#been deactivated?
everchased · 1 year
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can someone please get these hoes under control i'm BUSY
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Arw you really the author John Green? The same person who wrote The Fault in Our Stars and Looking for Alaska?
Yes, but I published one of those books 19 (?!?!?!) years ago and the other 12 (!?!?!?!?) years ago. What have I been up to since then?
My brother Hank and I started Good.store, which delivers high-quality socks, coffee, and soap to your home and donates 100% of its profit to charity. Through good store, we've raised over $7,500,000 to support efforts to radically reduce maternal mortality in Sierra Leone, where as recently as 2019, one in seventeen women could expect to die in pregnancy or childbirth.
(In fact, technically I am here on tumblr as an unpaid intern for the awesome coffee club, which you should really sign up for if you like ethically sourced coffee that tastes delicious and doesn't enrich billionaires.)
I wrote the novel Turtles All the Way Down and then had a little existential crisis and wrote a nonfiction book called The Anthropocene Reviewed, the latter of which is my first book for adults and my first attempt to write as myself.
I helped produce made a movie adaptation (streaming now on Max!) of Turtles all the Way Down.
I helped raise my kids and supported my spouse as she wrote her book You Are An Artist and created a PBS show about art called The Art Assignment.
I ran the educational media company Complexly and the merch company dftba.com while my brother had cancer.
I bought around 2% of a fourth-tier English football team called AFC Wimbledon. Wimbledon are different from most football clubs because they are owned by their fans, each of whom gets one vote in the club's leadership regardless of how much money they put into the club.
I became obsessed with tuberculosis, the world's deadliest infectious disease (it will kill over a million people this year despite being curable), and how TB both exemplifies and reinforces human-built structures of injustice, which is the subject of a book I'm writing that will come out next year.
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sadqueercatlady · 1 year
Anyone know the best way to hear back from tumblr staff?
...should I make a Twitter???
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vcrnons · 2 months
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oifaaa · 4 months
The sadness I feel when I try to find an old piece of art only to discover the original artists either disactivated their account or deleted the art but at the same time having to acknowledge that the art was made by the artists and shouldn't it be ultimately up to them if they no longer want that art to exist on the Internet
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waketoearth · 2 months
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HAPPY JAY DAY 2024 !!!
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limefrogg · 1 year
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1 day in the life of Honda mechanic Max
[1] In the morning at 6 am at the circuit...
[2] ...Max begins with his work...
[3] ...There's always a problem...
[4] ...Today it's the gearbox...
[5] ...And the mirror is crooked again...
[6] ...A good mechanic fixes everything...
[7] ...But what's really annoying...
[8] ...Is that when you're famous...
[9] ...Everyone wants to take a picture with you!
Source (sort of, sadly can't find the original magazine where this is from)
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noyzinerd · 1 year
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Rec links below the cut:
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How to Pass a Take-Home Exam by dancinbutterfly, (note: not what I usually read since it has mpreg, but I gave it a shot and it honestly wasn't half bad, also this is a part 4 of a series)
A Sated City by ColetheWolf, (note: not Sterek, just Derek sleeping around, but he very specifically buys a frozen dinner in this one)
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It was just a cupcake by thelittlestwolf
The Weight Of Living by thecomedownchampion
Full On Rainstorm by BarlowGirl
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Trust Fall by stoney
Bogarted by HalfFizzbin, (note: sheriff doesn't call Derek son, but Derek admits to seeing the sheriff as a father-figure)
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An Iceberg Named Stiles by orphan_account
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Gorgeous by Asterekmess (Livinginfictions)
Bravery Is A Loaded Gun by LiviKate DefNotForWork, (note: the author was named LiviKate when I first found the fic, username has since been changed to DefNotForWork)
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stuck in reverse by crazyassmurdererwall (smartalli)
First and Last and Always by sffan, (note: not a kiss, but Derek does automatically brace himself for rejection during a conversation, also this is a part 1 of 2)
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For You There's No Warning by Zee (orphan_account)
Came Out Of The Woods By Choice by thensepia
will to follow through by owlpostagain
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You Have Reached... by isthatbloodonhisshirt, (note: over the phone)
if you want my love you got it by vlieger
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Bravery Is A Loaded Gun by LiviKate DefNotForWork, (note: the author was named LiviKate when I first found the fic, username has since been changed to DefNotForWork)
Walk me down your broken line by geordielover
For You There's No Warning by Zee (orphan_account)
Pretty Much a Big Deal by Dira Sudis (dsudis)
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Love, Like A Death Sentence by DevilDoll
For You There's No Warning by Zee (orphan_account)
Life Because of It series by FiccinDylan, (note: series, but part 2, Mi Primo Miguel, is what I think embodies this theme the most)
Make You Believe by LittleLynn
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Walk me down your broken line by geordielover, (note: these words are very, very close to being said, but they get choked off)
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You Always Make A Bloody Mess by Sweetsyren
The More My Prayer (the lesser is my grace) by LadySlytherin
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Kintsukuroi by Quixoticity
The Weight Of Living by thecomedownchampion
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Kintsugi by artemis69
Trust Fall by stoney
Cuddly Therapy by alisvolatpropiis
Walk me down your broken line by geordielover
We've Written Volumes (in Blood and Scars and Ink) by notthequiettype
Safety In Silence by Survivah
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Trust Fall by stoney
Cuddly Therapy by alisvolatpropiis
"Stiles, I was talking about the lasagna" by quackquackcey
will to follow through by owlpostagain, (note: not a small, shy smile, but just a rare, genuine smile that absolutely breaks Stiles' heart)
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First and Last and Always by sffan
For You There's No Warning by Zee (orphan_account)
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Are You Happy Now? by chasingshadows
For You There's No Warning by Zee (orphan_account)
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Convenient by exclamation
Hard-Hitting by all-or-nothing-baby (BundleOfSoy)
Sick Day by dragon_temeraire, (note: last part of the It's Casual, Really series, also it's a friends-with-benefits relationship, that they both only agree on because they think it's the most they can ever get, that evolves)
Have It All by doc_sock, (note: this is the reverse, where Derek thinks they're friends with benefits and is terrified of Stiles being bored with him one day)
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Gorgeous by Asterekmess (Livinginfictions)
Bravery Is A Loaded Gun by LiviKate DefNotForWork, (note: the author was named LiviKate when I first found the fic, username has since been changed to DefNotForWork)
Just For Now by linksofmemories_archive
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Stepping Off the Razor's Edge by MissAnnThropic
You Saw Me Standing Alone by orphan_account
We've Written Volumes (in Blood and Scars and Ink) by notthequiettype, (note: Derek seems to know their dynamic pretty well, but Stiles is confused as fuck)
I Broke a Rule by isthatbloodonhisshirt
Five Times Derek and Stiles Had Casual Sex and One Time They Realized It Was Something More by 42hrb
Slide on over and forget it's wrong by linaerys
@isthatbloodonhisshirt, @colethewolf, @chasingshhadows, @quackquackcey, @artemis69, @optimismology, @ficcidylan, @devildoll, @dsudis, @sourwolph, @thecomedownchampion, @everything-a-wolf-could-want, @vlieger-fic, @owlpostagain, @crazyassmurdererwall, @asterekmess, @halffizzbin, @stoneyboboney, @all-or-nothing-baby, @exhuastedpigeon
Reply to @antobcq, follow up to this post [X]
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slavhew · 4 months
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stars don't twinkle moon doesn't shine
big thanks to @nahrgles for finishing this for me after i hit a wall with colors bg and effects- chromatic aberration blew my fkn mind
pre edit transparent version under cut because i spent too much time cleaning it loll
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cloudabserk · 1 month
i’ve had this blog for a decade now, since i was 11 years old! and i’ve been posting my original drawings for 4.5 years, since i was 16. when i started posting my own work i had <100 followers, and yesterday i hit 5000!
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i’m so grateful i get to share my drawings with this many people and i get to add happiness to the world in that way. thank you guys for being so kind and supportive of my dumb cartoons :)))
also for fun here’s the ten blogs i’ve been following the longest (who are still active):
@mimiadraws @thexfiles @marisatomay @pentheos @darkseldarine @8pxl @adrianicsea @hyrude @skeilig @walterwhte
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icarusbetide · 2 months
mayhaps i have dug too far into history but i noticed a lot of posts from around a decade ago had the tag "the history peeps" or "thp"? anyone have any insight into what this means? i'm on my archeology shit.
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sadqueercatlady · 1 year
In need of some advice/support
So yesterday my tumblr (@stoned-queer-catlady) was terminated! I've emailed tumblr support and told them about my situation. I have no idea why I was deactivated. I have done nothing wrong ☹️
If anyone has had this issue before and has any advice for me to get my blog back I would greatly appreciate it!
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ilikedetectives · 6 days
Hey everyone, my Instagram (@i.like.detectives) got hacked on Friday. If you have IG and some spare time, please go to my IG and report it under "Misleading or Possible Scam". They already tried posting a scam, but thanks to my mutuals and everyone who reported the scam post, IG took it down. I filed an impersonation report with IG but they won't do anything because Colin isn't my paperwork name. So the only option left is if more people report the account, hopefully IG will deactivate it so it can't be used for scams. Thank you so much in advance 🙏
I have included the report instructions in screenshots below in case anyone needs it.
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
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rewatched That One Scene to get the Vibes for this. it’s fine. okuyasu just needs 2 have his mind palace moment 😌
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ty @gaminegay​ for sharing the cool pose refs post w/the world ily
[the post in question] [send me some suggestions if u so desire]
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onegirlmanytales · 17 days
*taps mic* Hello? Is this thing on?
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