#because my teacher had trained me to sing since I was 10. She knew what I could do
stylesnews · 4 years
“Feeling good in my skin/ I just keep on dancing,” Harry Styles sings in his latest single, “Treat People With Kindness.” And in the song’s exuberant music video -- which has garnered 17 million YouTube views and counting since its debut on New Year’s Day -- he does just that: Wearing a sequined jacket and bow tie, he chassés, spins and flutters jazz hands like an MGM musical star (with a little help from his equally debonair partner, Fleabag’s Phoebe Waller-Bridge).
Styles shot the video in early 2019 after several weeks of training with choreographer Paul Roberts, a collaborator since his One Direction days. “I think somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew this could be something special,” says Roberts, a veteran stage director and choreographer who’s worked on videos and tours for the likes of Sam Smith, Katy Perry, Diana Ross, and the Spice Girls (their Spiceworld stadium tour).
Watching the explosive fan reaction to Styles’s little known dance talents -- including from the Spice Girls, who've “sent lovely messages" about the video -- Roberts says it seems like "Treat People With Kindness" arrived at the precise right moment. “Most people’s comments are, ‘I’ve not felt that happy for three and a half minutes in a long time,’ or ‘I smiled from ear to ear the whole way through.’ It’s a positive light.”
He spoke to Billboard about Styles’ intensive training process -- and why he wouldn’t be surprised to see him dancing onstage again.
There’s been one pretty overwhelming reaction to this video: “This is the guy who was in the group that insisted they couldn’t dance?!” Did you expect this kind of reaction to Harry dancing? I’ve been with Harry for 10 years: I was with the One Direction boys from the beginning the whole way through their career before they took the hiatus, and they always made a very conscious decision that they didn’t want choreography as part of their brand -- but they did want a kind of disheveled organization in order to allow the cameras and the lighting to stand a chance in terms of presenting them in the best manner possible.
What was very evident to me was that all five of them, and then it obviously became four, they’ve all got their own magic. The only time I’ve experienced that was when I worked with the Spice Girls. I always knew that they had special skills aside from what they were in One Direction, whether it was movement, songwriting, being able to handle the business side of things. For such young lads they were very astute and very decisive.  So, getting together with Harry -- he’s a bit of an alchemist, is Harry. Everything he turns his hand to turns to gold. Where did the initial dance-centric concept come from? Harry and the directors, Ben and Gabe [Turner], sent me a video link to the Nicholas Brothers scene from Stormy Weather and Harry asked me, "How long do you think it would take to dance like this?" I was like, "OK, are you being serious?" "Yeah, I’m being serious."
That is probably one of the most standout dance sequences ever captured on film -- so I knew we were aiming high. I said, "Why don’t we go into a studio and let’s workshop some choreography, some moves, some short sequences, and see what your ability is, see how we can tailor this to make you look the best you can possibly look." Obviously it would take some investment in terms of rehearsal and commitment, I told him it would be mentally and physically exhausting, but I thought, "My God yeah, let’s do it; this will be an adventure."
How long did the whole process take? We started in mid-January 2019, and we rehearsed and workshopped for about four to five weeks before the shoot, every day. Both Harry and Phoebe had other things going on, so, for instance, Phoebe was working on the new Bond movie in Canada, so I sent my assistant to Canada to work with her. I stayed in the U.K. with Harry, and then we went to L.A. where Harry shot two more videos, for “Watermelon Sugar” and “Falling.”
At the end of the “Watermelon Sugar” shoot, he wrapped, got in his car, came to the dance studio and we rehearsed into the night. Knowing how short a time you sometimes get with artists even for really big performances, I thought the rehearsals would dilute and we’d lose momentum, but both Phoebe and Harry were so committed.
What was the process in the studio like with Harry? We didn’t even use his [vocal] track to begin with -- we used different big band songs, some contemporary alternative music. It was just about finding his [movement] language first and foremost.  Then we developed the choreography and sent it to the directors, who gave us feedback. We enhanced the work a bit more, and then once we had some really solid sequences, Ben and Gabe storyboarded the scenes against the timeline of the music.
At this point Harry and Phoebe were still working separately, and then we joined forces in London, where we really started to refine these sequences of choreography we’d developed, trying to find the finesse and the style, almost making sense of the movement for them so they felt they had a dancer’s way of working the movement through the body. You’ve worked with a wide variety of artists, many of whom aren’t dancers first. How do you find, as you put it, the “language” of movement that makes sense for each of them as individuals?
I think the general answer is really communicating -- listening and understanding what the artist’s desire is. And also collaborating, so you don’t get too lost in yourself as a choreographer. What looks good on you might not transcend to the artist, or even necessarily the dancers.
With Harry, what was important within the language of the choreography was that it felt joyful and had personality. Him and Phoebe, with the work she’s done with Fleabag, you associate them and what they do with a sense of style, a real confidence, but at the heart of it it’s entertainment. And with the amount of time and budget we had, which was such a luxury in this day and age, we wanted to do something that pushed both of them out of their comfort zones. We tried to make it as athletic as possible but without compromising them as artists and becoming too comedic. We wanted it to be a bit quaint and cute in places, but we definitely didn’t want it to be thought of as nonsensical or silly.
Harry’s movement in the video is so crisp and precise, even his hands and arm extension look very dancerly. Did that come through a lot of specific work with you? As a songwriter and artist, for Harry it’s about detail, about pushing yourself to be the best. He’s always got questions: "Why are we doing that? Should we be doing this?" We got to a point during the rehearsal period where I brought in a ballet teacher, really to just get Harry and Phoebe to open themselves up from behind their shoulder blades, have an idea of extension, the lines that extend from your center all the way to the tip of your finger. I’d be saying, “Your arms Harry, your arm line!” Asking him to push his shoulders down, lift his carriage up, extend through his breast. And when he hit those lines, he’d be like, “Oh yeah, that feels different.” It’s funny: We spent a couple days apart -- he had to go off and do a gig somewhere -- and I was like, “I hope you’re rehearsing when you’ve got some downtime, dude!” And he sent me a picture in the gym with his arms in the most beautiful balletic arm line! I was like, "Yes, by George, you’ve got it!" Besides the Nicholas Brothers, did you have any particular dance references in mind for the feel of the choreography? I just delved into the MGM archives. Obviously [Fred] Astaire and [Gene] Kelly, the two greats -- especially with Astaire, we loved how sometimes it seems so effortless yet a bit throwaway, not totally totally perfect always.  We enjoyed the moments from him of “I’ll just do a bit of this,” “I’ll just walk off camera left,” the dropping in and out of movement.  We loved the duet “Moses Supposes” from Singin’ in the Rain, for Gene Kelly and Donald O’Connor -- we loved the camaraderie between them, which felt a bit goofball at times, and just that wry smile, the look to the left, knowing your partner is there and has got your back. It feels fizzy, it feels joyful.
And yes, there was a massive core of MGM-ism, but at the same time an absolute huge dollop of Harry-and-Phoebe-ism. It was important to us to feel a bit more contemporary, so again we stay true to Harry and Phoebe as artists. Has Harry indicated any interest in dancing more going forward?
We had a conversation back at the end of the summer about how much we enjoyed the process, and I know he was doing another project where choreography was involved, so we were just talking about it and how he felt. Coming from where he came from to what he was about to do, he felt he could be pushed even further. I don’t know if he got the bug, or if it’s just the way he is as a person, very inquisitive and wanting to keep elevating himself. There’s now been some talk on social media that it can’t be long before Harry does Broadway. What do you think?
I mean, I think with Harry Styles, anything is possible, is it not? I mean, I’m sure because he’s tasted the dance, he’ll inject that along the line in his career. It won’t necessarily be out-and-out dancing, but I guess it’s a bit like Bowie used to do, isn’t it? It’s the showmanship and presentation of the performance. Who knows? He’s just so open-minded and open-hearted — and because he’s so open it allows the universe to come back at him and he’s able to do anything he sets his mind to.  
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janetbrown711 · 4 years
My headcanons about Queen Angelina II
Majority of these can be seen in this fic, so if you like the idea go check it out ;)
Also- a handful of these are shared with the lovely @madelynartz, who also has fantastic takes on her, so be sure to check out their post too
If you want me to draw/write any of these specific headcanons/moments, just send an ask and I’ll probably do it
I’ll (likely) be making another, seperate post for William when i feel like it
Update: I have
This is gonna be a long post-
Early Life:
Her parents weren't very loving or caring, only ever wanting her to work on her studies and singing
Her mother was worse than her father, as she was egotistical and always critical of Angelina II and always seemed to find problems with things and people that made her happy
Her mother also always went by her full name (You had to refer to her as Queen Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca the First- she wouldn't let people shorten it)
Naturally- Angelina resented her mother and with that, her own name.
She hates it when people say her full name- "Just Angelina is fine"
But if she especially likes you, you can call her Lena ;)
Since the only thing her parents approved of was studying, she devoured the entire castle library as a child, which left her often more informed than her tudors, which left her bored during lessons and she quickly became a "smart-ass" as she liked to talk back and figure out the ways she could get out of lessons
She hated the idea of getting betrothed, and any time a suitor would come over, she'd attack his pride in any form she could think of to get them to hate her, and she was successful
One of the suitors was Prince Salazar
She hated Salazar the most
Despite her attitude being well known across several kingdoms, rumors of her beauty and wonderous singing kept them coming
Her father, King Harold the Eighth, died when she was 10, and she could hardly say she really grieved him, but it made her mother more distant and sometimes outright cruel
She met William when he was 15 in the royal stables when he was training to be a squire
He fell in love instantly, though Angelina wanted to get to know him first
They were the best of friends since they met, though it was obvious Queen Angelina I disapproved
However, after awhile Angelina just stopped caring about what her mother thought entirely and was much better off
She and William loved to garden together, and always planted new flowerbeds in the palace garden every spring
William proposed when he was 22 and she was 21
Obviously she said yes, but they had to keep it hidden from her mother, who would likely take William away
Luckily for them, Angelina I died a month after he proposed, and the two were quickly married.
Yakko was born 10 months after their wedding
Angelina fell in love instantly, declaring him to be the cutest baby she had ever seen
She's terrible with names, and never named her children until after they were born
She hated the idea of giving him a really long and convoluted name, or a name that was in her family (like Harold the 9th)
And so Yakko it was
She didn't expect motherhood to be so exhausting, but hearing Yakko's laugh for the first time made everything worth it to her
Yakko began babbling at a younger age than most, and he babbled constantly, even in his sleep. Angelina loved to just sit and listen to him try to tell stories in nonsense baby language
However, Yakko seemed to have a preference for hearing William give the bedtime stories, as when she tried to read he got fussy
Once he was able to explain he said "daddo does the voices" and that he preferred her lullabies anyway
It hurt at first, but she understood. William was an excellent story teller, though he did have a tendency to ramble at times
Yakko's favorite story was of how they met
She's very protective, and if he was sick or hurt, she'd never leave his side
Her hair used to be very, very long but once Yakko was able to grab things and kept yanking her hair, she chopped it all off and has kept it short ever since
Wakko didn’t cry or breathe when he was born, so for the first moments of his life, Angelina and William feared he was dead
He wasn’t dead though, and they rejoiced greatly, and cried a lot
Angelina refused to let go of him though, and they were only able to get Wakko away from her when she fell asleep from exhaustion
After about a week or so, she relaxed more, but she needless to say her protectiveness went to new heights 
“Lena, Yakko slept in a crib all the time, it’s fine-” “How do you know that?” “Lena, I was there.”
William did always have a way to reassure her though
However, the extra layer of protectiveness was kinda needed for Wakko, as he loved to bite and chew on everything and anything he could get his little hands on (including his own tail)
She eventually gained what William described as a “sixth sense” where she could just tell when Wakko put something he wasn’t supposed to in his mouth.
Wakko didn’t talk much when he was young, especially when compared to Yakko, though his brother seemed to get him to talk even more than his parents could
They didn’t mind though, whatever worked, worked
Wakko loved following Yakko everywhere he went the moment he could crawl. Angelina thought it was adorable.
Wakko had a tendency to hurt himself a lot (whether by tripping, crashing, bitting his tail too hard, etc.) which forced Angelina to learn that he’ll be okay, and not to overreact or panic, as he was most certainly not made of glass
Angelina had a tendency to be a worry-wart
Angelina became pregnant with Dot right before tensions with Ticktockia started to rise, but William was determined not to let that ruin their optimism about having another child that was hopefully a girl
Angelina really wanted a girl bc Yakko and Wakko didn’t like dressing up and she really hoped a girl would, though she knew there wasn’t ever a guarantee, but she hoped
Angelina went into labor in the middle of a meeting with an ambassador from Ticktockia, but forced herself to finish it bc she ain’t a quitter
Despite Dot being her third child, she took the longest to actually deliver (two days), likely due to the exhaustion from countless meetings with Ambassadors and the stress of trying to avoid war bc King Salazar decided past treaties suddenly didn’t mean anything
Angelina had originally been against giving her her name, as she still associated it with her mother, but William said that he only thought of her, and that she was a much better mother and person than Angelina I could’ve ever been, which changed her mind.
However, she had thought of the name Dot before she was born, and liked it to so she and William agreed they’d just call her that for short, and if you asked them “how is Dot short for Princess Angelina blah blah blah the Third, they’d reply “it just is”)
Though she wouldn’t tell Yakko or Wakko, Dot was most certainly the cutest baby of them all
Wakko and Yakko loved to just... stand over Dot’s crib and watch her do things
Wakko also didn’t grasp what a baby was, and would often try to make her do things, and when she wouldn’t he’d get upset and Angelina or William would have to explain why she can’t play with him with the toy soldiers
She’d often just ramble on and on to Dot as she slept while William watched the boys, talking about the new treaties going up, and how worried she was about what Salazar would do if he didn’t agree with the new treaties and deals. It made her feel better. 
To also ease her worries, she taught Yakko how to take care of his sister. How to burp her, how to change her, how to give her a bath, etc. She hated thinking about what could possibly happen, but knowing they’d survive somehow made her feel much better. 
Dot was three months old when the attack happened, and Angelina wished she had had more time with her before dying.
Misc. (bc I refuse to end on a bad/depressing note)
She had family portraits made after each of her kids were born bc she wanted to always remember how cute of babies they were
Her lullabies worked like magic in terms of getting the three of them to sleep
If you asked her, she thinks Yakko has her eyes, Wakko has her nose, and Dot has her eyes and face shape
In the space between her mother dying and their wedding, she met Hello Nurse, who was a childhood friend of William’s, and they hit it off quite well- so much so that Angelina offered her a job in the castle, but she refused, saying she had plans with some doctor in Acme Falls, which Angelina respected. 
She one time tried to practice knitting in hopes of knitting the kiddos a blanket, but she was  t e r r i b l e  at it, and gave up after a week of trying
William and her liked to throw balls at least once a year, and everyone agreed they were the best dancers out there (what they didn’t know was how much practice Angelina had to put in to get a sense of rhythm- she was a terrible dancer, and William’s natural grace when dancing far exceeded her own)
Despite others protesting, Angelina always suspected that the reason tension was growing with Ticktockia was because Salazar was jealous and upset that she married some random knight rather than him (a theory that was proven right to her right before her death)
Her favorite food was bananas
William was a huge cuddler, so they’d cuddle close every night
she personally tutored Yakko on things like history and geography, as she felt those tended to be the most boring classes, and she wanted to have some part in his education, as she hated all of her teachers when she was a kid
She often didn’t know when to shut up, which did end up costing her in the end, but she didn’t regret a single word she said before her death, as Salazar deserved every bit of it. 
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kingstylesdaily · 4 years
How Harry Styles Found His Inner Dancer For 'Treat People With Kindness'
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“Feeling good in my skin/ I just keep on dancing,” Harry Styles sings in his latest single, “Treat People With Kindness.” And in the song’s exuberant music video -- which has garnered 17 million YouTube views and counting since its debut on New Year’s Day -- he does just that: Wearing a sequined jacket and bow tie, he chassés, spins and flutters jazz hands like an MGM musical star (with a little help from his equally debonair partner, Fleabag’s Phoebe Waller-Bridge).
Styles shot the video in early 2019 after several weeks of training with choreographer Paul Roberts, a collaborator since his One Direction days. “I think somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew this could be something special,” says Roberts, a veteran stage director and choreographer who’s worked on videos and tours for the likes of Sam Smith, Katy Perry, Diana Ross, and the Spice Girls (their Spiceworld stadium tour).
Watching the explosive fan reaction to Styles’s little known dance talents -- including from the Spice Girls, who've “sent lovely messages" about the video -- Roberts says it seems like "Treat People With Kindness" arrived at the precise right moment. “Most people’s comments are, ‘I’ve not felt that happy for three and a half minutes in a long time,’ or ‘I smiled from ear to ear the whole way through.’ It’s a positive light.”
He spoke to Billboard about Styles’ intensive training process -- and why he wouldn’t be surprised to see him dancing onstage again.
There’s been one pretty overwhelming reaction to this video: “This is the guy who was in the group that insisted they couldn’t dance?!” Did you expect this kind of reaction to Harry dancing? I’ve been with Harry for 10 years: I was with the One Direction boys from the beginning the whole way through their career before they took the hiatus, and they always made a very conscious decision that they didn’t want choreography as part of their brand -- but they did want a kind of disheveled organization in order to allow the cameras and the lighting to stand a chance in terms of presenting them in the best manner possible.  
What was very evident to me was that all five of them, and then it obviously became four, they’ve all got their own magic. The only time I’ve experienced that was when I worked with the Spice Girls. I always knew that they had special skills aside from what they were in One Direction, whether it was movement, songwriting, being able to handle the business side of things. For such young lads they were very astute and very decisive.   So, getting together with Harry -- he’s a bit of an alchemist, is Harry. Everything he turns his hand to turns to gold. Where did the initial dance-centric concept come from? Harry and the directors, Ben and Gabe [Turner], sent me a video link to the Nicholas Brothers scene from Stormy Weather and Harry asked me, "How long do you think it would take to dance like this?" I was like, "OK, are you being serious?" "Yeah, I’m being serious."
That is probably one of the most standout dance sequences ever captured on film -- so I knew we were aiming high. I said, "Why don’t we go into a studio and let’s workshop some choreography, some moves, some short sequences, and see what your ability is, see how we can tailor this to make you look the best you can possibly look." Obviously it would take some investment in terms of rehearsal and commitment, I told him it would be mentally and physically exhausting, but I thought, "My God yeah, let’s do it; this will be an adventure."
How long did the whole process take? We started in mid-January 2019, and we rehearsed and workshopped for about four to five weeks before the shoot, every day. Both Harry and Phoebe had other things going on, so, for instance, Phoebe was working on the new Bond movie in Canada, so I sent my assistant to Canada to work with her. I stayed in the U.K. with Harry, and then we went to L.A. where Harry shot two more videos, for “Watermelon Sugar” and “Falling.”
At the end of the “Watermelon Sugar” shoot, he wrapped, got in his car, came to the dance studio and we rehearsed into the night. Knowing how short a time you sometimes get with artists even for really big performances, I thought the rehearsals would dilute and we’d lose momentum, but both Phoebe and Harry were so committed. What was the process in the studio like with Harry? We didn’t even use his [vocal] track to begin with -- we used different big band songs, some contemporary alternative music. It was just about finding his [movement] language first and foremost.  Then we developed the choreography and sent it to the directors, who gave us feedback. We enhanced the work a bit more, and then once we had some really solid sequences, Ben and Gabe storyboarded the scenes against the timeline of the music.
At this point Harry and Phoebe were still working separately, and then we joined forces in London, where we really started to refine these sequences of choreography we’d developed, trying to find the finesse and the style, almost making sense of the movement for them so they felt they had a dancer’s way of working the movement through the body. You’ve worked with a wide variety of artists, many of whom aren’t dancers first. How do you find, as you put it, the “language” of movement that makes sense for each of them as individuals?
I think the general answer is really communicating -- listening and understanding what the artist’s desire is. And also collaborating, so you don’t get too lost in yourself as a choreographer. What looks good on you might not transcend to the artist, or even necessarily the dancers.
With Harry, what was important within the language of the choreography was that it felt joyful and had personality. Him and Phoebe, with the work she’s done with Fleabag, you associate them and what they do with a sense of style, a real confidence, but at the heart of it it’s entertainment. And with the amount of time and budget we had, which was such a luxury in this day and age, we wanted to do something that pushed both of them out of their comfort zones. We tried to make it as athletic as possible but without compromising them as artists and becoming too comedic. We wanted it to be a bit quaint and cute in places, but we definitely didn’t want it to be thought of as nonsensical or silly.
Harry’s movement in the video is so crisp and precise, even his hands and arm extension look very dancerly. Did that come through a lot of specific work with you? As a songwriter and artist, for Harry it’s about detail, about pushing yourself to be the best. He’s always got questions: "Why are we doing that? Should we be doing this?" We got to a point during the rehearsal period where I brought in a ballet teacher, really to just get Harry and Phoebe to open themselves up from behind their shoulder blades, have an idea of extension, the lines that extend from your center all the way to the tip of your finger. I’d be saying, “Your arms Harry, your arm line!” Asking him to push his shoulders down, lift his carriage up, extend through his breast. And when he hit those lines, he’d be like, “Oh yeah, that feels different.” It’s funny: We spent a couple days apart -- he had to go off and do a gig somewhere -- and I was like, “I hope you’re rehearsing when you’ve got some downtime, dude!” And he sent me a picture in the gym with his arms in the most beautiful balletic arm line! I was like, "Yes, by George, you’ve got it!" Besides the Nicholas Brothers, did you have any particular dance references in mind for the feel of the choreography? I just delved into the MGM archives. Obviously [Fred] Astaire and [Gene] Kelly, the two greats -- especially with Astaire, we loved how sometimes it seems so effortless yet a bit throwaway, not totally totally perfect always.  We enjoyed the moments from him of “I’ll just do a bit of this,” “I’ll just walk off camera left,” the dropping in and out of movement.  We loved the duet “Moses Supposes” from Singin’ in the Rain, for Gene Kelly and Donald O’Connor -- we loved the camaraderie between them, which felt a bit goofball at times, and just that wry smile, the look to the left, knowing your partner is there and has got your back. It feels fizzy, it feels joyful.
And yes, there was a massive core of MGM-ism, but at the same time an absolute huge dollop of Harry-and-Phoebe-ism. It was important to us to feel a bit more contemporary, so again we stay true to Harry and Phoebe as artists. Has Harry indicated any interest in dancing more going forward?
We had a conversation back at the end of the summer about how much we enjoyed the process, and I know he was doing another project where choreography was involved, so we were just talking about it and how he felt. Coming from where he came from to what he was about to do, he felt he could be pushed even further. I don’t know if he got the bug, or if it’s just the way he is as a person, very inquisitive and wanting to keep elevating himself. There’s now been some talk on social media that it can’t be long before Harry does Broadway. What do you think?
I mean, I think with Harry Styles, anything is possible, is it not? I mean, I’m sure because he’s tasted the dance, he’ll inject that along the line in his career. It won’t necessarily be out-and-out dancing, but I guess it’s a bit like Bowie used to do, isn’t it? It’s the showmanship and presentation of the performance. Who knows? He’s just so open-minded and open-hearted — and because he’s so open it allows the universe to come back at him and he’s able to do anything he sets his mind to. 
via billboard.com
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theclockworkmonk · 3 years
Desire and Will
This is the most popular fic in my "Aang/Katara Missing Moments" series on AO3. This is the first time I'm posting it to tumblr.
Summary: With Aang still having trouble letting loose with his firebending, Zuko asks an alarming question:
"Have you ever kissed a girl?"
Words: 3,944
Read on AO3
Katara was awoken by what was, to her, the scariest sound in the world: the sound of Aang in pain.
"OW!" she heard him cry out, and she wrenched her eyelids open and rolled to face where his voice was coming from. There, she saw Aang still laying on the ground where he had been sleeping, rubbing his backside like it had been kicked. Towering over him, fists clenched and face scowling...was Zuko.
A jolt a fear cut through Katara's still half-asleep mind as she reached over for her bending skin and flicked it open with her thumb. She was ready to fight, ready to—
"You're burning daylight!" Zuko barked at Aang, "Get up! Twenty hot squats, now!"
Katara's sleep fog finally cleared and she remembered why Zuko was here in their camp. She remembered their whole reluctant arrangement to have Zuko teach Aang firebending, and the nerve-wracking few days they had disappeared together and apparently danced with dragons.
Katara groggily collapsed back onto her pillow, too tired to even growl at Zuko that the rest of them didn't have to train to defeat his evil dad, thankyouverymuch, so maybe bark his orders more quietly at absurd hours in the morning.
Aang seemed to be feeling the same way, because he just moaned in response. Zuko squatted down next to Aang and pointed out into the canyon that contained the Western Air Temple, where the sky was already turning blood red.
"You see that? That's sunrise, Avatar. That's the sign of a firebender's inner strength coming to life with a new day." He grabbed Aang by the shoulder and started shaking him, "Can you feel it, Aang? Can you feel your inner fire starting to reignite?"
"No," grunted Aang plainly.
Katara was remembering more now, and becoming more annoyed. Right, what had Zuko said to her at the north pole? "You rise with the moon, I rise with the sun?" of course it made perfect sense that on top of being cruel, bloodthirsty monsters, firebenders were also something far worse: morning people. Ugh, did this mean that Aang was also going to be a morning person from now on?
"Well we've got to fix that," said Zuko, and he practically dragged Aang to his feet and started pushing him off towards the courtyard that they used to train, that jutted out from underneath the rock overhang so they were actually in the sun. With their sleeping area quiet again, Katara tried to go back to sleep, but now the knowledge that Aang was off with Zuko, alone, at the other end of the temple was nagging at her brain. It wasn't like she thought Zuko would suddenly attack him or something; she had accepted by now that this wasn't some kind of absurdly elaborate plot against them—mainly because she didn't think Zuko was clever enough to pull off something like that. But still, whenever she thought about Aang with no one around him but Zuko, she found that she...didn't like it.
After a few minutes, she accepted that she wasn't getting any more sleep, so she got herself up and started making her way in the same direction Zuko and Aang had gone. As she was rounding the last corner before the courtyard, she started to hear their voices.
"So if my firebending wakes me up with the sun, and my waterbending keeps me up with the moon, when exactly am I supposed to sleep?"
"You slept for a hundred years, isn't that enough?"
Aang laughed, but Katara recognized it as his uncomfortable laugh. Aang never liked being reminded of all that time he wasn't there for the world, which Zuko would know if he wasn't such a heartless jerk and a terrible teacher. The fact that he barely knew Aang and had no way of knowing what he was uncomfortable with was entirely beside the point.
Katara decided to not announce her presence and instead leaned against one of the stone pillars within the shade of the overhang, while they were out in the increasingly bright morning sun. She was far enough away and in enough shade that they were unlikely to notice her, but if they did happen to look her way then she could plausibly deny she was snooping. She didn't like the idea of leaving Aang alone with Zuko, but she still realized hovering would interfere with them. Aang was always trying to impress her and Zuko was still visibly terrified of her ever since she threatened to kill him the day he joined their team (which she definitely didn't take any pride in).
Aang and Zuko finished their warm-ups and faced a target at the far end of the courtyard, a few wooden logs they had haphazardly nailed together in the vague shape of a human.
"Okay, let's see if that trip to almost get eaten by dragons was worth it," said Zuko, "set your stance..."
Aang positioned himself in a sideways battle stance in opposition to the dummy.
"Now, control your breathing…"
Aang drew in a deep breath and slowly released it.
Aang punched his right first towards the dummy, and a single fireball erupted from his knuckles, traveling about 10 yards to the dummy, briefly engulfing it in flames before dissipating. After the fire and smoke had quickly cleared, Katara saw that the dummy was slightly singed, with a few spots glowing orange for a few seconds before cooling down. Katara could feel the heat of the blast from where she was standing.
Zuko, however, didn't look impressed, "Well that was...certainly better, I guess."
"You guess!?" Aang incredulously asked out loud, and Katara incredulously asked in her head at the same time, "Come on, that was the biggest blast I've ever made!"
"Yeah, and if you were any other novice, we'd call that a really promising start. Heck, you might even be called a prodigy. People would be saying you could become a master in just a few years."
Aang's shoulders slumped in disappointment.
"But we don't have a few years, obviously, so sorry, but we need to find a way to fast-track this."
Aang threw his hands in the air, "Well what more can I possibly do!"
Zuko frowned and rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "Well to be honest, I think you're still being too timid and restrained. You're certainly doing a lot better than before our trip, but I still sense a lot of energy in you that you're not letting out."
Aang looked confused and started to get defensive, "Well of course I'm holding a little back, I'm trying to stay in control! Jong Jong said that firebending requires constant discipline or fire will destroy you. He didn't even let me shoot fire, he had me try to stop a bit of fire from growing, and when I didn't listen to him—" Aang managed to cut off his own rambling and managed to take a deep breath and closed his eyes, "that was when I burned Katara."
Zuko's face cycled through several different expressions as a lot of things suddenly started making sense.
"...Oh," was the only thing he could say.
Aang continued, "I hated that version of myself, even more than when I've gone into the Avatar State. After that, I promised myself I would never firebend at all!"
Katara tried to keep track of all the different emotions she was feeling. She was touched by the fact that Aang cared about her so much that the memory of hurting her still got him to be this upset, annoyed at him for being this worked up over something that happened months ago, she had long since forgiven, and was really not important in the context of their mission, and guilty that her getting hurt and the way she reacted had caused him this much heartache, even while she knew that she hadn't really done anything wrong.
Zuko sighed, raised his hand, and after a few seconds of hesitation, lightly patted Aang's shoulder in the most awkward, panicked "there-there" gesture Katara had ever seen.
"Look Aang," said Zuko, "I can't speak to what this 'Jong Jong' guy taught you. Maybe his way is better, I don't know, but it sounds like it takes a lot longer, and we don't have the luxury of being patient and deliberate about this."
He pulled on Aang's shoulder and turned him around so he would stop looking at his feet in self-pity and look his teacher in the face again, "The people of the world don't need their Avatar to be a wizened sage right now, they need a stick of dynamite."
Zuko took a few steps away and tried his best to pretend to be a wizened sage himself, "I can only teach you how I was taught, and I was taught that even when it's not fuelled by anger and rage, all firebending is still fuelled by strong emotion. When teaching me about the elements, my uncle said—let's see if I can get this right…"
He started rubbing his hand on an invisible large belly, stroking an invisible beard, and speaking in an old man's raspy voice in his best impersonation of his uncle.
"Fire is the element of Power. The people of the Fire Nation have Desire and Will, and the energy and drive to achieve what they want."
Aang chuckled at the impression, his mood clearly improving, while Zuko looked really impressed with himself. Katara wouldn't have been surprised to learn that this was the first time in his life the dour prince had made someone laugh.
"See what I mean? Remember what we learned with the dragons. Fire is Life. And passion for life is what fuels firebending. You need to stop thinking like a monk and use your passion."
Aang didn't look frustrated or dejected anymore, but he did look puzzled.
"Um...okay," Aang said, thoughtfully scratching his head, "How am I supposed to do that?"
Now it was Zuko's turn to get frustrated. He hadn't anticipated one of his jobs as a teacher being having to explain how to feel things to this guy. That was something he was not qualified for.
"I don't know," said Zuko, not hiding the annoyance in his voice, "just think about it. Try to recreate those emotions when you're channeling your energy for your bending, and it might make your firebending more powerful. Hasn't there ever been something you...desired? Coveted, even? Something that you needed to have or to win more than anything?"
Katara almost laughed out loud, boy are you barking up the wrong tree.
Aang spent a few seconds earnestly considering Zuko's question, "I don't think so. My people believed that worldly material possessions were meaningless, and attachment to them was the source of suffering. We didn't really have anything beyond what we needed and a few toys that we shared. I played games with all my friends, but I didn't really care much if I won, I just tried to make sure everybody had fun."
Katara was grinning at what an unbelievable dork the mighty savior of the world was.
Zuko, however, groaned and dragged both hands down his face, "Yeah, of course you did." It seemed to Katara that this was the first time Zuko was having to relate to someone who was actually a good person.
Aang just shrugged at Zuko's exasperation, "Sorry, hotman."
"Stop calling me that!" Zuko thought for several more seconds before his eyes lit up and he snapped his fingers with an idea, but then immediately looked like he regretted having the idea, and started looking deeply uncomfortable.
"Hey...can I ask you a personal question? It's going to sound weird and unrelated, but just trust me, okay?"
Aang raised an eyebrow, "Uh….sure?"
"Have you ever kissed a girl?"
Aang's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates, his face turning bright pink, and Katara's heart seemed to stop in its tracks.
After what seemed like an eternity, Aang finally found his voice again, but all he could manage was a weak, "Uh...what?"
"Just bear with me for a second," pressed Zuko.
"Um," Aang squeaked, "Yes. Yes I have." and his face moved past pink into deep scarlet.
"Okay," breathed Zuko, "Now, I know I'm sounding like a gossiping school girl, but I promise I'm going somewhere with this. Ugh."
He squeezed his eyes shut and pinched the bridge of his nose, like this conversation was physically painful. "Tell me about your first kiss," he finished in a too-deep voice, very transparently overcompensating.
Katara was positively screaming inside her own head, No Aang, do not, under ANY circumstances, tell him about your first kiss.
She felt like her heart and stomach had completely removed from her body. She refused to believe that these were the circumstances where The Incident between she and Aang was finally getting verbalized. Aang hadn't even bothered to talk to her about it yet, there was no way he was going to spill it all to Zuko. The fact that the main reason Aang hadn't talked to her about it was the fact that she had been avoiding him non-stop was entirely beside the point.
Katara started running through a hundred scenarios to try to find some way to stop this conversation. Should she rush in and pretend to be sick? Say that they're under attack? Just stay hidden and bloodbend them both unconscious? But before she could decide on one, to her horror, Aang started talking.
"Well," Aang began, his cheeks still red, "it was back at the Southern Air Temple—"
All of Katara's panic seemed to instantly vanish and be replaced with confusion.
Wait, what? Why is he telling him that? Katara thought, We barely knew each other at the Southern Temple….Does he THINK we kissed at the Southern Temple? I guess that would explain a lot. Did he hallucinate or something while in the Avatar State—
"—and she was part of a visiting caravan."
"We got along really well while she was there, she was really good at all of my favorite games, and while we were saying goodbye she just kissed me."
"By the time I realized what was going on, she just giggled and jumped up on her bison."
Katara was simultaneously feeling unbelievable relief that her big secret wasn't being talked about and unbelievable white-hot fury at Aang. She had just spent several weeks believing that her first kiss had also been Aang's, and now she finds out that she's just the latest? Latest of how many? Exactly how friendly had he gotten with those fangirls on Kyoshi Island? She was two years older than him, by all rights she should be on at least equal footing with him in this mess between them, who gave him permission to have more experience with kissing than her? The fact that he had never once told her that he had never kissed a girl before was entirely beside the point.
But Katara cycled through all these thoughts in just a split second before calming herself down and realizing that she had no reason to care about this. What did it matter if Aang had kissed some girl a hundred years ago? It's not like she thought of Aang that way. Aang had clearly just misunderstood her platonic affections. It's not like she had ever seriously thought about kissing him (especially not during some of the more recent times she had kissed him on the cheek). In fact, she doubted that even he had given any serious thought to kissing. He just had a little crush and the intensity of the moment got to his head. So this is fine.
It's fine.
Seriously, it's fine.
It's completely fine. Whatever she was feeling certainly wasn't jeal—
"Wait, she kissed you?" Zuko interrupted Aang's rambling and yanked Katara back to reality, "I asked you if you had ever kissed a girl."
"Well you also asked me to tell you about my first kiss!" Aang yelled with his hands in the air, frustrated again, "Which one is it!" He was clearly angry that in his panic he had revealed an embarrassing story for no reason.
Zuko put his palms up defensively, "Okay, okay, sorry, bad wording on my part. So, to clarify: have you ever kissed someone else? Have you ever been the one to take the initiative?"
Katara's heart started racing again. Why couldn't Zuko get distracted and drop this?
"Um…" Aang's face had been red before, but now all the color seemed to drain from it and he looked like a ghost, "...yes. But I don't think dwelling on that will help fix my problem. In fact, it's kind of a downer, actually."
"Why, was she an airbender too?" Zuko asked. He supposed dwelling on a girl he had feelings for that had been killed a hundred years ago would be counterproductive in fueling Aang's inner fire.
Despite how angry she had gotten at Aang's kissing experience, Katara now found herself hoping this girl was another airbender.
"No," Aang responded, rubbing the back of his neck, "this was after I came out of the ice. Pretty recent, in fact…"
No such luck.
"Okay, so what's the problem?" asked Zuko.
"Well...it didn't exactly work out well for me. She didn't really kiss me back."
Katara scowled, well that's not fair, she thought with more than a little bitterness. It's not like she had a chance to. You're not allowed to act upset if someone doesn't kiss you back when you spring a kiss on them with no warning and then fly away before they even know what's going on. If he hadn't been so dramatic and used his actual words then she would have—
Katara let out a gasp of fear at where her train of thought was leading her. She would have….what, exactly? If she had known the kiss was coming ahead of time, what would she have done? Let him down easy? Told him to focus on the mission? Thrown him into the ocean?...or would she have kissed him back?
Certainly not.
Perhaps if they tried again wow where did THAT thought come from?
Meanwhile, back in reality, Zuko was waving away Aang's concerns, "That doesn't matter. Don't think about anything that happened afterward. Just bring yourself back to that one moment, where you overcame caution and went after what you wanted. Set your stance."
Aang faced the dummy and resumed his fighting stance.
Katara couldn't help but inch a little closer away from her "hiding" spot. Now that Zuko had stopped pressing Aang for details and was doing his job, she felt like she could observe with a nervous curiosity instead of outright panic.
"Now," instructed Zuko, "take a deep breath, close your eyes, and picture this girl, how she looked in that moment."
Aang's eyes closed and drew in a breath.
Katara swallowed hard. At this moment, there was no more uncertainty about Aang. He was thinking about her, in that way, right now. And that knowledge made her hold her breath and made her face get a little warm.
"Try to remember how you felt immediately beforehand. How she made you feel. Try to recreate how your heartbeat was affected. It's starting to get faster and harder. How your breathing changed—remember, it's your breath that creates energy in the body for firebending. Yours is getting shallower and more intense. Remember how your stomach muscles reacted. They're tensing in anticipation. Now, in your mind's eye, make your move and kiss her, and at the same time….STRIKE!"
Aang punched his right fist towards the dummy, and his hand exploded.
There was no whoosh like with the previous fireball, but a roar as a conical wave of fire erupted from Aang's knuckles, completely enveloping the dummy 10 yards away and continuing onward to blast past the outer railing of the stone courtyard into the vast expanse of the canyon. And to Katara's alarm, it kept going. It wasn't a single blast but a continuous, monstrous stream of fire easily 15 feet wide at its biggest and so hot that Katara had to turn away and shield her eyes.
Several seconds later, the flames finally died down and Aang blinked his eyes open, looking equal parts proud and terrified of himself. The wooden dummy….did not exist anymore. There was no way to tell if Aang had burned it to ashes or simply blasted it backwards into the canyon. The previously white stones that made up the part of the courtyard that had been in front of Aang were now blackened and cracked.
Zuko had reflexively thrown up his arms to shield his face, stumbling backward. He was still sitting on the ground, eyes widened to the size of Appa's, and his mouth hanging open in shock. He sat there for several more silent seconds until Aang gave an awkward cough, then his face split into the biggest grin Katara had ever seen on him and he started cackling with delirious relief and excitement.
"All right!" Zuko exclaimed, jumping to his feet, "Now that's what I'm talking about!" he loudly clapped his hand on Aang's back, who had returned to looking embarrassed.
"No, don't you clam up again," warned Zuko, "hold onto that feeling. Come on, I'll show you how to make a flame whip."
Katara slinked backward away from her pillar and began a very undignified scurry back to their sleeping area. The fire had long since dissipated, but her face still felt hot and flustered, and her stomach felt like it was doing somersaults. Her mind was filled up by the same three words, repeating over and over again:
I did that.
Thinking about her made Aang able to do that. She could no longer simplify things by telling herself that this was just a confusing crush he had let get to his head. For most of the time she had known Aang, the thought that he would have any….desires like that for anyone simply didn't compute for her. He was too selfless, too kind, too pure. He was a monk for crying out loud.
But what she just saw Zuko coax out of her sweet, innocent friend was….not pure. Had he had this inside of him the entire time? And what brought this out of him was thinking about her. Thinking about kissing her. As much as she tried to deny it, when she thought about this power she had over him….she liked it. She was now able to see Aang in a new light, and at least consider the possibility of being more than friends with him.
But she still fought against it, because that realization was absolutely terrifying.
Katara shook her head and splashed some of her bending water on her face. She resolved to keep doing what she had been doing: focusing on their mission. She could sort out all this confusion when the war was over.
If the goal was to help Aang defeat the Fire Lord and end the war, then naturally they all had an obligation to assist Aang with his bending in any way they could, right? So she supposed it couldn't hurt to give Aang the occasional extra-tight hug now and then. Purely for training purposes, of course.
After all, she thought with a slight smirk as she arrived back at camp, everyone else still sound asleep, what kind of teacher would I be if I didn't give my student the attention he needed?
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hlupdate · 4 years
“Feeling good in my skin/ I just keep on dancing,” Harry Styles sings in his latest single, “Treat People With Kindness.” And in the song’s exuberant music video -- which has garnered 17 million YouTube views and counting since its debut on New Year’s Day -- he does just that: Wearing a sequined jacket and bow tie, he chassés, spins and flutters jazz hands like an MGM musical star (with a little help from his equally debonair partner, Fleabag’s Phoebe Waller-Bridge).
Styles shot the video in early 2019 after several weeks of training with choreographer Paul Roberts, a collaborator since his One Direction days. “I think somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew this could be something special,” says Roberts, a veteran stage director and choreographer who’s worked on videos and tours for the likes of Sam Smith, Katy Perry, Diana Ross, and the Spice Girls (their Spiceworld stadium tour).
Watching the explosive fan reaction to Styles’s little known dance talents -- including from the Spice Girls, who've “sent lovely messages" about the video -- Roberts says it seems like "Treat People With Kindness" arrived at the precise right moment. “Most people’s comments are, ‘I’ve not felt that happy for three and a half minutes in a long time,’ or ‘I smiled from ear to ear the whole way through.’ It’s a positive light.”
He spoke to Billboard about Styles’ intensive training process -- and why he wouldn’t be surprised to see him dancing onstage again.
There’s been one pretty overwhelming reaction to this video: “This is the guy who was in the group that insisted they couldn’t dance?!” Did you expect this kind of reaction to Harry dancing?
I’ve been with Harry for 10 years: I was with the One Direction boys from the beginning the whole way through their career before they took the hiatus, and they always made a very conscious decision that they didn’t want choreography as part of their brand -- but they did want a kind of disheveled organization in order to allow the cameras and the lighting to stand a chance in terms of presenting them in the best manner possible.
What was very evident to me was that all five of them, and then it obviously became four, they’ve all got their own magic. The only time I’ve experienced that was when I worked with the Spice Girls. I always knew that they had special skills aside from what they were in One Direction, whether it was movement, songwriting, being able to handle the business side of things. For such young lads they were very astute and very decisive.  So, getting together with Harry -- he’s a bit of an alchemist, is Harry. Everything he turns his hand to turns to gold.
Where did the initial dance-centric concept come from?
Harry and the directors, Ben and Gabe [Turner], sent me a video link to the Nicholas Brothers scene from Stormy Weather and Harry asked me, "How long do you think it would take to dance like this?" I was like, "OK, are you being serious?" "Yeah, I’m being serious."
That is probably one of the most standout dance sequences ever captured on film -- so I knew we were aiming high. I said, "Why don’t we go into a studio and let’s workshop some choreography, some moves, some short sequences, and see what your ability is, see how we can tailor this to make you look the best you can possibly look." Obviously it would take some investment in terms of rehearsal and commitment, I told him it would be mentally and physically exhausting, but I thought, "My God yeah, let’s do it; this will be an adventure."
How long did the whole process take?
We started in mid-January 2019, and we rehearsed and workshopped for about four to five weeks before the shoot, every day. Both Harry and Phoebe had other things going on, so, for instance, Phoebe was working on the new Bond movie in Canada, so I sent my assistant to Canada to work with her. I stayed in the U.K. with Harry, and then we went to L.A. where Harry shot two more videos, for “Watermelon Sugar” and “Falling.”
At the end of the “Watermelon Sugar” shoot, he wrapped, got in his car, came to the dance studio and we rehearsed into the night. Knowing how short a time you sometimes get with artists even for really big performances, I thought the rehearsals would dilute and we’d lose momentum, but both Phoebe and Harry were so committed.
What was the process in the studio like with Harry? We didn’t even use his [vocal] track to begin with -- we used different big band songs, some contemporary alternative music. It was just about finding his [movement] language first and foremost.  Then we developed the choreography and sent it to the directors, who gave us feedback. We enhanced the work a bit more, and then once we had some really solid sequences, Ben and Gabe storyboarded the scenes against the timeline of the music.
At this point Harry and Phoebe were still working separately, and then we joined forces in London, where we really started to refine these sequences of choreography we’d developed, trying to find the finesse and the style, almost making sense of the movement for them so they felt they had a dancer’s way of working the movement through the body. You’ve worked with a wide variety of artists, many of whom aren’t dancers first. How do you find, as you put it, the “language” of movement that makes sense for each of them as individuals?
I think the general answer is really communicating -- listening and understanding what the artist’s desire is. And also collaborating, so you don’t get too lost in yourself as a choreographer. What looks good on you might not transcend to the artist, or even necessarily the dancers.
With Harry, what was important within the language of the choreography was that it felt joyful and had personality. Him and Phoebe, with the work she’s done with Fleabag, you associate them and what they do with a sense of style, a real confidence, but at the heart of it it’s entertainment. And with the amount of time and budget we had, which was such a luxury in this day and age, we wanted to do something that pushed both of them out of their comfort zones. We tried to make it as athletic as possible but without compromising them as artists and becoming too comedic. We wanted it to be a bit quaint and cute in places, but we definitely didn’t want it to be thought of as nonsensical or silly.
Harry’s movement in the video is so crisp and precise, even his hands and arm extension look very dancerly. Did that come through a lot of specific work with you? As a songwriter and artist, for Harry it’s about detail, about pushing yourself to be the best. He’s always got questions: "Why are we doing that? Should we be doing this?" We got to a point during the rehearsal period where I brought in a ballet teacher, really to just get Harry and Phoebe to open themselves up from behind their shoulder blades, have an idea of extension, the lines that extend from your center all the way to the tip of your finger. I’d be saying, “Your arms Harry, your arm line!” Asking him to push his shoulders down, lift his carriage up, extend through his breast. And when he hit those lines, he’d be like, “Oh yeah, that feels different.” It’s funny: We spent a couple days apart -- he had to go off and do a gig somewhere -- and I was like, “I hope you’re rehearsing when you’ve got some downtime, dude!” And he sent me a picture in the gym with his arms in the most beautiful balletic arm line! I was like, "Yes, by George, you’ve got it!" Besides the Nicholas Brothers, did you have any particular dance references in mind for the feel of the choreography? I just delved into the MGM archives. Obviously [Fred] Astaire and [Gene] Kelly, the two greats -- especially with Astaire, we loved how sometimes it seems so effortless yet a bit throwaway, not totally totally perfect always.  We enjoyed the moments from him of “I’ll just do a bit of this,” “I’ll just walk off camera left,” the dropping in and out of movement.  We loved the duet “Moses Supposes” from Singin’ in the Rain, for Gene Kelly and Donald O’Connor -- we loved the camaraderie between them, which felt a bit goofball at times, and just that wry smile, the look to the left, knowing your partner is there and has got your back. It feels fizzy, it feels joyful.
And yes, there was a massive core of MGM-ism, but at the same time an absolute huge dollop of Harry-and-Phoebe-ism. It was important to us to feel a bit more contemporary, so again we stay true to Harry and Phoebe as artists. Has Harry indicated any interest in dancing more going forward?
We had a conversation back at the end of the summer about how much we enjoyed the process, and I know he was doing another project where choreography was involved, so we were just talking about it and how he felt. Coming from where he came from to what he was about to do, he felt he could be pushed even further. I don’t know if he got the bug, or if it’s just the way he is as a person, very inquisitive and wanting to keep elevating himself. There’s now been some talk on social media that it can’t be long before Harry does Broadway. What do you think?
I mean, I think with Harry Styles, anything is possible, is it not? I mean, I’m sure because he’s tasted the dance, he’ll inject that along the line in his career. It won’t necessarily be out-and-out dancing, but I guess it’s a bit like Bowie used to do, isn’t it? It’s the showmanship and presentation of the performance. Who knows? He’s just so open-minded and open-hearted — and because he’s so open it allows the universe to come back at him and he’s able to do anything he sets his mind to.  
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nerdybookworm25 · 4 years
Rambling about Katara and Zutara
Ok so I’m going to kind of just put my two cents out there on this stuff. I joined the ATLA fandom this past summer and just started watching TLOK (my brother and I just finished Book 2 yesterday). This is a hot debate and I just want to ramble on about my opinions on this stuff. A lot of this will focus on Katara’s perspective because I can understand her better than Zuko or Aang due to personal experience. Im just... gonna... get into it now...
I’ll give you some background on me so you guys can understand where I’m coming from. I’m a 15 year old girl with abandonment issues caused by multiple deaths of close friends and family at a young age (my uncle when I was 4, a grandmother like figure when I was 7, my dad’s mum when I was 9 or 10, my great grandma when I was 11, a close friend of my dad’s when I was 13 and many others). I also am the Mum Friend (my friends literally call me “Mum”). I’m the caregiver of the group- the glue, the harmonizer, the therapist, the teacher, the good advice giver etc. (This stuff actually hot me in trouble as a kid and it kind of messed me up). My friends who have seen Avatar have compared me to Katara on multiple occasions and say I’ve got the temperament of a waterbender. You can kind of see where I’d relate, you know?
I do ship Zutara. My brother turned to me during the Book 1: Water- Episode 9~ The Waterbending Scroll and asked, “What if Zuko becomes a good guy and ends up with Katara?” From then on I was on the Zutara hill and I’ll probably die there. It limited ships that I loved from childhood and I thought it would hav been really cool- it would have fit the themes of the show, it would have been a cool thing to see grow and blossom, etc. It had nothing to do with Katara and Zuko being attractive at all- not in the slightest. It also wasn’t me projecting onto Katara. I didn’t really care to notice any major similarities between us until Book Three: Fire- Episode 7~ The Runaway. It was this exchange that changed Katara from my favorite character to someone I could heavily relate to.
Toph: [Sarcasically.] Oh really, Mom? Or what are you gonna do? Send me to my room?
Katara: I wish I could!
Toph: well you can’t! Because you’re not my mom, and you’re not their mom! [Extends her arm at Aang and Sokka, who are sitting on a ledge.]
Katara: I never said I was!
Toph: No, but you act like it! You think it’s your job to boss everyone around, but it’s not! You’re just a regular kid like the rest of us! Stop acting like you can tell me what to do! I can do whatever I want!
I remember bursting out laughing when I heard this. My brother asked me what was up and I paused it and explained that that was a lecture I revived so regularly when I was younger. It really really ended up messing me up. It’s not like I tried to mother anyone- it just happened. I wasn’t controlling it. I didn’t notice I was doing it and I got in trouble. Now things are different and I’ve embraced the fact that I am the designated Mum Freind. Still working on getting over being told off about it in therapy though. Anyway, I think you now can understand where I’m coming from with this “analysis.” Now I’m going to get into it (for real this time lol).
I think I’m going to start with the caregiver stuff. Katara’s mother died when she was very young. It was a very traumatic death. We can infer that Katara blamed herself for this death because the Southern Raiders were looking for the last waterbender of the Southern Water Tribe- her. That’s a lot for an 8 year old to try to process. Here’s the kicker: I don’t think she ever fully processed it until after Book 3: Fire- Episode 16~ The Southern Raiders. She almost immediately helped her grandmother take up the roll as the woman of the house. She probably didn’t feel like she had anyone to talk to about what she was feeling however true or false that’s what she most likely perceived this to be. When Hakoda leaves for war with all of the men of the tribe, Kanna might be the matriarch and help raise Sokka and Katara but even Sokka admits that Katara became a pseudo-mother for him. Taking care of others doesn’t leave a lot of time to deal with your own issues. Sometimes it feels easier to help others face their demons than face your own.
We continue to see Katara become the glue of the Gaang as the series progresses. She keeps them together in the Si Wong desert after Aang leaves her, Sokka, Toph, and Momo. She’s always the one cooking, cleaning, and mending not because she wants to, but because she knows no one else will do it and it needs to be done. We see her try to coax Toph into helping out around camp when she firsts joins the Gaang. It doesn’t work and this conflict continues for most of Book 2 and the beginning of Book 3. All of this time, she’s making it a point to take care of everyone. When the adults show up after the Boiling Rock, she’s still the one making the dinner and probably does a lot of the other chores as well (except for tea making- this will come into play later).
There’s a running joke about Katara being “Momtara” within the ATLA fandom (more the Zutaraians in the fandom than anything else but it’s a pretty well known concept). We continue to see this when the Gaang is on Ember Island. She brings them all drink during training sessions, watches said training sessions in case someone gets hurt and they need her, wrangles Sokka to the best of her ability, and just generally looks out for everyone regardless of age gap. It’s her natural instinct to be motherly. She retains this quality even after she finds Yon Rha. (Getting closure on her mother’s death doesn’t mean losing what had become a major personality trait).
Let’s unpack that now, shall we? Kya dies and Katara thinks it’s her fault. She doesn’t really talk to anyone about it. A few years later, Hakoda leaves to fight in the war. The Southern Water Tribe recives no letters or news about what happened to their warriors at all. Katara felt like she lost another parent. She nearly says as much during Book 3: Fire- Episode 1~ The Awakening.
Hakoda: You’re taking about me too, aren’t you?
Katara: How could you leave us, Dad? [She attempts to wipe away the tears.] I mean, I know we had Gran-Gran, and she loved us, but we were just so lost without you.
Hakoda moves to comfort her as she turns away.
Hakoda: I’m so sorry, Katara.
Katara: [Embraces Hakoda.] I understand why you left. I really do, and I know that you had to go, so why do I still feel this way? I’m so sad and angry and hurt!
The thing that sets off this exchange is Aang running away for the third time since Katara has known him (the fourth time in Aang’s lifetime). The other times he ran were when confronted by the rude fisherman in Book 1: Water- Episode 12~ The Storm, then again during Book 2: Earth- Episode 11~ The Desert. Aang has a, for lack of a better word, chronic running away problem. I’m not mad at him for it. It makes him an interesting character and shows that he too has flaws (even if they aren’t always addressed but that’s an issue with Bryke). When Aang flys away after waking up during 3.1, Katara is distraught.
Katara: He left.
Hakoda: What?
Katara: Aang. He just took his glider and disappeared. He has this ridiculous notion that he has to save the world alone, that it’s all his responsibility.
Hakoda: Maybe that’s his way of being brave.
Katara: Its not brave, it’s selfish and stupid! We could be helping him and I know the world needs him, but doesn’t he know how much we need him, too? How can he just leave us behind?
Katara feels abandoned by Aang. This is completely understandable. She has every right to be angry at him and feel sad that he flew away. He comes back every time but I feel like if I were in her position, as much as I’d hope my friend would come back and I’d tell everyone that I knew he would, I’d still be afraid that there was an off chance that he doesn’t. This is a natural human reaction to this situation. People were seemingly constantly fading in and out of Katara’s life and that just wasn’t good for her mental health. It couldn’t have been. This also raises the question of if someone has a very serious fear of abandonment, would it be healthy to be in a romantic relationship with someone who consistently leaves? Personally I don’t think so. Be friends? Sure. Date? I don’t know. It doesn’t quite sit right with me.
Katara probably feels abandoned by Zuko too. During the Book 2 Finale: Crossroads of Destiny, Katara and Zuko bond in the crystal catacombs under Ba Sing Se. They relate over their shared fear of being abandoned by those they love (yes I think Zuko has abandonment issues too- among other issues/fears). When he turns his back on her, she doesn’t live him (obviously). She has cared about him enough up to that point to offer to use what is arguably her most powerful possession to heal his scar. She cares. Because she cares about him then, she is downright livid when he betrays her. (Of course the difference between Zuko and Aang with this is Zuko leaves once and comes back and he doesn’t leave again. Aang leaves and comes back over and over and over again).
Katara: I thought you had changed!
Zuko: I have changed!
Katara carries the weight of his betrayal on her mind until she and Zuko go on their life changing field trip to confront the man who killed Katara’s mother. This was her time to finally get closure. She had probably had these feelings bottled up for 6 years and didn’t act on them. When she finally had the chance, her best friend and brother tried to stop her. She lashed out.
Katara: We’re going to find the man who took my mother from me.
Sokka pauses and stands up, surprised.
Zuko: Sokka told me the story of what happened. I know who did it and I know how to find him.
Aang: Um ... and what exactly do you think this will accomplish?
Katara: [Shakes her head in dismay.] Ugh, I knew you wouldn’t understand. [Begins to walk away.]
Aang: Wait! Stop! I do understand. You’re feeling unbelievable pain and rage. How do you think I felt about the sandbenders when they stole Appa? How do you think I felt about the Fire Nation when I found out what happened to my people?
Zuko: She needs this, Aang. This is about getting closure and justice.
Aang: I don’t think so. I think this is about getting revenge.
Katara: [Angrily.] Fine, maybe it is! Maybe it’s what he deserves!
Aang: Katara, you sound like Jet.
Katara: Its not the same! Jet attacked the innocent. This man, he’s a monster.
Sokka: Katara, she was my mother, too, but I think Aang might be right.
Katara: Then you didn’t love her the way I did!
Sokka: [Hurt.] Katara!
Katara gets a lot of flack for this interaction. She says Sokka didn’t love their mother like she did and Sokka I’d understandably hurt. It doesn’t excuse what she said, but people do lash out when they are feeling a lot of emotions and they get defensive when they feel like they’re being ganged up on or attacked (I myself am guilty of this sort of thing). What Katara said was wrong but I have no doubt in my mind that she didn’t apologize to Sokka when he and the rest of the Gaang arrive on Ember Island later in the episode. She is seen walking over to him after she hugs Zuko.
Zuko and Katara go after Yon Rha anyway. For once in her life, Katara is feeling emotions and no one is trying to get her to stop or to push them aside. She doesn’t have to be constantly taking care of someone so she can focus on herself. Katara trusts Zuko more than I think she realizes. I mean she trusts him with a lot and he follows through on a lot of unspoken/subconscious agreements and promises.
Zuko is looking out for her. Zuko has her back. Zuko is allowing her to feel all of these emotions and work them out of her own accord. Zuko isn’t telling her to feel one way or another. Zuko isn’t going to judge her for whatever she decides to do when they find Yon Rha or what she does in order for them to get to that point. Zuko ensures she gets the closure she feels she needs.
When he sees her bloodbend, he’s surprised, but he isn’t appalled. When he thinks she’s going to run Yon Rha through with a giant shard of ice, he doesn’t try to stop her. He lets her be her. He sees a dark side of her in a way that no one else in the Gaang has seen. It’s strangely intimate. Clearly it has enough of an impact to make her forgive him. She knows he isn’t going to abandon betray her and her friend again.
Once they become friends, and even before that, Zuko starts to help out with small things here and there. We see him making tea for all of the kids at dinner. He tells jokes to make them laugh. He teaches Aang firebending. He goes with Sokka to the Boiling Rock to make sure he doesn’t get himself killed or in a prison cell for the rest of his life. With all of this, “Dadko” is born.
If you strip away Zuko’s anger, he just becomes the awkward-turtleduck-first-time-father that we all know and love. There’s more balance in the Gaang with him there to help and become an “authority” figure with Katara. They become the parents of the other members of the Gaang. It’s an interesting shift in their relationship- enemies to unsteady acquaintances to enemies to frenemies to friends. They’re close enough that they show small signs of physical intimacy and they tease each other.
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Also if you look close enough when the Gaang walks into the “seedy Earth Kingdom tavern,” Zuko and Katara appear to be holding hands and are near each other from then until the finale episodes. They are clearly just great friends by the end of the show. I mean Zuko also takes a bolt of lightning to the chest for her...
Zuko doesn’t leave when his life gets difficult- not after he joins the Gaang. He made that mistake once and he won’t make it again. Aang was always part of the Gaang but continued to leave (again, I’m not mad at him for it but he never seems to realize the effect it has on the people around him- especially Katara). Zuko also doesn’t all but forget Katara and continue to run around the world. When Zuko fully decides to stick around, you best believe he is sticking around.
This works really well for Zutara. They’re both each other’s rock. They support each other and help each other in times of trouble. Do they argue? Yes. Is that a normal part of a healthy relationship- romantic or otherwise? Yes. Do they take care of and look out for each other while also not smothering or suffocating each other? Yes. I don’t know about you but this sounds stable and healthy to me. They balance each other out so well (I’m not going to get too into that because if you’re reading this you probably already know with the whole Tui and La, Yin and Yang, Oma and Shu thing).
Now, this is a big deal for me and it makes me furious, but Katara is forgotten by history. She has no statue. She is reduced to a housewife and healer- things our wonderful water feminist was afraid of becoming as an adult. I mean this girl
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This girl
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She becomes nothing but a housewife stuck in a healing hut who gets forgotten by the world and left behind by her family just... let’s all of that happen? Yeah that’s pretty unrealistic. I think about this frequently and with starting TLOK I have formed even more opinions and have a little thingy (I don’t know what to call it) for what happened to her.
Kya II is everything Teenage Katara wanted to do and be before settling down. Old Katara is everything Teenage Katara was so afraid of become reduced to/becoming.
It’s an interesting way to think about it and I thought I’d share. Now if Katara was Fire Lady, she wouldn’t end up like that. She’d have the power to change the world and continue to fight for what she believed in. She could have helped with the trail with Yakone. Katara has so much potential to not be forgotten or brushed aside and somehow it happened. It makes me so sad. The potential Zutara had to make sure Katara had a genuine legacy was right there at their finger tips and they didn’t use it. What a shame. What a shame.
With all of the things I’ve talked about, I just feel like Zutara would have been better for Katara than Kataang was. I think that’s more Bryke not developing the relationship well enough and instead choosing to be sloppy and selfish in the way they structured the relationship. Yeah this is my rambling on about the issue. Hope it was mildly entertaining! If you want me to write something about how Zuko would have benefited from Zutara, let me know!
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klainelynch · 3 years
20 First Lines
Thank you for the tag @runrundoyourstuff ! This is a really cool game :)
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories.  See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 authors!
I cheated on a couple if it made more sense to include the first couple of lines :) Starting with my most recent published fic and going backwards:
1. found a thrill to press my cheek to (FMAB, Royai fluff)
“What’s this for?” Roy asked.
2. and let the words fall out (FMAB, young!Royai)
No one had to tell Roy that being an apprentice would be the hardest thing he’d ever done.
3. when I falter (at least it was my mistake) (FMAB, missing scene with Riza)
The ride to the hospital was fairly short, but Riza’s adrenaline had long since crashed, and she wanted nothing more than to close her eyes like the Colonel.
4. astra inclinant, sed non obligant (ATLA, Aang before he meets Appa)
"Gyatso, what if none of the sky bison like me? What if they all find different kids and there isn't one left for me?"
5. though we might have precious little, it’s still precious (ATLA, Iroh & Zuko missing scene book 1)
As Iroh watched the spirit of the moon return to the sky, he thanked all the spirits again for their warnings, and apologized for not doing enough.
6. I have seen the best of you, and the worst of you (and I choose both) (ATLA, 5+1 Iroh & the gaang)
The young Water Tribe warrior was the first one to tell him. Iroh didn’t know it at the time, but there was no world in which Sokka wouldn’t be the first one to tell him about what his nephew had done for them.
7. love in the land of the living (things that last and things that come apart) (ATLA, Iroh as a teacher)
Iroh's baby brother was born under a midday sun.
8. nothing but this little spark (ATLA, Ta Min/Roku)
"You know, Roku's airbending training brought him to the Western Air Temple last month. Apparently, Sister Wangchuk is the perfect person to help him master his final forms."
9. a great multitude, which no one could count (Good Omens, Aziraphale on All Saint’s Day)
The incense could have been Aziraphale’s favorite part of the mass. 
10. where you invest your love, you invest your life (LoK, Aang & Tenzin ficlets)
The kitchen on Air Temple Island never seemed to quiet down; even in between the actual cooking, there were always a few Acolytes preparing for the next meal or cleaning up the mess from the last one.
11. if the moment of glory is over before it’s begun (ATLA, Iroh after Ba Sing Se)
Iroh supposed it was lucky that he had stopped at a port in the colonies before returning to Caldera City.
12. twist perceptions, reality won’t budge (ATLA, Toph & Zuko accidentally set off Sokka)
“So the first place you followed them to was Kyoshi Island, right?”
13. where I can’t follow (LoK/ATLA, long distance avatars and their loves)
Korra couldn’t explain what had changed.
14. maybe as his skies are wide (LoK, ficlets about Bumi with his parents)
Aang couldn’t remember the last time he had taken a day off.
15. we’re only at home when we’re on the wing (LoK, ficlets about Kya and her parents)
"Really, Dad? Just you and me?" Kya's eyes were wide with excitement, and Aang smiled.
16. before I knew which life was mine (ATLA, gaang drabbles)
Appa was eight when he saved Aang’s life for the first time.
17. you know what they say about absence and the heart (ATLA, Zukka fluff)
The disease had spread through the palace so quickly that it was a wonder they didn't all have it.
18. ‘cause the way to my heart is through my mind (ATLA, Sukka fluff)
Suki finally, begrudgingly, learned how to read when she was nine years old.
19. learn to live as if each step was the end (ATLA/LoK, Zuko drabbles)
After reading the letter about Lu Ten, Zuko’s mom said that Uncle might not act the same, and it was important to show him love.
20. freeze this moment a little bit longer (ATLA/LoK, Iroh drabbles)
Ozai rarely beat him in Pai Sho, but it was about to happen today.
I thought my favorite would be #6 because I’m damn proud of that one, but I think #7 might beat it by just a hair. It was a line that popped into my head awhile ago, and I saved it thinking that I wouldn’t actually ever use it. I’m glad I was able to use it in that fic, which was apparently more niche than I realized.
The only pattern I can see is that most of these first lines introduce the main character (not much suspense there lmao)
Tagging @flourchildwrites @terracyte @justoceanmyth @appassaddle @lone-star-ranger @vadeofspades @megthemighty @fullmetalscullyy @whycellothurr @musing-and-music if y’all want to!
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putschki1969 · 4 years
Keiko SPICE Interview ~ English Translation
Notes: This is an amazing and very insightful interview. I did my best to translate it as quickly as possible. Please enjoy. Keiko is alluding to having a nephew now in addition to her niece. Ahh, that’s great. I know she loves being an auntie. She also mentions a chronic illness. I know she was having issues with her voice ever since late 2015/early 2016 (mild bronchitis) but I didn’t know it was that bad. Kalafina’s busy schedule probably didn’t allow her to fully recover. So glad she was finally able to recover properly. Anyways, let’s get to it! As always, be aware that my Japanese is by no means perfect so take everything with a grain of salt.
Source: https://spice.eplus.jp/articles/270870
In her first public interview since 2 years KEIKO talks about her quest to find music she can imagine herself creating. Regarding her solo debut she shared, “I liked these songs so I wanted to sing them!”
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Three-person vocal unit “Kalafina”. KEIKO, one of the three members who created beautiful harmonies together, released her solo debut single  「命の花/Be Yourself」on May 27. After two years I got to interview KEIKO who is finally launching her solo career. She shared her thoughts regarding those two years of silence and how she ended up creating her new songs. She also told me how she felt about her 10 years as part of Kalafina~
The moment when music was no longer present in her life
――It's been such a long time. My last interview with you was back in March 2018.
Wow, has it really been this long...
――On May 27, you released your debut single「命の花/Be Yourself」 as solo artist, what did you do during your hiatus? How did you spend your time until you started working at your new agency? Did you prepare yourself for your solo activities?
No such thing. For me it was a period where I had to come to a full stop in order to get some clear answers for myself.
――Were there any specific things you wanted to try, a new start so to speak, without having to stick to any schedules?
I spent a lot more time in nature and with my family, there were also some days when I helped out my grandmother with her everyday chores. During these days I talked a lot with her and while we were reminiscing about the good old days the topic of kimonos came up, my grandmother is a “kimono instructor”, you know. “You have always loved kimonos, right?” she asked me one day so I ended up trying some of them on with her help. It’s a very special feeling for a girl to have someone put a kimono on for you. I wanted to provide that feelings for other people, especially my little niece and nephew.  Also, I remembered from all of our previous overseas lives that Japanese kimonos are very popular all across the world so I felt a strong determination and decided to go to a Kimono School, "OK, let's go to school!."
――So you really enrolled in a school?
Yes, I went back to school for about half a year.
――Did you get a qualification?
At first I just wanted to take some classes. But as I spent my time there, I realised that wearing a kimono also meant studying a part of Japanese history. I was so absorbed in my studies and then all of a sudden someone suggested, “why don’t you take the exam?” “Eh?” I was slightly taken aback, “should I really do it?” “You definitely should!” It was kinda like that *laughs* So I got my qualifications by sitting in for an exam in front of very sophisticated teachers who asked me lots of questions.
――This was probably refreshing for you, like a switch had been turned off in your mind?
Yes... At that time I felt like I got to experience all the good and bad aspects of my work and I was able to determine the field and scope of my activities all by myself. 
――I thought so.
When I went to Kimono School it was very refreshing to stay anonymous, I was able to put myself in a state where I was a nobody. There was pretty much no one at school who was close to my age in their thirties. There were either very young people who aspired to get a job in the kimono field or refined older ladies who were wearing kimono on a daily basis. But no one in my age-group.  
――It was an environment where you only had seniors and juniors around you but no peers?
Yes. It felt like a natural environment to start from scratch without having anyone around on my level. Jumping into such an environment was a very relaxing experience. 
――In a sense it might have been a refreshing time for you.
Naturally, when you put yourself into an unfamiliar situation, you will treat everything with a lot of respect. You are also starting to reconsider the way you treat the people around yourself, your attitude towards people.
――So it was a time when you were analysing the relationships and distances between yourself and other people? Within all of this, was there also some time you dedicated to music? For example, did you take singing lesson or anything like that?
Some fans may know this but towards the end of our activities my chronic illness had gotten pretty bad to a point where I wasn’t even able to do lives any more. Restoring my health and giving my voice a chance to recover was a major catalyst for me to take a break, that’s why I didn’t do anything music-related for about half a year.
――So you didn’t even take care of your vocals during this time?
Exactly. I took a complete and total break from music. In those moments when I was resting properly, music was no longer a part of my life.
――Music has always been a part of your life, you have dedicated a lot of thought, work and training towards music. In turn I think that music also provided a lot for you. So how was it to be separated from this integral part of your life? Did you maybe feel sad or a sense of loneliness?
I don't recall feeling any of that but my memories are quite blurry and fragmentary. I really don’t remember the time from our final stage greeting at the Toho Cinema Hibiya until around autumn of the same year. Maybe I was too absorbed with jumping into a new environment and resting my body. Even if I look back at that time now and try to remember what I was feelings back then, I can’t really remember anything of what was happening for about half a year. it’s very strange.
――So there was nothing, just a feeling of emptiness?
Yes, a feeling of emptiness. I guess that’s why I was trying to do so many new things, to fill that void.
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She continued to search for an answer until she finally found it - a return to Kajiura Yuki
――After all this time you have returned with your solo debut. I wonder, was there a particular moment that had you become active again and which eventually motivated you to work towards your solo debut? 
I remember the moment clearly when I started to be active again, it was actually a very simple thing. I became aware of the voices of our fans who had always supported us, everyone was wondering, “will KEIKO be singing again?”, “How does she feel about music right now?!”
――Yes, everyone was really curious.
Naturally, as my body recovered, my mind and heart became brighter and healthier too. After the end of summer and autumn, my body was in a great state. From then onwards I felt motivated to finally meet up with people in the industry again. I had a chance meeting with Yoda-san* who is now working together with me as my producer. During our initial talks he asked me, "you have sung songs of all kinds of genres in the past but what kind of music it is that KEIKO-chan wants to sing?” I was baffled when he asked me that because for a moment there I had no idea what to answer… [*She is referring to Haruo Yoda who also produces MISIA. She uses UNIVERSOUL999 STUDIO for her recordings.]
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――You just froze up?
Yes, for the life of me, I couldn't answer his question. I wondered, "what is it that I want to sing?" I was super shocked because I was clueless. In that moment I knew I couldn’t go on like that, it was like a switch had been turned on in my mind.
――Not being able to answer immediately, that’s unexpected.
I had always been so invested in music, for all this time I had done nothing but pursue music so it was very shocking to realise that I didn’t have an answer for such an important question regarding music. 
――So did you also start to become active again to find that answer?
After that switch had been turned on, I spent every day in the studio. I turned off the lights and listened to music all day every day pretending like I was at a concert venue.
――You spent all your time at the studio?
―― Was it like trial and error? I don't know if you can give a specific name but were there any songs or artists that left an impression on you while you were listening to all of that music?
Kajiura-san for sure.
No matter what I listened to, I always ended up thinking, “no, that’s not it, that’s not what I want to do.” At one point I thought that I just wouldn’t be able to find anything for me and then suddenly there was one of Kajiura-san's OSTs playing in the background. I was like, ‘oh... that's exactly what I was looking for."
――What exactly was that?
It was refreshing to once again realise that Kajiura-san's music is still able to touch my heart. All this time I had been looking for something "new!" After all, in order to start something new you want to find new music, right?
――I guess so.
But once I thought about it carefully, I realised that both the FictionJunction songs as well as the Kalafina songs were incredibly rewarding and worthy, so much fun and engrossing. Without even realising it, I had spent a decade performing these songs. I could do that because I loved the music. I felt like I was once again thrown back to a time when it was just about that simple feeling. That was the answer I ended up with in the final days of 2018.
――You were looking everywhere for the right answer but turns out the answer was right in front where you originally started.
I was kinda going back and forth needlessly, I felt very sorry about that *laughs*. The answer was right there all along *laughs*.
――I am sure that was a very emotional time for you... That's how you ended up appearing at Kajiura-san’s lives again after a very long break, how were those lives for you?
They were a lot of fun! I kept saying, “I am having a blast, I love this so much!” *laughs* Looking back at that time now, I think the biggest change for me was that I felt this immense joy to be back. I think it was because I took such a long break.
――But your heart was never able to let go.
Perhaps so. I think as an adult it takes quite some courage to put a halt to your life like that. But it was absolutely necessary for me to stop for a while.
――It's wonderful that you were able to gain a new sort of awareness during all of this.
Starting a new chapter like this felt really nice because my past and present got connected. And now I see it as my duty to strengthen my body and mind for a long-lasting music career.  
――When I first asked you how it was to perform again after such a long time and you replied with a huge smile, “it was so much fun!”, that felt very refreshing to me, it made me incredibly happy to see you like that. 
Thank you. I guess I am just so excited to be back at Kajiura-san's lives. It was so nice because everyone was there. Kajiura-san, the other singers and the band-members, they were all there. So I think that’s what made me happy. It might have been very different if my comeback had happened under different circumstances, on a different stage.
――There may have been a different kind of nervousness.
I agree. This way it just felt like coming home, a warm and welcoming home. 
Two songs she decided to sing because she fell in love with the melody
――Please tell us about the release of your digital solo debut single, 「命の花 / Be Yourself」. Let’s start with the time when you found out about the release.
I am currently busy with the music production process so it may be best to ask my staff members about all the details regarding the release *laugh*.
――We have someone from the record company with us here today so let’s ask them, shall we? Is there anything strategic about the timing of this digital single release?
Person in charge: We decided to release an album around autumn for her big solo comeback. But we knew that the fans would be very curious about what kind of music they could expect from KEIKO in the future. So to start with, we wanted to do a little greeting by KEIKO and a digital release with two very good songs, 「命の花」and「Be Yourself」. This way we would get the chance to receive some feedback from the fans.
――I see, thank you for your input. Now back to Keiko, I would also like to know your impression when you first heard those two songs?
Doing solo activities is like starting from scratch for me. I am working based on my instincts, my gut-feeling, right now my premise is "if I like a song I want to sing it."
――You want to be able to like and appreciate the songs.
When I heard 「命の花」 for the first time I was immediately blown away, “OMG, I NEED to sing this!” I fell completely in love with the melody. With 「Be Yourself」it was a different way of falling in love. It’s the kind of song I enjoy listening to as a personal hobby. When I want to get hyped or motivated I listen to this sort of song. I shared my impression with the people around me and then we all ended up deciding that I should try singing it and just match my voice to that type of song.  If you think about it, my way of falling in love with 「命の花」and「Be Yourself」was the complete opposite.  
――Yes, you liked both but your approach of liking those songs was totally different.
That's right. Nevertheless, I love both of these songs. For some reason they resonated with me.
――When it comes to 「命の花」you were also in charge of the lyrics, weren’t you? Did you fall so much in love with the melody that you immediately wanted to write the lyrics?
――Eh! ?
Well *laughs*. I haven't studied songwriting and I have never written lyrics before. So despite wanting to sing songs I never thought I could write the lyrics.
――That’s your attitude toward music.
But this time I was asked, "if you feel like it you could try and write the lyrics yourself?” so I said, “okay, I will give it a try.” But if I hadn’t been able to put my own worldview into words I would have probably asked the composer to do it.
――Do you feel like you prioritise the world views of the music when you are writing the lyrics yourself?
First and foremost I think that listening to music should make you feel good. It’s about the placement of words and how you feel a certain atmosphere. I'm not saying that I dislike writing lyrics but depending on each song, I think I would like to decide whether I want to write the lyrics or not.
――So you will not write the lyrics for everything.
I really don’t think so.
――Is it very difficult for you to write lyrics?
I guess because I was so in love with the song I set some really high goals for myself. It took a lot of time. The production period was in January so the cold weather made it even more difficult for me, I was constantly sitting there and sighing into the cold air. “Phew...” *laughs*
――The cold season is perfect to let out heavy sighs *laughs*.
It really wasn’t easy. But I didn’t see it as hardship. The feeling that I really wanted to sing this song was too strong. At the end of the day I managed to write the lyrics thinking that I wanted to sing this song as soon as possible.
――If you can't write proper lyrics you won’t have a song to sing. 
That's right. "I can't sing it right now so I have to deal with this situation!” So that’s how I spent all of January, singing and writing and lots of sighing, trying to put my feelings into words. Lots of trial and error, “no, this doesn’t sound right, no that doesn’t resonate well here,...”
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Everything leads to the feeling of "doing music and having fun".
――When I listened to the song I got this really silly impression, I felt like, "this is all so KEIKO-like, bursting with KEIKO-ness."
Why is that? *laughs*
――You put so much thought into your singing, I was able to hear all sorts of colours and sceneries in your voice, a great mixture. So the first thing that came to mind was, "this is all so KEIKO-like" *laughs*
Hahaha! *laughs*
――Overlapping colours, getting glimpses of the shades below, a multicolour structure. How was it when you actually sang the song?
Rather than writing the lyrics first and singing the song afterwards I wrote the song and sang it at the same time. So when I had finally completed the song, it felt like a natural progression.
――It’s not so much about trying to sing something that is already written but more about finding the right words to express the song properly? 
It's difficult to put all of this into words... I wanted to use sharp sounds and vowels in my singing that would emphasise the images emerging from the melody. This is what I struggled with the most. It took me some time to find a balance where the melody and words would match.
――You wanted them to match?
Yes. I think that's because of my activities as a member of Kalafina, my ears are trained in such a way and used to that kind of harmony.
――Probably because you have heard such a wide variety of singing styles, this made you very particular about how things are supposed to sound like.
When the lyrics are written by someone else and the notes and words are fitting nicely together I never thought it would actually be that hard. But from the very first moment I started to work on my song, I really gained an understanding for the difficulty of writing lyrics yourself.
――When you are thinking about that you quickly realise that what composers and songwriters are doing is simply awesome, it’s out of this world.  
I think it's amazing. At the end of the day I am just a newbie so all I can do is a beginner’s work. You have to be aware of yourself and what you can do. That’s something I have learned, you can’t do anything in life unless you are fully aware of your capabilities. The very final vocal recording was a lot of fun though.
――I think it's great that you can do music and have fun at the same time.
That's right! It's so much fun!
――Do the words and themes used in the lyrics reflect some parts of yourself?
Yes, some parts for sure. But... hmmm... it's difficult. This is my first time talking about writing lyrics but I am not really sure how much I am supposed to say? I guess it’s all hidden within the lyrics somewhere, I think everyone should go and look for those parts.
――I guess it all comes down to the individual interpretation, listeners discover the things that they want to hear?
I agree. There are all kinds of people who are doing their very best every day and working hard. I want to create and sing music for those people. I'm most happy when they can listen to my music and find something that resonates with their own lives.
―― Now I would also like so hear a few things about the second song "Be Yourself." It made me feel great to listen to it while going for a run.
Thank you, I am so happy to hear that *laughs*. I have also done some of my workouts and muscle training while listening to “Be Yourself”, it really got me motivated.
――It's such an exhilarating song!
For me it has this particular vibe of youthfulness. We are all at an age now where youth feels quite far away, doesn’t it? *laughs*
――Well, yes... *laughs*
However, the beat and momentum of the song drown out any sort of embarrassment you might feel, there is a kind of overeagerness conveyed. I wanted to sing a song that you can just listen to without having to think or worry about anything, you can just have a great time.
Maybe one could say she is a “Sound Otaku”
――It's been a while since the release. An official Twitter account has also been launched, it’s something you have never done, right? Have you seen some of the fan reactions?
I am seeing them. But for the most part I am busy with making more music at the moment so I am leaving a lot of that work to my staff members. I am very much aware of everyone’s feedback though so thank you!
――How was everyone’s feedback?
As you mentioned earlier, people were just really happy to hear my voice and bothing but my voice in two whole songs. Others said they were really curious to hear more of my music. I was particularly happy to hear everyone’s impressions regarding my singing voice.
――In the future you will most likely release lots of albums and sing your music live at concerts. Have you already thought about the fact that you will be standing alone on stage then? Have you been imagining yourself doing that?
I have already started to research different ways on how to best express my songs with my newly created singing voice. I am doing image training, taking care of my voice and preparing myself for live performances
――What do you mean by expressing the songs?
As I have said earlier, I started to make music again because I really loved the melody so I wanted to add my voice to it. During the production process I spend a lot of time in the studio and I try to find a voice and sound that fits the song perfectly. This period right now is super fun since I am putting everything on the line, I am taking a lot of risks. Depending on the song, my voice and singing style can be completely different.
――That’s quite something. It’s very stoic of you that you can find so much joy in that.
I wonder if stoic is the right word here... I think “otaku” would describe it better.
――So you are a music otaku?
Maybe a sound otaku? *laughs*. Wondering about what kinds of sounds are echoing in the background while listening to a song...Being curious about the base-line... It’s these things I am super interested in. My infatuation with sound (“otomo”) is very strong. The word otomo is probably made up by Kajiura-san *laughs*.
――It’s a good word. A word that accurately describes an infatuation with sounds. I feel like you are even more infatuated than you used to be in the past.
Everyone around me is making the pursuit of my infatuation possible, that’s why I am so determined. I am just really grateful. 
――After listening to everything you have just said right now, I think everyone will feel the need to check out your songs.
I want everyone to listen to them. I think they are both very interesting *laughs*.
――Speaking of which, is there anything particular you would like to share with your fans before they listen to your songs?
Not really. Everyone should freely decide whether they want to listen or not. And they should listen with an open mind. I feel like my motivations, infatuations and interests are very different from what the fans like. If I share all the aspects and points of my songs that I consider special  then fans are very likely to focus on only that.
――Yes, that’s true, if you provide all this information beforehand then people may end up being biased.
I want everyone to enjoy my music with an open mind, without being bound by preconceived notions.
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How she currently feels about 10 years of Kalafina
――I would also like to hear your thoughts on Kalafina. Looking back, how do you feel about the 10 years as part of Kalafina?
My 10 years as part of Kalafina, well, yes, they are the reason I can sing now. It’s the binding link of everything, it’s why I can sing now, it’s why I want to sing, it’s the axis of my very existence. That’s what my time in Kalafina means to me.
――Now that you have released your solo debut single in May all three of you have started your solo activities. How do you feel about Hikaru and Wakana's solo activities?
I want them to do their very best and achieve everything that they couldn’t achieve as members of Kalafina. I think that’s the only thing I can say about that...I think there is no point in comparing our solo activities. I just want them to sing with all their might.
――I think for many people Kalafina is still very important. I am assuming there are quite a few fans who yearn to hear Kalafina’s harmony again one day when they listen to all of your solo works.
Our lives as singers is based on that very harmony so I am honestly very happy that many people are still thinking that way. We put all of our heart into Kalafina’s music and activities so to know that everyone wants to hear that harmony again feels like an affirmation of our hard work, it makes me very happy.
――Last but not least, please share a final message for the fans.
In the past I have talked about all kinds of thing with SPICE. I am happy to once again share my thoughts with SPICE now that I am starting out on this new path in my career. My solo activities as KEIKO have just begun, I am really enjoying making music. I am looking forward to the day when I can sing my songs for you, please look forward to that day as well! Thank you for your lifelong support. *laughs*
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Zukka Soulmate AU part 10
"Okay... so what are we doing here... exactly? I thought you guys needed to.. uh train and stuff?" Lily said as she walked behind Sokka
"Thats what I've been trying to tell them! But does anyone listen to Sokka? No!" Sokka was fuming
"I... uh.. I listen to you" Zuko offeres
"Oh yeah! You think that just because we happen to maybe possibly be soulmates that I'll forgive you for everything! Just like that! I mean come on you-"
"Shhh! You have to be quiet or you'll scare them off!" Aang interrupted the pair
Sokka turned to glare at Zuko "this discussion isn't over"
Lily walked to Aang "hey, thats a flute isn't it? I play the pan flute"
"Really? Did you bring it with you? Here sit sit!!"
"What I- woah!" She was pulled down and just reserved to sit cross legged "I didnt bring it but I'm sure Tarren can bend me up one, he made me my other ones and fixed them up all the time"
"Huh? Oh pan flute right" Tarren gave a small sigh before breaking off a piece of rock from the small Boulder he was leaning on and shapped it into a flute "have at it buzzy" Tarren said while handing it to Lily and placing a small kiss on her head.
Kurt gave a pout from the boulder Tarren came from only to be met by a forehead kiss of his own which made him turn beet red and fluster.
"Thanks hun, uh... okay, so I know how to play but what are we doing?" Lily gave a shy grin
Aang smirked "juuuust watch" he played a quick not and an animal popped up singing the note.
Lily's eyes lit up with joy "oh! Oh my gods! There used to be a small group of these behind my family's house! Oh! Watch this" She then played three notes at one time which made three jump and sing the notes before going back in "oh! Oh! This is fun! You chose the best spot Aang!"
"Heh... thanks"
"Okay! Thats enough playing flute practice! We have a mission you guys!" Sokka opened a map "we need to keep. Moving."
"Hey, Sokka, loosen up okay? We have all of Aangs bending teachers with us right here, whats wrong with a little relaxation?" Katara reasoned
Sokka fumed and glared at Zuko "fine, so long as I have a moment to talk to mister blue band over here!"
"I thought you... liked it.." Zuko reached up to the necklace and undid it "you... you tied it there..."
"I know I tied it there but now the more I look at it the angrier I get so just!" Sokka paused and let out a breath "wear it where you had it before please?"
Zuko stiffened and then choked out a "yeah... uh, yeah. Of course"
"My turn for a vacation!" Katara called out before running to the map. "Hey! This place looks nice!"
"Oh yeah! The springs! Its a really nice place, you'll love it!"
And cut to a sign falling. "Must have... changed ownership in the last hundred years?" He gave a nervous laugh.
Walking into the bar Aang managed to run into the guy who's smoothie they just watch get made. Turned out to be a researcher. However Lily seemed on edge "I swear to you Tarren! I. Saw. Him. I dont know if it was actually him or just someone who looked like him but it..."
"Who? Who did you see?" Kurt pipd up while standing beside his mates
"One of the men who attacked my parents, but it couldn't have been him, Tarren and Fin killed all three of them that night." Lily gave a small sigh "im probably just stressed is all, Im sure it was just the desert getting to me"
"At the Library!!" The trio turned to find that they were now about to travel the desert to find the lost library of... wan shi who now? Jee and Iroh decided to stay behind and sit this one out, these drinks aren't going to drink themselves you know.
Flying on the bison was still a little frightening but with Kurt and Tarren clinging to her for dear life Lily felt like a mother hen, they were both such powerful benders and yet they clung to her for safety.
Sokka on the otherhand steered as clear of Zuko as he could. Katare took note of that and turned to him "why are you being such an ass?"
"What? What do you mean? I'm not being an ass to Zuko?"
"I never said you were being an ass to Zuko I just said you were being an ass"
Sokka sighed "okay, fine, Im just... I still don't want to believe its true okay? I mean... it can't be right? Me? A souther watertribesman and him a fire prince? Its crazy talk right?"
"Souls don't care about titles or nations Sokka"
"I know I know-"
"And thats not all that's making you act this way is it?"
Sokka gave her a hard stare "look, I just want to spend my vacation time peacefully... okay?"
Katara gave upon convincing him to talk and just sighed "whatever, it'll come out eventually"
"There it is!" Toph called out and everyone but Lily turned to look at it.
Lily face palmed as Toph Sasser everyone "seriously... how do you keep forgetting that about her?"
"Beats me, theyre all pretty dense, even your two are dense" Lily and Toph laughed and Lily gave both of her boys noogies
"Yeah, but thats how I like them. Cute, powerful, and dumb as a bag of rocks" she teased
"Hey!" The pair said in unison
"Whats that over there!" Sokka shouted.
They soon landed right by a pillar and found it to be part of the library. "Wow, its underground huh? And its in perfect condition?"
"Youre brilliant Toph"
"I know"
"No really.. youre amazing" Lily looked at Toph with a grin "and Im certain you'll get the hang of sand in no time"
"Come on Lily! Are you coming or not?" Sokka called out.
Lily went with Katara Sokka Aang and Kurt to find some clues about the firenation. While Zuko and Tarren stayed with Toph to guard the library and Appa.
Landing in the library Lily was at a loss for words, perhaps she could find some in the many pages of these books. No time for that though wan shi tong has found them and the researcher has some massive guts to just jump out and talk to the owl.
"Something worth your time?" Lily asked
"Yes, anything to add to my collection"
"Would a book in Braille be of use to you?" She offered one of the braille learning books she brought
"Braille? What is that?"
"Oh! Its a recent invention... a good friend of mine made it so that his blind friend could read, it can be done by anyone with paper and this tool" she pulled out the braille press "I have two of these with me so this is yours if you'd like it."
"I haven't heard of this yet, perhaps my little helpers aren't as attentive as they claim to be"
"No! No, I'm sure they're very attentive... this hasn't taken off quite yet, its been in the process for about a decade now but... well... most people don't care for it, say its too difficult to teach a blind kid to read bumps"
"Many people are nit very wise... regardless, you are free to browse the library... for now"
And with that they split up to find something. Anything. Kurt and Lily went one way while the others went another.
"So.. uh, Lily, since you guys know I'm your soulmate now. Do you think that uh.. I could..."
"You could what?" Lily gave a raised brow and a tilt in her hips.
"Uh... nothing! It was stupid anyways" kurt rubbed his neck anxiously
"Kurt just spit it out! Whatever you wanted to say just say it." Lily demanded
"Okay okay! I was just wondering if maybe I could get... some.. affection? Like uh, hugs and kisses and stuff..." kurt shifted awkwardly on his feet.
Lily softened her expression and giggled "oh Kurt, of course you can, we figured you didn't want any affection, you just need to ask is all"
"How about.. uh... now?"
"Now? Like.. right now?" Lily flushed "bold... I like it" she laughed "come here cub"
"Cub!? I what is it with you guys and short play nicknam- mm!" And just like that he shut up. Lily had him pinned with her leaning down to give him a kiss
"You talk too much, now lets keep looking arou-"
Kurt and Lily's eyes both went wide at the sound of that voice. That voice that they both apparently knew. It was him. He was here and he was alive.
But how?
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petri808 · 5 years
Oblivious be Thy Name
Inspired by this post  @todorokitops 
For some reason that baffled those around him, Bakugou always gravitated towards Midoriya no matter how many times he denied it was happening.  Eventually his friends grow tired of it and present him with evidence...
Bakudeku *spoiler warning Heroes Rising is mentioned
As he stands in front of UA’s front door on the first day of classes, the sight up ahead just blows Katsuki’s mind. ‘Tch.  I swear God hates me…’  He still couldn’t understand how the fuck did that damn quirkless bastard get in here?!  But it was no denying it, as they walked into the hero course, that Midoriya Izuka had somehow passed the entrance exam.  
Trailing behind towards the same classroom, a string of curses loops in his head as he walks up the aisle of desks.  Of course, the gods would throw him this loop!  The nerd flashes him a smile, but Bakugou turns his nose up with a sneer, ignoring him and drops into the chair in front of the guy.  Same school, same class, now seat mates!  Ugh!  He could feel Midoriya’s eyes on the back of his head.  Three more years of being around this loser, what were the odds.
Everyone around him were just sidekicks to Bakugou.  The only true rivals were Icy Hot and maybe Deku based on his own bitter realization.  But despite his grumpy attitude, a few of his classmates gravitated towards the hot-headed blonde, immediately trying to befriend him.  Maybe he could use them later, well as long as they didn’t get in his way that is.  
“Hey Bakugou!”
Just as he’s about to put his tray of food down, he sees the spiky red head waving at him from one of the cafeteria tables.  He looks around and notices Midoriya sitting at the end of the one he was about to sit on and sneers.  Damn, he needed to pay attention more!  Bakugou quickly grabs his tray and heads over to the sidekicks table to join them.
Kirishima smiles, his shark-grin flashing wide.  “So, how’d you like the first day?”  
Without looking at the red head, Bakugou grabs his fork.  “Aizawa’s a dick,” was his only reply before digging into his food.  
Undeterred, the man continues.  “I heard you and Midoriya come from the same middle school.”
“You guys friends?  You were about to sit…”
“Fuck no!” he slams his fist onto the table, bending his fork in the process.  “Goddamn broccoli head is not my friend!”    
Kirishima flinches, “Oh damn, my bad I just assumed…”
“Keep your pea brain out of my affairs.  Fuck!” he realizes the fork is bent and tosses it onto the tray.  So much for lunch.  Just the mere mention of Midoriya as his friend had sent his appetite packing.  Bakugou shoves his way off the table, grabs his tray and dumps it in the trash before stomping back to the classroom, leaving a stunned table behind.  This year was starting off on such an amazing foot!  If it got any better, the blonde was gonna burn it to the ground.  
Despite the attitude, Kirishima and a few others still stuck around Bakugou.    They’d long stopped asking him questions about the nerd, for fear of setting him off.  But it was fine, since they provided him with a source of comic relief.  Plus, the red head’s hardening quirk made for a great sparring buddy.  He’d feared that Midoriya would follow the same trend as their former school days, but it seemed the guy was making friends of his own.  The nerdy bunch, he called them with gravity chick and the four-eyed control freak rounding out the trio.  Good.  The last thing he wanted was a repeat of their formative years.
The weeks and months pass by at school and there was barely any time for him to focus on his rivalry with Midoriya.  Of course, when something did happen, their fights were a mini world war.  But usually they stuck to their own groups of friends and it was mostly during class training sessions that somehow, he would end up paired with or in a group with the nerd.  Bakugou wondered if Aizawa or All Might was doing it on purpose to piss him off.  
“What are you doing here Deku?!”
Midoriya looks up and smiles, ignoring the man’s tone, “oh, hi Kaachan, didn’t see you walk up.”
It was the second Sports Event for UA since they’d entered the school.  The first-year students were currently in competitions and the older students are in the stands watching to see the new blood in action.  There are a lot of promising quirks to be seen, though so far, nothing as spectacular as their class.  That could change with training, and they’d yet to see the individual competitions, so maybe one of the Freshman will surprise them.    
“Hey guys,” Midoriya acknowledges the rest of the Bakusquad as the group had become known as. Kirishima, Ashido, Kaminari, and Sero stood behind their leader, each saying hi back to the green haired man as well to Iida and Uraraka who sat next to him.
“Tch.”  Bakugou turns and walks away further along the bleachers to find a seat with the rest of the group following behind.  With so many people around, he didn’t want to be seen anywhere near Midoriya.  
When he settles on an area far enough away, everyone grabs a spot next to or behind the blonde.  They were excited to see the action, and Ashido was already talking their ear off about a girl she knew from their old middle school who was a UA student now.  
“Oh look, see, there she is!”  she points to the field.
“Right!  Now I remember her!” Kirishima pipes up.  “She’s changed her hair since then.”
“Oi!  Could you guys shut it!” Bakugou snaps at them.  “If I wanted noise, I’d’ve stayed by Deku!”
“Speaking of that,” the pink haired girl taps her chin, “I was surprised we didn’t sit by them.”
“What?!  Why the fuck would I sit by the nerd brigade?!”
“Cause you usually sit near Midoriya,” Kaminari chimes in.
“No, I fucking don’t!”
“Yeah, you do bakubro,” Kirishima adds into the word affray.  “When you’re not with us, you’re near him.”
Bakugou turns away refusing to acknowledge what they were saying.  “I think the hair dye got in your eyes or maybe you should borrow four-eye’s glasses.”
Seros eyebrow raises from the blatant denial.  He taps on Ashido’s shoulder, “you should show him the pics.  Maybe then he’ll believe it.”
‘Pictures?!’  The blonde stiffens briefly but pushes away any fears.  He has no idea what they were talking about.  Sure, there are bound to be some pictures of him near Deku, they’re in the same class, are forced to train together, and have had to deal with villains together.  But that didn’t mean he was always around the nerd!  At least not by choice!  “Tch.  I don’t believe you guys.”
Ashido opens a file in her phone to reveal well over a hundred photos spanning their UA career.  She turns the screen to face Bakugou but keeps the phone at a slight distance and out of the blonde’s reach.  “See?” she slowly scrolls through the library of photos, letting a grin morph onto her face.  “Busted.”
The longer he scans, the more the scowl on his face grows.  There were pictures in the cafeteria, in the gym, in the dorms common room, and other places on campus.  Off campus during training sessions there he was again, sitting next to or within arm’s reach of none other than Deku!  What the fuck?!  How did he not realize he’d been doing that all this time?!  
“Remember that first day of school?” Kirishima questions his friend.  “If I hadn’t waved you over, you were walking straight to Midoriya’s table.”
“And today,” Sero adds, “you did it again, just ended up walking straight to where Midoriya was.  It’s like you bee-line it to him.”
“Like a moth to a flame,” Ashido sing songs.
“You do it a lot man,” Kaminari laughs, “I can’t believe you didn’t realize it.”
“We were starting to think you had a crush on the guy or something,” Ashido giggles louder, “well a weird ass crush considering how much you say you hate the guy.”
“WHAT!!!” he jumps to his feet in a rage.  “FUCK NO!!  I-I…”  Bakugou storms away furious that they would even insinuate such a notion!  “Fuck all of you!”  There was no way in hell or heaven he’d willingly sit next to Deku!  It had to be lies!
He needed somewhere to cool off, and with the entire school focused on the games, the blonde walks the grounds in search of a place to sit down and clear his head.  Eventually he makes it to the grassy knoll near their dorm building and drops into a cross-legged position under a tree.  Bakugou closes his eyes.  Fuck those pictures!  So, what if they showed him sitting near that nerd?  If he analyzed them, he’d bet there were normal explanations for every single one of them.
Like that first day of school, it was the first open seat he had noticed, and he’d been starving.  The training camp, well he ended up next to Deku because it was the only spot available to sleep.  In the common room, there are only a few areas to sit!  As he replayed scene after scene as far as he was concerned, they were all just coincidences!  ‘And why the hell was Ashido taking pictures of him anyways?!’  Most of the photos were so randomly taken, that it was obvious she was snapping the photos just to point them out.  In fact, the file on her phone was named ‘Oblivious.’  Well Fuck her, fuck shitty hair, fuck all of them!  He wasn’t…
Midoriya leans back in his chair confused, “But Kacchan, you-you’re the one who sat next to me…  I was here 10 minutes before you.”  He didn’t understand what the man was upset about.  How had it taken the blonde 15 minutes to realize he was sitting next to him.  
Even the police officers in the briefing room had stopped talking to see what the shouting was about.
With all eyes trained on them, Katsuki sees their teacher and All Might motioning for him to be quiet.  He scoffs and rolls his eyes, then stands up in a huff to finds another seat further away next to his buddy Kirishima.
“You okay?” the red head queries, “looked like you were zoning out on Midoriya’s head for a while, I assumed you were just ignoring the briefing.”
Bakugou grits his teeth, “Fuck no!  Now shut up so they can finish this damn briefing.”  He wasn’t staring at Midoriya!  
Or was he?  The hot head lets out a loud growl that sends a few birds from the surrounding area to take flight.  Panic sets in as his eyes pop open from the memory, hands shaking, and heart thudding loudly in his chest.  But his mind had snapped.  A flash of green in his periphery causes him to whip his head towards it in fear that the nerd had followed him… but it was just a green hedge.  Sweat beads along his forehead.  What was going on?!  Why was he being so paranoid all of a sudden?  ‘Oh, hell no!’  Had he chosen this spot because of the green colored hedge?!  
All this time was his subconscious pulling him towards the nerd and he’d never realized it?  But why?!  They’d patched up a lot in their relationship, starting when Deku had told him the truth about his quirk.  Regardless of his feelings, the guy was someone he’s known for most of their lives, so he was bound to feel some small comfort around him...  This man who reminded him of their childhood and all the carefree times spent playing near their school or apartment building.  Just a hanger-on that would follow them around but was the first to lend him a hand.  Or whose sunny disposition could piss him off and yet… make him feel relaxed in unfamiliar surroundings….  Then there was the incident on Nabu.
“No, No, No!”  Bakugou covers his face with his hands as the same warm feelings he’d ignored around Midoriya blatantly reveals itself.  Fear was not something he would ever admit to feeling but having that damn nerd around to watch his back could calm his nerves like no other, or even better, boost his drive and confidence.  “Fuck!”  He was so screwed!
“This… isn’t… possible…” he mumbles.
“What isn’t possible?”
“What the fuck?!”  Bakugou quickly looks up, reacting to the sound of Midoriya’s voice.  But after scanning all around him, there’s no one there, just the light whooshing of the breeze funneling through the leaves or the birds warbling.  Holy shit now he was hallucinating!  Damn his mind for playing tricks on him!
He couldn’t deny it any longer.  The unseen force, the subconscious pull that drew him towards the nerd who offered a guaranteed safe haven.  A man that has always had his back.  ‘Damn racoon eyes,’ he would have been happier to be oblivious because now that the truth was settling in, he was forced to face the emotions Midoriya stirred inside him. The blonde pulls his knees up and rests his arms and head to shut out the world.  In the distance, the Sports Festival beckons for him to return, but he didn’t want to see anyone right now.  At least in this way, he could feign taking a nap.  
On the outside, Bakugou showed no emotion, just a man calmly resting beside a tree, but inside his heart was still raging.  No matter how long he’d been sitting there, it refused to calm down.  His body was warm, much hotter than it should be under the shade of a tree as hues of green dance in his mind.  
Okay so fine, he and Midoriya were a great compliment for each other and when they sync up, their efforts were explosive.  He couldn’t remember it all, but vague memories of their battle with Nine, plus what he’d been told about the incident were a perfect example of it.  
‘Kacchan, you’re the only one I would have trusted with it, you know that, right?  We’re really great together…’
The one thing he was sure of were the emotions he had felt watching his oldest friend almost die.  It had lingered, memoryless until the gaps were filled in by others.    
Heat once again rises, coloring his cheeks at the memory.  Working with Midoriya certainly had been an adrenaline rush… then again, every time they teamed up brought those same rushes and sparks of energy, like the green lightning that snakes around his friend or the explosions he could unleash.  What a powerful force they were… together.  Bakugou shudders and wraps his arms tighter around his knees.  For a man obsessed with power, who better a partner than one on par with him?  
“Kacchan, are you okay?”
Bakugou stiffens, was his mind playing tricks on him again?  He raises his head just enough to see the tips of Midoriya’s red shoes.  “I’m fine,” he grumps without looking up for fear the blush on his cheeks were still visible.  There were definitely sparks of something he wasn’t ready to acknowledge brewing.
Suddenly, he feels a warm weight rested against his back.  He raises his head, turning it, and out of his periphery catches the tell-tale green hair.  The nerd was sitting with his back against his!  “What do you want damn it?!  Isn’t it obvious I wanted to be alone!”
“I know,” Midoriya whispers under his breath.  “I’m just gonna sit here quietly.”
The blonde rolls his eyes.  Normally he’d snap, but for some reason the words refused to come out.  “Fuck it, I should’a just went back to my room and…”
“Kacchan, I heard about the conversation… you know, back at the arena, and I’ve always wondered why you do that.”
“Pfft, I don’t know why, and I thought you were gonna be quiet?!”
After a few uncomfortable moments, Bakugou clears his throat and in a low tone he asks his friend the question that’d been plaguing him.  “After we got home from Nabu…  what did you mean when you’d said we’re good together?”
Midoriya thinks back to that time, not remembering immediately what Bakugou was asking about.  Nabu, Nine, the Shimano kids.  When they’d returned home, he’d hoped that maybe their friendship would get significantly better, but things stayed relatively the same, just a little less of the yelling.  Yes, there was that one conversation about him transferring his quirk to the blonde after the man had cornered him into telling him exactly what had occurred.  It was the only thing he could think of to do at the time, and he’d been grateful Bakugou was the one there with him.  
“I know you think I’m your rival and all, but just… maybe, I mean look at what we accomplished there when we teamed up?  We flowed like water.”  Midoriya’s voice grows quieter, “we balance each other out well and I think we’re good together.”
“Okay, I get that, so as just what, friends?”  
“Well, yeah… I suppose.  What else would we be?”
“Tch.”  Bakugou shifts and places his hands on the ground, ready to push himself up.  “Nothing, I guess.”
“Wait,” Midoriya reaches backward, placing his hand on his friends to stop him.
The blonde stiffens up further as his friend not only covers but squeezes his hand.  “What is it Deku?”
“Besides friends….  what more would you want to be?  Is that why you always sit by me?”
‘What!  Maybe…’  More than friends?  Oh, fucking hell.  “It’s because…”
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okay so i have some mad BNHA headcanons, featuring DadMight and KamiDeku. it’s a little long and conspiracy-theory-like, sorry.
1. what if Inko is somehow related to Nana? like maybe Nana’s child had multiple children. two of which i headcanon to be Aizawa and Inko. so let’s say that Inko and Aizawa are siblings and each fell out with their family because of their views on superheroes/society/just in general and Aizawa left and applied to UA and Inko left a few years later when she was more financially stable.
2. Inko meets her husband Hisashi Midoriya some years later and they hit it off immediately and eventually get married. Inko gets pregnant. Hisashi works abroad.
3. i lowkey headcanon Hisashi as a villain because he “works abroad.” that’s hella vague and if i were a villain i’d try to do my villainy in a country where i’m not recognized or thought of as anything but a sad business man or smth. so yeah he’s a villain. Inko suspects a little bit but not enough to confront him...
4. so mama Inko is pregnant BUT there’s a chance it might not be Hisashi’s child o.0 i know right. so anyway yeah she hit it off with a kind blond man named Toshinori and she knows it’s wrong because she’s married but she never tells him and she thinks something might be up with Hisashi and this helps her calm down. she just says Hisashi is the father tho,,,...
5. Toshi is the father and that’s why Izu is quirkless. Toshi never finds out about Izuku possibly being his child. he reconnects with Inko when she starts training Izu, not connecting them because he knew Inko as Inko and he knows izu as Izuku Midoriya so he never thought to make the connection.
6. one day he’s chatting with Inko on a coffee date and she gets a phone call from her son (her son?! when did he have a son? how old is he? etc. etc.) and she’s like “Izuku? is everything okay?” and he chokes on his coffee because his protegee is the child of his ex,,,, and the dates kinda line up.....
7. Toshi’s like “oh, you have a son?” and she’s like “yeah his name is Izuku and i love him so so so much he’s 15 years old...” he chokes on his coffee again because holy shit is this kid his and so he asks who the father is and she starts blushing and says honestly that she doesn’t know if it’s her husband or Toshinori.
8. he’s freaking the fuck out again because holy fuck he might have a son and he suggests Izuku gets a blood test and Inko thinks he should too so they tell Izuku and now Izuku is panicking because omg All Might might be his actual dad..
9. Izuku gets the blood test and yes he IS Toshinori’s son and and Toshi looks over the blood test and finds out that Izuku is the great-grandson of Nana on his mom’s side. so suddenly Toshi is crying and Izu and Inko are panicking and so he tells Inko how he’s All Might (she almost faints because ofc the man she had an affair with and is the father of her child happens to be mfing ALL MIGHT) and he tells them both about OFA and his mentor Nana and they’re now all crying and hugging and Inko finds out that Toshi is training Izu and she says “don’t overwork him... he is your son, after all” and they all chuckle and cry even more
10. skip a few months. it’s school time and UA is starting and Izu never broke any bones because he had a closer connection to Nana through OFA and he gets the hang of it pretty quick and is jumping around like a bunny because he thinks that punches are his dad’s thing and Izu needds his own thing. his hero costume looks the same because it makes him look like a green rabbit lmao
11. at the sports festival, he gets 1st place both times because he can go super fast and he’s really precise and everything. cur to the Todoroki Talktm and he asks if Izu is All Might’s secret love shild and Izuku starts sweating and just says “that’s kinda,,, confidential information. I don’t think i can tell you anything without having you sing at least 3 documents..” and Todo’s eyes go wide because holy shit he was right and Izuku thinks Todo is either really smart or really weird.
12. Inko suddenly realizes HOLY SHIT I’M STILL MARRIED and she calls Hisashi up and says “hey, can we get a divorce? apparently Izu isn’t your son and i’m in love with the fatehr but we’re still married...” and he seemed almost happy to divorce her and Inkko thinks it’s because he can stop paying child support but he could actually be a villain... she’ll look into it later.
13. skip a few months, Aizawa and All Might come to Inko’s apartment to talk about getting the dorms set up and All Might walks in like “hey, sweetie” and kisses her on the cheek and everything and Aizawa looks appalled because All Might if you’re in a relationship the principal needs to know and why are you dating mrs. midoriya and she politely says “oh just call me Inko, i got divorced a few months ago” and aizawa is like “... Inko? is that you??” and she’s like “Shouta??!!” and surprisingly they both start crying because they’re siblings
14. so Aizawa and Inko are siblings and the grandchildren of Nana, Toshi’s mentor, and the next holder of OFA is Toshi’s son and the great-grandchild of Nana... it’s a big fucking mess.
15. they do end up talking about the dorms and such and since Inko knows that Izu’s father and uncle are there, she trusts them. Aizawa is like, “you know the families of UA teachers are allowed to live in the dorms” and Inko is like sign me the fuck up and so now she’s living with Toshi near her brother and son
16. Toshi proposes!!! he proposes at the beach and it’s all romantic and afterwards Izu and Shouta and Shouta’s boyfriend Yamada all jump out and everyoen’s crying and it’s all adorable.
17. in class, All Might lets it slip that him and Shouta are gonna be in-laws and everyone starts panicking and flipping out except for Todoroki who just rambles like a consporacy theorist and Izu who’s sweating gallons. they ask to meet her and All Might says that’s possible since she lives in the UA dorms with him.
18.Inko grees to come to the next training and Bakugou is like “ha shitty deku what’s your mom doing here” and All Might is like “meet my fiancee” and Bakugou is like “AUNTIE!??! I THOUGHT HISASHI WAS DEKU’S DAD” and Inko starts blushing because he isn’t. she whispers “he was never the father” and Bakugou flips his shit because the boy he bullied for 10 years was the goddamn son of All Might.
19. so everyone knows that Izuku is the son of All Might and when his friends ask more about it he mentions that his great-grandma was a pro hero. suddenly Kaminari says “hey didn’t All Might say that your mom was related to Aizawa?” and Izuku blushes and says that apparently Shouta is his uncle and he didn’t find out until they were telling the students’ families about the dorms and Shouta reunited with Inko. Kaminari also points out that this means Inko’s maiden name is Aizawa and Bakugou says that since he’s no longer a Midoriya because of the divorce, he could go by Aizawa Izuku. Izu tells his mom they need to change their names and she agrees.
20. Izuku shows up to school on monday with the name Aizawa Izuku on the roster and Aizawa read it and says “problem child, don’t tell me your dad told everyone about the engagement” and Izuku blushes and says that it slipped and Aizawa bangs his head on the table and says “Izuku, you get to tell my husband why i have a concussion” and everyone freaks out AGAIN because Aizawa is married?? and Izuku KNEW???!!
21. Izuku doesn’t let anything slip but when it’s time for English he tells Mic “Uncle Shouta said that if he has a concussion it’s my fault” and everyone in the class goes dead quiet and from his desk Aizawa says “i didn’t mean in front of the whole clas yu troublesome little shit, i’m telling your mom you outed me” and Izuku dies immediately out of laughter and then fear
22. he begs his uncles not to tell his mom but Aizawa puts the call on speaker and Inko’s like “Shouta, what’s up? i’m about to finish my break” and he says “your son outed mine and Mic’s relationship, expose a secret of his” and she talks about how Izuku has a crush. Izuku blushes and the class starts teasing him and Inko says “I probably shouldn’t say because the whole class is listening, but the Aizawa house always believed in ‘an eye for an eye’” and the class shuts up and Inko says “yeah he said his crush’s quirk has something to do with electricity” and you can hear a pin drop and Izuku runs out of the class to the bathroom but he really just escapes to the dorms, and once the realization hits Kaminari he fucking bolts out of the class calling out to him.
23. Inko is still on the line and she says “oh my, i didn’t know they were in the same class” and she’s sorry and she’ll have to apologize to Izuku later. class proceeds as normal except without Izu and Kaminari. they’re both back at lunch though and they’re blushing and holding hands.
24. yes they’re dating. they’re blushing because they were making out once they talked through everything. yes Inko and Yagi know. the Aizawa family also seems to have a thing for adorable blonds...,,..,.,.
25. they all live happily ever after because i’m out of ideas but yeah.,.,. that’s my take
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birdsandspades · 4 years
I Was Never Good at Waiting (Sugawara X Reader) Chapter 3
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- It was your last year in highschool, everything had been going smoothly until you got assigned the new teacher. Sugawara Koushi was handsome, maybe too handsome for his own good. Be he wasn't flirting with you right, teachers shouldn't do that....I guess we will see where this year goes.
Word Count - 3,163
Sunlight peeked through your blinds as the soft vibrations from your phone woke you from your dreams. Opening one eye you turned to look at the digital clock on your desk next to your bed. It was 6:00 a.m, time for you to get ready for the day. Lifting your legs into the air you rotated side to side, gathering enough momentum for you to roll yourself off the bed. 
Soft padded footsteps echoed through the silent house as you meandered to the bathroom. You ran your hand over the wall a few times, finally hitting the light switch. The lights flickered on, your eyes burning at the sudden shift in brightness. You rubbed circles on them with your palms, fuzzy white dots filling your vision. 
After the blurry vision dissipated you took a look at your groggy state. Most of the hair that had been inside of your bun had found it's way out, standing up in various directions. The underneath of your eyes were sunken and dark, but this was normal. Tired was just another word to describe your features at this point. Taking out your hair tie you combed through your nest like hair while turning on the shower, attempting to guide the temperature to a desirable position.
Stripping yourself of your nightly bedwear, you stepped inside and pulled the door closed. You recoiled as the cold water hit your back, cursing as you adjusted the temperature once again. Your morning showers were quick, only for the purpose of taming your bedhead, you showered at night for cleanliness. You ran through your morning shower cycle quickly before shutting off the water. You felt around for your towel, grabbing at nothing. You pulled open the shower door, glaring at the empty towel rod. You look in a deep breath, sprinting out of the warm bathroom and into the cold hallway. You b-lined for the linen closet, practically ripping it off it's hinges as you pulled something warm and fuzzy out of the dark hole in the wall. 
After your refreshing, brisk morning run you towel dried you and your wet feet prints.You peaked out of the bathroom again, looking at the bright red numbers on your clock, 6:15. 
Next you brushed your hair, teeth, and dressed yourself for class. Today’s dress was for the most part what you wore every day. A short sleeved light blue button up, a faded red tie (the same one you had received on your first day of first year), your tan plaid pleated shirt, black knee high socks, and to top it off the one thing you could change as you pleased. Most days you opted for the light cream colored sweater vest under your white school jacket, but today felt like a cream cardigan kind of day instead. Most likely because the news reports called for a rainy day today, but also because you wanted to mix it up. 
Your makeup was easy to put on, your hair was just as simple. You had always liked leaving it down but always brought a ponytail just in case. The watch ticking away on your wrist read 6:45, your morning was passing by fast. You gathered your bag and coat before walking downstairs and laying them on the couch. 
Pulling open the fridge doors you pulled out everything you had prepped the night before, all you really had to do was assemble it in your lunch box and you could leave for school. Once you finished that you put it all away and placed your lunch in your bag before pulling on your coat and situating your bag on your shoulder. Walking out the door you locked it behind you and started your walk to school.
Your trip was always the longest part of your day, you had chosen Sejoh because of the impact it had on your moms adolescent life, sure it was out of the way. But that's what legs and trains were for right? 
It took you approximately an hour and fifteen minutes to get to the school from your house. In that time you would walk fifteen minutes to the train station, take two different trains to the station by the school, and walk another ten minutes to the actual school. As long as you were on time, the distance didn’t matter. 
You liked to use the time for writing, mostly songs. It was a hobby only your friends knew about, they also were the only two who knew about the band you had joined last year. It was never an end game option for you, no career would ever come out of the group of ragtag college students who had formed the group years ago. But they were nice enough to let you sing for them when the original member had graduated and moved on from the dream. As long as you could come up with songs, and of course make the time for practice, well they liked having you around. 
You would love to tell the volleyball club about what you did during your weekends away from the club and schoolwork. You probably would have if it wasn’t for the looming threat of every single shitty dive bar you performed at finding out that you indeed were seventeen (going on eighteen, that was important), and in fact not twenty one. But whatever, you were having fun. 
You walked past the front gates and into the lockers at around 8:10, twenty minutes before classes would start. Siding on your slippers you placed your practice gear and outside shoes inside your locker. Today would be your first practice back, it was exciting to say the least.
“Hey, we haven't talked in awhile.” A sweet voice turned your attention away from your thoughts. 
“Yoshiki, hi.” You looked the boy over in surprise, the morning fog still leaving your brain.
“So your homeroom teacher this year is Sugawara-sensei huh? He comes to my class after lunch for science. He seems nice, he made some really bad science jokes yesterday when he introduced himself.” Yoshiki laughed as he remembered the not so funny pun. It reminded you both of simpler, less uncomfortable times you both shared so long ago. 
“I wish I could have heard them.” You giggled, mostly with Yoshiki and less at the statement. I felt nice to take in the easy feeling of being together again, even if it was fleeting. “He was pretty straightforward with the homeroom class. Probably because Yua wouldn’t shut up.”You walked with him down the hallway, his pace matching with yours as you talked.
“I could tell you some of them over lunch.” He paused as you reached your classroom door, his foot digging into the tile. “Unless things are still weird between us?” He couldn’t meet your eyes, his heart pounding in his chest. You had rejected him once, could twice be just as bad?
“Sure, that would be great. Since we ruled out the potentially dating option, all that's left is to go back to being friends again.” You let out an out of place laugh, your enthusiasm forced. You felt awkward, your attempt at mending the relationship uncomfortable to your own ears. 
He on the other hand smiled, it seemed to be just the words he was hoping for. He gave you a brief wave before leaving for his own classroom.
He was right, things were still weird between you. But that's what happens when you fall in love for the first time, try to go on a date, and run away from said date leaving him alone, and then proceed to ignore his calls all winter break. The least you could be was give him a lunch period to feel things out.
You made your way into the classroom, greeting a few students before setting your things down at your desk. Yua and Hiroto were already sitting at their desks when you slid into your seat next to them. 
“Good morning F/N-chan.” They greeted, the unity of their tone made you giggle. 
“No coffee this morning?” Hiroto questioned as he looked at your usually occupied hand. 
“I’m gonna try and quit drinking it so much, save some extra money...” You frowned already painfully aware of the lack of caffeination.
“You're like an addict!” Yua laughed, “I give you a week tops before you crash.”
“Thanks for the support!” You chirped, pinching her exposed arm. You shook your head as she hissed at the pain, the morning bell drowning out her cursing.
Sugawara walked in on cue holding a mug of coffee and a black binder. “Good Morning class.” He smiled as he set down the items on his desk.
“You look nice today Sugawara-sensei!”A voice spoke from somewhere behind you. You needn't look behind you, the high pitched tone was easy to pick out. 
“Thank you.” He smoothed out his suit jacket, nodding in appreciation. His eyes scanned the room before landing on you. “L/N-san, will you come up and take roll for me please?” He gave you a sweet smile, wiggling the board your way. 
“Yes sensei.” You moved your chair back and made your way up to the front of the room. He stood on the other side of his desk, reaching across to take the clipboard and pen from his hands.
“This one is you.” He pointed to your name and smiled sweetly,“Don’t forget this time ok?”
 The class laughed at his teasing remark as you slid the pen out of his hand.
“Yes, sensei.” You mocked him in your head as you walked to the middle of the room looking around the class as you checked off the names. “Maybe if you didn’t walk into class trying to fluster me I wouldn’t have such a hard time functioning.” You finished and handed the board back to him, giving him a forced smile.
“Thank you, you can go sit down now.” He glanced up from his syllabus before sliding it out of your hand. 
Taking your seat again he began the homeroom meeting for the day. It was the same information, just saying what events the school had going on, what the menu was for the day, and if any school deadlines were coming up. Then he broke the class up for independent study as he pulled students to the front for their daily college discussion. Next week this would become a weekly discussion as homeroom would turn into a study hall period for students to get help on school work. 
You were waiting for your turn as the bell rang signaling for the classroom switches. You were a bit sad that you had been the only one left out for the day's discussions, maybe more so that you couldn’t talk to Sugawara. 
Everyone waved a goodbye to Sugawara as he exited the classroom and your next teacher settled into the next subject. Class passed by as usual, your attention fading in and out as you watched out the window. The grey storm clouds had started to roll in as the sky darkened. The sun had permanently tucked behind the clouds around noon, the chill of threatening rain permeating the window next to you.
Before long the bell rang and students made for the cafeteria. As the crowd dispersed, Yoshiki peaked his head in at you and your group of friends. 
“Hey, are you eating in here today?” He made his way over to your desk holding his own bento box. 
“Yeah, you can stay with us if you want.” You beamed as he pulled a chair over to your desk and set his lunch down. It was cutely wrapped, the cloth around it was bordered with brightly colored dinosaurs, as he opened it so were most of the food wrappers. 
“It’s my little brother's box I promise, he took my lunch this morning when he left.His cheeks tinted pink as he shook his head back and forth. He placed both hands over the box, covering it from view.
Giggling you placed a hand over his “It’s ok, dinosaurs are pretty cool.” He relaxed into his seat as you opened your own box. 
“Oh Sugawara-sensei, do you need the classroom?” Hiroto asked as Sugawara walked over to his office door.
“No.You're fine to stay here, I have a few papers to grade in my office.’’ He paused on you, looking between you and Yoshiki.”L/N-san i’m sorry I missed you for our council time.’’ He rested his hand on the doorknob, squeezing it slightly. 
“It’s ok Sugawara- sensei! The class is so big, I don’t know how you could make enough time for all of us in one day.” You waved your hand at the notion and laughed, he had no reason to feel bad. You had all year to college prep, one day wouldn’t set you back.
“I’m free after school if you want to wait in my office? We can run down your requirements before volleyball practice.” He shifted on his feet slightly, Yoshiki’s gaze heavy on him.
You agreed to the offer, thanking him as he disappeared into his office.
“Two days in a row, look at you!” Yua laughed as she slapped your back causing you to choke on your food. 
“Yua-chan he’s our teacher!” Hiroto whispered aggressively as he handed you his water bottle.
“I know, it's just funny seeing how flustered she gets.” Yua winked at you, as if her flirtatious actions would justify the burning in your throat. 
You passed the lunch period chatting amongst your friends, Yoshiki easing into the conversation as if nothing had ever happened. You were grateful for the new start, happy to have your friend back. As everyone finished their lunches, Yua and Hiroto waved a goodbye. They were on a mission to find the raccoon that lived by the track dumpsters, leftover food in tow. You and Yoshiki were left in the classroom, silence settling around you both.
“So, are you still doing soccer with Hiroto-kun?” You tried to fill the conversational gap, hoping it would disperse the awkward feeling around you two.
 “Yeah, but they pretty much benched me. The new first years are really good.” He laughed, sounding sadder than he had planned.
 You opened your mouth when the office door clicked  open and Sugawara peaked his head out.
“L/N-san come here please.” He waved a hand at you, disappearing back into his office.
You looked between the open door and Yoshiki before standing up. You turned to speak, Yoshiki already packing up his belongings.
He said a hasty goodbye, leaving before you could get a word in.
You watched as he walked out the door, turning back to the open office.
“Yes Sugawara-senpai?” You pushed the door open a little more before stepping into his office. 
It was nicer inside then you had anticipated. He had one large window facing the courtyard, while the other 2 walls adjacent to the door were lined with rows and rows of books. A large dark oak desk sat in the middle of the room, free of clutter and debris. He had pushed a small black sofa under the window, it looked comfy and worn in. Like it held more stories then the actual shelves. But the most notable feature of the room was the abundance of small and large plants placed around the room. Some sat on the windowsill, others were placed between the sections of books on the shelves. The larger plants were tucked into the corners of the room, leaves fanning out over everything nearby. But one particularly pretty pink succulent sat on his desk, perfectly positioned to sit in the ray of sun that shined through the window. It looked like it was basking in the warmth, soaking up all the sun had to offer. 
“Can you do me a favor L/N-san?” Sugawara questioned as your eyes stopped roaming. You landed on his hand, reaching out towards you, grasping something out of sight. 
You reached out and opened your hands,“Of course Sugawara-senpai.” 
He opened his hands to drop a few yen into yours. “I didn’t have time for lunch today, can you go grab me a hot drink from the vending machines by the south gym? You can get yourself something as well if you want. There should be enough money for two.” 
“I may be late for class sensei…” You cupped the warm metal, how long had he been holding the coins? They heated the palm of your hand slightly, melding with your own warmth.
”It’s ok, just come in quiet when you come back.” He sat back down, picking up a red pen.
You nodded and smiled before running off towards the south gym doors. You would hurry, maybe if you ran you would make it back before the bell rang.
“Um, what should I get him?” You scanned over the drink options presented to you.“It is flu season, maybe something that will keep him healthy? But he did say he didn’t eat lunch, what's thick. What if he fails me because I got him something gross.” You were shaking your head back and forth, this was becoming much more tasking then it should have ever been. You pushed the green tea button twice, grateful he was kind enough to give you enough money for something as well. 
The rain was starting to come down, getting heavier by the minute. You took the two hot drinks and ran for the main entrance, hoping the rain wouldn’t soak your cardigan too much before you made it inside. 
It was a short walk back to the classroom, you could hear Sugawara on the other side, he had already started the lesson. Deciding to finish your own green tea in the hallway you emptied the container before heading inside. 
You slid the door open just enough to fit inside, attempting to be quiet enough to not distract the classroom. Eyes were all on you as you closed the door and turned around to face your peers. Breathing stopped as they waited for their sensei to reprimand you for being late.
You walked over to Sugawara and handed him the tea before fishing his remaining change out of your cardigan pocket and rushing back to your desk, eyes on the floor as you sat down.
“Thank you L/N-san.”His smile was sweet and gentle as he turned back to the class. “So this diagram differs from the previous in what way?” He continued on with the lesson as everyone's gaze slowly started to leave you. 
After a few minutes it seemed as if everyone had lost interest in your tardiness, almost everyone. Two pairs of eyes from the back of the room bore holes into the back of your head for the remainder of class, you didn’t have to turn around to know who they belonged to.
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seblos · 4 years
there’s not a star in heaven that we can’t reach - ch 4/10
chapter title: you’re on, lovers!
word count: 1,995
[one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine (coming soon)]
read on ao3
“So,” Ashlyn leans over during history. “You and Seb, huh?”
Carlos looks up from the textbook he was reading in surprise. “What do you mean?” he asked, eyes widening. It wasn’t Ashlyn talking to him that surprised him. They had become closer as rehearsals progressed. Also, when they both had lingered near the GSA poster, Ashlyn had struck up a conversation with him. Turns out she was bi, and theatre queers always stuck together anyway. It was her words, rather, that gets his attention. 
“I mean, you too stare at each other all through rehearsal, you sit together at lunch, he drives you home like every other day,” Ashlyn lists, and Carlos’s heart speeds up. Was it really that obvious? “So are you two together, or…” she trails off.
“No! I mean… not yet,” Carlos feels his cheeks heat up. “I mean, I wouldn’t mind if we were… but no.”
Ashlyn smiles. “Cool. If it helps, he totally likes you too,” she adds.
“How do you know?”
She shrugs. “I just have a feeling.”
“Did he tell you?” Carlos feels his stomach twist. As much as he wanted confirmation that the other boy liked him back, the idea of hearing it from Ashlyn rather than him felt wrong.
“No,” she says, and Carlos lets out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. “I mean, I haven’t asked him since I thought you two were already a thing. But we’re in baking club together and when I asked about you he kinda lit up.”
“Oh, okay,” Carlos nods, and his heart swells. “So what should I do about it?”
Ashlyn shrugs again. “I dunno, ask him out?”
He blushes. “No.”
“Alright, that’s on you,” she said. “But you should ask him to hang out or something. Get closer to him, so when you are ready it won’t be awkward.”
“I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready to ask out Seb,” Carlos mumbles. “I’ve never dated anyone. I don’t know how to be a boyfriend.”
Ashlyn smiles sweetly. “I’m pretty sure he hasn’t either. It’s something you can figure out together, you know.”
After she says that, their teacher scolds them for talking, and the two bend back over the worksheet they’re supposed to be working on. As he stares at the textbook, though, Carlos can’t help but think about what Ashlyn said. They would be figuring it out together. It’s hard to believe that someone like Seb could possibly like him back, but it might just be true, and the idea of it makes Carlos’s heart leap to his throat.
“Every time we end rehearsal early, I feel like my life is a lot more like Glee than I think it is,” Carlos says, rolling his eyes as he zips up his backpack from yet another badly ended rehearsal. They had barely lasted half an hour today. At this rate, they’re never going to get the blocking done by the show. 
Seb laughs from where he’s organizing his sheet music over at the piano. Everyone had already filed out of the room, but Carlos purposely had taken his time, knowing that Seb would most likely be the last one out. By this point, it was just routine.
“To be fair, Miss Jenn was definitely a Rachel Berry in high school,” Seb comments, stuffing the folder in his backpack, and Carlos snorts lightly. “So,” he says, swinging his backpack onto his back. “Since rehearsal ended early, I’m assuming I’m driving you home?”
Carlos is about to say yes until he remembers what Ashlyn had told him earlier. Before he can overthink it, Carlos asks, “Or we could hang out? Since it did end so early… could we do chem homework or something together at my house?”
Seb looks surprised at first, and Carlos’s heart is still beating quickly, but the shock wears off quickly and is instead replaced with a smile. 
“Sure, I’d love to,” Seb says. 
As they’re walking out together, their hands brush together for a moment, and Carlos can’t tell if it’s on purpose or not. He debates grabbing Seb’s hand for a moment but ends up just grabbing the strap of his backpack instead to resist the urge.
Carlos swears that he sees Seb’s expression drop for just a second, but it’s so quick he probably just imagined it.
They still end up having Georgie give them a ride, who is surprisingly not upset about having driven all the way to the school just to drive the two of them back to Carlos’s house. Rather, she just gives Seb a sort of half-smile. He immediately blushes, giving her the stink eye, and Georgie just laughs.
On the ride over, though, Carlos realizes what they’re about to do. Seb is about to be in his house, in his room. He doesn’t know the last time he’s had someone in his room since 7th grade. Sure, Seb knows about his weird, split family already, but the idea of him experiencing it is so much scarier for some reason. He tried not to overthink it as Seb stepped into his house. 
“Carlos? Is that you, mijo?” his mother calls as he shuts the door, and Carlos suddenly realizes that he should have checked with his mom if Seb could come over before he invited him. To be fair, though, he’s never really done this before. 
“Hi, mamá!” He says as his mom steps into view. “I brought Seb over to work on some chemistry homework, I hope that’s okay.” 
He’s expecting some sort of disapproving look or passive aggressive comment about checking with her before bringing someone over. Instead, “So this is the Sebastian I’ve heard so much about!” is what his mother says, much to his surprise. 
“It’s great to meet you, Ms. Rodriguez,” Seb says with a smile, and his mom raises a sly eyebrow at Carlos, who only gives her a look in return. 
“Seb, are you staying for dinner?” she asks, turning her attention back to the boy.
“Oh, no, I need to be home to finish my chores. Thank you so much though!” 
“Chores, huh?” Now it’s Ms. Rodriguez’s turn to smile. “You could learn something from this boy, Carlos.”
Carlos just rolls his eyes. “I do some chores!” He defends. “Also, I told you mamá, Seb lives on a farm. His chores are a bit different from mine.”
“Alright, well, I’ll let you two get your homework done,” she dismisses them, and Carlos leads Seb upstairs to his room.
When they first enter it, Carlos immediately goes to his bed. He motions for Seb to sit down, who does so hesitantly. Neither of them say a word for a moment, and Carlos worries that he’s made a mistake inviting Seb over here. 
As if on cue, Seb breaks the silence.”So, you talk about me to your mom, huh?” he teases, and Carlos hits him with a pillow.
“To be fair, she asked about you,” he says, which releases the tension as both of them relax, getting back to their normal selves.
They both take out their chemistry homework, but it ends up lying abandoned on Carlos’s desk in favor of the two of them discussing theater and rehearsal.
“Can I just say, your facial expressions while Nini and EJ were singing were priceless! If I wasn’t so focused on hoping that this rehearsal would actually stay together, I would have lost it watching you.” Carlos laughs, and Seb glares at him harmlessly. 
“Let’s just say I definitely liked out version better! I’m telling you, trying to keep a straight face was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. Surprised I can do anything straight, to be honest,” Seb says cheekily from where he’s laying on his stomach the foot of Carlos’s bed.
(The joke doesn’t exactly take Carlos by surprise, but just the casualness of it does. He had only ever made those kinds of jokes with Ashlyn, and had forgotten that he was able to make them with Seb too.)
“I love Nini, I do, but sometimes her ability to jump from boy to boy surprises me,” Seb continues. His phone lights up with a text notification, and he picks it up to read. “Speak of the devil, Nini just texted to tell me that she and EJ have officially broken up. Blocked his number and everything.”
“Wow,” Carlos raises his eyebrows. “I didn’t know you and Nini were friends.”
“Yeah, well, we met when we were young. Only other kid I knew that had two last names, which we decided to be the basis of our friendship, I guess. I ended up transferring schools, and I guess she skipped a grade or something because we didn’t meet again until last year when I got to East High and we got reintroduced during Brigadoon,” Seb explained.
Carlos nods along. He knew that Seb didn’t go to the middle school he had gone to with Nini and Ricky and all the others, but somehow it never occurred to him that he knew them before high school.
“I never really got close to her,” Carlos says, surprising himself. “I mean, we're friendly, but I guess I didn’t really think we had much in common. Plus Gabriella isn’t in any of the huge dance numbers, so I guess that’s how I ended up migrating more towards you and Gina.” 
He’s never really talked about his differences with the rest of the cast with anyone else because, well, he doesn’t really talk to the cast in general. Part of him wants to open up to Seb about the weird balance of being a sophomore who has some sort of authorial power over the upperclassman, but he can’t exactly put it into words and it hurts his head to think about. He files that thought away for later as Seb starts talking again.
“Are you calling me a dancer?” He asks, sticking his leg up for a moment. His tone is joking, but the smile across his face seems genuine, and it makes Carlos’s heart melt.
“Mmm, you could use some work,” he says, looking Seb up and down as if he’s judging his form, causing Seb to blush lightly. “No, but actually, you are a really good dancer. Compared to some of the others at least,” Carlos laughs, and Seb joins in.
“Wow, so kind of you,” he says, rolling his eyes although the smile is still spread across his face. “I’m kidding, I don’t even begin to compare to Gina and some of the ensemble. I would kill to be able to move so easily like that.”
“I think you’re doing fine, considering your lack of dance training,” Carlos says, and now it’s Seb’s turn to hit him with a pillow. “Although…” he starts as he considers how this idea will go over with Seb. “If you wanted to, I could give you dance lessons? Like before school or something?”
He’s expecting Seb to reject the idea or come up with excuses. Instead, the other boy's eyes light up and he props himself up on his elbows. “Really?” he asks excitedly, and Carlos sits up straighter.
“I mean yeah, if you genuinely want to improve and you want extra time practicing,” he says with a smile. “We could do once a week, or non-rehearsal days, whatever is best for you!”
“Non-rehearsal days would actually be perfect!”
“So do you want to start this Friday?” Carlos asks since that would be their closest non-rehearsal day. “Maybe, like, 7:00? Gives us about half an hour before homeroom. Or is that too early?”
Seb shakes his head. “I’m up every morning at 5:30 in the morning anyway, so 7 works fine for me!” he smiles.
Carlos smiles back before he processes what Seb had just said. “Geez, 5:30? That’s so early,” he says disgustedly. 
The way Seb laughs makes his head spin, and suddenly Carlos doesn’t know how he’s going to be able to survive private rehearsals in a few days. 
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Ayesha Liveblogs Cardcaptor Sakura S2-S3
“If you had called me, I would have fixed it for you” Get u a man who wants to fix ur bike’s flat tires
“I wonder which teacher will be in charge of us this year” I’m going to hazard a guess that it’s the one that you keep having prophetic dreams about battling in the moonlight
“Ms. Mizuki is kind, is pretty and she makes me all dreamy” lmao @ this criteria for justifying whether ur sensei is up to no good
U know, Sakura melting like 10 feet of snow bc she lost a present from her crush is exactly the type of emotions I expect from these preteens
Syaoran liking Sakura is also very funny because she’s very observant of other people so it’s like [Syaoran blushing and glancing at Sakura] [Sakura glancing back in befuddlement]
“But when you do, it means you’ll see him as well” WILL U STOP THIS OMINOUS MOONSHADOWING 
Does EVERYTHING Mizuki says have to be some kind of prophecy
Syaoran is really just becoming progressively more infatuated and embarrassed with every scene
“You’re always watching over Sakura, aren’t you?” Tomoyo doesn’t need a voice to call people out LOL
You see this is exactly my point what is the reason for having a voice card if you have a song card or vice versa what’s your logic Clow
Sakura: Why r u both here
Toya: It’s Take Your Boyfriend to Work Day
“Sakura is cheerful as usual today” “That’s all she has going for her” Very older brother kind of statement
That shot of Syaoran showing his strawberries to Yukito (and Sakura, by extension) cutting to Toya, cutting to Ms. Mizuki.... the interpersonal dynamics at play here
“You know her from before, right?” THAT’S ONE WAY TO PUT IT
**Go to jail Mizuki
“I’ll tell you in a little while” Toya is not prepared to have discussion about his Relationship History at this time
I mean I’m not an expert but isn’t Sakura’s main magical item a key wouldn’t that help with this Lock situation
YFDHSKHFKJSHFK Mizuki could you be more threatening
I assume the wind will cover up the noise of this loud magical chant
“Don’t tell dad I have a fever” 😭😭😭😭😭 Sakura you’re so little someone needs to take care of you
“If I do [stay home], I’ll trouble everyone else” SAKURAAAA 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Well if the living plush toy didn’t give it away, the fact that Toya has already met and identified Mirror as a ghost will
Ddfhjkdhfkj Toya didn’t even pause he was just like [Sigh] ‘Guess I’m gonna feed a ghost now’
“I have a vague idea of what she’s up to” OH MY GOD TOYAAAAAA
Awww Meilin holding Sakura up to capture the Clow Card you know what that is? Growth
This kind of domestic shopping nonsense is the shenanigans I NEED
Syaoran is physically winded from running away from his feelings
Gljlgkdjlkgjlkf I still cannot believe they let 11-year-olds roam this freely they don’t need an adult to BOARD A TRAIN??
“They’re foretelling dreams” So if we believe this, here are the future facts:
1. Sakura’s gonna do a fashion show for Tomoyo 
2. Syaoran is going to give Sakura all the Clow Cards and maybe propose 
3. Yukito and Toya will definitely know Kero is a living creature and they’re gonna be chill with it
4. Normal battle prophecy stuff
“Seeing Ms. Mizuki... it makes me all dreamy”
*Sakura really only crushes on people that her older brother had feelings for first this is like when I was into Yugioh and Beyblade bc my brother was into them first 
**Go to jail Mizuki
“I don’t want to be the prince” Will u want to if it’s u and Sakura tho
This was pointed foreshadowing I could not have predicted
“I just woke up” u LIAR Toya you wanted to make your baby sister breakfast
“Isn’t that a guy playing the Queen” are you in any place to make a judgment Toya
“Please, seal us together” Light and Dark confirmed as Lesbian Icons
U know if I did not have very hazy memories of who Yue is I could be tricked into thinking it was Mizuki lol (but then again TSUKIshiro soooooo maybe it’s obvious always lol)
“That bath sponge” “Kero is at Tomoyo’s house” ‘BATHSPONGE’ MEILIN PLS
AW rescuing lost birds turns out Syaoran has always been a sweetheart
Meilin finally gets to use her martial arts skills and help again!! Good for her
“I’m your fiancee until you find the girl you like the most” Not to put a damper on ur cousin marriage dream (stop) but that ship has sailed twice over Meilin 
“Being with you is rather useful when capturing Clow Cards” is Syaoran’s way of saying “<3 <3 <3″
Syaoran is really conflicted bc he likes Yukito and he likes Sakura but when Sakura likes Yukito he wants her to like him instead this is truly a broad range of emotions for Fifth Grade Romance
Ddfjhdskfhk Kero looks so serious scouting out the intentions of the Toya’s Magical Exes Club but his face is like “>:[”
“You’re the one that uses the powers of the moon” What does this MEAN that’s supposed to be Yukito???? I am confused
“There’s no such thing as a coincidence...” “...There’s only inevitability” So now Toya’s joining the prophecy game? This is A Lot
Omg I do love the big lion version of Kero I forgot what he looked like
“Too lenient as always” “And your personality is as bad as always” I don’t think I care for Magical Yukito he’s being a little harsh
“He completely cuts all ties between his disguise and his consciousness, so that the candidate doesn’t sense him until the Last Judgment” so his subconscious just happened to feel like being a 17-year-old boy who wanted to date Sakura’s brother LOL
This is so fucked up kjhgkfhdg Sakura’s family forgetting her mother, Sakura and Toya forgetting Yukito, Tomoyo forgetting about caring about Sakura, Syaoran forgetting about caring about Sakura ahhhhhhhhhhh
**Still jail tho
“I want you to be friends with me, nothing like Masters or stuff like that” SAKURAAAAAA
“You knew that Mr. Tsukishiro wasn’t a human” “Yeah” TOYA WHAT!!!
The fact that Yukito doesn’t know his other half is kind of a bitch has very Yami Bakura energy I can’t believe what I needed in my life was Yugioh but less Heterosexual
“If you leave that early, Yuki won’t be there yet” So... is Toya just chill with the fact his boyfriend is the moon
I don’t want Syaoran to leave!!! He is a sweetheart and I love him
“He seems like a nice boy” is thiiis the rude boy I remember from watching this when I was a kid bc ngl I was confused when Syaoran was nice bc I remember someone being a little shit
“I didn’t mean to surprise you” said Eriol, after popping out suddenly from behind a tree
Syaoran said ‘I will only share Sakura’s affection with one (1) boy and that is Yukito’ 
“I’m not going back. I’ll be here for a while.” I can’t tell if this is a New Magical Person thing or a ‘I love my friends and don’t want them to forget me’ thing
DHJKGHKJHG this random girl just clinging to Toya’s back and eyeing Yukito like “WHATCHA GONNA DO ABOUT IT MISTER”
I guess since Meilin’s gone Nakuru’s going to fulfill the role of Unrequited Crush Gal Who Cannot Read The Emotional Room
Clow Reed really appearing to just throw Sakura’s entire life in disarray
“This is the first chance to film you in a while!” Tomoyo you have filmed Sakura going strawberry-picking and playing whack-a-mole since when do u need an excuse lmao
“I don’t think we made plans like that” again Toya since when do u and Yukito need plans aren’t you together like 22/7
Syaoran refuses to show Sakura that he’s feeling anything beyond blushing and yet he gets mad when other people are more forthright with their emotions and honestly what a teen mood
“I.. you” rude I can’t tell if Nakuru interrupted a love confession or a I Know You’re the Moon confession but either way rude 
“You don’t know? Then I’ll take him” WHAT DO U MEAANNN THAT’S NOT HOW IT WORKS
“Eriol is a kind person” [Thor meme voice] Is he though?
As much as the jury is still out on Yue I really do love these magical girl transformations
These group meet ups have gotten even less subtle you might be able to hide some cosplay and a plush toy but a full grown man and a lion with wings??? Gjkghkjdhgk how did they get to Penguin Park with no one noticing
There is some satisfaction in there finally being an adult (or at least a kind-of-18-year-old) on their team
Poor Toya it’s worrisome when ur baby sis is a magical superhero
It’s interesting and hilarious that Yukito’s appetite is proportional to his alter ego’s use of magic
“Because she’s like you” Toya IS trying to tell Yuki that he’s a moon person awwwwwwww
If we’ve learned anything from Tomoyo’s choir recitals it’s just that perhaps singing is more dangerous than any of these kids would prefer it to be
Nakuru aside from the fact I’m pretty sure you’re a new Big Bad leave Toya alone he doesn’t want to be touched and he’s with someone already
I like that no matter how many times Yamazaki lies, Sakura always takes it in good faith
I have given up on this show having anyone have a normal relationship with their teacher (except Wei who has done nothing wrong ever in his life)
“I’m sure that the person you like is happy” shout-out to Tomoyo for being semi-well-adjusted I guess 
If I know my shojo manga tropes it seems like this Friend vs. Friend battle is going to lead to a Hug of Passionate Restraint
Psych it was a Hug of We Are Tired From Magical Force
Who are you British Bitch Boy with your Bitch Cat haven’t they been through enough
“I’m surprised you’ve held out this long without a single bite” do NOT eat TOYA
“And I’m not a human in the first place, so gender doesn’t really matter” I am so tired of anime creating non-binary characters only to make them evil and/or inhuman blah
“Why did I buy this thing anyway” u know why Syaoran 
“The only times I turn red or feel like my heart will explode is when I see him” Incredible it has taken Syaoran like... 18 episodes to realize his feelings for Sakura. Bisexuality be like that sometimes
“The reason why you are confused when you see Yukito is because of the magic powers from the Moon that you feel from Yukito” did Yue just say ‘ur not bi ur just confused’ kjhkjdhdgkj Yue confirmed for biphobic
Really how many things does Eriol have to ruin before Sakura realizes he’s evil? The piano.... thread... a teddy bear
You know if Elementary School Clow is NOT evil this is a really fucked up way to be teaching a lesson
Toya come help ur boy Yukito is exhausted and he doesn’t know why :(
Ahhhhhhhh this tree leaning scene is the exact and only thing I remembered about the interactions between these two before watching this now
“I don’t want you to disappear” THE ROMANCE RETURNS
“Are you doing this on purpose” Toya has had it up to here with his confessions being interrupted
BOOO Toya was right I don’t want Yue-kito to disappear either
“You knew this would happen if you called Tomoyo” I mean... Kero’s right
I don’t know that Erase in particular was necessary for the sheep but it does make me giggle to see Sakura lift playground structures
I was gonna say I’d wager ten dollars something happens to that bike after Eriol touches it but then I remembered this episode is called “Sakura and the Panicky Bike” so it’s not really even worth betting
Of course your family members are going to worry if you suddenly develop magical narcolepsy Sakura 
I LOVE that Toya’s magical powers seem to be developing more as well
I feel like not enough people are giving Sakura credit for the fact she is like 11? She hasn’t had a lot of time to work on this stuff
“I can’t let [the cards becoming ordinary] happen! I finally got to be friends with all of them” 😭😭😭😭😭 Sakura’s good heart always gets me
“What are you going to do?” SHE’S GONNA PUT HERSELF IN A MAGICAL COMA 
Cell phones are a hilarious addition to the plot and I love that they are like top of the line bc it’s the 90s lmao and that Li is include in the phone tree 
“If you collapse, I’ll catch you” KERO NO. 1 SAKURA STAN (tied with Tomoyo and Syaoran)
Lmao these siblings would be born on a Leap Day and April Fool’s respectively
SCREAM at least it’s on brand for Eriol to be a pathological liar (also RIP Sakura and Syaoran for their gullibility still)
Sdkhkhkjdhkd Toya failed confession count: 4 this time feat emotional piano ballad
Also also I will say it’s not like Yuki doesn’t come to your house VERY frequently Toya couldn’t you just tell him what you need to say the numerous times he is visiting or going with you to school
Oh hey! I share a birthday with Sakura’s great-grandfather that’s funny
I know Kero being seen on the TV is for giggles but the implication that magic makes you playable on VCR... incredible
I want to know what Toya’s gift was!!! 
Hahaha I guess that the Alice and Wonderland size-shifting would have more of an impact on Sakura’s empathy than most people 
“Two-thirds of all cats on earth right now are aliens” I mean... if we go by the cats we have met in this show.... Yamazaki’s right
“Actually, I have a rather mischievous personality” NO KIDDING ERIOL
“Where are you going” “To where the queen is” I will DIE if the Queen is Toya but I assume the Queen of Hearts will be Sakura’s mother actually since that’s the kind of anime trope that u should expect
Yue dropping Sakura like a hot potato is a little funny he can stay 
What is more ridiculous Syaoran hiding the sword behind his back or the fact it worked
“Then... it’s not Yukito?” that was one whole crush ago keep up Sakura
Current list of things that Eriol has ruined: Pianos, threads, teddy bears, sheep plushies, bikes, leaves, 
The transition to Eriol’s deep adult voice always trips me up
“Don’t hug me” “I’m going to hug you” Respect! Toya’s! Boundaries! Nakuru!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL @ Spinel’s drunken tirades I won’t lie I love this erratic behaviour
Guess Syaoran is over his Yukito crush for real but boy cannot stop running away from his feelings for Sakura poor guy
“I’m glad for you,” said Eriol/Clow, who has repeatedly mildly traumatized these kids but seems to be like ‘it all evens out if I do some preteen matchmaking’
“Hey, can I call you Syaoran too?” Awwwwwwwwwwww that’s cute also it’s wild that in the pacing of this show despite like probably at least thirty episodes of them being friends THIS is the first ep (Ep 57!!!) that they address each other by first name
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“So that even if [my dad] was reincarnated, he would still fall in love with [my mom]” Interesting reveal that Yue was actually in love with Clow (makes sense; he’s the ‘I’m gay I’m homophobic we exist’ meme) but the only romance I will accept for Yue is if he ends up in a Greedlingfan-esque triad with Yukito and Toya and that’s that on that
Poor Yukito he must think he’s going nuts he just appears places with no memories 
Well this is hardly a fair match up Syaoran can’t be expected compete with a reincarnated ancient wizard
“It feels more like [Eriol] is watching over someone very dear to him” Tomoyo correctly discerns that Eriol is the bearer of fucked up magic lessons
Wow Tomoyo is really here to talk Syaoran through a whole journey of emotions 
It’s okay Syaoran you did your best no one in your immediate social group can finish a confession it seems
“You were trying so hard so hard to confess your love for Sakura last night” Tomoyo really doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to her romantic pep talks huh
Awww Syaoran wants to tell Meilin how he feels about Sakura first 
Uh oh post-battle Meilin has taken note of Syaoran and Sakura’s use of each other’s first names
“If something happens, please think of me” AWWW Tomoyo looking out for Meilin’s feelings that’s my girl
“What makes me even madder is that I still can’t grow to hate Ms. Kinomoto” awww Meilin  
“You’re a tardy little monster” suspicious Toya is one of the best parts of this show   
The fact that Sakura doesn’t think Toya knows because he’s not making fun of her... tru sibling energy
Failed confession count: 
Toya: 5...6
Syaoran: 2
Sakura loves the cards and the cards love her I love one (1) Cardcaptor
“But now, he helps me out a lot” “That’s why I don’t like him” AWWW TOYA 
“I will see you again in your dreams tonight” could you be a bit less creepy Eriol
Tomoyo is an impeccable wingman for Syaoran she has had his back at every step
"I don’t ever want you to disappear” Toya’s declarations are getting more passionate with each failed confession (also I see that when he grabs Yuki’s wrist he stops fading)
“If you use magic in here, you don’t know who might see you” so they’ll notice her hiding behind a half rock wall but somehow a glowing waterslide will escape their notice???
“If Sakura had used her card any later than when she did, you were going to stop your magic” I feel like that is the LEAST Eriol could do
“You’re just lacking experience now. I’m sure that you will be able to do it. Skiing... and other things.” “You said that before! What does that MEAN” Syaoran is tired of Eriol’s Cryptic Sports Advice too
Dghgfjdgfjhg Sakura crossing herself in preparation for hearing a scary story lmao
Current failed confession counts:
Toya: 7
Syaoran: 3
Eriol confirms he will not kill preteens in an avalanche just to teach them magic I guess they had to draw the line somewhere
“I know the truth... that in reality you are...” Does it count as a failed confession if it’s for a scene?? Also are they the leads of this student film bc if so wow
“I know what’s really going on. That you are...” Well we’re definitely up to 8 now
:(((((((((((( It really hurts Toya to see Yukito like this SAVE HIIIIIIIIM
“At this rate, Toya’s important thing will be taken away” like what his love virginity LMAO
“If I don’t see you, I can’t give you what I want to give you” a kiss?? LOL
“I want you to protect Sakura, and also protect yourself” OH OH OH 
“It’s obvious that you, a child, can’t support all of it” Ahhhhhhhhhh so many reveals at once poor Sakura, Toya was only helping
In truth I did not think the power exchange would happen all at once I thought it would be like recurring boyfriend whack-a-mole:
Yukito, sleepy: I’m off to battle
Toya: K bye Yuki [intimate embrace]
Yue: [Catches sleepy Toya]
“I want Yukito to know my true feelings” I mean I’m gonna tell you right now Sakura I think he’s in love with your brother and also you’re like 11 but u do u I guess
“It doesn’t matter what you are. As long as you don’t disappear and are at my side, I don’t care about anything else” Toya ur so romantic
“I’m all right. Just a little sleepy.” Oh how the narcolepsy turntables.....
I know all I want to talk about is Toya right now but he is so PATIENT and GENTLE with his sister’s feelings god
“But the person that you like the most isn’t me, Sakura” why do both halves of Yukito feel the need to moonsplain people’s feelings to them jkhfgkjjhfjhfjkh
HAHAHAH I was wondering how Yuki was going to handle this preteen love confession and he just went ‘No. Family-zoned.’
“You realized this because you have someone you like the most as well, Yukito?” 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
Omg the vowing to yell at each other’s future boyfriends khkdhfkdhfs I love this friendship good for them 
Eriol really DOES trap people in enclosed spaces to work out their interpersonal problems this reincarnated 11-year-old relationship therapist my god
“But if I cry or make a sad face, I’m sure Yukito would be troubled” poor sad Sakura but also I’m kind of glad she didn’t abide by Yukito like... telling her how she felt? It would’ve felt a little insincere to walk ALL of it back but I think she was mostly doing it so Yukito and Toya could be together in peace
“It’s all right. I’m sure you will find him” SYAORAAAAAAAAAAANNN
Awww Syaoran is so happy about this Grand Gesture scarf <33333333
“I knew that Sakura’s feelings for me weren’t completely the same as her feelings for her father... But I can’t delay her finding her true number one because of her feelings towards me” no shit Yuki but also maybe it was an okay call it gave Sakura a simple out
Toya’s gentle head touch as he gives Yukito reassurance aaaaaah
“He’s going to steal away something that I’ve been cherishing all this time” this is Toya’s weird way of saying he gives Syaoran and Sakura his blessing lol (lot of these blessing going around lately)
Toya’s love language is touching Yuki somewhere from the shoulders up
“I feel like he’s still alive and he’ll come to make fun of us at any moment” ur not wrong Kero
“But I’m still not you, Mr. Clow” U JUST BE URSELF SAKURA!!
What we have learned from this trip to the past so far is that Mr. Clow has always loved to give people cryptic messages and then disappear
“It’s Clow Reed’s fault,” said Clow Reed, eleven years old, about himself
“Why did he have to trouble Sakura so much?!” Kero said FRIENDSHIP ENDED WITH CLOW REED SAKURA IS MY NEW BEST FRIEND
I appreciate that Yue was like, ‘Gotta bring Toya with me to the battle I can’t just leave him in the street’ 
Sidenote: What made them start running in the first place was it the loss of light or was it just Yukito/Yue going ‘MY SAKURA SENSES ARE TINGLING’
Make that six cards but STILL
“Light and Dark are the first cards under our jurisdiction” I AM RIVETED 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
“We are friends with you, right Sakura?” KEROOOOOOOO YUEEEEEEEEE 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
“I like you” [Cut to classroom] Oh awkward seems like Sakura kind of verbally left Syaoran on read for that one
“Wouldn’t conversation be more pleasant when there are tasty sweets around” Sdfhkjshfkjshfkj unbelievable Eriol-Clow wants to have his final words of wisdom delivered via tea party
“There were a couple of things that happened that weren’t expected by myself or Clow Reed” LOL he means Syaoran and Sakura and also probably Yukito and Toya jhjhdfjkh fair it’s just the never-ending charisma of these siblings 
Oh hey Ms. Mizuki what are you doing at this weird tea party (go to jail)
If Mizuki was in college when she met him he was what???? A baby??? How old ARE you Eriol
“You’re not going inside, Yue?” I was WONDERING why Yue wasn’t part of this ridiculous gathering lmao
“But I can talk of old memories... If it suits your fancy, I will talk whenever you want me to” Ahh Eriol trying to provide Yue some closure 😬
Omggg Sakura created a new card for Syaoran ahhhh they’re really very cute
“That bear... Can I have it?” The way these confessions were written is really VERY GOOD
What a WEIRD SHOW but u know it did something to my heart 
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joosjehartman · 4 years
There are so many [Harry Potter character] x reader posts on here and I’m loving them😍😍 I wrote a Harry Potter fan-fiction book and I thought I’d share some of the chapters on here! It’s called Visions and it takes place during Goblet of Fire. Enjoy <3
There is nothing worse than being forced to spend time with a bully. How did I get myself into this situation in the first place?
I guess it started when I was nine and my parents moved us back to the UK. They wanted to go to my dad's hometown now that his mother had gotten sick. I was just one year old when they moved to the US, so I didn't really know my grandmother, but this way I could meet her before she would pass away.
I am what my parents call a Pureblood. I don't like to call myself that; it gives the impression that I'm a better witch than someone with No-Maj parents, which is not true at all. They were very skeptical of sending me to a No-Maj primary school, but they really did not have any choice. They both worked through the day so they couldn't home school me. This way I had to act like a No-Maj during the day, but I didn't mind. Most of the No-Majs I met were nicer than any wizard kids I was forced to hang out with on Long Island.
Hanging out with No-Majs was not at all a problem. I thought that they were very interesting and clueless, which made them kind of cute, I guess. My life changed, though, when some kids in my class started this magic game every time the teacher left. At one point some kid screamed Abracadabra (it sounded like another curse though) and I jumped behind a desk. All the kids looked at me in surprise and my friend Jannet, who believed I was just playing along, told me I had great acting skills. I smiled at her awkwardly and told her that I'd think about pursuing a career. I looked around and saw this blond kid called Dragon or something sitting almost traumatized behind a chair. I knew he was like me. And that's when my problems started.
I walked up to him and he just looked at me with this scared look on his face. "You should get up", I told him and lend him my hand. "People may think you're different". And I winked at him. He grabbed my hand and got up. The rest of the day I noticed someone staring at me, but I only paid attention to the teacher, who was teaching us how to multiply.
After school, the blond boy came up to me and my friends. I was startled because in the couple of months that I'd been at this school, I had never once heard him speak. His voice was much higher than I'd expected. Almost girly. "You're like me", he said in a whisper. The girls around me looked confused so I grabbed Dragon by his arm and pulled him away.
"Dragon, you shouldn't say that when there are No-Majs around" I told him sternly.
"What's a No-Maj? And my name's Draco by the way."
"Sorry, 'Muggles' is what you call them. And yes I am like you." I replied. Draco looked at me in awe. His look quickly turned to confusion, though when he looked around at my friends. "Why do you hang out with that lot then?" He asked with disgust around his face.
I really hated the disgust magical folk felt for No-Majs. MACUSA even forbids the interaction between non-magical and magical people. It's not that I wasn't used to the aversion to No-Majs, it just didn't sit right with me.
"They're my friends", I told Draco confidently. I didn't care if he didn't like that. Who was he to tell me what to think?
I was expecting some mean and condescending remark, but instead the boy got very insecure. "Would you maybe want to be my friend. I don't really have any. When I was in year 3 there was this accident and since then everyone thinks I'm weird." I was taken aback from his question. Come to think of it I had never seen him with friends. I did hear my friends call him weird once, but I thought that's what they thought of all the boys in our class. I did think that it would be nice to have a wizard as a friend. It is quite frustrating to not be able to fully be yourself around your friends. I smiled at him. "Sure, Draco, I'll be your friend", I told him.
Since that day we pretty much hung out everyday. I wouldn't say we were best friends, because I got pretty bothered about his Pureblood comments. My parents were more than happy that I became friends with someone from a wizarding family. Especially since he was a Malfoy. I didn't realize at the time that that was such a big deal. I guess the size of Draco's house should have been my clue. Whenever my parents picked me up after a playdate they would suck up to the Malfoys and, I don't know how or when, but our families actually became friends. This meant dinner almost every week.
At school Draco and I also hung out a lot. My friends started warming up to him, but he didn't really return the favor. My best friend Jannet had asked me why Draco's face was always scrunched up whenever she was around, I told her that he was allergic to her cat.
Draco started calling me R, as if Ari wasn't short enough.
A week before my eleventh birthday, 6th of June, my parents had organized a party. They were very excited for my letter to arrive. Draco's birthday was the day before mine. He got his letter on the morning of the 5th, so all through that day he couldn't stop gloating.
My party was the next day, but obviously I couldn't invite any of my No-Maj friends. I had told them about my sick grandma and that it was best if not too many people would come over, so she wouldn't risk getting any nasty virus. They understood.
Draco had stayed over at my place the night before, because he wanted to be there when I opened my letter. Really nice I thought, but once the letter came, he had already grabbed it before I could see it. "It's exactly the same as yours, Draco! Give it to me, I want to read it!" Grumpily he gave it back.
Dear miss Mills,
We are pleased to inform you.... blah blah blah.
I didn't really see how this letter was so special, but I guess the letter confirmed my magical status and therefore was of significance? It made my mom cry.
"Oh sweet Ariel, this is so wonderful", she sobbed. My dad was holding her. I could see him holding back tears. I hugged them and whisper shouted: "Mom, you're embarrassing me!"
"I'm sorry honey, I'm just so proud." She said and let out another loud sob.
"You shouldn't be embarrassed, I think it's nice", said Draco, sadness spreading over his face.
Soon after that, my mom dropped us of at school. All day long Draco and I discussed our Hogwarts future in hushed voices. We were both certain we would be sorted in Slytherin like our parents before us. I joked that green wouldn't look good on me, but he assured me that it woud look great.
Time flew by and before I knew it, summer holiday had ended. All my No-Maj friends were going to schools nearby, but I told them that I would be attending boarding school in Scotland, which is the truth in a way. Draco and I would be going to Kings Cross separately, because my parents wanted a last goodbye in private, which I was grateful for because they were very embarrassing. After about 5000 bone-crushing hugs, my parents let me go, and I got on the train just as the whistle blew.
"R, down here", I heard Draco say. I followed him as we entered a compartment. Two very large and scary boys were already sitting there. Draco introduced them as Crabbe and Goyle. I wanted to ask what their first names were, but Draco had already whipped out his wand and was boasting about it. I hadn't seen him since the beginning of the summer, since my family decided to go to New York to visit some old friends. We didn't go to Ollivander's together like we had planned, but it didn't upset me that much. I thought that buying a wand was quite an intimate occasion and I rather wanted to do it with my family. My wand was of hawthorn wood with a unicorn hair core and was about 10 ¼  inches long. Short, like me. I was quite happy with it. Draco's wand was of the same wood and had the same core. I thought Draco's was quite simple, but it had a sense of elegance. Mine was prettier though.
"Did you hear?" Draco asked. I looked at him puzzlingly. "Apparently Harry Potter is in our year", he told us. Unlike most wizarding kids, I never grew up with stories about the legendary Harry Potter. Draco had told me about Harry Potter and You-Know-Who, when I was 10. He was some sort of a legend who defeated an evil wizard when he was just a baby. I always thought Draco was messing with me, but apparently the Boy Who Lived was real. Draco, Crabbe and Goyle went out to search for him on the train, but I didn't feel like going. Instead, I quickly changed into my Hogwarts uniform. When I was dressed, a girl and very upset boy came by to ask if I'd seen a toad, but I hadn't. They went away.
When we arrived at the station, some large man escorted us to some boats. I was in a boat with the boys I shared the compartment with, but our boat seemed to have a hard time keeping up with the others. Probably the weight of the two large boys that sat behind Draco and I. I wanted to point this out to Draco, but he had been in a bad mood ever since he came back from his Potter Safari.
The castle was very impressive. It was huge and the grounds didn't seem to end. All the kids around me seemed to be as amazed as I am.
Before we knew it a tall and slim witch called professor McGonagall was telling us about the houses and explaining what would happen when we would enter the Great Hall. Once McGonagall mentioned Slytherin, Malfoy looked at me and I smiled back.
After a while Draco's name was called and the blond boy walked up to the stool. The singing hat was not even touching his head when the Sorting Hat bellowed: "Slytherin!". He looked at me and I gave him a thumbs up. He mouthed at me: "You're next", and I nodded.
"Mills, Ariel", called Professor McGonagall and I stepped forward. The giant hat fell over my eyes blocking my view of the hall. I felt all eyes on me and my nerves were killing me. I obviously wouldn't be a great Gryffindor.
"Ah, another Mills", said the hat quietly. "Considering your family's history, I would seriously consider placing you in Slytherin. Your mind, however, argues something else. Best put you in... RAVENCLAW!" He yelled the last word. The table filled with young witches and wizards sporting blue ties stood up and clapped.
Obviously shocked I walked over to the table. I didn't know how to feel. I looked over at the Slytherin table and I saw Malfoy looking angrily back. He quickly looked away, leaving me hurt. I said down next to a blond girl who was sorted into Ravenclaw not long before me.
During the feast, I looked back one more time, but Draco had turned away and was now stabbing his food with his fork. I could hear something along the lines of "my father...." but that was the last I'd heard.
All year Draco Malfoy had been a real pain in the ass. When I had informed my parents of my house they didn't reply for almost a month, but they had ultimately decided that they were happy for me. All through year two and three, I would hear terms as "bloodtraitor" or "mugglefriend" from Draco, but I ignored him. Every time he would get near me I would turn around and walk away. Luckily, he greatest hobby was pestering Harry Potter.
Every summer I had gotten out of my parents dinner plans with the Malfoys until the summer between year three and year four, when my parents had brought me to a very important dinner with many Slytherin alumni. I was being forced to see my bully again. Who knew how this would end?
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by tickticktmr
Do people spell your name wrong very often? LOL, of course. When your name is the less-common variant, expect it to be misspelled all the time. Only like 2 out of 10 times do people ask me if my name is spelled with an i or y, but it’s them I appreciate the most.
Who will your next phone call be with? I’m not expecting any phone call for a while.
Would you rather be taken or single? Ugh, taken. I love being in a relationship; I always enjoyed looking after someone else and doing things to make them happy. Being independent has its perks too, but I always feel lonely at the end of the day.
Do you plan to move any time soon? Nope, I’m taking it slow.
Would you rather have pink or green hair? I’d go with green but only if it’s a dark shade, like the color of seaweed. I wouldn’t appreciate neon green on my hair.
Do you miss anyone's smile right now? I saw it again yesterday, so I’m good.
Do you want kids? I used to, but now I’m back to the drawing board when it comes to kids.
Do you know who sings 'Let it rock'? It’s not ringing a bell, and honestly the first thing I remembered was the Goofy Goober Rock song from the Spongebob Movie HAHAHA. Sorry to disappoint.
Do you think stargazing is a romantic thing to do with someone? Sure, but I think it also works platonically. Stargazing is generally a nice and relaxing thing to do whether you’re alone, with an SO, with a friend, or with a bunch of friends.
Do you want to tell someone something right now? Yes, but I can’t.
What's your opinion on sex before marriage? It’s whatever. People can do what they want, and the only things they should watch out for are consent and being safe.
Do you own a car? I don’t own it, i.e. I didn’t pay for it, but it was given to me so I can have a car to drive myself when I need to go to places.
What is something that is always in your kitchen cupboards? Rice.
The last person you spoke to: have you ever lied to them? For sure. Growing up with strict parents taught me how to lie convincingly.
Have you ever made out with them? That person is my mother. No.
What woke you up today? I did so naturally.
Have you ever had a pet rock? No. People do that? How do rocks become pets?
Have you ever been lost? LOL like the lost-in-life kind of lost? Sure. I’m going through it at present because life threw a shit ton of curveballs at me over the course of two months.
How long is it until your sibling)s) birthday? My brother’s birthday is in 5 months; my sister’s is in 10 as she celebrated her birthday just last September.
Are you lazy? I can be if I want to. But I’m not always, of course.
Do you read the newspaper? No.
Have you ever heard of the song 'Teeth the size of piano keys'? No.
Who was your last thought about? You got me thinking about my sister because of the earlier question about her birthday.
What made you in the mood you are in right now? I’m relaxed at the moment and that’s thanks to the fact that it’s Sunday, I’ve recently gotten into a new hobby and a show I can dive into, and tomorrow’s a holiday so no work for me :) Gonna make the most out of this evening for sure.
Have you ever told someone to go to Hell? I’ve most likely done so, but only as a joke.
Do you know anyone named Jos? As in, pronounced ‘Jaws’? No. That’s one of the more unique names I’ve heard.
What's your font on MSN/AIM? I don’t use either. I never used either, either.
What's more important to you: books or music? Music.
Do you have any magazine subscriptions? Nah. Even when I still collected magazines, I preferred physically going to magazine stands and buying new issues. It was more exciting that way.
Has someone ever really hurt you without even realizing? Yeah.
What do you sleep in? A bed, most often. Sometimes I’ll pass out on the couch but that doesn’t happen too much anymore.
Have you changed in the past six months? Yes, both naturally and forcibly. It’s been... quite a year for me, even if we put Covid aside.
Do you bite your nails? When I’m anxious. I haven’t had to do this for a while though, and I mostly did when I was in school awaiting a presentation I had to make.
Do you like the name Natasha? I used to like it when I was younger, but it slipped out of my favorites for no real reason at some point; it just did.
What's a food that starts with the last letter of your first name? Naan.
Does your house have a white picket fence? It used to, but we had them removed after a string of typhoons increasingly deteriorated their quality over the years.
Have you ever been given flowers? Sure.
Do you have a YouTube account? How many videos have you watched on it? I do. Is the second one a real question lol? I’ve watched thousands, as I’m sure most people who use YouTube have done as well. This is like asking how many tweets in total I’ve read on Twitter since I first signed up.
Do you know anyone who is really, really conceited? My mom can be one. She likes to act as if she can do no wrong.
Who’s the last person you told off? My manager at work. I did something she asked me to do and followed the instructions down to a T...and then she said I shouldn’t have done it? That kind of thing happens at work every now and then and it’s fucking exhausting. It’s like every move I make has its own script and the script changes every five minutes. 
Are you optimistic? Sure, but not always.
How do you get to school/your job? I work from home, but under normal circumstances I would’ve been driving myself to the workplace.
Love or lust? Love.
Do you smoke cigarettes? Yeah, but I keep my use of it at an extreme minimum. I’ve only done it socially and I’ve only asked for cigarettes from my friends who have their own packs (and were willing to give me a couple of sticks, of course).
Have you ever been so mad at someone you hurt them? Like, physically? Yes, but it’s only because I was hit first.
Have you ever met someone you met online in person? This is on surveys a lot...yes. I’ve met several online friends who were once in the wrestling circle with me; and one time I bought a product from someone online so we had to meet up for that, too.
Have you ever not studied for a test and gotten 100%? Probably not a 100%, but close. I never studied for my Language exams in middle school because it was just literal English grammar, which I was already good at by that point.
Where is your boyfriend/girlfriend right now? I don’t have any.
Have you ever won a contest for public speaking? No, but I’ve joined one. I got a little frazzled by the middle of my speech (it was impromptu and I didn’t know my question until I got on stage) so in the end that cost me first place.
Are there any woods near where you live? Nah, it’s a private village so it’s super suburban and no hidden woods or forests anywhere.
What did you do today? So far I’ve watched 3/4 of an episode of Start Up, cried, washed my face, washed the glass that I drank soju from last night, and sat up in bed and continued this survey.
Have you ever considered suicide? Yes.
Do you have a lot of myspace friends? No. I never really used my account.
What was your favorite subject in grade six? Science was fun then. Partly because I could tell the teacher liked me, and partly because her method of teaching was big on memorization of terms and processes which was always more my speed.
Hot chocolate or coffee? I could go for coffee right now. Hot chocolate is best when I’m on vacation and having breakfast at a fancy hotel.
Do you like your neighbours? I don’t dislike them, that’s for sure.
Did you do something stupid today? Not yet. 
Name a five letter word that starts with the same letter as your first name. Ripen.
What time did you go to sleep last night? Around midnight. That soju/Yakult combo knocked me out.
Did you have fun yesterday? It was an okay day, sure. I got productive and even drank for a bit last night just because.
How many people are online on your MSN/AIM right now?
Would you like to/did you drop out of school? No, that was never a part of my plans.
What was your favorite book as a child? If we’re talking kids’ books, I never got tired of rereading Corduroy and The Giving Tree. I also had a book of poems and nursery rhymes and I remember taking a liking for The Owl and the Pussycat because it was the longest poem in the book and it helped me train my English.
How far away does your best friend live from you? Both live around 20-30 minutes away, just in different directions.
Do you think you could write a book? A memoir, yes. Anything fictional, no.
Is it hard to tell someone you like them? Yes.
How many bedrooms does your house have? 4.
Do you know anyone who can't speak French? Nearly everyone I know.
When's the last time you brushed your teeth? Last night.
Are you the same religion as your parents? Legally. But I disowned Catholicism/Christianity a long time ago.
Would you do anything for a certain person? Yes, I would.
Do you know anyone in your science class? The last science class I took was a course on chemistry, and I only knew one person in that class.
Describe your room: Cozy, starting to get a little cluttered, big enough for one person.
Do you still write letters to Santa, even when you know he's not real? No, and I never wrote letters addressed to a Santa.
Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Nope.
Have you ever been lied to by a girlfriend/boyfriend? I’m sure she did.
Where is your dad right now? I can’t tell whose turn it is to make breakfast today, so he’s either in the kitchen cooking or in their bedroom watching TV.
Are any of your relatives pregnant? As far as I know, no. But I also haven’t been on Facebook in a while, so I’m poorly updated on what my relatives have been up to.
How many garabe buckets are in your house? I have no idea what this is talking about.
Would you want the truth if you asked if your pants made you look horrible? If I asked that then yeah, I obviously would want to hear the truth.
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