#because your dumb brain thought eating a pencil would be a good idea?
wow-an-unfunny-joke · 5 months
It’s all “we need to get weirder” and “support mental illness” but when I say I eat my skin sometimes than SUDDENLY everyone’s got a problem with it!
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The Seven Demon Lords’ Pet Human
So I’m quite fond of the idea that the lesser demons see MC as the brothers’ dumb pet human up until MC is revealed to be a five star badass who can control the brothers on a whim. But Himiko isn’t okay with being referred to as anyone’s “pet”, and after a very bad day, she’s going to let the brothers know that.
Genre: Half Crack Half Fluff
Warning: This story features my MC, who uses she/her pronouns, if that makes you uncomfortable no harm no foul, see you next time
“Just their pet human,”
“Aw, they let their cute widdle pet walk around all by herself~.”
“The brothers’ new pet looks so delicious…”
Himiko Nanami was not one for demeaning nicknames. She had told Luke over and over again that the reason people kept calling him a chihuahua was because he gave them a reaction, but she just couldn’t follow her own advice. A pet… the brothers’ pet… what complete and utter shit.
She had forged pacts with the seven lords of Hell. She had escaped death more times than she could count. On her first day at RAD, she had gouged out a demon’s eye with her headband for trying to eat her. She had walked Cerberus and survived. Himiko was no dainty little pet.
It was a tragedy that some of the demons that wandered the halls of RAD couldn’t see that. Not all the demons were irredeemable anti-human trash, some were quite sweet. But it only took one weird squishy grape to make Himiko refuse to eat the rest of the bowl. That’s how that saying goes, right?
It was supposed to be a good day, it was a Friday for Christ’s sake! But no, the world at large was conspiring to make Himiko’s forehead vein burst.
First period with Satan went normally for the most part, until the two paired up for an assignment and Himiko decided to give Satan a few pats on the head. A few snickers coming from a few rows behind her drew her attention, and right after Satan left to use the bathroom, that’s when she heard it. The first comment of the day.
“Aww, a pet petting her master, how sweet.”
When Satan returned, Himiko was holding a broken pencil.
To her credit, she didn’t dignify those idiots with a response, but their comment managed to burrow its way into her brain and settle there right when she snapped the pencil.
Second period shouldn’t have been so shitty, Himiko had friends in that class. Friends other than the brothers and the other exchange students, but no. Everything sucks in the Devildom.
Paimon had so sweetly offered to share some of his chips with her when he heard she had skipped breakfast. Himiko was in the middle of happily chowing down when some asshole decided to ruin the cute friendship moment.
“Geez Pai, I thought you’d be more responsible than that~.” A demoness a few rows ahead cooed. “Feeding other people’s pets without asking~.”
Paimon choked on the chip he was chewing on while Himiko gave the demoness a bone chilling glare.
“Sh-she’s not- I’m not-”
“How about you mind your own fucking business?”
The demoness only rolled her eyes and turned back to giggling with her friends. It was truly a shame that at least 60% of all the demon ladies in the school were incredibly mean and/or homicidal, a shame for Himiko because she’s a raging bisexual.
With her appetite lost, Himiko forfeited the rest of the chips to Paimon.
Lunch went by as normal as it could have gone. She sat with the brothers as usual and happily watched their antics. When she left the table to throw her trash away was when all hell broke loose.
All those damned whispers reached Himiko’s ears and if she had any less patience she would have pulled her hair out and screamed. When she got back to the table, she spent the rest of her lunch period in silence.
What’s worse was that her next class was with Solomon, and the only seat available was next to him. Great…
“Grouchy today, ms. Nanami?”
“Annoying today, mr. Wizard?”
Solomon let out a quiet and carefree laugh and rested his head on his hand. “Oh Himiko, you know I’m always up for being a little annoying.”
Himiko rolled her eyes and tried to pay attention to the teacher. “Whatever…”
Class went on, but Solomon didn’t let up on his quiet pestering.
“Himiiiiii, tell me what’s wrong, I won’t laugh.”
“Go to hell.”
“Poor choice of words, you’re there with me.”
“I hate you.”
“So mean, I’m just trying to help. Solomon the Wise is known for giving great advice!”
Himiko turned and looked at the immortal sorcerer next to her and saw his pitiful attempt at what looked like puppy dog eyes. She rolled her eyes again and turned back to her work.
“I thought you were known for ordering a baby to be sawed in half.”
“Hey!” Solomon huffed, crossing his arms. “The baby did not get sawed in half. The saner of the two women got to keep the baby, I was being smart.”
“Sure, sure.” Himiko couldn’t hold back a bit of a smile. To her own surprise, Himiko began to weigh the pros and cons of actually telling Solomon what was going on. Hm, on one hand, Solomon was the only other human that might possibly understand what Himiko was dealing with, on the other hand, Solomon was a known shifty bastard and could barely be counted as human at this point. In the end, human solidarity won out.
“Solomon,” Himiko began. “Have you ever gotten called a pet before? Like a demon’s pet..?”
Solomon thought for a moment, then shrugged. “Probably. I’ve been alive too long not to have been called every name under the sometimes lack of sun, but I’ve always been more widely known as someone who makes demons into his pets.”
“Mmm, sure.”
“But fret not Himiko, those closest to you know the truth. You’re no pet.”
Not exactly the heaps of comfort Himiko wanted, but at least Solomon answered truthfully and didn’t say anything that would get on her nerves-
“I don’t know why you’re so upset about that nickname though, you’d look amazing in a collar.”
For what happened to poor Solomon right after he said that, let’s just say a palm reader could read Himiko’s future off Solomon’s face.
In fourth period, Himiko had to hold herself back from bitchslapping someone else who decided it would be a good idea to test her. A quick word of advice to anyone in the Devildom who would like to survive an encounter with Himiko, never, ever, fuck with her headband.
“You fiendish demon!” Luke yapped, trying to help get Himiko’s headband back from the nasty awful no good demon who decided to pluck it off her head and hold it out of reach. “Give that back!”
“N’awwwwww, pet buddies!” The taller demon laughed and dangled the headband a little closer. “So cute! Someone get a picture for Devilgram-”
Luke slammed his foot directly into the demon’s kneecap. The demon practically shrieked and doubled over only to be met with Himiko’s knee in his gut. She daintily plucked the headband from his grasp and quickly pulled Luke out of the room.
“Are you okay?” The moment the two were far enough down the hall, Luke began to fuss over Himiko like a tiny nurse. “You didn’t get hurt, did you?”
“No buddy, I’m fine.” Himiko held out her hand for a high five. “Up high,”
“Down low,”
“Too slow.”
“Hey!” Luke whined. “No faaaaaiiiiir!”
No one wants their human to be grumpy, especially not the brothers, so when Himiko spent the rest of the time until dinner holed up in her room, they were a tad concerned.
“My human’s all saaaaaaaaad,” Mammon rested his chin on the table and whined. The rest of the brothers sans Asmo were sitting at the table awaiting dinner. “Himiko said she didn’t wanna play the Game of Life, and it’s like, the one game she’s good at…”
“Yeah, she’s been pissy all day.” Belphie added before quietly yawning. “What’d you do, Mammon?”
“Me?!” Mammon sputtered, practically scrambling out of his seat and pointing an accusatory finger at his brothers. “I didn’t do shit! What about you idiots?!”
“Well, let’s look at what we know,” Satan said, waving off Mammon. “During first period we partnered up for a project, I left to use the restroom, then when I came back she looked upset. During lunch when she left, she came back and didn’t speak the rest of the lunch period. Any theories?”
Beel raised his hand, and Satan nodded to him. “Himiko has terrible separation anxiety now, she can’t go too long without us.”
Satan gave Beel a few nods, then turned to the others. “That’s one guess. Anyone else?”
Mammon raised his hand, and Satan promptly ignored him.
“Oi! Pay attention to me!” Mammon stuck his hand in the air and waved harder. “She’s angry because she’s failin’ a class! Every time we’re not distractin’ her, she remembers!”
“I would have heard if she was failing a class.” Lucifer finally piped up from the head of the table, his face was buried in RAD’s newspaper. “You on the other hand, Mammon, are failing three of your four classes this semester.”
Mammon slid back into his seat and scratched the back of his neck. “About thaaaaaat, I need money for uh… for new books n’ pencils n’ shit. That’s why I’m failin’, you’ll lend me money, won’t ya big bro?”
Lucifer didn’t get to respond as Asmo burst into the door of the dining room with a pot of pasta that was almost half his height. “DINNER IS SERVED~!”
As everyone settled in to eat, Himiko finally made her appearance and plopped herself down in her usual seat next to Mammon and helped herself to the pasta with rosé sauce.
“It’s good! It’s good right?” Asmo peppered the group with questions about the food and how good he did. Himiko had to admit, this was damn good pasta. Smooth, creamy, cheesy, all that was missing was garlic bread. In a matter of minutes Himiko had cleared her first bowl and was going in for seconds.
“So Himiko,” Satan said as Himiko continued to shovel pasta into her face at a pace that could rival Beel. “We’ve noticed you’ve been looking a little upset today, care to satiate our curiosity?”
Himiko paused mid bite, which wasn’t doing wonders for her appearance considering she had sauce on the tip of her nose. But still, how sweet of her boys to notice, it made her cold dead little heart swell with love.
“Oh you know, just idiots at school not worth my attention.”
“What have they been saying?” Asmo asked, his voice unusually stiff.
“They’ve been calling me you guys’ pet.” Himiko grumbled. “How ridiculous is that?”
The clattering of forks and the chewing of food halted as the boys went completely silent. Himiko shifted uncomfortably in her chair as she looked around. Had what those demons said been a greater insult to the boys than she-
“Pfff- HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Mammon erupted into laughter and the rest of the brothers followed suit.
“G-Geez,” Belphie snickered, feigning wiping a tear from his eye. “Humans are so sensitive.”
“Excuse me?!” Himiko gripped her fork so hard she was sure it would leave indents.
“I mean, don’t take this the wrong way, Himi,” Levi said between bouts of cackling. “But you are a teeny tiny little normie human surrounded by well… us.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?! That I should just roll over and take it!?” Himiko immediately turned and pointed at Belphie. “Don’t you dare.”
Belphie’s mouth was open to make a comment about Himiko’s poor choice of words, but the pact activated and any words died in his throat. Belphie flipped her off and Himiko returned the gesture.
“Himiko,” Beel was sweet enough to not laugh at Himiko’s predicament. “It’s not that big of a deal. Besides, people love their pets.”
As sweet as Beel thought his words were being, Himiko really wanted to send him to bed without dinner.
“Yes, yes, Beel’s right.” Satan took a deep breath and collected himself after his laughing fit had finally ceased. “It’s nothing to worry about, Himiko. It shouldn’t be bothering you. Just don’t listen.”
Himiko somehow gripped her fork even tighter as she levelled her ice cold glare at Satan. “Thank you so much for demonsplaining how I should deal with and feel about the very human problem of people seeing me as some toy.”
The venom in her words seemed to snap the rest of the table out of their giggly stupor, and Mammon gave Himiko a few pats on the back.
“Ah don’t worry about it, Himiko. I’ll fight any bastard who says anythin’ like that.” Suddenly realizing he hadn’t been a tsundere for five whole minutes, Mammon went red and snatched his hand away. “Ya know, just because you’d probably use the pact and order me to anyway…”
“I’m not a dere~” Levi began to softly sing, Himiko perked up and grabbed Mammon’s cheek.
“A tsun-tsundere~”
“Not that song again!”
That should have been the end of that whole debacle. Himiko’s decent mood had been restored and all was well! The gang chatted amicably for the rest of dinner. Himiko made sure to heap loads of praise on Asmo for his amazing pasta. She felt a part of her die when she went in for fourths and the spoon scraped the bottom of the pot.
Too bad nothing ever goes smoothly in the Devildom.
Since it was Asmo’s night to cook, it was Himiko’s night to do dishes, so she got up and began to clear the table. As she began to collect the unused knives, Lucifer, not looking up from his newspaper, handed Himiko his plate.
“Thank you, pet, that’ll be all.”
Himiko stopped dead in her tracks and her grip on the plate tightened. “Repeat that, Lucifer?”
“Thank you, pet, that’ll be all.”
A tiny smirk spread across Lucifer’s face, which only served to make Himiko’s blood boil. If he thought he could make a joke about that while she was still mad he had another thing coming.
As quick as a flash, she had whipped the plate straight at the ground, shattering it into dozens of tiny pieces, before Lucifer even had a chance to say anything, Himiko was standing in front of him with a frigid glare on her face.
“Lucifer, put your hand flat on the table and spread your fingers. Keep quiet.”
With no choice but to obey, Lucifer slapped his hand down on the dining table, though, the glare he was giving her wasn’t any less murderous. Not caring, Himiko’s gaze remained cold and calculating, she turned to the other brothers, who were rooted in place from sheer shock. “Stay.”
“I’d just like to get something out there to you seven,” Himiko said calmly, holding one of the knives in her right hand and waving it around like it was the most casual thing in the universe. “I, am no one’s pet,”
Himiko turned and slammed the knife right between Lucifer’s middle and index fingers, imbedding it deep in the table.
“Arm candy,”
The second knife was slammed right in between Lucifer’s middle and pointer finger.
“Or accessory.”
The final knife went between his index and pinkie finger. Himiko’s next words were slow and deliberate as she stared the strongest of the brothers directly in the eyes.
“I am your friend, and equal, I won’t accept being anything less, whether it’s a joke, or not. You agreed to those terms the day we made our pact, didn’t we Lucifer? Have you changed your mind?”
It was so quiet you could hear Henry 2.0 swimming around in Levi’s room upstairs. No one dared to breathe as the seconds ticked past.
Finally, Lucifer responded, his voice tinged with exasperation. “No Himiko, I haven’t.”
“Good,” A small triumphant smile appeared on Himiko’s face as she removed the knives from the table and finished up cleaning the table. “That goes for the rest of you boys too, got it?”
As Himiko walked into the kitchen to do everyone’s dishes, they quietly reminded themselves exactly who they were dealing with. Himiko Nanami was no dainty little human, no no no, she was the one master to rule them all, and by god was she going to make sure no one ever forgot.
AAAAAAAA THIS WAS SO FUN TO WRITE!!!! I really need to write more stuff with Himiko! Inspiration struck at like… 10 this morning and I just ran with it.
Now on one hand, I can see that people might think that Himiko overreacted to Lucifer’s little joke a tad. Buuuuuuuuuuut she’s gotta shut down that shit early, right? She doesn’t want “pet” to be the next “chihuahua”.
Lucifer’s probably trying to stick his nose back in his newspaper as he wonders whether he’s incredibly enraged or unbelievably turned on.
Hope you all enjoyed! Now back to the regularly scheduled shitposting.
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mystic-sky · 4 years
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|✨Part 1✨| |✨Part 2 ✨| of the Friends with Benefits Series.
Your relationship with Suguru started off somewhat unexpectedly. A new semester romance, however it was unwanted after dealing with Satoru Gojo just last year. You tried not to blame yourself for the situation unraveling the way it did. You did your best to make Satoru comfortable with you- at least you thought you did.
He cut you off as soon as you made your feelings apparent. You wondered if he somehow did it for your own good, or maybe there was something deeper that went along with it. No matter, you remained optimistic. You were young, and bound to make mistakes. This was just a story to tell your children about in the future if you ever felt it was necessary.
But back to Suguru, who had wiggled his way into your life somehow. He wasn’t a random guy actually. More like a familiar face you’d seen in a few of your classes because you both were in the same major. Just so recently, he decided to talk to you.
You weren’t expecting to hit it off with him so easily. He was sort of scary looking, which led you not to engage with him in the first place. He never tried talking to you before 5 months ago. And neither did you, considering you thought he was so handsome he’d break your heart too somehow.
His arms were sleeved with tattoos that would bridge at his chest. The tattoos would sometimes peak out of his wide collared shirts if he chose to wear one that day. He had a thing for wearing these huge ear gauges that had his favorite anime on them. Though, you never noticed until you sat close enough to him to see the designs. It was a rainy day, and both of you ended up sitting beside each other in your sociology course in the back of the classroom. You were both late, having come in just after the other.
It was weird seeing him this close. He never did come late to any class you’d ever been in with him. Even if you wanted to sit with him, like Satoru, he never had any available seats beside him. He didn’t disturb you until the lecture ended, commenting on one of your anime themed mechanical pencils. That sparked your first conversation with him, and he wasn’t shy to ask you out for coffee right after.
He’s been keen on you since, and you just barely give him the time of day in the beginning. You were just cautious, after the whole Satoru situation. Suguru was fine with whatever you wanted the situation between you both to be. But you will admit, the conversations he’d keep you up with at night made it hard to not fall in love with him.
He’d take you out to dinner, study with you, and sleep with you from time to time since the sexual attraction between you was hard to deny. You think your favorite thing about messing around with Suguru was how he’d always pick your brain after sex with manga theories and better endings than the canonically debuted ones. He was a really good cook, and you often challenged him to make your favorite dishes. They were excuses to invite you over to his place, so he gladly took each one with merit. It was friends with benefits but with far much more substance to hold onto.
He never poked you about getting serious. Whatever you both had was still young at barely 5 months. He could tell you’d been going through something mostly because of how you sexed him. Sometimes you were the dominant one- you’d throw him on the bed and bounce yourself on his length until your knees were far too tired to go on. Other times, he’d steal the show from you, showing you just exactly what he was capable of.
He spread you onto the desk in his bedroom, face deep into your folds. He also loved to spoil you, like Satoru, but you did your best not to think of him when you both were together. Suguru had so much more hair to grab, considering his tongue work was so good it scared you.
“Be a good kitten and cum for me.” He said between sucks on your clit. You often couldn’t think, and that was a good thing. He numbed you in plenty of ways, he knew he had been helping you get over something. He had been doing the same thing but you could care less.
“Actually, I changed my mind.” He tore his mouth from your steaming sex, wiping his chin. You gasp as he lifts you up off the desk, holding your body without leaning against anything for support. You felt weightless, feeling his length prod at your entrance. You tried to hold back a giggle as he smiled smugly at you.
“You ready?” His eyes were sincere, asking for your consent again as he was aching to sink you onto himself.
You nod, feeling a bit nervous. “Stuff like this is about balance. Start flailing around again and I’ll drop you.” He teased. Your hands found some of his hair again, tugging on it a bit.
“Just fuck me.” You roll your eyes as he slams his length into you, making you cry out and clutch your arms around him. His large hands firmly grasp underneath your thighs, using the way your ass recoiled against his thighs to keep a steady rhythm. He’s immersed in the way your broken moans pour into his ear, fueling his stamina. He’s a stickler for teasing you the entire time, praising you for taking his length so well.
“Such a good kitten, you’re taking it so well.”
It was the third time he’d ever held you up to fuck you. After letting go of the fear of him dropping you it became incredibly easy to focus on the pleasure.
“You’re gonna cum aren’t you? Don’t worry about the carpet baby, make a mess for me.”
He knew how to mix things up the way you needed. On your rough days he’d sex you slowly, more passionately and generously. If you were happy and feeling frisky he’d fuck you accordingly. He was pretty good at reading your body just after the first few fucks you had. You hated comparing the two men, but it did happen from time to time when you were in solitude, plagued by your own self-deprecating thoughts every now and then.
It was weird how they emanated each other’s personalities in certain ways. And then you found out that they used to be good friends in high school until something happened. You never poked Suguru about it, since he’d seem to get irritated when you were around groups of friends and Satoru’s name was mentioned. You did your best to be satisfied with what you had. He was handsome, smart, and possibly wanted to be your boyfriend in due time.
But you couldn’t help but think about Satoru. Not only was your experience with him a wild one, but he was fucking everywhere. It’s always like this for you. It’s not until you’re trying to avoid someone do you begin seeing them absolutely everywhere.
You stared at Satoru over Suguru’s shoulder, poking your cheek with your tongue. The audacity he had, showing up in the cafe where you both first met while you and Suguru were on a routine study date. Well, it was a hotspot for a lot of students, so who are you to say he can’t come in here.
“I think I’m overworking myself today, we can go eat now.” Your mood change was evident to Suguru, but he couldn’t put his finger on why at first. He watched you get up and pack your things before shortly following.
As you tossed your bag over your shoulders, he took hold of one of your hands, squeezing firmly. He pressed a sweet kiss to your forehead, tilting your chin up to meet his gaze.
“Is it something I can cheer you up from when we get back to my place?” Suguru was a bit smug about it, and also painfully intuitive about your emotions even though you’d been close for such a short time. Your cheeks went red, eyes burning holes through the floor.
“It’s nothing, really. Let’s just get out of here.” You manage to look back at him, just barely glancing at Satoru who probably had been looking in this direction. Suguru pressed another kiss to your forehead, wrapping his arm around you and leading you out the cafe. He nearly touched shoulders with Satoru and his own dame, smirking just loudly enough for him to hear.
Suguru wasn’t dumb, finally having noticed your energy change just a few moments after Satoru Gojo entered the cafe. This was your favorite place, and he hated how someone could ever ruin that for you. He felt urged to do something about it- with or without your consent. He doesn’t poke you about it until you’re in the car.
“Random question, but do you know Satoru Gojo?”
The question like a pin in your spine, making you visibly un-slouch in the drivers seat. He doesn’t look at you, feeling that would make it easier for you to talk. You take this the wrong way, and feel even more tense.
“I do, we were a thing at one point.” You manage not to stutter. You had no idea why you felt scared or touchy about the subject- you shouldn’t be. His entire vibe had changed, and he didn’t have his usual grin peaking at the corners of his lips.
“Oh,” he says simply. The longest ten seconds of silence reign throughout the vehicle. You’re anxious to turn on the radio, anything to rid the first bit of awkwardness the two of you had ever shared.
“He’s an asshole, isn’t he?” He randomly chuckles heartily, somewhat calming you.
“Yeah,” you’re exhaling properly now, “he really is.”
“We were best friends for about four years. I know him like the back of my hand. Granted, he’s probably changed a lot since high school.”
“But you’re both so-
“Different?” He chuckled. “Yeah, I know.”
“If he was an asshole then, he’s multiplied tenfold.” You roll your eyes. “You both don’t talk anymore?”
You knew they didn’t, but you took the opportunity to ask anyway.
“Nah, he’s a slimy bastard. I hope karma turns him rotten.” You’d never seen Suguru scowl before. He must really hate him, you thought. Still, what a small world; first Satoru and now his ex best friend.
“You still talk to him?” He pokes again. His tone is just barely playful. God, you changed your mind. You didn’t want to talk about this anymore.
“No, we don’t talk anymore. It ended pretty badly.” You say simply. You also decided not tell Suguru that the both of you messed around just before you started messing with him.
“Sorry about that. If we were friends sooner I’d have told you about him.” Suguru is apologizing for something you weren’t entirely ignorant about in the first place. You knew what you were getting into.
Satoru never tried to convince you the situation was anything other than what it was— until the end. The sweet things he started saying to you during those final months often echoed in your head- like he meant all of it.
The sex developed into something that it shouldn’t have. Sex that passionate should be forbidden if you aren’t already in love. And the things he said to you the last time he dropped you off didn’t make it any better. You wanted to slap his stupid, pretty face.
“I’m over it now.”
Suguru pans his gaze to watch you nonchalantly staring out the window. He knew better than to ask anymore. He was more elated that you didn’t interact with him at all. He didn’t need Satoru painting a picture about him in your head before he could first.
What sucks the most about dating people you go to school with is how often you’d see them. Satoru was fucking everywhere. The local restaurants, the library, the cafe, and he’d registered for two of your classes this semester. He didn’t speak to you at all, but he was always just there. Perhaps he’d always been around but since you’d been involved with him you were more aware of his presence.
You were standing in line in the library, attempting to return some books. He entered the space, and walked up behind you, standing on the line and giving your space. You turn your body slightly, peering up at him. You thought to leave, but just because you resented him didn’t mean you were going to cower every time you had to be around him for a while. You let out a sigh as you tip toed to peer in front of yourself; at least the line was moving.
Both of you had made it to the front, talking to separate librarians beside one another. When they both got up from their seats to head towards the back, he spoke directly to you, without actually looking at you.
“(Name), word of advice— I’d steer clear of Getou Suguru if I were you.”
Anger poured over you; you did your best to keep your voice low and eyes forward when saying this.
“That’s the first thing you say to me after almost a year? Go fuck yourself.”
He bites back a witty response, poking his cheek with his tongue. “Whatever. Find out the hard way.”
“You’ve got a lot of nerve. Why the fuck are you telling me this?” You’re whisper-shouting, considering it’s a library.
“Because,” he turns to look at you, “I care about you.”
“What a load of shit.”
Satoru Gojo doesn’t care about anyone, you learned that the hard way.
He let out a sigh. He knew he had no right, but even if he couldn’t get you back, he wanted you to know what kind of guy you were seeing. He couldn’t say anything, he knew you wouldn’t listen. Not like this anyway. Both librarians returned, and gave you back your borrowing passes. You quickly departed, refusing to give Satoru another opportunity to speak to you. His words stuck with you on the way home. You didn’t have any reason to be afraid of Suguru, right?
Two months had passed since Satoru had “warned” you about Suguru. And nothing has happened to lead you to be cautious of him. Satoru hasn’t spoken to you either.
You’re sitting in the guidance counselor’s office as it’s the end of the semester once again. You typed away on your phone, telling Suguru you’d see him for dinner in a bit before throwing your head back and shutting your eyes. The heaviest sigh left your lungs, you were thankful the semester was nearing its end. You had quite enough of studying and needed to unwind.
You feel a presence on the end of your bench, making you open one eye. You see white tresses, and you catch the scent of familiar cologne.
Satoru doesn’t look at you, but he’s quite aware that he’s sitting beside you as well. You almost scoff, only crossing your arms and legs. Noticing the undone laces of your boots, you lean forward to tie it. Your loose bag on your shoulder which unfortunately wasn’t zipped, spilled small notebooks and pencils all over the floor. Spare change rolled across the walk way along with other items.
“Fuck...” you muttered. His head snapped towards you as you let out a sigh and bent down to pick up your things. Your phone that was your on your lap hit the ground as well. You saw his hand in the corner of your eye reaching down to help.
“I got it.” You say sternly, and shamelessly picking up your things. He retracts his hand, and instead gets up to pick up the items that were further away from you, ignoring your request not to help.
He sits back beside you, handful of change and pens. He holds it up towards you quietly while you attempt to fix your bag back to the way it was. You turn to look at him for what feels like the first time in forever, blue eyes pouring into your own (eye color) ones.
“I didn’t need you to do that.” You say, taking your things. You initially thought to take your things from him without a word. He went back to staring in front of himself, waiting to be called. You shifted uncomfortably, and fidgeted with your fingernails. You forced yourself into to pay attention to the soft music playing from the back of the office until he spoke.
“How have you been?”
For some odd reason though, you wanted him to say something to you. You had a lot of things to let off your chest considering the way things ended. You thought of giving him a piece of your mind right there in front of all the staff members, but you restrained yourself.
Instead, you found yourself saying “I’m doing great.”
“That’s good.” He says nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. He didn’t even sound sure of his own response. A few minutes of silence resumes after. You’re a bit startled when speaks again.
“I’m definitely out of line right now, but I’ve been wanting to talk to you about some things.”
“What could we possibly have to talk about?” A lot. You were bubbling over.
“There’s a lot of things, at least for me, that I’ve never really told you.” He’s looking at you now. “Can we talk somewhere quieter? Whenever you’ve got the free time, and only if you want to.”
He was offering closure to you a bit too late. Or maybe all this time you’d convinced yourself you’d moved on. You often found yourself replaying the morning he brought you home and all the things you should’ve said in that moment.
That’s not exactly moving on. Unfortunately, you also found yourself comparing him to Suguru more often then not. That’s not moving on either.
“Okay,” you said. “Later on today. Round 8pm.”
He looks thankful. Just as he spoke, your counselor called out to you to come into their office. You stand up, looking down at him.
“Cafe then?” He suggests.
“That’s fine. See you.” You shrugged. You didn’t care that much for the place. You heard him say goodbye as the door shut behind you.
You had half a mind to never speak to him ever again. Though both of you were using each other, he knowingly crossed a line, making you feel things for him in a situation where feelings weren’t supposed to be involved. And he never gave you a chance to truly address the situation. Now, almost a year later, he’s ready to speak to you on his own terms. You’d be sure to tell him you had no intentions of making amends with him. If you personally didn’t have interest in what he had to say, you wouldn’t bother gracing him with the ability to explain anything to you.
You would’ve made him suffer. He’s lucky you’re still a bit distraught about the situation. Any longer into your situation-ship with Suguru and Satoru wouldn’t even have the slightest chance at something like this.
Dinner with Suguru was transparent. He could tell something was on your mind but he didn’t pry much after his first attempt. The last time you both talked about Satoru he turned into a different person, and it didn’t sit right with you. You did your best to brush it off, assuming he was just protective over you. But Satoru’s warning in the library echoed in your subconscious more and more. Just what happened between them, and would it be okay for you to ask Suguru about it?
He wasn’t your boyfriend either, but you suppose he wanted to be? You hadn’t brought up the dating conversation in while and you probably wouldn’t until you situated the Satoru thing.
“You know you can talk to me about anything, right?” Suguru’s holding your face, brushing your hair out of your eyes. His smile is incredibly gentle and you feel guilty for keeping this from him.
Perhaps you should hold Suguru accountable too, for being so sweet to you like this. He informed you he wouldn’t up and leave unless you wanted him to and that he’d never say anything he didn’t mean. But after dealing with trauma from past relationships, affection like this was always perceived cautiously.
“I know,” you say, feeling his lips press against your forehead again. “It’s just not easy to talk about right now.”
“That’s alright,” he assures you. “I’m here whenever you’re ready.”
His lips connect with yours while his hands slide down your back. He feels you relax a bit, and that makes him smile. How could he possibly be a bad person?
“I’ll call you when I get home, okay?”
You nod, watching him part from you and get into his car. You never did come to understand how he could afford it; a black Mercedes Benz-Coupe. You assumed that and his nice apartment were inherited wealth from his parents.
You wave at him before going into the station. Luckily he had things to attend to, and you didn’t have to bother making up anything about tonight. It was just barely any of his business, right?
You had an idea of what to expect from Satoru when you got there. You were rehearsing things you wanted to say in your head, some of them incredibly mean. You wanted to hurt his feelings too, if you had it in you. It didn’t take you long to get to the cafe, and you’d arrived early, already finding Satoru in the very back, furthest away from people. You gripped your bag strap, before sitting across from him.
“Hey, you’re early.” He says surprised, looking up at you from his phone.
“You’re the early one.” You say, not even cracking a smile.
“How are you?”
“Same as earlier. What did you want to talk about?”
He’s visibly gulping, and you’ve never seen him this nervous. He places his phone face down on the table, turning the sound off. You cross your arms.
“Right,” he lets out a heavy sigh. “Where should I start?” He attempts to gather his thoughts, rubbing his sweaty palms on his jeans.
“I’m not the kind of guy who really addresses his feelings, if you couldn’t already tell at the time we, you know... I’ve been fucked over a lot. I don’t have a lot of actual friends, and I’m constantly aware that people cling to me for my money or looks.”
He never acted like his entourages bothered him per se, but you did notice that he never bothered being around people anymore when the two of you were a thing. You prompt him to continue with your eyes.
“The only best friend I’ve ever had used me until I realized what was going on and cut him off. The first girl I ever really loved chose him instead of me shortly afterwards. Obviously, it’s not a legitimate excuse to have treated you the way that I did, but I guess what I’m saying is that I’m cautious of people and have been for a long time now.”
“But I never tried to use you,” you interjected. You felt a bit insensitive for spitting it out like that, but he really did hurt you.
“I know, and I realized that a bit too late.” He sighs. “But more importantly, I realized that I didn’t talk about or convey my feelings correctly. I know I confused you a lot, and you didn’t deserve that at all.” He tried to keep eye contact with you when he spoke, but your lion like force was pretty strong.
“And when I dropped you off— I shouldn’t have said those things to you. You were so much more than a warm body to me. You were the first real friend I’ve had in a long time. Things got so cloudy for me since we were sleeping together. I didn’t know how to address it, and it freaked me out when you told me you wanted more. I should’ve been elated, but I suppose I didn’t want my heart broken again either.”
“So basically...” He breathed out, “I’m really sorry. I’ve got some messy emotions, things I’m gradually learning to deal with. I’m not making excuses for myself. It’s just I never did talk about myself much when we were a thing, so I wanted to tell you something at least, and apologize. I hated the way I left things. I know it’s long overdue for an apology but...”
“I still have feelings for you. I never stopped. The more time passed, the harder it made it for me to apologize and tell you how I feel. And then I noticed you were going out with... him, so I thought it was too late. But I still wanted to try, I guess.”
He looked so awkward, you almost laughed. Apologies were definitely foreign to him. You could tell he meant it, but even so, he wouldn’t be getting a relationship out of you, if that’s want he wanted.
You let out a large sigh. For some weird reason all the angry things you wanted to say wouldn’t come out. You wanted to be angry at him but you just couldn’t. And your heart was swelling at the idea of him still having feelings for you. Did he really mean that?
“We’re not together. Not yet anyway— it’s complicated.” You crossed your legs and leant back in your seat. Suguru probably would’ve been your boyfriend already if you weren’t so stuck on Satoru.
“Oh,” he said quietly. You’d never seen him look so small, it was definitely out of character for him.
“I forgive you,” you lean forward, holding your head in your hands. All this time and you still had soft spot for him.
“Really?” He’s surprised. Your friends will be too after you tell them this story.
“You want me to take it back?” You’re pinching the bridge of your nose.
He chuckles nervously. “No ma’am.”
“Are you... doing okay though?” He probes after noticing the stress in your brows.
“I can’t stay mad at you. And I want to so bad. It’d make my life simpler. Now I’m conflicted.” You drag your fingers under your eyes, before smooshing your own face, stressfully so. He thought you were cute, but he felt bad being the source of your distraught-ness.
“So I take it you still have feelings for me?” His voice is regular now, and just barely his normal cocky tone.
You won’t even look at him. “I mean...”
How do you explain to him that the only reason you’re messing with someone right now, who just so happens to be his ex-best friend, is because you were trying to forget about him in the first place?
“I get it if you don’t.” He says. “It’s been a while.”
“I do.” It’s almost instinct for you to correct him. “That’s the problem.”
“Ah, I see.” He’s rubbing the back of his neck again. You wished you could start over with a clean slate. School and dating shouldn’t be this difficult.
Satoru thought to warn you again about Suguru in that moment, but he held his tongue. He didn’t want to make it seem as if he was badmouthing him so you could favor him more, he wanted you to lean towards him naturally, if possible.
Silence reigned throughout your little booth in the cafe. The sound of rain hitting the window screen made it easy not to talk so much. It also made it hard to see a certain black, long-haired male in his Mercedes Benz, parked just across the street.
Suguru threw his cigarette out the driver’s window, continuing to watch the both of you inside. He shook his head disappointedly before starting his car.
“And that reminds me,” you say, making Satoru swallow hard and shift in his seat.
“What was that nonsense two months prior, about Geto Suguru?”
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maadorii · 4 years
you’re gonna wanna be my best friend— y. itadori x gn! reader
max.note’s: this is my child, my baby and i love it. probably my favorite fic i’ve ever wrote uwu i think the ending is bit rushed but that’s i was writing this at 4am (i’m also trying out a new layout-ish so yea) 
synopsis—where you and Itadori came up with the greatest, yet stupidest idea in your lives: getting married to lower your tuition cost. what could go wrong? well, there’s getting caught by the government, and then there’s potentially falling in love with your best friend. 
warning/tags: best friends to lovers, mutual pining, characters aged up (18+), high school/college au, modern au, fluff & crack, megumi is the only one with a working brain cell 
w. count— 3.1k
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“yuuji, what’re we gonna do!?” you exclaimed, pacing around the open space of said boy’s bedroom. itadori groaned loudly from his spot on his bed, tugging at the skin underneath his eyes with him. 
looking down at the bright, bold red letters of the opened email on your phone screen, you internally cried to yourself, because… fuck. this is what all the hard work all four-years of high school led up to?
25, 580 dollars worth tuition left to pay, out of pocket. 
“i don’t fucking know. ...wait, do you think megumi would have an answer?” he perked up at his own, and quite frankly, idiotic idea like an excited puppy. if you squint you can see a tail wagging behind him. turning around to look at the pink headed boy, you practically leaped across the room to slap him repeatedly upside his head. 
“ow– hey... ouch! what the fuck?!” itadori whined, lifting his arms up to shield himself way from your merciless assault. “yuuji, are you dumb? we cannot, for the love of god, ask megumi. he’ll probably tell us to apply for a loan or something.” you snapped. 
“we’ll do that then, it can’t be that hard.” 
“have you seen your credit? there’s no way we're getting approved for a loan.” you exasperated as you folded your arms across your chest, plopping yourself down next to itadori. and the both of you were left to sit in condemning silence that laid itself like a thick, winter blanket over you. itadori could’ve sworn he heard the gears turning in your head because of the stark silence. 
you suddenly gasped, jumping to your feet. it was almost like a lightbulb went off on the top of your head. itadori gaped at you as your eyes lit up like stars, turning to him, it was your ‘aha’ moment. the biggest smile he’s ever seen on your face. he couldn’t help the tinge of nervousness settle in the pit of his tummy, probably for good reason.  
“here me out– what if we got married?” 
you and itadori meet in the lunchroom on the first day of school your freshman year of high school.
to say you meet by pure coincidence is actually a perfect explanation to describe what really went down. you remember how you sat alone at the lunch table, scrolling through your phone on social media when all of a sudden a rather energetic boy with pink hair crashed into your table. face planted in your bowl of greek yogurt. and it was the fancy kind too. 
the cafeteria around you erupted in laughter at the... spontaneous display happening before you. and although you wanted to laugh (in all honesty, it was funny), the boy below hasn’t moved an inch. truthfully, you were worried. 
“hey, um, are you okay?” you asked, nudging the top of his head. itadori didn’t show any sign of getting up. you nudged him a little harder, shaking his shoulder. with a gurgled grunt, itadori lifted his head from the bowl and the first thing that caught your eye was the crimson colored blood smeared along the stark white of the yogurt. there was a delirious look in his eye as if he wasn’t completely there in the real world. the laughter has long since died down, only a few strangers coming up to the table to record the aftermath. 
when itadori came to, he peered up at you through his yogurt clumped eyelashes and he felt his heart tighten considerably in his chest. 
“you okay? you’re... bleeding, a lot.” you asked again, gesturing to the entirety of his face. he didn’t say anything as he wiped around his nose, seeing the blood covered dairy. he looked mortified, now catching onto the stares and cameras by nosy teenagers being shoved in his face. reacting quickly, you reached out to one his unoccupied hand, gently guiding him in the direction of the nurses office. your footsteps echoed as you walked down the empty hallway, itadori following close behind you. neither of you said anything during the trip, nor when you entered the nurse’s office. it wasn’t until you had a warm wash rag against itadori’s cheek, wiping away the food and blood mixture, that he finally said something. 
“i’m... sorry, for ruining your lunch...” you stopped in your tracks, left to ponder in your thoughts. he’s sitting here with a busted lip and a shattered dignity... and he’s apologizing for face planting in your yogurt?
“hey, you have bigger things to worry about. so, what’s your name?” you continued to wipe at his face, waiting for him to reply.
“yuuji itadori.” and you saw the slightest glimpse of a smile tugging at the corner of his rosy lips. you returned the smile, teeth showing. 
from then on, you two were joined at the hip. there wasn’t anything you didn’t do together. 
there was something about itadori that brought out the inner child in you. he was sweet, loyal and compassionate. he was a lamp to a moth– hard to resist. hard to ignore. he was your first taste of an easy going life, being able to enjoy being a kid. 
on the other hand, you were the foundation he needed. you were open minded, authentic and grounded. you were the first thing in itadori’s life that felt stable. obtainable. your ambition turned into his drive; he wanted to be by your side for as long as possible. 
you both were something– somebody, each other needed the most. it’s like what they say: the best people in your life come when you need them the most. 
“are you two dumb or something? now, i expect this kinda thing from yuuji, but not you.”megumi quipped, left eyebrow arched in concern as he gestured towards your direction with his pencil. nobara in a similar state next to him, working on the worksheet the teacher handed out earlier. it was currently mid-way through the school day, you, itadori, megumi and nobara sat at your assigned table in statistics. it’s been about a week since your discussion with itadori about your... rather brilliant idea. 
“well, that’s harsh.” itadori grumbled, flipping him off. megumi snorted as he returned the gesture. “okay, now listen! they’re explaining the thingy.” 
you cleared your throat, sitting up straight to try to make yourself look dignified. “when applying for financial aid, if you’re married, we’ll be considered an independent on the document. meaning? more money!” 
“okay, well that’s great and all but, you do know you’ll be responsible for each other legally? as in, medical and money expenses. what would you do if either one of you dies? ” megumi questioned. you chuckled, wrapping your arm around itadori’s neck. “i’ve been legally responsible for him since freshman year, what’ll be the difference?” 
megumi rolled his eyes, burying his head in his hands. “god, you’re both so helpless.” 
“you know what megumi? i hope both sides of your pillow are warm when you go to sleep tonight.” itadori gasped in shock, hand reaching up to grip the cotton fabric of the shirt he was wearing. nobara snickered behind her hand to which megumi prompted to shift in her direction, whispering something along the lines of “don’t encourage them!”
“(y/n)! you did not just say that!?”
“i sure as hell did. and i’ll say it again!” you snapped your fingers, jutting out your hip. “and they’ll say it again!” itadori said, copying your actions.
megumi and nobara only watched in pity as the two of you continued to embarrass yourself in the middle of the classroom, other classmates turning to catch a peak of the commotion.
“wait, i got one, i got one! ahem, i hope you pour yourself a nice, big bowl of cereal of— what do you eat? apple jacks? only for there to be no milk!” 
you sputtered out a laugh, pounding your fist on the table. itadori was loud with laughter as well, body slung over the back of the chair.
megumi sighed, picking up his pencil to erase a mistake he spotted on his paper. he watched as the eraser smudged the lead on the paper instead of actually erasing it. watching the scene unfold before you, wheezing out another laugh, and clutching on to your stomach for relief. 
“shut the fuck up, the both of you.”
graduation was only a month away. 
teachers were cramming review lessons left and right. completing any last minute work to turn in. senior activities, trips, prom, and getting ready for what was to be the biggest day of your life. where all your hard work and putting up with the shitty ass public school system for 13 years will finally pay off. 
at least that’s how they make it seem. 
itadori was currently sitting in megumi’s living room, sprawled out on the floor like a starfish. his political science textbook laid open next to him. he’s been unusually quiet this afternoon, megumi noted when he would glance up from his own textbook in his lap.
“hey, yuuji? something the matter?”
itadori didn’t respond right away, instead, he shifted himself closer to megumi to lay his head on the other boy's lap. caught surprised by his actions, megumi tried to shove his head off but itadori being the stubborn man he was wouldn’t take no for an answer.
“god, you’re so annoying—“
“then why are you still friends with me?” his words were quick and sharp like a kitchen knife. and megumi had to take a second to pause. “is this what this is about?” itadori still hasn’t said anything, his body curling in on itself. eventually, he shook his head no. 
“alright... then what’s wrong?” 
megumi watched as itadori twiddled with fingers, reluctant to share his feelings with the other male. you see, the thing is that although megumi and itadori have been friends since middle school, they found it hard to share each other's feelings. especially megumi. they’ve always been the “i don’t know how to talk about my feelings so let me enjoy your company for a while?” type of friends. except for that one time. 
“it’s just... i’m not so sure if i want to marry (y/n) anymore...” megumi could barely hear what itadori said, but he caught it. and color him surprised. “have you finally come to senses that it’s a stupid idea?” 
“no, it’s not that–” megumi sighed internally, “–it’s just, what if our relationship changes after it’s finalized? we planned to do it after graduation a-and– it’s just a really scary thing to think about.” itadori’s voice began to warble, and megumi could feel his body tremble as the boy beneath tried to hold in his tears. 
in all the years they’ve known each other, itadori has only cried once in front of him. and that was the night of his 16th birthday. because itadori didn’t come from the best home, and at the time, only megumi knew of such disclosed information. 
“they said it themselves, you guys have always taken care of each other. so why do you think it’ll change things?” he gently tried to coax itadori into calming down, his hand stroking the soft tufts of his hair. thumb caressing his buzzcut. itadori sniffed, and megumi can hear the disgusting sound of snot being sucked back in his nostrils, but he refrained himself from reacting. 
“b-because, i just don’t want my feelings to get in the way, ya’ know? this is simply supposed to be platonic, but it isn’t anymore. at least for me.” 
and right then and there, megumi’s suspicions were confirmed. itadori did have feelings for you. more than what a best friend should have. “your feelings? and what might these feelings be, yuuji?” 
“that i want to spend a very long time with them, by their side. but not as their best friend. something more than that.” he let out a shuddered  exhale, and the room was engulfed with silence. megumi took this time to process what itadori said, the last four words resonating in his mind. 
something more than that.
megumi shifted itadori’s body off his, moving to sit up on his own. and that’s when he saw his face for the first time; his red-brimmed eyes and how the tears clumped his willowy eyelashes together. the tremble in his lips because, damn, he’s trying so hard to hold it in. 
he didn’t have anything to say– there wasn’t much to say to begin with, but megumi wrapped his arms around itadori in a hug. he felt him relax against his body, taking in the cool scent of his sweater. 
“it’s okay to be scared, yuuji, but i believe... you’re smart enough to make the right decision.” 
standing underneath the blazing summer heat, you stood in front of the court house waiting for itadori to show up. today was supposed to be the day, where you and itadori were to be married. it’s been thirty minutes and no itadori in sight. which is unlike him considering that he is, surprisingly, very punctual. he hasn’t even responded to any of your texts or calls, which also isn’t very much like him.
but those thirty minutes turned into an hour, that soon turned into two hours. 
and to say you were angry, was a complete understatement. you were livid. and that’s how you found yourself banging on itadori’s front door, ignoring the stares of the noisy next door neighbor peeping through their window. 
“yuuji! open the fucking door! i know your ass is in there, i can see your minecraft lamp turned on from your window.” you shouted, breathing heavily through your nose. there wasn’t an immediate response, only dead silence, which prompted you to raise your fist to go another round of beating up the door until the faint sound of footsteps reached the door. opening with a creak. 
there stood the man of the hour, yuuji ita- fucking- dori.
“there you are! dude, what the hell happened? why didn’t you show up at the courthouse today? did you forget or...” you were quick to jump the gun, bombarding him with questions left and right. 
“no... i didn’t forget.” was his reply, eye downcast to look at his sock clad feet. anywhere but your face right now. 
“then what yuuji? what could’ve been so important that you decided to just forget?” you flayed your arms around like a mad man, the anger rolling off your body in waves. you knew that you weren’t necessarily being fair to him right now, you can tell by his stand-offish attitude since opening the door. but you couldn’t bring yourself to care at the moment. 
itadori was reluctant to answer, his legs wobbly with the anxiety running rampant in his system. he was tempted to say sorry and be done with this, but then he remembered megumi’s words.    
...you’re smart enough to make the right decision. 
“because... because this isn’t a good idea anymore.” now you’re more confused than angry. 
“what do you mean this isn’t a good idea anymore,” you asked, placing your hand on your hip. “that's not what you said 4 months ago.” 
itadori sighed, starting to feel the twinge of annoyance in the tips of his fingers. he was starting to regret his choice of words. “i know what i said 4 months ago. but now 4 months later, i’ve changed my mind.” 
you wanted to laugh, but you couldn’t muster a bubble of it in your system. was he for real right now? 
“oh really? and why do you say that?” 
“it’ll change everything.” the reply was short. straight to the point. 
“what? no, it won’t! don’t be silly, we’ll still be best friends!” you try to muse, but itadori wasn’t budging. his face was disdained, detached from the world. the answer was sitting on the tip of his tongue, but he wasn’t ready to say it. especially in front of you. 
taking in his physique, your mind started to slow. you didn’t want to go there but you couldn’t help it. it was only natural, right? 
he’s been off putting since the graduation ceremony two weeks ago. he was so bright and happy that day, shoving his diploma in megumi’s face a numerous number of times. you remember the scream he let out when your name was called to walk across the stage of the arena. how embarrassed you felt as you did so, but a twinge of giddy happiness filled your chest. because he was calling out your name. your heart always did leap with joy when his attention was on you, and only you. the way he had you wrapped around his finger, without him even knowing. it takes you back to when you two first met, how you were so captivated by his amber eyes. the sudden urge to be there. to always be there and to be more. 
so... “do you not like me anymore? is this what this is about now?” it came out a whispered, and itadori was shocked nonetheless. now what were you talking about? 
“what, no! of course i still like you!” you almost laughed at how quickly he responded.
“then why? why did you–”
“i just didn’t want to make things awkward between us! i didn’t want to ruin our friendship with my... stupid feelings.” glancing up, you can see the slightest tint of pink on the roundness of his cheeks. awkward? ruin? 
you took a step forward, your hand reaching to hold his. kindly, thumbing his knuckles with your thumb. the way he always liked it. 
“yuuji, your feelings are never stupid. i’m your best friend–” with a frustrated huff, itadori ripped his hand away from yours. 
“but that’s the thing though! best friend this and best friend that– what if i don’t want to be your best friend anymore, hm? what if–” make the right decision, “what if i want to be more than that?”
more than that?
“you want to be more than friends? is what you’re saying.” itadori can almost feel himself shit his pants. 
that giddy feeling that always erupted whenever you were around him expanded ten fold. you’ll be damned: your best friend of four and a half years, was in love with you. the smile that you struggled to fight bloomed with mirth on your face. and itadori followed suit, reaching out to hold your hand once more.
not much needed to be said, the smile on your face was enough for him to put it all together. for once, he was actually smart enough to make a decision. a good one at that. 
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copyright © 2021 maadorii. all rights reserved. 
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babybluebex · 4 years
english love affair [tom holland x reader]
➽ pairing: tom holland x fem!reader ➽ word count: 2.1k ➽ summary: you attend the bronx school of science, and you’re immediately taken by the new student: ben perkins. ➽ warnings: deception ig?  ➽ a/n: PART 1! no idea how many parts this is gonna be, but stick around! (taglist link is in bio)
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As soon as you stepped off the bus, you heard the chattering that only came from one occurrence. A new kid. That confused you, though. It certainly wasn’t unheard of for kids to drop in halfway through the semester, but, at your school, it was rare. The Bronx School of Science was an elite high school and it took amazing test scores and the grace of God to get in, so a new kid in the middle of the year was a rarity. 
You saw him the moment you walked into your first period chemistry class. After all, he was the only face you didn’t recognize. Dark, curly hair that was just a bit long, with rosy cheeks and wide brown eyes. He seemed nervous; as new kids usually were. He wore a red hoodie, his hands shoved deep into the front pocket, and he was looking all around the room. The seat next to him was empty and, while it wasn’t your usual place, there was no formal seating chart. “You new?” you asked, swinging your backpack to the floor. 
The boy looked at you with a keen alertness in his dark eyes, and he swallowed thickly. “Yeah,” he laughed softly. He sounded a little Queens, maybe; perhaps even Brooklyn. “Just, uh… Just moved here.” 
“Nice,” you said. “From where?” 
The boy clenched his jaw. “Queens,” he said, and you nodded. 
“Well, welcome to the Bronx,” you laughed. “I’m Y/N.”
“Ben,” he said quickly. “Ah, Ben Perkins.” 
“Ben Perkins from Queens,” you repeated. “What brings you here?”
Ben shrugged. “Parents,” he mumbled simply. Ben seemed like a guy of few words, but you didn’t mind too much. It was a welcome change from the other guys at your school who wouldn’t shut up. 
You decided to not really say much to Ben. If he didn’t feel like talking, you didn’t want to push him and make him uncomfortable. The first day at a new school was stressful. “If you need help with any classes or anything, just let me know. Getting into the routine here is hard as shit.” 
“Thanks,” Ben told you with a nod. “That’s quite nice.” 
You couldn’t place why the usage of the word “quite” tickled the back of your brain. Maybe because you had never heard anyone use it like that. “You’re quite welcome,” you replied, biting the tip of your tongue. Ben looked at you and the rosiness in his cheeks grew deeper as he smiled. 
The class started normally, until your teacher got to the Ps on the roll sheet. “Oh!” she cried. “We have a new student! Benjamin Perkins!”
Ben’s face grew red, this time not from laughter. He gave a quick two-finger to the class, and he mumbled, “Just Ben is fine, actually.” 
“Welcome to the Bronx School, Ben,” your teacher said. “I’m sure you’ll do great here.” 
About halfway through the lesson, you looked at the boy sitting beside you. He wore jeans and scuffed sneakers with the red hoodie, a dark curl bouncing along his forehead as he looked at the board and diligently copied notes. He was cute, a lot cuter than any boys you knew, and you wondered what he was like when he was in his element. His hands were big, veins popping as he gripped his pencil tightly. You took a second look at the mechanical pencil, and your heart soared. Quickly, you ripped a page out of your notebook and scribbled a quick “i like your pencil :)”, and you passed it over to Ben. 
He tore his attention away from the lecture for long enough to look at your note, then at the pencil. It was red and blue with various white spiderwebs all around it. You liked the Spiderman pencil; your dad had practically raised you on the Toby Maguire Spiderman movies, so you liked anything Spiderman. In fact, you had been Spiderman for Halloween three years in a row when you were little. Not Spiderwoman, you said, Spiderman. Ben wrote something down and gave you the paper back, and you bit your lip as you read his message. 
“spiderman’s pretty cool i guess. you like the movies?”
“yeah!! toby maguire’s awesome”
“cool. i like them too :)”
You invited Ben to sit with you at lunch, and he did. You usually sat alone, and you secretly liked having Ben there with you. You two talked about Spiderman, mostly: how Toby was a better Peter Parker but Andrew Garfield was the better Spiderman. “You know,” you started. “In the comics, Peter Parker becomes, like, an intern for Tony Stark. Tony makes him this suit and he becomes the Iron Spider.” 
“Really?” Ben said. His eyebrows went up, and he scratched at a few upturned hairs. “That sounds cool.”
“I wish they’d add Spiderman to the MCU,” you added. “I think he’d fit really well with everyone, ya know? I mean, I guess they’d have to cast the right guy, but…” You shrugged. “A girl can dream, right?” 
“Sure thing,” Ben said. “I like Robert Downey Jr. a lot, he seems really fun.” 
“Oh, definitely!” you agreed. “And Chris Evans! Man, I’d love to meet them, I would just die right there.” 
Ben smiled and nodded along with you, and he slotted his chin into his palm as he listened to you chatter about Avengers: Age of Ultron and Ant-Man. There was a hint of a smile on his lips, and you stopped mid sentence when you noticed it. “I just think Elizabeth Olsen is so underrated, and-- Ben. You alright?” 
Ben blinked a few times. “Yeah,” he said. “M’all good. Just listening to you.” 
You flushed. “I’m not talking too much?” you asked, feeling the urge to sink into yourself. “I’ve been told I do that.” 
“No, not at all,” Ben said quickly. “I like it. I like how people get when they get excited about something, you know? It’s cute.” 
“Cute,” you repeated, rolling the word around your mouth. Did Ben just call you cute? Or did he call the whole concept of your dumb blathering about some movies cute? Did that still qualify as calling you cute? You raised your eyes to his and, nervously picking at a loose thread on your sweater, hazarded, “You think I’m cute?” 
Ben shrugged. “I mean, yeah,” he said, as if it was obvious. “You just seem so passionate about those movies. I would listen to you talk about them for a long time.” 
“You wouldn’t want to.”
“I do,” Ben said quickly. “I promise you, I don’t mind one bit. I’d tell you if I did.” 
You nodded again, and you scooted just a bit closer to Ben. “For the record,” you started. “I think you’re cute too.” 
Ben smiled, little dimples appearing in his cheeks. “Cool.” 
Before the day ended, Ben had given you his phone number. “I don’t have Snapchat or anything,” he said. “Strict parents, ya know? But I’d love to talk to you.” 
You liked the way that Ben texted. He used a lot of emojis and even a few goofy emoticon faces, a la 2012, and he signed every text off with xx. With texting, you felt like Ben was a little more open than at school, probably because it was just the two of you, completely private. And, man, did the boy talk. He sent two, three, four messages in a row, just spewing thoughts the second he thought them. You didn’t mind one single bit, though; but your parents did. 
Even though the sound was off and your phone was in your pocket, the entire dinner table could hear your phone buzzing. “Is someone calling you?” your dad asked. “Your phone just keeps going off.” 
“Oh, no,” you said, your face going warm. Quickly, you pulled out your phone and set it completely silent, and the buzzing ceased. “Sorry. Just texts.”
“From who?” you mom asked. 
“A boy from school,” you began, fully intent on explaining the situation, but your little brother was quicker to the uptake than you. 
“Ooh, Y/N has a boyfriend!” he squealed. 
“Shut up, you little fungus!” you hissed. Brothers of any age were unbearable, but 13 was an especially difficult age, you had come to find. 
“Don’t call your brother a fungus,” you mom sighed. “That boy’s texting you an awful lot, though, Y/N.” 
You shrugged. “He’s new,” you said. “Just asking questions about school and stuff.”
“And his name?” your dad asked. 
“Ben Perkins,” you said. “He just moved from Queens.” 
“He’s a senior?” your mom asked and, when you nodded, her eyebrows creased. “That poor boy, moving schools in the middle of his senior year. Well, good for you, making new friends. I bet he really appreciates you.” 
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Tom slumped himself down on the couch. You weren’t answering his texts and, while he knew that you probably had homework or were eating dinner or any number of other things, he couldn’t help the anxiety that filled him at the thought that maybe he had scared you off. 
Tom hadn’t had a normal high school experience by any means. Sure, secondary school was a thing that was semi-normal, but normal in the sense that everyone around him was in the same boat. And he was certain that British secondary school was a hell of a lot different than American high school. Hence, the joke that had landed him here.
“It would be funny if I went to an American high school for a few days. Just to see what it’s like, ya know?” 
Apparently, Anthony and Joe Russo didn’t seem to understand his British sense of humor, because he was on a flight to New York within the week. The Russos had helped him come up with the bare bones of a backstory: Ben Perkins, originally from Queens. American. 17. Quiet. It was a far cry from Tom Holland, originally from London, British, 19, and loud. But the Russos, in their infinite wisdom, had seen through Tom’s joke and understood something that was integral to the character that had taken Tom a few days to really see. 
Peter B. Parker was a high schooler. A smart one, an unusual one, but he was still 15 and trying to understand himself and the world. Tom didn’t have that knowledge; at least, not in the way that Peter Parker would have had it. He needed to see the inside of an American high school to get to the core of his character, and even Tom understood that. The filming for Captain America: Civil War hadn’t started and the news of Spidey’s introduction into the Marvel Cinematic Universe hadn’t hit the airwaves yet, but Tom knew that, if his contract was to be upheld in the way that Sony and Marvel had promised, he would have plenty of time to use this high school experience to better the character. 
Tom really and truly did not intend to develop a crush on a girl. Yes, a beautiful, smart, and funny girl that shared a love for the same things he did, but he was sure that the Russos would disapprove of it. After all, he was only slated to go to the Bronx School of Science for three days. There wasn’t nearly enough time to have anything more than a crush. But you. There was something about you, something intangible. He had felt a pull in his stomach when you first walked into the room and, when he had texted Harry about it, his brother had only laughed at him and made a joke about wanting to get his dick wet. And, yes, while that thought was in Tom’s mind, you were already so much more to him than that. 
As much as Ben Perkins was a character, Tom felt like he could be himself around you. He had shared stories from growing up, mostly about his brothers pulling shenanigans, and had shown you pictures of him and Tessa when he had first gotten her. The little squeal and sigh that had left you when you saw the puppy made his heart swell. Then, he had said something that still made his stomach turn: “Maybe you can meet her soon.” 
What a great fucking thing to say to someone that he would have to abandon in three days. Sure, he could keep texting you after he left, but he would have to explain everything to you. He knew what your reaction would be, too; somewhere along the lines of laughing at him and going, “Dude, you’re fuckin’ nuts, bro.” Or, on the other end of the spectrum, getting mad at him for lying to you. He was sure that you would be more mad than amused. And, after the conversation that you two had shared about your requited love for Spiderman, he knew that trying to tell you wouldn’t land him anywhere except alone again. 
And, God. Tom was tired of being alone. 
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kamyru · 4 years
“Just like her mother...“ (Kaga x MC)
Soooo... I know that MC isn’t dumb, taking into consideration her character development and that she finished as the best PSA student. Though, sometimes I think what will be Kaga’s reaction if he finds out that she’s very academically intelligent. She reads a lot of books, knows many languages, finished a very good university, things like this. But take into consideration that being academically intelligent doesn’t require to be intelligent in day to day life, so she still can be pretty naive, just like she is portrayed.
(I swear I’ll do the requests I still have in my inbox. And if anyone is interested, my requests are always open so you can send me asks, if you’re ready to wait a little.)
Word counting: 1665
After a very long day at work, Kaga finally made it home. It was way past midnight and he was sure that everyone was already asleep. Though, when he opened the door, he saw light coming from the living room. He let out a sigh and prepared a long speech about why everyone has to be asleep if he comes home so late. However, when he stepped inside the room before his eyes appeared an astonishing view.
His wife was peacefully sleeping on the armchair, with their daughter fast asleep on her. An open book was set beside them. Kaga looked at them and a big smile forming on his face. It was obvious that his daughter looked just like him. Everyone who ever saw her thought that it’s their obligation to say this. Though, only he knew how alike was she with her mother.
The day she was born, Ayumu said: “I bet she’ll be as smart as you.” For him, it was obvious that being Kaga’s child is impossible not to be intelligent.
“She is way smarter than I was,” he said for himself, while he took her in his arms, to carry her to her bed. “Just like her mother.”
When he gave her a goodnight kiss and put her favorite toy near her, a voice broke the silence.
“How was your day? I’ll make your tea and fill the bath. You can relax,” said MC, while rubbing her sleepy eyes.
“Go to bed. I don’t want to sleep on the floor, only because you fell asleep right here.”
Kaga gave MC a quick peck on the lips and entered the bathroom. It is a blessing to come home after an endless-like day, see your beautiful and lovely wife holding your daughter and knowing that here you’ll always find love and peace.
While relaxing every tense muscle in the bathtub, he thought about the case he had to solve these days. The culprit was just making fun of them, leaving them everywhere shreds of evidence. Though, it took them too long to understand it. He could bet that if MC had been on that case, she would have helped a lot. Also, she would have been the perfect person to interrogate the culprit.
He understood that she is very intelligent when he saw how hard-working she was, how many questions she put, how she gave every drop of her energy in learning the lessons. Yet, he saw the extent of this only after they were dating for a while.
The moment Kaga entered her room for the first time, he was taken aback by the quantity of the book in there. He didn’t know at what to look, so MC lost him for quite a long time, letting him examine every book on the shelves. Besides Japanese authors like Mori Ogai, Haruki Murakami, Kobo Abe, Yasunari Kawabata, were Kant, Nietzsche, Hesse, Mann and Goethe in German, Dickens, London, Vonnegut, Joyce and Steinbeck in English and many other writers in different languages. He had no idea that such a small room could be filled with so many books. The one that caught his attention was a small and old one, which title he couldn’t read, but he knew it was in French. 
MC saw him taking the book in his hand and examining it. A warm smile appeared on her face.
“It’s my favorite book. I learned French because of it. Here are two novels written by Antoine de Saint-Exupery.”
“What they are about? I only know his ‘Little Prince’ because mom read it to me when I was little.”
“The first one - ‘Night Flight’ is about sacrifice, from different points of view. The second one - ‘Flight to Arras’ is about Humans and Humanity. I read them separately when I was a teenager and liked them so much that decided to learn French to read them in original. And, as you can see, I did it and bought them when I was studying in France.”
She looked at them like one looks at one’s old friends. Kaga opened it and although he couldn’t understand a word from there, he saw a lot of pencil marks on each page. He made a mental note to find these novels in any language known by him and read them. They were something important for his girlfriend, so he simply had to know about what they are.
“You said that you studied in France?” he suddenly asked.
“I studied there for a year while I did my bachelor’s and then chose to do my master’s there.”
Kaga lifted his eyes and looked attentively at her. “What university have you finished here?”
“Kyoto University. Why?”
She was responding so genuine and simply, that for a moment he thought that she was just a very good actress. It was very rare to see people who finished good universities that aren’t emanating pride and don’t expect to see the other person taken completely aback by their smartness. But she was so simple about this, that he was more than confused. He wanted to give her more questions, to know how many languages she knew, what specialty she had, how she managed to have a master’s degree, a work experience in police and still be so young.
The next time he was surprised by her knowledge was when she took the responsibility to take care of a teenager who was waiting to find out news about his parents. The boy didn’t want to move an inch before detectives were going to say something about his lost parents. He didn’t even care about the department he was disturbing.
MC sat near him and gave him warm tea and sandwiches. At first, she didn’t say a thing, just waited till he finished eating. When he looked at her questioningly, she simply told him: “It’s a theory that trying to focus your thoughts on something that needs a lot of thinking helps you to stop crying.”
The boy wanted to say that he wasn’t crying but understood that his face was too puffy to make her believe him. He simply continued watching her.
“Are you coming directly from school?” she asked, looking at his bag and uniform.
He nodded. A soft smile appeared on her face.
“Let’s finish your homework, then.”
This time, the boy looked at her like she was the Mad Hatter in person.
“I don’t think I can concentrate on something like this right now.”
“I will help. What form are you?”
In no time, she convinced him to take into consideration her offer. Every person in the office gave them a skeptical stare. The thing was that MC didn’t only make him unbend a little, but explained every exercise he had questions on. Math, science, English or Japanese? She made it look so easy, that all the workers in the office refreshed and completed their knowledge from high school while accidentally listening to her.
When a dealer was caught and no one could understand what language he was speaking, Kaga instantly thought about MC. He still didn’t know how many languages she knew, but he hoped that, with a little bit of luck, she could be of some help.
She entered the interrogation room. She asked him some fast questions in Japanese. When the dealer started to speak in the unknown language, a smirk appeared on MC’s face. She said an only phrase that made him completely change his expression. The verdict was simple: “He knows Japanese. He is only bluffing.”
“How you found this out? What did you say to him?” asked the detectives.
“That he is making a pure job faking a Vietnamese accent.”
Kaga knew that MC was constantly learning something. That she was yearly reading more books than most people read in their entire life. That she was solving problems at math, physics and chemistry only for fun. He knew that her brain was keeping inside more information than anyone can imagine.
Still, every time someone finds out that his daughter can read at three years, already understands French and Mandarin besides Japanese and he can’t even remember at what age she learned how to count, they are praising him for giving her good genes. Because everyone knew that he graduated from a prestigious university, that he had fantastically good grades, that his logic is impeccable. But only a few knew what MC was hiding inside her head. He was the lucky one to see that every day. To be each time amazed by her thinking.
So, every time someone was giving him too much credit for his daughter’s education, he had to return them to reality and tell the truth. To give his wife the praising she deserves.
Kaga finally finished his bath. While trying to dry his hair with the towel, he entered the bedroom to look at his lovely wife, hoping deep inside that she was still awake. He felt the urge to hug her tightly and to sink in her cozy smell.
“I see that you’re already asleep, you mo... smart woman.”
MC made a wonderful job suppressing a smile. She knew that it was rare to hear Kaga making a compliment. Though, she knew that every time he thought that she isn’t listening, he couldn’t stop himself from verbally appreciating her.
When he finally got in bed, she rolled near him, putting her hand on his broad chest and her head on his shoulder.
“Good night, Hyogo” she whispered lovingly.
Kaga blushed. Kissing her hair, he soon fell asleep. He made a mental note to ask her something the next morning. Though, when he woke up he didn’t remember if he wanted to find out if she heard him saying that she is smart, if he wanted to know her thoughts about the case he just finished or something else. Instead, he chose to made her remember how much he loves her and how important she is to him.
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chaotically-cas · 4 years
29 Things I Think Allistic People Need To Hear
From an autistic person
Not my usual content but I felt it needed to be said.
Saying “everyone is a little autistic” is really hurtful. Yes, everyone has their struggles but these struggles are far different for autistic people. Saying everyone experiences it is invalidating & harmful.
Being graded on eye contact & standing still is wrong. I’m pretty sure at one point or another we’ve had a project we were graded on & one of the grades was eye contact & not fidgeting. These things are extremely hard for autistic people & they are practically second nature. It’s like holding in a sneeze.
Stim & figget toys in schools. Of course fidget spinner’s & stim cubes can be bought & should be bought by anyone. If you want one, get one. But the way schools are banning them is crazy. They are very necessary for autistic people & it’s so much harder for them when schools ban their use.
QUITTTTT BABYING US!! We aren’t ‘uwu babies’. We are humans. We are perfectly capable of functioning without allistic people’s pity & looking down on us. We are our own people that don’t need a hand to hold in every damn situation. We aren’t cute because of it. 
Listen to autistic people. Everyone is all for advocating for people until that group of people want to advocate for themselves. So shut up & listen once & maybe you can learn something you didn’t know.
Creative writing in class is difficult. You don’t know how many bad grades I’ve gotten on because I can’t think of a good story out of my ass. It’s extremely hard for autistic people. Please give us a prompt it’s more helpful than you know.
Role playing in class. I think we’ve all had to do something where we research a famous person & have to assume their identity. This is again, so hard for autistic people. It’s hard enough for us to be ourselves. Most of us can’t understand these actives enough.
Slurs. Quit saying retard. It’s not an insult. It’s not funny. It’s offensive & every time you use it you’re hurting a disabled person & spreading harmful stereotypes. It’s not just a word. It’s not just a bad word. It’s a slur. Same as the f word or any other slur. Don’t use it.
People talking over us. No I dont mean just in conversations. Although that is another issue. I mean organizations like autism speaks that put words into autistic peoples mouths instead of letting them speak for themselves.
Stop making fun of our special interests. Whether you find anime cringey or think an adult loving Aladdin is childish just stop it. These things being extreme joy to us. They make us happy in a word that we don’t understand. So just leave us alone & let us be happy.
Don’t stare at us if we’re stimming. Especially in public. If you see me flapping my hands. Don’t stare. If you hear me humming quietly, don’t judge. These activities aren’t for your viewing pleasure. They’re for autistic people to regulate & express how they’re feeling.
Normalizing ableism. It’s so normalized. Whether it’s phrased like “suffers from autism” or how regularly ‘retard’ is used in classe; ableism is so often over looked especially by adults. There are no many micro aggressions they are just passed off as us not having a thick enough skin. When in reality it’s really damaging.
People first language. If you ever correct someone by saying “no, they’re a PERSON with autism. Not an autistic person”. Literally shut up. We’re autistic. We’re people. Being autistic doesn’t make us any less human so you don’t need to make it seem like it does. We’re still human no matter our disably. People don’t have to be reminded of this.
Using words like psychopath & sociopath. Calling autistic people these things just because you don’t understand us is disgusting. If you don’t understand these terms don’t use them. Just because we aren’t good at showing empathy in some cases doesn’t make us ‘psychopaths’.
Tone indicators. This is both the over use & not using them that’s an issue. Saying things like “/j /hj /sarcasm /srs /lh” all in one post defeats the whole damn purpose of them. & not using any at all especially when joking around or using sarcasm can lead to a lot of misunderstanding. It’s not that hard to use one or two at the end of a post. /srs
Picky eating. Literally stop making fun of autistic people for not liking a lot of foods or ordering the same thing at every restaurant. A lot of textures & flavors are very bothersome to autistic people. They can cause overstimulation or even panic. Just let us be. So I eat mac & cheese 4 times a week. I didn’t know it effected you so much.
“Ugh you’re so annoying you can’t ever get a joke”. No hearing that is what’s annoying. Tones are hard for us to understand so while most people pick up on it autistic people are more likely to read too much into it or take it seriously. It’s simple to use tone indicators in text or even to say “I’m joking”. It won’t make your joke less funny. It’ll just help us understand more.
Be specific if you want things from us. Don’t just say “hey I need a pencil”. Or “the dishwasher needs put away”. Most likely we’ll just be like, yeah, ok, and? Be specific please. Say things like “can I borrow a pencil?” or “can you undo the dishwasher?”.
Faces seeming to look weird. A lot of us having facial stims that can alter our faces. Whether it’s excessive blinking, eyebrow raising, or face scrunches. Don’t ask us what’s wrong with our face or what we are doing. For me, because of my facial stims & tics my eyes/eyebrows are permanently uneven. Don’t bring it up.
Classroom behavior charts are horrible. Autistic people don’t behave the same as allistic people. Simple as that. What they see as ok behavior, others don’t. & some times they don’t realize these behaviors will get them in trouble.
Police brutality. Especially in black or brown autistic people. It’s so common that people call the police on autistic people stimming in public because they are seen as dangerous. & when these autistic people can’t understand what’s going on or can’t make eye contact they are labeled as more suspicious. Especially black autistic people. Just look at Elijah McLean.
Feeling dumb. Especially in schools or other scholarly conversations. Some autistic people aren’t able to keep up or fully understand everything that’s being said or presented. Which leads to us feeling dumb. Give us time to process or aso questions please.
Feeling robotic. You’ve most likely heard autistic people being compared to robots at one point or another. Whether that’s for the impaired ability to establish empathy or something else it’s an extremely negative & hurtful stereotype. Especially in media.
Saying ‘I forgot’ is a valid excuse. There is so much going on in our heads. So much to process & remember. We forget things. Everyone forgets things. Especially autistic people. Please don’t yell at us for always forgetting to do the dishes. It’s not like we chose to forget.
The harmful effects of the vaccines cause autism jokes. Aside from the whole anti vaxers debate, perpetually the idea that we shouldn’t be vaccinated because it causes autism is disgusting. It’s treating autism like a disease. Like the person who has it isn’t worthy. Or that autism is so chronic it will ruin everything. It’s like people avoiding cheese burgers because it’s rumored they make you ginger. It’s preposterous. 
Yelling at autistic people for struggling to want to learn new concepts/concepts at all. This not only goes for in school but in just normal conversation. It’s hard for autistic people to grasp things they don’t have an interest in learning. So please don’t yell at us for not understanding everything about a band that we don’t care about, we would if we could. It might not seem like a big issue but it happens more than you’d think.
Intrusive thoughts. (Tw: rape mention & violence) Most of the time autistic people experience extreme spells of intrusive thoughts “omg he’s going to rape you image him raping you” or “stab yourself in the side right now” or much worse. & when autistic (and other) people try to talk about it they are labeled crazy or insane. It’s a normal occurrence to have these kinds of thoughts. We don’t want to. But they happen. That’s why they’re called intrusive.
Executive disfunction. This is basically when autistic people are views as lazy but we physically & mentally just can’t. Where tasks as seemingly simple as going to get a glass of water feels like a mountain to autistic people. It’s not that we are lazy. We physically & mentally can’t work up to it.
Class rank & graduation requirements are unfair. Autistic people socialize differently. It’s just a fact. Our brains work differently in classes & outside of it. We could be working our asses off to understand our English class book, but we get an F. Not to mention how most schools require community service hours to graduate. Yes community service is good but it can be very hard for autistic people.
Please feel free to add on but a lot of these are drawn from personal frustrations. Please listen to autistic & other disabled people more. All these also applies to those with ADHD/ADD or any other mental illness where the situations apply. You’re all valid & amazing.
I love you all. 💕
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Words: 2,084 Triggers: Anxiety, spiraling thoughts, medication withdrawal, death mention, feeling ill, food, and talk of gross things in food. Characters: Virgil, Logan Ships: Analogical (but not actively) Universe: Generic College AU Genre: Friendship (and a hint of hurt/comfort)
   Virgil felt… off. He wasn’t sure how to describe the feeling. It wasn’t like something was wrong or he was forgetting something. It was more like… everything was just a little to the left. He felt fine this morning. Well, as fine as he normally feels, anyway. This just… felt odd. Weird. Off. Virgil absentmindedly tapped his forefinger to his thumb a few times trying to think if he had forgotten something or missed something. He pulled out his phone to check his calendar. Nothing. Notta. No reminders. No missing appointments. Already working on the homework that was due. Maybe he could just chalk it up to anxiety, though it didn’t exactly feel like anxiety. Virgil went back to doodling in the margins of his homework while he stared at the problem. This percentile shit is supposed to be the easy part of Statistics. The professor just breezed over it in the lecture. Why couldn’t he wrap his brain around it?
   “Good evening, Virgil,” Logan nodded to Virgil sitting on the floor at the coffee table as he stepped into the apartment.
   “Hey, Lo,” Virgil mumbled and gave him a weak salute. He started chewing on the end of his pencil while he read the textbook’s explanation again. He tried plugging the numbers in and once again got an answer that barely made any sense and certainly didn’t match the textbook’s answer key in the back. How was he supposed to do the real homework if he couldn’t finish the practice problems? Virgil leaned back and stared at the ceiling. He was actually starting to feel a little dizzy. He put the back of his hand to his forehead and things felt normal, though his hands were a little clammier than usual. Actually, when did they start shaking? Why are his hands shaking?
   “Are you alright with soup for dinner?” Logan asked from the tiny apartment kitchen and Virgil looked over to Logan bustling about in the kitchen. Why was he blurry? Why did he feel a little left now, too? Virgil waved his hand in front of his face, and that looked odd, too. Like it was going at the wrong speed and the wrong height somehow. How could it be the wrong height? Virgil looked around the living room. Was everything at the wrong height? Virgil looked down and stared at his hands, trying to figure it out, but his brain felt like it was burning with too much input. But even that feeling was just out of reach.
   “Virgil,” Logan tapped Virgil’s shoulder, but it sort of felt rubbery instead of the way it should. That’s weird. Virgil chuckled slightly and shook his head. Feeling his bangs hit his face was fun, so he did it again. His bangs stuck this time, and he reached up to push his bangs off his sweaty forehead. Was it always so hot in here?
   “Hey, Lo. Is it hot in here to you?” Virgil said, shifting out of his hoodie and folding it up slowly.
   “Virgil, I asked if you are alright with soup for dinner? A Vegetable minestrone?” Logan asked, sounding annoyed.
   “Yea~ah, dude, that sounds nice,” Virgil said breezily and carefully finished tucking the sleeves in and placing his neatly folded hoodie on the coffee table next to his work. He attempted to pick back up his pencil. He kept missing and laughed again. That’s so dumb. Why can’t he pick up a pencil? Was it to the left?
   “Virgil, are you alright?” Logan asked, leaning down to Virgil’s height on the floor- wow, he was so tall- and looking concerned.
   “Peachy-keen, Laura Jean!” Virgil chirped and raised his arms victoriously into the air. Logan just pursed his lips and felt Virgil’s forehead with the back of his hand.
   “Virgil, you feel very clammy, are you sure you’re alright? I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say anything even resembling the sentence you just said in the past,” Logan said, looking confused. “Are you… ‘trolling me’?”
   “Ugh, that sounds almost wrong coming out of your mouth,” Virgil tittered and dropped his arms to the floor like limp noodles.
   “I don’t think it’s nearly as uncomfortable as you saying that you are ‘peachy-keen’ or calling me ‘Laura Jean’ without even a hint of sarcasm,” Logan furrowed his eyebrows. Virgil stared at his face and it looked like Logan was tilting oddly.
   “Lo-bro, why you tiling down low?” Virgil said lazily and blinking slowly as he looked at Logan’s face slowly shifting to an angle.
   “Virgil, you are the one tilting,” Logan said, putting his hand on Virgil’s shoulder and straightening him back up against the couch. Virgil laughed at the sudden sensation.
   “So I was! Crafty me, very crafty,” Virgil chirped and popped his lips without really knowing why. That’s weird, too. “This is weird,” Virgil said lackadaisically.
   “That is an understatement, to say the least,” Logan huffed and balanced Virgil against the couch again. He didn’t even see the world tilting that time, he only noticed when it was upright again.
   “You know I can never look at condiments the same way after reading that one article about the amount of rat feces allowed in table condiments. Like, would you like some tomatoes with your rat-shit slurry?” Virgil said, flicking his fingers in an alternative pattern as his brain started to fret about the homework he wasn’t doing.
   Virgil tried to pick up the pencil again, but his hands weren’t paying any attention to him. But the homework was due in two days and he didn’t understand it in the least. He needed both days to do it. Why was he so dumb? He was going to do a terrible job and lose his scholarships and have to drop out of college all because he couldn’t understand calculating percentiles. He barely understood what they were used for, he was so dumb. He was going to be homeless.
   “Virgil! Look at me!” Logan said loudly and Virgil’s eyes shot back to Logan.
   “Wha’?” Virgil asked, his tongue feeling weird now, too. Oh god, was he dying? Because he couldn’t do percentiles? What the fuck?
   “Virgil, you’re shaking, breathing hard, and cool to the touch. I don’t think you are well. Please go lie down in bed,” Logan said, sounding concerned.
   “I’sso hot! There’s warm in the bed!” Virgil objected, now struggling out of his shirt.
   “I will get you some ice water,” Logan said firmly and got up. Virgil’s view started tilting again. He was now staring at the shirt in front of him wadded up on the carpet. Virgil was pulled back upright and a cold glass of water was pressed into his hands and he sighed in relief. Logan’s hands stayed wrapped around Virgil’s and the glass. He carefully pushed it up to Virgil’s face and he drank some water. It was so cold it hurt his teeth, but after a few strained blinks he felt like he could think just a little straighter and his tongue felt less weirdly heavy.
   “Thanks,” Virgil drawled and looked over to Logan.
   “Virgil, can you walk me through your day?” Logan asked, looking Virgil right in the eye.
   “Uh. Banana. For breakfast, I mean. And, um… bus to class? Took notes. Literature. Other class. Stat. Worked at craft store. Came home. Homework after shower,” Virgil recalled, though he struggled to remember the little details and the order of things. He tilted his head and made a mental tally in front of him.
   “Did you eat lunch?” Logan asked, taking the glass from Virgil’s hands. Virgil let his hands drop to his lap.
   “Um, no. Talking to professor. Running late,” Virgil admitted, feeling kind of stupid and looking down to his hands.
   “Did you take your medication?” Logan asked seriously.
   “Oh, shit,” Virgil deadpanned. “Pills?” Virgil asked, looking desperately up to Logan.
   “I’ll get you a yogurt for your empty stomach,” Logan nodded and got up again, leaving Virgil on the floor. Virgil leaned forward to press his head against the cold glass on the coffee table while he waited. Logan came back with a yogurt cup and a spoon and peeled back the lid before handing them both off to Virgil. It took another few blinks for him to be able to take them and start eating. Virgil’s stomach turned as he ate it, maybe from letting it run on empty for so long and maybe the dizziness that still pervaded the back of his head. He wasn’t sure. After Virgil finished as much as he could, Logan twisted off the cap of his anxiety medication and placed a pill in Virgil’s hand. Virgil reached out for the water and tossed the pill in the back of his throat to swallow it.
   “Um, thanks,” Virgil mumbled, slowly and shakily putting the glass back down on the coffee table.
   “Please lie down on the couch and I will monitor you while the medication starts working again,” Logan said, helping Virgil off the floor and up on the couch.
   “Do you think when they say the coffee beans are inspected they mean checking every individual bean or do they just like stir the batch and bit a shrug like ‘good enough’? Because maybe we should buy raw beans and roast and grind them ourselves if that's how they do it. I don’t want to have like ground weevil or whatever in my coffee. It’s so gross,” Virgil rambled mindlessly as Logan pulled a throw pillow under Virgil’s head and made sure he was solidly on the couch before standing up again.
   “We would have to buy a roaster and a grinder for that, Virgil,” Logan said plainly as he headed back to the kitchen.
   “Yeah, well, that’s the cost of not drinking weevil juice. Oh, we should make our own ketchup!” Virgil said excitedly.
   “That’s an excellent idea,” Logan commended him as he turned into the kitchen. The silence was filled with the sounds of can openers and the things being poured into a pot on the stove.
   “Did you ever see that photo of the other side of the moon? It was so boring,” Virgil said and played with his bangs, trying to see the strands of hair in front of his eyes.
   “It was still an impressive photo. The definition was very high,” Logan stated, sounding amused.
   “Yeah, but how cool would it have been if there was something there?” Virgil asked, leaning up on the couch to look at Logan bustling in the kitchen, but gave up quickly when it made him dizzier.
   “It would have been very interesting. Do you want rotini or rigatoni in the soup?” Logan asked candidly.
   “I want the big fucks,” Virgil said brightly. “I hope there’s not rat poop in the pasta too. Don’t let me look that up. I couldn’t take it if I couldn’t eat pasta anymore,” Virgil said.
   “I always wash the noodles of residue if that helps,” Logan supplied from the kitchen.
   “Yeah. You’re cute. I like that about you,” Virgil smiled and reached his arms up, scratching at the ceiling in his head.
   “You’re delirious and confused, Virgil,” Logan sounded exasperated and Virgil listened to the sound of dry pasta being poured. It was a very satisfying sound.
   “You being cute and me being a little to the left are completely unrelated,” Virgil said staunchly and adjusted to lie on his side and hold the pillow.
   “A little to the left? What does that mean?” Logan asked, peeking over the open view from the sink to Virgil.
   “You’re just avoiding me calling you cute, huh?” Virgil asked, feeling a little offended.
   “I’m genuinely curious what ‘a little to the left’ means,” Logan said with a raised eyebrow.
   “You know,” Virgil said. “I’m here,” Virgil held up his right finger. “But I’m also here,” Virgil held up his left finger and drew them apart slightly.
   “That explains absolutely nothing,” Logan furrowed his eyebrows and went back to prepping dinner by washing the noodles.
   “And you claim to understand quantum physics,” Virgil scoffed, crossing his arms lazily.
   “Understanding theoretical photon interactions and the potential implications differs completely from whatever you’re describing,” Logan huffed.
   “You’re cute when you use big words,” Virgil smirked and Logan blushed. He turned away from the sink to the stove and Virgil maybe wasn’t entirely sure where he was or why his shirt was off, but he knew Logan was flustered and he wanted to see more of that. 
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As an only child of one of the most famous painter in the world, Sander Driesen is also expected to be as big as his father. But life takes turn when he sees a Deaf florist boy whose silence could speak a thousand of meanings.
Disclaimer : if there’s any mistake or misintepretation of my Deaf character, PLEASE feel free to dm me to correct it❤️it means a lot to me. Thank you!❤️
“You know exactly what to do, right?”
I want to scream “NO!” to his face but I can’t. It’s always the same question for every single time I want to create something on the blank canvas. WHY does he have to think that I always know what to do, when in fact I don’t?! Unknowingly, I grip my pencil too hard.
“Yes, Dad. I know.” I say with gritted teeth and start to sketch.
My hand always slightly trembles whenever it touches the paper—scared and doubtful. But unfortunately my Dad and many people think that it’s my ‘signature’ move.
What the fuck is that, actually? Are they blind, oblivious or simply stupid?
At first, I’m not sure whether to sketch a silhoutte or a bouquet of flowers but then I remember the dream I had last night about an abandoned castle and the dancing trees which surrounds its ground; of course it’s weird but somehow I feel so entertain when I wake up and that even bring a tiny smile to my face; which is a very rare thing to happen for these past 4 years. So yeah, I’m going to sketch my dream instead.
“Sander, focus!”
“I’m already focused.”
Dad shakes his head, “you curved this line too hard,” he points to the twigs. ”Fix it.”
Trying hard not to roll my eyes at him, I do what I’m told. I’ve never been the kind of person who could remember the tiniest bit of their dream but weirdly enough, I can recall almost everything that happened last night. How I suddenly walked in this forest which grass were humming melodiously everytime I stepped on it, the wind was breezy and peaceful and the abandoned castle was not as scary as it sound. In fact, the interior was still as good as new but the hallway was the most attractive of all—it filled with many beautiful and famous paintings all around the world from van Gogh to Frida Kahlo. All I can think of is magical.
If only my life is just the same.
For almost 7 years now, I create something that hopefully could transport people’s imagination to somewhere else, almost like escapism from their own cages. Wish they could expand their views just by looking at my arts. Sadly, this little world—little happy bubble I create for another humans, I can’t even go there, not anymore. Day by day, I feel like a robot. Sure as hell my Dad isn’t the right person for me to talk to about my worries and stuff—he won’t understand, he doesn’t want to understand. He’s a famous oil-painter and his arts are frequently exhibited in the most popular art galleries in the world. He was taking a break for 2 years when Mum died; I was 3 that time. Funny, I never feel sad whenever I think of her. For me, she’s just a distant memory that I could never grasp.
My Dad’s voice startles me and my hand stops instantly.
“What now?” I genuinely ask.
“I think you should take a rest.”
Okay. This is weird.
“But I’m not tired.”
My Dad sighs. His brows furrows, “just do it, son. You can continue later. For now, rest.” And without saying another word, he walks out from the room and closes the door behind him while I just stand there.
I have no fucking idea why he suddenly acts like that. This is the first time since many years ago and I can’t help but feeling curious. Dad is never a warm person around me. All he cares about is to carve me to be someone just like him, to be the perfect artist, to be... everything he were and I used to be so supportive of his ideas, without questioning a single thing; like a good son should be. It all changed though.
For almost 3 years now, I constantly feel hollow and unsatisfy about my arts. Whatever I do to make it right, whenever I try to fix it, these feelings are still there; lingering, waiting for me to collapse at last. Know what? I almost relent. For whatever reason.
If I believe in miracle, maybe this is how it works because I’m still here and doing what I’m supposed to do. But right now, Dad’s right. I need a rest. Maybe even some sleep.
Our art room have a tiny bed in the corner and I sleep there more often that I did in my own room. I used to locked myself in this room for hours just to finish the new art I’m making and Dad never asked if I’m okay or not. Maybe it’s normal for him. The way artist should behave, I guess.
I plop myself on the bed while staring at the white ceiling, waiting for the sleep to take me away. It doesn’t take long for me to finally give in and once again, for so many nights, my heart screams “help...”
School isn’t that hard today. In fact, I enjoy what I learnt. Cubism isn’t my favorite style because it’s too... rigid? I don’t know how to describe it. But the new professor was very clear and creative about it and she made me not wanted to get out of the class and eat in the cafetaria instead. The class dismiss before I know it. Wow. That’s fast.
“Yo, Sandy!”
Without looking I already know who that is because there’s only one person in this world that would call me with the name SANDY and that is Hugo Mulligan; my only friend in the entire school since the day we met as the Freshmen.
“Not in the mood, Mulligan,” I mutter under my breath as I pack stuffs in my red duffel bag. “go away!”
He scoffs, “you’re no fun.”
“And since when Sander Driesen is a fun person to be with?” I retort.
“For once in my life, I agree with you.”
I roll my eyes and he laughs.
“Actually I want to ask you a favour. If you’re not busy today.”
“No. What’s that?”
“I need to go to the bakery and the flower shop.”
“What for?”
Hugo sighs, “today is Violet’s birthday. I told you many times before.”
Oh yeah. His girlfriend’s birthday. An exchanged student from Boston a year ago. Since Hugo met her, he literally never stops talking about how cute and pretty she is—the perfect girl for his dark world, he said, which I thought is bullshit because Hugo’s world is far from dark. I know because I met his family couple times and they’re all lovely, caring and hilarious. Dad as a lawyer, Mum as a chef and two incredibly beautiful male twins who’s not yet 3 years old—Hugo loves them all and it’s clearly seen. So yeah, no ‘dark’ for him at all.
“Earth to Driesen!”
I blink, “yeah, sure. I’ll come.”
“Your Dad is okay with it?”
“He’s in Florence and won’t be back until two days later. It’s fine.”
Hugo claps his hands like a little kid who just got a flashy new toy. A bit overreacted but I never really mind about it. Being friends with someone like him is tiring at some point because his energy seems to never put out but I gradually getting use to it.
“Cool! I’ll drive!”
I never really like to drive my own car. Dad often insists me to use it instead of taking a bus everyday to school and I tell him many times that I don’t want to; probably the only thing that I still hold on against my Dad and I have no regrets, at all.
When me and Hugo finally on the road, he talks about the dinner plan he’s been working on for this past week and my dumbass brain can’t think of anything so I just nod and say “that’s great” as a response. I’m glad he’s too happy about Violet to notices my reaction.
“.... I think it’ll be the perfect opportunity to ask her on a mini getaway for 2 weeks. What do you think?”
“I was thinking about Santorini or Lake Como. Which one do you think is more suitable for her?”
I nearly scoff but hold myself back, “you can take her to Sahara desert and she’s still gonna love you.”
Hugo smiles at my witty remarks, “guess you’re right.” And then he starts to sing loudly to The Weeknd.
We arrive at the bakery not long after. I remember this place is kinda new because it used to be an Italian restaurant. Strange how small detail could take space in your memory, even for an useless information like this.
Though I have to admit that their decoration and cakes are visually pleasing. I even intrigue to try their paris-brest.
“Take whatever you want, Sandy. It’s on me.” Hugo said as he waits in the queue and even gives a smirk when he catches me almost drooling.
“I’ll just take that paris-brest.”
“How many?”
Hugo nods, “sure. Take a seat and wait for me, would you? I won’t be long.”
But of course there isn’t any empty seat left because this place is full. So I go outside and wait there, a bit annoyed that I didn’t bring cigarette with me today.
I watch people passing by and mentally sketching their silhouttes to kill some time but the more I try to make it vivid, the more blur it is in my mind—so I give up. My hands trembles for an unknown reason but obviously not because of the spring breeze.
“I’m done. Let’s go!”
I follow Hugo back to his car and luckily my hands are alright now. The last thing I want Hugo to see was the tremble. I don’t want him to look at me weirdly or worse, concerned.
“Here’s your cake, Sandy.”
If I’m in the mood, I’ll smack his head with my bag for calling me that but today I have no energy.
“Thanks. Gonna eat these at home.”
“You can gobble ‘em up here if you want. I don’t mind.”
I smile, “I’ll save these guys for tonight. Best thing always come late.”
“If you say so,” then Hugo looks at his watch and mutters. “Shit.”
“I completely forgot that the flower shop will closed in 20 minutes! God, I’m so dumb!”
“Is it still far away?”
“About 10 minutes but not with THIS traffic.”
I examine the road and realise that there’s a car crash. The ambulance already there and one of the car is wrecked almost thoroughly. I hope there are no children involved. What a terrifying sight to see.
“Stop looking, Sander,” Hugo says, his tone is always serious whenever he calls me by my real name. “It’s no good.”
“I just hope they’re alright.”
Hugo doesn’t say anything but his hands on the wheel go rigid. I notice that immediately but doesn’t say anything. For more than 2 years we’ve been friends, this is the first time I witness him being like this.
“They’ll be alright. They have to.” His voice sounds icy cold but worries at the same time.
His sudden remark startles me, “I hope so too.”
After that, none of us talk to each other until his car stop near the flower shop. I think there’s nothing special or extravagant about this place, considering how Hugo loves being surrounded by something over the top sometimes. Well, maybe he does have layers that I don’t know yet—especially after what happened earlier.
“You stay?”
“I’ll go with you.”
Because it’s boring to wait alone again rather than curious of what’s inside, to be honest.
“I’m lucky the shop isn’t closed yet,” Hugo says with a shaky breath. “Violet would be pleased, right?”
I smile genuinely, “Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, pal. Relax. She’ll love you no matter what.”
He gives me a nervous smile as a response.
When I enter the shop, I’m not surprised how simple but clean this place is. Lots of different scent from each flowers catches my nose almost instantly, all at once and I can’t help but sneezes twice.
“Excuse me.” I say while wiping my mouth with a handkerchief.
“Robbie, my man!”
Hugo half-shouting voice make me jump and I follow his gaze; it’s the shop clerk, a guy around my age with unruly brown hair and a pair of eyes like Bambi, wears a green sweatshirt which a little too big for him.
Did I just say ‘cute’ that loud?
“Huh? What did you say?”
“Cute,” I say a little too quickly. “The flowers. They’re cute.”
I force myself to past a glance to that brown-haired guy and he seems doesn’t catch what I just said about him. Thank God. Even though Hugo still looks at me with bemused expression. He’s the first person who knows that I’m a Pansexual and probably the only person in this world—and I’m not definitely not gonna come out to Dad anytime soon. There’s no use.
“Can we hurry? I’m hungry.” I try to change the subject.
It works. Hugo turns his head again to the cute guy and made some gestures I don’t understand.
Can it be... that guy...
“Robbie,” he mouths while doing all he can to communicates using sign languages. “My flowers for Violet, please.”
The guy named Robbie smile and nod then later went to the back to get Hugo’s order.
“Hugo, does he...”
“Deaf. Yes.”
“Robbie. That’s his real name?”
“No, it’s Robbe but I call him Robbie just like I love to call you Sandy.”
I roll my eyes to my brain, “fuck you, man. You can’t just changed someone else’s name.”
Hugo gives me a smirk, “I just did, Sandy.”
Before I can say anything, Robbe comes back with HUGE bouquet which consists with any kind of red flowers from rose to tulip. I almost sneeze again but successfully hold myself back.
“Don’t you dare sneeze on my precious bouquet, Driesen!”
“I wasn’t.” I retort but give him my most smug face.
“You’re funny.”
“Robbie said you’re funny.”
I look at Robbe and there’s a smile appeared on his face—deadass looking at me in the eyes too. Seems like this guy is very straight-forward and unapologetic.
“Uh... thanks, I guess?”
Robbe shrugs but still smiling. Then he writes something on a piece of paper and gives it to me : “would you like some flowers too? It’s on me.”
I look up, perplex and say, “why?”
He writes again : “because I think you need one :)”
This is interesting.
“Well, okay then. Thank you. What will you give to me?”
Why do I sound more flirty than curious? For God’s sake, he’s a stranger! STRANGER! And I dare to sound like THAT? The fuck is wrong with me?
Hugo snorts beside me. He’s clearly been enjoying himself. But again, I also laughed too hard when he told me the story about him been slipping and falling in front of everybody at his family’s business private party; so yeah, I guess I deserve that snort.
Robbe comes back from the back of the room holding a simple bouquet; there were two Eglantines, one Iris and three Larkspurs. I didn’t speak flowers so I’m not sure why he gives me those but when he hands it to me, I accept it wholeheartedly and say thank you. Robbe smiles and makes some sign that I’m sure it’s meant for “you’re welcome”.
My ears catch a girl’s voice entering the shop. She’s also around my age; with blue eyes, auburn hair and very pretty. Her eyes twinkled like the sun is shining on them.
“Afternoon, everybody,” she says cheerfully and then walks toward Robbe and pecks his lips. “Hey babe! Glad you made new friends.”
So he’s already have a girlfriend and that realisation stings me a little. And I DARED to ‘flirt’ with her boyfriend earlier!
But of course he is. I shouldn’t be surprised. Beside, they looks nice together.
Hugo nudges my arm, “you ready to go?”
I nod and and without saying another word again, I force myself to get out from there. Damn. I should say something to Robbe but I just can’t.
“You okay?”
“Fine. Can we go home now? I’m tired.”
Ever since I broke up with my ex around a year ago because she cheated, my heart always told me not to trust any kind of affection towards other people. I keep questioning myself what did I do wrong, about her and about us—and whenever I ask her about that, she says “it’s not you, it’s ME. I’m sorry. So sorry, Sander!” . But it only took a month for me to forgave her and know what? We’re friends now, even though she moves to another city with her new boyfriend. Sometimes life can be very strange. I thought she’s unforgivable but seem like I can’t hold grudges for too long—Hugo told me that it’s a bad thing but... I don’t know, part of me doesn’t agree with him for an unknown reason.
“He meant well, you know?”
My thoughts bursts like a bubble, “what?”
“Robbe,” Hugo mutters. “With those flowers.”
I look at my new given bouquet, “you know the meaning of these guys?”
“Well, I coincidentally understand the meaning of those,” Hugo says. “You see, my Mum often bring back Iris home to tell the whole house that good news is coming, Larkspur is my Dad’s favorite because it meant “lightness” and you’re gonna find a vase full of them in his study and the last one which is Eglantine is literally speaks for “I wound to heal” , it was my Grandma’s favorite because it reminded her of her childhood home. And that’s that.”
Now I understand why Robbe ‘said’ that I need some of his flowers but the most surprising part was he seems to understand what I feel just by a single glance.
But it can’t be, can it? It can be just a coincidence that he picks those flowers for me. Maybe they’re the most best-seller kinds there and he thought I might like them too.
And I do. I really, really do.
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THE FILTH ANON 🍆 HAS RETURNED BITCHES Fuuuuck that filth was beautiful I loved it 👏 Speaking of filth, I propose more filth. Ona walking around without panties for the day and our favorite twins take advantage bc it’s Easy Access yo!
Filth anon I missed the 🍆 in my ask box
Infinite thanks to @tinmiss1939 for helping me with mistakes and wording things better and giving the best ideas. What would I do without you
It was a picture. Just a picture taken with a phone, but that picture showed Detective Boix with that tight pencil skirt she bought the other day, pulled up just enough to show how there was nothing underneath it. Just smooth honey skin, that tiny freckle on her buttock that drove him crazy, absolutely nothing but her full, meaty bu–
“Connor, for fuck’s sake!” Connor stared dumbfoundedly at Hank, while the lieutenant snapped his fingers in front of his eyes. The lieutenant had an annoyed frown and Connor knew it had been there for a while, judging by the scowl he was sporting too. “Did something snap or fry inside that brain of yours? That,” Hank pointed at Connor’s LED ”has been lighting up like a disco ball.” 
“My apologies, Lieutenant.” Hank’s deepening scowl made him stutter. “H-Hank. Everything is fine.”
“Yeah? Well, Mr. Victim here isn’t, so let’s get back to it.” Hank stepped away from Connor and the car parked just outside of the crime scene. The other officers already restricted the area to keep away civilians and nosey neighbours.
Connor nodded and followed the lieutenant inside the house, sending Ona a text back.
“Naughty minx.” 
Ona replied with a smiley face with its tongue out, followed by another message.
“This is payback for the other day.”
Ben was already there and briefed them both about what they found out for now. 
“Which day?”
Hank began looking around, inspecting the rooms to get a general idea about what happened. Connor followed him, using his enhanced features to find the hidden clues and marks not visible to the simple eye.
“Don’t play dumb, you know which one.”
Connor felt a smile tug at his lips. He perfectly knew what day she was talking about. He pulled up the video footage stored in his memory of Ona stuttering and blushing on seeing both him and Richard with the collar of their shirts open and first buttons undone, giving her a perfect view of their collarbones and a bit of their chests. The little shits even put on a bit of that cologne that Ona loved for their little date night. They always did their homework when it came to Ona.
“You are a vengeful one, teacup.”
Connor chuckled at Richard’s message. He was sure Richard had a small smile on his own lips too. 
“Fear the wrath of a horny girlfriend.”
“And what will this wrath do?” Both Ona and Connor could see Richard raising a precisely designed eyebrow as he always did when he teased her. 
“She will execute her vengeance through tight mini skirts and garter belts.”
Connor inhaled sharply, needing to cool down his quickly burning fans.
“That wasn’t in the picture you sent.”  He interjected quickly, needing to know. 
“Oh, wasn’t it?”
Connor followed the almost faded fingerprints on a suspicious surface, searching through the DPD database for a match. He left the scan running in the background, his attention focusing on the conversation between him, Richard and Ona.
“Terribly vengeful.” Richard tutted, probably shaking his head with a smile. 
“This isn’t fair and you know it.” Connor looked around, as if afraid of someone peeking inside his mind for a moment or that he was broadcasting his thoughts. He decided he was safe.  “Do you have them on?”
“You will have to come and see for yourself if I do.”
“You are cruel.”
The fingerprint results came in. A match was found. Connor informed Hank and began the paperwork for warrants to search the suspect’s home. Meanwhile they kept searching every room for more clues and evidence that helped support the suspicions of the possible perp. Hank’s eyes wandered to Connor more than once, and the android noticed it but refused to meet his stare or ask about it. But, Hank was nothing if persistent, and he always went after the truth behind things. And right now, that truth was Connor. 
“You okay there, Connor?” Hank pointed to his own temple, the same side where Connor’s LED was. 
“Yes Hank, everything is under control.” Connor didn’t have to look into a mirror to know his LED was firing up. Hank decided that Connor at least had the decency to look slightly ashamed of his blatant lie.
“Huh. Well, you sure?” Hank turned around, scratching his beard. “If something isn’t, uh, you know you can tell me, right Connor?”
Connor couldn’t help but to smile.
“I know, Hank. Thank you.”
Hank nodded, taking his cue to leave the room. Connor knew Hank still had his problems in showing affection and care for anyone again, so it was awkward for him to voice it out and show it at all. Connor was a patient android, though, and he would keep trying to chase the bad thoughts away.
Connor watched Hank leave muttering something, probably something to do with secretive androids, but Connor decided to not mention it. It was better not to remind Hank that androids had very acute hearing.
After giving the room another quick sweep just in case he missed anything, Connor got out of the crime scene to let the officers and forensics finish their jobs while he and Hank continued the investigation. Hank was already waiting for him in the car, fumbling with the old music panel controls until he found a song he wanted to hear. Connor opened the passengers door, neatly sitting down and putting on the seat belt.
Hank’s Oldsmobile roared to life and Hank set course for the DPD, but not without thinking about getting some food when they were near it. Maybe Connor would indulge him today, he had been good the whole week and ate all the healthy food Connor shoved in his face. Connor didn’t have to know about the midnight snacks. Although Connor probably already knew. Sneaky little shit.
But his good mood about grabbing something to eat on the go, and Connor not pulling a displeased frown, went away when Reed’s sneer faced him. Apparently he and Richard came back from another case they were dealing with, and was in a terrible mood because with Gavin, God knows why. Maybe the coffee machine broke again and the technician didn’t come yet, or maybe it was the vending machine, or someone decided to take a shit in the men’s restroom and he came right after, or…
Or maybe because Detective Boix was on desk duty and decided to be every straight man's fantasy in an office job.
Ona was walking back from the copy machine, heels clicking on the tile floor and hips swaying from one side to the other while she inspected the printed documents. Hank recognised that movement, the most hypnotising motion a woman can do in a wiggle dress, and she played the whole ‘Marilyn Monroe’ to utter perfection with that pencil skirt and tight sweater.
One look at Connor and Hank swore she was going to send him into early retirement; he looked like a moth hypnotized by a flame.
Connor’s LED was spinning bright red, eyes glued to the hourglass shape the skirt made her seem to have, narrowing her waist to accentuate her full hips. And Ona changing her tattered sneakers for high heels only helped to heighten her butt and legs. And of course her tattoo. Connor always liked to trace it with his fingers, admiring the marvelous job the tattoo artist did on her skin.
Connor decided that a pencil skirt and tight sweater were both a blessing and a nightmare.
Richard appeared from the break room, a cup to go of coffee in his hand with its lid on and steam coming off the tiny drinking aperture. He walked to Detective Boix’s desk, where she was tidying her belongings and making sure she had everything she needed for the court hearing. Richard called her name, softly so only she could hear it, and stopping close to her. Ona turned around just when she was grabbing her coat from the chair with a surprised expression on her face.
“You will need it. Judge Bridges has a long history of lulling people to sleep with his monotone speeches, and I would hate for you to become another victim of his charming voice.” Richard setted the cup of coffee on the desk, taking Ona’s coat from her hands and holding it open for her put it on.
Ona laughed at Richard’s sense of humour, knowing he was right, and couldn’t help but to blush slightly at Richard’s attentive details, letting him put her coat on.
“Thank you, my Knight in Shining Armour, to help this Damsel in Distress about to face the Dragon of Absolute Boredom.” Ona turned around to face Richard, smirking as she righted her coat and grabbed her hand bag with the documents in it.
Richard smiled, handing her the cup of coffee. Ona took it, smiling back, but with a glint in her eyes that Richard knew it screamed mischief. And he wasn’t wrong. Ona made like he had something on his Cyberlife issued jacket (he was slowly getting rid of his android clothes), brushing her fingers on the fabric and then using him as support when she leaned in, red lips close to his ear that his sensors could pick up her warm breath.
“I’m still not wearing anything under my skirt.” 
Connor knew Ona said something, because Richard suddenly stood straighter, if that was even possible with his successor model, and the way Ona looked over at him with a smirk on her lips… 
Richard’s hands twitched at his sides, making an unconscious attempt to lift themselves to most probably grip her waist, but he stopped himself in time. They were in public, right in the middle of the DPD bullpen with curious eyes, and she was playing so dirty–
“What a pity neither of you won’t be able to check if I’m lying, right?” 
Richard knew Ona liked to tease them both, to test where their precious self-control would snap in half, and right now Richard was this close to haul her up and go to the unoccupied interrogation room and, and–
“See you later, Rich.” Ona kissed his cheek, so sweetly in contrast with the saucy information she just supplied. He knew Ona’s red lipstick left a tiny smudge on his synthskin. 
Richard stood there, LED spinning violently red, as she patted his chest and went to the door where Connor and Hank waited. Hank didn’t want anything to do with whatever game these  three were playing.  He rolled his eyes and he shook his head in disbelief when Ona let out a tiny giggle at his “I’m tired of your bullshit” face. That, and Richard rendered to a Windows’ blue screen of death.
“Nope, gonna stay out of this.” Hank raised his hands and went to the break room to grab more napkins for his lunch. He left Connor alone to deal with her and their stupid game.
Connor knew Ona’s sweet smile, and he knew this time it was only a mask to cover the mischief she was carrying out, because Connor knew Ona, knew when she was teasing them both into oblivion, and as Richard said earlier, Ona was a vengeful one when it came to horniness.
“You are putting all the succubuses of Hell to shame.” Connor’s fingers found the opened hem of her coat, lightly grasping it to ground himself and not let his wandering hands go too far. They were in public.
“I am?” Ona feigned an innocent and surprised face. Connor’s raised brows made her laugh. “Well, maybe I’m a very hungry one. Who knows?”
“You play dirty.” Connor ventured his fingers inside the coat with the security of being hidden by the warm and heavy coat. He brushed his fingers along her waist, touching the top edge of the skirt where the zipper was.
“You are one to talk, Mr. ‘I know your weaknesses and I will exploit them’.” Ona’s smirk made him snicker. He leaned in closer, his eyes shifting from her olive ones to her red lips.
“Guilty.” Connor whispered, his lips about to brush hers. But Ona moved at the last inch and kissed the corner of his mouth, leaving too a slightly red mark on his synthskin. Connor’s artificial breathing stuttered, the air going hard through his nose, frustrated.
“Sorry love, I gotta go.” Ona bit her lower lip, enjoying the teasing. She almost felt sorry for Connor. Almost. “But you still have one mystery to solve, Mr.Detective.” Ona leaned into his ear, like she did with Richard just a few moments ago. “I am or I am not wearing them right now?” 
Ona walked past him, winking at him when he turned around to watch her go.
Connor stood still, mind racing and staring at the busy reception where she just disappeared to get in the cab that was waiting for her outside.
Chris whistled, tablet and coffee in his hands, and broke the spell that held him there glued on the spot.
“Damn, she knows how to pull that off, huh?” He wiggled his eyebrows at Connor.
Chris laughed at Connor’s attempts to reply, and went to his desk where Tina was already waiting with a shit-eating grin and arms folded over her chest. Connor knew she wasn’t going to let this whole scene live down. Probably for life.
Gavin’s sputtered curse made him snap out of it, walking straight to his desk to try to concentrate on his actual job. Richard was back at his desk in front of Detective Reed, face unreadable and completely ignoring Gavin’s jabs. One cold and menacing look from Richard made Gavin shut up and stare at his own computer screen.
Richard was scary. Scary and very sexually frustrated.
Time passed, everything and everyone quieted down (Chris and Tina stopped waggling their eyebrows everytime Connor crossed their stares with his). But Connor had a hunch. It was too quiet. He ventured a look at Richard and frowned. He was concentrating on his screen, but his LED was a rapid-blinking yellow that gave away he was either multitasking like crazy or something was up in his mind. Connor decided to ask about it, since he wasn’t able to concentrate as much as he wanted on the task at hand– wiggling hips and high heels were a good enough distraction, and he couldn’t help but to replay Ona coming to him.
“Everything alright?”
“Yes, RK800.” Connor frowned, knowing Richard only retreated to call him that when he was angry or when they tried that thing Ona told them, rolepla– “My apologies. That was uncalled for.”
“Are you sure you are alright?” Connor kept staring at his screen, filling out reports as if he wasn’t having a conversation at the same time. 
“Yes, I am. I’m only checking a few things. I think Miss Boix has the wrong documents.” Connor’s eyes snapped to Richard’s, open wide as the RK900 unit ignored his counterpart’s stare.
“What? But we checked it. Those were correct!”
“It seems there has been a mistake in a section.”
“It cannot be. We checked and double checked, Richard. She cannot have the wrong ones.”
“Maybe you checked it wrong. Are you malfunctioning, Connor?” Connor could feel the cocky tone in Richard’s voice, and for once he was tempted to slap him.
“You checked them with us, RK900. Are you malfunctioning too?” Double slap. Richard went silent and Connor counted it as a win.
“...There is still a mistake. I have to go to where Miss Boix is.”
At that Connor got suspicious. Richard never made a mistake and was proud of being more efficient, better… all the line the marketing team ingrained in his code. But his silence after Connor’s reply, sending back his jab, set up alarms for the RK800. Connor stood up and nonchalantly walked to Richard with some random printed files that were on his desk. Once there, Connor ignored Gavin’s yapping about why did he have two tin cans on his desk, and with the excuse of the files, Connor distracted Richard momentarily from the computer screen.
When Richard turned around and lifted his hand to take the files to check for any mistakes, Connor took his opportunity and forced an interface with the RK900 unit. He was both surprised and scandalised at what he saw.
“That’s against the law, Richard!” he whispered so anyone but them could hear it. 
Gavin shut up and pretended like he was working so he could eavesdrop. He never missed an opportunity to see the two RK models fight. Connor noticed Gavin’s attention and urged the RK900 to stand up and follow him. Gavin clicked his tongue, displeased.
Once free of snooping ears, Connor confronted his successor model.
“What are you thinking, Richard? You cannot hack into the the warrant system and change very sensitive information! Do you have any idea of how many laws are you breaking?
“Quit your whining, Connor. There’s nothing to worry about. No traces, no potential sensitive information leaks, nothing. Just little typos. Honest human mistakes.”
“Quit my–! Little mistakes–!” Connor’s LED was spinning violently yellow, outraged at the way RK900 was totally okay with hacking into the system. For a skirt. He tried a different approach. “You could get her in trouble, Richard. Do you want that?”
At that, Richard frowned. Another win for Connor.
“She is in no danger or trouble, Connor. Do you think I would put her in danger?”
“You hacked into the warrant systems.” Connor deadpanned, raising an eyebrow very much like Richard did. The RK900 unit had the decency to look away.
“Richard, I know that you are as frustrated as I am, but–” Connor never got to finish his sentence. 
Both androids received a message from Ona, followed by a picture.
“Something to keep you guys focused.” 
The picture was another bathroom photo, but this time taken from above. Her sweater had been discarded and the blouse was open, revealing a pretty and lacy white bra Richard had gotten her a week ago. It contrasted beautifully with her honey skin, making both her and the bra stand out. The skirt was pulled up, revealing smooth legs and the strap of a garter belt. So she did wear some after all. The way Ona was biting her bottom lip, playful, coy, and smiling while doing so, made both androids LED spin red.
“The files are being printed.”
“There’s a cab ready waiting outside.”
Ona was in the cafeteria, waiting for the whole court to gather and begin the session. She was studying the papers in hand, sipping her glass of Coke. Two figures appeared in front of her, pulling two chairs to sit, and putting a folder right before her. Ona looked up, frowning at the intrusion.
“Oh! Hello, boys.” Her smile dissolved into another confused frown. “Wait. What the heck are you doing here?”
“I checked the documents you needed for today and there were some problems with them.” Richard explained, as if he wasn’t the cause of those problems. “And we brought the correct ones to you.”
“Wrong? But, we checked. We double and triple checked, in fact.” Connor quickly looked away, finding her can of Coke more interesting. Ona narrowed her eyes, suspicious.
“Nothing to worry about. Everything is in order, Detective.”
“Not to be ungrateful or impertinent, but how come we didn’t notice the mistakes before I left? Imagine I go into court and these documents lose are credibility. Humiliation is not the worst thing that could have happened, you know. This is serious.” Something fishy was happening here so she kept pressing. Guilt was something both androids couldn’t resist, and Connor always broke first. Richard was still too proud and new to deviancy. “Boys?”
Connor looked like he was about to say something, but Richard cut him by speaking first.
“Nothing to worry about, as I said. Just minor typos, but the content is still the same.” Richard finished with a small smile, trying to reassure her. He hoped it worked, Connor was better at human relations and interactions.
“Huh. Who would have guessed that androids could have dyslexia too!” She laughed it off, taking her glass again to take a sip. “Thank you, boys.”
“How long do you have until you have to go in court?” Richard asked, his eyes having an intensity they didn’t have before.
“Uhh… 45 minutes, more or less. Maybe more. The jury is stuck in traffic. Why?”
Richard looked at Connor, and Connor at Richard, having a conversation between them. Ona looked at the two androids before her, confusion growing more and more. 
“Uh, guys?”
Richard stood up.
“Finish your drink and come with us.”
Richard’s tone of voice didn’t leave room for questioning, so she obediently did as told and gathered her papers to put them in her hand bag. She grabbed her coat and folded her in her arm, following them. In the elevator they positioned themselves behind her, looking like two bodyguards. Ona smiled at the people coming into the elevator, saying goodbye as they left. They were alone.
“Be a good girl and follow our orders.” Richard bent over, whispering in her ear. Ona shivered.
They passed a series of corridors and went to one the upper floors, more deserted and less busy than the others. Turning right and then right again, they arrived at the bathrooms. Oh.
Connor pushed open the door, quickly inspecting in case there was someone, but they were alone. Connor nodded at Richard, who nodded in response.
Richard turned her around and pulled her to him, crushing his lips against hers. Ona let out a moan, feeling Richard’s hand squeeze her buttock like he wanted to do for so long, and pulling her even more flush against his body with it. Without freeing her lips, and slipping his tongue inside, Richard walked them both towards Connor, who closed and locked the door behind them. He took her coat and hung it on one of the bathroom hooks, as well as her hand bag, freeing Ona’s hands. She took that opportunity to wrap her arms around Richard’s neck, gripping his cyberlife jacket roughly as the other hand racked through his hair before pulling it. Richard let out a curse as his head followed Ona’s pull, looking with lidded eyes how she was licking her bottom lip and corner of her mouth with a mischievous glint in her eyes. 
“You naughty, naughty boys.” she looked at Connor, who hung his own jacket in another empty wall hanger and was hastily popping out the first buttons of his shirt, and bit her lip in anticipation. “All this for a skirt?”
“We had a case to solve, didn’t we?” Connor walked behind her, nuzzling her neck softly, almost innocent, if it weren’t for his wandering hands on her thighs.  “The Case of the Missing Panties. ”
Ona’s breath stuttered when he reached the hem of the skirt, teasing the edge of it. Ona’s hand let go of Richard’s shoulders to hold herself on his chest, being sandwiched as she was right now by the two androids. Richard’s other hand joined the first, but this time, coordinated with Connor, he put them inside the skirt and squeezed her ass, rucking the skirt up on her hips and leaving her skin bare sans for the garter holding the silky thigh-high stockings.
Connor’s fingertips brushed against her exposed hip, smooth and warm skin under his touch. The fabric of the garter was soft and he playfully pulled at the string before letting it go, earning a gasp.
“Naughty, naughty girl.” Richard purred into her ear, nipping the earlobe right after. 
Ona mewled, arching her back as she felt Connor’s fingers tease the outside of her folds. Just on the edge, soaking up his fingers. Richard let go of her earlobe to brush his lips against her neck. Her white curls were tickling his nose, and he smiled at the perfume his olfactory sensors picked up; it was the one he gifted her. But as he went down, he came in contact with the blouse and sweater. Richard grunted, displeased, and let go of her buttocks to tug the offending sweater off. Ona let herself fall on Connor’s chest, his lips kissing her jaw and then her neck. He held her as Ona lifted her arms and Richard pulled off the sweater, leaving it on top of the unused sink.
Immediately, Richard undid the buttons of her blouse until he found the skirt, and he was almost tempted to rip it open, but Richard knew where they were and how Ona had to be presentable later. That tantalizing white lace bra came into view, and Richard let out a soft growl, wetting his lips after. It was a very human action, but since his deviation he found out he had more human quirks than he thought.
“Italian lace, French construction—I knew this piece would look beautiful on you.” His hands cupped her breasts gently, pushing and squeezing the fabric and flesh. Her necklace glued itself to the skin, following the curves of her breasts and up her collarbones. His tongue followed the same path, making her let out a harsh breath.
A quick look into Connor’s eyes and Richard nodded in response.
Richard took her into his arms again, taking a few steps back until she was slightly bent over. Looking over her shoulder, Ona saw Connor sinking to his knees and she couldn’t help but to let out a soft moan. Connor grabbed her buttocks and squeezed them like Richard did first, and then he decided to play with the garter strap again, holding it between his teeth and letting go. The snap and the sound it made was met with a stuttered moan. Connor spread her out, looking directly at how utterly soaked her folds were. He licked his lips in anticipation.
“Were you this wet all this time?” Connor’s voice dropped, arousal coating every syllable. “Thinking about us having our way with you when we couldn’t hold ourselves anymore?” His eyes stared directly into hers, their intensity making her unconsciously clench around nothing.
“Yes. Oh God, yes.” Ona breathed out, biting her lip hard.
“Naughty, dirty tease.” 
Connor bit a round buttock before pulling them apart once more, licking a wide stripe from her clitoris to her entrance. Ona keened, tightening her grip on Richard’s jacket. Connor rubbed his tongue around her soaked entrance, teasing her folds and lightly brushing the tip of his tongue on her clit. Her moans and mewls fueled Connor’s eagerness. He decided to teaser her more, and freed a hand from her ass to tease the sensitive nub while his tongue delved into her. Ona pushed her hips back, trying to get that devilish tongue deeper. She needed more and she needed it now. Connor leaned slightly back, licking his lips and enjoying his mouth and chin being completely soaked in her juices. His fingers teased her outer folds again, running up and down and making her more desperate to have them inside.
“So desperate already?”  With his sleeve, he wiped his chin clean of what slick his tongue couldn’t clean, never looking away from her glazed eyes. Ignoring her pleas, Connor turned his eyes at the RK900 model staring them down. “Do you think she deserves it?”
Ona lifted her eyes to look at Richard, who at first glance looked as if he was unaffected by it.  Judging by the sizeable tent in his trousers, however, he was more than happy with this whole situation. Although, sometimes he liked to be a little bit cruel, and he always liked Ona begging. But the internal countdown reminded him they didn’t have as much time as he wanted, so it would be sufficient for now. They still had the night for themselves.
“Only if she asks nicely for it.” 
Ona groaned loudly at that, closing her eyes to gather her wits. Connor didn’t stop moving his fingers, and even withdrew a little to tease her entrance with them, not letting more than his finger tips for her to squeeze. It was maddening, even more when Connor’s tongue returned with it’s relentless rhythm.  Ona tried so hard to sputter out a reply, but it was hard with all the moans and groans that passed through her lips.
Connor gave her a breather and she seized that opportunity.
“Please, please Richard, Connor.” She pressed her breasts against Richard’s chest, the rough fabric of the jacket and his black shirt rubbing against her bare skin and lace. It felt arousing, to be almost naked and both androids still dressed, but she had to play her cards well. She knew Richard liked the powerplay. But Connor also couldn’t resist her begging, even less her pouty lips and imploring eyes. So she looked back at him. “Connor please. I will be good, I need you. I need you both.”
Ona arched her back, knowing that the view Connor was gifted with was her most convincing argument. She saw him look at her dripping entrance, licking his lips in anticipation. 
“Well?” With a last swipe of his fingers, he left her fate for Richard to decide while he licked his fingers clean.
“I think she does.” Ona exhaled, pleased that her efforts paid off. “Do the honors, Connor.”
Connor stood up, quickly undoing his belt and trousers. Ona wiggled her hips, her ass moving side to side to urge Connor to go faster. She could feel her slick dripping down her inner thigh. Connor grabbed Ona’s hip to make her be still, taking his cock in the other. Ona’s breath hitched in anticipation, but her disappointed groan made Connor chuckle. He teased her entrance with the head, rubbing up and down and letting his length be covered in her juices. Ona pushed back, trying to impale herself on him, but Connor held her still. Richard tutted.
“Is this how good girls behave?” Ona’s whole body quivered, resting her forehead on him. She was dizzy with want, she needed Connor inside her and Richard to fill her up too. She wanted so much and they were doing absolutely nothing.
Connor decided it was good enough, and he positioned himself on her entrance. But for her cheekiness, he buried himself to the hilt. Ona moaned out loud, her knees buckling. Connor let out a soft groan too, bottoming out. Richard held her, watching Connor’s cock buried deeply in her. It made him twitch, knowing he wouldn’t last long without doing so himself.
They couldn’t waste more time, so Connor got to it. He began a fast pace, pounding into her with the efficiency and power only an android could achieve, and Ona couldn’t help but to hold onto Richard for dear life, short and breathy whimpers coming out of her mouth. The squelching sounds only aroused the three of them further, its filthiness fueling Connor’s lust. Then, when Ona was a moaning mess, mewling and clenching down on him, they executed Richard’s plan. Connor abruptly changed his pace, slowing down to grind down on her, making her gasp and slap a hand on Connor’s arm to try to gather her wits. It was a maddening sensation, to feel him so deep.
Connor made her stand straight again, her back on his chest and her ass grinding down on him. They were tiny movements, only to keep her on edge, and Connor took that opportunity to turn her head to the mirror on their side. Ona whimpered at the sight of her with Connor’s cock buried in her, skirt hiked high and the way her breasts bounced to Connor’s small thrusts. She was the picture of debauchery. Even Connor looked like he was out of breath and he was a goddamn android.
“You like what you see?” Connor purred in her ear, tugging at her lobe. His hand wandered down, teasing her soaked clit. “You do, judging by how wet you are.”
“Don’t let her come yet.” Richard was mimicking Connor, unfastening his belt and trousers. At the sound of the zipper, Ona looked his way, watching Richard pull himself free from his underwear. 
Cyberlife made sure the RK900 unit was bigger, and it seemed they stood by that fact in every aspect of the word. Ona swallowed down the spit in her mouth, eager to have it stuffed full. Richard stroked himself lightly, only to make it easier for her, and motioned Connor to let her bend over again, further down this time. Connor stopped his thrusts, grabbing her hips with both his hands and let her fall down back on Richard. His hand threaded through her hair, grabbing a fist of it but without pulling it, just to be here. He knew Ona liked it.
“Be a good girl and open wide.” She did so obediently, looking up to see his pupils blown wide. Ona counted it as a win of her own; Richard so out of control was a feat and also a huge turn-on.
The taste was different from a human, she thought, but not bad different. Ona liked the taste, the feel of her tongue dragging against it, the texture. But what she loved most was how well it filled her, be it her mouth or any of her holes. Richard didn’t let her tease him like she always does, and with Connor’s firm grip, her own on his jacket, and himself on her jaw and hair, he let himself sink down into her, groaning at the feel of her tongue under his cock. Connor resumed his pistoning, slowly at first but quickening his pace as Ona took Richard’s cock easier and deeper. He felt Ona get wetter, and the filthy noises and the slapping of skin against skin made him groan, moving one of his hands to hold her by her shoulder. He wouldn’t last long, engulfed in such a tight and wet heat.
Ona felt herself close. Connor was hitting all the right spots, and Richard fucking her mouth earnestly made her moan around his girth. She flushed at the thought of being used to satiate two very lusty androids, but she knew her plan worked well by the way they were jack-rabbiting into her, Connor grunting and letting out more breathy noises, and Richard whispering all kinds of filth.
She let go one of her hands on Richard’s jacket to bury it between her legs, needing to touch herself. She rubbed her clit, trying to follow their frenzied pace and send herself into a spiral of pleasure, but she was not quite there yet. She needed a final push, a little something. She was so close, fuck!
“You look so good like this, sucking my cock.” Richard kept talking filth, watching how Ona hollowed her cheeks to add more pressure to his cock. This was a dead give away that Ona needed to come, and Gods, it felt divine. “You always take us both so well, so good. Such a good girl.”
Richard received a message from Connor. He agreed with his predecessor, he was close too. But also, their time was almost up. Such a pity.
“Good girls deserve rewards.” It was Connor this time, taking in the sight of her ass hitting against him at every thrust, the crumpled skirt pulled up to her hips revealing the garter belt and the straps pulled taut against her skin.
“You need to come, don’t you, teacup? Will you come for me? For us?” Richard pulled slightly at her hair, making her take a sharp inhale and moan around him, almost gagging when she lost her concentration. She frantically rubbed her clit, feeling the fire on her loins about to spread all over her body, like a spring about to be released. 
“That’s it, fuck. I’m so close, darling. I want to feel you come over me.” Connor’s heated words and a last pull of her hair made her moan out loud, as she felt herself surrender to the maddening sensation of euphoria that was about to happen.
She came clenching down on Connor’s cock, letting out a loud and drawn moan around Richard’s cock, making the RK900 unit groan in turn. Ona felt Connor go still, buried deep in her as she felt him release inside her, twitching. Her name moaned in such a breathy way made her whimper. She would never tire of hearing it. 
Richard came last, emptying his load on her mouth. Making sure every last drop was on her tongue, he pulled out, watching her lips close around his head to give him a small kiss before pulling completely off. Connor brought her up again, hugging her from behind as he sweetly kissed her exposed neck. Ona swallowed Richard’s come, winking as she did so. Richard’s cock twitched in a valiant effort, knowing he could cancel the refractory period at any moment.
They only had ten minutes left. Maybe another day. Or tonight. They were not done yet.
Connor walked them back to the wall, grabbing tissues to clean her up the moment he pulled out of her well-filled hole. He efficiently wiped her clean, making sure there was none left on her tights. Richard tucked himself back into his trousers and walked towards them, taking over Connor’s duty to right her clothes while he cleaned and tucked himself back into his trousers too. Richard smiled at her, one of his tiny and reserved smiles, as he cupped her face and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. Ona smiled back, knowing what it meant.
Connor handed her the discarded sweater, helping her put it back on and sneaking a squeeze that earned him a giggle.
“Behave, you oaf.”
“Says the one who has been teasing us and sending pictures.”
“Shh, payback.” Ona went to inspect herself in the mirror. Her hair wasn’t that bad, it could pass as her messy curls being just that, messy. But her lipstick smudged, dang it.
Ona grabbed paper towels and cleaned her face, reapplying her lipstick after. When she finished, she looked at Richard and grabbed more paper towels.
“Maybe I should invest in a long-lasting lipstick when I’m with you both.”
“Where’s the fun in leaving lipstick kiss marks, then?” Connor held her coat and handbag, smiling. “You still have five minutes left. We have to hurry.” Ona thanked him and rummaged through her handbag. She frowned.
“Where are the…” Ona turned around to see Connor with the matching white lace panties in his hand. Both RK units sported smirks on their lips and a mischievous glint in their eyes. “Oh no. Don’t you dare.”
“Oh yes, teacup.”
“Payback.” Connor winked at her, putting the panties in his inner jacket pocket.
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chickensarentcheap · 4 years
Best Part of Me -Chapter 60
Warnings: none
Tagging: @innerpaperexpertcloud​, @c-a-v-a-l-r-y​, @alievans007​, @ocfairygodmother​
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When she finally wakes, it's with sunshine streaming through the bedroom windows and the digital bedside clock advertising that it’s 10:35. The latter nearly sends her into a blind panic; bolting into a sitting position, eyes still blurry from sleep and her brain groggy as it tries to orientate itself with the unfamiliar surroundings. Momentarily oblivious to the fact that she isn’t at home. Briefly  not only forgetting that she’s actually thousands of miles away, but just WHY she is.
She’d spent the last nine hours in a deep and peaceful slumber; a feat she hasn’t managed to achieve once in the past six years.  Worn out not just from the lack of adequate rest over the course of the last month and a half or from  the gruelling twelve hour flight from Australia, but the hours after the conversation with Tyler that she’d spent dwelling over the pain and the worry that not only tinged his words, but dripped from his voice. He’d never admit just how things are; preferring to suffer in silence under the misconception that he's somehow a burden. It’s a hard habit to break someone of, if not entirely impossible. She’s been working at it for almost seven years now; attempting to not only break down that final barrier he’d long ago built up around himself, but convince him that the second they decided to have a life together, his issues and problems stopped belonging to JUST him. But he’s ferociously stubborn, and years of being raised in an abusive home by an extremely toxic and volatile man,  followed by military life,  has done a lot of damage.  The last effects and scars from physical injuries left behind, but the deepest and most painful wounds festering just under the surface.
She casts a furtive glance towards the cradle at the side of the bed; appreciative of the fully furnished and exquisitely decorated nursery that Anil had provided, but needing the baby as close as possible, at least for the few nights. And her eyes widen and her heart immediately begins thundering in her chest when she finds Addie’s bed empty; devoid of even the stuffed koala -which had once belonged to Millie when she was just newly born- that had been tucked into the corner of the cradle. And she’s ready to toss off the blankets and jump out of bed when a tiny voice pipes up from beside her and puts her worst fears to rest.
“She’s downstairs. With Prisha.”
Esme frowns. “Who’s Prisha?”
Tanner shrugs. “I dunno. I think she’s a nanny or something. But she’s old. Like grandma and Nana Bonnie. Why are there so many people living here? Why do they all do so much work? They clean, they cook, they watch kids. At home, you and daddy do all that stuff.”
“Because Anil has a lot more money than we do and he’s so busy, that he needs to have people taking care of things around the house. Which is bigger than ours. WAY bigger. And when you have a place that’s this big, you need help keeping up with it.”
“Our house is big.”
“By most peoples’ standards. But compared to THIS house, it’s tiny.”
Tanner shrugs. “I like our better, anyway.”
“You don’t like it here? I thought you’d find it pretty cool. TWO pools, a home theatre, all kinds of awesome animals…”
“I like home better. Because it’s home. Because all our stuff is there. I don’t want new stuff, I want OUR stuff. And the beach is there and the smell of the water and the sound of the waves and none of that is here.”
“And it will all still be there when we get back,” she assures him.
“What if we never go back? What if we have to stay here? I don’t wanna stay here. I wanna go back to our house. I wanna go back to our furniture and eating OUR food and sharing a room with TJ. I don’t like not sleeping with him. I’ve always shared a room with him. And I was with him in your tummy too.”
Esme lies back down and rolls onto her side, watching him. One his stomach beside her, knees bent and his bare feet slowly kicking back and forth. Brow furrowed in concentration as he uses a pencil to carefully circle things and fill in blank spaces in the workbook open in front of him. And she reaches out and pushes his hair out of his eyes and off his forehead, then runs a fingertip down the bridge of her nose and taps it against the tip.
“Anyone ever tell you that you’re really cute?” she asks,
“There’s a couple girls in my class that say it all the time.”
He nods. “But I told them I can only be friends because I don’t like girls in THAT way yet. I told them I only love one girl, and that’s mommy.”
“No wonder you’re my favorite.  Sweet talking me like that. What are you doing?”
“‘Cause I want to.”
“Let me see…” she pulls back the corner of the cover to read the title. “Where did you get this? It’s for kids in grade three.”
“Daddy bought it for me the last time we were in town. ‘Cause he said the stuff at school is way too easy for me”
“And you actually understand what you’re reading?”
“Ummm...yeah…” Tanner gives a heavy sigh and a roll of his eyes. “...of course I do! I’m not stupid. Besides, daddy made me read some to him and made me answer some of the questions before he’d buy it. He said I have a huge brain pan, whatever that means.”
“You honestly can read it and understand it?”
“Mommy, I’m smart like you. Just ‘cause Millie and TJ as dumb, doesn’t mean I am,”
“Okay first off, that’s a little harsh. You brother and sister are not dumb. Far from it. But you? You’re insanely smart. Scary smart. You’re also very grumpy this morning.”
“I’m not grumpy.”
“You ARE. And I have seen that exact frown and those lines in your forehead and those serious eyes a thousand times. You are sounding and looking more like your daddy every day. He gets that same look on his face when he’s grumpy. And what are you wearing?” She tugs at the sleeve of the black and gray Emery t-shirt he sports; miles too big on his slight frame.
“It’s daddy’s. I asked him if I could have one of his shirts before he left and he picked this one and packed it in my bag for me. I wanted something that smells like him ‘cause it helps not miss him so much.”
Tears sparkle in her eyes. That honesty; so pure and so innocent. A little boy that possesses such huge emotions and loves so fiercely. “Oh little nugget…” she tousles his hair. “...you have such a big, sensitive heart. Come here; let me make it so it fits better.”  
She gathers him into her arms and rolls onto her back, and he sits crossed legged on her stomach while she gathers the bottom of the shirt and draws it around his waist; securing it in a knot before doing the same with each shoulder. “We’ll have to buy daddy a new shirt. Something tells me you won’t give him this one back.”
“Imma keep it,” Tanner says, then wraps both arms around her neck and stretches his legs out; pressing himself tightly against her, face nestled against the side of her neck, feeling the soft tickle of those ridiculously long lashes against her skin when he closes his eyes.
Despite how much he hates hearing it, he IS still so very little. Four inches shorter than his brother and at least fifteen pounds lighter; limbs not as long and shoulders much more narrow. But it makes for good cuddles, and she can still pick him up relatively effortlessly and carry him if she has to. And his personality matches his appearance. Softer and more tender hearted than his twin; affection and loving and breathtakingly sensitive and heartbreakingly wise. An old soul in such a little boy. And while TJ is rough and wild and carefree, Tanner is more cautious. Wary, almost. Fiercely protective of his own self. And her own eyes close when she wraps both arms around his slender body and drops a kiss on the top of his head.
“I don’t want to be the little one,” he laments.
“Where did THAT come from?”
“I want to be the big one. I want to be tall and strong. Like daddy. How come I have to be the small one?”
“You’ve always been small, nugget. Even when you were a baby. There’s nothing wrong with being small. I’m small.”
“But you’re a girl. How come I had to be the sick one?”
“It’s just the way it worked out. Sometimes things go wrong when mommies are having babies. And we didn’t know you’d be sick; it just happened. You guys were born too early and you ended up being the much smaller one.”
“And why couldn’t I come out first? I wanna be named after daddy.”
“What does it matter?”
“‘Cause it does. I want daddy’s name. It’s a good name.”
“You don’t like being named Tanner?”
“I’d rather be named Tyler.”
“I have a secret to tell you,” Esme says. “But you have to promise to never tell your brother. Because it would hurt his feelings and we don’t want that, right?”
Tanner nods.
“When you were in my tummy? When daddy and I found out it was two babies and not just one? We decided that I’d pick one name and he’d picked the other. So when we found out we were  having two boys, I said I would name the first that came out and daddy would name the next one. And I decided that I wanted the first to be named Tyler.”
“It was your idea?”
“Yep.” She combs her fingers through his hair and presses a kiss to his forehead. “Daddy didn’t want either of you named after him, but I got my way. And he picked the name Tanner. So you know what that means? You have the name you do because that’s what daddy chose. He wanted you to be named Tanner.”
He raises his head to look at her. “Really?”
“Really. He picked your name. That’s how much he liked it. That’s what he wanted you to be named. And you know what else? You were so sick when you were born, that daddy was the only person allowed to hold you before they took you to take care of you. And he stayed with you for two whole days in the NICU. He slept in a chair beside your bed and he never left; he didn’t want you to be alone and I was too sick too and I wasn’t allowed to see you yet. So it was just you and daddy for a whole forty eight hours.”
“Just us?”
“Just the two of you. And you remember what the doctor told us to do with Addie? When you place her against bare skin? Do you remember? What animal is it named after?”
“A kangaroo. Kangaroo care.”
“That’s it. Well daddy got to that with you, too. Even though you were hooked up to all kinds of wires and tubes, he still got to hold you like that. And the nurses said that was the only time you were nice and calm and never cried.”
“Never. And daddy was really, really sad. Because he was so worried about you. But stayed there  with you the whole time because he already loved you THAT much, and he would have stayed even longer, but someone needed to take care of Millie and TJ and I wanted to spend time with you. But see? Daddy’s always loved you. IT doesn’t matter how small you are or what your name is. He still helped make you. And that’s what matters, right?”
Tanner nods.
“He loves you so much, nugget. Right from the beginning. Right back to when you were still in my tummy and he used to talk to you guys and you’d both kick like crazy whenever you heard his voice. And you were strong even then. You kicked HARD.”
“I did?”
“Daddy would always say that you were going to be a professional soccer player.  Or an MMA fighter. That’s how hard you kicked! And you’re still strong; even stronger than your brother. You’re small, but you’re mighty.”
“Like you. And Addie.”
“Well  maybe not THAT small. But you’re probably going to have a growth spurt when you’re fifteen and end up as tall as daddy. I want you to stay small, though. It’s easier to cuddle you. I LIKE cuddling you. What if you grow big and strong and you don’t want to cuddle me anymore?”
“I will always want to cuddle with you. You’re my mommy. No one gives better cuddles than mommy. No one.”
“So when you are six foot five and weight two hundred pounds and you ARE a bad ass MMA fighter, you’re still going to want to cuddle mommy?”
“Always,” he promises, and presses a kiss to her lips before settling his face against the side of her neck once more.
“Is everyone else downstairs too?” Esme asks.
Tanner nods.
“How come you’re not down there?”
“I was. But I left and came back upstairs.”
Because Anil is trying to be daddy and I don’t like it.”
She frowns. “Trying to be daddy? How…?”
“He made breakfast for us. But nowhere near as good as daddy’s. And he let us sit outside while we ate and he told us cool stories and talked all about the animals he has and told us we could go swimming later. All the stuff daddy does with us, but not as fun. With daddy it’s different. It’s more fun. We get to go surfing and we walk on the beach and collect rocks and shells and stuff. And he’s nice and all that, but he is NOT daddy and I don’t like that he’s trying to be.”
“I don’t think he…”
“I don’t want him taking daddy’s place. I don’t want him thinking he can steal you away from daddy. ‘Cause I like him and all that, I don’t want him to be my dad. I already have a dad and he’s the best dad ever, so…”
“Okay, you know what, nugget? You and I need to have a talk. Sit up. I want you to look at me when I talk to you, alright?”
Tanner nods, then sits up and settles himself between her splayed thighs when she does the same.
“Now listen to me, alright?” She pushes his hair off his forehead, then places her hands on his shoulders. “No one is taking daddy’s place. Because for that to happen, I’d have to be okay with it. And that’s something I will never…ever...be okay with. I don’t want anyone taking his place. Because you know what, your daddy is perfect the way he is. He’s perfect for me and you guys and...”
“But if he dies…”
“Tanner, listen to me. He is NOT going to die. And even if he did...and that’s a huge if...I still wouldn’t be okay with someone taking his place. No one could ever do that. If something happened to him, it would me and your brothers and sisters. That’s it. Understand?”
He nods.
“Your daddy is way more than just your daddy. He’s my husband AND he’s my best friend. And I love him more than I even love myself. And there’s no one earth that could take his place.”
“Ever. Anil is NOT trying to be your dad. He’s not trying to take anyone’s place. He’s a friend of daddy’s and he promised daddy that he’d give us a nice, safe place to stay while he works. And it’s a really awesome place isn’t it.”
Tanner nods.
“Daddy trusts Anil to look after us because he can’t right now. Anil’s just trying to make this easier on your guys. Because he knows how sad you all are and how hard it is to be away from home and away from daddy. He’s just being nice and trying to make us feel comfortable and welcome. That’s it. Understand what I’m saying?”
“I understand.”
“So stop worrying so much about all this other stuff, okay? Daddy’s not going to die, no one is going to take his place, and eventually we’ll all get to go home. You believe me, right?”
“I believe you, mommy. But I still don’t want to go downstairs without you. It’s bad enough I can’t do things with daddy. I don’t want to do things with you EITHER.”
“Well can I least go pee and put on something other than pjs first?”
“I suppose.”
“You suppose, do you?”  She smothers his face with kisses until he’s shrieking and giggling, then tousles his hair. “You want to call daddy? I told him I’d call when I got up. You want to talk to him first?”
Tanner nods enthusiastically, then scrambles across the bed on his hands and knees to retrieve her phone from the night table. “Can I dial it?”
“You know his number?”
“Mom, I know how to get into your contacts. I’m five. I know this stuff.”
“You are way too smart for your own good,” she declares, then presses a kiss to his temple as he settles himself between her legs, back against her stomach.
Tyler excuses himself from the team briefing when his cell phone vibrates against the tabletop and his wife's name appears on the screen. When she’d promised to call when she woke up, he’d expected it to be a lot sooner; mornings come quick with five, especially with an infant. With the lingering uneasiness from last night’s confession and subsequent conversation, it had been easy to let his paranoia and worst fears get the better of him; growing more and more concerned with each passing minute, yet resisting the urge to call incessantly and left umpteen messages. He’d KNOW if something was wrong. Nik is there. Anil had even gone personally to make sure that everyone is settled and comfortable and being treated well and to  check that things are running smoothly. Had something gone down...IF they were in any danger...he’d be the first one to find out.
He snags his half full take out cup of coffee from the table before heading into the central courtyard;  blinking against the harsh, brilliant sun, and groaning inwardly when two of Anil’s people -heavily armed- followed closely behind. None of the rooms that overlook the area have balconies OR windows that open; the only real threat could come from the roof, and that’s sixteen floors above and Anil has even more guards stationed up there. And he grimaces as he takes a seat on one of the concrete benches; an ache across the small of his back and stiffness in his knee.
Nothing a couple of hours in the gym won’t solve; working up a sweat and getting all the kinks out.
“Hey,” he says as he answers the call. “You sleep in or something? ‘Cause…”
“Hi daddy!” Tanner cheerfully greets, and a smile immediately plays on his lips. Six months ago he would never have been able to tell the twins apart on the phone. Now it’s more than obvious who is who; Tanner’s accent coming in much thicker and more pronounced.
“Hey, mate. What’s going on? What’cha up to?”
“Mommy said I could  call you. Are you busy?”
“I’m never busy when it comes to you.”
“You’re not beating up any bad guys?”
“Not yet. Later. Once you go to bed. You okay? Sleep alright?”
“Not really,” Tanner admits. “I didn’t like sleeping without Teej. The room is nice and all that and the bed is huge, but I’ve been with Teej for forever. Even when we were in mommy’s tummy. I don’t like being without him. I can’t sleep proper.”
“Well maybe tonight, just go in and sleep with him in his bed,” Tyler suggests. “He won’t admit it. But he’s probably missing you too. He’s used to you always being around. You having fun? What’s the house like?”
“Alright, I suppose.”
“Just alright? Your mom made it sound pretty awesome. Lots of cool stuff to do there, yeah?”
“I guess. I don’t know. I miss home. I miss our stuff. I miss the beach. I miss you making breakfast and waiting for the school bus with us.”
“When this is all over, we can go back to all that stuff.”
“How long?” Tanner asks. “Until it’s over?”
“I don’t know, mate. Not too long I hope.”
“We don’t have to stay here forever, do we? I don’t want to stay here forever. It’s nice and all that not, but it’s not as nice as home. Everything I know is at home. I don’t know any of this stuff. And there’s too many people here.  I don’t like lots of people around.”
“I know it sucks to be away from home, but I need you to do me a favor. I need you to at least give the place a chance. I know you miss home. I miss it too. But this will all go a lot faster and easier if you try to enjoy it. Can you do that? For me? At least try?”
“Just for you,” Tanner promises. “And I don’t want another dad.”
Tyler laughs, coffee cup poised against his lips. “What?”
“I don’t want another dad,” his son repeats. “Anil’s a nice guy, but I don’t want him as my new dad.”
“Tanner,” Esme sighs in the background. “We talked about this. Stop.”
“I’m telling daddy about it. He should know if someone is trying to take his place.”
“No one is trying to take his place. We JUST talked about this.”
“Anil is trying to be you,” Tanner explains. “Not you, exactly. But a daddy. He’s trying to be a daddy. MY daddy. And I don’t like it. I already have a dad. I don’t need another one. Can I come stay with you wherever you are?”
“I don’t think he’s trying to do that,” Tyler says. “I think he’s just trying to be nice.”
“What if he tries to steal mommy from you?”
“Well if he wants her that bad…”
“I can hear you,” Esme pipes up. “He has you on speaker phone.”
“No one is going to steal your mom away,” Tyler assures his son. “Or even try. Especially if they know what’s good for them.””
“You’ll beat them up?”
“I was thinking they wouldn’t be able to handle her cooking. But if you rather I beat them up…”
“You’re both on my shit list,” Esme declares.
“Anil isn’t trying to be your dad,” Tyler says. “He’s trying to be dad like, but not A dad. Know what I mean?”
“Not really,” Tanner admits.
“He’s trying to do things for you guys that a dad would do. So you’ll be comfortable there. So you’ll be happy.  That’s all. He’s not trying to be your dad or take my place. And unless your mom is planning on getting rid of me, you’re kind of stuck with me.”
“But what if you die?”
“Tanner!” Esme scolds. “What’s wrong with you?”
“It’s a valid question, mom. What if daddy dies? Then what? Then I have no dad.”
“Well then your mom would have to find you a new one, I guess,” Tyler tells him.
“No frigging way! I’d rather no dad than a new one. I don’t want some shitty new dad.”
He can’t help but chuckle. “How about you stop worrying about this kind of stuff? You’re five. You’re way too young for gray hair and an ulcer.”
“I can’t help it,” Tanner laments. “It’s how my brain works. I worry. It’s what I do.”
“You sounded so much like your mom just then. Why don’t go and be a kid? Go swimming. Watch a movie.  Go see the animals. There’s all kinds of stuff to do there. Go do one of them.”
“Nothing’s fun without you, though. It’s boring. You do cool stuff with us and now it’s boring as shit!”
“What did I say about giving things a chance?”
Tanner sighs. “Fine. I’ll try. But I’ll hate every second.”
“You’ll be saying that same thing when you’re older and you have to work for a living.”
“Not if I do your job. I’d like to beat up bad people.”
“Well there’s more to it than that and I’d rather you NOT do it. For now, you’re only five. Be a five year old, yeah? Leave worrying about adult shit to actual adults, hear me?”
“I hear you. And I miss you.”
“I miss you, too. Let me talk to your mom, okay? You go be a  kid. I love you.”
“I love you, daddy. Will you call me later? Before you go beat up the bad guys?”
“I promise I’ll call you. Try and have fun. Please?”
“I’ll try. But it won’t happen…”
“I’m nothing if not honest.”
“You’re grumpy is what you are. I’m serious; be a kid. Leave adult stuff to adults. Try to have fun. I’ll see you in a few days, alright?”
“Can you stay when you come? Even just for a couple of days?”
“I can’t. I want to. But I can’t.”
“Just for ONE day?”
“Not even for one day,” he reluctantly admits.
“Can you stay overnight at least? Then you can make breakfast in the morning before you go?”
“I’ll see, okay? I’ll find out if I can. I’m not making any promises, though. But I’ll find it. Let me talk to mommy. And NOT on speaker phone.”
“She’s in trouble, isn’t she.”
“You’re trouble, you know that?”
“What are you talking about? I’m the good one.”
Tyler smirks. “Tell that to the fifteen bucks you scammed out of me.”
“Listen, I did that fair and square. Not my fault you fell for it.”  His giggling stops and he turns seriously once again. “I miss you, daddy. My heart is sad.”
“Mine is too, mate. But I’ll see you soon. I promise. Now let me talk to your mom and you go be a kid.”
“Fine.” Tanner huffs. “But I still don’t want another dad.”
“Go downstairs,” Esme gently orders. “And be nice. Quit being such a grump. And don’t give me that look because I don’t put up with it from your father and I sure as hell won’t put up with it from a five year old. Just go. I’ll be down in a minute. I swear…” she sighs into the phone. “...he is five going on fifteen. Hi, by the way. I miss you.”
“I miss you, too. And what the hell is going on over there that he’s got it in his head that he’s getting a new dad?”
“Nothing. Nothing is going on. I haven’t even been downstairs yet. I don’t even know where downstairs is and if I can’t find it. I  need a map or a GPS to locate the kitchen. And you know what Tanner is like. He worries about things that aren’t even happening and probably never will. He IS going to give himself an ulcer. And you say he’s not like you?”
He sips his coffee. “What about the other ones?”
“They’re fine. I mean, as fine as they can be. They’re at least  embracing the whole thing and making the best of it. But I don’t know how much of this I can take. All these people around; maid and cooks and nannies and all that shit. I woke up this morning and Addie was gone. I almost had a stroke. I guess one of the nannies came in and got her.”
“It’s what he’s hired all these people to do,” Tyler reasons. “To take care of you guys.”
“She could have at least said she was taking her instead of just coming in and doing it. And I don’t need people watching my kids. This isn’t my first baby; I’ve taken care of four other ones, including two at once. It’s just weird. I don’t know how people live like this.”
“And you call Tanner grumpy?” he chides.
“I don’t like strangers just up and taking my children. I’m used to it being us. Not twenty different people I can’t even communicate with. And I’m sorry; I didn’t call to bitch at you, I swear.”
“I’m used to it. It’s been seven years. Nothing new to me.”
“You're such a smart ass,” she mutters, then turns serious. “Are you okay? Did the night get any better?”
“A little.”  He won’t tell her about the bottle of whisky he’d polished off, or how guilty he feels about it now. Some things are better left unsaid.
“Do you want me to come there?” Esme asks. “I could stay for a couple of days. Just to make sure you’re okay.”
“I’m fine,” he insists.
“That’s horseshit and you know it. If you want me to come…”
“It’s not that I DON’T want you to. It's that I also want you to say with kids. Where I know you’re safe.”
“I’m safer with you. I trust you. These people are strangers and I can’t just blindly trust them. I at least know...one hundred percent...that I’m safe with you.”
“They’re not all strangers,” he argues. “Nik’s there.”
“Nik isn’t you. Seriously, if you want me there…”
“I do. You have no idea how much. But I want you to stay with the kids. MY kids. Bad enough I’m gone; they don’t need the two of us taking off.”
“And you’re going back out tonight?”
“Don’t start.”
“How dangerous is it? Is it something you should be doing alone?”
“On a scale of one to ten? Maybe a three.”
“I don’t trust your scale. What you can handle and what a normal person can handle are two entirely different things. How many people this time?”
“Four? By yourself? Tyler, what the fuck?”
“It’s not hands on. Sniper work. It’ll be easy. Four shots and I’m done. Nothing to worry about.”
Esme sighs heavily. “I think you just gave me a hundred more gray hairs. This is insane. Four people? By yourself?”
“I just told you…”
“I know what you told me. I think it’s too much. Even for you. Take someone with you. Please? For my own peace of mind.”
“I’ll see what I can do.”
“Now is NOT the time to be stubborn. I’m just worried. You know that.”
“I do know that.”
“And I know that you won’t take anyone with you. Just be careful, okay? These people are smart. And that makes them even more dangerous. Just be careful and be safe, okay?”
“I will,” he promises. “I gotta go. I walked out in the middle of a team meeting.”
“You could have just said that at the beginning and you could have called me back.”
“You’re more important than any meeting. And I needed to talk to you. To hear your voice.”
“I needed that too,” she admits. “Maybe later you can phone and I can hear it again. This time saying more ADULT stuff.”
Tyler grins. “I could do that.”
“Oh I know you can. I know the filth that is capable of coming out of your mouth. I better go; before Tanner starts planning my wedding to Anil.”
“Well he could give you a better wedding than I gave you” Tyler reasons.
“Ours was perfect. It was small and it was quaint and it was very us. I love you. We’ll talk later.”
“Yeah, we will. And I love you, too.”
“Be safe. Call me as soon as soon as it’s done. So I know you’re okay.”
“I will,” he promises. “Let me know where you’re registered so I can get you and your second husband  a wedding gift.”
“You’re not funny. In the slightest.
“That’s ‘cause I’m fucking hilarious.”
“In your own mind, maybe. Talk later.”
“For sure,” he says, then presses end on the phone. And he sits there for several minutes; eyes fixated on the blackened screen of the cell clutched tightly in his hand. Attempting to control the profound ache that settles deep in his chest.  That overwhelming loneliness. And impending sense of doom.
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𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔽𝕚𝕣𝕤𝕥 𝔻𝕒𝕪
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Heyo this is my first time writing on the blog so be kind. I just got obsessed with the idea of Aizawa being an elementary school teacher 
>> Admin B̷r̷a̷n̷d̷o̷
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Ok, maybe this won’t be so bad? 
He put on a fake smile and looked at himself in the bathroom mirror. The bags under his eyes were somehow more apparent then usual. His face quickly faded into his trademark apathetic scowl. 
Who am I kidding? This is the worst possible situation. 
Aizawa sneered at the thought of his current situation. Of how his pristine English classroom was being taken from him because they needed “fresh blood”. Of how he was not only being forced into a new school, but also a new grade. He sighed (heavier than usual), leaving his dim apartment early, to beat traffic and give him time to dwell further on his current situation.
As he drove, his brain on went on auto pilot and all his worries and thoughts crossed his mind once again. Aizawa had never taught anything lower than 6th grade, and he never wanted to. It’s not that he didn’t like kids, it’s that he didn’t love kids. High schoolers were almost adults, so he didn’t have to sugar coat anything. No snack time, no name calling, no bullshit. The sudden unemployment was truly a wake-up call (not just because he would fall asleep in class), telling him that he needed to get his shit together. He was thankful that his good friend Nezu happened to have a job opening, he just wished it were at any other school.
Arriving at the school made him sick. The bright colors. The intricately hand painted signs reading “Welcome To The New Year!” and “Start the school year with a smile.” The line of staff waiting outside the school to welcome him. The line of staff? Jesus.
His wish to quietly slip into his new classroom vanished before his eyes. There was no way he could avoid meeting his new colleagues now. Hopefully, he thought, I can get through this without too much headache.
And the headache began.
“Oh my god, Shouta! It’s been so long! And you never returned my texts?? I can’t believe we’re working together again! I thought you didn’t like elementary school?? Anyway, c’mon we need to get you all settled!! I heard you got fired?? What’s up with that? Did you- “
Before he could even fully get out of his car, Hizashi was pulling him toward the crowd of faculty almost against his will. The crowd was full of smiling faces, kind waves, and judging glances.
“Welcome Mr. Aizawa! I am glad that Mr. Yamada was telling the truth that he was a close friend. Well I know that our little pocket of perfect isn’t quite the high school setting you’re used to but believe me that you’ll love it soon enough.” Principal Nezu smiled happily and gestured to the quaint little school.
“Starting in the middle of the school year isn’t easy, but I’m sure you’ll be able to handle it,” he added with a wink.
Aizawa glanced briefly at the bright marquee reading “U. A. Elementary School”, then back to the group of hopeful faces. He put on his best “I’m totally not wishing I was somewhere else right now” face, and /reluctantly/ expressed his joy to be there. 
With his seemingly pleasant response, the evaluative air cleared somewhat, and the gossipier teachers left the gathering, no longer interested.
Taking Aizawa’s arm, Nemuri pressed her chest against him, “Hate to interrupt but Shouta- Mr. Aizawa, really needs to get to his classroom.” With that, the tall woman, along with Hizashi, practically dragged the poor man away, though he was internally grateful to be away from the crowd.
They arrived at Aizawa’s new classroom, still full of the previous teachers’ belongings. He pulled himself away from the others, brushing himself off.
“Thanks Midnight.”
“Oh, stop with that,” Nemuri responded, fixing her immaculate hair in the reflection from the window, “I haven’t gone by that since college. No one here needs to know the escapades of Ms. Midnight.”
Aizawa chuckled lightly, “At least I have some familiar faces here, aside from Nezu.” He peered over to the other two, seeing their “trying to be respectful but insanely curious” faces. “Fine, I’ll address the elephant in the room. Yes, I was fired. No, it was not for selling drugs to the kids, Hizashi. I just… had trouble staying awake, apparently a few times too many.”
Hizashi sighed in defeat and pulled a twenty out of his pocket, handing it sadly to Nemuri.
“Good thing there was an opening here for you,” Hizashi replied, almost like a whine as he mourned his loss, “Too bad it came at the loss of Yagi. Poor guy having to be stuck at home after that dumb injury.”
Nemuri chuckled, “It’s his own fault for jumping out of the second story window to give one of his students the lunchbox they forgot.”
“He’ll be back next year, and I’ll be long gone. hopefully.” Aizawa interrupted, tying his long hair back. “Now can you two leave? I have kids coming in less than an hour to a teacher that could care less about them right now.”
Nemuri exhaled sharply through her nose, a smirk crossing her face, “You need a better attitude, my friend, or they will eat you alive.” She pushed herself off the desk, pulling Hizashi along.
“Good luck!” He called out, “let me know if I can help! The music room is always open for you!”
As the door slowly closed, Aizawa turned back to his new classroom. The desks were arranged in neat rows and columns, small pieces of tape on the carpeted floor to ensure that they remained in their neat arrangement. He was appalled by the disorganized mess that was Yagi’s previous desk arrangement.
Aizawa sat at his new desk, dropping his head into his hands. He had never taught 2nd grade before. Sure, he was certified to teach it, but that was more of a trophy to him than an actual career choice. Like when someone minors in art history. What made it especially difficult was that he was taking over a class run by the one and only Yagi Toshinori, legendary his teaching. He was the “symbol of peace” for teachers, doing interviews for local news stations and giving presentations for the school district.
The four of them (Yagi, Hizashi, Nemuri, and himself) had gone through college together, but lost touch as they all chose their path. Yagi with younger kids, Aizawa with teens, Hizashi with music, and Nemuri with administration. Aizawa knew that Yagi was a better teacher than him, and that he had big shoes to fill, literally.
Aizawa broke from his lamentation as the morning bell rang. He opened his door to be greeted with the cacophonous sound of 20 children itching the get into their classroom. He was nearly knocked over by the force of almost two dozen children running into inspect what the new teacher had done. Surprisingly, the new layout did not stop the wave of children, they all quickly found their name tags and sat down, most of them loudly complaining.
Aizawa moved to the front of the room and cleared his throat. Twenty small faces focused on him. “Good morning students. As you may know, Mr. Toshinori is injured and will not be able to continue teaching this year. My name is Mr. Aizawa and I’m going to be your teacher for the remainder of the school year-” A series of small hands shot up in front of him. He sighed, “Yes, you,” pointing to the small girl sitting politely in the front row.
“Excuse me, but why can’t Mr. Toshinori come back?” she asked, cocking her head.
Before he could answer, another young girl, this one with pink hair, jumped up, “Momo, he broke his butt, that’s why he can’t come back!”
“He didn’t break his butt! He broke his feet, stupid.” A blonde boy in the back stood up and pointed at her.
“Who are you calling stupid? I saw it, you buttface.” She stuck her tongue out at him. Seeing her mocking face, the boy began throwing his pencils at her, to which she started throwing her pencils. Momo began crying at the violence, while the other students began cheering for one of the other two students.
This was going to be a long day.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
As Nemuri entered the teacher’s lounge, she was greeted with the sight of Aizawa looking… well, dead. “Well, I was expecting this.” She commented, setting her stack of papers down and sitting on the table in front of him. “Rough day?” Aizawa merely groaned in response. She patted his head lightly, “You know what they say about kids, it’s like wrangling kittens.”
“I’ve never heard that.” He replied, lifting his head up to a more alive position. “I don’t know how he did it. Those kids just don’t listen.”
“How did you deal with your high schoolers?”
“None of us wanted to be there so we respected each other’s time and got shit done.”
Nemuri clicked her tongue, “It’s a wonder why you’re a teacher at all. You used to have passion for teaching, Shouta. Try to tap into some of that.” With that, Nemuri hopped off the desk, scooping up her papers, “If you need advice on how to deal with them, we’re here for you, all three of us.”
The door to the lounge closed softly behind, and he was once again alone. Aizawa hesitated at the thought of asking any of them for help. He had not spoken to any of them for years. While he enjoyed their company, Aizawa knew he did not belong. Nemuri, Hizashi, and of course Yagi, all had this passion and fire for education that Aizawa himself had lost years ago. It felt wrong to him to be there.
The soft chime of the lunch bell reminded Aizawa that he had to return to his classroom. Which he really did not want to do. The kids barely got along with each other, who they have known for months, how were they supposed to cooperate with him, a total stranger? He trudged back to his classroom, just as the students began pouring in. As they took their seats, he stood, and began writing their next lesson on the board. Once all were seated, he turned around to address them.
 “I am very disappointed with how the morning went.” At this remark, half the students rolled their eyes, while the other half looked like they were going to burst into tears. Aizawa stopped and began thinking. What would Yagi do in this situation? He would be cheery and upbeat and overly personal with the students. Well, he thought, nothing would hurt to try at this point.
He sighed, sitting down on his desk, “Listen guys, I know this is hard for you, its hard for me two. The only way we can make this work is if we give each other a chance and get to know each other. So..” he looked at the confused faces of the kids, “Let’s go outside.”
The students all filed outside behind Aizawa, confused yet intrigued. He turned to face them, “Now I have a task for you, we’re going to go on a hike around the school, and you’re going to tell me about everything interesting you see.” The students collectively gasped and nodded excitedly.
As the class walked around the school, Aizawa learned many things about the kids. Like how Tenya liked to walk this path with his brother, or how Shoto would take trips through the woods when he wanted to get away from his family, or how Yuga collect only “the prettiest and shiniest” rocks. Although this was far more effort than he usually put into teaching, Aizawa was having fun.
The week from that point on went… surprisingly well. The students slowly warmed up to Aizawa, and even began enjoying his teaching. They continued setting time aside for a class hike and decided that they would start a nature journal to write about what they saw on their hikes. Aizawa, even though he would never admit it, even started smiling more in class. Before he knew it, the end of the week had already come.
As the students filed out of the room, several waved goodbyes to Aizawa. He smiled and waved back, eyes wandering to the small boy standing shyly next to him. “Hey Midoriya, do you need something? You should be heading home.”
“I am going home! But I made you something to celebrate how much fun we are having! I still like Mr. Toshinori more, but you’re really fun!” The boy shoved a piece of paper into Aizawa’s hands. “Ok my mom is waiting, bye Mr. Aizawa! See you next week!” Before Aizawa could respond, the boy ran out of the room. He looked at the paper. On it was a crudely drawn picture of him and the class on one of their hikes. He chuckled lightly, pinning the picture to the wall. 
He was pulled away from his thoughts by the sudden vibrations of his phone. Without checking, he answered, “Aizawa speaking.”
“Um, hey! It’s been a while.”
“Yeah! Hizashi told me you were taking over for me, and I, uh, wanted to say thanks!”
“I should be thanking you,” Aizawa commented, amusement crossing his face upon hearing the familiar voice again, “I needed a job and you had some broken bones.” They both chuckled awkwardly.
After a moment of thick silence, Aizawa sighed, “Its good time hear from you, Yagi. I’m sorry it’s been so long.”
Yagi chuckled, “We should catch up soon. You know, when I can walk again that is.” he paused, “So I, uh actually called to... uh, How are the kids?”
Aizawa laughed at how the blonde could barely hide his intentions. “They’re doing fine, no need to worry.”
“Are you handling them alright? I know they can be a handful.”
Aizawa looked fondly at the drawing Midoriya had handed him, “It’s an adjustment, but I think we’ll be able to get through the year.
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Daybreak Academy: Chapter 99
Summary: In which Ephemer has a bad feeling about this. Word Count: 1,733 First | Previous | Next ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆
He never thought he'd see the day when he'd run out of places to hide. And of course Anora was the reason behind it too.
Curse her.
But not too much; he still wanted her to live a long, healthy life.
If only he was made to live the life of a hermit. Then he could just play stakeout in his room until classes started back up. When the first Vulpes and Leopardus cross house class happened, he'd just pretend to be sick. It was a brilliant plan. But Ephemer was not made to be a hermit. He could barely sit down at his desk to play solitaire without tapping his foot on the ground. Everyone knew this, and so now everyone was trying to corner him.
Not that he could confirm that they were. It was just this feeling that he got, like when Skuld was acting odd during the spring play. It was a secret superpower that he held on to with a tight righteousness. Rest assured, this feeling that something was wrong was an absolute curse too. He didn’t know where, or how, or even when something would happen. He just knew that it was due to happen soon.
Ephemer had been so on edge that when he tried to eat lunch, he almost couldn’t. Who, in the name of the Nine Old Men, decided to put raspberries in the fruit parfait this week?
“Mind if I sit with you?”
Brought out of his thoughts by the prudent voice, Ephemer looked up to see Sabrina casting a rather hard expression at him. The young man shook his head, gesturing for her to sit across from him. Sabrina did so before looking over at his tray.
“You gonna eat that?” she asked. “I skipped breakfast this morning.”
“You can have it.” he said as he shoved the tray her way. “I’m not hungry.”
“Thanks.” the girl replied before starting to pick at the food. Ephemer didn’t know what else to do but to watch her. Eventually, after taking a sip of milk, Sabrina asked him, “So, what did you do during break?”
She sounded like she really didn’t want to know, honestly. But Ephemer told her anyway. As Sabrina continued to make her way through the food, the two of them had simple conversations about their breaks. Her answers back to him consisted of only one or two sentences- if Ephemer’s level of suspicion wasn’t already raised, it would have been.
“This is the most we've talked in awhile.” he pointed out. “Is something wrong?”
For this, Sabrina gave him a small half shrug. “I was just told to distract you.” she callously told him. “Something about getting you to talk to your girlfriend.”
Something in Ephemer froze. “I don't have a girlfriend.” he told her- his voice wavering for a moment.
The ten year old cocked an eyebrow at him. “You mean that pink haired chick you keep trying to avoid isn't your girlfriend?”
Ephemer almost let out a sharp gasp in surprise. This was it. This was what he was so afraid of- someone, somewhere, was staging an intervention.
“I think Ven was supposed to help, since this seems like a Dandelion thing.” the girl went on as if she couldn't detect Ephemer's worrying. “But Brain said he wanted to let me help. Something about 'you could be a good spy if you wanted to' or some dumb thing like that.”
“Sabrina,” Ephemer then said, “I-I have to go. I don’t think I’m, uh, feeling very well.”
The girl looked at him and simply let him go as Ephemer dashed out of the cafeteria. Letting out a hard sigh, Sabrina dug for her phone and started to pull up a number that was just added to her contacts this morning. She barely had to wait for someone to pick up.
“Hey Brainiac, I messed up the mission. Huh? Where was he heading? Hmm… About the direction of the dorms. Yep, any time.”
With that, the girl hung up her phone and continued to eat the rest of the lunch she stole from Ephemer. She didn’t know what he was running from, but he definitely wasn’t going to win that battle today.
. . .
Ephemer nearly cursed when he saw Lauriam and Strelitzia heading his way. By the time his brain registered that he needed to walk in the opposite direction, the two siblings were already close enough to take him by the elbow. In fact, they did just that as Lauriam cheerfully greeted him.
“Ah Ephemer, it’s such a shame that we haven’t been able to meet since Strelitzia and I came back to campus. How have you been?”
“I…” Ephemer faltered. He took quick glances between the brother and sister. They were in on it. He could tell by that equal look in their eyes. “I was just going for a walk.”
“So were we.” Lauriam agreed with a calm nod. “Come, let us walk over to the main building. I heard they set up a display on the main floor to welcome everyone back.”
Even if Ephemer had tried to protest, it would have been futile. The grip Lauriam had on his elbow was unsurprising, but it was Strelitzia -who took to wrapping her whole arm around his elbow- that had a surprising amount of strength to her. Ephemer didn’t have a choice as the two guided him into the main building. Turns out, they hadn’t been lying when they said the main floor had been decorated. How did he not notice that before?
Not that it mattered- he needed to find a way out of Strelitzia’s grasp. But how?
“Hey, Strelitzia,” Ephemer casually tried to say as the three of them were looking over some of the art students' work, “You wouldn’t happen to know if there’s more stuff on display upstairs, do you?”
Strelitzia let out a little hum in thought. She gave Lauriam a small glance- when her brother gave her a nod, she let out another agreeing hum. “I think so.” she said. “Would you like to go check?”
Ephemer gave her a quick nod. “Yes please.”
It physically hurt to watch as Strelitzia tilted her head from side to side- as if she were deciding to kidnap Ephemer instead.
“Alright,” she finally agreed, much to Ephemer’s relief, “Go see if there’s more to the display upstairs. Lauriam and I will remain here.”
“Thanks Zee, you’re the best.” Ephemer said as she let go of his arm. He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek as a distraction before he quickly dashed up the staircase.
Strelitzia was bashful for all of a moment before remembering the mission. She turned to Lauriam and said, “Quick, call Brain.”
“Already on it.” her brother affirmed- his phone already up to his ear as it rang over. When Brain picked up on the other end, Lauriam didn’t waste any time in filling him in. “He’s going up the stairs now. Tell Skuld to be prepared. Of course. We’ll be on standby if anything rises. Not a problem.”
“Well?” Strelitzia asked as Lauriam put down his phone. He looked at her with a particularly cunning grin.
“It’s all up to Skuld now.”
. . .
Ephemer did curse when he almost ran into Skuld in the hallway. She was standing by the door to one of the homerooms. He hated that he could tell that she had been waiting for him.
“In a hurry?” she teased without skipping a beat.
“Yes.” Ephemer immediately replied. “I mean no! I mean, ack! Just get out of my way Skuld! I don’t have time to play mind games with you today.”
“Why?” his friend challenged. “Need something from the classroom?”
Ephemer had to take the moment to think. The classroom should have been empty still, right? He could hide out in there until everyone decided to get off his case. Maybe it would take a few hours. Or the rest of the afternoon. Or even until classes started back up. He was a flexible guy.
“Yes.” Ephemer decided. “I did a lot of scavenger hunts with myself over break, you see? Turns out I left one of my favorite pencils in there, and I need to get it back before classes start up. So would you please get out of the way?”
“Alright.” Skuld agreed with a shrug. She even opened up the door for him and gestured for him to enter.
“Thanks.” he nodded. It didn’t even hit him that she could have been trying to trick him until the door shut behind him.
Ephemer immediately spun around to try to open the door again. “Why’s the door locked?!” Ephemer wondered out loud in horror.
“That's because we need to talk.”
Every fiber in Ephemer's body froze. He turned toward the teacher's desk to see the seat turn around to face him. Sitting there was Anora.
“H-hey Anora.” he sheepishly greeted. “Long time no see.”
She did not give him an answer. Instead, she quirked an eyebrow at him. With the grace of a figure skater, Anora pulled herself out of her seat and walked toward him. Her arms were folded in front of her chest as she looked right at him. She stopped just short of being within arm's length of Ephemer. A lump formed in Ephemer's throat when he realized he could see the determination in her eyes. Oh blessed Mary Blair, he was weak.
“I...” Ephemer started to croak, but stopped himself. This was a real bad time to admit he still loved her. Wasn't it? This was an intervention, after all. There was no way that this was going to be that easy. It wasn't like she still loved him too. Right?
“Ephemer,” Anora finally spoke- her voice low and almost pleading, “I want -need- to talk. And I need you to listen for all of five minutes. Can you do that for me?”
At this point, Ephemer was sure that he was going to have a heart attack or a brain aneurysm. He had no idea what she had planned. But whatever it was, he could tell that it was important. Swallowing back dry saliva, he rasped out a nervous, “S-sure.”
Anora let out a soft sigh. When she looked up at him again, she was ready to tell him her story.
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1-800-channie · 5 years
Cigarettes & Mint | Chapter 2
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→ Chapter: 1  |  2  |  3  | 4 |  5
→ Genre: Very Angst / Fluff  / Highschool!Au
→ Warning: Strong language; slight eating disorders; cursing; bullying;  smoking; 
→ Pairing: Badboy!Hyunjin x Innocent!Reader;
→ Summary: When your ego is bigger than your brain, you don’t mind breaking someone’s heart. As soon as the smell of cigarettes and mint invade your nostrils, your heart starts beating faster and your life starts falling apart. I bet you will end up broken.
→ Playlist for the Chapter:
   ↳ Concentrate - Demi Lovato  ↳ Lies in Dark - Tove Lo ↳ Think about you -  G Easy ft Quin ↳  Perfect ten -  Red Velvet  ↳ Distraction - Jack and Jack
→ Words: +3K
→ N/A: Hiii everyone! So, how was the first chapter? Did you like it? Any theories? Any ships? I just wanna say… This will get intense from now one…Prepare your heart ;)
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[09:20 AM    DAY ONE OF THE BET]
You stepped inside the large and airy classroom full with sleepy students with your yellow headphones loudly playing BTS new album “map of Seul: persona”. You gazed around, your eyes barely open due to the sleepless night, and noticed two things: first, the boy that usually sits next to you wasn’t there, he never gets late, because he is a perfectionist nerd with his face covered in acne, he loves classes; the second thing you noticed was how Hyunjin was isolated from his friends. Changbin and Minho were sitting on the back, casually listening to music and flirting with girls, as usual, but the boy with the shiny lip ring was alone some tables ahead of them.
Hendery, your best friend, is in another class, so he can’t be your company. Of course, Hyunin knew it, that’s why he is pretending to be angry at his friends, so he could get closer to you.
The clock is ticking and his ego needs to be fed.
The smoker boy admired every tiny detail of your face as you walked in front of him. Your rosy lips were gently moving, making him deduct that you were whispering the lyrics of the music you are listening. He wondered, what type of music you like? From the calm expression in your face, maybe pop, kpop or RnB. He noticed how your eyeliner was thinner today, accenting your dark eyes on a perfect way. He noticed the new earing you bought, with a small pearl in them. He noticed that your hair was straighter than conventional, falling on your back like a dark waterfall.
What he loved the most about you was your perfume. Everywhere you walked in the fragrance would leave an enjoyable smell behind, making it pretty easy to identify your presence, it smelled like roses, cliché but fresh and pure.
By the time he was admiring your pale neck, that had a sparkling necklace resting on your skin smoothly,  you caught him. Your eyes locked with his for a mere second, the time stopped at it was only you and him, his lovely eyes stared at yours intensively. The surprised look of your face made him laugh, but you didn’t witness it because you were too busy hiding your red cheeks.
The old female teacher walked inside the classroom, her expensive red high heels hitting the floor and making the sound echo inside the classroom and immediately everyone shut up and sat on his respective seat.
“Good morning class lets finish analyzing the poem we started yesterday.” Her calm voice was barely audible, and you did exactly what she told you to, excited to finish the love poem.
Your Korean book was full with colorful notes and reminders, everything that seems important, you write down, it’s way easier to make notes to study later. As you opened your pencil case, looking for your blue pen, your name was mentioned, you lifted your curious gaze from your pen to the teacher:
“Miss. Lee, i can’t see properly from here, can I sit next to Kim Sun?” A gentle voice asked politely, you turned your head back, and as soon as your eyes met his you felt your whole body get hot again, embarrassment taking advantage of your heart and mind.
“Yes dear, go ahead.” She answered back not caring at all, turning her back to the class as she started to write on the whiteboard the metaphors present on the romantic poetry.
Hyunjin’s tall frame sat next to you composedly, he leaned back on the chair and opened his legs in a manly way. Too afraid to talk or touch him, you pushed your chair just a little more far away from him, your whole body in tension, you were afraid that if you tried to talk, nothing would come out due to the knot forming in your throat.
“Hi.” Hyunjin greeted you with a warm smile. Jesus, help this poor girl, you may faint right there.
You are Kim Sun, the best student in the class, you have a smart mouth and hate to be shushed, but the moment this sinful man sat next to you, you lost your voice, just like Ariel when she sold her voice to the ocean’s witch.
He laughed at your freaked-out expression, your eyes widened, and you forced a smile, visibly awkward.
“I… Hmmm… Wanted to apologize for yesterday…” Hyunjin plays to be embarrassed, his orbs stare at your face, and he notices how you furred your thick eyebrows together and glanced at him, for the first time, without feeling shy.
“Oh… Well, it’s alright. I’m sorry i stared at you to point of making you uncomfortable, I was listening to music and got lost on the beat.” You answer him in a low voice.
“Well, I’ll forgive you if you go out with me…” Hyunjin states, licking his bottom lip, his lip ring making the thing way hotter than what already is. You laughed right on his face.
He must be playing with you… that can’t be true, he does not want you to have a date with him.
“Hyunjin, for real, dont need to embarrassed me again, i know i was a creep and I’m sorry.” You answer, copying down on your book what the teacher was fastly writing on the board.
Minho was carefully judging his friend act, from far away, kind of amazed how good he was at lying.
“You think he can win the bet?” The blonde asks the bored boy sitting next to him. Binnie rolls his eyes, visibly tired of this game.
“We should stop this before it gets us in trouble…” The black-haired boy adverts his foolish friend.
“Always so boring… That’s why no girl  wants you, man.” Minho attacks without realizing what he just said. Changing looks at him visibly hurt, but it doesn’t seem to catch the attention of the blind male sitting next to him.
“I’m being serious… I want to apologize for being bad to you yesterday. Its nothing formal or very expensive, just walking by the Han River together. Talking, knowing each other better.” Hyunjin explained in a low voice, the teacher was getting pissed from all the whispering, and he was trying not to get caught.
“I’m sorry, but no. I’m not going anywhere with you…” You said, as soon as you finished talking the loud and noisy bell rang and you started to pack your stuff.
“I’m not leaving you alone until you say yes!” He yelled, watching you walk away from him with a dumb smile stuck in your face as you shook your head negatively.
Dont you like him? Why would you say no?
Then Hyunjin’s brain clicked, this is dumb, immature. He can’t play you like this. And with the last amount of decency in his head, he got the courage to tell his friends how this was stupid, but when he arrived closer to them, Minho had a disgusting grin on his face, and Binnie was just… Sitting there.
“I could hear from here how she denied you.” His blonde friend tells him. The blood inside of Hyunjin starts bawling and his hands turn to fists, madness taking over him.
He is going to make you his no matter what!
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Your whole body was covered in a thin layer of sweat. The sun outside was setting, a beautiful palette of yellow, orange and pink painted the sky and the cold wind made you smile, you love to feel it against your tired hot body.
Your hair was tied up in a ponytail and you were wearing some white shorts, and a yellow t-shirt, the colors of your school ‘s basketball team, that you were the caption of. Yelling at the girls that the practice time was over and they could go, you smile. You loved basketball, ever since you were little.
As you crossed the red school training field you noticed two people sitting on the benches, very far away from each other. And as you got closer, you noticed who they were: your best friend, Hendery, and your stupid crush, Hyunjin.
You ran towards your best friend, missing his presence more than everything, but he pushed you back because of all the sweat that made your skin glisten at the very soft sunlight.
“What is he doing here?” You ask the sweet boy, pointing at Hyunjin.
“I thought you knew?” Your best friend answers with a question.
“Oh god- dont tell me he still has that stupid idea on his head…” You whisper to yourself, but of course, your best friend heard you, and immediately got curious.
“What idea?”
“He asked me out one hundred times today, even though i tell him no, he continues bothering me.” You confess shyly. “I mean it’s not like i dont want to have a date with him… I’m just afraid…”
Hendery knows something is wrong, that request certainly has a second intention. He just needs to find out was it is…
Hyunjin approaches you both looking heavenly, a smile on his handsome face and the keys of his car on his hand.
“So… did you change your mind?” He asks eyeing you from head to toe, your shorts were tight and the shirt too, accenting your body just enough to make him feel excited about the bet, shyly you hid behind Hendery.
“Man, what are you doing huh?” The black-haired boy asked the brown-ish one, his eyebrow arched and a suspicious look on his eyes.
“I just want to apologize for being bad to her… It’s not a big deal,” The bad boy lied.  “I felt bad for hurting her ok?” Hyunjin said feeling shy. Now he told you the truth, you didn’t leave his mind all day after what he did to you.
You look at him with a soft smile, his embarrassing truth was making you give in. Hendery was intrigued. Why would he apologize, when he doesn’t care about you?
“Ok, fine!” You throw your arms in the air quitting, your heart drowning in joy. “I’ll go with you, just let me go shower. Give me, hm, ten minutes.” You said looking at the clock on your wrist mindfully.
“Sun, dont do it. He will hurt you.” Your bestie warns you, his heart ached just by imagining you besides the smoker. He felt that something was wrong, but you foolishly kissed his cheek and told him not to worry about you, disappearing inside the female balneary.
You chose Hyunjin over him, how could you do that? Even after what he did to you?
The smirk on Hyunjin’s face made it pretty clear he enjoyed the little show he is putting on, the cigarette between his lips made him look so toxic, how could you think he looks hot?
“She will be mine in no time Hendery, accept it,” Hyunjin says cockily. A devilish smirk taking advantage of oh his plump lips while he releases the smoke.
“What did you just say?!” Your best friend asks while taking steps towards Hyunjin, his hand wrapped around his neck.
But Jin didn’t even flinch, he was not afraid of Hendery because he knows that inside, he is a weak bastard. “If you lay one single finger in her body i will kill you, you understand? If you break her heart i swear, you won’t be the only one paying for it.” The tall boy assures the smoker between his teeth, angry.
The black-haired boy leaves after, his body was trembling with anger and he felt like he could kill the first person that talked to him, but, it was just the madness speaking, he is not that strong. Not when it comes to you… He loves you… The tears started to form at the corners on his orbs and he hated it, he hated to cry.
When you came back Hyunjin was surprised, you weren’t wearing the same clothes as you wore all day. You had a white shirt under a strapless floral sundress, that moved freely, following all of your movements, you were wearing sandals making you look clean and simple.
“This is … what i wear after practice every time, it’s comfortable… I’m sorry if it looks bad…” You mumble the words low, but Hyunjin interrupted you quickly.
“What? No… You look absolutely flawless…” Even he was surprised by his action. You blushed, looking at your feet.
“Shall we go?” He asks, extending his arm so you can hold his large hand.
Hesitant, you take his hand in yours, the feeling of this simple action made your heart skip a bit. His hands are soft and warm, the opposite of yours, that is always freezing.
“Are you cold?” Jinnie asks with a worried look in his eyes. “Your hands are freezing.” You nod.
“I always have my hands cold.” You state sitting on the passenger seat of his car. The smell was a mix of cigarettes and mint, but it was actually really nice.
The ride was quiet and calm, he drove carefully and with full attention, stealing some glances at our face sometimes, noticing that you were examining his car and probably freaking out on the inside.
As you arrived the sky changed colors to dark blue, purple and pink, making you amazed at how beautiful it was.
The time you passed with Hyunjin walking by the Han River was blissful. He was playful and gentle, complimenting you every now and then, telling you how he loved the calm sound of the water and trying to convince you that he was sorry.
“Why were you alone today?” You ask him, your body turns to face his. His tongue plays with his lip ring nervously.
“Hmmm… You know, sometimes they act really childish. I dont like it… it bothers me the fact that I’m always the one saying no, and then they say I’m a pussy or boring.” Hyunjin spills disappointed, but he only realized what he said when the words were already heard. You pouted at him and held his hand, caressing it. “Or something like that..” He laughs awkwardly.
Your delicate hands really are soft, and he wonders if the rest of you is as soft as your hands… He wants to touch you so bad. You stare at him when he turns his face to the side, admiring the view in front of him.
The people that were walking here would feel confused about you two because in one second he would treat you with love, and in other, he would close himself and turn cold.
He looked just like an angel on the poor natural light,  he was wearing black trousers secured with an elegant black belt, his shirt was red and black, the first two buttons were undone and the front part was stuffed under his pants, a gold necklace hanging around his neck, his lip ring was different today, colored in black.
You looked sweet and innocent, but he looked badass and sinful, and you thought it was unfair to you, he looked so good. He is way too good for you…
“This spot is amazing.” You confess him as you admire the view of the sun seating being reflected on the immense water.
When you looked back at him he was dangerously close to you, and it made you gasp. Hyunjin was just centimeters away from you, his nose almost touching yours. Your heart started to beat fast, and you bite your bottom lip nervously.
“Princess dont do that, it makes me want to ruin you completely…” You were taken back at his words, your face heated up and you freed your lip while staring at his eyes.
He moved forward, tilting his face so his sinful lips brushed against yours. The feeling of his cold lip ring contrasted the warm feeling of his lips felt so good… Your hands gripped his wrists, your mouth opened in a gasp and he brushed his nose with yours, while his lips graze over yours again, mouth slightly open.
Your body was almost giving in when something inside you made you wake up and you pushed him away from your body by gently forcing his wide shoulders back.
“Hyunjin…” You whisper needy and totally drunk in love.
“Fuck… I’m sorry. You just looked so beautiful with that smile on your face… I  couldn’t help it.” He tried to lie, but it was the truth, for moments, he forgot this was just a dare, and he was enjoying the time with you.
Shyly, you take his hand on yours, surprising him, and then you smile at Hyunjin, without saying a word. He used the pleasant silence to bring you guys back at his car, so he could drive you home securely.
The ride was more comfortable this time, both of you singing the songs that played on the radio, while you smiled like and idiot. This was one of the best days of your life, being with Hyunjin, hear him, know him better was enough to make your heart jump in love and daydream about can happen next.
When he reached your house the car was quiet. His huge hand rested on your knee, causing you to take a shy gaze at him, watching him grin. He came closer to you, still with his hand on your knee, and he susurrated against your lips:
“I will see you tomorrow, princess.” A peck was placed at the corner of your mouth, your whole body feeling the arousal present on the air.
You nodded yes and smiled at him before getting out of his car, your legs felt like jelly and you could barely walk. With a stupidly happy face, you made your way to your front door, praying that Hyunjin didn’t saw you moving strangely.
But he did and thought it was adorable, especially because he knew he was the only one that could make you feel like that.
The next step is making you his, make you moan his name so loud, that you forget completely about Hendery, so Hyunjin can leave you right after. Heartbroken and played, just like the bet was about, so his ego could grow bigger and Minho could have his revenge.
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uno-reverse-fic · 4 years
Chapter 15
Lunch had come and gone quickly, and you didn't get a chance to eat because Iida and Ochaco stuck to Izuku like glue. Though even if you did get the opportunity to eat you probably would have refused it. And so here you were, sitting in Izuku's desk, starving and utterly bored. Everything was going fine until you heard two words slip out of your teacher's mouth.
"fight training." You were not going to let Izuku leave you in his backpack all afternoon, like Katsuki had done. As the room cleared out Midoriya slid his hand in his desk and twisted his fingers lightly around you. He placed you on top of the desk, sliding a few books to the corner to shield you from view in case anyone came into the classroom.
"I'm coming with you. Whether you like it or not." You told him with the most stubborn and intimidating look could muster.
"But it's dangerous! You could get killed!" He said, trying not to sound to pessimistic.
"I'll stay in the locker room then. You can leave me with your stuff."
"I-I dont know..."
"Izuku, I am not allowing you to leave me here alone. Im coming with you, even if it means I have to stay in a sweaty disgusting boys locker room. No offense."
"Fine... but you have to do as I say, for safety reasons, okay?"
"Okay." He slid you back into his blazer pocket and ran to catch up with the rest of the group. The boys locker room was set up similar to the girls, with one large room and two smaller rooms off to the side, which were also lined with lockers and contained benches. Lucky for you the only doors were to the bathroom and the outside, which gave you plenty of room to do some exploration in your downtime. Midoriya went off to the smaller room to the right and picked a top locker in the corner. He took off his blazer and placed it inside before closing the locker. You climbed out of the pocket, only to be met with an echoing sound.
"Oi Deku! What are you doing here?!"
"Oh uh sorry Kacchan" you heard the green-haired boy reply before opening the locker and grabbing his blazer, accidentally leaving you. He closed the locker halfway before leaving and heading towards the left room. You were left behind again, this ordinarily would have angered you beyond belief, but there was a certain firecracker who just so happened to choose the locker directly next to the one you were in. And what made matters worse was that the locker was completely empty, leaving you in clear eye-shot of Bakugo, and leaving him in clear eye-shot of you. He slid off his shirt and set off those common teen girl hormones in your brain, making you turn a bright shade of red. You curled up in the corner of the locker and pulled your t-shirt over your face. You were blushing so hard you could feel it, and the fact that it was over Katsuki, the one person you hated most at the moment, made everything worse. He finally pulled on his hero-costume top, as well as his grenade-gauntlets, and left. Soon after Midoriya frantically burst into the room and opened the locker he had accidentally left you in.
"I-I'm so sorry. I thought you were still in my blazer pocket... is everything ok?"
"Y-yea..." you stuttered awkwardly. You looked up at him with your already flushed face, and the teen hormones kicked in again.
"Are you blushing?"
"Yup. I'll give you one guess why,"
"Lets see... teenage girl in a teenage boy locker room..." he looked at you with an 'are you serious' expression, before he scooped you up again and placed you on the ground next to the rest of his stuff.
"I'll be back soon." He said before standing up and walking away. And thats when you made one of the stupidest decisions you have ever made. You crept to the wall and peered around it to see if anyone was there, and just as you had hoped everyone had left. You started walking around a bit, but it took you quite a long time to get to the other side of the main room. Despite there being lockers, only Tenya used them, so there were clothes all over the locker room floor in piles to designate who's is who's. You sat down on top of a blazer to take a bit of a break, and thats when things went downhill even more. You heard shouting outside the door, you whipped your head towards it only to see Bakugo burst through it. In a panic you quickly dove into one of the blazer pockets in hope that you could stay out of his view as he stormed in your direction. And to your horror you felt the blazer being lifted into the air.
"I'm going to kill all of those idiots one of these days..." you heard him growl. He walked into the right room and laid the blazer down on the ground next to the lockers, a perfect place for you to hide under so you could sneak back to Izuku's bag. You slipped out of the pocket and kept low to the ground, you quickly darted under the lockers and pressed yourself as close to the wall as possible. You caught your breath for a minute before turning to run to safety. You went as fast as your legs could carry you and with your absolutely horrible luck you kicked a pencil and stubbed your toe. The pencil went farther than you expected and made a louder sound than you hoped for.
"What the-" Katsuki's head darted quickly in the direction of the noise and to your dismay he started walking over to investigate. You ran for cover behind one of the legs of a locker and tried your best to hold back a scream of agony from the pain in your foot. He knelt down and peered under the lockers, and you mentally cursed as he reached his hand under to see if he could feel anything. Your heart felt like it was about to burst out of your chest at any given minute, you were so close to being caught.
"Nothing. I'm starting to hallucinate aren't I?" He pulled away and sat down on the bench.
"Why... why did I have to do that. Why did she have to look at me like that. She's probably dead somewhere and its all my fault." Before he could continue the rest of the 1-A guys burst into the locker room.
"Bakubro! Is everything good?"
"Yea just shut up dumb hair." You snuck back over to Midoriya's bag after Bakugo left. Izuku walked in and rushed over to you, taking off his gloves and gently scooping you up in his hands. He placed you in a locker before changing. He pulled the locker open again and looked at you with concern.
"Was everything ok while I was gone? Kacchan god mad and stormed off back here did he see you?" he said as he placed you into his open palm.
"I'm fine, he had no idea I was here." That wasn't exactly completely true, but you didn't want Midoriya to worry too much. He slipped you back into his blazer pocket and the rest of the day carried on. Before dinner Izuku was watching TV and talking with Todoroki, Iida, Ochaco, Tsuyu, Momo, and the Bakusquad. The news report from the other day came on and everyone froze.
"Hey wasn't that the guy we were fighting the other day?" Ochaco asked.
"The one who used his quirk on Deru? Yea thats him." Momo chimed in.
"So thats the guy. He looks edgy." Mina commented. Then the quirk explanation came on and the atmosphere of the entire conversation stiffened. The woman spoke,
"His quirk gives him the ability to manipulate the size of anything he touches, however the effect doesn't sink in for about 24 hours, after something has been affected by his quirk it will stay like that until he removes the effect himself."
"Holy crap... I was right to check in the drawer wasn't I?!" Kaminari screeched. He looked Bakugo dead in the eyes and then began a mad dash to his dorm room. Bakugo leapt over the couch and sprinted towards the staircase with Kaminari, and Mina right behind him, followed by everyone else. You curled up in Izuku's sweatshirt pocket, slightly scared of what was to come. Everyone piled into the room, by the time Izuku had gotten there Ashido, Denki, and Sero were tearing the place apart. Iida and Kirishima had to physically restrain Bakugo to keep him from attacking them, and Ochaco had to get the meme trio to stop destroying Katsuki's dorm. When everyone finally calmed down Mina and Kirishima began explaining everything that they had seen, from you first getting sick right up until now.
"So we immediately assumed that Deru is somewhere in this room." Kaminari said.
"Well your wrong. I told you already that I saw her go pack some stuff up and leave." Katsuki spat.
"Well lets call her then." Mina said, pulling out her phone which rang but then went to voicemail.
"Hello you've reached the voicemail of Surō Deru. She is either busy or doesn't want to talk to you, please don't leave a message at the beep *BEEP*"
"She didn't answer. Time to go look through her room!" Kaminari said. As the group traveled towards your dorm room Iida lectured them on the fact that they shouldn't go snooping through someone else's things. Kirishima opened the door to your room and a slight feeling of sadness fell over you as the smell of your room surrounded you. The light switch was turned on, Kirshima and Mina both locked eyes onto two things, your phone, and your crocs.
"She left her phone here, thats odd isn't it, Bakugo." Mina shot, only adding to his fury.
"Her bro-crocs... HER BRO-CROCS! SHE NEVER LEAVES WITHOUT THEM!" Kirishima exclaimed.
"Well I don't have her. Can I leave now." Bakugo said.
"So wherever she is she's shoeless and phoneless." Mina said ignoring Katsuki's plea to leave. After a bit more interrogation, they gave up on Bakugo and left. Midoriya stuck around in your dorm room afterwards, shutting the door after everyone was gone. His fingers wrapped lightly around you as he pulled you out of his pocket. He sat down on your bed and placed you beside him. You looked around at the room, and everything in it, towering above you, freedom had been so close only about a day ago.
"It's nice, your room I mean." Izuku spoke, causing you to look up at him.
"Thanks..." he placed his open palm next to you and you climbed on. As he slipped you back into his sweatshirt pocket you felt happy, and for the first time in a while a genuine smile spread across your face.
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Hiii I’m the aide!anon and it was soooo wonderful! I thought the bit about the insurance and crystal having to leave was so real and hurt my heart. I want more!! Can see aide crystal being able to live with him & john’s reaction? Maybe their first night together?
Got this ask too: Can you write about the day the "insurance mumbo jumbo" gets sorted out that let's crystal stay with john 😊
Beta-ed by: @agnosticofgod and @psychosocial-ish
When Crystal parked his car in the driveway of John’s flatthat morning, his stomach turned uncomfortably, although he wasn’t sure why.John wasn’t outside or in his doorway, shrieking and squeaking to greet him,but that wasn’t particularly abnormal. Some mornings, John could be as sluggishas the rest of them.
Still, Crystal couldn’t shake the feeling as he walked up toJohn’s door, a shiver running down his spine as he knocked. John groaned on theother side of the door, unlocking it quickly and shuffling back to the couch tocurl up.
“What? No hug? No good morning?” Crystal said as he walkedin, laughing although the feeling in his gut never left. He closed the doorbehind him, going over to John, who was rocking and grunting, mussing up hishair. Crystal took a seat next to him, head tilted.
“What’s up, mate? Rough night?” he asked, knowing John gotextremely irritable if he didn’t get at least 7 hours of sleep.
John nodded, rubbing his hands roughly all over his head,knotting up his hair.
“That’s fine, then. You have a free day today. You can goback to sleep now or after breakfast, if you want,” Crystal said, a hand gentlypatting John’s, hoping he’d stop the rough movements. It’d be Crystal who’dhave to comb the knots out and the idea didn’t seem appealing to him.
John looked up at him with wet eyes, signing “No”, thencurling back up to continue his rocking.
John was never one to turn down a nap. More alarm bells wentoff in Crystal’s head, but he swallowed down the urge to panic. Panicking wasnot allowed.
“What’s wrong then, John? Is it your pajamas? Too scratchy?Or-“ Crystal was cut off by John moaning. John scooted close to Crystal andsigned for his Pec cards. Crystal obliged, bringing him his Pec sheet and cardsand a tissue.
John ignored the tissue, shaking as he rapidly pointed atthe “I feel…” square followed by the “Sad” square.
“You’re sad? Wanna tell me why?” Crystal said, his heartbeginning to race. Something was wrong and for the first time, he had no ideawhat it was.
John pointed at “I feel…” and then the “Afraid” square.
“Afraid too? Did you have a bad dream?”
John shook his head. He grabbed the sheets, sifting throughthem until he found the one he wanted. He pointed to the word “Night” before hegrabbed Crystal’s arm and slapped it.
Crystal recoiled at the sudden violence, but assumed it wasJohn trying to say something. He wracked his mind but couldn’t come up withanything. He shot John a confused look.
John whimpered, pointing to “Night” again and then “Woman”.He slapped his own hand this time. His lower lip trembled all the while.
Night. Woman. Slap. Night. Woman. Slap. Night. Wo-
“John, did your night aide slap you?”Crystal said, his eyes wide, his voice brimming with disbelief. Thiscould not be what John was trying to tell him.
To Crystal’s horror, he nodded, erupting into cries after hedid.
Crystal’s brain turned into both an endless void and achaotic volcano, spewing anger.
Someone…laid a hand on John. Someone had the audacity to laya hand on John.
Crystal turned a deep scarlet, his limbs shaking. He wantedto scream and run after the bitch who dared touch John like that.
He had to keep his composure though. There was plenty oftime to shout and curse. Right now, he had to approach this as calmly as hecould.
Crystal straightened up, shaking the tension from his body.He took a few deep breaths, feeling his control come back to him.
He held John, who melted into him and sobbed, babbling in aheart wrenching voice. Crystal rocked himself and John, petting John’s hair andback, waiting for him to calm down. They could talk once all the fear escapedJohn’s body.
It wouldn’t be an hour until that happened. John sniffled ashe sipped his milk and nibbled his cheese on toast. Most mornings, he wouldmake it himself, but his ability to take care of himself seemed to havedisappeared, understandably so. Crystal didn’t mind making his breakfast. Itgave him time to think.
Crystal sat opposite to John once everything was put away,trying to figure out what questions to ask. John was brilliant. So smart andastute and bright. But Crystal also knew John was sensitive, vulnerable andmost of all, gullible. He could be swayed to do something or convinced tobelieve something so easily. He could only wonder what the hell this night aidedid.
“So, John, is it okay if I ask what happened?” Crystal askedsoftly, sliding over a pencil and paper for John to write if he couldn’t signit. John’s signing wasn’t very good.
John hesitated, looking down at the paper. He took anotherbite of his toast, setting it down on his plate, slowly signing, “John naughty.No bath. Angry.” He got teary eyed remembering it all. She was wearing red. Shesaid it was time for a bath. John was being bad and he said no. He didn’t wanta bath. He wanted to go to sleep. He was being naughty, she said. John tried torun to his room but she caught him. She grabbed his arm and slapped it. His armturned red too. He cried and she didn’t care. She said naughty boys getspanked. John wasn’t a boy though, but it hurt. He couldn’t stop crying and hefelt stupid and alone and very scared. He wished Crystal was there or thatmaybe he wasn’t so dumb so he could stop her being mean to him. He took a baththough. She was happy afterwards. Maybe he was being bad.
“The aide wanted you to take a bath. You didn’t want to. So,she slapped you?” Crystal clarified, his throat growing tight as he was forcedto say those words.
John nodded, signing “Naughty John” again. He deserved it.He was supposed to listen to his aides and he didn’t. His heart fluttered atthe thought of Crystal being mad at him too. “Sorry, Crystal.” He signed.
Crystal nearly reeled at John. He shook his head, holdinghis hands up. “John, no, no. No, no, no. Us aides are here to help you. We arenot your boss, your mum, your teacher, nothing. If anything, you are our boss.Remember how we talked about that?”
John remembered. Crystal had to have talks with John aboutnot being so obedient. He was an adult. He could decide what to do and what notto do. The aides just helped him keep things decent, healthy and reasonable.
“Right? So, if you didn’t want to talk a bath, you weren’tbeing naughty. You made a decision and the aide should have let you make thatdecision. She was the bad one, not you. John, you didn’t deserve what happenedto you at all,” Crystal said, stressing the last sentence.
John hummed something flat, looking around the kitchen. Hestill felt bad.
Crystal would work on that later. For now, he had a few morequestions.
“Can you show me where she hit you?” He wanted to see if shehad left any marks. When John showed him his arm, there was nothing. Not thathe wouldn’t believe John. It’d just make this harder to prove to others.
Crystal tenderly rubbed the spot on John’s arm before askinganother question. “Can you show me how she hit you?”
John was a little too eager to reenact this. He grabbedCrystal’s arm, yelling angrily as if he were the aide and whacked Crystal’sarm, not holding back. Fucking ouch. But he wanted to make surenothing was misinterpreted before bringing this up with the company that hiredthem out.
Crystal rubbed his own arm, satisfied with this. Now he onlyhad two more questions.
“Do you mind if I ring up your mum to tell her about this?”
John nodded.
“And are you okay with me telling the company about whatyour aide did? You can say no, but we can’t fix this if we stay quiet.”
John took a moment but he nodded again.
“Fantastic,” Crystal says, getting up to give John anotherhug before making a few difficult phone calls.
“Crystal mad?” John asked his mother, who had gotten therein a record breaking 45 minutes after Crystal’s call.
John’s mum wasn’t good at BSL but could figure out thequestion from John’s face. She giggled, looking over her shoulder to ahot-headed Crystal on the phone, yelling and cursing every 3 seconds at who shebelieved to be the director of the company that sent out the aides.
“Yes. Quite mad. Not at you though, darling,” She said,handing John biscuit. John was on the floor, fiddling with a small amp as hismother continually fed him, something mothers seemed to do when stressed.
John munched on the biscuit and laughed. That was goodenough for him.
“How dare you call yourself a company based on quality whenyou don’t even do background checks on your aides! My client could have beenseriously hurt! And how exactly do you propose we get him comfortable againwith your service? He’s terrified of any aide besides myself working with himnow. How exactly do you think you can fix this? Throwing money at it won’t healthe trauma, you should know this, you bugger!”
John’s mum blushed, handing John another biscuit. He wasfull but he took it because he never got to eat so many sweets at once. Todaystarted off badly but his mum and Crystal were here and he was eating a lot ofbiscuits so maybe it was actually a good day. John happily hummed as he rippedout some unnecessary wires from the amp.
Crystal let out a big sigh, hanging up the phone and wipedhis face. He approached the two in the living room, his skin returning to it’snormal hue. “They’re definitely going to fire the woman. As for everythingelse, it’s up in the air. They might buy us out. A lawsuit wouldn’t look goodfor them, apparently. But as for the insurance stuff, that’s allyou, Lily. Left the phone nice and warm for you,” he said, laughing out ofexhaustion and humor. This was going to be a long and tedious process for theboth of them. John couldn’t talk, so it was just him and his mum. He was finewith that, though. John was worth every minute of it.
Lilian excused herself, ready to have to negotiate with theinsurance company. Oh, how fantastic healthcare was for those in need. She rolledher eyes at the thought.
Crystal plopped himself on the floor next to John, stealingan uneaten biscuit. “So, how’s it going over here? Working on the amp Freddiegave you?” he asked, looking at all the junk John had amassed around him.Wires, screwdrivers and circuit boards. John nodded with a grin, connecting twowires together.
At least he was happy. Crystal was scared of the next fewhours, though. When he’d have to leave. When John’s mum would be left alone todeal with him. She was pretty good at it, due to the fact that she had done sofor 18 years, but he still worried. John got easily put off by things. Henicked himself shaving once and refused to shave again for a month. Only aftera long and strenuous reintroduction could he handle controlling his beard. Thiswas much worse than a little cut. Would his bath time be ruined? His bedtimeroutine? All other aides that weren’t him?
“Tell me, John, when I go home tonight, you’ll be good toyour mum? You don’t have to bathe tonight, but you’ll be able to go to sleepfine?”
John stopped his tinkering to think.
“No woman?” John asked.
“No. That aide is never coming backhere. And no one else from that company either. Just you and your mum fortonight.”
“No Crystal?”
“No, you know the drill, mate. I leave at 7.” Crystal wishedit wasn’t so, but he didn’t want to get fired for over stepping boundaries.
“Sad. OK.” John returned to his amp, huffing.
One day, m-
“Crystal! Crystal! Get over here!” Lilian yelled, hopping asshe held the phone receiver, a hand over the speaker. Crystal perked up,heading over to the ecstatic, bouncing woman.
“Crystal! If the insurance can get ahold of your companytoday, they can authorize you to go full time with John.”
Crystal felt like he got the most loving punch to the heart.
“It would be temporary until all of this is fixed, but it’sa foot in the door, no?” she said, beaming.
He was at a loss for words. Who knew it would take somethingso despicable to make something so incredible.
He spent the next hour on the phone, on hold, talking withhis branch manager and then a higher up, going over qualifications and rulesand promising to go do additional training that next morning and like that. Hewas all John’s. Even if it was just for a week.
Crystal turned on his heels, grinning so big it hurt.
“John?” he called out, walking back to his client.
John hummed.
“Guess what? I’m staying.”
John screamed.
Crystal chuckled, pushing John away from him. John laughed,shuffling closer to Crystal on the bed.
“You most certainly do not get read bedtime stories. I callfoul!” Crystal said, sitting even farther away from John. John honked, shovingthe book back into Crystal’s lap.
He was right. John’s bedtime routine was simple. Shower.Brush teeth. Brush hair. Climb into bed and sleep. He occasionally needed helpself-soothing, but that was it. A simple head rub and he was gone for thenight.
But he didn’t want the night to end so quickly. His bestfriend was here and was going to stay here for the very first time. He wantedto stretch it out for as long as possible. Hence the book.
“You little devil. Fine, fine. One chapter, okay?” Crystalsaid in a playfully stern voice. John nodded excitedly, wriggling under thecovers.
“Could you have picked a bigger book? Ugh. Okay, this is TheShining by Stephen King. Hm, that bloke sounds familiar. Alright, chapter 1…”
"’No. No hard feelings.’ Jack flashed the PR grinagain, but he was glad Ullman didn't offer to shake hands. There were hardfeelings. All kinds of them,” Crystal said, his voice trailing into a whisperonce he took a glance at a sleeping John.
This felt right. This felt good. No one could take care ofJohn like he did. No one could protect John like he did. This should’ve beenwhat he was doing for all these years, instead of leaving John’s safety tochance. This was a scenario that kept Crystal up at night and in a horribleway, he was glad it happened because it would never happen again.Never.
Quietly, Crystal set down the book, shut off the lamp andexited John’s room. He walked right into Lilian’s hug, hugging her back.
“Oh, this is a blessed day. I can finally breathe knowinghe’ll be in good hands all day and all night. You don’t know how much you’vehelped our family,” she said, sniffling as she squeezed Crystal.
Ma’am, you don’t know how much your son has helped me.
Crystal just smiled.
Crystal awoke to some grunting and gentle pushes to hischest. He blinked as his vision came back, his eyes focusing on a grinningJohn, who was knelt besides him.
He was on the couch, a last-minute accommodation. His backached as he sat up, looking around the living room. It was still dark. Theclock read 6am.
“Good morning!” John signed, giggling. Crystal laughedhimself.
“Morning, you little devil.” He said, stretching, jointscrackling. It was still an hour before him and John usually started theirroutine, but what the hell? Things were changing. He and John were gonna moveinto a proper house. Their schedule would change. Everything was gonna change.
“So!” Crystal clapped his hands together. “You ready to havea great day, John?”
John shrieked.
His mother, who was sleeping on the other couch, woke with astart.
Crystal and John giggled, their foreheads touching.
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