#because otherwise it JUST doesnt make sense to me...
mrmarielda · 5 months
spring of hieron so low on the favorite fatt season poll is Killing Me
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skunkes · 4 months
the way I've been raised has shown itself in a recent awful experience I had and the realization won't leave me because I'm not sure what to do about it.
I don't like feeling anger/upset and it's rare for me to feel it anyway but it's led to me being unable to tell what's worth getting upset over anymore. If my wants upset somebody, then, well, maybe I shouldn't have them? What is so serious that I need it to go completely my way...? What desires am I allowed to have. It's not that serious, it's okay if not, you can't always get what you want....
every time I feel Upset I am later wracked with guilt because it wasn't a big deal and I was just being selfish... What IS a big deal then? How can I tell? Its admittedly never a big deal... But I keep being upset. And stepped on....
#talkys#this is what led to me Staying for as long as i did#there would be issues but if I brought them up i wld then be made to feel guilty for feeling that way#but i cant reverse that bc well!! its true like is it really a big deal? life isnt that serious I dont need to get upset...#i get upset at something my parents do and in the end i feel ungrateful and selfish#i really cant tell anymore which is why i Stayed as mentioned above#in the sense of well yeah the way im being treated doesnt make me feel good but why do i need to feel good?#isnt that selfish...isnt that asking too much...isnt that making yourself out to be Better Than...#i really dont know. i get so ready to give up my position on anything because I dont want to be selfish#and because im no better than anyone else#my mom caused some drama on my birthday wrt my sister's family and it led to me not being able to go to the duck#pond on my birthday... which is the only thing i really wanted to do on an otherwise uneventful day#i was meant to feel shame abt it because well we can always go any other day!!! relax!!!#and it is true....!#we can go any other day why did i get upset? its not that serious...nothing is that serious...i feel so guilty + spoiled + selfish#i just felt humiliated for wanting to go in the first place. and for getting upset that we couldnt go. like a toddler.#*not that i actually get Toddler Level upset...but it always Feels like i did...ykwim#i just dont understand......idk if i can Repair this....
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rxttenfish · 7 months
PLEASE tell us more about virina mishra im such a sucker for nextgens
virina!!! my beloved virina!!!! littlest froggy!!!
aaravi and miranda very much both wanted to actually, you know, have a family. its one of those things where you come from someplace so shitty and so terrible, that you just cannot imagine someone else going through that same thing, and you cannot bear the thought of making someone else go through the same thing. to be fair, they are both TERRIFIED of just repeating the past and ending up in the exact same loop that their parents did, terrified of just heaving back on the same generational trauma and wreck of a childhood, but there comes a point in being afraid of something where you just need to get rid of this fear. its too constant, its too forever, its too eternal. sitting through it and avoiding it isn't making it go away, and they already fucked up avoiding it by finding each other and loving each other, so dancing around the issue isn't helping. instead, what they mutually land on is just... a want to prove that fear wrong. a want to prove that fear wrong, to prove that they aren't doomed to be just a weapon and just a source of death in all its forms, that they can hold something in their hands and make it grow. best way to avoid repeating the past is to take responsibility by the leash, after all. they want to go back in time, to give themselves the childhood that they always missed, and the best way they figured to do that is to give that to someone else.
this is something that very much existed since their relationship started to get serious with each other, and something that's been in the background the entire time since, so its not like its a mystery or anything. if anything, they've been using this want as a motivation, as a need to keep going even at the worst of times. they will have this happy future. they will make it through this together. they will make it work. no more ifs, no more buts, no more doubt. stop living in the doubt and start acting as though their happy end is a foregone conclusion and something that they are going to have no matter what, give no room for fear or guilt or shame or depression or self hatred to sneak in. they will be happy. they will make someone else happy. they will be someplace safe, not just for themselves, but for their loved ones too. they will be good. they will be.
even after everything blows over (mainly from miranda's family, she is still crown princess and stepping away from that was never going to be an option they gave her), it still takes a few years for them to broach the topic of having a kid for-real. just to make sure everything's settled. just to make sure everything's safe.
they have virina later in life than some of their other friends or just in general, but they were planned and wanted for so long that the wait is worth it. the name, as i've mentioned, comes from aaravi. she knows her mom was a... complicated woman, she knows her own raising wasn't perfect and that there were things that she still cant fully forgive her mother for, but she had a hard life too. she too deserved better. despite it all, aaravi still loves her mom, despite despite despite. and so she does the best thing that she can to honor her mom, to honor her memory, to give her the life that she never had the same as aaravi herself, and gives it to virina. the mishra last name was a no-brainer already, miranda already look aaravi's last name and preferred being a mishra over a vanderbilt anyday.
years later, virina also earns the nickname of "froggy" - primarily because of their own love for the animal, constantly finding them and bringing them in from outside. likewise, miranda and aaravi decide to raise them genderless, and to let them decide for themselves how they want to be referred to when they're older.
virina doesn't really take much after either of their moms, though. mostly they're quiet, shy, keep to themselves. where both of their moms are brash and dominant, very confident in themselves and willing to bowl over quieter personalities, virina seldom speaks, and when they do, its soft-spoken. they get easily spooked and cry easily, especially when it comes to other people. they cling to their moms legs, hide behind them when other people come around, prefer the company of animals over other people, tend not to like new things or new people and greatly prefer sticking to their simple, easy routine. they just can't figure out other people, seemingly, not understanding them or how to make friends or even what's appropriate or not to say in a conversation.
this isn't to say they aren't deeply intelligent and curious. they quickly learn to love venturing outside with their moms, playing in the garden or chasing bugs and frogs. they come in with sticks and rocks, make mud potions, try to build things out of sticks and befriend birds. they prefer books over people, ending up much more of a bookworm than either of their moms ever were, and ends up a very big nerd as they get older. theyre close and affectionate with the friends they do make, but this is a small handful of their very most trusted, and they never get much better at figuring out social norms.
in time, they lean a little bit more towards the femme side of things, growing their hair out long and liking long, swishy skirts that they can spin and sway over and over, that doesnt cling too tight to their legs. they end up needing glasses, and end up picking a pair thats large and circular, making their eyes seem all the more owlish. they settle on they/she, but never have particularly strong opinions about gender regardless. they can be blunt and quick to frustration, especially if they feel people arent understanding them, and are forever going to be deeply embarrassed over how their moms dote on them. i very much see them getting intensely interested and starting to study either linguistics, literature, history, geology, or any biology that takes them closer to the marshes and wetlands that they love.
they never think very much about how one of their moms used to be a princess, heir to a kingdom. beyond an instance as a kid that ended with them dropping a training sword repeatedly and crying, they never get very interested in following the slayer line of work. they fuss over small stakes, have their moms grate on them sometimes in both of their old ways, and they live a normal life.
#all the care guide says is 'biomass'#miravi.txt#monster prom#asks#Anonymous#anon#you might notice this as a theme with my fankids#in that i very much LOVE making them be the opposite of their parents#or otherwise be a personality that would have - if it were one of their peers - have annoyed their parents#because thats just the nature of kids! you have no promise that theyll be just like you!#theyre just their own little people! and you cant control that!#and hopefully. you come to accept that and love them regardless.#because theyre still just little people. they have no control over this. they need you to take care of them.#and thats okay actually.#...... also yeah it annoys me to no end when people make fankids and just. fuse the parents.#instead of having them be their own character with their own feelings and personality....#like! nah thats a whole ass other person! they came from these other two people but that doesnt mean shit!#also tbf i think miri and ravi would be THRILLED that virina would get annoyed by them sometimes#specifically in the sense of FUCK YES LOOK AT HOW FAR THEY'VE COME#they have reached the point where the habits that they developed out of necessity and a need to survive#are now just annoyances and no longer appropriate for the world they created together#THEY MADE IT. LOOK AT HOW GOOD THEY'VE DONE!!!#fully the type of moms to kiss all over virina's head and hug them to death while they squirm and whine that#MOOOOMS. YOU EMBARRASSING THEM.#what bliss to be embarrassing!!!
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casualavocados · 2 years
okay at first i was like, why is ayan threatening to tell people akk's the one bringing the curse back when he already said he wouldnt. ayan also claimed he didnt believe akk anymore about not stealing the notebook bc of what he’s "now" seen akk do - but he’s known akk was behind things since the beginning. and actually the only motive i can come up with is that he was worried about what akk would do if he was left alone that night, because akk kept trying to get away from him, and not letting ayan help him. so ayan threatened to tell people that akk was bringing the curse back if he didnt stop.
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and i realized that... something huge about ayan's past is that he witnessed his uncle’s suicide. and IF im interpreting this episode correctly, you have to consider that aspect of trauma alongside the way he acts towards akk, & the reactions he gets from akk.
akk pushes ayan away when ayan says he needs to think of himself first. akk leans into ayan’s hug at first but then pushes him away again and tries to leave. so ayan follows and does what he’s done in the past. he threatens. he gets a rise out of akk, a confrontation akk can't back out of rather than an attempt to escape. and maybe ayan only does that because he’s scared. maybe he’s scared of leaving akk alone, not knowing what akk will do - whether it be continue the curse or something worse. he needs to make sure akk will stop.
so throughout the rest of the episode, as ayan drags akk back to the school to search for his notebook, it’s possible that what he’s really doing is just keeping akk busy. and it works because they settle back into the same teasing/exasperated relationship they had before. it smooths things between them. but the balance doesn’t truly tip into where it needs to be until ayan has his nightmare, and akk hurries to comfort him. after their conversation on the beach, things couldn't go back to the way they were before, but couldnt move forward either. akk isn’t the only one who needed to show weakness in this ep, ayan needed to as well. especially since while they were searching for the notebook he avoided akk’s question abt why it was important again. they both needed to lean on each other this ep. they both need to learn to trust each other. so i can’t wait to see what comes next, and how ayan eventually opens up about the truth of his relationship with dika and what happened to him.
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bylertruther · 2 years
"there's no basis or case to be made for will having powers" okay then genuinely please explain any of the following now after watching season four:
why does the upside down look like hawkins and is presumably stuck on the day will arrived despite the fact that vecna was there first and has been residing there this whole time? if vecna was capable of reshaping the world, as he's stated he wants to do, why hasn't he done it in his own world? why is he so intent on seeking out the person for whom time apparently stopped if it's all just coincidence? if will didn't do that and he doesn't have powers, then why didn't time progress or the setting change once the teenagers got there? why was time only influenced by will and will alone if he has no powers whatsoever?
how was will able to call joyce multiple times? the only person we've seen so far be able to do something similar is eleven when she would channel what she heard through the radio. electricity doesn't work in the upside down, so how did will do that? why did it cause a shock and ruin the phone, the same way that the radio went up in flames when eleven did it, if he doesn't have powers?
how did he manage to wake joyce up at one point? (it could've been her imagination, but the show made it pretty clear that joyce had been right about everything the entire time even though everyone thought she was crazy, and will was wearing the same outfit but he looked and sounded distressed + exhausted like he may have been while hiding in his upside down version of the house.)
how was will able to see his mother and guide her with the lights to the place he was hiding?
how was will able to see the letters she wrote on the wall?
how was will able to light up the lights that fast and sometimes simultaneously? especially with the lights that were on the ceiling? the way he communicated with joyce isn't totally similar to the way the teens communicated with the party in season four. he's too short to reach the ceiling and he doesn't have elasti-arms or super speed, so he couldn't have been touching that many lights that fast all by himself with his own hands. if anything, it's more similar to the training exercise brenner had the lab kids do, because they didn't need to touch the lights (obviously) to control them. so, how do you explain that if he has no powers?
how did he acquire true sight before his possession? the doctors thought it was ptsd and all in his head, but just like with joyce, we come to learn that will had been right the entire time. the mind flayer was real and it was coming for them all and eventually it did. how did he know that? how could he have had such knowledge before it ever melded minds and bodies with him? no other powerless human could do that, so how do you explain it?
if will is truly a powerless human being, why did vecna hunt him down? we know that vecna stalks his prey before he strikes. we know that "the monster" followed will from mike's house all the way to the shed where they vanished without a trace. we then saw it stalk will again and eventually possess him. will said that vecna wanted to kill everyone else, but not him. why? we know that vecna doesn't care about people. so what did will have that he wanted so bad? what was it about will that made him more valuable to vecna—a self-perceived god among useless, pitiful, and brutish men—alive than dead? what was it about will, a supposed powerless and normal human boy, that made vecna want to spare him and use him? if he wanted access to the lab, weapons, or tools that could bring down entire nations and rendered millions around the globe defenseless to his attack, then he wouldn't have picked a sweet twelve year old boy who lives a tiny little life in a tiny little town who just wants to hang with his friends and play games. unless... he was the key to achieving his plans? but according to this argument that will is just a normal boy, why is it then that vecna did all of that if will isn't capable of anything?
additionally, we know that gates are opened with a psychic connection. when the psychic connection was made in that shed, will entered the upside down. there, he was hunted for a week. why did the demogorgons kill and eat everyone else, but never will? why did they only carry him to the library aka the source of it all? why didn't they treat him roughly or eat him like they did all of the others? will didn't suffer any serious damage from the upside down, so he couldn't have been "dead" for long when his parents found him. why was it different with him? why did he get special treatment even in hell if he's just a boy?
why does will still sense the creatures of the upside down even after he's been exorcised? how is it that the psychic connection is still there? how is he still able to know what vecna is feeling, the kind of state that he's in, and what it is that he's planned? how does he have this connection still even though he shouldn't if he's Just Some Guy?
if will was just a normal, powerless boy... then why did a self-proclaimed god try so hard to recruit him more than once? why did it hunt only him? why did this god want to kill everyone but him? why did this god deem him more worthy and useful in life and at his side than in death? why did it seek him out and not eleven, a girl who actually has powers, powers that were once stronger than his own even and that he clearly wanted as we saw in s3? why is the upside down stuck on the day will went missing, despite it clearly being inhabited by other creatures that we assume to be more powerful than him? why is will going to be central to season five, the season where it will all come to a close and we'll be learning about the upside down and more, if... he's Just Some Guy that had to brave it for a week and that's it? why did season four (and the show overall, but said outright and explicitly here in 4x09) reiterate that it has always been vecna and that will has always been his victim/in his sights/connected to him? why did vecna choose will byers, who some of you claim to be Just Some Boy, of literally all people on planet fucking earth to achieve his plans?
vecna stalked will. he hunted him. and when his plans were foiled, he tried again. when he couldn't do it his way, he sought to kill eleven so that he could absorb her powers (s3). and now, they're back in each other's heads. the silver cat fed when blue met yellow in the west, but they're back now and we've been told that this is only the beginning. if will is just another powerless human, then what is the point of any of that? how do you explain everything that we've seen? how do you explain the choices these characters have made and continue to make? how do you explain away the connection that they keep drawing our eyes to? the connection that shocked the duffers and made them ask jamie if he'd seen the scripts when he brought it up (that it all goes back to will, how everything and everyone is connected to will)? the connection that they themselves are saying we'll see clearly in season five?
that isn't even scratching the surface of all the obvious instances where they make it clear that will is vecna's narrative foil, because that would make this already gargantuan post thirty miles longer.
they wouldn't have done everything that they've done over the span of multiple seasons now if it was just for nothing.
it doesn't make sense if will is just some normal kid and a random fluke in the master plan. the writers could've had vecna pick anyone. they could have made it so that will's connection was severed or lessened, but they didn't. they could've admitted that will was just a meaningless casualty, but they didn't because he wasn't. it wasn't a random animal that took will, he wasn't possessed for shits and giggles, and he doesn't continue to have that psychic connection for no reason. they don't tell us that nothing is a coincidence and they don't have the characters themselves remind us that they need will just for it to be... nothing.
will knows what's coming, what's happening, and the condition of the person who will do it all. why have him experience all of that, and even be able to in the first place, if he's... powerless? how do you even explain the connection in the first place? no other character, not even the ones cursed by vecna, are able to do what he's done. how is that not considered a power? and how do you write off the hours of content that you've witnessed as nothing?
clearly, at some point you have to realize that something is going on, no? like, you don't even have to take my (one-too-many) word(s) for it. jamie and the duffers themselves have been saying it over and over again. so... honestly, what's not clicking?
#like i just genuinely don't get it lol#vecna is a big bad and you think he hunted this tiny nerdy little twelve year old for shits n giggles?#you think the writers are making will a main point in their final season and are saying that we're going to learn so much more about#why the upside down is stuck on the day he went missing just to be like 'oh yeah jk it's nothing LOL'#you think that vecna jus went 'lol sure why not' and picked a child with no connections no powers no nothing just because?!?!#like literally WHAT#VECNA LITERALLY HATES HUMANS HE DOESNT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THEM SO WHY DID HE NOT WANT TO KILL WILL?!?!?!#why did he value will more than EVERYONE else!?!?!? IF HE'S JUST NORMAL?!?!?!?!#literally explain it to me genuinely bc i don't understand lol this is season five that we're headed into#i didn't think will had powers beyond his beast sense bc we weren't given any indication otherwise#but now that we know there was A Guy planning everything that it wasn't just random chance but A Person who is manipulative and cunning#and deceptive and ambitious and who is behind EVERYTHING THAT WE'VE SEEN SINCE THE VERY BEGINNING#and now that we know how the lights work and that that realm is stuck on the night will went missing and that gates are formed with psychic#connections and that will STILLLLLLLLL knows what he feels etc etc i just . I Just Don't Get It i don't get how you can think#there's nothing there? especially when the creators of the show are telling you he'll be a major focus? IN THEIR LAST SEASON?!#but no im sure its nothing. will did all those inexplicable things and the mastermind big bad chased him and wanted to spare him and use#him for shits and giggles or because the cuteness aggression was too much lol it means Nothing At All obviously#crazy together was in their auditions they Knew what they were going to do with will they're telling us that it MEANS something that the#upside down is STUCK on the day WILL went missing will spent all of season one trying desperately to go home he went to his house and his#castle to hide and joyce said that emotions can make time go really fast or really slow and one day vecna said Enough and stopped the cloc#k himself he created his own powers the duffers TOLD USSSS that it MEANS SOMETHING THAT THE UPSIDE IS STUCK ON THAT DAY#AND THAT WILL IS GOING TO BE A BIG FOCUS AND WE'LL BE GETTING ANSWERS AND THAT WILL AND VECNA HAVE HISTORY#WILL DID EVERYTHING RIGHT TO TRY AND ESCAPE BUT NOTHING WORKED AND THE FOUR VICTIMS IN S4 DID THE SAME THING#THAT WAS VECNA IN THE SHED WILL HAD A CONNECTION WITH HIM BEFORE HE WAS EVER POSSESSED WILL WAS STALKED THE SAME WAY THAT THE VICTIMS WERE#STALKED WILL IS ABLE TO DO THINGS THAT OTHER CHARACTERS CANNOT INCLUDING ELEVEN HE HAS EXPERIENCES THAT ARE ENTIRELY DISTINCT AND HE HAS#VERY SPECIFIC AND OBVIOUS PARALLELS TO VECNA BECAUSE HE IS THE LIGHT WIZARD TO HIS DARK WIZARD#WHAT IS NOT CLICKING !!!! am i missing something. do u think they would do all of that in EVERY SINGLE SEASON for it to mean nothing?#they're going to start and end the show with will but don't worry he's Just Some Guy? bro. duuuuude my GUY !!!!#mine
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senseiwu · 1 year
What's the point of censoring words on sites like tumblr
Typing k!ll instead of kill, for example, isn't going to help anyone
If they had the word 'kill' blacklisted so that posts it was in didn't show up, all you're doing is bypassing that filter and making them see the post, because you wrote k!ll
It doesn't lessen the impact of the word, to use symbols or numbers instead of letters
The only point I could see is if you wanted people to NOT see something in a tag. Like, for example, you had a complaint about birds but didn't want people who liked birds to see the post, you'd write b!rd instead
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darius has mentioned alador before and they both seem to keep up with each other’s lives, since darius follows alador on penstagram and alador has darius’s book and i know thats why the fandom focuses on their potential dynamic and i agree i really want to see what they were like when they were still friends! but what i would REALLY like more people to explore is the relationship between darius and odalia. all we have is them hanging out at school in eda’s flashback but they were friends too. what happened?
#toh#the owl house#alador blight#odalia blight#darius deamonne#again i HATED the blight parents arcs and how they were written in the finale#especially odalias writing bc they removed all nuance and just made her a genocial capitalist and her plan doesnt even make any sense#the conflict between her alador and the kids shouldnt have been about whos helping belos it should have been about who believed their kids#but anyway otherwise the blight parents as characters are fascinating to me bc theyre abusive assholes but theyre still sympathetic?#even odalia the 'more' abusive one who ends up solidly a villain#bc in the flashbacks she was worried about getting detention! she was smug and mean but she liked hanging out with her friends!#in the picture of alador winning the bonesborough brawl she was flustered bc her boyfriend was super strong!#even in her debut episode she has a charisma to her as a saleswoman but you also see her worried about sales and be scared of the emperor#and i wanted to see more exploration of why she needed to control the kids and what she wanted them to live up to#not to excuse her but to humanize her and make her more interesting as a villain#bc i hate the trope of the abuser whos shitty not because of fleshed out reasons but because the characters need a plot contrivance#irl abusers arent like that and evil or not everyone has a past and a thought process that explains why theyre Like That#and to make abusive characters evil for cheap drama is poor writing and misses nuance that could have made the story more interesting#anyway i read an analysis before that darius and odalia are parallels and i can see it#odalia is just a darker version of what darius could have become#an exploitative high society asshole who uses her prestige to further her own goals without care towards her loved ones#but theres also the tragedy of the whole trio because like another post said darius could have been uncle darius to the blight kids#but because of the falling out hes never met any of them and the blights have ruined their kids mental health#i hate HATE the hc that they stopped being friends because odalia 'stole' alador from darius as if alador couldnt make his own choices#and the idea of alador 'learning from his mistakes' and rebounding with darius after the odalador divorce because first of all#the 'odalia is an abusive wife' retcon is bullshit and even if it isnt is rebounding to your ex wifes romantic rival REALLY that romantic#especially after leaving said abusive ex wife#idk if i have enough tags to explain my own theory on why darius left the friend group but just know id like it to be more aladors fault#bc darius only expresses disdain towards him odalia probably just got caught in the middle and took aladors side#shut up pandora
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addoves · 1 year
i have decided. i like the ending of tales of the abyss even if i do not think its how it should have ended. because regardless of who the person at the end is, it is a tragedy, and it has meaning. it meant something.
most people believe its luke - which is its own tragedy. luke wanted to live more than anything, but he did not want to live at the cost of someone else's life. and he especially didn't want to live if asch was the one of them to die. which is what happened, in this case. he'd have to live knowing the person natalia and his parents and even van loved is gone, because he couldn't take asch's place like he - not wanted to, because luke wanted to live. but. maybe, he believes he should have?
and then a lot of other people think its lorelei - or a mix of asch and luke. which is also sad in its own right. these two people were forced to live such tragic lives and meet such tragic ends and because the two of them were never meant to exist separately, neither get to live in the end, and someone else takes their place. which is precisely what the both of them did not want to happen to them. its what the game was about really - nobody can take either of their places. so where does this new person fit?
and then. i've seen very few people think of them as asch. but that's just as sad too. i know asch often said he didn't want luke to exist, and he wanted - or was waiting - to die enough that it impacted most of his actions. he believed that if he was gone, like how his body was slowly failing him, then there would be someone to take his place. but if he ended up alive, and alone, he would have to come to terms with the fact that there was nobody to replace luke. this is something luke already knew. he cant replace asch, and asch cant replace him. but asch never even thought of this. because he thought he'd always be the one to die first. and he'd probably think that the world wasn't even kind enough to grant him that.
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stinkrascal · 1 year
this is my most controversial opinion but you couldnt pay me to give lilith vatore those ugly short bangs
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just at a fucking stalemate in my life right now ugh
#like. as frustrated and disappointed as my parents are that i just moved back home after college and havent done anything at all since#im even more so at myself like. i just feel like a shell. there isnt any path that someone can just plop me in and i can go through the#motions anymore like with school. i have no motivation and no drive and i really dont think i ever have but its only now that other people#can see it since i have no academic tasks to excel at anymore#and its just a stalemate bc as much as id like to try and move forward i need some kind of therapy or medication or fucking SOMETHING#because i just cannot get my mind to do anything. and i cant even begin to try and bring it up to them because i just dont think itll be#taken seriously at all. like they havent tried to do anything before and i just dont think they take it seriously in general#i dont know. my dad just cried because he was like i want yoy to succeed i dont want you to not live up to your potential#and i dont either. but i literally dont know how to exist in this world that doesnt make sense to me#we could have that. i could do what i love and do good with it but i literally cant because i have to make money for myself#and i dont know what to do otherwise. weve built a world thats too complicated and overwhelming to do anything in#it just feels like i ran into a brick wall 7 years ago and my family is only just noticing that ive been stuck in it this whole time#and theyre just trying to ask me to get over the wall but i cant. and i cant even get out of it on my own.
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snekdood · 10 days
so august 2018 is when my peak being-crazy-made art craziness happened, huh
#and then as soon as i left that situation all of my art became normal again lmao#i went from drawing weird cryptic things that quite literally would only ever make sense to me#to just. drawin landscape stuff like normal again sdhvfdvghsd#i mean there a couple cryptic things here n there after but like. not nearly as cryptic at all. like you could p much easily make out what#is trying to be conveyed. the other shit is like. nothing. you couldn't understand unless I had to explain everything that happened#gotta say guys doing shrooms and being abused do not mix well at all#bc when im not being abused and im on shrooms shit is great. im feeling lit. all i wanna do is draw nature stuff#but that moment in my life? phew...#vent#i literally thought I died. like i literally thought I wasn't actually alive and I was in some mirror version of earth that was the#underworld-- so much happened. its kind of distressing to think about all the weird fucking visions i got#and its not even like it was always like that when I did shrooms with that person- initially in the love-bombing phase I was fine.#all of my art from then looks pretty fuckin normal save for ig more colorful stuff and trippy patterns or whatever. but otherwise fine#if anything it enhanced my art#its only after the gaslighting and the putting me down and the withdrawing love shit started happening that i just like. snapped.#idek. it was all so surprising to me because they really did convince me they loved me.#not only all of that abuse-- also the enabling my conspiracy theory brain too which didn't help#which ironically my art didn't have much do to with actual conspiracy theories but the mindset was implemented in to me so#there was a lot of weird delusions and paranoia and just like. stuff that didn't make sense but also did if I explained it?? idek#there was like a consistent story to my weird visions but it didn't make sense also. like there was no real reason for things to be what#they were or look the way they did or whatever#but there Was a consistent story still#its something i *want* to encapsulate into maybe a comic or picture book or something but like. idek if i could encapsulate it all#theres so many bits and pieces that idek if i could fully convey- idk#dawg even my stuff from after my couple of 'acid' trips wasn't as confusing and cryptic as the stuff after being abused#one common theme in a lot of it is its intentionally repelling. every part of my being knew I needed to be away from that person in spite#of how they would pretend to be friendly with me so some of that art is trying to scare them away in a weird cryptic way that tbfh#they probably didn't understand either whenever a pic was trying to do that like what it even was trying to say- thats kinda how fucking#crazy i got from that whole situation. i think part of me felt like that at least if it was vague and unhinged that it would scare them#away idrk. i do think it worked lol. even if it doesnt really fully make sense at all. idk. but 0/10 one of the worst periods of my life
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arolesbianism · 18 days
Sigh. It begins (being forced to see the worst aro hcs I've ever seen in my life because ppl have a talent for finding the absolute worst characters to be their token aro hc)
#rat rambles#hey pros of oni. no fandom to make shitty aro hcs#cause like you just know ppl would roll out their aro jackie fanart and Id have to delete my blog#and like normally with shitty aro hcs for things I like its not even that I don't share the hc just that I dont trust allo ppl#but jackie isnt even aro to me shes allo as fuck#I could dig some arospec olivia tho#Im also an enjoyer of aro joshua and aro otto#anyways time to block the wx tag but like for realsies Im not dealing with this shit#anyways happy pride months. Im going to spend most of it being the evil homophobic acearo that they warned you abt <3#I jest I will be trying to enjoy it on my own time I just hate fandom culture and ppl having shit takes#honestly be glad I don't touch sekai tags anymore or Id start posting some real unreadable shit#its so hard being an aromantic person who hcs mafuyu as aromantic and romance repulsed because they're just like me fr#because god damn would that be a red flag to me if it were anyone else's hc lol#oh also does a little dance kanade is unlabeled as hell and no one can convince me otherwise#anyways I should make some dst pride art but its abby and walter in their aromantic echo chamber arguing with everyone that love isn't real#like I've said before its me healing my inner child who had too much of an anxiety disorder to be the obnoxious aro kid I couldve been#I bet both of them are like a wall to argue with but in different ways#walter will do the age old strat of just stating his points over and over again like it makes them right#and abby will do the 'prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt or you're automatically wrong' approach#because theyre both lil bastard kids who drive ppl around them crazy when they feel like it#wendy is also a bit of a wall but more in the sense that he will just plain refuse to believe things that he doesnt want to believe#because his coping mechanism is trying to wallow in his misery in hopes that it'll start to hurt less if he expects the worst#and I think if you tried to correct his stupid emo quotes he'd get all pissy abt it since its not abt accuracy it's abt his shitty coping
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mbat · 6 months
you ever make a character that you really fucking hate
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dirt-str1der · 1 year
Was thinking about my ideal kazu/maji okinawa date again and realised that i fucked up with the late night jellyfish sting piss romantic beach walk because it leaves no opening for majima to get incredibly sunburnt in addition to being stung by a jellyfish
#Yakuza loveblog#i guess i could make them go out for two days and have the sunburn be on the second day ........#see majima will comment on how tan kiryu got and then kiryu is like huh ... i didnt really notice haha its only been a few months after all#and then the next morning majima wakes up with his skin bright red and flaking after he played in the sand with the kids#but the jellyfish sting has to be at night because otherwise kiryu will be too shy to take his pants off#and he is so not going to just piss through his beach shorts you get me. hes better than that#like if it was daylight then kiryu would have actually gone for majima’s own dick and#told him IM AIMING. PISS AS HARD AS YOU CAN .. which is not what majima wants and he can tell that kiryuwill only risk taking his own pants#off under moonlight. at a time when all his kids should be asleep so they dont step out the front door and see his entire ass out on the#beach. kiryu is always thinking about his kids (unless hes under threat of going to jail in which case he will be like yum!jail i lovejail)#so if you really back him into a corner and majima starts to cry like ahhh it hurts so bad please i need you to pee on me. his thoughts wont#get stalled by the ‘oh no what if the kids see me’ and that wont leave him enough time to think ‘we should probably get a doctor instead of#my piss’ and just stand over majima and pee on him because theres literally nothing stopping him. and he will be like ...’probably shouldnt#have done that’ after its all over and majima is like Ah dontcha worry. think of it as a bonding activity#see you cant just ‘give kiryu a reason to pee on you’ you also have to ‘give kiryu NO reason NOT to pee on you’ and sometimes this involves#pressuring him quickly enough that the common sense doesnt have time to kick in. like hes already doing it and he doesnt halfass things#hes not going to start thinking ‘huh. maybe this isnt such a good idea’ midway through the act. if you tell kiryu to pee he will damn well#empty his bladder because thats just the kind of man he is#i have a put a lot of thought into this. its because i know in my heart that it could definitely have happened if kiryu just manned up#and called majima over on a little vacay to hang out with his kids and make merry with them and make love to kiryu also#like as respectful as majima is of kiryus boundaries (and he is VERY respectful at least after yk1 where he missed him too much to leave him#alone) i think he should get at least this from him. play a harmless piss prank on him like haha you peed on me when you didnt have to#and also i think kiryu should piss like a hose splattering sgaonst the wall and spraying everywhere wide shot high pressure
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horrorsequel · 2 years
Man I haven't watched The Young Ones in so long but I clicked on a link to an episode and as soon as the theme song started playing I felt over the moon.
2 thoughts I had -
1) the way vyvyan interacts with Mike is honestly my favorite dynamic on the show.
2) I feel like... idk if it's fair to say, but at least back in like 2014/2015 I was a Recognizable Name in the TYO fanfic crowd and I'm not sure if people still read my fics but for a glorious little while I was The Neil Guy
#of course i now want to delete all the fanfic i wrote possibly ever but deifintely before the age of 24#except my Reverent Neil Deep Dive: Heavy#i think i had some fun ideas for things to write and i had a good time writing them but ALSO#i think a lot of it is cringey to me now as the person who wrote it either#because it absolutely doesnt go with the show at aaaaalll for genre reasons or otherwise#or because like.... i think its weirdly written and the subject matter isnt something id write anymore if that makes sense#honestly its probably a mixture of both#needless to say the only one i still like is Heavy and even that is pretty rife with flaws#but most of them are technical#i dont think its inherently dumb to write a serious fic for a non serious source material#especially aince neil is suicidal In Text and thay lends to a lot of... idk ways to flesh him out or whatever#but yeah. i just know that if i qas approaching it now it would be a lot different#i think i handled it well for what i knew at the time#the character appeals to me for a lot of reasons#but rhe main draw to me as a teenager was using him as a proxy to think about depression suicidal thoughs panic and anxiety and ..#and more things if you read Variety or one of my other series#but yeah anyway i dont even properly remeber what im talking about anymore#i could have honeslty juat made a post talking about rhe disconnect between me and my old works but#i dont think anyone wants to see that so#im making it volumtary by putting it in the notes of my own post lmao
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ceilidho · 6 months
coworker soap who frames the fleshlight thing as a joke but with a creepy undercurrent that you cant understand why you know it isnt a joke but you also dont wanna rock the boat so you dont tell hr bc johnny the ex-military man is a model employee otherwise and you cant help but feel hot shame run down ur spine when he says it that you are, at least a little, flattered by it bc shit dude hes HOT. coworker soap who just. doesnt bring it up again. its just boiling rhe frog. he says weird, borderline creepy shit that could be passed off as "guy talk" in any other situation (regardless of readers gender). He follows you around like a puppy and where it used to be normal for you, you feel a little creeped out now but. everyone. already refers to you as a duo. itd be weird if you stopped for no reason? right?
i don't know what broke in my mind long ago that this is like, the weirdly hottest thing in the world to me but im genuinely twitching over it right now.
model employee Johnny, knows the handbook inside and out, walks elderly customers to their cars with their bags, shows up to work early for every shift, always with a smile and a positive attitude. management loves him because his sales are also record high (i mean, it makes sense - i wouldn't be able to say no if he was helping me with a purchase and tried to upsell me). he's also a spokesperson for the company in all of their internal training videos because he was hired through some "jobs for vets" program that they just rolled out (idk i'm making this up). and the guy can stack things on a shelf like no one's business lmao like MILITARY precision/organization.
all your coworkers love him and genuinely like fist pump whenever they get put on the schedule with him because he's a blast to work with, and some of your coworkers are actually incredibly jealous that he just seems to follow you around everywhere. hangs off your every word. always seems to just pop out from around the corner whenever you're having trouble reaching something on a shelf.
but he says weird, uncomfortable shit to you sometimes. way over the line. you don't even know what to say at first when Johnny jokingly tells you that he has a fleshlight at home that he's named after you, just laughs and then stares at you for a second. and you like, give a little awkward laugh, growing more uncomfortable by the second the longer he stares at you without blinking. until something passes over his eyes and suddenly he's back to normal, clapping you on the arm and wandering off back to the men's apparel section.
he does a lot of strange shit actually. maybe insists on walking you to your car when the two of you are on the closing shift and it's well into the evening. laughs a little too hard and with too much vigour when someone calls him your shadow, his eyes just a little too bright and fervent. asks if you want to sit on his lap while he shows you how to use the forklift in the backroom. begs management to let him take his breaks with you and doesn't let you have a moment of peace, just sits with you in the breakroom or follows you to your car when you say that you're going out for lunch.
and you can't complain to any of your coworkers because the second you so much as criticize his work, they bark at you to be nice to him. he's just re-acclimating to civilian life, of course he's not perfect at his job yet. they defend him viciously. and the real jealous ones even tell on you in front of him, leaving you standing there embarrassed and on the spot until Johnny just smiles and says that it's alright. you'll just have to teach him better.
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