#specially when it comes to Ahsoka and Ezra
Sooo Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati are named after the wolves that chase the sun and the moon in the norse mythology, that pretty much confirms that the World between worlds is supposed to represent the Yggdrasill to me, so what role does Ahsoka play here, because her character is inspired in Gandalf and gandalf has parallels to Odin but if we go back to the mortis arc odin is better reflected on the Father, not the Daughter aka the one ahsoka is conected to, unless she's getting a upgrade...
Also does this make Ezra Loki? Or someone else, like Baldur, for example... I have many thoughs please someone talk to me about it
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antianakin · 7 months
I think I'm able to perhaps put a few words to why I really dislike that the Ahsoka show had her choose to come to the conclusion that Anakin was GOOD, that he was a good person and good teacher to her, rather than having her refuse to forgive him and just having to let go of him entirely.
Ahsoka is a character who has been, for her ENTIRE RUN on Star Wars, defined by Anakin and her relationship to him. She's never been able to escape that. She was created as an explanation for why Anakin "matured" over the three year gap between AOTC and ROTS, but her lack of existence in the films means she can have no greater impact on Anakin than that. She is wholly irrelevant to his character but she does not EXIST without him. In Rebels, she is only in one season where all of her appearances are fixated on her discovery of Anakin's betrayal and how that impacts her, leading up to their final confrontation where she appears to die fighting him. She comes back only so her relationship with Anakin can be used to help Ezra let go of Kanan. In TOTJ, she has an entire episode dedicated to explaining that the only reason she survived Order 66 was because of some kind of special training Anakin gave her that made her stronger, better, faster than any other Jedi. In The Mandalorian, her appearance was full of subtext about her trauma regarding Anakin and the way she reacts to other Jedi as a result of that. In The Book of Boba Fett appearance, that subtext is still there, primarily in her conversation with Luke where she even tells him how much he reminds her of Anakin. Which leaves us with the Ahsoka show itself and how it REVOLVES around that relationship, from Sabine being turned into Anakin 2.0 to everything in episode 5 to Ahsoka claiming she'll support Sabine in everything because this is what Anakin did for her to Anakin literally showing up in ghost form to Thrawn predicting everything Ahsoka will do because he has some familiarity with Anakin.
Ahsoka CANNOT escape this relationship, she cannot move out from this particular shadow and become her own person because her character seems to ONLY EXIST to be "Anakin's student." She can almost literally not stand on her own at this point. If her story doesn't revolve around Anakin in some way, it doesn't seem to really exist (please keep in mind here that I am mostly looking at HIGH CANON appearances for this because that's what I am familiar with; I'm sure that some comics have probably managed to move away from her relationship to Anakin a little bit sometimes but I haven't read any of them so they're not being counted in this analysis, especially since I don't think they're really impacting her higher canon characterization anyway).
It's even just visible in how other characters perceive her. She is constantly being COMPARED to Anakin, we keep hearing how like Anakin she is. The only time I can think of that she is compared to anyone OTHER than Anakin is when Trace and Rafa tell her that she acts like a Jedi even if she isn't currently calling herself one (bless their SOULS for this moment, they deserved so much better than the hate they got and one single appearance on fucking TBB). We never hear anyone say she reminds them of Obi-Wan, or Yoda, or Plo Koon. It's ALWAYS Anakin even though she's known Yoda and Plo Koon longer and she seems to spend almost as much time with Obi-Wan as she does Anakin.
By having Ahsoka decide to deal with her feelings about Anakin by just... setting aside all the bad shit he did and focusing ONLY on the good moments that he had and letting that define him, it makes it nearly impossible to separate her from him. If he's good, then it's a GOOD thing to compare her to him. If he's good, then his influence on her HAS to have been a good one. For me, it ruins ANY nuance that could have come from going the opposite direction and recognizing that while he had some good moments, he was in fact an overall bad person who was a terrible teacher to her. He betrayed her, he tried to kill her (and only failed because she was saved by someone else), he abandoned her. I don't care WHAT he did before this, this automatically makes him a BAD TEACHER.
And recognizing that Anakin was a bad teacher would force Ahsoka to look at HERSELF more critically, too, to recognize the places where she has made the same mistakes perhaps, where she's started leading herself down a similar path to his, and then choosing to NOT BE LIKE HIM. Anakin should be (like he is with Luke) the personification of her own darkness. Palpatine represented Anakin's greatest demons and personifications, Anakin can represent something similar for Ahsoka. He is an indisputable part of her now, but she doesn't HAVE to become him, she doesn't have to let that CONTROL her. And by making that choice, she frees herself from being defined by him for the rest of her life.
But now, the narrative has bound Ahsoka to Anakin forever. She'll never be anything more than Anakin's student because this has become what defines her as a person and a character. And it just... it sucks. Ahsoka deserved better than that.
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I think my biggest problem right now is that the way Sabine’s story progressed and ended made enough sense for Ahsoka Sabine, but feels deeply unfitting for Rebels Sabine, not in a “she’s changed and grown since then” way but in a “this is a different character” way, and I think a lot of that is centered on the decision to make her a jedi.
From her first appearance in Rebels, Sabine is competent, strong-willed, and determined to fight for what she believes is right. As we go through the show, we learn more about where that came from. It’s pretty clear that she considers the Ghost crew family, and that she found new hope and meaning in working with them, as well as that her Mandalorian heritage is a huge part of how she was shaped into the person she is. Furthermore, we see that she’s driven by the need to make amends for her past mistakes, to protect her loved ones where she previously helped put them in danger, albeit without intending to.
When Kanan trains Sabine with the Darksaber, we see that it doesn’t work well for her to train exactly like a Jedi, because she’s not using the saber as a Jedi, she’s using it as a Mandalorian. It is another weapon in her arsenal and, more importantly, a symbol that she can use to help bring her people together—and she uses it to do so.
Sabine’s arc is so cool and so special to me because her path as both a character and a member of the rebellion are just as important as Ezra’s: she is given depth and interests, and the fact that she isn’t a Jedi doesn’t make them worth any less.
A prime example of this is Sabine’s art. It’s a BIG part of her self-expression throughout Rebels. It’s a connection with her family, a way to express herself and commemorate moments, and—in the most Mandalorian move possible—a weapon she uses against the enemy, both symbolically via the symbol of the Rebellion and literally, through the use of explosive spray paint. And sometimes this is played as a joke (think Sabjne painting the bunk crash on Zeb and Ezra’s wall) but it also legitimately comes into play (think Sabine interpreting the mural entrance to the world between worlds or Thrawn commenting on her art).
Rebels Sabine brings so much to the table, and there was so much in her character that could have been explored without making her a Jedi. Not everyone is a Jedi, and it’s good to remember that even heroes can be normal people who stepped up.
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 6 months
For the Fanfic Roulette, any chance you can do 30, 24, and Ezra Bridger? Thanks so much! (btw can you tag me in the post so I see when it’s up???)
Oh @skyofnostars *shake my head* what am I to do with you. How is it that you gave me the best request ever!!! *Squeezing you in a bear hug* Do you know you actually had me stumped for a day and a half. I had to go back and watch all critical Ezra Bridger episodes both in Rebels and Ahsoka, to get my mind wrapped around exactly what I wanted to write.
I don't know if this is what you were looking for, however I do hope that you enjoy it, because it actually turned out quite adorable if I do say so myself.
Thank you for such an awesome request.
Love oo,
The Return
Warnings: Longing, lost love, emotions, tears, kissing, disappearance, I think that's it. If I miss any please let me know.
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Ezra couldn’t help smiling as his eyes focused on your face after he got off the Imperial shuttle. He wanted to run over to you right away, but between someone shouting, “Someone get the medic. Get the medic!”Which simply made him laugh, and then Hera ran over and grabbed him, squeezing him like there was no tomorrow, making him remember what family was and how much he missed you all; he needed to wait to see you. 
Once he finally had a chance to actually breathe, he didn’t stop searching for you among the crowd that were still looking at him as though he had come back from the dead. He searched and searched until he found your face once again again. And even though everyone else looked at him like he was an anomaly, a freak. 
Your eyes … well, your eyes only held one thought, ‘he was back.’
His breath caught in his throat, as he locked eyes with you. He’d forgotten how amazing those eyes of yours were. You had always made comments about his piercing blue eyes, however, to him they were nothing in comparison with yours. 
Your eyes held the world for him. They were always full of admiration, devotion and longing, and if your eyes weren’t enough, your lips always held that smile that was specially reserved for him. The same smile you currently were wearing on your lips. All in all, regardless of the distance and the years apart, you were still the most beautiful person he’d ever known. 
The moment he said bye to you on Lothal, hearing you begging and pleading with him to get off of Thrawn’s ship, telling him how you loved him to the end of time and back, how you’d always loved him. All he wanted was to run off Thrawn’s ship and into your waiting arms, but he couldn’t. Kannan taught him that he needed to make this one sacrifice for the greater good. Kannan’s last lesson, he said. Oh god, how he wanted to kiss you one last time, hold you in his arms one more time, holding you so tight you’d never forget what his arms felt like, at that moment, he understood how Kannan must’ve felt, when he made the ultimate sacrifice. It had been the hardest goodbye he’d ever have to give. 
After all, you’d been by his side since you were kids, growing up together, staying close even after his parents were taken. You never left his side when you both had to live on the street after your own parents were killed by the Empire. You were even there when he joined the rebels. You’d always been there, just like his shadow. 
He can still remember how idiotic he’d been … no. How confused he was when he first met Sabine, he’d never met someone like her, and of course his world turned on its head when he met her. But somewhere between losing Kannan and seeing Sabine with her family, somehow he realized, you had been more than a shadow. More than a friend. More than anything he ever thought possible. You were his heart, and that’s when he realized it had always been you. 
Yet, your time together was cut short when he had to make the ultimate decision to sacrifice himself, to save you. To save Lothal. He tried to tell you in his own subtle way he’d be back. How he’d never stop loving you. How you were more to him than anything else the galaxy had to offer, and as smooth as he hoped his subtlety was, it didn’t work the way he’d hoped. 
Instead, he felt your heart break when he said goodbye. He had felt your despair, your soul crushing. 
He never meant to be gone for so long. He had always meant to come back to you. However, returning to you was out of his hands. There was nothing he could do while he waited on Peridea. 
So when his eyes locked on you, his emotions took over. This time he wasn’t going to let anything stop him, he ran over to you, wrapping his arms around you, and burying his face into your neck. He couldn’t help smiling when he felt your arms wrap around him, holding him tight.
“You’re back…” it was all you were able to manage before the tears started coming hard and fast. You could feel your broken heart healing. Your soul repairing simply because you held him in your arms. You smelled his scent. You felt his heart beating against your chest. 
Ezra pulled back enough just to wipe your tears, as he looked at you. Somehow you were even more beautiful than you were five minutes ago. On the one hand, he did feel bad for leaving Sabine and Ahsoka back on Peridea, on the other hand he was finally able to hold you in his arms after ten long years. 
Ten years of waiting. 
Ten years of longing. 
As he looked into your eyes, his eyes glanced down to your lips. The desire to kiss you had never been stronger, he was hesitant at first, but he had ten years to think about it and didn’t want to hold back any longer. 
He leaned forward, tilting his head ever so gently, a smile on his lips, tears sliding down his cheek as he closed the distance between you, placing his lips on your soft ones. As soon as your lips felt his, neither of you held back.
Maybe you should’ve cared that he still hadn’t been debriefed, maybe you should’ve cared that he was in a stormtrooper’s uniform, or maybe you should’ve cared about the imperial shuttle that was sitting there.
However, neither of you cared. 
You didn’t care that you were in the middle of the hangar bay.
You didn’t care that others were watching. 
The only thing that mattered at that moment was realizing you both finally felt like you were home. As though the pieces of your heart that had been missing for the past ten years, were suddenly healing, and once again you both were whole. 
You pulled away and kissed his cheek, his neck, his shoulder, as you pulled him in for a hug, and held him tight. He was home. He was alive. He wasn’t hurt, and frankly that’s all that mattered. He was there with you. 
“I missed you so much.” You whispered into his ear, as you breathed in his scent. Needing to remind yourself over and over again, this wasn’t a dream. 
“I missed you, too.” He whispered back, his face buried in your hair, “There wasn’t a day that went by that I didn’t think of you.”
“How did you get back?”
“It’s a long story.”
Both of your voices were low, everyone had started to scatter thanks to Hera’s intervention. She knew how much his disappearance weighed on you, kept you isolated, kept you hardened. As Hera watched you heal, she wiped a tear, happy that a part of her family had returned.
“I love you. I’ve never stopped loving you.” Ezra vowed as he whispered in your ear, these words were for you and you alone. 
“I always knew you’d come home. I never stopped loving. I’ll love you until the stars turn cold.” Regardless of anything else, as of right now you were grateful he was home and in your arms.
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illuminatedquill · 10 months
Hey, Sabezra gang.
I know we’re all still recovering from the events of the past week. Hope everyone is feeling better.
Just want to send a reminder that, yes, the cast of Ahsoka does seem to be all in on the other ship. Which is great! Very cool and heart-warming to see the support for that in this day and age. We all have our preferences and that’s fine.
But. Remember this:
Most of the characters in the actual narrative of Ahsoka are pointing to a Sabezra end-game.
Which - you know - is arguably more important. The story is saying something else is going on with Sabine’s feelings for Ezra.
I’ve written about this before but even Thrawn is amazed at how far Sabine went to find Ezra.
I mean, look at this.
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Hera clocks Sabine from the get-go: “She’ll do it for Ezra.”
Ahsoka: “I know how much Ezra means to you. But you need to put aside your personal feelings.”
Baylon: “Do it. For Ezra.”/“Her focus on finding Ezra Bridger blinds her.”
Shin: “Do you know the one she so desperately seeks?”
Huyang: [“No Thrawn. No threat of war.”] “Also means no Ezra. Perhaps, for Sabine, she had no other choice.”
Thrawn: “You have gambled the fate of your galaxy on that belief.”
Six. Six major characters in the show, all of them talking around the edges of this. Can’t quite see it or understand it, but they know it’s there.
You guys know how black holes are detected? Because you can’t physically see them.
They’re detected by the effects on their surroundings.
Sabine’s emotions - her feelings - about Ezra, have had such a huge effect on everything around her.
Despite the disaster of this line:
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We get the rest of the season to prove that Sabine is definitely holding a burning torch for her lost friend.
So, even if Ezra wasn’t being evasive about his true feelings - which I highly doubt - then Sabine clearly does not reciprocate the sibling bond (and she never did!).
Ezra is special to her in a way that none of the rest are: Hera, Ahsoka, Jacen, Zeb, and Chopper. Her Ghost family.
She knew this. And handed over the map, anyway.
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And, if nothing else, look at her eyes when it comes to Ezra:
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“The eyes shout, what the lips fear to say.”
- William Henry
I know we don’t trust Filoni, but there are so many ways he could have killed this ship stone cold dead.
But he didn’t.
He gave us this Sabine instead. Desperate, angry, fierce and unhinged - but she knows it and is fighting tooth and nail to hang on one more day to be reunited with Ezra.
Granted, a second season could re-contextualize/ret-con all this. But, that’s a lot of work. And, again, if Filoni really wanted to he could have killed this ship in a more overt fashion way earlier. Like, even back during Rebels.
But he kept it open. And he wrote Sabine the way she is for this first season.
If Sabine’s actions come off as desperately being in love . . . then they probably are. Can’t fault us for seeing it that way. That’s the writing, the acting, and the directing. All pointing to one thing.
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silver-starss · 1 year
I have (spoilery) Thoughts on Ahsoka episode four
First of all how dare you
Second of all how dare you
Bro why is Hera taking Jacen on this mission? I know she has a penchant for lugging around badass kids, but he's what, 10? A bit young imo.
Called it. Marrok was a red herring. Filoni knew that we'd all go nuts about the identity of yet another cool masked dude and let fan speculation run wild. Though him turning to dust does bring up new questions...
Sabine and Shin round two! I like that Sabine was actually able to use her armor/equipment this time and fight Shin on more even ground.
That moment when Marrok died and Shin seemed genuinely shook? And Sabine recognizing this and trying to take advantage of Shin's shookness? *chef's kiss*
Really good special effects in the shot with the ring coming out of the atmosphere! That was stunning!
Ahsoka and Baylan fight was genuinely cool, and the choreography felt much more Ahsoka-esque. Particularly that flip she did, which didn't look wired like the one from Ep 2.
So Clan Wren is dead. :/ Not surprising, I assumed that would be Sabine's character arc when the series was first announced (feeling survivor's guilt after the Purge), but what does Ahsoka have to do with that? Is it an emotional support thing?
Sabine joining up with the bad guys makes sense. Her #1 priority is finding Ezra and they're her only means of getting there. She's probably planning to gun down Thrawn in the process, though I imagine Baylan is fully aware of that and planning accordingly.
On the bright side, this gives us more opportunities to explore her rivalry with Shin...
Speaking of, love the dynamic with Shin being the feral one yet actually listening to/respecting her master. I imagine there's a story there and I'm very curious to hear it.
I don't know whether to be mad or impressed that Jacen said part of the Iconic Star Wars Line but not the full thing.
Beautiful transition between the ocean and the World Between Worlds. It looks absolutely gorgeous in live-action.
Why and how is Ahsoka in the World Between Worlds?
HAYDEN ALREADY???? I didn't think he'd show up until episode 5.
"SNIPS" (!!!!!)
Holy fucking shit I'm losing my mind.
He looks way better than he did in Kenobi, but the de-aging isn't 100% great. Still though.
Interesting that Ahsoka's first instinct was to call him "Master". Old habits (and attachments) die hard I guess. They're going to have some serious issues to sort out next ep though.
Lmao casuals must be super confused by this ending. Imagine that.
Goddamn that's a cliff-hanger. And on the strongest episode so far!
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milotehacegrand18 · 6 months
I was thinking about Rex from Star wars and came up with a theory/Headcanon about him and his relationship with Ezra Bridger.
In the last season of Clone Wars, it is more or less implicit (or rather confirmed) that Rex knows about Anakin and Padme's relationship.
This is quite important because it makes it clear that perhaps he knew which Padme was pregnant with and logically intuited that the father of Padme's baby/babies was Anakin.
In Tales of the Jedi, Ahsoka goes to Padme's funeral and the one who takes her is Rex (maybe I'm wrong) so at least Rex knows that Padme is dead and believes that Padme's children are too.
The point I'm getting at is that Rex was very fond of Anakin and to some extent probably hoped (my Headcanon) would meet any children Anakin would have.
Now we come to rebels, in the series when Rex meets Ezra it seems that he has a special affection for him and it could be the fact that he worked with Jedis when he was young and perhaps Ezra reminds him of several padawans (AKA Ahsoka) which he came to know during the Clone Wars.
This is where my theory comes in:
Rex is nostalgic and this is noticeable in Rebels because several times he usually mentions the “old days”, that is, the Clone Wars, especially when it comes to teamwork with Kanan or Ezra.
But the difference between how Kanan treats Ezra is noticeable: He treats Kanan like a general (much to the chagrin of Kanan himself), while he treats Ezra in a more parental way.
This is the series is taken as a joke as something that makes the rivalry that Kanan and Rex have more noticeable. But in my perception Rex treats Ezra so affectionately, so paternally because he sees him as a nephew (to put it in some way) or as the son that Anakin never had (it must also be made clear that Rex never knew that Anakin had a son or at least he doesn't know it during Rebels).
Let me explain: Rex has long thought and probably sworn that Anakin is dead. So it's a little painful for him. When he first appears in Rebels, he has spent years on a more or less deserted planet spending time with his clone brothers and suddenly a group appears where there are two Jedi and there is just a Padawan who is the same age (almost perfectly) as him. his friend's son would have, so he almost instinctively begins to project what Anakin's son would be like on Ezra.
So this just adds a layer of tragic to their relationship but that can be done because I love this type of Headcanons.
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x-0ophelia0-x · 1 year
A true hearts message.
Pairings: Ezra Bridger x F!Reader Warnings: Ahsoka S1 Spoiler! This was written at 3 AM -> should be proofread now
word count: I‘ll add it tomorrow
summary: you always felt strange feelings when Ezra was around you. Just when you finally decided to listen to your heart, it was too late. You were never able to tell him what you felt, and the same goes for him. When you finally found him alongside Ahsoka and Sabine, you both felt finally complete again.
authors note: thank you @densenubi for the idea! I hope you like it, had so much fun writing it, especially the beginning 😭😭 considering that it’s 3 AM right now, I’ll go to sleep and correct the mistakes tomorrow if there are any major mistakes c:
well then, this one even has a little bit of angst <3
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Our everyday life’s are filled with various kinds of what if‘s. 
They became important parts of our lives, accompany us throughout our most important decisions and even define us.
What if‘s belong to the greatest questions we could ever ask ourselves.
And what makes them so great? So individual? So special?
The fact that even we don’t and never will know the answer to them.
But most importantly. 
The fact that depending on what we chose, the ‚what could have been‘ will automatically be replaced into a ‚what‘ll never be‘. Destroying the chances of the opposite one to ever exist again.
„I don’t understand how they can be this oblivious towards each other“
Hera whispered, watching you two closely from afar. 
„Who? y/n and Ezra?“
Kanan asked while he leaned himself against the wall, looking at Hera. 
„Who else? Of corse I mean them!“
He chuckled at her. She was kind of the crews mother figure, she saw y/n, Ezra and Sabine as her own. Which was kind of the reason why she always got so excited when they were so close towards each other. 
But they were oblivious, even Kanan saw the tension between them and he is blind!
„I mean you can’t really see them.. but the way they look at each other or act around each other.. it’s painful to watch“
She sighed but Kanan only chuckled at her. 
And as if there wasn’t any better timing to her shipping you with Ezra, your faces moved dangerously close as you sorted the crates, gazing into each others eyes. 
The blue of his eyes always mesmerized you, and the same applys to Ezra with your e/c ones. 
You both stood still, basically panicking inside.
And Hera couldn’t contain her excitement any longer while she was still observing the scene.
„Oh my force! I think that they’re gonna kiss!!“
She whisper-yelled at Kanan. He shrugged it off.
„Wanna bet?“
„Bet on what?“
„I don’t know, choose something. If they kiss you win, if they won’t I win“
He said while grinning. 
„Okay then, the winner gets to eat a breakfast prepared by the loser to tomorrow. Prepare yourself though.. I‘m sure that this time they will finally feel the tension between them“
She said proudly, so sure that she’d win that bet. 
You felt your heart pounding faster, heat rising into your face and he felt the same. After staring into each others eyes for who knows how long you both moved your heads always from one another. Staring to the ground as if to avoid to lock gazes again.
„sorry I-„
„I didn’t mean-„
You both began simultaneously and then stopped, getting nervous now.
„You first“
You both started again, still avoiding eye contact. 
After hearing the same words from the other, you both started to laugh. 
Finding it funny how you both fell into each others words.
„I‘m sorry, I didn’t mean to come to close“
Ezra then said catching up his breath.
„Me too, I guess we‘re just both clumsy“
She replied while feeling the feeling of unease wash away and be replaced by a newfound happiness. 
„Clumsy you say? That was a perfectly synchronized attempt of a conversation“
He joked, also feeling how the unease was fading away as they continued talking. 
Hera at the other hand was dumbfounded. 
How where you two so blind? 
Her excitement washed away as she heard Kanan clear his throat. 
„Seems like I win“
He said victoriously.
„Just because you don’t see their bond and think of the negative!“
She whined, struggling to believe that once again, you both friendzoned each other. 
„I don’t always think of the negative“
He shrugged.
„I just know my Padawan and his inner struggles very well, I‘m his mentor after all, he tells me everything“
Kanan continued while he ‚looked‘ at her direction.
„So, you make the breakfast tomorrow?“
He asked with a smirk. 
You were back in your cabin now, laying on your bed while reading some reports on your datapad. 
Everything you could think of right now was the short moment you had with Ezra earlier. 
You couldn’t help but notice some kind of strange feeling taking over everytime you spent time with him. Sometimes it was warm, other times it was a rush of excitement but once again you didn’t know what it was or why it was there when you were around him. 
He is your best friend, of corse you’d spent time together or organize pranks against Zeb and Chopper.
But as of lately you noticed a change.
Whenever you walked close side by side your fingers were barely touching each other.
Whenever you talked about your stories, being your life when you where still small or his life back in Lothal, you felt as if you could trust him everything. 
Knowing that he wouldn’t judge you or see you any less. 
Whenever you had a mission you found yourself concerned for Ezra. 
Well, you were concerned for the whole crews well being, but Ezra kind of was the first person you had in mind when you heard an explosion or someone starting the blaster fire. 
And as if those observations weren’t enough, you noticed the crews strange behavior towards both of you. Always grinning whenever you where close. 
Being excited when you and Ezra hugged or trained together. 
But he was your friend. He didn’t see you in that way. 
And that was totally fine. While you still tried to decipher that strange feelings meaning, you were happy with how the things between you two where. 
Not thinking too much into it. 
The day had other days for you though when you heard someone knocking at your cabin door.
You asked.
„Can I come in?“
The voice asked, who you recognized as Ezra’s.
„I don‘t know if you can but you can try“
You answered, closing the datapad and sitting up, stretching your arms while he opened the door.
„Didn’t know that you were on your joker era“
He said, chuckling when all you did was to shrug.
„just one of my many mysteries“
You joked, looking at him and noticing that he was hiding something behind his back.
„Care to share?“
Ezra nodded, looking kinda proud of what he was about to show her.
„Zeb and Sabine returned from the mission and..“
He revealed what he was hiding behind his back.
It was a stormtroopers helmet. A new one.
„Didn’t have this one yet, it’s perfect for my collection! What do you think??“
He asked her, his excitement evident in his voice.
„You sure do love those helmets“
You laughed, looking at it while you tried to take in it’s features. 
„Well, I‘m Ezra the collector Bridger, loved by most, feared by stormtroopers“
He said proudly, acting as if he was twice the height he had, deepening his voice while he held the helmet high. 
Everything you could to was to watch in awe as he spoke about his collection, starting to feel the familiar feeling again. 
Nearly one year passed and a lot of things changed. 
First, that strange feeling you had grew stronger.
Whenever you and Ezra spent time together you felt some kind of tension between you two. 
At first you shrugged it off, thinking that it was just.. not gonna lie you didn’t even know what you where thinking.
But you for sure knew that you found comfort in Ezra’s presence, feeling safe around him, knowing that he’d always be there for you when you needed him, and the same counted for him. 
And just as you started to understand that strange feeling you felt whenever you were around him, everything changed. 
A lot happened to be honest, but the most important thing right now was that Ezra was on that ship.
The very one that was now being ‚held‘ and moved by the many purrgils you all saw through the window. 
It has to be Ezra’s doing. You were sure, connecting with creatures through the force is kind of his signature move. 
Everything that happened after that was just a blurr of memories. 
You could only remember seeing that the purrgils where preparing themselves to jump into hyperspace.
The panicked voices of everyone, trying to convince Ezra to leave the ship.
Your attempt to bring him back.
The extra amount of concern you always felt for him was stronger then ever back then. Deep down you knew that he wouldn’t come back, not as long as Thrawn was still there. This was his chance to get rid of him and you knew that Ezra wouldn’t back down from this.
He wanted to keep his family safe.
But unbeknownst to you, he even more wanted to keep you safe. 
“…. and remember, the Force will be with you. Always...”
And just like that he was gone.
There were no traces to where the purrgils could have taken the ship.
No known planets where they could have been.
Not a single hint to where he was now.
Ezra was gone and just when you saw the ship disappearing into hyperspace, you immediately felt a peng of pain in your heart. 
The closeness you felt, the warmth and the little excitement were gone.
As if they never existed. 
In that moment you just felt numb, slowly starting to understand everything.
Putting pieces together, recalling your memories with him, everything you felt.
All of that was gone now, replaced by a sudden worry, fear and emptiness.
It was just then when you realized that you started to fall in love with him.
That everything you felt was your body trying to tell you to listen to your feelings, to your heart instead of your brain. 
It all slowly came back to you and it was just that moment when you realized that you ignored the feelings for over a year now, while he was still by your side.
You had the chance to tell him.. but instead you chose to betray your feelings, keeping your mouth shut about this, scared of you he’d react. 
And now you realized that you ignored your heart for to long.
The moment you accepted your feelings for him, was the moment you lost him for maybe forever.
He was gone now and you never had the chance to tell him that he was loved. 
And all you could think about was about the ‚what could have been‘, followed by the bitter truth of ‚what‘ll never be‘.
The Version you'd be living now.
10 years passed by and they were the longest ones of your life. 
The events on Lothal plagued your mind.
His voice was a constant part of your dreams.
The memories from before that day replaying endlessly in your head.
The regret you felt since that day, of not telling him sooner or in fact just tell him about your feelings being unbearable. 
The mere thought that he could be dead by now, or suffering, making you even sadder.
And now?
Ten years later, after everything that happened, you found yourself on a Planet called Perridea. 
It was the purrgils’s cemetery, a destination they all had when they felt that their time had come to an end.
And now you were here, with Sabine and Ahsoka by your side. 
Finally fulfilling your personal mission, finding Ezra and to bring him back where he belonged. 
It was a chaotic reunion. 
Some kind of crab people found you, recognizing the sign on Sabines armor.
Even if you had troubles with communicating with them, they knew Ezra’s name.
Sabine then somehow asked them if they could lead us to him, telling them that we were his friends.
And that’s how we ended up here.
Standing in between the houses of the crab creatures, looking around, taking in the sight while trying to understand that this was the place where Ezra was living for 10 years now.
„I knew I could count on you..“
The group then heard, immediately turning around to lock gazes with the person in front of them.
He stood there, leaning himself against a wall while He had a warm smile, one she didn't see in a while now.
It was him.
Ezra was here.
Just when Sabine and Ahsoka hugged him, holding him into a tight embrace which seemed to be never ending, it was your turn.
Ezra had in fact the same struggle like you.
After he was stranded here, managing to escape from Thrawns flagship, hiding himself from his troopers, he had more then enough time to think and meditate.
And one thing that he noticed was that he felt that something was missing.
Not the fact that he was trapped in another galaxy, but a certain someone.
This someone being you. 
He also felt a new kind of feeling when he was around you and this feeling disappeared when he left Lothal, or well, his galaxy behind.
He realized that the only time where he followed his heart was when he sent himself away with Thrawn, straight into another galaxy.
Only to keep his family and his planet safe.
Especially you.
And just like you he was too late to accept that earlier.
One question left him sleepless during nights.
What if he had told you about his feelings before it was too late?
It all didn’t matter now though. 
You were the next, looking straight into his eyes while walking closer to him. 
You both pulled each other into a tight embrace, holding onto one another as if your life’s depended on it.
Taking each others warmth, scent, heartbeat and presence in.
You both were too scared to say something, not knowing what to say in the first place after all those years.
Instead you stood there, enjoying the moment and each others presence.
Ahsoka and Sabine stood before you, watching you as your hug now really seemed to be endless. 
The tension between you two was undeniable, but at the same time you both were just happy to finally relax under one another’s welcoming embrace.
They both grinned, just waiting for you two to kiss already. 
Sabine already shipped you both with Hera, back when Kanan was still alive.
Ahsoka started to ship you some time later, seeing you now though, reunited and relieved really filled their hearts. 
For the first time in a decade now you felt complete again, and the same went for Ezra.
When you pulled apart, you both started to take in each others features.
He was a man now, the boy you once knew grew up.
„you‘ve grown..“
You whispered, a hint of hapiness in your voice.
„would be worried if not.. it’s been some time“
He tried to joke.
„Even have a beard now.. now you’re not longer Ezra the collector Bridger but Ezra Bridger the wise“
You replied, returning to his sense of humor. 
„Hey..! I‘m not that much older!“
He then laughed, gesturing to his hair.
„See? Not one grey hair here. Totally young“
Ezra continued, giving you the proof you didn’t need to understand that he was mentally the same person you knew 10 years ago.
As for him, he was just happy that you managed to find him.
And when he showed you the small village, walking around and explaining them how they found him when he was in danger, he and you once again walked side by side. Very close even.
So close that your fingertips were touching his. 
This time you both didn’t pull away, but you also weren’t confident enough to walk hand in hand. 
Ahsoka and Sabine noticed that and couldn’t help but share knowing looks. 
Old habits die hard after all.
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ooops-i-arted · 1 year
ahsoka still calling anakin a 'good master' after everything he fucking did to her oh my god, ENOUGH!
cowboy hat man won't give it a rest. he wants to throw ahsoka in everything and have her ascend to glorified creator's pet status, but he still can't figure out how to feature her without making her whole worth and existence about anakin. a two year relationship that ended with the master nearly murdering his padawan gets to be highlighted repeatedly, as if it was the most emotionally resonant thing to ever happen to ahsoka and anakin. instead of literally any other relationship that could be explored more.
screw ahsoka's other relationships from the jedi temple or the clones. she can hang out with rebels characters who are reduced to hollow husks of themselves while she has the charisma of a plank. but let's remind everyone how special and awesome she is because anakin was assigned to her for a short time. ahsoka is almost fifty years old now, were the options really that limited? screw respecting anakin's kids who achieved their own legacies and played important roles in the rebellion, defying what he chose to become. luke and leia are barely present in these galactic events and it's rare for their names to be mentioned at all. and who the hell is padme at this point?
ahsoka's writing has been unimpressive for a while now and i haven't cared about her story beyond fandom osmosis. but her show probably isn't even servicing people who actually liked her from tcw anymore, it's about whatever caters to filoni's warped perception of these characters.
Not only is it egregious because we know Anakin is a child murderer, Ahsoka NEVER moves on or comes to terms with it! She just keeps wallowing in it so Filoni can wank off to Anakin licking Ahsoka's butthole. Also: two years. There's no way she's near as speshul to him as Padme (the woman he was in love with for 10+ years and his wife) or Obi-Wan (his Master who was like a brother to him, again for over a decade) or Shmi (his freakin' mother and likely his one point of stability in a chaotic childhood as a slave). Don't even tell me that if Anakin was dropped in the World Between Contrived Time Travel he would save Ahsoka over any of them lmao. Or drop her like a hot potato if he had to choose between Ahsoka and Luke, his son and the last remnant he has of Padme (her son), Obi-Wan (guarded and trained by), Shmi (her grandson) and pretty much the one person he was able to commit an act of true, unselfish love for (killing Palps).
I do feel bad for the fans since I've seen plenty of comments that it's "not her" and that RD's portrayal is just so flat and devoid of smirky smugness/cheekiness/whatever. I personally may hate it but it is part of her character. And you're right, why is it only people she isn't connected to? She barely knew the Rebels crew and mostly as Fulcrum, so a professional relationship, not a friendship. Not to mention Sabine being forced into a Jedi Padawan role despite NEVER showing Force sensitivity or any interest in being a Jedi, and she lived with two of them for years. She had plenty of opportunity to ask Kanan if she wanted to be trained! But nah, we gotta give Ahsoka a Padawan and throw in some forced girl power stuff on the side. (As a former little girl who deeply craved female representation in the male-dominated stories I loved, I can tell you, little girls can tell when it's forced.) (Also Sabine choosing to force herself into a Jedi role out of grief for missing Kanan and Ezra instead of actually being into it or confronting her feelings of loss could've been a really interesting character moment. But nah.)
Side note but I also find it interesting that Rex is barely in this show. Wasn't Rex Ahsoka's clone counterpart? They're very close friends? He's still alive and kicking and could help her out? That would be a really cool relationship to explore? Or did Filoni realize he can't whitewash a real Māori man the way he can animated clones?
(Also I saw this ask before bed and woke up thinking about Mara Jade and Jaina Solo, a female teacher-student relationship that was so badass, and now I want Mara Jade being Rey's teacher and helping her confront her relationship to Palpatine and Rey having the guidance of someone who Gets It, can you imagine. We could've had it alllllllll)
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thecleverqueer · 1 year
Did folks just sort of miss how much Ezra meant to Ahsoka?
We know that Ahsoka was in and out a lot in the Rebels series. Ahsoka was in Rebels for about an hour total. Rebels wasn’t really meant to be about her. I think she ultimately spent a lot of her time with the Ghost Crew once she discovered the identities of Kanan and Ezra, or, at least, that seems to be implied (I come to this conclusion not so much from the show itself, but from supplemental materials such as the “Forces of Destiny” short where Ahsoka is training Ezra on the importance of not relying solely on his weapon and trusting the force, but also, Filoni interviews and art work).
Ahsoka specifically had an affinity for Ezra. She always gave Ezra these cute little warm looks of endearment when they shared a scene. Subtext. It was also obvious that she meant a lot to the Ghost Crew family, especially to Ezra, by the way they reacted when they thought she died on Malachor. They were devastated.
Finally, Ezra literally saved Ahsoka’s ass by pulling her into the World Between Worlds. She should have died on Malachor. Honestly. He ripped her out of that battle, and while she couldn’t go back to Ezra’s time with him (as we all know bad things happen to wizards that manipulate time), she promised to come back and find him. So…
That’s why her story is going to be a continuation of the story Filoni started in Rebels.
I don’t know exactly what her show is going to be about. If I could take a wild stab, I’d say it was going to be not only about her finding Ezra with Sabine (as Sabine also made a promise to find Ezra, and while I have no evidence that Ahsoka and Sabine were close during the Rebels series, I’m all for watching their relationship bud into something special), but also, it’s going to be about Ahsoka finding her place within the force (potentially back with the Jedi), and setting things up for Ahsoka and her “Rebel” friends to save the New Republic from Thrawn and his forces (which is why the show is going to be called “Ahsoka”).
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marymary-diva17 · 11 months
Hi, i have a request and since October is coming. Can you do a Halloween event where anakin and Ashoka Padawan having a Halloween party.
anakin x reader x ashoka + 501st
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Ashoka and anakin did this annual halloween party since the time when they were both young. As they become older they soon kept this tradition going on with their friends who had become like family to them, once she had joined their family they started inviting you to join them as well. These parties made you happy as you felt close to everyone and you love spending the holidays with family and friends.
y/n " anakin and ahsoka I got the food you asked me to get from the store" you had arrived to the home where you are staying with anakin and Ashoka.
ashoka " sweet did you get everything"
y/n " well mostly everything some of te cookies that you asked for were not there, so I went with the other brand of cookies that they had"
ashoka " amazing"
y/n " thank you where is anakin"
ashoka " setting up the living room for the movies tonight"
y/n " cool" you had placed the shopping bag filled with groceries and drinks down on the table, that was now cover with halloween themed table cloth.
ashoka " place the drinks in the cooler so we can keep them cold"
y/n " sure" you had nodded your head and soon placed all the loads and waters into the cooler that was filled with ice, soon anakin came over to you two.
anakin " wow it seems like you got a good haul here y/n"
y/n " thank you even due I couldn't get everything I still managed to get all the good snacks that everyone will love"
anakin " that my girl"
y/n " so what type of movie will be watching tonight"
anakin " well we have some comedy, mixed with mystery and maybe some horror as well it will be up for a vote"
ashoka " umm that will be fun to see what movie will win the vote"
anakin " the boys will be here later on so we still have enough time to get this place ready for the movie night and party"
ashoka " yeah it will be good to have everyone here for the party"
anakin " we have been doing this for years ashoka you think, this is your first time doing this whole party situation"
ashoka " oh shush sky guy I'm just saying it always amazing and special when we do these events, and I love doing them with you all"
y/n " aww that sweet"
anakin " nice speech snips" you laugh at anakin and ashoka small fight they are doing as you started setting up the table with everything.
y/n " if you two not mind fighting right now like sibling do you care of helping me set everything up and make sure the order for the pizza, later tonight is correct"
anakin " oh yes kid sorry"
ashoka " yeah sorry"
y/n " it okay now come on lets get this place ready for a party and movie night" anakin and ashoka smiled towards you and soon started helping you get the house ready for the party. Soon night time had fallen and the house was ready for the party.
y/n " wow we need a great job didn't we"
anakin " yes we did and it all because you got us back in track kid"
ashoka " rex and the boys will be bring the pizza and appetizers over"
y/n " yes" soon the doorbell rang and you with ashoka had went to answer the door, to see rex and the boys standing there with pizza and appetizers.
echo " happy Halloween we are here for the party and movie"
y/n " cool come inside" the group soon walked into the house they are happy to be here today.
fives " don't worry obi wan and cody will be here with the other boys as well"
ashoka " sweet it still can't believe cody and obi wan have been dating for this long"
y/n " they make a perfect couple"
kix " nice decorations"
anakin " you should give that thanks to y/n here she the one who brought them and set them up"
heavy " oh did you kid"
y/n " yes I went to the store with a friend and we had stopped by the party supply store, and we got these stuff as well"
ashoka " she talking about her friend Ezra"
rex " oh when are we going to meet this boy named ezra"
y/n " soon he might come over but he also have a celebration with his family as well"
tup " here I thought we will meet this boy we have been told so much about"
y/n " you all will meet him soon when the time right"
echo " how is anakin deal with this whole situation of you have a friend that a boy"
anakin " I'm fine with it I haven't meet the boy yet but I wish to see him"
Ashoka " I meet them one day when I was out I saw them leaving the library together he a nice and funny boy prefect for our dear y/n"
rex " oh" soon the doorbell had rang again meaning that everyone else had finally shown up for the party.
anakin " finally everyone else is here we can talk more about this erza boy later" anakin soon walked away to answer the door allowing everyone to have a good laugh about what had happened.
cody " hey everyone"
everyone " hey"
cody " so what is this we hear about y/n have a boyfriend name Ezra"
y/n " we are friends that all we are not even dating"
anakin " yet"
waxier " I think it cool that kid has friends around her age"
boil " yeah it good for her and that boy can't be that bad"
anakin " yeah whatever enough talking about y/n and Ezra, lets get this party started we are supposed to have fun tonight" everyone soon smiled getting their food and drinks, while the movie voting had taken place.
y/n " this is a fun party"
ashoka " it all because you helped us make it so fun you did a good job"
y/n " thanks you Ashoka"
anakin " now you are official one of us not matter what anyone says" you smile towards anakin words, these words made you so happy as you felt like you did a good job tonight. The party was very wonderful and fun even getting to seeing to movies that night, everyone was having a fun time the night.
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This is my first Tumblr post, so sorry if I break some sort of convention.
Alright, I know we’re all bummed that Sabezra is separated again. However, thanks to the sequels we know that there is such a thing as a force dyad. It really seems that a lot of the storytelling in the shows serves to clean up around the movies…TCW did this for the prequels and Mando, Ahsoka, etc are going back and elaborating for the sequels. Grogu did force healing. Now, which character suddenly had a massive increase in her force abilities as soon as she reunited with Ezra?
Lots of people complained about about Rey and Ben just suddenly coming into this dyad. Ezra and Sabine have a LOT of history and have now chased each other across multiple galaxies. It makes more sense that they would develop some sort of special force connection than just about anyone else. Moreover, Sabine resolved the conflict within her at the end of Ahsoka season 1. She let Ezra go. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t care about him. It means that they have a healthy relationship where they can respect where they both need to be, unlike at the end of Rebels where they were very much in conflict. So I expect Sabine to retain her powers if not grow in them. Now what does that mean? First, the downsides. Force dyads, like Star Wars relationships, pretty much only have a history of ending tragically. Much as I’d like for them to catch the next purgill to the other galaxy, they will need to respect each other’s independence. “We are one when parted.” Ezra needs to deal with Thrawn and Ahsoka and Sabine need to figure out what’s going on with the Mortis Gods on Peridia. Still, I imagine that their paths will cross again.
Now the positives: There can be force Skype calls. It might take them a minute to figure out how or take some sort of divine intervention, but we have plenty of that just sort of lying around at the moment. There might be an “our lightsaber” moment—yeah I know Ezra made a new one, but it would still be epic. This has less to do with the force dyad theory I’m proposing, but if someone was gonna train Grogu it should be Sabine and I think there’s good reason to have Ezra there too. If, as some people are, you wanna insist that Sabine noticing the baby Noti is foreshadowing then rather than the unlikely conclusion that she wants a child, it could foreshadow that she’s going to teach The Child.
All in all, there’s hope for these kids yet. Their bond has been tested yet again and it’s stronger than ever. They’re the right person for each other. Eventually it’ll be the right time too.
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antianakin · 8 months
I've decided that Rex is the one who paints Kanan's eye mask with his bird of prey design.
Kanan's feeling pretty low still just after Malachor, he's still distancing himself from everybody, and Rex decides to go try to talk to him at one point and the first thing he comes up with to say is to point out that his new mask is pretty plain. It's awkward, he regrets it immediately, but then Kanan says that it gets the job done and Rex is abruptly reminded of himself so so long ago back at the beginning of the war.
He sits Kanan down and tells him a story about how, at the beginning of the war, only a few of the clones had paint on their armor, to designate things like rank and battalion in order to make it easier for officers to find them in the middle of a busy battlefield. The paint was practical and it was limited to a very select few. But the Jedi almost immediately started trying to encourage the clones to utilize the paint less sparingly, suggesting that maybe everybody could wear at least a LITTLE paint and use more individualized designs so that it was still easy to tell the commanders and captains apart from the others when needed.
Some of the clones had taken to it with gusto, but others had been more hesitant, and Rex remembers having been one of them. He remembers telling Obi-Wan that there was no real REASON to paint everyone's armor and especially not to come up with personal designs. The armor was practical and it served its purpose with or without the paint and special designs. But the Jedi had insisted on at least TRYING to come up with his own design and if he didn't like it, he could always take it off, so Rex had given in and chosen something to paint on the armor. And, somehow, it felt a little lighter the next time he put it on. It didn't erase the horrors of war or the pain of loss or anything like that, but it helped.
He tells Kanan that the mask right now is just a reminder of the pain of the injury and whatever other feelings he's still got all caught up in the Malachor mission (guilt over what happened with Ezra, grief over Ahsoka's loss). But if he puts his own design on it, it might turn the mask into something other than a constant reminder of something bad. Instead, it's a reminder of who he is, the combination of the person he once was and who he's become. He is more than just his injury or this mission and he can use the mask to declare that if he wants to.
Kanan says he never realized Rex and the other clones had cared so deeply about their armor and Rex says that the armor itself was meaningless. It's better than what's being handed out to stormtroopers, but not but a LOT. It was the design on it that had meant something and, more than that, it was what the design REPRESENTED: having a choice about how you were perceived by others.
Kanan asks why Rex had chosen his particular designs, the bird of prey eyes on his helmet in particular. Rex explains that he chose it because he liked birds and thought it looked cool, but he's kept the helmet for as long as he has because it's come to mean something ELSE now. It's not just a cool-looking design, it's a reminder of a better time in his life. It's a reminder of when he'd been a part of something greater than himself, with the other clones and the Jedi. It's a reminder of a time when he'd had hope that he and his people could one day come out the other side of this war towards a brighter future.
Kanan looks at the mask he'd grabbed from storage somewhere or something just to keep light from hurting his eyes as they recovered and to cover up the injury from other people's stares (even if he couldn't see them staring), then hands it to Rex and asks if Rex minds sharing that symbol because he'd like a reminder of that, too. Rex remembers the 332nd and their helmets that they'd painted to look like their chosen Jedi, almost blindly giving away their individuality in favor of that loyalty that had been stripped from them anyway. And then he looks at Kanan, choosing to make himself look LIKE REX, someone who had shared his face with millions once, because he wants to honor both the connections he'd lost as well as this new connection the two of them have built together now. And Rex says he'd be happy to share.
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dotthings · 1 year
While I thought that Sabine having tk might not be a thing, Sabine turning out to be force sensitive and finally able to use her tk makes perfect sense to me, and also I don't hate the idea of "anybody could be a Jedi" which was an important theme in the sequel trilogy.
I laid out some specific points from Star Wars canon and George Lucas viewpoints a few weeks back that shows how it's not as out of left field as it first appears to have Sabine be able to use her tk and listen to The Force.
Also want to highlight again that in Star Wars Rebels, Kanan already gave us an explanation on what was going on with Sabine.
Hera: Were you careful with Ezra? I don’t remember him fighting with a stick. Kanan: Well, maybe I’m trying to do things differently this time. Hera: Or maybe because she doesn’t have the Force, you don’t believe she can do this? Kanan: No. The Force resides in all living things. But you have to be open to it. Sabine is blocked. Her mind is conflicted. She’s so expressive and yet so tightly wound. She’s so… Hera: Mandalorian. Kanan: Very.
I understand why it seems to come out of nowhere at first glance. During Star Wars Rebels, Sabine showed zero signs of being force sensitive. I didn't expect Jedi Sabine either.
That doesn't mean she can't turn out to have the abilities.
She was blocked. She's stubborn. Few Mandalorian have been Jedi, there's a very famous legendary example from history, and there's Grogu, Mandalorian by adoption, and Grogu's not exactly following the old school Jedi rules, is he.
One last thing because wow have I seen some opinions. It's fair I get a turn: the claim that this ruins the franchise, that it's bad because now anyone could turn out to have Jedi powers, is gatekeeping and elitist. A lot of the rage seems to be people who are bothered at doors being opened, at possibilities. They mistakenly thinks this makes their Jedi favorites less special, but it doesn't.
And that, for a time period when most of the Jedi are all but gone. I don't know where people think new Jedi are going to come from. The Jedi fairy? They'll have to be found and people will need a chance to try.
Otherwise, the Jedi will die out completely.
People are hating on a concept that's been there since the beginning. Ahsoka is slapping it down on the table for us loudly, but it's not coming out of nowhere. It wasn't out of nowhere in the sequel trilogy and it's not out of nowhere now.
It's...kinda how The Force works.
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webtrinsic1122 · 1 year
I’ll be honest I’m a little dubious of Force Sensitive Sabine - if I remember correctly in the interview when Jon Favreau talks about it with Dave Filoni - Jon himself seemed pretty open to the idea while Dave did not.
So I’m wondering if the idea got pushed and it ended up happening even when the writers/producers/ creators didn’t agree.
Which actually makes it pretty confusing, because although the trailer (even the leaked con trailer where we see Sabine reaching towards her lightsaber on the ground like it would fly into her palm) kinda heavily implies she does in some way have some force sensitivity.
It’s just I don’t exactly understand how this could be the case and it not having been picked up on by Kanan, Ezra, or Ahsoka herself at the time when they first met.
I mean for all we know she’s not actually force sensitive, and she merely began dutiful lightsaber training with Ahsoka since those are hard to wield for non-force sensitives so heavy training would be required.
But that also begs the question of why Ahsoka left, and I kinda immediately assume it’s the same reason she said she can’t train Grogu.
Sabine is stubborn and she has abandonment issues, she’s out looking for Ezra and that’s her drive and that’s just not in line with the path.
The same path of the Jedi we see Sabine clearly trying to follow by listening to Ezra’s personal message to her (that message is not the same he left in rebels so we can only assume it’s separate).
Sabine even goes as far to cut her hair in the same way Kanan had when fully embracing himself as Jedi Caleb Dume - while I know apparently this is a mando custom when going into battle- that it might not have to do with Kanan at all - it does feel too similar to not be but again that’s just speculation on my part.
I do have one last thought on the force sensitivity, mainly on how she could have potentially got it if she randomly suddenly attained it because we know Ahsoka has some stuff going on with the world between worlds and the force gods - I know this sounds outlandish but in all honestly we can’t be sure what’s going on- I’m intrigued to find out.
All in all I can’t quite tell if I like the idea or not, personally I’m a little more in favor of her not, but there’s potential to come around.
I just feel she was special on her own, especially her wielding a saber without a lick of sensitivity and just her own prowess. Characters in Star wars shouldn’t have to be force sensitive to make them interesting, and Sabine clearly was interesting and capable on her own.
Those are my thoughts on the matter, feel free to kindly interact if you agree or disagree, and add some of your own thoughts.
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niobiumao3 · 1 year
Ahsoka commentary, stream of randomness
So, Sabine is Force Sensitive, she just sucks? That or Filoni is implying anyone *can* be Force Sensitive, just it has to be fostered and taught and the Jedi typically only fostered people with a strong natural aptitude.
On the one hand I like that; it removes the Force from the realm of the Super Special and moves it into a broader category of 'a power you can learn to wield if you listen to the mitochondria midichlorians (ugh) in your cells'.
On the other hand it makes literally NO SENSE WHATSOEVER in the context of the lore as a whole, because if basically anyone could be Force sensitive, wouldn't you mass train them?
In which case we're back to, there is a baseline requirement to meet, and Sabine happens to just squeak over the line. So barely that she would never have been trained except that Ahsoka comes across her.
I guess we can only hope they explain this. We'll see.
Other things:
* Oh look there's a random Night Sister. So there's more than one left! Merrin come get your girl she's making problems!
* I love Baylon already. Ray you will be missed.
* I just cannot get behind this actress for Hera. She's a perfectly good actress but she's not Hera.
* Still loving Rosario as an older, jaded Ahsoka, but man her lekku look so weird and unnatural.
* The plotting is so...so...very...*sigh* like this narrative is kinda kinda. But w/e.
* CLANCY BROWN IS HERE WOOOOOO Dave if he dies in this I'm coming for your eyelids
* Hera's lekku are so unfortunate
* ilu Sabine you're so adorable ;.;
* When exactly did Ezra record this? He knew he was going to fuck off with Thrawn to another galaxy???
* okay wait Ahsoka also says 'few people can wield the Force' so...Sabine always could???????
* MARROCK MY NEW BELOVED eighth brother is that you
* damn that is a fuck off huge hyper drive
* is...that Steve Carrell?????
I dunno, it's a perfectly okay show but there are some worldbuilding things which make no sense. So we'll see.
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