#because my durge would do anything for everyone in his party to get what they want
wilchur · 1 year
It really annoys me that there's no way to talk Astarion out of the ritual other than bargaining with the lives of the spawn to be honest. Makes it so that trying to persuade him as a character that is far from good and selfless, but cares about him a lot feels ooc as hell. Sure you can pick the "Cazador said this will kill you, don't risk it" option but it leads you back to either "But the spawn :(" or "Okay, let's do this". The dialogue tree there leaves no ambiguity to the morality of your character.
I wish there was a way to get the insight check after you voice the fear for his life and get a persuasion one if you succeed. Kind of a "I was ready to see them all burn for you, but I can see that you're not sure and the ritual claiming your life is not worth the risk. We'll find another way. There's still the crown, remember?" thing. They leaned too heavily into this ending being the "vampire fetish" one, assumed that if the player character doesn't care about a bunch of random spawn, they would not care about Astarion's emotional wellbeing and that's just not how people work to me. The way you have to be the one to make the choice what to do with the spawn if you do stop the ritual annoys the fuck out of me too. It's not my choice to make, my Durge does not give a fuck what happens to them once Cazador is gone and the party is safe. He would rather leave that choice to Astarion. He wants to kill them anyway? Great! Blood, guts and suffering! Lovely! He wants to spare them? Whatever love, if that's what you want. Let's just get the fuck out of here.
It would be nice to have that option, especially considering this is supposed to be all about Astarion reclaiming his autonomy.
I just don't like it when to not get fucked over by a game I have to sacrifice the roleplaying aspect of it idk. Even if my character genuinely wants Astarion to ascend no matter the cost it will have for others because he's convinced them that's what he needs to finally gain his freedom and they're the kind of "anything for you kitten" person, they still should be able to notice that Something Is Not Right without it going against their personality and feeling forced.
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lizzychanstuffss · 1 year
i’ve had this fic prompt floating around in my head for while now and can’t stop thinking about it hnnngg
okay so i’ve seen a couple fics of Astarion being protective of the reader, but what about the reverse? i wanna see Star’s durge/former durge partner—if he lets them—go full guard dog mode on whoever is stupid enough to pick a fight or be rude to him. both of them know that the other is fully capable of handling things on their own but that doesn’t stop them from wanting to protect each other.
gender neutral tav/durge/reader please? if you decide to write it that is ^-^
have a nice day/night!
So the very large fic I am still working on has both of these in it but because I am also a sucker for fics where Astarion gets scary dog privilege from durge I will also do a shorter one for that! :3
Atarion x Durge!Tav GN
Spoilers for act 3 (also be warned this is super self-indulgent in regards to a certain drow scene)
CW: canon typical violence
The explosion was jarring to say the least and startled everyone in the party. Although that was quickly shaken off by seeing who exited the house causing your eye to twitch with anger.
"HOT! HOT! HOT!" The drow spoke as she casted a healing spell along with brushing off some of the ash staining her clothes, you had hoped to never see the bitch again but here you are staring at her face to face...and wanting to rip it off.
"Oh my silks-" 
"No no noooooo! We are leaving. I am done with your bullshite woman" You say and begin to walk away, your party stared at you slightly confused. As it wasn't like you to just walk away like this even with people you hated. Although Astarion caught on to what was happening rather quickly.
He grabs your hand before you can walk off whispering in your ear. "If you are doing this for me...well thank you but just talking to her won't kill us." You looked at him, your brow darkened.
"And if it does?" Voice no more than a whisper as you two had the private conversation.
"Well death never stopped me before. I don't know why it should now." He says slightly teasing you, as it seemed like this wasn't as serious to him as it was to you. 
"Astarion....I just think this might not be wise for me to be around her." You gave him a knowing look.
"If you do anything stupid I will simply pull you away before you hurt anyone....besides maybe she'll actually have something useful to tell us who knows." His words gave you pause, but the man knew you better than you wanted to admit. You could tell in the back of your mind that if you didn't at least ask about it then it would continue to gnaw at the back of your mind, so without further ado you turn around and step up to Araj.
"Alright sorry about that...are you okay?" Sighing as you speak, there is a noticeable amount of disgust behind your words. 
Brushing off your reaction to her, "I'm fine, but I think you'll like what I discovered...your blood has proved to be the breakthrough that I have needed in my research" She smiled, a shiver ran up your spine, and it wasn't pleasant.
"Oh and I see you brought the heartstop-" 
"If you say anything about Astarion or ask him to bite you again I will gut you." Your gaze is intense and shocks her a bit but all she can do is laugh.
"Why do you care so much? He's just your charge." At this point you had heard enough. "Besides I was just going to offer, not ask, what's the harm in that?" You could tell she was taunting him as well as yourself.
"Listen if you want to keep talking about him like he's not here then we’re leaving" You crossed your arms and she just pouted like a child who was told that couldn't have any more candy.
"Fine- Let's discuss your blood then, it's quite powerful and is exactly what I need to continue my research, but there is one more step I need you for actually...if you would come inside we can discuss it more." Turning away before you can give her an answer, just rolling your eyes before starting to walk to her door and feeling a particular vampire's hand squeezing yours. 
You give him a smile and step inside her destroyed home, looking around at all the wreckage. Carefully stepping around the destroyed surrounding as you were now all inside she then turned to you. 
"Alright so what was so important you needed me to come inside, and make it snappy my patience is wearing very thin Araj." 
Giving a fake smile she continued "I have a potion that will be able to unlock the latent potential of your blood. I admittedly have no clue what it will do to you but it should be very powerful." 
You think about it, but Astarion pipes up a disgust in his voice, "If that is her potion I am smelling, say no, all she's offering is pain and I don't want to see you hurt" Taking his words into consideration you answer her.
"I'm going to have to say no, I trust him more than I do you." You give her your own fake smile and then start to walk away from the obviously annoyed woman.
"You're listening to a vampire spawn really!?" She scoffs "First you defend him and tell him he's his own person...then you refuse to convince him to bite me" You could hear her rolling her eyes and you stop walking to the door. At this point it's just you and Astarion inside the building and you can feel an anger rising in Astarion, and yet he’s just trying to walk out of the building, but you can't take it anymore.
Turning to Araj you look her over, "If you say what I think you're about to say I highly suggest you rethink it...." Your threats are not thinly veiled in the slightest, not that you really intended them to be.
"What, he's just a sl-"
You grab her by the throat silencing her, causing Astarion to turn back, staring at you. He doesn't say anything, but you manage to catch his eyes with your own and then in a few moments there are words exchanged but nothing is spoken and it's simply ended by a nod on his end. That simple yes was enough to know what you were asking but also giving permission to do this on his behalf. He didn’t need you to do this for him, but he wasn’t going to pretend he didn’t like when you got like this so without further ado he stepped back to enjoy the show.
You produce a knife from your pack and without a thought you shove it into her stomach, twisting it causing the drow to cry out in pain. You're enjoying this more than you want to admit. Yet it doesn't make you feel disgusting like the other times you've enjoyed violence. Your hand stays steady on her throat squeezing it until her cries were nothing more than gasps for air as she slowly faded away in your terrifying grasp.
Soon enough though she was nothing more than another corpse. Astarion placed his hand on your shoulder, it was a gentle touch as you slowly came to your senses turning to him after dropping the corpse of the drow.
"I'm sorry...I just couldn't stand how she was talking to you, I tried my best to hold back but" 
He kissed your forehead gently with a smile on his lips, "It's alright, my dear…besides I enjoy a bit of occasional bloodshed in defense of me." His lips are a soft comfort to you, you almost looked away back to the body but his hand directed your chin back to him. He keeps his hand there for a bit and you fall into his touch kissing his palm a little smile making its way to your lips. 
"We should probably clean this up shouldn't we?" You ask him, and he gives you one of his classic smirks.
"Well, we don't have to do anything~" He gets a little cheeky with his words and you can't help but roll your eyes playfully. Taking a note from him though the two of you walk out of the house closing the doors behind you and looking at your other companions you give them a smile.
Shadowheart and Lae'zel just look at you deadpan saying nothing figuring it was better just to not ask at this point. You shoot Astarion a smile as your group heads back out into a city.
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bettsfic · 8 months
it took 140 hours, but i finally finished my first playthrough of baldur's gate 3. overall i'm insane about it but there are a few things that really pissed me off. my (many) thoughts in no particular order under the cut.
i forced myself to play the full game totally vanilla, no mods even though i'm so bad at games i usually need cheats to make it to the end. not to mention i've hated inventory management in every game i've ever played (except genshin. love u, hyv). but i was patient, and i played on explorer mode, and i savescummed the hell out of it (hence 140 hours). but as SOON as i finished the epilogue, i turned around and installed 30 mods, most of which are QoL things that shouldn't even need to be modded (vertical camera pitch, WASD option, stackable items, sortable inventory, highlight ALL interactable objects).
i decided i wanted to play both a Dark Urge playthrough and an I'm Just Ken playthrough, but after making two new characters and, through my endless youtube diving, accidentally getting spoiled on what i think is the major durge reveal, i decided simply to make Ken the Dark Urge.
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every other minute he goes, "Hi! I'm Ken," and then thinks about murder. it's great.
obvs he's going to romance Shadowheart (although i may download the poly mod and romance everyone).
here are my Thoughts, in no particular order, because i don't know where else to put them:
i didn't enjoy romancing Astarion as much as i thought i would, because i came to see him less as a romantic interest and ended up identifying with him more than my Tav. that said, i'm very excited to do Astarion's origin playthrough
i ended up enjoying my Halsin romance more, because it was a more traditional slowburn, and Halsin's quest was totally external conflict. on one hand, that made me less interested in him as a character overall; on the other, it was SO SATISFYING to find out he had been Pining for me the whole time. sometimes i just need a little bodice-ripper content, as a treat
obviously i'm also into Astarion/Halsin and Astarion/Halsin/Tav
however the only viable fic idea i have is Astarion/Shadowheart? i blame this fanvid
no, really, what was so different about Early Access that OP got this much Astarion/Shadowheart material? the description in the video says they were disappointed by how their dynamic had changed for full release
okay, time or my biggest beef:
Haarlep pissed me off almost enough to stop playing the game. not in a purity way, but in a "this is just bad writing" way
i mean, your options are to kill him or fuck him. that's not consent. and when you agree to fuck him, you have to roll several checks to keep him from killing you. then he steals your likeness so that whenever he has sex with someone else, you have a spontaneous orgasm
i wanted to dismiss it as dead dove, but the point of dead dove is that 1) it is labeled, and there was no indication whatsoever i was about to walk into this, and 2) dead dove implies the creator is aware that the content is filth for filth's sake. i saw no evidence that that quest was anything more than the sniffing panties buff of D:OS2
the sadist in the goblin camp? that's good filth. you have a little public BDSM demo that you can easily nope out of, and if you finish it you get a permanent buff. your companions have fun things to say. and there's no major quest attached to it, so you can completely walk past it. and the Drow twins were the same. and Mizora. just horny content for players who enjoy that kind of thing, and easily disregarded for players who don't. i don't understand why Haarlep had to be different
like, you're looking around for the hammer. you come across Haarlep, who is bored and wants to have fun with you. maybe he offers the promise of a buff that will help in the coming battle with the Absolute. if your romanced character is in the party, you have a dialogue option to talk to them about it first. maybe in parting, he gives you a hint about where to find the hammer, and it's in a completely different room
but no, you *have* to interact with him to advance the quest, can't talk your way out of it, and it leaves you with a skeevy pseudo-debuff
when i went to look it up, i saw so many forum posts of people being like, hmm this made me really uncomfortable, and (presumably) men responding, it was consensual! you have the option to kill him! and it's frightening that so many people think that way
also when you have a female Tav and you choose a male Haarlep, the animation doesn't change to account for the position. Haarlep straddles you the whole time. and that just made me interpret the scene as a male succubus rape fantasy
and your companions have to WATCH. and they don't intervene or even say anything about it. if you've romanced Astarion and he's in your party, you get one point of disapproval and that's it. like he wouldn't have an Opinion over that kind of coercion? i saw some youtube videos and know that he says something about it much later when you spontaneously orgasm, but that's it
i hope there's something i'm missing, and someone will come into my ask and go "ummm actually" and tell me some important factoid of game development that will make me interpret the scene differently
i ended up resetting and just not doing the House of Hope questline. i didn't bother with the hammer, either. honestly the whole Githyanki plot confused me and i was more invested in my conflict with the Emperor. i ended up siding with him and killing Orpheus so that no one would have to turn into a mindflayer. i was expecting to have to persuade him out of taking the crown himself, but he just noped off for some reason
this is another thing i wonder if i missed. i never understood his motivations or goals beyond "protect you" and "manipulate you." so he's Balduran and he killed his dragon and...what else? to what end? it would have been more satisfying to me if he planned to take the crown for himself but decides not to because of the bond he's forged with you. but maybe i can interpret it that way anyway
yes i fucked the Emperor
but i fucked him in Guardian form
like a COWARD
i was very torn about all the characters' final decisions. in the end, i kept Jenheart and spawn Astarion. i let Wyll and Karlach choose for themselves (and loved their ending together). i couldn't prioritize Gale or Lae'zel this playthrough because i was focused on too many other things, and i got their bad endings (although i ended on good terms with Lae'zel despite killing Orpheus?)
i played as a beast master ranger (i mained a beast master hunter in WoW for years) and i've seen in several places on the internet that it's supposedly the worst subclass, but let me tell you...
the bird companion. nobody is talking about the bird companion. by the end, it has two actions, the ability to blind, and your bird can call in two more birds. you can have a total of FOUR BIRDS
the red dragon in the final battle? couldn't do shit. it spent the entire time blinded by my bird. nearly everyone on the battlefield was dead by the end, but my bird still had over 50% of its HP. the bird is BROKEN
in my I'm Just Ken playthrough, i'm going to multiclass Shadowheart into a raven girl. the birds spoiled me and i can't imagine playing without them now
it's weird to me that there's penis physics but no boob physics. did anyone else notice that? you wiggle the male avatar and the dick moves. you wiggle the female avatar and her boobs are like rocks. even when she's lying down, the boobs stay exactly as they are
listen, i have a lot of complaints. the bugs made the game nearly unplayable for me. i know they're putting out patches fast, but i think it'll still be years before i would recommend this game to someone who is on the fence about playing it. if you're not immediately dropping everything to fuck the hot sad vampire, you might as well wait until the game is cleaner at like hotfix 856
i've never experienced anything like this game. every decision matters. every character has a story. there are so many potential paths and opportunities that it's literally impossible for the fan wiki to be completely accurate. i cried at least 4 times, and by the end, saying goodbye to Karlach, i was actually sobbing. i'm old enough now to know that these states of immersion into fictional worlds are rarer than they used to be, and i'm so grateful to this game for giving me so many hours of fun and escape
unlike books, movies, and tv, where i get invested and move on and rarely read or watch anything twice, video games are always such a learning curve for me that when i get into a game, i stay there. i have thousands of hours into Genshin and SDV, and i have a feeling BG3 will be the same. this game is so, so flawed, but it's ambitious beyond any narrative i've ever encountered, and i really admire it for that
i would love to find a Discord server for it that's not overwhelmingly huge, just the people writing fic and making art. it's been a long time since i've been involved in a fandom and i really miss it
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themournwatcher · 1 year
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Kyr Farwhisper - The Dark Urge
"Everyone has unseemly thoughts. Being able to quieten them is what sets us apart from the beasts."
Sharing some screenshots from my Dark Urge playthrough, which has just about hit 21 hours. BE WARNED. EVERYTHING BELOW THE READ-MORE LINE IS SPOILERS FOR THE DARK URGE PLAYTHROUGH. There is spoiler content, gore, and violence beyond! I tag with "#durge spoilers" if you want to block.
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[Narrator: *You have nothing in your skull, besides your name and a headache. But you are in danger.*
Curse whoever did this to you.
Say your name aloud. You have a part of yourself.
Take a deep breath, shake your head, and start anew.]
The Dark Urge, in my opinion, is an origin that is preferable even to the custom ones that a player can make. Like the origins we get from the other PCs, such as Shadowheart or Astarion, there are custom cutscenes, content, and dialogue options specifically tailored to the Haunted past that you bring to the party. The Dark Urge isn't a play-through I would recommend if you want the feeling of a Noble, Righteous Hero. In some ways, it can be very stereotypically "edgelord"; you have little memory of your past, and are prone to violent and grotesque proclivities.
I suppose if you wanted to truly run an evil route and see how many dear companions you could kill along the way, you could play this route as Indulgent, or giving into the Dark Urge. I chose to play Kyr as a hopeless struggle; he is frightened by himself, and does his best to resist his dark temptations and try to do good. Resistance. It's made for a delightfully fulfilling roleplay experience, especially because I have chosen to romance Wyll on this play-through.
Even recruiting Astarion can be a little frightening.
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The intro runs about the same, except when you wake up on the Nautiloid, you are bloodied, frightened, and have no memory of how you got there. In fact, there are no real signs that there is anything wrong with you, at least not in the dialogue you get until after the crash. Everyone's a little nervous, on edge, and then you have the chance to recruit Gale from his little portal. If you give into the Urge... it goes poorly. Fantasize about chopping his hand off?
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I didn't make this canon for Kyr's run, but I was curious what would happen. I don't know what becomes of Gale, if you can recruit him later--if you can, how strange. You did just remove his hand for seemingly no reason. Astarion, too, has something to say about it immediately after.
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This is your first sign that the Dark Urge run is going to be, well.. full of dark urges. Kyr seems to have a strange and compelling urge to commit harmful, violent acts--but doesn't seem to be aware he's doing it. I went back and he recruited Gale normally, resisting the weird desire to fantasize about chopping a man's hand off. Things were quiet--for a little bit.
Lots of dialogue choices specialized for the Dark Urge present in one of two, maybe three ways--commit this horrible act, or be shocked by your perversions and resist. Along with all of the usual options, such as based around your skill checks and your class. You have fewer culture rolls--you don't remember your past, after all (but you can imply to be Baldurian later on in Wyll's conversations, which I did). The lack of backstory and the amnesia is meant to heighten the strange horror of your situation, but I like building on what Kyr could be missing. A father, maybe, and a mother he never knew.
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You can even tell Withers that you don't think your life is worth very much--something that he has a sage rebuke for. It's implied that he might know a little bit more about your circumstances than he's letting on, but if he does, he doesn't deem it fit to share with you.
Back at the camp, you do have options to speak with your party members--even so early--about your concerning affliction. Two new choices are available to you: concern about your memory loss, and concern about your violent urges. So early in the game, I decided I would start to bring up the memory loss. They are... quite flippant! And quick to dismiss your concerns on having to do with the mind-flayer tadpole.
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It's late, and I'm getting sleepy, so that's all I'll add for this post. More is to come.
Part 1 | Part 2
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crossdressingdeath · 5 months
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Astarion: It feels so good. Freedom - true freedom. Finally. I can feel my strength growing. Every day that passes, I gain new abilities. You know, now that our enemies have fallen, I might be the most powerful person in the world. And as you're my consort, that makes us the most powerful people in the world. Kyvir: I wouldn't want it any other way. Astarion: And neither would I. Together, we can do anything. The world is ours for the taking. So, what would you like? Kyvir: I want to sit on your lap, sipping blood from a chalice, ruling the Gate from our foul throne. Astarion: Oh, darling. I love the way you think. We will need to be careful, of course. There are still powerful forces in the city. We can start slowly - quietly charming and manipulating key figures, building up our network of puppets. Before long we'll have our hands on every string in this city, and they will dance however we tell them to. We have a beautiful, bloody future to look forward to, my love. I can't be sure what it holds for us, but I know one thing. This is going to be fun.
The worst husbands in Faerûn continue to be the worst, yes. I love how unrepentantly awful you can be if you romance ascended Astarion; yes, you saved the Gate! But mostly because if the illithids take it you can't have it. I also love how you can be all for the whole "sitting in his lap on your throne" thing that he mentions if you go Chosen Durge; I guess as soon as you get out of the incredibly preachy section immediately after ascending him wiser heads in the writers' room prevailed and reminded everyone that a given PC might be totally okay with this situation, actually. This relationship may not be healthy but both parties can be having a wonderful time despite that and it's grand. Codependent possessive jackasses making that everyone else's problem! I get why so many people write it as fucked up and miserable and the PC having to suffer through it because they've trapped themselves in this situation, but honestly I find a dynamic where the PC went into this with open eyes and knowing the risks and consequences and finding that they are in fact quite pleased with their situation just as compelling. If not more so; I won't lie, I find horrible people being a genuinely loving power couple in their own ways much more interesting than one partner being the other's innocent victim.
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themaskstayson · 7 months
Thinking about all my Dark Urges in a party together cause it can be a somewhat balanced party, in the sense of survivability but also so funny to write about.
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Rynnil, the lolth-sworn drow oathbreaker.
Cyrus, the tiefling bard college of spirits.
Moondrop, the deep gnome shadow monk.
Varra, white dragonborn wild magic Sorcerer.
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Varra is default durge but with body 1 cause I wanted him to be smaller lol He's the master mind of the group and Bhaal's special chosen baby. He's more incline to go with the flow and if that means follow the urges pretty hard-core with no regards of them being attacked... Oh well. He wouldn't help the goblins, though. Mostly because it would be a waste of a perfectly good blacksmith. He wants to fight Orin and take his power back but throughout the journey becomes conflicted with duty to Bhaal, his "family", and now his new found "family". He is the leader of Dark Urge group and co-leader when the combine groups with Wyll as the leader for origin characters.
(I played for about 20iah hours and I stopped because idk kissing as a dragonborn was kind of meh... I do love the white and red dragonborn design so much and I would bring Varra back for a multi-player game instead. He never left act one but he did get it in with Astarion.)
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Rynnil is very resist the urge. He remembers a life before the cult and wants to break free and go back to it, or at least break free to have his freedom, now that he got a taste. He's very hands off with the group, letting them be gremlins until they cross a line like unaliving people in broad daylight for no good reason. They can't just do things like get the Grove closed off, how else would they sell the loot they're hoarding? He's still duty bound but by his own rules of wanting to keep his "family" safe. Socially he is not the greatest and relies on others for anything talking related. Also, while Rynnil is very resist the urge, by the time he gets to Baldur's Gate and realizes a few things he does go a bit back to the dark side and does things without care for his own well being.
(Rynnil was in a coop game and an honour mode one. In coop he romance Wyll and it was so cute. He was very duty bound and I broke his oath by accident in act 3 lol He was very much the silent type but easily won over by Wyll's romantic ways. Him and Astarion were besties.
In the honour mode, Rynnil was romancing Astarion but, by accident, they broke up and Rynnil got upset and started doing unhinged things like get the hammer and lie a lot about what he was doing. I got stressed and stopped the run, but I should continue for the dice at least..... He's also romancing Halsin, which is meh. Rynnil works best with Wyll imo just for the support and not having the need to "fix" someone else and get support to be a better person.)
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Cyrus is the same as Varra and goes with the flow but WAAAAY more interested in the need to please daddy Bhaal and blood baths because it keeps the skin moisturized. He also would clock Astarion's flirting unlike Varra and Rynnil and he would find it cringe. He'll still sleep with him, though. Not cause he likes Astarion but he wants to see how cringe-y he gets with his lines. Cyrus would actually sleep with everyone, like a true bard. He's also the group's voice but Rynnil does keep him in line from doing anything too bad. Until later on where Rynnil doesn't seem the care about anything and Cyrus can make his own decisions without care.
(Plan for Cyrus was to use the polymod and romance everyone. I just... Never got around to it lol Cyrus wouldn't be so interested in Astarion but more so Lae'zel cause she's strong or Gale cause he's a wizard and powerful. Gale being depressed would be a turn off. Cyrus wants to cause chaos, or at least be unhinged enough.)
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Moondrop is also resist the urges and trying to find inner peace. He's also one of the sassier members of the group and always judging everyone. The amount of time people go to him for advice is concerning to him. He also demands they have tea with their lunch and relax. He's very meh with the group. He doesn't see the others as his siblings at all, especially Varra and Cyrus for embracing the urges at times. Rynnil he is okay with but mostly cause the drow doesn't do much of anything and is a reliable fighter. Moondrop finds the origin characters to be very concerning about but would prefer if Wyll just lead the group alone since Varra cannot be trusted really.
(Moondrop I am trying to keep no mods with Script Extender to see if I can get Wyll to not be buggy and get one of the romance greetings and I really wanna see his kisses. I also wanna romance Adtarion cause the boy is racist against Gnomes and it would be funny. I can't play vanilla cause how the hell am I supposed to be a femboy with no cute faces?)
Regardless of barely playing with mods, the game somehow got corrupt.
In theory I can run a game with all 4 of them and have them romance someone but running the game twice was concerning... I don't know if I can run it 4 times to get them all lol
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mumms-the-word · 4 months
Tav ask list: 30, 44, 63 for whichever Tav you want 💖
Haha these are all pretty simple answers for all my Tavs so I’ll do all three (Freyr is a Durge but whatever)
30. Who does your Tav think of when they go to sleep at the goblin/tiefling party? Or are they lucky and do they get to spend the night with the person they want?
Okay, so in the game Dani went to sleep dreaming of Gale BUT I think she did actually go sleep with Astarion. She wanted some fun and Astarion had been flirting with her for a while. Neither of them caught feelings though. I haven’t yet figured out how Gale feels about it because I didn’t play it out in the game 😅
Originally Ardynn went to sleep thinking about Wyll, who she kissed briefly. But I think it was the tall, muscular, infamous Halsin that clouded her thoughts as she drifted off into dreamland.
As for Freyr, Minthara didn’t ask, she basically ordered that they would spend the night together and Freyr was NOT about to argue. He was DTF from the moment he laid eyes on her. He even resisted his darker nature afterward and they shared a sweet moment together <3
44. What does your Tav think of Isobel?
Dani likes her but she also has a lot of questions. Like is she undead? Or is she alive just resurrected? Does she remember anything?? Why does she keep so many secrets??? But she thinks Isobel is otherwise nice and helpful. She DOES wish she could scrub Isobel’s face clean and teach her how to do killer eyeliner though.
Ardynn is cautious about Isobel but eventually warms up to her. Something about her seems unnatural but as they get to know each other more, Ardynn views her as a friend. Plus Isobel is a Selûnite and they need that kind of power around the shadow cursed lands.
Freyr, uh…didn’t really get to know her. His butler told him to kill her, and he very seriously thought about it. But when Marcus showed up saying they should take Isobel back to Ketheric, Freyr stepped in and stopped him, because he hates Ketheric more than he wants to kill Isobel. But Isobel died anyway because Freyr encouraged Shadowheart to kill Aylin and become a Dark Justiciar 💀 so everyone at Last Light died
63. If Shadowheart got a new haircut, how does your Tav react?
Im assuming this is referring to her new bangs look + possible white hair?
Dani loves it. She thought Shadowheart’s original fringe was silly and thinks the white hair looks AMAZING. They talk about hair dyes a lot after that because Dani regularly dyes the ends of her hair with ice blue.
Ardynn thought Shadowheart’s new white hair made her look softer and she thinks it suits her. Ardynn far prefers Selûne to Shar so anything that Shadowheart does that moves the needle closer to Seluûnite worship is good in her book.
Freyr and Shadowheart are buddies, so when she gave herself new fringe (still black hair) to represent her transition to a Dark Justiciar…well, okay, Freyr didn’t notice at first. But when she asked him if he liked her new look he immediately said yes because what are friends for? It took him a couple more hours to realize how, exactly, her hair had changed but his opinion didn’t waver. He thinks her original bangs are dumb.
Freyr is such a hilarious outlier to every one of these ask games lol
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tadbitfooled · 8 months
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so, since my brain says all my Tavs and my Durge exist together, I guess I'll give a break down of what that means if anyone wants to get involved in that chaos. And how they get along with each other.
Talilah is the designated leader because she's just like "Fuck this let's get this done." She's decently smart and clever, able to come up with plans, but has some mild impulse issues and very much a "I wonder what that does." Very fearless and willing to step up when need be.
The others
Briza - there are tensions at first due to Talilah's sun elf genes being very strong and sun elves tend not to ask questions first when meeting drow. But they eventually get along, especially because Talilah catches onto her dry humor quickly and they play off of each other with that.
Durante - absolute chaos enabler duo. They enjoy being a bit jesty with each other and maybe pick on the other members of the party together as a team. They have running bet pools on the most random of things and you'll see them toss a coin between each other, depending on who won the bet. At the most random moments.
Frits - She likes to play pranks on him. Not anything mean, just a few things here or there because he's got a good nature about it. What she doesn't realize at first is he's very intent on returning the favor, and does take her by surprise when he does. Sometimes she finds his habit of going on about something tiring but she'll humor him and he appreciates it.
Gwenifar - Gwenifar plays a bit of a right hand for Talilah, as she's probably the most qualified for being leader, but Talilah jumped at it first. She helps to control Talilah's impulses and keep her on track when she needs to be reminded of what needs to be done.
Tavinkas - Talilah rescued Tavinkas from a pod on the ship. This has caused her to have his undying loyalty because, well, first person to be helpful to him in a while, all things considered. He's definitely protective of her and Talilah's intent on pushing him out of his comfort zones and helping him find himself.
Takes on the roll of leader if Talilah is unable to. She's basically second-in-command and able to keep everyone on track with what needs to be done besides Durante. She tries to keep peace in the party but isn't afraid of putting her foot down and showing a rather terrifying sternness.
Briza - The two get along decently, with Briza maybe even having found Gwenifar attractive in some instances, but nothing more. They both enjoy animals and spend time discussing the best care for Scratch and the Owlbear.
Durante - Durante's favorite hobby is getting under Gwenifar's skin. He has no issues taking cheap shots at her and ruffling her feathers, to which she finds him irksome and childish. The pair often clash due to Durante's attitude and he's lucky she's a cleric of Ilmater some days.
Frits - The pair are both academically minded and with Frits's family having been florist, also have a shared interest in herbology. The two will spend time talking about plants and different theories, and are good friends.
Tavinkas - There is something about Tavinkas that makes her uneasy and Tavinkas realizes this. When it comes to light, it makes sense, and Gwenifar does what she can to help him and he appreciates it. It takes a bit but they do eventually become friends.
I would list him as third in pecking order of my muses of who's the leader (I would rank Wyll or Gale above him in the overall pecking order though). He has the skills and the capability, it's just he has so much on his plate with his amnesia and urges, he prefers someone with a constant level head to handle things while he works himself out.
Briza - they bond over being the ones less involved in the group and observing, as well as a similar morbid humor. They're often seen standing by each other and making dry remarks about the others in the party.
Durante - Tavinkas is probably one of the few that can actually get Durante to listen and behave. A stern word and a dark look from him is enough for the tiefling warlock to rethink what he's doing. It could due to a slight attraction on Durante's part, though.
Frits - Tavinkas finds Frits to be utterly fascinating. He doesn't quite understand how someone can be so bright and optimistic about...Almost everything. In turn, Frits is quite interested in Tavinkas's ailments and often has some idea to try to work out what it is, often coming up to Tavinkas and suggesting options.
A reliable intellect, who's gracious and willing to discuss what may need to be done and help plan out things which may require a higher level of learning. While not the strongest, he does try his best to be of as much assistance to the party as he can.
Briza - He finds Briza to be a bit intimidating, to be honest. But he doesn't let that stop him from attempting to befriend her. He can't tell if it's worked or not, due to her attitude. (It's worked. If anything happened to Frits, Briza would kill everyone in this room and then herself).
Durante - Despite Frits's attempts, Durante seems to lack any interest in having more than a working relationship with him. He says he finds most of Frits's topics of discussion to be a bit dull for him. Save for when Frits mentions a past flame of his, which Durante finds hard to believe to be true.
Briza prefers to act as a scout for the party, taking orders as needed and finding out information for the path forward. She's not one for pointless socialization and prefers to consider what needs to be done next.
Durante - She finds him insufferable and takes any chance she can to remind him of that. In turn, Durante tries to push her buttons when he sees a chance but does avoid her otherwise. It takes some time for any chance of warm feelings to even start to glimmer between them.
This man has no desire to have any responsibility and just wants the tadpole out of his head. He pulls his weight as need be, but prefers to be in the backseat and let the others deal with decisions and other issues. It may come from past trauma and how he feels about his contract, though.
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elvhenmage · 10 months
2, 11, 17, 18, 25
30 Questions for your Dark Urge
2. Did your Dark Urge have any romantic and/or sexual relationships prior to their illithid adventure? If yes, who was it with and what was it like? If no, how did they feel about being single?
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well you know the answer to this. it wasn’t romantic by any means because they’re both far too fucked in the head but yeah she and gortash were involved. turns out i was not immune to durgetash. the wiki really sold me on it with “It is possible that the Dark Urge and Enver Gortash found in each other the closest thing either of them ever had to a friend.” bc even though i don’t think makaria ever consciously considers him anything but a bug under her heel it’s still like, he DOES know her more than anyone else, and she knows him. they’re always at each other’s throat (literally) ((well, mostly it’s makaria at his throat)) but it’s also like. you’re the only bitch in this city that gets me. tldr i think he’s obsessed with her and she’s begrudgingly involved with him. it’s complicated
11. What motivates your Dark Urge to either embrace or resist the Urge?
alfira….. not just alfira though because makaria also has a Huge fear of being made to do things she doesn’t want to do (and generally just doesn’t like being told what to do), so that first blackout ending in alfira horrifically murdered and her having no memory of doing it immediately made her detest the urge. makaria may be casual with violence and murder but mostly only when someone does something she doesn’t like - alfira didn’t do anything, she was just a fun bard who wanted to join the party :(
17. What is your Dark Urge’s greatest regret?
probably uhh all the murder cult stuff LMAO like … she may not remember most of it, but from what she does remember and how it feels to be standing down in the temple, she very much regrets playing a part in that even though she was literally created and raised to do so. at some point you get the option to ask withers about the people you killed or something and i’ve been trying to figure out if that’s something she would do or not. on one hand i think it’d be a nice progression to have her need to face that part of her past but on the other maybe she doesn’t Want to look back… also i think a part of her regrets letting orin get one over on her by being too egotistical to see the betrayal coming - she dealt with a lot of inner turmoil coming out the other side and i imagine that that kind of deep-seated purpose of life ending in “failure” doesn’t ever completely go away - but overall she’s … maybe not GLAD it happened but she knows she’s better off this way. so not her greatest regret but a sort of regret regardless
18. How does your Dark Urge feel about love?
completely foreign to her. bhaal’s love - when it was even displayed - was twisted, there was no true love between her and gortash, and orin was little more than a brat who disrespected bhaal with her dramatics. everyone else she interacted with was beneath her. sceleritas didn’t love her so much as he revered her. and honestly i hadn’t thought about how this would affect her after the nautiloid until now so i’m actually not sure how she feels about love 🤔 i think someone’s gonna have to have a chat with her about it before she realizes that’s what she’s feeling but as for how she reacts to that, i’ll have to give it more thought
25. How does your Dark Urge feel about Sceleritas Fel?
sceleritas fel has ALWAYS been a damn menace. him and makaria are like if toadsworth and princess peach were really fucked up. ik durge canonically had a foster family but in MY canon sceleritas was mostly responsible for raising makaria, so they’ve been At Odds for as long as she can remember ‘cause he’s so CLINGY and persistent and she felt she knew what she was doing and so didn’t need his input. when she gets older and is sort of ‘claimed’ by bhaal for real, she gets more used to kicking sceleritas around (literally and metaphorically). bhaal being a direct influence in her life really inflates her ego for the worst. this doesn’t change after she’s lost her memories; she still very much immediately feels like strangling him with her bare hands whenever he pops up and tries coaxing her into following the urge
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avimour · 8 months
What drew Vaz and Crulexs to their love interests? Was there an instant connection between them, or was it more of a gradual build-up? What's their favorite things about their respective LIs?
Bonus question: Is there anything about their romances that went differently in your canon than it did in-game?
love time love time!! very on point seeing which holiday is coming up!
hmm i'll do a little doodle for each of them as well, just for fun. lost the desire to draw my boys.. sad. maybe ill do some other piece this week
everything under the cut!!
Vaz: Well. You see. To say Vaz had an easy time romancing anyone is absolutely mad men talk. Everywhere Vaz went for comfort, he either ended up being used, failure in general, or turned away for another...even before the whole, losing his memories thing.
All my durges have had a fling with Gortash. So Vaz, naturally, had a thing with Gortash for a time. But uh...well. That thing was incredibly one-sided and Gortash would use it for his own benefit. Vaz never got any pussy or kisses from him, to put it frankly. But he did do a lot of lil missions for Gortash anyways.
Vaz's second fling was with a tiefling named Levi. The two were on the nautiloid together and everything. Levi heard him out on his dark urges and ushered him into doing the Right thing instead of what the urges wanted. It was a match made in heaven! ...Until the tiefling party. Where Vaz clumsily wandered around without an idea what to do, and his dear friend Levi slipped away with Gale instead of him. The next morning he saw them kiss and he went into the seven stages of denial immediately. Both of them ended up as cellmates so...yay!
Vaz's third fling was with Halsin. It uh...didn't go too well. Vaz was pulled in by all the druidic talk and he just wanted to feel normal. He just wanted to feel like a normal druid too. But it didn't work out. They partook in one sexual encounter and it ended up with Vaz crying and a bad experience for the both of them. They didn't talk a lot after it and Vaz practically avoided everyone for days afterwards.
And finally... Vaz's last fling. The Emperor. Yeah, you can probably guess how that turned out. They both managed to get through their sexual encounter though! Vaz enjoyed being safe from his urges inside the dream world (??) with the Emperor. The Emperor enjoyed tightening their bond together so Vaz wouldn't turn on him or, really, convince Levi to turn against him. And just to exert a bit more control over Vaz, the Emperor lured several of their companions to see the aftermath. And then willed away their memories of the encounter. Only to send Vaz into a breakdown a few days later with the thoughts of 'Has he ever wiped my memory?'. He didn't go back for seconds with calamari.
The biggest departure from the original questions EVER!!!!! YIPPEE!!
Anyways, next.
Crulexs: His name is an anagram for cruel sex. This was not on purpose, but I've taken it to heart. Everything about him is related to his 'cruel sex'. He is the embodiment of toxic masculinity. And, in that toxic masculinity, certain types of people are drawn into him.
Gortash was incredibly drawn into him. I have a fic in the works (in my mind) of just how drawn into Crulexs this man was. The big burly scaly cleric who looked down on him? Yeah that got him. He had a big stupid crush on Crulexs that wouldn't go away no matter how many times he tried to crush it (ha). Thankfully, it wasn't unrequited. However he found that out in the worse way possible. With Crulexs kidnapping him and taking him into the Bhaalist Temple in order to wed the both of them together. Under the blessing of Bane as well. What's a little bit of tyranny without a forced wedding to strengthen a union? He would've stayed down in that temple if it wasn't for his bodyguard, Karlach, saving him. (This is a retelling of Persephone's Abduction because i am literally insane.)
Of course, Gortash still saw Crulexs. Just, not bound in the Bhaalist temple and having to do weird blood rituals with him. Wasn't his thing, you see. They're still married, in the Bhaalist traditional manner, whatever the fuck that means.
Unfortunately...it all had to end somehow.
After his betrayal to the hands of Orin, after his memories had all left him, Crulexs was a different man. Even Bhaal saw him differently, though he wasn't...practically looking at him. An avenger against all that was evil, Crulexs roamed the land looking for those to strike down. Along the way, he meet a variety of companions, and specifically, he met Wyll Ravengard, the man who could win his heart.
It wasn't a challenge or anything. Most of the people that knew Crulexs weren't...really wanting to kiss him. The others who did were mostly wanting him because he was..a big, burly scaly paladin. Most, however, were put off by the whole silent and toxic masc bit.
Wyll, however, saw in him a lot more than that. He saw someone with similar ideals to him, and someone who was just as devoted. He managed to spring up more...less toxic masculinity into Crulexs as well. Little poems that Wyll would write hidden in his tent. And would do his best into slipping into the silliest places that Crulexs would find them. Into his boots, into his gloves, into his bedroll. In a book he would pick up, because he picked up every book he found, and skim the pages of.
It didn't take a genius to figure out it was Wyll behind them. And the little poems cleared up some of the dark clouds of Crulexs' soul. He started to actively seek out Wyll while at camp, instead of simply staring into the fire. Began to sit with him as the nights wore on. Sometimes even slept outside his tent like the guard dog he is.
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unreadpoppy · 4 months
Once again, i'm talking about the ultimatum
If you've been following me for some time, you'll probably know that I hate the datamined ultimatum scene more than anything I don't like in the game.
Now, I want to begin with my PERSONAL reasons to not liking this scene and hoping it never gets added. This is solely based on my feelings ok.
I know I'm on the minority here but I genuinly love both Minthara and Halsin. I have romanced both of them, more than once, on different playthroughs and since patch 5 and the knock out method happened before I encountered Minthara in game, on every campaign I do, I always recruit her and Halsin. My durge run is the first time I don't have both of them in my party.
And I love both of them for different reasons. I didn't know much about either of them when I began playing, so it was overtime that I got to fall in love with these characters. They are very different and I like the variety of thoughts and experiences each of them bring while conversing with them in-game. I think both of their romance routes are very appealing to me in different ways. It's like Minthara and Halsin have traits that I like in different things, and this is why I love being able to have both of them with me at all times.
And that's the first reason why I don't like the ultimatum, because it would have to make me choose in a very heartbreaking way between two characters who I genuinly love.
The second reason is that it almost makes the knock out method unnecessary. When I first heard of this scene, that was the first that crossed my mind: 'why then would I go to all this trouble only to then be made to choose?'
Granted, back then, I wasn't aware just how....hateful both sides of these characters fandoms could get. I wasn't aware that a lot people who loved Minthara hated Halsin and vice versa, because to me, the people who were doing the exploit to save both of them, probably wanted to have both characters in game (again, this was my perception at the time this scene came to everyone's knowledge).
Like, it felt (TO ME) that it was almost taking....agency is not the right word, but I'll say player agency away. Because with other conflicts between other characters, while you could side with one or the other, there was an option to "save" both (I'm talking about the Lae'zel/Shadowheart scene here in specific, where you can let Shadowheart kill Lae'zel, or you can calm both of them). Like, as far as I know, you don't get a choice to de-escalate the situation with Minthara and Halsin and are forced to make that choice. Like, I'd be totally fine if there were an option to side with one of them, and one option (maybe a persuasion roll) to let them both stay.
Because a Halsin and Minthara conflict IS interesting, but I don't think the way that it's been done so far is. Another reason I like having both of them is that because they are so different from the other, it would leave a lot of opportunity for them to see how would their relationship develop. Would they ever find some point of agreement? Would they ignore the other? Would they become reluctant buddies?
Now getting to my third reason for not liking this scene it has to do with Halsin, because again, TO ME, this scene feels very different them what his character is portrayed as. And I don't mean with that whole "halsin is racist towards drow", I think that's a whole different thing that I personally don't agree with and matters little to me. Yes, I don't like that he says he can't trust Minthara because of how brutal Lolth societies are, but comparing to other things NPCs say to and about drow in game, I'm letting this one slide.
The reason I think it's OOC for Halsin is that, while I understand why he would be wary of Minthara and even express outloud his discomfort, I don't think Halsin would 1) think he has the right to demand the PC (player character) make such a drastic choice and 2) not take in consideration that he'd be leaving Minthara to enslavement and death.
Let me expand.
Even if Halsin disagrees with choices you make, it's kinda clear that, to him, Tav is the one running the show, they're the ones calling the shots. It would not make sense for him to try and order around the Tav, and even pull a "if you don't take my side, I'm leaving." (you might say he's not ordering around, but again, if he's saying he's going to leave if you don't side with him, it comes across as that).
Again, Halsin has every right to be distrustful of Minthara, what he doesn't have, is the right to demand Tav to choose one or the other, especially considering the lenghts of which Tav would have to go to recruit both of them. It just isn't fair to place that sort of choice on Tav.
It'd make more sense for Halsin to choose to leave, acknowledging that that is his problem and so he'll deal with it, even if it costs the shadow curse, because he is not the type to deman that of someone.
To that second point: Halsin is an understanding guy. He's empathetic. Even in a route where Arabella is killed by Teela, Halsin stills offers Kagha some grace. Halsin believes people shouldn't be discriminated against, he believes everyone deserves to have a roof over their head and be treated with respect and dignity, he's almost the living embodiment of "follow human rights" ever.
And I honestly doubt that he would let his (rightful) distrust of Minthara trump over her becoming enslaved by the Absolute and possibly being erased/killed. Because you can dislike someone - hell, you can HATE someone - and still believe they have a right to live.
Because it doesn't make sense for Halsin to condemn slavery and other things like that and then deny Minthara a chance to live, to possible redeem herself. She says so, if she is not protected by the prism, she will no survive. She already cannot go home (since turning to the Absolute would make her an apostate and such a thing is not permitted in Menzoberranzan), and while still tadpoled, the Absolute could take control over her mind in an instant, and considering they were going to erase her, only the gods know what the Absolute would do with this version of Minthara.
This could even be an intersting dialogue option in this scene, to appeal to Halsin that even if Minthara is evil and has done terrible things, she deserves a second chance. Or maybe, in a different situation, where Halsin states he doesn't feel comfortable with Minthara around but stays in camp, he could say that - that he won't deny her her personhood and her right to live.
And if I really stop to think about it, it does not make sense for Halsin to want Minthara gone over the basis of "she's dangerous" if Minthara would be MORE dangerous under the Absolute's influence then Tav's.
Much like Halsin, once Minthara is recruited, she makes it very clear that, while she may disagree with Tav's decision, she'll still follow their command, because they're the one in charge, the one calling the shots. Which means that, if you're doing a good run and recruit Minthara, because of her immense loyalty to those who saved her, she would be less dangerous to Halsin or the grove, because she would only do something like raiding the grove under Tav's orders.
The Absolute? It's going to ERASE who she is and probably force her to go do even worse things. By keeping Minthara in camp, you're in a way, reigning in her chance to go out and do shit.
Is Minthara a saint who has never done nothing wrong? No. Do I agree with everything Minthara says she wants to do or how she views the world? Hell no. Has Minthara done evil things? Yes.
All of these can be true and still it would not be right to let her be enslaved by the Absolute again. And I think Halsin, in his wisdom, would be able to come to terms with that, even if he never saw eye to eye with Minthara.
And again, this type of conflict can be very interesting, but I don't think it's being done (or handled by fandom) in a way that is fair to these characters.
I could go on more but I'll be honest, I lowkey hate that a scene that doesn't even exist in the actual game as it is is occupying this much space in my mind. Being a Halsin and a Minthara fan is already stressting enough, because on either corner, people are hating on the other character you love (and some of them without even truly knowing the other character).
I sincerely hope that either this scene gets changed and it becomes more like the Shart/Lae one or it doesn't get added at all because it's genuinly distressing to me to think about having to choose one or the other. I was so happy when I heard that patch 5 included the knock out method because I struggle with making evil decisions in games but I wanted to know who Minthara and Halsin were (and raiding the grove is too much for me, I did it once and I had a TERRIBLE time with it).
Just god, if it gets implemented, I want to believe there'll be a secret third option to keep both. Let the people who only like one or the other see this as an opportunity to get rid of the character they don't like, but also let the people who like both keep both.
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all-pacas · 11 months
i am BORED at WORK, doing this one too, also for my fanfic's version of durge.
1: Where in the Faerûn is your Tav from?
Baldur's Gate. She looks Drow, but thanks to the whole "born of the discarded flesh of Bhaal" thing, she's never even been to the Underdark. She has a very recognizably Baldurian accent, which most of the party probably takes in stride but Minthara at least would find Weird.
2: What is your character's alignment?
Neutral Evil as Durge. As Tav, she's trying her best to at least hit Neutral Good. Probably more like Lawful Neutral.
3: Race and subclass?
Drow. She'll say Selardine if asked, but she has no clue. Just knows she doesn't worship Lolth.
As Durge she was an Oathbreaker Paladin. As Tav, she's currently a Great Old One Warlock/Paladin. In a story and not mechanics sense, she's more apt to use swords and armor, but is weirdly good at mind control magic.
4: If your Tav was a companion, where would they be found?
On the little dock by the crashed ship, staring out at the water. Approached, she'd at first seem not to notice you, and be distracted and even seemingly unconcerned about the tadpole -- before abruptly deciding to follow you.
5: Dark Urge or no?
6: What companion are you platonically close with?
Shadowheart and Gale, potentially also Wyll. Thanks to the artefact deciding to float on over to Tav, Shadowheart is sticking pretty close and Tav is like "this is friendship?" Gale meanwhile is (going to) give her magic lessons, and Wyll is just someone Tav admires, without seeing any of his faults and downsides.
7: Romantically close with?
Gonna be hooking up with the asshole vampire boy.
8: Who are they suspicious of?
No one. Which is a problem. Tav at her core believes she should be worshipped and feared and adored, and so she also believes that she is treated that way. She takes praise as a matter of fact. She's very easy to manipulate.
9: Is your Tav from Baldur's Gate? Why are they travelling there?
She is. And she wasn't going there in particular, but now that she has Shadowheart's Artefact, she kind of wants to ride that mission's coattails.
10: Are they proficient in playing any instruments?
Not in the least. Can't sing, either.
11: Weapon of choice?
Shortswords and daggers. Much more finesse that way, you want delicate control when you're mangling a corpse in Bhaal's name.
12: What is their orientation?
Pansexual, like everyone else. Specifically "you are into me, so I am into you." Not really uh... sexually outgoing? It's more like she will reflect any affection she's given first.
13: What are their thoughts on killing? Is it a necessary evil or do they enjoy it?
She enjoys it a lot.
14: What hobbies does your Tav have?
She's kind of trying to figure that out. Amnesia sucks! She doesn't really care for reading, she wants to do something with her hands. She could potentially get into something like embroidery or wood carving, if her companions teach her.
Durge's hobby was murder.
15: What NPC's do they like? Which one's do they dislike?
She really likes the Emperor. He seems like a really nice dude. :( None so far that she dislikes, but because of her habit of mirroring, anyone who is rude first she'll probably treat in kind.
16: Do they have a favorite creature in the Faerûn?
17: Do they enjoy life as an adventurer?
A lot! I mean, Tav doesn't remember anything before that, but she knows enough to know her past life wasn't pleasant. She was also kind of a workoholic as Durge, you know, always murdering and plotting! Adventuring is kind of relaxing.
18: What would your Tav be doing if they weren't kidnapped on the Nautiloid?
Leading a murder cult and taking over the world. The more aware of this she becomes, the more uneasy she feels.
19: How do you think they'll meet they're end?
In the Temple of Bhaal. :)
20: Would they destroy the elder brain or control it?
Is serve it an option?
21: What is your Tav's favorite spell?
Friends or Charm Person, oops.
22: What languages is your character fluent in?
Common. This is mildly embarrassing to her. She doesn't know anything else.
23: What do they do after the absolute crisis?
Find a new life. Try to find a purpose as Tav, not as the Dark Urge or as the woman she was before Bhaal. Maybe do some good: not in a Wyll heroic way, but as a way of balancing the scales of her bad deeds. Adventuring more sounds fun.
24: Does your character believe in the afterlife?
She's terrified of it.
25: What arcana major best represents your Tav?
Hanged Man / Death. Being trapped, being renewed.
26: What animal best represents your Tav?
Snowy owl. Not for the wisdom tropes. For the unblinking stare and silent kills.
27: What was their life like before the events of BG3?"
She was Durge. She killed people. She fucked Gortash. She was semi-conscious, given entirely to her father Bhaal.
28: Is your character the de facto leader of the party? Or do they consider someone else to be the leader?
Gale's the DEEPLY reluctant leader. I plan for Tav to take over slowly, due to Gale hating the job and her having some type A tendencies. But no one's trusting her with a full time leader position.
29: Does your Tav want to utilize the tadpole powers or not?
Right now she does, because her bestie The Emperor said she should.
30: What's your favorite thing about your Tav?
??? I... like the idea of Tav being just naturally a bit quiet and stoic as a half-joking reaction to the mostly silent protagonist thing. I also think the extreme gullibility will be a lot of fun and lead to a lot of bad decisions.
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"I have genuine questions for the Astarion stans. Do you guys actually care about anything else other than Astarion? Do you like any of the other characters? Are you bothered by bugs? Do you guys have favourite builds or spells? What difficulty level do you guys play on? Did you guys ever run into the shar elevator bug?"
the a!astarion selfshipper here:
i was already into dnd before bg3 so the gameplay and setting already appealed to me. my friend was like "you would like astarion hes like. custom built for your brain" bc tbh he is exactly the kind of character i always really like. and i watches his intro scene before playing and i was like. "no thats tumblr sexyman bait. i wont fall for it." my first playthrough i was determined to not fall for him (failed almost immediately.)
anyway i do love all the other companions theyre all so cool and funny like. i jad to get the party extender and another mod that triggers their dialogue more often so i could see their preformances. those two mods together really make you feel like you're in a dynamic party where everyone is bantering its very enjoyable
as for builds, i personally just play my self insert durge, which is a custom race and i usually play suppirt classes, usually a cleric, but i do like to get some bard levels in there. plus i madded in the level curve to go to 20 like in actual dnd because it disapointed me that it only went up to 12, but i suppose in the context it makes sense. past level 12 i have a custom class i use specifically for roleplaying as a!atarion's consort.
for gale, lae'zel, and karlach, i tend to keep their original class.
astarion is a rouge / custom sorcerer. i make him a necromancer bc i give him the necromancy of thay in my playthroughs
shart is a monk. she kinda sucks as a cleric but she really kicks ass as a monk
wyll i keep a couple of warlock levels just because elderich blast and hellish rebuke are so useful, but for the rest i have a custom ranger class i level him in. he has a displacer beast friend :3
minthara keeps her paladin class but i also level her in warlock, much more than wyll, shes a real powerhouse
i play the normal difficulty, but because of the increased level cap and party size i do have other mods that tweak and add encounters to make the game more balanced
0 notes
rottenbrainstuff · 11 months
BG3: The Party + random notes
And the big conclusion to the big fight: a big old party.
(dark urge spoilers)
Time to party with all my friends! There was a tiefling there I didn’t recognize, and apparently it’s because if any of the tieflings scheduled to be at the party die for any reason, there is a new back-up NPC there to take their place. So she was there instead of Alfira. 🥲🥲🥲 Sigh. I read online that if you’re playing durge, Alfira isn’t supposed to be replaced, and instead Lakrissa will mention she’s worried about Alfira… I would have preferred that (cause no one mentioned Alfira going missing at all) and I’m not sure why that didn’t trigger in my game.
Found a suspicious lady sneaking around in the grass???? She teleported away???? Doesn’t seem to be a huge amount of info about her online???? Guess I will find out more later????
What a cute party, everyone having a good time: Ikaron loosening up and having a pint, the three siblings still arguing, Bex totally smashed and trying to convince Danis to go into the bushes with her. I feel like if people don’t even like the cute tiefling kids, then everyone must just hate Rolan, who is always super annoying? I love Rolan though, silly idiot. I really wish I could follow these guys all to Baldur’s Gate and make sure they get there safely. Unfortunately it seems like I’m going to find some of them dead on the road as the game goes on no matter what I do, and… well. I’m not going to think about that right now - just going to enjoy the cute party.
It seems I’ve done something that’s glitched Gale or made him mad at me. All the companions propositioned me at the party, even ones I have politely rejected before, but not Gale. I had no dialogue options with him at all, he only told me to go and enjoy the party. Guess I really broke the guy’s heart when I told him that I only wanted to be friends. Sorry man. (another funny bug - Wyll is supposed to be off away from the party standing by the water. But sometimes he won’t be by the water, he’ll be at his regular tent, but he’ll still have the “I hoped you wouldn’t notice I had left” dialogue)
Apparently in early access, Zevlor lights magic lights in the sky, one for every life you saved today. Dang. Why did that get cut? That sounds beautiful? Man I just love Zevlor. Poor old guy can’t relax even at the party. (Honestly, if he was a romance option I think I’d be chasing him… sorry Astarion. It’s the shame, it’s the shame. I smell it like I’m a shark and it’s blood in the water. Give me a sad old character with shame and I’m there) I’m sure everything will go great for him from here on out and nothing sad will happen at all!!! :) :) :) :)
After the party scene, I got the second Guardian dream. DESPITE what you will read online, where the information seems to all be either guessing (incorrectly) or else based on the early access, I can confidently confirm that the second guardian dream is triggered after you free Halsin and talk to him about your tadpole. …and then my friend also playing this game, who has a really bad memory, swears up and down that they had a third guardian dream while they were at the goblin camp, but can’t remember what triggered it or what it was about. I could barely find info online about the second dream at all, I have no hope of finding anything about the third, but it seems so far that the dreams are triggered by concrete game events.
I might have mentioned this before but I am *REALLY* loving the little details in the books I find. I know there’s so many of them so there’s a tendency to skim them, but if you can force yourself to actually read each one, some of them are very funny or very interesting, and some include clever little easter egg tidbits. I LOVE how in conversations with Halsin, he mentions he wishes he had some books to read, and you can say that you keep finding a million books. I am collecting every single book I find and keeping them all in the chest I stole from Kagha, hehe.
Lastly, in my incidental looking up of things, I continue to see the most rancid takes and people complaining about the weirdest things. Like the fragile straight men crying that they need a filter in the game to protect them from male characters hitting on them. Or people complaining that the game is all just pointless combat, because these people are picking the most aggressive dialogue options then wondering why every NPC is aggressive. Or people saying you can’t blame the druids for being protective of their grove - yeah right, so protective they won’t even lift a finger to defend it from an invading goblin army, so protective they can’t even crack open their door to let in one single lost and scared child. On top of everything else they did that pissed me off.
The latest bizarre thing I read is complaining about how on a durge run, Alfira’s death shouldn’t be mandatory, or how the mandatory durge kills shouldn’t break your oaths if you’re a paladin.
Like. Guys, why are you even playing a durge run if you don’t like the durge story? This game has a narrative, it isn’t just a collection of “x action causes you to receive y effect.” The point of Alfira’s death is that it’s supposed to be senseless and devastating. If you are playing a good paladin, it absolutely SHOULD break your oaths and that should be something you have to deal with. That…. That conflict is supposed to be the entire bloody point of playing a resisting durge character. It’s what makes the story so interesting and gripping. If this stuff was optional it wouldn’t be as devastating. If you don’t like it, you can 100% play a different character. Why on earth play durge if you don’t like the durge story??? The game warns you at character creation that there will be consequences. Why… why would you complain when you run into those consequences?... I don’t get it.
Next up: just tying up all the loose ends before I am ready to explore the underdark. Gotta fight that gnoll nest, gotta do Ethel’s hut, gotta clear out the goblins leftover in the camp. SO looking forward to the underdark area.
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crossdressingdeath · 9 months
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[Kyvir: What do you make of Raphael's deal?] Astarion: I won't lie, it's tempting. If I keep the tadpole, I risk transforming into a grotesque monster. If I lose the tadpole, Cazador has control of me, body and soul, and I return to the shadows. It's grim either way, so why not sell what's left of my soul to a devil? Better he has it than Cazador. Kyvir: I understand the appeal. Astarion: I'm glad to hear it. Whatever's coming, we need to keep our options open.
I love having Astarion's input on the tadpole situation, because for him everything about this aside from the risk of turning into a mind flayer is genuinely a net positive. For everyone else the tadpoles are very bad; it's great that they've got the rest of the party to help them with their problems now, but that is very much the silver lining to an extremely dark cloud. Meanwhile for Astarion... yeah, this is great actually. He can walk in sunlight! He can enter houses without permission! He can cross running water! This is fantastic! And on the flip side as far as he knows losing the tadpole really would be disastrous for him, since at this point he has no reason to believe that he won't immediately fall back under Cazador's control. Making a deal with Raphael might actually be the lesser of three evils for him in a way it wouldn't be for any of the other characters. It's a viewpoint that none of the other companions share and it's so interesting to see it.
It's also very interesting if you assume that part of the reason why Durge is able to resist Bhaal as much as they are despite spending their whole life under his thumb is because the tadpole is weakening his hold on them. If that's the case then it makes a lot of sense that it's these two in particular who can say "Hang on now, are we absolutely sure that getting rid of the tadpoles without setting up anything in their place is a good idea?" Losing the tadpoles could actually seriously hurt them in a way it wouldn't hurt any of the others! They're already benefiting from the things! At least if they get rid of them via a deal with Raphael he might offer his investments some protection against the things hunting them.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
New - Plantar Fasciitis System - Pays 75% & Bonus
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/new-plantar-fasciitis-system-pays-75-bonus/
New - Plantar Fasciitis System - Pays 75% & Bonus
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    If you are suffering from plantar fasciitis this is the most important letter you will ever read.
Here is why: I will spill the beans about a method that has the power to completely eliminate foot pain in just minutes…and… all you need are your own hands.
What’s more…this is just one part of a holistic system that has already helped hundreds to cure plantar fasciitis for good.
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“…after the first day I already saw improvement.”
“Being a hairdresser I have to spend all day on my feet. I only made it through the day with lots of NSAIDs. Those ruined my digestion. My apartment was a wreck because after my job all I could do was lying down. I felt so helpless. I tried your speed cure and after the first day I already saw improvement. Incredible! Now I’m off the meds for weeks, all my pain is gone and my customers comment on how happy I suddenly am. You saved my life! Nancy”
–– Nancy Rodiguez, Red Bank, NJ
“…within a week I was completely pain free!”
“When I found your site I was ready for surgery. The constant pain almost made me lose my mind. I was a scared, physical and mental wreck. Your system works so well I couldn’t help myself but to write and thank you personally. The results I’ve been getting speak for themselves – within a week I was completely pain free! Keep up the good work, Joseph”
– Joseph Bratcher, Mill Valley, CA
“I am 100% better, pain free and PF seems like a nightmare I woke up from.”
“Dear Emma, getting your system wrote the last chapter in my endless PF story. I’ve been to countless doctors, got sick from all the meds and yes, my feett HURT. The pain got so bad I had to take pills every 12 hours together with nausea med not to thow them up. It was BAD. I followed your system to the T and now I may possibly be the happiest person in Wisconsin. I am 100% better, pain free and PF seems like a nightmare I woke up from. Can’t thank you enough! Olivia”
– Olivia Fisher, UK
But who am I and why should you listen to me?
My name is Emma Eccles. I’m not a professional ad writer. But what I have to share with you is so important, I had to write you myself. So please bear with me a little.
In over three years of trials and many disappointments I have developed a fail-save system anyone can follow that not only relieves chronic foot pain…but permanently eliminates plantar fasciitis.
After hundreds of success stories I’m so sure that it will work for anyone…I am offering you a 60 days, full money back guarantee that it will cure your condition as well. Not only will your foot pain be a thing of the past, you will be completely healed and never ever suffer from plantar fasciitis again.
All you need to do is plug into this proven system so you know exactly what to do. You don’t have to think about anything. Just follow the simple plan and you will experience relief of your pain within days…in light cases as little as hours!
How It All Started
I was 40 years old and very busy. My job in a restaurant wasn’t always easy. And my kid needed her mom to take care of her. I had little time for myself but I never complained. I like being there for people.
I still remember that one Sunday morning. The day before had been crazy. It was a wedding party we served. Those are usually the worst. Now, don’t get me wrong…I love weddings just like the next person…but…serving those parties is madness. Lots of people, lots of orders, and they always last until the wee hours.
I was on my feet all day. Rushing back and forth between guests and kitchen. My feet were tired but I just pushed through as I always do. I ignored the mounting pain. I had a job to do.
The next day I woke up with a surprise. My feet still hurt.I did not think much of it. I was sure the pain would go away just like it always had. Little did I know…
I Was In For A Trip To Hell
The pain lessened by the evening. Everything seemed to be ok. Than came the next morning…and the pain was back. In fact it wasn’t just back. It got worse. I still wasn’t worried though. I still thought things would work themselves out.
It took a week for this bubble to burst. When the first thing you feel after getting up is pain… not once…not twice…but every day of the week you know something is WRONG. However I was as clueless as the next person about the cause. Maybe a heel spur, I thought.
I made an appointment with my doctor. Certainly this was easy to fix….just like all the other conditions I had until than. How wrong I was!
My doctor listened to my story. He seemed as clueless as me. So he sent me off to get some x-rays. The x-rays didn’t help him much. But that was not what he told me. He just said it wasn’t anything serious…no broken bones. I’d probably recover fast. I reminded him of my pain. He prescribed me Vioxx. Thanks God I did not stay on it…or I might be dead by now!
A week later I was back. No improvement. If I did not take the pills I was in pain. My doctor tried to calm me down. It would all work itself out. But I was having none of it. I’m on my feet all day. I need to get well…FAST…I told him. He sent me off to a specialist.
My next stop was a podiatrist. He gave me the diagnosis: plantar fasciitis. Didn’t mean anything to me. He advised night splinting my foot. The splint was so uncomfortable I could hardly sleep at night.
By Now I Had Hot Burning Pain All Day
The night splint didn’t do anything for me. I had switched to Ultram because the pain got worse…and my ankle had started to hurt as well. The podiatrist wasn’t much help. His advice was the usual: Rest your feet, do some stretching and you will get well soon. If it had been only that easy!
I couldn’t lie in bed all day. Who can? And those exercises hurt. In fact it was as though the pain would laugh at me. It wouldn’t let me go. Like a shadow it was following me everywhere I went. I was getting more and more desperate. In tears I begged my doctor for a cortisone shot. That ankle shot was the most gut wrenching pain ever…and that’s coming from someone who gave birth!
Still it seemed to be worth it…after the injection I was actually pain free. I felt like singing and dancing. However just 10 days later I had a rude awakening: The pain returned…and with all its might! Not only was I disappointed…I was devastated! In fact…
I was Ready To Cut My Foot Off
But before I went on a merry-go-round of doctors and specialists. My thinking was simple: There just had to be someone who could help me. I was ready to listen to anyone who seemed to be qualified to give me advice….and lots of people thought they were.
My experience was that pretty much everyone had something to say. If I had a dime for every advice on how to treat plantar fasciitis…I’d be sipping champagne at the beach by now! For months I followed one recommendation after the next…
Orthodics that cost me $400
Gel pads, cups, cushions, inserts, you name it
Deep Heat Rubs
Nonsteriodal anti-inflamatory durgs (NSAIDs)
But NOTHING worked.
All my friends were already tired of hearing about the condition. So I went under the knife. The first night after the surgery was rough, no lying about that. No wonder. They had removed scar tissue from around my nerve, thinned my plantar fascia and even sawed off some bone spurs. It felt like it wasn’t too far from having my foot cut off.
I thought it a miracle when they put me off pain meds just three days later. The next 2 months I spent on crutches – using my foot was off limits. What followed were 2 more months in a boot and then physical therapy. Was it worth all that? Well…all those months during recovery I was pain free…but…
What Doctors Don’t Tell You
Now my story could be over right here. Another prime example of the miracles of modern medicine.I so wish it would have. No one talks about what that recovery really means. It’s almost like being a baby again. You can hardly move and when youdo …you are sloooow. Driving is out of the question. You either have someone who takes care of you…or you are screwed.
And don’t think this situation will be over in a heartbeat. It drags on for months…all the muscle on your legs disappear…and at the end of it…you basically need to learn to walk again. If you love sports it will break your heart.
By the time I had suffered from plantar fasciitis for over a year so I was ready to take it all…If only the pain would disappear! It seemed as though it had – so I did not complain. That came later.
A month after physical therapy I hit rock bottom. I was finally back on my feet…finally bening able to do what I wanted without asking for help…when I found myself back at square one. I woke up with the hot burning pain I was assured would never return.
There’s an ugly truth about plantar fasciitis surgery doctors don’t want you to know: The success rate can be as low as 30%. Even with a great specialist every 5th patient gets no relief whatsoever from surgery. Thinking about how none of the doctors ever bothered to mention this still makes my blood boil.
The plantar fasciitis operation is often called the last way out. However…all too ofen this way proves to be a dead end. Just imagine what you would tell your bank if they’d recommend a “save investment” that comes with a risk of 70% of losing all your money. If there’s a proven way to stop plantar fasciitis…surgery certainly is not it.
When Everything Fails
Now when the going gets tough – and it dosen’t get much tougher than being a “hopeless case”…suffering from pain all day every day…with no options left – most people give up. Just try to live with it. Because what can you do?
But I have never been a quitter and living with this horrible pain for the rest of my life simply wasn’t an option. Not for my own sake…and not for the sake of my daughter you needs a healthy mother to take care of her.
I needed to make a last ditch effort…start my own research – deep research that leaves no stone unturned. I was firing on all cylinders…went to all the forums I could find online…bought all the books about the subject…watched all the videos on YouTube…and even digged into those scientific articles you need to read three times and still understand only half of it.
I turned myself into a human guinea pig and nothing was too strange for me to try. Almost everything turned out to be a huge waste of my time and money. However some of the techniques seemed to help. It was a small glimpse of hope – enough to keep me going.
Light at the End of the Tunnel
I mixed together everything that brought results…combined it in all possible ways…and for the first time since my operation…my pain went away!
I had struck gold.
Something about the combination of rest periods, special taping and short series of light exercises brought that relief nothing else had.
I don’t think anyone who hasn’t suffered from plantar fasciitis can ever imagine what it feels like to stand on your feet…and not feel a hot, burning pain. It literally feels like being reborn.
What would you do if you escaped your misery? What would you do if your feet would finally be pain-free? For me it was catching up. I enjoyed all the things I had been missing the last years. Amazing!I
However…after some time I began to wonder…
Does this system work for anybody else?
I went back to the forums I used to visit and got in touch with other plantar fasciitis victims….asked around who was willing to follow in my footsteps and try the approach that had healed me. A lot of people raised their hand.
There was only one problem…I had no way of showing people what to do. Explaining even simple exercises in words is awfully complicated. And with a condition so serious you want to make certain you do the right thing.
I thus decided to make some brief videos for people to see what to do. A friend of mine produces videos for a living and I got him to help me out. Together we made 13 professional videos showing everything there is to do. I also wrote up a manual explaining the exact treatment plan.
I sent the entire package out to people for free… responded to all the questions they had. And they had a lot. The initial descriptions confused people. I had to rewrite them….again and again…until they made sense for everyone.
The questions got less and less…and instead…I started receiving feedback on the results. Glowing testimonials of average people that thought nothing could cure their plantar fasciitis…before they tried my system.
Here are just a few of the reports I received…and still receive…on an almost daily basis:
“Since I started your program…my pain is almost gone.”
“Dear Emma, I can’t thank you enough for you system! I suffered from pf for over a decade and I thought I had tried everything (not counting going under the knife). The only thing that kept that pain at bay was accupuncture which was costing me $50 a session. With the one session a week that was $200 a month and all for temporary relief. Since I started your program three weeks ago my pain is almost gone. I’m still in disbelief. I already saved over $100 on accupuncture and during these times that means a lot to me. Much love, Christal”
– Chrystal Smith
“Your system has succeeded where every doctor failed.”
“Hi, for the first time in the last 10 months I was no longer afraid to get out of bed. Usually I knew the hot, throbbing pain would await me once I set my heel down but not this time. Your system has succeeded where every doctor failed – not only treating but curing my plantar fasciitis. I’ll be forever grateful for this miracle. Yours truly, Steven”
– Steven Clegg
“…my pain is about 75% gone and I just started your program.”
“Emma, I started on your program a few days ago and I am already seeing significant improvements. Incredible! You know more about plantar fasciitis than all the doctors I have been to. Not only didn’t they know how to to help me, they belittled my pain, tried to pump me full of meds, diagnosed a stress fracture (x-rays prove otherwise) and even implied I was had a mental disorder! Now my pain is about 75% gone and I just started your program. I can’t thank you enough for sharing this information! Valery”
– Valery Martin
What most people commented on was how easy the system was to follow. Especially including trigger points into my approach had a huge impact in lessening and even eliminating the pain in just minutes.
Trigger points are small contraction knots in the muscles of the body. More and more research confirms that these knots can cause a variety of aches and pain in the body. Let me tell you why this matters to you…
What REALLY Causes Your Pain
If you have been to countless doctors and none was able to successfully treat your plantar fasciitis…you might actually not suffer from plantar fasciitis at all! Muscle contractions in certain areas of your body can cause pain that is easily mistaken for plantar fasciitis.
Despite the fact that these trigger points have been discovered more than 60 years ago many doctors are still completely in the dark about them. The good news is that you don’t even need a physician to treat pain triggered this way. Once you know how, you can be your own healer.
Let me show you the most important trigger point that can clear up light cases mistaken for plantar fasciitis in just minutes.
Pain from this trigger point shows itself in the following areas:
Back of the ankle
Sounds familiar?
The trigger point is located below your calf muscle, at the bottom of the Soleus muscle. You can easily find your Soleus when you lift your toes and pay attention which muscle in your leg contracts. The trigger point you are looking for is at the bottom of your calf muscle right in the middle of your lower leg.
If you put your hand on your lower leg with your middle finger touching your heel the point is roughly where your carpal bone makes contact with the leg. If you can not find it on your own, take a look at the pictures included in the FREE bonus guide that comes with the Plantar Fasciitis System.
Now simply put your finger on the point and press. You should feel slight pain. If you don’t feel anything, move your finger up and down until you found it. Massage it for half a minute with one of two fingers. Doing this repeatedly over the course of several days has the power to eliminate even stubborn pain.
Now in case that this might not work for you…don’t worry! This is just one of several trigger points explained and the use of trigger points is just one component of the complete Plantar Fasciitis System. Each component is designed to work with the other to create a synergetic healing effect that clears up even stubborn cases of plantar fasciitis.
“I love how simple yet structured your approach is.”
“Hey, your system did what even the $235.00 handmade German shoes I bought didn’t help to do: Having pain free feet all day. I love how simple yet structured your approach is. It’s truly is a SYSTEM that cure plantar fasciitis. Thanks for rescuing me! Martha”
– Martha Rowan
Warning! Do NOT Trust Any Guide Or Self-Proclaimed “Expert” Unless They Prove The Following 5 Things To You
I know there’s a ton of conflicting information out there what really works for healing plantar fasciitis. For this reason I want to give you 5 things you absolutely, positively must check before you trust anyone to give you advice:
There MUST be proven results! The most effective way to fast healing is to copy what’s already been proven to work. The Plantar Fasciitis System has already helped hundreds to cure their condition. More importantly people still write me every day thanking me for the miracle of relieving their foot pain…a pain they often suffered from for years. This is why I am so confident this system will work for you as well I offer a full, 100% money-back guarantee.
You MUST get a treatment plan from someone who knows what she’s talking about! Before trying any treatment, make sure it’s designed by someone who knows what plantar fasciitis means. Don’t fall for some book smart doctor that has never actually cured anyone and that might have last seen a case 30 years back in some textbook while he was studying.  I have struggled myself for almost 3 years before I managed to cure my plantar fasciitis. During those years I have been to countless doctors. Most don’t have a clue how to help you. Most people I talked to tell me the exact same. My system cured me. It helped hundreds more. Please let me help you, too!
To save you suffering and frustration, you should exchange money for valuable information stops your pain — fast You know, I’ve learned over the years that it pays, many times over, to discover what others already know. This way you save a ton of time because you can completely eliminate the learning curve you need to go through when making the experience yourself. “Free” information you get from somewhere online are probably worth exactly what you pay for them. Not only don’t you know if they work, they could actually harm you. In the best case you waste your time and needlessly suffer for longer than you have to. Don’t do this to yourself and your feet! The Plantar Fasciitis System will get you pain-free as fast as humanly possible. And it’s easy to use.
The information MUST be up-to-date Research and medical discoveries never stop. Methods that used to be effective get out-dated faster and faster. You  shouldn’t follow any advice that does not rely on the newest,  cutting-edge science. I know this and I’m still active in all the forums. There isn’t a study about foot pain I don’t read. Nothing makes me happier than when I find a way to make the Plantar Fasciitis System more effective. Why? Because I know exactly what it feels like to suffer. And I don’t want that for anyone!
Most importantly, you must be able to trust the person that offers a cure
You know…I wrote the Plantar Fasciitis System to make sure you have a proven step-by-step guide to forever rid yourself of any foot pain. I want to give you a short-cut for rapid healing…worth at least 10 times the price of this system!
Here Are Just Some of the Secrets Revealed in this Course
Secret #1: The almost magical self-treatment that can erase plantar fasciitis pain in minutes – proven to work in 73% of all cases (p.15-16)
The “dirty secret” about what causes plantar fasciitis most doctors are too embarrassed to tell you (p.11)
Secret #3: Two amazingly effective, yet totally pain-free ways to stretch your plantar fascia…easy to do no matter how out of shape you are (p.17)
57-year-old Mary had no clue why her feet hurt. No doctor was able to tell her the reason. A quick glance on page 8 of the Plantar Fasciitis System manual finally gave her certainty. And easy-to-follow instructions on how to treat herself.
Secret #5: How to massage your plantar fasciitis away (p.39)
Sam, a sport enthusiast from Arkansas, was heart-broken when his doctor told him not to engage in any sports or exercise activity. In the manual he discovered 3 sports that are completely save to do even with acute plantar fasciitis. See for yourself. (p.42)
Secret #7: The fasted way to escape your burning heel pain…proven to work for over 60 years  (p.3)
How normal is your plantar fasciitis? New medical study reveal surprising results (p.9)
Secret #9: The biggest mistake most people make with resting…and how to avoid it (p.10)
The 5 best stretching exercises…including the single best stretch for plantar fasciitis – according to a study in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (p.18)
Secret #11: What does not cause plantar fasciitis – no matter what your doctor told you (p.11-12)
Pain during the night, pain in the morning, pain all day…how normal is your pain pattern? (p.90)
Secret #13: The one advice every doctor gives when treating plantar fasciitis that is right on the money (p.42)
How to attack your plantar fasciitis from 3 angles…guaranteeing a save and lasting treatment that bans it forever from your life (p.6)
Secret #15: 3 incredibly easy ways to bullet-proof feet…you can do them at home using common household objects as your “equipment” (p.31-38)
How likely are your friends and family to also suffer from plantar fasciitis? Discover the highest plantar fasciitis risk factor and what to do about it (p.12)
Secret #17: Nature’s counter-intuitive way to avoid injury…and how it helps you to look and feel more youthful(p.17)
Army study reveals highest risk factors for injuries – are you or your loved ones among the unlucky? (p.12)
Secret #19: The counter-intuitive plantar fasciitis treatment…proven to work for virtually anyone…even if your doctor has already give up on you (p.17)
Why the 3-angle approach trigger point therapy takes is THE best approach to treating any pain related condition  (p.14)
Secret #21: 7 Proven methods that make your feet forever plantar fasciitis proof…even if surgery failed you (p.31-39)
How to save hundreds of $$$ on orthotics (p.43)
Secret #22: The surprising reason why more women suffer from plantar fasciitis and foot pain (p.44)
And more. A LOT more!
 Why The Plantar Fasciitis Sytem Is Unlike Anything Else Out There
Reason #1: Fastest treatment
When you suffer from plantar fasciitis all you want is…get rid of the pain! This is why the Plantar Fasciitis System attacks the root of the pain from the very beginning. It relieves the muscle tightness…and short-circuits the nerve triggers that are responsible for your misery.
It works its magic in not just one way…but attacks the pain from multiple angles leaving it no other choice but to surrender. Like wheels in a clog every component works with the others to achieve the fastest pain relief  humanly possible.
Reason #2: The only systematic way to treat plantar fasciitis…guaranteeing results
When dealing with a condition as severe and persistent as plantar fasciitis…a few “tips and tricks” won’t do the job.
If you think a guide with a few stretching exercises or some badly filmed practice you found on youtube will help you…you are in for an unpleasant surprise. Your plantar fasciitis won’t leave you that easy.
You need a proven, systematic approach that attacks and resolves the issue in all possible ways. For this reason the Plantar Fasciitis System is not just a collection of various exercises. It is a well thought-through, step-by-step manual that has already helped hundreds of people just like you to leave the pain behind.
In fact, I’m so sure that it will help YOU that I’m offering an unconditional full money-back guarantee. In the very unlikely case that you will not see rapid improvements and a lessening of your pain in just days I beg you to ask me for a full refund.
Reason #3: Clear, easy-to-follow explanations
The worst thing is looking for help…and getting confusing, unclear advice. Not with the Plantar Fasciitis System. Constant feedback from hundreds of users together with countless revisions have made sure everyone can understand and follow this treatment.
Even better: Not only do you receive a detailed, step-by-step plan including pictures…you also get 9 HD videos showing you exactly how the recommended exercises work. All you need to do is press “Play” and follow along. It couldn’t be easier.
Check Out What This Whole Revolutionary System Contains
The Plantar Fasciitis System
The Plantar Fasciitis System is the most complete, effective and FAST way to cure plantar fasciitis. I developed this system over years…based on my personal experience with plantar fasciitis.
Over the years the system has been constantly improved and shown its effectiveness on hundreds of people that suffered from foot pain.
The entire system contains a manual which gives you step-by-step explanations exactly on what to do…when to do it…and how to do it. All exercises are explained in simple English and come with clear pictures that show you how it should look.
But this is not all. To make 100% certain that you do everything right – and to make it easy for you – it also includes 9 videos…filmed in HD… demonstrating the exercises step by step…so you can easily follow along.
The Plantar Fasciitis System gets delivered digitally. This means in just minutes after you go ahead and click the button below you will get access to everything you need to escape your foot pain forever.
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