#because she’s gonna be an adult and is an adult
Not really spoilers, but if you’re tryna avoid speculation of any kind, this is your warning to skip:
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But okay, so this little bit makes me feel a bit hopeful for Cressida’s redemption in the long run?
Jessica Madsen sorta speaking about her as if she’s a scared creature with no other options, no sense of what she should do with no prospects and an unsupportive family.
I’m seeing some folks not really wanting to budge on her character. Kind of refusing to believe that she could be anything other than cruel for cruelty’s sake (cuz what was the point of showing her being receptive to Eloise calling her out then??). Idk I’m inclined to believe her when she opens up to Eloise about why she is the way she is. I also think it’s unrealistic for her to take a sharp shift into being a totally changed character after 1 season. Like, haven’t we all as humans, to an extent, doubled down on our less than amiable traits because we don’t know of any other way to be, and the alternative feels terrifying to venture toward? We all have to unlearn our own bullshit in order to become better people, and that don’t just happen over the course of one summer, baby. And now seriously, put yourself in 19th century regency era society, as a woman, considered old news by your third year after reaching marrying age? In a family that connects your only worth to finding a husband? If Bridgerton is anything, it is about characters learning to love and grow in an unforgiving and overbearing society, filled with ideas and strict rules governing what it means to be a man or a woman.
Idk, like the same way I don’t hold it against Penelope for escaping into her Whistledown alias and causing discourse throughout London (and amongst her close friends no less), all because she otherwise feels rather pathetic and overlooked in her actual life. Nor do I blame Eloise for sitting on her high horse and often being inconsiderate of anything beyond her own nose.
Like, at the end of the day, I most enjoy consuming media with dimensional characters. Characters with flaws that humanize them when examined and analyzed. I’m literally rooting for just about everyone on this show. Even Portia, and the wellbeing of the Featheringtons in general.
So yeah, if we have to see Cressida really get herself into some sticky shit one last time for her to truly learn some kind of lesson on her road to redemption, then I’ll sit with it. Like fr, maybe all of this, her friendship with Eloise as a positive influence, is all to really make her consider what she truly values in life? Even if it’s not resolved by the end of this season, and bleeds over to the next. I just can’t imagine them putting her in the forefront, just to be a negative plot device? Because in the end, what would be the point?? Truly when you think about it, what would the show gain from getting people to root for her, only to shift her back into a 2 dimensional mean girl after letting us into her home and showing us how her parent’s put her marriage potential over even finding a genuine friend for the first time in her adult life? Idk it would just feel like poor writing to me. It just doesn’t hold any value imo, but maybe that’s just me. Who knows, maybe the writers really just gonna be on some fuckshit stuff.
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trashogram · 9 hours
i’m gonna hop on the stolas hate train with you for a second. Do you know what i feel like he doesn’t get enough lashings for? His inability to see things from Blitzo’s point of view.
I’m sorry but despite being horrendously bad he is simultaneously one of most self absorbed characters ever. If he really loved Blitz to an up to par standard he’d be able to understand the HUGE power imbalance between them regardless of their feelings or time spent together. (might be a spoiler but i feel like you’ve seen it by now) but Blitz out burst to Stolas was super justified , i wouldn’t have done it personally, but i see where he’s coming from.
That moment itself was a rare vulnerable!blitz moment that stolas could’ve used to mend their relationship but instead he made it about Him AGAIN I CANT DO THIS😭😭😭 THEY SUCKKKK GOOD LORDD
I’m here to conduct this hate train, you’re more than welcome to come aboard.
Stolas has the characteristics of a Covert Narcissist (obviously he’s fictional, I can’t diagnose a fictional character or real person, but let’s tally it up shall we?):
Lack of Empathy — You hit that one
Sense of Entitlement — he thinks he’s entitled to Blitzø’s time and body, as well as Octavia’s unending patience and understanding when he fucks up and fucks around on her and their family)
Taking advantage of others for personal gain — the whole deal with the fuckdamn Grimoire
Hyper-focusing on fantasies of grandeur — Stolas is King Delusion thinking his obsession with Blitzø is at all equivalent to love, or even liking someone. He also deludes himself into thinking he knows his own child but he ignores her wants when she literally runs away from him on two separate occasions bc he’s not fucking listening to her.
Exhibit passive-aggressive behavior, arrogance, or subtle superiority — Ppl don’t clock this as much as they should but I’ve noticed and gagged at his belittling “pet names” for Blitzø (impish little plaything, itty bitty imp) and how when Moxxie and Millie try to speak to him, Stolas either treats them with disdain/like peasants or doesn’t even look at them when they speak! Not even bringing up how he uses his own imp staff as stress-relieving toys.
Highly sensitive to criticism — Can’t take being called out, has to cry and run away from the truth that Blitzø (and Stella and Octavia) are spitting
Victim Mentality — it’s everyone else in this damn bird’s life that’s to blame instead of himself. “I think so highly of you, I didn’t realize you thought so low of me.”
Fuck. You. Stolas.
I’m sorry this is a wild rant but to be fair it is the Stolas Hate Train (SHT, we should implement an I in there). Obviously I don’t hate his fans. Like what you like. Please. However, I may have some concerns over how young HB fans can get and how they don’t truly see how terribly this character is written because they accept the framing of Stolas as the poor victim in this situation at face value and don’t see it for what it really is, but I’m not their parents. And hopefully the younger audience will grow up and also think “ew”. At the very least.
I would like to know if the HB writers, and her majesty Vivienne Medrano, realize that they’re framing the Abuser in this situation as the victim but have dug this hole so deep that they just have to keep digging bc there’s no going back or if they genuinely think their targeted audience of adults don’t see through this or haven’t had to deal with abusive relationships themselves.
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lucyfrostblade · 2 days
Hi! Just saw your reblog and I'm so interested in your thoughts on Fig and Kipperlilly being similar, and was wondering if you'd share?
Yes! i am always down to talk about my two favorite fantasy high characters but before we get into it, some assumptions I have made about FHJY that aren't explicit in the text but I won't necessarily be justifying here:
(under the cut)
Kipperlilly was in some form or another manipulated by porter
Kipperlilly truly cared about Lucy, and to a lesser extent the rest of her party
The biggest and most obvious similarity between the two is the anger they feel. When we first see Fig she's a deeply angry kid. She hates her mom for hiding the truth of her parentage and for wrecking their family the way she did. And while she forgives Gilear much faster than Sandra Lynn, she also starts off incredibly angry at him.
Her anger is very justified, and it's centered around the ways the adults in her life mistreated her. Sandra Lynn by hiding the fundamental truth of who she is from her for so long, and Gilear by, before the start of the series, saying that she isn't a Faeth anymore.
Our introduction to Fig is her taking that anger out on both Sandra Lynn and Gilear, and she does almost immediately see the error of her treating at least Gilear the way she does.
Brennan: You see a little tear forms in his eye and you see he says, Gilear: I know that I said some hurtful things when I first found out. Fig: Yeah, you said, “You're no longer a Faeth,” and guess what, I'm not. I'm just Fig now. Gilear: Fig, I'm sitting here with beans on my shirt. Fig: I know, I saw you ate one on the ride here. Gilear: I was hungry, all right? I've put on some weight. You ever heard of a fat elf? You ever heard of it? I've never seen a fat elf in my life and I'm here with a bad comb over and beans on my shirt. Fig: Okay, fine. Gilear: And I'm reaching out to you. Fig: I'm sorry, Gilear, I'm sorry that I got angry at you. You're just some random man, I shouldn't be mean to you.
But for almost the entire season, Fig does not forgive Sandra Lynn. She's still so angry with her that she struggles to see Sandra Lynn as a complex person right up until episode 15 "Family Fires", is unsure as to whether or not Sandra Lynn is a good person worthy of saving:
Emily: Because I am undecided on my mom. Because at first, I felt like I, oh maybe she's a good person, but now I maybe feel like she's part of this ruby plot. Brennan: Go ahead and give me an insight check. Emily: (rolls) 14. (emotional acoustic guitar music) Brennan: (sighs) Your mom has never lived up to the standard you put on her of making your life good and perfect. She never was able to protect you from all harm and suffering in the world. And maybe that's not fair. And she's probably just a person, and those photos make it look like-- Emily: She's a complex person. She's allowed to be. Brennan: Yup.
So anger, and in particular the ways it can make someone lash out, is something that Fig is intimately aware of, something that she has had to fight to control herself. The difference is that the adults in her life helped her, they supported her. Gilear, Sandra Lynn, and Gorthalax all gave her the space she needed to be angry but also helped her move past that.
Kipperlilly didn't have that. To our knowledge she only had Jawbone, someone who only knew her through Aguefort and evidently did not know how to help her in the ways she needed.
There's also the matter of Porter who, in the third episode "After the Afterlife" singles Fig out when she audits barbarian class:
Porter: Let's see what everyone else in the class, [players laugh] what do other people, what do other people kind of think? Like young lady, what do you think about rage? Fig: What do I think about rage? Porter: What do you think about it? Fig: [sighs] Well, I kind of think it's inevitable, 'cause, I mean, like, people really let you down left and right. Porter: Yeah! Fig: So you're always gonna feel rage. It's just a matter of whether or not you use it productively or just whether or not you control it or it controls you. Brennan: A small tear forms in the corner of his eye. Porter: That's exactly right. That is exactly right. That is amazing.
He sees something in her. Porter sees the rage within her, and he encourages it. But more than that, Fig's perspective that "you control [rage] or it controls you" highlights another contrast between Fig and Kipperlilly. Fig learns to control her rage, while Kipperlilly literally gives control up to the shatterstar. But they still have that same rage, just on the opposite ends of expressing it.
We also know that Fig cares deeply about her friends, and that prior to the start of the series, her former friends abandoned her when she started to grow horns. She was alone when she came to Aguefort. She was isolated from her peers and from her family. She found the Bad Kids, and she is utterly devoted to her friends. She'll do anything for them.
But Kipperlilly? Brennan said in an interview with Caitlin Tyrrell that the Rat Grinders didn't know each other before forming the party. We don't know how the party formed really, but we know that she picked out the name the High 5 Heroes.
I think the High-Five Heroes part of it is sweet, but there's actually something even a little bit sinister to it to me, of being like, "We're the High-Five Heroes." And you're like, "You've pitched a name; we all just met. We don't have anything going yet." ( source )
He calls it sinister that she insisted on the name, but I can't see it as anything other than said. It speaks to me of a kid so desperate for friendship that she's willing to force inside jokes for just a hint of that. She doesn't want to be alone, and Fig might've put up a better act, but she didn't want to be alone at the start of Freshman Year either.
The difference is who they found. Fig got the Bad Kids, people who love and care about her. She had support from her friends and from her family. Kipperlilly was emotionally in a very similar state as Fig but with none of that support, and even had people who either couldn't support her (Jawbone) or wanted to encourage this isolation and rage (Porter).
Kipperlilly is Fig if the first day of school went different, if she ended up with people who didn't understand her like the Bad Kids did and if she couldn't get the support she needed from the adults in her life.
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An AU headcanons where Andrew, Ashley, Andrea, and Asher are all siblings in the same universe?
Ooohhhhh, cool AU idea:
Andrew and Andrea are twins (22)
Ashley and Ashton are a year apart (Ashley is 20 while Ashton is 19)
Andrew and Andrea were such easy kids that Mr and Mrs Graves decided to have Ashley
They didn’t want to have anymore kids, but protection seemed to be an afterthought, so Ashton was born
Ashton and Ashley were constantly confused for one another growing up
They don’t really get along, but can’t deny that 80% of the time they’re on the same wavelength in terms of impulsivity
Nicknames include: Andy (Andrew), Rea (Andrea), Tony (Ashton), and LeyLey (Ashley)
Andrea is a lot more done-with shit than her twin- somehow.
100% planned on moving out and ditching town, but then the quarantine hit
Food depleted a lot faster with 4 people as opposed to 2
Ashton started suggesting using his slingshot to shoot birds that land on the balcony for food, which Andrew objected to
Andrea let him sit there for hours trying to catch something just to mess with him
Andrew and Andrea have very different coping mechanisms due to being forced to parent their younger siblings. Andrew’s growing into the codependency we know and hate/love, while Andrea is more like the Older Sister!Reader
She doesn’t hate her siblings to that much of an extent, but they’re adults and not her problem anymore
Andrea is the most mentally stable one and that’s not saying a lot to be honest
Ashley feels even more ostracized from her family
Her fear of abandonment, Ashton lowkey hating her, Andrea’s willingness to leave, and everything she has going on with Andrew- poor girl isn’t doing okay.
I imagine she’s still closest with Andrew, with Andrea being a close second
Ashton winds up taking the gun from the warden instead of Ashley
Andrew was the last one they needed to get on board with killing their parents
Both Ashton and Andrea get scenes with them
Ashton venting about how he was so forgetful to them that they confused him for Ashley so many times- and if they didn’t need to do the ritual he would’ve shot them by now
And Andrea actually denying their olive branch because she overheard their deal with Andrew- and just wants to be done with all of this
Andrea knows about the Nina incident, but didn’t help at all with it
Ashton doesn’t know anything and when he finds out he’s gonna be mad no one told him
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rocksibblingsau · 13 hours
How did Branch end up in a hamster cage???
So the 'Adopted by Bergens' AU is essentially that Branch was not able to successfully escape the tree during the last trollstice. Branch was grabbed and given to Gristle Jr, but due to him being grey he can't be eaten. Well he can but it won't make him happy.
The intention was that when Branch recovers, he can be eaten. Branch is pretty stuck in his trauma and living with a Bergen doesn't help though so the plan is a bust.
Gristle actually ends up liking Branch as a little buddy. He talks to Branch and asks for his opinion on things. He doesn't quite see him as a person yet, more just like a pet that can talk, but by the time he's an adult Branch is his best friend.
The cage doesn't actually last too long, but for a short time Bridget also uses Branch as a therapist (though she doesn't know he can talk) when she cleans Gristle's room.
By adulthood he's gotten the two together and Gristle doesn't keep him in a cage. Branch is there willingly, though in part because he doesn't know where he'd go.
Personally I like to think the older Gristle got (in both the AU and in canon) the less appealing Trolls got eating-wise. He obviously in canon wants to eat one and be happy, and he knows they allegedly taste good, but I like to think that he finds the idea a little gross. Sort of a 'their eyes creep me out and they have too much hair and why would I put something alive in my mouth that could choke me?'
In this AU, Gristle went from 'I wanna eat a troll and be happy' to 'I wanna eat a troll and be happy but not this troll' to 'I'd eat one to be happy but it sounds awful' to 'I'd rather not eat a troll but how else am I gonna be happy' to 'I'm not going to eat a troll, even if I can't be happy'.
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burntsaltsblog · 2 days
i didn't know - billy butcher x reader
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details: set in season three. you find out that butcher took a dose of tempt v and you're highly pissed<3
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"Who the fuck gave it to you?" I demanded as I threw down my bag and headed straight to Butcher, seated in the back of the boy's office. Frenchi, MM, Hughie, and Kimiko were gathered around him but quickly dispersed upon my sudden arrival. Their eyes were trained on me as I came to stand in front of Butcher, who stared at the floor, avoiding my angry gaze.
Silence wrapped around the room, and I looked at each member of the group after realizing no one was going to answer me.
"I said, who the fuck gave it to you," I seethed through gritted teeth.
"Je ne sais pas, Mademoiselle. Perhaps Monsieur Boucher had a mental breakdown. I heard mid-life crises are quite common in men his age," Frenchie replied, trying to cut the tension with a joke. But I wasn't in the mood. My head whipped in his direction, and my eyes widened in warning. Frenchie backed up slowly and held his hands up in surrender, apologizing quietly.
"Will ya put your bloody claws away? I ain't dying," Butcher said, finally deciding to speak up.
I immediately crouched in front of him and placed my hands on either side of his jaw, turning his head back and forth. "No, but you could have," I muttered, examining him closely. I took notice of the dried blood that caked his face, and my brows creased in concern.
"S'not mine," he whispered.
"Doesn't matter. You still look like shit."
I returned to a standing position, and Butcher looked up at me as he placed his hands over his heart mockingly. "Aw, love, ya flatter me."
My face remained hardened. "It doesn't matter that it isn't your blood because your pupils are blown, the bags under your eyes are the darkest I've ever seen, and if your pulse gets any quicker, you'll have a heart attack. Taking the tempt V was the dumbest shit you've ever done. And that says a lot, considering it's you we're talking about."
"Ok, we're gonna give you guys some space," MM interrupted. I didn't bother acknowledging him and listened as everyone filed out of the room while I kept my eyes on Butcher. This was not an argument I was going to back down from.
After the office door shut softly, Butcher sighed deeply, dragging his hands down his face. "I didn't mean for ya to find out this way."
"You mean that you didn't intend for me to find out at all," I corrected.
"Fuck, doll. Course, I wanted to tell ya. I was waiting for the right opportunity-"
"Oh, yes. I'm sure it was incredibly difficult to find the perfect moment to tell me that you were using an illegal and deadly substance. It's not like you're my boyfriend or boss, who I see every fucking day." Sarcasm laced my tone, and I pivoted away, needing to calm my continuously rising anger.
"Well, now that ya mention it, love, it was a little tricky, considering Mauve only gave it to me last night."
My breath hitched, and I slowly turned back to face Butcher. "Since when did you start having secret meet-ups with Mauve at night?"
"The meet-ups ain't a secret."
"Well, they sure were to me!"
Butcher rose to his feet and stepped forward with a hand extended. "S'not like it sounds. She stops by when she finds tabs on some of the supes we're chasing. Her info has been why we've caught so many of the cunts the past few months."
I nodded my head as I laughed humorlessly. "I'm glad she's been so helpful. Thanks to her, the streets are safer, and you're hooked on something that could potentially threaten your life." I began pacing the floor, my body's way of trying to rid itself of the intense anxiety. "I mean. fuck, Butcher. We've seen what that poison does to adults. There's a reason why it only works on newborns. And I can't fucking believe that you take that shit without even telling me."
I stopped pacing to look at Butcher before continuing. "How did you even know it would work?"
His silence confirmed what I had feared the moment I found out he had injected the tempt V into his veins when Hughie admitted it over the phone.
"You didn't, did you? You didn't know if it would work, yet you took it anyway. Not giving a damn if you were injured or died as a result."
Butcher bowed his head before saying lowly, "If I'm on the same level as these supe cunts, then they have nothing over me. It's a fair fight. One I could win."
"I'm all for killing the fuckers, but that doesn't involve you dying in the process."
"But if that's what it takes, then it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make."
I stood, stunned, as tears stung my eyes. I stared at Butcher with my mouth parted and heart aching as the realization hit me. "You don't get it, do you?" I asked quietly. My voice threatened to waver, and I harshly sank my teeth into my lower lip to subdue the emotions crawling up my throat. "If something happened to you, do you have any idea what that would do to me?" My voice broke that time, and concern filled Butcher's face.
He started toward me, but I put my hands up as I let the tears fall freely down my face. "I love you so much that if you died, I wouldn't know what to do with myself. I couldn't fucking live. And I know you don't have any self-preservation instincts, but you'll have to find some. Because if you die, Billy Butcher, I swear to God, I'm going with you."
Butcher charged forward this time and pulled me into his chest as my tears fell quicker. I gasped for air and clutched the collar of his shirt as his strong arms wrapped around my body, crushing me to him. His lips grazed my forehead as he shushed me softly. "S'ok, love. I've gotcha."
He kept repeating the same phrase as he slowly rocked me back and forth. When my breathing slowed, Butcher pulled back and cradled my head in his calloused hands. His eyes traced the details of my face, taking in my bloodshot eyes and tear-stained cheeks.
"I didn't know, doll. M'sorry," he mumbled as he used a thumb to catch a stray tear.
"You didn't know how much I love you?" I asked. My voice came out horse and strained.
He shook his head. "I didn't know how much my death would affect ya. I-" he hesitated before tilting my face up so I could meet his lips in a kiss. It was slow and deep, displaying the love we both felt for one another.
When we parted, Butcher rested his forehead against mine. "M'not used to having someone care about me. After Becca left, I was on me own, and for years, my only priority was killing every fuckin' supe cunt that I came across, no matter the price." He shook his head. "M'so sorry, sweetheart. If I'd known it would do this to ya, I never woulda touched that fucking supe venom, I swear."
I wordlessly pressed my face back against Butcher's chest and breathed in his comforting scent of mint, nicotine, and whiskey. His arms rewound around my waist, and I closed my eyes, wanting to memorize the way his body felt against mine. How safe I felt when he held me like this.
"Promise me, Billy," I whispered as I pulled back to look into his face. "Promise me that you won't touch that shit again. And if you want to do something that drastic, talk to me first." My fingers fiddled with a button on his shirt as my eyes drifted away from his stare. "I need you, Billy," I whispered so quietly I wasn't even sure if he heard me.
Butcher placed a finger underneath my chin and tilted my head so I would look back up at him. "I promise ya, love, with everything I have, that I won't pull some shit like that again. You have my word."
I nodded as my hands found their way into his hair and tugged his lips back down to mine. "Thank you, Billy. I love you."
"I love ya too, doll."
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wombywoo · 24 hours
13 and 14 please for the beloved boys?
(.maybe we'll learn why Quinn's mom and aunt can't look him in the eyes 👀👀)
13) Does your OC have a good relationship with their parents or no?
A very complicated question, for both 🤌
As a kid, Quinn had a fairly normal relationship with his parents. He'd always found his dad a bit odd and lame, but he was very close with his mother. Then [redacted] things happened and that all changed 🙃 (nope, I'm not gonna reveal this stuff yet because reasons) but yeah--after that, his relationship became, ah...very strained. Currently, he's been trying and failing to reconnect with his father, but they don't really have much in common and it's all a bit awkward. His dad still tries to make an effort though. As for his mum--he hasn't spoken to her in years 🤐
Vincent had a similar bond with his mother. She was quite a reserved woman, and rarely spoke up in a public setting, but she was far more energetic and loving behind closed doors. Due to the prejudices of the time, they were often shunned or blatantly discriminated against (Vincent's own paternal grandparents refused to acknowledge either of their existences), so having such a close connection meant they could protect each other, in a way. Conversely, Vincent didn't have much of a relationship with his father. He was a cold, austere man, often too busy with work to be around. Vincent always assumed his father hated him, tbh, even though he made strides to put him in all the best schools and social circles, despite the obvious racism and intolerance of his contemporaries. He'd even been the one to pull strings and demand his enrollment into flight school, something that had been unprecedented for black people at the time. But in spite of all those sacrifices, they never bonded, or even spoke at all outside of forced propriety.
14) What about any siblings, do they have any and is their relationship good?
Quinn has a sister, Nora, who's older than him by a few years. They pretty much had a typical sibling dynamic in their youth--petty fighting, Quinn being a little shit, Nora trying to boss him around, etc. After 'certain incidents', she became far more protective of him. There was a lot of guilt there, and Nora felt like she failed him and will always blame herself for not protecting him. As adults, their relationship is a bit forced. Quinn had been distant for a few years, not making any attempt to be around his family, so they're almost strangers now. In recent years, Nora got married and now has a step-son. She's been trying to get Quinn to connect more, wanting him to open up to the kid, but it's been awkward and ineffective for the most part. I like to think that things will get better eventually...
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luffyvace · 1 day
There’s gonna be a new op series called character remix!!
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this is so exciting and cool!
here’s my thoughts and take on it 💌💗
so if you haven’t heard it’s basically where we’ll get to view all the strawhats pov before they met Luffy, instead of picking up on they’re life where Luffy met them since the anime is in his pov. They’ll be going in chronological order and the first 2 volumes will come out July 4th. Starting with Luffy I believe, in stead of flashbacks like marineford we’ll get the full thing! :) yippie! Also! There’s gonna be 580 pages per volume! That’ll totally be packed with info right?! 🎉
starting with who I’m most curious about:
Robin: 📖📚
she’s first because most backstories are straight to the point in flashbacks but for me it just feels like it happened really quickly. Personal opinion. Also! We got to see that she likes books but we mostly saw her pain. The only thing to have ever made her happy as a child was books, Saul and the researchers. Therefore we didn’t get a chance to learn much about little robin! Would she like dolls if she had to opportunity to get one? Or building blocks? If she wasn’t neglected would she have been a louder person naturally? You never know because how you grow up can mold you, so if you’re in a survival mode from such a young age you don’t get much time to focus on your personality! Which is why I like Robin’s “saying creepy things” gag, it lets me know she’d be a bit of a weirdo! But it can also stem from hardly having any light in her life- also fact that she’s straightforward about it shows some of her personality as well!
Zoro: ⚔️🗡️
this guy’s past is definitely gonna be good! We seriously didn’t get to see anything about him at all! We don’t know what he like’s personally, and yes training and such, but what about silly little adventures?! He lost Kuina which is a part of big part of darkness in his life, but we still don’t know Zoro on a deep level. Really it’s just gonna be interesting to see what the volume has to offer! :)
Franky: 🤖🦾
this!!! This guy! Nobody talks about how little we know of him! It’s like Zoro, we only know what he’s good at! We only know he likes to build! But we don’t know any habits or hobbies he could’ve tried to pick up that didn’t stick, we didn’t see him evolve and grow! Franky and Robin are in their 30s! We don’t even know what they were like in their 20s! Especially not franky!! I’m really pumped to see what he’ll be like from the flashback up til when he meets Luffy, a weirdo that’s for sure. It’d be fun to see the franky family funny moments too!
Brook: ☠️🏴‍☠️
Dude. No one talks about the fact that his flashback started when he was already an adult!! The only reason we know what he looks like as a child is because Oda drew it! Obviously he was playing music back then as well, but all the strawhats ambitions started when they were a kid! That’s not enough info! We don’t know his parents, hometown, anything! We don’t even know why he loves music! I mean we do, but not really we’re it stems from directly, was his parents out of the picture? Were they there but didn’t care so music was all he had? Were they struggling financially? Did he raise himself? What?!
Nami: 🍊🧡
again! All we know is her dream, not her personally! The most we know is why she loves money! And that was shown in the flashback! We also know she wasn’t financially stable, but what about the day to day life? Did the tangerine sales pick up in the summer? Why weren’t they selling good? Couldn’t they have gone to all the neighboring towns to sell them? How did Bellmere break the news that they weren’t a biological family when Nami was of age? Did she always figure and it was an unspoken thing? Or did Nami cry when she found out? We don’t know!
Sanji: 🧑‍🍳🥘
ngl he would be higher on the list if I watch whole cake but I’m only on Zou 😁 anyway, the article I read to find out the series was coming out mentioned the fact that we don’t know exactly when and how Zeff met, which is a good point!! I’m interested in how that went down too! It pretty much just slipped over that during the flashback, did Sanji escape? Did Zeff take him in welcoming or did Sanji have to fight to get in? Did Zeff help break in out? Now keep in mind I haven’t watch Whole cake so if these questions have been answered I don’t know yet. Anyway that’s my take on it, but one more thing. I feel we’ll get a deeper sense of why Sanji loves to cook. And if there’s anything else he likes besides that!
Chopper: 🦌
I wanna see his day to day life! And also funny moments bc IK they’re there. Also to see him study more! Honestly just more background for this little cutie is all I want. Maybe he should be lower on this list….idk? I really wanna see his tho..
Usopp: 🤥
he’s also lower bc i feel they did a good job showing us enough of Usopp’s background. They got the point across real well, but I would like to see more Usopp pirate crew adventures tho!
Luffy: 🧑‍🌾
Lol the emoji is supposed to be a strawhat. Anyway I LOVE Luffy which makes it odd that he’s so low on this list, but he gets lots of screen time, I feel he also got the longest and most detailed backstory. They did a real good job covering most things, I’d honestly just want to see more adventures and they years between 14-17 bc they timeskiped it lol. Itd be fun to see teen Luffy and Ace interact more, since they’re not little kids anymore. Like arguments about who’s gonna be taller, hobbies they might’ve picked up, talking about what they’re gonna name they pirate crews, sneaking into Goa kingdom together and going through another man’s trash to find they’re own treasure. So I guess I might wanna see his more than I thought! Anywho!
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cwynnie · 1 day
Gojo Satoru x OC
Pretty Ugly Marriage (before getting married)
When they first met, hate was an understatement. She loathes him.
"What's with that ugly face? Is that a mask or something? If so, take it off, that's so funny"
Fubuki Amari, loves her parents. To the point that she is willing to participate in a marriage interview just so she can lift up their families name in the jujutsu world again. Despite being aware that she is not the prettiest girl in line, she is pretty confident with her strength. After all that is what is listed in the Gojo Clan's letter, as the heir said,
"I don't care what they look like, I just want someone who's strong", and so here she is, listening to a bubble talk that slowly makes her burn in range.
'ah, i should've consider sending Yumi in here instead if I knew that this shitty brat wanted someone with pretty face instead'.
She then just sighs before replying,
"This is my face young master, I'm sorry if it bothers you", now just shut up, you piece of shit.
"It doesn't bother me, in fact, it makes me happy, are you sure you're not a clown?",if it was a normal 10 year old girl, they definitely couldn't handle such humiliation coming from a boy.
A boy coming from a strong clan, has strong power and has a pretty face. Gojo Satoru, in Amari's opinion is a definition of perfection,minus the fact that he is someone who can make hell burn after fueling it with few words.
This is the opposite of Amari, she's from a fallen clan, has average power which consists of absorbing curse by touching them,  and her face. Just like Gojo said, it's funny, because she has a scary face. The natural frown on her forehead that makes her look everyday angry, the frickles on her nose that push her face away from fairy skin, her droppy eyes that makes it look like she has small irises and the boring straight brown hair that makes her look like a broom with her thin and boney body.
"Even your voice is funny hahaha", the  boy continues to laughs as the adults around them can't help but to pity the little girl who just looks like she is so done with him already.
"What now? Aren't you gonna cry like the others?", He asked her as she just blink. So he's indeed doing it on purpose. Calling her names, basically bullying her.
'cry? Cry for what? Him, calling her ugly and funny?'
"Why? Do you want me to? ...young master?", The said boy huff as if he's irritated not getting the exact reaction from the girl.
"Yes, I want you to cry like an ugly person you are", Amari is currently praying to any God who can hear her, to simply give her patience, patience not to kill the boy in front of her.
"I want to cry young master, I wont lie", she said making the boy raise his eyes to look at her , "but i have more time to make my self strong that to drown my heart to something that i can't control"
'i can't ask God to edit my face, nor my figure even for just a little bit'
"Heh, you're showing your colors now don't you", the boy said as he mockingly grind at her.
'i can't ask anyone to protect me from heavy words I may receive from my face'
"I believe i never hide it in the first place,young master", she simply stated, not giving him emotions that he might make fun of again.
'i can simply accept, and bare with it'
"Hahaha, you're really funny, I've decided, I choose you kid, now be happy at my mercy" he looks so proud as a solemn grim appears on her face before silently cursing the boy at the back of her mind.
'i have no hero, other than myself, if so, then so be it'
"Thank you very much, young master", just you wait and I'll literally get even with you when I get stronger than anyone else.
"You better be", and I'll wipe off that grin off your face.
When they turned 13, things was never been better for Amari.
"You! I told you not to go to Satoru-sama, early in the morning!", she just blink as an elderly servant in front of her continues to yell early in the morning.
"But he says, we should meet at 6 am",
"Then tell him next time, you are busy! Satoru-sama needs his sleep and he doesn't have to be disturbed for a mere concept of meeting with you!",
'He's the one who planned our meeting though' Amari just thought and sigh, 'well, it is what it is, I don't care anymore'
It's obvious this old servant is looking down on her despite her position as his fiancé.
"I understand, I'll leave now", she said and turn back as she was about to step away, the thumbing sound of someone running down the hallways was heard, and suddenly..
"Amari!", the said girl, stopped her stepped and turn around, only to be welcome by a big grin of Gojo Satoru which makes Amari's eyes twitch.
'This guy obviously looks like he was eavesdropping just now'
"Where do you think your going?",
"S-Satoru-sama she is-",
"Who are you? I'm asking Amari, do you want me to fire you?", and of course things didn't end up good for the elderly servant.
"Satoru-sama, I think this will be dangerous",
"Oh come on, it's not like something bad will happen right? I'm the strongest after all", a body of a teen and an ego of a little child. I see.
The Gojo Premises is wide, so wide that it has it's own lake inside it's area. And this boy beside me thinks that's it's a good idea to practice his infinity in means of walking on the water like a holy man.
If you ask me, I think it's stupid,given that I know for sure he was dependent on his curse energy and was not taught how to swim since they all said nothing can touch him.
I'm riding a small boat to follow him while he is seriously walking above the water. But right in the middle of the lake, he suddenly stopped before looking at me.
"What is it Satoru-sama?",
"I think I'm out of curse energy", my eyes widens as his body suddenly submerged under water.
How stupid, why didn't i think that even infinity has it's own interval, before it power up once again.
Shit, what should i do? Should I call for help? Should I swim down?!
But what if I die because of water suffocation? I don't want to die, I never want to but when I saw him falling deeper into the water, my body became fixated to follow him in the deep blue lake.
And so I dived.
Blue irises looking back at me as the water harshly hit my skin.
I want to yell, scream his name but the suffocating liquid stops me from crying out loud as I sway my hands to go deeper under the water.
Hands slowly reaching out to touch him, while he just stares at me making me worried that he might lose air under this depth of water . My eyes squinted in frustration before begging whoever God that can hear us to make this brat reach his hand so I can hold him.
'come on, give me your hands'
Looking at his now sleepy eyes falling deeper makes my heart almost drop.
No.no.no.no. Don't close your eyes!
'Give me your hand, Satoru!'
As if my prayer was answered,slowly but surely,his hands reach out to me as I immediately swim down faster and grasp it. Pulling him closer to my body before swimming upward with no further adieu.
As I look back to him my eyes widen when his blue irises are far closed and hidden.
Without further thinking, I put my lips on his to give him some air, just enough so we can swim together back to the shore.
Don't you dare die on me. I felt his grip on my body strengthen which give me a go signal that he had enough air before swimming back to the shore.
I gotta thank my father for giving me a strong body to overcome my fear and swim in endless water. And also the tough lungs.
I put all my physical energy to swim back faster and was able bring him back into the wooden boat.
I put him down gently before checking if he is still alive.
No response. Damn do i need cpr? How do i do that? Pump the heart? Pump the water? Slap him? What should i do?
As i was overthinking, his eyes squinted before it fluttered and opened.
Sky irises, staring back at me making me almost cry.
"Amari?", I just smiled at him.
"Yes, Satoru-sama",
"My infinity returned the moment you hold me", i blink. Then...
"I just can't let you know given that you're so desperate to save me", i still stare at him.
I just wanted to beat him up. Really bad.
His irises find its way to look at me with his usual grinning face.
"Thank you though, now I really need to marry you, afterall you have given me your first kiss, still, I never think that an underwater kiss could be that romantic"
They were 13 and both of them realized something, one wanted to end this marriage shit and move on even if she'll be single for the rest of her life while the other one realizes that, he is now serious to the marriage he first offered, and there's no way he can let her go, not today nor in another lifetime.
'Ah I want to kill him'
'Should I prepare for our wedding now?'
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psychwxrdd · 8 hours
✧₊⁺ 𝒹𝒶𝒹𝒹𝓎
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summary: your life takes a darker turn after your stepdad, detective david loki, decides that you're his.
warnings: 18+, dark themes, all of them girl do not read this if you're a minor! or if you don't fw stepcest, smut and possessive behaviour. dark! detective loki?
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his huge hands covered your lips with one of his fingers inside your mouth, you sucked them as a way to control your moans and david let traces of wet kisses all over your neck in a way to control his. he was taking you from behind with such ruthless paces that it was hard for you not to scream like a pornstar, you were wearing a black skirt that matched your high knee socks and lacy thin panties.
"so obedient. such a good girl" he groans in your ear and you whimper, rolling your eyes both annoyed and in pleasure "you know your tears won't do shit for me"
"asshole" you try to say but it's inaudible. he seems to understand tho as he starts to pound you faster — if that was even humanly possible.
"i was hoping you'd learn from this to never disrespect me again, but i think i'm being too kind" he suddenly pulls your hair and makes you stand next to his face, feeling his warm breath on your neck and giving you chills. it all started because you came home later than you actually said you'd be. but c'mon you're almost 20, not as if you needed permission to go out or something. that was when it was just your mom and you.
ever since david moved in, you knew there was something off about him and it was not only by the fact you hate police officers and anything related, that man gave you chills — in all meanings, later to be found.
david always treated you as if you're his own daughter, it looked like some overly careful dad. except for the fact he's not your dad and his behavior always creeped you out, but your mom was happy and you didn't wanted to screw it all since it's been years since she was grieving over your dad's death.
david hated when you left without warnings, and you would come home having a jumpscare by guess who waiting on the coach.
it came to the point where you felt like a kid again, being controlled by some abusive older figure. he started to check your grades in college, ask to go through your phone — as ridiculous as it all was, you couldn't say "no" when he asked you to. you felt intimidated by him, by his authority. i mean what could he do since you're an adult?
thats the same question that made you fearful. he was the detective, he was superior to you in many ways. and he was your stepdad, he lived with you. you depended on him since your job wasn't enough for you to move somewhere else and have your own life.
then he starts the "you're not gonna have a boyfriend" bullshit. that was it for you. he thought you were what? 12?
thats when you screamed all your frustrations out and he almost chocked you to death.
"as long as i exist you don't have a say on anything, you understand? do you fucking understand?"
you struggled to even listen to his words, barely keeping your eyes open
"i own you, little fucker. you're not gonna escape this. not me. not over my dead body"
he finally let go of your throat, making you nearly throw up in the floor.
he got more and more possessive as the time went by, and your mother was never around to do anything about it. always too busy. you thought that he would be more busy too since he was a respected detective in town, but it seemed like his mission now was to make a hell of your life.
you woke up one night to him kissing your lips with vigor and intensity. you hated that you felt so wet that you had no other option but to open your legs.
second time it happened on his office, because as terrible as he was and as much fear you had, he left you craving for more. he was unfortunately that freaking handsome and hot.
you got on your knees and sucked him off that evening.
you slowly learned that you could get him more easy on you if you kept acting like his little slut, and thats how you manage to go through this situation.
now, he was wrapping his hands around your neck as he fucked you in the hallway, next to the room where he sleep with your mother. she was sleeping peacefully while you where bending over for her boyfriend to fuck you so terribly good.
"you know what happens if you make a sound, pet"
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fishhjuice · 3 days
What do you think Beika and Ichiya's home/family life was like?
Oh i was prepared for this question!!! I talked to my friends about it so all of this was prewritten except lil additions!!
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Beika is the child of a single parent, Nagisa "Nagi" Kabayaki Onaga. Havs you seen that tumblr post thats like "I could never be a parent because whenever my kid did something nice i would go "Oh shit little dude thats sick as fuck". He’s that. He was very supportive and tried his best at all times, and Beika had to doubt Nagisa's love. This doesn't make him a good parent, and Beika's childhood was never one i call easy.
As how it goes, more about him and also Ichiya’s situation under the cut.
To give you a bit of context! Nagisa used to be the black sheep of his family until he decided to voluntarily exile himself from the Onagas after a fight he got into with his father, who would be Beika's (and Frye's) grandfather. But of course people aren’t privy to Onaga's private family life, so as far as people know Nagisa got disowned by Dadaji Onaga. And because no one wanted to anger the head of, you know, one of the most influential families of the region, most people refused to help him out or show him any kindness to stay in good graces with Onagas. So he goes from a clueless rich boy to a guy who has to earn everything in the most difficult ways. He was just miserable by himself, he was tired of being treated like scum of earth wherever he went because of Onaga influence. I figure he missed being loved. So when the opportunity to have Beika presented itself he just took it and Beika's mother left very soon after. She made it very clear that she would take no part in it other than. Egg.
So, these kind of circumstances were the circumstances Beika was born into, to a barely adult dirt poor social pariah dad who loved the idea of his kid very much with very few means to provide, which Beika all inherited. Other than the obvious stuff like how impoverishment would be hard on a small kid, Beika also dealt with the social exclusion Nagisa was subject to. I think it was the kind of situation mothers and fathers of her classmates would not wanting their kid to talking to Beika, and when Beika grew up there being no jobs "available" for her, and when C-side couldn't book a gig they should absolutely have been able to as if they were blacklisted before they got to do anything pre-fame. (I think Nagisa never regretted having a child but he has a lot of regrets about having that child be His child and go through all of. this.)
Nagisa couldn't be there most of the time, which he didn’t really account for. He spent a lot of his time basically trying to earn their living from whichever jobs he could get (mostly unsavory ones, like salmon run but with local firms that cut corners) which also made him miss out on a lot of parenting too. And by the time he had time Beika was a fully realized person. And he didn’t stop willingly either, he lost that arm of his and when he forcibly spent time with his kid it was like oh she's a person now and I was there for none of that.
Nagisa, when he was there, was very loving but unequipped. Nagisa had a lot of ideals on what kind of parent he should be, Like He would be soo good he would never put that much responsibility to his kid like His dad did or try force the kid into anything she didnt wanna do he was gonna do good he was gonna do great he would get his shit together. Because he wanted to be nothing like his dad, and because he couldn't cope with the idea of making Beika as “miserable” as he was (even though it would be momentarily and necessary, as parents tell kids no and give them responsiblities sometimes) it made him too permissive of a parent, and it made him treat Beika like a friend and not like a child who needs rules to live by and help managing her impulses. Not to mention, he himself due to his troubled upbringing had a harm time coping with his emotions and understanding them, which is to say he himself couldn't teach how to approriately approach and deal with feelings, and couldn't react appropriately to Beika's feelings and support them either. He himself forced himself to go through the motions of negative emotions and move on from them as soon as possible to Never look back thank you very much, and never showed his negative emotions ever, which in turn meant there was no example Beika could learn off of.
Like, when one of only friends Beika has ever made leaves her, replaces her, rubs it in her face, "That's rough, buddy", said with the most genuine tone. And when Beika carries that hurt to adulthood, "you're all grown up now, why do you are so much? You two were best friends you should talk it out like adults. I don’t want you to make yourself sad for no reason" said in the most sincere, puzzled way.
Beika is very aware of Nagisa’s faults, so is Nagisa of how often times he failed Beika. But i think Beika doesn’t really fault him for it. In their best days it’s very easy for them to love each other because its two of them! And in their worst days it felt like an obligation because, its two of them. Who else did they have?
As for Ichiya, i think his family situation was in some ways better, so this will be a lot shorter. I headcanon him to have been raised by his aunt Niika Gessou.
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(Art by @/kikuracside, my lovely boyfriend)
The reason for this is I imagine Ichiya’s parents to have been from a band that got very famous and fell out of fame very soon after, and continued it’s existence catering to a very niche audience that toured around a lot, so they didn’t really have the time to take care of their kid(s, as I headcanon Ikkan and Ichiya to be half-siblings). Niika was the kind of lady who wanted a kid but had no luck dating, so when her brother was having a kid she very gladly took on the responsiblity herself. She was also somewhat permissive and didn’t want to upset Ichiya, and quite often spoiled him, with no bad intentions of course. But it was mostly Ichiya’s mother, Maki that put the ideas of being a prodigy rockstar in Ichiya’s head, which Niika supported in every way she can, perhaps too much.
I think she sees everything that happened with Ichiya during SQSQ and how abrasive he can be, and now Ichiya’s current state, him being so upset with himself, and wonders where she failed him. But I think Ichiya does not think in any way Niika failed him, at all. They love each other too much.
I also headcanon since Ichiya and Beika were so close, she babysat Beika a lot. I think despite their kids’… rough relationship, Niika and Nagisa are still very… close. Beika is just grateful he Nagisa someone other than his coworker/work partner that he can call close, and also that he is a grown ass man and it would be wild and selfish to try control what this grown ass man does. Ichiya does not like this at all and wishes Niika would not talk to Nagisa at all.
So, yeah!
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trashbatistrash · 4 months
#I’ve written myself into an interesting corner in my original work#I have a character that is essentially a frankenstein’s monster in essence#she is more technically an animated corpse. it’s just that the initial soul inhabiting the body was not the one that returned#so in essence the Frankenstein’s monster parallel#is the new ‘person’ another soul mistakenly tied to the wrong body#or did a new soul bud within the now empty vessel?#then there comes the question on whether or not I’m perpetuating the ‘born sexy yesterday’ trope by going with the 2nd one#because there is a good marker in story on how a new soul could bud within the empty vessel#but the most time I could allow it is like 5 years for story reasons#it’ll be painfully sad if I wait a full 18 years to make sure the ‘bsy’ trope is well and truly negated#it’s like a balancing scales thing#because I think every writer likes when things are intertwined#like I could but that just means one of my other characters has to suffer more for longer#actually maybe I should#but it might idk weaken the stakes a bit#or I can like just add more world building and make more things happen?#or I can just take the five years and hope that it’s enough OTL#buckling in for like potential discourse I guess o(-(#because she’s gonna be an adult and is an adult#like the brain she inherited is of a I want to say 26-30 year olds#her carers treated her like someone treating an amnesiac#but I still want her to be a different soul than the original for narrative reasons#their tastes are different. their wants are different. their entire personalities are different except for one single thing#and idk what message that relays really I just wanted to write a trans Frankenstein’s monster that transitions post awakening#I think about her more than the plot device that’s the actual narrator of this story OTL#I think I’ll puzzle this out somehow o(-(#ramble#my things
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bixels · 2 months
Cozy Glow is such an interesting litmus test for die-hard bronies. I was checking r/mlp to prep a post and there’s a discussion post about how she deserved what she got and. How do I tell bronies that children should not be tried as adults. How do I tell bronies that psychopaths and sociopaths deserve human rights and treatment and support. How do I tell bronies that cruel and unusual punishments are bad. How do I tell bronies that the death penalty is wrong. How do I tell bronies that a ruling body should not have absolute say over putting someone to death, least of all a 6-year-old child.
These are all my recent google searches.
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anna-scribbles · 4 months
had a conversation last week with a 10 year old girl about the s5 finale and i can’t stop thinking about it. she said nathalie is the best because she loves adrien enough to lie to him about his father so that he stays happy. completely convinced that emilie was resurrected at the end and shocked when i suggested otherwise. i’ve been dying to know what the children think happened and it’s so interesting
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quietwingsinthesky · 15 days
people are saying he « led her on » because he did. the fact that he kissed her in the first episode set the tone for the rest of the season and if you can’t perceive the flirting I’m sorry but how?? he didn’t make anything clear he sent the craziest mixed signals in the world. there’s nothing revolutionary about claiming that Martha was being pushy toward someone who was clearly not interested it’s 1) weird to claim in what it suggests about her 2) factually not true.
I wasn’t gonna respond to this at first because the top half of this ask is pretty much just individual interpretation and I don’t really care about it. Like, no, to me, the Doctor doesn’t seem especially flirty towards Martha. He’s just sort of Like That. That’s his damage, you know, Mr. I need to traumadump on anyone who tolerates being around me for more than five minutes. Mr. If I don’t develop an intensely codependent emotional bond with the companion I have currently I’ll die. It doesn’t read to me as him trying to lead her on because that bit’s honest, and he does it with damn near every companion he’s ever had.
And if nothing else, because we do see Ten when he tries to flirt intentionally and he’s a fuckin dork about it. Kind of guy who looked up romance in the dictionary and took notes. Kinda guy who draws diagrams to maximize kissing potential. It would have been obvious even to me (<- romance-blind as all fuck) if he was flirting with Martha on purpose because he’s not smooth at all; he flirts like he’s gotten lines in a play and he’s super excited to be the main star.
But anyway, as I was saying, that’s just how I see it. And if you see it different, no skin off my back, I just disagree.
But I take umbrage with you putting words in my mouth. I never said Martha was pushy towards him. Because yeah, she’s not. If I implied that she was, then it was a result of poor phrasing on my part. Martha’s not at fault for what she feels, for wanting there to come something of it. No more at fault than the Doctor is for not returning those feelings. It’s a bit weird that you’re assuming that I think one of them has to be the bad guy here when that was the opposite of what I was saying. My point was: When it comes to their romantic subtext of their relationship, it’s weird to pretend like either of them are to blame for them not being in a relationship at the end of s3, and even weirder to assert that as part of why Martha supposedly wouldn’t like the Doctor afterwards when they’re. friends. they continue to be friends into s4.
Martha’s not pushy. She has a crush on her friend. It happens. He doesn’t return it. This also happens. Both of these facts are pushed to the extreme because he’s a time-traveling alien with poor emotional skills and she’s put herself in the position of needing to help him from minute one of meeting each other. That’s why it’s fun to watch, because the Doctor is both so open and so unavailable in turns, because Martha’s feelings for him grow and change as she knows more about her Doctor until she decides to step back.
I don’t know, man. You seem to be coming at this as if one of them has to be The Problem™️. I don’t think either of them is, not so definitively. I think boiling their relationship down to that is reductive and an insult to the way they both grow over s3, to Martha’s choice to continue to be his friend while also establishing her own boundaries, to the fact that the Doctor is able to let her go without immediately trying to kill himself afterwards when she’s not there to catch him.
#the thing about the doctor is that if you want to tell me that he’s Extra Special Flirty With This Companion.#i dunno. feels like something that requires a lot of proof lmao. because the doctor is a freak who latches onto people like a barnacle and#gets way too invested way too quick and holds on like he’ll die if he even thinks of letting go. he’s just like that. he’s just like that.#he’s like that with rose he’s like that with martha he’s like that with donna amy clara bill!!!! these relationships are all different but#the common core is that the doctor is a freak! the doctor clings on too tight!!! the doctor will fuck you up he loves you so much!!!#idk! is it more leading on for the doctor to kiss martha to pull off a plan than it is for him to reshape amy’s life around him on accident#and then show up when she’s an adult to finally whisk her away. or to let clara do emotional infidelity with him for months while#insisting that he’s not her boyfriend. i don’t think ever he is. i think he’s just like gravity. mavity. you’re gonna orbit him because he’s#something cosmic and unknowable. and he’s also your best friend. he’s always too much and too tangible all at once.#am i making any sense here.#ask#martha jones#the doctor#tenth doctor#doctor who#idk man its like 7 in the morning where i am im not awake enough to talk martha/ten semantics. personally i think they should have made out#on screen even more without ever clarifying the nature of their relationship so that they had even weirder and more complicated feelings#about each other.
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dailydegurechaff · 4 months
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Today's Daily Degurechaff is… >:P
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