#because it's hilarious how long it takes her to notice lmao
curioussubjects · 8 months
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Kara has ADHD in every episode: "Kobol's Last Gleaming (Part 2)"
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fluttervee · 29 days
There once was a ship in limbo, of elven and draconic combine, but an anon so, heart full of woe, begs for headcanons that you can find. (inkblade crumbs? please?)
well, darling nonny, i have no idea why you have come to me for your crumbs but i will do what i can for you on this last day before we are well and truly jossed.
under a cut because i am completely deranged, this got so long lmao
sorry but I have to talk about this. dragonboy's death was hilarious actually. he was sooo confused about tbk killing his grandma. Were those dragons conjured/summoned/whatever and unrelated to him?? Or did he just not think about the implications of the bad kids showing up to the final confrontation?? What An Idiot. ok now crumb time i swear
I keep coming back to the fact that oisín didn't start missing at beer pong until after he spoke to adaine. obviously this takes on a WILDLY different cast post ep 17, but it's still so interesting to me. like, was he mad about her not remembering him?? that she didn't take his (definitely cursed) diamonds?? WHAT MADE YOU PLANT THE BOOBYTRAP BOY??
obsessed with the concept of oisín and ivy as cringefail loser meangirls. bitchy as hell, down in the first round of combat. icon behavior. they and aelwyn will get on like a house on fire
i like to think that oisín getting buff was part of some ragestar devil's bargain and not just a growth spurt. it would be soo funny if he sold his soul to Get Hot but actually adaine wouldn't care anyway. She just didn't notice you because you didn't talk to her, LOSER.
he would have to a) devour humble pie and b) Get Good, but I Still Believe In Canon Inkblade 🛸
i just love the idea of a bitchy wizard couple. Me and my girlfriend saw you from across the bar and we hate your vibe. we think your incantations suck.
I hope he saw her One Punch that dragon. I hope he was Scared and Horny
wait... sub oisín? Brat Oisín??? Ohhhh, now we're cooking
i like to think he was so caught up in his (her) Sick Burn that he didn't even CONSIDER how throwing that oracle line back at her would make her feel. i want him to lose his mind when he realizes. i want to him to beg her for forgiveness. grovel, even.
speaking of, have we decided how he knew that line to begin with?? someone floated the idea of adaine repeating it ad nauseum and i think that's so funny. Catty dragonborn hears elf girl make a sick burn one time, falls in love, decides to make it everyone else's problem
REMEMBER: if we don't have canon we'll always have fanfic. i will dip my toe into d20 fic for this with you, anon. hold my hand as we jump into the abyss
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stars-n-spice · 2 months
Thoughts on s3 ep 13!
fucking hell ya'll,, we're almost at the end of this and I simply can't believe it and don't want to believe it simply because I don't want it to end and I don't see how the fuck they're going to tie up all the loose ends in just the next two episodes.
This time around I recorded my reactions to it and it was a lot of yelling and making really weird noises,, but uh, y'know the drill!
Incoherent screaming (this time for real) and spoilers under the cut!
Click here for the audio recording of my initial reaction
i forgot they had that baby up in there,, omg
FUCKIN' WAAGHHh why didn't omega try to like access that hatch thing at night?? wouldn't that have been less risky??
this episode stressed me the fuck out,, I have a headache rn holy fuck
wait how the fuck are they going to get that baby through the chute thingy??
Eva is so precious :( I love her so much
Omega has been in there for like probably a day or something and is already making plans to escape, I love her so much
"That's okay, I like a challenge" AAAAA WRECKER WOULD BE SO PROUD!!
Question: why the fuck do they keep taking samples if they know her blood is compatible??
I better see more of Phee somewhere, anywhere, please, I love her so much your honor
Echo!!!! FUCKING HELL!!!! ECHO <3!!!!!
I missed Echo so much,, this episode really just showed that they couldn't have him in it because he would've gotten things done like five episodes ago because he's just that good
Them keeping Rampart is so funny to me idk
He was such a throw away character to me in the other seasons so I this is so hilarious to me, what a silly, pathetic man I need to see him get chewed up by a space animal or something idk
after all this time it was strange to see Crosshair in the background of things but he was still shoving Rampart around and I loved it
Rampart is basically Walmart Kallus
I swear to god, Hunter is getting shorter
Also looks like Crosshair is filling out :( He's finally getting to eat now :((
Crosshair's helmet ESPECIALLY, it looks super cool
Felt like I was watching an episode of Rebels due to how they were infiltrating the place
How the FUCK did nobody like,, notice?? insane. imperials are so fucking stupid I love that so much.
"Where is your captain?" - "Uh, captaining?" WRECKER MI VIDA!!!!
I've said it 100 times and I'll keep fucking saying it,, everything Wrecker does in this season is pure just,, everything he does is amazing, I love him so much, even in the background, him simply breathing?? Iconic. He better stay breathing.
I know Rampart is stressed out of his mind LMAO bro is getting out of this with gray hair
"It's the only chance we have of finding Omega and freeing those clone prisoners" WHHHATTTTT HUNTER FINALLY THINKING ABOUT SOMETHING OTHER THAN OMEGA??? NO FUCKING WAY!!!
Crosshair and Echo dynamic my beloved
last stretch of the episode had me so fucking stressed
i'm not ready for the next ones
"Negative" and all the Hunter girlies fell to their fucking knees
that was HOT
and stressful as FUCK
losing my mind
Music was insane, omg loved it
makes me fucking sick
they need to give us a whole ass season of all of them together being happy on Pabu I swear to god
this episode made me fucking sick ugh
everything sucks man oh my god
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hyacinthsdiamonds · 2 months
The reason why they don't follow each other lmao, I still cackle thinking of Charles - literally on Max's freaking plane going home to Monaco after Austria 2019 - looking over at Max to see if he noticed that he'd unfollowed him.
(this point from a post of yours btw)
is there any proof to that point? i'm genuinely asking
Hi Anon,
So I don't have any screenshotted proof from this pre & post Austria 2019 era myself, but maybe another blog does (I've only been active myself in f1 tumblr since 2021, despite following the sport my entire life and looking over the tags every so often before setting up my blog here) so I'll throw this in the tags so if someone does have that type of evidence, they can add it here.
Here's what we do know and have evidence for;
We do know that Max and Charles did follow each other on their various social media platforms until circa 2019, as - (if you scroll back far enough) - you can see different interactions between them pre 2019, pre Austria specifically. [Unrelated note: the unhingedness of them and the rest of the then teenaged members of the grid at this point of time is beyond hilarious. Genuinely, if you have the time it's worth the scrolling because they're such teenage boys tm it's ridiculous, and we kinda forget how long their lives have been interconnected, and it's before they got proper pr training and before certain drivers - most recognisably Max - gave their socials to a media team to run. There was a good period of time around 2017/18 when Victoria, his sister, ran his accounts as well as he wanted to include her in his team, before a proper media team took over. Objectively, the idea of Victoria noticing Charles unfollowed Max and then being the one to unfollow Charles in response, while Max remains oblivious to the entire situation is killing me lmao].
Now we do definitely know that they shared the flight home from Austria as during press after the race, Max was asked if things were going to be awkward with Charles now and he was essentially like "??? We're literally sharing a flight home???" This was Max's "It was just an inchident" ngl. Meanwhile, this was Charles on the podium:
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... so he certainly did not share the same sentiment. It was his "it's just unfair" era. You can see a clear difference in Charles' driving post Austria, he started taking more risks and was more aggressive afterwards, because he felt if max was allowed to take risks and be aggressive, so was he. In the story of Charles' racing career, Austria 2019 is a significant race in his journey, even though it wasn't the win he wanted it to be. He would win his first two races in the aftermath of it.
It would not be the first or last time Charles would pettily unfollow someone on the grid after feeling he had been dirty by them and/or the FIA. In 2021, he followed every driver on the grid bar Max and would unfollow Valterri after what Charles dubbed the bowling incident in Hungary. While Bottas caused the main chaos of that opening lap, Stroll was the one who actually took Charles out of the race, but Lance has Charles following him as of 2024. Bottas also may have been unfollowed because of his preference of being as little clothed as possible in his insta posts lmao, but Charles did follow him before Hungary 2021 and quickly unfollowed afterwards.
I hope this provides some help, anon. And I'm sorry that I don't have the relevant screenshots to validate and accurately fact check this section of lestappen lore.
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quodekash · 11 months
guys jokezo just made out and now they have to share a bed together. just chew on that for a bit.
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(they made out last night btw)
(just in case anyone forgot)
(and then they had to share a bed)
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ass x7
also zo is fully just not doing anything lmao
everyone's pushing with all their might and zo is just 🧍‍♂️
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oh the desperate thigh grab
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yeah, im with him on this, they need to talk about it. especially about how they had to slEEP IN THE SAME FREAKING BED AFTER THAT
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welp. I guess joke's day was just ruined in a slap to the face disguised as a few words
I must say tho, this is really giving episode-6-of-bad-buddy
its very patpran-post-rooftop-kiss-core
the vibes be gay and yearning and very very sad
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a few things to say about her
1. she's gorgeous
2. DAMN she is SHORT
3. I was rewatching the first four episodes yesterday and today because I could, and I noticed in the first episode, zo asked his friends to not tag him in photos they took at the bar, because "I don't want my mum to see"
but my question is... why? he's just out drinking with friends, he's an adult, he's not being irresponsible or anything, so why doesn't he want her to see the photos?
is it something to do with what his mum thinks of him? is she overbearing? does she have high expectations of him? does she kinda suck?
she's probably lovely though, and ill end up adding her to my list-of-fictional-parents-to-get-adopted-by (it's a very long list)
I guess we shall find out today as the episode progresses
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oh, honey, you're so queer
the amount of times ive done exactly this
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she's so short its hilarious omg
also: ive decided I love his mum
she's so sweet
and neither of them know how to use a stove and I think that's so hilarious and endearing
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(also: this scene is making me think of akkayan at aye's house having a meal with his mum and rhbgdhjgb)
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he's putting two and two together
the few braincells he has that aren't dedicated to debating are whirring in his mind
I can practically hear his thoughts
"he kissed me back... he wants to talk about the kiss... we went on two dates together at his suggestion... he showed up at my house and charmed my mother... he says I have secret admirers..." cmon sweetie youre so close
"WAIT, DOES HE LIKE ME?" omg honeybun you did it!
or maybe he didn't do it
maybe he was still shuffling the pieces in his brain but hadn't put them together and then his mum said something and distracted him
either way: that was hilarious and I want to high five dunk for his acting there
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still love her tho
high expectations suck but she seems wonderful so far (obviously my opinion will change if the circumstances do (like if it turns out she completely sucks) but for now she's made it to the adoption list)
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brb, gonna go cry real quick
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well now their thumbs are making out
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you see, I understand the things he's saying. and I honestly agree with him. if I were ever somehow put in his position, id probably say the same things.
HOWEVER, I just want my bl boys to kiss again and be happy and together and I appreciate the realism over the usual fantasy kinda situation we go for in bls, but I just want them to kissssss
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this is very good advice
I hope that jokezo kiss again this episode
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im gonna start crying soon
its so funny
help me
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girl is worried
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I know this is what jeng told you to do but is during debate club really the right moment
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im so certain that she ships it
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hell yeah
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omg next episode is gonna be amazing
I can't wait
gekjrdsbfd I love them so much
im like 70% certain they're gonna kiss next episode so fingers crossed
anyway. that was good. I should go to sleep now
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i have a few Everlark Post-MJ head canons that I’d like to share!
Katniss and Peeta get to finally act like the normal kids/teenagers they never got to be? Small things like playing out in the rain, reading a bunch of books that were once banned by the Capitol, dancing to music in their living room, and getting into mundane hobbies not part of their typical persona (like I can see Katniss taking up some knitting or crocheting? maybe Peeta could take a hand at carpentry, building small things like birdhouses and chairs)
Once they’re more stable physically and mentally, they add work-out regimes in their daily routines. Peeta, being an athlete in canon, starts to lift weights again and maybe take a few runs around the district once in awhile? He comes back to 12 probably still a lot skinner compared to when he was training for the quell? But he gets all the muscle back in no time, much to Katniss’ appraisal 😉 speaking of Katniss, she’s naturally active in the woods with climbing trees and all that but I do believe she too takes a few runs once im awhile, sometimes with Peeta ☺️
Okay this one is my fave but they love to mess with Haymitch because now that their lives aren’t at risk, him getting pissed at them is just plain hilarious. I can imagine Peeta pulling small pranks on him (as a normal teenage boy does) like doodling on the sides of the newspaper before Haymitch gets to read it at breakfast. When he gets Katniss roped into the pranks tho, they truly become a menace. Drawing on Haymitch’s face while he naps and him not noticing till he strolls into town and someone points it out, they super glue his coffee mug to the table, purposely showing a lot of PDA while he eats because they know it disgusts him, filling his flask with odd (but consumable) liquids 🥲 though, Haymitch also gets his revenge sometimes like by timing the exact moment he knows they’re about to ~get busy~ so he walks in and casually makes conversation while they stare at him in irritation, or stealing Peeta’s freshly baked loaves from the counter when he leaves the kitchen for a bit 😭 also, making a lot of dirty jokes and innuendos to Katniss once he noticed she and Peeta are becoming a lot closer because he knows it pisses her off
Omg I’m so sorry for the long post but I have so many HCs for them! I hope you don’t mind me sending them once in awhile since idk where to really put them lmao
❤️, headcanon-anony
headcanon-anony, I'm honored you would think to send these to me! I love all of these! Especially about how Katniss, Peeta, and Haymitch find little ways to tease and prank each other. Such a found family thing to do and a light way to cope with their trauma through laughter. And Katniss and Peeta taking time to be kids again?! Love it! I think later when they have kids, getting to experience the joys of childhood through them is also very healing and meaningful for them.
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emirrea · 4 months
I really love this years Lantern Rite in Genshin!
More thoughts, screenshots and spoilers under the cut!
I don't know what it is with the new area they released, but I have been in no rush to explore it. And that's not a bad thing. Somehow I just find myself going through the area as if I was hiking around it myself, a.k.a stopping every ten minutes to take a bunch of pictures of the scenery. I guess I feel no rush to explore the area because I want to enjoy everything it has to offer. It also helps that I don't need to gather any of the materials from that area for any characters atm.
I mean, just look at this place, it's so pretty
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I've known Gaming for like a week and I love him already. He is precious, he deserves nothing but the best, he's great. 10 out of 10. The best boi ever.
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I definitely teared up after his performance and when he had the talk with his dad. I didn't think I would tear up, but yup, it happened. Gaming is wonderful. Also Xianyun is great, and the fact that she even made Zhongli go along with her plan to help Gaming was fantastic.
(also confession. I've played genshin for 2,5 years by now and this Lantern Rite was the first time I did any co-op lmao. it was super fun tho)
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I didn't expect to see the Fontaine characters, but I absolutely loved the whole last sequence of the Lantern Rite story. It's great, it's everything I ever hoped for.
(I love how the implication was at first that Furina, having just turned mortal again, is immediately reaching out to Hu Tao for her services askfdghkd, even though that wasn't the actual reason)
I also can't believe that Neuvi and Zhongli almost met offscreen. I knew Neuvi would go back on his word of "I'm not leaving Fontaine for a long time" the moment Furina started travelling lmao. I'm surprised that he didn't notice Zhongli's presence even from a distance. I feel like that would have come up during the last conversation with Neuvi if he had noticed Zhongli. But Zhongli noticed Neuvi and ran away asdfkjghl. What a Lantern Rite it would have been if suddenly there was a massive fight between two dragons in the middle of it.
(a part of me is wondering if Neuvi was being an overprotective dragon and went to Liyue ahead of Furina and the others to show his presence to Zhongli on purpose, but maybe he just wanted to get the tea and taste the spring water lmao)
It's a shame Furina didn't recognize Zhongli or that they didn't get to talk freely about being Archons, but at the same time, seeing Zhongli try to dodge anything in relation to Neuvi was hilarious. Especially with Hu Tao throwing shade at him lmao
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Girl, you don't even know how much you are stirring atm and I love you for it askdjgfhd. Her calling out Neuvi too with the "your friend... he doesn't go out much, does he?"
But I'm gonna end this whole post with this, because seeing this gives me so much joy
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rise-my-angel · 5 months
The thing with R/L shippers and their annoying push back when anyone brings up the super dark undertones of that relationship is that they have convinced themselves the show depiction of R/L is more or less what will happen in the books/is GRRM's intent. Which is hilarious because the people who ship R/L are almost always Dany/targ stans who think Dany breaking bad, being the final villain, and Jon/the Starks being antagonistic to her and taking her down was complete Benioff and Weiss fanfic. Which...lmao...I have a bridge to sell them.
In general, I've noticed this with the remaining book fandom, there is very much an undertone in their 'theories' and 'speculations' of 'everything I liked in the last four seasons of GOT totally came from GRRM and will totally happen in the books, and everything I didn't like was total fanfic, not Martin's intention at all, and will not happen.' Which, once again lmaooo and good luck with that!
Side note, the show depiction of R/L was hilarious. The writers had to magic away Rhaegar's marriage in one of the dumbest plot points on that show, and then attempted to magic away Elia, Rhaenys, and Aegon's existence/deaths. They also had to magic away Rickard and Brandon's existence/deaths. Gave zero explanation as to why and how and what happened between R/L. The writers really made R and L into two sociopaths who they wanted viewers to romanticize, but only the opposite ended up happening. The absolute dragging they received from the fandom was INSANE lmao.
Anyway, I think the lack of any development of R and L by the writers to the point where Jon didn't even state how he felt about their relationship might indicate that the book version Benioff and Weiss were told was problematic and they just didn't want to open up that can of worms. But instead their writing choices made R and L even more hated and worse than I think GRRM intended. Just the most hilarious writing choices.
The fact that where the first substantial introduction to the nuances of this plot was scrapped entirely tells me that Benioff and Weiss had no idea what kind of character they wanted Rhaegar to be. We don't truly see anything of the Tower of Joy until late in season 6 in some half baked Bran Greensight vision. But if they did it properly, that Tower of Joy scene should have been all the way in season 1.
Open episode 6 of season 1 with the Tower of Joy flashback as it is depicted in the books. Then slowly transition into Ned waking up in bed after his fight in the street with Jaime Lannister. That is how early in the books the seeds of that mystery were planted, but they never even begun to tackle it until the end of season 6.
Which is bizarre, beacuse they actually shot themselves in the foot already. Show Robert is so much more nuanced of a character in his book counterpart. The way he talks about Rhaegar and the way he lements a genuine heartache over Lyanna is so much more dynamic then what we got from book Robert.
What I could critizise from the books, should have been fixed in the show. They proved they could. They turned what is a pretty black and white unlikeable character in Robert to someone who is as problematic as he is tragic. He is so much more human and that should have been the perfect set up happening at the same time Ned is beginning to experience his traumatic dreams and flashbacks about Lyannas death.
That despite Roberts heartbreak, there is something so much darker then Ned is letting on that is now spiralling him into having consistent trauma reactions over it.
If this were a love story, why would Ned twenty years later be so utterly haunted by it in a way he had long since pushed down?
Also the annulment is...I don't have words for how impossible it is.
I'd literally have to make a whole separate post to explain why that annulment subplot literally could never have happened.
And like, Jon had no reaction because they did not care about using it properly. The revelation of who Jons mother is has always been about Jons personal journey with identity, and making sense the parts of his father he never understood and the sacrifices he made to protect him. It's supposed to be about Jon realizing he was never the bastard who accidentally ruined his fathers honour. It's about Jon realizing he had a mother who loved him and watched over him in their home his entire life, and that Ned Stark chose Jon to be his son all on his own.
It's about Jon learning his mother died loving him feircly begging to keep him safe, and that Jon wasn't Neds son by accident. He was Neds son by choice out of love.
But they only used it to fuel half baked drama about the Iron Throne because at that point all Jon was there to do, was act as an accesory on Danys arm. He was no longer his own character by then so of course he has no reaction. He wasn't told because it was meant to impact him. Jons secret was revealed soley to add drama to Dany's narrative.
R+L=J was never meant to be about Jon's Targaryean side. It was meant to be about Jon learning he had a mother who died protecting him, and that Ned chose to ruin his own reputation because he decided to raise and love Jon as his own.
It was supposed to be about Jon learning who his mother is, why she isn't here, and how that heals all of the hurt left behind that Jon didn't understand about Ned.
It was never supposed to be about Rhaegar or the Targaryeans.
But I mean the second I saw they aged Lyanna up to the the oldest in the show I checked out. I knew they did that beczuse they couldn't portray a 14-15 year old girl marrying a 25+ year old man without the obvious implciations of at the very least, grooming a minor.
They knew this wasn't a romance, but that is too hard of a story to tell, a forbidden romance is so much easier. It was done only out of convience. They had to do something about that mystery, and so they took the easiest route and only ever mentioned it when it pertianed to adding drama to Dany's personal narrative.
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eddieswh0r · 2 years
Hello! I saw you just followed me and that your requests are open so I figured I'd ask for something if it's alright! I'll admit, I don't know much about the main plot of Stranger Things (horror media makes me paranoid) but I've somehow managed to hyperfixate on a man from a show I've never even watched lmao - in my defense, I've watched a ton of compilations about him so I know the basics ;-;
Could you please write something about Eddie with an anxious reader who's really into D&D? Maybe she wears a D&D shirt that says like "Carpe DM" and he's already kinda been crushing on her so he invites her over for Hellfire? And then he sees her fun side because she's way more wild when playing D&D and he just falls completely in love. Whether or not you want to make it spicy is up to you!
Thanks so much, and don't feel the need to make it too long if you don't want to! Just some headcanons about this is fine but really it's up to you! Have a wonderful weekend, I wish you the best of luck!
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Oh the Carpe DM shirt is just THE cutest thing Eddie has ever seen, that's when he knew she was the one for him!!
Eddie would 100% purposely skip class just so he could stare at you through the window in the door of the class you're in
Eddie would absolutely have a new interest in the school library, not to learn or read but because that's where you went on free periods and after school, he'd sit across from you but a few chairs down with a book upside down because he just wanted to stare
You'd notice him subtly following you around for weeks and it literally made your anxiety through the roof because the look of him terrified you, you took on a panic attack and heard "Hey, you 'Kay? There's nothing to worry about, you're safe, breathe with me" as he had his hands on your shoulders
He took you outside for air and you both sat on the grass, under a tree and ate your lunch together, he explained how much he loved your shirt and told you about hellfire
The next few weeks were nothing short of perfect, after some convincing on Eddies part, you'd meet under the tree every day to eat lunch together, you never smiled this much. Ever
God can you imagine when the day came to ask you to come to Hellfire? How excited he'd be? Literally bouncing around like a fucking golden retriever
You'd naturally be so nervous turning up, wearing another D&D shirt with some pun on it that Eddie found absolutely hilarious
A hellfire shirt already awaiting you, Eddies big brown eyes so full of love and pure happiness as he gave it to you
Picking the skin around your nails, you anxiously waited for the campaign to start, Eddie noticed you looked lost so with a whisper to your ear "I've got you, everything is okay" you pushed your hair behind your ear smiling coyly, blushing at his breath on your face
The campaign started and you didn't interject much because stepping on anyone's toes at this point wouldn't be go down well at your first campaign with them
As the game went on, you spoke a little more, you cheered, huffed and even slipped a curse word much to Eddies joy
God, he couldn't take his eyes off you, watching how you rolled the dice, the loud belly laugh that fell from your lips, waving your arms around
What really got Eddie going, hard, is when you stood your ground wanting to take action and not run away from the villain Eddie had created and "Kill the son of a bitch" as you slammed a fist on the table. His dick literally jumped when your fist connected with the table
Eddie grinned like a Cheshire cat, leaning back into his chair as you all cheered for the win you got, jumping up and down in glee you glanced at Eddie who was just simply admiring you totally head over heels by this point for someone who loved D&D as much as he did.
You very shyly accepted his offer of going to his trailer with the rest of them for a movie, horror didn't really scare you but Poltergeist did
A few jumps and squeals later, Eddies arm found its way around you and you moved yourself into him, burying your face into his shoulder
All the boys left together but Eddie had offered to drive you home, you tried to politely decline but he wouldn't take no for an answer, fuck that boy is stubborn as shit!
Eddie even walked you up to your door like a real gentleman, that's if gentlemen have shaggy hair, a chain on their ripped jeans and a hand full of rings.
He gushed about how he'd had the best time with you and your cheeks instantly turned fucking crimson, looking up through your eye lashes you started to pick your fingers again, something you did out of being anxious and nervous.
Eddie took your hands in his ever so gently and moved a few steps closer "You don't need to be nervous around me, I told you, you're safe. You're always safe with me sweetheart"
Fuck the literal fireworks you felt when his hand brushed your hair behind your ear and he fucking kissed you, Jesus Christ, you melted, you'd never been kissed before, not that Eddie knew. It wasn't something that cropped up in conversation
"Night sweetheart" ughhhh. Eddie fuckin' Munson. I love you.
please this was so rushed bc im so behind with asks 😭
i hope its okay, if not i will re do one for you i swear❤
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cookinguptales · 6 months
I'll probably talk about the SNM NYE party in batches because I'm still exhausted but... wow, that Hecate 1:1, huh?
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I didn't actually know that audience interactions were going to be a thing during the party, so imagine my surprise when about 30 seconds after I took the first photo, the second thing happened lmao.
(nearly had an aneurysm when my friend texted me that they'd managed to get pictures of the encounter haha)
spoilers under a cut!!
So there was an angel dancing in the rep bar, which... I hilariously did not notice for the first portion of the song. I was taking photos for a large group of people who were sitting up on the bar in front of the neon sign, and then I turned around and was like !!!! oh!!!
I nearly banged into the poor guy haha. but then, I mean, I had to take some photos of his dance! it was a lovely dance, very soulful. when he noticed me taking photos, he definitely started posing, good for him. I got some really good photos of him here.
anyway, after I got my pictures, then he comes up to me and takes my hand and it's like oh!!! okay we're doing this.
he was holding several rings in his hand during his dance (big costume jewelry types) so the obvious allusion was to Hecate. while he was dancing with me, there was a lot of elaborate stuff where he'd show me the rings in his hands, play with them, offer them to me, take them back, take my hand and spin around so I was holding him, then curl around behind me, etc.
he was really gentle with me, RIP ;;
anyway, he ends up taking my hand and leading me to Hecate's door. now, I saw Hecate a few times throughout the evening, mostly carrying around a sign in a stately procession letting people know how long it was until midnight, but I didn't realize she was doing Other Things until we got outside her door and I was like "wait okay I get it" lmao
at this point, I still wasn't sure exactly where he was going with this, so I just followed him as he finally knelt down before Hecate's door and offered up the rings in supplication.
then her door opened and she appeared and I think you could probably see the big exclamation point over my head like I was a freaking video game character.
then she grabbed me and pulled me inside.
the vibes were very similar to her usual James & Anne 1:1, and she brought me over to sit on her couch. but instead of paper boats and ghost stories, she brought out tarot cards.
(if you know me, you know I was thrilled lmao)
she has me choose one and it was, of course, Death.
(I... think they were probably all Death, and I know she had to keep them to do this with others but I wish I'd gotten to keep that card.)
Death, as my regular followers know, is a card about change and the death of the old to make room for the new. so as soon as I saw it, I knew, and I just. man, the Emotions In Me.
she told me about how the card was about change and how old things had to die so new things can happen, even if it hurts. she said it was the new year, which is a time for the old things to die and new ones to come. that things would be changing soon, but that was okay. she then took my palm and drew a straight line on it, like a palmistry situation, and said that people think time is a straight line. then she drew a circle and told me that time here, in this place, is really like a circle.
I can't remember all exact words, but the general gist of it was that even though things die and new things take their place, they don't ever fully go away. time is a loop, as it always has been in the McKittrick, so these moments will always be happening, even if we don't get to experience them anymore.
(we'll always remember them.)
then when we got up to leave, she turned me toward the mirror on her nightstand and had me look at my own reflection. she held me from behind, encircled in her arms, and squeezed me so tight that it almost hurt.
(I wish I could remember what she said during this moment, but I'll admit I was having a "this could actually be kind of bad if she squeezes much longer, she doesn't know I have EDS and I can feel my ribs straining" moment so I got a little distracted. she didn't hurt me!! to be clear!! but I was worrying a little that I might have to interrupt her and in so doing failed to live in the moment and it was gone. I'm hoping I'll remember after I've recovered a little. ;; )
I feel like... it was encouraging, what she said at the mirror. so I suppose for now I'll have to content myself with that.
and then, once she let go, she took one of the rings from a dish on her table and slid it onto my finger.
I guess we all know what that means.
and then she let me go.
I felt... really profoundly moved after this. the time loop element of SNM is one that I've always been obsessed with, and so to have all of that laid out so explicitly... it made me feel like there really is a sacred, magical place in that room, and none of us will ever truly escape it.
Hecate has a habit of snatching humans and drawing them into her woods, like Porter and Boy Witch, and I feel like she really managed to do that to all of us as well. we're under her spell and, like them, we must constantly search for her ring.
last night, I sort of felt like I finally found it. like her ring has always been the loop all along, and that's the source of her power. the ring of time, a wheel, and it constantly spins in place. we're all inside it, and it could be a trap but it feels so damn exhilarating to be there.
our poor Porter will never truly find it because he's inside it, and so are we. the entire hotel is her ring and so are all the ideas and experiences inside it. and they are eternal. even if the show itself closes, that little pocket of time will always exist within us, because that's where her magic resides.
it made me think a lot about love and memories and the way that our experiences live on in them, changed by nostalgia and regret but dear all the same, and it made me think about how Sleep No More, or at least a version of it, will live on in us forever.
change is coming, and it might hurt. but new things are coming, and they'll be lovely. we have so many things lying ahead. and what we experienced together in that hotel will never go away. it'll continue on in our memories and the art we've made and the friends we've met, y'know?
so it felt like such a beautiful way to end the year. the whole thing happened just before midnight and it felt perfect.
(even though... there were a lot of elevator issues last night and I only BARELY made it downstairs in time for the countdown. so there was a moment of Panic right after haha.)
but Hecate kissed my forehead just before midnight and that sort of feels like the best kiss you could get on the new year at the McKittrick. I didn't even realize I still had the lip prints on my forehead until I looked at the photo I took just after the confetti was released.
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(not the best selfie in the world, admittedly, because I could not see anything with the lighting in there but like! still! the happiness is palpable.)
so... that was my experience with Hecate, and it's one that was comforting in a way that's hard to entirely convey.
I feel like... I'm definitely going to write a story about this...
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neilanuruodo · 6 months
I get why Larian patched out the "turn your party to squids" workaround, I really do, but the intrinsic comedy of it is just too perfect.
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How does it feel to be a devil, Wyll? Er... I mean mind flayer...
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"Thank you, tadpole" BOI you ARE the tadpole
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"before long" um... Shadowheart, I'm not sure how to break this to you, but...
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Yes, thank you for noticing, Jaheira!
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Okay, this one is funny for the very specific reason that the party turning illithid happens because the Dream Guardian (after SEVERAL warnings, it's not out of nowhere) drops the protection over the party and lets the Netherbrain transform and take them over. (It's a really cool unique game over screen - as soon as Dame Aylin is released you can trigger it by trying to leave the Shadow-Cursed lands. No idea how it works if you don't free her, but presumably that's the trigger either way.) "This would have been your fate" indeed LOL.
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I don't believe you. You're a mind flayer. (I couldn't bring myself to pick this one, but maybe I should dig up a save to try it just for a good laugh.)
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"enough" huh?? how damn high are your standards??
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"We're alike in other ways too." (and of course the other options are equally hilarious. "I'm nothing like you." "I'm no illithid, and never will be." Lol. Lmao, even.)
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"You, too, should embrace this change." What change is that, Mr. Emperor? Exactly which change are you referring to? XD
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Oddly, it does briefly give you the vein look. It doesn't last outside of the cutscene, though.
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"Quite the rug pull, eh?"
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Gale. Look in the mirror. (wait....if Astarion were to transform into a mind flayer, could he see himself?) Anyway, that's as far as the Squid Squad got last night. Gonna proceed to make the rest of my companions commune with the astral tadpole next! (So far I've succeeded with Lae'zel, Wyll, and Gale. Playing a high charisma character is quite a change from my first playthrough as a fighter, heh.)
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tywrites · 2 years
exhilarating | kaitlyn ka
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request: my friend, i am suffering from massive kaitlyn brainrot it is an issue- so may i request a little piece about maybe secretly dating kaitlyn? like it’s not because of any angsty reason (my poor soul can’t handle angst-) they just thought it would be funny to see when the other counselors would eventually figure it out? some shenanigans mayhaps? thank you <3
a/n: KAITLYN MY LOVE- i need more fics for her desperately :’) also secret dating is one of my favourite tropes hehe - this is quite short but i love her <3 hope u enjoy!!
pairing: kaitlyn ka x gen!reader
word count: 696
warnings: swearing? that’s it lmao
You groaned in pain, holding your head in your hands. Sitting at the table were Dylan, Kaitlyn, and Ryan, the four of you having a quick breakfast before having to begin your counsellors duties. Kaitlyn looked to you in concern.
"Hey, you feeling okay?" She asked, worried.
"Just a headache, my head's throbbing," you reply, leaning your arms onto the table and dropping your head onto them.
"Maybe you should see the nurse?" Ryan spoke up.
"He's right. C'mere, I'll take you." Kaitlyn took hold of your arm, bringing you up with her as she stood. "We'll see you guys later." The two of you left towards the nurse's office, Kaitlyn walking with great speed and determination.
Once you'd gotten there, Kaitlyn immediately sat you down and began to rummage through the drawers. "I know there's some ibuprofen in here somewhere. Y'know, you should really drink more water, probably why the headache's so bad. I mean, when was the last time you-"
She was cut off by you wrapping your arms around her stomach, hugging her from behind. A small gasp left her and her hands flew to yours, rubbing them down your arms. You laughed, nuzzling into her neck.
"You- you're so annoying, oh my god-"
"I had you going though, didn't I?" You grinned, placing a gentle kiss to her neck. She shuddered, your breath hitting her skin. "I just wanted to get you alone..."
"There are so many other ways to do that, dumbass. I was actually worried about you," she rolled her eyes but she couldn't be mad at you, not really.
Keeping your relationship a secret from the others wasn't the long term plan. It just... happened? It started out as a kinda prank, just to see how long it would take them all to notice. Before you knew it, a month and a half went by. Yeah, your fellow counsellors weren't very observant. The only people who'd come close to noticing was actually the campers. What is it about kids and noticing stuff even adults can't see right in front of them?
Either way, it had kinda become fun; sneaking around with her, hooking up in secret. The idea of getting caught was exhilarating, only adding to your amusement. And there had been many incidences of nearly getting caught.
One where you'd both been kissing by the lake when Jacob made a surprise visit (you'd leapt into the lake before you could properly think about it, coming out once he'd left; Kaitlyn found it hilarious). Another where you'd been in the cabins when everyone was at lunch when Abi came around to look for the two of you. The picture of Kaitlyn under the bed still made you laugh to this day.
Kaitlyn spun around in your arms, facing you fully before flicking your forehead. Ouch.
"Now we're even," she smirked before attaching her lips to yours. You walked forwards until her back was leaning against the desk, her arms looping around your neck. She gasped when you bit her lip, giving you an opening to deepen the kiss. The small pants she let out were so cute. One of your hands sneakily edged under her sweatshirt, massaging the soft skin there, a small gasp escaping her.
You were both so entranced that you didn't notice the rhythmic knock at the door. You pulled her closer to you, just in time for the door to open. You both sprung apart but it was way too late.
Dylan stood there in shock, mouth wide open staring at the two of you.
You gulped, fiddling with your fingers a bit, before sheepishly smiling at him.
"Uh, hey dude..."
"What the hell."
Kaitlyn sighed and raised her arms in defence. "Okay, okay fine. You caught us. Honestly, it took you long enough,"
Dylan blinked slowly. "Took me long eno- what? How long has this been going on?" He said incredulously.
"Since like the beginning of summer?"
"Yeah, you guys aren't very observant," you laughed, taking a hold of Kaitlyn's hand. "Look, how about you go tell the others about this amazing discovery. We were kinda in the middle of something..."
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plinko-mori · 1 year
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@dizzyfuzzy I hope you will enjoy these...
More than 30 reasons of why I relate a lot to Ougai Mori
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1) Clingy and cloying
2) Rational and logic
3) Necessity to have many things around us under our control
In those three aspects we are the same
My closest friends use always those words to describe me too, and well I can't deny it... I'm clingy as fuck
I always use, and try to avoid it but it's hard
4) We have our both "Elise-chan" that people confuse it with a crime because of the weird obssesion
This needs an explanation but not too deep because this is not analyzing Mori's character with Elise
Mori's relationship with Elise is bad seen for most of the BSD fandom, telling he is a pedophile (something I disagree) and pedophilia is actually a crime
Incest too, but why is it related?
Because when I talk about my dad, I sound like clingy Mori interacting with Elise... When I clarify the fact it's just my dad and I love him a lot, people think I'm incestuous
5) Way to talk, same tone of voice
6) Manipulation
7) Emotional blackmail
8) See someone small and younger, adopt them, give them our affection, traumatize them, we loving them and hope the same affection back
Also having favouritism which from time to time are noticeable
9) Taking the charge of a leader very seriously
10) Dramatic bitches
11) Be with a person, torture them, affect them my own words and see how they fall to pieces in front of you over something as minuscule as words
Attitudes and parts of my personality that I share with Mori, not only that I notice but that people tell me while explaining to me why they call me «Mori»
8 and 11 may look the same but they are actually not
8 is about how I actually adore many people that I end up traumatizing by mistake when I try to give them lessons... While number 11 is related to me enjoying some people suffering!
12) Walking red flags
I don't think this one is necessary to explain tho...
13) Necessity to take care of people, to make them grow in their biggest potential
14) Throwing everyone's emotions and desires (including our own) out the window in favour of the """optimal solution"""
15) Can hurt people close to us if it's necessary for them
This is getting way too personal but that's basically how it is
Last year I wanted to break a friendship that was basically annoying me but the other person still wanted to be my friend
So I started to do things with some people to make her lost interest, hate me, I betrayed her trust whatever and basically how she ended the friendship was like that scene of PM Dazai arguing with Mori after the Oda-event
16) Observers and analytics
17) Changing our mood from one second to the next
18) Being reserved with our emotions about how we really feel about doing various things we do/did/will do
Idk I just don't like sharing many emotions tbh... It's not like «lmao I'm edgy» but a «I won't tell you the truth so believe what you want to believe»
19) Choosing the worst possible option that makes us look the shittiest
20) Both wanted to die when we were younger
21) Similar to Mori, I'm in charge of my house and I I have to organize everything
I make sure everyone is taking good care of themselves (they don't so I do it), I make sure how they spend the money so later we don't have problems, I organize almost everything they do and make them remember everything because hahan't good memory
I feel like a slave to my own family as I am the only one who takes care of their welfare lol
22) We both act "childish and silly" to "strangers", to people we are starting to know oh but the people we know for a long time? They know we are bastards
Anecdote but that Atsushi scene of Mori interacting with him happened to me in real life and it was weird but hilarious
23) "Even if that's true, so what?"
Ignoring the fact that this happened with an ex friend... Because I literally said it and had the Yosano scene-
I love that phrase, ignoring the post I'll do analyzing it... I don't feel it's necessary to explain everything to everybody
Even if there are horrible interpretations of things, people should be prepared to face anything. Bad or good things, also to ignore their emotions and do anything they need to do or should do... So what? What's the problem with it? Ignore the reputation you give to people and worry a little more about yourself, about the things you must or should do
24) Friends that treat us like trash and we don't do anything to stop it <3
25) Ideals, optimal solution >>>>>>>>>>>
26) Know exactly what to do in our lives and who to actually trust to stay at our side
27) People trying to understand or predict us, kind of, understand us, but they don't quite manage to do so– Dazai when Mori released Q, me with ex friends and more etc
Some people tried to predict me into something??? And I literally did something worse and they got shocked and I laughed
28) Dislike dirty things, probably hate them
29) Medical things, like, if someone tells me my hand are cold I will answer something like:
"Cold hands are often a sign that your body is trying to maintain its normal body temperature. However, always having cold hands could indicate that there is a problem with blood flow or blood vessels in the hands"
30) Being paranoid (a little, maybe) about ending up as one person we don't want to be like but it's not like we say it a lot-
31) People do not fucking understand us and that offends me tbh... The things I do is for the greatest good for them and Mori also did it for the best of them
32) «Heart!? This is war. It's a side where the side that cares about "heart" first loses»
For me it's a fact and you can't convince me otherwise
33) Dude our friends/people we interact to are the same I see my friendships and ex-friends there
34) The necessity to control almost everything around us (I'm sorry)
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hopeswriting · 2 years
Twin fics are hilarious especially in khr. I don't know when it started but I noticed there used to be a trend a few years back and with Tsuna specifially being the overlooked because he isn't popular and his other sibling having more charm and into sports oh yeah did I tell you that Nana bullies her own son and the twin being in on it they crank it up to eleven but I still liked it even when I knew it was absurd haha. I know Nana isn't the best mother but there no doubt she loves her family lol.
I think the funniest part is sometimes they make Tsuna to sweet. I honeslty don't know how to explain it but like he makes bento boxes or takes care of wounds and his voice being mute due to bullying. Man, canon tsuna we make fun of but he so resilant that he doesn't let the peer bullying get to him and it slides off him it still effects him but yeah. He's snarky when we're first introduced to his character he has always been kind but not to the point where he like is an angel about it haha.
hi nonny, thank you for the ask!
okay but same for literally everything you said actually!! idk about twin fics in other fandoms but i did read some from khr back when they were really popular too, yeah. just some tho, because i quickly moved on from them and started scrolling past them unless other aspects of the fic were really appealing to me, and it’s pretty much for all the reasons you said here.
i wouldn’t go as far as to say they’re hilarious tho? i think it’s a little mean because it’s clearly not what those authors were going for, so i think i like absurd better, which (imo) they inevitably were at times when, indeed, dialing up to eleven too much the, like, sub-tropes? of this trope. like, the core aspects of what makes this trope recognizable beyond just giving tsuna a twin/sibling. and yeah, they did get a laugh out of me sometimes here and now too lol.
but just like you i still liked the ones i read tho!! there’s a lot of interesting and fun things to do and explore with this trope, but the way that was done the most often, re: dialing everything up to eleven, just didn’t do it for me for long haha. and yes, nana definitely isn’t the abusive mother they made her to be so often lol, but once more i think it’s a little unfair to say that when of course they tweaked it on purpose for the purposes of their fics. and that’s just what we all do whenever we’re writing fics, and especially aus, right? looking at canon from the angle that will best let us state the thesis of our fics (< sorry for being pompous for a second here but i literally can’t think of any other way to say it lmao 😂), and maybe or maybe not dial it all up to eleven lol, but yeah.
so that said, what i find funny with this personally is that, like you said, canonically nana already isn’t the best mother one can have. and tbh i think there’s already plenty of angst to go off and explore from that? especially because if you keep her good sides, then it makes it more nuanced and complex and hurts more, but i do see the fun in just making her basically the worst mother on earth to tsuna haha.
and talking about tsuna, his characterization in those fics is the biggest thing that ultimately put me off reading them. and the thing is, making tsuna basically a saint isn’t really mischaracterizing him. like, tsuna has all those traits canonically, but also let me go on the record here and say that i love so much and i’m so attached and protective of the fact that tsuna is, well. a loser to say it like it is lol. and that’s of course affectionate and i’m absolutely not saying it in a judgmental/insulting way, but in a factual way. because tsuna’s lazy and judgy and doesn’t like trying hard and doesn’t like having responsibilities of any sort and can’t do sports and doesn’t have good grades and doesn’t know how to talk to girls and cowers easily and is a thirteen years old kid. and of course by the time the manga starts his years of bullying has a lot to do with that, but the way i see it he was just your average kid before that too, maybe or maybe not already struggling more than the others on some aspects of life. and then the years of bullying made him give up on trying to ever be more than that if he ever had the motivation to do it, making him become below average.
and you’ll notice that not all the things i listed above are things you’d necessarily call flaws instead of weaknesses. in the way where people are good at things and bad at others and what you’re good and bad at is different for each person and it’s fine because that’s just the way people are. and it’s the point, and i’d even say it’s the whole point of tsuna as a character. *bangs pots together loudly* IS EVERYONE LISTENING?? because the point is, as we see tsuna reach his full potential through the course of the manga now he finally has people allowing him to and telling him he has, in fact, plenty untapped potential that’s just waiting for him; as we see his good sides, his kindness, loyalty, protectiveness, love, courage, compassion, forgiveness, resilience, understanding, etc, it tells us that he had worth and value all along despite his “bad” sides. that he didn’t deserve to be punished for them the way he was and that that was just gratuitous cruelty. which again is the whole point of him as a character, so when you take that away from him, that’s when you lose my attention as far as i’m concerned.
*bangs pots even louder because i’m not done* IS EVERYONE STILL LISTENING??? because not only tsuna was meant to be a loser, you’ll also notice that amano made a point to keep reminding us literally to the very last arc that he made little progress when it came to school or sports or girls etc, because he’s also meant to stay a loser!! because sure, it’ll be useful and will help him in life if he gets better at those things, but also he doesn’t need to become better at them to be treated with basic respect and decency, because those aren’t things that are tied to whether you get that from your peers or not. and they least of all are tied to or infer in any way on whether you have worth and value as a person. *wants to bang the pots again because it’s fun but puts them down instead*
and i get that giving him an even harsher treatment from the people around him than in canon makes all of it more meaningful and impactful. and prolly that’s what amano was going for too by giving him that backstory, because by the time we meet tsuna he had every reason to be bitter and resentful and hateful of people and the world, but he kept choosing to remain kind and loving instead. so yes i get that, but honestly? for me making this all he can be also takes meaning away from it too at the same time. it’s like, if that’s all he can be then he’s not choosing to be kind anymore no matter what life throws at him, is he? it’s like that quote that goes something like “if you’re unable of violence then you’re not a pacifist, you’re just harmless”. (and actually that’s something that’d be so interesting to write about and explore, like?? what do you do in the face of the violence thrown at you when the only thing you’ve ever known to do with it is to cradle it close with bleeding hands?)
and sorry i went a bit on a tangent here, but yes, hard agree with everything you said nonny, especially about tsuna. tsuna is kind and loving and everything i said above, and he chose to remain all that in the face of the harsh treatment he received for years, chose to endure it when he could have retaliated with anger or hurt or hate, which we know for a fact he’s able of, and he was hurt more for it, was hurt longer for it. he bled for it, and has still gaping and bleeding wounds from it when we first meet him in the manga, however resigned he was to them by that point. and *threatens to bang the pots again if you’re not listening* the cruelest thing here, the tragedy here is that all that pain was plainly and utterly undeserved and unwarranted. and that’s so important to me actually.
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Some more food for thoughts because the last HC was angsty and I'm feeling it. (I'm incredibly proud for that 'Taming the Dragon' line if you can't tell)
I wonder if Cade ever tried holoforms? (He knows about it since he kinda... Fucked Holoform!Optimus according to your story lmao)(which, yes!! Feeding my 'Optimus is actually the bottom in the relationship' credence) He probably misses the things he could've been doing as a human, even the little things like drinking bud lights. But I think he misses the more important moments too. Like, Tessa's graduation ceremony. Maybe he asks for Opt's help, because he's the one who actually knows how to turn on their holoform. Cade just REALLY wants to be there for those moments because it's a once-in-a-lifetime thing (and trying to be there as a Transformer dad is just gonna cause havoc + Tessa getting weird looks)(like, holy shit! That's your dad, Tess!?) And yeah, he embarasses Tessa constantly but not in the moments where it matters.
And Opt does agree to help, because Opt loves Tessa like she's his daughter as well. So maybe they BOTH go there as two proud completely human dads watching their daughter on the stand (which one do you think screams the loudest when Tess' name got called?).
But also, the angst potential of Cade learning how to holoform. Because hearing that his human-self died is quite traumatizing, and when Cade is alone, he just turns on his holoform because he's trying to recreate how he used to be (being a transformer was not something on his to-do list). And he just spends a very long time alone being by himself, being 'human' again. He doesn't tell this to Opt because he knows how happy Opt had been when Cade's mortality wasn't an issue in their relationship, so he just keeps it to himself. Maybe Opt knows eventually, but waits for Cade to speak about it first.
Yeah, I was feeling angsty writing this lol.
Yeah turns out that being a parent transformer is actually hard when your trying to be there for your human daughter. idea of Cade wanting to have a holoform is such brain blast thing I love it.
Also having Cade trying to still be a parent while being a transformer is hilarious and chaotic like because of how big he is. He tries to go to Tessa’s place to return some of her stuff she left at Diego Garcia when she visited him and the fact he wanted to check on her. You know that one scene from Transformers (2007) movie where the autobots where at Sam’s house because they were getting impatient because Sam’s taking so long to get the glasses. As they are trying to hide around the house from Sam’s parents? It’s like that but with Tessa desperately hiding her Robo Dragon dad from her roommates while scolding his ass for this. Yeah it’s nice for him to visit BUT AT THE WRONG FUCKING TIME. Sunstreaker had to help out Cade to depart from the campus before people notice him.
Honestly Yeah!! Cade would ask Opt how to activate his Holoform to be there for Tessa. But it turns out that activating Holoforms are a bitch to do when your a beastformer and have limited knowledge of Cybertronian biology (Cause while Cade is the Autobot’s medic he’s not where near Ratchet’s level. most of the time he’s pretty much self taught and has the knowledge of what the Bots taught him). It’s was nothing but trial and Error to get the Holoform right and making it look human. Finally after a long time of bullshit and hiccups Cade was able to get the hang of his Holoform without glitching out and right on time around Tessa’s graduation. Honestly he kept his Holoform project a secret from Tessa to surprise her.
All of them (Except Sqweek who still needs growing to do and Izzy is a human) are in their Holoforms. They were at Tessa’s graduation cheering her on. And let me tell ya the moment Tessa saw her dad in the ceremony in his Holoform in the crowd with the rest of the family cheering her and crying to see his little girl grow up was an emotional roller coaster. The moment that Tessa was called, CADE WAS THE LOUDEST OF THE CROWD LOSING HIS SHIT WITH PURE JOY AND EXCITEMENT AS HIS HOLOFORM ALMOST GLITCHED OUT OF EXISTENCE BECAUSE OF HOW EMOTIONAL HE WAS. HE WAS CRYING TEARS OF JOY.
Crosshair, Bee and Hound were also loud as hell when Tessa was called too. While Optimus has a pretty big smile on his face to see Tessa has achieved her award and diploma. While making sure that his emotionally excited sparkmate’s Holoform doesn’t blip out from existence. Sunstreaker and Izzy are just having a blast while Sqweeks and Drift are happy for them.
After the ceremony was over Tessa rushed towards Cade as fast as she could to give him the biggest hug that she could give him. They two of them hugged eachother that Cade almost suffocated Tessa out from how proud and happy he is to be at this moment. As Cade can embrace his own daughter again without getting awkward. There were tears, laughter and happiness. Cade tells Tessa how her mother would be proud of her and stuff. And then the whole family joined in the hug it’s was wholesome as fuck. Also they partied at newly repaired Yeager property as Cogman was preparing the feast while Vivian and hot rod do the decorations and it was a FUCKING RAVE THERE. To say the least this moment is something that Cade will never forget for all eternity.
As for that Angst part my god
Honestly I love the idea of Cade trying to replicate the feeling of being human again with his Holoform. But the thing is it feels fake…like he tried to taste bub lights but…the feeling is not there…it feels fabricated like it’s fake…he looks at himself in the mirror and the only thing that stares him back was his reflection but instead being his holoform’s it’s his cybertronian form looking back at him. Reminding him that despite the Holoform he’s not Human anymore. He’s not flesh and blood anymore. Desperately trying to recreate those human feelings but fails. He tries and tries to feel the pain in his Holoform but dammit it feels nothing and Hollow. It’s going to be another adjustment period for him but he modifies his Holoform to recreate those human parts again but deep down he know that this…isn’t his real body anymore. His human body is dead, gone never coming back….but hey he can at least enjoy driking bud lights and doing basic stuff again without the Size difference….losing human mortality is terrifying to him.
Opt would find out about this and waits for the day for cade to talk about it. Until then he waits for that day to come
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
Hi could I request for another BoB ship? Whenever you aren’t too busy ofc! I asked for one not too long ago and I loved it so much I just couldn’t help but ask again. If you can’t that’s fine also 💖
I’m a female (she/her) , i have big heart, i’m funny, I like to relax, but i also can be energetic. I love to chill and listen to music. I can have a bit of a short temper at times (I just think it’s because I don’t put up with peoples bs LMAO), I can also be very stubborn, i’m very loyal, like VERY loyal and I will always stick up for the people i love, (which I think that can also lead me to being hurt or misused by friends) I can be a little emotional at times, maybe a little dirty minded too lol, i love to cook, i’m a dog lover (really just an animal lover at that), and i’m competitive and passionate. I’m a very driven person and if it’s something I want to do i’ll make SURE it gets done. I Make up my own rules and I don’t give into unfair ideas that are put up around me. I lead with my heart and my emotions and if that gets me into trouble then so be it. i also LOVE scary movies, true crime, all that stuff, i’m also a SUCKER for reality tv 😭 (tlc does have some good drama though) I would say im charming and it’s more of my words and my smile that gets guys. I’m a bit of a germaphobe and maybe little ocd. Imma southern gal who’s very short, (5.0) I have brown eyes, wavy light chocolate brown hair, big lips, only like a couple light freckles on my nose ( you can see them better in the summer) , button nose, and an olive skintone that has paled over time, I would say I have more of a petite/hourglass figure but I think my chest is what catches people’s eyes (Im a size DD LOL) I have high standards, I can be very sympathetic, and I also can usually tell when people are in pain or when their vibe is off in general. I usually just joke or “laugh it off” when i’m coping with something that bothers me, or if it’s something that really hurt me I usually just shut down and become cold. i’m an INTP, My hogwarts house is Hufflepuff ( even though I honestly thought I was a slytherin for so long 😭) My love language is physical touch for giving and acts of service as receiving (it’s really just the little things and showing that you care about what I’m saying for me). I grew up with brothers so i love watching sports and playing them ( We grew up in a very competitive household lol) i’m very very family oriented. I’m a sagittarius, I like to play the piano, and read and write in my free time. and In the summers I love to fish and swim at my boathouse. And springtime is my favorite season.
Thank you sm in advance! <33
Hey of course!!! I’m so glad you enjoyed your first one, thank you for this request!! <3<3
love the amount of info you’ve given, thank you!!
I ship you with… Don Malarkey!
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Everything about this match feels PERFECT.
first of all you sound STUNNING, so I feel like Don is gonna notice this first- and not to be objectifying but he’s gonna see ur BOOBS- oh my god he doesn’t stare but you definitely catch him taking a look.
Even though you haven’t got many freckles Don notices these when nobody else does. I feel like once you’re in a close relationship he’ll sit and count them for as long as possible.
Apart from how attractive Don finds you (he’s gobsmacked, pls Luz pinch me back into reality) like you said it’s your charm and smile that he really, really falls hard for. I think the energy you gives off sounds super exciting and passionate. Malarkey deffo finds this enticing.
I feel like in the early stages Don would try to sit next to you/ near you if you were all at the pub together. Whenever he’d make a joke you’d be the first person he’d turn to, ensuring you found it funny.
Malarkey finds you hilarious, you don’t have to worry about making a joke and nobody hearing because Don always has his full attention on you.
catches your eye just to smile at you. This is when your feelings really, really start to grow. I feel like when he figures how an amazing of a person you are he really goes above and beyond to impress you.
Don doesn’t know how high your standards are, but he’d deffo meet them unintentionally ?? As in he’d just go out of his way to do any little thing for you just because he can! Oh my god this man is so sweet.
You know that scene where he goes to pick up his laundry and he’s so polite and tries not to swear??? Well at first he would 100000% not swear in front of you- until he realises you’ve got a dirty mind and he’s SHOCKED.
He doesn’t know whether to laugh or stare, jaw dropped in surprise! Either way, he’s a little turned on??? As open as you are with him, and as many jokes as he’ll crack I feel like he’ll forever try to be respectful and not swear in front of you?!
listen as I researched Malarkey he was known for his ‘sense of humour and bad cooking’ SO PLEASE COOK FOR THE POOR GUY. He tries his best, and probably won’t ever stop trying to cook for you- but at the end of the day you enjoy it and produce edible food (unlike him). He’d watch you, sitting on the counter in a childlike manner whilst he attempts to watch and mimic you making the most delicious dish ever.
When he gets more comfortable he LOVES kissing you and he loves knowing you love it too. Makes him blush, literally- at first I think he’d be a little shy and stammer, the first kiss I think would take a while? Maybe you’d have to initiate it because he’s so sweet and respectful omfg nononooo- he’d ALWAYS offer you out his arm to walk with as he loves feeling your smaller hands wrapped around his biceps.
Would smirk whenever you’re in awe of how attractive he is. Pls big him up, he needs it.
let’s say he see’s you getting emotional over something for the first time, I think he’d be in shock? Maybe if you’re watching a movie together or during the war you get a little sad, he’s such an empath, like you, so he probably gets all sad and cuddly too.
Hates nothing more than seeing you upset-
well hates nothing more than seeing you upset over the hands of somebody else 😡.
I have a scenario in my head of Cobb mouthing off at somebody, and you jump to their defence. As soon as you speak Malarkey is wide eyed and ready to fight before Cobb even says anything back. When he does of course fire back with something pure rude Don gets SO ANGRY.
I don’t think he’s the type to get physical, but he definitely starts swearing and gets so defensive- and you’ll rarely see him like this because he’s NEVER EVER angry at you.
He’s intimidating when he gets like that? But it’s all in good intentions because he could never aim it towards you- he’s a sensitive guy so he’s pretty in tune with his emotions. Usually would just get a bit quiet and wonder off to have some space if you two bicker.
I think you’d both be similar in the fact of going a little cold if somethings upset either of you- but after a cuddle I feel like all would be fixed within an hour tops.
Don pouts and sulks so it’s kinda hard to not feel sorry for the guy.
I think the both of you would have such an amazing laugh together, your sense of humour would be perfect and you could easily make jokes about each other without becoming offended. Whether you’re relaxing together at home or out on a date at the bar, the banter between the two of you never stops.
in the midst of the war, let’s say when Malarkey had lost all of his close friends, he really started to worry about losing you. You could tell he’d changed within himself and his grief and the pressure of war was definitely getting to him.
I think you’d be perfect at giving him the reassurance he needs, he definitely would enjoy physical touch, and you’d both be very in tune with each others emotions. Maybe give him a massage or just kiss his cheek every now and then when you’re cuddling- your kind words and actions are huge for Don to push through a dark period.
He’d probably mutter one night how much he loves you and wants to marry you. Sounds very cliche but he means it, and would 1000% follow through. In the mean time, he would find a beautiful ring from somewhere in Austria and Germany- would probably get the other men involved in proposing to you/ wants to marry you in the middle of Europe.
spontaneous kinda guy I think?
When you go home and he meets your family he’s in awe about how competitive you are- and you always win. Well in his eyes anyway- Don and his sense of humour makes him super likeable for parents and siblings, especially if your brothers are over protective? He gives off such charming and sweet energy like yourself and everybody would instantly take a liking to him.
deffo good in bed ;)
Like he just screams BDE and he would deffo know what he’s doing to make you enjoy it. Would want you to enjoy it over anything else. It’s super important to him that your needs are met and respected.
If you two had kids he’d probably make fun of them (ofc not in a nasty way) but he’d give them Mohawks or comb overs and laugh at the stupid hairstyles.
he’s so in love with you seriously, you’re both fire signs so your initial attraction is easily developed into a successful long lasting one. Don feels the same immense love for you 1 year in as he does 10 years in- if not even more.
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