofbrokencandles · 2 years
I haven't had much to talk about cuz I was a bit ill last week and didn't have energy for pretty much anything, especially writing. And unfortunately, this week, I was really taken in by Cult of the Lamb and accidentally played too much.... I hyperfocused. Really badly. And I know I can't stop myself from playing a little more when I get home from work today. 😔 I've also been battling hardcore with my own mood, because my brain supplied me with a story idea and I'm just trying to stick it out without working on that so I can continue to focus on Candles. I haven't been in the mood to write Candles because it's different from my idea. I do so hate how my brain does it sometimes.
But other than that, I did force myself to write at least a little bit while I have the energy for it, and I will continue to do the responsible thing and write some more over the weekend. I'm attempting to incorporate a more efficient writing style into my already existing one so I can work faster and be less dissatisfied with my writing. Hopefully that means I can finish week one sooner than later.
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neondiamond · 1 year
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