#because vanya gets included
youlooklikedead · 2 months
I'll never understand Netflix decision to nerf Klaus like they did. I get that they took the basics of the comics and made into their own thing, giving more depth and background lore to the Hargreeves, but did they really have to do that at the cost of Klaus powers?
Klaus is practically a god of death in the comics. He's a fucking necromancer man! He can talk to the dead and summon them to do his bidding, he's immortal (not that its his choice, that's on God nor the Devil not liking him), he is able to project his spirit through things like televisions, he is able to possess the body of others as much as ghosts can possess him, he can bring stuff from the Void back into the living world, he has advanced telekinesis and he is also a bit of a telepath.
Reginald in the comics also believes that his temperament and drug problems hinders Klaus reaching full potential with his powers — but even if this isn't Klaus at his full power and best self, thanks to Reginald abusing and torturing him more than he did with the other kids in the name of making him "stronger", he's still able to do a ton of badass stuff with what he has at hand.
Klaus was the one to stop the apocalypse that Vanya(We'll use Vanya here cuz we're talking about the comics) causes! He's cool as fuck like that! He pretends to be possessed by Reginald's ghost and manipulates Vanya so Five is able to incapacitate her. Klaus is able to stop the chunks of the moon with his telekinesis at the end, averting the apocalypse entirely.
So why did Netflix had to nerf him at the cost of giving him more backstory and doing the bit of them trying to avoid the apocalypse in every timeline they go? They could've made him discover some new powers every season until they could make him be the hero who stops the world from ending once and for all at the end just like he did in the comics! That would certainly surprise everyone who's not familiar with the comics and would've been a nice plot twist of an ending for everyone who thought he was nothing more than the sad junkie.
Anyway, this is just a rant and an idea for the Klaus lovers (me included) who are writing a new ending for the Hargreeves. Make the eternal fuck up be the hero who saves the world! Show!Klaus should've been able to show TV viewers that he's much more than a silly funny guy with a tragic backstory and a drug problem. Because he is, he always was.
Make Klaus the hero he was born to be.
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captainkirkk · 7 months
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please look at tags and warnings on ao3 before reading.
Enthrallment by smilebackwards
It does look a little bad, Parmela thinks, looking at it from outside. As more specialists had been called in for consultation, they’d decamped to one of the larger conference rooms—eschewing attendance at A, B, AB, & O: The Impact of Blood Type on Non Subject Specific Blood Magic, because this was vastly more interesting and potentially important—and there are a round dozen high-level warlocks clustered around Alec, poking at him with magic.
Or: Alec attends the Magical Inventions and Advances convention in hopes of recruiting warlocks for another Downworld Cabinet. The warlocks, however, are more interested—and concerned—by the blue magical aura following Alec around.
temporal fraternity by envysparkler
Damian clears his throat. “I require your assistance.”
The words come out easier with the benefit of practice and the knowledge that no one will remember them tomorrow. Today. Tomorrow-today.
The Umbrella Academy
cut me open and i still bleed red by aletterinthenameofsanity
Part 1 of the odds were never in our favor
Ben knows his fellow mentors pretty well, for how long he's spent here, behind the screens of the Games, watching as his tributes die.
Allison, from District One, has a way with the sponsors. Just a word placed here or there, stealthily dropped into conversation, and she can get her tributes the shit they need.
In his time as a Mentor, Klaus has developed a habit of drinking to get through the Games, and through the rest of his life, really- anything to avoid the truth of what's happening, the ghosts of the children he and Ben have sent to their deaths.
Very few people remember what Five’s name was before the Games. Caesar Flickerman and the Gamemakers nicknamed him that when he took out the entire Career Pack on his second day in the Arena.
Vanya’s the newest Mentor, the victor of the Seventy-Third Hunger Games.
Diego’s one of Ben’s oldest not-quite friends. A Victor from District Ten, he’d gone into the Games knowing how to kill an animal.
All the other Mentors Ben knows try never to get attached. Luther, on the other hand, doesn't forget a single name.
(A story of seven victors of the Hunger Games and the lives they live as Mentors.)
Danny Phantom
The Promised Land by redrobin1989
Danny Fenton has been running for years, from his abusive parents, from Vlad's experiments, from his freakish powers. He expected to be running his whole life until he found his way to a small town that felt like the home he'd never had.
Study Dates Are Not Real Dates by StormySteady
A very important exam is coming up, and Asmodeus is trying his hardest to get Iruma and Clara to study for it. But his soulmates have other ideas.
Star Wars
Starlight, In All Its Forms by Soap_And_Lye
When Luke was eight, he was taken from his home on Tatooine and delivered into the hands of the emperor and his right hand.
When Luke was sixteen, he overheard the emperor's plans to steal a tiny Force sensitive child and saves him first, before being caught and dragged back to his masters' keeping.
When Luke was eighteen, he finds that same child on Gideon's cruiser, and spares both him and his family, including a silver clad Mandalorian.
And when Luke was twenty-four, he is captured by the Rebellion (captured or did he just let it happen? Really up for debate) and secretly sent as a prisoner to Mandalore, where Mand'alor Din Djarin rebuilds his planet and raises his son.
And the rest was history. Or the beginning.
Clone Wars
will you be an anarchist with me? by a_alene
Once the Kenobi floodgates are opened, they cannot be closed. Cody has apparently been keeping an itemized list of disagreements, and he is determined to tell Rex each and every one of them.
Kenobi refuses to listen to Cody’s input. Kenobi throws himself into battle with no regard for previously established battle plans. Kenobi uses the Force so recklessly and obviously that every undercover assignment is blown within the first few minutes. Kenobi is a hypocrite who berates Cody for sidestepping protocol, but flouts it himself at every opportunity.
CT-7567: bet you wish you had skywalker now
CC-2224: I wish for nothing but the cold embrace of space
Right. And he says Kenobi’s dramatic.
(Marshal Commander Cody and High General Obi-Wan Kenobi of the 212th cannot stand each other. Rex doesn't know why this is his problem.)
poetry is what you find (in the dirt in the corner) by fivecenturiesverse
(In which Cody becomes an anonymous poet after the war and his brothers find out.)
Rex launches forwards immediately and so does Bly, because he can admit to himself that he likes gifts. He likes gifts a whole lot more than Cody and Wolffe, anyway, who both act like martyrs who don’t need any material love. “Poetry, vod?” Bly asks, incredulous. “Cody’s right, you are going soft.”
“It’s by a clone,” Fox says, defensively, “it’s quite good, actually. For poetry. It made Sergeant Hound cry at the service.
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rescue mission ~ klaus hargreeves;umbrella academy
word count: 3646
request?: yes!
@werewolfbanshee-love​ “Awesome, so since I started today with the show can I ask for Y/N to be Klaus’s support and saves him from Cha-Cha and Hazel just being a badass”
description: in which the powerless human takes down two time commission agents on her own
pairing: klaus hargreeves x female!reader
warnings: swearing, violence, i use the name “vanya” in this one just because it takes place in season one
masterlist (one, two, three)
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A family full of superheroes, and those fuckers had no idea that one of their brothers was missing. Too wrapped up in their own bullshit to care about anything else. All those superheroes, and it took a goddamn regular human to track down and save a missing Klaus.
I had been in Klaus’ room, waiting for him to come back, when I heard gunshots downstairs. I quickly dropped to the floor and got under his bed for protection. I was not super human, so there was absolutely zero way I was getting involved with whatever was happening. I hoped Klaus also wasn’t getting involved. I listened to the sound of footsteps running past the room, things crashing downstairs, and more gunshots. My breathing became heavier with panic with every passing sound.
I waited a few seconds after the noises went quiet, waiting for any signs of Klaus, or anyone for that matter, coming to check on me. When nothing happened, I hesitantly crawled out from under the bed. I heard slamming doors outside and looked out just in time to see two figures getting into a black car and drive away from the Hargreeves residence. Neither figure looked like any of the Hargreeves siblings, so I took this to mean that the danger had left.
I slowly opened Klaus’ bedroom door and started down the hallway. There was bullet holes in the walls and pictures knocked down. The bathroom door was still open, so I peaked inside but found it empty. There were signs that Klaus had been in there, but none as to where he had gone after his bath.
I could hear voices as I descended the stairs. The giant chandelier from the foyer was now laying shattered in the middle of the floor. An uneasy feeling started to grow in my stomach.
I found Diego, Allison, and Vanya in the living room.
“Hey,” I said, breaking up their conversation. “Where’s Klaus?”
“Who cares?” Diego retorted.
“Uncalled for, Diego,” Allison muttered. “(Y/N), are you okay?”
“Fine,” I said, glaring at Diego before turning to walk away. It was clear I was getting no help from them.
I searched the entire Hargreeves estate to no avail. I knew there was no way Klaus would leave without telling me. He could be a space case sometimes, but he usually remembered to tell me things. Also, he was in the bath. How would he just get out of there and leave during all that commotion without coming to put clothes on? I’d know if he left, I was sure of it.
A thought popped into my head then: the car I had seen drive away. I rushed to Reginald’s office, the one place in the whole house I knew would have a pen and paper. I quickly wrote down the details of the car before I could forget, including the license plate number.
There has to be a way I can find this car, I thought.
But how?
Driving around town was a no go. It was too big of a town, too many places they could’ve gone or still be going to. It would take me hours, even days. Klaus might not have that long.
There was one option I could try.
I ran back down over the stairs just in time to catch Diego leaving. “Wait! Diego, wait, I need a favor.”
He paused at the door and turned to face me. “What’s in it for me?”
I rolled my eyes. “What, are you 12?”
“No, just a man who knows an opportunity when he sees it.”
“Do me this favor or I get Luther to super strength kick you in the nuts.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“Try me.”
He looked at me, as if trying to decide whether to call my bluff or not. After a few moments, he signed and said, “What do you want?”
“I need you to call your cop girlfriend.”
“Patch? Why?”
I couldn’t tell him my suspicions about Klaus’ disappearance. He’d never believe me. I had only properly met Klaus’ siblings a few days earlier, but I could already tell they thought very lowly of him. They would just brush off his sudden disappearance as him going off on a bender and not worry about it.
“I just need her help,” I responded instead. “Please Diego.”
He pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed Patch’s number. I thanked him profusely as I took his phone. It rang for a short while before Patch answered, “Diego, what do you w - ”
“Patch!” I cut her off. “Detective Patch, this is actually (Y/N), Diego’s brother’s girlfriend. I asked him to call you for me.”
“Oh, I remember you. You’re Klaus’ girlfriend. A little too stable for a guy like him.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard that before. Listen, I need a favor. I know this is a long shot because you don’t know me, but I needed a plate run on a car to try to find it. I assume cops can do that. Maybe I’m wrong, but it’s important. I - ” I looked over at Diego, who was looking down at his knives and clearly pretending he wasn’t listening. I lowered my voice to say, “I think something happened to Klaus.”
“If it’s something so serious you’re asking for police involvement, you may just want to file a report with the police.”
“No offence, but I don’t completely trust the cops to find him in time. I don’t even trust Klaus’ siblings and they have powers. Look, all I’m asking is any info you can find on this car, that’s it. Please Patch.”
There was a moment of silence. I expected her to say no. It was a big ask for her to do this for someone she didn’t even know. As far as I could tell, she didn’t even like Diego all that much right now. But I needed her to say yes. If she didn’t, I would already be at a severe disadvantage in finding Klaus before it was too late.
“Okay,” she said, finally. “Give me the information.”
I thanked her and gave her the details I had on the car. I also gave her my phone number so she’d call me and not Diego. I thanked Diego again as I gave him his phone back and went back to Klaus’ room to wait. There wasn’t much I could do until Patch got back to me about the car. If she couldn’t find any details about the car, I’d definitely be shit out of luck. I’d never find Klaus.
I paced up and down Klaus’ room. I kept looking out the window, as if the car would return and bring Klaus back safely. I could hear his siblings moving around the house, but not once coming to see where Klaus was. I knew Diego didn’t give a shit, but I thought maybe Allison or Vanya cared enough about their brother to be concerned when I said he was missing. Wishful thinking, I guess.
When my phone rang, I practically jumped out of my skin. I answered without checking the caller ID. “Hello?”
“I got your car,” came Patch’s voice. “And a location.”
Roughly 20 minutes later, I was parked outside of a motel. The car wasn’t in the parking lot, but Patch swore this was the last known location. It was dark and my body was starting to realize it hadn’t slept in well over 12 hours. But I pushed through it. I needed to find Klaus. I needed him to be alive and safe.
The car finally pulled into the lot nearly an hour later. All sleep immediately left my body as I sat up and watched intently. The car parked and a man and woman got out. They didn’t go around to the back of the car to take a third person out, so I could only assume that Klaus was already inside their room. I got out of my car, grabbing the crowbar I had taken as a weapon before starting to follow Klaus’ captors at a safe distance. They turned a corner and I paused to let them get far enough away to keep myself safe. When I peaked around the corner, they had gone into one of the rooms.
I silently crept down the block of rooms. There was only one room with the lights on, so it was easy to find where the assailants were. I peaked through the thin white curtains to see a figure tied to a chair between the two beds.
I could see his two captors stood facing him, side on to where I was but not able to see me. I couldn’t make out much as the curtains still blocked a lot of my vision.
I hadn’t thought this far ahead. What was the next step here? How did I get them out of the room long enough for me to save Klaus? Or how did I knock them out long enough?
They wouldn’t just answer the door if I knocked, would they?
I took the chance and knocked at the door. “Housekeeping!”
There was silence. I knew it was a long shot, but I had no other plan, and I wasn’t sure how much time I had.
I tried again, knocking three times and repeating, “Housekeeping!”
My heart jumped when I heard the doorknob turn and the door suddenly opened. A tall man with brown hair and a beard looked down at me. Realizing that I wasn’t housekeeping, he looked at me in confusion.
I smiled. “Hello.”
And then I swung my crowbar.
It connected with the side of his head, knocking him to the door. I was surprised by how little effort it took to take him down. Now, where’s the other one?
My question was quickly answered by the sound of gunshots. I dove behind the nearest bed as the woman stepped out of the bathroom, now wearing a mask and shooting at me as I fell to the ground. I should’ve known they’d have guns. I heard the gunshots when I was at the Hargreeves’ place. And yet I came with a crowbar in hand, something that I needed to be very close to the attackers in order to use.
I looked over to where the man was laying unconscious. His white button up shirt was tucked into his pants, revealing his own holster with the gun. I knew it was a bad idea, but I needed to get that gun. At least to try and defend myself from this lady attacker.
I inched forward slowly. She had stopped shooting at me, so I knew she was just waiting for me to come out from my hiding spot. I had a short period of time to try and grab the gun and dive back to where I was hiding before her bullets finally made connections with my body. I had to grab something to cover me, or at least that would hopefully cover me, long enough for me to get the gun.
I looked up to see the a large briefcase on the table behind me. It was a long shot, I’m pretty sure bullets can go through briefcases, but it was all that I had. I turned so my feet were facing towards the table and kicked it. The briefcase wobbled slightly, but didn’t move.
“Hey!” called the female attacker. “What are you doing?!”
I kicked the table again and the briefcase fell over, the handle facing outwards. I reached up and grabbed it, pulling it down just in time for another bullet to whiz past my hand.
“You’re not a very good shot,” I taunted.
I held the briefcase in front of my body as I scurried out from behind the bed towards the unconscious man. I heard more gunshots and, surprisingly, they ricocheted off the briefcase.
This thing must be maid of titanium or something. It can’t be a normal briefcase.
I fumbled with the latch on his holster as another shot ran out, bouncing off the briefcase again. My hands were shaking and my heart was pounding with adrenaline. I needed to get this thing off. I needed this to be a fair fight. When the latch finally popped free, I breathed a sigh of relief before taking the gun and diving back behind the bed, taking the briefcase with me. I had a feeling it was something important, and maybe I could exchange it for Klaus.
“Listen!” I called. “I’ve never dealt with all this shooting and kidnapping shit before. I’m not part of the Umbrella Academy, I don’t have powers, I’m just a normal person. I came here because I think you took my boyfriend and I want him back. Whatever you have against the Umbrella Academy I can assure you has nothing to do with Klaus. If you’d just give him up to me, I’ll give you back your briefcase and we’ll leave. I promise you we won’t interfere with whatever you have going on. Truthfully, I don’t even really like Klaus’ siblings right now, so if you want to go after them I won’t be standing in your way.”
There was silence. I was starting to get sick of this type of silence. Either agree or disagree with what I was saying. It wasn’t that deep to have to think about it for this long about my proposition.
Another gunshot rang out, so I took that as a no.
My hands were still shaking as I popped up from behind the bed and started blindly shooting. I had never handled a gun before. They were loud and extremely scary. I knew there was very little chance I would actually hit her, but maybe if I was lucky I’d get a good shot in and I could just take Klaus and run.
It didn’t take long for me to use up all of my bullets. I looked up to see that she was nowhere to be seen. I started to rise to my feet, hoping I had hit her and she was laying on the ground. But, of course, no such luck. The moment I stood, she came out of the bathroom again, gun lifted and aimed at me. My quick instincts were suddenly gone as I stared down the barrel of the gun that would undoubtably kill me. I wondered if Klaus’ siblings would find him before he joined me in my fate. I wondered if Diego would feel guilty for not listening to me when I asked him about Klaus being missing. If any of them would even feel somewhat remorseful for not saving me or Klaus in time.
Instead of another shot ringing out, though, the gun just clicked. Both of us looked at each other - well, I looked at her, her mask looked at me - dumbfounded. She tried again and got the same results. A laughed bubbled in my throat and escaped my lips before I could stop it.
Her gun had ran out of bullets, too.
She dropped the gun and lunged over the two beds towards me. She took my off guard long enough to knock me to the ground. I tried to swing at her, but her mask was just as hard as the briefcase was. I howled in pain as my fist collided with the mask for the first time, definitely shattering the bones in my hand. She seemed delighted by the fact that I was caught off guard again and punched me in the face. Pain exploded from my nose causing tears to well up into my eyes.
My crowbar was laying just inches away from me, next to the briefcase. Either one of those things would definitely work in this situation, but I had to hit her just right on the back of her head. It was obvious hitting the mask would only protect her. And I had to do it while she least expected it. If she knew what my plan was, she’d stop me in an instant and probably take me out with her own bare hands.
I stretched an arm out as she hit me again. The pain was almost unbearable. I’d have to get my nose and my hand looked at by a doctor I was sure, but for now I had to focus on surviving this attack and saving Klaus. I felt my fingers brush against one of the two potential weapons and closed them around it. I wasn’t sure which one I had grabbed, but it didn’t matter to me now. I grit my teeth against the pain and hissed out, “You should’ve taken my deal.”
I swung and the briefcase collided with the back of her head. She fell off of me, limp on the ground. I looked down at her to see blood forming on the back of her head. Knowing she was down for the count, I quickly stood and looked for where they could’ve hidden Klaus. It didn’t take long, though, as the silence finally fell over the room made it easier to hear the sound of muffled yelling coming from the closet. When I threw the doors open, I found Klaus, wrapped only in a towel and tied to the chair. His face was just as blood as mine was.
I nearly sobbed as I reached to take the tape off of his mouth.
“You found me,” he breathed.
“I wasn’t giving up until I did,” I said. “Come on, let’s get you out of here before they wake up.”
I undid his bindings and helped him to his feet. We started out of the room, but I paused to take my crowbar and the briefcase. I figured I could use some leverage if these assholes tried to come after us again.
We scurried across the parking lot to my car. My hand and nose were throbbing. I cradled my hand on my lap and drove with the other towards my house. I felt it was a better option than going back to the Hargreeves’ place. I didn’t want his siblings to see both of us all beat up and realize I had been right about Klaus’ disappearance. Not yet, anyways. I’d save the gloating for later.
When we got back to my place, I ran the shower for Klaus so he could clean himself up. I wrapped my hand in gauze from my first aid kit and held an icepack to my nose until the swelling went down. I then cleaned the blood from my face, careful not to accidentally bump my nose. I’d need to seek medical attention, but that was for a later time.
Klaus had clothes at my place, so I laid them out on my bed for him. Poor thing had been in just a towel for who knows how long.
When he came into my room, he paused at the door to look over me. He winced as he looked at my wrapped up hand. “Did they hurt you bad?”
“Well, this was me actually,” I said. “Those fucking masks were harder than I expected them to be. But she did break my nose. I’ll go see a doctor tomorrow. Did they hurt you bad?”
“No broken bones.” He took the clothes from my bed and changed into them. “I can’t believe you risked your life for me like that.”
“Of course I did. Why wouldn’t I? They took you and they were hurting you.”
“I have superhuman siblings, though.”
I shook my head. “Too wrapped up in themselves to even listen to me. There was no other choice than for me to come find you myself.”
Klaus climbed into bed next to me. I rolled onto my side to face him, and he did the same, propping himself up on his elbow as he did so.
“I can’t believe you knocked both of them out on your own,” he said. “I heard all that gunfire and thought for sure you were dead.”
“Well, the guy wasn’t too hard to take down. He answered the door with no mask on, so I just hit him with the crowbar I brought with me. The woman put up more of a fight. I was lucky she was dumb enough to empty her gun while trying to shoot me or else I likely would’ve been a goner.”
He looked over me again. There was a look in his eyes I couldn’t quite place. It was like a combination of things. Love was the one thing I was sure I was seeing.
“I can’t believe you came for me,” he said again.
I smiled and leaned closer to him. “I love you, Klaus. I’d do anything to make sure you were safe. That includes risking my life to go after two kidnappers with guns and titanium masks on my own to save you from them.”
Klaus smiled. Tears were welling up in his eyes. He pulled me the rest of the way forward, closing the gap between us to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around him, leaning forward into the kiss so the two of us were laying down. I winced briefly as my nose brushed against his, sending a slight pain through my face.
“Sorry,” Klaus said, his voice soft. “You need to get that fixed. I can’t just not kiss you.”
I giggled. “Tomorrow, I promise. We need to rest now, though. We both had quite the night.”
As if finally realizing how tired he was, Klaus yawned and nodded. I settled into the bed next to him, cuddling into his chest. I could hear his heart beating as he drifted off to sleep. I used it as a reminder that he was there, that I had saved him, as my adrenaline finally wore off and I finally fell asleep.
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feanoryen · 21 days
Elven tattoo headcanons
I think tattoos will never be fully permanent for elves, they fade every hundred years, maybe they'll last a few hundred if your ink is of the highest quality & your tattoo artist is exceptional. It's not a flaw with the tattoos that they're never permanent permanent, elven biology just doesn't allow for it.
Miriel, being brilliant with a needle as ever & Finwe, who was a patron of the arts, invented tattoos in Cuiviénen.
Most of the Minyar weren't so fond of them but they were appreciated by several of the Tatyar & Nelyar.
It started out as Finwe just… painting on himself & his GF because why not? He started out using henna commonly used by his friend Elwe & the Teleri but he liked color so then he & Miriel decided to be ✨experimental✨ & *boom* tattoos! He developed the ink & she learned how to work a needle in skin.
Finwe has one on his back that Miriel did right before she got pregnant with Feanor that he never let anyone touch it up after she died even though it was fading, until Feanor got older and asked for his dad’s permission to do it himself.
Miriel used to have a tattoo on her back as well like Finwe’s but she didn’t get it redone after getting reembodied. She also used to have a few on her arms and legs and was overall quite bohemian before what happened, happened. She doesn’t regret co-creating tattoos but they don’t fit her anymore.
Feanor has 1 segmented tattoo along his collarbone. He has 2 stars about an inch tall/wide closest to his heart representing his parents, a slightly smaller but almost as big one near them representing himself, and seven even smaller ones trailing his left collarbone representing his sons.
Nerdanel doesn’t have tattoos, she’s chill if her kids want them but they’re personally not for her.
Fingolfin doesn’t have any for several reasons, they don’t fit him, he’s half Vanya & they’re not really into tattoos, & they were partially invented by Feanor’s mother so it’s weird. Findis doesn’t have any for the same reasons.
Finarfin despite also being half Vanya & closer to that side of his family than Fingolfin, is actually open to them despite not having any yet. He just does not gaf about what other people think.
Earwen has a ton of aesthetically pleasing sea themed motifs on her body.
Fingon has an eagle tattoo.
Maedhros has the star of Feanor tattooed on him but that’s it.
Maglor has a bunch of well put together gorgeous tattoos including both music motifs and symbols honoring his family like the Feanorian star and something for Elrond & Elros as well. They fade after he starts wandering the shores but he gets most of them redone in Valinor.
Celegorm used to have tattoos symbolizing Orome’s hunt but he lets all of them fade away in middle earth. If he ever joined the hunt again after getting reembodied, I imagine he only ever got 1 more tattoo symbolizing Orome. He’s accepted a part of his old life again but it’s not going to be the same.
Aredhel has a bow & arrow tattoo.
Curufin also has the star the Feanor & that’s it.
Caranthir used to have some in the equivalent of his teenage years but cringes looking back at them. They didn’t actually look bad at all and were quite nice but he just gives off the impression of someone who’d be unimpressed with his old self. He has none now.
Amrod & Amras get whatever they’re feeling whenever they’re feeling and change up their tattoos every couple centuries.
Galadriel has none because she thinks Feanor would feel smug if she did get them & she can’t let him be satisfied. (She loves henna though!)
Finrod has a bunch of different motifs representing all 3 of the clans that make up his heritage.
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uniasus · 1 month
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I'm really glad ppl are finding comfort in a few of my fics after how S4 ended.
If anyone else needs stories that end with the Hargreeves alive and actually being a family, try these.
Make Me Your Bomb - by @uniasus : S4 AU (written before it came out) where the Universe comes calling upset that the reset disrupted the planned apocalypse. Viktor trades his skills as a world destroyer for the opportunity for Five to create their perfect universe.
Picture Book by gin_juice : S1 fic series where they all try to patch the things that went wrong as children. A+ for Vanya being amazing at pool, not so amazing at crushes.
Grocery List Goals by @uniasus : S1 AU where they time travel back a year and try to set things straight - including snipping Reginald's legal control over them, getting Vanya and Klaus clean. The last scene of this is 100% a sleep, team hug.
tethered mind free from the lies by meliebee: S1 AU where family heals are hard, made harder by how Allison's gunshot in the theater made Vanya deaf in one ear. Doesn't end with a picture-perfect family, but they're trying. (One of the few fics I have reread).
World Enough by inktwice : Takes place after S2, where they're all holed up in a cabin and learning how to not fight each other. Amazing sibling moments.
Reckoning by bootscoot6 : Takes place after S2 as they try to figure out how to handle the new 2019, actually talk together, and Vanya's affinity with music kinda works like a siren which I love.
Bonus fic! Five and Lila acting like they're supposed to:
The First Step by TheNavigator : S3 fic. Where Lila and Five help each other via really bad coping mechanisms in Reginald's universe because Lila is pissed at Diego for thinking being pregnant = not able to fight.
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Broadway Divas Tournament: Round 4
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Two-time Tony-winning dancer-extraordinaire Bebe Neuwirth (1958) is best known for her winning role as Velma Kelly in Chicago (1996) alongside her beloved Annie Reinking. After playing Velma off-and-on for some years, she then took on Roxie, and later Matron "Mama" Morton. Bebe has also won for Sweet Charity (1986), and is a two-time Emmy winner for, of course, Lilith in Cheers. Other credits include Here Lies Jenny (2004), Fosse (2001), and Cabaret (2024), which opened to glowing reviews for Bebe, and dismal reviews for basically everything else. In addition to her beloved stage, Bebe is a devoted cat-lover, and activist. She founded the Dancers' Resource program to provide support for injured and/or aging dancers.
Anika Noni Rose (1972) is a Tony-winning actress known for Caroline, or Change (2004), A Raisin in the Sun (2014), and the 2013 first workshop of Hamilton where she originated Angelica Schuyler. She is also known for being one of the iconic Dreamgirls in the 2006 film, as well as the voice of Tiana in Disney's The Princess and the Frog. In 2011, alongside Lea Salonga, she was named a certified, official, Disney Legend. Her latest Broadway show, Uncle Vanya, just opened this past week.
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"Bebe Neuwirth, my beloved, I have at last seen you in Cabaret, and I am so sorry. You deserve a far better production, and a far better show social media team that recognizes your abundant talent and rave reviews. Please continue to post cat photos, because they bring me nothing but joy."
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"Does Anika Noni Rose not have a pet? In my quest to get a photo of every Diva with their animal, she turned up empty, so...that's something. Also, her Vanya revival wasn't well-received, so that's two Divas in this poll in substandard revivals. Woo-hoo."
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stromuprisahat · 6 months
Marry, fuck, kill: the Darkling, Ivan and S&B!Genya
(do both the show and their book counterparts😏)
My initial reaction included rather vulgar exclamation, because HOW DARE YOU?!
Then my mind skipped to contemplation of the hit list to determine the hardest choice, when suddenly it wasn't difficult at all.
Kill Ivan and frame Alina's side to ensure Fedyor won't join them. Wait, that's just following book version of events, enriched by show!Fedyor's personality! Or- assuming Fedya lived after first season-, finish Vanya and get the recount of the events leading to his tragic demise inside the Fold to his grieving spouse.
My sincerest apologies to both Ivan and Simon Sears- I love you both-, but greater good, impossible choices etc. etc. Perhaps Ivan would not outright approve, but he'd understand.
Marry Genya, because I just had to marry one of her, and I can picture myself sitting and lovingly gazing at this bitch (affectionate) for the rest of my life.
Fuck Aleksander, because I may be ace, but I'm not fucking blind and apparently he's up to this sort of leisure activities, so y'no... not my first choice of parlour games, but what kind of idiot dismisses THIS level of experience?!
Kill Sasha- truly, or fake it-, because I love him and this is the only way to make him take a DAMN BREAK.
Marry Ivan and be loyal, snarky and realistic together.
Fuck (the monarchy over, hand in hand with) Genya. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't kick her out of bed, if she were up to it, so would I, but given her history, she'd have to initiate. To be quite honest, I'd be more comfortable letting her take charge. Besides- she deserves to be worshipped as the Goddess she is.
This turned out a bit more gay, than originally intended...
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ru-fiction · 7 months
Unknown Territory: Five x Fem Reader
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Chapter 3: Run Boy Run
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Five is aged up here.
Five Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Allison Hargreeves
Vanya Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
Comic Cha Cha - C.C.
Comic Hazel - C.H.
Cha Cha
Everyone else is in white.
Grace starts the record player, a weatherman's voice reverberated throughout the room. Grace grabs a little bell and starts ringing it, soft chimes gaining the attention of the children.
All of them came to the dining hall one by one standing behind a chair waiting for their father to present himself.
Hargreeves finally makes his way into the room and gives them permission to sit.
Allison and Luther make eyes at each other as the rest of the kids start to dig into their meals. All of them except Five however whom was currently glaring daggers at his so called father. Ben pulls out a book to read Klaus was doing something secretive.
Five picks up his knife and stabs it into the table gaining everyone's attention including Hargreeves though he refused to look at him.
"Number Five."
"I have a question."
Five states with an annoyed smile on his face. He hated when Reginald did that it was like he saw them as less than.
"Knowledge is an admirable goal, but you know the rules. No talking during meal times. You are interrupting Herr Carlson."
Five's frowns.
"I want to time travel."
"But I'm ready. I've been practicing my spatial jumps, just like you said."
Five stands from his seat. Hargreeves still refuses to look at him which causes Five to glare at him before teleporting at his side.
Five was starting to get upset. Why couldn't he acknowledge that he was getting better. Aren't parents supposed to encourage their kids?
"A spatial jump is trivial when compared with the unknowns of time travel."
Five looked at his siblings but they were all ignoring the fit he was throwing.
"One is like sliding along ice, the other is akin to descending blindly into the depths of the freezing water and reappearing as an acorn."
Five sighs to himself.
"Well, I don't get it."
"Hence the reason you're not ready."
Five glances at his siblings again this time they were all looking at him. Vanya shook her head at him signaling for him to stop. It only angered him because he didn't think they believed in him.
"I'm not afraid."
"Fear is not the issue. The effects it might have on your body, even on your mind, are far too unpredictable."
Hargreeves finally looks at him, there as a fierce glare and deep frown on his face.
"Now, I forbid you to talk about this anymore."
Five looked at him with eyes full of resentment, there was a look of contempt on his face.
Five glares at the ground as Hargreeves turns his attention back to his plate. Five walks out of the dining hall catching everyone's attention.
"Number Five! You haven't been excused."
Five ignored his statement and headed outside.
"Come back here!"
Five walks the streets with a determined look on his face. Who cares if his family didn't believe in him. He was going to show them. Show him. That he was ready. If Hargreeves wasn't going to show him how to time travel, he'll do it himself.
Five begins to run holding his hands out in front of him. His hands begin to shine a bright blue color and as he spreads his hands apart the trees that were once lifeless now had blossoming flowers and bright green leaves.
Five looks behind him and smiles, there were more people outside now and different stands, new restaurants.
"Not ready, my ass."
Now more confident he jumps again. This time snow filled the ground, the air was cold and frigid. There were few were people on the streets and now buildings were put on lease.
He jumps one last time and what he sees shocks him.
Everything was destroyed, buildings were either torn down to debris or on fire. There was no one walking around that he could see. The air was fogged from all the smoke, it was hard to breathe.
He looked around in panic, this was not what he had expected when he decided to jump. This couldn't be the future, how could the world go to shit so fast...
He turned to run, heading home to find his siblings only to come to the hard truth of his home being burned down. It was hard to believe that this happened, where was everyone?
"Vanya! Ben! Dad! Anyone!"
He was scared. He had to warn them what was about to happen.
He balled his fist ready to jump but nothing happened, his hands weren't glowing. He tried again and again but still nothing.
"Come on!"
He was starting to get frustrated with himself. He should be able to do this no problem, he did it before. He got here just fine, he should be able to jump back.
But his body refused, it wouldn't let him and he had to come to terms with the fact that his father was right.
"Wow out one prison and into another."
You shake your head in disbelief, Five shrugs relishing in the feel of your hand playing with his brown locks as his head laid in your lap.
"Dolores makes it bearable."
"What about me?"
Five smiles at you teasingly.
"I could do without you."
You gave him a faux look of annoyance and pushed him off your lap causing him to laugh.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Come back."
Five reaches out for you still laughing.
"Cuddle up with your doll."
Five groans still reaching for you.
"She's not as warm as you."
You roll your eyes when Five wrapped his arms around you and placed his face in your stomach.
"What am I gonna do with you?"
"Oh please, you know you love me."
He had no idea.
Five was currently walking the streets late at night after leaving Vanya's apartment. He was currently pissed off right now. He didn't know if it was because he no longer looked his age but his siblings were not taking anything he said seriously.
It didn't matter though because whether they were helping or not, Five was going to stop the apocalypse, He had to.
With his mind focused on one thing and one thing only he didn't notice the blue light that shined behind his back.
You watched as the figure walked further and further into the darkness in case it had been one of those people Five had warned you to watchout for at night. When the figure is a safe distance away from you; you stand from the ground and start to dust yourself off.
"Okay Five, where are you?"
You started to look around at your surroundings. You didn't know where you were supposed to go, it's been awhile since you've been here and it's even more different now that there were actual buildings around. You were used to seeing tons of merpeople back home but it was a relief to see actual people on the deserted land you came to know, up until now the only people you've interacted with had been Five, some of your ex coworkers at the commission and people that you either had to kill or were on the brink of death, all isolated conditions. Sure you didn't talk to the figure but it was a nice change.
You let out a yawn, slowly rubbing your tired eyes, you were exhausted after today. Finding Five would have to wait and with your tracker now out of your system you actually felt safe enough to get some rest.
With that in mind you went on a search to find a nice place to sleep however unbeknownst to you, there was someone else looming in the shadows waiting for the right moment to strike.
You had ended up finding some type of motel. You realized that you didn't have any money on you but the staff was nice enough to cut a deal with you for the night. The guy had directed you to a small room, it wasn't very nice looking and it didn't have conditioning but you were happy with it regardless.
You moved one of the dressers near the door seeing as they put you in a room with no lock, you took a cold bath before checking the window and finally heading to bed.
Outside of the Motel, a taxi pulled up and out stepped two of the four assassins sent to take care of you and Five. A man and woman dressed in blue suits. Hazel and ChaCha.
The two walked into the building and spoke with the staff. The man hands them a key card.
"Room 225."
The two of them look at the man confused. Or ChaCha did Hazel looked around disinterested.
"Where's the other room?"
The other room happened to be the broken down room he had ended up giving to you. He didn't want to admit it so he lied.
"Um... Only one room was booked."
Hazel sighs and whispers to himself.
"Dammit I'm sick of this cost-cutting bullshit."
"Just tell me there's two beds."
ChaCha says firmly.
"Yes Ma'am. Real firm."
ChaCha was not amused.
"How long will you be staying with us?"
"Just the one night. I believe there's a package waiting for us."
The guy nods at her and goes to grab it. He comes back with a box addressed to them. ChaCha grabs the box while Hazel grabs the key card and they go about their day.
Not too far from the motel was an abandoned laboratory, It was dark and dusty, the owner clearly hadn't been there in years. The whirl of machinery started to sound and soon multiple different red lights started to fill the room.
Griddy's was surrounded by different cop cars, there was caution tape surrounding the building and faint drops of blood on the ground. Agnes sat in one of the booths, she was still shaken up about the events that transpired.
One of the cops who went by the name Detective Patch walked around the building shocked by the amount of bodies.
"This is a once in a blue moon type situation, I'd say."
"I'm inclined to agree."
Her boss sighed.
"Same gun on every vic, all M4s. All the castings are .223s."
She informs him of the findings.
"Know what I think? I think these idiots all shot each other."
She said confidently, her boss added to the statement.
"And stabbed. One in the throat."
He shivered.
"One in the eye, and this guy got his neck snapped."
He falls joining her on the ground to inspect the body.
"All quick and efficient kills."
"These are definitely professionals. Dumb, but professionals. Any witnesses?"
"Yes, one."
He points at Anges. Patch walks up to the woman wanting to ask her about what happened.
"It was a slow night. It was quiet. My last two customers were this.. older guy and— and his kid."
Patch nods.
"The guy had a dough— No, that's not right. The guy had an éclair, and the kid had— had coffee. I went-- I went into the back room... To just get some more change. Then I heard his truck start up. They drove away."
Anges recounts remembering the gun shots.
"I heard shots."
She remembered jumping under the desk, cowering until the guns stopped.
"By the time I got back in here. Everyone was..."
She couldn't say it, she wanted to cry.
"Was you know."
"Was there anyone else in the shop?"
Patch asked gently. Agnes shook her head.
"I'm sorry, not to be rude, 'cause you seem super sweet, but..."
She pauses remembering the brunette man who was dressed in dark clothing and a green jacket that came earlier that night.
"do I have to go through all this again?"
Patch was confused.
"Well I already told the other detective everything."
Patch made an annoyed look, she knew who it was but she had to ask anyway.
"What other detective?"
Diego walks out from the back of the building. He sighs when he sees all the police outside of his exit door.
"Shit. Hang on, let me—"
He tried to talk but Patch wasn't having any of it and tases him. She cuffs him and berates him as she walks him towards the front of the store. Diego tries to flirt to get under her skin and she ends up taking his walkie and everything else important that he had besides his mask.
"That you can keep."
"You used to like that."
"Not anymore."
"Where's Lupo?"
"Not here."
"Can I talk to him?"
Diego sighs.
"By the way, this thing might look like a botched robbery, but my gut's telling me something else is going on here."
Patch rolls her eyes.
"Look, the waitress, she mentioned that Ishmael's Tow Truck guy. Maybe they saw something."
"You're not police, Diego, remember?"
"Yeah, I know."
He says sarcastically as she puts him in the back of the police car.
"Do you? Because you show up and act like you can be a part of this, and you can't, not anymore."
She says to him closing the door, sometimes she felt like she was a mother scolding a child when it came to him.
"I'm good at this. You know I can help you. Ask Lupo."
"I know you give me agita. And I do not need... I do not want your help. And I'll make sure the boss talks to Lupo."
Diego glares at her, he was frustrated. His whole life, taught to fight crime and people act like he can't even do that.
Patch walks off as a crowd of people look at the commotion at Griddy's, Hazel and ChaCha being apart of the crowd. ChaCha was silently judging the agents that were burnt to a crisp outside of the building.
You woke up to the sound of the soft chirping of the birds, their little song reminding you of Tigger. Though you couldn't hear him then, his dancing told you he was.
You smiled as you listened to their song wanting to join in with them. You finally stand up to get ready for the day.
You looked at yourself in the mirror there was a small splatter of blood on your suit, faint enough at night but not quite in the day. You took it off and started to wash your face. While washing your face you had the urge to drink from the sink, you hadn't had water in a while and you needed it in your system to be able to use your powers, C.H. and C.C. was currently after you and you had no idea where they were. You never know when you need to turn into a mermaid (less likely) or blow out someone's eardrums.
After mulling over your options you decided it's better safe than sorry and drunk from the sink. Your skin was starting to gain some color and you felt way better.
After that you walked out and had a chat with the staff member from the night before. You waved at him as you left.
"See you later, I will have your money by then. Thank you."
You walked out and smiled as the sun beamed down on your skin, you used to have a bad relationship with the sun. Being alone on a deserted land, crawling around with a heavy tail while being dried out will do that. But over the years it's become a solace, after meeting The Handler everything had become dark but the sun was always there shining bright and you had begun to admire it.
It was nice to see the sky, it was just as blue as the ocean. You hadn't gotten to see it like this before. The air was filled with smoke around the time you came on land, it polluted the sky and other times you were too occupied to notice it when taking care of business.
There was nature, birds, trees, people, lots of people not the lifeless corpses you've come to see across your many years on land.
This was what your mom saw, the way she described the human world before she...
You let out a deep sigh. As you were walking past a park, a terrorized scream filled the air.
And just like that, you were reminded that the human world was in fact not like the stories your mother told you.
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ashyybashy · 7 months
irreplaceable by @ashyybashy
Irreplaceable: part one
paring: five hargreaves x reader
warning: cursing, drugs, alcohol, overdoses, violence, death, knives, blood, blood pact, and five and reader are aged up to 19.
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You step out of your taxi and stare up at the horrid building you thought you’d never come across again. A growing pit in your stomach as you thought of the horrors that your favorite unstable family had experienced.
Your father. You loved him more than anything. He was all you had. Your mother had passed from child birth and your father gave you the world. He was more than you could ever ask for.
You take a step inside the building with a small sigh and look around to see if anything had changed. Nope, still the same. You knew that Reginald was no stickler for change.
Every single thing reminds you of Five. Everything. You never stopped thinking of him. Never fell out of love- I mean who could? He was perfect. Not only was he your- what was he? I mean you two never made anything official, but you sure did do things that people did when they date. You knew he loved you and he was your best friend. A piece of your heart died that way. And no one can fix it.
You were on your way to Five’s room, because you know…fuck it. You were never gonna move on so why did it matter? On your way you came across Alison and Vanya. Once they noticed you, you gave a small smile and wave. “Y/N? Oh god-“ Alison gaped and pulled you into a warm hug. “It’s been forever- you grew up so beautiful-“ Vanya cut her off. “It’s truly great to see you…but, why didn’t you ever come back?” She said quietly yet you knew that she was upset. You don’t blame her. You left her there alone with that terrible man. “I’m sorry Vanya. I thought it could help…” Vanya let out a small breath and walked away. “We missed you.” Alison reassured you before walking off.
Your hands grasp the door hands and slowly turn it and push the door open. Your stomach churned and you closed your eyes before walking in and shutting the door behind you. You sat down on the edge of his bed and looked around. God, so many memories here. Good and bad you cherished them all. If he wasn’t dead…did he still think of you? Did everything remind him of you? Did he still care? Multiple thoughts were running through your head. Maybe you can take a small nap to clear your head. You lay down on his bed, holding one of his pillows to your chest and burring your face in it as your eyes got heavy.
The room and bed began to shake and that made you jolt off the bed and to the window. You saw everyone out there and immediately rushed as fast as you could down there and outside. Once you did you rushed toward them. “Anyone else see a little number five- Y/N!” You heard klaus, but your eyes were locked on the boy in front of you. Your throat closed, mind hazy, and your eyes got droopy as your body weight had fallen back onto the nearest person. That happened too be Deigo.
Your eyes snapped open when you realized you were in the infirmary. You slowly sat up and rubbed your eyes before zoning out on a random spot on the wall for a minute before getting up. You looked down and saw it. Your clothes were much bigger than before. You looked in the nearest mirror and let out the loudest blood curdling scream ever. You were 19 again.
The whole fam rushed in the room- including five. You knew exactly what happened. “Honey- it’s okay!” Alison tried to calm you down. “Honey?! I’m not a kid! I’m 31!” You freaked out and your hands flew to your face before your eyes spotted Five and widened. He muttered something inaudible with the same look as you. It didn’t take long for you to spin around but he caught your arm just in time. “Y/N.” He struggles to keep you still so he spatial jumped to his room.
He shut the door and locked it. You backed up into the foot of his bed. You narrowed your eyes at the familiar figure. You both stared at each other. I mean what do you do when your ex-situationship shows up after being missing for 17 years? You finally broke the silence with a stern,
“What the hell.” You utter as you watch him walk to his closet and open doors and sigh seeing the only options of clothing he had. “Long story.” He responds to your statement. You made a face as you sat at the chair by his desk. “I have time.” You stated clearly as you glanced at all the dusty old binders and tapped your fingers on the wood.
He grabbed the familiar outfit from his wardrobe and placed it on his bed with a deep breath as he loosened his tie. You raised your brows and turned your head away, “Where’s the warning?” you groaned at him. “Not like you haven’t seen it before.” You rolled your eyes at his response.
‘So Five of him to say’ You thought, you missed him. I mean you miss the old him. You have no clue who this Five is. He’d grown up, you don’t know him anymore.
After Five finished getting dressed he sat on her bed. “How come you look like you’re 18?” He asked with his brows furrowed in confusion as she grimaced looking down at her youth form. “Blood pact.” He made a face. Blood pact? “Remember?”
The sun shone down on the duo as they sat underneath the tree. Five held the book between them as they took turns reading each paragraph on the page. Your father had meeting with his, in which included you having to hang around the mansion. This was a usual thing that has happened for as long as you could remember so obviously you had gotten close with the academy. “Wanna do something fun?” You nudged Five where he raised a brow and nodded “What?” You reached in your pocket and pulled out a small pocket knife. He grimaced at the knife. “We should make a blood pact, that me and you will be best friends forever.” You smile widely at him. “You and I.” He corrected as she groaned and rolled her eyes. “Wanna do it or not?” “Sure.”
So that was why you looked 19. “Why do you still look 19?” You asked him, turning around to look at him directly. You watch as he took a deep breath and sighed. “Guess what I found when I jumped to the future….nothing.”
You had a growing pit in your stomach. It hurt that he hurt. You truly cared for him. He didn’t deserve that kind of pain and more trauma on his shoulders. You stood next to Vanya as the rain poured and the funeral began.
“Whenever you’re ready, dear boy.”
Pogo’s voice brought you out of your daze. You couldn’t stop glancing at him. You wished he’d just look at you. For as long as you’d known him you’d beg for him to love you. It’s a huge reason why you two were never official. God, Your at it again.
Luther turned the urn in which the ashes pathetically fell to a clumpy pile at his feet. “Probably would’ve been better with some wind.” Klaus stiffened as he felt Pogo’s glare. Pogo cleared his throat and spoke, “Would anyone wish to speak?” No one spoke. Therefore Pogo began to speak once more, “Very well. In all regards, Reginald Hargreaves made me the creature I am today. For that alone, I shall forever be in his debt. He was my friend, and my master, and I shall miss him very much. He was a…..a complicated man-“
Deigo’s voice cut him off and you just knew the funeral might as well be done with. You sighed and shot Vanya a tight lipped smile before walking back inside. You walked past Klaus and Five and you seriously couldn’t help but throw Five a glance. To much shock the second you did his eyes were already on yours.
This is gonna be a hell of a ride.
i know that vanya is viktor but he’s not viktor just yet and i want his transformation to still be his transformation.
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mangoshorthand · 5 days
What do you think of Fiktor?
I'm ambivalent about it. It does nothing for me personally. I generally don't like pseudo-incest and the pairing isn't interesting to me, but I have no ill-feeling towards those who ship it. It's neutral to me.
I do have the headcanon that Five had a small pre-sexual crush on Viktor when they were kids, something that he looks back on as an adult with mild distaste and humour. I also present him in my fics as being very susceptible to Viktor's big brown eyes, largely because they make him feel protective, but this was probably formed during his Viktor crushin' phase.
I mention this in a scene in Alias Number Five, which I'll include under the cut because it's my blog and I'll do what I want dammit.
*** Five could hear Viktor crying through the door, though he was clearly trying to stifle the sound. 
He shifted uncomfortably: he never knew what to do in these situations. Should he go get the robot?
He raised his fist, hesitated, straightened his uniform tie and knocked.
“Go away,” came the response.
“Ah, come on,” Five wheedled, “it wasn’t me being a jackass, it was Diego.”
As renewed sobs echoed through the door, Five bit his lip, unsure how to proceed. He cleared his throat and decided on the most direct approach. He blinked inside.
Viktor tossed his hair over his shoulder and looked daggers at Five. 
“I said go away, stupid. You aren’t allowed to blink into my bedroom. Get out or I’ll tell Dad!”
Five, feeling awkward, put his hands into his pockets, “you said you’d play me that Paganni piece you’ve been practicing.”
“I don’t want to!” Viktor said, stomping his foot in a show of temper usually unlike him, “it wasn’t just Diego being a jackass. You were mean, Five.”
Five let out a breath and smirked, affecting confidence even as he visibly deflated.
“Well I’m not going anywhere until you play me a few bars. You promised.”
He blinked again and reappeared sat against Viktor’s headboard, arms and long legs crossed smugly before him.
Viktor’s frown deepened.
“Get OFF my bed.” 
Viktor’s face crumpled again. Five sighed and capitulated, getting off the bed guiltily and standing in front of him. He was taller than Viktor, though only by an inch or so, but to their eleven year old-selves it felt like an awful lot. From Five’s perspective, he was looking down on his vulnerable little sister as if from a great height. 
“Sorry,” he mumbled.
Viktor sniffed, wiping at his nose with the cuff of one sleeve, “Those guys always say mean stuff, but why did you join in, Five?”
Five chewed his lip again. Honestly, he didn’t know the answer to that…all his siblings had been there and Five had been puffed up with the consciousness of having performed best in today’s training session…when Diego has started picking on Viktor and the others had laughed…he guessed it boiled down to wanting to extend that feeling of dominance: of being number one in the pecking order if not in name.
When Viktor had turned on his heel and hurried away in tears, Five watched him go with regret and followed as soon as he could excuse himself. 
“I’m sorry Vanya,” he said, “I didn’t mean it, honest.”
Viktor took his hand and pulled him down to sit beside him on the bed. Five’s feelings of guilt only intensified as Viktor laid his head on his shoulder.
Even then, before most of his trials, Five usually shied away from physical affection, but Viktor was different. Five allowed him the occasional touch, the odd one-armed hug where he wouldn’t have done so with others. It would occur to him, many years later, that what he felt for his adopted brother, (then sister), might have amounted to his first crush: puppy love flared up and fizzled out within months.
The idea struck him as equally distasteful and nostalgic: what a messed up childhood they’d had. His feelings for Dolores hadn’t exactly been the height of mental health but they had the benefit, at least, of not being technically incestuous. 
Sitting against Five on the bed, Viktor swivelled his head so that he rested on his brother’s upper arm. He looked up at him with chocolate brown eyes, wide, glistening and appealing in a way that tugged at a string tied somewhere in the young Five’s guts.  
“Why don’t we run away?” he whispered.
“What?” said Five, disconcerted. 
“Me and you,” Viktor sounded suddenly excited. “You can blink us out of here and then…and then we’ll get the bus and we’ll go…we’ll go wherever the bus is going. And when we get there, we’ll get another bus and we’ll keep going like that until we’re miles and miles away. No more numbers or training or anything. We can-”
“-get away from all this and-”
“Vanya,” Five repeated, “We can’t. Anyway, how are we supposed to live? What about food and money? Where are we supposed to sleep?”
Viktor’s eyes widened even further, desperate excitement taking over.
“I could play my violin. I could earn us money! And if we ever needed any more then you could…you could just steal it,” 
When Five looked even more skeptical, Viktor continued, words tripping over each other as he tried to find the right combination to convince him.
“Or…OR, we could go to a orphanage or something and tell them that we’re lost and we don’t have any mom or dad. We could make up a story! Please Five, we could be anything we wanted. I won’t have to be ordinary and you don’t have to be special: we can just be us!”
“No,” sighed Five with a mixture of distress and exasperation, “I’m not gonna run away. Vanya: I am special. That is who I am.”
“But you always say you hate it here!” Viktor said, tears coming back into his eyes as he pulled at Five's arm with wild intensity “You say Dad’s a…” he lowered his voice and whispered the bad word, “bastard and he won’t even let you use your powers properly. Come with me and you can time travel as much as you want!”
Sudden inspiration seemed to have struck Viktor and he drew in a loud, shrill gasp.
“Let’s run away to the future! You could poof us one hundred years from now! There’d be no Dad, no academy! Just us and we could do whatever we wanted.”
Five put a hand on Viktor’s forearm and squeezed.
“No.” he said, firmly, “I don’t want to run away. We’re part of the Umbrella Academy whether we like it or not.”
“ You’re part of the Umbrella Academy,” said Viktor, turning away as the pooled tears fell, “I’m just…I was just a mistake. I’m just…ordinary.”
Five sighed and touched Viktor’s head with his own.
“It’s okay to be ordinary. Maybe we need some ordinary around here. You are part of the Umbrella Academy, you’re important.” 
Viktor snorted, a cynical sound that no preteen should make, “Thanks Five,” he said, detaching himself from his brother and sitting back against the headboard, “but you’re just saying that.”
“It’s true,” said Five, looking down at his shoes and lowering his voice to a mumble before saying the next part, “you’re important to me…you’re my best friend.”
Viktor smiled, a little flushed with pride at this admission. He knew that Five confided in him more than in any other sibling, but this was the first time he’d verbalized affection overtly. Five continued to inspect his laces, unwilling to meet his eye. Keeping his voice low, he continued:
“I’ll always be here if you need anything.”
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bvdomination · 2 months
When you say SKAM are you talking about Skate America? I went on their page and their full U.S lineup is out and for the ice dance section only two pairs are listed. It says lineups are subject to change and TBD after their names so I’m a bit confused. Is that just like the first people who were announced and more will be announced?
Yes! Chock and N/M were assigned Skate America (SKAM) and because the US is the host country, they get an extra spot. Given that the rest of Team USA senior ice dance teams have been assigned 2 Grand Prix competitions already, this spot can be given to anyone, including BV and Morozov/Chen. Wolfkostin/Tsarevski (Dima) are competing junior this season so they are not in contention.
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flower1622 · 1 month
Hargreeves: Number four. Eat.
Number four: I don't wanna it.
Hargreeves looks at number four.
Hargreeves: What?
Number four: That's what i said.
Number four stands up and everyone stares at him shocked. He gets his plate and lets it fall on the floor. It breaks.
Number four walks towards Hargreeves.
Number four: I trusted you after everything you put us trough...but, you killed Ben!
Number four shouts, scaring the others, including Ben.
Number four throws Hargreeves' plate to the floor.
Hargreeves: Number four, stop with this right now! Number three.
Number Three: I heard a rumour...
Number four scares Alison, who only closes her mouth and tries to keep distance from number four.
Number four throws Hargreeves to the ground.
Number four turns to the others.
Number four: Guys, you have to trust me. He is not our father. This man is a monster that will kill us all. He doesn't care about us. He's gonna destroy the fucking world. You have to wake up before it's too late. He hates us! He is always torturing me and Vanya, who in the future is not a girl anymore. He kills Ben and this will destroy us completely.
Hargreeves: He is crazy. He's probably on drugs again.
Number four cries a lot.
Number four: Please, guys! I never asked something really important from you, but you need to believe me. I swear that i'm telling the truth this time. I would never joke with something serious. This man is a fucking pyschopath. He doesn't deserve the title of a father. He's just a stupid alien.
Hargreeves gets angry and stands up from the floor. Number four and Hargreeves start a fight with kicks and punches while the others only watch in shock.
Then, Hargreeves takes number four by his neck and hits the boy's back on the wall while suffocating and lifting him off the ground.
Hargreeves: You're such a shame, number four. Very disappoint.
Number four: I don't fucking care, you lunatic. I'm not gonna let you destroy the world or my family, you son of a bitch.
Number four uses his power and makes ghosts appear in the room, shocking and scaring his siblings. The ghosts attack hargreeves. The hargreeves tries to fight, but is almost impossible to fight against ghosts. Number four takes the opportunity that Hargreeves is busy with the ghosts, he takes his arm and spins Hargreeves around as much as he could and throws the old man from the window, which breaks with the impact and Reginalds ends up falling into the ground. With cuts and blood on his head, number four runs to the window and sees Hargreeves' dead body on the ground.
Number four: My name is not number four, it's Klaus...and i would just like to say something...
Number four gets Hargreeves' bottle, that was filled with alcohol, and throws at Hargreeves' dead body. Then, he lights a match and also throws it at Hargreeves' body, making the body burn. The fire desintegrates the body, showing its true form. The body of an Alien.
Number four:...I told you so.
Number four walks away from the window and winces from pain. He notices his body bleeding, where there was a small knife on his chest. He closes his eyes and falls to the ground, bleeding a lot. His siblings stand up and surround his body.
I got inspired by this song to write the headcanon and i liked the edit from Tik Tok. I know that Five decided to join his family, but it seemed to me that Five watched his family in danger (especially Klaus) and puts himself in front of Klaus ( I don't remember the scene so much)
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clementineofmine · 1 month
For the ask game :)
Same Weird Family (the series): 1, 4, 5, & 9
Thanks, @assaily, for the ask! I'm going to answer this based on Same Weird Family, the first in the series because I haven't gotten to talk about that one yet. It's the first fic I wrote (that you know of, lol) so while I now find parts of it a bit rough, it'll always be near and dear to me as it came about due to a visceral need to word vomit about these characters.
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
I started this fic a few weeks after S2, and like many I was absolutely inspired by the absolute savagery and increasing desperation of Five in that season. From killing the board to rewinding time, Five did so much for his family that season and none of them knew about it. Plus, the season ended in a new timeline, so the "what's going to happen next?" opportunities were almost endless.
I was also deeply inspired by those who took a stab at post S2 before me, including but definitely not limited to NonLinear Theory for Dummies, The Walls Kept Tumbling Down, Creeping Towards Extinction, and Tangled in the Hanging Tree. If you haven't read these and you like my fic, you're going to love these. They are all angsty and excellent.
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
I'm gonna call out Allison here, because while she didn't get a lot of focus in this fic, I think she deserves a chance to yell at her brothers more often.
“Well, if we can’t take him to the hospital-” Allison’s words returned them to the practical matters. She looked around as Diego and Luther both shook their heads at her as confirmation. Vanya looked torn but didn’t disagree. Klaus remained focused on Five. “-we’ll have to watch him. We’ll take shifts.” “Oh boy, Five’ll just love that,” Diego scoffed. “He’s unconscious. He’ll deal,” Allison pointed out, closing the discussion. She finished cleaning up Five’s injuries and straightened his clothes. “And if you guys are done with playing pissing contest,“ she gave a pointed look to both Diego and Luther, “you can help me get him upstairs to the bedroom."
5: What part was hardest to write?
Chapters 1-6 and part of 7 came at me fast and furious, but I floundered a bit trying to get through 7 and 8 to the end. I think the writing is a bit awkward and it does make me cringe a bit.
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
Not alternate versions so much as I did a lot of rewriting (I'm a pantser; I try to let my characters speak and sometimes they surprise me)
If you'll permit me to tag onto your ask, I'd also like to answer 3: What’s your favorite line of narration?
I spent a lot of time dissecting Five's internal emotions during this fic, trying to make sense of what drives Five - the anger and frustration and desperation that we saw on screen in S2, and beyond. I'm quite proud of some of it. Here's a snip:
“FIVE!” The shout cleaved him violently from his thoughts. Five blinked, confused, and looked up. His mind registered that his name had possibly been said more than once.  Oh, he remembered, almost absently. His siblings were pestering him.  Five sighed. All of the energy that had once fueled his rage was gone, drained away as quickly as it had spiraled up. Anger merely simmered now, rather than burned. He no longer felt dizzy, just…tired. In the clarity of hindsight, Five knew he hadn’t ever really been angry at his siblings. Annoyed, sure. Frustrated. But anger was reserved for the fact that Luther and Diego’s questions dragged things out of the little box, things that snagged and pulled at the cracks and exposed his weakness. For the memory of the light fading out of Klaus’s eyes, reaching for Five but still dead before he hit the ground. For the way that Vanya’s body crumpled like a discarded paper doll. Mostly, Five’s anger was directed at himself. For being played, and not figuring out the only possible end to the Handler’s deal until it was much too late. If he had been thinking clearly. If he only… Stop, Five. There’s no good destination down that road. “Five, we just want to help you” the soft voice said. He still didn’t care to pick out its owner. It didn’t matter. He couldn’t bear to keep listening. His siblings had died because of him. Again. And everything that happened afterwards – his survival, his thoughts, his actions – he could give them everything and still would never be enough to make it up to them. Never. 
fic ask game
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sotwk · 1 year
My gosh this is a very wild guess, but is Anariel the maiden in Rivendell in your WIP "The Only Gold"? [main clues I used: Anariel's birth year (fic must be set after TA 496), you mentioned that it was one of your WIP fics, she lived in Rivendell, golden/blonde hair (based on your face claim), Anariel is close to Arvellas and learned a lot from him (potentially including about the dwarves) and the she-elf in the fic knows Khuzdul
My dear friend, this was not a "wild guess", but rather some Sherlock Holmes level of investigative deduction! XD You are 100% correct! I am so impressed and flattered that you took the time to gather information and piece it together to present your proof! You must be really good at finding Easter Eggs from movie franchises.
Because of the "jumping all over the place" approach I have taken to writing out the SotWK AU of Thranduil's (and Middle-earth's) history, there are clues and Easter Eggs all over my stories about plot details that haven't been revealed yet. Mysteries like: Which Son of Fëanor is Maereth's grandfather? Who are the other First Age canons related/connected to Thranduil's family?
"The Only Gold" is my "Durins Live" fix-it fic, told mostly through the eyes of Fili and, as you have guessed, Anariel. It will run through an AU version of The Hobbit/BotFA events and explore the SotWK AU history and (broken) relationship that actually existed between Mirkwood and Erebor. All 3 Sons of Durin (Thorin, Fili and Kili) will live, but the question is how, and what role will Thranduil's family play in it?
Will Fili and Anariel fall in love and end up finally uniting the two kingdoms and races? (Grandpa Thranduil and Uncle Thorin are fighting over who gets to wring my neck first right now. *nervous laugh*) Honestly, the endgame of their relationship remains very fluid my head. (aka undecided) All I know is destiny foretold by the Elvenqueen herself will push these two beautiful blondes together.
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Just a few additional notes about the lovely tidbits you picked up on regarding Anariel:
Her birth year: She is actually as close in age to her Uncle Legolas as Legolas is to his brother Mirion! But yes, Anariel was born about 500 years before the Greenwood started to darken, so she enjoyed some happy centuries of peace with her family.
Her life in Rivendell: Sadly, by the events of The Hobbit, her mother had become estranged from Thranduil, which caused Itarildë and Anariel to leave Mirkwood and reside in Rivendell for a period of time. (Aranion stayed because no one is more loyal to Thranduil than he; what a darling grandson!)
Her relation to Elrond: Anariel is a cousin by blood to Elrond. Elrond's paternal great-grandmother Elenwë is the sister of Elemírë (an OC), Anariel's paternal great-great-grandmother. Thus in the story, Elrond refers to her his "kin".
Her closeness to Arvellas and knowledge of the Dwarven culture: By the Third Age, no other Elf in Middle-earth could surpass Prince Arvellas in his knowledge of the Dwarves. For many centuries, he taught his dear niece nearly everything he knew about the Dwarven race, including Khuzdul. Arvellas foresaw he was not destined to live forever on Middle-earth, so he sought to pass on his knowledge to a worthy successor.
Her golden hair: The beauty of Anariel's golden hair is one to rival Galadriel's, due to her strong Vanyarin inheritance. (I mean, her name is "Daughter of the Sun"!) In the SotWK AU, Glorfindel is 3/4 Vanya, and he married the sister of Elenwë (wife of Turgon), who is full Vanya. I made some rough calculations which reveals Itarildë as 22% Vanya, higher than any canon elf left in Middle-earth in the Third Age, save for Glorfindel himself (if you accept my HC that he's part Vanya). So yes, that's why the Dwarves were stunned and mesmerized by the golden hair of Anariel; it likely carries some "magic" in it. I have a self-indulgent HC that Gloin and Gimli would have had heated debates over whose hair was more beautiful--Galadriel's or Anariel's.
Anyway, apologies for my rambling Anon (and everyone who made it this far)! I have a thousand SotWK headcanons in my head that need to be unloaded sometimes to release the pressure. XD.
Anon, I would really love to give you a prize (as I promised) from the Tumblr Mart, any badge of your choice... but if you're not comfortable revealing yourself, I completely understand. Another option would be sending me another Ask and letting me know of a writer/artist whom you want to support, and I will buy them some KoFi on your behalf. Please let me know! :) Thank you again for participating in my little Guessing Game, and for your wonderful support!
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Tagging those have historically been interested: @aduialel @fizzyxcustard @lathalea @laneynoir @achromaticerebus @auttumnsayshi @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @blueberryrock @scyllas-revenge @glassgulls @ladyweaslette @heilith @absentmindeduniverse @heranintomyknife23times @asianbutnotjapanese @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @lilidurin @beekieboo @albionscastle @jezzibee @g-m-kaye
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eruverse · 1 year
Another (unpopular) Russia sexuality headcanon
- Not gay
- Prefers to be around women than men because he just finds them more appealing. Not exactly for sexual reasons tho, and more often than not he seeks women out for platonic companionship. Women’s touches are just much more comfortable for him, women’s softer aesthetics more up his alley. Women >>>>>>>
- HOWEVER, much of his meaningful relationships have been with men. Can’t be helped since he is mostly surrounded by male nations, from Asia to Europe. Not that he’s had any kind of relationship (either sexual or romantic or both) with absolutely ALL of them, because he has deep trust issues/also hedgehog’s dilemma plus a myriad of other stuffs and is therefore pretty picky. It can’t just be Anyone or else he’ll want to die. He has a lot of troubles letting people in and romantic/sexual relationships inherently require you to be vulnerable. However he does look like someone who gets it on with everyone supposedly close, because he is physically touchy with almost everyone and can be very overbearing and possessive.
- The overbearing and possessive attitudes are from deep paranoia and distrust of anything ‘outside’, of anything he has no control over. But he also has fascination with all those things, and just like all isolationists, always want to be included (these are two things that exist in him simultaneously, always fighting each other).
- Ultimately tho what he wants most is familial relationships and affection. He wants someone (or more than one person) who will always be there for him. He is not exactly desiring for romance nor sex in the sense that it’s just not his utmost priority. While he has pretty healthy libido he’s okay taking care of it himself and for the most part he really does. I hc him as honestly one of the least sexual people in the big USSR house because I want to explore different alternatives than Vanya just exerting sexual power over his colonies, it’s boring, he can still bully his colonies without resorting to assault yanno. One-on-one connection matters less for him than familial-communal, that kind of thing.
- But also, no one among his colonies is OBVIOUSLY quite in his league enough to pursue serious partnership with. I rather think he’ll be quite conscious of this fact in a way? One reason he becomes interested in America, China, and some European countries is because they’re powerful/aligning more with his own league (or that’s what he hoped/s) and Ivan is attracted to power (as are all nations, and esp more powerful nations). I hc that his colonies got on with each other in the big USSR house and not with him, sans rare and very specific occasions, even tho everyone for ex Alfred thought it’s just one big Russia’s harem.
- Yes, usually the women he has had any semblance of relationship with are human, simply because there is no female nations around him (tho I do ship him with some nyos), and living around where he himself lives. Many of them are when he was much younger tho; dude tumbled a lot with young maidens in the hay. He was rather popular.
- His type in relationships: someone who provides comfortable, stable and safe space for him and isn’t the type who likes to argue or fights a lot with him. Someone he can at least trust (but no one so far has his whole trust). Someone who does boring stuff with him, like lazying around in the bed and tending to the garden. Someone who understands and accepts him, and is gentle to him. Basically, his desires out of any semblance of relationship are really boring and domestic.
- The women he likes are the ‘soft but assertive’ type tho. He likes women who can ‘take the wheel’ mentally because man is so tired he wishes to sleep for 637353 years. Has a thing for mentally more mature women who can mommy him.
- The men he likes are those who can respect him, and are chill. Those who can see him an equal, or would defer to him in some respects and not trigger his sensibilities too much. Ivan knows that he can be abusive to partners who are too weak against him, or to anyone ever, for sure. He actually rather respects those who can speak up against him, just that please don’t get loud and annoying about it lol
- Kinda is the type who wishes nice perfect people will fall from the sky and hug him to sleep be always there for him kind of thing. Doesn’t get that.
Expanding on some of the relationships he’s had and what type it is:
- With Golden Horde, it was purely platonic because he’d been a child and he… grew up really slow and was a particular late bloomer.
(No, no r*pe, since I also have an established Golden Horde OC and he developed into this person who is some kind of people hater and didn’t perceive any kind of sexuality up until he met this person who wasn’t Ivan, not even with one being used as a tool to assert power. Besides, Vanya was so weak hearted he would cry just from being trolled just a little bit. Basically Golden Horde had 3782739493832772638282 ways to traumatize little Vanya without using r*pe)
- With France, it was easily sexual because France himself also desired Ivan sexually. Their relationship developed fast because of this. These days Ivan still likes him, but it’s not sexually.
- Germany/Prussia: Ivan has never done anything with Ludwig, but likes him (platonically) a lot. Sometimes gets in on with Gilbert in modern era, but their coupling is pretty few and far in between. Gil likes him, tho he doesn’t want to admit.
- England: hate-admiration relationship and neither actually tries to get on with the other.
- Netherlands: Ned would fuck anyone so probably yes. All in the past tho.
- America: Ivan was not impressed with him when they first met, but tolerated him better than many others. Gradually getting more interested in him up until CW, where it developed into some kind of tense crush (not strictly sexual, BUT imbued by sexuality) but I’m on fence on whether they had gone around to actually do it. Maybe once, though. The 90s onward tanked his respect and affection to America and in modern time it’s like. Zero point five. Ivan has goosebumps thinking of the time he could ever like America like EW. America isn’t actually his type of partner BY FAR, so the fact that he could actually like America is betrayal to his own principles and sense of self and it’s super disorientating. When he was flirting with America, there was just too many chaotic moments and rollercoaster of emotions that while at the time was exhilarating now he truly realizes aren’t for him. There’s also one thing tho: Alfred was the only one who could handle his abuses while staying mostly intact, so you could say that this made Ivan soar.
- China: Yao isn’t a woman, but his aesthetics are really up Ivan’s alley (that balance on soft and hard, soft outside but firm inside). Definitely sexual though Ivan also seeks Yao quite a lot just for platonic companionship. If Ivan’s relationship with America is getting worse the more time passes, with China it’s just getting better.
- Mongolia: surprisingly chill if they don’t come to each other for serious things, occasionally sexual, Mongolia is daddy tho not quite with Ivan in that respect (nyo!Mongolia, however…)
- Central Asia: with Kazakhstan it’s mostly friendly (caveat: has to be some healthy distance between them for best possible friendliness, but ‘healthy distance’ is difficult for them for obvious reasons), sometimes they fight and break bones, ever-present low-riding tension Kazakhstan tries to keep at minimum for his own sake (there’re only so many sleepless nights he can handle), and generally complicated feelings. Uzbekistan hates Ivan even though is good at masking it.
- Turkey: obvious distrust between each other, fucked sometimes (less often than otherwise assumed) in the past. There’s certain side of you you can show to people you distrust, and that’s quite the howling mawing clawing animal side.
- Belarus: his sweet sister, idk which one is older and in the end doesn’t matter to me? Both of them are honestly unhinged tho, so I guess it’s not that Ivan is afraid of Natasha per se, it’s that he can see their, his, fucked-upness in her and he doesn’t really know how to deal with that, since he doesn’t need to see it if he’s living it himself but he HAS to see it if it’s reflected in another. It’s not that he’s afraid of her, perhaps it’s that he’s afraid of himself. But perhaps no one understands him more than she does.
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Broadway Divas Tournament: Round 1A
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It is a deeply painful truth that five-time Tony nominee Jan Maxwell (1956-2018) never won what she deserved. One of the most critically acclaimed actresses in this city, she was the second actress after Angela Lansbury to receive nominations across all four categories, and the fourth to achieve two in a single season. Her work included A Doll's House (1997), Lend Me a Tenor (2010), and Follies (2011). She famously quit the off-Broadway production of  Entertaining Mr. Sloane because Alec Baldwin was an abusive dick, and she was an icon who didn't tolerate that shit. Jan died in 2018 from complications due to breast cancer. She was 61. And the Broadway League did not dim the lights for her as they had done for so many others. Two theatres went "rogue" and dimmed them anyway in her honor.
A legend among character actresses, Jayne Houdyshell (1953) is a five-time Tony nominee who did win what she deserved, earning her first Tony for The Humans in 2016. She featured in twelve Broadway shows, including A Doll's House, Part Two (2017), The Music Man (2022), and Follies (2011). She will return to Broadway this season in Lincoln Center's Uncle Vanya, making it lucky number thirteen. Jayne can also be seen on Only Murders in the Building where, spoiler, she gets murdered.
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"I cannot stress to everyone how much I love and miss Jan Maxwell. Of the three dead blonde women on this poll tournament, she is the one people forget because she was an *actress* first, and a singer after, and musicals and musical divas dominate the conversation. But for those of us who know the theatre, we know Jan Maxwell, and we know the stage is dimmer because she is gone. In Follies, Bernadette Peters was The Star. But Jan was The Actress. And oh, was she ever."
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"Now that is a Broadway Baby of the highest caliber. Jayne Houdyshell is a beloved character actress with a fantastic and robust career. She's done it all: musicals, plays, regional, touring, Broadway, and everything beyond. With all the Follies drama backstage, Jayne stayed in her lane, unbothered, unconcerned, and living her best damn life."
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