#because they're the two hottest virgins around!
moghedien · 8 months
i actually just unironically love Galad now if I'm being honest
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stellayuta · 3 months
Love on The Grid - Formula 1 AU! Yuta Okkotsu - Pt 2.
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Your likes, comments and reblogs really encourage me to write more! So do interact with this post and let me know your thoughts 🧡
synopsis: One-night stands were nothing but a necessary painkiller for your inability to cross paths with true love. Your most recent find at a Vegas Club was no different. He was boring, obedient, SLOW! You leave him high and hanging hoping you'd never see him again until you find yourself gawking at a supersized billboard of him on a Vegas highway with the title 'LEGEND RETURNS TO VEGAS'.
genre: some s*xual tension, a lot of fluff, thrill and angst
content: 18+ only. Formula one driver! Yuta x f! reader, use of alcohol, swearing, mentions of sex
word count: 5k
a/n: part 2 came soon because i'm so pumped lolol. Note, In this story, Megumi and Toji aren't related.
WARNING: always use protection!
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You sat in your hot, plastic seat with bated breath, like a thousand others, keeping your eyes trained on the asphalt of the track.
Even though it was November, temperatures in Vegas were no good - either that, or the revelation that your hookup from last night is a world-renowned athlete is making you nauseous.
You were in the most uncomfortable position in the entire stands combined, smack in the middle of a fired up Noritoshi and a spiteful Kokichi, who were planning on probably shouting at the top of their lungs for their favorite driver on the grid.
"When's this starting?" You turn to Miwa, a bit nervous.are You nervous to see that man, Yuta, in the middle of his job? What if he doesn't perform well - that would be embarrassing. Oh well, no one here knows about us anyway so it's fine. Except for his number one fan Noritoshi maybe.
"Well, they're almost done with the formation lap, so they should line up at the start line soon. Red Bull's Geto has the pole with a surprise front line seat for Ferrari's Gojo. King Okkotsu is sitting third with Ferrari's second, Itadori Yuji. Then it's Red Bull's Mahito followed by Merc's Toge and - " he goes on and on, speaking jargon and names You don't understand.
"Noritoshi." You stop him in the middle of his enthusiastic speech. "You understand that none of what you said passed through my brain right?"
"Ah well, none of it matters!" He cackles. "When the race begins - you will know who you'll cheer for and who will have you at the edge of your seat. Who gets your heart pumping." He says, fisting his chest. The last bit seemed a bit unintentionally personal but you roll your eyes at him anyway.
The drivers are soon done with their 'formation lap' which Kokichi is nice enough to enlighten you - is a circle they do around the track to prep their tyres for the race and check the tracks and engines. You also see now that Pole is the car sitting first in the starting lineup, as you narrow your eyes at dark, red and blue car zooming its way to ease into the frontmost bracket. That must be the bane of Noritoshi's existence and the Object of Kokichi's desire - Geto Suguru.
Behind him is a flashy red car that earns a deafening roar of cheer as he comes into position. That must Gojo Satoru.
Music Recommendation:
Behind him, and you find yourself looking really keenly. You spot the teal and midnight black hues of a fiery car, followed by another deafening roar and a partial standing ovation. So that's him. 'Mr. Cute Dick, I don't drink, I am not a virgin'. You smirk at thought of such a wallflower being at the center of one of the hottest sports in the world, in a championship with the highest stakes.
"Looks like Y/N is an Okkotsu fan." Noritoshi claims, grinning sarcastically at Kokichi who replies with a grimace. "No, I clearly saw her looking keenly at Geto."
"Ah, shut up the two of you." You snap. "Let me watch!"
The both of them exchange glances at your sudden interest but humor you as the crowd waits with a chilling silence. The five red lights light up, sounding a beep and you can hear your heartbeat in that moment as they turn green without warning and the race is on!
The set of 20 cars pick up speed at a maddening rate and are soon accelerating through the curves and straights of the track, tailing one another. The commentator is particularly zealous, and you find yourself listening to him with a lot of attention. Your eyes never leave the Teal and Dark vehicle with his tiny head popping out the cockpit, protected by his shiny, silver helmet.
For around 30 laps or so, nothing changes, and the people have started chatting amongst themselves. You slump back down into your seat.
There is some action going on at the back of the line-up with a few of the cars overtaking and re-overtaking one another.
"Well, this is boring…" You admit.
"It has its moments." Noritoshi states. "Oh wait, what's that-"
You turn to the track so fast, your vision goes blurry, and You nearly miss the spectacle.
The second red is quickly closing in on Yuta's Teal but Yuta swivels out of the way just in time, apparently surprising his tail-end as the driver, Itadori, loses control and touches the back of the first red car, Gojo's. Both of them start spinning dramatically and are vaulted out of the race at one of the turns.
"Collision! In the Top Five! Both Ferraris are out!" The commentator is roaring out now, with several people standing to get a better view.
You yourself are concerned for the Ferraris that seemed to have lost some parts of the car, leaving behind a trail of debris. But soon enough, both drivers emerge from their respective cars, with the taller one giving the crowd a thumbs up. He removes his helmet and a layer of clothing to reveal striking snow-white hair and dazzling smile. This sport is too fucking dangerous.
"The collision will be under investigation for sure to see if Ferrari's Number 3, Itadori is at fault! For now, the safety car is out."
You train your gaze on Yuta again. He seems to have taken a different route from the track now, heading towards a group of people, clad in suits and uniforms similar to the colors of his car.
"Hey, what's he doing?" You ask Noritoshi. You almost hear Kokichi mumbling "Oh shit." under his breath.
"That's a pit stop. Change of Tyres. Now is a brilliant time for this." Noritoshi says, his lips quivering. Is he really that excited for Yuta.
"The Safety Car has been taken off and with Mercedes' Number 7 quick thinking, Okkotsu takes the lead of the race!" The commentator announces earning a barrage of cheer from the crowd and a giant sigh from Kokichi.
"But not far behind him is Red Bull's Number 4, Geto, fastest car of the crop, who is looking to overtake… He has the DRS on and, and…." You don't need to listen to the commentator anymore because You see it happening and You almost let out some weird feral choke as Yuta barely, barely manages to keep his lead and the vicious, red and blue car accepts defeat, staying behind. You finally breathe out when You see Yuta gaining some speed and maintaining a good distance between him and Geto.
Kokichi pokes your shoulder and gives you a look of immense worry when You realize You are literally gripping your hair at the roots with both hands.
"ah, hah!" You laugh nervously, letting go off your now scrunched up hair. You lean back again as they announce the final lap and with no difficulty, as the checkered flag is waved, Yuta's Mercedes finishes first, with Geto behind him, followed by the other red bull, Mahito.
All of us rise to give the winners a standing ovation as confetti is blasted into the air and fireworks decorate the already shimmering Vegas skyline. You watch in wonder at the colors in the sky as Yuta pumps his fists up, getting out of his car and running over to his team.
"Good win, bro." Kokichi smiles at Noritoshi, who You now notice is on the verge of tears.
You see Yuta remove his helmet, but You can only make out his dark hair from this distance. You don't stop yourself from pouting at the disappointment. Why do You feel like You deserve being close to him right now. Maybe your good-luck suck off today guaranteed his win.
You see him disappear into the pavilion and ask Noritoshi if we can take a closer look at them.
"Close is not close enough to get their autographs but I can get you close enough to see their faces." Noritoshi claims and You give him a smile of gratitude.
"Geez Y/N. Did I really convert you in one race? Can't say if I'm prouder of you or myself." He jokes.
We stand for the Japanese national anthem as we cheer for the winning drivers receiving their trophies and drowning each other in champagne. Geto Suguru doesn't seem to be too keen to join into the racket, but Mahito wants to push the whole bottle down Yuta's throat. You smirk at the view. No teetotalling today?
As the crowd disperses out of the stands, we make our way through as well. You are tightly holding on to one of Miwa's and Momo's hands, each.
Noritoshi guides us through a few sections of the crowd and through a few random nooks and alleys of the arena until we reach what seems like a back gate. You see that a sizable yet dealable crowd is already standing there with Cameras and posters and shirts in hand.
"Well, this is a guarded secret, so not many know." Noritoshi winks at us. Today You are glad You became friends with his girlfriend, Momo.
We join the rows of people, but you fight your way to at least the second from start row, earning a lot of swears and some chick even trying to pull your hair.
You gaze at the gate with hope. One last look. Just to curb your excitement. It's just excitement nothing else. I'll be done after this. I'll go back to your city and drown yourself in work. None of this ever happened…. but why do You feel oddly bitter.
Is it because You realized Yuta and You are worlds apart? You are just an ordinary, honest worker - a commonality. Whereas he a star athlete, loved by the masses and with access to as many options as he wants. But what You have learnt from your past is, people can be as special or common as they want - a person who wants to find options, will always go out in search of options.
And as if to prove your point, You feel an ominous buzz in your hands right as You hear the doors open. You check your phone to see the screen flashing "Megumi Baby." right onto your face. You don't react or move; You simply glare at the screen. You are unable to breath as memories come flooding in.
Promises, nectar-soaked words, caressing your face with the deepest look of love. His bare back shining with sweat as he pounded into a girl from your workplace that YOU had introduced to him as your coworker. Him turning around, expressionless, leaving without giving you an explanation. Him telling you that you were expecting too much of him and You should have never assumed we were a thing since he was just trying new things in life.
All of it comes back to me, not particularly with ease. It washes over you like a tsunami. Completely drowns me. It's not until the incessant shouting of the crowd brings you to your senses that You snap out of your trance.
"Yuta! Yuta!" the people cheer. "Look here, please, just once. Yuta!"
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You stare in horror as You spot Yuta's back getting into his matte black car. You are only able to see a small fraction of the back of his head and his white shirt.
You missed your chance.
You look back at the still ringing phone and want to smash it to bits. Fuck you, Megumi. Fuck you.
The first thing You do is cut the call and block his vile number. Then You try to scream out Yuta's name too in a futile attempt to get his attention, but You are not loud enough.
You start laughing to yourself now.
What was the point of this?
You recall yourself looking in the mirror at your apartment, coaching yourself to make this a pleasure trip. You would hookup with the best guy You could find, forget Megumi for good and move on with your life. So, whatare You doing now?
That guy Yuta would probably head to some lavish after party now and have a string of the prettiest girls in the world willing to suck him off. What use is it down?
The realization nearly brings you to tears. You should have never tried. You slowly retract your raised hands and sink back into the crowd, letting them continue their cheers. You turn back and slowly make your way out of the crowd and towards your friends.
"Wow, Y/N. Even Noritoshi and I didn't go that far in. You good?" Kokichi asks.
"Y/N, sweetie, you look like you're about to throw up what's wrong?" Momo asks me, cupping your face while Miwa rubs your arm.
"Megumi called…" You admit and all of them show a violent shift in expression.
"You haven't blocked that asshole yet?" Miwa asks, furious. You shake your head. "I just did."
"Y/N. You better not maintain any contact with him. He's the absolute scum of-"
"Hey, hey there miss." Suddenly our discussion is interrupted by a polite voice. We all turn around to see two men in suits and glasses standing tall and strong, waiting behind us. They look oddly familiar somehow with the waxed-up hair and somber faces. One of them has a scar near his lips and the other has his hair in a messy bun.
"Miss, are you the one who took Mr. Okkotsu out of the Four Seasons Club last night?" One of them, the bun guy, asks in a business-like fashion, pointing at me. Ah, now You remember them. The two lookers from the club last night, hiding Mr. wallflower behind their broad backs.
Scarface gets a call before You could reply though.
"Yes, Mr. Okkotsu. We're on our way. Well, we have a surprise for you." he tells Mr. Okkotsu mischievously. You narrow your eyes at the word "Surprise."
Scarface exchanges a knowing look with Bunhair and both of them cage you in.
"Would you like to see Mr. Okkotsu, again? It's not like we can force you, but he gave us specific instructions to find you and let him know."
"I didn't make him out to be a stalker you know." You say sarcastically, pondering if You should accept their offer. your friends do give you a strange look and You almost want to tell at least Noritoshi what's going on. But before You can take a call, You get a beep from your phone. This time it's a fucking EMAIL from Megumi.
Jesus, this man.
"I'm coming." You say abruptly. "I'll meet up with you guys later." You tell your friends as they give you looks of utter confusion.
"And burn this shitty device please." you say, tossing your phone towards Kokichi. "At least until I get some sort of restraining order against Megumi."
You exchange a look with Noritoshi and he knows in his heart that You will certainly get an autograph for him.
The two men take surround you as they guide you towards the waiting car. A matte black Lambo. They make sure to hide you from prying eyes, which isn't too hard with their gigantic muscular bodies.
You take a deep breath before You open the door and slide in.
Yuta and you share a good 10 seconds of absolute silence. Honestly, he looks like he's about to fracture his jaw from how wide his gaping mouth is getting. The two men climb into the front and openly laugh at his expression.
"Really, Okkotsu?" they say in unison.
"Wh-wh-wha-" He stutters.
"If you're that offended to see me, I can get out." You tease him, knowing he's going to grab your arm and make you stay. That's exactly what he does.
"Sorry, I was just surprised." He regains his composure. "Well, it's good to see you again, after last time…"
Uff, he shouldn't remind you because you wouldn't be able to control your cheeks getting flushed. There is another round of awkward silence before he decides to continue.
"Ah, right. You left your undergarments in the room last night, I thought you'd want them back so I-" before he can say anything else you slap your palm onto his lips, turning an embarrassing shade of tomato red.
"Not here, not right now!" You whisper-yell at him but his bodyguards/managers/goons/whatevers are quick to catch onto the conversation. Scarface who's driving the car gives you a perverted whistle without turning back and Bun-guy merely hums to himself, pretending to not have heard anything.
"T-Toji, that's impolite!" Yuta shouts at the scarface driver, turning red himself.
"It's not an uncommon thing with you. Aren't you creating quite a collection anyway?" The bun-guy butts in, leaving Yuta defenseless.
"Todo!" he yells at him too and slumps back into his seat, hiding his face. You study him. This was the champion race car driver an hour ago - and now he's a blushy, awkward, highly embarassing puddle.
"Collection, so you do this a lot huh?" You poke him.
"Absolutely not!" He sits up again. "Last night, I just…"
Now you're interested. Sounds like he broke a rule for you.
"Last night what?"
"Well, I just-"
"Oh my god, speak up, Okkotsu!" Toji screams from the wheel.
"Nevermind!" Yuta retorts and grabs your hands. "Are you coming to the after-party or not?"
"Well, I don't have a gown or anything…" You reply, looking down at your very non-party like clothing - a pin strip pant suit.
"Honestly…" He looks you dead in the eye. "You look so gorgeous, I don't want others to stare too much but if you want a dress, we can make a stop. I'll cover it, don't worry." He assures me, feeling a bit less awkward now.
For that compliment, he deserves to see a pretty dress on you and probably a flick to the forehead for making your heart race.
Todo seems to have a good eye for stores because the boutique he takes us to has a brilliant selection of clothes from classy to elegant to teasingly hot and even a corner for some sexy stuff.
You take some time to think and pick out a silvery satin cowl neck dress that compliments your cleavage and stops just a few inches shy of your womanhood. You also pair it will sparkly, strappy heels. You'll just have to make sure to walk properly to not expose anything… unless. When you walk out of the fitting room, you find Yuta waiting beside the billing counter, on his phone, matching your colors, in a light grey tux and black shirt-trouser set. He has combed his hair in a side part, looking rather sharp and you can smell his fresh cologne from a distance. He hears the clacking of your heels and looks up, his lips parting slightly at the sight.
For a moment when your eyes meet, everything stills, like the two of you are the only people in this room. The magnetic pull is something you have never experienced before, not even with Megumi, who you once thought was the love of your life. You walk over to him quickly, tucking your hair behind your ear and give him a twirl. "What do you think?"
"Might have to punch anyone who looks at you wrong tonight." He admits, sheepishly.
"W-What?" You mumble, looking away. Megumi could never. All he told you was to dress modestly so the men won't look. Never did he say he'd protect you. Maybe he never had the balls or talent to.
"Okay, you two get back in the car." Toji yawns at us, getting impatient or perhaps slightly weirded out by the clear tension between us.
The drive to one of Las Vegas' most affluent casino clubs was short and silent. You weren't really mentally prepared to see celebrities and big shots, partying away.
"This will be the best night of your life, I promise." Yuta assures you, intertwining his fingers with yours. You let him only because it calms your nerves. There are a few questions you need answers to though.
"Why are you doing this?" You ask and see Yuta's brow furrow.
"Are you uncomfortable or anything? You can't tell me-"
"It's not that... it's just..." you start. "It really doesn't make sense."
"I am not the most spectacular lay in the world." you admit. "I'm sure you have the world's most exquisite looking women dying to get time with you. I just don't see how being with me can benefit you."
You notice yourself putting yourself down and try to stop but your self-esteem is at an all-time low. That was one of the prime reasons you didn't want to meet up again with anyone you hooked up with during this trip. You wanted to leave feeling all parties involved had the best time of their lives and had no complaints.
Maybe lust got the better of Yuta and he'd come to his senses any minute.
"I think I liked the fact that you had no idea who I was..." He says and you raise your brows.
"I'm sorry I was unaware-"
"Nope, it's a good thing... I felt like I could just be the party loser, Yuta, for once... not a papped, scrutinized driver, Yuta. It felt oddly liberating." He admits.
"Plus, I-" He starts but swallows his words. "Do you remember what we talked about on the way to the hotel?"
You were not paying too much attention back then, being bowled over by the need to fuck someone, but... what did you say?
"Kids, we're here. Catch up later." Todo lets you two know, looking back. Before you could get off though, Yuta leans over.
"Are you going to tell me your name now or not?" He says. The shadows must be playing tricks on your eyes because in the dark, illuminated by paparazzi flashes you find your heart drumming inside your chest, unable to break eye contact.
"Y-Y/N. My name's Y/N." You say finally.
Yuta smiles wide at this and grabs one of your hands, opening the door to his flashy car and the light, noise and cheers hit you all at once.
He helps you get out suddenly, facing a sea of stunned yet curious people, you find yourself wanting to cry from embarrassment.
Oh no. no no no no no! What were they going to print about you now? What will you tell the managing director at your company about this PR scandal?
"Relax." Yuta holds your hand firmly. "I'll make sure only the news you want gets out." He reassures you, find your fingers again, locking them into his and you feel slightly better as you guys make our way to the inside, walking the red carpet.
The casino obviously is so maximalist, it hurts your eyes to say the least. There are people dressed in grandeur lining up at food tables, cigar tables and alcohol tables. There are some playing a few rounds of poker or gambling away at the machines. You are unable to focus on any one spot because all of it is so grandiose, you can't help but gawk at everything!
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When people spot the two of you though, they quickly make their way over. Yuta is today's champion after all - this party is for him. They have a lot of good things to say to him - words of admiration, congratulations, words of passive aggressive envy but what all of them have in common is the looks of confusion or judgement they throw at you. One side-eye with a raised brow and they excuse themselves. Sure, no sparkly dress can make you look like one of them, but you had no idea 'big'-shots had the smallest sense of morals and social etiquette. Yuta introduces you as a 'good friend' to them and although it stings at first, this is a necessary step. It's what you would want and would cause the least amount of headache for the both of you. You aren't really friends or aren't really dating after all.
'One time Hookup-ers' isn't exactly a PR friendly term.
"Sorry about them. Most of them lack manners." Yuta says nervously but you reassure him that nothing they say can dent your self-image.
"No amount of looks they give me can change the fact that I'm not drowning in daddy's money, but my own." You smirk at him, leaving him impressed.
The two of you go through a few more people until you finally get to retire to a corner table of the giant ball room.
"How do you do this?" you ask, staring up at the magnificent chandelier crowning the hall.
"Well the boys never stay back for these kinds of things, we run off to different parts of the city to get wasted." He replies. "Just not before race night." You look at him with some mischief tingling behind your smile. He takes this chance to lean in closer and bump noses with you.
"And you thought I was inexperienced, didn't you?"
"So that's how you aren't a virgin...hmm, adventurous."
But Yuta shakes his head. "I've dated before. We ended things and I'm just beginning to explore my options now..."
"You must be spoilt for choice." You try to boost his ego, smiling wider as you feel his breath fan your face. Oh, how you could use a kiss right now. A kiss with everyone watching.
"I'm not spoilt for good choices." He says. "Having a choice doesn't always mean they're the best option for you." Damn, that's harsh. You cup his cheek in your hand and gaze into his dark blue eyes.
"And yet you gave me a chance-"
Before you can finish though, you hear a pair of boots slapping the ground while running in your direction.
"Okkotsu Yuta, you were supposed to give me the post-race comments. The media is waiting!" You hear a woman yell out as she approaches the two of you. She is dressed in a simple yet elegant navy-blue ensemble. Her eyes look disappointed, but her beautiful face, with its under-lip mole, maintains its poise. Yuta greets her with a sigh.
"I will, I will." He tells her. "Rika, let me off for today at least."
"No can do, Yuta." she shakes her head, getting her phone out.
"You can give me a few phrases and I'll piece together something coherent." she offers but Yuta doesn't want to hear it.
"Um, kind of in the middle of something?" He reminds her, circling his arm around your back.
The woman, Rika, gives you a pointed look. "You get one of those every other week. This is important business Yuta."
What does she mean those? You slightly free yourself from Yuta's embrace and look at him, confused. He looks as unaware as you are.
"Rika, you-"
"Yuta, you should stop toying with chicks. New one every few days. And when they want to get serious with you, I have to deal with all those calls and messages." Rika rants on and Yuta's eyes are getting wider by the minute.
For a second, you feel an empty pit in your stomach but before it can show on your face, you stand up.
"So that's how it is, huh?" you corner Yuta who looks aghast.
"Why am I even surprised?" you mutter, walking away from them. You remember Megumi's deadpan face as he walked out after you caught him and his mistress together. Yuta will be the same.
You reach for the balcony door to get some fresh air, but you feel your elbow being grabbed. It's Yuta. Huffing and very worried.
"W-wait, Y/N." He pleads.
You choose to keep your face neutral.
"It's fine. it's not like we were dating. Maybe, tell that woman to be mindful about her language though because the next time she addresses me as if I'm some object, I'll punch her." That threat, You are very serious about. This was a bad idea after all. You don't belong in the world of racecars, and parties and high-profile vips. You are happy with your computer and 3 cups of americanos, building prolific, useful software, from your cramped up office.
"Listen, Y/N... She was lying!" He tries to reason, and you take a look at him. You mentally give him thirty seconds to explain himself. He takes the cue and wastes no time.
"She's the one I dated. She has been my manager for a long time, and it has been some time since we split. I thought she had moved on since I saw her with another driver a while back but looks like she's still bitter." He explains frantically. But who he has dated isn't even your concern.
"I don't want to deal with fragments of your past, especially ex-flames, Yuta." you say bluntly. "I'm sorry, I have to leave now. Goodbye. Thanks for the evening."
You free yourself from Yuta's clutches, stifling a sob and heading towards the exit. You may have been seeing things, but you see a fluff of white follow you out from the corner of your eyes. It wasn't Yuta though.
Why did you care? It shouldn't matter.
No amount of love could bring people a universe apart, after all.
To be continued....READ PART 3 HERE!!
a/n: Okay there is practically no smut here but the plot needs some build up. Part 3 gonna be out soon and it's going to have a lot of smut, stay tuned guys!
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emeritusemeritus · 7 months
Idk what you think BUT I need the quirky shy reader with glasses who's being bullied for being obviously a virgin and Fred stepping into it because he hates to see her suffering and obviously filling the cliche of falling for her. Hope you like this idea 🥲
My pleasure dear Anon 🖤
Warnings: bullying, sexual harassment, sexual references, love triangle? So many tropes. Insecurities and negative thoughts of self. Fake dating, dating for status, kissing. Love confessions. Inspired by one of my favourite films.
Word count: 3k (oops I got carried away)
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Let it be me.
"School doesn't have to be the worst years of your life."
Your mother had repeated as you begrudgingly stepped aboard the Hogwarts Express about to start your fifth year, letting your insecurities get the better of you once again. You'd made friends during your years of magical education sure, but you were shy, almost to a fault and you knew you were far from the most attractive girl at school. You had glasses and were quiet, the usual suspects that made you unattractive in society's eyes. You longed for the moment you could transform like all the quiet, nerdy girls in muggle films that suddenly take off their glasses, let their hair down and were considered the hottest girl in town. Instead you would still just be you, without the ability to see.
The teasing had begun not long after your fourth year, the boys of the quidditch team trying to get a rise out of you, deciding that your quiet and unassuming presence was somehow offensive to them. You were bullied for simply existing and for being you.
"Oooh look, here's Mary," one had said, his acne covered face repulsing you without even having to open his mouth.
"Very original," you'd muttered under your breath, holding back a roll of your eyes at the stupid nickname. Mary was the ultimate virgin, the definition of the good girl, your new apparent namesake.
"Hey virgin girl, can I have your notes?"
"Oi Virgin! Let me break the seal!"
It was incessant, humiliating and utterly soul destroying. The other girls seemed to get away without any of this, Virgin's or not, but you were always singled out, always teased.
You dreamt of becoming the stereotypical bad girl, sleeping around, partying all the things that would alter everyone's perception of you but the thought of even attempting to talk to someone with the aim of having sex was terrifying. Plus, it just wasn't who you were.
Today was a bad day. It had started almost as soon as you walked into the common room, not even fully awake yet when you'd heard someone mutter your despised nickname to one of their friends. You'd been approached by two Slytherin students in the year above who had tried to tease you, to chat you up and feign interest only to laugh at you once you bit back, only you didn't bite back, you walked off and ignored them- not falling for their tricks.
So when Fred Weasley approached you just after study hall, you did the same. Walked off, looked down and didn't even give him chance to speak, preempting the usual conversation.
He tried again later that day and you rolled your eyes, starting to get frustrated with his determination to make a fool out of you.
You knew the Weasley twins and their pranks and you weren't about to have your hair dyed blue for the entertainment of your peers and so you avoided him completely.
"Y/n, wait," you hear once again and pause to take a deep breath followed by an exaggerated sigh.
"Fred, what do you want?" You say, not holding back in frustration.
"I want to help," he says, catching his breath as he jogged across the deserted corridor to catch up with you.
"Why?" You asked bluntly, still not falling for whatever he was trying to do.
"Because no one should feel like they're making you feel," he says honestly, his eyes looking almost completely sincere.
"And that's your concern because?"
He shrugs, "it's not, but I think I can help."
"Oh yeah? How's that?"
"Date me."
You instinctively roll your eyes, huffing and trying to move away from him but he steps around you, blocking the way. "I mean like fake dating, I'll pretend to be your boyfriend and hopefully they'll leave you alone. I'll be honest with you, there's a girl I've got my eye on and."
"Angelina," you say, making him pause and look at you with a shocked expression. "I might wear glasses but I'm not blind."
"If she thinks I'm dating someone then she might get jealous? Never mind it's a terrible plan. Just forget I said anything."
"Fred wait," you say, calling out to him after he changed his mind halfway through, beginning to walk off. "You think it would work? You ask, showing a little bit of vulnerability.
"Can't hurt to try."
Fred had stuck to his word and after a little bit of sorting out, discussing boundaries and so on, you'd gone public with your 'relationship' nearly a month ago. Immediately the teasing had dwindled down to only the harshest of bullies but even then you were never mocked in Fred's presence. Angelina had been affected by the news, as Fred had predicted and he found that he did get more attention from her, making your agreement mutually for both of you.
George was in on it of course, and you'd genuinely enjoyed your 'fake dates' where you would accompany them to Hogsmeade, help them with their products and listen to their dreams of opening a joke shop, like zonkos but better.
They were nice people, as were their friends and siblings, at least the ones you'd met and for once it was nice to feel included and genuinely cared for, even if it was under false pretences.
It was all going well until Cormac McLaggen put a spanner in the works. You'd been walking back from potions last off on a Friday afternoon, eager to meet with Fred for dinner when Cormac had cornered you in the empty corridor, spouting a load of shit about being attracted to geeky girls, that glasses were a turn on for him. He'd tried to kiss you, manoeuvring you until you were backed up against the wall to try and swoop in but you'd managed to push him off just in time and run away. The whole thing had left you shaken and rightfully so, skipping dinner to cry into your pillow.
Fred found you in your dorm, worried because you hadn't shown up to meet him as you'd promised. Upon seeing your tear stained face and little sobbing body he'd immediately rushed over and pulled you into his arms trying to soothe you.
"What happened?" He asked gently, trying to get you to look at him but you couldn't.
"Cormac," you managed to get out, sniffling pathetically, "he tried to kiss me."
"That bastard," Fred said, quickly turning angry once he figured out what you were saying. "Who the fuck does he think he is? I've half a mind to."
"No Freddie please," you said, grabbing hold of his arm to stop him from acting out. Truthfully you were surprised by his reaction, even if you had grown closer over the past month but you didn't linger on it, instead trying to calm him down. "It's not worth it, I just," you paused, embarrassed by what you were going to say.
"What is it?" Fred says gently, listening to your pleading as he pushed down his anger.
"I couldn't let him be my first kiss."
The silence that lingered felt painfully awkward as you sat cringing in embarrassment, having to admit that out loud.
"Let it me be," he says suddenly, speaking a little too quickly as the words were jumbled and rushed. When you looked up at him in surprise, he seemed to snap out of whatever he was thinking. "Let it be me," he says again, much more slowly and quietly now. You don't reply other than to frown up at him in confusion, which he notices and smiles gently at you. "Just a thought, but if you want it to be with someone you can trust, someone who cares about you then let it be me."
The second your lips meet his, it's like he's accidentally set off a full case of whizzbangs around the room, sparks flying in your mind as you feel his soft, puffy lips on your own. It's a little awkward at first and you're self conscious about wether he can feel your glasses, if they'll get in the way but if it seems to bother him, he doesn't let it show. You expect the kiss to only last for a few seconds but it lingers, deepening as you let him guide you. When you finally pull apart, you look up at him with a blank expression, somewhat shaken by how good that felt. You expected him to crack a joke or give you notes or something like that to break whatever spell had been unknowingly cast between the both of you but he doesn't, he simply looks at you with a man expression you can't read, a softness.
The door opening makes you both jump back and the light, pleasant feeling you had felt only moments ago disappeared instantly when Angelina walked through the door. You felt guilty like a child that had been caught stealing a cookie from the kitchen counter. Fred looked stricken, knowing that Angelina had most definitely known what you were doing, if she hadn't seen.
"Don't stop on my account," she'd said in a rather harsh tone, going over to her bed to grab her quidditch stuff before turning to look at Fred, ignoring you completely.
"Practice is at 4, don't be late," she says bluntly, pausing to give you a dirty look before she turns back to Fred as she walks out. "Unless you're too busy."
"Fred," you said quietly as you watch him walk out without so much as another look in your direction. He was mad, and you knew he had every reason to be.
The rest of that week went by in a miserable blur. Though you hadn't officially 'broken up', rumours were flying around the school and the old teasing had begun to reappear, only to change to anything from 'slut', 'Weasley fucker' and 'Fred's ex whore'. You were even more miserable than before; this was so much worse than being called a virgin, because despite what everyone thought, you still were. But now you were completely without the one person who made you feel wanted, safe and the person that you'd stupidly fell for.
Ginny had been surprisingly supportive throughout everything, remaining your friend when you felt lost and cast aside. She'd convinced you to stop moping and join Hermione to watch their Quidditch practice after classes had finished, with promises that they wouldn't mention Fred's name once.
It was all well and good until you spotted Angelina and Fred laughing together, stood next to each-other as she grabbed his arm, both of them so invested in one another that they forgot Quidditch practice was happening around them.
It hurt to see them so happy, to see Fred with someone else even though your relationship had been fake all along. This was what he wanted all along, she was what he wanted, not you. No one would ever want you.
"I'm sorry," you said to Hermione as you shuffled out of the pitch side stands, trying to get away, not wanting to watch this anymore when it hurt so bad.
You'd come so close to successfully slipping out without anybody noticing until a singular loud voice called out, disrupting the peace.
"Where you off to Weasley fucker? Your boyfriend's that way!"
You froze, hearing the laughter of his cronies behind him and reared up, no longer feeling meek and timid but instead wanting to give him a piece of your mind, completely past the point of being able to take this shit. But you couldn't, because as you turned, Fred caught your eye. He looked at you with such a heartbroken expression that it instantly made your resolve crumble, any braveness you held seconds before disappeared under his gaze. So you did the only thing you could do- run away.
You successfully avoided pretty much everyone for the rest of the week, spending most of your time in the library. It was easier to just disappear than having to face the torment from your peers or watch Fred and Angelina together; truthfully you didn’t know what was worse.
The plan with Fred had been an almighty fail, almost comically so. Instead bring of quiet, bookish and virginal you were now quiet, bookish, slutty and scorned, a laughing stock with the addition of having real feelings for someone that would never reciprocate them.
It was the final quidditch game of the season that night, the finale to decide who would win the house cup before summer began. You had absolutely no intention of attending and instead had planned to get an early dinner, pack up your belongings and try to convince Madame Pince to allow you to check out a book over the summer.
Both Ginny and Hermione had tried to get you to come but you’d turned them down, really not wanting to watch Fred parade around the pitch on his broomstick. George was the one to convince you in the end, catching you between classes and asking for you to come and watch them, sad puppy eyes and all.
That’s exactly how you found yourself in the loud, crowded stands, surrounded by the entire school and faculty to watch the House cup deciding game. Gryffindor versus Slytherin, the most tense final imaginable. You stood with Hermione and Neville, much quieter in your celebration than the people around you as you watched the Gryffindor team approach the pitch, dressed in their signature burgundy and gold uniforms and carrying their brooms in procession. The Slytherins appeared mere moments after and with a brief speech given by Dumbledore, the game commenced.
Each goal brought an uproar of cheers from the people around you, as did each save from the keepers. You couldn’t take your eyes of Fred, as much as you wanted to. His precision with the bat, the way in which he made it looked so effortless and fluid was pretty spectacular.
The sky was clouding over, heavy and dark with all the signs of rain but you prayed in held outside long enough for the game to be over, the seekers doubling down their efforts so that they could see the snitch amongst the thick clouds.
A ruckus on the pitch dragged your attention back to the game when you saw an altercation breaking out against the teams, the whistle blowing repeatedly as the referee tried to break them up as the game pauses. The entire crowd was booing and there was a portion of the stands on the first Gryffindor tower that seemed to be stood up, everyone rushing out of the way.
“That was a foul that!” Seamus says from behind you.
“Goyle! He just Bumphed the crowd! Surely he needs sending off for that!” You heard one of the Patil sisters say, alluding to the Slytherin beater.
Suddenly, something else draws your attention away as you watch Fred dismount his broomstick, rushing over to Goyle who looks to be mouthing off at him. George is quick on Fred’s heels, trying to hold him back as his temper flairs, lunging at Goyle. Snape appears from the sidelines, gestures for Crabbe to take over and drags Goyle away from the pitch as McGonagall steps into the pitch to deal with Fred, though you find moment later that he’s allowed to carry on playing.
The whistle blows for the match to resume as the entirety of Gryffindor begins chanting Fred’s name in victory for his dealing with Goyle, gearing up for his turn to take the penalty shot.
It’s too much, to hard to hear everyone chanting for Fred, his name echoing around you until it makes you feel dizzy. You see Hermione cast a sympathetic glance in your direction and when you turn to her, she gives you a little nod, signalling that it’s alright for you to leave. You look around at the supporters, in their finest school colours, faced painted, signs made and chanting Fred Weasley’s name and you feel completely out of place, wishing you were anywhere else.
Once again you try to slip out undetected, wanting some air and a break from everything, just as the first rain drops begin to fall. They chant Fred’s name over and over and you just wish he’d hurry up and take the penalty already, to just get it over with.
You get the side steps of the stand, battling your way to squeeze past the cheering crowds until you’re nearly free. Until you feel the cold whoosh of something nearby, making you pause.
He dismounts his broomstick, handing it to someone in the crowd that he’s not even paying attention to, climbing up the stairs quickly to get to you dressed in his complete quidditch outfit, leather pads and all. He tosses off his goggles and drops his bat, discarding them on the way to get to you but he doesn’t seem to care.
He appears in front of you and you’re frozen, not knowing what to do. You can feel the eyes of the entire pitch full of people on you but you don’t care in the moment, too confused by his actions.
“Fred? What are you doing?” You say, eyes briefly pulling away from his smiling face to look at the pitch, seeing the entire quidditch team suspended in the ear carefully watching.
“Something I should have done a long time ago,” he says, looking all over your face with a smile before his gaze focuses on your lips.
His lips feel incredible against yours as he pulls you in for a breathtaking kiss, pulling you into his body to hold you close as the crowd roars around you. You feel the thick droplets of rain beginning to descend around you but you don’t pay it any notice, your entire attention focused in on Fred.
The rain begins to pour, the sky opening up and drenching you in what seems to be seconds.
Fred pulls away first and smiles at you, before leaning in once again, capturing your lips and wordlessly giving you everything everything you ever wanted, making you realise that your mother had been right all along.
School doesn't have to be the worst years of your life.
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*Alexa play Hear Me Now by Jimmy Eat World*
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robindrake93 · 7 months
11 days since I sent you that ask and I can now say, I get it. I get what you meant about episode 8. WE DID NOT JUST GET LUKERCY CRUMBS HOLY SHIT-
the training!! the entire fucking fight with luke practically begging percy to believe that he is his friend and wants him to join him!! the lighting!! just everything!!! you can soo tell luke wanted to shove percy in that portal and take him along no matter what!! (ignoring annabeths appearance cause im still on the fence with that change even if I get why they did it)
i am so going to binge read lukercy fics the entire night just to fill my rabid need for content of them after seeing that AHFJVKDKD I CANT-
You're right we didn't just get crumbs, we got a whole damn pie.
Luke not only welcoming Percy to camp but being the one to show him around, constantly by his side. Even watching him sleep from across the cabin.
The look on Percy's face when Luke tells him he's always on Annabeth's side.
Luke breaking the camp rules that two demigods (with different parents) aren't allowed to be alone in the cabins together to give Percy the shoes in his cabin (as opposed to on the hill like in the book).
Percy wanting to take Luke on the quest but being afraid that Luke would prioritize Annabeth over him.
The jealousy and disgust in Luke's voice during the Iris message when he makes the comment about "when did you two become an old married couple" and the look of equal disgust and discomfort from Percy when he says "gross let's move on from that." (paraphrasing but you get the idea)
Luke influencing Percy so much that the very first words of Percy's book ("Look, I didn't want to be a halfblood") are actually a quote from Luke.
The whole training scene.
Sword under the chin is always hot. Percy's making a face like he knows it too.
When Luke goes to sit on that rock beside Percy, he chooses a spot that lets them sit eye-to-eye but also he rocks toward Percy for a second like he's going to go in for a kiss.
Percy mirroring the head tilt that Luke (Charlie?) does.
Luke's voice full of pride when Percy does good.
Luke telling Percy he's small and scary. So fucking cute.
The way we can see via body language what book!Percy has been telling us all along: that every time Percy picks up his sword, he hears Luke's voice in his head telling him what to do.
Percy and Luke almost never take their eyes off each other for the whole secret meeting about Clarisse.
They're meeting in the woods at night. Luke didn't even have to bribe Percy this time, he just trotted after him.
Luke coaxing Percy into talking. (in the books Percy doesn't do a lot of talking out loud and Luke actually does break the ice several times because Percy is just standing there staring like a little weirdo [affectionate].).
Fireworks from beginning to end. Love the red and blue ones especially for that bisexual lighting. It was easily the best lighting in the whole show.
"Easy. I just want to show you." Everyone says that the maia scene was the hottest thing Charlie said as Luke but they're sleeping on this. Those are 'gonna take your virginity' words and his tone of voice? Mmm. Yum.
AND it's about his sword? HIS SWORD?! The most phallic weapon of all? Gods help me.
Just an interesting detail but Luke doesn't actually ever point his sword at Percy until Percy attacks him. It really shows that his plan is to convince Percy to leave with him.
"The gods are my enemy. You....." - Luke searching for what Percy is to him. lol I guess it's supposed to be a dramatic pause for dramatic effect but it really just makes it sound like Luke is debating how exactly to define their relationship.
Both of them have watery tear-filled eyes? Excuse me? Cry babies? Yes please. I told all of you so.
Also Luke is comfortable with turning his back on Percy to draw the runes (?) even though Percy drew his sword and is sweating like a sinner in church.
Luke actually proposing that they run away. Together. Just the two of them.
Percy is literally swaying on his feet. You can see that he's nervous but he also doesn't take so much as a single step backward. He still wants to be close to Luke!
Luke's determination to bring Percy with him. During their fight he does his best to keep Percy between himself and the portal. He even tosses Percy towards it a couple of times. Luke wants Percy to run away with him voluntarily but you can see as the fight goes on longer, he decides kidnapping is an option.
Luke is not leaving without his boy.
The skill difference between Percy and Luke. We see this during training too, where Luke is tossing Percy around and basically playing with him (I mean it's serious training but Luke's skill level is so above that it looks like playing). Luke is not seriously fighting Percy. He's trying to herd Percy into that portal.
Luke praising Percy in the middle of their fight.
Percy cutting Luke.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to -" Because Percy really doesn't want to hurt Luke and he's never like actually hurt someone he cares about.
Luke cutting Percy.
The way after Annabeth shows up, Luke's eyes flit down to Percy three separate times. You can visibly see him weighing his options. I think he was debating if he could sling Percy over his shoulder and run into the portal faster than Annabeth could catch them.
"I know Luke wasn't trying to kill me." - WOW what a change from the book. I can't believe they had Percy understand that because in the pit scorpion scene, he did not get it. I'm happy about the change but surprised they made it. (makes me wonder if Percy's the one who's loyalty we're supposed to question instead of Annabeth's as the next seasons come up).
Sorry that was long but like. Wow. We won hardcore.
As for reading more lukercy fic, you'll be pleased to know that it's the lukercy valentine's event this week (02/12-02-15) so there should be ✨ new fics. ✨
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cornyonmains · 1 year
The absolute tragedy baked into Boston's character is that I think there's some part of him that likes Nick. That has feelings for him. If the translations are right, some of the word choices Boston uses to describe Nick, like lovely, are these little slivers of honesty between the lies. They're also words he never uses to describe Top. The terms he uses are less personal like 'top tier' or 'the best' or 'the hottest'. They're all descriptions oriented around how Top is seen by others. So much of Boston's attraction to him is steeped in the ego of not being able to take rejection, and not a real interpersonal attraction.
I also think another thing at play here, beyond Boston's jealousy of Top's feelings for Mew, is Mew's value in the friend group and in society. Mew's the top student, the bookworm, the virgin. Boston has probably had jealousy festering for years. Ray's in love with Mew. And while Top was initially enchanted by the idea of Mew's virginity, this grew to Top really liking just being with someone who didn't attach any strings to companionship, who wanted an actual connection, but of course Boston still sees it as Top chasing after Mew's virginity. Prizing the lack of the one quality Boston completely defines his value with.
Boston is going to be at the core of every conflict between the characters. He's going to exploit every weakness.
He planted the fear in Mew that Top was playing him, knowing Mew would test Top's resolve. And Top, whom is looking more and more exhausted every episode, who probably hasn't been sleeping well because he quit partying, quit seeking out companionship to prove himself to Mew did have some right to feel yanked along. Not enough to cheat, but Boston's manipulations probably coincided with Top really going through it with his insomnia, as he had stopped sleeping around.
Meanwhile Ray, who clearly likes Sand the most, whom at this point seems to be holding onto a fading crush, but still gives a fuck about his friend, is being spurred into thinking he needs to protect Mew, which is really going to fuck things up with Sand.
Boston is the fucking tumor in this group. They're all trying to grow up and lead normal lives with stable relationships, and Boston's there pitting himself against everyone.
All the characters are flawed, but none of them act with the same level of malevolence as Boston. That foreshadowing with the song Mew and Top were dancing to, it struck me as a sad song, about someone being perceived as the bad guy, but not necessarily being so. It was tinged with an underlying theme about perceptions. And I think that's important here, because when you look at our two gaypex predators, Top and Boston, they go about things quite differently.
It's clear from dialogue Top is very up front with his one night stands. Honest, always, about his intentions. This certainly seems to be the case with Boston. But Boston is a manipulator, he makes false promises, strings people along, says whatever he needs to to get what he wants.
If Top does end up having to be the bad guy, if someone does end up dying this season, I'd say this episode foreshadowed Top being the one to do it, and that that person is likely going to be Boston. Top's made some bad choices, but he's very much falling victim to obsessive stalking behavior. To being preyed upon by Boston. And I think it speaks to the themes that BL has created that people aren't picking this up, because I think the reason they're not picking this up is because he's "the Top". The more traditionally masculine part of the fucked up binary BL creates. They're not used to perceiving these characters as vulnerable to this kind of behavior, because tropes never allow for that in BL.
Anyways, so ends my rant. The moral of the story is I really, really don't like Boston.
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