#because it’s baylan
skoulsons · 1 year
Active shower thoughts
“You won’t help?”
“I can help you”
And shin looks distraught when the latter is said to her
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awsok · 1 year
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baylan skoll — (former) jedi knight
revenge of the sith by matthew stover / ahsoka 'far far away' / star wars episode iii: revenge of the sith / what will happen by leila chatti / ahsoka 'toil and trouble' / grief lessons: four plays by euripedes by anne carson / in the dream house by carmen maria machado / ahsoka 'far far away' / waiting by marya hornbacher / ahsoka 'far far away' / the wolves pursuing sól and máni by j. c. dollman / revenge of the sith by matthew stover / ivan the terrible and his son by ilya repin / ahsoka 'far far away' / devotion by the staves / lauren bowman / ahsoka 'dreams and madness' / giovanni's room by james baldwin / ahsoka 'dreams and madness'
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isagrimorie · 1 year
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Sabine and Shin's Distrust of Nightsister Witches | Star Wars Rebels 3x11 | Star Wars Ahsoka 1x01 | Ahsoka 1x06
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snow-dragon-rider · 1 year
Baylan Skoll, shiny new Jedi Knight, full of boundless optimism and joy, takes a shiny new padawan, a tiny girl full of boundless optimism and joy to match, and the Council smiles at her endless questions and his endless patience.
Baylan Skoll, Jedi Knight, promises to teach and she promises to learn, and they adore each other and the Force dances around them in the hope of what could be.
Baylan Skoll, Jedi Knight, is sent off to war with his padawan like they all are, and already the Temple seems dimmer, like shadows creep in the corners without the two bright balls of light in the Force to keep them out.
Baylan Skoll, General in the Grand Army of the Republic, fights for what is right and teaches his padawan the same, as he keeps her as far from danger as he can in a galactic war.
Baylan Skoll, Jedi General, senses a change in the clones as the order comes down, and he pulls his padawan behind him, tells her to stay there and he will protect her, and she believes him, she always has, and he has never let her down before.
Baylan Skoll, traitor to the Republic, runs, shields his little padawan, sends her into the vents to hide while he cuts them a path out, and he kills dozens—hundreds?—he doesn’t know anymore—of clones, because he promised to protect her.
Baylan Skoll, Jedi Knight, fights no longer to get them out, but to get back to her, because the clones have found her and she is alone and she is terrified and the last thing he feels before he watches them execute her is her hope—her knowledge—that he will save her.
Baylan Skoll, broken man, kills every clone he can find because they took her and he couldn’t get her back, they betrayed the Jedi and he can’t get them back either, the Order has fallen and so has he.
Baylan Skoll, man on the run, takes his fight to whoever has the misfortune to catch his eye, and woe betide those he sets his sights on.
Baylan Skoll, mercenary, finds himself teaching a new apprentice to fight for a new Empire, not the old one the clones killed his padawan to create, but a new one, built by a new man, a man who sees the greater good and knows what must be done to bring it about (so he is told).
Baylan Skoll, fallen Jedi, finds this man, this Thrawn, and he has gone through trial and storm and tribulation and fire to get here, but so have Tano and her allies, and he will not give up without a fight, he never has.
Baylan Skoll, fallen Jedi, sees this boy, this child who would have been a padawan in the old days, who should be one now, who is in danger, who is terrified of the soldiers bearing down on him.
Baylan Skoll, fallen Jedi, fights for what is right, even though he hasn’t always, because he couldn’t save his padawan all those years ago, but damn it he will save Bridger’s.
Baylan Skoll, Jedi Knight, dies a hero, dies a death he could not all those years ago, dies to save a child, and the Force dances at the blaze of hope that burns so bright it shames the stars as it welcomes him home.
Baylan Skoll, worthy Jedi Knight, the Force says, be at peace.
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short-wooloo · 1 year
Either learn what that means or you can't use that term anymore
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(Thanks to @rogueleader14 for showing me this)
An anti hero is not an antagonist who is likable or sympathetic, an anti hero is a protagonist who is unheroic in their motivations, someone who does/fights for good, but not necessarily for good reasons, fighting for things like profit or to save their own skin, basically their on the good guys side for selfish reasons, a good example of this would be Han pre character development
(Also I sincerely doubt Baylan is our first Force sensitive anti hero, pretty sure Ventress fits into that category after she split with Dooku, and there are probably others)
I'll grant that we don't precisely know what Baylan's motivations are yet
But he's trying to bring back thrawn, a fascist, so that thrawn can restore the fascist empire
That's not very heroic
And even if Baylan's motivation is a belief that the galaxy needs a strong hand to force it to be peaceful, that still doesn't make him an anti hero
Because y'know what? That's what Dooku and Anakin believed
In other words, Baylan, like Dooku and Anakin, is a fascist, or at least a fascist enabler
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carpp · 5 months
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shin & baylan
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cethlyarlo · 9 months
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Shin's Belt
I really rather like that the symbol on Shin's belt is that of the alchemical symbol for chaos. Let me tell you why:
Chaos represents the concept of everything doing everything all at once; existing together, in tangent, or not at all. It represents all paths and what lies beyond what was made to believe is set in stone. The definition of chaos is not particularly the opposite of order in this circumstance, but it can be used that way.
More clearly, chaos provides an opening for new beginnings; to disrupt what is stagnant or what doesn't feel right to present alternative pathways. Chaos is needed to undo pressures, expectations, norms, etc. so that an individual can learn to be themselves; to grow and change as needed.
It's very much not the evil or negative symbol pop culture and Hollywood would have you believe. I've even seen it used to refer to Satanists, which is very much not true. Dark practitioners can and do use this symbol, but this symbol does not represent them. They don't own it nor can they control it/assume authority over it. It's not exclusive to one group either: anyone can utilize it however they see fit and like with most things, that could go in any direction. We will be focusing on the balance between the negative and positive aspects of chaos here in this write up.
That being said, on to why this symbol is important for Shin's character arc:
Firstly, Shin is devout and loyal to Baylan; her Master and depending on how you look at it, potential father figure. He's everything she's ever known and his own views, teachings, and opinions have been pressed on her since she was young. There's nothing particularly wrong with that, seeing as that's usually how parenting/teaching goes, but it isn't allowing her to see beyond that. The box is small and she finds herself unable to think outside of it due to her loyalty to him.
When Baylan begins to refuse to tell her crucial details about his plans and goals, she begins to question him and her idea of him. This is the beginning of chaos' disruption over her life and as the show progresses, this disruption continues to grow. It's a butterfly effect, if you will; the seeds of disarray have been planted and they have the potential to grow into something exponential.
She comes into contact with Sabine Wren, who has lived a very different form of life compared to her own and I believe the simple interactions between them helps to spur the questions she suddenly has about her life in general. There are things and people that can and do live outside of the box in her mind and while she's probably aware of this, she hadn't truly understood what that meant until this point. With her master's increased elusiveness and the lack of answers, plus the eye-opening revelations that witnessing bits and pieces of Sabine and Ahsoka's relationship (I.e Seatos), the seeds of distrust and further questions begin to take root and sprout. Her mind is opening to other things; the walls of the box are beginning to crumble.
By the time they're on Peridea, Baylan's motives are entirely unclear and somewhat unpredictable to her. She's confused by him and what he wants. Chaos is taking greater hold of her now; her life is changing so quickly and in directions she can't forsee like the arrows of the symbol that gesture to all directions simultaneously. The seeds begin to uncontrollably grow into trees regardless of her attempts to reconnect with him.
Then he abandons her.
Without a word on where he went, Shin's found herself alone. The walls of her box have been destroyed, the wound made worse by Ahsoka's offer to help. Chaos has upended her normalcy, her comforts, her mental and emotional stabilizers, her trust, her view of self; her life. What began as seeds have rapidly grown into a sprawling forest and now she has to deal with the wreckage.
The change is for good though. With Sabine and Ahsoka stranded with her, she has the opportunity to step into her own person. She now has the opportunity to find herself; to make her own decisions, to spend some time with other people like her. She has the ability to learn and grow free of her box and the restrictions that had been pressed on her since joining Baylan, however long ago that happened to be.
Shin gets to be her own person now, and she can do whatever she wants with that :)
Edit: I realized I forgot to mention the little dots within the wheel!
Symmetrical to the Norse story of Hati and Skoll [who were sons of Fenrir (and Fenrir is the son of trickster God Loki and Jötunn giantess Angrboða)], the wheel of chaos on Shin's belt sports two little dots which I believe represent the sun and moon [and thus the wolves that chase them; Skoll (the one who mocks) and Hati (the one who hates) respectively]. As it goes, the celestial bodies rise in the East (right quadrant on the belt) and set in the West (left quadrant on the belt). The little dots are doing just that. The dot on right I believe represents the moon, or Shin, and that the dot on the left represents Baylan. The moon is rising and the sun is setting, showing that Baylan's time in her life is ending and her own time is just beginning.
Either way, it's a very hopeful symbol in my opinion :)
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oftenlyshitposting · 11 months
thinking thoughts about shin and blasters since we haven't seen shin shooting away with a blaster
do you think shin has the obi-wan "so uncivilized" attitude with blasters and much prefer using the force ezra 'hippie space jesus' bridger way when she doesn't have her lightsaber?
or is she suspiciously good with blasters and the reason why she doesn't use them is because she goes danny 'so anyway i started blasting' devito with blasters that it turned sabine on so much?
i mean, we've seen shin fly a starfighter and is a pretty good pilot slash squadron leader which means she's had weapons training beforehand, right?
it'd be so funny if shin and sabine had to reluctantly (but not really) team up against a group of enemies and she goes "fuck it", snatches one of sabine's blasters from her holsters, and shoots away; while sabine is just there completely flabbergasted before finally joining shin
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argonapricot · 1 year
People accusing Shin of having no personality/characterization to dunk on her is so annoying... First of all, it's totally fine and normal to like a Star Wars character who hasn't gotten a canon personality yet (i.e. Darth Maul in Phantom Menace) based on their design / story / performance / vibes. It's normal for mysterious characters to exist, and it's normal for people to like those characters. But we do actually already know some cool stuff about Shin; she does have A Characterization and A Story even when the show is holding back with her.
I agree that for now there are many unknowns about her, and fans are having to speculate about her while we wait for the show to fill in the gaps and give us canon answers. (I agree that it would be nice to know more of what the showrunners undoubtably know but have kept hidden so far, like any information about her backstory at all. I am sure they are planning to explore more backstory in the next season, but it's a huge shame just bc Ray Stevenson can no longer be part of that exploration :( )
However, the information we do have about her is totally sufficient to make her cool and interesting. Imo.
"Baylan Skoll's feral, ruthless apprentice, who has a padawan braid, who is dark side-y enough that she seems eager for violence but still asks 'like me?' when Baylan is talking about Ezra being a Jedi." like yeah sorry that's all I need I'm sold! Sorry!
Seeing her make this facial expression before her first duel/encounter ever with another padawan:
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Is enough for me! That's already something really interesting to work with! Or the dynamic between her and Baylan in this specific moment
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For one moment he just suddenly beams fondness/pride at her and she seems so intense and excited when she bows back, as she goes off to try to murder some people. Then she gets so visibly upset later when Sabine tells Ahsoka to go get the map, thwarting the assignment she was given here of holding off the both of them.
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That's an exciting and interesting master-padawan dynamic! I am going to be interested in Baylan Skoll's padawan who has this dynamic with Baylan Skoll as a foil to Ahsoka's relationship with Anakin and u Cannot Stop Me.
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Sometimes I like to look at an actor's performance and observe what they seem to be feeling. Sometimes I like to wonder about things that have not yet been revealed to the audience, I find that an interesting experience... I am sorry that u cannot appreciate her Sublime & Unique Vibes....
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The way she acts when she fights is part of her characterization! As with everyone in this show, her fighting style is designed and choreographed to be expressive of her character. The way she moves is expressive. She's so aggressive and excited and alive when she fights. That's information about who she is! It's fun information!
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Look at this. Look at how she reacts when Baylan tells her to go up against Ahsoka Tano's ex-apprentice.
I admit I cannot tell u with 100% certainty what she is canonically feeling in this moment, but whatever it is she is feeling it SO INTENSELY. The fact that she reacts like this is interesting information about her character, bc every single conceivable explanation for why she is emoting this way is interesting and cool!
She seems kinda excited. She seems to find it significant and momentous. That's fun. We don't know why she feels this way, but it's too late she is already interesting sorry
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Sorry for observing the facial expressions that a character makes and learning things about them that way
It's annoying that the show hasn't taken the time to reveal more things about her yet I agree but why are you being mean 2 her... Having mysterious characters is normal Star Wars procedure :/
Like yes we all know this is not Andor, the writing is not always brimming with deft characterization, that's a shame, but that doesn't mean the show hasn't given us a lot of interesting canon building blocks to work with.
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tl:dr this is a skill issue and I love her very much
It's honestly kind of funny coming from the silmarillion fandom... some people simply know how to appreciate cool and unique characters based on limited information.
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fellthemarvelous · 4 months
I remember seeing dudebros complain about there not being enough men in the Ahsoka series but David Tennant was in every single episode so I don't know what the big deal is!
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critter-of-habit · 1 year
How we feeling, Ahsoka fam?
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skoulsons · 1 year
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When I was a bit older than you are now, I watched everything I knew burn.
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awsok · 11 months
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shin hati (and sabine wren)
tumblr tags, raorica / ahsoka, ‘master and apprentice’ / bloodsport, yves olade / norwegian wood, haruki murakami / ahsoka, ‘master and apprentice’ / when rome falls, yves olade / 08-15-21, saintflint / ahsoka, 'far far away’ / 08-15-21, saintflint / ahsoka, 'far far away’ / it will come back, hozier / ahsoka, 'dreams and madness’ / elegy for the four chambers of my brothers heart, steven espada dawson
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Sooo Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati are named after the wolves that chase the sun and the moon in the norse mythology, that pretty much confirms that the World between worlds is supposed to represent the Yggdrasill to me, so what role does Ahsoka play here, because her character is inspired in Gandalf and gandalf has parallels to Odin but if we go back to the mortis arc odin is better reflected on the Father, not the Daughter aka the one ahsoka is conected to, unless she's getting a upgrade...
Also does this make Ezra Loki? Or someone else, like Baldur, for example... I have many thoughs please someone talk to me about it
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firerose · 1 year
Baylan trying to leave peridea to unleash a dangerous power on his galaxy
A group of Bandits ambushing and sourrounding him
„ I have no trouble with you just let me pass and I promise no one will be hurt.“
„ you intend to keep your promise this time Master?“
A voice mockingly says though he can her the hidden pain
And the worst part is that he regognizes it
He turns and his eyes widen in surprise as his old apprentice, his daughter he thought was Save with Thrawn rides towards him on a white howler lightsaber drawn and a bone crown on her head
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thegirlsinthecity · 1 year
I think this is actually the first time I’ve wanted the ‘bad guys’ to win in Star Wars… I just love all of them so much
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