#and he stayed with adam. and then. nothing. and he let himself die
Hiya! I have another au for you! I'm loving our vampire rp, it's so good! I'm really enjoying it!
This one is a little different, with a darker Lucifer, which I'm really starting to love.
The idea is that after Adam and Eve were cast out, Lucifer and Lilith became extremely powerful, Lucifer could rival in power to the strongest archangels and maybe even god himself.
The idea in this is that after falling, Lucifer and Lilith blamed each other for the fall and separated. Lilith was queen of the lower rings, while Lucifer ruled the upper rings. He's more powerful than her because of his angel status, but he let's her do her own thing, as long as she's not causing trouble.
Lucifer eventually taps into the raw power of Hell, which slowly starts tainting his mind, he's still him but he can lose control sometimes. Heaven eventually starts to learn how powerful Hell is and what can happen to Lucifer and Liltih- power wise. So they start making an army, creating angels specifically for war.
Lucifer has a few angels in Heaven that speak to him in secret, angels that don't agree with Heavans rules and secretly. They keep him up to date on what Heavens up to, so he starts forging a plan after learning of the angelic army.
Once Adam and Eve die, and they arrive in Heaven. Eve starts to live her afterlife in peace, waiting for her children.
Lucifer learned of a new weapon Heaven was making, something that could control a part of Heavens power. Once he learns that new weapon will be Adam, Lucifer decides to take Adam for himself.
Luicfer manages to get himself back into heaven, without them knowing, he's shocked to see that he was completely remade, hopefully his memories were in tacked.
Lucifer materialized in a cage-like room, he had no idea something this dark and unkempt could belong in Heaven. It made him almost uneasy.
Lucifer: why would they keep their precious first man here?
The darkness was almost suffocating, like it was affecting the air itself. The angelic steel bars still managed to shine bright, using that light, Lucifer squinted inside the cage, his eyes widened as he saw the vague outline of a body, kneeling on the floor, a chain connecting to the back wall to a silver collar around their neck.
Lucifer: Adam? Buddy, is that you? Long time no see-!
The body moved, head tilting up, and looking ahead. The scrapping of heavy chains against the stone floor made Lucifer wince a tad. Why are they using such thick chains on him? He's a human, nothing special.
Lucifer: I know we left off on a bad note! But I'd like to make it up to you~ let me help you with whatever the HELL Heaven is doing to you, huh?
Lucifer stuck his arm through the bars, smiling as the metal started to bed and melt away. His smile stopped as a giant hand reached out, and grabbed his hand. The amount of strength was impressive, Lucifer was so confused- he followed the outline of the person as they stood.
Lucifer: you're a big fuck aren't you-?
Adam: w-will you help me? I-it hurts-
Lucifer: I can see that buddy, I'll help you! But you have to do something for me~
Lucifer pulled his hand away, and straightened his outfit. It's taking a lot of his power to stay in Heaven, hidden.
Adam: y-yes sir, what do you need?
Lucifer: stop with the formalities Adam! We've been friends- well, acquaintances for years now!
Adam: I-I'm sorry sir- I don't know you, Heavens never introduced u-us-. P-please forgive me f-for not knowing you
Adam starts to collapse, but manages to catch himself against the wall. Never heard of him? Lucifer is definitely confused now. Fucking Heaven, they really think there's a good enough reason to mess with a humans memories? Why Adam? Why did the angels pick him? It doesn't matter at the moment, Lucifer needs to make his deal, let Adam fall to Hell, and set his plan into motion.
Lucifer: i- uh... never mind that right now buddy, I'll explain everything later. If you make a deal with me, I can help you!
Adam: w-what do you need from me-?
Lucifer: oh, nothing much~ just your soul~ aand your loyalty, company, body amd whatever power you have~! All for your freedom. You will cone with me, stay with me, at my home~ you'll be free Adam, free to speak your mind, do whatever you want, within reason of course- and most importantly, think for yourself.
Lucifer smiled as Adam made his way over to the edge of the cage, he was unsteady but doing a good job at staying up right. Although that chain wasn't helping. Lucifer couldn't help but gasp, as Adam's face came into what little light the bars had. His eyes were gold. Brighter than any other angels, shone like Hell fire.
Lucifer whispered: you're perfect...
Adam: I'll take your deal- please, get m-me out o-of here- please
Lucifer: of course, Adam! All you have to do, is shake my hand~
Adam watched as a clawed, black ashen hand slipped through the bars. He felt uneasy about this man- angel? He looks familiar but then he was sure he'd remember someone that looked like that.
He reaches out weakly, grabbing Lucifers hand. He jumps and is amazed by the golden light the swirls around them, he can feel it running through his veins like blood. He couldn't help but follow the golden light. His angelic chain drops off his neck, only to be replaced by a golden one. Lucifer couldn't help but think how beautiful Adam looked, covered in gold. It was really his colour.
Lucifer looked on with awe as he saw Adam fully. His golden wings rested weakly against the floor, his eyes wide with that curiosity that Lucifer loved so much. He couldn't help but glare as he saw the cuts and bruises that littered his body and how thin he looked. He was definitely taller, but surely Heaven would feed the man.
Lucifer: great! Now, the fun part~
Adam stood back as Lucifer began to melt the steel cage.
Lucifer: there~. Now, we must be quick, we do t want any extra company, do we~?
Adam: n-no sir-
As Adam began to limp out of the cage, he stopped as Lucifer put his hand on his chest, forceful enough to push him back slightly.
Lucifer: now, none of that 'sir' thing Addie~. Even though I am now your king, I was your friend first. Do you know my name?
Adam tried to think of a name, his head started to pound, like he was reaching into some void.
Adam: n-no- I- Agh! It hurts to t-think- to remember
Lucifer glared at the flood, fucking Heaven. He smiled up at Adam, it wasn't his fault.
Lucifer: my name is Lucifer, the king of Hell~! But that last bit isn't important right now, let's go Adam.
Adam grabbed Lucifer's hand, and they walked to the middle of the room, he felt so safe with Lucifer. His hand felt perfect in his, like they were made to be together. Adam couldn't stop looking at him, he was beautiful. He's never seen eyes so red, or skin so smooth. He couldn't help but be fascinated by his clothes-
Lucifer: hold on tight Addie~ I won't drop you, but I need you to hold on
The floor underneath the. Burned to life, a burning circle with strange lettering appeared. Just as Adam was taking it in, he felt a gust of wind made him cover his eyes. When he opened, he was amazed to see Lucifers white and red wings, three sets of them! He's only seen a few angels with multiple sets of wings, but none were as beautiful as Lucifers. Adam couldn't help but reach out and graze a feather with his finger.
Lucifer: you'll get a good touch when we get home Addie~ now, say goodbye to the angels~
Fire from the circle surrounded them, the heat was almost unbearable.
The next thing Adam knew; they were falling.
The whole idea is a battle between Heaven and Hell. Lucifer is super possessive of Adam, originally using him as a weapon to help him bring down and take control of Heaven. But Lucifer can't help but start having feelings from Eden resurface, it's either a blessing or a curse that Adam doesn't remember anything. Maybe he can make the first man fall for him again, and they can rule over Hell and Heaven together.
Hopefully this is interesting in someway 💀
Okay- bye!
Oh this is SUPER INTERESTING!!! How do you come up with this stuff it's amazing. Also, I love possessive Lucifer lol
Adam saw a world bathed mainly in different hues of red, even the sky was red with a giant star.
What was this place?
Lucifer was torn between watching where he was flying and looking at Adams face that was filled with curiosity trying to figure out where the Hell he was.
Literally Hell.
Lucifer dipped down and made a way towards Morningstar Manor and he touched down lightly at the front of the house as he held Adam close.
Lucifer: Let's get you settled in okay? You know, before the physical changes catch up with you and wipe you out.
Adam didn't know what he was talking about but he didn't really care. He was finally out of that cage to never be chained up like an animal ever again.
Lucifer took him inside, first to the kitchen so the poor man could get something to fucking eat. It looked like he hadn't eaten since he died.
He got his chef to cook a lavish meal for Adam to make sure the first man was full.
Adam: Thank you...
Lucifer ran his fingers through Adams hair, loving how soft the brown strands were.
Lucifer: You'll need your strength.~
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neverchecking · 1 year
That Wild facesitting one was so good omfgjskdkk
It gave me the idea of what if reader thinks the Chain (don’t forget Sage) are just doing so great and wants to give them a reward/gift but doesn’t know what so reader asks what they want.
The Chain ofc are so excited cause THEIR GODDESS WANTS TO GIVE THEM SOMETHING??
As they all think of smt, a couple of them are saying something along the lines of “nothing as long as you’re here we’re happy :)” which ofc reader thinks is so sweet and gives them a hug (cue smug smirks at the other Links bc reader hugged them HA)
As they all mull over their options bc obviously they don’t want to mess up this opportunity, ONE OF THE CHAIN STRAIGHT UP JUST SAYS “Sit on my face” WHETHER INTENTIONALLY OR NOT, EVERYONE IS IN SHOCK AND BEFORE ANYONE CAN SAY ANYTHING— reader agrees red faced bc she loves her boys oh so much ;)
Cue everyone saying they want the same thing bc they would honestly happily die at the opportunity
So sorry if this is a bit much it just came to me
No-no, don't be sorry, I love requests like these bc the idea of Sage vs. the Chain brings me so much serotonin! Like Mhmmmmm-
Fun fact: someone flagged that post  😭Which you guys can find -> Here!
Sage is TotK Link if you didn't know!
Anyway, smut so MDNI! 18+!
Smut CW: AFAB! reader, face sitting with multiple partners, praise
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・❥・So, we all know that Reader has the entire chain wrapped around their finger. No ifs, ands or buts about it.
・❥・Especially after Sage joins them.
・❥・While there is silent fighting between him and the others, they make an effort to show you a united front because you are who they are all fighting for.
・❥・As far as your concerned, they're all buddies. (that was so far from the truth it was laughable, but it kept you happy, so it was the assumption that would remain.)
・❥・That being said, when they're all together in Wind's Era (The boy was at home with his sister and Grandmother, leaving the adults to fend for themselves) and you're in ear shot, they do their best to be on their best behavior. Even if Wild and Sage are shooting the most passive aggressive insults at the other, since, as we've accomplished, Sage is adamant on knowing exactly where your food comes from.
・❥・He refuses to let that failure cook for you. Not when he can do so. He has a bigger repertoire of recipes and more skills to his name than the other does. That...man can barely get through a fucking swim without blacking out because of a memory let alone stay there long enough to ensure your food is as quality as it should be.
・❥・(AN: For legal reasons, I would never think of Wild like this, I absolutely love him with my whole heart. BUT Sage does think like this because he's an asshole.)
・❥・So, while the two are cooking, the others do their own things around the makeshift camp. Weapon maintenance, gathering firewood, admiring your perfect figure as you do nothing but read under a tree.
・❥・ Sage, of course, finishes your food first, settling beside you close enough your hips are touching his. You thank him, eagerly eating whatever was given you (They had to be sneaky about the fighting between himself and Wild, as you had no idea about the tension between them).
・❥・About mid-way through your meal, you set down your bowl, brows furrowed as a troubled expression muddled your features.
・❥・Which just would not stand. Was the meal not to your liking? Was there something wrong? Would they have to dispose of that blasted bastard who dared to try and impose on their territory that good for nothing pest-
・❥・"I feel like I owe you guys some sort of thanks for all of this."
・❥・So he would get to live another day. Pity.
・❥・"You don't owe us a thing, Angel. We are happy to do it." Wars beamed, sitting on your other side regardless of Sage's snarl pointed at him. "No reward needed." The captain smirked, leaning into your space.
・❥・You didn't seem pleased by the answer, brows pinching further together. "...It doesn't seem right."
・❥・"Songbird, your presence is thanks enough." Sky piped up, eyes so wide and earnest, Sage feared he'd cry over you. Again.
・❥・"Airhead is right, Darlin'," The cowboy added, dropping a stack of logs near the fire. "It's a blessin' in and of itself being able to treat you like 'da Goddess you are."
・❥・Sage prided himself on know you though. He knew you well. And he knew you well enough to know that once an idea like this entered your pretty little head, it wouldn't leave. No, not without a fight in the very least. And that was a fight he didn't want to go through. Not with you.
・❥・He just had to pick something that would benefit you more than him, hiding it under the guise of thanking him.
・❥・"As much as it pains me to say this, they're right." Legend piped up, moving to crouch in front of you, easily redirecting your attention from where you were watching Warriors to look at him with his index hooked under your chin. "As long as your happy, we're happy, sunshine."
・❥・"But I don't wanna take advantage of you guys! That would make me no better than Hylia. I can't just ask these things from you without any form of thanks. That's not right." You cupped Legend's cheeks with your own hands, either not noticing or ignoring the way his cheeks lit up under your touch.
・❥・No, you had too much of a heart of gold to let this go. It was what made you so much better than that fraud that placed this destiny upon them in the first place.
・❥・Like a stroke of genius, it hit him. It was too perfect of an opportunity to pass up. While it would sound like it would benefit him, it really would all be for you. It would be perfect. A way to show his true devotion to you. His fidelity and dedication to you, his glorious deity.
・❥・"Sit on my face."
・❥・He wished he had the foresight to pull out his Purah pad to take a picture of your face, which lit up an absolute ruby red as your whipped around to face him. Sage merely shrugged like it was a reasonable request. In his mind, it was. What wasn't reasonable about it?
・❥・Shocked silence fell around the group, some angrily sputtering at the audacity while others had to question if that was a real option.
・❥・"You mooncalf! Have some class, would you?! Especially in the presence of-"
・❥・"Is that what you want?" Wars tirade was cut off by your meek voice as you pulled your hands away from Legend's face. The vet himself looked seconds away from crashing as he caught onto what you were hinting at.
・❥・Sage smirked, something sharp and devious as he cracked his knuckles in front of him. "Absolutely. I think it would be a pretty damn good way to thank me."
・❥・"You don't have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable, Y/n." Hyrule quickly pipes up, stepping closer as he shot a glare too sharp for his soft features at the newcomer. How dare that filth sully you in such a way and how dare he think of it before he could-
・❥・You were silent for a moment, shuffling for a second before letting out a breath. "If that's what you want." You finally decided, and the group was descended into chaos once more.
・❥・Cries of 'that's an option?!' and 'Hey, wait! I want that too!' erupted as the others scrambled to separate you from that degenerate, but he had latched on. His smirk was wide and knowing as he pulled you from Wars and Legend, closer to himself.
・❥・"It's exactly what I want. Now, are you crawling up or am I gonna have to pull you up here, sun flower?" Sage nipped at your neck as your went from ruby to crimson.
・❥・"Right now?!" You squeaked, eyeing the other males around you.
・❥・"You asked, I answered." Sage didn't care. This was a way of staking a claim. Of showing them all that no matter what, he would win. That he would make you feel so much better than anything they could do.
・❥・Silence fell for a second.
・❥・"Dibs on going second!" Was Wild's sudden call before there was arguing once more.
・❥・"Ya can't call dibs!" Twilight barked. "This isn't some sorta playground game where you can call for turns-"
・❥・"Third." Time spoke solemnly, nodding his head slowly. Sage honestly forgot he was there.
・❥・Twilight looked scandalized at the single word before Four was calling his namesake for the turns. Realizing that he either called or went last (Which wasn't too bad of an option in his books), he quickly rectified his horror and instead went to shove Warrior's by the face to call for fifth.
・❥・ In the time it took for him to recover, Sky and Hyrule had already called sixth and seventh respectively. And, with a shake of his head, Legend smirked. "I'll go ninth then. Pretty boy can go in front of me. Besides, you know what they say about saving the best for last."
・❥・"That it'll be worth nothing since it could never top the first." Sage cheekily called back, pulling off his top throwing it to the side so his torso was bare for the world to see.
・❥・"Why are you stripping?!" Sweet, naive you squeaked, trying to advert your eyes. If only they weren't glancing back at the toned abs and chiseled pecs. Oh great golden Goddesses.
・❥・With a chuckle, Sage pulled you closer with firm hands locked around your calves, pulling them apart to slot himself between your legs. Your hips were pulled up onto his lap before he was leaning down, wrapping an arm around you with his hand resting in the arch of your back. He quickly fell back to you were sitting on his chest, your legs straddling his upper chest as he looked up at you with nothing but pure, devious intentions. "For one simple reason, my light." He chuckled pulling you further up his chest as he licked his lips.
・❥・"I don't plan on letting you go until the only name you can remember is mine."
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skrrtscree · 5 months
To be honest, it kind of annoys me when people watch the persona 3 movies and come away with it with the wrong idea of what Makotos character is in them. I don't mean the people who don't like the movies or their portrayal of him. It's fine if you don't, btw. Media is subjective, and different people will take away different things from the same thing, but I feel like some people end up completely missing the mark and mischaractizing that version of him.
For all the odd choices the p3 movies make, I'm adamant that his character and his arc is the best part about them, so it kind of urks me when i see tharpeople take away from it is that 'he's emotionless and devoid of personality' or 'a complete asshole who doesn't care about anything' both of which is untrue in all the films.
CW: blood in one of the images (the car accident scene, it just shows the hand but still)
First of all, the whole him being 'rude and uncaring' thing; To be honest, nothing he says strikes me as rude, it all comes off as blunt and not fitting the situation (him asking if they can leave during the hospital scene, and his answer seemingly having no sympathy when they talk to Natsuki). Of course to those who don't know him that well, he comes off as cold especially since his facial expression or tone barely change.
And the uncaring bit continues to get debunked through every film. Even in the first film, where he's closed himself off and doesn't care about living. He awakens to his persona to protect Yukari, he helps Fuuka collect her stuff twice despite not knowing her and even listens to her talk about Natsuki, he summons a different persona and throws himself at the Priestess to save Junpei. He goes against what he was told to do and goes straight into Tartarus because of the fear that his team will die if he doesn't.
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It's made clear in the first movie that despite avoiding connections with people, he still can't let people die, deep down he cares about those around him getting hurt and wants to prevent that. It seems to heavily be rooted by his PTSD of the accident, him getting flashbacks to it in both the second and third full moon at the thought of someone dying. He's willing to throw himself in danger, not giving up even if he gets hurt or could exhaust himself, he has no care about his life, but he still cares about those around him.
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The only claim I could see holding weight is the 'no personality' part but that's mainly because he spends half of the first film following orders from other people, but that itself can be seen as part of him, he doesn't have any direction or any care about his life so he follows what everyone tells and wants from him. He fights because he was told hed make a great asset to the team, he stays behind because him going would make Yukari mad, he has no reason not to listen or any argument to refute it, and this is dismantled near the end where he refuses to listen when they tell him to run because he can't let anyone die.
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This is all I've gathered from the first movie still, I could carry on for all of them (and there is alot to talk about in each one in regards to his character) but I think I've made my point. Not only does they continue to prove those points incorrect, his character continues to evolve with the events around him.
I don't think there's a right or wrong way to write or portray makoto. The movies are not the be- all-all-end all of his characterization, but when you're talking about or writing that specific version of him, just don't end up writing him in a way that completely contradicts what the film shows.
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arimiaromage · 1 year
I really can only view Nea's story as self sacrifice.
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Nea realized his fate was to become the Earl and destroy the world. He didn't have any options, because he wasn't just a Noah, he was the Earl.
So he made a new option.
If him being a Noah and the Earl would lead to the world being destroyed, then all he had to do was destroy that first. He (begrudgingly) accepted help from Allen and Cross because he realized he couldn't do it all on his own, especially when it came to the ark.
And then there was Mana.
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He did all of it—killing the other Noah, working with Cross & Allen, even knowing he was the Earl...—he did it all for Mana.
This is where we get into the theory section.
I can't help but feel that he knew they were both the Earl. I feel like sometime after he awakened as a Noah, Nea began regaining Adam's memories- not his Noah memories, but Adam's memories of being at the Campbell manor and such. He realized him and Mana weren't twins and that he himself wasn't just a Noah, he was the Noah. And with that, an inkling that Mana was the same.
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And yet, despite knowing that they weren't actually brothers, that if he wanted to prevent the Earl—himself—from destroying the world he would have to die and most likely kill his beloved brother as well—he still stayed with him. He never left Mana's side and Mana never left his.
...So much so that those visuals are still imprinted on Earl!Mana's memories.
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Nea's fate was to destroy the world as the Earl. But just like how your path isn't set until you make your own footprints in the ground, Nea forged his own path. A hard, lonely path that involved becoming a murderer and leading to his own murder-suicide.
I really feel like that was Nea's plan- kill the Noah, kill Mana, and then kill himself once he became the only living fragment of the Earl. After all, this is his last journey.
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Nea decided to kill Mana after killing the Noah, but Road stopped him before he crossed that line. I really feel like that's what was happening in the flashback of Road holding Mana.
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Nea knew he and Mana were both the Earl and that's what led him to killing the other Noah and eventually trying to kill Mana.
It's all a self-sacrifice but it's all a sacrifice for Mana's sake. Nea was the one to decide to become a murderer, to decide to kill Mana before he becomes the Earl. And now because of this path he's chosen, he's alone.
Nea is quick to shut out any outside help now that he realizes he is truly alone- Mana is still mostly consumed by the Earl, Cross is "dead", and Allen has no memory of him. Allen was alone when he fled the order but he still had friends searching for him and eventually helping him. Nea has none of that now. But that's the life he chose.
It's both a self-sacrifice in the physical sense, that he plans on killing the last fragment of the Earl (himself) and a more mental sense as he takes on the burden of the world onto himself and refuses to let anyone else help.
Just like Allen and Mana have developed "masks" to hide their pain from others, Nea has one to shield his pain as well. It would be so easy for him to try to help Allen regain his memories, but instead he has to keep up the tough guy act and pretend he doesn't care.
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He has tried to throw away everything including his emotions with his self-sacrificial journey but at the end of the day he is still a human trying to mask his pain because he knows the path he's chosen is nothing but tragedy.
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The only path left for Nea now is to kill Mana (and probably himself) and Nea is determined to not let anyone get close to him again as he sets out on his path of destruction again.
It's so wildly self-destructive but also such an interesting foil to Allen's self-sacrificial tendencies—Allen throws himself in danger to protect others from the pain he's experienced all while pretending to be someone he's not, but Nea never had the luxury of choosing to protect people like that. The best way Nea can protect the people he loves is if he's dead.
There is no doubt in my mind that Nea (still) loves Mana and Mana (still) loves Nea (and even further, that the pieces of Earl!Mana that are so attached to Nea are pieces of Mana that are still alive).
I really see Nea's whole story as being an entirely self-sacrificial path to try to save his beloved brother from becoming a monster and shoving the entire weight of the world ending on his own shoulders, not letting others close enough to take off the burden. Except Allen.
Allen somehow got close enough to Nea to not only become the person he trusted with the ark, the Earl's prized device for fighting and creating akuma, but to take some of that burden off of Nea's shoulders. Just like we're seeing Allen's mask fall off as he's surrounded by allies again, I hope we'll see the same with Nea as he realizes he can trust Allen once more—one final time for one final journey.
yeah that was some rambling / my own theory on Nea's goals and why he acts That Way. at the end of the day he's a pissy catboy who really wants attention from the people he loves most but can't because he's also trying to kill them </3
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cakerybakery · 6 months
I’d like to write a one shot about Adam being reborn on Earth and becoming a priest. I had a story idea a few months about about a priest that agrees to meetings each week with the devil to save his congregation, that would be a fun premise for getting Adam and Lucifer to fuck. Especially if combined with that temptation war AU I was thinking about the other day.
It’s Lucifer and Lilith’s turn to pick a vice vs virtue and as they lost Lust to Chasity a few rounds ago so they’re going to try it again. Adam and Eve have chosen to born into highly religious families with the goals of becoming members of the cloth once they’re adults again to resist the temptation of lust.
Lucifer and Lilith wait until Adam and Eve have grown up again. Part of the rules. Just as Adam and Eve will only be born with the vague feeling that they’re doing something important, Lucifer and Lilith cannot tempt them as children. Should Adam or Eve die or sin before they’re considered adults with all the rights and responsibilities required to be an adult then it would be a tie for the round and their sins would not count as Lilith and Lucifer aren’t tempting them.
Eve grows up to become a nun. She chose well and resists the temptations of hell her whole life. Much to the frustration of Lilith.
Adam grows up to become a priest but when members of his congregation sell their souls to the devil for things such as wealth, power, or talent and the devil comes a calling Adam is desperate to protect his people.
“Then let’s make a deal. So long as you meet with me I’ll leave your sinners alone. Perhaps one day you’ll convince me to let their souls go. Although I’d rather add a priest to the notches on my bedpost.”
Adam takes a step back from the devil’s out stretched hand. He couldn’t believe people in his congregation had made deals for their souls to this man, nor could he believe he was taller than the devil by a few inches. He always seemed bigger in the stories.
Were a few sinners worth risking his soul? His place in heaven? The devil’s deal said nothing about his soul and he did not plan to have sex until marriage he could be confident that he couldn’t be tempted into the sin. The devil was hardly his type. While he was partial to blonds, but he also liked it when they came with tits. He wasn’t in any danger of finding this guy attractive.
“Deal.” Adam took Lucifer’s hand and they shook on it.
“I will come every Sunday night. From 7 pm until 7 am your time is mine. Play your cards right and you’ll be cumming to.” Lucifer winked and vanished.
Adam’s hand burned. He hoped his congregation was worth it.
Sunday came and he put extra emphasis on people needing to resist the devil and his temptation. Hoping at least to not lose more to the short bastard.
He waited back at his small apartment that evening, wondering how he was going to entertain the king of hell for twelve hours. Did he need to stay up all night? What was the devil even going to do? Should he put on a movie? Adam had been on a few dates before, but he’d never been as nervous about them as he was about this meeting.
A date he could navigate. He planned to be a priest most of his life. He always made that clear and that a date was simply a date and he had no plans to have sex before marriage. Some girls he just never clicked with and they didn’t date for long. One he thought he would marry but she left the church and him. She’s apparently happy with a family of her own on the other side of the country, according to Facebook anyways.
This was unusual to say the least. He prepared a sermon but if the devil couldn’t be swayed by god what chance did he have? What would they discuss? What could they discuss if the devil’s goal was to bed him? Would he have to spend twelve hours trying to push the devil’s hands off him? Telling him no and trying to squirm away?
Adam caught sight of himself in the mirror, his face was turning pink, he hadn’t realized he was biting his own lip. That wasn’t good. Was there a reason things never clicked with women?
His clock began to chime and there was a knock on the door, tearing him from his thoughts.
Opening the door, Adam didn’t know what to expect. Lucifer wore a casual suit for their meeting, the top few buttons undone, hatless, he pressed a small bouquet of flowers into Adam’s hands and carried a bottle of wine.
Adam could feel his face burning red. This was a date. He was on a date with the devil in his apartment.
“Going to invite me in, darling?” Lucifer winked up at him and Adam stumbled back tongue-tied.
“Co-come in.” What had he done? This was bad. This was a bad time to be figuring out that maybe he was more into men than he thought.
He shook his head, no. He wasn’t into guys. He wasn’t interested in men last week. This had to be some trick of the devil. A trick of the rather handsome devil taking off his suit jacket and rolling his shirt sleeves up and talking to him about glasses? He didn’t wear glasses. Why did the devil want to know where his glasses were?
Lucifer held up the bottle looking as confused as Adam was feeling and it clicked.
“I don’t have wine glasses! I-I don’t drink, much.” He had the occasionally beer but never really acquired a taste for it and it was more to be polite than anything.
He also didn’t have a vase. No one had ever given him flowers before and he never bought any for himself. Where should he put this? What did he do?
Almost like he was taking pity on him, Lucifer flashed him a soft smile that made Adam’s heart race, and brushed past Adam to go into the kitchen.
He opened and closed cupboards until he found the glasses and pulled a couple down.
“This will do.” Lucifer poured them some wine, “shall we have dinner? I’m a fantastic cook.”
Adam left the flowers propped up in the sink and filled it with the tap until he could find something else for the flowers to go in.
He hadn’t thought about dinner. For the past couple hours he had been fretting over what to say and skipped his own supper. Adam had been too busy to do much shopping either.
“How about take out?”
“It would give me more time to seduce you.” Lucifer’s hand groped Adam’s ass and Adam jumped.
“You know what,” Adam backed out of the kitchen, “you should cook.”
Lucifer just smiled, “anything you say, dear.”
Adam retreated to the living room while the devil cooked in his kitchen. His classes never prepared him for this. It was always more theoretical and metaphorical. The devil tempting you with the easy path, not by coming to your apartment with flowers and wine, not by cooking you dinner and groping your ass.
He talked to Adam. Asked him questions about his life. Spoke to Adam as though he had known him all his life. Like this wasn’t the first time the devil tried to seduced him.
Adam knew he didn’t have ribs in the fridge but there they were on a plate. He didn’t have apples either, but there was a pie. Adam wasn’t sure he had most of the ingredients used in the meal and wondered if he would be damned if he ate it.
“It’s fine. I conjured what I needed.” Lucifer poured himself another glass, “you’re not Persephone and damned to the under world if you eat my cooking.”
Still, Adam picked at the food, the man telling him this was the prince of lies. He could easily be lying.
“If it was easy cooking you a meal then I wouldn’t need twelve hours.”
Adam supposed that was true. But the truth could be as effective as a lie if told properly. His stomach growled and he took a bite.
Fuck. It was delicious. Adam dug in vaguely aware that Lucifer was watching him.
“You humans have a saying. ‘The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.’ And I get the feeling of if I want into your bed it’ll have to be through your heart. So I’m glad you’re enjoying my cooking so much.”
Adam felt a foot run up and down his leg and quickly pushed himself back away from the table. He finished his supper awkwardly far from the table and his plate as quickly as he could. Before slamming back his glass of wine.
“How about we watch a movie?” Without waiting for an answer Adam left the table and dishes. Something he wasn’t prone to doing on his own. He switched on the tv and clicked through some menus and screens to turn on the first movie he found. Adam sat ridged in an armchair. Assuming Lucifer would be unable to touch him if the seat was for one.
He was wrong.
Lucifer sat in his lap. “All you have to do is tell me no.” He sunk his fingers into Adam’s hair and cozied up close.
Adam’s tongue wouldn’t work. He couldn’t say no. He didn’t want to say no. “I’m waiting until marriage!”
Lucifer kissed his neck as Adam clung to the arm rests like a lifeboat in the sea.
Lucifer’s hands wandered and Adam could only whimper. When they reached Adam’s belt he found his voice. “Marry me!”
Pausing his hands, Lucifer pulled away from Adam’s neck, “what?”
“Marry me. You want to fuck a priest? Then marry me. You can fuck me as much as you want then. But you have to let my congregation go.”
“That! I! Uhh!”
Adam grabbed Lucifer by the waist and kissed him for all he was worth. Lucifer twisted his hands into Adam’s sweater and returned the kiss, “okay.” Was all he could say when Adam pulled away.
Lucifer’s face was flushed and eyes half closed, Adam saw his chance. He continued his assault on the devil’s lips and texted with one hand to John, a fellow priest, to bring his wife and to come over quick.
It didn’t need to be legal. Not in the eyes of the government. It wasn’t like the fucking devil could sign paperwork. But they could make it official in the eyes of the lord.
John held Adam’s spare key and let his wife and himself into Adam’s apartment.
The sight was more horrific than either had imagined. They had thought perhaps Adam had hurt himself and didn’t want to go to the hospital. Mary was a nurse after all. They expected blood and stitches. Not to see a demon pinned to the floor by Adam. Their necks red with hickies, disheveled, and leftover dinner still warm on the table.
“What the fuck, Adam?”
“Marry us. Quickly.”
“I’ll tell you later. I have the-the paper thingy in my desk with,” Adam groaned as the devil rubbed them together. “Words and shit! Just do it!”
John did as he was told. Speeding through to the vows.
“Names! What’s his name?”
“Lucifer Morningstar.” The devil laughed.
John fumbled with the papers. Not a demon but the very king of hell himself.
He finished the vows they said their I do’s and Adam screamed at him to get out.
Mary prayed in the car as they drove home. He didn’t know what unholy deed he had just been apart of but he couldn’t escape the feeling that he had just helped someone or something greater than himself. He couldn’t figure out if it was for the side of good or evil.
The deed was done, Adam let Lucifer go and let himself be ravaged.
His favourite sweater was torn beyond repair in Lucifer’s quest for more flesh to assault with his hands and mouth. His pants would never recover. He let himself be carried to his bed and pressed into it.
Adam briefly realized this was going to be his first time and that the devil was unlikely to let him top. When he pictured this moment, his wedding night, this was nothing like he imagined. At the very least he assumed he would be the one doing the fucking.
Those thoughts vanished as Lucifer’s mouth engulfed his dick whole.
Very suddenly he didn’t care. Not if Lucifer kept doing that thing with his tongue. He could feel himself being worked open and wondered very briefly what his husband was using, then Lucifer did that thing with his tongue and the thought was gone.
Adam didn’t know, Adam didn’t care, Adam just wanted more, Adam was rewarded with it.
He writhed and screamed out, he was sure the neighbours would call the police.
It was only after, as they lay gasping in his bedsheets, that it occurred to Adam what he had done.
“You win.” Lucifer pried himself up from the bed. “This round is yours, Adam.”
Memories flooded back. Eden, heaven, hell, the war they were waging that rested on the shoulder’s of he and Eve.
“I didn’t think flowers and dinner would work that fast.”
“You prick! You fucking bastard! You tricked me!” Adam hit Lucifer with a pillow.
“Well, yeah. That’s my lot in this war.” He let Adam hit him, knowing that Adam was embarrassed. It wasn’t like a pillow could actually harm him and they both knew it.
Adam exhausted himself. He was a bit sore and emotionally drained. “What do you mean I won?”
“This round was lust. I was trying to get you to give into having pre-marital sex. I have to admit, I was so flabbergasted by you actually calling over someone who could marry us that I went with it.”
“Aren’t you already married? Doesn’t that mean we’re not married? Shouldn’t you have won that round?”
Lucifer shrugged. “Kinda. Not on Earth though. And you didn’t know about my marriage to Lilith. But you remember and so long as Eve doesn’t give in before she dies, then this round goes to heaven.”
“It’s weird. To remember while I’m still alive.”
“Yeah, usually I get your whole life to tempt you. If you marry then I tempt you with cheating. Or whatever. This was a loophole I didn’t see coming.”
Adam wasn’t sure what to do now. He should probably explain things to John. But how much? What did this mean for Lucifer and him? Apparently what they did was good enough for God to declare Adam the victor. So he was, in this life and in the eyes of God, married to Lucifer. Oh this life’s father would be pissed if he knew.
He started laughing as ideas came to him. He should go back home to his parent’s place, show up with his husband, the fucking devil. That would be hilarious.
What would his congregation think? Well, seeing as a few of them made deals with the devil he could just leave out the wage between heaven and hell and let them all know their slate had been wiped clean and it was thanks to him bending over.
Fuck it. Adam flopped down onto the bed. He would worry about it later.
Lucifer rolled closer, “sooo, you want to cuddle?”
Adam shoved him off the bed.
“That wasn’t a no!”
For fuck’s sake! I wasn’t trying to write a story! Who keeps letting me have ideas?
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milswrites · 8 months
Blind cadet headcanons ~ Fourth wing ~
Summary: a series of headcanons about Blind reader joining the riders quadrant
Warnings: minor violence but not really (nothing you wouldn’t see in the books)
Notes: Possibly making this into a series? I would like to develop it and have a possible love interest! Would this be something someone would find interesting?
• Being the youngest of three children you were used to being in your siblings shadows
• It didn’t help that you were blind and so your parents had written you off as useless
• You were always adamant that despite your lack of vision you wanted to join Basgiath and prove your worth
• The scribes quadrant was a bad idea
- You struggled to walk round the archives and libraries without bumping into shelves and causing a racket
- And well… You couldn’t read
- It wasn’t long before you were turned away
• You had tried healing but the problem was no one trusted a blind girl to tend to them
- It also didn’t help that you’d once accidentally poisoned someone instead of giving them medicine for a sore head
- But hey it wasn’t your fault that both liquids came in the same shaped bottle
- That was enough for you to be asked to leave the healers
• That left the infantry or the riders quadrant
- Wanting to prove yourself to your family the riders quadrant seemed the best option to do so
- Plus who wouldn’t want a dragon?
• Your parents and older sister found your determination to join laughable. They were confident you would die before you even stepped onto the parapet
• But your older brother who had always had a soft spot for you knew that once your mind was made up you were doing it
- So he took it upon himself to train you
- Which wasn’t the easiest job but somehow he managed it
- Even when he had left to join the infantry you continued to train and practice the moves he had taught you. Fearing you’d forget them before you’d had chance to join the riders quadrant
• Conscription day arrived and it was time to take on the parapet
•By some miracle (and guidance from your new friends Violet and Rhiannon) you made it across and were able to become a cadet
• You could tell the other cadets found you weak and a liability
- However, when training started they learnt they were all sorely mistaken when you were able to take down Jack Barlowe in under a minute (much to the pleasure of Violet)
• The gauntlet was more difficult
- There were lots of near fatal mistakes during practice
- Adamant you wouldn’t let yourself come this far just to die you would sneak out every night to practice
- Unknown to you a group of tattooed people were hiding nearby watching…
• When the day of the gauntlet arrived it’s safe to say you surprised everyone by passing
- It definitely wasn’t the fastest time but that didn’t matter
• Threshing was the most terrifying experience of your life
- Running blindly around an unfamiliar area filled with a hundred blood-thirsty dragons? … Yeah no thanks
• Fortunately you had been picked out by a dragon during presentation and they had enough sense to seek you out rather than wait hours, if not days, for you to come find them
- But that wasn’t until you had already escaped two nasty run-ins with other dragons
• Now if running round a place filled with dragons was the most terrifying experience of your life - flying a dragon was definitely second
- Not to mention you had a slightly annoyed dragon after you’d spent far too much time scrambling your way onto their back
• Trying to stay on your dragon was hard enough with sight, never mind the inability to tell where you’re heading
• But then the most amazing thing happened
• Your dragon used dragon sight and suddenly you could mentally see everything your dragon could
- It brought a tear to your eye how beautiful the world was from up there
- Your reaction to that alone was enough for your dragon to know they’ve made the right choice with their rider.
Notes: And that’s it! I could have gone on and on with these but then thought that would have spoiled any potential one-shots I do!
This was my first time writing on here so I do hope it was alright!
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chlobliviate · 2 months
Wolfstar Microfics - Whump
Words: 986
Remus shut his eyes and tried to temper his breathing in the darkness. He could hear the heavy footsteps coming up the stairs and flinched as the door swung open. There was no mistaking the silhouette in the door frame. Greyback.
Remus had been spending the full moon with Greyback’s pack for months, trying to convince them to turn against Voldemort, with varying, but generally little success. He hated Dumbledore for making him do this. It was something he could never understand, of course, being forced to spend time with the one who ruined your life and forced to make small talk with the repugnant man who looked at Remus like he was a piece of meat and he wanted to take a(nother) bite. Remus wasn’t stupid. He knew he was the only one who could take on this mission, but he was resentful nonetheless.
He suspected Greyback had officially allied with Voldemort at the last full moon and was wary about attending this month, but Dumbledore had been adamant that there was still a chance to convert them.
When Remus awoke after the sunrise, he found himself tied to a chair in a strange room. He could smell blood and dirt, but blackout curtains and a deep aching in his head made it hard to make out anything. He cursed himself for listening to Dumbledore and not telling anyone where he was going.
Greyback stood before him, running a finger down the side of Remus’ face, “Well, this is nice, isn’t it? Almost like old times.”
Remus said nothing, he set his jaw and focused on a water stain on the wall. He inhaled sharply when the back of Greyback’s hand struck his cheek.
“You’re not like them, Remus. They don’t trust you, because of what you are.” He grabbed Remus’ hair, yanking it up so Remus would look at him. “You’re one of us, and we serve the Dark Lord. Tell me what Dumbledore is planning.”
“No,” Remus said hoarsely. “I’d rather die.”
Greyback seemed to consider that for a moment, “That’s the easy way out. There are things much worse than death, as you well know. Crucio!”
Everything went white, Remus couldn’t breathe and he couldn’t contain the feral scream that was ripped from his throat. Curses (and spells) affected werewolves differently. It was something he desperately wanted to study, but not like this. He felt burning pain swirling under his skin as if trying to break through the surface.
Then it stopped, suddenly. Remus slumped forward, panting, tears falling from his eyes as soon as he opened them. He wondered why Greyback had stopped. Then he heard it, someone else was in the house.
Greyback studied him, “It seems the Dark Lord is here earlier than I anticipated.” He said with a sinister smile. “Stay.”
Remus bristled as Greyback left the room, locking it behind him. As if he had a choice. A loud crash startled him, then footsteps racing up the stairs. The door shook and he thought he heard someone swear softly. Then the door crashed open, almost flying off its hinges and when his eyes readjusted to the bright light from the hallway, he let out a sob as his heart soared and his empty stomach lurched.
“Pads?” It was barely a whisper.
Sirius charged into the room and was on his knees in front of Remus immediately. He vanished the ropes holding Remus without a sound and as Remus’ body plummeted, his arms were ready and waiting.
Remus woke with a start. The sun was streaming through a gap in his curtains. Wait, his curtains? He tried to look down but winced as pain shot through him and he swore under his breath.
Sirius was by his side in an instant. “Good morning, moonshine.” He looked tired like he hadn’t slept in days. Remus supposed he probably looked worse but tried to smile up at him. “I have a pain potion here, one sec.” He uncorked the potions and hesitated for a moment before slipping his hand around the back of Remus’ head so he could tilt it slightly to pour the potion into his mouth. The effect was almost instant and Sirius nodded as he saw Remus’ features soften. “Better?”
Remus nodded with a slight grimace, “What happened?”
“A lot,” Sirius said quietly. “Pete has been working for Voldemort. He let slip that you were with Greyback for the moon and tried to convince us that you told him. There was no scenario where you’d tell him and not us. We caught him in a lie, and last I heard he was on his way to Azkaban.” He hummed in thought, “What else? Prongs, Lily, and Harry are fine. I knocked Greyback the fuck out and the Aurors got him, finally. I’ll tell you more when you’re feeling better, but it’s all going to be fine.” He paused again, “I was so scared when you didn’t come home, Moons.”
“I’m sorry.” He croaked.
“It’s hardly your fault.” Sirius said, moving his thumb slowly to stroke the side of Remus’ neck, “I’m just glad you’re alive.”
Remus huffed out a hollow laugh, “Barely.” He knew he had to ask, “How did you find me?”
“Dumbledore gave Pete veritaserum,” Sirius frowned, “Fucking rat. He knew a lot more than we thought. If they can find Voldemort…” He looked down at Remus, “How are you feeling?”
Remus considered for a few seconds, not able to look Sirius in the eye, “Exhausted. What day is it?”
“It’s Sunday. You slept for about sixteen hours once I got you back home last night.” Sirius’ hand stilled and Remus missed the sensation instantly, turning his head slightly to press his cheek into Sirius’ palm. Sirius’ thumb traced his cheekbone, “Hey, no more full moons without me, please.”
Remus nodded, the beginnings of a smile teasing the corners of his mouth, “Of course.”
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 2 months
Is there anything you want to share about the AU that people haven't asked yet? Like certain events or details mayhaps?
If not what got you thinking about it again? Was it a certain scene? The Dynamic? Or did the brain chemicals just decide it was time to refocus on it?
hello hello :3 hehe ok good question! my answer ended up being long so more under the cut
I don't think I've talked very much about Xisuma and "Evil" Xisuma yet, though they are somewhat important characters. I've mentioned that Xisuma runs a human safe zone, which Mumbo eventually finds and lives in for a while.
Grian doesn't join the little survivor's camp for the first few weeks, but eventually he puts together a convincing human form and joins. Mumbo is happier living with humans, and Grian can live with the pain of staying in a human form unnaturally if it makes Mumbo happy. There are signs everywhere explaining how to spot an 'outsider', how to kill one, how to avoid being killed by one, etc.
The humans at the camp are mostly mutated themselves. Mumbo seemingly avoided the strange refraction of genetic material that hit every other human. Some have small differences - strange eyes, clawed hands, basic and complex disabilities - while others are more deeply changed, their genetics scrambled. Xisuma himself can no longer breathe in an earthly atmosphere, requiring a mask to help him. Despite any and all changes, the survivors still call themselves human. Pure. Different from the monsters.
Mumbo talks to Xisuma about outsiders - suggesting that maybe they aren't so bad - but Xisuma is very adamant that the monsters are murderous, evil beings. He says he was almost killed by one, and it took his form in order to hurt the people he cared about. The unnatural thing escaped into the wild before Xisuma could kill it, and it's probably still out there roaming. He won't let a monster get the best of him again.
Things are alright, for a while. Grian lets his form change very rarely, when he is sure there are no cameras or people watching. Mumbo seems calmer in a familiar environment, like he can almost pretend everything is normal and okay again. Grian sometimes gets frustrated with this. Nothing is normal. They've both been forced into the apocalypse. How come Mumbo gets to act like this is okay?
Of course, eventually, Grian is found out. It's very dramatic. An angry mob of humans surround him as his form shifts and changes. They go after him with weapons and fire and back him into a corner. Mumbo tries to reason with the crowd, but isn't listened to. Grian gets hurt.
Mumbo pushes through the crowded bodies, pushing them aside with as much force as he can muster. He can't let Grian die. Not for his sake. Not because of him. Heart pounding in his chest, he gets between Grian and the mob.
The deal takes a lot of shouting and pleading to work out. A lot of force. The crowd is disgusted at Mumbo's affection for Grian, holding him and shielding him with his smaller, human body. But, by some miracle, or perhaps an appeal to Xisuma's need to find out more about the monsters, he manages to calm the people enough to agree to keeping Grian alive.
Imprisoned and studied, but alive.
(yeah, that doesn't last long. soon grian and mumbo escape the place and head into the destroyed city - this is where they finally run into cub and scar, and then, later... a certain 'evil' xisuma)
To answer your other question - I was listening to some music and some songs really reminded me of the AU. I thought I should return to it :3
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cerise-on-top · 3 months
Too Sweet
I'm not sure if this is what you had in mind with your idea, probably not, but this is what came to mind when you related Too Sweet to Ghost :> The original idea was by @ryan-velikan, I just wanted to write something for it!
No pearly white gates could ever compare to the feeling of having you in his arms. Your form fit perfectly into his as he held onto your hand and your waist. Truthfully, you looked so content, being this close to him. Simon Riley, the ghost that died eons ago. The hardened soldier, who lost everything near and dear to him when he grasped it in his shaky hands. The lieutenant, who never thought he could find his place among people ever again. And yet, here he was, at his best friend’s wedding, dancing with his boyfriend of three years. You were so close to him, so warm, so sweet. You were so unlike him. Simon was a monster. He has killed so many people, never even rued it once. From his hands poured a fountain of blood, never ending as he could nearly drown himself in all the lives he has ended. With a heart that even cold and empty envied, he found himself in a moment of serenity. Repeating movements as he got to be near all the people he loved, watching over them to ensure they could live. Simon Riley could die for all he cared, as long as you got to live, as long as Johnny got to smile, as long as Gaz got to bask in the sun, as long as Price got to care for them like a family, he could die happy.
Your eyes were so soft as you couldn’t pry them from his face. It was what kept you secure, made you feel safe in an environment that could turn hostile any second. Although not much of a talker, Simon could snap at anyone who dared to take this moment from you. Your voice would sometimes call out his name. A hymn more beautiful than the promises an angel could give. If you were Adam, then he’d be the snake slithering from the garden of Eden, if just to sit outside your door. How many times has he entertained the thought of leaving you before you would become as tainted and impure as he was? How many nights has he spent asking God for your salvation so you may live forever in heaven. How often has he, a man of no religion, prayed for your happiness while he was away. And here you were, looking at him as though he was everlasting joy. It was almost too much to bear for his broken, scarred soul.
You’re too sweet for me
The dark and lonesomeness came natural to him. And then you came along, shining a pure light onto him. You taught him what warmth felt like, you showed him the beauty of living, as opposed to the misery of surviving. Simon was indebted to you, but no matter what he did, he could never make up for this fortune of bliss you’ve given him. A small heart drawn on his hand, a genuine confession, a dance at a wedding. A hug when the nightmares seemed too real, a reassuring word when the past clawed at him, a loving hand when the world bared its teeth. You’d smile at him when it was evident that no one could love him. And yet, he had nothing to give in return. He was a poor soldier, worthless as they get, in the presence of the prince of the universe. A disgusting old mutt, who has never felt the affection of another. But you sheltered him from the bullet rain.
And with that, you released him. Just when he was getting lost in your soul yet again, you let go of him. But the warmth didn’t seep away for long. You had him in your grasp, pretty as vines, wrapped around him to make him stay. Both of your hands sought out his face, making sure he would look at you. But how could he possibly look away from you? The mornings didn’t shine as brightly as you did. It was almost blinding when you pulled him closer. A sensation he was familiar with, and yet it was as intoxicating as it was the very first time he experienced it. Your lips were so warm against his, a slight hint of orange. Never much the drinker you were, despite him having indulged in whisky already.
This was supposed to be Johnny’s special day, but somehow, it was Simon, who could have sworn he finally had a chance at redemption. No words were spoken, there was no need to, after all, but you knew what he was thinking:
You’re too sweet for me
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bobmckenzie · 2 months
No Words
word count: 1.8k blurb: Randall and Caitie find comfort in each other after another dangerous experiment, and their suppressed feelings can't be ignored any longer. cw: mentions of death
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Randall was glad his dorm was between David’s and Cait’s apartment buildings, since it meant she was walking with him from David’s place. He didn’t want to be alone yet, not after another close call, and not after Nelson’s little explosion. 
The group hadn’t been strong to begin with; they’d been arguing since day one. But things were only getting worse, and Randall had to wonder if the Flatliners would splinter off naturally, or if someone would have to die to put an end to all the madness.
Through the eyes of a stranger, they may as well have been walking home alone. Neither he nor Cait said a word, the night quiet between them save for their footsteps against the pavement and the breeze rustling what was left of the autumn leaves. But there was something about having her there, even in silence, that just made it all easier to deal with. 
Despite how different they were and how much he had in common with the others, he was beginning to feel like she was the only one he could relate to. It was a relief, not being alone in his desire not to take the experiments any further—even if their protests meant nothing to the rest of the group.
Of course, beyond that, there was the attraction. Physical at first before they'd met, now stronger thanks to getting to know her gentle yet tenacious nature, and the mischievous little quips that would sometimes escape her.
His affections were undeniable, and the urge to touch her was constant. As they walked he yearned to take her hand in his, or wrap his arm around her waist to hold her against him. Of course, like always, he never acted on it—they made it to the doorway of the dormitory building without so much as a brush of their fingers.
Randall stepped up onto the porch, but Cait stayed on the sidewalk. 
“I'll see you,” she said, giving a smile that didn't meet her eyes.
He didn't want her to go yet. “Are you okay with all this?” he blurted. “With Rachel going under?”
She blinked, pausing for a second before pursing her lips. She shrugged, slowly coming up to join him in the doorway. “Does it matter? It's not my choice to make.”
“I can't stop thinking…” Randall trailed off, shaking his head. “I've got this terrible feeling, like I know that someone's going to end up dead.”
Caitie's expression fell, but it wasn’t just sympathy—he could see the understanding in her eyes, and knew she felt it too.
“I want to walk away, to just… just resign from the whole thing. I never should've agreed to any of it in the first place. If I stay, and someone dies, I will never forgive myself. But if I leave…”
He shrugged, swallowing over the lump in his throat. He looked out to the frosted-over dormitory lawn, too ashamed to keep holding her concerned gaze. He was dumping all this on her like she was some kind of therapist, like she'd have some infinite wisdom for him, when he knew she was just as scared and confused as he was.
He continued, unable to stop himself. “How could I forgive myself for that, either? I'll always know that if I'd’ve been there, maybe I could've done something.”
The gentle sound of her voice made his gaze return to hers. She shook her head, a hand reaching out to rest against his arm in comfort—he swore he could feel the spark of her touch, even through the layers of shirt, cardigan, and the leathery sleeve of his coat.
“You're not responsible for any of us.” The breeze toyed with her hair as she spoke, making her bangs dance above those eyes that were as dark as the night itself. “Everyone knows what the risk is. We’re accountable for our own decisions.”
With a sigh, she gave his arm a squeeze before letting go. “Still… I've tried to talk Rachel out of it. But she's adamant. We got in a big fight over it, she told me I wouldn't possibly be able to understand. I guess she thinks about as highly of me as Nelson does.”
She let out a humorless laugh, and he felt his heart clench at the forced little smile she put on.
“I'm sure she didn't mean it like that.”
She couldn't have, could she? Nelson was always putting Cait down, not expecting her to grasp the intricacies of the experiments simply because she wasn't a medical student like the rest of them. Rachel was supposed to be her best friend—would she really stoop to such an insult, such a sore spot, just because Cait didn't want her to risk her life?
Randall scoffed, shaking his head. “Screw the rest of them. So you're not a doctor-to-be. As of tonight, I'm convinced you're the only other person in this group that has any brains at all.” 
The smile he got from her was worth all the stress, the danger. 
She looked down as she grinned, nudging her shoe playfully against his. He had to wonder if the flush on her cheeks was from the brisk night, or if the compliment really meant that much to her.
He ached to reach out, cup her face in his hands, and kiss her. Instead, he stuffed his hands in his coat pockets.
Her voice was soft when she spoke again, looking up at him through her lashes. “I guess I should get going.” There was a moment of hesitation before she stepped forward, wrapping her arms around him in a gentle hug. “I'm really glad you're not doing it.”
He couldn't speak to tell her the same, could only manage to wrap his arms around her and pull her closer. His eyes shut as he rested his chin against her shoulder, nuzzling against soft brown locks, losing himself in the faint amber of her fading perfume.
Had anything ever felt more comforting? Ever taken away worry and stress so quickly? Even the bitterness of the autumn night seemed to disappear, his body warming from the inside out simply by having her against him. 
He wanted, needed, more, could hardly bear the thought that this would be it, that this could be as close as they’d ever be. 
She was pulling away all too quickly, arms unraveling, the comfort leaving him inch by inch. He couldn’t think straight, couldn’t help himself—he kept his arms around her, meeting her eyes for only a second as she pulled back, just before testing the waters and following after her, his gaze drifting to her mouth as he brushed his nose with hers.
He could feel her breath catch as she stilled in his arms, hands clutching onto his shoulders. For a second, there was nothing but shaking breaths and pounding hearts—then she clumsily returned the gesture, nudging her nose against his, and his mind was gone.
His lips were on hers in an instant, needy and desperate—shivers raced up his spine, though he was hot now, oblivious to the chilled breeze scattering leaves around them. The gentle curve of her lips against his was intoxicating, a sensation that made him feel so strong and powerless all at once. 
He’d imagined kissing her a hundred times, but never thought the first one would hold so much intensity. He simply couldn't help himself. He deepened the kiss, head tilting, one hand raising to cup her face. She felt so delicate under his touch, her pulse thrumming under his fingertips, skin so soft.
Her hands gripped the collar of his jacket, tugging him closer, though there was no space left between them. The knowledge that she was feeling it too, needing him just the same, made him gasp and step forward, guiding her so her back was against the doorway and his body was nestled against hers. 
There was no holding back now. His lips met hers with a hunger he’d never felt before, something so deep and all consuming it was impossible to imagine that there were more intense feelings in the world—and yet he knew if there were, he’d only find them with her.
Cait’s hands moved up to his neck, snaking into his hair, gently tugging. It was all he could do not to whine at the sensation—her touch was enough to drive a man to madness.
The sound of a throat being cleared made them flinch apart, dazed and heavy-lidded, panting as they turned to see a woman shifting her bag on her shoulder, waiting to get inside. They both mumbled out apologies as they separated to opposite sides of the door, letting her pass. 
Randall could feel the deep blush on his face, nerves settling into every part of his body as he mustered the courage to look at Cait again. Her own cheeks were dusted with red, but to his relief, her lips were curving into a smile.
She took a deep breath, running a hand through her hair. Was she as lost for words as he was?
He hadn’t meant to kiss her. He had plans, after all, plans that didn’t involve romance or dating or anything other than finishing med school and getting a start on his career. He’d been trying so hard to pretend his feelings would go away—so much for that. He’d be lucky if he could think of anything else for the rest of his life.
“It’s late,” she said softly, still smiling, too shy to hold his gaze for very long. “You should get some sleep.”
He nodded. The sun would be up in a few hours, and his first class of the day would start not long after.
Was that it, he wondered, was that all it would ever be? Just a sudden kiss in the dormitory doorway, never to be spoken of again?
Then she stepped forward, placing a hand on his shoulder to keep her balance as she lifted onto her toes, leaving a gentle kiss against his cheek. The cold metal of her glasses brushed against his skin, but he barely felt it, too wrapped up in the warmth of her lips and the scent of her perfume all over again.
She stepped back, letting her hand fall from his shoulder. “Night.”
“Goodnight,” he managed to say, voice a little hoarse.
He wasn't half as smart as she thought he was, or he would've asked her not to go. But he watched her walk away in silence, unable to get the words out.
When she was out of sight, he let himself inside. As he started upstairs, his hands reached instinctively for the tape recorder in his pocket, ready to ramble about the new experience, to preserve the memory of the moment he’d longed for for what felt like forever. 
Stopping on the landing, the staircase empty, he brought the recorder up to speak, still-trembling finger hovering over the button as he waited for the prose to come to mind. Seconds passed, and with a barely-there laugh, he returned it to his pocket.
For once, there were no words. They couldn’t even begin to cover it.
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anima-writer · 2 years
REQUEST: Can I have Jonah Marshall and Adam Murray (separately, if not then just Jonah)with a fem (or gn) s/o who has a weak immune system and gets sick often, and they have to take care of them? (Fluff please) Please & thank you!
Adam & Jonah taking care of a Reader who has weak immune system.
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Summary: Adam & Jonah takes care of you while sick
Pairing[s]: Adam Murray × Reader AND Jonah Marshall × Reader, Plamantic
Warning[s]: none, just fluff
Word Count: 837
A/N: I kinda enjoy these types of requests because I also have a weak immune system. When the winter comes I just die for a whole 2 weeks.
Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I accidentally erased the request because I posted it by accident ):
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Let's go do in this way: Winter finally arrived, everyone in Mandela was happy with the arrival of the season, because who doesn't like the beautiful cold with a good hot chocolate in the morning or even at night? Well, there will always be a contrarian, right? And that someone is you. Because of your low immunity, winter was one of the worst things for you. But don't worry! Because two amazing friends/boyfriends are here to help you get better, even if it takes up to a month!
Now let's see how each one will do to overcome from this occasion.
Adam at first wouldn't be the type of person to get that close to you, like get in close for a hug or a kiss or something. He loves you but he's just trying to prevent himself from getting sick and he's also kinda right because he doesn't know how long you're going to be sick. Having two people sick would not be a nice thing for him.
To make up for the physical touch, he'd just get in quality time. He'll stay by your side when you're in pain, he'll hold your hand if you start complaining about how cold they are, and he'll always remind you to take your meds.
If you are the type of person who doesn't like taking medicine so much, Adam would insist a little and then he would give in and choose to make you a bean soup (if you love bean soup, pls kiss me and marry me), it might not turn out well but you were the one who chose not to take the medicine so you don't have nothing to say.
Adam will totally force you to try to go to sleep or just take a nap. Even if you don't want to, it's possible that Adam will take a baseball bat and hit you so you can go to sleep...haha, just kidding!! …At least-
I have a funny scenario where you and Adam ended up falling asleep on the couch next to each other while were watching something. You were sleeping on each other's shoulders and only the sound of the TV screeching would be heard and then Six appears watching this scene and decides to take a picture to tease you guys about it later.
After you get better, Adam tries to arrange a better day so you two can enjoy the winter like everyone else in Mandela's town. He'll make sure you're up for it!
Or if you don't like playing in the snow, then he'll find other ways for the two of you to enjoy the winter.
You kind of get to choose if you have any better ideas.
In short: Adam will be one of the best company if you end up sick and want some company. And, the best part, when you got better he promised to give you hugs and little kisses on your forehead.
Now Jonah…well, he's going to be a special case.
Still following the script, Jonah would help you feel better, remind you to take your meds and stuff. But, unlike Adam, he's going to be very carefree about being sick because he's going to be the one that even though he knows you're sick he still continues to hug you and give you a few kisses here and there. What? He just can't stand that long without touching you.
And when you complain about your cold hands? He sees this as a very good opportunity to continue to touch you. But he will hold your hands by the power of love, because he really didn't like how cold your hands were. It felt like you pulled them out of the freeze just now.
Jonah would happily get him to give you the meds but what if you're the type of person who doesn't like to take meds? Well, I'm sorry because Jonah is going to shove the medicine down to your throat. It's for your own good, please don't be mad at him :(
But he has a reason for forcing you to take medicine: he doesn't know how to cook. (I feel like Jonah is the kind of person who could burn the own ramen noodles) If he could he would make you a really nice soup but, just in case, it's better him stay away from the kitchen…do you want a bottle of water? Please accept-
You know what would be funny? If Jonah got sick because he had too much physical contact with you…haha! It's just a joke really....or is it not—
He actually got sick a few days later.
…Look on the bright side! You two can now stay in the comfort of your bed together, trying to keep each other warm, without interruptions! Yay free cuddles!
In short: Jonah, kinda, isn't one of the best options for when you're sick but he tries to make you happy when your mood gets low so...yeah, he tried his best.
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spookypool · 7 months
adam stanheight | 500 words
warnings: cannibalism, dissociation.
(He stares at the body, and half-expects it to arise. He's caught himself thinking that recently, referring to Zep's body as it.)
Adam doesn't ever recall being this hungry before. It's been hours, days, an eternity since Lawrence had crawled his way to salvation, or death, and Adam still finds himself clinging to the daydream of freedom, the freedom that he had been promised.
He wonders, every now and then, if he would know how long he's been rotting if he had kept an eye on the clock, but remembers each time that his sight is dwindling. Blurred at the edges, stained, and he's exhausted.
He splashes his face with murky water from the tap in the bathtub and it doesn't help. He drinks this same water and yet it still doesn't help. He stares at the body, and half-expects it to arise. He's caught himself thinking that recently, referring to Zep's body as it.
There's a gnawing within his stomach, beneath his skin, creeping its way throughout him and into every crevice of his flesh, as if there is another living thing inside of him that yearns for a taste. That’s not me, he thinks to himself, when he's trying to stay calm—a taste, just a taste—and tells himself, I won't do it.
The thing inside of him shifts. Just a taste.
He doesn't know when, exactly, but at some point his mind shatters and he can't control himself anymore.
Just a taste, just a taste, just a taste, he repeats in his head like a mantra, desperately trying to quell his trembling hands and his thumping heart.
He grips onto the arm of the body, latching on tight, and drags it towards him with every ounce of strength that he can muster. He doesn't think anymore, can't think anything anymore as his mouth waters and his vision darkens, as he sinks his teeth into cold flesh and tears.
Biting down as hard as he can, he trembles, maw gaping. He no longer has a mouth, a jaw, a stomach, all that's left is this hunger that is only satisfied with each mouthful he swallows down. He swallows and swallows and swallows, chewing, gnawing, ripping.
He doesn't feel like a person anymore.
The bathroom fades around him. The ache in his body dissipates. He's nothing more than an animal, a creature, giving into a primal urge. Is this how zombies feel when they're starving, deprived of flesh?
He's not satisfied and he doesn't think he ever will be, as he lifts his head and gazes down upon the torn flesh of the body's arm. He can feel meat stuck between his teeth, and instead of spitting and screaming and begging for freedom, he licks every morsel away and swallows once more.
He did this to survive, he reminds himself, over and over again—how can he let himself rot down here, die down here, if it means that all of this has been for nothing? And so, with adrenaline pumping through his veins, he reaches for the ceramic lid that he had killed Zep with, braces himself, and slams it down against his foot.
He's going to live, he's decided.
my ao3 | written for @deadmans-corpse | based on this post
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kittenofdoomage · 2 years
Nothing Left To Say
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Summary: You let it lie too long, and now it’s time to move on. It’s escaping unnoticed that’s the problem.
Prompt: Endverse!Dean, at the camp, busted
Pairing: Endverse!Dean x female!reader
Word Count: 2190
Warnings: angst from the outset, smut, breakups, cheating, no HAEs here
Ao3 Link
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It hadn’t been as hard as you thought it would be. Once you’d made the decision, you had made sure your responsibilities were passed on to someone else, and ensured that everyone would be alright without you. After that, it was simply a case of packing your things, which didn’t take long when your whole life fit into one duffel bag.
“Guess I won’t have to worry about carrying too much,” you mumbled, pulling the zip closed over the light bulge of your only sweater. Hoisting the bag onto your shoulder, you slipped out of the cabin’s bedroom, heading for the door through the kitchen.
He was waiting for you, half-bathed in shadows, the dim light of the only lamp giving the whole room a feeling right out of a horror novel. You skidded to a stop a few meters away from him, watching as he lifted his head, your hasty escape busted before you’d had a chance.
His eyes flicked from your face to the bag dangling at your side, one eyebrow arching. “Where are you going?” he asked, his voice calm but strained.
Holding your chin up, you swallowed the nerves down, dragging the strap further up into a more secure position. “Something I should have done a long time ago.”
There was no reaction on his face; no anger, no amusement, nothing. It unsettled you. But you hadn’t been sure what to expect from Dean for years now. He’d changed, become harder, colder, when he lost Sam. You both knew it. You just didn’t talk about it.
“You’ll die out there,” he said, his casual manner chilling you to the bone. Did he even care if you did?
You shrugged. “Better than dying here.”
A flinch. The tiniest of movements, but you knew you’d gotten to him and it gave you a tiny thrill of satisfaction. Just a taste of the pain he’d caused you.
He moved, and you jumped at the sudden step. The reaction made him freeze, and then you saw something else - hurt - cross his features. “I wouldn’t hurt you,” he accused, voice softer now, filled with pain.
You could feel tears in your eyes. “You already did,” you whispered brokenly, sniffing to try and stop the anguish in your throat. “I knew, Dean. I knew the whole time. About Risa, Jane, Marie… I knew and you lied to me. Told me it was another recon meeting. Weapons training. And just because it’s the end of the world doesn’t mean I don’t have a choice.”
Dean didn’t say a word, not even to defend himself. There wasn’t much point in denying it now.
“I kept thinking I could make it better,” you sighed. “But you’re never gonna change. Since…” You sucked in a breath, unable to say the words you were thinking. Since you lost Sam. “Since Detroit.” Meeting his gaze, you kept control of your composure, fisting your hands at your sides. “I don’t think you’re capable of love anymore.”
His jaw clenched. You didn’t want to see how his rage came out, and you didn’t want to drag it out any longer.
“Take care of yourself,” you mumbled.
“Can’t we talk about this?” he asked suddenly, the coldness evaporating. Your shoulders dropped, and you gave him a pitiful look.
“There’s nothing left to say,” you replied gently.
The only thing left was walking out the door. You just had to make it past him.
Every step was shaky and the closer you got, the more you saw the anguish on his face, but he didn’t move, watching you with glassy eyes. As you moved past, his hand shot out, grasping the top of your arm in a firm but not painful grip. “Please,” he whispered, turning his head to let you see the pain in his eyes. “They meant nothing to me.”
You inhaled sharply, searching his face for the truth. “Do you love me, Dean?”
His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed. “If I said I did, would you stay?”
“Just asking that,” you forced out through gritted teeth, “means that if you did, you wouldn’t mean it. So no.”
“I can’t let you leave,” he murmured softly.
“Let me go,” you demanded, pulling at his hold, scowling when he didn’t release you. “Dean!” 
Your bag hit the floor as you tried to escape, only he was stronger. In an attempt to free yourself, you twisted, but he anticipated it, shoving you hard until your back hit the wall, sending an empty picture frame clattering to the floor. In the next second, you found yourself caged in by Dean’s arms and your heart pounded in your chest as he stared at you.
He hadn’t been this close in weeks. The smell of him was intoxicating, and you remembered better times, when he’d touch you like you were the only woman in the world for him. 
His tongue darted out to wet his lips, and you released an involuntary moan, pressing your hands against his chest. The moan was followed by the tiniest whisper of his name, and he struck without hesitation, crushing his mouth against yours, forcing you harder against the wall. You responded in kind, fisting the material of his shirt, gasping as he ground into you.
It was probably a stupid idea but you ignored the sensible side of your brain, too desperate to be touched to think about it. You knew you should have stopped it at the first kiss, then the second, or when his fingers curled up underneath your shirt, popping buttons as he went, except you didn’t stop there, undressing him as quickly as he was undressing you.
Your shirt and his ended up tangled on the floor, and he pulled you from the door, making it as far as the table before his hands were tugging at your pants. You kissed over and over, breaking apart only to remove clothing, and your impatience had his pants around his ankles and his cock in your hand while your jeans dangled from one leg. There didn’t seem to be a place for any words, and when Dean sank two fingers into your wet heat, you cried out, desperately trying to stroke him as he fucked the thick digits into you.
Grunting his name, you rocked against him, ass scraping against the wooden tabletop. He panted into your mouth, working you into a frenzy, pulling back just to watch your face twist into a mask of pleasure. “Cum for me,” he murmured, mouthing at your jaw.
You were almost blind from the bliss in your veins; your hand dropped as your concentration lapsed but he didn’t stop. He kept you grounded with slow strokes as you fell over the edge,  and when you began to settle back into your bones, you felt him, hard, nudging at your entrance.
His eyes locked on yours as he sank into you, and you swallowed down a cry at the penetration, clinging to his shoulders. One of his hands slipped down to cup your ass, the other steadying you as the shoulder as he sank deep and held himself there. It struck you with sorrow when you looked into his eyes, realizing how much you’d missed this, but knowing that you needed more.
He kissed you again, starting to rock into you. You closed your eyes, allowing yourself the indulgence of his touch, of being connected to him, enjoying the warm buzz lingering in your head from your first orgasm, already feeling the beginnings of a second. Dean had always known just how to make you quiver, but it was soured by the knowledge that you weren’t the only one.
Pushing those thoughts away, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, tangling your fingers in the unruly short hairs at the back of his head. He groaned against your lips, both hands on your ass now, slamming into you with enough force to make the table shake. Your noises were muffled until you needed to breathe, inhaling hard and exhaling with a drawn out moan as you started to cum again.
When you were almost through, he withdrew, manhandling you onto your stomach across the table, barely sparing a second before he was sinking into your warmth again. At this angle, his strokes drove you onto tiptoes, and you scrambled for purchase as your brain short-circuited with pleasure. Dean growled, hands on your hips, driving into you harder and harder until you were screaming his name.
Finally, he choked out a single “fuck” and thrust deep. Warmth spread out from where his cock kissed your cervix, trickling down until it was dripping onto your thighs. You went slack, cheek against the table, listening as Dean grunted and pulled away, expecting him to dismiss you.
His hand slipped around your wrist, tugging you up. You stumbled, falling right into his arms, and another kiss. “Come to bed,” he whispered, nuzzling your cheek.
You hesitated, glancing at your bag. One bout of great sex didn’t fix the problems between you but when you looked into his eyes, he looked so earnest, and so like the Dean you loved.
“Okay,” you murmured, offering him a weak smile.
He smiled back, and you knew you’d be gone by morning.
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He was on his back, snoring lightly, one arm underneath your pillow, the other draped across his chest. Like this, with his features relaxed, you could see the young hunter you’d fallen in love with, the one who had smiled. The only man you’d ever loved.
It felt like an appropriate way to say goodbye. He didn’t need to be awake.
Dressing quickly, you found your bag where it had been abandoned, quietly hoisting it onto your shoulder as you went for the door, glancing back nervously in case Dean had woken up. Satisfied you could sneak away without his notice, you slipped out of the door, closing it carefully so it didn’t slam.
On the horizon, the sun’s first rays were beginning to turn the night sky pink. You stepped down carefully from the cabin, wary of the squeaky step at the bottom, then headed down the path. At this hour, you shouldn’t have expected anyone but the sentries to be awake, but naturally, you encountered another obstacle to your freedom, laying in the grass with nothing on his feet and a lit joint in his hand.
“You’re leaving.”
Castiel’s statement was slurred, and you briefly wondered what he was high on tonight. “Yeah,” you replied. “Are you going to stop me?”
He chuckled, rolling his head toward you. “The stars put on quite a show tonight,” he grinned, holding out the joint. “You sure I can’t persuade you to watch with me?”
You smiled fondly at the former angel. “Take care of him, Cas.”
He regarded you for a second, pushing up into a seated position. “There’s nothing out there, you know.”
“Turns out there’s nothing here either,” you sighed. “I’ll be okay.”
With no further argument, you turned your back on Cas and headed for the gates. The sentries didn’t stop you, so you hurried out of the camp and onto the road, heading south. In truth, you hadn’t decided where you were going to go yet, but you had family in California, and there was always the hope someone else had survived.
It grew lonely quickly in the next few days. You took to humming songs, forcing yourself to remember lyrics to take your mind off of how tired or hungry you were. Sleeping was a tricky prospect, requiring a good hiding place if you wanted true rest, and you had to scout any potential safe areas as you went. Though you didn’t encounter many Croats, you remained alert, keeping your machete close in an effort to conserve your limited ammo.
A week after you had left, a storm rolled in. You found sanctuary in a gas station, lucking out on a full stockroom that hadn’t been plundered. As the thunder and lightning raged outside, you ate Twinkies and snatched a brief few hours of calm in the lockable room.
It was dark when a sound disturbed you from outside. You woke and sat up, machete already in your hand as you listened for whatever was making the noise, assuming that at worst it was a Croat, at best, a raccoon. Getting to your feet, you crept to the door, unlocking it as silently as possible before peeking out.
There was nothing you could see. The wind blew an empty chip packet across the floor, and the moonlight shimmered on the shelving as the storm clouds moved on. You gripped your weapon, stepping out with a hope that your raccoon theory was correct.
And then he stepped out. Dressed in a crisp white suit, eyes glowing a subtle red as he smiled. He breathed your name like a prayer, a smile on his face that didn’t seem to fit right. You felt the cold wrap around you like a ghostly embrace. Dean’s voice echoed in your head.
You’ll die out there.
Lucifer’s smile didn’t waiver. “I was hoping I’d run into you.”
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kolcheksluver · 5 days
Frank having the thought of Joey dying before him. And it's either he's gonna turn her into a Vampire. Or he's gonna die with her. (If you know what I mean)
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characters mentioned: Ana Lucia Cruz / Joey, Adam Barrett / Frank
overview: “This is gonna hurt.”
“No shit.”
“Just stay still.”
His lips connected with that same spot on her neck and kissed it like before momentarily before the sharp incisions that he called vampire teeth all but eagerly bit into the tender flesh which earned a sharp a gasp from his lover, one of her hands reaching for his hair and gripping onto it tightly. Frank couldn’t tell if it was her trying to pull him closer or away. The thick metallic liquid filled his mouth and it was just about all he could focus on. It was different than all the blood he’s had before. It was a bit sweet, to him anyway. Like something he could easily get addicted to.
words: 1.139k
warnings: A bit suggestive?? At times?? Blood mention obvi
For someone who was surrounded by blood and death every night one would assume the thought of Joey dying had crossed his mind. But truthfully? It hadn’t really. Sometimes he would trace the scars she had accumulated from the night at the mansion and ones that were there the night they had hooked up initially while she lay peacefully beside him in a peaceful sleep, the moonlight that managed to seep through the curtains of their room reflected off her and — he would never admit this out loud — she looked pretty, but the thought of Joey dying never truly crossed his mind. Only in his nightmares.
But lately, for whatever fuckin’ reason, the idea had been looming over his head like some cartoonish raincloud and it struck an internal cord in him. He didn’t want to be alone again. He liked having the weight of someone in his bed beside him at night. He liked waking up to her indent in her side of the bed. Frank wouldn’t admit these but he liked having someone to call his own. A constant in his life compared to all the variables he was surrounded with every day. He didn’t say it often ( if at all ) but he loved Joey. And the thought of outliving her was a reality he didn’t want to accept, something he couldn’t.
For all his selfishness and cruelty with a tendency to ruin everything he touches he didn’t want to ruin this one. There was no way she would agree to it though, right? Whenever they were making out and he went to kiss her neck he always heard her voice ringing in the back of his head saying, mind your teeth. Of course the fangs were retractable and yeah, sometimes he wondered what her blood would taste like — and not just the tiny bit she oh so graciously let him lick off whenever she got a cut on her hand or something of the sort. The thought was addictive but maybe that was just his urge to ruin a good thing.
The night played out like normal; Joey made herself dinner and he sat across from her so she wouldn’t eat alone, a glass of whiskey he made himself in front of him. They talked about the mundane things, like how her day was, plans for tomorrow since it was her day off, etc. and when she was washing the dishes he came up behind her, wrapping an arm loosely around her waist. Joey hummed in acknowledgment. “You heading out?”
He bit his tongue. Instead he pressed some light kisses to the back of her neck, trailing them down before fixating on a specific spot. Joey glanced over at him, but nothing in her body language said she was nervous. Confused, if anything, but not nervous. “Frank?”
“What’re you doing?”
“You know I love you, right?”
Something had to be wrong. Joey shut the water off and dried her hands, trying to ignore how the feeling of Frank’s lips against her neck made her legs feel like jelly, and pulled away to face him. “Did you hit your head?”
Frank pulled back once she started to turn around and his face screwed up, “What? No. Can’t I just tell my girlfriend I love her?”
“If it were anyone else sure, but you? No. Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Jesus fuckin’ Christ — Yes. I’m fine, Joey. I just had an idea is all.”
“What idea?”
Frank felt a weird sense of nervousness consume him. What the fuck was he so nervous about? The worst she could say is no. He took her hands with an uncharacteristic tenderness as he led her away to the couch. “Do you ever think about dying?”
“Okay — Okay. Bad thing to open with.” Christ, he was bad at this. He pinched the bridge of his nose with a free hand and just sighed. “I just, okay. I just think that … the idea of you dying would really suck and would like to, uh, prevent it.” Joey’s confused face told him his words were doing him no favors. Frank didn’t want to admit it but it seemed like that was the only way to get through to his point. “I want to .. y’know,” he made a wild hand gesture.
“No. I don’t know.”
“You know, Joey.”
She took a moment to process his words and stiffened slightly once it hit her. “You want to turn me?”
Her eyebrows furrowed and Frank was preparing himself for a sure rejection. Instead he was met with a simple word; “Sure.”
He blinked. “What?”
“Just do it before I change my mind, Frank.”
“Fine but not on .. the couch.” That’d be a bitch to clean. He took her to the bathroom and shut the door, and Joey took her shirt off. He gave her a look that read what the fuck are you doing? And she set it neatly beside the sink, “I’m not having another shirt ruined.” Frank rolled his eyes but kneeled beside her, doing his best not to stare. She makes it so hard not to, though. Frank tenderly brushed a bit of her hair off her shoulder.
“This is gonna hurt.”
“No shit.”
“Just stay still.”
His lips connected with that same spot on her neck and kissed it like before momentarily before the sharp incisions that he called vampire teeth all but eagerly bit into the tender flesh which earned a sharp a gasp from his lover, one of her hands reaching for his hair and gripping onto it tightly. Frank couldn’t tell if it was her trying to pull him closer or away. The thick metallic liquid filled his mouth and it was just about all he could focus on. It was different than all the blood he’s had before. It was a bit sweet, to him anyway. Like something he could easily get addicted to.
He pulled away momentarily albeit very reluctantly and swallowed thickly, already wanting to go back in for seconds. He watched the blood trickle down her neck from the bite marks and tried not to take a finger and swipe some. Instead he bit down on his hand, his not - so sweet taste consuming the addictive taste that was Joey’s as he offered it to her. She, despite feeling slightly loopy, took it and drank from the wound and it took a moment before she moved to face the toiler, feeling all that was about to come up.
Frank held her hair back lightly as their toilet filled with blood - vomit, and by the time she flushed, Joey looked over at him with a matching set of teeth. Part of him wanted to smile a bit. But instead he just let go of her hair, “How do you feel?”
“Told you.”
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aclockmaker · 9 months
WIP Wednesday Thursday because if I don’t post something I might die :)
Based on this post
steddie, cw drugs
Find another weed guy, I can’t fuck with you… uhhmm nothing personal I can’t fall in love with another straight guy and you’re Everything I love so if I see you again i’ll never let go of your hand so yeah
Eddie types out the text with one hand, flat in bed, despondent. His other hand is busy laying across his eyes dramatically. He’s squinting out from under it to type. He deletes the message without sending it. Again. He knows he’s going to see Steve again. Aside from everything else, he needs the money. He doesn’t have that many customers. It would be stupid to not go.
Hey man, you free to come by tonight? Steve had texted. Like he was talking to a buddy. Eddie usually sold Steve weed, sometimes shrooms. Sometimes his roommate Robin was there and that made things a little easier. Usually Steve asked and Eddie stayed to smoke and that made things a little worse.
Steve asks today. And Robin isn’t home.
“God, work was—never mind, I don’t even want to bore you with the gory details,” Steve says. He does something in finance, like his dad, and he hates it. Eddie wishes he didn’t know this. “But anyway, I really needed this. Thanks for coming over.”
“You literally pay me,” Eddie reminds him, the last threads of his sanity wearing thin in the face of Steve’s unnecessary niceness, “so.”
“I know, man, but still,” Steve says, pops off his baseball cap and fixes his beautiful hair underneath, tugs it back down. He looks like even more of a jock in the hat and unfortunately it does nothing to kill Eddie’s boner for him. If he’s honest, it’s part of the appeal. Sometimes he literally plays basketball right before calling Eddie, and he answers the door sweaty in low-cut tank tops, thick chest hair on display. “You want a beer?”
Steve drinks terrible beer. Unfortunately Eddie would like to tease him about it and kiss the side of his mouth while introducing him to something decent. “Sure, why not,” Eddie says, because it’s still free beer and also he’s an idiot.
Part of being a dealer is seeing inside people’s lives. Just briefly, though. That’s what you have to remember—you’re the interloper. Eddie delivers all over downtown Indianapolis—does it to put himself through school, slowly. He doesn’t want anybody else like he wants Steve. Has maybe never wanted anybody this much and he’s had his fair share of ill-advised hookups with people he was half in love with who didn’t care about him enough.
It makes it worse (better) that he knows nothing’s ever going to happen with Steve.
Steve hands him a Sam Adams without a trace of embarrassment and Eddie sighs internally, takes a pull.
He gets out the lunch box he deals from out of his bag and puts it on the table. Steve doesn’t like it when he does it right away, like he’s trying to make it fast and get out of there. He’s never said anything, but Eddie can, like, tell. Doesn’t like to make him sad and shit. It seems like his life is kind of—Eddie doesn’t want to say sad, but he never talks about his parents except to say that his dad did such and such new shitty, annoying thing at work, pressured him and made him feel not good enough. He doesn’t say it exactly like that, but Eddie gets the picture. He wants to tell Steve he thinks he’s good enough, and all kinds of other ridiculous shit.
Steve clinks the neck of his beer bottle against Eddie’s and takes a grateful sip. It’s the middle of summer and hot, and even the central air in Steve’s building is struggling to keep up.
“Anything good?” Steve asks, eyeing the bags of drugs Eddie’s pulling out.
“This is decent,” Eddie says, flicking one. “Mostly sativa, but it’s like… friendly. I’ve gotten good feedback.” To be more accurate, one person had texted and asked for the same thing as last time. But still.
“Whatever you say,” Steve says, like always. He’s very easygoing about his drugs. With him it really seems to be more about the journey than the destination.
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candyhartes · 2 years
die for you
synopsis: xiao loves a little too much
word count: 440
genre: angst, no comfort
note: this was written at the same time I was listening to the weeknd so it's something quick nothing too in depth.
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words were never easy for someone willing to put distance between himself and the rest of humanity. Centuries of shooing away the mortals while protecting them and keeping them at an arm's length have always been his idea of peace. It was the only way to keep them and himself safe, especially with his karmic debt.
You have always been a fickle mortal, never understanding or caring about the invisible barrier he puts up between himself and you. No matter what he says or does, you squeeze yourself into his mind, presence, and heart. You weren't easy to push away or keep close, you came and went wherever the wind would take you. Another reason he tries to ignore your everlasting effect on his poor heart, he attempts to reason with himself. You are no good, his karmic debt is too strong, and his line of duty would never allow him to grow soft (even beyond the fact that Morax told him he no longer holds a contract).
Somehow, no matter how far or long you're gone, his mind always wanders off toward you - your safety, and your well-being. His attempts of ignoring the feeling he is oh so afraid of never seem to disperse the way he would like. Even his attempts to let you know what would come between them if you choose to stay by his side never seem to push you away. Ever so adamant to stay, no matter the consequences.
Perhaps that's why, as he explains his plan to the traveler leaving this cave, his eyes find yours as you converse with yanfei. He would die for you. A long-celebrated yaksha would drop everything for a simple, free-willed mortal like yourself. He couldn't explain it. His feelings were final. The traveler attempted to push that narrative away from his mind but it didn't matter, xiao had his mission settled, there would be no other way but that.
And now as you stare at xiao right when everyone is slowly being sent back to the surface, your eyes are filled with tears in an instant realizing his plan all along, hatred and pain are quickly flashed but not towards him, instead for yourself. How could you ever place your trust and love towards someone so quickly willing to sacrifice himself?
Xiao isn't quick enough to decipher the meaning of your hatred-filled eyes but he hopes you don't blame him for such selfish methods. He would never be able to live with himself if anything had happened to you down here where his fellow yaksha died. He would have done anything, anything, for you and your safety.
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