#because my love is a cozy rest area on the road trip of your life ! 🔄
prurientpuddlejumper ¡ 3 years
Cold Hands
Jackson Neill x Reader
For @storiesofsvu​​​’s Fall Bingo! Requested by @detectivebarba. Followed up in Cozy Sweaters​
Warnings: NSFW (smutty lines, no smut). Angst, cheating, breakup.
OK, so, my fluffy Jackson fics take place in a world where Sarah never happened or after she & Jackson broke up… But what if they didn’t? 
1,800 words
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“Here’s another one: ‘Professor Neill is super dreamy. He’s a PILF.’ What’s a PILF?”
“I honestly don’t know. I don’t read these comments. I don’t care,” Jackson replied with irritation. He did, and he does, but he wasn’t going to let some cultist make him out to be an exploitative, charismatic leader.
“But you did ‘eff’ a student, right?”
Jackson laughed nervously under the hot stage lights.
“Any chance you had a sexual relationship with a student you used for a source in your article?” Cal Roberts, the man sitting across the news set from him, raised an eyebrow innocently, reveling in the way his little ace in the hole had Jackson pinned.
“Of course not. That would be unethical.”
“Right, right.”
How the fuck did he find out? When Sarah chose to go back to the Meyerist Movement instead of listening to reason, he didn’t think she would tell anyone. Their fringe movement was dangerous—restrictive to personal freedoms. Letting them know that she was his source would have put her in danger. The fact that one of its leaders knew blindsided him.
He was tense for the rest of the debate, and the cameras picked up on it. He looked like an asshole. The cult won this round as far as the audience was concerned.
As the cameras turned off and the PA came to unclip his mic, Jackson stepped close to Cal and said, low enough not to be overheard, “I did care about her. I do. Tell her I miss her, and I hope she’s OK.”
Guilt over their affair swirled in his gut as he walked off the set—and came to a screeching halt as he ran into you.
You had been sitting in the vacant live-audience area to watch the filming, but you were standing now, as if you’d gotten up to meet him but froze halfway there and were just… staring. Your eyes were dull.
“Who was he talking about?” you asked in a small voice.
Anger he could have handled. His ex-wife was always screaming at him for his screw-ups. But this was something worse.
He could have placated you with lies. Told you that everything with Sarah was before he met you, but you were too clever for that—too interested in his research not to realize when he started using her as a source. Besides, you didn’t deserve to be lied to again. If he hoped to salvage his relationship with you, then you deserved the truth from now on.
“Listen, let’s just… go home and talk.”
You silently nodded.
A thick silence haunted the car ride home, punctuated only by the howl of autumn wind through the dark city streets.
On the ride to the studio, you had been so animated, helping him prepare for the debate. You would pretend to be a Meyerist and argue against him so Jackson could practice his response. He put his hand on your thigh, and it was so warm. You squealed at his icy fingertips, but instead of batting them away, you shoved them deeper between your thighs. “Someone has to help your bad circulation,” you declared with a grin. “Can’t let you get frostbite.” He could barely focus on the road.
Now, when he tried to say something… to broach the subject… you only stared out the passenger window at the passing streetlights and bare trees.
He reached out to touch you, but you shrugged him off.
Jackson couldn’t have known the deafening chaos of that car ride home. His home, not yours, though you had all but moved in. You’d been planning to make it official when your lease was up, but now you would have to renew it.
You’d have to let your roommates know you’d be staying.
All these little thoughts swarmed through your head like post-it notes caught in a cyclone—reminders of a million mundane plans falling apart and being remade. The logistics of separating two entangled lives. Would you take your houseplant back or leave it in Jackson’s kitchen? There was never enough light for it in your apartment.
If you started thinking about the big things—who was the student? How long? How many nights did he say he was working late when he was with them?—then you might fall apart.
The car was silent, but inside your head was an endless dark roar.
Jackson parked in the driveway, and without a word, you began wandering through the house like a ghost, picking up your things and packing them up in a plastic garbage bag. Half your wardrobe was here. It should take two trips, but if you had to come back… if you had to see him again, and he asked you to stay, you might be too weak. So you’d have to get everything in one trip.
Your feet shuffled lifelessly into the bathroom to retrieve your toiletries when Jackson squeezed through the door in front of you and blocked the sink.
“Stop. Please. Let’s talk about this.”
“What’s there to talk about? I don’t want to know his name.”
The obvious thought was, maybe it wasn’t true. That Meyerist guy would have said anything just to make Jackson look bad. But if that were the case, Jackson would have told you so right away. He didn’t, and he wasn’t even trying to sell you an alternate fiction to exonerate himself. For a cheater, he was honest. Jackson never lied to you, so you used to think. That was why this… this was so unexpected. You never saw it coming.
You tried to get around him, but he kept getting in the way of your toothbrush until you looked at him. “She wasn’t a student. She was participating in one of my classes as a guest speaker. She’s not even enrolled at the university. He made it sound as if—”
Your anger had been so seething, quiet, you didn’t even realize you were angry until you finally opened your mouth and fury poured out like dragon’s fire. It caught you both by surprise. You shoved past him to grab your toothbrush and marched back out into the master bedroom without another word.
Tears pricked the back of your eyelids. You didn’t like yourself when you lost control like that, especially knowing how his ex had been. How much he flinched at raised voices. Part of you wanted to turn around and hold him, comfort him, apologize. Then you felt sick that that was your first impulse after what he did.
Maybe the bastard deserved it.
“I… just wanted you to know I’m not some kind of… of predator.” He sounded like a child, his voice high and thin.
You turned.
He looked so pathetic standing there in the bathroom with his rumpled shirt hanging off fallen shoulders, his eyes shining wet and desperate.
“Why?” you asked. It was the only question you could ask. The only one that mattered—if it even mattered. You heard your voice breaking as if it were in another room.
“It was just supposed to be research. I chatted her up to learn about the Meyerist Movement… It wasn’t cheating, at first. I never meant to let things go that far. But she was so smart, but vulnerable… I thought I could help her get out. I thought she was ready to leave religion behind, like I did. She was so much like I used to be. Before I knew it, I was falling in love with her. I didn’t mean for it to happen.”
Tears escaped your eyes, but you didn’t want them to. You didn’t want him to see you cry over him. “So you love her?”
“No! I love you—I chose you,” he croaked. “It’s been over for a long time. She was only using me to help her research the history of Meyerism. When I realized that...” He took a few steps toward you, but you took one back to stay out of reach.
You let out a bark of cynical laughter. “So I was your fallback? The one who actually cared about you? Supported you? It was too hard having this woman lean on you for help, so you just used me the same way?”
“That… that isn’t—”
“You don’t love me. I’m just a soft place for you to land. If she patiently waited at home for you, you would have left me, wouldn’t you?”
“It was a mistake. The worst mistake of my life. Please...”
“The worst part is, I thought you were better than this. I believed in you. You were always so cuddly and domestic, the kind of guy you settle down with—I thought I finally found a man I could trust.”
“You can. It will never happen again. I’ll spend my whole life making up for it if I have to.”
Unlike the tightly clenched tear ducts on your face, regularly scrubbed dry with the back of your sleeve, Jackson’s tears were freely flowing down his cheeks. He tried to hold you, but you shoved his cold touch away.
It was too late for that. His arms were not comfort anymore.
All you could see was him wrapping those arms around her. All while you were cooking him dinner, being so understanding of his late nights, waiting for him to come home. Never knowing. Never thinking he would betray you.
He must have washed her scent off him. Did he scrub his cock with soap twice just to make sure you wouldn’t taste her on him when you knelt between his knees? Did he think about her hair when he was pulling yours? Imagine her lips wrapped around him?
Was she better than you? Was that why he did it?
Did he finger her the same way, slow and gentle, before fucking her? You wondered if he murmured the same praises, told her she was taking him so well, if he gave that same breathy, “fuck,” just before he came inside her.
Weren’t you enough? What did you do so wrong that he needed to cheat?
Finally, you began to sob. Your whole body rocking, shoulders heaving in big gasping breaths. He took advantage of the moment and hugged you tight, whispering shallow promises meant to be comforting, and you could tell his heart was breaking at the sight of you in pain.
You let him hold you, just for a moment, because it still felt so good—he still felt like home.
But you were sobbing for broken plans. For the apartment lease you would have to renew when you had been looking forward to moving in. For the dog you and Jackson wanted to adopt from the shelter. For the Airbnb you booked in Vermont for leaf-peeping season that would have to be canceled.
His cheating hands felt cold on your back, but you let him hold you a little bit longer, because despite everything, your heart was breaking for him, too.
Because this would be the last time he ever held you.
• ● • ━━━━━─ ••●•• ─━━━━━ • ● • @beccabarba​ / @itsjustmyfantasyroom​ / @thatesqcrush​ / @dianilaws​ / @permanentlydizzy​ / @mrsrafaelbarba​ / @madamsnape921​ / @astrangegirlsmind​ / @neely1177​ / @onerestein​ / @dreamlover31​ / @isvvc-pvscvl​​  / @shroomiehomie / @storiesofsvu​ / @welcometothemxdhouse​​ / @feedthemadness-sweetie​ / @law-nerd105​ / @amelia-song-pond​ / @michael-rooker​ / @xecq / @madpanda75​ / @alwaysachorusgirl​ / @bananas-pajamas​ / @leanor-min​ / @mad-girl-without-a-box​ / @katierpblogg​ / @worldofvixen​ / @sassyada​ / @detectivebarba​
64 notes ¡ View notes
secretlittlerandezvous ¡ 4 years
Été - Pierre-Luc Dubois
Summary: Pierre takes his love to France where they have the time of their lives. 
Words: 1802
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“In this space right here that we have made for each other, you can say anything, and I will not abandon you. Unwrap the worst things you have done. Watch me hold them up to the light and not even flinch.” - tristamateer on Tumblr  
Pierre-Luc Dubois was without a doubt the most romantic and sweetest guy she ever met in her whole life. It was overwhelming at times. The amount of attention he gave her, romantic surprises from dinners to weekend getaways to simply but most importantly being her best friend. He appeared in her life just when she was losing hope there could exist a man who could love her the way she wanted and needed. She knew she could count on him and trust him with everything and no matter how many issues life threw in their way they almost made it out stronger and more in love. What more could she ask for? 
That’s exactly what Pierre wanted to know once the hockey season ended for him and summer was around the corner. He knew how much she had to sacrifice and deal with many things that she didn’t like for the sake of his playing career and he wanted to show her how much he appreciated her patience and support. He asked her countless time if there was anything she wanted to do in summer, anything he could buy her, or make come true but she never said a single thing except for “having you is enough”. It was of course a nice thing to know and to hear but it wasn’t helpful at all. Then thankfully an answer came, quite randomly when they were cooking dinner together and she opened a bottle of her favorite French wine and mumbled the words “oh to be in a winery in France!” And that’s exactly where he was going to take her. 
He planned the whole trip for almost two weeks to make sure everything would go smoothly and that everything would be perfect. He rented a villa on a hilltop surround by land and in a small private winery. The villa was near to historic cities of southwest France, and completely private which was something he craved - privacy. To be alone with his love, away from his teammates and the team’s staff, away from media and fans. Just him and her for once. 
“Are you kidding?” Y/n asked when she opened the little envelope with the details of their vacation in France. “I can’t go to France for 3 weeks Pierre! I have to work.” 
“No, no you don’t,” Pierre laughed and rolled his eyes at her. She could never enjoy a surprise without thinking of a reason why she couldn’t enjoy it. 
“What do you mean? Of course, I do!” 
“You don’t. I talked to your boss already and she doesn’t have a problem with it,” he explained with a soft smile. 
“You’re the best!” She said loudly and jump on him with excitement. “I love you.” 
Southwest France 
When the couple arrived to their rented villa a selection of wines made in the winery they would call home for the next three weeks greeted them in the kitchen and naturally, they opened a bottle or two immediately as a way to start the vacation. 
“Wine tastes better in France,” Y/n announced after she poured herself another glass. “Don’t you think?” 
“I think it would taste even better if we had some food,” Pierre laughed. “Seriously, I’m starving. Let’s go out.” 
“Give me a minute,” Y/n ran to their bedroom, put on a beige silk dress that went below her knees, styled it with a pair of black flats and sunglasses and she was ready to go. 
Pierre waited for her outside in their rented car, a black cabriolet Chevrolet Corvette, the perfect car to discover the city in and for road trips he planned for them. 
A few minutes later they were sitting in possibly the most romantic restaurant they have ever been to. A man was playing the piano somewhere in the garden creating a perfect atmosphere for their first date in France, oil paintings on the walls, flowers decorating all the tables, and the view on a courtyard full of flowers. Could it be more magical? People around them chatted with each other, the beautiful French language almost seemed to be in the rhythm of the piano. And yet as fancy as it was it still felt cozy and homey. Y/n was in complete shock and it took a lot of self-control to stay calm and not to start obsesses over everything and to keep her phone in her bag since she and Pierre agreed not to use their phones and enjoy the privacy but she regretted the promise a little because she really wanted to a take a picture of that place. Pierre liked the setting as well but what made him happier was Y/n’s smile and excitement. Her smile was wider than usual, and her eyes lit up every time she spotted something, she found adorable. 
The sun was slowly setting down while they enjoyed their dinner, the best food they ever had in their whole lives. They’ve been to so many restaurants in so many cities, yet no food tasted as good as the food in France. Needless to mention that the beautiful atmosphere simply made everything better. Pierre although he was a romantic guy, he never truly understood the world’s obsession with Paris and France in general but now that he was there, he finally understood what the world was talking about. Y/n always dreamt of going to France and having a movie-like summer with the love of her life. And as she looked at Pierre sitting in front of her, looking right back at her with so much love she knew with absolute certainty that he was the love of her life, the person she waited for for so long. The only person she could imagine spending the rest of her life with and growing old with him didn’t scare her at all. She knew it was going to be okay. 
The following morning, they both woke up in an exceptionally good mood. Maybe it was the sunshine and warmth, maybe it was the fresh air, the privacy, and maybe the fact that everything was perfect, and nothing could ruin their mood. After a delicious breakfast, they moved to their garden to chill by the pool. 
Pierre was on the sunbed watching Y/n swim in the pool happily. He kept smiling at her although she hardly ever looked at him. She looked happier than ever before and Pierre was proud of himself for planning this and doing this for her because it served its purpose; it made her smile, happy and relaxed. 
When she got out of the water she stood still in the grass, surrounded by the never-ending grapevine, the sun made her skin appear golden and she was glowing, looking like an actual goddess. “What?” She giggled when she noticed Pierre staring at her. 
“Nothing,” he answered. “Just adoring my girl.” 
Y/n then lay down on the sunbed next to Pierre, enjoyed the warmth, and listened to Pierre reading her favorite book for her. The birds sang in the trees, the sun was pleasingly warm and they sipped wine and enjoyed each other’s company. 
All shades of orange and pink created a beautiful sky that made everything look warmer and cozier, the last rays of sunshine sneaked into the villa most specifically to the kitchen where was Y/n currently making dinner while Pierre tries his best to help but not move around too much because his clumsiness in the kitchen was no joke. A warm breeze brushed against their skin and the scent of freshly chopped herbs filled the whole area. Soft jazz was playing in the living room and both Y/n and Pierre moved in the rhythm of the quiet music without realizing it. It was simply a beautiful and romantic evening in France.
“I have no idea what we’re cooking,” Pierre said as he added the chopped herbs and garlic he cut with such care after to the meat that was now covered in red wine and beef stock. “But it already smells delicious.” 
“It’s boeuf bourguignon,” she answered with a French accent making herself and Pierre giggle. “And now we wait for an hour.” She said when she put the meat into the oven.
“This is nice,” Pierre whispered into Y/n’s ear when he wrapped his hands around her body, kissed her cheek softly and they slowly moved together with the music and watched the sunset from their terrace. “It’s nice having you all to myself for a while.” 
“I should be the one who’s saying this,” Y/n said quietly. “I’m the one sharing you with all the fans, and teammates. Even the press people see you more often than I do.” She chuckled. 
“I know,” he answered sadly, realizing once again how hard it must be for her to watch him spend time with everyone but her. “I’ll make it up to you.” 
Y/n turned around with a smile to face him, wrapped her hands around his neck and hid her face in his chest. She knew how much Pierre hated being away from her but she understood everything perfectly and although it was never easy she accepted it. 
Pierre leaned down a little which gave her a signal to lift her head up and his lips gently and slowly pressed to hers. She ran her fingers through his hair while his hands were securely around her waist as if he was worried someone would take her away from him at any moment. “I think I’m gonna make it up to you right now.” He announced and carried her to their bedroom.
And so that’s how the rest of the vacation went; they enjoyed the silence and fresh air, went for walks around the town, cooked food together, and made love whenever they wanted. Most importantly their relationship was even better than it was before, and they realized how much they loved each other. 
“Thank you for this vacation, my love,” Y/n said one evening as they walked around the vineyard. “I can’t describe how grateful I am for this. For you.” 
Pierre stood still for a while unable to find the words to say. He would do anything for her just as she would for him and they both knew it. They had no doubts about their feelings for each other and everything that he could say was already said. And so he just took her into his arms and hugged her tighter than ever before, kissed her and they stayed like that until the sun was replaced by the moon. 
104 notes ¡ View notes
lost-in-the-80s ¡ 4 years
The Hotel - Halloween Special
Pairing: Izzy Stradlin x Reader
Words: 4,859k
Summary: You and your boyfriend, Izzy decide to make a road trip, however, strange events end up leading you to a strange hotel on October, 31st. (kind of angst) 
A/N: Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, so I decided to make an Imagine with the Halloween theme. It is inspired by the song Hotel California by Eagles.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of death, ghosts and paranormal events. It’s a horror fic, if you don’t like this theme, maybe this isn’t the right fic for you. 
Tag list: @roger-taylors-car​ @ladieswttda​ @teasid​ add yourself to my tag list :)
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It was the fall of 1990, you and your boyfriend, Izzy were enjoying the last few months you had together before he went on another world tour with his band, Gun n Roses.
The two of you were in the living room of your shared apartment in L.A. You shared a cozy blanket while sitting on the couch, watching some romantic movie on the TV. Izzy didn’t really like this type of movie, but made an effort because he knew how much you liked them. 
You snuggled in his chest, pressing yourself even more on him, he chuckled a little and passed his fingers through your hair.
“We should do something.” He stated.
“Like what?”
“How about a road trip? We take the car and drive until Portland, then come back.”
“Portland? You mean, Oregon?”
“Yeah, Oregon. I was looking on the map and it has some beautiful locations there.”
“But how long will it take us?”
“It’s a 14-hour drive, we can make it in a week through the coast and then come back in another week, taking a different road.”
“Hmm, sounds nice! Let’s do it!” 
“How about we leave by the end of October? So I can have enough time to finish some stuff at the studio.”
“Sure, babe!”
And so October went by, Izzy finished some final touches at the studio, you rescheduled some appointments of yours, you two organized your bags, bought a map, a flashlight and some other travel essentials and checked the car with a mechanic. Everything was going as planned. 
You decided to leave on Monday, 22nd, because the roads would be less packed. So you both woke up, took shower, had a delicious breakfast and started your amazing trip.
You knew that the reason why Izzy wanted to leave town for a while, was because he was stressed. Axl was a perfectionist, while Izzy liked things to sound less rehearsed, for that reason the two of them have been bickering towards each other during all this album recording, and Izzy really needed some time away from all of this. 
The trip started just fine, you drove through the coast and you got amazed by how beautiful California’s coast was. All its colors, shapes and beaches getting a special place in your memory.
The first stop was Santa Barbara, you two enjoyed it’s beaches, becoming friends with a group of sourfists that taught Izzy how to surf. By night you went to a nice restaurant in front of the beach, delighting yourselves with cocktails and seafood.
Then you went to San Francisco, where you decided to stay for two days, visiting all its touristic places, like the Golden Gate Bridge, Lombard Street, Pier 39 and the Coit Tower.
Moving on to Sonoma, you could savor some of the best wine you had had in your life and spend the night at a cozy cottage, reading a book and cuddling together in front of the fireplace. 
The last stop in California was the Redwood National Park. You got completely stunned by that place, admiring the magnitude of the world, as you looked so small beside those trees. 
Soon the greenish color of the sea turned bluer, the sunset became less orange and the mornings turned more grey, the sand turned to earth and the breeze became colder and you arrived in Oregon. 
You glimpsed the strength of the sea at the Samuel H. Boardman Scenic Corridor and Cape Sebastian State Scenic Corridor and admired the sunset at the Face Rock State Scenic Area. 
And finally, you got stunned with the Devil’s Punchbowl and spent a day relaxing at Neskowin Beach ending the week taking the most beautiful pictures at Cannon Beach, where you bought souvenirs for all your friends. 
Then you finally arrived in Portland, spending the weekend there, seeing all the touristic places and visiting museums. On Sunday night, Izzy took you to this fancy restaurant, you wore a beautiful blue dress he had asked you to bring along, while he put on a black shirt with a blazer.
You had just eaten delicious lamb meat with a glass of wonderful wine and were waiting for the dessert when he started talking.
“I’ve been thinking these past days, about the tour and stuff.”
You looked up at him and his eyes caught yours.
 “I don’t know how long I’ll be gone, but I’m sure it will be a long time and I didn’t really want to leave without doing something first.”
He touched your hand that was resting on top of the table.
“You’ve been with me for years now. You met me when having a big band and becoming famous were just dreams, you saw me in my best and in my worst and you never let go of me, even when I was being an asshole with you.”
He made a pause.
“I wake up happy every day, just because I know that I’ll see you when I open my eyes, and I can’t imagine my life without you. So I was wondering if…” He stopped and started to search for something in his blazer pockets, he took a small black box out of it and you gasped, covering your mouth as a huge smile appeared on your face. “If you would like to marry me, Y/N?”
Recovering a little from your surprise, you replied with teary eyes. “Yes, Izzy, I would love to!” 
He placed a small silver ring with a single diamond on top of it, on your ring finger and kissed the back of your hand, then he leaned a little on the table and pecked your lips.
“I love you!”
“I love you too, Izzy”
When Monday came by, you two fueled the car and started driving back home. stopping at some locations you haven’t been before.
You had the chance to drive a buggy at the Oregon Dunes, take lots of pictures at the Heceta Head Lighthouse and make a forest trail at the Cape Perpetua Scenic Area before camping at Beverly Beach. Which, by the way, was a disaster, you forgot the repellent spray and the mosquitos had a nice dinner over with you and Izzy. 
Soon, day 31st arrived. You woke up in your tent with a single sunbeam illuminating the place, you felt Izzy’s arms holding you close to him and you took a moment to admire your engagement ring. 
You stretched up a little bit, which woke him up. He yawned and squeezed you harder, before speaking with a husky morning voice. 
“Good morning, beautiful!”
“Good morning, Iz!”
You turned around and kissed him quickly on the lips.
“Happy Halloween.”
“Today’s Halloween?” He frowned.
You just hummed in response. 
“All right, let’s get up then.” He pecked your lips one more time and let go of you, as he sat up. 
You got ready, packed your stuff and exited the tent, starting to walk towards the parking lot. 
You looked up to the sky and saw the grey color became prevalent.
“I think it’s gonna rain.” You said.
“Maybe if we have breakfast fast enough, we can get to California before it starts.”
You sat on the passenger seat, scrolling through the radio stations until you found one that pleased your ears.
After a few minutes driving, you stopped at a cafe, taking a table in front of the window and ordering pancakes with coffee.
“Where’s the next stop?” Izzy asked.
You took the map out of your purse and looked cautiously.
“Mount Shasta.”
“Hmm. I think we’ll get there for lunch.” He paused to take a sip of his coffee. “A friend of mine told me about a hotel there, I don’t remember the name, but it has Wale on it.”
“Nice. We should spend the night there!”
“We really should.”
You finished eating and started driving again. Izzy took the wheel while you gave him the directions. It was a little past ten when the rain started pouring, making Izzy drive slower, not trusting his car to stop fast enough if you needed it.
About 2 in the afternoon you got to Mount Shasta. It was still raining and the trail had been closed due to the bad weather.
Not having many more things to do, you both had lunch at a local restaurant and took pictures of yourselves at the mounting foot and other places you found interesting. You smiled as Izzy made a funny face for you to take a picture.
An old man started walking near you, and you asked him if he could take a picture of the two of you, which he happily complied. 
You went to Izzy’s side and rested your hand on his chest, while his hand circled your waist. You saw the flash and then Izzy kissed your forehead, the second flash hit your eyes and Izzy thanked the man, getting the camera back.
The day started to grow dark and you decided to head to the hotel, since it was about an hour away from the city.
The rain became stronger and the mist started to cover the road. You passed by the numerous trees that surrounded the road while listening to Lynyrd Skynyrd.
In the distance, you saw a red light appear beside a big house. “There!” you shouted.
You were right, it was the hotel. You were both sure as you saw “Californian Wale” written on top of the house. There was just one problem, the red neon light in front of it said “No vacancy”, which meant you would have to keep on driving, during that weather, until you found somewhere else to stay. 
As the sunset and the night arrived, the weather got worse, thunder and lightning turning the night into a spectacle and you barely could see anything until it was really close to you. 
You were becoming hopeless, you thought you wouldn't be able to find anywhere to stay for the night.
By 7 in the night, Izzy didn't see a hole on the road, a loud sound broke in the darkness and you knew you had punctured the tire.
For a second Izzy lost control over the car and you ended up out of the road. 
"Fuck! Are you alright?"
"Yes." You let go of a breath you didn't realize you had caught.
"Where's the flashlight?"
You searched through the glove compartment until your hands touched the cold material. You handed him the object as he thanked you and exited the car.
After a few minutes, he came back. "Fuck!" He was dripping wet. "We don't have a spare wheel."
"What do you mean we don't have a spare wheel?"
"I mean we don't have a spare wheel, Y/N!" He replied to you as if he was talking to a toddler. 
"I thought you had checked the car out with the mechanic!"
"I did it! But we just checked the engine and shit, I didn't even think about the step!"
"Fuck! What do we do now?"
"I don't know." He leaned his head on the wheel while cursing.
Suddenly a car headlight lightened the road.
Izzy lifted his head and you smashed the car's horn, making the driver stop his truck beside your car, turning on the alert lights. 
It was a squeak. You breathed out in relief.
"What happened?" He shouted through his window.
"We punctured the tire and don't have a spare wheel!"
"Alright, hold it!" He lined up his truck with your car and exited it.
"Wait inside." Was all Izzy said before exiting the car to help the driver hitch the car on the truck.
After a few minutes he came back and the car started to be pulled back on the road.
"He called us crazy for not having seen the weather forecast on the news. We're underneath a huge storm cloud." He chuckled.
"He said there's a small city not too far from here, he'll let us there."
"Good" You sighed.
After some minutes you saw the city's entrance, he wasn't joking when he said it was small. It had just one main street and all the houses looked old.
He left you and Izzy in front of a mechanic garage and refused to get the money Izzy offered him for having driven you there.
You entered the office of the garage, hand in hand, and a man in his 40s appeared behind the counter. He had a toothpick between his lips and looked like he hadn't taken shower in ages. 
"Hm, good night. We have a punctured tire." Izzy spoke up.
"I see, let's take a look."
He moved outside and looked at your tire. 
"Well, it's not that bad. I have a tire of this type here, I can fix it in 30 minutes or so."
"Do you have a car jack?"
"Yes, it's in the back."
"Go get it while I get the tire then."
Izzy moved towards the car and the man looked you up and down, making you feel a huge discomfort. 
You walked quickly to Izzy's side while the man walked back inside the office.
"I don't like this man." You whispered.
"Me neither, but we need to fix the car, baby." He put a lock of your hair behind your ear and closed the trunk. 
The man came back and you leaned against a wall while you watched them working on the car. 
"All done! It's 250 bucks." The man said, while he scratched his nose.
"250? Wow, that's way more than I had thought."
"I'm working at night, kid, my time it's not for free."
Izzy stared at him.
"I can take the tire off if you want." He said, leaning down. 
"No, it's fine." 
You both walked inside the office, while Izzy paid the man.
"Do you take a check?"
"I don't, usually." 
"I don't walk around with 250 bucks in my wallet, man." 
"Alright, I'll take your check then, but I want the date for tomorrow."
"Alright, man."
"Where are you guys going?"
"We're going to Los Angeles."
"It's a long road until Los Angeles, especially with this weather. If I were you, I would spend the night at a hotel… We have a good one, a little bit after the city. They serve a good soup at nights like this."
Izzy signed up for the check. "Thank you"
He grabbed your hand and you walked back to the car.
"What do you think? Should we check out this hotel?"
"I think it's a good idea. I'm soaked, we're hungry and it's raining cats and dogs outside." He turned on the car. "Plus, we don't know if we'll find somewhere else nearby."
You agreed. 
He drove until you saw a huge Victorian house with a sign saying "Hotel Hoffmann".
"I guess we're here."
He parked the car and you both exited, running in the rain until you got to the main door of the house.
You knocked repeatedly until an old woman opened the door for you. She had white hair and dark eyes and was dressed as if she still lived in the 50s.
"Come on in, kids." She gave you a creepy smile.
You gulped, grabbing Izzy's hand before entering the place.
"What a night huh?" She laughed a little. "Bill called saying you two would probably stop by."
"I'm sorry, but, who's Bill?" You asked.
"The man who fixed your car, darling."
"We still have some open rooms for you. Do you prefer it on the first or second floor?"
"Second, please" Izzy cleared his throat, the rain starting to make him feel sick.
"All right, I'll put you in room number 13." She looked through the multiple keys behind her, before putting the one with a locksmith with a big 13 written. 
"We'll be serving soup until nine at the main saloon." She put a leather-covered notebook on the desk. "In which name should I make the reservation?"
"Jeffrey Isbell." Izzy spoke before you could answer. 
She wrote his name down with a beautiful calligraphy before handing him the pen to sign. 
She handed you the keys to your room and said she would take you both there. Izzy interjected saying he would go grab your baggage in the car.
"Do you want help?"
"No, honey, it's okay." He left the room and an uncomfortable silence filled in. 
"It's been a long time since we last had a young couple like you."
You forced a smile, not really knowing what to say.
Izzy came back with the bags and she led you to your room. Once inside, Izzy locked the door.
You stopped for a moment to look at the room. It was big, the walls were painted in peach color and the furniture looked old.
"Finally some peace." He hugged you from behind, kissing the top of your head.
You turned around, hugging him back. "You need to take a shower, or you're gonna catch a cold."
"Hmm, and will you join me?" He asked suggestively.
"No, I'll go later, babe"
"Are you sure?"
You nodded your head and he walked towards the bathroom, closing the door behind him. 
You took a long breath. Something was wrong. You couldn't quite put into words what, but your heart was clenched ever since you got in that town.
You took a seat at the bench underneath the window, looking at the dimly light garden. No cars were passing by, the only thing you distinguished outside was a dog running down the street.
"The rain is starting to stop." 
Izzy's voice made you jump a little, you hadn't realized he had left the bathroom, nor that you had been there for so long. 
You looked at him. "Why don't you take a shower and we go down to eat something?" He caressed your face and you instantly felt calmer.
He always had this power over you, no matter what was happening, you always felt safe and calm when Izzy was with you. 
"There's something wrong, Iz."
"What do you mean?" He sat in front of you.
"I don't know. I don't like this place, there's something wrong with the energy around here."
"I don't like this place too, but it's only for one night, tomorrow morning we get in the car and drive to the next destination ok?"
You stood up and walked towards the bathroom, closing the door and turning on the shower. Taking off your clothes you looked at yourself in the mirror before getting underneath the hot water, letting it warm your body.
Exiting the bathroom you put on a pair of jeans and a red sweatshirt and walked with Izzy to the main room. There was just a couple with a young daughter there. They stared at you until you sat down. 
Another old woman brought you two plates with soup and you started eating. The taste was horrible, but you were so hungry that you ate everything.
Back to your room, you guys were feeling so tired that decided to call it a night, Izzy removed his clothes and you put on his sweater, before climbing on bed with him. You adjusted the blankets and closed your eyes, allowing yourself to fall asleep.
A loud scream woke you up. You sat down on the bed and turned the night table light on, looking at the clock you saw it was 3 in the morning. 
"Did you hear that?"
"Yeah." Izzy said getting up and putting his pants on.
The corridor light allowed you to see a shadow passing by the door.
"Turn the light off." Izzy murmured.
You did as he said and you saw the person take another direction.
After a few seconds you turn it on again, and a scream left your lips as you could swear you saw someone behind Izzy.
"Shh, it's okay." He climbed on the bed and cupped your face. "I'm here, nothing is gonna happen to you, ok?"
"Okay." You breathed slowly, trying to calm yourself.
Suddenly the bedroom windows opened and the cool breeze of the night invaded the room.
"Izzy…" you tugged on his arm.
"Let's get out of here." He grabbed your hand and dragged you out of the room.
The corridor was empty and you started to walk quickly towards the entry door. You turned left and were faced with a long corridor full of doors.
That's when you hear what looked like a child asking for help. Izzy started walking towards the sound and you pulled him back by the hand murmuring for him not to do so. 
"It's a child Y/N!"
He let go of your hand and moved towards the only room with an open door. You walked closely behind him. You saw a boy sitting on the floor crying as he asked for help again. 
Izzy entered the room, but before you could do the same the door closed behind him.
"Y/N!" He yelled back, trying to open the door. 
"IZZY!!" You started to shove your fists against the door.
You heard a loud sound inside the room and Izzy saying: "Oh my God!" And you became hysterical.
You tried to open the door with all your force, shoving your fists and shoulders on the wood trying to take Izzy out of there.
"Y/N Leave!"
"I'm not leaving without you!!" You started to cry.
"Get on the fucking car and leave!!" 
Before you could reply the corridor lights started to flick and you saw someone approaching you. Turning your head to the left you saw a young man getting closer to you, illuminated by the moonlight. 
You were about to ask him for help when the lights flicked on again. He was tall and was dressed in 60s clothes, everything looked normal except for his white morbid eyes and his broken neck, his head slightly leaned to the side.
You screamed loudly this time as you started to walk back.
"Y/N!!" Izzy hit the door trying to open it.
You turned around and started running down the stairs, while still hearing Izzy calling for you. 
Running towards the main door you were stopped as a woman with a cut neck appeared in front of you.
"Where are you going, sweetie?"
You screamed again and turned left, getting in a corridor you haven't been before. 
She started to walk behind you and you saw an open room, getting inside and closing the door behind you. It was a library, with big windows. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck."
You heard a loud sound coming from the second floor and one of the windows breaking. 
You saw someone falling from it, and when you got closer to the glass you saw a white man with black hair and red leather pants. 
"Izzy!!" You yelled punching the glass, seeing his lifeless body laying on the grass.
Tears started to fall from your eyes as you heard the door of the Library opening.
"You are going to be with him soon, darling, don't worry."
It was the old lady.
You ran and passed through the second door of the room, ending up in another corridor.
You ran until you found two big doors separating the corridor. You opened them and were greeted with an indoor pool area. The ceiling was made of glass, just like most of the walls. You looked from one way to another but there were no other doors. You were stuck.
"It's useless to run." She reappeared behind you.
You turned around, facing her. "Please, just let me go!"
She said nothing, but took one step closer, making you take one step back. 
"Please, I didn't do anything! Just let me go!"
The couple from the dinner appeared beside her, alongside the boy with the broken neck and the bleeding woman, along with some other people you haven't seen before.
They all looked hurt in some sort of way and their eyes were white as if a cloud was hiding their true ones.
You kept walking backward as they kept walking towards you.
"Please, let me go!! Please!" Your crying was evident in your voice and you were starting to freak out.
"Please, don't hurt me!" You took one last step back and was involved in water. You fell in the pool. 
You were so scared that you forgot the pool was there, and most importantly, you forgot you didn't know how to swim.
You tried as hard as you could. Moving your legs and arms to try to get to the surface again, but it was useless. The more you moved, the deeper you got.
You opened your mouth to try to breathe but was greeted with water filling your lungs, making you choke.
You moved your hand to your neck as if the gesture would bring you some oxygen. You looked up and saw all those people circling the pool and then darkness overtook you.
You woke up gasping for air, touching your body to check you were ok. Sweat covered your forehead and most parts of your body and hot tears left your eyes.
You suddenly saw the lights turn on, realizing you were still in the hotel room. "Shh, it's okay." 
You pulled away when he touched you.
"It's okay. It's me!" You didn't look at him, so he touched your chin and lightly made you look in his direction. "It's me Y/N!"
You let go of a long breath and hugged him tightly. 
"It's ok, it was just a nightmare. You're ok!" 
"You were dead and I was dead and the pool…." You dragged on, sharing the first memories you had from your dream.
"Shh" He kissed the top of your head. "We're fine Y/N."
"She was following me…"
"As long as I'm here, no one will hurt you, okay?" He parted from you to look in your eyes. 
You nodded slowly.
Looking at the clock on your bedside table you saw it was 2:35 am.
"Let's get out of here, Izzy. Please!"
"But it's in the middle of the night, babe"
"Please, Izzy, please, let's get out of here!"
He saw how frightened you were. "Okay." He paused for a second. "Let's get dressed then."
You both got up and got dressed, throwing all your stuff back in your bags. You paused before exiting the room.
"Promise me that you will ignore anything you might hear!"
"Promise me, Izzy!"
"Ok! I promise!" 
You grabbed his hand and dragged him down the corridor and down the stairs as fast as you could. 
Arriving at the reception you rang the bell on the table tirelessly until the old woman appeared. She was wearing a robe, but didn't look tired at all.
"What's the problem kids? Didn't like your room?"
"We want to check out!" You replied quickly. 
"Now? But it's still early!" She paused for a moment, trying to think about what to say. "Wouldn't you prefer to leave by morning?"
"No! We have to go now!"
"We serve a good breakfast here."
"I said we have to go now!" You were growing frustrated.
"Okay, but I'll have to demand the same price as if you had stayed until morning." 
"Ok! How much?"
"45 dollars."
You opened your purse, looking for your wallet, getting 50 bucks, and putting them on her desk.
She opened a drawer to get your change, but you rushed in saying she could keep it, before grabbing Izzy by the hand and leading him to the door. Trying to open it, you realized it was still locked.
"The door is locked, mam" Izzy spoke up.
"Oh, wait a minute, I'll get the keys. They might be somewhere here.” She entered a small room behind the reception and you started to stomp the ground anxiously.
"She's taking too long!"
"Calm down, Y/N!" He touched your shoulder, making you feel calmer, but you were still cautious.
"We're in a rush!" You shouted.
"Oh I'm sorry, I was not finding them." She walked calmly towards the door, using all her time to open it.
Once she finally opened, you stormed out of it, dragging Izzy with you.
"Where are the car keys?"
"Jesus! Relax, Y/N! They're here!" He took the keys out of his pant's pocket and opened the trunk of the car first.
You literally threw your bag inside and rushed to the driver's door. "I'm driving!" You extended your hand for him to put the keys on. 
"No way! You're too shaken to do so. You're gonna end up killing us."
"Fine, but be fast!" You gave in, rushing to the passenger door, seating fastly once Izzy unlocked the car.
Turning on the engine, he drove the car back to the street, driving out of the city.
"What time is it?"
He looked at his clock. "3 am"
You looked back just in time to see all the hotel lights turning on and strange people appearing at the windows.
A shiver ran down your spine as you sat still on your seat again, thanking that you were out of that place. 
101 notes ¡ View notes
kpopchangedmylife44 ¡ 4 years
Ateez: honeymoon thread
Hello fellow atinys, my blog reached 500 followers and I would like to thank everyone, who enjoys my stories 🥺 I’m really happy that someone out there gets to read them and it maybe put a smile on their face ☺️ So this is a 500 follower special. It’s a long thread and also kind of a sequel of my wedding post. I planned it for quite some time, but I also procrastinated and everything was overwhelming in life. Now I’m back (kinda) and will start to work on the requests I got. ✨
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Planning: although you both were extremely tired, you insisted to plan everything yourself, so it turned out exactly how you imagined
Location: Italy
Accommodation: several cozy hotels in bigger cities
Food: it’s Italy so you can bet your ass there is a lot of pizza, spaghetti and ice cream involved
- you would start your honeymoon in Rome, where you wander around and fall in love with the city
- the architecture and museums are extremely beautiful, so you’re even more happy that you get to experience it with Hongjoong
- visiting Verona and pretending you were Romeo and Juliet (but with a happy ending)
- eating a lot and wearing comfortable clothes as you walk around so much
- Hongjoong is particular affectionate during this trip as he showers you with compliments all the time and never lets go of your hand
- exploring Venice by boat and singing some dramatic song that you once heard in a opera
- wearing couple jackets he designed himself which feature your initials 🥺
- he filmed parts of the trips as he would like to make a short film, which you could enjoy afterwards
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Planning: since you both hated it, you were hiring someone to do it for you, at least you had prepared a mood board and the general direction of your trip
Location: south of France
Accommodation: fancy all the way, either a really nice hotel or a little castle (or chateau how you say it in French)
Food: grapes in the form of wine
- prepare yourself for the luxurious trip of a lifetime
- you’re arriving there and everything is ready for you both
- first are reFrEsHMents (which means alcohol)
- full course meals (and yes, this includes your husbands looks)
- boat trips and visiting tiny islands for the day
- taking a lot of selfies
- enjoying the sun and the food (and Seonghwa in swimwear)
- skinny dipping in the sea
- hot nights in the hot tub
- testing wine and feeling a little pretentious
- visiting a chateau and running around there like a music video
- Seongwha saying ,,so ha“ when he sees you
- kisses your hand and hair all the time and is more clingy (or thirsty) than usual
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Planning: you try to plan without the stressful part, so you ask a professional for help and it’s really smooth from this point on
Location: nationalparks in the USA
Accommodation: small hotels along the road (not Motels)
Food: normal restaurants, but also a lot of burgers
- it’s like a roadtrip, but way more comfortable
- you sleep in cozy little hotels and visit some bigger cities along the way
- wandering around the nature with Yunho is actually really fun
- although he is quite hyper around everyone he enjoys the calmness of your trip
- always holding your hand and kissing you
- you visit several national parks like Yosemite and could gaze at the stars during the night
- englishi Time
- he is no longer yunhoe bit yunhusband (i’m sorry)
- buys dumb souvenirs like mood rings which you religiously wear from then on
- thought that he saw a bear and almost started crying
- singing really loudly in the forest
- oh and also outdoor sex
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Planning: 8 months before the trip, but he actually always had ideas; planned his wedding and honeymoon years ago when he first met you, he also made a mood board and it helped a lot
Location: Japan during the cherry blossom
Accommodation: a traditional house with a lot of privacy, an onsen but also room service, does not look like a hotel but has all the privileges
Food: lots of chicken; Japanese dishes, but also snacks whenever you go out to explore
- you would first explore Tokyo and visit everything the city has to offer
- as the city is really beautiful but also hectic, you would visit Nara-park and pet the deers to relax
- you would let some street artist paint a portrait of you both as it’s a really fun idea to remember the trip
- shiba inus everywhere and Yeosang melts every time he sees one of them
- ,,Look at how cute they are. We need to adopt at least one in the future“ (and you would, because they are so adorable)
- fotoshootings with the cherry blossom
- after a week in the urban area you would travel along the coast
- Yeosang rented a car for it and you stayed at different hotels along the way, which you also booked prior
- you visited a little island where a lot of bunnys live and had the best time there
- Yeosang always buys souvenirs whenever you visit a new city or attraction
- he especially loves the postcards as he plans to do a collage with them for your honeymoon fotobook
- driving along the coast would be peaceful and filled with laughter, Yeosang giggling to himself and feeling like all of this might as well be a dream
- ,,I never knew it was possible to love someone so much until I met you“
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Planning: you booked the trip 6 months prior and you gradually became more and more excited for it, although both of you aren’t really into planning, you did it with a lot of excitement and talked about it for hours on end
Location: South Africa
Accommodation: a huge wooden house in the middle of a resort that focuses on reserving the wildlife
Food: a huge variety of fruits and meat, the dinner is a feast every single day of your stay (and so is your husband)
- the journey itself would be really cute as you were flying first class and cuddled all the way until you arrived
- San even mumbled in his sleep how excited he was to finally go
- when you arrived you took it really easy, just relaxing at the resort, which also had huge beds and a stunning outdoor area with a whirlpool
- the first evening you relaxed in that whirpool, while spotting some giraffes in the distance and it just hit you like ,,Wow, look how amazing life could be” (bish, I wish)
- you never really believed that you would ever be this happy, finding someone that you loved and going on adventures with him but here you are
- and of course San felt it too, but you just sat there enjoying it, holding hands and not saying anything
- the next couple of days included going on safari, climbing a mountain, standing under a waterfall and chasing sunsets
- it was the perfect balance between adventure and relaxing
- because of your husband you always felt a calmness by his presence
- ,,I wish we could do this all over again, San.“
- ,,Well, we have the rest of our lives to go on adventures like this.“ 🥺🥺🥺
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Planning: like the wedding itself it happened quite fast without much planning
Location: Australia
Accommodation: several hotels as you also rented a car
Food: some really strange exotic food, but mostly real meals with the occasional burger and cocktails
- the focus is on having fun, enjoying every moment and just going with the flow
- after all its Mingi, who has a lot of spontaneous ideas
- why not go snorkeling or run naked around the beaches?
- or that time he was convinced that he saw a shark and you both panicked and screamed (but it was a dolphin)
- going to a concert at the beach and dancing until your feet hurt and he has to carry you
- also sleeping at the same beach as you two were too drunk to find the way back to the hotel
- Mingi being extra clingy and giving some people the stink eye, who look too enthusiastically at you
- he wrote a rap for you (inspired by your honeymoon) and performed it by the ocean
- it’s like having the best trip of your life and realising it doesn’t end when you get home, because having Mingi as your husband is a great adventure and he spends every day trying to make you laugh and love life
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Planning: the location itself was decided a long time ago, but the activities are more spontaneous, just going with the flow
Location: Iceland
Accommodation: first in a hotel, then in a mobile home
Food: fresh food like fish and also a lot of snacks
- your honeymoon and accommodation were a little unconventional
- you started in the city of Reyjkavic and visited the touristy sights
- you stumbled around the Icelandic phallological museum and decided to go inside for the lols (and had a lot of giggles)
- after a few days in the city you ventured out to the beautiful nature of Iceland
- it started at the blue lagoon, which was the most relaxing thing and you were just hanging out and sipping slushees (they are really good, I had the time of my life lmao)
- then you drive around and it feels like absolute freedom
- you feel like exploring a whole new world as they are a lot of waterfalls and geysers
- Wooyoung feels like he is falling in love with you even more (if that’s even possible) and if he hadn’t already, he would marry you then and there again
- star gazing as there is no air pollution and it’s amazing how many stars there actually are
- visiting the diamond beach, which sparkles and has you feeling like little kids
- long morning snuggles and random hugs throughout the day
- and he would also be your personal photographer and scream how cute you are
- your honeymoon would also include really random stuff (like the penis museum) like skateboarding in the middle of nowhere (like Walter Mitty - the absolute legend) or hiking because you felt like it
- never a dull moment with your husband that’s for sure
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Planning: he wanted everything to be perfect so you started pretty early (1 year before)
Location: England
Accommodation: small hotels with cozy interior
Food: pretty normal food, you also tried fish & chips once (and it was nothing special)
- would hold your hand during the whole flight
- you started your honeymoon in London which you loved at first sight
- the hotel was really central, so you could walk to a lot of sights
- London by night was magical and you visited many museums which had great artwork and were free
- theater nights and going for a walk along the Thames
- after a week you started to explore the cities around London like Oxford, Brighton and Cambridge
- and everything was so stunning and with Jongho by your side you could literally cry, because does it get much better than this??? (well no)
- Jongho declares his love for you at least once a day and although it was so cheesy it still got you giggling and feeling all mushy inside
- he loves all the old buildings and biscuits, so you would probably visit again sometime
- it’s a really nice and somehow relaxing trip although you get to explore so much
107 notes ¡ View notes
pillowfluffs ¡ 4 years
Please Don’t Take My Sunshine Away | Lee Wonho
Pairing: Wonho X Reader (gender neutral)
Genre: sadness ;-; mafia??? 
Author’s Note: It’s time I get back into writing, right? ah ha ha im sorry wonho stans also i really miss ot7 🥺🥺 I wish him and MX the best of luck for the future. I also suggest listening to his debut single: Losing You while reading 
WARNINGS! Vivid imagery of wounds and injuries! Blood!! death! 
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Smoke trailed up into the cold night sky, snowflakes silently falling onto the slippery, icy road. He mustered all the energy he had into his arms, ignoring the pain in his abdomen and legs. Glass shards protruded from his chest, gashes around his waist and one from his head. The area was silent, the atmosphere still making it feel like time was slowing down. Frost and snow covered the land and trees that lined the road, one that wasn’t particularly used by many, potholes and cracks now concealed and filled by the ice and snow. Snow did what it always did and fell silently, covering the world with its wintry beauty.
Not even the moon shined, only a vague light of the moon did through the clouds but the only source of light around him now was one of the headlights of the car as it laid sideways, the other broken. Little things and pieces of the totaled car fell to the ground, the glass from the windows and windshields crunching beneath his body. He laid himself on his back, his mind numb to all the pain searing through his body.
He felt nothing.
It hurt to breathe, the coldness was sinking deeper and deeper as he laid in the sludge of melted snow on the side of the road. Without even looking, he could only imagine how red he was dyeing the snow all around him. No trees swayed, no winds passed by. There was nothing around, no one around. He was completely alone and no one would be coming. They made sure of it and made sure the job was done.
Getting into his car, the first thing Wonho did after starting it was to turn on the heaters and the seat warmer in his driver’s seat. His windows were fogged from the cold, frost creeping around the edges. He sat in the cold leather seat in the dark, blowing into his cupped hands around his mouth, occasionally rubbing them. Even through the sweatpants he wore, the cold went right through to his skin. He could see light traces of his breath in the cold car as it warmed up.
Driving away from headquarters on the beaten road, remnants of snow from others who had shoveled the roads all day crunches beneath the tires as he drove, the steering wheel cold as ice under his dry hands. The streets were barren, silent and still as he drove through, the area looking like it was a picture. He passed by buildings that were abandoned long ago, windows and doors boarded up or smashed in. The walls of them were worn from weathering after years with no one to treat them, cracks all around the walls. As he drove away, the road got bumpier and bumpier as he drove over untouched snow on the road.
He drove cautiously over the dipper road entering an area filled with trees, a back road that was uncommonly used by others. Tall trees lined both sides of the narrow, straight road that stretched for miles. It made the trip home longer but it was safer than driving in the open through the city, especially for Wonho. He focused on driving, trying his best to stay on the road as snow fell onto his windshield, even listening to the radio that played soft songs, the sound almost covered by the blasting heater that made the car nice and warm, the hot air burning against his hands on the old lacquered wood steering wheel.  
A hard collision from behind pushed his car into the side of the road, the wheels being pushed over the tree roots beneath the snow, making the car roll. He held onto the steering wheel the best he could but it happened so suddenly. Pain bloomed all over his body as he did his best to get out of his upside down, dragging his body over the broken glass all around. The shards crunched beneath his weight, his breathing weak and staggering. His frozen breaths puffed into the oblivion sky, the snow falling onto his face and body as it came down in silence. The cold all around him felt different. It was the type that reached into his bones but he couldn’t tell if it was really because his bones were exposed from his wounds or if it was just that cold. But it also felt like the cold was causing him more pain than his wounds. He laid on his back, his lungs struggling to breathe through the feeling of his lungs freezing, the snow and sludge around his hands numbing his fingertips, turning them stiff. He could feel the cold wetness seep through his clothes to his body, at the roots of his hair on his head as he laid, breathing.
He could feel his heart weakening as it beat in his chest, his body pulsating with every beat. He was losing blood and his blood flow was slowing down. Shakily, he reached for the zipper in his jacket pocket, struggling to find it from the coldness pricking him, but after what felt like an hour to him, he was able to unzip his pocket. Small tiny pieces of his glass cut and prodded at the skin on his hand, making him bleed even more as he weakly pulled out his phone. Te device was dented and the screen shattered. Turning his head and resting his arm holding his phone on the ground, his face was illuminated by the near broken device and the first thing he saw was a picture of you, making his lips twitch even when he couldn’t really feel anything anymore. His thumb hesitated as he faced the dial screen as large snowflakes pelted his face and body and everything all around. He couldn’t bring himself to call anyone from the clan after seeing the last four percent of battery he had. He was one of the last to leave and everyone else was long gone. There would be no one who could reach him in time before he bled out. After making up his mind, he pressed the one contact he was sure he wanted to call.
“Wonho?” Your voice was groggy being woken up from sleep. You laid still in bed in the dark, holding your phone to your face. “Are you home yet?” You asked stifling a yawn.
“I’ll be coming home a bit late,” he said weakly, sounding tired to you. “I was wondering…” He scrunched his eyes shut at the sharp pain that pierced him from the side as he moved just the slightest bit, biting back his yelps of pain. You couldn’t know. He didn’t want to worry you. “Could you do me a favor?” He asked, trying his best to sound as normal as he could, praying you couldn’t hear the car smoking in the back or the sound of wind blowing around him.
“What is it?” You asked, just a slightly but more awake.
“Could you sing for me that song? The one I like to hear you sing?”
“What for?” Curiosity piqued as you now opened your eyes to the wide dark room, his spot in bed empty beside you.
“I just wanted to hear you… so will you?”
“I could sing it when you come home but I don’t really know about right now… my voice isn’t exactly the best right now.” You sat up, stroking one o this pillows, the soft fabric like a cloud beneath your fingertips.
“Please,” he urged, sounding just the bit desperate. It was a song he often found your singing whenever he came home late. It wasn’t an original but that didn’t matter to him. He loved you and the sound of your voice as you spoke or laughed or yelled at him or cried, he loved everything about you. He loves your soul and saw it as a blessing in real life in the heinous world he was etched into.  
“Fine,” you caved. You learned your throat and made an effort to sound the best you could.
“The other night dear, as I lay sleeping, I dreamed I held you in my arms…” He turned up the volume as much as he could, closing his eyes and letting his imagination take him away from the numbness of his body, imagining him holding you in his arms in the dark kitchen one last time, his body swaying slowly with yours to music only the two of you could hear. He followed the words you sang, your voice honey and raw in his ears, savoring every bit of it. “But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken, so I hung my head and I cried.” Cried. The sadness that was etched into your face when he came home to you beaten up and bruised, the panic you had in your teary eyes and the way your lips quivered as you managed him up, your tears dripping off your chin and the way your hands trembled.
It was a sight he never wanted to see, a pain he never meant to inflict on you.
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy, when skies are gray…” The way the last light of sun shined on your skin made you seem ethereal to him. The way you smiled, your nose scrunching just the slightest bit. Even as it hailed outside, hearing your laugh as it echoed around the spacious yet cozy living room, it was a laugh he could listen to on repeat and never get tired of. There wasn’t any problem you couldn’t help make easier for him by being beside him. “You’ll never know dear, how much I love you… Please don’t take-“ your voice was cut off as his phone died in his ear. Bringing the phone away, he discarded it to the side, as darkness blurred the corners of his visions.
With his final breath, he mustered up the energy, regardless of the pain he felt, ignoring everything to finish the line. “Please don’t take my sunshine away…” He closed his eyes, letting these be his final words, the image of you being the last thing he saw before his heart stopped beating, the pain no longer plaguing his body anymore.
~~~~~ Masterlist for more! Thank you for reading!
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starrynite7114 ¡ 4 years
Snapshots: For You
A/N: FINALLY! AN UPDATE FOR SNAPSHOTS! So excited to be finally updating Snapshots for you all! It’s been a struggle as of late with Snapshots, but I’m glad my muse has returned and I can share this with you all. I just wanted to thank you for all of you who continued to encourage me with this story! It really means a lot that you all love reading this story! Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Currently working on a few things, but I may not be able to update till next weekend. I have an exam in a few days and I must study for it.
Enjoy the update!
Tagged: @iambabyharry : @justahopelessssromantic : @briannab1234 : @marvelmaree : @carlaangel86 : @everyhowlmarksthedead  : @trulysuccubus : @claytoncardenasbabymama : @ifoundmyhappythought : @chibsytelford : @whyisgmora : @jadert15 : @gemini0410 : @woahitslucyylu ; @encounterthepast
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Angel looked over at you once again, watching as you fell back into sleep. You two were three hours out of Santo Padre, and he couldn’t wait to show you his surprise. He hoped you like the work he’s done, but he knew you better than anyone and knew you would love it.
While you were in Arizona, actually before you even went to Arizona, Angel purchased a home for you two. When he got back from his run, he was excited to see you so he could bring you to the home he purchased. It wasn’t the finished product, but he had been making renovations ever since he bought the house. It was a ten minute drive from the clubhouse and it was a fifteen minute drive from his pops. But then you disappeared so Angel was never able to show you.
Didn’t mean he stopped working on the house though.
Whenever he had time, he worked on parts of the house. He was always hopefully you were going to come back and once you did, you two could live there and finally start the life he had planned for you both. 
He was excited to show you his work, to show you just how much hope he had that you would come back to him.
Ares cried in the back, poking the barrier Angel placed so he didn’t jump up front. He scratched the back of Angel’s seat. 
“We’re almost there Ares, stop being a brat.” Angel scolded as he howled. “Ares, mommy is sleeping.”
“Maybe he needs to pee.” You mumbled, keeping your eyes closed.
“Baby, we literally just stopped, Ares is fine.” Angel kept his eyes trained on the road even though at times he wanted to just keep his eyes on you. He was happy you two finally worked it out. 
“I’m sorry.” 
“What?” Angel turned to look at you, your eyes were still closed, so he was unsure if you were talking in your sleep, which you had the tendency to do. 
“For all of this.” Your eyes opened then. You saw that Angel would glance at you every once in a while. “I should have never made the decision to leave as I did. I should have spoken to you. You’re right, we’ve always been able to talk before we were together and nothing should have changed that. I always wanted a life with you and I threw it away.” Your eyes began to well up with tears, a few already escaping. “Thank you for not losing hope. I lost hope. I found out I couldn’t be pregnant, tried to build up the courage to tell you, assure you everything was going to be okay. Then I saw you with Adelita and the only thing I can think about was, you can have that family and even if it’s not with me, as long as you did I was okay. All I could think about was how an amazing father you would be.”
Reaching over to the console where Angel’s hand rested, you took his hand in yours. “I could never be selfish with you Angel and I thought I was giving you what you wanted. I was so blinded, so overwhelmed by the whole situation that I never stopped to think of talking to you.” Placing a kiss on the back of his hand. “I know it’s going to take some time for you to trust me, but I will never leave you again. I love you too much for that and these last few months have been miserable without you. I don’t know how to live without you either.”
Angel saw the exit for the rest stop and exited, parking at a secluded area. It was three in the afternoon, but he was thankful that this rest stop was not full of people. You weren’t sure why Angel pulled over, but you just watched as he exited the car. You figured he may have had to use the bathroom or something. Ares followed Angel from window to window. 
“It’s okay bubba, I think Daddy just has to pee.” You tried to ease Ares’ anxiousness.
Your door opened and you were slightly startled. Angel unbuckled your seatbelt.
“Angel, what,” before you could finish your sentence, Angel wrapped his arms around you, burying his head at the nape of your neck. You wrapped your arm around him as well.
He pulled away, and there were tears in his eyes. “I honestly thought I lost you. You’ve been the one constant in my life and knowing that you walked away from me because of an assumption, it fucking hurt. But I’m willing to work on us because I can’t let you go. I’m not going to lie and say I’m not hurt, I was. But I love you baby, I don’t know what I’d do without you.” You wiped the tears that escaped his eyes. “It’s not about me, at least not entirely. But I told you, I’m not your father and I’m not going to walk away.”
“Angel, I want us to be together. I will communicate better with you, I just want us to address this because I feel like we never did.”
“To be honest baby, I just thought you’d immediately want to come home as soon as you saw me.”
You laughed. “I was tempted, but I still wasn’t thinking clearly.”
“Yeah, you really fucking weren’t.” Angel took out a cigarette, placing it in between his lips. “You need to use the restroom, or we good to go?” 
“Bathroom break, walk Ares a bit, he’s getting antsy.” 
“Yes ma’am.” He dropped a quick kiss on your lips and watched as you walked away, making sure you were safe. He opened the back door, blocking it just in case Ares immediately jumped out.
Angel was glad you two worked it out. For a moment, he did lose hope, no matter how confident he was. When you changed your number, it hit him then that you were truly trying to cut him off. You wanted nothing to do with him and he couldn’t live with that. You’ve been his life for greater than a decade and you decided to leave, with no real explanation. His insecurities came rearing its ugly head to the surface, but he pushed them down since he knew for a fact it wasn’t him. You didn’t leave because of him and somehow, he was confident in that. He knew you. 
It was something else.
“You want to switch off baby?” You questioned as you walked back to him, wrapping your arms around him as he leaned against the car, smoking. 
“No, sit your cute ass beside me and let’s go home.” Angel smacked your ass making you shriek.
You laughed and slid back inside the car. You pet Ares and gave him a quick kiss. 
“We’re almost home, baby.” You gave Ares a quick hug. 
“Yeah, we are.”
You couldn’t wait to be back home. 
You fell asleep once again. When you finally came to, you were outside of Angel’s apartment. It was almost nine in the evening when you guys arrived thanks to good ole California traffic. You took Ares while Angel took your things to his apartment. Ares did his business before you both followed Angel up. For a brief moment, you were afraid to go inside Angel’s apartment, not knowing what to expect. 
It was your first time back in months and you had all these irrational thoughts in your mind. You pushed them away, reasoning they were irrational thoughts for a reason. 
Walking in, everything was the same. Pictures of you two were all over the apartment, your shoes that you forgot to grab months ago were still by the door next to all of his pairs. 
“You okay?” Angel released Ares from his leash once the door was closed. 
“Yeah, I just, it’s been a while since I was here.” You offered him a smile. 
“Everything is the same querida, nothing changed.” Angel kissed the top of your head. “Let’s order some pizza, I’m fucking starving.” He took his phone out and started the order.
You sat down on the couch, taking a deep breath and just inhaling the smell of the apartment. It was still as cozy as it ever was. You don’t know why you thought things would change, but you definitely appreciated that it didn’t. 
“Did you expect for things to change?” Angel observed you as you looked around the apartment, Ares already at his usual spot at the apartment. He knew you. You expected for things to change, that’s how it was when your father left. You were gone for a trip to Disneyland with your aunt and uncle who was visiting from Texas. Your mother chose to stay home. You were only eight years old, but it was the time things changed for you all. Your mother had moved your furniture around, for good spirits to flow in. Your room was different, it just felt different. Your mother was never the same after your father had left. It was embedded in your memory, something you couldn’t shake off.
“No, I don’t know what I expected. I’m just glad to be home.” You patted the seat beside you. “Come sit next to me.”
Angel sat beside you, placing his arm around your shoulder. He pulled you closer to him, laying his head on top of yours. “EZ, Gilly and Coco are coming over, they want to see you.”
“Now? Can’t we just see them tomorrow.” You were not in a social mood. As much as you missed them, you much rather just have you and Angel.
“I would, but come on mi dulce, they missed you.”
“Yeah, I missed them too.”
Before long, there was a knock on the door. Angel went to go open it and there they were, your favorite three Mayans aside from Angel.
“Thank fucking god you’re home, Angel is fucking unberable without you here.” Gilly immediately enveloped you in those infamous hugs on his. He lifted you up causing you to shriek and giggle. Ares came to you then, concerned by the sound you made. “It’s cool wolfie, mommy didn’t get hurt.”
“Please don’t ever leave him again.” Coco hugged you as well, kissing your cheek. “He’s more irrational without you here.”
EZ was the last to hug you. He was ecstatic to see you. He knew you before the whole MC ordeal, you’ve been a part of his life as long as you’ve been part of Angel’s. Your departure was not only hard on Angel, it was hard on him too. You were the constant in both of their lives and you just disappeared in the wind. And you cut both of them off. EZ expected for you to at least keep talking to him, but you didn’t. 
“Don’t leave us again.” EZ whispered into your hair as he hugged you.
“Never again.” You replied as you pulled away, smiling at him. “Alright troublemakers, catch me up.”
You all sat down in the living room as they all caught you up with the latest happenings. The pizza came and paused the conversation otherwise, the night was full of laughter and tears due to the laughter. You’ve missed this terribly. This was your family. Every minute you spent with Angel and everyone else, you just realized how stupid you were for leaving. You were always the rational one, you should have spoken to Angel instead of leaving. Talking to him was never an issue, it should have never been a problem. 
And it never will be now. 
Whenever problems arose, you would talk to Angel. No matter how uncomfortable it was, you forced Angel to talk it out since you were both adults. Communication was always key for you both and it has never been an issue till you two became a couple. You changed and Angel remained the same, you saw it now. You decided to close him off instead of talking to him like you used to. He was your partner, you would never doubt that again. 
Your time apart taught you many things and one of them was that communication as key to every relationship. This was something you always knew, but when you were hurting and feeling lonely, rationality was out of the window. 
“How was it in Arizona?” Gilly inquired. Angel never disclosed anything with them, all he ever said was, he was bringing you back home even if you were kicking and screaming.
“Amazing, especially since you pricks weren’t there.” They laughed along with you, but Angel just mildly chuckled, a sign that he didn’t exactly find the whole ordeal funny. 
“Careful hermana, Arizona is a sensitive subject for Angel.” Gilly teased. “But seriously how was it?”
“It was okay, I didn’t really do much. I was working often.” You shrugged. “I hung out with Gabriel often because a co-worker of mine was his younger brother.” Looking at Angel, he gave you a small smile. “Otherwise it was mostly just me and Ares. Then Angel the last few months.”
“You going back to Arizona?” Coco was afraid of your answer. He didn’t want Angel to transfer, but he understood if he did. 
“Yes,” you saw the sullen looks on their faces and smiled. “To pack my stuff, my contract is done so I’m back in San Diego.”
“Thank god.” All three said in unison making you laugh. 
“Baby, you didn’t tell me that.” Angel pulled you against him, happy that you were coming home to him.  
“I wanted to surprise you.” You kissed his cheek. “Surprise!”
Angel chuckled, nuzzling his nose against your hair, closing his eyes and inhaling your scent. You were back home and there was nothing more he could ask for. 
You woke up the next day with Ares licking your face. Groaning, you turned inward to face Angel. You snuggled closer to him, his arm wrapping around you. 
“Ares, stop licking me.” Angel groaned. 
You muffled your laughter, opening your eyes to peak at Ares who jumped on the bed. He moved in between you two, causing you and Angel to part. He rolled, hitting you and Angel, making you both laugh. You wrapped your arms around Ares, burying your nose in his fur. He howled, moving around to get away from your embrace. 
“He’s usually a much better cuddler.” You commented as you let go of him. Ares jumped off the bed and howled at you both.
“Well, it might have to do with the fact that he has to pee.” Angel sat up, Ares running to his side and scratching at his leg. “Okay, okay, I’m going. I’ll be back baby, you want that breakfast sandwich from the corner?” 
“Please, with hashbrowns.” You requested. 
“I got you.” He gave you a quick kiss before leaving your room, Ares following behind. 
You looked after Angel till he disappeared, and the smile on your face couldn’t be wiped off. After months of hardship, loneliness, and self-hate, you were back in the arms of the man you love. You know the ball was always in your court, but you couldn’t bring yourself to face Angel. You left him, the one person he considered a constant in his life left him without much of a thought towards his feelings. But you were considering his feelings. For you, you believed that you were giving Angel a chance to have a family, it was the ultimate sacrifice for you. But you should have known that Angel wouldn’t give up on you and you were thankful for that. For the rest of your lives, you were going to prove to Angel that you were worthy of his effort, that it was you two against the world.
No more running.
Getting out of bed, you stretched, letting out a yawn. You walked out of your shared room, and did your usual routine in the bathroom. You sat on the couch afterwards, waiting for Ares and Angel to come back. When they did, Ares jumped on the couch, immediately rubbing his head against your hand as he laid on your lap. 
Angel walked in, bag in hand and sat next to you. He opened the bag, handing you your sandwich and taking out the container that held your hash browns.
“Ugh, I’ve missed this.” You took a bite, groaning at the goodness in your mouth.
Angel chuckled. “Told you Arizona sucked.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “What’s the plan today?”
“Honestly babe, I just want to fucking lay in bed and enjoy the day with you.” Angel missed having you in his arms. Even though he’s been with you at Arizona, you had this wall up and he couldn’t really do anything with you.
“Sounds like a plan to me.” You agreed, just being with one another was what you need right now.
“But, I have something to show you first.” Angel had quickly eaten his sandwich. “Finish up then we’ll go. You don’t have to dress up, we’ll be quick.”
“Okay,” you raised an eyebrow at him. “Angel, if we’re just going to get that television you’ve been looking at, can you just say so, I’ll just wait for you here and you can take EZ.”
Angel laughed. “Listen, finish your food, get your cute ass up and I have a surprise for you.”
You put on sweatpants, taking one of Angel’s flannels and slipping it on. You took Ares’ leash, but Angel shook his head. 
“Just let Ares stay here, you and me time right now.” Angel took your hand, giving Ares a quick head rub. “If he ruins one of my boots again he’s staying at pops.” 
You pushed Angel and gave Ares a kiss on the head. “I’ll see you later baby.” 
Angel opened the car door for you and he jogged to his side, turning the car on and maneuvering out of his parking space. He took your hand in his, driving down the street.
“Babe, what is it?” You asked him.
“Baby, it’s a surprise, if I tell you it beats the purpose of it.”
“Okay smartass.”
Angel laughed. He drove fifteen minutes away from his apartment, pulling up at a driveway. You didn’t recognize the house, so you figured that one of the members may have acquired a new home. It was isolated in some ways, the houses were at least one house apart, you weren’t breathing down the other’s neck. You noticed that this was closer to the freeway towards San Diego. It would definitely be an ideal location for you if you and Angel ever decided to get a home.
“Where are we?” You questioned as you looked around, no other cars insight except for the ones at the other homes. It wasn’t a surbian neighborhood, but it was definitely quiet. 
“Come here,” he offered his hand to you, making your way towards the front door.
“Angel, who lives here?” It didn’t look like anyone was living there as of right now. It was a one-story place, it was a navy blue colored home. There was a porch that could totally have great patio furniture. The front yard was huge and there was a gate that separated the yard from the sidewalk. 
He walked up to the home, opening the front door with a key he had. You gave him a perplexed look, but followed him inside. You could tell it was currently being renovated, the kitchen was done, but the living room was still bare and had dried plaster all around. The living room was the first room you two walked into, with the dining room right in between the living room and kitchen. Looking down on the floor, it was laminate flooring, a dark shade of grey. 
“Babe, what’s going on?” You were confused. Did Angel become interested in renovating homes while you were away?
“This is ours, baby. I bought us a house.” Angel held up the keys. “When I got back from my run, I was excited to see you because I just closed the deal on this house. I passed by it one time while I was taking a ride and saw it was for sale. Made an inquiry and got the place for us.” Angel walked over to you, cupping your face with his hands. “This is it for me, you know that. There’s not going to be anyone else. It’s just you and me now. I want to start our life together. I know you’re into those renovating shows, I figured this could be our project together. We can make this home into our own.” 
You were speechless. 
What could you say?
The fact Angel bought a home for you two to share, something you two could build together, it made your heart swell. You teared up, Angel was not at all surprised that you did. He smiled, pulling you into his arms, kissing the top of your head. 
“I love you Y/N, I’m all in and I’m really hoping you are as well.” Angel couldn’t help that nagging feeling in his chest. He was frightened that you’ll leave again, that when it becomes overwhelming for you again, you would make that sacrifice again and he couldn’t let you do that. You two were a team, always have been, and he hoped you realized that. 
“I love you too,” you pulled away from Angel, pulling him down for a kiss. 
He smiled against your lips, leaving quick pecks before fully pulling away. “As much as I want to kiss you right now, I want to show you around.” He grabbed your hand. “So as you can see, EZ and I finished the kitchen. It has that big ass breakfast counter with that farm sink you always fucking rave about. The appliances haven’t come in, but that’s coming in soon.” 
Walking past the kitchen, he led you down the hall, pointing at the two bedrooms, one on the left, one on the right. They were decent size rooms. There was a bathroom next to the room on the right. He stopped in front of the door at the end of the hall. Turning to you, the absolute glee on his face made you smile even bigger. This was surreal for you. 
“Are you ready?”
“I’m honestly going to pinch myself, I’m kind of in disbelief.” You slightly laughed. “But I’m so fucking ready.”
Angel opened the door, excited to show you the master bedroom he designed for you. 
“Oh my god,” you breathed out as your eyes darted to every corner of the room. There was a California King in the middle since Angel was a giant. By the window that overlooked the backyard, there was a bench right below it. There were shelves under the bench that you could obviously occupy with your items. Beside the bed was a bedside table on each side. 
“That’s not even the best part.” Angel kissed your cheek, pushing you towards the bathroom.
When you walked into the bathroom, your mouth dropped. Angel separated the shower and the bathtub. On one side was the shower and one the other side beside the sink was a soaker tub, big enough to fit you both. 
“Angel, this is insane.” You turned to face him, just overwhelmed by excitement. 
“I’d do anything for you, as long as you’re happy, so am I.” 
Walking over to Angel, you pulled him down for a kiss. He slightly lifted you up after wrapping his arms around you. 
“What do you say we christened the bed?” You bit your lip, making Angel laugh.
“No, baby, stay focused, let me show you the rest of the house.” 
Angel showed you the walk in closet at the other side of the room. He led you outside and showed you the study he built that was right beside the kitchen so that if you needed to work from home, you could just work there. Then he took you to the backyard which had a deck with a grill and patio furniture that was covered in plastic already sitting there. 
“The house is almost done.” Angel informed you. “I worked on it while you were gone, I just needed to keep myself sane, something to keep me going. I knew you would eventually come back and when you did, the house was going to be ready for you. Pops, EZ and the rest of the MC helped me out with a few things.” 
You were near to tears again, feeling the heaviness of the whole thing. Angel truly waited for you, he always had faith you were going to come back and if you were being honest, you most likely would have. You were a sadist like that. Even if it would have hurt, you would have come back. You’ve been in love with Angel since you were thirteen years old, to see where you two were now, it was insane. He would always make plans about your future together, how your house would look like, where he wanted it to be, the type of plants he wanted to plant and such, it would always make your heart flutter that he included you in his future. But seeing it before you, it was better than anything you could have imagined. 
“Don’t cry, come on, we always talked about getting a house.” 
“How did you even remember everything I wanted in a house?” The house was your dream house to a tee, though you should never doubt Angel, it just made you that more touched at how much he remembered.
“Anything you tell me, I fucking remember baby. I always wanted to give you your dream home and here it is.” 
“I don’t deserve this, after everything, how could you have had so much faith?”
“Because I know you, you were going to come back to me.” Angel gave you a sad smile. “At least I told myself that in order to keep going. I told you, you’re it for me, no one else. This is it.”
“I know, this is it for me too.”
You two have been through rough times these past few months. Your stubbornness and impulsive ways kept you away from Angel, but being back at Santo Padre, in his arms, it was a mistake for you to leave. It was tragic you two couldn’t have children, but Angel was right, that didn’t matter. If you had him for the rest of your life, that’s all you would need. 
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jenoptimist ¡ 4 years
rest assured, you would never trust a telepath again
The way the cold air wrapped itself around you had you shivering, hunching your shoulders into youself in a feeble attempt to trap in any traces of heat. What you were wearing was no help as it differed from your usual cozy attire. The outfit you wore was extra special since it was the night of the grand award ceremony that Chenle was nominated in. Your boyfriend had been raving about it for weeks on end and you knew he deserved it because you witnessed first-hand how hard he worked.
In the distance, you could see the tall building that it would be hosted in and you thanked the gods above. In any other circumstance, Chenle would have picked you up and the two of you would go to the venue together. This time, however, you were arriving on your own because of a hiccup that happened at your store. It was as if events kept piling on today and what made it worse was that your taxi dropped you off at least four blocks away from the venue because of the traffic. You should have just apparated there like you had originally planned.
A shot of irritation ran through you when someone pushed into you as they made their way down the opposite direction. The sidewalk wasn’t even crowded! They just had to bump into you, didn’t they? If you were a worse person, you would have hexed them but seeing as you weren’t taught to use your magick for such petty purposes, you bit your tongue and trudged forward. You really couldn’t wait to be in the comrforting presence of your boyfriend.
“Hey!” A man yelled from behind you and you chose to ignore him since he may have been calling out to someone else but walked a tad bit faster, just in case–you never know what could happen, especially if he was magically inclined. “Hey! Excuse me!” A large hand grabbed your shoulder and spun you around. Without a moment of hesitation, you mumbled a spell that had the stranger be shoved backwards, falling on his back. “Is that any way to greet an old friend?” He said loudly.
Old friend? You had a strong connection with most of your friends, even the ones that were overseas, and this guy? This guy with his half-up half-down hairdo was someone that you definitely didn’t have a connection with because you most certainly did not know him.
‘Please trust me. Someone’s following you,’ his voice rang in your head and it took all your power not to jump. Telepaths weren’t people you came across by regularly since those possessing the ability was thought to have died out, allegedly due to madness. Although you weren’t entirely sure. ‘If you don’t believe me, check the other side of the road. There’s someone lurking at the end of the block.’
Tru to his word when you followed his instruction, hastily sneaking a glance at the direction he told you, you did find someone there. It felt like your blood ran cold. How long had that person been following you? How did you not notice? The more questions that popped up, the more ill you were starting to feel.
“Not going to help me up?” The stranger chided, a chuckle following his words as he stood up. ‘I’m going to hug you now, alright? It’s all for appearances’ sake.’ You followed his chuckle, which sounded robotic to your own ears, and gave a terse nod.
After letting he let you go, you made a big show of greeting him. “Wow, it’s been so long! I haven’t seen you since, what, you left to go study abroad? How have you been?” He played along, smoothly wrapping his arm around your shoulders as he whisked you away from the area. “Are you headed to the award ceremony, too?” You asked, noting how his attire was similar to yours.
“Yeah, I’m actually one of the nominees. Figured you were as well ‘cause of what you’re wearing.” Hyunjin admitted as he dropped his arm from you shoulder and offered his elbow to you instead, which you declined. You had just arrived at the entrance and you didn’t want Chenle to get the wrong idea if he saw the two of you arriving together, arm in arm. Especially since he didn’t know who Hyunjin even was.
“Oh,” you arched a brow, “bragging are we?” You teased as you handed your jacket to the staff. The two of you were directed to the reception area that was buzzing with chatter. Scanning the crowd, you were quick to find your boyfriend, his bright orange hair highlighting him among the natural colors and random spots of blues, purples and greens. Just as you were to say goodbye to that man that had helped you, he steered you away and directed you to a group of people with an arm around your waist.
“These are my friends,” Hyunjin said before he began introducing them to you one by one. You tried to remain pleasant, shooting them friendly smiles, but all you wanted to do was shove his arm away from your face and run over to your boyfriend. Chenle’s eyes were definitely the ones you were feeling at the back of your head. “This is y/n. They’re–”
“Sweetheart.” A voice cut in. You almost sagged in relief when the arm around your waist was replaced with a more familiar one. There was a level of wrongness that you were feeling but without your familiar, a cute black cat that you doted on, you couldn’t be too sure. Hyunjin seemed like a nice enough guy, though, so maybe it was the effect of knowing that someone was following you. After a quick kiss to your forehead, Chenle added, “You’re finally here.”
“Yeah, sorry,” you replied as you leaned into him, “there was a bit of a situation.”
Concern etched itself on you boyfriend’s features immediately. “What! What happened? Are you okay?” He was looking for any indicators that you were harmed, eyes wildly scanning you from head to toe.
Before you could even begin to explain what had happened, including how your day started off terrible, Hyunjin beat you to it and began relaying the situation that played out.
Chenle’s smile seemed pleasant when Hyunjin finished speaking but there was a tick in his jaw that you recognized immediately. “Thanks for helping. We appreciate.” And with that he spun the two of you around and lead you to the rest of your coven.
“What’s wrong?” You whispered to Chenle as Donghyuck began a dramatic re-telling of how Minhyung messed up the potion they were working on for weeks.
“There’s something off about him.”
“Who? Hyunjin?” Your boyfriend nodded. “He seems harmless to me.” On your walk on the way over, he was full of bright smiles and loud laughter. Yes, it could be said that he was suspicious because he just happened to be going to the same destination as you were, but you could rule it as coincidence. Or fate.
Chenle’s brows furrowed, his mouth twisting. “I don’t know. I don’t trust him.”
“Well, you have nothing to worry about because I probably won’t see him again after tonight,” you kissed his neck, just below his ear. “Now forget about him and let’s enjoy tonight.”
You were wrong, of course, because the gods loved playing games with you. Two weeks after Chenle won the award for the category that he was nominated in, the telepath walked into your small store. You were in the middle of re-arranging a few bits and pieces when you heard the bell ring and when you looked over to acknowledge them, you were surprised to find him by the counter. Hyunjin held his face in the palm of his hands, looking at you with a goofy smile.
“Hey,” he sang, watching as you took the crystals that were misplaced by a customer and walked over to the counter. “Busy?”
Remembering that your boyfriend was weary of them man, you told yourself that you would act cordial but with caution. “Not today.”
Hyunjin hummed. “Let’s have lunch! I’ll treat you!”
You almost dropped the crystal you were holding in shock. Hyunjin was very straightforward and if you were the witch you were a handful of years ago, single and desparate for love, you would have swooned at such an attractive guy being as bold as he was. A telepath, too. Other witches were a dime a dozen and being one yourself meant that you weren’t particularly curious about them. Younger you would have probably tripped over your feet in hasty agreement. But, again, that was you in the past. The you in the present was no longer looking for love because you found it in Chenle, who loved you endlessly and never failed to remind you that he did.
“I don’t know,” you replied, “there’s other stuff that I have to do.” You weren’t good at making up excuses on the spot and you were sure that it was very obvious. Judging by the way he chuckled, he caught it.
“Aw come on! Please?” At this point your familiar, Beans, had stopped prowling the area and hopped onto the counter. There was an odd atmosphere in the air when he did, staring at Hyunjin intensely. The man looked at Beans and when they met eyes, the air disappeared and your familiar settled, curling in on herself. “It’ll be fun!”
Eventually, you gave in. There wasn’t much to do, anyway, and, well, you were your own boss so nobody would be on your tail for closing up shop early. Hyunjin really was harmless; he was sweet, funny and had a boyish charm to him. In fact, he becomes a regularly presence in your shop. He embedded himself into your life easily, meeting up for coffee or lunch frequently, watching a new movie in the cinema every now and again, and a lot of the time he helped you around the shop. Whatever wariness you were holding quickly evaporated the more the two of you spent time together.
The reason why you were with Hyunjin more often was because Chenle was busy. He was off working on more potions and the like so that he can get more recognition. As much as you supported him and wanted him to thrive, you missed the days where he would surprise you with lunch that he made, or when the two of you would go on spontaneous dates. He never had time for that anymore, any time for you, but you didn’t have the heart to tell him how you were feeling because it was selfish. His work was something he took pride in and you didn’t want to distract him from it just because you were feeling lonely.
It wasn’t just Chenle, however. All of your other friends had very demanding jobs too, so nobody really had time for each other anymore.
When you and Chenle finally had time for each other, it didn’t go like you though it would. It was the first time you saw him in almost three weeks and the first thing you did was argue. At first, it was over something small that you were willing to overlook because you knew how snarky he got when he was tired. But then it escalated and escalated and escalated and soon you found yourselves trying to shout above one another. It was brutal. The two of you had never had an argument like this and the night that you planned including lots of cuddles and movies was long forgotten.
“Lele, please,” you sighed once silence took over. Your throat felt raw and you were tired. A cute night in with your boyfriend was all you wanted but apparently that was too much to ask. “I just wanted to spend some time with you.”
That elicited a scoff from him. “Spend time with me? What, have you gotten sick of that telepath?” At the surprised look that you gave him, he laughed. It was bitter and ugly and it was something that you never wanted to hear again. “Yeah, I know that you’ve been spending all your time with him,” he looked at his fingers. “He’s dangerous, y/n, I–”
“Dangerous? Chenle, he is not dangerous!” Your boyfriend scoffed again and you couldn’t believe that you were arguing over your new friend. You were so over it. At that point you just wanted to curl up in bed and try to sleep, maybe your dreams could offer some happiness. In the heat of the moment you said, “Hyunjin makes time for me. Which is more than I can say about you.”
“I make time for you, y/n.” Chenle answered, eyes hard.
“Don’t you dare lie to me,” you retorted, “I haven’t seen you in weeks! And now that we can actually be together, we’re arguing! Gods, Chenle!” You sighed heavily. “I think you should go. We can talk when we’ve both cooled down.”
Your boyfriend stared at you intensely, a tick in his jaw, before nodding curtly at you. The moment he left, you fell back on your couch. The night was a disaster and you would definitely need to talk to clear the air, but for now you would eat some of the cupcakes you bought earlier and watch some romcom movies.
Beans curled up by your feet and you bent down to scratch behind her ear, holding back the tears that were welling in your eyes. She has been weirdly silent recently. While she was no means a chatterbox, she did enjoy adding comments every now and again. It often had you stifling a giggle so that your customers wouldn’t know that your familiar feeding you her opinion of them in your mind. She was a fiery one and you loved her for it.
Two hours into your romcom movie marathon, you vaguely heard the door open. Strangely, the wards you placed hadn’t alerted you that someone was at the door like it normally did. Maybe the boys were pranking you again, it wouldn’t be the first time.
“Honey, is that you?” You called out, pausing the movie. Secretly, you hoped that it was. You wanted so badly to make up with him, the guilt had began eating you up minutes after he left your apartment. “Chenle?”
‘Guess again.’
You had time to let out a scream before you became unconscious.
When you woke up, your eyes had trouble adjusting in the darkness. Your mind raced. Chenle was right. Hyunjin was dangerous. Why hadn’t you listened to him? What did the telepath even want from you? You had nothing to your name apart from your small store. Unless he was actually targeting your boyfriend. You felt faint at the thought.
The shackles on your wrists were cool against your skin as was the metal chair you were confined in. You mumbled an incantation in hopes that you could escape which resulted in nothing. The shackles were most likely created with something that disabled your magick. A curse escaped your lips.
When the door opened, the lights turned on and you saw Hyunjin step inside with the a group of people that you vaguely recognized as the men he introduced you to before. You regarded them coldly but gave the telepath a look of betrayal.
The man himself smirked at you as he began to ramble, something that was reminiscent of a villain’s monologue that was shown in children’s movies. The other boys were in agreement with him as he told you about his plan of getting close to you and then, once he had gained your trust, would swipe you away from Chenle. This plan that he created was made for petty reasons, mostly to do with the fact that he wanted to see your boyfriend, his long-time opponent, crumble to pieces.
By the time he finished, you were left speechless. Did he really want Chenle to fail so bad? Why couldn’t he just take it as healthy competition? Before you could even open your mouth to say something, anything, there was a cloud of smoke by the door and there was Chenle in all his glory. His eyes were glowing like they always did when he used his magick. From behind him, you could see the rest of the boys, their colorful hair a comforting sight.
They made quick work of defeating the small crowd that Hyunjin was with, Chenle was especially lethal and in all the years that you knew him, all the years that you were together, you never once saw him like that–scarily cold and ruthless. By the time he reached you, he wasted no time breaking the shackles and hoisting you in his arms even though you were perfectly capable with walking. With a nod to your friends, he apparated the two of you out of there.
Neither of you made a sound as Chenle made another round of checking you for any injuries. You sustained none except for the slight discoloration on your wrists which was fine because you were able to accelerate your healing by making some tea with a lot of the herbs that you owned.
“I’m alright honey,” you assure for the nth time. “No injuries.”
“Still,” he muttered, “I could’ve lost you.”
You grabbed his balled fists in your hands and pressed a kiss into his knuckles. “But you didn’t,” another kiss and then, “now, we need to talk about our argument and how you knew Hyunjin was dangerous.”
Chenle frowned. “You were right about me not spending time with you anymore. And I’m sorry I started the argument. I found that you were hanging out him with all the time and I got jealous. I also just knew that when the two of you came in together during the award ceremony that something was wrong. Especially when you said that your day was horrible. Hyunjin has been experimenting with dark magick recently but I wasn’t sure until I caught him working on his upcoming project.”
“Oh,” that was a bit of a shock and your mind was getting dizzy at the sudden turn of events. “Well, I’m sorry, too. I said some pretty awful stuff that I didn’t mean. I don’t mind that we don’t see each other as much because I know that your work is important but it gets lonely, you know?”–he nodded–“And I should have listened to you when you said something was off about him.” Beans walking around Chenle’s legs, like she was begging for attention and the sight of her made you frown. “Do you think he did something to Beans? She hasn’t been speaking to me recently. Or, well, since Hyunjin entered the shop.”
“Yeah, possibly. I can ask Jeno to check on her tomorrow?”
“I’m going to take this weekend off,” Chenle announced, peering at you through his lashes, “we should go on a date.”
A smile blossomed on your face and you jumped at him to capture him in a hug. “Of course!” When you began babbling about the different things you wanted to do, he let out a small laugh. It was the one he did whenever he was amused and it sounded like music to your ears.
As the two of you curled up on the couch, Beans hiding somewhere, Chenle repeatedly pressed kisses to your cheek as he wrapped his arms tightly around you which made you feel warm.
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waltwest ¡ 4 years
The Freelancer
The following is the first thirteen pages of a short story I am writing titled “The Freelancer”. I hope you enjoy. I apologize for the unappealing formatting, this site does not have the most comprehensive text editor.
             Studying the Keurig machine, I wondered how many complacent people it took to ware the word “brew” off the button, leaving behind nothing more than a “b” and an “e”, which looked curiously like an “s”. I imagined this instant coffee machine as the alter in which lost souls came to pay tribute to each morning before assuming their monotonously drudging tasks; lips drawn, eyes downcast. These people were never happy, not even content. It certainly wasn’t a wish of theirs to be here. Men who dreamt of becoming accomplished composers became pencil pushers. Women who yearned to be animators had landed at secretary. The office is where you come to lay your ambition to rest. Maybe it is a lack of assertiveness in demeanor which lands one here, maybe it is the fate of mere circumstance.
           But I, Maxwell Goodman, knew what my job meant; I knew I worked among the dead. Luckily, there was a spark of life that incessantly flickered within me. With my ten ounce mug full before me, I reluctantly took my communion once again.
           Safely back within the confines of my particle board cubicle, the manila folders and stacks of paper demanding this or that seemed to never be satisfied.
           God, who knew lightbulbs could generate so much paperwork, I thought to myself.
           I sat in silence and regarded the congregation of slain trees covering my desk. My collar was sticking to my neck… Trying to strangle me, for God’s sake. My mouth was dry and coated with the thick taste of cheap coffee. My desktop stared into my eyes expectantly, patiently waiting for me to pound away on the keyboard like a good boy… Like I was supposed to. The bulbs may be bright, but they can’t sell themselves!  That’s what my boss Lonny loved to say. Lonny… God, how can someone be balding so terribly at thirty years old? Is it just bad genetics, or too much cortisol?
           I felt a hand clap on my shoulder. “Max-o! Lovely morning, isn’t it? Hey, in case you weren’t aware, Sweet Charade is having a bogo on donuts until the end of the week…”
           Speak of the devil.
           I swiveled my squeaky and unbalanced office chair to face my boss. “Gee, thanks for filling me in, Lonny. You know how much I love that maple-iced.” I responded, attempting to sound enthusiastic. Lonny was a nice guy, he really was. It’s really difficult to be rude to a guy like Lonny, with his premature baldness and all. You kind of had to feel sorry for him in a way, it was impossible to predict whether or not he was just one snide comment away from completely breaking down. He’s kind of unstable, emotionally. Also, his wife died last year. She fell off a cliff. No really, she did. Her and Lonny took a vacation to the Grand Canyon last August. Kept complaining about how bright the sun was and how she “couldn’t see a damn thing.” Next thing you know, she was trying to take a picture of a bird flying above and somehow managed to fall right off the edge of a cliff. Worst part is, she was eight months pregnant with their son, they were going to name him Clint... So yeah, all in all it’s pretty tough being rude to Lonny.
           “I know they’re your favorite, it’s why I told you. Oh, hey-“Lonny pulled his other hand from behind his back, revealing a bloated manila envelope”-think you could handle this for me? Just a little bit of inventory mumbo-jumbo. Nothing too serious!” He was really trying to exude a devastating level of charm, though the effort was ineffective.
           One side of the envelope was sagging down in the air under its own mind-numbing weight. I never thought an envelope could actually look depressed, it almost made me giggle. Grudgingly, I acquiesced and accepted the package with the lift of the eyebrows and a nod. I didn’t want to be mean, but I also didn’t want him to think I was thrilled about all the extra nonsense. Hell, he might’ve even pulled another folder out of his waistband or something if he got the idea I was happy about it. “Here, how about closing this deal for a thousand LED’s to the grocery store down the street as well…” No, I had enough paper, truly.
           Lonny gave me another hearty clap on the shoulder, his bulbous belly jiggling a bit from the force. Again, I had to prevent myself from giggling… I find myself doing that more frequently than I would care to admit. I get the urge to laugh at the worst times, always. “Thanks, Max. I know I can always count on you.” He confided with a smile of endearment. It was difficult to tell whether that was a positive thing or if this was going to come back and bite me in the ass. Probably the latter.
           Ole’ Lonny then gave a sly wink and swaggered off with the air of one who just successfully pawned off his work to an underling, because he could. What a bastard, I thought. He was an alright guy though, I suppose.
           After a formalized second trip to the alter, I submerged myself in the humming of the fluorescents above me and the ocean of paper before me. Seven more hours…
           At precisely 4:59pm, I slapped all of the folders shut and jabbed the power button on my computer with vehemence. My eyes burned like hell, my head was pounding from all of the caffeine, and my hands were all clammy. Very uncomfortable. God, I couldn’t help but to feel that it wasn’t worth it at the end of each day. I was constantly attacked by the bigger picture. What purpose was I serving? What kind of impact was I having on the world? I dwelled upon these questions often, but couldn’t stand beginning to think about the answers.
           After I ended my quick demoralizing contemplation, the sodden procession of rejects began to file out of the glass door. And with the exchanging of “goodbyes” and “see you tomorrows,” my co-workers fell into their hybrid sedans and putted on down the road. Usually I am pulling into my apartment complex before anyone has even started their cars, but I felt like watching today. Sometimes I like to detach myself from situations and just observe.
          Like this one time, I was sitting on one of those couches that are situated in the walkway at the mall. You know, those areas where they have four couches are situated in a square all cozy and whatnot, just in case the going gets too rough. Anyway, I was sitting on one of those couches, just watching. I peered into a shoe store and beheld a child throwing a royal fit, really overdoing it. He was around tromping everywhere, steam spilling out of his ears and all. He was screeching about a pair of shoes he wanted but couldn’t have. They were these real hip joints, green canvas with blue laces. They were disgustingly ugly, if you want to know the truth. Knowing how these retail stores are, I bet they were like a billion bucks. “I want the shoes! I want the shoes!” He was yelling.
          “I can’t get you those… I can’t. I’m sorry, you know I would...”  His father replied weakly, trying his damnedest to not contribute to the mayhem. He looked sad as hell, embarrassed even. I couldn’t tell whether he was embarrassed because he couldn’t afford the shoes, or because his son was being such an ass about it; I suppose it could’ve been a mixture of both.
          “Mommy would get them for me! Call Mommy! I want Mommy!” The kid was belligerent. Stompin’ his snow boots all around the store, trying to leave imprints in the god damn carpet. It was winter by the way, Christmas time.
          “Oh, you know I can’t do that… I’m sorry, I can’t afford the shoes son. Daddy can’t afford them right now.” He was really trying to be quiet and take control of his bratty offspring. Gosh, he looked so ashamed. I cannot stand ungrateful kids. The father ended up buying his son a cheaper pair of sneakers, to the stomping child’s dismay. I say he shouldn’t have bought him any shoes at all, the way he was acting.
          There was something disturbing and insightful about that encounter, though. If I had just been walking by and heard the kid hollering I would have thought he was acting like a bastard, and that would’ve been it. And he was acting like a bastard, don’t get me wrong. But it is intriguing how the layers of the family dynamic unravels, the more you just watch and listen. The divorced parents, the mother always outdoing the father in order to gain their son’s favor… I was able to see a man who didn’t really know what he was doing with his life, or how he’d even gotten there in the first place… He wasn’t in control, maybe he never was. Maybe he never will be. So yeah, I enjoy sitting back and observing sometimes, beats the hell out of boring conversation.
          Anyway, it was time for me to leave work. I grabbed my pointless little leather satchel and walked out the door. Outside, the air felt nice and fresh… I love the revitalizing effects of fresh air. It was especially neat that evening because there was also one of those breezes that whips really good every so often. It made me hungry. So, I decided I would grab some Chinese food on the way to my apartment. It’s on the way, and I have a huge thing for oriental food… especially lo mein noodles.
             Pint of greasy noodles clutched in hand, I stepped into the elevator of my building and pressed the button for the thirteenth floor, the top floor. I have a fear of heights, so initially I was not too keen on the idea of living so high up. But the thing was, I was pretty down on my luck, I suppose you could even say I was vulnerable. I needed a place quickly and this building was convenient for me… As I said, once I realized the only space for rent was on the top floor, I became a little nervous. But, the woman whom I talked to about the whole thing convinced me that rent was actually cheaper on the top floor. So, despite my uneasiness with heights of any kind, I took the place thinking I was scoring some sort of exclusive insider deal. But, after a few months of residing there and conversing with my neighbors, I learned I was paying around $96 more a month than most people in the whole god damn building. Even the other tenants on my floor were paying less than me. Something about my apartment being a “colonial” this that and the other. I don’t know. I swear to God I’m too gullible sometimes. I still had a year left on my lease.
           Up, up, up the elevator went. Nine, ten, eleven, twelve, ding! Thirteen. The doors opened and I made my way down the hall. I will admit, the building itself was not too impressive. The ceilings had a few leaks, the walls were painted an awful yellow. Sometimes the air conditioner shut off randomly. But all in all, it could have been a lot worse. Everything could always be worse, don’t ever forget that.
           Of course, my special “colonial” apartment was way at the end of the hallway, number 327. As I approached my rickety door, my eyes locked onto a lone piece of mail sticking out of the little metal mailbox. A quick pulse of endorphins spread throughout my brain. I love getting mail. I pulled the envelope out. It was from the Print Box publishing company! Panic, fear, and excitement rose within my chest all at once.
           I guess I forgot to tell you. I have longed to be an author for as long as I can remember. It is my dream, I guess you could say. Unfortunately, I haven’t had any luck getting published, or even acknowledged for that matter. I have written many different stories and have sent them to every publishing house imaginable. I’ve even sent short clips to shitty magazines hoping to get a bite, to no avail. The only responses I have gotten have been rejections. Most often they don’t even take the time to respond… Trust me, it’s not like I wanted to sell lightbulbs as a career, you should realize that by now.
           And while I had never received positive criticism or encouragement in the past, it was impossible to not feel hopeful when I got a letter back from a publisher. I believed that one day my luck would shift. It had to… Right?
           I hurried and shoved the key into the door, then shot straight to the couch to read what Print Box had to say. My noodles sat on the coffee table, untouched and getting slightly cold.
           I ended up sitting frozen for a couple of minutes, staring at the front of the envelope… As if the address lines were going to tell me that it was going to be okay, this time was different. Really, I was savoring the moment. I had a certain amount of measured confidence when it came to this letter. In my opinion, the story I sent to Print Box was amazing, one of my best yet. It was a story about an inter-galactic space traveler who ends up meeting God and finding out He’s not how everyone thinks He is. I promise it’s not as crumby as it sounds. It was good. You would just have to read it.
           Life seemed to be still around me; a foreboding, ominous stillness. Blood was rushing to my ears. My hands shaking ever so slightly, I ran my finger underneath the seal, and took out the prophecy within. Please, let this be it. Please.
           It read as follows:
           “Dear Mr. Goodman,
           We received your manuscript for ‘Creator’s Paradox’. After review, we are terribly sorry to inform you that we have decided not to publish your work. It is simply not a fit for us.
Best Wishes,
Print Box Publications”
           A cold knife sank deep into my chest. What? That’s it? The letter trembled in my hands. The excitement and hope fled my body entirely, and had been replaced by sorrow and confusion, even anger. How could this be? I should have known. I shouldn’t have expected anything more. Why would this time be any different? It was then that I thought maybe I should just give up. I am no good at this, I absolutely suck. That must be it… They say to chase your dreams, but what if you are just terrible? I had never felt such dread. Maybe I was meant to sell lightbulbs for a living…
           Unceremoniously I ripped the bad news in half and let it fall onto the table. Sinking back into the frayed cloth couch, I would have been completely okay with just disappearing in that moment, I felt deflated.
           After a shameful amount of sulking, I forced down the then limp noodles, grabbed a beer from the fridge, and slid out onto the balcony.
           The night was warm, but not unreasonably so. It was that time of year when you keep a jacket in the backseat of your car, because you can never be certain which way the thermometer will flow. But even though the night was cozy, I had a rain cloud hovering over my head. I was already beginning to accept my future. The cardboard cutout life I was going to surrender to. 401k’s, strategies to improve my credit score… That sort of thing.
           I sipped my beer and looked out upon the terrain before me, in the most reflective of moods. I had to admit, the view was pleasurable from up here. I lived in the boot heel of Indiana, by the way. An area of the world where it is commonplace for urban and rural landscapes to collide, battling for a prominent grip over the territory. Upon my perch, I could see and feel the city below me: the streetlamps, stoplights, cars honking at nothing in particular, the smell of gas and concrete which invaded the nostrils. But when I looked beyond the ring of cityscape, seemingly endless fields and  small hillocks rolled into the horizon, with a strip of highway interceding here and there. The occasional semi would be finding its way through the night, like a worm over soil. It was comforting in a way, made you feel like you could always just escape if you wanted to or needed to.
           I found and traced one semi making his way across the fields. He was at such a distance, I could only distinguish him by the studded lights that adorned his truck. He looked so lonely, plodding along out there, all by himself. I wondered, was he happy? Did he choose his life for himself? Or did he just throw in the towel, like I was having thoughts of doing… I suppose I would never find out. Not like I could pluck him off the road and ask him. Or her. I shouldn’t just assume they are a man. I wonder how much truck drivers make? I heard they bring in quite a bit of dough, actually… I pictured myself taking the reigns of my own eighteen-wheeler; soaking in the sights, getting into a bit of trouble at the various truck stops. It didn’t feel right, though. For a moment I felt my skin squirm.
           The fight of two alley cats below suddenly tore me out of my trance. I noticed I was rubbing my fingers together really hard, and all of a sudden the stench of garbage filled the air. It was all discomforting. I realized that this was the moment that was going to lay the foundation for the rest of my time on Earth. Will I push onward, and become who I want to be? Or do I choose the easy, less turbulent path, and adjust. We all stumble upon this fork in the road at some point throughout our lives. Although, unfortunately, most are blind to the path tucked behind the brush, the path we were each destined to take. We only see the wider, more trodden path of conformity.
           As I stood at the helm of my splitting path, I knew within my heart which route I was going to take. There was no question… I was going to part the foliage and venture into the canopied forest.
             The time was getting close to ten, but I had struck a vein of determination and inspiration. I was not going to simply shrug it off and go to sleep.
           Back and forth I paced around the cramped living room. Couch. Coffee table. Television, resting upon an empty entertainment center. Plastic lamp situated in the corner. Generic cream carpeting. Bland, unextraordinary.
           I paced and paced, contemplatively gripping my chin.
           I knew I had to write something. But what should I write a story about? Gosh, I began to get nervous. In the early twentieth century, here was this Italian novelist named Cesare Pavese. There is a quote of his wherein he states, “the only joy in the world is to begin.” The only feeling I get when I begin something is anxiety and confusion… I can see where he is coming from though, I suppose. There is bound to be intrigue when diving into something new. And anxiety. Shit, where the hell did those Valium go?
           My pacing shifted its course to the bathroom. On the way I passed the boring ass photos that were framed in the four-foot-wide hallway, standing guard. A vase of flowers sitting on a patio table. A tire swing. It felt like the first time I had ever seen these pictures. So generic… So dumb. God, they made me want to puke. Why didn’t I take them down whenever I moved in? My blood pressure was rising. Fucking stock photos.
           I crashed into the bathroom and swung the mirror open. The ole’ medicine cabinet, baby. Where everyone goes when in need of a little chemical therapy. We’re all guilty…
           Sifting through prescriptions old and new, some in my name, others not, I eventually found what I was searching for. Also, upon studying the array of medications in front of me, I realized I may have a slight drug problem. Oh well, it’s not as bad as it once was.
           I recall one incident in particular from the past. I must have taken twelve Xanax bars, maybe more. I went to the park (I love the park) and was feeding some pigeons; leftover Doritos I had found in my car, they were at least four months past the expiration date. Anyway, after just tossing chips around all over the sidewalk for about half an hour, I took a particularly special interest in one of the pigeons. He was a bit smaller than the rest, and one of his eyes was circled in black. Incredibly unique, at least in comparison the others. He was really taking control of the situation too, despite his size. Really getting in there, hardly sharing any of the precious chips. Greedy bastard… I think that’s why I liked him so well.
           Anyway, I decided that I needed him. You know, with his attitude, maybe he could protect my pad or something. I don’t know, I was pretty high. So, after wrestling with him for a bit (if you can picture that), it became clear I could not just pick the rowdy fucker up. Had a lot of fight in him. I wouldn’t have been surprised if he had pulled out a cigar from beneath his wing and started puffin’ at me, head all cockeyed and whatnot. “C’maaaaaaaaaan, that all ya got?” I had to regroup, construct a more inventive method of capture.
           Bingo. Easy. He may have been all brawn, but he still had an observable weakness… Doritos.
           With an inward smirk, I strategically (and sloppily) began making a trail of chip crumbs that led to the opened passenger-side door of my car. Worked like a charm, perhaps too well. The whole damn flock began tottering and flapping over to my car. At this point I realized my coveted plan may have had a detrimental absence of foresight,  I thought I was surely doomed. But as always, there was a solution. When the horde got within a few feet of my vehicle, I started kickin’ and screamin’ at all of them. They all flew away quick as can be, except for my new friend of course, the bravest of them all. Victory. I finally managed to coerce the prize fighter into my car with one last huge Dorito, and off to the races we went.
           He shit all over my seats, my dashboard, everything. God, it was terrible. Stunk like hell, too.  To make a long story short, we were never meant to be friends. He continued to mercilessly defecate all over the apartment, pecked the hell out of my ankles, he was extremely aggressive… Not house trained in the slightest.
           Needless to say, I was positively sick of this bastard by this point… I decided the best course of action would be turning him into profit. I took him down to the gas station and tried to peddle him off to the cashier for three dollars… He declined. But to be fair, I believe if he wasn’t at work and whatnot, trying to look good for his boss, he would have gone for it. He truly looked like he wanted that pigeon something fierce… Got all wide-eyed, sweat gathering at the brow. Either he wanted that pigeon, or he was deathly afraid of it. It was almost weird, his intensity.
           Yeah, I used to be kind of awful about it. That happened right after high school. I wasn’t too productive back then, sometimes I wish I could go back and change those years.
           Anyway, I quickly swallowed forty-five milligrams of Valium in the bathroom, on account of my soaring blood pressure and all. The stock photos didn’t help. Plus, I really needed to buckle down and figure out what I was going to write and how I was going to blow the socks off of the publishers and leave their feet steaming. This had to be the big one.
             I set up shop in the kitchen, the only place in my apartment that has a table and chair. I had my tools for creation all laid out. A trio of freshly sharpened pencils, a pad of paper, and one of those noise machines that produces rainforest sounds and whatnot. Yes, I like those, and yes, I still believe in pencil & paper. Staring at a computer screen for extended periods of time isn’t quite healthy for you. It’s terrible on the eyes, you know. Additionally, there is something therapeutic about manually writing out each letter of a word, your hand carefully forming every one of those curves… The act feels intimate, and poking at a keyboard just isn’t the same. But I digress.
           Let’s see… Romance novels are too cheesy, you almost always know how they are going to end. I had already recently tried my hand at space exploration. Though space is endless, making the potential for stories based in space limitless as well. Still, I wasn’t really in the mood at that moment. Ugh, brainstorming is too much work, truly. This is why I like it best when the ideas come to me naturally.
           Just as I was delving deeper into thought, or trying to, my phone rang from the counter behind me. It gave me a shock, partly because it was getting so late and partly because hardly anyone ever called me.
           Casually I looked to see who my caller was. “Silas,” the screen read. Of course. Silas is an old pal from school that I kept in touch with for some reason. He’s a morally decent guy I suppose, has a good heart. He just never quite grew up.
           “Maximillian! What’s up?” He was totally stoned. In the background I could hear the bubbling of a bong along with feminine laughter. I heard something else too, faintly… Was that… Street Fighter?
           “Hey, Silas. It’s almost one in the morning, what’s going on?” I tried my darndest not to sound rude, sometimes I have a problem with that.
           “Oh, nothin’ much man…” More laughter, it caused me to wonder what the hell was so funny. “Hey, Max, do you have any molly? Need some molly… Ecstasy.”
           Initially I figured he was stoned, but he was progressively sounding more drunk than anything. Probably both. “Silas, I haven’t done molly in over three years. What the hell are you thinkin’, do I got any molly? No, I do not… Are you fuckin’ drunk?” This guy blew my mind sometimes.
           Awkward silence. More bubbling. And yes, that was certainly Street Fighter. “Damn dude, my bad… For some reason I thought you might.” More silence. Generally, it’s difficult for this man to process more than a couple of sentences at a time… Got a hell of a heart though. “Well, okay. Hey, do you know anybody who does?” He sounded wistful, maybe even a bit desperate. All the sudden I had the feeling I was not the first person he called about this. It made me sad in a way.
           I sat crisscross on the tile. Why there instead of the chair? I don’t know, it’s what I felt like doing then, okay? I liked the fresh perspective. “No, ‘fraid not. Haven’t touched the stuff in a long time.” Pause. “What the hell ya been up to anyway, Silas?” I was genuinely interested. I began picking at the tile with my fingernail.
           “Uhhh, nothing really. I-…” He really had to think about what he had been up to. “Went to a Cannibal Corpse concert last week. Yeah, concert and stuff.” He sounded like he was about to fall asleep, or become a corpse himself. God, look at all that dust beneath the fridge…
           Just then, I got a wonderful idea. “Gee, that sounds like loads of fun. Hey, Silas. If you were going to write a story, what would it be about? You know, if you were just going to write a story or something… About anything.” I was curious. I wanted to squeeze his mushy brain and see what came out. Plus, the Valium had me feeling a bit conversative.
           The line was quiet for awhile. I could’ve sworn he had fallen asleep, phone pinned between his shoulder and cheek, slobber dripping from his chin. “-A story? Story… Probably about a barbarian or something. Barbarian who has a club and nails chicks in his cave. Like Conan, I guess.” Silence… “Hey, Conan nailed chicks in caves, right?” He was asking someone next to him.
           Boom, inspiration flooded the inside of my head, almost making me dizzy. How didn’t I think of this before?
Obviously, his idea was stupid. But the barbarian aspect intrigued me. How fun would that be? A barbarian who finds himself in a world of magic. Brings it back to Earth for the betterment of humanity. I don’t know, something silly like that. Something people will read, something that will keep them entertained.
           Silas focused his attention back to me. I had almost forgotten I was on the phone with him. “Max, buddy. Hey, Max. Do you have any molly, by chance?”
           I didn’t have the time for this anymore. I needed to get to work. “Sorry, gotta go. Goodbye, Silas.” I hung up the phone. Krosmere… That’s what his name will be.
           I bounced up from the floor and positioned myself back at the table.
           I took a deep breath, turned on the trusty rainfall machine, and poised my pencil. It was time to craft the legacy of Krosmere, rogue barbarian. I couldn’t remember the last time I had been so excited to start something. I was now beginning to feel the meaning of Cesare Pavese’s words.
             A ray of early morning sun dove into the kitchen from the window above the sink, casting the table before me in an orange-red glow. There I was, hunched over my papers, clad only in an old white tee-shirt and a pair of pinstripe boxers. Every hallow in my body had filled with salty perspiration.
           Truly, I had not realized how late it was getting. Or, rather, how early… I risked a glance at the clock on the oven. “5:41am” it read in its obnoxious neon green radiance. Somewhere down the hallway I could hear the maddening wail of my alarm clock trying to be a voice of reason or something, I suppose. How did I not hear that until now? BAH, BAH, BAH, BAH, BAH. God, I just wanted to throw the damn thing against the wall. I have done that quite a few times already. Like after Cinco De Mayo last year. Threw that motherfucker so good it flew out of my room and smacked the wall in the hallway. Or after the Colts lost the Super Bowl. Hell, it wasn’t even morning time, and I’m not into sports! I just went into my room and punted the sumbitch right into the ceiling. I can be childish sometimes. There was also that one time when my ex-girlfriend threw the alarm clock at me… Does that even count? I don’t know. My alarm clock is actually quite beaten up, I should probably buy a new one.
           “5:47am”. As I sat there a couple more moments, I felt intruded upon. As if the sun was invading my privacy, putting me on a stage for all the world to laugh at. Don’t you hate that?
           I strutted to my bedroom, sticky boxers and all, and silenced the howling beast. On my way out, after tripping over an extension cord gone awry, I stood face-to-face with the blasphemous stock photos. Those motherfuckers were taunting me, I know they were. The flowers! The fucking tire swing! Are you kidding me? Rage flared within me. I seriously could not begin to tell you why or how I allowed these abominations to remain for so long. They really made me want to puke.
           Instinctively I tore the frames from the wall and stomped back to the kitchen with them tucked under my arm. I could’ve sworn to God they were burning me with their wickedness, their phoniness.
           I found myself in front of the window, the same window the damn sun broke in through. I disengaged the lock and threw it open. A blast of chill air sucked inward, air you could tell was leftover from the night. It had a nice smell. It was then that I realized how muggy it had been in the kitchen. Like two (or more) people were in here having sex all night or something. If only.
           I peered outside into the shifting sky. You know, there isn’t a lot to brag about in Indiana, but the sunrises are absolutely beautiful. Picturesque, you could say. Deep reds that bleed over the entire Earth, splashes of orange, streaks of lavender. They are serene.
           I felt a searing on my side. Pulling the photos out from my arm, I flung them out into the open air without so much as a last glance. I suppose I could have thrown them in the trash, but then they would still be inside the apartment. They had to be eradicated, and immediately. With pleasure I envisioned gravity pulling them down, down, down, all thirteen floors, where they would meet their well-deserved demise on the sidewalk below. Gosh, I hope they don’t hit anything… An afterthought.
           It took only a grain of sand in the hourglass of our universe for the photos to collide with the pavement, marked by a satisfying crash. Later some would testify that a dog’s yelp followed just after the commotion, but I heard no such thing.
           Smug and triumphant with a menace destroyed, I turned on my heel, only to be blasted with more joy as my gaze fell upon my papers on the table. Oh, my work! My lovely work!
           The lack of sleep, the now sweat stained boxers… It had all been worth it. I had spent all night crafting the structure for what I know, without a doubt, will be my best story ever. The big one.
           I had finished the outline, was already on the second chapter of the story. Hell, I even sketched out a picture of ole’ Krosmere. A muscle-bound barbarian. Thick, long brown hair (like mine). I made him only have one nipple, though. You know, to add character and all that. Really, I am a terrible artist. I couldn’t draw my way out of a two-dimensional square if I had to.
           I still had about three hours until I needed to start selling lightbulbs, which was fine with me. You can do a lot in three hours, if you really try. I figured I could make some breakfast, get cleaned up, maybe even go for a walk. Working through the day without a wink of sleep was not something I really looked forward to, but it wasn’t that big of a deal. Adderall. I’m fairly sure I had someone’s script in my cabinet still. You know, for emergencies and the like.
           With a newfound pep in my step, I threw the pan onto the rusted stove and began cracking some eggs, whistling along with the birds perched among the rooftops outside.
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min30am ¡ 4 years
Does the music you listen to shape your perception of the world?
Immediately, yes. Definitely, no doubt. I pretty often link songs to different times in my life or places or specific events or people. It’s actually more difficult for me not to do that. 
Hotline Bling - driving back up del Este, or back to the parking lot for mock trial practice at 5pm. It’s the winter months usually, so it’s pretty dark out at that point. Quick snacks from the local Quickly are always a good bet, or Chipotle of course. Bright classroom lights, hearing the rest of the trial drag on in the adjacent room while the pre-trial attorneys hang out doing nothing really in the room facing the street. 
Starboy - we’re in an Uber to the ice rink in Oakland, it’s the evening after Yule Ball. We met at my first ever Halloween party but I’m decently sure I like you; I’d pretty much broken up with someone else that same night, over speaker phone with more than a few friends eavesdropping in our room. Anyway, we’re in the backseat of the Uber and you mention that you really like this song, and you start singing along and it’s cute- cute enough to make an impression. You turn out to be a really really good skater, and you don’t leave my side all night even though I’m an awful one. 
Under the Cover of Darkness - first time hanging out with a few people just having a jam session with our mix of guitars. A slightly condescending guy who’s good at solos teaches me a set and decides he thinks I’m a fast learner. Flattering enough. 
Out of My League - I looped the Fitz and the Tantrums album that this belongs to that summer that I spent painting the house kokong built at Marcy’s. There was a lot of detailed work that went into it, and I sketched the designs meticulously in pencil before going over it with the metallic paint shades I’d picked out. 
You & Me - this particular Disclosure song was really popular but after that one YouTube comment talking about how the highs were screechingly, painfully high, I could never listen to it without being way too aware of that. Thanks, whoever that was. 
Location - this was a song I generally really liked when it was in its hayday, but it’s had a little bit of a different flavor and nice comfortable blue bit of nostalgia ever since Eli told me he associated it with me. 
High You Are - the height of my Youtube playlist days, barring the AMVs with Linkin Park songs. I had another Odesza song that I linked to this one, Say My Name featuring Zyra. Great times, definitely middle school and early high school. 
Tennis Court, Wires, King - all linked to the same person, listening to these songs by the stairs at the far end of the high school on a shared pair of wired earphones after school, blue skies and mild breezes and radiant sun off the metal handrails. 
Fell in Love With a Girl - hilariously coincidental lyrics, thanks for this one. 
Trndsttr - driving back from the hospital, specifically in the morning after drop-offs at work. It’s cold and not too bright yet, but the sun will definitely be in my eyes on the drive back up toward the fountain intersection. My contacts are cooperating at least. 
One Time - that one concert we went to with Kou, pretty spontaneously but it was pretty good. Cool venue too.
My Funny Valentine - listening to this on the bus to Loch Ness, the same trip I believe that we hit heavy traffic on the winding road back toward Glasgow. There’s a beautiful lake at the bottom of the hill that our road spans, lots of the richest green you’ve ever seen in trees. The whole Ella album was pretty popular that trip, and this particular song felt like an inside joke to listen to next to you. 
Love Galore - we’re up by the Sutro Tower parked in a little dusty area by a few other cars that made the winding drive up. The view is pretty clear and definitely impressive, we’re trying to identify things and you’ve already finished telling me a long made-up story about how the tower works- which I believed because you, after all, have a masters in engineering. 
Foreplay, IV. Sweatpants - it’s first year and we spend all our free time meeting up at night just to freeze our asses off because we’re talking and it’s so easy and so funny and we don’t want to go home. It’s the 2am campanile talks at the bench, where we move at the pace of kdramas. It’s sitting by the now-renamed boalt hall, I’ve never met anyone I clicked with better and I still won’t say I’m in love.
Cheese & Wine - bro forreal your dad’s an asshole. seriously.
TALK ME DOWN - senior year of high school, you’re obsessed with Troye Sivan but he’s pretty good so no one in the car complains. Our friend group is hanging out so often at boba and coffee places and just talking nonstop, we have every class together pretty much and so many small things happen in that last year. 
Girls That Dance - that overcrowded, cozy, compact dorm room on the eighth floor. We’re there so often, you always pick me up from mine and we walk or bike down together, sometimes we take the shuttle. Jerry is always there, always greets us and talks to us about his nephew and his life. We have Olay by the mirror near the door, which I discover serves as a bit of a primer and is SPF15. We make ramen and Jess uses your desktop to play games while we watch Netflix movies in your top bunk. 
Cardiac Arrest - I, like the monumental asshole I am, make it a point to finish chemistry lab in the morning as quickly as possible so I can be the first person to leave every time. I always play this song as I’m going up those curved wide stairs to take that little bridge back up to the castle on the hill. I almost invariably get back to my room and waste all the time I saved by finishing early. 
Liquor Locker - chilling at lab, doing what I’m supposed to be doing between classes or meetings. Dilution calculations are scribbled in my green lab notebook. I’m responsible for many colonies of single-cell babies but at least a quarter of my attention is on the bus tracker while I run the math in my head. 
Shutter Island - we’re all at the Vevo Halloween concert together in a gigantic warehouse on the water’s edge. I’m absolutely taken with the singer and thus starts a pretty long infatuation with her music. No one else agrees, they definitely think she was the worst of the night. Fair enough. 
GOLD - we’re in the backseat of his car and he and his girlfriend are great. We already had dinner all together that one night before the concert- a vibe check - and now we’re in San Jose to check out a viewpoint where you and I just enjoy each other’s company. It’s our first double date(s) really, and it’s pretty great. 
Trois GymnopĂŠdies - honestly, such a great song but I deadass sought it out after seeing it on a sad parrot video. 10/10
Heebiejeebies - definitely love this song but I don’t know if I can listen to anything from this album without remembering how you were so ready to start a fight at that concert. Again. 
If We Ever Meet Again - I have really strong feelings of being on a field trip associated with this song somehow. 
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dio-roga ¡ 5 years
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After years of stalling, this is finally seeing the light of day and thank actual jesus for that. There’s more fic out there than you’d think for the best boys, but like all things, sturgeon's law’s in effect when it comes to quality (big time actually, around 35 fics on this list from a rough 350 in existence). I read them all so you don’t have to.
Higher rank the better (though obviously YMMV) and the rest should just be ordered by word count. I have a place in my heart for everything on this list so no matter where it is or what I say about it, trust me, if it’s here, I think it’s worth your time.
Will do my best to keep things up to date. I F5 tabs like you wouldn’t believe. Love you guys ❤
ego, opinion, art & commerce 24parts
We hopefully all know it, we certainly all love it. The canon-compliant, rock-band road-trip AU that’s destined to rule the entire ship one day; the cryde child of prophecy. Go in hard and this’ll take you away like nothing else. The only thing not absolutely perfect about this fic is (like the rest of us) you’ll have to wait for the ending. I know waiting sucks, but please don’t let it stop you bingeing this story right now. I am not exaggerating when I say it’s better than most published books you’ll ever read.
let your heart hold fast niente
Literally the best finished cryde fic ever written as of time of writing this. The boys have grown up. Clyde’s a writer, Craig’s distant, and familiar circumstances bring them crashing back together. The cast of characters are a complete joy, it’s fully drenched in canon, and sports an amazingly rich post-series lore with all manner of cute nods and easter eggs for fans of the show. Nothing short of a masterpiece. Written with such love. Treasure your first read of it.
Pulling Mussels SekritOMG
A divisive fic maybe, but a classic all the same. Get ready for a fresh take on normal fic conventions to be sure. Personally? I’d consider it top shelf, no question. But to others? They might end up absolutely hating it. A strange midlife odyssey wherein a fed-up, lonely Craig begrudgingly reconnects with an out-of-shape, stagnated Clyde. Memorable to say the least, packed to bursting with detail and personality; go in with the right mindset and its glorious set pieces with burn themselves into your memories. Possibly the fic I’ve re-read the most ever.
Darkness Falls Vampiracy
Do you like cute, gorgeously written things? Set during the three days of Stick of Truth, it tells the behind-the-scenes story of Craig’s growing infatuation with the Lord of Darkness. Everything about this is clever and charming and just generally heart-warming. Best read after playing the game for maximum enjoyment, feel smart and accomplished as you pick out all the references. This fic’s adorable and pure and can do no wrong. 
Chicken Vampiracy
The gateway fic? Huge question mark? This story is cryde personified. Like the author distilled the ships very essence into this amazingly funny and light-hearted story about the boys playing the world’s most drawn out game of gay chicken. It’s impossible not to love this story, it’s perfect for what it is, and will leave you feeling happy by the end every time. What more could you want? Show this one to your friends and they’ll finally ‘get’ cryde.
the remains of our sky traiyadhvika
I’ll level with you fam, this story will emotionally cripple you, prepared or not. The writing is precise, sublime, and utterly heart-breaking. It tells the story of how Craig deals with the aftermath of Clyde’s death on Everest. Obviously a heavy topic, but I can tell you with complete confidence that this fic not only does the subject matter justice, but also manages to tell a story of love and hope despite it. Like Butters said, it’s a beautiful sadness. This fic had me obsessively researching mountains for weeks, and anything that can light that kind of fire in you is something special.
C & C, The Mystery Duo Darkyfoot
There is nothing in here but pure fluff, joy and happiness. This story will lighten your soul and brighten your heart. It tells the tale of the boys discovering a life-long obsession for hunting mysteries, and will resonate with anyone who’s ever held a strong passion in their lives (which is probably most of you, if you’re hunting down SP fics to read). The written equivalent of a warm blanket and a steaming hot mug of cocoa on a cold winter’s night.
Equality Donkerblauw Fluweel
A good chill-out fic? Cataloguing a series of parties over the summer in which Clyde starts cozying up to Craig after much alcohol is consumed; and like a good drink, the fic mixes all its elements together nicely. It’s nothing ground breaking, but it’s got a super relaxing flow to it, and will brighten your mood by the end. It nails the party atmosphere, so if you’ve got no-where to go this Friday night, maybe pour yourself a little something and give this one a read.
Craig Likes Vanilla (Ice Cream) themuffintitan
The cuteness equivalent of porn. If you’ve got a list of cliché ‘aww’ scenarios, chances are they’ll play out in this fic. If hand holding and sharing an ice-cream make you melt (hahanotfunny) then this one’s definitely for you. For a fairly simple story about Craig and the squad visiting a waterpark, it’s remarkably detailed (check that word count fam), and has a killer summer atmosphere to boot. It certainly made me hit up a park last July. The writing does let it down in a few areas, but overall you’ll probably be too busy enjoying the ride to notice.
The Silent Lie Donkerblauw Fluweel
Guilty pleasure? Okay you caught me red-handed. This fic’s practically porn. Read all about how Clyde learns to surrender his heterosexuality as Craig massages away all his football injuries in the steamiest way possible. If I’m being totally honest? The story’s pretty obviously there to frame the smut, and writing can be a bit all over the place. But I can’t deny it just works. It’s hot AF. Come here for the sexies and you won’t leave disappointed. Read it after dark. ;)
Press Play flappySp00kster
Arguably unfinished, but the only thing missing is apparently a mostly superfluous epilogue. We’re in full AU territory here as Clyde hooks up with Craig on a dating app during a rough-patch with his long-time, and now ex, girlfriend. Your mileage may vary obviously as the story’s not canon compliant; however the boys behave like you’d imagine and the romance is nicely fleshed out and unique. Bonus points for a bit of kink in the sex scenes, which is rarer than you’d expect for this ship.
What Happened in 1637 pinkfloyd1770
One of the most strikingly unique stories out there; it’s essentially a flower shop AU in which Clyde embraces his Dutch heritage and sports and encyclopedic knowledge on tulip facts. Written in medias res during a seemingly long since established relationship with Craig, this fic merely offers a look into this unique take on the couple as they go about their lives. The detail is stunning, and you’ll find vivid mental pictures coming to life in every scene. If you can get past the fact Craig bottoms (let’s pretend he was feeling generous that evening) then you’ll certainly be charmed with this one. (1637 is the year the tulip bubble finally popped. In case you were wondering.)
Around My Head wendybirb
Are you looking for something that’s light and fluffy? Maybe you like reading Clyde’s inner monologue as he fumbles around high-key pining over his best friend? Perfect, sign yourself up to this fic; it’s a quick and easy read that’ll give you your daily dose of wholesomeness from one of my favorite authors. Nothing overly flashy or complicated here, just boys being cute and kissing.
hey there demons traiyadhvika
This spooky affair is thankfully a lot less of an emotional roller-coaster than it’s cousin ‘remains of our sky’, but that’s not to say it doesn’t grab you and refuse to let go. Have you ever wondered what Craig and Clyde would be like trying to host one of those dorky haunted house shows? Bonus points in that Craig can legitimately see ghosts? It’s a fresh concept that’ll really get your mind racing with the cutest hosts you could ask for. Kept me glued to my seat, ready to throw down if any bad spirits came between the best boys. Slept with the hall lights on for a couple nights ngl.
As Good a Reason as Any Vampiracy
The last of the sacred trinity that also includes Chicken and Darkness Falls, the only reason this fic isn’t ranked higher is because it’s also the authors shortest. Watching Clyde try anything and everything to spend more time with Craig is as endearing as it sounds, and the only thing that sucks is that it doesn’t overstay its welcome; when honestly, you’d like the fic to stay for dinner and spend the night. Quality everything. No joke made my heart flutter. Read it and know true happiness.
Kiss It Better dokidave
A one and done story of Craig trying to cheer Clyde up after a difficult day. This fic’s a nice double whammy if you’re looking for some hurt and comfort mixed in with some steamy sex scenes. It delivers exactly what is says on the box; don’t expect too much in the way of plot of development, but certainly feel free to gush over the sappy sweet character moments. A good pick-me-up fic if you’re having a lousy day.
Take a Chance (You Say It's Your Birthday) Miaou Jones (miaoujones)
So here we have Craig being drunk and vulnerable, while Clyde’s radiating raw sexuality as he dances for Craig’s camera. I’m usually all about Craig giving off that top energy, but the way this story frames (hahakillme) the whole dynamic is very soft and endearing; you can fully understand why Craig’s the one feeling thirsty this time around. This is a fic that really knows how to set a mood. Read it and feel like you’re being pampered.
You Make It Easier glowworm888
Pure comfort; Clyde’s feeling understandably miserable about the thought of growing up without his mom, and Craig’s doing his best to help Clyde cope. Wholesome dumb teenagers looking out for each other and low-key falling in love. I dare you not to feel all happy inside as Clyde slowly begins to feel better as Craig looks after him. Adorable throughout, the ending is very much them. Another good read for making a crappy day a better one.
Miss you x Vampiracy
A true hidden gem by one of the best authors in the whole fandom; we have here the best fic in which Clyde doesn’t even appear. The whole schoolyard gang give their two cents on Craig’s spiraling mental state as he tries desperately to justify a typo to Clyde during an obsessive summer-long texting marathon. Legitimately funny from start to finish, with buttery-smooth dialogue and a big soft ending that’ll have you grinning ear-to-ear for completely different reasons. Love it, cherish it, and dream of more. Vampiracy ̶ we’ll miss you x.
Whatever Gets You Through The Night Miaou Jones (miaoujones)
There’s a lot of mixed feelings for me in this fic. A love-letter to Clyde and his parents, in which Craig gets caught up on the whole ‘love’ part of it, having trouble fully expressing himself due to some heavy personal baggage. The Donovan’s really shine in this story. Betsy’s alive and massively comforting, Roger’s family values personified, and Clyde’s being a sweetheart to end all sweethearts. It’s confronting, more than a little emotionally messy, but it’s none the less a story that’ll stay with you. Check the comments for a hidden stinger.
Some Dieting Donkerblauw Fluweel
Clyde’s self-image problems are the focus this time around, doing a commendable job pushing the ideas of healthy progress, properly looking after yourself and feeling comfortable letting others help out. It’s a good length for the story it is, and although the writing gets a little spotty in parts you’ll be unlikely take too much notice. Like Clyde, this one’s hearts in the right place.
If Time Could Stand Still WeCryde
I used to stumble across this story semi-regularly back in the day, wondering if I’d missed it before realizing we’d already been well acquainted. The amount of show rather than tell is fairly distracting, with the entire meat of the relationship relegated to backstory. There’s still something here though. Perhaps in the way it deals with long-distance relationships and just distance in general. Maybe the hopeless romantic in me resonates with the plight of two idiots with thousands of miles between them. See if it works for you?
The Edges of the Atmosphere Miaou Jones (miaoujones)
There should be some sort of law that states that confessions in cryde stories have to be some level of stupid or convoluted. These two are physically incapable of expressing such feelings to each other in any standard normie way. So enjoy some classic spaceman Craig tropes while Clyde juggles being cute and awkward like a pro. Trigger warning for some racy hand-holding action; we’re talking interlocking fingers here.
Standby Flier Cheesebirb (Hi Mark ;)
So upfront, this story isn’t even a romance quite honestly. It’s just a cute bromance sort of affair at most, in which the boys share a hotel room together while waiting on a flight back home. You could quite certainly interpret it as the start of something deeper, as the fic gladly provides hints to support it; however there’s nothing to see here apart from the two personalities bouncing off each other, and sometimes that’s enough. A memorable little story that might resonate that little bit extra if you’re a frequent traveler.
Bust and Boom Azul_Bleu
Clyde fumbling with the realization that he’s got the hots for Craig isn’t new ground, that’s about the only ‘downside’ I could give this story. What it does with this premise however is deliver some pitch-perfect characterizations, snappy pacing, a good variety of settings, and some surprisingly touching moments given its brevity. It’s also loaded with lines that stand up off the page and stick with you and those are always worth their weight in gold; the author really squeezes a lot out of the short word count.
Forts Can Be Fun wendybirb
In which little Craig builds a pillow fort and little Clyde is invited. It’s a soft story with some cute exchanges, if you’re looking for a more innocent kid-cryde vibe then this one can scratch the itch. Short and sweet by definition. Go read it and give yourself a little smile.
Ennui dsfgajkh
This simple story’s a real blink and you’ll miss it; detailing some introspective thoughts Clyde’s having about the monotony of small town life and his fascination with his much more interesting best friend. At nearly a decade old, this story pre-dates Pandemic, which solidified the usual stoic Craig tropes that came after so it’s an awesome little time capsule back to those days where apathetic Clyde and flamboyant Craig was as good a guess as any. There’s a line about skittles that makes it worth the ten minute read.
Neighbors Vampiracy
So remember that time that Vampiracy wrote one of the most realistic and precious depictions of little Craig and Clyde playing with toy trucks in the backyard, but then it got buried in the depths of tumblr? Try not to smile when Clyde beams over the prospect of making a new friend and being able to show off the hole he’s dug; I completely and utterly dare you. Bratty Craig is my spirit animal and I’d die for more adventures with him at the Donovan house. I’m such a sucker for cutesy pre-school fluff I swear; just like you will be when you’re done reading this.
Shine On How You Shine On Miaou Jones (miaoujones)
Real talk? I’m a sucker for all things Brokeback Mountain, and this fic’s just neatly slotting in Craig and Clyde as the cowboys sharing a rough and confusing night in a tent together. The story is exactly what you’d think if you’ve read the original, and it hits all the same thematic beats. Guilty pleasure alert in full here. If you’re in the mood for hearing Clyde Twist tense up as Craig Delmar spits on his hand behind him then I won’t judge if you don’t. I’d unironically read ten more chapters.
Two Weeks toddintops
Yeah-yeah I know I’m stretching the definition of fic with this one, it’s barely a half thousand words; but hey, better five hundred words that make you feel something than ten thousand that leave you feeling the same. A short, sharp dose of angst with some beautiful art accompanying, what have you got to lose? Something about Clyde’s smile, coupled with the bittersweet lines near the end has always managed to stay with me. Maybe it’ll strike a chord with you too.
Ask Craig obitotxt (Password is 12345)
Hop on board the angst express; with the last stop being yourself when you realize the story comes crashing off the rails and never hits the end. Is the fact this blog never reached a conclusion one of the great tragedies of our modern era? Yeah, kinda. Fact is, this is probably the only cryde-centric askblog-formatted story out there; and yeah, it’s hyperbolic at times, but goddamn if it doesn’t make you feel something. Packed to the brim with boys being boys, memorable moments and just so much heart, you’ll be pressing F (and F5) for days after you reach the final unfinished pages.
One More Year llexxii
And here’s a weird way to recommend something: you probably don’t want to read this one. It’s very long, it’s very dead, and it has a fairly submissive Craig coupled with a rather unlikable rendition of Clyde. So why’m I even talking about this, and really, I’ve not got much of an answer for you. Just that this fic, despite everything, has some consistently excellent writing. The flashback scenes to Craig and Clyde as young kids are total gems. There’s stuff to love here, and maybe it could have been something great; if nothing else, maybe check it out as an interesting look into the ships history.
Turn It Around, Get a Rewrite wendybirb
This one hurts, in just about every respect. Prepare for angst story wise as we follow along with the life and times of Craig, reconnecting with a clearly troubled yet desperately pining Clyde, who seems scared shitless about his dying claims to heterosexuality. I genuinely love this story. It’s raw and emotional and angry and sexy, it comes across messy and real and does an amazing job making you care about the boys while also showing their more frustrating attributes. I’m still holding out hope it’ll one day take its place with the greats, but until then, the hardest gut-punch is always that “unfinished” tag.
January White (Love Is a Stain) Dovakiin
Here we’ve got a different kind of tragedy. The usual formula is a promising author burning out after an amazing opening run, but here we’ve got a story that never even made it past the kickoff. It’s such a shame. The eponymous metaphor and the solemn tone throughout is honestly pretty captivating; I would love to see how this take on the characters would have played. Spare ten minutes from your day and give yourself something to reflect on with this abandoned beginning.
ask MARSH and BROFLOVSKI jovishark
You know what? Fuck it. I’m putting this one here and no one can stop me. This ask blog is practically fandom required reading at this point, and I couldn’t in good conscience not mention it. Stan and Kyle answer your questions, the plotline reads like something from a CW show, and Craig and Clyde don’t even end up together. I love it genuinely. If you pressed me, this story might be what got me into the fandom; pressed me harder, it’s what got me into cryde (again ironic as cryde isn’t endgame here). Always worth a read or a re-read. Pretend Craig and Clyde sorted things out in college if you need to.
Brace Yourself skyline
Okay so it’s a style story, let’s get that elephant in the room well and truly pointed out from the outset. If it’s a deal breaker for you that cryde isn’t the focus, then move along, but I guarantee for those that stay, there’s a charmingly written cryde side-ship playing out in tandem to Stan’s quest to win over his super best friend. There’s a lot to love about this story, the writings sharp and surprisingly powerful at times, and the characters are a joy to watch. Watching the cryde story unfold from Stan’s POV is a unique experience that you won’t really find anywhere else.
Remove Before Flight skyline
So remember Brace Yourself from literally just one entry up? Okay, same concept, same author. This is a different timeline in which Kenny’s the lucky protagonist trying to win Kyle’s heart, but like before, you’re treated to an enjoyable cryde sub-plot playing on in the background of the K2 drama. The writing’s still on-point, the characters are still great; if you liked the authors other story (which I’d advise reading first), you’ll definitely enjoy this one too. It’s cute how Craig and Clyde always seem destined for each other in this universe.
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bilbos ¡ 6 years
Sunsets || Rich Clune
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requested: yes || no
word count: 1k
warnings: none
author’s note: I’m sorry this is so short, but it felt natural ending it where I did <3
~ ~ ~
It’s been a while since you’ve seen Rich. Not because you didn’t want to see him, but just because that’s how life works sometimes. Or rather, that’s just how both of your work schedules happened to line up. With him being gone a lot for games and you just…well, being busy trying to clean up others messes just never seemed to leave for a lot of free time.
Now that the offseason is here, though, the two of you are trying to make more time for each other. Today finds the two of you on a road trip to the ocean. You weren’t to enthusiastic about it at first, but he was just so excited that you couldn’t say no. There’s only about an hour left of the trip and you can’t wait to just get out of the car and move around a bit.
“So, what’s the plan for the weekend?” you ask.
“It’s a surprise,” he answers.
“Seriously?” you reply. “I thought this trip was the surprise, not what we’re doing.”
“Nah, it’s more fun this way,” he says.
“Says you,” you laugh. “I beg to differ.”
“All I’m going to say is that you’re going to have an amazing time,” he replies. “As long as things go to plan, that is.”
“That’s…not very reassuring, Rich,” you say.
Rich just shrugs. The rest of the drive continues in a similar manner-the two of you just joking around. It feels good to be back and joking around with him. At times like this, it doesn’t hurt that you were so far gone on him and that he doesn’t feel the same about you.
Finally, the two of you arrive at the small cabin that Rich rented for the weekend. It seems cozy, but cozy tends to translate to the fact that there’s only one bed. Hopefully that isn’t the case, but you aren’t going to hold out.
As the two of you grab your stuff out of his car, Rich asks, “So what do you think so far?”
“I don’t know yet, depends on how many beds there are,” you answer. “You did check how many beds there were right? Or did you just see how good it looked and how close it was to the ocean?”
“I just wanted to have something nice,” Rich replies.
“I’ll take that as a no,” you sigh.
Rich then opens the door and you just stare into the cabin for a second. As you feared, it appears there’s only one bed.
“Well, could be worse,” Rich says, hesitantly.
“True, there couldn’t be a couch,” you reply.
Rich shoots you a glare. “You know I’m not going to let you sleep on it, right?”
“Please, like you could fit on it,” you retort. “I at least have the chance of getting comfortable.”
He frowns, but doesn’t broach the subject anymore. “Let’s just get settled in for now and then go from there.”
You sigh and go to unpack your bag a little bit. As you set your toothbrush down in the bathroom, you realize that you still don’t know what Rich has planned for the two of you. Hopefully it’ll help distract you from the bed situation.
As you walk back into the living room area, you ask, “So, are you going to tell me what we’re doing now?”
“I guess I have to,” Rich jokes. “We’re going to the beach.”
“That’s not very helpful,” you retort. “I figured we’d be going to the beach if we’re, you know, staying at the beach?”
“Ah, but what we’re doing is going to be fun,” Rich replies. “And a surprise.”
“Rich, you’re literally the worst,” you groan.
“Look, as long as things go to plan, I promise you’ll love it,” Rich insists.
“That isn’t the first time that you’ve said that and it’s making me nervous,” you reply. “What could go so wrong that it wouldn’t make things go fine?”
“If I told you, that would ruin the fun,” Rich answers.
You just sigh and then notice that Rich grabs a picnic basket. Well, if he brought food, then things couldn’t go that badly. Maybe he tried a new dish and isn’t sure how you’re going to like it. That would be the most reasonable answer to all of this.
“Are you ready?” he asks.
“I guess so,” you reply. “Hard to know if I’m ready if I don’t know what I’m doing.”
Rich rolls his eyes as he opens the door. “Let’s get going.”
Both of you walk silently to the beach. It isn’t too crowded today, which is nice. He leads you to a small section of the beach which has a stream trickling down into the ocean. The vibe is peaceful, and you love it so far. This just makes you fall a little bit harder for him, unfortunately.
“Well, I brought dinner so that we could watch the sunset and look at the stars,” Rich states.
You freeze. “That’s…romantic.”
“Um,” Rich says. “That’s kind of the point?”
“That’s…the point?” you ask, confused.
Rich blushes a bit as he nods his head slightly. “I was, um, hoping to ask you out this weekend. I promise the bed thing was an actual accident though.”
You raise your eyebrow at that. “You sure about that?”
“I swear it was an accident!” Rich exclaims. “You still haven’t answered my question, though.”
“I don’t think you actually asked me, Rich,” you reply. “But I’ll save you the trouble and just tell you yes.”
“Yes?” Rich asks, hesitantly. “Like…yes you want to be my girlfriend?”
You snort. “Yes, I want to be your girlfriend.”
“Oh thank god,” he sighs.
“Glad to know that I didn’t ruin your plan,” you say. “That would have been really awkward. What would you have done if I didn’t say yes?”
“I would have had one of the guys call me with an emergency,” Rich answers. “Or something like that.”
“You didn’t have a solid backup plan?” you ask, incredulous.
“No,” Rich answers. “But what else would you expect?”
You just sigh and shake your head. “I won’t bug you anymore about it as long as you brought good food.”
“This is going to be our first date, so of course it’s good food,” he says.
“I’ll be the judge of that,” you reply as he opens the basket.
61 notes ¡ View notes
goldendream-s ¡ 6 years
what were the odds (pt. 2)
a/n; 2.5k of some fluff bc next part is gonna have some angst!
The first two weeks of your summer flew by in what felt like seconds and you’d been living your best life since. After spending a cellphone-less week camping in a secluded location with your family, you were glad to see your friends again for game night hosted by your friend, Michael.
You had met Michael through Sammy at the beginning of your freshman year of college and the three of you, along with some others, quickly became best friends. With all of the exams that had just occurred a mere two weeks ago, everyone thought it'd be a good idea to get together and catch up.
Setting down a few of your favorite candies along with a pillow next to Sammy, you greeted her with a hug. The two of you spent a couple of minutes talking about what you had missed in the week you were camping, which was apparently a lot.
“Wait, so you just stopped talking to him like that?” you tried to hide your laughter and expression of surprise. You were a little confused as to why she’d drop Brian after you spent hours on end listening to her ramble about how nice he was.
“Brian’s great and all, but I realized how much I love being single. I just wanna spend this summer working on myself without having to worry about another person. I can be my own badass and I don’t need a man to do so,” she explained as you nodded in agreement.
“Plus, I heard California has a lot of hot guys,” Sammy laughed, referring to her upcoming trip to the states. 
If there was one thing you absolutely adored about Sammy, it was her bluntness. She didn't like beating around the bush, and she’ll be the first to tell you if she notices something fishy. Her outgoing personality complemented your calmer one, and in a way, some of her extrovert-ways have rubbed off on you.
A couple drinks and rounds of Cards Against Humanities later, everyone in the circle around you was tipsy if not drunk. That was, except for you. You had an interview for an internship tomorrow afternoon, meaning getting too crazy with the drinks was a no-go for you.
Through all of the laughter that had erupted from reading out of the cards, there was a knock on Michael’s door. Michael did mention that he had invited another person to join, but a little later into the night. No one else seemed to notice it, so you took it as your cue to check.
Opening the door, you nearly stopped dead in your tracks as your recognized the familiar head of curls. There stood Shawn, looking even better than he had the first time you met him. His pink hoodie was traded for a fitted black button up that perfectly accentuated his biceps and revealed some tattoos that you hadn't seen when you met him in the restaurant. 
Noticing your obvious shock, he was the first to speak up.
“Fancy seeing your here, huh? What are the odds,” he brightly laughed as you nodded and let him into Michael’s apartment. You couldn’t seem to formulate any coherent sentence, awkwardly walking to the kitchen where everyone else was. The two of you haven't seen each other -let alone talk- since you last saw him weeks ago. Chills were sent up your arm as you scolded yourself for letting him have this effect on you again nonetheles.
You’d be lying if you said you had been thinking of Shawn because quite frankly, your encounter with him had barely crossed your mind in the midst of all of your other summer plans. You thought meeting him would be a one time thingmand as much as you would like to get to know him better, he probably wasn't nearly as interested.
The two of you went the next hour without making contact with the other, both immersed in separate conversations and games. Everyone had moved to the balcony, where a fireplace and view of Toronto’s city lights made up the view. You’d spent a lot of that time trying to advert your gaze at anything but Shawn. You were obviously attracted to him, but you couldn’t convince yourself that you’d ever be anything more than a friend of a friend to him.
A nudge to the ribs broke your train of deep thought as you were met with Sammy’s hazel eyes. “So,” her voice lingered, “do I gotta be the one to point out how late guy over there has been staring at you for the past hour?” 
Looking across the room and searching for Shawn, your eyes met his. You blushed at Shawn’s blatant staring, but you shot down your best friend out of denial.
“Uh, I-” you were at a loss of words, realizing you never got to tell Sammy that you had met Shawn that time she made you tag-along with her and Brian.
“Relax, it’s cute how you haven’t noticed. Shawn’s a nice guy. I approve,” she spoke, only causing you to cover your red face with your pillow.
“How do you know him?” you questioned, wondering why everyone seemed to have met him but you. 
“Michael and I went to high school with him. I don't think he knows me since we’ve never talked, but we were in the same friend circle. He’s been in and out between here and L.A. working on some music with a producer back in California. Surprised he didn’t bring his damn guitar to this get-together,” she laughed, already talking about another subject with the girl to her right. You were left to think about her words by yourself, not remembering Shawn mentioning about L.A.
Removing yourself from your comfortable seat, you walked back into Michael’s apartment to search his fridge for another sparkling water.
After digging in the fridge for the drink you couldn’t find, you tiredly sighed, planning to make your way back outside with the rest of your friends.
As you turned around, your path was abruptly blocked by none other than Shawn. Stumbling a bit from bumping into him, his hands were quick to catch your forearms, steadying you. 
Heart beating out of your chest, you didn’t know what to do as you felt heat radiate through your smaller frame. Shawn didn’t move either, keeping you in place as your back was practically pushed against the the fridge door. Shawn’s face was just within your reach, allowing you to notice his rosy complexion and a scar lying under his right cheek.
“Uh, hi. Sorry for bumping into you like that,” you breathily spoke, trying to ease the obvious tension in the room.
“No it was my fault, I was in your way,” he apologized, his large hands still gently wrapped around your arms, causing you to glance down at them.
“Right, sorry ‘bout that,” he quickly released his grip on you as soon as he realized what you were looking at. A blush similar to yours crept on his face as he took a few steps back, finally allowing the both of you to breath. You missed his touch as soon as it left, as you were starting to regret pointing it out in the first place.
Glancing over your shoulder and noticing the drunk state of your friends, you realized you’d probably be stuck at Michael’s for another couple hours. Walking over to the kitchen island, you hoisted yourself on the counter.
“Doesn’t look like they’re planning to go home any time soon,” you spoke, trying to ease the quietness of the kitchen.
“Oh for sure. I've lost count of how many beers Michael and Brian have had,” Shawn’s hand ran through his messy curls, his cheeks more rosy than when you first saw him earlier tonight. Walking around the counter, he easily lifted himself next to you. He sat close enough for you to smell his musky yet pleasant cologne, both of your backs turned from the rest of your friends outside.
“Must be nice. I don't even think they’d notice if I left right now,” you laughed, explaining to him how you were trying not to drink for the night.
The two of you made small talk, as he even asked how your camping trip went. Telling the story of how you managed to nearly get lost in the middle of nowhere, you noticed how much closer the two of you were than when you first started your story. His shoulder was touching yours, your legs nearly on top of each other’s. Shawn intently listened, his eyes never leaving yours. 
With his head resting on his hand, Shawn couldn’t help but get lost in your soothing voice. As interesting as your camping stories were, he couldn’t help but admire your features, memorizing every detail of what must’ve been the most gorgeous face he’s ever seen. He regretted not asking for your number the first time he met you at the restaurant, but this time around, he was determined to get to know you. 
“Hey, do you maybe wanna get out of here? I know a place just a few minutes from here that’s open all night. Their food is the best at this time of night,” he asked, though his twiddling fingers gave his nervousness away.
“Yea, I’m down,” you accepted as he offered his hand, helping you off the counter and leading you to the door.
You weren't one to run off late at night with someone you have only met a couple of times, but with Shawn, you couldn’t get enough of his presence.
As soon as the two of you said your goodbyes to everyone, Shawn quickly opened the door to his jeep for you and hit the road. Now, with one hand on the wheel, and the other resting on the glove compartment, his head rhythmically moving to the r&b station softly playing in the background. His face was illuminated with green and red, his perfect face structure defined by the streetlights.
The car was in a comfortable silence, much different from the tension the two of you shared earlier in the kitchen.
As Shawn’s car slowed down and took a right turn, you saw a small lit-up cafe sign that you’ve never noticed the hundred of other times you’ve passed by the area.
“I figured that since you weren't drinking, you could probably use some coffee or tea from here. They also have some really good muffins if you were hungry,” Shawn spoke as he opened the door for you into the cozy cafe. You smiled at the fact that Shawn had been so considerate, even remembering what you had told him back at Michael’s.
The two of you found an empty seat towards the back of the cafe as a kind waiter punctually came to take your orders.
“How did you find this place?” you curiously asked as the drinks and muffins were brought to your table.
“Well, when I would be stuck on a song, I’d drive around to calm down a little,” he explained as he twirled a black ring along his pinky, “One night, I found this cafe, which is pretty empty during the night, so I started coming here instead.”
Nodding, you took another look around the family-owned cafe. Each of the wooden tables were decorated with a small plant, the smell of fresh pastries wafting through the atmosphere.
“So do you have any plans for tomorrow?”
“Other than the interview internship, no,” you replied, secretly hoping Shawn would ask to hang out again. “I just really want to nail this interview. I’m lucky enough that they were still looking for interns,” you tapped your fingernails along the table, the thought of tomorrow's interview already making you nervous.
Shawn’s hand moved over the table to meet yours, squeezing it in a soothing yet assuring manner. The bold move made butterflies erupt from your stomach, though neither of you moved your hands away. “You’ve got this. It’s their loss if they can’t see how amazing you are,” his simple, endearing words sending you into a spiral of euphoria.
As the minutes became hours, the two of you learned new things about the other, all while your hands were still intertwined.
“How is your music coming along?” you asked Shawn since the two of you have spent a lot of the night talking about you.
“It’s actually going really well. I’m going to go to L.A. at the end of this month and see if any labels are willing to sign me,” he explained, the mention of his music bringing a mesmerizing smile across his face.
“Hm, you’ll have to play me a song or two of yours one day,” you said, a blush immediately rising to your face as you realized what you just suggested.
“I would love that,” Shawn smirked at your shy yet adorable demeanor.
Once the two of you decided it was getting a little too late to be staying in the cafe, you and Shawn headed back to his jeep parked across the parking lot. The night had become much cooler than it was two hours ago, the wind instantly raising goosebumps across your uncovered arms and legs.
“Are you cold?” Shawn asked, noticing your attempt to brush off the weather. Before you could answer, he shrugged off his denim jacket that he had put on during the car ride to the cafe.
Nodding, he draped it over your shoulders, the jacket engulfing you.
“Is your car at Michael’s?”
“No, I got a ride with Sammy but I think she already left.”
“Oh, then I can just drop you off at your place,” Shawn proposed as you looked up directions on your phone for Shawn to follow.
No more than 20 minutes later, Shawn’s jeep pulled up towards your apartment building.
“Well this is the place. Here’s your jacket,” you said, pointing to your building. Removing your arm from one of the sleeves of Shawn’s jacket, his hand moved to yours.
“Just keep it, you can just give it back the next time we hang out. Or just text me the next time you’re at Michael’s,” Shawn said, playing with his ring.
“But I don’t ha-” you cut yourself off, smiling at what Shawn was hinting at.
“I’ll give you credit for that one,” you replied as you and Shawn exchanged numbers.
Swinging one leg out of the jeep, Shawn quickly stopped you again.
“Will you... go on a date with me?” He spoke, nervously tapping his shoes.
“I would love to,” you responded, trying to contain your excitement.
“Does tomorrow at 7 work? There's this dressy-casual restaurant that just opened. I can pick you up after a studio session if that works for you,” his eyes suddenly beaming.
“I guess I’ll see you at 7 then,” the feeling of butterflies erupting in your stomach.
“Oh and one more thing,” Shawn spoke, this time with more confidence.
You raised your brows, Shawn answering your confusion by a planting a gentle kiss on your cheek. “Have a goodnight.” 
You were glad it was so dark outside, or else he would’ve seen how red your face was. Finally getting out of his Jeep, you waved goodbye to Shawn as you headed towards your building.
You were already head over heels for this boy.
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damagedspinach ¡ 6 years
“Imaginary Friends” Preview Chapter 2
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Adrian’s World
September 4th, 1999
On that same day, before the two boys met, Adrian Carter was sitting in the front of his dad’s car, running his hand back and forth across the window, increasingly bored and in desperate need of a stretch. To compensate for the long drive, his dad had let him pick the music, but eventually switched to NPR when he could no longer take listening to Smash Mouth’s “Astro Lounge” for the collective 48th time. With his one silver lining revoked, Adrian took it upon himself to count every cow they passed, as this was both mildly entertaining and clearly something the world needed. By late afternoon, when they’d arrived at the old farmhouse Mr. Carter had purchased, he’d counted at least seventeen, but might’ve missed a few while he was rolling his head back in sheer road trip agony. Adrian was all too eager to step out of the car and race around in the fresh air, but before he could get too far, his dad grabbed him around the waist and propped him up on his shoulders.
“Are you excited?” Mr. Carter said. “This is our new house!”
He gestured to the vast farmhouse in front of them. It was tall and decaying in some areas, but mostly alright, and had a wide front porch protected by a glass screen. With no fence, Adrian could spot a large barren tree in the backyard, as well as a peeling white barn just north of that. Past the barn was a forest with a wheat field to its right. Adrian couldn’t think of the words to answer his dad, so he just responded with, “It’s old.”
“That’s why we’re gonna fix it up!” Mr. Carter set his son down. “Why don’t we take a little break and eat something before we unpack the essentials?”
“I want pastrami.”
“We have turkey.”
“Oh, come on, you like turkey. That’s all you used to eat.”
“But now I don’t like it.”
“My finnicky son. What your mother would’ve thought of you, I’d like to know. Okay, here’s my compromise: you eat the turkey now and I’ll take us out for dinner later. Deal?”
“Burger King.”
“Burger King again? But we’ve eaten at Burger King twice in the past two days!”
“I’ll eat the turkey if we go to Burger King.”
“Fine. Shake on it.”
Mr. Carter rubbed his palm across his cheek before extending his hand to his son. Adrian did the same and shook it. This was the Carters’ alternative to spitting on their hands to make a deal. Once that was settled, they both gave huge stretches and ate the turkey sandwiches from the cooler in the backseat. Both father and son sitting atop their white Ford Taurus, Adrian thought he saw something rustle in the wheat field but figured it might just be his overactive imagination at play again. Of course, we know who exactly was in that wheat field, but in his five-year-old brain, Adrian wagered that it could also have been a ghost or a spirit haunting the land. And while most children would be frightened stiff by that notion, Adrian Carter was not.
As he was helping his dad by dragging the sleeping bags across their leafy lawn, Adrian spotted the figure again, this time exiting from the back of the house—though his vision was partially obscured by the sleeping bags drooping over his right eye. He put both beddings on the porch and ventured off to find the ghost and befriend it. As soon as he did so, however, his dad appeared and redirected him back to the car to finish unloading what he could. Once that was over, Adrian jumped right back into his original goal and wandered away to the wheat field. He stepped carefully forward, thinking of what one might say to a ghost to make sure it didn’t vanish upon initial interaction, hoping that it was a friendly spirit and not an evil one. Imagine his surprise when, instead of a ghost, Adrian ran into a small ginger-haired boy rummaging around in the dirt. Their eyes connected, and Adrian could see his pupils were a strange shade of crimson. This was not at all what he’d prepared for—yet, in a way, he’d ended up with what he wanted all the same.
March 28th, 2010
Easton was the first to fall asleep, as he usually did when the rain started to weather down on the rooftop. He was so peaceful-looking curled up in his bed that Adrian couldn’t help but stare at him from his own. Adrian did this sometimes when he couldn’t sleep: just laid down and memorize the freckles of his best friend’s face from across the room. When he’d first started doing it back in middle school it felt sort of creepy, but that feeling had long since passed and a passive contentment had settled in its place. In his dreams—more frequently than he’d like to admit—he would be laying in Easton’s bed instead of his own, nuzzling him from under the covers, their bodies pressed together as he wrapped his arms around his friend while they breathed to the rhythm of the rain.
But these were the dreams Adrian would wake from with tears down his cheeks, for even unconsciously he knew that fate’s cruel hand would never allow such a treasure. He’d wipe the despondency from his eyes, smile wide, and meet his best friend at the bus stop where the bus would come and pick Easton up first, then Adrian a minute later. He’d go to school, do the ear scratch that signified waving to each other in the hallway between classes, kick around the soccer ball afterschool during practice, then walk home and meet Easton at their usual spot in the tree. Easton would read to him a passage from whichever book he was currently reading (or rereading) while Adrian would challenge his friend to whatever game he’d come up with during study hall. Or sometimes they would just play Name That Tune.
That was a typically uneventful day for Adrian. Or at least it had been. Right now, he was feeling a small distance from his best friend, who’d been acting a bit more emotional lately. But as he stared at his fifteen-year-old roommate who turned away from him towards the window, illuminated by the occasional bolt of lightning, Adrian couldn’t help but feel a bit empty. How could he be filled with such joy and such erosion at the same time? This, dear friend, was because life, despite common misconceptions, is not all or nothing: it is all and nothing. Adrian loved Easton with all his heart, but nothing would change the fact that they were on two separate islands, each barely visible from across an ocean, seeming only a mirage to the other. And unfortunately, my friend, asking for help was a futile task, as life will continue to be unswayed towards the feelings of those in longing.
September 4th, 1999
A few moments after Easton had left for dinner at whatever nearby house he lived at, Adrian heard his dad hollering. He walked out of the wheat field to find Mr. Carter frantically jogging around the estate, looking for him. When they spotted each other, Mr. Carter ran over to him and clutched him to his chest. Adrian could feel his dad’s heart beating fast against his right ear.
“Oh, you scared me, son!” Mr. Carter broke away from Adrian. “I’ve been calling you for thirty minutes.”
“I didn’t hear you,” Adrian replied, which was true.
“Where were you?”
“I was playing with my new friend.”
“New friend?”
“Yeah, Easton. He lives ‘round here.”
“Huh. That’s strange. I haven’t seen a house for miles. But be that as it may, you can’t go wandering off just yet. I’m not comfortable with you being out of my sight for right now.”
“Okay. I’m sorry…”
“Well, there’s no use dwelling on it. Once I’ve surveyed the area, I’ll let you know where I think it’s safe for you to play, alright? In the meantime, it’s starting to rain, so let’s go inside and unpack those clothes!”
“What about my bed?”
“Uncle Jesse’s bringing it by tomorrow with the rest of our stuff. Don’t you want to explore your new home? I’ll show you your room!”
Adrian nodded, and they headed into the house through the backdoor, which was unlocked. As soon as they entered the bare kitchen, the five-year-old started looking around with curious eyes. The inside was much like the outside, yet it held a certain charm to it. It was cozy and contained, if not incredibly spacious. It wasn’t particularly clean though and, as Adrian stepped forward, he left a trail of footsteps in the dust. Mr. Carter took notice of him looking back at them and said, “Don’t you worry. I’ll be doing some tidying up tonight.”
“Where’s my room?” Adrian asked.
“Come on, I’ll show you.”
Mr. Carter led him upstairs to the fourth door at the end of the hall. Opening it, Adrian walked inside and saw that his room was fairly large, even for adult standards. The grey curtains on the windows, like the rest of the house, were drawn, but he could hear the rain starting to thump against the glass. He opened them and peered outside to find a slightly blurred view of the leaf-stripped tree in the backyard. He turned around and looked at his dad.
“I like it!” He smiled. “Can we get Burger King now?”
“Alright…” Mr. Carter sighed. “Let’s go.”
Due to the moving boxes and other things blocking the front door, the Carters left the way they came in. The storm had taken no time at all in becoming unruly, so they had to race to the car while unavoidably getting soaked. Young Adrian laughed as he did so. Once they were buckled up and safe from the downpour, Mr. Carter revved the engine and backed out of the muddy gravel driveway and onto the main road. They had to drive all the way out to Altus to order from the closest Burger King and consumed everything within the seven minutes it took to get home. The rain showed no sign of letting up, so Adrian and his dad, again, sprinted for the backdoor, tracking in mud from the bottoms of their shoes.
“Let me find a towel for you to dry off,” Mr. Carter said, and went into the living room. He returned with a folded towel and a change of clothes for his son, who promptly made use of them. While he was doing so, out of the corner of his eye, Adrian spotted another figure scampering upstairs. Perhaps it really was a ghost this time! He left his dad, who was still drying off, and tiptoed towards it, excited at the prospect of finally meeting an otherworldly being. But when he arrived at the second-floor hallway, he found his surroundings wholly empty.
Adrian walked into his room, disappointed again by the results until he looked down. On the floor, staring at him with the same red hue in its eyes as Easton had, was a pearly white cat with a mess of fur grooming itself. This development delighted Adrian. Where had this cat come from? Was this old farmhouse its home? If that was the case, he certainly couldn’t send it out into the rain. Evicting it from the place it already resided simply because they’d moved in was a cruel notion, even if it was the American way. Adrian resolved to care for the poor thing right then and there, slowly sitting down as not to frighten it. The cat, however, seemed unaffected by his presence and continued cleaning its fur.
“Here kitty,” said the young boy. “Come here.”
At this, the cat looked up at him and gave him a hard stare. It was almost as if he was seeing straight through Adrian to something behind him, but Adrian knew there was nothing there. (Unless his dad had come up, but he hadn’t heard any creaks in the floorboards.) Then, quite unexpectedly, the cat darted from its place on the dusty floor and sped past Adrian with the force of a bullet. This caused the young boy to spin around and immediately look up at the person standing in front of him. It was the boy he’d met in the wheat field, Easton.
“What are you doing in my room?” they said together.
For a moment the two kids could only stare at each other. Then, without a word, Easton ran off. He returned moments later, his hand outstretched as he seemed to be dragging something invisible alongside him. Adrian stood up as Easton threw his other arm out and glanced expectedly at the empty space beside him.
“Huh?” said the boy. “But he’s right there!”
Adrian tilted his head, mystified. “Who’re you talking to?”
Easton turned to him. “My brother!” Then he turned back to the empty space. “He’s not imaginary! Touch him!” The red-haired boy grabbed at something in a sort of pantomime, and moved it towards Adrian, stopping when his hand was only a fist’s length away. His eyes went wide. “What…?” Suddenly, Easton let go of what he’d been holding and shoved has hand into Adrian’s chest. His fingers stuck through to the other side. Both boys jumped back, startled by this development.
Adrian’s face lit up giddily. “Cool!”
Easton on the other hand looked frightened for his life and ran off again. Confused, but utterly enthralled by this strange wonderment, Adrian just stood there, smiling, as he didn’t know what else to do. After all this time of imagining something greater, he finally had the unexplainable to indulge in. It was a good thing too, as if he hadn’t had that mindset, the two might never have found the secret to this bizarre happening.
“Dad!” Young Adrian cried, misinterpreting things. “I just met a ghost!”
But of course, we both know that things were not that simple and couldn’t be fully rationalized by two five-year-old brains. For the best of mysteries take years to wind up and a lifetime to unravel. And for Adrian and Easton, a lifetime it would take.
Author: @besttardywrites (Best Tardy)
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10 best places to shop in New York, ranked by local shopping expert
New Post has been published on https://www.travelonlinetips.com/10-best-places-to-shop-in-new-york-ranked-by-local-shopping-expert/
10 best places to shop in New York, ranked by local shopping expert
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“I like my money where I can see it – hanging in my closet,” quipped Sarah Jessica Parker as Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City. As the fashion capital of the U.S., New York City is in a league of its own, making it easy to make sure your wallet leaves a little lighter than when you came. 
The question then isn’t what you’ll buy, but rather where. For those who love window shopping and spending major bucks, Fifth Avenue is a great place to start. You’ll find top name designers and high-brow window displays begging to be gawked at. 
If you head south to Nolita (north of Little Italy) and roll your shopping experience into Soho, there’s no shortage of one-of-a-kind shops and cute boutiques to keep you busy for days. Or, if you’re looking to get a little quirkier, head across the Williamsburg Bridge to this hipster haven where you can pop into cheese shops, vintage stores and pick up a cup of joe at one of the many neighborhood cafes. 
Below, we take a glimpse at ten of the top shopping districts in New York City. 
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Although Brooklyn and Manhattan were once pegged against each other, Brooklyn has slowly edged the island out and fully grabbed hold of the “cool” title. Extremely hip and fashionable, the streets of Williamsburg have an impressive array of street murals and art. Hipsters congregate here, whether they are composing a song in a trendy cafe or scouring flea markets and food bazaars. For vintage clothing or local independent stores, even Manhattanites have to admit that it is worth making it over to Brooklyn. Ignore the chains and try something different, like Desert Island, a must for any comic book nerd.
Recommended for Best Shopping because: It’s the new East Village and the streets are dotted with fun shops, cute cafes and low-key dive bars.
Courtney’s expert tip: On summer Saturdays, Smorgasburg takes over a parking lot near the water. It’s the perfect place to try some new noms.
Read more about Williamsburg →
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With a name like the Meatpacking District, it is somewhat surprising that this New York neighborhood is now a glamorous location. Once the headquarters of the meat industry, this area has been transformed completely (but former meat lockers and meat packers still remain). At the corner of Ninth Avenue and 14th Street, you’ll see the high tech Apple Store, mobbed day and night. The cobblestone streets are home to all the latest designer boutiques, Jeffrey, Stella McCartney, Catherine Malandrino. In addition, you will also find the hippest hotels and fantastic restaurants. Whether you are a fashionista or a foodie, the Meatpacking District has you covered.
Recommended for Best Shopping because: It’s a place to see and be seen. Models mob the streets and cool crowds are everywhere.
Courtney’s expert tip: To take in views of the city, grab a drink at Le Bain located at the top of the Standard Hotel.
Read more about Meatpacking District →
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NoLita, (North of Little Italy), was once the tenement filled home base to thousands of immigrants who came to New York for a better life. Now, chic and super cool, the streets are filled with one-of-a-kind boutiques, shoe stores, jewelry vendors and quirky style setters of downtown. Artist driven boutiques are a joy for browsing or purchasing unique pieces that will add flair to any wardrobe. From socially responsible children’s clothing to thrift store jewels, NoLita is the rare combination of fashionable and friendly. Narrow streets are charmingly old-fashioned and ideal for people-watching in one of the many independent cafes.
Recommended for Best Shopping because: Unlike SoHo’s more commercial stores, NoLita is home to interesting boutiques and one-of-a-kind gems.
Courtney’s expert tip: If you like unique jewelry and home goods, don’t skip Love, Adorned on Elizabeth Street.
Read more about NoLita →
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Madison Avenue from 59th street to the 90’s is home to Tom Ford, Giorgio Armani, Calvin Klein, Luca Luca, Hermes, Carolina Herrara and almost every high fashion designer. Hotels like the Mark, Pierre and the Carlyle, where major celebrities and other dignitaries stay, are super luxurious. Once synonymous with the New York advertising world, it is now just as recognized for its wealth and unparalleled shopping opportunities. Numerous art galleries and the Whitney Museum are an art lover’s dream. Outdoor cafes are plentiful and populated with the jet-set who lunch in between their spa and salon visits. You will see celebrities, as this is where they shop. Just look for the limo and driver outside Barney’s.
Recommended for Best Shopping because: Even more than Fifth Avenue, it’s home to the highest of the high brow shops in the city.
Courtney’s expert tip: For more reasonably priced buys, travel farther south to the 40s. The high-end stores start around 57th Street.
Read more about Madison Ave →
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The historic intersection of Union Square is located where Broadway and the former Bowery Road came together in the early 19th century. It is now a mega shopping zone with everything from Whole Foods to Nordstrom Rack populating the area. During the holidays it is particularly lovely, with outdoor tents featuring all sorts of gifts, handmade soaps, scarves, and craft items. Home to the Greenmarket, Union Square is also where all the local, organic and fresh food and flowers are showcased on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays by New York farmers in an outdoor setting. Cozy coffee bars like Think Coffee are student favorites, as NYU is nearby. Many of the city’s finest restaurants are here, too including the recently re-opened Union Square Cafe, which now has a new home just a few blocks up on 19th Street.
Recommended for Best Shopping because: A central hub of NYC, it’s home to the city’s largest farmer’s market.
Courtney’s expert tip: Grab a blanket for a farmer’s market fueled picnic on the green space in the center of the park.
Read more about Union Square →
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One of the most populated Chinatowns in the United States, NY’s is a dazzling trip into authenticity. In fact, New York has one of the largest ethnic Chinese population outside of Asia. The bustling, rough and tumble neighborhood spans for blocks and blocks, from Canal Street to City Hall. You’ll find roasted ducks in the windows, along with fruits and vegetables you’ve never seen before spilling out onto the streets. Acupuncturists, herbalists and other Chinese medicine specialists offer wonderful treatments to get the tension out of your shoulders caused by holding too many shopping bags. For more modern shopping, stop by Canal Street Market to peek at higher-end offerings from local artisans. And don’t forget to check out Yunhong Chopsticks Shop for a souvenir that will travel well and, according to Chinese tradition, spread happiness.
Recommended for Best Shopping because: It’s a symphony of stimuli: from the surging crowds on Canal Street to the medicine and spice stores dotting the side streets.
Courtney’s expert tip: Don’t be afraid to wander off Canal Street: there’s plenty of authentic goodies to be found in other areas of this neighborhood.
Read more about Chinatown →
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SoHo (short for South of Houston) was once home to New York’s many factories – from sewing to iron foundries and everything in between. Now, the warehouse buildings have all been converted to loft spaces used for chic (read: expensive) living, while down below an array of high fashion boutiques, shops, and trendy restaurants abound for the rest of us. You’ll find a branch of the Guggenheim Museum, a Bloomingdales, and even a Chanel boutique sprinkled between the Hollisters, H&Ms and Zaras of the streets. You could easily spend a day here wandering the cobblestone streets, stopping for lunch or a cocktail and, of course, shopping, shopping, shopping.
Recommended for Best Shopping because: Model-approved fashion trends and nearly every shopping outlet known to man: Soho is a hallmark of NYC’s shopping scene.
Courtney’s expert tip: If you can avoid SoHo on the weekends, you’ll save yourself a few headaches.
Read more about SoHo (South of Houston) →
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The Lower East Side was once one of the roughest neighborhoods in town, but it has been reborn into a haven for the trendy. Roughly located between the Bowery and the East River, and Canal Street and Houston Street, shopping in the LES has great bargains and indie boutiques, but stores that feature designers who design and sew their own creations are the norm. The unusual and unexpected is at home here. Home furnishings, jewelry, and of course, hip cafes and culinary experiences abound. You’ll find gourmet pastries, chic wine bars, and charming coffee cafes mixed in with the local residents still shopping in some of the old haunts like the authentic Jewish deli Russ & Daughters.
Recommended for Best Shopping because: It’s constantly evolving: vintage leather shops have given way to higher end boutiques.
Courtney’s expert tip: Swing by one of the neighborhood’s cute coffeeshops to grab a great drop.
Read more about Lower East Side →
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This legendary part of town is divided into east and west sections by 5th Avenue and bounded by Houston Street, 14th Street, the Hudson River, and Broadway. Stroll the streets, be inspired, be yourself: it’s Greenwich Village. Resulting from a rich 100-year history as a haven for the creative and rebellious, the “Village” carries a mystique all its own. Today, the area is too expensive for a typical starving artist, but the Village remains a wonderfully open, tolerant community for anyone hoping to explore individuality, talent, and thought. A strong gay presence adds character, and Bleecker Street is a music and shopping lover’s paradise.
Recommended for Best Shopping because: It’s smattered with quirky bookshops, record stores and specialty spots that are as unique as the neighborhood’s residents.
Courtney’s expert tip: Locals would never refer to this area as Greenwich Village. To sound “in the know,” refer to it as either the East Village or the West Village depending on where you are.
Read more about Greenwich Village →
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Fifth Avenue has been the epicenter of shopping elegance in New York for some time. Located between 39th and 60th Streets, Fifth Avenue is a must for any fashion-focused tourist. Start spending at Saks Fifth Avenue and work your way up to the super-chic Bergdorf Goodman. There’s a separate store exclusively for men across the street. Along the way, you’ll find Cartier, Van Cleef & Arpels, Harry Winston, DeBeers, and Tiffany’s where you can window shop to your heart’s content. Don’t miss St. Patrick’s Cathedral, and other grand churches, which are side by side to retailers like Gucci, Louis Vuitton, and Prada, all featuring the finest goods in the world.
Recommended for Best Shopping because: Featured in countless movies, it’s the high-end, haute couture shopping district of the world.
Courtney’s expert tip: During the holidays, many of the shops decorate their windows with elaborate, over-the-top displays.
Read more about Fifth Avenue →
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peacefulwriter88 ¡ 7 years
Space in Between - Part 8
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Warnings: All the SMUT! 18+ cuz Beck is going to show us his naughty side
A/N: I couldn’t resist - I’ve waited so long to post this part! So here it is, finally all we’ve wanted to see for these two! 
Tag List:  @sleepretreat @lancetucker @xxhuffelpuff-girlxx  @that-theater-techie-from-kc @void-imaginations
Catch up with the series here
You’re both way too drunk. He’s singing karaoke, bad karaoke, a drink in his hand as he shimmies across the stage and you’re laughing among his friends, your sides splitting as he wraps up the song.
Chris Beck was a disaster you had decided.
He was an adorable disaster but a disaster nonetheless. You had only stayed at the bar a minute before he had pulled you away with his friends to his favorite karaoke spot. They were all interested in you, this glamourous mystery girl who had ghosted him a few weeks back. They made sure to note, with Chris cheeks burning red, that since you guys stopped talking, Chris had been a fucking miserable creature to be around.
Until now.
He runs to where you’re all standing, a little off to the side in shadow and picks you up, twirling you around and you instinctively wrap your arms around your neck, tightening around him. He’s laughing, pure joy on his face as he looks up at you, those adoring blue eyes making you feel special.  
“Whooaa I think highway to the danger zone has you a little inspired.” You giggle when he sets you down, your hands steadying on his shoulders and something shift in his eyes. Something predatory and dangerous and his grip around your waist tightens as his friend, James asks,
“Where should we head to next? Kinda over this joint.”
“Y/N and I…. think we’re going to head out of here.” Chris says with a new sober confidence quickly, barely glancing at his friends who are eyeing you both suspiciously.
“Really? Its only one…” Tony drones on and Chris pulls you a little closer to him, his hands digging a little deeper into your soft waist and you give a confident nod.
“Yea…. Chris and I….I think we’re done. It was lovely meeting you all though.” You say, pulling your phone out of your jacket and looking at it for the nearest Lyft driver.  They’re giving each other knowing glances, understanding the code of what you were both saying. Foreplay was over. Now it was time for the home run.
Chris, who’s ignored this as he throws on his jacket looks down at you, grabbing your phone and slides it into his pocket as he shakes his head.  
“Hey…” you mouth but he smiles, pulling his phone and requesting a car instead.
“You’re not paying for a Lyft. What kind of gentleman would I be to make my date pay.” He states confidently, dragging you out of the crowded area, outside to the cold curbside. You take in his words….date. When had this become a date? What was going on? You meet the frigid, humid temperature of the December air – the contrast from the club to the world taking you off guard and give two solid coughs as he turns to look down at you. He elbows you both to an outside space heater that’s trying to be occupied with drunk leftover residents also seeking a ride back before he’s wrapping both of his arms around you, securing you in a warm bundle.
His eyes are searching for the car as you drunkenly try to take in the situation. Last time Beck flirted with you, alcohol was involved and he was going to ask you out. Then he hypothetically dumped you for months.
“Sorry babe,” he whispers in your hair, warming your arms. “Just wanted to get out there. Tired of all the guys checking you out. Just looking for a grey Prius then we’ll head to my place, yea?”
You stiffen, unsure of how to feel. Sure, you were drunk but you didn’t know how you felt about drunk Chris calling you babe. Offering you back to his place when he was too damn big enough to let you off easily.
He catches on to your body language and back a bit, looking down with uncertainty in his eyes,
“Unless you don’t want to head to my place. Then I’ll happily drop you off at home…I just thought we could have a night cap but…. I mean I get it if you don’t want too. Fuck, I shouldn’t have. I shouldn’t have assumed…I just…I…like you, you know? And I’m not trying to be a professor in the spring and I just want to…. I want you to know and understand how fucking miserable I’ve been without you. I’m rushing this…drunkenly rushing this and that’s not fair. I’m sorry.”
He’s fumbling, all flustered as his cheeks redden and you already know the decision you’re going to make before your brain does. Because of all that gibberish mess you could pick up the three words. I like you. And while the rest sounds kind of pathetic, you also know that he’s sincere and doesn’t know how to navigate this new phase in his life of dating and somewhere in the recesses of his mind there’s some Beck swag that just needs one more confident push to come back to life.
You lean up, your lips brushing against his own as you kiss him. It takes him off guard, your soft lips on his own, and he takes a minute to register the movement before he’s pressing his lips down on yours, his breath mingling against your own and you wrap your arms around his neck.
Kissing Chris Beck was exactly like you dreamed. Your heart was beating out of your chest as his lips brush against yours, his nose nuzzling you as his tongue teases along your lips before you oblige, allowing him to kiss you deeper.
And there is the confident Beck you’ve always known existed.
He’s patient, skilled as he tastes you, his mouth coaxing you slowly and deeply and you moan, your gloved hands raising to his hair because all you want is to have more of him, consume him as he presses your body closer to his.
And then his phone’s buzzing and he pulls away, breath shallow as he rests his forehead on your own.
“Let’s resume this back at my place, what do you say angel?”
The car ride was the absolute longest. He thought the trip back from Mars, after they had saved Watney, had been long. Excruciatingly. Thought the limo ride to the hotel on his wedding night had been long. The car ride to the hospital where his son was delivered, postponed temporarily in traffic, that had been the longest ride to him in that moment.
He had been wrong on all accounts.
Apparently, sitting in the back of an Lyft while drunk next to the women he had been pining for was going to be the longest time for him.
You sat comfortably straight up, your hand nervously tapping on your knees as you bite your lip – God he was going to have to tame you for tugging on that supple part of skin – as you looked out the window nonchalantly. His hands loop with yours and you turn to him, giving him a lopsided grin before looking out the window.
Ok, maybe he had been moving too fast. It wouldn’t surprise him if, in the warmth of the confined vehicle, you were mulling things over. Perhaps he had scared you, pushed too hard.
Then you’re squeezing his fingers, giving him a hopeful smile as you clear your throat and say,
“How’s it been Patrick?”
The driver, the guy he had completely forgotten about since you’ve both stepped in the car together, flashes back to you and he gives a skeptical eye.
“Pretty good. Didn’t think you’d be out this late. Considering you never want to go out.”
It’s a dig, he can tell and you smirk as you fall back in the seat shrugging,
“Well, told ya I only go out when my boyfriend is in town. And luck would have it he surprised me tonight.”
Your hands move to lace through his arm as you look over at Chris with pleading eyes. Normally, it doesn’t take him this long to put two and two together. Except whiskey’s been burning in him for far longer than he’s used to and his brain is unable to compute things quickly. Thirty-five really was fucking too old for this kind of shit. But you’re bringing him back, giving his arm another strong squeeze, his eyes flashing to the driver and back to you that it sets in.
Apparently, you and this Patrick guy were something. Or, at least Patrick wanted you to be something. You were more than happy to stay friends.
“Nice to meet you,” he gives Patrick a nod, adjusting so you can fall into the nook of his arm. You fall into him easily, crossing your legs to adjust to the new angle. Chris’s eyes are drawn to how more your skin is exposed, teasing you under those intricately designed tights and Patrick scoffs, shaking his head,
“Geez Y/N. Now I feel like a dick. When you said you had a boyfriend from out of town, I thought you were just giving me the brush off.”
“Nooooppppppeee” you make a point of popping your p and Patrick nods.
“Well…..my bad man. Don’t know what she told you but wasn’t try to step on your territory.”
Chris can tell by the way the guy looks between him and you nervously that he’s uncomfortable and he drunkenly can’t help but say,
“All good. She’s still in my arms and not yours right? Obviously you weren’t really a threat.”
Patrick’s face is tomato red despite his dark complexion and he makes a point to keep his eyes in front at the road. You; however, aren’t amused by Chris’ wit and throw him a stern look as his hand wraps around your waist, drawing you closer to him. He muzzles his face in your hair, lips grazing down your cheek as it finds your earlobe and he whispers,
“You’re all mine, aren’t you angel? Even if it’s only for tonight...” he nips at your ear and you giggle, turning to him and shaking your head as you whisper back,
“If you don’t behave, then it won’t even be tonight.”
He smiles, pressing a kiss on your temple as you stop in front of his place. You both get out, you a bit faster than him and he can’t help the smug look he throws at Patrick who is watching you both cautiously.
“Have a good night man.” He smiles, slamming the door as you run up to his side, cozying up beside him and you can’t help the laugh that escapes your mouth as Patrick drives a way.
“Thank you so much for that. The fucking guy has been an insistent ass all semester. Doesn’t get no. Figured you’d help with that.”
“So you used me?” he asks as he unlocks the main door, walking into the expansive hotel lobby that’s empty due to the hour and the age group that lives within its walls. You’re quiet, taking in the fancy décor as he directs you both to the elevator, his arms moving back down to your waist and finally you click your tongue, turning back up at him.
“Pretty swanky for a professor. A substitute professor. NASA must be paying you goooooood.” You joke, nudging him and he hums, his hand still possessively wrapped around your waist as the elevator dings.
“It makes do.” He says, his voice low as he escorts you into the small container. It’s when the doors close, slowly and squeaky, that he pushes you against the wall, his hands planted at the side of your face. He nudges himself closer to you, watching the way your cleavage rises in short, rapid movements.  
“Tell me if you want me to stop.” He whispers, his mouth slowly kissing over your face, making its slow journey down to your lips and you give a subtle nod as your hand finds home around his shoulders.
Normally, he hated this fucking elevator. The old complex had never invested in a new one and it was this elevator that slowly took him to his condo. Normally, he wanted to punch the walls because it was – and he timed it – much faster to take the eight flight of stairs to get to his floor then the actual bloody elevator. He was sure that humans ran faster than the old box.
Today, though, he was grateful for the slow box. Grateful as his mouth teased yours open again, his mouth slowly kissing you as his hand moved lower, lifting you to get better access to your mouth. Grateful that he could grind into you, his hard erection biting into your center as you moaned in appreciation, your hands tightening against the strands in his hair, your legs tightening around his waist. You shimmy your hip and he groans, loud and pornographic as his mouth lazily moves down to your neck, sucking the sensitive skin possessively as the elevator chimes.
He pulls away from you long enough to carry you down the hall easily and you giggle as you press kisses along his jawline, your soft skin rubbing against his chin stumble as he fumbles in his pocket for his keys. You don’t help when your hand skims down his torso, dipping between his pants and boxers and grope him, pulling away with husky eyes as you muster,
“Lose something.”
He groans, moving against you as your other hand digs in his front pocket, finding his keys easily and pulling them out, a seductive smirk on your face as you pull your hand from the warmth of his lower torso.
“Found it.” You purr and he has to fight all his self-control not to take you in the hallway. Instead, he bites his lip, unlocking the door and walking you in before kicking it close.
He turns, pressing you against the door as his mouth takes you prisoner again and you lazily return the kiss, setting a punishing pace and he groans, pulling away.
“You’ve been a bad girl. Someone needs to teach you some manners.”
He lifts you over his shoulder, taking you to his bedroom. You give a squeak before your giggling kicking off your heels and he slaps your ass, causing you to giggle harder. When he makes it to his room he throws you on the bed, looking down at you as he slowly takes off his jacket.
“Tell me what you want angel. Tonight its all about you.” He smiles.
You watched Chris as he [ushes out of his jacket, sliding it from his muscular frame as he looked down at you with hooded eyes. You push your jacket off your arms, throwing it near his own as you cross your legs, biting your lip.
You wanted him. Wanted to taste him again, wanted to feel his skin, to worship his body. While every sober, rational part of your brain was telling you otherwise, the part of you that had fantasized about this was telling you that if you were only going to have this night, might as well make the most of it. Deal with the consequences in the morning.
“C’mon angel,” he bends over you, his body cradling over your own as he nudges your nose, “Don’t get all shy on me now. Tell me how you’d like it.”
His voice has gotten a few octaves deeper, huskier and you grab his shirt, pulling him down for a kiss. Pushing his blazer off his shoulders as your legs wrap around his waist, drawing him closer to you as you move your hips against his own and he groans, pulling back and holding your hips down. His mouth moves downward to your neck as his hands snake behind your dress, easily finding your zipper and pulling it down. He’s slow as he takes his time pulling the tight fabric over the curve of your breast as they spring free in your bra, over your hips and down your leg. His hands catch on the hem of your tights, pulling your legs free of the intricate prisoner and he stands, taking a moment to look at you. Take you in. His face is tugged in a smile, biting his plump bottom lip as he drinks in your body. Making you suddenly very subconscious as you stare back up at him, a soft smile on your lips.
“I’ve dreamed of what you’ve looked like way too many nights. Imagined undressing you and worshiping your body but nothing is like the real thing. You’re like a nebula, angel. just too damn pretty and unworthy of my eyes.” He bends back down to kiss you deeply, his hands running up your thighs as he pushes you higher up in the bed,
“Gonna treat you right angel, make up for the shitty way I’ve treated you these past few months.” His hands have somehow found the fasten to your bra and he unclamps it, releasing your breast in one swift move.
“Imagined tasting these for far too long.” His mouth takes in one of your breasts and you gasp as his other hand flicks against your sensitive nipple. Your hands get lost in his hair as he teases the hardened flesh, your back arching before he ghosts over to the other one, paying it the same attention. Once he’s satisfied, his mouth moves lower.
Than lower.
And lower.
You’re surprised when you feel the warmth of his breath against your hip bone and you give a soft sigh as you fall back, your eyes closed as he peppers wet, sloppy kisses against the flesh there. He nips at your bone and you yelp, your eyes returning to him and there’s a new look in his life. Defiance. Lust. His irises are blown to black, consuming the rest of eyes as his hands dig into the flesh of your thighs.
“I want to see you Y/N. Want to see you come undone.”
His kisses are open mouthed as they move down your clothed covered mound, lapping at the salty mess that you’ve developed in lust. He gives a grateful moan as his mouth finds your clit and you scream, back arching off his bed as your hands grip his comforter. You feel your eyes closing as he sucks deeper, skillfully, before he’s pulling away and dragging your panties down. He throws them over his shoulder with ease as he returns to his mission, his tongue slowly lapping you up through your folds, savoring your taste as he gives a delightful moan.
Then he’s ravaging you, his mouth chin deep in you as his tongue finds your hole, fucking you with skilled ease as his tongue flicks at you with pleasure, his finger finding your clit and you’re whimpering, squirming underneath him as his other hand holds down your waist.
Its been so long that a man has bought you to orgasm, that the vibrator in your underwear drawer wasn’t the only thing giving you into pleasure, so when your first orgasm hits you you’re unprepared. Chris is chin deep, nose rubbing against you as your body shakes and his tongue sloppily moves up to your clit, three fingers pressing into you as you scream, your walls fluttering around them. You can’t move, not when you’re a prisoner in his grip as he prolongs your orgasm, his finger scissoring you and you cry out, tears pouring in your eyes as wave after wave consumes you. He waits until your pushing at him, your voice weakly begging him to stop and he pulls away hesitantly, falling back on his knees as his chin glistens with your juices. He smiles at the way your breathing hard, your bottom lip captured between your teeth and chuckles as he throws his shirt off, before he kisses his way back up to you. He’s delicate as his mouth nears your own, pressing tender kisses against your pulse point and despite feeling used and exhausted you want more of him.
“You okay their Y/N?” he whispers against your skin, “Just wanted to make it up to you. I’ve been such an idiot…”
You pull him up to you, wiping his chin as you whisper.
“You’re forgiven. But now I’m the one whose naked and you’re still clothed. I think if you really want to make it up to me, you’ll do something about it.”
You take your finger, the one that’s cleaned your juices from his stubbled jaw and bring it your lips, sucking your flavor from it.
His mouth is slightly slack jawed as he watches you but it’s the movement of your tongue tasting yourself that his him snapping, growling as his mouth comes down on yours, no longer tender as your tongue and teeth clash. He tastes like whiskey and your ripe flavor and you know that despite the alcohol you’re both drunk on something else, something’s that been building up for far too long and makes your hands quickly skin down his torso, trying to find his belt.
He groans, impatient as he tears from you, standing quickly as he pulls at his pants, pulling the material down from his legs. You sit up on your elbows as he pulls down his briefs, his erection springing free from the cotton material and you give a low groan, biting your lip and shaking your head.
For a guy who spent an exceptionally large amount of time studying, a guy who told one too many nerdy jokes and you imagined was probably that kid in school who had mastered being cool while still maintiang the title ‘Smart AF’, nature didn’t give a fuck because he was blessed. The perfect amount of girth to length to curve. Chris Beck had won the lottery of male penises. If you weren’t sober before, seeing him stacked up had your jaw slacked as you bite down on it greedily.
He was probably going to tear you in half and you were most likely going to be wobbling around like an old lady for the next week but it didn’t matter because you needed to feel him in you.
“See something you like?” he smirks confidently as he stalks to you, his eyes predatory as he hovers over you, innocence no longer playing in his eyes. Your breaths are shallow as his lips graze down your neck, easily finding your pulse point easily and sucking on the tender area. You give a grateful sigh, your hands skimming up his toned armed, squeezing him and he hums as his kisses move upward. He’s playing you like a fiddle now, his hands moving to part your legs open as he inserts himself in it, moving up your torso slowly as his cock teases your folds. Your moan is sensuous as you pull his face toward your own, your mouth kissing him slowly as his hand flicks up to your nipple and plays with the hardened stub slowly.
Your voice is at a high whimper now, your hands gripping around his short strands and he smiles into your kiss, pulling away far enough to whisper,
“I know…I’m going to take real good care of you.”
And then he’s filling you, every inch of his cock slowly sliding home and you both groan out, loud and pornographic as his head dives into the creek of your neck as he bottoms out into you. You fill full – on the verge of bursting as you adjust to his size in you – to the way you fill so complete filled with him and he pulls back looking down at you.
His eyes are so black its impossible to even imagine them ever being that calm, ocean blue but the tenderness behind them, the soft way he’s looking down at you has you nodding your head in silent agreement.
You’ve never wanted anything more in your life and you lean up to kiss him to confirm this as he begins to move his hips.
You didn’t expect sex with him to be so tender. You were used to past lovers drilling into you, fulfilling their needs and hoping you could hope along the ride. Selfish lovers is what Mara always warned you about. You were satisfied with finding men that couldn’t satisfy you because you wanted to maintain the emotional distance.
Chris, however, was insistent on being the complete opposite. His hips grind into you softly, skillfully hitting you in places that had you whimpering out his name between the deep kisses he was planting against you. When he lifts one of your legs, throwing it over his shoulders you’re all but screaming out his name in satisfaction as his other hand moves down to your clit, your body prisoner to his touch. His hips are moving faster now, both of your skins slapping against each other loudly as sweat drips down his forehead and his eyes are bearing into yours, watching the way your unraveling around him,
“You like that angel, like the way I’m fucking you. Oh baby, I could watch you come undone underneath me for hours, want to be filled in you for as long as you let me. Love the way you scream out my name…”
His voice is husky and low as your slick covers his cock more and more and he moans as his hips move sloppily, fast and strong and with one more flick you’re done, your body an uncontrolled spasm as his name fills the room. He moves his hips slowly, expertly to prolong your orgasm, relishing the way your walls flutter around him, squeezing him tighter, the way your hooded eyes look up at him as you whisper out his name weakly.
He’s wrecked as he comes in you, pumping his seed into you as he falls on top of you, unable to stay on top of you as he’s whispering your name, pressing kisses to your chest, as you wrap yourself around him. He’s spent, whiskey and the previous actions making him weak as his hips stop stuttering into you and you give one last sigh before you’re muttering in his hair,
“Was this what you had in mind for a night cap?”
He chuckles despite himself because he loved that you were snarky, loved the bite that you couldn’t resit and he looks up with tired mischevousness in his eyes,
“You gonna tell me this wasn’t on your menu?”
You give a light chuckle but nod, your head falling back on the pillow and he summons the last of his energy to pull himself out of you. He’s rewarded by your groan as he ambles to his bathroom, grabbing a wash rag to clean himself up in. When he’s done he walks back out to you, cleaning you up as you give a contented thank you, your eyes already closed.
He turns off his lights as he throws the rag in a dirty bin, easily finding you in his bed and wraps his arms around you, the bigger spoon to your cuddle fest as he places contented, long kisses to your shoulders, your back.
“This isn’t the end Y/N. I wasn’t kidding when I said I liked you…. I want to be yours.”
He’s halfway asleep when he hears you respond,
“You better be professor. Because I’ve always been yours.”
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thesouthkoreayears ¡ 4 years
Sunday, June 21
We fit so much in today! We decided to stay in Sokcho for two nights…and then decided to stay here for three nights. We were feeling really burned out by the intensity of the trip, the kids were struggling and everyone was just in a bad mood in general. Also, Father’s Day weekend seemed like a good time to take it easy. I realized that the itinerary I set is just nowhere feasible to conquer and we just have to take more trips to see other parts of the country. We are flying to Jeju Island for 4th of July weekend and I don’t want to kill everyone’s drive to travel right before we go on another big trip. 
Anyways! We started the morning with some cereal and waffles (thanks Emart!) and Moses slept in until 8:30! And Max until 7:30! It was a great night. Everyone felt refreshed and it was so nice to get up and not have to pack up and check out of the airbnb. As soon as we were done eating we got the boys into their suits and headed to the beach! Our airbnb is a quick three minute walk from the shore and it was so nice to stroll over with just the essentials. Julian and I read for a little bit, it was cloudy but the wind was calm and the sky was clear. By 11am, we were both splashing in the water with the boys. Moses warmed up to the big waves quickly and loved chasing the “big bubbles” up and down the shoreline. Max was initially his reserved self but he too began enjoying the brisk chill of the water and the oozing sand under his toes. 
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At noon, we promptly packed up (we are professionals at breaking down our tent now) and stopped by the beach photo op spot for a father’s day family photo. I didn’t get a photo from the side, but the stairs were floating over the sand like an illusion. Max insisted on posing with a dolphin statue as well, creating his own poses for the shot :) We walked to Noodles Tree for kalguksu to fill our tummies before the drive to the DMZ. 
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We made it about 45 minutes up the coast until we hit a road block with two young Korean soldiers who asked us to turn around. Turns out despite my research indicating otherwise, the DMZ is currently closed because of COVID19. It was an unfortunate turn of events but at least the kids got a good nap out of it. It was interesting to see the beaches turn from tourist havens to heavily barricaded areas with fences stretching for miles along the along the shore. We also passed some large concrete blockades on each side of the road. They are positioned there so that if things go south, they can be pushed over, interlocking and creating a road block to prevent the North’s artillery vehicles from entering that way. I had never seen anything like that before (and I didn’t get a picture - sorry!) but Julian had and he sated my curiosity before I could google it. Thanks Julian!
With extra time on our hands, we decided to head to Moon Bear Brewing for some divine brews. It is Father’s Day, after all ;) Julian settled on Seoraksan Stout (named after the famous mountain here in Sokcho) and I got a small flight with the golden ale, witbier and IPA. We had tried a few of their beers before thanks to our local Emart carrying them but it was really neat to see their brewery in person. They only had those four different beers available but they were all delicious. Max also requested that we take some pictures of him doing “street style” in front of the flowery moon bear. One of his favorite book series is called Moon Bear and he was quite pleased with the matching designation. 
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By 4:30 we were ready to go and Julian requested a stop at Jungang Market (속초 중앙시장) for some tasty dinner options. I don’t know where to begin with this market. It was amazing. We walked in circles and got beer slushies with honey on top, ice cream wrapped in marshmallow perfectly toasted with a dinosaur blowtorch, ice cream inside the mouth of a fish, fried chicken (of course), pineapple shrimp gambas, raspberries….the list goes on and on. We ate until we could not eat any more, and then we kept eating. There were at least half a dozen other thing I wanted to eat but I also did not want to be rolled home. I’m sure we’ll be back before we leave Sokcho. While searching for bathrooms, we ended up in the basement of the market building and found a massive fish market. We’ve been to one like it before in Busan but this one somehow had a different vibe to it. It felt less crowded and seemed more like a place to wander through at your own leisure. When you go to these markets, you can pick out whatever you want from the front of the shop and then you can take it back to your place OR you can give it to the wonderful people who work there and they will prepare/cook the seafood for you right there on the spot in their little restaurant area! It’s completely self contained and really such a neat idea. The kids loved looking around at the various sorts of sea life. One man actually lifted a giant crab right out of the tank and held it out to the boys. Max balked but Moses reached out for it! Quite an experience. 
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Mo’s face perfectly summarizes our feelings about food
Around 6:45pm with fully bellies, we roamed out of the market and onto the main street. The air had cooled considerably so we wrapped the boys in their blankets (both *ahem* borrowed permanently from some unnamed airlines) and they were nice and cozy in the stroller together. I found a sidewalk sale rack with some 5,000 won clothing featuring Konglish (Korean + English) sayings that I could not pass up. Next time you see me, I’ll probably be wearing my “NICE, do your best, I believe in you” tank dress. It was the least tacky one I could find ;)
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We made it back to our car and drove back to the beach parking lot, packed up the stroller and walked back to the airbnb to get ready for bed. The kids got changed and fell asleep almost immediately. It was almost eerie how quickly they fell asleep. Julian and I are amazed that all is peaceful and quiet and it’s only 9pm. Time to rest and prepare for another beach day tomorrow, we’re expecting a beautiful 80* day. 
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