#because of my moms debt and so forth
angellesword · 4 months
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Summary: Drowning in debt and blood, Jeon Jungkook knows he's better off alone, lest he brings people down with him.
But one drunken night changes everything.
In a blink of an eye, Jungkook found himself drowning not only in debt and blood, but also in dirty diapers and judgmental stares from you, a.k.a his long-lost love and the guardian of the son he didn't even know existed.
Genre and warnings: best friends to lovers, co-parenting, idiots in love, mutual pining, angst, fluff, implied smut, kissing, minor character death, slight getting back together, drama, OC cusses excessively so watch out
Pairing: dad! Jungkook x adoptive mom!Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
← Previous Chapter (05) | Next Chapter (07) →
Six Years Ago, 2017
As much as Jungkook hated to admit it, you were right. This venture with Jimin was doomed.
"Jungkook, what should we do?" Jimin paced back and forth, a rare image of anxiety painted on his face. Jimin always gave Jungkook the perfect picture of a calm adult who knew exactly what he was doing. As such, Jungkook naturally looked up to him. Jungkook was also an adult, but his reliance on Jimin was of another level, allowing him to see that there was something to look forward to in life.
"We have to kill him, Jimin-hyung~." But darkness still loomed over the younger man, only that it was masked by his starry eyes, giving people the wrong impression that he couldn't and wouldn't harm even a fly.
Truth be told, Jimin sighed, but he cast an affectionate look at Jungkook as if Jungkook were his mischievous younger brother who did not propose murder but simply a joke of putting salt in someone's food instead of sugar.
"Jungkook-ah, I'm serious, okay? This can potentially harm our employees. I need you to think of something."
"Who said I was joking?" Jungkook deadpanned and crossed his arms lazily. "You said it yourself. This will harm our people. Why not get rid of the root cause first?"
"Jungkook," Jimin warned, his voice turning serious.
The brunet pursed his lips into a thin line, petulant. He wished to kill Francis Fitzgerald, one of Port Mafia's board members and their certified public accountant. Naturally, Francis dealt with the company's financial statements.
Unbeknownst to Jungkook and the others, Francis used the company's money for his own gain and concealed that the Port Mafia was incurring debt.
"This is all my fault." Jimin blamed himself. He was dating Francis and blindly trusted him, but Jungkook did not want to blame Jimin.
"That son of a bitch is cunning. He'd find another way to hide this from us even if we didn't give him freedom."
Admittedly, the only reason why Jungkook and Jimin found out about Francis' scheme was because Jisoo sent a formal request to inspect Port Mafia's book. Jisoo had been wanting to increase her investment, but she didn't want to jump into the fire immediately. She wanted some sort of proof that Port Mafia was doing well. She couldn’t buy this whole unicorn company thing. Something must be up.
"Maybe we should report this to the authorities. Does anyone else know?"
"Only the two of us, Jisoo and her independent auditor," Jungkook answered. It was all thanks to your sister's painstaking effort that the anomalies were discovered. "You don't have to worry about Jisoo-noona. She'll keep her mouth shut."
"We're really going to hide this?" Jimin was uncomfortable, but what other choice did they have?
"It appears that's the only thing we could do. Unless you change your mind about murder." Jungkook shrugged off. They would just discreetly force Francis to 'resign' and slowly correct his wrongdoings. Jisoo said she knew many reliable accountants and auditors who could handle issues like this silently. Jisoo also said she was willing to buy Francis' shares, though she had no interest in being a board member.
Jungkook was a cunning man, but he had to admit he couldn't exactly figure out why Jisoo was willing to help Port Mafia clean its mess up. Thankfully, Jimin gave Jungkook the go signal to work with Jisoo while he continued to manage their business operation. It gave Jungkook the time to scrutinize Jisoo. He had done the same thing with others before, dining and sweet-talking them until they willingly opened up to him.
"Why the long face, Jisoo-noona? Did you change your mind about helping us~? Or maybe you're just looking for a little extra persuasion~?" The corner of Jungkook's lip ticked up. They were at Jisoo’s house because Jungkook proposed to cook for Jisoo to thank her for helping Port Mafia. He slowly poured wine on Jisoo's glass while maintaining eye contact with her.
Light teasing and flirting usually worked, but Jungkook didn't see the blush on Jisoo's cheeks. She indolently picked up her wine glass and swirled it to release its aroma.
Jisoo did not drink her wine. She furrowed a brow at the younger boy, "Jungkook-ah, tell me. How much do you love my sister?"
Her question stunned Jungkook, causing his throat to get dry. For a moment, Jungkook didn't know what to say. He opened his mouth to speak but pursed his lips at the last minute.
It took a while before Jungkook settled with an answer.
"It's complicated." While it was indisputable that you were his best friend, Jungkook also knew that his bond with you transcended all superficial feelings, such as love. Yes. Love, among other things, was superficial compared to what you were to him.
People often wondered how you and Jungkook remained friends for many years, considering that all you did was fight, but none of those people saw you two’s desperate glances and how soft they actually were. No one understood that while it was easy to buy crab spring rolls, you would rather make them at home and add some pureed vegetables so Jungkook could eat healthier.
Or how no one understood Jungkook's intention of cutting you some slack after all the hurtful words you had said because he knew he'd be damned to take an angry woman’s words at face value.
Love was there—it was easy to say and feel that, but it was a different story, knowing that you might hurt each other. However, at the end of the day, you and Jungkook were each other's constants. You would return to each other's embrace no matter how fucked up the situation was.
People like Jisoo would not understand that, so Jungkook could only settle with a simple "it's complicated" response.
As expected, Jisoo shook her head. She didn't look enthusiastic to hear Jungkook's answer, as her question was merely rhetoric or a preamble.
Jisoo's intention was to tell Jungkook how much you meant to her.
Jungkook smiled. "I know, Jisoo-noona. Everybody loves your sister."
"No, Jungkook." Jisoo stopped swirling her glass. She caught Jungkook's eyes, voice serious. "You don't understand. I love that kid with my life."
You and Jisoo had absent parents, so Jisoo basically raised you.
Jungkook remained silent, sensing that there was more to Jisoo's admission of her feelings for you.
And he was right.
Jisoo stopped swirling the glass; she looked at the crimson liquid intensely, a bitter smile blooming on her face. "This wine seems quite tasty."
"You would know." Jungkook took a sip of his wine. "That's your fourth cup, right—"
Jungkook was abruptly cut off when Jisoo poured the wine on the floor. Its splattering reverberated through Jisoo's dining room.
Then she confessed:
"I'm dying, Jungkook."
The wine glass shattered, broken pieces falling on the floor.
"Jisoo-noona." Jungkook was by Jisoo's side in a flash. He enveloped her in an embrace to get her to stop shaking. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up."
Jungkook sat Jisoo on her couch, bringing a towel to wipe at her hand. He didn't know when their playful banter turned into something this gloomy, but that should be his least concern.
"Are you with me, Jisoo-noona? Come on, breathe." Jungkook usually did this with you. You had quite some temper. Jisoo was the relaxed one, almost always gracious. Her smile was reserved for big occasions only.
It was an...experience to see her like this.
"You're okay, Jisoo-noona. Jisoo." Jungkook learned it was effective to utter someone's name when they were in distress. Fortunately, it worked on Jisoo. She released a deep breath before swallowing thickly.
"You good?"
Jisoo nodded. "Thank you, Jungkook-ah."
"Not a problem," he hummed. "Care to explain to me what you meant earlier?"
Perhaps Jungkook's tone was gentle, so it made it easier for Jisoo to open up. It was part of her plan, anyway. She knew Jimin and Jungkook must have been curious why she still invested in Port Mafia. The truth was, it was all for you.
Jisoo recently found out that she had cancer, and her days in this world were numbered. Jisoo didn't want to leave you alone, so she could only place her bet on Jungkook.
She knew that Jungkook would be in trouble if the authorities found out about Port Mafia's anomalies, and who would care for you if she died and Jungkook ended up locked up in prison?
"I've researched about your company. It would have been good if Francis did not mess up. I see the potential in Port Mafia; that's why I'm risking with you."
As long as Jungkook and Jimin stayed vigilant and not let scums like Francis come back, then Port Mafia would continue to prosper. By the time Jisoo was gone, all her investment would be passed down to you. That was her goal. She wanted you to enjoy a financially stable life with Jungkook.
"Are you going to tell her about your health situation?" That was all Jungkook could say.
Jisoo puffed a breath, kind of like a snicker. "Are you going to tell her  about your business situation?"
There was a pause in the air.
And then they both laughed. They both knew the answer to their question.
"Did you know why exposing Fitzgerald's crime to the authorities is not an option?"
Jisoo shook her head at that. She had meant to ask that; luckily, Jungkook made it easier.
Francis Fitzgerald was not the only one who had something to hide. Jungkook and Jimin weren't exactly clean.
Port Mafia was a business process outsourcing company. Everyone around Jungkook thought that he chose to venture into this kind of business for money, and while that was true, it was not his primary goal.
Park Jimin opened Jungkook's mind to what was happening to the world—how unfair it was and what they could do to make it slightly better.
Their solution was to make Port Mafia a catalyst for changing immigrants' lives. Not just immigrants but illegal immigrants. These people had built a life in Incheon and would never choose to go back to their own country that couldn't provide them with a proper lifestyle because of war and corruption.
Jungkook and Jimin hired these people to give them a chance at a better living. If they were to expose Fitzgerald's crime, there was no doubt that the government would also pry about how they conduct their operation. Everything would be exposed, and their employees would be at risk of deportation.
It was a band-aid solution, and Jungkook and Jimin were aware of that, but how cruel could one be to just sit and watch those people suffer?
"It's a different feeling, Jisoo-noona. I know their lives shouldn't be reduced to my feelings because Jimin-hyung often tells me it's not about us, but you're not there. No one else saw how happy those kids are..."
Jungkook never liked kids, but he would never forget when one of the kids ran to him, hugging his leg and telling him how happy he was. He didn't have to eat the bitter chocolate anymore—the bitter chocolate being dirt.
"This world is cruelly unfair." Jisoo felt defeated. One thing about sick people was how easy it was for them to be covered in a mist of bluishness. Jisoo did not see the point of living anymore. These days, all that prevailed was regret of how she lived her life and hope of how she could make someone else's life worth it.
"How much time do you have left?"
Jisoo shrugged noncommittally. "Depends. Longer with chemotherapy, shorter without chemotherapy."
"And what do you plan on choosing?" Jungkook just couldn't shut up with his damn questions.
"Are you kidding me?" Jisoo scoffed, feeling a bubble of anger rise in her. She furiously wiped at her mouth, the trace of lipstick gone. This was the only time Jungkook had seen her lose her cool. "I don't want to die with no hair. Fate is cruel enough to me. This."
She pointed at her lips and continued to wipe them with her bare hand, "Is of no use to me anymore. I can apply makeup and all those expensive skincare, and it will all be for nothing. Can't I die with my hair? Can't I die looking like me?"
She did not want to be remembered as someone sick. She wished to die simply as Jisoo, the girl with a reserved and pretty smile.
"Jisoo-noona," Jungkook called when he noticed Jisoo was shaking again.
She shook her head aggressively. "I'm so fucked up, Jungkook."
Jungkook held her hands, squeezing them. "You're not alone."
Tears trickled down her cheeks.
"We're so fucked up."
"We're so fucked up." Jungkook agreed.
They were inches away from each other.
"My sister can't know about this."
Their noses touched.
Jungkook hummed, cupping Jisoo's face, "Your sister will not know about this."
The first touch of their lips was like fire, hot enough to burn all evidence of their messed up life. They seemed to agree on one thing:
They grieved about their imperfect lives, which they so badly wanted to share with the person they loved the most (you ) but couldn't.
You couldn't know about this because your life was perfect. You had everything, a good educational degree, friends and family who loved you, and a life where you wouldn't be scared to wake up thinking it was your last day as a free man or a living man.
With every touch and thrust, Jisoo and Jungkook grieved a life you had, but they could never have.
In each other’s wretched body was where they found the solace the world took away from them.
And come morning, when they were both sober, all that was left were sadness and fear.
← Previous Chapter (05) | Next Chapter (07) →
A/N: This is a short chapter and I might regret posting this immediately, but it's here and I'm going crazy. Anon people in my inbox, thank you for reading this fic, but I noticed most of you are so stressed. Please hhuhuh not to be that person, but...the fictional characters are not in the room with us right now. It's okay. I love you all.
Not gonna lie, I am thinking it's a mistake to turn this into a JJK fic, because as a soukoku fic, the characters' actions just make sense, you know? But here...things are just different, I guess. But anyway, enough rambling. It's going to work out in the end. When is the end? I don't know. hahahaha
I recently posted a light JJK oneshot, read this if you want to calm down. This is pretty much fluff and crack 😆 click here
Good night. <333
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nicoline1998enilocin · 6 months
You have a prompt ("no amount of money ever bought a second of time" from marvel-smash bingo) and this is something Tony's dad said to him, I would like to request something with it
Tony and reader just had a baby and Tony says this to the baby and that is something that his/her grandpa once said or Tony's parents are still alive when he's an adult and when they are visiting their grandbaby, Howard will say this to the baby and it's a very emotional moment 😊
Never grow up
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PAIRING | Husband!Dad!Tony Stark x Wife!Mom!Fem!Reader
WORD COUNT | ~ 800 words
SUMMARY | Your beautiful son came home a few hours ago, and now you witness Tony having a sweet moment with him, making your heart beat faster and filling with love like never before.
RATING | Teen (T)
WARNINGS/TAGS | Established relationship, use of nicknames (Gorgeous, Nugget), referenced pregnancy/childbirth
A/N | Nonnie, I cannot thank you enough for sending in this incredibly cute request! I decided to write something right away for you, and I hope you will enjoy every second of it, because I know I did when writing it. This is proofread by the amazing @ccbsrmsf1, for which I will be forever in your debt. I love you 🩷
EVENTS Masterlist | @fandom-free-bingo Frosty | Tucking into bed Masterlist | @marvel-smash-bingo | "No amount of money ever bought a second of time." Masterlist | @multifandom-flash Beehive | Sleep Cute
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Banners: Yours truly | Divider: @firefly-graphics | GIF: Source
Main Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist
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Two days ago, your lifelong dream became a reality. Your son, Noah Anthony Stark, was born on March 16th at 4:57 AM in the Compound's Hospital wing. Today, you were released, and Tony couldn't be happier to bring him to his penthouse for the first time.
Noah's birth wasn't easy on you by any means, so you decided to take a little nap when you got home. Tony gives him a bottle before putting him down for a nap. From when your son was born, Tony immediately fell into a naturally fatherly role, and he has never been sexier.
Now, he resides in the rocking chair in Noah's nursery, slowly rocking back and forth while he feeds and talks to him.
"Y'know, my Dad used to say, 'No amount of money ever bought a second of time,' and I never quite grasped what that meant until now. Finally, having you with us is so special, but I already dread the day you'll be growing up. I wish you would forever stay this small or that I could pause time for even a moment," he tells his son, and you walk in about halfway through the conversation.
"I wish he could stay this little forever," you say to your husband, who looks up at you with a loving look. You slowly make your way over to both of them, careful not to hurt yourself now that you're still healing.
"I thought you were sleeping, Gorgeous," he says before giving you a small peck on your lips when you sat down next to both of them.
"I was, but I needed to use the toilet again. I heard you talking to Noah, so I decided to look at what you two were talking about."
Your head lies on his shoulder as you smile at your son, who already looks like Tony. He has the most beautiful blue eyes, though, and you're curious what they will change into—secretly, you hope they will morph into the same chocolate brown ones as Tony's.
"Not much. I was telling him what my Dad used to tell me," Tony sighs, and you nod.
"They would be proud of you, you know? After everything, you have the family you deserve, a beautiful son, and you're married to a beautiful woman," you say with a grin.
"You're definitely right about that, Gorgeous. And I know they would have fallen head over heels in love with him, just like you and I have," Tony tells you as he's blinking away the tears threatening to fall down his cheeks at the thought of his parents.
"They would have," you whisper to him as you look at Noah, who's already fallen asleep. Once Tony is finished feeding Noah, he changes him into a clean diaper and pajamas, ready to tuck him into bed.
"Sleep well, Nugget," you tell him as he's cozy in his crib, the sight making your heart melt. Your lifelong dream of becoming a Mom has come true, and you're feeling more loved than ever.
"Wow," Tony whispers when Noah peacefully sleeps, an occasional soft snore coming from him.
"Wow indeed," you whisper in return, and Tony nods.
"I can't believe I made him."
"We, Tony. We made him." You reprimand him, and he smiles wide before nodding. You're right; he's the outcome of your shared love. After a few more moments, you take your husband's hand before leading him out of the nursery and into your bedroom, needing some cuddles with him.
"He's cute when he sleeps, isn't he?" Tony tells you, and you couldn't agree more.
"Just as cute as his Daddy," you joke, making Tony smile widely.
"I don't think so, Gorgeous. I think you're much cuter than I am!" he tells you, making you laugh this time. Your world may have been turned upside down by bringing new life into this world, but the love you and your husband share has not changed, and you're fortunate to have him by your side.
"I love you, Tony. And thank you for being the best Daddy we could wish for," you say as you turn to him, getting on your tiptoes to capture his lips with yours.
"I love you too, Gorgeous. But let's get into bed because I need some cuddles with my hot mama," he says, and you feel the warmth spreading through your body at his words. During your pregnancy, Tony would worship your body every day when he wasn't away on missions, and he never fails to let you know how he feels about you now.
"The last one to the bed gets to change his next diaper!" you say after taking off, and Tony happily lets you win this race. He doesn't mind doing it, and you could use a win after the days you've had. As long as he can spend the next few hours with you cuddled in his arms, he knows he's the luckiest man on earth.
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sunlightmurdock · 2 years
My Future In You | 1.2 | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
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Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Masterlist
Synopsis: Bradley’s twenty-two years old and not where he’s supposed to be. He’s supposed to be out of the academy by now. Instead, he’s retaking his senior year of college and praying to god that he gets into flight school. Mav’s gone, his mom’s gone. He’s mad at the world. Then, a hook up at a Halloween party changes his future even more than he could have imagined.
Warnings: accidental pregnancy, angst, drama etc etc, enemies to lovers if you wanna call it that, no major warnings in this chapter
“No, I dated someone with that name.” Bradley decides, shaking his head as he sips on his Diet Coke. You narrow your eyes at him.
“If we’re going to rule out names because of your love life, our kid is going to end up with a name from the seventeenth century.” You complain, grabbing some fries as you look over the girl’s side of your list.
Bradley chuckles softly, amused by your comment. He squeezes your ankle.
“Fine. Let’s talk boy names first because I have one that I really would like.” He tells you, stroking his thumb tenderly along your calf. You’re both sitting on your bed, you by the headboard and him with his back to the wall, your feet in his lap.
“Okay.” You nod your head at him.
“Nick.” He decides.
You scoff as you grab your drink and sip from the straw, “Sure, if I’m giving birth to a middle aged man with credit card debt and a wife he hates.
Bradley stares at you.
“I mean — that’s an old man name. Baby Nick? — It sounds like he’s balding already.” You reason with him. Bradley’s lips quirk, amused by you trashing the name so much. He knows something you don’t. You stare at him, trying to figure out why he’s looking at you like that.
It hits you.
“Oh shit, is that your dead dad’s name?” You gasp.
Bradley shakes his head and strikes a line through the name, “The world has been without a Nick Bradshaw for like eighteen years, I guess it can go a little more.”
“I’m sorry.” You wince.
Bradley shrugs, lifting his napkin to wipe his hands, “Let me hear your names.”
The two of you go back and forth, sharing names and insulting each of them in turn. You throw yourself back against the pillows, draping an arm over your face, groaning in frustration.
“Our kid isn’t going to have a name, they’re going to be baby Seresin for their entire life because we can’t agree on anything!” You growl.
“Baby Bradshaw.” Bradley corrects you, sipping from his straw, still looking down at his own list. A pillow hits the side of his head, almost making him drop his sprite. He turns his head and raises his eyebrow at you.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish, honey.” He comments, throwing the pillow back, his lips quirking as it hits you in the face. You bolt upright and glare at him.
“Pregnant or not, I’ll kick your ass.”
Bradley’s lips tilt upwards into a grin. He sets his drink down and shrugs his shoulders, “Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been attacked by a Seresin.”
He’s such a cocky asshole when he wants to be. You set your list down and push up onto your knees, shoving at his chest.
Bradley smiles. He lifts his chin, smirking at you defiantly. There’s a split second where he thinks that you might just take the leap, lean forwards and kiss him.
Both of you jump apart and turn together. Ryan’s standing in the doorway, one strap from his backpack on his shoulder. He looks between you and Bradley. Both on your bed, notepads pushed to the side. You’re on your knees, your hand is on his shoulder.
A muscle in Ryan’s jaw ticks.
“Am I interrupting?” He says quietly. He’s a pretty patient guy, and he really likes you - he doesn’t want to jump to conclusions. But, at some point, he passed the need to jump and has now arrived to the conclusion all by himself.
“No!” You leap up from the bed. Bradley has the sense to grab both notebooks and pull them onto his lap, then close them both.
“Ryan, how’s it going, man?” Bradley starts to push himself up from the bed. You turn quickly and glare at him. He closes his mouth and remains on the edge of your bed.
He sits silently and thinks about how he should have kissed you and taught your boyfriend to take a hint and back off.
“What’s going on, baby?” Ryan’s voice is soft, tender. Bradley stills, realising he wouldn’t have reacted that way. Bradley’s eyes fall down to look at the sweater covering your developing stomach. He looks back up at the Ryan’s softened expressions.
He just came over to find his girl sitting in bed with another guy, and he’s still giving her the benefit of the doubt.
That’s probably the kind of guy that would be a good influence around a baby.
It might not have been Bradley’s first instinct, but Bradley can be like that too. He’s certain of it.
“Bradley needed tutoring, the idiot failed Public Relations twice now.” You tell Ryan. He looks at Bradley. Bradley smiles stiffly and nods his head — the idiot comment is something to address later.
“You’re… tutoring him?” Ryan looks between the two of you, unbelieving. You nod your head quickly.
Solely in the interest of proving that he isn’t an idiot, Bradley flicks back a couple of pages in his notebook and holds up the notes for Ryan to see. They’re from when Bradley was tutoring someone a while ago, but the different pen colours and comments sell the story.
“Oh.” Ryan nods softly as he looks over the page. His gaze flickers back to you. You smile sheepishly at him.
Bradley stands up finally, “Well, I should go. Thanks for the help. I’ll see you on tomorrow.”
“What’s tomorrow?” Ryan asks, looking at Bradley instead of you.
“Oh, it’s Jake’s birthday — they’re having a thing over at their place.” You explain, watching Bradley step past Ryan and out into the hall.
“You didn’t mention.” Ryan comments. Bradley cocks an eyebrow at you. Kind of odd that you didn’t invite your boyfriend, in his mind.
“Well, you’re invited, obviously. It’ll be fun.” You force yourself to smile at him.
“Guess I’ll see you both there.” Bradley smiles.
The hour drive home gives him time to think. He knows you and Ryan are probably arguing right now, and that it’s somewhat his fault. It’s not his fault that you refuse to tell your boyfriend.
Bradley had a realisation the other day. Ryan has been spending most of his time at your place. Almost every day from what he hears. Sure, there’s a chance that this is because of how much you guys like each other. Bradley thinks otherwise. Your parents still aren’t talking to Jake, which means they absolutely aren’t speaking to you. Bradley hasn’t seen you shed a tear about it since before New Years’.
Ryan’s a distraction.
By the time Bradley’s home, he has a couple of texts waiting to open. Most notably, one from Kenzie - last Bradley heard, she had a boyfriend. Clearly not anymore because twenty minutes later, he’s letting her in and she’s leading the way to his room. She remembers where it is.
Bradley can’t pretend that he hasn’t missed her. Kenzie’s a great friend. But, she and Bradley hook up regularly when they aren’t seeing other people, so she tends to disappear each time she gets a boyfriend.
And each time they reunite, it’s just as good. Bradley groans softly as he runs his fingers through his hair, trying to catch his breath. Kenzie pulls open the top drawer to his nightstand and grabs the box of tissues. She wipes her chest off and moves to put the box back.
She frowns slightly.
“Um… Bradley,”
Bradley lets out a heavy breath, wiping the sweat from his forehead, lifting his gaze to look at the girl beside him in his bed.
“What’s this?”
He knows exactly what she’s talking about the moment that she asks the question. He sits upright quickly and glances down, like he doesn’t know.
Truthfully, he had forgotten that it was in there. The spare sonogram photo that he was meant to pass on to Jake. His is safely hidden behind his driver’s license in his wallet.
“I have no idea.” Bradley decides that’s the best answer to go with.
Kenzie turns to look at him and raises her eyebrows in disbelief. He glances down at her bare chest in a moment of weakness and immediately realises that he has just made the incorrect choice twice in a row.
“Oh my god! — What is the matter with you?” She shrieks, leaping up from the bed and grabbing her underwear from the floor.
Bradley takes a moment before he answers this question.
“It’s not what it looks like,” He tells her, shifting to the edge of the bed and standing up. He grabs his boxers and pulls them up his legs as she searches for her jeans.
“It looks like you got someone pregnant!” She bites back.
“Okay, well… I did, but-“
“Oh my god!” She shrieks again. Bradley winces at the sound. She throws her jeans at him, he narrowly dodges and frowns at her.
“I am not a homewrecker, Bradley! I can’t believe you didn’t tell me this! — I could kill you right now!”
“I’m not dating her! She has a boyfriend! — I barely know her, she’s just Jake’s little sister.” Bradley realises how bad that sounds as he’s saying it, but he commits to the sentence anyway.
“You got Jake’s little sister pregnant and he let you live?”
She’s a cheerleader, she knows about the team and its intricacies. She’s also a lot smarter than people give her credit for, and she knows Bradley well. She knows that he and Jake barely get along at the best of times.
Truthfully, he might make every bad decision he can, but Kenzie loves Bradley. She gets him. She has sat with him in the library more times than she should have. She’s hurt that this is the first she’s hearing about this.
“Just about.” Bradley chuckles in agreement. He lifts her jeans and extends them towards her as somewhat of a peace offering.
She shakes her head and snatches them out of his hands. Bradley scratches the back of his neck sheepishly as she steps into them, knowing that he’s in trouble. Kenzie zips and buttons her pants, then folds her arms over her chest.
“She’s keeping the baby?” She asks curiously.
“Uh-huh. Due at the beginning of August.” Bradley nods his head.
Kenzie stares at him seriously, then raises an eyebrow, “And… you’re going to be involved?”
“Yeah.” Bradley mumbles.
Kenzie steps forwards and wraps her arms around his waist. He hugs her uncertainly. She pulls back and looks up, then presses her index finger into his chest, her face stern.
“You need to get your shit together.” She tells him seriously.
Bradley frowns slightly.
“I mean it, Bradshaw - if you screw up this kid then I’ll personally hunt you down.”
His face softens as he understands what she’s talking about. He leans his head back and sighs, she steps away from him and pulls one of his t-shirts over her head.
“Her new boyfriend has his shit together,” Bradley mutters, reaching for his shorts and stepping into them. His head hangs low, he’s not meeting her gaze. “He’s a photographer, musician - he’s got a job lined up after graduation, here in the city with her. I’m going to be halfway across the country. Even if I was here… I’m starting to think he’d be a better dad than I would.”
“He probably would be.” Kenzie agrees. Bradley lifts his head and frowns at her. It’s harsh, but it’s what he needs to hear. “Well, I assume he would be. Because he’s with her, and you’re still being a little boy, screwing around.”
His lips part. He scrunches his brows together, hurt, “What am I supposed to do? - I can’t come between them, she would hate me.”
Kenzie sighs.
“I’m not telling you to come between them, idiot - because you’re right, she would hate you,” Kenzie explains herself. Bradley shoves his hands into the pockets of his shorts. “But, she might start to trust you a little more if you grow up and stop hooking up with random girls.”
“You’re not rando-“
“Just prove to her that you can give her some stability. I’ve been saying this for months - you’re holding yourself back. Pull your head out of your ass, grow up.” She says sternly.
Bradley nods uncertainly.
“Okay. Now, don’t you dare text me unless it’s an invitation to the baby shower.”
His lips quirk slightly, he gives her a small nod. Kenzie pushes up onto her tiptoes and kisses her cheek, then leaves him.
Bradley spends all night thinking about what she said. He didn’t want to grow up. He wanted to be selfish. He spent twenty years trying to hold it together and be as good as he could for his mom, he didn’t go to the academy - he went to college, he cared for her when she was sick. Without complaint, and he would happily do it again. That’s why he never felt guilty for his behaviour recently.
He had begun to realise that it’s easy to be selfish.
After everything he had been through, Bradley figured he deserved the easy route.
But then he found out about the pregnancy, and he agreed to step up. It’s just that now, he’s starting to realise what that means.
He leans against the kitchen counter as Jake greets his guests. You arrive with Ryan and it’s clear that something’s wrong. Bradley’s brows furrow, your cheeks are flushed and slightly blotchy - you’ve been crying. You split off from Ryan and corner Jake as soon as you arrive.
Bradley watches. Jake doesn’t seem to pick up on it. He grins at you, hugs you, the two of you talk happily for a few minutes. Then, Jake takes the gift bag from you and you turn off towards the downstairs bathroom. He leaves his drink on the counter and follows after you.
“Slow down, hey - hey,” He calls to you. You groan and lean your head back, resting a hand against your abdomen as you slow down and turn to look at him. Bradley’s eyes fall down to your hand placement, then widen. He reaches out for you, “Is everything okay?”
“I’m fine! I just need to pee, really bad.” You shift impatiently on your feet, wondering how you’re going to take almost five more months of this.
“Is something up with you and Ryan? - You look upset.” Bradley says softly, stepping closer to you. You sigh.
“He thinks I’m lying to him, and I am, and I just feel like a fucking awful person. I need to tell him and I can’t do it. Okay? - Can I pee now?” You groan out, turning away from him before he gets a chance to answer. You lock the bathroom door behind you.
Bradley glances back over his shoulder, finding your boyfriend making himself a drink in the kitchen. He looks back at the bathroom door, and then makes his decision. All of this stress isn’t good for his baby. He’ll do the hard part for you.
He turns and walks into the kitchen, certain in his decision.
“Can I talk to you for a second?” Bradley asks softly.
Ryan rolls his eyes, taking a sip of his drink, “I don’t have anything to say to you.”
As far as he’s concerned, your older brother’s friend has a crush on you and is trying to ruin what you have with him. Ryan doesn’t like Bradley and he isn’t going to pretend that he does.
Bradley narrows his eyes. He doesn’t like your boyfriend’s tone. Nor does he like the look in his eye as he glares at him.
There goes the plan to do this nicely. Bradley changes his mind on how he’s going to deliver this news.
“I was thinking that you and I should probably get to know each other a little bit better,” Bradley explains, leaning his hands against the counter. “Since we’ll probably be spending a lot of time together.”
Ryan scoffs quietly.
“How do you figure that?” He asks. He does not plan on spending any more time than absolutely necessary with Bradley Bradshaw. He’s just here because you asked him to be.
Bradley keeps his gaze on the party.
“Oh, you know — because of the baby.” He explains calmly, clearly. There’s no room for misinterpretation. Bradley makes sure that Ryan hears what he says.
Ryan stills. He pulls back and turns his head towards Bradley, brows scrunching together, in confusion and annoyance. He wants to smack that smug look off of Bradley’s face more than anything and he really isn’t a violent guy.
“What? — What baby?”
Bradley shrugs his shoulders and turns his head, stoic and far too confident for his own good, “Mine and your girlfriend’s.”
“What the fuck did you just say?” Ryan stands up straighter and squares his shoulders. Even like that, Bradley’s still a head taller than him. Bradley’s ego soars as he stands upright and squares his shoulders in the same way, towering over Ryan.
“Oh no, she didn’t tell you?” Bradley says gently, lips quirking upward into a smirk. Ryan’s brows scrunch together. Bradley shrugs his broad shoulders, “She’s starting to show, man — I dunno how you haven’t noticed.”
Bradley says the last part lowly, stepping slightly closer to Ryan. He gets the reaction he wants, Ryan shoves hard at his chest. Bradley smiles at him, silently daring Ryan to make one wrong move here.
Jake, in the middle of a conversation, does a double take. His eyes widen slightly as he finds Bradley and Ryan in the kitchen, glaring at each other, their shoulders squared and their chests pressed together.
“Fuck, hold this.” Jake shoves his drink into someone else’s hands and rushes for the kitchen.
“You’re lying.” Ryan shakes his head, frowning. Bradley pulls his wallet from his front pocket and opens it. Ryan’s eyes land on the sonogram picture, his lips parting slightly. His heart sinks. His gaze flickers back up to Bradley’s. He sets his drink down on the counter and turns.
“Ryan, wait.” Jake sighs.
“Fuck this.” Ryan’s voice cracks slightly as he waves Jake off and heads for the door. Jake turns to Bradley and narrows his eyes at him seriously.
“We had a deal.” Jake whispers angrily.
Bradley shrugs his shoulders and sips at his beer, “He needed to know.”
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Two singles, one baby:
*Harry's POV*
It was the glare of dawn that stung me awake with it's sharp resilient rays. The yellow glow shined on my face, nudging me awake before yell of my alarm could. I lazily rolled myself over the edge, where I could stretch myself awake. I heard stretching was a way to wake up in the morning and keep you from falling asleep.
It was practical advice for me, seeing as how only a week ago my problem lied with my bed head hitting the fabric of my soft feathery pillow. But I figured it was either a 5 more minute sleep or my job to pay the bills, so I think I made the right choice. I moped downstairs into the kitchen, where I heated the kettle on the stove, after pouring water inside. Oh how I fancied a cup of hot tea in the morning. I preferred the latter over coffee, only drinking the highly caffeinated drink in the case of my morning stretches not being enough of a wake up call.
While waiting, I took myself to my kitchen nook to listen to the cheerful melody's of the little sparrows that flew in and out of the backyard. I was a simple man, who enjoyed the small things in life. That's why living in this humble little blue house in the middle of the neighborhood was suitable and adequate. Some of my friends liked the high rise life of living richly or beyond their means; often setting them in debt before we graduated college.
They would always joke and nickname me the 'mom' of the group for my modest comforts and nonchalant attitude of partying wildly and running risky acts. I much rather preferred independent nights of ordering takeout and binging corney movies.
The hissing of kettle uprooted me from my seat, excitedly ready to pour a cup of chamomile. I fixed a slice of toast and bacon with it, before taking the breakfast to the table to enjoy. My eyes would toss themselves back and forth between my breakfast and my phone; checking emails from work and if there was anything that needed to be done. My eyes glanced to the round green clock that was hanging over the kitchen calendar. My morning walk. I never miss it, mostly because from being the stuffy office, it was the few little glimmer of vitamin D, I could conquer before the bullet of nightfall would reach, once office hours came to a halt.
I all too eagerly grabbed my sweat jacket and threw on some clothes. Nothing fancy or exercise type because it was more of a walk around for enjoyment with the benefit of getting healthy. I took a step outside on my welcome mat; the fresh air filling my lungs with tranquility and morning weather. After locking my front door, I walked onto the concrete sidewalk, taking the dew of the early morning.
The grass was still moist, the birds chirped eternally and the sounds of the world were quiet yet busy. But it wasn't until my eye caught the sight of the slender lady with her usual long ponytail that swung back and forth, withlist pushing the tall bulky stroller that carried her ten month old baby girl.
From what I heard of her, she's a single mother and widow. I see them always walking in the neighborhood every morning like me, sometimes whistling a tune along with the tweets of the birds that fly around. She always says hi when we pass glances from sharing the wide sidewalk. It's only then that I notice just how beautiful she is. Her treacly smile, her ticklish laugh, her peachy cheeks that she shares with her daughter is enticing. Like a waterfall in a greeny forest. Her daughter is already her mini mirror as she not only has features like her mother scarily, but her mannerisms are exactly like her as well.
If I'm lucky, I'm able to catch a glimpse of the infant who sits patiently in her in facing stroller, flashing her adorable little smile that I can't help but reciprocate with my own dimpled one. The only words I've said to the young lady were a "hi" which is as much as I could choke out. Walking up to her and asking: "Hello, I'm Harry. Wanna go out on a date with me?" And then watch her run away from me in horror. I shook the odious thought from my head; wanting to continue my pleasant walk.
But eyes kept glancing back and forth from the lady and baby, walking across the street. Her house must be there? I almost knocked myself into a streetlight from watching the beauty take her quotidian strolls. My heart sped up a million times just from staring at her. And no, it wasn't from the walk that I was accidentally hyping myself up from. Butterflies fluttered around inside my nervous stomach when her diamond eyes would beeline over in my direction.
She was a catch. And I was ready to wheel her in as well. But there just wasn't a moment where I could start a conversation and we would share a laugh, maybe escalate to a coffee or a fancy dinner? Or....
I was getting ahead of myself. I often pictured it being a icy day in the break of winter, her car getting stuck; me shoveling it out; giving her some hot chocolate...maybe giving her baby a teddy bear or story book. My daydreaming is what caught me off my toes to my beeping watch. I rushed back inside the house and ran into the shower, scrubbing myself so I could be ready for work.
I threw on my uniform that was office styled in a dress shirt and a red tie and khakis. Granted it wasn't the 'coolest' style of clothing I've ever worn, but the benefits of being in an office cubicle half the day; became greater upon realizing this was one of them.
I grabbed my cell phone, wallet and keys, before whisking myself out the door and into my car.
Telemarketing wasn't the most favored job in the world, as it was met with abrupt hangups, people cursing you out and just no one answering. But that didn't stop my paycheck. I mean, I knew as much as the next person telemarketers were annoying, but I've never known anyone to be in a full on rage with them; in the same way detectives, police officers and lawyers have to watch their backs of lurking perpetrators everytime they dare start the engine of their car or sit by a clear window in their own home.
At least that's where my worries took me: in a deep little whirlpool of the duskiness and fatalistic little carousel I took myself on. But despite the supposition of the job, it did make me gain more respect for the telemarketing industry. I don't find myself joining in with all those people who hang up impatiently or who condemn them as a blocked number in their phones out of sympathy.
After all, I would go through that a hundred times a day, no matter how much of a genial tone I would portray. One guy actually threatened me to the extent of finding where I live. I hung immediately and reported the number to my supervisor who took him off the call list.
It wasn't until I pulled up the short 5 foot tanish building, that my mind ran into work mode. It was basically second nature now to not have to strain a jovial tone with people who couldn't give a crap about your marketing and weren't opposed to let you know it.
But it wasn't like we were scamming people: I could never work for someone who does; we were actually meaning it with the things we tried to advertise: life insurance, car insurance, even random things like food, clothes and makeup.
I usually worked in that department, as it wasn't as brutal there.
The long fatiguing hours went by faster than usual; which came as a surprise as I spent most of the time watching the tiny particle dust bunnies float effortlessly in the sunlight.
I was charmed to see the sun was beetling in between twilight and the diluted water blue that had variations of peach and sunkist mixed together. I was so eager to enjoy the rest of the day, that I had subconsciously undid my tie before even setting in my car.
The radio played some mellow hits that were entertainment for getting home; but only upon then I saw the ponytail lady and her baby, who was a wailing mess. I practically hopped out of my car car while it was still moving and parked it in the driveway.
I noticed them on my side of the street and standing only a little feet in front of my house. Despite the jitters dangling in the back of my throat, I still managed to gasp out an: "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, well...no. My little girl's toy is stuck in that tree and....I'm sorry I didn't mean to stand in front of your house...I was just thinking of how I could get it down..."
"It's no problem-I'll get it," She looked at me like I was a magician who had just claimed to tell the future. But her face changed once she saw the guy who was in khakis and a loose tie, climb the tree like a desperate monkey and snag the little barbie doll with such ease. "Thank you so much!" She gratefully said. She was enamored at the moment I handed the baby her doll.
She cooed and smiled at with 3 toothed grin. "There you go sweetie," I cooed. "Thank you again" Her mother said, this time more sentiment in her voice. My eyes were infatuated with her grateful glimmer in her eyes. Maybe it was that fatherly instinct she sensed in me that charmed her; after all, I did always want children. "She's so cute, what's her name?" I said, hoping to break the ice of our anything but casual stares at one another.
"Bethany, but we call her Beth for short," I punctuated a smile, "That's a pretty name...Bethany." I liked the way it rolled off my tongue. And what's your mummy's name?
"I'm Yn," I think she sensed my notion. "Beautiful name, yn," I said with such grace. It rolled and bounced off the tip of my tongue and into a bucket of first impressions. "I'm Harry," I said, practically filicking myself for not giving a proper introduction to myself.
"Harry. A boy in my class had that same name and I always loved it." Yn tried to make small talk with the little piece of info she had to use with me. I smiled, the deafening sounds of awkwardness were becoming confident. "It was nice meeting you...and you," I said waving to Beth. "Thank you, it was great meeting you too, and thank you again...she loves that doll." Yn's voice sounded junctured.
She bit her lip wanting to say more, but left it at that. "See you around." She smiled and walked off, holding the little girl in her arms. I smiled, watching her walk away. Yn. Her name was now a tattoo in my brain. It played like a video montage of all the times we've interacted.
But this time was different. I went back into my house and started on dinner which consisted of a light sandwich, lemonade and some little debbie cupcakes I had stored away in the pantry.
My evening plans consisted of sappy comedy shows and my elementary school dinner. But it was the thought of Yn that summoned my mind off the unfilling dinner. Her perfect cupid's bow that themed her curvaceous lips were a plump bunny pink. Her natural rosation of her cheeks in the brilliant sunshine; her perfect smile that flaunts her rigidly straight teeth. Everything about her just seem to come into this distinguishable beam of light.
My heart became warm and fuzzy from thinking of her presence that was so illuminating. Yn had a certain awe about her that made her stand out. She could enthrall attention without even trying. And of course, the little beauty that she always takes with her is an eyestopper too.
My night dreams were filled with a flourish of her face. I know some might call it a pathetic teenage dream; a childlike wish that would never be wished upon by a star. But to me this was something....
Yes, I knew it was just a little crush, but it was just mere loneliness that was anchor to my wishes of a companion. The flicker of being alone wasn't as scary as the thought of not mattering to someone. I wanted someone, I wanted to make someone happy. Someone to cherish; not out of desperation, but genuine lust of a meaningful relationship.
The answers to my wish were upon on my front door with a number that led to yn, and an invitation to a coffee date.
My heart.....was taking shape to such a glorious frame. And yn's name....was an imprint to it.
*Sorry if the ending was a bit dopey....*
To @haarrrys for giving me inspiration everyday!!!!
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eds6ngel · 1 year
beth!!! I saw your post about Robin finding out that the reader is bisexual, do you think you could do the same except put Eddie in Robin's place??? sorry if i misspell a word, english is not my language 😅
of course i can honey!! and by the way, your english is great <33
warnings: fem!reader. pre-established relationship. pet names. swearing. mentions of homophobia. eddie being an ally. coming out. one mention of sex. comfort. fluff. both r and eddie are 20 [0.9k].
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You and Eddie had been together since your junior year. You were both pathetically in love with each other, extremely open and no conversation was ever off the table. Which meant you allowed Eddie to talk about girls he found attractive, whether that be out in public or through the form of a celebrity. You trusted him with your life that he would never leave you, and coming up to three years going strong, it seemed that you were correct to make that assumption.
Eddie was on his third attempt of senior year, him afraid that his inability to grasp the education system would encourage you to leave him, but you did the exact opposite. You loved him to pieces, no amount of the flawed academic structure would change your mind about that. Even you didn’t take the formal route of college, your dream of becoming a writer meaning that no amount of student debt would improve the skills you had built up in your life. And Eddie supported your career choice, you spending your free time working on your latest book whilst working at a local bakery to help the Munsons pay their bills, you moving in with them shortly after you graduated high school.
However, there’s one topic that never got brought up, because in all honesty, you never thought it needed to be. You had been struggling to grasp your sexuality since you were a child, constantly flicking back and forth between men and women, society pressuring you to choose one, even if one of the options got you berated.
Luckily one day, you came across the term bisexuality, liking men and women, and everything fell into place. But, when Eddie would point out the hot women on the TV screen, you couldn’t help but shrivel up in your seat, knowing that you too found them attractive in the same way he did, not just in an admirable way like he assumed.
The constant agreements of “Mhmm, she’s pretty,” whenever Eddie would focus on Phoebe Cates would rip you apart, when on the inside you were screaming, “She’s the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen in my life.”
So, when Eddie decided to rent out a movie called “Desert Hearts,” a story about a female New York professor who falls for another woman whilst staying on a ranch, your heart couldn’t help but flutter. You had an idea he was accepting, Eddie not making any fuss when two boys got outed as gay at Hawkins High, but this was your full confirmation that he had the same attitude towards gay men and gay women.
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“I can’t believe this is what people have a problem with,” Eddie complains, “I mean, Back to the Future had Marty find his own mom hot, but suddenly two women falling in love is the worst thing in the world.”
“You don’t mind?” you ask, curled up to Eddie’s chest as he strokes your hair.
“Not only do I not mind sweetheart, I really don’t care,” he admits, “Like, why in the hell would I care if two women are kissing, or cuddling, or even sleeping together for that matter? It’s not my life, and personally… I get it. Like, women are hot, I understand.”
You slightly laugh, nibbling at your fingernails in nervousness as Eddie looks down at you, “Why? Do you have a problem with it?”
“No, not at all… The complete opposite actually,” you purse your lips and frown, “Baby, can I tell you something?”
“Of course princess, anything you want.”
You sigh out, sitting up as you admit your deepest secret that you’ve ever kept hidden from him, “I like women too…”
He remains silent for a minute, letting out a quiet “Oh,” as you don’t look at each other, the both of you afraid of what the other will think. There’s one thing saying it, but when you are faced with it in reality, you can change your mind. You trusted Eddie with your life, but there was something inside of you afraid that, that could happen.
“Well… I’m proud of you for telling me sweetheart,” he says softly, “I can’t lie that after all these years, it does sting a little, but I hope you find the girl for you.”
You brows furrow in confusion, before you click on what you said, “Wait, baby, baby,” you shake your head, chuckling at your own words, a sense of embarrassment flooding your head, “I meant I like women too, as in, as well as men.”
“Oh,” he exclaims, breathing out and letting his head fall into your shoulder, wrapping his arms around your middle as he laughs, yours playing with the hairs at the back of his head. “Jesus fucking Christ sweetheart, are you trying to give me a heart attack?”
He lifts his head up, you placing your hands on his cheeks, “I’m sorry,” you quietly say, “But, yeah… That’s not a problem… is it?”
He lifts his eyebrows and snorts, “You still like men, you still like me, so… I think we’re okay,” he smiles, chuckling and leaning in to press a soft kiss to your lips, one that you gladly return.
“But…” he starts, “You know… if you really are just exclusively into women, you can tell me. Will it hurt like a bitch? Yes. But, in all honesty babe, it’s probably the best way to get broken up with,” he softly laughs.
“I promise you, I find both men and women extremely attractive. And out of everyone in the world, you rank the top of that list,” you flirt, Eddie slightly blushing as he presses a kiss to your neck, hugging you once again, the pair of you separating to shift into your previous comfy position.
“Okay, but now I have to ask,” he says, “Phoebe Cates is hot, right?”
You grin up at him, biting your lip, “So fucking hot.”
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this was a lil short one, but i hope you enjoyed regardless!! <33
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crazyk-imagine · 2 years
The Good, The Bad, and The Big Birthday Bash (Edwin’s Birthday)
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Pairing: (Stepdad) Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Mom!Reader
Characters: (Stepdad) Jake “Hangman” Seresin, Mom!Reader, Edwin and Maryanne (the kiddos), Penny Benjamin, Amelia Benjamin, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Natasha "Phoenix" Trace, Robert "Bob" Floyd, Reuben "Payback" Fitch, Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia, Javy "Coyote" Machado, Billy "Fritz" Avalone, Callie "Halo" Bassett, Neil "Omaha" Vikander, Bringham "Harvard" Lennox, Logan "Yale" Lee
Warnings: SMUT (Minors DNI 18+), light somnophilia goes with -->, pussy eating, p n v, unprotected sex (consensual, wrap it before you tap it people), sex in different locations (bedroom and bathroom), Jake calls reader his bratty baby, reader and Jake go back and forth with the brat nickname, cursing, sweet Jake (basically the opposite of him in tgm), minor sub!Jake vibes, real talk (about adulty things like bills), alcohol consumption, Bradley the bartender (only for friends though), Bob the DJ makes a return, Mickey the photographer has more models, everyone looks cute in their cowboy/ cowgirl outfits, the kids being adorable, pilot crew doing dumb things
Word Count: 7,954
You stare at the day, wondering why it looks so familiar. You finish typing in, “pay cable bill” and then it hits you. “It’s almost his birthday,” you sigh, rubbing your forehead. 
“Is this not a good thing?” Jake asks, setting your plate in front of you as he sits down. 
“No, it is- -its- its good. I just- I don’t know how I’m going to plan this because it seems like the bar is just getting busier and busier than my other job-” 
He says nothing as he reaches down, hand wrapped around the leg of your chair as he pulls you closer to him. “I thought I told you to quit that job.” 
“And I told you that I have to make ends meet. We have to be able to eat somehow.” 
He removes his hand from the leg of the chair and cups your cheek, getting you to focus on him. “You don’t have to do that. There are two people here now. It’s not all on you to take care of everything, okay? It's okay to lean on me.” 
You sniffle, lowering your head. 
“Hey, hey,” he lowers his voice, bringing you closer to him, resting your head on his shoulder letting you cry until you can’t anymore and all you can do is sniffle. “Come on now. No more tears.” He uses his thumb to wipe your cheeks and under eyes. “We are in this together,” he pecks your head. 
Jake grabs your hand and pulls your hand up to his lips, placing a kiss that lasts a few seconds on your wedding ring. “This ring here united us in more ways than one so, if you have credit card debt, it’s now our debt.” 
That earns a chuckle from you. 
“There’s that smile I love.” 
“Shut up,” you mumble into his shoulder. 
He chuckles, “I don’t think I want to, not when I got a pretty girl on my shoulder.” 
“Why do you have to be so flirty?” 
He shrugs, “don’t know but I can’t say I hate it.” 
“And, why’s that?” You move your head, looking up at his jaw line and side profile. 
“It got me you.” 
“I don’t think it was the flirting.” 
“Oh, no. It was definitely the flirting.” 
“Okay,” you pat his chest with your left hand. 
He tilts his head down, staring at the ring on your finger and smiles. 
You push yourself off him, taking a bite of your food. 
He takes this as an opportunity to talk. “Okay, this is what I got from this conversation. You’re quitting your crappy second job and letting me officially help with bills while you start coming up with some ideas on what to do for our little man’s birthday party.” 
You hate to admit it but the way he said, “our little man” makes you happy and relaxed, it never seems to stop surprising you when he talks about the kids like they’re his own. 
He said he wished they were his on the first date and still manages to surprise you after saying that. He gets out of the chair and exits the kitchen. 
You huff, shaking your head while eating your pasta. How dare he be such a little shit… even if he did reheat your dinner for you. 
You turn your brain off for a second, focusing on the tasty food and not the fact that Jake is talking about the kids is hot. Nope, definitely not focusing on that. You stop chewing, a dirty thought comes to mind. ‘Could he have a breeding kink?’ 
“Hey, babe?” 
Your eyes slowly trail over towards him. 
“Nothing, just wanted to see if you wanted to watch a movie with us but I can see that the pasta is better than us. So, we’ll leave you two alone.” 
You roll your eyes. Did it just get hotter? 
“I heard that.” 
You roll your eyes again, knowing that he cannot hear you do such a normal thing. 
“Jake, I wanna show you something,” Maryanne says, tugging on Jake’s arm. 
“Now? It’s time for bed kiddo.” He glances over at you. 
“It’s about the book I want.” 
You shake your head, she doesn’t learn. “Honey, ask him, don’t pull on his arm. You know that.” 
She sticks her bottom lip out, pouting. “Now, I see it,” he comments. “This is how he got it.” 
“Who got what?” Your daughter asks. 
“Your brother got this,” Jake points to her pouty lip, “from you.” 
She shakes her head, “no, he didn’t.” 
“I’m pretty sure he did.” 
You stick your curled index finger and thumb in your mouth, whistling to get their attention. “Hey, hey. No. No more of this. Okay?” 
He lifts Maryanne over his shoulder, she lets out giggly screams. “Yes, ma’am.” He salutes you before marching to her room. 
You shake your head, glancing back at a sleepy Edwin rubbing his one eye. “Okay, time for bed little man.” 
You pull the sheets over his belly, setting them on his chest. You brush the few stands of fallen hair out of his eyes. “Have thought about what you want to do this year?” 
He nods. 
“And what’s that?” 
“Cowboys? Really?” 
He nods, rubbing his eyes. 
“Okay,” you lean forward, kissing the top of his head. “Go to sleep.” 
You exit his room, finding your husband leaning against the wall. 
“You have fun?” 
“Oh, tons. Did you not hear the ragger we started in there? I thought the walls were shaking all over the house.” 
He hums, wrapping his arms around you. “You find out the theme?” 
“I did.” 
“You want to share with the rest of the class.” 
“Are you seriously gonna leave me in the dark about what he wants to do?” 
You turn around, leaning against the bathroom doorway. “Yes.” 
He closes the door, groaning loudly for you to hear as he lays on the bed. “Why? Is it space? Does he want aliens at the party because I think Chicken is alien like as it is. I will veto more than one alien.” 
The shower starts running. 
Jake pushes himself off the bed, practically tripping over everything as he hurries to the bathroom. 
You shake your head, taking a step back letting the water run over your hair and backside. “Did you trip over everything?" 
He scoffs, “no.” 
“And who’s pants are on fire?” 
The shower door slides open, “not mine since they’re on the floor but, I am afraid another part of me is on fire for you, sweetheart.” His arms slide around your waist, pulling you closer. 
You lift your head, wiping the water off your forehead before opening your eyes. “When aren’t you trying to have your way with me?” 
“I think it’s the other way around because if my memory serves me right, and it does, it was you who was begging me.” 
“You definitely did the begging.” 
“I don’t think so,” he denies. 
“I know for a fact it was you.” 
“How can I change your mind?” He leans in, eye lids drooping. 
You tilt your head to the side, pretending to think about it as he places gentle kisses along the side of your neck. “We should finish our shower soon, the water’s gonna get cold,” you mumble. 
“Then I’ll just,” his murmurs against your skin, “warm you up.” 
You bite your lip to suppress your smile, “you’d like that wouldn’t you.” 
He smirks, biting your neck. 
You shriek and quickly cover your mouth, slapping his arm. 
“Did something happen, sweetheart?” 
You narrow your eyes at him, pursing your lips as you reach for your shower gel and sponge net so you can get out and get ready for bed, letting Jake know you’re not going to give into his carnal desires (for the time being). 
You finish, your hand is on the shower door when Jake stops you. 
“Hey, hey. Where do you think you’re going?” He stares at you with his soapy hair tangled in a mess; the shampoo trailing down his temples after he wiped his forehead. 
“I’m gonna get out so you have room to dry off when you’re finished. What are you doing?” You slowly ask. 
“I just have to wash my hair and I’m done.” 
“Which is why I’m trying to get out now.” 
Maybe it’s the way his shoulder’s tense up or that you’re reminded of your brief three-day separation period and how terrible it was (on the four of you). 
You stop, moving towards him. “Turn around.” 
“Why? You gonna check me out?” He certainly knows how to lighten the mood. 
“Always but not this time, I’m gonna wash your hair.” 
He nearly melted on the spot. 
There has only been one other time when you spoiled him and washed his hair (which was because the kids decided to have a food fight and he couldn’t get all of it out on his own) and he loved it, a little too much he can fully admit to that. 
He doesn’t say anything and nods. 
“How are you gonna do this?” You ask, not wanting him to strain his neck as you reach for the shower head. Turning back around with the shower head in your hand, you find him on his knees. “What are you doing?” 
His eyes trail up your body until he locks eyes with you, “Making it easy on you.” 
You lift the shower head, spraying him. 
He chuckles, grabbing your wrist, stopping you, “that’s not very nice, gorgeous.” There’s the “you’re in trouble” nickname. 
“You’re the one getting handsy.” 
He scoffs, “you love it.” 
“Shut up and let me wash your hair.” 
He wraps his arms around your waist, resting his head on your stomach. The tired and quiet, “yes ma’am,” escapes him. 
You do your best to be thorough and quick so you two can crawl into bed. You set the shower head back in its place, tapping his shoulder. “Come on.” 
“It’s time for us to get out. We gotta dry off and I gotta finish my hair before we lay down.” 
He huffs, “fine.” His knee cracks as he pushes himself up causing you to smile. 
“Sounds like you’re becoming an old man.” 
“I’m not old enough to the point where I can’t carry you.” You place a hand on his chest, shoving him back, “Don’t even try it, Mister. I will not have us fall and break something.” 
He doesn’t say anything and nods. 
You feel bad. The joking attitude he has is no longer there. “I know you didn’t mean it like that, please don’t be sad.” 
“I’m not.” 
“Jake,” you cup his cheeks forcing him to look at you. “We are together, and nothing is going to change that. You’re stuck with me like I’m stuck with you.” 
He rolls his eyes. 
You can feel the muscles in his cheeks twitch as he fights the urge to crack a smile. “You know how you told me to lean on you, lean on me. I will be by your side till the very end, okay? I love you.” 
He nods, pulling you in for a hug. He sniffs, neither of you comment on it. 
“Come on,” you whisper in his ear. “Let’s get out of here. I can feel the goosebumps on your back.” 
His breath fans against your skin as a breathless chuckle escapes him. “I thought you liked to have any reason to warm me up.” 
“Just get out, you dork. It’s cold.” 
“So, mean.” He slides the shower door open, stepping out wrapping a towel around his waist. He turns around, holding his hand out for you, helping you out of the shower. 
You reach the towel when he swats your hand. 
“Ah, bup bup.” 
“I can get my own towel, thank you.” 
“Yeah, but this way I can help and if my hand slips, well then,” the corner of his lips tug upwards as he pulls you closer with the towel before wrapping it around you, “that’s just a win for me.” 
You roll your eyes smacking his chest. “What? I’m not supposed to be completely and utterly blown away every time I see my gorgeous wife. Because I’d be crazy not to.” 
“You’re too sweet for your own good.” 
“It’s called love, sweetheart.” 
You shake your head, smile never faltering as you step beside him. 
“Can you blow dry my hair?” 
“You always complain when I do it.” 
“You’ve never done it before,” he points out. 
“… that’s because I know you’ll complain after.” You remove your towel and grab your cute, designed panties before sighing. “Get dressed then we can make you look pretty.” 
“I’m gonna take that as a compliment so thank you, sweetheart.” He walks up behind you, placing his hands on your hips as he pecks your cheek. 
You can’t help but smile, he’s always too sweet (even when he doesn’t want to admit it). You finish getting dressed and do your own hair before you plug in the blow dryer, making sure that the cord won’t knock anything off the counter. “Are you done yet?” 
“I’ve been waiting on you.” 
“Don’t give me that attitude,” you tell him while reaching for the necessary item. 
“I have no attitude to give.” 
You run your fingers through his hair getting rid of any knots that may be there. “Is your hair okay at this length?” 
“Yeah, why? Do you not like it?” 
You bend down, wrapping your free hand around his jaw, tilting his head back. “I didn’t say that, and I love all and anything that has to do with you, you know that.” 
“It doesn't hurt to hear it again.” 
You let go of him and detangle the cord, needing more room to walk around behind him. “Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t want to inflate your ego more than I already do.” 
“Now that I know you think so highly of me, it definitely makes me feel more confident in myself.” 
You playfully roll your eyes, “oh, no. Whatever will the others do about it tomorrow?” 
“Complain, maybe call you.” 
“It wouldn’t surprise me if they did.” 
Jake climbs into bed first, the sheets folded across his waist. He watches as you go through your mental checklist. “We did everything we were supposed to, so get over here so we can cuddle and stop stressing over it.” 
You purse your lips, not wanting to admit that he’s a little bit right. “Fine.” You crawl onto your side, turning to turn the lamp off only to find yourself smashed against his warm chest. You tilt your head up, staring at his side profile before he moves looking back at you as he brushes his thumb against your cheek. “What do you think the others would do if the found out the Hangman was a big time cuddler?” 
He lets out a soft, sarcastic chuckle, “they wouldn’t.” He leans in, putting most, if not all his weight onto his elbow. 
“You wanna know why?” 
You don’t tear your gaze away from him as his hand trails down your side, his fingertips grazing every inch of you. “Why?” You whisper, already knowing where this is going. 
“Because,” he kisses your chin, jaw line, and side of your neck, “I’m gonna make sure you forget what you find to be so funny.” He sucks on the skin of your chest, near the edge of your tank top. “And they wouldn’t believe you.” 
You tilt your head back, giving him more room to do as he pleases (as long as they aren’t too visible for everyone to see… even if that is his second favorite reason to give you hickey’s). “Seems like you’ll be working… all night.” 
“We have time.” 
“You’re such a horn dog.” 
“Only for you.” His lips trail along your collarbone, moving closer towards your head, nipping at your chin. 
“You have to sleep, you volunteered to take Maryanne to the store and we both know she’s gonna wake up at the crack of dawn the day after Edwin’s party even though we have to wake up early for that.” 
He sighs knowing you’re right. “Fine, let’s go to sleep.” He sounds so sad. He sounds so sad as he rests his head on your chest. 
“Don’t be sad, I don’t want you to be too tired when you and Ann are out-” 
His head snaps up. “How can I be tired when I have such a gorgeous wife to come home to.” 
You close your eyes, nails lightly scratching along the base of his neck, “don’t suck up to me.” 
A mischievous smile dances across his lips as he lifts the sheets, slithering down your body being careful not to touch you (he doesn’t want you to ruin his plans). 
The shower and your brief crying session made your body a little more tired than it normally would be so your mind is elsewhere, not entirely focused on Jake moving around. 
You feel yourself close to falling asleep, the darkness creeping up on you; your mind may be listening, but your body is exhausted, and you continue to fight the urge to stay awake. 
He pecks along the insides of your bare calves, he stops for a minute; he can’t work too fast or else it’ll get hot, meaning he’ll have to throw the sheets off you which could result in waking you up, ruining his surprise. He trails up your leg, taking his time caressing and taking care of your thighs. If you happen to find a hickey or two tomorrow morning, well that’s just a bonus (for him) he thinks as he gently nips at your hip. 
You let out a tired groan, your leg jerks. 
Jake slides his hand across your thigh until he cups the back of it, placing it on his shoulder. He hesitates for a moment after you mumble his name, “Jake.” 
The two of you have talked about trying a few new things in the bedroom (you can blame Natasha and Javy for putting these ideas in your husband’s head). Basically, he heard the three of you talking about what they want to try or something similar they’ve done, and this got Jake thinking that maybe you find sex with him to be boring because it consists of the same thing. 
You two take care of one another (at some point during the night and not always back-to-back) followed by the full romp in the hay (a phrase which he regrets telling you about to this day). You don’t do all these crazy things people do nowadays and, shockingly, Jake got a little insecure and wants to spice things up every now and then which it seems your darling hubby wants to try out now. 
Your mind and your body are speaking two different languages at this point; your mind is almost whispering to your body, telling you he’s there to ravage you and make you lose your breath; your body becomes accustomed to where he rests. But then you’re close to falling asleep, the minimal amount of moonlight seeping into your shared room becomes darker and darker with every passing second. 
The devil on his shoulder wins, he can’t not touch you when he’s right there, staring at your seemingly dripping core as he inches closer. 
His cheeks flush from the heat but he doesn’t care if he passes out from heat exhaustion, he’ll be happy to know it was for a good cause. His thumbs settle on either side of your slit, spreading you further. He can’t be slow and gentle right now; he needs you and he needs you now. 
Your eyes flash open, you squirm, pushing yourself onto your elbows; not used to this kind of wakeup call but eventually calm down when you hear him humming. You fall back, head plopping onto the pillows; a desperate cry escapes you before you can stop it. 
His hand slithers up your torso, landing in the middle of your chest under the loose tank top you wear to bed on hot nights since the AC is still broken (he’s working on it). His hand slides over to your right breast and kneads it. 
You start thinking of the way cats do the same thing, but your favorite is when cats do it on a soft blanket. Until your hormones take over and your hips thrust into him, your hands clenching and unclenching the sheets but it’s not enough. 
You place your hand on top of the one kneading your soft skin and throw the sheets off his head, needing to see him; the wanting to interlock his hair between your fingers overpowering any sensible thought you may have had. You open your eyes and look down at the man who continues to make you unravel in the best way possible. 
You’re so close to closing your eyes whether it be from tiredness or to avoid losing yourself faster the longer you look at him, you don’t know anymore. You whine at the loss of his hand on your breast only to replace it with a stutter of his name, “Ja- Jake!” 
His other hand clenches around the thigh he has covering his right ear. It feels as though he’s pulling you closer if that’s possible. The skin-to-skin contact doing more than you could ever imagine. 
You cover your mouth, the longer he’s on you, the faster you’ll come meaning the louder you’ll be because whenever he becomes impatient it’s amazing, but the kids are home, asleep in their beds and neither of you want to explain what’s going on in full depth yet (they’re still your babies). 
The thought quickly exits your mind, eyes closing at the feeling of him switching things up on you, his thumb swipes your buzzing bundle side to side as his tongue enters your weeping hole. If your eyes weren’t already closed, they would have rolled into the back or your head. 
A string of moans and whispers of his name is all he can hear (through on ear seeing as the other one is still covered). “Let go for me, sweetheart. Just let go.” 
You nod, hand tightening on the long strands of his hair. 
He groans into you, loving the tingling sensation you create. 
“J- Jake. I’m gonna-” You can’t finish warning him what’s about to happen, he knows and keeps pushing you. 
His name is the only thing spilling from your lips. He removes his mouth from your warm slit and pecks along your torso, nipping at your warn skin like he did before, he reaches your chin and swallow your moans when he swipes your clit from side to side at a faster pace. 
Your thighs are shaking, pathetic moans come from the bottom of your throat. 
“I need you to come for me, sweetheart.” His hot breath hits your ear. “Can you do that for me?” He asks. You don’t respond, he rips your hand away from your mouth. 
Your eyes snap open to find the windows to his soul swirling with lust and yet the softness of his expression makes you clench around his fingers. “Can you do that for me?” 
“I need you,” the first sentence you mutter in bed this evening. 
“What’s that?” 
You frown at him stupidly hot and cocky smirk. “Need you.” 
“Yeah? Need what?” 
You squeeze his fist with your interlocked fingers. 
“I’m gonna need you to be specific for me, sweetheart.” 
“Need you.” 
“You keep sayin’ that but, I don’t know what you want.” 
“If you- if you don’t fuck me wi-ith your fucking cock. I’m- I’m gonna search through the drawers.” 
He grunts, slowing his pace. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Giving my bratty baby what she wants.” He untangles himself from your grasp and starts to lean over for the nightstand. 
You grasp his forearm. Is that a vein? “Come inside me.” 
He slowly turns his head. “Yeah?” 
You wrap your shaky legs around his waist the best you could. “Do it.” 
He smiles, leaning down to peck your lips, “just know, you asked for it.” 
You pout before biting your lip when you feel him rubbing his hard cock against your wetness. 
“You still gonna be a brat after I give you what you want?” 
“’M not a brat,” you mumble, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “If anyone’s a brat,” you suck in a deep breath as he eases himself into you. 
“Please, keep going. I gotta know the end of that sentence.” His hips tap your as he moves at a slow pace wanting to make sure it’s enjoyable for the two of you. He notices the change in your expression and fastens the pace. There she is. “Is my bratty baby happy now?” 
One hand slides up into his hair, you tug on the strands, slightly pulling his head back. “You’re the brattiest one out of the two of us.” 
The corner of his lips tugs upwards, “or is that what I want you to think.” 
You want to say more, figure out what the hell he’s talking about until one of his hands drops town to your sensitive bundle. You close your eyes. 
He lowers his head, nipping and marking wherever he can reach. 
You don’t know how he does it but you’re close and he's right there with you. 
“Open your eyes.” His breath hits your face, your eyes snap open. His gorgeous eye color replaced with his dilated pupils. 
You cup his cheek and pull him closer, feeling his chest flushed against yours. Nothing about this kiss is sweet, it’s teeth clashing, hot breaths mingling until you throw your head back calling out his name. 
One hand leaves your hip, placed over your mouth. “I know it feels good, sweetheart but you gotta keep quiet.” 
You open your eyes, brows furrowed, lips pouting. 
“Don’t give me that look, you know we’re not alone.” 
You nod, knowing he’s right but he doesn’t have to say it. Oh. Oh. You purse your lips, virtually kissing his hand. 
He moves his opposite hand from your hip to your clit, pushing you to finish. 
Neither of you say anything as you clench around him. 
He quietly moans against your shoulder, his sweaty forehead resting there. 
You both call out the others name, quiet enough to not wake the kids. Your back arches, eyes closed, vision going white the tighter you squeeze your eyelids shut. 
The warmth of your body pressing against Jake’s ends him. Your chests heave with every breath you two take. 
He chuckles, pecking the skin above your heart. He pushes himself up in a half push up position. “Is my bratty baby satisfied?” 
You scoff, smacking his arm. “Are you?” 
“I’m more than good and you,” he pecks the side of your neck, “know that.” 
“It’s nice to hear once in a while.” 
He lifts his head. “Using my own words against me now?” 
His arms slither against your sides until he cups your head, completely caging you with him. 
You lightly scratch his head. 
He only gives you that full teeth, cheeky smile of his as he removes your hand from his hair, placing a long kiss on your wedding ring. He places a kiss on your chin before he detaches himself from you. 
You bite your lip when he pulls out and of course, he looks up at you. 
“Someone missing me?” 
You roll your eyes, “help me out of bed, idiot.” 
He walks around to your side of the bed, helping you balance yourself. “Just remember, you married this idiot.” 
“Ah, yes. My mistake.” 
“You’re so mean.” 
“You married this,” you gesture to yourself. 
He slides up behind you, hands resting your hips. “I had to take you off of the market before anyone else fell for your attitude.” 
“I have no attitude.” 
He chuckles against your neck, “of course, not gorgeous.” 
You roll your eyes and push himself away from you, pointing at him with your stern “mother pointing finger” (as Maryanne, Edwin, Mickey, Bradley... basically anyone who’s been on the receiving end of it, says that) at him. “You stay outside.” 
He scoffs, “you make me sound like a dog.” 
“You’re a horn dog.” 
“So mean,” he mutters and starts to clean himself up a bit. 
You two finish and Jake wraps his arm around your waist as he helps you back into bed. You yawn, covering your mouth. “We should change the sheets,” you mutter, knowing how much of a hassle it’ll be if you don’t do it now. 
He shushes you. “I’ll take care of it before the party, okay?” 
You nod, eyes closed unaware of the world around you. 
He pulls you closer, resting your head against his chest. 
You have everyone on the assigned task you gave them right as they walked through the door while you do the finishing touches on your baby boy’s cake. 
“I’ll be right back,” he pecks your cheek. 
You make sure the piece stays up before looking over at your husband. “Where are you going? We have an hour until the kids start coming. I cannot deal with the others by myself, Jake. I am one person.” 
He only smiles, “outfit change.” 
You purse your lips. “I’ll be back, it won’t take me long.” 
“Why couldn’t you have gotten dressed in your outfit earlier?” 
“I didn’t want to rip anything. I love you!” 
You clench your jaw and turn back towards the cake. “Okay, it’s done. Now we can put it back in the fridge before it melts.” You turn away from the fridge to find Mickey and Bob messing around. You stomp towards the window above the kitchen sink and slam it open. “What the hell are you two doing?” 
Their eyes widen and they try to run only to wind up bumping into one another until Bob forces Mickey to turn around and the two disappear around the corner. 
“You two better have finished what I told you to do!” 
“You need a drink,” Natasha says, leaning against the wall. 
“I could use five right now.” 
She places her hands on your tense, knotted shoulders and forces you to sit down on the bar stool. “Breath, honey. You’ve got this. Everything is going according to plan.” She walks over towards the window and slides it open, “cock fighter!” 
Bradley walks towards the window, “yeah?” 
“We need your alter ego; Sir drinks a lot.” 
“Mama of the hour.” 
“You got all I need?” 
“Bags are on the table.” 
The mustached man of the hour enters, a smile stretching across his lips his arms spread, “Let’s make some drinks.” 
You take slow sips with Natasha sitting beside you and Bradley making drinks for the others. 
“What’s got you spinning?” 
You shrug. 
“Come on,” she starts, “spill it girl.” 
You and Bradley turn towards her. 
“I can’t pull that off, can I?” 
You both shake your heads. 
“Sorry, hon.” 
“Moving on, tell papa bear and Hawaii what’s going on.” 
You fight the urge to smile until you hear the others laughing. 
“How many drinks have you had Nat?” 
“This is my first.” 
“What did you buy, Brad?” 
“What me? Nothing.” 
You stare at him with a raised brow. 
“She only gets in her weird nickname moods when she’s had her,” you lean forward to whisper, “girly drinks.” 
“What do you think I made her?” 
“We’re getting nowhere. Is the party almost ready?” 
“We’ve been done for the last,” he turns towards the window. “We still have fifteen minutes and I need… grass for a… garnish. We’ll see you later!” 
“Why do they think I’m an idiot?” 
“Because they don’t use their brain.” 
“That’s a plausible theory.” Your back faces the entry way to the kitchen, you didn’t notice Jake standing there in his replicated outfit he wore as a teenager. 
Natasha looks over at the kitchen entrance and smirks; she knows for a fact that you’re going to be extremely horny. 
When you two first saw a picture of your husband when he was younger, she was cracking jokes while you got extremely quiet. She happened to glance over in that moment and knew (just like she does now) that you were horny and were bound to jump him at one point or another. 
She lifts her drink and gets off the bar stool; walking by him she says, “cowboy.” 
“Princess Phoenix.” 
She shakes her head and disappears around the corner, doing God know what (or so you think). 
You turn at the sound of his voice. You almost let your jaw drop, almost and yet you don’t. It’s better to pretend like your core is getting warmer and warmer the more you look at him. You know your husband is hot, like super fucking hot and half the time you don’t know what to do with yourself but you never expected to find him to be this fucking hot, you’re damn near hot under the collar of your cute shirt that says “it’s my baby’s birthday” on the front and say “happy birthday” on the back with a picture of Edwin at age 2, covered by a flannel. 
You love it, oh crap! You gotta make a note to thank Javy and Natasha (the most) but also everyone else for all that they surprisingly managed to do without needing to call some type of authority or an ambulance (you’ve heard their stories). At least, you hope that’s the case because Bradley ran out of the kitchen awfully fast. But none of that is important because all you want to do is jump your husband’s bones (again). 
You check the clock on the microwave, you have time to run to the bathroom in your bedroom and splash some freezing water on your face. You don’t notice the smirk resting at the corner of your husband’s lips. 
He knows exactly what he’s done, he knows how his pictures from his youth make you feel, and he loves it. He searches for a drink, see if you make a move and if not, he’s dragging you to your shared bedroom. 
Natasha re-enters the kitchen, searching for a snack, wanting something to soak up the few drinks she’s had. 
You point to the cooler near the kitchen entrance, “I know you’ve already had a drink, but this is for you to share with the others. We have drinks in there for the kids, and we have another cooler in the garage for the adults. No hard drinks, only things you and the others consider “light.” Snacks are in the bags on the dining table and I’m gonna run upstairs and get myself ready. I don’t think leggings are a good idea for the party. Can you maintain everything for a few seconds?” 
She smirks, glancing over at Jake, “you mean “can you watch over everyone and everything while I go to my room and take care of myself.” Sure, I can but do I want to?” 
“Phoenix,” you say with the stern mom tone you use when one of the kids are hiding candy and they know they aren’t allowed to have any at that designated time. 
She raises her hands, “okay, okay.” She snickers as you run. 
“You’re mean.” 
“Oh, like you aren’t gonna do the same thing when you’ve got her alone.” 
He places a hand over his heart, “I would never. Now,” he checks his watch. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to have some carnal relations with my gorgeous wife.” 
“You can’t even spell relations.” 
He pokes his out from the side of the entrance. “Baby on board got me a word of the day calendar… sexy edition.” 
She groans, walking over towards the window. “Bob!” 
“You’re not in charge of gifts anymore.” 
He whines, “why?” 
“Your gift buying ability has been revoked.” 
“I said revoked!” 
You reach for the towels to pat your face dry, when it’s closer than it normally is. “Jake.” 
“What are you doing here?” 
“You left the kitchen awfully fast; I had to come and check on you.” 
The towel rests on your cheeks, leaving enough room for your eyes to catch his in the mirror. “Did you now?” 
He nods, arms crossed, the bicep area of the shirt is incredibly tight. 
You can only imagine the veins bulging in his arms and hands. 
Your eyes snap up, you feel hot. “Sorry.” You place the towel down on the counter, wiping the edge of the sink. 
His hand on top of yours stops you. He leans in, is my bratty baby suddenly shy?” 
You scoff, “please.” 
“It’s okay. You can tell me. Cowboy won’t judge you.” 
The door clicks shut. 
He fully intends to seduce you, you realize. 
“Did you wear this to have an excuse for me to jump your bones?” 
“I knew you would one way or another. You can’t just have me once.” 
Your butt hits the counter. 
“An eye roll, classic move sweetheart.” 
“Shouldn’t you be-” He cuts you off, fighting you for dominance in the kiss; his hands tangle their way into your hair, holding onto you for dear life. 
You smack his chest, he jerks back. “You- you can’t just kiss me whenever your horny.” 
“I could do something else but-” 
“No! I’m talking about today. We have a birthday party to attend and- and-” 
He places his hat beside you. 
“Oh, screw it.” You pull him into you, kissing him harder, teeth clashing and all. 
He is more than ready, you chuckle. 
He pulls back, staring at you with a confused expression, “what?” 
You shake your head, the smile never going away. “Nothing, nothing. Come here.” 
Jake grabs your wrists, holding then against the outer part of your thighs. “No, no. Come on, tell me what you find so sunny and I might help you, sweetheart.” 
“You’re the one who needs the helping, sweetheart.” 
He doesn’t have to look down, he knows. He plants gentle kisses along the side of your neck, throwing you off. “I know, that’s why you’re in here and not out there.” 
You throw your head back and let him leave behind a clear trail. “No hickeys.” 
“I know. I know,” he grumbles. His lips move along to your chest, his hands lift the bottom of your sundress only to find- “No panties?” His gaze snaps up to yours, that stupidly hot smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “You plan on me fucking you, sweetheart?” 
You pout, “no.” 
“Really? So, you wore this pretty little thing with the shirt Coyote and Phoenix made and your flannel with no panties, for no reason?” 
You don’t respond. “Just shut up and fuck me.” Your hands land on the back of his neck as you yank him closer. You swear the clinking of his belt has the hair on the back of your neck standing up. 
He rubs his hard cock against your wet slit causing a whine to escape you. “Is my bratty baby getting impatient?” 
“I’m not a brat,” you mumble against his neck, waiting for him to enter you. 
He bumps against your clit a couple times, each bump drawing a hip thrust from you. He decides to stop torturing you and give what you both desperately need (not that he'd ever admit it). He slowly eases his way in. “It’s like last night never happened?” 
His hips hit yours as he lets you adjust to him for a minute. “You’re still so tight.” 
“Is this something we really need to talk about right now?” 
“… No.” He starts moving, getting an easy flow of things. 
You cover your move, muffling your whines. 
He smirks, watching as you pathetically attempt to quiet yourself. His grip tightens on the thigh of the leg you have wrapped around his waist. Jake leans in, yanking your hand away from your mouth, staring at your open mouth wondering if he could get away with you sucking his aching cock after taking care of you. 
“We can’t stay… in here… for long,” you whisper, whining in between your words. 
“Oh, yeah? Why’s that?” He leans in, moving his hands off your waist and onto the bottom of your thighs. 
“Jake,” you whine and arch your back off the mirror. 
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” 
You can feel the fake pout and sympathy he throws your way. 
He lifts your thighs, forcing your knees against your chest as he quickens his pace. 
You can’t think of full sentences because of how good you feel, moans, whines, and pleads escape you. 
Jake loves this, loves when you lose yourself in him, letting him pleasure anyway he can. He drops one leg to reach down for your buzzing bundle, circling it at the same pace his hips snap into you. 
You can feel yourself about to- 
“Let go, sweetheart,” he mumbles, leaning over you. He rests his forehead on top of your head, the hand on your bundle disappears until he drags your hand (that was clenching the countertop) and directs you into rubbing your clit. 
The warmth of his hand on yours disappears, only to now be felt on the back of your neck. He keeps a hold of your neck, preventing you from moving too much as his grip on your thigh tightens when you start to clench around his aching cock. 
It’s like you’re having an out of body experience, you don’t realize that your hand is moving at a rapid pace. 
He feels like he can’t keep up with you, but this is what makes it worth it (makes him harder and cum faster than he’d like too [although he’ll never admit it out loud]). 
High pitched whines start escaping you. They’re too loud. Too loud. Jake pulls your head up, covering your mouth with his. 
The noises still come out of you but aren’t as bad as before. His tongue enters your mouth in search of yours, intertwining with one another once found. “Come on, sweetheart. I need you to finish for me.” 
You nod. 
“Tell me what I said.” 
“You… you need me-” You stop talking when you feel his hot hands on your waist, grip tight as he plows into you. 
“Come on, come on.” 
You throw your head back against the mirror, mouth agape but sounds escape. 
He doesn’t slow down, not wanting to miss you come down from your high as his is catching up. 
“Jake, it's too much.” 
“You can take it. I know my bratty baby loves it when I push her,” he says with a taunting tone. 
You couldn’t even begin to defend yourself if you wanted to, your vision goes white. 
He stays still, spilling into you (again), panting against your shoulder. He removes his hand from your mouth. “How’s that for-” 
You cover his mouth, shaking your head. “Don’t say anything.” 
He nods, removing your hand, placing a kiss on your palm. 
“We should... we should start cleaning ourselves for the party. Penny and Amelia will be here soon.” 
“And the old man?” 
“He’s Maverick, he shows when he wants to.” 
He chuckles, “you got that right... maybe we could-” 
“You are helping me off this counter so I can clean myself up so that we can throw our little boy a damn good birthday party.” 
“Yes, ma’am.” 
You two enter the hallway just in time because Penny and Amelia ring the doorbell, Maryanne and Edwin try to call one of the others over to open the door. 
Jake grabs the boy before he could run back. “Here’s the birthday boy.” 
He giggles when you poke his sides. 
“How old are you now buddy?” 
He shrugs, “I don’t know.” 
“You know exactly how old you’re turning,” you tell him. 
He jumps in Jake’s arms, smiling wide. “I’m seven!” 
You nod, “yes you are.” 
Javy runs in and pulls your husband and child outside with him. 
“What- Javy!” 
“Guys time!” 
You roll your before turning to hug your other baby. “How was it?” 
Amelia hands you the giant stuffed goose. 
“Where are we putting this, baby?” 
“I want him in the corner beside my bookcase.” 
“Let’s go get him comfy before Natasha and Callie see it. You know they’ll try to steal him.” You hand her the goose and turn towards your favorite mother daughter duo. “Hello, Benjamins... or should I say future Mrs. Maverick.” 
Penny shakes her head. 
“There are drinks in the cooler somewhere in the kitchen and snacks on the dining table or if you’re feeling risky, the others are outside.” 
“Duty calls.” 
“Hey,” Penny calls out your name. “Yeah, tell Jake to ease up on the pace, you’re walking a little funny.” 
You gasp, “Penny Benjamin. How dare you-” 
“Mom!” You walk away, hearing the sound of her laughter. 
The kids from Edwin’s class arrived and it wasn’t nearly as bad as you thought it would be. 
The pilots were rowdier than the kids, the kids. 
Bob’s playlist was perfect, the kids were dancing and just having so much fun. 
Jake approves of “DJ Bob” for the kids' birthdays but not for anything else (he’ll still use Bob because it’s cheaper and he can just pay him with soda, NOT candy... unless it’s before three then Bob’s fine). 
You shook your head when you realized why Bradley ran out of the kitchen so fast. 
Rueben, Mickey, Logan, and Neal decided it would be a good idea to try and play fireball (the exact same concept as it was on the show friends) thankfully they only used tennis balls. 
Oh, and Brigham was the one who lit the tennis balls. It’s safe to say, they were not allowed to touch the candles. 
Callie brought her sister and nieces (she didn’t want to leave her sister at her place and asked a few days before the party). The poor girl was so worried when she asked you about it the other day but how could you say no when her sister comes down with the kids every so often. 
Mickey took great pictures, he’d walk over and show you after he took a few with the kids playing, Edwin opening his presents, the others being absolute idiots. 
After the party he emailed the ones of you and Jake, he could have seriously been a photographer had he not become a pilot. 
While Jake puts the kids to bed, you set Edwin gifts off the side so he can play with them tomorrow. 
He comes to the living room and helps you. “Everyone’s gone.” 
“No, you’ve gotten enough today, mister.” 
“Jake, no.” 
“Jake, yes.” 
He sees the expression on your face, his head drops. “Jake, no.” 
You lay in bed, close to falling asleep when you realize he didn’t wear a condom. 
Sure, he’s said that he wishes the kids were his but having a baby is completely different than older kids. Does Jake want kids? Would he leave if you told him? Or would he be like your crappy ex and just say he can’t do this and leave when they’re old enough to remember him. Is he the kind of guy to do that? 
You look down at him when his grip tightens on your waist, head further snuggling into your chest. You lightly scratch his head. You don’t think, no, you know he wouldn’t do that, but your mind doesn’t stop these thoughts from coming. 
That night you don’t get much sleep even more so when your baby Maryanne taps the two of you awake.     
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Taglist: @abaker74 @ebonyhogan24 @shanimallina87 @starkleila​ @kurtkunkle17
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monkeytrick · 4 months
Ok like. Executive dysfunction. And trauma response. Are both phrases that might earn an eye roll from you and I get it. But I feel like one is the other for me and they’re both just causing a horrible loop that is making my life worse constsntly man. It really hit me today that like. Oh my god I am traumatized. I regularly will have flashbacks and either go totally limp and try to ignore everything happening and play dead or I’ll freak the fuck out and start screaming and sobbing and shit and I feel like this entire past month I’ve just been constantly going back and forth between both without any time dedicated t being a normal person which makes me feel so awful and insane because I’ve had like actual fun shit to do this month but I’ve been breaking down so fucking bad bc I literally don’t think I have the capability to live like a normal adult person is supposed to and I don’t have a choice at all because I don’t think I can ever be in contact with my family again. My dad is a domestic abuser and a methhead and an attempted rapist and I’m so scared he’s done more than attempt it since I last saw him. MULTIPLE times he just showed up st my workplace which is across the country from where he actually fucking lives without warning and when he went to jail it was in this state and not his home one. I still don’t know what the fuck he did because I only heard about it from my brother and I can’t fucking talk to anyone else in my family because I’m afraid of them all! My mom is actively without exaggeration trying to ruin my fucking life as revenge against me not talking to her because she was already doing this shit before I cut contact and will steal my money and try and track me down and threaten suicide over my continued existence. I don’t have anyone I can go to in real life about any of this shit and even the people who understand can’t help me at all. I’ve been trying to move in with my friend and after recovering from the extended mental breakdown I’ve been having all month I’m realizing I literally like. Do not have the shit I need to do that. And I don’t know if I ever will because of my family situation. I don’t know how to break it to them and I don’t know what the fuck to do because I don’t think I have an option that isn’t fucking them over extremely badly and it’s entirely my own fucking fault man bc I’ve just been trying to ignore my life so bad. I feel so bad about my current living situation bc my friend and their family were kind enough to let me stay and were really understanding initially but they all just really fucking want me gone by now which is like. Understandable. And the reasonable way to respond. But I’m so scared because I need to be out of here by the end of june and I think my best option is subletting on my own but I feel more certain and terrified every day that I’m just going to be homeless and fired from the job I currently have before I’m 21. I don’t even want to be someone that wants to kms anymore but I feel like god is like literally actually punishing me for existing and I can’t bring myself to deal with living at all. I’m not going to kill myself now and I have stupid reasons to continue being alive but they are reasons but I feel like the only way to stay set on that path and not change my mind and go insane and fucking die is if I get in a psych ward right the fuck now and trying to review my options there is making me even more miserable bc I don’t think I’m even on health insurance anymore and I don’t think I’d be able to get on it in time to not go insane and be a danger to myself. No matter what I am going to be in horrific debt. I just don’t know what to fucking do man. I haven’t looked at any of my texts in like 3 days because I am so fucking scared. I no wanna be around anymore. I cannot bring myself to do fucking snything
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becauseimanicequeen · 5 months
RANDOM THOUGHTS: Deep Night ep. 7
The preview for this episode showed that a lot of focus will be on Wela (and, therefore, also Khem). I do hope I get some throuple moments as well. I mean, we just got a Seji and Pan kiss last episode (a kiss Ken saw) so there has to be some reaction to that in this one, right? Please, show, don’t disappoint me on this front!
I knew that girl would come back and bite everyone in the ass (not literally, though that would’ve been more fun to watch…).
The way James is standing between Great’s legs… I’m kind of annoyed we’ve only gotten crumbs of these two.
Seriously, iQIYI. Will you ever sub text messages and social media posts/comments? I won’t hold my breath, though…
Well, look at that! More Great and James crumbs! It’s funny how much I love them compared to the minimal crumbs we’ve been getting.
Fuck me! I’m 11 minutes into the episode, and this series is seriously making me fall in love with Seji and Pan’s relationship. So much so, I (of all people!) am questioning the thruple?! Hey, show, don’t fucking do this to me! I want poly! I need poly! Give me what you’ve been promoting, for fuck’s sake!
I don’t want to sway… *rocking back and forth*. I don’t want to sway… I need to calm down…
Btw, Seji is looking so fucking fine.
The way Seji hesitated before he said Pan was his boyfriend when he talked to Ken…
Poor Wela. His life is falling apart just because he wanted a job that paid well enough to pay off his dad’s debt.
At least he has Khem as emotional support.
Lol, people really have nothing better to do than take sneaky photos of others and whisper behind their backs. That’s so tragic…
Well, if that teacher was still Porsche’s daddy in Playboy, he would frequent the Deep Night Club for sure. As the teacher here, though?
Damn, Seji and Ken’s new routine looked like they were rolling around in the hay.
Hey, mom, where’s your girlfriend?
There she is!
Freya saying she’s old is the most bullshit thing I’ve ever heard in this series. It’s even more bullshit than all the verbal diarrhea coming out of Khem’s aunt’s mouth every time she shows up… Freya is anything but old.
All this talk about Pan and Seji eating each other but not doing it is killing me.
Oh, here goes!
Fuck, they were interrupted…
The way Seji stepped in front of Pan and the way Pan is hiding behind Seji! Why is this series doing this to me?!
Why the fuck are they standing on that table or whatever while the others are standing on the floor questioning them about their relationship? That’s so weird.
James is basically suggesting poly without actually suggesting poly. I love this man. He and I are on the same page (even though this episode is giving me whiplash).
OMFG! Not Khem showing Pan a threesome! (Even though it’s pixilated as hell, it looks like a scene from Playboy, doesn’t it? The one with daddy Aob, Puen, and a client.)
Pan said he didn’t want it, but I swear, he’s thinking about it.
Wait a fucking second! Is he actually thinking about it? As in fantasizing about it?!
OMFG! Yes. Here’s Ken too!
I swear, if Pan ends up doing what I kind of joked about him doing, I’ll go to heaven faster than a fucking rocket.
Shirtless Seji!
Shirtless Ken!
Shirtless Pan!
I fucking love that Pan fantasizes about him being the center of this throuple. It could also be how it actually turns out, though.
Thank every higher power that I’m back on the throuple train again!
What? Freya?! I thought they were girlfriends…
Khem taking care of Wela is my favorite Khem. A little emotional support can go a looooong way.
Come on Khem, teach your mom a thing or two about love.
I get Freya, though. If we ignore that she’s only using lame excuses not to be with Meji… Sometimes it’s easy to be accepting of others (like Freya accepting that Khem likes another boy) but not be as accepting of ourselves (like her own feelings for another woman). It’s a good thing Freya had Khem to reassure her that it’s okay to love, no matter who it is.
All three in the throuple seem to be having a lot on their minds. Is the throuple finally throuple-ing? Are we finally getting some real progress here?
Wait, why is Great sitting on the floor and drinking by himself? Is he afraid to tell James what he wants (considering James’ comment earlier in the episode)?
Khem is Ticketmaster in the flesh, handing out tickets for the club’s re-opening.
They are deliberately hiding the throuple from the preview, right? Showing just a little bit would spoil the whole climax, wouldn’t it? Or am I just being delulu enough to actually expect poly in the next episode?
Honestly, the only thing I remember from this episode right now are the throuple moments. The moments between Pan and Seji in the beginning, James and Khem hinting at poly, and then Pan actually fantasizing about it (and getting a boner). They better fucking make it happen in the next episode (since it’s the last one).
It’s a good thing I think my clown car is pretty and smells much better than a Wunderbaum air freshener…
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dozenssporks · 1 year
*the video opens with a distant shot of Vash laying in the shade of a sand dune making a ‘snow’ angel*
Wolfwood, speaking from behind the camera: there he is, ladies and gents, the most feared outlaw in the tri-state area
Vash: only that infamous? my ratings have dropped.
Wolfwood slowly zooms in until it’s a close up of Vash’s face as he stares at the sky: you’ve been laying there for, like, an hour. Don’tcha have anything to do, you lazy bum?
Vash: I am contemplating. The life. The Universe. The everything. That cloud looks like a jelly doughnut. Now shush.
the shot slowly zooms out again and wolfwood whispers: I am bored out of my mind so I am going to do something drastic. Ready? Okay. *raising his voice* Hey, needle-noggin! What’s your opinion of America’s public transport system?
Vash, sitting bolt upright in a shower of sand: it’s The Worst! It’s patchy, incomplete, inconsistent! There are hundreds and hundreds of desolate miles where the only option is a car because nobody bothered to put a train there. Do you know what that means when you can’t drive? It means you walk! My boots have racked up more miles than a soccer mom’s SUV--
Wolfwood, whispering again: and off he goes . . .
^Vash gets up and begins to march around, waving his arms dramatically to emphasize his points or express his frustration. The camera calmly follows him back and forth. There are several cuts so Vash’s ranting jumps from point to point and country to country, a timer in the corner of the screen records how long he’s been talking, more than twenty minutes. The smooth dune becomes a a churning sea of footprints*
Vash, pointing sharply: --and that’s why England’s railway--!
Wolfwood, suppressing giggles: what about, dunno, Italy?
Vash: Italy, well, I got pick-pocketed on public transport there actually
Wolfwood: for real? someone picked the humanoid typhoon’s pocket?
Vash: yeah--oh! That reminds me, hang on!
*Vash dives forward, sliding to a stop at his destination on his knees. He pulls open his bag and rifles through the contents. Odds and ends spill out and a couple odd shirt-sleeves are trailing in the sand before he pulls out a wallet*
Vash: so um *pulls an id card out of the wallet and glances at it* Drusilla Zuccaro if you are watching this I’m sorry I took your wallet and forgot to give it back and forgot I still had it until just now. It was going to be a great bit where you thought you’d got my wallet but I’d got yours and I’d give it back and we’d laugh and you’d turn over a new leaf and never pick-pocket again. I, uh, kinda had to hoof it due to various misunderstandings and it slipped my mind. I’d offer to send it back to you but it’s been, uuhhh, five months? You’ve probably got a new id and stuff by now . . .
Wolfwood, voice shaking with suppressed laughter: there wasn’t any cash?
Vash, looking sideways: . . . it was only maybe fourteen euros and a guy on the run has gotta eat, you know
Wolfwood: vash the stampede committing petty theft? you disgust me
Vash, on his knees, hands pressed together: Scusami tanto, ti chiedo scusa dal profondo del cuore. Sono mortificato, chiedo scusa.
Wolfwood: yeah, yeah, so what are you gonna do about it?
Vash, sadly and a little sulky: Ti rimborserei ma non ho soldi
Wolfwood: Imma take a wild guess and say you’re saying you’re broke
Vash, muttering and drawing circles in the sand:  sì
Wolfwood: you’re a total deadbeat you know that, spiky?
Vash, throwing himself down into the sand, tears streaming down his face: leave me and my deadbeat feelings to die
Wolfwood: want some absolution?
Vash: keep your stupid little confession box away from me! Didn’t you hear me? I have no money! I’m already in debt!
*Vash continues to weep noisily as the camera pans over the dunes and setting sun*
Wolfwood: that was fun. next time I’m gonna ask him about, um, types of socks maybe. This is where I’d ask you to like and subscribe but y’all know we don’t work like that. Otherwise we’d be scamming you for donations and ol’ needle-noggin here would have money for bus fare. Buh-bye.
*video ends*
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kusundei · 2 months
this dumb fucking bitch . no bcuz what the fuck? whats the fucking point then??? i knew when i got back but holy fucking shit is it so annoying when i am constantly treated like im dumb and have no plans and cant do anything with my fucking life. over and over again its always im fucking useless im an idiot i dont plan ahead i dont think. i dont ever fucking think before i do things because i “think too highly of myself and my skills” no??? you just act like im a fucking idiot???? im sorry i odnt reach your high standards of what you want from me but its not like i cant do wnything at all??? youre more stubborn than me if it truly is such a fucking problem then drop it and stop arguing with me. hell i fucking argued with her and i never do that but im so fucking sick and tired of this shit. alwyas always always and then its “just leave then” okay bitch??? then ill fucking go??????????? but no i cant fucking go anywhere at all. she wouldnt let me. its just bullshit and she walks away because shes “going to get too upset” and then acts like its all my fucking fault and im the one still arguing with her no the fuck im not???? id let it go if you leave me alone and YOU let it the fuck go. if i dont go to edmonds then fine. its fine. doesnt fucking change shit it just solidifies the fact im likely to not go to college and if i do then why the fuck is that up to you?? if i go to college im not asking you to pay for shit. id rather go into thousands of dollars into student debt then ask you for a penny. irs easier this way anyway because then i spend all my time at cascade and i can do everything possible to spend all my time w him. i dont need to be ahead. i just feel bad for sav cuz she’ll be there alone but she’ll live. i’ll live.
its hust so fucking frustrating. and the going back and forth over and over again i literally already caved? said i cant change that and i cant just apply at everett now because its closed. if you dont want me driving all the way to edmonds because im “not ready” then so fucking be it. its always “you dont have enlugh practice” is anyone fucking practicing with me??? is anyone LETTING ME practice??? and its always the small things. “yoy didnt check left” why did i need to i was turning right??? im not going into tje fucking left lane???? its a PARKING LOT I CAN FUCKING SEE????? THE YMCA HAS GOOD VISIBILITY? “You keep driving with one hand on the wheel” okay. im going straight. my car is extremely easy to maneuver i dont need both hands. i will use both hands if im locking in but im going 25mph . but no its fucking fine whatever??? fucking whatever. she’ll provably come back in here and yell at me again because i know her she doesnt let thagxshit go and she’ll keep bringing it up even though i literally fucking said no i wont go to edmonds then. i guess its my fuxking fault i listened to my counselor . “you didnt tell me” yes i did????? this dumb fuck i cant do this shit its so fucking annpying. i dont lkke being likr oh i fucking hate my mom but sometimes i truly do. because you r so immature and so stubborn and i dont caretjat yoyre pregnant and whatever . bipolar disorder who cares i never even acknowledge it ever because im not condemning you to that but god youre so annoying. make up your fucking mind ??? its not eben your problem its mine literally fuck off.
im just so annoyed because i literally said no i wont go. but now shes upset im losing college credits and time . okay??? and??? and jonathan is sooo upset. complaining about me to him like i can hear you guys and jts so fuckign annoying. i jdut wont go i cant change that??? icant change? that??? okay??? imsorry??? holy shit im so upset why cant i flee. icant even go anywhere. this dumb fuck holy shit im fucking condemned i hate all of you. i hate. you all. if they do the shit theyre fucking threatening right now im being so serious ill fucking leave. i will ill go im sick of this its been 2 days and ive tried to be soooo kind and not do anythint but fuck this im tired of it already
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semi-imaginary-place · 11 months
characters most likely to join the Leicester faction or make the most narrative sense being recruited into VW: Shamir and Cyril work very well as thematic outsiders and foreigners with unique perspectives and nuance that at time challenge Claude's vision. Shamir also isn't really attached to any faction, she goes where the money goes, and Leicester is the land of merchants. Their supports with Claude are also great. Petra: thematically the same as above. Brigid is also looking after its own interests and so staying as uninvolved in a continental land war as possible is most beneficial for them. Her ending and support with Claude are also one of my favorites. Linhardt: Golden deer has most of the interesting crest subjects in Lysithea and Marianne. Linhardt is violence avoidant, detests blood, and doesn't care about anything the Empire stands for (either under Edelgad or before). He also has a paralogue with Leonie that makes most sense on Verdant Wind which is already about the true history of the saints and crests. Balthus has STRONG ties to the Alliance from his best friend Holst, to Hilda, to his refuge with and debt to Lysithea's parents, to his milf crush on Claude's mom. Those 5 have the strongest argument but other with less strong but still decent arguments include Dorothea who also hates war, Caspar who only has loose ties to the Adrestia and would follow Lin. Sylvain is an interesting case as his is him both running away from Faerghus values while also not fighting to end Adrestia.
Heard someone put forth the idea of Petra being a part 2 recruit like Lorenz and Ashe for VW and I rather like it. The whole Fire Emblem franchise is based how around anyone can die and people having wildly diverging life paths based of which of their comrades die. However in Three Houses this ends up being a weakness because it means none of the students can be plot relevant. Like in the case of Brigid allying with Leicester, that would mean they do so regardless of if Petra is killed as an enemy, Petra is recruited and dies, or Petra is recruited and lives to the end of VW.
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baiboop · 6 months
Sharing my Heart
Chapter 7
The dark green cotton sheets of Adams bed hugged and crinkled around his body as he sank inward. He was trying to de-stress and for the most part his body was successfully relaxed, minus the tenseness that lingered in his shoulders.
Adam was stretched out, laying on his stomach with his upper body propped on his elbows. One hand was on his chin supporting the weight of his head, the other was clutching a pen.
The sketchbook he had found the day previous was sprawled out and opened in front of him, a couple miscellaneous pages were torn out and scattered about the bed and floor.
Adams hands worked quickly, madly scribbling nonsense down onto the pages, with only the occasional momentary pause of hesitation between strokes.
He sighed, letting his feelings and frustrations excrete through the pens blue ink.
Adam sang to himself in his head, a couple mumbles of lyrics escaping his lips- the tune of ABBA’s Knowing me, Knowing you physically manifested itself in the absent swaying of his feet that were up in the air behind him.
(Kate had been a huge ABBA fan, had all the CDs, even had a poster or two. Because of this Adam, pretty much, mentally downloaded every one of their mentionable songs.
He didn’t mind his moms incessant and repetitive song choices, the music was admittedly good. And it’s not like she never played anything else, she just had an inclination to ABBA.
Although he would technically label himself an ABBA fan by-proxy, even without Kate’s obsession he most likely still would’ve enjoyed their music anyway.)
After yesterdays emotional-rollercoaster and general festivities, Adam was totally worn out- mentally.
A guy can only handle so much emotional turmoil.
Especially when it’s turmoil caused by something entirely out of his control and also subsequently something he’s completely trying to avoid.
Adam had frequently throughout his life put forth his best effort to be the ignore-your-feelings type of guy, especially during his high school years.
It partially stemmed from his feeling of debt to his mom, he wanted to make up for being a burden to her and he didn’t want her to have one more thing to worry about, like him acting his feelings out constantly.
She worried about him enough anyway, much more than what Adam would’ve preferred.
But, unfortunately for him ignoring things never quite worked out.
That shoved down baggage always had an annoying habit of coming back up in the form either of a panic attack outright, or alternatively, in the form of him acting like a complete and utter asshole to anyone and everyone that interacted with him until the mood swelled into an outburst.
He just wasn’t built for bottling things up. He guesses (if genetics play any part) that his lack of emotional control came from his moms side, not Johns.
John and his sons seemed to have bottling things up down to a science.
Today he had, so far, been successful in outwardly appearing like he’d pushed his feelings down.
Yesterday he had been a little on edge but beyond that, if you’d ask him, he’s been just peachy.
Despite the tough front he had been displaying, Adam was still at all times acutely aware of just how bothered he was truly feeling. The thoughts itched at his brain but he refused them, distracting himself when any popped up in order to keep his composure. Like he said, peachy.
With the thoughts being kept in check he was functioning relatively normally. (All things considered.) He was able to simulate sleep for a good couple hours last night, resting his over-worked brain. Spending the remaining few hours of what he deemed the “night”, in bed, fully awake.
Durning the period after he had awoken, he chose to spend his morning with the covers up over his head, eyes closed and laying there in silence.
Just soaking up some more relaxation before he decided to ruin it with whatever the day would bring.
Up until a half-hour ago that was fine, enjoyable even, laying there had been further acting as the mental recharge he so desperately craved.
That was before his mind started to wander and yearn for some outside stimuli.
With his boredom increasing by the minute he started to find laying there becoming insufferable.
He started thinking of the days possibilities, deliberately passing over some of the more overly exerting ideas, he ended up landing on the memory of the sketchbook he found in the closet.
He figured something he could do to pass the time, that wouldn’t cause any further stress, would be to draw- or write- or both.
Adam threw the covers down and half-rolled off the side of the bed, grabbing the sketchbook from the dresser that sat adjacent to him.
He tossed it down onto his bed and dragged himself into the kitchen. His grandma always kept pens, crayons, pencils and other writing utensils haphazardly assorted into a mug on top of the counter.
He snagged a good blue pen and a couple different colored highlighters, then made his way back.
Adam had loved to doodle all throughout middle school and even into high school, in his backpack you’d be lucky if you could find one unmarked page or plain set of notes.
The mind-numbing activity of idly scribbling his pencil around while his teachers lectured about god-knows-what, was exactly what had gotten him through the boredom of high school. Something about the activity just helped pass the time. Perfect.
Happy with himself, Adam got to work. Passing a little over an hour by filling two pages with scribbles of random things: crude drawings of mundane things, random lines from shows he likes and some of his favorite lyrics from different songs, even some of his moms favorite songs.
Scattered within the doodles you could find his house, his school, an apple tree, his moms car, corn, his dorm room, a cheeseburger, wild flowers and various animals.
None of it was good, truthfully Adam wasn’t a great artist. (He did, however, pass art class with a B-, so he’s not that bad.)
That being said, no one would be handing Adam any awards for his abilities.
Still, Adam wasn’t necessarily concerned with his artistic abilities, as no one else would ever see his creations in here.
He flipped the page, picking the pen up and tapping it on his chin in a thinking gesture.
Adam mentally explored the possibilities of what he should start the fresh page off with.
He spent a good deal of time debating, this was an important decision, after all.
The intense self-debate left a couple of rouge lines and dots on the page from attempted ideas. Eventually settling on the pond out front, he started to sketch it down.
Loosely, he drew the oblong oval shape of the pond, accompanied by the cat-tails and other marsh plants that surrounded it. Even throwing in a couple of trees on either side of the pond to really complete the scene.
He smirked at his drawing, satisfied with his rendering of the water. Adam started to sketch in a rectangle under it, which was meant to be a beach towel but didn’t really look the part.
He planned to add himself, his mom, and his grandparents, all on their own respective towels, soaking up the sun.
As he was sketching in the figures of each person, a sudden change in air temperature gave Adam goosebumps.
He felt the his hair stand on end and a certain sense of being permeating the atmosphere of his bedroom.
He briefly paused, frozen from the slight shock that was settling in from the primal feeling of being watched. He carefully started to look up from his work but before his eyes could meet the angel intruding on his drawing time, he heard Micheal’s voice.
“Hello, Adam.”
Adam startled, dropping his pen down and immediately lifting himself up with his hands. He shifted himself off of the bed and stood facing the other person.
His doppelgänger stared back, making direct eye contact, silently.
Adam studied the other figure for a moment, he knew it was Micheal- but he just wanted to double check that it wasn’t his reflection again. (Also taking that time to confirm that he wasn’t going stir-crazy and hallucinating.)
“Micheal?” Adam said breaking the silence, eyes gaping at the angels face.
“Yes, Adam?�� Micheal replied almost inquisitively.
Oh my god. Finally.
Adam paused to let out a sigh, relieved by Micheals arrival, but still on edge and examining the archangels body language for any signs of what was going on.
That ultimately lead to nothing as Micheal rigidly stood there with a blank expression, all and all that told Adam absolutely nothing, so he did the only logical thing and just asked Micheal.
“Did you free us? Is it over?” He stared hopefully at the angels stoic face before adding, “And what took you so long?” The inflection in his voice changed for this last question, giving a flare of annoyance to the words.
The archangel stared back at Adams watchful eyes blankly.
Adam observed Micheals features, shifting into a quick expression of worry before hardening back into his default blank face.
“I am… Unable to free us.”
Micheal broke off the sentence, eyes boring into Adam waiting for an outburst from the human.
Micheal had always thought of humans as flighty, emotionally fickle little things, so he was willfully making an effort to be delicate.
He had been making this effort the entire duration of his time with Adam, however after his last visit and the reaction given by the human, he reevaluated his word choice and settled to be even more delicate for Adams sake. When thirty seconds passed and thankfully no such outburst came, Micheal continued.
“No, it is not over. It will not be over until Lucifer and I are suitably able to recommence our battle and I triumph- effectively reigning in heaven on earth and returning my father to heaven.”
Adam said nothing, still continuing on with his gawking.
Micheal, decidedly, took this as Adam awaiting further clarity, since he had been avoiding the answer to Adams last inquiry. Micheals face took on a look of apprehension before he started.
“Truthfully, I have remained in a near constant state of altercation with Lucifer since our fall.
Our battles had been steadily increasing in intensity, until four hours, fifty-five minutes and thirty-two seconds ago.
At this time some of my frustrations subsided, I decided to cease engagement with my brother.
Due to our entrapment within the cage, any wounds inflicted on each other are superficial. Neither of us can actually kill the other, leaving the battles virtually meaningless.
Although I was well aware of that fact from the start- following the sudden turn of events at our initial battle, I had found myself completely enraged.
I don’t think I have felt such utter exasperation in battle… Ever.
Adam, you will have to understand, my brother and I have always fought. Lucifer has made me angry in ways not possible to any other being in this universe.
However this specific situation, I have found to be the most irritating set of actions ever preformed by two humans.
This in turn, caused at first disbelief, but coupled with Lucifer’s antagonistic nature and my entrapment in close quarters to him, it shortly developed into pure unadulterated rage.
I did, in fact, end up succumbing to this anger and giving in to Lucifer’s childish taunts. I selfishly fought and used my brother to relieve some of that built anger.
It was somewhat effective.
Some time after we ceased our antics, I had been pacing the confine and praying to my father, asking for forgiveness for my mistakes and misplaced anger as well as requesting his assistance in our freedom.
I had heard your calls and prayers to me during that time frame, however I chose to leave then unanswered as to not unnecessarily subject you to myself in an agitated state like that.
After all, I did swear to you that I would keep you safe.
No harm will come to you Adam Milligan, I will keep my word even if that means I have to shield you from myself, at times.”
Adam tentatively listened to and processed the onslaught of information presented by Micheal. He reviewed it mentally before zeroing in on Micheals first answer.
“What… What do you mean you can’t free us“
“What is meant by that, is exactly what I previously stated to you. I am unable to free us.”
Micheal paused, but elaborated without prompting.
“Quite simply put, this cage was specifically designed by my father to contain Lucifer, as you are aware he is an archangel.
As you are also aware, I am an archangel. While I am indeed different and much stronger than my brother, this cage was designed by my father, who’s power I don’t even come close to rivaling. I have no way to escape this prison that would not kill us both in the process.”
Adam could hear the tinge of irritation in Micheals flat voice, he decided to not press the issue of escape anymore, for the time being. Despite Adams own anger festering, he changed the subject.
“What happened? Why did we-“ Not wanting to use the word ‘lose’ he restates the first part of his question again.
“Well, just, what happened up there?”
Micheal broke eye contact by closing his eyes, he breathed out a deep sigh.
When he re-opened them, his brows tilted, taking a more downward turn and displaying his budding anger more clearly.
“Your brother, Dean, had intruded upon our match-“
Adam interrupted Micheal to add, “Half-brother. And we met once.”
Micheal leered at Adam giving a short nod and continued.
“This intrusion at first, seemed more of an annoyance than a threat.
He had brought a human companion, Bobby, and an angel, the traitor to his kind, Castiel.
Castiel was the one who burned your body, under normal circumstances my presence inside would have shielded you from damage. However he was able to effectively destroy the body while dodging any healing I would normally have commenced.
This feat was accomplished with holy fire, which in turn sent me away momentarily while I reconstructed the vessel.”
Adam shuddered while Micheal retold the burning. Hearing the words reconstructed made Adam feel sick.
“Again I found this to be more of a nuisance than threat, however in my absence Sam was able to take control back from my weak brother.
The Winchesters then re-opened the gate to Lucifer’s cage, using the horsemen’s rings.”
Adam looked confused, he made a ‘go on’ gesture to Micheal and when Micheal just returned a confused stare Adam spoke.
“What are the horsemen’s rings?”
“The rings act as keys to the Cage. They are worn by the four horsemen of the apocalypse, Pestilence, Famine, War, and Death. When all four rings are held together and the correct spell is recited, they will bore a hole into whatever surface they lay atop- leading directly to Lucifer’s cage.”
“Ah, that makes sense.” Adam replied scratching his head, it kinda made sense…
“As I was saying, they had opened the cage in my absence and immediately upon my return I was greeted with the sight of Sam Winchester attempting to throw himself and my brother back into the prison. I grabbed hold of the pair in order to stop the plummet back into the cage.” Micheal trailed off not finishing the story. It was alright though, Adam knew the end anyway.
Adam hummed in response, it was much more straight forward than he assumed, in fact he had witnessed almost all of that happening and already knew it.
“Do you have a plan? Is someone going to get us out?” Adam looked hopefully optimistic within his line of questioning, after all heaven did promise him his mom, Micheal promised him.
“Of course, Adam. I have been and am currently operating as heavens leader in our fathers absence. The angels will stop at nothing to free me, and by proxy you. Although I do not believe they have the power to free us, with their collective prayers to our father he will certainly return and step in to right this mistake.”
“Your father? God?”
“Yes, that is correct Adam.”
“You think he’ll free us?”
“Of course I do, I know he will free us.”
“Hm, how long have you been heavens temp-ruler?” Adam said nonchalantly, making a sarcastic gesture with his hand.
“Since our father stepped out, three-hundred-eighty-seven thousand years and four-hundred-sixty-four days ago.”
Adam paused awestruck by the large number, processing how long Micheals been around, and how long god has been gone..
“Yes, Adam?”
“How old are you.”
“As old as fathers first creations, older than your galaxy itself. I am nearing thirteen-billion-eight-hundred-forty-four-million-seven-hundred-twenty-six-thousand-nine-hundred-thirty-one.”
Adam stared. That age was completely and utterly incomprehensible to him, to be that old, it’s just- wow. He shook his head slightly to get himself back on track.
“Wow, you’re old.”
“Indeed, I am among one of the oldest living beings.”
“Well, if your dad, God, has been gone for three-hundred-thousand-whatever years, what makes you think he’ll return now?”
“That is because this simply was not meant to happen, there is a plan, I know there is. This has gone not according to plan, God will set his plan right, He will free us Adam. Have faith.”
“Faith? In what? You’re absent father? No thanks.” Adam said with a snarky tone, placing his hand on his hip.
“Adam.” Micheal warned.
“No, I’m not going to be stuck here waiting for a dead-beat dad that may or may not save me. That’s what killed me the first time, you know? I. Want. Out.”
“Your father was just a man, Adam. My father is God. He will save you, Adam. Surely you have the capacity for patience.”
“Yeah, I can be patient. But waiting for something that’s guaranteed and waiting for something that probably won’t ever happen are completely different things. Don’t you think if God cared he’d have come back by now? Don’t you think he wouldn’t have left you stranded up there for a really long time? If he cared we would probably have been freed hours ago, what’s the point in him making us play the waiting game down here, hmm?”
The irritation radiating off of Micheal was almost tangible, Adams hand dropped has he remembered who specifically he had been sassing. His face paled a little as he awaited Micheals response.
“Adam, my father created you. My father created me. My father created everything. He is older than your human numeric system extends. Have faith. You see him as absent because you are just a man. I do not fault you for this, your mind is only capable of conceptualizing so many things. Three-hundred-thousand years for me isn’t even half of my life.
Do not speak on which you do not understand. My father will free us, if you wish to deny that I will not stop you however, it will happen.”
Adam shifted awkwardly under the scrutinizing angry gaze of his archangel counterpart. Getting scolded like that prompted Adam to apologize.
“Uhm, yeah. Sorry I guess, I was a little rude. It’s just.. This is shocking, you know?” Adam spoke softly.
“As I said, I do not fault you for the way your human mind processes.” Micheal said flatly.
Adam rolled his eyes, annoyed that Micheal was treating him like he was stupid. His momentary remorse all but snuffed out.
“Sure, whatever. Give me a call when your dad shows up.”
“Very well.” Micheal spoke, turning and vanishing.
“Fuck.” Adam dragged the word, disappointed in himself.
He hadn’t meant to make Micheal leave but he will admit he was being kind of an ass to him. Sometimes it was just so hard for Adam to not be antagonistic.
He dragged his hands down his face, plopping back down onto the bed and letting out a sigh. He should’ve just dropped it. Why does he always have to escalate the situation.
The very last thing that he needed was the person with all the answers gone.
To add to that, Adam was sick of being alone.
Adam stayed in bed for another couple hours, angrily thinking of the events that just transpired.
He’s been dwelling on the situation for the better part of two hours and he knows it’s time to get up.
He swings his legs over the side of the bed, taking a moment to stand up. His original plan of a little R & R was completely scrapped, in favor of some physical activities to help blow off some steam.
Adam figures that they must be safe enough, Micheal wouldn’t have shown up if it was too dangerous around them for him to take that chance and step away.
So that means one of Adams worries was effectively quelled.
The rest of his worries he would just have to deal with.
Eventually he made his way over to the mudroom to grab his shoes, and out the back door. Today he dressed himself in the red hoodie and his boxer shorts, walking long distances in this weather, in jeans, was just too miserable.
Adam set off on his walk, stopping every couple hundred feet to frustratedly debate calling out to Micheal.
His frustrations beat him and he ended up praying for a little more than half his walk.
No answer, of course.
Adam huffed, walking the long trek back to the house. He was overdue for some swimming, the laps had been big helpers in clearing his mind.
On the eighteenth day of Adams imprisonment with Micheal in the cage, (and twenty sixth of his possession.) Adam was feeling the effects of his patience wearing thin.
He had just finished his morning swim and was sat on the warm, dark metal of the backyards set of table and chairs. Next to the porch sat an empty bird feeder that was staked into the ground.
Bemused, he watched the feeder sway while resting his chin in his hands. His elbows hurt a bit from resting on the glass top of the table. ‘I should put some corn kernels in that.’ Adam thought to himself.
He hasn’t necessarily seen any wildlife so far, but he heard the occasional chatter of animals coming from the woods. Adam guessed this would be one good way to find out if there was any furry or feathered little friends anywhere near the property.
After the consistent dripping of water droplets rolling off of Adams wet hair and body stopped, he stood up. Pushing the chair out and scraping it along the concrete patio.
He jogged forward over to the glass sliding door and opened it, stepping inside the familiar ranch.
Adam heads toward the book shelf, it’s a dark oak structure with four shelves. The shelf was about a foot shorter than Adam and every crevice was packed to the brim with books.
He bent into a crouch, reaching for ‘Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.’
Adam didn’t particularly love reading. As a kid especially, he would flat out boycott it. For the few books he did read he made sure to run through them numerous times. Until the spine of the book was soft and in rough shape.
Adam also didn’t particularly love the Harry Potter books, but his grandmother had read this book to him six or seven times in his childhood. He had even read it on his own once or twice.
This was wholly due to his grandparents having extremely limited reading options for an adolescent, the books and other reading materials the shelf had been packed with, were painfully and obviously for a much more mature audience. Basically they were extremely boring. They had some classics like ‘To Kill a Mocking Bird’ and ‘Of Mice and Men’ but the bulk of the stuff on the shelves were old gossip magazines, bibles, encyclopedias, dictionaries and Readers Digest.
Luckily for Adam this had turned out in his favor, since he had read certain books repeatedly he was able to remember a great deal of the text within the books.
Originally when he had first wandered over to the book shelf he had attempted to read ‘The Lord of the Rings’ but having never gotten past the first chapter in his adolescence, he hadn’t remembered any of the text.
Adam soon realized the issue this created when he opened the from cover to find the inside pages were mainly blank with some smudges and random text. At first he was really puzzled by this phenomenon and tore the bookshelves packed shelves apart.
Opening every book and flipping through them, he stacked books with nothing or in-legible words in them, to the left of him and books with any readable parts to the right.
The contents of the right side pile started to help the situation click.
Oh duh, memory-scape, only gives you what you can remember.
The pile of mostly readable book options, consisted of, Chatlottes web, one article out of an old Vogue magazine, Harry potter, and about three books out of The Magic Tree House series.
With that discovery finally made, he grabbed his Harry Potter book, clutching the book to the side of his chest and under his arm before walking back out the sliding glass door.
He made his way through the permanently freshly-mowed back lawn area and over to the three side yard apple trees.
He halted for just a moment to gaze at the leaves that were softly dancing in the warm wind, then continued on to the entrance of the two-track trail that would take him to the older, bigger lot of apple trees.
The two-tracks surrounded the entire property, a square track around the house’s main property framed what grass counted as the back lawn and what was random field. You could clearly tell the difference with the grass inside the track being mowed and the grass outside being unkempt.
Besides the framing of the lawn, the trails also broke off at various different spots to lead you to back areas of the property. Adam jogged, his feet kicking up dust on the trails, his book still tightly held by his arm. He broke a light sweat by the time he made it to the clearing with the trees, he wiped his brow before slowing his pace to a walk.
Adam walked out into the clearing, heading straight for the largest tree.
The pale sunshine hit his skin as the cover of trees ceased, he looked into the sun, squinting slightly. It was an enteral june afternoon, a beautiful eternal summer memory.
Out of all of the bad stuff, this was the good.
He lightly picks up his pace to that of a speed-walk and finally reaches where the row of seven trees stood.
Holding his book tighter, Adam starts scaling the largest apple tree semi-one-handed. This would’ve been a much impressive feat if he had still been the size of a child. Fortunately for him he was six-foot, nineteen year old and apple trees were relatively short and stocky by nature, so he didn’t have much difficulty getting to the thickest branch he had enjoyed sitting on as a kid.
Nestled in to the branch of the largest apple tree, back to the trunk with his feet propped on a branch, Adam releases his death-grip on his book and pulls it out from under his arm. He opens it, rapidly flipping through the pages to get to where he had last left off. picking chapter 10 back up.
Chapter 10, Halloween.
Malfoy couldn't believe his eyes when he saw that Harry and Ron were still at Hogwarts the next day, looking tired but perfectly cheerful. Indeed, by the next morning Harry and Ron thought that meeting the three-headed dog had been an excellent adventure, and they were quite keen to have another one. In the meantime, Harry filled Ron in about the package that seemed to have been moved from Gringotts to Hogwarts, and they spent a lot of time wondering what could possibly need such heavy protection. "It's either really valuable or really dangerous," said Ron. "Or both," said Harry.
Adam closed his book, finishing on chapter fifteen and folding an ear into the top of the page.
He closed his eyes, leaning his head back against the bark of the trees trunk.
It had been over two weeks since Micheal’s last visit and subsequent leaving. Adam had been more than patient waiting for his return. He’d prayed and prayed, apologized and even wrote his prayers to Micheal in his sketch book. (Eventually tearing out that page and folding it into an ‘I’m sorry’ card.)
Adam had spent time pondering, how can a cosmic being of eternal celestial existence be so petty?
Sure, Adam was rude. He shouldn’t have made the comments that he did, but- It’s not like he said anything insane, they were relatively mundane concerns.
Plus, Adam had literally given up his life for Micheal, he definitely had the right to be a little pissed.
Annoyed or not, still Adam couldn’t help but long for some interaction, solitude is nice but he gets so bored and so lonely. It’s not that he isn’t used to be on his own, but he isn’t used to being so entirely and absolutely alone. There was always a delivery guy, or the clerk at a grocery store, or a waitress, he was never completely isolated like this.
It had been about two days since he last tried a prayer to Micheal and he didn’t necessarily feel like starting a new one now. He resolved to just think about Micheal a little more, work through it in his head like he had so many times before.
The difference this time is he was sort of starting to… Miss… Micheal.
He missed him.
Not because he even knew Micheal, not because he liked or enjoyed Micheal.
But because Micheal was quite literally his only option for companionship. So if you want to blame someone, blame the human brains need for social stimulus, not Adam.
He momentarily debated calling out to Micheal, not in a prayer but just talking to him. The thought was abruptly met with the archangels voice.
“Hello, Adam.” Micheals flat voice said from in front of the tree.
The sudden appearance startled Adam enough to drop his book and lose his balance on the branch. He wobbled not falling but ending up having to jump down when he couldn’t steady himself again. He landed a little roughly still shocked by Micheals return after the the half-month hiatus.
He looked up, blue eyes shone in the sun gazing back at him.
“Micheal? What are you doing here? Not that this isn’t a welcomed surprise, it is, I’ve been calling to you and you haven’t given me anything for over two weeks now, I was getting worried-” Adam cut himself off to end his rambling.
“You had desired my presence.”
“What? Oh.” Adam paused realizing what Micheal meant and not loving the answer. “Well, what about the other times I ‘desired your presence.’ where were you then? Ignoring me?”
“Adam, you had not desired my presence any other time. You were angry with me. You desired answers and you desired an outlet for your frustrations, you did not desire my presence, however.”
“Oh yeah? And how would you know that.”
“We share body and mind, Adam. You cannot lie to me, as I cannot lie to you.”
Adam shrugged this claim off, bending down to pick his fallen book out of the cool shaded grass a couple feet behind the two.
“Alright, well, thanks for… Showing up, I guess.”
“It is my pleasure, Adam.”
“Uh-huh, well can I make a request?”
“Of course.”
“Can you, not leave for weeks on end in the future, or at least could you warn me before you do.”
“Yes to which part?”
“Both, I will try to remain present for you, but if for some unforeseen reason my presence it required elsewhere for an extended time period, I will inform you of said event in advance.”
“Okay, good.” Adam huffed, rocking on his feet a bit.
The pair shared a couple minutes of awkward silence, in which Micheal continued his staring and Adams eyes shifted to be anywhere else but in meeting with Micheal’s.
When Adam finally did look back at Micheal he noted the subtle tilt of his brow, Micheal appeared confused? Why did he have that look? Moments before Adam got to ask Micheal, what on earth (no pun intended) was confusing him. Micheal broke the silence.
“Why, what?”
“Why do you want me to stay and inform you if I will be leaving?”
Adams cheeks flushed slightly, that’s what was confusing Micheal, why Adam wanted him around.
“Well, because… You know. I’m just a guy, and guys need friends. I dunno how it works out in heaven but on earth we have friends.”
“Provide an example fitting of the word friend. I am aware of the definition but would like some clarification with example.”
“Okay well, a friend is someone you spend a lot of time with and are close to.“
“I have many brethren in heaven whom I work closely together with for long periods of time.”
“Right, well, do you particularly enjoy any of your ‘brethren’s’ company more than another? Do you seek out that person to spend time together?”
“I suppose I find Rapheal more tolerable than most other angels.”
“Okay, good! So do you like when you and Rapheal are together?”
“We are mainly together on business, I like that we have a common objective and that Rapheal can complete tasks with such efficiency.”
“Yeah… Okay don’t worry about trying to figure it out right now, I’ll explain it later.”
Adam waved Micheal’s confused expression off.
“Basically, I want your company sometimes because being all alone sucks for humans. Does that make sense.”
“Yes, I am aware you are herd-centric creatures. The need for a pack is inherently hardwired into your brain.”
Adam stared at Micheal with an annoyed expression.
“Yeah we’re that. So do you agree? Will you stay here with me sometimes and be my friend?”
“I suppose I will.”
Adam had a sense of accomplishment and pride festering inside, glad that Micheal had agreed to companionship and honestly not sure what he would’ve done if Micheal denied.
But this meant he didn’t have to be alone anymore, and that was awesome news.
“Great! Lets start tomorrow then!”
A/N: If anyone needs the numbers in numeric form and not words here you go, 387,464 and 13,844,726,931.
A/N: I think we sometimes forget how young Adam is when he first is trapped in the cage, I wanted to convey that immaturity through the childish way he argues with Micheal.
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seancamerons · 1 year
Under the cut. ✍📝😊
“You’re so unfair grounding me two days before Christmas.”
“You’re lucky to be allowed to hang with the adults, you also can’t nap because Auntie Em is probably not gonna be able to help.”
“You’re so lucky you can drink.” Kat muttered.
Emma joked plainly to Kat, “Be careful what you wish for, kid.”
“So Kat you will be a good host and help your mom.”
“Yes m’am.” She rolled her eyes. “Can I get a few bucks sugamomma for lunch?”
Manny pulled out a five and a ten, “You can get yourself something from The Dot. As far as moms go, you can do worse.” Manny was in a good mood or she was trying to be and masking by immating the wives she sees on the shows she watches, very June Cleaver as she fried the bacon on the griddle for everyone. “ Also you’re very lucky Santa is coming after the stuff you pulled at school the parties, the sneaking out, you can forget about Disney World Senior Trip you keep it up, or university?”
“Ugh! Mom please, you can be so ugh!”  She took off her sunglasses to show she ‘means’ business or wants to be tough. Kat is far from a morning person and Manny experiences this on a daily basis the back and forth. If mom says no ask dad, they both say no ask Joey, if all three are united on no she calls her rich auntie Em and of course it’s always a yes. Emma sees it from Manny’s perspective and her own and suddenly it seems kind of fucked.  “I don’t care, what’s the point? Go to college be trillions in debt, whoo hoo. It’s all a joke. Neither of your guys went to university.”
“Honey, we did, maybe not your aunt no offense.”
“None taken.”
“We saved up, your father and I, we didn’t go right away but you have an amazing opportunity. Your dad and I, Aunt Em, we didn’t go to a four year university, and your lovely aunt Emma didn’t put your college fund together and gift you money for you to throw away your potential and your future.”
She drank some coffee picking at her poptart unphased and sounding like a spoiled brat with little to no opinions or cares. She proceeded to get super cultural maybe she was trying to paint a picture for Emma and be generally rude, “Paul said that college is a trap and a money grab for the rich elite.”
“Who is to say Paul’s sticking around?" Manny questioned shaking her head and adding, "you’re going to college end of story."
“Why are you so unfair mom? Why must you have to rain on my parade all the time?” 
“Guys, I have a headache. Keep it down to a dull roar.” Emma groaned and moaned as she got up and rummaged through the fridge and got a bottle of water out and something to snack on as Manny was prepping things in the kitchen. “Oh and Kat?”
“What, Auntie Em?”
“Did you tell your mom how disrespectful you were to me yesterday when all I asked was where you were planning on going dressed like your mom at that rave circa 2003?”
Manny was shocked and a little bit humiliated, “Emma!”
“Mom! Why am I just finding that out, you held out on me? You were a raver mom? I can get used to Auntie Em, who I suddenly forgive now.” She clinked Emma’s coffee mug with her own. 
“Emma! Why?” Manny widened her eyes and was still recovering from that humbling moment, still humiliated by that revelation and her daughters reaction. “Not another word about my life before you were around. A very long eighteen years ago. You weren’t even a glimmer in my eye. Your father was not even supposed to be there.”
“You peeled off early with Kat’s father, and I walked in on you two making kissyfaces in my twin bed because you left me there if I remember that night correctly.”
“Em, must you? Now go sleep it off. I'm having a very serious conversation with my very impressionable teenaged daughter. I don’t want to remember that. We almost stopped being friends over that. Ugh, no.” And turned to Kat, “Please don’t make the same mistakes I made in fashion.”
Emma was about to retire herself from the conversation at Manny’s request and left them with, “Manny for the record I hope you’ll always remember thongs go inside the jeans.” In a sing-song voice, she bid them goodbye for now, “I’ll be outside.” With her, she took her hot coffee that finally finished percolating in the Keurig.  
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meherya · 2 years
Okay I’ve fully formulated my thoughts on Little Women (2022)
It started off as intriguing, the way everything fell apart for the sisters... The set up with Hwa Young’s death and the bankruptcy case for In Kyung set the stage... but then... it was just... Personally, the whole back and forth mind games stuff was boring as hell, and the show lagged between like ep 3 and ep 8.. Stuff moved way too fast at times, and most of the characters (In Joo) made the dumbest decisions over and over again and really didn’t learn from her past mistakes... Like in the end, why would you not tell Do Il that Sang-A texted you? Do you still not trust him? Like in the beginning it would have made sense but in the end? Dumb bitch juice is her bread and butter I’m guessing. Also the stylist must have hated Kim Go Eun or something, always had her dressed like she’d lived on the prairies as a school teacher in the 1940s (the big auction outfit was saur bad I’m sorry).
I understand the point of her character was like “you won’t break my soul” or whatever but I still think the writers did her dirty, Kim Go Eun played her being kind of a ditz well but I think we got a glimpse of how good In Joo’s character could have been when she held Sang-A at gunpoint in Singapore. If only the writers had made In Joo learn how to play the game herself rather than having her pushed around from one plot point to the other. Like I’m never gonna get over everyone knowing the big plan to outsmart Jae Sang/Sang-A when they threatened Do Il EXCEPT her bc they were like “yea she’d ruin it” LIKE PLEASE 😭
I think that would have to be my biggest gripe with the show, overall I don’t think In Joo should’ve been the main focus.. In Kyung’s storyline was much more interesting, like finding out she’s an alcoholic and was raised by the wealthy great aunt, not to mention how she was willing to get mauled by a dog to expose Jae Sang which did tie in with the 70 billion won that was embezzled by those crazies. For In Joo I think the narrative did her dirty, she’s really only ever being pulled along the current by the people around her whether it’s Do Il or Sang-A like she really wasn’t making much of her own decisions after she got caught with 2 billion won.
Other than that, they would introduce plot points and drop them like it was nothing... What was up with the whole great aunt’s debt that In Kyung has to deal with? What happened to Do Il’s dad? His mom? The ending ties up loose ends sure but in an unbelievable type of way. Those videos from Hwa Young’s apartment... if the Jeongran society was so thorough with their clean up how did those recording devices go undetected, they got some random dude’s blackbox and fucked the cctv up so how they miss that (also the fact that there were multiple angles lmao). Some stuff in the show just straight up didn’t make sense, how did Sang-Woo manage to save the video of him being murdered by Jae-Sang... what’s this new technology? I know a lot of it has to do with the suspension of disbelief, like ik there’s some hallucinogenic flower involved too like obvi stuff isn’t gonna be REAL but... I had trouble suspending by disbelief because the writing wasn’t tight enough for me to do that.
Continuing with what doesn’t make sense..... Wasn’t In Joo sentenced to a year and 6 months? How did she come out and Hwa Young still has the same injuries as she did when she was in court. Also the whole orchestrated accident thing by Jae Sang... but also Sang-A was also in Singapore to fuck with In Joo? Idk like shit was not adding up to me.
Romance wise idk I never thought Do Il and In Joo were going in that direction, like till the end Do Il scoffs when that lady says “ur in love with in joo” like please... I think his actions contradicting his earlier words about dancing for the money has largely to do with the fact that after In Joo delivered his mom’s message he was like hmm maybe revenge is better than money. I genuinely think In Joo and Hwa Young had more chemistry than them but I digress. As for In Kyung and her neighbour idk she spends a good portion of the show being uninterested and in the end they’re kissing like okay I guess.
I say all this to say.... how is this even remotely close to Little Women 😭
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tavarillasgalen · 9 months
I was thinking about money, my ex, and the fact that both before I got with him and after I left him, my relationship with money was/has gotten so much better.
And the thing with him was he grew up very poor and even now, he told me how his family has mountains of debt. So he resented anyone who was financially stable. He didn't do things like save, he'd just use a credit card (when I found out he had thousands in credit card debt, I was shocked). Yet, instead of being frugal, he'd constantly live way beyond his means. Like when he went for his masters, he made his parents pay for a $2000+ a month apartment he lived in by himself as he didn't work or try to get a roommate or anything, even knowing how badly they were in debt.
And my family isn't rich at all, they're solidly middle class, but he'd constantly snipe about them being rich just because they are financially stable, and snipe about how my mom would constantly make efforts to live well below our means in order to keep that financial stability.
And he made me feel awful for the fact that financial stability and making a lot of money was something I wanted. Like wanting to make money made me a horrible person. Like financial stability is a pipe dream. Like saving for something you want rather than just using credit cards is ridiculous.
And before the relationship, I was great with money. I saved so well. I lived well below my means. I didn't expect my parents to just give me things, like if I was getting an apartment in college, I knew I would be expected to help out.
But then over the course of the 7 years, that went away. I started using credit cards and not paying them off in full each month. I stopped saving so well. I felt like a horrible person for wanting to make money, so I didn't pursue higher paying jobs. And so on and so forth.
And since ending the relationship, all my previous good habits with money have come back. I'm realizing I'm not a horrible person for wanting a high-paying job. I'm not a horrible person for wanting to save for the things I want instead of putting myself in debt for them. I'm not a horrible person to want financial stability. I'm not a horrible person for wanting things that are expensive, like to travel, and to budget to be able to do those things. I'm not a horrible person for preferring to spend a bit more on healthy groceries rather than way more on fast food all the time. I'm not a horrible person for wanting to pay off my student loans rather than just living in debt forever.
I'm not a horrible person for wanting to live debt-free.
But he made me feel like I was some awful prissy rich girl who had no idea about the real world for that.
And I'm not. Making money and not having debt are not bad things. And I hate that I let him make me feel like they are.
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oleandershit · 1 year
𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝐼'𝑚 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑛 𝑚𝑦 𝑐𝑟 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑙 ✨
{Not really time travel, it's shifting-- to a parallel cr where everything is and happens just as I want it to, but I'm going back to 2011 and living through it all over again the way it "should've been" so... "time travel" is just easier to say, and faster}
I wanted to make this just because i think it's worth mentioning since once I shift to my s.b. cr dr, I'll shift back and forth to share updates on how it's going!! because I mean come on that's gonna be so cool and I'd have to share it with someone even if it's just a diary entry for me to look back on when I'm older.
~My family is debt free
~My mom opens the restaurant of her dreams and it's a huge success
~My brother graduates college and gets his dream job as a video game tester
~I'm free of religious trauma and never go through it in the first place
~I'm best friends with the pastors kids at my church, thus i'm part of the popular group at church so I don't feel like an oddball
~I have cute and cool clothes for sixth grade {instead of just plain colorful t shirts and jeans, which I got heavily bullied for in my cr!}
~My mom is chill, laid back and not over protective at all and she lets me believe what I want to regarding the LGBTQIA+ community because she trusts that if i'm wrong God will eventually "correct" my ideas so she lets me be
~Every crush I have likes me back, and I actually date some of my original requited crushes that I didn't in my cr like the guitar playing guy at my church who liked me but we were both too shy to make a move {until his best friend decided to make a move and now they're married in my cr 🙃}
~I always have sleepovers with my friends and some last the weekend till sunday after church
~I change the minds/beliefs/perspectives of the pastors at my church so they actually respect, support and love the LGBTQIA+ community and teach about how it's not a sin in their sermons
~I become a co-pastor at the church when I'm 16 for the youth group and the elder pastors respect me for my "unorthodox" beliefs and views because they finally see that God is Love and there shouldn't be anything dividing any humans from each other be it religion or sexuality, and all my sermons talk about that and spirituality
~I also change the pastors and church perspective on witchcraft and other wrongfully labeled "sinful/demonic" practices including Neville Goddard's teachings of being god of your reality
~I will also perform divine acts like lightning strikes and healing people {this is just fun lol plus I scripted it would help the church listen to me, like to see me as authoritative and spiritual enough to take advice from, since everything i'll be saying will be like complete opposite of what they're used to.}
~I will stay in public school but switch schools to the richer side of town with the pastors kids/my boy/friends from church
~I will graduate high school
~I'll go to college in Wales,UK to have the credentials to become a marine ecologist
~I'll have a successful youtube channel where I talk about wildlife conservation and zero waste living as well as video game play thrus
~I'll learn/know a lot of different languages including, ASL, Gaelic, German, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, and Russian
~I can sing well
~I play the ukulele and guitar flawlessly and play in the worship team at church
~Oh, I also will get my church to stop manipulating the congregation in sermons but also during the worship with the music and lyrics and also like {what the church calls~} Weeklong, which is a 3 day camp for the youth 11-25{?maybe 18, but 22/25yo's are there too lol} and they "experience divine encounters with god" but really they're sleep deprived children/teens who are forced into believing their psychotic response to the trauma they're enduring is a "divine encounter" and it's really unhealthy so I wanna fix that so it's more like an actual retreat to meditate and actually learn about the origins of the bible who wrote them who translated and purposefully misinterpreted them to push a political propaganda and also to allow the teens to explore their spirituality and ask questions from certified adults who have more experience in certain practices {damn that was long!}
That's all I can think of right now, it's late when I'm typing this so when I remember or think of other things I'll come back and add to this!!
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