#been eating dried ginger because *waves hands at all my problems*
ghost4ghosts · 1 year
me 🤝 fanon izzy: eating ginger because tummy hurty
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abalonetea · 6 years
Sand Shrews
This is my gift for @elenathehun for the @narutogiftexchange! She wanted girl power and geo politics and genjutsu! So I did my best and came up with this!
 The fan is heavier than Sakura’s expecting. Hot to the touch, too, even the grip where the bandages have been wrapped on thick, white torn back to little more than tatters. Her head is pounding and it feels like maybe she’s been chewing on sand for the past three hours. “You didn’t say they could do that.”   “They can’t.” Temari grits the words out. There’s blood on her teeth and she hasn’t gotten up from where she’s leaning against the rock facing. “They don’t.”   Sakura stands up, digging the base of it into the sand. She’s leaning on it more than she’ll admit out loud. “Can’t or don’t? Which is it?”  “Don’t get snippy with me,” snaps Temari. She finally braces one hand against the stone, fingers digging against the cracks for leverage as she stands up. The damp spot on her skirt is caked with gold. “I don’t give a shit about semantics. You’re still a guest here. That means you answer to me.”   “Are we really going to do this right now?” It makes  sense, on some level. Suna and Konoha are still very much trying to figure out how to renew their ties with each other; they’re reeling from the recent draught, the recent uprising of Kumo shinobi claimed as rogue agents, and the envoy was supposed to help renew their friendly connections but it’s just made tensions pull tighter.   Something glints in Temari’s eyes. Smoke and dust and burning green, and she steps away from the stone with one final, lingering push. “Just give me my fan and let’s get moving.”
  It’s easy to follow the trail.   Sand Shrew, as Sakura has come to realize, are not interested in stealth.   They’re interested in feeding, building tunnels, and defending their brood.   The problem, as Sakura has been led to understand, is that this is as far away from their bi-yearly birthing season as they can get. Sand Shrew should still be hundreds of miles under the dunes, half-asleep and peaceful.   Instead, they’ve taken out two traveling nomadic groups and a team of shinobi as they returned from boulder patrol. Instead, they’ve surged out of their tunnels, massive claws and sand caked faces, more violent than any forest creature Sakura’s encountered.   It’s not normal.   Sakura isn’t a Suna shinobi, and even she can figure out that much.
It’s almost dark before Temari announces that they’re breaking for the night. She pulls the fan off of her back, slamming the base of it into the loose sand. It reminds Sakura, distantly, of a peacock trying to posture itself, or the old tom cat that lives outside of Ino’s flower shop, all hiss and no bite.   “We’re going to camp here for a few hours. Sand Shrew are diurnal, so we can pick up their trail easier at night.” Temari shifts, leaning a little heavier against the sand. Her gaze drifts, away from Sakura and onto something towards the east, where a slew of up churned dirt serves as an easy to make trail.   Sakura nods. She half-reaches for a scroll hooked to her hip. “Want a bed roll?”   A pause. Temari actually considers it, long and hard, before shaking her head. “No. We won’t be here that long.”   “Right.” Sakura drops her hand back to her side. She’s a little irritated, honestly, but at this point not arguing seems like the best course of action. “Fire?”   “If you’re cold,” says Temari, amusement seeping into the words. Sakura rolls her eyes and Temari adds, “why not? They help keep the critters away.”   She waits until Sakura has stepped away to start pulling small clusters of dried spider grass into a pile to sit down. It’s only because Sakura is watching out of the corner of her eye that she catches the grimace on Temari’s face, the way that she’s still favouring her left hip.   Biting her tongue, Sakura fishes the lighter out of her kunai pouch. She sets the spider grass ablaze and then does the same to a slightly bent cigarette. There's sand clinging to the white paper, too, and something about that strikes Sakura as incredibly funny. Chuckling, Sakura settles in close enough to the fire that she can keep it burning without getting too much of the heat.   “What’s so funny?” Temari has one arm propped up on the fan. She’s half sprawled out, looking for all the world like nothing’s wrong and she’s just come out of a meeting with the council, albeit a particularly aggravating one.   “This,” answers Sakura, with a broad wave of her hand. “All of it. My team got sent out here for a couple of meetings and the hope of trading a few medical techniques – and don’t look at me like that, Temari, we’re the ones in the middle of a draught and it’s not like my people are used to all this heat so, yes, I was hoping to pick up a trick or too.”   She pauses, takes a drag off her cigarette. It’s a bad habit picked up on a three month long mission with Shikamaru. She keeps promising Naruto that she’ll quit, but the words are empty, more routine than anything else.   They’ve gotten good at routine.   Sakura pushes another cluster of spider grass onto the small fire. “Instead, I get hauled out here with you, tackling some kind of creature that, frankly, looks like it came out of a god damned fantasy novel.” She shifts, cracks a grin at the Suna girl. “And if we’re being perfectly blunt, I’ve got sand places I didn’t realize it could get.”   That draws a snort. Temari’s eyes crinkle at the edges. It’s not a full smile, but it’s the closest to one Sakura’s seen since Kitatu came barging into the meeting, a panting, bloodied mess, and first brought the Sand Shrew to attention.   “I’d say you get used to it, but I’m technically not supposed to lie.”   “I guess you aren’t supposed to be reassuring, either.”   “That’s not part of my job description, sweets. Sorry.”   “Sweets?”   Temari bares her teeth when she smiles. “We should eat,” she says, ignoring the bewildered look Sakura gives her. “If my hunch is right, we’re not going to get a chance to do that for a while.”   Sakura taps the ash off the end of her cigarette. “You going to share that hunch with me?” She uses her free hand to fish a bundle of dried jerky out from her supply pouch. “Or am I just supposed to follow along like some sort of genin?”   “Oh, I’m sorry. Have you been upgraded?” Mocking words, but Temari’s tone is light. She pulls out her own bundle of jerky, breaking off a piece and popping it in her mouth. Her gaze drifts again, back towards the dirt trails. “It might be nothing.”   “With what I know about these shits, a might be is going to be everything.” When she gets back to Konoha, Sakura is going to pitch every last bag of jerky currently sitting in her kitchen cabinet. It’s not that Suna’s jerky tastes bad. In fact, the strips of meat are thick cut and heavily seasoned; coriander, ginger, garlic, cumin, and something else that Sakura can’t identify spread over the meat, the coating thick enough it leaves her fingers stained faintly orange.   Temari sighs. She tilts head back, face turning towards the rapidly darkening sky. Twilight turns the desert into something from a story book, painting the sand dunes with jewel tones. “Sand Shrews aren’t usually active this time of year.”   “Right. That much I’ve gathered.” Sakura is fast running out of nearby spider grass. “They’re supposed to be down in their tunnels right now.”   “We’ve had to deal with two separate rouge groups from Kumo.”   “You think they have something to do with this?”   “I think any animal can turn violent if their home is destroyed. You can’t control the desert. But…you can influence it.” Temari all but sighs out the last few words. She sounds tired. She looks tired. “If the Kumo shinobi destroyed the tunnels, even accidentally, it could have sent the Sand Shrews into a rage.”   Sakura flicks her burnt out cigarette into the dwindling fire. She abandons her attempt to keep it going in favour of moving closer to where Temari is sitting. “Great. So they aren’t just active earlier than they should be, they’re pissed off.”   “Probably.”   “That change what we need to do?”   “Nope. Our goal is to subdue them. They’re either going to smarten up and go back under ground, or Suna’s going to have an excess of meat this month.” Temari slides off her fan, rolling onto her back and pillowing her head on her arms.   Sakura mimics the action, though she’s a little further down. Her elbow brushes against Temari’s side. “Does it give us a plan?”   Temari cracks another tooth baring grin. “Not even in the slightest.”
  They leave at half past midnight, fire firmly put out and jerky carefully packed back up. Sakura stays a few steps behind Temari out of habit – she wants another smoke and doesn’t  want to deal with the sour looks her team-mates generally shoot her way.   The only good thing about this mission is that there’s an easy trail to follow. The mounds left behind by the Sand Shrews are nearly five foot across; this thick, rippled tracks that cut straight through one side of the towering dunes and out the other. Even this late at night, the heat is stifling. It’s the middle of summer and Sakura isn’t used to this sort of weather. Even Konoha at their hottest doesn’t compare.   Sweat runs in rivulets down the back of her neck. When they stop for a drink, the water tastes stale and tinny. Sakura wipes her face off on her hand. “Okay,” she says, between gulps of water. “What’s our plan?”   Temari blinks at her. “Our plan?”   “When we find them,” clarifies Sakura. She puts the cap back on her canteen, double checks to make sure it’s screwed on tightly. “How do we deal with these things?”   “Honestly?” Temari looks more amused than anything else, all toothy grin and half-squinted eyes. “I have no fucking idea.”   “No idea.”   “No idea.” A shrug. Temari takes another swig out of her bottle. “We’ve never had rampaging Sand Shrews before. Like I said, they usually just stay dormant until birthing season. And then we don’t have problems with them as long as we don’t mess with their pups. This is uncharted territory.”   Sakura trades the water bottle out for another cigarette. “Okay…so…are we trying to kill them, stun them, scare them off? Because I’m thinking these tracks are getting fresher, and we should have some idea of – “   “Don’t you think I know that? Stop acting so damn high and mighty. You’re the only reason we’re even having this problem!” Temari slams her canteen back in its leather holster. She takes a threatening step forward, jabbing a finger at Sakura’s chest. “Suna has never had problems with Kumo before. This shit’s only started happening because we’ve got a stronger allegiance with Konoha and they hate your village.”   “Excuse me?” Sakura reels back. Smoke seeps out between her chapped lips. “Are you really blaming these rats on Konoha?”   “Yes! Kumo and Konoha have been at each other’s throats for years. Everyone knows it. Your old Hokage might have tried to keep the Hyuga Incident under wraps, but word travels fast and it travels loud.” Temari’s eyes narrow. Blonde hair clings to her forehead. The kohl under her eyes has been smeared, making her look even more exhausted than she had been before they left the white stone walls of Sunagakure. “Do you really think Gaara’s done something in the last two years to completely ruin our relations with them? We rely on trade with Kumo for a lot of our goods. We wouldn’t fuck it up on purpose.”   Sakura shakes her hand so hard that the cherry comes off the end of her cigarette. She takes a step forward, too, meeting Temari halfway. This isn’t the time or the place to be hashing out politics but sometimes it’s exactly what needs to be done. “Suna’s the one allying with us. That’s a decision Gaara made – “   “ – kazekage to you – “   “ – and it’s a damn good one – “   “ – funny, because we’ve had trade cut back from Konoha – “   “ – that’s because we’re in a draught and nothing’s growing you self centered – “   “ – go on, finish that fucking sentence – “   There.  A crackle, barely heard under the sound of their own voices. Something shifts to Sakura’s right, barely in line with her peripheral vision. She focuses on Temari, keeps her brows furrowed, her lips pursed. “I’ll finish my sentence alright. You’re a self centered – “   Temari draws herself up, shoulders going stiff. One hand shifts, fingers reaching towards the grip of her fan.   There’s another burst of static. It’s louder this time, coming from the opposite side. Temari’s gaze flickers towards the sound, but just for a half-second. Then she’s back, glare that much more fierce. A single finger taps against the wood of her fan.   Tap.   Tap.   Tap.   Sakura blinks back at her, twice, and drops the cigarette. “Bitch,” she finishes, spitting the word out like acid. “Coming out here and helping you with this isn’t my job. I’m supposed to be here on a diplomatic role. You can’t even bring yourself to be grateful!”   “Grateful?” Temari wrinkles her nose. She takes a half-step backwards, rocking onto her heels. This time, when the crackle of electricity flares, it doesn’t end. Three bolts of sharp white light come surging out of the dunes. Temari closes her fingers completely around the grip of her fan, pulling it off her back and swiping it open in a single practiced flick of her arm. Hot wind catches on the reinforced paper and Sakura hunkers down close to Temari’s side.   Two bolts of lightning hit the fan and fritz out with an ear splitting pop. The third catches on the wind gust and surges to the left, exploding into the golden earth.   Temari’s grin is toothy and feral. “I’m grateful that the dumbasses in Kumo can’t tell a trap any better than a hare could.”   Sakura straightens back up, pushing pink bangs out of her face. Her grin is just as sharp as Temari’s. “What do you accept, Temari? They’re about as brave as a hare. Can’t even keep their hitae-ate on for a stunt like this.”   The thunder clap arrows were a dead give away for the exact locations of the enemy shinobi. It’s a smaller group than Sakura had been expecting – two shinobi and a kunoichi, with black bandanas in place of a village hitae-ate. Kumo is famous for sending out military forces under the guise of a rogue nin, just in case the mission flunks.   The Kumo kuniochi sneers. She’s tall and lanky, with scars littering her bared arms that bely many, many battles. “You think you’re in any position to mock us? You couldn’t keep a cool head while you were tracking rodents.”   Temari lowers her fan, letting the open weapon rest lightly on the ground. “Actually, we figured out that you were following us last night.”   “I’ve got a nose for genjutsu,” says Sakura, innocently. She slips a kunai out of her pouch, holding it just slightly above her hip. “And Temari knows this part of the desert better than anyone. Trying to sneak up on us was stupid.”   Of the two shinobi, one is clearly younger. More rash, too, if the way he snarls and rushes forward means anything. His hands flick through seals and suddenly there is lightning forming in the palm of one hand. “Lightning Spear!”   White shocks of light twist into the vague form of a lance. It fries the air that it cuts through, splitting it into the ozone that belies a great storm. A burst of chakra surges to the bottom of Sakura’s feet as she propels herself forward, shoulder hitting the ground in a smooth roll. Temari’s fan is quick to dispel the bolt of electricity once more, and Sakura aims as she pops out of her roll, twisting around to let her kunai fly.   The shinobi jerks backwards at the last minute. A deep cut scores the side of her shoulder all the same. “Fuck!”   “Use your damn head,” snarls the older shinobi, eyes narrowed and dark hair pulled back in an unkempt bun. “We’re here for a reason! Remember our goal, Itsubana!”   “Goal, huh? You mean you’re not just out here trying to get some sun?” Temari raises her fan again. She flips through a series of one-handed seals. “That’s new to me. Well, why don’t you let us help you with whatever you’ve got planned? We’re pretty handy in a pinch.” The second circle on the fan glows. When Temari slashes out with it, sharp blades of wind surge away from it. “Wind saw!”   The blades head towards Itsubana, who’s suddenly scrambling to get out of the way, arms held up in front of his face. At the last moment, they veer to the right, catching the kunoichi in their gale. She screams and Sakura takes the moment for what it is, lunging at her with a knife-hand strike, following up with an uppercut punch, a sharp knee to the gut.   Blood pours from shredded skin. The kunoichi’s hand is trembling when she grabs at a kunai of her own, snapping a hand out in a desperate strike. Her panic lets Sakura step around it smoothly – a crackle of electricity behind her, a cut off male scream – and then Sakura’s chakra coated elbow is slamming into the back of the kunoichi’s neck.   She crumples like a rag doll and doesn’t get back up.   It’s just the older Kumo shinobi, then. He’s drawn dual blades, each one black as sin with twists of metal hanging off the pommel. When he bares his teeth, they’re coated with the desperation that always comes with being the last man standing. “Don’t act like you’ve won. Those two aren’t anything special. They’re skills are shit compared to mine.”   “And you brought them along anyways. Right.” Temari takes a step forward, letting her half-closed fan drag over the sand behind her. Golden granules coat the white paper. “That’s believable.”   “Their only job was to wake up the shrews.” He holds one of the swords in front of his face, pointing the blade at Temari. “It’s my job to apprehend the Kazekage’s sister.”   Sakura snorts, shakes out her hand. The sunlight glints off the metal on her wrist bracer. “Wow. That’s what all of this was about? You guys are even more stupid than I thought.”   “Kumo really sent three shinobi for that? Is your village really that desperate?” Temari holds her free hand up in front of her chest, fingers slipping into the tiger seal.   The response is automatic. “Kumo didn’t send us.” He takes a step backwards, scraping his swords together. The black metal produces a quick, popping spark. “We’re unaffiliated.”   “Yeah, that’s so believable.” Sakura funnels chakra into her hands, knocks her fists together. “You think we’re that stupid?”   “It doesn’t matter what you think. The fact remains I’m not affiliated with Kumo…and you’re not leaving here!” The last word is more of a growl than anything else. He lunges forward, heading straight for Temari, swords clanking together until they are covered in some sort of static.   She flings her fan forward, flipping through two more seals. Hot air wraps around the sand that had been clinging to the blade, propelling it forward like miniature bullets. The shinobi slices through them with broad, electric wrapped arcs of his swords. He drops onto one knee, skidding to Temari’s left, and swiping at her leg.   She barely jumps out of the way fast enough to keep her leg and Sakura darts forward in her stead, slamming a fist against the ground hard enough to make it shake. The loose sand is a disadvantage to most of her more powerful attacks – it’s hard to cause pits to open up when there’s no earth to crack, impossible to send up anything but a shock wave of blinding, choking sand.   The only good thing is that the Kumo shinobi isn’t used to fighting here, either, and the sand swallows his attacks instead of carrying them, and the wind from Temari’s fan is cutting, and the two kunoichi trade sharp, feral grins from across the way because this?   This is going to be easy.
  When all is said and done, Sakura drops down onto the ground, a heap of limbs and hair and blood that is anything but graceful. There’s a nasty cut on her left shoulder, fingers still trembling, just a little bit, from the static shocks. “That sucked.”   Temari drops down next to her, chest still heaving. The fan is closed back up, but left lying a few feet away. “I can’t believe those dumbasses really fell for that.”   “I mean, they did think that waking up a bunch of shrews would be enough of a distraction to get you out here.” Sakura drops backwards, instantly regrets it because the sand is hot and burning. She sits back up with a grimace.   With a breathless laugh, Temari brushes the sand of Sakura’s back. “Kankuro and Baki probably have the Shrew’s put back under. I’d say the retrieval team will be here in – “ Temari glances upwards, to the vulture summon circling over the bound Kumo shinobi. “ – ten minutes, tops. We can just head back to Suna if you want.”   “Gods, yes.” Sakura lurches to her feet and then shoves a hand at Temari, pulling the blonde up too. “I want lunch before we report in. And I don’t want gizzards.”   This time, the laugh is a little more steady. Temari throws an arm around Sakura’s shoulder. “What, you sick of Gaara’s favourite dinner already?”   “I never thought that I would say this,” says Sakura, solemn as she can manage, even with her sand-caked lips pulled back into a grin. “But I’d even take ramen at this point!“
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oumiyuki · 7 years
Valentine You-chan (HonoYou)
Ch9 - Strawberry Flavoured First Kisses
Summary: Honoka makes a trip to Numazu to spend Valentine’s Day with You.
You may read HonoYou at ff.net or AO3 too~
Author Notes
Happy Chinese New Year whether you’re Chinese or not~ XD Been busy going about and mingling with various family members and playing mahjong. Hahas.
And now that I’ve got time to write… OwO
Also, BOLD AND ITALICS for thoughts in flashbacks. Since my flashback uses italics already. =w=
You can enjoy this without reading "Brought Together By Rain”, my first HonoYou story. Though I did refer back to their first meeting spot. Hehe.  :P
May you enjoy~! XD
You has been excited. Fidgety excited. Nervously excited. Weirdly excited. Basically, You has been looking forward to afterschool from the start of the day as this year, the ash-brunette knows what special occasion is today as compared to previous years which she would forget that the 14th of February is not just another day considering how busy she is with club activities and whatnot.
And it wasn’t because of the few girls who stopped and approached her to give her chocolates, not because she opened her shoe locker to see chocolates in them, and not because everyone including her friends in Aqours was greeting each other with “Happy Valentine’s Day”. You didn’t forget Valentine’s Day this year because of the fruit strawberry and a certain older ginger-haired girl who promised to visit this literally eventful day.
It was 8pm for both the college student in Tokyo and the high schooler in Numazu, similarly done with school and any homework or household responsibilities; they were both on Skype, happy to finally relax in a chair and the bed respectively, and that they get to see each other.
“Honoka-chan…Good evening. Hehe.” You greets with a blush; still kind of embarrassed and feeling a little giddy for those happy, fluttery feelings from being able to see her girlfriend in Tokyo, even though it’s been a few months that they began dating and skyping with each other.
Aw man, I hope my smile doesn’t look too dorky or weird…
“Good evening, You-chan~” Honoka waves energetically from the other side of the screen, her hair down and wet. You swallows as she remembers the first time she met her girlfriend – hair wet, out in the rain.
Honoka-chan looks so…beautiful with her hair down and wet like that…
The ash-brunette barely catches that Honoka was asking if her day was okay as she nods for some sort of response. “Um, you just got out of the bath, Honoka-chan?”
The gingerhead didn’t mind that her question was not so subtly ignored as she grabbed a towel from somewhere in her room and dried more of her hair. “Yup. A nice warm bath~ How about You-chan?”
I could watch Honoka-chan dry her hair all day if she always grins like that while towelling the ends of her hair that looks so soft to touch…
Again almost not fully registering the gingerhead’s question, You blinks multiple times and stammered a respond. “Ah, um, yeah…I…I bathed earlier when I returned from school. There weren’t any club activities today…” You smiled awkwardly, sorry for being so out of it (mesmerized by her girlfriend’s every little thing).
Honoka’s laughter rings in You’s ears like honey to Winnie the Pooh and You’s silly grin pulls higher. “Then I must have kept you waiting. Ah, hang on.”
“Nah, you didn’t.” You says even though Honoka walks out of camera again.
I’ll wait no matter how long… Not that I can say it out loud…
“Back!” Honoka plops down on her seat with some chocolates in hand.
“Chocolates?” The high diver raises her eyebrows and glances to the time on her laptop; 8.16pm doesn’t seem like a time for chocolates. Then again, there isn’t a specific time for chocolates.
“Yup. My neighbour gave me some. I was having a hard time deciding between snacking on chocolates or strawberries…And I kind of just decided chocolates after I played rock, paper, scissors in my head earlier. Hehe~” The way Honoka chuckles and told You the way chocolate won over strawberries made You’s stomach do flip-flops and a want to pull her girlfriend into a huge hug prodded her; too bad they were in different places.
Honoka-chan is seriously too cute! I wonder…
“Hey, do you like chocolates more or strawberries?” You moves in her seat to get more comfortable, blue eyes not looking away from the screen, from Honoka.
“Strawberries! They are my favourite!” The gingerhead immediately replies; the short bounce and child-like smile makes You smiles broader, heart skipping a beat.
Strawberries, huh…
You brings her laptop closer to her subconsciously as she gazed lovingly at her girlfriend biting cutely (gobbling to be specific but cute to You regardless) at the chocolates in the bowl the gingerhead kept reaching back in for more.
You’s chuckle brings Honoka’s attention back to her girlfriend on the other side of the screen. The gingerhead blushes and puts her not covered in chocolate hand to the back of her head as she laughed softly and apologetically. “Sorry, You-chan. I got distracted by the chocolates.”
“It’s okay.” The ash-brunette chuckles again.
You getting distracted by chocolates is just like you. And cute too.
You could feel the heat on her cheeks so she lowers her head and puts a hand up to the camera, embarrassed to be seen blushing by her girlfriend.
“Hey! Why are you covering the camera, You-chan~~ I wanna see you!” Honoka complains, the clean hand raised in front of her screen and making pushing to the side movements as she tries to pry her out of sight girlfriend’s hand from the camera.
You takes in the whiney voice of her girlfriend as she took a few deep breaths in hopes of calming her accelerating heartbeat. Not wanting to be unable to see Honoka for any longer, she lowers her hands while praying that her blush isn’t too obvious.
Her heart’s acceleration wasn’t able to calm down however, and only sped up as she caught the entire moment of Honoka’s pouty expression turn into that of delight; her sky blue eyes sparkling and her lips spreading and curving up into a wide smile.
You are so in love…
You can’t help but comment to herself, about herself.
“You know, um, chocolates should have a reason to be bought or eaten…otherwise we’d eat them every day, huh?” The flustered ash-brunette hastily starts a topic in case Honoka comments about the obvious red spreading across her cheeks to her ears.
Honoka blinks, stares at her younger girlfriend in silence for some time, before an unreadable smile graced her lips; she could tell that You was embarrassed for some reason. And since the ash-brunette was trying hard to divert her attention from that, she’ll give her that.
“Mm…I guess.” The gingerhead speaks thoughtfully as she put more chocolate into her mouth. Two bites in and her expression morphed into one of eureka. “Oh! Chocolates are eaten on Valentine’s Day!”
You blushes at that.
Valentine’s Day…
Her eyes could not help but wander to the date on the screen – 7th February. So close to the 14th… Was it wrong of her to wish that she could spend Valentine’s Day with her bubbly girlfriend in Tokyo?
As though reading You’s mind, “I’ll go over on Valentine’s Day.”
“Eh?” The ash-brunette’s eyes widened in disbelief. “But…It’s a weekday, a school day! And it takes four hours if the train is slow-”
“I want to.” Honoka smiles lovingly to her considerate girlfriend. “Do you not want me to?”
Of course I want you to…
You shakes her head, hands rubbing the bed sheets; an act of uncertainty. She would love to be able to see Honoka in the flesh and spend time together face to face for their first Valentine’s Day, but she also does not want to make Honoka do so much for her.
“Then I don’t see the problem.” Honoka continues, her determined expression making You’s partial reluctance be overshadowed. You is slowly realizing that she loves her girlfriend’s determined expression as much as the cute, carefree ones.
Honoka-chan… Then I want to do something you too!
You smiles which makes Honoka smiles wider. “I look forward to seeing you.”
Honoka giggles excitedly. “Me too!”
And so, throughout the week from when You’s girlfriend has promised to visit on Valentine’s Day, the ash-brunette found the smiley gingerhead to reside in her mind almost all times; sometimes at the back of her mind, sometimes brought to the forefront when she sees, smells or hears of strawberries, or chocolates. You kept thinking of what she wanted to do for Honoka then, and could only come up with one thing.
Now You was brisk walking quickly to where she first met Honoka, breaking into a jog when she’s nearing that spot close to the beach. You easily hops onto the low wall and takes slow steps while scanning her surroundings for any signs of the gingerhead she wants to see.
Honoka-chan isn’t here yet, huh…
Ocean blue eyes looks everywhere with hundred percent alertness so that she doesn’t miss her girlfriend, though it’s hard to miss when she’s standing in the middle of a long stretch of road – sand and ocean to her front, grass as long as a soccer field on the back and buildings not to be seen for a long walk, she couldn’t overlook the gingerhead even if she tried.  
I can’t wait to see her…
You smiled inwardly, hands reaching into her unzipped schoolbag to have her hands rest upon the chocolates she prepared for Honoka; heart pumping slightly out of beat when she thought about what she have to do and wanted to do with her girlfriend – give her true feelings chocolate to Honoka and the after…
“You-chan~!” The loud, clear and unmistakable voice of the gingerhead running up to the ash-brunette calls and she spins around immediately, smile wide and without thinking she jumps off the low wall and walks for the two of them to reach each other sooner. “I can finally hug you~!”
You blushes as Honoka throws her arms around her immediately and nuzzles her cheeks to You’s heated ones. Plus she wasn’t expecting those words to be the first thing her girlfriend to say to her.
“I wanted to h-hug you too…” The ash-brunette stutters a bit to admit and her heart threatened to beat out of her ribcage when Honoka giggles right in her ear, even if her hair was covering it, the delightful sound still reverberated to her soul.
Mm…I hope I’m not hugging too hard..!
Honoka pulls away, her hands still on her girlfriend’s shoulders, grinning without saying a word; simply taking in the full sight of the ash-brunette smiling back to her. You just stares right back into the beautiful, endless blue she adores.
I don’t mind being lost in Honoka-chan’s eyes forever…
“So how was school?” The gingerhead breaks the sweet silence.
They both laughed. “It was normal.”
“I bet you are popular and received lots of chocolates~” Honoka coos as she takes a step closer, arms resting comfortably around the ash-brunette’s neck.
“I will only love chocolates from Honoka-chan.” You speaks her mind and immediately tenses and moves her hand to cover her face that turned away from facing Honoka.
Ahh! Why did I say that out loud?! Honoka-chan’s reaction…
You dares a peek. And a part of her ascends to heaven. Honoka was blushing and a really shy smile plays on the gingerhead’s lips, nervous blue looked and looked away from You; all these made You feel so warm and happy and woozy from the inside out.
Gods! Honoka-chan! When you look like that I…I…Can’t help but want to have you more to myself!
“H-Honoka-chan…” You clears her throat awkwardly.
“Ah, mm?” Honoka tilts her head to the side, in that cute way You likes and makes You’s heart skip a beat.
“Um…I’ve…got something for you…” The ash-brunette nervously looks to her bag still at the low wall she left it at to walk to her girlfriend.
Ah, why did I left it there? No, wait. Should I give it to Honoka-chan here? Or in my room? Or somewhere else..?
Before You could overheat from unanswered questions, she feels her girlfriend tug her in the direction of her bag, that blushing, nervous expression that made You’s legs feel weak not fading.
I guess getting pass the giving to Honoka-chan her chocolates comes first…
You thought they would go somewhere else, but apparently Honoka had other plans as the gingerhead sits on the low beam, facing the ocean.
“Honoka-chan..?” The ash-brunette questions, not understanding why her girlfriend decided to sit here.
Surely a more scenic or private place would be better?
The gingerhead turns her body back to look at You, her nervous grin gaining confidence as she pats the space beside her. “Come sit, You-chan… This is where we first met, so I think it’ll be nice to sit around.”
Oh…That Honoka-chan thinks that this random, kind of in the middle of nowhere spot is special too… This makes me happy..!
You shakes the desire to cry happy tears and hurries to take a place beside her girlfriend. “R-Ready?”
Honoka giggles and nods. “Ready when you are.”
You felt her palms get sweatier as she reached into her schoolbag to take out the box of chocolates she wants to give to Honoka… A box of strawberry flavoured pocky.
What will Honoka-chan think about my choice of pocky for her? I just can’t think of any other better strawberry flavoured chocolates… Plus…
“You wanted to play the pocky game with me, You-chan?” You raises her head to see the gingerhead had wriggled closer and wore an expression that was a mix of embarrassed and teasing; You feels like the heat just multiplied tenfold despite the relatively cooling temperature of Numazu in February.
Honoka-chan knows what I want…and is willing to do so too…
The ash-brunette nods a nod of encouragement to herself; she’s the one who decided on pocky, wanted to play the pocky game with her girlfriend so that they can have an official first kiss, and…Honoka travelled long for her, is waiting for her… You takes one stick out with shaky fingers.
“Together.” Honoka states softly, her hand placed above the younger girl as she guides the pocky into both their mouths, their blue eyes locked with one another, not daring or wanting to look elsewhere.
Slowly and surely, the strawberry flavoured pocky stick which acts as a connector and reason for a kiss gets eaten from both ends by the bright red-faced You and Honoka. Their fingers finding each other’s and intertwining where it rested on the cement, in between the two girls.
Lips met, eyes closed and they kept things slow; You pushes firmly on Honoka’s lips, Honoka then returns a nudge that was soft but felt. You repeats as she doesn’t want the kiss to end yet, Honoka reciprocates by nibbling You’s lips with her lips which the ash-brunette lets out a soft moan unintentionally.
Honoka kisses You’s slightly parted lips, grinning blissfully; You saw through her half-lidded eyes.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, You-chan.” Honoka says with a loving smile to her girlfriend, You’s smile was a matching so in love smile.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Honoka-chan.”
The Fourteenth of February wasn’t just a day for chocolates and expression of love now. It was You’s and Honoka’s anniversary date for their first kiss where they first met and they love that.
Author Notes
Writing the flashback halfway made me think that writing a “long distance Valentine’s day between Honoka and You” would be totally adorable too. But I didn’t feel like changing up the idea I had, so I continued with what I have. Hehe~ :P
So! Was everyone surprised? :D The 9th Chapter is for my best girls~! Hehe~ Honoka and You! *w*
Also, this is the only chapter in which the correct flavour of UR You’s pocky stick is used. Hehe~ :P Strawberry dayo! u^W^u Which is why I want to write this story too~ :D When I saw UR You my first thoughts was ChikaYou pocky game! And when I saw the strawberry flavoured stick… I can’t help but think of Honoka! XD So HonoYou! *O*
I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I had when writing! XD Leave a comment if you like~ :D
P.S. It’s 20th February where I am so Happy Birthday me. =w=
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darkcherryimagines · 7 years
Opposites Attract
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(Fred x Ravenclaw reader)
Requested by: @my-unique-mind
Hi! Can you write a Fred Weasley x Ravenclaw!Reader imagine? The reader is a bookworm, and is often found in the library. She and Fred are almost complete opposites. Fred is intrigued by the “different” girl you can say and they start hanging out. Introducing each other to their life, with things the other would never do. Ends with a cute passionate kiss? 
A/N: this one’s a little longer than usual, but it was so fun to write and I hope you like it xx
I sat at one of the tables in the library, reading The Tales of Beedle the Bard for the hundredth time. It was a late Friday night, so there weren’t many people. I loved spending my free time at the library. It was definitely my favorite place at Hogwarts.
After a while, I felt someone eyes watching me, and I looked around to find a red-headed Gryffindor boy leaning on one of the nearby bookshelves. As soon as I looked up and caught his eye, he winked at me, then slowly turned a corner and disappeared. 
I frowned. That was strange. Was that a Weasley boy?
I was so distracted by what had just happened, that the words on the page weren’t even making full sentences anymore.
Not being able to read anymore, I picked up my book and headed out of the library towards the common room.
On Saturday morning, I made my way to library, as per usual, to study for various subjects. 
I headed towards my usual table near the center of the library, but today, it was already occupied by someone else.
He looked up as I approached the table with a stack of books in hand.
I recognized him immediately as the Gryffindor beater. Fred? I think that was him. Although, it could very well be George…
“Is it alright for me to sit here?” he asked me.
“Um, yeah, sure, no problem,” I replied, still a bit confused.
He smiled, making his brown eyes shine, which I totally got lost in for a moment.
I sat myself next to him, dropping my books onto the table.
Although I usually liked to read alone, I found that I didn’t actually mind having him sit by my side.
“I’m Fred, by the way.”
“Well, that sure is a beautiful name.”
As much as I tried to hide it, I felt my cheeks turn warm, and when he smiled, they only blushed harder.
“What are you reading?”
“Just some stuff that Professor Snape made us read for homework. We have to write an essay on non verbal spells. It wasn’t even his class and he gave us homework,” I complained lightly.
He laughed. 
“I have a better idea.”
“Come with me, Y/N. Leave your books, we can come back.”
And with that he smiled so widely that I found myself unable to do anything but take his hand and wonder about the adventures that were about to take place.
It felt strange. Walking out of the library after having entered so soon ago. Strange, but good.
“Where are we going, Fred?” I laughed as I was led down the tapestry corridor.
“Snape’s storeroom,” he smirked back at me.
“What?” I asked, still laughing.
Before I knew it, Fred had broken us into a room lined with jars, all containing ingredients to be used in potions.
“Incredible, isn’t it?”
I looked around. It was actually quite a strange feeling to be standing there in Snape’s storeroom with Fred, who was smiling like a smug idiot.
“Come on, Y/N.”
I opened my mouth to ask what we were actually doing in here, but Fred answered my question by taking out random jars and placing them in another position, rearranging multiple shelves at once.
“Fred!” I hissed, indicating for him to stop and looking around nervously.
“It’s fine, George and I do it all the time, he never knows who it is.”
Fred took out a jar of dried nettles and handed it to me. I took it slowly, still cautious.
“Go on, Y/N,” he smiled. “You may place it anywhere that your heart desires.”
I stepped forward and moved it to one of the top shelves. Fred smiled, causing me to smile back.
Soon, the entire cupboard was rearranged and we walked back outside trying to act casual as though nothing had happened, though we were both terrible actors.
When we passed Snape near the library, both of us were struggling to hold our laughter, and the moment he turned the corner, we both burst out laughing. 
I found that with Fred I had had a surprisingly good time.
“Will I get to see you again, Y/N?” he asked.
“I would like that.”
“Then I shall see you around, m’ lady.” 
“What a gentleman,” I laughed and waved goodbye.
“I knew I’d find you here.”
I looked up to find Fred Weasley standing opposite me, in a gorgeous red and gold beanie.
“Hi Fred,” I smiled at him.
“How is my favorite Ravenclaw witch on this frosty winter morning?”
He leaned against the table and crossed his arms, with a smile warm as a hug.
Unfortunately I was so lost in the book that I didn’t even have time to reply before he started speaking again.
“It’s the weekend, what are you doing here in the library on the weekend, come on.” he teased.
I rolled my eyes playfully and extremely dramatically, which made him laugh.
“So, what are we reading today?” he asked.
“The Tales of Beedle the Bard,” I replied, glancing back down at my book.
He let out a light chuckle.
“Do you wanna sit?”
“Why yes, thank you, Miss Y/N, I would love to,” he grinned. “Except, let me get a book first, so that I can read beside you.”
He dashed off and in only a matter of seconds, was back with two books in his hands.
“I brought two, just in case I got bored.”
“You’re an idiot,” I joked.
“Yes, but a very cute idiot, hey?” 
He wiggled his eyebrows before sitting down, which made me laugh again. 
I think I actually heard someone shush us from another row, which surprised me a bit, because usually I would have been the one telling others to be quiet, but I didn’t really mind that much.
Fred sat by my side as I read my book, and it was nice having a friend. I enjoyed his company so much, I didn’t even realize how long we had stayed there.
“Y/N, you’re really beautiful, and I love reading next to you, but we’ve got to go eat dinner.”
I checked the time. Wow. I didn’t realize it was that late already.
“Wait, you think I’m pretty?”
“Not pretty, beautiful.”
I blushed, packing away my books.
“Were you actually reading just now, or were you just watching me?” I asked with a tiny smirk.
“Why couldn’t I do both? I mean, I don’t feel there is any reason as to why I should deprive myself from such a beautiful view,” he replied with a wink.
“You absolute idiot, Fred,” I laughed, and slapped him on the arm.
“Yes, Fred?”
“Meet me at the astronomy tower, midnight?”
I nodded before I could stop myself, and with that he walked off.
I lay awake in my dorm, waiting for midnight. The time was passing excruciatingly slowly tonight, and I constantly found myself checking the time.
As I laid in the dark listening to the soft breathing of a fast asleep Luna, my mind was all but calm. 
It was crazy to think that I could have fallen for the ginger Gryffindor. Maybe what was even crazier was that he seemed to have fallen for me too.
Our worlds were so different, but maybe that’s what made us so close. Maybe it was the fact that Fred was the only person who had bothered to notice me when I was sitting alone in the library, or maybe it was the way that he loved sharing his tricks and pranks with me. 
In only these short few days I had laughed more than I had ever thought humanely possible, I had felt levels of adrenaline like never before, and I also definitely spent less time alone in the library. I laughed softly to myself.
Before long, I found myself creeping out of bed, careful not to trod on any of Luna’s scattered personal belongings, which she had said ‘were not to be moved otherwise it might mess with the circulating energy’. 
Slowly I made my way out of the common room and headed towards our determined meeting spot. My heart was pounding, and I could feel the adrenaline racing through my body. 
Even though I was absolutely terrified of being caught, something kept me going. Never before had I done anything like this, and to think that Filch and Mrs Norris would be lurking around the castle ready to catch ‘students out of bed’ was terrifying. 
“Y/N,” a voice whispered and pulled me around the corner.
Before I had time to react, I recognized my kidnapper to be a certain Weasley twin.
“Fred!” I hissed. “Bloody hell, you scared me so bad.”
He let out a soft laugh.
The moonlight illuminated his smile, and all I could really think about in that moment was being there with him.
“Well, how about I make it up to you then?” he asked, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.
I looked up at him, expecting him to say more.
But in only a matter of seconds, he had leaned down and his lips were pressed on mine. Soon I was kissing him back, running my hands through his hair. A kiss had never ever felt so special. 
Neither one of us wanted to stop, but we broke apart at the sound of footsteps. Instantly, Fred pulled my hand and we ran down the corridor. My heart rate picked up and a smile lit up my face.
It was strange, but I had to admit that sneaking out with Fred and running away from Filch in the dark was probably the funnest thing I had done since I had gotten to Hogwarts. 
And as we ran down those corridors, laughing like complete idiots in love, I knew that my life had forever changed upon meeting Fred Weasley.
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btsbloodtearssquees · 8 years
Ring Around a Rosy: Part One
Requested ~ (Arranged marriage/best friends AU - Kim Seokjin) 1 2 3 4 5    She could feel it. The unbreakable love which lit the room in laughter and wholeness and gave life to the pastel colourings. They were smiling close into each other’s eyes as if the entire world around them had faded into a misty haze. Swaying in time to their heartbeats. Enriched by the future that began in that moment. Y/N had never seen anything so beautiful in her entire life, nor did she think she would ever see again. Her mother was a real life angel in her floor-length white gown and with the bedazzling clear jewels in her hair. Those were almost dull against the depths of her joyful blue eyes. Her fingers fit perfectly into the hands of Y/N’s new father - the only one Y/N had ever known, and therefore the only one she cared to. An excitement filled her six year old heart as she watched. My family, she whispered, clutching her ribbon-tied bouquet of daisies. My family forever. The song which had been playing faded out and a new more upbeat piece took over. But three loving souls didn't notice the difference. The bride, the groom - and Y/N.
------------------------------- “I wasn't expecting ‘I love you’.” “Then what were you expecting you blonde ditz?? Guys don't stick around for two weeks if they don't feel something. Gosh.” Seokjin laughed out loud at your wonderful commentary, delighted by the mocking atmosphere against the contrast of a highly emotional movie scene. “Ugh,” you rolled your eyes again at the terrible dialogue and soppy story line. “However, if he does say he loves you after two weeks, I'd be questioning his motives when he's lying in the same bed as you.” Your best friend rolled over into more loud laughter. You both had been ripping apart the film the entire time, finding it more interesting than watching it as it was. Personally, romance wasn't a genre for either of you but it was a favourite entertainment to endure it for the sake of making fun of the weak characters and clichés. Of which the film made that very easy to do. “You want more popcorn?” Jin asked as the scene ended, collecting up a few of the dirty dishes disregarded on the coffee table. “I think it's time to whip out the dark chocolate and ginger beer. The climax scene is coming so we need to settle our stomachs.” He pointed to the kitchen and made haste to do as you had instructed. As you sat back watching the film, you couldn't help but feel repulsed by how they were acting. Could love truly do that to a person? Apparently it really was losing your mind. Willing to risk all for a person they knew stuff all about. “Please punch me if I ever get like this,” you pleaded as Jin returned. He handed you your ginger beer and set the chocolate in between yours and his side of the couch. “The chances of that ever happening are about as high as my face becoming ugly.” You scoffed and whacked his arm lightly, amused by the dorky grin on his face. Sometimes you loved his sense of humour. But only sometimes. “Hey cupcake, bed’s in the other room.” You nudged Jin a couple of hours later; the TV off and your best friend sound asleep against the back of the couch. He stirred slightly, making zero attempt to open his eyes. “Seokjinie.. I ain't strong enough to carry you.” He shifted again, then twice more as you tickled his nose with a stray feather. “Hmmm,” he complained, squinting open an eye - and then two as he sat up and stretched. “How long was I out for?” “About twenty minutes. You're pretty cute when you sleep, you know.” “Really?” He answered in an unaffected tone. “Yeah. Like a little baby.” “How sweet.” You grinned and slapped your own thighs; bounding off of the sofa. It was already well past a humane bedtime, and you did have work in the morning. Taking a claim on the bathroom first, you went in and cleaned your teeth then briefly returned to the kitchen to pour yourself a glass of water. “Oh, no don't do that!” You protested when you saw Jin finishing off the last of the dishes. “I was going to do that in the morning.” He shook his hands into the sink and dried them on a tea towel. “And now you don't need to.” You smiled and gave him a friendly squeeze around his shoulders. Having him here had proven pretty beneficial so far; the stress of everyday life had definitely gone down. Eyes quickly passing over the ring on his fourth finger, you ignored the funny feeling in your stomach and proceeded to get your glass of water. The two of you scuttled exhaustedly down the hallway together. “Good night,” he waved to you, hand on his bedroom doorknob. You poked your tongue out at him. Entering your dark room directly across from his, you then gave him a brief smile before switching on the light and shutting the door. You'd long surpassed the stage of energy and numbly changed into some baggy pj's. Crawling under the cool bed sheets in satisfaction, you quickly set your alarm. A moment of hesitation passed over. You stared at the golden ring on your finger as if it were foreign and unwelcome. Like it was dissolving your skin away. Then you slipped it off and switched off the light. That ring didn't define you anymore than a choice of burger would. It was merely a symbol to show that you and Seokjin would have each other’s back for many more years to come. As friends. ------------------------------ The car ignition switched off as you reached over the seat for your bag and then pulled out the keys; opening the door in the same few seconds. It had been a reasonably long day at work and you were exceptionally pleased to be home. Locking the car on your way out, you walked clumsily up to the house and stumbled your way inside. Your senses instantly detected something delectable. You turned your attention to the kitchen where Jin was half buried in the pantry. Smiling as you tossed down your bag and slipped out of your shoes, you walked into the kitchen and slowly bent down to his height. He still hadn’t even noticed that anyone had entered the house; immersed in finding something that was clearly difficult to access. “Ra!!!” You yelled, jumping onto his back as he stumbled and hit his head in surprise. “Holy mackeral, I never noticed you come in!!” “I know,” you giggled wickedly, moving back so that he could stand up. He collected the pan he had been searching for and then straightened, giving you a quick playful glare. “And after that trauma, would you mind getting the salad out of the fridge and slicing up some of that bread?” “I do.” He looked despondent. “But I’ll do it anyway.” The table was set with the plates, glasses, and cutlery... and the salad and French bread, in just a few minutes. Jin’s masterful roast chicken and vegetables were placed victoriously in the centre. You breathed in the smell in satisfaction as he sat across from you. “Well, let’s eat.” You both gladly obliged. “How was work today?” He asked after a couple of minutes of dedicated eating. “Pretty good actually. Managed to find some fairly cheap airfares for Adolene for her conference in the Bahamas. Also finally finished organising her nightmarish emails.” Jin nodded in respect, wiping the corner of his mouth with a napkin before speaking again. “When does she get back from England?” “This weekend, when she’ll finally have a slight rest.” “But you won’t, no doubt.” You sighed, crunching on a fresh forkful of salad. “Keeping up with Adolene is not a restful job.” “At least it’s reasonably well paid.” You nodded in agreement, stabbing through a piece of chicken. “And how about you? Was it busy at the restaurant today?” “Not very. Only about thirteen separate customers came through during the lunch hours, and it was practically dead during the day.” “You’re working the evening shift tomorrow night, aren’t you?” “Yep. So you have to make your own dinner.” He grinned at your pout. If you could describe your cooking in one word, it would be ‘microwave’. The two of you merely enjoyed the food silently for the next little while; you planning what work you could get done after dinner. Even after a full day in the office, there was still so much that it often carried on into your ‘free’ hours. “I was thinking… we should go out somewhere this week. Like - a nice restaurant… other than my own -” he grinned, “- and a walk along the pier…” “As in a date?” You responded in a suddenly cold tone. Jin lowered his eyes to his plate. “Shouldn’t we at least be trying?” A bubble of anger boiled inside of you that he was bringing this up again. “For goodness’ sakes, Jin, you’re my best friend. We don’t need to go beyond ourselves.” “You’re also my wife.” You froze as that sick feeling leaked into your bones. There was that word. You hated that word. “Don’t say that,” you breathed. “It’s different for us.” He shifted his food around on his plate miserably. Guilt clawed at your conscious, furthering your frustration. If he didn’t keep acting like you should be behaving less like a friend and more like a spouse, there wouldn’t be any of these problems. “I thought we had agreed to marry on the basis of joining finances and because romance is all a big pile of dog dung, anyway,” you told him in as quietly calm a voice as you could muster. He swallowed down a piece of roast pumpkin that seemed to stick in his dry throat, then slowly wiped his mouth. “We did agree to that.” “Then what is the problem?” You watched as he painfully fed himself the last of his food and then stood up with his plate; deliberately averting his eyes from yours. “It’s fine. Are you finished?” You choked down the urge to scream and dug your fingernails into your leg; passing him your plate with as realistic a smile as was possible. “It was delicious, thank you.” --------------------------------- I’m still aliveeee!!!! :P This was requested ages ago but as I’ve been painfully working my way through my other two requests, the person who requested probably thought I had forgotten! I indeed have not and have instead produced a story line that I am actually rather proud of. It’s probably not what you expected but I hope you won’t be disappointed ;). Part Three of both History and Outskirts are both a work in progress ATM. They shall be here as soon as my brain kicks into gear. - Dolceice
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edgewaterfarmcsa · 4 years
p i c k l i s t
Tomatoes - Carmen Sweet Pepper (big) - Jalapeno Pepper (little) - Purple Pepper - 
Pickling Cucumbers - Parsley - Corn - Garlic - Blueberries
Yall. I unintentionally included two recipes that are far too long to offer field reports from the week (because i limit myself to a one sheet print out per CSAer)- HOWEVER, the following recipes are important (to me) and can be used throughout the Summer in many ways as they are both extremely adaptable with the current influx of cabbage heads and otherwise.  Also, if you have not done so and are curious about fermented foods, the second recipe on sauerkraut is your gateway to filling your house with never enough crocks and never enough cabbage, etc…   And just so I don’t leave you completely hanging on field reports: An amazing amount of hours were spent this week picking blueberries.  
JENNY’S NOTE: My house has been eating this once a week since cabbage has been field ready.  We never have all the ingredients.  Many times we’ve made this without the lentils or onion- BUT the main players here are cabbage, feta, toasted almonds and fresh herbs, salt, and dressong.  If you can gather those essential foods then chop on and eat up!  (Also, I use the term “we” incredibly loosely, as my dear friend/housemate Rich, has been doing the cooking here). 
Also, the book this recipe is from, START SIMPLE by Lukas Volger (Copyright © 2020 by Lukas Volger. Published by Harper Wave, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers. Reprinted by permission.) proves to be an excellent Summer eating resource.
½ cup brown, black or dark green lentils
½ medium white or yellow onion
Olive oil
5 cups sliced cabbage
¼ teaspoon sugar
2 tablespoons red or white wine vinegar
2 teaspoons dijon mustard
¼ teaspoon honey
½ cup crumbled feta cheese
1.2 cup coarsely chopped toasted almonds
½ cup parsley leaves or dill fronds
Combine the lentils with 1 cup water and ½ teaspoon salt in a small saucepan.  Bring to a simmer, cover, and cook until tender, 12 to 18 minutes, depending on which lentils you use.  Drain off and liquid left in the pan and allow to cool.
(JENNY’S NOTE: SO FAR, WE HAVE NOT DONE THE FOLLOWING BECAUSE THE ONIONS HAVE ONLY RECENTLY STARTED PUTTING ON SIZE, IT SOUNDS DELISH, BUT FEEL FREE TO SKIP IF YOU DON’T HAVE ANY ONIONS)  Meanwhile, slice the onion into paper-thin wasps, preferably using a mandolin, or working carefully with a chef’s knife.  Warm about ¼ inch of the olive oil in a small skillet over medium heat.  Dip a piece of onion into it to ensure it’s properly hot- it should sizzle immediately- then add all the onions.  Cook, stirring often with a fork, untl they get crispy and turn a reddish-brown color, 10 to 20 minutes. Watch carefully for the final few minutes, as they burn easily.  Use a slotted spoon to transfer them to a paper towel- lined plate and sprinkle with salt.  SAVE THE OIL!
When the oil has cooled until it’s safe to handle, strain it through a fine mesh sieve or coffee filter to remove all solids into a glass jar (I use a 3-inch strainer for this task).
Toss the cabbage, ½ teaspoon of salt, and the sugar in a colander and let soften for 15 to 30 minutes, then gentlypress with a spatula to drain off excess liquid.  
Combine the vinegar, mustard, and honey in a jar, along with the 3 tablespoons of the cooled onion-cooking oil.  Shake to emulsify.  
Fold the cabbage, lentils, cheese, almonds, and parsley leaves with most of the dressing in a serving bowl.  Taste and add more dressing if needed.  Pile the frizzled onions on top, tossing them into the salad at the table it’s being served.  
(JENNYS NOTE: The following recipe has actually change my life)
Written by Sandor Katz
Sandor Ellix Katz, the creator of this site, has earned the nickname “Sandorkraut” for his love of sauerkraut. This is Sandorkaut’s easy sauerkraut recipe from his book  Wild Fermentation: The Flavor, Nutrition, and Craft of Live-Culture Foods (Chelsea Green, 2003).
Timeframe: 3 days to 3 months (and beyond) Vessel: 1-quart/1-liter wide-mouth jar, or a larger jar or crock
Ingredients (for 1 quart/1 liter):
2 pounds/1 kilogram of vegetables per quart/liter, any varieties of cabbage alone or in combination, or at least half cabbage and the remainder any combination of radishes, turnips, carrots, beets, kohlrabi, Jerusalem artichokes, onions, shallots, leeks, garlic, greens, peppers, or other vegetables
Approximately 1 tablespoon salt (start with a little less, add if needed after tasting)
Other seasonings as desired, such as caraway seeds (for classic kraut), juniper berries, dill, chili peppers, ginger, turmeric, dried cranberries, or whatever you can conjure in your imagination
Prepare the vegetables. Remove the outer leaves of the cabbage and reserve. Scrub the root vegetables but do not peel. Chop or grate all vegetables into a bowl. The purpose of this is to expose surface area in order to pull water out of the vegetables, so that they can be submerged under their own juices. The finer the veggies are shredded, the easier it is to get juices out, but fineness or coarseness can vary with excellent results.
Salt and season. Salt the vegetables lightly and add seasonings as you chop. Sauerkraut does not require heavy salting. Taste after the next step and add more salt or seasonings, if desired. It is always easier to add salt than to remove it. (If you must, cover the veggies with dechlorinated water, let this sit for 5 minutes, then pour off the excess water.)
Squeeze the salted vegetables with your hands for a few minutes (or pound with a blunt tool). This bruises the vegetables, breaking down cell walls and enabling them to release their juices. Squeeze until you can pick up a handful and when you squeeze, juice releases (as from a wet sponge).
Pack the salted and squeezed vegetables into your jar. Press the vegetables down with force, using your fingers or a blunt tool, so that air pockets are expelled and juice rises up and over the vegetables. Fill the jar not quite all the way to the top, leaving a little space for expansion. The vegetables have a tendency to float to the top of the brine, so it’s best to keep them pressed down, using one of the cabbage’s outer leaves, folded to fit inside the jar, or a carved chunk of a root vegetable, or a small glass or ceramic insert. Screw the top on the jar; lactic acid bacteria are anaerobic and do not need oxygen (though they can function in the presence of oxygen). However, be aware that fermentation produces carbon dioxide, so pressure will build up in the jar and needs to be released daily, especially the first few days when fermentation will be most vigorous.
Wait. Be sure to loosen the top to relieve pressure each day for the first few days. The rate of fermentation will be faster in a warm environment, slower in a cool one. Some people prefer their krauts lightly fermented for just a few days; others prefer a stronger, more acidic flavor that develops over weeks or months. Taste after just a few days, then a few days later, and at regular intervals to discover what you prefer. Along with the flavor, the texture changes over time, beginning crunchy and gradually softening. Move to the refrigerator if you wish to stop (or rather slow) the fermentation. In a cool environment, kraut can continue fermenting slowly for months. In the summer or in a heated room, its life cycle is more rapid; eventually it can become soft and mushy.
Surface growth. The most common problem that people encounter in fermenting vegetables is surface growth of yeasts and/or molds, facilitated by oxygen. Many books refer to this as “scum,” but I prefer to think of it as a bloom. It’s a surface phenomenon, a result of contact with the air. If you should encounter surface growth, remove as much of it as you can, along with any discolored or soft kraut from the top layer, and discard. The fermented vegetables beneath will generally look, smell, and taste fine. The surface growth can break up as you remove it, making it impossible to remove all of it. Don’t worry.
Enjoy your kraut! I start eating it when the kraut is young and enjoy its evolving flavor over the course of a few weeks (or months in a large batch). Be sure to try the sauerkraut juice that will be left after the kraut is eaten. Sauerkraut juice packs a strong flavor, and is unparalleled as a digestive tonic or hangover cure.   Develop a rhythm. Start a new batch before the previous one runs out. Get a few different flavors or styles going at once for variety. Experiment!
When you buy fresh parsley, trim the ends off the stems right when you get home, and stick it in a cup (or a pretty little vase!) of water, as you would for cut flowers. If you don’t use it all right away, change the water every day. Don’t let it go to waste! Start putting it on everything. Don’t take the simplest, loveliest things for granted.
1. Put chopped parsley on everything: Don’t chop it too finely — bigger pieces are prettier and have more flavor. Throw it with abandon on top of grilled vegetables, roasted potatoes, a cold green-bean salad, stews, soups, pasta, hot or cold grain dishes like couscous or quinoa or tabbouleh or …
2. Make a super-simple parsley salad: Throw it together along the lines of the Epicurious recipe that involves just a couple-few cups of Italian parsley leaves, a couple tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil, a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and a little salt (or, to get fancy, substitute umeboshi vinegar for the salt).
3. Make a slightly more complicated parsley salad: Try (or make your own variation on) Alton Brown’s parsley salad recipe, with flat-leaf parsley, lemon juice, lemon zest, walnut and sesame oil, honey and sesame seeds. Find it online, along with a minute-long video in which he declares it’s “perfectly capable of playing first string” — my hero! And he notes that this parsley salad keeps for three weeks (!?) in the refrigerator, though how you wouldn’t eat it all up immediately is a mystery.
4. Make a salad with lots of parsley in it: Tear up any mild lettuce (butter is nice), and mix in plenty of Italian or curly parsley, roughly chopped (a cup or even two!), then dress with a favorite vinaigrette. I know this sounds boring. It is not. Or …
5. Make super-delicious creamy parsley salad dressing, and put it on a salad with lots of parsley in it: It’s just ½ cup plain Greek yogurt (whole milk is best), ¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil, ¼ cup (or more!) fresh parsley (either kind), kosher salt and fresh-ground black pepper, all mixed up together — chop the parsley and mix by hand, or use an immersion blender (easiest cleanup), regular blender or food processor. This also makes a great dip for vegetables. Or for chips. Or your life in general. This dressing is really, truly, surprisingly spectacular. (I stole the idea from Amy Pennington’s cookbook “Salad Days,” which has the same recipe but calls for dill. Nobody truly loves dill.)
6. Make tomato-parsley sumac salad:Mehdi Boujrada of local spice-and-oil company Villa Jerada sent me this one, and it is good. Combine 2 tomatoes (roughly diced), ¼ cup white onion (more finely diced) and ½ cup parsley leaves (roughly chopped); drizzle with olive oil; then add sumac, salt and pepper to taste (start slowly, mix, add more, and when it starts to taste marvelous, add yet a little bit more).
7. Put parsley in a smoothie: This comes from Becky Selengut’s “How to Taste,” and she promises it gives “a burst of brightness.” (She also mentions doing this with mint … sure, fine.) Another Selengut parsley hint: Instead of discarding stems, stow them in a bag in the freezer, and throw them in when making stock.
8. Make a super-simple parsley sauce, and put it on everything: Put a half a bunch of parsley (use mostly leaves, about a cup), a clove of garlic (I prefer a smaller one or half a big one), ½ teaspoon of kosher salt and about ¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil together, and blend well. You could add lemon juice and zest, and call it gremolata; add toasted nuts and Parmesan, and make it pesto; sub a bit of shallot for the garlic; add a little anchovy paste for a lot more oomph (but less pure parsley taste). Again, an immersion blender is your friend here, though a regular one or a food processor is fine; you also could chop and blend by hand. This sauce is magical on a juicy steak, or a piece of fish (maybe cooked en papillote), or on vegetables, or inside a grilled-cheese sandwich, or drizzled on a soup or stew, or … It also keeps for a long time in the fridge — just let it warm to room temperature to use.
9. Make garlic-parsley butter, and apply with abandon: Called, fancily, “Beurre Maître d’Hôtel” in French, this is just butter (say ½ cup), fresh lemon juice (a tablespoon or so), garlic (optional, a clove or two, minced finely) and finely chopped parsley (¼ cup) creamed together — start with the butter alone, then slowly add the rest in order. Add a little lemon zest for more, well, zestiness. Again, apply to seafood, grilled meat, vegetables, life.
You might think it’s weird to love parsley, but you’ll see!
Bethany Jean Clement is The Seattle Times’ food writer. Reach her at [email protected] or 206-464-2050. On Twitter: @BJeanClement
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