lforlimbo · 7 months
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I when you come and make my mouth all smiles I am a mirror in which your eyes sparkle when you come to view yourself in me I wait in my garden heavy with apples cherries captive in my arms when you come I bring fruit for your hungry mouth for your thirst the moisture of my meadows when you come standing at an open window I wait with stars' eyes restlessly I inspect the night II it's still early my love the birds are still asleep soothe ruffled wings of kisses your voice woke the sun's honey bees they're dancing over my head full of sleep with crickets' wings your voice flicks silence off my eyelids love and yet birds are asleep it's early my love yet with a touch of lips you make dawn in my house and in my sky the sunrise outlines the swaying leaves of poplars drops of the morning drizzle shine on leaves and I give you to drink my love yet trees are asleep
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lavrach · 11 days
I LOVE going to sleep a little early so I can make up stories about my favourite characters before I fall asleep :3
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 7 months
There is a jikooker army account obsessed with pjms that post anons about pjms and make fun of us....jkkrs army are the most useless and pathetic breed, they only care about the company and their ship, they don't stream for jimin, they don't vote, they protect hybe and their fave (Jungkook)
Anyway I agree with you. I think Suga and Jk have a lot in common, they are obsessed with charts and numbers and their hobbies are
- making fun of jimin
- talking about views and charts
- praising each other (the genius rapper and the golden pop star)
- lying
I think I know exactly who you're talking about.
First of all, just to get it out of the way; there's nothing wrong with making fun of others, I'm constantly making fun of peope like her, sheep minded armys, jikookers, and the lot. It's funny when you see the irony in her being as obsessed with solos, as solos are with armys.
If this was a comedy movie, you'd have a shot of her talking about solos, and the next footage would be solos talking about her in the exact same way.
But people like her actually think they're so superior, they believe they're better than everyone else just because they like seven strangers men in the same way?? Please. They don't even love them the same, they just can't say that because then they'd have to allow others to not like them as well.
They're just as brainwashed as solos/akgaes, but in a different way. They're the other extreme. Solos think everything's wrong and sad, people like her, on the other hand, think that everything is great and happy.
People like her are the kind of dimwit, gullible that think BTS members own half of the company because they have 0.2 shares when even J Balvin left with more than what BTS own.
The kind that say the members choose everything and whatever they decide, the company complies no matter what. But when Jimin says "I asked for more MVs and they said no", they don't have anything to say about that. You'll notice they don't discuss things that prove them wrong, ever. They keep discussing things that others were wrong about, or things they don't agree with.
The kind that are very loud on opinions when it comes to akgaes saying "payolakook", even though they're right. But have nothing to say when Jungkook's fan deepfake porn pictures of random girls just because they're fans of Jimin. Those solos don't get a name, don't get laughed at, don't get called out. It gets swept under the rug and the people who do call it out are shushed in the guise of "keeping the calm".
These same "ot7" who claim to love everyone equally, are also very, very capable of talking about who they think it's a better singer, dancer, performer, and they LITERALLY talk about who's more popular all the time. Oh, yeah. They discuss and rank the members' popularity all the time. They are able to discern the differences between one and the other perfectly well, and talk a lot about their differences to uplift one and downplay the others so it'd make sense with their "the members choose everything and the copmany is so great" bedstory. Especially since July.
People like her are basically 24/7 saying how one deserves it all because he's a good singer, or the center, or whatever. Ironically, solos are being more ot7 when they say that all members deserved the same support from the company. Meanwhile """true ot7s"""" like her, are saying it's okay only one got it. Which one is asking for a fair treatment here, you tell me? The ot7 or the solos?
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
*Appears from the sky with a beam of light and holy music*
*Opens my hands to reveal a note with a smile and gives it to you*
*Disappears back into the sky as the beam of light and holy music fades away*
Note: It's a note, made of paper. There are words written on it.
Read the note?
You read the note.
Batman gets transported to the ghost zone.
Proceeds to take over a whole zone and becomes a cryptid among cryptids.
Then mysteriously disappears.
:0 what a funky little note!!!
Batman becomes the scary bedstory that ghosts use to scare their children for them to behave.
“If you don’t do [x], Batman might take you to be his next Robin.”
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cambriancutie · 4 months
can gou guys read me a bedstory
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sl-newsie · 1 year
Chapter Fifteen: Court In Session (Spot Colon x Female Newsie)
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We walk to tha Manhattan courthouse and find tha ‘Hattan newsies, plus a few from Queens, wait’n outside. I notice they’s also tried to gussie up a bit for tha trial. When they see us, they all leap for joy.
“Becs! You’re safe!”
“You’s alright!”
“No one can take Becca!”
“Spot got ya out ok?”
I grin. “Hey guys. Yeah, I’s fine. You’s all ok?”
“Yeah, but it weren’t tha same without ya last night. We’s had to make up our own bedstories to tell tha kids!” Blink complains.
“Don’t worry. Ya can tell Kenny I’ll be back soon,” I say. “Now c’mon, let’s not keep tha judge wait’n.”
In ten minutes we’re all stand’n in tha courtroom, look’n oudda place more than rats in a beauty parlor. Spot puts his arm near me, try’n to get the oddas to give me space. I give him a grateful, hopeful look.
“All rise, all rise. Court is now in session. Judge E.A. Monahan presiding.”
I still don’t see Jack…
“Are any of you boys,” the judge frowns at me. “And young lady represented by a council?” 
I scrunch my nose. What tha heck is a-?
“No? Good, then things will move along considerably.”
My mouth hangs open. How dare he-!
“Ya honor, I object,” Spot pipes up.
Tha judge gives him an annoyed look. “On what grounds?”
“On tha grounds of Brooklyn, ya Honor.”
Tha fellas burst out laugh’n and I can’t help crack’n up too. I lean ova to Spot: “That mouth of yours is gonna get you’s in trouble!” I mock his warn’n.
“I ain’t worried.”
“I fine each of you five dollars or two weeks’ confinement in the House of Refuge.”
We all stop laugh’n. Five dollas?! I couldn’t make that in a week!
“We ain’t got five dollas!” Blink speaks up.
“We ain’t even got five cents,” Race complains. “Hey, ya Honor, how ‘bout I roll ya for it? Double or noth’n?”
Some laugh, while I clasp a hand ova his big mouth. “Gambl’n ain’t gonna help us here!” I hiss.
“Alright. Move along, move along.”
I can’t believe it- how’s we gonna pay this-?
“I’ll pay the fees, your Honor.”
I look up and see Denton, Les, and David enter. Good, they can help us!
“Where’s Jack?” David asks.
“Don’t know. I-” I gasp. Here comes Jack, be’n led in with handcuffs. I smile a wide, thankful smile.
“Hey fellas!”
“Nice shina, Cowboy!” Race comments. Oh God, it looks bad...
“Ya ok, Becca?” Jack asks.
I nod. “Ya had me worried, Jack! But everything’s gonna be fine-”
“Case of Jack Kelly. Inciting a riot, assault, resisting arrest.” Tha bailiff announces.
And then Satan himself steps into tha room.
“Judge Monahan, I’ll speak for this young man,” Snyder says.
My face falls. No… no!
 “No!” I protest. Spot grabs my hand as a signal to be silent. No… not Jack… He can’t…
“This boy’s real name is Francis Sullivan. His mother’s deceased, and his father is a convict in the state penitentiary. He’s an escapee from the House of Refuge where his original sentence for three months was extended to six months for disruptive behavior. He last tried an attempted escape.”
“Attempted? Last time it wasn’t attempted! Remember Roosevelt, Snyder? Remember tha carriage?” Jack asks angrily.
“Therefore I ask that he be returned to the House of Refuge,” Snyder finishes.
My knees weaken. No…
“What? For my own good, right?” Jack yells at tha judge. “For my own good, and what he kicks back to ya!”
“I ask that the court order his incarceration until the age of twenty-one in hope that we may yet guide him to a useful and productive life.”
“So ordered.” The judge concludes.
“No!” Les screams. I would do tha same, but I’ve lost my voice. All I can do is stare in shock and sadness at Jack, know’n this may be tha last time I see him. When my knees threaten to drop me, Spot props me up. How could this get any worse…
“Your Honor, I have one more request,” Snyder says. “That young girl is supposedly Jack Kelly’s sister, and has been harboring this fugitive. I ask that she be placed in the House of Refuge for five months.”
That’s when Spot clings to me tighter- both for me not fall’n and not go’n over to punch Synder in his schem’n face. He protectively steps in front of me, and the oddas make a barrier to hide me. Me, in tha Refuge? Why don’t they just kill me?
“No!” Jack yells. “I’ll take tha extra five- I’s tha one who took her in. She’s done noth’n wrong.”
“So ordered that Jack Kelly will pay the extra five.”
“Jack, no!” I want to die!
“Don’t worry ‘bout me, Becs. Just look out for yourself.”
“No! No!” I scream as Jack is lead away. Tha fellas begin follow’n Denton to Tibby’s, but I can’t move. I’ve physically lost all sensation in my legs, and Spot’s tha only one keep’n me from fall’n.
“They took him,” I whispa. “They took him…”
“C’mon, Beauty. Ya godda walk,” Spot urges.
I do, slowly. When we reach tha restaurant, we’s just in time to hear that Denton’s quit’n.
“What!?” I bark. “Just ‘cause you’s get’n a fancy new job means you’s just gonna walk out on us?! After what Jack did?!”
“Goodbye, Miss Kelly. Or should I say, goodbye Miss Sullivan.”
Tha name sounds foreign to my ears. Jack had neva told me his real name, and I’d neva asked to know it. Now that I know about it, I’d neva assumed Jack weren’t his real name.
When Denton’s gone, Boots asks: “Becca, you’s gonna explain why Jack and you lied ‘bout your names?”
David makes an announcement: “We get Jack out of the Refuge tonight, and from now on we don’t trust anyone but the newsies.”
We all agree, then wanda back out. I keep walk’n ‘til I get to tha riva. I won’t be part of a cause that might go south ‘cause of a goil.
“How to rise from the floor,
When it's not you I'm rising for?
Just do the next right thing….”
I shudda and let tears flow down my face. 
“Should I leave ya be?” I hear behind me.
I hastily wipe my face off. “No, I’s fine. It just like Jack said: I shouldn’t rely on anybody.”
“Beauty, you’s can’t-”
“Stop call’n me that! I told ya I hate that nickname!”
“Well I can’t help call’n a goil ‘beauty’ if that’s what she is!” Spot walk over and lifts my chin up with his cane. “You know why I call ya ‘beauty’? ‘Cause you’s tha prettiest thing I’s seen in this lousy place.”
I roll my eyes, avoid’n eye contact. “Then you ain’t seen much.”
“I’s seen a lot, and trust me- I’s right.” He smirks.
I don’t know what to say. I’ve never had this happen…
“You’s aint too bad yourself,” I reply. “Sorry to take off, but I bedda get back. Kenny and the oddas’ll be wait’n for me.”
“Hate to keep ‘em wait’n. Don’t worry, Beauty. Things’ll get bedda. We’ll win tha strike and make Jack proud.”
“Yeah, we will. Thanks for… you know, last night.” I mess with my hands, not sure how to say this.
“I’s here for you whenever you need me, Beauty. Take care of yourself.”
“See ya, Spot.”
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thesecretcity · 2 years
Tmnt the secret city (donnies design)
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•middle child
•all prounouns!
•lost his eye due to accid
•lost his leg in a explotion while experimenting
•his arm got ripped of
•wears a pearl necklache from venus
•mostly hangs with venus,april,casey or Professor honecut
•he loves coffey and tee especialy teramisu
•literally blind without his glasses
•he hates affection
•socail anxiety + autism
•he loves plushies (he has thousand of them each one of them has a name)
•snake bites (Piercings)
•he likes volleyball but cant play
•they love rain and fall
•the biggest cat person
•has a medical shell condotion and has to keep it clean so it doesnt rot
•in the underground city he secretly goes to robot fights and even paticapates (hes robot champion)
•always tries to bring splinter back with his DNA but fails
•he has voice tapes of splinter reading them bedstorys and hears the when he cant sleep but he ends up crying because of it
•he takes care of raph and teaches him to talk again
•reads the kids bedtime storys
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Narnia but make it SBI. Make Phil the eldest of them, he's the oldest of them all, make him the brother and not the father. He's Peter's age- 16, 17. Give him a sword and a shield and he will protect his family. He protects his family already, even without the sword and the shield. Protects them. Cares for them. He hugs Tommy when he's upset, calms Wilbur down when he's angry, hushes Techno when he's about to explode.
And he's tired. He's so, so tired of it- Tommy's chatter and Wilbur and Techno's arguing. He's used to take care of them all- when their mom is working late and their dad never home. He's used to take care of them but he's- tired. Of being the parent, constantly scolding and saying "stop that" and "mate" in a stern voice. Tired of being the parent, never the brother. He's used to take care of them but that doesn't mean thay his heart aches when Tommy calls him "dad" by mistake when Phil is reading him a bedstory one night.
Phil is aware that Tommy hasn't met dad that much in his life, not like him and Wilbur and Techno has- he's always away, their father, never home, especially not now in war times- and it feels weird to realise that he, Phil, Tommy's father figure when he shouldn't have to. He feels out of place, between roles, between shifts. And he doesn't have anybody to talk about because his dad is in the front, fighting in the war, their mom back in London and he can't talk to the professeur because he's working on how to solve the war. So he bucks it up, puts a bottle onto it, forces all these thoughts down until the only thing that comes out is a breath- a sigh- and a tired 'mate'.
The first time Tommy said a swear word, Phil smacked the back of his head harshly with his hand palm. He acted like he thought their mother would have acted- a rough hand palm. Tommy's eyes widened and had been quickly filled with tears so Phil just sighed and hugged him tightly and made him promise to never swear again.
Tommy promised. He held it for a week.
Phil scolded Wilbur after that, because of course it was Wilbur of all people who learnt Tommy that swear word. Wilbur had laughed it off and Phil had smacked his hand against Wilbur's head. Wilbur didn't speak to Phil for a week after that, ignoring him whenever he got into the room. Phil got through it.
When Tommy came out from the wardrobe for the first time, talking about a country where it's forever winter and an evil ice queen and a faun, Wilbur and Techno laughed at him but Phil crouched down and said that he believed him. Because their dad believed Phil's stories when he was younger. Because Phil didn't necessarily believe Tommy, not really, but he wanted Tommy to continue to have that imagination in his life.
Make Wilbur and Techno twins, born 2 minutes after eachother, constantly arguing about who's the oldest. They're Susan's age- 13, 14. Give Wilbur the bow and arrow Susan had and Techno the sword Edmund had. Except it isn't a sword, it's a axe and Techno, 14 and angry- at the world, at their parents, at himself- names it the Oprhan Obliterater to Wilbur's amused laughs and Phil's annoyed scolds.
"What- why can't name it that?" He asks, dressed in a fur that is just a little too big and snow in his hair, when Phil protests to the name. The axe's handle is slippery, heavy, in his hand and he can still see the light of Santa Claus's reindeers inside his mind. "We're almost like orphans, Phil, come on, it'll be funny!"
"Yeah Phil, come on- it isn't like he will obliterate orphans with it! You know how dad is never home and mom basically *threw* us on a train, we're orphans Phil- they don't give a fuck about us, come on, it would be funny!" Wilbur butts in and Phil stares at them, eyes shifting between him, Tommy clinging to his hand, and then he sighs and says "fine" because he doesn't want to ruin their fun, because he doesn't want them to be angry right now, because he's tired and wants to sleep and wake up and realise this is all a dream.
Techno dyes his hair pink- Wilbur paints it from to brown to pink during a late night in the bathroom of the mansion. The bathroom is big, as everything in the maison, rich of supplies. Hairbrush, hairdye, scissors. Clinkers and concrete, everything new and fresh. It smells like something old, something of age, like everything in the mansion. They've all gotten used to it. It's green outside, dark green, late summer night, they see the big tree right outside the window and how it shwooshes in the wind. Techno stares into the big mirror as Wilbur paints his hair pink. Stares at the yellow light bulb that shines in the bathroom, at the pink in Wilbur's hand, the darkness outside the window, the tree that covers the moon.
When Techno started to grow out his hair, before the war, he got small sounds from his father, narrowing eyes from his mother. Appreciating words from Wilbur, adoring eyes- as always- from Tommy. A nod from Phil- whenever they meet in the hallway during school. A harsh pull from one of his classmates, one that ached in his *scalp*, which Techno responded with a punch on the mouth. "I only punch idiots," he'll say, confidently, later in the principal's office and his mother will smack the back of his head. She's always had a rough palm.
Give Wilbur the bow and arrow like Susan had and he'll snort out a laugh at Tommy's statement about a hidden world inside a wardrobe. He's quick to apologise though, when Phil says- "stop that." He's quick to apologise, crouching down, putting a hand onto Tommy's shoulder and saying "I'm sorry, Toms" and Tommy forgives him with a hug.
Make Techno the angry one, the one who says that Tommy is a child and should stop have such lively imagination. Make Techno angry, thrashing out and being mean. He misses the time before the war, he misses the time when he didn't leave in a big house in the middle of nowhere, he misses the feeling of having a mother, safety, a father. Who could blame him? Being 14 is horrible, even without a war and being forced to leave their homes in London to go and live in a big empty house in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of foggy, empty and blue fields. Add to that a little brother who makes up lies, an older brother who's too busy bossing them all around than talking to him like he used to (talks late at night that has stopped, talks during early morning, talks over a cup of tea late in the evening) and a twin that has stopped playing chess ("it reminds me of dad, Tech." Wilbur simply says when Techno brings it up that it would be fun to play chess again) as they came to the house. Chess reminds Techno of their dad too. That's why he wants to play it. It gives him some sort of stability, some sort of comfort. Safety.
Make Techno the angry one. He misses his father, his mother, school. He misses school even though it mostly consisted of half angry sneers, tugs on his hair. He misses school because it gave him something to do during the days, he misses learning and listening and writing and reading. The books in the mansion are old, dusty and handmade. Not good enough. Not nice enough.
Make Wilbur the traitor. The Edmund. He was the one who argued the most when their mother said they would need to leave the house, go to a mansion in the middle of nowhere. The one who sells his siblings for a burk of turkish delight. He's angry too, isn't he? At Phil for acting like dad when he isn't, at Techno for being a dickhead, at Tommy for being *Tommy*- all noise and screams and yells. Turkish delight is a good price for his siblings, it tastes good and he hasn't had sweets in months. Turkish delight, oh it tastes like heaven he will think later- when he regrets selling his brothers. Like heaven, like last time, their father brought it home one day after work. It tasted amazing then and now it tastes wonderful. He regrets it though, of course he regrets it- guilt eating him up from the inside like how the birds he studies eats worms. Only more grotesque. He can feel it grawling and chewing, bit by bit. One day it will consume him, he's sure and he's- lots of things. Scared. Angry. Sad. Upset.
Make Tommy Lucy's age- 5, 6, 7. Make him drown in those furcoats, made for grownups and adults and tall lanky teenagers like Techno and Wilbur. Make him stumble in the too big furcoat, drag the majority of it in the snow. It's Techno who makes it shorter, kid-size, takes the initiative and slices half of it off with his axe, long hair covered in snow.
Tommy uses Phil's shield, in the snow, as a sledding. Down large snowy hills he goes, drowning in a too big fur coat and sitting on a big shield. He loves it. He *loves* it, does it again and again and again, with loud cheers and screams. Phil watches it, tired and leaning against a tree. Techno stands beside him, hand always on the hilt of his axe. Wilbur is gone. The ice queen has take him. Techno became tenser the more time Wilbur is gone- he doesn't go anywhere without his axe anymore. Phil is tired, exhausted, wants to do nothing more than to sleep and wake up and realise this is all a dream.
Tommy doesn't understand. He doesn't understand where Wilbur has went, *why* Wilbur went, where Wilbur is. He's too little, too young, to caught up with being in a country full of *snow*! He asks, though. Always been a curious little guy. Has always wanted to know everything. He asks-
During late nights when Techno sits beside a fire, sharpening his axe, and Phil is sleeping them with one hand around Tommy, he asks.
"Where's Wilbur?" Tommy asks in that small voice that he uses when he's upset or confused or hurt and looks up at Techno. The snow is cold against Tommy's hands, melts in them as he tries to form a snowball. Techno doesn't answer at first, just stares into the almost burnt out fire- watches how it flickers. Sharpens his axe. "He had to do something." Is the reply, Tommy gets. Tommy frowns- a little confused frown that only 5-almost-6 years old can do.
Techno looks at him, eyes analysing him. Then he shrugs. Scoffs. "Stop touching the snow. You'll get sick." Tommy lets go of the snow immediately, let's the half-done snowball fall from his hands down to the ground.
Tommy gets healing potion from Santa, he holds it with such carefullness after Santa Claus told him what it was. Treats it with such care, like Santa told him. "Take care of it," Santa said before slipping some sweets into Tommy's fur coats pockets- Turkish delight and chocolate and oranges that shines in the winter- with a playful wink. "It will be needed."
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lapsed-lys · 3 months
March 2nd 2024
Entry #003
As a Québécois, I grew up with my family insulting all religions alike, especially Catholicism. Of course, I understand my family... We have suffered so much abuse from "holy Catholic people", from our local priests to the Vatican ignoring the damage they've encouraged since New France (Canada's colonisation beginnings in ~1400's).
I used to be so confused about it. My mother read me simplified Bibles as bedstories from 2 years old to 7 years old. My mother would always keep a praying time throughout her day. She loves the Virgin Mary so much. So, why would she agree with my father who insults so much Catholicism?
A few weeks ago, I actually asked my parents. They're very much Catholic, but simply have the hardest of times to accept the Catholic Church as an ultimate authority.
We are Lapsed Catholics like that.
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thamilsmallstories1 · 4 months
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mimistereo · 4 months
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jester´s bedstory
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greenscreenfx · 1 year
बिहानीको घाम संगै Bihani ko gham sangai - Story बिहानीको घाम संगै  Bihani ko gham sangai - Story Please subscribe for more...#shortstory #bedtimestories #bedstory #friends #friendship #sisters #treasure
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scontomio · 2 years
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💣 BedStory Materasso Singolo Ortopedico in Memory foam da 20cm 🤑 a soli 149,99€ invece di 299,99€ ➡️ https://www.scontomio.com/coupon/bedstory-materasso-singolo-ortopedico-in-memory-foam-da-20cm/?feed_id=27557&_unique_id=635d2f6131cd2&utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Poster&utm_term=BedStory%20Materasso%20Singolo%20Ortopedico%20in%20Memory%20foam%20da%2020cm #coupon #bedstory #arredamento #amazon #scontomio
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budgetlascl · 2 years
Enigma album 2018
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Burn Me Down (BRAND NEW STUDIO SONG - recorded 2018)ħ. Enigma (BRAND NEW STUDIO SONG - recorded 2018)Ĥ.
This spirit truly makes “ENIGMA: Intermission 2” closer to a full new studio album than to a mere compilation.ġ. 2018 Harlequins Enigma 19-11-2018 Dance Heroine: Bedstories. The sweeping melodic power metal grandeur of Stratovarius, together with Timo Kotipelto's powerful yet emotional voice, is very much present on all of the 80 minutes of this release. Access the complete album info (18 songs) 2019 Harlequins Enigma 20-08-2019 Brooding Brains in Vain. JTim Sommer 18 Comments 1988, Albert Bouchard, Blue Oyster Cult, Imaginos, Kiss. Cretu had released several solo records, collaborated with various artists, and produced albums for his then-wife, German pop singer. Hallowed (From ‘Elysium’ Collector’s Edition) 4. Hunter (From ‘Nemesis’ Limited Edition) 3.
Or “Kill it with Fire” and “Castaway”, two epic and full blown power metal tracks that were previously only heard by Japanese fans. Imaginos: Cult-Album Enigma, Titanic Turd, or Both Looking at the deep history of a most maligned Blue Öyster Cult LP for its 30th anniversary. Album Enigma: Intermission II Year 2018 Genre Power Metal Country Finland Web Facebook Quality MP3 CBR 320 KBPS Tracklist: 1. Both combine an epic melody with a bombastic chorus and heavy riffs for Stratovarius’ trademark sound and remind of “Unbreakable” from their 2013 album “ Nemesis”, the most streamed song in the band’s history. Take “Enigma” and “Oblivion” for example, fresh from the studio in 2018 and most definitely two killer songs. With over 30 minutes of brand new material and 50 minutes of previously rare metal, “ENIGMA: Intermission 2” is definitely more killer than filler! The album is similar in concept to “ Intermission”, released 17 years ago between “ Infinite” and “ Elements”, in the sense that these seven tracks made in 2018 are completed by nine very rare, very hard to find power metal gems. “ENIGMA: Intermission 2” features three brand new songs as well as, for the first time in the band’s history, four beautifully arranged orchestral versions of popular Stratovarius songs. of a sold-out crowd to perform a duet of their 2018 mega-hit Rockstar. Stratovarius, the top name in the melodic power metal scene, are back with a new album – with some fresh and some very rare material! Pusha Ts new album Its Almost Dry drops this Friday and it features Kid Cudi. This list of popular Enigma CDs has been voted on by music fans around the world, so the order of this list isn't just one person's opinion.Stratovarius Enigma: Intermission 2 (2CD) €16.99 For the promotion of the album Enigma held some instore dates, where he met fans. List is made up of albums like The Cross of Changes (1993) and the more recent The Fall of a Rebel Angel (2016). Entitled Shardana, the album was released on 23 February 2018 and was also promoted by the singles Copernico and Nuvole & cupole in it there are ten total songs, some of which made with the participation of Bassi Maestro, MadMan and Gemello of the TruceKlan.
Make sure you don't just vote for critically acclaimed albums if you have a favorite Enigma album, then vote it up, even if it's not necessarily the most popular. Musical Project Shinnobu, Enigmatic Music 2018 The Way of the Enigma series with feminine voices and epic songs, The mythical Japanese Flute and. If you think the greatest Enigma album isn't high enough on the list, then be sure to vote for it so it receives the credit it deserves. To make it easy for you, we haven't included Enigma singles, EPs, or compilations, so everything you see here should only be studio albums. (1990) and Seven Lives Many Faces (2008). Formed in 1990 by Bucharest, Romania native Michael Cretu, Enigma brought Gregorian chants to the masses with their debut MCMXC a.D. The Sound of Her Voice (For Barbara Jean) Moon 2018. Albums include MCMXC a.D., The Cross of Changes, and Le Roi est Mort, Vive le Roi. Find top songs and albums by Enigma including The Ferrymans Song, The Sound of Her Voice (For. Since they’re such an influential band, let’s rank the best Enigma albums, with the help of your votes. Enigma discography and songs: Music profile for Enigma, formed 1990. Comes with sticker on shrinkwrap: 'The Colours Of Enigma 180Gr Heavyweight Coloured Vinyl Mastered For Vinyl 2018' Cat on spine & inlay '573 652 8', in runout '5736528'. 'Data Alpha' appears also as 'Data Alpha Editions'. List of the best Enigma albums, including pictures of the album covers when available. 'Enigma Songs' appears as 'Enigma Songs Edition'.
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malanadjane · 2 years
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Day off 🤗 Dia de folga.☁️ @home 🥂 @gelcasting ______________________________ #nofilterneeded #verao2022 #pitaya #pitayafruit#demisec#love #gelcasting #bedstories#catadopted #picoftheday #takecareofyourself #sul #thuglife #seasonbookings #progressivehouse #technolovers #musicproducers #djane #femaledj #freakishdjlife #instamood (em Best Place in the World) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZxbADnuGw5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thierryberquin · 6 years
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#BerquinSquad #morning #justwokeup #selfie #beardlove #beardlovers #instabeards #likes4likes #beardlifestyle #beardedvillains #beardforlife #motivation #determination #beardforall #beautifullbeard #beardguy #urso #panda #amazing #goodvibesnew #beautifulbeard #bärtig #baard #bart #barbu #bearedman #bearededmen #beareddragon #bearedboy #beared #bearedmen #beardie #cartoonfilter #filter #insta #instagramer #beautiful #bedstories #me
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