#because yeah the base story isn’t hard to describe
brf-rumortrackinganon · 3 months
Yeah I read the article. I don't understand how it is supposed to be in Harry's favor ? It basically says that UK's and US' army are commutable and that for him awards are shortcut to respect and legitimacy. This article shows how lazy Harry is. He cannot work to gain relevance he has to buy it. 🙄
The article doesn’t say that service in the British Army and service in the US Army is commutable. The article is arguing that Harry’s advocacy and support of military veterans, a position he came to by having served in the British Army, should transcend national boundaries. That us Americans should respect Harry’s work supporting veterans because he was once a soldier himself so he knows what he’s doing/talking about. It’s very “I walked the walk (it doesn’t matter where) so I can talk the talk and you can’t.”
He’s just trying to replace the British affection for Hero Harry PR with American affection using exactly the same Hero Harry stories. Or, more specifically: he’s trying to leverage his British Army career to gain legitimacy as a military influencer in the US’s military-industrial complex because Hollywood doesn’t like him.
But he’s missing the point. He’s missing two points, really. First, that Americans support, recognize, and thank American service members for their service to the US. He’s never going to get that, no matter how many awards he buys, lab openings he does, or bases he visits.
And second, that his service in the British Army - that he served and what he did while serving - isn’t really that noteworthy when you look at how much bigger the US military is. (I went into this in an earlier post. I’ll dig up the link and post it here.) His being in the British Army was a big deal in the UK, because it actually was a big deal. It’s not a big deal here. It’s lower than a nothingburger. It’s an irrelevantindifferentburger. There are tons more veterans who did more work than Harry who deserve the honors and praise. And he can’t see that because he’s still blinded by his “my granny is the Queen and I deployed to the very dangerous war on terror anyway so I’m very special” beer goggles.
If he wants Americans to support his work and respect him for his service to veterans, he needs to actually champion and support US veterans specifically instead of relying on Invictus Games. (I think he, or someone around him, has realized that and that’s why he’s pushing so hard to be part of the Warrior Games, like anons have been describing.)
So long story short, Harry needs to be more like this guy
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Lieutenant Dan’s bio
and less of this jerk
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Which is never going to happen because Harry doesn’t possess a single atomic particle of empathy or altruism.
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bohemian-nights · 1 year
What do you think about Aegon’s characterization thus far? Do you think he had the potential to be interesting? Likable? Or was he (and to a lesser extent all Team Green kids) doomed from the start? What about his relationship with Helaena? I remember someone saying that the writers intended for the fan base to be split 50/50. Personably I don’t think this was ever going to be achievable for a few reasons 1. Team Black had an objectively more sympathetic cause 2. HOTD set Rhaneyra up as not only a main character but a protagonist and 3. they made Aegon a rapist.
His characterization is a mess which isn’t surprising considering how they’ve framed Rhaenyra’s arc in the show. I agree with you that for that reason Aegon was never going to be portrayed in a sympathetic light.
Honestly book!Aegon isn’t very likable to me (although he does have his moments after he’s crippled) and he isn’t a “good guy,” but then again none of them are.
Book!Rhaenyra is an awful human being. She’s who’s a self-centered racist* who believes she and only she should be the exception to the rules. She won’t even uplift other highborn women(see her passing over the ladies Rosby and Stokeworth to make their younger brothers lords which bit her in the butt in the end).
I will keep bringing up Missy Anne’s racism because as a Black woman, I hate how fans try to act like it’s not a big deal or dismiss it and say she isn’t a racist when she justifies murdering a young possibly pregnant woman using racist language. She’s the only one in the Dance who tries to commit a racially motivated hate crime in addition to her saying “f*ck all women except me.” Acknowledge that.
However, the show has so far given her more grace and the latter half has tried to force down our throats how she’s a woman “wronged by the patriarchy.”(See Ser Vaemond calling her a whore to delegitimize the case for wanting House Velaryon to stay in Velaryon hands or even Daemon choking her out).
Show!Aegon on the other hand has been portrayed in the worst light possible. I.e. going with the tale that he’s a rapist/child predator when the only source who calls him that is Rhaenyra’s #1 fan Mushroom:
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Ignoring Mushroom cause he’s not a legitimate source if his clown behind is the only one saying it, Aegon’s worst crime is being a drunken cheater. Which sucks for Helaena. I do think he cared about/loved her because she was his sister and I don’t think he abused her, but with the way their relationship is described, it wasn’t like they were a “loving” couple.
Moving on, Aegon has legitimate reasons to “usurp” Rhaenyra(which is something that he originally didn’t want to do) because even if he pledges his loyalty and support to her he(his sons, Aemond, and Daeron) will always be a threat to her and her sons(especially the Strong boys) reign.
If the lords ever felt she “got out of line” they’d want to replace her with Aegon. A civil war was inevitable with the choices that Viserys made. So in the books when Criston tells him that if he doesn’t accept his crown they’ll all die, yeah, he was right to have himself crowned as king.
If the show writers truly wanted to spilt the fanbase right down the middle they would’ve shown that instead of the drunken rapist who likes to watch his bastard children fight each other like dogs. That tall tale by Mushroom would’ve been scrapped altogether.
(And while I do like show!Alicent, her being aged down is another reason why Aegon’s characterization is so messed up. She’s the main frontman for Team Green because they are going for a more “feminist” approach. The show in actuality is anything, but feminist since they won’t let the women have any agency whatsoever, but that’s another conversation. Plus it's clear Ryan has a hard-on for Aemond so that's also spilling over to Aegon’s characterization).
Show!Aegon would’ve/should’ve been portrayed as the reluctant king who pulls himself together to protect his family. That’s an interesting story. That’s the sympathetic angle. The show writers failed him(and I think they know they screwed up since Sara Hess tried to say that he was still likable despite them choosing to make him into a child predator 🤦🏽‍♀️).
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mittens-220 · 1 year
Hataraku Maou-sama! ES!! Summary (Third Story) Part 1
So as mentioned in my previous post, the third story has a longer summary/translation from the chinese website. I'm translating it in parts and will update when I have time.
Rika came to visit:
“Hey—Urushihara-san! You’re at home, right! Can you help open the door?”
Rika was sure that she could hear the sound of rubbing cloth.
“I want to open a Gate, would only disturb for a while, let me in for a while—! Please!”
After pressing on the doorbell a few times, a sound of someone moving slowly was finally heard from inside, Urushihara Hanzo showed an unhappy expression just as Rika predicted, looking at her through the gap in the door.
“I’m sorry. I want to open a Gate, thus disturbing you!”
“I’m still taking a nap?”
“Oh my, you actually just dislike troublesome things so you don’t want to pay attention to me, right? The half-eaten snack is still in the corner of the closet, and I heard you moving the first time I pressed the doorbell.”
Perhaps she hit the target, Urushihara’s frown deepened.
“.......If you want to open a Gate, can’t you just do it in the corridor.”
“This is also considered outside. And I heard Ashiya-san and Emi say, Urushihara-san usually does online shopping, right? If a delivery person, newspaper delivery person or postman enters while opening the Gate, wouldn’t that be really bad.”
“Haah……seriously. Come in quickly. I am busy.”
Even though it was not known what he could be busy with while staying in the closet, it still felt awkward to tease Urushihara, so Rika placed the angel feather pen on the tatami.
“I say, I may look like this, but I am still a demon who can get rid of a human with a finger. If you act like this some more……”
Just as Urushihara decided to at least complain with one sentence,
Rika had already disappeared, the Gate also closed.
Urushihara suddenly remembered and looked towards the porch, Rika’s shoes were there.
Because Urushihara was around, she took off her shoes as if she was simply going to another person’s house.
“......Forget it, it’s not my fault anyway.”
Even though he thought about whether he should throw the shoes into the Gate, at this moment, the Gate had already closed.
“And, I am Demon General Lucifer. It doesn’t matter if you are Emilia’s friend or what, isn’t this having no sense of boundaries at all?”
Rika talked about Lucifer after meeting up with Emi:
“This is fine~but why aren’t you wearing shoes~?”
“Ah. About this.”
Rika summarised her conversation with Urushihara in Villa Rosa Sasazuka Room 201, Emerada’s expression turned stern.
“As expected~ Lucifer is scum~”
“About this, Chiho and Ashiya-san and I also frequently……eh? Scum?”
This was the first time Rika heard Emerada scold other people like this, and could not help but widen her eyes.
“This kind of person should be described like this~. Well, even though that guy is not human~”
“Ah, uh, yeah.”
“Rika-san has to be careful too, okay~. That guy Lucifer, you don’t know when he would suddenly attack humans~. Because for species like demons, in principle, you cannot be careless~”
“I, I know. Erhm, thanks for your treatment. I will pay attention next time……”
(skipping unrelated conversation)
“Based on what I understand until now, it is considered natural……but Emerada-san, dislikes Urushihara-san that much?”
“Ah…… right now?”
Emi showed a troubled smile, sitting next to Rika.
“That’s right. Because there needs to be cooperation now, so there is no choice but to interact normally, but when Em is working with the Demon King and the others, she must be trying hard to tolerate it.”
“Yeah, matters in this aspect. But, they are similar to workers who were originally in opposing factions. But, I saw Emerada-san speak with Ashiya-san, how should I put it, it feels normal.”
“When we fought with Alsiel directly, he was already a demon who could be spoken to, and additionally, Em and Lucifer, there are too many direct causes.”
“Direct causes?”
“Yeah. So, I feel that even if me and the Demon King and Lucifer are only harmonious on the surface, Em might also dislike it greatly. Even though I did not feel her showing it.”
Emi looked down slightly.
(skipping Rika wishing to listen to the story)
“Or rather, it could be because Rika suddenly became connected to Ente Isla, so I have to tell you. The original nature of the relationship between our “Hero group’ and the ‘Demon King Army’...... but with this, it might change the impression of ‘Maou’, ‘Ashiya’ and ‘Urushihara’ in your heart.”
(skip Rika agreeing to continue)
“Amongst us, Em has the greatest hostility towards the Demon King Army. Even though there are many reasons, there must be areas I also do not understand……but her hostility towards Lucifer is especially strong, there are clear reasons.”
Emi deliberated on her wordings, Rika did not rush her.
She was waiting for Emi to speak naturally.
“Em, lost in a direct battle with Lucifer, and was forced to submit to him. Because of this, our hometown—Western Continent Saint Aire empire, fell under Lucifer’s command.”
“Urushihara-san ruling a country, this cannot be imagined at all……but many unbelievable things also happened earlier. Demons can also rule a country huh.”
“I am also unclear on what demons in other lands can do. But, the invasion of the Demon King Army caused the areas controlled by humans to decrease rapidly, almost all of the Western Continent fell into Lucifer’s hands. My journey, started during those despairing conditions.”
Then Emi—Emilia Justina started to narrate.
The Hero’s journey of saving the world, the first story.
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ladymorghul · 1 year
Hi! I saw a tweet you made and had some thoughts (or an X or whatever it is now called lmao!) but if you’re not interested don’t feel pressured to respond or anything. Related to people thinking TGC will leave the show if Aegon does terrible things- I’m confused about what people think he as an actor signed on for. From his first episode Aegon is a child rapist. That’s in the script, he would have been very aware. This isn’t a bait and switch where they cast him as one thing then suddenly changed it. He knows what he’s playing and he does a very good job, because we still empathize with aspects of Aegon and understand him. This is good! There’s also HBO contracts and a slew of other things, there’s no reason for him to leave a job he’ll have for 4-6 more years, etc. but I’m just very confused why people think he would be more upset about the writing in s2 than what he’s already been given?
yeah, i agree, he knows the script, but to my knowledge, the gist of the discourse of tgc leaving before s3 comes from the idea of him probably expecting aegon's story to be more complex in s2 than it was in s1 and offer him more character depth and the things that the writers described him to be that didn't translate to the screen in s1.
personally, i do think deep down tgc probably wanted / wants a more complex story than he was given considering his initial fears, but i don't think that he could or would leave hotd. leaving projects like this isn't just hard in itself, but it's a no no for actors and usually reflects badly on them. tgc is still working on his career so i think that regardless of his personal opinions, he will focus on acting as it is ultimately a job.
as a sidenote and a personal opinion: i do feel like he probably regrets the a tiny bit that he got this r*pist story because he has especially underline the way as an actor you want the fans on your side and to establish that connection with them. intstead tgc doesn't really get to enjoy that and has shut down most of his media presence beause he is facing a rabid, shitty attitude online.
that being said, i do think he has his own opinions on the story, but i don't think he would ever leave hotd based on his opinions on the plot itself.
but.... he is a r*pist not a child r*pist. i don't think he's a p***.
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rozcdust · 2 years
Hi! I wanted to stop by to tell you, that I love your humor sm and thank you for posting your stories and smaus, they really brighten my mood (and I’m mentally not really in a great place rn, so I’m truly thankful for every smile, that I’m able to crack bc of you and other writers) 🫶 also good luck on your exams, you can do it! 😊🍀
Oh and I have a question about you being aroace if that’s alright (you can simply ignore this part if not). I’m pretty sure that I’m aroace (but also bi?) too but I still sometimes like people to a certain degree, but I’m not sure if that’s really „enough“ if that makes sense. Mh it’s complicated to explain. How would you explain your sexuality? Do you still like people sometimes? All in all I don’t think I’m fit for a „normal“ relationship. And most people also seem to be disappointed when I try to explain my feelings? I really like your series where y/n is in a qpr with kazutora our beloved maybe that’s something I could try to achieve, but I’m actually pretty good with being alone too so 🤷‍♀️ yeah idk. It’s hard in a world where everything is about romance or hook ups 🙄 (although I must say that I love my fictional crushes and daydreams 😂 just not in real life ig) thanks in advance for your reply! xxx
you are so cute anon, thank you so much! 💖💖 i can’t even begin to describe how much it means to me to hear my works, as well as works of other writers, brighten your day at least a bit 🧡🧡
it is absolutely alright with me! in fact, i dropped my studying (exam is in an hour 🫠) to answer this ask, i love talking about being aroace lmfao
first of, it it totally normal to question being aroace a lot! being aroace is a hugely personal and complex experience and there isn’t a lot of talk about being aroace other than ‘lack of romantic and sexual attraction’ unfortunately
a lot of aroace people are/think they are bi for the longest time (i knew i was bi since 13, realised i was aroace at 19), and this may be just me, but mostly it’s because, well, i had the same amount of attraction to both men and women (that amount being zero didn’t matter, it was still the same amount)
personally, i consider myself aroace and bi since i wouldn’t mind a qpp with either a man or a woman, but i still have no sexual or romantic attraction to either, all of my attraction is based on either aesthetics or gender envy
there is also, what i feel isn’t discussed at all basically, a thing almost similar to comphet with being aroace that i also experienced a lot and that deterred me from realising my sexuality sooner - because i do get huge crushes still and consider some people hot! and what all those people i have ‘crushes’ on share is that they’re absolutely unattainable for a relationship - there’s either too large of an age gap (as in, a man i consider hot is 60 and could literally be my grandfather), long distance or they’re fictional - and as soon as any of my more attainable ‘crushes’ do show being interested in me, i lose all interest immediately
people who are allo truly do have difficultly understanding being aroace, as much as aroaces don’t get having attraction, but since romance and sex was shoved into our faces since birth, we’re less bitchy about it - ex. i did not realise there is supposed to be like a feeling or ‘sparks’ when kissing someone, it always felt the exact same as kissing a wall for me
kazutora’s and y/n’s relationship in ‘i don’t speak to whores’ is very much a portrayal of an ideal relationship for me - committed and platonically loving, basically a roommate you can cuddle and share taxes with, and i wish there were more portrayals of queer platonic partnerships in media tbh 😭
i hope this answer helped you somewhat! and remember, a label isn’t necessary unless you want it, you can do you without having to explain shit to anyone 💕💕
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creativepawsworld · 2 years
Please bear with me because I'm curious. Rain, Metal, Space, Summer, & Winter, on the Writer ask. I hope you are/had a lovely day.
I’m happy to answer any question you may have :) 
As per game though: 
Rain: Have you ever made yourself cry with your own writing? If so, what was it? 
I have made myself cry writing part 23 of Silence. It’s a chapter where the main character Ana finds out about her brother and with a mixture of sad music and thoughts of my own brother, I cried. I tried to convey how I would feel waking up and finding out my only sibling, best friend was gone. So yeah I made myself cry. 
Metal: What’s the hardest part of writing for you? 
For me it’s trying to write everything I want to write in a chapter but not make it boring. I find it hard finding different ways to describe similar parts so I spend most of my time on Google trying to find other words that mean the same thing. So it makes writing pretty hard for me. I wish I was a human dictionary but alas I am not. 
Space: Where’s your favourite place to write? 
In my living room. I have to be comfortable writing, so I will have pillows against my back, blankets over my legs and the computer either on the arm of the sofa or on my lap. 
Summer: How do you know when you need a break from writing? 
For me personally I know I need a break when I am stuck rewriting the same chapter of a story for days and I just cant get happy with it. Which makes me grumpy. 
When this happens I get consumed with writing and will sit in front of the screen all day not getting anywhere which isn’t good for anybody let’s be honest. So if this happens I will take a few days break for sanity reasons. 
Winter: Have you ever written a story based on a holiday? If yes which holiday was it for and what was it like?
I have written a one shot based around the Christmas which is holiday. That’s what this question means right lol? Sorry I do talk to myself a lot. 
If it is yes I have written a Christmas One Shot, it’s called The Christmas Bauble and it’s a Cillian Murphy one shot where the reader and Cillian spend there first Christmas together and the reader is given a very special bauble for the tree. 
Sorry I am also trying not to give anything as I write this in case someone who hasn’t read my work wants to read my stuff lol. 
Thank you so much for the asks, I really do love doing things like this so please do not worry about asking to much! 
I hope I answered the questions well for you if not just ask again and I will be more than happy to respond. 
I also hope you have a lovely or had a lovely day xx
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themovieblogonline · 4 months
Supergirl Soars in Summer 2026!
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Okay DCU fans! Get ready for the Girl of Steel! "Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow" is soaring into theaters on June 26th, 2026, marking the second film from the all-new DC Studios led by James Gunn and Peter Safran. Mark your calendars, because this ain't your typical Supergirl story! This summer blockbuster is based on the 2022 comic book series of the same name. The series is written by comics writer Tom King and brought to life by artist Bilquis Evely. We're trading in the bright tights and cheery persona for a more hard-edged Supergirl, played by the talented Milly Alcock, who stole hearts in "House of the Dragon." Supergirl's Road to Release So, what makes this Supergirl different? According to James Gunn himself, it all boils down to upbringing. Unlike Superman, who landed on Earth as a baby and was raised by loving parents, Supergirl's experience was a lot tougher. Imagine growing up on a harsh alien world, witnessing death and destruction around you. Yeah, that'll put a different spin on things. Gunn describes this Supergirl as "hardcore" and a far cry from the cheery hero we're used to seeing. This grittier take on the character is sure to be a breath of fresh air for comic book fans. And with Milly Alcock in the lead role, we can expect a powerful and nuanced performance. Alcock will actually appear in another DC project before taking flight as Supergirl on the big screen, so keep an eye out for that! This isn't the first time Supergirl has graced the silver screen. Back in 1984, Helen Slater donned the cape for a more classic portrayal of the character. While that film has a certain nostalgia factor, "Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow" promises a bold new direction for the iconic heroine. This upcoming film marks the second project from the newly formed DC Studios. The first? A Superman movie directed by James Gunn himself, hitting theaters in July 2025. It's clear that Gunn and Safran have a vision for the DC Universe, and "Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow" is a big part of that. So, are you ready for a Supergirl who's seen the dark side? This promises to be an epic adventure that will redefine the Girl of Steel for a whole new generation. Mark your calendars and get ready to soar alongside Supergirl in June 2026! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxTfczQ-pGM Read the full article
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accidentalsoravoice · 2 years
So in writing it, I’ve really only focused on the Archon Quests. But I’m planning on doing a few Story Quests for certain characters (definitely Mona’s and you’re about to find out why), alongside at least one limited event. That event will be the Golden Apple Archipelago, and I’m doing both visits.
The first visit will just be mindless summer fun on the islands. I’ll probably have Noelle there along with everyone else (because let’s face it we all know she deserves a vacation).
But the second visit...oh, that one will be character development GALORE.
Mona, Fischl, Xinyan, and Kazuha all have their mirages as normal. Noelle will be there again, so she’ll have one, too. But then things get interesting.
See, in the actual game, the Traveler didn’t get a mirage. But this isn’t the actual game. See what I’m getting at here?
Yep, Roxas gets a mirage, too! And his will be based on a place he knows well. No, not Twilight Town.
It’ll be The World That Never Was.
It won’t be based on their visit to any particular island either. After all, this is a place that doesn’t exist, isn’t it? My plan is that the group gets separated from Roxas (how that happens, I’ve yet to determine) and then they all fall into a dreamlike slumber. They wake up and find that they’re in the Alley To Between, the first area in The World That Never Was. And Roxas is still gone.
It’s all kinda straightforward from there. They travel through TWTNW, maybe fighting a few Nobodies along the way. But then things get interesting at the Castle That Never Was.
They hear voices, ones they don’t recognize. Voices that seem to be plotting something...mentioning hearts, darkness, Keyblades...and becoming whole again.
They travel through the stronghold (Proof of Existence isn’t there, but you’ll know why in a minute), and eventually find themselves at Where Nothing Gathers, the old meeting room of Organization XIII.
And then each of them disappear.
They find themselves in strange arena-like areas, separated from one another. Before them will appear a figure - a member of the Organization.
I’m planning on having Xinyan fight Demyx, because HEY LOOK YOU PLAY STRING INSTRUMENT I PLAY STRING INSTRUMENT LET’S FIGHT AND SEE WHO’S THE BETTER MUSICIAN LOL (there will be some serious stuff and development for Xinyan, don’t worry)
I’m probably gonna have Fischl fight Larxene. Not sure why.
Mona will either fight Saix or Luxord (I’m leaning towards Luxord, because he’s the type to rely on rolling the dice if you know what I mean. Also his title is literally “Gambler of Fate” and Mona’s an astrologist who deals with reading destiny soooo yeah)
I’m not sure who Kazuha’s gonna square up with. Maybe Lexaeus?
But Noelle...oh, Noelle’s got a challenge ahead of her. But first, a bit of context.
As of the story currently, Noelle and Roxas are in a sort of...pseudo-relationship. Not quite dating, but definitely more than friends. It’s hard to describe. And no they’re not friends with benefits, get your mind out the gutter.
But anyway, let’s just say Noelle cares very deeply about Roxas.
And who do you fight in KH2? What well-developed son-of-a-gun character did I lose to about 20 times and not get mad at once?
Yeah, Noelle’s gonna have to relive Roxas’s boss fight. And there’s gonna be some HEFTY dialogue beforehand, because this isn’t post-KH2 Roxas who’s just plain depressed. This is post-358/2 Roxas who is depressed and ABSOLUTELY LIVID. 
I imagine the pre-boss fight conversation would play out kinda the way it did with Sora in Roxas in KH Coded. Something like this:
Illusory Roxas (hooded, so Noelle doesn’t recognize him): “You made it to the end, I take it? Heh...I’d ask if you had fun on your little trip. But that doesn’t really matter, does it? Nothing does.”
Noelle (realizing that his voice sounds familiar): “Wh-What do you mean? There are plenty of things that matter to me.”
Illusory Roxas (scoffs): “Heh...of course there are. You know what it’s like to have a heart. Tell me...what is it that matters most to you?”
Noelle: “...A person. You...You sound like him, oddly enough. I...I care about him a lot. More than anything. But he’s missing...and it hurts that he could be suffering without me there to save him.”
Illusory Roxas: “...So you hurt. I’m warning you, that hurt will drag you into the depths of the darkness. You need to let go of it.”
Noelle: “Why should I? The hurt I feel...it reminds me of what’s important to me: him. It lets me know that he needs me, and that I need him. I’m not going to run from it. That hurt will stay in my heart until I find him.”
Illusory Roxas (gritting his teeth): “The darkness will take you first. It’ll come from the hurt in your heart before you ever find who you’re looking for.”
Noelle: “But if I ignore my pain, I’ll lose my tie with the person I care about most. Even if I do fall into darkness...I’ll carry this hurt with me. It’ll be my light. And I’m only going to let it go when I find him...because he’s my light. But until I find him, I’ll hold on to my pain. It’s what keeps my heart connected to his. And it may not be the best feeling, this...hurt...but I accept it.”
Illusory Roxas: “...You say you accept it? This isn’t a game!”
(The room shifts to reveal a Station of Awakening, and this one belongs to Noelle!)
(Noelle looks around, confused and shocked. Suddenly, a familiar sword points at her back.)
Illusory Roxas (holding Oathkeeper and Oblivion, pointing Oblivion at Noelle): “It’s way past time you learned WHAT REAL HURT FEELS LIKE!!!”
(fight begins)
But what do you think?
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bestworstcase · 3 years
You post about winter leading the refugees got me thinking, it seems like atlas falling has a ton of benefits lol, no more atlas military, the atlas oligarchs lost all their power, etc,
oh buddy
flings open the trunk of Atlas Thoughts
the thing about atlas is—like. ok.
rwby has been building up to atlas falling literally since volume two. i think, if i had to pinpoint it exactly, i would say the foreshadowing began in earnest all the way back in 2.3—because in that episode, we encounter ironwood presenting new atlesian military androids in a square in downtown vale. why does this matter? (besides my bafflement that anyone didn’t clock ironwood as a budding fascist then and there,) what really stuck with me the first time i saw it was how ironwood describes the new AK-200s: “smarter, sleeker, and admittedly a little less scary.”
atlas, he says, is a kingdom of innovation where ‘fine’ just isn’t good enough, and THAT’S how he describes his cutting-edge new generation of autonomous monster-killing androids? sleek and less scary than their predecessors?
and this is coming from the man who rocked up to a festival celebrating world peace with half his goddamn armada and then acted confused when ozpin asked him what the hell he was thinking?
yeah, no. in this scene it’s established beyond any shadow of a doubt that atlas is all hype and marketing with little if any genuine substance, and in case we were left with any doubt, the end of v2 offers a glimpse of how the AKs perform in real combat against grimm (not great) and then in v3 qrow literally rips one apart like it’s nothing while so drunk he’s slurring.
everything we learn about atlas in the first three volumes paints a BAD picture. the atlas-based SDC exploits faunus workers in unsafe mines, to the point that the faunus civil rights movement has made the company a major target for strategic violence, and the company contracts with the atlesian military. the atlesian general invites himself and half his fleet into the territory of an allied nation without so much as a courtesy warning, then acts the victim when his counterparts express their displeasure. he spews propaganda to the valean public, gassing up popular support for his autonomous military androids by talking about their aesthetic improvements over the last generation, and later leverages that popular support to freeze his friend and ally out of the valean council. and then there’s penny, the robotic person, kept cloistered and secret as she’s herded and at one point literally chased down by atlesian security personnel… all while being told that it’s going to be her job to save the world someday.
and then we get to the vytal festival singles, where cinder makes a spectacle of utterly destroying the one piece of atlesian military technology that lived up to the hype and follows up with that speech. “this is not a tragedy. this was not an accident. this is what happens when you turn over your trust, your safety, your children to men who claim to be our guardians, but are, in reality, nothing more than men. our headmasters wield more power than most armies, and one was audacious enough to control both.” she singles out ironwood specifically! she talks about the headmasters clinging to power and calling it peace while ruling with iron fists! beacon was only the overture—this speech is first and foremost about ATLAS.
then, of course, v4-5 lays down a nice little trail of breadcrumbs to make sure the situation in atlas is never too far from our minds—the dust embargo, ironwood not even bothering to deny it when jacques accuses him of grabbing power for himself, the slow trickle of atlas personnel being pulled out of mistral at a time when everyone in on the conspiracy has guessed that haven is the next target… all so that v6-8 can take all of this setup and blow it wide open. beginning in v7 the plot tilts so hard on the fulcrum of atlas sliding into open fascism that salem is displaced as the primary antagonist. the story of atlesian corruption and tyranny is so important in this narrative that it literally SIDELINES her in the same volume where she enters the battlefield in person.
so the real question here is: why is the metaphorical and literal fall of atlas this important? think about how little we know about vale, about mistral, about vacuo, about menagerie, compared to how much we know about atlas and mantle. why?
i’ll tell you why: it’s because atlas did not exist until after the great war, and atlas is a direct product of the vytal accords. ozma reshaped the whole world through the vytal accords, united old kingdoms and an ancient empire under one banner and established a new international order, and atlas exists as a symbol and a creation of that new order. ozma made atlas. and ozpin did literally create atlas in a way—by using the staff of creation to lift it into the air, in hopes that it would become an inspiration to the world.
one of the key threads that has emerged in the narrative up to this point is that the post-war order is rotten to the core beneath its facade of soaring rhetoric and nominal freedom and peace. salem has ozma dead to rights when she describes it as your so-called free world. cinder’s evaluation of the huntsmen institution and of ironwood’s basic character is one hundred percent correct. their side of this conflict is wrong not because their perception of the world is wrong but rather because they can’t conceive of any way to respond to the injustice and corruption and oppression they see than by burning it all indiscriminately to the ground; and meanwhile the heroes are on a journey of peeling back the curtain to discover the rot for themselves, and what sets them apart from the villains is that their reaction is this is not right, and we have to fight to fix it.
thus, atlas is the point in the narrative where these two ideologies meet each other head on: the world sucks, what are we going to do about it? atlas falls because—narratively, symbolically—it has to fall, because it represents the broken post-war order that ozma created and that the heroes are now leaving behind as it crashes down around their ears. goodbye, catastrophically failed experiment with forcing autocratic and imperial states into liberal democracy by scaring them into submission with the power of divine relics whose existence we will zealously guard in the guise of training soldiers to protect the common people from monsters, here’s to a new world.
all that being said, there is nothing good about the way atlas fell. or it might be better to say there’s nothing constructive—nothing that will meaningfully improve the lives of the people who suffered under ironwood’s regime. every single person who survived the fall of atlas is stranded in an inhospitable wasteland—either isolated in the polar north or imperiled by grimm in the middle of a ferocious vacuan sandstorm with no means to call for help. vacuo is lawless, insular, resource-poor, and utterly unprepared to deal with an out-of-the-blue refugee crisis; and while the show hasn’t said it in so many words, mistral is probably not doing much better right now given that the council was already in shambles before its headmaster got assassinated by salem—not to mention that virtually every competent huntsman and huntress in mistral is dead thanks to lionheart’s treachery.
global communications are still down, and without the money, resources, and deep pool of technological expertise atlas had on standby, it’s likely they will stay down for the indefinite future. and with the destruction of the entire production and shipping apparatus of the SDC, the global supply of dust will be at a standstill, crippling dust-dependent infrastructure and eroding the defensive capabilities of surviving nations over time. atlesian oligarchs lost everything they had—and so did the poor and working class of mantle. the system atlas represented needed to be torn down, but for it to happen like this is a pyrrhic victory in the deepest sense. like… even if you delete salem from the equation in vacuo (which, btw, i think is a genuine possibility in that i’m almost convinced that her next move will be heading back to beacon to search for the crown herself), where do we go from here, politically, economically, socially? how do the atlesian people pick themselves up now that the world they lived in has been brutally, irreparably shattered?
there’s a silver lining in the total destruction of ironwood’s tyrannical regime, but it’s a thin gilded edge on jupiter’s great red spot.
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makeste · 3 years
“but I thought about how I needed to say this”
a.k.a. yet another meta dissection of The Apology. I actually wrote most of this up on Friday night based on the original Japanese (@pikahlua​ has an excellent translation up here, and I also used @hanashimas’ translations as a reference as well), but I wanted to wait until the official release, though that turned out to be a mixed bag to say the least lol.
I would also recommend reading @pikahlua​ and @class1akids​’ breakdowns of this scene (here and here, respectively), because they are excellent, and because if any scene deserves to have as many meta breakdowns written about it as possible, it’s this one.
anyway so here goes.
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Caleb did a more accurate job with this than the fanscan, even if he did try his best to take us out of the seriousness of the moment by throwing in that swiss cheese line lol. anyway so there are two things I want to talk about here. the first is the line about Izuku not remembering, which I thought was a nice touch. of course he doesn’t remember what Kacchan said back then. he wasn’t exactly in the soundest emotional state after seeing one of the people he cares about most taking a near-fatal blow that was meant for him. I’d be shocked if he remembers anything about the aftermath (including the way he flew into a mindless rage afterwards) right up until the point when he entered the OFA Interstellar Party Void with Tomura. anyway, so I thought that was a nice callback.
and speaking of emotional states, the other thing I wanted to talk about is the part that Caleb got right which the fan scanlation didn’t. “but I had more to say.” in other words, “stop trying to win on your own” wasn’t just a one-liner; it was meant to be the beginning of a much longer speech. “there were other things that I needed to say.”
like, can we just stop and talk about that for a second. because basically what this means is that in that instant, when Kacchan pushed Deku out of the way and got impaled, his one and only thought was that he needed to apologize to Deku. his life was presumably flashing before his eyes, he had no idea if he was going to survive or not, and the only thing on his mind was how urgently he needed to make things right with his former childhood friend.
moving on!
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so I have a confession to make, which is that I am relieved to see Katsuki describing this as the reason why he bullied Deku, as opposed to Horikoshi trying to retcon it into some sort of “secretly he was just trying to protect him and keep him out of harm’s way because he was worried” thing, which ngl would not have gelled very well with me. the thing is that I’m really not a fan of the whole “Kacchan Did Nothing Wrong” mentality that some fans seem to have. like, I have seen all sorts of convoluted attempts to find excuses for Katsuki’s shitty behavior, but in my view those attempts undermine what I love about his character in the first place. Katsuki is such a great character specifically because he is not perfect. his redemption arc is so compelling because he was such a giant asshole at the start. he was completely at fault, and he acknowledges this, and takes full responsibility for it. and that is fucking fantastic.
his arc is so great because it doesn’t rely on garnering sympathy by giving him a Tragic Past, or by trying to foist the blame for his behavior over on someone else. it’s an arc that acknowledges that redemption isn’t something you achieve by making people feel sorry for you; it’s something you have to earn by actively working to change and do better. and by forgoing the “misunderstood/tragic past” route, Horikoshi is making a statement that anyone can go down the wrong path, but that more importantly, anyone can also choose at any time to turn away from said path. there is only one requirement for doing so, and that is realizing that you’ve done wrong, and deciding that you want to change.
anyway, so in chapter 284 Kacchan of course had that whole speech about Deku not taking himself into account, and mentioned how that made him want to keep his distance. and a good chunk of fandom took this to mean that Katsuki’s bullying was actually a misguided response to Deku’s reckless tendencies -- sort of an “if I show him how weak and powerless he really is, I can get him to accept the reality that he’s quirkless, and that being a hero will just get him hurt or killed” type of thing. and I won’t lie, for a good while I was wondering myself if Horikoshi was really going to go down that route. and like I said, I am honestly relieved that he didn’t. not only for the reasons stated in the previous paragraph, but also because the message that would have sent -- that there are certain circumstances in which bullying can almost be excused because the bully had Good Intentions and was just trying to save the other person from themselves, and so it Wasn’t That Bad, Actually -- is all kinds of fucked up to say the least. so yeah, I’m glad we ended up steering well clear of that.
(ETA: this post was long enough already so I edited out the 3 additional paragraphs I originally wrote analyzing the dialogue from 284. but just to be clear, I’m not trying to imply that Kacchan worrying about Deku’s recklessness is a retconned thing that Horikoshi only threw into the story recently, because there are multiple instances throughout the story where he clearly is worried and in total denial of it. but I firmly believe those feelings are not what led to the bullying. they’re two separate things. Kacchan worrying about Deku is what prompts him to yell at him in chapter 1 when Deku comes to save him. but it’s not what incited him to burn his notebook and taunt him earlier in that same chapter. that action had a much meaner and more selfish motivation behind it, and I’m glad Horikoshi didn’t try to change it up last minute, because it wouldn’t have felt right.)
thankfully as of this chapter I think we can safely cross that out as a possibility, as we’re given the true explanation straight from Katsuki himself. and the truth is that he bullied Deku out of insecurity and jealousy and fear and intolerance. there was nothing noble about it. there were no good intentions concealed in his actions. there are no justifications given, no excuses offered, and no mitigating circumstances to be considered, other than the fact (which neither he nor Horikoshi bring up) that he was and is still a child, and that children make mistakes.
it’s an explanation that challenges many of fandom’s ideas on who is and isn’t eligible to be redeemed. there is no Ozai in Katsuki’s backstory. there’s no great tragedy that he spent a lifetime trying to rise above. the only villain in Katsuki’s story is Katsuki himself. the only darkness that he has to overcome is his own. and it’s challenging, because I think many people believe the only way someone can be redeemed for doing bad things is if bad things happen to them in return. but what Horikoshi is saying here is that that’s not the case. bad doesn’t erase bad. and the one and only way to truly earn redemption is by doing good.
and that’s what makes this such a phenomenal scene for me. by not shying away from Katsuki’s flaws and failings, and having him take full responsibility for them, Horikoshi keeps the apology from being self-serving, and underscores the true depth of Katsuki’s character development. the level of self-awareness he has here is something most people can only dream of. which is very fitting, as that’s perhaps the most important takeaway from his character arc -- that it’s only by acknowledging your own weaknesses and flaws that you can learn to overcome them and reach your full potential.
one last thing to point out here, which is that in the panel where Katsuki finally acknowledges his terrible treatment of Deku, Deku is not even visible. instead, Horikoshi drew the panel from a perspective that makes it appear that Katsuki is addressing this particular line not just to Deku, but to all of his classmates.
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again, he shows him taking full responsibility and admitting his wrongdoings in front of the people whose opinions and approval he cares about most. and just to clarify in case there’s any confusion from Caleb’s translation, Kacchan’s wording makes it very clear that he wasn’t just “mean” to Deku, but that he full-on bullied him (he uses the same verb -- “ijimeru” (苛める) -- that he did back in chapter 284). there’s no attempt to downplay his actions here.
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moving on now, this chapter also reaffirmed another thing about Deku and Kacchan’s relationship which I was glad to see revisited -- Kacchan’s unwavering belief in Deku’s ability. this is one of those paradoxical things about their relationship which I’ve always been fascinated by, but which is also kind of hard to explain, because I don’t want it to come off like I’m trying to put a positive spin on something which was unequivocally awful. like, please don’t think I’m trying to say that Katsuki’s bullying of Deku was in any way a good thing. but that being said, there’s also a strange irony at play here, which is that Katsuki’s jealousy and insecurity also betray the fact that even at his very worst, he never once underestimated Deku. he has always believed in Deku’s strength, even when that strength pissed him off and made him afraid and uneasy.
no one else -- not All Might, or even Deku’s own mom -- believed from the get-go that Deku could become a hero. but Katsuki never once counted him out, even when he was calling him a pebble in his shoe. he confesses here that even though he “tried to act superior by rejecting [Deku]”, in truth he was never able to shake the feeling that Deku was above him. long before he ever understood the concept of “win to save”, he knew instinctively that there was a strength in Deku’s heart that couldn’t be measured, and which had the potential to surpass even his own strength. and I’ve always felt that this was so important, because it’s the one aspect of their early relationship that hinted that on some level, however subconscious, Katsuki held the same type of faith in Deku that Deku always held in him. it was one of the few things that hinted at there being a possible path towards reconciliation one day. and it paved the way for the most important shift in their relationship to date, when Katsuki finally realized who Deku got his quirk from, and responded not with resentment or spite, but with acceptance.
moving on, I also really love the way we see them portrayed at the different stages of their childhood throughout this speech, and how it perfectly lines up with the dialogue. from small children (when Katsuki talks about his insecurities first manifesting), to middle schoolers (when he talks about the bullying), to high schoolers (when he talks about the past year and everything he’s learned at U.A.). Horikoshi really didn’t have to go that hard, but he did, and that’s why we love him.
and then we finally get to That Part.
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where do I even start with this there are so many things omg.
the bow. this is the one and only time Katsuki has ever bowed to anyone of his own volition as far as I recall. and this absolutely is a bow, just to be clear, even though his form is straight-up garbage (very Kacchan-esque, with his feet and arms spaced apart because he’s still a punk after all). this is Kacchan showing more humility and respect than he’s ever shown to anyone else in his entire life.
regarding “Izuku”, I actually have mixed feelings about this to tell the truth. I think it was a good call here because it was incredibly effective in setting the tone and showing just how serious Kacchan is. however if he continues to use “Izuku” rather than “Deku” from here on out, that would give the impression in hindsight that all his past usage of “Deku” really was meant as an insult, which would undermine some of my favorite scenes. I would really like to believe that since DvK2 or thereabouts, Kacchan has (mostly) been using “Deku (affectionate)” rather than “Deku (useless loser)”, lol. but if he switches to the “nicer” name on a permanent basis following his apology, it implies that the previous nickname was indeed being used cruelly. and so honestly I hope this was just a one-time thing, because I do think that in Katsuki’s mind, the name “Deku” hasn’t been meant as a slight to him for a long time now.
“my truth/this is what I truly feel” -- the word Katsuki uses in Japanese is honne (本音), and if you’re familiar with the concept of honne/tatemae, that’s the same “honne” he’s talking about here. it means that he’s casting aside all of his walls and facades and expressing what he truly feels. and of course, one of the fascinating things about Katsuki’s character is that he’s the exact opposite of most people in that he chooses to put his meanness on full display to the public, and ironically it’s the kindest parts of himself which he tends to keep the most carefully guarded and hidden away. this also means that while his rage and anger are very often insincere and put on just for show, those relatively few occasions where he lets his humanity truly shine through are pretty much 100% genuine, as is the case with this one here.
and Deku’s face says it all when it comes to how powerful those moments can be as a result.
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and this, right here, is why it wasn’t enough for Katsuki to atone solely through his actions, and why he needed to actually say the words as well. it’s not that the words are more important; obviously the actions are far and away the most important part, and carry far more meaning. but the reason why Katsuki needed to say the words as well is simply because Izuku needed to hear them. needed to, and deserved to, because this is one of the most important people in the world to him.
and so he deserves to know that the relationship isn’t just one-sided, and that he is just as important to Kacchan as Kacchan is to him. he deserves to know that Kacchan understands how horribly he treated him, and that he’s sorry for it. and he deserves to know that Kacchan, without any expectation of it changing their relationship -- meaning that he will continue to feel this way regardless of what Izuku says or does from here on out -- cares about him. now more than ever, with AFO out there doing everything in his power to make Izuku feel as alone as possible, this is something that he really, really needed to hear.
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so this part has some interesting wordplay which neither Caleb’s translation nor the fan scanlation was really able to get across. basically, in the Japanese version, when Katsuki talks about “those ideals”, Horikoshi uses the kanji for “ideal”, but pronounces it as “All Might.” obviously the meaning of this isn’t too hard to decipher, as we all know how much both boys admire All Might. to them, he absolutely is synonymous with the Ideal. so this is a way of showing that respect they both have towards him, even as Katsuki goes on to point out the one fatal flaw that All Might was never able to overcome.
and speaking of interesting wording, as others have noted, at this point in his speech Katsuki switches from “temee” (which he was using earlier during the “your strengths and my weaknesses” part) to “omae” (“omae” being a less insulting word for “you”, though still very manly and tough-sounding), which is definitely a big deal. though fwiw this is not the first time he’s used “omae” for Deku (he switches to it briefly right after DvK2, when he tells Deku “you had the strongest guy lay the groundwork for you -- don’t lose”, and then later when they’re walking back to the dorms and he says he’ll learn and get stronger by watching everyone around him just like Deku did). it’s definitely a good choice on Horikoshi’s part though, as it makes this last part of the speech sound more earnest and sincere.
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just a quick note, he does indeed use a plural pronoun here, as in “the obstacles that you can’t overcome, we will overcome.” but as @pikahlua​ pointed out, the “we” here is ambiguous -- it could either mean “we” as in class 1-A -- “we will overcome them for you” -- OR it could mean “we” as in all of them -- class 1-A and Deku. “we will overcome them together.” idk about you, but I know which one gets my vote.
anyway, and so this is the line that finally wins Deku over and allows him to let go of his fears, however briefly. what I love about this is Kacchan’s utter conviction. one thing that Caleb’s translation doesn’t quite get across is Kacchan’s use of the word morenaku -- “without exception” -- when he talks about how they’re going to save everyone and win. it echoes that same sentiment he showed back during the Joint Training arc -- that it’s not a perfect victory unless they save everyone. every last person. and he explicitly lists Deku among their number, just so there can be no doubt.
and Deku’s response to this (or at least his thoughts, since he’s not really able to get many words out) pretty much brings everything full circle here.
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he acknowledges that everyone else has gotten ahead of him. which is especially meaningful given who he’s standing directly across from. because for most of the series, as we all well know, it’s been Kacchan who was woefully lagging behind Deku in the character growth department. but now Deku himself is acknowledging that not only has Kacchan finally caught up at last, but that he and the others have surpassed him. which is only temporary, I should add, as I have zero doubt that Deku will catch up again soon. but the fact remains that just as Deku’s rapid increase in strength and skill left Kacchan scrambling to keep up earlier in the series, Kacchan’s extraordinary character development has now left Deku in that same position. as All Might once put it, “when he’s starting at level one, and you’re already at level 50, it’s only natural that you’ll be growing at different rates.”
and what’s so wonderful about this though is that the two of them are finally approaching that point where they’ve both caught up to each other and are finally starting to level out. Deku is a full-on badass, and Kacchan is out here talk-no-jutsuing with the best of them. the two of them have been chasing and chasing after each other this entire time, and now they’re finally just about ready to meet in the middle at long last, with each of them fully embodying both of those two crucial aspects -- win, and save.
just about. because Deku still needs some help catching up. but seeing as help has already been offered -- and accepted -- I can’t imagine it will be very long now, and I can’t wait to see him finally overcoming those fears and doubts with his friends by his side. it’s going to be such a powerful moment.
and last but not least,
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or, as I prefer,
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you had one job, Caleb. flkjsdlk.
but at least this provides a good opportunity to note that unlike the “we’ll help you handle it” line earlier in the speech, here the phrasing is left up to interpretation, as he doesn’t use a pronoun. so it could be “we know”, or, as the fan scanlation put it, “I know.” or it could be both. regardless, it’s good stuff.
anyway, and so Deku passes out, and in the process Horikoshi gives us one last parting metaphor, just in case anyone still thinks Kacchan is all talk because they haven’t been paying attention for the past 322 chapters (more likely than you think). once again, Katsuki’s actions speak louder than his words (even his nice words) ever could: he is literally there to catch Deku when he falls.
so that’s it! my sincere thanks to anyone who actually read through all of my endless ramblings about this scene which I have been waiting for since day one. props to Horikoshi for taking on an impossibly difficult task, and pulling it off with all of the emotion and care and nuance that I’ve come to expect from his writing. imo he delivered on every single level with the exception of the aftermath, which I don’t consider to have actually happened yet. Deku’s part of this is definitely a “to be continued.” but yeah, as far as Kacchan’s part goes, 10/10. so fucking proud of this kid.
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hello! i was wondering if you had any advice on how to make your writing more colorful? i don’t mean removing filter words or things like that (i’ve read your posts on those things already).
i mean, do you have any tips on how to stop overusing body language and incorporating more flavorful writing? i’ve found that a lot of my works overuse emotion based movement to the point where i might as well be writing a meant-to-be-watched film instead of a meant-to-be-read story. (for example: i recently read a story where the author compared a character’s first kiss to the coming of autumn. it was beautiful. whereas i think if i were to describe the scene, i’d just focus on the softness of wandering hands and the warmth of exchanged breaths. which is nice, yeah, but isn’t really as thought provoking).
i’ve tried googling advice on this but a lot of the sources i’ve found basically said “just stop overusing body language” without offering other suggestions. any advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated. this blog has been really helpful with my writing so far.
There's a few ways to do this, and the first one is - sorry - to read more books. Not to chuck a library card at you and be done with it, but seeing how other authors express emotions can help you pin down a) why they use the imagery they use and b) why it's effective.
Now, I wish I could say this is an easy thing to do once you figure it out, but, well, it isn't. It takes thought and practice, and your first, second, and even third drafts are probably going to focus on what's physically happening. But the goal you're looking for here is to convey emotion, and to do that by association, we're going to take a look at the senses.
So we have the example of comparing a kiss to the coming of autumn, but why? Because it evokes the same feeling in the protagonist. A grieving person might stare at a tree and think of how its roots consume the dead, a pregnant person might compare the coming of a child to the brightness of new green leaves. We know the core of these emotions - despair, happiness - but we're able to feel them through descriptions.
A girl's first crush gave her an apple, so she might compare a latter kiss to the sweetness of biting into an apple. Someone describes the smell of cigarette smoke on the bus, but what they're really thinking of is their father's death. Memory is a powerful key to emotion, and through that key we get our richer descriptions. How can you reach into your character's past to bring a stronger present?
Music is admittedly hard to convey via text, but it's a vital part of the human experience. Innocuous sounds can trigger extreme emotional swings, like a firework being mistaken for a gunshot. The local news station uses a tone that sounds exactly like my wake-up alarm and it drives me crazy to hear it. You can't make us hear Beethoven's Midnight Sonata, but it can play a vital part of triggering a flashback or an emotion in its rising and falling tones.
Ultimately, you'll find the right way to mix and match how one thing can trigger another, such as how the sight and sound of a distant flock of birds and bring us into a flashback about someone leaving.
Lastly, my favorite book on the subject is Rebecca McClanahan's Word Painting, a book I read over and over until the pages fell out, and one I probably need to buy another copy of soon.
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dodo-begone · 3 years
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The Mistake has Arrived
Pairing: Yan!DSMP!Techno, Yan!Ranbob!, Yan!Ranbutler x Reader
Request: Do you do continuations? If so could you make a part 2 with for the "mistakes were made" (aka the pregnancy one)? Like how they would act when the child is like actually born and causing mischief?? Please and thank you!
Summary: It seems that, after the baby arrives, things seem to change. It's hard to describe because things didn't change much yet at the same time managed to be the complete opposite of what they were before. Or maybe you hadn't noticed these things before. Who knows.
Word count: 2.1k
Warning: yandere, nsfw joke at the end of Ranbob’s section
Part 1 | Mistakes were Made
If this ever looks wonky/glitched, I have this properly archived on Ao3
A/n: the first part was implied AFAB reader because of pregnancy- and it probably still is but pregnancy is barely mentioned in this.
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So remember when this man was absolutely terrified for you and the baby? Yeah that doesn’t get alleviated. If anything, that fear gets worse.
You holding the child, the perfect combination of you two, makes him truly realize how fragile the baby is. Like hello? This thing is his? And so tiny? Like a potato, a large one at that but still a potato?
Potatoes are fragile. Babies are fragile. Baby is like a potato, which makes them ultra fragile- oh NO.
Let’s get this straight; Techno is the infamous blood god. This huge hulking piglin hybrid who can easily kill anyone in arm’s reach. And then you got this tiny defenceless baby that is related to him? Like he knows how this thing works but it just feels surreal.
This anxiety feeds his distaste for holding his own child. He’s a monster and that’s a sweet innocent baby. He is going to severely harm the baby by even holding it. You never know what could happen- plus you need some mother-child bonding. It’s very important. Yes you may have been carrying that baby for 9 months but some more physical touch goes a long way. It grounds it more into reality for you. Yeah, that’s totally the reason.
The behavior can only last so long though. Eventually Techno would have to bond with his kid, hold his kid. You were getting fed up with how long he was taking. His anxiety over the situation was obvious and you were giving him space. So you did, but it’s been months and he still refuses to even touch them. His avoidance is annoying and it has to come to an end. And you will make sure it will.
One day, while he was relaxing and reading, you gently plop the baby onto Techno and go do some household chores that are usually hard when you have to keep an eye and ear out for the kid at every second.
Techno and the kid have a shared moment of “wtf” because the baby saw this thing before but he never touched it before. And they were left on it? By mother? Techno is internally freaking out while this baby tries to crawl on him. Really they’re just pulling at his hair and clothing. Anything they can get their grubby little hands onto. And gum on whatever they can get into their mouth. Oh god, this is going to be a long… period of time. He doesn’t really know when you’ll come back for them but he hopes it’s soon.
It’s safe to say that you did not come to Techno’s rescue in a swift manner. You made sure to take your time doing everything that couldn’t be properly done. Like cleaning or cooking a proper meal. Cooking had been left up to Techno mostly, and you really appreciated that he took that up and made good food but someone can only handle potato based dishes for so long. It was about time that something else was made. The potatoes needed a break.
When you come back to Techno and the baby, you’re so pleased to see that they’re having a little bonding moment. The baby was calm and Techno was finally relaxed in what felt like a century. Everything was perfect.
Techno was reading Sun Tzu’s The Art of War and your sweet baby child had long dozed off in his arms. Techno either didn’t notice or didn’t care and kept reading aloud, though it was mostly likely that he wanted to start education young. Even in their sleep. He started the education process already, in a way, by reading The Art of War to your pregnant stomach for months on end. You’d long grown tired of it, but the sight and sound of Techno reading still warmed your heart.
Nothing changes on his knowledge of babies. Not much, anyways. Some of the information he knows on babies came directly from you. The rest came from books found around Mizu.
In theory, he knows what to do. He read up on everything he’d need to know, after all. But in practice, it’s a whole different story. Anxiety occasionally comes to haunt him but he easily waves it off. He knows what he’s doing.
When Mizu was still populated, he observed the lives of others. There wasn’t much to do besides that. Children weren’t an uncommon sight. But babies? Now that wasn’t a common sight. Not many people brought their babies out. Nor were there many.
It’s understandable for him to not know exactly how to raise a baby. Unless you raised or helped to raise a baby, you aren’t exactly well versed in baby and are therefore slightly unprepared for said baby.
Though compared to children, he’s actually more prepared to care for the baby since there were so many books about baby care and stuff they’d need. Children are a whole different beast.
With children, it’s a more individual case-to-case deal. There aren’t any parenting guides on children. Well, there are. Though they all differ from each other. Each book has its own descriptions on why a behavior is happening and how to handle or fix it. So many differing opinions that overlapped were overwhelming. Ranbob soon came to the conclusion that childcare is more interpretive. Based on the child’s personality.
That’s way in the future though. Now he has to deal with a baby. A fragile little thing. It’s perfect in every way.
Now his anxiety starts to get the better of him. He’s so much bigger than it, much stronger. The baby is completely at his mercy and he is anxious that something bad may happen to it. Realistically, though, nothing bad is going to happen to his little family.
Once he holds the baby for the first time, all previous anxiety is taken by the wind. All that remains is absolute adoration. This leads to him caring for the baby almost entirely. Or when it’s least convenient for you, that is.
Like when your babe cries late into the night. Witching hour cries. Everytime without fail, he’d awaken and swiftly make his way to the nursery. All in an attempt to allow you to sleep. You’ve already done so much work to make the child. The least he could do was wake up and care for them. Plus you still looked so tired.
Although Ranbob was tired when morning came, it didn’t matter when you came out well rested. Or much better than the day before. Each day was a slight victory in his books. He only wanted the best for you, anyways. If sacrificing a few hours of sleep meant that you’d sleep better, then so be it.
He views your child as a blessing from Dream himself. A symbol of the union between you two. Just absolute perfection. Oh how lucky he is to have you and especially fortunate to have a child with you. His god has seen his hard work and has gifted him with so much more than he deserved. But he’d take it all the same.
If you two “accidently” had another kid, he’d be more than happy. Yes, he’s content and happy with the child you two already have. His life is perfect now. But if another addition just happened to come along? Well who is he to deny his god’s will?
aka he wants to weaken his pullout game to have another kid with you. One kid is enough but two? Oh that’d be swell!
Compared to the previous two, Ranbutler’s reaction to the baby’s arrival would be labeled as “different”. Techno feared for his child, Ranbob was anxious, but Ranbutler? This man is ecstatic! Oh my gosh you two finally have a kid. Isn’t this just great?
His excitement level is astronomical. Come on, this man literally acts like this baby is going to achieve world wide peace or something. Like Jesus Christ incarnated. That’s the level of excitement he’s at.
Right from the get-go, Ranbutler is almost desperate in his attempts to hold the baby. Please? Pretty please? Why can’t he hold your baby? Our baby? Though as… desperate as he is to hold his child, he doesn’t want to disturb important mother-child bonding. Even if you carried them for around nine months, it’s still vital that you actually bond to your baby. Skin-to-skin early on is important.
At the next available time, most likely when you’re asleep or on the verge of sleeping, he’ll gently remove the child from atop your chest. Of course he’d go to the next comfiest and secure place he can and allow for some skin-to-skin between him and the baby.
According to some studies, skin contact with a baby supposedly “awakens” maternal or paternal and he was more than happy to test that out. If it worked? Then that’s great! If it didn’t work? What was the harm? It’s all good in the end.
Because of the nature of his job, you often don’t see him during the day. Both a blessing and a curse. This leaves you alone to care for the baby until he comes back. Even then, it wasn’t a guarantee that he’d help. That’s what you thought, at least.
No matter how exhausted he was or how irate he was from Billiam, the sight of your and the baby always made everything right in the world. All problems just dissolved away, becoming unimportant whispers of responsibilities.
Responsibilities that seemed to come from a whole different reality. Here, at home, the mess that’s Billiam doesn’t exist. Won’t ever affect his lovely little world.
Sometimes he comes home extremely late. So late that you already went to sleep, along with the baby. Occasionally you would try to stay up for him to come home. You were laying on the couch with the baby on your chest, what else was he to presume? That was obviously what you were doing, right?
On those nights, he would sit by you and just watch. Basking in the calm energy you exude. Even without talking to him, you always had a way of calming him down. Of making him feel loved and appreciated.
He would also take care of the baby's needs at night. With his occupation as Billiam’s servant, it really wasn’t the best idea, but he assured you that he would be fine. After all, he couldn’t bond with the baby during the day, so that only left the night. Even if it was menial tasks, he found solace in the presence of the family he was creating,
A question that kept reappearing was how he managed to get such a wonderful partner. One so willing to have a child with him. Deep down, he knew the actual answer, but it was hidden under so many layers of delusions that it’d be better and easier not to deal with that mess.
Now that you had the baby to care for, he was much more willing to leave you alone while he went to work. Yes, sometimes he still brought you into the room with The Egg. But that was only because you seemed stressed the day, night, or morning before he left.
How could he just leave his precious to flounder around so helplessly? A baby can easily be overwhelming. The Egg was more than willing to help you.
The kid, although a beautiful culmination of the love between the two of you, also symbolized another thing. They were a shackle, keeping you tethered to him.
There was no way you’d be able or wish to escape in such a fragile condition. Especially with the baby. How could you risk the life of something so innocent? Of something that did absolutely nothing wrong besides existing. You wouldn’t be such a horrible monster, would you? No, he knows you. Knows that you wouldn’t do that.
Once he has a taste for parenthood, he’s practically addicted. He absolutely loves it. Loves you. Why not have another? And another? And another?
Let’s be honest, he might just want a small herd of kids. Not many, like four or five. A few more wouldn’t do too much harm, but he doesn’t want to overwhelm you. After all, you’d be around them the most, being the primary caretaker for them all.
The desire for a large family comes into direct conflict with his desire to not make you overwhelmed and overworked. It was a hard battle, but he convinced himself that maybe just one more wouldn’t hurt. Just one more, and that’ll be the last he’ll want.
He’ll say that for the next three he plans to have with you. Can men get baby fever? If they can, then this man definitely would have it, just saying.
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untaemedqueen · 4 years
Take One (M)
Pornstar!Yoongi x Fan Fiction Writer!Reader
Genre: Strangers To Lovers!AU, Smut, Fluff
WordCount: 24k
Warnings: Masturbation, Fingering, Big Dick!Yoongi, Slight Dom!Yoongi, Degradation (Slut, Cum Slut), Spanking, Sex Against A Wall, Unprotected Sex, Cream Pie, Phone Sex, Edging, Pussy Slapping, Daddy Kink, Hair Pulling, Cock Slapping, Cum Swallowing, Love Making, Marking, Body Worship, Cunnilingus, Face Fucking, Multiple Orgasms, Possessive!Yoongi, Forced Orgasm, Doggy Style, Impreg Kink
A/N: Again the biggest shout outs to my crew @ppersonna​​, @ladyartemesia​​, @xjoonchildx​​ who are constantly rooting for this fic to come out. I love my ladies so much!!!!!!!
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There are three things which Yoongi was certain of. One, he was a big star in his field of work. Two, he had a huge cock, one to rival many of the largest names in his industry. Three, he can only find pleasure these days in written word. 
He has seen so many bodies in his career. So many different women and men that he cared very little for the human form. Now, written word where he could just simply envision a woman of his choosing doing what is described in twelve font Ariel Black ink. That is where he finds his pleasure.
He found himself after a long day on set, looking for mental relief. People make fun of his job, but it's incredibly taxing on one's spirit. He tried for years and years to be not only the best porn star in his field, but the most talked about. He succeeded after not too long, one utterly embarrassing title called 'Little Cat, Bowl of Milk' skyrocketed his success and had people coming back time and time again to his profile on all the major porn sites. He began to realize that success was eating at his bones. He so often found himself not being able to cum as he fucked his co-star half way to Sunday. 
It wasn't about being the greatest anymore, or having the biggest cock in the industry. It was about actually being able to cum without the prop team having to strap a tube on the underside of his cock and pump out this incredibly realistic looking paste that actually looks like jizz. It was practically degrading. And yet, Yoongi only found himself orgasming through reading. 
It was a random happenstance as he was scrolling online. Just looking at a few different blogs on Tumblr before finding a link in their biography stating 'Masterlist'. Finding himself intrigued he clicked on the link, the girl with the pen name Nevermore had countless series of books. She was great at writing, truly understanding her character's complexity and portraying it in such a way that had Yoongi constantly on the edge of his seat. But above all, the sex scenes she wrote were so erotic; so completely entrancing that he began to lose himself in her stories. He had never cum harder than before he read the words she so ardently wrote.
Jumping onto his couch, his feet find their place on the arm as his hand rests beneath his head. "I wonder what's up with Kyla and Bjorn today." He whispers to himself before sipping his beer. Every day of the week waits with bated breath to be Sunday. Nevermore publishes every Sunday at 8 o'clock and Yoongi never misses it. He will even stop a late filming just to read her new chapter. 
Stopping by her blog fills him with a sense of renewal. He first checks her updated page before anything else. She seemed to have an almost poetic soul within her, as if her fingers poured out earnest sentences with cryptic and riddled meaning. It's her latest post that catches his attention, first and foremost, before he can even click on the book's masterlist. He sips his beer as he peruses the post.
Coming Tuesday - Take One. 
Pornstar!Min Yoongi x Reader
Author's Note: I usually research heavily for smut to make it seem the most realistic as possible. I looked into porn to get a sense of what pornstars go through day to day and came across Min Yoongi. Eajsidicjeisoc HE'S UNBELIEVABLE! So the next book will be a fan fiction based on him. And believe me when I say I'M A FAN.
Beer goes flying out of his mouth. Sitting up quickly, his eyes widened at the text. 
"EXCUSE ME?!" He yells loudly before putting his hand over his mouth. 
A voraciously nervous giggle escapes him as his eyes flit to the popcorn ceiling. "Me? She's seen me?" He doesn't know whether to be astonished or incredibly flattered. He was a mere reader, one of the thousands that follow her blog and here he was being featured in one of her gorgeous stories. Would she write him like he is or turn him into a sex god? Someone completely void of feeling like Bjorn? Or someone absolutely brimming with possibility like Kyla? His bottom lip purchases between his teeth as he lets out a happy groan. I guess Tuesdays would be the days to look forward to now.
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Sweat builds upon Yoongi’s lean frame as he snaps his hips into his co-star once more. His arm muscles shake as he holds himself above her thin frame, “You like that? Hmm? Like getting pounded by your sister’s husband? You’re such a fucking slut.” He recites his script before wrapping his hand around her neck. She whimpers out, botoxed lips parting for air as she keens loudly.
“Yes! Fuck! More, I’m such a little slut. I want you to fuck me so hard!” She whines and he can feel his energy slipping from him. This isn’t exciting. This doesn’t get him off. It was a trivial part of his job. He knows she’s enjoying it, the way she drools isn’t prompted. The way her eyes roll back every time the head of his cock meets her cervix folds isn’t scripted. He used to savor that. He used to adore fucking his co-stars stupid, making them forget their lines so he could take a break and edge his orgasm away before pile driving into them like a frenzied maniac. Now he just wishes she could hurry up and cum so he could get to the blog. It was Tuesday after all. 
“Oh Christ.” He murmurs out as she cums on his cock for a third time. Her cum squirting onto his thighs as she screeches to the heavens. The camera was solely focused on her battered pussy. And so, with that knowledge he closes his eyes. Picturing, or trying anyway, how Bjorn took Kyla into the fish hut after their summer raid. How he laid her down on the bed of hay and let his wild freeness overcome him. The way he ran his fingers over her nipples deftly. Deftly, that was a word used in the books often that he found himself loving. He remembers reading in obscene vividity how tight Kyla was for Bjorn, signifying that she had not been with a lover since he went to raid England. 
Yoongi finds himself gasping gently as he pictures the scene written just weeks ago by Nevermore’s beautiful hands. His cock was thickening just at the thought and he lets out a loud groan. Pleasure seeping into every nerve of his body as his teeth clamp down on his bottom lip. Picturing someone else beneath him, someone more supple to the touch. Someone who was simple and adoring being underneath him because they wanted to be. 
Alas, he’s ripped from his impending orgasm as his co-star scrapes her ridiculously sharp nails over his arms. He lets out a defeated sigh before opening his eyes. Jaw going slack he waves in the prop team. It’s still disgusting to him, the feel of the tube beneath his cock twitch and pulse as the paste emits from below him. It smells like glue. 
He gives a loud moan, something the director would say is beautiful as the paste lands on the folds of her pussy. He pulls away from her, ripping the tube out from beneath him as she giggles to the camera. Her index finger sneaks its way into her mouth and she gives a ginger bite to it before sighing happily. “Thanks Yidu.” He murmurs before grabbing a pair of boxers from his manager.
“What’s the matter, Yoongi? Can’t seem to get off?” Yidu calls to him as she sits up on her elbows. 
“Not with you or with anyone.” He mumbles to himself before shoving open his dressing room door. 
“What’s wrong with you?! Yidu is hot, man!” His manager, Hoseok says as he closes the door behind them. Yoongi rolls his eyes as he digs into his jacket before pulling out his phone. 
“Hobi. I told you. It’s hard to get off anymore, it’s just so… so-”
“Trivial? Come on, Yoongi! You just had one of the hottest A list porn stars beneath you!” Hobi says before handing Yoongi his coffee as he sits down in the arm chair.
“Then you go fuck Yidu. Give her a good seeing too.” He mumbles as he unlocks his phone. Hoseok scoffs loudly before throwing himself down onto the loveseat. 
“Yeah right! She’d never want to be with me after your eleven inch cock was deep in her kidneys.” Yoongi snorts at his comment before turning around to him. 
“It’s eleven and a half inches. I wish you would get it right.” He jeers before sipping his coffee.
Hoseok didn’t leave him alone for the rest of the afternoon. So, he had to wait with bated breath to read the new book until he got home. Which he finds agreeable since he would want privacy anyway. He’s kind of nervous. Isn’t it odd to read a book about yourself? As flattering as it is? 
What if the book painted him out to be this sex craved monster? He takes a deep breath before unlocking his phone. “Okay.” He whispers before crossing his legs and throwing them up on the couch.
There’s something magical about meeting the right someone. Captivating, even. The way irises flit between one another in a moment of glorious silence. The breath that is held within one’s chest as you stare longingly at the other person before you. Hands could shake from nerves, excitement- both, even. It had never happened for Min Yoongi. Until you. 
Yoongi clears his throat before leaning deeper into the couch cushions. There it is. The master at work. Painting him to be a god among men. A small smirk finds its way on to his lips as he settles in for more.
It took a second to notice him. To see him in a sea of moving bodies. He was a gentle breeze in a vast desert. And, in that second you yearned to know him. 
He was tall. Taller than you by all accounts. His hair was black and long, the gentle spring breeze blowing his bangs into his eyes as he leans against the hotel door waiting for his car. 
Expensive. That’s a word that could describe him even in the darkest of nights. The way his leather jacket clung to him, highlighting his biceps. Even his sunglasses screamed exorbitant. With one foot pressed against the foggy glass of the door, you found yourself walking towards him without any care for yourself. 
His jeans hung low, the crisp white t-shirt he adorned barely covering his pale skin underneath.
“Someone’s been watching ‘To Meet A Man’, hmm?” He quips as his thumb trails slowly over his bottom lip. He was already hooked. Seeing himself as the character and yet, completely setting himself outside of it as well. He was torn between the two and he feels as if he could go on this way forever. 
Stopping in front of him, he tilts his head towards you before smirking. “Can I help you, little one?” His voice was like the sound of a harp. Sharp and melodic. 
“You’re standing in front of the door.” You reply. Your index finger pointed at the foggy glass beneath his foot. He opens his mouth for a fraction of a second before nodding. 
“Thought you recognized me.” He murmurs to himself, opening the door to let you into the hotel. 
“I bet you’d like that.” You smile at him, black sundress rippling through the breeze before entering the hotel. 
“Yes. I think I would like that.”
God, this was enthralling. His toes curl as he reads on. Loving the picturing being painted already. How is it that you made this Min Yoongi so incredibly bold and attractive? How is he not this attractive? 
Yes, okay. He was hot. Undoubtedly. He knows that. But, he never flaunted it if he wasn’t on camera. This Min Yoongi was confident and sound. Surely he could cum on command without having to think of book characters to maybe do it. 
Yoongi wishes he was like his book counterpart. He’s a fan of him.
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Stepping on set, he takes in the scene before him. This is something his character in Take One would be into. Tying up his woman Y/N. Pleasing her through and through, making her beg for more just because he could. 
Sipping his coffee he hums to himself as his hand runs over the silken sheets of the prop bed. “Wow. Big budget.” He jokes to Hoseok who snorts as a reply. 
“Your co-star is here.” Hoseok whispers before nodding across the set. Yoongi takes off his leather jacket before looking her over and he internally groans. Nothing like how he pictures Y/N at all in the book. 
“Fine.” He mutters out as he hands his leather jacket to Hoseok.
“When did you start wearing leather?” His long time friend asks as he sniffs the jacket. Yoongi shoos him away before running his fingers through his hair. “Mind your business, Jung!” He snaps before taking off his sunglasses.
He’s worked with this porn star before. She was hot, obviously. The kind of hot that screams high maintenance. And she always brought her dog to set. Which was odd. Also, annoying. Every time it yaps, they would have to start the scene over which for Yoongi used to be great but now, he feels an impending sense of doom as the chihuahua opens its mouth. “Yoongi!” 
Oh yeah, her voice was really high pitched. Something that could break a wine glass if she tried to sing opera. “Candy.” He whispers before kissing her cheek.
He used to be fond of her. Hell, they’d even gone on a date once after they filmed a marriage scene together. She was not for him. Not for anyone that had a clear thinking mind and that could count above fifty. “I’m so excited! You remember Tiberius, don’t you?” She asks as she holds up her dog. 
The small dog growls at Yoongi as he gives a half hearted chuckle, “Of course I do. Hi...Tiberius.” He retracts his hand harshly as the dog nips at the air.
“Let’s go get you dressed. Hmm?” Hoseok asks, hooking a hand over his shoulder. He hums to him as they walk towards his dressing room. “Please, kill me now.” He whispers fiercely, earning a loud laugh from Seok as he pushes open the door. 
Running his hands over Candy's body, he lets out a hum of appreciation. Concentrating on keeping his face steady as the camera pans upward. He pinches her nipples roughly, a gasp emitting through the set as she wiggles her hips cheekily. Would Y/N like that? Would she like his book counterpart to treat her roughly like this? Or would she want to be praised? 
"God, look at your sexy little nipples." He says aloud before slapping her breast. She whines into the camera, pulling on the handcuffs as her legs part wider. "So fucking hard for me." He comments before trailing his tongue around her stiff peaked areola. 
She keens for him and his eyes shut just to shield his eye roll. But as the room fades to black behind his eyelids, he remembers something. Nevermore watches his videos. She watches to get ideas. 
His head turns to the director as he moves out of the way for the camera to take a shot of her wet pussy. "You said free script?" He asks him.
The director waves his hand agreeing before looking back at the monitor. His smirk sends Candy beneath him into a fluster. She eyes him delicately as he spreads her legs. Candy was good at this though, rolling off the cuff with whatever her co-stars do. 
Yoongi taps his palm to her pussy before rubbing slow circles on her clit. "Look at you, baby. Aching for my big cock. You remember when I met you outside of the hotel? In my leather jacket?" She whimpers at the stimulation before nodding. 
"You looked so good for me. I wanted to just tear you apart." He hums at her words before pulling his cock out of his briefs. 
"I asked if I could help you, little one. But it's you who'll be helping me. Suck my cock." He instructs as he shoves his cock towards her face. Saying the lines from Nevermore's story, acting like his book counterpart sends his nerve endings aflame. 
His body tingles with satisfaction and the smile that creeps onto his face is one of pure joy as his cock enters her lips.
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Throwing yourself down onto your roommates bed, she raises an eyebrow at you before folding her arms. "What's with the face?"
"Viiii." You whine loudly before burying your head into her pillow. She scoffs gently before laying down next to you. 
"Are you stuck with your writing?" You whinge loudly in agreement before rolling on to your back. 
Twirling her hair around her finger, she snorts gently before leaning against the headrest of her bed. "What part are you on? Hurry up Taehyung is coming over in forty minutes to take me out on a date." 
"Oh Taehyung is more important than your best friend ever that is going through a crisis?!" You faun shock as you sit up on your knees. She laughs, kicking out her feet before rolling her eyes. 
"No. Well...He has a big dick so getting dicked down might be more important but anyway, back to your crisis." Your lips sputter as you giggle before crossing your legs beneath you.
"She's going to have sex with Min Yoongi." You tell her and she hums before tilting her head.
"And? Your smut is hot. Just do what you always do. Fuck her till she's crying." She states plainly and you can't help but chortle at her words.
"But he's a fucking porn star. I don't know how to just-" You intertwine your fingers before smacking them together repeatedly.
"Okay, the word is cohesion. Whatever the fuck that is you think your doing- is gross so please stop that." You pout at her and she pokes your nose before grabbing her laptop with a gentle grunt. 
"Let's get some ideas for your dirty sex romp." She whispers before opening up the laptop.
Skimming through the videos, the thumbnails make your eyes go wide. "How does she do that?!" Viola asks loudly before trying to pick up her leg and put it behind her head.
"Seems like the work of the devil." You murmur before continuing to scroll. 
"Look! A new one! 'Cuffs and Leather.' Sounds lethal." She wiggles her eyebrows at you and you nudge her with a laugh before opening up the video.
Right off the bat it's filthy. And, you can't help the way your body leans in as his hand grazes over her bare sides. "God, his voice is so rich and dreamy." Your roommate comments as he tells her how pretty her nipples are.
Your thighs press together unconsciously before tilting your head. His eyes seem alight with mischief as they look deeply into the camera. It makes something inside of you stir almost innately. "She's pretty." Viola whispers before leaning back against the headrest.
"Look at you, baby. Aching for my big cock. You remember when I met you outside of the hotel? In my leather jacket?" Those words send your heart lurching.
"No fucking way." Viola yells as she sits up quickly. Your head whips to her as your eyes go wide. 
"No way. No FUCKING way!" She screams before cupping her mouth.
"I asked if I could help you, little one. But it's you who'll be helping me. Suck my cock." His voice, the teasing tone sends you rigid. Your throat dries up and all you emit is a squeak as Viola slaps her fingers onto the spacebar pausing the video.
"Oh my FUCKING GOD. Y/N!" Her screams sound foggy to your ears as your heartbeat begins to fill the void of noise. He's seen it. He's fucking READ it. 
Your face goes red as you stare at the screen. Your left eye begins to twitch as Vi presses her hands to your shoulders and shakes you. Her squeals bring you back to reality and you cover your face with your hands. "That's so amazing! He's read Take One!" She cheers happily and you begin to feel sick.
Your stomach rolls, a cold sweat creeping onto your skin as you put your hand to your forehead. "No." You whisper to yourself before laying back onto her plethora of pillows.
"Yes! This is incredible!"
"No." It's weaker this time as she straddles you. Jumping up and down happily and your body moves freely atop the mattress like a limp noodle. 
"Y/N! What are you going to do?!" She squeals as she shakes you around.
"Delete it." You say before looking up at her. She stops for a second before going wide eyed. 
"What?! Delete it?! No! What're you talking about?!" She says quickly as you grab your phone from her bedside table.
"I have to delete it. This is embarrassing. I mean, he has read something I made for myself and-" You go to unlock your phone and Viola scoffs loudly. 
"No! Give me the phone." She says loudly and you begin to wrestle atop her mattress.
"I HAVE TO DELETE IT. HE SAW WHAT I WROTE! I USED MY OWN NAME IN A FIC!" You yell out as you pin her beneath you. But, she has the grip of a strong barbarian as she shoves your phone down her tank top.
"No! If he didn't like it he would have just ignored it! But, if he had enough balls to put it in a porn! Then you know, he likes it! And he doesn't know your name!" She says. 
You grimace at your phone in her shirt before folding your arms. Maybe she was right. Maybe, he did like it. "So what am I supposed to do?" You ask her as she pushes you off of her. 
Flipping her hair over her shoulder, she leans in. Fingertip pressing to the tip of your nose as she smirks. "You're going to write the hottest smut in existence and send Min Yoongi, the porn star cumming in his expensive Dior briefs." She says before fishing your phone out of her shirt and throwing it at you.
"That's disgusting." You whine as you wipe your phone. She shrugs before popping a piece of gum into her mouth.
"You've written sex scenes where men run an actual fucking train on a girl and she's covered in like four different types of cum. Get over it." She says before blowing a bubble. You roll your eyes at her before looking back down at the scene. 
He wouldn't have said something if he didn't like it. He would have just gone on with life as it were. "Now go write your cute little brain away." She says before shooing you out of her room.
"What're you going to do?" You ask as you jump out of her bed.
"Get ready to get fucked by Taehyung. Duh." She says before rifling through her closet. 
With a snort you shut the door behind you before sighing loudly. "Okay, Yoongi. It's on." You whisper before cracking your knuckles and walking towards your bedroom.
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Yoongi throws himself on his bed. The California King size is way too large for him. It's seen only him for years now and he can't seem to get as comfortable in the constantly cold sheets like he used to.
Propping his pillows up, he leans against the headboard. Tuesday, the greatest day of the week has arrived. He wonders if you've seen the video that was just released. Did you hate it? Were you too caught up to watch it? He has so many questions that he could speak outwardly just to fall on deaf ears and stagnant air. 
Opening up today's chapter, his eyes scan the regular genre and warnings. But the author's note-- that catches his eye.
Author's Note: I SEE that someone really enjoyed the first chapter of TO and for that...I'm very grateful.
He clears his throat loudly before sighing. The smile that radiates off his face would blind even the most ardent sun lover. His fingers tremble, heart beating voraciously inside of his chest. It takes him a second before he's ready to continue on.
"She saw it." He whispers to himself before sniffing gently.
Crossing his feet he scrolls down the page. Eyes reading the words so fast due to sheer excitement that he has to read them over again to absorb their meaning.
It was the coldest of nights when he invited you back to his hotel room. You knew he was only going to be around for so long and you felt the pressing need to see him for as long as you could. 
You had always made fun of coffee dates. Always joking and jeering with the ever so clever roommate you heartily loved. Ana was your rock in a very baron land. She implored you to go on the date with him anyway, knowing his career and who he was. Maybe he would be different than every other man, or maybe he would just be the best lay.
"You thought coffee was only for cheapskates, huh?" Yoongi asks as he ushers you into the hotel room.
With a giggle you past the entrance, "Something me and my roommate Ana have said before." 
He hums understanding before closing the door behind him. "I don't want you to get the wrong idea. Just because I have the job I do, doesn't mean that I invited you back here to fuck." He says as you shrug off your coat.
He graciously takes it before hanging it on the door hook. "When will I ever get to fuck the esteemed Min Yoongi again?" You quip back to him as you fold your arms.
His smile dazzles you. Sets your breathing irregular as he cards his fingers through his black hair. "Oh, little one. Quite often I hope." He whispers before stepping towards you.
His hands press to your sides, caressing them gently as his head tilts to the side. Cinnamon brown irises flitting from here to there as he drinks you in. His pupils begin to widen, like molten hot tar spreading over the Earth. "I enjoy spending time with you. And, I'm okay with doing just that." He whispers, running his thumb over your bottom lip slowly. 
The smooth pad of his thumb sends your stomach alight with something akin to fire. Burning hot and bright inside of you, you step closer to him. "And I'm okay with being here. With you." 
He takes your words as a confirmation. Pressing his lips eagerly to yours, you find yourself melting in his strong arms. Lips collide, tongues lashing out at one another as you grip tightly at his biceps. 
It's your earnest whimper that sends him into action. His greedy hands grabbing at your thighs before hauling you up easily. "God, your lips are so soft. I bet they'll feel like heaven around my cock." He whispers against you.
His feet pad slowly across the granite floor before you're pressed up against the grey wall of his hotel room. Your fingers knit into his black hair, tugging gently as you angle his face higher. Nipping at your bottom lip, he suckles once coaxing a sweet moan from your throat. "Fuck." He growls as your legs wrap around his waist.
Yoongi chuckles to himself before pulling his erect cock from his briefs. "What're you playing at Nevermore?" He murmurs as his thumb slowly drifts over the reddened tip of his cock. 
His lips trail over your cheek, the kisses erupting a lava like pool within your stomach. Your lips part for air as he suckles away at your collarbone, leaving cherry blossom petals in his wake. "You're incredible." He says, before pulling down the low cupped shirt you wear.
Your breasts spring out, pushed up by the cups and he lets out a wanton groan at the sight. "God, look at your sexy nipples."
He lets out a breathy laugh, fist beginning to jerk at his cock faster. His tongue licks over his lips before moaning. "Oh fuck. She really watched it. So hot." He whispers to the still air of his room. Even with lust filled eyes, he pays attention to every written word. Gasping gently at each moment as he reads it through. 
His lips, colder now against your heated skin, drift over the valley of your breasts. Stopping over each areola to pluck at your stiff nipples. Your gasps elicit the only reaction worthy, his hips thrusting against you with each sound. "Shit." He curses before suckling harshly at the sensitive skin. 
His tongue flicks so fast against your stiff peaks that your head lolls back with heady wanting. It's in this moment that his name rolls off of your tongue. He stops for a second, fingers kneading at your ass before smirking. "Say it again." He commands through gritted teeth before slapping the thick globes beneath his palms.
"Y-Yoongi." You whimper out and his eyes roll back before latching onto your attended breast. His hands bunch up your skirt tugging roughly at the fabric. "You wet for me? Hmm?" 
His fingers dip between your asscheeks, feeling at the fabric of your panties. Your breath hitches as he pushes them aside. Running his fingertips over your folds, you whine out his name. "You're soaked, little one. Jesus." He thrusts a finger into you without warning-
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Yoongi chants as his cock throbs in hand. His phone clatters to the pillow beside his face as his eyes screw shut. "Oh Christ!" He whines loudly before cumming. 
In a sea of stars, he sees the image of Y/N so clearly as he orgasms. Ropes of cum smatter onto his raggedly breathing chest. He gasps loudly before tilting his head to his phone. "Fuck. She's good." He whispers before looking down at his chest and throwing his head back to his pillow.
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Yoongi groans loudly as he sits down on set. The Americano in his hand getting cooler by the second as he skims through the script for what seems like the hundredth time. 
"Hoseok tells me you have suggestions." Namjoon, the director says. Yoongi smirks at him before nodding. He holds his hand out to his manager who grunts gently. With a sigh he hands Yoongi the packet of papers before shaking his head.
"This. This is gold. Just read it." He tells the director as he hands him the packet. His thumb skims over the pages before giving a defeated sigh. 
"Okay. I'll read it." He says before looking over at Yoongi's co-star. She smiles briefly, nodding in his direction and he feels a sense of calmness.
His co-star today was one of the better ones. She was sweet, naturally pretty and fun to have banter with. "Lin. Hey." He calls to her as the director skims through the packet.
"Hey Yoongs!" She cheers. Walking over, he finds himself staring at her. She would make a good Y/N, most of the things described in Take One would fit her nicely. She leans against his chair casually before running her fingers through her hair. 
"I heard we might be switching it up." She points her thumb backwards to Namjoon as he continues to read.
"Yeah. I just...read this idea somewhere and I thought it was great." Yoongi announces to her as Hoseok grabs her a chair. 
Sitting down she nods calmly, "What's it about?" 
"Steamy first date sex. Coming back after a coffee date and just fucking up against the wall. It was pretty hot." He admits, thinking back to the sheer amount of cum that landed on his chest because of it.
"You have the arm strength to hold me up?" Lindy jokes as she pushes him with her shoulder.
"You still have those thighs of steel? I might need your help on this one." She gives a laugh before turning her attention to the director. 
"Genius." Namjoon comments as he smacks his palm to the top page of the packet, "Let's do it." 
Yoongi smiles widely before looking at Lindy as she grabs the packet. 
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"You're soaked little one. Jesus." Yoongi mumbles against Lindy's neck as he thrusts a finger in without warning. She moans loudly, eyes screwing shut as he expertly curls his finger within her.
His cock was so hard already, knowing you would watch this and knowing that it's from your book. Lindy was quick at learning the lines, expertly acting as the perfect Y/N he could only hope for. 
"Fuck!" She curses, nails gently scraping down his arms. He groans gently, suckling at the column of her throat as he adds a second finger. 
"Your pretty pussy is so tight." He says as he scissors her open, her arousal practically dripping down his hand. 
"Y-Yoongi." The gentle tone in her voice makes his arms quake. Y/N would whimper for him like this he bets. 
Picking her back up off of the wall, Lindy discards her top. It's almost feverishly fast how his lips attach to her nipple. Groping at the skin of her ass, kneading roughly he spanks her hard. She gasps loudly, breasts thrusting towards his face. 
"Once I saw you, I only wanted this. To feel you in my hands like putty. To-" He scissors her pussy open wider for his cock, "-To feel your soaked cunt stretch around my big cock." 
His hand leaves her cunt only to unbutton his jeans. She kisses down his neck, nipping gently at the skin in her euphoric pleasure. "I want your big cock inside of me." 
He groans at her words, pressing her harder into the wall. Cock springing out, he coats the underside in her arousal before lifting her easily by her thighs. "Thighs of steel, get ready." He jokes, almost silently into Lindy's ear and he can hear a gentle snort in reply. 
He positions her entrance above his cock before pressing his lips to hers. The kiss is heated, tongues tangling with one another as he slowly sets her down. Her mouth opens wider at the stretch, his teeth biting and pulling at her bottom lip with a moan. 
"God, you're fucking tight." He mumbles as her hands snake around his neck. 
He was in his element now. Thinking of the book and becoming his book counterpart. Knowing just how crazed Yoongi in the texts becomes at the feel of Y/N's pussy on him. He could practically cum right now on the spot and it sends him into a pleased fury. 
"Y/N." He whispers, closing his eyes. He doesn't realize what he has said until Lindy leans in to him. 
"Easy now, big guy. Don't put your girlfriends name in." His eyes snap open before clearing his throat. 
"Sorry, Lin." He says before thrusting roughly within her. Her hands scramble to grip him tighter as he begins to fuck her for all she's worth.
"Goddammit! You feel so fucking good! Oh shit!" He whines loudly and his eyes flutter shut as he pictures Y/N on his cock. 
Teeth gritting, he rolls his hips filling every nook and cranny of her cunt. She was the perfect vessel for this, transporting him to a cloud high above nine as he bulldozes himself inside of her. Every sound, Lin's gasps and moans send him on the right track of hearing Y/N's voice. She was practically alive off the page for him. 
"Fuck! Your cock feels so good!" She whines as he lifts her hips off of the wall. His tongue licks over his lips as his cock impales her deeper. 
"Rub your clit for me, little one." Bunching up her skirt, she rubs at her clit and he can feel his cock already throbbing. He should keep himself at bay, finish the scene but this was the first time he would be finishing inside someone in almost two years. He can't pass this up.
"Yoongs." Lindy warns as he presses his lips into a straight line. 
"God, little one. You're going to make me cum, your pussy feels too fucking good." He skipped a bunch of lines to get to this one. He can't bring himself to feel sorry though as white hot pleasure courses through him. He could see her behind his shielded eyes, could see Y/N drooling for his big cock as he fucks her. He could hear her whimpers and moans as he fucks her open. 
He could feel Lin's fingers moving in frenzied circles to get off on him and he chokes on a moan as he buries his face into her neck. "Y/N. Fuck. Your pussy is so amazing. Oh, God!" He whines as his cock throbs wildly within her begging for release.
In her heady pleasure, she forgoes chiding him. Instead, she orgasms loudly. Moans ricocheting off the walls of the set as her pussy clamps around his huge cock. "Y/N! Oh shit!" He gasps out loudly as his thighs lock.
He doesn't notice the camera panning to where they're conjoined. He certainly doesn't notice how much he babbles Y/N's name. Lin runs her fingers through his hair, tugging roughly and that's all it takes before he's stuttering inside of her. 
"Oh SHIT!" He yells out as his cock gives a final twitch of pleasure. He cums hard, arms and thighs shaking as her pussy becomes painted white with his seed. Her thighs clamp around him, holding herself up as he practically goes limp before her. His eyes fill with pleasurable tears and he brings himself back to reality to hold her to the wall.
Pulling out of her gently, he finds it immensely satisfying to see his cum finally leak from a pussy after so long. He moves out of the way of the camera before running his fingers through his hair. "Oh fuck." He murmurs realizing now what he's said in his hedonistic pleasure.
"Please cut out Y/N's name." He tells Namjoon who simply nods as Lindy spreads her pussy lips for the camera. She sticks her tongue out at Yoongi and he gives an exhausted chuckle before closing his eyes. Nevermore is the first person to make him cum like this in years.
"You alright?" Lin asks as the prep team cleans her up. Yoongi sighs happily before nodding to her. 
"Oh yeah, I'm great. Sorry I said her name during that." He tells her and she scoffs before rolling her eyes.
"Don't apologize. It felt good to be Y/N." She says before kissing his cheek. 
It felt really good to be Yoongi too.
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Sitting down in your living room, it's become a ritual now-- or so Viola says, to watch every new porn Min Yoongi puts out. "This is the most canon like thing that's ever happened in my lifetime." Vi says as she throws herself down beside you. 
She scrolls through the new video playlist before casting it onto your television. Opening a bag of chips, she holds it out to you. 
"I'll probably choke." You murmur as you settle in to watch the new video. She snorts loudly before munching on a chip. 
"This is so exciting. You know, I cancelled a date with Taehyung for this." She informs you before pressing play. Placing a pillow on your lap you bury your chin into the soft fabric before tilting your head to her.
"What's the name of this one?" 
"'Cheap dates.'" She says before throwing the remote onto the coffee table and giving the screen her undivided attention.
"You're soaked little one. Jesus." Yoongi whispers and the embarrassed laugh that bubbles forward is almost ridiculous. You bury your face into the pillow and you get a quick swat on your arm from your best friend reprimanding you.
"Pay attention! He's fingering her." You laugh louder now, picking your head up slowly. 
It's almost like a fever dream. Watching him reenact the scenes you've so earnestly written. After the initial shock and horror of it all, it kind of became flattering. Knowing that he was so into it. There was something inside of you stirring. 
"Goddammit. You feel so fucking good." You say right before he says his line. The overwhelming sense of pride you feel while watching this makes your heart swell. It’s almost as if he was your greatest supporter. It’s a deeper understanding of knowing how connected you are just by the words you write. 
“It really is exactly like the second chapter.” Viola says. Her voice rips you out of your day dream like state. 
You watch as Yoongi becomes almost animalistic, driving himself into the woman wrapped around him. It stirs you, your thighs pressing together inherently as your lips part. 
“He seems like he’s real into it. Look at him.” Your best friend murmurs and you can’t deny her words as he skips half of the scene in his deep seated pleasure. As he buries his face in her neck you can hear his soft grunting and babbling like there’s no tomorrow.
“Y/N.” The end of your name gets tapered off quickly and you sit up quickly at his moan. Your pussy clenches around nothingness, head turning to your roommate as her jaw drops wide open.
“Did you just hear him s-” Your voice is cut off by hers as she leans in to look at the television.
“Oh yeah.” She whispers before covering her mouth with her hand. 
It’s an awkward silence as he finishes his scene. Heart racing at the speed of sound. Your palms begin to sweat as you stare at his lusty haze. Watching his arms and legs shake with bouts of euphoria. “Y/N. This is… I mean… He’s thinking of you when he fucks someone else.” Vi whispers.
“No. He’s thinking of the book character. I’m just Nevermore to him.” You feel a sense of overwhelming pride as he gently sets his co-star down on the ground. Her pussy creams with his cum before the video ends and you find your body hurtling itself back into the couch with a sigh. 
“Post a selfie.” Viola says quickly before throwing your phone into your lap. Your head turns to her in confusion as she waves her arms wildly. 
“What?!” Your voice is exasperated as she moves her hands faster. 
“Post a selfie on your blog and as soon as he likes the post then just take it down.” She says before unlocking your phone for you. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion, not truly understanding what she’s trying to get at.
“Because you’re fucking hot and he needs to know what you look like! Just trust me! Did I get the hottest guy in a four mile radius to talk to me by just posting a selfie?” You nod slowly to her and she winks at you.
“Trust me. Just do it.” You shrug before opening up your camera. 
“Pull these babies out.” Viola says as she pulls down your tank top to show your cleavage and you narrow your eyes at her as she shifts you around before humming to herself.
Fixing your hair, you tilt your head and she tuts her tongue beside you. “Just lips and tits.” She tells you and you sigh gently.
“Why?” You ask again.
“Because your eyes are the element of surprise. Just listen to me for once in your life, please.” 
Sighing loudly you do as told, taking a picture of your lips and the curvature of your cleavage. Viola hooks her chin over your shoulder before smiling. “Wow, your boobs look great.” She comments before patting your upper back. 
Opening up Tumblr, you attach the photo before looking at Vi. She grabs the phone before smirking and you read over her shoulder as she types in a comment.
Feeling like Y/N today!
You snort as she posts it, breath catching in your throat as she replays the porn video. 
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“What’re you going to do after the shoot?” Yoongi asks his manager as he slings his leather jacket over his shoulders in one smooth motion. He watches Hoseok shift from foot to foot awkwardly. Raising an eyebrow, he leans against the door jamb waiting patiently for a response. 
“I’m actually going out with Lindy today. We...um...Started talking after your last shoot.” Hoseok mumbles. 
Yoongi gives him a gummy smile before clapping him on the back. “Have fun. She’s really nice, seriously.” 
Pulling out his phone, Yoongi takes into account how Hoseok smiles to himself before fixing his clothes. It’ll be good for him to go out with someone. Yoongi knows exactly what it’s like to be lonely. “I’ll head out first then.” Hoseok tells him as he opens up his Tumblr app.
“Have fun, go fuck her so hard she’ll feel it in her kidneys or whatever you say.” Hoseok snorts at his words before tapping his hand against the door frame as he leaves. Picking up his shoulder bag, the first thing he thinks is if Nevermore has watched his latest video.
He hasn’t seen it but he never watches his works after they’re released. There’s something truly cringey about it. Since it was Sunday, a new chapter of Bjorn and Kyla is out. The second to last chapter which seems almost heart wrenching before remembering he has his own story that has only just begun. Clicking on her profile, his legs quake at the image. 
“Oh shit.” He whispers at her selfie. 
She was all natural. No botox like he’s used to seeing. No breast implants. Just Nevermore. And from what he could see, she was right up his alley. There was a small seam between her tank top and breast showing black lace from her bra. His bottom lip finds itself tucked between his teeth as he leans against the door frame. God, she looks cute. Her lips are parted and he imagines his tongue dipping between them, caressing the pink petals. 
His pants begin to tighten and he locks his phone without a second thought.
Getting home for him was almost a blur. Nevermore's lips and chest constantly in the forefront of his brain. Her lips just gently parted as they were, they seemed to hold an innocence to them that intrigued him. She writes such glorious works, the filthiest of sex scenes and she still had this air of innocence. He was so enraptured by a quick glimpse of a photo that he was even wondering if he himself were changing. Changing into a man who wished for something deeper, something fulfilling. 
Throwing himself down on his couch, he unlocks his phone. Her picture was gone from his dashboard and he sighs gently. 
"Damn." He whispers before refreshing the page again. Just a single post from her. Just one line that sent his lips into a full on smile.
Just a taste for you.
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It was kind of exciting. This backhanded flirting that you two have gotten yourselves into over a mere book. You would write and he would act. He would moan your name, close his eyes and dream as if he was inside your book. You would write with the intention to see him act it out. 
Yoongi sips his coffee, the first Tuesday he's had off in a long time does not come without excitement. Refreshing your blog, he tilts his head at the new chapter. "What're we getting into today." He whispers before leaning back in his chair.
Softly his fingertips caress your skin, eyes alight with wondrous emotions as you stare at each other in the grandiose bed. The morning sun alerts you, it's golden rays peeking in the window as if to chide you for not having slept all night long.
"I think I love you." Yoongi admits, his voice deep with tiredness as his arm encircles your waist. You begin to smile, eyes creasing with delight. Running your fingers through his black hair, you feel his lips against your shoulder.
"I think I love you too." You whisper before giggling as he straddles you.
"Let me make love to you and show you-" 
"Oh God." Yoongi mumbles as he sets down his coffee. Love? God, what even is that? Now he really wishes that he was like his book counterpart. So sure and sound with himself that he could venture out to find love with other people. It almost nauseates him as he continues reading. Jealousy creeping up inside of him like venom. 
Nevermore's beautifully written words make him seem devoid of feeling anything at all. He wants to be this Yoongi, so badly it's almost eating him alive.
His fingers press the backspace before opening up the messenger page. Clicking on her name he tilts his head as his fingers fly over the keyboard.
Min1993: I don't make love, Nevermore.
Sending the message, he hums to himself. Before he can pick up his coffee he widens his eyes. "Oh fuck! You idiot what did you do?!" He yells before trying to will his phone to unsend the message.
With an exasperated sigh, he throws his arms up annoyed with himself. Shoving his phone away, he buries his face in his arms before scoffing.
"I don't make love." He mocks himself before closing his eyes.
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"VIOLA GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!" The screech that emits from you earns a clattering in the kitchen and wild cursing. You stand up from your phone as if it has caught fire, both of your hands slapping over your mouth. Your eyes widen at the message, the five words on the screen feel as if they're stabbing you.
"What?!" Viola yells as she stomps into your bedroom. With shaking hands, you point at your phone before swallowing. She hip checks you out the way, drying her hands on the kitchen towel. 
"I just broke the ceramic dish me and Taehyung made at the pott- OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!" She screams as she drops the towel. She jumps on your bed, picking up your phone and you close your eyes. 
Writing for him and seeing what he does is one thing. Getting a message from him is clearly another thing altogether. It's with a shaky sigh that you run your hands over your face. 
"He messaged you. I can't believe it and-" She looks over the message before smirking, "He's flirting with you."
With a scoff you look up at the ceiling. Your eyes drift from here to there, not focusing on anything with certainty. Drifting past one of his porns randomly had gotten you here? Flirting with one of the hottest men you'd ever seen in your life. This was like fiction in and of itself. Pushing past your insecurities, your insides clamor with excitement. Arms and legs shaking with adrenaline. 
"Go on! Answer him!" Vi says before pulling you down to sit next to her. Your hands quiver as you take the phone from her, thumbs nervously shivering above the keyboard.
NevermoreWrites: Then what do you do, Yoongi?
"God, imagine if he asks you out on a date? Imagine he fucks you?" She asks, getting comfortable on your bed. 
Her voice falls on deaf ears as you stare at the phone. That nervous niggling beginning to eat at you again. This banter that you'll begin to engage in, where will it lead you? If he wants to meet, you would dare show your face to him? Even after describing Y/N in the books exactly like yourself? 
The insanely loud pop of the Tumblr messenger goes off and you jump from your nervous spell to look at your phone. 
Min1993: I would love to give you some pointers. If you'd be interested. I think myself more of a Bjorn than anything else.
You gasp gently, sending Viola scrambling into your lap. He's read your other books before? Oh God! 
"Amazing! He's amazing! It's official and he has a huge cock!" Viola says before slapping her thighs in a defeated manner.
NevermoreWrites: A Bjorn? Wow, I'm impressed. 
You run your sweaty hands over the knees of your sweatpants. You tilt your head to Viola as she smiles widely. 
Min1993: I've been a fan for a long time Nevermore. Seriously, I have ideas. Give me a call 3721-8724.
Both of you in your room lowly whistle at the same time before laying back on your bed. Your heart beat fills your ears as your roommate giggles. You lay silently for a while before turning to look at one another. 
"So you gonna call him?" She asks quietly as you put your hand over your heart.
"Mhm." You hum to her before beginning to smile. Maybe this project that you began for just yourself is turning into something even bigger than you could ever imagine.
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Yoongi doesn't do nervous. He hasn't been nervous since his first audition where he had to have his cock measured. But now, waiting for your phone call, he finds himself incredibly nervous.
Throwing the fourth empty water bottle in the trash, he paces around his kitchen. Even after drinking so much water, his mouth still felt dry. He even put on nice clothes for a phone call. "Something is wrong with me." He whispers to his empty apartment.
This woman, that he's waiting on. The woman he's been a fan of for so long now is going to call him. And, he hopes to the new gods and the old that he doesn't make a fool of himself. Pacing the granite floor of the kitchen, he wills himself to keep his eyes off his phone. Staring at the clock of his oven instead as seconds feel like years. 
It's the ringtone that makes him jump. Knocking over the container of kitchen tools on his counter, he curses before picking up his phone. Taking a deep breath, he answers the call.
"Hello?" His voice is steady, which he is grateful for. But the way his chest vibrates with anxiousness makes him grimace.
"Hi." Your voice is soft. Sending shivers down his spine as he leans against the marble countertop. Your voice sounds so sweet to his ears. 
"Nevermore." The word becomes breathless as he begins to smile.
God, his name from your lips is gold. Shoving off of the counter, his heart finds its regular rhythm. His feet pad to the living room before flopping onto the couch with a sigh.
"I am a big fan of your work." He admits to you. You giggle at his compliment, sending butterflies aflutter in his gut.
“And I am a big fan of your work.” He gives a devious chuckle, his arm finding its way beneath his head as he gets comfortable.
“God, this is nerve wracking.” You say and he can hear your breathless laugh behind it.
The image of your lips, parted ever so slightly and your cleavage come to mind. Swiping his tongue over his lips, he doesn’t find it odd how at ease he has already begun to feel.
“I thought the same thing, but your voice is very calming.” Even without seeing you, he likes to think you’re smiling as widely as he is at his words. 
“Yours too.” You whisper and he can hear shuffling on the other end of the line.
“I really am a big fan. I’ve read all of your books before even seeing that you were writing a series about me.” His fingers play with the hem of his charcoal grey button up shirt as he stares at the ceiling.
“Did I get anything right so far?” You ask him quietly. Your voice was as eloquent as your writing. Every word sounded like a song he never could tire from.
“Some things. I’m a fan of the Yoongi in your book. He’s much braver than me, I like how you portray me. Far better than myself, I’m sure.” He hears you snort gently and he chuckles in return.
“Just because you fuck as a job, doesn’t mean you aren’t human.” You tell him. And, the curse that slips past your lips begins to stir something inside of him.
“You did however get something wrong.” He murmurs, his voice becoming a bit more gravelly as he runs his hand over his chest. The gasp you take, the quick sound has his tongue slowly traipsing along his lower lip as he begins to smirk.
“What did I get wrong?” You ask and the nervousness bubbles through easily. Clearing your throat, he takes that second to chuckle to himself.
“Oh, Nevermore. I don’t make love. I fuck every way till Sunday.” His voice is smooth as velvet, and he finds his cock beginning to stir in his jeans.
“Oh God.” Your voice is faint and you sound like you’re about to pass out.
“I can stop. Or I can show you my ideas on how to make it feel more like me. If you want, we can always just talk about Bjorn or Kyla. What the last chapter is going to be about next week.” He says quickly, hoping he didn’t give you the impression that all he wants is to have phone sex. Because, in all honesty, he doesn’t. He wants to get to know you. Wants to know how your wonderful brain can write such amazing, illuminating things. But, the prospect of you all for him right now is something he cannot pass up.
“No...No. I just haven’t done something like this in a long time.” You admit with a laugh. He chuckles to himself before pulling his arm out from beneath his head.
“We’ll take it slow.” He murmurs before hearing your hum of agreeing.
“Tell me your name. Please.” He hears your unsure hum and he tilts his head. Forehead resting to the couch cushion as he practically feels your hesitant stutter.
“Or don’t. I can call you Nevermore.” He says quickly, hoping to not ruin the mood.
“Y/N.” You whisper.
He chuckles at this. Eyes closing before sniffing. But, you don’t laugh along with him.
“Y/N? Like in the book?” He asks humorously. 
“Yes. Like in the books. My name is Y/N.” Your voice is devoid of any playfulness. Yoongi sits up quickly, fingers carding through his black hair as he nods. You were deathly serious. But, it doesn’t put him off. No. If anything his cock strains harder against the unforgiving tightness of his jeans. With a sigh, he unbuttons them before licking his lips. 
“Fuck. That’s hot.” He announces and the breath of relief you give makes him lay back down. 
“It was supposed to be for me and my readers… I-I never thought that you would re-”
“Y/N.” His voice is quick as he cuts you off, “Shall we begin, little one?”
He can hear your sweet low whine before you hum in agreement. Unbuttoning his shirt slowly, he lets his fingers drift over the smooth skin of his chest.
“You got my cock real hard over here, baby. I’m thinking about that cute little picture you posted for me.” He whispers as he unzips his jeans. 
“Did you like it?” The softness of your voice sends his nerves wrought with excitement.
“Fuck yes. You should have kept it up just a little longer. I was getting hard in public over your little slutty display.” Your gasp elicits a groan from his throat. 
“I wanted you to see how much I appreciated you using my scene in one of your movies.” He finds it cute that you don’t use the word porn like it isn’t something he does almost every day. 
“You can show me now how much you appreciate it. What’re you wearing?” He asks as he tugs off his jeans, throwing them over the lip of the couch without a care. 
“I’m wearing just panties and a t-shirt.” You reply and he groans louder at the thought.
“Fuck. You’re going to take everything off for me, do you understand?” He asks as he discards his button up shirt to the floor.
“Yes.” He curses quietly at your submissive answer before pulling his cock out of his briefs. 
“Your lips looked so pretty parted like that. I want them around my cock.” His hand shakes as he reaches for the length of his cock. Precum beginning to pool at the slit as you keen on the other end of the phone. 
“I’ve wanted to feel you all over me since I first saw your videos.” You admit to him.
“Fuck, I bet you do baby. Touch your nipples for me.” 
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With a gentle gasp, you reach for your breasts. Your breath is hitched as you cup them in hand. “Roll your nipple with your fingers and pinch.” He instructs you and your hips bow off the bed at his request.
God, how were you here doing this right now? With him? THE Min Yoongi having phone sex with you. 
Whimpering, you roll your nipples between your fingertips. “I bet you look so pretty playing with your tits, little one.” The use of the pet name that you wrote for him sends you into a frenzy. Stomach unfurling with lava like heat as your legs spread wider on the bed.
“Yoongi, please. I need more.” You beg. The devilish chuckle he gives has liquid arousal seeping out of you towards the mattress.
“You need more? You’ve already seen my cock. I need to picture what your sweet cunt would feel like around me. How you would beg me to fuck you so hard you wouldn’t be able to walk the next day.” You pant at his words, breath devoid in your chest as your toes curl.
“Touch your aching pussy for me, then.” He whispers and you hear his breath hitch on the other end of the line. Your hand dips down your stomach, all the while your fingers continue to pinch and roll your nipples. 
Spreading your pussy lips, you’ve surely never felt yourself this wet before. “My pussy is so wet for you.” 
“Jesus, fuck.” He mutters out and you try to imagine how he looks right now. Laying down with his bottom lip clasped between his teeth. Droplets of sweat sticking to his black sideburns. “I bet your pussy is nice and swollen, hmm? Your clit is probably real sensitive, begging to be touched. Why don’t you rub your clit for me, little one?” 
Doing as told you run your middle finger around your clit in gentle circles. Pressing your lips into a straight line you whimper out quietly. He tuts his tongue in a way that makes your eyes roll back. “Who told you to keep quiet? I want to hear you, Y/N.” 
“Fuck.” You mumble through gritted teeth. Hearing your name actually fall from his lips as he pleases himself, knowing it’s really you who he’s giving his pleasure to makes you moan louder. 
“That’s it. Fuck, you sound so hot. How wet are you for me? Put a finger in your cunt.” With a whine, you do as told. Running your fingers down your sodden lips before entering a finger into yourself. Grabbing your phone off the pillow beside you, you place the phone between your legs as you thrust your finger into yourself. 
The moan he gives is almost hedonistically evil, “Another.” 
Pushing the second finger in, the sounds of your soaked pussy emanate throughout the room and you moan his name loudly. “You’re so hot, Y/N. I swear to fucking God.” His voice sounds muffled as if he’s speaking through gritted teeth. 
“Yoongi. I want you inside me. I want you to fuck me.” He whimpers out before groaning. 
“You got me edging myself baby. You sound so fucking good.” Thrusting your fingers, you let out a yelp as you curl them to the spongy spot inside of you. 
“Take them out.” You whine in defiance as you continue to build your pleasure higher. Your eyes roll back as you squeeze at your breast, hips lifting off of the bed.
“Y/N. Take them out of your pussy. Now.” His voice demands respect and submission and with a frown you take your fingers out of yourself. 
“If you aren’t going to listen. We aren’t going to play. I’ll hang up and cum alone, is that what you want?”
“No.” You mumble to him. He hums in agreement as you pick your phone back up from between your legs.
“Put your filthy slut fingers in your mouth and suck your slick.” It’s almost mind boggling how quickly he changed roles. But, fuck, if it doesn’t get you on edge. 
Entering your fingers into your mouth, you whimper at the musky taste on your tongue. “You taste how needy you are for my large cock? Bet it tastes good, doesn’t it? Knowing that your dripping for a porn star you’re dying to fuck.” 
Whining against your fingers, your pussy clenches around nothing as he lets out a laugh. “Spank your cum slut pussy. I want to hear it.” 
Your hand shakes as you rear back before slapping your cunt. “You can do better than that, slut. Slap your filthy cunt.” 
Fuck, how is he so goddamn hot? You slap your pussy, the feeling ricocheting through you as your body jolts. Gasping loudly, you end with his name on your lips.
“That’s it. Good girl, little one. You’re so good at following directions. Play with your clit again, you must be aching.” He says and you can hear movement on the other end of the line. 
“Are you touching your cock?” You ask him.
“Fuck yes. You’re driving me insane, baby.” Your clit throbs, aching to be touched and you concede. Rubbing smooth circles, you whine his name out only to hear a string of curses from his end of the phone. 
"Tell me what you want to do to me." You beg as you continue your ministrations. 
He gives a growl and your eyes roll back at the thought of him stroking his cock to you. "I want to stretch you out on the bed, body flayed for me. Make you cum on my cock so many times you'd go stupid for me. I wanna spank your naughty little cunt for even teasing me this badly." He admits and your whimper earns another curse from him.
"I want to suck your big cock, let you use me like a cocksleeve." 
"Jesus fucking Christ." He says breathlessly. 
"Put your fingers in your pussy. Cum for me, I want to hear it." Your fingers jump at the chance, leaving your breast to play with your sodden hole. 
"I want to bend you over a fucking table and spank you so hard. Want you to drool for my cock and cum. Wanna make you cry for it." You hear faster movement on his end, his breath hitching before groaning loudly.
Entering two fingers into yourself, you keen loudly for him. Toes curling as you set an unrelenting pace. You haven't felt this sexy or turned on in so long. "Did you cum for me?" You ask sweetly before tucking your bottom lip between your teeth.
"Not yet, baby. I'm real good at keeping myself on edge. It's my job, remember. Curl your fingers to your g-spot." He tells you. 
Curling your fingers, your thighs become turse. "Yoongi! Fuck! I-I want to cum for you."
"That's it, little one. Keep going. You sound so gorgeous when you moan for me. Makes me want to please you so well."
"What else do you want to do?!" You ask quickly as the bubble inside of you begins to expand.
"What else? Baby, I want to do everything to you. Wanna suck on your sweet nipples until they're swollen and red for me. Fuck your cunt until your squirting all over me like a fucking slut. I especially want you to let me use your throat how I see fit and cut off your air with my cock. Watch you gasp for breath as you let me use you as a cocksleeve." You gasp for him, eyes screwing shut as your hips lift off the bed.
"Your pussy sounds so wet. You're making a fucking mess, I bet. I would love to lick it up. Taste your pretty litt-" You whine his name loudly, hips gyrating as you reach your precipice. "-Go ahead, little one. Cum for me."
Willing it to be so, you orgasm. Your head lolls back as your ears go deaf with white noise. You feel your cum leak out past your fingers as you fuck yourself through your orgasm. "Such a good girl." He praises as you whimper his name repeatedly. 
"Yoongi." You whine as you ride out your high.
"Still here, baby. I'm so close to cumming." He groans out.
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Fisting his cock in hand, he can hear your exhausted pants on the other end of the line. His cock throbs wildly, having been edged to completion four times already.
"I want to suck your dick so badly. Let you cum in my mouth and swallow it. Show you I'm a good girl for you." Your voice is so gentle, so fucking sweet.
"Goddamn, Y/N. I'm- Baby, fuck!" He curses as he shoves his phone up to his shoulder off of his bare stomach.
"Want you to cum in my pussy and make me lick it off your cock." The beautiful thought of his cum glazing your lips and cheeks sends his fist stuttering.
"Y/N! Shit!" He yelps out as he orgasms. He gasps loudly, eyes screwing shut as he ruts his hips into the air. Warm ropes of cum land on his stomach as he moans for you.
"Jesus. Wow." He slurs out, feeling drunk off of the pleasure. 
There's silence for a bit as you both breath heavily. Yoongi's eyes slowly open before he chuckles to himself.
"Can I tell you a secret?" He asks as he uses his boxers to wipe his stomach. You hum in agreement and the sound tickles him pink as he turns his body on the couch.
"Until I read your stuff, I couldn't cum for a long time. I was really not excited about sex anymore until I read your works." He admits to you. 
"Really? But, you seem so into your work." He feels cozy now. This pillow talk going above and beyond anything he could have imagined. 
"I haven't been for a while. This was more erotic to me then most of the women I fuck." Your silence at his words makes him question if he's said something wrong. Picking skin off of his lip with his teeth, he waits for your reply.
"That makes me feel really warm to hear that." You finally say and he lets out a breath of relief before smiling. 
"Well it's true… Listen Y/N. I'd really like to continue talking to you. To get to know you more." 
"I'd like that, too."
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"You fucking like it? Like trying to gasp for air around my cock? Hmm?" He seethes through his teeth as he thrusts his cock deeper into his co-stars throat. 
Yoongi has gotten amazing at shutting his eyes and picturing you behind his eyelids. He hasn't even seen you, yet. But, your conversations on the phone, the way you can giggle and talk for hours it was like a dream. A dream he would never want to wake up from. 
You were so real with him. Your personality is so magnetizing that it almost makes him feel like he's always known you. And in a way, he has known you. Your mind, your creativity and the way you write expressed something deep in your soul that he had always known.
The tap to his thigh makes him stop. Pulling his cock out of his co-stars mouth, he slaps it against her cheek. Smearing his precum and her spit over her face, he tugs her hair roughly before smiling. "Look at you, slut. Begging for daddy to stop when you practically got on your knees to grovel for my pleasure. What does that say about you? Hmm?" 
With a whimper she opens her mouth for him again, black mascara tinted tears streaming down her cheeks. "That's a good girl." He praises before entering his cock into her mouth. Your lips would be much better suited for the task he thinks. Remembering how you begged to let him cum in your mouth just to swallow his seed. 
"Jesus. That's it, little one." His cock throbs as her tongue swirls over the head. Pulling her closer with every thrust, his head lolls back. He wants to cum so badly. Wants to release and let the camera see his cum on his co-stars tongue knowing you'll watch it. 
"Fuck. Your slutty mouth feels so good around my cock, baby." He whispers through gritted teeth. He bets his life on it that you would whimper at the taste of his precum as your fingers dig into the skin of his thighs. That you would extend your tongue just to get every drop of his warm cum in your mouth. 
"Y/N! Fuck!" He yelps out as he orgasms. 
Disregarding the name he just said he taps her cheek roughly before pulling out. "Show me and then swallow for daddy, you slut." 
She does as told, the camera panning to her mouth before swallowing. "Good girl." He says before stepping away from the camera and her.
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"Did you like it?" He asks as he cracks open his beer. 
With a laugh you hum unsurely, "I don't know. You seemed awfully pleased to cum in her mouth."
Rolling his eyes, he sips his beer before sitting down on his couch. "You know I was picturing your mouth around me, don't be silly." 
You giggle as a reply and he can hear clacking on your end of the phone call. "What're you up to? Writing?" He asks as he puts his feet up on the coffee table. 
"Yeah. Next weeks chapter of Take One." You tell him and he smiles at your words.
"Am I going to fuck you over a table again? That was hot." He mumbles over the lip of his beer bottle. 
"No. You're making love." You say seriously. Rapid tapping enters his ears and he sighs dejectedly. 
"You know I don't do that. I don't know how." He replies.
"I watched that video of you having sex with a woman on your wedding night." He gives a breathy snort before clearing his throat.
"Yeah but I didn't love her. I was acting. Your Yoongi in Take One is seriously in love with Y/N. He gets all emotional and shit." The sound pauses and silence invades his ears. He's gotten used to your long pauses, taking them as a sign of deep thought now rather than nerve wracking. 
"I'll teach you." You finally say to him. 
His eyebrows quirk up and he leans forward on the couch at your words. "You'll teach me?"
"Yeah. I'll teach you how to make love. Teach you how to feel emotion rather than just fucking someone till they can't remember their own name." 
"If you recall, last night you couldn't remember your own name after we had phone sex." He quips back, a smirk playing on his lips. 
"I'll teach you." You tell him sternly and who is he to say no.
"Yes ma'am." He replies quietly and he can practically feel your smile through the phone. 
"How about on Thursday? Your apartment or mine?" You ask.
He shivers at the thought before running his thumb over his bottom lip. Fuck, you were amazing. "Mine. Should I buy candles? Maybe rose petals? Decorate a heart on the bed with them?" He jokes to you.
"No. Just you and your pretty cock is fine." 
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You stand in front of his front door, tilting your head at the brass numbers. You should feel more nervous that you are, you find yourself thinking. You were more excited than anything else. This is like finally seeing a lover after months of being away from one another. But, you’ve never seen each other. Only talked for long hours until the early hours of the morning. 
You feel comfortable talking with him though. Constantly finding yourself at odds with your gut as butterflies flutter endlessly within you. It just felt natural. You weren’t even that nervous for him to see you in your entirety after portraying Y/N in Take One exactly like yourself. 
Taking a deep breath you ring his doorbell. You can hear sound through the midnight blue door and your heart leaps with excitement. 
A minute feels like hours as you stand in the hallway. “Coming!” You hear faintly.
His voice is even rich and creamy through the door, sending your poor nerves on edge. You pull at the hem of your dress, teeth picking at the skin of your bottom lip.
 The door opens and you’re greeted with the handsome face you’ve only seen on screen. Breath catching in your throats, you both look each other over for a second. Taking in his black hair as it sweeps into his eyes and the black button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. “Wow.” He’s the first to speak.
“Hi.” You whisper before clearing your throat. 
He looks like someone straight off the front page of a magazine. His obvious gawking makes you feel giddy, your stomach flipping and falling like you’re on a high rollercoaster descending to the ground. 
“Hey.” He says, a smile creeping onto his face.
You notice how his arm veins protrude as he pushes the door open wider. “Come in.” 
With the flurry of excitement, you don’t really take in much of his apartment. Besides the fact that it’s clean and neat. You mainly focus on him. On the way he swings the door shut and runs his hands over his face like he’s trying to ebb away a bout of nervousness. Min Yoongi getting nervous, why you’d never think that. 
He presses his back to the door and through his black jeans you can see his thigh muscles tensing. “Wou-Would you like a glass of wine?” He asks, before rubbing his hands together. 
“Sure. That’d be great.” You say.
He nods slightly, before rushing past you and you giggle quietly as you follow him. He’s so endearing. So absolutely handsome.
Rounding the corner, your eyes fall to his dining room table and you shake your head with a laugh at the many candles that are lit. “Very funny.” You say as he steps into the kitchen.
He chuckles to himself, not making eye contact with you as he pops the cork of the wine bottle. “They’re beeswax candles for wax play.” He mumbles and you let out a laugh before leaning down to the table. 
Elbows folding in on themselves, you look over the bright colors before tilting your head to him. Everything he’s doing, every movement and action is filled with tenseness and you feel sorry that he’s so nervous. 
“Yoongs?” You ask gently. 
His head whips to you as you call his name. His smile is gummy and gorgeous as he tilts his head. “You okay?” You question as he picks up the two glasses of red wine.
He hums in agreement before taking a deep breath and handing you the glass. He seems to have an inner struggle with himself as his hand reaches for yours. Probably wondering whether or not he should take it in his own hand. You let him work through it and you’re alright when he puts his hand back down to his side. 
His fingers flex and rub against the fabric of his pants as if he made the wrong call but you don’t say anything. It’s kind of nice to see his all power, sexy demeanor lost at the sight of you. It makes this real. Makes him real.
He shuffles over to the couch and you follow. Sitting down, he stares ahead at the art installation instead of where a television would be in normal living rooms. You can see him swallow multiple times, Adam’s apple constantly bobbing before shifting a glance over to look at you. 
“Nervous?” You ask him before sipping your wine. The flavor bursts in your mouth, undertones of stone fruits and Earth invading your senses. He takes a sip himself before leaning back into the couch and throwing his arm over the top.
“Honestly? A little. You’re exactly how I pictured you.” He says over the lip of the wine glass.
“And that’s a bad thing?” You ask playfully as you cross your legs.
“No! God! No, not at all! It’s kind of amazing. You’re really beautiful. I just don’t hang out with people much. I read your stories and just stay at home by myself.” He finally makes eye contact with you.
His onyx eyes focused solely on your face. They were holding emotions far more than you thought they would. It makes your heart clench, something deep inside of you falling into a cavern without anything holding you tethered. 
“Well, you’re exactly how I pictured you too.” You jeer and he chuckles in reply. 
He seems to relax after that, molding himself into the couch naturally. And you find it surprising how much you adore his not so cocky attitude like you see in his movies. “Your eyes are very pretty.” He announces before leaning over and putting down his wine glass on the coffee table. 
As he moves you can see his upper chest and you tilt your head at the sight. A god among men, perhaps. 
You cross your ankles, outstretching your legs and his eyes flit to your thighs. He licks his lips quickly before sitting back up. “Are you nervous?” He asks as he rests his back against the arm of the couch.
“Not really. I’m more excited to finally meet you, after talking for so long.” He smirks at this before folding his arms. 
“Who would have thought that you would be the one to put me on edge?” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You ask with a laugh before taking another sip of wine. The alcohol burns nicely as it slides down your throat. Warming your stomach and your insides as he throws one leg up onto the couch bent at the knee. 
“You always seem so shy on the phone. I’m surprised it’s me that is feeling the effects so strongly of our meeting.” He says before holding up his hand as it shakes slightly. 
“I’m not shy on the phone. I’m submissive for you. That’s different.” You retort making him hum as you set down your glass of wine. 
Taking a deep breath, he looks you over once more. There’s something primal in his gaze, taking you in now like prey. He reaches forward, fingers sliding over your dress fabric. Your body turns towards him on instinct, ready for whatever he is going to offer. 
This is something you’ve come to terms with. You like him, kind of adore him actually. Talking with him on the phone, giggling and chatting for hours at a time made him seem so perfect. You were honest with one another, your connection very real.
"And are you going to be submissive for me today? If you choose to spend your time with me?" He asks quietly, the octave in his voice dropping so low you could practically feel the baritone shudder through you.
"No." You tell him confidently and he gives a short laugh before inching his way closer to you.
"And why not? You like it when I make you submit." He whispers. 
He was so close now, that his wine tainted breath fans over your face. 
With him being so close, you could see every emotion in his eyes. Every little thing calling out to you. His tongue slowly licks over his bottom lip and your groin twinges with satisfaction as he begins to smile lazily. 
"Because I came over here to teach you today." 
"Y/N." He whines. 
You watch the way his perfect lips part as he speaks your name. The way it rolls off his tongue like a plea and it makes your stomach coil. 
You press your hand against his clothed chest, feeling his pectoral muscles twitch and you feel power surge through you. He was yours to be with today, not anyone else. Not a co-star or any other person, just you. 
"Yoongi." You reply and you watch his breath catch in his throat. His eyes flutter shut and you smirk as he relaxes at your touch. 
"Say it again."
"Yoongi." He groans at the word and you sit up straighter at the effect you're having on him. It's with a simple giggle that you shove him backwards. He hits the arm of the couch with a grunt before opening his eyes.
Pupils blowing out with lust as his onyx irises gaze upon you. You crawl over his body, his hands finding their place on your thighs upon instinct. 
"I like hearing my name from you." He murmurs before showing you the column of his neck as your head bows down. 
You press your lips to his skin, the scent of fresh soap and linen breeching your nose as you give slow open mouthed kisses to his honey colored skin. His fingers dig harder into the flesh of your thighs and you could feel him trembling beneath you. 
"God, your lips. They feel so good." He whispers before swallowing thickly. 
Your hands roam over his shirt, as you suckle gently on his skin. He gasps gently, eyes fluttering shut as he holds you tightly. "I'm going to teach you." You whisper against his skin before nipping. 
His hips lift at the sting, eyebrows furrowing as he turns his head to give you more access. "Fuck." He seethes through gritted teeth. 
Your fingers begin to slowly unbutton his shirt, his hands snaking over your thighs to your hips before squeezing. "You're so fucking sexy. I knew you would look this good." He says as you lift up to unbutton properly.
"You're pretty hot yourself." You joke and he chuckles before looking back up at you. His thumb drifts over your bottom lip as he locks eyes with you. 
"You want me to feel emotion? You got it." 
Your chest puffs up at his words as you shove open his shirt. Revealing small abs and perfectly smooth skin, it's hard to find a place to focus as your eyes flit from here to there. His hands steady your hips before sitting up. 
He grabs you tightly before slinging you over his shoulder with a chuckle as he stands. "Yoongi!" You gasp out and he bends down just to pick up his wine glass. 
He chugs the contents before walking towards his bedroom. With this angle your eyes focus on his backside, every step contorting the muscles of his fit ass. Your hand reaches out for it and you feel a swat at your own backside. "Behave, little one." 
You whimper at his words, feeling arousal beginning to pool in your panties as he steps over the threshold of his room. You want to look around and take it all in but you're met with his bed first and foremost. 
Throwing you down, he runs his fingers through his hair before crawling over your body. The sheets are silk beneath you and you make out a painting on the wall before his face is in your sights. 
"What the fuck are you doing to me? Hmm? Getting me all nervous around you. Making me want to please you so well just to hear my name fall from your pretty lips." He asks as he runs his hands over your dress.
He discards his shirt and you watch his small abs flex under his taut skin with every breath. "Can I take this off?" He asks sweetly as his fingers find the zipper at the side of you.
You lift your body for him as he unzips. He groans at the sound before pressing his lips to your jaw. Sweet kisses glide over your skin and you gasp at the feeling. "I-I'm sup-supposed to be teaching you." You find the words to say as his lips trail down to your neck. 
He suckles gently at the skin, leaving pink and red rose petals in his wake. "I think I got the gist, little one." He whispers against you before nipping at your collarbone. 
Shoving your dress off of your body, he groans at the sight of you. "This is the bra you wore in that selfie, isn't it?" He asks, running his fingers over the black lace hem of the cups. 
You find it in yourself to hum in agreement as he throws your dress to the floor. You don't care how wrinkled it'll get, you can only focus on him as his hands reach for your almost bare body. 
You were making him feel something. Something he certainly isn't fucking used to. 
Knocking your legs open, he situates himself inside them. "Are you okay? Do you want to continue?" He asks for your confirmation as his hands run over your sides. 
"Yes. Fuck, yes." You whine. He chuckles before bending back down. His hands grab at your breasts, squeezing them rough enough to elicit a loud gasp from you. 
"Your skin is so soft, little one." His tongue laps over the skin atop your bra before tugging down the cups. Your breasts heave up at the action and he groans at the sight. 
"Look at your pretty nipples. Fuck." He curses before encircling your areola with his lips.
You were everything he had hoped to see. Everything he could possibly want and here, underneath him like this was sending him into overdrive. 
His hips rut in the air as he flicks at your nipple with the tip of his tongue. Rolling and squeezing your other breast in hand. Your back bows for him, gentle moans escaping your throat as your legs spread wider.
Your hands grasp at his strong shoulders. As he forsakes your nipple to leave his marks around the skin of your breast. "God, you're fucking amazing." He mumbles before moving to your other breast.
Whining his name, your hips lift up begging for more. Hooking his fingers into the sides of your panties, he slowly pulls them down. Tugging on your nipple with his lips as he leaves your core bare for him. "Spread." He instructs.
You find it arousing how he hasn't even looked down below yet. As if he's waiting to reveal it to himself like the greatest gift. Spreading your legs for him, you can feel strings of arousal breaking and snapping to your inner thighs. 
His lips trail down the valley of your breasts and your breath becomes caught in your chest. His thumbs flick at your nipples as he takes his time, kissing and suckling every inch of you. "What the fuck? Were you made for me? You're so perfect." He says before dipping his tongue into your belly button.
"Yoongi." You whimper out as your fingers find his soft locks. Tugging on it, he growls against your skin before looking up at you. 
"Keep doing that and I'm going to forget this whole love making thing and fuck you till your bow legged." He promises and you tug gently at his hair with a giggle. 
He rolls his eyes in response but you don't miss the smirk he gives. He shoves your legs open roughly and your jaw drops in excitement. He kisses at the bare mound of flesh of your pubic bone before picking his head up. His hums to himself, tongue licking over his lips. 
His bottom lip purchases between his teeth as he makes a V motion with his fingers opening your pussy lips for him. He stares lewdly at your cunt and you could see his hard cock throb through the leg of his jeans. "Look at your pretty little cunt. You're fucking dripping." He mumbles before rearing down and spitting. 
You moan at the feeling, hips thrusting into the air. 
His fingers glide over your soaked cunt. Your eyes screwing shut as he prods at your entrance with a finger. "Eyes open. Watch me." He instructs. 
Your eyes snap open as he nestles his face between your thighs. He breathes in deeply before latching his lips to your now swollen clit. 
"Oh fuck!" You whine loudly as your back bows off the bed.
His mouth was so incredibly skilled, lapping at your clit with such expertise. 
His eyes were on yours as he devours your needy pussy. 
He gives a flat stripe to your sex, before showing you the amount of arousal on his tongue and swallowing greedily. "You taste so fucking good." He mumbles before suckling at your clit again. 
You keen loudly, hands fisting tightly at his hair as he flicks the tip of his tongue to you. Your body jolts with pleasure as you mumble his name. 
Without warning he enters a finger into you. He himself moaning against your sex at the tightness of your dripping pussy. "God! Yoongi!" 
He hums in agreement before lifting up, slowly he drips his spittle from his mouth. You watch with keen eyes as it meets your cunt before he's ravaging you once more. Grinding your clit to the flat of his tongue, you feel white-hot pleasure coursing through your veins. Your skin feels aflame, your stomach tightens as you course towards the precipice. 
He curls his finger inside of you before slipping in another easily. "God look at you, so eager to cum for me, little one. So gorgeous." He praises and you whine as he lets you ride his tongue again.
He could feel his cock begging to be released from the confines of his jeans. Straining so tightly to the fabric as he precums at the sight of you losing all semblance of reality. You were gorgeously fucked out beneath him, cheeks tinged pink with arousal. He feels something stirring in his gut, something completely different than arousal. An emotion that sends him aflutter and he wonders if he's catching real, true feelings for you.
"Cum for me, baby. Cum on my tongue." 
Tugging on his hair harder, he groans against you. The vibration shoots through you as your eyes become spotty. Gasping for air, you babble his name as the tightness within you is almost too much to take. It's the image of him as he picks up his head that makes you lose it. Lips, cheeks and chin coated thickly in your arousal and you careen over the precipice as his fingers lovingly strike the soft bunch of nerves inside of you. 
You see stars as you orgasm. Hips undulating violently as your ears ring with white noise. "Goddamn." You hear from him faintly as your thighs shake.
He watches you lay so fucked out beneath him and he smiles. Yeah. He's caught fucking feelings. Moving up your body, he presses gentle kisses to your nipples before kissing you. 
Your first kiss together is wildly heated. Tongues lashing over one anothers as he caresses your cheek with his thumb. You can taste your arousal on his tongue and you whimper against him as he flips you over easily. "You're so fucking pretty." He murmurs with wonder.
Your legs straddle over him and you barely notice his hand creeping down your stomach. He rears back before slapping your pussy hard. You writhe with overstimulation, gasping loudly as your thighs lock. "Had to." He jokes before hooking his hand around your neck and pulling you down for a kiss. 
The kiss is languid now, tongues exploring each other's mouths as you unbutton his jeans. The sound of the zipper sounds so loud in the silent room and it fills you with gusto for what's to come next. 
He doesn't break the kiss as he shoves his pants down roughly. He sighs loudly into your mouth as his cock springs free from the confines of his jeans and briefs. 
You've been dying to see his cock in person. And boy, does it not disappoint. You practically gape at the size and thickness. Rose colored veins meet your gaze on his length and you find yourself practically drooling at the sight. His bulbous head is a mean shade of red as it weeps precum begging to be touched. "All for you." He says as he runs his thumb over your bottom lip.
"Me and every other porn star." You joke and he clicks his teeth at your words.
"I don't want them like I want you. I've never wanted to feel a body like yours in years. You're special to me, don't you get that? You make me feel shit. You make me cum. Nobody does that anymore, baby." Your eyes greet his as he speaks. And, you watch him earnestly pour out his emotions. You give him a sweet smile before running your hands over his chest.
He sighs at the contact before combing his hands through your hair. "I'm serious. You want me to make love to you? You got it. You want me to fuck you so hard you'll beg me to stop? You got it. Anything. Anything you want, I'm here to please you." 
Your heart swells at his words and you smile wider before grasping his cock. He gasps at your touch, hips rutting into the air before gritting his teeth. "I want to please you." You tell him.
"By all means." He mumbles as his jaw muscles flex. 
Bending down, you pepper kisses over his long length. Earning gentle groans from him as his hands make a ponytail with your hair. Your tongue laps at a trail of precum as it lazily runs down his length and he shivers in response. "Fuck." He curse before gripping tighter at your hair.
Swirling your tongue around the tip, he lets out a hiss of pleasure. The sound makes your pussy clench around nothing. "Goddamn." 
Spreading your legs wider with his hands, he rubs gentle circles onto your clit and you moan loudly as you take his length into your mouth. "Agh, Christ. Your mouth is amazing." He hisses out as you assiduously work your mouth on his cock.
Hollowing your cheeks with every suck, you feel brazen as he moans your name. "Not even some porn stars can suck cock like this. Jesus Christ!" He yelps out as he shoves your head down on his cock. Gagging around his length, he moans louder at the sound. 
Tears spring forth from your eyes as you look up at him. His bottom lip is trembling between his teeth as you run your tongue flat over the base. "That's it, baby. Just like that. Your mouth is amazing, baby girl." He praises you and you keen as he pinches your nipple. 
You whimper against his large cock, your hands gripping at his terse thighs as he lifts his hips with every head bob. He makes it a point to praise you every time you gag. Show love to your body as you cry on his cock. 
Spittle and precum stream over your chin as he begins to lose himself in the pleasure. "God, I've wanted to fuck your mouth for so long. Since you put that selfie up for me. I knew you would feel so fucking good around my cock, baby. So fucking eager to please me." His cock begins to throb as you swallow around him. Trying to get him as deep in your throat as possible. 
"Fuck yeah. Let me use you like a fucking cocksleeve." He murmurs out as your nose nestles to his bare pubic bone. He rears back before spanking your cunt again. Your body undulating at his ministrations and he holds up his hand showing you your fresh wave of arousal on his fingers. 
"Look at how horny you are for me. Fuck you're incredible." He enters his fingers into his mouth, moaning both at your taste and as he fucks his cock deeper into your throat. 
This wasn't particularly love making in a normal sense, but who gives a fuck. Right now, as he fucks your throat you can only whimper and want more. Getting so caught up in being with him that there really wasn't anything but perfection in this very moment. "Y/N. You're going to make me cum, baby. You're- Fuck." He curses before pressing his lips into a straight line. 
He tugs on your hair roughly, his eyes still on you and surprisingly not on his cock as it disappears into your mouth. His heart swells with admiration, wiping your cheeks of your tears as his jaw tightens. Licking over his base you watch him gasp loudly and your thighs tighten around his.
"Oh baby. Fuck. I'm cumming! Shit!" He whines out and his cock gets thicker inside your throat before orgasming. His eyes roll back as ropes of cum slide down your throat. He whispers your name ardently as you swallow diligently.
"Show me." He gasps out and you pull off of his cock before opening your mouth. 
"Such a good girl." He praises.
He takes a second, blinking the lusty haze from his eyes before flipping you onto your back. You giggle at the sudden movement, a smile painted on his face as he leans down to kiss you. Discarding your bra to the floor, he pecks at your lips.
"First woman in my bedroom. First woman to get me to cum that hard in so long. I got a lot of firsts going on today." He whispers against your lips before nipping your bottom lip. 
"Really? I'm the first girl in your bed?" You ask, surprised.
"Oh yeah. No ones ever been this special for me to invite them over. Keep playing your cards right and I'll make you dinner." He jokes as he spreads your legs.
Your giggle is cut off as he enters two fingers inside of you before stretching. With a whimper, you whine his name. "Cum for me one more time. I gotta stretch you to fit my cock in." He expertly curls his fingers inside you and your chest heaves upwards at the feeling.
"You-You never stretch any of the other girls on camera." You say as he scissors you open.
"They don't need to be stretched, they're constantly loose or have already been prepped. Also, stop talking about them and my job. This is about us right now." He says before silencing you with a kiss. 
The pad of his thumb rubs over your bundle of nerves and you gasp into his mouth. His fingers begin to fuck you faster as his tongue glides over yours. His taste, the subtle hints of wine and your arousal have your mind becoming fuzzy for the second time. Your pussy clenches around his fingers, arms hooking over the back of his neck as he nips at your tongue.
"You're such a good girl cumming again for me." He whispers before curling his fingers so fast inside of you that you feel all the air in your lungs disappear. 
"Y-Yoongi! Fuck! I'm-"
"Go ahead, baby girl." With a loud moan you orgasm for the second time and he scissors your pliant channel open as he whispers words of praise in your ear. Your vision goes white behind your eyelids and you barely feel his fingers leave you. 
He waits for you to come down from your high. Caressing your cheek with loving strokes as he aligns himself to your entrance. You whimper as he prods at you before looking up for confirmation.
"Just say the word and we can stop. I don't want to push you too much on the first round." So he wants more with you? 
You pull him closer and he pushes his bulbous head past your entrance. Both of your mouths falling open in tandem as he slowly thrusts inside. He was stretching you so open, the feeling almost mind boggling. 
"Oh God." You whine as he buries his face into your neck. Kissing over your heated skin, he pushes himself to the hilt inside of you. He allows you to adjust around his considerable length as he plays with your nipples. Pinching and rolling them between his fingertips. 
"I'll make love to you for however long you let me." He announces into the crook of your neck. 
He suckles more vivid colors to the surface of your skin as your legs wrap around his waist. He pulls out slowly, letting the head of his cock drag against your soft walls before thrusting harshly back inside.
The both of you moan loudly, your hands scrambling to grab onto his arms as he begins a diligent pace. He pulls your face with his hand to look at him as he fucks you lovingly. "You drive me so crazy. So fucking nuts. I can't believe I get to do this with you. You're like a dream." He whispers before kissing you softly. 
The balls of your feet dig into his backside as he continues his pace. You can tell he's dying to go faster but he makes it a point to give you what you want. He was truly making love to you, every thrust having purpose and meaning as he sheathes himself inside of your heat. 
"So nice and wet for me. So fucking tight." He seethes out through clenched teeth and you rock your hips with every thrust to meet him. He grabs your hands before intertwining your fingers together. 
His lips suckle at your skin as he begins to fuck you faster. Sweat beginning to produce on his sideburns. Your hands tighten your grip on his as you lift your hips for more. "I really like you." He tells you as you moan.
"I like you, too. A lot." He smiles before thrusting harder inside of you. Your head lolls back as he begins to fuck you with everything he has. 
"Oh fuck! Y/N!" He cries out into the valley of your breasts. You're a blubbering mess beneath him now, the tightening in your stomach coming back in full force as each thrust meets your cervix folds. 
Lifting himself up, he watches how your breasts jiggle with every thrust. How gloriously in pleasure you are beneath him and he can't deny the feeling of ardent emotion as his heart strings tug at the sight. "Shit!" He curses loudly before letting go of your hands to grip your hips.
Pulling you down onto his cock with fluid motions, you feel his cock begin to throb within you and your pussy clenches around him.
His hand reaches for the apex of your thighs, pinching your clit skillfully. Your eyes roll back, mouth drooling for his cock as he splits you open.
"You're so fucking tight for me. So fucking made me for me. Who does this pussy belong to?" He asks before pinching your bundle of nerves again.
"You! Yoongi!" You gasp out as your veins pump with pleasure. 
"Cum for me again." He mumbles.
He hooks your ankle over his shoulder before drilling into you at a speed that shouldn't be humanly possible. Mumbling his name incessantly you cum for him a third time. Eyes screwing shut as your cunt milks his cock for his cum. "Fuck yeah. So fucking tight." He mutters out as he watches you bask in deep seeded pleasure.
Your cum squirts out of you, landing on his thighs and he growls animalistically before pulling out of you. Flipping you over, he lifts your hips in the air and you can barely understand what's happening as you moan loudly. He enters you in one fluid motion, simultaneously spanking your ass hard. 
Lurching forward you moan his name as you grip at his bedsheets. Fisting them until your knuckles become white. "Fuck. You're so amazing. So fucking willing to keep creaming on my cock." He growls out as his hand grabs at the back of your neck.
He pulls you back onto his cock with fervent need, his eyes on your smarting globes and the way your pussy sheathes him so tightly. "So beautiful." He says before smacking your ass again.
You appreciate the sting, letting it bring you back to reality. His hand finds the junction of your thighs once more and he rubs furious circles to your clit. You yelp out at the over stimulation, eyes watering with tears. 
"Yoongi! Can't!" You whimper. 
"Yes you can. My woman can do anything." He's claimed you right then and there. You allow yourself to be pushed through the over stimulation, crying and whimpering before your simpering turns to loud moans.
"That's it, baby. Good fucking girl." He seethes out before spanking you again. "Let's go for four." He pulls out of you almost fully before spitting on your battered cunt. Pulling you harshly back onto his cock, your cunt continues to convulse around him as he begins to throb harshly.
"Oh fuck. You're going to make me cum." He alerts you. Thighs shaking, you rock your hips back to him with every thrust. Your hands grip the sheets tighter as you cum for a fourth time without warning. 
You bury your face into the mattress crying out loudly as he groans. "Oh fuck! Baby!" He yells out before stilling inside of you.
Ropes of cum smatter the walls of your cunt and you whimper feebly as the warmth fills you. He lays his chest to your back before kissing your cheek. You can feel his chest heave for air behind you and he pulls out gently. Pressing his tongue to the inside of his cheek, he chuckles as you cream with his cum. 
You flip onto your back with a tired whine and he laughs quietly. Bending down, he kisses you gently before standing. "Let me clean you up, okay?" 
You hum as you close your eyes. God, hes fucking incredible. 
Cleaning you up, he watches as your head lazily tilts towards him. "You okay?" He asks with a laugh. 
Snorting gently you nod before looking over his naked body. "Did you mean what you said? Do you like me?" You ask him and he stops his ministrations.
Bending down he kisses you. The kiss filled with passion and reverence. "Yes. I like you. Very much." He replies.
"So...what are we?" You ask quietly as he lays down beside you.
His arms pull you into his chest as he rests against the headboard of his bed. Pushing some stray hairs behind your ear, his lips meet your hairline. Brushing against it gently, he closes his eyes. 
"I claimed you while we were having sex and that still stands. I'd like to see where this goes between us. Your soul is so pure, so honest and I'd like to know you on every level I possibly can." Your eyes flutter shut and you smile into his chest as he holds you tighter. 
"I'd really like that Yoongi."
"Me too, little one."
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"Baby." His voice is loud as he steps over the threshold of your shared apartment. 
You jump at the noise, sending your fingers flying over the keyboard of your laptop before looking up. You smile at his figure, his bleach blonde hair falls into his eyes as he smiles back. You erase the keyboard smash before closing your laptop.
"Don't stop on my account." He tells you as he sets his keys down on the kitchen table.
"I'm almost done anyway, I was just editing the next chapter." He raises an eyebrow at you before padding over and kissing the top of your head. You purse your lips for a kiss but he hums awkwardly.
"Might not wanna kiss me. I gotta go take a shower too." He says before taking off his shirt and showing you the wax candle burn marks on his chest. You laugh, rolling your eyes as he winks at you.
He notices how your eyes shift to your laptop as he continues to stare. What are you hiding? "Wanna come take a shower with me?" He asks as he discards his pants.
"Who'd you film with today?" You ask as Yoongi runs the bar of soap over your back, pressing sweet kisses over your bare shoulder.
"Candy. She says hi." He whispers as he pulls you closer to his naked body.
"While she was gagging on your cock?" He snorts into the nape of your neck before swatting at your backside. Whining at the sting, you turn your head and pout to him. He nips at your protruding bottom lip before nuzzling his nose into your wet hair.
"What were you writing before? Take One?" You hum in agreement as he runs the bar of soap over your breasts.
"What are we doing this time? Fucking in a car on our way to the Porn Awards? Or, maybe going on that vacation we won at the charity ball?" He quips and your body goes rigid as he questions you. Fuck, you're acting odd. 
"Just fucking." You say, your voice sounding small under the sounds of running water as it slaps the floor. 
He pulls away from you before rinsing his body off. "I'm done with the shower, are you?" He asks, finding himself sounding distant. 
You shut the water off and grab the towel from him watching him walk away and out of the bathroom.
Yoongi lays in bed, watching you comb through your hair with your fingers and he folds his arms. Your back muscles were terse and he raises an eyebrow as you throw your body down onto the bed as if you're frustrated. 
He can't seem to understand where this was coming from. You've been together for years now and every time you've shown this sort of tantrum or distance from him, he's always just fucked it right out of you till you couldn't remember why you were upset in the first place.
You were usually very vocal. He remembers the first fight you had gotten into, something that he still agrees is his fault. He was careless at first, when you began dating. Not really telling you the subject of the porns he was filming.
He would come home with hickies and scratch marks, without thinking of how you would take it. But, he hadn't had to explain himself to anyone ever. So he understood when you finally snapped and cursed him out. You put him on a sex ban for almost a month and he felt like a hollow shell, reverting back to not being able to cum inside of his co-stars for that little while. 
Just thinking about it gives him shivers and he pulls the covers over his chest higher. Getting comfortable in bed, your back is turned towards him. "Baby, come lay on me." He insists as he runs his hand over your bare thigh.
You stay silent before huffing out and flipping over. Wrapping his hand around your body, his thumb presses into the muscles around your spine. Kneading them gently as his lips drift over your temple. "What's wrong, baby girl?" He asks quietly.
"Nothing. I'm fine." You reply as you lay your cheek on his chest. He rolls his eyes at your hollow words before tipping your chin up with his index finger.
"I'm your fiance, you're supposed to talk to me. We're in this for life, remember?" His eyebrows raise with his words as your fingers run over the wax burns on his body.
"I'm fine. Seriously." You give him the fakest smile he's ever seen in his life before closing your eyes and he sighs a little too loudly.
What the fuck did you write that's got you so upset?
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Yoongi picks at the skin on his lip as he watches you sleep. You've been distant for over a week now and he's starting to think he's done something frighteningly wrong. 
He made it a point to tell you that he didn't need to read Take One anymore. That you could pour your emotions and feelings into the story almost like a diary. He wanted you to have that creative outlet that brought you so much freedom.
He loves that about you. Anything and everything you write has meaning, you make it count. And, if you needed to write about how annoyed you were with him in your books then so be it. Vent to your heart's content as long as any real major problems were discussed with him first. 
But, God there was something wrong and he knows he would find the answer if he opens up Take One. Grabbing his phone off the bedside table, he lays you down gently before standing up. He stares at you for a second in your moonlit bedroom, watching you wriggle from the movement before becoming dead to the world once more. 
He sighs as he walks to the bathroom. His feet pad against the heated floor before locking himself in. Sitting down on the toilet, he unlocks his phone. Blinking rapidly at the bright light before scrolling through your blog. 
Chapter 99: To New Beginnings
"Oh Jesus." He mumbles nervously before putting his cheek on his hand as he begins to read.
It's early morning when your husband wakes you up. Breakfast in bed was never his thing, burning eggs so easily as if they were going out of style. 
But it was a welcome sight as your stomach grumbles with hunger. His smile stutters your heart as he sets the plate of food down before you. 
His touch is warm as he caresses your cheek. The feeling waking you up faster than the strongest coffee ever could. 
After last night's ball, how you danced among countless bodies with no faces, he seemed to become reinvigorated. Wholly invested in love for one another. 
He watched children in small dresses and suits play beneath glittering chandeliers. Watched their small bodies dance effortlessly to the cords of classical music and it struck something inside of him. 
"Little one." He whispers to you.
Looking up from your plate, your eyes greet his. His irises show you nothing but ardor as he grabs for your hand. 
Running his thumb over your wedding band, he swallows thickly. Nervousness sweeps through you as his eyes flutter closed. 
"What's wrong?" You whisper, setting down your plate.
"Nothing. Nothing is wrong. I just want to talk to you." You nod to him, sitting up straighter as you give him your undivided attention. 
His hand is atop yours, running smooth circles over your skin. In the morning sunlit room, you can see his forehead crease with tension. It seems like he has something to say and it just won't come out. Like he could shout underwater without any outcome. 
He takes a deep breath before looking up at you again. 
"I want to try for a baby." He tells you. 
Your heart lurches deep in the recesses of your chest. Eyes wideni-
"Oh, baby girl." Yoongi whispers before running his hand over his exhausted face. He has thought about it, surely. But, he never put much stake into it with the job he has. 
This is why you've been so distant? You want a baby? Why weren't you comfortable enough to tell him? You could talk to him about anything and everything.
It doesn't seem far fetched to think about having children with you. You were the greatest love of his life, the only love of his life. If it's what you want, then he wants that too. 
The thought sends his mind alive, waking from his exhaustion as he continues to read.
Sliding his hands over your bare body, his lips caress your breasts. Suckling at your nipples with the new intention of having them swell for his child. 
"God, how amazing you're going to look with my child inside you. So pretty and swollen for me." He whispers above your nipple, his breath hardening the bud to stiff peaks.
With a gentle mewl, he spreads your legs. Eyes on yours as his irises begin to swell with lust. 
"Wouldn't you love that, baby? Letting me cum deep inside your fertile womb and give you my son or daughter?" He asks as his fingers knead at the flesh of your thighs.
"Yes! Fuck! I want you to put a baby in me!" You cry out as he begins to smirk deviously.
Yoongi shifts in his seat, hand reaching down for his cock before stopping. God, this was fucking hot. 
Then he imagines you, swollen with his child as he lavishes upon your body. You walking down the street hand in hand as your rub circles onto your stomach. 
"Oh fuck." He mumbles before rubbing at his cock through his briefs. 
Reading through the sheer eroticism you have written, he finds the thought of you becoming pregnant weighing heavily on the front of his mind. Knowing him, he wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about it until he makes it a reality.
Standing up from the toilet, he opens up the medicine cabinet doors. Rifling through the small objects and toiletries he finds your birth control container. Without a second thought he clutches it tightly in his hand. "Whatever you want, I'll give it to you."
Unlocking the bathroom door, he leans against the door jamb as you lay fast asleep. “Fuck, I love you.” He whispers, before walking back over to his side of the bed.
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You can see him staring at you through the big mirror in your bedroom out of the corner of your eye. Shutting your laptop, you meet eyes with him and you both tilt your heads at the same time to each other.
You giggle gently before looking down at the comforter beneath you. You really shouldn’t have been so pissy with him over the last few days, especially when you haven’t even talked to him about why you were so short and rude. 
He knows you too well by now, he probably knows something must be going on with you. It’s just all been coming to a head lately, you could say. Seeing Viola and Taehyung’s baby, seeing pregnant women in the street glowing and looking happy. It makes you feel like something is missing in your life. 
And, you want these things with him. You love him with every ounce of your being. You should just talk to him, just tell him. It scares you, what if you tell him and he says that because of his career it’s not really too hopeful to have a child. It’s nerve wracking.
“What’s up, baby girl?” Your fiance asks as he sits up straighter. His onyx irises feel like daggers through the mirror and you stand up before giving him a sweet smile. 
“Nothing, going to get ready for bed.” He hums to you before throwing his phone on the bedside table. 
Rifling through the medicine cabinet, you raise an eyebrow at where your birth control should be. You move things around before furrowing your eyebrows. 
“Yoongs?” You call to him as you shove his razors and shaving creams out of the way.
“Yeees?” He asks before stepping into the bathroom behind you.
“Have you seen my birth control?” You ask quietly.
You feel his lips press against the back of your neck. Giving soft kisses to your skin, he ignores your question as his hand runs over the hem of your tank top.
“Babe?” You ask gently.
Shoving your tank top up, your breasts bounce freely before being shielded by his hands. He groans as he cups them, squeezing gently. Your body shudders at his touch, pressing back into him as you steady yourself on the granite countertop. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful. I love you so much.” He murmurs against your skin.
Tilting your head to give him more access, you raise your arm to rifle through more of the medicine cabinet. He’s quick to push your arm back down, grinding his hardening cock against the globes of your ass. 
“You aren’t going to find them, they’re gone.” He tells you as he rolls your stiff peaked nipples with his fingers.
With a whimper, your eyes flutter shut adoring the attention. Especially, when you think you don’t deserve it with how nasty you’ve been with him lately. 
Kissing over the shell of your ear, he holds you closer before thrusting his hand down the front of your sleep shorts. Gasping gently, your hand hooks around the back of his neck. 
“Wh-Why won’t I find them?” You lick your lips as his fingers part the folds of your pussy. 
Suckling small marks of reds and pinks, you can hear his hum. Feel it vibrating through his chest as he holds you so close. 
“Because I have them." He whispers before spreading your feet wider apart with his own. Running his fingers over your cunt, he moans as your slick begins to coat his fingers. Digging into his sweatpants pocket he produces the aluminum packet, holding it between his two fingers.
“Why?” You question him, before biting your lip as he rubs circles onto your clit with his middle and index fingers. 
“Because I’m going to stuff you full of my cum and make you carry my child.” He says nonchalantly.
You gasp loudly as he slaps your pussy gently. How could he know what you wanted? Was he that in tune with you? 
"Can I throw them away baby?" He asks, his breath fans over your ear before nibbling your earlobe.
"Yes." Your voice is breathless. 
Groaning at your response he chucks the packet into the garbage before picking you up with his strong arms. Taking off to the bedroom, he kisses over your neck.
“I’ve been thinking about getting you knocked up for the past few days. It makes my cock so hard to think of you swollen with my child, baby girl.” He says as he throws you unceremoniously down onto the mattress. 
Rubbing your thighs together, you watch him crawl up the bed. His tongue laps slowly over his lower lip as his eyes devour you. 
It sends your heart racing. Knowing that he’s going to fuck you with such intent. Knowing that he’s fucking you with purpose and not just for both of your pleasure. 
“Why do you think I haven’t been shooting all week? I want my cum to be potent for your fertile cunt.” He announces as he climbs over you. 
His hands grip at the sides of your shorts before tugging down roughly. Leaving you bare and open to him as he spreads your legs wide. He eyes your soaked cunt before giving you a lazy smirk. Running his fingers through his blonde hair, you can feel your gut explode with wanting. 
“You’re going to let me fill your sweet pussy up, aren’t you baby? Let me fill you to the brim till your tight little cunt is dripping with it.” You let out a sob of pleasure as he plucks at your nipple with his lips. 
“Yes! I want you to give me a baby so badly!” You whine out as he nestles between your legs.
He lavishes on your breasts, groaning gently as your hips thrust upward. Your pussy clenches around nothing, your clit starting to swell with need. His hands press your hips down firmly to the bed as you writhe beneath his ministrations. He looks up at you, his eyes give a stern warning and you know not to move again without being told. You whimper his name gently as he kisses down your stomach, mouth leaving hot, wet kisses before hovering over your womb.
“Look at you. You beautiful minx, I can’t wait to see you swell with what’s mine.” He whispers before licking from your lower stomach to your sex. His tongue is achingly slow, sending your toes curling as you do your best to keep your ass planted on the bed. 
Kissing and suckling at your slick folds, he moans at the taste of you. Lapping up your arousal on his tongue like it’s his favorite meal. Frankly, it fucking is.
"Oh Yoongs! Fuck!" You whine as his arms hook around your thighs. 
Prodding at your entrance, the amount of arousal that leaks from you has his lower half already rutting into the mattress. When it comes to his job he can stave off any sort of pleasure but with you, he just can't help losing himself. 
He enters his finger into you slowly, enjoying how your thighs twitch and lock as he suckles on your swollen nub. 
"Fuck. You're soaked." He groans loudly against you. 
Adding a second finger, he could already feel you beginning to pulsate around him. Trying your hardest to not move at his request. "Grind on my tongue baby, you deserve it." He murmurs before letting his tongue hang out.
With a mewl, your hands fist at his blonde hair before gyrating your hips. Your eyes meet and the whimper you give has his cock twitching into the mattress. 
"I want it so badly. Want you to get me pregnant with your baby. Fuck me so full of cock and cum." You whine loudly.
His eyes roll back at your words as your breath quickens. His fingers curling so fast inside of you, it must be the work of the devil. 
"I'm gonna cum! Fuck!" White hot pleasure courses through you, cutting your nerves to the quick. 
Your fiance grips hard at your thigh, his fingers pumping into so fast you might have just seen Jesus as you rush towards your precipice of pleasure. 
His tongue flicks your clit at a dangerous speed sending you over the edge moaning his name loudly. Back bowing off of the bed, you cover your mouth with a shaking hand as you let out a sob of pleasure.
He kisses over the inner skin of your thighs waiting patiently for you to come down from your high. Running your fingers through his hair, you wince as he scissors you open.
"I know baby, but I gotta prep you. Your pretty pussy is too tight for my cock." He tells you as his lips drift over your skin. 
Stretching you open, he tugs down his sweatpants before sighing at the freeing feeling. Watching his cock spring out, you let out an involuntary moan at the sight. Precum weeps mercilessly from the head as his tip turns an angry shade of red. 
Spreading your legs wider with his own, he pulls his fingers from you gently. The loss of being full makes you focus more on his cock. As his eyes run over your figure, you can see it pulse and twitch with need. Your mouth goes dry at the sight, hips lifting off the bed at the sheer excitement of being filled with him. 
“I know baby. I’m coming.” Yoongi whispers before running his cock through your slick folds. The stimulation to your clit has your jaw tightening as your teeth grit together. It’s a sexy concoction of overstimulation and need as your body jolts with each rut against you. 
Pressing his lips needily to yours, your tongues collide in heated passion. Gripping the base of his cock, he enters you slowly. Moaning in tandem into each other's mouths. 
“Christ, your cunt is so tight.” He groans out against your lips as he thrusts himself to the hilt. 
Letting you adjust around him, his lips pluck at the column of your neck. “Gonna look so pretty for me, little one. So beautiful with my child inside of you. I can’t wait to eat your needy cunt while rubbing your big belly.” He whispers against your neck, groaning loudly as your pussy clenches around him at his words. 
“Oh, you like that so much don’t you? Picturing my baby inside you as I fuck you every way I can.” He jeers as his fingers roll your nipples almost painfully slow. 
“Yes! I can’t wait to be big for you. Sucking your cock as you play with my milky tits.” You whisper as you card your fingers through his hair. 
“Oh, fuck yeah.” He curses.
Pulling out of you, he steadies himself on his elbows above you before thrusting hard into you. Your hands grip at the sheets beside you, knuckles going white as your head lolls back.
“You’re so fucking wet, baby. Soaking my cock so nicely. Shit.” He whispers in your ear. 
The feeling of his breath producing goosebumps on your skin as he begins to bulldoze himself inside of you. Hooking your legs around his waist, you begin to meet each thrust with your hips. 
“Your cock feels so good inside me! I love when you fuck me!” You moan for him as he sits up on his knees.
Shifting your leg over his body, he presses your legs flat against one another. Your pussy becomes tighter around him at the new angle as he practically turns you on your side. Spanking the globe of your ass, you moan as your skin smarts with the sting of his slap. 
“Gonna take my cum deep in your aching little cunt, aren’t you little one? Let everyone in the street know how well I fuck you to get you so nice and big for me.” His head lolls back, licking at his lips as he grips at your hip. 
Plowing into you, your mind becomes muddled. Babbling and whining as he fucks you with every ounce of passion he has. “Rub your clit for me baby, I’m so close to blowing a load in your sweet pussy.” 
Lifting your leg, he grips your knee as you press it against his stomach. Your fingers rub your clit with furious circles, aided by how much of your slick weeps out of you. "Oh fuck, you feel so good, baby. I'm so close." He whispers as his eyes flutter shut.
His bottom lip purchases between his teeth as he holds your leg tighter to his body. Snapping his hips faster your stomach churns with delight. Your eyes flutter shut as you lift your hips higher, letting the head of his cock brush against the soft patch of nerves inside you.
He could feel your cunt beginning to twitch and clench around his cock and he curses loudly before bending down and kissing you deeply. Swallowing your moans, he groans against you as the head of his cock brushes against your cervix folds. Losing your mind once more, you grip onto his shoulder.
"I'm cumming!" You sob out as your eyes fill with tears.
"Good girl, baby. Cum on my cock. You look so gorgeous when you cum for me." His thumb trails over your bottom lip as you lose yourself in the pleasure.
Your body locks before going boneless as you orgasm. Sobbing loudly, your back bows off the bed. Ears ringing with white noise, you whimper gently. 
"Oh shit! That's it, little one. Your pussy got so tight!" He cries out as he snaps his hips harder. 
His hands grab at your breasts, squeezing and rolling them roughly as his thrusts become erratic and out of rhythm. 
"Oh God, please give me a baby. Take my cum deep in your pretty pussy. Please baby." He begs as he stills inside of you.
"Fuck, take it deep baby girl. Shit!" He cries out as ropes of warm cum paint the walls of your cunt. 
He lets out a shaky breath before burying his face into your neck. "I love you baby so much." 
He pulls out gently before lifting your hips. "Keep 'em up for a bit." He instructs before kissing you sweetly.
"You read Take One, didn't you?" You ask, voice riddled with exhaustion. 
When he doesn't respond you smirk tiredly. His lips drift over your cheek before nodding.
"Forgive me." He whispers to you.
He sits up on his knees before stuffing his cum back into your pussy as it begins to slowly weep from you.
"I'm sorry I wrote it and didn't explain why I was being so coarse with you." He runs his thumb over your bottom lip.
"I love you, little one. We're perfection together and children will only add to our amazing life. I want them with you, too. I want everything with you." He tells you, onyx irises staring earnestly.
You giggle before opening your arms. Laying beside you, he clicks his teeth before pulling you into his side. 
"I love you, too. Always." You say as you hook your chin to his pectoral muscle. He wrinkles his nose to you before kissing your forehead.
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Sitting down on the couch, you close your laptop before side eyeing your fiance. 
There he sits, beautiful and poised as ever. Sipping his beer, his hand lands on your thigh. He leaves gentle strokes as he notices the attention you're giving him. 
Turning his head away from the movie, he tilts his head to you before leaning in and kissing your forehead. You smile at the warmth of his lips before coddling into his side. 
"Finished this weeks chapter?" He asks gently as his thumb caresses your skin.
"The last chapter actually." You reply as he offers you a sip of his beer. You shake your head with a smile as you extend your feet to the coffee table. 
"Last chapter? But we have so much more to do together. Like getting married and having kiddies. Buying a house and things of that nature." He whispers as he kisses your cheek.
"The ending is perfect for right now. I would really like you to read it." 
Muting the television, he turns his body towards you fully before furrowing his eyebrows. "I don't read it anymore, you know that. It's a trust thing for us." 
You giggle before putting the laptop on his lap. "Just read it. Okay? It's the last chapter… You might find it...uplifting." You tell him.
Placing the beer on the table, he sucks air in through his teeth before opening up your laptop. "Alright." He mumbles
Your feet find their place tucked underneath you as he begins to read.
There are certain ways that one can feel pure bliss. Whether it be seeing a lost loved one after a long while or hearing a song that strikes all of the right cords inside of you. Pure bliss can come in many forms. 
Today was your form of pure bliss. The sex god, your sex god had finally arrived back home from work. Sweaty, with a tired smile gracing his face as he throws his leather jacket onto the coat rack.
Your insides jump with joy, nervously excited giggles raring to pass your lips as he turns to you.
"Hi beautiful." He murmurs with a wide smile before pecking your lips gently.
"Hi." You whisper again his lips before copying the expression on his face.
His head turns to the dinner table, fully set with hot food waiting in the middle. Two candles on either side, picturesque like it was taken straight out of Good Housekeeping. 
"Wow. This looks amazing. Thank you baby!" Yoongi claps his hands happily as you both walk over to the table. Usually you both sit at the ends of the table but today you've taken the seat beside him.
Grabbing your hand, he gives the back of it a gentle kiss before leaning back in his chair. 
"Why such a lush dinner? Did you see my newest movie?" He asks with a laugh.
Butterflies roam free within you at his question. You giggle with him before holding your breath as he picks up the linen napkin from his dish. He gives a quick glance to the plate before almost giving himself whiplash to look back down at it. Sitting in the middle of the plate is a monochrome picture. 
Just a little hint of something white inside grey matter. Taking a sharp breath, he lets out a strangled noise before shaking hands approach the picture. "Oh my God." He whispers before clutching at the paper.
Your hands press together like a prayer as you bring them to your lips. He lets out a loud sob, eyes screwing shut as his hands continue to shake.
"You're pregnant?!" He cries out loudly.
"Yes. I'm pregnant." You say with a giggle as he kicks his chair away. Grabbing your wrist tighter he hauls you up before burying your face into his chest. 
"Oh, little one. Thank you." He cries as he holds you tightly to his body.
Yoongi wipes at his eyes before turning his head to you and sniffing quietly.
"It's beautiful, baby. Seriously. You need to be published. Get your own movie or something." Your fiance says as he closes his laptop.
With a smile, you lean your head against the top of the couch. "So what do you think about me being pregnant?" You ask gently.
He smirks before placing the hardware down on the table and grabbing you. He holds you close to his chest and you can feel his steady heartbeat which has become your life song. 
"We're trying, it'll come babe." He whispers as he runs his hand over your head in a calming manner.
"I use Take One as a diary. It's there to help me keep track of real life events too." He hums in reply before swaying your bodies in tandem.
He smiles unknowingly as his eyes shut. Real life events? Real life?
You wait patiently for it to set it, staring at the television as it lights up with different scenes of the movie he was watching. 
Then all at once, he goes rigid and you give a relieved laugh.
"Didn't take too long now did it?" You tease him as he pulls away from you.
Looking back up at him, his eyes are wide. Pressing both hands to either side of your face, you can see his eyes beginning to water with emotional tears.
"You're pregnant? With my baby? My perfect, precious baby?" He asks and he takes in a deep breath as you nod.
He scoffs loudly before sobbing. He caresses your cheeks with his thumbs as his eyes screw shut. His chest racks with emotion as he bites his bottom lip. 
"Fuck I love you." He cries.
His lips press to yours and you close your eyes to take in the passionate kiss.
"I love you too." You whisper against him.
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Yoongi groans as he sits down in the director chair. He sips his coffee before looking over the set for the day. He chuckles to himself before folding his arms.
It's your voice that has his head cocking to the side as you step on the set. Stomach so large he's certain you can't even see your feet today. 
"Hi my loves." He says as he holds his hand out to you.
You wrinkle your nose, grabbing his hand as you place a kiss to his temple. 
"Hey boss man! I'm ready to go." He hears from the side of the set and his attention turns to the owner of the voice as he rubs at your belly.
"Y/N, this is Park Jimin. He'll be playing Yoongi in Take One." He introduces the younger man.
You bow your head to him as you take a seat besides your husband. Lazily he rubs at your stomach before calling everyone to their places. 
"Look at us, huh? A director and a screenplay writer for the biggest porn films in the industry. Who would have thought?" He whispers in your ear as the lights begin to dim.
With a laugh you nudge his shoulder as Jimin props himself up against the hotel door just like the first chapter of Take One.
As the scene begins, you find your attention wavering to your newly married husband. Tilting your head, you take in his handsome features. A god among men.
The giddiness explodes inside of you as normal and you feel his son kick inside of you. With a snort, your thumb runs over his wedding band as he holds his hand.
Who knew writing a simple story would get you here? In the greatest place you could ever dream of?
There’s something magical about meeting the right someone. Captivating, even. The way irises flit between one another in a moment of glorious silence. The breath that is held within one’s chest as you stare longingly at the other person before you. Hands could shake from nerves, excitement- both, even. It had never happened for Min Yoongi. Until you. 
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chemicalpink · 3 years
If it’s alright with you could you do an astrology post about how bts would flirt with a person they were attracted to?
So.. god I really hate disclaimers because I like to believe that we are all reasoning people, plus there’s a general disclaimer on my page BUT I know for a fact that people don’t read that (those same people won’t read this one anyway).
Disclaimer: This analysis/reading is based on my experience and knowledge of astrology, it is not meant to be the absolute truth, as BTS are real people, and astrology can only capture so much about multidimensional humans that have had past experiences and cultural approaches amongst other things, it does not have to resonate with you since this is in no way related to anyone reading it (unless you are a member of BTS in which case, get out of here lol ) This is just for entertainment purposes.
OKAY NOW THAT THAT’S OVER by default, Venus and Mars could give us an insight into their love styles, but I’ve already got reading about those here, here, and here 
We are going to use those BUT I’ll focus on their EROS (if you want me to do actual research and post a full love life analysis for each member, let me know in my ask)
Kim Seokjin ʕっ˘ڡ˘ςʔ
I feel like a dad joke to tune into the other person’s humor is his way to go.
His Eros in Scorpio points to someone blunt in his approach, so something along the lines of overly flirting pick-up lines.
His Cancer Mars points to his overall romantic self so if Kim Seokjin is flirting with you prepare to live a drama scene where you feel like the only person in the world.
His Capricorn Venus reinforces the fact that this man is straightforward when flirting, and is very VERY selective as to who they approach.
So all in all, these three placements tell me that Kim Seokjin is a man that loves the fact that people are so multidimensional and he is here for it! he wants to know everything about the person he decided to approach because this man’s standards are over the top and he knows it. 
There's a lot of talking involved while getting to know each other, although he drops facts about himself here and there along with some funny storytimes, he will make it all about you.
A gentleman at his finest, drop you by your house, make sure you’re not cold, that you’re enjoying your food, that you’re comfortable.
This man’s way into your heart is ultimately his actions + his humor.
Min Yoongi  /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\
He’s... silent. Kinda shy, okay very shy, unless you gave off a great vibe, you’re not getting past awkward introductions and anxious small talk.
If you make it past introductions(because let’s be real, this man’s standards? impossible to fulfill), you’re in for a ride.
His Eros in Capricorn makes him crave to connect in a physical sense, even if it’s just hand-holding during dates, funny enough, this placement is the hardest one to make him open up so.. he’s not talking much about himself.
EVEN FUNNIER his Aries Venus points to someone bold and confident, which I can totally see him doing, the first move if he sees someone that plays into his idea of perfection.
Idk why it just strikes me as he knows what he wants from people, he’s not afraid of a challenge and chase, and his boldness as well as need for physical touch, makes him a great candidate for a fun short term, especially since his Eros signals that he pretty much values work more than love life.
Yoongi is... very much handled by his ego self, so he might be aloof at times, it has to do with his terrible high standards, a somewhat fear of intimacy and love for his work that keeps him from any type of social life (because he values work too much), but this man is also very romantic, and a great listener, as it is told by his Cancer Mars.
It’s all a matter of getting through his hard skin to get to the mushy Yoongi he doesn’t let many people experience.
Jung Hoseok ʕ♡˙ᴥ˙♡ʔ
This man loves a challenge, the thrill of the chase, not very healthy if you ask me but hey, you do you.
Playing hard to get will most certainly interest him. As well as letting him help you so he can “save the day”. This is all according to his Aries Eros. 
True to his Eros, his Aquarius Mars makes him be the biggest fan of flirting, and he obviously succeeds, thanks to his huge charisma and wittiness. 
LISTEN- THIS MAN as oblivious to affection as he is, can flirt with a whole group of people at once.
Free-spirited and quick-witted people are his cup of tea since it makes it easier for him to keep the flirting flow going.
I know I’ve said it many times before in this post, ISN’T IT FUNNY his Pisces Venus points to him being shy and awkward but cute, which I think pretty much describes Hobi, minus the shy.
So all in all, Hoseok flirting magnet, he is all smiles and will fill your heart with cute stuff and funny things, also, KING of not giving off mixed signals, he doesn’t even have to say a word, he flirts with his whole body.
KIM NAMJOON “φʕ•ᴥ•oʔ
THIS MAN BEING AN EROS IN LIBRA MAKES SO MUCH SENSE. He has a more traditional sophisticated way of flirting, kinda like courting.
It also makes him very giving, up until the relationship is off-balanced, then things end, so yeah, he likes to give, but he also likes to receive just as much. 
Also, very much into intelligent refined people. 
Just like Yoongi and Jin, he has a Cancer Mars, which only heightens his leaning towards traditional love and courting.
He will be devoted even when flirting, wanting to know everything about the other person, even on the first date, just- very very soft Joonie.
Lowkey, as poised as he is, his Scorpio Venus will give everyone a run for their money on terms of flirting. This man knows whats he's doing and how much he affects the person he is flirting with.
He’s just- so used to flirting and connecting with people that he doesn’t have an outcome in mind, just finds flirting fun and exciting.
Basically, Namjoon is a man that knows what he wants and how to get it, but flirting stages are just so common to him, he does it out of boredness, not that he doesn’t want to connect with people, quite the contrary, he finds people so amazing, it’s just- flirting doesn’t have an endgame for him.
Might I dare to go as far as to say, Kim Namjoon might end up in a relationship by accident just because he didn’t know when to end his constant flirting. 
PARK JIMIN  •᷄ɞ•᷅ 
His Eros in Pisces makes him one of the more emotionally passionate of the bunch, to an unhealthy state, in which he may manipulate himself in order to satisfy the other person. 
There’s a lot of thought going into dates, small gifts “because they reminded me of you” and a lot of cute stuff. Very Very passionate.
He has a Scorpio Mars, so as much as he is passion-driven and very much into cute stuff, and believing that he should 100% merge with the other person, he knows what he’s doing when he flirts.
Different from Namjoon, Jimin doesn’t just flirt for funsies, he entertains the idea of love when flirting, future plans, meeting the parents, he can just see it all.
AND he also has a Scorpio Venus so he is definitely aware of all his flirting and how he affects the other person, especially since there’s a lot of sex appeal going into it.
Not so much a mystery himself, but he tries to be the perfect fit for all. Which might ultimately hide behind this perfect partner facade. 
This man doesn’t just end up in a relationship by accident, this man falls in love on accident.
We’ve got another one in love with the thrill of the chase.
Tae also has Eros in Aries, so there’s a lot of playfulness involved in flirting, from banter to playfully shoving the other person aside.
Might also be into dates where he can compete with you, like arcade, or something that he disguises as competition but he knows beforehand he’ll win.
Someone tell him it’s not healthy to crave impossible relationships, anyway, he’d love to be the shinning armor in his love story.
He has Capricorn Mars, which makes him have an honest, practical, and straightforward style of flirting.
The vibe check is real, so unless you pass it with flying colors, do not expect to be flirted with.
Although, his whole aura screams social and flirty due to his Aquarius Venus, which involves a lot of charisma and a great sense of humor. 
Just like Hobi, Tae can flirt with a bunch of people at once without even trying.
JEON JUNGKOOK  ₍ᐢ ̥ ̞ ̥ᐢ₎ ♥
Flirting for Jungkook is more of a mental game than an emotional one, according to his Eros in Gemini. 
Now listen, the nerdier, the better. But you would have to approach him first, as much as he enjoys the idea of talking to people, he doesn’t really do it that well.
Just like Jimin, he has Scorpio Mars, so in line with flirting being a mental game, he knows his game plan, his moves, he knows how people will react to them, he knows what he wants, and more importantly, how to get it.
He very obviously knows about his sex appeal and uses it as an advantage, even though at first he’s kinda awkward about it.
Much like Namjoon, he enjoys flirting so much that he doesn’t even need to have an endgame in mind. He likes to hear people talking about their passions and loves it even more if he learns a thing or to about it in the way, but his awkwardness comes through when he doesn’t really measure that most of the time when you flirt its because you’re interested in pursuing a romantic relationship.
His Libra Venus also plays the part, since it signals him being flirty and witty without even trying, just a man, his beauty, his charm, and his charisma. 
He’ll do anything possible to make you feel like you matter, even going as far as daring to hold your hand just because (which is a great pointer t know if he is really interested or just flirting bc he can)
Ultimately, his flirtation serves as a means to cheer themselves and other people up.
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stavromulabetaaa · 3 years
a playlist of songs from drarry fics
i get a lot of music from fic, whether a song or an artist is influential to a specific scene, or is even just simply mentioned by a character. some of them really stuck with me, so i’ve compiled a short list of my favorites :)
spotify playlist
1. Dreams - The Cranberries
Far From The Tree by aideomai
THAT scene, if you know you know! it’s so hard to talk about this fic without giving away spoilers, but let’s just say Draco dances to this song with a female character who totally stole my heart. it’s impossible for me to listen to this song and not daydream about a certain 90s themed party.
2. Iris - The Goo Goo Dolls
The Ordeal of Being Known by @lou-isfake
of course Harry put this song on a mixtape, of course he did. i just about lost my mind when i listened to it at the same time Draco did. and it just fits the narrative of this fic so well! i could have chosen from the many songs and artists mentioned in this fic, but for me this was a no-brainer.
3. Boy With a Coin - Iron & Wine
and a special mention:
4. You Are A Runner And I Am My Fathers Son - Wolf Parade
The Man Who Lived by @e-sebastian
sometimes an author just has to describe Draco turning up a song on his stereo in passing for me to immediately hop over to spotify. which is exactly how Boy With a Coin became one of my favorite songs! i also became obsessed with Wolf Parade last year after reading about Draco wearing their band t-shirt a couple of times in this fic, which is how i eventually discovered ‘You Are A Runner’ and accidentally made that song a Drarry headcanon. read the lyrics and tell me you couldn’t write a fic based on that song!
5. Ray of Light - Madonna
(Un)wanted by @aibidil
in a fic centered around the theme of loss, this small moment of joy stood out to me. this fic also mentions a lot of music, but i just love the image of Harry and Hermione dancing like idiots to Madonna.
6. Age of Consent - New Order
Criminal by @the-sinking-ship
this is my favorite song from a chapter i consider to be a significant point in this fic. a high point of UST and drunken silliness (aka letting their guards down, i live for those moments), a change in dynamic that sets the rest of the story in motion. this song represents that for me, and gets an immediate hell yeah if it starts playing when i shuffle my entire spotify library.
7. Svefn-g-englar - Sigur Rós
Let It Fall by @buildyourwalls
i honestly read this fic ages ago and it isn’t super fresh in my memory, but i remember how often music was incorporated into the story. it introduced me to this Icelandic band and every time i hear this song i have no clue what they’re saying but i feel Draco’s grief and guilt and uncertainty. i can imagine so clearly Harry’s longing and persistence. this band was only really mentioned in passing but it made its mark on me.
8. Modern Love - David Bowie
Modern Love by @tackytigerfic
i apparently live under a rock and was never properly introduced to David Bowie until i read this fic and looked up the song it’s title comes from. i wanted to put this song at the end of the playlist because it sounds like it could be on the soundtrack of a movie as it rolls to the credits (a quick google search tells me it’s been in a bunch of movie soundtracks lol). god, what i would do to see this fic as a movie. an absolute masterpiece by Tacky, a moving story about friendship with superb world-building. i could daydream about this fic to this song all day long.
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bi-bard · 3 years
Please Say That You're Joking (Pt.1) - Chuck Shurley Imagine (Supernatural)
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Title: Please Say You're Joking (Pt. 1) [You can read part 2 by clicking here!]
Pairing: Chuck Shurley X Winchester!Reader
Requested: Nope
Word Count: 2,930 words
Warning(s): mentions of sex, threats of violence
Summary: (Season 4; Season 11) (Y/n) had a single one-night stand while coping with loss in a not healthy way... if only they had a clue about the weight of their actions.
Author's Note: I was recently going back through some of the "lighter" episodes of Supernatural because I wanted to watch something I could chuckle at. That's where this came from.
This might be the most crackheaded thing I've written in a while.
Also, the amount of things I had to bullshit my way through this is actually ridiculous.
Hey! I did a rewrite of the ending of Supernatural. It took a really long time to complete, so it would mean a lot to me if you check it out. Here’s a link! (it’s on my personal account)
Sam, Dean, and I walked into the motel room. We were all confused and slightly scared.
We had gone to a comic book shop to do some work on a case. However, we were then called fans.
Fans of what?
Well, fans of a series of books about our lives.
I was the middle Winchester child. Two years younger than Dean, two years older than Sam. I was beyond confused when I saw some weird, romanticized version of me on the cover of a book.
"This is so weird," I mumbled, plopping onto one of the beds in the room.
Sam jumped onto his laptop and started researching. Dean was holding one of the books, reading through it. I didn't even want to touch it.
"I don't like how he describes (Y/n)," Dean commented. "It's weird. It's like he's in love. Listen to this..."
Dean dramatically clears his throat and starts to read in an even more dramatic voice, "'Even after a hard hunt, (Y/n) could easily be seen as the most beautiful of the siblings. They mimicked the beauty of their mother more than their brothers. There's no bruise or cut that could take the loveliness away from the natural curves of (Y/n)'s face. If only they could see how everyone else would stare-"
"Okay, ew," I muttered, walking to the table. "What'd you find?"
"Well, it seems like Carver Edlund is a pen name," Sam shrugged. "And the fans are intense."
"As in," Dean asked, closing the book and joining the two of us at the table.
"Well," Sam handed me the laptop so Dean and I could look at it, "there's fanfiction. About all of us."
"What's this, 'Sam/Dean'," I asked.
"It's... me and Dean... together."
"They just don't care that we're related," Dean asked. Sam nodded.
"God, this is so weird."
"So, how do we find this guy," I asked.
--time skip--
We managed to find the publisher of the novels and found her house.
"So, you published the 'Supernatural' books," I asked as we walked in.
"Yep," she nodded. "Yeah, gosh. These books... they never really got the attention that they deserved. All anybody wants to read anymore is that romance crap."
"Could not agree with you more," I said. "We're hoping that our article can shine a light on an underappreciated series."
"Yeah, because, you know, if we got a little bit of good press, then maybe we can start publishing again," she replied excitedly.
"No, no, no," Dean immediately shut her down. "I mean, why... why would you want to do that? It's such a complete series with Dean going to hell and all."
"Oh my god, that was one of my favorite ones," she rambled. "Dean was so strong and sad and brave. And Sam... I mean... the best ones are when they cry... like in 'Heart' when Sam had to kill Madison; the first woman since Jessica he'd really loved. When Dean had to call John in 'Home' and ask him for help. Or when (Y/n) went back to the motel room after getting kidnapped and just had to sit in their own head and had to truly process not only the death of their mother but now their father. The mixed feelings were amazing."
"You're a really big fan," I noted. She nodded.
"Gosh, if only real men were that open about their emotions."
"Real men," Dean asked.
"I mean, no offense," she replied. "How often do you cry like that?"
"Well, right now I'm crying on the inside," he muttered.
"Is that supposed to be funny?"
"Lady, this whole thing is funny."
"How am I supposed to know this is legit?"
"Oh, trust me," Dean mumbled. "We're legit."
"Well, I don't want some smart-ass article making fun of my boys," she snapped as she sat in her chair.
"Oh, never," I replied quickly. "We actually are big fans."
"You read the books?"
"Cover to cover," I promised.
"What's the year and model of the car?"
"1967 Chevy Impala," Dean smiled proudly.
"What's May 2nd?"
"That's my- uh... Sam's birthday," Sam replied.
"Sam's score on the LSAT?"
"Umm... 174," Sam said nervously.
"(Y/n)'s first hunt?"
"Vampire in Washington," I answered. "Dean was at the motel sick and (Y/n) almost chopped John's head off when he scared them."
"(Y/n)'s favorite memory that's not related to hunting?"
I smiled, "Helping Sam get ready for a date when he was a teenager because Sam didn't trust what Dean had told him."
"Dean's favorite song?"
"It's a tie," Dean replied. "Between Zep's 'Ramble On' and 'Traveling Riverside Blues.'"
She finally laughed and smiled again, "Okay, okay. What do you wanna know?"
"What's Carver Edlund's real name," Sam asked.
"Oh, no. I can't," she shook her head.
"We just wanna talk to him," Sam continued. "You know, get the 'Supernatural' story in his own words."
"He's very private," she shrugged. "Like Salinger."
"Please," Sam tried again. "Like I said, we're um... big fans."
Sam unbuttoned his shirt enough to show his anti-possession tattoo. Dean pulled his shirt to the side to do the same. I rolled my eyes and yanked the arm of my jacket down and pulled up the sleeve of my t-shirt. I don't wear as many layers as them and I had opted to put the tattoo on my upper arm because I thought it looked nicer.
"Awesome," the lady mumbled before standing up. "Y'know what?"
I looked away as she pulled her pants down.
"I got one too."
"Wow, you are a fan," I slapped Dean's arm. The lady fixed her clothing before grabbing a pen and paper.
"Okay," she said. "His name's Chuck Shurley-"
And I stopped listening after that. I knew that name... why did I know that name... oh... oh no. I'm gonna kill him. We're going to meet this man and I am going to end up killing him.
I followed Sam and Dean as they started walking out of the woman's house.
"Excuse me," she called as we reached the door. We looked back at her. "I'm sorry, but you look exactly like how I picture (Y/n) when I read the books."
I chuckled, "Thanks."
"He describes (Y/n) with so much detail," she smiled. "You could play them in a movie."
"Thank you," I waved as we walked out.
"'You could play them in a movie,'" Dean teased.
"I know who Chuck is," I said, ignoring him.
"What," he asked. I nodded. "How?"
I pointed to get into the car. I got in the back seat and Sam and Dean sat upfront. Dean started driving to the address the lady gave us before I started speaking.
"Okay, when you went to hell, Sam's not the only one who ran off," I explained. "I wasn't gone for four months... just two weeks. In those two weeks, I got involved in a single one-night stand. The name he gave me was Chuck Shurley."
"You screwed the man who wrote books about us," Dean asked, sounding angry.
"Do you think I knew he was writing books based on our lives?"
"He had to have known who you are," Sam added. "This isn't an accident. He has to get visions or something."
"Yeah, I know," I nodded. "He made money off of my name and then screwed me."
"Damn," Dean mumbled. "I missed a hell of a lot."
I rolled my eyes.
--time skip--
I knocked on the door loudly. Sam grabbed my arm, shaking his head at me. The door was opened and I smiled obnoxiously as Chuck. He was in a robe, his boxers, and an old white shirt. He looked tired and like he hadn't had a goodnight's sleep in days.
"Chuck Shurley," Dean asked.
"Chuck Shurley that wrote the Supernatural books," Sam added.
"Nice to meet you," I said. "This is Sam... Dean... and I'm (Y/n)... the ones you've written books about."
Chuck sighed and went to shut the door. I stepped in, stopping it with my foot.
"Listen, I appreciate the enthusiasm, I really do and I remember you," he motioned at me, awkwardly grinning before seeming to shake the memories out of his head. I almost slapped him right then. "But please... go get a life."
"You see," Dean followed me, helping to force our way inside. Sam made sure the door shut behind us. "We have a life... and you're selling books about it."
"Okay, this isn't funny," Chuck mumbled.
"You're right," I said. "We just wanna know how you're doing it?"
"I'm just a writer, I'm not doing anything."
"Then why do you know so much about demons and tulpas and changelings?"
"Is this some kind of 'Misery' thing? Ah, it is, isn't it? It's a 'Misery' thing!"
"No, it's not," I shook my head. "Believe me, we're not fans."
"What do you want then," he asked.
"I'm Sam... and that's Dean and (Y/n)," Sam tried again.
"Those are fictional characters," Chuck yelled. "They aren't real!"
Dean grabbed him and pulled him outside.
"Wait, wait-"
"We aren't kidnapping you, calm down," I rolled my eyes. Dean opened the hidden compartment in the impala's trunk.
"Are those real guns?"
"Yes," I nodded. "And real rock salt, real fake IDs."
Chuck let out a laugh at it, "Well, I gotta hand it to you guys. You really are my number-one fans. That... That's awesome. So, I-I think I've got some poster in the house."
"Chuck, stop," I rolled my eyes, grabbing his arm as he went to walk away.
"Please don't hurt me," he begged.
"How much do you know," Sam asked. "Do you know about the angels? Or Lilith breaking the seals?"
"How do you know about that?"
"Have you not been listening," I asked. "The real question is how do you?"
"Because I wrote it," he explained.
"You kept writing?"
"The books never came out because the publisher went bankrupt," he furrowed his eyebrows.
I stepped back, letting go of his arms.
"Okay, wait a minute," Chuck crossed his arms. "This is some kind of joke, right? Did Phil put you up to this?"
"Oh my god," I muttered, pinching the bridge of my nose. I grabbed his robe. "I'm sorry but I'm really tired. Nice to meet you. I'm (Y/n) Winchester, these are my brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester. You wrote and published books about us, probably knew who I was, and then you still slept with me."
He stared at me in shock.
"What," I asked.
"The last names were never in the books," he mumbled. "I never told anyone about that. I never even wrote that down."
"Then I guess we have a lot to talk about," I let go of his robe.
The three of us followed him inside.
--time skip--
"I got a visit from Cas," Dean explained as he walked in. "I've some important information."
After talking to Chuck and getting a draft of what was supposed to happen, we were all panicking. Dean told us to wait here. Lilith was going to come for Sam and we both thought it'd be harder if there was more than one of us here at all times.
Now, Dean was coming back from seeing Chuck.
"And that important information is...," Sam trailed off.
"He's a prophet of the lord," Dean said, smirking at me.
I shut my eyes, letting my head fall forward.
"Please say you're joking," I mumbled.
"Nope," Dean replied.
Sam looked over at me. He only started chuckling after his brother broke.
Dean was laughing his head off within seconds, "You screwed a prophet!"
"Shut up," I groaned. "I'm gonna kill him!"
"Archangel will kill you."
"I'll happily pay that price," I muttered. "I slept with a prophet."
"At least that means he didn't write himself to sleep with you," Sam tried to comfort me.
"Yeah, God just decided I was supposed to sleep with the guy publishing books about my life," I replied sarcastically. "That makes me feel so much better."
"Come on, it could be worst-"
"Sam, love you, but don't finish that sentence if you even kind of value your life," I muttered.
I was desperate for this conversation to just end.
--time skip--
After all was said and done, and Chuck accidentally helped us chase Lilith away for a while, we gave Chuck a lift back to his place.
I followed him up to his door, offering to look around and make sure that he's safe. He shook his head.
"I have an archangel protecting me," he reminded me. "Can't get any safer than that."
I nodded.
"I'm sorry, by the way," he said. "About us. I didn't recognize you until after... it all... and I didn't say anything because I didn't really know how to explain it. The whole event makes me feel all scummy."
"It's alright," I replied with a chuckle. "It's fine, I promise."
He offered me a nervous smile, "Y'know, in all of my visions, you're the most vivid thing."
With a grin, I leaned over and kissed his cheek gently. I stepped back and headed back toward the impala. I made sure to take note of his nervous and flustered face.
"See you around, Chuck!"
"You... You too," he called after me. I got in the backseat and got comfortable.
"So... screwing the prophet wasn't that bad," Dean asked.
I just rolled my eyes, waving through the window at Chuck as Dean pulled away from the curb. Leave it to a Winchester to end up in a situation like that.
--time skip (season 11)--
Sam and I followed Dean with our guns ready. Dean was following the amulet that he had owned for a long time without even knowing it could show us where God was.
Everyone had been infected by Amara only minutes ago but now it was okay and Dean's amulet was glowing.
"Holy shit," I mumbled, seeing who was walking over to us.
He was supposed to be dead. That's why Kevin's prophet powers had been activated.
"No way," Dean said.
"Hey," Chuck... or God said. "We need to talk."
Despite our understandable hesitation, Chuck reached forward, teleporting all of us back to the bunker. I stepped away from him, slightly overwhelmed.
"(Y/n)," Chuck walked over and tried to grab my arm. I instinctually slapped him. I was nothing but confusion and anger. "I deserved that. Just, please?"
I stepped away again.
From behind Chuck stepped Kevin's ghost. My breath caught in my throat. The poor boy had been through so much shit because of us.
Kevin told us about how we looked stressed and that we should listen to Chuck.
Then, Chuck waved his hand. Kevin turned into a ball of white and blue light before ascending beyond the bunker.
"Where'd he go," I asked.
"Heaven, where he deserves," Chuck promised. I nodded.
I listened to the rant about how Chuck had abandoned us all and how awful things were. Then, the conversation turned to the plan to stop Amara. The boys talked about needing Lucifer and Chuck got incredibly upset. In a fit, he went to leave. I stepped in front of him.
"No," I said bluntly. "Even if you want to avoid the subject of your estranged son, you can't just leave."
"Sam, Dean," I looked at them. "Give us a minute?"
They both nodded, glaring at Chuck on their way out. I tried to ignore the instincts that were telling me that Chuck was just selfish.
"(Y/n)," Chuck mumbled.
"Just answer my questions," I said. "Then we can discuss what to do with Amara without you storming away recklessly. Okay?"
He nodded.
"Have you been God the whole time," I asked.
He nodded.
"You wrote all of our stories?"
Another nod.
"Did you write that I was going to sleep with you?"
I felt manipulated and angry. I was desperate for an answer. I knew that this could've made me feel like dirt, but I needed to know.
"No," Chuck said. I clenched my jaw, ready to call him a liar. "I told you. I had been pretty much hands-off for a long time. Did I know who were? Absolutely. I'm sorry I lied to you about that. But I didn't plan anything between us. We weren't some divine plan."
I nodded, looking down.
"You know how Dean and Amara are connected," he asked. I nodded, looking back at him. "We're like them."
"And that's not a divine plan-"
"I'm not doing a good job explaining this," Chuck shook his head. "It feels like we're like them. Like there's this bond that just happened as soon as we met."
"You lied to me, for years," I said. "Saying we have some bond isn't gonna fix that."
"I know."
We both fell silent. Slowly, I started laughing. Chuck furrowed his eyebrows, "My only one-night stand... and it was God."
Chuck started laughing with me while I really processed what I had done.
I slowly stopped laughing.
I didn't notice until it was too late that Chuck had slowly gotten closer to me. As soon as his lips brushed mine, I pushed him back. Not hard, but enough to get him to step away.
"No," I mumbled. "Not that, no."
Chuck nodded, "Got it."
"Now," I sighed, "we need to actually plan to stop Amara, and if we need Luci-"
"We don't," he said bluntly. "We can do something else. We don't need him. Okay?"
I nodded. In my gut, I trusted him. Maybe that was me being an idiot but I did trust him. For now at least.
What I Write For
Request Guidelines
Musical Prompts
Small Moments With…
When Worlds Collide (Doctor Who Crossover Series) Masterlist
Some Original Characters
folklore/evermore Writing Challenge (and Masterlist)
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