#because shes never seen anything like it and if she destroys earth theres no more spongebob 😭😭 i mean its similar to the other frogs
rexscanonwife · 9 months
F/Os will have you looking up the most random shit like the Japanese dub of spongebob
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norman-ratri-truther · 4 months
svtfoe finale was absolutely MESSY as hell but like. so much of the criticism i see just feels wrong..
putting it under a cut bcz this post ended up being longer than i expected, spoilers obv / svtfoe critical stuff still even if i am defending it
like "star merged two worlds causing total chaos just so she could see her boyfriend of like 3 hours" is something ive seen and that just isnt. really how it happened??
like, no.. star didnt know the two worlds would merge, like ive seen a lot of criticism of her and the finale being "star merged the worlds" but put it as if she Knowingly merged them. She didn't.
Also I've seen the "boyfriend for like one day" comment used to explain why her actions were so rash but it completely overlooks the previous relationship they had??? like they were best friends for 2 years, they spent every single day together for months at a time. They just started dating, yeah, but using that as a reason to why she shouldn't have tried to stay with him is stupid because it makes it sound like she just met him.
also, if anything them just dating could make it make More sense depending on how you interpret it. She's been crushing on this guy for 2 years and the second they get together she has to never see him again? she has to be stuck on a world she JUST wanted to get away from for a bit? a world she wanted to stop needing to hold together, a world that is going to be even more in shambles now? with a mother who just betrayed her???? ofc shes gonna wanna go to earth
like yeah, destroying the magic was an incredibly irrational decision but sometimes it feels overblown, like blaming her for things that just were not in her control. Like I dont get why people make Star sound worse than she is because like, she did some pretty shitty things already??? why do you have to make up stuff to be mad at the character for bro theres enough that actually happened..
i wish this finale was better written, i do genuinely think it had the potential to be a great and solid story. especially the destroying the magic stuff!! i think if the show built up to the concept of the multiverse being better without magic then that could have been great! instead they have the toffee storyline which was incredible for seasons 1-2-the beginning of s3 and it just ... gets dropped?? like they barely brought him up in season 4?
i want this show to get a reboot someday where the writers actually consider the overarching story better, i really think theres some great stuff that could be done with the destroying the magic plotline if it was built up and executed better.
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48787 · 8 months
I DONT THINK THERE WASN'T JUST A TIME SKIP I THINK THERE WERE A COUPLE SUBSTANTIAL TIME SKIPS AND THAT I WAS A FOOL FOR NOT NOTICING IT WASN'T JUST THE 6 MONTHS IN DUKE (Not even counting how long it's been AFTER the fight with Starscream pre-6 month skip) I THINK THERE MAY HAVE BEEN A TIME SKIP IN TF ISSUE 4 I'M LOSING MY MIND, MY WIFE THINKS I'M CRAZY, BUT BEFORE I JUST ACCEPTED CERTAIN THINGS BECAUSE I WAS LIKE "Oh, huh, I wonder when Megatron's gun got ripped off.." (and she was like, now alternating,) "Most likely before he got frozen over??? Obviously it had to have been before the crash, otherwise how would Optimus have it in his trailer??" "Yeah, you're right, I just thought it was neat that it feels a little ambiguous, like maybe it was ripped off after he was frozen over," "Well, it's clearly supposed to be a mystery," "Well yeah, obviously, I'm just on the look out for red herrings and stuff especially because we never actually see what's in the trailer and there's a bit of a time skip between Sparkplug's idea and him putting on the arm, but you're probably right..." "Not much of a time skip, they're just at the hospital." "Okay sure I guess" BUT GOING BACK UP TO THE PANEL (after making a joke about how it's funny that the fusion cannon is the scope of the gun, so Prime has the scope [doubly meaning ambition hee hoo i'm so clever] of Megatron which funnily feels more powerful than Cobra's gun [which I THINK doesn't have the scope on it but I CANT TELL and MIGHT BE STUPID] and going back up to the panel where OP has the arm in the middle of making it) THERE'S TOO MUCH RUBBLE!!! THE HOSPITAL WASN'T THAT DESTROYED!! MAYBE CLIFFJUMPER AND CARLY WENT BACK TO THE POWER PLANT WHERE HER DAD DIED??? I DON'T KNOW!!! I DIDN'T THINK SO BUT I FEEL LIKE I'M MISSING OR FORGETTING A LOT OF DETAILS RN!! DID SPARKPLUG GIVE HER THAT GUN SHE HAS NEXT TO HER WHEN SHE'S TALKING TO CLIFFJUMPER?? WHY CANT I REMEMBER!! PRIME'S DAMAGE IS THE SAME, SO IT COULDN'T HAVE BEEN THAT BIG OF A JUMP.... I THINK?? IM TRYING TO COMPARE THE LITTLE WE SEE OF THE PLACES BUT IT FEELS LIKE MY BRAIN IS FRIED BECAUSE I BECAME TOO BUSY THINKING ABOUT: WHEN DOES VOID RIVALS TAKE PLACE??? JETFIRE SAYS HE NEEDS TO GO HOME, BUT WE SEE HIM ON EARTH INSTEAD NEXT IN TF, LOW ON ENERGON. MAYBE HE WAS SEARCHING FOR STARSCREAM SINCE PERHAPS HIS PARTNER WAS LOST AS WELL... "I have not seen you... for centuries" IS A LITTLE WEIRD, BUT THEN I GOTTA WONDER... HOW CLOSE IS EARTH?? HOW FAST CAN HE TRAVEL??? HOW MUCH ENERGON DOES THAT COST?? HE CLEARLY MUST'VE BEEN ON EARTH FOR A LITTLE WHILE TO GET NEW ALT MODES RIGHT?? MAYBE THIS IS A SEMANTIC THING BUT IT GOES FROM "I've been stranded here for... millions of..." (IMPLIED YEARS I THINK?? I DONT KNOW ANYTHING ANYMORE) AND THEN IT CHANGES TO "I have been away for centuries" JUST LIKE HOW STARSCREAM SAYS THE WAR HAS GONE ON FOR "the past hundred years" THERES A WEIRD FOCUS ON 100s OF YEARS... WHICH DOESN'T FEEL RIGHT IF YOU'VE TRULY BEEN AWAY FOR MILLIONS??? (Starscream has no clue how long the war has been going on for considering he just woke up now, so we have no clue when the war started or how long it's actually been going on for...) BACK TO VOID RIVALS WHY IS SHOCKWAVE THE NEXT CYBERTRONIAN (i think?) WE SEE IN VOID RIVALS??? WHY ON CYBERTRON??? OBVIOUSLY HE'S THERE BECAUSE MEGATRON PROBABLY LEFT HIM THERE TO RUN IT, BUT WHEN IS THIS??? THE PLACE LOOKS FINE (though... perhaps depopulated?? We do only see Shockwave) AND IT PROBABLY IS EITHER DURING OR POST WAR CONSIDERING HE HAS THE DECEPTION SYMBOL BUT... WHEN??? SHOCKWAVE'S WHOLE CHARACTER IS USUALLY "I'M YOUR CYBERTRONIAN HOST, SHOCKWAVE, AND I'VE BEEN HERE THE WHOLE TIME" SO THE FACT THAT HE'S THE ONE WHO WE SEE AFTER JETFIRE IS WEIRD, RIGHT?? LIKE MAYBE VOID RIVALS IS EARLIER THAN WE THOUGHT??? ALSO, DOES SKUXXOID BEAT JETFIRE TO CYBERTRON?? DID JETFIRE EVEN GO TOWARDS CYBERTRON AT ALL IN THE FIRST PLACE?? MAYBE SKUXXOID'S SHIP IS JUST BETTER???
SPEAKING OF WHICH, WHY IS JETFIRE ALL DOOM AND GLOOM ABOUT FAILING HIS MISSION AND HOW "Everything will die..." LIKE SURE MAYBE HE WAS EXPLORING TO FIND NEW RESOURCES FOR HIS DYING PLANET BUT... EVERYTHING?? LIKE I GET CARING ABOUT YOUR PLANET MORE THAN ANYTHING BUT... "EVERYTHING???" SURELY THAT HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH THE VOID RIVALS STUFF WITH THE DYING SUN, UNENDING WAR, DWINDLING RESOURCES, AND SACRED RING IMAGE LOOKING EERILY SIMILAR TO AN OPENED MATRIX??? RIGHT??? WHEN IS COBRA COMMANDER 1 GONNA TAKE PLACE??? WHEN IS HE GOING TO TAKE MEGATRON?? DID THE GOVERNMENT MANAGE TO COVER ALL THE STRAIGHT UP OUT-THERE CYBERTRONIAN FIGHTING??? ITS SO LATE, AND IM LOSING MY MIND OVER THIS, I KEEP TRYING TO PUT THE PIECES TOGETHER IN MY HEAD BUT IT FEELS LIKE I'VE SOMEHOW FORGOTTEN KEY DETAILS ABOUT EVERYTHING... okay... Rant mostly done... I think I'll try to reread some of the comics soon and form a more coherent post later that's not just SCREAMING into the void about random points that could probably be easily or obviously explained if I were able to hold more than a single thought in my head at a time. You'd think I'm exaggerating but it's been such a weirdly long day that I feel like I'm doing that one fight in jojo part 6 where I open one tab to cross reference with another tab, and as soon as I open up tumblr to write anything one of them is like evaporated from my head. It was nice getting it all out of me though! Got me to reread Prime talking about the last thing he remembers more closely and how before the crash there were only two hundred years of fighting apparently. I think I made a note of that when I first read it but clearly I forgot! But who knows how many years of fighting there have been since! Also, in the crash scene that Prime remembers Megatron still has his arm, so the most obvious solution to the original question is that Megatron fell out of the ship during the crash, but somehow lost his arm in the process, and when Ratchet was loading everyone into Prime's trailer he just so happened to pick up Megatron's arm, just for safe keeping! Further shown by the amount of damage done to Megatron's body compared to Prime's shiny new arm. Pretty much everything probably makes sense within the comic, I obviously am just jumpy to make wild ass claims because one or two details seemed weird to me and I like to playfully think all the media I consume is carefully lying to me and throwing in red herrings in the dialog to build to some massive twist that was always visible from the start. I really really like how the energon universe is going so far! Once I can get my thoughts in order, expect a more coherent post about how Sparkplug would be a perfect decepticon or something stupid like that, I don't quite know yet!
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lightsaberupmybutt · 4 years
These Violent Delights  - Darth Vader x FemReader
Yer idk why I wrote this either. I’m not ashamed though. And if you read this you’re just as bad as I am for writing it. No more said . Enjoy
Word Count: 1377
Warnings : explicit, brief mentions of smut but nothing too heavy, bit angsty, mentions of violence (but if you’re here then I’m sure that doesn’t put you off), kinda out of character (I've tried, but darth isn't a shagger, not canon anyway) 
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There was not a day that went by when you didn't consider yourself the stupidest bitch on the planet;  scratch that the universe 
You were aware that what you were doing was so dumb that even you couldn't reason it logically. 
Its not like you didn't have options, theres plenty of suitors out there who would be more than happy to take you up on the offer of a night with you.
With this knowledge in mind, you still always fine yourself in the company of possibly the most dangerous man (if you can even call him that) to ever exist.
You wish you'd had the excuse of knowing him before he was vader, wish that you could say your attachment was purely based on your remnant memories from days gone by; but that just wasn't true. You only knew this being, Vader as him dark self - and that was enough for you to always come when he called.
To compare you attachment to a drug addiction felt cliche and incommodious; after all you didn't need his attention to survive, but you still craved it for your own enjoyment
it kept you up at night sometimes - you conscience weary with the fact that the rest of the body it was trapped in responded so positively to the touch of a murderer. These internal battles were common, besides, there wasn't anyone else you could exactly go to to ask advice from. The knowledge of your nightly escapades to Vader quarters was not exactly friendly gossip you could share with your friends, or even your family. It was a clear unspoken rule that secrets of this magnitude that involved the ex jedi were not something he encouraged to be passed around - not that you really wanted your family knowing. They would disown you, you would disown you. You understood just how vile your actions were     
so why did they feel so fucking good?
You had been with men before, plenty of men. Maker, some of those men had the bodies of gods, so handsome that anyone would look upon them and believe they were too good for this world. But nothing compared, nothing even came close. It was one thing to enjoy someone, romantically or exclusively sexually , but it was another to be on the same level as someone. And you weren't quite sure why or how, but the only person you had ever felt that for was the destroyer of worlds.
You'd caught his eye while he and a small fleet of his stormtroopers were overseeing the work your village was putting into one of the many imperial excursions.
You'd love to say you hadn't been like everyone else and feared him instantly, that your backbone and feisty nature had meant you had always been able to feel no intimidation by his power - but that would be a big fat lie. The first time you saw him you genuinely thought you might poop your pants right there and then; all black cloak and metal. and then when you notice that he had noticed you too, when he asked your name, you personally accepted that maybe this day would be the day you died.
but it wasn't, and so it began
At first the imbalance of power was obvious, you feared him more than you had ever feared anything before. You'd heard the stories, you knew just how fast he could destroy you and how nobody would intervene even if they could if he decided this way your time to go. 
He kept his distance in this time, while somehow also always letting  you know he was around. you hear him, his breathing somewhere just beyond your viewpoint. A flash of black out the corner of your eye while you walked through the streets. Just teases of his existence. Just enough to peak your interest. 
It worked, he never had to come to you. You came to him.
Because above all else, your curiosity outweighed everything else, even you survival instincts.
It was easy to be drawn in, you found. In everyones brain theres a soft spot for bad people who only act kind to you. That only show vulnerability to just you. You wanted to feel special, and he made you feel like the most protected person in the universe. 
It was ironic really, that being that close to death is what made you feel most alive
It wasn't romantic, and you were completely comfortable with that. You had no doubt that you could never bring yourself to love someone who had the capability to do the things this man had done, and Vader, as far as you knew anyway, wasn't programmed with the capacity to love - a relic skill left when Anakin burned into the sand.
Sometimes though, there were flickers of those sorts of affections, like muscle memory. A gloved stroke of your cheek, a sweep across your lips to catch some of himself there, a hand in your hair with more gentle intent than usual. These incidents were at first incredibly fleeting, but the more comfortable you got together, or at least the more time passed since you had first met, he seemed to get more carefree with these displays. 
Equally, although you had fully expected to feel the wrath of his power at that very first meeting; Vader had never used the force against you. Well, never without you asking him to anyway - choking with the force may be Vader favourite way to bring his enemies to their demise, but when you asked him to use it on you in the bedroom, he was relatively sure you had completely lost your mind. Be that as it may, it was hot as fuck. However he never took advantage; the power imbalance was certainly there, but Vader never used it against you without you asking him. 
And thats how you knew just how comfortable you'd gotten; because you did ask. without even really completely letting yourself realise just what i meant, you asked him to show you just how powerful he was. You fucking liked it, liked that he could remove you from the face of the earth with a flick of his gloved wrist. You liked that he was the strongest being most people could imagine, liked that he was so notoriously  bad. 
Simply because he didn't; he kept you around. He even liked having you around, not that he would ever admit that to you, himself or anybody.
He never took his mask off, so it was easy for him to hide behind his outfit. He was changing though, maybe not dramatically, but enough for him to notice and be ashamed of. 
He hadn't loved since Padme, with her it was obvious. She was beautiful, and smart, and everything Anakin Skywalker could have ever wanted. But he was no longer Anakin. There had never been another love, but you were something different entirely. You made him different . you made him weak. He lusted for you, craved you just as much if not more than you him. Anakin had always had a possessive streak, but Vader had a possessive nature. You were nothing to him, and then you were just fun to him, a body he could use, a rare someone who would let him inside of them with true interest in him, someone who could look past the suit and mask and burns. You belonged to him now, whether either of you wanted it or not, there was no one else for you. 
“don't you ever let anyone touch you like this again” - he rarely spoke during sex, but when he did, his moderator was always stating claim to you. There really was no way to convince vader that you wouldn't stray, that you wouldn't suddenly wake up and realise that getting railed once very month on a dark space ship by someone who's face you had never seen wasn't enough for you. That you'd want to be with someone who you could kiss, or someone who didn't have such a dark smear on their title. But it didn't really matter, you knew you wouldn't leave, not when being bad felt so good with him. 
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iamtheempress · 4 years
Cold Blooded
A Dragon Ball Horror Fic {Part 11}
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Frieza’s slow. Patient. Methodical. With every step his little smile returns to his face as he sees the lab with which he made his first realization he felt something towards her. Its almost sentimental to him. 
From within the sterile lab the petrified scientist looked for anything. Anything at all to defend herself, then ran to the opposite door. The only one used to escape by the incinerator. So much for that. With the power out and backup generator fried the only thing working is this horrible white light blinking on and off in the lab…
Shes fucked. SHes fucked and she knows it.. No goodbye to Vegeta or anything. Her tomb is her laboratory. A place of creation. “Dammit...DAMMIT!” she shouts and her eyes meet with the vials of liquid that could potentially save her life... 
The corrosive material. The same which she used to pierce his membrane.
“Perfect…” She whispered out, only to be taken from thought fromthe door creaking open. 
“If theres anything that is perfect here, my dear Carlie it is you…” Hes more clear here, hes golden… this is his form he was talking about right. Its nightmarish and sleek.
“I hate to make things so short but i must inform you my dear… this is your last time on earth… from here i have a fleet at my command waiting for OUR arrival. You will never return to this wretched dirtball again for as long as you shall live.” He promises crossing the room with both arms locked prim and proper at the base of his spine he now easily towers over her, whereas before he was exactly her height.
Shes cornered. The position shes put herself in is foolish at best. Caught between Frieza and a concrete wall and a counter top with 50 vials of liquid.
“And if your moronic primate and his little friends find it necessary to hunt you down…” He raises his hand to her cheek and she flinches, his thumb grazes her bottom lip. Solid scarlet red eyes focused on her mouth and then her eyes as he leans closer. “Ill kill them one by one… and ill make sure that you watch. As my empress you will see that your former friends perish appropriately…” Carlie pipes up as Friezas now mere inches from her lips. 
“And i have no say in any of this… your just going to fucking take me..” She chokes out a cry, tears threatening to spill down her flush cheeks. “OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOOOO!! Carlie Carlie CARLIE!!! You never had a choice… you accepted me like a true friend… instead of cowering in fear of me… and you assume I WOULDNT take the opportunity to snatch you up??? Your a prize to be won… and one i wont let go to waste for the likes of that brutish little runt of a monkey…” He comments, absolutely preening with success and excitement. 
Carlie reached behind her and grabbed the rack of vials and brought it over her head into the crown of Friezas head, smashing it and pouring the corrosive material all over the Emperor and onto his flesh. The human woman bared her nails and threw any and all caution to the wind. 
“What in the-you…” Frieza backed up adn looked at his shoulders and didnt notice the human girl lunging at him with nails digging into his neck and dragging down harshly. Cutting clean into his flesh leaving a deep scratch like a wild cat.
“You made the worst decision, Carlie…” Frieza lulled grimacing. The scientist reared back and punched the emperor in the face square in the teeth. A tooth came out… he got some of the acid in his mouth too. Carlies minor victory was short lived. With blinding speed Frieza snatched the humans neck and gripped it. Forcing her to the ground. 
“Out of every smart thing you have done, Carlie. That was certainly the stupidest thing any human has ever done. So yes. A job well done is in order. You have infuriated the Emperor of the Universe to the point where i wlll not take pity upon you..” While choking under the golden tyrants grip she used all the strength she had inher not to pull his hand from her throat but to scratch and mangle his chest and any exposed area. With reckless and careless abandon. Shes mindlessly fighting back to achieve a hollow victory.
A very hollow victory. 
“F-Fuck you! Fuck you and y-your damned offer to be a fucking empress! Im Vege-AAAAH!” SHe screams loudly when the worst pain entered her stomach. A fucking death beam straight into her stomach and out her back. 
“You are a filthy mouthed little whore. You were coppulating with the primate, do you truly think id want my reproductive organs anywhere near your own when that monkey has slavved about inside of you…” Friezas fingers tighten more around her neck, her eyes wide and blood shot. 
“Tut tut now… I wanted to actually see this serum your so proud of in action.. Dont go dying on me n-” She reaches her arms up and scratches hellishly at his neck gasping for air that will never reach her pretty lips. He lifts her head abit and moves her head… Like its some sick fantasy to see someone teetering on the edge of life and death so callously.. 
Her eyes wept as she now kicked and scratched as the grinning tyrant… who bit his lip ensuring shes getting closer to death.. The blood she was laying on was her own but the blood that dripped on her from him was cold..
Friezas just as cold blooded as the life fuel that runs through his veins… “You feel that? That is because of you you wretch.. I offered you my blood for your hoidy toidy experiments. I know you done amazing things with it.. You can SEE me as you take your last breaths..OH THATS RIGHT!! I almost forgot.” He smiles and takes a needle and shoves it into her neck as the vision slipped and she was just about to cusp into the otherworld. 
With that very press of her serum coursing through her veins she understood how potent and strong it truly was… She felt alive. Rejuvenated. Her heart pounding and face dark blue from him squeezing the air from her lungs. “See? It worked! And you got to see it yourself… You should be sooooooo proud…” 
Carlie closed her mouth and looked right up at Frieza with petrified eyes. Shaking and feeling the life slip slowly from her body. “I will remember that when i see Vegeta again… that i was the last thing you ever seen… not that he would give a damn…” He sunk down and pressed his lips firm against the cold girls lips, molding them to hers, for several seconds Frieza felt euphoric… eyes closed and reveling in his first and her final kiss.
Before he could pull away he crushed her throat beneath his grip and felt her go limp beneath him. His lips smack as he pulls away from the body of the woman he wanted to call his empress… Frieza stared at her.. At her corpse.. At her hand and then at the ring.
Then up at the window to the viewing room.. HIs neck and chest was ruined.
Scratched and mangled to high hell. Carlies last stand displayed on his neck. Permanently.
The emperor knelt down and took the ring from her corpse and pushed hair from her face, and exited capsule corp out the back and into the night. Emotions very unclear in Friezas head, he was silent. Brooding. Depressed.
Several minutes pass. Capsule Corp was silent.. A dome with a lone corpse inside waiting to be found.
Bulma had returned with Goku and Vegeta who opened up Capsule Corp from its power shut down. Lights thrown back on and the search was on. Vegeta tore up everything. Bulma said nothing and allowed him to search for her. 
“Do you think Frieza escaped with her??” Goku questioned following Vegeta to the door to Carlies lab. Vegeta remained silent, his heart pounding in his ears. He stopped dead in his tracks upon finding the mangled door to the lower lab. 
“No…” The prince burst down the stairs to the most grizzly scene he had ever bared witness too. Despite destroying entire planets and killing millions in his time while working for Frieza.. 
No death had affected him so horribly then her own.
Bulma started weeping, as Vegeta lifted her in his arms. Kneeling in a pool of her own blood. It felt like an eternity before he spoke..
“Kakarot.. Bulma.. Get the Dragon Balls.”
@dragonblobz @lilfriezatyrant @gallickingun @kamehamethot @gonuclear @memevember @msgreenverse @lizardhipsdontlie @thotful-writing @supremeleadershitlord​ @memevember​ @dragonball-hcs-or-sum-shit​
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ganondoodle · 4 years
I'm so so curious abt ur idea of the Zelda canon pertaining to demise n Hylia?? Who is the ""tiny" man that looks kinda like you" crawling up out of a crack in the ground I'm so CURIOUS. Also I WILL spam tf out of ur notes and I'm only kinda sorry bc I'm just discovering your art now and I'm in love;;; I wanna gush abt ur Hylia design bc FDJDJFJDMS but alas an ask can only be so long;;;; pls talk abt ur hc though I really wanna know!! (AH if you would that is;; thank u for reading gjsjrkg)
ill make it short but even that is gonna be a long read, so strap in:
alright SO; i have not read any zelda mangas, my knowledge of the lore is based on the games for the most part, the “tiny dude” is demise, since as far as i remember its said in skyward sword that he showed up from a crack in the earth. so that was just a silly reference at this point BUT to what my actual PERSONAL rewriting of the whole thing is :
hylia is a servant of the three golden goddesses, she was told what would happen and was prepared to follow her orders, (like lifting skyloft into the sky already before demise even shows up). once he does show up and you know, does his thing of destroying stuff hes stopped by hylia, kind of surprised since he didnt expect any resistence, especially not from another deity, and overconfident as he is gets his ass kicked pretty quickly xD   now, her orders where to seal him away immediately, however, while hes even taunting her to kill him, she decides to neither seal nor kill him, and thus spares him, and the only reason why is that shes intrigued. she has never seen any creature that was even remotely like her, demise seems to be not just a deity, but also somewhat of a mirror to herself. of course demise takes every opportunity to try and attack/ambush hylia, since she ALWAYS shows up whenever he goes off destroying things again, and well, she always wins. so at some point she suggest a deal of some sort, she wont seal/kill him, and he gets to roam the lands freely as long as he doesnt destroy or attack anyone that is. demise accepts but only because he cant seem to get her out of his way at the moment. now then, demise starts to stop by hylias temple (sealed grounds), where she usually resides when shes not needed elsewhere, at first its just an attempt to get her to spill out her secrets or some sort of weakness he could exploit to FINALLY get rid of her, but as times goes on they sorta start to bond even though they tend to fight (literaly sword fight) alot, its more sparring than fighting really, just the more brutal version i suppose, you know, them being deities and not really having a fear of death- all while hylia sort of ignores the reminders the three goddesses give her, she hasnt completed her duty yet fast forward through a lot (i still want to do lil short comics of their interactions) but the patience of the three goddesses starts to run out, so they give hylia on last chance to finally furfill the order she was given so long ago. she has never talked back to them, or outright refused to follow an order, but for the first time, she does, arguing that there is no need to seal demise, since he has since gotten far tamer than he used to be, and hes not fully "evil" theres some good in everyone, even him ... but naturally, the goddesses arent too happy about that ."she cannot escape destiny". they force their will onto hylia, using her like a puppet that shes always been, but now, without any will or thought left, she goes and mercilessly attacks demise, who of course notices that she doesnt seem to be herself, but all he can do is try to defend himself, while not wanting to hurt her either (after all he doesnt REALLY know whats going on after all) its also in this confrontation that fi loses her arms actually trying to stop "not-hylia", but in the end, "not-hylia" seals demise away, however, she herself succumbs to being possessed by three higher deities at once for so long.
and thus, the events of skyward sword make mostly sense still, i am well aware that this is my personal brain fart, and tbh i never planned to even write it out like this, im not very confident in my dumb fan writing and takes on characters, i just hate the "pure good and pure evil with no real explanation given for anything" trope, sorry for the wall of text of bad writing, but im glad you seem to like my design of hylia, i also hate the "pure good maiden looks basically like a human" trope, but all in all, i wouldnt put this much thought and effort into rewriting/redesigning parts of this series if i didnt care, i care alot, maybe too much .. especially about the villains, ........................i put the blame on windwakers end :)
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seventeendeer · 4 years
Bro give us the deets on the (sadly limited) female characters!! Tbh i can only remember like two that aren't amy, which are Rouge and Cream....i know theres more tho!!
this. this question. this is the ideal question. obviously I love 99% of the major Sonic characters, but the female part of the cast is VERY special to me and I CANNOT thank you enough for giving me an opportunity to talk about them, because they are wildly under-appreciated and seem to go mostly unnoticed outside of the fandom, which is a crime
and yes! it is true that there aren’t many female characters in the central, recurring cast, HOWEVER! there is actually a very decently-sized amount of female characters who are key characters in the plots of various games, and many that only show up for one story and then leave for a variety of reasons (just to torture me, I think, because a lot of them are some of my absolute favorite characters).
so, a warning to anyone reading this: if you’re looking to get into Sonic, please be warned that many of these character descriptions come with major spoilers!
and without further ado, a little presentation on a handful of the many oft-ignored female Sonic characters:
Amy Rose the Hedgehog:one of the series’ central characters. she’s unfortunately often mostly characterized by being obsessed with Sonic, but she’s actually a really fun character outside of that - she’s a fierce fighter, a brave hero, and aggressively idealistic. she believes in people’s ability to be good and is determined to make others live up to their true potential. she has super strength and super speed, and is occasionally shown to have magical powers, mainly clairvoyance.
Cream the Rabbit:Amy’s sister figure and close friend. at only six years old, she’s the baby of the group and quite sensitive. she hates fighting, but still stays by her friends’ sides and has helped them save the world many times. she has the ability to fly and is sometimes cast as a healer character with the ability to magically bring good luck and health to those who need it.
Rouge the Bat:a master thief who was hired as a government agent when the authorities realized there was nothing they could do to stop her criminal behavior. she tends to follow her own agenda and likes to pretend she has no morals, but deep down, she’s a caring person who will do the right thing when push comes to shove. she has super speed while in flight, as well as super strength. she’s also extremely tech-savvy and uses a lot of gadgets in battle.
Blaze the Cat:the princess of a parallel dimension who guards the magical sol emeralds. she was originally born 200 years into the future, but due to time being rewritten, she was separated from her best friend and gained a new past, where she grew up lonely and ostracized despite her status. her aloof attitude hides an emotionally broken person who more than anything needs a friend. she has super speed, as well as power over the element of fire.
Vanilla the Rabbit:Cream’s mother, who unfortunately isn’t seen in the series very often. she’s a kind and devoted single mother, who serves as a surrogate parent for the many orphans in the series. she also currently looks after an ancient war robot that has turned over a new leaf, so she’s presumably got her hands full somewhere off-screen.
Tikal the Echidna:the spirit of a teenage girl who sacrificed her mortal life 4000 years ago in order to magically contain an enraged god of nature and balance. these days, the god’s anger has been quelled and her spirit lives with it in harmony. she was originally the daughter of a chief of a Mayan-like civilization, the same one that Knuckles is descended from. she believes in peace and has a great amount of respect and appreciation for nature.
Shade the Echidna:another echidna who lived around the same time as Tikal. her tribe was stolen away by an unknown force and trapped inside a pocket dimension where time stood still for 4000 years. recently, Shade escaped. despite her young age, she was the most powerful fighter among her people, as well as the highest-ranking member of their military. she’s a ruthless tactician and fighter, but she’s also noble at heart. she’s got super strength, and uses her people’s futuristic technology in battle.
Maria Robotnik:a chronically ill human child who lived on a space station 50 years ago with her scientist grandfather and his research team. because of her illness, she couldn’t survive down on Earth, so she spent her life dreaming of the day when her grandfather would find a cure for her illness so she could be free. when the military raided the space station in order to destroy her grandfather’s work, she sacrificed her life so that her best friend could escape to Earth, even though she dearly wanted to be there with him.
Wave the Swallow:a young genius and engineer, who descended from a civilization of technologically advanced aliens that crash-landed on Earth in ancient times and used their tech to become master thieves. she prides herself on her intelligence and is something of a snob. however, she’s more of a schoolyard bully than a villain, and while she’s happy to rob people blind and cheat to win, there are still lines she won’t cross. she uses her knowledge of her people’s ancient technology to create hoverboards that her gang cruise around on.
Marine the Raccoon:I never played the game Marine was in, but as far as I’m aware, she’s a loud, excitable kid who makes friends with Blaze and plays a key role in the plot. I’m going to have to play her game eventually, but until then, if you’re curious, you can always look her up on the wiki!
Cosmo:a character from a spin-off series that I’m including here anyway because she’s one of my favorite characters in the franchise. she was an eight-year-old kid who was the sole survivor of a race of plant aliens, and watching her family be killed left her heavily traumatized and filled with both survivor’s guilt and determination to get revenge on those who destroyed her childhood. with the help of the main cast, she slowly got better and formed new bonds. in the end, she sacrificed her life in order to save her new friends and destroy her enemies once and for all.
Sticks the Badger:another character from a spin-off, who seems to have been more or less adopted into the main universe. a borderline feral child who grew up in the wild by herself. as a result, she doesn’t fit into society well and tends to be aggressive and paranoid. once she decides she trusts someone, though, she proves to be a sweet and supportive friend, with a happy-go-lucky “we might die tomorrow, so let’s have fun today” kind of attitude. she doesn’t seem to have any powers, but doesn’t let that stop her from being excellent in battle by force of will alone.
and here’s where I’m gonna stop listing characters, because I could keep going on forever. these are the ones that I think are the most central/interesting female characters, though there are definitely more out there (you’ve probably seen me mention Elise, for example, but she’s more fun because of her wonky character writing than her actual story, so I left her out). anyway, thank you for an excellent question!! bless you for giving me an excuse to talk about all these under-appreciated gals
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sometipsygnostalgic · 5 years
Assessing writing in homestuck: The difference between appealing characters and well-written character stories.
i was rambling about this to /u/cookiefonster in the discord earlier
theres a big difference between what qualifies as "good narrative" and "good character", even when the narrative youre discussing is focusing entirely on that character.
lets give you a couple of examples:
Terezi's a character who has a kind of fucked up storyline that just constantly loops back in on itself; she spends all of act 5 deciding whether to deal with Vriska or not, then gets in abusive relationships in act 6 after not being able to cope with her death. Terezi ends up with massive self esteem issues. Following from THIS, she dies, and retcons the story to undo her mistake and try to prevent the collapse of her self esteem. Sounds like an epic resolution to an arc, right?
Nope - post retcon, they brought Terezi's self esteem issues back but didn't give her the time of day to properly interact with other characters about it. She was unconfident around Vriska and insecure about her altself. Then she has a bit of a breakdown, unlocking some of the potential of her seer of mind abilities, and having a realisation of who truly is. You'd think, wow, Terezi after Remem8er is going to be interacting so much more with the other kids and FINALLY overcome her battle with depression, RIGHT?!?!
uhhh..... she doesnt say anything again until after the comic is over. then shes seen travelling through space.
When the epilogues drop she's interacting with John, they're building on top of their already amazing chemistry, they seem to understand each other like nobody else does in the entire fucking saga. Then Terezi nearly "dies" but another John finds her and they have a heart to heart before Terezi decides it's time go home.
WOOOOOW, you think, Terezi is FINALLY LEARNING TO LOVE HERSELF?!¬?!?!?! an interaction with a HEALTHY PERSON?!?!?!
Then John dies. Then Terezi hates Earth C so much and is so isolated from everybody she knows that she doesn't hesitate to join the villain in space. And it's implied Vriska texts her but she never reads those messages insofar as the canon material ends.
Overall, a rather anticlimactic story about a character whose arc is constantly recycled, not allowed to be given closure at any stage, falling into the same tragedy pit. It's like an art form of cockblocking.
So, why is Terezi as cherished as she is? How come even in the face of the ending, the epilogue, where it feels like Terezi has just been going round in circles, she is probably one of the most loved characters in homestuck?
There's a few factors:
Humor - Being able to make your audience laugh in a genuine way will put you in their favour. Terezi's dark humor, which works in tandem with her general naivete, has always been delightful.
Relevance - The part where Terezi's popularity might have actually struggled would be during Meteorstuck where she was pushed on the sidelines. Every moment she's been around after GAME OVER, however, she's been one of the most active character pushing the plot and generating excitement for whatever thing she's going to do next, even if it does become a loop. Killing John>Killing Vriska>Killing Gamzee>Retconquest>Remem8er>Finding Vriska>Finding John>Leaving with Dirk to save John>??? - she's always on some sort of mission which means if you're thinking about the plot then you might be thinking about something that ties into her storyline.
But most importantly, Authenticity - Terezi's dialogue is actually very well-written, in that she's one of the least wordy characters, but she gets exactly what she's feeling across whenever she talks about it. If you look at all the conversations she's had with Vriska or John or even Dave then you can tell Terezi feels very strongly about whatever she's feeling, and is either trying to disguise that feeling or is trying to put it to words she's struggling to find. Yet even when Terezi can't describe what she's feeling, the audience knows, because her condensed dialogue is expressive enough for us to be able to tell. It also helps that Terezi is one of the most invested in the other cast members, being - if not more righteous - then more analytical of her friends, taking in why they behave the way they do. It doesn't matter that arc-wise she goes in circles, because you can tell exactly how it keeps happening.
I feel like if Terezi didn't have that factor, if there wasn't so much weight to her emotional presentation and if the audience wasn't able to "feel" for her, then she would probably be significantly less popular. I guess that’s why many people feel it’s better for her to still be stuck in the “plot” of homestuck, to lack closure, because maybe closure would feel forced in this universe that’s taken so much from its kids? How can you “forget” what happened and just act like you never entered the game to begin with? Some of the other characters have this issue and it harms them deeply.
Let’s get into that!!!!!
Lord English and Calliope :
I feel so bad for Hussie. He clearly put a lot of thought into the relationship between Calliope and Caliborn, how their characters intertwine throughout this epic story. Yet despite them being the narrative fuel for the entirety of homestuck, and having an awesome thematic ending to their tales, it feels like the "cherub wars" part of homestuck never stuck its foot too deeply in the public consciousness.
Like, let's describe their narration: Two people born in the same body, one good, one evil. One is predestined to rule over the other.
In one universe the cherubs are left in their natural state. The Just cherub, Calliope, predominates... but because the universe is rigged, she is forced to be put into obscurity, residing for billions of years in a hidden dream bubble until the time is right. In another universe, there is intervention - Gamzee introduces the cherubs to humans, and they start to imitate their concepts and feelings. Because of this, Calliope becomes a softer being, engaging happily with the humans. She even wants to take mercy on her brother! But Caliborn takes on human ambition and grows determined to stop his sister from predominating, taking advantage of the human concept of “cheating” in order to beat her at their own game.
Caliborn defeats his sister, and is thrown into a session where he’s forced to overcome seemingly impossible challenges. He succeeds, and is given the ultimate power. Caliborn can will the universe to how he sees fit.
Caliborn’s given just desserts by getting trapped in the juju by the alpha kids but not before the monkey’s paw of trapping all the (alternate) beta kids for millenia, and in becoming trapped, he ends up becoming Lil Cal and Doc Scratch, who manipulate events so that he will rise again as an adult.
But the one thing that drives Caliborn more than anything is the desire to destroy his perfect sister - Calliope. A never ending thirst for her death. For predomination Caliborn never predominated normally so he never gets over it. This is part of why he’s so obsessed with showmanship and art too, to one-up her character. He circles the universe destroying all that is irrelevant, all that is obscure, in the hopes of demolishing all versions of his sister, having the primal fear that she will one day catch him out.
Our predominated calliope meets with the ghost of her alternate self, who tells her that her purpose as a softer human version is to just live her life. To be free. To appreciate all that humanity offers her. Whereas the Alternate Calliope’s role is to commit the ultimate sacrifice, to put an end to her brother’s ego. She absorbs the Green Itself into a catastrophic black hole that erases what is left of the universe.
You think that is the end, but Calliope is reborn in a new form, rewarded for her hard efforts, and becomes a full narrator for the story itself, protecting it from the evil of the Prince. She’s an active guide for the characters of Homestuck, wastching over them. She destroys her brother once and for all, absorping him inside herself.
Wasn’t all of that FUCKING AWESOME?!?!?!??! “Wow”, you think, “Calliope sounds so hardcore!!! I’m sure she’s an amazing character to have such a conclusive storyline like this!!”
Wrong, wrong, wrong. Literally nobody on the internet sees Calliope as their favourite character, except for maybe Past!Shelby Cragg who was her artist. And while Caliborn has his fans, nobody is a big fan of Lord English either. In fact most people tend to forget about the Lord English part of him because it’s just not that engaging!
Basing this on the above analysis about Terezi, what is lacking in terms of these characters?
Humor - Caliborn is a hilarious character, absolutetly no doubt about that. He’s so stupid and the way he sees the world is hilarious. It’s almost Terezi-ish even, except far more exaggerated in terms of his vulgarity and naivete, since he was locked in a fucking cage all his life. Caliborn makes us laugh pretty much every time we see him... but this character is lost entirely in Lord English, who does not wish to engage with the audience at all. Lord English is entirely a machine at this stage, just acting to destroy. As for CALLIOPE, she was never that great in the humor department. I’d be surprised if the original Callie knows what “jokes” are. Alt Calliope was also a stooge until the Epilogue where she trolls Dirk, and yes those parts are delightful and boost her in my eyes significantly, but in the core part of homestuck she is incredibly serious all the time.
Relevance - After reading me narrate the entire Cherub plot and how impactful it was on the entirety of homestuck you’d think I’m a fucking idiot for trying to argue that Calliope and Lord English are irrelevant, right? Well Too Bad!!! That’s exactly what I think. Doc Scratch was relevant to what was happening to our core cast of characters, manipulating them behind the scenes, taking advantage of them and fuelling their personal drama for his greater gain. This is why we love Doc Scratch so much and can even enjoy Ultimate Dirk for doing the same thing. Caliborn had a reduced impact on our main cast, but Lord English’s impact is pretty much nonexistent outside of the first time we see him in Caliborn: Enter. Once again, he’s literally only there to destroy the fucking universe, but when our main characters are either enjoying themselves in the new Alpha session or in Earth C, you have to ask why you or they should be interested in what LE is doing? Dave says so himself, that LE has not done anything wrong to him so he’s not hyped to go kill him. Calliope, meanwhile.... Her relevance is split in two, and neither is too substantial to what our main guys are doing.It “makes sense” as she’s such a passive character, but Calliope’s struggle with relevance doesn’t take me as impacting her too much, and I’ll get onto that in a second. Only one alpha kid ever thinks about her, she doesn’t think about anyone except herself, and while Jade has some kind of relationship with Alt!Callie, it isn’t a personal one by any means. Calliope’s impact on the emotional arcs of homestuck is so minimal that she was erased from the epilogues which she wrote herself. Even Calliope can’t think of anything to do with Calliope!!! How about that!!!
Oh, and of course, Authenticity - Caliborn feels like an authentic character because he deals with actual struggles. Caliborn finds it tremendously difficult to do things other characters might have an easy time with, like drawing, thinking in anything OTHER than straight lines... but he perseveres. Caliborn faces his impossible and brutal tasks head on to claim the Ultimate Reward. He’s fucking EARNED that ability to destroy everything in reality, and by god he’s let us know!!! This is why Caliborn is such a cherished character. Even though he’s evil as fuck, he feels like a real kid somehow. It goes without saying that although Doc Scratch has a different kind of authentic creepiness, Lord English has nothing on him that makes him feel real. He’s just a machine, as said before. CALLIOPE’s authenticity.... The alpha Calliope is a character who became “so nice” and so “perfect” that she ended up losing her fight against her evil brother just because she was that good a person as to let him get the better of her. Nothing that ever happens to her is her fault. She never gets in any conflicts with any character ever, except for that one time she yelled too loud in Candy but nobody told her off for it. Calliope is perfect at art, a fair enough writer. The closest thing to a “flaw” she’s ever had is getting so excited about her friends that she writes creepy fanfic about them, something that is parodied in Candy, which has been implied to be narrated (or at least retold) by Calliope herself in Meat. Simply put, Calliope is... a mary sue. A flawless character. There is absolutely no authenticity and no way to relate to her. Alt Calliope.... she’s a martyr? But why does she want to be a martyr? What does she care about the human characters? She’s even less authentic. It is badass to watch her tear down Dirk, and the story takes advantage of how unreadable she is by making her intimidating as fuck, an all knowing force to contest - no, overpower - that of Dirk or even Hussie himself. Alt Callie is more knowing in her fakeness, she has a better struggle as well what with having to escape from obscurity and overcome her brother, and therefore is a better character, at the end of the epilogues, than the original.
TL;DR: It’s not just about making interesting things happen to your characters. It’s making sure they have interesting reactions to what is going on. If your character becomes someone who things just “happen” to, and who does not respond to those things in an authentic way, then nobody is going to care for them no matter how important or existentially poetic their arc is.
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shattered-catalyst · 5 years
Meta on Acorn/the concept of pets, or on his caring for plants/animals/children
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If theres one thing apparent about Catalyst’s life is that he loves plants. Wow does he have a fuck ton of them in his apartment building. In fact theres plants at every doorway or window. *EVERY* doorway and window. Ah he must be great at getting them ample light and air flow you assume and go about your day but oh blessed little naivie you are you wrong.
When a portal for Mojoworld opens so does a slew of anti-nature energy and wherever Mojo goes so does his anti-nature. Sucking the life out of everything he touches and within a large radius of his pathway.
Catalysts plants are not an extension of his love for growth or interest in new life. Nor are they because he can feel the earth and the little roots that grow. No no he has them there as  security alarm.He takes fastidious care of them and as a result he has a crap ton of tomatoes and vegetables which he has to do SOMETHING with. So he gives them away for free. Sort of like your neighbors when zucchini season is afoot. Thus he gains this benevolent reputation in Mutant Town when in reality he just....Has an interesting security system that has some beneficial side effects for others.
Catalyst never had a pet before but he was called pet before and didnt like that one bit. In fact the spined ones were kept as animals and therefore he was not keen on the fact of people owning them until he learned more about how domesticated animals to an extent depended on people for survival. Acorn was....Stolen. Theres no way to say it otherwise. Catalyst found Acorn at a pet store being sold as snake food and she was the last one there so he stole her. She was a very small rat at the time so he had 0 idea what to do with her so he goes to the library and fastidiuously reads up on how to take care of her.
He feels that she is his daughter (funny because cat kinda has a daughter) and he takes care of and speaks of her as an equal.
He will later turn vegetarian as he learns about the meat industry and feels strongly towards animal welfare and environmental concerns because he feels strong empathy for their suffering.
So TLDR Catalyst does have a daughter on Mojoworld, his clone and the final product of the Isaslan experiment. Yes his daughter is a kick ass lady but they never meet. Catalyst is too afraid of returning to Mojoworld and knows not of her existence and his clone is completely absorbed with destroying Mojos rule and doesn’t care for anything else.
Earth children terrify him. He has no idea how to deal with anyone under 6 years of age and babies are disturbing to him. Having never seen one before they are new and unknown entities. He has a nurturing nature and is a natural care taker though he protests this- but he has 0 idea what to do with children. He still thinks that they are given out by lottery to families and thats why everyone buys lotto tickets. Hes baffled by pregnancy. 
Catalyst does take care of children in Mutant Town and has witnessed births in the Morlock and Tunnel Rat communities but hes still uncomfortable and to an extent terrified of shaking a child to death on accident.
He does remember his life from 6 seasons old when they were removed from stasis tubes but hed already had some mental training that was given to him ‘in utero’ so he already had basic skills for survival. Therefore hes baffled by how helpless kids are and that scares him. Their fragility and mysterious ways scare him.
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jojofurkmelifu · 6 years
Steven and the Diamonds
White Diamond: Yes I will look at the memory data on this Pearl *looks at it* Steven:So anything? White Diamond:Quite the adventure you have been on Pink Diamond, no Rose Quartz Steven:Rose Quartz? White Diamond:Oh sorry I meant STEVEN UNVIERSE *Steven shits his pants* Steven:Um I can explain White Diamond:No need you thing I understand exactly what you are, but the fact something of your existence has set foot in my presence really bothers me Steven:I guess I'll just be going now heh heh White Diamond:No stay Blue Diamond:Huh shes not Pink? Yellow Diamond:Where is PInk? Tell us Rose! White Diamond:Thats not Rose you idiots, Rose is just one of Pink's many alter egos she tricked us for thousands of years Blue Diamond:So she never died? Yellow Diamond:What? What? Then what is that thing down there? White Diamond:Some sort of combination of gem and organic from Earth identified as the sound "Steven Universe" Blue Diamond:So thats what you meant by Steven you little! Steven:Diamonds please I can explain White Diamond:Calm down you two dont make noise in my court *Blue and Yellow shit their pants* White Diamond:Pink my dear Pink perhaps its time I give you a reality check Steven:Huh White Diamond:Millions of years ago I decided to create three constructs to follow my grand creation the gem empire that would one day conquer the entire universe in time. I didnt have to create you three I could have ruled it by myself, GEMS ARE MY CREATIONS NOT YOURS I JUST LOAN THEM TO YOU REMEMBER THAT. It also means you are also mine you do what I say, i gave you life and I can take it away anytime I wish. So the least you ungrateful children can do is MAKE ME HAPPY! Blue and Yellow are wonderful daughters but you you you you ohhhhhh. Im so disgusted I cant even think straight *breathes in* Pink I gave you a colony 900,000 years ago and you messed up big time so I decided to held off giving you one until after you matured. I thought you matured but I was wrong
White Diamond:It seems as though you are unfit for running a colony or commanding gems meaning you have no purpose as a diamond. It means I was wrong I HATE BEING WRONG I HATE IT! Me a perfect being wrong its unfathomable! Three perfect creations that all I asked for! ALL I ASKED FOR! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The failure of gems dont matter to me but you are my personal creations you must never fail you have to be perfect like me why arent you like me! *she breaks down into tears* Blue:Pink you made White cry Yellow:Steven I know Pink is there I can sense her in you, what do you have to say for yourself Steven:Look I dont know whats really going on here Im just a human from Earth, and Pink Diamond is my mom Im just doing this because I dont want the Earth to be seen as an enemy to the Diamond Authority so could you please leave Earth alone? White Diamond:Leave it alone! That planet is now a reminder of my imperfection it must be eviscerated. Blue:I agree Yellow:Absolutely Steven:Oh no :( White Diamond:So Steven Universe return to your rock and enjoy your last days with your species until their extinction at our hands, and blame no one but your stupid "mother" Pink Diamond for your suffering. Steven:Wait please dont do this, kill me instead leave the people of Earth alone! Blue:Never Yellow:We never let any species that disrespects us live at all its just protocol Steven Universe White Diamond:As for you Pink I can believe Im doing this, you are clearly banned from the Diamond Authority forever. You will be seen as a nongem to all gems form this moment, you will have no diamond privileges, you will not be allowed on any gem controlled territory either. Your court will be split and shared among your sisters, and your planet will be given to either Blue or Yellow but it seems they want to destroy it so Ill just give the entire star system to one of them no need to waste all of that matter.
*Steven breaks down in tears* Steven:Please Ill do anything to make you not destroy Earth Blue:What part of Never can you not understant SteVON Universe? Yellow:Hmphf we are done here now get of this planet White Diamond:Remember you thing this is all Pink Diamond's fault, gather up this worthless Pearl, those "crystal gems" and your pet leave this planet. Never come back or you will be sorry Pink Ill do something far worse than killing you stupid girl. *Blue begins crying* Blue:You went too far this time! It breaks my heart that I cant even consider my sister one of my own anymore but I'll still love you no matter what Pink we just wont see each other anymore forever Yellow:Stupid runt this is goodbye it was fun I guess little sister *Yellow Diamond shows slight signs of sniffling* White Diamond:If you are gonna make that noise do it outside my court! *Blue and Yellow leave* *Steven gets the gang and they take a ship back to earth, the ship self destructs after it leaves them on Earth to ensure they can never get back to Homeworld* *Steven falls to the ground in utter defeat unable to even talk* *Connie begins freaking out about the upcoming gem invasion* *The crystal gems begin crying as well*
*weeks past and Steven is suffering from intense despair and depression over the ordeal* *Greg is sad as well his Stewball is a sad sack* *Back at the temple* Garnet:So its war then a second gem war but we have no forces we need some sort of rebel army Bismuth:We only survived because it was staged by Rose I mean Pink Diamond in real war we cant beat the Diamonds Garnet:So what do we do? Bismuth:Look I know Rose sorry Pink Diamond loved this planet but if it means Im going to be killed for it then Im out Lapis:I agree its just one planet out of many that has water on it Peridot:A logical assertion but Steven really likes this planet so I cant give up on it because hes my friend Lapis:Steven will be really happy with me and him just alone somewhere out there in the cosmos just us two hehehehehe *Bismuth gives a wtf expression* Garnet:Steven cant be reasoned with right now hes pretty down so all we can do is try to make him happish by giving him hope he can stand on Bismuth:Yellow can instantly end us this is not a fight at all its a massacre its like a star fighting an asteroid there just is no chance at victory. Peridot:Maybe the cluster can help? Garnet:Huh? Peridot:Its friends with Steven but the cluster should be able to match the diamonds in power Garnet:Its a gem fusion meaning one hit from Yellow and its over Bismuth:In my fight with the diamonds they are pretty indestructable nothing we used even scratched them and that White Diamond is said to be even more powerful than those two combined and shes coming here too Garnet:Right White Diamond how do we stop her? Lapis:Lets just run away and take Steven with us! Hes gonna outlive all the creatures on this planet anyway but we can live forever with him. Bismuth:I made an oath to Steven Lazuli I cant just betray him Im not his mother Pearl:Uhhh well are there any bright ideas?
Peridot:The only way to beat a diamond is to use a diamond, a diamond has more power than all gem armies put together non fusion wise I mean if we had one we could destroy every army Homeworld throws at us Bismuth:We do? Garnet:Steven isnt Pink Diamond Pearl:Actually the gem on Steven's belly is Pink Diamond so we could bring her back if Steven were dead? But I would never do something like that even if the planet Pink wasted her life on was threatened. Bismuth:Right.... Garnet: If only there was a way to summon Pink without killing Steven, Steven even if he could use Pink's power doesnt have the mindset to really fight the Diamonds we need her Pearl:Well Im not supposed to tell you this but you could talk to her you know *every gem looks at her dumbfounded* Garnet:Pearl why? Why?! Bismuth:You have got to be kidding me I think Im gonna drown my face in some magma again this time for 400 years Peridot:What a revelation! hahaha Lapis:What? Pearl:Im sorry I couldnt really tell you Garnet:Talk to Pink Diamond I dont know Ruby and Sapphire wont like that Bismuth:Its the only way Pearl:Very Well then Ill show you.
*They are in some sort of dimensional space for minds or something* *They see Steven playing in field* Garnet:Steven why are you so cheerful? "Steven":Im always cheerful Garnet I love being human and happy ahahahaha Garnet:Rose Steven:Oh no you found out *Steven morphs into Pink Diamond* PD:So you found out huh? What did you think was it funny? Garnet:Funny? Do you have any idea how many gems died because of you? PD:Oh man you should have seen Blue crying it was hilarious Garnet:Pink why did you start the rebellion? You told me as Rose it was the protect the Earth was that true? PD:This again Garnet I already told you no more questions, but if you wanna know yes I did start the rebellion because all attempts at the Earth being ran my style failed Garnet:Was it worth it? PD:Earth is still here right so yes Ameythst:Uh hey Rose I mean Pink Diamond you are my diamond right so like Im supposed to follow you. PD:No I dont care what you do I dont really care if gems grovel to me Ameythst:Wow you are so much cooler than those duds back on Homeworld PD:My Ameythsts understand me so well Bismuth:You told me that the diamonds are the enemy and that our reward for winning the rebellion was freedom, and yet you bubbled me PD:Bismuth how are you doing, it been thousands of years still making weapons I see Bismuth:Dont change the subject PD:Sigh you have freedom no diamond is telling you what to do right? Theres your freedom embrace it Pearl:My diamond because of your actions planet Earth is at risk PD:What but the faking of my death? Pearl:Unfortunately thanks to your son the diamonds found out about it PD:Oh Steven Pearl:So I ask you what we your orders for the upcoming invasion? PD:I dunno why are you asking me I dont anything about tactics, Rose Quartz was really me thinking up stuff on the fly Im not military person you see Bismuth:Um..... Pearl:My diamond I understand you can be quite whimsical but this is serious
PD:Well nobody told him to talk to my sisters did they? Pearl:My diamond hes only a child he felt guilty over the things you did and he felt it was the best way to save Earth PD:A child ignores what mom and dad keeps hidden from them, I guess Steven's just a bad kid reminds me of myself sometimes Im so proud of him Garnet:Ahem, your sisters are gonna invade this planet what are you plans? PD:I just told you I got no plans Pearl:What if Earth is destroyed? PD:Oh well at least do me a favor stuff my sweet Greg into a pocket space so I can play with him for the rest of time will you Pearl Pearl:You remember the human PD:Oh Greg I miss you so much how I loved your organic tentacles inside of my body! Pearl:Too much information my diamond
(courtesy of /sug/ we need this as you do)
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blairtrabbit · 6 years
Thoughts on Goddamn Voltron
1. The treatment of Shiro and Adam as a couple was the stupidest shot at “representation” i think I’ve ever seen and it honestly made me angry. We don’t know anything about Adam. We don’t know anything about him but his name and that he possibly has some sort of relationship with Shiro. We are never even allowed to see them physically touch (because this would be gross I suppose) and when Adam is killed off immediately in the initial invasion there is no emotion to it other than he was someone we were supposed to care about because Shiro cared about him. Or ...so its suggested. Not only is Shiro denied any sort of emotional catharsis after being forced to be stoic and endure unimaginable amounts of physical and mental trauma there is no one waiting for him to come home. They are killed for absolutely no reason aside from creating some bizarre boyfriend in the refrigerator for a character who certain has enough anger at the Galran empire that he doesn’t need anymore. If Adam was introduced to show Shiro was gay then that failed. If Adam was introduced to heighten the stakes that failed too. Adam was created to die for no damn reason and unless he somehow appears in season 8 this kind of shit queer-baiting is un-acceptable...hell even IF he comes back who cares? we aren’t even given the chance to know him as a person so whats to come back? Sidenote: Don’t make Shiro sick with some terrible wasting disease and then NEVER mention it again. What the SHIT. 2. The treatment of Lance is unimaginably cruel and I don’t understand it. In season three Lance proves himself to be a mature member of the team and not only does he help Allura who took his lion he becomes Keith’s right hand after a rocky start. He has shown multiple times that he is vulnerable, once to Keith’s face, and yet his leader and his team constantly question his choices and insult him. It went beyond ribbing this season. It felt like everytime there was a chance for the writers to do it they stuck in a Lance barb. I kept expecting a breakdown a moment where he finally defended himself, walked away or told them that he was tired of it. But that moment never happened. Instead the strong right hand of voltron just takes it and continues to do his job. No matter how many great shots or encouraging comments he makes he never gets fucking complimented. Also the writers seemed more determined then ever to give him absolutely no arc or focus. Which leads me too- 3. Why the hell did Hunk have Lance’s story arc. Theres this thing in writing called “setup and payoff” Its a super simple concept that all writers,especially in film and television, know how to use. You set up a concept early and later on it pays off with an emotional revelation or a character change. In seasons one two and three...even four? Lance was the only one on the crew besides Pidge who talked about his family. We saw them in his memories. he had a scene with Coran where he talked about missing earth. He talked about his mom and so on. That was his starting point and when he gets back to earth it should have been his family in the camps, his speech about being angry about coming back to a peaceful earth and a closed end to his talk with Keith about being a leader and how he respects him as one back in season 3. Having Keith compliment his bravery would cement him as his right hand the person hes SUPPOSED to be closest to on the team. Hunk had no set up for this. He never mentions his family or how much he misses them. He talks about food but for some reason he was given the ending arc that Lance EARNED but wasn’t given. In fact it feels like it was even written for Lance but was changed because they goddamn hate him and decided he doesn’t get an arc fuck you. 4. Hey. Hey Voltron. Its called fucking character development.  If you wanted to make Allura and Lance have a relationship you can’t make them blush in ONE EPISODE and call it development. Why don’t you cut down on the 90 fucking minutes of brain melting action sequences and put in some more character development. You can’t just dedicate the first half of your season to some goofy (lance abusing) comedy then spend the last half in one constant exhausting battle and expect us to give a shit about the cadets or anyone you introduce on earth. To me the stand out episode this season was the one where everyone is floating in space. They had to...INTERACT with each other but even this episode felt empty because Keith was the only one allowed to act out...AGAIN. Where was Lances righteous anger? Or even Allura’s? Why is Hunk stepping into this role as mediator all the sudden? What even lead to that? Was he literally just written into the Lance roles? If you wanted to tear the group down to have them be built back up then you have to do so on equal footing and it felt....tame. Like you didn’t want the kids to worry too much. Stress makes people act in cruel ways sometimes and overcoming it is a part of good character development. Instead it was just some lame foreshadowing about the deux ex machina that was lion summoning. It had so much potential-SO MUCH.
5. Not everybody has to end up in a fucking relationship. Axca? Seriously? Man are you gonna crank out some romance bullshit in season 8 aren’t you voltron? Is that what your gonna do? Make sure everyone gets a set of corresponding genitalia to wrap everything up in a nice straight bow? I’m sure you’ll give Shiro some kind of significant other right? Or maybe just have him smile at a dude ala live action Beauty and the Beast because that's what representation looks like in 2018. 6. Coran not getting to build the spiritual successor of his grandfathers work is kinda bullshit.
He spent literally every season waxing lyrical about how great his pop pop was and how much he wanted to be the one to build something like he did and then the castle is destroyed and I’m like oh man so cool Coran is gonna get his wish.Thats so emotionally rewarding that after all the hero-worship Hes gonna have the opportunity to build a new castle even better than the one his grand-oh -no...ok Sam did it. Yeah ok.
7.YOU CAN’T SPEND ONE EPISODE ON EARTH BEING DESTROYED AND SHOW MAYBE THREE PEOPLE AND EXPECT ANYTHING TO HAVE EMOTIONAL WEIGHT. Hey, remember the movie Independence day? Not a great movie but it actually felt like the world was being invaded. It felt like peoples lives were being interrupted on a large scale and it accomplished this by showing the invasion from multiple pov’s worldwide. Would that have been so hard? Maybe show a little girl at school seeing a Galra ship. A man in Africa? A mother in Russia? Just quick shots. Thats all you need. A few establishing shots to show that people are experiencing something foreign and terrifying. I know its a kids show and you gotta what...keep it Y-7 but the Galra literally killed thousands and thousands of people-possibly millions you can’t just gloss over that. STAKES CAUSE TENSION. WITHOUT STAKES OR JUSTIFICATION A BATTLE IS EMPTY AND POINTLESS.OH ON THAT NOTE. 7. THE BATTLES IN THE LAST EPISODES BECOME RIDICULOUSLY BORING AND REPETITIVE. You can tell what the writers wanted to write. They wanted to write whole scenes where people star trek groaned in chairs and shouted about how much time they had.Because of the season lack of setup or stakes buildup in the previous episodes theres no tension whatsoever. Do I care about the people of earth? No I haven’t even seen them. I care about Shiro and the mains ...not even the cadets. I haven’t seen them interact enough with each other to even establish their personalities. So if the whole earth fries eh...I care more if Shiro is ok because i’ve gotten to know him over time. If the entire battle was to save Shiro from a falling ship (HOW THE FUCK DID HE SURVIVE THAT BTW I GUESS BEING A CLONE MADE HIM IMMORTAL) It would have more weight to it than the entire Hour long clusterfuck that was the battle for Hunk’s Parents, literally the only humans we care about. 8. WORLDBUILDING? HOW ABOUT FUCK YOU. Wow...so WW3 huh. That sounds interesting Voltron you wanna...no? Alright so...Russia is still a country this far in the future? Is China still communist or? Hey...why is this lady the queen of the Garrison? Why is her position so important? Who funds the Garrison? Is it the United States? The UN? Is it an international organization? Who pays the bills? The funding must come from some government who would be curious why you asked for millions of dollars towards all these bizarre supplies that could be used to build the biggest ship ever made.Why is Admiral Sanda god? She keeps threatening to go over their heads in the chain of command but that means that SHE has to report to someone? WHo?? THE PRESIDENT? SOME KIND OF WORLD LEADERSHIP COUNCIL? I know this shit is hard but come ON. Earth is NOT like these alien planets Voltron has been on that have a centralized monarchy or singular race with one central government. If Sanda is worried about causing wars and global panic thats fine but shes the one commiting treason by not reporting to her own superiors and letting the leaders of the free world make decisions on behalf of their own people. One person can’t make all the decisions we call that LAAAAAAAAZZZZYYYYYY. Oh and about Admiral Sanda? 9. Admiral Sanda is the worst villian Voltron ever faced Why did you try and give her a redemption arc? Every decision she made was stupid every choice was just...so dumb. She betrayed everyone and her level of power kept making me go...why...is she the queen of earth? When she died I was like good. What a dumbass. Don’t try and redeem someone who did nothing good in the first place especially if you never established enough world building to show she might have been correct. We can’t just trust TELL you have to SHOW us. 10. If you think the racism against immigrants is bad now I can’t even imagine the civil wars when actual aliens just invite themselves over. 11. Thanks for fucking up our tide systems by parking a fucking Balmera directly in our atmosphere assholes. In conclusion:THANKS I HATE IT.
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mars-the-4th-planet · 6 years
The Exo-Martian/Joopistein Conflict of 88,000,902 BC
Back in the day, before humans did their hum, I was a far more independent planet. I had an atmosphere and single celled life! I was all set to become the next earth!
It was only a matter of time before a truly sentient being evolved... I wasnt impatient, I was ready and willing to wait millions of years if thats what it took.
I didnt have a crush on the most wonderful planet in the galaxy yet, I got good grades, I was skilled in PE sports and really life was great!
But... Sol... She kept wearing down my atmosphere with solar wind. She said I wasnt supposed to have life and that she had the right to remove my atmosphere if she needed to. It simply wasnt my destiny to be a lively place, she said.
But what Sol didnt seem to understand is that im pretty far away. If I had a proper ozone than I could have life regardless of what Sol wanted. My atmosphere would just absorb all her radiation.
Where could I get an ozone layer though? I needed lots of gas in specific types to form a nice strong ozone. Because of my small size, my magnosphere sucked and I needed an even stronger atmosphere than earths!
So... I went to get some from the only source close enough: The Joopistein. Or as you know her today, Jupiter.
I opened interplanetary communication with her and we discussed my total extinction problem. I asked her to lend me some of her mass. A tiny, tiny amount to her. O.1% of specific parts of her massive atmosphere would be all I needed.
She said no.
I asked again, more frantically.
She said no again.
I BEGGED her for the materials to have an ozone layer that worked, saying that if I didnt get it every living thing on me would freeze to death. Single-celled life cannot maintain activity in subzero temperatures!
I cried, pleaded, tried as hard as I could to convince her! But even back then we were on bad terms and she didnt want to help me.
So I stopped talking to her, and began work on Operation Raptor V. (Yes... I know thats a dorky name. I was young back then and thought it was cool okay?)
Within a few years, (in a huge hurry because time was running out fast. In a matter of decades everything on me would be extinct.) I raised a pro-mars space armada of thousands of asteroids and a few dozen moon-sized dwarf planets.
The plan was, I explained to them, was to capture the Joopisteins favorite moons and shred her outer atmosphere with meteor strikes. I know what youre thinking, "wtf mars you were going to start a space war?" yes, yes I was. I was desperate during that time! I had to grab the materials needed to save the lifeforms on my surface!
So, when the Stars of War aligned, we begun our invasion. I called myself Exo-Mars back because I thought I was a bit of a badass after my victories in the asteroid belt, and I had earth (who is larger than I am) SURRENDER to me not long before that time without me even attacking her! (She was kind of weird about it, as if she WANTED to surrender to me. And she called me "Ma'am" for a little while after that without me telling her too.)
Anyway, so here I was with an army and feeling hardcore right? I thought if I went in fast enough, the Joopistein would feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of asteroids and moons and would be afraid what would happen to her moons if she didnt give me what I wanted. So she would surrender quickly without a long fight. And yes I know I sound cruel but ive changed since then I promise! I wouldnt really hurt innocent moons anyway!
Unfortunately for me, when you have an army of thousands at least one of them is probably a traitor. The Joopistein was warned of my attack beforehand so when it started all of her moons had either gone inside her outer atmosphere for protection or had gone behind her or simply fled into the outer solar system to return later. Its hard to change orbits quickly in space when your momentum is still up, so if I turned around at that point the attack would just have to wait until another time. But if I retreated, the asteroids would scatter again as they do (they are very disorganized and unreliable soldiers) and it could take me a whole year to arrange them into an a concentrated attack pattern again!
So, being the arrogant little planet I was, I declared that we would attack the Joopistein directly!
About a quarter of my army routed right away. It sucked. I didnt give up though, life wasnt going extinct on me if I could help it!
"JOOP! LAST CHANCE! I NEED OZONE, AND YOU HAVE PLENTY! GIVE ME SOME!" I demanded. Confident now. No more begging: I would be given what I wanted or I would take it.
She only laughed.
So, the battle begun. Wave after wave of meteors pelted and whizzed by the Joopistein. Some made it out, some didnt. I dont understand why they dont mind being engulfed by planets. It sounds very painful. But not to them I guess...
Joopisteins atmosphere started getting a little messed up, like burning clouds of gas would get launched into space. But she was so unbelievably big that the giant clouds meant nothing to her.
The circled her, pelting the Joopistein more and more. Problem was I was losing more of my army than they were doing damage. They were heating her up all right but it wasnt exactly doing anything to make her surrender. I started getting worried so I sent in the dwarf planets.
Then something awful happened. Jupiter used her secret attack: The Septa Aurora. Her poles glowed and whispered dangerous ideas to my moons and asteroids with the power of the mightiest planet in the solar system...
Some flew off into space. Some continued their attack, but... The majority turned on me.
A cloud of projectiles moving at insane speeds I had never seen them go before were coming right at me. The bulk of my armada had turned against me because of some flashy lights. (okay I know theres more to it then that but still...)
At that moment, I knew I had lost. The great Exo-Martian empire was at its end and I had no choice but yo surrender. I raised the white rock in meloncholy and humiliation.
Yet, I did not want to die. And I could tell by how she was looking at me that she did not want to spare me. I had critically damaged two of her moons and they wouldnt ever recover. I had damaged her own planetary stability and had assaulted her with what amounted to a swarm of flying ants. She was furious and wanted to see me suffer. Im not saying she didnt have a good reason to, either.
But luckily, Sol noticed what was happening and told Joopistein to accept my surrender. Back then Sol was a much stricter authoritarian and she was likely to report her to Galaxy Centre after punishing her severely if Joopistein destroyed me. She didnt want to risk that so she accepted my surrender.
We were at peace after that, but a bunch of surrender conditions and war reparations were put on me. My badass exo helmet with the spike on it was removed, leaving only the goggles behind. All of my moons except two were taken from me and given to Joopistein. I wasnt allowed to accept any material from any planet anymore, even if they gave it willingly. Sol has her own punishments in mind for picking a fight which included a long range solar flare that left me dazed and shocked for a while and exterminated everything on me in a blast of radiation.
The last condition made by what is now Jupiter was that I had to do any chore she wanted for the next 700 million years.
And THAT is the sad story of why I have to go do dishes for Jupiter among other things... *sigh* 612 million years to go...
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missjackil · 6 years
My Season 13 Opinion
I loved it! It’s in my top 5 seasons, along with 4,5 11 and 12. S12 is my favorite, having the least amount of episodes I skip on rewatch, the rest all share about 4 or 5 episodes not worth more of my time.  The Season in Review I remember the teaser before the season started said “Season 13 is their Lucky Number” And Im thinking OK lets do this! Lets see some positives for The Winchesters!! Lets see if we got them :)
Character Arcs Sam- Sam has definite changes from season to season. This one was no different. We had Sam last season being heavy on the confident badassery, while pining for a relationship with his mother, to Sam jumping automatically into a fatherly/mentor role for Jack. Meanwhile he’s troubled. suffering great loss, worrying about Dean, the fate of their mother, and his own struggles with his time in Hell and Lucifer.  I read a lot about you nay sayers, who think Jared has had enough, is ready to hang it up, but I have to say Jared nailed every facet of Sam’s life. His relationship with Jack, has been the single most precious storyline the show has come up with, IMO. The chemistry was there immediately, and Sam knew right away that Jack was worth saving. In the episode Patience, we see this relationship take root. Not long after, Dean warms up to Jack, and then Cas comes back and tries to slip into Father mode because he promised Kelly, and then Jack goes missing into the AU. and comes out with Lucifer bent on taking Jack from Sam ... but Sam kept it together.  Through all this, Sam deals with Dean’s depression, fails at trying to cheer him up, nearly loses Dean for good, because nothing Sam can do for Dean, gives him what he needs... which is a win.  In the 2nd half of the season, Sam falls into his own depression. He lost Jack, his mother, Lucifer is back around and causing trouble. We finally learn what keeps messing with Sam since Hell, and what causes his sleeplessness, fear and helplessness, and it’s Lucifers true face, which he discovers he shares with Rowena. (more on that in S14 I hope) we discover also, late in the season, that Sam would like to have revenge on Lucifer, but hes also seeing that revenge doesnt fix anything. Sam ends his season being brutally killed by vampires, resurrected by Lucifer who doesnt waste time with the taunts and threats, being regected again by his mother, who he should have told to go pound sand up her ass, but tookthe high road to come up with a solution. He could have spent the last 3 episodes fighting and arguing with Lucifer but he didnt. He swallowed it all and then forcefully left him behind in the AU. Here, is probably where Sam thought he got revenge. He looked happy and wonderfully content back atthe bunker. It was short lived because Luci was out in no time, with Michael in tow and now determined to take Jack.  Sam didnt go on a rampage to destroy Lucifer, but he called Jack to come back, and then stepped into protector role. What this got him, was Lucifer kicking him around, ad threatening his life once more... but when Jack tried to take his own life for Sam’s and told Sam he loves him. We know Sam won, that was best revenge he could have gotten. So when Dean came around, with Michael wearing him, Lucifer could get whats coming to him... in typical winchester fashion, Sam tosses the blade up to Dean that Dean catches no problem, and finally kills the devil!  Sam’s arc, as I saw it from beginning to end, was a lessen in patience. Dont rush, dont act on impulse too much, dont take everything personal. Stay focused and keep your head. As Axle Rose told us “Take it slow, it will work itself out fine, all we need is just a little patience” Dean: Our Dean started this season out in the deepest pit of dispair. This didnt start at the end of S12 but in the beginning when Mary walked out. This started Dean on a spiral downward, that gained momentum in spots. Once he killed Hitler, Dean didnt get anymore big kills, too much of the time he was the one being rescued. At the end of S12, he was nearly killed by Ketch, and Mom saved him. He got a win by curing mom of the brainwashing, but it was very short lived by her being lost in the AU. Dean suffered the biggest handful of loss he ever had. He lost mom, cas, crowley, and rowena, he fortunately still had Sam but he was preoccupied with Jack, who Dean saw as the main reason everyone was lost.  Dean lost hope in everything, and though Im of the belief that he wasnt trying to kill himself forever in Advanced Thanatology, as he had full intentions of coming back when Billie said “it depends on you” he wasnt in the mindset to argue with her if she wasnt going to let him go. But Billie told him to live, because he and Sam are important. (my theory on that later) so Dean comes back, and soon after, Cas comes back.  Dean is immediately upbeat because now he knows there is hope. It wasnt because he loves Cas more than Sam as some may assume, but Sam couldnt give Dean the win he needed to regain his hope.  Deans good mood went south once he learned Mom was still alive and being tortured in the AU. He was now a man on a mission and he was going to save her no matter what. But then they lost Jack too, and Sam went into his own depression and Dean was there for hm too. He wanted Sam to come out of the dark place he was in, but he knew that darkness was justified. But they both pressed on and kept at it... risking life and limb on the daily, Dean felt extra need to protect Sam so he side lined him in hopes to keep him safe. Sam wasnt gonna have that, they’re gonna live, work, suffer and die together, and thats all there is to it.  However when the vampire killed Sam before Deans eyes, and there was nothing he could do to save him, I have never seen Dean in a deeper pit. He was literally a walking corpse. I can only imagine Dean having less hope at that time, because they were in the AU, where the laws of their world dont apply. Maybe Winchesters dont have a reset button in a world they were never born in. Im fully convinced Dean was going back to the cave to lay down and die next to Sam, when Sam came walking in. Dean was so grateful to see his brother walking, that he didnt care Lucifer came too....” no need to be sorry Sammy... now hug me you little shit!” (paraphrased ;))  Things look up now, Sam comes up with a good plan for the survivors in the Au, and most are now safe and sound in the bunker. Jack is a good little hunter, Dean gets hope that maybe someday the world will be safe enough that they can retire. But thats short lived as well when Lucifer comes back and brings good ole Michael and all Hell breaks loose. When Sam gets blasted away with Jack and Lucifer, Dean’s self destructive co dependence comes out and theres just no other choice but to let Michael use his vessel to take out Lucifer. The fight ensues, Lucifer is too strong, and is about to kill Dean, but Sam comes through by tossing the blade to him perfectly.... and he kills the SOB.  Dean’s arc this season was a lessen in Faith. Faith in God, faith in Sam, faith in love and faith in whats right. It can get better Dean.... every day can get better.  Now we can go on to more fun things -
Best episodes IMO Im going to give that to Scooby for being the most fun and most original. But there were so many really good episodes, Patience, (Sams side of that) Advanced Thanatology, Breakdown, The Scorpion and the Frog, Varuius and Sundary Villians, A Most Holy Man,Funerella, Beat The Devil, Exodus and Let the Good times Roll.  Worst Episodes : By far was Wayward Sisters. The only one I couldnt bring myself to watch a 2nd time. Other’s werent bad, but boring, such as Tombstone, A Devils Bargain, and Good Intentions.  Best Sam Lines - “I know what its like to feel likeyou dont fit, to be afraid of who you are, and what you can do... but my family helped me through that, and now Im gonna help you, You’re not evil Jack”  “We are going to go to this place together.... and if anything happens, we’ll deal with it it together.... and if we die? We’ll dothat together too”  Best Dean lines : “Its a lizard Sam, it tastes like Lizard” “They took my brother, now Im gonna get him back”  “Im never gonna appologize for protecting you. Do you remember the last time we had front row seats to the Lucifer Michael fight? Because I do. You died Sam, and went to Hell! Now I dont care much about what happens to me, never did... but I do care about what happens to my brother” Saddest moments: When Sam couldnt bring himself to tell Dean about why he’s hopeless.  Dean’s dead mans walk to the camp and his tears when Mary asked where Sam was.  Jack crying and punching himself wondering why he hurts people. Happiest Moments: The brohug and the tension melting from Sam’s face Sam and Dean getting a toast in their honor. Jack telling Sam he loves him Sams face when he realizes Lucifer is dead Worst moments: Dean popping a cork when he found outbthere was no more grace.  Sam’s death... all of it Worst Storylines: Wayward Sisters, Asmodeus, Sister Jo (not Danneel hate, it just wasnt a good story)  Best Storyline: Sam and Jack  Interesting things we learned. Sam hates strip clubs, Dean buys Sam a lap dance, Sam has extensive hair care products, and Dean likes tentical porn Stuff I want to see more of next season: Michael!Dean but not for too long... we need real Dean.  Why does Sam have to kill Rowena? What did seeing Lucifer’s face entail? The Man Cave Daddy Sam!!!!!!! Lowkey predictions fro S14 We get a frantic Sam looking for Dean, not unlike S10 but he has help this time . The Angels die and all souls come to earth as ghosts and wreak havok. This along with Lucifer being dead, open the door for the boys to work towards retirement. Get heaven reopened, and the souls back in, maybe by draining the empty of angels, wth Luci dead, no need for Hell, close it up, everyone goes to Heaven. Start eliminating all the bad monsters from the world, sending good ones to Heaven and sending the bad ones to Purgatory where they came from. This wouldnt need to be a quick thing, it could take years to do it, or clean it up in one season, but it provides an end goal. The boys find out theyre important because theyre the only ones who can accomplish this.  In the end, Season 13 was their lucky one. Lucifer is dead. Now they can work towards a future. :)
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mrgrant9559-blog · 7 years
Witch Way Is Right? Part 6
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AN: Hey guys!! I was glad to see the positive feedback for Part 5. Your guys comments and reblogs really pushed me to keep writing and I thank you for that. I thought I should start writing while I’m still inspired, so heres Part 6. This is more a darker tone. May have to put out a Warning tab for those who are senitive… Enjoy my uglies!!
Summary: (Y/N) is a male witch and also comes from a family of witches. When (Y/N) is backed up in a corner by his brother, who chose the dark path, he is forced to choose his own fate, choosing the light path. This causes an Ecliptic War between Light and Dark Witches. During this war, an eclipse (both solar and lunar) is happening, and won’t end until one brother is left standing. With the help of the Avengers and other helpful heroes, will (Y/N) be able to defeat his brother, or will the world be forever secluded in darkness?
Subject: Avengers x Male!Reader
Characters: Reader, Avengers, Brother OC, Parents OC, Peter Parker, Ned Leeds, Baron Mordo
Tags: @uselessace @avengersohyeah @thegreatficmaster @lzzywinchester @writeyouin
Warning(s): Blood, Language, Violence, Darkness
Word Count: 1.6k
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
The Next Day:
Reader’s POV:
My breathing gets heavy as my hands start to shake in fear. Darkness surrounds me and yet completely aware of my surroundings, like I know this place long enough to know where everything is. As I start walking, I hear a splash sound with every step I take. I pause and look at the ground and somehow in midst of all this darkness, I see a huge puddle of blood on the ground surrounding me. The more I look around, the more the darkness starts to fade and I’m able to see. But looking at my surroundings, I’d rather be secluded back into darkness. So many dead bodies surround me and I can tell the blood is coming from them. Whats worse is that they’re the corpses of my team and loved ones. The Avengers, my friends and peers, even Peter and Ned!
“What the fuck is happening?!” I yell but I doubt anyone can hear me. I see a body twitch and start to run to their aid but I fear I might be too late. I turn the body towards me and realize its Steve. He’s conscious! “Steve! We haven’t met yet but I’m (Y/F/N)! I’m the new re…” He starts to shake his head to signal me to stop. He maybe has something important to tell me.
His voice is pretty hoarse but I can still understand him. “I… I know exactly who you are.” He says while coughing between some words. I raise an eyebrow in confusion as I’m sure we’ve never met before. “You’re the bastard who helped cause all this distruction and chaos! Mark my words, you will pay for this!” He gets into a small fit of coughs before his body goes limp and he lets go.
I’m so confused! How is this my fault? Suddenly a purple portal appears from above and out comes my brother Alex hovering with an evil and devious smirk. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him make that face before. “Poor (Y/N)! You were too scared to fight the war, so you took it upon yourself to choose a different path and to finally join us as a dying light.” He says and I now get why its so dark. He destroyed the light. Everything that shines bright in the dark is now gone. The bastard really did it now. Now I’m pissed!
“You know what, fuck the war! I don’t need some special rules to end you, you psychotic son of a bitch!” I yell in anger and fury. I can feel my eyes change color and my hands glow. “I don’t care that you’re my blood relative! I’m gonna obliterate you to dust and scatter you into the wind!”
He just smiles bigger and says, “I see the dark paths consuming you already.”
I look down at my hands and notice they ARE glowing, but they’re purple instead of the usual gold. I’m a dark witch?! When did this happen? Whatever. I guess I’ll have to fight him with dark magic. As I charge towards my brother with nothing but rage and bloodlust coursing through my veins, I can hear my father’s voice on my left. “It’s too late, (Y/N)! The darkness has already won. Just accept your NEW fate.” He says.
I look at him and see my mom next to him looking confident with sinister smirks. Then the unthinkable happens. Their eyes both change purple like Alex’s! “What the hell is happening?!” I scream but nothing stops. My parents and brother start laughing maniacally. I try to cover my ears but their laughs just get louder and louder. “Wake up. Wake up! WAKE UP!!” I can tell this is my brother’s doing. He must’ve put some weird spell on me to give me this sick and twisted nightmare. “GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!” I yell but still the laughs are continuous.
In the midst of all the twisted laughing, I hear a faint voice calling to me. It’s soft and warm, like a fluffy blanket coming out of the dryer. Its slowly getting louder and louder, drowning out the laughing until I can finally hear it clearly. “(Y/N)!” The voice says and I’m almost able to make it out. “(Y/N)! This is just a nightmare. You have to wake up. Please, none of it is real. Wake up!” Its Wanda! She must be convincing me to wake up but I don’t know if I can. I gotta try though. I focus my magic into the core of my body and I see my hands go from purple to the usual gold I’m used to.
I squeeze my eyes shut and when I open them, I’m in my bed covered in a pool of sweat. Its over. I look to the side of my bed to turn on the lamp and see Wanda sitting there with a worried look on her face. “Thank god, you’re awake. Are you alright?” She asks. I look at my phone and see it’s 3:43 a.m.
“Yeah I’m fine now. Thanks for wakin me.” I say as she nods. “What the hell was that? It was a nightmare but it felt so real. Everyone was there but they were…”
“Yeah, I know. I saw. My rooms right next to yours and I could hear you moving around in your bed. I went to check on you and you were sleep but there was this purple mist surrounding your head. It was so thick, I could barely see your face. I had to use my powers and get in your head in order to wake you up.” She interrupted, which is good. I don’t want to have to mention what I just saw ever again. I honestly want this nightmare to be forgotten like most, but I doubt that’ll be possible.
“A purple mist?” I asked and she nodded. I cursed under my breath. “Dammit, Alex! He must be getting stronger or something, cause I don’t think he was able to do that before.”
Wanda looked like she was going to cry, herself. “I can’t believe your brother would do something like that. Your own blood?”
“I can believe it. Alex has always been conniving ever since he choose the dark path.”
“Was he like that before he choose his path?” She asks.
“Honestly, no. Alex used to be the best big brother ever. He would always make sure I made it to school safe, and whenever I passed a test, we would celebrate by getting ice cream or hitting up the arcade, just the two of us.” I say, reminiscing over the good times.
I look at Wanda smiling at the good memories I have with Alex. Tears start rolling down my check once more. “(Y/N). Don’t cry. I’m sure we can find a way to stop this war before it starts. That way you don’t have to fight your brother.” She says incouraging me.
“I don’t know if there IS a way, Wands. What if he doesn’t want to stop the war. I mean, this whole thing could’ve been his plan from the beginning.” I say as the tears come down stronger than before and I’m shaking in sorrow. The more I think about it, the more I regret even choosing a path to begin with. I mean, yeah he’s done some terrible things to me these couple of days, but he’s still my brother and I still don’t wish him harm.
Five minutes later, and I’m done crying. Wanda asks if theres anything else I need before she goes and I shake my head no. I try to go back to sleep hoping and praying that I don’t have that same nightmare again. Hoping that Alex doesn’t mess with me again. I don’t know how but all the thinking finally helped me drift back to sleep.
Alex’s POV:
I’m glad (Y/N) was able to break away from that hellish nightmare I gave him. If he would’ve stayed like that any longer, he just might’ve went psycho from it. I only did that, because Baron told me to. I would’ve never wanted someone like him to see that. I heard him mention the times we spent before I chose my path. I remember them like they were just yesterday. We had some pretty good time me and him. Like when we went to that amusment park and he wouldn’t ride that roller coaster unless I went with him. He held on to my arm so tight, that it actually went numb for a sec. He was such a good brother and now look what we’ve been resulted to. A couple tears find their way down my face. I can’t cry, I’m a man. I also can’t let petty memories like that cloud my mind.
“Alex! Excellent job on scaring your brother like that! You’re becoming stronger and stronger by the day!” Baron says. When I chose the dark path, Baron Mordo had taken me in as his apprentice. He taught me almost everything I know, since witches and sorcerers have the same abilities almost. So far, the time we’ve spent together has been impactful to say the least. He even told me I was able to keep seeing Kathy, my girlfriend. Just as long as she doesn’t know our plan.
We sometimes go around the world and show those weak pathetic mortals that we’ll soon be taking over the Earth. Thats what Baron told me we’d do before he sent me to trick (Y/N) into choosing the light path to start the Ecliptic War. “Come now, Alex! You are strong, but theres still so much you need to learn.” He says grabbing my attention.
“Yes, sir! Right away!” I say in response.
Welp… Turned out to be a lot darker than I thought. Sorry to those who couldn’t take the darkness, but like Reader’s parents said, “Theres always a light at the end of a tunnel”, so expect some cute awkwardness from reader in Part 7. Later, guys!
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noxitic-blog · 7 years
Some langst i thought up of
•Lance is jealous that Keith has Shiro , Pidge has Hunk , Coran has allura . He felt left out and unfit for the group . He truly left like a 7th wheel .
•Lance is still insecure and never had reassurance , so he thought it would be best to just leave and go back to earth .
•he thinks leaving would be the option since allura had taken over the blue lion . Plus he would be able to see his family again . (Though he doesnt really want to leave because the palladins are also his family)
•he decides to pack at night and he goes up To blue to say goodbye and tells her she will always be his lion and he goes to red and thanks her for accepting him and his voice starts to crack and ends up crying and he says take care of keith cause he can be hot headed
 •He went inside his space pod and took one last sigh and remembered all the times he had with his friends . How he looked up to Shiro , How he will miss his bestfriends cooking , being a brother figure to Pidge while still looking for matt , becoming good friends with allura , seeing coran as his uncle and lastly , how now overcame the rival stage with keith and became close friends with him .
• He hesistates for a moment , but continues anyway . His last words were “ I know you guys can do it . Goodluck on defending the universe" and rides off into space .  
 •Next morning  , they were to report to a meeting to discuss their next attack on lotor . Once all of them was there , they questioned the absence of Lance . They probably thought he overslept or totally forgot about the meeting , so they decided to go to his room .  They knock on his door , but he there was no answer , so they all went inside . They looked around and he was no where to he found , but they saw a paper on his bed that says . “Im sorry I couldnt tell you any of this , but I left to go back to earth . I miss my family . I- I really appreciate the time we all had together and defending the universe with you guys” . P.S , Allura , take care of blue for me .  
 • 3 days has passed , Lance not knowing where he is , not knowing how many light years he is  from earth . The silence of the space pod , was uncomfortable for him . He enjoyed hearing the laughter and the voices from his friends , feeling a tear form in his eyes he tells himself , “its okay , its okay he wipes his tears and says
• “dont regret any of this . Theyre better off without me ”
 •His space pod is running out of fuel and hes also running out of supplies to eat . He had no option , but to go to the closest planet . Strangely enough it was the balmera planet . 
 •He landed safely in the balmera planet , he looked around to see the planet was lively and safe . He was shocked when he heard a girl say “hey , arent you hunks friend?” He turned around to see shay . 
, he remembered her when they were fighting and protecting the balmera from getting destroyed . Also , Hunk wouldnt stop talking about her and how grateful he was to have met her . The boy was totally inlove with her . He smiled as memories flood in of him and hunk in the kitchen , while hunk was preparing to make a special meal , Lance was just sitting ,  staring at his bestfriend prepare the meal while , he talked about the love of life . He was talking about how Shay was a very nice person and hunk had such a soft look on his face while talking about her . and Lance just smiled at his bestfriend , glad that hes found someone he was fond of . He also questions if he , himself wil also find someone he can talk about so proudly and fondly of . Then Lance , remembered how Allura and Keith were getting closer and how bothered he was by it . 
“I hate his stupid mullet so much “ Hunk turned around and gave Lance a weird look . “Are you talking about Keith ?” Lance nodded , it was him alright his rival per say , although they were getting closer to one  another so we had no say of where their relationship stand was at the moment . 
Hunk asked “do you actually hate him? “ Lance looked at Hunk weirdly , he was caught off guard with the question . Honestly , he never did , he never hated the guy . not at all . its quite the opposite , he respected him a lot due to his abilities  , he was envious of him . he would never say this to Keiths face , but hes axtually glad to be his rival . His thoughts were interupted when Shay was waving a hand in front of him , asking him if hes alright . 
“O-ohh What was that ? ,  sorry I was thinking about something” Lance sighed , hunk would be so jealous of him right now , he’d been dying to see Shay . Shay looked at lance with concern , but with a tint of curiosity , “Are the other palladins with you ? “ Shay was looking at Lance for an answer , Lance just looked at her , sweat dropped down his forehead . how was he going to explain all of this to her ? . 
“Oo-oh no just me and my handsome self ✨” Lance tried to hide the the overcoming feeling of  sadness and guilt with a smile . Shay noticed this a bit , but decided to nodd it off . “Oh I see , so what brings you here palladin?” . Lance was stuck in a turmoil , should he tell her ? Should he tell her hes just visiting ? It wouldnt be bad to tell her right? She had no way to contact Hunk so he wouldnt know and they wouldnt come looking for him . He needed to leave fast . 
“Why would he leave us ? “ Hunk slid back on the couch , looking up at the ceiling , worried about what happened to his bestfriend , if hes okay , if the galrans captured him . A lot of negative thoughts circled his mind. He knew his bestie wouldnt just up and leave . He knew something was wrong . “well he did say in the letter , he missed his family , so thats what motivated him to leave “ Pidge replied as she was typing on her computer trying to get coordinates of Lotors where abouts .  “I know that , but I think theres more to this than what we see “ Shiro replied as he walked back and forth across the room trying to think of ways to get a hold of Lance , also worried about his safety . Keith was silent throughout this , but his mind is jumbled of thoughts that occurred during the bedroom scene . Now recalling it , Lance did go to him , saying he would step down since he wasnt needed . They were getting closer or so he thought . Everytime he was getting closer to Lance , Lance goes farther away and Keithwas now angry . Lance didnt tell him anything about leaving . His head hurt . Did lance think he was useless to the team? Did he feel inferior ? His train of thoughts were interrupted when Hunk shot up from his slouch position , and screamed “ We have to go find him” everybody looked at Hunk , they knew he was serious . He was , Lances bestfriend afterall . 
“But Lotor can be roaming around and we need to find him . We dont have time to look for Lance” Keith lashed out . Keith now regretting what he said , he was angry at Lance for leaving the group . . Just leaving a piece of letter behind and went on with his life . What about his duty as a palladin? He thought Lance was being selfish . His own selfishness will cause the group to be in disaray . He looked at Hunk and saw a painful look on Hunks face  . Hunk sighed and replied . &ldquo ,no one stopped you when you tried to look for your brother (Shiro) , but you cant stop me when im looking for my bestfriend . If you guys arent coming with me , im going alone “ Hunk was determined to find Lance . He knew something was wrong , he knew Lance enough to know when he did something irrational , it was due to his inner turmoil . All that said he needed to go look for him . 
“Um my space pod kind of ran out of gas , but Ill just stay here for a bit to rest and look for some supplies , if thats alright with you guys?“ nbsp;“ Lance looked at Shay for an answer just responded  “"oh okay , please come, youre more than welcome , meet the other balmerians , we will be happy to help , since you saved us “ Lance was happy Shay was here . She was a calming person to be around , and also glad that theyre giving him hospitality . Also , he was all alone to a kind of new enviornment so , he wasnt fully relaxed yet . 
Keith looked at Hunk and wanted to apologize  , but was already walking away .  Keith got up to catch up to Hunk , only to for the both of them to be stopped by Allura . “You guys just , please lets all calm down and talk this through , I know we are all sad about Lance , but we need to make a plan before actually going out to look for him ”
They both stopped in their tracks , surprised that Allura isnt going to tell them that we need to move on , just like she did with Shiro , but to come up with a plan to help look for him .
“I dont want him to end up alone , hurt and discomfort . I dont want him to go through what Shiro went through , so lets take precautions .” They all looked at Allura and smiled . Shiro went through a lot and went through more . She didnt want the same thing happening to Lance . She became good friends with Lance and she didnt want this friendship to tarnish . Moving on didnt help Shiro and the team . It made them mature yes , but the wound was still there .
Hunk started to walk back and Keith stopped him and apologized “Hunk , look , im sorry , I - it came out wrong and I didnt mean to say it that way ” Hunk also apologized for acting irrational “its okay buddy , and im sorry to , I just , I just worried about him . They gave each other weak smiles and walked back to the couch .
“Iv never seen Hunk so serious before , nice job keef ” Keith was about to retort , but only gave her a look . He wanted to keep his tempure on check , since backlashing isnt going to help anything . She snorted  and continued to look up at her computer screen . she stopped looking for Lotors coordinates , but instead was looking for a way to locate Lances location . This was harder than she thought since they had no knowledge of what kind of Pod Lance used . Pidge didnt want to show that she was concerned about Lance , but in reality she really was . She was like his brother and now for him to walk out of her life like that felt like Matt was leaving her all over again . It hurted her . She didnt want to experience the pain all over again .
Shay led Lance to were a bunch of balmerans were . It looked to be a gathering of some sort . “Here lance have some food ” Lance took the food and gave it a weird look , questioning what it was , why did it look so pink and gooey , but Lance had no choice , since his stomach was practicaly screaming to be full .
“Lets do a little introduction , heres my family , thats my brother Rax , my grandmother Rena  , my father rox  , and my grandmmother Rilla” Lance bowed and pointed his gun fingers at them and greeted them . “Hey there the names , Lancey Lance , but you can call me handsome ✨” they all looked at him and gave a nervous laugh and sweat dropped. They didnt know how to react to such a behavor . Rena walked up to Lance and gently grabbed his arm , “youre more than welcome to be here , after saving us from such tragic . ” her smile was warm and big . Lance felt a gush of happiness , she reminded him of his Abuelita from back home . Her sweet singing , her good cooking , he- all of sudden tears start streaming from his eyes . 
He really missed his mother  hugs , his grandmothers hugs , the rain , the verardo beach , his little cousins , but he also missed playing on Pidges computer and using her headphones to listen to music , watching Hunk cook and charting with him about everything , training with Shiro , having small talks with Allura , helping coran clean the healing pods and Keith , he missed Keith , and His stupid mullet , he misses bickering with him . Everything was crashing down on him . He was so tired . He hated the feeling of not being of use to the team , he hated feeling like a hindurance to the team . Tired . Tired of everything . Tired of being away from both of his homes at the same time . His home at the castle of lions and his home art earth . Rena took Lances arm and asked if he was alright , Lance looked at her and he couldnt do it anymore , he hugged Rena , and poured out his heart . “Im so sorry” his voice cracked “im so selfish , im not a good friend , i-i Im so useless I hate mysel-” Rena hushed him and held him in her arms . Lance held on to Rena , he could feel his legs give out . They both fell on the floor , Lance still clutching onto Rena. Rena told the other balmerans to leave them be , except Shay . 
Shay looking sympathetically towards Lance , wishing she could help him anyway possible . She wished Hunk was here to also help him . She sar next to Lance and Rena . The tears wouldnt stop , he wanted to go home , but he didnt know which home . With the palladins or with his earth family . A fee moments later Lance fell in a slumber sleep . Shay ruffled Lances hair and wiped tears away , she looked at Grandma Rena and asked , “Do you think Lance will be okay? ” Rena looked at Lance , she thought that poor guy looked like he was having a hard time with himself , but he looked a bit relaxed in his sleep . “Yeah he will be fine . He just needs time . “ 
 Pidge pulled up a map of the galaxy “Okay so Lance shouldnt be that far from us , his space pod should only get him a atleast 2 if not three planets away from us ” Allura inserted , ” there are three possible planets that he went to since hes ran out of gas . First planet is Robus X , Ubio and lastly the Balmera Planet . . Hunk walked up to the map and closely looked up at the three planets . He examined them one by one . Robus X and Ubio was out of the list , he looked at the balmeran planet , he has a hunch he might be there . “you guys , I feel like Lance would be in the Balmera planet” Pidge looked at Hunk and grinned . Pidge went up to Hunk and lightly poked his stomach and teased him “ you just want to see your girlfriend ” . Allura , Shiro and Keith and Coran just looked at each other and shrugged . “No-no you guys , im being serious , I have a feeling hes there ” They all looked at him and remembered how Hunks hunches were somewhat accurate . And everybody decided they would put faith in Hunks hunch . Shiro walked up to Hunk and placed his hand on his shoulders and smiled at him . “ Okay Coran and Allura , lets go to the Balmera Planet “ Coran and Allura got into their position and opened up a black hole in front of them . A black hole that goes right into the Balmeran Planet .In everybodies head , they hope Hunk is right and that he is there and safe . 
 Opening his eyes was harder than he thought . He felt like his eyes were shut with glue . He was laying down on the floor a rock as a pillow , but somehow it felt really soft . Shay saw Lance shuffle on his sleep , and shook his shoulders a bit . “H-hey youre awake now , are you alright?” Lance looked up to see Shay , Smiling, but her eyes seemed so concerned about him . Lance got up and looked around the room to look for Rena . “Hey , im alright , thanks shay , by the way , wheres Rena?” Shay got up and grabbed a Cloth and put a bit if water on it and handed it to Lance . “Shes making us food at the moment , I wanted to help , but I wanted to tend to you ” Lance smiled and grabbed the cloth and wiped his face with it . He probably looks terrible from all that crying and sniffing . “Food is ready , im glad youre awake Lance ” Shay got up and helped Rena set up the table and food .  
Lance felt so bad , he felt like hes been taking advantage of them , first he comes uninvited to their planet and take their supplies to embark on his journey to earth , where he literally has no idea which way it is, next He showed him how weak he was by crying infront of them and now he is being fed .This is too much . He is always recieving , but never giving back . He Couldnt stay here any longer , he needed to leave . He didnt want to inconvinence them any longer so Lance has decided . “Hey Rena and Shay thanks for everything , but youve done enough , I cant take anymore from you guys , thank you. I really need to get going Ladies” Lance gets up to leave only to be stopped by Rena 
. “Please stay to eat , you need it ” He looked at Shay and Rena , eyes were pleading to stay with them , he was about to retort , but he sighed and gave in . Theyre too nice of a person to say no to . All of three started to walk towards the table and pick at their food . Lance looked at his food and back at both Shay and Rena . He was truly , thankful , for these two. They also reminded him of his sister and his grandma . Rena noticed Lance staring at her and smiled , “ Something the matter ? ” Lance looked away still a smile on his lips and tells them of how the three of them eating reminded him of his sister and grandma. “Ahh , I see , why dont you tell us more about your earth family ? ” Shay asked excitedly . 
Lance realized he has only known these two for only in a short amount of time , but he didnt hesitate to tell them at all . It felt natural to tell them , natural to talk to them . Hes about to tell them his life story . Not that he wouldnt mind , its just that , it felt like hes been knowing them forever , Thats a good sign . Or a weak sign because he trusts too easily , but he knows deep in his heart , these people are too be trusted . “W-well , I have a big family at home . I have 3 little cousins , 2 brothers and 2 sisters , Im the oldest one and of course my grandma , my mother and my dad . ” Lance smiled as he remembers his hometown and his friends and his favorite beach in the world . The verardo beach . “Our family would always go to the beach , even when its cold . We are commitsd to Tuesday Beach Day . Lance laughed and continued ” I always look after my brothers and sisters at home while my parents where away from work. My mom is has a resturant and my dad helps with the cooking . Also , My mother gives the best hugs!!“ Lance remembers during his birthdays , his other siblings birthdays , relatives birthday , or any holiday . There would always be a lot of food . And a lot of people would come over friends and family . It would get crazy and loud , but fun. “My grandma , she also gives the best hugs , I cant say whose hugs i like more , but theyre both the best ” Lance paused to eat some of his food and continued “ My three cousins , are a big pain in the butt to take care of . Seriously they run around all over the place ! . One time they tied me up and put my hair in a pony tail !” Rena and Shay in unison laughed , Rena thought . Lance had such a vibrant and all around fun family . Of course , there will always be discourse here and there , but would it really be a family if there wasnt ? Rena stopped laughing and wiped the tear from her eyes “Your family must be really fun to be with , truly they do love and miss you .” Lance smiled turned into a frown he thought “ love and miss me huh? , I wonder if they do , I wonder if theyre looking for me and or even remotly remember me at all” lances train of thought interrupted when Rena asked
 ” so , what about your palladin family?“ Lance looked up to Rena and hesistated to answer for a sec , but proceeded . "W-well , um theres 7 of us . 2 beautiful ladies , Allura , shes really smart and shes an altean princess and super strong , youve met her before . Theres Pidge , shes a gremlin ,but shes my little sister kinda , shes tech savy and really smart . Theres Coran , hes like my uncle , he makes me help him clean the healing pods , I really found it boring at first , but now I have fun cleaning it with him since he now puts music . Theres Shiro , hes the man I look up to the most , hes a great leader and I aspire to be like him one day . Also , hunk , my best bud , my man , been knwoing that guy ever since , super humble , hes really smart and handsome . Anyone would be lucky enough to be his girlfriend. Lance glanced over at Shay and Shay looked away with tinted pink cheeks . He couldnt wait for Shay and Hunk to actually be together . They would give Lance cavity . Lance laughed , and continued . Last , but not least , ugh mullet guy . “This guy , him and his stupid mullet . I mean hes not a bad guy , but he ignored me when we went to garrisons together , but then he gets mad over me not remembering our “bonding moment” , and now he became my rival , well , not really anymore I think . Lance puts his spoon down and puts his hand under his chin and raised his eyebrows “ I mean , well . I dont think hes my rival anymore , I guess were friends now ? I mean , Hes a cool guy flying into asteroids and cool junk like that. So ,I dont hate him that much , well I dont hate him , I dont think I ever hated him . I guess I want to he friends with him , but I dont know , I think he hates m- Lance stopped when the room filled with Laughter from both Shay and Rena 
. "I think you like this guy , I think youre mixing your feelings with hate and like and rivalry ” Lance looked at them with an unamused face with a tint of blush on his cheeks . “Who would like him? Anyway , I mean ” Lance remembers their bonding moment , (vividly) , when they held hands , when keith gave him the softest smile when he saved up from a flying sword , Keith smiling fondly at him when he made a joke about being the sharpshooter . Their backs touching one another when they were stuck on the elevator. Lances face was now a full on tomato, he turned to look away from the two of them. This is so embarrassing . “Stupid brain , stop THINKING ABOUT HIM , HIS MULLET , HIS FACE, HIS LIPS , WHY WOULD I LIKE HIM WE ALWAYS BICKER , HE HATES ME , BUT WE PROTECT EACH OTHER FROM HARM , I MEAN THATS WHAT EVERY COUPLE DO RIGHT?!?! WAIT WHY AM I COMPARING US TO A COUPLE? gaah STUPID BRAIN  
"You have an amazing family Lance ” Lance now calm , looked at his plate and back at Rena . “yeah , theyre the best . I miss them ” Lance grabbed a spoonful and continued to eat . “ Why are you trying to leave your family? ”
as he was about to eat his food , he paused midair and slowly put the spoon down . “W-well , its , just that I feel that Im not good enough to be on the voltron team” Rena and Shay concerned about him. “so this is what was bothering the kid?” Rena thought . Both her and Shay got up from their seats and hugged Lance . Rena and Shay ruffled his brown hair . “Lancey , my boy , Sometimes the world feels like its against us , sometimes its not the world , its our ourselves that we are fighting ” Lance listened contently . Shay continue “you know , Lance , when I have a problem , usually I can fix it myself , but if Im not able to . I have my friends and family . If they have a problem , I would also give them a helping hand because thats what friends and family do . You dont have to always shoulder your burdens , you have plenty of shoulders to lean on . If you dont have a shoulder to lean on you can have arms ” Both Rena and Shay wrap their arms around his shoulders . 
 "A strong foundation that can keep you up from falling down” Lance was shocked , he never felt so much love in this while , he starts to grab both of their arms and hug them . Tears streaming down his facewhile continuously saying “thank you guys so much ”. This moment , was a moment Lance , will truly forever cherish . He was so grateful to have met these two . It felt like he had just made another family , He showed them his beautiful and darkside and they embraced it . They embraced him . They accepted him and helped him even when he was just a stranger who just landed on their planet for resources . Their hospitality and love that was graced upon him and honestly he felt like he didnt deserve it ,but accepted it whole heartedly . Rena and Shay felt happy for Lance to be able to pour out his feelings , though they werent sure , if his self doubts would continue , but he would know now himself that people care about him . All three of them crying and hugging each other was interrupted when they heard a loud sound coming from outside . All of them , looked at each other , wipping each others tears and looked outside to see what was all the commotion 
. Lance shocked to see the ship , he also questioned how they were able to track him down , but then he remembered they had Hunk and In the team , so it wasnt that impossible to do so . But He was now feeling guilty and selfish and useless all over again . He now burdened the team more by making them waste their time trying to locate him , when instead should be focusing on locating Lotor and find out about his plans . Everyone gathered to see a small space pod landing . The door opened , Revealing the palladins and the princess . Shay looked over and saw Hunk , she was quite nervous , but happy so see him . Shay started to run towards the crowd and waved at Hunk . They both run towards each other and hug one another . 
  Hunk was now blushing furiously , unable to speak the words he wanted to speak “ H-hey Shay ! Lon-ng time no see ! ” Shay laughed at his stuttering and smiled at him , “ its good to see you again” The palladins caught up to hunk and shay . Shay saw the others coming up behind Hunk . Shay walked up to allura and greeted her . “ Princess Allura and palladins its good to see you guys again , how can he help you?” “Our friend has gone missing and we were wondering if you had seen him? ” Keith nervously looking around and hoping to see Lance , but there was no sign of him at all . Maybe he wasnt in this planet , maybe they were wasting all this time that he was at another planet . Wasting time when they could help him he was out there stranded or wounded “Are you refering to Lance? ” Keiths train of thoughts stopped as he heard  Lances name . He was here? Where is he ? Keith started to look around at the people . 
 Rena and Lance looked at the crowd gathering around the palladins . Lance was super anxious to approach them , he had no way out now . He needed to apologize to them for burdening them . Rena looked up at Lance and placed a hand behind his back. And looked back at the crowd . “you dont have to yet go my son , but I know youre itching to see them again” Rena turned to Lance again finding him in a turmoil . Lance didnt have a choice , they were already here so might as well go with him and explain to them whats happening with him . Talking to Rena and Shay really helped and cleared his mind a bit . Lance hugged Rena “ Granny Rena , thank you for everything” and walked off to see the palladins . He was nervous , what if they kill him?well thats not really possible . But what if they hate him now? What if theyre just here so they could tell him theyre glad to leave him behind ? Either way he/ prepared with anything theyre going to say towards him .
 "Hes here? Allura asked and Shay nodded . Every one was shocked and happy to find out that hes landed here . Hunk sighed in relief and questioned “so where is- “Im here” Lance answered he had his other hand on his neck . Rubbing it back and fourth and the other hand on his pocket trying to look for something to pick at . 
Everyone turned and looked at Lance , they saw that he had red puffy eyes , ragged clothes and looked like he hasnt been eating or sleeping in months . Pidge , Allura , Coran and Hunk start to run towards him and hug him tightly . Lance wasnt expecting that at all . He expected to be reprimanded at . Expected to be hated . His thoughts were stopped when all of them started screaming in unison . 
 “MY BESTFRIEND HOW COULD YOU , WHO WAS I GOING TO NOW WHEN I MAKE EVERYONE FOOD ?!?! ” Hunk sobbed , he was grateful Lance was safe . He wouldnt be able to live if his bestfriend was harmed and or dead . “I HATE YOU - I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO BE LIKE MATT AGAIN , DONT DO THIS AGAIN OR I WONT LET YOU USE MY HEADPHONES TO LISTEN TO SHAKIRA !! “ Pidge hugged Lances waist tightly . She was glad that Lance was safe , but she now haded to reprimand him later , if he ever decides to leave again , no shakira or laptop for a month . Coran screaming , “MY SONNNNN , MY SONNN YOU ARE SAFE , I FELT LONELY CLEANING THE PODS MYSELf ” Coran clinging on to his feet . Coran has lost many people in his life . Thr first gen Palladins . He didnt want to lose the other . He was glad he was safe . Shiro placed a hand on Lances shoulder and smiled at him “ Im glad youre safe ” . Shiro was reliefed that Lance wasnt captred by the galra . He was in good care and thats all that mattered . Allura hugged lances back “ YOU DARE LEAVE US ,HOW COULD YOU I FELT BETRAYED , I WAS WORRIED WE WOULDNT SEE YOU AGAIN ” Allura cried . She was began to start a new friendship with Lance and for Lance to be gone wouldve left a wound on her .  
Keith was in the back watching the commotion , he sighed contently . He was glad that Lance was okay , but still a bit mad for leaving them . Keith decided to walk up slowly to them . “H-ey , we’re glad to have our sharpshooter back. ” Keith blushed and looked away , he didnt know what say at the time other than that .maybe saying welcome back couldve been better ? .
 Everybody was now looking at Lance and Keith . Keith was embarrased to look back at Lance , but he looked anyway to see Lances reaction . Both starring at one another . Lance looked like a riped tomato . He can barely hold himself to say something . Now everybody was interested to see where this was going . “W-why are you blushing mullet?!?!” “I SHOULD BE ASKING you that , why are you blushing?!!” Keith was now embarrsed . He wished the ground undrr him would open up and swallow him . He decided that he would walk away and walk back small space pod . “Keith wait , I wanted to talk with you and everybody” Keith stopped and looked back at Lance and started walking back towards him . He remembers that he still hasnt told them the reason why he actually really left . He left them hanging , with an excuse at that . Its understandable that youd want to see your family again , but it still didnt add up , knowing Lance , he wasnt a selfish person , not at all . There was much more than "I just want to see my family”
Everybody stopped clinging on to Lance and was now facing him , waiting for an explaination . Lance took a deep breathe and told himself its okay you can do this . You can tell them . Just be yourself and tell them . After all , theyre your family . You 2 new families . The palladins and Shay and Rena.
 “I-im sorry , for being a burden again , I-” Dang it , Lance thought the tears are forming again and he still havent even gotten far into his explaination yet . Everybody looked at Lance , sending worried looks on his way . Shay and Rena walked over to Lance and gave him a patt on the back . He looked at both of them and he nodded . He breathed in and out and continued “I-I left because I thought that ……I was … I-I felt like a burden to the team . A useless weight …….. Allura has the blue lion , S-Shiro was back so he was going to take Black from Keith and Keith would want his Red back , why should I be there ? I dont have a purpose anymore …. I think. I think everybodies inferior to me , Pidge is smart , Hunk is also smart , Shiro is a leader , Allura was powerful , Coran also had knowledge and Keith , Keith I , I also admired you . I- I just I was just I just - I just felt miserable being around with people whos abilities are off the charts , but now thinking about it and thinking about thr times I-I had with the team “ Lance stopped , his breathing patterns were off and the tears in his eyes were getting heavier . "I- I felt more miserable when I left you guys ” Lance cradled himself and crying . Everybody shocked and tears filled their eyes . They went up to Lance and hugged him . “Lance , the lion switch was temporary , dont worry about it . Youre not a burden to the team . Not at all . Youre far from that . We became good friends now , you always have my back , im super thankful for you . ” Allura assured Lance . Hunk pulled lance in a crushing hug and screamed “ Why would you think that? You saved us plenty of times ! Youre my bestfriend , I know we always joke around , but really youre important to us !! I dont like seeing you hurt buudddy ” Hunk safely Landed Lance down And Pidge started hugged Lance again in the waist “ I never thought you were a burden , i think youre a great friend Lance , thank you for being a good substitute brother” Lance cried more loudly , this was it , this was what he needed . Reassurance from the team . Ressurance that he was needed and loved by his teammates or better yet , his family . Lance pulled Hunk , Pidge and Allura in a tight embrace . Shiro walks up and patts him in the head , Lance looks up at Shiro and smiles “we never once thought you were a burden ,not at all . Youre a great sharpshooter Lance . Youre always improving and honestly you improved the most so far . ” Shiro got a bit teary eyed . Lance was like his brother to him , (well maybe brother in law in the future if things work out between him and keith) Coran interjected “ NOOOO MY SON , MY GORGEROUS SON , NEVER THINK NEGATIVELY ABOUT YOUR SELFFFF ” Coran lifted his hand up to Lances hair and ruffled them . "You make all of us proud my son ”
 Keith was watching his teammates sob and cradle Lance . He wouldve been lying if he said he didnt want to , but he wasnt to keen in showing public diplay of affection . He walked up to them slowly . Hunk , Shiro , Pidge , Allura and Coran stop hugging Lance and looked at Keith coming up towards them . They all looked at each other and smiled and walked away from Lance . Lance was now confused , was Keith going to punch him? Yell at him? What what?
Keith walks up to Lance pulls on the hem of his shirt and places his forehead against his. Everybody was shocked by this . Pidge took out her made shift phone and started taking pictures . The picture was quite perfect with greenish lighting , but also sun arraying on them . The other palladins saying sighing contently saying finally . Keith sighed and looked at where he is gripping Lances shirt “I-im not good with words , but next time you have a problem , come to me , dont go far away from me , come and i-ill open my arms wide for you to hug .” Keith looks  up at Lance for an answer and they both felt liked the world stopped when theyre eyes met  . They were inches apart . Inches from closing the gap between them .  
Everybody was starring at them intensely while , Keith and Lance starred at each other for a while blushing madly . Keith was getting embarrassed and weird stares that peope are giving them . Also to his weird little speech towards Lance . Keith lets go of Lances shirt and turns the other way “A-anyway thats all . lets go home” All of sudden , everybody was screaming sounding dissapointed “NO KISSS?!?!” Keith and Lance now frozen in their place . Lance looked like he was about to pass out , while keith looked like he was about to kill everybody . 
 But all in all , Lance is happy , he didnt know they cared about him this much . Or probably they did care about him a lot , but couldnt see through it due to his negative thoughts and fears . Tears streaming down his face again , truly he was fighting himself , not the world . He realized these people actually care about him . He was needed . He was loved .It was him that needed to overcome his insecurity fears and doubts . Although , it wont be easy to overcome , but truly he has wonderful people to help him overcome it . He also made a new family . Reana and Shay , he cant wait to meet up with them And his fanily back at earth after he finishes saving the world . He truly , is blessed and glad he had wonderful people in his life . Rena and Shay opened up his eyes and made him realize that he was worth more than he thought he was . 
 He now can finally , truly and contently say , the palladins , shay and rena and his family back at earth , are his foundation . ❣️ 
 The end 💙❤️
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vdoesbookrecs · 7 years
the Heartbreak Hoard No. 1 - fuck you homer
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Blurb: Greece in the age of heroes. Patroclus, an awkward young prince, has been exiled to the court of King Peleus and his perfect son Achilles. Despite their differences, the boys develop a tender friendship, a bond that blossoms into something deeper as they grow into young men.
But when Helen of Sparta is kidnapped, Achilles is dispatched to distant Troy to fulfil his destiny. Torn between love and fear for his friend, Patroclus follows, little knowing that the years that follow will test everything they hold dear. 
Plot: Written from Patroclus’ PoV, the book retells the classic tale of the Iliad with a focus on Achilles.
Good Things to Say About This Book: It’s beautifully written, for one. With almost no dialogue, it reads like an orally told story -- which the Iliad originally was. Those little parts of dialogue are always just snippets, and they stick with you and make you cry later (example: “Name one hero who was happy. [...] You can’t.” “I can’t.” “I know. They never let you be famous and happy. [...] I’ll tell you a secret.” [...] “Tell me.” “I’m going to be the first.” He took my palm and held it to his. “Swear it.” “Why me?” “Because you’re the reason.”). Also, even though Patroclus seems to be a relatively neutral narrator at first, you slowly realise that he isn’t. The further the story progresses the easier it is to read something bitter-sweet into his narrative, like grief mixed with nostalgia, and, of course, his undying love for Achilles. Also, the author knows what she’s doing: Madeline Miller teaches Latin and Ancient Greek (she’s got a BA and a MA in both), and it shows. There are numerous passages where Patroclus clarifies which word a character used -- because there are many ways to say ‘I love you’ in ancient greek. The characterisations are on point (™) and the author makes them stand out: I guarantee you will be able to remember all of their names even after a while, even though they aren’t shown to be truly remarkable. Yes, they are kings and warriors and half--gods, but that’s not why they stick with you. They stick with you because Patroclus shows them as human, and you begin to feel that you know them. 
How This Book Broke My Heart: The better question is maybe: How did this book not break my heart? (oh, also: *clears throat* MAJOR SPOILER ALERT FROM THIS POINT ON, EVEN IF YOU HAVE READ THE ILIAD AND THEREFORE KNOW WHAT HAPPENS) The first thing was maybe Patroclus’ backstory. He is a disappointment to his dad. It is heavily implied that his mother is severely mentally disabled due to an injury inflicted to her by her father, and often does not recognise her own son. When he kills a boy in self defence, his father exiles him. He is forced to propose to Helen (yes, the late Helen of Troy) at age nine (9) and endure ridicule from not only his father but also all the gathered heroes. He suffers from nightmares, and the other boys exclude him from their activities, claiming he is cursed. Like, he’s a child. He has to go through so much, he’s alone and convinced that he’s worthless right until Achilles ‘adopts’ him. And this is another thing: Achilles. Throughout the first two thirds of the book he’s this radiant boy, full of love and hope and pride and mischief, he’s open and accepting and honest and naive and he truly believes that he will be happy. But then there’s war, and he doesn’t have a choice anymore. He has no idea what’s coming, you know? He’s only ever heard of war in the stories his father tells, he has never seen anyone die, he has never even fought against anyone outside of his lessons. But he is pushed into this war, and he changes. He becomes angry and hardened and bloodthirsty and pride begins to consume him. He’s a child when he kills a man in battle the first time, barely seventeen. The only person who can still bring out that bright boy he used to be is Patroclus, but his mother puts a strain on their relationship. Thetis is traumatised and terrified of losing her son. She tries to scare Patroclus away many times, and to persuade Achilles to leave him, looming over their love like a dark cloud. Speaking of their relationship, they love each other so much, so much it almost hurts. They are completely devoted to each other, they are each others happiness, and they make it blatantly clear that they would die for each other. Eventually they do, and it’s so heartbreaking, because if Achilles would have been a little less proud, or if Patroclus would have been a little more convincing, then he never would have had to get on that chariot, he would never have had to wear that armour, he never would have tried to climb the walls of Troy, and he would never have died. Theres this scene when they bring Patroclus’ body to Achilles and he realises what he has done and he reaches for his sword to kill himself and he realises that he can’t, because he gave his sword to Patroclus, and he just breaks down. That’s the point where I started getting a bit blurry eyed. But wait! It gets better! (no it doesn’t). Achilles finally cremates his lover’s body (after like, five days of just crying over his corpse) and tells everyone who needs to know that he wants his ashes buried with his when he dies, and then he does die, and his f*cking a**hole of a son turns up and is like “I’m not writing the name of dis servant boy on me dad’s grave” so Patroclus’ soul, which has been in limbo because he can’t go to Hades until he’s properly buried, is forced to stay on earth while Achilles’ goes on, and he waits for months but no one comes by, and he watches everyone leave and he just stays there, on Achilles grave, waiting for someone, anyone, to come by and write his name on the f*cking piece of stone. Can you believe it? They’ve gone through so much, they love each other more than anything else in the world, Achilles calls Patroclus his ‘most beloved’ , and because this one f*cker shows up they’re kept apart even in death. It’s not fair. They hurt so much. They deserve to be happy. But that’s not even the worst part (also because they are eventually reunited) (doesn’t make it hurt less tho). The worst part is that when all that shit goes down, you remember all those little dialogue parts from the happy bits, because Miller brings them up again, only in a different (and infinitely more painful) context. When you’ve read the book through, all those soft happy moments in the beginning will make you cry, because they’ll all have a bitter, bitter taste of foreboding. This book will destroy you. 
How Can I Make My Reading Experience Even More Heartbreaking? Contemplate this: many historians think that the events described in Homer’s Iliad (the book The Song of Achilles is based off) actually happened in a similar manner and all the heroes are based off real people. Also try listening to sad songs while reading the last few chapters (I recommend ‘Lay Me Down’ by Sam Smith, ‘Unsteady’ by X Ambassadors, and ‘Wish You Were Here’ by Pink Floyd or songs with similarly depressing lyrics) in order to never feel an emotion other than devastating grief ever again in your life. Then think about what would have happened if Thetis never showed up at her son’s grave. Lastly, go reread chapter ten right after you’ve finished the whole book. 
Should I read this book anyway? Yes, yes you should. You will cry for hours but you will be happy about it because honestly, the love story is worth it. 
ISBN: 978-1-4088-9138-4
T/W: period--typical misogyny, rape, violence against women, religious and supernatural themes, human and animal sacrifices, major character death, plague, war, slavery, underage sex, abduction of a minor, child murder, child neglect, murder, oath-breaking, child soldiers 
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