#because when i was a kid the solution was just ''oh send her to the psych ward thatll fix her''
slutdge · 10 months
my brain is not on so i hope this makes sense but forced institutionalization of all kinds will never be leftist and it will always do harm like i know yall cryptolibs that get all your knowledge of leftism from memes and think you dont need to read any theory think some forms of institutionalization are ok but like. no they are not. the answer will always be compassion and rectifying the symptoms of society that, by current laws, forces someone into institutionalization in the first place. yes this includes psychiatric institutionalization. psych wards and institutions do very little to treat people, and in a lot of cases actually make them worse. youve never experienced psychiatric abuse and it fucking shows. have a nice day.
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onigiriico · 11 months
Kazui audio drama (t2) - English TL
[ links: Spotify / Youtube ]
I cannot believe my hs philosophy class came in handy as I was translating this. Thanks Milgram your references never fail to astound me
Aaanyways you know how it is,, feel free to send an ask or hit me up on Twitter if you’ve got any questions or other feedback re: this translation etc 💪 (<- sincerely hoping that Twitter DMs still work these days)
⬇️ translation under the cut ⬇️
(door opens)
E: I’ve kept you waiting, Kazui.
K: It’s been a while, Warden-kun.
E: Yeah… It has been.
K: Things have gotten pretty tough inside the prison, but… well, you’ve probably heard all about that from the others already, haven’t you?
E: Yeah… I heard that you protected other prisoners from Kotoko. I owe you my thanks.
K: That much is only natural. However… she really is strong, isn’t she? I mean, I’ve experienced some fights myself, but [going up against] a woman like her was a first.
E: Hm… Is she strong enough that even you can’t stop her from doing harm?
K: Well, in cases like this, it’s generally the heavier person who ends up winning. After all, if she really does have proper killing intent, I can’t afford to let her injure anyone. It’s difficult, isn’t it.
E: Is that so…
K: I was afraid that it’d come to this from the very beginning. There’s a lot of young kids here, too. It’d be hard for anyone to keep a decent mentality in a situation like this.
E: …You’re pretty rational.
K: I wonder. Maybe it’s because I’m used to violence. Even so… I couldn’t make it for Shiina-chan. I feel responsible for [what happened to] her.
E: …
K: Well, rest assured, though. As long as I can move, I’ll be protecting [the others]. After all, it’s pretty much just me who can fight her on equal terms.
E: Mikoto, too.
K: Ah… yeah. Like back when he went out of control, right? I can’t quite read him, though… If both of them were to attack us, it’s possible that we’d suffer a total defeat. 
E: A total defeat…?
K: If that happens, this prison game would probably come to an end as well. All of that depends on your judgment, right, Warden-kun? Who will be forgiven by you and who won’t be…
E: What are you trying to say?
K: If at all possible, I would like you to choose a method that will not get any more people hurt. That’s what I’m saying.
E: So you’re telling me to forgive you?
K: (laughs) Oi, oi…! Don’t look at me like that.
E: I’m the Warden. If I forgive you, I forgive you. If I don’t, I don’t. There’s no other factors to it.
K: (sighs) Wouldn’t it be okay? I mean, this situation with prisoners being hurt wasn’t what you wanted either, was it?
E: …
K: Just pretend that you’re looking at our sins, and make your judgment with the protection of the prisoners in mind. After all, nobody can read your mind – so that much craftiness would be fine, don’t you think?
E: Hmph. That’s a very “you” kind of pretentious solution.
K: It’s the most natural conclusion, isn’t it? Do you think it’s a sin to lie in order to protect people?
E: That would be Kant.
K: Kant?
E: A philosopher who stated that lying is inherently a sin, no matter the circumstances.
K: Huh…
E: Apparently, even if your friend is being chased by a murderer and the murderer asks you about their whereabouts, you shouldn’t lie, according to Kant.
K: That’s ridiculous. If you can save someone by telling a lie, that’s what you should do.
E: However… You killed someone with your lies, didn’t you?
K: … Ah… You forgave me, didn’t you? Aren’t you being especially strict towards me?
E: Am I?
K: Mmh, it’s obvious. You said you would figure out my murder by watching the footage of my mind. Is this the result of that?
E: You were unfaithful, right? That’s stupid.
K: Hmm…
E: The reason I forgave you was because I was lacking details. I still don’t understand your true feelings or how things got to that point, either.
K: I see.
E: It was extremely hard to understand. Even with all of that poetry, though, your self-absorbed nature was more than obvious.
K: Ohh my… That’s quite the sweeping generalization, even though you forgave me.
E: It’s a personal dislike of mine. People who act based on their sexual urges like that, that is.
K: It’s personal?
E: Yeah. That’s right.
K: That’s strange. I did think that, despite being neutral as a Warden, you had some things you dislike, but…
E: …
K: Isn’t it unusual to openly reveal a personal dislike as a personal dislike?
E: You’re splitting hairs.
K: Seems like you really disliked my crime… I get it! Maybe it was because you’re so young, which is to say… …
E: Hah? Stop staring at me so openly. It’s disgusting.
K: …
E: …! (punches him)
E: (sighs) Now I feel better.
K: — Ow…! What are you doing all of a sudden…?!
E: It was an instinctive reaction. Don’t take it personally.
K: Would you stop just punching me in the face without hesitation? … (sighs) Anyways… that’s how it is, huh? That’s how it is…?
E: Hah?
K: I didn’t even consider this a possibility… Personal impressions sure can be scary.
E: If you say any more things than this that I don’t get, I’m hitting you again.
K: Geez, cut out the hysterics… Hmm, if it’s like this, that explains some things, though. I don’t have kids, but I’ve heard that this is what it’s like.
E: Hey. Stop blabbering on while looking like you know it all. It’s obnoxious.
K: Hahaha! But you know what? You’re wrong.
E: …? What are you talking about?
K: You’re wrong.
E: …
K: You said I was unfaithful – in other words, that I cheated or committed adultery of some kind.
E: Yeah. That’s what I deduced from your footage.
K: It’s not true. It didn’t even turn into infidelity. It didn’t turn into anything like that. For me… In my case, you see.
E: … You’re married… You’re a married man, aren’t you?
K: Hm? Yeah, that’s right. Oh, right, I never told you, did I?
E: You’ve taken off your ring.
K: … Right… I did take it off, huh. Right…
E: Yeah.
K: Mh. … I do carry it with me, though. See? – I was forgiven. My feelings were validated. So… maybe that means that I don’t have to do this anymore? Thanks to that, I was feeling better when the second trial started… I really do feel sorry about that. Towards my wife.
E: If that ring is a symbol of punishment to you… There really is nothing that could possibly be more cruel towards her.
K: Mmh.
E: Marriage is something that both partners want equally, isn’t it? It’s something you can’t do if only one person wants it. Deciding to treat it as a punishment all on your own… You’re making a mockery out of it.
K: I really am. Ah… She must have thought so as well. My wife, that is.
E: I’ve said this before: You’re a liar. Those lies have killed a person.
K: (sighs)
E: I forgave you. While I wasn’t sure yet, I thought that it didn’t seem like you killed her directly, and with all sorts of things taken into consideration, I judged that your murder was not a sin. However. That doesn’t mean that I’m praising your nature as a liar.
K: Yeah. I believe you’re right about that.
E: In short – between love and hate, [I would say] I hate you. Remember that.
K: … I get that.
E: Huh?
K: I despise myself for lying, too. Being a liar, you see – it’s painful.
E: Heh. Then just–
K: So I’ve tried to change! I’ve tried to change. I have tried to stop lying to myself and others!
E: …
K: I’ve confided in others. I’ve tried to be myself! I’ve tried to just be the way I was born!
E: …Hey, Kazui–
K: It’s not my lies that killed her. She’s dead because I stopped lying to her! If I had just kept lying- She wouldn’t have died…!
E: Kazui…
K: I can’t live unless I lie. That’s how I was born… I’m pathetic, aren’t I?
E: (sighs) I really can’t seem to understand you.
K: …
E: Just when I thought you weren’t letting out any of your true feelings and cleverly hiding your actual emotions… Now here you are, drowning in self-loathing like this.
K: (weak laugh) An old man in unstable condition… that’s not something you’d wanna see, is it. Sorry about that.
E: You know, about Kant…
K: Ah, the one who said you shouldn’t lie even if your friend might get killed.
E: From his point of view, if your friend dies because you didn’t lie, there’s no causal connection between the two… or so I’ve heard.
K: I don’t think so, though…
E: Even if you don’t lie, your friend might survive. And if you do lie, your friend might end up dying on a different occasion. That’s the reason why you’re supposed to always tell the truth.
K: …That’s convincing.
E: It’s not really.
K: Yeah, it’s not.
E: It may not be, but… I thought that for someone who has failed in their attempts to be honest, it might be a [saving] grace so they won’t end up doubting honesty in its entirety.
K: …
E: I still don’t know what happened, but… isn’t it okay to be proud that you made an effort to be honest in the first place?
K: … You’re so kind all of a sudden.
E: I just said what I was thinking. And besides – I forgave you. I made it as if your sin wasn’t a sin at all. And yet, you don’t seem the slightest bit relieved.
K: I know right.
E: Everyone else seems more or less liberated by the fact that they were forgiven.
K: That’s right.
E: Just from that… I understand that having your feelings approved of by someone else can have a major impact on the development of one’s personality.
K: …
E: However… You have not forgiven yourself. That’s why you can’t change.
K: …
E: Alternatively, even if your lying self was forgiven… it would still do nothing to help you.
K: …Aah, you really are impressive. You think so much.
E: I am watching over ten troublesome prisoners, after all. Even if I don’t want to, I’m being relied on.
K: I haven’t forgiven myself… even if my lies are forgiven, it won’t resonate [with me]. It might just be both of these. All the lies I’ve told are tying me down. Ever since I was little, I’ve never truly opened myself to anyone. But in the end, people can’t be saved if they don’t [open up]. And by now, it’s gotten to a point where I can’t do it by myself anymore…
(machinery whirrs, bell rings)
K: I did think Milgram would be able to force its way past that, though.
E: Is that an attempt at provocation?
K: You didn’t manage to reach my sin.
E: …
K: Even though I want you to… Milgram isn’t so great after all, is it?
E: …Heh. Don’t push yourself too hard, after all that whining from earlier.
K: Ha. [This is] the wish of a liar who’s reached a dead end – come and figure out my lies, Milgram. And, Es… please, free me from these lies.
E: Yeah. Leave it to me. – Prisoner no.7, Kazui. Sing your sins.
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maxislvt · 1 year
oh this! her accidentally blushing her hand against your bulge or sneaking into the teachers bathrooms just to corner professor!r
warnings: smut, unspecified age gap, amab!reader
she's such a freak and a pervert, I have Thoughts about her
She isn't the slightest but shy about her feelings for you and all her friends have to suffer the consequences. I just imagine her as one of those people that call their older crushes like "blorbo" and shit like that. All her friends think she's fucking delusional 😭
wanda: they're so babygirl with their little coffee order and pastry :(
natasha: are you aware that your "babygirl" pays taxes
sam: I hope they're married with at least 3 kids
wanda: I'll be a great stepmom!
You can tell Wanda has feelings for you, but don't really say anything. You've been teaching for so long that you just accept that at least one person you teach is going to want a relationship with that's not entirely appropriate, even if it's just them wanting to be friendlier than they should.
A lot of Wanda's Deranged is from a distance at first. Maybe you caught vulgarly offering you a blowjob but it was in the middle of class and there were 50 other people in the room so you assumed she was joking around into her friends. (it was entirely directed at you)
After a while, she gets really bold and decides to be more up front. However, she's completely insane so this manifests as her "accidentally" sending you a very detailed love letter in place of a writing assignment. You're flustered as all hell but find it actually impossible to stop reading. It's so horny that you end up rock hard by the end of it.
You just email Wanda telling her to resend the proper assignment and don't mention it. Wanda can tell you've read because you can't even look at her. She takes this as you just being shy so she just keeps pressing your buttons. Her clothes get tighter, more revealing, and a lot shorter. You're ashamed to admit it catches your attention every time. Wanda comes to your office hours and you're absolutely useless because you're just a stuttering mess
Wanda can only wait so long before her perverted tendencies get to the best of her. That's exactly how you end up fucking her over your desk the first time. It's literally the last time you have any control in that relationship. You were just so pent up and frustrated — it seemed like the best solution in a weird way
Obliviously giving her what she wants doesn't make her stop. Wanda just wiggles her freaky little way into your heart and boxers but you grow to love her despite how unhinged she can be at times. Wanda does have pretty serious feelings and once you start to accept her affection it just grows. She plans out little dates and trips for when breaks start. They're a bit out of the way for secrecy sake but they're all worth it
The only exception to that secrecy whatever unhinged and deranged information she sent to her friends
wanda: ttyl, gonna take professor ___ on a date later than eat their ass
carol: I asked if you wanted to go see the new mission impossible???
Wanda takes you to an arcade for your first date together. It's technically a little creepy because you've only talked about liking videogames and stuff like that once and it was during the first class you'd ever taught Wanda in. The two of you have fun, especially you because you absolutely smoke Wanda at all the games. (the subsequent ass eating was a little passive aggressive though)
You may be older but Wanda definitely takes the lead during sex. She'll hide under your desk when you don't have a class just to edge you while you're grading papers. Wanda won't let you cum unless you've graded a certain number of assignments before her next period. It does wonders for your productivity.
Wanda wants you to call her some title of authority in bed. She's shooting for you to call her mommy but she'd settle for something like a master/mistress. You refuse to call her mommy because she's younger than you but she makes you see the error of your ways eventually. (she edges you until you give in)
Wanda loves using toys on you, especially when she's pegging you because you get so overstimulated fast. You're normally so composed and professional all the time, and she wants to be the only one to see you an absolutely mess.
She tried putting you in a cock cage once but it lasted all of one day. Surprisingly, she's the hornier one between the two of you and it just kept getting in the way of what she wanted to do to you. Wanda does occasionally threaten you with when you're being too prudish
Unrelated but Wanda accidentally graduates with a minor in whatever you teach because she kept taking your class every year 😭
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theepisceswriter · 10 months
JJK characters comforting a stressed out/overworked significant other ( Gojo, Nanami, Toji, Mei Mei)
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TW: none really apply, GN!reader, headcanon format
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He's QUICK to notice the signs when you're under distress, any slight change in your mood and he's on the case like Olivia Benson.
It's during times like these that he really clings to you and is an attentive partner because he's seen what the weight of stress can do to people close to him and he REFUSES to let them succumb to it if there's anything he can do to stop it.
He becomes so soft and vulnerable with you the moment he notices your eyes are a little too bloodshot
"What's wrong baby? Do you want to talk about it? We can lay down if you'd like."
He turns into your therapist for the day and purposefully clears his schedule for the day so you can rant to him for as long or as little as you'd like. You can take it all the way back to drama from grade school if you wanted to and he'd listen genuinely to try and come up with solutions for you.
Did I mention all of this is happening while you're laying on his chest and he's stroking your hair? V U L N E R A B L E !
The moment the source of your stress is identified don't even worry about it anymore, he's most definitely going to take care of it and you.
Oh and he's going to throw you a stress-free themed party with the jjk kids that seems so silly but actually helped all of you in the long run.
Nanami is a stressed out and overworked man in general so you would do your best to hide the fact that you’re stressed out to not add on to his stress, but Nanami isn’t falling for any of that “I’m okay, I swear (:” nonsense when it comes to you. He recognizes those bags underneath your eyes all too well. Not to mention that he can hear you typing away on your laptop and shifting around in bed checking your email at god forbidden hours of the night when you should be sleeping.
He moves in silence for real unlike the people who post those quotes on their IG stories, so you most likely wouldn't even notice that he knows how stressed and overworked you are. You should absolutely know better than to think you're tricking him, when this man gets partners he STUDIES them to a T!
You'll just come home from work and he'll have dinner already made for you along with special pastries that he prepared himself and a night of self-care prepped for you to complete; he's big on acts of service as a love language.
"But Nanami I have wo-" "You didn't ha-" AHT! He's not hearing that, he'll just gaze at you and then motion to the table with his head. You have no choice, this man is going to make sure you're stress-free for certain by the end of the night.
And yes, you are going to get a lecture on the importance of mental health and self care and no you cannot tell him about himself.
“Darling, why do you work yourself so hard when I can just take care of us?”
Mei Mei is a sugar momma and you can’t convince me otherwise. Half of that money she finesses out of others? Yeah, it’s going towards you and your expenses.
The first sign of distress and she’s sending gifts to your house that she knows will cheer you up. New shoes, a couple of new expensive outfits, some roses, etc, etc.
I also feel like she's a master baecation planner too, so don't be surprised when she sends you that "pack your bags" text at 8pm and the next thing you know you're in Aspen skiing with socialites.
Though, depending on how much she likes you and values you this could be a good or bad thing. If she's not really vibing you like that but thinks you're cute enough to keep around then she's doing all of this just to get you to shut up about ranting to her.
"Stress is just a mindset and one that causes wrinkles so knock that off."
BUT, if she reaaaaallllyy likes you then these are genuinely just the perks that come with having Mei Mei as a girlfriend. Best believe she'll find a moment in the midst of spoiling you when you two are alone to get to the bottom of your stress and help you figure it out.
He don't give a FAWK what you got going on baby !
I'm just playing yall, he cares but because he's emotionally unavailable its very hard to tell that he cares sometimes.
Hit him with a "I've just been so stressed lately" and he'll hit you with a "So stop stressing 😐" he means well I promise.
It's when he sees it take a toll on your mental health that he gets concerned, or as concerned as someone like Toji can be. Once he notices the fatigue, lack of eating, and dark eye circles his protection instincts kick in. As someone who's traveled into the deepest and darkest parts of his mind, the last thing he wants is for someone he cares about to end up in a place like that because he knows how it feels.
Just like Mei Mei, his acts of service and the amount of support he gives you depends on how far along and serious you two are as a couple.
If you're casual he'll just give you verbal reminders like; "Don't you think you need a break?" "Go eat you look like a witch" "I would suggest a nap to help with those dark circles." He's apart of that sassy man apocalypse we're.
BUT, if you two are locked in then he'll go out his way a lot more to make sure you're comfortable like buying you comfort food, watching a movie or two with you, and fucking to keep your mind off of it.
He'll physically take your work laptop away from you and put it on a high shelf purposefully so you won't be able to reach it. Your job keeps calling you in on your off days? He'll pickup the phone next time and let them know the Toji way why you can't come in. Boss irritating you over a project? Don't let toji see him in person or get ahold of any office numbers!
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bonefall · 7 months
Hi Bones!! Thank you for you hard work on this project and for sharing it with us!
I've seen your posts about weird representation of society (regarding the "natural order of things") in xenofiction, especially in lion king, so I wanted to ask:
could you recommend any xenofiction media that has all (or most of the) animal species sapient? Or is the only solution to make just one or two species sapient while the others (especially prey) are plain animals?
Really sorry if you've seen this ask from me before - my account had a weird laggy period when I couldn't send or receive messages and asks, so I don't know if you got the previous one! I just know that now it's fixed so I double all the asks sent haha
Honestly I'm not totally sure! If any 3rd person has some good recommendations for "every being is alive" xenofiction types, feel free to weigh in.
If you want to jump in with me though, I am following the webcomic Africa. It updates every Wednesday. Africa is about a mother Leopard on the verge of a great ecological disaster, the relationship between her children and the animals around her, and the strength of both instinct and choice as the characters face an uncertain future.
Since it's ongoing, I still don't know how it's going to end and can't judge it as a full work! But it's absolutely fascinating and I think the author is doing a fantastic job so far. Bonus points for the way it portrays humans, btw.
No more spoilers though, if you're interested, it's on Webtoons.
(I'm also planning to read Oren's Forge soon. Ask me about it again in a few months over on Bonebabbles and I'll give you my thoughts)
As an aside though, funny you mention it because like... ever since I was a kid I've had a story I want to tell with the premise. It's a scintilla I've kept close to me for well over a decade but haven't done anything official with. So this is actually a theme I've thought about a lot.
It's rare to see it done well though because like... its very premise butts heads with reality. The "natural order" that an animal follows is not something it moralizes. A tiger doesn't have the capacity to think about how fucked up it is to kill to stay alive, the deer doesn't know that if its population isn't controlled it will destroy the forest.
They're animals. They don't HAVE that agency. Your dog does not care about being sterilized. A snake doesn't differentiate between a pinky and an adult mouse except in terms of if it will fit in its mouth. But the minute you put human morality in there... they have the ability to reason, create and agree on the rules of a society, make choices about MORALITY.
If nothing is going to change about their world, you just end up putting human arguments about "natural order" in their mouths and, well... start telling a parable justifying this "natural order."
(Genuine) Does what I'm saying make sense? Animals DON'T rationalize or negotiate. HUMANS do.
So the minute you're approaching a world with that logic, like it or not, you are invoking those "arguments from nature." And you're putting them in a being that is not fully an animal or a human, but an anthropomorphic mix which CAN rationalize but WON'T make an effort to change their world.
(Which is why tbh the best examples i know of are works with a theme of "change.")
OH WAIT I also remember another that's interesting!! Leafy: Hen into the Wild actually has a fascinating take on it. It's not interested in "moralizing" or really being about an animal society. It's a very emotional sort of movie, and it's about joys in adversity, the freedom that choice gives you, how bad things are going to happen and you can never completely prevent them.
INTENSE movie emotionally, the ending will wreck you (especially in the English translation which leaves out a really important theme making it feel abrupt x_x) but it's really good. Check that one out.
OH and also You Are Umasou. That one has more pitfalls imo (it does try to moralize a bit) but it's super unique as a movie. And is about dinosaurs.
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bengiyo · 4 months
She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat 2 Eps 13-16 Stray Thoughts
Last week, so much happened. Kasuga and Nomoto finally expressed how they feel to each other and have begun dating. Also, since Kasuga's aunt gave her dad her address, Kasuga has decided to move and asked Nomoto to move with her. Nagumo admitted her anxieties around food, and had become Kasuga's confidant. Kasuga and Nomoto also discussed how out they want to be.
Episode 13
I absolutely love opening on Yako and Nagumo being given the update on the relationship progress. It's what they deserve.
Hell yes! Assemble the whole squad for the house party! Is Sayama coming too??
A curry party with naan and lassi actually sounds incredible. I need to host one.
I don't have a lot of friends who also enjoy cooking together, so it's rare I get to work with others except my uncle or mom in the kitchen.
I love that Nagumo wants to participate and try things!
Ladies, please! You are a couple now!
Nagumo having some ice cream feels like a small but important bit of progress.
I like them sending the leftovers with Nagumo so she can try the naan and the curry.
This party was a total success. Few social experiences are better than successfully blending friend groups.
I'm enjoying this show leaning into the transition from friends to a couple.
Episode 14
I want to unpack the sales pitch of beer and marshmallows. Please discuss this in the notes. I think I prefer kick drums and red wine.
First a curry party and now a marshmallow party. This show is a treat.
I really hope that Nagumo actually finds help when she goes to the hospital. Pacing this so that we see her enjoying her time around meals with people so this can be a way for her to participate more has been a good choice.
I love, love, love Kasuga admitting she doesn't have much experience with dating and wanting to talk it through with a friend first. It's hard being queer sometimes because sometimes you just don't get a lot of dating experience in your teens.
Hey, a decent doctor. I am relieved that he gave Nagumo a name for what she may potentially be experiencing, and proposed finding solutions together based on his medical experience and knowledge. I remember being relieved when they finally diagnosed me with my own issues, because now we could treat it.
Unexpected Yako and Nagumo outing! Let's fucking go!!
This show is so kind. I love this because I find that I have decent neighbors almost everywhere I go. My neighbor's kids and my other neighbors' grandkids always run up to tell me about their days when I get home, and we often share kitchen gizmos. Just last week I helped one of the kids with some of their math homework after helping remove junk from his grandmother's shed. Their grandma made me this really nice brownie as a reward.
Yako is awesome. I'm so happy Nagumo stumbled into a group of friends to support her.
Episode 15
Yes! I want to see a strawberry picking date! The festival is coming up in another month and a half here!
I like this work lunch. Even though our pair is together, I am glad we're still checking in with Sayama's experience in the dating pool with men.
How are they going to look for a new place to live when it seems like it's always dark when they get home? This conversation about the physical, emotional, and financial realities of moving was necessary.
This is super cool. I kinda love that they allow folks to experience a part of how their food is made.
Ladybugs are a good sign! They prey on other insect pests.
Oh no. Nomoto is starting to worry that she's not being sensitive to Kasuga's wants.
Episode 16
Hell yes! We're talking it out! It actually can be really difficult when two accommodating people are together.
Looking for housing has gotta be difficult in a city that doesn't provide an overabundance of parking like the US. Trying to find a place that's in walking distance to a station that also has parking is probably going to be impossible.
Yako is right, as usual, but now I'm nervous about this big talk.
Every time there's a personal note from @furritsubs I brace for impact.
"I want you to be selfish in front of me." Thank you for inventing romance, lesbians.
I was touched by Kasuga talking about holding back on saying what she wants because she's never been prioritized.
Fantastic week. This felt so great after all the anticipation of the big ask around Valentine's Day. I'm so happy that Yako and Nagumo are friends, that Nagumo is starting treatment, and our ladies are navigating their relationship together with open communication. Super excited about the potential move next week, and maybe their first kiss.
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scmg11 · 2 years
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A/N: HELLO HELLO HELLO PEOPLE! I finally finished my longest oneshot (so far lol)! By popular demand, I decided to publish it whole without splitting it in half! So enjoy this long ass chapter!
Let me know what you guys think, it really means a lot ❤️
As always, sending love to everyone of you wherever you are ❤️
Summary: Y/N and Hailee had been casted on the same movie. When they discovered they had to play a couple on the screen was really hard to keep their feelings at bay. They were told the movie had a lot of sex scenes in it they took it pretty well, but one particular one ignited a lot of questions and uncertainty between the two actresses. They discuss it and find a solution, then the situation escalates quickly.
Warnings: smut, smut, smut. Fluffy smut, but a lot of it.
Word count: 21210 words.
"Haiz, you won’t believe who just called me." Y/N entered the living room after leaving it to take a call from her manager, and sat back down on her previous spot beside Hailee, smiling warmly when the brunette immediately resumed their cuddling position.
"Tell me!" Hailee urged Y/N on excitedly when the girl stayed quiet with a shit eating grin, wanting to know what put that bright grin on her face.
"It was Kelly, she told me I got accepted for the part I auditioned months ago. Remember when I told you it was all held in a great secretive way and I didn’t even know for what movie I was auditioning for?" Hailee nodded softly, remembering the day Y/N told about this secret project she auditioned for and listened to her concerns about not getting the part since she only had a rough description of the character she was auditioning for. "I got the part!"
"Oh shit! I’m so happy for you Y/N/N! See? You didn’t have to worry about not getting the part, like someone told you. You have an amazing talent, every director would be happy to have you in their movie." Hailee spoke truthfully, placing her hand on the girl’s neck to caress her scalp gently as she gazed into her Y/E/C irises intensely, causing wild butterflies to fly around the Y/H/C girl’s stomach and shivers to invade her whole body.
"Want to know the best part?" Y/N lifted her right eyebrow up in question and Hailee noticed how her expression adorned with a soft grin switched into a smug one with a sly smirk in mere seconds.
With her interest now piqued, the brunette quickly asked, "what?"
"They finally told me the name of the movie I’m now in."
The silence that Y/N let fall between them for good measure what driving Hailee crazy with curiosity, "Y/N!" Hailee whined in fond exasperation, slapping Y/N’s stomach softly much to the girl’s entertainment as she giggled gently, "don’t leave me hanging now!"
"You’re kidding, right?" When Y/N kept staring at her with her wide smirk and wiggling eyebrows, Hailee erupted into a bunch of squeals as she hugged Y/N tightly in excitement, just now connecting the producers asking Hailee to be secretive about the whole movie, not sharing with her the whole plot with her, just a bunch of general informations about it and about Y/N not even knowing the name of the movie she auditioned for, "HOLY FUCKING SHIT! We’re gonna be in the same movie!"
"Hey! How are you?" Y/N asked as soon as Hailee entered her car, wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a tank top exposing a bit of her abs and showing up the girl’s amazing shoulders and muscled arms, not to mention a just a tiny bit of her cleavage. Holy shit.
"I’m so excited!" Hailee threw herself into Y/N’s arms and hugged her as tight as the console between them allowed her, the grin she had on getting bigger when they embraced each other. "Our first day at table read! We are finally having more details about our characters!"
"Yes! I’m so excited too! I just hope our characters aren’t gonna be like enemies or something like that, because it would be so hard for me to portray your enemy that hates your character!"
"Ugh don’t make me think about it. Even though I think you would make an hot villain, it would be really difficult to fight against you." Hailee groaned out loud, leaning her body dramatically on the seat as Y/N pulled out of her driveway to head towards their table read location. Y/N tried really hard not to dwell too much on the wobbling of her exposed chest did due to the brunette’s previous movement, she just shallowed silently and gripped the steering wheel hard as her eyes stayed focused on the road for the rest of the ride.
"Okay, this is a breaking point in this scene. The two agents are fighting over a change of plans in their mission. Y/N’s character is mad about Hailee’s character dismissing that small detail like nothing happened."
After getting to know more about the plot of the movie, an FBI agent partnering up with a CIA agent on a case of a simple wanted criminal, only to expose a few double agents in their organizations using their agencies resources to make money illegally. "Jane for fuck’s sake, you’re not listening to me!"
"Daisy, you’re getting too worked up for a slight change of plans, relax. Everything went smoothly in the end." Hailee read out loud, smiling softly to herself as she imagines having to bicker with Y/N for the scene and knowing they will have so much fun playing this scene together. The brunette was over the moon when the director told them they were going to be the main characters of this movie and were pretty much going to shoot together the whole duration of filming, she couldn’t wait to spend as much time as she could with Y/N and hoping the Y/H/C girl felt the same - she did- .
"You and your stubborn reckless self!" Y/N muttered as the script told her, waiting for Hailee to deliver her line as a small smirk adorned her features.
"What’s the matter? Daisy, it was just a slight change of plans. We’re out of there. We made it."
"BUT I ALMOST LOST YOU!" Y/N raised her voice, not helping but gesturing a lot with her hands as her eyes stayed fixed on the paper, "Don’t you fucking get it?! They captured you! I almost lost you because your hardheaded self couldn’t stay put. I don’t even want to imagine what those assholes would have done to you if I hadn’t came in and saved you."
"Hey, hey! Listen to me, I’m here. Daisy look at me, I’m here. Breathe. There, like that. I’m here, I’m fine. I’m safe thanks to you."
"I can’t lose you Jane, I can’t."
"You won’t." Hailee went to read her next line, but stopped altogether when she read the description on the page. The director jumped into their scene, explaining the rest of it herself.
"And then the two kiss, they express their feelings and all that lovesick stuff. Cliché but really heartwarming." The two girls moved in slow motion at that, their eyes previously glued on the word ‘kiss’ on their papers moved to their director to stare at her in confusion. She didn’t mention a kiss. The two girls thought in gay panic as they eyed Ashley with blank expressions while listening to her, trying to look as calm as possible when inside they were freaking out big time. Noticing the two actresses looking at her slightly lost, the director explained further, "oh yeah, I almost forgot. You are gonna play a couple in the screen. This scene is where their relationship kicks off. This movie is gonna be pretty much full of action, romance, comedy and lots of sex!" The director kept explaining better the scenes other actors had to read but both girls tuned her out as the worlds ‘romance’, ‘couple’ and ‘sex’ resonated throughout the two actresses’ minds like a sweet, torturing loop.
The reason behind their freaking out was not because they were uncomfortable in portraying a gay couple on the screen or the fact that they had to shoot sex scenes, they were totally okay with that. The problem was that both of them nurtured a really deep crush for the other. Being best friends for years, only deepened the feelings they had for the other, but neither of them had the guts to confess how they felt to the other, too much scared of losing their friendship if the feelings were unrequited.
Holy fucking shit. I am going to kiss Hailee. Like, multiple times. And shit did Ashley say something about sex?! Lot of sex! Shit! I’m going to explode from too much gay panic, aren’t I? How can you play cool when you have feelings for your co-star, that is also your best friend? Holy shit, I’m so screwed.
Okay, Hailee. Chill. Relax. Breathe in. Breath out. It’s fine. It’s totally fine. You’re gonna spend the next year kissing Y/N while filming steamy sex scenes with her. If this is a dream, please don’t wake me up.
The next months were spent with a lot of workout and training with a professional stuntman to learn how to fight in movies. They had to film a lot of scenes where combat skills were required and even though they had their own stuntwomen for the more dangerous scenes, they still had to learn how to move to make the scene more believable. Y/N and Hailee had been spending a lot of more time together to rehearse their lines for their scenes, purposefully avoiding the sex ones. Actually, they avoided talking about having to shoot them at all costs. They didn’t know how to bring up the subject. It’s not like they could just bring it up with something like, ‘hey, I hope it’s okay we have to shoot in a compromising position acting like I’m making you orgasm like never before because I’m totally fine with it. Oh and I want to do it with you for real because I have a big, gay crush on you’, so they dodged the subject as much as they could.
But one night, as they were rehearsing their lines with the new file the director sent them that same day, they came across a new sex scene in a closet of a night club. Y/N wanted at all costs to know how Hailee was feeling about all of this, so with a witty remark she finally addressed the elephant in the room, now wrapped in a slight tense silence, "damn these two are seriously addicted to sex. Are we sure this isn’t a 50 shades of gray or something spin-off?"
Hailee laughed heartily at Y/N’s joke, leaning her head back as she clutched her stomach, "well, Ashley was clear- ‘lots of sex’." Hailee tried her best to imitate their director’s voice as both took a seat on Y/N’s couch.
"I never got to ask it and we’re a week away from filming, so-" Y/N played nervously with her folder as she avoided Hailee’s eyes boring holes into her soul, "are you okay with all of this? I don’t want you to be uncomfortable or-"
"I’m not." Hailee stopped Y/N’s rambling with a reassuring tone right away, her hand reaching over to grasp Y/N’s one to catch the girl’s attention and forcing her to meet her gaze, "actually, I’ve never been so comfortable with the hole kissing, faking sex and all of that stuff to shoot."
"Yeah, because I’m doing it with you. We’ve been best friends for years, I know you would make me comfortable about all of that. The fact that you asked me if it was okay, it’s already a lot. All my former male co-stars just wanted to slip their tongues down my throat, not even bothering to know if it was okay, since the scene didn’t require a steamy kiss."
Y/N blushed furiously at that, her eyes straying away from the intense stare those brown irises had her trapped into to look at her fingers playing absentmindedly with Hailee’s ones. "I just wanted to make sure." Y/N whispered between them, hoping with all her heart that the blush she felt on her cheeks wasn’t too much visible to the brunette.
Hailee then surged forward and hugged Y/N tightly, hearing her gasp silently into her neck at the sudden gesture but reciprocating the embrace right away with a smile, "you are the best Y/N/N."
"BECAUSE I ALMOST LOST YOU!" It was now about a month later and the filming was in full swing. The two actresses already filmed a lot of scenes full of action, but also having a lot of fun when there had a scene full of jokes or funny lines. They were now in the middle of filming the crucial scene where Jane and Daisy shared their first kiss. Both girls could feel a slight thick tension between them, a sort of electric energy lingering between them as they progressed with the scene. It was almost time to share the first of many, many steamy kisses for their movie and both girls were shaking in both anticipation and anxiety.
What if my breath smells? Relax you eat an entire package of minty gums. Y/N thought anxiously as they waited for the director’s loud ‘action’ to progress with the scene.
What if she thinks I’m bad at kissing? What if I get too carried away and she thinks I’m disgusting from enjoying our kisses? Hailee nibbled on her bottom lip anxiously as she subtly eyed Y/N, leaning her butt on the kitchen counter to prevent herself to faint from too much nervousness and crossing her arms under her chest to look cool and calm when in fact she was not in that moment. The voice of their director was almost tuned out as Hailee kept worrying about kissing Y/N in her mind, too much so that she almost missed Ashley telling them to get into position to start filming their kissing scene.
"And action!"
"I’m too fucking scared of losing you because I fell in love with you, you dumbass!" Y/N acted with her voice slightly raised and trying to move away from the strong embrace Jane, Hailee’s character, trapped her into.
"You did?" Hailee felt the camera move closer to them, her eyes glued on Y/N’s ones as their faces moved closer to close the gap between them.
They followed the script perfectly when they let a few seconds of silence linger in the electrified air between them, before leaning down at the same time to join their lips together. Both girls almost fainted right then and there when their mouths connected in what had to be a slow, sensual kiss as the script indicated, but they kept going. Their minds were running miles a second at the wonderful sensation of finally knowing what it felt like to kiss their crush. Y/N and Hailee spent so much time imagining how it would feel like to kiss the other that it almost felt like they were daydreaming once again. But it was in fact very real. So fucking real. The soft air coming from their nostrils hitting their cheeks, their noses brushing or bumping together when they changed the angle of their languid kiss, their hands gripping their bodies as if they were scared the other would pull away were just proof enough that it was actually happening. Their sensual bubble was popped not too long after, way before the two girls’ likings, when their director yelled enthusiastically from her position on her directing chair, "and cut! That was amazing girls! The raw emotions that you two showed was truly show-stopping!"
Y/N and Hailee moved in a daze as they reluctantly pulled away, noticing how both took their time to disentangle their lips and how their hands stayed glued to their bodies, not moving from their entwined position as they smiled in appreciation at Ashley’s compliments. "Thank you." Y/N was the first to spoke up, her voice an octave lower and sounding out of breath, feeling like she was over the moon that she felt like she was flying. I’m not actually floating, right? Yeah, no. Hailee is hugging me on the ground.
"We will start over in a few hours after lunch break. Get some rest girls."
"Ugh, I’m so exhausted. That fight scene this morning worn me out." Y/N groaned right before crushing face first on her couch in her trailer, her gesture triggering a soft, adorable giggle from the brunette right behind her.
"Yeah, same. Even though it was pretty badass." Hailee commented, patting the back of Y/N’s left thigh to signal her to turn around and lifting her legs up as soon as she laid properly down on the couch to lay them on her lap when she sat beside her best friend.
"At least we have a few hours off before shooting again in the late afternoon." Y/N sighed contentedly when the singer absentmindedly caressed her shin softly, feeling gentle shivers run down her spine at Hailee’s touch.
"And then we are done for the day. I can’t wait to sleep off this fatigue during our entire day off." Hailee groaned out when she leaned her head on the headrest pillow of the couch and closed her eyes to let her body rest fully for a few moments. The singer opened her eyes in what she hoped was as slowly as she could when she felt Y/N’s warm hand grabbing her free one and laying it on her stomach to start drawing slow, soft and steady circles on its back. In reality, Hailee almost imperceptibly jumped up in surprise at the girl’s touch and quickly lifted her head up with her eyes shooting open wide to stare at the girl beside her. In the last couple of weeks of shooting, the two had been pretty shifty and extra jumpy when one of them initiated any kind of physical contact. Ever since they had their first kiss, they two became more touchy, always grabbing the other’s hand as much as they could, hugging any time the could and cuddling on the couch every night in one of the two’s trailers. After that earth-shattering, passionate kiss, the two had been kissing very often since their movie was pretty much romance-sex centered, but they didn’t start on shooting sex scenes yet and they didn’t know if it was a good or a bad thing. Their director was focused on shooting a lot of fight scenes, interspersed with a few kissing scenes for now. Those scenes went from just a gentle peck to steamy full-on make-out sessions and had been a sweet torture for both girls, always reduced into a puddle of mushy feelings every time their director yelled ‘stop’.
They wanted to talk about those kisses, but neither of them found enough courage to assess that subject yet. "Ugh same. I’m so glad for our day off. Ashley had made us shoot fight scenes all week."
"I have sore muscles that I didn’t even know could be sore." Hailee admitted, giggling alongside Y/N when she laughed at her sentence and shook her head in amusement. Her eyes fell on Y/N’s fingers’ movements on her own hand and bravely turned it around to entwine their fingers together, "I’m in a desperate need for a nap."
"We have two more hours before our next scene. I can put on an alarm, so we can both rest a bit." Y/N suggested, suppressing a yawn with the back of her free hand.
"That sounds amazing." The two reluctantly left the comfort of couch to go into the bedroom area of Y/N’s trailer and settled comfortably on the bed, Y/N opening her arms as an invitation for Hailee to sling there and cuddle after she settled an alarm and placed her phone on the nightstand on the right side of the bed.
"Y’know, this is the best movie I’ve ever been casted in." Y/N spoke up after a few seconds of silence, making small conversation to lull the two of them into a well needed sleep, her hand caressing the singer’s arm gently while Hailee draw idle patterns on the Y/H/C girl’s left hip.
"Really?" Hailee murmured in the crook of her neck, nuzzling her nose there to breathe the girl’s sweet scent of cotton and vanilla, not noticing the goosebumps she elicited by that simple gesture, and humming appreciatively when her senses got engulfed by everything Y/N.
"Yeah, the plot it’s really good and the best part is- I’m doing this with you." Y/N admitted in a soft tone and Hailee was extremely glad that she was hiding her face into Y/N’s neck, the girl now laying comfortably with the singer in her arms with her eyes closed, because it prevented the girl to notice the scorching blush dusting over her cheeks and neck at the actress’ admission.
"Same. I’ve always wanted to be in a movie or a tv show with you." Hailee started to drift off to sleep but she tried to stay focused for a bit more to finish her train of thoughts, "we’ve been best friends for years and we’ve visited each other on set before, but every time I spent some time with you on set, watching you act and fool around with your co-stars and crew members always left me with a need to be in a movie or tv show together."
Y/N felt sleep reaching up to her, Hailee’s soft, deep voice soothing her soul and relaxing her to no end, "I’m warning you, I’ll probably be asleep in the next 30 seconds, but I just wanted to say that I felt the same way when I visited you on set. I always spend time with you, as much as possible, and sometimes it still doesn’t feel real that I get to spend an entire year or so with you thanks to this movie. From now on we’ll only audition for the same movie or tv show, okay?"
Hailee was ready to fall asleep, but she had enough clarity to smile at the girl’s proposal and hum in response, "hm yeah, it seems like a dream."
"Alright girls, this is our last scene for the day. I know you are exhausted, but we’re almost done. Okay so- the scene that you guys have on your script had been modified just an hour ago. An idea came to me and Vero really worked her ass off in only an hour to deliver what we all think will be the most loved scene in the movie. It’s full of raw, steamy, pent up sexual frustration."
The two girls hid pretty well their appalled expression from everyone in the room at the news their director just told them, their heartbeats already speeding up in anticipation from their still unknown scene. "But we learned different lines for that specific scene."
"I know, but- I’ve seen you guys improvise a lot of lines during these four months. Your chemistry is unbelievable. You make all your scenes always so full of emotions, making it almost look like you’re not acting at all. So I’m just gonna explain the scene and let you have some time read what Vero had been working on for the past hour and we can start shooting it. What do you say?"
Y/N and Hailee shared a look as if asking the other’s silent opinion, their eyes searching desperately for a positive answer as their stomaches fluttered wildly at the prospect of having to shoot their first sex scene together. When the two only found determination into each other’s eyes, they nodded at one another before agreeing with big smiles, much to Ashley’s ecstatic, exciting and giddy happiness. "What’s the scene about?" Y/N found herself asking the question without giving her brain the input to talk and cursing under her breath for appearing too much eager for this. Don’t look so thrilled about having to shoot this wild sex scene, you will scare Hailee away you dummy!
"Oh yeah, here. Take 30 minutes off to read the new script, maybe share a few ideas on your improvisation. I trust you guys on this."
The two actresses were taken aback from the trust Ashely was putting in them, but nonetheless accepted silently the two scripts that were given to them and walked towards Hailee’s trailer to read without interruptions. "How wild do you think this scene will be?"
Y/N stumbled in her steps at the sudden question Hailee directed at her, expecting her best friend to keep quiet on the short walk towards her trailer, but she was wrong. They had to talk about those sex scene eventually, especially now that they are going to shoot one in less than 30 minutes. "Uhm, I don’t know. Honestly I’ve never done this kind of scenes. I’m kinda anxious and scared I will suck. I’m so glad I’m with you." Y/N shared the same amount of bewilderment at her honest answer as the one the singer beside her showed on her features, but thinking about it, what’s the point in lying when it was the truth? She was going to be half-naked with Hailee, pretending to have wild sex with her soon, lying was the last thing on her mind right now. In fact her mind was pretty much occupied in freaking out about the prospect of having an half-naked Hailee under her, making noises to make the audience believe her character was enjoying herself with Y/N’s one, or even better, them in her bedroom, Hailee on top and riding Y/N’s fingers as she moaned out loud from her powerful, building orga- okay Y/N, you definitely can’t go there right now.
"I’ve done it a few times, especially during Dickinson, and even though my friendship with Ella put me at ease, I know with you will be 10 times more comfortable." Hailee admitted with a slight pink hue adorning her cheeks, busying herself with opening her trailer and shielding the Y/H/C girl with her back to prevent her to notice it, before letting her in and walking to her couch, "I know this is your first time shooting a sex scene and even if it may look a bit awkward at first, I’ll try my best to put you at ease. Okay?"
Y/N couldn’t help but throw herself into Hailee’s arms and hug her tightly. She initially wanted to kiss her right then and there at how thoughtful the singer was being, but at the last second she restrained herself from doing that and hugged her instead. "You are the best Haiz." The two then didn’t completely pull away from the hug, they just adjusted themselves to cuddle on the couch with Hailee leaning her back between the armrest and the back cushion of the couch and Y/N laying comfortably on her side. "Okay, let’s see what this scene is all about."
After 5 minutes of silent reading, the two girls’ blushes intensified drastically with every word they took in, as a familiar pressure formed in their lower parts with images of the scene their minds pictured while reading. "That’s- something." Hailee cleared her throat in embarrassment, noticing how her tone got uncharacteristically lower.
Don’t make it awkward. You can just start by cracking a joke then seriously talking about the scene and your improvisation. You can do it, Y/N. "Ashley took the ‘that escalated quickly’ too seriously." The melodic sound of Hailee’s giggle warmed Y/N’s insides and caused a big grin to flit over her features before laughing alongside her.
"Oh shit, that’s so true."
"Do we call it make up sex or-? I mean they are arguing over a few mission details."
"I mean, to some extent, it is make up sex. But not really? You technically have to have a fight with your partner before that."
"Do we need to rehearse something before shooting or just wing it?"
"We pretty much add some of our lines during shooting all the time. This won’t be different." Hailee argued with a small smile, her arm instinctively pulling Y/N close and skidding her fingers up and down the girl’s bicep as they looked into each other eyes with a good amount of space between their faces. They didn’t know if they could control themselves if they were much closer.
After about 15 minutes of just sharing a few ideas for the scene, talking about everything and nothing and making a few more sex jokes, the two got called on set again. "Ready?"
The two actresses nodded gently as their makeup artists touched up their make up and both got ready to shoot. As soon as Ashley yelled ‘action’ the air shifted almost imperceptibly, charging suddenly with a passionate power. "No Daisy, you can’t just go there and expect to just pass through unnoticed. They have a lot of cameras with facial recognition. They will notice you even before you have the time to say ‘hi’ to the doorman."
"What do you suggest then?" Y/N acted like her character was starting to loose patience over their mission details discussion, her right eyebrow arching up angrily as her expression hardened and her tone showed her irritation.
"Let me distract a few guards. That way you can-"
"No way. You’re not going there. Not with your pervert of a boss." Y/N stopped Hailee mid-sentence and shook her head frantically.
"He won’t notice me. He is too busy hitting on every new intern."
"That is out of discussion." Y/N stated resolutely, pointing her hand down on the kitchen island where all their papers about their targets in their corrupted agencies were scattered around.
"But babe, we already did that. And it went smoothly! I can wear that same dress that highlight my ass-"
Y/N slammed her left fist on the counter and groaned a loud ‘no’ to the girl, who jumped up a bit at the sudden outbursts and her face showed her shock at the gesture. "I said no."
Hailee scoffed indignantly and rolled her eyes, "you can’t control me all the fucking time Daisy. You’re not my boss."
"Oh thank god I’m not that disgusting piece of shit who goes around fondling young, innocent interns." Y/N gritted our angrily, standing up from her hovering position on the kitchen island with her hands laying on the counter and started pacing back and forth and acted like her anger was stirring uncontrollably throughout her.
"You know that’s not what I meant. I was just saying that you can’t control everything I do in our missions." Hailee reasoned with a calmer tone, walking towards a fuming Y/N and stood right in front of her to stop her frantic pacing.
"I know, I just- you can’t go there and seduce all the guards to let me in. I would much rather fight each one of them instead of witness them eyeing you up like a fucking piece of meat." Y/N admitted after a long pause where they just stayed silent with Hailee caressing her arms softly and fighting against the goosebumps ready to spread all over her body like a wildfire, sighing out after her sentence instead and straying her eyes away from the intense brown pools staring intently at her.
Hailee let silence took over them again to make it seems like her character was taking Y/N’s character’s words in, before letting her confused face brighten up with a smug grin at the admission, "so- you’re jealous."
Y/N scoffed at the sentence and rolled her eyes for a more dramatic effect, "I am not." The sly expression on Hailee’s face was driving Y/N insane, the urge to kiss her, to really kiss her and not for the scene they were filming was starting to become unbearable, but she kept on acting, focusing on how easy it was for them to just improvise a scene.
"You totally are. You’re so cute. And hot." Hailee wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and bit on her bottom lip teasingly.
"I’m not jealous Jane! I just don’t want those pigs to drool over you and making comments about your beauty." Y/N whined internally at the enthralling sight of Hailee nibbling on her bottom lip, her teeth begging her to replace Hailee’s ones and bit herself on her plump bottom lip but she just cursed her dirty brain under her breath and kept going with the scene.
"I always had to fight with them for those nasty comments, one more time won’t hurt. So if you’re not jealous like you are so strongly affirming, you won’t have problems if I put on that sexy red dress I have in my closet and distract those assholes with my boo-" Hailee yelped when Y/N interrupted her with a low growl as her hands gripped her ass hard to push their bodies together.
"You’re not. I’m not letting those dicks come near you."
The low tone Y/N used to grumble those words triggered wild shivers down Hailee’s spine that merged all between her legs, where a familiar pressure was starting to get itself notice. But the actress willed herself to stay focused on acting and put on with a smug smirk, "just admit you’re jealous babe."
Y/N was starting to get lightheaded from the tension building up between them and what she did next was purely driven by the thirst she had for the brunette standing so close to her lips. The moan that Hailee emitted when Y/N’s hands slipped under her yellow sundress to grasp her ass greedily almost made Y/N’s wobbly legs give out from too much arousal, but she had to stray strong to keep on with their scene. "Yes, I’m fucking jealous. I can’t stand the thought of someone wanting to touch you."
"You are the only one who can touch me, babe." Hailee assured, her hot breath hitting Y/N’s lips deliciously as she pushed her body more into Y/N, her hips involuntarily pushing themselves more into the Y/H/C girl’s greedy hands selling the gesture off like it was done for their scene.
"I know, but I can’t help it."
"Y’know, I find it so fucking hot when you’re jealous." They were almost finished with their improvised lines and they were going to start following the script really soon, both craving the others lips so much it was almost unbearable, using the excuse that it was all for the sake of their scene to kiss each other again.
"Do you want to know what is so much hotter?" Y/N whispered in a sultry voice, bumping their noses together teasingly before satisfying her deep desire and sinking her teeth in Hailee’s bottom lip and basking in the soft whimper the singer emitted, then pulling another loud squeal from her when she gripped Hailee’s ass impossibly hard and lifted her up on the kitchen counter. "You spread out on our lovely kitchen counter."
"Holy fucking shit." Hailee murmured in a lustful haze before acting on her purest desires and grasped Y/N’s neck to join their lips together in an hungry, frenzy kiss. Their tongues immediately slipped into their mouths to start a sensual dance that made their stomaches flutter wildly as their arousals increased conspicuously. They lost themselves in the sensations their lips glued together were creating, but when Y/N felt a cameraman walk closer to them, she sadly got ripped out from her Hailee-induced haze and forced to focus on the next move. She reluctantly detached their lips from Hailee’s addicting ones, meeting Hailee’s now almost black irises before descending down her body. Hailee got a grip of herself when her mind finally remembered where she was and forced her mind to act as the script asked her to and not as her arousal told her to and moved her hands from the girl’s neck to her soft hair as she moved down her body. She almost came right then and there when she felt Y/N lift the hem of her dress up and slip her head under it, stilling her movements for a few seconds to let the camera pan in on them in this position before almost jumping in fright when their director yelled an enthusiastic ‘stop’.
"Girls! That was the most beautiful improvised scene I’ve ever witnessed. Holy shit, I’m speechless." Ashley walked towards them as she clapped her hands enthusiastically, but Hailee was too much focused on replaying in her mind the image of Y/N slipping her head under her dress and fantasizing Y/N slipping her tongue in and fucking her sensel- "what do you say?"
Hailee turned her head towards their director with a lost expression, completely missing what she had been gushing about while lost in her own dirty thoughts. "Yeah, it’s great."
"Okay, just 2 mins of break and we’re rolling again." Y/N eyed Ashley walk back to her chair before aiming her attention to the confused brunette, looking so adorable with her furrowed eyebrows and her face a bit red.
"Hey, are you okay?" Hailee pulled her eyes away from a random spot on the wall ahead of her and settled them on Y/N looking concerned at her.
Hailee’s heart bursted out at the worried question Y/N directed at her and the urge to kiss her was back in full force, "yeah, I was just taking some breath."
"You seemed a bit lost."
"I totally missed what Ash was talking about." Hailee admitted shyly, her blush, that was starting to subside, darkened in an instant but Y/N found that sight so cute she felt her chest warm up.
"It’s okay." Y/N snickered at the admission and grabbed Hailee’s hand instinctively to entwine their fingers together. "She said we just need to reshoot t-the- moment where I-I slip my head under your dress, then we’re done for the day." It was now time for Y/N to flush furiously when her traitorous mind replayed the moment she got under Hailee’s dress and came in contact with her black boy shorts, millions of scenarios then raced through her mind with them not filming, laying on one of their beds and when she got under Hailee’s dress, she got face to face with Hailee’s panties - or, her uncovered, drenched center, as the most of those dirty scenarios Y/N’s mind made up featured.
"Oh great." Hailee hoped with all herself that Y/N didn’t notice her dejected tone at the prospect of having to stop this.
"We’ll resume this shooting tomorrow." Hailee didn’t care if the instant smile that crept up her features gave her enthusiasm for continuing this tomorrow show up, but she was too ecstatic to even care. Little did she know Y/N felt exactly the same.
"Okay girls, we’re almost done. Y/N resume from your kisses and then go down on Hailee."
"Got it." Y/N answered on autopilot, feeling her brain short-circuiting when her Y/E/C pools drowned into Hailee’s brown ones staring deeply back at her while biting her bottom lip, her teeth begging her to lean forward and replacing Hailee’s ones. But she stood frozen on her spot, moving only when Ashley screamed ‘action’ and kissing Hailee passionately again. Her stomach immediately flipped over itself when the singer didn’t even wait for their lips to lean together for her tongue to slip into Y/N’s mouth and lick greedily its every nook and cranny. Y/N swore she could stay like this forever, kissing Hailee with their bodies flushed together as both basked into this amazing sensation, but they had a job so they unwillingly pulled their lips away. Y/N once again skidded down Hailee’s body, feeling a pair of brown irises staring at her intently, then lifted her dress up and slipped her head under it, shuddering wildly as she closed her eyes and let her mind wander again as she waited for their director to stop their scene.
Meanwhile Hailee replaced her hands again into Y/N’s hair right before she disappeared under her dress and leaned her head back as a sigh left her lips. Holy shit, this is so fucking hot. Ugh, she is an amazing kisser. But fuck, when she grabbed my ass I almost came. Pftt, can we talk about her face literally being between my legs? Hold on- shit, do you think she can smell my arousal? Oh shit, it would be so awkward to explain. ‘Oh yes, Y/N/N, I was wet for you. Actually, I almost came right into your face because I’ve liked you for a long time and this is literally a dream come true.’ As Hailee had her internal debate, she luckily was professional enough to keep on acting and opened her mouth in a silent moan to make it look like Y/N was actually eating her out and she was ready to come. Hailee don’t. Do not start imagining Y/N slipping her to-
"AND STOP! We need to cover a few night scenes so we’ll continue this tomorrow. Astonishing performance, as always. Goodnight girls." Ashley waved with a big grin on her face at the two girls before walking out of the makeshift kitchen alongside with the whole crew in a hurry to shoot the last scene of the day before continuing the day after, leaving just a few people to tidy up the place with the two actresses. Y/N stretched her hands over to help Hailee down the island, securing an arm around her waist when Hailee stumbled a bit on her feet and apologized with a scorching blush on her cheeks. "Don’t worry, I’m clumsy all the time." Hailee smiled warmly at the joke Y/N just cracked and snorted in amusement. Yeah, I stumbled because I’m clumsy, not because I am so turned on I can’t even walk.
"Yeah, I can confirm that."
"Hey! You were supposed to say ‘no Y/N, you’re not clumsy’." The Y/E/C girl countered back with her best Hailee voice that elicited a loud laugh that freed the butterflies in her stomach and put a big, dopey smile on her lips.
"My bad. No Y/N, you’re not clumsy." Hailee repeated her best friend’s words to tease her more and reveled in the low grumble leaving Y/N’s mouth at her mocking.
"Wow, I really feel better now. Thanks." Y/N rolled her eyes good-naturedly and shook her head at the giggles leaving the brunette beside her, smiling despite herself at the breathtaking grin adorning Hailee’s face. She would do anything to see that dazzling grin on those addicting lips, even if it meant make fun of herself.
"Anytime." Hailee laid a soft peck on Y/N’s left cheek before pulling her towards the wardrobe trailer to take of their characters’ clothes and head back to Hailee’s trailer to rest. Y/N was grateful Hailee was in front of her as she pulled her towards the exit of the set, because she was trying with all herself, without succeeding of course, to subdue her red blush caused by the brunette’s sweet gesture. You’re so in deep for her Y/N.
"It was an exhausting day. But in the end the scene was amazing, so it was worth it."
The two were now chewing on the last bits of the dinner the two cooked together - more like Y/N cooked and Hailee watched her in awe at her skills, helping here and there when her best friend tried to include her into their cooking - as they chilled on Hailee’s couch, talking about everything that came into mind and just enjoying their quiet night off. "The scene we filmed this morning was pretty badass too. I was so tired after our sixth take, but I’m sure it’ll be worth it."
"Ugh, same! I’ve been in a few movies and tv shows where combat skills were required, but you never get used to it. You just want to sleep the entire day off to hope the pain will go away."
"Yeah! This is my first time shooting these scenes- well-" Hailee hesitated just a second, silently deciding if she could voice her thoughts or not, but in the end she made the decision to be brave and see how Y/N would react. "This is my first time shooting so many sex scenes too. And the ones I was in weren’t so- forward."
"Same. I only did a few scenes where it was implied, but never showed. But to be honest, I’m kinda liking it. And the fact that I’m doing this with you, it’s comforting."
Hailee’s stomach fluttered at Y/N’s admission, holding off the blush ready to settle on her cheeks with a smile before speaking up. "I- no, forget it."
"What?" Y/N asked curiously, adjusting herself on the couch so she was facing Hailee without straining her neck.
"It’s nothing."
"I’m sure it’s not. I can see it’s troubling you. You can tell me anything, you know that."
Those reassuring, full of affection, words Y/N directed at her made Hailee’s heart swell at her best friend as her stomach knotted over itself. "I wanted to tell you a- a s-secret." Hailee admitted shyly, playing with the hem of one of Y/N’s favorites baggy t-shirts she borrowed from her closet nervously and straying her eyes away from the intense look Y/N was regarding her with.
"Of course you can tell me your secret. I always share everything with you, you can trust me."
"I know I can." Hailee was quick to reassure Y/N after she swore she saw a flash of hurt and uncertainty at her admission, assuming Y/N thought she never shared her secrets with her and it was only one sided, so she promptly eased the girl’s insecurities away, "we’ve been telling each other everything since day 1. I’m just-" Hailee cleared her throat to get rid of the anxious lump in her throat, bravely meeting the girl’s gaze, "I’m just a bit embarrassed to admit it."
"I won’t judge you. If it makes you feel better, I can tell you about that one time that I didn’t see a glass door and crashed into it." Hailee laughed loudly when images of a lost Y/N realized she crashed into the glass door without noticing filled her mind, not knowing Y/N was smiling lovingly at her as her melodious laugh reached her ears.
"I would’ve payed to see it!"
"You could, I have a video. But I’m not gonna show it to you. It’s embarrassing."
"Oh c’mon!" Hailee poked Y/N’s side gently and whined in protest, "I won’t laugh."
"Nope, I know you will laugh. But I’m not showing you anything, not until you tell me what’s bothering you." Y/N steered the conversation back to Hailee’s previous troubled expression and changed her tone into a serious one, conveying some comfort to her best friend.
"Okay, it may sound stupid but- okay- well-" Y/N noticed how Hailee’s face got redder by the second as she stumbled over her words and stammered her sentence. "I have never been eaten out."
Y/N’s smile at the girl’s adorable stuttering instantly fell at Hailee’s admission, her stomach bursted out in wild butterflies as a scorching warmth flitted simultaneously on her cheeks and in her lower stomach. "I’m sorry, what?" Y/N couldn’t believe what she just heard, so she asked the brunette to repeat herself, because there was no way in hell she just admitted that.
"I’ve never been eaten out." Hailee repeated, letting silence linger between them for just a bit more before speaking up again, "I know it may sound weird and totally random, but I couldn’t shake the thought that I won’t act that well if I don’t even know what been eat out is and how does it feel. I was lucky enough, Ashley stopped our scene before I could start acting like I was enjoying you eating me out." Hailee fought against her blush from deepening and held her gaze with Y/N bravely. "I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable- just- let’s just drop this and move on, okay?" Hailee rambled out of control when she noticed the girl didn’t even emit a sound to let her know she at least heard her, instead stared at her with wide eyes for almost 4 minutes straight and Hailee couldn’t stand that deafening silence anymore.
"You didn’t make me uncomfortable Haiz." Y/N was quick to reassure the singers as soon as her brain caught up with everything and took in the defeated, embarrassed, sad expression on the brunette’s face at her lack of response. "I was just processing. It was- unexpected." Y/N laughed under breath at their new subject of their conversation, pulling a gentle giggle from Hailee with her admission.
"I know and I’m sorry if I came off as weird, but I couldn’t shake those thoughts out of my mind."
Y/N hesitated just a few seconds to summon all the courage she had to speak her next sentence before letting out her sentence in one breath, "if it makes you feel any better, I’ve also never been eat out."
Her best friend’s revelation immediately ignited a scorching fire in the pit of her stomach, burning the embers there so delightfully that Hailee felt like she was flying. "Oh."
"Sorry, it sounded less dirty and more sensitive in my mind." Y/N scratched the back of her head in embarrassment as she let out a an awkward giggle.
"It’s okay, it was just- unexpected." Hailee repeated Y/N previous words and grinned reassuringly at the Y/E/C girl, before bursting out in a loud laugh.
"What?" Y/N asked confused, giggling in puzzlement at Hailee’s sudden strange behavior. "Did I say something funny?" Despite her bafflement and wonder on why the girl was laughing so hard, she couldn’t help but smile dumbly and lovingly at her best friend as her stomach knotted over itself at the melodic, heavenly and blissful sound of Hailee’s chuckles.
"I’m sorry! I was just thinking how hilarious it is that we half shot a scene where our characters’ fight ended with Daisy eating Jane out but we’ve never been eat out or eat out someone." Hailee giggled softly, a rosy pink color dusting over her cheeks as she tried to play it cool by laughing at her joke and not cave in her dirty thoughts.
"It should be sad, but I can’t help it." Y/N resisted just a few seconds before bursting out in a loud cackle and joining Hailee with laughing their asses off at the hilarity of the situation. "I just hope I won’t look ridiculous as I go down on you and that I will do a great job in acting like I really know what I’m doing." Y/N let out between soft giggles, immediately adjusting herself and embrace Hailee tighter when she leaned down on her body to cuddle on the couch.
"I would say the same thing for me, but I just need to like lean my head back and open my mouth like I am moaning, something I already did a few times." Hailee shrugged as gently as she could between Y/N’s arms, cursing her cheeks for getting redder by the second as her mind imagined them in the same position they had been a few hours prior on set, but this time in Hailee’s kitchen and without cameras filming them and the movie crew and director staring at them.
"They always make it look like it’s so easy. I bet it’s not that easy." Y/N spoke up absentmindedly after a few seconds of silence, her brain shutting off right after Hailee’s words as it spiraled out of control with images of her going down on Hailee and making her come in her mouth.
"What?" Hailee asked in confusion, not really getting what Y/N just said and not understanding if Y/N was talking about acting or not. Her stomach fluttered hard when a stray thought about Y/N talking about eating out crept into her mind.
"Y’know in movies and- well porn, eating out is always so natural and easy. I bet it’s not." Y/N cursed herself under her breath for talking about eating out with Hailee like she was talking about the weather.
"You’ve watched porn?!" Hailee lifted her head up to look into Y/N’s eyes in shock, only to regret her gesture a second later when she noticed how close their faces were.
"I- yeah, a-a few times." Y/N admitted with a scorching blush on her face and neck, her eyes straying away from Hailee’s intense eyes, only for them to return on them a moment later when they fell on Hailee’s inviting lips. "It was my first time with my boyfriend and I didn’t know how it looked like. I was scared!"
Hailee fought against the hard blush ready to form and the growing jealousy in the pit of her stomach at the mentions of Hailee’s ex-boyfriend, and giggled gently, "ohw, how cute." Hailee poked Y/N’s side softly, making her squirm and squeal in surprise at the tickling sensation. "I’ve never watched porn."
Y/N spent almost a minute to find the courage to ask her next question, her mouth going dry and her heart rate speeding up at the very thought of speaking those words to Hailee, but in the end she opened her mouth to ask away quickly, just like ripping a bandaid, before she could talk herself out from speaking up her thoughts, "do you want to watch a porn?" Y/N mentally closed her eyes and waited for Hailee to burst out in anger and call her a pervert or something like that, but instead she was met with silence.
Hailee was left speechless at that question, her eyes staring intently into Y/N‘s intoxicating Y/E/C irises as she processed everything in her mind. "What? Are you serious?"
"Yeah, I saw how you were curious about me watching porn so why not watching it so we both can learn how eating out is done?"
Y/N’s explanation and reasonings were pretty valid and Hailee knew she should’ve said no to that, because she didn’t know how her body would react being in Y/N’s close proximity while watching porn, but nonetheless she found herself nodding gently at her best friend, "y-yeah."
"Really?" Y/N had to ask to make sure she didn’t made the singer’s answer up in her eager mind, her eyes widening slightly but she tried to make it go unnoticed as she gripped Hailee’s hip gently to ground both of them, noticing the air between them thickening and associated it with them being a bit anxious about watching porn to help them get over their worries over delivering the best performance for the scene and not because they were going to watch porn together, side by side.
"Yeah. If it’s okay with you of course."
"Yeah, yeah. Totally, totally." Y/N grimaced inwardly at the completely not cool tone she used to make it look like she was actually okay with that and she wasn’t freaking out inside. "I’ll go get my laptop."
Y/N reluctantly detached herself away from Hailee to sit up and go get her laptop, walking quickly towards her bedroom to retrieve it, then sitting herself back on the couch. As soon as she settled back down, Hailee flew herself into Y/N’s arms and regained her previous, comfortable position. "So how does it work?" Hailee asked in a small tone, watching as Y/N turned her laptop on and put the password in.
Y/N’s insides melted at the adorable uncertainty clear in Hailee’s voice, so she hugged the singer tighter with her right arm and chuckled softly under her breath. "Y’know it’s so cute you looking all hesitant and eager." Y/N noticed a crimson color dusting over Hailee’s cheeks at her statement and reveled in the craved reaction before focusing on answering her best friend’s previous question and stopping her teasing, "first thing first we need to go on the specific website." Y/N clicked on the link and laughed when she noticed Hailee’s eyes widening at the few videos on the homepage while her blush deepened impossibly. She silently tapped on the search bar and typed out their main topic of interest before speaking up, "it won’t probably matter what we choose, but I have a question."
"Ask away."
"Are you more comfortable watching straight porn or gay one?"
Hailee’s face became beet red at the question, her eyes straying from the laptop’s screen to her wringing fingers before boldly meeting Y/N’s eyes to answer her with another question. "I don’t know, what would you choose?"
Y/N did a double take at that, not really expecting Hailee answering with that particular question. She pondered on her answer for a few, silent moments, before making up her mind and answering truthfully, they were already at that point, so why lie? "I watched a few straight porns to- y’know learn how sex with my ex-boyfriend would be. But then- I started watching a few gay ones with two girls to- hm- get myself off."
Hailee stayed frozen on her spot at Y/N’s revelation as her stomach went crazy at her implication. Does it mean she is gay? Bi, maybe? Shit, could it possibly mean we can be more than friends? Stop it Hailee, only because she watches gay porn and she may be gay or bi doesn’t mean she automatically has feelings for you. I wish. "Oh."
"Yeah." Y/N scratched the back of her head and tried to move her eyes away from Hailee’s intense gaze, but a glint that Y/N couldn’t exactly pinpoint stopped her in her tracks.
Say something you doofus, don’t make it look like you’re disgusted by her admission. "We’re definitely watching gay porn then. Not only because it will help us with our scene, but it definitely allures me more."
Y/N had to make sure she didn’t combust right then and there after hearing Hailee’s sentence leave her lips, forcing her jaw to not slack open and her stomach to stop tangle over itself as she tried to look at least like she wasn’t freaking out. "Well, gay porn it is then." Y/N didn’t know how exactly she found her voice and how she succeeded in not stammering her words, but she was so glad she got a grip on herself because she would have looked even dumber than she felt if she didn’t. She reluctantly moved her eyes away from Hailee’s ones to add the ‘lesbian’ category on the search filter before moving the laptop more towards Hailee to let her see a bit better the screen. "You pick."
"Why? I’m not an expert." Hailee detached her eyes from the laptop to regard Y/N with a confused expression, her eyebrows furrowed together and her eyes showing perplexity.
"Well, it’s your first porn. You should choose what to watch."
Hailee nodded still a bit unconvinced, but the big, encouraging smile Y/N was sending her way was enough to make her look back on the screen and skimming over the videos on the page. She spent a whole minute scrolling through the website and was ready to give up and ask Y/N to choose something to watch when a particular video caught her attention. From the preview photo of the video there were two girls, one brunette and one with Y/N’s Y/H/C hair, making out naked on a couch. Hailee knew with all herself that she wanted to choose that particular video because the two girls from behind looked a lot like them and the location was pretty much similar to theirs right now, but she couldn’t give a damn about her reasons. She looked at Y/N and pointed on the video on the screen, hoping her blush wasn’t as hot as it felt as she talked to Y/N and looking her right in the eyes, "this one."
Y/N stared into Hailee’s brown irises for a few seconds, enthralled by the fierce fire burning behind them before looking at the video Hailee’s finger was placed on the screen and as soon as she noticed the similarities between the two actresses on the screen and them, her brain spiraled out of control. Does it mean something? Can she possibly say something with this? Shut up Y/N, don’t look too much into things. You will only get hurt. I know, but still… I will always hope she feels the same. "Alright, ready?"
"Yup!" Y/N pressing the ‘play’ button and the little wheel appearing on the scree, signaling the video started loading, sent Hailee’s butterflies in her stomach into a frenzy, but she willed herself to calm down when the video started pretty slowly, with the two girls completely clothed sitting at a table with books open on it. Her confusion must’ve been showed on her features because a few seconds later she heard a soft chuckle beside her, causing her to tear her eyes off the screen to meet amused Y/E/C hues. "What?"
"It’s not what you were expecting, isn’t it?"
"Well, I mean- yeah. I assumed the video started with the two girls already fucking." Hailee answered honestly, her confusion clouded a bit by the cute, rosy pink color dusting over Y/N’s cheekbones at her crass words.
"Well, you guessed right. A lot of porns, if not almost all of them start like that. Just endless fucking. But I prefer them with a bit of plot in it. I know it’s barely there, but I just- don’t like it when they just fuck without a reason." Y/N pressed the spacebar to stop the video and explained herself, "I’m not opposed to casual sex or having random sex with your partner. I just need the porn to have a plot so I can- hm- get myself off imagining-" Y/N face burned hot as she stopped mid-rambling, her mouth talking without her permission from her need to explain herself to the brunette, who was now sporting a soft smile on her lips. "Myself with the person that I like. Shit that sounded weird and completely insane." Y/N grimaced awkwardly and covered her blushing face with her hands in embarrassment. Stupid, stupid, stupid. She now thinks you are a fucking creep. Just hope she won’t ever find out she is the person you imagine yourself with in those scenarios as you get off, you dipshit.
"Hey, no no stop." A pair of soft hands pulled Y/N’s ones from her face and smiled warmly at her in reassurance. "It makes totally sense and it’s completely not insane. I’m new to this world, but I would’ve done the same thing. I didn’t ask you if there were porns with a bit of plot just because I didn’t know they existed, so I restrained myself from asking. I’m glad you chose something not too forward, at least not from the beginning." Y/N smiled in appreciation at her words and nodded softly in understanding. Hailee decided to play dumb when she delivered her next sentence, but the need to put Y/N at ease and not making her feel like a creep overcame her, "and thank you for the tip, I now will definitely imagine myself and my crush." Pfft, you were imagining Y/N and yourself way before Y/N ‘gave you a tip’. Shut up brain.
Hailee winked flirtatiously, causing Y/N to pretty much explode. Was that- no it couldn’t possibly be. "Alright then." Y/N covered her aroused state with a small chuckle and pressed play once again, the voices of the two actresses filling the silence in the trailer as the two best friends focused their attention back on the screen.
The video portrayed the student-tutor trope, the plot during literally almost a minute before the two started making out on the table with their books discarded on the floor. Y/N cleared her throat when the Y/H/C girl ripped the brunette’s shirt off of her and lifted her up to lay her on the couch. Hailee shifted on her seat as an uncomfortable pressure started building in her lower areas when the Y/H/C girl started pounding into the brunette with three fingers, lewd moans echoing off their silent room. The two girls stared transfixed at the screen when the brunette slipped her fingers in the Y/H/C one and both moved in synch to take the other over the edge. Y/N bit on her bottom lip hard, desperately trying to stop her brain to imagine herself and Hailee doing that same thing on this couch, not when she had the subject of her dirty thoughts in her arms, innocently staring at the screen.
But Hailee’s own thoughts were far from innocent, her mind completely flooded with everything Y/N as she imagined Y/N taking her in her bed as she moaned loudly without giving a fuck of being heard. She almost came when she watched the Y/H/C girl kissing down the brunette’s body before visibly watching the girl sink her tongue into her core and starting a quick rhythm. Both girls stared with rapt attention as the brunette fell over the edge over and over on her lover’s tongue. "Shit." Hailee let out in a whispered whine when her clit pulsated in a desperate need for some attention, shifting gently to relive some tension, only for her arousal to intensify when she remembered she was still clutched on Y/N’s body and her motion caused their thighs to brush together.
That seemed to pull Y/N away from her foggy, lustful haze and turned her head towards a red faced Hailee. "Everything okay?"
"Can you-" Hailee cleared her throat when she noticed her voice was a lot raspier and an octave lower than normal before continuing, "can you stop it for a bit, please?"
If it wasn’t for her wild aroused state she would’ve awed at the quiet tone Hailee used, but obliged nonetheless. Her eyes turned back onto Hailee’s face after stopping the video, silence filling once again the trailer’s living room while she clicked on the spacebar button, and looking at her in concern, "you okay? It-it didn’t make you uncomfortable, did it? Oh shit, of course it did. I’m so so sorry. We can forget it happened and just go on with our night!"
Y/N talked so fast that Hailee, in her lustful haze, didn’t have time to stop her mid-sentence, "it-it didn’t make me uncomfortable." Hailee admitted, debating with herself if she should continue with her train of thoughts, scared that she would freak Y/N out, but a fresh wave of arousal hitting her when her mind forced a thought of them fucking on this couch after she continued her sentence made her make up her mind, "quite the opposite."
Y/N blinked rapidly to make sure she heard Hailee right and it wasn’t her brain deceiving her, but when her brown, almost black, irises met her equally aroused ones, she realized she didn’t imagine anything. "Oh."
"Did it- did it make you- feel the same?"
"You have no idea." Hailee restrained herself from moaning out loud at the sensual, hoarse tone Y/N used, sticking to just biting her bottom lip to subdue her arousal. "But now we know what eating someone out looks like."
Hailee hummed in agreement, before letting the silence fill the electrified air between them. The singer watched Y/N close her laptop and place it on the coffee table, before settling back on the couch, all the while having Hailee still clutched on her side. "Who did you imagine?" Hailee asked out of nowhere after some time spent staring at Y/N’s laptop and letting their minds making up different scenarios involving the two of them naked and a lot of moans.
"Excuse me what?" Y/N knew what Hailee was talking about, but she hoped that playing dumb would make her drop the subject. But she knew it was to no avail.
"Who did you imagine having sex with while watching that video?"
Y/N sighed out loudly. She knew what she was about to do was completely reckless and stupid, but her core screaming for attention, the intense gaze Hailee’s was regarding her with and the tension clear in the air pushed her to tell the truth. She was tired of hiding her feelings. "The person I’m always imagining. The one who has my heart, who makes me smile with the simplest things and makes me feel better when I’m feeling down… you."
And then the world stopped. Everything felt like ceased moving as Hailee let Y/N’s admission sink in, staring her intensely while Y/N held her breath in anticipation. "I’m sorry, did you really say ‘you’ or my imagination is pulling a prank on me?"
Y/N couldn’t read into Hailee’s question due to her mind being too much of a mess, but by the rosy pink on her cheeks and her chest heaving rapidly told Y/N maybe Hailee felt the same way in the end. To break and ease some of the tension between them she chuckled gently under her breath and nodded, "yeah, I said you."
Hailee stayed silent then, her eyes burning holes into her Y/E/C irises as her face contorted in thought. "It only should be fair to tell you who I was thinking about while watching that porn."
The soft but mischievous smirk wrapping around Hailee’s lips made Y/N gulp loudly, her heart beating fast in her chest and her mouth drying up in anticipation as she found enough force to let herself speak, her voice sounding a bit out of breath. "I mean- you don’t have to. It’s okay if you don’t want to share the person you were thinking about while watching that porn."
"I want to." Hailee clarified, assuring that it was okay for her to share that information. "It was you, you doofus." Hailee was quick to add when she noticed Y/N playing with her fingers gently and not meeting her eyes, a clear sign she was vulnerably insecure about her admission.
Y/N lifted her head up so fast it almost made her dizzy, but she recovered in an instant when she was met with the most bright, sincere and heartwarming smile she ever witnessed. And the fact that it was directed at her made her almost pass out. "I- re- you- ser- what?"
Hailee’s soft giggles echoed around the room at Y/N’s adorable stuttering. "Why do you think I chose that video? For the plot?" Hailee quipped with a teasing smile, watching as realization weighed down on her and her smirk broadened immediately. "I chose it because the two girls looked a lot like us. It was easier to think about fucking you when on the screen seemed like we were actually doing that."
Y/N now was sure she literally exploded after Hailee’s admission. She literally thought the exact same thing but naively assumed Hailee chose it just from that bit of plot - even if she didn’t know existed porns with a plot - or because she felt like it wasn’t that explicit, ever if it was an understatement since it was - well porn, but never in a million years she thought Hailee would’ve admitted to Y/N’s wishful thinking. "Hold on, let me just, recover."
Hailee chuckled at the stunned expression present on Y/N’s now red face, her chest heaving rapidly as her eyes looked anywhere but her. "I know I must’ve looked forward, but I can’t stash what I feel for you any longer. This day had been so full of things I’ve always wanted to do with and to you, and I couldn’t take it anymore."
Y/N’s body was wracked by wild shivers as a particular part of Hailee’s sentence struck her hard. ‘This day had been so full of things I’ve always wanted to do with and to you’. Holy shit. Images of them making out, having sex, going to dates, cooking together and so on flooded her mind, making her almost dizzy from too much feelings. "Fuck Hailee, you can’t say things like that."
"Why not?" The amused and completely not so innocent smirk present on Hailee’s lips flooded Y/N’s body with the sudden urge to close the small gap present between them and kiss her senselessly. But she stayed put. She needed to be 100% sure Hailee wanted that too.
"Because they make me want to kiss you, for real this time, just like I’ve imagined of doing many, many times I lost count a long time ago."
"Who said you couldn’t?" Y/N’s resolve flew out into space when Hailee boldly leaned their faces together and brushed their noses in a teasing manner, their lips ghosting over each other but painfully stayed too far away for both girls’ likings.
And with Hailee’s eyes dropping to Y/N’s lips the last ounce of Y/N’s resolve flew out of the window, but before she could act on her deepest desires and crash their lips together, she came impossibly close and asked in a soft tone. "Can I kiss you?"
"Yes, please." Hailee would’ve scolded herself at the needy tone leaving her throat, but the thought disappeared as soon as Y/N’s soft lips crushed on her own gently.
Both whined pathetically at the yearned contact, sighing into the kiss and sinking deeper into each other. Hailee’s hands grasped the front of Y/N’s t-shirt to pull the girl as much as she could closer to her while Y/N’s left hand stayed secured on Hailee’s right hip while her other hand caressed her neck softly. They didn’t deepen the kiss, just savored the chaste kiss to its fullest before pulling away. "Holy shit." Y/N exclaimed in a dreamy tone, her eyes fluttering open and almost fainted when intense brown irises stared back at her with a mix of affection and lust.
"Come here." Hailee slipped her free hand on the back of Y/N’s neck and crashed their lips together in a deeper kiss. She pushed gently on Y/N’s shoulders to make her leave their not so comfortable sitting position on the couch to lay onto a much more comfortable one on her back, Hailee laying on the Y/E/C girl’s body right after pulling their lips apart for their position change and rejoining their mouths to resume where they left off. Both their bodies where struck with hard shivers when their tongues finally met after Hailee licked the seam of Y/N’s lips to ask for permission to deepen the kiss, Y/N granting her access right away, and the softest of wails fumbled out of their throats at their bodies rubbing over each other. When air became necessary, they reluctantly pulled way, sharing a few more hard pecks before detaching their lips completely. "Holy shit." Hailee repeated the same words Y/N told her not too long ago, causing the Y/H/C girl to smile adoringly at her.
"Yeah." Y/N sighed dreamily while her hand moved on its own and caressed Hailee’s back soothingly, feeling the singer sink deeper into her. "Just- hm- just to clarify, you like me, right? You didn’t kiss me because of the moment?"
Hailee’s loud laugh soothed Y/N’s insides instantly, but the feeling lasted only a few moments before a strong wave of anxiety hit her, scared the singer was laughing at her for her wishful thinking. Little did she know Hailee giggled adorably at her thoughtfulness, vulnerability and shyness. "You’re so cute when you’re coy and hesitant. But to answer your question I need your hand, please."
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows together but nonetheless placed her hand on top of the palm of Hailee’s outstretched hand and watched confused as the brunette moved their hands towards her chest, her eyes widening comically when she felt how frantically the brunette’s heart was racing, matching her own beating heart race. "Holy fuck."
"Yeah. I wanted to kiss you. I’ve wanted that for a very long time." Hailee pecked those lips she was quickly becoming addicted to. "And even though we’ve kissed a few times before for our scenes, that kiss was a million times better. Because we kissed because we wanted to and not because we had to for our job."
"Yeah." Y/N sighed dreamily, boldly doing the same thing the brunette did a few seconds prior and laid a soft chaste kiss on her plump lips, "but y’know I was taking advantage of us kissing for our movie to kiss you, if that makes sense."
"It does makes perfect sense." Hailee nodded in understanding, her stomach fluttering hard knowing now the Y/H/C girl had been doing the exact same thing she had been doing. "I’ve been kissing you just like that too." Hailee blushed furiously at her admission, straying her eyes from the intense staring contest they had been doing and focusing on her free hand not grasping Y/N’s one still on her own chest caressing absentmindedly Y/N’s sternum and left clavicle.
"Shit." Y/N exclaimed in a lustful haze, her Y/E/C irises focusing on every movement Hailee’s mouth did as she talked, building the raging desire to lay her lips again on those intoxicating, inebriating ones. "Can I-."
Y/N’s sentence was cut off short when Hailee crashed their mouths greedily over each other, her tongue sliding between the seam of the girl’s lips to ask again for permission, her movement stopped halfway due to Y/N eagerly opening her mouth and causing her tongue to slip right into Y/N’s mouth. They didn’t know who let out that lewd, loud moan, but they didn’t seem to mind as they were too occupied devouring each other’s mouth to dwell on who actually moaned. "Shit Y/N." Hailee sighed out when they disconnected their lips to take some needed breath, but Y/N’s mouth didn’t want to stay too much away from Hailee, so the Y/H/C girl started peppering open-mouthed kissed on the length of Hailee’s neck, breathing her marvelous scent in and savoring her skin’s taste.
"Feel good?" Y/N murmured into Hailee’s neck, smirking proudly when she felt the singer nod enthusiastically as her fingers combed into her hair to push her more into her as she leaned her head a bit to the side to give her more space to devour her skin.
Y/N hummed in acknowledgement as she moved her lips up, biting Hailee’s jaw softly before reconnecting their lips once again, the kiss already starting as hungry as they left it off not too long ago. "Fuck."
Hailee smirked proudly at the whispered wail leaving Y/N’s mouth when her tongue skillfully slid over Y/N’s one in a sensual motion, the gesture sending lustful shivers right between their legs. "Shit Y/N/N, you’re so hot."
"Me? Did you see yourself?" Hailee giggled at the incredulous expression on Y/N’s face and shook her head in fond exasperation at the girl’s compliment.
"You’re a dork. Now c’mere and kiss me." And who was Y/N to go against Hailee’s wishes? So she eagerly leaned forward an wrapped her lips around the singer’s ones into a lustful, slow, open-mouthed, deep kiss. Y/N knew her arousal was already quite unbearable due to watching a porn with her best friend and crush and imagining doing the things she was watching in the video with her best friend and also crush, but Hailee’s kisses were increasing the sweet torture that was that delicious pressure between her legs, so she couldn’t control the needy whine tumbling out of her throat at the singer’s kisses. "Fuck Hailee."
Hailee smirked almost imperceptibly into the kiss when she felt Y/N arch her back needily as the singer’s hand got impossibly close to Y/N’s left boob, the side of her hand gracing the underside of that inviting mound only causing Hailee’s center to pulsate more. When that wail of her name left the actress lips, Hailee was pervaded with a need to touch the girl, to touch her everywhere, to hear her moan her name again and again. "Shit Y/N/N, that was so hot."
Y/N hummed into the kiss when Hailee pushed her tongue more into her best friend’s mouth and pushed her hand up just a tiny bit, the tingling in her palm now literally begging her to just skid her hand up and touch Y/N’s boob, but the rational part of her brain that wasn’t completely clouded by lust yet told her to ask her first. "Babe, can I-?" Hailee knew she couldn’t physically finish that sentence without exploding, so she strayed her eyes away from the intense Y/E/C ones staring back at her after they pulled away from the heavy kiss and looked down at her hand under Y/N’s boob.
Y/N’s body temperature rose instantly at that implied question, her back involuntarily arching into Hailee more to silently answer her right before she could do it verbally, "I thought you would never ask." The dazzling smile Hailee sent her way transformed Y/N’s legs into jello as her heart race increased wildly. If Y/N wasn’t seated she would have collapsed on the ground as her sluggish legs would’ve failed her.
Without further delay, Hailee finally inched her hand that tad bit up and grasped Y/N’s breast over her shirt, wailing pitifully onto Y/N’s lips when she delightfully discovered the girl wasn’t wearing a bra when the girl’s nipple stood up at the sudden, but yearned, attention. "Shit-"
"By your awed but lustful expression, I take that you’re really enjoying touching my boob." Y/N teased with a small smirk, basking in the embarrassed pink color covering Hailee’s cheeks before laying a sweet peck there. "You’re so cute."
"Well I’m clearly not the only one affected by my gesture. You’re nipple brushing my palm is an enough evidence." Hailee didn’t know where or how she found the courage and the words to tease Y/N back, too affected by the amazing sensation of groping Y/N and her mocking words to even function, but she was glad she did because watching Y/N’s smirk open into an O shape with her eyes wide open first, clearly not expecting her counter back, and then watching her eyes close as her head arched back with a loud moan leaving her parted mouth at Hailee pinching that said nipple was priceless.
"Holy shit, babe." Hailee was overpowered by the sudden need to hear those whined words over and over again to commit them into her mind forever so she repeated the gesture as she slipped her tongue into Y/N’s parted mouth. Both girls’ arousals increased copiously at the erotic moment they were sharing, stopping their intense kisses, too much gone to do that properly, and just breathing deeply into their mouths as Hailee’s hands alternated between kneading greedily Y/N’s boob and pinching her nipple while Y/N’s left hand gripped the back of the singer’s neck to hold her in place while the other grasped her clothes on her right hip tightly.
"Feel good?" Y/N shivered wildly at the whispered question on her lips, Hailee’s tone, now an octave lower and raspier, set her body on fire as her core pulsated wildly in arousal.
"So so good. Shit-" Y/N couldn’t resist anymore, so she leaned down to push their lips back together as her hand sneaked under Hailee’s shirt and grabbed her right breast eagerly, deepening the kiss to lick hungrily inside Hailee’s mouth at the guttural moan that tumbled out of Hailee’s throat and right into her mouth at her sudden gesture.
"Oh yes, babe! You don’t even know how much I’ve waited for this." The brunette’s hips bucked involuntarily when Y/N’s other hand slipped under her shirt her kneaded her other breast in synch with the other and Y/N wanted nothing more than just rip their clothes off and give into their desires.
"Me too Haiz. These past few weeks spent kissing you were the sweetest agony I’ve ever been put through. And do not let me start with today’s shooting."
They kissed hungrily for a few more seconds before Hailee slowed them down a bit to let them talk just a moment, Y/N’s revelation echoing around her mind as butterflies went crazy in her stomach. "Today was hard for you too?"
"Of course it was." Y/N put a strand of Hailee’s brown hair behind her ear and pecked her lips sweetly, a stark contrast since her hands were still glued on the singer’s boobs under her shirt, "I’ve been fearing having to shoot sex scenes with you since we had to kiss for the first time."
"Why?" Hailee tried to cover up the hurt present in her voice, but she couldn’t help feeling down at her best friend’s admission.
"Hey, no. That came out wrong. It sounded better in my head." Y/N snickered under her breath and shook her head gently, "you got it wrong. I didn’t mean it in a bad way." Y/N laid a gentle peck on Hailee’s lips to reassure her, feeling her relax with a gentle grin as soon as their mouths collided, before continuing with her explanation, "I’ve been fearing shooting sex scenes with you since we kissed because, when we had our first, unofficial, kiss I almost fainted at the sensation of what kissing you felt like. Can you imagine what acting like you fucked me so good into the best orgasm in my life would’ve triggered in me? You have no idea how much of a mess I was while I was under your dress this morning. All I wanted to do was just lean in and-" Y/N stopped herself as an hard shiver wracked her body, lust invading every single one of her cells as she eyed the singer hungrily.
Hailee couldn’t help but whine under her breath and urged the girl on when she noticed she wasn’t going to continue her train of thoughts. "And what?"
The low, growled tone settled right between Y/N’s legs, increasing the pressure present in her core and causing a new wave of arousal to crash into her already ruined panties. "And eat you out and make you feel good like you really deserve."
Hailee growled again on Y/N’s lips as she tightened her grip on the girl’s boob, "I mean, you could have done it. It pretty much was what I was thinking while the camera focused on my orgasm face."
Hailee’s admission set a fire deep within Y/N, spreading quickly like a wildfire and lighting her up so heavenly she felt like she was flying. But she was still seated on Hailee’s couch, in her trailer, with the girl of her dreams close to her looking like she was the only thing that mattered into the world and that thought only made her emotional, tears staring to prickle her eyes softly. "God Hailee, next time warn me when you’re delivering those phrases."
"I was just stating the truth. How about you?"
"What about me?"
"Who were you imagining as you acted like you were eating me out?"
Y/N’s face flushed red at the question as her breath got stuck into her throat, not expecting the singer asking her that, but feeling the urge to answer to her question so she could know the truth, " obviously you, Haiz."
Hailee already knew the answer to that question, Y/N admitted it before but she physically needed to hear her say it. "How about we make our thoughts come true?" Hailee found herself asking without even allowing her mouth to speak, moving already on its own by lust and yearning she was feeling for the Y/H/C girl.
"You don’t need to tell me twice. But- I want to take this to your bed. We will be much more comfortable."
"Yeah, I agree. My back is starting to hurt from the uncomfortable angle we are in." Hailee nodded, accepting Y/N’s proposal and squealed in surprise when, with a quick movement, Y/N lifted her up from the couch and sprinted towards the brunette’s bedroom, before laying her down gently on the bed. Hailee’s legs entwined around the girl’s waist prevented her to pull away once she placed her on the mattress and caused Y/N’s body to fall down on Hailee’s one ungracefully, her movement causing Y/N’s hips to crash into Hailee’s open wide ones and to rub on her aching center delightfully.
"Oh fuck."
"Shit, Y/N." Hailee moaned gravelly at the stimulation and bucked her hips up for some more attention, causing wild shivers to cover Y/N’s entire body.
"Sorry, you pushed me down on you." Y/N reasoned as she caressed Hailee’s face gently, thinking she hurt the girl when she landed ungraciously on her. "Did I hurt you?"
Hailee chuckled under her breath and shook her head at the girl’s adorable worry. "You didn’t hurt me, Y/N/N. Quite the opposite, actually." Hailee wrapped her lips around Y/N’s ones in a sensual, slow kiss and sneaked her hands around her waist to grope her ass hard and flush their clothed cores together. "You made me extremely wet."
"Holy fucking shit." Y/N grumbled between them at Hailee’s admission and at her hips canting up to chase some obviously release. "You’re so hot babe."
"So are you, now please do something or I’m gonna explode." The next minute or so was spent on getting rid of every piece of clothing they had on and that prevented them to properly feel the other completely, all of their garments piling up on the floor as soft giggles and squeaks from the bed filled the room as they maneuvered each other to get completely naked.
"You’re beautiful Hailee, the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen." Y/N whispered lovingly on Hailee’s lips after taking her time to skid her eyes over her naked body, her hands bracketing her face with her thumbs caressing her cheeks tenderly and her body hovering over Hailee’s one.
"You’re the one talking. You’re stunning Y/N. Your beauty is uniquely perfect. You make me feel so lucky to be here with you right now." Hailee’s hands clasped Y/N’s back and gently pushed her down to lay their naked bodies together, immediately igniting wild sparks between them as soon as their hot skin touched. They stayed like that, soaking up into the loving bubble they created, their naked bodies entwined together, staring deeply into each other’s eyes and smiling gently at the other. But the air shifted once again into a more lustful one when a small movement from Y/N caused their nipples to slid over each other and caused a fresh gush of arousal to leave Hailee’s already drenched core. "Babe, I may sound desperate, but please, please touch me. I want to feel you inside me, I want to be deeply connected with you, I want to come on your fi- OH FUCK."
Hailee’s needy rambling was interrupted when Y/N’s hand quickly left Hailee’s face to slip between their bodies and to settle on Hailee’s core, her thumb circling her clit gently but steadily. "Is it good?"
"Oh yes, babe. S-so so g-good!" Hailee slumped her head back on the pillow with her bottom lip trapped between her teeth and moved her hips rhythmically with Y/N’s thumb to ask her to increase her ministrations on her core.
"Fuck, you’re so beautiful like this."
Hailee moaned pitifully at the compliment and instinctively opened her legs wider to give Y/N more access to her center and silently asking for more. When Y/N kept only massaging her clit with her thumb as she watched in awe Hailee’s face contort in pleasure, the singer groaned in frustration and canted up her hips to try to push Y/N’s digits in, "please babe. I want you inside."
"Shit." Y/N shuddered at the brunette’s request, clearly affecting all her senses as she felt her core clench desperately over nothing and her skin cover with goosebumps, but immediately fulfilling it by leaving her clit and slipping her pointer and middle finger in slowly. Their moans mingled together, Hailee for the incredible sensation of finally being filled by Y/N and the Y/H/C girl for experiencing the addicting clenching of the singer’s walls around her fingers.
"Oh yes, babe!"
Y/N started a slow but steady pace, slipping her fingers out and then pushing them right back in, knuckle deep. The moans spilling out of Hailee’s mouth were making Y/N’s head spin out of control, but she tried to stay focused on delivering the pleasure Hailee deserved. "You look so hot spread out for me like this."
"Babe, you feel so good. Please, faster."
Y/N was too much far gone to tease Hailee some more, so she did as the girl asked and increased her rhythm, adding her thumb into the mix to continue her previous circling movements on the brunette’s pulsating clit. Every time Y/N hit a deep spot within her, a loud moan would tumble out of the singer’s throat and her hips would chase her fingers down to bring herself to her yearned release as fast as she could. When Hailee arched her back after a particularly hard thrust, Y/N’s lips moved on their own accord and wrapped around a pebbled nipple screaming for their attention, a gesture that pulled a loud groan of approval from the singer, who arched her chest more into Y/N’s mouth and slipped her fingers into her hair to prevent her to go anywhere but there - as if Y/N was planning to do that - . After a few hard and fast thrusts Y/N felt Hailee’s movements getting sloppier and her walls clenching hard around her fingers, a clear sign the girl was close to the edge, so she simultaneously pulled her fingers out completely before slamming them back into Hailee’s center deeper and harder, her thumb hitting her clit roughly in the process, and bit particularly harshly on her left nipple - not too much to hurt - and that did the trick. Hailee came with a long, deep moan of Y/N’s name, her body going completely stiff as juices dripped out of her core and onto Y/N’s hand and her bed, before slumping back on the mattress completely spent and with a dope smile stretched over her lips. "You okay?" Y/N asked with a small grin when she reluctantly detached her mouth from Hailee’s nipple, peppering soft kisses all over Hailee’s face and nuzzling their noses together lovingly, causing small giggles to leave Hailee’s lips.
"Yeah, just a question though."
"I’m not really floating, am I?"
Y/N snorted at the question and shook her head gently, "no you dork. You’re not floating."
"Good." Y/N felt her heart swell ten sizes at the cuteness Hailee was showing so she wrapped her lips around hers in a slow, sensual kiss, smiling dumbly on her mouth as they entwined their bodies in a loving embrace. "Now that I’m fully recovered-" Hailee spoke up after detaching herself from the addicting kiss then pecked Y/N’s lips again gently before continuing, "it’s my turn."
Y/N didn’t have enough time to completely understand what Hailee told her that she found herself on her back with Hailee crawling on her naked body seductively, eyeing her up and down with a predator gaze with her bottom lip trapped between her teeth, "oh fuck."
"Mh, I’m planning to do just that right about now." Hailee slipped her tongue into Y/N’s slightly parted mouth and kissed the Y/E/C girl sensually as she started rocking her hips down on Y/N’s ones, creating the perfect pressure on both of their centers that pulled soft wails from both of their throats and that mixed into their mouths as their tongues slid over each other.
"Oh babe, this feels so good." Y/N whimpered in ecstasy as a particular quick rotation of Hailee’s lips, brushed their clits together and increased both their arousals copiously.
"And it’s about to get a lot better in a minute." Hailee whispered sultrily on Y/N’s lips after breaking their umpteenth kiss and sank her teeth on Y/N’s bottom lip harshly before pulling on it and releasing it a moment later, a gesture that drew Y/N insane.
"Please, Haiz, more."
"Are you wet for me baby?" Y/N didn’t know she was into dirty talk during sex, hell she even had never been so vocal during a sexual encounter with one night stands or when she was with her ex-boyfriend to be completely honest, so this was all new to her. Hailee was awaking a new side of her she didn’t know existed but she was willing to figure out with her.
"Yes baby, so so wet for you." Y/N whined in desperation when one of Hailee’s hands strayed down her body and started caressing her lower stomach teasingly, skidding down slowly to where she needed her the most, too slow for Y/N’s likings. Y/N canted her hips up in a silent plea, a gesture that made Hailee smirk teasingly down at the Y/H/C girl as she slid her finger between Y/N’s legs and hovering them above her center but not exactly touching it. "Babe, please."
"Please what babe?"
"Inside. Now!"
"With pleasure." Hailee smirked mischievously down at Y/N and eased two fingers in slowly, enjoying each second her digits inched more and more into the Y/H/C girl’s core and watched in awe her beautiful face contort in ecstasy at the amazing sensation of being filled by the singer. "You’re beautiful."
"Shit- and you feel so good babe. Please faster." Y/N moved her hips erratically along Hailee’s slow motions in her core, showing how desperate she was for her touch and her yearned release.
"Why the rush, baby?" Hailee knew the girl was already so very close to her release, knowing that making her come increased her arousal a lot, but she wanted to enjoy teasing her just a tad bit before having the pleasure (no pun intended) to take the Y/E/C girl to the edge.
"Hailee, don’t." Y/N gritted through her teeth, a loud whine ripping from her throat when she felt the singer slow her movements almost to a stop, "please, watching you come on my fingers made me almost climax. I can’t take it anymore, can you- PLEASE-HOLY SHIT, YES!"
Hailee smirked triumphantly at the screams coming from Y/N at her sudden movement. She slipped three fingers into the girl’s core as deep as she could and picked up her pace immediately, thrusting her digits in and out of Y/N center fast and hard, the movements allowing her palm to hit the girl’s clit in the process and increasing her pleasure. "Look at you, so needy for my fingers."
"Oh yes Haiz, fuck!" Y/N’s moans were out of control now, but she wasn’t exactly caring how loud or how vocal she was being, Hailee fingers were doing heavenly things in her core and she had never felt so good during sex, so she wasn’t exactly in her right state of mind to care about how desperate she may have looked right now.
Hailee on the other hand was overflowed with a mix of pride and satisfaction for pulling such loud sounds from Y/N, as well as love and affection for the girl she had been pining over for a very long time and fresh waves of arousal for the amazing feeling of having her fingers being so blissfully swallowed by Y/N’s core. "Are you close baby?"
"Yes! Keep going babe, you feel so fucking good!"
"I want to watch you come on my fingers, can you do that babe?" Y/N’s body stopped its frantic movements when the girl tipped over the edge, her back arching in pleasure as a long, throaty moan left her lips, while juices spilled out of her center and coated Hailee’s fingers. Hailee’s eyes switched between the mesmerizing sight that was Y/N’s face contorted in pleasure and her fingers being soaked up by Y/N’s release, her brown, now almost black, irises staring intently at both enthralling sights to commit them to memory forever, along with her lewd moans.
"Holy shit. Holy shit Haiz. Fuck." Y/N panted heavily to try to regain her breath, her heart still thumping wildly in her chest and her body starting to feel a bit sore, but Y/N had never felt so good in that moment. "Shit, I’ve never came that hard."
"Really?" Hailee’s face showed a mix of bewilderment and pride at Y/N’s statement, inwardly gloating for making Y/N experience a good, powerful orgasm.
"Yeah, to be honest I’ve never even been that vocal in bed." Y/N shrugged gently, humming lowly when Hailee laid her naked body over Y/N’s one, crossed her arms and laid them on Y/N’s chest, before lying her chin on her folded hands to look up at Y/N’s face. As the Y/H/C girl’s left hand reflexively started caressing Hailee’s back softly, while the other played with a strand of her brunette hair, Y/N couldn’t help but think how adorably cute the singer looked in that moment and snorted in her mind as she wondered how someone could go from incredibly hot to preciously cute in mere seconds.
"Really, ever?" Hailee asked astounded, not really expecting Y/N to confess something like that. She had listened to Y/N talking about her ex-boyfriend when she had shared a few stories about how they met, how in love they were until they simply grew apart and a few funny anecdotes. Oh well, I guess he just wasn’t good in bed. Just like my exes.
"No, just a few strangled sounds as I came, but believe me when I say that the orgasm I just had was mind-blowing and like, fast. It usually took Alan to take me there in like 20 minutes or so and it was just okay, nothing much nor special." Y/N stopped to sigh dreamily as her body shivered at the memory of Hailee’s fingers tipping her over the edge.
"Now that we’re being honest, my exes weren’t also that good. Most of the time I had to bring myself off the edge after I faked coming with them."
"Haiz, that’s so sad on so many levels." Y/N lifted her hand up so she could caress her face gently, laying a soft peck on her lips before pulling back, "I promise that with me you won’t ever need to fake an orgasm."
"I would never babe. Only watching you come made me almost come with you." Haile admitted before what Y/N told her sank in and a smirk appeared on her face. "Hold on, are you suggesting this is not a one time thing?" Hailee teased mischievously, but inwardly hoping this was the start of a romantic relationship. She had pined over the girl for too long and now that she had a taste, she won’t let her go. She wanted more.
"W-well y-you see-" Y/N sputtered nervously, her eyes widening comically as a red hue dusted over her cheekbones at her implied suggestion, "I-I was t-thinking about that m-maybe we c-could, I don’t know, d-do it a-again, maybe go on some d-d-dates too." Y/N cursed under breath for stumbling over her words, but the intense gaze Hailee was staring at her with and that dazzling, sly grin etched on her totally not distracting lips were hard to deal with when you try to put your feelings on a silver plate to the girl you’re in love with.
Hailee giggled softly on Y/N’s lips and shook her head amused. "Hey, hey babe, relax. I was teasing you." Hailee leaned down to wrap her lips around Y/N still a bit bruised ones in a languid kiss, both sighing into each other mouths as they kept wrapping their heads around everything that just occurred between them. "I would love nothing more than to go on a date with you. I’ve been wishing to be your girlfriend for a really long time."
"Shit." Y/N shuddered visibly at the admission, her eyes pricking with happy tears, her heart swelling ten sizes and a familiar pressure making it’s presence known down her lower stomach, all the while staring intently at the amazing girl that was gazing at her with a mix of fondness and love that was making her head spin out of control, "you don’t even know how many times I’ve dreamed about you saying those words. They did something to me- ugh."
"Things like what?" All the love and tenderness in the room was immediately replaced by lust as Hailee let her question linger between them, her tone raspy and sultry.
"Like- I’m literally drenched right now." Hailee whined lewdly at that, her hips rubbing involuntary over Y/N’s ones as fresh arousal dripped from her pulsating core. "Are you turned on too baby?"
"Yes." Hailee shivered hard when Y/N slipped her tongue past her parted lips and licked hungrily every nook and cranny of her mouth, causing her arousal to grow profusely.
"I was thinking about something, but I want to ask you if you’re okay with it first." Hailee lifted her right eyebrow up in a silent question and nodded at Y/N to signal her to continue. "I want to taste you."
The world stopped for a second then as Hailee took in Y/N’s words and tried to understand if she imagined everything, but when she noticed Y/N’s lustful, sincere expression she couldn’t help but let out a long, throaty moan. "D-do you really want that?"
"Of course babe. I’ve never done something like that, but I want to try it, with you. If you’re okay with that."
"Are you kidding me? Of course I want that!" Hailee laid an hard peck on Y/N’s lips and smiled sweetly down at her after she pulled back, "it’s the only thing I’ve been thinking since we shoot that scene."
"Really?" Y/N asked in a shaky voice, her insides squirming with lust and endearment for the honest admission whispered between them, a smile making its presence known on her features before Y/N could even control it.
"Yeah, the image of your head disappearing under my dress has been playing in my mind over and over."
"Ugh, you don’t even know how much self control I had to summon to physically stop myself from just diving right between your legs right then and there." Y/N groaned as images of the wonderful sight that was Hailee’s center covered by black boy shorts invaded her mind and created a fresh new wave of arousal that pooled right between her legs.
"Fuck, I would have came right away if you had done it." Hailee cursed under her breath when she felt her core clench needily on nothing, wailing pitifully when she felt Y/N’s pointer and middle fingers tease her entrance.
"I can make up for the missed opportunity now." Y/N swallowed the murmured ‘fuck’ Hailee let out by slipping her tongue past the singer’s lips and kissing her deeply. She skillfully switched their positions without disconnecting their mouths and kept an unrelenting slow teasing on Hailee’s center, feeling the arousal already there increase massively as it soaked her fingers delightfully. "Can I?" Y/N asked again to be completely sure Hailee was okay with it, slowing their fervent kiss and pulling away to look into her eyes and waiting for her response.
Hailee groaned out loud as her insides melted at the girl’s thoughtfulness for consent and nodded enthusiastically. "Yes baby. I know it’s our first time doing it but I trust you with all my heart."
"Me too. Tell me how does it feel so I know what to do and not do."
Hailee smiled sweetly at Y/N, her heart swelling at the girl’s cuteness, "you’re so fucking adorable."
The two resumed their kissing, their languid kiss becoming heated in mere seconds as Y/N picked her movements with her fingers, pinching the girl’s clit gently and shuddering in pleasure when Hailee interrupted their kiss to moan lewdly into her mouth. She then descended down the brunette’s neck, kissing, biting and licking carefully on her pulse point and leaving a small hickey that would fade away in a few hours, she then lowered her kisses on her chest, taking her time on savoring each of Hailee’s wonderful tits, all the while basking in the sounds coming from the singer, as her body writhed at the amazing sensations Y/N’s mouth was triggering. Y/N smiled slyly when she felt Hailee’s hands, wrapped around her locks, push her head down to where she needed her the most and obeyed at the silent request, peppering light kisses down her stomach and hips before licking the arousal that collected on her inner thighs and moaning out loud at the enticing taste. "Holy shit babe, you taste amazing."
"Y/N/N please, I want to feel your mouth on me." Y/N left one last peck on Hailee’s inner thigh before powering her mouth on Hailee’s core, her body wrecked by powerful shudders at the new sensation while Hailee moaned loudly at the stimulation. "Shit, fuck. This feels amazing."
Y/N started moving her tongue slowly, positioning the tip on the lower part of her labia and licking tentatively all the way up, stopping when she hit gently on the pulsating clit. That gesture pulled the loudest moan so far from Hailee, who bucked her hips up to ask for more as her hands gripped the Y/E/C girl’s hair in pleasure. Y/N repeated the motion again, more firmly this time, then wrapping her lips around the girl’s clit and sucked it eagerly into her mouth. "Fuck babe, this is wonderful."
Hailee nodded frantically in agreement at the statement, her back arching in pleasure when Y/N licked her core again, this time slipping just the tip of her tongue in, before drawing idle patterns on her clit and labia, a gesture that made her move her hips along her ministrations to chase her building orgasm. "Oh yes, babe like that." Y/N gloated internally at the good job she was doing, Hailee’s sounds boosting her confidence and making her lick Hailee with more determination. "Wait, do that thing again." Y/N flattened her tongue again on Hailee’s center before moving it all the way up, repeating the gesture with an increasing pace, receiving mewls and whimpers of pleasure from the brunette. "Holy fuck, yes!"
Y/N continued her ministrations for about a minute before slipping her tongue into Hailee’s center and stilling her movements, ripping a loud moan of appreciation from Hailee, before slipping out and asking with a soft voice, "is it okay?"
"Are you fucking kidding me?! That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen and felt!" Hailee almost screamed, her mind too hazy to function properly, "inside, please."
Y/N smiled up at Hailee and slipped her tongue back in, watching in awe as her eyes rolled back and her head fell on the pillow as her mouth opened to let out a loud groan of pleasure, only increasing in volume when Y/N started a gentle, but firm pace. She slipped her tongue in and out of Hailee’s enthralling center, her jaw starting to sting a bit, but she worked past the pain to give Hailee the pleasure she deserved. She lifted her left hand to stop Hailee’s hips’ frantic and sloppy movements while the other joined her mouth on the girl’s center and with her thumb massaged her clit rhythmically with her tongue pace to increase her pleasure. "Fuck." Y/N whined in a muffled moan due to her tongue still buried into Hailee’s core when Hailee’s hands pushed her more between her legs, the vibrations reverberating throughout Hailee’s body and shockingly tipping her over the edge. Y/N wailed again into Hailee’s core when she felt her juices flood her mouth and she promptly swallowed them whole, licking the singer clean as she prolonged her orgasm’s wave as much as she could. When she felt Hailee’s body slump back on the bed, she slid up Hailee’s body and came right back face to face with the singer.
"Shit, you have my juices all over your chin and lips." Hailee murmured in a low tone, eyeing the hot sight of Y/N’s face glistening with her orgasm, getting turned on all over again by just that hypnotizing view.
"Wait, let me clean i-" Y/N didn’t have time to finish her sentence because Hailee leaned over and licked her chin clean before skidding it over her lips and then slipping her tongue in her mouth and sliding it over Y/N’s one, tasting herself more on a bit of her release still lingering on her wet muscle and making Y/N taste her more with the juices now present on her tongue. They moaned lewdly into each other’s mouths at the erotic gesture before pulling away to take some needed breath. "Holy shit, that was so fucking hot Haiz."
They shared a few more slow kisses, enjoying the silence around them before Hailee broke it a few minutes later, "now it’s my turn to taste you baby."
Y/N had just enough time to comprehend what Hailee told her before she found herself on her back all over again and staring at the dizzying sight that was Hailee, completely naked, sitting astride on her hips and eyeing her with hooded, aroused eyes. "You’re the most beautiful girl I had ever seen."
Hailee sent Y/N a big, bright grin before leaning down and taking a pebbled nipple into her mouth while her left one massages the neglected boob greedily. She smiled proudly when she felt Y/N arch her chest more into her mouth as a mix of profanities and her name exited her mouth, along with breathy moans of approval and loud whines. After savoring her time with Y/N’s tits, Hailee slid down her body to reach her yearned destination, stopping at her hips and peppering them with small, sweet kisses, her nose already picking up the musky scent of Y/N’s arousal, causing her senses to short-circuit for a second before focusing on the task at hand. Eat Y/N out. Hailee tentatively laid her tongue flat on Y/N’s core and reveled in the indecent whine leaving Y/N’s lips, before mirroring Y/N’s movements from before and licked from the bottom to the top of Y/N’s labia. She did that movement again a few more times before wrapping her lips around Y/N’s clit and sucking harshly on it, shivering wildly when she felt a gush of arousal hit her chin.
"Babe please, inside." Hailee immediately satisfied Y/N’s request and slipped her tongue in, stopping just a second to let her soak up in the slow movement and the sensation that was Y/N’s walls clenching down on her tongue as her taste invaded every cell of her body. She started a steady rhythm, slipping her tongue all the way out before pushing it right back in, the motion causing her her lips to glue on Y/N’s labia and increasing Y/N’s pleasure. "Shit, you feel amazing. Oh yes, do that again. YES! Yes baby, like that." Y/N’s loud moans of approval were everything to Hailee as she fought against the tiredness she started to feel on her jaw, wanting at all costs to see Y/N come on her tongue as she moaned her name aloud.
Hailee sped up her movements just a bit, as much as her aching jaw allowed her to do it, using her thumb and index finger to pinch on her clit gently a few times before pulling her tongue out of Y/N’s core, her lips hovering just on her labia, away enough to ask in a murmured voice, her lips brushing over Y/N’s center with each spoken word, a gesture that caused Y/N’s body to writhe in pleasure and whines to leave her lips, "I want to see you come. So fucking much." And Y/N did, with a loud moan of Hailee’s name as her hips canted up to ride her powerful orgasm as soon as Hailee reattached her lips on her core and slammed her tongue in as deep as she could, while rolling her clit with her thumb. Hailee moaned when Y/N’s release hit her tongue, her flavor invading her senses as she licked her clean, not missing a drop of her juices. Only when Y/N whined at the overstimulation on her center, Hailee detached herself from the Y/E/C girl’s core and peppered small, loving kisses up her body, hearing Y/N giggle softly at the sweet gesture before pulling the singer into a languid but powerful kiss as soon as they were face to face.
"That was- mind-blowing Haiz." Y/N said out of breath, grinning at Hailee as they brushed their noses lovingly.
"It was the hottest sight I’ve ever witnessed." Hailee admitted as she laid her body on Y/N’s one and shivered when the girl’s arms circled her body and hugged her closer, a level of intimacy that neither of them had ever felt with any of their previous lovers. "I don’t know about you, but holy shit I’ve been missing out big time."
Y/N chuckled when Hailee interrupted the silence that wrapped around them and nodded in agreement, "same. But I think that it would not have been the same if my ex-boyfriend eat me out. I’m 100% sure it was that amazing because you eat me out. And let me tell you, holy fuck you have one hell of a skilled tongue."
Hailee flushed furiously at the compliment, feeling her arousal starting to build again between her legs and cursed herself under her breath for being so needy for the girl under her, "you’re the one talking. That tongue, shit. It made me see stars." Hailee stared with a longing gaze at Y/N’s lips, licking her own as images of that tongue buried deep in her core clouded her brain, "but yeah, you’re right. I think that it was that powerful and special because you went down on me. I don’t want anyone else between my legs but you baby."
"Mh, I’m not opposed to that." Y/N murmured in a low, raspy tone before slipping her tongue in Hailee’s mouth stretched over a smile and kissing her deeply, feeling more than hearing her moan when her hand slipped down from her muscular back to her supple ass to fondle with it as they kissed. After a few minutes, Y/N smirked onto Hailee’s lips when she felt her hips staring grinding down on the leg that slipped between her thighs, her arousal coating the skin there. "Someone is eager."
Hailee purposefully ignored Y/N’s mocking tone and whined needily into her mouth, "babe, please, touch me. Making me come again."
"With pleasure babe."
"Alright girls! I hope you had an amazing day off-" Y/N and Hailee shared a look of understanding and mischief at this and smirked imperceptibly as their director kept talking, not even listening her as they stared longingly at the other. Their day off was spent on the bed, the couch, the shower and every other forniture Hailee’s trailer had to offer as they indulged into their deepest desires, taking a small break to cook something (they got distracted at some point and almost burned the trailer down to make out), their bodies so spent and worn out that at the end of the day they had a cozy night in, cuddling naked on the bed as they bing-watched The Good Place. "-and then we will shoot in the late afternoon. You guys ready?"
They got pulled out from their intense staring contest by their director and sheepishly smiled at her, completely missing everything she said, and nodding gingerly at her. "Yes boss." Y/N chuckled when Ashley rolled her eyes in fond exasperation at the nickname.
"Get in position you goofus." When they settled back on their positions they were two days prior, Hailee sitting on the kitchen counter and Y/N standing between her open legs, they just looked at each other with soft blush on their cheeks as Ashley gave instruction to the crew around them.
"You look beautiful." Y/N whispered so no one could hear what she was saying, even if they all were pretty busy getting everything ready to eavesdrop their private conversation.
"So you do babe."
"Mh I can wait to be between your legs again." Y/N teased in a hoarse voice, watching the girl shudder visibly as her eyes darkened in an instant.
"An hour ago in the shower wasn’t enough?" Hailee countered back with a wide smirk, arching her back imperceptibly but enough to make their breasts brush teasingly over each other.
"It’s never enough with you babe. I can’t wait to treat you to a date." Y/N’s lips tingled and begged Y/N to connect them to Hailee’s ones but she stayed put, licking them softly before squeezing Hailee’s knees softly instead, making it look like they were rehearsing a few things before the scene and not sharing an intimate moment.
"Me too babe. Tonight. We’ll cook something and just spend our time together." Hailee smiled shyly at her as butterflies went crazy in her stomach at the prospect of having their first very date tonight.
"Everyone’s ready?" Y/N turned around to nod at Ashley, Hailee doing the same over Y/N’s shoulder, and both smiled in anticipation, "alright! ACTION!" Y/N and Hailee met halfway into a deep, sensual kiss, their bodies’ temperature already rising up while their hands grasped greedily their clothes. Y/N pulled away a few moments later to start her journey down Hailee’s body and as looked at Hailee mischievously just a millisecond before slipping her head under the singer’s dress and stilling her movements like she did the day prior, hearing Hailee moan loudly above her, sounds that created a familiar pressure between her legs as images of Hailee letting out those same moans while Y/N was knuckle deep into her, spread out on the small kitchen table in her trailer. Just when Y/N was replaying over in her head the moment Hailee screamed her name when she started using her hips to thrust her fingers into the brunette faster and deeper, she got ripped out of her dirty thoughts by Hailee canting her hips up and causing her right cheek to bump on her thigh. A wicked idea passed through her head and acted on it before she could talk herself out of it, inching her face more between Hailee’s legs, not too much to prevent everyone to know her real intentions, and kissed Hailee’s center over her boy shorts, pleasurably surprised to find a wet patch there and smirked knowingly. Her gesture pulled a loud moan from Hailee, who almost broke out of character and moaned Y/N’s name instead, but recovered at the last second and moaned ‘Daisy’ instead. Y/N was ready to use her tongue to probe at Hailee’s entrance through her boy shorts, but Hailee’s right hand pulling on her hair prevented to do that, silently telling her that she didn’t want to come in front of a dozen of people, it was a sight that was only for Y/N’s eyes to witness. So Y/N decided to behave and waited patiently for Hailee as she continued with her acting till their director yelled loudly a few minutes later, "AND STOP! That was amazing. Girls your chemistry is unmatchable!"
Y/N slowly pulled herself out from Hailee’s dress and winked at the girl, who had a pink hue on her cheeks and was slightly out of breath. "Thank you." A sweet, shy grin rolled over Hailee’s lips as she spoke to their director, a sight that made Y/N’s head spin.
"Okay, I’ll see you guys in a few hours, like I told you before shooting." The two actresses bid their director goodbye as they walked side by side towards Y/N’s trailer, their hands brushing between them but never entwining, fearing they would bump into a crew member, while silence wrapped around them in the short walk.
Y/N opened her trailer’s door and stepped aside to let Hailee go in first, thanking her on her way in with a big grin. As soon as Y/N closed and locked the door, Hailee slammed her on it and kissed her fervently, her hands grasping her jaw hard as her tongue slipped past her lips when the girl let out a gasp of surprise at the sudden, but completely welcomed gesture. "As much as I loved your cheeky act back there-" Hailee stopped to leave open-mouthed kisses on Y/N‘s neck before biting down on her pulse point making sure to not leave a visible mark - neck and chest were off limits for now since they were visible and would force their makeup artists to cover them up with a few curious questions, but they went wild with leaving a bunch of hickey all over their abs, hips and thighs during these couple of days - , licking the bruised skin gently right after and reveling in the loud moan ripping out of Y/N’s throat as her hips bucked up in pleasure, "you shouldn’t have done that. I almost came on the spot."
"That would have been very hot." Y/N rasped out, her hands moving around from Hailee’s hips to grip her butt hard and flush their bodies together, both whining softly on their hovering lips.
"I almost moaned your name. Shit babe-" Hailee’s mind lost track of her train of thoughts when one of Y/N’s hands slipped under her dress and past her boy shorts to tease her entrance.
"You’re so fucking wet."
"That’s what you did to me. Now fuck me, make me moan your name so loudly everyone will know who fucks me so so good." Y/N growled under her breath and quickly pulled her hand out of Hailee’s panties, slipping them down her legs, helping the singer getting out of them, before grasping her ass and hoisting her up and slamming her on the nearest wall, then slipping two fingers in and pumping them hard and fast into her cunt with the help of her hips. "Oh, fuck! Yes, Y/N like tHAT! Yes, yes, yes, oh fuck YES!" Hailee chanted loudly with each hard thrust of Y/N’s hips, the motions causing wet sounds to echo around the room mixed with the soft thud of her back hitting the wall repeatedly.
"Holy fuck, I love how you moan my name."
"Y/N! Shit, you feel so good baby. Harder please."
"I can feel your walls squeeze my fingers. Are you already close?" Y/N shuddered when Hailee nodded her head furiously as a bunch of profanities left her mouth when she picked up her pace and thrusted her fingers in impossibly hard. "Are you that desperate to come on my fingers?"
"YES! I want to cum so fucking much, please."
Y/N shuddered wildly at the girl’s crass words as she added a third finger in the mix and increased her speed, causing her fingers to slam deliciously into Hailee’s core and hitting her clit in the process. "Come on my fingers babe."
Just a few more hard thrusts and Hailee came with a loud, long, guttural moan of Y/N’s name as her center spurted out her release and drenched Y/N’s fingers in an intoxicating way. When the brunette stopped her writhing, Y/N slipped her fingers out, Hailee whining at the loss of contact, and placed Hailee gently back on the ground, laying her body over hers to help her up when her legs gave out, still a bit soggy from her powerful orgasm, and without breaking eye contact, Y/N pushed her fingers glistening with Hailee’s release in her mouth and licked them clean slowly. Hailee stared intently at Y/N’s mouth, her lips parted and her chest heaving as a familiar pressure built back again between her legs, and as soon as Y/N pulled her fingers out of her mouth with a loud pop and a satisfied smirk for pulling the desired reaction out of the singer, Hailee grasped the Y/H/C girl’s neck and kissed her hard, slipping her tongue in to taste herself on Y/N’s tongue, both moaning lewdly into the kiss as their wet muscles danced over each other.
"Now, it’s my turn to fuck your brains out." Hailee rasped out before diving right back in and kissing Y/N fervently, pushing herself off the wall and pushing Y/N towards the direction of her bed, pulling off their clothes on the way there and creating a sensual path up to Y/N’s bedroom threshold.
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fostercare-expat · 3 months
Talked to the social worker today. Apparently the plan is that if everything proceeds okay, the 2 girls will go home in 2 weeks. The thinking is that the girls say they want to go home and mom has admitted that what happened was wrong and will take parenting classes. I said “And boyfriend won’t be living there anymore when they go home, right?” The answer was “Oh, Mom says she still wants him in her life because she has anxiety and he calms her down, so he’s going to remain living there.” I pointed out the increasing pattern of violence: smashed phone of 11 year old - pushing of mom - hitting 3 times on the back of 8 year old - shoving mom so she fell down and busted her lip open and she called police - now back of the neck choking / shaking of 10 year old. How is this man allowed to live there with the kids returning home? The social worker responded “It’s not my place to tell her to break up with him.” The words that came out of my mouth were “Yes, it certainly is your place. You need to tell her to break up with him. Because otherwise we are just sending these kids back to wait for a worse injury.” I’ve seen it with Fearless already. I’ve spent years making up for the mess his mom made by letting her abuser come back into their lives. And in this current case, there is such an easy solution because Mom lives in a welfare apartment because she is a single mom, and boyfriend is not legally allowed to live there. I pointed that out to the social worker and she said that is technically correct but it is not something her department can enforce. I asked if Mom will be forced to attend a Domestic Violence program and she said maybe, still being considered.
Apparently both boys said they don’t want to go home, so they will stay in care longer. No shock, both of them were victims of his anger. So I guess we just throw the two girls back into the wolf den and see how it goes!
Oh, and 10 year old is still trapped in the hospital just waiting on the paperwork to get him to the other foster family house. He isn’t allowed to come here first. And Friday is the earliest. So frustrating.
Well, let’s end with some positives. Social Worker is processing the paperwork. It’s slow but it’s happening.
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koterkot · 28 days
explain the entirety of pluto lore in one comprehensive tumblr post. GO!!!!!!
ok so first of all fuck you Second of all- Pluto is a gieeg oc of mine, here's a old reference sheet i made for them in ms paint because that is somehow my main art program:
(tw: comedical usage of the f slur. i'm sorry gay people.)
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[* Due to the gieeg mothership that Pluto has lived in for most of his life having like, weird time dilating shit, a gieeg year is roughly 5 human years. (HIS ASS IS 80 YEARS OLD DURING MOTHER 1!!!! HI GRANDPA!!!!!) ? I just picked random numbers and that's now his birthday in the gieeg calendar that has like 50 days and 50 months lma-]
SSOOO COUGH COUGH IGNORE THE SHITTY ART I SWEAR THAT I HAVE IMPROVED ANYWHOS- Pluto's story is simple, he was born in the mothership with two disorders, being them SPD (Selfharming Psionic Disorder) and OPD (Overwhelming Psionic Disorder) together with the bonus addition of The Tism. Raised in the Mothership of their species, their mother Eris is one of Giegue's strongest troops, and is mostly absent from Pluto's life as she is too busy beating the shit out of alien scum on other planets that Giegue plans to conquer.
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[credits to thealmightyven for cooking this shit up, this was her first drawing and ofc the first thing she does is ask pluto if he's a queer] COUGH COUGH WHEEZE AAND THEN THERE'S CERES!!! HIS DAD!!!
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(AALSO OLD ART AND STUPID SKETCH BLEUGH) he works for marketing giegue as like this super cool warlord when in reality he's just a traumatized teenager that got weaponized because he's really fucking strong and stuff OH!! OHH!!! SPEAKING OF GIEGUE!!! wait no nevermind we need to touch on pluto's childhood first uhhh uhhh Pluto basically got bullied a LOT as a kid. Last one to get picked for everything, always made fun of due to their lack of tail and inability to use PSI without physically and mentally straining themselves. Sooo... What did Pluto do??? Shut himself away from the outside world, watch their dad's massive collection of holotapes full of movies and tv shows and cartoons and shit
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[ANOTHER OLD ASS DOODLE RRAGGGH!!!!] AND LIKE!! THEY LIVED BY THEMSELVES AND THEIR DAD FOR A VERY LONG TIME!!! Until... BBOOM!!! A good while after Pluto's 16th birthday, and 2 days after their last check up on their psionitrist, (doctor specialized in psionics and shit) THE FEDS PULL UP AT CERES' DOOR!!! AND THEY CALL FOR!!! PLUTO!!!
ok so cutting a long story short pluto has like a FUCK ton of psi, and like, the same level as giegue's, soo he basically is supposed to get drafted into their army but unfortunately he has SPD in which has no distinct treatment, sooo their best solution to fix up pluto was to SEND HIM TO THE BIG BOSS!!! GIGAGAS!!!
resuming a entire fanfic's worth of gay tension they eventually come to one conclusion
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AAND NOW PLUTO HAS HIS FIRST FRIEND!! EVER!!! using the insane confidence boost of being the Commander of All Gieegkind's best friend (secretly boyfriend), Pluto goes from "loser dork town mayor" to "COOLEST GUY IN TOWN!!! YEAH!!!"
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this helps pluto form a few friendships, and by a few i mean like 6 people (probably more than you have anon. HAHA!!) this relationship with giegue though, lasts for only 2 years before it is permanently ruined by giegue's first invasion onto earth. and his loss. i'll touch more on that later on my SECOND POST!!! (YES!!! THERE WILL BE PLURAL POSTS!!) that'll cover what happens to pluto after the events of mother 1 and during mother 2 and stuff BUH BYE!!
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(separate) Headcanons of the P4 and/or their fags (excluding Arden) having to take care of their younger child-age sibling please!
When the cricket tournament ended the day, and everyone already went home, they find their little sibling when they're cleaning up, in the pitch or hiding under a table and eating, not knowing they overstayed their welcome
And now they have to watch them until someone comes to pick them up, but the kid has to be carried or holding their hand, or they're going to wander off and the last thing they want is a child disappearing in their very big school full of stairs
that very last line is fucking sending me
I don't know why but it's making me laugh so much, so uh-
also this was too many for a headcanon set (my limit for those is 5 characters) so I did reaction-style instead, hopefully it's still what you're after!
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Ah, damn, he can’t believe he forgot about his sibling! Eh, well, to be fair, he’s pretty sure one of his parents was supposed to take the kid home, weren’t they? Although he could understand his father ‘forgetting’ a child, he can’t imagine his mum not realizing she left without them. While he might be a little frustrated, he still does what has to be done in looking after them until his mum gets there. He’d prefer to just hold their hand; if they insist on being carried, though, he’ll do it. It’s also possible one of his friends may end up holding the kid for a few minutes… at least his friends are trustworthy!
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Tsk… he knows this has to be his stepmother’s doing, because his father wouldn’t dream of leaving his sibling behind if he’d known. He’s definitely bitter about it simply for the fact that he already knows the woman is irresponsible; this is just the latest thing. Of course, the last thing he wants is his sibling wandering off into trouble or getting lost. Despite that this shouldn’t have happened, it has, so he’s going to carry them round till one of his parents shows up. Whoever shows up undoubtedly finds him good-naturedly trying to gently wrestle his glasses back from his sibling who’s trying them on.
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Oh, dear, what in the world has happened? Tsk, tsk, his poor little sibling, having been forgotten about! He’s not quite sure how it happened, but he’s glad they’re still here and safe. Munching away on something under a table. At least they’re alright, and he can wait for someone to come pick them up and take them home. It’s funny, because, well… even though this is his sibling, Joanne can’t help fawning over them! And Edgar thinks it’s precious, that his friend is willing to assist in looking after the little one. The child is his family, so he’ll carry them for a while… however… if Joanne would like to for a bit, there will be no complaints to be heard.
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… Oh. This. Is not good. He doesn’t blame Lizzie for letting it slip her mind to take their sibling with her, of course, it’s just… somebody should have noticed!! He’s quite worked up about it, though he does his very best not to let that cause him to run away with his emotions. This is a problem with a solution, and until that solution comes to pass (until his parents or Lizzie come to pick up the little one), he’ll do what he always does: the right thing. He gladly parades around with his sibling’s hand in his, keeping them occupied by showing them his favorite parts of the university. If he does that, they might not even realize what happened. The fewer tears and tantrums, the better.
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Goodness, this is quite the mix-up, isn’t it? Surely it wasn’t on purpose, so he has no ill feelings toward his parents. Things happen. One might assume he’s of a generally negative, poor disposition, but it’s actually not true, and never more obvious than when he’s trying to entertain his sibling. He smiles often whilst he’s holding them, and he never lets them out of his sight. Even when he hands them off to one of his friends for a moment, they’re back in his arms very quickly. Are there things he’d probably rather be doing, like painting? Perhaps. Does he still enjoy getting to spend time with his sibling? Of course. And until one of his parents shows up to collect the little one, he’s going to gladly soak up the extra time with them.
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This is… certainly not a good look, for him or his family. He doesn’t really think it’s acceptable that this happened; there’s just nothing he can do about it. All he can do is look after his sibling and try to figure out the best way to keep this from happening again. Although he will be visibly unhappy with his parents when they show up, it’s not because he has to take care of his sibling. He’s actually delighted to get to take care of them… it’s just that he can’t believe his parents overlooked that they were missing a child. Still, he keeps his sibling’s hand firmly in his, marching them around the cricket field in cadences that manage to be both silly and serious. If nothing else, he’s a very good big brother who knows how to make his sibling giggle.
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Oh! How unfortunate that in the bustle of everything, his poor little sibling was left behind! Normally his parents would never let that happen, so he knows it was a one-time accident. Plus, he’s positively tickled to get to spend more time with his sibling. He feels a little bad that they were hidden under the table and apparently still hungry with no one noticing! He’s fully prepared to just carry them around to keep them out of trouble, and also because he loves being close to them like that. He’s just so affectionate in general, as long as his sibling will tolerate it he’s overjoyed to cuddle them while walking. His parents will definitely find the two of them in the library, with Joanne eagerly reading one of his favorite (age-appropriate!!) books to his sibling.
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Tsk… the mere idea that something like this could happen means he and his family need better ways of keeping track. He has so many sisters, it’s easy for one sibling to get lost in the shuffle. Well, what’s done is done, so he’ll have to think of a way to prevent it from happening again while also looking after his sibling. He does feel lucky to have a while with them that his other siblings don’t get, and although he’s forever unsure how to deal with it, the fact that they cling to him when they’re scared means that something about him comforts them. He’s… glad he can be that for them. The only thing he can do is try to keep them calm, walking around with them. Initial surprise aside, it’s really not so bad at all.
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Aaaaah, no, his poor little sibling!! It’s alright, it’s alright, big brother is coming to the rescue immediately! He’s not particularly surprised that his sibling was left behind, in all the chaos of the day, but it’s his duty to look after them until someone can come take them safely home. Not only does he take his responsibilities as big brother seriously, he also adores getting to spend even more time with them, so this is a happy accident as far as he’s concerned. He carries them around and shows them every part of the school that he likes, and introduces them to all his friends. (He’s quite pleased that they give Maurice a kiss on the cheek!) When all’s said and done, once someone comes to get them, it’s most likely that Soma is placing his sleeping sibling carefully in Agni’s arms with one last farewell and smooch on the forehead. What a great day!
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raitnrong · 1 year
ive been so tempted to make my own geeta post ever since ive written down this one response on an analysis on her. i've actually come to make my own conclusions abt her character while making and it's making me go '???' at all the apparent hate on her.
genuinely i rly do just want to know what piece i've missed abt her dialogue that's gotten the ppl against her buzzing
i in fact do think that geeta is a great top champion! she conducts check-ins w the gyms, has gotten herself involved in the proceedings of the school (a great thing to have done as a top champion btw, recognizing it's important to be updated and engaged in paldea's new generation), and takes her role as the top champion very seriously! (so srs that she's caught onto nemona's need to be able to battle at her fullest when she'd had her exam)
she may have had her flaws like being meddlesome n a bit careless at times (like sending the player to larry w/o a head-up on his part|| a lot of ppl hate this, however this could be construed like she trusts larry to be able to handle such matters instead. depending on ur outlook)
but overall she looks like she does her job w grace. n everyone is flawed?? tho yes it's not an excuse when it comes to having responsibilities as big as hers, but even in a professional light she's not so egregious as to receive the amount distrust she has
a lot of ppl in game hold her in high esteem-- larry is snappy at her yes but why the hell is that suddenly made to define her character? "oh, larry has something going on w geeta n that is but a seed as to why she's fishy as hell!" like??
im p sure larry doesnt even hate her guts! like yes there's dislike there but is larry rly full of loathing so as to have to constantly 'go against the world' bc of his job n his boss? yes his dialogue abt normal types n ppl expecting flashy things were remarkable. but in the context of pokemon? as if id actually believe that!!
(normal types have their own strengths, they're not run-of-the-mill. they don't shine just because "they don't shine". normal pokemon are awesome for being normal pokemon period! it's a type like any other is. not to say his philosophy abt liking a pokemon is any less valid! gym leaders find their types due to many motivations)
anyway getting off topic hahah, larry could just be grumpy in general. so where does ppl get the idea that it makes geeta evil...
is it the design huh. look deep in urself and be honest ,':T
one point btw on how geeta is in fact clever and heartful (that shes not some power-crazed harpy and but is simply engaged in her work) is this point i made abt geeta's decisions with penny.
now if u recall, penny hacked the league in order to be able to reward the player for putting up w cassiopeia's operations
when she told clavell, he said it was out of his jurisdiction n that the decision was to rest on geeta.
and what did geeta do?
she CHOSE to be lenient w penny by instead having her work off her debt to the league by having her improve their cyber networks.
a hobby that penny already does and likes btw! she could have been further expelled or sent off like last time, but instead, geeta's choice was to allow penny the chance to face the consequences of her actions by having penny use her talents as she'd recognized it. geeta didn't see an opportunity for punishment but instead she chose growth.
for her, it'd come to light that they now had two problems: a child facing massive trouble for what is the equivalent of govt.theft and the league's shoddy security. and then she sought a solution that solves both in the most holistic and frickin' effective way possible! wow! it's insane!
she's not taking advantage of penny, it was her intervention of helping her >:T
im sure even penny appreciated her penalty bc she's mature enough to recognize what she's done wrong, does have knack for tech, and she knows she's helping paldea in return w her IT direction (and she's a good kid!)
--hc timee: now imagine nemona and penny bonding over their admiration for la primera as her helpers pls :))--
i would love to hear the points against her other than hcs tho! i may have missed something from the game bc rly i was more tuned to the trio's arcs (esp nemo's) rather than the adults' characters (except for clavell)
but srsly y would ppl hope that there's an agenda ruining scarvi's experience w paldea. tho yes leaders r in the risk of turning corrupt, the fact that there'a no direct text on pkmn is already a testament as geeta's quite clean now.
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lolitastories · 5 months
Not a chapter
This will be insert of storylines that happens in the future if Yn and Kayce
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Chapter 12
Chapter 11:
I was at my desk working on a case I had just taken when there was a lady and a kid’s voice outside being a little too loud.
“I understand but you just-”
“Jennifer?” I say walking out my office only to come across a red face Tate and Jennifer trying to block his way.
“It's okay,” I told Jennifer as Tate came running towards me. I send a thank you to Jennifer before walking Tate into my office. “Are you okay?” I give him a bottle of water and sit beside him on the couch I had.
“I was with my mom shopping for winter clothes when she told me I would be going back to live with her and I don’t want to!” Tears started to leave his eyes agains. “I ran and I saw your name on the outside of the building”
“Tate it wasn’t right to run away like that, your mom is probably freaking out right now”
“She is not! She doesn’t love me, she wants to take me away from my dad and grandpa” He wraps his arms around my neck continuing to cry.
“Tate she loves you very much” I rub his back trying to make him calm down a bit. “Did you ask your mom why she decided to move back?” I feel him shake his head. “Tate?” I asked, wanting him to look at me but it didn’t seem that the six year old was going to budge. “You know what I do for work”
“No” I chuckle a bit finally hearing his voice calmer
“I am a type of lawyer. As a lawyer who fights for a client in any case but sometimes it comes to the point where you need to listen to both sides and figure out what the best solution is” I grab a hold of him and sit him in my lap. “Point is you need to listen and read every little things because without all the facts making a decision so fast is not right”
“So you argue your way to what they want at the end?” I laugh, wiping away his tears.
“You can say that. I do what's best with all the facts on the table that favors my client” He hears that and gets off my lap to stand right infront of me.
“I would like for you to fight for me to stay at the ranch with my dad” Oh buddy. “Or talk to my mom and have her say yes” I stand up and walk over to get my phone knowing Monica is probably way over freaking out and I don’t want her to do anything bad.
“Buddy let me call someone first and we can all talk about it okay?” Tate nods, taking a seat again. “Hello?” I say as her phone is answered
“Y/N?” That wasn’t Monica’s voice
“Kayce?” I ignore the fact that he had Monicas phone. She probably called him freaking out. The last time Tate went missing it wasn’t pretty. “I have something of yours in my office. He came walking in upset”
“Oh thank god” He lets out a sigh. I hear him tell who I am guessing was the other cowboys and Monica. “We will be right over” I hung up the phone and soon enough after a couple minutes there was more chaos outside my door. “He is in my office” I tell Monica and Kayce but block them from going in. “Before you go in and talk to him I want you to know what we spoke about”
“But is he okay?”
“Yes” I tell Monica. “He came in upset about the talk you might have had while shopping.” Monica nods understanding what that meant. “I calmed him down but while doing that he got an idea that I could help him get his way and that was certainly not my intention.”
“Maybe you can help us” I nod, opening the door for them to walk in.
“Dad” Tate runs towards him hugging him.
“Buddy you can’t be running off like that, your mom really got scared for you.” He was soft with his words, maybe being careful preventing memories from arising again.
“You don’t understand she wants to keep me away from you!” He cried looking over to Monica. “I want to stay with dad!”
“Can we sit down to talk about it?” Monica says pointing towards the two chairs infront of me. Tate nods allowing Kayce to carry him over. “Baby my intention is not to take you from your dad or your grandpa. I love that you have a home at the ranch but you also have a home with me.”
“But you are moving all my stuff out of my room. I don’t want to leave” Monica looks over to me as I could see tears filling her eyes.
“Tate” I say, making him look over to me. “Can we make an agreement?”
“You are going to be my lawyer?”
“Something like it, but you have to promise to listen and take in account everything” He nods. I take a piece of paper and start a list. I didn’t want to mention anything about the divorce and what it meant in custody because I didn’t know if they had talked with him yet. Yes he was aware they weren’t living together but up to this point Monica spent some nights at the ranch and they spent time as a family too. “Tate I know you want to live at the ranch full time but your mom would like to have you at home too since she loves your company”
“I can come and visit” He turns to her.
“Buddy, how about we split the week?” Kayce says “Half of the days you stay at the ranch and the other with your mom?”
“If we have time and when if is a good time I can bring you over to spend time at the ranch” Monica says grabbing hold of his hands
“What about my stuff?” Tate says looking over at Kayce
“You will have your clothes at the ranch and other at your moms same things go with your other belongings”
“What about my horse?”
“That would certainly stay at the ranch” Monica dry laughs and a smile appears on Tate’s face.
“Okay” He turns over to me with a smile.
“Alright. So have the days with mom and the other with dad. Clothes are to be separate and the horse must stay at the ranch” I wrote everything on the paper and made three lines. “If we have an agreement parents can sign here and Mr Tate you can sign here” I hand him a pen and they all sign. I placed it in a laminated folder and handed it over to Tate.
“How about school?”
“What about school Bud?” Kayce stopped as we all stood from our chairs.
“Can we agree on me only going half the day?”
“No,” Monica laughs, taking hold of his hand. “Let's go get you some jackets. '' They said their goodbyes and left the room.
“That kid,” Kayce laughs, shaking his head. I go over and place both hands on his chest.
“Are you okay?” I search for his eyes but he keeps looking away. “Kayce?”
“When she called it felt too real again” his voice broke and I took a second before wrapping my arms around him.
“I'm so sorry” I whispered as soft cries came from him. “Everything is okay” I tell him, caressing his back. “He is okay”
“I know” He pulls away but does not let go of my waist. “Am just hoping it doesn’t haunt him anymore”
“You and Monica and everybody who loves him will be by his side if anything happens” I try to reassure him.
“I know” I smile as a smile appears on his face.
“So who should I bill my time to?” I say hoping to get him in a happier mood.
“I thought it was on the house?” I feel his hands enterwine and pull me closer to him.
“On what grounds?” I move his hair from his face.
“On the fact that you live on our grounds and we pay you”
“Correction, it's John’s grounds and John pays me” I say, pressing my finger with each word on his chest. “But I guess I can do an exception for you since you’re kind of cute”
“Stop you’re making me blush” He pulls forward giving me a quick kiss. “Does your door lock?” he says looking over
“Yes” I whisper, pulling him into a quick kiss again.
“Really?” He grins, making me walk backwards towards said door.
“No” I shake my head with another kiss I pull away from him. “I got work to do and I bet so do you commissioner” I open the door.
“Yes ma’am” He grabs his hat which he layed down on my desk. “What time will you be done?” He walked backwards towards the door.
“Not sure, I can text you?” He nods, stealing another kiss.
“I will pick you up” before I could deny the offer because one I had my own car here and two because I probably would be getting off sooner than him anyway but I didn’t decline.
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countrymusiclover · 6 months
35 - The Save Raelyn Squad
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Part 36
Family is More than Blood
Klaus’s pov
Walking quickly through the school hallways with my boots hitting the wooden floor I fling opened the double doors to the large office room that the others were set up in. Raelyn was currently spelled asleep in the Saltzman twins bedroom. “Alright I’ve called you all here for a reason and there seems to be nothing being done.”
“Something like this takes time, Klaus. We don’t even know what is wrong with her.” Freya lifted her head up from the book she was reading.
Rolling my eyes I hit a fist on the table. “She’s clearly been possessed by someone or something. She would never use her powers against our kids or the other students here.”
“Yes but we have to know what is inside of her before we go charging in.” Valerie responded to the hybrid.
Davina tucked hair behind her ear. “Kol mentioned what you did to the Hollow. Sending it to the prison word but that it escaped is that right?”
“Yes until Kai Parker escaped and apparently released it himself.” I snapped at the harvest witch.
She gave me a weak expression looking at Valerie and my sister. I knew that they wanted to help but I felt this was taking too long. Three powerful witches and none seemed to know what to do next. The office doors opened again revealing my oldest daughter. “She seems to be fine for now. But the sleep spell won’t hold her for much longer.”
“Thank you, Hope.” Freya said.
Turning my head I didn’t see the others with her. “Where’s your siblings?”
“Missy is watching Henrik, Rapunzel and Charming. Josie is helping Ric calm down the kids. Lizzie is somewhere around here. Oh and Jackson is helping Alina while she’s puking in the toilet.” Hope listed off her fingers.
Davina offered sweetly. “I can give her some urns for the sickness.”
“She said the tea I gave her helped the most.” Freya adds.
Hope shake her head. “Honestly I think she’s about to just have the baby at how big her belly has gotten.”
“I can check on her and see if she’s ready. We should probably take her to the hospital and compel the doctors to not ask questions if something goes wrong because of her magic.” Valerie touched on.
Slamming my hands down on the table again the four witches nearly jumped out of their skins. “Can we bloody focus on why I called you all here. I am concerned about when my daughter will give birth. But right now my wife has a demon inside of her that needs to be gotten rid of!”
“Klaus, don’t you think we are looking for solutions here.” Freya sighed heavily.
“Well it doesn’t seem like you’re doing anything!” I growled, showing my golden werewolf eyes.
Valerie moved around the desk standing in front with arms crossed over her chest. “I have a plan in mind but it is very risky if not done properly.”
“How risky is this plan?” Hope questioned with a raised brow.
Valerie clasped her hands together with her hair falling over her shoulders. “It would involve a lot of magic. What I was thinking is that we just siphon whatever is inside Raelyn again. But this time we create a stronger prison world with the amount of magic we get with multiple witches on the task.”
“Like creating our own coven?” Davina raises a brow. “Are we sure that is a good idea?”
Hope stepped towards the group of ladies. “It actually might be better for all of us. Alina is pregnant and gets tired easily. Missy may be a heretic but she doesn’t know how strong she is when she consumes a high amount of magic.”
“See now, was that so hard?” I snapped at them.
Freya slumped her shoulders. “If you want us to help, I suggest you use a more pleasant tone. Hope, can you go gather the others. We will need the Saltzman’s help too on this spell.”
“I’ll go find the Ascendent from Alaric’s office.” Valerie vamped out of the room with Davina walking out of the room too.
She left the room with a head nod and no word needed to be spoken between her and the group. Bending my head down I sucked in a breath running my fingers through my hair. “This has to work. You have to make it work, Freya.”
“Worrying won’t help any here, brother.” She picked up the book she was reading, hugging it to her chest. “You know that she would tell you not to worry about her. She’s stronger than anyone thought she would be in everything from what I have seen.”
“That she is…she’s the strongest person I’ve ever known even if she didn’t always see it in herself.” Sniffing through some tears I chuckled through a croaking in my throat thinking back on my wife when she was just a simple siphon witch but proved to be so much more.
It was a late and stormy night in Mystic Falls when I got out of the car and Raelyn got out on the other side. She walked closer to my side reaching down for my hand, slightly nervous. “Are you sure that we should be out tonight. I mean Bonnie has all that witch magic inside of her.”
“The save Elena gang also is holding my coffins. I refuse to let them win. As for you, you've been locked up in my house by your own doing. You need some interaction in your life.” I explained to her looping my larger hand through her small one.
Holding open the door for her she walked forward and through the doorway of the Grill. She sat down on a barstool and I sat down beside her when the high school quarterback came over. “What can I get you two?”
“I’ll have a mango margarita.” She replied.
“I’ll have the same.” I told the human before he walked off to make the drinks.
The door to the bar and grill flung opened and we both turned our attention to see Damon Salvatore strolling in. He sits down right next to Raelyn even though the entire bar was empty and he could have sat anywhere else. “This should be interesting. Hey siphon witch, I would have thought you went places without the hybrid breathing down your neck.”
“Despite your opinion of me, Raelyn rather enjoys my company.” I sniped back to him.
His icy blue eyes met mine. “Hmmm. I don’t see it.”
“Here’s your drinks. Damon what do you want?” Matt came over sliding our glasses in front of us.
“The usual quarterback.” He replied with a smirk meaning it was Bourbon.
Raelyn takes a long sip of her drink while I just sipped slowly on mine watching the raven haired vampire. “Why are you out tonight, Damon?” Raelyn attempted to do a friendly, normal conversation.
“Just came to enjoy some Bourbon at the only bar in town. What about you, siphon witch. Is there where you help the hybrid plot his evil plans?” Damon leaned closer to her.
She sat her drink down answering him. “He isn’t evil to me. He just wants back what you and the others took.”
“And I will give them back once he agrees to leave Elena and the rest of the town alone.” The vampire said.
I raised my glass back up taking a long drink and finishing it quickly. Getting to my feet I touched her shoulder signaling that we should go. “Raelyn, we should leave. They've opened the place to the riftafe.”
“Come on, Klaus. He's not doing anything but talking.” She looked at me giving me some puppy dog eyes. “You said I needed to get out of your house more.”
“Fine.” I sighed sitting back down and just watching the pair talk for a few minutes.
Raelyn shifts on her barstool sitting her drink glass down in front of her. “So what will it take to get his family back, Salvatore. More Bourbon, a kiss or maybe just a little magic migraine to the head?”
“Bonnie’s been looking into you. But I haven't found much. What's your story?” Damon questions staring into her eyes intensely.
She leans back, lowering her gaze. “I'm nothing special. Just a girl abandoned by her coven…uh we should go.”
“There's more to her then she's letting on and I'm going to find out what.” Damon informed me when I paid the bill following the blonde streak of hair when she exited the bar.
“Raelyn!” I called her name seeing her standing out in the middle of the parking lot. Reaching her I removed my jacket putting it over her shoulders after seeing her shiver from the cold breeze. “Here that should help. Are you alright?’
She shakes her head avoiding my gaze and focusing on her shoes. “It’s not that, Klaus.”
“If he said something offensive I'll go back in there and teach him a lesson.” I raised my voice pointing back towards the door feeling my temper coming through.
She lifts her head up and my heart nearly breaks seeing tears falling down her face. “I need to go back to the mansion before I accidentally hurt somebody like I did Jacob. I'm not in good control of my powers.”
“Raelyn, you don’t have to hide away.” I trailed off.
She runs her fingers through her loose hair sniffing through tears. “But I do. I never got to feel part of a coven even if they are not great people. I….don’t feel confident with my magic especially after what I did to my own twin brother. I’m just broken…”
“Don’t think that for a moment, Raelyn Lane.” Cupping her face in my hands I stared intensely in her orbs. “You are not broken. You’re more stable than I am.”
Raelyn tried to push me away but I didn’t move back when she hit her fists against my chest. She needed to see me the way I saw her in just the very short time I have known her. “You’re just saying that, Klaus….at some point you’ll run from me.”
“I’d never run, Raelyn.” Pressing my forehead against hers she shut her eyes sucking in a breath. “I’d walk through the fire with you. I’d…I’d go through hell and back with you. Do you hear me, I won’t leave you, siphon queen.”
“Thank you, Klaus.” She whispered, laying her head against my chest. Her nails are digging into the fabric of my black jacket. Wrapping my arms around her waist I put my chin on top of her head just holding her for a few minutes.
Raelyn’s fingernails were clawing at my forearms and she was kicking and screaming against me now. Her hair going every direction during her attempt to get away from me. “Let go of me….get off me Niklaus!”
“Rae, stop fighting me. I’m trying to help you.” I grunted gripping her harder than I cared for but if she ran we couldn’t get the Hollow out of her like we had planned.
Vamping into the woods outside the school I throw her forward in front of me. She scrambles to her feet vamping forward only to cover her forehead with her hand when she smacks into an invisible barrier once again. “You’ve got to be kidding me, Klaus. You know I can just beat you. I’d expect better from you.”
“Oh I’m not alone, Rae.” Clasping my hands behind my back I take a few steps back.
“Phasmatos radium calaraa.” I heard Valerie whisper under her breath as all our witch friends and family appeared on equal sides of me standing in a circle around my wife.
Raelyn scoffed, blowing hair out of her mouth. “Ophh I’m really scared now. Whatcha gonna do, throw one spell at a time hoping you can bring me back?”
“We just want to help you. We know you don’t want to hurt any of us.” Davina said, stepping closer to the barrier.
Raelyn smirked vamping forward trying to attack her and the harvest witch jumped back slightly in fear. “You’re not as tough as you think, D. Now let me out before the voices in my head make me want to kill you all for your magic….cause she…him…them…they crave it more than anything I have ever felt.”
“The Hollow’s spirit is inside of her now. The only change we have of bringing the real Raelyn back is by removing it from her. Does everyone understand what we need to do?” Freya asked, looking between her other seven fellow witches who all gave a head nod in agreement.
Valerie walked forward drawing the Ascendant from inside her jacket pouring a vial of Bonnie’s blood inside it. “Klaus, you don’t have to join us in the spell. We may need someone to pull one of us out if something goes wrong.”
“I am not going anywhere!” I flashed my werewolf eyes and fangs at her and her ridiculous suggestion. “I promised Raelyn that I wouldn’t walk through fire with her and I intend to keep that promise.”
Hope holds out her hands for Missy and Alina. “Always and forever. A Mikaelson looks out for their family.” They each clasped a hand in Hope’s looking to the Saltzman twins.
Lizzie and Josie were standing on the other side of Alina. Missy was next to Davina then Freya. She was on the left side of Valerie and I was on the heretics' right. “Repeat after me everybody. Vintomas inta Grum, vin novus novasomin-“ Freya began chanting with some torches catching fire around the circle we had formed.
“Hold up a second Freya!” Everyone halted whipping their heads around seeing Jacob, Hayley and Andrea running up to us in a hurry. Her brother slumped his shoulders running a hand through his locks. “Don’t think you are saving my sister without my help.”
Hayley crossed her arms over her chest. “I’ll stand watch. Be safe guys.”
“Okay let’s start again….Vintomas inta Grum, vin novus novasomin. Vintomas inta grum, vin callus novasomin….Vintomas inta Grum, vin novus novasomin. Vintomas inta grum, vin callus novasomin.” The wind picks up and I shut my eyes placing my hand in Valerie’s and holding onto Andrea’s hand once her and her father joined the circle.
My eyes fell shut and I collapsed onto the dirt ground with the others shortly following behind me. It was a few minutes before I woke up rubbing my eyes until my vision was clear in front of me. “Who the hell is there!”
“Long time no see, Klaus. How exactly are we seeing each other right now?” The figure becomes clearer in front of me. Familiar straight black raven hair and soft dark eyes met mine.
Slowly getting to my feet other figures came around her showing me her mother Eliza, Liv, Luke and then finally Joshua. I saw the rest of my family appear behind me. “Josette?” Whatever was battling Raelyn inside her own head was clearly going to make this more difficult than we anticipated.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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chevaliermalfets · 3 months
Hello, I am already in love with with Morgan. I'd love to hear more about her, or know where I could read her story?
Also. In a world where men get their heads cut off and are fine, or grow to be as tall as trees, or hold their breath for nine days, I think we deserve some Mary Sue girlies. As a treat. :)
hiiii I haven't written anything for her (or arthuriana in general) but I have many thoughts that I'll put under a readmore
also you're SO right we do deserve some mary sue girlies. as a treat!!
some jumbled thoughts about morgan:
first off im the world's #1 supporter of arthur/guinevere/lancelot polyamory and also of playing with lancelot's gender, so in my version, lancelot is afab (possibly transmasc or nonbinary, I haven't fully decided) but presents as male so only a few people (arthur, guinevere, the lady of the lake (who raised him, let him dress masc and get trained as a knight, etc), maybe one or two others) know that he's not a cis man. also while arthur/guinevere/lancelot is very much a thing, they have to keep it secret, and there's still rumors that lancelot is sleeping with the queen (he is. he's also sleeping with the king. usually at the same time).
so at one point lancelot gets pregnant with arthur's child and they have problems because:
they can't exactly announce that their best knight is going on maternity leave
they want to acknowledge the baby as one of arthur's children
so the solution is to send lancelot "on a quest" where he just goes back to....the lady of the lake?? probably?? and chills with her for a while until he has baby morgan and he then secretly sends her to camelot
at the same time, guinevere fakes a pregnancy, and there's a bunch of rumors that lancelot is the father because of his conveniently timed "quest"
so when baby morgan arrives, arthur announces the baby to the court and the nobles/castle staff/etc are all clambering to see the baby to figure out if lancelot is the father. they all take one look and are like "oh. that's definitely arthur's child" (either through facial features, or im also thinking arthur and morgan have darker skin while both guinevere and lancelot have lighter skin) and some of them are a bit disappointed because they wanted to keep spreading rumors
morgan grows up in the castle and is friends with other nobles' kids, and she's jealous when the boys her age start to get knight training, so she watches the training from her window and tries to teach herself. when she's like 10, one of her friends' (still working on a name, calling her V for now) father (a knight?) dies (V's mother also died several years prior) and she's left destitute, but morgan sneaks her into the castle and hides her in her room and sneaks her food. (morgan's nanny catches on pretty quickly but doesn't say anything, she just makes sure there's always extra food left out in the room and plenty of clothes and toys)
by the time she's like 12, mordred can very clearly tell that his little sister is arthur's favorite and could pose a threat to his guaranteed succession to the throne, so he tries to kill her (poison?? maybe with the help of morgana or morgause?? or an "accident" when she's horseback riding??) and she's very sick for a few weeks. arthur strongly suspects it was mordred, but he doesn't have any evidence so he can't do anything about it.
to keep her safe, arthur decides to send her to a convent. she's upset about this and throws a fit because she doesn't realize she was poisoned, she just thinks she's being punished. she also realizes that she can't keep taking care of V if she's not living in the castle, so they hatch a Scheme™
when the knights come to escort morgan to the convent, she comes out of her room all ready to go with her hood pulled over her face and she's acting very pouty. the knights are all like "ugh why did we have to get stuck escorting the bratty princess" so they don't interact with her much, they just try to get this over with as soon as possible. they take her to the convent and introduce her to the nuns and get out of there. the nuns have never seen the princess so they don't realize that they're raising V instead of morgan
meanwhile morgan runs away, disguised as a boy, and starts training to be a knight for several years (possibly with the help of the lady of the lake)
after four years or so, arthur and guinevere send for morgan to come back to camelot to have a role in the court. when V shows up pretending to be morgan, no one knows the difference because they haven't seen her in four years and she looks close enough. V continues to live at court for several years doing princess things
eventually, lancelot and guinevere get caught, lancelot escapes, and guinevere is sentenced to be burnt at the stake. mordred knows lancelot is going to mount a rescue, so he plants a trap on the outskirts of camelot and captures him. being the dramatic Bitch™ that he is, he waits until the last minute (when they're leading guinevere to the stake) to tell arthur.
(I have this scene so clearly in my head. arthur is staring out the window at guinevere, he doesn't even turn when the big doors slam open, only looks when mordred begins speaking to him and tells him he has good news. his goons lead in a chained up knight with a bag over his head and force him onto his knees, then mordred says something like "I have captured the traitor knight" and pulls the bag off lancelot's head. lancelot and arthur lock eyes and lancelot is very clearly apologizing for failing while arthur just looks heartbroken, because not only does he have to watch guinevere burn now with no hope of her being rescued, but he'll also have to sentence the man he loves to death as well. arthur's forced to let the execution proceed and at the very last moment an army storms the square and a mysterious knight rescues guinevere and rides off with her. arthur and lancelot and relieved but also extremely confused because the knight's insignia is unfamiliar, and they have no idea what he intends to do with guinevere.)
surprise, the mysterious knight is morgan! she sends her army off to keep guinevere safe and goes to camelot under a flag of truce. she gets taken to arthur, but still wearing full armor with her visor down so no one knows who she is. she goes up to mordred and throws her glove down to challenge him to a duel to the death, claiming that he tried to kill her years ago. he doesn't deny it, saying he's tried to kill lots of people. they fight, she wins, while she has her sword to his throat she demands he withdraw the accusations against the queen and lancelot. he does, so she lets him live, but now lancelot and guinevere are free and can return to camelot.
morgan turns to arthur and pledges her loyalty and asks to be a knight of the round table, and he's so grateful that lancelot and guinevere are safe that he accepts. he asks her to stand and asks her name and to remove her helmet. she reveals that she's princess morgan, which V confirms (maybe morgan also shows a distinctive birthmark or something to further prove her identity)
yay! everyone's happy! morgan gets to be a knight and also be princess and also gets gay married to V.
I'm thinking also maybe redemption arc for mordred where he comes around to caring for morgan, maybe throws himself in front of a sword for her and tells her she'll be a good queen or smth as his last words
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ravenrambles6229 · 1 year
Titanium Ninja actually kind of fucks, though
So I rewatched the last episode of season 3. A pretty mid season, right? Well that final episode fucks in all the ways that made my brain vibrate as a 12 year old. So let’s fucking go I need everyone to appreciate this episode.
First up, ninjas trapped in space. Alright. There’s already no solution to this that isn’t bullshit, so just make it cool. Well, I like that they had to use their abilities and knowledge to make the ship instead of tornado of creation-ing it. Really shows how much they’re capable of when they work together!
“How we holding up?” “Bubblegum and a wish!” As they fucking send it. What a legendary line. It burned itself into my brain for years to come and is a part of my standard lexicon.
“Hasn’t Ninjago suffered enough already?” She asks, on season 3 out of what is now 17.
Overlord’s face is kinda silly but the mech honestly kinda slaps.
“My heart has reached critical mass, it appears my unlimited energy is in fact limited!” “Critical mass? You mean it’s gonna blow up?” “Don’t worry about me!” AHJGHSJKG See kids, this is what we call foreshadowing.
Okay but seriously, now that they’re in the atmosphere, they use their elemental powers to shield themselves as they come in from from orbit like goddamn meteors. Is it bullshit? Yes. Do I care? Absolutely the fuck not.
Skales saying they can’t help the people of Ninjago then doing it anyway? Love him for that. Because he presumably sees the ninjas and is like “ugh these fuckers again. Well if they did it once-”
The city recognizing the ninja as they plummet towards the earth as multicolored meteors? There had better be folk songs about this. I’m surprised there isn’t a church. Saviors from the stars here to kill Satan.
Man, people still getting a haircut as the Overlord attacks. Frickin iconic. No wonder people handled season 9 so well.
Pixal on her lil bike.
Also the ninja being caught by their vehicles. Does it make sense? Not really. But the animation for it is cool so once again, I am fully on board.
“A few parachutes would have been nice!” “Friends and family make a good substitute!” Fuck, I love Kai so much.
City fortress. Cloaked in blacks and reds in a dusky sky. What a sick image.
The fact that they were prepared to throw hands with the Overlord even before Borg came to them with a solution. These lil heroes I love them so much.
Lloyd biking through a hole in a window while Cole just WHAM. I love them both so much.
“Go back, and our probability of making it to the temple exponentially diminishes!” “This isn’t about numbers, Zane! It’s about family!” AAAGH the fact that that line came from Kai! Also, foreshadowing!
Cole whooping even as he’s running from certain doom, what an icon.
Lol the ancient seal of the temple being helped by a convenient barrier.
“Let me get this straight, you want us to get close to a guy with armor that, with one touch, will make us toast, and you want us to give him a pill?” “Precisely!” Oh Borg, never change. Unironically my favorite side character, I love this genius idiot so much. He’s just like “well if anyone can do it, it’s you lunatics” and it still feels like pot calling kettle black.
Zane offering his armor to Pixal!!! I love him! Even though he’s so big on probability, he’s so willing to give up his own safety for others!
“I shall see you again.” AAGH
Magic armor toysets!!
The ninja ninja-ing over rooftops will never not make my brain whir.
Okay the golden spiderweb thing goes kinda hard as a villain aesthetic, though. Great way to make the normally heroic golden colors look all evil!
That shot of the ninja, these tiny lil dudes, against this giant evil robot kicks so much ass though.
“Then attack the people.” Holy SHIT Pythor! What a dick move! And the fact that its his former second-in-command that comes to offer the people refuge is so good!
“That was ALL YOU’VE GOT!?” It sure was, but these ninjas are the masters of asspulls so watch yourself.
Okay now we’re getting to the scene. The scene. One of the best scenes in the show, and I am prepared to die on this hill. Actually, I’m prepared to kill on this hill. Because this scene is just fantastic, and has stuck with me vividly for years, even after I fell off the show back around season seven. If you had come up to 16-year-old Raven and told her to quote this scene, she probably could have done so.
“Support me friends, for one last time.” Never does Zane ever think of this as anything less than a group effort. Even here, he’s asking for their support! And they do what little they can!
Then this GOAT just fuckin grabs the armor and demands “Let! My! Friends! Go!” His voice cracking, as the music swells! The way he’s writhing makes him look like he’s in genuine agony but pushing through it anyway!
“Go where, doomed ninja?”
Then they show his fucking heartbeat! It’s robotic, but also very much so a human pulse! Because Zane is as alive as anyone! Then his faceplate falls off!
And you can see the Overlord’s expression change here as he starts running calculations, getting worried!
“The golden weapons are too powerful for you to behold! Your survival chance is ZERO!” “This isn’t about numbers. It’s about family!” What can I even say about this exchange? First of all, the Overlord is appealing to Zane’s survival, rather than his chance of SUCCESS. In all likelihood, he KNOWS that Zane is a threat right now, because that robot is channeling the power of his own armor. But Zane is not swayed by his own chance of survival.
Killing the moment a bit, looks like Zane is programmed in some wacky ass C++. Wonder if Dr. Julien could help me with my Arduino homework. Never was good with stepper motors. Anyway back to drama.
Then the ninja desperately wondering why Zane isn’t letting go, but Wu realizes. “He’s protecting us!”
“I! Am! A Nindroid! And Ninja! Never quit! Go ninja, Go!” There’s so much here. It’s like when he found his true potential on an infinitely larger scale. The Overlord will not hurt his friends, because he knows who he is: A nindroid that never quits, built to protect those who cannot protect themselves.
Also, “Go ninja, go!” Amazing how the addition of one extra “go” completely changes the mood. It sounds desperate, like he’s telling himself to go, to take the plunge, to give everything up, and he DOES that.
Then he just. Fuckin. Goes. What I imagine is happening here is that he is directly powering himself with the golden armor, channeling the Overlord’s golden power THROUGH his heart to boost his own elemental power. Completely frying himself in the process, but able to literally produce the power to kill Satan. 
“No Zane! No!” It being Jay, the one often considered the meek one, to be the first to run after Zane. As Wu has to force them all away, because he can’t lose all his ninja.
Then. The music change. The MUSIC CHANGE. This song. Let me tell you something. I just recently got back into Ninjago. And I was getting caught up on what I missed. Well, I was listening to a music compilation, and suddenly, this song started playing. I Ratatouilled so hard, y’all. I had a flashback to Zane having flashbacks, because this music is absolutely stunning.
His heartbeat plays over the music. The sounds of the fight fade away. As he recounts his time with his brothers. His time meeting his father again, even if it was for only a few short months.
“There’s something special about you Zane.” Cut to Pixal. Then cut to him smiling.
“I know who I am!”
“You were built to protect those who cannot protect themselves.” That’s it. That is the microcosm of Zane’s character. He protects people. He protects his family. And Zane can die happily if it means he has fulfilled that directive.
As he flatlines. Holy hell. I cannot stress enough the impact this had on me as a child.
One final (for now) NOOOOO from the Overlord, then it’s all quiet. The tower light goes out. The manhole freezes over. The robots break. It’s eerily soft compared to what was just happening. Like a single, soft exhale of breath.
Kai looks at a damaged “New Ninjago City” sign. This is symbolism.
And Cole finds a piece of Zane’s body! Is this the only surviving piece? It must be, and that’s devastating! Granted, a kids show probably can’t show what is essentially a corpse, but they don’t even have anything to bury!
Him comforting Nya as she starts to sob. Jay just looking away softly. And Borg. “I used to think technology would be the answer to all of our problems.”
Then it cuts to the memorial.
“Then I saw technology invent new problems. Devastating problems. And then, a Nindroid named Zane saved us all. He was the perfect balance between us and technology.” And nothing encapsulates that better than the heartbeat from a few seconds ago. The heartbeat of a human contained in a machine.
“Technology can improve our lives, but so can people.” The fact that they don’t fully demonize technology, which would be hypocritical seeing as Zane is technology. Instead, it’s all about balance!
“Our city will find its way again, but this time, with Zane as our compass.” Couple things here. First off. That this takes place in a park rather than an urban sprawl. Second, that the photo of Zane is of his season 1 outfit is nice! And that they’re going to look to Zane as an example of what technology should be.
And Zane gets a statue! I love this a lot. I love that it shows up in later seasons. Later on, Zane says he doesn’t need a statue. But it’s not even just about Zane, it’s for the people to remember Zane and his sacrifice by. To remember the mistakes that he fixed so that they don’t repeat them. The Titanium Ninja, a strong metal to act as a foundation for their future. It’s not complex symbolism, but it’s still extremely effective! No wonder I lost my mind at age 12.
Then his falcon sits on his shoulder, with the leitmotif playing! Agh! Just stab me in the heart already, show!
“So, what happens after this?” “I don’t know.” “And I don’t care. Today’s about Zane.” I have a lot of thoughts about this. First up, Jay completely not acknowledging the love triangle right now. He doesn’t care about that, because today IS about Zane. It’s so humanizing. And next up, we know what happens after this. In their grief, the ninja fracture. It’s tragic, but they’re all so devastated by their grief that they don’t know how to carry on together. This is a recurring thing in the show. When Nya becomes the sea, the team splits up. When Lloyd thought his friends died in Sons of Garmadon, he nearly gave up everything. For better or worse, these ninja need each other, they are a very tight-knit family. I wonder if the new series can touch on how they deal with being separated from each other on longer terms. Either way, this family loves each other so much, and I love that,
Kai being the one to give a eulogy. Literally I could type out that entire speech and point to line after line just being like Look! Look at this line! It’s amazingly eloquent, especially coming from Kai. Out of all the ninja, he’s always been the most family-oriented. He’s powered by brotherhood, and Zane continues to power him. We see this in season 4, when he visits Zane’s statue, that he still thinks about Zane every single day, still looking to him for guidance. He has so much love and respect for his family, but also can’t cope with yet another loss in his life.
Wu blinking rapidly as he ducks his head!! Dude is holding back tears big time.
.Dareth sobbing! He loves those funky ninjas too!
“Ninja never quit, and ninja will never be forgotten! Wherever you are Zane, you’ll always be one of us.” As it STARTS TO SNOW! AGH! This is so good!
All of Zane’s flashbacks before it’s revealed that he lived on in the Digiverse! At least before Ronin stole him, lol. Well either way, Pixal moving from grief to hope as she realizes he’s alive! Holy shit! I’d like to draw attention to her speech from crystallized. “Long ago, in a different battle, you gave up half your power source to save my life. Ever since that moment, I felt things I’ve never felt before. I felt love. For you.” Pairing these two moments together just... It hits so hard.
Then the fucking MUSIC. The FUCKING MUSIC! It is triumphant and glorious and a CELEBRATION.
“Are we compatible now?” Holy hell, what an ending.
No wonder this did irreparable damage to my brain chemistry. No wonder I was never normal again. This absolutely DESTROYED me as a kid, and I think it still holds up as one of the most emotionally impactful series of scenes in the show. The beginning is really awesome, the fights are fun, the characterization is stellar, and the death scene is damn near flawless. Is the episode nonsensical and a bit meandering at times? Well, yes, it is. The entire season is all over the place. But this episode still works SO well. I’d say it’s probably top five, easy.
It was something I never considered possible, as a kid. This is coming off season 2, which was pretty Lloyd-centric. I never thought we’d get such an amazing tribute to my, at the time, favorite character. I never thought he’d get such a moment in the spotlight to be as amazing as he was. Granted, he’s since had PLENTY of deaths to call his own, but this one remains the most impactful to me. This was the first death to REALLY be a death and to REALLY hit home. The only deaths that I’d say even come close are Nya’s death in Skybound (since she didn’t really die in Seabound) and Morro’s death for how brutal it is. Nya becoming the sea was also really good, though, with a beautiful funeral. But this one just...
The Titanium Ninja was a revolution for me as a kid. I had adored this show since the pilot. I had kept up religiously since the pilot. But this was the moment that the show went to a whole different level. And honestly, I think it holds up. Ninjago has a list of issues a mile long. But I just want to celebrate for a moment this episode, and everything it does so, so well.
Anyway, that’s my rant about an episode that I really love. I may do this again with episodes like Son of Lily. Because I love this stupid little show so much, guys. I grew up with it, and its always been a big part of my life. Episode 7, Tick Tock, was like, the biggest plot twist of the universe to me as a kid. It was what made Zane my favorite character, and got me so invested in him in the first place. To see Ninjago use that to make a genuinely fantastic character arc, then to use that as the foundation for the fourth season, was absolutely brilliant, and my life is genuinely better for having gotten to enjoy such a show as a kid and now as an adult. This show isn’t some life-changing revolution, but it makes me so happy, and I hope this rant helps illuminate a little bit of why.
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the-lady-general · 11 months
Ok, here's how I'd do the Under the Cloak of War arc if SNW got DS9 amounts of screentime:
(Spoilers. Also, horrendous formatting.)
TLDR: For once I want more time for the ethics dilemma and less time for the Andorian with a knife. I know. I don't know what's wrong with me either.
Part 1: Bob, calling Chris about where the fuck is his Klingon. Chris ends the call, drinks, Una takes his glass away because she's had it with his bullshit, he needs to stop stalling. We interrogate our suspects and get different versions of the preceding events. The episode ends on "well, he's likely dead and likely one of the crew killed him, oh no, the ethical dilemma of revenge and self-control". Chris gets to want to believe the best in people, Una gets to point out that nonetheless they're still short a Klingon, and everybody sure wishes that they had killed him. End with a close-up of the transporter buffer with the ambassador in it.
Ep 2:
The action one. The ambassador tells his version of J'gal, Joseph calls him out. We get Joseph and Christine's and Erica's versions, but also Chris' and Una's. They swooped in just when everything was already decided, yet they're the golden kids. So if we're doing history parallels they can be (imperfect) USA stand ins. Everyone's telling a single part of the bigger story of J'gal. The ensign and spec ops commander should be rolled into one and replaced with Erica, and she should be the one to hand over the knife. She gets saved, but many others don't, and she finds joy in flying, or she flew out the ship that evacuated a bunch of people, or *something* to make "I'm Erica Ortegas, I fly the ship" have some emotional punch. Can the Klingons be forgiven? The Federation? The individuals? Joseph and Chris should have their heart to heart here.
Ep 3: Joseph and the ambassador do their song and dance. The kids get to share their perspective on how the war affected them too, and their overcoming prejudices and peaceful future stuff. Pelia gets to add the immortal perspective, giving her some development, because I need her to be a highly decorated hero who keeps getting sent to wars she wants no part in, but she's just so damn GOOD, so she's going anyway because more people will die if she doesn't fight. Hemmer is there too, dammit, and he gets to have a go at both the ambassador and Nyota because ~uwu Aenar existentialism~ isn't a gimmick, it's hard work committing to pacifism and finding a solution for when violence seems inevitable. The stabbing happens, but in a Clue kind of way where somehow, everyone just happens to be a plausible suspect. Joseph puts the ambassador in the transporter buffer and after much In the Pale Moonlight style deliberation he FINALLY lets Hemmer purge the damn thing. Hemmer & Pelia know what's up and send the whole buffer to Starfleet HQ with a little bow on top. Una congratulates Chris on solving the crisis with Bob. Chris remains clueless. Or maybe he says something about trusting individuals and trusting the crew he got together, because he really needs some competence points in my book.
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