#becs is bored
snowmasscourier · 3 months
Eleven years since that day. By all official reports no one expected him to still be alive. Yet here he is, living in New York, right under everyone's noses, and actually still actively an assassin. Though not in any modern cells. Can't be alerting William Miles now. He's called a shadow, a ghost, a phantom. Yet no one from the modern brotherhood can keep up with him. Those who have seen him mention the brown hair, brown eyes, face scar and tattoo that are too familiar to anyone who knows him. But worrying parts of the report mentioned his blackened arm, and the markings of the ISU in that same side of his body. Those who have followed him, find he's not alone with a found family of his own. 
(Hi From Ashes We Rise Up Hidden Ones here! I thought I'd leave you a Desmond survived rp starter.)
Rebecca frowned as she went through the newest files she had acquired as part of what was being called “Lazarus.” Rather than trying to revive someone themselves, Rebecca and her partner in crime (and everything else) Shaun were clinging to hope that their friend Desmond had returned from the dead.
It was an insane hope, and one they didn’t believe in for years, but the photos were real. The security camera footage was real. And it almost seemed….intentional. Like Desmond was leaving them bread crumbs to come and find him, like a fairy tale come to life.
Rebecca and Shaun were in New York, finally, but it wouldn’t be easy. They had to hide from their fellow Assassins who wouldn’t approve, hide from the Templars who wanted them dead, all the while looking to see if Desmond really, really was alive.
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chaoticree · 3 months
Marauders - Hunger Games AU
"Regulus Black," Lily Potter called out over the microphone. Her voice carried through the air. Regular was still as a stone beside Sirius. Sirius watched a single bead of sweat roll down his temple and closed his eyes.
He counted to ten to even out his breath. He'd already made the decision last night. If Regulus was picked, he'd volunteer himself. It was the right thing to do.
He took another deep breath and held his hand up
"A volunteer, huh? How exciting." Lily purred into the microphone. Her green eyes filled with mischief traveled over Sirius and then Regulus, who was staring at Sirius with huge eyes. Sirius didn't spend too much time picking apart the emotions in Reggies eyes. Guilt and relief being the most apparent. He wondered how long it would take for Reggie to get over this guilt if Sirius died in the games. He wanted to assure his brother it wasn't his fault and it was a decision Sirius took on his own. He wanted to calm Reggie down but there wasn't enough time. He could savor it by trying to memorize every detail of Reggies face but this guilt ridden Regulus was not what Sirius wanted to remember him as so he looked away.
"Sirius-" Regulus began but Sirius pushed his shoulder and stopped him from saying anything. No need to make this any more soppier than it already was. Though he doubted anyone gave a damn about him to even shed a single tear, but still, he had some reputation to maintain. Blacks were known for being emotionless. He'd do his parents this one last favor and not embarrass them by having a mental breakdown during the reaping. Besides, Sirius was sure everyone would shed tears of joy and be all happy that the family disappointment was finally being taken care of and that too without getting their own hands dirty.
"Look after yourself, Reggie. Don't let anyone make you miserable, okay?"
"Sirius no–" Regulus attempted to grab his arm but their time had run out, the guards were already there, dragging Sirius away and he closed his eyes. No tears. No emotions. He wouldn't give anyone the satisfaction of knowing what he was feeling. They can all assume whatever the fuck they wanted and gossip about it all they want over tea or dinner. He didn't care. Reggie was safe and that was all that mattered. He'll get to live. He'll get to do everything that Sirius wouldn't be able to and that's okay, Reggie deserved this much.
He was harshly pulled out of his thoughts when Lily cackled sharply beside him. His brain felt too big for his head to carry and felt like there was foam filled inside. She looked at him and for a second there was an emotion in her eyes before it was replaced with nothingness again. A smooth facade, fake manic smile and sharp eyes took over.
He didn't even realize someone was standing beside him. No more like towering over him. The first thing he noticed were the scars on his face, and he took a staggering step back. The guy curled inwards and started to drop the hand he held for Sirius to shake when Lily stepped forward and pushed Sirius's hand in the other boys. She smiled at them, but it was evident that the smile was a threat. 'Behave,' she said with expressions alone, and Sirius sighed.
The boy let go of his hand and went to stand on Lily's other side. Lily grabbed his arm and pulled him towards her. They stood facing the crowd as the anthem blared all around them. Sirius tried to find Regulus's familiar face in the crowd but it was too packed and he hoped in his heart that whatever expression he was wearing would be enough to ease some of Regulus's guilt.
As soon as the anthem ended, both him and the other boy were quickly ushered off the stage. Within seconds there were guards surrounding them as they sped past everyone and made a beeline towards the justice building.
A peacekeeper entered with Regulus in tow. Sirius jumped up and quickly loved towards him.
“You have 3 minutes!” The peacekeeper barked and left.
Tears pooled in Regulus's eyes. His hands shook as he tried to grab and hold onto Sirius's shirt.
Sirius just pulled him in for a hug. He knew that Regulus hated being vulnerable. Sirius didn't deserve his vulnerability. He sure as fuck didn't deserve his tears but seeing as this might be the last time they get to meet, he held his tongue and let himself get a little soppy.
“Hey,” he said, trying to keep his tone as even as possible. His heart was thudding inside his chest and he wondered if Regulus could hear it, could feel it.
“It'll be okay. Don't worry. You'll be okay. I'll be okay. Everything will be okay.”
Regulus shook his head.
“Try and win. You can win.” He said, pulling away from Sirius and looking at him. Sirius hated him for this. He hated him for expecting this from him. He hated him for feeling guilty and for being vulnerable now. But more than that, he knew he'd miss his little brother.
“Maybe,” Sirius whispered and the hope in Regulus's eyes was enough to spark something in his own heart, a small flame of conviction lighted. He tried to squash it down but it was difficult when Regulus was looking at him like that. He hated him. He loved him.
Regulus pulled out the black family heirloom and pinned it to Sirius's shirt, right above his heart. Sirius almost wanted to scoff. If his grandfather knew that his precious heirloom was being given to the sodden and ill mannered grandson of his, he'd have a stroke.
“To keep u safe,” Regulus whispered and stepped back. Sirius nodded, hoping his expression wouldn't betray him and give away everything he was feeling right now.
The peacekeeper entered again. “It's time,” he said. Regulus turned without another word and left with him. The door slammed shut behind him and Sirius took a deep breath.
With monumental effort, Sirius turned away from the door and made his way to the window. He wanted to run away. He doubted he would make it past the door.
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aaandbackstabbed · 5 months
Scrooge: can I trust you, Goldie?
Goldie: if you like. But where’s the fun in that
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yioh · 2 months
hmmm thinking abt how much i hate that trope where a character will literally leave the entire world/population to die just to protect the one person they hold dear.. idk esp when they’re portrayed as some sort of hero, i just think it’s such a boring and shallow characterisation to not hold anything as equally important and to not have any sort of moral conflict. to simply easily abandon all forms of life for the sake of your own selfish joy is so gross to me… like thats just a one dimensional villain. boring AND evil to the bone whilst being portrayed as a romantic ewwww.
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npd-enigma · 1 year
it's so funny how I can meow more realistically than bark, if I try to bark it's just high pitched like a tiny dog, and if I meow, I sound like an old ass cat
I cannot growl or do other stuff though, I can do a cats "mmmmmmmm" when angry, and can hiss when scared (i don't do it on purpose actually) but other than that I still can't get the other noises yet 😭
I can do a bird sound tho
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ode2rin · 1 year
i'm bored mimi. what you thinking about rn
oh nothing much, anon. just thinking of reader and sae having the talk about you know, settling down. you asking him for plans, how you would run the house, and he agrees to everything you said. you asked him a total of 15 (more or less) questions and he asks you only one, just one question. and it's all he needs to know to bring out the velvet box hidden somewhere in his closet.
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maxemilianverstappen · 6 months
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stan twt is truly stupid. one moment everyone is praising taxi driver, and in the next ocassional kdrama watchers that are mainly kpop stans hop on twitter dot com and start bombarding the news tweet about td3 with qrts going 'nobody be watching that' or 'i'll get jehoon out of that damn taxi' while he's THE NO.1 FAN of taxi driver and that show was one of THE MOST SUCCESSFUL SERIES both domestically and internationally.
if you're that damn bored of it then DON'T WATCH IT. 'i also dropped s2' honey NO ONE CARES that's your decision. claiming he doesn't do any other project because he's 'too busy with taxi driver' is also a lie, at least you could have the decency to look up what projects he's working on rn... he is packed. and taxi driver s3 hasn't even started filming yet so what y'all be loud about again?
get the hell out of my face and leave the man out of your mouths.
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graciebrams · 1 year
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ahaura · 1 year
it's 1am i have watched 2 movies so far tonight. im getting sleepy. but i want to watch anothrrrrr
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snowmasscourier · 2 months
So….which one of us was cosplaying Arno Dorian at the Olympic Ceremony?
I asked Gavin and he told me to figure it out myself. I’m way too impatient for that.
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I'm not even a upstead shipper but it's infuriating watching Jay ghost Hailey's calls over and over again. What crappy writing. Jay would never. They're married for God's sake. At least kill him off or something if you aren't gonna put effort into writing him. This is just gross.
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machineryangel · 2 years
back in my belovedbi era hiiiii 💗
sunmotifs -> belovedbi
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yioh · 5 months
always thought i wasn’t into xianxia novels but jian long is rly changing my mind …
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althaeaofficinalis · 2 years
dude: so what are you up to right now [a wednesday night]?
me: honestly I don't really do a lot on weeknights, I've got work so early and I just prefer to wind down at home
dude: yeah I getcha
[2 Weeks Later]
dude, texting me on a wednesday evening: so what are you up to tonight?
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lesbianjamies · 2 years
watching mythic quest (finally) and all the game stuff is cool and all but im srsly here for poppy, rachel, and dana only 😴
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