#because we saw it! in 15x08! with adam!
azrael08 · 1 year
So, I was on my daily re-watch of 15x08 and I got to the part of the episode where they catch Michael and do their whole interrogation scene. Was watching the part where Dean starts saying to Adam “There’s nothing we can say to fix that-” and then Adam gives him the look and says “How about, I’m sorry” yes yes very sad, but I’m about to make it hurt more.
I noticed that Adam dead-stares Dean in this scene, when Michael puts him in control earlier in the scene he’s like normal Adam, fair-going and happiy-ish. But when it gets to this part he just looses all that and just lets his words really get through to Dean (and Sam off screen).
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But then Dean does this little pull back thing and call me crazy but that totally looks like the classic ‘Dean, I can’t admit my actual feelings, Winchester’ face.
Taking in Adam’s words face:
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Realising he can’t say I’m sorry face:
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Don’t get me wrong, I do think Sam and Dean regret leaving Adam in the cage but they’ve forgotten about him, or at least they thought he died in the cage but it’s only now that Adam is actually here in front of them that they want to do the morally ‘right’ thing and say sorry. But they can’t, not truthfully, because Adam will always be a reminder that John Winchester failed them at being a parent. That he was unfaithful to them and Mary and lied to them everyday.
So that’s Dean’s realisation in this moment right. And Adam probably saw that realisation by looking at Dean’s face. But then before he can say anything else Michael forcefully takes the front seat again.
I mean look at this sequence:
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Mans is in distress
And the fact that we haven’t seen Michael take control of their body like this before, never this aggressively anyway, leads me to think that something is different about this moment.
My guess is that when Adam realised Dean wasn’t going to apologise and own up for his and Sam’s actions, he got this overwhelming wave of emotion. Mainly disappointment, he knew that his brothers were awful and doesn’t forgive them for leaving him behind but he was willing to. He was willing to get some closure about their actions but they weren’t, and that’s hurts. Michael probably saw these thoughts, heard them, heard exactly how much underlying anger and pain that Adam had been hiding and it was all just now bubbling to the surface.
So Michael - the notoriously emotionally stunned Archangel he is, who already hated Dean viscerally - quickly wanted to calm Adam down and ease the pain that was going to explode any second but now Dean’s upsetting Adam!? Michael probably freaked and just shoved Adam to the back seat while he took control. Which is why his reaction was so extra because he didn’t tell Adam he was taking over he just did. Because he didn’t want Adam to hurt anymore than he already has.
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Like even Dean knew something was up, he looks them up and down and turns away like “nah, Adam’s boyfriend gone crazy y’all I’m out”
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shallowseeker · 24 days
hi shall!!!! it’s whiskey!!! i wrote this post and wanted to know your thoughts on michael believing in chuck/god so strongly because he had to, and what could’ve possibly swayed him sooner on chuck not being good? (ex: if he had been out of the cage when the it was damaged after amara was released or when jack was born) because i think knowing this information could have, considering he chooses willful ignorance. (or you could go the route that he knew somewhere deep down, but didn’t want to know, and that’s why he flipped so easily on him)
some things rattling in my head that are influencing this:
- when he first met dean, he told him that there is no such thing as free will—yet he goes out of his way to choose adam despite dean being his true vessel and part of god’s plan.
- so no matter what, he would’ve failed (as we learn later in s14…?) because chuck wanted to see a sam and dean in particular fight each other. however he didn’t know any of this. he just was under the impression that he needed to start the apocalypse and kill lucifer.
- he tells adam in 15x08 that he can’t ask the question [of why tfw believes god is playing them] because that means he doubts god—the good son, the favorite. but chuck tells lucifer that he’s his favorite! i’m currently picturing his reaction to this and it’s doing things to me.
- i agree with your post about chuck manipulating people through caring about people. it reminds me of when dean criticized jack for making promises to cas prior to his death in all along the watchtower. i do think this is why michael “went back to god” (because imo his lil speech sounds fake as hell) because he couldn’t bring adam back. so he wanted to be on his side because he thought chuck would.
- - (side note) he said his essence was pulled from their body, which begs into question where ‘away’ is, since it’s clearly not heaven. (this is in regards to chuck telling becky he sent her husband and kids ‘away’ before he did the same to her)
- the whole interaction between him and lucifer in s5. (“we’re brothers, we could just walk off the chessboard,” and michael actually looks like he wants to and says he can’t.)
sorry for this long post, i just genuinely feel like you’re the only one who gets my thoughts about this stuff and wanted to know if it tickles your brain in the same way. i’ve currently got a couple (midam-centric) fics in the works and needed to lose my mind in your inbox lol
hope you’re doing well!!!
Hello again! It seems like I confused myself on your question and smashed several things together, ehehe.
I'll try to add some thoughts on the specific things you pointed out:
michael believing in chuck/god so strongly because he had to, and what could’ve possibly swayed him sooner on chuck not being good?
Hmmm. There are a few things that we saw attenuate his behavior that are fun to consider here:
Adam. He wanted Adam to "be his guide" on Earth, showing an interest in spending time on Earth. It's interesting that his words echo Cas from 9x03: "In any event, I – I do now see how difficult life can be ...I think you'll be great teachers."
Cas. Their interactions are so fun! He fights with him! Sasses him! Cas lures him into a brawl, and then injects him with memories. And Cas is somewhat trustworthy, because instead of smiting Cas or calling him a liar, he sulks and despairs over the information, appealing to Adam for his opinion.
, As above, appealing to Adam about a difficult topic. This shows that Adam is someone he's grown to trust and identify with, and although he's sulky about it, he allows Adam to challenge him on his views (we see that he beats others that do in the past, like Zachariah, mirrored behavior with the AU version of Zacharaiah).
Arguably, the AU Michael also had the potential to turn on Chuck because "fulfilling his destiny" and tearing Lucifer apart "in the skies over Abilene" was so intensely painful and disillusioning that he named himself Destroyer of Worlds and vowed to hop worlds, destroying them until he "caught up to the old man" in order to kill him. Nonetheless, AU Michael had a moment where he longed for connection, soliloquizing to Jack about them being the same in 14x09 and later referring to the moment as "a moment of familial weakness that won't happen again."
- when he first met dean, he told him that there is no such thing as free will—yet he goes out of his way to choose adam despite dean being his true vessel and part of god’s plan.
Oh, interesting! You're right. On the one hand, this points to a zealous desperation to fight Lucifer; on the other, he's almost Forcing Destiny (TM) to happen. Is he depressed or desperately searching for some mission in a life that has no inherent/fulfilling meaning?
- so no matter what, he would’ve failed (as we learn later in s14…?) because chuck wanted to see a sam and dean in particular fight each other. however he didn’t know any of this. he just was under the impression that he needed to start the apocalypse and kill lucifer.
he tells adam in 15x08 that he can’t ask the question [of why tfw believes god is playing them] because that means he doubts god—
This makes me think about the concept of Heaven and persecution for not just actions but also thought crimes. Anna said something to that effect: We have to take it on faith... Which we're killed if we don't have.
I think this points to that Michael was also not immune to the power structure of Heaven. Of course, we can also take this as he's the originator of it... but somehow I think it spirals back to Chuck's former anger, as Metatron references enjoying Chuck's "former wrath" in 11x20, with this: "There he is. That's the guy I know!"
One might take this in summation with this line in 5x22: "What's this? Another one of God's tests?" ...as just one in a long line of Chuck's endless way of having his subjects and sons prove their love and obligations.
LUCIFER/SAM: We're going to kill each other. And for what? One of Dad's tests. And we don't even know the answer. We're brothers. Let's just walk off the chessboard.
This almost sounds like A test in a LONG LINE of tests. Hm? That's fairly cruel and would have longterm effects for both of them if so... And yes, we CAN certainly take Michael's action as a sign of "having little free will," but if it's attenuated by a long line of cruel obedience tests from Chuck, combined with Lucifer's long-running history of betrayals and Evil (TM)...
I think it's probably intertwined with a lot more than his simplified company line of Destiny (TM) than even he is willing to admit.
The anxiety/fear re; "one of dad's tests" is of particular interest to me here... Hm.
so he wanted to be on his side because he thought chuck would.
Yes, my thinking is mostly indirect, but I quite like the thought! Lucifer's words about Jack, about referencing being "on the winning team." I just thought it was an interesting way to play it that Michael might be interested in the same thing, now that he has something to lose.
I dunno how I did answering these for you @jack-deaniels but I hope you found some of this fun!
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adammilligan · 2 years
michael did not even fight BACK. do you UNDERSTAND all he wanted to do was live a peaceful little life with adam and when that was ripped from him he resigned himself to his fate and when he died he didn't even fight BACK. he didn't even STRUGGLE he didn't even MOVE
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deans-haunted-baby · 4 years
Okay I see there are those who are confused as to why most of us are pissed about 15x19 I will gladly explain in depth:
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Let’s start off with our boys Adam Milligan & Michael. These characters have not been seen for 10 fucking years. During that time there were Adam stans like myself campaigning like mad to have him and the infamous archangel return for some much needed closure. We had to content ourselves with headcanons, fanfictions and metas based on what we briefly knew of Adam and Michael as people while they unfairly sat in Hell. You might have seen the “Adam’s Still in Hell” memes that circulated. WE WAITED OVER A DECADE FOR THIS. And finally SPN answers our prayers and returns these boys back into the story for the final season. None of us anticipated what their arc and dynamic would look like. Before we could only imagine who these two characters were/are after having been trapped in a cage so long; what their personalities would be like and if they’d be antagonistic to TFW. 15x08 was a surprise because not only were Adam and Michael likable right out of the gate but the writing for them and their dynamic was damn near flawless! And Jake fucking stole the show he killed it as these two. It’s a crime they were not featured in more episodes because the chemistry between these characters is amazing and they’re played by the same dude.
We were given so much background into both Adam and Michael’s psyches in just a short period of time. Their motivations, interests and how they viewed those that wronged them (like the Winchesters); how Hell affected/changed them both and how they viewed their families. We got to see them banter, cooperate with one another and most importantly their different personalities. With Jake Abel appearing in only a handful of SPN episodes, he still fleshed out Michael and Adam beautifully; giving them layers and complexities that most side-characters (who’ve appeared more times than they have) didn’t. The way Jake played Adam’s anger and resentment towards his brothers was brilliant because it’s more under the surface compared to his angsty teenage self in 5x18. He’d become somewhat restrained, laid-back, gentler and wiser which works because Adam displays traits similar to Sam and Dean. He’s kinder and has a sense of humor but none of that distracts from rational thought as he’s quick to analyze and dissect situations. Man, he would’ve made a great hunter/Men of Letters recruit. We know right off the bat Adam’s pissed at his brothers for abandoning him in a thousand-year-prison-sentence and didn’t lift a finger BUT that ironically doesn’t compromise his willingness to help them unlike his past self in 5x18. Jake gets the point across with this character without saying much and that’s what made him so compelling to watch in this episode.
Now Michael was even more of a mystery onion since he wasn’t onscreen as much as Adam had been in past episodes so Jake got to really build on top of this character. Going from the uptight, cold-blooded merciless celestial warrior/dutiful son of God we saw in 5x22 to someone whom despite his arrogance and regal princely demeanor was very human, intelligent, fair, mindful and compassionate. He trusted Adam and respected his opinions even if he didn’t agree 100%. Whereas most angels take over the vessel completely from their original occupant; Michael chooses to share his vessel with Adam as a mutual agreement which says a lot about who he is. He’s fascinated with humanity and wanted to explore it instead of returning to his throne in the clouds. We know that Michael was created specifically to be Humanity’s protector and guardian of Heaven and Earth so these quirks he’d demonstrated in 15x08 aren’t too far off. He holds a lot of pain inside from his abandonment issues with his father whom he loves to a fault and grief over the death of his brothers. On the surface there’s very much an abused child syndrome thing going on with him though he masks it with a domineering presence. And above all this we saw that he was capable of forgiveness. Whether or not Michael always had these traits inside to begin with, its very evident that his friendship with Adam influenced the person he became post-Hell. And that was someone who, like Castiel, chose to rebel for the sake of free will by aligning himself with the Winchesters after witnessing the evil his father had committed. He actually cared about saving the world. This is what we call character development.
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What does 15x19 do? It shits all over that. We don’t get to see Adam and Michael’s dynamic at all; and this was perhaps one of (if not the first) most healthy portrayal of a relationship between an angel and its original vessel occupant in the history of Supernatural. Adam is just killed off-screen Thanos style without so much as one last word and Michael barely reacts like he gives a crap. It was just established to us in 15x08 that he’d developed an emotional bond with Adam through years of inhabiting the same body. He protected Adam while they were trapped together in Hell. They were each other’s only friend and source of comfort. They’d developed a certain co-dependency on each other while respecting one another’s space. They’d both made peace with their joint situation. All they had was each other and the writing in 15x19 basically tells us their relationship meant absolutely NOTHING to Michael based on his OOC actions in this episode. He shows up much darker and shadier now that Adam is gone and its like all those years of friendship, things like that independence, newfound strength and humility he’d gained from living with a human for so long are erased. Michael just reverts back to Chuck’s 5x22 bitchboy persona in the most ridiculous 180 shift I’ve ever seen in my whole damn life. And all because his little brother called him mean names. Pitiful. Just when he lectures Lucifer about standing up for what’s right; he betrays his own words, his allies and the rest of humanity in T-minus 2 minutes. That is total character assassination. Nothing about this motivation makes any sense.
There’s no build up to it, no foreshadowing in 15x08 or throughout 15x19 until they get to the lake. He’s completely deconstructed as a character in this episode and rendered weak. It’s like 15x08 never happened. Stripped of all his development for lousy shock value. Instead utilizing all of what he’d learned through Adam and sticking it to Lucifer by proving he could be more than what Chuck tried to mold him into; Michael becomes just another NPC in the story forfeiting the hero he was. And his reasons for siding with Chuck are never specified. Was it about about saving Adam? Was it about proving something to Lucifer (whom he’d already killed in anti-climatic fashion)? Was it all an act that he was in on with the Winchesters; cause there’s absolutely NO FUCKING WAY they could’ve predicted he’d flip on them like that for their magical plan to work. Not after everything Chuck’s done, killing Adam and Jack and leaving Michael to rot in Hell for eternity. And why would he suddenly go along with destroying the Earth when defeating Chuck would probably get Adam back (if that was his goal) which IT DID not to mention its his sworn duty to freaking protect humanity, hello? So his betrayal meant jack shit in the end as it got him killed by his fucking dad!! He’s brought back into the show only to be ruined forever and killed off in the stupidest fashion.
Moving on.
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Jack Kline & Castiel. This iron-clad relationship has been in development for 4 in 1/2 years since before Jack was even born. And next to Adam & Michael its the other most healthy relationship on the show. Castiel, a million year old celestial being, spent the first 9 years of his arc on Supernatural following around the Winchesters, being torn between his loyalty to them and to Heaven. He rebelled when he was supposed to be a straight-by-the-book warrior of God. And he defied every rule in the process even when the odds were stacked against him. There was an endless rinse and repeat cycle of love, loss, betrayal and redemption when it came to his relationship with Sam and Dean. It made his character complex, interesting and layered but it still didn’t give him an arc that was his own. Castiel started out moreso being written as just the Winchester’s angel BFF/side-kick. Until Lucifer got Kelly Kline pregnant in 12x08 then things really took off. Before this, Castiel was a lost soul. His faith was broken, he was depressed, lonely, battered and rundown from years of being conflicted over the other angels and Sam & Dean. He felt he’d lost a sense of self and meaning in his life. And didn’t have a mission. Once he turned on Heaven’s orders, Castiel was a rebel angel without a cause so to speak. But like I said this changes the moment he meets Kelly.
Originally Castiel was suppose to kill Kelly in 12x19 because she was carrying the child of the devil and Nephilim are considered forbidden abominations. Told that if Lucifer’s kid was born he could unleash even more evil into the world. But instead of doing what he thought he should, Castiel decides to runaway with her. Choosing to protect her from all threats (Lucifer, demons, other angels, princes of Hell); this especially included the Winchesters. During this short time-frame the angel develops a strong, emotional bond with Kelly and her unborn son that stretches all the way to the S12 finale; to the point where it actually gave him a power-boost. From the womb, Jack appoints Castiel to be his father and protector and he’s given a glimpse into the child’s destiny that he’ll bring paradise to the world. A prophecy that the writers establish head on. This is an unusual circumstance because right here is where Castiel’s solo arc apart from the Sam & Dean takes shape. The journey of becoming a first time parent and guardian. Its a new kind of independence that for the first time has nothing to do with his friends or his family members/colleagues in the sky. Its his own personal mission that he willingly accepts, the second he connects with Jack from inside Kelly. Castiel immediately falls in love with him, before they even see each other; and adopts the boy devoting himself to keeping him safe. Making a promise to Kelly that would later become a vital plot-point in the seasons to come.  
Castiel literally risks everything (Heaven and Earth) to ensure Jack’s birth and ends up dead by 12x23′s startling conclusion. Leaving the newborn infant Nephilim alone in the care of the Winchesters going into season 13; scared, confused and aged into a seemingly 18 year old boy for his own protection. And Alexander Calvert who is a fantastic addition to the cast really brings something wonderful to this role; he’s like a breath of fresh air and a bright light in the middle of a dark room. Jack’s naïve, innocent and curious about his surroundings but also as Castiel once put it “remarkably intuitive”. Right when he’s introduced his arc is intentionally paralleled with Castiel’s. Their alien-fish-out-of-water beginning is practically identical as is their adorable stoic facial expressions. Like father like son. And this helps because while the angel is currently dead in the beginning of season 13, there’s an empty void he’s left behind. So Jack is kind of his temporary stand-in. Odd enough this type of switcharoo would’ve been considered very controversial but it’s handled quite well. Alex is so likable and charming I almost wish Supernatural had introduced him sooner. I mean I really thought I was looking at Castiel’s actual mini-me and not the son of Satan. But I digress Jack’s story in the first half of this season is pretty much about discovery and reuniting with Castiel. He’s a baby so everything is new to him but he’s also one of the most powerful beings in the universe destined for greatness which makes the Winchesters very nervous.
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Jack remembers choosing Castiel as his dad which is why he already feels strongly connected to him. Its a bond so powerful that it actually resurrects Castiel out of the Empty the first time. Something Chuck himself was unable to do (that was until the mess that is 15x19). When they’re finally reunited the payoff comes so naturally. Misha and Alex have such a phenomenal onscreen chemistry starting with that first hug; they really play off one another so well that it doesn’t feel like two angels interacting but a genuine father and son duo. So much of what makes Jack and Castiel’s relationship so relatable, deep and endearing is because of what the actors bring to it. But they’re not just a fascinating relationship, they’re compelling on their own too. Both trying to find their way in the world and within the Winchesters’ lives. Death is no stranger to either of them (tragic being that Jack is only a toddler). They’ve each experienced their own personal pain, traumas, life lessons, mistakes and decisions. The biggest for Castiel would be his deal with the Empty to save Jack in 14x08. While for Jack it was the consequences of said deal that would lose his soul causing him to accidently kill Sam and Dean’s mom in 14x18 as a result (something that Jack struggles with immensely to the brink of depression from so much guilt and regret that he’d rather die). Repercussions that would follow into the shows final season. What’s interesting about this deal though is that Castiel made it on parental instinct alone not as a promise to Kelly. He chose to sacrifice himself for the sake of his son as a selfless act of love and kept it a secret from Sam & Dean until his death in 15x18. That’s the extent how much this child meant to him. The other great thing about their family dynamic is that it parallels nicely with the Winchesters. Castiel and Jack share this unconditional love that can never be broken. its even greater than their ties to the Winchesters themselves just as Sam & Dean’s love for each other is greater than any of their other relationships. They would do anything for each other. Castiel would go to the ends of the earth for the little nougat baby because that’s his son.  
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Each time these characters were faced with danger or died, Castiel and Jack were overcome with extreme devastation and distress. That said its not just pain that binds these two its happiness. Jack is the best thing that ever happened to Castiel. Literally becoming a father to that child saved him. It brought him back to life, restored his faith and gave him a sense of self-worth and hope he’d long since abandoned. And for Jack, Castiel is the best dad he’ll ever have! He gave this baby comfort, wisdom, nurturing, strength. Was always there when he needed him whether it was to talk or to have his back. No other person in Jack’s life has ever made such an important impact nor made him feel more safe and loved than Castiel. Even when Jack had done such a horrible thing to Mary alienating himself from his family; it was Castiel’s unyielding devotion to Jack that ended up being his salvation. This was huge because once again he’d chosen over the Winchesters proving that no matter what (whether it be the world ending) his son comes first. So when Castiel’s pact with the Empty finally comes due in 15x18 you’d think it’d have an earth-shattering affect on Jack in 15x19. I mean for the first bit it does...until he becomes God. Then its like to hell with that relationship. Castiel is a complete afterthought to Jack and the rest of TFW in this episode. JACK DOESN’T EVEN GET TO GRIEVE HIM PROPERLY. And he just lost his dad because of a deal he’d made a year ago for him. A DEAL JACK HAS BEEN FUCKING DREADING WHILE HE WAS SOULLESS MIND YOU. And when he finally has the power to bring him back, he doesn’t? Jack just walks around with a conceited smirk on his face, bids Sam and Dean adieu and fucks off. I mean who gives a shit right, its only your dad that you love more than anything. This was extremely OOC given that time in 14x14 Jack nearly lost his shit when Castiel got infected with gorgon poison; the anti-venom wasn’t working so Jack resorts to using his powers putting his soul at risk.
I mean if he was so limited to helping Castiel in the Empty AT LEAST FREAKING CLARIFIY THIS TO THE AUDIENCE. This is not about shipping a certain pairing btw. Jack becoming God is not the issue its his characterization after the fact. His first instinct would’ve been to save his dad above getting in touch with the Earth. Yes we knew this transformation was coming it was foreshowed way back in Season 12. Does that justify bad writing or character assassination?? HELL NO.
This is what I’m talking about, episode 15x19 deliberately butchers these characters and their relationships. It shat all over them. No one is behaving like themselves. The pacing is wonky and inconstant. The script feels like it underwent several rewrites and I swear there were scenes cut out. The acting is off too and maybe the pandemic could be blamed for these things but it ultimately falls on the writer. Buckleming screwed up by showing us they don’t know who the hell these characters are, their motivations nor do they give a rat’s ass. And its noticeable on screen. I’ve known better fanfiction writers for SPN than these guys. It’s like they all came back to work but just didn’t care to put the effort into it. That’s why people like me are upset and we have every freaking right to be. Some of us have been with this series for the entire 15 year run. I at least expect these characters to be handled better and for things to make sense. 15x19 doesn’t and its not satisfying its just a cruel joke. The writers and Dabb should be embarrassed to have put this out there thinking we’d just swallow it and shut up. But far as I’m concerned the only thing this episode serves is to disrespect and ruin everybody while angering long-time fans.
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verobatto · 3 years
Destiel Chronicles
It was a love story from the very beginning
Missing Each Other
Hello my friends! We are still walking over the last Destiel breakup. I'm gonna talk in this meta about how they miss each other even when they're mad at each other. Because they're two dumbasses in love.
Remember this is a summary from my season 15 metas. You can find all the links from these episodes here: X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X and X.
Come Back Home
Previous episode we saw a visual reference that linked Dean with a fish. Now in episode 15x06 we have Castiel trying to catch a (hard) fish and walking around a fishing ship, mentioning Dean to let us know, the symbolism about that sneaking fish. Castiel misses him.
Another important visual element in this episode was the lady reading a book that pictures the Destiel breakup we are witnessing and writers are making it one of the centric topics.
I'm talking about the Destiel color coded lady, with a hint of pink (happiness)...
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...reading a novel titled: "Lovers Quarrel".
An now, let's talk about the awkward Destiel phonecall.
Let me tell you that Dean didn't have to ask to talk with Castiel when he was speaking with the sheriff, but he did it anyway. Why? Because he missed Castiel.
Even so, he won't recognize it. Because he is still mad, and Castiel is still mad, then why is Dean asking for him?
Because he needed to scold him about not answering Sam's messages. Because Sam is messaging him, but Dean is not.
And then...
Look at this:
DEAN: Would you put my agent on the phone, please?
He can't lose the opportunity to talk with Cas.
SHERIFF ROY [handing the phone to Cas]: He wants to talk to you.
He wasn't happy about it, at all. As a parallel with that phonecall in season 14, in which Castiel said it was good to hear Dean's voice, this time it isn't.
DEAN: Cas. Sam's been trying to call you.
CASTIEL: I know.
DEAN: Did you check his messages?
Dean is behaving very childish here, and Castiel isn't checking the Winchester's messages, because he really wanted to move on from them, from Dean.
DEAN: Right. Smart. Why would you? Look, I don't know if you care or not, but, uh... God... Chuck... is back on the board, so watch yourself. And check your damn messages.
After this, Dean suddenly cut the call, and Castiel looks very upset about that. But thing about these words Dean told him has a hidden message:
That's so Dean, right?
A miscellaneous point I repeated so many times in all my metas from this season was, Castieo was related to people dressing green and pink and Dean with people dressing blue and pink: THIS IS BECAUSE THEY'RE EACH OTHER'S HAPPINESS.
Another symbolic reference, this time related to Dean's behavior, it's the following piece of dialogue between Dean and Sam at the beginning of the scene:
DEAN: You know they still put, um, jokes on the backs of these things. Listen to this one... What's round and bad-tempered? "A vicious circle." (...)
This is self referencing over here, my friends, because is talking about how Dean is stuck in his toxicity, and his way to "solve" his problems and repress his feelings m is a vicious circle that never ends, and he's playing in the same line, and lying to himself. The bad temper, is a reflection of Toxic Dean, and he's trapped in this vicious circle, and he needs to MOVE ON to make things changing.
And because we had people moving in this episode, it's another symbolic analogy to what Dean must do to grow up.
Bi!Dean episode and Dean's attempt to fix things with Castiel
Episode 15x07 was full of Bi!Dean subtext.
Dean is praised by a male sheriff, and we had a waitress flirting with him. And Dean rejecting her all the time. Why? Because he behaves as a married guy, married with Castiel, if you know what I mean.
We had the whole bi flag lighting when Dean was singing on the stage, and this whole sexual tension with his old friend, Castiel's mirror.
Jumping from Bi!Dean to the Destiel breakup, we had this symbolic dialogue:
When Dean found the girl at the bar, he interrogates her, but Lee, his friend, called him, and the words he says: "She went without saying goodbye?" "Well, maybe she deserved it."
This was related to episode 15x03 when Castiel walked away from Dean. It felt as if he didn't say goodbye to Dean, 'but maybe Dean deserved it.'
Keeping the drama here, we had Castiel calling Dean the whole episode and Dean not answering the phone.
Castiel came back to the bunker because he had a plan, but when things doesn't work well, he calls Dean... A lot of times. But Dean didn't answer... Just like a cheating husband. Cas lost his temper and he even shouts WHERE ARE YOU!? At the phone.
Avoiding the whole Swayze's Bar and Rocky's Bar parallels you can find in my meta link on the top of this analysis, let's just go to the 'Lovers Quarrel scene and enjoy the failed attempt from Dean to fix things with Cas... à la Dean.
Gift credit @agusvedder
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When Dean appeared at the bunker, Castiel's face is about surprise, relief, and a hint of heart eyes, Dean is acting as if nothing had happened between them, just like I expected to occur, because is his way to avoid things. But this time it won't work, because CAS recalls immediately Dean's hard words and the last call, and he recalls that THEY DIDN'T PART FRIENDS (this quote from episode 7x17 when they came back to see each other after the break up in season 6).
That's why I said Dean is trying to fix things à la Dean here, just acting as if nothing happened. It's the coward way to try to approach the love of your life.
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Awkward, horrible and wonderful, Awkward silence. The romantic tension here! Even my dog saw it. This was deliberately written and performing to show what it is: ROMANTIC TENSION.
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This was gold... because Dean's face is yelling: Uh, oh, wait, don't go, we still can chat a little... oh wait, right. Things are still bad... got it.
So, Cas changed his face, and he just threw a few words, and leaves, quickly. Dean senses this, and he just grimaced, okay... What did you expect, Dean? Things are not good. You need to use your words!
Imagine their hearts running fast, dry mouth, knowing they love each other so much and they missed each other so much. They're finally in the same room, but things are not good. Castiel is very hurt and Dean can't spell the magic words.
And now, it his wasn't enough Destiel pining for you... we had this last scene:
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Dean stares at Castiel, and Castiel feels that look, but he didn't look back at Dean. This is because Castiel is trying to show Dean how much he hurted him. The Destiel eye-fuck/eye-love making has been always their way of intimate communication. Well. Castiel cut it off here. Just like Dean did with that phonecall.
Time to Fix things. Time for Purgatory 2.0
The whole episode 15x08 showed how broken were Destiel. Dean and Castiel were shown in divided, separated, in all the frames.
We also had this...
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Castiel didn't touch Dean to heal him FOR THE FIRST TIME. This scene was very meaningful to show things are not good.
We also had the scene with Rowena, in which they were sitting far away from each other, another empty seat in the middle, and Rowena noticing this, and obviously, giving that married couple a good speech. Almost yelling at them to fix their mess.
So, if Dean and Castiel had to fix their relationship, what better than go to Purgatory again. The place where Dean realized he was in love with Castiel. Because it was pure, and his feelings and thoughts alined into one spot: THE LOVE HE FEELS FOR THAT ANGEL.
After this scene, Dean and Castiel spoke with Michael, and did you know what Michael says in one of his lines?:
ADAM: What about 'I'm sorry'?
LEGENDARY MY FRIENDS! The whole Universe was yelling at Dean to use his words and ask for forgiveness to his angel, to fix things with him. That's why karma sent them back to Purgatory.
Miscellaneous: two things I want to point about Saileen: they were mirroring Destiel the whole time, even the goodbye scene and even Dean calling Eileen as the hot woman perfect for Sam, that understands him, it was a reference to Castiel, the perfect man for Dean, that understands him and is pretty hot.
Second is the fact that Castiel cockblocked Sam and Eileen. Again, karma. 🤣
To Conclude:
The 'Lovers Quarrel' was shown in the show as one of the centric topics. GA could see and be aware of the ROMANTIC TENSION between these two.
But don't worry, the breakup is coming to it's end in the next episode. One of the most beautiful Destiel scenes, and is happening in Purgatory of love 2.0.
I hope you liked this meta, see you in the next one!
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weird-dorky-little-d @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @authorsararayne @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @teddybeardoctor @pepevons @helevetica @dizzypinwheel @horsez2002 @qanelyytha
@destielle @spnsmile @shippsblog @robot-feels @superlock-in-the-tardis @superduckbatrebel @belacoded @madronasky @anon-non2 @cea1996 @lisafu02 @asphodelesauvage @deancasgirl777
If you want to be added or removed from this list, just let me know.
If you wanna read the previous metas from season 15, here you have the links:
Buenos Aires, July 25th 2021 12:47 PM
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freetobeafcknriot · 3 years
so, i just saw 15x08 dubbed in my mother language. i'm gonna rant under the cut, i really NEED TO RANT BECAUSE—
unfortunately, my screen recorder crashed at some point, i'll see if i can download the episode in a few days because y'know, REASONS, but let me tell you that even though fabrizio de flaviis cannot compare with the emotion jake poured into every line it was good and! and! and!
when dean questioned adam about his and michael's relationship adam said: "ci siamo avvicinati nella gabbia, e sostenuti a vicenda," WHICH MEANS: "we grew close in the cage, and we supported/were there for each other." like, they didn't keep the midam/saileen parallel but they made adam say with ease that, "we grew close". OKAY.
i don't have the clip where they talk about god but i have many feelings about it because while in english adam approaches michael with patience and matter-of-factly (and i prefer the original version, mind you), in italian he sounds different. i guess it's because fabrizio's voice is smoother and honey-like so he still sounds young (not season 5 young, the difference's there, but still), point is — when adam and michael talked, it was like listening to a married couple to me. i'm not kidding, there was so much affection and ease i wouldn't have batted an eye if they'd straight up added something like honey, darling, sweetheart. they sounded that domestic even in the middle of an argument jfc
so yeah, the scene was good: michael's voice was spot on too, the way it cracked when he snapped and admitted his feelings about god... man! and adam went from lowkey-flirty and patient to concerned and understanding. i cannot
i also need a moment to drop dean's line, which translates into: "i know we abandoned you, but there is nothing that can be done to make up for it now." i mean— it was like saying 'just get over it', so when michael came out all protective and shit i was like YEAH?? GO GET 'EM WHAT THE FUCK. ugh. moving on—
the diner date. oh my STARS THE DINER DATE
michael was SO SOFT with adam in comparison with how cold and harsh he was later on with lilith and tfw!
sidenote but lilith was like: "they sent me to pick you up." and michael glared and said: "i don't let anyone pick me up."
the stark difference. he was so venomous and aloof. and it was only worse at the bunker. both he and adam actually. adam sounds uncomfortable (rightly so) in the og version. here though? he was hurt, yes, but when he came out again and told tfw "i'd cut it out, he's not listening to you." he wasn't sorry at all lmfaooo in this house we love and cherish one passive-aggressive power couple and one passive aggressive power couple only.
but back to the diner date—it was peak domesticity and i LOVE IT
MICHAEL: basically i'm alone now.
ADAM: yeah, that makes it two of us.
okay okay. here!
yes i should be studying. yes i spent time putting english subtitles in these two bits. no i'm not sorry.
adam is so happy and relaxed and michael is so enamoured and indulging and then — "sarai la mia guida."
SURE, the og you'll be my guide is much softer and i wouldn't trade it for anything, but i was like thank STARS THEY DID IT RIGHT
also. ALSO. LISTEN. i expected nothing in terms of adaptation but when adam says he should find a little job and in addition asks michael what he thinks about it — meaning it's settled: they have decided they'll stay together! — and michael looks at him and deadpanned, in disbelief even because he could provide for them both, is like, "...you want to find a little job."
idk it made me giggle, they're precious :) and then adam's like we need new clothes and stuff!, and proceeds to joke about having an archangel inside of him making me throw my hands in the hair. like, okay, i'm done.
listen. i just... i just love them. jake's interpretation is unparalled and like i said there is no comparison with the emotion he put into his lines, but given how weird the other characters sound (trust me, they do) i had zero expectations and yet here i am, grinning at them being BOYFRIENDS HUSBANDS COMPLETELY WHIPPED. like always, but this time in a different language. <3
i'll cut it out for now, i'm sorry this is all over the place and i'm sure i forgot something! but uuuhhh i needed to vent. i love them, bye
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ckneal · 4 years
One thing that I love about Michael gazing at Adam oh-so-warmly in the diner scene of 15x08, is that, if you fill in the banks with his dialogue, he’s already checked in with Heaven. He knows his brothers are dead. That’s not exactly something you can learn by skimming old obituaries. We have to assume that Michael went to Heaven, saw the lights flickering in the near-abandoned wreck that was once his thriving domain, and that six remaining angels, who have been huddled in there, terrified to leave, least the whole place break down for want of angel-battery-power, must have told him what happened to the others. I personally imagine the other angels spotting him in the hallway, and then they all start running toward him babbling, “Thank goodness you’re here, you wont believe what’s happened--!”
And Michael, who had been dragging his feet down the “A” section of the human heaven enclosures, Adam’s soul in his pocket, wondering if he should ask Adam if he still wants to be with his mom, looks up at these desperate, distant siblings of his running toward him, with their burnt wings, screaming about angel factions, Lucifer, nephilim, and death, and he just goes, “Nope, I got a better idea.”
And he flies off to the diner, where he plunks Adam’s body into a booth, going, “Look, funny human food! Because we are on earth! You will be my guide on earth, and nowhere else.” 
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laora-inn · 4 years
Supernatural - 15x19. Why it’s a good ep considering Destiel
As all of my SPN metas, it’s Destiel positive and happy end positive, don’t like - don’t read.
I wasn’t disappointed of this ep’s outgoing, in fact, I’ve been waiting for something like that.  Here in September I wrote my specs for the last 7 eps, and for 15x19 there was one: “they will not talk about Cas’s saving. And he will be dead in this episode for sure”. I was especially sure about this spec after 15x18. ‘Cause THE INTRIGUE guys. 
There is no intrigue at all - only Cas’s returning/saving in 15x20 could SAVE THE SHOW. Other way - it’s never too late to rebel :) Though I don’t think it will be necessary, not in this case.  So I liked the 15x19 outcome and my hopes for the DeanCas happy end are strong as ever. 15x19 made them stronger. 
I liked a lot of things in the ep - so, so many of them. Jack and Dean’s grieving. Blood mark on Dean’s jacket. Sam and Dean’s readiness to surrender. Dean’s demand for Chuck, to return Cas - though ONLY CAS AND DEAN THEMSELVES COULD DO IT. Luci’s comeback as a fact - I speculated about it a bit here, though I thought more of Nick calling to Luci. But Nick was also Chuck’s puppet, why not?  Luci’s playing Cas - “let me in”. We saw Dean’s weakness, so clear that it hurts and could be even uncomfortable to watch. We ALL understood that was a coy the moment Luci called I suppose - but not Dean. And THIS FACT alone is nice - not the details though.  Michael’s tragedy, though hidden and not well-played - but it was there.  Chuck’s inability to love. The whole metaness of his character - “I’m cancelling your show” again. His death wish. Sam and Dean’s revenge neglect. “That’s not who I am. That’s not who we are”. Chuck as a human, without his strength. It’s strange, but I think he could be happy now! If he’ll change something in himself, of course.  Chuck’s empty Book of Death. His book is empty now, there will be no new Death... and he can start from the beginning. He can write his own story now and be redeemed - despite all the things he had done. It’s a new page for him as well. Chuck finally could be free himself.  The way Jack became the new Almighty AFTER exploding in the Empty. THE EMPTY IS THE ONE THAT GAVE HIM THE STRENGTH, it’s not the enemy. I wrote about it here.   Amara’s mentioning - and it was Sam who asked about her, she was important for both Sam and Dean all the way.  Beautiful acting - they certainly did their best with the script given. 
The way how the children should be free of their parents - Michael and Luci from Chuck, Sam and Dean from Chuck - and their dad, his name even wasn’t curved on the table by the end of the ep and despite the kind words to John in 14x13 we saw in 15x16 and 15x17 how destructive was John’s impact on Dean - not at Sam, ‘cause Dean was protecting Sam all along. Jack from Sam and Dean - this freedom is blurred though ‘cause of Cas’s absence in the episode structure. But his freedom is a good thing itself - for Jack it’s impossible to be a human, Kelly believed that. Cas believed that. Cas saw paradise on earth - so Jack’s chosen fate was in being a Child who is everywhere, in all of us, who doesn’t play with us, but lets us act ourselves. He isn’t the God as we understand him in strict norms, he isn’t cruel and abusive.  And he should be free of any expectations from Sam and Dean - Cas said it in 15x18 to him. Jack is a grown-up in his own manner. He is independent now, and that’s a good thing. 
Also, there is a promise in these shots:
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We see these shots 3 times - before Jack returns all the humans, in the process of returning (see the girl whose bike was abandoned at the road at the end of 15x18 and at 15x19 beginning?) and when he talks about him being everywhere.  One More. The One.  Is Jack the One now? Is he the one more One?  Is it ONE MORE EPISODE? One more story? One more thing? One more... You can continue the thought if you want. All I want to say - these shots are visually important and I find them hopeful :)
I liked Sam and Dean in the end. I’m a Destiel shipper but I’ve never hated Sam and Sam and Dean’s relationship. I just think it’s not good for this relationship to be romantic - it’s not good for both of Sam and Dean. But I respect them and their bond and don’t see anything bad for DeanCas ship in it. In fact, it’s quite the opposite - Sam was helping both Cas and Dean all the time. I’m afraid of thinking what will happen without him. Nothing good I suppose. I liked the way this scene was filmed. It’s also hopeful for me - though the double reading here is possible.  But I think “just us” is not the end.  I liked the names curved on the table as the fact. Now it’s confirmed - they ARE a family. All of them.
I liked the choice of the song - Running on Empty. Wow. Symbolically - ‘cause the Empty in the story is the separate character AND the place, you know. I liked a clip-show at the end. It’s nostalgic and sweet, and it has Cas in it - he IS the part of that, not only as Dean’s love interest, hey. He has his own party.  Here the story of blood ends.  What’s next?
We’ll wait and see. 
And now - some things in 15x19 which left me disappointed. 
I must confess that I’ve always loved SPN myth-arcs and wasn’t noticing Destiel as a thing for a while because my interests weren’t in the field of shipping. This show wasn’t about shipping for me - and the weirdest, it isn’t about shipping for me now. It’s a DAMN GOOD STORY WITH THE SENSE. And the sense is love. Yep. 
So this episode didn’t do well with the myth-arc.  
You see, I kinda enjoyed some of Buckleming eps. For instance, 15x13 - I love it, and there are some more. I’ve even appreciated their lack of subtext, parallels, allusions sometimes. They could be very specific. One more example - when Dean in 11x03 cupped Cas’s face, it was very easy to understand the ROMANTIC nature of their relationship and stuff.
But this ep?! 
Pandemic situation added some stress I suppose. Nevertheless, all the story with Lucifer and Michael is just catastrophic. The only strong part was Lucifer telling Michael how Chuck can’t love - and the fact that his words were confirmed by the plot, and Chuck’s inability to love finally ended him. We’ve known that. We’ve predicted that. I’ve written about it here. 
“You’ve killed your own son” (c) Dean, who didn’t do that.   
But the rest part of this story---ugh. Killing Luci so easily? Michael is so plain as a character? Are you f*cking kidding me?!! Even AU!Michael was more interesting, I swear. I had a feeling that I myself could write this part of story better. And it’s not about lack of Cas as Dean’s love interest or hope for his returning, or for DeanCas whatever, I’m pretty sure we will get all of that. It’s about the myth-arc only! One of the main ones from season 4! 
All this epic story of Luci and Mike could be done much more better. Like WAY MORE BETTER. With the same convo, you know,with the same outcome, which is absolutely correct - we are not supposed to serve our parents. But different details, WTF! And that’s my main point here. 
There are some other things that I’m disappointed about, though less:   1) Betty the Reaper was a total WTF either despite of her eager lines. 2) I need more explanations about how exactly Jack gained his new power, how is he reunited with Amara, how he returned all the people BUT NOT Donna, Bobbie, Charlie, Jody, Eileen, Cas - not the people HE cares about. Or they are not important for him now? This thing could be resolved in 15x20 though. 3) I didn’t like physical violence from Chuck. A) I have some doubts if he can properly do it, he like to watch. What’s changed? I’m not convinced. B) I felt physical pain from that scene. It was awful. It all could be showed for us in a different way, but they didn’t want that. 4) I didn’t like how Chuck’s mind changes every second. I don’t kill you, I don’t care about you, you’ll live and suffer, no, I’ll kill you. It could be written more properly, but hey. This part is much more harder to fix that Luci and Mike’s. 5) I didn’t like the dog move. Like AT ALL. I loved Jensen’s kind voice and his acting, but: A) all these doggy parallels are not for me, I didn’t like how Cas was called a dog before - in Buckleming eps specifically (and that terrible parallel in 8x15!), but not only there. I didn’t like when Atropos called Sam and Dean Cas’s pets either. Not my kink, sorry - and it’s JUST TOO THICK; B) it’s classic move. So classic that it’s dumb! The Bad Guy always hurts some cute pets. Kitties, doggies, birds whatever. That’s how we are supposed to understand that he is Bad. Hey, we all know that Chuck is bad. Why to add something? To mess with Destihellers? Not helping here. 6) The moment with Luci instead of Cas (for Dean, for Jack) could be less “haha gays” and more proper either I guess. It feels more like a mocking to me the way it is, whether the idea was good. Luci played Cas for Dean before (11x11, 11x14), as he played Jess for Sam and Sarah for Nick, and he played a father for Jack. He was in his place there - a mock from Chuck. But you can’t blame Chuck on the poor writing ALL THE TIME. 7)  Also the music. It just didn’t feel right.
8) The end for Jack is right... but also somehow confusing, like something is omitted. Or SOMEONE. You know whom.
Someone whose absence also made Michael so plain, I suppose. 
Jack’s story started with Cas, I think it couldn’t end without him. Jack was so devastated to hear about his death - and all is OK in the finale? ‘Cause he is the Almighty now? And Michael - he was also connected to Cas, we saw it in 14x10, in 15x08 - all the way actually. There should be some mentioning of Cas from Michael I think. Not from the DeanCas point of view - it’s Adam who noticed something in 15x08, not Michael, Michael was angry with Cas. But somehow their connection made Michael stronger as a character. Okay, he is not strong enough to rebel. But that’s Cas who said that! He said that he felt sorry for Michael, that it’s Lucifer who was always the smart one. 
Without this context Michael isn’t easy to understand - though we heard that Adam is erased and I liked that. That’s a hint - Michael had a strong will when he had Adam, without Adam he is lost, just like AU!Michael was. 
I think he is lost because he killed his Lucifer - in both cases. He gave Chuck his ending - and Chuck can’t respect that, he doesn’t like that. He doesn’t like to win.  So Michael couldn’t rebel though he’d known about Chuck’s motives from Cas, and not because of love, but because him being a cuck.  And all this will be much more easier to understand with Cas’s mentioning. But NO. We had a dog instead. Like WTF again??? 
The Jack’s part could be fixed in 15x20 I suppose. But not Michael’s part.  Well, sorry for him.  Now I must add the myth-arc was also connected with Cas all along. He is not just the main hero’s love interest - well, HE IS, but he has also his role in the plot. HE IS A REAL TRICKSTER of the show, the rebellious one, the rule-breaker - at all levels. So without even MENTIONING him in the main myth-arc all this arc looks like a card house, and not as proper as Luci’s card house from this ep was. 
This arc deserved much more better. It deserved Cas as a trickster. Don’t like him even mentioned ‘cause he’s also Dean’s love interest? Well, say good-bye to a proper myth story. And that’s a shame, in my opinion. 
‘Cause 15x20 could be 15x19 and vice versa and both eps could win ‘cause of that. 
Well, that’s the reality we live in. And we’ve got so much goodness already. We should be thankful for that. 
9) Who the hell is curved Jack and Cas’s names on the table? Sam and Dean? Jack? With Mary, it had sense, with all these flashbacks. I understood she curved her name herself. What’s for Cas and Jack? What’s the point? Dead for good? I know that’s NOT the point. So what is it? I can’t understand it here. 
We need continuation, guys! :)
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freckledhoneybeez · 4 years
All I am going to do in the next lines is to talk about Destiel. I’m warning you. So, here I go.
Sorry If my english is not perfect, I’m spanish (:
So, Destiel. Big part of the Supernatural fandom ships it, and 98% porcent of the fandom knows at least what it is.
 But, what makes Destiel so special? 
Let’s take a look at it. Castiel rescued Dean from hell, becoming like that, the biggest reason Dean is alive AND the first angel Dean ever saw.
Since Castiel did this, his feelings have been developing and he has been  becoming everytime more sensible and human. All of Cas’ feelings, or at least most of them, were are actually towards Dean Winchester, the man who taught him compassion and loyalty.
“You’re confusing loyalty and compassion with weakness”  — Castiel to Michael, 14x10 “Nihilism”
But, if you try to remember, Castiel used to think just like Michael in that aspect. Many, many seasons ago. When he was still serving heaven, with the mission stuck on his head. But what happened again? Right, Dean Winchester.
In season 5, JUST one season after Dean and Cas met each other, Castiel was already rebelling against heaven to save him. He and his brother.
“I’m hunted. I rebelled. And I did it, all of it, for you”  — Castiel to Dean, 5x02 “Good God, Y’All!”
And many people think that when Castiel said that, he reffered to both brothers when he said “for you”. Well, no. Because then he said “And you failed. You and your brother destroyed the world”. That “you and YOUR BROTHER”  (emphasizing on “YOUR BROTHERRR”) lets us know that with “you” he was talking to Dean.
 And I’m not trying to say that Cas doesn’t love Sam, and actually that’s another thing: Would Sam and Cas die for each other? Yes, they would. Would they give everything to save each other? Yes, they would. But that’s because they love each other like family. Like a best friend, or a brother. The deal with Dean and Cas, goes beyond friendship, beyond brotherhood, it becomes something bigger. 
“Dean and I do share a more profound bond” — Castiel to Sam, 6x03 “The Third Man”
Do you get my point? Yeah, you do. 
In 15x03 we witnessed something sad. Something depressing. Something that kept me crying all nights (actually, yeah) and made me think that my Destiel would be just forgotten.
But, then 15x08 aired. Adam came back from the cage (yey adam! :D) and something very beautiful happened.
D: (...) What happened to you... you’re a good man. You didn’t deserve that. 
A: Hm... since when do we get what we deserve?
In that moment, that BEAUTIFUL moment (I will never stop saying I love Adam and I know this has nothing to do with Destiel but I love Adam hah), Adam looked at Cas, and then he left the room. 
When Adam wasn’t there anymore, Dean and Cas stared at each other for a few seconds. Not much time, because they literally had a fucking portal to purgatory open in that room, but it was enough to express a lot. Have you ever heard that adage of “one look is worth a thousand words”? Well, that few seconds meant so much.
And, the next episode, brought Destiel back to the game. 
“Cas, Cas, I hope you can hear me, that wherever you are it’s not too late. I should have stopped you. You’re my best friend but I just let you go.. ‘cause that was easier than admitting that I was wrong. I, I don’t know why I get so angry. I just know that I know that it’s just always been there.. and when things go bad it, it just comes out and I, I can’t stop it .no matter how, how bad I want to I just can’t stop it… and I, I for..forgive you, of course I forgive you! I’m sorry it took me so long… I’m sorry it took me til now to say it.. Cas, I’m so sorry”
— Dean to Castiel, trough prayer. 15x09 “The Trap”
Well, first of all, I started to cry like a crazy bitch when this happened. Dean definitely regrets what he said to Cas, and he starts to lose hope in that Castiel ever forgives him. But Cas does, and we can actually see how Deans starts to feel complete again. Moment. By. Moment. 
In conclussion, and trying to not make this a 3000 words essay. Dean and Castiel have been trough a lot together. They complement each other. The bond they share is not just because Castiel gripped Dean out of hell, but because they have done and will do everything to see each other happy. They fight. Of course they fight, but they always find their way back to each other’s arms.
 People that doesn’t ship Destiel: look, I get it. I totally get it. But you, non-shippers, can’t deny this. This is love, a love story. The angel that gave up heaven for one man. The man that cleaned purgatory to save his angel, and I’m sure that if I stop writing right now, there will still be lots and lots of reasons for Destiel to exist.
 Destiel is not just wanting them to be together because they “look good together”. Not even because “they have chemistry”. It’s because they would love each other for eternity. Problems doesn’t matter. Just the two of them, believing in each other when nobody else does. Carrying each other until they finish their goal. Taking care and understanding themselves, to take care and understand each other. 
That is Destiel. That’s why the Fandom loves it, and that’s why it will always be canon, even if they don’t confess their love in camera.
(however, dear SPN writers, it would be great if you make it canon. Very great, actually. If you do that, I will forgive you for all the cruel things you’ve done. Thank you)
So, if someone still wonders...
why Destiel? What makes Destiel so special?
The simple fact that, they mean past, present, and future to each other, and they always will.
And I shouldn’t be crying while writing, should I?
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I Tried // Adam Milligan X Reader
A/N: I remember seeing Jake Abel in ‘Percy Jackson and the Lightning Theif’ and loving him. Then when I found out he was in Supernatural about a few years ago I flipped bro. He didn’t deserve all those years stuck in the cage, I feel so bad for him :(( bUT NOW HE’S BACKKK
Requested: No
Warnings: Mild angst, some talk about death, cursing
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Not my gif!! (Please tell me if you, the owner, would like me to take the gif down!)
Five years ago...
You sat at your computer in the bunker’s library. The library was dark, the only light being emitted from your screen. It was almost 6am and you weren’t getting anywhere with your research. You angrily closed a tab in your computer and rubbed your face, fighting sleep.
You took a deep breath and went back to your research. Just then, the lights of the library turned on, making you jump. You looked over to one of the entrances and saw both Winchester brothers standing in the doorway.
“(Y/n)?” Sam asked. “What are you doing up so early?”
You stammered, trying to look for an excuse or right words to say.
“I-I was looking for a case. We haven’t had one in at least a week so I-I figured I would do you guys a favor and search for one.”
Dean sighed, knowing you were lying.
“Hey,” The elder brother pulled up a chair next to yours. “What’s going on?”
“I already told you. I’m searching for a case-” You lied.
“Tell us the truth.” Sam pressured.
You sighed in defeat and pushed your laptop over to the men. They were able to see the many tabs you had pulled up about different types of spells for something.
“Do you remember what day it is?” You asked them.
Dean suddenly looked at you in panic. “Oh god, it’s not your birthday, is it? I could have sworn it wasn’t for a couple more months-”
“No, Dean. It’s not my birthday.” You interrupted him.
Sam, who was still looking through the tabs on your computers, looked back to you.
“Then what day is it?”
You gulped, forcing any upcoming tears or sobs that were trying to make its way out.
“It’s May 13th, the day that Adam was thrown into the pit with Michael.” You told them.
A harsh silence echoed throughtout the whole bunker. The three of you stared at each other while you waited for an answer from the two brothers. Sam could see memories flashing in his mind about the day that he threw himself, Lucifer, Michael and Adam into the pit. Guilt wallowed inside of him, remembering that he and Dean were forced to leave their half-brother in the cage.
They never really tried to get him back, thinking that they couldn’t bring him back or save him at all. It’s been five years now, and not a day didn’t go by when you didn’t think of the boy.
You had only known each other for a couple days before he said yes to the archangel. He was a sweet and funny guy even if he did have that Winchester attitude, the two of you got along very nicely since you were just a couple years younger than him. You weren’t together, but flirtations were exchanged, it was definitely one weird relationship.
When you were told by the brothers that they couldn’t save Adam too, you were crushed. It was strange, you barely knew Adam but your heart still ached knowing that you couldn’t save him.
A small tear slid down your cheek until you wiped it away as fast as you could, pretending as if nothing happened. You grabbed your laptop back from Sam and went through a couple tabs.
“It’s been five years now, and we haven’t brought him back yet. I’ve been up for the past few nights trying to search for another way to bring him back...”
“I know that I’m this close to finding the solution to getting him out of the cage, I swear it. I just need more time to find it and-”
“(Y/n)!” Dean called out to you, causing you to turn your head to him.
Dean had a guilty and bleak expression on his face, Sam looking at the floor, away from you.
“We can’t bring him back, you know that.” His words sympathic.
You shook your head. “No, no we found a way to bring Sammy back, didn’t we? If we brought Sam back then we can find another way to get Adam.”
“(Y/n), we were lucky to raise Sam out of Hell. You heard Cas, one person out and that’s it.” Dean insisted.
“We got Sam out! We can get Adam back out too! We have to get him out of there, he’s been there for five years now and...” You choked out, shielding your tears from the boys with your hands.
Sobs came from you and the two men slowly, but surely, wrapped their arms around you in a hug to comfort you. Tears cascaded down the two brother’s cheeks as well, a heavy pit in their stomachs from the constant guilt.
“He’s never coming back, is he, guys?” You whispered in between sobs.
Sam and Dean took glances between each other, sadly.
“No. No, he isn’t, sweetheart.” Sam admitted.
You felt like a failure. You were the one who was supposed to keep Adam away so he couldn’t say yes and now he was stuck in the cage for the rest of his life. He’d be totured for eternity all because you couldn’t save him.
The only sounds in the bunker were your cries.
Present time...
Somewhere inside a small diner, Jaci’s Red Wagon, a man sat at a booth waiting for his food. A waitree brought him his first order, a cheeseburger with fries. She sets the food onto the table and left the man to eat.
The man, Adam, grabbed his food and took a large bite into the burger, hungrily. He moaned in satifaction at the taste and happily chewed on his meal.
“You know that stuff will kill you, right?”
“Worth it.” He replied to the voice. “Michael, I haven’t seen a burger in 10 years.”
A hand from the other side of the booth grabbed a french fry from his plate and inspected it. Michael, inside of Adam’s mind, chuckled a bit and set the fry back on the plate.
“Go for it, kid.”
“You know, I know I don't need to eat. It just tastes so damn good.” Adam said as he picked up a fry and ate it.
“I wouldn’t know. I don’t know much about any of this. You'll be my guide.” Michael looked around the diner to all of the people eating and talking to people.
Adam saw the same waitress come back with a pan of pepperoni pizza, pushing his burger plate aside to make room for the pizza. The lady gently set the food onto the table in front of Adam, whose breath hitched at the sight of the delicious food.
He quickly thanked her and she responded with a smile and nod. Once she walked away, the blonde boy sniffed the amazing aroma of pizza and started to shake on some parmesan cheese and pepper.
“So, what about you? You gonna go back to heaven?” He asked the archangel.
The angel inside Adam’s head pursed his lips.
“I don't know. My brothers are dead. My father never returned. In so many ways, I'm alone.” He answered.
Adam thought about his own family. His mother and father were dead, and his half-brothers that didn’t even care about him.
“Yeah. Same here. It’s not like I have family waiting to see me.”
“You have the Winchesters, your brothers.” Michael added, a little confused on why he didn’t think of them first. “I met them once, and they let me rot in Hell.” Adam corrected him, wiping his mouth with a napkin.
“What about the girl? (Y/n) (L/n)?” The angel pondered.
Adam remembered the kind (h/c) hair colored girl who was a close family friend to the brothers. She was about his age, maybe a couple or few years younger, but he remembers liking her a lot. (Y/n) always made sure he was comfortable and occupied, and man did he feel guilty about disobeying her to say yes to the archangel inside him now.
“I...I don’t even know if she’s still them. Most likely she is since she was friends with them first but,” Adam thought carefully about his next words. “I doubt she even remembers me anymore. It’s been 10 years, anyway.”
Adam and Michael looked at each other knowingly. Both having similiar situations and because they had been left in the cage for so long, the two had become almost like friends. They’d created a sort of relationship within each other, neither completely taking over the other.
“Family.” Michael scoffed.
“Family sucks.”
A little while later after finishing all his meals and then ordering some cake for desert, Adam laid back in the comfy booth, looking around at all the people. He glanced over to some of the waitresses working, picking up plates and cleaning tables for their job.
“Maybe I should pick up some kinda little job.” He blurted out.
“A little job?” Michael asked, a little confused.
“Yeah. Yeah, I mean, these are the same clothes we went to hell in. We're gonna have expenses, right? And whatever change I had, I spent on food, so, it's not like I can go back to college,” Adam chuckled. “Not with an archangel inside of me.”
The man hadn’t noticed someone sneaking up behind him, and a hand rested onto his shoulder. Adam looked up to the person and saw a blonde haired woman smiling down at them.
“Hello, Michael.”
Adam’s eyes glowed a bright blue, signifying that he was no longer at the wheel, but instead the angel.
“Lilith.” He growled.
The woman let go of his shoulder and walked over to the other side of the booth.
“You’re dead.”
“Was. Now,” Lilith turned to him and swung her hips. “I’m back, baby.”
She sat down at the other seat, her face turning serious. “And I’ve been sent to fetch you.”
“I'm not accustomed to being fetched. Who sent you?” Michael questioned, his voice low.
“You have to ask? Your daddy. God. Yeah, he'd like a word.” Lilith answered him, Michael’s expression turning to mild shock and confusion.
“You're lying.”
“Really not.” The demon took a finger full of cake frosting into her mouth.
“Then why would he send you, a demon, a speck of infernal bile?” He spat at her.
Lilith’s face turned mockingly sad and offended. “One, ouch. Two, maybe because we worked together before. Remember? Setting off the Apocalypse?”
“To try and bring God back.” Michael corrected her.
“Right. Didn't work then, but then he came back on his own. So, win?”
Michael’s face grew closer to her but remained emotionless.
“If that's true if...he can come talk to me himself.”
The female demon just rolled her eyes.
“Yeah. Except, I'm not supposed to leave without you.” Lilith told him, staring into his eyes.
“Get out.” He threatened, voice dripping with venom.
“Michael,” Lilith reached over and grabbed his wrist firmly. “I can’t fail him.”
Michael stared hard at the hand at his wrist then turned to face Lilith, eyes glowing blue once more. The demon started to glow a bright yellow and bright light, enveloping the whole diner.
Once it had disappeared, all that was left in Lilith’s place was a piece of black clothing. Michael carefully looked around the resturaunt to see everyone staring at him in awe. People started to whisper about what had just happened and the archangel sighed.
“Remember nothing.”
With that, he snapped his fingers and all the customers and workers went back to doing what they had done before, as if nothing had even happened. Michael and Adam pushed away the plate of cake, no longer hungry.
Michael and Adam could hear Castiel praying to them, well mainly Michael but technically it was both since they shared a body. Michael felt himself get angry at Castiel’s words about his father. He believed that God, their father was their enemy? The archangel could only scoff at that.
Still, he sent a message to Castiel through the angel radio. He told him to meet them at a warehouse, someplace where they could talk alone and privately.
The trenchcoated angel was walking around the warehouse, waiting for his brother. He could sense that he was near, but not visible yet.
“Michael?” Castiel called out.
The sound of flapping wings came from behind him so he turned to find Michael, still inside Adam’s body, standing there.
“Thank you. Thank you for coming.” The archangel only stared at him. “Do you remember me?”
“You called me ‘ass-butt’ and set me on fire. And then you helped send me to Hell.” Michael replied, menacingly.
Castiel looked down awkwardly at the floor, remembering the moment. “I did.”
“And now what? You've come to tell me that God, my father, creator of all things, is my enemy?” Michael glared hard at the angel. “Or maybe you just came to beg for forgiveness.”
Castiel lightly smirked.
“Oh, I didn’t come to beg.”
A lighter flicking open in Cas’ hand caught the man’s attention. He dropped it onto the floor of the warehouse and a ring of fire began to burn around Michael, trapping him inside.
Michael looked around the fire in a slight panic before returning his gaze to Castiel, whose face showed slight regret. The sound of plastic curtains moving made him turn towards the entrance, three figures emerging from the dark.
Adam and Michael could see the figures turn into Sam and Dean Winchester, but what caught Adam’s eye inside of his own mind was the (h/c) short haired female standing beside them. (Y/n) had definitely aged, but not too much, still looking as beautiful as the day he met her. Her hair much short and a little taller than before.
Your breath hitched as you saw Adam, or Michael since that’s who was in control at the time. Ten years and he hadn’t changed that much. Older, yes but he still looked like the boy you left in Hell all those years ago. Keeping a straight face, you held up a pair of angel cuffs and showed it to him.
Knowing what was about to happen, Michael turned to his brother with a sneer.
“Castiel, what have you done?”
After capturing Michael and taking him back to the bunker in cuffs, you all stood in one of the interrogation rooms. You could feel the tension was so thick that even an angel blade couldn’t cut it. The four of you stood on the opposite side of the room, facing a powerless archangel as he stared back at you.
“Even for you, especially for you, this is stupid.” Michael commented.
“Good to see you, too Mike.” Said Dean, sarcastically.
Michael looked at each one of you, looking at Dean then to his brother.
“Sam. You look well. Last time I saw you in the Cage...”
“Yeah, it doesn’t matter.” Sam said in an almost whisper.
You could feel Michael’s eyes on you as he came closer to you all. There was a brief silence as you felt his eyes staring down at you. All you could do was just look away, wanting to see Adam, not Michael.
“We need your help. God-” Sam began to say until he was interrupted by the archangel.
“I’ve heard. Repeatedly.” Michael glanced over to where Cas stood as he sat down in the chair.
“Well then you’re aware-”
“I’m not aware of anything. You're asking me to trust you. You, who doomed me, you, who let Lucifer walk free while your own brother sat in hell.” He barked, feeling protective of the youngest Winchester he grew close to.
You were close to crying. You had tried for years to get Adam back but failed. Eventually, the brothers had convinced you that there was no way of getting him out. Dean looked down at the floor in guilt.
“Doing what we do, we've had to get used to losing people.” Sam tried to tell him.
“Probably a little too used to it.” You added, speaking for the first time.
Cas glanced over to you in concern, but you just looked to him with your lips in a thin line then back to Michael. Adam, inside his own head, could feel himself getting a bit jumpy inside after hearing your voice after so long.
“With Adam, we said goodbye because we thought we had to. We were wrong.”
Michael stared down the man with hard eyes. He always wondered if the brothers ever tried to get Adam back, but apparently not. But if the Winchesters didn’t try, did (Y/n)?
“Well, don't tell me.” Michael said, shaking his head. “Tell him.”
You all stared at him, confused, not understanding what he meant by that. Suddenly, his eyes flashed a blue glow, his body straightening up. Adam glanced to Dean, to Sam, then finally you. He pulled his lips into a short smile.
“Hey, (Y/n),” He then looked to his brothers. “Sam, Dean.”
Your lips formed into a wide grin, happy to hear the real Adam’s voice. It was deeper than when you first met him but that didn’t matter. You just wanted to go up to him and give him the tighest hug ever then never let go.
“Adam.” You said in a small whisper.
You were just about to go run up to him when you were stopped by the arm of Castiel. His eyes telling you stand down and wait until they were done talking first. Hesitantly, you silently agreed. Adam felt a bit upset, he wanted to hold you more than anything as of right now.
“Adam?” Asked Sam, trying to confirm it was really him.
Adam jokingly raised his hands, pretending as if he was about to attack. You would have laughed if it weren’t for the current situation.
“Wait, Mic-Michael lets you talk? I mean, he lets you be?” Questioned Dean.
You were actually just as surprised as the boys, remembering when Dean said yes to Michael to kill Lucifer and he ended up being overriden by the angel for a while.
“Uh, yeah.” Adam nodded. “In the Cage, we came to an agreement. We only had each other.”
Needless to say, you were kind of impressed, actually. You’ve never seen an angel and a vessel come to an agreement or be at peace within each other. It was always the angel being the one at the wheel, never really the vessel.
But it also pained you as you heard Adam’s words. It was just the two of them for so many years, only them in the cage after Sam and Lucifer left. If you had tried harder, maybe they both could have gotten out earlier.
“Adam, look, I know we bailed on you, okay, and there is nothing that we can say to fix that.” Dean admitted to him.
The blonde just sighed.
“How about an ‘I'm sorry’?”
After being trapped in Hell for so many years, all he wanted was an apology from his family. Your heart broke, thinking of the toture he must have gone through and how much pain he felt about being abandoned. Adam was strong, a humble man for only wanting an ‘I’m sorry’.
Adam’s eyes glowed blue for a moment and he grunted, moving around in his cuffs and seat. Michael was back now.
“Enough. Why am I here?” Michael questioned.
Cas spoke up after being quiet for a while. “Michael, we needed to speak with you because God is back. You didn't think the Cage just opened on its own, did you?”
“If my father is back, he will usher in Paradise.”
“No, he won't.” Michael turned to you. “Because Paradise is boring, and your dad...he's just looking to be entertained.” You explained, recalling about when Chuck killed Jack.
“Which means we're his puppets. All of us, especially you.”
The archangel stood up furiously, his face brooding.
“I won't hear this. You're lying.” Michael pointed each and every one of you. “I don't know what your agenda is, but you're lying.” He swore, not wanting to back down on his loyalty to his father.
“Michael...” Cas began to say until Adam managed to switch back with the archangel.
“Hey. It's Adam.” He chuckled, you smiling softly at him.
“I'd give it a rest. He's not listening.”
You and the boys sighed in defeat. Michael was too loyal to his father, not wanting to believe anyone who questioned God’s orders. This was going to be tough.
Later, after the you and boys had left Adam and Michael, Adam, still in the angel cuffs, tried to convince the archangel about joining his brothers.
“So, I've been thinking. Maybe they're not lying.” Adam said as he sat down at the desk in the middle of the room.
Michael, standing on the side, scoffed at his words.
“H-Hear me out. Sam, Dean and...(Y/n) try to be on the right side of things. They actually do. They tried to talk me out of taking you on, for example, out of all of this.” Adam began.
“So, you forgive them?”
“Oh, hell no! No. But that's not what this is about.” Adam faced Michael. “It's...look, if they tell you something's off with God, it's because they believe it's true. And if they believe it, it probably is true.”
You were about to come into the room to talk to Adam with a couple beers, you could hear him talking to someone. But you knew no one else was in the room because no one was replying to him, it was just his voice. You paused before entering, waiting.
“You and I have been together for years. My father and I have been together for eternity. I exist because he willed it.” Michael exclaimed, though you couldn’t hear it.
“So he's having a mid-eternity crisis!” Adam turned to his friend. “Or!...Or, maybe you don't know your dad as well as you think you do.”
You snickered under your breath, now realzing he was probably talking to Michael in his mind. He made a point, Michael didn’t know his father all that well, just like how you and the Winchesters thought you knew him too.
In the room, Michael was about to go off on Adam but instead just turned to face the wall. He walked up the small pairs of steps up to the upper floor.
“The point is parents keep secrets, right? Does it hurt to ask the question?”
Gripping the railing tightly, Michael snapped.
“Yes! It would! It would mean that I doubt him. The good son, the favorite, doubts his father.”
Adam leaned in as close as he could to Michael.
“You still care about that? After he left you in the Cage?” 
Adam knew he had truly set off something inside of Michael. He could see his nose flaring from anger and his neck began turning a slight red. Hearing no more talking, you took your chance to enter the room.
“Glad to know that at least one of you believes us.”
Adam looked away from Michael to see you entering the room, two beers in hand. He straightened himself up in his seat, smiling slightly.
“I brought some beers, hoping we could maybe talk.” You asked, setting the alcohol onto the table.
“Yeah, I guess I could use a beer after not having one for 10 years.” Adam teased you.
It wasn’t very funny to you, though. Ten years without Adam, ten years he had suffered. Five years ago when you officially gave up on trying to bring him back, you remembered Sam and Dean telling you how nothing could be done. You lived those next five years thinking you would never see him again. And now, here he is.
“Did you ever try?” You looked up to him, his expression more serious. “Did you at least ever try to get me out?”
“Oh Adam, if you knew the amount of times I tried to make a deal, looked up a spell- hell anything that would even have the slightest chance to get you out of the Cage...” You stopped for a moment. “I didn’t give up until Sam and Dean had to get me out of my spunk. I spent so many nights of research for you that I still have the eyebags.”
Adam laughed at your joke, you joining him as it echoed throughout the room. When it died down, a comfortable silence replaced it. You and the blonde male just took a moment to stare at one another, taking in each other’s presence.
“I tried, Adam. I really did. But...it was never really enough. I was never enough to save you. I am so, so sorry.” You cried softly.
A tear escaped down your cheek and your controlled breathing was the only sound. Adam could see it in your eyes, you really did try. His brothers, the ones who didn’t even try, were the ones who convinced you otherwise. Out of the corner of his eye, Michael stood behind you, looking at the blonde. He lightly smiled and nodded.
“Well...you did try more than I think my brothers could,” You peeked at Adam through your tears. “I forgive you.”
You stared at him in shock, he just forgave you that quick? If that were you, it would have taken probably years to accept an apology from being left in the Hell. Adam was really something.
“Now, you gonna share a beer with me or are we just gonna sit here all day?”
You giggled. “You’re still in the angel cuffs. Am I gonna have to hold the beer for you?”
“Or you could just hold my hand and I hold the beer.”
The two of you laughed together, you blushed at his words.
“Then you wouldn’t be able to drink, idiot.” You countered.
“Any excuse to hold your hand is fine to me.” He winked.
“You’re so weird.”
“You love me, anyway.”
You smirked. “Of course I do. I didn’t wait for you for 10 years to end up not loving you.”
“You love me?”
You haulted in your tracks. Fuck, you really just outed yourself didn’t you?
“Well then,” His mouth formed into a grin. “I guess I love you too.”
A/N: Tbh, I don’t really like how this ended but it’s the best I’ve got so deal with it lol. Stay safe, loves!
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drsilverfish · 5 years
Game of the Gods - 15x08 Our Father Who Aren’t in Heaven
Hey fellow-travellers,
Well done to everyone who speculated Rowena would be the new Queen of Hell!
I’ve just watched the ep. I’m late catching up (and as usual, haven’t jumped into your posts yet, to avoid spoilers) because, here in the UK, we had a very bad, not good, general election result this morning and I’ve been completely sucker punched by it all day.  
Anyhoo, Bucklemming did OK with this one. I mean, it doesn’t, perhaps, have quite all the intricate layers of some of our better writers, but hey, it’s got all the moving parts, including the return of Jungian Self and Shadow-Self metaphor in spades (and a healthy, hopeful integrated version at that, as Adam and Michael!Adam get along and share control of consciousness and the vessel). It also contains plenty of pregnant subtext between Dean and Cas, including <drumroll> a mooted return to Purgatory together where, remember, “It felt pure” (in subtext - between them) and Dean prayed to Cas every night. 
But, leaving those elements to one side for now, I thought I’d talk first about this shot of Cas, praying to Michael with a chessboard prominently in shot:
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Which, in the context of the story, reminded me of this:
“In their dwellings at peace they played at tables
Of gold no lack did the gods then know” 
That’s a quote is from the Poetic Edda, a medieval manuscript containing Old Norse poems, which tells something of pagan Norse mythology. 
The quote is about a golden age of the Gods, which comes into being after Ragnarok, the terrible end of the world battle between the Gods and the Giants. In this “end times” battle (as you know) many Gods die and the world is destroyed. However, a new world is born out of the old one, and the surviving Gods are at peace, playing an old Germanic board game, a bit like chess, in Heaven in a new Golden Age. 
This cyclical narrative, where apocalypse leads to renewal, is also present in the Bible in the famous passage in Revelations 21:
“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.
And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away” (King James Bible)
Chuck has declared, in 14x20 Moriah, “Welcome to the End!” (aka he has declared Ragnarok) and we see him with a chess board in 14x04 Atomic Monsters:
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He is, of course, trying to manipulate his “favourite story”, Sam and Dean Winchester, like chess pieces on a board. However, Cas, as we’ve all observed, seems to be outside Chuck’s favoured misery dude-bro plot - a murder-suicide, in which one Winchester kills the other and then themselves. So, the image of Cas with the chessboard in 15x08 tells us that Cas, too (like Chuck) has power over the “chess board”, aka the Game of the Gods. 
Indeed, if my Edda quote proves fruitful, the narrative is telling us that, after this great battle with God (in which some of our heroes may die, at least temporarily) there will be a renewal. Perhaps this is the “Paradise” Jack promised Cas from the womb. 
I mentioned that there was a reference in 15x06 Golden Time to Vonnegut’s novel Breakfast of Champions (Dean, grief-eating cereal as a result of his break-up with Cas, refers to it as “breakfast of champions” at the start of the episode) in this post here:
Dean and Chuck, of course, we know are both Vonnegut fans, thanks to their exchange about Vonnegut in 4x18 The Monster at the End of this Book - very meta, as Chuck, like Vonnegut, likes to insert a character version of himself (Chuck Shurley) into his stories. 
Breakfast of Champions provides a guide for the possible renewal-after-Ragnarok ending of SPN, because in that novel, the writer is persuaded to let go of the control of his characters - to grant them freedom aka true free will.
 Vonnegut also wrote a short story, called “All the King’s Horses” (1951) about a deadly game of chess between a captured US Army Colonel and his guerilla-fighter leader captor (set during the Cold War). 
The captor, Pi Ying, orders that whenever the Colonel, Kelly, loses a chess piece, one of the men captured with him will be executed. That sounds a lot like Chuck, right? Playing a deadly game of chess with his Winchester Gospels’ protagonists and killing those they love for sport in the game, just as he threatens the lives of Jodie, Donna and Eileen in 15x08 (NB: notice he’s trying to erase the feminine from the narrative again!!!).
Eventually, the Colonel, in Vonnegut’s story, realises he can only win the chess game if he sacrifices one of his knights on the board, but these are being “played” by his sons (also captured with him). Just before Pi Ying kills Kelly’s kid, he is himself murdered by his guerilla-fighter girlfriend, who has been watching the cruel chess game along with him (she then kills herself). One of Pi Ying’s men takes over the game, but Kelly wins and so the remaining hostages are freed.
A deadly chess game, the (almost) sacrifice of a son... sounds like Castiel;s son Jack’s sacrifice by Chuck in 14x20 Moriah, right? And presages Jack’s re-entry into the “game”.
We have seen Cas pictured with chess boards before, notably in 8x08 Hunter Heroici:
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And, given the numerical symmetry - 15x08/ 8x08 (which season 14 established as a definite “thing” - calling back previous episodes numerically, Ouroboros style) I think this call-back is deliberate. 
In Hunter Heroici, the psychokinetic resident of retirement home Sunset Fields, Fred Jones, is being manipulated, in his vulnerable state, by one of the doctors to use his powers to alter reality so the doc and his accomplice can pull off a series of thefts (e.g. creating cartoon holes for escape purposes).  
Someone powerful enough to alter reality? That becomes a metaphor for Chuck, in this call-back (which, also reminds us of Chip Harrington in 14x15 Peace of Mind). 
Cas eventually brings peace to Fred Jones, by mind-stripping him of his powers so he can’t hurt anyone else (at his request) and then staying with him to play music in his mind for a while in the retirement home. 
This episode, 8x08, is also right in the middle of the narrative in which Castiel himself is being manipulated by Naomi, and the Winchesters (at this point) don’t know it yet. More manipulation of reality by dubious powers of Heaven parallels!
All this ties in quite nicely with Donatello’s attempt to find a clue in the Demon Tablet to being able to lock up Chuck, and which AU!Michael, apparently, gives Team Free Will a spell for at the end of 15x08.
Castiel, master-tactician that he is (never forget the chess game he played with the angels using Biggersons restaurants in quantum super-position in 8x21 The Great Escapist) has a significant part to play in this final chess game with God himself. He’s a powerful player on the board, and a tactician with influence over the board, precisely because Chuck continually discounts him.
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shirtlesssammy · 5 years
15x08 Bullet Point Rambles
Chuck is an utter asshole and killed everybody in a casino except the terrified bar server. Like, recognize you’re angry about your sister and don’t take it out on casino employees, man
OMG Sam followed Eileen on a hunt to protect her. Sam bby
Ah, Donatello is back. It IS Buckleming, after all
Sam and Cas are hanging out together, Dean is notably on the opposite side of the room from Cas. DUDES PLZ
Dean accuses Michael of being a real daddy’s boy which….pot, kettle, black? (I realize that’s the point.)
Oh EW Chuck is speaking to them through Donatello. GROSS CHUCK
Oh wow hey surprising, Chuck threatens all the women they know
Boris and I are demanding the return of Ghost Kevin!
CAS looks so SAD and now I’m sad damn it
Hey who else saw the gritted teeth Cas made when he healed Dean? Who else is concerned. GUH
They do a spell to head down to Hell. (Boris: Why aren’t these idiots just taking the stairs down to Hell?)
IT’S ROWENA!!!!!!!! She’s leading Hell. I seriously just threw my hands up in the air and shouted YESSSSSSS
Okay, so Rowena’s dead. But she also seized the throne in Hell which is some mad fucking props, okay? LOOK at her entourage of buff hot dudes! LOOK at her ensemble! Rowena is living her best afterlife, and I’m so proud
Eileen gets a phone call from a hunting buddy…potential hunt ahoy!
Rowena misses “flesh on flesh sex” and Amazon which…fair
Rowena orders Dean and Cas to fix their shit while Sam’s off fetching a drink for her. She’s so smart! We love her so much! 
Adam isn’t in Hell but he IS hanging out at a diner with Michael eating burgers and fries and pizza
I love seeing “Adam" and “Michael" facing each other. This is lovely work
Dean asks about Eileen in pointed terms. Sam says they have an “agreement.” OMG Sam
Sam’s quick to say family stuff isn’t for them. Sam BBY. But Dean gives his approval of Sam+Eileen, and that seems important to Sam? 
Lilith shows up to hang out with Michael and both of us hiss like angry cats. She’s arrived to bring Michael to see Chuck. Lilith, humorously, is still sporting her nature girl outfit. But Michael disintegrates Lilith sooooo….problem solved?
OOF Cas prays to Michael to get him to head to the bunker. Yikes. Cas prays next to a chess set, alone. “I’m not your enemy anymore.” God is.
Michael remembers the whole, uh, assbutt incident. Sorry, dude?
Fucking Speight delivers a DAMN good introduction to Dean and Sam striding in on a suddenly trapped Michael. MMMMM yes good
Michael’s in an angel-stabbing mood, which does not bode well for the “Cas survives this episode” notion
They brought Michael back to the bunker in cuffs. Super idea. TBH Michael does a pretty good job of laying out his grudge against these three yahoos
I love the look on Sam and Dean’s faces when they see Adam speaking for himself. And, like, OMG it’s revelatory. Adam suggests they start by apologizing, but Michael has considerably less patience
“He’s having a mid-eternity crisis. Or maybe you don’t know your dad as well as you think you do. Parents keep secrets.” (Me: thinks about Santa Claus and slinks off guiltily)
Sam and Eileen race off to help her friend on the vamp case. e e k
Cas goes in to talk to Michael. He used to hate snobby Michael, but now Cas finds him pitiable as Chuck’s puppet. Ooo Cas this is some damn thin ice you’re skating here
Cas zaps his thoughts into Adam/Michael and we get a brief Chuck manipulation clip show from all the way back to season five
Boris and I talk over the break about how great this show is and how great it is that Dabb has clear love for this show’s story and these characters. The show underwent interruptions and network changes and through it all it’s found a way to spin a compelling story that calls back on its past while crafting an intriguing future. It’s also so amazing to have had a lot of the same core cast over such a long period of time
And now we get to the kitchen scene. The KITCHEN SCENE. Does this mean Cas is gonna leave instead of die? Maybe he storms out? Maybe my feelings have congealed into a cold, black pudding of angst!?
The bunker rattles and the angry husbands answer Michael’s call. Michael gets it…Chuck’s a problem.
Eileen is driving the Impala, glory glory (Boris: They really don’t trust Jared with that car)
Sam senses a trap and it’s….FUCKING CHUCK pretending to be Eileen’s friend. OH DAMN
Michael’s on board and he knows how to lock Chuck up just like he locked up the Darkness/Amara
They need a leviathan flower for their lockup spell. Michael opens up a door to Purgatory - open for 12 hours only. AAAAAAH [insert picture of elmo on fire]
Dean apologizes to Adam. It’s very heartfelt. o u c h
“Since when do we get what we deserve?” Adam asks. VALID
Dean and Cas are…heading to Purgatory to revisit their honeymoon? W H A T is happening
Boris: It would make more sense to only send Dean because he’s a human and can pass through that ol’ portal. But Cas? We don’t know! He only got freed from Purgatory because of angels??? What will happen???
Coming up next week in 8 billion years: Chuck tortures Sam! We probably feel too many emotions! HELP US
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filthyjanuary · 4 years
7-12 and 16-20 for the asks!
7. What do you dislike about your favourite season?
i think season 2 is the best, but as i’ve said before, my favourite is 4 solely because the first few eps i watched were from s4. i think season 4 is very solid and even though it’s a season that HURTS BAD because of everything happening between sam and dean, i think the show earns the conflict for the most part. the literal only thing that still haunts me is that the STUPID VOICEMAIL THAT GETS ALTERED IS NEVER ADDRESSED. like i hate more than anything that sam still thinks dean said those things. like i know jared’s said that sam knows dean loves him but i don’t care!!! sam /and/ dean deserve to know the voicemail was changed.
OH also literally everything with anna milton. she deserved better <3 sorry the fridged you and gave part of your arc to a man, queen.
also sam and dean should’ve found out cas let sam out of the panic room.
8. Thoughts on Sam’s demon blood arc
i love sam’s demon blood arc. his hot girl summer! in all seriousness, it makes perfect sense. mystery spot sets it up that sam goes dark when he doesn’t have dean, and s4 is the natural progression of that. i love sam being hellbent on revenge, and the blood drinking was hot sorry not sorry. like obviously the end result wasn’t stellar and the handling of the demon blood as an addiction was handled rather shittily in the show, but overall this arc is near and dear to me and if i couldn’t have the boy king, i’m glad i got this instead. and it brings up some really interesting concepts that get explored really well in fic.
9. Thoughts on the Moc arc
i hate this arc mostly because like dean was terrible...which makes sense, but even after the mark was gone it’s like... he never /really/ pulls himself out of that place. it also just dragged on for FAR too long. like it didn’t need to be like 30 episodes or however long. i do like that it gave us demon!dean being like sexythreatening, and that scene of sam cradling dean’s face and begging him to tell him that he had to kill all those people and just the general sam is dean’s colette of it all. also the end of s10 with sam on his knees and dean telling him to close his eyes is deeply fucked up and i love it for that reason and obviously that happened bc of the MOC storyline.
10. Fave underrated ep
i am highkey obsessed with 1x04 phantom traveller, 2x07 the usual suspects and 4x19 jump the shark and i feel like most people don’t really care about those episodes or bring them up much. phantom traveller is just interesting bc i think the character moments are fun and i am obsessed with plane crashes for some reason. the usual suspects i just adore because it’s really a great exploration of HOW WELL sam and dean know each other and just how alike they are. and unfortunately i really like the cop lady in this one. jump the shark was the second episode of supernatural i ever saw and for some reason something in my brain latched onto adam and never let go. i love him so much (i know it’s not really him in the ep but ukno) and i love how much you learn about sam and dean through it too.
11. Thoughts on BMOL
boring. like...the actors were not good at their accents. they wanted what bela talbot had in s3. i just didn’t find ‘the british are evil’ a compelling storyline in a supernatural show.... like girl i live in real life you don’t need to preach to me about the british. also like they set up ketch to be evil like worse than toni who i already hate because she tortures/sexually assaults sam by having him kill magda i guess? but then they end up redeeming him and he survives longer than both mick (affectionate) and toni (derogatory), like seriously one of the worst Big Bads they’ve ever had.
12. Thoughts on Mary
to be honest, i think bringing her back was kind of a stupid idea in the sense that the ENTIRE SHOW starts because of her death. but i felt like HAVING DONE THAT, trying to deconstruct her image as like this nuclear housewife was compelling and the whole clash of sam and dean who just want their mom versus mary who left her kids as a an infant and a small child and now has these grown men who are older than her needing things she doesn’t know how to give was very interesting. and i wish they’d done more with that. 
16. Any criticisms of their world building/lore
well i think everyone’s said it better than me that they can’t seem to get their stance on monsters straight at all and the show suffers for it. i also hate how like the later seasons especially just blatantly retcon so much. the prime example is the garden of eden in s5 vs s15.... the s5 version was so much more interesting and i hate that they brought it back just to destroy their own lore. the whole concept of the abrahamic god being like the ‘real’ god vs other gods just being minor annoyances didn’t like...make sense or feel good either. i also would’ve loved more exploration of like what the fuck it means to be a vessel and also exploration of other monsters/urban legends. like ok we get it ghosts/demons/vampires/werewolves sure w/e but there’s so much to pull from. it got repetitive and there’s so many other things they could’ve tried. hell the SECOND EPISODE of the show mentions black dogs and we never actually encounter one. or like chimeras... like there’s just plenty to dig into and they just get lazy.
17. What did you like about s15?
15x20 <3 also just...jack....that’s my son! MICHAEL/ADAM IN 15X08!!!! i think there were a couple moments i liked in like...the gambler and last holiday, and i thought belphagor was funny. oh! also sam’s nightmare visions were kinda fun even tho they led back to lucifer :/
18. Thoughts on Lucifer
he was a really excellent and intimidating villain in s5.... and frankly i enjoyed hallucifer as well because sure he was presented comedically but he was a deeply dark presence hanging over sam as a reminder of what he suffered. everything after that...sucked!!! it sucked!!!!! overstayed his welcome, letting him out of the cage again totally nullifies sam’s sacrifice and frankly he lost every smidge of intimidation factor he ever had. he was just annoying and whiny and pointless and sam should’ve killed him <3 fuck that guy.
19. Most uncomfortable moments throughout the show for you?
answered here
20. Define the different eras in a few lines or words (s1-5, s6-7, s8-11, s12-15)
this was meant to be short... and then it wasnt... sorry.
kripke: PEAK SUPERNATURAL. racist AND sexist but like i frankly do not care because the actually storytelling is so GOOD. COHERENT. i long for what could’ve been had the strike not kneecapped s3 and we’d gotten boyking, but hell the arc we DID get... so good. so fulfilling. aesthetics go off the charts. character dynamics so good!!! conflicts are earned!!!! there was a fucking vision here and it was unique and interesting and the show was COMMITTED TO IT. literally iconic television i love her so much. eric kripke needs a therapist but i’m glad he wrote this show instead of going to see one. 
gamble: sera THEE gamble.... overarching storylines kinda weak, but SO FUN! i had fucking fun! soulless sam is a comedian, godstiel was the last time cas was remotely interesting, like!!!! she gave us everything!!!!! gets slandered way too much by this hell fandom like yes the leviathans were stupid but the were FUN and the character moments in s6-s7!!! so good!!!! lots of excellent MOTW eps as well, which... as we know...i love. when the show lost gamble, it lost something great, i’ll die on this hill. i love u #girlboss.
carver: there’s a lot of good here and a lot i despise. dean steadily grows darker throughout the show but there’s like a real VEER into being awful in s9 that the show never recovers from. it makes dean very unlikeable for the rest of its run, mostly by virtue of the show not realizing how unlikeable it’s made dean because it needs him to always be right so the fact that he’s basically turned into john is never like....addressed in any meaningful way. some storylines (MOC!!) dragged on for too long, while others were way too short (TRIALS!!!) but ultimately i think there were some good ideas here and moments i’m fond of. season 11 is Beautiful. i love her so much. there’s some really excellent eps in s11 and the character moments are good.
dabb: i literally hate it here (jack sweetie you are not included in this assessment you’re doing great). it was just stupid. the characterizations of EVERYBODY sucked and fell flat. way too obsessed with pandering to the loudest faction on twitter. took the wreckage of dean that carver left and full destroyed him. like straight up could’ve done something meaningful if they’d bothered to address it at all but they literally didn’t ever make dean be accountable for his actions??? can’t tell u what cas was doing it was so forgettable he obviously had no purpose literally the only scenes i remember were a couple where he’s being cute with jack and that one ep where he and sam go to that old-timey town and sam gets brainwashed. sam like... exists, and his character is intact but it’s only intact because the writers that were left didn’t want to bother giving him anything meaty to do to so the were like *spins wheel* leadership arc that goes nowhere, and he just exists being kind and compassionate and putting up with too much shit. BUT HE HAD REALLY FUCKING EXCELLENT MOMENTS WITH JACK and that alone is why i think it’s worth the slog. sam/jack is my favourite dynamic on the show following sam/dean so...unfortunately based on that.... i can’t just burn the whole dabb era but seriously... way to make every character a hollow, one-dimensional shell.
send me supernatural asks
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adammilligan · 2 years
okay. i’ll put this under a readmore as to not subject you all to five absolutely incoherent paragraphs about some dipshit villain spn pulled out of their asses
am constantly thinking about apocalypse world and au!michael and au!lucifer. because that's a world where the main story ended at swan song except michael DID kill lucifer! and while i'm also constantly thinking about au!michael's line of "i killed my lucifer. tore him apart in the skies over abilene. but hey, can’t get enough of a good thing" it's also kind of important to remember that he. by this point. is absolutely batshit insane. gets a fucking high off of watching people die and laughs like a maniac when he kills gabriel and whatnot etc etc. and in this world where the story ended at swan song i think the exact same thing that happened in the main universe would've happened there. where au!lucifer would've told him that god was doing this TO them and begged him to walk off the chessboard with him and au!michael would've turned on him and called him a monster and told him that he was a good son and that he had his orders. and then he kills au!lucifer and then there's. nothing. no god. no paradise. no nothing.
and so au!michael is kind of left with the fact that not only was au!lucifer RIGHT, but that he just murdered the brother he raised from the moment he was created for nothing. absolutely nothing! and so since the majority of au!michael's anger was turned upon god instead of on au!lucifer, the latter of whom was the most important person in michael's life aside from god, then it kind of just turns into. yknow. au!michael DID remake himself in au!lucifer's image in the depths of the insanity that followed. and so au!lucifer's death became a good thing. a fun thing. i think au!michael's lack of anything to fall back on in the wake of lucifer's death (if au!raphael was like raphael in that he was tired and depressed and thought god was already dead, that's not exactly something to find a sense of stability in) plus the grief of god's betrayal plus the grief of what he did to au!lucifer literally did contribute to him BECOMING au!lucifer but worse.
and it would make sense is the thing! for au!michael to do that! because that's exactly what michael did! except with adam! michael kind of directly implied that he saw adam's word as second only to god's in 15x08, which would mean that the instant michael's faith in god was properly shattered adam's word would've taken the number one spot. regardless, michael and adam's time together no matter what happened DID somehow place adam as the most important person in michael's life aside from god. adam was his friend! and lucifer got knocked off that pedestal so adam could have that spot. the thing about this is is that. i mean. what were adam's penultimate words. they were "since when do we get what we deserve." adam isn't lucifer! he doesn't bite back! he doesn't have any sort of sadistic streak! adam's tired and sad and worn down and resigned to whatever happens. and then you look at michael in inherit the earth and what is he. he's tired and sad and worn down and resigned to his fate. and where au!michael went down swinging (like lucifer, like au!lucifer), michael literally did the opposite. he stood there and let himself be killed.
what i’m saying is that. out of the two michaels we were handed. one pretty explicitly and one based on context clues. both have a history of modelling themselves after the one most important to them after that one dies. and it’s kind of funny to me in a way that au!michael also admits that he tried to play god at one point because yeah he tried to model himself after HIM too but it didn’t work out and now he’s kind of still a more insane version of lucifer. which means that out of the two of them michael was the only one who lived up to his actual name (”quis ut deus?” which means “who is like god?” and it’s meant to be framed as a question with an answer already written: that no one is like god) but i digress. so the thought of au!michael and au!lucifer kind of drive me crazy because it means that au!michael would’ve called him a monster. realized that au!lucifer was right about everything. lost himself in the spiral of madness. and became that same monster. an even worse one, in fact. i think about it literally all the time it’s like yes dear god he still hates him he killed him once and he did worse to his alternate self but. i mean. that was HIS monster. HIS brother. HE raised him. it’s not like michael and lucifer where their relationship got worse and fell apart entirely until they no longer even seemed to care about each other by the end of it. i think that at least part of if not a lot of au!michael’s insanity is just his grief for au!lucifer and the fact that he killed him for nothing, for the father who never even cared, manifesting outwards until he can convince himself he hates him all over again while he kind of wears him like a second skin that doesn’t fit him quite right but melds just enough with au!michael’s own cruelty and anger until it doesn’t even matter.
because this isn’t the main universe! this is the fallout of a swan song that didn’t end with imprisonment! where there was no one to stop them! that ended the way it was technically supposed to end! with one brother killing the other! and the end result is the fallout of that. where au!michael really did kind of take the attributes of the one he loved most and incorporate them into himself out of grief. michael in the main universe IS capable of the same cruelty and we see that with the lance but he doesn’t share the sadistic streak as lucifer and au!michael do and au!lucifer would’ve. does ANY of this make sense.
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deans-haunted-baby · 4 years
Lately I can’t stop thinking about Adam, like I’m legit crushed over what this show did to him. I know Supernatural was never perfect but the way it treated this character was so damn vicious, condescending and nasty; no different than a high school bully picking on an injured elementary schooler.
He never stood a chance. The thing is I don’t know what it was that made me latch onto Adam so strongly for over a decade. Maybe I could just sympathize and easily relate to his situation of being discarded and forgotten by family members. Or maybe I saw potential in this character and couldn’t fathom why no one else on that writing staff and the SPN fandom couldn’t.
I want you to take a second and absorb these pertinent facts about Adam Milligan that this show put forward. This is not anti-anything this is all the truth so bare with me:
He was the illegitimate youngest child of hunter John Winchester; a man who treated his older sons Sam and Dean like soldiers on his platoon.
Adam only saw his bio dad ONCE A YEAR and it was only to take him to ball games not to train him so that he could protect himself and his mother from (supernatural) threats.
He never knew the existence of his older brothers nor did they know about him because John deliberately ripped those pages out of his journal. Essentially trying to erase any evidence of Adam and Kate.
Because Adam grew up having no clue what was out there or about the “family business”  he and his mother suffered VIOLENT PRE-MATURE DEATHS at the hands of ghouls which Adam STILL REMEMBERS long after being murdered.
Oh and John failed to kill those ghouls, providing them the golden opportunity of impersonating him and his mother so they could kill John and his half-brothers.
Adam was only an 18 year old pre-med studying medicine. Probably wanted to follow in his mother’s footsteps in helping people as she was a nurse.
Because Kate worked nights as a single mother, Adam had to grow up being his own parent at times; cooking his own meals and putting himself to bed.
Adam was ironically born on September 29th (1990) which is also known as Michaelmas aka the Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. A potential storyline that could’ve gone somewhere but didn’t.
Adam is also by birthright a Men of Letters legacy though his brothers fail to mention that 10 years later.
The last thing Adam was doing while he was in Heaven, designed to look like his Prom, he was kissing a girl Kristen McGee; whom we’ll never know about or if he’ll ever see again.
Adam was ripped out of Heaven against his will by the angels to be used and manipulated as their backup device in the Apocalypse because Sam and Dean refused to comply with their demands.
After being resurrected, Adam was then recovered, kidnapped and held hostage by TFW (Sam, Dean, Bobby and Castiel) where they all took turns mouthing off at this angsty teenager about why he should trust a bunch of complete strangers over those who made him promises.
Adam only wanted to work with the angels in order to stop Lucifer and return to his mother. Highlighting that this character had a sense of justice, responsibility, cared about doing the right thing but also had his own reasons for wanting to save the world.
Sam tried to emotionally manipulate Adam with excuses for why their dad never told him about his family. And actually had the gall to say that him and Dean would’ve looked for him had they’d known he existed so they could be a family. Forgive me if I just laugh at this for a moment 🤣
Zachariah was able to get into Adam’s head because he knew how vulnerable he was. Telling him that trusting the Winchesters would only let him down which *SPOILER ALERT* turned out to be true.
Zachariah tortured Adam for hours before the Winchesters arrived to save him. And Dean was only willing to submit to the angel when Sam was just briefly tortured.
One of the last things Dean says to Adam in 5x18 after he was shocked to see his half-brothers come to his rescue was “Cause you’re family”. Again I have to...🤣🤣
At the moment of their escape, Dean doesn’t even help Adam (WHO’D BEEN INJURDED AND TORTURED) out of the room nor does he care about ushering him to safety. Dean just grabs Sam and hurries out the door. So much for being part of the family.
The last thing Adam screams before before being possessed by Michael was “Dean, help!” and then he hears Dean say “Just hold on!”
Adam, not being Michael’s true vessel yet born from the powerful Winchester bloodline, was able to look directly at the archangel’s true form without his eyes burning out. And this is NEVER explained why.
Dean mentions Adam only a total of THREE TIMES after this happens in 5x19, 5x22 and 6x11 while Castiel mentions it to Sam in 5x21. And Sam, WHO’D BEEN THE MAIN EMOTIONAL MANIPULATOR, just doesn’t give a shit to remember him.
Castiel threw a Molotov cocktail at Michael (who was using Adam’s body) to briefly cast him out which Adam probably felt in excruciating detail based on what Michael says in 15x08.
Sam, possessed by Lucifer, pushed himself and his innocent half-brother possessed by Michael into the cage for all eternity.
Castiel somehow managed to pull Sam out of the cage but decided to leave Adam behind.
After Dean bargains with Death to get Sam’s soul and Adam out of the cage. Only to get just Sam’s soul and leave Adam to his fate. The issue is never brought up again between the Winchesters.
Adam sits a prisoner in a cage with an archangel for 10 years our time but thousands of years Hell time.
Michael most likely protected Adam from some of the horrors in Hell which is why he was able to keep his sanity.
Sam and Dean went to Hell to talk to Lucifer in the cage but continue to ignore Adam’s existence and don’t bother releasing him yet they let Lucifer escape.
Dean also went back to Hell to retrieve Bobby’s soul so he could go to Heaven and again doesn’t even bother with Adam.
Season 10 for Supernatural’s 200th episode, Sam and Dean were reminded by SPN fans putting on a musical that Adam was still in the cage yet THEY NEVER DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT.
Mary Winchester STILL doesn’t know about Adam even though she was reunited with John during the 300th episode. He’s never mentioned during their big family get-together. I guess he never counted.
Adam and Michael are finally set free of Hell only because Chuck threw a giant hissy fit at the Winchesters and opened all the gateways.
The first thing Adam wanted to do as a free man in 15x08 was not seeking revenge on his brothers for abandoning him, but to eat some diner food, change his clothes and get a “little job”
After years of imprisonment, Adam actually befriended the Prince of Heaven aka the one friend he has/the only other person besides his mother who actually gave a damn about him.
TFW trapped, kidnapped and imprisoned Adam and Michael at the bunker in order to force them to help against Chuck.
And Adam, though still angry, hurt and worn out over the situation; chose to help his brothers when there was NOTHING in it for him and successfully convinced Michael to do the same.
Despite how his brothers treated him, Adam STILL believed in their best and vouched that they “always try to do the right thing”
Adam went to Hell a cranky, sassy, angsty, naïve teenager and returned a kinder, wiser, more patient, humble and rational-thinking man who still managed to smile and laugh after enduring centuries of pain.
Dean gives Adam his much due apology for not saving him but Sam doesn’t. In fact Sam doesn’t even bring him up the next time the Winchesters see each other.
Adam’s last words on this show are to Dean and they’re “Since when do we get what we deserve?” and “Good luck” 🤓
Chuck Thanos-snapped Adam’s soul out of existence OFF-SCREEN yet Michael somehow remained in his body.
Adam was 90% of Michael’s impulse control hence why he was so dark in his last appearance without Adam because that’s the only way I can cope with that disgusting character assassination in 15x19
Jack supposedly revived Adam along with everyone else after becoming the new God. BUT his current status now reads “Unknown” instead of “Alive” so what the fuck am I suppose to think now?!
Sam and Dean didn’t even think about checking in on Adam to make sure he was okay before they hit the road on their last solo bro-outing.
If Adam really is alive then he’s doomed to a miserable, lonely existence without his best friend (who’s now dead). Broke, homeless, jobless; his brothers STILL DON’T GIVE A RAT’S ASS after he’d helped them in good faith. He’s legally deceased thanks to the ghouls. And he gets to look forward to demon city the moment he dies cause guess where he’s ending up?
No one remembers him even after he’d returned in 15x08
The car and the dog are more important to the Winchesters than their innocent half-brother.
Okay I realize I just unloaded a whole mountain of salt but this is the full outline of Adam’s tragic story on Supernatural. These writers never cared about him and why? What did he do to deserve this gross treatment from the show’s protagonists or just in general? Why was he even introduced if this was going to be the outcome of it all? I don’t know what’s worse leaving him in Hell (cause at least he had Michael for company) or bringing him back and not knowing what became of him after. It’s insufferable 😣 I just want everyone to know that the showrunners and writers may not care about him BUT I DO.
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verobatto · 5 years
A little DESTIEL ENDGAME spec here...
Based on my colleague @emblue-sparks 's theory about Cas and Dean sharing vessels you can read about here, is a very interesting theory that has a lot of clues she was collecting through season 12 and 13.
Her theory talks about Dean and Castiel sharing vessels since episode 13x05, based in the fact that Dean would be in a coma and Castiel is possessing him since then.
I was very thrilled about this and is one of my fav specs, I even wrote a chapter in one of my fics about Dean and Castiel sharing vessels.
But when I saw episode 15x08, I saw a lot of evidences about this. Not about they sharing vessels since episode 13x05, but... Like a possible end game for Destiel, by the end of the show.
I just will take this scene from 12x10, written for our genius Yockey...
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This was such an intimate and sweet and romantic way to explain a vessel sharing. When Cas says SHE GAVE HIM EVERYTHING, is offering all we have for the other, trusting entirely.
All the gifs of this meta spec are from my talented friend @agusvedder ! Thank you gorgeous! 😘💕
Now, let's check some points in episode 15x08.
First of all... The song...
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This song was playing at the beginning of the episode 15x08. If you pay attention to the first part of the lyrics it could be plenty related to Dean and Cas. A love sent from heaven above.
And then, the chorus repeats TAKE ME FOR WHAT I AM. Then it says YOU AND I ARE MEANT TO BE ETERNALLY.
Here the TAKE ME, could be a synonym to saying YES to an angel. In this case, from Dean to Cas.
And the words YOU AND I plus ETERNALLY, could be talking about the vessel sharing between Dean and Cas, Dean becoming immortal with Castiel possesing him ETERNALLY.
Now, second evidence, is Michael and Adam. As I said before, when I saw Adam!Michael I immediately recalled Castiel in episode 12x10 talking about Benjamin and his Spanish vessel.
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The dynamic is fresh, and intimate, and confident, and is just perfect. They are literally roommates! You can talk with Adam or Michael, because they're sharing the vessel equally. They only have each other. And is magnificent.
So, with this recall to that episode and the song, we could spec that this could be an endgame for Destiel.
Finally, and just because when I saw him in this picture from last night I pointed it immediately and said NO WAY!
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Okay... Wings and Jensen looking at the camera making SHHHHHH like is a secret? Spoiler? Yeah, I shouldn't take a commercial pic like evidence... But here I am, an this pic is why I decided to write this. Dean with wings again, thanks to Castiel. 😏💚💙.
And again, if these pics are not giving us spoilers... If Jensen is not doing this on purpose, then why he would do this too...
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The Prayer!!!!!
He knows we are attentive to each movement the cast does, so... Is he sending us hidden messages??? I don't know... But if he did the prayer in this pic .. why he wouldn't do some spoiler with the wings??
Just ranting a little...
The spec is... What if when Dean goes to rescue Castiel to the Empty, his body can't be restored because the Empty is killed by Dean or Jack, or because the Empty is not allowing his scape. And Dean decides to say yes to Cas to rescue him? They will have the same agreement that Adam Michael and the same intimacy that Benjamin and his vessel. Could be beautiful and perfect.
Kisses my friends! See you soon!
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Buenos Aires January 5th 2020 1:25 PM
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