#becoming a nurse
teachworkoutlove · 8 months
Why Many Moms are Pivoting Their Careers to Nursing
If you are a mom, one thought you probably didn’t have this week in between school pick-ups, soccer practices, meals, cleanings, work, and not enough sleep is “Yeah. I totally have enough time for nursing school.” And yet busy parents all over the country are pivoting into healthcare careers. One obvious reason, of course, is that it is rewarding work. As a parent, you enjoy caring for people— or…
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halorvic · 9 days
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#sars cov 2#covid 19#i've interacted with 4 different friends/acquaintances in the past month alone who have all been hospitalised after having a stroke#(and in one case multiple strokes)#one who i visited in hospital over the weekend had a (unmasked) nurse coughing up a lung in her room 👍#and one of them who had to undergo surgery also had to be moved to a different hospital#bc the ward they were keeping him in was full of confirmed covid patients 👍👍#idk how many times it needs to be said before it gets through people's heads but VACCINES ARE NOT ENOUGH#and encouraging ppl to rely solely on them when there are already plans to jack up the prices so you have to KEEP PAYING for boosters#for an ONGOING mass-disabling event is so laughably unrealistic and absurd and flat-out demonic#you need to mitigate the actual spread of covid by WEARING A MASK + fighting for CLEAN AIR/proper ventilation in public spaces!!!!!!#ppl are so eager to forget the whole 'break the chain of transmission' thing and how effective masking is and so this is where we're at#'i got infected and infected other ppl who might die or become permanently disabled but it's no big deal bc no one else wears a mask#so if /i/ didn't infect them someone else would have anyway so it's not my fault and really its got nothing to do with me and my choices'#if everyone is responsible then no one is responsible - that's how it works right?#it's no wonder some ppl go rabid at even the sight of someone wearing a mask and minding their own business#ppl seeking treatment for unrelated conditions/illnesses and then dying from covid caught in hospitals#due to lack of npis/basic mitigation measures - no regulations no accountability#we truly live in a hell (''new normal'') of our own making#anyway none of this is new news at all i mostly thought it might be good to share the info graphic abt signs of stroke#covid has been given free reign and chances are increasing as to how likely you'll encounter it happening to someone you know at some point#also heart attacks and pots and alzheimer's etc etc etc
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nodalstudies · 4 months
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whereabouts of february 11, 2024 🗒️
can’t believe it’s already week 6 and my first proper nursing class is starting up soon! every day has just been a choice between discipline and comfort. i love myself enough to keep fostering my growth academically and mentally.
i also got myself a valentine today <3 a win for sapphics everywhere!
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mayhaps-a-blog · 7 days
Something about how few of the conflicts in Dead Boy Detectives are solved by violence. Something about how the few times it is, it's presented as weird, wrong, extreme. Something about Jenny and her cleavers, Charles and his cricket bat, Crystal and the knife.
The first fight, against the WW1 ghost, Charles has a knife - an iron knife, that would hurt the ghost. And even when he's pinned down, all he goes for is the mask - even when he could use it to get the ghost off of him.
And Esther? Sure, they try - Charles with his knife, Edwin with his fists. And fail immediately, instantly. It's Crystal who holds her back, with her memories - it's Esther who swings around her cane, just because she can.
Charles throws a pot at a zombie, and breaks the magic vessel. Charles tries to hit Brandon Devlin, and gets trapped. They can't kill Angie, just put her to sleep. Jenny runs from Maxine - despite being tough, and strong, she hides rather than attacks. The Night Nurse hits Angie, but is only freed when Kashi asks, instead. Crystal punches Esther, but Tooth Face isn't defeated until she frees him. Charles throws a bomb at the demon, but it's still coming - they win by running, not by fighting. Jenny brings a cleaver to a demon fight, but instead is possessed, her weapons turned against her. And in the end? Esther isn't defeated by fighting her, by Crystal stealing her knife or her power - she's defeated when her power is broken, by Crystal crying out for justice.
The most violent scene, from the protagonists, is when Charles attacks the Night Nurse. It's brutal, it's violent, and it's wrong. The others are left staring, shocked, at a loss. It's extreme, Edwin says. It was a lot, Crystal says. And you know what? It didn't work. It inconvenienced her, sure - but she came right back, once she was free.
What does work? The good they did coming back around. Kindness, friendship, reaching out to others - that's what keeps them winning.
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piratedllama-art · 2 months
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Night Nurse
[done in procreate]
Total time taken: 52 hours
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gotchibam · 10 months
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Banette but instead of hate they're full of love 🥺💕
Banette wallpaper (regular & shiny) ✦ Pokemon wallpapers ✦ Patreon
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dollya-robinprotector · 9 months
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Lya and Lyah in Pokemon Style!
Finally, I can try this style! Reference: take (Twitter)
These artworks are for study/referencing and non-profit purposes only. Reposting and reprinting are prohibited.
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Oh and of course let's not forget their love interest: The nurses
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hardhue · 2 years
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"Second time this week. This your idea of fun, Mav?"
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lilacpaperbird · 1 day
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memoriesndew · 15 days
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tuesday, may 28, 2024 | day 1/100 | ♡.°୭̥ ୨୧
✿ today, I've decided to take on the 100-day productivity challenge. What I want to achieve from this challenge is to gain habits and learn more about myself.
✿ my main goals are losing weight, growing spiritually, my academics, work, and focusing on my mental health.
✿ I’m going to start/continue with habits like 30 minutes of movement, 10 minutes of journaling, and starting my day with God, and I'll continue from there. These are today's stats.
✿ french duolingo
✿ swept like the whole house, but after that, I spent so much time on social media
✿ life revision (reset my notion homepage, organized my travel planner, and revised my finance page and wishlist) - did this yesterday, though
habit tracking:
morning stretch study time daily physical activity -just the walk
self-care task
practice a hobby read bible daily worship drink water 1L/3L 30 mins of movement - 30 min walk
✿ I'm getting a little lost with my life currently I can't really tell what I'm working towards I mean I have all these goals but at the end of if all if I achieve them will I be happy or content will I want more, will I just continue searching for something quell the hunger for peace like should I just pause or continue idk which will make me feel better
✿ day one of cleaning, tomorrow I have to massacre that toilet - in like i'm gonna make it sparking way
✿ a lot of my downtime today was spent watching tiktok and ig Reels, and doing that always makes me feel down - also, I need a good journal
🎧 army dreamers ~ Kate Bush
🎀 en o'clock ep 20 ~ I think it's the ice skating one
photo credits: pinterest
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teachworkoutlove · 10 months
The Balancing Act: Tips for New Moms in the Nursing Profession
Being a nurse is a demanding job that requires mental sharpness, physical resilience, and emotional strength. Couple that with the responsibilities of new motherhood, and the balance can easily tilt toward overwhelming. However, you are far from alone, and with a few key strategies, you can master this juggling act. From setting realistic expectations to establishing a robust support system,…
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merrysithmas · 10 months
re: nursing & Nurse Chapel in SNW @ Paramount/the fandom
new trekkies have begun to notice that Nurse Chapel eventually becomes a doctor in TOS canon. i'd like to challenge the stale (and rife with outdated sexism) misconception of that event with a more modern lens that hopefully SNW can retcon...
Christine does not stop becoming a nurse to become a doctor. She can be a doctor AND a nurse.
A DNP (clincial doctor of nursing practice) or nurse phd (researcher) or nurse educator/researcher (phd). One of my main issues with TOS canon is how they made Chapel "upgrade" from a nurse to a doctor which is extremely outdated and inherently insults the field of nursing (implying medicine is a hierarchy which it isnt - and SNW does a good job showing the partnership btwn mbenga &her). Most nurses never venture into physicianship but instead pursue doctorates in their chosen field: nursing. Because they want to be nurses.
I hope this is one thing they retcon and make clear she is a clinical doc of nursing (who have all the same diagnostic/prescriptionist responsibilites as a doctor of medicine) or some other variant of doctor of nursing.
Christine likely became a nurse because nurses have diff freedoms (and a closer patient relationship) and can expand to work in innumerable specialities - as nurses are trained as multi-specialty healthcare providers - whereas doctors are more limited and stick to their specialty. She chose to be a nurse because she wanted to be a nurse.
People choose nursing over becoming a physician for MANY reasons - and let me tell you, it's absolutely 100% not because the doctors are more intelligent lol. Nursing is a multifaceted field which consists of myriad opportunities, learning experiences, specialities, 1:1 patient connections, and freedoms that a physician will never have. Nurses can work in an ER, OR, Labor and Delivery, community health center, an herbalist shop, someone's home at their bedside, and research lab all in the same week. Physicians cannot do that - they have various legal and technical limitations (still a great field, but different).
Nurses are a medical jack of all trades - that is what Christine is.
An accurate portrayal of nursing is hardly ever shown in modern media which either erases nurses entirely (see House or ER or any other medical show), or sexistly mischaracterizes the field and ignores that nurses are hard scientists who partake in research, war, and can attend up to 10 yrs of schooling in their specialities (more than an MD). Not to mention that it is nurses who train in and learn the practical knowledge of medicine (injections, sterilization, IV admin, patient positioning for expelling mucuous, suctioning sputum, etc - doctors do not train in practical medicine and if they do they do not practice it).
If you are at the hospital and you have a head nurse and a physician resident making a call - guess who is going to have the last word. It isn't the doctor. And that is a respected norm.
It is thrilling to watch as Christine participated in research, engages in community outreach, joins fellowships, continues her education, assists surgery, diagnoses patients, engages in war and Starfleet, and cares at the bedside.
The old fashioned notion of "just a nurse for now" is about as stale as some of the sexist/misogynist concepts in TOS - and Christine is a GREAT example of a modern nurse character, highly accurate, and SNW would do well to correct further misconceptions of the field by making her an example of a Doctor of Nursing.
As far as I know, being a trekkie forever, they never stated what kind of doctor Chapel was - perfect opportunity.
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nodalstudies · 4 months
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whereabouts of february 10, 2024 📰
i’ve picked up the study techniques of time-blocking (setting aside time for one task) and the 5-minute rule (committing to 5 minutes of studying, which helps build momentum when starting feelings intimidating). lovely strategies!
the sky was clear for the first time in weeks <3 it was a great day. i got coffee, bought some cosmetics, did some pilates yoga, and had fun social time.
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fragile-snail · 1 year
someone at hbo leaked a scene of the sibs reaction to shiv’s pregnancy
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thegreatgay-tsby · 2 months
Marjorie: You need you grow a backbone Char!
Charlotte: *grows a backbone and stands up to Marjorie*
Marjorie: 😯 No, not like that
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