#because we are weak fools who want cookie
deathbypufferfish · 5 months
Is there a rule that I can have a cookie on passover if I'm really sad
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hulloitsdani · 8 months
Okay so the idea of a Kiran and Grima friendship dynamic is honestly one of my favorites in FEH.
Grima as a character was always intriguing to me, but he only became downright fascinating in retrospect of FE: Echoes. Seeing where he came from made his rather two dimensional villainy in Awakening gain a surprising amount of perspective and depth. This is a creature made purely out of a man’s insane hubris and was cursed to walk this earth for thousands of years as a result. He’s essentially Fire Emblem’s version of Frankenstein’s monster. This gave Awakening’s nature vs nurture narrative a significantly more fascinating base to stand on. Made it a bit more character driven, as you can begin to see why Grima holds the perspective that he does. However, there has yet to be a proper scenario in which we get to sit with him and explore the ideas that promises.
Which is exactly why I love the idea of Grima and Kiran. I do not think their dynamic should be dedicated to redeeming Grima via the power of friendship, as that’s more Awakening and Chrom’s brand. But rather, I think Grima getting summoned to Askr would shift the focus of nature vs nurture away from Robin and onto Grima himself. Robin got the chance to question this via their amnesia and now Grima gets to question this via this second start in a world wildly different from the one he walked for lifetimes. And Kiran acts as the off putting yet well meaning embodiment for what that could possibly mean. They are a weird, pitifully weak creature who has somehow succeeded where the scientist that made him and no doubt countless others after him have failed: They have the capacity to control Grima. This automatically means Grima has no intention to let them live for long, but they hardly have the same goals as those ambitious fools. Outside the demands of every conflict the Order finds itself caught up in, Kiran only uses their power to have interesting conversations with weird company. And when I say “use their power” I mean have tea with malicious dragon deity without loosing their head.
It’s hardly enough to get him to stop him from plotting a murder, as it’s only a matter of time before this goes south in his eyes. But it’s… intriguing to see such a comparably unmotivated individual in a position of such extreme power. The piqued curiosity leads to a the formation of a genuine bond as Mr. Wings of Despair Breath of Ruin realizes, “oh shit, I’ve encountered a being I don’t want immediately dead” and has a major existential crisis about it. It’s adjacent to Power and Nyaako from Chainsaw Man, but instead of a cat is Grima is watching this chaotic tactician earnestly fumble their way through this position thrusted upon them. And despite the light years of difference between the both of them, these two come to an understanding of one another that isn’t quite feasible by anyone else.
Meanwhile cut to the outside looking in perspective and this all looks downright insane. Kiran has befriended Fire Emblem satan. Has tea with him sometimes. It’s chill. Don’t worry about it. They say to Alfonse, who is realizing there is something not quite hinged about his tactician. Anna is crying because how the FUCK are they going to house a dragon the size of a mountain range. Sharena has been making cookies to go with the tea to give to the god of ruin this whole time.
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sammywolfgirl · 1 year
Okay this is partly going to be a train of thought but here’s some ideas on what I’m gonna do for the Tearcrown event in my au.
First half is pretty much the same, maybe a bit more time dedicated to lord oyster and white pearl getting to know each other and be adorable pining idiots doomed by the narrative, also establishing Tearcrown is allied with sugartaria. Since my gem mermaid lore directly connects them to that place, namely octopus cookie. So it’d make sense they’d be Allies
So second half, I want to spend a bit more more time to establish lord oyster’s pressure to succeed. To do right by their family. And their struggle with wether to keep the pearl or sell it. Establish it’s precious to them but also they really need to do right by their family. Also establish it’s their poor negotiation skills that’s making other trade families turn away, because they can see a sinking ship from a mile away and let’s be real lord oyster is a daydreaming optimist who’s heart is somewhere out at sea, they think they’re unreliable at best and a fool at worst.
And abalone decides to use that when he asks for the pearl to be sold to him. Just establish it clearly that it’s lord oyster who’s making bad opportunities and no major outside influence is there.
I want to make it clear that lord oyster does still have the opportunity to turn things around for themselves and their family, it’d take a lot of work and time but they can.
But abalone’s offer is quicker and more secure. They just need to sell something precious to them to do so.
Back with the gem mermaids and skipping ahead a bit, we get to abalone’s attack and white pearl realizing abalone has her pearl.
And she is not happy.
Lord oyster follows and found her to explain but it quickly becomes an argument.
Why if all cookies did they give her pearl to HIM to the very cookie trying to kill her and her family? Destroy her home? She might have understood if they needed to sell it but why to abalone of all people!
Lord oyster tries to justify with having to do good by their family, but white pearl calls them out, they could have fought harder for their family, and she’d have never sold out lord oysters family to ensure her own was secure!
It doesn’t matter, even when lord oyster swears to return the pearl to her, the trust is broken.
It’s over, she has woken up from her dream.
And her people are under attack.
She says goodbye, she tried to drown them but she can’t bring herself to do so, she tells them to flee, and to never speak to her again. Lord oyster is heartbroken and realizing they done fucked up.
Their moon is gone and it’s all their fault.
The battle continues, sea fairy raises the tower of frozen waves, but uh she doesn’t freeze up there, she doesn’t have the curse at this point. But she is sorta stuck up there because it took a lot of energy to build a structure like this so she’s out of the fight for now.
White pearl sees her family and home attacked, sees her close companion frilled jellyfish killed. She feels helpless and weak.
She takes a nasty blow from a harpoon, and her sisters witness this, they believe she is dead as they cannot reach her and the last they saw of her was being mortally wounded and sinking to the rubble.
Something in white pearl snaps, she wishes to be strong enough to destroy the land cookies attacking her home. She no longer wants to be helpless. In her injured state, she gets an idea, and claws her way towards the chambers of the sea fairy tear
She goes to the sea fairy tear and consumes its power.
A combination of that and her own magic corrupting due to her emotional state, she becomes black pearl and destroys the cookies attacking Tearcrown, flooding the place with her dark storms. She tears abalone cookie to shreds.
The magic force exerted from this shift casts magic so potent you can feel it.
Black pearl declares she will kill all who enter her path, and the oyster bloodline will die by her hand, casting a curse onto the family. Unintentionally also tieint lord oyster and abalone to this curse, which will result in them both being ghosts when they die.
Crimson coral and the survivors witness this sea monsters wrath, they don’t even consider this is white pearl, they believe black pearl is a sea monster the ocean summoned to wipe out the invaders. The rest of Tearcrown falls as a result of this attack.
They find frilled jellyfish, who’s got the amnesia from coming back to life, and they flee. But frilled jellyfish stays.
She feels called to the place… someone important is waiting for her. The others can’t stop her.
The gem mermaids and all surviving mermaids and critters flee to sugartaria to regroup and figure out what to do next.
Meanwhile black pearl begins her campaign of wrath
I will state, black pearl isn’t stuck in the waters around Tearcrown, not yet. She’s free to go wherever but she lingers here first so she can gather minions and plan.
Frilled jellyfish approaches and even though she can’t recall why she feels compelled to serve black pearl. She becomes her right hand and the first minion to black pearl. Even getting a bit of her power to do so.
Lord oyster goes home, and somewhere down the line gets their hands on the pearl again, but it’s darkened and lost its pure shine… they keep it but are too much of a coward to return it, focusing on growing the family fortunes and trying to find fulfillment there but never really achieving that. They become someone unrecognizable to the well meaning but foolish cookie they were before.
And abalone becomes a ghost. Creeping closer to something like a sea monster as years go by.
Aaaand that’s what I got
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ailendolin · 2 years
Thanktival 2022 - Day 12 - BBC Ghosts
Title: Forward [AO3]
Characters: Thomas/Nigel
Prompt: New Year's Eve
Summary: As everyone celebrates the beginning of the new year, Nigel keeps Thomas company away from the fireworks.
A/N 1: This is the third fic set in my Trigger verse. All you need to know about the first two stories to understand this one is that in Flashback, Nigel helped Thomas through a panic attack set off by a popping balloon and in Fireworks, he did the same when Thomas sought refuge from the fireworks in the basement on New Year's Eve.
A/N 2: Happy new year to all of you who have already made it to 2023, and guten Rutsch, as we say in Germany, to everyone still stuck in 2022!
“Are you really sure you don’t want to watch the fireworks with the others this year?”
Nigel sighed. “Thomas–“
“I know, I know, we’ve talked about this already and you don’t mind but–“ Thomas paused, gazing at him with soulful eyes. “I really don’t want you to feel like you have to stay with me just because of my …”
He trailed off and Nigel followed his eyes down to his wound before Thomas covered it self-consciously with his hand.
He did that a lot – hide the parts of him that he deemed ugly and unlovable. This past year, Nigel had tried his best to convince him that they were nothing to be ashamed of but every now and then the age-old insecurity crept back in and caused Thomas to retreat into the familiarity of old patterns.
As gently as he could, Nigel reached out to cover Thomas’s hand with his own – not to force him to reveal the wound but to reassure him that it was okay; that he understood.
“You make being with you sound like a burden when it is anything but that,” he whispered softly.
Thomas’s hand quivered under his as he ducked his head. “I don’t think the others would agree with you on that.”
“Then they’re fools,” Nigel said simply and intertwined their fingers.
His words managed to make Thomas’s lips twitch up into a weak but nonetheless genuine smile. “I’d love to hear you say that to the Captain’s face.”
Nigel snorted and shifted a little so that their shoulders were pressed together more closely. “You think I’m scared of him? I’ve had to deal with Walter for seven centuries. The Captain is a piece of cookie compared to that.”
“Cake,” Thomas said, sounding unbelievably fond. At Nigel’s confused look, he added, “Piece of cake – that’s the idiom you’re looking for.”
“Oh,” Nigel chuckled. “Right. Well, you know what I mean.”
Thomas smiled. “I do.”
He slowly eased up on the pressure against his wound but made no move to disentangle his fingers from Nigel’s. Instead, he looked down on them, his brows pulled together as if he was staring at a puzzle he was desperately trying to solve but found himself not able to.
“What are we doing, Nigel?” he suddenly whispered into the silence that had fallen between them.
The mood shifted. They were headed into dangerous waters now and Nigel’s heart leapt treacherously as it recognised the deceptive calm for what it truly was. One wrong word and they might very well capsize and drown. He couldn’t risk that.
“Hiding from the fireworks,” he managed to say at last, feeling like a coward.
“That’s … that’s not what I meant,” Thomas said softly. “I’m sure the others would have stayed with me too if I asked them – well, Pat would have – but they wouldn’t do this.” He looked down at their hands, resting between them, still entwined. His eyes were wide and full of emotions Nigel didn’t dare to chart. “They wouldn’t hold my hand.”
Thomas looked up again and a lump formed in Nigel’s throat. There was something raw and vulnerable about the way Thomas was gazing at him in that moment; something open and so terribly hopeful that it took Nigel’s breath away. It was so overwhelming that it gave him the courage to finally say the words that had been sitting on his tongue for months now, ever since the last New Year’s Eve him and Thomas had spent down here in the basement together. “Because they don’t love you like I do.”
Thomas’s breathing stuttered and his hand trembled against Nigel’s palm. Nigel forced himself to keep looking at him, to brave whatever reaction Thomas would have to his confession. He owed him that much.
“You don’t mean that,” Thomas murmured, dropping his eyes. “You can’t mean that. Not the way I–“
His voice hitched and he went silent, pulling his hand out of Nigel’s grasp as if the gentle touch pained him.
“I do, though,” Nigel said softly, feeling his heart break just a little at the wounded noise Thomas made. “I meant it a year ago when I told you I was right where I wanted to be. I meant it when I came upstairs and asked you to take a walk with me that first time, and every time after that. I mean it when I smile at you, and every time we sit together and watch the sunrise in the garden or from your window.” He paused to take a breath. “I’m not good with words, Thomas – you know that – but … I love you. I do, and it’s okay if you don’t feel the same. I just … needed you to know.”
There. He’d said it. There was no going back now, nothing to do now but wait for Thomas’s reaction.
It came in the form of a gentle touch.
“I’ve always believed myself doomed to remain unloved for all eternity,” Thomas whispered as his fingers tentatively returned to Nigel’s. “I hoped – god, I hoped – but I didn’t believe you’d ever–“
He broke off with a shake of his head, frustrated with his inability to put his feelings into words. But Nigel didn’t need him to. He could see it all written clearly in Thomas’s eyes: I love you and You amaze me and I want to hold onto you for all eternity but don’t know how.
“It’s okay,” Nigel smiled and brought up one trembling hand to cradle the side of Thomas’s face. He felt his heart warm when Thomas closed his eyes and leaned into the touch. “I understand.”    
For a moment, Thomas stayed perfectly still, lost in the feeling of being held with so much love. Then he turned his face a little more into Nigel’s palm and admitted in a whisper, “Tell me this is real – that you’ll still be there when I open my eyes.”
Nigel’s face softened and he allowed his thumb to trace the gentle curve of Thomas’s cheekbone in quiet reassurance. “It’s real, Thomas. I love you and I’m here.”
Thomas shuddered under his touch and opened his eyes. Somewhere above them, the old grandfather clock struck midnight and the first fireworks exploded in the sky. The sounds were muffled by several layers of stone but Thomas still flinched, and where before he had lightly held Nigel’s hand in his, his fingers now tightened their hold almost to the point of pain.
“Easy,” Nigel murmured and leaned forward so their foreheads were touching and all Thomas could see and hear was him. “I’ve got you. It’ll be over soon. You’re safe.”
Thomas nodded mutely. His eyes never left Nigel’s face but he slowly relaxed his hold on Nigel’s hand as they waited together for the cheers and explosions to fade into blessed silence once again. It felt intimate – more intimate than all the touches and looks that had come before had.
“It’s over,” Nigel whispered reassuringly and watched as the tension slowly drained out of Thomas’s thin frame. Deciding it was time to be brave, he angled his head just so to press a short, sweet kiss to Thomas’s cheek. “Happy new year.”
He was delighted by the soft, surprised laugh Thomas breathed out, and then even more so when Thomas tilted his head to the side and gently brought their lips together. The kiss was neither demanding nor exploring. It was a soft press of lips that was content to just exist in this moment they had carved out of space and time for themselves. It was a connection between two lost souls and a promise of a softer, gentler future. Together.
“Was that okay?” Thomas whispered when he pulled back.
Nigel felt his heart overflowing with love as he noticed the two bright spots of colour high on Thomas’s cheeks.
“It was more than okay,” he said, leaning back in. “It was perfect.”
They met each other halfway, both of them smiling into the kiss.
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nancypullen · 2 years
Countertop Eve
 I’m as excited as a kid at Christmas. We get our countertops tomorrow! After nine months in this house the kitchen will be finished! I spend a big chunk of my time in that room and it will finally feel like mine.  I cook a lot, I mean a lot, and I like my work space to be pretty and functional.  I don’t think that’s asking too much. These new countertops will stand the test of time. Since we’re on the topic of kitchens and cooking. I have decided that I am part elephant...or maybe panda. They eat tons of veggies and stay plump, and I am living proof that humans can do that too.  Most of my snacks and meals are made up of fruits and veggies.  This is what my cart typically looks like when I’m shopping -
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Top to bottom - a bag of apples, blueberries, bananas, broccoli, green beans, romaine, 2 packages zucchini, carrots, celery, there’s a bag of basmati rice, two pounds of lean ground turkey, chicken breasts, and salmon.  Those two cans are extras to go into a big pot of vegetable soup.  Did I also cruise down the candy aisle and pick up a bar of dark chocolate with sea salt? Guilty.  But that cart usually feeds us for a about a week.  It’s not keeping me thin, but it is keeping me healthy. Knock on wood!  I guess I’ll have to be content with that. Quick snack - just cukes with a tiny sprinkle of Maldon salt. I love baby cukes and a big bag is usually under three bucks.
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Those green beans? I’ll roast a bunch and eat ‘em for lunch. I spritz just a little olive oil, a sprinkle of sea salt, and then a few shakes of this black urfa chili.  It creates a deep, almost smoky flavor.
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I roast them until they’re blistered then I squirt a half tablespoon of garlic aioli (yes, I know I could make my own, but this is soooo easy) into a dish for dipping. I swirl it around to make it look like more - who do I think I’m fooling? It’s delicious.   So 45 calories for the aioli and whatever is in that spritz of olive oil. I probably burn 45 calories loading the dishwasher. 
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  Here’s a more fattening veggie dish, but not by much. Slice some zucchini lengthwise, lightly salt it, and leave it to sweat for about 20 minutes. Dab off the water.
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Spray a pan with olive oil and plop them in face down until they’re nice and brown.  
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Turn them over and pop them into a 400 degree oven for a few minutes. While that cooks, grab some fatty and flavorful toppings.  I chose reduced-fat feta, red pepper flakes, and my bff, garlic aioli.  No, I don’t eat it every day. Only on days when I want to be happy.
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A schmear of aioli on the plate is enough.
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An extra  sprinkle of red pepper flakes doesn’t hurt either.  When your zucchini is done (we’re talking just a few minutes, you don’t want it mushy!) plate it and give it a crumble of feta and more flakes.
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This was a delicious and filling lunch.  Just because I followed it with a square of dark chocolate for dessert doesn’t negate the fact that my lunch was less than 200 calories; 45-ish for the aioli, about the same for the feta, and then the olive oil.   One medium zucchini is 33 calories. I probably burned that while cooking it.  The feta is a good source of B vitamins, calcium and phosphorus - so it’s almost medicine, right?  Like I said, I’m round but very healthy.
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That said, it’s time for more water and something yummy for lunch.  Dinner tonight is salmon and roasted broccoli.  Lunch is probably going to be veggies.  Mostly because it’s good for me, but also because my husband can’t stay out of Craft Bakery!!
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I think he’s trying to kill me.  He went out this morning to take photos and came home with a haul from the bakery.  My only real weaknesses there are her quiche and the blackout cookies.   This plate doesn’t tempt me.  The quiche is roasted potato, caramelized onion, and cheddar and it’s sitting in the frig calling my name. Pray for my salvation.
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Me too, Mae, me too. With that in mind I’m going outside in the sunny 46 degree weather to try to clean up that scraggly tree line and pull some ivy off trees.  I can’t hear the siren song of the frig out there.  I’m thinking of spring and what I want to see when I look out the windows to that back yard.  My itty bitty Jane Magnolia has buds, it survived the winter!  In a few years I’ll have a pretty pink tree out there.  If I want to live to see it I’ll avoid the quiche.  My good genetics can only carry me so far. I hope that you’re having a lovely Thursday and can get outside and turn your face to the sun. We’re already seeing longer days and I’m a fan.  There are daffodils up all over town and that always puts me in a sunny frame of mind. March up here came in like a lamb, so she may exit like a lion - but her sweeter sister, April, is waiting in the wings.  Here comes the sun, folks!
Sending you love & sunshine! Nancy
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hansensgirl · 4 years
you better not shout, better not cry.
summary. | they know if you’ve been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake.
pairings. | Dark!Sebastian Stan x Reader, Dark!Bucky Barnes x Reader, Dark!Lee Bodecker x Reader, Dark!Charles Blackwood x Reader, Dark!Chris Evans x Reader, Dark!Steve Rogers x Reader, Dark!Ransom Drysdale x Reader, Dark!Andy Barber x Reader.
warnings. | NONCON/DUBCON, gang bang, eight-some, (forced and not forced) drinking, manipulation, coercion, dark themes, crimes, threatening, slight angst, mentions of cheating, age gaps, Daddy kink, Sir kink, power dynamics, boss/employee relationships, face fucking, oral (m receiving), dom/sub, finger sucking, degrading, praise, humiliation, voyeurism, fingering, double penetration, cum marking, facials, anal, unprotected sex, cream-pie kink, slapping, spanking, smoking, choking, hair pulling, manhandling, + more. 18+, DARK FIC.
word count. | 13k.
authors note. | merry christmas/happy holidays! please be wary of the warnings, and have yourself a merry christmas and/or a great day! don’t use my gif without permission, and don’t forget to read and reblog because i worked so hard on this. IF YOU’RE INSPIRED BY THIS FIC OR WANT TO USE A SIMILAR PLOT PLEASE MESSAGE ME FIRST OR ELSE YOU’LL BE BLOCKED. love you all sm! also gonna be submitting this to my bb @mypoisonedvine’s festive holiday challenge! (ty for beta-ing and putting up with me).
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Make my wish come true… All I want for Christmas is you…
A group of women erupts in laughter as they point at one of the ugly sweaters that their coworker wears. The man burns up with shame before grumbling off, making you furrow your eyebrows. You stifle a laugh, before grabbing a sugar cookie that you baked yourself. Little red sprinkles fall to the floor as you bite into the treat, the sound drowned out by the others.
The melodious voice of Mariah Carey starts playing and everyone cheers; you included. You quickly shut up, though, realizing how stupid you must look. Standing there by yourself, an elf costume on, stuffing your face full of cookies as you yell.
You find comfort in the numerous Christmas-themed treats — from sugar cookies to Rice Krispies, to cake pops. Your mouth salivates at the sight even though you just had a cookie. Everything is so irresistible… “Merry Christmas Eve!” A cheery voice calls from behind you, and your heart quickens its pace.
“Oh- uh, Merry Christmas Eve to you too, Mr. Barnes.” You stammer in shock, careful to not look up at him. You fiddle your crumb-covered fingers together, a habit that you have yet to lose. “No need to be nervous, doll. Are you enjoying yourself?” He asks, grabbing one of the cookies that are covered in green sprinkles. It’s shaped like a Christmas tree, and it’s one of your favourites.
“Uh, yes, Sir!” You answer quickly and nervously. Undeniably, everyone knows that Mr. Barnes drips with eloquence and dominance. As soon as he walks into the room, everyone either wants to be with him or be him. Everyone vies after him, and he knows that. He knows that, and he just makes it worse and worse and- “Why’re you alone by the snack table, doll?” He asks, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Oh well- I’m not overly friendly with the others- I mean I’m not rude to them! I’m just not close to them, that’s all.” You ramble nervously, wringing your hands. Bucky places a heavy hand on your shoulder and the butterflies in your start fluttering even harder and faster.
You struggle to look him in the eyes, those darned cerulean eyes that make you weak in the knees. “Oh, I’m so sorry about that… Have you been drinking, doll?” He asks you, and you choke on your saliva. “Oh I don’t drink, sorry if I’m being annoying…” You sheepishly apologize, realizing how out of line you must be acting. Truthfully, Mr. Barnes always has that effect on you.
“Uh- I should probably go see if everything is in order.” You say before Mr. Barnes can say anything else to you. “Happy Holidays!” You call out as you speed walk as far away your legs can take you. Three glasses of eggnog have you wobbling slightly but you’re determined to be far away from Mr. Barnes and the others.
In a way, they aren’t really your bosses. They’re just the CEOs and your boss is the head of the HR department. …Perhaps they are your bosses, but you’ve never really talked to them much. Mr. Bodecker’s temper always frightens you, Mr. Blackwood’s stare would always have you shaking, Mr. Barnes’s aura always makes you weak, and then there’s Mr. Stan himself. Everything about him sends numerous emotions through you and others as well.
You lean back against the wall and pull your phone out, sighing with a heavy heart. You’re not sure if it’s the heavy nostalgia of seeing Santa Claus sitting on a throne or the wallpaper on your screen but either one makes you tear up slightly. You already took photos of the party, and you’ve already sent well wishes to your friends, family and coworkers.
You look back up from your phone and try to decide whether or not you should scroll through your camera roll just to look busy to others. Whilst you ponder with your hazy mind, you accidentally lock eyes with Santa Claus. Younger you would’ve freaked out, but older you burns up with embarrassment. Suddenly, his white-gloved hand beckons you to him with a come-hither motion.
You point at yourself just to make sure because only you know how many mistakes you’ve made of thinking that someone was pointing at you. He nods and smiles, but you’re still not sure. Call it paranoia, call it anxiety, but there’s no way in hell that you’re going to make a fool of yourself on Christmas Eve.
You’re still unsure, so you look around and everyone else is off getting wasted in the main hall. Shiny confetti crunches under your flats as you hesitatingly walk over to Santa. He flashes you a smile and maybe it’s the egg nog talking but his pearly whites look awfully familiar to you. A waitress crosses your path, like a deer suddenly crossing the road. The platter that she holds gets slightly jilted but the shot glasses of tequila survive and her too.
You stop her and grab a couple of shots, taking them down the hatch with no shame at all. Liquid fire claims your throat as you have no remorse for your future self who’ll be hugging a toilet in the morning. You cough and sputter as you continue your way to Santa Claus. “Merry Christmas Eve, little girl!” He cheers delightfully.
You giggle drunkenly, the kind of laugh that would make anyone fall for you. “Oh, so no ‘Merry Christmas Eve’ for me? Seems like someone is asking for coal, or maybe even a spanking.” He drawls in a slight country-Santa accent. Perhaps your ears aren’t deceiving you, but there's no plausible way that Santa Claus just said… that.
“Oh— uh— Merry Christmas Eve!” You whoop, before bursting out in another fit of bubbly giggles. He laughs with you, but only for a few moments before taking in your appearance. Though you’re drunk on tequila, a few sips of wine from before the party and eggnog, he’s aiming to get drunk on your aura. Quiet yet sweet, a nervous mess that only furthers your adorable-ness and amazing desserts.
“See something you like, Mr. Claus?” You question him, snapping him out of his daze. You wiggle your eyebrows to your best ability, but you’re no actress. “Well, maybe I do, little girl.” He winks at you, and you swear that you’ve seen him before. “Wait- Do you work here? Or did we just hire you?” You ask him, as though you’re interviewing him.
“Can’t hire Santa Claus, little girl.” He disappointingly clicks his tongue. You let out an ‘oh’ before letting out a small laugh. He smiles at you and you bite your lipstick stained lip. Your coworkers are chanting in the background but you choose to artfully block them out. Maybe you’re not choosing, and it’s just the alcohol doing its wonders.
“I’m not little, why are you callin’ me little girl?” You slur your words as you question him again. “You are a little girl, and I can’t believe you’re back talking to Santa!” He scolds you, making your eyes water. You jut your bottom lip out in a pout and you’re doing the best puppy eyes that you can. “You been drinking a lot, huh little girl?” He asks you, turning the tables and you gladly let him.
“Yep! Gotta stay hydrated…” You tell him in a sing-song voice that makes him chuckle. “Silly little girl, getting all drunk in front of her coworkers…” He chides, grabbing your almost flailing arms. He pulls you up into his lap with a grunt, even though it doesn’t take much strength. You’re immediately reminded of the way he used to sit you in his lap.
Spinning you around in circles at first, loud giggles and begging for them to stop. Perhaps it’s fortunate that the alcohol renders your mind fuzzy and you can only make out a few colour blobs. “Whaddya’ want for Christmas, little girl?” He teasingly questions, smoothing a white-gloved hand over your hair. “Hmm, I can have anything?” You ask him, a bit of drool leaking out of the corner of your mouth. He nods, taking his thumb and lifting it to your mouth.
Oh, how he has the urge to just push his thumb past your lips and make you choke on it. “Well… I want a raise, even though I’m not all that worthy of the company… Just like my ex said, I’m easily replaceable. Oh! Can I ask for another thing?” You perk up even though your throat burns with sadness and your eyes are almost leaking.
Interested, Lee nods and drags his thumb across your rouge top lip. If he didn’t have a wife who drags him to makeup stores on the regular, he would’ve thought your lipstick was expensive. But it isn’t, because there’s no way your paycheck can afford a lipstick from Hermes or Christian Louboutin. “Can I know why my boyfriend left me? I know I may seem dull and quiet, but I have more to myself…” You sadly ask him, ashamed of how he abandoned you for one of your closest friends.
Lee’s heart breaks in two — making him question whether or not he had a heart after all. Insults had him believing that he’s heartless, but you’re making him question every fibre of his being. “I’m sorry about that, little girl. But what we don’t know can’t hurt us, right? Curiosity killed the cat, little girl.” He reminds you, talking down to you as though you truly are a little girl. “But satisfaction brought it back.” You sass in return, your voice cracking from the impending tears and alcohol.
“You need to listen to me, little girl. Your boyfriend doesn’t know jackshit about treating a girl like you right. He probably doesn’t even know where your clit is.” He scoffs abruptly. You lean in, listening to him as though he’s the wisest man ever. “Bet he can’t fuck that tight lil’ pussy a’ yours as well as a real man like me can.” He whispers in your ear, sending shivers down your spine and heat to your core.
“Didn’t know Santa Claus had such a filthy mouth…” You tease him, running your hands up and down his thick thighs. He groans, his cock stiffening up inside his red trousers.
“But, before anything like that happens… I would really like to have a raise.” You say with a heavy-hearted sigh. Lee has the urge to grab you tightly and shove his big, hard cock into any wet hole of yours. “Alright, little girl. But you need to continue to be a good girl, or else I won’t be able to get you anything except for a spanking.” He warns with a faux-smile beneath his fake beard. You giggle and squeeze his thighs, almost like a wave goodbye.
You stumble off, probably to go pee or hurl your guts into a toilet. He watches as your hips sway with each step of yours. The sight fuels the thought of you grinding yourself on his cock as you beg him to fuck you. He notices the party has died down to just people humping each other to party songs. Grumbling, Lee pulls the awfully fake beard away from his handsome face. Before, he was cursing his luck for drawing the short stick to become Santa. But now, he’s glad.
He’ll talk to your boss about the raise, maybe along with a promotion. If only the others could mind their own businesses. Literally. He’s glad that he wore only a dress shirt and not the double-breasted suit Jane suggested for him. “You comin’ or what? We gotta’ make these deals before everyone leaves.” Bucky asks as he swiftly walks past Lee. Lee nods and starts to take off the rest of the obnoxious costume. Bucky puts no effort into stifling his chuckle, a known trait of his.
Bucky smooths his hair back, even though not one strand is out of place. His arm whirrs wildly and his fist clenches every few seconds. His stress symptoms were the worst, but they’ve never been this bad. It’s risky; the deal that they’re about to make. For months, they had been making secret bribes, forging numbers and signatures, and putting their employees in loopholes from their contracts. But this deal was the riskiest. Their plan was well thought out, all thanks to Charles, whose middle name might as well be devious.
He stands in front of one of the glass doors. His reflection looks back at him. Somehow, the dark look in his eyes becomes enhanced. His huge frame only makes him more intimidating, but he knows that no woman ever had a problem with it. Except for one. “You comin’?” Lee asks as he brushes past Bucky, mocking his words from earlier on. Bucky rolls his eyes like a spoiled rich kid because he is one.
Bucky buttons his suit jacket and exhales one last time. He walks to his right and pushes the door open with only a little bit of strength. Laughter from different men fills the room, along with thick tension and the smell of expensive booze. “Oh, look who decided to join us!” Ransom sarcastically jabs at Bucky. “Look who finally got laid. I was beginning to think you couldn’t get it up anymore, Drysdale.” Bucky sneers at him, pouring himself a glass of Dalmore 62.
Ransom grumbles a few curse words under his breath and a prideful smirk spreads across Bucky’s face. They all have their ties loosened, maybe even the top buttons of their shirts but nobody cares enough to look. All but Mr. Stan and Mr. Evans are relaxed. They stare at each other with such glares they could murder one another. They all sit in their chairs, all similar. Except for Mr. Stan, who seems as though he’s sitting on a throne.
“They havin’ a starin’ contest or what?” Lee questions Bucky, downing the rest of the whiskey. “I don’t know, but didn’t they hate each other over some family feud shit?” Bucky asks in return, handing Lee the bottle of highland malt scotch. “Like the game?” Lee jokingly asks, knowing that the two head owners of the companies loved to get into petty squabbles. “We all fucking wish.” Bucky jeers, eliciting a chuckle from Lee. As much as they all hate each other, they always did have their moments when they weren’t insulting each other.
The only one who isn’t drinking, Andy, pipes up from all the talking. “So are we going to make this deal or not? I gotta get home for Christmas.” He grumbles just like the old man he is. “Oh fuck you, Barber. Just because you went to Harvard doesn’t mean you’re some busy guy.” Steve jabs, clenching his jaw in annoyance. He always hated Andy, and he proudly showed it.
Charles snickers, Ransom too. Lee and Bucky smirk from the sidelines. Andy clicks his tongue in a threatening way. But Sebastian and Chris send daggers in the form of glares at them. “I suppose we could sign the contracts and then celebrate… I could call the girls from Eighteen30’s.” Sebastian proposes, standing up from his seat. He emerges from the darkness like Batman, his beautiful eyes gleaming in the light. Everyone in the room groans in pleasure, recalling the moments they remembered from the last time they went to Eighteen30’s.
Andy pulls the contract out of his briefcase; an obvious “Andy” move. The sounds of glasses being set down on surfaces fill the room at different pitches. Evans simply turns around, stroking his beard as if he wants to say something. “Got something to say, Evans?” Charles asks him, giving him a devilish smile. “No, just thinking about how I’m gonna be rich as fuck once the ink dries.” He says in almost a hopeful manner. He thinks he has everyone deceived, but it’s the total opposite.
They all choose to keep quiet, wanting to just sign the goddamn papers and get it over with. “Just to be sure… We all know what this entails, right? More money, more power.” Sebastian states, pouring himself a glass of whisky. He never minds the burn, he actually loves it. They all nod, because who doesn’t love money and power? They all pull a pen out of their jackets, ever the businessmen. One by one, in smooth black loops, they sign their full names on the contracts.
Sebastian and Chris are the last to sign because their names carry the most weight. Charles lights his pipes and sighs as he takes a drag of smoke from it. As Lee watches Charles puff the smoke out of his mouth, he has the urge to light up a cigarette. But he can’t, because his doctor told him not to. So now he has to suffer the pain of fighting away that urge and Charles all but taunts him. He watches, and he fights, and he watches until he snaps.
“‘Scuse me.” He says, getting up. “Are you going for the champagne?” Sebastian asks, tracing the rim of his glass. Lee nods, lying to his business partner and longtime friend. “I’ll come with, can’t fucking stand the darkness.” He grumbles, following Lee. They both appreciate the fact that the part is still lively, maybe even more as booze has taken over everyone’s body. “Hey man, sorry you had to be Santa this year.” Sebastian apologizes, clearing his throat beforehand.
It’s not unexpected. Lee already knows that Sebastian is comfortable with him. “Ah, it’s alright. Only had to talk to a couple ‘a horny girls and Mrs. Patterson’s son. That lil’ fucker is cute an’ all, but he fuckin’ drooled on my hand.” Lee rants to him, making him let out a chuckle. “Well, the girls weren’t all that bad, right?” Sebastian questions him, pulling out a pack of cigarettes. “They were… somethin’. Most of them were obnoxious, except for one of ‘em.” Lee admits to him.
“Oh really? Anyone I might know?” Sebastian continues, handing Lee a cigarette. Lee gruffly thanks him and hands him his Valentino lighter. “Hmm… not sure. I don’t think anyone really knows her, she seems quiet. But she was drunk, so that was nice.” Lee tells him, sparing certain details. “She wanted a raise, and to know why her boyfriend left her for some other girl. I think it was her friend. Either way, she nearly started cryin’ on my lap.” Lee recounts to him, something he’d only do with his therapist.
Besides fucking her, of course.
“Oh… maybe we could give her a raise. Do you see her here?” Sebastian asks him with a smirk on his face. Lee wonders if Sebastian is thinking of the same thing that he is, and vice versa. Lee’s blown out eyes scan the crowd for you, hoping you’re still here. Maybe perhaps even more drunk than before. “She’s in this burgundy dress and had a mini Santa hat on… Red lipstick too.” Lee describes to him. Sebastian nods his head and keeps on looking for you.
“Think she had lingerie on underneath the dress… probably wanted to get back with her boyfriend.” Lee begrudgingly admits to Sebastian, finishing his cigarette. Smoke flies from both of them yet nobody seems to care. “How do you know she had lingerie on?” Sebastian teasingly asks him. Lee’s face burns up with slight embarrassment. “I… I was feeling her up, I couldn't help myself. She was all over me in the cutest way possible.” Even though Lee doesn’t give a rat’s ass about God, he’d swear on her that he’s telling the truth.
“Is that her?” Sebastian asks him, pointing at you as you walk out of the women’s bathroom. “Yeah…” Lee puts out his cigarette and throws it beside him, leaving it for the janitor to pick up. Sebastian does the same, aiming his cigarette more accurately. “Fuck, that little doll? I’ve always had my sights set on her. Always so cute and shy… Never bothered anyone.” Sebastian groans, hoping— no, knowing that Lee and the others are on the same boat as he.
“I have an idea,” Lee says, shoving his hands in his pockets. Sebastian follows him, going along with whatever his idea is. From your spot at the snack table, you manage to fill your now empty stomach with your sugar cookies. You’re slightly disappointed that not many of your treats have disappeared, but you tell yourself the night is still young. You look up at the sound of footsteps coming closer and nearly choke on a cookie.
“Oh my— uh, Merry Christmas Eve, Mr. Stan and Mr. Bodecker!” You cheer, stumbling on your words and yourself. “Hi, darlin’,” Lee says, giving you his signature ‘ladies only’ smile. You feel yourself become shy at the sight, but Mr. Stan makes you look back up. He clears his voice and you take in both of them. They both stand tall and intimidating, with enchanting stares that just capture you. “Merry Christmas Eve to you too, little girl,” Sebastian says, taking in your form.
You look absolutely adorable and innocent in front of them. In your little burgundy dress and Santa hat… slightly tipsy with cookie crumbs all over your face. “We came over here to ask you for a quick favour… We just closed one of our biggest deals and we’d love for you to help us bring the champagne. Maybe make a toast with us? It’s the least we can do since you brought all these lovely treats.” Lee explains, grabbing himself a sugar cookie.
It’s identical to the one you have in your hand; except yours is half-eaten and his only has a small nibble. “M- Me? Really?” You ask in shock, nearly going into full cardiac arrest. They probably don’t even know your name, but that doesn’t matter. At least they’re talking to you. “Yep! Unless someone else made all these delicious desserts.” Sebastian jokes around, slightly admitting that he tried a cookie. You shake your head in object and lace your sweaty fingers together.
God, why did you have to drink?
“I’d love to, Sirs.” You whisper with the utmost grace you can muster up whilst being half-drunk. They both nod and Lee places a heavy arm around your shoulders. The cookie in your hand breaks and you not so discreetly drop all the crumbs onto the floor. “Can I ask what the deal is for?” You question, not even daring to look up from the floor. “Oh, it’s nothing to worry your cute little brain about,” Sebastian tells you with a smile, quickly shutting you up and shutting the topic down.
They lead you to the bar and Sebastian makes a simple gesture with his hand. The bartender makes quick work of getting five champagne bottles and you’re easily amazed. Without realizing it, your jaw drops slightly in awe. Both Sebastian and Lee chuckle at how cute you are. The sounds are absolute heaven and they force you to realize something.
Holy-fucking-shit— You have feelings for your bosses.
You choke on your saliva at the epiphany, making Sebastian and Lee jump to you in concern. “Hey, are you okay?” Sebastian asks you, rubbing your back gently. Lee does this same, but his hand inches down to the small of your back. With anyone, you would jerk away and feel very uncomfortable. But with them… With them, it’s the complete opposite. You nod as you slowly calm down. The bartender sets the numerous bottles of champagne down on the bar.
Two bottles of Dom Pérignon, two bottles of Boërl & Kroff Magnum and one bottle of Goût de Diamant Brut. It’s the most expensive champagne in the world, costing $1.2 million. But to them and the company, it’s no big deal. You only know the price because he would rave about it on and on. You sniffle at the memory and Lee shushes you in a calming matter.
“Here, you lift this one, and we’ll carry the rest,” Lee instructs, handing you one of the bottles of Dom Pérignon. You hold onto the bottle tightly, but not too tightly. Sebastian and Lee point to where they’re going to celebrate, just to direct you. You walk in small steps, careful to not drop the bottle. They’d probably murder you if you did. “Right there, little girl… I— uh, I heard you wanted a raise, is that true?” Lee asks you, desperate to hear your lovely voice.
“Uh yeah, I just haven’t had a raise since I’ve been working here. All my coworkers are constantly getting raises…” You sheepishly admit to your two bosses. They nod and frown, how long has that been going on? They’ve kept their eyes on you since you started working here. You reach the door and you don’t open it because your two hands are occupied. Lee oddly knocks on the door, perhaps in a code. A few seconds pass, but the alcohol in your system makes it feel like an eternity.
Mr. Barnes opens up the door and gasps at you. “Nice to see you again, little girl.” He greets, smirking down at you. The sober version of you would’ve noticed the plethora of men in the room, but drunk-you can’t focus on too much at once. You nod shakily, swallowing thickly as you remember your encounter with Bucky earlier this evening. Bucky takes the champagne bottle from you and leads you inside, Sebastian and Lee following.
Bucky briefly leaves the room after setting down the bottle of champagne on one of the tables. It’s incredibly dark in the room and you can only make out the lights coming from the city. Sebastian flicks the lights on and you bite back a hiss at the sudden change. You look around and nearly drop dead right there and then. The company’s biggest enemies are here, smug as ever. “I… Huh?” You’re confused, not sure if your mind is playing a wicked trick on you.
Mr. Blackwood takes a drag from his pipe and then puts it out, the only remnants of it being the scent of smoke. In front of you, though, are Mr. Drysdale, Mr. Barber, Mr. Rogers and Mr. Evans. “Is this the little minx you’ve been telling us about?” Steve asks your bosses, unbuttoning his suit jacket. “Yep, even better in person,” Bucky says, pushing your hair to the side. “What’s going on?” You ask, trying to move away from him. Lee quickly stops you, his pudgy stomach pushing you closer to Bucky.
“Like I said before, little girl. Nothin’ for you to worry your little brain about.” Lee says, his country drawl sending shivers throughout your body. Little girl… The nickname is all too familiar, and it’s not like anyone else with a country accent would call you that. “You were Santa Claus?” You ask him, slightly nudging him. “She’s smart… Can’t fucking wait to make her go all stupid for our cocks.” Ransom says, a smug half-grin on his face.
You whimper at his words because they’re straight out of your greatest fantasies.
“Oh you like that, don’t you? You really wanna be dumb and stupid for our cocks?” Bucky asks in a condescending tone. You shake your head no because all you want is to get out of here. “Let’s get the real party started…” Chris ominously says, grabbing a bottle of Dom Pérignon. He pops it open, the wooden cork flying to the other side of the room.
Foam pours out of the bottle and everyone cheers, minus yourself. Instead, you flinch and still try to move from their grasps. Andy hands him the glasses and he pours everyone half a glass. You, on the other hand, receive a full glass with a strawberry inside. “I- I think I had enough to drink tonight…” You shyly tell them, inching your body away from Andy. “Nonsense, celebrate with us, little girl.” He objects, beginning to tilt the glass forward.
You shake your head and twist your face away, but Bucky’s metal hand stops you. He roughly grabs your jaw and squeezes until your mouth pops open. Champagne fills your mouth and you refuse to swallow. Lee’s fingers dance across your cheek and clamp over your nose, cutting off your only source of oxygen. “C’mon, swallow it all. Do it like the good little girl you are.” Charles demands, the praise going straight to the pit of your stomach.
You cave because there’s no way you’re winning this. Against your will, you swallow the bubbly golden liquid. Slight carbonation sizzles on your tongue and in the back of your throat. You have to admit, it is absolutely delightful. You now see why rich people drink it like it’s water. “That’s a good girl. See? Wasn’t so bad after all.” Andy praises you, tapping your cheek as though you’re a pet.
You whimper again, feeling Lee and Bucky grab your arms tightly. “As much as I love that cute little dress, I’d prefer to see you out of it,” Ransom smirks, handing Andy another glass of champagne. This time, it’s a glass of Boërl & Kroger Magnum. It’s stronger, much stronger than the previous one. Ransom’s hands come to the front of your favourite dress and a loud rip reverberates throughout the room.
You squeeze your eyes shut as the room fills with whistles and groans. “Fuckin’ hell, little girl.” Lee groans, his cock swelling up once again. Suddenly, everyone’s trousers are a few sizes too small. They drink in your lingerie-clad form and you grow even shyer underneath their strong gazes. “I don’t know if I wanna fuck you in this little get-up, or rip it off and then fuck you.” Steve groans, palming himself through his dress pants.
You don’t realize until now that they’ve all surrounded you. Andy tilts the glass into your slack jaw and you allow the bubbly beverage to fill your mouth. Why fight it? Plus, there’s no way you can get wasted off of champagne. You can feel a bit of champagne dribble down your chin and towards your cleavage. It has you feeling even more embarrassed and ashamed than you already are.
The sight fuels everyone in the room. “Fuck it,” Steve says, grabbing the glass from Andy. He throws it behind him, a crash reverberating in the room. You flinch at the sound and Ransom cooes condescendingly. “Are you scared, little girl?” Ransom asks you, tilting your chin up to his face. His blue eyes are blown out with lust and darkness. He smashes his lips against yours and you’re not sure whether to kiss him back or not.
A harsh hand squeezing your ass warns you to mimic his movements. The kiss is rough and filled with need. You try to keep up with kiss lips, so focused on doing it correctly. You don’t even realize that you’re being moved to one of the couches and that everyone has been stripped from their suits. The only article of clothing on the men is their boxers. Ransom shoves his tongue into your mouth and you let him dominate you. Sets of hands begin to feel up your body — groping, squeezing, rubbing.
You feel someone else’s lips on your neck, lightly peppering kisses near that sweet spot of yours. As soon as Charles hits it, you melt in all of their hands. “That’s a good girl, yeah.” Chris praises, cupping one of your tits through your bra. The strings on your lingerie are tearing away, the sound echoing in your ears. Your bra and underwear remain, with tethers of red string on them. Sebastian’s hands run up and down your waist, making goosebumps form.
You aren’t sure what Lee, Andy and Steve are doing, but you know their hands are on you somewhere. Then, Ransom pulls away. Your lips are swollen and they even hurt a bit, too. You can feel wetness pooling in your red panties, but you’re too drunk to care about your sudden neediness. You’re worried about what’s going to happen. Lee lifts you and places you on the expensive shag carpet.
You whimper in pain as the carpet digs into your skin remorselessly. “Sorry, baby. It’ll be worth it, don’t worry.” Lee gently tells you, rubbing your cheek. Suddenly, he strikes you harshly. You let out a shriek of pain and fear, but you’re quickly shushed. “Shh, I know you like that, look -- You’re rubbing your thighs together like a lil’ slut.” He jeers, stroking the other cheek. You whimper and shake your head, even though he’s correct.
“Lying isn’t very nice, little girl,” Steve warns, standing next to Lee. You look up at them both, tears welling in your beautiful eyes. The sight makes them even harder than they already are, to the point where it’s almost unbearable. Lee pulls his boxers down and so does Steve. You gasp and your jaw nearly drops. Their cocks bunce up and slap their lower abdomens. Pre-cum leaks from their swollen, red tips. They’re both roughly the same size, but Lee is thicker than Steve.
“You like what you see, little girl?” Steve asks, grabbing the base of his cock. It looks even bigger in his large hands, and you gulp in fear. You’re not sure why you’re nodding, but you can’t stop yourself. Lee gives his cock a few strokes, and Steve grabs a handful of your hair. You whimper loudly as he drags you closer to his cock. “Say ‘ahh’.” Steve teases, before shoving his cock into your mouth.
You’ve done this before, but never with someone of his length and girth. Your mouth and jaw immediately start to hurt at the stretch. His cock is only halfway into your mouth, but it’s quite possibly one of the worst feelings ever. Steve tugs at your hair again, and you take it as a sign to start sucking. You hollow your cheeks and begin to bob your head, your tongue laving at the bottom of his cock.
You can feel the different veins on his cock throb, pulsating underneath the wetness of your tongue. He groans above you and the others in the room whistle at you. You’re not sure where to look, so your eyes dart around. You end up locking eyes with the man above you and your squeak around his cock. The vibrations of your voice have him cursing like a sailor. “Fuckin’ hell, little girl. So good at sucking cock.” He praises, petting the top of your head.
You involuntarily hum at the praise, squeezing your thighs together. Suddenly, you’re pulled off of Steve’s cock. You gasp for air, not even realizing how you were barely breathing whilst sucking his cock. Your chest heaves and your heart clamours as Lee drags you closer to him. He slaps the fat tip of his cock on your thrumming cheek. You flinch, feeling sticky pre-cum stain your face. Lee shoves his cock in your mouth the same way Steve did, only this time he forces you all the way down.
Your nose meets his fuzzy, soft tummy. You gag and sputter around his cock, trying to control your very much needed breathing. Lee places both his hands on each side of your head. Somehow, he’s still a bit gentle with you, even though he’s forcing you to suck his cock. He slowly moves your head up and down, moaning softly at the feeling of your wet mouth. Saliva coats his coat with a sticky sheen that only helps you make him feel good and nothing more.
“Oh, fuck.” He groans loudly, tossing his head back. You swallow around his cock, your threat constricting around him for a brief moment. You can feel his heavy balls against your chin for a few moments every now and then. All of a sudden, you’re once again pulled away from his cock. Steve forces himself farther into your mouth, just like Lee.
You feel light-headed from the little bit of air you’re getting. But you know that’s not their priority. Gags fill the room and your eyes roll back into your head. You aren’t pulled off of his cock, yet. “Fuck, I’m pretty sure she’s enjoying this as much as you are, Steve,” Bucky says, only just realizing that you’re trying to alleviate the ache between your legs. Everyone’s eyes fall to your cunt, where you’re rubbing your thighs together and humping the hair like a little bunny.
“Bet she probably doesn’t even realize it…” Ransom smirks, feeling his cock throb. You can only hear some of their words. You don’t know what they’re talking about, but it can’t be good. Steve begins to thrust his cock into your mouth, moving his hips back and forth. His balls slap your chin, his cock stretches your mouth and his moans are the only thing your ears can hear. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” He announces, and you shake your head in objection.
You place your hands on his thighs and push him as much as you can. Your efforts are wasted because he doesn’t budge at all. You decide to resort to hitting, but it still doesn’t do anything. Steve suddenly still and his cum shoots down your throat. White stickiness fills your mouth up and you whine loudly. Steve paints your mouth with white streaks and he sighs loudly. He doesn’t pull out even after he’s already come, and you’re confused.
“C’mon, swallow it all like the good little slut you are.” He husks, his voice a bit hoarse. He shoves his cock more into your throat and you have no choice but to swallow it all. As soon as you do, Lee pulls you away from Steve. “Fuckin’ piece of shit.” He grumbles loud enough for only you to hear. He gives a nod to someone and then grabs a hold of your head again. “Shh it’s okay, you can do it. I know you can, you’re a good girl.” He eases, slowly pushing his cock into your wet cavern.
Unlike Steve, Lee is a bit gentler. Maybe it’s because his heart is slightly bigger than his dick. His cock hits your gag reflex and you’re so fucking lucky that you aren’t having any… accidents. Steve’s cum is still lingering in your mouth — musky, a little salty, and sticky. The droplets that are on the side of your mouth roll down Lee’s cock, leaving slight wetness on him that isn’t saliva. As soon as your nose nuzzles against his stomach, he groans.
He keeps your head locked in place for some reason, you’re not exactly sure why. Maybe he’s giving you some time to get used to his thickness. You hum in delight, a way of showing that you’re thankful that he’s sparing you some humanity. He chuckles, stroking one of your cock-filled cheeks. Cold fingers crawl between your thigh and you jump in fear. Your body doesn’t fully jerk away because of Lee’s strength. You can see Bucky smirking from your peripheral view and he rubs your wet cunt through the panties.
You shake your head and try to kick him away, but he stops you from protesting. Bucky spanks your ass harshly, watching as the skin ripples from the force. “Uh uh, stop that. Don’t make me put you over my knee and spank you ‘till you’re bleeding.” He threatens, placing one of his knees on your leg. You try to wiggly away from him, but your attempts are fruitless. You accept defeat, but only for now.
His metal hand returns to your cunt and he grabs the crotch of your soaking wet underwear. Bucky pulls it away from your cunt and you can still see his grin as smug as ever. You look up at Lee and your eyes plead for him to stop it all, but he just rubs your bulging throat. He moans at the slight pleasure and you gulp in fear. His thumb rubs at your cheek whilst Bucky rips your underwear away from your pussy.
Sebastian, Chris, Ransom, Andy, Charles, and Steve watch the sight before them with their hands palming their hard cocks. “She’s so fucking wet, aren’t you, little girl? Bet you got this wet just from sucking their cocks, ‘cause you love it so much. You love being a little slut for us.” He sneers, lightly smacking your cunt. You whimper around Lee’s cock and he grows tired of holding back.
He drags his hips back slightly and moves your head away from his cock, before pushing you back down rather quickly and harshly. You feel Bucky’s fingers trace at your drooling hole, occasionally dipping the tip of one of his fingers inside. He traces your wet lips and your sensitive clit too. You twitch at the sudden stimulation. Lee guides you up and down his cock at a rather decent pace. Your gags, wet noises and Lee’s moans fill the room in a rather melodious manner.
Bucky pushes one finger into your tight cunt, groaning at how your pussy immediately hugs his digit. “God, you’re so fucking tight. This cunt just needs to be destroyed, doesn’t it? Don’t worry, we’re gonna ruin it for any other man.” Bucky chuckles, pushing his digit further into you. He feels around, searching that spot that you haven’t found yet.
“You look so pretty with your mouth stuffed full of my cock, little girl. So fuckin’ pretty, ‘s like it was made just for me.” Lee cooes at you, thrusting even harder into your mouth. Tears sting your eyes but you ignore them. Bucky let’s put a noise of satisfaction and pride as you clench around his fingers. “There it is… Do you like it when I touch you like that, baby? Yeah, I know you do. Fuckin’ love it.” He husks in your ear, before nibbling on your earlobe.
You squeeze your eyes shut once Bucky starts moving his fingers inside you. Lee fucks your face with sloppy movements, signalling his impending orgasm. You place your hands on his thick, squishy thighs. Your short nails dig into his soft skin slightly as Bucky assaults your g-spot with his metal fingers. Lee pulls out your hair, a delicious sting radiating from your head. The pain makes you sputter once again around his cock, and that’s when Lee loses himself.
Just like Steve, he shoves his cock further down your throat as he hits his orgasm. His hot cum shoots down your throat, some of it filling your mouth up along with his cock. His hips are stilled but his cock is twitching almost wildly in your mouth. You can feel him throbbing against your tongue and you’re more ashamed than ever. Hopefully, it’s all over now. You shut your eyes close, unable to look Lee in his eyes.
He gives your cheek a light slap, and this time you don’t shriek or flinch. You swallow obediently around his cock, losing all defiance just so that it can all be over. You cringe at the feeling of his cum sliding down your throat, which is a fleeting moment. Bucky’s other hand reaches down to play with your little pearl of nerves. Suddenly, you’re gushing around his single-digit as it thrusts in and out of your pussy. “You look so pretty when you come, little girl. Such a sight.” Bucky whispers in your ear, kissing your neck.
“Aw, you love this, don’t you?” Lee asks, watching as you struggle to keep yourself together. You shake your head, even though the man above you doesn’t allow you to move. “Yeah, you do. You love sucking your seniors’ cocks and having your bosses watch. That’s why you’re all wet, right? Soaking Bucky’s fingers an’ coming all around them.” Lee presses, pulling his cock out. Somehow, he’s still as hard as ever. Steve too.
You open your mouth up to scream for help, but Ransom quickly stops you. His hand wraps around your neck and squeezes, cutting you off. Your scream for help dies down in your throat and so has all the fight in your body. Bucky continues to fuck you with his finger and his hand doesn’t leave your clit either. His movements are quicker, much quicker. Ransom leans his face close to yours, a dangerous scowl staining his.
“Do you want us to be rough, hm? We can fucking ruin you, and your holes. Are you that fucking stupid to try and scream? Who’s gonna help you anyway? Especially if they walk in to see you bouncing up and down on our cocks, begging for our cum.” He spits, squeezing your throat even tighter. “I— I’m sorry.” You apologize, scared of the man in front of you and the others who surround you.
You can feel yourself slowly losing consciousness, slowly but surely. Tears sting your eyes and begin to leak down your cheeks, maybe Ransom chuckle. You can feel his pinky ring dig into the skin of your neck, just like how you can feel Bucky’s fingers push against your sweet spot. “Do you wanna breathe, or do you wanna cum like a good girl?” He asks lowly, staring right into your eyes. You’re not sure what the right answer is, but you can barely think.
From the loss of oxygen to the way Bucky's fingers and slowing down and denying your pleasure. You feel Ransom’s fingers loosen a bit, almost as if he’s giving you a hint. You’re sure he knows you can’t think straight, and he’s probably going to tease you for it. “I… I wanna cum like-- like a good girl…” You breathlessly admit, feeling your eyes flutter shut. “Please…” You beg, more tears leaking from your glassy eyes.
Ransom lets go of your neck but he doesn’t let you fall. Bucky’s ministrations on your pussy speed up, bringing you closer to the edge. White fire burns in your stomach and cunt as you can feel yourself about to cum. “Please, please, please, Sir…” You unconsciously beg, before starting to sob. “Awe… Look at you, so desperate. Hm? You don’t even care if you were gonna pass out, you just want to come.” Ransoms jabs at you, grabbing your face roughly.
You can see that he’s taken off his boxers, his hard cock hanging between his built thighs. “Do it, come right fucking now.” He demands, before hollowing his cheeks out. You can’t see what he’s doing through your bleary eyesight, but you have a feeling that it isn’t good for you. You let out a gasp as Ransom spit on your face, his sticky salvia painting your left cheek.
It drips down to your open mouth in the worst way possible. You let it roll into your mouth because you can’t stop it. “Oh my God, yes…” You pant desperately as you hit your climax. You cum all over Bucky’s fingers, your cunt spasming. You moan loudly, just like the slut they claim you are. Bucky rubs your clit and continues to finger you until you can barely keep yourself up. “So sensitive… God, I’m gonna have so much fun with this pussy.” Bucky groans, slowing down his movements.
You barely have any time to collect yourself from your heaven-sent orgasm. You’re being lifted and placed on someone else. You rub your eyes and turn around, just to see Andy smirking up at you. His kind-seeming eyes, but his smile tells a different story. You turn back around, just to see your bosses and their deviant partners surrounding you. Charles steps forward with his signet ring-decorated hand wrapped around his cock.
He stares you down as he spits in his hands and brings it to his cock. He strokes himself slowly, the salvia making lewd squelching sounds. Andy’s hands crawl up your ass to your soft thighs. He grabs your skin and spreads your legs as wide as he deems best. His thighs rest under yours as Charles kneels down in front of you. “Such a pretty little pussy, Bambina.” He softly tells you, as though he’s your lover.
It seems that you’re looking at him, it truly does. But in reality, you’ve zoned out to a land far, far away from where there were no monsters like these men. Only princes and heroes like him. “Look at her, she looks so fucked out.” Steve comments, pointing at you. Charles hums, before snapping his fingers. Your trip is cut short, and you’re back to reality. Charles grabs the base of his cock and slaps the head of it on your sensitive clit, making you twitch.
Andy runs two of his fingers across your face; his pointer and his middle finger. He moves down to your slightly parted lips and pushes them inside. Charles smears his pre-cum against your wet lips, mixing the stickiness with your cum. You whimper at the feeling and focus on that only. “C’mon, suck on my fingers like it’s my cock, little girl.” Andy urges, pressing your tongue with his fingers.
You hesitatingly comply, trying to please him. The more you listen, the quicker it’ll all be over, right? “You’re just a good little slut, aren’t you? So good, the best little girl ever.” Charles praises, running the head of his cock through your folds. If this was all… okay, then you would agree with him and serve your duties as a good girl. But it isn’t okay, so you leave it at that. Charles pulls his now soaking wet cock away from your pussy, and you feel him push in.
But it isn’t him. It’s Andy’s cock. He slowly pushes into you, stretching you until it hurts like nothing before. He bottoms out with a loud moan that nearly makes your right ear hurt. He doesn’t begin to fuck you brutally, as any man would. No, he stays buried in your wet cunt and Charles seizes the moment. His wet cock head nudges against your other hole, the one that was forbidden to your boyfriend — ex-boyfriend.
You flinch and try to close your legs, but Andy stops you as quickly as possible. “Please…” You beg, using your eyes to tell him “No, I don’t want this. Please stop.” He shushes you and pushes the head of his cock in slightly. You’re gratefully he doesn’t just get on with it and brutalizes you. Andy pulls out of your wet cunt and you’re immensely confused.
To be honest, though, you always are.
Charles pushes into your cunt and fills you up like Andy. He immediately finds your sweet spot just like Bucky did. Andy grabs his cock and leads it to your tighter hole, before slowly pushing in. He groans loudly at how tight you are, how much you’re squeezing him like a vice. “No, stop it, please.” You beg, trying to get up from your spot on his chest.
He pulls you back down and Charles wraps his hand around your throat. “Shut up. Shut your fucking mouth before I get one of them to stuff it full with their cock.” He threatens. His face is calm in the most frightening way possible. Andy curses behind you as he finally bottoms out inside your ass. The pain makes you want to scream, but after your previous antics, you choose to just bite your lip and keep quiet.
Your short, red nails dig into your palms and draw blood, but it doesn’t hurt that badly. They both nod at each other but you don’t notice it at all, too focused on the excruciating pain you’re feeling. You might say that you’re about to pass out, but you can’t even form anything more than “please,” and moans of pain. Charles’s rough thumb rests upon your throbbing clit, ready to bring you to your orgasm.
But God, you’re squeezing his cock so tightly with your pussy it takes him a few moments to collect himself. “You’re squeezing our cocks so nicely, little baby. You just don’t wanna let us go.” Andy chuckles, wiggling his hips for some friction. You let out a loud moan — and you’re not sure if it’s of pain or pleasure.
Charles slowly drags his cock out of your cunt, leaving just the tip inside you. The feeling of sudden emptiness reminds you of when you stand up too quickly after laying down for a while. Mind-altering, if you must say. He slams back inside you and Andy does the opposite; pulling out of you. Charles fuck you slow, yet hard and rough. He rubs your clot quickly as he fucks you relentlessly.
Groans, whistles, curse words and moans all fill the room yet you only focus on the way their cocks are driving in and out of you. “Fuck, such a nice ass. You love having Daddy’s cock in your ass, don’t you?” Andy asks, looking straight down to where you’re connected. You swallow thickly and Charles feels it against his hand. He squeezes the sides of your throat slightly, and you nod quickly.
“Say it. Say you love having my cock fuck your little ass. I bet nobody ever fucked you like this, not even that lousy boyfriend of yours. You probably wished he took you like the little slut you are, destroying all your holes.” He demands as his dirty words make you wetter and wetter. “I…” You pant helplessly, looking around.
Everyone stares you down, their cocks in their hands as they slowly jerk off to you. “I l-love having your c-cock fuck my a-ass, Daddy.” You sheepishly tell him, whispering that last part. “Brava, Bambina.” Charles praises, punctuating his words with one thrust that hits your cervix. You let out a cry and the lewd sounds of them fucking you are drowned out for a brief second.
Charles continues to pummel your g-spot, and occasionally, your cervix. The pain isn’t as bad as the pain Andy is causing you. You can feel Andy’s cock pulsating in you, driving in and out of you. You’re sure you’re probably bleeding, but you know that none of these men care. “Fuck, she’s so stretched out…” Someone says, loud enough so you can hear.
You feel yourself being pushed to the edge at a rather fast pace. “You gonna come, baby? You gotta ask us first.” Charles snickers, slowing down his thrusts and taking away his thumb from your clit. You whine out like a bitch in heat, desperate to come all over their cocks. “Please…” You beg, gyrating your hips so that Charles can continue to fuck you like a starved man.
“Gotta do better than that, Tesoro Mio.” He hums, pulling out even more. He watches in awe as your wetness coats his cock like nothing before. In the bright lights, his cock glistens with your juices. “Please, please let me come! I need it, I want to come so badly, Sir!” You beg, bucking your hips upwards. “That’s a good little slut.” He praises, pushing back into your cunt. You moan loudly and wantonly once he bottoms out again.
The pain in your ass finally turns into pleasure and you moan even louder. “Oh my god!” You squeal despite your throat hurting. You grind down on their cocks slightly, chasing your orgasm. “Please let me come. Please, Sir… Please, Daddy!” You beg involuntarily, taking a page out of your wildest fantasies. Your words spur them on and you’re suddenly crashing into a lovely climax. You moan loudly and clamp down on their cocks as much as your body lets you.
“Fuck, you’re even more beautiful when you come around our cocks. You love being fucked by two men, don’t you? Yeah, yeah you do. That’s why you’re being so needy and desperate.” Andy groans in your ear, feeling his balls tighten up as you milk him and Charles for all they’re worth. You nod in agreement, not even caring anymore,
You soak their cocks with your cum, and your eyes roll back into your skull. “Awe, look at her. She goin’ all stupid.” Lee teases, squeezing the base of his cock to stave off his release. Your heart clamours in your chest, beating wildly as you struggle to come down from your high. Your mind has a slight buzz to it, and the champagne is the one to blame. You can hear soft moans from the other men, and you fight back a shy smile of pride.
Charles and Andy both have beads of sweat dripping down their skin, enhancing your arousal. They both curse under their breaths and groan. Andy’s hips still first, and his cock twitches inside you. “Oh fuck…” He groans in a low voice. Streaks of cum paint your insides, filling you up in a pleasant way possible. You sigh at the feeling and look up at Charles. He squeezes your throat a bit tighter, which only makes you wetter.
His thrusts are slow and sloppy, signalling his orgasm. “Please come in me… Please, Sir.” You whisper to him, knowing he needs something to push him over the edge. “Fill me up with your cum, Sir.” You add, remembering certain lines from porn videos you used to watch. “Oh— fuck…” He groans as he comes inside you. You can feel his cum, filling you up to the brim and then some. Andy pulls out, his cock lightly brushing against Charles’s thigh.
You watch Charles as he slowly comes down from euphoria. You feel empty, so empty. Bucky watches with hungry eyes as cum and a tinge of blood leaks out of your asshole. It’s slightly stretched, which only turns him on even more. Charles drags his cock out of your pussy, slowly and carefully just so that he won’t hurt you.
Again, if the circumstances weren’t so… fucked up, you would’ve enjoyed this all.
You sigh and flop backwards onto Andy’s chest, ready for sleep to take you. You feel your eyes flutter shut, but then you’re jerked back to reality. Your eyes open up just for you to come face to face with Bucky, who smiles deviously at you. “I know you’re tired, baby, but we’re not done with you yet.” He cooes at you, rubbing your ass.
You don’t know where he’s taking you, but you hope it’s somewhere near the door.
“Hi, baby girl… You feelin’ good?” A raspy yet oh-so-familiar voice asks you. You rub your eyes as you’re set on someone’s lap. Ransom’s dark, lust-filled eyes lock with your tired ones. It takes you a good few moments to nod, and he chuckles. His hand comes up to your face, cupping your slightly sticky cheek. He caresses your face with his thumb, and you involuntarily lean into his touch.
Bucky pushes you farther into Ransom’s arms and he grabs your hurting hips. Cum leaks from both of your aching, stretched holes. Ransom’s hand leaves your cheek, but it quickly returns. But this time, it isn’t sweet and loving. No. Instead, he gives you a light slap on the cheek, just like Lee did. The coolness of his ring on your hot skin is… refreshing. It’s different.
Your ass is lifted into the air slightly, giving Bucky easy access to your stretched out rim. Bucky runs his hands up and down your ass, occasionally spanking you. The crack of his hand against your skin is just a reminder of your situation. You can feel Ransom’s cock resting right beneath your abused cunt, throbbing with want and need.
He grabs the base of his cock and lines the fat, leaking tip up to your cum-filled hole. Neither he nor Bucky needs any lube, all thanks to Andy and Charles. In one thrust, he fills you in a way that your fingers can’t. You can feel Bucky scoop up some of the cum leaking from your holes, along with your juices. Everywhere is tingling, a sensation unlike anything else.
He brings his fingers up to your mouth and Ransom squeezes your jaw until your mouth falls open, just like before. Bucky quickly pushes his fingers into your mouth. The taste of cum — salty, musky, and sweet — fills your mouth. It laps over your tongue and you involuntarily swallow it all. Whilst being distracted by Bucky’s fingers in your mouth, you don’t realize that he’s already pushing into your ass.
You gasp around his fingers as he quickly bottoms out inside you. Bucky’s too eager to take it slow. Bucky takes his now spit-slick fingers and wraps his arm around you, reaching down to your clit. You feel even more full than when Andy and Charles were in you. Maybe it’s the added cum, or maybe it’s the same and you’re just not used to being filled by two cocks.
Ransom moves his hand to your stomach and rubs the skin there — the bulging skin. The outline of his cock is faint, but it’s there. “Look at you, all filled up with our cocks.” Ransom whispers, before roughly grabbing your hips. He grinds you down onto his cock before lifting you slightly. Both he and Buckypull out slightly and start shallowly thrusting into you, almost in a teasing way.
You want more, you want more pleasure so badly. You want them to fuck you hard, for them to fuck you deeply and maybe even roughly. “You want something, don’t you, baby? So ungrateful…” Ransom disappointingly coaxes. You thrust back onto Bucky’s cock, a trick you learned from when you caught your ex-boyfriend balls-deep in your closest friend. Then, you grind down on Ransom’s cock.
Cum drips from both of your entrances and runs down the sides of their shafts and your inner thighs. “Fuck, if you wanted it that badly all you had to do was ask real sweetly.” Bucky groans, losing all sense and self-control. He pulls his cock out all the way, not even leaving the tip inside your ass. Ransom pulls halfway out and then bucks his hips up. He fucks back into you, but this time it’s more deep and punctuated.
“Oh— Thank you… Thank you, Sir!” You squeal as Ransom pounds against your g-spot over and over. His sticky, swollen, heavy balls slap against your empty ass. Bucky rubs your clit slowly, just to hear you whine like the desperate slut you are. “C’mon, make some noise for Daddy.” He demands in your ear, rubbing the tip of his cock on your other hole.
The feeling is lovely, but you crave more. “Please… Please fuck my ass, Daddy! I wan’ it so bad, wan’ you to put your big cock in me… Please, please…” You beg whilst you pant wildly. “примерная девочка.” He husks before pushing his hips forward. Despite having your… anal cherry being just popped, he acts as though you’re constantly begging to take it up the ass.
“Fuck, she doing that thing again,” Ransom comments, staring at your face. By ‘that thing,’ he means that way your mouth drops open in a silent scream and your eyes roll back into your skull. You clench around both Bucky’s and Ransom’s cocks, even though your muscles are barely working. You fall onto Ransom’s chest and you can hear his heart beating wildly in his chest, just like yours.
Unbeknownst to you, you just gave Bucky more leverage to fuck your ass. He takes his hand away from your clit and instead wraps it around your hair. He gives your hair a slight tug, and starts fucking you even harder. You dig your nails into Ransom’s chest at the stronger thrusts overpower your entire body and mind. You can hear a groan rumbling in his chest. “Fuck, best pussy I ever had.” He growls, finishing his sentence with one painful snap of his hips that goes straight to your cervix.
“Oh, can I come, please? I need it so— so badly, Daddy… Please, please let me come…” You beg, feeling the knot in your stomach beginning to tighten up. The pressure increases and you’re not sure if you can hold out for a minute more. The lewd sounds, the feeling of their cocks driving in and out of you, and their moans all push you to the edge.
“Awe, well go ahead, little girl. You’ve earned it, come all over our cocks.”
“Yeah… Fuck— I don’t think ‘m gonna last any longer…” Bucky curses under his breath loud enough for you and Ransom to hear. Ransom nods, a bead of sweat running down his neck. Bucky’s metal hand comes up to your bra and he unhooks it. Ransom grabs the cheap fabric and throws it at one of his friends. Ransom gives a wink to Lee, who pockets your bra.
Your tits are sticky with dried champagne from before. Ransom has the urge to swirl his tongue around your hardened nubs until you’re coming around their cocks once again. But his basic needs are just more important than yours as of now. Bucky’s hips still first, his brutality against your ass finally coming to an end.
He swallows thickly — but he gets caught off by a loud, deep moan of his own. It’s right in your ear, and Bucky has you use your body as a brace to hold himself up. His balls tighten up and cum shoots inside your ass. You’re far more sensitive than the previous time and now you can feel every single drop painting your walls. Ransom follows, his load pumping into you in a relieving way. Your walls encompass them both, hugging them tightly.
Bucky fucks into you with a few more thrusts; shallow and quick. He prolongs his orgasm until his mind is fuzzy and his cock can’t take it. He pulls out, removing his hand from your hair and he sighs. His and Andy’s cum follows his cock along with a streak of light pink. He feels nice, prideful in a way that throughout all the pain, you only ever took pleasure.
Ransom keeps his cock locked inside of you, and he just knows that you’re on the verge of either crying, screaming, or passing out. He also knows that you’re smart, and won’t do anything other than remain docile for Sebastian and Chris. “C- Can I go now? I won’t tell anyone– I swear!” You plead to Ransom in an excited sort of whisper. Ransom clenches his jaw and stares down at you, and your lips turn down into a frown.
“You’re lucky we aren’t alone.” He tells you and his words are enough to shut you up. You whimper, but you don’t apologize. “You’ve been such a good girl…” Sebastian says from behind you. You turn around and look up at him. He smiles at you and it’s gentle, almost reassuring. But you don’t return it. Sebastian wraps his muscly arms around you and picks you up with ease.
Ransom’s cock slips from your folds with ease, and cum drips from your filled up pussy. White stickiness drips down your slightly sweaty thighs and it makes you feel so conscience-stricken. Unlike every other time — like when you were sucking off Lee and Steve, or getting fucked by Ransom and Bucky or Charles and Andy — you’re now standing up. It’s weird, a funny feeling that might take you a few seconds to get used to.
Chris comes up to you and he has a menacing stance. He cups your face with his soft yet slightly coarse hands. You flinch, scared that he’ll slap you the way Ransom did beforehand. Luckily, he doesn’t. “Aw, you’re scared, aren’t you?” Chris asks you, rubbing your top lip with his thumb. You hesitatingly nod. “Don’t be. The only thing you should be scared of is us destroying your holes… And by the looks of it, it seems like we already have.” He chuckles in a mocking manner.
You gulp thickly and try to ignore the newfound wetness that is pooling in your core. Along with it is a fire that doesn’t seem to be put out yet. Sebastian’s hands move from your waist to your back, and then to your hips. His movements are gentle and soft, almost as if his intentions hold no malice. But the truth is a complete contrast to what he’s trying to imply.
He spins you around in one swift movement and your world tilts on its axis for a brief moment. You grip his biceps as you try to get a hold of yourself. “Wanna see this pretty face while I fuck you into oblivion.” He mumbles under his breath, and you can feel Chris’s hands running all over your hurting ass. “And I wanna see this ass while I fuck it.” Chris chuckles in your ear once again.
He lands a spank onto your ass, watching the skin ripple in such a marvellous way he swears he’ll never see a girl as pretty as you. Sebastian lifts you up and on instinct, you wrap your legs around his waist. You can feel Sebastian’s cock right near your beaten up, cum-filled entrance. Then, you feel Chris’s tip at your other entrance.
They both thrust into you at once, and a loud squelching noise fills the room. “That cunt is so filled up…” Steve comments from the side, slowly jerking his cock off. You squeeze your eyes shut at his words, and try to block them out. Sebastian lets out a choked moan, whereas Chris groans lowly in your ear.
They both hold you up by your ass, and they start to thrust into you hard and fast. Your head lols back onto Chris’s shoulder and you can barely keep up with them. Sebastian’s hips buck up to your pussy and his cockhead slams into your cervix. “Ow…” You whine, before biting down on your lip. Your lipstick is smeared and your makeup is all ruined, but that seems to be the last thing on your mind.
You’re so fucking sensitive, it’s practically hilarious. Your little body has reached its limit... but maybe your body has no limit anymore. “Shh, just give up, babydoll. You’re doing so good, letting us use you.” Sebastian praises as he delivers a nice, harsh thrust. Chris ruts into you like no tomorrow, treating you like the fleshlight you are.
“Yeah– You love getting used. Bet your boyfriend couldn’t fuck you like this, couldn’t make you feel this good. He probably didn’t know how much of a slut you are.” Chris whispers in your ear whilst he grinds his cock into you. Both of their cocks are covered in cum, but they don’t mind. “These holes belong to us, right? All ours, ready to be used anytime.” Mr. Evans adds.
His slightly greying beard scratches your skin, right where Ransom was choking you. He places a few kisses on your bruising, hurting neck. Your hardened nipples rub against Sebastian’s sweaty chest, and your bulging abdomen touches his, too. “It’s… ‘S too much..” You complain in a dragged out, pathetic whine that turns into a moan. “Oh, it’s too much? Poor baby… Do you want us to slow down?” Chris asks, bringing his thrusts to a halt.
You nod before you start begging because you know they want the cherry on top. “Yes, please. Please, Sir, please slow down.” You ask them politely. You even flash your signature puppy dog eyes, hoping they haven’t gone out of style yet. They both coo at you, before smirking at each other. You shut your eyes and sigh, but your eyelids fly back open when you feel Sebastian and Chris starting to fuck you even harder.
“Too bad,” Sebastian grunts. “You’re going to take whatever the fuck we give you.” He sneers, and you can feel that pressure in your stomach beginning to increase. But it’s too much, more than you can handle. You shake your head and beg them to stop, but your pleas are silenced when Chris wraps his hand around your throat.
Every word that’s in your mouth dies down, and the only thing that comes from you are your moans and whimpers. “You’re gonna come, aren’t you? Just can’t help it, it feels too fucking good, doesn’t it? Do it, come all over our cocks right fucking now.” Sebastian growls as your moans become louder and your grip on their cocks grow tighter.
Your legs are shaking as you come undone. Your hands curl into fists and your eyes shut as they roll back. Your wet walls gush around their thick, long cocks and they continue to fuck you until you’re babbling like a dumb little baby. “Fuck…” Chris curses under his breath, his thrusts becoming sloppy. It’s the same for Sebastian, and inside you’re elated.
Finally, finally, it’s all over.
They both pull out and you’re all but confused. They set you on the ground and you can barely stand without holding on to either Chris or Sebastian. Lee chuckles, and you shut your eyes in embarrassment. “Oh, don’t be like that.” Ransom sasses from Lee’s left side. He’s right. These men just put you through hell, and that’s what you’re going to be embarrassed about?
Sebastian pushes you to your knees and you fall with a muffled thud. Once again, the carpet digs into your knees but this time it isn’t as painful. You look up, and you’re suddenly surrounded by everyone. Mr. Stan, Mr. Barnes, Mr. Bodecker, Mr. Blackwood, Mr. Evans, Mr. Rogers, Mr. Drysdale, and Mr. Barber… You’re not sure whether you should look at any of them in the eyes or not.
Truthfully, you’re not sure what to do. Should you run? Scream? Fight? Stay put? Millions of thoughts run through your mind but none of them seem to fully register. Everyone’s dominant hands are on their cocks, moving up and down at a rather fast pace. Chris and Sebastian fuck their hands even faster, eager to meet their climaxes.
Their moans and groans go straight to your wet pussy, fueling certain feelings you had been trying to push down all night. “Fuck, yes…” Chris moans coarsely. His balls tighten up and his red tip lets out spurts of cum. He paints your face and you nearly gag out of disgust. “You look even prettier with– with your face painted like that.” Lee groans, and he comes too. “Open up.” He orders in a creepy sing-song voice.
You listen to him obediently, and you haven’t noticed that the alcohol in your system has dissipated. His cum shoots straight into your mouth, his signature taste of muskiness and salt spreading across your tongue. After a few more seconds, Chris finally stops. He admires the way your face is covered in cum — his cum, to be exact. “C’mon, swallow it all like the good slut you are.” Sebastian urges, and his streaks of stickiness begin to shoot from his tip, too.
He paints your chest, almost like it’s a canvas. As much as you hate to admit it, this all turns you on even more. You can feel your wetness leaking from your cunt. Lee’s finger drags through the cum that’s on your face and he scoops some of it up. He pushes his finger into your mouth and shakes his head when he learns you haven’t swallowed his seed yet.
His frown is enough for you to listen. You swallow with difficulty, which comes from his digit. Your tongue laps up the cum on his finger and he smiles down at you. He pulls his finger out with a ‘pop’ and your legs are being spread again. You know for a fact you can’t take anything more, but you also know that they probably don’t care.
Ransom aims for your cunt, Steve too. They both come at the same time, loud moans escaping past their plump lips. More cum joins the gratuitous amount that’s already there. Once they stop moaning and they stop coming, you’re turned over onto your stomach. You already know that the carpet is probably a mess that dry cleaning might not accept.
Bucky and Charles cover your ass in ropes of their seed, and your messy chest presses into the ground. There’s more cum on you and in you than there is dignity. “Fuck, I wish my phone wasn’t dead. I would’ve taken so many lovely pictures of our masterpiece here.” Bucky groans, and he continues to give his cock a few more strokes just to lengthen his orgasm.
Andy is the last, only because he has patience for things like this. He paints your back like he’s Monet, or maybe even Da Vinci. Sebastian kneels down in front of you and picks your head up from off the ground. His thumb smears the cum on your face into your skin, and you don’t even have the energy to ask them if it’s all over. He chuckles, before standing back up again.
“Looks like you really were a good girl this year.”
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strawberryinserts · 3 years
A Different Type of Cure
Summary: Finally, he's finally figured out the cure to your horrid little curse!
Surely his plan will all go just the way he pictured, with no tricks from you, right? ....right?
Pairing: Licorice Cookie x Reader
Warnings: None needed, some swearing, there's kissing and maybe some suggestive lines, the smallest bit of angst
Notes: Licorice thinks he finally figured out the cure to your curse, maybe you can help him with it. Gender neutral reader!
Sequel fic to A Different Type of Curse
All the positivity from the first chapter made me really happy.. I've never gotten responses like that before, I'm really glad you all liked it, and I hope you like this part too!! 💙
Finally, finally! After months and months of suffering from your damn curse, Licorice is positive he's figured out the cure! It may have taken awhile to think of a cure, he may have had to...ugh, ask for help, only because it was hard to focus due to the curse, if it wasn't for that he would have been done with you the moment you tried cursing him! It doesn't matter that he's been thinking about you for months, it doesn't matter he stays up far too late thinking about how soft your hands are, what it'd feel like to kiss you, it doesn't matter that he- Ahem! He isn't cured yet, he can't keep getting distracted like this..! He's so close to finally being free of these damn thoughts, he just needs to find you-  Licorice likes to think he's rather tall, but even if he is, it's not easy trying to find someone in a crowd, even if that someone is as beautiful as yo- this curse really is getting out of control.. Licorice ignored how the people he passed looked at him concerned, he was grumbling, obviously annoyed, he hated how he could tell he had gotten flustered from the warmth he felt from his cheeks on his hands. After he's cured he's going to make you pay for what you did to him, how? He doesn't know yet, but he doesn't care. Distracted by his thoughts he didn't hear the small gasp from behind him, he didn't hear the footsteps walking towards him despite how fast they were, what he did notice? He felt arms around him. A hug. Licorice stiffened and was about to curse out the fool that thought they could just run up and touch him, when he looked behind him and felt his blood run cold (or did he feel his heartbeat quicken? He doesn't know.) You. You. You were certainly brave, even if it was idiotic of you. Licorice opened his mouth to speak, his mouth felt incredibly dry all of a sudden, you seemed too- too excited, too happy to let him speak first. How truly disgusting, he thought. Though he was more disgusted at himself for thinking it was cute. "Licorice! I've been looking everywhere for you! It's been a few weeks since we last talked, I missed you!" The way you smiled at him, eyes shut while you giggled and told Licorice that you missed him.. It felt like he was dying. This was it, you knew he was trying to cure himself, you're trying to finish him off. His face was hot, his hands were sweaty, his heart- god his heart was beating so fast and loud he swore you could hear it. You were killing him. Licorice finally snapped out of his daze and realized you had spun him around so you were both facing each other, if his face got any hotter he felt like he'd catch on fire. "Y-you damn- you devil! you absolute witch! You think you- you think you can kill me? You think you can kill Licorice cookie?! Since we last talked I've been- I've been working hard on a cure to your damn curse, and you won't stop me now! I just need a few more things and I'll-"
he hated how the curse was making him weaker, the stutter in his voice, the way he couldn't keep eye contact with you, if he lived past this he was going to kill you. Licorice was about to start ranting again when he noticed something at the corner of your eyes, his breath hitched- There was no way, was this supposed to be the finishing move? The final act that killed him? Him making you cry? "D-don't you try that, y-you demon-" you cut him off, startling Licorice with your unusual tone. "Licorice I- thi-this whole curse joke was funny at first but..but I don't like it, did I do something to make you dislike me..? If I did-" you looked down, not wanting to look him in the eyes while you talked, That had to be what was supposed to end him. "Please just tell me..I'll leave you alone, I just wanna apologize for whatever I did."
Licorice felt a...a different ache in his chest, not the usual pains from thinking about you, this time the pain felt worse. "Y-you..I.." Licorice kept looking down at you, you glanced him and he turned his head, looking to the side, "If you..if you truly didn't curse me then who..who did? Who would try to kill me by making all my thoughts be about you...?" He mumbled the last part, apparently not quiet enough as it turns out, when he saw your head snap up. "Huh- what?? That's not.. Licorice can you tell me more about this uh..this curse?"
Licorice looked back down at you, your tears have stopped, it looks like you're blushing, what, were you cursed too? "...for.. months, months since we first met all of my thoughts..they've been plagued by you, it doesn't matter the time of day, what I'm doing, I can't get you out of my head, I start to feel sick, my face gets hot and sweaty, I feel like I'm about to have a heart attack the way my chest gets.. it's a curse, is it not? No normal person acts like this..!"
Licorice had shut his eyes when he began his explanation, fearing the face you'd make at him admitting weakness. And for good reason, you truly were a demon, you had started to giggle upon hearing his symptoms of the curse, it had to be because you- "I like you too, Licorice." He snapped his eyes open, mouth open in confusion as he looked down at you, You- you liked- you..you what? He..what? Huh?  "W-witch, I have no idea what you m-mean..!" Licorice's face had started to heat up again, much to his dismay. "Nerd, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you either, and it's cause I like you, I have a crush on you, why do you think I've been looking for you? I was gonna finally confess when we talked but.. apparently you thought wanting to kiss me was a curse?"
You smiled up at him, obviously taunting him with your curse. "Y-you- HEY! I said no such thing about- about kissing you! I wouldn't dream of it! Even if I actually have dreamt abou- THAT'S- that doesn't matter! You won't be able to convince me you didn't curse me..!"
Licorice tried to stop from looking at your lips, he truly tried not too, but he couldn't help himself because of the curse, the curse he was slowly starting to believe he didn't actually have. Did he..was this really all because of a....a crush? "Mhm? You've never thought about it? Because I have, a lot. If you still think you have a curse, maybe a kiss would break the spell, that's how it always goes, right?"
You giggled again as you stepped closer, making Licorice back into a wall until it was right behind him. Maybe he..maybe he really wasn't cursed, and if he was...a kiss does usually break a spell, what would be the harm..? "F..fine, just one kiss, you witch.."
Licorice tried to hold in a laugh when he saw your surprised face, did you expect him to just yell and try and curse you? Cute. He admitted it, you were cute. It made his chest feel the same as before, his heart beating so fast he felt like he'd die, his face warm with a blush, hands sweaty, But it was nice. You made him feel nice. Licorice let out a laugh as he looked down at you,  "Come now, you're going to break this curse, yes? So hurry up and kiss me."
Perhaps it would take a few times to break the curse, the way your skin felt so soft when he placed his hand on your cheek, the way your lips felt even better than he imagined, the way he felt utter bliss when you two kissed.. Surely you'd have to do this again, and again, and again, and who knows how many more times. Breaking a curse was hard work, after all.
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dyns33 · 3 years
Perfectly happy
I needed to write a dark, possessive and obsessive Homelander. 
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When he entered his private cabin, hidden in the mountains, in the middle of the woods, Homelander was pleased to be greeted by Y/N's sweet smile, and the smell of the cookies she had baked for him.
The first time he had met Ashley's new secretary, he hadn't known what to think.
Well, yes, he had initially thought that Ashley did not need a secretary. Okay, she had taken Madelyn's place as director of Talent Relations for Vought International, but Homelander had quickly made it clear to her that she had no power, it was he who made the decisions, and therefore in a way that she was his secretary.
Then seeing all the good work that Y/N was doing, he wondered if Ashley was that stupid, if she really wanted him to notice her incompetence and have her replaced.
Normally he didn't talk much with the little humans around him. He didn't speak much with the others supes already, neither of them being strong or interesting enough that he wasted his time with them. But there was something with Y/N.
Homelander had wanted to know her better. To understand her. To have her.
           "Do you want me to undress ?"
           "No." He said gently in a cookie before going to sit on the couch, waiting for her to join him so that she could rest his head on her laps. "You missed me ?"
           "A lot, you know that. I've been thinking about you all day long, only you."
           "I thought about you too. I looked at you worked up, you had a pretty dress today."
           "Oh. You want... You want me to put this dress on ?"
           "You don't have to. You're always beautiful. Stroke my hair."
           "Yes Homel... John. With pleasure John."
Savouring his cookie, he relaxed as he felt her fingers in his hair. Knowing what he liked, she also massaged his forehead, before tenderly touching his cheeks and neck. It was very nice.
If only her heart was not beating so fast, everything would be perfect.
           "How was your day ?" he asked.
           "Alright, nothing important. How about you ?"
           "As always the stupid Seven didn't listen to my plan and we had a problem on a mission. I had to teach Deep a little lesson, again. Ashley was insufferable, but you probably know that. When I saw you picking up a pen, I went on the roof to masturbate, thinking of you. I imagined myself taking on your desk, in front of everyone."
           "It's so romantic."
           "No. She wouldn't say that."
           "I... Uh... Oh John, you are truly incorrigible !" she sneered nervously, patting his head.
           "It's better. Where was I ? Ah yes ! I shot a ridiculous commercial, I had to talk to morons and be touched by children. I wanted so badly to slaughter them all. But I knew you wouldn't like this, so I held back, smiled and said my lines."
           "I'm proud of you John."
           "Your heart beats way too fast. Her heart never beats so fast."
           "I'm sorry... It's the excitement ! Knowing that you think so much of me, it's really lovely, I'm..."
           "Shut up." He growled as he stood up quickly, trying to keep his cool. "You made her sound like she was a fool. I don’t like it. Do you think I'd be interested in a fool ? Hmm ? Answer me !"
           "No of course not."
           "You read her file. You studied her. I explained to you what she was like. Y/N is an intelligent, methodical, professional woman. She knows where she belongs, but she is not weak or fearful. If I say or do something wrong, she points it out to me."
           "You want me to criticize you ?" asked the stupid thing in front of him that wore her sweet face.
           "No ! Do you even listen to me ?! She doesn't criticize me, she's always fucking respectful ! She only tells me when some of my decisions aren't good for me. There are exceptions of course. For example, she would certainly not congratulate me for masturbating ! She would have been embarrassed and shocked ! She's a lady ! I could have seen on her face that she found it disgusting ! She wouldn't have said anything, because she is polite, but she is not a liar. Or, let's say she asks me where Kyle is. You don't know who Kyle is ?  This is the jerk who thought it would be a good idea to look at her, put his hand on her shoulder and ask her if she would like to have a drink with him. Of course, Y/N being smart and with good tastes, she refused. And having no time to waste with a rat like him, she didn't ask why he didn't come to work anymore. If she asked me, and I told her that dear Kyle is high on a mountain, certainly frozen dead, she wouldn't be happy, no ! She would tell me that it was a disproportionate reaction and that if someone finds him, and understands that it is my work, I will lose points with the public ! Fuck, can you STOP looking at me like that ?! Your heart is beating much too fast ! She's not afraid of me, okay ?! Never !"
           "Sorry, sorry !" began to sob the Doppler, who did not know at all what to do to please Homelander anymore.
Could he blame them ? His request was... complicated.
He wanted Y/N, for her to be caring, and gentle, and in awe of him. And at the same time he wanted the doppler to behave like Y/N. Who he didn't have. And who didn't give a shit about him.
Because the thing that had intrigued him the most when he had met her was that she was always calm when he was there. Unlike the others, she wasn't afraid, her little heart didn't leap in her chest.
It had only happened with Butcher, but it was because the man was crazy and motivated by hate.
Y/N didn't hate him. She didn't like him either. She was not a fan. She wasn't totally aroused when he approached her or gave her some of his attention. The rest of the world would kill for it. Everyone who didn't hate Homelander loved him like he was a God.
But not her. And that obsessed him. Homelander didn't care about the others, he wanted Y/N to love him. And yet he didn't want her to love him. Because it made her special. The only one who dared to say certain things to him, who wasn't afraid to annoy him, who didn't pretend to please him.
He had tried not to care, but it was stronger than him. Homelander needed her to look at him. That was why he had tried this Doppler solution, but the fool was not as good as his Y/N. They couldn't, it was impossible.
           "Shape change."
           "... Why ?" dared to ask the idiot.
           "Shape change, now."
The doppler was scared, but not suicidal. They understood immediately what Homelander was going to do to them. They had heard about what had happened to the previous one, who was to play the role of Madelyn. They had had the bad idea of ​​changing shape. So they kept Y/N's form, praying that the supe wouldn't kill them with that face.
Homelander growled, clenched his fist, hit the wall, and flew away screaming in rage.
Without stopping, he went straight into town, to Y/N's apartment, who was cooking, totally unaware of his presence, of his fascination with her, and of the despair she made him feel.
He stayed all night looking at her, dreaming of the day when she made food for him, when they would shower together, when he could fall asleep in her arms.
One day she would be his, and she would love him. She just needed time to realize it, to see the God he was, how lucky she was to be chosen by him and finally they could be perfectly happy.
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fromasgardandback · 3 years
The Other Ruzek Kid [1]
Kevin Atwater x Reader
description: Kevin finds out that Adam has a sibling and can't help but falling for his best friend's little sister
word count: 1.1k
warning: parental neglect; brotherly love; fluff
a/n: not my most finest work, but wanted to get it out
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Growing up with Adam was fun, annoying, and eye-opening. Adam was the overprotective brother you didn’t know you needed. He was constantly looking out for you, whether you saw the traps, or not. He took you to places where your parents wouldn’t. He would walk you to and from school every day, and when he got old enough, he drove. He annoyed you to high heavens in your teen years, yet brought imagination to your childhood. Adam was the father that yours wouldn’t be for you. Bob, Disco Bob, Bob Ruzek; he wasn’t your father by choice. The moment he found out he was having a daughter, he shut himself off to you. He was great to Adam, which was a fit of jealousy you had of Adam; however, never held it against your big brother. 
Your mother mentally checked out your sophomore year of high school, to which you moved in with Adam at college soon after. It wasn’t that your mother didn’t love you, she did, just after the heartache of her break up with Bob, and then her second husband, it got harder for her to take care of herself, let alone you. Adam made sure to take care of you, and that you would never be alone again. He was your whole world. You adored and looked up to Adam. That changed when you stopped by to his Intelligence team of the Chicago Police Department at the 21st district, you wanted to surprise him. 
“Hey, what are you doing here?” Adam gently grabbed your arm and pulled you to the side. 
“I came to surprise you. I made cookies for your team.” You smiled wide. It got worse for Adam when Hank walked up behind them. 
“Uh Sarge, this is my baby sister, Y/N. Y/N, this is Sargeant Hank Voight.” Adam smiled uneasily.
You shook Voight’s hand politely, “Sargeant Voight. I’ve heard many great things about you. It’s nice to finally meet you.”
“Eh, well it’s nice to meet you too. Funny how Adam’s never mentioned you. Would be nice to know all of our family in order to keep them safe.” Hank looked toward Adam with an emotion of surprise and annoyance. You looked up at Adam shocked, “You don’t talk about me?” A hurt expression ran across your face. You chuckled softly, “Uhm, it was nice meeting you, Sargeant. I hope you have a lovely day.” With that, you turned your heel and practically ran down the stairs. 
“Y/N. Hey,” Adam followed, grabbing your arm. “I didn’t tell anyone because I didn’t want to interfere with you and my work. If you saw what cases we get daily, I don’t want you mixed up in that.”  You nodded. 
“I get it. Your coworkers have their families on their desks and talk about them. You don’t. Even when your Sargeant asks you, you still lie. Does Kim know who I am?” You moved you am back from his hold. “Do you know how badly that hurts? We’re not kids anymore Adam, don’t feel the need to worry about me. Focus on your job, I’ll see you in another life.” Tears rolling down your face, you left the district. 
Adam sighed closing his eyes, leaning against the brick outside. Turning quickly, he punched the brick causing his knuckles to scratch the skin and bleed. 
One week has gone by. Adam won’t stop calling and texting you. He stopped by your work once, but you were in a meeting. You walked up the steps of your apartment building and saw him sitting against your door. Sighing you unlocked the door as he stood up. “Can we please talk? You need to know this.” You nodded and let him in. 
Adam slowly walked into the living room. You knew why he was here but still didn’t want to hear any of his excuses. 
The past week had been hell for you. Work was giving you the runaround, your emotions were already high with the Adam situation, and nothing seemed to fall into place since then.
“Y/N. I love you with everything in me. You are my baby sister. I know the emotional tug-of-war you’ve gone through with mom and dad. The line of work I’m in, the things I see… I cannot put you through that. I need to protect you. I didn’t tell anyone because I didn’t want you to get kidnapped, hurt, or killed.” Adam gently cupped your face. “You mean too much to me.” 
You smiled, leaning into his touch. “Does this mean I can meet them?” With an hesitant chuckle, “Yes, come to Molly’s tonight. They’ll be there.”
You arrived at Molly’s a couple hours later, changed and clean from work. Scouring the room until you found Adam sitting with Kim. The rest of the team showed up and was quick to share happy hello’s. You knew this would be a night to remember. Both you and Adam shared funny and endearing moments from your childhood and embarrassing ones from your teenage years.
“Wait,” Hailey chuckled, “You’re telling me Adam was prom king and then his date left and hooked up with the science teacher under the bleachers?” 
“Yeah, and he came home with the best food her daddy’s credit card could buy.”
They all shared a shocked chuckle. “Who knew Adam could be so petty?” 
“Oh that was all me. I taught him that.” You smiled wide, sipping your drink. The next couple of hours was filled with laughter, drinks, and so many cop stories. 
It started getting late, and while you were getting your jacket on, Kevin smoothly glided himself next to you.
“Well, if it’s not too much to ask, can I see that smile again? Maybe tomorrow at The Village?” His adorable smile shown brightly.
“Hm. I don’t know. Need to check my calendar. Think I have plans with this really cute guy.”
“Oh?” Kevin smirked.
“Yeah. He’s got these eyes that can make your knees weak. Not to mention that smile.” You turned to walk out with Kevin. “He’s tall too, and oh those muscles.” Kevin stopped you outside the bar and gently leaned you against the brick. 
“I’d be a fool to say no. So, I’ll say yes, and can’t wait to see you there.” Kissing his cheek you walked down the street smiling with him chasing after you.
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forever-rogue · 4 years
if i can send another request: uh how about reader is a helper in marcus moreno's house and she thinks her feelings are unrequited bc she helps marcus get ready to go on a date. And then she has to look over missy while hes on the date and missy is like: u like him right. And reader is like: no way thats unprofessional. And missy looks at her like really? And finally reader caves and says yeah i like you. And at the very end marcus ends up confessing he does like reader and it ends happy? 😭😭
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I love 1 (one) crime fighting hero/tired dad. This got real soft, enjoy!
Marcus Moreno x fem!reader; warnings: slight language
Pedro Characters Masterlist
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“Thanks for doing this," Marcus' voice is soft as he calls to you from his bedroom. You remind yourself of the current situation and plaster on the best smile you could muster up. But you weren't fooling yourself - or Missy for that matter. She rolled her eyes as she passed by and headed to the kitchen table to start homework; she had a lot to say but it could wait for now.
"Its no problem, Marcus," you promised through slightly gritted teeth as you reminded yourself that you had no reason to be jealous - no reason to have feelings other than friendly for your closest friend.
"C-can you help me real quick?" there was an almost nervous quality to his voice as you made a small sound of confirmation before pushing open the door to his bedroom. Your jaw almost dropped sight; Marcus was standing in front of his mirror, looking more handsome than anyone should have legally been allowed to.
Opting to stick with his love of black on black, he was sporting a pair of well fitting black trousers and a black button that displayed the muscles of his back whenever he moved. You barely caught yourself when you realized he was holding two ties in his hand and displayed them to you.
Flitting over to him, you took both options and shook your head, tossing them into the bed. He didn't say anything but raised a brow in amusement, "no tie. Just what you have on is fine. The black on black is an excellent choice."
"Yeah?" he asked as a nervous smile tugged on the corners of his mouth, "its not too...depressing?"
"Not at all, its very se- you look good Marcus," you promised him as he let out a nervous huff of laughter, "she's going a lucky lady, and she's going to love you."
"Hmm," he mused for a moment, turning his gaze to you in the mirror and trying to read your expression. You quickly dropped your eyes, not sure if you were quite ready to cross that bridge just yet - or ever. His hands went to the top buttons and he quickly undid a few, exposing the smallest amounts of golden skin, "listen, I-"
"I should go and help Missy with her homework," you quickly cut him off before anything else could happen or heavens forbid you confessed your undying love then and there, "and you finish getting ready, mister!"
Before anything else could be said, you darted out of his room and towards the kitchen where Missy was pretending to be engrossed in a book. You knew she was keen on getting as much information as possible and had not doubt been trying to listen in. She closed her book as you took a seat next to her and offered her a small smile.
"How does pizza sound for dinner? We can even go crazy and get ice cream for dessert," you suggested and despite her attempt at a serious look her eyes lit up with excitement as she nodded, "don't worry, we won't tell your dad. It'll be our secret."
"Alright ladies," Marcus came out of the bedroom now sporting that damned leather jacket that made you weak in the knees on top of it all. It was the glasses, perched smartly on his nose that set you off though. How could one man look so good? Practically unfair. Missy nudged your leg to snap out of your little daydream as you caught yourself, "I'm headed off. I won't be back too late. Missy, I want all your homework done and bed at a reasonable hour."
"Fine dad," she groaned as she pulled her folder out of her background with the day's homework.
"And you," he turn his attention back to you as you felt a flush of warmth wash over your face, "are an absolute angel. I don't know what I'd do without you. I owe you big time."
"Don't  worry about a thing," you insisted as you motioned your head towards the door, "now go and have fun, Marcus. You deserve it."
"Thanks," there was that stupid, silly, soft smile on his face again, "see you tonight."
With a small wave, he was off on his date. There was a soft tugging on your heart and the back of your eyes burned ever so slightly. You took a breath to collect yourself and decided to ignore it all. It didn't matter anyways, Marcus was going on a date with not you, and whoever she was, she would undoubtedly fall in love with him. It was Marcus Moreno, after all, who wouldn't fall in love?
Missy watched you silently for a few moments before deciding not to bring anything up...not just yet anyway.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“You should tell him you know,” Missy said through a mouthful of ice cream - chocolate chip cookie dough with lots of brownie and fudge, her all time favorite. Your brow furrowed in confusion as you tried to figure out what she could possibly mean. Your stomach churned at the realization, “my dad - you should tell him you like him.”
“W-why would I do that?” you stammered nervously as you tried to keep your face neutral. Missy groaned at your vain attempt as it become very obvious that the young girl knew exactly how you felt, “Missy, I can’t do that. He doesn’t...he couldn’t possibly ever feel the same way.”
“Why not?” she asked as she possibly off her bowl before setting down on the coffee back and pausing the movie you’d been watching, “you and dad both like each other! You might as well tell each other and get it over with. Besides, you’re a million times better than whatever her name is that he’s on a date with.”
“How could you possibly know that?” you laughed lightly at her fervent insistence, the words that he liked you too not lost on you at all.
“Because she’s not you,” she insisted, “and dad really likes you. He’s just...too awkward sometimes. I know he just doesn’t want to mess anything up. But I’m telling you, you both need to stop being fools and tell each other you’re in love!”
“Alright, little Missy,” you groaned lightly as she smiled triumphantly - she had you hook, line, and sinker, “time for bed, it’s late anyways. Go brush your teeth and get changed. I’ll check on you in a little bit.”
“Fine,” she sighed heavily, a trait definitely inherited from Marcus, “but you know I’m right! Tell him!”
You were about to make a smart retort as you watched her giggling form disappear up the stairs but decided against. Apparently all the times you thought you were subtle about your affections towards Marcus, you were being anything but.
Shit, shit, shit. Hopefully he’d never noticed. He was a Heroic, you reminded yourself, of course he knew. But he’d never said anything, never treated you oddly...maybe he didn’t know after all. Maybe this was one of the things he was blind to. Yeah...that was surely it. Besides, why would someone like him ever like you? You were just you and he was...everything.
You’d been so lost in your conversation with Missy and now your own thoughts that you’d had heard the front door open and close. You hadn’t noticed as Marcus slowly made his way into the kitchen and overheard everything. But Missy did - she was his daughter after all, and her little scheme played out exactly out she had planned.
Sighing, you stood up and stretched, still unawares of the eyes glued to you. Marcus smiled at the little sound you made, his own heart thumping nervously as he realized what he needed to do. His date had ended early - his decision -and it hadn’t been particularly fun. His date had been nice, pretty, kind, but at the end of it all, she wasn’t you. That’s what he had wanted. Enough with the skirting around the issue - he was finally going to tell you how he felt.
Scooping the dirty bowls up, you tried to figure out just how you were going to tell Marcus about your feelings. Missy wouldn’t drop it, you knew she wouldn’t. You could just get straight out with it - direct and to the point and lay all the cards on the table.
Or was that too direct? Should you hint some more; although that hadn’t gotten you very far either....fuck. Nope you were just going to have to do it once and for all.
“Marcus - I’m in love with you,” you tested the words out to yourself to see how they would sound. Your voice was a small, soft thing, but you couldn’t deny that you liked how they sounded. Deciding that it would just take some practice to get yourself ready to say the words to him, you repeated the words, “I love you, I love you, I love you. Marcus Moreno - I am in love with you.”
As you flipped on the kitchen light, you let out a small scream and almost dropped the bowls in your hands as you finally spotted Marcus. He was quick to your side and took the bowls from you, setting them back on the counter and offering you a sheepish, but soft expression. Nothing but horror washed over you as quickly came to the conclusion that he must have heard everything single thing you’d said.
“M-Marcus,” you fumbled over your words as he watched you with a soft expression, “I-I-I didn’t hear you come in, didn’t know you were back. I was just umm...playing around. Missy, she umm, I didn’t...ughh...Oh...this is...I didn’t mean it?”
“I got back a little bit ago,” he confessed as you hid your face in his hands; yeah, he’d heard everything, “I didn’t want to interrupt.”
“Listen, Marcus, I didn’t mean it, it’s just...Missy thinks that we’re in love or something, and I was just messing around...” it might have been the weakest lie you’d ever told and the look on his face said that he didn’t believe a word of it. If you didn’t know any better, you’d almost think...he was happy, “wait - you’re back? I didn’t expect you for another hour or so.”
“Left earlier than expected,” he admitted as he tried to still the wild beating of his own heart. He took a step closer and you swallowed the lump in your throat as you tried to not completely lose the remaining grips on reality you had, “wasn’t quite feeling it.”
“Oh?” you asked softly as he shrugged lightly, “w-what happened?”
“She wasn’t you,” he echoed Missy’s words from earlier as an involuntary smile crossed your features. Holy shit - was this actually happening? No, no, no, this must be all a dream, “I should have asked you to dinner. A long time ago actually. I don’t know why I didn’t. I guess Missy’s right, I’m just an awkward uncool dad.”
“Me?” you pointed at yourself as he laughed lightly and nodded, “why on earth would you ask me?”
“Why would I...I thought it was kind of obvious by now?” he tilted his head to the side as you looked at him with wide, innocent eyes, “I mean, Missy pretty much spilled the beans...”
“Wait, wait, wait,” you looked at him nervously, still refusing to believe that this was actually happening, “you like me? Me?”
Then he whispered your name, so softly, so reverently, so gently before reaching over and putting his hand gently on your cheek, “I’m in love with you.”
“Me,” you didn’t bother to try and hide your smile as he nodded, “I....yeah. Me too. Obviously. She’d been pushing me to tell you, but I didn’t want to...”
“Mess anything up?” he finished for you as you nodded, letting out the breath you hadn’t realized you were holding in, “me neither.”
“Sooo...” you trailed off and flicked your eyes back his, admiring the way the soft brown orbs stared back into your, crinkling in the corners as his dimple was on display, “ummm...I should...I should go since you’re back.”
“Is that really what you want?” he teased as you shook your head before laughing, “do you know what I want?”
“Ummm.... no?”
“I really, kind of want to kiss you,” he admitted as your heart blossomed with joy at his gentle words, “if that’s okay.”
“Yeah,” you bit your lip lightly, “I want that too.”
And then it happened, easily, fluidly, almost like you’d both been doing it forever. His hands found your waist as you tugged you close, your arms snaking around his neck as you leaned up to meet his kiss, His lips were plush and soft, and even better than you could ever have dreamed. It wasn’t some rough and brash tangle of teeth, with either of you fighting for dominance; no, this was slow and easy, intimate to its core and filled with nothing but longing and desire.
This was exactly what you’d always envisioned.
“It’s about time,” the two of you slowly pulled apart at the sound of her voice as you tried to find Missy peeking at the two of you from the foot of the stairs, “I told you both!”
Before either of you could say anything else, she darted upstairs and back to her bedroom, slamming the two shut as he pulled you close to him, wrapping his arms tightly around you. He chased your lips with his own, giving you a few more soft pecks before you grinned at each other like fools in love which, you supposed, you were.
“She’s too smart for her own good sometimes,” he sighed lightly as you touched his cheek, “but I’ll let this one slide.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Uh huh honey,” he whispered before kissing you again - it was already something he never wanted to stop doing now that he’d had a taste, “what were you saying about having to leave?”
“I don’t remember,” you teased with a kiss to his cheek.
“Stay?” he asked softly; it was a question that held a lot more meaning than just one night, or something temporary. You both knew exactly what it meant.
“Yes,” you promised, “I’ll stay.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
Always You | JJK (Drabble#2)
Summary: Jungkook is sick and needs your love.
Pairing: Always You!Jungkook x female reader
Genre: fluff, implied smut.
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings: none really! enjoy
Notes: no smut in this one! I’m surprised at myself lol Enjoy:)
Taglist: @seagulljk
© taestefully-in-luv
You are the definition of exhausted. Work was hectic today to say the least, you didn’t think all these cookie orders would come out of thin air like the way they did today. You and your coworkers are so god damn tired but still decided that you guys were going to hit a bar to celebrate that the day is over. You were going to at least. That is until you were on your way to your car when your phone started buzzing with incoming messages.
Jungkook 9:24pm
Baby I am dying I think I am actually dying
Jungkook 9:24pm
Is it normal to have hallucinations while on nyquil
Jungkook 9:25pm
Bc I keep thinking you’re here and your gorgeous lips are on my dick
Jungkook 9:25pm
Oh my goodddd I am dying, I need you
Jungkook 9:25pm
I need you
You look at your screen and frown…Jungkook mentioned this morning he was feeling sort of…under the weather. But now he’s talking about dying? While you are stubborn while sick, Jungkook is quite the opposite. He’s needy, wants attention and will pretty much do anything you ask.
y/n 9:27pm
Do I need to come take care of you?
Jungkook 9:27pm
Yes:( please come home…
“y/n!” Jade jogs up to you, stopping when she gets to you and your car. “Want to ride together?”
“Ah,” you bite down on your bottom lip, “Actually my boyfriend is sick and—”
“You can say ‘Jungkook’” Jade rolls her eyes playfully, “But I get it, saying ‘boyfriend’ is fun, huh?”
You blush, feeling embarrassed. “Yeah, well. Jungkook is kind of sick and he’s such a baby when he’s like this and—”
“No need to explain.” She smiles, “Go. Next time,” she promises. “But you owe me a drink for leaving me with these fools. Hazel is apparently meeting us too, and you know how Adam gets.” She teases, “So, you owe me.”
“Noted.” You laugh, “See you later, Jade.”
You get inside your car, turning the ignition on when your phone starts buzzing again, this time a phone call from none other than your boyfriend.
“Hello?” you bring the phone to your ear. “Jungkook?”
“Baby.” Jungkook drags out the word in a whine, “Please bring me more medicine.” He softly begs. You have to admit he does sound pretty pathetic. You can’t help but pity him as he starts dramatically coughing on the other side of the line.
“And please hurry. I need you. Need you to cuddle me and kiss me. I think your kisses could possibly cure me.”
“I’m about to leave work right now,” you confirm, “Which meds should I get you? What are you feeling exactly?”
“I’m feeling so…so in love with you.” He slurs from his drowsy state, then starts giggling.
“Jungkook.” You deadpan. “What are your symptoms?”
“It’s just a cold.” He says, “I think it’s what Jimin had a few days ago. That bastard passed it to me.”
“And you want me to kiss you?!” you laugh, “I’m not trying to get sick.”
“No, no. Don’t worry baby, our power of love will fight against it.”
“You are so…” you begin laughing again, your blush deepening. “I’ll be home in like 30 minutes, okay? Think you’ll be alive when I get there?”
“Your love keeps me alive.” He teases, “See you soon. Love you.”
“Love you, bye.” You bring the phone down and click the end button. The AC is blowing in your face, cooling you from the warmth that had crept on your cheeks while talking to Jungkook. It’s unbelievable that he’s able to make you blush like this, like as if this was completely brand new like you haven’t known him for years.
The apartment is completely dark when you walk in and also completely quiet. Did Jungkook fall asleep? Did that NyQuil finally do its job? You set the bag of meds down on the breakfast table and turn on the kitchen light. You walk into the kitchen and grab a glass from the cabinet to fetch you some water, it’s nice and cold as if travels down your throat. It feels nice… the dark, quiet apartment—you need the rest after today. You think you’re about to go find a sleeping Jungkook and get some sleep yourself when you feel two strong arms wrap around your waist.
“You’re finally here.” Jungkook whispers, “I waited all day for you.” He whines and you smile for him even though he can’t see.
“All day?” you ask, “Should I have left work to come take care of you?” you tease.
“Yes,” he responds shamelessly. “I missed you so much…I think that’s why I just got sicker throughout the day.” He tightens his hold on you but immediately loosens his grip from how weak he feels.
“Come to bed.” He commands and you spin around in his grasp to face him.
“I need to shower and get ready first.” You explain and he looks at you with sad, tired eyes.
“No.” he pouts, “Who cares? Just change and come to bed.”
“Jungkook.” You chuckle. “I worked hard today, I need a shower.”
Jungkook brings you into his chest and he inhales you, taking in your scent and he melts.
“You smell fine, y/n.”
“I smell like cookies.”
“Smells good.”
“Fine, let’s go to bed.”
Jungkook’s sleepy face lights up and he turns your body around so your back is flush against his chest and he holds on to you.
“Lead the way.” He chirps, “I’m not letting go.”
“Jungkook…” you whine as you try walking forward and he follows you while holding on to you as tight as his tired body possibly can.
You two walk into your shared bedroom and he finally drops his arms to his side and makes his way into bed. You go to your drawer and pull out one of his t shirts…you slip off your work clothes for the day and drag the t shirt of your body.
“Cutie.” Jungkook comments as he lays back and watches you change.
“Oh shit, I forgot to grab your meds. I’ll be right back.” You say making Jungkook frown. You make your way back into the kitchen and grab the baggy full of medicine plus a glass of water and walk back into the room when you notice Jungkook dozing off.
“Babe?” you whisper and his eyes immediately shoot open.
“Come cuddle me.” He weakly pats the spot next to him and you smile.
“Take these first.”
“Yes mam.”
He looks up at you with his beautiful doe eyes, a look of submission written all over his face.
“These first.” You hand him two different pills as you sit on the edge of the bed and he swallows them down quickly while staring into your eyes.
“Now these.”
Jungkook nods his head while taking another two pills.
“Any more?” he asks quietly.
“That’s it for your meds.”
“Wrong.” He states. “I need the most powerful medicine of all.” He gives you a soft smile, “Need a kiss from my baby…please, please kiss me. Missed your lips all day.”
“Your kiss will cure me, I’m sure of it.” He whispers softly. “All I need is you to be okay.”
Your eyes widen at his cute confession, he’s so god damn sleepy—you can tell. His eyes are barely staying open but he just wants to be with you. He is trying his hardest to stay awake because he missed you so much throughout the day.
“Please.” He quietly begs. “Need you.”
You search his eyes and find nothing but love in them, you can’t help but beam at him. One kiss can’t hurt you, right?
You scoot closer to him on the bed, your hands finding themselves in his Jungkook’s hair as you softly bring his face closer to you.
“One kiss.” You promise and Jungkook nods his head slowly with a dopey grin on his face.
“We’ll see about that.” He says under his breath and you laugh while leaning in closer to his face.
You lean in until his breaths hit your lips, your lips just barely touching his and he grows weaker at the contact.
“Please.” He begs again, his words hitting your mouth. “Please.”
You peck his lips softly, just giving him a slow kiss. He kisses back, his lips moving against yours so tenderly it makes you melt. You can tell he has no energy but he continues to kiss you. He slants his mouth over yours and tries to deepen the kiss, you tilt your head and give him a better angle. You said one kiss but…
Suddenly, you feel the wetness of his tongue poking out, trying to find its way between your lips. You open your moth just a little wider to give him access to your own tongue, he slides his in your mouth and slowly caresses his with yours. He releases a long, soft moan and you hate that you get so turned on hearing him. This isn’t a moment to get turned on, this is a sweet, tender moment.
Jungkook slips his tongue out and begins pecking your lips again, a little faster than before. But then he pulls back, his breaths nice and heavy.
“I’m so dizzy.” he says with his eyes closed.
“Me too.” You admit, feeling quite breathless yourself.
“No…I mean, like, literally. I don’t feel good.” He breathes out, “Kissing you, I think took all the energy I have left…what are you like a succubus or something?” he jokes.
“Baby, you need to sleep.”
“Snuggle with me, please.” He pats the spot next to him again and you get up and walk over to that side of the bed. You slip underneath the sheets and move your body close to his. You can feel all his heat radiate off his body and you frown…he must have a fever.
“Let’s sleep, my love.” You say but Jungkook weakly shakes his head.
“Wanna hear about your day.” He sinks deeper into the covers and lays his head on your chest, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“It was busy, we had what felt like a million orders today. Yoongi even came by but left because we were so busy.”
“Mhm.” He nuzzles his face into your breasts, “Did you think of me today?” he asks.
“I always think of you.” You admit.
“I thought of you so much today.” He says between heavy sighs, “Missed you so much.” He squeezes your body tighter. “I don’t think I can be without you for very long.”
You feel your heart pinch in your chest…because…
“You can. You’re just a baby.” You tease.
“No, I really don’t think I can. I felt myself grow weaker every moment I was without you.” He huffs into your chest. You caress his back as he speaks, his words becoming more and more slurred and distant from on another. He’s so tired.
“You love me that much?” you get out in a whisper and it’s silent for a few moments, you think maybe he finally fell asleep until you hear him sigh out.
“I literally don’t love anyone as much as I love you.”
You keep quiet for a few moments too long because after around a minute or so you hear Jungkook lightly snoring into your chest…you can’t help but smile down at him. He’s wrapped his entire body around you, holding you, squeezing you. You caress his back some more and start to feel yourself fall asleep as well. Your eyes getting heavier and heavier until the world becomes dark.
“Good morning!” You feel Jungkook’s breath on your ear, you begin to open your eyes, blinking lazily at your surroundings.
“Morning?” you question since it’s still dark in the room. “It’s still night?” you ask.
“It’s like 5am.” Jungkook states. Your eyes finally begin adjusting in the darkness and you notice Jungkook looks ten times better. He still looks tired but he has more life.
“Your kiss cured me, if that’s what you are thinking about.” He smiles that bunny smile and you laugh.
“I thought it drained you of your life?” you sit up on your elbows, “That I’m a succubus?”
“No, it helped me sleep so it could work its love magic on me and now I feel almost all the way better.”
“Almost?” you quirk a brow and he chuckles.
“I think I need more from you to make me all the way better.” He wiggles his brows at you and sends you a wink.
“What more do you need?” you lean forward and peck his lips, but you linger in his space. He smiles against your mouth and kisses you again.
“I think my hallucinations were actually visions of the future.”
You tilt your head, trying to remember what his text said about hallucinations when realization hits you.
“You need my lips wrapped around your cock?”
“I think that’s the ultimate cure.” He kisses you again, “Don’t you think?”
“You’re so needy.” Your lips move over his sensually, your tongue making its way into his mouth. He whimpers into your mouth when he feels your hand grab a hold of his hardening member. He pulls away from you and smiles softly.
“I’ll always need you.”
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multific · 4 years
Solve a Murder
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Sherlock Holmes x Reader
Summary: You were desperate. You needed help and so, you turned to the one man in London who would be able to help.
“Mr. Holmes, I’m here to hire you to solve a murder.”
“And who’s murder would that be?”
“Pardon?” asked Dr. Watson.
“It’s my step-sister. I suspect she and her husband want me dead. You see, I inherited my father’s land when she thought she would be the one to get it. And now, just the way she looks at me. She offers me drinks, way too often, I suspect she is trying to poison me. I fear for my life, and lately I haven’t been feeling well. You need to help me. Find evidence that she is plotting my death so I can go to the police.”
The two men looked at each other. 
“I knew I shouldn’t have come.” you said as you stood up, they made you feel like you were a fool, but then the Doctor spoke up making you look back at him.
“How long have you been suspecting that she is trying to poison you?”
“About a month. My dad died five months ago, I lost my mum when I was little, so he married another woman who gave him my step sister. My step mum died two years ago, or rather disappeared. Dad left everything to me in his will. And my sister was fuming, saying that she was the one to deserve it. Back that I was so sad, I didn’t even realize she said that. During the four months I was grieving, but then I started to notice things.”
“Things like?”
“Her servants bringing me food and tea, which is a nice gesture but...it’s usually after I already ate. And then I started to get sick a lot more often. I’m not one to fall sick easily. The doctor said it was just a cold, but...I know she did something. The look on her face said it all. She looked happy when I was in bed for a week. I tried asking for help, but everyone thinks I’m paranoid.”
“I believe you.” said Watson as he looked back at Sherlock who only rolled his eyes.
“Don’t be ridiculous. It’s clearly only the mind of a woman, making up scenarios. Why are you really here? You are wasting my time.” his words were harsh. And they hurt. Just as the nice Doctor turned to scold his friend, you spoke up, tear running down your face.
“I hope Mr. Holmes, that you will visit my grave one day. I just wish to see your face when you realize that you were wrong.” you said as you stormed out of the house.
You felt so silly. And to think that you were extremely nervous when you decided to seek for his help. You didn’t even realize that you left your scarf at the house. 
You were truly helpless, you didn’t have any friends to talk to, your maids were fired by her, leaving only her trusted ones behind. You were trapped in your own house.
And you didn’t have evidence to go to the police either. Although you looked everywhere in the house for signs. But you were unable to find anything, no bottles, no poison, nothing.
The worst however was that you were gradually falling more ill, day after day.
It felt like you were dying from the inside. So, you called the doctor over.
The doctor said that your illness was due to the loss of your father. The doctor blamed depression, but you knew it wasn’t that. Not with the way your sister was smirking and smiling when she thought you weren’t watching.
One day, you felt so terrible, you couldn’t even get out of the bed. 
And from that day on, you didn’t.
You were so ill, the sun hurt your eyes and you felt useless. You just laid in bed, you weren’t even sure for how long.
You had barely any appetite. And you wondered how many days have passed.
“Miss Y/L/N, two gentlemen are here to talk to you. They said they brought your scarf back.” one of the maid’s said before they left, leaving the door open to let the two men in. You tried to sit up, look at least presentable, but you were too weak.
“Miss Y/L/N,” you recognized that voice, that calm and kind voice.
“Dr. Watson,” you said smiling at the man, not noticing that Sherlock was also in the room.
“You left your scarf. Don’t get me wrong, My Lady, but you look very ill.” said the doctor as he placed the cloth by your hand. You grabbed it and thanked him.
“The doctor was just here, yesterday I think. Said it’s only depression.” you said letting out a long sigh. 
“That’s ridiculous. I saw people looking more heathy on their death bed. May I examine you?” you gave him a weak nod, then you turned to Sherlock who was standing on the other side of your bed.
“Will you take my case now, or in a few days when I’m gone?” you asked looking at Sherlock. His eyes met yours.
Dr. Watson determined that you needed immediate care in a hospital. Although your sister argued with him, telling him that you already are in the care of a doctor. 
That day, Sherlock took your case. He clearly noticed something which he didn’t’t share at the time.
You were in the hospital for three days, and you already felt better. Every day Dr Watson would come over to talk about the case or ask questions. Although you were sure Sherlock was already close to finding evidence.
One day, you were finally better, so you could walk around a little. You were sitting outside, reading a book under a tree when you noticed Mr Holmes making his way over to you. 
“It was the food and the water and the tea and the cookies and everything.” said Sherlock as he sat down beside you. “You were poisoned gradually, small portions on everything you ate, and drank. The maid did it, because your sister ordered her to. Both are in custody as we speak for attempted murder.” he said, but even with your suspicions being right, you didn’t feel better.
“Thank you Mr. Holmes. I will pay you as soon as I get out of here.” you said before turning to look up the tree, watching a little bird hop from one branch to the other.
“Hmm.” you didn’t notice the look Sherlock gave you. But he noticed just how much livelier you looked. Your eyes shined, your skin shimmered in the light. You looked a lot better. “So, as I observed, you are not married. Neither am I.” he said.
You had to admit this was the worst possible way someone tried to court you. You looked at him, eyes wide.
“I’m saying that I find you quite beautiful and I would like to know you better.”
“Oh? That’s it?”
“Don’t get me wrong Mr. Holmes, I appreciate the compliment, it’s just... Your timing, Sir. I am still in hospital because my sister tried to poison me, my brother-in-law is still out there, possibly stealing everything that he can move from my home. And you are...handsome.” 
“Then, I will be back with the same proposition in a few weeks. Ms Y/L/N.” he said as he stood up and left.
You laughed a little, thinking that he was joking.
After all, what could a man like him possibly want from you?
It had been almost a month since you left the hospital.
You were half right about your brother-in-law. He did steal a couple of items when he left, but luckily they didn’t mean anything to you, so you were just happy that he was gone. 
You hired new staff and fired everyone. You were not sure who you could trust.
You also made sure that every food and drink was thrown out or went down the sink. You were not taking any chances. 
The fact that you only had 2 members of staff made you do some work you were not used to. You were no brat and you didn’t mind getting your hands dirty, so you helped with the cleaning where you could. 
You were working in the kitchen, cleaning the cupboards when a voice behind you made you startled. You nearly fell off the furniture as you were cleaning the very top shelves.
“Miss, Mr. Holmes is here.” 
“Thank you, Tina! Let him in, please.”
“He is here, Miss.”
This is when you finally turned around and noticed the man smiling up at you. Tina already left to get back to her duties.
“Nice to see you again, Miss Y/L/N. I must admit, every time we meet I can see a different side of yours. I have never seen a lady on the sink, cleaning the shelves.”
“Well, someone has to do it.” you said slowly climbing down. Sherlock helped you, making sure you won’t fall. “I assume you came for your payment. Give me a moment. I put it in an envelope in the library.”
You said washing your hands before heading into the library. You pulled the drawer of your father’s desk out and pulled the envelope out.
“For your speedy resolution, and for Dr. Watson’s help regarding my health, I added a bit extra. Thank you very much.” you said handing him the payment.
“I actually didn’t come for the payment, Ms. Y/L/N.” he said but you watched as he reached out to take the payment from you and slipped in into his pocket. “I’m here to keep my word. What I said in the hospital, I wish to get to know you better. You seem like a very interesting and smart woman. You realized that your sister was bad, even when everyone, including me, thought that you were delusional. I apologize for that.” you honestly didn’t know what to say. You thought he was a man who wouldn’t see you in a romantic matter. But then again, he just mentioned getting to know you.
“Maybe, you can stay over for lunch? I will cook up something nice.”
“Yes, I am yet to hire a new cook, and in the meantime I do the cooking, my old nanny taught me a few recipes.”
“Sounds nice.”
And so, he stayed for lunch, dinner and the next day he came over again and every single day after.
He was charming, and the two of you could speak for hours about everything and anything.
Before you knew it, months, and years passed.
You certainly didn’t think that when you decided to go to Baker Street 221B to ask for help, you would find your future husband.
Taglist: imreadinggoaway fleursirvart  v-2bucky ehsebastian  crunch-time-sports pxstelrainbow ablogbypeteparker liamssmiler smexylemony greenarrowhead feelingsareharddd thisismysecrethappyplace sincerelyfan theoneanna aestheticsandmarvel rororo06 castellandiangelo avengers-r-us destynelseclipsacastellandiangelo  spilledinkindumpster celebsimagines capsiclesdoll firstangeldragonranch snoopy3000 firstangeldragonranch puknow crazzyter alwayshave-faith  soleil-dor  alex12948 scream-kiwi79
My taglist is open!
Feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank You for reading my story!~
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arcane-ish · 3 years
Thinking smutty Mel x Silco dynamics
@magalimoons said: That makes sense re Silco’s dodgy imaginings but I think it could be done in a hot way, like it’d be dome rough power play but not necessarily demeaning. Yes re Mel and potentially going into dark shit w/women lovers.
I guess my way of thinking was that when Silco talks about his motivations in Act 1 and him and Vander go back and forth about respect, I always got the impression that deep down he wants to humiliate the topsiders. So I tend to picture that he would fantasize about humiliating scenarios if it was about top siders (ie make her crawl, make her beg, smudge her makeup, pull and mess up her hair, make her cry, make her choke on it, enjoy my power over them when I always felt powerless vis a vis the topsiders, make her fear me). 
Which you know, can work for some people, but I tend to enjoy fantasies more when I can at least imagine the other person would be into it if they knew about it, and here I just can’t with Mel. 
(I think I’ve said before, I find it very telling that imo it doesn’t come across that Mel enjoys the power difference between her and Jayce. Like I do feel like maybe she enjoys that she is more experienced than him and she enjoys teaching him (in regards to politics), but she generally does everything to raise him to her level (ie making his house a major house). Rather than getting a kick out of being with somebody who is clearly below her in rank. So I just think powerplay/aggressive roleplay power play wouldn’t be her thing, particularly with male partners.)
I thought about the Silco fantasizing about Mel concept some more, I guess if he knew her better and respected her, I guess I could imagine a scenario where he imagines her as the dominant or seductive one and I guess that could work better (for some reason my mind suggests him doing foot worship on her and fantasizing about her giving him a foot job [because that would preserve the distance between them/would be her keeping him at foot’s length, would perserve the dynamic that he can’t fully have and touch her, or maybe him fantasizing about her riding him and teasing him with her hair]). 
Re: Mel and Woman: I kind of imagine that any relationship with a woman where there is any sort of age difference would get very emotionally messy for Mel very quickly (like whether you think Mel x Caitlyn* or Mel x Grayson or of course any OC), regardless of whether she was the younger or the older one in the relationship. And I tend to see Mel as a smart cookie who would hence avoid relationships like that because she is aware of her own weaknesses and want to steer clear of them or only deal with them in a very “calculated risk” kind of way. (huh I guess I kind of headcanon at her having that point of view somewhat in common with her mother who sent Mel away because Mel could be her weakness, at the same time I think we clearly see her experimenting with some weakness/letting herself be softer with Jayce, but again, I feel in a very soft calculated risk kind of way) (I guess that could be a fun dynamic for a Mel x female character story, for her to be all “I normally don’t do that, but with you I just can’t stay away, for you I’m making the exception”)
Sidenote: If there was a flirtation/tension between Mel and Silco, I tend to head canon Mel as somebody who is quite loyal in relationships and who wouldn’t just cheat on Jayce, somebody who would end the relationship before starting new and who wouldn’t end the relationship easily (because investment). (which brings an interesting plot bunny of like a scene where things end between Jayce and Mel in a bitter way somehow and Silco comments on it, like I can picture him definitelly as the guy who goes “What a fool Talis was, had no idea what he had, bad things should happen to him” and Mel would appreciate it/it would at least make her smile in that situation (because she is vulnerable to Jayce))
Circling back on Mel and woman, actually when I think about it, that is like one of the few ways I can picture a (dark/dead dove do not eat) Mel x Silco to come about. Like let’s say he is in a situation where he regularly hangs out at the council and one day he comes across Mel’s mom and a lightbulb goes off and it’s very “now I finally get Mel’s personality”. Like now he understands her inner insecurites and can imagine a way he would pressure her into bed (by poking at her insecurities and taunting her about he rmother). (and because she is a topsider I could picture him have no moral qualms about it, because top siders deserve anything bad happening to them)  
I think that’s kind of one of the differences between them, where imo Mel’s way of manipulating people to me feels a bit more celebral and fair, manipulating people’s wants. While Silco’s style of manipulation to me seems more about understanding people’s weaknesses and poking at them (Marcus springs to mind). Like even when he is positively inspiring he tries to get people to recall past indignities to rally them to him. 
Sidenote again: I’m genuinely curious what would the dynamic have been if through some timeline differences if Mel had ever come across a young, pre-injury Silco. Again, looking at Jayce and looking at young!Silco, I’m still pretty sure that spindly Silco wouldn’t have been her type, but I could picture her being kind to him and having pity on him. And I could picture as less jaded, more idealistic young Silco crushing on her like crazy (and her being very “letting him down gently/I’m flattered but you are not my type”). 
Sidenote of Sidenote: Now Mel and young Vander ... now that I could picture be a temptation for her, to hit that at least for a one night stand. 
(maybe that would be a fun setting for a fic, where like Mel is trying to find out more about her enemies and consults a Noxian or Shuriman mage to let her peer into the past or even walk around in the past for a short time and attend like a planning meeting of young Silco and young Vander)
[though I guess it’s not completely impossible that young!Mel might have attended a revolutionary meeting undercover out of curiosity pre Vander&Silco fallout? Like if you buy into the whole concept that the fallout happened around the time Vander took in Vi and Powder that would then be only a couple of years before Act 1, so that could have been Mel around age 20]
* sidenote of sidenote: I could picture super delish dynamics in a Mel x Caitlyn fic. Like maybe some amount of sneaking around/forbidden love/forbidden fruit because Mel works with Cait’s mom and doesn’t necessarily want Cait’s mom to know. Or Mel trying to give Cait advice how to handle her mother in a more diplomatic manner. (firmly thinking pre Act 2 here, so no Cait having met Vi yet and no Mel dating Jayce)
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spencessmile · 4 years
Poker Night & Confessions
Pairing - Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader 
Requested? Yes. 
Summary - Hii. Could you write a fic where it's pasta and poker night at Rossi's, and Y/N always brings a dessert with her? The team ALL know Spencer has a crush on Y/N, as he doesn't hide it particularly well, but Y/N can hide her crush easily, so only the girls know. After 5 games, Y/N beats them all at Poker, and as they have cigarettes and a few drinks, as they're all staying over, a 5 glasses of wine down, Spencer decides NOW is the perfect moment to tell 7 bottles of beer down Y/N how he feels
Warnings - None 
Word Count - 2,428 words
And all imagines/fanfics/blurbs are written solely by me so please don't steal my work and post it without my consent. 
Feedback and comments are always welcome. Happy reading! 
A/N - I’m so sorry anon, that this took me soooo long to write.  
Requests are open!
"I thought I was going to have to drag your ass here," Garcia said, opening the door to Rossi's and you shook your head. 
"I know, I'm sorry." You said walking with her to the kitchen. 
"You're late," Rossi said as you handed him the dessert containers. 
"What's for dessert?" JJ asked, trying to open the boxes but Rossi swats her hand away. 
"Oreo Truffles and I'm sorry," You said as Emily handed you a glass of wine. My mother showed up unannounced," You take a sip of the wine. 
"Yikes, how'd that go?" Morgan asks. 
"Let's just say that tonight I might take up Rossi on the offer of trying that new Scotch he's been wanting to crack open for months," Emily chuckled. 
"Lovely," Rossi said. "I've been waiting to open that one up!" 
Your eyes scanned the kitchen but didn't find the one person you actually wanted to really see. 
"The person your eyes are searching for hasn't arrived yet," JJ nudged your shoulder and you rolled your eyes. 
"I was looking for Hotch," 
"Sure you were," Garcia smirks at you. 
"He's in the backyard setting up the table," Morgan pointed towards the slide opening doors, and you nod. You mingle around for a couple of minutes until the doorbell goes off. 
"I got it," You hear Morgan but you stop him. 
"No, I'll get it," You said running for the door. Morgan just shrugged and let you go. 
You opened the door to see Spencer standing there, looking cute as ever. 
You're here. 
"Hi," Spencer said hugging you. 
"Hey, you made it," You said as you closed your eyes, enjoying the hug. 
Don't let go. 
You and Spencer walk into the kitchen and stand side by side. 
"Genius brain," Garcia walked over to him, handing Spencer a wine glass. "Drink up! You're getting drunk tonight. I'm making sure." 
Emily and JJ stood in the corner and just adored you and Spencer. They knew how much you like Spencer, scratch that, they know how much you love Spencer but it's been three years and you haven't told Spencer how you really feel. You kept your feelings towards Spencer to yourself for months until JJ, Emily and Garcia eventually caught on.  
Now they gush over the two of you all the time. Even though the four of you know, you somehow managed to keep it a secret from Rossi, Hotch, and Morgan. 
"Reid," Rossi called out for him. "Help with these bowls," Spencer follows Rossi outside and you walk towards the girls. 
"Oh come on," You look over at Garcia. "Just ask him out already," You look down, smiling."Anyone could look at you and say that you like Reid. What are you waiting for?” 
You look over at Emily and past her shoulder, you could see Morgan throwing popcorn at Reid as he was helping Rossi. You try your hardest to keep your smile subtle but as you watched Morgan continuing to annoy Spencer, the smile on your face just grew wider and wider. 
“Oh there it is!” JJ speaks as your eyes snapped away from Spencer and down at your wine glass. “The I’m-so-in-love- smile.” 
“I don’t know what I’m waiting for. I guess I’m just afraid of telling him because once I say it, I can’t take it back,” Emily rubbed your arm. 
She looked at Reid and smiled. “I think you’ll be fine.” 
“What if he doesn’t feel the same way?" 
“I wouldn’t worry about him not feeling the same way. I think he’s as much head over heels for you as you are for him. You both know it.” 
“If he does like me then he sure does one hell of a job at hiding it. He avoids me all the time. He’s always acting weird around me.” 
Garcia set her glass down and grabbed your shoulders. “Angel! That’s because he likes you!!!” She pointed at you. 
“Then why is he avoiding me?” 
“Because you make his knees go weak. You make his heart race and he avoids you because he doesn’t know how to act around you. That’s why he’s always avoiding you. When you're not paying attention he’s always looking at you. He teases you, a lot. He says yes to everything you ask him to do, he never says no because he doesn’t want to disappoint you,” Garcia says all in one breathe.
“Last week Reid saw you eating peanut butter cookies with chocolate chips in the kitchen and he grabbed one himself and ate it. Reid doesn’t like peanut butter but he gave it a try because they are your favorite cookies. He always makes sure your cup never runs out of coffee. That the kitchen cabinet full of snacks always have your favorite morning granola bars stacked so that you never run out,” JJ adds. 
“Reid gets flustered when he speaks to you. I’ve known Reid for years but I’ve never seen his back to you, he’s always facing you. On the days that you sometimes show up late, he always makes sure your case file is up to date and doesn’t let Garcia start until you arrive because he wants to make sure you're there for the brief,” Emily adds on to JJ and Garcia. 
You stared at them in complete shock, you had no idea Spencer did all these things for you. Maybe because you were always too busy thinking of why he was avoiding you.
 He did all the little things that you never paid any attention to. 
“Reid doesn’t even try to hide it,” JJ told you.
“Am I that obvious too?” You ask, curious. 
“You're only obvious to us. I don’t think Hotch, Rossi, or Morgan have any idea. They just think he likes you,” Emily replies. 
“Ladies, the table is all set. Let’s go!” You hear Morgan waving you all over. You finish your glass and set it down, looking at the girls. 
“Let’s see where the night takes us,” You wink walking outside as they all look at you in amusement. Know that Garcia mentioned that you made Spencer nervous. You decided to test the theory out, so you went and stood right next to him. 
“Shots for everyone!” Morgan cheers, handing you one. Just as everyone was about to cheers you noticed that Spencer wasn’t holding a glass. 
“Wait,” You said facing Spencer. “You don’t have a shot.” 
“I-I’m okay. I don’t really want one.” 
“Oh come on,” You said, handing him yours as you took another one from the table. 
“Y/n, I’m real-” 
“For me?” You said, slightly grazing his hand. He looked at you before nodding. 
“Can we get drunk now?” Emily said as you laughed. 
“Yes, now we can get drunk!” You say as everyone cheered. 
"Here are too many more poker nights filled with love, laughter, and happiness!" Hotch says as everyone clinked their glasses. 
“Nah huh,” Morgan said, throwing his cards on the table. “There is no way that you’ve won again.” 
You smirk setting down your cards, as everyone groans. 
“Don’t hate the player, hate the game, Morgan,” You replied.
You look over at Spencer who grabbed your cards and shuffled through them. “I always win,” He muttered as you chuckled to yourself. 
“Dr. Reid,” Spencer looked up at you, scrunching his nose. “It looks like you’ve got competition.” 
“Y/n, have you played poker before?” Hotch asked. 
“My poker playing skills, all the credit goes to my dad.” 
“That’s why!” Garcia shouts, grabbing your arm. “Otherwise, no one would ever beats genius brain.” 
“Well,” Rossi said standing up. “I don’t wish to lose anymore tonight so who is going to help me with dinner?” 
“I will!” Garcia goes to pull out her chair and almost stumbles, almost taking down the table with her. 
“Baby girl, be careful,” Morgan grabbed onto her shoulders. 
“I am not drunk!” She exclaimed. "I'm so not drunk. I feel perfectly fine. Top-notch, chocolate thunder." She said, gripping her chair to help her stand. 
“No Garcia,” Emily said. “You're drunk and so am I,” She says, smiling like an absolute idiot. 
“How about we get you two some water?” JJ said, helping Emily inside. 
After more wine and Tequila were taken down with some delicious Pasta, Hotch and JJ were helping Rossi with the dishes as Morgan, Emily and Garcia were fooling around.
You stepped outside for some air until a couple of minutes passed you heard the doors slide open and shut.
You knew it was Spencer, and you felt him lingering over you. 
“I won’t bite Spence,” You spoke, continuing to admire the stars that were shining a little extra bright tonight. 
“How did you know it was me?” Spencer stood beside you. 
“I just did,” You smiled.
The tension between you Spencer was unbelievable. You moved closer but Spencer didn’t move away in fact he leaned in and put his head on your shoulder. You didn’t really know what to say so you leaned your head on top of his.  
You and Spencer remained like that for a while until he spoke up. 
“What are you scared of?” 
There it was, the one question that absolutely terrified you. 
Losing you. 
“A lot of things.” 
“Me too,” Spencer replies. You both remained quiet for a while before Spencer started laughing. You looked at him as he continued to giggle. 
“What? Why are you laughing?” 
Spencer couldn’t even get a word out because he was laughing so much. You hold onto his arm to make sure he doesn’t stumble. Spencer grabs onto your shoulder and moves closer to you. 
“Spencer, are you drunk?” You asked. 
Spencer scrunches his nose as you noticed his pupils were dilated. His hair was all over the place, the button on his shirt was undone and his hands were warm and sweaty. 
“I uh, uhh, -” Spencer trailed off moving even closer to you. “I think I am,” You laughed. Seeing Spencer like this was new for you. In all the years that you’ve worked with Spencer, you��ve never seen him drunk so this was quite amusing for you. “I have a confession I need to make before it’s too late.” 
“Go for it,” You whisper, playing with his hair. 
“Is it too late now? Did I miss my chance?” 
“No no,” You shook your head.
Spencer moved his head enough to make sure he could see you, he smiled at you as you didn’t break eye contact. 
“I ju-just I rea-really like you,” He breathed out. 
He said it. 
You stared at him, his eyes trying to read your face. Your heart was beating so fast you wondered if Spencer was close enough to feel it. 
Standing there for a second, you almost felt terrified to say the words back. At that moment Spencer’s words felt so real that they almost stung you. You couldn’t tell whether you felt relieved that he felt the same way or if you felt heavy.
In all honesty, you wanted to make a run for it. You couldn’t because you knew if you walked away now you’ll never get this chance again and you’ll lose Spencer. No matter how badly you wanted to say the words, you are terrified of what’s to come next. 
You had no idea. 
It was now or never. 
This was it, the feelings that you’ve been holding in for so long it was finally time to let them free; it was time to say them. 
Spencer started to pull away when he realized you’d been quiet for so long. You pulled him in by his hands. 
“Can I make a confession too?” You whisper as Spencer nodded, his eyes soft and assuring. 
Say it. 
Just say it. 
“I like you too,” The words came out so boldly. “I really really like you.” 
Spencer’s head grew closer and closer, he stopped when his nose touched yours. You felt his breath across your lips, he waited for you to tell him it was okay. You nod, inching closer as Spencer closed the gap between you and his soft lips. It was a simple and gentle kiss that made sparks bounce through your veins. Spencer wrapped his hands around your back and pulled you closer, deepening the kiss.
When you pulled away, both of you let out shaky breaths, and you immediately realized that you needed to kiss him again. 
Those soft lips. 
You crashed your lips to Spencer once again, kissing him with a little more passion and force this time. His hands cupped your cheeks as you tightly gripped at his cardigan. Eventually, you pulled away to catch your breath. 
“I’ve waited so long to do that,” Spencer said, rubbing your cheek with the pad of his thumb. 
“Me too,” You reply looking up at Spencer and at that very moment you had no idea what was funny but the both of you burst out laughing. 
You know that Spencer wasn’t much of a hugger but you really wanted to hug him.
“Hey,” Spencer looked up at you. “Can I hug you?” Without hesitation Spencer pulled you in, digging his head into your shoulder and you wrapped your arms around his neck, taking his sweet vanilla scent.
As you and Spencer hugged, both of you could hear the rest of the team cheering and clapping. 
At that moment, you knew you were in the right place. 
You were home. 
There is nothing more terrifying or fulfilling than complete love. 
It’s worth the risk. 
Reach for it. 
Jaeda DeWalt 
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ghostlywritten · 3 years
If Only I Had Stayed In The Shadows - Chapter Five
James Potter x OC
Words: 3,5k
Prologue   Chapter One   Chapter Two  Chapter Three  Chapter Four
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Time flies fast when you have fun. And I had a lot of fun for a week after the party. Despite the harsh weather, despite the essays piling up, despite the training sessions getting tougher it was all worth it in the end when I was left alone in the Common Room with James, chatting about everything and anything. Occasionally even Sirius, Remus and Peter would join us if they weren't in the mood to go to sleep yet and we would play Chess or Exploding Snap.
Of course I knew I would never be part of their unique friendship quartet but I was glad they would let me join in on their fun from time to time. Though I suspected they mainly missed James and didn't want to abstain from him too much.
One particular evening left me alone with Sirius and a few empty bottles of Firewhiskey after Remus and Peter decided to head to bed early and James insisted on retrieving some midnight snacks, sneaking off with a Disillusionment Charm. How he had managed that spell when we hadn't learned it in class was beyond me. Anyways, this got to be the first time I had ever been in the lonely presence of the school's heartthrob with no one and nothing in the near vicinity to distract him from me.
I swallowed nervously whilst the dark-haired boy seemed pretty relaxed, his posture slouched in his armchair.
"You know, I do wonder sometimes how things come together," Sirius' voice cut into the silence and I looked up from my fiddling fingers in my lap to see him pensively watch the flames flicker around in the fireplace, the light giving his features a warm glow.
"In what way?" I asked quietly, not wanting to somehow interrupt his peaceful posture.
"I mean, the way things have turned out in the end," he said, waving his hand to gesture around us, "Everything that brought us to the point of sitting here in the Common Room of the Gryffindors in the middle of the night. I got the best friends I had ever imagined I would get. Ever." I smiled at this. "I'm a Gryffindor, which is the least likely house a Black would get in. I ran away from home and am living with my best friend the life and with the family I've always dreamt of." Now this wasn't exclusive news. Everyone knew about Sirius' escape from the Black House last summer and that he was staying at the Potter's. I was sure a lot of people had their opinions on it but were clever enough to not voice them out, at least not with any Marauder nearby.
I was a little surprised however that he opened up about it when he had refused to say anything on the matter for the past months. One glance at the empty bottles on the table gave me the answer though. 'Everyone gets a loose tongue after a few drinks. Good thing I don't drink...much.'
"I'm glad you are out of there," I said sincerely, recalling the one time I had been pushed into the boy's locker room by my fellow female, giggling team members and had caught a glimpse of the many bruises on his back. I didn't know why but I immediately had a hunch that those hadn't only been from Quidditch. They had looked too nasty. My attempts to talk about child abuse with him were instantly cut off by the boy himself, the cold glare still giving me chills even in mere memory.
"Me too," Sirius sighed blissfully, "The Potter's are truly the best."
"Now all that is missing is the future Mrs. Black," I teased.
He wiggled his eyebrows, "I have encountered a lot of worthy candidates so far. Wanna be next?"
"Thanks, but I'd rather not catch anything," I replied, wiggling my eyebrows back at him. He gave me a mock affronted look before he smirked devilishly, my breath catching involuntarily at the handsome enhancement of his features, "Don't worry, I wouldn't ever date the future Mrs. Potter."
I almost choked on my spit, "Excuse me?"
"Oh, you heard me just right," he barked out a laugh at my red face, "And you can't tell me there is nothing going between you two."
"Ehm, I can because there is nothing going on between us," I retaliated, forcing down the blush from my cheeks.
"You don't have to hide it from me," Sirius said with a shrug, his shit-eating grin still ever so present on his face and I grimaced at him, "I don't blame you. And the Potter's are the best family you can meet."
"Sounds like heaven," I replied deadpanned and he nodded his head with wide eyes and a straight grin before he reached for his forgotten half-empty glass of Firewhiskey. Sobering up slightly, I pondered on my next words before voicing them out carefully, "Don't you miss your actual family though?"
"Hm?" Sirius hummed but I knew he had heard me clearly, stalling as he took a long sip of his drink.
"You don't have to answer that if you don't want to," I added hastily when I noticed how his features hardened, "I'm just a curious cat, wondering if I could ever leave my family like that."
"Do they abuse you mentally and physically every hour of the day?"
"Then you don't have to wonder about it," Sirius said darkly, "You can consider yourself one of the luckiest people on earth." I kept quiet, watching him close his eyes and breathe in deeply through his nose. 'Maybe I should have just kept quiet like always,' I thought, mentally kicking my tactless ass.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked," I apologised softly, looking down at my lap awkwardly. Hearing him sigh made me peek at him through my lashes, "It's okay, Cec." I beamed in relief at the nickname. "My family is just a touchy subject."
"I get it, you don't want anything to do with them," I agreed quickly, trying not to agitate him further.
"It's not that I don't want to...," he sighed for the umpteenth time, rubbing his eyes tiredly, "I just can't deal with them anymore. And Reg..."
"Regulus Black? Your brother, right?" I asked, having heard that name before. Apparently, he took after his brother, being the heartthrob of his year and part of the Slytherin Quidditch team albeit a Seeker.
"Yeah, my little brother," the dark-haired boy said, a smile unconsciously lifting the corner of his lips before they dropped into a bitter frown, "Of course, he is just as brainwashed as the rest of them, all thanks to our dear mother," he almost spat the last word and I winced at the hatred in his tone. At this point, it almost sounded like he was talking to himself, barely realising the other presence in his proximity. "I wish he would have just come with me," he mumbled, a vulnerable look on his face.
"You could still try to be close to him," I offered a weak suggestion, which he immediately dismissed with a scoff/hiccup. "Yeah, right. As if he would listen to me after I ran away. He won't even look my way anymore."
"Don't think I haven't tried. He even said we weren't brothers right when I left." I frowned at the crack in his voice, my heart squeezing slightly at the pain in his eyes. Who would have known how much he suffered under all that loud and playful facade of his.
"Maybe he was just mad that you were leaving him behind," I pondered softly, racking my brain about how to make him feel better, "Sometimes we say things in the heat of the moment that we don't really mean." Sirius kept quiet, pensively watching the flames as he refused to make eye contact. I looked away from him, figuring he wouldn't like eyes on him at his vulnerable state, "I think, you two could still be close despite all the differences."
"...You really think so?"
"Yeah, one of you just has to make the first move."
"How do I know he won't reject me?" he asked like a small child, the armchair he sat on suddenly looking too big for him.
I thought it over. The possibility of rejection was definitely there, I wouldn't lie to him about it. After all I knew nothing about his brother's personality. "You don't," I responded, "But the world is full of lonely people waiting for the other to make the first move. And so many bonds get lost because of it. Don't you think that's sad?" His grey eyes snapped over to mine for the first time we had started this serious talk, surprise flickering through them before they were set into something akin to determination.
Before he could open his mouth to say anything though, James came bustling through the portrait hole, his arms packed with various snacks as he giggled like a fool. "Dig in, guys!" he cheered, dropping everything on the coffee table and just like that the serious mood was broken.
I watched Sirius pick up some cookies, munching on them as he chatted up a storm with James about the upcoming Quidditch match. By now, I knew it had been mostly the alcohol that made him spill everything. I just hoped he wouldn't feel too awkward about it the next morning.
The game against Slytherin had packed a punch. The Hufflepuffs' Bludgers were nothing against their aggressive tactics.
Let's just say no player got out there unscathed and the Snitch got caught by Regulus Black - the Slytherin Seeker - just before Angie managed to get a goal that would have gotten us a win if it had only been a few seconds earlier.
I rubbed my sore side where a Bludger had hit me at the beginning of the game as we went inside the locker room, the Slytherins celebrating on the field and laughing at our backs.
"Worst game ever," Frank, who was trudging next to me, muttered and I nodded wordlessly, my eyes watching the stiff back of our Captain as he led us into the little hut.
"This game was pathetic!" James hissed as soon as the door closed to our locker room, "Nothing worked the way we have practiced. Sirius, Frank where the hell were you two when they rained the Bludgers down the Chasers?"
"I-" Sirius started but James continued, still heated, "Oliver? You're the Keeper, right? You are supposed to keep the Quaffles out of the hoops and not hit them through!"
"I didn'-"
"And Angie? Were you even on the field? I couldn't bloody see you once near the opposite hoops."
"James, I was trying everything," Angie protested next to me, "The Slytherin Chasers w-"
"Don't even try any excuses on me," James spat agitated, "I know you want to quit after break but the way you play makes me think you want me to kick you out right now."
"James," I spoke up astonished as Angie sat back with a pissed off look. I knew he could get angry from past experiences during matches but that was straight out rude. "Calm down, we all tried our best."
"Tried your best?" the boy hissed, and I resisted the urge to tell him he sounded like a snake. No, that would probably make him madder, "If that's your best you can say bye-bye to your dreams of becoming a professional Chaser, Cecily. Not even the Montrose Magpies would want you!"
My eyes widened in surprise, his words cutting a knife through my chest.
"James," Sirius started this time, his gaze actually serious for once as I deflated into my seat, feeling more hurt than I had expected, "It's enough now."
The Captain sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose to calm himself. "Fine. Get dressed, we will talk about this at practice next week. Whoever needs to go to the Hospital Wing, stay back. We will go together."
I jumped out of my seat as soon as he dismissed us, rushing towards the girls' room to take a shower and change, his words repeating in my head like a mantra.
"Don't take him seriously," Angie soothed, interrupting the silence around us, "He always gets pissy when we lose a game."
"I know," I said with a sigh, wincing when I touched my side. Angie grimaced at the already bruising spot, "You should get that checked by Madam Pomfrey."
Nodding in agreement, we walked out together.
"Don't you wanna wait for the others?" Angie asked as I kept walking. "No, let's just go," I said over my shoulder, forcing her to concede when I didn't stop.
"Ms. Grant," Poppy greeted me, "It's been a while. I hope you realise, neither the sweets nor Mr. Potter have changed my mind, no matter how persuasive the Pixie Puffs can be."
"It's not that," I replied, shaking my head at Angie when she gave me a questioning look, "I just need to get my side checked."
"Ah, the Quidditch match between Slytherin and Gryffindor has been today, right?" Poppy remarked, frowning at the sight of my bruise when I lifted my shirt, "Honestly, this game should be banished from school. It always gets way out of control."
"Still nothing that you can't fix," I replied, watching her shuffle through her cupboards after setting me down on one of the beds.
"What was that about Pixie Puffs and Potter?" Angie asked as we waited.
"Just me unsuccessfully trying to get an internship here at the Hospital Wing," I explained quietly as the doors of the Wing opened once more to reveal the other players trudging inside, pushing aside the few Slytherin players that tried to walk in as well. Luckily, they were in too much of a good mood to stir up a fight like they usually would, instead opting to just verbally make fun of the boys in the background.
"Didn't I tell you to wait?" James asked annoyed as he sat down on the unoccupied bed next to us.
"Yes, and I didn't," I snapped back, pissed off at both him and the pain in my side. James opened his mouth, but Sirius clasped his hand on his shoulder, shaking his head. Shooting the grey-eyed boy a grateful look I turned around as Poppy came back, gesturing for me to lift my shirt. I obeyed, hissing as she applied some balm on the bruise but sighing immediately in relief as the pain diminished into a dull ache. "Apply this once more tonight and it should all be well by tomorrow," the matron instructed as she handed me the tube and I thanked her with a quick smile before I hopped off to leave. Bidding the others goodbye, I ignored James' lingering look, particularly at my bruised side, and left to have a quick dinner and head to bed.
This day had been exhausting enough.
The following days were miserable to say the least. The Slytherins were still gloating about their win, classes were hell as nothing went into my brain and on top of that I wasn't on speaking terms with James and therefore, the rest of the Marauders as well.
It wasn't like I didn't want to, but his words had left a sting more painful than the bruise on my side; Bringing up my deepest desire and throwing it back in my face was a big no-go. I almost regretted opening up to him like that and the more days passed with him not talking to me the more I wished I hadn't ever walked up to the Quidditch pitch for that game with a little extra-confident swagger in my steps.
I also wished I didn't have to attend the regular Quidditch practices; James was more commanding than usual, which led us to double laps and longer simulated games until it was pitch black outside. The only bright side was that at least Sirius tried to cheer us all up and even occasionally chatted with me in-between breaks.
"I think something is wrong with Peanut," I mused, adjusting my grip.
"Something is wrong with what?" Sirius asked perplexed.
"Peanut," I repeated, gesturing towards my broom. The dark-haired boy stared at me. "You...named your broomstick Peanut?" he asked slowly, uncomprehending.
"Yeah, why?"
"Just- no matter," he dismissed quickly, his lips twitching in amusement, "Why don't you tell James that something is wrong with Peanut? He can fix it."
Raising a brow, I stated, "First of, Peanut is a splendid name for a broomstick." I rolled my eyes as he burst out into small barks of laughter. "Secondly, I'm not on speaking terms with our dear Captain right now and you know that."
"Yes, I do." It was his turn to roll his eyes. "And I still think it's ridiculous."
"It's not! He mocked me!" I protested.
"Yeah, but weren't you the one, who told me that people say things they don't mean in the heat of the moment?"
I narrowed my eyes at him, "I don't appreciate you using my words against me!"
Sirius grinned before he turned sirius again, "He was angry, and I can safely say that he did not mean a single thing he's said back then."
"And why isn't he talking to me then? He hasn't even apologised!"
"Because he is also proud ass. Or rather, he doesn't know how to approach you," Sirius snickered and my eyes widened in surprise.
"He doesn't know how to approach me?"
"Yeah, he thinks you are angry at him-" "Which I am!" "-and he is still trying to figure out how to apologise." I stayed quiet, watching the subject of our conversation fly around the field, giving instructions to each player. "If you let it up to him, I would say he will work up his courage by the end of the year. At the earliest."
Later that evening, I decided to stay up after dinner. The others went to bed quickly whilst I sat on my bed with my broom on my lap, contemplating whether I should go down or not. I didn't even know if James still waited at the fireplace as I hadn't been there the past few days but figured it couldn't hurt to try.
Putting my robe over the sleeping clothes, I softly padded outside, carefully taking a peek around the corner into the Common Room after walking down the hallway. The space was empty except for one lonely person lounging on the loveseat in front of the warm fire, the sight achingly familiar.
Swallowing nervously, I gripped my broomstick tighter as I headed down the stairs with purposefully loud steps (as far as possible with socks on). His glass-rimmed eyes snapped over, widening, and he immediately sat up when I approached him.
"Hey James," I greeted him awkwardly, holding my broom in front of me with both hands, almost as a form of protection.
"Hey Cec," he breathed out as if in relief, his eyes rapidly flickering from me to the broom and back to me.
"Come sit," he offered quickly, patting the seat next to him and I obliged, relaxing and simultaneously feeling nervous at the proximity, "Why do you have Peanut with you?"
"Oh, right. Ehm, I think something is wrong with it," I explained, handing it over at his request, "It's not turning as smoothly as it used to."
"Hm, 'might have gotten tweaked during the last game," James mused, brows furrowed in concentration as he examined every inch, "It got hit by a lot of Bludgers, didn't it? Bloody Slytherins. But nothing I can't fix."
"Yeah, I figured that was the cause," I nodded in agreement and his eyes flickered over to me, the fire giving his irises a honey-coloured tone. "What about you?" he asked softly, "Is your side doing better?"
"Perfectly healed, thanks," I informed him, melting slightly on the inside at his concern, "You know Poppy." He cracked a grin at the nickname (causing my heart to miss a beat) before looking back down at the broom, his gaze turning serious.
"Cecily, I...wanted to- you know- I kind of said some messed up things after the game," he stammered slightly, fiddling with the broomstick nervously. My features relaxed at his nervous state and I allowed a small smile as he continued, "I really shouldn't have said what I said- you know the thing with the Montrose Magpies and you- and everything else I said to the others, I didn't mean any of it and I will never do it again, I solemnly swear! I guess, what I'm trying to say- and what I've been trying to say the past few days, but I didn't know how- well first, I figured I should probably give you some space since I never do that with Evans and she always gets madder and madder, but-"
"James," I cut him off and he immediately shut his mouth, "It's alright."
His brown eyes widened, "Really?"
"Yeah, I get it. It's okay."
"You are not mad anymore?" he asked tentatively, staring incredulously as I shook my head, "It's that easy?"
"Well, it can be," I replied with a grin before sighing, "I just don't wanna be mad anymore." And I missed his presence. But hush.
James also sighed, in relief as he leaned back. "Good, I don't think I could have waited any longer."
"Waited? For what?"
"Asking you out, of course."
This time, I really choked on my spit.
Chapter Six
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henyangwrites · 3 years
Make You Feel My Love | j.jh
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an unsent letter for jung jaehyun.
🠪 pairing: jaehyun x reader
🠪 genre: fluff, angst, lovers to ex
🠪 warnings: sad ending (I’m sorry </3)
🠪 word count: 849 words
a/n: this is my first time writing something like this but I hope you’ll like it. -admin a  ♡
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To my brightest star,
I didn't think that this day would ever come, to meet someone who would convince me to sit on a desk and write the words I'll never say on a paper and in person... yet here I am. Where are you, my love? I miss you already. It feels lonely and empty without you here, you know? I’m actually waiting for you to come... to come and take me back; as you can always come back to me, Jae.
If only you could take me back, we can do the things we knew we loved before. We can go to the small, cozy library café in front of our university, that you oh so love, every day to drink some hot chocolate drink, and do our requirements while you're holding my hand. We can spend the rest of our spring mornings cuddling in a crispy morning air, with my face buried into your neck and you drinking your favorite hot chocolate drink; listening to the birds awaken the world with their majestic chirps as we watch the sunrise.
If only you could take me back, we can spend our summer afternoons splashing and swimming around the beach; giggling and laughing while attacking each other with the salty water and not minding the stare of other people. And once we're done enjoying at the beach, we can always spend our summer nights at your apartment's rooftop. If there's one thing I'm certain that you love to do: it is looking at the stars. Jae, we can always spend our summer nights stargazing while naming the different constellations, pretending that we know something about astronomy. We can laugh at each other's joke about how the stars were formed as you sneakily put an arm around my waist and kiss me on my temple saying, "I really love seeing you this happy because of me."
If... only you could take me back, we could spend our autumn mornings going for a walk while looking at the warm-colored trees and spend the afternoons baking your favorite cookies. And in the evenings, we can jump and play in the pile of leaves while some of it are still falling from the tree to us.
In the cold and harsh winter, we can sit in front of the fireplace as we warm each other up, snuggling under a soft blanket. We can walk hand-in-hand as it snows, the faint orange glow of the streetlight and your smile being the only source of light in this dark, dark world. We can always spend the night slow dancing to Adele's "Make You Feel My Love." Remember when we used to dance to it every 1 AM whenever I'm having a hard time to sleep? Our bodies swaying to the rhythm while staring at each other's eyes, embracing me tightly as you kiss my forehead and whispering to me, "I'll marry you someday," nonstop that makes my heart hurt in a good loving way. We can always stare into each other’s eyes, our cheeks and nose red from the bitter cold as we unknowingly gradually close the distance between us.
Just... where are you, Jae? Do you still think of me?
You know, I still listen to our song thinking, “would you still like this one?”, even though I already know the answer.
Yeah, I already know the answer...
I also know that I shouldn't wait for you to come... to come and take me back. Because if you would come and take me back... you wouldn't be in other girl's arm.
Just like the winter where roads are buried with snow, our memories are now buried in the past. Gone are the days where everything seems like sunshine and rainbows, the days where we will celebrate the beautiful world that we live in. Jae, I'm still hoping that we could go back to what we have before; to the days where if nothing seems right with the world, we can hold onto each other knowing that maybe, just maybe, things would be alright because at least we have each other.
I know I'm such a fool for waiting for your love again but everyone has their own weakness... you just happen to be mine. You are my sweetest downfall, Jae. I knew nothing about love before you came into my life, like a hurricane that woke up my peaceful heart. But as seasons goes by, I realized that love is also this... letting someone go because you only want their happiness. Happiness that I know couldn't give you now.
Please do remember that I will always be yours, Jae. Even when perhaps one day my memory will become blurred in your head, my heart will always remember the warmth of your love. My love, please continue to shine. So when I look at dark sky, I'll know that you're still there, happy even without me. Always remember that out of all, in all the world, you have my most favorite face that I won't ever forget.
I love you so much, Jae. Without end.
Forever yours, y/n.
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